DECserver 90TL _____________________________________________________ Software Installation (VMS) Order Number: AA-PMF4A-TE DECserver 90TL _____________________________________________________ Software Installation (VMS) January 1992 This manual provides the procedure to install the DECserver 90TL distribution software onto VMS systems, configure these systems as down-line load hosts, and down-line load the DECserver 90TL image. This manual is intended for the person installing DECserver 90TL distribution software on a VMS system. Supersession/Update Information: This is a new manual. Operating System and Version: VMS V5.0 Software Version: DECserver 90TL V1.0 This manual applies to Version 1.0 of the DECserver 90TL software and Version 5.0 of the VMS operating system, and all subsequent maintenance releases up to the next major product release. Order Number: AA-PMFA4-TE The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. Copyright (C) 1992 by Digital Equipment Corporation All Rights Reserved The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: BI, DEC, DECnet, DECserver, DELNI, LAT, MicroVAX, Q-bus, ThinWire, ULTRIX, UNIBUS, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXstation, VMS, VT220, and the Digital logo. The following are third-party trademarks: IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Vitalink is a registered trademark of Vitalink Communications Corporation. This manual was produced by Telecommunications and Networks Publications. ____________________________________________________________________________ Preface Intended Audience This document provides a system or network manager with the procedures needed to install the Ethernet communication server software on a VMS(TM) load host. The system or network manager should be familiar with both DECnet(TM) Phase IV network management concepts and the VMS operating system. Structure of This Document This document consists of one continuous procedure, which is divided as follows: o Preparing to install the software o Using VMSINSTAL o Using DSVCONFIG o Down-line loading the software o Completing the installation o Installing software on additional VMS hosts This document also includes: o What to do if the installation fails o DECserver(TM) 90TL distribution files Conventions Used in This Manual To use this manual effectively, you should be familiar with the conventions discussed in this section: o All numbers are decimal unless otherwise noted. o All Ethernet addresses are hexadecimal. __________________________________________________________________________ Convention Meaning __________________________________________________________________________ Special type This special type indicates system output or user input. System output is in black type; user input is in red type. UPPERCASE VMS commands, node names, directory names, and file names appear in uppercase letters. italic Italic type in command syntax indicates variables for which either you or the system supplies a value. _____ ______ | key | Press the specified key. For example, |Return| means that _____ you should press the Return key. ______ Ctrl/X Hold down the Control key and simultaneously press the key specified by X. The communications server displays this key combination as ^X. __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Installation Procedure The following lists the topics provided in this document to install the communications server software on a VMS load host: o Preparing to install the software o Using VMSINSTAL o Using DSVCONFIG o Down-line loading the software o Completing the installation o Installing software on additional VMS hosts The procedure at the end of this manual describes the steps you take if the installation fails. The final section of this document provides a list of the distribution files. Preparing to Install the Software Perform the following tasks before you install the communications server software on your system (referred to as the load host in this procedure): 1. Check your load host for the following: a. VMS V5.0 or any subsequent maintenance release up to the next major product release is installed. b. DECnet VAX(TM) Phase IV is running. c. The Ethernet controller is on the same Ethernet as the communications server. 2. Ensure that the CMKRNL and SYSPRV privileges are set. 3. Verify that the load host has 2600 blocks of available disk space (2200 after installation) and an additional 2048 blocks for each up-line dump. 4. Backup the system before installing the software. 5. Mount the software media on an appropriate device drive, unless you are installing from save sets copied from another load host. 6. Make a note of the communications server DECnet node address and DECnet node name, supplied by the network manager, and the Ethernet hardware address, supplied by the hardware installer. Installation requires approximately 5 minutes to complete. (NOTE) License Management Facility (LMF) is not required. Using VMSINSTAL Perform the following to install the communications server software on the load host. To stop the installation at any time, press Ctrl/Y. 7. Log in to the system manager account. 8. Enter the @SYS$UPDATE VMSINSTAL DS9010 your-device-identifier OPTIONS N command to start VMSINSTAL. Substitute your device identifier for your-device-identifier where the distribution medium is mounted. 9. If there are any active processes, VMSINSTAL lists them and asks if you want to continue. Enter YES to continue the installation. 10. Press Return if you have backed up your system disk, and enter YES if you mounted the software media on the appropriate device. _____________________________________________________________________________ $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DS9010 your-device-identifier OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure Vn.n It is 11-JAN-1992 at 14:08. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: MIKE_VCS VCS Task 542.1 VCS Task 193.0 * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Please mount the first volume of the set on xxxx:. * Are you ready? Y %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DS9 mounted on SYSTEM$xxxx: _____________________________________________________________________________ Using VMSINSTAL (cont.) 11. Select option 2 (recommended) to print the release notes. Press the Return key to print the release notes on the default printer or specify another print queue. If you select option 1, the release notes scroll on your terminal. Be aware that the release notes file can contain as many as 30 screens. 12. Enter YES to continue the installation. _____________________________________________________________________________ The following products will be processed: DS90 V1.0 Beginning installation of DS90 V1.0 at 14:08 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Job DS9010.RELEASE_NOTES (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 314) started on SYS$PRINT * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? YES _____________________________________________________________________________ Using VMSINTAL (cont.) 13. Press the Return key to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), which is recommended. The IVP verifies that the DECSERVER directory exists, all the files from the distribution kit are in the directory, and the release notes are in the SYS$HELP directory. _____________________________________________________________________________ * Do you want to run the IVP after installation [YES]? %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates a system directory [DECSERVER] _____________________________________________________________________________ 14. If your system is part of a VAXcluster] system, use the CREATE/DIRECTORY command on each VAXcluster node after exiting VMSINSTAL so that the other nodes can execute the communications server software. You can do this after you finish this installation procedure. Using VMSINSTAL (cont.) 15. If you receive one of the following messages, perform the procedure described within the message to update the MOM$LOAD logical name. One possible message: _____________________________________________________________________________ Your installation is now complete. After exiting from VMSINSTAL: 1. Modify the definition of MOM$LOAD in your system start-up file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM, to resemble the following: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC/NAME=NO_ALIAS/NOLOG - MOM$LOAD - SYS$SYSROOT:[MOM$SYSTEM], - SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER] This command ensures that the location of the server image is defined each time the system is rebooted, necessary for successful down-line loading. _____________________________________________________________________________ Another possible message: _____________________________________________________________________________ Your installation is now complete. After exiting from VMSINSTAL: 1. Add the following command to your system start-up file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM, to resemble the following: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC/NAME=NO_ALIAS/NOLOG - MOM$LOAD - SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER] This command ensures that the location of the server image is defined each time the system is rebooted, necessary for successful down-line loading. _____________________________________________________________________________ MOM$LOAD is a logical name that your load host uses to find the image file of any product that must be down-line loaded. For each product, MOM$LOAD has an associated equivalent string that specifies the location of the product image file. If you do not get either of these messages, no modifications to the system start-up file are necessary. Using VMSINSTAL (cont.) 16. VMSINSTAL is completed. Proceed to step 17. Note that step 18 starts the DSVCONFIG.COM procedure mentioned in the example. This IVP command procedure described in the example is for informational purposes. You do not need to run it again at this time. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Configure the server into your host's database. Execute a command procedure called DSVCONFIG.COM. This command procedure is in the SYS$ROOT:[DECSERVER] directory. If you have already executed this procedure from previous installations, you only need to configure additional units. All previously defined units will still be configured. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) for the DECserver 90TL can be found in SYS$TEST and may be run at any time by executing the command procedure DS90$IVP.COM. VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Beginning Installation Verification Procedure for DECserver 90TL V1.0 completed at 14:30 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:30 $ _____________________________________________________________________________ Using DSVCONFIG 17. If you are using the optional Terminal Server Manager (TSM) software, do not use the DSVCONFIG procedure; instead, refer to Terminal Server Manager Installation and Use to configure the load host database. DSVCONFIG checks for data file DSVCONFIG.DAT in SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER] or SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] for VAXcluster systems. It finds one of three situations: o The file does not exist. The procedure creates DSVCONFIG.DAT. o The file exists and is formatted correctly. o The file exists but not in the correct format. The procedure reformats the file. Each VAXcluster node might have an older version of DSVCONFIG.DAT. In this case, DSVCONFIG copies the communications server entries from that data file into the DSVCONFIG.DAT file on SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER], and renames any versions in SYS$SPECIFIC so that the DSVCONFIG.DAT file in SYS$COMMON is used thereafter. (CAUTION) Do not execute any DECnet commands that are part of DSVCONFIG separate from the DSVCONFIG procedure. Otherwise, DECnet databases could be changed without changing DSVCONFIG.DAT, causing a synchronization problem. Using DSVCONFIG (cont.) 18. Set the default to MOM$LOAD and start DSVCONFIG as shown in the example. You might get merging messages if you are on a VAXcluster system. 19. Select option 2 to add a new communications server. _____________________________________________________________________________ $ SET DEFAULT MOM$LOAD: $ @DSVCONFIG You must assign a unique DECnet node name and DECnet node address for each new DECserver unit. Press to start, or to exit... DECserver Configuration Procedure Version: Vn.n Menu of Options 1 - List known DECservers 2 - Add a DECserver 3 - Swap an existing DECserver 4 - Delete an existing DECserver 5 - Restore existing DECservers CTRL/Z - Exit from this procedure Your selection? 2 _____________________________________________________________________________ Using DSVCONFIG (cont.) 20. Enter the following: - DS90TL for the DECserver type - DECnet node name and address DSVCONFIG determines the validity of the node name entered. If you get an error here, choose another node name. The one you specified is in use. - Communications server Ethernet address 21. DSVCONFIG determines the load host service circuit-ID and displays this ID as the default. Press the Return key to select the default service circuit-ID. DSVCONFIG adds the entry for the new communications server to the databases and sets SERVICE ENABLED on the specified service circuit, which is necessary for down-line loading. If you get an error from DECnet while adding a communications server, use option 4 to remove the entry, correct the problem, then try again. _____________________________________________________________________________ Type ? at any time for help on a question. Type CTRL/Z for any question to return to the menu without adding the unit. DECserver type? DS90TL DECnet node name for unit? xxxxxx DECnet node address for unit? xx.xxxx Ethernet address of unit? xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx DECnet Service Circuit-ID? [UNA-0] If you get an error message now, the new DECserver unit will not be completely added, and you should use menu item #4 (Delete an existing DECserver) to remove it from the list of known DECservers. _____________________________________________________________________________ Using DSVCONFIG (cont.) 22. Press the Return key to continue DSVCONFIG. 23. Press Ctrl/Z to exit DSVCONFIG. _____________________________________________________________________________ Please hit to continue. DECserver Configuration Procedure Version: Vn.n Menu of Options 1 - List known DECservers 2 - Add a DECserver 3 - Swap an existing DECserver 4 - Delete an existing DECserver 5 - Restore existing DECservers CTRL/Z - Exit from this procedure _________ Your selection? | Ctrl/Z | $ _________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Down-Line Loading the Software During power up of the hardware, down-line loading of the software image occurs automatically. If this is the case, do not perform steps 24 through 28; instead, proceed to step 29. 24. Enter the NCP CONNECT NODE node-name command to connect to the communications server. Substitute your communications server DECnet node name for node-name. If a maintenance password has been defined by the communications server manager, use the following command: CONNECT NODE node-name SERVICE PASSWORD password. Substitute your communications server maintenance password for password. 25. Press the Return key to get the communications server prompt. Enter the log-in password. ACCESS is the communications server default log-in password. 26. Enter your user name (any string of 1 to 16 characters). 27. Use the SET PRIVILEGED command and enter the password. The default password is SYSTEM. 28. Use the INITIALIZE command to down-line load the communications server image to the communications server. The qualifier, DELAY xx, causes the communications server to wait xx minutes before initializing. This permits any existing users time to log off. You must also wait xx minutes before you can continue with the procedure. _____________________________________________________________________________ $ MCR NCP NCP> CONNECT NODE node-name Console connected (press CTRL/D when finished) ________ | Return | ________ # ACCESS (not echoed) DECserver 90TL Communications Server V1.0 (BLn.n) - LAT V5.1 (c) Copyright 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation - All Rights Reserved Please type HELP if you need assistance Enter username> SWINSTALLER Local> SET PRIVILEGED Password> SYSTEM (not echoed) Local> INITIALIZE DELAY xx _____________________________________________________________________________ Down-Line Loading the Software (cont.) Perform steps 29 through 34 to verify the down-line load. 29. Enter the NCP CONNECT NODE node-name command to connect to the communications server. Substitute your communications server DECnet node name for node-name. If a maintenance password has been defined by the communications server manager, use the following command: CONNECT NODE node-name SERVICE PASSWORD password. Substitute your communications server maintenance password for password. 30. Press the Return key to get the communications server prompt. Enter the log-in password. ACCESS is the communications server default log-in password. 31. Read the identification message to ensure the latest version (Vn.n) of the communications server image was down-line loaded. 32. Enter your user name (any string of 1 to 16 characters). 33. Press Ctrl/D to return to the NCP prompt. 34. Enter EXIT to return to the VMS system prompt. If this installation is a software upgrade, either you or the network manager can now reload all existing communications servers. _____________________________________________________________________________ $ MCR NCP NCP> CONNECT NODE node-name Console connected (press CTRL/D when finished) ________ | Return | ________ # ACCESS (not echoed) DECserver 90TL Communications Server V1.0 (BLn.n) - LAT V5.1 (c) Copyright 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation - All Rights Reserved Please type HELP if you need assistance Enter username> SWINSTALLER _________ Local> | Ctrl/D | _________ NCP> exit $ _____________________________________________________________________________ Completing the Installation Perform the following if the installation is complete: 35. Optionally, you should install the kit on at least two load hosts. Also, you should have one load host for every 10 communications servers. 36. Inform the system or network manager that the installation is complete. 37. Give this document and any other software manuals to the person who will be managing the communications server. (NOTE) The installation manual fits in the pocket of the Ethernet communications server documentation binder. Installing Software on Additional VMS Hosts To install the server distribution software onto an additional VMS load host that is not a member of a VAXcluster system, follow these steps: 1. Invoke VMSINSTAL at the original load host, as follows. Substitute your device drive identifier for your-device-identifier. $ @VMSINSTAL DS9010 your-device-identifier OPTIONS G SYS$UPDATE: OPTIONS G stores the save sets in the SYS$UPDATE directory. 2. Copy the save sets from the original load host to the alternate load host's SYS$UPDATE directory. The save sets are DS9nnn.A and DS9nnn.B, where nnn is the version number of the DECserver 90TL software. For example, nnn equals 010 for version 1.0. 3. Run VMSINSTAL on the alternate load host. What to Do If the Installation Fails Perform the following if the installation fails: 1. If the down-line load fails, it could be that service on the circuit is disabled. The following command shows how to check service circuit BNA-0. Substitute your load host service circuit-ID for BNA-0. $ MCR NCP NCP> SHOW CIR BNA-0 CHAR a. If the display shows that the service is disabled, enter the following command to check if there are any users or applications using the circuit: NCP> SHOW KNOWN LINKS b. If there are no known links active, enter the following commands to enable service circuit BNA-0. Enabling the circuit disconnects the active links. NCP> SET CIR BNA-0 STATE OFF NCP> SET CIR BNA-0 SERVICE ENABLED NCP> SET CIR BNA-0 STATE ON NCP> EXIT $ 2. If your load host has more than one Ethernet controller, be sure that the correct service circuit-ID was used during the DSVCONFIG procedure. If you do not know the load host service circuit-ID, use the NCP command SHOW ACTIVE CIRCUITS to display active circuit characteristics. NCP> SHOW ACTIVE CIRCUIT Active circuit Volatile Summary as of 6-JAN-1992 Circuit State Loopback Adjacent Name Routing Node BNA-0 on 4.378 (LKGRT3) BNA-1 on NCP> exit 3. If you still have problems, refer to Ethernet Communications Server Problem Solving or inform your system manager. DECserver 90TL Distribution Files ______________________________________________________________________ File Name Description ______________________________________________________________________ SYS$TEST:DS90$IVP.COM Installation verification procedure. The following files are located in SYS$SYSROOT: or SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]: DSVCONFIG.COM Configuration procedure. DSVCONFIG.DAT Data file used by DSVCONFIG.COM. DS9_UNIX_SPOOL.C The sample C program file is used for DECserver 90TL spooling. DS9_010_CRASH_DISPLAY.COM Crash dump identification procedure. DS9_010_RELEASE_NOTES Release notes. MNENG1.SYS DECserver 90TL software image. TSM$DS9_V10_ADD_LOCAL_SERVICE.COM File used by the Terminal Server Manager (TSM) software. TSM$DS9_V10_DEDIC_SERV_PRINTER.COM File used by the TSM software. TSM$DS9_V10_DEDIC_SERV_TERM.COM File used by the TSM software. TSM$DS9_V10_DEFAULTS.COM File used by the TSM software. TSM$DS9_V10_DSR_DTR_TERM.COM File used by the TSM software. TSM$DS9_V10_GET_CHAR.COM File used by the TSM software. TSM$DS9_V10_HOST_INIT_PRINTER.COM File used by the TSM software. TSM$DS9_V10_PC_TERM_OR_SERV.COM File used by the TSM software. TSM$DS9_V10_PORT_DEFAULT.COM File used by the TSM software. CHAR-MIB_CONCISE.TXT Management Information Base (MIB) file for user reference. CHAR-MIB.TXT MIB file for user reference. RFC-1158.TXT MIB file for user reference. RS-232-MIB.TXT MIB file for user reference. RS-232-MIB_CONCISE.TXT MIB file for user reference.