BASEstar_Classic____________________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-PD1QF-TE October 1996 This manual describes installation prerequisites, installation procedures, and postinstallation tasks for BASEstar Classic, Version 3.4. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS VAX OpenVMS Alpha Refer to BASEstar Classic SPD for current Operating System Version information. Software Version: BASEstar Classic, Version 3.4 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ October 1996 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: BASEstar, DEC, DECmessageQ, DECnet, DECnet-DOS, Digital, FMS, LN03, MicroVAX, NAS, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, Rdb/VMS, ReGIS, ThinWire, TK, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXcluster, VAX COBOL, VAX FORTRAN, VAX Pascal, VAX RMS, VMS/ULTRIX Connection, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. DataViews is a registered trademark of VI Corporation. IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. SL-GMS is a trademark of SL Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. X Window System is a trademark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview......................................... 1-1 1.1.1 Main Installation Options ..................... 1-2 1.1.2 Optional Installation Procedures .............. 1-2 Device Connection Management................ 1-3 Utilities................................... 1-3 DEC Rdb Database Server..................... 1-4 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Application Enabler..................................... 1-4 1.1.3 Installation Checklist ........................ 1-5 1.2 Installation Preparation......................... 1-6 1.2.1 Distribution Kit .............................. 1-6 1.2.2 Prerequisite Hardware ......................... 1-8 1.2.3 Prerequisite and Optional Software ............ 1-8 1.3 VMScluster Installation.......................... 1-9 1.3.1 Disk Space Requirements ....................... 1-10 1.4 Preinstallation Steps............................ 1-11 1.5 Upgrade Overview to a BASEstar Classic 3.4 system........................................... 1-21 2 Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software..................... 2-2 2.2 Installing BASEstar Device Connection Management Software......................................... 2-13 2.3 Installing BASEstar Utilities Software........... 2-19 2.4 Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast Software..... 2-24 2.5 Installation Messages............................ 2-33 2.5.1 Message Format ................................ 2-33 2.5.2 BASEstar Classic Message Listing .............. 2-34 iii 2.5.3 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Message Listing ...... 2-40 2.6 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Error Recovery.......... 2-40 3 Postinstallation 3.1 BASEstar Classic Postinstallation Procedures..... 3-1 3.2 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Postinstallation Procedures....................................... 3-6 A Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.1 Main BASEstar Installation....................... A-1 A.2 Device Connection Management installation........ A-10 A.3 Utilities Installation........................... A-14 A.4 CIMfast Installation............................. A-16 B Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation........................ B-1 B.2 CIMfast Upgrade.................................. B-13 C Files Created During Installation C.1 Files Created by BASEstar Installation Procedure ................................................. C-1 C.2 Files Created by BASEstar Device Connection Management Installation Procedure................ C-5 C.3 Files Created by BASEstar Utility Installation Procedure........................................ C-8 C.4 Files Created by CIMfast Installation Procedure.. C-10 Index iv Tables 1-1 BASEstar Licenses ............................. 1-14 1-2 BASEstar Minimum System Parameter Values for OpenVMS VAX.................................... 1-16 1-3 BASEstar Minimum System Parameter Values for OpenVMS Alpha ................................. 1-17 3-1 Process Resource Limits for OpenVMS VAX Systems........................................ 3-3 3-2 Process Resource Limits for OpenVMS AXP Systems........................................ 3-4 3-3 Logical Names Created by BASEstar Classic Installation Procedures........................ 3-6 3-4 User Account Quotas for BASEstar Classic CIMfast........................................ 3-9 3-5 Logical Names Created by BASEstar Classic CIMfast Installations ......................... 3-11 C-1 BASEstar Main Installation Files .............. C-1 C-2 BASEstar Device Connection Management Installation Files............................. C-5 C-3 BASEstar Utility Installation Files ........... C-8 C-4 CIMfast Installation Files .................... C-10 C-5 CIMfast DCM Support Files ..................... C-11 C-6 CIMfast DQM Support Files ..................... C-12 C-7 CIMfast Development Option Files .............. C-12 C-8 CIMfast LSE File .............................. C-15 C-9 CIMfast SQL Support Files ..................... C-15 v _________________________________________________________________ Preface This manual provides instructions for installing BASEstar software. Intended Audience This manual is intended for system managers who install and maintain BASEstar software. Readers of this manual must have a thorough understanding of OpenVMS operations to install a BASEstar system. To obtain a complete understanding of BASEstar configuration management before installation, refer to the BASEstar Classic Configuration and Tuning Guide. Document Structure This document has the following structure: o Chapter 1 provides a description of the BASEstar installation, software distribution kits, required hardware and software, preliminary installation steps, and VMScluster installation overview. o Chapter 2 describes step-by-step installation of BASEstar software on a single node or on a VMScluster system. This section also includes instructions for the optional installation of utility, device connection management, and BASEstar Classic CIMfast software. The installation information is applicable for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP systems. o Chapter 3 describes postinstallation tasks. o Appendix A presents sample installations of BASEstar software on OpenVMS systems. v o Appendix B presents sample Upgade installation of BASEstar software on OpenVMS systems. o Appendix C lists all BASEstar files created during installation with their directory locations. vi Conventions The following conventions are used in this manual. ___________________________________________________________ Convention______Meaning____________________________________ In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press that key. Ctrl/x Ctrl/x indicates that you hold down the Ctrl key while you press another key. x A lowercase x indicates the generic use of a letter. For example, xxx indicates any combination of three alphabetic characters. n A lowercase n indicates the generic use of a number. For example, 19nn indicates a 4-digit number in which the last 2 digits are unknown. [ ] In format descriptions, brackets indicate optional elements. You can choose none, one, or all of the options. Brackets are not optional, however, in the syntax of a directory name in an OpenVMS file specification. { } Braces indicate select one of enclosed items. ( ) In format descriptions, parentheses delimit the argument list. "point_a + Literal string. Using quotation marks is point_b" optional unless there is a space, slash (/), or parenthesis in the string. ... The horizontal ellipsis indicates omitted text within a string. . The vertical ellipsis indicates omitted . text within output. The information is . omitted because it is not important to the topic being discussed. italic type Italic type emphasizes important information, indicates variables, and indicates complete titles of manuals. vii ___________________________________________________________ Convention______Meaning____________________________________ boldface type Boldface type in examples indicates user input. Boldface type in text indicates the first instance of terms defined either in the text or in the BASEstar master glossary, which is included in the BASEstar Classic Introduction. BASEstar names Valid characters for the names of BASEstar objects are the alphanumeric characters (A-Z) and (0-9), the underscore (_), the dollar sign ($), and the following multinational characters: ________________ÅÀÁÂÃÄÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝÆÑ×Øß.____________ Associated Documents For further information on installing and configuring BASEstar software, refer to the following documents: o BASEstar Classic DEC Rdb Database Server Guide o BASEstar Classic Configuration and Tuning Guide o BASEstar Classic Command Line Interface User's Guide o BASEstar Classic CIMfast Guide to DCM Support o BASEstar CIMfast Guide to DECmessageQ Support o BASEstar CIMfast Programmer's Guide o BASEstar CIMfast User's Guide o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual o OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual o OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual viii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Introduction This chapter is an overview of BASEstar software installation procedures and installation options. It also describes installation preparation and preliminary steps, and provides an overview of VMScluster installation. 1.1 Overview The BASEstar installation procedures allow you to customize each BASEstar system by installing only those system components that you want for the target system. You can install BASEstar software on a single node or on a VMScluster system, provided the cluster member nodes share the same system disk. The main BASEstar installation procedure is mandatory for all BASEstar systems and installs basic application integration features such as application synchronization and control and distributed name services. The main installation procedure has options, including the ability to install the BASEstar menu interface (OpenVMS VAX only), BASEstar data management capabilities, and BASEstar external data support. In addition to the main installation options, there are optional installation save sets available with BASEstar software that provide device connection management, BASEstar utilities, and DEC Rdb integration. See the following sections to learn about installation options in the main installation procedures and optional BASEstar kits that you can install. In addition to installing BASEstar software, you can install BASEstar Classic CIMfast software. Introduction 1-1 Introduction 1.1 Overview Whether you install BASEstar software on a new system or upgrade an existing BASEstar system to the latest software revision, the VMSINSTAL utility performs the software installation procedures. VMSINSTAL prompts you to choose installation options, set directory specifications, and choose the VMScluster configuration option. This chapter contains a checklist you can follow to ensure the correct BASEstar software is installed on each system. 1.1.1 Main Installation Options Because the processing requirements for each node within your manufacturing system are unique, the first step in installing BASEstar software is to determine which BASEstar components should be installed on each system. Basic application integration software is installed on all systems. However, during the main BASEstar installation procedure, you are prompted to indicate which of the following additional BASEstar software components you want to install: o Data management o External data support o Menu interface (OpenVMS VAX only) These components are optional in order to save disk space on systems not requiring these features. Consult the manufacturing system designer or user group to understand which, if any, of this optional software must be installed. 1.1.2 Optional Installation Procedures In addition to the main installation, you can install any of five optional BASEstar components. This software is installed from separate kits to reduce the amount of system space required for the BASEstar installation if these capabilities are not needed. Optional installation procedures are included for the following BASEstar software components: o Device connection management o Utilities o DEC Rdb database server 1-2 Introduction Introduction 1.1 Overview o BASEstar Classic CIMfast application enabler Device Connection Management BASEstar device connection management software is installed after the main BASEstar installation procedure is complete. To communicate with plant equipment, BASEstar device access software (DAS) must also be installed for the industrial control devices used at each BASEstar site. Consult the manufacturing system designer or user group to understand which, if any, of this additional software must be installed. The BASEstar device connection management installation procedure will conditionally install its menu interface component if the BASEstar menu system (OpenVMS VAX only) was installed during the main installation procedure. The device connection management installation procedure also includes installation of BASEstar device access software for RS-232 devices, DECnet and TCP/IP networks, and the DECdevice device communication module. Refer to the BASEstar Classic Device Access Software Guide for information on how to configure and use these DAS modules. Utilities The BASEstar utility kit offers seven BASEstar functions: o The BCC$BASEGEN.COM utility for tuning BASEstar systems Run this procedure on a loaded BASEstar system to analyze its current OpenVMS resource utilization and obtain suggested values for BASEstar parameters, system parameters, and OpenVMS process quota settings. o BASEstar text services for translating the BASEstar message files These services are designed to support international use of BASEstar software by providing the text message files needed when converting message text to a non-English language. o Software for reconciling OpenVMS version mismatches The utility kit contains software for reconciling OpenVMS versions if a version mismatch error occurs during BASEstar installation. o Logical point value change notification Introduction 1-3 Introduction 1.1 Overview Provided with the BASEstar development kit is a tool called the Value Notification Utility (Notify). You supply the utility with a list of logical points. Every time the value of one of the logical points changes, you are notified. This utility requires a BASEstar development license. o BASEstar process data display Use the Monitor BASEstar Utility to analyze the processes running on a BASEstar system. Monitor BASEstar continuously displays a default set of processes or allows the display of a customized set of processes. o Port activity display The Monitor Port Utility provides a continuously updated display of port data for all ports defined on the system. Use the Monitor Port Utility to observe port activity when tuning and troubleshooting. o BASEstar LSE Environment Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) is a multiple-language text editor that speeds writing and compiling source code. BASEstar software provides an extension to the LSE in the form of expandable tokens for BASEstar callable services, DAS support routines, and BASEstar application programming interface (API) constants. Before the BASEstar LSE environment can be accessed, the LSE and BASEstar Classic Development Kit must be installed with the BASEstar LSE Environment selected. This utility requires a BASEstar development license. DEC Rdb Database Server BASEstar software includes a DEC Rdb database server to export BASEstar data to a DEC Rdb database. Instructions for installing and using the BASEstar DEC Rdb database server are in the BASEstar Classic DEC Rdb Database Server Guide. BASEstar Classic CIMfast Application Enabler The BASEstar Classic CIMfast application enabler is installed after the main BASEstar and device connection management installation procedures are complete. 1-4 Introduction Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.1.3 Installation Checklist This section provides a checklist for interviewing BASEstar system users to understand which BASEstar software components need to be installed on each BASEstar system. Answer all of these questions for each node in your network of BASEstar systems. ___________________________________________________________ Optio______Do_users_need_to...___Then_install...__________ 1. _____ Use DECmessageQ with DECmessageQ before BASEstar software? starting BASEstar software. 2. _____ Share data on this Data Management during system? the main installation procedure. 3. _____ Export data from External Data Support this system? during the main installation procedure. 4. _____ Access the BASEstar Menu System during menu interface? the main installation procedure (OpenVMS VAX only). 5. _____ Control or monitor Device Connection plant equipment or Management from the collect plant data DCMVV034/BRIVV034 or using this system? DCMVA034/BRIVA034 kit. 6. _____ Access BASEstar Utilities from the utilities? BCCUTLVV034/BCCUTLVA034 kit. 7. _____ Export data to a DEC DEC Rdb Database Server Rdb database? from the BRIVV034 /BRIVA034 kit. 8. _____ Develop applications BASEstar Classic CIMfast using the BASEstar from the BCFVAX022 Classic CIMfast /BCFAXP022 kit. Event Language alone or with a high-level ____________language?______________________________________ Once you plan the software to install on each BASEstar system, continue with the instructions in the following Introduction 1-5 Introduction 1.1 Overview section to check hardware, software, and disk space prerequisites before installing BASEstar software. 1.2 Installation Preparation This section provides information needed to prepare for a BASEstar Classic, Version 3.4 installation. 1.2.1 Distribution Kit BASEstar software is available in three forms: a 1600 bits/in 9-track tape, a TK50 tape cartridge, or through Digital Consolidated Distribution on CD-ROM for use with development or run-time licenses. Each medium contains the following software kits: For OpenVMS VAX o BCCVV034 - BASEstar application integration software o BCCUTLVV034 - BASEstar utilities software o BRIVV034 - BASEstar DEC Rdb database server software o DCMVV034 - BASEstar device connection management software o BCFVAX022 - BASEstar Classic CIMfast application enabler software For OpenVMS Alpha o BCCVA034 - BASEstar application integration software o BCCUTLVA034 - BASEstar utilities software o BRIVA034 - BASEstar DEC Rdb database server software o DCMVA034 - BASEstar device connection management software o BCFAXP022 - BASEstar Classic CIMfast application enabler software BASEstar technical documentation is available in either a development media kit or a run-time media kit. The run-time kit contains Volumes 1 and 2 of the documentation, and the development kit contains Volumes 1 to 4 and the BASEstar Classic CIMfast documentation. 1-6 Introduction Introduction 1.2 Installation Preparation System Management Documentation (Volume 1) o BASEstar Classic Installation Guide o BASEstar Classic Configuration and Tuning Guide General User Documentation (Volume 2) o BASEstar Classic Introduction o BASEstar Classic Menu Interface User's Guide o BASEstar Classic Command Line Interface User's Guide Programming Documentation (Volume 3) o BASEstar Classic Introduction to Callable Services o BASEstar Classic Guide to Writing a Database Server o BASEstar Classic DEC Rdb Database Server Guide o BASEstar Classic Guide to Writing Device Access Software o BASEstar Classic Device Access Software Guide Programming Documentation (Volume 4) o BASEstar Classic Application Programming Interface Reference Guide BASEstar Classic CIMfast Documentation o BASEstar Classic CIMfast Guide to DCM Support o BASEstar CIMfast Guide to DECmessageQ Support o BASEstar CIMfast Programmer's Guide o BASEstar CIMfast User's Guide o BASEstar CIMfast Guide to SQL support Your bill of materials (BOM) and Indented Bills Report (BIL) specify the number and contents of your media. Be sure to verify the contents of your kit with this information. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, contact your Digital representative. BASEstar Classic provides online release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation. Introduction 1-7 Introduction 1.2 Installation Preparation 1.2.2 Prerequisite Hardware The minimum hardware configuration required for BASEstar software to run efficiently follows. Refer to the BASEstar Classic Software Product Description and System Support Addendum for more details. o VAX processor - For OpenVMS VAX systems, a single VAX or MicroVAX processor with a minimum of 8 Mb of memory supports BASEstar software. The single processor can be networked with other systems or a VMScluster system using DECnet software. Any or all systems in the distributed network can run BASEstar software. o Alpha processor - For OpenVMS Alpha systems, a single Alpha processor with a minimum of 64 Mb of memory. The single processor can be networked with other systems or a VMScluster system using DECnet software. Any or all systems in the distributed network can run BASEstar software. o For OpenVMS VAX systems, an RD54 or equivalent disk drive. o For OpenVMS Alpha systems, an RZ26 or equivalent disk drive. 1.2.3 Prerequisite and Optional Software The following software must be installed on your system before installing BASEstar software: For OpenVMS VAX systems: o OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or higher. (Refer to BASEstar Classic SPD for official supported VMS Versions) o DECnet software, as provided with the OpenVMS operating system. o FMS, Version 2.3 or higher for the BASEstar menu interface only. If you do not install the menu system, you do not need FMS. o Optionally, DECmessageQ Version 2.0 or higher for interprocess messaging. o Optionally, Digital RDB for use with BASEstar Classic RDB/VMS Database Server. 1-8 Introduction Introduction 1.2 Installation Preparation o Optionally, LSE (Language Sensitive Editor) for using the BASEstar LSE environment. For OpenVMS Alpha systems: o OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 or higher. (Refer to BASEstar Classic SPD for official supported VMS Versions) o DECnet software, as provided with the OpenVMS operating system. o Optionally, DECmessageQ Version 2.0 or higher for interprocess messaging. o Optionally, Digital RDB for use with BASEstar Classic RDB/VMS Database Server. o Optionally, LSE (Language Sensitive Editor) for using the BASEstar LSE environment. The following software must be installed on your system before installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast software: o OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or higher or OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1. (Refer to BASEstar Classic SPD for official supported VMS Versions) o BASEstar for VMS (Kernel and Data Management), Version 3.4 or higher. o Optionally, DECmessageQ Version 2.0 or higher. o Optionally, Digital RDB version 6.0 or Oracle version 7.0 for use with CIMfast SQL support. o Optionally, DEC C for OpenVMS. 1.3 VMScluster Installation Each BASEstar installation procedure for VMScluster systems allows installation of BASEstar software from one node in a VMScluster for all nodes sharing a system disk. BASEstar software and device connection management software support VMScluster installation. The installation procedure automatically determines if the node that is executing the VMSINSTAL utility is part of a multinode VMScluster. If not, a single-node installation procedure will be performed. If the executing node is a member of a multinode VMScluster, the installation Introduction 1-9 Introduction 1.3 VMScluster Installation procedure will prompt you to specify the nodes to be processed and the BASEstar software configuration for each node. The executing node will automatically be the first node in the list of nodes to be processed. 1.3.1 Disk Space Requirements The amount of disk space required depends on your BASEstar system configuration. The disk space requirements for the BASEstar software components follow: ________________________ Note ________________________ Refer to Section 1.5 for additional disk space requirements for a UPGRADE from BASEstar Classic 3.3 database to a 3.4 database. ______________________________________________________ For OpenVMS VAX systems: ___________________________________________________________ Peak Utilization in Blocks (During Blocks After BASEstar_Component________Installation)___Installation_____ BASEstar software with 31,500 24,600 all main options Device connection 18,000 16,000 management Utility 3,300 400 DEC Rdb Database Server 1,150 800 BASEstar_Classic_CIMfast____6,000___________4,500__________ For OpenVMS Alpha systems: 1-10 Introduction Introduction 1.3 VMScluster Installation ___________________________________________________________ Peak Utilization in Blocks (During Blocks After BASEstar_Component________Installation)___Installation_____ BASEstar software with 52,000 29,000 all main options Device connection 19,000 13,000 management Utility 12,000 400 DEC Rdb Database Server 3,000 2,000 BASEstar_Classic_CIMfast____21,000__________13,000_________ To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE 1.4 Preinstallation Steps Before installing BASEstar software, review the following checklist. If you need more information on how to perform some of the functions on the checklist, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. ___________________________________________________________ Step_______Before_installing_BASEstar_software..._________ 1. _____ Ensure that OpenVMS Version is as required for your processor. If you plan to use DECmessageQ, ensure that DECmessageQ Version 2.0 or higher is installed. 2. _____ Ensure that DECnet software is configured on your system. 3. _____ Optionally, ensure that the following software is installed: FMS for the menu interface, DECmessageQ for messaging, and LSE for the LSE environment. 4. _____ Install the BASEstar product license. 5. _____ Decide which BASEstar software components to install on each system. Introduction 1-11 Introduction 1.4 Preinstallation Steps ___________________________________________________________ Step_______Before_installing_BASEstar_software..._________ 6. _____ Define your global name server configuration (if you have two or more BASEstar systems in a network that share information). 7. _____ Verify minimum run-time system parameters. Table 1-2 and Table 1-3 describe the system parameter values recommended for the minimum run-time BASEstar configuration. 8. _____ Stop interactive processes and disable user logins. 9. _____ Stop batch queues. 10. _____ Stop the BASEstar system (upgrades only). 11. _____ Check VMSINSTAL requirements. 12. _____ Back up the system disk. 13. _____ Verify logical names for an upgrade (upgrades only). 14. _____ Review release notes. 15. _____ Check required OpenVMS tailoring classes in the BASEstar Classic System Software Addendum ____________(SSA)._________________________________________ Perform these tasks before installing BASEstar software: 1. Ensure that OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or higher or OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1 or higher is installed on the system. OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or higher or OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1 must be installed on each system planned for installation of BASEstar software. (Refer to BASEstar Classic SPD for official supported VMS Versions) To install BASEstar Classic CIMfast, OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or higher or OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1 or higher must be installed on each system planned for installation of BASEstar Classic CIMfast software. (Refer to BASEstar Classic SPD for official supported VMS Versions) DEC C Runtime Components must be installed for OpenVMS for use of CIMfast software. 2. Ensure that DECnet software is configured on your system. 1-12 Introduction Introduction 1.4 Preinstallation Steps DECnet software must be configured in order to install BASEstar software. Refer to the BASEstar Classic Configuration and Tuning Guide for instructions on the minimum DECnet configuration required. 3. Optionally, ensure that the following software is installed: FMS for the menu interface, DECmessageQ for messaging, and LSE for the Language Sensitive Editor environment. If you plan to use the BASEstar menu interface, ensure that FMS Version 2.3 or higher is installed on each system. If you plan to use DECmessageQ with your BASEstar system, install DECmessageQ Version 1.0 or higher. Refer to the DECmessageQ Installation Guide for OpenVMS for more information about installing DECmessageQ software. If you plan to use DECmessageQ with BASEstar Classic CIMfast, install DECmessageQ Version 2.0 or higher. Refer to the DECmessageQ Installation Guide for OpenVMS for more information about installing DECmessageQ software. If you plan to use the LSE environment for BASEstar, install Language-Sensitive Editor software. If you plan to use the CIMfast SQL component, install Digital RDB Version 6.0 or Oracle 7.0. 4. Install the BASEstar product license. Before you install and run BASEstar Classic, Version 3.4 software on a newly licensed node or cluster, you must first register a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) using the License Management Facility (LMF). The License PAK may be shipped with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. Before installing BASEstar, you must update the LMF database using the License Management Utility. For more information about the License Management Utility, refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. Introduction 1-13 Introduction 1.4 Preinstallation Steps To update the LMF database, log in to a privileged account and follow these steps: a. Find the product name listed on the PAK that you received. b. To determine if a previous license is already registered and loaded for BASEstar software, enter the following command: $ LICENSE LIST product_name/FULL where product_name is the product name. c. If a new PAK is required to be registered and loaded, choose one of the following actions: o Execute the command procedure VMSLICENSE to register and load the new PAK: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM The VMSLICENSE procedure prompts for the information contained in the PAK, and then registers and loads the new PAK on your system. o At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information. Table 1-1 shows the statuses of the licenses listed during the main BASEstar installation. Table_1-1_BASEstar_Licenses________________________________ License___________Availability_____________________________ CIMFAST-V No Longer Available CIMFAST-RT-V No Longer Available BASESTAR Available BASESTAR-RT Available BASESTAR-CU Available BASESTAR-LTD No Longer Available (continued on next page) 1-14 Introduction Introduction 1.4 Preinstallation Steps Table_1-1_(Cont.)_BASEstar_Licenses________________________ License___________Availability_____________________________ BASESTAR-RT-LTD No Longer Available BASESTAR-G Not Yet Available BASESTAR-RT-G Not Yet Available BASESTAR-USER_____Not_Yet_Available________________________ When performing a BASEstar installation, you must preload the licenses you want to use in order to authorize the use of BASEstar on the target node. A new license called BASESTAR-CU was added for BASEstar Classic, Version 3.2. This allows you to license a BASEstar system based on the maximum number of logical points residing on the target system. At installation, the BASESTAR-CU license is checked for its presence and the installation procedure verifies that the number of logical points is less than the number licensed at startup. If the BASEstar parameter BCC$MAX_POINTS exceeds the number of units specified in the BASESTAR-CU license, the system cannot be started. At BASEstar Classic CIMfast installation, the BASESTAR license or the BASEstar Classic CIMfast license must be present; either license is acceptable. 5. Decide which BASEstar software components to install on each system. Review the installation checklist with software developers and process engineers to create a list indicating which BASEstar software components must be installed on each system in your hardware configuration. 6. Define your global name server configuration. To make BASEstar objects accessible within a distributed system, at least one BASEstar system must be defined as a global name server. Other nodes are designated as name dispatchers. Before installing BASEstar software, determine your global name server configuration so you can enter definitions properly during installation. For Introduction 1-15 Introduction 1.4 Preinstallation Steps information on defining global name servers, refer to the BASEstar Classic Configuration and Tuning Guide. 7. Verify minimum run-time system parameters. Table 1-2 describes the system parameter values recommended for the minimum run-time BASEstar configuration. Table 1-2 BASEstar Minimum System Parameter Values for __________OpenVMS_VAX______________________________________ MODPARAMS.DAT Entries_______________Minimum_Value________________________ GBLSECTIONS 250 GBLPAGFIL 4,096 GBLPAGES 18,000 CTLPAGES 60 LOCKIDTBL 2,048 RESHASHTBL 512 MAXPROCESSCNT 35 BALSETCNT 33 VIRTUALPAGECNT 25,000 MAXBUF 4,096 SCSSYSTEMID Refer to BASEstar Classic Release ______________________Notes._______________________________ 1-16 Introduction Introduction 1.4 Preinstallation Steps Table 1-3 BASEstar Minimum System Parameter Values for __________OpenVMS_Alpha____________________________________ MODPARAMS.DAT Entries_______________Minimum_Value________________________ GBLSECTIONS 512 GBLPAGFIL 4,096 GBLPAGES 150,000 CTLPAGES 80 LOCKIDTBL 3,840 RESHASHTBL 4,096 MAXPROCESSCNT 40 BALSETCNT 80 VIRTUALPAGECNT 300,000 MAXBUF 8,192 SCSSYSTEMID Refer to BASEstar Classic Release ______________________Notes._______________________________ Because these values represent minimum BASEstar run- time system parameter settings, you may need to adjust their values as required for systems larger than the minimum BASEstar hardware configuration or for systems running software in addition to BASEstar applications. Use the following steps to adjust the system parameter GBLPAGES: a. Run the OpenVMS System Generation Utility (SYSGEN) to view the current setting for the GBLPAGES parameter on your system as follows: $ MCR SYSGEN SYSGEN>USE ACTIVE SYSGEN>SHOW GBLPAGES GBLPAGES 18000 SYSGEN>EXIT b. Edit the MODPARAMS.DAT file to increase the global pages available. If the GBLPAGES parameter is already set, change the current value to the value you want. If the parameter is not specified, you can add a line to the MODPARAMS.DAT file to specify your minimum amount as follows: Introduction 1-17 Introduction 1.4 Preinstallation Steps MIN_GBLPAGES=45000 In this way, more global pages can be dynamically allocated if needed; however, your system will maintain a minimum number of global pages equal to the value you want. c. Use the OpenVMS AUTOGEN command procedure to update the new value as follows: 1. $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SAVPARAMS GENPARAMS 2. $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SETPARAMS REBOOT 8. Stop interactive processes and disable logins. Ensure that all BASEstar users have logged out and no other users can log in to the system during the installation. To disable users from logging in, enter the following: $ SET LOGINS/INTERACTIVE=0 Reenable logins after the installation is complete. Refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for more information on logins. 9. Stop batch queues. To stop the batch queues, enter the following: $ STOP/QUEUE/NEXT batch_queue_name 10.Stop the BASEstar system. If you are performing an upgrade of existing BASEstar software, ensure that the current version of the system is not running. Stopping the BASEstar system also stops device connection management and all user-written BASEstar applications. To stop the BASEstar system, enter the following: $ BSTAR STOP SYSTEM 11.Check VMSINSTAL requirements. VMSINSTAL requires that the system account used to install BASEstar software have a minimum of the following quotas: For OpenVMS VAX systems: o ASTLM=24 1-18 Introduction Introduction 1.4 Preinstallation Steps o BIOLM=18 o BYTLM=18,000 o DIOLM=18 o ENQLM=30 o FILLM=20 For OpenVMS Alpha systems: o ASTLM=100 o BIOLM=50 o BYTLM=32,000 o DIOLM=50 o ENQLM=100 o FILLM=35 If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue the installation. In some instances, you can enter Y to continue. To stop the installation process and correct the situation, enter N or press Return. Then, correct the problem and restart the installation. 12.Back up the system disk. Back up the system disk before installing the BASEstar software. This backup is a protection in the event of disk corruption or accidental changes or deletions during installation. The procedure for backing up the system disk is described in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. 13.Verify logical names (upgrades only). If you are upgrading your BASEstar system, ensure that the logical names BCC$SYSTEM and BCC$SYSDATA are defined by entering the following commands: $ SHOW LOGICAL BCC$SYSTEM $ SHOW LOGICAL BCC$SYSDATA If the logical names are not already defined, define them by executing the SYS$STARTUP:BCC$STARTUP.COM procedure. Introduction 1-19 Introduction 1.4 Preinstallation Steps If you are upgrading BASEstar device connection management, ensure that the logical name ILAN$SYSTEM is defined in the system startup file by entering the following command: $ SHOW LOGICAL ILAN$SYSTEM If the logical name is not already defined, define it by executing the SYS$STARTUP:ILAN$STARTUP.COM command procedure. 14.Review release notes. To read or print out the release notes included in the BASEstar distribution kit, invoke VMSINSTAL in the following manner: @VMSINSTAL BCCXX034 mtcu: OPTIONS N Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: Where XX = VV for OpenVMS VAX and XX = VA for OpenVMS Alpha. Select an option when the installation procedure prompts for release note options. 15.Check required OpenVMS tailoring classes in the BASEstar Classic System Software Addendum (SSA). OpenVMS classes are mutually exclusive subsets of OpenVMS files that provide a mechanism by which customers can include only site-specific OpenVMS files on their systems. This frees up space on the system disk and results in performance and maintenance gains. It also tailors the general all-purpose nature of the OpenVMS operating system to specific customer needs. Refer to the BASEstar Classic, Version 3.4 System Support Addendum (SSA) for a list of the required OpenVMS classes. 1-20 Introduction Introduction 1.5 Upgrade Overview to a BASEstar Classic 3.4 system 1.5 Upgrade Overview to a BASEstar Classic 3.4 system On an upgrade from BASEstar Classic V3.3 to V3.4, all data base files located in BCC$SYSDATA will be converted to the new V3.4 format during the installation IVP. This will require that all BASEstar logical point values, including points set up to be persistant, be set to their initial value on the next startup of the BASEstar system. The data base conversion execution will log its progress to sys$output during the IVP. Requirements for a successful conversion include the BCC$SYSDATA disk having 1.5 times the block usage in BCC$SYSDATA as free space, which is verified by the installation procedure. In addition, the user can request that log files be kept during the conversion, which would log each characteristic of a data base object both before and after it is converted. If log files are requested, it is reccommended that their location be a scratch disk (ie, NOT the system disk, and NOT the BCC$SYSDATA disk) with at least 100000 free blocks. IF the conversion process seems to hang, it may be due to this disk filling up, at which time the user will have to provide additional free space on the disk for the conversions to continue. Note that the time required for the conversions to complete is dependant on the size of the BASEstar object data base. This could take an hour or more with larger systems. This amount of time could cause a user to be concerned that the conversion is hung. If so, monitor the process performing the installation, as it should be consuming CPU time on a regular basis. Also note that all DCM data base files are also converted during the BASEstar IVP. This is because V3.3 of DCM will not run with V3.4 of BASEstar, and so a DCM upgrade is also required before restarting the BASEstar system. If for any reason the data base conversions fail, you can not start/use the BASEstar system until the problem is resolved. IF the cause of the problem is known (ie exiting via CTRL/Y for some reason, like the log file location disk is not large enough), you may rectify the problem, and re- run the conversions. Once the problem is fixed, execute the procedure SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEM.BCC]BCC$RESTORE_V33_DB.COM Introduction 1-21 Introduction 1.5 Upgrade Overview to a BASEstar Classic 3.4 system This will replace all the BASEstar object data base files to their V3.3 state. You can then re-execute the conversions, by executing the IVP provided by the installation, and placed in SYS$TEST:BCC$IVP. If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, you must collect the following information, and submit it via normal problem reporting channels: - a LOG of your installation, including the data base conversion failure. - a FULL directory of the system's BCC$SYSDATA ($ DIR/FULL BCC$SYSDATA:). - the LOG file of the object type being converted at the time of the failure. Log files created are as follows; (where BCC$LOG_DATA is the directory location the user provided for log file placement): BCC$LOGDATA:DB_DEVICE.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_PHYPOINT.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_POLLING.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_CONFIG.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_POINT.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_STRUCTURE.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_FIELD.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_ELEMENT.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_EXTMAP.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_LOCAL_NAME.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_GLOBAL_NAME.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_MEMBER.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_RELATION.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_ITEM.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_NODE.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_GROUP.LOG 1-22 Introduction Introduction 1.5 Upgrade Overview to a BASEstar Classic 3.4 system BCC$LOGDATA: DB_SERVERPORT.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_SESSION.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_USER.LOG BCC$LOGDATA: DB_PARAMETER.LOG Introduction 1-23 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installation This chapter describes the step-by-step installation of BASEstar Classic software. It also contains a list of error messages that may appear during installation and provides a description of recovery procedures for each error. BASEstar Classic software components are installed using a combination of four procedures: o Main BASEstar (single node or VMScluster) o Device connection management (single node or VMScluster) o Utility (single node) o BASEstar Classic CIMfast (single node or VMScluster) There is also an optional software kit that can be installed for DEC Rdb integration. For more information, refer to the BASEstar Classic DEC Rdb Database Server Guide. Read the instructions for installing BASEstar software. Follow the instructions for installing BASEstar device connection management, utility, and BASEstar Classic CIMfast software, all of which are optional installations. Refer to Appendix A and Appendix B for sample installation procedures. All installation procedures will perform both new and upgrade installations. ________________________ Note ________________________ Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before performing an installation. ______________________________________________________ Installation 2-1 Installation Be prepared to provide the following information during the installation: ___________________________________________________________ Step_______Information_to_prepare_before_installation...__ 1. _____ BCC$SPECIFIC directory location 2. _____ BCC$COMMON directory location 3. _____ Global name server or name dispatcher selection 4. _____ Names of the global name server nodes and size of global name file 5. _____ Size estimates of local name file, point file, ____________and_group_file_for_your_BASEstar_system________ During the installation procedure, you are prompted to respond to questions. Enter Y for yes or N for no, or just press Return to select the default response. You can enter a question mark and press Return after any prompt to receive online help. To abort the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl/Y. When you press Ctrl/Y, the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. ________________________ Note ________________________ DECnet software must be running during the installation. Do not shut down the network for installation. Even if you do not have a DECnet license and your system is not networked, DECnet must be configured and running to install BASEstar software. ______________________________________________________ 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software ________________________ Note ________________________ Although this chapter uses the installation example for an OpenVMS VAX system, the procedure is also applicable to OpenVMS Alpha systems. ______________________________________________________ 2-2 Installation Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software This section describes how to install BASEstar software. Perform the following steps: 1. Log in to the OpenVMS user account named SYSTEM. 2. Invoke VMSINSTAL. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal The system displays the following: OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.2 It is dd-mm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 3. If you have active processes, VMSINSTAL lists them and asks if you want to continue. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: SYSTEM * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES 4. Confirm system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES If you have not backed up your system, enter N and refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. If you are satisfied with your backup, press Return to continue. 5. Mount the media. You are prompted for the location of the distribution media, the products you want to install, and options as follows: * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[KIT] Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: BCCVV034 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The installation continues with the following: The following products will be processed: BCCVV V3.4 Beginning installation of BCCVV V3.4 at 10:49 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Installation 2-3 Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software BASEstar Kernel V3.4 VAX Installation Procedure ----------------------------------------------- This system is using OpenVMS Version 6.2 Image CLINOSHARE.EXE must be registered %REGISTER-I-ADDED added CLINOSHARE to registry %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 6. Respond to license registration queries. BASEstar requires one of these licenses to be registered and loaded on all nodes on which BASEstar will run: Product --------------- [1] BASESTAR [2] BASESTAR-G [3] BASESTAR-RT [4] BASESTAR-RT-G [5] BASESTAR-USER [6] BASESTAR-LTD [7] BASESTAR-RT-LTD [8] BASESTAR-CU [9] BASESTAR-CU-RT * Which of the above licenses will be used? [1]: Product: BASESTAR Producer: DEC Version: Release Date: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES The procedure prompts you to ensure that you have the correct BASEstar license installed on the system. Enter the appropriate number if the license is already installed. If not, abort the installation and install the BASEstar license. 7. DECnet node information is verified and displayed. Getting data from $ MCR NCP LIST EXECUTOR ... ... Done. SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID checks passed. The DECnet node ID found for this node is: 36063 (35.223) 8. Respond to node information. 2-4 Installation Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software The procedure determines if the executing node is a member of a multinode VMScluster. If the executing node is a standalone node or clustered with only one active member, the following message is displayed: This node is not a member of a multi-node VMScluster. A single-node installation will be performed. __________________________________ Processing node NODENAME:: __________________________________ If the executing node is a member of a multinode cluster, you will be prompted to indicate if you want a single-node installation: This node is a member of a multi-node VMScluster. A single-node installation or a multi-node installation can be chosen. For a multi-node installation, the nodes must share a cluster common system disk, and so must all be of the same architecture type (AXP or VAX). * Do you want to install BASEstar on just one node [YES]? NO If you answer N, the following text is displayed: A VMScluster installation will be performed. The current node, ALIGTR, will be the first node in the installation. Verifying node ALIGTR:: information ... 9. Enter additional nodes. If you are performing a cluster installation, you will be prompted to enter the additional nodes on which you want to install BASEstar software: You will now be prompted to enter the additional VMScluster nodes on which BASEstar is to be installed. End the list with a carriage return . (Enter Control-Y to abort the installation, if necessary.) Current node name list is: ALIGTR * Enter node name #2 (CR to end list): SAXPHN Verifying node SAXPHN:: information ... Current node name list is: ALIGTR, SAXPHN * Enter node name #3 (CR to end list): Installation 2-5 Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software 2 valid node names were entered: ALIGTR, SAXPHN * Is this list correct? Y __________________________________ Processing node 1, ALIGTR:: __________________________________ 10.Install additional components. The procedure installs BASEstar software and asks if you want to install additional capabilities. You can optionally install data management software, external data support, and the menu interface now, or in an update installation. For example, if this is a new installation, the following text is displayed: This is a new BASEstar installation. The BASEstar CORE must be installed, but the Data Management and MENU System subsystems are optional. * Do you want to install BASEstar Data Management [YES]? * Do you want to install BASEstar External Data Support [YES]? * Do you want to install BASEstar List Services Support [YES]? * Do you want to install BASEstar Menu System [YES]? ________________________ Note ________________________ BASEstar Menu, available on VAX systems only. ______________________________________________________ 11.Provide directory location. VMSINSTAL asks for a directory location for the BASEstar command and data files: A location must be chosen for the BCC$SPECIFIC directory. By default, BASEstar data and command files are installed in SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC]. This specification may be overridden if desired. * Enter the BASEstar specific directory specification [SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC]]: 2-6 Installation Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software If you do not specify a directory name, the BASEstar files are installed into the [BCC$SPECIFIC] directory under the system-specific root directory. If you enter a different directory, be sure it resides on a permanently mounted disk. (Because these files are data and command files, the system disk may not be an appropriate location.) If you are installing on a VMScluster node and do not use the system disk, specify a different directory name for each node within the VMScluster system. Verify the directory name specified: The directory entered is: SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC] * Is this correct? YES 12.Choose a global name server or name dispatcher. Specify whether the system is to be configured as a global name server or name dispatcher. To perform global name operations, at least one BASEstar system in the BASEstar domain must be a global name server. VMSINSTAL displays the following prompt: Each BASEstar system must be configured to run either a Global Name Server or a Name Dispatcher. * Do you want this system to be configured as a Global Name Server [YES]? If you enter Y, the system will be a global name server. If you enter N, the system will be a name dispatcher. 13.Select a target size for data files. You must choose a target size for the following data files. BCC$POINT_FILE ______________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation Initial File Size [1] 500 Points 500 Points 840 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Points 1,000 Points 2,223 Disk Blocks [3] 10,000 Points 5,000 Points 10,675 Disk Blocks [4] 30,000 Points 10,000 Points 27,219 Disk Blocks * Enter BCC$POINT_FILE size [1]: 2 BCC$GROUP_FILE ______________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation Initial File Size Installation 2-7 Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software [1] 500 Groups 500 Groups 819 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Groups 1,000 Groups 2,223 Disk Blocks * Enter BCC$GROUP_FILE size [1]: 1 BCC$LOCAL_NAME_FILE ___________________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation Initial File Size [1] 500 Names 500 Names 342 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Names 1,000 Names 867 Disk Blocks [3] 10,000 Names 5,000 Names 4,023 Disk Blocks [4] 30,000 Names 10,000 Names 10,179 Disk Blocks * Enter BCC$LOCAL_NAME_FILE size [1]: 2 If you are performing a cluster installation, the information in steps 10 through 13 is displayed for each additional node in the cluster. 14.Choose a location for the BCC$COMMON directory. By default, the BASEstar executable files are installed in SYS$COMMON: [BCC$COMMON]. This specification may be overridden. A location must be chosen for the BCC$SPECIFIC directory. By default, BASEstar data and command files are installed in SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC]. This specification may be overridden if desired. * Enter the BASEstar specific directory specification [SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC]]: The directory entered is: SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC] * Is this correct? Y You must now enter a list of the node names of all BASEstar Global Name Server systems with which the newly-installed BASEstar node (or nodes) will interact. This list is required for both new Global Name Server systems and for new Name Dispatcher systems. For your convenience, the list will start with the list of nodes in this installation that you designated earlier to be configured as Global Name Servers. 2-8 Installation Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software 15.Enter node names. Current Global Name Server list is: ALIGTR * Enter a Global Name Server node name, CR to end list: The final list is: ALIGTR * Is this list correct? Yes The value of the BASEstar parameter BCC$QUORUM is established from the list of global name servers entered. The following is displayed: %BCCVV-I-QUORUMSET, Global Name Server quorum will be set to 1 If the above quorum value is not consistent with other Global Name Server systems in the same BASEstar domain, the value of BCC$QUORUM should be changed after the installation is finished and before BASEstar is started on this node for the first time. 16.Choose a target size for the global name file on the global name server systems. You must choose a target size for the Global Name File on the Global Name Server Systems: BCC$GLOBAL_NAME_FILE ____________________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation Initial File Size [1] 500 Names 500 Names 342 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Names 1,000 Names 867 Disk Blocks [3] 10,000 Names 5,000 Names 4,023 Disk Blocks [4] 30,000 Names 10,000 Names 10,179 Disk Blocks * Enter BCC$GLOBAL_NAME_FILE size [1]: 2 17.Read informational messages. The installation procedure has no further questions to ask during the installation process. Until the IVP executes, it can continue without user assistance. Installation 2-9 Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software IF this is a V3.3 to V3.4 UPGRADE, a data base conversion will execute during the IVP. This conversion requires user input regarding log file locations. The IVP will announce the beginning of the data base conversions, before prompting for logging information. The installation time will vary depending on the number of nodes selected for installation and the type of processor on which the installation is being done. If the data base conversions are required, time will vary depending on the size of your BASEstar Classic object data base. Note: Please review introduction section, "Upgrade Overview to a BASEstar Classic 3.4 System" for disk space requirements needed for a conversion upgrade. __________________________________ 10:15:59 This installation creates a VMS rights identifier named BCC$USER, which is used to control access to BASEstar. After the installation is finished, the VMS Authorize Utility must be used to grant this identifier to all accounts that will use BASEstar. --------------------------------------------------------------- A R E M I N D E R T O T H E I N S T A L L E R Each VMS user account that will issue BSTAR commands must be granted the BCC$USER rights identifier, as well as having certain Authorized privileges set. >> Remember to grant the BCC$USER identifier to the SYSTEM account >> (and/or any other accounts you will be using to start the BASEstar >> system) and to check the Authorized privileges of those accounts >> BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO START THE BASESTAR SYSTEM. --------------------------------------------------------------- %BCCVV-I-IDENTEXISTS, The BCC$USER identifier already exists Note: The file SYS$SYSTEM:RIGHTSLIST.DAT will be modified to permit access by processes that have been granted the BCC$USER identifier. If RIGHTSLIST.DAT does not reside in SYS$SYSTEM, the logical name RIGHTSLIST will be translated to access the file for modification. 2-10 Installation Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software The installation procedure restores the save sets, creates system directories, and displays the following: 10:16:05 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... 10:16:58 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... 10:17:09 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... 10:17:24 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... 10:17:29 __________________________________ Installing BASEstar on node ALIGTR:: ... __________________________________ %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[BCC$COMMON]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.BCC$SPECIFIC]. 10:17:43 %BCCVV-I-STARTCORE, BASEstar CORE installation beginning on ALIGTR:: . This installation places a file named BCC$STARTUP.COM in the directory SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] in each system root on which this installation is being performed. The SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file should be edited to invoke this startup file when the system boots. 10:24:11 BASEstar Data Management installation beginning on ALIGTR %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[BCC$COMMON.DMQ_EXAMPLE]. 10:24:58 BASEstar External Data Support installation beginning on ALIGTR 10:25:08 BASEstar List Services Support installation beginning on ALIGTR 10:25:13 %BCCVV-I-STARTMENU, BASEstar Menu System installation beginning on ALIGTR. Installation 2-11 Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software If you are performing a cluster installation, the system disk directory and installation messages are displayed for each additional node in the cluster. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... The BASEstar system disk directories are established, the startup command procedure is created, and the installation verification procedure is run. BASEstar Kernel V3.4 Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) $ DEFINE/NOLOG/PROCESS BCC$SYSDATA SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC] $ DEFINE/NOLOG/PROCESS BCC$SYSTEM VMI$ROOT:[BCC$COMMON] $ set noverify 3.4 conversions checked/done... %BCCIVP-I-CORESTART, CORE verification starting on node ALIGTR. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE data files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE command files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE executable files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE support files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE system files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE installed image check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE parameter check passed. %BCCIVP-I-DMGTSTART, DMGT verification starting on node ALIGTR. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, DMGT file check passed. %BCCIVP-I-EXTMAPSTART, External Data Server verification starting on node ALIGTR. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, External Data Server file check passed. %BCCIVP-I-MENUSTART, MENU verification starting on node ALIGTR. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, Menu System file check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, Menu System command check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, Menu System menu check passed. If you are performing a cluster installation, the check messages are displayed for each node in the cluster. BASEstar V3.4 IVP completed successfully. 2-12 Installation Installation 2.1 Installing BASEstar Software 18.End the installation procedure. Installation of BCCVV V3.4 completed at 10:39 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 10:39 The BASEstar single-node installation is complete. You can now log out of the privileged account if you do not want to install additional BASEstar software. Continue with instructions later in this section to install additional BASEstar software or consult Chapter 3 for postinstallation tasks. 2.2 Installing BASEstar Device Connection Management Software This section describes how to install BASEstar device connection management software. If your main BASEstar installation did not include installing the menu interface, the device connection management installation cannot install or update the device connection management menus. The BASEstar device connection management upgrade installation consists of the following steps: 1. Log in to the OpenVMS user account named SYSTEM. 2. Invoke VMSINSTAL. The system displays the following: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V6.2 It is dd-mm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 3. If you have active processes, VMSINSTAL lists them and asks if you want to continue. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: SYSTEM * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES 4. Confirm system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? If you have not backed up your system, enter N and refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. If you are satisfied with your backup, press Return to continue. 5. Mount the media. Installation 2-13 Installation 2.2 Installing BASEstar Device Connection Management Software You are prompted for the location of the distribution media, the products you want to install, and options as follows: * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[KIT] Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: DCMVV034 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The installation continues with the following: The following products will be processed: DCMVV V3.4 Beginning installation of DCMVV V3.4 at 10:42 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... BASEstar Device Connect Management (DCM) V3.4 VAX Installation Procedure ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Existing BASEstar installation message is displayed. If BASEstar is already installed on your system, the following message is displayed: BASEstar is installed on this system. The file SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]BCC$SHR.EXE was found. Its image file identification is: BCC 3.4 7. Respond to node information. The procedure determines if the executing node is a member of a multinode VMScluster. If the executing node is a standalone node or clustered with only one active member, the following message is displayed: This node is not a member of a multi-node VMScluster. A single-node installation will be performed. __________________________________ Processing node NODENAME:: __________________________________ If the executing node is a member of a multinode cluster, you will be prompted to indicate if you want a single-node installation: 2-14 Installation Installation 2.2 Installing BASEstar Device Connection Management Software This node is a member of a multi-node VMScluster. A single-node installation or a multi-node installation can be chosen. For a multi-node installation, you will be prompted to enter the node names to be processed. The nodes must share a cluster-common system disk. Also, the current node (the node presently executing VMSINSTAL) will automatically be the first node processed. * Do you want to install DCM on just this node [YES]? NO If you answer N, the following text is displayed: ----------------------------------------- A cluster installation has been selected. ----------------------------------------- The current node, ALIGTR, will be processed first. Checking node ALIGTR:: ... BASEstar is installed on this node. The file SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP]BCC$STARTUP.COM was found. The node passed all checks. 8. Enter additional nodes. If you are performing a cluster installation, you will be prompted to enter the additional nodes on which you want to install BASEstar software: You will now be prompted to enter the additional cluster nodes on which BASEstar DCM is to be installed. End the list with a carriage return CR. (Enter Control-Y to abort the installation, if necessary.) Current node name list is: ALIGTR * Enter another node name (or CR to end the list): SAXPHN Checking node SAXPHN:: ... BASEstar is installed on this node. The file SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP]BCC$STARTUP.COM was found. Installation 2-15 Installation 2.2 Installing BASEstar Device Connection Management Software ----------------------------------------------- Wait -- using SYSMAN utility to check certain logical names on cluster member ... ... Done. ----------------------------------------------- The node passed all checks. Current node name list is: ALIGTR, SAXPHN * Enter another node name (or CR to end the list): 2 valid node names were entered: ALIGTR, SAXPHN * Is this list correct? Y The installation continues: __________________________________ Processing node 1, ALIGTR:: __________________________________ The BASEstar Menu System is present. The DCM Menu System will be installed on this node. __________________________________ 9. Choose the size of the file. You must choose a initial size for the PHYSICAL POINT data file: ILAN$PHYPOINT_FILE ___________________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation File Size [1] 500 Phypoints 500 Phypoints 1,251 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Phypoints 1,000 Phypoints 3,333 Disk Blocks [3] 10,000 Phypoints 5,000 Phypoints 15,744 Disk Blocks [4] 20,000 Phypoints 10,000 Phypoints 32,604 Disk Blocks * Enter ILAN$PHYPOINT_FILE size [1]: 2 Select a file size for the physical point data file. Enter the correct choice from the menu. If you are performing a cluster installation, VMSINSTAL processes each node in the cluster and you select the size of the PHYSICAL POINT data file. 2-16 Installation Installation 2.2 Installing BASEstar Device Connection Management Software 10.Read the informational messages. Post-installation messages for the installer appear next. Press [Return] to continue: Post-installation messages for the installer ---------------------------------------------------------- ILAN$STARTUP.COM, a startup command procedure, is used to set up the environment for Device Connect Management. During the installation, this file will be placed in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] directory of the nodes on which this installation is being performed. If this is a first-time DCM installation on a this system, the system startup command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM or SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM (for VAX VMS versions prior to V6.0) needs to be manually edited (after this installation has successfully finished). Locate the line $ @ SYS$STARTUP:BCC$STARTUP.COM and add this new line immediately after the BCC$STARTUP line: $ @ SYS$STARTUP:ILAN$STARTUP.COM ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- The installation procedure has no further questions to ask and can continue from this point without user assistance. The time needed to finish the installation will vary depending on the number of nodes selected for installation and the type of processors and disks involved. ---------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________ Installing DCM on node ALIGTR:: ... __________________________________ 10:44:59 Creating DCM data files for this node ... Providing images to BCC$SYSTEM ... Installation 2-17 Installation 2.2 Installing BASEstar Device Connection Management Software Providing DCM example PL/I programs to sub-directory of BCC$SYSTEM ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory $2$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.BCC$COMMON.DCM_EXAMPLE]. Providing RS232 DAS source files to sub-directory of BCC$SYSTEM ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory $2$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.BCC$COMMON.RS232_EXAMPLE]. Providing Network DAS NCT source files to sub-directory of BCC$SYSTEM ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory $2$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.BCC$COMMON.NCT_EXAMPLE]. ... Done. 10:47:47 Checking the BASEstar Parameter file for "ILAN$*" (DCM) parameters ... ... Done. 10:48:43 Installing the DCM Menu System on this node ... ... Done. If you are performing a cluster installation, the informational messages for each node in the cluster are displayed and the installation continues: 10:50:56 %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... IVP phase beginning on node ALIGTR ... %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment: Individual nodes: ALIGTR Username SYSTEM will be used on nonlocal nodes %SYSMAN-I-TIMEVAL, timeout value is 00:11:00.00 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node ALIGTR $ @SYS$STARTUP:ILAN$STARTUP.COM $ @SYS$TEST:ILAN$IVP.COM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BASEstar DCM V3.4 Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) starting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-18 Installation Installation 2.2 Installing BASEstar Device Connection Management Software Checking logical name BCC$SYSDATA ... Checking logical name BCC$SYSTEM ... Checking ILAN files ... Checking files in SYS$COMMON:[BCC$COMMON.DCM_EXAMPLE] ... Checking files in SYS$COMMON:[BCC$COMMON.NCT_EXAMPLE] ... Checking files in SYS$COMMON:[BCC$COMMON.RS232_EXAMPLE] ... %ILAN$IVP-E-FAIL, File check passed. Checking ILAN installed images ... %ILAN$IVP-I-PASS, Installed image check passed. Checking "ILAN$*" BASEstar parameters ... %ILAN$IVP-I-PASS, Parameter check passed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BASEstar DCM V3.4 IVP completed successfully. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are performing a cluster installation, the IVP messages for each node in the cluster are displayed. 11.End the installation procedure. Installation of DCMVV V3.4 completed at 10:53 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 10:53 The BASEstar device connection management installation is complete. You can now log out of the privileged account if you do not want to install additional BASEstar software. Continue with instructions in this chapter for installing additional BASEstar software or consult Chapter 3 for postinstallation tasks. 2.3 Installing BASEstar Utilities Software This section describes how to install BASEstar utilities, including: o The BCC$BASEGEN command procedure, which provides suggested settings for BASEstar and system parameters as well as OpenVMS process quotas. Refer to the BASEstar Classic Configuration and Tuning Guide for information on how to use this utility. Installation 2-19 Installation 2.3 Installing BASEstar Utilities Software o Text message files if conversion to a non-English language is necessary. These services can also be used to copy the appropriate files into new BASEstar directories. o OpenVMS version number mismatch software, which resolves, or relinks the BASEstar shareable image when a new version of OpenVMS software is installed on a system. o Monitor Port Utility, which provides a continuously updated display of port data for all ports defined on the system. o Monitor BASEstar Utility, which analyzes the processes running on a BASEstar system. Monitor BASEstar continuously displays a default set of processes or allows the display of a customized set of processes. o BASEstar LSE environment, which allows you to use VAX LSE, a multiple-language text editor that speeds the writing and compiling of source code. To use the BASEstar LSE environment, you must first install VAX Language-Sensitive Editor software. o Value Notification Utility, which notifies you of changes in the value of logical points that have been supplied to the utility. The BASEstar utilities installation consists of the following steps: 1. Log in to the OpenVMS user account named SYSTEM. 2. Invoke VMSINSTAL. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal The system displays the following: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is dd-mm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 3. If you have active processes, VMSINSTAL lists them and asks if you want to continue. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: SYSTEM * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES 2-20 Installation Installation 2.3 Installing BASEstar Utilities Software 4. Confirm system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? If you have not backed up your system, enter N and refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. If you are satisfied with your backup, press Return to continue. 5. Mount the media. You are prompted for the location of the distribution media, the products you want to install, and options as follows: * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[KIT] Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: BCCVVUTL034 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The procedure displays the following: The following products will be processed: BCCVVUTL V3.4 Beginning installation of BCCVVUTL V3.4 at 10:56 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Installing BASEstar CORE Utilities Kit 6. Choose the IVP. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? If you want to run the IVP, enter Y. 7. Purge files. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? If the installation is an upgrade, enter Y to delete the previous versions of the files created by the installation. Site-specific files or OpenVMS installed images are not purged. 8. Choose options. Installation 2-21 Installation 2.3 Installing BASEstar Utilities Software Enter the option to perform. Type 99 to end selections: [1] Install All Options [2] BASEstar Text Services [3] BCC$BASEGEN.COM Utility [4] Monitor Port Utility [5] Monitor BASEstar Utility [6] BASEstar LSE Environment File (VAX Only) [7] Value Notification Utility [8] Resolve VMS Ident Version Mismatches * Enter Selection: : 1 Enter the appropriate number. 9. VMSINSTAL begins the installation procedure. BASEstar Text Services have been installed. The BASEGEN Utility has been installed. The Monitor Port Utility has been installed. Monitor BASEstar utility installed. The logical name BCC$MONITOR_DATA has been defined. Add the following line to the BASEstar startup procedure SYS$STARTUP:BCC$STARTUP.COM to define this logical name during system startup: $ DEFINE/NOLOG/SYSTEM BCC$MONITOR_DATA BCC$SYSDATA:BCC$MON_BSTAR_APP.DAT Installing the Value Notification Utility Installing the BASEstar LSE Environment File 10.Verify the BASEstar development license. A development license is required to be registered and loaded for all nodes on which the Value Notification or BASEstar LSE Environment File will run: 2-22 Installation Installation 2.3 Installing BASEstar Utilities Software Product --------------- [1] BASESTAR [2] BASESTAR-LTD [3] BASESTAR-USER [4] BASESTAR-G [5] BASESTAR-CU * Which of the above licenses will be used? [1]: Product: BASESTAR Producer: DEC Version: Release Date: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y If you choose either the Value Notification Utility or the BASEstar LSE Environment file, the procedure prompts you to ensure that you have the correct BASEstar development license installed on the system. Enter the appropriate number if the license is already installed. If not, abort the installation and install the license. 11.Read informational messages. The installation procedure continues without further input as follows: The Value Notification Utility has been installed. The LSE Environment File has been installed. Resolving VMS ident version mismatches No ident version mismatch detected %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... 12.Observe the IVP. BASEstar Utility V3.4 Installation Verification Procedure %BCCUTL-I-PASS, Utility file check passed BASEstar Utility V3.4 IVP completed successfully 13.End the installation procedure. Installation of BCCVVUTL V3.4 completed at 10:59 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 10:59 Installation 2-23 Installation 2.3 Installing BASEstar Utilities Software The BASEstar utilities installation is complete. You can now log out of the privileged account if you do not want to install additional BASEstar software. Consult Chapter 3 for postinstallation tasks. 2.4 Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast Software This section describes how to install BASEstar Classic CIMfast software. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you plan to use DECmessageQ support, you must start DECmessageQ before installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast software. If you plan to use CIMfast SQL support, you must install and start the appropriate database software. ______________________________________________________ To install BASEstar Classic CIMfast software, perform the following steps: 1. Log in to the OpenVMS user account named SYSTEM. 2. Invoke VMSINSTAL. IVAX20 » @sys$update:vmsinstal BCFxxx022 DISK1:[CIMFAST.KITS] where BCFxxx022 is the BASEstar Classic CIMfast product name and version, (where xxx=VAX or xxx=AXP for Alpha) DISK1:[CIMFAST.KITS] is the name of the directory containing the software kit. If you include the optional OPTIONS parameter, a question is displayed that asks you if you want to see the release notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, the VMSINSTAL command procedure does not ask you if you want to see the release notes. Ensure that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation; they may contain additional information about the installation. If you are restarting the installation and have already read the release notes, you do not need to specify OPTIONS N. When you invoke VMSINSTAL, there are several other options you can choose, as follows: o Auto_answer option (A) 2-24 Installation Installation 2.4 Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast Software Creates a file that contains your answers to the VMSINSTAL command procedure questions and prompts. You can then use the option (and the answer file) to save time during a reinstallation or a system upgrade. o Get save set option (G) Lets you store product save sets temporarily on a magnetic tape or in a disk directory. o File log option (L) Logs all activity to the terminal during the installation. o Alternate root option (R) Lets you install the product to a system root other than the root of the system that is running. See the OpenVMS documentation on software installation in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit for more information on these options. If you specify more than one option, separate the options with commas (for example, OPTIONS A,N). The system displays the following: OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 28-JUN-1996 at 10:45. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. If you do not supply either the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later in the installation procedure. VMSINSTAL does not prompt you for any options, so be sure to include OPTIONS N on the VMSINSTAL command procedure command line to access the release notes during the installation. 3. Confirm system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? y You must back up the system disk before performing an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of the system disk, press Return. If you are not satisfied, enter N to stop the installation. After you back up the system disk, you can restart the installation. Installation 2-25 Installation 2.4 Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast Software 4. Mount the media. You must now mount the first distribution volume on the device if you specified one when you invoked VMSINSTAL. An example follows: Please mount the first volume of the set on MTA0:. * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, BASEstar CIMfast for OpenVMS VAX MOUNTED ON _$$MTA0:(NODE 1) The following products will be processed: BCFVAX V2.2 Beginning installation of BCFVAX V2.2 at 15:44 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Now mount the first distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. The device name is displayed in the line preceding the question. VMSINSTAL then asks you if you are ready to continue with the installation. If you enter Y to indicate that you are ready, VMSINSTAL displays a message that the media containing BASEstar Classic CIMfast has been mounted on the specified device and that the installation has started. If you enter the wrong device name when you invoke VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, enter N in response to the following question: Are you ready? To abort the installation, press Ctrl/Y. 5. Mount additional media volumes. If your installation kit contains more than one volume, VMSINSTAL prompts you to mount the additional volumes and then asks you to indicate that you are ready to continue the installation of BASEstar Classic CIMfast: %BACKUP-I-READYREAD, mount volume 2 on _MTA0: for reading Enter "YES" when ready: 6. Choose a release notes option. If you specified OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, the following is displayed: 2-26 Installation Installation 2.4 Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast Software Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: You must choose one of the four options to read the release notes: o Option 1 VMSINSTAL displays the release notes on the console terminal. You can stop the display at any time by pressing Ctrl/C. o Option 2 VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue that you want to use: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: You can press Return to send the file to the default output print device or you can enter another queue name. o Option 3 VMSINSTAL displays the release notes on the console terminal and then prompts you for a queue name for the printed version. o Option 4 Choose this option if you have already read the release notes and are restarting the installation. VMSINSTAL displays the following question: * Do you want to continue the installation [N]?: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. To continue the installation, enter Y If you do not want to continue, press Return. In either case, the release notes are copied to the following file, located in the SYS$HELP directory: Installation 2-27 Installation 2.4 Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast Software SYS$HELP:BCF022.RELEASE_NOTES ________________________ Note ________________________ The name of the release notes file installed by VMSINSTAL consists of the current product name and version number. Do not delete the release notes for previous versions of BASEstar Classic CIMfast. ______________________________________________________ 7. Select the target installation directory. Select the directory where you want to install BASEstar Classic CIMfast. * In what directory do you wish CIMfast to be installed [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF]]: 8. Select installation options. You can install the following options: o Cimfast DCM support. If you have BASEstar Classic DCM (Device Connection Manager) installed on your system, you have the option of installing CIMfast DCM programming support option. o Cimfast SQL support. In order to install CIMfast SQL support for RDB, a minimum of RDB V6.0 must be installed on your system. If you answer YES RDB installation, this version check will be done. * Do You want to install CIMfast SQL Support for DEC RDB [YES]? The installation checks for the existence of DEC RDB and Oracle software, and the previous existance of CIMfast SQL support. If BOTH RDB and Oracle are found, the procedure will prompt you for which software you choose to use with CIMfast SQL support. 2-28 Installation Installation 2.4 Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast Software The database software MUST be started properly prior to the installation of CIMfast, and the logical SQL$DATABASE must be defined in order to run the IVP test procedure properly for CIMfast SQL support in your selected database. If no logical SQL$DATABASE is found the IVP will display a database location for its use or allow a change before the procedure runs. The installation procedure checks for the existence of the DMQ$USER logical to determine whether DECmessageQ is installed. It is possible for DECmessageQ to have been installed and the DMQ$USER logical to remain undefined. If the DMQ$USER logical is not defined, the following message is displayed: Is DECmessageQ installed on this system and do You want to have the CIMfast DMQ support installed ? If You answer 'Yes', the CIMfast installation will be aborted and You have to to run the file DMQ$STARTUP in the [EXE] directory of Your DMQ installation. If You answer 'No', the CIMfast installation continues without installing the CIMfast DMQ support. * Do You want to install the CIMfast DMQ support [YES]? The previous message indicates that you have the following options: o Abort the installation, run the DMQ$STARTUP file, and restart the installation. o Continue the installation without installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast DECmessageQ support. o LSE support * Do you want to install LSE support [YES]? You can install CIMfast support for the Language- Sensitive Editor (LSE) if LSE is installed on the system. o Purge files. Installation 2-29 Installation 2.4 Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast Software You can purge files from previous versions of BASEstar Classic CIMfast that are superseded by this installation. Purging is recommended, but if you want to keep files from the previous version, enter N in response to the question: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? o Choose the installation verification procedure (IVP) option. The installation procedure now asks you if you want to run the IVP: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? The IVP for BASEstar Classic CIMfast checks that the installation is successful. Digital recommends that you run the IVP. If the SQL support was installed, it will be tested with the supporting database (RDB or Oracle) option. BASEstar must be running in order for the SQL portion of the IVP to run successfully. After BASEstar Classic CIMfast is installed, you may run the IVP independently to verify that the software is available and working on the system. You may need to run the IVP after a system failure to make sure that other users can access BASEstar Classic CIMfast. o Read informational messages. The BASEstar Classic CIMfast installation procedure displays a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. If the installation procedure has been successful up to this point, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories, updates or installs the example files, and updates DCL tables, if necessary. If you chose to have files purged, that task is now complete. The following message is displayed: All questions regarding the installation of CIMfast have been asked. Depending upon system load and configuration the installation will take between 5 and 15 minutes. This installation provides a system startup file SYS$STARTUP:BCF$STARTUP.COM. You must edit your system startup procedure(s) to invoke this file on each node where CIMfast will be run. 2-30 Installation Installation 2.4 Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast Software The CIMfast per-user setup command procedure is in BCF$HOME:BCF$SETUP.COM. It should be executed at login time by each CIMfast user, by including a line such as the following in each user's LOGIN.COM procedure: $ @BCF$HOME:BCF$SETUP Alternatively, the above line may added to the system-wide login command procedure (usually SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM). %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.EXE]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.LIB]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.BCF]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.BCC]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.DCM]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.DMQ]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.RDB]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.POINTS]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.CBCF_POINTS]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.CALLABLE_BCF]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.EXPRESSIONS]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.MACROS]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.MESSAGING]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.CBCF_MESSAGING]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.BCC_COURSE_LAB3]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.SQL]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.LSE]. If this product is being installed in a OpenVMS cluster, several actions must be taken to enable other nodes in the cluster to be able to use this product. These actions include: 1) Define CIMfast related logical names 2) Update DCL tables 3) Load a valid license This can be done with the following commands: Installation 2-31 Installation 2.4 Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast Software $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER SYSMAN> DO @SYS$STARTUP:BCF$STARTUP.COM SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE SYSMAN> DO LICENSE LOAD BASESTAR ! or any valid license SYSMAN> EXIT %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... o Observe the IVP. If you chose to run installation verification procedure (IVP) option, VMSINSTAL now calls the IVP to verify that BASEstar Classic CIMfast was installed correctly. When the IVP runs successfully, the following is displayed: Welcome to CIMfast V2.2 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved Preprocessing CEL file... Loading CEL file... ***Total lines in input file was 10*** ***Total number of EVENTS was 1*** ***Total number of ACTIONS was 3*** ***Total number of CONDITION EVENTS was 0*** ***Total number of CONDITION ACTIONS was 0*** Start time was: Mon Aug 19 15:46:59 1996 End time was : Mon Aug 19 15:47:00 1996 Press return to begin execution: **** BASEstar CIMfast IVP successfully executed **** NOTE: If SQL option was installed, IVP will test this option also. o End the installation procedure. The following messages indicate that the entire installation procedure is complete: Installation of BCFBCCVAX V2.2 completed at 10:55 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 10:55 ________________________ Note ________________________ VMSINSTAL deletes or changes the entries in the 2-32 Installation Installation 2.4 Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast Software process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you must log out and log in again. ______________________________________________________ 2.5 Installation Messages This section describes the installation message formats and the messages you may receive during the BASEstar installation. 2.5.1 Message Format BASEstar installation messages are displayed in the following format: %FACILITY-L-IDENT, TEXT where: FACILITY The facility or component name. L The severity indicator codes, including: o S for success. The procedure generating the condition value completed successfully. o I for informational. The procedure generating the condition value successfully completed but has some explanatory information. o W for warning. A procedure returns data or completes an operation but the results might be incomplete or not what you expected. o E for error. An error has occurred. The operation was attempted but could not be completed. Any returned information should be regarded as invalid. o F for severe error. A severe error occurred and the attempted operation was not complete. Any information returned is invalid and further processing will be incorrect. Installation 2-33 Installation 2.5 Installation Messages IDENT An abbreviation of the message text. The message descriptions are alphabetized according to this abbreviation. TEXT The explanation of the message. 2.5.2 BASEstar Classic Message Listing The installation messages are in alphabetical order by the IDENT abbreviation. BADBCC, The installed version of BASEstar is obsolete. Explanation: Error. An old version of BASEstar software is installed. User Action: Install BASEstar Classic, Version 3.4 before installing this distribution kit. BADBCCVERS, Incompatible installed version of BASEstar. This kit only upgrades BASEstar for VMS, Version 3.3. Explanation: Error. The distribution kit being installed can only be used to update BASEstar for VMS, Version 3.3. User Action: Upgrade your system to Version 3.3, then install Version 3.4. Contact your Digital sales representative for assistance if you do not have Version 3.3. BADDCMVERS, Incompatible installed version of DCM. This kit upgrades only DCM Version 3.3. Explanation: Error. The distribution kit being installed can be used to update only DCM, Version 3.3. User Action: Upgrade your system to Version 3.3 of DCM, then install Version 3.4. Contact your Digital sales representative for assistance if you do not have BASEstar for VMS, Version 3.3. 2-34 Installation Installation 2.5 Installation Messages BADDISK, The system root for this node does not exist on the system disk. Explanation: Error. During a cluster installation, the OpenVMS system disk of the specified node was found to be a disk separate from the OpenVMS disk of the node executing the VMSINSTAL procedure. User Action: The cluster installation procedure will execute only on nodes that share a common OpenVMS system disk. Nodes that do not share a common system disk must be installed individually, using the single-node installation option. BADID, Invalid DECnet ID, please try again. Explanation: Error. You entered an incorrect DECnet ID. User Action: The DECnet ID for a system can be obtained by using the OpenVMS Network Control Program. Refer to the OpenVMS Network Control Program Manual. BADVMS, You must be running at least V5.5-2 of VMS. Explanation: Error. The system is not running OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 or higher. User Action: Upgrade the system to OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 or higher. BCCRUNNING, BASEstar cannot be running during an installation. Explanation: Error. The installation is going to replace BASEstar images and possibly convert data files. Therefore, BASEstar cannot be running during an installation. User Action: Stop BASEstar software on the node. FAIL, file check failed Explanation: Error. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) failed. User Action: Review the installation log file for errors. Make any corrections necessary, then restart the installation procedure. Installation 2-35 Installation 2.5 Installation Messages FAIL, installed image check failed Explanation: Error. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) failed. User Action: Review the installation log file for errors. Make any corrections necessary, then restart the installation procedure. FAIL, parameter check failed Explanation: Error. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) failed. User Action: Review the installation log file for errors. Make any corrections necessary, then restart the installation procedure. INSFBLOCKS, Insufficient system disk free blocks for installation. Explanation: Error. There are not enough free blocks on the system disk for this installation. User Action: The BASEstar Classic Installation Guide lists the amount of free blocks required on the system disk for a successful installation. Create enough free space on the system disk and restart the installation. INSFCTLPAGES, Installation requires the system parameter CTLPAGES to be at least nnn. Explanation: Error. The value of SYSGEN parameter CTLPAGES is not sufficient to execute this installation procedure. User Action: Refer to the BASEstar Classic Installation Guide for information on setting this parameter. INSFGBLPAGFIL, Installation requires the system parameter GBLPAGFIL to be at least nnn. Explanation: Error. The value of SYSGEN parameter GBLPAGFIL is not sufficient to execute this installation. User Action: Refer to the BASEstar Classic Installation Guide for information on setting this parameter. 2-36 Installation Installation 2.5 Installation Messages MISSING, The DCM data file BCC$SYSDATA:FILENAME.DAT is missing. Explanation: Warning. The installation procedure cannot find a required data file from the previously installed version of BASEstar device connection management. User Action: The DCM data files will be reinitialized automatically. Try to locate and restore the missing data file from your disk BACKUP save set. NEEDBCC033, This kit requires BASEstar V3.3. Explanation: Informational. BASEstar Classic, Version 3.3 is not installed. User Action: Install BASEstar Classic, Version 3.3. NEEDDIR, Unable to locate directory for new ILAN files. Explanation: Error. The BASEstar directories could not be found. User Action: Ensure that BASEstar software is installed and that the startup procedure SYS$STARTUP:BCC$STARTUP.COM has been executed to define the correct logical names. NEEDLICENSE, A BASEstar license is required for installation. Explanation: Error. The BASEstar license was not installed. User Action: Install the correct BASEstar license before attempting to install BASEstar software. NOALTROOT, BASEstar cannot be installed in an alternate system root. Explanation: Error. VMSINSTAL.COM was invoked with OPTIONS R, which requests that the software be installed in an alternate OpenVMS system root. User Action: Restart the installation without this option. NODECNET, DECnet node name cannot be translated. Explanation: Error. The node name specified cannot be found in the DECnet database. User Action: Define the node name and restart the installation. Installation 2-37 Installation 2.5 Installation Messages NODIR, The logical name BCC$SYSTEM or BCC$SYSDATA is not defined on the installed system. Explanation: Error. The logical names for the BASEstar directories are not defined. User Action: Ensure that the BASEstar startup procedure SYS$STARTUP:BCC$SYSTARTUP.COM has been executed before installing this kit. NOIDENT, The BASEstar Identifier BCC$USER does not exist. Explanation: Error. The OpenVMS Identifier BCC$USER was not found in the OpenVMS User Authorization File. User Action: This identifier is created during the BASEstar installation procedure. Reinstall BASEstar or manually create the identifier by using the OpenVMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE). NOMENUFILE, Menu file BCC$MENU_FILE.DAT was not found in BCC$SYSDATA:. Explanation: Error. The BASEstar data file for menu definitions is missing. User Action: Execute the main BASEstar installation procedure and select the menu interface component to reinstall the menu interface. NOSMISERVER, Process SMISERVER is not running on this node. Explanation: Error. The OpenVMS SYSMAN server process is not running on this node. SYSMAN is used by the cluster installation procedure to install BASEstar components on multiple nodes. User Action: See the OpenVMS SYSMAN Utility Manual for information on starting SYSMAN. (Single-node installations do not use the SYSMAN Utility.) NOTCLUSMEM, This node is not a cluster member. Explanation: Error. The node name specified is not a member of the cluster on which the installation is executing or the node name entered has an error. User Action: Look closely at the node name entry and reenter the node name if a typing or syntax error was made. If the node name was correct and you want to install software on 2-38 Installation Installation 2.5 Installation Messages that node, abort the current VMSINSTAL and log out, log in to the desired node, and restart the installation there. NOVAXFMS, VAX FMS V2.4 is not installed on this system. Explanation: Warning. The BASEstar menu system is selected for installation but FMS Version 2.4 (or Version 2.3) is not present on the system. User Action: Install VAX FMS Version 2.4 or Version 2.3. The "Forms Driver" run-time only component of FMS, FMSFDV, is sufficient. OLDFMS, The installed version of VAX FMS is obsolete. Explanation: Error. An old version of VAX FMS is present on the system. The BASEstar menu system requires VAX FMS Version 2.4 or 2.3. User Action: Install VAX FMS Version 2.4 or 2.3. REINIT, All DCM data files will be replaced. Explanation: Warning. One or more of the data files is missing; device connection management will re-create all data files. User Action: None. STARTMENU, BASEstar Menu System must be installed. Explanation: Error. The BASEstar menu system is not installed on this system. User Action: Execute the main BASEstar installation procedure and select the menu interface component. SYSTEMACCT, BASEstar must be installed from the SYSTEM account. Explanation: Error. The installation procedure will execute only from the SYSTEM account. User Action: Log in to the SYSTEM account before installing BASEstar. WHERESBASESTAR, The logical name BCC$SYSDATA is not defined. Explanation: Error. One or both of the BASEstar system logicals are not defined. User Action: Ensure that BASEstar software is installed and that the startup procedure SYS$STARTUP:BCC$STARTUP.COM has been executed to define the logical names. Installation 2-39 Installation 2.5 Installation Messages WHERESBASESTAR, The logical name BCC$SYSTEM is not defined. Explanation: Error. One or both of the BASEstar system logicals are not defined. User Action: Ensure that BASEstar software is installed and that the startup procedure SYS$STARTUP:BCC$STARTUP.COM has been executed to define the logical names. 2.5.3 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Message Listing The installation messages are in alphabetical order by the IDENT abbreviation. BADVMSVER, This kit requires OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or later. Explanation: Error. This kit will not run with this version of OpenVMS. User Action: Install OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 or higher. NOBCC, This kit requires BASEstar for VMS, Version 3.3 or later. Explanation: Error. BASEstar Classic is not installed. User Action: Install BASEstar Classic for VMS, Version 3.3 or higher. 2.6 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation or when the IVP is running, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of BASEstar CIMfast for OpenVMS VAX V2.2 has failed. If the IVP fails, the following messages are displayed: The BASEstar CIMfast for OpenVMS VAX V2.2 installation verification procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for BASEstar CIMfast for OpenVMS VAX V2.2 has failed. Errors will occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o A prerequisite software version is incorrect. 2-40 Installation Installation 2.6 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Error Recovery o Quotas necessary for a successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for a successful installation are insufficient. o The OpenVMS help library is currently in use. o The product license has not been registered and loaded. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you must take the appropriate action described in the message. For information on installation requirements, see Chapter 1. Installation 2-41 3 _________________________________________________________________ Postinstallation This chapter describes BASEstar Classic and CIMfast postinstallation tasks. 3.1 BASEstar Classic Postinstallation Procedures When you have completed the BASEstar Classic installation procedures, log in to the system manager's account and perform the following steps: 1. Delete BASEstar Ada files if not needed (optional). Certain Ada declarations files are rather large; if no Ada programming will be done at your site, you may want to delete the file SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]BCC_.ADA (approximately 1400 blocks) and the ILAN*.ADA files in that same directory. 2. Address VMScluster considerations (optional). If you have a VMScluster and have installed BASEstar software numerous times on several nodes of the cluster, you may want to "synchronize" the INSTALLed (VMS Known File Entry) file versions of various shareable images in SYS$COMMON:. Then, purge those files. a. Enter the following commands at the DCL prompt: $ dir/size SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE $ dir/size SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]BCC$*.EXE,ILAN$*.EXE $ dir/size SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG]BCC$*.EXE,ILAN$*.EXE b. If any multiple file versions are present, continue; otherwise, no further action is needed. Enter the following commands: $ INSTALL := $INSTALL/COMMAND_MODE $ MCR SYSMAN SYSMAN> set environment /cluster SYSMAN> do INSTALL LIST SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE Postinstallation 3-1 Postinstallation 3.1 BASEstar Classic Postinstallation Procedures c. Examine the file version number shown for each node. If the version number is not the same for every node, enter the following command to synchronize all nodes on the highest version (use command line recall to recall the prior command and change the LIST to REPLACE): SYSMAN> do INSTALL REPLACE SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE d. Repeat steps b and c for each BCC$ and ILAN$ shareable image in SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] and [SYSMSG]. The file type will be .EXE. Refer to the files shown in step 2a. e. To exit SYSMAN, enter: SYSMAN> exit (or Ctrl/Z) f. If multiple versions of any shareable images were found, you may now carefully purge those files. This should free a sizable number of disk blocks (the BCC$SHR.EXE image alone is more than 3600 blocks). 3. Back up the system disk. Back up the system disk after installing BASEstar software. The procedure for backing up the system disk is described in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. 4. Edit the system startup procedure. If you want BASEstar software to automatically start when the system boots, add the following line to the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM file: $ @SYS$STARTUP:BCC$STARTUP.COM To automatically start BASEstar device connection management when the system boots, add the following line to the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM file: $ @SYS$STARTUP:ILAN$STARTUP.COM The device control management CLI and API timeouts with the ILAN$DEVSRV process are controlled by the ILAN$DEFAULT_TIMEOUT logical. Refer to the BASEstar Classic Configuration and Tuning Guide for additional information. Depending on the types of device access your system will be performing, consider defining this logical in the system logical name table in 3-2 Postinstallation Postinstallation 3.1 BASEstar Classic Postinstallation Procedures SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM. This is especially true if you have long uploads and downloads and you enable the ILAN$UP_DOWN_TIME paramater as described in the BASEstar Classic Configuration and Tuning Guide. 5. Set process quotas. Ensure that BASEstar user processes have quotas equal to or greater than those listed in Table 3-1 or Table 3-2. Table_3-1_Process_Resource_Limits_for_OpenVMS_VAX_Systems__ Minimum Limit________Value________Description______________________ ASTLM 100 AST queue limit BIOLM 80 Buffered I/O count limit BYTLM 20,000 I/O byte count limit DIOLM 80 Direct I/O count limit ENQLM 200 Enqueue quota FILLM 100 Open file limit PGFLQUO 20,000 Paging file limit PRCLM 6 Subprocess creation limit TQELM 20 Timer queue entry limit WSDEF 500 Default working set size WSEXTENT 1,500 Working set extent WSQUO___________800_______Working_set_quota________________ Postinstallation 3-3 Postinstallation 3.1 BASEstar Classic Postinstallation Procedures Table_3-2_Process_Resource_Limits_for_OpenVMS_AXP_Systems__ Minimum Limit________Value________Description______________________ ASTLM 150 AST queue limit BIOLM 100 Buffered I/O count limit BYTLM 64,000 I/O byte count limit DIOLM 100 Direct I/O count limit ENQLM 500 Enqueue quota FILLM 100 Open file limit PGFLQUO 64,000 Paging file limit PRCLM 10 Subprocess creation limit TQELM 20 Timer queue entry limit WSDEF 2,000 Default working set size WSEXTENT 8,192 Working set extent WSQUO__________4,000______Working_set_quota________________ 6. Select BASEstar users. Grant the BCC$USER identifier to the SYSTEM account and /or any other accounts you will be using to start or stop the BASEstar system using the OpenVMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) as follows: UAF> GRANT/IDENTIFIER BCC$USER username where username is the name of the user account. 7. Set privileges. Ensure that each BASEstar user has the following minimum OpenVMS privileges: o TMPMBX o NETMBX 8. Create DECmessageQ logical name table (if using DECmessageQ). Before BASEstar applications using DECmessageQ messaging can initiate data changes via the API or receive data change notification via the API and CLI, DECmessageQ logical names must be defined. DECmessageQ relies on logical names to locate DECmessageQ files. These logical 3-4 Postinstallation Postinstallation 3.1 BASEstar Classic Postinstallation Procedures names must be defined in order for a process to send DECmessageQ messages. For more information about defining DECmessageQ logical names, refer to the BASEstar Classic Release Notes. 9. Ensure that DECnet is running. BASEstar software will not run unless DECnet software is running. If DECnet is stopped, BASEstar software will shut down. 10.Start DECmessageQ (if using DECmessageQ). If you will be using DECmessageQ messaging with BASEstar applications, DECmessageQ software must be started before starting BASEstar. For more information on starting DECmessageQ, refer to the DECmessageQ Management and Configuration Guide for OpenVMS. 11.Start BASEstar software. BASEstar software can be started from the SYSTEM account after this account has been granted the BCC$USER identifier. It can also be started from any account having the following privileges. These privileges must be in the account's Authorized Privilege list and are added using AUTHORIZE. ALTPRI DETACH LOG_IO NETMBX PHY_IO PSWAPM SHARE SYSGBL SYSLCK SYSNAM TMPMBX Though accounts used to start BASEstar require these privileges in their Authorized Privilege list, they do not require them in their Default Privilege list for security reasons. The previous list represents the minimum privileges needed by all BASEstar processes and applications. Some BASEstar processes may not need all privileges and can be started with only a subset. Whenever new applications need privileges not in this list, these privileges can be added to the account's Authorized Privilege list. The new privileges are in effect only after the user logs out and logs back in. Postinstallation 3-5 Postinstallation 3.1 BASEstar Classic Postinstallation Procedures ________________________ Note ________________________ The SYSTEM account must be granted the BCC$USER identifier regardless of whether it will be used to start BASEstar. Failure to grant the BCC$USER identifier to the SYSTEM account will cause BASEstar startup attempts to fail. ______________________________________________________ To start BASEstar software, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ BSTAR START SYSTEM 12.Generate BASEstar Classic logicals. All logical names created by the BASEstar Classic, Version 3.4 installation procedures are /SYSTEM logical names. The logical names do not exist until the appropriate SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP]xxxxxx$STARTUP.COM procedure is invoked. Table 3-3 lists the logical names created by the installations. Table 3-3 Logical Names Created by BASEstar Classic __________Installation_Procedures__________________________ Component___System_Logical_Name____________________________ Kernel BCC$SYSDATA BCC$SYSTEM BRI BRI$FILES DCM ILAN$SYSTEM Utilities BCC$MONITOR_DATA[1] [1]To_define_this_logical,_edit_the_BCC$STARTUP.COM_file___ and add the line $ DEFINE command to it. ___________________________________________________________ 3.2 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Postinstallation Procedures When you have completed the BASEstar Classic CIMfast installation procedures, perform the following steps: 1. Run the installation verification procedure separately. 3-6 Postinstallation Postinstallation 3.2 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Postinstallation Procedures Digital recommends that you run the installation verification procedure (IVP) during the installation. If you want to run the IVP separately to ensure the integrity of the installed files, execute the following command procedure: $ @SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.BCF]BCF$IVP.COM 2. Edit the system startup file. You must edit the system startup file to provide for automatic startup of BASEstar Classic CIMfast when the system is rebooted. Add the command line that starts BASEstar Classic CIMfast to the system startup file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM. The following example shows a BASEstar CIMfast for OpenVMS VAX startup command line: $ @SYS$STARTUP:BCF$STARTUP.COM 3. Modify BASEstar parameters. There is one BASEstar parameter whose value you may need to increase to use BASEstar Classic CIMfast on the system. The parameter is BCC$DMGT_MAX_REQUESTS, which controls the number of data point change notification requests that may be outstanding on the BASEstar system. For every data point with update or change notification requested in a CEL program, one data point change notification request is required. If several CIMfast applications using large numbers of data points are running simultaneously on the system, you might need to increase the value of this parameter. Use the following formula to decide whether to increase this parameter: va*v where v is the value of the BCC$DMGT_MAX_REQUESTS parameter, a is the number of applications running, and p is the number of points per application. For example, if you have 10 applications running, and each one uses 11 data points (the same or different data points), then set the value of the BCC$DMGT_MAX_REQUESTS parameter to at least 110. Postinstallation 3-7 Postinstallation 3.2 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Postinstallation Procedures A suggested value for the BCC$DMGT_MAX_REQUESTS parameter is 1000. You can modify this parameter using the following command: $ BSTAR SET PARAM BCC$DMGT_MAX_REQUESTS 1000 ________________________ Note ________________________ You must stop and restart BASEstar for this change to take effect. ______________________________________________________ 4. Address VMScluster considerations. BASEstar Classic CIMfast is fully supported in a VMScluster environment. To guarantee the full VMScluster support after the installation of BASEstar Classic CIMfast, you must follow these steps: 1. Define several CIMfast-related logical names before using BASEstar Classic CIMfast on a BASEstar Classic CIMfast system. Define CIMfast-related logical names by executing the procedure SYS$STARTUP:BCF$STARTUP.COM. 2. During the installation of BASEstar Classic CIMfast, a new DCL command (CIMFAST) is provided. Ensure that the DCL command definition of the node on which the BASEstar Classic CIMfast installation has taken place (SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE) is used or propagated throughout the whole cluster. 5. Modify user accounts. To work with BASEstar Classic CIMfast, you must execute the CIMfast startup procedure (BCF$HOME:BCF$SETUP) and have sufficient account quotas. The file BCF$HOME:BCF$SETUP.COM, installed during the CIMfast installation, must be executed as part of each user's login procedure. Alternatively, you can execute this file from the systemwide login command procedure, SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM. Make sure that the appropriate user accounts have sufficient quotas to use BASEstar Classic CIMfast. Table 3-4 summarizes the required user account quotas. 3-8 Postinstallation Postinstallation 3.2 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Postinstallation Procedures Table_3-4_User_Account_Quotas_for_BASEstar_Classic_CIMfast_ Account Quota_________Value________________________________________ PGFLQUOTA 13,000 WSEXTENT 1,024[1] [1]The_values_for_WSEXTENT_and_WSQUO_must_be_equal_to_or___ greater than the WSDEF value. ___________________________________________________________ User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the OpenVMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change user account quotas as follows: 1. Set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM and enter the OpenVMS VAX command AUTHORIZE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> 2. At the UAF> prompt, enter the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. The following example checks the SMITH account: UAF> SHOW SMITH 3. To change a quota, enter the MODIFY command. The following example changes the WSEXTENT quota for the SMITH account and then exits from the utility: UAF> MODIFY SMITH /WSEXTENT=1024 UAF> EXIT After you exit from the utility, the system displays messages indicating whether the changes were made. Once the changes have been made, you must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. For more information on modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize Utility in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit. 6. Install BASEstar Classic CIMfast as a shared image. Postinstallation 3-9 Postinstallation 3.2 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Postinstallation Procedures If BASEstar Classic CIMfast is to be used extensively on the system, you can reduce the system overhead and memory requirements by installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast as a shared image. To install BASEstar Classic CIMfast as a shared image on a system that is currently running, use the OpenVMS Install Utility (INSTALL). It is recommended that you install BASEstar Classic CIMfast as a shared image on a system that has recently been rebooted because the available space in the global page table is less likely to be fragmented. Installing BASEstar Classic CIMfast as a shared image requires 4 global sections and 250 global pages. To install BASEstar Classic CIMfast as a shared image, follow these steps: 1. Determine the number of available global pages and global sections on the system using the following command: $ INSTALL LIST/GLOBAL/SUMMARY The values for the global pages and global sections are controlled by the system parameters GBLSECTIONS and GBLPAGES. You may need to increase the values of these parameters to meet the required numbers of 4 global sections and 250 global pages. Use the AUTOGEN mechanism for any modifications to system parameters. See the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for more information about changing the system parameters. 2. Reset the system parameter values. 3. Invoke the OpenVMS Install Utility from a privileged account and then install BASEstar Classic CIMfast as a shared image: $ INSTALL INSTALL> ADD BCF$ROOT:[EXE]BCF$SHR.EXE /OPEN HEAD/ SHARED INSTALL> EXIT 3-10 Postinstallation Postinstallation 3.2 BASEstar Classic CIMfast Postinstallation Procedures To install BASEstar Classic CIMfast as a shared image when the system boots, remove the comment symbols (!) from the following lines in SYS$STARTUP:BCF$STARTUP.COM: $! IF F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES("BCF$ROOT:[EXE]BCF$SHR.EXE","KNOWN") THEN - $! INSTALL REMOVE BCF$ROOT:[EXE]BCF$SHR $! INSTALL ADD BCF$ROOT:[EXE]BCF$SHR/OPEN/HEAD/SHARE 7. Generate BASEstar Classic CIMfast logicals. The logical names created by the BASEstar Classic CIMfast installation procedures are both /SYSTEM and /PROCESS logical names. The system logical names are stored in the product's startup file and are automatically entered into the system logical name table when the system reboots or when the software is invoked. The process logical names are entered into the process logical name table when BCF$HOME:BCF$SETUP.COM is executed. Table 3-5 lists the logical names created by the installation procedures. Table 3-5 Logical Names Created by BASEstar Classic CIMfast __________Installations____________________________________ Component____Logical_Name__________________________________ CIMfast BCF$HOME[1] BCF$ROOT[1] BCF$SHR[1] C$INCLUDE[2] BCF$INCLUDE[2] LSE$ENVIRONMENT[2] [1]System_logical_name_____________________________________ [2]Process logical name ___________________________________________________________ Postinstallation 3-11 A _________________________________________________________________ Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems This appendix contains sample installation procedures for BASEstar software. The dialogs are examples of the following types of BASEstar installations: o Main BASEstar installation o Device connection management (DCM) o BASEstar Utilities o BASEstar Classic CIMfast full development kit A.1 Main BASEstar Installation This section contains a sample BASEstar first-time installation. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal BCCVA034 sys$sysdevice:[.kits] OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V6.2 1-JUN-1996 at 14:49. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Yes The following products will be processed: BCCVA V3.4 Beginning installation of BCCVA V3.4 at 10:49 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. BASEstar Kernel V3.4 AXP Installation Procedure ----------------------------------------------- This system is using OpenVMS Version 6.2 Image CLINOSHARE.EXE must be registered %REGISTER-I-ADDED added CLINOSHARE to registry %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A-1 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.1 Main BASEstar Installation BASEstar requires one of these licenses to be registered and loaded on all nodes on which BASEstar will run: Product --------------- [1] BASESTAR [2] BASESTAR-G [3] BASESTAR-RT [4] BASESTAR-RT-G [5] BASESTAR-USER [6] BASESTAR-LTD [7] BASESTAR-RT-LTD [8] BASESTAR-CU [9] BASESTAR-CU-RT * Which of the above licenses will be used? [1]: Product: BASESTAR Producer: DEC Version: Release Date: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES Getting data from $ MCR NCP LIST EXECUTOR ... ... Done. SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID checks passed. The DECnet node ID found for this node is: 2154 (2.106) This node is a member of a multi-node VMScluster. A single-node installation or a multi-node installation can be chosen. For a multi-node installation, the nodes must share a cluster common system disk, and so must all be of the same architecture type (AXP or VAX). * Do you want to install BASEstar on just one node [YES]? NO (NOTE: Answering NO will perform a multi-node install. If only a single note installation is desired, chose the defaut of yes.) A VMScluster installation will be performed. The current node, SRVR4, will be the first node in the installation. Verifying node SRVR4:: information ... A-2 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.1 Main BASEstar Installation You will now be prompted to enter the additional VMScluster nodes on which BASEstar is to be installed. End the list with a carriage return [CR]. (Enter Control-Y to abort the installation, if necessary.) Current node name list is: SRVR4 * Enter node name #2 ([CR] to end list): BST1 Verifying node BST1:: information ... Current node name list is: SRVR4, BST1 * Enter node name #3 ([CR] to end list): [CR] 2 valid node names were entered: SRVR4, BST1 * Is this list correct? yes __________________________________ Processing node 1, SRVR4:: __________________________________ This is a new BASEstar installation. The BASEstar CORE must be installed, but the Data Management subsystems are optional. * Do you want to install BASEstar Data Management [YES]? YES * Do you want to install BASEstar External Data Support [YES]? YES * Do you want to install BASEstar List Services Support [YES]? YES A location must be chosen for the BCC$SPECIFIC directory. By default, BASEstar data and command files are installed in SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC]. This specification may be overridden if desired. * Enter the BASEstar specific directory specification [SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC]]: The directory entered is: SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC] * Is this correct? YES Each BASEstar system must be configured to run either a Global Name Server or a Name Dispatcher. * Do you want this system to be configured as a Global Name Server [YES]? YES You must choose a target size for the following data files. BCC$POINT_FILE ______________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation Initial File Size Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A-3 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.1 Main BASEstar Installation [1] 500 Points 500 Points 840 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Points 1,000 Points 2,223 Disk Blocks [3] 10,000 Points 5,000 Points 10,675 Disk Blocks [4] 30,000 Points 10,000 Points 27,219 Disk Blocks * Enter BCC$POINT_FILE size [1]: 1 BCC$GROUP_FILE ______________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation Initial File Size [1] 500 Groups 500 Groups 819 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Groups 1,000 Groups 2,223 Disk Blocks * Enter BCC$GROUP_FILE size [1]: 1 BCC$LOCAL_NAME_FILE ___________________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation Initial File Size [1] 500 Names 500 Names 342 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Names 1,000 Names 867 Disk Blocks [3] 10,000 Names 5,000 Names 4,023 Disk Blocks [4] 30,000 Names 10,000 Names 10,179 Disk Blocks * Enter BCC$LOCAL_NAME_FILE size [1]: 1 __________________________________ Processing node 2, BST1:: __________________________________ This is a new BASEstar installation. The BASEstar CORE must be installed, but the Data Management subsystems are optional. * Do you want to install BASEstar Data Management [YES]? YES * Do you want to install BASEstar External Data Support [YES]? YES * Do you want to install BASEstar List Services Support [YES]? YES A location must be chosen for the BCC$SPECIFIC directory. By default, BASEstar data and command files are installed in SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC]. This specification may be overridden if desired. * Enter the BASEstar specific directory specification [SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC]]: The directory entered is: SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC] * Is this correct? YES A-4 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.1 Main BASEstar Installation Each BASEstar system must be configured to run either a Global Name Server or a Name Dispatcher. * Do you want this system to be configured as a Global Name Server [YES]? YES You must choose a target size for the following data files. BCC$POINT_FILE ______________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation Initial File Size [1] 500 Points 500 Points 840 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Points 1,000 Points 2,223 Disk Blocks [3] 10,000 Points 5,000 Points 10,675 Disk Blocks [4] 30,000 Points 10,000 Points 27,219 Disk Blocks * Enter BCC$POINT_FILE size [1]: 1 BCC$GROUP_FILE ______________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation Initial File Size [1] 500 Groups 500 Groups 819 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Groups 1,000 Groups 2,223 Disk Blocks * Enter BCC$GROUP_FILE size [1]: 1 BCC$LOCAL_NAME_FILE ___________________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation Initial File Size [1] 500 Names 500 Names 342 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Names 1,000 Names 867 Disk Blocks [3] 10,000 Names 5,000 Names 4,023 Disk Blocks [4] 30,000 Names 10,000 Names 10,179 Disk Blocks * Enter BCC$LOCAL_NAME_FILE size [1]: 1 A location must be chosen for the BCC$COMMON directory. By default, BASEstar executable files are installed in SYS$COMMON:[BCC$COMMON]. This specification may be overridden if desired. * Enter the BASEstar common directory specification [SYS$COMMON:[BCC$COMMON]]: The directory entered is: SYS$COMMON:[BCC$COMMON] * Is this correct? YES Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A-5 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.1 Main BASEstar Installation You must now enter a list of the node names of all BASEstar Global Name Server systems with which the newly-installed BASEstar node (or nodes) will interact. This list is required for both new Global Name Server systems and for new Name Dispatcher systems. For your convenience, the list will start with the list of nodes in this installation that you designated earlier to be configured as Global Name Servers. Current Global Name Server list is: SRVR4, BST1 * Enter a Global Name Server node name, [CR] to end list: [CR] The final list is: SRVR4, BST1 * Is this list correct? YES %BCCVA-I-QUORUMSET, Global Name Server quorum will be set to 2 If the above quorum value is not consistent with other Global Name Server systems in the same BASEstar domain, the value of BCC$QUORUM should be changed after the installation is finished and before BASEstar is started on this node for the first time. You must choose a target size for the Global Name File on the Global Name Server Systems: BCC$GLOBAL_NAME_FILE ____________________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation Initial File Size [1] 500 Names 500 Names 342 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Names 1,000 Names 867 Disk Blocks [3] 10,000 Names 5,000 Names 4,023 Disk Blocks [4] 30,000 Names 10,000 Names 10,179 Disk Blocks * Enter BCC$GLOBAL_NAME_FILE size [1]: 1 __________________________________ The installation procedure has no further questions to ask during the installation process. Until the IVP executes, it can continue without user assistance. A-6 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.1 Main BASEstar Installation IF this is a V3.3 to V3.4 UPGRADE, a data base conversion will execute during the IVP. This conversion requires user input regarding log file locations. The IVP will announce the beginning of the data base conversions, before prompting for logging information. The installation time will vary depending on the number of nodes selected for installation and the type of processor on which the installation is being done. If the data base conversions are required, time will vary depending on the size of your BASEstar Classic object data base. __________________________________ 14:51:02 This installation creates a VMS rights identifier named BCC$USER, which is used to control access to BASEstar. After the installation is finished, the VMS Authorize Utility must be used to grant this identifier to all accounts that will use BASEstar. --------------------------------------------------------------- A R E M I N D E R T O T H E I N S T A L L E R Each VMS user account that will issue BSTAR commands must be granted the BCC$USER rights identifier, as well as having certain Authorized privileges set. >> Remember to grant the BCC$USER identifier to the SYSTEM account >> (and/or any other accounts you will be using to start the BASEstar >> system) and to check the Authorized privileges of those accounts >> BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO START THE BASESTAR SYSTEM. --------------------------------------------------------------- %BCCVA-I-IDENTEXISTS, The BCC$USER identifier already exists Note: The file SYS$SYSTEM:RIGHTSLIST.DAT will be modified to permit access by processes that have been granted the BCC$USER identifier. If RIGHTSLIST.DAT does not reside in SYS$SYSTEM, the logical name RIGHTSLIST will be translated to access the file for modification. 14:51:03 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... 14:51:35 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... No MENU installation requested 14:51:40 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A-7 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.1 Main BASEstar Installation 14:51:43 __________________________________ Installing BASEstar on node SRVR4:: ... __________________________________ %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[BCC$COMMON]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.BCC$SPECIFIC]. 14:51:44 %BCCVA-I-STARTCORE, BASEstar CORE installation beginning on SRVR4:: . This installation places a file named BCC$STARTUP.COM in the directory SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] in each system root on which this installation is being performed. The SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file should be edited to invoke this startup file when the system boots. 14:52:33 BASEstar Data Management installation beginning on SRVR4 %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[BCC$COMMON.DMQ_EXAMPLE]. 14:52:40 BASEstar External Data Support installation beginning on SRVR4 14:52:41 BASEstar List Services Support installation beginning on SRVR4 14:52:41 14:52:43 __________________________________ Installing BASEstar on node BST1:: ... __________________________________ %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS10.BCC$SPECIFIC]. 14:52:44 %BCCVA-I-STARTCORE, BASEstar CORE installation beginning on BST1:: . 14:53:10 BASEstar Data Management installation beginning on BST1 14:53:14 BASEstar External Data Support installation beginning on BST1 A-8 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.1 Main BASEstar Installation 14:53:15 BASEstar List Services Support installation beginning on BST1 14:53:15 %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [SYSTEST.BCC]. 14:53:19 %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Copyright (c) 1996, Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. BASEstar Kernel V3.4 Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) $ DEFINE/NOLOG/PROCESS BCC$SYSDATA SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC] $ DEFINE/NOLOG/PROCESS BCC$SYSTEM VMI$ROOT:[BCC$COMMON] $ set noverify 3.4 conversions checked/done... %BCCIVP-I-CORESTART, CORE verification starting on node SRVR4. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE data files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE command files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE executable files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE support files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE system files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE installed image check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE parameter check passed. %BCCIVP-I-DMGTSTART, DMGT verification starting on node SRVR4. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, DMGT file check passed. %BCCIVP-I-EXTMAPSTART, External Data Server verification starting on node SRVR4. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, External Data Server file check passed. $ DEFINE/NOLOG/PROCESS BCC$SYSDATA SYS$SPECIFIC:[BCC$SPECIFIC] $ DEFINE/NOLOG/PROCESS BCC$SYSTEM VMI$ROOT:[BCC$COMMON] $ set noverify 3.4 conversions checked/done... %BCCIVP-I-CORESTART, CORE verification starting on node BST1. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE data files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE command files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE executable files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE support files check passed. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE parameter check passed. %BCCIVP-I-DMGTSTART, DMGT verification starting on node BST1. Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A-9 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.1 Main BASEstar Installation %BCCIVP-I-PASS, DMGT file check passed. %BCCIVP-I-EXTMAPSTART, External Data Server verification starting on node BST1. %BCCIVP-I-PASS, External Data Server file check passed. BASEstar V3.4 IVP completed successfully. Installation of BCCVA V3.4 completed at 14:54 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]BCCVA034.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:54 A.2 Device Connection Management installation This section contains a sample BASEstar device connection management installation. SRVR4 >@sys$update:vmsinstal dcmva034 SYS$SYSDEVICE:[KIT] OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V6.2 It is 02-JUN-1996 at 01:58. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: DCMVA V3.4 Beginning installation of DCMVA V3.4 at 01:59 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... BASEstar Device Connect Management (DCM) V3.4 AXP Installation Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BASEstar is installed on this system. The file SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]BCC$SHR.EXE was found. Its image file identification is: BCC 3.4 This node is a member of a multi-node VMScluster. A single-node installation or a multi-node installation can be chosen. A-10 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.2 Device Connection Management installation For a multi-node installation, you will be prompted to enter the node names to be processed. The nodes must share a cluster-common system disk. Also, the current node (the node presently executing VMSINSTAL) will automatically be the first node processed. * Do you want to install DCM on just this node [YES]? YES --------------------------------------------- A single-node installation will be performed. --------------------------------------------- Checking node SRVR4:: ... BASEstar is installed on this node. The file SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP]BCC$STARTUP.COM was found. The node passed all checks. __________________________________ Processing node SRVR4:: __________________________________ You must choose a initial size for the PHYSICAL POINT data file: ILAN$PHYPOINT_FILE ___________________ Initial Allocation Extend Allocation File Size [1] 500 Phypoints 500 Phypoints 1,251 Disk Blocks [2] 2,000 Phypoints 1,000 Phypoints 3,333 Disk Blocks [3] 10,000 Phypoints 5,000 Phypoints 15,744 Disk Blocks [4] 20,000 Phypoints 10,000 Phypoints 32,604 Disk Blocks * Enter ILAN$PHYPOINT_FILE size [1]: __________________________________ * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES Post-installation messages for the installer appear next. Press [Return] to continue: Post-installation messages for the installer ---------------------------------------------------------- Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A-11 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.2 Device Connection Management installation ILAN$STARTUP.COM, a startup command procedure, is used to set up the environment for Device Connect Management. During the installation, this file will be placed in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] directory of the nodes on which this installation is being performed. If this is a first-time DCM installation on a this system, the system startup command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM or SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM (for VAX VMS versions prior to V6.0) needs to be manually edited (after this installation has successfully finished). Locate the line $ @ SYS$STARTUP:BCC$STARTUP.COM and add this new line immediately after the BCC$STARTUP line: $ @ SYS$STARTUP:ILAN$STARTUP.COM ---------------------------------------------------------- The installation procedure has no further questions to ask and can continue from this point without user assistance. The time needed to finish the installation will vary depending on the number of nodes selected for installation and the type of processors and disks involved. ---------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________ Installing DCM on node SRVR4:: ... __________________________________ 02:01:23 Creating DCM data files for this node ... Providing images to BCC$SYSTEM ... Providing DCM example PL/I programs to sub-directory of BCC$SYSTEM ... Providing RS232 DAS source files to sub-directory of BCC$SYSTEM ... Providing Network DAS NCT source files to sub-directory of BCC$SYSTEM ... ... Done. A-12 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.2 Device Connection Management installation 02:01:34 Checking the BASEstar Parameter file for "ILAN$*" (DCM) parameters ... ... Done. 02:01:44 %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... IVP phase beginning on node SRVR4 ... $ @SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP]ILAN$STARTUP.COM $ @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]ILAN$IVP.COM Copyright (c) 1996, Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BASEstar DCM V3.4 Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) starting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking logical name BCC$SYSDATA ... Checking logical name BCC$SYSTEM ... Checking ILAN files ... Checking files in SYS$COMMON:[BCC$COMMON.DCM_EXAMPLE] ... Checking files in SYS$COMMON:[BCC$COMMON.NCT_EXAMPLE] ... Checking files in SYS$COMMON:[BCC$COMMON.RS232_EXAMPLE] ... %ILAN$IVP-I-PASS, File check passed. Checking ILAN installed images ... %ILAN$IVP-I-PASS, Installed image check passed. Checking "ILAN$*" BASEstar parameters ... %ILAN$IVP-I-PASS, Parameter check passed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BASEstar DCM V3.4 IVP completed successfully. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation of DCMVA V3.4 completed at 02:02 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]DCMVA034.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 02:02 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A-13 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.3 Utilities Installation A.3 Utilities Installation This section contains a sample BASEstar utility installation. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: BCCVVUTL034 The following products will be processed: BCCVVUTL V3.4 Beginning installation of BCCVVUTL V3.4 at 23:47 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Installing BASEstar CORE Utilities Kit * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? YES * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES Enter the option to perform. Type 99 to end selections: [1] Install All Options [2] BASEstar Text Services [3] BCC$BASEGEN.COM Utility [4] Monitor Port Utility [5] Monitor BASEstar Utility [6] BASEstar LSE Environment File (VAX Only) [7] Value Notification Utility [8] Resolve VMS Ident Version Mismatches * Enter Selection: : 1 BASEstar Text Services have been installed. The BASEGEN Utility has been installed. The Monitor Port Utility has been installed. Monitor BASEstar utility installed. The logical name BCC$MONITOR_DATA has been defined. A-14 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.3 Utilities Installation Add the following line to the BASEstar startup procedure SYS$STARTUP:BCC$STARTUP.COM to define this logical name during system startup: $ DEFINE/NOLOG/SYSTEM BCC$MONITOR_DATA BCC$SYSDATA:BCC$MON_BSTAR_APP.DAT Installing the Value Notification Utility Installing the BASEstar LSE Environment File A development license is required to be registered and loaded for all nodes on which the Value Notification or BASEstar LSE Environment File will run: Product --------------- [1] BASESTAR [2] BASESTAR-LTD [3] BASESTAR-USER [4] BASESTAR-G [5] BASESTAR-CU * Which of the above licenses will be used? [1]: Product: BASESTAR Producer: DEC Version: Release Date: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y The Value Notification Utility has been installed. The LSE Environment File has been installed. Resolving VMS ident version mismatches No ident version mismatch detected %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Copyright (c) 1996, Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. BASEstar Utility V3.4 Installation Verification Procedure %BCCUTL-I-PASS, Utility file check passed BASEstar Utility V3.4 IVP completed successfully Installation of BCCVVUTL V3.4 completed at 23:50 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A-15 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.4 CIMfast Installation A.4 CIMfast Installation This section contains a sample BASEstar CIMfast Application Enabler with SQL support option installation. NEP2UN> @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: _FTA124: SQLSRV$SERVER * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: DISK1:[CIMFAST.V22.KIT} Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: bcfaxp022 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: BCFAXP V2.2 Beginning installation of BCFAXP 2.2 at 16:29 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. BASEstar CIMfast for OpenVMS installation procedure. Copyright (c) 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Enter ? at any time for help. Please select one of the following options: 1) Install CIMfast support for BASEstar Classic 2) Install CIMfast support for BASEstar Open 3) Abort the Installation * Which BASEstar support do you want to install [1]: * In what directory do you wish to install CIMfast [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF]]: * Do You want to install CIMfast DCM support [YES]? In order to install CIMfast SQL support for RDB, a minimum of RDB V6.0 must be installed on your system. If you answer YES RDB installation, this version check will be done. A-16 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.4 CIMfast Installation * Do You want to install CIMfast SQL Support for DEC RDB [YES]? * Do You want to install CIMfast DMQ support [YES]? * Do you want to install LSE support [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? All questions regarding the installation of CIMfast have been asked. Depending upon system load and configuration the installation will take between 5 and 15 minutes. This installation provides a system startup file SYS$STARTUP:BCF$STARTUP.COM. You must edit your system startup procedure(s) to invoke this file on each node where CIMfast will be run. The CIMfast per-user setup command procedure is in BCF$HOME:BCF$SETUP.COM. It should be executed at login time by each CIMfast user, by including a line such as the following in each user's LOGIN.COM procedure: $ @BCF$HOME:BCF$SETUP Alternatively, the above line may added to the system-wide login command procedure (usually SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM). Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A-17 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.4 CIMfast Installation %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.EXE]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.LIB]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.BCF]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.BCC]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.DCM]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.DMQ]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.RDB]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.POINTS]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.CBCF_POINTS]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.CALLABLE_BCF]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.EXPRESSIONS]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.MACROS]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.MESSAGING]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.CBCF_MESSAGING]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.BCC_COURSE_LAB3]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.SQL]. SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.LSE]. If this product is being installed in a OpenVMS cluster, several actions must be taken to enable other nodes in the cluster to be able to use this product. These actions include: 1) Define CIMfast related logical names 2) Update DCL tables 3) Load a valid license This can be done with the following commands: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER SYSMAN> DO @SYS$STARTUP:BCF$STARTUP.COM SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE SYSMAN> DO LICENSE LOAD BASESTAR ! or any valid license SYSMAN> EXIT %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Welcome to CIMfast V2.2 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved Preprocessing CEL file... Loading CEL file... A-18 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.4 CIMfast Installation ***Total lines in input file was 10*** ***Total number of EVENTS was 1*** ***Total number of ACTIONS was 3*** ***Total number of CONDITION EVENTS was 0*** ***Total number of CONDITION ACTIONS was 0*** Start time was: Tue Aug 20 16:35:23 1996 End time was : Tue Aug 20 16:35:23 1996 Press return to begin execution: **** BASEstar CIMfast IVP successfully executed **** Beginning CIMfast SQL Support IVP --------------------------------- BASEstar 3.4 for VMS Copyright (c) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. %BCC-S-OBJCRE, DOG created. Database name (RETURN to use default access): work1:[rdb]time_db Welcome to CIMfast V2.2 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved Preprocessing CEL file... Loading CEL file... . . ***Total lines in input file was 362*** ***Total number of EVENTS was 3*** ***Total number of ACTIONS was 65*** ***Total number of CONDITION EVENTS was 11*** ***Total number of CONDITION ACTIONS was 22*** Start time was: Tue Aug 20 17:01:06 1996 End time was : Tue Aug 20 17:01:08 1996 Press return to begin execution: Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A-19 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems A.4 CIMfast Installation connecting... creating table dogs... inserting rows... . . . (Messages from IVP to test CIMfast and SQL option will print out here.) . . . CIMfast SQL Support IVP has succeeded. Installation of BCFAXP 2.2 completed at 17:01 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]BCFAXP022.VMI_DATA Enter the prducts to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 17:01 NEP2UN > logout SYSTEM logged out at 20-AUG-1996 17:01:47.33 A-20 Sample BASEstar Classic Installations for OpenVMS Systems B _________________________________________________________________ Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems This appendix contains sample upgrade examples. The following types of upgrades will be, o BASEstar Classic Upgrade from Version 3.3 to 3.4, with database conversions. o BASEstar CIMfast Upgrade with SQL Support option. B.1 Main Upgrade Installation $ @sys$update:vmsinstal BCCVV034 SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VAX_KIT] VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure 6.2 It is 27-MAY-1996 at 20:37. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES The following products will be processed: BCCVV V3.4 Beginning installation of BCCVV V3.4 at 20:38 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I- RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. BASEstar Kernel V3.4 VAX Installation Procedure ----------------------------------------------- BASEstar requires one of these licenses to be registered and loaded on all nodes on which BASEstar will run: Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B-1 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation Product --------------- [1] BASESTAR [2] BASESTAR-G [3] BASESTAR-RT [4] BASESTAR-RT-G [5] BASESTAR-USER [6] BASESTAR-LTD [7] BASESTAR-RT-LTD [8] BASESTAR-CU [9] BASESTAR-CU-RT * Which of the above licenses will be used? [1]: 1 Product: BASESTAR Producer: DEC Version: Release Date: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES Getting data from $ MCR NCP LIST EXECUTOR ... ... Done. SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID checks passed. The DECnet node ID found for this node is: 36074 (35.234) This node is a member of a multi-node VMScluster. A single-node installation or a multi-node installation can be chosen. For a multi- node installation, the nodes must share a cluster common system disk, and so must all be of the same architecture type (AXP or VAX). * Do you want to install BASEstar on just one node [YES]? YES A single-node installation will be performed. BASEstar is already installed on this system. The file SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]BCC$SHR.EXE was found. Its image file identification is: BCC V3.3-001 B-2 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation This BASEstar Classic System is being upgraded from V3.3 to V3.4. This upgrade will convert the object data bases on each system upgraded, which requires that the data global sections be deleted. This will cause all BASEstar logical data points to be set to their initial value on the first startup after this installation, including points that are set PERSISTANT. For more information on the data base conversions, please read the BASEstar Classic V3.4 release notes before upgrading. * Do you wish to continue this installation [YES]? YES __________________________________ Processing node REPROD:: __________________________________ BASEstar is already installed on this node. The file SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP]BCC$STARTUP.COM was found. %BCCVV-I-COREUPGRADE, BASEstar CORE will be upgraded. %BCCVV-I- DMGTUPGRADE, BASEstar Data Management will be upgraded. %BCCVV-I- DMGTUPDATE, BASEstar External Data Support will be updated. %BCCVV-I- DMGTUPDATE, BASEstar List Services Support will be updated. %BCCVV-I- MENUUPGRADE, BASEstar Menu System will be upgraded. __________________________________ * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES The installation procedure has no further questions to ask during the installation process. Until the IVP executes, it can continue without user assistance. IF this is a V3.3 to V3.4 UPGRADE, a data base conversion will execute during the IVP. This conversion requires user input regarding log file locations. The IVP will announce the beginning of the data base conversions, before prompting for logging information. The installation time will vary depending on the number of nodes selected for installation and the type of processor on which the installation is being done. If the data base conversions are required, time will vary depending on the size of your BASEstar Classic object data base. Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B-3 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation Press [Return] to continue the installation process: [CR] __________________________________ 20:42:29 This installation creates a VMS rights identifier named BCC$USER, which is used to control access to BASEstar. After the installation is finished, the VMS Authorize Utility must be used to grant this identifier to all accounts that will use BASEstar. ------------------------------------------------------- -------- A R E M I N D E R T O T H E I N S T A L L E R Each VMS user account that will issue BSTAR commands must be granted the BCC$USER rights identifier, as well as having certain Authorized privileges set. >> Remember to grant the BCC$USER identifier to the SYSTEM account >> (and/or any other accounts you will be using to start the BASEstar >> system) and to check the Authorized privileges of those accounts >> BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO START THE BASESTAR SYSTEM. ------------------------------------------------------- -------- %BCCVV-I- IDENTEXISTS, The BCC$USER identifier already exists Note: The file SYS$SYSTEM:RIGHTSLIST.DAT will be modified to permit access by processes that have been granted the BCC$USER identifier. If RIGHTSLIST.DAT does not reside in SYS$SYSTEM, the logical name RIGHTSLIST will be translated to access the file for modification. 20:42:37 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... 20:44:00 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... 20:44:14 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... 20:44:37 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... B-4 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation 20:44:45 __________________________________ Installing BASEstar on node REPROD:: ... __________________________________ 20:44:58 %BCCVV-I- STARTCORE, BASEstar CORE update beginning on REPROD:: . %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment: Individual nodes: REPROD Username SYSTEM will be used on nonlocal nodes %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node REPROD This installation places a file named BCC$STARTUP.COM in the directory SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] in each system root on which this installation is being performed. The SYSTARTUP_ V5.COM file should be edited to invoke this startup file when the system boots. 20:48:52 BASEstar Data Management installation beginning on REPROD %VMSINSTAL-I- SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory REPROD$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][BCC$COMMON.DMQ_EXAMPLE]. %CREATE-I- EXISTS, REPROD$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][BCC$COMMON.DMQ_EXAMPLE] already exists 20:49:23 BASEstar External Data Support installation beginning on REPROD 20:49:31 BASEstar List Services Support installation beginning on REPROD 20:49:38 %BCCVV-I- STARTMENU, BASEstar Menu System update beginning on REPROD. 20:50:24 %VMSINSTAL-I- SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [SYSTEST.BCC]. 20:51:36 %VMSINSTAL-I- MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Copyright (c) 1996, Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B-5 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation BASEstar Kernel V3.4 Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) $ DEFINE/NOLOG/PROCESS BCC$SYSDATA REPROD$DUA0:[SYS0.BCC$SPECIFIC] $ DEFINE/NOLOG/PROCESS BCC$SYSTEM REPROD$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][BCC$COMMON] $ set noverify Beginning BASEstar Classic V3.4 Data Base Conversions. The BASEstar Classic V3.4 Data Base Conversions can be logged This would provide files with object definitions of the V3.3 environment being converted. If requested, these files can be VERY large, and so their location should be a scratch disk, that is NOT the BCC$SYSDATA disk. This way, the conversions can complete, even if the log files use up the entire disk. Do you wish to have object log files created? [Y/N]: Y Enter disk:[directory] location for log files: DISK$SCRATCH:[BCC_ UPGRADE] The location entered for the .LOG files does not exist... Do you wish to have object log files created? [Y/N]: Y Enter disk:[directory] location for log files: DISK$SCRATCH:[BCC_ UPGRADE] BASEstar / DCM V3.4 Data Base Conversion Utility Copyright (c) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation The log files will be BCC$LOGDATA:DB_object_type.LOG BCC$LOGDATA currently translates to: "BCC$LOGDATA" [user] = "DISK$SCRATCH:[BCC_ UPGRADE]" (LNM$PROCESS_TABLE) SAVING Device File BEGIN processing Device File convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:device_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_ilan$device_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ device_file.dat Converting the DEVICE Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:ilan$device_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_device_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:ilan$device_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_device_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_device_file.dat;* FINISHED processing Device File B-6 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation SAVING Phypoint File BEGIN processing Phypoint File convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:phypoint_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_ilan$phypoint_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ phypoint_file.dat Converting the PHYPOINT Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:ilan$phypoint_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_phypoint_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:ilan$phypoint_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_phypoint_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_phypoint_file.dat;* FINISHED processing Phypoint File SAVING Pollset File convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:polling_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_ilan$polling_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ polling_file.dat Converting the Pollset Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:ilan$polling_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_polling_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:ilan$polling_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_polling_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_polling_file.dat;* FINISHED processing POLLSET File SAVING PATH/TYPE CONFIG File Converting the Path/Type Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:config_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_ilan$config_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ config_file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:ilan$config_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_config_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:ilan$config_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_config_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_config_file.dat;* FINISHED processing PATH/TYPE CONFIG File SAVING Point File Converting the POINT Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:point_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$point_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_point_ file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$point_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_point_ Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B-7 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$point_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_point_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_point_file.dat;* FINISHED processing Point File SAVING Structure File Converting the STRUCTURE Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:structure_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$structure_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ structure_file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$structure_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_structure_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$structure_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_structure_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_structure_file.dat;* FINISHED processing Structure File SAVING FIELD File Converting the FIELD Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:field_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$field_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_field_ file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$field_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_field_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$field_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_field_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_field_file.dat;* FINISHED processing Field File SAVING Element File Converting the ELEMENT Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:element_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$element_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ element_file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$element_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_element_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$element_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_element_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_element_file.dat;* FINISHED processing Element File SAVING EXTMAP File Converting the EXTMAP Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:extmap_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$extmap_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ B-8 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation extmap_file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$extmap_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_extmap_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$extmap_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_extmap_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_extmap_file.dat;* FINISHED processing Extmap File SAVING Local Name File Converting the LOCAL NAME Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:lname_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$local_name_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ local_name_file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$local_name_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_local_name_file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$local_name_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_local_name_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_local_name_file.dat;* FINISHED processing Local Name File SAVING Global Name File Converting the GLOBAL NAME Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:gname_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$global_name_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ global_name_file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$global_name_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_global_name_file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$global_name_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_global_name_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_global_name_file.dat;* FINISHED processing global Name File SAVING MEMBER File Converting the MEMBER Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:member_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$member_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ member_file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$member_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_member_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$member_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_member_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_member_file.dat;* FINISHED processing MEMBER File Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B-9 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation SAVING RELATION File Converting the RELATION Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:relation_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$relation_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ relation_file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$relation_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_relation_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$relation_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_relation_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_relation_file.dat;* FINISHED processing RELATION File SAVING ITEM File Converting the ITEM Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:item_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$item_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_item_ file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$item_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_item_file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$item_ file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_item_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_item_file.dat;* FINISHED processing ITEM File SAVING NODE File Converting the NODE Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:node_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$node_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_node_ file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$node_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_node_file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$node_ file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_node_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_node_file.dat;* FINISHED processing NODE File SAVING GROUP File Converting the GROUP Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:group_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$group_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_group_ file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$group_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_group_ B-10 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$group_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_group_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_group_file.dat;* FINISHED processing group File SAVING SERVERPORT File Converting the SERVERPORT Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:server_port_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$server_port_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ server_port_file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$server_port_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_server_port_file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$server_port_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_server_port_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_server_port_file.dat;* FINISHED processing SERVERPORT File SAVING SESSION File Converting the SESSION Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:session_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$session_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ session_file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$session_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_session_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$session_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_session_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_session_file.dat;* FINISHED processing SESSION File SAVING USER File Converting the USER Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:user_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$user_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_user_ file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$user_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_user_file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$user_ file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_user_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_user_file.dat;* FINISHED processing USER File SAVING PARAMETER File Converting the PARAMETER Data Base... convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:parameter_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:save_bcc$parameter_file.dat bcc$sysdata:seq_ Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B-11 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation parameter_file.dat convert/fdl=bcc$fdldata:bcc$parameter_file.fdl bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_parameter_ file.dat bcc$sysdata:bcc$parameter_file.dat delete: delete bcc$sysdata:seq_parameter_file.dat;*, bcc$sysdata:seq_aligned_parameter_file.dat;* FINISHED processing parameter File Data Base Conversion Complete... BASEstar V3.4 Data Base Conversions done... 3.4 conversions checked/done... :BCCIVP-I- CORESTART, CORE verification starting on node REPROD. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE data files check passed. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE command files check passed. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE executable files check passed. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE support files check passed. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE system files check passed. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE installed image check passed. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, CORE parameter check passed. :BCCIVP-I- DMGTSTART, DMGT verification starting on node REPROD. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, DMGT file check passed. :BCCIVP-I-EXTMAPSTART, External Data Server verification starting on node REPROD. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, External Data Server file check passed. :BCCIVP-I- MENUSTART, MENU verification starting on node REPROD. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, Menu System file check passed. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, Menu System command check passed. :BCCIVP-I-PASS, Menu System menu check passed. BASEstar V3.4 IVP completed successfully. Installation of BCCVV V3.4 completed at 23:47 ________________________ Note ________________________ NOTE: If DCM "Device Connect Management software" is installed on this system, it should be upgraded at B-12 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Main Upgrade Installation this time. See example in appendix "A" on installing DCM. ______________________________________________________ B.2 CIMfast Upgrade This section contains a sample CIMfast with SQL Support upgrade. IVAX20::> def sql$database WORK1:[SQL.DB]TEST_DB %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of SQL$DATABASE has been superseded IVAX20::> @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: SYSTEM * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: bcf:[kit_target] Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: bcfvax022 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: BCFVAX V2.2 Beginning installation of BCFVAX V2.2 at 15:44 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. BASEstar CIMfast for OpenVMS installation procedure. Copyright (c) 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Enter ? at any time for help. * In what directory do you wish to install CIMfast [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF]: * Do You want to install CIMfast DCM support [YES]? In order to install CIMfast SQL support for RDB, a minimum of RDB V6.0 must be installed on your system. If you answer YES RDB installation, this version check will be done. Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B-13 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.2 CIMfast Upgrade * Do You want to install CIMfast SQL Support for DEC RDB [YES]? %BCFVAX-W-INSTALLED, CIMfast SQL support for Oracle is already installed. In order to install CIMfast SQL support for DEC RDB the SQL support for Oracle must be removed. To remove CIMfast SQL support for Oracle respond "yes" to the following question; otherwise the SQL support for DEC RDB will not be installed. * Do you want to remove CIMfast SQL support for Oracle [YES]? * Do You want to install CIMfast DMQ support [YES]? * Do you want to install LSE support [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? All questions regarding the installation of CIMfast have been asked. Depending upon system load and configuration the installation will take between 5 and 15 minutes. This installation provides a system startup file SYS$STARTUP:BCF$STARTUP.COM. You must edit your system startup procedure(s) to invoke this file on each node where CIMfast will be run. The CIMfast per-user setup command procedure is in BCF$HOME:BCF$SETUP.COM. It should be executed at login time by each CIMfast user, by including a line such as the following in each user's LOGIN.COM procedure: $ @BCF$HOME:BCF$SETUP Alternatively, the above line may added to the system-wide login command procedure (usually SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM). B-14 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.2 CIMfast Upgrade %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.EXE] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.LIB] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.BCF] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.BCC] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.DCM] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.DMQ] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.BLD.RDB] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.POINTS] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.CBCF_POINTS] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.CALLABLE_BCF] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.EXPRESSIONS] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.MACROS] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.MESSAGING] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.CBCF_MESSAGING] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.BCC_COURSE_LAB3] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.DEMO.SQL] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BCF.LSE] already exists If this product is being installed in a OpenVMS cluster, several actions must be taken to enable other nodes in the cluster to be able to use this product. These actions include: 1) Define CIMfast related logical names 2) Update DCL tables 3) Load a valid license This can be done with the following commands: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER SYSMAN> DO @SYS$STARTUP:BCF$STARTUP.COM SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE SYSMAN> DO LICENSE LOAD BASESTAR ! or any valid license SYSMAN> EXIT %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Welcome to CIMfast V2.2 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved Preprocessing CEL file... Loading CEL file... Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B-15 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.2 CIMfast Upgrade ***Total lines in input file was 10*** ***Total number of EVENTS was 1*** ***Total number of ACTIONS was 3*** ***Total number of CONDITION EVENTS was 0*** ***Total number of CONDITION ACTIONS was 0*** Start time was: Fri Aug 16 09:12:55 1996 End time was : Fri Aug 16 09:12:58 1996 Press return to begin execution: **** BASEstar CIMfast IVP successfully executed **** Beginning CIMfast SQL Support IVP --------------------------------- BASEstar V3.4 for VMS Copyright (c) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. %BCC-S-OBJCRE, DOG created. Database name (RETURN to use default access): Welcome to CIMfast V2.2 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved Preprocessing CEL file... Loading CEL file... . . ***Total lines in input file was 362*** ***Total number of EVENTS was 3*** ***Total number of ACTIONS was 65*** ***Total number of CONDITION EVENTS was 11*** ***Total number of CONDITION ACTIONS was 22*** Start time was: Fri Aug 16 09:30:35 1996 End time was : Fri Aug 16 09:30:46 1996 Press return to begin execution: connecting... creating table dogs... inserting rows... . . . B-16 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B.2 CIMfast Upgrade (CIMfast IVP for SQL support will now display a series of messages and will report successful completion.) . . . CIMfast SQL Support IVP has succeeded. Installation of BCFVAX V2.2 completed at 09:31 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 09:36 Sample BASEstar Classic Installation Upgrade for OpenVMS Systems B-17 C _________________________________________________________________ Files Created During Installation This appendix lists BASEstar files created during the installation of the BASEstar software including its device connection management, and utility software. Note that the directory locations in which the files are placed reflect the default placement of files by each installation procedure. C.1 Files Created by BASEstar Installation Procedure Table C-1 lists the files created during the BASEstar main installation. These files are present only when BASEstar data management, menu interface, and external data support software are installed. Do not delete any of these files. Table_C-1_BASEstar_Main_Installation_Files_______________________ Directory________________Module______File_Name___________________ BCC$SYSDATA: Core BCC$BCC_MSG.DAT BCC$GLOBAL_NAME_FILE.DAT BCC$GROUP_FILE.DAT BCC$HISTORY_FILE.DAT BCC$ITEM_FILE.DAT BCC$LOCAL_NAME_FILE.DAT BCC$MEMBER_FILE.DAT BCC$MSG_SECTION.DAT (Run time) BCC$NAME_SECTION.DAT (Run time) (continued on next page) Files Created During Installation C-1 Files Created During Installation C.1 Files Created by BASEstar Installation Procedure Table_C-1_(Cont.)_BASEstar_Main_Installation_Files_______________ Directory________________Module______File_Name___________________ BCC$NODE_FILE.DAT BCC$PARAMETER_FILE.DAT BCC$RPC_STORE_FILE.DAT BCC$SERVER_PORT_FILE.DAT BCC$SESSION_FILE.DAT BCC$SYSTEM_STARTUP.COM BCC$USER_FILE.DAT SITE_STARTUP.TEMPLATE Data BCC$DMGT_DATA_SECTION.DAT (Run time) Management BCC$DMGT_EXTDAT_SECTION.DAT (Run time) BCC$DMGT_MSG.DAT BCC$DMGT_SECTION.DAT (Run time) BCC$ELEMENT_FILE.DAT BCC$EXTMAP_FILE.DAT BCC$FIELD_FILE.DAT BCC$POINT_FILE.DAT BCC$RELATION_FILE.DAT BCC$STRUCTURE_FILE.DAT Menu BCC$MENU_FILE.DAT BCC$SYSTEM: Core BCC$CLI.EXE BCC$DISPATCHER.EXE BCC$GBLSERVER.EXE BCC$LOGGER.EXE BCC$MONITOR.EXE (continued on next page) C-2 Files Created During Installation Files Created During Installation C.1 Files Created by BASEstar Installation Procedure Table_C-1_(Cont.)_BASEstar_Main_Installation_Files_______________ Directory________________Module______File_Name___________________ BCC$RPCR.EXE BCC$SERVER.EXE Data BCC$DMGTSUP.EXE Management BCC$EVALUATOR.EXE BCC$EXTDATSRV.EXE BCC$LS_SERVER.EXE Menu BCC$CFG_COLORS.EXE BCC$CFG_EXTERNAL_MAP.EXE BCC$CFG_KEYS.EXE BCC$CFG_POINT.EXE BCC$CFG_STRUCTURE.EXE BCC$CFG_USER.EXE BCC$SHOW_EXTERNAL_MAP.EXE BCC$SHOW_POINT.EXE BCC$SHOW_STRUCTURE.EXE BCC$SHOW_SYSTEM.EXE BCC$SHOW_USER.EXE BCC$UI.EXE BCC$SYSTEM:[.DMQ_ Data CANCELNOTIF.C EXAMPLE] Management CANCELNOTIF.COM DATAPROC.C DATAPROC.COM PUTVALUE.C PUTVALUE.COM (continued on next page) Files Created During Installation C-3 Files Created During Installation C.1 Files Created by BASEstar Installation Procedure Table_C-1_(Cont.)_BASEstar_Main_Installation_Files_______________ Directory________________Module______File_Name___________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] Core BCC$CLI_HELP.HLB BCC031.RELEASE_NOTES Menu BCC$USER_HELP.HLB SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] Core BCC$$SHR.EXE BCC$SHR.EXE BCCDEFS.BAS BCCDEFS.FOR BCCDEFS.H BCCDEFS.MAR BCCDEFS.PAS BCCDEFS.PLI BCCDEFS.R32 BCCDEFS_UPCASE.H BCC_.ADA SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG] Core BCC$MSG.EXE BCC$MSG.MSG SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST] Core BCC$IVP.COM SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUPCore________BCC$STARTUP.COM_____________ C-4 Files Created During Installation Files Created During Installation Created by BASEstar Device Connection Management Installation Procedure C.2 Files Created by BASEstar Device Connection Management Installation Procedure Table C-2 lists the files created during the device connection management installation. Device connection management requires that these files always be present on your system. Table C-2 BASEstar Device Connection Management Installation __________Files__________________________________________________ Directory________________Module______File_Name___________________ BCC$SYSDATA: DCM_NET_CONFIG.TEMPLATE ILAN$CONFIG_FILE.DAT ILAN$DEVICE_FILE.DAT ILAN$PHYPOINT_FILE.DAT ILAN$POLLING_FILE.DAT ILAN$SPT_SECTION.DAT (Run time) ILAN$SYSTEM_STARTUP.COM ILAN$_SECTION.DAT (Run time) DCM_DECDEVICE_ CONFIG.TEMPLATE DCM_RS232_CONFIG.TEMPLATE BCC$SYSTEM: DEC_DEV_SIM.EXE ILAN$DEVSRV.EXE ILAN$CLI.EXE ILAN$SPT_PARAM.COM DCM Menu ILAN$CFG_DEVICE.EXE ILAN$CFG_PHYPOINT.EXE ILAN$CFG_POLLSET.EXE ILAN$DELETE.EXE ILAN$DEV_CONTROL.EXE (continued on next page) Files Created During Installation C-5 Files Created During Installation C.2 Files Created by BASEstar Device Connection Management Installation Procedure Table C-2 (Cont.) BASEstar Device Connection Management __________________Installation_Files_____________________________ Directory________________Module______File_Name___________________ ILAN$DEV_DIRECTORY.EXE ILAN$DEV_READ_DATA.EXE ILAN$DEV_READ_IPOINT.EXE ILAN$DEV_STATUS.EXE ILAN$DEV_WRITE_DATA.EXE ILAN$DEV_WRITE_IPOINT.EXE ILAN$DOWNLOAD_FILE.EXE ILAN$SHOW_CONNECT.EXE ILAN$SHOW_DEVICE.EXE ILAN$SHOW_PHYPOINT.EXE ILAN$SHOW_POLLSET.EXE ILAN$UPLOAD_FILE.EXE BCC$SYSTEM:[.DCM_ ILAN_READ_EXAMPLE.PLI EXAMPLE] ILAN_WRITE_EXAMPLE.PLI BCC$SYSTEM:[.NCT_ (Network DAS example files) EXAMPLE] BCC$SYSTEM:[.RS232_ (RS-232 DAS example files) EXAMPLE] SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] ILAN$DEVICE_SPECIFIC.HLB ILAN$HELP.HLB SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] BCC$DCM_EAI.EXE BCC$DCM_EUI.EXE (continued on next page) C-6 Files Created During Installation Files Created During Installation Created by BASEstar Device Connection Management Installation Procedure Table C-2 (Cont.) BASEstar Device Connection Management __________________Installation_Files_____________________________ Directory________________Module______File_Name___________________ ILAN$CLI_SHR.EXE ILAN$SERVER_SHR.EXE ILAN$SHR.EXE ILANDEFS.ADA ILANDEFS.BAS ILANDEFS.FOR ILANDEFS.H ILANDEFS.MAR ILANDEFS.PAS ILANDEFS.PLI ILANDEFS.R32 ILANDEFS_UPCASE.H ILANSUPPORT.ADA ILANSUPPORT.BAS ILANSUPPORT.FOR ILANSUPPORT.H ILANSUPPORT.MAR ILANSUPPORT.PAS ILANSUPPORT.PLI ILANSUPPORT.R32 ILANSUPPORT_UPCASE.H ILAN_DEC.EXE ILAN_DN.EXE ILAN_MIRROR.EXE ILAN_NET.EXE ILAN_NULL.EXE ILAN_RS232.EXE ILAN_TCP.EXE (continued on next page) Files Created During Installation C-7 Files Created During Installation C.2 Files Created by BASEstar Device Connection Management Installation Procedure Table C-2 (Cont.) BASEstar Device Connection Management __________________Installation_Files_____________________________ Directory________________Module______File_Name___________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG] ILAN$MSG.EXE ILAN$MSG.MSG SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST] ILAN$IVP.COM SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP]___________ILAN$STARTUP.COM____________ C.3 Files Created by BASEstar Utility Installation Procedure Table C-3 lists the files created during the utilities' software installation. Only the utilities selected during the execution of the installation procedure will be installed on the system. Table_C-3_BASEstar_Utility_Installation_Files____________________ Utiltiy_______________Directory___File_Name______________________ BASEstar Text BCC$SYSTEM: BCC$GET_TEXT_FILE.EXE Services BCC$PUT_TEXT_FILE.EXE BASEGEN Utility BCC$SYSTEM: BCC$BASEGEN.COM Monitor Port Utility BCC$SYSTEM: BCC$MONITOR_PORT.EXE SYS$HELP BCC$MONITOR_PORT.HLB Monitor BASEstar BCC$SYSDATA:BCC$MON_BSTAR_APP.DAT Utility BCC$SYSTEM: BCC$MONITOR_BASESTAR.EXE (continued on next page) C-8 Files Created During Installation Files Created During Installation C.3 Files Created by BASEstar Utility Installation Procedure Table_C-3_(Cont.)_BASEstar_Utility_Installation_Files____________ Utiltiy_______________Directory___File_Name______________________ SYS$HELP: BCC$MONITOR_BASESTAR.HLB Value Notification BCC$SYSTEM: BCC$NOTIFY.EXE Utility LSE_Environment_______SYS$LIBRARY:BASESTAR.ENV___________________ Files Created During Installation C-9 Files Created During Installation C.4 Files Created by CIMfast Installation Procedure C.4 Files Created by CIMfast Installation Procedure Table C-4 lists the files created during the CIMfast installation. Do not delete any of these files. Table_C-4_CIMfast_Installation_Files_______________________ Directory________________File_Name_________________________ SYS$STARTUP: BCF$STARTUP.COM SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.BCF]BCF$IVP.COM BCF$IVP.CEL BCF$HOME: BCF$SETUP.COM BCF$ROOT:[BLD] BCF$SHR.LNK BCF_ACT_TABLE.OBJ BCF_BLD.COM BCF_EXP_TABLE.OBJ BCF_MAIN.OBJ BCF_MAKE_TABLE.COM BCF_XXX_TABLE.MAR BCF_XXX_TABLE_END_STRUCT.H BCF_XXX_TABLE_HEADER.H BCF_XXX_TABLE_START_STRUCT.H CPP.EXE BCF$ROOT:[BLD.BCC] BCC_ACT_FUNC.H BCC_ACT_NAMES.H BCC_EXP_FUNC.H BCC_EXP_NAMES.H BCF$BCC.OLB BCF$BCC.OPT (continued on next page) C-10 Files Created During Installation Files Created During Installation C.4 Files Created by CIMfast Installation Procedure Table_C-4_(Cont.)_CIMfast_Installation_Files_______________ Directory________________File_Name_________________________ BCF$ROOT:[BLD.BCF] BCF$BCF.OLB BCF$BCF.OPT BCF$ID.OPT BCF$IMAGES.OPT BCF_ACT_FUNC.H BCF_ACT_NAMES.H BCF_EXP_FUNC.H BCF_EXP_NAMES.H BCF$ROOT:[EXE] BCF$SHR.EXE _________________________BCF_MAIN.EXE______________________ Table C-5 lists the files that are installed if BASEstar DCM support is installed. Table_C-5_CIMfast_DCM_Support_Files________________________ Directory_____________File_Name____________________________ BCF$ROOT:[BLD.DCM] BCF$DCM.OLB BCF$DCM.OPT DCM_ACT_FUNC.H DCM_ACT_NAMES.H DCM_EXP_FUNC.H ______________________DCM_EXP_NAMES.H______________________ Table C-6 lists the files that are installed if BASEstar DQM support is installed. Files Created During Installation C-11 Files Created During Installation C.4 Files Created by CIMfast Installation Procedure Table_C-6_CIMfast_DQM_Support_Files________________________ Directory_____________File_Name____________________________ BCF$ROOT:[BLD.DMQ] BCF$DMQ.OLB BCF$DMQ.OPT DMQ_ACT_FUNC.H DMQ_ACT_NAMES.H DMQ_EXP_FUNC.H ______________________DMQ_EXP_NAMES.H______________________ Table C-7 lists the files that are installed only if the BASEstar Classic CIMfast development option is installed. Table_C-7_CIMfast_Development_Option_Files_______________________ Directory__________________________File_Name_____________________ BCF$ROOT:[BCF.DEMO.BCC_COURSE_ BCF$CREATE_POINTS_LAB3.COM LAB3] BCF$LAB3B.C BCF$LAB3B.CEL BCF$MACHINE.CEL BCF$MRP.CEL BCF$README.LAB3 BCF$WO_MESSAGES.CFH BCF$ROOT:[BCF.DEMO.CALLABLE_BCF] BCF$CALLBACKS.C BCF$CALLBACKS.FOR BCF$CALLBACKS.PAS BCF$MAKE_C_CBCF.COM BCF$MAKE_FOR_CBCF.COM BCF$MAKE_PAS_CBCF.COM BCF$README.CBCF BCF_CALLBACKS.C BCF_CBCF.CEL (continued on next page) C-12 Files Created During Installation Files Created During Installation C.4 Files Created by CIMfast Installation Procedure Table_C-7_(Cont.)_CIMfast_Development_Option_Files_______________ Directory__________________________File_Name_____________________ BCF_MAKE_CBCF.COM BCF$ROOT:[BCF.DEMO.CBCF_ BCF$CBCF_MESSAGE.C MESSAGING] BCF$MAKE_C_CBCF_MESSAGE.COM BCF_CBCF_RECEIVER.CEL BCF_CBCF_SENDER.CEL BCF_README.CBCF_MESSAGING BCF_START_CBCF_MESSAGE_ DEMO.COM BCF$ROOT:[BCF.DEMO.CBCF_POINTS] BCF$CBCF_POINTS.C BCF$CBCF_POINTS.FOR BCF$CREATE_POINTS_CBCF_ POINTS.COM BCF$MAKE_C_CBCF_POINTS.COM BCF$MAKE_FOR_CBCF_POINTS.COM BCF$README.CBCF_POINTS BCF_CBCF_POINTS.C BCF_CBCF_POINTS.CEL BCF_MAKE_CBCF_POINTS.COM BCF$ROOT:[BCF.DEMO.EXPRESSIONS] BCF_ARITHMETIC_OPERATOR_ DEMO.CEL BCF_EQUIVALENCE_OPERATOR_ DEMO.CEL BCF_LOGICAL_OPERATOR_DEMO.CEL BCF_README.EXPRESSIONS BCF_RELATIONAL_OPERATOR_ DEMO.CEL (continued on next page) Files Created During Installation C-13 Files Created During Installation C.4 Files Created by CIMfast Installation Procedure Table_C-7_(Cont.)_CIMfast_Development_Option_Files_______________ Directory__________________________File_Name_____________________ BCF_STATISTIC_OPERATOR_ DEMO.CEL BCF_STRING_OPERATOR_DEMO.CEL BCF$ROOT:[BCF.DEMO.MACROS] BCF_MACRODEFS.CFH BCF_MACRO_DEMO.CEL BCF_MACRO_DEMO.LIS BCF_README.MACROS BCF$ROOT:[BCF.DEMO.MESSAGING] BCF$CREATE_POINTS_ MESSAGING.COM BCF$README.MESSAGING BCF$RECEIVER.CEL BCF$SENDER.CEL BCF$START_MESSAGE_DEMO.COM BCF$ROOT:[BCF.DEMO.POINTS] BCF$CREATE_POINTS_POINTS.COM BCF$POINT_SET.CEL BCF$README.POINTS BCF$ROOT:[BCF.LIB.] BCF$CBCF_MAIN.C BCF$CBCF_MAIN.OBJ BCF$DEFS.FOR BCF$DEFS.H BCF$DEFS.PAS BCF$DEFS.PLI BCF$LINK.COM BCFDEFS.H BCF_CBCF_MAIN.C ___________________________________BCF_CBCF_MAIN.OBJ_____________ Table C-8 lists the file that is installed only if the Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) is installed. C-14 Files Created During Installation Files Created During Installation C.4 Files Created by CIMfast Installation Procedure Table_C-8_CIMfast_LSE_File_________________________________ Directory_____________File_Name____________________________ BCF$ROOT:[BCF.LSE]____BCF$CEL.ENV__________________________ Table C-9 lists the files that are installed if BASEstar SQL support is installed. Table_C-9_CIMfast_SQL_Support_Files________________________ Directory_____________File_Name____________________________ BCF$ROOT:[BLD.RDB] BCF$RDB.OLB BCF$RDB.OPT SQL_ACT_FUNC.H SQL_ACT_NAMES.H SQL_EXP_FUNC.H ______________________SQL_EXP_NAMES.H______________________ Files Created During Installation C-15 _________________________________________________________________ Index B Distribution kit _______________________________ documentation, 1-6 Backing up the system, 1-19 media, 1-6 BASEstar Documentation installation steps, 2-1 general users, 1-7 license requirement, 1-13 listing of, 1-6 logical names, 1-19 programming, 1-7 postinstallation tasks, 3-1 systems managers, 1-7 preinstallation tasks, 1-11 BASEstar Classic CIMfast error E______________________________ recovery, 2-40 Error recovery Batch queues BASEstar Classic CIMfast, stopping, 1-18 2-40 BCC$BASEGEN installation, 1-3 External data support option, BCC$USER identifier, 3-4 1-2 C______________________________ G CIMfast installation _______________________________ steps, 2-24 Global name server defining, 1-15 D______________________________ H Data management option, 1-2 _______________________________ DEC Rdb database server option Hardware , 1-4 prerequisite, 1-8 DECnet, 3-5 I configuring, 1-12 _______________________________ Device connection management Identifier BCC$USER, 3-4 installation Installation overview, 1-3 checklist, 1-5 steps, 2-13 distribution kit, 1-6 Disk space files created, C-1 requirements, 1-10 information to prepare, 2-2 Installation Examples, A-1 Index-1 Installation Installation Installation Examples prerequisites (cont'd) (cont'd) disk space, 1-10 CIMfast Installation global name definition, Example, A-16 1-15 Device Connection hardware, 1-8 Management Example, optional software, 1-13 A-10 product license, 1-13 Main BASEstar Installation software requirements, Example, A-1 1-8 Utilities Installation stopping batch queues, Example, A-14 1-18 list of messages, 2-34, 2-40 stopping the system, 1-18 message format, 2-33 verifying logical names, messages, 2-33 1-19 optional software VMS version, 1-12 installations, 1-2 VMSINSTAL requirements, options during main 1-18 installation, 1-2 steps overview, 1-1 CIMfast, 2-24 postinstallation device connection Ada files, 3-1 management, 2-13 automating startup, 3-2 new system, 2-2 backing up the system, utilities, 2-19 3-2 upgrade, 1-21 DECmessageQ logical name verifying logical names, table, 3-4 1-19 DECnet, 3-5 Upgrade Examples, B-1 granting the user CIMfast Upgrade Example, identifier, 3-4 B-13 starting BASEstar, 3-5 Main BASEstar Upgrade starting DECmessageQ, 3-5 Example, B-1 VMScluster, 3-1 VMScluster systems, 1-9 postinstallation tasks, 3-1 Installation options preliminary steps, 1-11 overview, 1-1 preparation, 1-6 Installation procedures prerequisites overview, 1-1 backing up the system, upgrade, 1-21 1-19 VMScluster systems, 1-9 DECnet configuration, 1-12 determining software to install, 1-15 disabling logins, 1-18 Index-2 System parameters L______________________________ recommended minimum values, Logical names 1-16 verifying, 1-19 Logins U______________________________ disabling, 1-18 Upgrade installing, 1-19 M______________________________ Upgrade Examples, B-1 Menu interface option, 1-2 User identifier, 3-4 Messages Utilities installation format, 2-33 overview, 1-3 installation, 2-33 steps, 2-19 _______________________________ V______________________________ Postinstallation VMS accounts Ada files, 3-1 privileges, 3-4 automating startup, 3-2 process quotas, 3-3 backing up the system, 3-2 VMS software DECmessageQ, 3-5 version requirement, 1-12 DECmessageQ logical name VMScluster installation, 1-9 table, 3-4 VMSINSTAL requirements, 1-18 DECnet, 3-5 granting the user identifier, 3-4 starting BASEstar, 3-5 VMScluster, 3-1 Preinstallation verifying system run-time parameters, 1-16 Privileges required, 3-5 S______________________________ Software distribution kit, 1-6 optional, 1-8 prerequisite, 1-8 Starting BASEstar, 3-5 Starting DECmessageQ, 3-5 Stopping BASEstar, 1-18 System disk backing up, 1-19 Index-3