CICS_for_Digital_UNIX_______________________________ Installation and Configuration Order Number: AA-Q8JMD-TE Revision/Update Information: This is a revised document Operating System: Digital UNIX Version 4.0A Software Version: CICS for Digital UNIX Version 2.1B Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ June 1997 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. © IBM 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997 We welcome your comments on this book. Please contact us by electronic mail at or by fax on +44 1734 206018. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha AXP, AlphaGeneration, AXP, DEC, DECnet, Digital, VAX DOCUMENT, and the DIGITAL logo. CICS is a registered trademark of International Business Machines. Micro Focus, Micro Focus COBOL, and Animator are registered trademarks of Micro Focus Limited. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. OSF/1 is a registered trademark of the Open Systems Foundation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... ix 1 Planning your CICS for Digital UNIX Installation 1.1 Using Digital DCE ............................ 1-1 1.1.1 Using only the DCE Runtime Services ...... 1-2 1.1.2 Using CICS Server and Clients within the same DCE Cell ............................ 1-2 1.2 Selecting CICS Options to Install............. 1-2 1.2.1 Options that You Can Install.............. 1-2 1.2.2 The Subsets that You Can Install.......... 1-3 1.3 Planning your File System..................... 1-4 2 Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX 2.1 Introduction.................................. 2-1 2.1.1 Using the Release Notes................... 2-1 2.1.2 Checking the Media Software Distribution Kit....................................... 2-1 2.1.3 The Licensing Options..................... 2-2 2.1.4 Registering Your Licenses................. 2-2 2.2 Prerequisites and Options..................... 2-3 2.2.1 Prerequisite Hardware..................... 2-3 2.2.2 Prerequisite Software..................... 2-3 2.2.3 Optional Software......................... 2-4 Compilers............................... 2-4 Databases............................... 2-4 Communications.......................... 2-5 Terminal Support........................ 2-5 EPI3270 Server.......................... 2-6 2.2.4 Installation Time......................... 2-6 2.2.5 Hard Disk Space Required.................. 2-6 2.2.6 Privileges Needed for Installation........ 2-7 iii 3 Pre-installation Tasks 3.1 Introduction.................................. 3-1 3.2 Creating Users and Groups..................... 3-1 3.3 Reconfiguring your Kernel..................... 3-3 3.3.1 Modifying your Kernel Parameters.......... 3-3 3.3.2 Rebuilding your Kernel.................... 3-5 4 Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4.1 Introduction.................................. 4-1 4.1.1 Remote Installation Service .............. 4-1 4.1.2 Keeping a Record of the Installation...... 4-1 4.1.3 Backing Up the System..................... 4-2 4.1.4 Stopping the Installation................. 4-2 4.1.5 Recovering from Errors.................... 4-2 4.1.6 The Installation Procedure................ 4-3 4.2 Starting the Installation..................... 4-3 4.2.1 Installation.............................. 4-3 4.2.2 Installing CICS........................... 4-4 5 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.1 Introduction.................................. 5-1 5.2 Setting Environment Variables................. 5-1 5.3 Setting up DCE ............................... 5-4 5.3.1 Setting up Your System in a DCE Cell ..... 5-4 5.3.2 Starting the DCE RPC daemon .............. 5-5 5.4 Preparing and Starting an SFS................. 5-6 5.5 Creating a Region............................. 5-9 5.5.1 Configuring File Control for a Region .... 5-10 SFS Configuration Process .............. 5-10 5.5.2 Starting the Region ...................... 5-11 5.6 Starting a Client ............................ 5-12 5.6.1 Setting up a CICS user.................... 5-12 5.6.2 Bringing up a cicsterm.................... 5-13 5.7 Shutting Down Your CICS Processes ............ 5-13 5.7.1 Shutting Down a Region ................... 5-14 5.7.2 Shutting Down File Control Servers ....... 5-14 5.8 Recovering from Errors ....................... 5-14 5.8.1 Recovering from DCE Errors ............... 5-14 5.8.2 Recovering from Unexpected Terminations .......................................... 5-15 iv 6 Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.1 Introduction.................................. 6-1 6.2 The Verification Process ..................... 6-1 6.3 Adding IVP Transactions ...................... 6-3 6.4 Verifying Your CICS Configuration ............ 6-5 6.4.1 Connecting a cicsterm .................... 6-5 6.4.2 Getting the Menu ......................... 6-6 6.4.3 Adding a Record .......................... 6-6 6.4.4 Updating a Record ........................ 6-7 6.4.5 Printing a Record ........................ 6-7 6.4.6 Ending the Session ....................... 6-8 6.5 Building New IVP Executables ................. 6-8 6.6 Modifying Program Definitions ................ 6-9 6.7 Verifying New IVP Executables ................ 6-11 6.8 Recovering from Errors ....................... 6-11 7 Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7.1 Shutting down your CICS Processes............. 7-2 7.2 Backing up your System........................ 7-3 7.3 Removing the CICS Subsets in your CICS System........................................ 7-3 7.4 Installing your Upgrade....................... 7-3 7.5 Migrating your Resource Definitions to your Upgraded System............................... 7-7 7.6 Starting your CICS Processes.................. 7-8 7.7 Checking your Upgrade......................... 7-9 A Commands Used During Installation and Configuration A.1 cicsadd....................................... A-1 A.2 cicscp........................................ A-1 A.3 cicsdefaultservers............................ A-1 A.4 cicsmkcobol................................... A-1 A.5 cicssetupclients.............................. A-2 A.6 cicssetupdce.................................. A-2 A.7 cicsusrdceadmin............................... A-2 v B The Epi3270 Server B.1 Introduction.................................. B-1 B.1.1 Network Configuration..................... B-1 B.2 Configuration................................. B-2 B.2.1 Connecting Displays....................... B-2 B.3 Operation and Trouble Shooting................ B-3 B.3.1 Network Status Displays................... B-3 B.3.1.1 VTAM.................................... B-3 B.3.1.2 NCL..................................... B-4 B.3.2 Log Files................................. B-6 B.3.2.1 VTAM Console Log........................ B-6 B.3.2.2 Epi3270 Logs............................ B-6 B.3.3 VTAM Tracing.............................. B-6 B.3.3.1 CTF Tracing............................. B-7 B.3.3.2 SNALOG Tracing.......................... B-7 B.4 Epi3270 Messages.............................. B-7 C The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.1 Introduction.................................. C-1 C.2 Overview of the Demonstration ................ C-1 C.2.1 Clients .................................. C-2 C.2.1.1 BMS Client ............................. C-2 C.2.1.2 Windows Client ......................... C-2 C.2.2 Client Region............................. C-2 C.2.3 Data Servers ............................. C-2 C.2.4 Databases, Record Fields and their Values .......................................... C-3 C.2.5 Demonstration Configurations ............. C-4 C.2.5.1 The Configuration Tool ................. C-4 C.2.5.2 Supplied Demonstration Configurations ........................................ C-4 C.3 Setting up the Demonstration ................. C-6 C.3.1 Digital UNIX Set Up....................... C-6 C.3.1.1 Prerequisites........................... C-7 C.3.1.2 Creating and Starting a Region ......... C-7 C.3.2 Windows Client Set Up..................... C-8 C.3.2.1 Prerequisites........................... C-8 C.3.2.2 Transferring the Files from UNIX to Windows ................................ C-8 C.3.2.3 Setting Up the Client on a PC .......... C-9 C.4 Configuring the Demonstration ................ C-10 C.4.1 Possible CICS Configurations ............. C-10 vi C.4.2 Demonstration Configuration Tool ......... C-11 C.4.3 Host Passwords ........................... C-12 C.4.4 Clients .................................. C-12 C.4.5 Configuring .............................. C-14 C.4.5.1 Specifying Configuration Components .... C-14 C.4.5.2 Options for Non-default Configurations ........................................ C-15 C.4.5.3 Controlling the Demonstration Configuration .......................... C-17 C.4.6 DCE ...................................... C-18 C.4.7 CICS Resource Definitions ................ C-18 C.4.8 Environment Variables .................... C-19 C.5 Using the Demonstration ..................... C-20 C.5.1 Using the BMS Client .................... C-20 C.5.2 Using the Windows Client ................. C-22 C.5.2.1 The RPC Variant ........................ C-22 C.5.2.2 The ECI Variant ........................ C-23 C.6 Troubleshooting .............................. C-23 C.6.1 Unexpected Client or Server Errors ....... C-23 C.6.2 Configuration Errors ..................... C-24 C.6.3 Remote Configuration Hanging ............. C-24 C.6.4 Region Startup Messages .................. C-24 C.6.5 Miscellaneous Problems ................... C-24 D Files in the Subsets D.1 The Subsets................................... D-1 D.2 CICSCLT215-Required for CICS Client........... D-1 D.3 CICSBAS215-Required for CICS Base Code........ D-5 D.4 CICSMSG215-Required for CICS Message Files.... D-6 D.5 CICSEXE215-Required for CICS Server Executables................................... D-6 D.6 CICEBAS215-Required for Encina................ D-15 D.7 CICESFS215-Required for the SFS............... D-23 D.8 CIC3270215-Required for Epi3270 Utility....... D-23 D.9 CICDOC1215-Required for Documentation Used by the Help Utility.............................. D-23 D.10 CICDEMO215-Required for CICS Demonstration.... D-23 vii E Kernel Configuration File E.1 Example of Kernel Configuration File.......... E-1 Index Examples B-1 .ncl file entries for the Domain Gateway................................... B-2 B-2 /etc/service entry........................ B-3 B-3 Example .ncl script to enable operator session................................... B-4 Figures 3-1 Typical /etc/sysconfigtab File............ 3-4 C-1 Catalogue Sales (Single Region) .......... C-5 C-2 Catalogue Sales (Two Regions) ............ C-5 C-3 Catalogue Sales (Three Regions) .......... C-6 Tables 1-1 Subsets Required by the Client, Server, or Cell Server............................... 1-3 1-2 Functions of the Subsets.................. 1-4 2-1 Installation Times........................ 2-6 2-2 Hard Disk Space Required for Installation.............................. 2-6 3-1 Kernel Parameters and their Minimum Values.................................... 3-4 4-1 When to Run Setup Scripts................. 4-4 5-1 Environment Variables..................... 5-3 6-1 Files Created Using the Make Options...... 6-9 viii _________________________________________________________________ Preface What this book is for This document describes how to install and configure CICS for Digital UNIX. Intended Audience This document is intended for people who install and carry out an initial configuration of CICS for Digital UNIX. Terminology Some terms are used in this book with particular meanings: o Installation IVP - a procedure that verifies that files have been properly copied from the Layered Product CD- ROM. o Configuration IVP - a procedure that verifies the configuration after the System Administrator has configured the system. Conventions The following typographical conventions are used in this manual: $ A dollar sign represents the system prompt for the Korn shell # A hash sign represents the root prompt # cat Boldface type in interactive examples indicates typed user input ix file Italic type indicates variable values, placeholders, and function argument names This Indicates screen output type In an example, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press that key. Related Documentation Use this document in conjunction with the following other books in the CICS for Digital UNIX document set: o CICS for Digital UNIX Introduction This book gives an overview of the CICS for Digital UNIX software and is an aid to planning your installation and configuration. o CICS for Digital UNIX Administration Guide This describes the tasks necessary to customize and operate your CICS system. x o CICS for Digital UNIX Administration Reference This gives information about customization and operation organized for ease of reference. o CICS for Digital UNIX Problem Determination This book helps you to determine the cause of problems. o CICS for Digital UNIX Messages and Codes This book helps you to understand the messages that CICS issues, describing all messages and abnormal termination codes. o CICS for Digital UNIX Application Programming Guide This book is a guide to using the CICS Application Programming Interface (API). It is in narrative form and uses examples. o CICS for Digital UNIX Application Programming Reference This book describes the syntax and use of each Application Programming Interface (API) command available for CICS for Digital UNIX. o CICS for Digital UNIX Migration This book is a guide to migrating from a mainframe CICS environment to the CICS for Digital UNIX, open systems environment. o CICS Family: Client/Server Programming This book contains information about the External Presentation Interface (EPI) and External Call Interface (ECI), which allow you to develop interactive screens for accessing CICS. Other publications available from Digital: o Digital UNIX Software License Management This book is a guide to using the License Management Facility (LMF) to manage software licenses from the Digital Equipment Corporation for Digital UNIX systems. o Digital UNIX Logical Storage Manager This book describes the Logical Storage Manager (LSM) and how to configure it. xi o Digital DCE for Digital UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide This book describes how to install and configure Digital Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) on Digital UNIX systems. o Introduction to OSF DCE o OSF DCE User's Guide and Reference o OSF DCE Administration Reference o OSF DCE Administration Guide IBM books that you may need for application programming are: o CICS Family: API Structure This provides a quick reference to the level of API support that each CICS product provides. o CICS Family: Inter-Product Communication This describes the intercommunication functions from a CICS family point of view. Bibliography_____________________________________________________ IBM order Digital order Book_name_______________________number________number_____________ CICS/6000: Planning and GC33-0816 Installation Guide CICS for Digital UNIX: AA-Q8JKB-TE Introduction CICS for Digital UNIX: AA-Q8JMB-TE Installation and Configuration CICS/6000: Administration SC33-1532 Guide CICS for Digital UNIX: AA-Q8JPB-TE Administration Guide Administration Reference SC33-1533 AA-Q8JNB-TE Intercommunication Guide SC33-0815 AA-Q8JSB-TE xii _________________________________________________________________ IBM order Digital order Book_name_______________________number________number_____________ Problem Determination Guide SC33-0818 AA-Q8JQB-TE Messages and Codes SC33-0817 AA-Q8JRB-TE Application Programming Guide SC33-0814 AA-Q8JTB-TE Application Programming SC33-0886 AA-Q8JUB-TE Reference Client/Server Programming SC33-1435 AA-QFXOB-TE Migration AA-QLFYA-TE Encina_for_CICS_________________SC33-1534_____AA-Q8KMB-TE________ Other CICS books CICS Application Programming Primer (VS COBOL II), SC33- 0674 CICS Family: Inter-product Communication, SC33-0824 CICS Family: API Structure, SC33-1007 CICS Family: Communicating from CICS/ESA and CICS/VSE, SC33-0825 CICS OS/2 Intercommunication Guide, SC33-0826 CICS OS/2 Communication with CICS OS/2, SC33-0736 Communication from CICS/400, SC33-0828 Non-CICS books Transaction Processing: Concepts and Products, GC33-0754 IBM 3270 Information Display Programmer's Reference, GA23-0059 SNA books AIX SNA Server/6000: User's Guide, SC31-7002 DEC SNA Access Software for OSF/1: Installation Guide, AA-Q76GB-TE DEC SNA Access Software for OSF/1: Communications Server Administrator's Guide AA-Q76HB-TE VTAM Resource Definition Examples, SC31-6414 IBM Network Products Implementation Guide, GG24-3649 AIX SNA Server/6000: User's Guide, SC31-7002 LU6.2 Reference: Peer Protocols, SC31-6808 Transaction Programmer's Reference Manual for LU Type 6.2, GC30-3084 xiii Systems Network Architecture: Concepts and Products, GC30-3072 Systems Network Architecture: Formats, GA27-3136 Systems Network Architecture: Sessions Between Logical Units, GC20-1868 Systems Network Architecture: Technical Overview, GC30- 3073 DEC SNA Remote Job Entry for OSF/1: Administrator's and User's Guide AA-Q76EA-TE DEC SNA 3270 Terminal/Print Services for OSF/1: Administrator's Guide, AA-Q76JA-TE DEC SNA 3270 Terminal/Print Services for OSF/1: User's Guide, AA-Q76KA-TE DEC SNA Access Software for OSF/1: Communications Server Administrator's Guide, AA-Q76HA-TE DEC SNA Peer Server Installation and Configuration Guide, AA-Q1P8B-TE DEC SNA Peer Server Guide to IBM Resources, AA-Q1P9B-TE DEC SNA Peer Server Management, AA-Q1PAB-TE DEC SNA Peer Server NCL Reference, AA-Q1PBB-TE DEC SNA Gateway Guide to IBM RD, AA-PQCEB-TE DEC SNA Gateway Management, AA-PQCFB-TE DEC SNA Gateway Installation, AA-PQCGB-TE DEC SNA Gateway Planning and Configuration, AA-QCLCA-TE Digital DCE for Digital UNIX Digital DCE for Digital UNIX Product Guide, AA-PZK4C-TE Digital DCE for Digital UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide, AA-PZK3C-TE Digital DCE for Digital UNIX Reference, AA-QZSHA-TE Digital DCE for Digital UNIX DFS Configuration Guide, AA-QAA2A-TE Introduction to OSF DCE, BX-PZK6A-XE OSF DCE Understanding DCE, BX-PN99A-XE OSF DCE User's Guide, BX-PZK5A-TE OSF DCE Administration Guide - Introduction, BX-PZKAA-XE OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components, BX- PZKBA-XE OSF DCE Administration Guide - Extended Services, BX- PZKCA-TE OSF DCE Guide to Initialization, BX-PZKAA-XE OSF DCE Distributed Applications, BX-Q3FEA-XE xiv 1 _________________________________________________________________ Planning your CICS for Digital UNIX Installation This chapter discusses the decisions that you have to make before you can install and configure CICS for Digital UNIX software on a system running the Digital UNIX operating system. o How will CICS use DCE? CICS for Digital UNIX supports a client-server architecture, using services provided by Digital Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), and you can use DCE in either of two ways: - Using only the DCE Runtime Services (see Section 1.1.1) - Using CICS server and clients within the same DCE cell (see Section 1.1.2) o Which CICS options will you install? - A CICS Client gives users access to the CICS region. Many users may use the same CICS Client executable. - The CICS Server provides all the files required for a CICS region. - The CICS Cell Server provides all the files for the region and the SFS. Read this chapter before starting the installation procedure. 1.1 Using Digital DCE You can configure CICS to use DCE in either of two ways. These require different DCE subsets to be installed, and are described in Section 1.1.1 and Section 1.1.2. Planning your CICS for Digital UNIX Installation 1-1 Planning your CICS for Digital UNIX Installation 1.1 Using Digital DCE 1.1.1 Using only the DCE Runtime Services Such a CICS configuration uses only the DCE RPC services. CICS itself maintains the usernames and passwords. The server endpoints are maintained by the system manager in a file or are specified in the users environment. This configuration must not be used on a system that is part of a DCE cell: only the RPC daemon (dced) must be running. 1.1.2 Using CICS Server and Clients within the same DCE Cell A CICS configuration within a DCE cell requires certain CICS information to be maintained within DCE. If you use this option, CICS usernames and passwords are held within DCE. This option provides for packet level encryption on all RPC calls. This type of configuration requires the system to be configured in a DCE cell before CICS is configured. It does not matter whether the system is the DCE server or a client, but it is mandatory that a DCE Security Server and a DCE Cell Directory Server (CDS) are running within the cell, and that the system is a client of these services. Note that DCE SIA must not be enabled within the cell. Refer to your Digital DCE Installation and Configuration Guide for details of how to configure a DCE cell if you require one. 1.2 Selecting CICS Options to Install 1.2.1 Options that You Can Install To install CICS for Digital UNIX on a single system, you must install on that system the CICS Client software and either of the following: o The CICS Cell Server software o The CICS Server software and Oracle 1-2 Planning your CICS for Digital UNIX Installation Planning your CICS for Digital UNIX Installation 1.2 Selecting CICS Options to Install Figure 1-1 shows an example. Although this guide describes installation on a single system, you could also consider distributing your system on a network in such a way that you have either at least a CICS Cell Server or a CICS Server, with any number of CICS Clients, Servers, Cell Servers. 1.2.2 The Subsets that You Can Install Table 1-1 gives an overview of the subsets that you need to install in order to have Client, Server, or Cell Server functionality. Table 1-2 then briefly describes each subset. Table 1-1 Subsets Required by the Client, Server, or Cell __________Server___________________________________________ _______________Client_________Server_________Cell_Server___ Required CICSBAS215 CICSBAS215 CICSBAS215 CICSMSG215 CICSMSG215 CICSMSG215 CICSCLT215 CICSEXE215 CICSEXE215 CICEBAS215 CICEBAS215 CICESFS215 Optional CICDOC1215 CICDOC1215 CICDOC1215 CIC3270215 _____________________________________________CICDEMO215____ Planning your CICS for Digital UNIX Installation 1-3 Planning your CICS for Digital UNIX Installation 1.2 Selecting CICS Options to Install Table_1-2_Functions_of_the_Subsets_________________________ setld Subset_______Selection______Description____________________ CICSBAS215 CICS Base Provides the CICS functionality Components that is common to both Client and Server CICSMSG215 CICS Messages Provides the basic CICS message catalog CICSCLT215 CICS Client Provides terminal emulation and client libraries CICSEXE215 CICS Server Provides the region executables CICDOC1215 CICS Help Contains the documentation used by the Help utility CICEBAS215 Encina for Encina components required by CICS CICS, except the Structured File Server CICESFS215 Encina SFS The Encina Structured File for CICS Server CIC3270215 CICS 3270 EPI Provides support for 3270 devices CICDEMO215___CICS_Demo______CICS_demonstration_application_ 1.3 Planning your File System The CICS installation creates a directory structure below your /var directory if one does not already exist. Independent file systems are recommended because CICS maintains configuration information and logs in them. In addition, if you experience problems with CICS, dump files may be automatically generated in this directory structure. You must consider the following file systems for CICS itself: o /var/cics_regions This directory is used to maintain region definitions for all the regions configured on the system. The recommended minimum starting size for this file system is 8 MB. 1-4 Planning your CICS for Digital UNIX Installation Planning your CICS for Digital UNIX Installation 1.3 Planning your File System o /var/cics_regions/region_name/log This directory holds log data for the CICS region. The recommended minimum starting size for this directory is 4 MB. Although it is not essential for an initial installation, you may eventually need to mount separate file systems for: o /var/cics_servers This directory contains definitions for all the SFS servers configured to run on this system. The recommended minimum starting size is 8 MB. o /var/cics_servers/backups This directory is used by the SFS for backup files. The recommended minimum size is 8 MB. o /var/cics_servers/archives This directory is used for server archive files. The space required depends mainly upon how often you run the SFS backup procedure. If you plan to use a separate file system for these directories, you are recommended to set them up before installation. Note that if file systems are mounted for these directories, they must be mounted on the exact directory, rather than merely linked to it. In order to use the Encina SFS, you must have LSM set up, with a minimum of 128 MB of disk space available. This is used for the SFS logical volumes when you create the SFS. Planning your CICS for Digital UNIX Installation 1-5 2 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX This chapter tells you how to prepare to install CICS for Digital UNIX software for the first time on a system running the Digital UNIX operating system. Read this chapter before starting the installation procedure. Chapter 7 tells you how to install CICS for Digital UNIX by installing new versions. 2.1 Introduction This section briefly introduces CICS for Digital UNIX and the optional software that you may wish to install, and tells you how to register your licenses for both. 2.1.1 Using the Release Notes CICS for Digital UNIX provides on-line release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before installing the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the product. If the CD-ROM is mounted, you can find the release notes in a subdirectory of the CICS directory. The subdirectory is called documentation. 2.1.2 Checking the Media Software Distribution Kit Carefully check the items you have received to ensure that you have received everything listed in your Bill of Materials. If any items are missing or damaged, contact your Digital customer services representative before starting your installation procedure. Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX 2-1 Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX 2.1 Introduction 2.1.3 The Licensing Options CICS for Digital UNIX is licensed as follows: o CICS for Digital UNIX Cell Server A CICS Cell Server PAK enables the Encina SFS, which is not enabled by the CICS Server PAK. It enables the CICS Client. o CICS for Digital UNIX Server A CICS Server PAK enables not only the CICS Server components for the node on which it is registered but also the CICS Client. o CICS for Digital UNIX Client You must have a CICS Client PAK if you intend to use the client software on a system that is not being used as a CICS Server or a CICS Cell Server. The Client, Server, and Cell Server are all available as options when installing CICS for Digital UNIX from the Layered Product CD-ROM. You need a separate PAK for any other prerequisite software such as Digital DCE for Digital UNIX. You must register the License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) in the License Database (LDB) required for the CICS components that you wish to install on a system. You do this using the Digital UNIX License Management Facility (LMF). The License PAK is a paper certificate that contains the license information, which must be registered before you can install or run CICS for Digital UNIX. 2.1.4 Registering Your Licenses For a CICS for Digital UNIX installation you may need any of the following PAKs: o CICS-CLIENT o CICS-SERVER o CICS-CELL-SERVER To register a PAK in the LDB: 1. Log in as root 2-2 Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX 2.1 Introduction 2. Enter the information on your PAK into an empty PAK template using the lmf register command: # lmf register 3. Load the license details from the LDB to the kernel cache using the lmf reset command: # lmf reset For more information about using the LMF, see the Software License Management or the lmf(8) reference page. 2.2 Prerequisites and Options This section describes CICS for Digital UNIX software installation requirements and options. 2.2.1 Prerequisite Hardware To install CICS for Digital UNIX, you must have the following hardware: o Any Alpha system that runs the Digital UNIX operating system o 128 MB RAM o Access to the Layered Product CD-ROM o Terminal or workstation You can use a video terminal, hardcopy terminal, or terminal emulator running on a workstation to communicate with the operating system and conduct the software installation. 2.2.2 Prerequisite Software Before you can install CICS for Digital UNIX, the following software must be already installed and working: o Digital UNIX operating system To determine the version number for your operating system, enter the command: uname -r Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX 2-3 Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX 2.2 Prerequisites and Options After the operating system has been installed, you must ensure that the following operating system subsets and layered products are installed and available: o IOSWWBASE World Wide base language support This is available from the Digital UNIX CD-ROM. Refer to the Digital UNIX documentation for the location of these subsets. o Logical Storage Manager (LSM) Note that the LSM needs the LSM-OA License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) in addition to the Digital UNIX PAKs. o Digital DCE for Digital UNIX Runtime Services This option is required for both of the ways in which you can configure DCE for CICS. If your CICS configuration uses a DCE cell, you must have the Security Server and Cell Directory Server (CDS) installed on a system in the cell. Refer to your Digital DCE Installation and Configuration Guide for details of how to configure a DCE cell if it is required. Note that if you are using a DCE cell, DCE SIA must not be enabled. 2.2.3 Optional Software Compilers If you wish to develop or use COBOL applications, you will require Micro Focus COBOL. Databases The following databases are required if you wish to use or develop applications against them: o Oracle o Informix 2-4 Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX 2.2 Prerequisites and Options Communications Depending on your needs, you may require the following communications software: o DEC SNA Peer Server This is necessary for communication between a Local Area Network (LAN) and SNA over a token ring, Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC), or OSI links. o DEC SNA Domain Gateway (ST) This is necessary for communication between a LAN and SNA over SDLC links. o DEC SNA Domain Gateway (CT) This is necessary for communication between a LAN and SNA over S/390 channels. o DEC SNA APPC LU6.2 Server o DEC SNA 3270 Application Services (requires a Domain Gateway) This product is required by the Epi3270 server. o The DEC SNA Peer Server and DEC SNA Domain Gateway software require the following DECnet/OSI subsets: - DTABASE - DTAAWA - DNABASE - DNANETMAN - DNAMOP - DNADLI - ZZAUTIL Terminal Support For telnet support, you may need the following software: o DECwindows SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator o DEC SNA 3270 Terminal/Print Services Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX 2-5 Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX 2.2 Prerequisites and Options EPI3270 Server If you intend to install the Epi3270 Server, you must have installed DEC C++ RTL. See Appendix B for more information about this utility. 2.2.4 Installation Time Table 2-1 shows about how long it takes to install CICS for Digital UNIX. Table_2-1_Installation_Times_______________________________ Type of Installation____Time_Taken_(Minutes)_______________________ CICS Client 5 CICS Server 15 CICS Cell 15 Server_____________________________________________________ 2.2.5 Hard Disk Space Required Table 2-2 shows the space requirements for installing CICS for Digital UNIX. Table_2-2_Hard_Disk_Space_Required_for_Installation________ Type of Installation____/usr/opt/cics____/usr/opt/encina___________ CICSBAS215 5 MB 0 CICSMSG215 1 MB 0 CICSCLT215 3 MB 0 CICSEXE215 32 MB 0 CICDOC1215 2 MB 0 CIC3270215 3 MB 0 CICEBAS215 0 25 MB CICESFS215______0________________3_MB______________________ 2-6 Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX 2.2 Prerequisites and Options 2.2.6 Privileges Needed for Installation To install CICS for Digital UNIX, you must have system privileges so that you can log in as root. Preparing to Install CICS for Digital UNIX 2-7 3 _________________________________________________________________ Pre-installation Tasks 3.1 Introduction This chapter tells you how to do two tasks that must be done before you install CICS for Digital UNIX for the first time: o Create the cics user and the cics and cicsterm groups. This task must be done because some of the files from the distribution media are installed as owned by user cics and belonging to the cicsterm group. o Modify your kernel configuration and reboot the system before using CICS. This has to be done to ensure that there are sufficient resources in the system. 3.2 Creating Users and Groups If the installation is being carried out for diskless systems, it is important to set up cics user and the cics and cicsterm groups for each system. This task is not performed automatically because your machine may use a password file or group file distributed from another system. You create users and groups as follows: 1. Log in to the system as root. 2. Create the cics group. You must add a cics group to your /etc/group file. This must contain root because CICS resources and administration are carried out from the root account. Pre-installation Tasks 3-1 Pre-installation Tasks 3.2 Creating Users and Groups If it is not already present, add to the /etc /group file the following line, in which cicsuser1 and cicsuser2 are users who will administer CICS resources and do general CICS administration: cics:*:221:root,cicsuser1,cicsuser2 3. Create the cicsterm group. Anyone running a CICS client (cicsterm, cicstermu, cicstermp, cicsteld, and cicsrdoterm) must belong to the cicsterm group. Add to the /etc/group file the following line, in which user1 and user2 are users who will administer CICS resources, do general CICS administration, or use CICS clients: cicsterm:*:201:user1,user2 4. Create the cics user by using the adduser command: The system then prompts you for various details. Where replies are shown in bold, you must type exactly what is shown; where replies are shown in italic, you can choose your own reply. # adduser Enter a login name for the new user (for example, john): cics Enter a UID for (cics) [5006]: Enter a full name for (cics): CICS System User Enter a login group for (cics) [users]: cics Enter another group that (cics) should be a member of.( for none): system Enter another group that (cics) should be a member of.( for none): Enter a parent directory for (cics) [/usr/users]: /usr /opt The shells are: /bin/sh /bin/csh /bin/ksh Enter a login shell for (cics) [/bin/sh]: /bin/ksh Adding new user ... Rebuilding the passwd database... 709 password entries, maximum length 152 Creating home directory... You must enter a new password for (cics). 3-2 Pre-installation Tasks Pre-installation Tasks 3.2 Creating Users and Groups Changing password for cics. New password: Password Retype new password: Password 5. Log out, or continue with the installation as in Section 3.3. 3.3 Reconfiguring your Kernel To ensure that your system has the resources required by CICS, you may have to build a new kernel for your system. Regardless of whether you have to build a new kernel, some of the kernel parameters are likely to require modification. These parameters are not dynamic, and after you have changed them as described in Section 3.3.1 you must reboot your system as described. To determine whether you need to build a new kernel, you must check the maxusers argument in /sys/conf/machine_name as described in Section 3.3.2. If the maxusers argument is less than 256, you must build a new kernel. 3.3.1 Modifying your Kernel Parameters To check the current values for your kernel configuration, enter the following commands: 1. To show the values of arguments to the proc subsystem # sysconfig -q proc 2. To show the values of arguments to the vm subsystem # sysconfig -q vm To modify your kernel configuration, you may use the command sysconfigdb or edit the /etc/sysconfigtab file to ensure that the proc and vm subsystem parameters in Table 3-1 have at least the values shown. Pre-installation Tasks 3-3 Pre-installation Tasks 3.3 Reconfiguring your Kernel Table_3-1_Kernel_Parameters_and_their_Minimum_Values_______ Subsystem___Parameter___________Minimum_value______________ proc max-proc-per-user 256 proc max-threads-per- 1024 user proc max-per-proc- 33554432 stack-size proc give-boost 0 proc give_boost 0 vm vm-maxvas Maximum amount of physical memory vm__________vm-vpagemax_________vm-maxvas_/_8192___________ In order to activate the new configuration, your system must be rebooted as shown below, because the arguments that are changed are not dynamic. Note, however, that if you must build a new kernel, you only need to reboot the system once, after your new kernel is in place. To reboot your system, use the following command: /usr/sbin/shutdown -r now Figure 3-1 shows a typical /etc/sysconfigtab file. Figure 3-1 Typical /etc/sysconfigtab File proc: max-proc-per-user = 256 max-threads-per-user = 1024 max-per-proc-stack-size = 33554432 give_boost = 0 give-boost = 0 vm: vm-maxvas = 268427264 vm-vpagemax = 32767 3-4 Pre-installation Tasks Pre-installation Tasks 3.3 Reconfiguring your Kernel 3.3.2 Rebuilding your Kernel To run CICS, it is recommended that you set the maxusers argument for your kernel to 256, regardless of the number of users. To check the maxusers argument value in the kernel configuration file, and change it if necessary, enter the following commands: 1. To change to the directory containing the kernel configuration file, enter: # cd /sys/conf 2. In this directory the kernel configuration file is called by the system name (in a system called "green" the file is called GREEN). To verify the value of the maxusers argument, enter: # grep maxusers filename The system will return the value for maxusers, for instance: # grep maxusers GREEN maxusers 64 If the maxusers value is 256 or more, you do not need to rebuild your kernel. If the value is less than 256, edit the kernel configuration file and increase the maxusers argument to 256. For an example kernel configuration file, see Appendix E. 3. If you edit the maxusers argument in the kernel configuration file, you must then rebuild the kernel. If you do not edit the kernel configuration file, go to Section 4.1. 4. To change directory to the configuration directory, enter: # cd /sys/conf 5. To initiate the rebuild of your kernel, enter: # doconfig -c configuration_file_name for example: # doconfig -c GREEN Note that you do not need to edit the configuration file again. When the new kernel is complete, the system will tell you where it is. Pre-installation Tasks 3-5 Pre-installation Tasks 3.3 Reconfiguring your Kernel 6. To use the new kernel, you must shut the system down to single user mode, and copy your new kernel. Enter: # /usr/sbin/shutdown now 7. At the prompt (#), you must mount the file systems so that you can modify them. Enter: # bcheckrc 8. To make a copy of the old kernel, enter: # cp /vmunix /vmunix.old 9. Move the new kernel to the / directory so that it is used for booting: # mv new_kernel /vmunix 10.Reboot your system. 3-6 Pre-installation Tasks 4 _________________________________________________________________ Installing CICS for Digital UNIX This chapter tells you how to install CICS for Digital UNIX software for the first time on an Alpha system running the Digital UNIX operating system. Before starting the installation you must ensure that any prerequisite software described in Chapter 2 has been installed and that you have done the tasks described in Chapter 3. 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Remote Installation Service Digital UNIX provides a Remote Installation Service (RIS). Software such as CICS for Digital UNIX can be loaded onto a server system and then RIS clients can install the software directly from the server. To install CICS for Digital UNIX using RIS, your system must be registered as a client of the RIS server and must be able to access the CICS for Digital UNIX RIS area. Before attempting to install the CICS for Digital UNIX software, ensure that your system can communicate with the RIS server. To do this, use the following command: # /sbin/ping ris_server_name 4.1.2 Keeping a Record of the Installation Digital recommends that you keep a permanent record of the installation. To do this, either use a hardcopy terminal, or keep a record of the installation in a log file. To keep a log file of your installation, enter the following command: # script log_file Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4-1 Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4.1 Introduction 4.1.3 Backing Up the System Digital recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software. Use the backup procedures established at your site. For details on backing up a system disk, see your Digital UNIX operating system documentation. 4.1.4 Stopping the Installation You can stop the installation at any time by pressing Ctrl /C. However, if you abort the installation before it is complete, any files created up to the point at which you stop the installation are retained on the system. You must delete these files before you can restart the installation, and you must do so manually. To remove the files that have been created: 1. Log in as root 2. Determine which subsets have been installed, or partially installed using setld. 3. Remove any incomplete subsets using setld -d. Appendix D lists the possible files and directories that are created during installation. 4.1.5 Recovering from Errors If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. Possible sources of error are: o Incorrect operating system version o Incorrect versions of prerequisite software o Incorrect or missing header or C files for font utilities, and printer utilities o Insufficient superuser privileges for successful installation o Insufficient quotas for successful installation o Insufficient disk space 4-2 Installing CICS for Digital UNIX Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4.1 Introduction For details of error messages generated by these conditions, refer to the Digital UNIX system documentation covering: System messages Recovery procedures Digital UNIX software installation If you believe that the error is caused by a problem with the product that is not covered by the documentation that you have, contact your Customer Support Center (CSC). 4.1.6 The Installation Procedure All the software uses the setld utility for installation, as described in Section 4.2. The command man setld will give you more details. The sequence of questions and messages which you will see during the installation process, will depend upon the software you have chosen. 4.2 Starting the Installation This section provides step-by-step instructions for installing CICS for Digital UNIX software on a Digital UNIX system. The installation script consists of a series of questions for you to answer, and messages which inform you about progress of the installation. You install the CICS for Digital UNIX software from the Layered Product CD-ROM or from RIS. 4.2.1 Installation During the later part of the installation, you are asked questions about scripts that you may wish to run. Use the Table 4-1 as a guide to the answers you should give, referring to Appendix A for more information about the scripts. During the installation, the procedure prompts you in several places for the DCE password. If you are not using a DCE cell, simply press Return. Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4-3 Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4.2 Starting the Installation Table_4-1_When_to_Run_Setup_Scripts________________________ Configure with Setup_Script__DCE_Cell________Configure_without_DCE_Cell___ cicssetupdce Yes No cicssetupclienYes No cicsdefaultserYess Yes cicsmkcobol[1]Yes Yes [1]cicsmkcobol_must_be_run_if_you_are_using_COBOL__________ transactions. cicsmkcobol will fail if COBOL is not installed on your system. ___________________________________________________________ 1. Log in to the system as root, if you have not already done so. 2. To start the installation from the Layered Product CD- ROM, enter # setld -l /directory_path where directory_path is the name of the directory on the Layered Product CD-ROM containing the CICS for Digital UNIX product you wish to install. Alternatively, to start the installation from a RIS server, enter: # setld -l ris_server_name: 4.2.2 Installing CICS The installation script that follows shows an installation of CICS Client and Cell Server using a DCE cell. See Table 1-2 for a description of the subsets available. To install CICS from a CD-ROM mounted under /CDROM, enter: # setld -l /CDROM/cics215/kit Copyright (c) IBM CORPORATION 1996 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1996 All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Possession, use, or copying of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. 4-4 Installing CICS for Digital UNIX Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4.2 Starting the Installation RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. *** Enter subset selections *** The following subsets are mandatory and will be installed automatically unless you choose to exit without installing any subsets: * CICS Base Components * CICS Messages The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1)CICS 3270 EPI 2)CICS Clients 3)CICS Demonstration 4)CICS Help 5)CICS Server 6)Encina SFS for CICS 7)Encina for CICS Or you may choose one of the following options: 8)ALL mandatory and all optional subsets 9)MANDATORY subsets only 10)CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 11)EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 10 You are installing the following mandatory subsets: CICS Base Components CICS Messages Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4-5 Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4.2 Starting the Installation You are installing the following optional subsets: CICS 3270 EPI CICS Clients CICS Demonstration CICS Help CICS Server Encina SFS for CICS Encina for CICS Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. CICS Base Components Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 14:49:51 BST 1995 Verifying CICS Messages Copying from . (disk) Verifying CICS Help Copying from . (disk) Verifying CICS Server Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 14:51:17 GMT 1995 Working....Mon Dec 11 14:53:18 GMT 1995 Verifying CICS Clients Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 14:55:43 GMT 1995 Verifying CICS 3270 EPI Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 14:56:31 GMT 1995 Verifying 4-6 Installing CICS for Digital UNIX Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4.2 Starting the Installation Encina for CICS Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 14:59:29 GMT 1995 Working....Mon Dec 11 15:01:30 GMT 1995 Working....Mon Dec 11 15:03:30 GMT 1995 Working....Mon Dec 11 15:05:30 GMT 1995 Working....Mon Dec 11 15:07:30 GMT 1995 Verifying Working....Mon Dec 11 15:09:10 GMT 1995 Encina SFS for CICS Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 15:09:46 GMT 1995 Verifying CICS Demonstration Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 15:09:48 GMT 1995 Verifying Configuring "CICS Base Components" (CICSBAS215) Configuring "CICS Messages" (CICSMSG215) Configuring "CICS Help" (CICDOC1215) Configuring "CICS Server" (CICSEXE215) Do you want to run cicssetupdce? (y/n) : y Please enter your DCE cell_admin password: Setting up dce..... ERZ067027I/0022: Creating DCE groups: cics_users cics_admin cics_sfs cics_ppcgwy cics_regions ERZ067045I/0014: The DCE groups required by CICS now exist ERZ067030I/0031: DCE principal 'cell_admin' was successfully added to DCE group 'cics_admin' ERZ067033I/0029: Creating CDS directories and setting ACLs: /.:/cics /.:/cics/ppc /.:/cics/ppc/gateway /.:/cics/trpc /.:/cics/tmxa Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4-7 Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4.2 Starting the Installation /.:/cics/profile /.:/cics/sfs cicssetupdce completed sucessfully. Do you want to run cicsdefaultservers? (y/n) : y Setting up default stanzas for regions..... ERZ036171I /1205: The following server definitions may need migrating 'GSD.stanza' cicsdefaultservers completed sucessfully. Do you want to run cicsmkcobol? (y/n): y Running cicsmkcobol..... ERZ058905I/1208: Compiling the COBOL support file /opt/cics /bin/cicsprCOBOL ERZ058906I/1210: Linking the COBOL support file /opt/cics /bin/cicsprCOBOL ld: Warning: Linking some objects which contain exception information sections and some which do not. This may cause fatal runtime exception handling problems (last obj encountered without exceptions was /usr /lib/cmplrs/cob/coblib/libcobstat.a). ERZ058907I/1212: MF COBOL support file '/opt/cics/bin /cicsprCOBOL' successfully created ERZ058909I/1213: Compiling the MF COBOL signal initialization program '/opt/cics/bin/cobinitsig.gnt' ERZ058911I/1215: MF COBOL signal initialization program '/opt/cics/bin/cobinitsig.gnt' successfully created cicsmkcobol completed sucessfully. Do you wish to use the default key mapping? (y/n) : y Linking /etc/3270.keys to /opt/cics/etc/3270keys Configuring "CICS Clients" (CICSCLT215) Do you want to run cicssetupclients? (y/n) : y Please enter your DCE cell_admin password: Running cicssetupclients..... ERZ045041I/0023: DCE Principal cics/clients/08002b91016c added ERZ045042I/0024: DCE account cics/clients/08002b91016c has been added 4-8 Installing CICS for Digital UNIX Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4.2 Starting the Installation ERZ045109I/0013: CICS has added the principal cics/clients /08002b91016c with its account. The key table file /var /cics_clients/08002b91016c.key has also been added. ERZ045116I/0020: CICS has created the key table file /var /cics_clients/08002b91016c.key with ownership cics:cicsterm and permissions rw-rw---- (660) ERZ045138I/0030: CICS has added the entry 'rcics' to the inittab cicssetupclients completed sucessfully. Configuring "CICS 3270 EPI" (CIC3270215) Configuring "Encina for CICS" (CICEBAS215) Configuring "Encina SFS for CICS" (CICESFS215) Configuring "CICS Demonstration" (CICDEMO215) # Installing CICS for Digital UNIX 4-9 5 _________________________________________________________________ Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.1 Introduction This chapter tells you how to configure CICS for Digital UNIX software for the first time on a system running the Digital UNIX operating system. The sequence of tasks is as follows: 1. Set your environment variables (Section 5.2). 2. Set up DCE. o If your configuration will use the DCE security and authentication services, set up your system in a DCE cell (Section 5.3.1). o If your configuration will use only the DCE RPC daemon, start the RPC daemon dced (Section 5.3.2). 3. Prepare for file control by creating and starting an SFS server (Section 5.4). 4. Create a region (Section 5.5). 5. Configure file control for a region using the SFS configuration process (Section 6. Start a region (Section 5.5.2). 7. Start a client (Section 5.6). 5.2 Setting Environment Variables Before doing any CICS configuration or operational tasks, you must be working in a suitable environment-you must be logged in as root and, if your configuration is in a DCE cell, you must have DCE credentials (obtained by logging in to DCE). Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5-1 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.2 Setting Environment Variables There are also environment variables that must be set, in several contexts: Digital UNIX COBOL CICS SFS These are shown in Table 5-1. A sample Korn shell script called cics_profile is available to set these environment variables (except CICS_HOSTS and ENCINA_BINDING_FILE and the SFS environment variables) for you. To use the script, enter the following: # . /usr/opt/cics/src/samples/profile/cics_profile 5-2 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.2 Setting Environment Variables Table_5-1_Environment_Variables__________________________________ Variable___________Value________________________________Context__ PATH /opt/cics/bin:/opt/encina Digital /bin:$PATH UNIX LANG en_US.ISO8859-1 Digital UNIX NLSPATH $NLSPATH:/usr/lib/nls/msg/en_ Digital US.ISO8859-1/%N: UNIX /opt/encina/msg/%L/%N LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/cics/lib:/opt/encina Digital /lib:$COBDIR/coblib: UNIX /opt/dcelocal/shlib _RLD_ARGS -ignore_unresolved Digital UNIX LD_BIND_NOW 1 Digital UNIX DECW_BOOKSHELF /opt/cics/dxbook/cics.decw_ Digital bookshelf UNIX COBDIR /usr/lib/cmplrs/cob COBOL CICS_HOSTS[1] Name of system running a region CICS ENCINA_BINDING_ /var/cics_servers/server_bindings SFS FILE[1] [1]_Only_when_configuring_CICS_without_a_Security_Server_and_a___ Cell Directory Server. _________________________________________________________________ Examples The following example shows how to set the PATH environment variable in Korn shell. It is important to maintain the original value of PATH. To include the original value in the new PATH environment variable, you include a dollar sign followed by the word PATH. To set the environment variable PATH to a value /opt/cics /bin:/opt/encina/bin:$PATH, enter: # export PATH=/opt/cics/bin:/opt/encina/bin:$PATH Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5-3 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.2 Setting Environment Variables To set the environment variable LD_BIND_NOW to a value of one, enter: # export LD_BIND_NOW=1 To examine the value of an environment variable, enter: # echo $environment_variable_name 5.3 Setting up DCE This section tells you how to set up your DCE in accordance with the decisions you made in Section 1.1: o If you have decided to set up your system in a DCE cell (see follow the instructions in Section 5.3.1. o If you have decided that your configuration will use only the DCE RPC deamon, follow the instructions in Section 5.3.2. 5.3.1 Setting up Your System in a DCE Cell Before you can configure CICS, DCE must be set up. If you intend to use a DCE cell with a Security Server and Cell Directory Service (CDS), you must first create the cell: use dcesetup (see your DCE documentation for more information about dcesetup), and then log in to DCE as cell_admin (you need the password); alternatively, to use an existing cell, log in to DCE using the following command: # dce_login cell_admin Logging in to DCE gives you DCE credentials to access and edit DCE information. ________________________ Note ________________________ After you log in to DCE, you must reset the environment variables. ______________________________________________________ If your system was configured within a DCE cell before you installed CICS, you may have chosen to run cicssetupdce. This command adds to the DCE Cell Directory Service directories and groups for CICS. Note that it has to be 5-4 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.3 Setting up DCE run only once in any DCE cell, however many CICS systems the cell contains. If cicsetupdce has not been run for the DCE cell of which your system is a member, you must run it now, using the following command: # cicssetupdce -I -v For more information, see Administration Reference. 5.3.2 Starting the DCE RPC daemon If you are using only the DCE RPC daemon, rather than all the cell services, you must configure and start the DCE RPC daemon on all Digital UNIX systems on which you are running CICS servers or clients. To start the DCE RPC daemon, use the following command: # cicscp create dce -R ________________________ Note ________________________ If you already have a DCE configuration, this command will fail. To avoid this, you must destroy your current DCE configuration using dcesetup clobber . ______________________________________________________ To manually restart DCE after you have initially created it, use the following command: # cicscp start dce To ensure that your system will reboot correctly, you must modify the DCE startup file, if one exists, which is used when rebooting. If this exists, it is in the /sbin/init.d directory. If you require the DCE daemon to be started automatically when your system reboots, edit the DCE startup file so that it contains the above cicscp command. Remember that in the startup file you must set the required environment variables before the cicscp start dce command. Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5-5 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.4 Preparing and Starting an SFS 5.4 Preparing and Starting an SFS The SFS process runs with its own UID. Therefore, a new user must be created for each new SFS. The SFS requires two logical volumes, one to hold recovery data, and one to hold file data. If you are using a DCE RPC only configuration, you must create a file containing binding information for the SFS. In the example that follows, we are creating the SFS /.: /cics/sfs/blue on the system blue. By default, this system uses the following logical volumes: o log_Sblue: this contains recovery data. o sfs_Sblue: this contains file data. The definitions about the SFS that are maintained in the stanza files make assumptions about naming conventions. One of these assumptions is that the names of logical volumes begin with log_S and sfs_S and end with the last part of the SFS name, for example, log_Sblue. Assumptions are also made for the ShortName and User ID: for this reason, they are explicitly identified in the relevant command. If you wish to use alternatives, refer to the documentation on the CICS SFS management scripts in Administration Reference. To create the SFS on a system called blue, use the following procedure: 1. Create user Sblue which the SFS can run under. # adduser Enter a login name for the new user (for example, john): Sblue Enter a UID for (Sblue) [18]: Enter a full name for (Sblue): sfs for blue Enter a login group for (Sblue) [users]: cics Enter another group that (Sblue) should be a member of( only if none): Enter a parent directory for (Sblue) [/usr/users]: /var /cics_servers/SSD/cics/sfs/blue /var/cics_servers/SSD/cics/sfs/blue was not found, do you want to create it ([y] /n)? y The shells are: 5-6 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.4 Preparing and Starting an SFS /usr/bin/sh /usr/bin/ksh /bin/csh /bin/ksh /usr/bin/csh /usr/bin/posix/sh /bin/sh Enter a login shell for (Sblue) [/bin/sh]: /bin/ksh Adding new user ... Rebuilding the passwd database... 25 password entries (longest entry is 111 bytes long) Creating home directory... You must enter a new password for (Sblue). Changing password for Sblue. New password: Password Retype new password: Password Finished adding user account for (Sblue). 2. Create the logical volume log_Sblue, size 64 MB. # volassist -U gen make log_Sblue 64m 3. Change the ownership of logical volume file for log_ Sblue # voledit set user=Sblue group=cics log_Sblue 4. Create the logical volume sfs_Sblue with a size of 64 MB. # volassist -U gen make sfs_Sblue 64m 5. Change the ownership of logical volume file sfs_Sblue # voledit set user=Sblue group=cics sfs_Sblue 6. Create the SFS /.:/cics/sfs/blue, with a short name of Sblue and under the user ID Sblue. When using the DCE Security Server and CDS, use the following command: # cicssfscreate -I /.:/cics/sfs/blue ShortName=Sblue UserID=Sblue Enter your DCE password: ERZ105006I/0011: Directory '/var/cics_servers/SSD/cics /sfs/blue' created ERZ058090I/0711: Subsystem 'cicssfs.Sblue' is not defined ERZ010130I/0734: Creating subsystem 'cicssfs.Sblue' ERZ105112I/0761: DCE Principal 'cics/sfs/blue' added Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5-7 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.4 Preparing and Starting an SFS ERZ105114I/0763: DCE account 'cics/sfs/blue' has been added When using only the DCE runtime services, use the following command: # cicssfscreate -S -I /.:/cics/sfs/blue ShortName=Sblue UserID=Sblue 7. When using only the DCE runtime services, create the SFS server binding file, file /var/cics_servers/server_ bindings, containing the relevant binding for your SFS. The format of this file is simply the server name and the associated string binding. The server name must be a fully qualified name. The string binding consists of a protocol sequence, a network address or host name, and an end point (the port number). The end point must be a unique port on your system that is free. To identify such a port, look in the /etc/services file. When you have identified a unique port number, add an entry to the /etc/services file for the SFS. The examples below show bindings for the SFS server /.: /cics/sfs/blue running on host blue. The following is an example of a server binding file using UDP/IP: /.:/cics/sfs ncadg_ip_udp:blue[1234] /blue The following is an example of a server binding file using TCP/IP: /.:/cics/sfs ncacn_ip_tcp:blue[1234] /blue For more information about server bindings, see Administration Guide. 8. Cold start the SFS /.:/cics/sfs/blue _______________________ Warning _______________________ If you cold start an SFS to which you have already added files, these files will be lost. To auto 5-8 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.4 Preparing and Starting an SFS start an SFS without losing files, simply omit StartType=cold ______________________________________________________ # cicssfs /.:/cics/sfs/blue StartType=cold ERZ038182I/0509: Server '/.:/cics/sfs/blue' started successfully. ERZ105006I/0011: Directory '/var/cics_servers/archives /blue' created ERZ036233I/0262: Logical volumes on server '/.:/cics/sfs /blue' have been recovered. ERZ038182I/0182: Server '/.:/cics/sfs/blue' started successfully. 5.5 Creating a Region A CICS region is an instance of a CICS Server. The example commands use a region called blue1. You should select names for your regions which meet the following criteria: o They are unique within your CICS system. o They contain fewer than 8 characters. o They do not contain any underscores or the the string "stanza". o They follow any local naming conventions. Create the default stanza files for region blue1 as follows. When using only the DCE runtime services, use the following command: # cicsdefault -r blue1 -S When using the DCE Security Server and CDS, use the following command: # cicsdefault -r blue1 ERZ04600I/0253: Enter your DCE password: ERZ046045I/0222: Creating region 'blue1' from archive of default region '/opt/cics/DEFAULT' ERZ105112I/0761: DCE Principal 'cics/blue1' added ERZ105114I/0763: DCE account 'cics/blue1' has been added ERZ105111W/0760: Principal 'CICSUSER' already in DCE registry Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5-9 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.5 Creating a Region ERZ105113W/0762: Account 'CICSUSER' already in DCE registry ERZ058090I/0711: Subsystem 'cics.blue1' is not defined ERZ010114I/0728: Creating subsystem 'cics.blue1' for region 'blue1' ERZ046339I/0421: Successfully imported region 'blue1' 5.5.1 Configuring File Control for a Region All regions require seven files or tables to be maintained outside that region for file control. o Five of these are required for cicsqueues (both temporary storage and transient data). o Two are required to control EXEC CICS START requests that have been sent to other systems. SFS Configuration Process Configure the region blue1 to use the SFS /.:/cics/sfs /blue. # cicssfsconf -I wc blue1 DefaultFileServer=/.:cics/sfs /blue ERZ038176I/1118: Adding TSQ file 'blue1cicsrectsqfile' to server '/.:/cics/sfs/blue', volume 'sfs_Sblue'. ERZ038176I/0339: Adding TSQ file 'blue1cicsnrectsqfil' to server '/.:/cics/sfs/blue', volume 'sfs_Sblue'. ERZ038177I/0344: Adding TDQ file 'blue1cicstdqlgfile' to server '/.:/cics/sfs/blue', volume 'sfs_Sblue'. ERZ038177I/0349: Adding TDQ file 'blue1cicstdqphfile' to server '/.:/cics/sfs/blue', volume 'sfs_Sblue'. ERZ038177I/0354: Adding TDQ file 'blue1cicstdqnofile' to server '/.:/cics/sfs/blue', volume 'sfs_Sblue'. ERZ038178I/0364: Adding Local Queueing file 'blue1cicsnlqfile' to server '/.:/cics/sfs/blue', volume 'sfs_Sblue'. ERZ038178I/0359: Adding Local Queueing file 'blue1cicsplqfile' to server '/.:/cics/sfs/blue', volume 'sfs_Sblue'. ERZ010013I/0024: CICS has removed the lock file for region 'blue1' 5-10 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.5 Creating a Region 5.5.2 Starting the Region Cold start the CICS region blue1: # cicsstart -c blue1 ERZ058014I/0237: Region 'blue1' is being COLD started To confirm that your CICS region has successfully started, check the console.msg file for the region. When you see the following, your region has started: *** CICS startup is complete *** To check the console.msg file, enter: # cd /var/cics_regions/blue1 # tail -f console.msg ERZ023028I/0733 08/24/95 03:47:53 blue1 : Temporary Storage queues have been processed! ERZ061026I/4005 08/24/95 03:47:53 blue1 : Processing local queues that correspond to asynchronous processing requests ... ERZ061027I/4006 08/24/95 03:47:53 blue1 : Local queues have been processed ERZ010138I/0369 08/24/95 03:47:53 blue1 : The CICS initialization transaction has ended ERZ024089I/0313 08/24/95 03:47:53 blue1 : Checkpointing started ERZ010120I/0243 08/24/95 03:47:53 blue1 : Completed processing startup or shutdown program list ERZ024090I/0314 08/24/95 03:47:53 blue1 : Checkpointing completed ERZ041006I/0010 08/24/95 03:47:53 blue1 : CICS has added the region name to the profile entry in Cell Directory Service ERZ010020I/0068 08/24/95 03:47:53 blue1 : *** CICS startup is complete *** ERZ010129I/0334 08/24/95 03:47:53 blue1 : CICS startup id: 'blue195082403474' # Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5-11 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.6 Starting a Client 5.6 Starting a Client If you are using a DCE cell, you must add a user definition to the CICS UD stanza and create a DCE principal for the user. If you are using only the DCE RPC daemon, you need only add an entry to the UD stanza. 5.6.1 Setting up a CICS user The steps that an administrator must take to set up a user of a 3270 client emulator (cicsteld) are detailed in Administration Guide. 1. A user must belong to the cicsterm group to be able to use a client. To add a user to this group, edit the /etc /group file and add the new user's ID to the following line: cicsterm:*:201:user1,user2 2. Create a CICS user ID for the user. To do this, use the following syntax: # cicsadd -c ud -r region_name -B user_name Note that if CICS is using only the DCE RPC daemon, by default the password field, CICSPassword in the UD stanza file, is left blank. You can leave it as it is, so that no password is required when signing on. Alternatively, if you want to require users to enter a password, use the following form of the command: # cicsadd -c ud -r region_name -B user_name CICSPassword=password 3. If you are using a DCE cell, add a DCE principal for the new user. The following example assumes that the Digital UNIX user name is the same as the DCE principal name: # cicsusrdceadmin -A -u user_name -g cics_users -o none \ -h home directory -p cicsterm 5-12 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.6 Starting a Client 5.6.2 Bringing up a cicsterm After the system administrator has completed the steps in Section 5.6.1, the user of a CICS client should be able to bring up a cicsterm by taking the following steps: 1. Do one of the following, according to your configuration: o If your configuration uses the DCE Security Server and Cell Directory Server, log in to DCE: # dce_login dce_user dce_user_password o If your configuration uses only the DCE RPC daemon, set the environment variable CICS_HOSTS to the name of the system running the region: # export CICS_HOSTS=blue 2. Set environment variables # export PATH=/opt/cics/bin:$PATH # export LANG=en_US.ISO8859-1 # export NLSPATH=$NLSPATH:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/cics/lib: /opt/dcelocal/shlib 3. Initiate a client. This will give a menu of available regions. # cicsterm 5.7 Shutting Down Your CICS Processes The components that you may shut down vary according to your configuration, but no matter what configuration you have, you must shut down the region before you shut down any server that is handling file control. For more information on the CICS commands, refer to Administration Reference. If you intend to go on to verify the C and COBOL applications in Chapter 6, do not shut down your region or your file control server at this stage. Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5-13 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.7 Shutting Down Your CICS Processes 5.7.1 Shutting Down a Region To shut down the region, you must: o Be logged in as root. o If your system uses a full DCE cell, be logged in to DCE. o Have the correct environment variables set (see Section 5.2). Use the following command to shut down your region: # cicsstop region_name 5.7.2 Shutting Down File Control Servers To shut down your SFS server, you must: o Be logged in as root. o Be DCE authenticated, if you are using a full DCE cell configuration. o Have the environment variables set (see Section 5.2). Use the following command to shut down your SFS server: # cicssfsshut sfs_name 5.8 Recovering from Errors If you have problems when configuring your system, it is important to investigate them fully. The CICS scripts produce informational, warning, and error messages, all of which have a number associated with them. The letter that follows this number varies according to the type of message: for example, ERZ080030E is an error message). You can look up these messages in Messages and Codes, which suggests responses and remedial actions. 5.8.1 Recovering from DCE Errors If you experience problems in setting up a system in a DCE cell, refer to your DCE documentation. If there are problems in starting the DCE RPC daemon using cicscp, you will see CICS error messages: look these up in Messages and Codes. 5-14 Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5.8 Recovering from Errors 5.8.2 Recovering from Unexpected Terminations If your CICS region or your SFS are teminated unexpectedly (owing to a system crash, for instance), lock files may be left on the system which prevent startup operations from succeeding. In such a case, CICS displays error messages that indicate that lock files are present and are preventing startup. To recover from this, use the cicsnotify command (for the CICS region) and cicssfslock command (for the SFS). For more information about these commands, refer to Administration Reference. Configuring CICS for Digital UNIX 5-15 6 _________________________________________________________________ Verifying Your CICS Configuration This chapter tells you how to verify that your CICS for Digital UNIX system is working correctly. Before you can do this, you must do the following: o Install any prerequisite software as described in Chapter 2. o Create the cics user, cics and cicsterm groups. o Install CICS for Digital UNIX as described in Chapter 4. o Complete the configuration as described in Chapter 5, and have a region. 6.1 Introduction The verification process involves adding a set of program and transaction definitions to the region and then testing your configuration by using them. There are two sets of programs for testing: o Those supplied in the kit. o Those that you build on your system using the sources that are supplied. The two sets of programs provide identical functionality. 6.2 The Verification Process There are two paths through the procedure to verify your CICS configuration. The path you take depends on whether your configuration will be used for production or development. When you use the procedure to verify a development system, you build the programs that are invoked by the transactions used to verify you system. You do not do this when verifying a production system. Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6-1 Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.2 The Verification Process To verify a production system, follow Steps 1 and 2. To verify a development system, work through all the steps that follow. 1. Add the IVP transactions that verify the configuration (see Section 6.3). This step ensures that you can add new definitions to the region's stanza files, and that files can be created in the SFS. It creates new stanza entries and SFS files for the transactions, which are run in the next step. 2. Verify your CICS configuration (see Section 6.4). This step ensures that users of CICS clients can connect to a CICS region and that your transactions can access the SFS. The sources for the programs used by the transactions are supplied with the kit. Using cicsterm (or a 3270 teminal of your choice), you connect to the region configured in Step 1 and then run the transactions that were defined. In this step, you also have the option to test support for printers. 3. Build new executables (see Section 6.5). This step enables you to ensure that you can build C and COBOL programs and BMS maps that CICS can use. If your programs are all written in C, it is not necessary for you to verify COBOL programs. In this step, the executables used by the transactions run in Step 2 are built from the supplied source files. 4. Modify the program definitions (see Section 6.6). In this step, you check that you can update stanza entries for a running region when changing the stanza definitions. You do not have to shut down and then cold start your region for this. The program definitions added to the region in Step 2 are updated to use the programs that you built in Step 3. 5. Verify the new IVP executables (see Section 6.7). 6-2 Verifying Your CICS Configuration Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.2 The Verification Process In this step, you ensure that programs built on your system behave correctly. To do this, you must connect to the region and run the transactions that use programs that you have built. 6.3 Adding IVP Transactions You must shut down the region before you attempt to configure your region to run the IVP transactions. To prepare for the IVP transactions, you use the cicsivp command, which automatically does the following: o Adds the appropriate resource definitions to the region's database. o Creates the necessary file definitions in the SFS. Note that you must cold start the region for the changes to take effect. There are two sets of executable programs, one set written in C and one set written in COBOL. You must select the set that you will use to verify your system. If you use the COBOL set, you must run cicsmkcobol before running the transactions described in Section 6.4. 1. To shut down your CICS regions, use the following command: # cicsstop region_name 2. Add to the region and SFS the resource definitions and the SFS file definitions required by the IVP transactions. Do this by running the cicsivp command as follows: # cicsivp -r region_name [-l language] [-s server] [-v volume] where o region_name is the name of the region you have just shut down or created. o language is either C or COBOL, depending on the transactions you wish to run. The default language is C. Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6-3 Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.3 Adding IVP Transactions o server is the required SFS. If you do not specify the server then the default server is: /.:/cics/sfs/hostname where hostname is the name of the machine running CICS. To determine the name of the host, use the command uname -n. o volume is the logical volume containing SFS file data. The default volume is sfs_SFS_SERV. For example, you could enter the following to add resource definitions for COBOL to the region blue1: # cicsivp -r blue1 -l COBOL -s /.:/cics/sfs/blue -v sfs_ Sblue Alternatively, for the C resource definitions to be added, you could enter: # cicsivp -r blue1 -l C -s /.:/cics/sfs/blue -v sfs_ Sblue 3. For C versions of the sample application programs, you must set the Transient Data Definitions (TDD) TriggeredTransid attribute to DREQ for the L860 transaction. To do this, use the following command: # cicsupdate -c tdd -r region_name L86O TriggeredTransId=DREQ 4. Cold start the region. You use a cold start so that the stanzas take effect in your running CICS system. To do this, enter: # cicsstart -c region_name For example, you could cold start region blue1 with the following command: # cicsstart -c blue1 To check that the region has started, enter: # tail -f /var/cics_regions/region_name/console.msg 6-4 Verifying Your CICS Configuration Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.3 Adding IVP Transactions When you see the following message your region is up and running: *** CICS startup is complete *** 6.4 Verifying Your CICS Configuration To check that the components of your system interact correctly, you must run the IVP transactions. These transactions provide functionality that is based on a very simple record handling system in which you can add records and then update, query, or print them. Initially, no records exist, so once you have connected to the region you must create at least one record. To verify the runtime system, the process is as follows: 1. Connect a cicsterm (See Section 6.4.1). 2. Get the menu (See Section 6.4.2). o Add a record to the file (See Section 6.4.3). o Update a record (See Section 6.4.4). o Optionally, print a record (See Section 6.4.5). You can repeat these operations, entering different account numbers and amending other fields. 3. End the session (See Section 6.4.6). 6.4.1 Connecting a cicsterm Sign on to CICS for Digital UNIX using the cicsterm command. Remember that if you are running in a configuration that has only a DCE RPC daemon, you set set the CICS_HOSTS environment variable. Enter: # cicsterm -r region_name where region_name is the name of the region you are running. Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6-5 Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.4 Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.4.2 Getting the Menu Clear the terminal screen (the one created using cicsterm) by pressing the Clear key and enter the transaction in uppercase letters. At this point, you are in key mappings provided by the .3270keys file (see the chapter on understanding 3270 keyboard definitions for CICS in CICS for Digital UNIX Administration Guide). Which key is your Clear key therefore depends on your keyboard setup. The transaction is: MENU for both C and COBOL The MENU transaction invokes one of the sample programs. This produces a menu of Inquiry, Browse, Add, and Update, all of which use the sample transactions. If you clear the screen, remember to re-enter the MENU transaction because the program does not accept data from an unformatted screen. To run any of the programs, enter the four-character (upper case) transaction and any six-numeral account number in the fields highlighted in the bottom line of the block of text. 6.4.3 Adding a Record To verify that you can create new records in the SFS, you add a record, as follows: 1. At the MENU screen, type ADDS in the Enter Transaction field. The cursor moves automatically to the Number field. 2. Type 111111 in the Number field and press Enter. The File Add screen appears with the Number field showing the value 111111. 3. Using the tab key to move from field to field, type values into all the fields. Note: - The Name field accepts uppercase only. - The Amount field must start with $ and have two decimal places, that is, it must end with a period (.) followed by two numerals. 6-6 Verifying Your CICS Configuration Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.4 Verifying Your CICS Configuration - The Comment field must contain a maximum of 9 characters. - All other digits must be numeric. Press Enter. The Operator Instructions screen appears showing the following message: RECORD ADDED 6.4.4 Updating a Record To verify that you can update records in the SFS, you use the following procedure: 1. Type UPDT in the Transaction field. The cursor moves automatically to the Number field. 2. Type 111111 in the Number field and press Enter. The File Update screen appears showing your entered data. 3. Change the value in the Amount field and press Enter. The Operator Instructions screen appears showing the message: RECORD UPDATED 6.4.5 Printing a Record If you want to verify cicstermp, you must also set up a printer emulator. You can do this by entering the following, in a separate window or screen: cicstermp -r region_name -n IVPPrint -P PrintCommand where region_name is the name of the region you are running. PrintCommand is the print command to be used by the printer CICS 3270 Terminal Emulator, for example lp. See CICS for Digital UNIX Administration Reference for more information. The OREN transaction is used to add items to be printed to the CICS print queue L860. Nothing is printed until the queue contains five items. When the queue contains five items, CICS for Digital UNIX invokes the OREQ transaction, which prints the items: they are then removed from the queue. Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6-7 Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.4 Verifying Your CICS Configuration To add items to the queue and send them to the printer, the procedure is as follows: 1. Enter the following in the transaction field: OREN 2. Add an item to the queue by entering characters in the requested fields and then pressing Enter. 3. When five items are in the queue, you must commit them before they can be printed. Do this by pressing the Clear key. 6.4.6 Ending the Session When you have finished, clear the screen by pressing the Clear key, and, if you wish to terminate your cicsterm, run the supplied transaction CESF. 6.5 Building New IVP Executables Sample source code in COBOL and C is supplied with CICS for Digital UNIX so that you can build it into executable transactions before adding them to a region definition and using them from CICS. This verifies that you can run transactions built on your system. ________________________ Note ________________________ Do not use a root ID when building the COBOL transactions. ______________________________________________________ This section tells you how to build the transactions (COBOL, C, and the maps) and how to update your region to use the executables that you have built. Copy the /opt/cics/src/samples/ivp directory contents to a place where you have read/write permission, so that when you build new executables you will not overwrite those supplied in the kit. 1. Change to the directory containing the writeable samples. 6-8 Verifying Your CICS Configuration Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.5 Building New IVP Executables 2. Use the following make commands to compile the sources for the programs: o make all This compiles all the transactions and maps. o make maps This compiles all the maps. o make C This compiles the C programs. o make COBOL This compiles the COBOL programs. The make C and make COBOL commands compile the relevant maps before compiling the programs used by the transactions. 6.6 Modifying Program Definitions The files that you have built are as shown in Table 6-1. Table_6-1_Files_Created_Using_the_Make_Options_____________ Maps____________C_____________COBOL________________________ dfhdall dfhcall.gnt dfhdbrw dfhcbrw.gnt dfhdcom dfhccom.gnt dfhdren dfhcmnu.gnt dfhdmnu dfhcren.gnt dfhdgl.map_________________________________________________ After you have created the newer versions of the programs, run them to test that they work. Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6-9 Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.6 Modifying Program Definitions To do this, you must o Ensure that your TD stanza entries point to the correct programs. o Update the PD stanza entries to contain pointers to your new executables. Change the PathName (Program pathname) attribute within the region's PD stanza so as to identify the location of each new program. To do this, you must first delete the current program definition and then add the new one. You do this as follows: 1. Delete the current resource definition for the program. Enter: # cicsdelete -c pd -r region -B ProgramName For example, you could enter the following: # cicsdelete -c pd -r blue1 -B dfhdmnu 2. Add the new resource definition with the new pathname. Enter: # cicsadd -c pd -r region -B ProgramName \ PathName= "Pathname/ProgramName" To add the new resource definition for a new map, use the following syntax: cicsadd -c pd -r blue1 -B DFHCGA \ PathName= "/usr/users/cics/ivp/DFHCGA. map" \ ProgType=map To add the new resource definition for a program, use the following syntax: cicsadd -c pd -r blue1-B dfhdmnu \ PathName= "/usr/users/cics/ivp/dfhdmnu" Note that this process applies to every program and you should repeat it for every program that you have built. 6-10 Verifying Your CICS Configuration Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6.7 Verifying New IVP Executables 6.7 Verifying New IVP Executables To verify that the new executables have built correctly, you must connect a CICS client and run the transactions. To do this, follow the steps in Section 6.4. 6.8 Recovering from Errors Errors that you may encounter include the following: o Command fails to run. If the cicsivp command fails to run, CICS messages are produced that indicate what has gone wrong. Refer to these error messages in Messages and Codes to determine the appropriate action. o Region fails to start. (See Section 5.8) o Client fails to start up (See Problem Determination Guide) o Transactions fail. If a transaction fails, at least one CICS error message is generated, and may be displayed in any of three destinations: - The client user's screeen - The region's console.msg file. - The region's CSMT file. Refer to Messages and Codes to determine the best approach to solving the problem. Verifying Your CICS Configuration 6-11 7 _________________________________________________________________ Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX This chapter tells you how to install a new version of CICS for Digital UNIX software on an Alpha system running the Digital UNIX operating system. Before upgrading your CICS system, you must do the following: o Shut down all processes associated with CICS o Backup your system o Remove the CICS subsets that you have installed previously o Install the new CICS kit o Migrate your CICS resource definitions for use with your upgraded system o Start the processes associated with CICS The CICS for Digital UNIX V2.1B kit does not contain the DEC SNA LU6.2 server, which is available as a separate product. If you require the functions that it provides, ensure that you have the product available before you upgrade. To run many of the CICS commands, if your configuration uses a DCE cell, you must be DCE logged in: for further information refer to Section 5.3. ________________________ Note ________________________ Before attempting to use any of the CICS commands, ensure that your environment is set correctly, as described in Section 5.2. If it is not, any CICS commands are likely to fail. ______________________________________________________ Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7-1 Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX See Administration Guide for information about differences between setting up your CICS for Digital UNIX system to use the DCE Security Server and the DCE Cell Directory Server and setting it up to use only the DCE run-time services. 7.1 Shutting down your CICS Processes Before you upgrade your system, you must shut down the CICS processes. CICS regions must be shut down before SFS: if you have one SFS server for multiple regions that are running on different machines, each of these CICS regions must be shut down before you shut down the SFS. To shut down a CICS region, use the following command: cicsstop region You might, for example, use the following command: # cicsstop blue1 To ensure that your region has shut down successfully, look for the following message in the console.msg file for your region: ERZ010043I/0175 08/11/95 14:17:29 blue1 : *** Shutdown of CICS region "blue1" is complete *** To monitor this file you may want to use the following command: tail -f /var/cics_regions/region/console.msg You might, for example, use the following command: # tail -f /var/cics_regions/blue1/console.msg When the region has shut down successfully, you must shut down the SFS. Note that if CICS regions on other systems use this SFS, then you must shut down those regions first. To shut down an SFS, use the following command: cicssfsshut name of SFS You might, for example, use the following command: # cicssfsshut /.:/cics/sfs/blue If you are running the DEC SNA APPC/LU6.2 server, you must also shut this down. 7-2 Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7.2 Backing up your System 7.2 Backing up your System Before upgrading CICS, backup your system using your site guidelines. Under some circumstances, the upgrade process may delete SSD and LSD stanza files. These files are in directories under /var/cics_servers. Copy them to a safe directory, so that they can be replaced if necessary. Any files under the /usr/opt/cics, /usr/opt/encina or /usr/opt/tprm directories, which are local to your installation, should be copied to a safe directory. Restore them after the upgrade is complete. 7.3 Removing the CICS Subsets in your CICS System Identify which CICS subsets you have installed on your system. To do this, use the following command: # setld -i | grep CIC These subsets must be removed from your system, using the following command for each subset: setld -d subset 7.4 Installing your Upgrade To install the upgrade kit, use the following command: setld -l location of the kit Note that you must run cicssetupclients if you are using a full DCE configuration. If you are not using a full DCE configuration, do not run cicssetupclients. You must run cicsmkcobol if you need COBOL support. The installation script that follows shows an installation of CICS Client and Cell Server using a DCE cell. See Table 1-2 for a description of the subsets available. To install CICS from a CD-ROM mounted under /CDROM, enter: # setld -l /CDROM/cics215/kit Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7-3 Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7.4 Installing your Upgrade Copyright (c) IBM CORPORATION 1996 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1996 All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Possession, use, or copying of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. *** Enter subset selections *** The following subsets are mandatory and will be installed automatically unless you choose to exit without installing any subsets: * CICS Base Components * CICS Messages The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1)CICS 3270 EPI 2)CICS Clients 3)CICS Demonstration 4)CICS Help 5)CICS Server 6)Encina SFS for CICS 7)Encina for CICS Or you may choose one of the following options: 8)ALL mandatory and all optional subsets 9)MANDATORY subsets only 10)CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 11)EXIT without installing any subsets 7-4 Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7.4 Installing your Upgrade Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 10 You are installing the following mandatory subsets: CICS Base Components CICS Messages You are installing the following optional subsets: CICS 3270 EPI CICS Clients CICS Demonstration CICS Help CICS Server Encina SFS for CICS Encina for CICS Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. CICS Base Components Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 14:49:51 BST 1995 Verifying CICS Messages Copying from . (disk) Verifying CICS Help Copying from . (disk) Verifying CICS Server Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 14:51:17 GMT 1995 Working....Mon Dec 11 14:53:18 GMT 1995 Verifying CICS Clients Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 14:55:43 GMT 1995 Verifying Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7-5 Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7.4 Installing your Upgrade CICS 3270 EPI Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 14:56:31 GMT 1995 Verifying Encina for CICS Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 14:59:29 GMT 1995 Working....Mon Dec 11 15:01:30 GMT 1995 Working....Mon Dec 11 15:03:30 GMT 1995 Working....Mon Dec 11 15:05:30 GMT 1995 Working....Mon Dec 11 15:07:30 GMT 1995 Verifying Working....Mon Dec 11 15:09:10 GMT 1995 Encina SFS for CICS Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 15:09:46 GMT 1995 Verifying CICS Demonstration Copying from . (disk) Working....Mon Dec 11 15:09:48 GMT 1995 Verifying Configuring "CICS Base Components" (CICSBAS215) Configuring "CICS Messages" (CICSMSG215) Configuring "CICS Help" (CICDOC1215) Configuring "CICS Server" (CICSEXE215) Do you want to run cicssetupdce? (y/n) : n You can run cicssetupdce manually by typing: cicssetupdce -I -v whilst dce logged in. Do you want to run cicsdefaultservers? (y/n) : n You can run cicsdefaultservers mannually by typing: cicsdefaultservers whilst dce logged in. Do you want to run cicsmkcobol? (y/n): n You can run cicsmkcobol manually by typing: cicsmkcobol whilst in the directory /opt/cics/bin and dce logged in. 7-6 Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7.4 Installing your Upgrade Do you wish to use the default key mapping? (y/n) : y Linking /etc/3270.keys to /opt/cics/etc/3270keys Configuring "CICS Clients" (CICSCLT215) Do you want to run cicssetupclients? (y/n) : y Please enter your dce cell_admin password: Running cicssetupclients..... "ERZ045043I/0022: DCE principal and account for cics /clients/08002be45c7e has been removed" "ERZ045041I/0023: DCE Principal cics/clients/08002be45c7e added" "ERZ045042I/0024: DCE account cics/clients/08002be45c7e has been added" "ERZ045109I/0013: CICS has added the principal cics/clients /08002be45c7e with its account. The key table file /var /cics_clients/08002be45c7e.key has also been added." "ERZ045116I/0020: CICS has created the key table file /var /cics_clients/08002be45c7e.key with ownership cics:cicsterm and permissions rw-rw---- (660)" "ERZ045138I/0030:CICS has added the entry 'rcics' to the inittab" cicssetupclients completed successfully. Configuring "CICS 3270 EPI" (CIC3270215) Configuring "Encina for CICS" (CICEBAS215) Configuring "Encina SFS for CICS" (CICESFS215) Configuring "CICS Demonstration" (CICDEMO0215) 7.5 Migrating your Resource Definitions to your Upgraded System Check whether your SSD stanza file has been deleted. If it has, replace it with the copies that you saved before de-installing your old kit, so that you can carry out any migration that may be necessary. After you have upgraded your system, you must move the resource definitions for the region and SFS to the new version. To carry out this migration, use the following command to generate a script that will do this: cicsmigrate -g location of migration script -o logfile -m You might, for example, use the following command: Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7-7 Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7.5 Migrating your Resource Definitions to your Upgraded System # cicsmigrate -g /tmp/migrate_script -o /tmp/log-file -m Essentially, the script uses the following CICS utilities to update the stanza entries: cicsmigrateclass cicsupdateclass cicscopystanza If the updated entries are inappropriate for your system, you can edit the script as necessary. For more information on the use of these utilities, see Administration Reference. ________________________ Note ________________________ You must not change the cicsmigrateclass commands in the script. You can change the cicsupdateclass and cicscopystanza commands if you wish. ______________________________________________________ When you are satisfied that the script is correct for your site, execute it using the following command: ksh migration script You might, for example, use the following command: # ksh /tmp/migrate_script 7.6 Starting your CICS Processes When you have moved your SFS and regions, you must start them. To start your SFS server, use the following command: # cicssfs SFS name You might, for example, use the following command: # cicssfs /.:/cics/sfs/blue To start your regions, use the following command for each region: # cicsstart region You might, for example, use the following command: 7-8 Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7.6 Starting your CICS Processes # cicsstart blue1 7.7 Checking your Upgrade When you have finished your upgrade, you should check that the IVP transactions run correctly (see Chapter 6). Upgrading CICS for Digital UNIX 7-9 A _________________________________________________________________ Commands Used During Installation and Configuration This appendix lists the commands that you are most likely to use in installing and configuring your CICS for Digital UNIX system. A.1 cicsadd Adds new CICS resource definitions. For further information, see the chapter on the RDO and offline utilities commands in Administration Reference. A.2 cicscp The CICS control program (cicscp) configures and administers COBOL, Digital DCE, PPC gateways, regions, SFS, SNA nodes, SNA links, and telnet servers. For further information, see Administration Reference. A.3 cicsdefaultservers Creates the default resource files for the SFS and SFS schema. A.4 cicsmkcobol Creates the cicsprCOBOL file required to run COBOL programs. Micro Focus COBOL must be installed before you can use cicsmkcobol. For further information, see the chapter on the RDO and offline utilities commands in Administration Reference. Commands Used During Installation and Configuration A-1 Commands Used During Installation and Configuration A.5 cicssetupclients A.5 cicssetupclients Configures DCE for any host that will be running a CICS client or region. Use this command once for each host before you a run a terminal or region. For further information, see the chapter on the RDO and offline utilities commands in Administration Reference. A.6 cicssetupdce Creates directories and groups for CICS within DCE's Cell Directory Service, and is therefore required once for each DCE cell. For further information, see the chapter on the RDO and offline utilities commands in Administration Reference. A.7 cicsusrdceadmin Adds a DCE principal for a user of CICS. A-2 Commands Used During Installation and Configuration B _________________________________________________________________ The Epi3270 Server B.1 Introduction The Epi3270 server enables you to access a CICS for Digital UNIX region from a 3270 device. It is contained in the CIC3270 subset of CICS for Digital UNIX. In order to use this utility, you must have the DEC SNA Domain Gateway installed and operational. B.1.1 Network Configuration Assuming the DEC SNA Domain Gateway is already installed and operational, you will need to set up and/or check configuration definitions in the following areas: o VTAM The device LU (OPTIONAL) The VTAM path tables The Cross Domain Resource The gateway LU o DEC SNA Domain Gateway The gateway LU The SNA Access Server object o Digital UNIX Internet Services file /etc/services o CICS for Digital UNIX The terminal definition (optional) The Epi3270 Server B-1 The Epi3270 Server B.2 Configuration B.2 Configuration The command is as follows: # Epi3270 service region The Epi3270 utility must be started with two parameters: o The name of a TCP/IP service The utility waits for an incoming BIND to an LU linked to that service name (or the corresponding socket number) by means of an SNA Access Services Object in the gateway. o The name of a CICS region to be used. When a connection request comes in, the utility attempts to connect the incoming device to the named CICS region. B.2.1 Connecting Displays An SNA Access Services Object is created in each gateway naming the Epi3270 application. The LUs selected to provide connections to CICS for Open Systems regions are associated with these Objects. An example of the ncl file entries for an SNA Domain Gateway (ST or CT) is given in Example B-1. Example B-1 .ncl file entries for the Domain Gateway create node torder sna lu services - lu SNAH7900 - pu = SNAHSAPU, - default logon mode = d4c32782, - capability = primary, - object = AS3270AA create node torder sna access server - object LU62SRVcodling - transport = tcpip, - internet node = "", - port = 8001 Refer to Domain Gateway Planning and Configuration and Domain Gateway NCL Reference for full information on coding the .ncl file for the DEC SNA Domain Gateway. B-2 The Epi3270 Server The Epi3270 Server B.2 Configuration Example B-2 shows the entries in the /etc/services file required for the ncl file entries shown in Example B-1. You can choose any object name (AS3270AA in our example), as long as it matches the service name argument in the startup scripts. Example B-2 /etc/service entry AS3270AA 8010/tcp # 3270 Application Services object B.3 Operation and Trouble Shooting B.3.1 Network Status Displays The first step in approaching a failure to connect is to check that the various network entities on the path are ready. B.3.1.1 VTAM The terminal device will be defined to VTAM as an LU. The following command issued on the mainframe operating system console will show the status of the device: D NET,E,ID=name-of-lu It must be ACTIVE. If it is not, issue the following command and deal with any error messages this produces: V NET,ACT,ID=name-of-lu The LU in the Digital Domain Gateway that you intend to use must also be active. Use the same approach as above. Finally, the session must be requested by one of the following methods: 1. A LOGON command is entered from the terminal device, naming the gateway LU in the APPLID field. A LOGMODE value appropriate to the actual device may be required. 2. A VTAM application program connected to the terminal makes a CLSDST PASS call to VTAM naming the gateway LU (and possibly a LOGMODE value) in parameters to the call. The Epi3270 Server B-3 The Epi3270 Server B.3 Operation and Trouble Shooting 3. An operator "V LOGON" command is issued. See the VTAM operator's documentation for the syntax of this command. Again, APPLID and possibly LOGMODE values will be needed. 4. The terminal LU has "LOGAPPL=gateway-LU-name" coded on its LU definition in VTAM, and the terminal LU is bought active. Which approach is used will depend on whether the device is a printer and on local requirements. B.3.1.2 NCL The Network Command Language (NCL) facilities of the Digital Domain Gateway and other processors can be used to work on the status of gateway nodes. NCL command mode is entered by typing "ncl" at the operating system prompt. In the case of the Domain Gateway connected over TCP/IP, the commands shown in Example B-3 may be useful in getting connected to the gateway. A command file can be built and run at the start of each ncl session, using the "@" command. Example B-3 Example .ncl script to enable operator session ! ! See Domain Gateway Management section 2.1.2 ! set ncl transport tcpip disable ncl back translation set ncl default entity node bacon show ncl default entity set ncl default access by user = "root", password = "StreakyB" The gateway entities that must be enabled to support an incoming Epi3270 session request are as follows: o SNA SSCP SERVICES LOCAL SSCP The SSCP in the gateway o SNA SSCP SERVICES REMOTE SSCP The SSCP that owns the device LU B-4 The Epi3270 Server The Epi3270 Server B.3 Operation and Trouble Shooting o SNA PU SERVICES SUBAREA PU The PU in the gateway that owns the following routing entities o SNA PU SERVICES SUBAREA PU VIRTUAL ROUTE The routing entity that is named indirectly for the session by the COS specification on the VTAM LOGMODE table entry o SNA PU SERVICES SUBAREA PU EXPLICIT ROUTE The routing entity that is named by the above Virtual Route definition and gives the "next hop" information to get to the Remote SSCP from the gateway o SNA PU SERVICES SUBAREA PU TRANSMISSION GROUP The routing entity that is named by the above Explicit Route definition and identifies the physical connection out of the gateway to use o SNA LU SERVICES LU The gateway LU that will act as session primary o SNA ACCESS SERVER OBJECT This defines the link back from the gateway LU to an entry in /etc/services that will be named in the service argument when Epi3270 is invoked. Other entities, in particular the SNA LU SERVICES REMOTE LU that represents the device LU, will be created dynamically as needed. For each of the above entity types, it is possible to o Discover all instances using the show command and "*" in place of the entity name, for example: show SNA ACCESS SERVER OBJECT * o Obtain a tailored display of status by adding all, all counters, all status or all characteristics after the name, for example: show SNA LU SERVICES LU SNAH7900 all status o Determine the dependencies between entities in the different classes introduced above by using the show characteristics option. The Epi3270 Server B-5 The Epi3270 Server B.3 Operation and Trouble Shooting B.3.2 Log Files Exceptional events detected by the various components are often reported in log files. Messages often have message numbers and can be decoded by reference to the appropriate messages manual. SNA sense codes appear in some messages and in trace output. An SNA sense code is a 32-bit number expressed in hex, with the first two hex digits giving a general category of error, e.g. 0x08 codes are all request rejects. The second pair of hex digits is a modifier which often identifies precisely reason. For example, 0x0801 is "request reject, resource (LU, PU or link) not available". In many cases, the remaining four hex digits are used to give a value that further describes the problem. Note that an SNA exception response will contain a sense code inserted after the RH and before the first byte of the RU- proper (if any). Refer to the IBM documentation for a list of architected SNA sense codes. B.3.2.1 VTAM Console Log This is the operator console log. It can be inspected at the operator console. In many installations it can also be inspected by users of the TSO application, via SPF. Failure messages and error messages associated with failed activations are produced here and are an excellent guide to why a connection cannot be made. B.3.2.2 Epi3270 Logs This consists of error messages produced to stderr by the Epi3270 utility. B.3.3 VTAM Tracing As described in the IBM documentation for VTAM, traces can be started for all network nodes, by means of a command similar to the following: F NET,TRACE,ID=node,TYPE=IO The value NET may be different on some installations, depending on how the VTAM started task is defined. There are a number of trace types in VTAM. Refer to the documentation for further details. Type "IO" is generally useful for deciding which node is at fault. B-6 The Epi3270 Server The Epi3270 Server B.3 Operation and Trouble Shooting Note that on ESA trace records are captured by GTF (the Generalised Trace Facility), which must be started before VTAM traces are switched on. Note also that VTAM provides help with formating trace output. B.3.3.1 CTF Tracing CTF is the Common Trace Facility, and traces activity within the Digital gateway. It is described in the documentation for CTF for Digital UNIX. B.3.3.2 SNALOG Tracing This is described in CICS for Digital UNIX Intercommunication It is turned on by setting environment variables, and produces traces for the layers on the path between the Epi3270 utility and the gateway. B.4 Epi3270 Messages Messages are normally produced from the NLS message catalogue /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ If for some reason, the catalogue cannot be used, the messages are produced from the default strings hard-coded in the utility. These are in English. The catalogue is used for The message strings for error messages written to stderr The messages written by the utility to the terminal The fixed fields of the system selection menu The Epi3270 Server B-7 C _________________________________________________________________ The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.1 Introduction The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application shows the capabilities of CICS on the Digital UNIX platform. The demonstration is included only as an example of a CICS application and is unsupported. This appendix assumes that you understand CICS for Digital UNIX concepts, and describes the use and configuration of the demonstration application. C.2 Overview of the Demonstration The demonstration is based on a "classic" order processing environment in which a company sells products to customers who have an account: o New accounts can be opened at any time (that is, details about customers are entered into a database) and customers are given an amount of credit with which goods can be purchased, and which cannot be exceeded. o Customers select goods from a database of products and the goods are dispatched with an invoice. The customer pays for the items on receipt of the invoice, or when ordering. A catalogue sales company whose customers order by post or telephone is a good example of such a company, but the application can be tailored to suit any similar business, for example, a travel agency or car rental company. This CICS application has been designed to use several components which can all be configured on a single system, or across many systems. These components are as follows: o Clients o Client Region The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-1 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.2 Overview of the Demonstration o Data Servers o Databases Essentially, the demonstration is based on seven different CICS programs: these can be divided between different regions (client, data servers, and databases) or they can all be in the same region, depending on the configuration that you choose. C.2.1 Clients Clients are the user interfaces that give access to the databases and the business activities. BMS (3270) and Windows Version 3.1 interfaces are supplied. C.2.1.1 BMS Client This is a "typical" user terminal that a sales assistant would use to accept and process orders. The menu selections could be used for such tasks as adding, deleting or changing customer and product details and dispatching goods. C.2.1.2 Windows Client Two variants of the Windows client are provided. They are functionally equivalent and differ only in the mechanism that they use to communicate with CICS on Digital UNIX: one uses DCE RPC to communicate with a demonstration- specific UNIX server process and the other uses CICS's ECI functionality directly, through IBM's CICS Client for Windows product. C.2.2 Client Region This is the region to which all clients connect. Depending on the configuration, this system may initiate transactions within other regions. C.2.3 Data Servers The demonstration uses three databases, which are implemented as SFS files and can reside within separate SFS Servers. These databases are accessed by means of CICS programs, which may reside within the same region as the client or in different regions on one or more systems. C-2 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.2 Overview of the Demonstration C.2.4 Databases, Record Fields and their Values The three databases maintain the following information: o Customer This is information about customers such as their name, address, telephone number, and credit values. o Product This is information about the product, such as its description, quantity in stock, item cost, and supplier. o Activity This is a log of business activity such as orders received, payments, dispatches, and cancellations. Each database can have up to four keys. The primary keys are fixed and alternate keys can be specified during configuration, thus allowing further tailoring of the application. For example, the customer database is configured, by default, to have the following keys: o Primary: Customer Id (fixed) o Alternate 1: Surname o Alternate 2: Postcode o Alternate 3: Company Name You may, for example, elect to configure the alternate keys to be Company Name, Date of Birth and Credit Limit. All record fields can be viewed and all but the primary key's value are editable. The tables in Section C.2.4 list the fields in the database records and values they take. Many of the fields are not altered by the application: they are informational fields that give the application greater reality. Those which do not have a specific purpose can easily be renamed and used as other information-only fields. The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-3 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.2 Overview of the Demonstration C.2.5 Demonstration Configurations The demonstration is both highly configurable and easily configured, so that you can tailor an environment as you wish. You can do this without knowing or directly executing the relevant CICS commands required to create the environment. You do this by using the Demonstration Configuration Tool and sample configurations that are supplied with the demonstration. C.2.5.1 The Configuration Tool The Demonstration Configuration Tool supports a wide range of different configurations of regions and SFSs, subject to the following rules: o Each region must have access to an SFS. o The customer, product, and activity databases must each have an SFS selected (the regions may use the same SFSs). o The SFS that is used by the region is not configurable: it is assumed to be the system default SFS (/.:/cics/sfs /hostname). o Regions must be selected, using the Configuration Tool, for the following demonstration programs: Client Customer Product Activity Customer database Activity database Product database C.2.5.2 Supplied Demonstration Configurations Three configurations are supplied with the application: o All Fields Displayed (single region: DEMO) This is the default configuration, in which all database fields are displayed, and you can create and view complete database records. The databases are initially empty. o Catalogue Sales C-4 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.2 Overview of the Demonstration Three catalogue sales configurations perform identically, but have their components distributed between a varying number of regions: - Catalogue Sales (single region: CATALOG) Figure C-1 shows a configuration in which all the demonstration programs are within a single region, "CATALOG". Figure C-1 Catalogue Sales (Single Region) - Catalogue Sales (two regions: CATCLNT and CATSERV) Figure C-2 shows a configuration in which the demonstration programs are split beween the regions "CATCLNT" and "CATSERV". Because the client program is in a different region from the Customer, Product, and Activity programs, this illustrates CICS's Distributed Program Link (DPL) capability. Figure C-2 Catalogue Sales (Two Regions) The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-5 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.2 Overview of the Demonstration - Catalogue Sales (three regions: CATCLNT, CATSERV and CATDATA) Figure C-3 Catalogue Sales (Three Regions) Figure C-3 shows a configuration in which the demonstration programs are spread across three different regions, "CATCLNT", "CATSERV", and "CATDATA" (clients, servers, and databases). CICS's DPL capabilities are demonstrated between the regions "CATCLNT" and "CATSERV", and CICS's Function Shipping capabilities are demonstrated between the regions "CATSERV", "CATDATA". In these configurations, - Some fields are not displayed. - The databases are pre-initialized with a few customer and product records. - A few orders have been placed. o Acme Holidays, Inc. (single region: HOLIDAY) This configuration has been tailored for use as a holiday bookings application. The databases are pre- initialized with customer and product records, and a few holidays have been booked. C.3 Setting up the Demonstration C.3.1 Digital UNIX Set Up You can run the demonstration without configuring CICS as described in Chapter 5. C-6 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.3 Setting up the Demonstration C.3.1.1 Prerequisites You must have the following prerequisites before you can use the demonstration application: o The CICS Cell Server and CICS Client software and their prerequisites must be installed, including the optionally installable subset CICDEMO. o The Digital UNIX C++ Shared Library subset must be installed (subset name is CXXSHRD). o Micro Focus COBOL must be installed and CICS must be configured to use it (that is, you must execute cicsmkcobol when installing CICS). o The DCE runtime services subset must be installed and, optionally, the Security Server and Cell Directory Server. C.3.1.2 Creating and Starting a Region After the demonstration has been installed, you can use the Configuration Tool to create and start a region running the application. Execute the following steps (which assume you are using the korn shell): 1. Log in as root. 2. If you are using full DCE, log in to DCE as cell_admin using dce_login. 3. Execute a shell script located in the bin directory to set the environment variables required by CICS and the demonstration: # . /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/cicsenv.ksh 4. Ensure that the DISPLAY environment variable is set, as follows: # export DISPLAY=:0 5. Invoke the configuration tool and start the default configuration as follows: # cfgdemo & If you want to define your own configuration, see Section C.4. The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-7 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.3 Setting up the Demonstration 6. The default demonstration configuration, that is, the "All Fields Displayed" configuration, is automatically selected. Use the Configure.View selected configuration... menu item to view it. 7. To create and start a region using these values, dismiss the configuration display and select the Configure.All menu item. By default, the region and SFS are created and started, and a DECterm running the BMS client application is launched, when startup is complete. Typically, this takes 10-15 minutes. Additional BMS clients can be launched using the appropriate item from the Clients menu. C.3.2 Windows Client Set Up C.3.2.1 Prerequisites To use the Windows client, you need a PC running Windows. A recommended minimum configuration is 486/50mhz with 12 Mb of memory. You must install and configure the following software: o PATHWORKS for Windows Client As a minimum this must be configured to use TCP/IP, and the DCE Runtime Services must be installed. o IBM CICS Client for Windows This product, which can be purchased from IBM. is required only if the CICS ECI variant of the client is used. C.3.2.2 Transferring the Files from UNIX to Windows The Windows demonstration files are supplied within the CICDEMO subset. The files necessary to run the demonstration are on the Digital UNIX server in the subdirectory /usr/opt/cics/demo/windows. They are as follows: DEMOECI.EXE DEMORPC.EXE MFC250.DLL C-8 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.3 Setting up the Demonstration Use FTP to transfer files from the Digital UNIX system to the PC (FTP is one of the TCP/IP utilities installed with the PATHWORKS client). You must copy DEMORPC.EXE, DEMOECI.EXE and MFC250.DLL to a directory you have created on the PC (for example, C:\CICSDEMO). ________________________ Note ________________________ You must use the Binary (or Image) mode of FTP file transfer. ______________________________________________________ C.3.2.3 Setting Up the Client on a PC After you have copied the files to the PC, you can create a Program Manager Group that contains program items for each of the Windows client variants. You can then invoke the application by simply double clicking the appropriate icon. The easiest way to set up this group is as follows: 1. From the Program Manager File menu, choose New... 2. Select "New Program Group", specifying a Description of "CICS Demonstration". 3. The New Program Items can be created by launching File Manager and displaying the list of files in the demonstration directory. 4. Drag the EXE file(s) from the File Manager listing into the new program group window within the Program Manager. 5. Highlight each icon by clicking on it and select Properties... from the Program Manager File menu, and make the title associated with the icon more meaningful (for example, CICS Demonstration Application). Before running the RPC variant, you must edit AUTOEXEC.BAT to define the environment variable CICS_DEMO_RPC_SERVER and reboot the PC. To do this, add the following line: SET CICS_DEMO_RPC_SERVER=/.:/cics/cics_demo_rpc_server The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-9 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.3 Setting up the Demonstration The value of the variable given here is the suggested value. It can specify an alternative CDS name, but it must be identical to the CICS_DEMO_RPC_SERVER environment that is set on the server. C.4 Configuring the Demonstration The Configuration Tool, cfgdemo, enables smooth management of the demonstration. It does the following tasks that are required when setting up the demonstration: 1. Enables the region and SFS configuration to be determined. 2. Creates the selected configuration of regions and SFSs. 3. Starts the selected regions and SFSs. 4. Allows the client program to be customized, so that it is suitable for specific audiences. 5. Enables loading of data specific to your demonstration. C.4.1 Possible CICS Configurations In addition to the configurations that are supplied with the demonstration (see Section C.2.5.2), you can create a wide variety of other configurations, for example: o Single region This is the simplest configuration and is the default, unless you customise the client: all application components are part of the same region, using a single SFS. o Two regions, using CICS's Distributed Program Link (DPL) capability Using CICS's Distributed Program Link capability, the clients interact with one region, and the three servers and their databases are configured in another, which may reside on a different system. o Two regions, using CICS's function shipping capability All application programs and resources are defined in one region, and the database programs in another. o Three regions, using both DPL and Function Shipping C-10 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.4 Configuring the Demonstration Using both DPL and Function Shipping, the client interacts with one region, the three servers are defined in a second, and the three databases are defined in a third. C.4.2 Demonstration Configuration Tool The Configuration Tool, cfgdemo, provides the mechanism to define and tailor various demonstration scenarios. This section details the operation of the Demonstration Configuration Tool by discussing the menu items available. The Demonstration Configuration Tool creates and maintains Demonstration Configurations and Client Customizations. When you have successfully installed the demonstration, you simply select one item from a Configuration Tool menu to create and start a demonstration region; a cicsterm window appears a short while later, running the BMS client. o Demonstration Configuration A Demonstration Configuration comprises the names of one or more regions and SFSs in which the components described above exist. The names of the systems hosting these regions can also be specified, thereby defining a distributed configuration. Additionally, the names of database files can be specified, allowing the databases to be pre-loaded with specific data. o Client Customization A Client Customization comprises the set of record fields which the application should display. Individual fields need not be visible if they are not applicable to the scenario that is being demonstrated. Client customization information also includes the labels that are displayed for each of the visible fields: for example, "Customer Ref", "Customer Num", "Cust. Ident." or non-English text could be used to label the customer database's Customer Id field. This feature enables the application to be transformed from an application handling catalogue sales into one used for booking holidays, for example. The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-11 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.4 Configuring the Demonstration In addition, you can select the alternate keys (indexes) that are to be defined for each database. C.4.3 Host Passwords In order for the configuration tool to automatically configure the application on remote systems, the root password must be saved in the file /.netrc. This can be set up using the Configuration Tool. Select Passwords.Host password maintenance ... from the menu. ________________________ Note ________________________ The password is stored as clear text and is displayed to the user of the Configuration Tool. The .netrc file must be highly protected. The following permissions and ownership are recommended: -rw------- 1 root system 174 Feb 6 13:33 .netrc ______________________________________________________ The passwords for all systems specified in the current configuration must be entered. These remote systems do not need to specify the configuration system's password in their .netrc file - it is a one-way requirement. To create a password entry, type the full hostname and domain name in the selected hostname box and the password in the password box and then click on Write. ________________________ Note ________________________ Failure to do this step will cause the Configuration Tool to hang when configuring components on remote systems. ______________________________________________________ C.4.4 Clients The Configuration Tool allows you to customize client screens. You can specify which database fields are to be visible, their labels, and which are to be used as database keys (indexes). Clients. Start BMS client ... This starts a BMS client on the local host in a new window. C-12 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.4 Configuring the Demonstration Clients. Configure client screen. View Displays the active client customization. Clients. Configure client screen. Open Allows you to identify a configuration that already exists, and to edit it. The details of the New option describe how you can edit the fields. Clients. Configure client screen. New 1. When you have selected the client configuration, or have selected New, you see a dialog that enables o The field labels to be edited Labels of up to 31 characters can be specified, but the BMS client displays only the first 12 characters; the Windows client displays 12 characters. Labels cannot contain the following characters, which cause the Build phase to fail with BMS map compilation errors: Ampersand (&) Solidus (/) Apostrophe (') Comma (,) o The databases alternate indexes to be selected. Index selection is made using "toggle buttons". The primary indexes for the databases are fixed and cannot be deselected. Up to three additional indexes per database can be defined. Any of the fields can be an alternate index with the exception of the Order Items field of the activity database. o A field's visibility to be enabled or disabled Choose to display the labels to the user by using "toggle buttons". The display order of the "Surname" and "Company Name" fields determine the basis of the application- generated Customer Id. The first three characters of the Id are taken from the first three characters of The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-13 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.4 Configuring the Demonstration whichever of the two fields has the higher display ranking (lowest number). 2. There are a few miscellaneous items at the end of the scrollable field list. These cannot be selected as indexes because they are not database fields. o The text associated with "Demonstration Name" is displayed at the top of each BMS screen, and in the title bar of the main window of the Windows client. The text for "Group Code" will be displayed on the "Product Add" screen. o The text for "Quantity" and (Item Cost) labels will be displayed on the activity screens. 3. A description is required for a New configuration. C.4.5 Configuring C.4.5.1 Specifying Configuration Components All items in a configuration description are compulsory. The components and appropriate values are as follows: Host The name of the system that is to host the component. The configuration tool automatically creates regions and SFSs on any remote systems in the configuration. You must specify the host's full name, for example, Region The name of the region in which the component's resources are to be defined. Each component can be in a different region if desired. The entered text must conform to CICS's region name requirements. DbServer The name of the SFS server in which the database is to be stored. The name must be the full SFS name (for example, /.:/cics/sfs/red.) DbType SFS is the only permitted value in this field, which specifies the type of database DbSourceFiThe name of a file which will be loaded into the database (or "None") C-14 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.4 Configuring the Demonstration Loading specified data into the databases provides a further method of tailoring the application. A value of None (NONE or none) will cause the database file to be empty, if it does not already exist, or to have current data, if the file does exist in the SFS. The specified source file(s) must have been created by previously selecting the "Save databases" option from the Configuration Tool's Configure menu. If a value other than "None" is specified, then the source data file must be in $CICS_DEMO_DIR/data. As a precaution against accidental loss, the Configuration Tool first saves the file that is being replaced, which may be empty. It saves the file to the directory as: region database file.sdt.yymmddhhmmss C.4.5.2 Options for Non-default Configurations The demonstration is supplied with a default configuration and several sample configurations. If you wish to use a configuration other than the default configuration, that is, to use one of the sample configurations or to set up your own configuration, the following options on the CICS Demonstration Configuration Tool menu may be useful. Configure.Select configuration ... This allows you to select one of the defined CICS configurations. Configuration details are stored in file system directories, and the dialog box which appears allows the user to traverse the file system and select a configuration. Storing configurations in different directories may prove useful for grouping similar or related configurations together. The user refers to a configuration by its location (the default location for configuration files is within the bin subdirectory beneath the application's "root") and by its description (e.g. "Catalogue Sales"). The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-15 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.4 Configuring the Demonstration To traverse the file system, highlight a directory name (visible in the dialog box) and click on Apply. A further list of directories may be displayed, allowing continued traversal. Once the required directory is chosen, highlight the desired configuration description and select it by clicking OK. Configure.Use selected as default This makes the currently selected configuration the default. This will automatically be selected when the configuration tool is next executed. Configure.View selected configuration ... Displays the active configuration Configure.Edit selected configuration ... This allows the selected configuration to be edited. Changes to components should be followed by a click on Save to make them permanent, followed by a click Exit. Clicking on "Save As" will cause a new configuration to be defined. Ensure that this configuration has a different "description" text, otherwise multiple configurations with the same name will exist. The component names seen in the configuration editor dialog may differ from that of the configuration viewer- a component's name can take the form of a literal (e.g. REGION) or be prefixed with a $ (e.g. $REGION). In the latter case the value used, and seen with view, will be that of the environment variable matching the name (it will be blank if a matching environment variable is not defined). The supplied configurations use the environment variable $CICS_DEMO_SFS to specify the SFS used for the databases. This variable is defined in cicsenv.ksh. To cause the configuration tool to use a different value, you should exit the tool, redefine the variable and invoke the tool again. Configure.Create new configuration ... C-16 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.4 Configuring the Demonstration This displays a blank component template. Fill in the boxes with required values, and a description of the configuration before clicking on Save. The configuration will be saved in the directory currently selected (as shown with the Select... dialog). C.4.5.3 Controlling the Demonstration Configuration After you have completed your changes to the configuration, you must build, instal, load, and start your regions and SFSs. Configure.All - Build, Install, Load and Start You can take all necessary steps by selecting Configure.All... "All" performs four Configure menu options: build, install, load, and start. Configure.Build selected configuration Performs any necessary compilation of source files. This step must be performed when the Client Configuration details have been altered, or a different Demonstration Configuration has been selected. Configure.Install selected configuration Creates regions and SFS servers (as necessary) and defines the region resources required for the application to run as specified. This step must be performed if the Build stage has been invoked, if a different Demonstration Configuration has been selected or if any of the component details are changed. Configure.Load databases for selected configuration The specified files (if any) are loaded into the SFS database. This step can also be executed while the application is running, but will erase all data currently in the databases (after saving it to a file). Configure.Save databases for future use The database files of the existing configuration are saved as their specified names. This step can be invoked any time that the application configuration is active. Configure.Start selected configuration The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-17 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.4 Configuring the Demonstration Starts all the regions and creates a DECterm running the cicsterm BMS client. If the client region is on the system on which the Configuration Tool is running, the cicsterm client invokes the application transaction automatically. If the client region is on a different system, cicsterm will present a list of available regions. The client region may not be listed initially: press PF2 (refresh) until it appears. Configure.Stop selected configuration Stops all regions specified in the configuration, but will not stop any of the SFS servers. These can be shut down manually with the appropriate CICS commands, for example, cicssfsshut sfs-name. The time taken to perform all these steps varies according to the number of regions that must be created. A minimum time is about 10 minutes, increasing to about 20 minutes if three new regions are created. This is the time it takes CICS to create new regions. You can monitor the progress of the configuration by clicking the Watch button on the informational dialog that is displayed when a configuration is being activated. C.4.6 DCE The configuration tool enables demonstration configurations to use either the full facilities of DCE (the cell directory services and the security service) or only the DCE runtime services. The default configurations use only the DCE runtime services. C.4.7 CICS Resource Definitions The demonstration can execute within an existing region, but it has its own resource definitions that will supersede any with the same name that are already in use. It is recommended that you use regions specific to the demonstration because the demonstration uses the CICS Common Work Area, and will therefore conflict with any other application that does the same. The CICS resources defined are: C-18 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.4 Configuring the Demonstration Program Definitions (PD) BCLIENT CUSTSERV PRODSERV ACTVSERV DEMOMAP DEMOKEY GETDBINF DBFORMAT DEMOINIT ACTVINIT Transaction Definition (TD) DEMO File Definitions (FD) CUSTPRIM CUSTALT1 CUSTALT2 CUSTALT3 PRODPRIM PRODALT1 PRODALT2 PRODALT3 ACTVPRIM ACTVALT1 ACTVALT2 ACTVALT3 Listener Definition (LD) DEMOCLNT Communication Definitions (CD) DEM0 DEM1 DEM2 DEM3 DEM4 DEM5 DEM6 C.4.8 Environment Variables The demonstration uses the environment variables that follow. If you override them, you must define them before running the Configuration Tool. Most of the defaults are set within cicsenv.ksh: CICS_DEMO_DIR_ Must be defined if the application files are placed in a directory other than /usr/opt/cics/demo A variable for every host referenced by the configuration tool with a non-default location must be defined before creating a configuration. CICS_DEMO_LOGFILE The configuration tool logs its activity into tmp/cfgdemo.log when it is configuring the application. Set this variable to an alternate location. The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-19 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.4 Configuring the Demonstration CICS_DEMO_DCE_ADMIN_ Define this to be the cell_admin PWD principal's password. The default value is -dce- CICS_DEMO_DCE_USER Allows specification of DCE user for client to use. Default value is cell_admin CICS_DEMO_DCE_USER_PWD Specifies DCE user's password CICS_DEMO_INITIAL_ Specifies the initial value of the ACTVID Activity database's primary key. Set this value before creating any records in the activity database. CICS_DEMO_INITIAL_ Specifies the initial value to use INVNUM for an Invoice Number CICS_DEMO_RPC_SERVER Specifies the CDS name used for the RPC client interface CICS_DEMO_DEBUG Allows tracing of configuration scripts C.5 Using the Demonstration C.5.1 Using the BMS Client Invoke the BMS client as follows: 1. From cicsterm, connect to the configuration's "client program" region. 2. Enter the transaction identifier DEMO. The main demonstration menu is displayed, offering the following options: 1. Sales This enables a customer order to be placed. A prompt for a customer identifier is followed by a prompt for the first product required. When a product is selected, information about it is displayed and the user selects the quantity required. Additional products can be selected (respond Y when asked) up to a total of five items. The latest selected item can be deleted (using PF6) if an error has been made. C-20 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.5 Using the Demonstration As products are selected, a check is made to determine that sufficient quantity is in stock and that the customer has sufficient credit. If these checks pass, and no more items are required, the user is asked whether the order should be generated. If the user responds Y a new order is generated, that is, a record is created in the activity database. An order reference number is generated and reported back to the user. The customer's credit value is reduced, as are the products' stock levels. 2. Payment This allows payment for the goods to be accepted. A prompt for an order identifier is issued and the customer and order details displayed. Only orders with payment outstanding can be selected. Confirmation that payment is to be made is required. It is assumed that all payments will be for the full invoiced amount (the demonstration application does not handle part payments). 3. Dispatch Dispatch of goods can be simulated by selecting the required order and marking it as having been dispatched. No other actions are performed. 4. Cancel Orders that have not been dispatched can be canceled. The product stock level values are incremented, and the order is marked as canceled. If payment has already been made, the customer account is credited with the invoiced amount. 5. Maintenance This facility provides a means for manipulating the customer and product databases. Records can be viewed, added, updated and deleted. The database and action are selected from secondary menus and the appropriate record chosen using one of its keys. The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-21 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.5 Using the Demonstration Customer, product and activity records are selected by entering an index value into one input field of their respective selection maps. A full or partial value may be entered. A scrollable list of records will be displayed when multiple matching records are found, and the user selects the required record. A single asterisk can be specified in any key field in order to choose from all database records. Note that key selection is case sensitive. C.5.2 Using the Windows Client The Windows client enables the user to perform exactly the same activities as described above, but they are initiated using menus or toolbar buttons. Using the application should be as familiar as using any other Windows application - it uses the Multiple Document Interface: a new window will be opened for each customer, product or activity record being manipulated. Until explicitly closed, record details will remain visible in the view window(s). The data within them will not be refreshed should some other action cause a change to the displayed record's data. C.5.2.1 The RPC Variant When started, the demonstration displays a list of regions from which you must select one. If more than one region is listed, select the region that has been configured as the "client program" region. You can prevent this list being displayed to the user by "hardcoding" the desired region name within the Window's Program Manager properties. To do this: 1. Highlight the application icon "CICS Demonstration Application (RPC)". 2. From the Program Manager File menu, select the File option. 3. Select the Properties sub-menu. 4. Using the Program item, Properties dialog, add the region's name as an argument to the command line. C-22 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.5 Using the Demonstration C.5.2.2 The ECI Variant When started, the ECI variant of the Windows Client lists available CICS servers (regions) as defined in the CICSCLI.INI file. This is a component of the IBM CICS Client for Windows software. An entry for the client region should be entered in the file. Refer to the IBM CICS Client for Windows documentation for details. The ECI variant may also require a userid and password as part of the initialization process. Refer to the IBM CICS Client for Windows documentation for further details. C.6 Troubleshooting Certain configuration problems may cause the application or Configuration Tool to fail. C.6.1 Unexpected Client or Server Errors The client may terminate unexpectedly, due to an error from within the client or from one of the server programs. The BMS client terminates by clearing the screen and displaying a message requesting that console.msg be examined for error details. The Windows client will display a message box showing the error details. The error details are used to assist with problem diagnosis. They include an error message, values of important CICS data structure fields (EIBFN, EIBRESP and EIBRCODE), and the module and line number of the failure location. For information about the problem, look up the EIB values in Application Programming Reference. If this error occurs (or any other), first check that the region(s) and SFS(s) are still active. If the error occurs and the application has not successfully executed before, then check for demonstration configuration errors (see /tmp /cfgdemo.log and the region's console.msg) The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C-23 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application C.6 Troubleshooting C.6.2 Configuration Errors If configuration errors occur, refer to the contents of /tmp/cfgdemo.log, which are displayed in a scrollable dialog. The information in the logfile may be insufficient to diagnose the problem. In this case, tracing of the configuration scripts can be enabled by setting the environment variable CICS_DEMO_DEBUG to 1 (the Configuration Tool will need to be restarted after setting this value). This causes each statement within the Use the Watch facility to view the progress of the scripts, or the tail -f command. C.6.3 Remote Configuration Hanging If the Demonstration Configuration includes multiple host systems, then the Configuration Tool will perform commands remotely. For this to be possible, the remote systems' root passwords must be made known to the Tool using the Passwords menu item. If the passwords are not set correctly, the Configuration Tool scripts will hang- they will have prompted for a username or password and will have no way of accepting a response. You may see an indication of these prompts in the logfile, cfgdemo.log. C.6.4 Region Startup Messages The client region includes some application-specific programs that are executed during region startup. If these programs fail for any reason, message are output to the region's console.msg file. These will be among the normal region startup messages. C.6.5 Miscellaneous Problems A variety of errors can occur which are caused by an incorrect user environment. Check that: o cicsenv.ksh was executed prior to starting the Configuration Tool, and the environment variables specified from it reflect the demonstration requirements o Application directory and file permissions allow at least owner and other rx access C-24 The CICS Order Processing Demonstration Application D _________________________________________________________________ Files in the Subsets D.1 The Subsets ___________________________________________________________ Subset__________Subset_name________________________________ CICSCLT215 CICS Client CICSBAS215 CICS Base code CICSMSG215 CICS Message files CICSEXE215 CICS Server CICEBAS215 Encina components, CICS, except the Structured File Server CICESFS215 Encina Structured File Server CIC3270215 3270 device support CICDOC1215 Administration Reference and Introduction for online Help CICDEMO215______CICS_Demonstration_________________________ The names of the files within each subset are listed in the sections that follow. D.2 CICSCLT215-Required for CICS Client /usr/opt/cics/bin /usr/opt/cics/bin/.CICSCLT215 /usr/opt/cics/bin/cicsteld /usr/opt/cics/bin/cicsteldm /usr/opt/cics/bin/cicsterm /usr/opt/cics/bin/cicstermm /usr/opt/cics/bin/cicstermp /usr/opt/cics/bin/cicstermu /usr/opt/cics/etc/3270keys /usr/opt/cics/etc/3270keys.vt100 Files in the Subsets D-1 Files in the Subsets D.2 CICSCLT215-Required for CICS Client /usr/opt/cics/etc/3270keys.vt220 /usr/opt/cics/etc/ /usr/opt/cics/include/CICS-ECI /usr/opt/cics/include/cics3270.c /usr/opt/cics/include/cics3270.h /usr/opt/cics/include/cics_eci.h /usr/opt/cics/include/cics_epi.h /usr/opt/cics/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/src /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/drivers /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/drivers/EPIMENA.ccs /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/drivers/EPIMENB.ccs /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/drivers/EPIMENC.ccs /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/drivers/MENU.ccs /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/drivers/Makefile /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/drivers/ /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/drivers/epimenu.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/drivers/epimenu2.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/include /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/include/epiload.h /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/Makefile /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_Statistic.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ addTerminal.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_askClock.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ askInterval.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_bytes_3270.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ clearStatistic.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ collectStatistic.c D-2 Files in the Subsets Files in the Subsets D.2 CICSCLT215-Required for CICS Client /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ defaultDatastream.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ delaySeconds.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ deleteTerminal.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ dfltParseReply.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ dfltParseTransID.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ displayData.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_env_double.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_env_int.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_env_string.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ finishRequest.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_int.h /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_main.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_negexp.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_notifyMain.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ processEvent.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_random_ seed.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ replyCommand.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ replyLength.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_replyText.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_replyWCC.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_report_ failure.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_report_ failureu.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_report_ success.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_report_ successu.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_report_ warning.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_report_ warningu.c Files in the Subsets D-3 Files in the Subsets D.2 CICSCLT215-Required for CICS Client /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ requestFinish.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ runTransaction.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_sba_3270.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_setAID.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_setCount.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_setCursor.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ setInterval.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ setTransaction.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ syncMonitor.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ terminalNumber.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ terminalWrap.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_text_3270.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/src/epiload_ totalTransactions.c /usr/opt/cics/src/examples/epi/wkl/wkl.README /usr/opt/cics/src/samples/eci /usr/opt/cics/src/samples/eci/Makefile /usr/opt/cics/src/samples/eci/README.MFCOBOL /usr/opt/cics/src/samples/eci/cicseci.cbl /usr/opt/cics/src/samples/eci/cicsecic.c /usr/opt/cics/src/samples/eci/cicsecit.ccs /usr/opt/cics/src/samples/eciexits /usr/opt/cics/src/samples/eciexits/Makefile 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/usr/opt/cics/src/samples/userexit/cicsuxit.c /usr/opt/cics/utils /usr/opt/cics/utils/cicsoram /usr/opt/cics/utils/cicsoram/README /usr/opt/cics/utils/cicsoram/cicsoramigrate /usr/opt/cics/utils/vcp /usr/opt/cics/utils/vcp/README /usr/opt/cics/utils/vcp/vcp /var/cics_regions /var/cics_servers /var/cics_servers/GSD /var/cics_servers/GSD/cics /var/cics_servers/GSD/cics/ppc /var/cics_servers/GSD/cics/ppc/gateway /var/cics_servers/SCD /var/cics_servers/SSD /var/cics_servers/SSD/cics /var/cics_servers/SSD/cics/sfs /var/cics_src D-14 Files in the Subsets Files in the Subsets D.6 CICEBAS215-Required for Encina D.6 CICEBAS215-Required for Encina /opt/encina /usr/opt/encina /usr/opt/encina/bin /usr/opt/encina/bin/ppc_wait /usr/opt/encina/bin/ppcadmin /usr/opt/encina/bin/rpcutil /usr/opt/encina/bin/sfs_wait /usr/opt/encina/bin/sfsadmin /usr/opt/encina/bin/smsWatchDog /usr/opt/encina/bin/tidl /usr/opt/encina/bin/tkadmin /usr/opt/encina/etc /usr/opt/encina/etc/README /usr/opt/encina/etc/filesize /usr/opt/encina/etc/findLeaks /usr/opt/encina/etc/hex2binary /usr/opt/encina/etc/indentTrace /usr/opt/encina/etc/interpretTrace /usr/opt/encina/etc/translateError /usr/opt/encina/etc/translateTraceId /usr/opt/encina/etc/translateTranMessage /usr/opt/encina/etc/translateTrpcAddress /usr/opt/encina/include /usr/opt/encina/include/admin /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin.h /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_diag.acf /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_diag.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_gen.acf /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_gen.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_lock.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_lock_types.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_log.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_log_types.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_rec.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_rec_types.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_trace.acf /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_trace.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_tran.acf Files in the Subsets D-15 Files in the Subsets D.6 CICEBAS215-Required for Encina /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_tran.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_tran_types.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_trdce.acf /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_trdce.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_types.h /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_types.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_vol.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/admin_vol_types.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/admin/diag_vol.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/dceutils /usr/opt/encina/include/dceutils/dceutils.h /usr/opt/encina/include/encina /usr/opt/encina/include/encina/afac.h /usr/opt/encina/include/encina/c_epilogue.h /usr/opt/encina/include/encina/c_prologue.h /usr/opt/encina/include/encina/c_prologue_local.h /usr/opt/encina/include/encina/encina.h /usr/opt/encina/include/encina/encina_arch.h /usr/opt/encina/include/epm /usr/opt/encina/include/epm/epm_client.h /usr/opt/encina/include/epm/epm_rpc.h /usr/opt/encina/include/epm/epm_rpc.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/epm/epm_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/lock /usr/opt/encina/include/lock/lock.h /usr/opt/encina/include/lock/lock_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/log /usr/opt/encina/include/log/log.h /usr/opt/encina/include/log/log_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc/cmc.h /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc/cpic.h /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc/cpic_trace.h /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc/ppc.h /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc/ppcSched.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc/ppc_admin.acf D-16 Files in the Subsets Files in the Subsets D.6 CICEBAS215-Required for Encina /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc/ppc_admin.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc/ppc_adminTypes.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc/ppc_gwyAdminClient.h /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc/ppc_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/ppc/srrc.h /usr/opt/encina/include/rec /usr/opt/encina/include/rec/rec.h /usr/opt/encina/include/rec/rec_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/restart /usr/opt/encina/include/restart/restart.h /usr/opt/encina/include/restart/restart_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/sec /usr/opt/encina/include/sec/sec.h /usr/opt/encina/include/sec/sec_admin.h /usr/opt/encina/include/sec/sec_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/sfs /usr/opt/encina/include/sfs/ems /usr/opt/encina/include/sfs/ems/ems_errno.h /usr/opt/encina/include/sfs/sfs.h /usr/opt/encina/include/sfs/sfs_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tc /usr/opt/encina/include/tc/client /usr/opt/encina/include/tc/client/tc_client.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tc/client/tc_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tc/client/tc_strings.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tc/rpc /usr/opt/encina/include/tc/rpc/tc_trpc.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tc/server /usr/opt/encina/include/tc/tc.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tc/tc_server.h Files in the Subsets D-17 Files in the Subsets D.6 CICEBAS215-Required for Encina /usr/opt/encina/include/threadTid /usr/opt/encina/include/threadTid/threadTid.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tisam /usr/opt/encina/include/tisam/tisam.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tisam/tisam_conversion.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tisam/tisam_decimal.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tmxa /usr/opt/encina/include/tmxa/tmxa.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tmxa/tmxa_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tmxa/xa.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tmxa/xa90.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tran /usr/opt/encina/include/tran/tra_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tran/tran.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tran/tran_dump.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tranLog /usr/opt/encina/include/tranLog/tranLog.acf /usr/opt/encina/include/tranLog/tranLog.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tranLog/tranLog.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/tranLog/tranLog_log.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tranLog/tranLog_tran.h /usr/opt/encina/include/trdce /usr/opt/encina/include/trdce/trdce.h /usr/opt/encina/include/trdce/trdceRpc.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/trpc /usr/opt/encina/include/trpc/trp_status.h /usr/opt/encina/include/trpc/trpc.h /usr/opt/encina/include/trpc/trpcImports.acf /usr/opt/encina/include/trpc/trpcImports.h /usr/opt/encina/include/trpc/trpcImports.idl /usr/opt/encina/include/trpc/trpcStubs.h /usr/opt/encina/include/trpc/trpc_dump.h /usr/opt/encina/include/trpc/trpc_trdce.h D-18 Files in the Subsets Files in the Subsets D.6 CICEBAS215-Required for Encina /usr/opt/encina/include/trpc/txrpc.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tx /usr/opt/encina/include/tx/TXINFDEF.cbl /usr/opt/encina/include/tx/TXSTATUS.cbl /usr/opt/encina/include/tx/tx.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tx/tx_abort.h /usr/opt/encina/include/tx/tx_extensions.h /usr/opt/encina/include/utils /usr/opt/encina/include/utils/trace.h /usr/opt/encina/include/utils/trace_buffer_v1.h /usr/opt/encina/include/utils/trace_data.h /usr/opt/encina/include/utils/trace_opaque.h /usr/opt/encina/include/vol /usr/opt/encina/include/vol/vol.h /usr/opt/encina/include/vol/vol_status.h /usr/opt/encina/lib /usr/opt/encina/lib/ /usr/opt/encina/lib/ /usr/opt/encina/lib/ /usr/opt/encina/lib/ /usr/opt/encina/lib/ /usr/opt/encina/lib/ /usr/opt/encina/msg /usr/opt/encina/msg/C /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/adl_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/adm_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/admin_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/alf_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/bde_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dceacl.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dceaud.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcecds.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcecdscp.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcecfg.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcedb.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcedce.sym Files in the Subsets D-19 Files in the Subsets D.6 CICEBAS215-Required for Encina /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcedced.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcedhd.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcedts.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dceept.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dceevt.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcegss.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcegssdce.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcelib.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcemsg.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcerpc.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcesec.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcesvc.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dcetwr.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dceutils.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dceuuid.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/default_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/dss_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/eai_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/ema_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/enc_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/enconsole_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/enp_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/epm_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/flt_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/lck_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/lock_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/log_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/mon_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/ots_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/ppc_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/rec_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/restart_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/ros_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/rqs_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/rsa_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/rst_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/sec_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/sfs_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/tc_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/tmx_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/tmxa_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/tra_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_admin.tpp D-20 Files in the Subsets Files in the Subsets D.6 CICEBAS215-Required for Encina /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_afac.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_area.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_bde.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_cmdline.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_epm.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_extfh.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_flt.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_lock.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_log.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_ppc.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_ppc_cpic.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_ppc_gwy.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_ppc_snp.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_ppc_tcp.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_private.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_rec.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_restart.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_sfs.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_sfs_admin.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_sfs_btree.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_sfs_ddt.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_sfs_dir.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_sfs_ems.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_sfs_es.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_sfs_ie.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_sfs_rel.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_sfs_svr.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_sutils.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_tc.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_threadTid.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_tidl.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_tkadmin.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_tmxa.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_tran.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_tranLog.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_trdce.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_trpc.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_tx.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trace_vol.tpp /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/tran_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trc_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trf_status.sym Files in the Subsets D-21 Files in the Subsets D.6 CICEBAS215-Required for Encina /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trp_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/trpc_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/tx_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/txx_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/C/vol_status.sym /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1 /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ D-22 Files in the Subsets Files in the Subsets D.6 CICEBAS215-Required for Encina /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ /usr/opt/encina/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ D.7 CICESFS215-Required for the SFS /usr/opt/encina/bin/sfs D.8 CIC3270215-Required for Epi3270 Utility /usr/opt/cics/bin/Epi3270 /usr/opt/cics/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1 /usr/opt/cics/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ D.9 CICDOC1215-Required for Documentation Used by the Help Utility /usr/opt/cics/dxbook /usr/opt/cics/dxbook/arprof.decw_book /usr/opt/cics/dxbook/inplprof.decw_book /usr/opt/cics/dxbook/inplprof.decw_bookshelf D.10 CICDEMO215-Required for CICS Demonstration /usr/opt/cics/demo /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/1.ccf /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/1.cfg /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/2.ccf /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/2.cfg /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/3.cfg Files in the Subsets D-23 Files in the Subsets D.10 CICDEMO215-Required for CICS Demonstration /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/4.cfg /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/5.cfg /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/DateTemplate /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/actvinit /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/actvserv.gnt /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/bclient.def /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/build.dem /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/build.fnc /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/cfg_rap /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/cfgdemo /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/cicsdemo_rpcd /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/cicsenv.ksh /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/common.fnc /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/custserv.gnt /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/ /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/demo_setup /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/demoinit /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/ /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/ /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/demoterm.ksh /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/getdbinf /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/getindxs /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/getlabel /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/install.dem /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/install.fnc /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/listreg /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/loaddb.dem /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/prodserv.gnt /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/pullfile /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/pushfile /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/rexec /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/run.dem /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/savedb.dem /usr/opt/cics/demo/bin/stop.dem /usr/opt/cics/demo/data /usr/opt/cics/demo/data/CatActvDb.sdt /usr/opt/cics/demo/data/CatCustDb.sdt /usr/opt/cics/demo/data/CatProdDb.sdt /usr/opt/cics/demo/data/HolActvDb.sdt /usr/opt/cics/demo/data/HolCustDb.sdt /usr/opt/cics/demo/data/HolProdDb.sdt /usr/opt/cics/demo/data/default.ccf /usr/opt/cics/demo/data/demokey.tok D-24 Files in the Subsets Files in the Subsets D.10 CICDEMO215-Required for CICS Demonstration /usr/opt/cics/demo/data/demomap.tok /usr/opt/cics/demo/lib /usr/opt/cics/demo/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/demo/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/demo/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/demo/lib/ /usr/opt/cics/demo/object /usr/opt/cics/demo/object/bclient.o /usr/opt/cics/demo/object/mapkeys.o /usr/opt/cics/demo/source /usr/opt/cics/demo/source/mapkeys.c /usr/opt/cics/demo/windows /usr/opt/cics/demo/windows/DEMOECI.EXE /usr/opt/cics/demo/windows/DEMORPC.EXE /usr/opt/cics/demo/windows/MFC250.DLL Files in the Subsets D-25 E _________________________________________________________________ Kernel Configuration File E.1 Example of Kernel Configuration File ident "GREEN" options GENERIC options UERF options OSF options _LMF_ options ULT_BIN_COMPAT options BIN_COMPAT options COMPAT_43 options MACH options MACH_IPC_TCACHE options MACH_IPC_WWA options MACH_IPC_XXXHACK options STREAMS options BUFCACHE_STATS options INOCACHE_STATS options STAT_TIME options VAGUE_STATS options UFS options NFS options LDTTY options STRKINFO options INET options UIPC options SYSV_COFF options SYSV_ELF options QUOTA options LABELS options DLI options BSD_TTY # # Standard options. Kernel Configuration File E-1 Kernel Configuration File E.1 Example of Kernel Configuration File # options UNIX_LOCKS options SER_COMPAT options RT_PREEMPT options RT_SCHED options RT_SCHED_RQ options RT_PML options RT_TIMER options RT_SEM options RT_CSEM options RT_IPC # makeoptions CDEBUGOPTS="-g3" makeoptions PROFOPTS="-DPROFILING -DPROFTYPE=4" # # Special options (see configuring the kernel chapter # in the Guide to System Administration) # processors 16 dfldsiz 134217728 maxdsiz 1073741824 dflssiz 2097152 maxssiz 33554432 cpu "DEC3000_500" maxusers 256 config vmunix swap generic bus tc0 at nexus? callout after_c "../bin/mkdata tc" bus tcds0 at tc0 slot 6 vector tcdsintr controller scsi0 at tcds0 slot 0 device disk rz0 at scsi0 drive 0 device disk rz1 at scsi0 drive 8 device disk rz2 at scsi0 drive 16 device disk rz3 at scsi0 drive 24 device disk rz4 at scsi0 drive 32 controller scsi1 at tcds0 slot 1 controller scc0 at tc0 slot 7 vector sccintr controller fb0 at tc0 slot 8 vector fbint controller bba0 at tc0 slot 7 vector bbaintr controller ln0 at tc0 slot 7 vector lnintr E-2 Kernel Configuration File Kernel Configuration File E.1 Example of Kernel Configuration File scs_sysid 1 pseudo-device lsm 1 pseudo-device lsm_ted 0 pseudo-device sysv_hab pseudo-device svid_three_hab pseudo-device svr_four_hab pseudo-device soe_two_hab pseudo-device rt_hab pseudo-device rpty 255 pseudo-device ether pseudo-device sl 2 pseudo-device loop pseudo-device strpush 16 pseudo-device cpus 16 pseudo-device ws Kernel Configuration File E-3 _________________________________________________________________ Index A CICS processes _______________________________ shutting down, 5-13 Aborting installation, 4-2 starting, 7-8 stopping, 7-2 B______________________________ CICS region Backing Up the System, 4-2 unexpected terminations, for upgrade, 7-3 5-15 BMS client CICS regions in demonstration application, shutting down, 7-2 C-2 starting, 7-8 CICS Server, 1-1 C subsets required, 1-3 _______________________________ CICS Server PAK, 2-2 CD-ROM, 2-2, 2-3 CICS user CD-ROM drive, 2-2, 2-3 setting up, 5-12 Cell Server cics users, 3-1 CICS, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 cicsdefault command, 6-3 CICS cicsivp program Cell Server, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 production, 6-3 Client, 1-1, 1-3 cicsterm file system, 1-4 bringing up, 5-13 options to install, 1-2 cicstermp command, 6-5 Server, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 Client CICS Cell Server, 1-1 CICS, 1-1, 1-3 subsets required, 1-3 starting, 5-12 CICS Cell Server installation, Client region 4-4, 7-3 in demonstration application, CICS Cell Server PAK, 2-2 C-2 CICS Client, 1-1 Common Trace Facility, B-7 subsets required, 1-3 Communications CICS Client PAK, 2-2 optional software, 2-5 cics groups, 3-1 Compilers, 2-4 Index-1 Configuration Demonstration application IVP, 6-1 (cont'd) Configuring possible configurations, CICS, 5-1 C-10 environment, 5-1 prerequisites, C-7 running IVP, 6-1 resource definitions, C-18 SFS, 5-10 setting up, C-6 single machine client, 5-12 supplied configurations, C-4 single machine region, 5-9 troubleshooting, C-23 single machine SFS, 5-6 use of DCE, C-18 CR-ROM using Windows client, C-22 installation from, 4-4 Windows client, C-2 Creating Disk space needed for groups, 3-1 Installation, 2-6 users, 3-1 Distributed files, 3-1 Creating a region, 5-9 Distribution Kit D Software, 1-2, 2-2 _______________________________ subsets, 1-3 Database keys Drive in demonstration, C-3 CD-ROM, 2-2, 2-3 DCE, 2-4 configuring, 1-1 E______________________________ options, 1-1 Environment recovering from problems, configuring, 5-1 5-14 Environment variables, 5-1 RPC only configuration, 5-6 in demonstration application, RPC services, 1-2 C-19 run-time services, 1-2 setting, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-11 DEC SNA APPC/LU6.2 server, 7-2 Epi3270 Demonstration application, C-1 configuration, B-2 BMS client, C-2 connecting displays, B-2 client region, C-2 installation, B-1 components, C-1 kit, B-1 configuration tool, C-4, logs, B-6 C-10 messages, B-7 configurations, C-4 operation, B-3 configuring, C-10, C-14 pre-requisites, 2-6 customizing client screens, starting, B-2 C-12 subset, 2-6 database keys, C-3 Epi3270 server, 2-6 databases, C-2, C-3 Epi3270 utility, B-1 environment variables, C-19 Error messages, 4-2 main demonstration menu, Error recovery, 4-2 C-20 Index-2 Errors Installation (cont'd) in DCE, 5-14 files and directories, 4-2 recovering from, 5-14 from CD-ROM, 4-4 etc/sysconfigtab file, 3-3 keeping a record, 4-1 log file, 4-1 F______________________________ of new version, 7-1, 7-3 Failed installation, 4-2 planning, 1-1 Failure messages, 4-2 premature termination, 4-2 File control preparing, 2-1, 3-1 configuring for a region, privileges needed, 2-7 5-10 procedure, 2-3 files required for, 5-10 remote, 4-1 File Control Servers removing files, 4-2 shutting down, 5-14 scripts, 4-3 File system starting the installation, CICS, 1-4 4-3 planning, 1-4 stopping the installation, SFS, 1-5 4-2 File system considerations, time, 2-6 1-4 with setld utility, 4-3 Files and directories for Installation scripts, 4-3 installation, 4-2 Installation Verification Program(IVP), 6-1 G IVP, 6-1 _______________________________ Group file, 3-1 K______________________________ Groups Keeping a record of creating, 3-1 installation, 4-1 H______________________________ Kernel Hard disk reconfiguring, 3-3 space needed for installation Kit Software Distribution, 1-2, , 2-6 1-3, 2-2 Hardware Kits, 1-3 prerequisites, 2-3 I L______________________________ _______________________________ Layered Products, 2-4 Informix, 2-4 LDB, 2-2 Installation License, 2-2 aborting, 4-2 License Database (LDB), 2-2 CICS Cell Server, 4-4, 7-3 License Management Facility disk space needed, 2-6 (LMF), 2-2 errors, 4-2 Product Authorization Key failed, 4-2 (PAK), 2-2 Index-3 License (cont'd) Registration, 2-2 P______________________________ LMF, 2-2 PAK, 2-2 Lock files Parameters preventing startup, 5-15 proc subsystem, 3-3 Log file, 4-1 Password file, 3-1 Logical Storage Manager (LSM), Planning the installation, 1-1 2-4 Premature termination of LSM, 2-4 installation, 4-2 lu62_server Preparing to install, 1-1, starting, 7-8 2-1, 3-1 stopping, 7-2 Prerequisite hardware, 2-3 Prerequisite software, 2-2, M______________________________ 2-3 make command Prerequisites development IVP, 6-9 hardware, 2-3 Media software, 2-2, 2-3 Software Distribution Kit, Privileges 2-2, 2-3 for installation, 2-7 Micro Focus COBOL, 2-4 proc subsystem parameters, 3-3 Modifying the kernel, 3-3 Processes shutting down, 5-13 N______________________________ R NCL, B-4 _______________________________ Network Command Language Reconfiguring the kernel, 3-3 facilities, B-4 Recording installation, 4-1 Recovering from errors, 4-2 O Region _______________________________ configuring file control for, Operating system 5-10 determine the version number, creating, 5-9 2-3 files required for file Layered Products, 2-4 control, 5-10 subsets, 1-3, 2-4 shutting down, 5-14 Optional software, 2-4, 2-5 starting, 5-11 communications, 2-5 Registration compilers, 2-4 of license, 2-2 databases, 2-4 procedure, 2-2 terminal emulation, 2-5 Release Notes, 2-1 Oracle, 2-4 Release number of operating system, 2-3 Index-4 Remote Installation Service, Startup 4-1 prevented by lock files, Removing files, 4-2 5-15 Resource definitions Stopping the installation, 4-2 adding, 6-3 Subsets in demonstration application, identifying those installed, C-18 7-3 migrating, 7-7 in which kit, 1-3 list, 7-3 S______________________________ of operating system, 2-4 Server removing, 7-3 CICS, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 System backup, 4-2 setld utility, 4-3 T Setting environment variables, _______________________________ 5-1 Terminal, 2-3 SFA Terminal emulation, 2-5 binding information for, 5-6 Terminal support, 2-5 SFS Terminating installation, 4-2 configuration process, 5-10 Times for installation, 2-6 file system, 1-5 Traces, B-6 logical volumes, 5-6 Tracing shutting down, 7-2 CTF, B-7 starting, 7-8 SNALOG, B-7 unexpected terminations, VTAM, B-6 5-15 transactions, 6-6 Shutting down regions, 5-14 U______________________________ Shutting down file control Upgrade kit servers, 5-14 installing, 7-3 Shutting down processes, 5-13 Upgrade script, 7-3 Single machine configuration, Upgrading a CICS system 5-6, 5-9, 5-12 steps in, 7-1 Software User Distribution Kit, 1-2, 1-3, setting up, 5-12 2-2 Users optional, 2-4 creating, 3-1 prerequisite, 2-2, 2-3 Sources of errors, 4-2 V______________________________ SSD stanza file, 7-7 Version number Stanza files, 7-3, 7-7 of operating system, 2-3 creating, 5-9 VTAM, B-3 Starting a client, 5-12 console log, B-6 Starting the installation, 4-3 Index-5 W______________________________ Which subset is in which kit, 1-3 Windows client in demonstration application, C-2 set up, C-8 setting up on a PC, C-9 Index-6