MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway ============ Installing on a Digital UNIX System --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revised for Software Version: 2.1 Order number: AV-Q421C-TE This card contains the information that you need to install the MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway on a Digital UNIX system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1992, 1996 All rights reserved. Printed in Europe. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DECnet, Digital, MAILbus 400 and the Digital logo. OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. OSI is a registered trademark of CA Management, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively by X/Open Company Ltd. Installation Prerequisites ========================== Before you install the MAILbus 400™ SMTP Gateway: o Make sure the following software is installed on your system: - Digital[TM] UNIX[RM]® (formerly called DEC™OSF/1[RM]) Version 3.0 or later, including the OSFBASE subset - DECnet[TM/OSI[RM] for Digital UNIX (formerly DEC OSF/1), Version 3.0 or later, including the DNABASE and DNANETMAN subsets o Install these subsets of the MAILbus 400 MTA for DEC OSF/1, Version 1.4A or later on the SMTP Gateway's node: - For a local MTA: all subsets of the MAILbus 400 MTA - For a remote MTA: MTAANETMAN and MTAABASE o Back up your system disk. o Register a valid SMTP Gateway license, X.400-SMTP-GW. Use the Digital UNIX(formerly DEC OSF/1) License Management Facility (LMF) to do this. o Deinstall any MAILbus 400 SMTP subsets already installed on your system. To do this, stop the SMTP Gateway, using the following command: NCL> do /var/smtpgw/scripts/stop_smtp_gateway.ncl Find out the version number of the SMTP Gateway software currently installed on your system, using the following command: # setld -i | grep -i sx Deinstall the SMTP Gateway, using the following command: # setld -d SXABASEnnn SXANETMANnnn SXADOCnnn where nnn is the version number of the subsets installed on your system. Information and Time Required ============================= To install the MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway you need the following information: o The device name for the drive where the CD-ROM will be mounted. • o If you are installing the MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway from a RIS server area, the name of the RIS server area. It takes approximately 10 minutes to install all the SMTP Gateway subsets. [Page 2] Disk Space Required =================== The following table shows the approximate amount of disk space (in Kilobytes) for each of the MAILbus 400 SMTP subsets in /usr/opt and /var/opt, and the corresponding softlinks for the MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway's files in /usr and /var. Subset Title Subset name Space Required in /usr /var ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAILbus 400 SMTP Management SXANETMAN210 100kB 50kB MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway SXABASE210 1400kB 250kB MAILbus 400 SMTP Supplementary Documents SXADOC210 50kB 800kB ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allow additional space for messages and temporary files in the /var partition. The amount of space required depends on the amount of message traffic on your system. Installing the MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway ======================================= 1. On the node where you want to install the SMTP Gateway, log in with superuser privileges. Make sure you are in the root directory. For a RIS installation, continue at Step 3. 2. Mount the disk using the device name as follows: # mount -r -d /dev/device_name /mnt 3. Load the subsets as follows: For CD-ROM: # setld -l /mnt/sxa210/kit For RIS, using the RIS server area: # setld -l ris_area The installation procedure starts and prompts you to specify the subsets that you want to install. To specify more than one of the options offered, enter the number associated with each option, with a space between numbers. Note that if you install the subsets individually, you must install the MAILbus 400 SMTP Management subset first. After the Installation ====================== After installation, the release notes are in /usr/doc/smtp_gateway.release_notes. For information on the setup and upgrade tasks required after installation, see MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway Managing. Verification Procedure ====================== You can run the verification procedure (VP) any time after installation to verify the integrity of the SMTP Gateway's files on your system. If the SMTP Gateway uses a local MAILbus 400 MTA, the VP also checks that the required connections to the MTA and sendmail on the node are available. If there is no MAILbus 400 MTA running on the node where you have installed the SMTP Gateway, the VP checks only the integrity of the SMTP Gateway's files on your system. [Page 3] To run the VP, enter the following command from a privileged account on the node where the SMTP Gateway is installed: # setld -v SXABASE210 If the VP fails, error messages are displayed on the screen. If an error shows that a file is missing, reinstall the subset containing the missing file (Appendix F in MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway Managing lists the files installed with the individual subsets). If a problem occurs with the connection to sendmail or the MTA, the VP issues a corresponding event. In this case, refer to the problem solving information for the event in MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway Managing and correct the error. Further Information =================== MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway Managing contains a list of the files that should be present on your system after installation. It also contains an example installation log. For further information about installing software on a Digital UNIX (formerly DEC OSF/1) system, refer to the Reference Pages for setld(8) and lmf(8), and for information on using RIS refer to the Guide to the Remote Installation Services. [Page 4]