DIGITAL_Office_Server_Web_Interface_________________ Setting Up and Customizing Revision/Update Information: New for Version 4.0 Operating system: DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0B, Windows NT Version 4.0 for Intel and Alpha, OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS Alpha Versions 6.2 to 7.1 Software version: Version 4.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ July 1997 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. While DIGITAL believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ALL-IN-1, DIGITAL UNIX, OpenVMS, TeamLinks, VAX, WPS-PLUS and the DIGITAL logo Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Netscape is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation. Netscape branded products are trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation. Purveyor is a trademark of Process Software Corporation. WordPerfect is a trademark of WordPerfect Corp. UNIX is a registered trademark in the US and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1.1 Supported Clients and Servers................. 1-1 1.2 Installing the Web Interface Kit.............. 1-2 1.3 Configuring the Web Server.................... 1-3 1.3.1 Which Interface to Use with the Web Server.................................... 1-3 1.3.2 Configuring the Web Server to Run NSAPI... 1-3 1.3.3 Configuring the Web Server to Run ISAPI... 1-5 1.3.4 Configuring the Web Server to Run CGI..... 1-6 1.4 Installing the Distributed Sharing Option (DSO) License................................. 1-7 1.5 Setting up Web Access on Your DIGITAL Office Server or ALL-IN-1 System..................... 1-7 1.6 Setting up the Drawers You Want to Make Available..................................... 1-9 1.7 Checking that Installation is Successful...... 1-10 2 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.1 Customizing the Configuration File Settings... 2-2 2.1.1 Anonymous User Settings................... 2-7 2.1.2 Conversion Settings....................... 2-8 2.2 Customizing the Configuration File Boilerplates.................................. 2-9 2.2.1 Customizing the Logon Form to Change Transport (Windows NT only)............... 2-13 2.3 Using the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Boilerplate Directives........................ 2-14 2.4 Using the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Special Directives............................ 2-17 iii 2.4.1 Special Directives for the Folders and Documents Boilerplates ................... 2-18 2.4.2 Boilerplate Special Directives............ 2-18 $IF, $ELSE, and $ENDIF.................. 2-19 $FOREACH and $ENDFOREACH................ 2-20 2.5 Customizing the MIME Types Mapping File....... 2-21 2.6 Setting Up Indirect (Brokered) Connections.... 2-21 2.7 Creating URLs for File Cabinet Objects........ 2-23 3 Security Implications 3.1 Anonymous Access (Non-Logged-in Users)........ 3-1 3.2 Logged-On Users............................... 3-1 Tables 1-1 Web Interface Setup Tasks................. 1-1 1-2 Choosing the Interface.................... 1-3 2-1 Settings You May Want to Customize........ 2-2 2-2 Anonymous User Settings You May Want to Customize................................. 2-8 2-3 Conversion Settings....................... 2-9 2-4 Boilerplate Elements...................... 2-10 2-5 Web Interface Boilerplate Directives...... 2-15 2-6 Boolean Expressions used with $IF, $ELSE and $ENDIF................................ 2-20 2-7 Using the DirectConnect and BrokerNode Fields.................................... 2-22 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface About This Guide This guide explains how to set up and customize the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface. Prerequisite Knowledge This guide assumes that you are familiar with the web server software at your site. If you plan to customize the default displays, you need experience of creating web pages. You must also be familiar with DIGITAL Office Server or ALL-IN-1 system management and have access to the DIGITAL Office Server or ALL-IN-1 system management subsystem. Related Documents DIGITAL Office Server Management from a VT Terminal DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Release Notes v 1 _________________________________________________________________ Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface This chapter describes the tasks that you must do to install and set up your DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface software. When you have completed the setup tasks, users will be able to use web browsers to access the documents that you make available from your DIGITAL Office Server File Cabinet. Table 1-1 lists the tasks that you must do. Table_1-1_Web_Interface_Setup_Tasks________________________ Task______________________________________See______________ Installing the kit Section 1.2 Configure the web server Section 1.3 Install the Distributed Sharing Option Section 1.4 License (ALL-IN-1 systems only) Set up web access on your DIGITAL Office Section 1.5 Server system Set up the drawers that you want to make Section 1.6 available Checking_that_installation_is_successful__Section_1.7______ 1.1 Supported Clients and Servers The web interface supports the following clients: o Netscape Navigator 3 o Netscape Communicator 4 o Microsoft Internet Explorer 3 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1-1 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1.1 Supported Clients and Servers The web interface supports the following servers: o For Windows NT - Netscape Communications Server Version 1.12 - Netscape Commerce Server Version 1.12 - Microsoft Internet Information Server Version 2.0 o For OpenVMS - Process Software Purveyor Version 2.0 o For DIGITAL UNIX - Netscape Fasttrack Server 1.2 Installing the Web Interface Kit To install the kit, make sure that the web server is shut down, then: o On Windows NT, run setup.exe o On OpenVMS, enter @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DOSWI040 Where is the directory where you have loaded the kit. o On DIGITAL UNIX, use setld -l Where is the directory where you have loaded the kit. When the kit is installed, you can continue with the configuration steps. ________________________ Note ________________________ The Web Interface software only supports installation once. DIGITAL cannot be held responsible for the consequences of installing more than once. ______________________________________________________ 1-2 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1.3 Configuring the Web Server 1.3 Configuring the Web Server You must make sure that the web server can read and execute the files in the Web Interface subdirectory. To do this, you need to configure the web server to use one of the following: o The Netscape Server Application Programming Interface (NSAPI) o The Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) o The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) 1.3.1 Which Interface to Use with the Web Server There are several points to consider when choosing which interface (NSAPI, ISAPI, or CGI) to use. Table 1-2 summarizes the reasons for choosing the various interfaces. Table_1-2_Choosing_the_Interface___________________________ If..._____________________________________Choose...________ Your web server supports ISAPI (for ISAPI example, Microsoft Internet Information Server) Your web server supports NSAPI (for NSAPI example, Netscape Communications server) Your web server supports ISAPI or NSAPI, CGI and performance when converting WPS-PLUS or WordPerfect documents is important Your web server does not support ISAPI CGI or_NSAPI___________________________________________________ 1.3.2 Configuring the Web Server to Run NSAPI Follow the Netscape web server's instructions for installing and configuring on the platform that you are using, and update the registry as follows: o For Windows NT: 1. Install the Web Interface software to any directory 2. Answer the installation questions. Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1-3 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1.3 Configuring the Web Server 3. Restart the web server to pick up the changes. o For DIGITAL UNIX: The following instructions configure the Web Server for use with NSAPI and CGI. 1. Enter the following: cd /user/opt/DOSWI ./setup If you have more than one Netscape server installed, the Netscape servers will be listed, and you will be asked which one you want to use. For example: You have the following Netscape servers: doswi-svr (port 12345) www-web (port 80) Which server do you want to use DOSWI with? [www-web] The default is the server on port 80, but you can specify which one you want to choose. 2. When you have chosen the server, or have pressed RETURN to use the default, the setup displays the following: DOSWI is provided as a CGI program and as an NSAPI extension. You use different URLs to acccess them, which you specify here. Note, do not give the "" part of the URL; just specify the part from the first single "/" (making sure you include the leading "/"). For example, for the URL: just specify /doswi Desired URL for NSAPI extension [/doswi]: Enter the URL or press return to accept the default. 3. The setup then displays the following: Desired URL for CGI extension [/doswi.cgi]: Enter the URL you want to use for CGI, or press RETURN to accept the default. 1-4 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1.3 Configuring the Web Server 4. The setup then confirms where the obj.conf file has been created, and displays the following message: You can now: 1. Let setup replace the existing obj.conf file and restart the server (the existing obj.conf file will be saved). 2. Exit setup and review the changes. Should you decide to keep the changes, you will have to manually replace the obj.conf file and restart the server. Your choice (1, 2)? [1] 5. If you choose option 1, the old obj.conf file is saved as obj.conf.sav, and the setup confirms where it has saved the file. If you choose option 2, review the file obj.conf.doswi, and replace obj.conf. 6. Start the server. 7. Save obj.conf. o To check that the Web Server is running NSAPI, make sure that you can log on and log off successfully. 1.3.3 Configuring the Web Server to Run ISAPI Follow your web server's instructions for installing and configuring on the platform that you are using. The exact instructions depend on the platform and web server software that you are using: o For Windows NT: 1. Install the Web Interface software to any directory. 2. Answer the installation questions. 3. Add a new directory mapping, selecting the directory where awi.dll is installed, giving the directory an alias, for example, doswi. Check the Execute check box and uncheck the Read check box. o For OpenVMS: 1. Define the system logical DOSWI$ROOT to be the directory where the Web Interface is installed, for example, Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1-5 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1.3 Configuring the Web Server PURVEYOR_ROOT:[PURVEYOR.SAMPLES.SCRIPTS.DOSWI]. Add this logical to your system startup procedure. 2. Using the Purveyor Remote Server Manager utility interface, Add a new virtual path. You can specify any name, but you must specify the path to be the Web Interface binary directory, for example, PURVEYOR_ ROOT:[PURVEYOR.SAMPLES.SCRIPTS.DOSWI.BIN] 3. From the Main Settings tab, change the maximum and minimum worker processes to 1. 4. When you have entered these details, click Submit. 5. Apply the server changes by clicking Apply all the server changes. 6. Set the MetaHttpEquiv setting to 1 (see Section 2.1 for more information about this setting). 7. Start the server. o To check that the Web Server is running ISAPI, make sure that you can log on using awi.dll. 1.3.4 Configuring the Web Server to Run CGI Follow your web server's instructions for installing and configuring on the platform that you are using. The exact instructions depend on the platform and web server software that you are using: o For Windows NT using Microsoft Internet Information Server: 1. Install DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface to any directory. 2. Answer the installation questions. 3. Set the MetaHttpEquiv setting to 1 (see Section 2.1 for more information about this setting). 4. Start the server. o For Windows NT using a Netscape Server: 1. Install the Web Interface software to any directory 2. Answer the installation questions. 1-6 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1.3 Configuring the Web Server 3. Set the MetaHttpEquiv setting to 1 (see Section 2.1 for more information about this setting). 4. Restart the web server to pick up the changes. o For DIGITAL UNIX: - See the instructions for configuring the web server to run NSAPI under DIGITAL UNIX, in Section 1.3.2. These instructions configure the web server to run both NSAPI and CGI. To check that the Web Server is running under CGI, make sure that you can log on using awi.exe. 1.4 Installing the Distributed Sharing Option (DSO) License For ALL-IN-1 Version 3.2 systems, if you want to allow users to browse anonymously, and use List Available Drawers, you must install the Distributed Sharing Option (DSO) license, A1-DIST-SHR, on each node that you want to allow the Web Interface to access. The DSO license allows remote access to your DIGITAL Office Server or ALL-IN-1 File Cabinet. Register the license using the OpenVMS[TM] License Management Facility (LMF). ________________________ Note ________________________ After installing the DSO license, you must stop and then restart the File Cabinet Server. ______________________________________________________ 1.5 Setting up Web Access on Your DIGITAL Office Server or ALL-IN-1 System If you want to allow anonymous user access, you must have a DIGITAL Office Server or ALL-IN-1 account called WEB$ACCESS on your DIGITAL Office Server or ALL-IN-1 system. You may have a WEB$ACCESS account already set up on your system. However, if you do not, do the following: Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1-7 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1.5 Setting up Web Access on Your DIGITAL Office Server or ALL-IN-1 System ___________________________________________________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 1 Create an account template by entering: MGT DTC C Set up the following attributes in the template: ______________________________________________________ Attribute__________________Value______________________ privileges TMPMBX and NETMBX Mail Destination NO MAIL X500_UPDATE________________N__________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2 Create an account called WEB$ACCESS. Enter: MGT MUA C CU The account name contains a $ character so that DIGITAL Office Server or ALL-IN-1 displays a message to say that the $ character is not recommended in an account name. Enter Y in response to the message and continue. Enter the name of the template created in Step 1 in the Account template: field. ___________________________________________________________ 3 Classify WEB$ACCESS as a utility account by doing the following: a. Enter MGT MSY CUA b. Enter WEB$ACCESS access in the Account name: field c. Check that the template has set up NO MAIL in the Mail destination: field. d. Enter U in the Utility Account: field ___________________________________________________________ 1-8 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Setting up Web Access on Your DIGITAL Office Server or ALL-IN-1 System ___________________________________________________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 4 Using the AUTHORIZE utility, you can provide additional security on the OpenVMS account by setting up the following: o DISMAIL o RESTRICTED o GENPWD o Login restrictions for when the account can be accessed o Any additional site-specific restrictions ___________________ Note ___________________ You must maintain LOCAL and REMOTE access on the OpenVMS account. ___________________________________________ For example: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:AUTHORIZE UAF> MODIFY WEB$ACCESS/FLAGS=(DISMAIL,RESTRICTED,GENPWD) UAF> EXIT _____$_____________________________________________________ 1.6 Setting up the Drawers You Want to Make Available You can use the options on the Drawer Management (DRM) menu to define access to the world-readable drawers that you want to make available on the web. To do this, you can add WEB$ACCESS to the list of users or groups that can access a particular drawer, and set it to Y. You can also set up *WORLD access to allow full public access, including web access. If you want to deny web access with the *WORLD access setting, set WEB$ACCESS to N. Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1-9 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 1.7 Checking that Installation is Successful 1.7 Checking that Installation is Successful Make sure that the server is started, then to check that you have set everything up correctly, do the following: ___________________________________________________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 1 Using a web browser, specify the URL that you have set up for the Web Interface executable file. See Section 1.3. What you have set up depends on your web server. For example: http:/ or where is the address of the web server where you installed the Web Interface. ___________________________________________________________ 2 Click the Logon button. ___________________________________________________________ 3 Access a drawer. ___________________________________________________________ 4 Try to access the drawer without supplying all of the required fields. Check that a message is displayed to _____inform_you_that_additional_information_is_required.___ Now that the Web Interface is up and running, you may want to customize the way it works or the display that it provides. See Chapter 2. 1-10 Setting Up the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2 _________________________________________________________________ Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface This chapter explains the different ways that you can customize the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface. You can customize the forms, the way in which folders and documents are displayed, and the document attributes that are displayed. In order to customize the Web Interface, you need to understand the way that the default configuration file is organized. ___________________________________________________________ For information, Topic________________________________see...________________ Customizing the logon form Section 2.2.1 Customizing the configuration file Section 2.1 settings Customizing the configuration file Section 2.2 boilerplates Using the Web Interface boilerplate Section 2.3 directives Using the Web Interface special Section 2.4 directives Customizing the MIME types mapping Section 2.5 file Setting up indirect connections to Section 2.6 other File Cabinets Creating URLs for File Cabinet Section 2.7 Objects____________________________________________________ Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-1 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.1 Customizing the Configuration File Settings 2.1 Customizing the Configuration File Settings The Web Interface configuration file is in the Web Interface subdirectory and is called CONFIG.AWI. It contains the following sections: [settings] [anonymous] [boilerplates] [conversion] If a section, or section options, are missing, defaults are used. The section names and section option names are case insensitive. Table 2-1 lists the default settings that you may want to customize. Table_2-1_Settings_You_May_Want_to_Customize_______________ Option__________________Default___Description______________ HelpPath Defines the URL path for /doswihelphelp. Change this to the appropriate path from the URL root if you move the help from the standard URL. ImagePath Defines the URL path for /doswiimagthe images used in the Web Interface. Change this to the appropriate path from the URL root if you move the images from the standard URL. Unless_otherwise_shown,_a_value_of_1_means_true,_and_a_____ value of 0 means false. (continued on next page) 2-2 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.1 Customizing the Configuration File Settings Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Settings_You_May_Want_to_Customize_______ Option__________________Default___Description______________ TimeOut 240 Defines the time, in minutes, before a user is timed out. This setting has no effect if you are using the CGI interface, as caching is not implemented. TimeoutWait 300 Defines the time, in seconds, before the next timeout check is performed. The default is five minutes-300 seconds. This setting has no effect if you are using the CGI interface, as caching is not implemented. SecureLogon 0 When set to 1, this only allows cookies to be transmitted successfully back to browsers when done over a secure link (SSL). When set, logons and confidentiality checks of messages will not work. Set this value to 0 if you want cookies to be transmitted successfully whether or not over a secure link. Unless_otherwise_shown,_a_value_of_1_means_true,_and_a_____ value of 0 means false. (continued on next page) Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-3 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.1 Customizing the Configuration File Settings Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Settings_You_May_Want_to_Customize_______ Option__________________Default___Description______________ DownloadPersonal 0 This controls the downloading of Personal sensitive messages. When set to 0, Personal messages are always downloaded. If you want to alllow a user to be prompted before downloading Personal messages, set this value to 1. If you do not want to allow a user to be able to download a Personal message, set this value to 2. DownloadPrivate 0 This controls the downloading of Private sensitive messages. When set to 0, Private messages are always downloaded. If you want to allow a user to be prompted before downloading Private messages, set this value to 1. If you never want to allow a user to be able to download a Private message, set this value to 2. Unless_otherwise_shown,_a_value_of_1_means_true,_and_a_____ value of 0 means false. (continued on next page) 2-4 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.1 Customizing the Configuration File Settings Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Settings_You_May_Want_to_Customize_______ Option__________________Default___Description______________ DownloadCompanyConfident1al This controls the downloading of Company Confidential sensitive messages. When set to 1, a user is prompted before downloading Company Confidential messages. If you want Company Confidential messages to be always downloaded, set this value to 0. If you do not want to allow a user to be able to download a Company Confidential message, set __________________________________this_value_to_2._________ Unless otherwise shown, a value of 1 means true, and a value of 0 means false. (continued on next page) Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-5 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.1 Customizing the Configuration File Settings Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Settings_You_May_Want_to_Customize_______ Option__________________Default___Description______________ TimeFormat 0 This controls the time /date format when a date is displayed to the user, for example when a message is being read and when a folder is listed. The time is always shown in 24-hour clock format. The following are valid formats: _________________________ For_format...____Use...__ Wed Dec 25 0 or 7 14:20 1996 25-Dec-1996 1, 2 or 14:20:00 3 1996-Dec-25 4, 5 or 14:20:00 6 25-12-1996 8 14:20:00 12-25-1996 9 14:20:00_________________ MetaHttpEquiv 0 Set this to 1 if the server you are running offers a logon form again as soon as the user logs on to the Web Server[1] [1]When_set_to_1,_the_Web_Interface_displays_a_form_for____ a very short time that redirects you. If you then use the Back button, this form is redisplayed. Press Back twice quickly to skip over this form. Unless otherwise shown, a value of 1 means true, and a value of 0 means false. (continued on next page) 2-6 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.1 Customizing the Configuration File Settings Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Settings_You_May_Want_to_Customize_______ Option__________________Default___Description______________ NLisCRLF 0 Controls the type of newline character that the Web Interface sends to the web server in the CGI header. You may need to set this value to 1 if you get a web browser error about documents that do not contain data. CommandPrefix ~ Allows the setting of Web Interface commands to be prefixed by a tilde character (~) or an exclamation point (!). Some web servers do not allow the use of a tilde, in which case you should set this to an exclamation point (!). Unless_otherwise_shown,_a_value_of_1_means_true,_and_a_____ value of 0 means false. ___________________________________________________________ You do not need to change any of the other settings in the configuration file. 2.1.1 Anonymous User Settings Table 2-2 lists the default anonymous user settings that you may want to customize. These are valid only for users who are not logged in. Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-7 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.1 Customizing the Configuration File Settings Table_2-2_Anonymous_User_Settings_You_May_Want_to_Customize Option__________________Default___Description______________ BrokerNode - Use to specify a node for indirect connections. Use in conjuction with DirectConnect. This setting does not apply to users who are logged in. See Section 2.6. DirectConnect 1 Means the Web Interface always connects to the node that the user specifies in the URL or at the user request form. You may want to change this if you want to set up an indirect connection to other File Cabinets, for example, those that do not have TCP/IP connections. This setting does not apply to users who are logged in. __________________________________See_Section_2.6._________ 2.1.2 Conversion Settings Conversion Settings allow you to control conversion of WPS-PLUS or Word documents. 2-8 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.1 Customizing the Configuration File Settings Table_2-3_Conversion_Settings______________________________ Option__________________Default___Description______________ WPSPLUS 1 Enables conversion of WPS-PLUS documents, so that you can read them using the Web Interface. Set this value to 0 if you do not want to enable conversion. WPCORP 0 Enables conversion of WordPerfect documents, so that you can read them using the Web Interface. You may want to keep this value at 0 if you have WordPerfect installed and want to view the documents using WordPerfect. To enable WordPerfect conversion, __________________________________set_this_value_to_1._____ 2.2 Customizing the Configuration File Boilerplates The configuration file boilerplate section lists all the elements that you can use to create web pages, or edit those suppplied. In the default configuration file, some of the elements use the default boilerplate files that are supplied with the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface. You can create your own files to replace the defaults and create new files to provide the elements that do not have defaults. The boilerplates section of the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface configuration file supports the elements shown in Table 2-4. Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-9 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.2 Customizing the Configuration File Boilerplates Table_2-4_Boilerplate_Elements_____________________________ Element_________________Default_____Description____________ DefaultFrame frame.blp Used as the frame if no other is specified. DefaultToolbar toolbar.blp Used as the toolbar if no other is specified. DefaultHead header.blp Used as the header if no other is specified. For example, you could use this to provide a corporate logo at the head of each page DefaultTail footer.blp Used as the footer if no other is specified. For example, you could use this to provide a Home page URL. MainScreenFrame mainscr.blp Used as the main screen frame LogonFrame logonfrm.blpUsed as the logon frame LogonToolbar logontb.blp Used as the logon toolbar LogonForm logon.blp Used as the logon form FileCabinetDrawerFrame fcframe.blp Used as the File Cabinet drawer frame FileCabinetDrawerToolbarfctool.blp Used as the File Cabinet drawer toolbar FileCabinetDrawers listfc.blp Used as the File Cabinet drawers form Folders listdrw.blp Used when listing the folders in a drawer. FolderHead - Used as the header when listing folders. FolderTail - Used as the footer when listing folders. (continued on next page) 2-10 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.2 Customizing the Configuration File Boilerplates Table_2-4_(Cont.)_Boilerplate_Elements_____________________ Element_________________Default_____Description____________ Documents listfold.blpUsed when listing the documents in a folder. DocumentHead - Used as the header when listing documents. DocumentTail - Used as the footer when listing documents. MessageContents readmsg.blp Used as the message contents form LADRequestFrame ladrfrm.blp Used as the frame for the List Available Drawers search criteria form LADRequestToolbar ladtool.blp Used as the toolbar for the List Available Drawers search criteria form LADRequest ladr.blp Used as the List Available Drawers search criteria form ListAvailableDrawerFrameladframe.blpUsed as the frame for the List Available Drawers results form ListAvailableDrawerToolbladtool.blp Used as the toolbar for the List Available Drawers results form ListAvailableDrawers lad.blp Used as the List Available Drawers results form FindRequestFrame findfrm.blp Used as the frame for the Find request form FindRequestToolbar findtb.blp Used as the toolbar for the Find request form (continued on next page) Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-11 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.2 Customizing the Configuration File Boilerplates Table_2-4_(Cont.)_Boilerplate_Elements_____________________ Element_________________Default_____Description____________ FindRequest findr.blp Used as the Find request form FindFrame findfrm.blp Used as the frame for the Find results form FindToolbar findtb.blp Used as the toolbar for the Find results form Find find.blp Used as the Find results form LogoffFrame lofframe.blpUsed as the frame for the logoff form LogoffToolbar logontb.blp Used as the toolbar for the logoff form Logoff logoff.blp Used as the Logoff form AnonListFrame anonfrm.blp Used as the frame for the form that you want to use to list public drawers AnonListToolbar anontool.blpUsed as the toolbar for the the form that you want to use to list public drawers AnonList anonform.blpUsed as the form that you want to use to list public drawers PromptFrame prmframe.blpUsed as the frame for the prompt for sensitivity settings PromptToolbar prmtool.blp Used as the toolbar for the prompt for sensitivity settings PromptSensitivity senprmpt.blpUsed as the form for the prompt for ____________________________________sensitivity_settings___ 2-12 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.2 Customizing the Configuration File Boilerplates 2.2.1 Customizing the Logon Form to Change Transport (Windows NT only) The Web Interface by default uses the logon.blp boilerplate as the logon form. You can customize the logon.blp boilerplate if you want to change the transport between the Web Interface and DIGITAL Office Server. On Windows NT systems (but not OpenVMS or UNIX), to change the transport, add the following two fields to the logon.blp boilerplate: o Transport The transport between the web server and the File Cabinet Server. The transport can be TCP/IP or DECnet. o TransportSpec The transport specific information. For TCP/IP transport this is the port number. For DECnet transport, this is the object number. Enter the field in the following format: field: where: o field is either Transport or TransportSpec. o input is either text or hidden. Enter text if you want users to define the field. Enter hidden if you want to define the field for all users. o name is either transport or transportspec. o value is either the default port number or object number. If you want to allow users to define this field, you do not need to include this field. For example, if you want all users to use DECnet object 173 as the transport and object number, enter the following in the logon.blp boilerplate: Transport: Transport specific: To allow users to enter whatever transport and transport specific information they want, enter the following in the logon.blp boilerplate: Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-13 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.2 Customizing the Configuration File Boilerplates Transport: Transport specific: In this case, when the user tries to open a File Cabinet, the logon form is displayed with two extra fields, Transport and TransportSpec. 2.3 Using the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Boilerplate Directives DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface boilerplate directives allow you to display document attributes, for example, the document author. The Web Interface boilerplate directives are of the form . Table 2-5 shows the directives that you can use in your customized boilerplate files. 2-14 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.3 Using the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Boilerplate Directives Table_2-5_Web_Interface_Boilerplate_Directives_____________ Directive________Description_______________________________ The first TO addressee of the message. The first CC addressee of the message. The first BCC addressee of the message. When embedded in a $FOREACH special directive, this will display all values of the specified directive. See Section The number of TO addressees on the message. The number of CC addressees on the message. The number of BCC addressees on the message. BCC) on the message. The subject of the message. The sensitivity of the message. The "From" mail address of the sender. The department of the sender of the message. The telephone number of the message's sender. The "Sent by" address of the message. The contents of the message, or hyperlinks if the message is not displayable. The status of the message. The owner of the drawer. The description of the drawer. The modified date of the document. The created date of the document. The title of the document, or subject if there is no title. (continued on next page) Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-15 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.3 Using the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Boilerplate Directives Table_2-5_(Cont.)_Web_Interface_Boilerplate_Directives_____ Directive________Description_______________________________ The author of the document. The FORMAT of the document. The DSAB of the document. The name of the drawer or folder, depending on the context. The approximate size of the document in bytes. The approximate size of the document in kilobytes. The file extension of the document, for example, TXT. The EUID of the File Cabinet object in HTML-friendly form. Use in most normal cases. The structural type of the document. Used by the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface internally. The MIME type of the document. This is generated by the Web Interface if the document does not have a mimeid. The document's DOCDB customer field. The document's DAF customer1 field. The document's DAF customer2 field. The document's DAF customer3 field. The document's DAF customer4 field. The document's DAF customer5 field. This is the URL of the File Cabinet object and it is generated by the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface. Use in preference to the EUID. (continued on next page) 2-16 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.3 Using the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Boilerplate Directives Table_2-5_(Cont.)_Web_Interface_Boilerplate_Directives_____ Directive________Description_______________________________ DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface generated attribute-the format/handling of the document, which is derived from FORMAT and DSAB. This can be used to position a toolbar. The path taken by the web server to access the image (.GIF) files. The path taken by the web server to access the Web Interface help files. The path taken by the web server to access the Web Interface. Allows insertion of URL query string attribute values, where x is the name of the attribute. For example, for the query string ?user=me&sys=tem, is replaced by the string me, and is replaced by the string tem. If the the directive is misspelled (for example, is spelled ), it generates an _________________empty_string_of_text._____________________ 2.4 Using the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Special Directives There are some additional special directives that you can use for: o The Folders and Documents boilerplates that specify the type and format of information that is displayed in response to a user request o Conditionally including directives and text in boilerplates, and for displaying mutiple-valued attributes. Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-17 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.4 Using the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Special Directives 2.4.1 Special Directives for the Folders and Documents Boilerplates The Folders boilerplate, listdrw.blp, and Documents boilerplate, listfold.blp, use the special directives $BEGINLOOP and $ENDLOOP. The following notes apply to the use of these directives: o The directives must appear on a line of their own, without any whitespace. o The directives bound the section of the boilerplate that is to be repeated for every File Cabinet object the boilerplate is showing. The following example shows the use of some of these special directives: Documents Documents in folder

  • ( document, bytes, last modified )
    Created , Mimetype
    Customer0 =
    Customer1 =
    Customer2 =
    Customer3 =
    Customer4 =
    Customer5 = $ENDLOOP
) 2.4.2 Boilerplate Special Directives There are two sets of special directives that can be used for conditionally including directives and text in boilerplates, and for displaying multiple-valued attributes. 2-18 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.4 Using the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Special Directives $IF, $ELSE, and $ENDIF The $IF, $ELSE and $ENDIF special directives are used to include text and directives in boilerplates when certain conditions are TRUE or not. The following notes apply to the use of these directives: o The $IF, $ELSE and $ENDIF special directives can be nested. o The $IF, $ELSE and $ENDIF special directives are case- insensitive. o The $IF special directive must have a white space followed by a boolean expression, and must be on a line of its own. o There must be one $ENDIF for every $IF in a boilerplate. o $ELSE is optional, but, if used, must appear after the $IF and before the $ENDIF special directives. o Everything between the $IF and the first $ELSE or $ENDIF is included in the boilerplate if the boolean expression is TRUE. o Everything between the $ELSE and the $ENDIF is included in the boilerplate if the boolean expression with the associated $IF is FALSE. The following example shows the use of these special directives: Test Message . . . $IF LE 5 $FOREACH TO: $ENDFOREACH $ENDIF . . . Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-19 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.4 Using the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Special Directives The boolean expressions that can be used with $IF, $ELSE and $ENDIF are shown in Table 2-6. Table 2-6 Boolean Expressions used with $IF, $ELSE and __________$ENDIF___________________________________________ ExpressionMeaning__________________________________________ EQS Equals string NES Not equals string GTS Greater than string GES Greater than or equal to string LTS Less than string LES Less than or equal to string EQ Equal number NE Not equal to number GT Greater than number GE Greater than or equal to number LT Less than number AND And (value) OR________Or_(value)_______________________________________ $FOREACH and $ENDFOREACH The $FOREACH and $ENDFOREACH special directives are used to include multi-valued attributes in boilerplates. The following notes apply to the use of the $FOREACH and $ENDFOREACH special directives: o The $FOREACH and $ENDFOREACH special directives cannot be nested, and are case-insensitive. o The $FOREACH special directive must have a white space followed by a , and must be on a line of its own. o The $ENDFOREACH special directive must appear on a line of its own, without being preceded by white space. o There must be one $ENDFOREACH for every $FOREACH in a boilerplate. 2-20 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.4 Using the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Special Directives o The special directives bound the section of the boilerplate that is to be repeated for every occurrence of the directive. The following example shows the use of these special directives: Test Message . . . $FOREACH TO: $ENDFOREACH 2.5 Customizing the MIME Types Mapping File You may need to customize the MIME types mapping file if the MIME type generated by DIGITAL Office Server or ALL-IN-1 is not what you want. The default MIME types mapping file, mimemap.awi, contains lines of MIME type and Office Server format pairs. The Office Server type is listed first. If none of the mappings matches a file type, one of the lines must be the special mapping: *=application/x-* In the special mapping, * always matches, and the * in the MIME type is replaced by the lowercase version of the Office Server type. This mapping is also built into the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface, and is used if the MIME mapping file is missing. 2.6 Setting Up Indirect (Brokered) Connections As the default for anonymous (non-logged-in) users, DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface always tries to connect directly to the File Cabinet Server on the node that the user specifies. For example, the user may specify the node directly as part of the URL or supply it in the System: field on the displayed request form. In the Web Interface configuration file, CONFIG.AWI, the settings that define this behavior are DirectConnect 1 and no value for the BrokerNode field. Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-21 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.6 Setting Up Indirect (Brokered) Connections You can customize the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface to define a broker node which is used by the Web Interface to connect indirectly to File Cabinets on other nodes. This allows you to make File Cabinets available on nodes which do not have TCP/IP installed. To allow brokered connections, you must define BrokerNode in the Web Interface configuration file. Table 2-7 shows the types of connections that you can set up. Table_2-7_Using_the_DirectConnect_and_BrokerNode_Fields____ Field_______Value_____Meaning______________________________ DirectConnec1 DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface and always contacts the node specified by the Web client BrokerNode Not defined ___________________________________________________________ DirectConnec0 DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface and always contacts the File Cabinet Server on the node specified in the BrokerNode field BrokerNode Defined ___________________________________________________________ DirectConnec1 and (continued on next page) 2-22 Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2.6 Setting Up Indirect (Brokered) Connections Table 2-7 (Cont.) Using the DirectConnect and BrokerNode __________________Fields___________________________________ Field_______Value_____Meaning______________________________ BrokerNode Defined _____________________________________ If the address Then the DIGITAL that the user Office Server Web entered...______Interface..._________ contains a always contacts the period (.), File Cabinet Server it is an IP on the specified node address does not always contacts the contain a File Cabinet Server period (.), it on the node defined is not an IP as the BrokerNode address______________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2.7 Creating URLs for File Cabinet Objects You can customize your request form to display a list of available drawers or folders. In this case the user must double click on the drawer or folder name to display a list of folders or documents. To do this, you must specify the URL for each File Cabinet object that you want to create a link to. The easiest way to do this is to access the object by supplying the full information about the system, drawer and drawer owner. Cut and paste the displayed URL into your request form. The format of the URL is: where: o doswi is the mapping to the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface software that you have set up, see Section 1.3 o node is the name of the node that you are connecting to o /system/drawer/folder is the specification for the folder that you want to access Customizing the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface 2-23 3 _________________________________________________________________ Security Implications This chapter explains the different levels of security available for DIGITAL Office Server and ALL-IN-1 Version 3.2 systems. 3.1 Anonymous Access (Non-Logged-in Users) Access to the Web Interface is through a special account called WEB$ACCESS. The File Cabinet Server performs authentication checks on the WEB$ACCESS OpenVMS account. This allows you to control access to this WEB$ACCESS account at the drawer level. You can control Web Interface access to world readable drawers by adding the WEB$ACCESS account to the list of users and setting leaving Read access blank or setting it to No. 3.2 Logged-On Users Access for logged-on users is defined by Access Control Lists (ACLs) on drawers that permit acccess to individual users. Security Implications 3-1