HP_DECprint_Supervisor_(DCPS)_for_OpenVMS_____ Software Installation Guide Order Number: AA-PSVDK-TE January 2005 This guide describes how to install the DECprint Supervisor software. Revision/Update Information: This manual su- persedes the DCPS Software Installation Guide V2.3. Software Version: HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS, Version 2.4 Operating System: OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2, 7.3-2, or 8.2 OpenVMS I64 Version 8.2 OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2, 6.2, or 7.3 Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto, California __________________________________________________________ © Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Adobe, Adobe PostScript 3 and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Printed in the U.S. The DECprint Supervisor documentation set is available on CD-ROM. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Before Installing the Software 1.1 Operating System Version..................... 1-1 1.2 Disk Space................................... 1-2 1.3 Related Software............................. 1-2 1.3.1 POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility (PCSI)................................... 1-2 1.3.2 C Run-Time Library....................... 1-3 1.3.3 PrintServer Software..................... 1-4 1.3.4 TCP/IP Networks.......................... 1-4 1.3.5 AppleTalk Networks....................... 1-4 1.3.6 DDIF Printing............................ 1-5 1.3.7 DEC Image Print-PLUS (ICPS).............. 1-5 1.4 Mismatched Components........................ 1-5 2 Installing the Software 2.1 Overview..................................... 2-1 2.2 PCSI Conventions............................. 2-2 2.3 Installing the Software...................... 2-3 A Sample Installation Session iii B Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL B.1 Overview..................................... B-1 B.2 VMSINSTAL Conventions........................ B-1 B.3 Installing the Software...................... B-1 B.4 System Messages.............................. B-9 B.4.1 System Message Overview.................. B-9 B.4.2 DCPS Installation Messages............... B-11 B.5 Sample VMSINSTAL Installation Session........ B-16 Index Examples A-1 Sample Installation on an OpenVMS Alpha System................................... A-1 B-1 Sample Upgrade on an OpenVMS VAX System................................... B-16 Tables 1 DECprint Supervisor Documentation........ vi 1-1 Disk Space Requirements.................. 1-2 1-2 PCSI Patch Kits.......................... 1-3 iv ________________________________________________________________ Preface Intended Audience This manual is for system managers responsible for installing the DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS printing software. To install the printing software, it is necessary to have some experience with: o OpenVMS DCL command language and system management procedures o Procedures and commands in the DCPS System Manager's Guide o PCSI utility for installing OpenVMS software o Network addressing and protocols at your site Document Structure This manual contains the following chapters and appen- dices: o Chapter 1 describes what must be done before installing the software. o Chapter 2 describes how to install the software with PCSI. o Appendix A shows a sample installation. o Appendix B describes how to install the software with VMSINSTAL. v Related Documents The primary source of information about DCPS is the following set of software manuals: Table_1_DECprint_Supervisor_Documentation_________________ Software Installation Describes how to install DCPS. Guide System Manager's Describes how system managers, data Guide center operators and application programmers can create and manage DCPS print queues and solve printing problems. User's Guide Describes how to use DCPS to print to PostScript[R] printers. Software Product Contains the full list of printers Description (SPD supported by DCPS and additional 44.15.xx) information about the features and ______________________requirements_of_DCPS_V2.4.__________ For additional information about HP OpenVMS products and services, visit the following World Wide Web address: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms/ Reader's Comments HP welcomes your comments on this manual. Please send comments to either of the following addresses: Internet openvmsdoc@hp.com Mail Hewlett-Packard Company OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua NH 03062-2698 vi How to Order Additional Documentation For information about how to order additional documenta- tion, visit the following World Wide Web address: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms/doc/order/ Part numbers for DCPS-related documentation are listed in the Ordering Additional Documentation appendix of the Software Installation Guide, System Manager's Guide and User's Guide. Conventions The following conventions are used in this manual: Ctrl/x A sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.) In the HTML version of this document, this convention appears as brackets, rather than a box. . . . A horizontal ellipsis in examples indi- cates one of the following possibilities: o Additional optional arguments in a statement have been omitted. o The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more times. o Additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered. ( ) In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose choices in parentheses if you specify more than one. vii [ ] In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You can choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on the command line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax for OpenVMS directory specifications and for a substring specification in an assignment statement. | In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices within brackets or braces. Within brackets, the choices are optional; within braces, at least one choice is required. Do not type the vertical bars on the command line. { } In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you must choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on the command line. bold text This typeface represents the introduction of a new term. It also represents the name of an argument, an attribute or a reason. italic text Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of manuals or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER=name) and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type). UPPERCASE TEXT Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. Monospace text Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays. viii - A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line. numbers All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes-binary, octal or hexadecimal-are explicitly indicated. ix 1 ________________________________________________________________ Before Installing the Software 1.1 Operating System Version The following are the supported versions of the OpenVMS operating system: o OpenVMS Alpha V6.2[*], V7.3-2 and V8.2 o OpenVMS I64 V8.2 o OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2[*], V6.2[*] and V7.3 For a current list of supported OpenVMS versions, visit the following address: http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/openvms_supportchart.html Although the DCPS V2.4 PCSI kit will install and run on OpenVMS V6.2 and later, and the DCPS V2.4 VMSINSTAL kit will install and run on OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 and later, customers running OpenVMS versions that are not supported do so at their own risk. If you are running an older version of OpenVMS under a Prior Version support contract, such as OpenVMS VAX V5.5- 2, contact HP for a DCPS VMSINSTAL kit. (See Section 1.3.1 for more information about PCSI software requirements.) ___________________ [*]With Prior Version Support contract Before Installing the Software 1-1 1.2 Disk Space Depending on whether DCPS is installed on an Alpha, I64 or VAX processor, disk space requirements may vary. Table 1-1 lists the disk space requirements. Table_1-1_Disk_Space_Requirements_________________________ Disk space required Alpha for_._._._____________system______I64_system__VAX_system__ Installation 7,700 11,000 7,200 blocks blocks blocks Permanent use 7,200 10,500 6,700 blocks ______________________blocks______blocks__________________ These disk space requirements are approximate, and depend on your system environment, disk cluster size, configuration and software options. 1.3 Related Software DECprint Supervisor works with other software to create a fully functional printing system. Before installing DECprint Supervisor, make sure the other application and printing software is compatible. The following sections detail the software you need. Refer to the DECprint Supervisor Software Product Description (SPD) for specific version requirements. 1.3.1 POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility (PCSI) DCPS is now installed with the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility (PCSI) instead of VMSINSTAL. This makes installation faster and provides better management of your installed software. For a complete description of the PCSI utility and the use of the PRODUCT command, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual and the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual or online help. 1-2 Before Installing the Software If you are running older versions of OpenVMS, you may be required to install a PCSI patch kit before installing DCPS. See Table 1-2 to determine whether you need to install a PCSI patch. The patch will upgrade PCSI on your system. Table_1-2_PCSI_Patch_Kits_________________________________ OpenVMS_Version_____PCSI_Patch_Kit________________________ Alpha V6.2 through DEC-AXPVMS-VMS62TO71U2_PCSI-V0200-4 V7.1-2 Alpha V7.2 and not required later I64 V8.2 not required VAX V5.5-2 not available; contact HP for a DCPS VMSINSTAL kit VAX V6.2 through DEC-VAXVMS-VMS62TO71_PCSI-V0200-4 V7.1 VAX V7.2 DEC-VAXVMS-VMS72_PCSI-V0101-4 VAX_V7.3____________not_required__________________________ You can obtain these patch kits: o From an HP Customer Support Center o From the HP IT Resource Center (ITRC) at http://www.itrc.hp.com 1.3.2 C Run-Time Library DCPS requires that the C run-time library is installed on your system. This library is included with the OpenVMS operating system starting with OpenVMS V6.1, and in the DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components kit. Therefore: o To run on any OpenVMS V6.1 or later system, no installation of the DEC C Run-Time Library is required. o To run on OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 systems, the DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components kit must be installed before installing DCPS. Before Installing the Software 1-3 To determine if the DEC C run-time library exists on your system, check for the existence of the file SYS$STARTUP:CRT$STARTUP.COM. If this file exists, the DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components kit has already been installed. If it does not, you must install the DEC C /C++ Run-Time Components kit before installing DECprint Supervisor. The DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components kit is included on the OpenVMS VAX Software Product Library CD-ROM in the Compaq C directory. The saveset name is AACRT060.A. Please refer to the DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components documentation for information about installing the kit, starting with Read Before Installing or Using DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components Version 6.0 for OpenVMS VAX Systems. 1.3.3 PrintServer Software To print to a DIGITAL PrintServer printer, the printing environment must contain a supporting host system running the PrintServer software product. 1.3.4 TCP/IP Networks TCP/IP connections to PrintServer printers using Common Printer Access Protocol (CPAP), and connections to other printers using the Raw TCP/IP socket or LPD protocols, require one of the following: o HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS o Process Software MultiNet for OpenVMS o Process Software TCPware for OpenVMS 1.3.5 AppleTalk Networks One of the network protocols used by DCPS is AppleTalk, provided on OpenVMS Alpha and VAX systems by the layered product PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). Although this product is retired and no longer supported, DCPS has continued to work with AppleTalk queues. However, changes made to OpenVMS in V8.2 prevent the AppleTalk protocol from being started. Therefore, DCPS does not work with AppleTalk queues starting with OpenVMS V8.2. 1-4 Before Installing the Software 1.3.6 DDIF Printing To print DDIF encoded bitonal images, DCPS requires that either DECwindows or DECimage Application Services (DAS) be installed on your system. DAS is only available on OpenVMS VAX systems. 1.3.7 DEC Image Print-PLUS (ICPS) DCPS V1.1 and later versions cannot coexist with ICPS V1.x software. Installing DCPS replaces the image SYS$LIBRARY:TRN$DDIF_IMAGE.EXE. This new image is not compatible with the ICPS software. 1.4 Mismatched Components All DCPS executable components attempt to ensure they are a matched set. If a mismatch occurs, DCPS reports an error when the queue starts. This error occurs when a component of a prior (incompatible) software version exists in the SYS$SPECIFIC area and newer components are installed in the SYS$COMMON area. The error that occurs depends on which versions of which components are executing, but the following message will be among those received: %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 13-FEB-1995 21:38:08.66 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user QUEUE_MANAGE on DAHLIA %QMAN-E-SYMDEL, unexpected symbiont process termination The DCPS installation procedure checks for DCPS files in the SYS$SPECIFIC area and warns you of their existence. Before Installing the Software 1-5 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the Software This chapter describes how to install DECprint Supervisor software using the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility (PCSI). For a complete description of the PCSI utility and the use of the PRODUCT command, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual and the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual or online help. 2.1 Overview Follow these steps to install the DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS software: 1. Review all release notes. You can extract the release notes in text format from the PCSI kit with the command: $ PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE NOTES DCPS - _$ [/SOURCE=device:[directory]] - _$ [/DESTINATION=device:[directory]] You can extract the release notes in PostScript format with the command: $ PRODUCT EXTRACT FILE DCPS /SELECT=DCPS024_RELEASE_NOTES.PS - _$ [/SOURCE=device:[directory]] - _$ [/DESTINATION=device:[directory]] 2. Stop each DCPS queue using STOP /QUEUE /NEXT or STOP /QUEUE /RESET commands if: o You have existing active DCPS queues and do not want the DCPS installation procedure to automatically stop them. Installing the Software 2-1 o You have DCPS executables in the SYS$SPECIFIC system areas.[*] o You need to apply OpenVMS or other patches that impact DCPS. 3. Remove any DCPS executable files from the SYS$SPECIFIC system areas.[*] 4. Apply OpenVMS or other patches that impact DCPS, as determined from the DCPS release notes or other sources. If the patches require that you reboot your system, do so after applying the patches. 5. Install DCPS. 6. Create or update DCPS$STARTUP.COM, as described in the DCPS System Manager's Guide. For example, add queue definitions to the file and set the value of the DCPS$MAX_STREAMS logical following the examples provided in the procedure. 7. Start your DCPS print queues by invoking DCPS$STARTUP.COM. The DCPS installation procedure restarted DCPS queues that it stopped, unless the installation failed. If you changed your DCPS environment or DCPS$STARTUP.COM after the DCPS installation procedure automatically restarted some queues, you may need to stop all DCPS queues and restart them before your changes will take effect. 2.2 PCSI Conventions PCSI will ask questions during the installation. Questions may be followed by default responses enclosed in brackets ([]). Enter your response followed by . Press to enter the default response. If you are not sure of the response, enter a question mark (?). PCSI displays explanatory text and repeats the prompt. Messages specific to the installation of DECprint Supervisor software are listed in Section B.4. ___________________ [*]The installation procedure checks for such files. 2-2 Installing the Software 2.3 Installing the Software ________________________Note ________________________ This section does not reproduce all of the text you may see on your screen during the installation of the DCPS software. A sample PCSI installation is shown in Appendix A. _____________________________________________________ To install the software, use the following procedure: 1. Invoke the PCSI utility. Enter the following command: $ PRODUCT INSTALL DCPS [/SOURCE=device:[directory]] where device and directory specify the location of the DCPS PCSI kit. Do not specify an alternate destination by using the /DESTINATION qualifier or defining the logical name PCSI$DESTINATION. DCPS needs to be installed in the cluster common area of your system disk and will be installed there regardless of the alternate destination you specify. 2. Select the DCPS kit. If more than one DCPS PCSI kit exists in the source directory, you will be prompted to choose one. For example: 1 - HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.3 Layered Product 2 - HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4 Layered Product 3 - HP I64VMS DCPS V2.4 Layered Product 4 - HP VAXVMS DCPS V2.4 Layered Product 5 - All products listed above 6 - Exit Choose one or more items from the menu separated by commas: Choose the kit with the correct DCPS version and for the architecture on which you are installing DCPS. 3. Announce products to be installed. Installing the Software 2-3 PCSI then announces the products to be installed. For example: The following product has been selected: HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4 Layered Product [Installed] Do you want to continue? [YES] If this is the DCPS kit you want to install, press . 4. Check for alternate destination. If DCPS has already been installed on your system using PCSI and you specified an alternate destination, you will see these messages: %PCSIUI-W-DESTQUAL, destination qualifier will be ignored for this product * When reinstalling a product you cannot specify a destination. * To change the product's destination, remove the product then * install it to a new location. If you continue this operation, * the product will be reinstalled in its current location. Do you want to continue? [YES] Since DCPS is always installed in SYS$COMMON on your system disk, press to continue the installation. 5. Start the installation. PCSI then starts the installation, displaying messages such as: Configuration phase starting ... You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4: HP DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS © Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 6. Check for sufficient disk space. PCSI checks to see if the amount of disk space required for the installation is available. If the space is not available, a message indicates the amount of disk space that is required, and the installation is aborted. You must allocate sufficient disk space and then start the PCSI procedure again. However, if you have already 2-4 Installing the Software provided enough disk space, the installation procedure continues. 7. Make sure the queue manager is running. The installation procedure checks to see if the queue manager is running on your system. If the queue manager is not running, the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) does not run, and the following messages are displayed on your screen: The queue manager is not running. The IVP will not be run. The queue manager must be running if you want the installation to run the IVP. 8. Check for active DCPS queues. The DCPS installation begins by looking for DCPS queues on your system: Examining system environment ... If DCPS print queues are active, messages similar to the following are displayed: There are 7 DCPS queues, with 5 active. All DCPS queues will be stopped before the installation and then restarted after the installation is complete. Do you want to see a list of queues? [NO] If you want to skip seeing a list of DCPS queues, press . Otherwise, enter Y and press and you will see a list of queues; for example: Queue Status Device ----- ------ ------ HP2300_RAW Idle SARAH::"IP_RawTCP/dcpslj2300:9100" HP4200_LPD Idle SARAH::"IP_LPD/dcpslj4200" HP4200_RAW Idle SARAH::"IP_RawTCP/dcpslj4200:9100" LN17_LAT Idle SARAH::"serial/LAT_LN17" LPS17_DECNET Idle SARAH::"DECnet/DLPS17" You will now be asked if you want to continue the installation. Do you want to stop DCPS queues and continue the installation? [YES] Installing the Software 2-5 If you want to continue the installation, you must allow the installation procedure to stop the queues. Press to continue or enter N and press to abort the installation. If you continue, the following messages are displayed: If the installation fails, DCPS queues may need to be restarted manually. Stopping DCPS queues ... 9. Check for files in SYS$SPECIFIC. DCPS requires all its files to be installed in SYS$COMMON. Although sometimes files can be put in SYS$SPECIFIC for debugging or testing purposes, running this way is not supported. If DCPS images are found in SYS$SPECIFIC, messages similar to the following are displayed: This system contains DCPS images in SYS$SPECIFIC: SARAH$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSEXE]DCPS$SMB.EXE;1 The existence of DCPS files in SYS$SPECIFIC is not supported. If these files remain, they will be used instead of the DCPS product files you are installing now, and the IVP may test the wrong or mismatched DCPS components. These files can cause unpredictable DCPS behavior on your system. Do you want to continue the installation? [NO] It is recommended that you choose not to continue the installation by pressing . If you are sure you want to continue, enter Y and press and the installation will continue. 10. Define DCPS$LAYUP. Next, the installation procedure looks for a definition of the logical name DCPS$LAYUP in the system table in executive mode. This logical name points to the location of DCPS layup files. The default location is SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS]. Although the installation procedure will put new versions of layup files into your site-specific directory if it is already defined, it will not prompt for a new location. If you want your layup files to 2-6 Installing the Software be in a different directory, usually done so that non- privileged users can modify them, you should manually copy them after the installation is complete and modify the value of DCPS$LAYUP at the bottom of the SYS$STARTUP:DCPS$REQUIRED.COM command procedure. o If a definition exists and it is the default location, no messages are displayed. o If a definition exists and it is a site-specific one, a message similar to the following is displayed: Layup files will be copied to DISK$SYS_ROUTE2:[DCPS_LAYUP]. indicating that DCPS layup files will be copied to your site-specific directory; in this case, DISK$SYS_ROUTE2:[DCPS_LAYUP]. o If no definition exists, the default location is used. If files cannot be copied to your site-specific DCPS$LAYUP directory (for example, if the directory does not exist) messages similar to the following will be displayed: There is a problem with your definition of DCPS$LAYUP. Layup files will not be copied to DISK$INVALID:[WOOPS]. 11. Install the software. PCSI displays the following messages indicating its progress in installing DCPS: * This product does not have any configuration options. Execution phase starting ... The following product will be installed to destination: HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4 DISK$SYS_SARAH:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% 12. Check for alternate destination. If DCPS has never been installed on your system using PCSI, or it has been installed and removed, and you specified an alternate destination, you will see these messages: Installing the Software 2-7 You have specified an alternate destination by using the /DESTINATION qualifier or defining the logical name PCSI$DESTINATION. Since DCPS must reside in cluster common directories, DCPS has has been installed using the default destination of SARAH$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.] instead of the destination you specified, SARAH$DKB0:[OTHER.]. This step occurs in between the 90% and 100% done messages. 13. Start queues. After the DCPS files have been installed, active DCPS queues that were stopped earlier in the installation are now started. Starting DCPS queues ... This step occurs in between the 90% and 100% done messages. 14. Verify successful installation. The IVP verifies that the software was installed properly. If the system queue manager is running, the IVP runs automatically and the installation procedure performs the following: 1. Creates a temporary print queue 2. Queues the test files in [SYSTEST.DCPS] to the temporary print queue DCPS$IVP_TEST 3. Displays messages similar to the following: %PCSI-I-IVPEXECUTE, executing test procedure for HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4 ... Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 43) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 43) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 43) completed Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 44) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 44) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 44) completed Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 45) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 45) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST 2-8 Installing the Software Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 45) completed Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 46) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 46) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 46) completed Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 47) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 47) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 47) completed Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 48) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 48) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 48) completed Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 49) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 49) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 49) completed ________________________Note ________________________ The IVP does not produce any hardcopy output. _____________________________________________________ The IVP procedure automatically deletes the temporary queue when the IVP completes. You can print the IVP test files to a real printer later. (Refer to the DCPS System Manager's Guide.) You can also manually invoke the IVP after the installation by entering: $ @SYS$TEST:DCPS$IVP PCSI issues an informational message when the IVP is completed: %PCSI-I-IVPSUCCESS, test procedure completed successfully 15. Where to go from here. Refer to the DCPS System Manager's Guide for instruc- tions on how to create print queues and customize your printing environment. Installing the Software 2-9 A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Session Example A-1 shows a sample installation of the DECprint Supervisor software on an OpenVMS Alpha system from the Software Product Library CD. Example A-1 Sample Installation on an OpenVMS Alpha System $ PRODUCT INSTALL DCPS /SOURCE=DQA0:[DCPS024.KIT] 1 - HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4 Layered Product 2 - HP I64VMS DCPS V2.4 Layered Product 3 - HP VAXVMS DCPS V2.4 Layered Product 4 - All products listed above 5 - Exit Choose one or more items from the menu separated by commas: 1 The following product has been selected: HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4 Layered Product Do you want to continue? [YES] Configuration phase starting ... You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4: HP DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS © Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Examining system environment ... There are 7 DCPS queues, with 5 active. All DCPS queues will be stopped before the installation and then restarted after the installation is complete. Cont'd on next page Sample Installation Session A-1 Example A-1 (Cont.) Sample Installation on an OpenVMS Alpha System Do you want to see a list of queues? [NO] Y Queue Status Device ----- ------ ------ HP2430_RAW Idle JULIE::"IP_RawTCP/dcpslj2430:9100" HP8150_LPD Idle JULIE::"IP_LPD/dcpshp8150" HP8150_RAW Idle JULIE::"IP_RawTCP/dcpshp8150:9100" HP9050MFP_LPD Idle JULIE::"IP_LPD/dcpslj9050mfp" LNM40_LAT Idle JULIE::"serial/LAT_LNM40" Do you want to stop DCPS queues and continue the installation? [YES] If the installation fails, DCPS queues may need to be restarted manually. Stopping DCPS queues ... * This product does not have any configuration options. Execution phase starting ... The following product will be installed to destination: HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4 DISK$SYS_JULIE:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90% Starting DCPS queues ... ...100% The following product has been installed: HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4 Layered Product %PCSI-I-IVPEXECUTE, executing test procedure for HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4 ... %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 390) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 390) completed %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 391) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 391) completed %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 392) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 392) completed %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 393) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 393) completed %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 394) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Cont'd on next page A-2 Sample Installation Session Example A-1 (Cont.) Sample Installation on an OpenVMS Alpha System Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 394) completed %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 395) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 395) completed %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 396) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 396) completed %PCSI-I-IVPSUCCESS, test procedure completed successfully HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4: HP DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS DCPS Release Notes (text and PostScript) have been provided in SYS$HELP. Sample Installation Session A-3 B ________________________________________________________________ Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL This appendix describes how to install DECprint Supervisor software using the VMSINSTAL utility. VMSINSTAL is used to install DCPS on systems running versions of OpenVMS older than V6.2. If you are not familiar with the VMSINSTAL utility, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. B.1 Overview Follow the steps in Section 2.1 to prepare for the DCPS installation. B.2 VMSINSTAL Conventions VMSINSTAL will prompt you for site-specific information. Questions are preceded by an asterisk (*) and may be followed by default responses enclosed in brackets ([]). Enter your response followed by . Press to enter the default response. If you are not sure of the response, enter a question mark (?). VMSINSTAL displays explanatory text and repeats the prompt. Messages specific to the installation of DECprint Supervisor software are listed in Section B.4. B.3 Installing the Software ________________________Note ________________________ This section does not reproduce all of the text you may see on your screen during the installation of the DCPS software. Sample VMSINSTAL installation scripts are shown in Section B.5. _____________________________________________________ Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL B-1 To install the software, use the following procedure: 1. Invoke the VMSINSTAL procedure. Enter the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DCPSpppnnn device-id [OPTIONS N] You supply the following information: o DCPSpppnnn is the save set name, with ppp desig- nating the platform (AXP [Alpha] or VAX) and nnn designating the version (for example, 024 for V2.4). o device-id is the name of the device on which you want to mount the media, such as DQA0:. o OPTIONS N allows you to request release notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not ask you about the release notes. Review the release notes before proceeding with the installation. If you are restarting the installation and have already reviewed the release notes, you do not need to specify OPTIONS N. First, VMSINSTAL displays a banner line with the date and time, and instructions for running the dialog. You may receive one or more of the following warning messages when VMSINSTAL starts up. Exit from the procedure, correct the cause of the warning message, and start the VMSINSTAL procedure again. o If you are not currently logged in to the SYSTEM account, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. o If processes are running while VMSINSTAL is running, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: process-name Other processes may cause the installation of HELP to fail. When any of these messages are displayed, the following question is displayed to allow you to terminate VMSINSTAL and correct the situation: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? B-2 Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL Enter YES to continue. If you answer NO, the VMSINSTAL procedure is terminated immediately. You can enter a question mark (?) at this time to display advice from the VMSINSTAL software. For example: The above conditions may cause VMSINSTAL to function improperly. In particular, problems may occur with file ownership if you are not logged into the SYSTEM account. 2. Ensure that existing software is saved. VMSINSTAL then asks the following question: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Enter YES to continue, or enter NO to exit VMSINSTAL to make a backup and run VMSINSTAL again. If you enter a question mark (?) in response to this question, VMSINSTAL displays the following explanation: VMSINSTAL attempts to ensure that a power failure or system crash will not corrupt your system disk. However, for absolute safety we recommend that you back it up before installing new products. Please see the documentation for more information on crashes during installation. 3. Confirm that distribution media is loaded. VMSINSTAL asks for confirmation that the distribution media has been mounted. Please mount the first volume of the set on device-id: * Are you ready? 4. Announce products to be installed. VMSINSTAL then announces the products to be installed where ppp designates the platform and n.n designates the version. The following products will be processed: DCPSppp Vn.n Beginning installation of DCPSppp Vn.n at 13:45 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A 5. Obtain the release notes. Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL B-3 If you specified OPTIONS N in the VMSINSTAL command line, the following Release Notes options are displayed: Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: Release Notes Options: (1) Display release notes (2) Print release notes (3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None of the above After you enter the release note option, VMSINSTAL asks whether you want to continue the installation procedure: Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? If you did not include the OPTIONS N portion of the VMSINSTAL command line, VMSINSTAL does not display this question. Instead, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP 6. Check for active DCPS queues. If DCPS print queues are active while VMSINSTAL is running, messages similar to the following are displayed: %DCPSVAX-W-QUEACTIVE, The following DCPS queues are still active: Queue Device Status ----- ------ ------ LN09 DAN::LTA9000: IDLE LN17 DAN::"AppleTalk/Dan's LN17+ps" IDLE LN40 DAN::"IP_RawTCP/ln40:6869" IDLE LPS32 DAN::"IP_CPAP/lps32.office.genicom.com" IDLE %DCPSVAX-I-NUMQUEUES, 4 existing DCPS queues, with 4 active Previously installed DCPS queues are still running. Continuing this installation without entering STOP/QUEUE/RESET for each such queue can cause inconsistent behavior among queues and can cause the IVP to fail. B-4 Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL Note that if you choose to have this installation procedure automatically stop such queues, and the installation subsequently aborts, this procedure will not automatically restart them. * Do you want these queues automatically stopped and restarted [YES]? If you do not want the installation procedure to automatically stop them, you are given the options of aborting the installation or continuing with the queues active. Continuing is not recommended. 7. Check for sufficient disk space. VMSINSTAL checks to see if the amount of disk space required for the installation is available. If the space is not available, a message indicates the amount of disk space that is required, and the installation is aborted. You must allocate sufficient disk space and then start the VMSINSTAL procedure again. However, if you have already provided enough disk space, the installation procedure continues. 8. Purge extraneous versions of files. VMSINSTAL asks if you want to purge any files that are being replaced. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Enter YES if you want to save disk space or NO if you think the files may still be of use. If you enter a question mark (?) in response to this query, the following message is displayed: During this installation, new files will be provided to replace existing versions. You may purge these older versions to save disk space, or keep them if you feel they may be of use. Purging is recommended. 9. Define DCPS$LAYUP. Next, the installation procedure looks for a definition of the logical name DCPS$LAYUP in the system table in executive mode. o If a definition exists, the following message is displayed: Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL B-5 %DCPSppp-I-LAYUPDEF, DCPS$LAYUP is already defined -DCPSppp-I-LAYUPDEF, This installation will use its value o If a definition does not exist, the procedure asks you for a definition. Press to select the default, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS], or enter a directory specification where the system layup definition files should be stored. * Full definition for DCPS$LAYUP [SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS]]: The procedure will validate the definition you provide. If you do not accept the default location and the specified directory does not exist, the procedure will ask you if you want to create it: DISK$USER:[MY-LAYUP-DIR] does not exist. * Create it? [N]? If you answer NO, the procedure will ask again for a definition. 10. Create directories. VMSINSTAL then attempts to create several directories. If they already exist, it displays additional messages indicating this: %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DCPS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DCPS] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS] already exists 11. Make sure the queue manager is running. VMSINSTAL checks to see if the queue manager is running on your system. If the queue manager is not present, the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) does not run, and the following messages are displayed on your screen: %DCPSppp-I-NOQUEMGR, System queue manager is not running -DCPSppp-I-NOQUEMGR, IVP will NOT run. Installation continuing ... The queue manager must be running if you want the installation to run the IVP. B-6 Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL 12. Stop queues. At this point, VMSINSTAL displays the following message on your screen: %DCPSppp-I-NOQUEST, No further questions will be asked. VMSINSTAL stops active DCPS queues, if any and if desired. %DCPSppp-I-STOPQUEUES, Stopping queues previously reported as active. 13. Restore the remaining save sets. As it restores each save set, VMSINSTAL reports on its progress: VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset B ... VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset C ... This operation may require up to 10 minutes to complete. When all the save sets have been restored, VMSINSTAL instructs you to perform postinstallation procedures. Refer to the DCPS System Manager's Guide for full instructions. Next, VMSINSTAL moves the files from the temporary locations used during installation to their permanent directories. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... 14. Verify a successful software loading procedure. The IVP verifies that the software was loaded properly. If the system queue manager is running, the IVP runs automatically and VMSINSTAL performs the following: 1. Creates a temporary print queue 2. Queues the test files in [SYSTEST.DCPS] to the temporary print queue DCPS$IVP_TEST 3. Displays messages similar to the following: Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL B-7 Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 43) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 43) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 43) completed Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 44) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 44) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 44) completed Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 45) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 45) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 45) completed Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 46) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 46) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 46) completed Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 47) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 47) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 47) completed Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 48) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 48) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 48) completed Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 49) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 49) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 49) completed ________________________Note ________________________ The IVP does not produce any hardcopy output. _____________________________________________________ The IVP procedure automatically deletes the temporary queue when the IVP completes. You can print the IVP test files to a real printer later. (Refer to the DCPS System Manager's Guide.) B-8 Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL You can also manually invoke the IVP after the installation by entering: $ @SYS$TEST:DCPS$IVP VMSINSTAL issues an informational message when the IVP is completed: IVP successful for OpenVMS DECprint Supervisor Software 15. Restart queues. VMSINSTAL restarts previously stopped queues if the installation is successful and issues its final messages: %DCPSppp-I-STARTQUEUES, Restarting queues previously reported as active. Installation of DCPSppp Vn.n completed at 14:04 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:08 $ 16. Where to go from here. Refer to the DCPS System Manager's Guide for instruc- tions on how to create print queues and customize your printing environment. B.4 System Messages This appendix describes DECprint Supervisor installation messages. B.4.1 System Message Overview DCPS system messages have one of the following formats: %fac-s-ident, text -fac-s-ident, text Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL B-9 __________________________________________________________ Code___Meaning____________________________________________ % The prefix for all primary messages - The prefix for all continuation messages fac The facility code, which should be DCPS s The severity level of the message ident An abbreviation of the message text text___The_expanded_text_of_the_message___________________ B-10 Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL The severity levels of DECprint Supervisor system messages are defined as follows: __________________________________________________________ Code_Meaning______________________________________________ S Success - successful completion of the request I Informational - may require user action W Warning - request may not have completed and may require user action E Error - system encountered an error that may be recoverable F Fatal - system encountered a fatal error and cannot _____continue_processing_this_request_____________________ B.4.2 DCPS Installation Messages The following DCPS message descriptions are alphabetized by the ident portion of the message. The message severity level and text are also shown, while the prefix and facility designation (DCPSppp are omitted. If you receive a message from a facility other than DCPS, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users for the message description or use the online help message utility with the command HELP /MESSAGE. E-BADSPEC, File spec LPS$SINGLEHOLES.LUP cannot be parsed Explanation: The current definition of the logical name DCPS$LAYUP is invalid, possibly because of an incorrect answer given to the question about the location of layup files in an earlier DCPS installation. (DCPS V1.6 and later now validate such responses; see the Release Notes for more information.) User Action: Deassign the logical name with the command: $ DEASSIGN /EXECUTIVE_MODE /SYSTEM DCPS$LAYUP Then start the DCPS installation again and you will be prompted for the location for the layup files. Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL B-11 E-BADVMSVER, This product requires OpenVMS version version or later to install Explanation: The DCPS software requires a later version of the OpenVMS operating system. User Action: Upgrade your operating system to the correct version. I-ESTTIME, This installation will take between 1 and 10 minutes, I-ESTTIME, excluding time needed to stop and restart active queues. Explanation: This informational message estimates the time it will take to install the software. User Action: No action is required. W-HIDES, If these files remain, they will be used instead of the W-HIDES, DCPS product files you are installing now, and the IVP Explanation: DCPS warns you that the existing DCPS files in SYS$SPECIFIC directories will be used instead of the latest ones. User Action: Remove or rename the listed DCPS files from the SYS$SPECIFIC directories. E-INVDIRSPE, invalid directory specification Explanation: The syntax of the directory specified is not correct. User Action: Specify a directory with correct syntax. I-LAYUPDEF, DCPS$LAYUP is already defined. I-LAYUPDEF, This installation will use its value. Explanation: The installation uses the existing logical name for DCPS$LAYUP. User Action: No action is required. B-12 Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL I-NOHELP, There is no help in this install procedure. I-NOHELP, Please refer to the Software Installation Guide. Explanation: This informational messages states that no help is available. User Action: Refer to the DCPS Software Installation Guide for more information. I-NOQUEMGR, System queue manager is not running. I-NOQUEMGR, IVP will NOT be run. Installation continuing. Explanation: The queue manager is not running on your sys- tem. The installation will continue, but the Installation Verification Procedure cannot run. User Action: After the installation, start the queue man- ager and then manually invoke the IVP (@SYS$TEST:DCPS$IVP). I-NOQUEST, No further questions will be asked Explanation: The VMSINSTAL procedure will continue from this point without requiring further input from you. User Action: No action is required. W-NORSTRT, Automatically stopped queues have not been restarted Explanation: VMSINSTAL has not restarted queues that it automatically stopped. User Action: Resolve the problem that caused the instal- lation to terminate abnormally, and then manually restart the queues that the DCPS installation procedure previously listed as active. E-NOSUCHDEV, no such device available Explanation: The device specified does not exist. User Action: Specify a device that exists on your system. E-NO_DECC_RTL, DEC C run-time library is not installed. Explanation: There is no DEC C run-time library on your system. User Action: Install the DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components kit. Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL B-13 E-NO_QUEMAN, This product requires the queue management facility to install. Explanation: The queue manager could not be found. The installation procedure is aborted. User Action: Start the queue manager. For information refer to the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. E-NO_SPACE, This product requires number blocks of disk space to install. Explanation: There are not enough free disk blocks to install this software. The installation procedure terminates. User Action: Ensure that you have at least the specified number of free disk blocks and restart the installation. I-NUMQUEUES, existing-number existing DCPS queues, with active-number active. Explanation: This message informs you of the number of DCPS queues you have and how many of them are active (that is, not stopped). User Action: No action is required. W-PURGW, Purging files may leave running queues with no image file and the IVP may fail. Explanation: Purging DCPS files while multistream DCPS symbionts are still active can cause problems. User Action: Avoid purging existing files, or stop all active queues before proceeding with the installation. I-QSCANNING, Looking for existing DCPS print queues... Explanation: This informational message tells you that the installation procedure is checking for print queues that already exist. User Action: No action is required. B-14 Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL W-QUEACTIVE, The following queues are still active: Explanation: The installation procedure found some DCPS queues still active, as listed in subsequent lines. If you do not stop the active queues, the installation may fail or interfere with jobs that are currently printing. User Action: When subsequently asked, allow VMSINSTAL to automatically stop the queues, or manually stop them yourself and restart the installation procedure. If some of the queues are not in an idle state, you may wish to wait until all jobs have finished printing. I-STARTQUEUES, Restarting queues previously reported as active Explanation: VMSINSTAL is currently restarting all queues it had previously reported as active. Explanation: No action is required. I-STOPQUEUES, Stopping queues previously reported as active Explanation: VMSINSTAL is currently stopping all queues it had previously reported as active. User Action: No action is required. W-SYSPF, This system contains DCPS images in SYS$SPECIFIC areas: Explanation: Your system has one or more DCPS executable images in a SYS$SPECIFIC directory, as listed in subsequent lines. The new images that you are about to install will not be used because of the presence of the SYS$SPECIFIC versions. User Action: Delete or rename the DCPS files in the SYS$SPECIFIC directories, so that new ones in SYS$COMMON will be used. F-WRONGARCH, This product will only install on OpenVMS platform. Explanation: You have attempted to install the kit on the wrong platform. User Action: Install the kit on either an Alpha or VAX platform, as indicated by the message, or use a different kit for the current platform. Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL B-15 B.5 Sample VMSINSTAL Installation Session Example B-1 shows a sample upgrade of the DECprint Supervisor software on an OpenVMS VAX system. Example B-1 Sample Upgrade on an OpenVMS VAX System $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DCPSVAX CDROM: OPTIONS N OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.3 It is 13-JUN-2005 at 12:24. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: DCPSVAX V2.4 Beginning installation of DCPSVAX V2.4 at 12:24 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 4 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? Y %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS V2.4 Installation Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------- © Copyright 1992-2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Cont'd on next page B-16 Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL Example B-1 (Cont.) Sample Upgrade on an OpenVMS VAX System Proprietary computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. ------------------------------------------------------------------- %DCPSVAX-W-QUEACTIVE, The following DCPS queues are still active: Queue Device Status ----- ------ ------ LN09 DAN::LTA9000: IDLE LN17 DAN::"AppleTalk/Dan's LN17+ps" IDLE LN40 DAN::"IP_RawTCP/ln40:6869" IDLE %DCPSVAX-I-NUMQUEUES, 4 existing DCPS queues, with 3 active Previously installed DCPS queues are still running. Continuing this installation without entering STOP/QUEUE/RESET for each such queue can cause inconsistent behavior among queues and can cause the IVP to fail. Note that if you choose to have this installation procedure automatically stop such queues, and the installation subsequently aborts, this procedure will not automatically restart them. * Do you want these queues automatically stopped and restarted [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Cont'd on next page Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL B-17 Example B-1 (Cont.) Sample Upgrade on an OpenVMS VAX System %DCPSVAX-I-LAYUPDEF, DCPS$LAYUP is already defined -DCPSVAX-I-LAYUPDEF, This installation will use its value %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DCPS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DCPS] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS] already exists %DCPSVAX-I-ESTTIME, This installation will take between 1 and 10 minutes, -DCPSVAX-I-ESTTIME, excluding time needed to stop and restart active queues. %DCPSVAX-I-NOQUEST, No further questions will be asked. %DCPSVAX-I-STOPQUEUES, Stopping queues previously reported as active. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... Software installer: Starting with DCPS V2.0, the need for DCPS-OPEN and DCPS-PLUS licenses has been eliminated. The right to use all features of DCPS is now included with the OpenVMS operating system license. Please remember to copy SYS$STARTUP:DCPS$STARTUP.TEMPLATE to SYS$STARTUP:DCPS$STARTUP.COM. Then edit the resulting copy, following the instructions contained within it, to define your DCPS environment and queue characteristics. When done, execute the file to establish and start the DCPS queues. Also remember to edit SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM so that DCPS$STARTUP.COM is automatically run at system startup time. DCPS$STARTUP.COM should be executed after all printer devices and interconnects are running. Below is a summary list: printers via TCP/IP: after TCP is started printers via LAT: after LAT devices are created printers via AppleTalk: after the AppleTalk driver is loaded PrintServers via DECnet: after DECnet is started Cont'd on next page B-18 Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL Example B-1 (Cont.) Sample Upgrade on an OpenVMS VAX System If you are converting CPS queues to DCPS, you may want to run the utility SYS$STARTUP:CPS_TO_DCPS_STARTUP.COM instead of editing the startup template. This utility will read your CPS startup file, change the queue definitions to use DCPS$SMB and its library and logical names, and write out a new DCPS startup file. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %DCPS-I-IVP, Beginning IVP... ------------------------------------------------------------------- HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS V2.4 Installation Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------- © Copyright 1992-2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Proprietary computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. ------------------------------------------------------------------- IVP using Version V2.4 of DECprint Supervisor Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 43) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 43) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 43) completed Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 44) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 44) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 44) completed Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 45) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 45) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Cont'd on next page Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL B-19 Example B-1 (Cont.) Sample Upgrade on an OpenVMS VAX System Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 45) completed Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 46) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 46) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 46) completed Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 47) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 47) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 47) completed Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 48) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 48) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 48) completed Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 49) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 49) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 49) completed IVP successful for DECprint Supervisor V2.4 %DCPSVAX-I-STARTQUEUES, Restarting queues previously reported as active. Installation of DCPSVAX V2.4 completed at 12:27 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:27 $ B-20 Installing the Software with VMSINSTAL ________________________________________________________________ Index A IVP (cont'd) ___________________________ may fail if purging files AppleTalk network printing, , B-14 1-4 may fail with SYS$SPECIFIC files, C__________________________ B-12 CPAP, 1-4 requires queue manager to C Run-time library, 1-3 be running, B-13 ___________________________ L__________________________ DCPS$LAYUP logical name, Layup logical name, 2-6 2-6, B-5 LPD, 1-4 DDIF printing, 1-5 Disk space requirements, M__________________________ 1-2, 2-4 Messages, B-9 descriptions, B-11 to E__________________________ B-15 Error messages format, B-9 See Messages severity level of, B-11 ___________________________ N__________________________ Installation procedure Network printing questions, 2-3, B-1 using AppleTalk, 1-4 sample session, A-1, B-16 using TCP/IP, 1-4 Installation Verification O Procedure ___________________________ See IVP OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 systems, IVP 1-3 how to manually invoke, 2-9, B-9 Index-1 P__________________________ R__________________________ PCSI, 1-2 Raw TCP/IP, 1-4 active DCPS queues, 2-5 Requirements conventions, 2-2 AppleTalk printers, 1-4 destination, 2-4, 2-7 C Run-time library, 1-3 installation questions, DDIF, 1-5 2-3 disk space, 1-2, 2-4 invoking, 2-3 for other software, 1-2 selecting the kit, 2-3 operating system version, POLYCENTER Software 1-1 Installation Utility PCSI, 1-2 See PCSI PrintServer Software, 1-4 Printers queue manager, 2-5 on AppleTalk networks, TCP/IP printers, 1-4 1-4 S on TCP/IP networks, 1-4 ___________________________ PrintServer printers System messages requirements, 1-4 See Messages Q__________________________ T__________________________ Queues TCP/IP for printers on AppleTalk printer connections, 1-4 networks, 1-4 requirements, 1-4 for printers on TCP/IP networks, 1-4 V__________________________ VMSINSTAL conventions, B-1 installation questions, B-1 Index-2