Sequential_Media_Filesystem_________________________ GuideptoVOperations Order Number: AA-QDKVD-TE Abstract This document contains information for installing, using, and maintaining Sequential Media Filesystem (SMF) for OpenVMS software. Revision/Update Information: This document replaces version AA-QDKVC-TE. Software Version: Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ April 1997 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL, an authorized sublicenser, or the identified licenser. While DIGITAL believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1995, 1996, 1997. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Alpha, DCL, DECnet, Digital UNIX, eXcursion, OpenVMS, OpenVMS Cluster, StorageWorks, VAXTPU, VAX, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo are all trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. AIX is registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. FTP Software is a trademark of FTP SOFTWARE, INC. HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 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This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... vii 1 Introduction to SMF 1.1 Storage Management in the OpenVMS Environment.... 1-1 1.1.1 Data Categories ............................... 1-1 1.1.2 Device Capacity, Cost, and Performance ........ 1-2 1.1.3 Storage Management Planning ................... 1-2 1.2 Introduction to SMF.............................. 1-2 1.2.1 SMF Filesystem Database ....................... 1-3 1.2.2 SMF Filesystem Security ....................... 1-3 1.3 Benefits of Using SMF............................ 1-4 1.4 SMF Functional Overview.......................... 1-4 1.4.1 SMF File Access ............................... 1-4 1.4.2 SMF Media Management .......................... 1-5 1.5 SMF Performance Issues........................... 1-7 1.5.1 Seek and Load Times ........................... 1-7 1.5.2 Data Transfer Rate ............................ 1-7 1.6 Data Safety...................................... 1-7 2 Installing SMF Software 2.1 Before Installing SMF............................ 2-1 2.1.1 System Requirements ........................... 2-2 2.1.2 Supporting Software Requirements .............. 2-2 2.1.3 Installing Media and Device Management Services Software....................................... 2-3 2.1.4 Configuring Media and Device Support .......... 2-3 2.1.5 Registering Your SMF License .................. 2-9 2.1.6 Installing DECthreads Images .................. 2-11 2.1.7 Other Preinstallation Considerations .......... 2-11 2.2 Installation Procedure Requirements.............. 2-12 2.2.1 Required Privileges ........................... 2-12 iii 2.2.2 Required Disk Space ........................... 2-12 2.2.3 User Account Requirements ..................... 2-12 2.2.4 VMSINSTAL Requirements ........................ 2-13 2.2.5 Backing Up Your System Disk ................... 2-13 2.3 Installing the SMF Software...................... 2-13 2.3.1 The Installation Procedure .................... 2-14 2.3.2 Error Recovery ................................ 2-19 2.4 Installation Verification Procedure.............. 2-19 2.5 After Installing SMF............................. 2-20 2.5.1 Editing the System Startup and Shutdown Files.......................................... 2-20 2.5.2 VMScluster Considerations ..................... 2-20 3 Configuring SMF Software 3.1 Configuring SMF.................................. 3-1 3.2 Making Configuration Decisions................... 3-2 3.3 Adding Volumes through a Scratch Pool............ 3-3 3.4 Configuring SMF Devices and Filesystems.......... 3-5 3.5 SMF Configuration Examples....................... 3-7 3.5.1 Sample TA90 Configuration ..................... 3-8 3.5.2 Sample TZ877 Configuration .................... 3-9 3.5.3 Sample TL820 Configuration .................... 3-10 4 Using SMF 4.1 What the User Sees in the SMF Environment........ 4-1 4.2 Accessing SMF Files.............................. 4-2 4.3 Using DCL Commands with SMF...................... 4-3 4.3.1 Creating SMF Files and Directories ............ 4-3 4.3.2 Working with SMF Files Using DCL Commands ..... 4-4 4.3.3 Working with SMF Directories Using DCL Commands....................................... 4-5 4.3.4 Controlling Resource Waits .................... 4-7 4.4 Using the SMF Management Interface............... 4-7 4.5 Programming for SMF.............................. 4-7 4.5.1 Accessing SMF Files Using $QIO Calls .......... 4-7 4.5.2 Controlling Resource Waits Using System Services....................................... 4-7 4.6 Printing SMFS Files.............................. 4-8 iv 5 Managing and Maintaining SMF 5.1 Backing Up the SMF Database...................... 5-1 5.2 Backing Up SMF Data.............................. 5-2 5.3 Adding Media to the SMF Scratch Pool............. 5-2 5.4 The SMF Management Interface..................... 5-2 5.4.1 Single and Multiple Command Mode .............. 5-3 5.4.2 Using the SMF Management Interface Commands ... 5-3 5.5 Importing Files from Existing Media into a Sequential Media Filesystem...................... 5-4 5.6 Recovering Deleted Space from Tape............... 5-5 5.7 Moving Files Within a Filesystem................. 5-5 5.8 Setting File Characteristics..................... 5-6 6 Solving Problems with SMF 6.1 Troubleshooting Tools............................ 6-2 6.1.1 Logs .......................................... 6-2 6.1.2 SMF SHOW and SET Commands ..................... 6-2 6.2 Installation Problems............................ 6-2 6.3 SMF Startup Problems............................. 6-3 6.4 Offline Device Problems.......................... 6-4 6.5 Magazine Loader Problems......................... 6-5 6.6 SMF Operational Problems......................... 6-6 6.7 SMF Limitations.................................. 6-7 7 Using ACP QIO Function Codes with SMF 7.1 ACP QIO Function File Attribute Code Extensions for SMF.......................................... 7-1 7.1.1 ATR$C_DENSITY ................................. 7-1 7.1.2 ATR$C_END_RVN ................................. 7-1 7.1.3 ATR$C_LOCATION ................................ 7-1 7.1.4 ATR$C_MEDIA_TYPE .............................. 7-2 7.1.5 ATR$C_POOL .................................... 7-2 7.1.6 ATR$C_START_RVN ............................... 7-2 7.1.7 ATR$C_START_TM ................................ 7-2 7.1.8 ATR$C_VOLSET .................................. 7-2 7.1.9 FIB$C_REPACK .................................. 7-2 7.1.10 FIB$C_REWINDSEC ............................... 7-3 7.2 FIB Field Interpretation......................... 7-3 7.3 The Driver Interface............................. 7-4 v 8 SMF Command Reference ATTACH........................................... 8-3 DISMOUNT......................................... 8-5 DELETE DEVICE.................................... 8-7 EXIT............................................. 8-9 HELP............................................. 8-10 IMPORT........................................... 8-11 INITIALIZE....................................... 8-13 MOUNT............................................ 8-16 MOVE FILE........................................ 8-20 REPACK DEVICE.................................... 8-23 SET DEVICE....................................... 8-25 SET FILE......................................... 8-28 SHOW DEVICE...................................... 8-32 SHOW FILE........................................ 8-34 SHOW VERSION..................................... 8-38 SPAWN............................................ 8-39 A Installing SMF B SMF Messages B.1 Informational Messages........................... B-1 B.2 Error Messages................................... B-3 B.3 Warning Messages................................. B-12 B.4 Fatal Messages................................... B-13 C Files and Logical Names Index vi Examples 4-1 Sample Print File ............................. 4-8 Tables 2-1 Common Media Density and Capacity Values ...... 2-6 2-2 How to Register Your SMF License .............. 2-9 2-3 Disk Space Requirements ....................... 2-12 2-4 How to Install the SMF Software ............... 2-14 3-1 Adding Volumes to the SMF Scratch Pool ........ 3-3 3-2 Configuring SMF Devices and Filesystems ....... 3-5 5-1 SMF Management Interface Command Summary ...... 5-3 6-1 SMF Does Not Run .............................. 6-4 6-2 Offline Device Problems ....................... 6-4 6-3 Magazine Loader Problems ...................... 6-5 6-4 SMF Operational Problems ...................... 6-7 7-1 FIB$B_ALALIGN FIB Field Values ................ 7-4 7-2 SMF Supported Driver QIO function codes ....... 7-4 8-1 Summary of SMF Management Interface Commands .. 8-1 8-2 SMF Database Area Keywords .................... 8-14 8-3 MXAACP Process Quotas ......................... 8-17 C-1 Files Installed ............................... C-1 C-2 Logical Name Table Entries .................... C-2 vii _________________________________________________________________ Preface Purpose of This Document This document contains information about Sequential Media Filesystem (SMF) for OpenVMS[TM] Version 1.3 software and its functions. Use this document to define, configure, operate, and maintain your SMF environment. Intended Audience This guide is intended for users of SMF software who are responsible for system and file maintenance applications. Users should be familiar with the OpenVMS operating system and standard DCL commands and utilities. Document Structure This document is organized in the following manner and includes the following information: Chapter 1 Introduces storage management and the key concepts of SMF. Chapter 2 Contains detailed instructions for installing SMF software. Chapter 3 Explains how to define your operating environment for SMF. Chapter 4 Describes how to use SMF in a typical environment. Chapter 5 Contains task-oriented information on managing and maintaining the SMF environment. Chapter 6 Contains information for troubleshooting SMF. vii Chapter 7 Contains information on using ACP QIO function codes with SMF. Chapter 8 Describes the command interface for SMF. This chapter serves as the SMF command reference guide. Appendix A Shows a sample SMF installation. Appendix B Lists SMF-specific status and error messages. Appendix C Lists SMF files and logical names. Related Documents The following documents are related to this documentation set or are mentioned in this manual: o Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations o Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Installation Guide o OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L o OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: A-M o OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N-Z o OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual o OpenVMS User's Manual Related Products The following related products are mentioned in this document: ___________________________________________________________ Product_______Description__________________________________ ABS ABS refers to Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS[TM] software. ABS OMT ABS OMT refers to Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Management Tools[TM] software. HSM HSM refers to HSM for OpenVMS software. viii ___________________________________________________________ Product_______Description__________________________________ MDMS MDMS refers to Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS software. OpenVMS Refers to the OpenVMS operating system. SMF SMF refers to Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS software. SLS SLS refers to Storage Library System for ______________OpenVMS_software.____________________________ Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: ___________________________________________________________ Convention__Description____________________________________ { } In format command descriptions, braces indicate required elements. You must include one of the elements. [ ] Square brackets show optional elements in command syntax. You can omit these elements if you wish to use the default response. . . . Horizontal ellipsis points indicate the omission of information from a sentence or paragraph that is not important to the topic being discussed. Vertical ellipsis points indicate the omission . of information from an example or command . format. The information has been omitted . because it is not important to the topic being discussed. boldface Boldface type in text indicates the first type instance of terms defined in the Glossary or in text. italic Italic type emphasizes important information, type indicates variables, indicates complete titles of manuals, and indicates parameters for system information. ix ___________________________________________________________ Convention__Description____________________________________ Starting This type font denotes system response, user test . . . input, and examples. Ctrl/x Hold down the key labeled Ctrl (Control) and the specified key simultaneously (such as Ctrl /Z). PF1 x The key sequence PF1 x indicates that you press and release the PF1 key, and then you press and release another key (indicated here by x). n A lowercase italic n indicates the generic use of a number. For example, 19nn indicates a four-digit number in which the last two digits are unknown. x A lowercase italic x indicates the generic use of a letter. For example, xxx indicates any ____________combination_of_three_alphabetic_characters.____ Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using SMF, report it to Digital[TM] through your usual support channels. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated previously or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. x 1 _________________________________________________________________ Introduction to SMF This chapter provides an introduction to the general concepts of storage management in the OpenVMS[TM] environment and defines the role of Digital's Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS (SMF) Version 1.3 software product in storage management. 1.1 Storage Management in the OpenVMS Environment Storage management is the means by which you control the non-temporary data on your system and the devices on which it is kept. To be useful, this data must be available for use and remain unchanged (persistent) in the event of unexpected events, such as disasters. 1.1.1 Data Categories Your data exists in one of three categories: o Active-Data that is frequently accessed and needs the fastest response time. o Dormant-Data that is accessed less frequently and for which response time is less important. o Inactive-Data that is not expected to be accessed again but must be kept. Generally, this type of data is stored for archival or regulatory purposes. On most systems, 80 percent of the I/O requests access only 20 percent of your data. The remaining 80 percent of your data occupies expensive media, but is used infrequently. Introduction to SMF 1-1 Introduction to SMF 1.1 Storage Management in the OpenVMS Environment 1.1.2 Device Capacity, Cost, and Performance There are many different devices on which your data can be stored, and the selection of which device best meets your storage needs depends on three factors: o Performance-How quickly the device responds to I/O requests o Capacity-How much information the device can store o Cost-The cost per megabyte of storing data through the device The relationship of these three factors is illustrated in Figure 1-1. In general, high performance devices have a lower capacity and higher cost than high capacity devices. High capacity devices trade performance for the ability to store large amounts of data. 1.1.3 Storage Management Planning Your storage management plan allows you to cost-effectively place your data on those devices best suited to meet your cost and access requirements. This plan should consider placing your active data on the most responsive devices, your dormant data on less responsive devices, and your inactive data on the highest capacity devices. 1.2 Introduction to SMF Although the apparent cost of storing data has decreased over the past few years, the hidden cost of managing data storage has remained constant. In many organizations, you need to manage ever-increasing amounts of information. Sequential Media Filesystem (SMF) for OpenVMS software can help you to manage this data in several ways: o In general, you can move files that you access infrequently from expensive random-access media (magnetic disks) to less-expensive sequential media (tapes), while using the same Digital Command Language (DCL) commands to access files stored on both kinds of media. 1-2 Introduction to SMF Introduction to SMF 1.2 Introduction to SMF o You can store active data that has low performance requirements (for example, large, read-only sequential data files) on less-expensive "virtually online" sequential media. o You can move dormant data that is currently stored on expensive media to less-expensive, higher-capacity media, where it still can be accessed quickly when needed. o You can move inactive data that needs to be archived off expensive media to lower-cost and higher-capacity media. Using SMF, you can keep active files with a lower performance requirement on lower-cost sequential media, while retaining the benefits of having those files available through the same retrieval commands as you use for other active files on disk media. 1.2.1 SMF Filesystem Database All file attributes and directory entry information (metadata) for files that are stored on SMF devices are maintained in an online filesystem database, and not on the tape. The database entries contain the equivalent of the Files-11 ODS-2 standard OpenVMS directory file header and information. The database also contains the information that maps the file to a specific tape media. Only operations that access the data in a file require that the tape be mounted. Operations that access only the file metadata complete in approximately the same amount of time required to perform a directory lookup of a file that is on magnetic disk. 1.2.2 SMF Filesystem Security Files on SMF devices have the same type of security controls as files on magnetic disks, including system, owner, group, and world protection levels. SMF files also can have access control lists. SMF operates as a clusterwide file system. File locking is performed by the OpenVMS Distributed Lock Manager. The database that contains the file metadata is shareable by multiple VMScluster[TM] nodes. Network file access is supported using the DECnet[TM] file access listener (FAL). Introduction to SMF 1-3 Introduction to SMF 1.3 Benefits of Using SMF 1.3 Benefits of Using SMF SMF allows you to: o Establish a nearline/offline active data area for large, read-only, and infrequently used files using relatively inexpensive tape media instead of higher cost disk media. SMF works with all qualified Digital sequential storage devices. o Access active files transparently on tape or disk using a common directory structure and commands. SMF works most efficiently with large read-only sequential files. o Access and modify file attributes without necessarily accessing the file's data. o Use the Digital Record Management System (RMS), high level language I/O operations, and DCL commands and utilities to access and manipulate files stored under SMF. o Use standard security features such as file ownership, protection masks, Access Control Lists (ACL), and auditing for files stored on tape. o Reduce backup time because the sequential media files in the nearline/offline active data area are typically read-only. These characteristics remove the requirement to back up the files regularly. Using SMF does not force you to modify your current backup strategy in any manner. 1.4 SMF Functional Overview SMF features a multiple level, structured directory file management facility for sequential media, such as tape. The SMF environment is shown in Figure 1-2. 1.4.1 SMF File Access As shown in Figure 1-2, you access SMF files through the same means as you access magnetic disk files by using the DCL OPEN command, RMS, or high level language file open statements. Other file handling operations are carried out using DCL file manipulation commands, such as COPY, TYPE, APPEND, RENAME, and $QIO IO$_ACCESS and IO$_CREATE calls. 1-4 Introduction to SMF Introduction to SMF 1.4 SMF Functional Overview In an environment that maintains active data in online storage not using SMF, these operations directly access the device driver and related online magnetic or tape storage devices. When SMF is installed, each access of an SMF device (MXcu:) is made through an associated ancillary control process (ACP). An ACP is an OpenVMS mechanism that controls the placement of files on mass storage volumes. The ACP is a process that assists device drivers in processing I/O requests. ACPs perform device-independent functions, such as opening files and establishing a network link. The SMF ACP is a multithreaded process. A thread is created for each I/O request allowing multiple requests to be serviced simultaneously. One OpenVMS process slot is required for the ACP for each mounted MXcu: device. The SMF ancillary control process (SMFS$MXAACP) is responsible for handling all virtual I/O requests. It maintains the filesystem database and the on-tape file structure to implement file creation, deletion, access, deaccess and attribute modification. The SMFS$MXAACP selects appropriate media and devices, mounts and dismounts media, ensures security and audits file accesses. SMF includes a very simple MX device driver that is used to dispatch I/O operations to the SMFS$MXAACP. The SMFS$STARTUP command file loads the MXDRIVER and connects the specified MX units through SYSGEN. The file systems then are mounted by the ACP on the MXcu: devices. 1.4.2 SMF Media Management SMF provides transparent handling of the tape media on which the sequential files are located through the underlying Media and Device Management Service (MDMS) software. You do not need to enter mount and dismount commands to have the tape made available for use, and you do not need to know what tape volume the files are on to access a file. Introduction to SMF 1-5 Introduction to SMF 1.4 SMF Functional Overview When a user writes or reads a file on an SMF device, the ACP sends a request to the underlying MDMS software to verify, locate and mount a tape. If the tape is located in a robotic device (automated tape librarian), the robot will receive and service the mount request. If operator intervention is required to mount the tape, a request is automatically generated. Once the tape has been successfully loaded and mounted, MDMS informs the ACP that the mount is complete and SMF continues with the operation that the user requested. For example, a user issues a COPY command to copy a file to an SMF device. SMF enters the file's metadata in the database and sends a request to MDMS to have a tape mounted on an appropriate device. MDMS services the request and returns a status to SMF. The file contents then are copied to the tape as shown in the following example: $ copy file_access.txt mxa0:[data] $ dir mxa0:[data] Directory MXA0:[DATA] ABDSTATS.TXT;2 ABDSTATS.TXT;1 ALTSHULR.TXT;1 FILE_ACCESS.TXT;1 Total of 4 files. $ Later, the user issues a TYPE command on the file that was copied previously. SMF looks up the file in the database and requests that MDMS mount the tape on which the file exists. MDMS services the request and informs SMF when the mount is complete. The file is then displayed on the user's screen: $ type mxa0:[data]file_access.txt This is a test file just being used to illustrate how a user can type information into a file stored on a sequential media filesystem without any new or different interfaces. . . . 1-6 Introduction to SMF Introduction to SMF 1.5 SMF Performance Issues 1.5 SMF Performance Issues File operations not involving actual file access, such as accessing file attribute information, are nearly equivalent in performance to disk operations. Data access operations are significantly slower; however, this impact should be small because SMF files should not be used with files that are expected to be accessed or modified frequently. When accessing SMF files, the overall file access performance is affected by the context switch to the ACP and the database query to retrieve file attribute information. The database query should result in response times similar to the Files-11 XQP. The context switch, however, can slow down operations, especially during wildcard operations in which many context switches can be required to complete the operation. 1.5.1 Seek and Load Times Seek time is the time it takes to find a file on the media. Seek time is dependent on the type of drive being used. Load time is the time it takes for media to be loaded into a device and become accessible to SMF. Load time is dependent upon the type of media robot or operator used to load the media. Load time can vary from 20-40 seconds for a TL820 silo, to several hours for a human operator and remote storage locations. 1.5.2 Data Transfer Rate The data transfer rate is dependent on the device type. Some devices, such as the TA90 tape drive, can be faster than sequential disk operations, while devices such as the TK50 tape drive are significantly slower. 1.6 Data Safety System crashes or SMF failure never cause the loss of a file that has been properly closed, even if the crash or SMF failure occurs during a repack or move file operation. System failure while a file is being written causes the file to be improperly closed; after restarting SMF, you should check the file carefully for missing data. Introduction to SMF 1-7 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing SMF Software This chapter contains instructions for installing the SMF Version 1.3 software on the OpenVMS operating system. To successfully install and run SMF, follow these steps: 1. Verify software and system requirements, as detailed in Section 2.1.1. 2. Install the Media and Device Management Services (MDMS) software. For details, see Section 2.1.3. 3. Configure media and device support through MDMS. For details, see Section 2.1.4. 4. Register the SMF license and verify installation procedure requirements, as described in Section 2.1.5 and Section 2.2. 5. Install the SMF software, as described in Section 2.3. 6. Add volumes for SMF to use, as described in Chapter 3. 7. Configure the SMF software, as described in Chapter 3. 2.1 Before Installing SMF This section discusses the preparations and requirements necessary for installing the SMF software. The SMF kit includes online release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation. The release notes are in a file named SYS$HELP:SMFS013.RELEASE_NOTES. For information on accessing the online release notes, see Section 2.3.1. Installing SMF Software 2-1 Installing SMF Software 2.1 Before Installing SMF 2.1.1 System Requirements To run SMF, you must have a system that meets the following minimum requirements: o 4 Mb of memory o One or more disk drives supported by OpenVMS o One or more tape drives supported by OpenVMS and SMF through MDMS. 2.1.2 Supporting Software Requirements The following software revision levels are required to support the operation of SMF: o OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, Version 6.2 or Version 7.1, or o OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2, or Version 7.1, and o Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS, Version 2.8A ________ Not Qualified for OpenVMS Version 7.0 ________ SMF has not been qualified for operation under OpenVMS Version 7.0. Operations under that version are not supported. ______________________________________________________ Before installing SMF, ensure that MDMS is running on the system. MDMS is necessary to execute the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). SMF is a clusterwide filesystem, but only those systems running SMF need to be running these minimum requirements for supporting software. Network file operations are implemented through the FAL (file access listener) on DECnet. 2-2 Installing SMF Software Installing SMF Software 2.1 Before Installing SMF 2.1.3 Installing Media and Device Management Services Software For SMF to work with sequential media devices in a manner similar to how OpenVMS works with nonsequential media devices, you must have installed Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS, Version 2.8A. For detailed information on installing MDMS, see the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. Once you install MDMS, make sure you modify SYLOGIN as mentioned in the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. You need to log in to enable full MDMS functionality for supporting the SMF software. 2.1.4 Configuring Media and Device Support SMF requires that you configure media and device support through MDMS. Installing SMF Software 2-3 Installing SMF Software 2.1 Before Installing SMF MDMS Configuration Requirements During the SMF installation process, VMSINSTAL asks you to provide default values for the following items: o Media type name o Density for that media type o Scratch pool of media for SMF to use o Physical location where media are stored These items are defined through MDMS. The SMF installation process does not verify the information you provide it for these defaults, so you can actually configure MDMS after the SMF installation procedure completes. However, if you configure MDMS before you install SMF, you have a much smoother installation and configuration process. These terms have particular meanings for MDMS as follows: o The media type is a named grouping of characteristics that identify a specific type of media, for example, TK50 tapes. When you define a media type in MDMS, you specify the name, the density, the drives that can support this media, and the capacity each piece of media can hold : - The density applies to media types that can be compacted, in which case the density is specified as COMP. If no density is specified, it is assumed to be noncompacted media or the actual density of the media, for example, 6250 BPI (bytes per inch) for 9-track magnetic tape. - The capacity identifies the approximate maximum amount of data (in Megabytes) a piece of this kind of media can store. Note that this value would differ for the same kind of media in compacted and noncompacted form. SMF uses the capacity value to determine when new media is needed for storing SMF data. o The scratch pool identifies a named collection of media for SMF to use. This item does not have to be predefined in MDMS for you to install SMF. This is only a placeholder for the pool. When you add volumes through 2-4 Installing SMF Software Installing SMF Software 2.1 Before Installing SMF MDMS, you specify the scratch pool to which to add them. o The location specifies the physical location where the media reside. To define the media type and location items, you must enter definitions into the MDMS configuration file, called SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM. For these changes to have effect, you must restart MDMS after making the changes. Detailed instructions for configuring TAPESTART.COM are contained in the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. At this point in the process, you do not have to have a scratch pool. All you need to do is provide a name for the scratch pool. Section 3.3 explains how to create the scratch pool. Defining Media Types You define media types using a concept called a media triplet in TAPESTART.COM. Each media triplet specifies a particular grouping of media characteristics including a name for the grouping, density for the media, drives that can support reading from and writing to this media, and the storage capacity for the media. For SMF's purposes, the media triplet is actually a media quadruplet, because SMF requires that you use the CAPACITY_n symbol. The media quadruplet controls media and device usage for SMF. The following example from TAPESTART.COM illustrates what these media quadruplets look like. For more information on defining media quadruplets, see the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. Installing SMF Software 2-5 Installing SMF Software 2.1 Before Installing SMF $! Drive media types and densities $! $ MTYPE_7 := TA90 $ DENS_7 := $ DRIVES_7 := $1$MUA41, $1$MUA43, $1$MUA44 $ CAPACITY_7 := 200 $! $ MTYPE_8 := TA90E $ DENS_8 := COMP $ DRIVES_8 := $1$MUA41, $1$MUA43, $1$MUA44 $ CAPACITY_8 := 400 $! $ MTYPE_9 := TA90E $ DENS_9 := NOCOMP $ DRIVES_9 := $1$MUA41, $1$MUA43, $1$MUA44 $ CAPACITY_9 := 200 $! $ MTYPE_10 := TK85K $ DENS_10 := $ DRIVES_10:= $1$MUA21, $1$MUA22, $1$MUA23 $ CAPACITY_10 := 2600 $! Common Media Densities and Capacities When you define your media types in MDMS, you also need to define appropriate density information and capacity values. Table 2-1 describes common media and identifies the density and capacity values for them. Table_2-1_Common_Media_Density_and_Capacity_Values_________ Media Media Description___Density__Capacity_Description___Density__Capacity 9-track, 6250 140 Mb 9-track, 1600 40 2400-foot bpi 2400-foot bpi Mb tape tape 9-track, 800 bpi 20 Mb 9-track, 6250 70 2400-foot 1200-foot bpi Mb tape tape (continued on next page) 2-6 Installing SMF Software Installing SMF Software 2.1 Before Installing SMF Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Common_Media_Density_and_Capacity_Values_ Media Media Description___Density__Capacity_Description___Density__Capacity 9-track, 1600 20 Mb 9-track, 800 bpi 10 1200-foot bpi 1200-foot Mb tape tape 9-track, 6250 35 Mb 9-track, 1600 10 600-foot bpi 600-foot bpi Mb tape tape 9-track, 800 bpi 5 Mb 600-foot tape CompacTape 95 Mb CompacTape II 296 I media for media for Mb DEC TK50 and DEC TK70 and TZ30 drives TF70 drives CompacTape III 2600 Mb CompacTape III 6000 media for media for Mb DEC TF85, DEC TF86, TA85, ... TA86, and drives (DLT- TZ86 drives 1) CompacTape IIIuncompact10 Gb CompacTape IIIcompacted20 media for media for Gb DEC TZ87 DEC TZ87 drives drives 1200-foot uncompact15 Gb 1200-foot compacted30 CompacTape III CompacTape III Gb media for media for DEC TZ88 DEC TZ88 drives drives 1800-foot uncompact20 Gb 1800-foot compacted40 CompacTape CompacTape Gb IV media IV media for DEC TZ88 for DEC TZ88 drives drives (continued on next page) Installing SMF Software 2-7 Installing SMF Software 2.1 Before Installing SMF Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Common_Media_Density_and_Capacity_Values_ Media Media Description___Density__Capacity_Description___Density__Capacity IBM 3480, uncompact200 Mb IBM 3480, compacted400 560-foot 560-foot Mb IBM 3490, uncompact400 Mb IBM 3490, compacted800 560-foot 560-foot Mb IBM 3490, uncompact800 Mb IBM 3490, compacted1600 1120-foot 1120-foot Mb 4 mm, 60 1300 Mb 4 mm, 90 2000 m Digital m Digital Mb Audio Tape Audio Tape in DDS-1 in DDS-1 format format 4 mm, 60 (compress2600 Mb 4 mm, 90 (compress4000 m Digital m Digital Mb Audio Tape Audio Tape in DDS-1-DC in DDS-1-DC format format 4 mm, 120 4000 Mb 4 mm, 120 8000 m Digital m Digital Mb Audio Tape Audio Tape in DDS-2 in DDS-2-DC format__________________________format_____________________ Defining Media Location It is important for you to keep track of where the media is physically located for your system. The TAPESTART.COM symbol used to define this is LOC. The following example shows the default definition for the LOC symbol. $! Name of media library location $! $ LOC := HEADQUARTERS $! 2-8 Installing SMF Software Installing SMF Software 2.1 Before Installing SMF Enabling Automatic Tape Loading To prevent repetitious OPCOM messages every time MDMS needs access to a tape, set the QUICKLOAD symbol in TAPESTART.COM to 1. If QUICKLOAD is set to 0, MDMS always asks for a tape to be loaded into the appropriate drive, regardless of whether the tape is loaded already. With QUICKLOAD set to 1, MDMS first checks the drive and, if the tape is loaded, does not ask for it to be loaded. 2.1.5 Registering Your SMF License Before you install and run SMF Version 1.3 on a new node or VMScluster, you must register and load a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) for SMF using the License Management Facility (LMF). The License PAK will be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. SMF is designed to run in a clustered environment. To function properly, SMF must be run on each node in the VMScluster. A license LOAD must be performed on the other nodes in the VMScluster after installing the SMF software. The SMF software uses the following license and kit names: o License: SMFS o Kit name: SMFS013 To register the SMF license, follow the steps in Table 2-2. Table_2-2_How_to_Register_Your_SMF_License_________________ Step___Action______________________________________________ 1 Enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the product name and a dash. $ LICENSE REGISTER SMFS - (continued on next page) Installing SMF Software 2-9 Installing SMF Software 2.1 Before Installing SMF Table_2-2_(Cont.)_How_to_Register_Your_SMF_License_________ Step___Action______________________________________________ Important: Enter a dash at the end of each command in steps 1 through 8. ___________________________________________________________ 2 Enter the /ISSUER qualifier information, assigning the value DEC between quotation marks. _$ /ISSUER="DEC" - ___________________________________________________________ 3 Enter the /AUTHORIZATION qualifier information, assigning it the value from the AUTHORIZATION NUMBER entry of the PAK. _$ /AUTHORIZATION=xxxxxxx - ___________________________________________________________ 4 Enter the /PRODUCER qualifier information, assigning the value DEC in quotes. _$ /PRODUCER="DEC" - ___________________________________________________________ 5 Enter the /UNITS qualifier information, assigning the value from the UNITS entry of the PAK. _$ /UNITS=nn - ___________________________________________________________ 6 Enter the /DATE qualifiers information, assigning the product's release date value from the PRODUCT RELEASE DATE entry of the PAK. _$ /DATE=dd-mmm-yyyy - ___________________________________________________________ 7 Enter the /AVAILABILITY qualifier information, assigning the value from the AVAILABILITY TABLE CODE entry of the PAK. _$ /AVAILABILITY=x - (continued on next page) 2-10 Installing SMF Software Installing SMF Software 2.1 Before Installing SMF Table_2-2_(Cont.)_How_to_Register_Your_SMF_License_________ Step___Action______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 8 Enter the /OPTIONS qualifier information, assigning the value from the KEY OPTIONS entry of the PAK. _$ /OPTIONS=xxxxxx - ___________________________________________________________ 9 Enter the /CHECKSUM qualifier information, assigning the value from the CH entry of the PAK. Important: Do NOT end the entry with a dash. _$ /CHECKSUM=1-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx ___________________________________________________________ 10 Invoke the LICENSE LOAD command with the product name. _______$_LICENSE_LOAD_SMFS_________________________________ 2.1.6 Installing DECthreads Images If DECthreads images are not installed, you must install the DECthreads images before you install SMF. Enter the following commands: $ INSTALL ADD/OPEN/HEADER/SHARE SYS$SHARE:CMA$RTL.EXE $ INSTALL ADD/OPEN/HEADER/SHARE SYS$SHARE:CMA$OPEN_RTL.EXE $ INSTALL ADD/OPEN/HEADER/SHARE SYS$SHARE:CMA$LIB_SHR.EXE Digital recommends that you add these commands to your site-specific startup procedure. 2.1.7 Other Preinstallation Considerations A default directory must be designated to hold the SMF database files. If the directory does not exist, the installation procedure creates it. SMF requires the use of one process slot for the ancillary control processor (MXAACP) for each mounted MXcu: device. Installing SMF Software 2-11 Installing SMF Software 2.2 Installation Procedure Requirements 2.2 Installation Procedure Requirements This section describes various requirements for installing the SMF software. Installing SMF takes approximately 15 minutes, depending on your system configuration and media. Installing SMF and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) on a standalone system takes about 20 minutes. 2.2.1 Required Privileges To install the SMF software, you must be logged into an account that has SETPRV privilege. Note that VMSINSTAL turns off BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. 2.2.2 Required Disk Space Table 2-3 summarizes the disk space requirements for installing and running SMF. Table_2-3_Disk_Space_Requirements__________________________ Blocks_Needed_________Description__________________________ 7000 blocks Temporary blocks for installation 1000 blocks Permanent blocks for software 57,000_blocks_________Default_filesystem_to_run_IVP________ These block counts assume a cluster size of one block and refer to space needed on the system disk. These counts are approximate; actual counts vary according to your system environment and configuration. 2.2.3 User Account Requirements The SMF installation procedure creates an SMFS user account with the appropriate quotas defined for that user. There are no special user account quotas or privileges required to access and maintain files stored in a sequential media filesystem or to access the SMF management interface commands. Certain SMF management interface commands, however, require special privileges because they 2-12 Installing SMF Software Installing SMF Software 2.2 Installation Procedure Requirements perform system-level functions and require the appropriate access. 2.2.4 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks the following: o Whether you are logged into a privileged account o Whether you have adequate quotas for installation o Whether DECnet is running o Whether any users are logged into the system Note that VMSINSTAL requires that the installation account have a minimum of the following quotas: ASTLM = 40 BIOLM = 40 BYTLM = 32,768 DIOLM = 40 ENQLM = 2048 FILLM = 300 If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you and prompts you to continue or stop the installation. In some instances, you can enter YES to continue. Enter NO to stop the installation and correct the problem. 2.2.5 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL prompts you about the backup of your system disk. Digital recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software. Use the backup procedures that are established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup utility (BACKUP) in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L. 2.3 Installing the SMF Software This section contains a step-by-step description of the installation procedure and what to do if errors occur during the installation process. Installing SMF Software 2-13 Installing SMF Software 2.3 Installing the SMF Software 2.3.1 The Installation Procedure The SMF installation procedure consists of a series of questions and informational messages. Table 2-4 shows the installation procedure. For a complete example of an SMF installation and verification procedure, see Appendix A. To abort the installation procedure at any time, enter Ctrl/Y. When you enter Ctrl/Y, the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. ___________________ Recommendation ___________________ We recommend you perform a backup of your system disk before you install SMF software. Refer to the VMS Backup Utility Manual for more details. ______________________________________________________ ________________________ Note ________________________ The installation procedure refers to the Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS (SMF) as SMFS. ______________________________________________________ Table_2-4_How_to_Install_the_SMF_Software__________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 1 Load and mount (if appropriate) the media that contains the software kit. ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-14 Installing SMF Software Installing SMF Software 2.3 Installing the SMF Software Table_2-4_(Cont.)_How_to_Install_the_SMF_Software__________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 2 Invoke the VMSINSTAL procedure. Use the following syntax: $@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL SMFS013 location: OPTIONS N Where: location is the tape device (or directory) that contains the software kit save set. OPTIONS N is an optional parameter that tells VMSINSTAL to ask you to choose Release Notes options. The default behavior is to move the Release Notes to SYS$HELP. ___________________________________________________________ 3 If you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-W- ACTIVE, The following processes are still active * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Enter Y and press , else go to step 4. ___________________________________________________________ 4 Confirm the state of the system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [Yes]? Press . ___________________________________________________________ 5 If you did not specify location on the command line, identify the location for the software to be mounted. * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: You may specify a tape drive, a local disk, or a remote disk. Enter the appropriate information and press . ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installing SMF Software 2-15 Installing SMF Software 2.3 Installing the SMF Software Table_2-4_(Cont.)_How_to_Install_the_SMF_Software__________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 6 If you entered OPTIONS N on the VMSINSTAL command line, respond to the Release Notes option. Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: Enter the number of the desired option and press . ___________________________________________________________ 7 Answer if you want to purge old files. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Enter Y and press . ___________________________________________________________ 8 Confirm the PAK registration. Product: SMFS Producer: DEC Version: 0.0 Release Date: (none) * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? Enter Y and press . ___________________________________________________________ 9 Select to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Recommendation: Running the IVP procedure is recommended. Press to run the IVP, else enter N and press . (continued on next page) 2-16 Installing SMF Software Installing SMF Software 2.3 Installing the SMF Software Table_2-4_(Cont.)_How_to_Install_the_SMF_Software__________ Step_Action________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 10 Identify the SMF manager account UIC. * Enter the UIC to be used for SMFS account [[310,1000]]: Press . ___________________________________________________________ 11 Select a location for the SMF database. * Default device and directory database files [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SMFS$AREAS]]: The device that holds the file header database areas must be mounted and accessible from all nodes from which you mount an SMFS file system. The default location for SMF files is SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SMFS$AREAS]. VMSINSTAL asks you to verify the file location before continuing. ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installing SMF Software 2-17 Installing SMF Software 2.3 Installing the SMF Software Table_2-4_(Cont.)_How_to_Install_the_SMF_Software__________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 12 Identify a default media type, density for that media type, scratch pool, and location for SMF to use. All these values must agree with those defined in the MDMS software. For each item, SMF asks you to verify it. * Default media type for selecting media: . . . * Default density for selecting media: . . . * Default pool for selecting media: . . . * Default location for selecting media: . . . ___________________________________________________________ 13 At this point, the installation proceeds without further operator intervention. If you requested VMSINSTAL run the IVP, it runs it here. For a complete installation and IVP example, see _____Appendix_A.___________________________________________ Note that VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. 2-18 Installing SMF Software Installing SMF Software 2.3 Installing the SMF Software 2.3.2 Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation procedure, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of SMFS V1.3 has failed. If the IVP fails, you see this message: The SMF V1.3 Installation Verification Procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for SMF V1.3 has failed. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o The product license has not been registered and loaded. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. For information on installation requirements, see Section 2.1. 2.4 Installation Verification Procedure As mentioned in the installation procedure, VMSINSTAL can run an IVP upon completion of the SMF installation. The IVP attempts to verify that SMF can create filesystems and move files to them. For a complete example of the SMF IVP, see Appendix A. You can invoke the IVP after installation by using the following command: @SYS$TEST:SMFS$IVP.COM Installing SMF Software 2-19 Installing SMF Software 2.5 After Installing SMF 2.5 After Installing SMF The following postinstallation tasks should be performed after installing SMF: o Edit the system startup and shutdown files. o Perform special VMScluster requirements. After completing these steps, go to Section 3.1 to define your SMF environment. 2.5.1 Editing the System Startup and Shutdown Files You must edit the system startup and shutdown files to provide for automatic startup and shutdown. Editing the Startup File Add the command line that starts SMF to the system startup file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SMFS$STARTUP Editing the Shutdown File Add the following command line to the system shutdown file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDOWN.COM: $ @SYS$MANAGER:SMFS$SHUTDOWN 2.5.2 VMScluster Considerations If you installed SMF on a VMScluster, there are four things you could need to do: o Reinstall DCLTABLES on all nodes in the VMScluster. o Make sure SMF logicals are defined the same across all nodes in the VMScluster by executing SMFS$STARTUP and that all nodes can access any nodes referenced in the logicals. o Because SMF creates new DCL command verbs, all system users need to log out and log in again to see those verbs. o To ensure all logicals are correctly defined and that SMF functionality is fully available on all nodes in the VMScluster, you might want to re-boot all nodes in the VMScluster. 2-20 Installing SMF Software 3 _________________________________________________________________ Configuring SMF Software This chapter contains instructions for configuring the SMF software. Before configuring SMF, refer to Chapter 2 and install the SMF files on the host system. 3.1 Configuring SMF Use the procedures given in this chapter to configure your SMF environment. Before starting, make the following configuration decisions to customize your SMF environment to your needs: o Determine how many SMF MXcu: devices you will use. o Identify the files that are to reside on the SMF devices. o Provide volumes for SMF to use by creating one or more media scratch pools. Using the configuration information from this list, use the procedures given in Section 3.4 to perform the following configuration tasks: o Create the SMF pseudo device. o Initialize the SMF filesystems. o Edit the SMF system specific procedure, SYS$STARTUP:SMFS$SYSTARTUP.COM to identify filesystems. o Edit the SMF system specific procedure, SYS$STARTUP:SMFS$SYSTARTUP.COM to mount SMF devices. o Create top level directories on the SMF devices. o Create files on the SMF devices. You also need to perform the configuration procedure whenever any changes occur to the SMF designated devices. Configuring SMF Software 3-1 Configuring SMF Software 3.2 Making Configuration Decisions 3.2 Making Configuration Decisions Before you actually configure your SMF devices and create the filesystems, you need to decide how many and which devices for SMF to use and what files are to be stored on them. To decide which files ought to be stored on the SMF devices and which devices to use, consider the following: o SMF is most effective for storing large, read-only, sequential files. o Access time for files stored on sequential media is generally slower than for files stored on random-access media. Thus, files that are changed frequently probably should not be stored on sequential media filesystems. o You will need approximately 5,650 blocks of space per 100 files to create the SMF filesystem database. The location of this database is controlled by the /DIRECTORY=(MAIN=dirspec) qualifier. o The transfer rate for sequential media depends on the specific device; in some cases, the transfer rate is faster than for random-access media, in other cases, it is slower. o When one user has a file open in a sequential media filesystem, no other user can access that file. Thus, files that require multiple users to have concurrent access should not be stored on sequential media filesystems. o When one user has a file open for read or write access on a specific piece of sequential media, no other user can open any files for read or write access on that media. o If you expect to need a human operator to change media when required, you need to consider the physical location of the SMF devices. 3-2 Configuring SMF Software Configuring SMF Software 3.3 Adding Volumes through a Scratch Pool 3.3 Adding Volumes through a Scratch Pool For SMF, the term scratch pool refers to a group of physical media from which SMF can acquire a new volume when it needs one. To create a scratch pool, you have to use the Media and Device Management Services (MDMS) commands to add volumes to the MDMS volume database, identify a pool to which those volumes belong, and authorize SMF to access that pool. The following procedure explains how to create a media scratch pool for SMF to use. For details on the MDMS commands, see the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. Table_3-1_Adding_Volumes_to_the_SMF_Scratch_Pool___________ Stage_______Activity_______________________________________ 1 Use the STORAGE ADD VOLUME vol_name /POOL=pool_ name command or the MDMS Maintenance Menu to add volumes to the MDMS volume database for the pool named pool_name. The pool_name must be from 1 to 12 characters in length and can be whatever name you want to use for your scratch pool. The following example adds a volume named VOL1 to a pool called SMF_SCRATCH. $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME VOL1 /POOL=SMF_SCRATCH ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Configuring SMF Software 3-3 Configuring SMF Software 3.3 Adding Volumes through a Scratch Pool Table_3-1_(Cont.)_Adding_Volumes_to_the_SMF_Scratch_Pool___ Stage_______Activity_______________________________________ 2 If you already have volumes added to MDMS and simply want to add them to the scratch pool, use STORAGE SET VOLUME vol_name /POOL=pool_ name. In the following example, you first add a volume named VOL2 to the MDMS database. Later, you decide you want this volume to be part of the SMF scratch pool. $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME VOL2 . . . $ STORAGE SET VOLUME VOL2 /POOL=SMF_SCRATCH ___________________________________________________________ 3 Use the MDMS Volume Pool Authorization screen on the MDMS Manager Menu to authorize user SMFS to access the scratch pool. Use the following procedure: 1. At the DCL command line, start up the MDMS Manager Menu using the command: $ SLSMGR 2. Select item 2, Volume Pool Authorization. 3. To add a user, press Insert. 4. Type the node from which you require SMF access to the pool. Press TAB to go to the user name field. 5. Type the user name SMFS. Press Tab to go to the pool name field. 6. Type the name of the SMF scratch pool, for example, SMF_SCRATCH. 7. Press Return to exit the screen. ___________________________________________________________ 3-4 Configuring SMF Software Configuring SMF Software 3.4 Configuring SMF Devices and Filesystems 3.4 Configuring SMF Devices and Filesystems This section describes the procedures used to configure your SMF environment according to the configuration decisions determined in Section 3.1. Basically, you create and initialize SMF psuedo-devices in much the same way as you create and initialize new system disks. In the following examples, MXcu: can be any SMF device. A controller letter, A through Z can be substituted for the "c," and a unit number, 0 through 255 can be substituted for the "u." For example, MXA0:, MXB3:, MXD1:, MXQ225: are valid SMF devices. Table_3-2_Configuring_SMF_Devices_and_Filesystems__________ Stage_______Activity_______________________________________ 1 To create filesystems, first use SYSGEN to create an SMF psuedo-device: $ MCR SYSGEN SYSGEN> CONNECT MXcu/NOADAPTER ___________________________________________________________ 2 After creating the psuedo-device, initialize the filesystem as shown in the following example: $ SMF INITIALIZE MXcu: DATAFILES /MAXIMUM_FILES=1000 The INITIALIZE command sets the attributes of the new volume DATAFILES on device MXcu: to the default values specified by the command, except for the /MAXIMUM_FILES attribute. The /MAXIMUM_FILES qualifier defines the number of files to be stored in the filesystem and defines an optimal size for the database for the filesystem. ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Configuring SMF Software 3-5 Configuring SMF Software 3.4 Configuring SMF Devices and Filesystems Table_3-2_(Cont.)_Configuring_SMF_Devices_and_Filesystems__ Stage_______Activity_______________________________________ 3 Once the filesystem has been initialized, you must mount it as though it were a disk device for OpenVMS to use it, using the following command: $ SMF MOUNT MXcu: label Where MXcu is the previously created and initialized psuedo-device and label is a volume label for the filesystem. Optionally, you can define a logical name for users to use for this filesystem. ___________________________________________________________ 4 For users to be able to move things to and from the SMF filesystems, you need to create top- level directories for the filesystems, much as you would for a disk. To do this, you use the CREATE/DIRECTORY command as shown in the following example: $ CREATE/DIR MXcu:[PLANTS]/PROT=(O:RWED,S:REWD,G:R,W:R) - _$ /OWNER_UIC=[103,169] $ CREATE/DIR MXcu:[TREES]/PROT=(O:RWED,S:REWD,G:R,W:R) - _$ /OWNER_UIC=[107,163] $ CREATE/DIR MXcu:[SHRUBS]/PROT=(O:RWED,S:REWD,G:R,W:R) - _$ /OWNER_UIC=[104,147] Notice that the examples identify such things as the owners of the directories and the protections set for the directories. This allows the owners then to control additional levels of directory creation, change protections, and other typical OpenVMS attributes. ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 3-6 Configuring SMF Software Configuring SMF Software 3.4 Configuring SMF Devices and Filesystems Table_3-2_(Cont.)_Configuring_SMF_Devices_and_Filesystems__ Stage_______Activity_______________________________________ 5 Depending on the environment and how you expect users to access SMF information, you might want to go ahead and copy files to the SMF filesystems. Clearly, the users will need to do this as needed as well, but it might be useful to move some files initially. To populate the filesystems, you copy or move files as shown in the following example: $ COPY SYS$TEXT:DATAFILE.TXT MXcu:NEWDATA.TXT Note that you cannot rename files from disk to sequential media because you cannot rename information between devices. ___________________________________________________________ 6 To ensure that the SMF filesystems are available upon system startup, edit the SMF system-specific startup file, SYS$STARTUP:SMFS$STARTUP.COM to connect and mount the filesystems created earlier in this procedure. For each MXcu: device, include the following commands: $ SYSGEN CONNECT MXcu/NOADAPTER ____________$_SMF_MOUNT_MXcu_label_________________________ 3.5 SMF Configuration Examples The following sections illustrate various sample configurations for SMF: o The first example sets up four TA90E drives, which support a specific media type. Three of the drives also support generic TA90 access from other applications besides SMF. o The second example shows how a TZ877 device can be configured with one magazine for SMF use. o The third example shows how a TL820 can be configured with 50 SMF volumes. Configuring SMF Software 3-7 Configuring SMF Software 3.5 SMF Configuration Examples These examples show device definitions and configurations for SMF and MDMS. They do not attempt to show all commands needed to use SMF. For example, the following additional actions may be necessary: o Loading the GKDRIVER, and JUDRIVER o Importing volumes or magazines into jukebox (see the MDMS Guide to Operations) o Starting up MDMS and SMF 3.5.1 Sample TA90 Configuration The following procedure defines a media type for a basic device (TA90), adds 50 volumes of that media type to a particular pool, and authorizes SMFS only to access that pool. 1. Define the media quadruplet in TAPESTART.COM. MTYPE_1 := TA90E DENS_1 := COMP DRIVES_1 := $1$MUA20, $1$MUA21, $1$MUA22, $1$MUA23 CAPACITY_1 := 400 2. Define 50 volumes and add them to a volume pool called SMFS_POOL. $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME AA0001/POOL=SMFS_POOL/MEDIA_TYPE=TA90E $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME AA0002/POOL=SMFS_POOL/MEDIA_TYPE=TA90E . . . . . . $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME AA0050/POOL=SMFS_POOL/MEDIA_TYPE=TA90E 3. Use the MDMS Administrator Menu to authorize user SMFS for access to volume pool SMFS_POOL on all nodes in the VMScluster system. User SMFS is the only user allowed to access volumes from this pool, thus the volumes are dedicated to SMF. If a pool is not used, the MDMS default pool is used. $ SLSMGR 4. Create an SMF device that utilizes the media type TA90E and pool SMFS_POOL. $ SMF INITIALIZE MXX0: /MEDIA=TA90E/POOL=SMFS_POOL SMFSDEVICE 3-8 Configuring SMF Software Configuring SMF Software 3.5 SMF Configuration Examples 5. Mount the SMF device and create directories. $ SMF MOUNT MXX0: SMFSDEVICE $ CREATE/DIRECTORY MXX0:[TOP-LEVEL] 3.5.2 Sample TZ877 Configuration The following procedure defines a media type and one jukeboxe for a TZ877 DLT loader, defines 7 volumes, and authorizes SMFS only to access those volume pools. 1. Define the media type in TAPESTART.COM. MTYPE_1 := TZ87 DENS_1 := DRIVES_1 := MYNODE$MKA500: CAPACITY_1 := 20000 2. Define the jukebox devices in TAPESTART.COM. MKxxx: is the robot name. The robot name is the same as the tape drive name plus one, and without any prefixes to the MK string. MDMS does not recognize any other name for the robot tape unit. For example, a device name of $1$MKA200: has a robot name of MKA201. TAPE_JUKEBOXES := "JUKEBOX1" JUKEBOX1 := "MYNODE::MKA501, MYNODE::MYNODE$MKA500:" 3. Define 7 volumes and add them to a pool called SMFS_ POOL. $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME TZ0001/POOL=SMFS_POOL/MEDIA_TYPE=TZ87 . . . $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME TZ0007/POOL=SMFS_POOL/MEDIA_TYPE=TZ87 4. Use the MDMS Administrator Menu to authorize user SMFS for access to volume pool SMFS_POOL on all nodes in the VMScluster system. User SMFS is the only user allowed to access volumes from this pool, thus the volumes are dedicated to SMF. If a pool is not used, the MDMS default pool is used. 5. Define a magazine. The magazine is "named" SMFMAG $ STORAGE ADD MAGAZINE SMFMAG/SLOTS=7 6. Bind the volumes to the magazines. $ STORAGE BIND TZ0001 SMFMAG/SLOT=1 . . . . $ STORAGE BIND TZ0007 SMFMAG/SLOT=7 Configuring SMF Software 3-9 Configuring SMF Software 3.5 SMF Configuration Examples 7. Create an SMF device that utilizes the media type TZ87 and pool SMF_POOL. $ SMF INITIALIZE MXX0: /MEDIA=TZ87/POOL=SMF_POOL SMFSDEVICE 8. Mount the SMF device and create directories. $ SMF MOUNT MXX0: SMFSDEVICE $ CREATE/DIRECTORY MXX0:[TOP-LEVEL] 3.5.3 Sample TL820 Configuration The following procedure defines a media type and jukebox definition for a TL820 device on the VMScluster, defines 50 volumes and adds them to a pool, authorizes SMFS and other applications to access the volumes in this pool. 1. Define the media type in TAPESTART.COM. MTYPE_1 := TZ87 DENS_1 := DRIVES_1 := $1$MKA100:, $1$MKA200:, $1$MKA300: CAPACITY_1 := 20000 2. Define the jukebox device in TAPESTART.COM. TAPE_JUKEBOXES := "TL820_1" TL820_1 := "TAPSYS::JUA100:, TAPSYS::$1$MKA100:, TAPSYS::$1$MKA200:, - TAPSYS::$1$MKA300:" 3. Define 50 volumes and add them to a volume pool called TL820_POOL. $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME TL8101/POOL=TL820_POOL/MEDIA_TYPE=TZ87 $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME TL8102/POOL=TL820_POOL/MEDIA_TYPE=TZ87 . . . . . . $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME TL8150/POOL=TL820_POOL/MEDIA_TYPE=TZ87 4. Using the MDMS Administrator Menu, authorize SMFS, along with other applications such as POLYCENTER HSM or POLYCENTER Archive/Backup to access this volume pool. 5. The TL820 will be treated as a port loader, rather than a magazine loader. Import all 50 volumes into the loader. Note that MDMS and the TL820 hardware determine into which slot the volumes are loaded. SMF needs no knowledge of this. 3-10 Configuring SMF Software Configuring SMF Software 3.5 SMF Configuration Examples $ STORAGE IMPORT CARTRIDGE TL8101 TL820_1 $ STORAGE IMPORT CARTRIDGE TL8102 TL820_1 . . . . . . $ STORAGE IMPORT CARTRIDGE TL8150 TL820_1 6. Create an SMF device. $ SMF INITIALIZE MXX0:/MEDIA=TZ87/POOL=TL820_ POOL SMFDEVICE 7. Mount the SMF device and create directories. $ SMF MOUNT MXX0: SMFSDEVICE $ CREATE/DIRECTORY MXX0:[TOP-LEVEL] Configuring SMF Software 3-11 4 _________________________________________________________________ Using SMF This chapter explains how SMF works in a typical computing environment. It explains what problems SMF can solve for you and provides a step-by-step approach for implementing sequential media filesystems. For information about managing the SMF environment, see Chapter 5. 4.1 What the User Sees in the SMF Environment In Chapter 1, we described various kinds of data and storage requirements. SMF allows you to manage these data types: o Active data that has low performance requirements o Dormant data that does not need to occupy expensive online media o Inactive data that needs to be archived You can use SMF to manage and maintain these kinds of data in a virtually online (tape-based through SMF) filesystem, but at a much lower cost than in an actually online (magnetic-disk based) filesystem. Consider the following situation: A large weather research firm has an application that generates daily 20 large maps based on satellite weather data. The electronic file for each of these maps consumes up to 5 Mb of disk space. There is a corporate requirement to keep 30 days worth of maps available online. At times, people also need to view older data for use in predication analysis. In the past, data administrators simply archived the data after 30 days. When someone needed access to the older data, the operator had to mount the appropriate tape and copy the necessary files into a temporary location on Using SMF 4-1 Using SMF 4.1 What the User Sees in the SMF Environment magnetic disk. This procedure became unacceptable because of the required operator intervention, the time involved, and the need for online disk space for the retrieved data files. SMF solved this problem. Because SMF is a virtually online filesystem and supports automated media management through robotics, operator intervention is not required. The application can access the data directly from the tape, which eliminates the need to copy the data to online disk. When SMF was used, the application responded more quickly, because it did not have to wait for the operator to respond. 4.2 Accessing SMF Files In one sense, using SMF is transparent to the user. You use the same DCL commands with SMF that you use currently. You do not need to learn or use a new interface to access data stored through SMF. You do need, however, to use special SMF commands to define file attributes for the files that go on the sequential media. You can create and reference SMF files using any of the following methods: o Entering DCL commands at the terminal prompt o Invoking and using the SMF Management Interface commands o Using $QIO IO$_ACCESS and IO$_CREATE calls o Using high level language file open statements and subroutines All file specifications must refer to an SMF pseudo-device (MXcu: or its defined logical name), and the requested operation and file organization must be compatible with sequential media. 4-2 Using SMF Using SMF 4.3 Using DCL Commands with SMF 4.3 Using DCL Commands with SMF You can use the following DCL commands with files stored through SMF: ANALYZE/RMS_FILE DIRECTORY SET DIRECTORY APPEND DUMP SET FILE CLOSE EDIT/ACL SET PROCESS CONVERT MERGE SET PROTECTION CONVERT/DOCUMENT OPEN SET PROTECTION/DEFAULT COPY PURGE SHOW ACL CREATE READ SHOW DEFAULT CREATE/DIRECTORY RENAME SORT CREATE/FDL SEARCH TYPE DELETE SET ACL WRITE DIFFERENCES SET DEFAULT Refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for information on using these commands. 4.3.1 Creating SMF Files and Directories Depending on how your SMF filesystems are configured, you may need to create additional directories on the SMF filesystems or move data from disks to SMF devices. To do this, you use the same DCL commands you use for information stored on disk. To create directories on SMF filesystems, use the following command: $ CREATE/DIR Mxcu:[directory.subdirectory] Or, if you have already used the DCL command SET DEFAULT to move to the SMF psuedo-device: $ CREATE/DIR [.subdirectory] To move information from disk to SMF filesystems, use the following command: $ COPY filename.ext MXcu:[directory.subdirectory] Using SMF 4-3 Using SMF 4.3 Using DCL Commands with SMF Once you have copied your file to the SMF filesystem, you probably want to verify that it arrived intact, then (if you want) delete the file from the disk. ________________________ Note ________________________ You cannot rename files from disk to SMF filesystems because OpenVMS does not allow renaming of files between devices. ______________________________________________________ 4.3.2 Working with SMF Files Using DCL Commands The following examples show how files on offline sequential media can be transparently accessed using DCL commands on a system running SMF: $ COPY TEST.DAT MXA0:[FRED.DATA_FILES] 1 $ SHOW DEFAULT DISK$USER:[FRED] $ DIR MXB1:[.LOG_FILES]*.log 2 Directory MXB1:[.LOG_FILES] 07MAR1991.LOG $ TYPE MXB1:[.LOG_FILES]07MAR1991.LOG log_data... $ OPEN/READ INPUT MXC0:[SMITH]TEST.TMP3 $ READ INPUT LINE $ CLOSE INPUT $ CREATE MXA0:[SCRATCH]X.TMP 4 This text will be entered into a newly created file on offline sequential storage. 1 Copies the file TEST.DAT from the current default directory to offline sequential storage device MXA0:, and gives it the name [FRED.DATA_FILES]TEST.DAT. 4-4 Using SMF Using SMF 4.3 Using DCL Commands with SMF 2 Locates (DIR command) and displays (TYPE command) the file named [FRED.LOG_FILES]07MAR1991.LOG residing on offline sequential storage device MXB1:. 3 Locates and opens the file on offline sequential storage device MXC0: with the file name [SMITH]TEST.TMP, reads the first line from the file into the DCL symbol LINE, and closes the file. 4 Creates a new file on offline sequential storage device MXA0: with the file name [SCRATCH]X.TMP, and enters initial text into the new file. 4.3.3 Working with SMF Directories Using DCL Commands Unlike traditional sequential media, SMF implements a directory structured file system. File names are specified using standard DCL or RMS syntax. Tree structured directories are provided. Directory and file attribute accesses do not require that media be loaded. Therefore, no extended latency is associated with these operations. The following examples show how directories of files on offline sequential media can be transparently accessed using DCL commands with SMF: $ SET DEFAULT MXA1:[FRED]1 $ DEFINE /SYSTEM /TRANSLATION=CONCEALED ARCHIVE MXA0:[ARCHIVE.]2 $ DIRECTORY /SIZE /DATE ARCHIVE:[JONES]3 Directory ARCHIVE:[JONES] ABDCHANC.TXT;1 6 3-JUN-1996 08:06:22.85 ABDEXP.TXT;1 19 7-JUN-1996 07:21:55.95 ANTIBLUE.TXT;1 662 29-MAY-1996 12:14:42.86 COLOFLAP.TXT;1 9 3-JUN-1996 16:38:40.39 HOGLMOON.TXT;1 40 7-JUN-1996 07:24:35.73 JANAP10.TXT;1 81 7-JUN-1996 07:27:54.32 STORK.TXT;1 369 23-MAY-1996 09:49:30.17 TUFTE.TXT;1 17 3-JUN-1996 08:32:02.14 WITHD.TXT;1 68 7-JUN-1996 07:30:45.61 $ CREATE /DIRECTORY /OWNER=[JONES] ARCHIVE:[JONES.FINANCIALS]4 $ DIRECTORY /FULL MXA0:[ARCHIVE.JONES]FINANCIALS.DIR 5 Directory MXA0:[ARCHIVE.JONES] Using SMF 4-5 Using SMF 4.3 Using DCL Commands with SMF FINANCIALS.DIR;1 File ID: (511,1,1) Size: 1/1 Owner: [SYSTEM] Created: 31-JUL-1995 10:04:44.81 Revised: 31-JUL-1995 10:04:48.39 (0) Expires: Backup: File organization: Sequential File attributes: Allocation: 1, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0 No default version limit, Directory file Record format: Undefined Record attributes: None RMS attributes: None Journaling enabled: None File protection: System:RWE, Owner:RWE, Group:E, World:E Access Cntrl List: None Total of 1 file, 1/1 block. 1 Sets the current default directory to MXA1:[FRED] on SMF managed offline sequential storage. Subsequent file operations that do not specify a device or directory use MXA1:[FRED] as a default. 2 Creates a logical name ARCHIVE, which is a concealed device (rooted logical) pointing to the directory MXA0:[ARCHIVE] on offline sequential storage. This allows subsequent file operations to refer to ARCHIVE:[directory]. 3 Displays a listing of the SMF directory [JONES] (using the previously defined concealed device ARCHIVE) that includes the size of each file in blocks and its creation date. 4 Creates a new directory called [JONES.FINANCIALS] under the previously defined rooted logical ARCHIVE and sets the owner UIC of the new directory to [JONES]. 5 Displays a full specification of the newly created JONES.FINANCIALS directory. 4-6 Using SMF Using SMF 4.3 Using DCL Commands with SMF 4.3.4 Controlling Resource Waits You can use the DCL command SET PROCESS /[NO]RESOURCE_WAIT to tell SMF whether or not to wait for a busy resource (device or media) to become available. If you enable resource waiting, SMF waits indefinitely for a resource to become available. If you disable resource waiting, SMF returns an error message when it needs to use a resource that is unavailable. This allows you to continue working and have SMF try again later. 4.4 Using the SMF Management Interface SMF includes a management interface that allows users and system managers to manipulate SMF attributes that are not accessible through standard VMS utilities, and to allow the management of SMF files and associated processes. For information on the SMF management interface commands, see Chapter 8. 4.5 Programming for SMF Because SMF simulates disk access for files stored on sequential media, you might want to create programs that use this functionality. 4.5.1 Accessing SMF Files Using $QIO Calls The ACP $QIO interface for SMF files does not differ largely from the ACP $QIO interface for files stored on random-access media. For detailed information about the SMF-specific $QIO requirements, see Chapter 7. 4.5.2 Controlling Resource Waits Using System Services The OpenVMS system service SYS$SETRWM allows you to specify that SMF waits for busy resources (devices and media) to become available. If you enable resource waiting, SMF waits indefinitely for a resource to become available. If you disable resource waiting, SMF returns an error message to the user (or calling application) when a resource is unavailable. Using SMF 4-7 Using SMF 4.6 Printing SMFS Files 4.6 Printing SMFS Files The PRINT command available on OpenVMS does not currently work with SMFS files. The proper procedure required to PRINT files located on an SMFS device is to copy the file to a Files-11 device then PRINT/DELETE the file. The procedure, SMFS$PRINT.COM, found in the directory SYS$MANAGER: can be used to perform this process. This procedure is invoked as follows: @SYS$MANAGER:SMFS$PRINT.COM files ["parameters"] where: files == a list of files parameters == List of PRINT command parameters enclosed in quotes This procedure will copy files on SMFS devices, print them, then delete them. It will also print files contained on disk, without deleting them. Example 4-1 demonstrates a sample print commmand. Example 4-1 Sample Print File @SYS$MANAGER:SMFS$PRINT.COM MXX0:[ADIR]AFILE.DAT - "/QUE=SYS$PRINT/NOTIFY/PARA=(PAGE_ORIENTATION=LANDSCAPE)" 4-8 Using SMF 5 _________________________________________________________________ Managing and Maintaining SMF This chapter contains information for managing and maintaining SMF. You can interface with SMF using standard DCL commands or with SMF Management Interface commands entered from a character cell terminal or from a workstation. As a system manager of a system on which SMF is installed, you might need to perform the following tasks: o Backup the SMF database o Backup files stored in sequential media filesystems o Add media to the SMF scratch pool o Import files from existing media into a sequential media filesystem o Recover deleted space from tape o Move files from one filesystem to another o Set file characteristics o Mount and dismount sequential media filesystems o Change device configuration information 5.1 Backing Up the SMF Database SMF uses a filesystem database to store file attribute information. This database must be backed up regularly using the BACKUP utility to ensure proper data integrity. Managing and Maintaining SMF 5-1 Managing and Maintaining SMF 5.2 Backing Up SMF Data 5.2 Backing Up SMF Data For SMF Version 1.3 software, there is no direct capability to back up the data stored in the sequential media filesystems. If you are concerned about the integrity of the data stored on those filesystems, use one of the following procedures to back up that data: o Create a backup strategy for your system that backs up all data from magnetic disk before the data is moved to sequential media. o Use the COPY command to copy data from one sequential media filesystem to another. Then, move the media for the copy to a safe location. For more information on solving problems associated with lost SMF data, see Chapter 6. 5.3 Adding Media to the SMF Scratch Pool As SMF becomes an integrated part of your system, the amount of data stored in sequential media filesystems increases. Over time, you will need to add more media to the pool from which SMF gets media. To add media for SMF use, you add volumes to the SMF pool through MDMS. If you are adding volumes that MDMS does not yet know about, you use the STORAGE ADD VOLUME /POOL=pool_ name command or the MDMS Maintenance Menu to add the volumes to the MDMS volume database and the SMF pool. If you want to add volumes that MDMS already knows about to the SMF pool, you use the STORAGE SET VOLUME /POOL=pool_ name command to modify the volume's attributes so that it is part of the SMF pool. For more information on these commands, see the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. 5.4 The SMF Management Interface SMF includes a management interface that allows users and system managers to manipulate SMF attributes that are not accessible through standard VMS utilities, and to allow the management of SMF files and associated processes. 5-2 Managing and Maintaining SMF Managing and Maintaining SMF 5.4 The SMF Management Interface 5.4.1 Single and Multiple Command Mode You can invoke SMF commands in single command mode or multiple command mode. In single command mode, the entire command is placed on the DCL command line, as shown in the following example: $ SMF SET FILE MXA0:[TEST]X.DAT/MEDIA_TYPE=9TRACK You also can use the SMF management interface in multiple command mode. In multiple command mode you are prompted for commands until you terminate the SMF management interface with an EXIT command or by entering Ctrl/Z. Full command line recall and editing functions are available in this mode, as shown in the following example: $ SMF SMFS> SET FILE MXA0:[TEST]X.DAT/POOL=SMF_SCRATCH SMFS> EXIT $ 5.4.2 Using the SMF Management Interface Commands This section contains information for using the SMF Management Interface commands. The management interface commands are listed in Table 5-1. Refer to Chapter 8 for a detailed description of each command. Table_5-1_SMF_Management_Interface_Command_Summary_________ SMF Command_____Purpose________________________________________ ATTACH Changes your input stream to another subprocess or to the parent process. DELETE Deletes the database that contains the file DEVICE metadata for an SMF device. DISMOUNT Removes a sequential media filesystem from a device. EXIT Terminates the SMF management interface and returns to DCL. HELP Contains online help for various SMF topics. (continued on next page) Managing and Maintaining SMF 5-3 Managing and Maintaining SMF 5.4 The SMF Management Interface Table_5-1_(Cont.)_SMF_Management_Interface_Command_Summary_ SMF Command_____Purpose________________________________________ IMPORT Creates SMF directory entries for existing magnetic tape files. INITIALIZE Creates and initializes a new SMF filesystem. MOUNT Mounts an SMF filesystem on an MX device. MOVE FILE Moves a file to conforming media. REPACK Recovers deleted file space in a volume set. DEVICE SET DEVICE Sets filesystem characteristics for an MX device. SET FILE Modifies file characteristics. SHOW Displays filesystem characteristics for an MX DEVICE device. SHOW FILE Displays file characteristics. SHOW Identifies the SMF software version. VERSION SPAWN Creates a subprocess to your current SMF ____________management_interface_process.__________________ 5.5 Importing Files from Existing Media into a Sequential Media Filesystem SMF allows you to integrate files on existing media into the SMF database without rewriting those files onto new media. To do this, you use the SMF IMPORT command in concert with some special MDMS commands. The SMF IMPORT command creates entries in the SMF database for existing files stored on magnetic tape. For more information, see IMPORT in Chapter 8. To import files into the SMF database without rewriting the media, use the following procedure: 1. Add the volumes containing the files into the MDMS media database. $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME volume_id 5-4 Managing and Maintaining SMF Managing and Maintaining SMF Importing Files from Existing Media into a Sequential Media Filesystem You may want to use the /MEDIA, /LOC, and /DENSITY qualifiers. Make sure the values you use for these qualifiers are compatible with the filesystem into which you want to import the files. 2. To prevent SMF from stepping on any other applications that might want to access the files being imported, allocate the volumes to SMF. $ STORAGE ALLOCATE /VOLUME=volume_id /USER=SMFS media 3. If you have a volume set, you will also need to append the volumes into a set. $ STORAGE APPEND volume_id_1 /VOLUME=volume_id_2 4. Tell SMF to import the files into the filesystem. $ SMF IMPORT volume-set out-dir 5.6 Recovering Deleted Space from Tape When you delete files from a sequential media filesystem, the files are not actually deleted from the media unless the files are at the end of the tape. Over time, this can create large blocks of unusable space on the media. The SMF REPACK DEVICE command allows you to move the files from an existing volume set to a new volume set, which condenses the space used on the new volume set and frees up the old volume set for use. For more information, see REPACK DEVICE in Chapter 8. 5.7 Moving Files Within a Filesystem If you put a file into a filesystem and later change the characteristics of the file such that the media is no longer compatible with the file, you need to move that file to new compatible media. The SMF MOVE FILE command allows you to identify the files to be moved and let SMF find the appropriate media. For more information, see MOVE FILE in Chapter 8. Managing and Maintaining SMF 5-5 Managing and Maintaining SMF 5.8 Setting File Characteristics 5.8 Setting File Characteristics As with files stored on magnetic media, you can set and modify various file characteristics and attributes for files stored in sequential media filesystems. For general file attributes, such as file protection, you use the same OpenVMS commands you use for files stored on magnetic media. For other file characteristics, you use the SMF SET FILE command. The SMF SET FILE command allows you to modify information that affects where the file is stored through SMF. For example, you can modify the media type for a specific file or set of files. Then, you can use the SMF MOVE FILE command to move those files to media that matches the new media type. For more information, see SET FILE in Chapter 8. Propagating File Attributes You can set SMF file attributes that affect media selection on SMF directories. SMF will propagate these attributes to files created in those directories as default values for the attributes. You can override the propagated defaults by specifying a value for the attribute on the command line when the file is created. The default attributes for new files for which a previous version exists are propagated from the previous version of the file. The SMF INIT command allows you to specify a default scratch pool, media type, density, and location for each mounted filesystem. These defaults are used if no other defaults (previous file version or directory) apply. 5-6 Managing and Maintaining SMF 6 _________________________________________________________________ Solving Problems with SMF This chapter describes many of the common problems that can arise as a result of using SMF and lists appropriate solutions. The chapter is structured into the following sections: o An introduction to SMF troubleshooting tools o Suggested approaches to solving SMF installation problems o Suggested ways to solve startup or shutdown problems o Suggested approaches to solving problems associated with nearline or offline tape devices in an SMF environment o Suggested ways to solve problems associated with the various magazine loaders supported by SMF o A list of SMF limitations The sections describing problems are in the following format: o Problem category-A problem category from the above list. Each problem category begins by describing the proper usage or configuration that can avoid the problem in the first place. In many instances, reading this section is enough to resolve the problem. o A table of specific problems in the following format: For this problem ...-A description of symptoms and possible problems within the category. Try this solution ...-What you need to do to resolve the problem Digital recommends reading this chapter even if you have not experienced any problems. It can alert you to potential problems to avoid when setting up and using SMF. Solving Problems with SMF 6-1 Solving Problems with SMF 6.1 Troubleshooting Tools 6.1 Troubleshooting Tools SMF provides tools and utilities to help troubleshoot problems and resolve them as they occur. This section summarizes each tool and its purpose in troubleshooting. 6.1.1 Logs SMF provides a log of SMF functions that you can view to see what has happened. This log is located in: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SMFS$AREAS]SMFS$nodename_devname_ERROR.LOG Where o nodename is the name of the node on which SMF is running. o devname is the MXcu: device name of the specific filesystem. For example: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SMFS$AREAS]SMFS$MYSYSTEM_MXX0_ ERROR.LOG;6 6.1.2 SMF SHOW and SET Commands Many operational problems are caused by invalid or illogical configurations as set up using SMF commands. You can use the SMF SHOW and SET commands to determine if your configuration is valid and to make the configuration valid. The following are examples of common configuration problems that can easily be corrected using the SMF SET and SHOW commands: o The MXcu: device is defined incorrectly. o The specific filesystem is defined incorrectly. 6.2 Installation Problems A number of problems can appear during the installation process. VMSINSTAL displays failure messages as they occur. If the installation fails, you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of SMF V1.3 has failed. Depending on the problem, you may see additional messages that identify the problem. Then, you can take appropriate action to correct the problem. 6-2 Solving Problems with SMF Solving Problems with SMF 6.2 Installation Problems The following conditions can cause errors during the installation process: o The operating system version is incorrect. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. Sometimes, the problem does not show up until later in the installation process. If the IVP fails, you see this message: The SMF V1.3 Installation Verification Procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for SMF V1.3 has failed. The following conditions can cause errors during the IVP process: o A prerequisite software version is incorrect. o The product license has not been registered and loaded. For descriptions of the error messages generated during installation or running the IVP, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. For information on installation requirements, see Section 2.1. 6.3 SMF Startup Problems This section describes problems that can occur while starting up SMF. If you cannot run SMF after a successful installation and IVP, see Table 6-1 for more information. Solving Problems with SMF 6-3 Solving Problems with SMF 6.3 SMF Startup Problems Table_6-1_SMF_Does_Not_Run_________________________________ For this problem_._._._________Try_this_solution_._._.______________ SMF license not Install the SMF License as described installed in Section 2.1.5. Installation not Complete installation as described in complete______________Section_2.3._________________________ 6.4 Offline Device Problems Through configuring TAPESTART.COM, you can assign and dedicate (if desired) any number of nearline/offline devices for SMF use. All nodes in the VMScluster that are using a particular sequential media filesystem must be able to access the appropriate nearline and offline devices. SMF dismounts but does not unload the device within one minute of the last operation. Except when you are using nearline devices exclusively, tape operations are requested using OPCOM messages. You should enable OPCOM class TAPES at all times to respond to such messages. Table 6-2 shows problems that can occur with offline devices. Table_6-2_Offline_Device_Problems__________________________ For this problem_._._._________Try_this_solution_._._.______________ Tape operations fail Wait until other user dismounts tape; with a NODEVAVL SMF then proceeds. error-device allocated to another user Tape operations Enable OPCOM classes CENTRAL and hang-no OPCOM TAPES. messages (continued on next page) 6-4 Solving Problems with SMF Solving Problems with SMF 6.4 Offline Device Problems Table_6-2_(Cont.)_Offline_Device_Problems__________________ For this problem_._._._________Try_this_solution_._._.______________ Tape operations Put media online with online button. hang-media offline Magazine loader See Section 6.5. problems___________________________________________________ 6.5 Magazine Loader Problems SMF supports various types of Digital magazine loaders for use. You define magazine loaders with SMF commands as you would for any offline device. Table 6-3 shows problems that can occur with magazine loaders. Table_6-3_Magazine_Loader_Problems_________________________ For this problem_._._._________Try_this_solution_._._.______________ Tape requests hang Ensure robot name is defined and connected to the appropriate driver. See the MDMS Installation Guide for details. Tape inventories are Do not switch volumes in magazines, taken too often load the wrong magazine, or switch volumes between magazines. SCSI robot device Make sure the appropriate JUDRIVER cannot be used when support is installed and that connected to HSC TAPESTART.COM has the appropriate symbol definitions for the robot. For details, see the Configuring Media and Devices chapter in the MDMS User's Guide. (continued on next page) Solving Problems with SMF 6-5 Solving Problems with SMF 6.5 Magazine Loader Problems Table_6-3_(Cont.)_Magazine_Loader_Problems_________________ For this problem_._._._________Try_this_solution_._._.______________ SCSI robot device Connect robot name to GKDRIVER. For cannot be used details, see the Configuring Media when connected to a and Devices chapter in the MDMS native SCSI bus User's Guide. Loading does not Ensure key position is in locked work on DLT loaders or system command position (key or square symbol). Magazine rejected Reconfigure magazine as explained in with illegal the MDMS User's Guide. configuration Load fault on Reset the loader and insert magazine magazine loader with no volume in drive; SMF continues. SMF loses status, Do not manually change magazines takes inventory or load other volumes until SMF has of drive/magazine completed operations and dismounted because of manual the volume in the drive (issue $SHOW loading DEVICE). SMF does not SMF dismounts the volume, but the unload volume after unloading must be done manually or operations on shared under control of another application. device_____________________________________________________ 6.6 SMF Operational Problems Although SMF should operate fairly transparently, you may experience a few problems if some items are not configured correctly. Table 6-4 lists a few known situations and how to fix them. 6-6 Solving Problems with SMF Solving Problems with SMF 6.6 SMF Operational Problems Table_6-4_SMF_Operational_Problems_________________________ For this problem_._._._________Try_this_solution_._._.______________ Copying a file The DENSITY value defined for the to an SMF device volume and/or filesystem is different fails with an error from the DENSITY_n value defined for that includes the the media type in TAPESTART.COM. You SYSTEM-F-IVDENS must make these values match. Also, message. SMF may create file metadata for this file, but not copy the data. Delete the file you tried to copy on the filesystem. Copying a file In this case, either no volumes to an SMF device are available for the scratch pool fails with an error or the attributes defined for the that includes the specific file do not match those of SYSTEM-F-NOCONFMEDIA the media in the scratch pool for message. SMF. You will need to investigate to determine which is the case. To fix the problem, either add media to the scratch pool, reset the file's attributes, or change the scratch ______________________pool_to_one_with_matching_attributes. 6.7 SMF Limitations At the current time, there are a few limitations to SMF operations of which you should be aware. o SMF does not support remote devices through Remote Device Facility (RDF). o SMF supports only sequential operations on sequential files. Solving Problems with SMF 6-7 7 _________________________________________________________________ Using ACP QIO Function Codes with SMF This chapter documents the exceptions and unique extensions to the functions and attributes of the ACP QIO interface for SMF. Except as described in this chapter, the ACP QIO interface for SMF fully conforms to the standard ACP QIO interface. The ACP QIO interface is fully described in the I/O User's Reference Manual, Volume 1, Chapter 1, ACP-QIO Interface. 7.1 ACP QIO Function File Attribute Code Extensions for SMF This section describes the QIO function file attribute code extensions for SMF. 7.1.1 ATR$C_DENSITY The ATR$C_DENSITY attribute specifies the recording density as defined by the MDMS software for the selection of media for the file. This attribute is write enabled, and not protected. The ATRC$_DENSITY attribute has a maximum length of eight characters. 7.1.2 ATR$C_END_RVN The ATR$C_END_RVN attribute contains the relative volume number of the volume set in which the file ends. ATR$C_ END_RVN data is an integer value with a maximum length of 2 bytes, is protected, and can be accessed for write/read operations. 7.1.3 ATR$C_LOCATION The ATR$C_LOCATION attribute specifies the media location as defined by the MDMS software for the selection of media for the file. This attribute is write enabled, and not protected. The ATR$C_LOCATION attribute has a maximum length of 16 characters. Using ACP QIO Function Codes with SMF 7-1 Using ACP QIO Function Codes with SMF 7.1 ACP QIO Function File Attribute Code Extensions for SMF 7.1.4 ATR$C_MEDIA_TYPE The ATR$C_MEDIA_TYPE attribute specifies the media type for the file. ATR$C_MEDIA_TYPE data is a string with a maximum length of 16 characters, is not protected, and can be accessed for write/read operations. 7.1.5 ATR$C_POOL The ATR$C_POOL attribute specifies the scratch pool that contains the media for the file. ATR$C_POOL data is a string with a maximum length of 12 characters, is not protected, and can be accessed for write/read operations. 7.1.6 ATR$C_START_RVN The ATR$C_START_RVN attribute contains the relative volume number of the volume set in which the file begins. ATR$C_ START_RVN data is an integer value with a maximum length of 2 bytes, is protected, and can be accessed for write/read operations. 7.1.7 ATR$C_START_TM The ATR$C_START_TM attribute contains the tape mark count at the beginning of the file, counting from the position of the ATR$C_START_TM attribute. The ATR$C_START_TM data is an integer with a maximum length of 2 bytes, is protected, and can be accessed for write/read operations. 7.1.8 ATR$C_VOLSET The ATR$C_VOLSET attribute contains the name of the volume set that the file resides upon. ATR$C_VOLSET data is a string with a maximum length of eight characters, is protected, and can be accessed for write/read operations. 7.1.9 FIB$C_REPACK The FIB$C_REPACK ACP control function is new and unique to SMF. It causes volume sets with deleted space to be repacked; that is, the files on the volume set that are not deleted or expired are moved to other volume sets that conform to the attributes of the moved files. This recovers deleted space from media. The volume set to be repacked is specified in an Attribute Control Block with attribute code ATR$C_VOLSET. 7-2 Using ACP QIO Function Codes with SMF Using ACP QIO Function Codes with SMF 7.1 ACP QIO Function File Attribute Code Extensions for SMF The repack threshold is specified in the FIB$L_CNTRLVAL field as an integer value between zero and 100 that represents the percentage of recoverable space on the volume set required for the repack operation to occur. Performing a repack operation requires ownership of the specified volume set, or SYSPRV privilege. The FIB$C_REPACK function is atomic by file. In the case of system or ACP failure while a repack operation is underway, the repack operation aborts on the current file, then terminates. All files already repacked remain repacked. 7.1.10 FIB$C_REWINDSEC The FIB$C_REWINDSEC ACP control function enables per-tape verification passes by providing a mechanism for rewinding to the beginning of the current file section. No volume change takes place. After execution of a FIB$C_REWINDSEC function, the tape is positioned just before the first record in the file section. 7.2 FIB Field Interpretation Some FIB fields have special interpretations for SMF. This section details those interpretations. File Placement Options For SMF, if the FIB$V_EXACT bit is set, then file placement is used. All explicit file placement is done by Related File Id. The forms of placement are: o Place the file on the same volume set as the related file. o Place the file on a different volume set than the related file. The related file is specified in the FIB$W_LOC_FID field. The FIB$B_ALALIGN field is used to determine the mode of the placement. Table 7-1 identified the constants that can be specified in the FIB$B_ALALIGN field to control file placement. Using ACP QIO Function Codes with SMF 7-3 Using ACP QIO Function Codes with SMF 7.2 FIB Field Interpretation Table_7-1_FIB$B_ALALIGN_FIB_Field_Values___________________ Symbol______________Meaning________________________________ FIB$C_SAME_MEDIA Causes the file to be placed on the same volume set as the related file. FIB$C_DIFF_MEDIA Causes the file to be placed on a different volume set than the related ____________________file.__________________________________ 7.3 The Driver Interface SMF includes a device driver that is used to dispatch I/O operations to the appropriate component. Table 7-2 lists the supported QIO driver function codes for SMF. Table_7-2_SMF_Supported_Driver_QIO_function_codes__________ Function_code_________Description__________________________ IO$_NOP No operation IO$_PACKACK Bring unit on-line IO$_AVAILABLE Make unit available IO$_READVBLK Read a block from an open file IO$_WRITEVBLK_________Write_a_block_to_an_open_file________ Only IO$_NOP, IO$_PACKACK, and IO$_AVAILABLE are actually handled by the driver. All other function codes are dispatched by FDT routines and never reach the driver's START_IO routine. These three functions cannot fail; they set (IO$_PACKACK) or clear (IO$_AVAILABLE) the volume valid bit in the UCB, or do nothing (IO$_NOP) and return success. IO$_READVBLK and IO$_WRITEVBLK are dispatched as the analogous physical operations by the standard FDT routines ACP$READBLK and ACP$WRITEBLK either to the driver for the physical tape device on which the file is open, or to MXAACP if the file is not mapped. All other virtual I/O function codes are dispatched to the ACP by standard FDT routines. 7-4 Using ACP QIO Function Codes with SMF Using ACP QIO Function Codes with SMF 7.3 The Driver Interface Users are not expected to invoke IO$_NOP, IO$_PACKACK, or IO$_AVAILABLE. IO$_NOP is included for completeness only. IO$_PACKACK and IO$_AVAILABLE are used only by the SMF ACP for initialization and shutdown. Using ACP QIO Function Codes with SMF 7-5 8 _________________________________________________________________ SMF Command Reference This chapter contains a description of each SMF Management Interface command. Table 8-1 lists each command and provides a brief description of it. For more information, see the specific section for that command in this chapter. Table_8-1_Summary_of_SMF_Management_Interface_Commands_____ Command__________Description_______________________________ ATTACH Transfers control from your current process to another process; the current process hibernates. DELETE DEVICE Deletes the database that contains the file metadata for an SMF device. DISMOUNT Dismounts a sequential media filesystem that has been mounted as an MXcu: device. EXIT Exits from the SMF management interface utility. HELP Displays help on the SMF management interface commands. IMPORT Imports files from existing media without rewriting the files. INITIALIZE Creates a sequential media filesystem on an MXcu: device. MOUNT Mounts a sequential media filesystem on an MXcu: device. MOVE FILE Moves files from nonconforming to conforming media. (continued on next page) SMF Command Reference 8-1 SMF Command Reference Table 8-1 (Cont.) Summary of SMF Management Interface __________________Commands_________________________________ Command__________Description_______________________________ REPACK DEVICE Recovers space from deleted files on tape. SET DEVICE Sets filesystem characteristics for a filesystem defined as an MXcu: device. SET FILE Sets file characteristics for a file stored on an MXcu: device. SHOW DEVICE Displays filesystem characteristics for a filesystem defined as an MXcu: device. SHOW FILE Displays SMF file characteristics for a file stored on an MXcu: device. SHOW VERSION Identifies the SMF software version. SPAWN Creates a subprocess and transfers terminal control to the subprocess or _________________executes_a_DCL_command_in_the_subprocess._ 8-2 SMF Command Reference ATTACH _________________________________________________________________ ATTACH The ATTACH command allows you to connect your input stream to another process. You can use the ATTACH command to change control from one subprocess to another subprocess or to the parent process. When you enter the ATTACH command, the parent or "source" process is put into hibernation, and your input stream is connected to the specified destination process. You can use the ATTACH command to connect to a subprocess that is part of a current job left hibernating as a result of the DCL SPAWN/WAIT command or another ATTACH command as long as the connection is valid. No connection can be made to the current process, to a process that is not part of the current job, or to a process that does not exist. If any of these connections are attempted, an error message is displayed. You can use the ATTACH command in conjunction with the DCL SPAWN/WAIT command to return to a parent process without terminating the subprocess running SMF. Format ATTACH [process-name] Parameters process-name Specifies the name of a parent process or spawned subprocess to which control passes. The process must already exist, be part of your current job, and share the same input stream as your current process. However, the process cannot be your current process or a subprocess created with the /NOWAIT qualifier. Process names can contain from 1 to 15 alphanumeric characters. If a connection to the specified process cannot be made, an error message is displayed. The process-name parameter is incompatible with the /IDENTIFICATION and /PARENT qualifiers. SMF Command Reference 8-3 ATTACH Qualifiers /IDENTIFICATION=pid Specifies the process identification (PID) of the process to which terminal control is to be transferred. Leading zeros can be omitted. The /IDENTIFICATION qualifier is incompatible with the process-name parameter and the /PARENT qualifier. /PARENT Indicates that terminal control should be transferred to the parent process of the current subprocess. The current process must be a subprocess, and its parent must be eligible to receive terminal control. The /PARENT qualifier is incompatible with the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier and the process-name parameter. Examples SMFS> ATTACH JONES_2 The ATTACH command transfers the terminal's control to the subprocess JONES_2. SMFS> ATTACH/IDENTIFICATION=2A401A1B The ATTACH command switches control from the current process to a process having the PID 2A401A1B. SMFS> ATTACH/PARENT The ATTACH command transfers control to the parent process of the current subprocess. 8-4 SMF Command Reference DISMOUNT _________________________________________________________________ DISMOUNT The DISMOUNT command dismounts a sequential media filesystem, terminating the ACP process associated with that filesystem. The device associated with that filesystem is no longer capable of accepting virtual I/O requests. To use this command, you must have enabled SYSNAM, SYSPRV, and CMKRNL privileges. Format DISMOUNT device-name[:] Parameters device-name[:] Specifies the physical device name or logical name of the device from which SMF is to be dismounted. The device must be an SMF device; that is, it must have a name of the form MXcu:, or be a logical name that resolves to an MX device. Qualifiers /OVERRIDE=CHECKS Marks an SMF filesystem for dismounting even if files are open on the volume. If you specify DISMOUNT /OVERRIDE=CHECKS, the DISMOUNT command displays messages indicating any open files or other conditions that prevent dismounting, immediately followed by a message indicating that the filesystem has been marked for dismounting. A substantial amount of time can pass between the time you enter the DISMOUNT/OVERRIDE=CHECKS command and the completion of the dismount operation. To verify that the dismount has completed, enter the SHOW DEVICES command. Note that the final phase of volume dismounting occurs in the file system, and all open files on the filesystem must be closed before the actual dismount can be done. SMF Command Reference 8-5 DISMOUNT Example SMFS> DISMOUNT MXB3: Dismounts SMF mounted on device MXB3:. 8-6 SMF Command Reference DELETE DEVICE _________________________________________________________________ DELETE DEVICE The DELETE DEVICE command deletes the database that contains the filesystem metadata for the specified device. All files that had been stored on the filesystem are lost. The filesystem must be dismounted before entering the DELETE DEVICE command. You must delete the filesystem database before an SMF INITIALIZE command can be entered for a previously initialized filesystem. To delete a filesystem, you must have DELETE access to the database and WRITE access to the directory. Format DELETE DEVICE device-name[:] Parameters device-name[:] Specifies the physical device name or logical name of the device for which the filesystem database is to be deleted. The device must be an SMF device; that is, it must have a name of the form MXcu:, or be a logical name that resolves to an MX device. Qualifiers /CONFIRM (default) /NOCONFIRM Controls whether a request is issued before each DELETE DEVICE operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that filesystem. The following responses are valid: YES NO QUIT TRUE FALSE 0 1 ALL SMF Command Reference 8-7 DELETE DEVICE You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these abbreviations must be unique. Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE and 1. Negative answers include: NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing the Return key. Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond by entering ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, SMF issues an error message and redisplays the prompt. Example $ SMF DELETE DEVICE MXB3: Deletes the database that represents the sequential media filesystem associated with device MXB3: 8-8 SMF Command Reference EXIT _________________________________________________________________ EXIT The EXIT command terminates the current SMF session and returns control to DCL. Format EXIT Example SMFS> EXIT $ Terminates the SMF session and returns control to DCL. SMF Command Reference 8-9 HELP _________________________________________________________________ HELP The HELP command enables you to obtain information about the SMF utility. To obtain information about all of the SMF commands, enter the HELP command without specifying the topic parameter. To obtain information about individual commands or topics, enter HELP followed by the command or topic name. Format HELP [topic] Parameters topic Indicates a topic about which you want information. To display a list of the available topics, enter the HELP command at the SMFS> prompt. Example SMFS> HELP MOUNT Displays the help text for the SMF MOUNT command. 8-10 SMF Command Reference IMPORT _________________________________________________________________ IMPORT The IMPORT command is used to create SMF directory entries for existing magnetic tape files. The volume set on which the files reside must comply with the ANSI X3.27 tape labeling standard. When files are imported, their attributes are set according to the contents of the HDRn labels on the tape. The name of the "new" file is the name from the tape; the directory is specified on the command line. Once the files have been imported, attributes can be changed and the file can be renamed to a new directory. To import files, the volume set that the files reside on must be known to MDMS. SMF mounts the volume set and reads file information from the tapes, creating the files in the SMF database. Format IMPORT volume-set out-dir Parameters volume-set The name of the volume set that contains files to be imported. out-dir The directory specification on an MX device into which the newly imported files should be placed. Qualifiers /EXPIRATION_DATE=date Allows specification of an expiration date for imported files. By default, the expiration date is taken from the HDR1 label on the tape. If a file is already expired when it is imported, it is immediately eligible for physical deletion through a repack operation. SMF Command Reference 8-11 IMPORT /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the result of the import as the command executes. Example SMFS> IMPORT K01911 MXB0:[IMPORTED_FILES.K01911] Imports all the files from volume set K01911 and places the files in SMF directory MXB0:[IMPORTED_FILES.K01911]. 8-12 SMF Command Reference INITIALIZE _________________________________________________________________ INITIALIZE The INITIALIZE command creates and initializes a new sequential media filesystem on an MX device. The INITIALIZE command creates the database that contains the file metadata for the filesystem. The volume information area of the database is initialized with the (specified or defaulted) volume label, ownership and protection information. An SMF filesystem must be initialized before it can be mounted. To use this command, you must have enabled SYSNAM, SYSPRV, and CMKRNL privileges. Format INITIALIZE device-name[:] volume-label Parameters device-name[:] Specifies the physical or logical name of the MX device on which the filesystem is to be created. The device must be a valid MX device of the form MXcu: that has been created using the SYSGEN CONNECT command. volume-label Specifies the volume identification to be recorded for the filesystem. The volume label can contain from 1 to 12 alphanumeric characters. Qualifiers /DENSITY=recording-density Specifies a default recording density for media used to contain files created on the new filesystem. The specified density will be used if no other defaults apply and no density is specified when the file is created. SMF Command Reference 8-13 INITIALIZE /DIRECTORY=(db-area=dir-spec[, . . . ]) Specifies the directory or directories in which the SMF database area files should be created. The db-area keywords are listed in Table 8-2. Table_8-2_SMF_Database_Area_Keywords_______________________ Keyword_____Meaning________________________________________ ALL Specifies all database area files. This keyword cannot be combined with any other keyword. MAIN________Specifies_the_main_data_area.__________________ If the /DIRECTORY qualifier is not specified, or if it is specified only for some database areas, the default is to place the files in the directory specified by the logical name SMFS$AREAS. The root file for the database is always placed in SMFS$AREAS:. /LOCATION=location Specifies a default physical location for media used to contain files created on the new filesystem. The specified location is used if no other defaults apply and no location is specified when the file is created. /MAXIMUM_FILES=number Specifies the maximum number of files the filesystem can contain. This information is used to optimally size the directory database. The default for /MAXIMUM_FILES is 1000. /MEDIA_TYPE=media-type Specifies a default media type for media used to contain files created on the new filesystem. The specified media type is used if no other defaults apply and no media type is specified when the file is created. /OWNER_UIC=uic Specifies an owner user identification code (UIC) for the filesystem. Specify the UIC using standard UIC format as described in the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. The default UIC is [1,4]. 8-14 SMF Command Reference INITIALIZE /POOL=pool_name Specifies a default scratch pool for media used to contain files created on the new filesystem. The specified pool will be used if no other defaults apply and no pool is specified when the file is created. /PROTECTION=(ownership[:access][, . . . ]) Applies the specified protection to the filesystem. Specify the ownership parameter as system (S), owner (O), group (G), or world (W) and the access parameter as read (R), write (W), execute (E), or delete (D). The default allows R,W,E,D access for all ownership categories. For more information on specifying protection codes, see the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Any attributes not specified are taken from the default. When you specify a protection code for a filesystem, the access type E (execute) indicates create access. Examples SMFS> INITIALIZE/MAXIMUM_FILES=5000 MXB1: PS_FILES Initializes the filesystem on device MXB1: with the volume label PS_FILES. The database is sized to contain a maximum of 5000 files. SMFS> INITIALIZE/DIRECTORY=(MAIN=DUA1:[SMFS]) - _SMFS> MXA3:TEST_DATA The database file containing the main data area is created in directory DUA1:[SMFS]. All other database files are created in the default directory, SMFS$AREAS. SMF Command Reference 8-15 MOUNT _________________________________________________________________ MOUNT The MOUNT command mounts an SMF filesystem on a MX device. The filesystem must have been previously initialized with the SMF INITIALIZE command. The SMF MOUNT command is analogous to the DCL MOUNT command. The filesystem must be mounted before any files can be accessed. The SMF MOUNT command always mounts a filesystem system- wide. There is no facility for privately mounting an SMF filesystem. Mounting an SMF filesystem creates an ACP process that handles all the file access requests for the filesystem. The process quotas for the ACP are determined by the following hierarchy: 1. The quotas are first taken from the SYSGEN PQL default parameters. 2. Any logical names that specify quotas are translated, and their values replace the current list. 3. Any quotas specified as qualifiers on the MOUNT command override the current list. 4. All quotas are checked against a list of minimum values for the ACP. Any that fall below the minimum value are increased to the minimum. Table 8-3 lists the names of the SYSGEN PQL parameters, logical names, qualifiers, and minimum values for each adjustable process quota. 8-16 SMF Command Reference MOUNT Table_8-3_MXAACP_Process_Quotas__________________________________ SYSGEN Quota__________Parameter_____Logical_Name_____________Qualifier__ Minimum AST Limit PQL_DASTLM SMFS$AST_LIMIT /AST_LIMIT 400 Buffer Limit PQL_DBYTLM SMFS$BUFFER_LIMIT /BUFFER_LIMIT 20480 Enqueue PQL_DENQLM SMFS$ENQUEUE_LIMIT /ENQUEUE_LIMIT 2000 Limit Working Set PQL_ SMFS$EXTENT /EXTENT 3072 Extent DWSEXTENT Buffered I/O PQL_DBIOLM SMFS$IO_BUFFERED /IO_BUFFERED 320 Limit Direct I/O PQL_DDIOLM SMFS$IO_DIRECT /IO_DIRECT 320 Limit Working Set PQL_ SMFS$MAXIMUM_WORKING_ /MAXIMUM_WORKING_ 768 Limit DWSQUOTA SET SET Page File PQL_ SMFS$PAGE_FILE /PAGE_FILE 20000 Quota DPGFLQUOTA Process Base None SMFS$PRIORITY /PRIORITY 0 Priority (Default is 8) Timer Queue PQL_DTQELM SMFS$QUEUE_LIMIT /QUEUE_LIMIT 0 Limit Working Set PQL_ SMFS$WORKING_SET /WORKING_SET 256 Default________DWSDEFAULT________________________________________ To use this command, you must have enabled SYSNAM, SYSPRV, CMKRNL, PSWAPM, DETACH, and READALL privileges. Format MOUNT device-name[:] volume-label [logical-name[:]] Parameters device-name[:] Specifies the physical device name or logical name of the SMF device on which the SMF filesystem is to be mounted. The device must have been initialized as an SMF device; SMF Command Reference 8-17 MOUNT that is, it must have a name of the form MXcu: or be a logical name that resolves to an MX device. volume-label Specifies the label on the volume that was used to initialize the device. The label specified must match the label stored in SMF for this device by the SMF INITIALIZE command. The label can have from 1 to 12 characters. logical-name[:] Defines a 1-63 alphanumeric character string logical name to be associated with the Filesystem. If you do not specify a logical name, the MOUNT command assigns the default logical name SMFS$volume-label. The MOUNT command places the logical name in the system logical name table. Qualifiers /AST_LIMIT=n Specifies the AST Limit for the ACP process created by the MOUNT command. /BUFFER_LIMIT=n Specifies the buffer limit for the ACP process. /ENQUEUE_LIMIT=n Specifies the enqueue limit for the ACP process. /EXTENT=n Specifies the working set extent for the ACP process. /IO_BUFFERED=n Specifies the buffered I/O limit for the ACP process. /IO_DIRECT=n Specifies the direct I/O limit for the ACP process. /MAXIMUM_WORKING_SET=n Specifies the working set quota for the ACP process. /PAGE_FILE=n Specifies the paging file quota for the ACP process. 8-18 SMF Command Reference MOUNT /PRIORITY=n Specifies the process base priority for the ACP process. /QUEUE_LIMIT=n Specifies the timer queue entry limit for the ACP process. /WORKING_SET=name Specifies the working set default for the ACP process. Examples SMFS> MOUNT MXB1: PS_FILES Mounts the filesystem associated with device MXB1:, which has the volume label PS_FILES. The default logical name SMFS$PS_FILES is assigned to the filesystem. SMFS> MOUNT/PRIORITY=6 MXA3: TEST_DATA TEST$DATA Mounts the filesystem associated with device MXA3:, which has the volume label TEST_DATA. The logical name TEST$DATA is assigned to the filesystem. The ACP process for the file system runs at priority 6. SMF Command Reference 8-19 MOVE FILE _________________________________________________________________ MOVE FILE The MOVE FILE command moves a file to a volume set that conforms to its attributes. These attributes are the media type and density, scratch pool, and location as set by the INITIALIZE or SET FILE commands. The media type and density, scratch pool, and location attributes affect the placement of a file on a particular volume set. These attributes may be changed after the initial creation of the file such that the volume set no longer satisfies the constraints imposed by the attributes. When this happens, the file may be explicitly moved to a new volume set with compatible attributes using the SMF MOVE FILE command. File attributes are discussed in Propagating File Attributes in Chapter 5. The MOVE FILE command either completely moves a file, or, if interrupted, does nothing. It is not possible for a system or ACP failure to cause a file to be lost. Format MOVE FILE file-specification[, . . . ] Parameters file-specification[, . . . ] Specifies one or more files to be moved. If you specify more than one file, separate the file specifications with commas (,). Wildcard characters (* and %) are allowed. Qualifiers /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Controls whether a request is issued before each MOVE FILE operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file. The following responses are valid: YES NO QUIT TRUE FALSE 8-20 SMF Command Reference MOVE FILE 0 1 ALL You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these abbreviations must be unique. Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE and 1. Negative answers include: NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing the Return key. Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond by entering ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, SMF issues an error message and redisplays the prompt. /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the result of the MOVE FILE command as each file is moved. /NONCONFORMING Moves files only if they are currently on media that do not conform to their file attributes. The default is to move the requested files regardless of their conformance. This qualifier is position-dependent; it functions differently depending on its position in the command line. /PLACEMENT=(FILE=related-file-spec,location- keyword=placement-keyword) Causes the moved file to be explicitly placed. The only valid value for location-keyword is volume_set. The valid values for placement-keyword are SAME and DIFFERENT. For example, specifying VOLUME_SET=DIFFERENT causes the file to be moved to media in a different volume set than the file specified in related-file-spec. This qualifier is position-dependent; it functions differently depending on its position in the command line. SMF Command Reference 8-21 MOVE FILE Examples SMFS> MOVE FILE MXA0:[ARCHIVE.JONES]TEST.DAT;* Moves all versions of the file MXA0:[ARCHIVE.JONES]TEST.DAT;* that do not currently conform to their requested attributes to a conforming volume or volume set. SMFS> MOVE FILE MXA2:[BACKUP]COPY2.SAV - _SMFS> /PLACEMENT=(FILE=MXA2:[BACKUP]COPY1.SAV, VOLUME=DIFFERENT) Moves the file COPY2.SAV to a volume in a different volume set than COPY1.SAV. $ SMF MOVE FILE/NONCONF A.DAT, B.DAT/NONONCONF, C.DAT Moves files A.DAT and C.DAT only if they are on nonconforming media, but moves B.DAT regardless. 8-22 SMF Command Reference REPACK DEVICE _________________________________________________________________ REPACK DEVICE The SMF REPACK DEVICE command moves files from the specified volume set to a new volume set to recover space from deleted and expired files on the source-volume set. Files are always moved to volume sets that conform to the attributes of the file, regardless of whether the source volume set conformed. File attributes are described in Propagating File Attributes in Chapter 5. If a volume set that has no recoverable space is specified, no operation takes place unless the /THRESHOLD=0 qualifier is specified. Format REPACK DEVICE device_name[, . . . ] [volume_set [, . . . ]] Parameters device_name[,...] The name of the MXcu: device to be repacked. volume_set[,...] The specific volume or volume set to be repacked. Qualifiers /ALL Indicates that all the volumes for the specified filesystem should be repacked. This qualifier cannot be used in connection with volume_set. /CONFIRM (default) /NOCONFIRM Controls whether a request is issued before each REPACK DEVICE operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that filesystem or volume set. The following responses are valid: YES NO QUIT TRUE FALSE SMF Command Reference 8-23 REPACK DEVICE 0 1 ALL You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these abbreviations must be unique. Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE and 1. Negative answers include: NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing the Return key. Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond by entering ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, SMF issues an error message and redisplays the prompt. /THRESHOLD=percentage Indicates that the volume should be repacked only if the percentage of recoverable space on the volume set exceeds the percentage specified by the qualifier. The default value is /THRESHOLD=50. Example SMFS> REPACK DEVICE MXX2: /ALL If there is space used by deleted or expired files on any of the volumes associated with the filesystem MXX2, this command will recover the deleted space by moving the remaining files to another volume set. 8-24 SMF Command Reference SET DEVICE _________________________________________________________________ SET DEVICE The SMF SET DEVICE command modifies a number of filesystem characteristics that were originally set when the filesystem was initialized. These characteristics include the ownership and protection, the volume label, and the default media selection criteria. The filesystem cannot be mounted when a SET DEVICE command is entered. Format SET DEVICE device-name[:] Parameters device-name[:] Specifies the filesystem to be modified. The filesystem is referenced by its device name, which can be a physical name or a logical name that translates to the physical device name. The device must be an SMF (MXcu:) device. Qualifiers /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Controls whether a request is issued before each SET DEVICE operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that filesystem. The following responses are valid: YES NO QUIT TRUE FALSE 0 1 ALL You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these abbreviations must be unique. Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE and 1. Negative answers include: NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing the Return key. Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the SMF Command Reference 8-25 SET DEVICE command at that point. When you respond by entering ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, SMF issues an error message and redisplays the prompt. /DENSITY=recording-density Specifies a new default recording density for media used to contain files created on the filesystem. The specified density is used if no other defaults apply and no density is specified when the file is created. /LABEL=volume-label Specifies a new volume label for the filesystem. The new volume label must be used in subsequent MOUNT commands on the filesystem. /LOCATION=location Specifies a new default physical location for media used to contain files created on the filesystem. The specified location is used if no other defaults apply, and no location is specified when the file is created. /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the device specification of each filesystem modified as the command executes. /MEDIA_TYPE=media-type Specifies a new default media type for media used to contain the files created on the filesystem. The specified media type is used if no other defaults apply and no media type is specified when the file is created. /OWNER_UIC=uic Specifies a new owner user identification code (UIC) for the filesystem. Specify the UIC using standard UIC format as described in the OpenVMS DCL Concepts Manual. /POOL=pool-name Specifies a new default scratch pool for media used to contain files created on the filesystem. The specified pool is used if no other defaults apply and no pool is specified when the file is created. 8-26 SMF Command Reference SET DEVICE /PROTECTION=(ownership[:access][, . . . ]) Applies the specified protection to the filesystem. Specify the ownership parameter as system (S), owner (O), group (G), or world (W) and the access parameter as read (R), write (W), execute (E), or delete (D). For more information on specifying protection codes, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts Manual. Any attributes not specified are taken from the existing protection. When you specify a protection code for a filesystem, the access type E (execute) indicates create access. Example SMFS> SET DEVICE MXA2: /MEDIA_TYPE=TA90K /LABEL=TA90_ FILES Modifies filesystem MXA2: so that files are created by default on media of type TA90K. Changes the volume label for the filesystem to "TA90_FILES." SMF Command Reference 8-27 SET FILE _________________________________________________________________ SET FILE The SMF SET FILE command modifies the selected files with the attributes specified by the media type and density, scratch pool, and location qualifiers. The files subsequently are placed on media having the requested file attributes at the next MOVE FILE or REPACK operation. Format SET FILE file-specification [, . . . ] Parameters file-specification [, . . . ] Specifies one or more files to be modified. If you specify more than one file, separate the file specifications with commas (,). Wildcard characters (* and %) are allowed. Qualifiers /BEFORE[=time|keyword] Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta time, or as the keyword TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED qualifier is the default. For complete information on specifying time values, see the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. /BY_OWNER[=uic] Selects only those files whose owner user identification code (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is that of the current process. Specify the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. 8-28 SMF Command Reference SET FILE /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Controls whether a request is issued before each SET FILE operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file. The following responses are valid: YES NO QUIT TRUE FALSE 0 1 ALL You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these abbreviations must be unique. Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE and 1. Negative answers include: NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing the Return key. Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond by entering ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, SMF issues an error message and redisplays the prompt. /CREATED (default) Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /CREATED qualifier selects files based on their dates of creation. This qualifier is incompatible with the /MODIFIED qualifier, which also allows you to select files according to time attributes. The /CREATED qualifier is the default qualifier. /DENSITY=recording-density Specifies a default recording density for media used to contain the modified file. This qualifier must be used with the MEDIA_TYPE qualifier for appropriate behavior. The specified density is interpreted by the MDMS media management software when media is selected for the file. /EXCLUDE=(filespec[, . . . ]) Excludes the specified file from the SET FILE operation. You can include a directory name but not a device name in the file specifications. Wildcard characters (* and %) are allowed in the file specification. However, you cannot use SMF Command Reference 8-29 SET FILE relative version numbers to exclude a specific version. If you specify only one file, you can omit the parentheses. /LOCATION=location Specifies a default physical location for media used to contain the modified file. The specified location is interpreted by the MDMS media management software when media is selected for the file. /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specification of each file modified as the command executes. /MEDIA_TYPE=media-type Specifies a default media type for media used to contain the modified file. This qualifier may be used in conjunction with the /DENSITY qualifier. If /DENSITY is not specified, SMF will use the default density for the specified media type or /NOCOMP if no density is specified. The specified media type is interpreted by the MDMS media management software when media is selected for the file. /MODIFIED Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects files based on the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is incompatible with the /CREATED qualifier, which also allows you to select files according to time attributes. If you do not specify the /MODIFIED qualifier, the default is the /CREATED qualifier. /PLACEMENT=(FILE=related-file-spec,location- keyword=placement-keyword) Causes the moved file to be explicitly placed. The only valid value for location-keyword is volume_set. The valid values for placement-keyword are SAME and DIFFERENT. For example, specifying VOLUME_SET=DIFFERENT causes the file to be moved to media in a different volume set than the file specified in related-file-spec. 8-30 SMF Command Reference SET FILE /POOL=pool-name Specifies a default scratch pool for media used to contain the modified file. The specified pool is interpreted by the MDMS media management software when media is selected for the file. /SINCE[=time|keyword] Selects only those files dated after the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta time, or with the keyword TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED qualifier is the default. For complete information on specifying time values, see the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Example SMFS> SET FILE MXA2:[BACKUPS]15AUG.BCK/MEDIA_TYPE=TA90K Sets the media type to TA90K. If the file is currently on media of a different type, the next MOVE or REPACK operation causes the file to be moved to media that conforms to the desired media type. SMF Command Reference 8-31 SHOW DEVICE _________________________________________________________________ SHOW DEVICE The SHOW DEVICE command displays information about SMF devices, including the volume label, the mount status, and default media selection criteria. To use this command, you must have enabled SYSPRV, and CMKRNL privileges. Format SHOW DEVICE [device-name[:]] Parameters [device-name[:]] Specifies the physical device name or logical name for which the filesystem attributes should be displayed. The device must be an SMF device; that is, it must have a name of the form MXcu:, or be a logical name that resolves to an MX device. If the device-name parameter is not provided, information on all SMF devices is displayed. Qualifiers /BRIEF=default Indicates that a brief display, with a single line of information for each device, should be printed. /FULL Indicates that a full display, containing all available information about each device, should be printed. 8-32 SMF Command Reference SHOW DEVICE Examples SMFS> SHOW DEVICE Device name Device status Volume label _MXA0: Online TESTA0 _MXB0: Online TESTB0 _MXB1: Mounted TESTB1 _MXB10: Mounted TESTB10 _MXC0: Uninitialized _MXD0: Mounted TESTD0 _MXK0: Online TESTK0 This example shows the default brief listing for the SHOW DEVICE command. SMFS> SHOW DEVICE /FULL MXB1: Filesystem _MXB1: is mounted with label "TESTB1 ". Owner: [SYSTEM] Media Type: "TK85K" Protection: (S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RWED) Density: Database version: V1.0-0 Pool: "SMF_SCRATCH" Location: This example shows the full display for device MXB1:. SMF Command Reference 8-33 SHOW FILE _________________________________________________________________ SHOW FILE The SHOW FILE command displays information about SMF files. The SHOW FILE command is a companion to the DCL DIRECTORY command, and displays information not available through DIRECTORY, in particular, SMF-specific file attributes. Format SHOW FILE file-specification[, . . . ] Parameters file-specification[, . . . ] Specifies one or more files about which information should be displayed. If you specify more than one file, separate the file specifications with commas (,). Wildcard characters (* and %) are allowed. Qualifiers /BEFORE[=time|keyword] Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta time, or as the keyword TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED qualifier is the default. For complete information on specifying time values, see the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. /BY_OWNER[=uic] Selects only those files whose owner user identification code (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is that of the current process. Specify the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. 8-34 SMF Command Reference SHOW FILE /CREATED (default) Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /CREATED qualifier selects files based on their creation dates. This qualifier is incompatible with the /MODIFIED qualifier, which also allows you to select files according to time attributes. The /CREATED qualifier is the default qualifier. /DENSITY Displays the recording density that has been requested for media selected to contain the file. /EXCLUDE=(filespec[, . . . ]) Excludes the specified file from the SHOW FILE operation. You can include a directory name but not a device name in the file specifications. Wildcard characters (* and %) are allowed in the file specification. However, you cannot use relative version numbers to exclude a specific version. If you specify only one file, you can omit the parentheses. /FULL Displays all SMF-specific file attributes for each file. /LOCATION Displays the physical location that has been requested for media selected to contain the file. /MEDIA_TYPE Displays the media type that has been requested for media selected to contain the file. /MODIFIED Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects files based on the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is incompatible with the /CREATED qualifier, which also allows you to select files according to time attributes. If you do not specify the /MODIFIED qualifier, the default is the /CREATED qualifier. /PLACEMENT Displays the placement values for volume_set and SAME or DIFFERENT. SMF Command Reference 8-35 SHOW FILE /POOL Displays the scratch pool that has been requested for media selected to contain the file. /SINCE[=time|keyword] Selects only those files dated after the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta time, or as the keyword TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED qualifier is the default. For complete information on specifying time values, see the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. /VOLUME_SET Displays information about the volume set the file is on, including the name of the media set, the RVN the file starts on, the RVN the file ends on, and the tape mark position of the start of the file. Examples SMFS> SHOW FILE MXA0:[SYSTEM]TEST.DAT Directory MXA0:[SYSTEM] TEST.DAT;2 TEST.DAT;1 Total of 2 files. Note that a SHOW FILE with no qualifiers is like a DIRECTORY with no qualifiers; only the file name is displayed. 8-36 SMF Command Reference SHOW FILE SMFS> SHOW FILE /FULL MXA0:[SYSTEM]TEST.DAT; Directory MXA0:[SYSTEM] TEST.DAT;2 File ID: (103,1,1) Volume Set: DBK002 On-tape filename: TEST.DAT;1 Start RVN: 1 End RVN: 1 Tape Mark: 6 Media Type: 9TRACK Density: 1600 Scratch pool: SMF_SCRATCH Media location: VAULT Placement: Total of 1 file, 1/1 block. The /FULL qualifier causes all SMF information to be displayed. SMF Command Reference 8-37 SHOW VERSION _________________________________________________________________ SHOW VERSION The SHOW VERSION command identifies the version of SMF software installed on the system. Format SHOW VERSION Example $ SMF SHOW VERSION %SMFS-I- VERSION, DEC Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS V1.3 Shows the current installed software version for SMF. 8-38 SMF Command Reference SPAWN _________________________________________________________________ SPAWN The SMF SPAWN command creates a subprocess of your current process. You should use the DCL LOGOUT command to terminate the subprocess and return to the parent process. You can also use the DCL ATTACH command to transfer control of the terminal to another process in the subprocess tree, including the parent process. If the SMF SPAWN command is invoked with a DCL command specified as the command parameter, that command is executed in the subprocess, and control returns immediately to the parent process. If the command parameter is not specified, then control is passed to the created subprocess until it is deleted, or until an ATTACH command is entered to transfer control to another process. Format SPAWN [command] Parameters command Specifies a DCL command command string of less than 255 characters that is to be executed in the context of the created subprocess. When the command completes execution, the subprocess terminates and control returns to the parent process. Examples SMFS> SPAWN $ The SPAWN command creates a subprocess and transfers terminal control to the created subprocess. SMFS> SPAWN SHOW DEFAULT DISK$1:[JONES] SMFS> SMF Command Reference 8-39 SPAWN The SPAWN command creates a subprocess, and executes the DCL SHOW DEFAULT command in the created subprocess. Control is then returned to SMF in the parent process. 8-40 SMF Command Reference A _________________________________________________________________ Installing SMF This appendix shows an example of installing SMF on a VAX system and running the IVP. ________________________ Note ________________________ The text displayed by the installation procedure refers to the Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS (SMF) as SMFS. ______________________________________________________ $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL SMFS013 KIT$: OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 03-APR-1997 at 12:42. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: PRODX_CLEAN PRODX _RTA3: _RTA5: _RTA6: USER1 SCHED#_10 USER2 _RTA4: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Y * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: SMFS V1.3 Beginning installation of SMFS V1.3 at 12:43 Installing SMF A-1 Installing SMF %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Sequential Media Filesystem V1.3 for OpenVMS Installation Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation, 1997. All Rights Reserved. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Y Product: SMFS Producer: DEC Version: 0.0 Release Date: (none) * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? Y This kit contains an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) to verify the correct installation of the SMFS software. It can be run prior to the conclusion of this procedure by answering "YES" to the IVP prompt or it can be invoked after the installation as follows: @SYS$TEST:SMFS$IVP.COM * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Y * Enter the UIC for the SMFS account [[310,1000]]: * Default device and directory database files [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SMFS$AREAS]]: You have chosen the following as the default location for the Sequential Media Filesystem database area files: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SMFS$AREAS] * Is this device and directory correct [YES]? * Default media type for selecting media: 4MM You have chosen the following as the default media type for the Sequential Media Filesystem: 4MM * Is this media type name correct [YES]? * Default density for selecting media: You have not selected a default density for the Sequential Media Filesystem. The MDMS default density for media type 4MM will be used. A-2 Installing SMF Installing SMF * Is this density correct [YES]? * Default pool for selecting media: SMF_SCRATCH You have chosen the following as the default pool for the Sequential Media Filesystem: SMF_SCRATCH * Is this pool correct [YES]? * Default location for selecting media: You have not selected a default media location for the Sequential Media Filesystem. The MDMS default media location will be used. * Is this location correct [YES]? +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | No more input required. | | | | Please perform the following after the installation completes: | | | | 1. Place @SYS$STARTUP:SMFS$STARTUP in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. | | | | Please ensure that that SMFS$STARTUP occurs AFTER the Rdb | | monitor is started (@SYS$STARTUP:RMONSTART). | | | | 2. Place @SYS$MANAGER:SMFS$SHUTDOWN in SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM | | | | Please ensure that SMFS$SHUTDOWN occurs BEFORE the Rdb monitor | | is stopped (@SYS$MANAGER:RMONSTOP) | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named SMFS. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier SMFS value [000310,001000] added to rights database %UAF-I-NAFADDMSG, proxy from TOPDN::SMFS to SMFS added %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Sequential Media Filesystem V1.3 for OpenVMS Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation, 1997 All Rights Reserved. Sequential Media Filesystem V1.3 for OpenVMS Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation, 1997 All Rights Reserved. Installing SMF A-3 Installing SMF %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, TEST mounted on _MXX0: Directory MXX0:[TEST] TEST.DAT;1 Total of 1 file. The IVP for Sequential Media Filesystem V1.3 was successful. Installation of SMFS V1.3 completed at 12:49 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:49 $ A-4 Installing SMF B _________________________________________________________________ SMF Messages This section contains a listing of the messages produced by SMF. The messages are arranged alphabetically by severity level. B.1 Informational Messages This section lists informational messages you may see in alphabetical order. Many of these messages supply the same information for SMF-stored files as standard OpenVMS messages do for files stored on magnetic disk. %SMFS-I-CREATED, file !AS created Explanation: Indicates the specified file was created on an SMF device. User Action: None. %SMFS-I-LOADVOL, Loading volume !AS on drive !AS, Explanation: Informational message indicating that a load volume request has been issued. User Action: None %SMFS-I-LOG_DISMOUNT, filesystem !AS dismounted at !%D Explanation: Informational message indicating that filesystem has been dismounted. User Action: None. %SMFS-I-LOG_ERROR, unexpected error on filesystem !AS at !%D Explanation: Informational message indicating that SMF failed for some reason. User Action: See the following messages for details of what went wrong. SMF Messages B-1 SMF Messages B.1 Informational Messages %SMFS-I-LOG_MOUNT, filesystem !AS mounted with label !AD at !%D Explanation: Informational message indicating that the filesystem has been mounted. User Action: None. %SMFS-I-MARKDISM, filesystem !AS marked for dismount Explanation: Informational message indicating that the filesystem has been marked for dismount, but could not be deleted immediately. User Action: See the following message for an explanation of why the filesystem could not be immediately dismounted. %SMFS-I-MODIFIED, !AS modified Explanation: Informational message indicating that a file or filesystem has been successfully modified by a SET command. User Action: None. %SMFS-I-MOVED, !AS moved Explanation: Indicates that the specified file has been successfully moved. User Action: None. %SMFS-I-NOREPACK, no repack needed Explanation: Indicates that no repack operation was done, because no volume sets contain deleted space beyond the requested threshold. User Action: None. %SMFS-I-NOTMOVED, !AS not moved; file attributes conform to media Explanation: Indicates that the specified file was not moved, because it is already on conforming media. User Action: None. %SMFS-I-REPACKED, volume set !AS on filesystem !AS repacked Explanation: The specified volume set has been successfully repacked. User Action: None. B-2 SMF Messages SMF Messages B.1 Informational Messages %SMFS-I-REPACKALL, all volume sets on filesystem !AS repacked Explanation: All the volume sets on the specified filesystem have been successfully repacked. User Action: None. %SMFS-I-ROUTINE_NAME, in routine !AZ, checkpoint !UL Explanation: Informational message identifying where SMF failed. User Action: See the following messages for details of what went wrong. %SMFS-I-WAITDEV, Waiting for device to become available, Explanation: Informational message indicating that the drive required to complete the request is busy, SMFS will wait for it to become available. User Action: None %SMFS-I-WAITVOL, Waiting for volume to become available, Explanation: Informational message indicating that the volume required to complete the request is busy, SMFS will wait for it to become available. User Action: None B.2 Error Messages This section lists error messages you may see in alphabetical order. %SMFS-E-ACPFAIL, ACP process failed Explanation: The ACP process failed to start when the filesystem was mounted. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-ALLOCERR, error allocating scratch volume of media type !AS Explanation: SMF was unable to allocate a scratch volume for the specified media type. User Action: Make sure MDMS has a scratch pool defined for the media type. SMF Messages B-3 SMF Messages B.2 Error Messages %SMFS-E-ALRINIT, device !AS is already initialized with label !AD Explanation: An attempt was made to initialize an SMF filesystem which already exists. User Action: Specify another device name, or delete the filesystem before attempting to re-initialize it. %SMFS-E-APPENDERR, error appending scratch volume to volume set !AS Explanation: SMF was unable to append a scratch volume to the volume set. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-ASCTOID, could not translate identifier !AS Explanation: An error was encountered translating an ASCII user identifier code to internal format. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-CLOSEERR, error closing !AS Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to close the specified file. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-CLOSEOUT, error closing !AS as output Explanation: An error was encountered closing the output file specified on a SMF SHOW FILE /OUTPUT= command. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-COMMITERR, error committing read/write database transaction Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to commit a filesystem database transaction. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. B-4 SMF Messages SMF Messages B.2 Error Messages %SMFS-E-CREPRCERR, could not create ACP process Explanation: An error occurred attempting to create the ACP process when mounting a filesystem. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-DBDELERR, error deleting record from filesystem database Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to delete a row from the filesystem database. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-DBREADERR, error reading record from filesystem database Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to read a row from the filesystem database. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-DBWRITERR, error writing record to filesystem database Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to write to the filesystem database. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-DIFFDEV, placed files must be on same filesystem as related file Explanation: A related file was specified which is on a different device than the file to be placed. User Action: Specify a related file on the same device as the placed file. %SMFS-E-DISMERR, error dismounting device !AS Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to dismount the specified filesystem. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. SMF Messages B-5 SMF Messages B.2 Error Messages %SMFS-E-DOWNREV, database was created by an old SMFS revisions and must be converted Explanation: The filesystem database is obsolete. User Action: Convert the database as indicated in the release notes. %SMFS-E-DVIERR, error from $GETDVI system service on !AS Explanation: An unexpected error was returned from the $GETDVI system service User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-EMQERR, error from $ENQ system service Explanation: An unexpected error was returned from the $ENQ system service User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-FINDCART, error converting volume !AS to rvn in volume set !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to read the attributes of the specified volume. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-INITERR, error initializing filesystem !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to initialize the specified filesystem. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-IVTHRESH, threshold must be a percentage, from 0 to 100 Explanation: An invalid value was specified for the /THRESHOLD qualifier. User Action: Specify a threshold value between 0 and 100. B-6 SMF Messages SMF Messages B.2 Error Messages %SMFS-E-LIMIT12, a volume label may not contain more than 12 characters Explanation: A volume label longer than 12 characters was specified. User Action: Enter the command again with a shorter volume label. %SMFS-E-LOADERR, error loading volume !AS on drive !AS Explanation: SMF was unable to load the required volume into the specified drive. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-MODIFERR, error modifying !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to modify the specified file or device. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-MOVERR, error moving file !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to move the specified file. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-MOUNTERR, error mounting device !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to mount the specified filesystem. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-NOALLOC, could not allocate device !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to allocate the specified device. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. SMF Messages B-7 SMF Messages B.2 Error Messages %SMFS-E-NOASSIGN, could not assign channel to !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to assign a channel to the specified device. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-NODBCREATE, error creating filesystem database Explanation: An error occurred while creating the filesystem database. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-NODBDELETE, error deleting database !AD Explanation: An error occurred attempting to delete the specified filesystem database. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-NODBLOG, could not define database logical names Explanation: An error occurred attempting to define logical names to point to the filesystem database. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-NOHBREAD, could not read homeblock record from filesystem database Explanation: An error occurred reading the homeblock from the filesystem database. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-NOHBWRITE, could not update homeblock record in filesystem database Explanation: An error occurred while modifying a value in the homeblock of the filesystem database. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. B-8 SMF Messages SMF Messages B.2 Error Messages %SMFS-E-NORAWNAME, error parsing raw device name for !AS Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to convert the specified device name. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-NOTSMFDEV, device is not an SMFS (MXcu:) device Explanation: The specified device is not an SMFS device. User Action: Specify an SMFS device on the command line. %SMFS-E-NOWILDCARDS, wildcard filenames are not allowed in this context Explanation: A wildcard file specification was entered in an inappropriate context. User Action: Enter the file specification again without wildcards. %SMFS-E-OPENIN, error opening !AS as input Explanation: An error occurred opening the specified input file. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-OUTPUTERR, error formatting output Explanation: An error occurred formatting the output for the SHOW DEVICE command. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-OWNERNOTSMFS, volumes to be imported must be allocated to user SMFS Explanation: An attempt was made to import files from a volume set which is not owned by the SMFS username. User Action: Use MDMS to allocate the volume set to SMFS and issue the IMPORT command again. %SMFS-E-READERR, error reading !AS Explanation: An error occurred reading the attributes of the specified file or filesystem. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. SMF Messages B-9 SMF Messages B.2 Error Messages %SMFS-E-RELEASERR, error releasing volume set !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to free the specified volume set. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-REPACKERR, error repacking device !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to repack the specified device. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-ROTRANSERR, error creating read-only database transaction Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to create a read only database transaction. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-RWTRANSERR, error creating read/write database transaction Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to create a read write database transaction. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for !AS Explanation: An error occurred while searching for the specified files. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-SELECTERR, error selecting device for volume !AS Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to allocate a device for the operation. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. B-10 SMF Messages SMF Messages B.2 Error Messages %SMFS-E-SEQTONAME, error converting sequence number to name for volume set !AS, rvn !UL Explanation: An error occurred attempting to get the attributes of the specified volume set. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-SHOWERR, error showing attributes for volume !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to get the attributes for the specified volume. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-SYIERR, error from $GETSYI system service Explanation: An unexpected error was returned from the $GETSYI system service. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-TAPESEARCH, error searching for files on volume set !AS Explanation: An error occurred searching the specified volume set for files to be imported. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-TMBXERR, could not create ACP termination mailbox Explanation: An error occurred attempting to create the mailbox device which receives abnormal termination messages from the ACP process. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-TMBXIO, ACP termination mailbox I/O error Explanation: An error occurred attempting to read from the mailbox device which receives abnormal termination messages from the ACP process. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. SMF Messages B-11 SMF Messages B.2 Error Messages %SMFS-E-TOOLONG, this string may not contain more than !UL characters Explanation: The specified value is too long. User Action: Enter the command again with a shorter string. %SMFS-E-UNLOADERR, error unloading volume !AS from drive Explanation: SMF was unable to unload the specified volume. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-E-VSETMNT, error mounting volume set !AD Explanation: An error occurred attempting to mount a volume set to import files. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. B.3 Warning Messages This section lists warning messages you may see in alphabetical order. %SMFS-W-FILESOPEN, !UL user files are open on filesystem Explanation: The filesystem cannot be immediately dismounted, because there are files open. User Action: Close the files which are open on the filesystem. %SMFS-W-LNMSYN, syntax error in logical name !AS, equivalence "!AS" Explanation: The translation of the specified logical name contains a syntax error. User Action: Check the definition of the logical name for errors. %SMFS-W-NOFILES, no files found Explanation: There are no files which match the file specification. User Action: None. B-12 SMF Messages SMF Messages B.3 Warning Messages %SMFS-W-NOSUCHVOL, there are no files mapped to the specified volume set Explanation: An attempt was made to repack a volume set which contains no files from the specified filesystem. User Action: Specify a valid volume set name. %SMFS-W-NOTMAPPED, file is not mapped to a volume set Explanation: An attempt was made to move a file containing no data. User Action: Specify a file which contains data. %SMFS-W-TRNLNMFAIL, unable to translate logical name !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to translate the specified logical name. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. B.4 Fatal Messages This section lists fatal messages you may see in alphabetical order. %SMFS-F-OPENOUT, error opening !AS as output Explanation: An error occurred attempting to open the specified output file. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-F-SYNTAX, error parsing !AS Explanation: An error occurred interpreting the specified command line element. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. %SMFS-F-WRITEERR, error writing !AS Explanation: An error occurred attempting to write to the specified file. User Action: See the following messages for additional information about what went wrong. SMF Messages B-13 C _________________________________________________________________ Files and Logical Names The Sequential Media Filesystem (SMF) installation procedure creates a number of files on your system and defines logical names. o Table C-1 lists and describes the files installed. o Table C-2 lists logical name table entries. Table_C-1_Files_Installed__________________________________ File_Name_______________________Description________________ SYS$HELP:SMFS$HELP.HLB Text of SMF online Help information. SYS$MANAGER:SMFS$DEINSTALL.COM De-installs SMF. SYS$MANAGER:SMFS$SHUTDOWN.COM Shuts down SMF ACP processes and access to sequential media filesystems. SYS$MESSAGE:SMFS$MSG.EXE Contains text of SMF messages SYS$STARTUP:SMFS$STARTUP.COM Starts up SMF ACP processes and access to sequential media filesystems. SYS$STARTUP:SMFS$SYSTARTUP.COM System-specific startup command file. SYS$STARTUP:SMFS$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLTemplate for creating system-specific startup command file. SYS$SYSTEM:SMFS$DCL.EXE SMF DCL commands file. SYS$TEST:SMFS$IVP.COM___________Runs_the_IVP.______________ Files and Logical Names C-1 Files and Logical Names Table_C-2_Logical_Name_Table_Entries_______________________ Logical_Name_______________Definition_and_Description______ SMFS$AREAS This directory contains filesystem definitions and database files. SMFS$DEFAULT_DENSITY The default density for the default media type used by SMF software. SMFS$DEFAULT_LOCATION The default location for media to be stored. SMFS$DEFAULT_MEDIA_TYPE The default media type to be used by SMF. SMFS$DEFAULT_POOL__________The_default_scratch_pool._______ C-2 Files and Logical Names _________________________________________________________________ Index A______________________________ D______________________________ ACP, 1-5 Database Active data, 1-1 backing up, 5-1 Data transfer rate, 1-7 B______________________________ DCL, 4-2 Backup Density of SMF data, 5-2 definition, 2-4 of SMF database, 5-1 Devices, 2-2 configuration, 2-3 C______________________________ populating with SMF data, Capacity 3-7 definition, 2-4 Directory structure of SMF, Commands, 4-7 1-4 listing, 5-3 Dormant data, 1-1 PRINT, 4-8 E Configuring _______________________________ decisions to make, 3-2 Error messages, B-1 devices, 2-3, 3-2, 3-5 MDMS, 2-3 F______________________________ scratch pool, 3-3 File access performance, 1-7 SMF, 3-1 Files SMF filesystems, 3-5 importing from existing media TAPESTART.COM, 2-5 , 5-4 volumes, 3-3 installed, C-1 Correcting installation moving within filesystems, problems, 2-13 5-5 propagating attributes, 5-6 recovering space, 5-5 setting attributes, 5-6 SMFS013.RELEASE_NOTES, 2-1 SYS$STARTUP_VMS.COM, 2-20 SYSHUTDOWN.COM, 2-20 Index-1 Filesystem backing up, 5-2 L______________________________ initializing, 3-5 License populating with data, 3-7 how to register, 2-9 PAK, 2-9 H______________________________ LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE entries, C-2 How to Location configure devices, 2-3 definition, 2-5 configure MDMS, 2-3 Logical names, C-1tbl configure SMF software, 3-1 Logs, 6-2 install SMF software, 2-14 register PAK, 2-9 M______________________________ register SMF license, 2-9 MDMS adding media through, 5-2 I______________________________ authorizing pool use, 3-3 Inactive data, 1-1 configuration, 2-3 Installation, 2-1 creating pools, 3-3 account quotas, 2-13 installation, 2-3 correcting problems, 2-13 services for SMF, 1-5 DECThreads, 2-11 TAPESTART.COM, 2-5 default directory, 2-11 Media disk space requirements, adding, 5-2 2-12 automatic loading, 2-9 example, A-1 location, 2-8 how to install SMF, 2-14 management, 1-5 IVP, 2-19 moving files to compatible, license registration, 2-9 5-5 operating system requirement, recovering from deleted files 2-2 , 5-5 prerequisite software, 2-2 selection by file attributes, privileges, 2-12 5-6 problems, 6-2 Media and Device Management process, 2-14 Services process slot requirements, See MDMS 2-11 Media type solving problems, 2-19 configuring, 2-5 supported devices, 2-2 definition, 2-4 system requirements, 2-2 examples, 2-5 VMSINSTAL requirements, 2-13 Messages, B-1 Index-2 O______________________________ R______________________________ OPCOM messages, 2-9 Release notes, 2-1 Operating system, 2-2 S______________________________ P______________________________ Scratch pool PAK adding media to, 5-2 See Product Authorization Key creating, 3-3 Performance definition, 2-4 data transfer rate, 1-7 Seek and load time performance file access, 1-7 , 1-7 I/O throughput, 1-7 Sequential Media Filesystem seek and load time, 1-7 See SMF Postinstallation SMF DCLTABLES, 2-20 ATTACH, 8-3 editing files, 2-20 benefits, 1-4 tasks, 2-20 commands, 5-3 VMScluster requirements, controlling resource wait, 2-20 4-7 Printing SMFS Files, 4-8 database, 1-3 Privileges DELETE DEVICE, 8-7 user account, 2-12 devices, 3-5 Product Authorization Key directory structure, 1-4 license PAK, 2-9 DISMOUNT, 8-5 registration, 2-9 EXIT, 8-9 file access, 4-2 Q______________________________ files installed, C-1 QIO filesystem, 1-3 ATR$C_DENSITY, 7-1 filesystems, 3-5 ATR$C_END_RVN, 7-1 function log, 6-2 ATR$C_LOCATION, 7-1 functions, 1-2, 1-4 ATR$C_MEDIA_TYPE, 7-2 HELP, 8-10 ATR$C_POOL, 7-2 IMPORT, 5-4, 8-11 ATR$C_START_RVN, 7-2 INITIALIZE, 3-5, 5-6, 8-13 ATR$C_START_TM, 7-2 installing, 2-1 ATR$C_VOLSET, 7-2 logical names, C-1 driver interface, 7-4 management interface, 4-7, FIB$C_REPACK, 7-2 5-2 FIB$C_REWINDSEC, 7-3 managing and maintaining, FIB$V_EXACT, 7-3 5-1 interface to SMF files, 4-7 MOUNT, 3-7, 8-16 Quotas MOVE FILE, 5-5, 8-20 user account, 2-12 operating system requirement, 2-2 Index-3 SMF (cont'd) preinstallation, 2-1 T______________________________ privileges, 2-12 Troubleshooting REPACK DEVICE, 5-5, 8-23 file copying problems, 6-6 scenarios, 4-1 installation problems, 6-2 security, 1-3 limitations, 6-7 SET DEVICE, 8-25 loader problems, 6-5 SET FILE, 5-6, 8-28 logs, 6-2 SHOW DEVICE, 8-32 magazine loader problems, SHOW FILE, 8-34 6-5 SHOW VERSION, 8-38 offline device problems, 6-4 SPAWN, 8-39 operational problems, 6-6 stopping, 2-20 SMF, 6-1 troubleshooting, 6-1 SMF SET commands, 6-2 using, 4-1 SMF SHOW commands, 6-2 using DCL commands with, 4-2 startup problems, 6-3 using through $QIO, 4-7 tools, 6-2 Software kit name, 2-9 U______________________________ license name, 2-9 Users Startup problems, 6-3 account requirements, 2-12 Stopping SMF, 2-20 SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDOWN.COM, 2-20 V______________________________ SYS$STARTUP_VMS.COM, 2-20 Volumes SYSGEN, 3-5 adding, 3-3 SYSHUTDOWN.COM, 2-20 Index-4