Asian DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP Installation Guide and Release Notes Order Number: AA-QAX6A-TE September 1994 Revision/Update This is a new manual. Information: Operating Systems: DEC OSF/1 V2.0 Software Versions: Asian DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP V1.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Asia Region ________________________ September 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Hong Kong Limited 1994 All rights reserved. Printed in Singapore. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS, Alpha AXP, AXP, BI, DDCMP, DEC, MAILworks, DECnet, DECrouter, DECserver, DECUS, DECvoice, DECwindows, DELUA, DEUNA, Digital, DNA, MAILbus, MAILbus 400, MASSBUS, MI, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, OSAK, Packetnet, PDP, Q-bus, Q22-bus, RSX, TeamLinks, ULTRIX, UNIBUS, VAX, VAXBI, VAXcluster, VAXstation, VMS, VMScluster, VT, the AXP logo, and the DIGITAL Logo. The following copyrights and notices apply to the xloadimage program, which is supplied as an image viewer with the DEC MAILworks software: Copyright © 1989, 1990 Jim Frost, Kirk L. Johnson, Mark Majhor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell the xloadimage software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The authors make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. FrameMaker is a registered trademark of Frame Technology Inc. Motif, OSF, OSF/1, and OSF/Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation. Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. SCO is a trademark of the Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. a wholly-owned subsidiary of Novell, Inc. Wingz is a trademark of Informix. The X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. LDAP is a registered trademark of the Regents of the University of Michigan. WordPerfect is a registered trademark of the WordPerfect Corporation. __________________________________________________________ Contents _____________________________________________________ PREFACE vii __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 1 PREPARATION FOR INSTALLING MAILWORKS 1-1 _____________________________________________________ 1.1 CHECKING THE SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION KIT 1-1 _____________________________________________________ 1.2 READING YOUR RELEASE NOTES 1-1 _____________________________________________________ 1.3 LOGIN PRIVILEGES REQUIREMENTS 1-1 _____________________________________________________ 1.4 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS 1-1 _____________________________________________________ 1.5 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS 1-3 _____________________________________________________ 1.6 DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS 1-4 _____________________________________________________ 1.7 PERFORMING SYSTEM BACKUP 1-5 _____________________________________________________ 1.8 MAILWORKS COMPONENTS 1-5 1.8.1TCP/IP Ports for MAILworks and the InfoBroker Server __________________ 1-5 1.8.2Planning Optional X.400 Names ______ 1-6 _____________________________________________________ 1.9 SETTING UP THE LOCAL DIRECTORY FILE SEARCH BASE 1-7 _____________________________________________________ 1.10 REGISTERING YOUR SOFTWARE LICENSE 1-7 _____________________________________________________ 1.11 REMOVING PRIOR INSTALLATIONS OF MAILWORKS 1-9 iii Contents _____________________________________________________ 1.12 STOPPING THE INSTALLATION 1-10 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 INSTALLING MAILWORKS 2-1 _____________________________________________________ 2.1 INSTALLATION ERRORS 2-1 _____________________________________________________ 2.2 INSTALLING MAILWORKS 2-2 _____________________________________________________ 2.3 INSTALLING MAILWORKS ON ADDITIONAL MACHINES IN YOUR NETWORK 2-9 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 3 AFTER INSTALLING MAILWORKS 3-1 _____________________________________________________ 3.1 RUNNING THE INSTALLATION VERIFICATION PROCEDURE 3-2 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 4 ASIAN DEC MAILWORKS FOR DEC OSF/1 RELEASE NOTES 4-1 _____________________________________________________ 4.1 ASIAN DEC MAILWORKS FOR OSF/1 FEATURES 4-1 4.1.1Asian Interface ____________________ 4-1 4.1.2Composing and Viewing Asian Text Messages ___________________________ 4-2 4.1.3Asian enclosure types ______________ 4-2 4.1.4Asian folder names _________________ 4-2 4.1.5Asian menu scripts _________________ 4-3 4.1.6Queries in Asian language __________ 4-3 4.1.7Sending and Receiving Asian mail ___ 4-3 4.1.8Integration with Asian TeamLinks ___ 4-3 4.1.9Asian error and prompt messages ____ 4-4 4.1.1Asian on-line help _________________ 4-4 _____________________________________________________ 4.2 CONFIGURING THE MAILBUS 400 MTA FOR MAILWORKS 4-4 iv Contents _____________________________________________________ 4.3 MULTI-LANGUAGE SUPPORT 4-5 _____________________________________________________ 4.4 SOFTWARE LIMITATION 4-6 __________________________________________________________ APPENDIX A CONTENTS OF THE SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION KIT A-1 _____________________________________________________ A.1 CONTENTS OF THE BASE COMPONENT A-1 _____________________________________________________ A.2 CONTENTS OF THE X.400 INTERCONNECT COMPONENT A-5 _____________________________________________________ A.3 CONTENTS OF THE HANGUL LOCALIZATION COMPONENT A-6 _____________________________________________________ A.4 CONTENTS OF THE HANYU LOCALIZATION COMPONENT A-6 _____________________________________________________ A.5 CONTENTS OF THE HANZI LOCALIZATION COMPONENT A-7 __________________________________________________________ APPENDIX B REMOVING A MAILWORKS INSTALLATION B-1 __________________________________________________________ APPENDIX C FAILURES DURING PRODUCT USE C-1 __________________________________________________________ INDEX v Contents __________________________________________________________ TABLES 1-1 Disk Space Requirements _________________ 1-4 1-2 MAILworks Processes and Default Ports Numbers _________________________________ 1-6 A-1 Files and Directories Installed in sharedDir _______________________________ A-1 A-2 Files and Directories Installed in sharedDir/installDir ____________________ A-3 A-3 Files and Directories Installed in localDir ________________________________ A-4 A-4 X.400 Interconnect Files ________________ A-5 A-5 Hangul Localization Files _______________ A-6 A-6 Hanyu Localization Files ________________ A-7 A-7 Hanzi Localization Files ________________ A-7 vi __________________________________________________________ Preface Asian DEC MAILworks[TM] Server for OSF/1[R] AXP[TM] is a mail server which includes a Motif[R] client and supports the following existing PC-based mail clients for sending receiving, organizing, querying, and sharing multimedia messages: o DEC MAILworks for DOS V1.1A or later o Asian TeamLinks[TM] Mail for Windows V2.0 o TeamLinks Mail for Macintosh V1.3 or later o Microsoft[R] Mail Driver for DEC MAILworks __________________________________________________________ Intended Audience This book is intended for system managers or others who will install Asian DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP. __________________________________________________________ Related Documentation For more information about DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP, see the following books: o DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP Motif Client User's Guide o MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP Workgroup/System Administration This book does not explain the basics of administering DEC OSF/1. For information about this topic, refer to your DEC OSF/1 operating system documentation. vii Preface __________________________________________________________ Conventions The following conventions apply to this book. __________________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning__________________________ special type Indicates a literal example of system output or user input. In text, indicates command names, keywords, node names, filenames, directories, utilities and tools. italic Indicates a variable, for which you must supply a value. bold Indicates a new term. Indicates that you press the Return, Enter or << - > key. Indicates that you press the Control key while you press the key noted by X. | Separates items in a list of choices. . . . Indicates that you can repeat the preceding item one or more times. [ ] In command format descriptions, indicates optional elements. You can enter as many as you want. { } In command format descriptions, indicates you must enter at least one listed element. Entering When instructed to enter a commands command, type the command name _________________and_press_.______________ viii __________________________________________________ 1 Preparation for Installing MAILworks This chapter provides information about what you need to do in order to install MAILworks. Note In this book, Asian DEC MAILworks and MAILworks are equivalent terms. __________________________________________________________ 1.1 Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) included with your order to check the contents of your MAILworks software distribution kit. If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your Digital[TM] representative. __________________________________________________________ 1.2 Reading Your Release Notes Digital recommends that you read the release notes before installing the MAILworks software. __________________________________________________________ 1.3 Login Privileges Requirements To install and configure MAILworks and to register the software license Product Authorization Key (PAK), you need superuser privileges. For more information about registering the PAK, see Section 1.10. __________________________________________________________ 1.4 Hardware Requirements This section outlines the hardware required for you to install MAILworks. On your DEC OSF /1 AXP[TM] system, you need: o Software installation device name (if installing from media) 1-1 Preparation for Installing MAILworks Locate the CD-ROM drive for the CD-ROM software distribution media. The CD booklet or the documentation for the CD-ROM drive which you are using explains how to load the CD-ROM media. 1-2 Preparation for Installing MAILworks o Terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. See DEC MAILworks Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. __________________________________________________________ 1.5 Software Requirements This section outlines the software required for you to install MAILworks. Your system must be running DEC OSF/1 V2.0 or later on an AXP workstation. You can use the /usr/sbin/setld -i command to see which software subsets are installed on your system. You must install the InfoBroker Server software before installing MAILworks. For information about installing the InfoBroker Server, see the InfoBroker Server Administration Guide. To send mail to recipients outside of your local area network or to users of other UNIX mail systems, you will need one or more of the following mail transport agents: o Internet mail system-sendmail, the default provided for DEC OSF/1 o MAILbus 400[TM] Message Transfer Agent o DECnet/OSI for DEC OSF/1, for connecting MAILbus 400 when you are not using IP You need the following DECnet/OSI for DEC OSF/1 subsets: - DECnet/OSI Base Components - DECnet/OSI Datalink Components 1-3 Preparation for Installing MAILworks If you want to install the Asian Localization Subsets of Asian DEC MAILworks, you must have installed the appropriate Asian subset of DEC OSF/1. Otherwise, the installation procedure will prompt you with an error message and the procedure will be terminated. In addition, you must also have the DEC C++ shareable library installed on your system. (The DEC C++ shareable library, libcxx. so, is on the CDROM as part of the CXXSHRDA130 subset, which you can find under ALPHA/DECCXX_ RTL.) __________________________________________________________ 1.6 Disk Space Requirements You need sufficient disk space to install the software. Table 1-1 summarizes the disk space requirements for MAILworks. __________________________________________________________ Table 1-1 Disk Space Requirements __________________________________________________ Subset or Directory________Disk_Space_Required______________ AMWBASE100 14 Mbytes subset AMWCNL10N100 160 Kbytes subset AMWKRL10N100 240 Kbytes subset AMWTWL10N100 320 Kbytes subset AMWXINTER100 1.25 Mbytes MAILworks 36 Mbytes sharedDir MAILworks less than 1 Mbyte ________localDir__________________________________________ To check the available amount of disk space which you have, use the df command. 1-4 Preparation for Installing MAILworks __________________________________________________________ 1.7 Performing System Backup Digital recommends that you back up your system before installing MAILworks. Refer to your DEC OSF/1 system documentation for information about backing up your system. __________________________________________________________ 1.8 MAILworks Components MAILworks consists of the following components. For a description of these components, see DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP Workgroup/System Administration. o User agent o MAILworks compatibility server o Message store server o Message store registry o Transport service o Internet mail transport interface o Optional X.400 mail transport interface o Local-store-and-forward daemon o Utilities for managing message stores _____________________________ 1.8.1 TCP/IP Ports for MAILworks and the InfoBroker Server The installation procedure prompts you for TCP/IP ports for MAILworks processes and the InfoBroker Server. The procedure suggests a default port for each process, but if the port is being used, you must provide another. Table 1-2 correlates the processes and default port numbers. 1-5 Preparation for Installing MAILworks __________________________________________________________ Table 1-2 MAILworks Processes and Default Ports Numbers __________________________________________________ Process_______________________Default_Port________ DEC MAILworks Message Store 5888 Registry broadcast DEC MAILworks Message Store 5887 Registry connect DEC MAILworks Message Store 5889 Server DEC MAILworks Compatibility 6161 Server A1M CONNECT DEC MAILworks Compatibility 8484 Server A1M MUAS DEC MAILworks Command Line 5886 Server ________InfoBroker_Server_____________389_________________ You must provide the name of the node on which the server will run. _____________________________ 1.8.2 Planning Optional X.400 Names If you plan to install the optional X.400 mail transport interface subset of MAILworks, you need to supply the X.400 API client name (The client name must match the MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent (MTA) client name.) See DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP Workgroup /System Administration for more information about the X.400 mail transport interface. 1-6 Preparation for Installing MAILworks __________________________________________________________ 1.9 Setting Up the Local Directory File Search Base The installation procedure prompts you for the information needed to set up the search methodology of the local directory file or an X.500 database. To set up the search methodology for your organization, substitute your organizational-unit (finance, for example), organization, and country for the defaults provided by the installation procedure. For more information about the local directory file and setting up search parameters, see DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP Workgroup/System Administration. If you accept the defaults provided by the installation, they will allow you to use the sample local directory file included with MAILworks. __________________________________________________________ 1.10 Registering Your Software License You need a software license Product Authorization Key (PAK) to install the MAILworks software. Since Mailworks consists of both client and server software, you will have to select the license PAK appropriate for your configuration. Use one of the following PAKs: o MAILWORKS o MAILWORKS-USER o MAILWORKS-CLIENT o MAILWORKS-CLIENT-USER To register your PAK, use the License Management Facility (LMF). LMF is a system management software tool that you use to comply with your license agreement. LMF offers options for many kinds of license agreements. The terms and conditions of your contract determine your legal use of this software. LMF maintains the file of registered software license PAKs and keeps a library of functions used by licensed software. 1-7 Preparation for Installing MAILworks The following instructions show how you might register your MAILworks software license PAK using LMF. 1 Make sure that you have your PAK. 2 Log on to your system as a superuser. 3 Issue an lmfsetup command as follows: # lmfsetup 4 After you issue this command, you receive the following confirmation: # Register PAK (type q or quit to exit) [template] 5 Press . After you do this, you are prompted to answer a series of questions. These questions correspond to the fields on your PAK form. Use the information from your MAILworks PAK to reply to each question. Any fields that are left blank on the PAK should be left blank when you type in the data. 6 After you answer all the questions, you should receive a completion message like the following: PAK registered for template successfully 7 Leave lmfsetup by answering quit when the following question appears: # Register PAK (type q or quit to exit) [template] quit 8 Issue an lmf reset command as follows: # lmf reset If the command is successful, go to step 7. If you attempt to load a PAK when a previous PAK has already loaded, you would receive an error message similar to the following: Combine pak-license SQM014419 with pak-license SQM010892 1-8 Preparation for Installing MAILworks If you receive this kind of message, use the following instructions: a. List the license PAK templates using the following command: # lmf list full for pak-license b. Compare the information on the templates, and note the authorization number of the software license PAK you want to delete. c. Use the following command to delete the old PAK: # lmf delete pak-license DEC authorization-number d. Issue another lmf reset command. 9 Issue an lmf list command to verify your registration: # lmf list If you want to know how to obtain a license and PAK or how you use the LMF facility, refer to the DEC OSF/1 Guide to Software License Management. You can also refer to the lmf and lmfsetup man pages (lmf(8) and lmfsetup(8)) for information. __________________________________________________________ 1.11 Removing Prior Installations of MAILworks Before installing any of the following subsets, delete any old versions of the subsets: o AMWBASE100 (the Asian DEC MAILworks Base subset) o AMWXINTER100 (optional 1988 X.400 Interconnect subset) or o JMWBASE100 (the Japanese DECworks Base subset) o JMWXINTER100 (optional 1988 X.400 Interconnect subset) or 1-9 Preparation for Installing MAILworks o DMWBASE100 (the standard DEC MAILworks Base subset) o DMWXINTER100 (optional 1988 X.400 Interconnect subset) Use the setld -d command to remove any previously installed MAILworks subsets. __________________________________________________________ 1.12 Stopping the Installation To stop the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl-C. If you do this, the installation will be terminated before it completes. You must then delete files created up to this point interactively. For a list of the directories and files created during the MAILworks installation, see Appendix A. 1-10 __________________________________________________ 2 Installing MAILworks This chapter explains how to install the default configuration of MAILworks on the first (or only) machine in your network. For information about installing MAILworks on additional systems in your network, see Section 2.3. The installation procedure installs MAILworks into two directories: o localDir, which resides on each machine running MAILworks. localDir contains all machine- specific files and is known as the local directory. The MAILworks installation procedure defines /usr/spool/MAILworks to be the local directory. o sharedDir, which can be shared among different machines. sharedDir contains all the files that can be shared among machines of the same architecture and is known as the shared directory. All files in the shared directory are read-only, so you can mount them on a read- only file system. The MAILworks installation procedure defines /usr/kits/MAILworks to be the shared directory. The installation takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your hardware configuration. __________________________________________________________ 2.1 Installation Errors If you receive errors from the setld utility during the installation, make sure you have the correct prerequisite software and disk space. Refer to the Diagnostics section of the setld man page for further information. 2-1 Installing MAILworks __________________________________________________________ 2.2 Installing MAILworks To install the software from the CDROM (the DEC OSF/1 Layered Product Consolidated Software Distribution disk), use the following steps: 1 Determine the directory of the MAILworks files. Refer to the Master Index table in the Consolidated Software Distribution Disk User's Guide for the name of the directory on the CDROM that contains the MAILworks software. 2 Log on as superuser (login name root) on the system where you are installing MAILworks. 3 Make sure you are at the root (/) directory: # cd / 4 Insert the disk into the drive and determine the device name for the drive. Use the following command to list the available disk devices. The drive you are using will be either RRD40 or RRD42. # file /dev/rrz*c 5 Mount the disk, using your device's name and the following command: # mount -r -d /dev/device_name /mnt Note If the mount point /mnt does not exist, create it with the mkdir /mnt command. 6 Copy the software to your system, using the software's directory name and this setld(8) command: # setld -l /mnt/directory name After you enter the setld command, the installation procedure displays the names of the MAILworks subsets and asks you to specify the subsets that you want to load. 2-2 Installing MAILworks You must install the DEC MAILworks BASE for OSF /1 AXP subset. If you want the optional 1988 X.400 Interconnect installed, install the DEC MAILworks X.400 for OSF/1 AXP subset as well. 7 After entering setld -l, the system displays a menu, and as the install script runs, you receive a number of prompts and messages. The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) Asian DEC MAILworks BASE for OSF/1 AXP 2) Asian DEC MAILworks X.400 for OSF/1 AXP 3) DEC MAILworks/Hangul for OSF/1 Localization Subset 4) DEC MAILworks/Hanyu for OSF/1 Localization Subset 5) DEC MAILworks/Hanzi for OSF/1 Localization Subset Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6) Or you may choose one of the following options: 6) ALL of the above 7) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 8) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 6 If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. 8 Next, the procedure verifies your choices. 2-3 Installing MAILworks You are installing the following optional subsets: Asian DEC MAILworks BASE for OSF/1 AXP Asian DEC MAILworks X.400 for OSF/1 AXP DEC MAILworks/Hangul for OSF/1 Localization Subset DEC MAILworks/Hanyu for OSF/1 Localization Subset DEC MAILworks/Hanzi for OSF/1 Localization Subset Is this correct? (y/n): y If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. The subset selection is displayed again, and you can correct your choice of subsets. If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y. The installation continues and some status messages and copyright information appear. Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. DECMAILworks V1.0 Installation Procedure Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1993, 1994. All rights reserved. The installation will complete in 3 to 5 minutes depending on the processor type. DEC MAILworks BASE for OSF/1 AXP Copying from . (disk) Working....Thu Feb 17 08:46:30 EST 1994 Verifying Working....Thu Feb 17 08:47:05 EST 1994 DECMAILworks V1.0 AMWXINTER Installation Procedure Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1993, 1994. All rights reserved. The installation will complete in 3 to 5 minutes depending on the processor type. Asian DEC MAILworks X.400 for OSF/1 AXP Copying from . (disk) Verifying 2-4 Installing MAILworks 9 The procedure checks your system for the presence of the software license for MAILworks. If the PAK is not found, a status message indicates that, and the installation continues. MAILworks will not run unless this PAK is registered on this system, so you must register a license on this system before the MAILworks processes start. The DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP Product Authorization Key (PAK) has been found on this system 10 procedure asks you for the pathname for user commands. Digital recommends that you use the default directory, /usr/bin. (These commands are linked rather than copied.) Enter directory pathname (or 'none') for user commands, [./usr/bin]: Make sure all MAILworks command language users have /usr/kits/MAILworks/clbin in their PATH. 11 If you have previously installed MAILworks, note that the Enclosures directory has been changed for this release. If /usr/kits/MAILworks/Enclosures existed, it has been renamed to /usr/kits/MAILworks.old, and a new /usr/kits/MAILworks/Enclosures created. Merge any customizations you wish to retain from /usr/kits/MAILworks.old into /usr/kits/MAILworks/Enclosures. 12 The procedure asks if you want the online manual pages (man pages) installed on this machine. Press to select the default. If you say answer, you are prompted for the location in which to install the man pages. The default action of installing the man pages is taken in the following example. If you don't want to install the man pages now, you can answer 'no' to the next question and run the install command again later. Both unformatted and formatted man pages can be installed. Do you want to install the DEC MAILworks man pages? (y/n) [y] 2-5 Installing MAILworks Enter the man directory for unformatted user commands (or 'none') [./usr/man/man1]: Installing man pages for user commands Enter the man directory for formatted user commands (or 'none') [./usr/man/cat1]: Installing man pages for user commands Enter the man directory for unformatted administrative commands (or 'none') [./usr/man/man8]: Installing man pages for administrative commands Enter the man directory for formatted administrative commands (or 'none') [./usr/man/cat8]: Installing man pages for administrative commands 13 The procedure prompt you for installing the resource file of MAILworks. Copying the MAILworks app-defaults file to ./usr/lib/X11/app-defaults Adding symbolic links for boot-time startup. 14 The procedure asks if this machine will have the tutorial message store on it. The tutorial message store should be installed on one machine in the network. Do you want the tutorial message store installed on this machine? (n/y) [y]: Adding symbolic links for boot-time startup. 15 The procedure asks if this machine will have the message store registry on it. Usually, you place the message store registry on one machine on your LAN, such as the machine that acts as a communication server in your network. If you are installing MAILworks on the first machine in the network, enter y. If you are installing MAILworks on additional machines, enter n, unless you have read DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP Workgroup/System Administration guide for information about setting up multiple message store registries. 2-6 Installing MAILworks Will this machine be the one machine in your network running the Message Store Registry? (y/n) [y] Note that there are sample scripts and templates in /usr/kits/MAILworks/installDir/scripts and /usr/kits/MAILworks/installDir/templates Execute /usr/kits/MAILworks/bin/startMAILworks to activate the MAILworks server processes immediately. See MAILworks Administration Guide for further configuration information. 16 Next, the procedure prompts you for the information needed to set up the search methodology of the local directory file or the X.500 database. If you accept the defaults, they will allow you to use the sample local directory file included with MAILworks. To set up the search methodology for your organization, substitute your own organizational-unit (finance, for example), organization, and country. For more information, see the discussion of setting up search parameters in DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP Workgroup/System Administration. Enter organizational-unit for directory local search [ ZKO ] Enter organization for directory local search [ DEC ] Enter country for directory local search [ US ] Enter organizational-unit for directory escalated search [ LKG ] Enter organization for directory escalated search [ DEC ] Enter country for directory escalated search [ US ] Enter organization for directory world search [ DEC ] Enter country for directory world search [ US ] Enter country for directory complete search [ US ] 17 The installation procedure prompts you for TCP/IP ports for MAILworks processes. If the default port is being used, you must provide another port. 2-7 Installing MAILworks Enter the TCP/IP port number you'd like the DEC MAILworks Message Store Registry broadcast to use [5888]: Enter the TCP/IP port number you'd like the DEC MAILworks Message Store Registry connect to use [5887]: Enter the TCP/IP port number you'd like the DEC MAILworks Message Store Server to use [5889]: Enter the TCP/IP port number you'd like the DEC MAILworks Compatibility Server A1M CONNECT to use [6161]: Enter the TCP/IP port number you'd like the DEC MAILworks Compatibility Server A1M MUAS to use [8484]: Enter the TCP/IP port number you'd like the DEC MAILworks Command Line Server to use [5886]: Specify a TCP/IP port for the InfoBroker [389]: 18 Provide the name of the node where the InfoBroker Server will run. The installation procedure provides a default for your node. Enter the name of the node on which the InfoBroker will run []: Modifying /etc/services. 19 The procedure asks if you want to run the IVP. You can do so now or at another time. You may run the IVP at any time after the installation by issuing the command, setld -v AMWBASE100 Would you like to run the DEC MAILworks IVP now? (y/n) [y] Running the DEC MAILworks Installation Verification Procedure Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1993, 1994. All rights reserved. IVP terminated with success If you are installing only the DEC MAILworks BASE for OSF/1 AXP subset, you can shut down and reboot the machine now, or you can run the /usr/kits/MAILworks /bin/startMAILworks script from the root account, to start the MAILworks processes immediately. Chapter 3 2-8 Installing MAILworks discusses other actions that may be necessary after MAILworks starts. 20 If you installed the X.400 Interconnect component, you must supply the default X.400 API client name: Enter X.400 interconnect API Client name [MAILworks]: Adding symbolic links for boot-time startup. Press when prompted for the API client name. This selects MAILworks as the default API client name. The API client name must match the client name on the MTA. __________________________________________________________ 2.3 Installing MAILworks on Additional Machines in Your Network To install MAILworks on additional systems in your network, follow the procedures described in Section 2.2. You will need a software license (PAK) for each system. When installing on additional systems, keep the following in mind: o There should be only one Message Store Registry running in a local area network broadcast area, unless you intend to configure multiple mailgroups as described in DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP Workgroup/System Administration. o The X.400 Interconnect component should only be installed on one system for each MAILworks group, unless you intend to configure multiple mailgroups as described in DEC MAILworks Server for OSF/1 AXP Workgroup/System Administration. 2-9 __________________________________________________ 3 After Installing MAILworks After installing MAILworks you might need to do some of the following tasks: 1 If you have previously installed MAILworks on this machine, and if you have modified the files (for example, the DB file) in the Enclosures directory on this machine, merge the information in the new Enclosures directory with that in the old directory, which has been renamed Enclosures.old. 2 If you are upgrading from a prior version, and there are existing message stores on the machine on which you just installed the new software, you must run mschk on the existing message stores before you can open them from MAILworks. You may do this at any time after installing. mschk existing-MS-file new-MS-file 3 If this machine contains the tutorial message store, give it an alias by entering the following command: msrset "MAILworks Tutorial" hostname localDir/tutorial.po where hostname is the name of this machine and localDir specifies the full pathname of the local directory. (Note that there is a thirty-second delay when starting the message store registry (msr) process, so if you give this command immediately it may return with an error.) 4 If this machine contains the msr and this site has an Internet domain name (for example, and the hostname of this machine is not fully qualified (for instance, the hostname command returns ace, rather than, 3-1 After Installing MAILworks tell the registry by entering the following command: msrset xxx.yyy where xxx.yyy is the Internet domain name for this site. For example given above, xxx.yyy would be This causes MAILworks to use the fully qualified domain name when generating message IDs, rather than simply the host name. __________________________________________________________ 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure After installing MAILworks, you can run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access MAILworks. To run the IVP after an installation, enter the following command: # setld -v AMWBASE100 # setld -v AMWXINTER100 If the verification process fails, look in the /var/adm /smlogs/fverify.log file for information to help diagnose the problem. 3-2 __________________________________________________ 4 Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 Release Notes This chapter describes the Asian DEC MAILworks for OSF/1 features. For new features of the English version, refer to the product release note. __________________________________________________________ 4.1_Asian_DEC_MAILworks_for_OSF/1 Features 4.1.1 Asian Interface Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 interact with users through either a Motif interface or a command-line interface. These interfaces allow users to perform the following tasks: - Create and send mail - Receive and read incoming messages - Reply to mail - Forward mail to other users - File and retrieve mail in folders - Define aliases - Send mail to a number of users simultaneously using distribution list All labels, menu items and prompts of these interfaces are in Asian language, and the user can interact with Asian DEC MAILworks for most dialogs. But the commands of the command line interface are still in English. Besides using interfaces provided by Asian DEC MAILworks, users can also access the services of Asian DEC MAILworks through some PC clients, one of them being Asian TeamLinks. 4-1 Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 Release Notes _____________________________ 4.1.2 Composing and Viewing Asian Text Messages Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 Motif client provides a compose window for the user to compose Asian text messages. The compose window provides simple editing functions, such as selecting a block of text for copying or erasing, for user to create and edit Asian text messages. User also has an option to use the Asian VI editor for creating and editing Asian text messages. To view an incoming Asian text message, user can use the browser window provided by Asian DEC MAILworks. As an alternative, user can choose to use the Asian VI for viewing Asian text messages. _____________________________ 4.1.3 Asian enclosure types Apart from sending and receiving Asian text messages, DEC MAILworks user can create, edit and send different message or enclosure types using specific editor, viewer and converter. Enclosure types supported by DEC MAILworks, such as DDIF, PostScript, etc, together with their related editors, viewers and converters are defined in the enclosure database. Asian DEC MAILworks also provides a mechanism for user to add additional enclosure type and its corresponding viewers, editors and converters. _____________________________ 4.1.4 Asian folder names Messages received by Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 are organized in a hierarchy of folders, which can be managed by the folder browser. Users can create folders with Asian names in the folder browser. 4-2 Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 Release Notes _____________________________ 4.1.5 Asian menu scripts Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 allow users to define their own commands and have the labels of these commands be added to the pull-down menu of the Scripts options in the main menu bar of the Asian DEC MAILworks client. The labels of the user- defined commands can be specified in Asian language, and the Asian command labels can also be shown in the pull-down menu of the Scripts option. _____________________________ 4.1.6 Queries in Asian language Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 provides a query facility for retrieving messages in folders. The searching criteria of the queries can be specified in Asian language, that is, users can search for messages containing a certain Asian text string in their header fields or enclosures. _____________________________ 4.1.7 Sending and Receiving Asian mail Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 can send and receive mail through LAN, Internet and X.400 network. Mail messages on any of these networks can contain multiple enclosures of various types. _____________________________ 4.1.8 Integration with Asian TeamLinks Asian TeamLinks can serve as the PC client of Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1. Through the client/server architecture of Asian DEC MAILworks, Asian TeamLinks users can use their PC to create Asian messages with Asian enclosures, send and receive Asian mail, view messages with Asian enclosures and browse through messages in folders on the Asian DEC MAILworks Server. 4-3 Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 Release Notes _____________________________ 4.1.9 Asian error and prompt messages All error and prompt messages of Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 are displayed in Asian language, both on the Motif client and on the command-line interface. The exact language in which the messages are displayed depends on the locale selected. _____________________________ 4.1.10 Asian on-line help On-line help is provided on the Motif client of Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1. All the help messages of the on-line help function are displayed in Asian language. The exact language in which the help messages are display depends on the locale selected. __________________________________________________________ 4.2 Configuring the MAILbus 400 MTA for MAILworks In order for the MAILbus 400 system to handle Asian mail, you should use routing as in the following example: ! Commands to create MTS O/R address hierarchy ! Need parents for partial routing instructions that follow. ! ncl> CREATE MTS "/MTS=mts-name" ORADDRESS "C=us" ncl> CREATE MTS "/MTS=mts-name" ORADDRESS "C=us; A=admin" ! ! Create the partial routing instruction to send mail to MAILworks. ! ncl> CREATE MTS "/MTS=mts-name" ORADDRESS "C=us; A=admin; P=priv" ncl> SET MTS "/MTS=mts-name" ORADDRESS "C=us; A=admin; P=priv" - _ncl> ROUTING INSTRUCTION - _ncl> [ACTION=DELIVER, SERVER MTA="mta-name", AGENT="agent-name"]- _ncl> CONTEXT INFORMATION [ - _ncl> MAXIMUM CONTENT LENGTH = 0, - _ncl> CONTENT TYPES = { - _ncl> "{1 3 12 2 1011 5 5 0 1 2}" }, - _ncl> ENCODED INFORMATION TYPES = { - _ncl> "{1 3 12 2 1011 5 5 1 0}" } ] 4-4 Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 Release Notes Where: - mts-name is the name planned for your X.400 routing domain. - us (in C=us) is the country name planned for your X.400 routing domain. - admin is the administrative management domain field name planned for your X.400 routing domain. - priv is the private management domain field name planned for your X.400 routing domain. - mta-name is the name of the MTA where the Agent entity is created - agent-name is the name of the agent you planned. The default is MAILworks, but it is configurable and there can only be one MAILworks per MTA. __________________________________________________________ 4.3 Multi-language support Asian DEC MAILworks includes the following language localization subsets: o Hanzi o Hanyu o Hangul The installation of each language localization subset enables it to support the Asian features in that language, such as Asian mail, Asian aliases, etc. User defined items, such as aliases and folder names, are to be viewed and used in the same language environment when they are created. In handling multi-language, Asian DEC MAILworks has the following capabilities: o It enables user to receive mail message composed of any Asian language and view it through external viewers. 4-5 Asian DEC MAILworks for DEC OSF/1 Release Notes o The display of Motif client menu items and labels in any Asian language selected. __________________________________________________________ 4.4 Software Limitation - To select an Asian language to use, the environment variable LANG should be set to the language selected before calling startMAILworks in /usr/kits/MAILworks/bin to start the MAILworks Server processes. The value of LANG should be kept unchanged when starting the MAILworks client by the command mailworks, and that value should be passed as a parameter to the -xnl flag of the command mailworks. - When replying messages with the attachment type of the message body being dechanyu, dechanzi or deckorean, the lines in the copy of the original message will not be preceded by the right angle bracket (>). - When querying messages using the option "select in place", the first message selected cannot be highlighted, though the selection is done correctly. - When querying messages composed in different languages and using message headers as the query criteria, all messages in the folder will be searched, and messages selected may be composed in a language different from the one you are currently using (in cases when the byte pattern of the query criteria exists also in headers of another language). If text enclosure of messages is used as the query criteria, only text enclosures in the same language as that currently using will be searched. 4-6 __________________________________________________ A Contents of the Software Distribution Kit This appendix explains the contents of the MAILworks software distribution. When you install the MAILworks software, files and directories are installed in sharedDir, sharedDir/installDir and localDir. __________________________________________________________ A.1 Contents of the Base Component Table A-1 to Table A-3 list the files that installed in each directory. When you are finished with all MAILworks installations in your network, you can delete the install script and installDir directory in sharedDir if you want. __________________________________________________________ Table A-1 Files and Directories Installed in sharedDir __________________________________________________ Name_____________Purpose__________________________ bin/ A directory containing all the MAILworks binaries except those for the command line interface. clbin/ A directory containing the MAILworks binaries for the command line interface. These are in their own directory so that users can add that directory to their $PATH environment variable. bitmaps/ A directory containing bitmaps used by MAILworks. A-1 Contents of the Software Distribution Kit __________________________________________________________ Table A-1 (Cont.) Files and Directories Installed in sharedDir __________________________________________________ Name_____________Purpose__________________________ Encl1.0/ A directory containing the Enclosures/ database file of enclosure configuration information (DB) and the scripts used by DB. The DB file contains definitions for attachment types and their corresponding viewers. install A Bourne Shell (v/bin/sh) script for installing the MAILworks software in the appropriate system directories. installDir/ A directory containing files to be installed in other directories. install.X488 Location of X.400 interconnect files. Keys A file containing the validation keys for the MAILworks configuration key. nlslib/OM A directory containing the message catalogs, which provide the text in the MAILworks interface. MAILworksrc A file for configuring MAILworks, which includes parameters for changing the _________________________installation_directories.________ Table A-2 provides more detail about the sharedDir /installDir subdirectory. This directory contains some important files that are subsequently installed elsewhere in the file system. A-2 Contents of the Software Distribution Kit __________________________________________________________ Table A-2 Files and Directories Installed in sharedDir /installDir __________________________________________________ Name_____________Purpose__________________________ chkkey/ A program that processes validation /configuration keys. man/ A directory containing man pages. Install them as you want. MAILworks A file containing X Window System resources for the mailworks user agent for either monochrome or color displays. The install script puts this file in /usr /lib/X11/app- defaults. scripts Location of scripts for users. sendmail/ A directory containing sample sendmail configuration files: and templates Location of templates for users. tutorial.po A message store containing the MAILworks tutorial. If you reply yes to the prompt from the install script about installing the tutorial, this file is installed in the localDir directory. XKeysymDB A file containing X keyboard _________________________symbols_needed_for_Motif_1.1.____ Table A-3 outlines the files and directories created in localDir, the default directory for local files. These are files that need to be on each machine where MAILworks runs. A-3 Contents of the Software Distribution Kit __________________________________________________________ Table A-3 Files and Directories Installed in localDir __________________________________________________ Name_____________Purpose__________________________ DAXdatafile Default local directory for InfoBroker Server entries. logs/ A directory for holding the MAILworks log files. Each binary generates a log file, such as msrlog, msslog, and so on. msrHost A file containing the name of the host on which the msr is running. msrAliasFile A file containing the global aliases and distribution lists stored by the message store registry. runmsr A lock file that indicates where the runmsr process should be run. runmss A lock file that indicates where the runmss process should be run. runx400g A lock file that indicates where the runx400g process should be run. sf/ A directory for holding queued messages. tmp/ A directory for holding temporary files. tutorial.po A message store containing the _________________________MAILworks_tutorial.______________ The installation script also does the following: o Making links from the following commands in sharedDir /bin to /usr/bin: - mschk - msrset A-4 Contents of the Software Distribution Kit - mailworks - poster - xloadimage o If /usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB already exists, the script moves it to /usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB.old and adds appropriate keysyms to the file. If the file does not exist, the script installs it. o Setting the owner of sharedDir/bin/lsfd and localDir/sf to be the group that owns /bin /mail or /usr/spool /mail. This is usually the mail group. The script installs localDir /sf so that it is writable by this group as well. If the install script sets the group inappropriately for your configuration, you can change the group (and permissions if needed) for sharedDir/bin /lsfd and localDir/sf to whatever is appropriate. __________________________________________________________ A.2 Contents of the X.400 Interconnect Component Table A-4 lists the files that are installed as part of the X.400 Interconnect subset installation. __________________________________________________________ Table A-4 X.400 Interconnect Files __________________________________________________ Name________________Purpose_______________________ /usr/kits Transmitter component /MAILworks/bin /x488grecv /usr/kits Receiver component /MAILworks/bin /x488gsend A-5 Contents of the Software Distribution Kit __________________________________________________________ Table A-4 (Cont.) X.400 Interconnect Files __________________________________________________ Name________________Purpose_______________________ /usr/kits Installation procedure /MAILworks ________/install.X488_____________________________________ __________________________________________________________ A.3 Contents of the Hangul Localization Component Table A-5 lists the files that are installed as part of the Hangul Localization subset installation. __________________________________________________________ Table A-5 Hangul Localization Files __________________________________________________ Name________________Purpose_______________________ /usr/kits Message catalogue for Hangul /MAILworks/nlslib in deckorean /OM/ko_KR /usr/kits Message catalogue for Hangul /MAILworks in deckorean. Same as ko_KR /nlslib/OM/ko_ KR.deckorean /usr/kits Message catalogue for Hangul /MAILworks/nlslib in eucKR ________/OM/ko_KR.eucKR___________________________________ __________________________________________________________ A.4 Contents of the Hanyu Localization Component Table A-6 lists the files that are installed as part of the Hanyu Localization subset installation. A-6 Contents of the Software Distribution Kit __________________________________________________________ Table A-6 Hanyu Localization Files __________________________________________________ Name________________Purpose_______________________ /usr/kits Message catalogue for Hanyu /MAILworks/nlslib in dechanyu /OM/zh_TW /usr/kits Message catalogue for Hanyu /MAILworks/nlslib in big5 /OM/zh_TW.big5 /usr/kits Message catalogue for Hanyu /MAILworks/nlslib in dechanyu. Same as zh_TW /OM/zh_TW.dechanyu /usr/kits Message catalogue for Hanyu /MAILworks/nlslib in eucTW ________/OM/zh_TW.eucTW___________________________________ __________________________________________________________ A.5 Contents of the Hanzi Localization Component Table A-7 lists the files that are installed as part of the Hanzi Localization subset installation. __________________________________________________________ Table A-7 Hanzi Localization Files __________________________________________________ Name________________Purpose_______________________ /usr/kits Message catalogue for Hanzi /MAILworks/nlslib in dechanzi /OM/zh_CN /usr/kits Message catalogue for Hanzi /MAILworks/nlslib in dechanzi. Same as zh_CN ________/OM/zh_CN.dechanzi________________________________ A-7 __________________________________________________ B Removing a MAILworks Installation To remove (that is, back out of) an installation, complete the following steps: Note If you share your sharedDir with other users across a network, coordinate your actions so you do not disrupt current users. 1 To deinstall the MAILworks subsets, you must deinstall the X.400 Interconnect and InfoBroker Server subsets before deinstalling the AMW100 Base subset. For example, if all three subsets are currently installed, use the following command: # setld -d AMWKRL10N100 AMWCNL10N100 AMWTWL10N100 # setld -d AMWXINTER100 AMWBASE100 Deinstalling AMWXINTER100 and AMWBASE100 results in the following: o /usr/kits/MAILworks/bin/stopMAILworks is executed, stopping all MAILworks and Interconnect processes. o X.400 address and API client name is removed from the MAILworksrc file. o /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/MAILworks file is removed. o Tutorial message store file is removed. o MAILworks boot-time, start-stop symbolic links are removed (symbolic links for S91mailworks and K09mailworks in /sbin /rc3.d, /sbin/rc2.d, and /sbin /rc0.d are removed, and the file /sbin/mailworks is removed). B-1 Removing a MAILworks Installation o Symbolic links for mschk, msrset, mailworks, poster, and xloadimage from /usr/bin are removed. 2 If you are sure there are no important files in any of the subdirectories (such as personal message stores), you can remove the localDir /usr/spool/MAILworks. 3 If you are sure there are no important files in any of the subdirectories, you can remove sharedDir /usr/kits /MAILworks. B-2 __________________________________________________ C Failures During Product Use If an error occurs while MAILworks is in use and you believe the error is caused by a problem with the product, take one of the following actions: o If you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement, contact your Customer Support Center (CSC) by telephone or by using the electronic means provided with your support agreement (such as DSNlink). The CSC provides telephone support for high-level advisory and remedial assistance. When you initially contact the CSC, indicate the following: - The name and version number of the operating system you are using - The version number of MAILworks you are using - The hardware system you are using (such as a model number) - A brief description of the problem (on sentence if possible) - How critical the problem is o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o If you do not have any type of software services support agreement and you purchased MAILworks within the past year, you can submit an SPR if you think the problem is caused by a software error. C-1 Failures During Product Use When you submit an SPR, take the following steps: 1 Describe as accurately as possible the circumstances and state of the system when the problem occurred. Include the description and version number for MAILworks. Demonstrate the problem with specific examples. 2 Reduce the problem to as small a size as possible. 3 Remember to include listings of any command files, INCLUDE files, or relevant data files, and so forth. 4 Report only one problem per SPR. This will facilitate a faster response. 5 Mail the SPR package to Digital. If the problem is related to the MAILworks documentation, you can do one of the following: o Report the problem to the CSC (if you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement and the problem is severe). o Fill out the Reader's Comments form (in the back of the document that contains the error) and send the form to Digital. Be sure to include the section and page number where the error occurred. o Send your comments about the documentation to the Internet address on the title page of this book. C-2 __________________________________________________________ Index [ ] (brackets) Installing (cont'd) use in manualoviii installation procedureo { } (Braces) 2-2 __use_in_manualoviii_______ kit contentsoA-1 A localDiro2-1, A-3 ___________________________ multiple MSRso2-9 Audience preparingo1-1, 2-1 of manualovii Product Authorizatio Key ___________________________ (PAK)o1-7 B running mschko3-1 ___________________________ running msrseto3-1 Braces setting Internet domain use in manualoviii nameo3-1 ___________________________ sharedDIRo2-1, A-1 C sharedDIR/installDiroA-2 ___________________________ software requirementso1-3 Commands time to installo2-1 enteringoviii tutorial message store Componentso1-5 locationo3-1 Configuring X.400 Interconnecto2-9 multiple MSRso2-9 X.400 Interconnect fileso Conventions A-5 used in manualoviii XKeysymDBoA-5 Ctrl key ___________________________ used in manualoviii L ___________________________ ___________________________ E localDiroA-3 ___________________________ ___________________________ Errors M during installationo2-1 ___________________________ ___________________________ MAILworks I components ofo1-5 ___________________________ installingo2-1 Installation preparing to installo1-1 removaloB-1 See installingo2-1 Installation timeo2-1 TCP/IP ports neededo1-5 Installing Manual command linksoA-4 audienceovii disk space requiredo1-4 conventionsoviii errors duringo2-1 related documentationovii hardware requirementso1-1 using theovii Index-1 Index ___________________________ ___________________________ R T ___________________________ ___________________________ Related documentationovii TCP/IP Ports needed for Removing an installationo MAILworkso1-5 B-1 Typographic conventionso key viii use in manualoviii ___________________________ ___________________________ X S ___________________________ ___________________________ X.400 sharedDIRoA-1 installationo1-6 sharedDIR/installDiroA-2 X.400 API client nameo1-6 X.400 Interconnect installationo2-9 installed X.400 Interconnect fileso A-5 Index-2