README File for HP Performance Agent (OVPA) for OpenVMS Version 4.0 =================================================================== The HP Performance Agent for OpenVMS collects, summarizes, time stamps, and detects alarm conditions on current and historical resource data across your system. It provides performance, resource, and end-to-end transaction response time measurements and supports network and database measurement information. Use OVPA in conjunction with the OpenView Performance Manager (OVPM) Version 5.0 or later. Refer to the HP OpenView Performance Agent User's Manual, Edition: 13 (for UNIX) and the HP OpenView Performance Manager User's Manual for additional information. These manuals, and others, are available at the OpenView website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kit Prerequisites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verify that your OpenVMS system meets OVPA prerequisites. HP Performance Agents for OpenVMS works on OpenVMS Version 7.3-2 or later. Make sure that the required OpenVMS patches listed below have been applied. The patches are available at the services website: OpenVMS Version 7.3-2 --------------------- - VMS732_UPDATE V6.0 (or later) OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 or later OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.2-1 or later ------------------------ There are no prerequisites. TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS --------------------------- You must enable the PORTMAPPER service for several OVPA components to function. The OVPA software links with the HP TCP/IP network product and therefore requires the HP TCP/IP product to run. OVPA will NOT work with third party IP products. SSL for OpenVMS --------------- You must have SSL Version 1.2 or later installed and started on your OpenVMS system. The SSL kits are available at: The Performance Data Collector for OpenVMS ------------------------------------------ You must have The Performance Data Collector (TDC) Version 2.2-105 or later installed on your OpenVMS system for OVPA to collect data. The complete TDC kit is included with the .zip kit you downloaded from the web. Only install the Run Time part of TDC for each version of OpenVMS that you want to run with OVPA. The kit may also be obtained from: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing the HP Performance Agent Software ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install the kit, follow these steps: 1) To extract the PCSI kit, run OVPA-V0400-35-AXP.EXE (for Alpha) or OVPA-V0400-34-I64.EXE (for Integrity servers) by entering the following command: For OpenVMS Alpha: ------------------ $ RUN OVPA-V0400-35-AXP.EXE HP-AXPVMS-OVPA-V0400-35-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED HP-AXPVMS-OVPA-V0400-35-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED_ESW For OpenVMS Integrity servers: ------------------------------ $ RUN OVPA-V0400-34-I64.EXE HP-I64VMS-OVPA-V0400-34-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED HP-I64VMS-OVPA-V0400-34-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED_ESW HP recommends that you copy the kit and corresponding manifest file to the SYS$UPDATE:DIRECTORY. 2) Log in to the SYSTEM account. 3) Set your default directory to SYS$UPDATE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 4) Use the PRODUCT INSTALL command to install the kit: $ PRODUCT INSTALL OVPA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using the HP Performance Agent for OpenVMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The installation procedures for the HP Performance Agent for OpenVMS installs most of the files in subdirectories under SYS$SPECIFIC:[OVO]. Shareable images are installed in SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]. Command files are installed in standard system directories such as SYS$STARTUP and SYS$MANAGER. To start OVPA, log in to the SYSTEM account and enter the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:OVPA$STARTUP NOTE: This startup command procedure starts SSL and TDC, which are both required for OVPA to function.