VAX_Message_Router____________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-Q1RMB-TE Revision/Update Information: Version 3.5 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ Fifth Printing, July 1998 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1987, 1998. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DECnet, MAILbus, Message Router, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, VAX, VAXcluster, VAX DOCUMENT, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Introduction 1.1 Introducing Message Router...................... 1-1 1.2 Installing and Configuring Message Router....... 1-1 1.2.1 The Installation Procedure ................... 1-2 1.2.2 The Configuration Procedure .................. 1-3 1.3 Handling Installation Errors.................... 1-4 2 Preparing to Install Message Router 2.1 Preparation Checklist........................... 2-1 2.2 Prerequisite Software and Hardware.............. 2-1 2.2.1 Checking the DECnet Product Authorization Key (PAK)......................................... 2-2 2.2.2 Tailoring OpenVMS ........................... 2-2 2.3 SYSTEM Account Quotas........................... 2-3 2.4 System Resource Requirements.................... 2-4 2.5 Completing Preparation.......................... 2-5 2.6 Preparing to Install Message Router on a VAXcluster or Local Area VAXcluster............. 2-8 2.7 Further Preparations for an Upgrade Installation or Reinstallation............................... 2-9 iii 3 Installing Message Router 3.1 Starting the Installation....................... 3-1 3.2 Running the Installation Procedure.............. 3-5 4 Running the IVP 4.1 Introduction.................................... 4-1 4.2 Running the IVP................................. 4-1 4.3 Checking the IVP................................ 4-4 5 After the Installation 5.1 Tailoring OpenVMS............................... 5-2 A Installation Save Sets B Sample Installation Procedure C Location of the Message Router Software Index Figures 1 Message Router Documentation Map ............. vii C-1 Message Router Directory Structure ........... C-2 Tables 2-1 Account Quota Values ......................... 2-3 2-2 SYSGEN Parameter Values ...................... 2-4 2-3 SYSGEN Minimum PQL Parameter Values .......... 2-4 C-1 Location of the Transfer Service Files ....... C-3 C-2 Location of the Management Service Files ..... C-5 C-3 Location of the Directory Service Files ...... C-8 C-4 Location of the Help Libraries and Release Notes......................................... C-9 iv C-5 Message Router Images Installed with Privileges.................................... C-9 v ________________________________________________________________ Preface Purpose of This Book This book describes how to install Message Router[TM] Version 3.5 on an OpenVMS[TM] operating system. It also describes how to upgrade from Message Router Version 3.3. Intended Audience This book is intended for the person responsible for installing Message Router. That person must be familiar with OpenVMS VAX[TM] system management and DECnet[TM], and have access to the SYSTEM account on the OpenVMS VAX system. How This Book Is Organized This book has five chapters and three appendixes: o Chapter 1 introduces: - The installation procedure - The configuration procedure o Chapter 2 describes the tasks that you have to carry out before installing Message Router and lists the prerequisite hardware and software o Chapter 3 describes the installation procedure o Chapter 4 describes the installation verification procedure (IVP), which checks that the software is installed correctly on the system o Chapter 5 lists the tasks that you must carry out immediately after installation o Appendix A lists the items in the distribution kit v o Appendix B contains a log of a typical Message Router installation on OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 o Appendix C lists the location of the Message Router software How to Use This Book Read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 before starting the installation. Use the rest of the book during the installation procedure. Remember that the installation Help text can give you most of the information that you are likely to need during the installation. Related Documents You may find the following books useful: Introduction to MAILbus Introduction to Message Router VAX Message Router Configuration Guide VAX Message Router Management Guide VAX Message Router Management Reference Manual You may also need to refer to: Introduction to VMS System Management OpenVMS Version 5.5 Upgrade and Installation Manual VMS VAXcluster Manual VMS Authorize Utility Manual VMS License Management Utility Manual Guide to VMS Performance Management Figure 1 shows how to use the publications provided with Message Router. vi Figure 1 Message Router Documentation Map (continued on next page) vii Figure 1 (Cont.) Message Router Documentation Map --------------------------------------- |Read the Introduction to Message Router| --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |Read the release notes. See the VAX Message | |Router Installation Guide for details of how | | to print them. | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ |Read the VAX Message Router Configuration | | Guide for details of planning your network. | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ |Read the VAX Message Router Installation Guide | |for details of how to install Message Router. | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ |Read the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide | |for details of how to configure Message Router | ------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- |Read the VAX Message Router Management Guide for | |details of how to manage Message Router. Refer to | |the VAX Message Router Management Action Procedures| |and the VAX Message Router Management Reference | |Manual for further management information. | --------------------------------------------------- MIG0058 viii Conventions The following conventions are used in this book: this Indicates commands or responses that you typeface type. Unless otherwise stated, press Return after each command or response. variable Represents variables to type in commands or responses. this Indicates prompts and messages from the typeface computer. $ A dollar sign ($) is the default user prompt. [] Brackets are used after questions to enclose the default answer. Press Return to accept the default. Brackets also denote a directory specification. ... Horizontal ellipses indicate that additional text can be entered. In the MB$CONTROL command, horizontal ellipses indicate that you can include identifiers for the MAILbus[TM] Gateways, for example, MRG for the Message Router VMSmail Gateway. VMSmail Refers to the OpenVMS Mail Utility. Press Indicates that you make one keystroke with an editing or command key, for example, press Return. ix Type Indicates characters that you type at the keyboard. Ctrl/Z Indicates that you hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the other key (Z). x 1 ________________________________________________________________ Introduction 1.1 Introducing Message Router Message Router is part of MAILbus. MAILbus comprises Message Router and its Gateways, for example, the Message Router VMSmail Gateway. Refer to the Introduction to MAILbus for details of MAILbus. Message Router has three components: o A message transfer component, called the Transfer Service, that transfers messages from one node to another. The management utility MRMAN is used to manage this component. o A directory component, called the Directory Service, which keeps a record of users in the network who can send and receive mail. The management utility MBMAN is used to manage this component. o A set of management service routines, called the Management Service, which comprises the exception reporting routines and the management command procedures. These components are installed together and the instruc- tions for installing them are in this book. 1.2 Installing and Configuring Message Router You cannot use Message Router until you have installed and configured it. It is important that you plan the installation and configuration of Message Router before you start the installation. Read the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide for information about planning your mail network before installing Message Router Version 3.5. This book deals with the installation of Message Router on OpenVMS Version 5.5-2, 6.2 and 7.1. Introduction 1-1 Customers who have Message Router V3.2 or later can upgrade to V3.5 directly. Customers who have earlier Versions need to install atleast V3.2 and then upgrade to V3.5. Message Router checks for the DECnet product license. You must use the VMS License Management Utility to register the DECnet product license before starting the installation procedure. See the VMS License Management Utility Manual for details of how to use the VMS License Management Utility. ________________________Note ________________________ An attempt to run Message Router Version 3.5 on OpenVMS Version 5.5-2, 6.2 and 7.1 will fail if you have not registered the DECnet license. _____________________________________________________ The Message Router X.400 Gateway (MRX) requires Message Router to be configured before you install it. The other MAILbus Gateways do not. Therefore, after you have installed Message Router, you can either install all the MAILbus Gateways, except MRX, that you want to use, or configure Message Router. It is slightly quicker to install everything you need first. However, you must configure Message Router before installing MRX or configuring any of the other Gateways that you want to use. 1.2.1 The Installation Procedure You do not need to install Message Router on every node that is going to use its services. Some User Agents and Gateways can use the Transfer Service and Directory Service components of Message Router remotely. ________________________Note ________________________ The Message Router VMSmail Gateway does not use the Directory Service. _____________________________________________________ 1-2 Introduction It does not matter on which node you install Message Router first in a VAXcluster[TM] or a network. However, if you are going to use the Directory Service, the first node you configure must be the Directory Service master node. See the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide for more information about configuration. There are special considerations when installing on a VAXcluster or Local Area VAXcluster (see Section 2.6). This guide explains how to install Message Router on an OpenVMS operating system using VMSINSTAL. VMSINSTAL is a command procedure used to install optional software products on an OpenVMS operating system. Basic knowledge of VMSINSTAL is required to perform the installation. You can check that the installation has succeeded by running the installation verification procedure (IVP) after the installation is complete. The IVP, if you request it, runs automatically after the installation and is described fully in Chapter 4. If the IVP is successful, the Message Router software resides on your system, but cannot be used until it is configured. The procedure to install Message Router and run the IVP should take about 60 minutes, depending on the system configuration and type of media used. The installation procedure is the same, regardless of the distribution media. You can use your Message Router Version 3.5 system alongwith Message Router Version 3.2 and 3.3 system in the same network. 1.2.2 The Configuration Procedure The configuration procedure for Message Router is described in the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide. For details of how to install and configure other MAILbus products, such as the Message Router VMSmail Gateway, refer to the relevant installation and management guides. Introduction 1-3 1.3 Handling Installation Errors It is a good idea to take a log of the installation procedure to keep a record of any errors. If you receive an unexpected error message during the installation, do the following: 1. Check that you have responded to the prompts correctly. 2. If you have made a mistake and have been re-prompted, enter the correct information. 3. If re-entering the information fails, restart the installation. 4. If the installation fails again at the same point, contact Digital as follows: o Contact your Customer Support Center, if you have a service contract o Contact your local Digital office to arrange for a service contract, if you do not have one Turn to Chapter 2 to prepare for installation. 1-4 Introduction 2 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install Message Router 2.1 Preparation Checklist Prepare for installation as follows: 1. Check that the distribution kit is complete and correct according to the bill of materials included with the kit. The distribution medium contains all the files listed in Appendix A and may be a magnetic tape or an optical disk. The type of media depends on your system hardware. 2. Check that you have a Software Product Description (SPD). 3. Check that your system has the prerequisite software and hardware. See Section 2.2. 2.2 Prerequisite Software and Hardware To install Message Router Version 3.5 you must have: o Version 5.5-2, 6.2 and 7.1 Year 2000 ECO patches installed o A valid VAX or MicroVAX system configuration. Note that you cannot use node names longer that six characters with Message Router. Therefore, on DECnet /OSI systems, the node name synonym database must be accessible on the node where Message Router is installed. o A registered Product Authorization Key (PAK) for DECnet. Section 2.2.1 describes how to make sure that the DECnet PAK is registered. Preparing to Install Message Router 2-1 o A minimum of 19000 free blocks on the system disk available for installation and 9000 blocks available permanently. o Disk space to hold messages, directory database files, and queue files. Initially, you need about 30000 free blocks on the target disk. This is the disk where the Message Router directories are to be created. o OpenVMS[TM] for VAX[TM] Version 5.5-2, Version 6.2, or Version 7.1. o OpenVMS[TM]/VAX Version 5.5-2 either DECnet VAX Version 5.5-2 or DECnet/OSI [R] Version 5.6B. o OpenVMS[TM]/VAX Version 6.2 either DECnet VAX Version 6.2 or DECnet/OSI [R] Version 6.3. o OpenVMS[TM]/VAX Version 7.1 either DECnet VAX or DECnet /OSI [R] Version 7.1. 2.2.1 Checking the DECnet Product Authorization Key (PAK) You must ensure that a DECnet PAK is registered and active before starting the installation. To do this, type the following command: $ LICENSE LIST /FULL license where license is either DVNETRTG or DVNETEND. Details of the DECnet license are displayed. Check that the license is active. If it is not, you must load and register either of the PAKs for DECnet as described in the VMS License Management Utility Manual. 2.2.2 Tailoring OpenVMS You must check that appropriate OpenVMS software is available on your system. Do this using the OpenVMS Tailoring utility. The tailoring utility enables you to add and remove software from the OpenVMS system. You can use the OpenVMS Tailoring utility on any VAX system, but you are more likely to need it on a MicroVAX. Message Router Version 3.5 requires the following classes of OpenVMS files: o OpenVMS Required Saveset 2-2 Preparing to Install Message Router o Network Support o Programming Support o Secure User's Environment o Utilities If any of these classes are missing, use the OpenVMS Tailoring utility (VMSTAILOR) to install them. Refer to OpenVMS Version 5.5 Upgrade and Installation Manual for details of VMSTAILOR. 2.3 SYSTEM Account Quotas You must ensure that the SYSTEM account is set up with sufficient quota to install and run Message Router. Table 2-1 shows the minimum values applicable to the SYSTEM account. Table_2-1_Account_Quota_Values____________________________ Account_______________Quota_______________________________ ASTLM 40 BIOLM 40 BYTLM 35000 DIOLM 40 ENQLM 400 FILLM 100 PGFLQUOTA 10000 PRCLM 10 TQELM____________________20_______________________________ You can modify the account quotas using the Authorize utility. Refer to the VMS Authorize Utility Manual for details of how to do this. You need to log out and log in again for the new values to take effect. Preparing to Install Message Router 2-3 2.4 System Resource Requirements You must ensure that the SYSGEN parameters are set to allow sufficient quota to install and run Message Router. It is important that your system is tailored before you make the checks. Tables 2-2 and 2-3 show the SYSGEN parameters required by Message Router. Before you begin the installation, ensure that the system parameter settings are sufficiently high, taking into consideration the requirements of other applications on your system. Table_2-2_SYSGEN_Parameter_Values_________________________ Parameter_____________Value_______________________________ GBLPAGES 6000 free global pages available GBLSECTIONS 50 free global sections available GBLPAGFIL 1500 free pages PROCSECTCNT A minimum of 32 process sections CLISYMTBL______________250_pages__________________________ Use the following commands to find the number of available global pages and global sections: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") Table_2-3_SYSGEN_Minimum_PQL_Parameter_Values_____________ Parameter_____________Value_______________________________ PQL_MASTLM 24 PQL_MBIOLM 18 PQL_MBYTLM 30000 PQL_MDIOLM 18 PQL_MENQLM 400 PQL_MFILLM 20 (continued on next page) 2-4 Preparing to Install Message Router Table_2-3_(Cont.)_SYSGEN_Minimum_PQL_Parameter_Values_____ Parameter_____________Value_______________________________ PQL_MPGFLQUOTA 10000 PQL_MPRCLM 1 PQL_MTQELM_______________20_______________________________ To modify the values for any of these parameters, edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT. For the GBLPAGES, GBLSECTIONS and GBLPAGFIL parameters, make incremental changes to the parameter values by including ADD_parameter in MODPARAMS.DAT; for example, ADD_GBLPAGES=6000. For the other parameters, specify minimum values for the parameters by including MIN_parameter in MODPARAMS.DAT; for example, MIN_PQL_MASTLM=24. Run AUTOGEN to recalculate and set your system parameters. Type: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SAVPARAMS SETPARAMS [NO]FEEDBACK The next time you reboot your system these parameters take effect. 2.5 Completing Preparation Follow these steps before invoking VMSINSTAL: 1. Log in to the privileged system manager's account. 2. Back up your system disk. If a system failure occurs at a critical point during the installation, some files may be corrupted. Also, you are given the choice of purging old files during the installation. 3. Ensure that there are at least 19000 blocks available on the system disk for the installation of Message Router. A new installation of Message Router needs 9000 blocks on the system disk and 30000 blocks on the target disk. You may need more space on the target disk if you have a large message area. Preparing to Install Message Router 2-5 4. Make sure you have enough disk space to hold your expected message traffic. In addition to the Message Router software, Message Router needs disk space to hold messages, directory database files, and queue files in its database. You need to estimate your expected message traffic and make sure that you have enough disk space to hold these messages. As a guide, the initial software in the Message Router directories needs approximately 1000 blocks of disk space. Allow a further 29000 for messages and database files. 5. If you have not already done so, check that there are no active users on the system using the following command: $ SHOW USERS The system lists the active users currently on the system. If there are any users active on the system, ask them to log out by typing: $ REPLY /BELL /USERNAME "PLEASE LOG OUT" 6. You may want to keep a record of the installation procedure. You can do this either by using the operator's console, which is usually a hardcopy terminal, or by keeping a log, as follows: $ SET HOST 0 /LOG=filename where filename is the name of the file that is to contain the installation log. 7. If you are installing Message Router for the first time on the system, decide which device the Message Router directories (the MB$ directory tree) are to reside on initially. You are advised to use a device other than the system disk for the Message Router directories. The device name that you supply must be a logical device name and not a physical device name. For example, use USER1 and not $1$DUA1. You are recommended not to use a rooted logical, such as SYS$SYSROOT, as a device name. 2-6 Preparing to Install Message Router If you have already installed Message Router Version 3.2 or Version 3.3, you must continue to use the same device for the Message Router directories. Note the name of the device here: _________________________________ 8. If you are installing Message Router for the first time on the system, choose a user identification code (UIC) for the MBMANAGER account and record it in the space below. Do not choose a DECnet or system UIC; if you do, the installation may fail. The UIC must be unique to Message Router. Digital recommends that the Message Router UIC is in a group of its own. If you have already installed Message Router Version 3.2 or Version 3.3, you must continue to use the same UIC for the MBMANAGER account. UIC of the MBMANAGER account [________,________]. You must also choose a password for the MBMANAGER account. The password must contain at least eight and not more than 31 characters. 9. Ensure that you have started the system job queue manager. Use the following command to see whether the queue manager is running: $ SHOW QUEUE /BATCH If this command completes successfully, the queue manager is running. If it does not, edit the system startup file to include the following line: $ START /QUEUE /MANAGER /BUFFER_COUNT=10 /EXTEND_QUANTITY=25 You can execute the above command immediately without having to wait until the next system restart to start the queue manager. If the DECnet PAK is not loaded and registered, refer to the VMS License Management Utility Manual for details of how to load and register it before starting the Installation Procedure. Preparing to Install Message Router 2-7 The rest of the preparation depends on the type of installation, as follows: o If you are installing on a VAXcluster, see Section 2.6 o If you are upgrading from Version 3.2, 3.3 or reinstalling, see Section 2.7 In all other cases, for example a new installation on a single node, you have finished preparing for installation. Turn to Chapter 3. 2.6 Preparing to Install Message Router on a VAXcluster or Local Area VAXcluster This section describes ways of installing Message Router in a cluster. Refer to the VMS VAXcluster Manual for details of definitions and terminology used. The section also describes the different cluster configurations that you can set up for Message Router. If you are upgrading Message Router on a VAXcluster, make sure that you delete all versions of the MB$LOCATION.COM file from the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMGR] directory on all nodes in the cluster before you install Message Router V3.5. When you upgrade your Message Router system, you must re-create the configuration database when you first run the MAILbus[TM] Configuration Procedure on your V3.5 system. To do this, use the MB$CONFIG CREATE MB command. Full instructions on how to do this are given in the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide. You can run Message Router on any OpenVMS Version 5.5- 2 VAXcluster or Local Area VAXcluster configuration. However, you must make sure that the DECnet license is registered on each node in the cluster. (The VMS License Management Utility Manual describes how to register your license.) In a VAXcluster, all the nodes may share a single SYSUAF.DAT file and DECnet database or one group of nodes may share one set of resources, and another group may share a different set of resources. Also, in a cluster, there may be a single system disk or multiple system disks. 2-8 Preparing to Install Message Router Irrespective of how your cluster is defined, there must be only one Message Router environment within the cluster. However, Message Router does not need to be installed and configured on all nodes in a cluster. Choose the set of nodes that you want Message Router to run on, and make sure you install it such that the installation satisfies the following two constraints: o It modifies all the SYSUAF.DAT files and DECnet databases that are shared by those nodes o It modifies all the system disks that are used by those nodes To satisfy both of these constraints, you may need to perform more than one installation. However, all the installations of Message Router on a cluster must use the same Message Router environment, that is, the same MB$ directory structure and associated data files. When you have installed Message Router, you must configure it. As part of configuration you can choose whether to enable the use of the cluster alias, if one is defined. You can also choose to start a minimum set of Message Router processes on some of the nodes in the cluster. These options are described in the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide. If you are upgrading or reinstalling Message Router, continue at Section 2.7. Otherwise, turn to Chapter 3 for details of the installation procedure. 2.7 Further Preparations for an Upgrade Installation or Reinstallation You can upgrade to Message Router V3.5 from either V3.3 or V3.2. You cannot upgrade from earlier versions of Message Router to V3.5. Message Router runs on either DECnet/VAX Phase IV or DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS VAX. However, Message Router does not accept node names longer than six characters. Therefore, the node name synonym database must be accessible when Message Router is running on DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS VAX. Preparing to Install Message Router 2-9 It is not supported to run Message Router V3.5 on a VAXcluster[TM] that is running a mixture of DECnet/VAX Phase IV and DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS VAX. Prepare your system for installation as follows: o If Message Router is running, stop it and all MAILbus components with the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONTROL STOP=(ER,...,DDS,TS,MS) where ... is a list of the identifiers of other MAILbus components that are installed on your system. You must use this command on every node in a VAXcluster. If you are reinstalling Message Router Version 3.5 and have customized any files to your own requirements, do not select purging in Step 3 in Section 3.2. After installation, you will find a later version of the files superseding your customized version. To use your customized files, check that they meet your requirements and then delete the newer version of the files you do not need. o Back up your queue file, MRMAILBOX.DAT, mailbox direc- tory file, MRMDIRECT.DAT, and message file(s), MRn.NBS. If a system failure occurs at a critical point during the installation, some files may be corrupted. o Back up the Directory Service database directory, [MB$.DDS.DB], in case of system failure during the installation. o During the installation, you are given the option of purging files from a previous installation. If you purge your files, as recommended, you must also remove the following jobs from the batch queue: - MR$TIDY.COM - DDS$TIDY.COM - DDS$DEFER.COM - DDS$REFRESH.COM 2-10 Preparing to Install Message Router If you do not remove all these jobs from the batch queues, they will fail when they execute, because the files they refer to have been purged. To remove these jobs from the batch queue, type the following commands: $ SHOW QUEUE queuename /ALL where queuename is the name of the batch queue the jobs are running on. The default queue name is MB$BATCH. This shows the list of all the jobs queued to run on the specified batch queue. Examine the queue for the above entries and make a note of the entry numbers. You can delete the entries from the queue by typing: $ DELETE /ENTRY=entrynumber queuename where entrynumber is the entry number noted and queuename is the name of the batch queue. Delete each entry noted. o If you were running exception reporting in your previous installation, you must also delete the following jobs: - MB$NET from the batch queue MB$BATCH_nodename - MB$DDS from the batch queue MB$BATCH_nodename - MB$TS from the batch queue MB$BATCH_nodename where nodename is the name of the node you are using. You must delete these jobs for each node in the cluster. o If you are upgrading Message Router, you must install Message Router Version 3.5 on the same device as Message Router Version 3.3. If you want to move either all or part of Message Router to another disk, use the configuration procedure, MB$CONFIG. Refer to the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide for information about moving Message Router files. Turn to Chapter 3. Preparing to Install Message Router 2-11 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installing Message Router 3.1 Starting the Installation This chapter explains how to install Message Router. It is assumed that you have completed the preparations described in Chapter 2 before you install Message Router. If you have not registered and loaded the DECnet PAK, refer to the VMS License Management Utility Manual. VMSINSTAL is interactive and takes you step by step through the installation. Each step is fully described in this chapter. Remember that you can get on-line help by typing a question mark (?) in response to a prompt. With the exception of the VMSINSTAL command (shown below) to install Message Router V3.5, the installation procedure is the same as for Message Router V3.3. Refer to the VAX Message Router Installation Guide for details of the installation procedure. Customers who have Message Router V3.2 or later can upgrade to V3.5 directly. Customers who have earlier Versions need to install atleast V3.2 and then upgrade to V3.5. If possible keep a log of the installation procedure. To do this type: $ SET HOST 0 /LOG=filename where filename is the name of the file that is to contain the installation log. ________________________Note ________________________ Do not use the VMSINSTAL alternate root option, OPTION R. Message Router does not support this Installing Message Router 3-1 option in VMSINSTAL. _____________________________________________________ Perform the following steps to install Message Router: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account and type the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MR035 device OPTIONS N where: a. MR035 identifies the product being installed b. device is the name of the device where the distribution medium is to be mounted, for example, MTA0 c. OPTIONS N provides the option of reading or printing the on-line release notes ________________________Note ________________________ If this is a reinstallation of Message Router Version 3.5, you can omit the parameter OPTIONS N, if you have already read the release notes. _____________________________________________________ 2. The procedure starts and displays: OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V3.5 It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help where dd-mmm-yyyy and hh:mm are the current date and time, and x.x is the OpenVMS version number. 3. You may receive one or more of the following warning messages: %VMSINSTAL-W-LOWQUOTA, One or more account quotas may be too low. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: If you receive any warning messages, you are advised to exit from the installation procedure and fix the problem, as described in Chapter 2. Then restart the installation. 3-2 Installing Message Router If there are any active system processes, the procedure lists them and asks: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? It is not advisable to continue. In particular, it is not advisable to continue if there are any active processes that use the Directory Service. Press RETURN to halt VMSINSTAL and ask users to log out (see step 5 of Section 2.5). Then restart the installation procedure. If there are no active system processes or if you want to continue the installation regardless of the warning messages, type YES. 4. The procedure asks: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? If the system disk has not recently been backed up, type NO to abort the installation, and make a backup copy. Otherwise, press RETURN to accept the default answer of YES. 5. The procedure instructs you to mount the distribution volume: Please mount the first volume of the set on device * Are you ready? where device is the device name you supplied in step 1. Mount the first distribution volume on the device. When you have mounted the distribution volume, type YES. 6. The procedure confirms that the volume has been successfully mounted and displays: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, MR mounted on _device The following products will be processed: MR V3.5 Beginning installation of MR V3.5 at hh:mm %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A... Installing Message Router 3-3 7. If you have not specified OPTIONS N, the installation continues at Section 3.2. Otherwise, the procedure displays a menu of options relating to the release notes. Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Release notes are available online and can be displayed and printed as required. Select the option you require. If you select the option to print the release notes, the procedure displays: * Queue name[SYS$PRINT]: Enter the name of a print queue. The procedure then displays a message indicating that the release notes have been successfully queued to the printer. If you do not specify a print queue, the output is directed to SYS$PRINT by default. 8. The procedure asks: * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? You are advised to exit from the installation and read the release notes. Press RETURN to accept the default answer of NO. Otherwise, type YES. When you have read the release notes, you can restart the installation procedure, starting from step 1 of this section, omitting the parameter OPTIONS N. 3-4 Installing Message Router 3.2 Running the Installation Procedure 1. The procedure confirms that the product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP, if appropriate, with the following message: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. VMSINSTAL displays copyright information followed by details of the product's license: Product: DECNET-VAX FULL or DECNET-VAX END Producer: DEC Version: 5.0 Release Date: dd-mmm-yyyy where dd-mmm-yyyy is the release date. Refer to the VMS License Management Utility Manual for details of the release date. VMSINSTAL displays: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? If you have not registered and loaded the PAK for DECnet, type NO to abort the installation, and refer to the VMS License Management Utility Manual. When you have registered and loaded the DECnet PAK, start the installation procedure again. If the PAK for DECnet is registered and loaded, type YES. 2. VMSINSTAL displays: * Do you want help text printed before every question [NO]? Help is available for all questions asked during the installation. If you want to see the explanation before each question, type YES and press RETURN. Otherwise, press RETURN. ________________________Note ________________________ If you choose not to see all the help, you can still get help for any question by typing a question mark (?) as a response. _____________________________________________________ Installing Message Router 3-5 3. VMSINSTAL displays: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? If you want the installation procedure to purge files replaced by this installation, press RETURN. Otherwise, type NO and press RETURN. 4. VMSINSTAL displays: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? An installation verification procedure (IVP) is provided to indicate whether the installation has succeeded. If you want to run the IVP immediately after the installation has finished, press RETURN. If you do not want to run the procedure, type NO and press RETURN. You are strongly recommended to run the IVP after installation. 5. VMSINSTAL displays: * What device is to be used for the MBMANAGER account: If a previous device name can be found for the MBMANAGER account, this is offered as a default. Press RETURN to accept the default location provided, or enter the device name noted in step 7 of Section 2.5. VMSINSTAL checks that the specified device is available. If the specified device is unavailable, VMSINSTAL displays an error message and returns to this question. 6. VMSINSTAL displays: * What is the UIC for the MBMANAGER account: If this is a new installation enter the UIC noted in step 8 of Section 2.5. For any other installation, if a default is offered, you must accept it. 7. If this is an upgrade installation or you are reinstalling Message Router Version 3.5, VMSINSTAL displays: * Do you want to keep the same Message Router passwords [NO] ? You are advised to change the passwords, so press RETURN to accept the default. Go to the next step. 3-6 Installing Message Router If you want to keep the same Message Router passwords, type YES and press RETURN. The procedure continues at step 10. 8. VMSINSTAL displays: You will now be prompted for the password for the Message Router accounts, and then for a confirmation of the password. * What is the password for the Message Router accounts: Enter the password of the Message Router accounts. You must not include certain strings in your password. If you include any of these strings, the password is rejected and the installation procedure displays an error message asking you to enter the password again. The strings that must not be included are: DDS, GATE, MAIL, MANAGER, MESSAGE, NET, PASSWORD, ROUTER. 9. VMSINSTAL displays: * Confirm the password for the Message Router accounts: Re-type the password. If the password entered here does not correspond to the password entered in the previous step, VMSINSTAL displays an error message and returns to the previous step. 10.VMSINSTAL displays: You have answered all the questions for the Message Router installation. Message Router is now being installed. The installation takes approximately 60 minutes depending on the system configuration and media type. 11.The procedure displays a series of messages that tells you that the generation phase of the Message Router installation is proceeding. There is a pause between each message. If this is an upgrade installation or reinstallation, the procedure continues at step 12; otherwise, the following messages are displayed: %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the MBMANAGER account %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the MBWATCH account %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the MRNET account %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the DDSNET account Installing Message Router 3-7 If the installation procedure finds an account or directory it does not expect, the following message is displayed: %MR-I-ACCEXIST, accountname account already existed. The account already exists. It should only exist where Message Router is reinstalled. The installation is continuing. You are advised to check that the modified account does not have another use. The string accountname is the name of the account. Other messages relating to this warning may also be displayed. The installation procedure continues. If you are installing Message Router on a node where OpenVMS DECnet is running, the following messages are displayed: %MR-I-IGNERR, Ignore the following reports which may occur on NCP object definition: Ignore> %NCP-I-NMLRSP, listener response - Unrecognised component, Object Ignore> %NCP-I-UNRCMP, listener response - Unrecognised component, Object The installation procedure continues. %MR-I-CHECDIRS, Checking directories %MR-I-DEVICE, Checking Message Router device device: %MR-I-CHECQUOT, Checking quota use on device: The installation procedure creates the directories required by Message Router. As each directory is created, the installation procedure displays a message informing you that the directory is being created, for example: %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory device:[MB$] %MR-I-DEVICE, Checking Message Router device device: %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory device:[MB$]. The installation procedure continues at step 13. 3-8 Installing Message Router 12.If this is an upgrade installation or reinstallation, the following messages are displayed: %MR-I-MODACC, Modifying the MBMANAGER account %MR-I-MODACC, Modifying the MBWATCH account %MR-I-MODACC, Modifying the MRNET account %MR-I-MODACC, Modifying the DDSNET account If the installation procedure finds an account or directory it does not expect, the following message is displayed: %MR-I-ACCEXIST, accountname account already existed. The account already exists. It should only exist where Message Router is reinstalled. The installation is continuing. You are advised to check that the modified account does not have another use. where accountname is the name of the account. Other messages relating to this warning may also be displayed. The installation procedure continues. If you are installing Message Router on a node where OpenVMS DECnet is running, the following messages are displayed: %MR-I-IGNERR, Ignore the following reports which may occur on NCP object definition: Ignore> %NCP-I-NMLRSP, listener response - Unrecognized component, Object The installation procedure continues. %MR-I-CHECDIRS, Checking directories %MR-I-DEVICE, Checking Message Router device device: %MR-I-CHECQUOT, Checking quota use on device: The installation procedure continues at step 13. 13.After checking for or creating the directories, the installation procedure continues. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B... %MR-I-LNKDDS, Linking the DDS images Installing Message Router 3-9 The installation procedure displays messages informing you which images are being linked. The installation procedure continues. %MR-I-SETDDSFILES, Setting DDS file ownership and protection %MR-I-ASGNDDSFILES, Assigning DDS files to target directories %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C... %MR-I-LNKMR, Linking the TS images The installation procedure displays messages informing you which images are being linked. The installation procedure continues. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G... %MR-I-LNKMBMAN, Linking the MR Management images The installation procedure displays messages informing you which images are being linked. The installation procedure continues. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.MB] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.MB]. %MR-I-SETMBFILES, Setting MR file ownership and protection %MR-I-ASGNMBFILES, Assigning MR files to target directories 14.After VMSINSTAL has marked the files for moving to the Message Router directories, more messages are displayed. The generation phase of the Message Router installation is now complete. In order to tailor Message Router to your requirements, you must use the configuration procedure, SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONFIG.COM. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... If you have chosen to run the IVP, turn to Chapter 4 and follow the instructions there. You are advised to run the IVP to check that the installation has completed successfully. If you are not running the IVP, turn to Chapter 5. 3-10 Installing Message Router 4 ________________________________________________________________ Running the IVP 4.1 Introduction The installation verification procedure (IVP) checks that all components of Message Router have been installed correctly. If you selected the IVP in the installation, VMSINSTAL automatically runs the IVP when the installation is completed. It is advisable to select the IVP because it checks that Message Router has been installed properly. The IVP sets up a test database to check that the installation is correct, so you do not need to configure Message Router before running the IVP. A successful IVP does not mean that Message Router is ready to use. Before you use Message Router, you must use the MAILbus Configuration Procedure, MB$CONFIG, to configure or reconfigure Message Router to your own requirements. See the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide for details of how to configure or reconfigure Message Router. The IVP produces a message to either confirm that all com- ponents of Message Router have been installed successfully or to indicate that it has failed. Section 4.3 provides more information about the success and failure messages. 4.2 Running the IVP If you requested to run the IVP, VMSINSTAL runs it. The following is an example of the display from the IVP: IVP for Message Router Version V3.5-317 Running the IVP 4-1 This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for Message Router. It checks that the components of Message Router are installed successfully on your system. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1978, 1998. All rights reserved. Starting Management Service ------------------------------------------------------------------ TRANSFER SERVICE V3.5-317 IVP This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for the Transfer Service. It tests whether or not the Transfer Service is successfully installed on your system. The procedure starts by checking that all the files for the Transfer Service exist and are the correct size. It then starts MRMAN. The verification procedure creates a test mailbox, using the MRMAN utility, and sends a test message to the mailbox. The verification procedure fetches the test message from the mailbox and displays it, and then shuts down MRMAN. The IVP has not completed successfully until you have received this test message. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Transfer Service V3.5-317 file check The total number of files is 25. All files exist and are the correct size. End of Transfer Service V3.5-317 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is MRMAN V3.5-317 Starting Transfer Service This is MRMAN V3.5-317 %Added MB$TSIVP, This is MRMAN V3.5-317 %MRMAN-S-IDENTIFY, Using mailbox MB$TSIVP at node MOURYA % Message from: MB$TSIVP % Subject: TEST ************************************************** 4-2 Running the IVP Output of this test message indicates that the Transfer Service V3.5-317 is installed successfully on your system. ************************************************** %Finished reading from mailbox MB$TSIVP %Directory entry MB$TSIVP deleted Shutting down the Transfer Service The Transfer Service V3.5-317 IVP was successful END OF TS V3.5-317 IVP ================================================================== DIRECTORY SERVICE V3.5-317 IVP This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for the Directory Service. It tests whether or not the Directory Service is successfully installed on your system. The procedure completes the following steps: 1. Checks that the Directory Service files exist and that they are the correct size 2. Retrieves preset entries from the database ------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Service V3.5-317 file check The total number of files is 8. All files exist and are the correct size. End of Directory Service V3.5-317 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Starting the Directory Service The Directory Service V3.5-317 IVP was successful END OF DDS V3.5-317 IVP Shutting down Directory Service ================================================================== MANAGEMENT SERVICE V3.5-317 IVP Running the IVP 4-3 This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for Management Service. It tests whether or not the Management Service is successfully installed on your system. The procedure checks that the Management Services files exist and that they are the correct size. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Management Service V3.5-317 file check The total number of files is 70. All files exist and are the correct size. End of Management Service V3.5-317 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Management Service V3.5-317 IVP was successful END OF MS V3.5-317 IVP ================================================================== Installation verification was successfully performed for all 3 components of Message Router Shutting down Management Service The Message Router V3.5-317 IVP completed successfully where hh:mm represents the current time in hours and minutes. Installation of MR V3.5 completed at hh:mm VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm 4.3 Checking the IVP If the IVP has been successful, it displays: The Message Router V3.5-317 IVP completed successfully Installation of MR V3.5 completed at hh:mm VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm If the IVP fails, the IVP displays: Please re-install Message Router If you receive this message, you must re-install Message Router. 4-4 Running the IVP If the IVP fails, but does not indicate the reason for the failure, you can set VERIFY on the installation procedure, so that the IVP displays more information on your screen. You can specify the component of Message Router you want verified by using one of the following commands before starting the installation procedure: $ VFY$TSCVP=1 $ VFY$DDSVP=1 $ VFY$MBMBVP=1 where: o TSCVP specifies the Transfer Service component o DDSVP specifies the Directory Service component o MBMBVP specifies the Management Service component You can use any or all of these commands before the same installation procedure. You then install Message Router in the usual way. Turn to Chapter 5 for details of what to do after a successful installation. Running the IVP 4-5 5 ________________________________________________________________ After the Installation After the installation has been completed, you should: 1. Pass on details of the installation to the person doing the configuration. Specifically, note the name of the device on which you installed Message Router and pass this information to the person who will be configuring Message Router. 2. Tune some of the system values to enhance performance for your users. Details of how to tune your OpenVMS system are given in the Guide to VMS Performance Management. 3. Remove any unwanted OpenVMS utilities or files using VMSTAILOR, see Section 5.1. When you have completed the tasks you can install other MAILbus components, as described in the relevant installation guides, or you can configure Message Router Version 3.5 as described in the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide. You cannot run Message Router unless it is configured. Specifically, on a VAXcluster you can choose whether to enable the use of the cluster alias, if one is defined. You can also choose to start a minimum set of Message Router processes on some of the nodes in the cluster. These options are described in the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide. ________________________Note ________________________ Before you can install the Message Router X.400 Gateway (MRX) you must configure Message Router. After the Installation 5-1 However, you can install the other MAILbus Gateways before you configure Message Router. _____________________________________________________ 5.1 Tailoring OpenVMS The Object and Shareable Image Libraries are needed only during the installation of Message Router. As they are not needed to run Message Router, you can release some disk space by removing them from your VAX or MicroVAX. If you are using a MicroVAX, releasing disk space might be particularly useful. To remove the libraries from your system, first check that no one is using the software. If it is not being used, log in to the SYSTEM account and use the OpenVMS Tailoring Utility (VMSTAILOR) to tailor the software off your system. Refer to OpenVMS Version 5.5 Upgrade and Installation Manual for details of VMSTAILOR. 5-2 After the Installation A ________________________________________________________________ Installation Save Sets This appendix contains a list of the files contained in the seven installation save sets. Installation Save Sets A-1 The files supplied in installation save set A are: DDS$PROTN.COM DDS$FILES.DAT DDS$IMAGES.DAT MR$PROTN.COM MR$FILES.DAT MR$IMAGES.DAT MR$POSTPRO.COM MB$PROTN.COM MB$FILES.DAT MB$IMAGES.DAT MB$POSTPRO.COM MR$DELETE_SPECIFIC.COM KITINSTAL.COM MBREPLACE.TPU MR$SYSGEN.DAT MR035.RELEASE_NOTES MB$CVP.COM MB$CVPSETUP.COM MB$CVPFILES.COM MB$DDSCVP.COM MB$MSCVP.COM MB$TSCVP.COM MR$COPYRIGHT.OBJ XPORT.OLB XPORTMSG.EXE A-2 Installation Save Sets The files supplied in installation save set B are: DDS$LINK.COM DDSSERV.OLB DDSLSTN.OLB DDSCALL.OLB DDSMISC.OLB DDSMUNGE.OLB DDSDB.OLB DDSNET.OLB DDSCOMMON.OLB DDSFACI.OLB DDSTREED.OLB DDSFILED.OLB DDS$MSG.OBJ DDS$SHAR_UNIVERSAL.OPT DDS$START.COM DDS$_STOP.DAT DDS$CVP.DAT Installation Save Sets A-3 The files supplied in installation save set C are: MR$LINK.COM MR.OLB MRVMS.OLB MRMIS.OLB MRMAN.OLB MRLOG.OLB MRSTAT.OLB NBS.OLB MRMSG.OLB MRAPPSHAR.OLB MRAPPMSG.OBJ MB$TALK_NOTIFY_TEMPLATE.COM MB$TALK_SCHEDULE_TEMPLATE.COM MB$TALK_RUN_TEMPLATE.COM MB$TALK_NOTIFY_DEF.COM MB$TALK_SCHEDULE_DEF.COM MB$TALK_RUN_DEF.COM MRMWRK.COM MR$TIDY.COM MR$COMPRESS.COM MB$REPOST.COM MR$NODES_DEF.DAT MRSTOP.DAT MRMAN.HLB MRLISTEN.COM MR$CVP.DAT A-4 Installation Save Sets The files supplied in installation save set D are: MB$LOCATION_TEMPLATE.COM MB$DDS_ADD_TEMPLATE.COM MB$DDS_UPDATE_TEMPLATE.COM MB$CONTROL.COM MB$$ER_START.COM MB$$ER_STOP.COM MB$$MS_START.COM MB$$MS_STOP.COM MB$$TS_START.COM MB$$TS_STOP.COM MB$$DDS_START.COM MB$$DDS_STOP.COM DDS$TIDY.COM DDS$COMPRESS.COM DDS$BACKUP.COM DDS$INQUE.FDL DDS$NETQUE.FDL DDS$NIF.FDL DDS$OUTQUE.FDL DDS$PERM_DB.FDL DDS$PERM_AIF.FDL DDS$CACHE_DB.FDL DDS$CACHE_AIF.FDL DDS$DEFER.COM DDS$REFRESH.COM Installation Save Sets A-5 The files supplied in installation save set E are: MRMAILBOX.FDL MRMDIRECT.FDL MBMAN.OLB MBUTIL.OLB MB$MSG.OBJ MB$MSG_CONFIG.OBJ MB$LINK.COM MB$CONFIG.HLB MB$A1_CONFIG.HLB MBMAN.HLB A-6 Installation Save Sets The files supplied in installation save set F are: MB$MBMANAGER.COM MB$MRNET.COM MB$DDSNET.COM MB$MBWATCH.COM MB$INIT.COM MB$MAILER.COM MB$ADDREP.COM MB$CHECKDEV.COM MB$ERRORS.DATMB$A1_ERRORS.DAT MB$VERSION.DAT MB$STOP.DAT MB$TS_ER.COM MB$DDS_ER.COM MB$NET_ER.COM MB$A1_ER.COM Installation Save Sets A-7 The files supplied in installation save set G are: MB$CONFIG.COM MB$CONFIG.FDL MB$CNFTXN.FDL MB$$TS_CONFIG.COM MB$$DDS_CONFIG.COM MB$$ER_CONFIG.COM MB$$A1_CONFIG.COM MB$$MS_CONFIG.COM MB$MR$CONFIG$CUSTOMIZED.DAT MB$A1$CONFIG$CUSTOMIZED.DAT MB$MR$CONFIG$DEFAULT.DAT MB$A1$CONFIG$DEFAULT.DAT DDS_PERM_DB.DAT DDS_PERM_AIF.DAT DDS_CACHE_DB.DAT DDS_CACHE_AIF.DAT DDS_OUTQUE.DAT DDS_NETQUE.DAT DDS_INQUE.DAT DDS_NIF.DAT DDS_CONFIG.DAT MB$CNFDB_IVP.DAT MRINIT.DAT MB$CVP.DAT A-8 Installation Save Sets B ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Procedure This appendix contains example logs of an installation of Message Router on OpenVMS Version 5.5-2. There are minor differences between an installation log on a node where DECnet is running and on a node where DECnet/OSI is running. This appendix contains examples of both logs. Installation on a Node Where DECnet is Running $ @sys$update:vmsinstal mr035 DUA0: OPTIONS N OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 17-JUL-1998 at 18:44. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: MR V3.5 Beginning installation of MR V3.5 at 18:44 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1978, 1998. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Sample Installation Procedure B-1 Product: DECNET-VAX FULL or DECNET-VAX END Producer: DEC Version: 5.0 Release Date: 22-JUN-1989 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y * Do you want help text printed before every question [NO]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? * What device is to be used for the MBMANAGER account: dka100: * What is the UIC for the MBMANAGER account: [24,24] You will now be prompted for the password for the Message Router accounts, and then for a confirmation of the password. * What is the password for the Message Router accounts: * Confirm the password for the Message Router accounts: You have answered all the questions for the Message Router installation. Message Router is now being installed. The installation will take approximately 60 minutes depending on system configuration and media type. %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the MBMANAGER account %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the MBWATCH account %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the MRNET account %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the DDSNET account %MR-I-IGNERR, Ignore the following reports which may occur on NCP object definition: Ignore> %NCP-I-NMLRSP, listener response - Unrecognised component, Object Ignore> %NCP-E-UNRCMP, listener response - Unrecognised component, Object %NCP-W-UNRCMP, Unrecognized component , Object %NCP-W-UNRCMP, Unrecognized component , Object B-2 Sample Installation Procedure %MR-I-CHECDIRS, Checking directories %MR-I-DEVICE, Checking Message Router device DKA100: %MR-I-CHECQUOT, Checking quota use on DKA100: %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.MR] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.MR]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.MR.WRK] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.MR.WRK]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.MR.MSG1] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.MR.MSG1]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.MR.MSG2] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.MR.MSG2]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.MR.SCR] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.MR.SCR]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.MR.DB] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.MR.DB]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.MB] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.MB]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.TOOLS] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.TOOLS]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.MB.MB$COM] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.MB.MB$COM]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.MB.MB$WORK] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.MB.MB$WORK]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.MB.MB$SCRATCH] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.MB.MB$SCRATCH]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.DDS] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.DDS]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.DDS.WRK] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.DDS.WRK]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.DDS.SCR] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.DDS.SCR]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA100:[MB$.DDS.DB] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA100:[MB$.DDS.DB]. Sample Installation Procedure B-3 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %MR-I-LNKDDS, Linking the DDS images %MR-I-LNKDDSMSG, ...Linking the DDS Message file %MR-I-LNKDDSSHAR, ...Linking the DDS shareable image %MR-I-LNKDDSSERV, ...Linking the DDS Server %MR-I-LNKDDSLSTN, ...Linking the DDS Listener %MR-I-LNKDDSEXTP, ...Linking the DDS external processors %MR-I-LNKDDSTMPUPD, ...Linking the DDS Template Update Utility %MR-I-SETDDSFILES, Setting DDS file ownership and protection %MR-I-ASGNDDSFILES, Assigning DDS files to target directories %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %MR-I-LNKMR, Linking the TS images %MR-I-LNKMRMSG, ...Linking the TS Message file %MR-I-LNKMRTALK, ...Linking the TS Talker %MR-I-LNKMRLSTN, ...Linking the TS Listener %MR-I-LNKMRMAN, ...Linking the TS Manager %LINK-I-DATMISMCH, creation date of 16-OCT-1997 12:17 in shareable image SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]LBRSHR.EXE;2 differs from date of 24-NOV-1996 19:18 in shareable image library SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]IMAGELIB.OLB;1 %MR-I-LNKMRLOG, ...Linking the TS Logger %MR-I-LNKMRSHAR, ...Linking the TS Shareable image %MR-I-LNKMRNBS, ...Linking the TS NBS Dump utility %MR-I-LNKMRSTATS, ...Linking the TS Statistics utility %MR-I-SETMRFILES, Setting TS file ownership and protection %MR-I-ASGNMRFILES, Assigning TS files to target directories %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G ... %MR-I-LNKMBMAN, Linking the MR Management images %MR-I-LNKMBUTIL, ...Linking the MB Utility %LINK-I-DATMISMCH, creation date of 16-OCT-1997 12:17 in shareable image SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]LBRSHR.EXE;2 differs from date of 24-NOV-1996 19:18 in shareable image library SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]IMAGELIB.OLB;1 %MR-I-LNKMBMAN, ...Linking the MB Manager %LINK-I-DATMISMCH, creation date of 16-OCT-1997 12:17 in shareable image SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]LBRSHR.EXE;2 B-4 Sample Installation Procedure differs from date of 24-NOV-1996 19:18 in shareable image library SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]IMAGELIB.OLB;1 %MR-I-LNKMBMSG, ...Linking the MB Message File %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.MB] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.MB]. %MR-I-SETMBFILES, Setting MR Management file ownership and protection %MR-I-ASGNMBFILES, Assigning MR Management files to target directories The generation phase of the Message Router installation is now complete. In order to tailor Message Router to your requirements, you must use the configuration procedure, SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONFIG.COM. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... IVP for Message Router Version V3.5-317 This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for Message Router. It checks that the components of Message Router are installed successfully on your system. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1978, 1998. All rights reserved. Starting Management Service ------------------------------------------------------------------ TRANSFER SERVICE V3.5-317 IVP This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for the Transfer Service. It tests whether or not the Transfer Service is successfully installed on your system. The procedure starts by checking that all the files for the Transfer Service exist and are the correct size. It then starts MRMAN. The verification procedure creates a test mailbox, using the MRMAN utility, and sends a test message to the mailbox. The verification procedure fetches the test message from the mailbox and displays it, and then shuts down MRMAN. The IVP has not completed successfully until you have received this test message. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sample Installation Procedure B-5 Transfer Service V3.5-317 file check The total number of files is 25. All files exist and are the correct size. End of Transfer Service V3.5-317 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is MRMAN V3.5-317 Starting Transfer Service This is MRMAN V3.5-317 %Added MB$TSIVP, This is MRMAN V3.5-317 %MRMAN-S-IDENTIFY, Using mailbox MB$TSIVP at node MOURYA % Message from: MB$TSIVP % Subject: TEST ************************************************** Output of this test message indicates that the Transfer Service V3.5-317 is installed successfully on your system. ************************************************** %Finished reading from mailbox MB$TSIVP %Directory entry MB$TSIVP deleted Shutting down the Transfer Service The Transfer Service V3.5-317 IVP was successful END OF TS V3.5-317 IVP ================================================================== DIRECTORY SERVICE V3.5-317 IVP This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for the Directory Service. It tests whether or not the Directory Service is successfully installed on your system. The procedure completes the following steps: 1. Checks that the Directory Service files exist and that they are the correct size 2. Retrieves preset entries from the database ------------------------------------------------------------------ B-6 Sample Installation Procedure Directory Service V3.5-317 file check The total number of files is 8. All files exist and are the correct size. End of Directory Service V3.5-317 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Starting the Directory Service The Directory Service V3.5-317 IVP was successful END OF DDS V3.5-317 IVP Shutting down Directory Service ================================================================== MANAGEMENT SERVICE V3.5-317 IVP This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for Management Service. It tests whether or not the Management Service is successfully installed on your system. The procedure checks that the Management Services files exist and that they are the correct size. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Management Service V3.5-317 file check The total number of files is 70. All files exist and are the correct size. End of Management Service V3.5-317 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Management Service V3.5-317 IVP was successful END OF MS V3.5-317 IVP ================================================================== Installation verification was successfully performed for all 3 components of Message Router Shutting down Management Service The Message Router V3.5-317 IVP completed successfully Installation of MR V3.5 completed at 18:55 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 18:55 Sample Installation Procedure B-7 Installation on a Node Where DECnet/OSI is Running $ @sys$update:vmsinstal mr035 DKA200: OPTIONS N OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 1-JUL-1998 at 11:03. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: MR V3.5 Beginning installation of MR V3.5 at 11:03 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1978, 1998. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Product: DECNET-VAX FULL or DECNET-VAX END Producer: DEC Version: 5.0 Release Date: 22-JUN-1989 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y * Do you want help text printed before every question [NO]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? * What device is to be used for the MBMANAGER account: dka200: * What is the UIC for the MBMANAGER account: [24,24] You will now be prompted for the password for the Message Router accounts, and then for a confirmation of the password. B-8 Sample Installation Procedure * What is the password for the Message Router accounts: * Confirm the password for the Message Router accounts: You have answered all the questions for the Message Router installation. Message Router is now being installed. The installation will take approximately 60 minutes depending on system configuration and media type. %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the MBMANAGER account %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the MBWATCH account %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the MRNET account %MR-I-CREACC, Creating the DDSNET account %MR-I-CHECDIRS, Checking directories %MR-I-DEVICE, Checking Message Router device DKA200: %MR-I-CHECQUOT, Checking quota use on DKA200: %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.MR] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.MR]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.MR.WRK] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.MR.WRK]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.MR.MSG1] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.MR.MSG1]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.MR.MSG2] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.MR.MSG2]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.MR.SCR] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.MR.SCR]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.MR.DB] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.MR.DB]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.MB] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.MB]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.TOOLS] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.TOOLS]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.MB.MB$COM] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.MB.MB$COM]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.MB.MB$WORK] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.MB.MB$WORK]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.MB.MB$SCRATCH] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.MB.MB$SCRATCH]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.DDS] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.DDS]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.DDS.WRK] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.DDS.WRK]. Sample Installation Procedure B-9 %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.DDS.SCR] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.DDS.SCR]. %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory DKA200:[MB$.DDS.DB] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DKA200:[MB$.DDS.DB]. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %MR-I-LNKDDS, Linking the DDS images %MR-I-LNKDDSMSG, ...Linking the DDS Message file %MR-I-LNKDDSSHAR, ...Linking the DDS shareable image %MR-I-LNKDDSSERV, ...Linking the DDS Server %MR-I-LNKDDSLSTN, ...Linking the DDS Listener %MR-I-LNKDDSEXTP, ...Linking the DDS external processors %MR-I-LNKDDSTMPUPD, ...Linking the DDS Template Update Utility %MR-I-SETDDSFILES, Setting DDS file ownership and protection %MR-I-ASGNDDSFILES, Assigning DDS files to target directories %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %MR-I-LNKMR, Linking the TS images %MR-I-LNKMRMSG, ...Linking the TS Message file %MR-I-LNKMRTALK, ...Linking the TS Talker %MR-I-LNKMRLSTN, ...Linking the TS Listener %MR-I-LNKMRMAN, ...Linking the TS Manager %LINK-I-DATMISMCH, creation date of 16-OCT-1997 12:17 in shareable image SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]LBRSHR.EXE;2 differs from date of 24-NOV-1996 19:18 in shareable image library SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]IMAGELIB.OLB;1 %MR-I-LNKMRLOG, ...Linking the TS Logger %MR-I-LNKMRSHAR, ...Linking the TS Shareable image %MR-I-LNKMRNBS, ...Linking the TS NBS Dump utility %MR-I-LNKMRSTATS, ...Linking the TS Statistics utility %MR-I-SETMRFILES, Setting TS file ownership and protection %MR-I-ASGNMRFILES, Assigning TS files to target directories %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G ... %MR-I-LNKMBMAN, Linking the MR Management images %MR-I-LNKMBUTIL, ...Linking the MB Utility %LINK-I-DATMISMCH, creation date of 16-OCT-1997 12:17 in shareable image SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]LBRSHR.EXE;2 B-10 Sample Installation Procedure differs from date of 24-NOV-1996 19:18 in shareable image library SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]IMAGELIB.OLB;1 %MR-I-LNKMBMAN, ...Linking the MB Manager %LINK-I-DATMISMCH, creation date of 16-OCT-1997 12:17 in shareable image SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]LBRSHR.EXE;2 differs from date of 24-NOV-1996 19:18 in shareable image library SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]IMAGELIB.OLB;1 %MR-I-LNKMBMSG, ...Linking the MB Message File %MR-I-CREMRDIR, Creating directory SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.MB] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.MB]. %MR-I-SETMBFILES, Setting MR Management file ownership and protection %MR-I-ASGNMBFILES, Assigning MR Management files to target directories The generation phase of the Message Router installation is now complete. In order to tailor Message Router to your requirements, you must use the configuration procedure, SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONFIG.COM. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... IVP for Message Router Version V3.5-317 This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for Message Router. It checks that the components of Message Router are installed successfully on your system. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1978, 1998. All rights reserved. Starting Management Service ----------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSFER SERVICE V3.5-317 IVP This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for the Transfer Service. It tests whether or not the Transfer Service is successfully installed on your system. The procedure starts by checking that all the files for the Transfer Service exist and are the correct size. It then starts MRMAN. The verification procedure creates a test mailbox, using the MRMAN utility, and sends a test message to the mailbox. The verification procedure fetches the test message from the mailbox and displays it, and then shuts down MRMAN. Sample Installation Procedure B-11 The IVP has not completed successfully until you have received this test message. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Transfer Service V3.5-317 file check The total number of files is 25. All files exist and are the correct size. End of Transfer Service V3.5-317 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is MRMAN V3.5-317 Starting Transfer Service This is MRMAN V3.5-317 %Added MB$TSIVP, This is MRMAN V3.5-317 %MRMAN-S-IDENTIFY, Using mailbox MB$TSIVP at node MOURYA % Message from: MB$TSIVP % Subject: TEST ************************************************** Output of this test message indicates that the Transfer Service V3.5-317 is installed successfully on your system. ************************************************** %Finished reading from mailbox MB$TSIVP %Directory entry MB$TSIVP deleted Shutting down the Transfer Service The Transfer Service V3.5-317 IVP was successful END OF TS V3.5-317 IVP ================================================================== DIRECTORY SERVICE V3.5-317 IVP This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for the Directory Service. It tests whether or not the Directory Service is successfully installed on your system. The procedure completes the following steps: 1. Checks that the Directory Service files exist and that they are the correct size 2. Retrieves preset entries from the database B-12 Sample Installation Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Service V3.5-317 file check The total number of files is 8. All files exist and are the correct size. End of Directory Service V3.5-317 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Starting the Directory Service The Directory Service V3.5-317 IVP was successful END OF DDS V3.5-317 IVP Shutting down Directory Service ================================================================== MANAGEMENT SERVICE V3.5-317 IVP This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for Management Service. It tests whether or not the Management Service is successfully installed on your system. The procedure checks that the Management Services files exist and that they are the correct size. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Management Service V3.5-317 file check The total number of files is 70. All files exist and are the correct size. End of Management Service V3.5-317 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Management Service V3.5-317 IVP was successful END OF MS V3.5-317 IVP ================================================================== Installation verification was successfully performed for all 3 components of Message Router Shutting down Management Service The Message Router V3.5-317 IVP completed successfully Installation of MR V3.5 completed at 11:14 Sample Installation Procedure B-13 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 11:15 B-14 Sample Installation Procedure C ________________________________________________________________ Location of the Message Router Software This appendix contains a description of the Message Router Directory structure and location of the Message Router files. It also lists the Message Router images that are installed with privileges. Figure C-1 shows the directory structure of the Message Router software. Tables C-1, C-2, C-3, and C-4 show the files that are installed by Message Router. When you have completed the installation, the Message Router software occupies about 10000 blocks of disk space. The file protection codes are the recommended settings that are issued in the distribution kit. Location of the Message Router Software C-1 Figure C-1 Message Router Directory Structure MB$ | | ------------------------------------------------------- | | | | MR DDS MB TOOLS | | | ---------------- ----------- ----------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | WRK DB SCR MSGn WRK DB SCR MB$WORK MB$COM MB$SCRATCH MIG0061 C-2 Location of the Message Router Software Table_C-1_Location_of_the_Transfer_Service_Files__________ Directory_and_File______________Protection_(S,O,G,W)______ SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] MRTALK.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MRLSTN.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MRLOG.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MRSTAT.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MRMAN.EXE (RWED,RWED,,) MRLISTEN.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) [MB$.MR.WRK] MRSTOP.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,) MB$TALK_RUN_TEMPLATE.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$TALK_SCHEDULE_TEMPLATE.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$TALK_NOTIFY_TEMPLATE.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$TALK_RUN_DEF.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MRMWRK.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MR$NODES_DEF.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] MRAPPSHAR.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MRSHAR.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG] MRMSG.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MRAPPMSG.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] MB$TALK_NOTIFY_DEF.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) (continued on next page) Location of the Message Router Software C-3 Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Location_of_the_Transfer_Service_Files__ Directory_and_File______________Protection_(S,O,G,W)______ MB$TALK_SCHEDULE_DEF.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MR$TIDY.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) [MB$.TOOLS] MR$COMPRESS.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$REPOST.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MRNBSDMP.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MR$CVP.DAT______________________(RWED,RE,RE,RE)___________ C-4 Location of the Message Router Software Table_C-2_Location_of_the_Management_Service_Files________ Directory_and_File______________Protection_(S,O,G,W)______ SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.MB] MB$CVP.COM (RWED,RE,RE,) MB$CVPSETUP.COM (RWED,RE,RE,) MB$CVPFILES.COM (RWED,RE,RE,) MB$DDSCVP.COM (RWED,RE,RE,) MB$MSCVP.COM (RWED,RE,RE,) MB$TSCVP.COM (RWED,RE,RE,) SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG] XPORTMSG.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$MSG_CONFIG.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$MSG.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] MB$CONFIG.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$TS_CONFIG.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$DDS_CONFIG.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$ER_CONFIG.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$A1_CONFIG.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$CONTROL.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$ER_START.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$ER_STOP.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$MS_START.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$MS_STOP.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$TS_START.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$TS_STOP.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$LOCATION.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$CONFIG.FDL (RWED,RWED,RE,) MB$$DDS_START.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) (continued on next page) Location of the Message Router Software C-5 Table C-2 (Cont.) Location of the Management Service __________________Files___________________________________ Directory_and_File______________Protection_(S,O,G,W)______ MB$$DDS_STOP.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$MS_CONFIG.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$CNFTXN.FDL (RWED,RWED,RE,) MB$DDS_ADD_TEMPLATE.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$DDS_UPDATE_TEMPLATE.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) [MB$.TOOLS] MB$LOCATION_TEMPLATE.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$CVP.DAT (RWED,RE,RE,RE) MB$MBMANAGER.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$MBWATCH.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] MB$CONFIG.HLB (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MRMAN.HLB (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MBMAN.HLB (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$A1_CONFIG.HLB (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) [MB$.MB.MB$COM] MB$INIT.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$MAILER.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$ADDREP.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$CHECKDEV.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$ERRORS.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$TS_ER.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$DDS_ER.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$NET_ER.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$A1_ER.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) (continued on next page) C-6 Location of the Message Router Software Table C-2 (Cont.) Location of the Management Service __________________Files___________________________________ Directory_and_File______________Protection_(S,O,G,W)______ MB$A1_ERRORS.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) [MB$.MB.MB$WORK] MB$VERSION.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$MR$CONFIG$CUSTOMIZED.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$A1$CONFIG$CUSTOMIZED.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$MR$CONFIG$DEFAULT.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$A1$CONFIG$DEFAULT.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$STOP.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$CACHE_AIF.FDL (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$CACHE_DB.FDL (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$INQUE.FDL (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$NETQUE.FDL (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$NIF.FDL (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$OUTQUE.FDL (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$PERM_AIF.FDL (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$PERM_DB.FDL (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] MBMAN.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MBUTIL.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$MRNET.COM (RWED,RWED,RWED,RE) MB$DDSNET.COM___________________(RWED,RWED,RWED,RE)_______ Location of the Message Router Software C-7 Table_C-3_Location_of_the_Directory_Service_Files_________ Directory_and_Files_____________Protection_(S,O,G,W)______ SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] DDS$TIDY.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$DEFER.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$REFRESH.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$START.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$BACKUP.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] DDS$SERV.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$LSTN.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] DDS$SHAR.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$CALLOUT.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG] DDS$MSG.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) [MB$.TOOLS] DDS$COMPRESS.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) DDS$CVP.DAT_____________________(RWED,RE,RE,RE)___________ C-8 Location of the Message Router Software Table C-4 Location of the Help Libraries and Release __________Notes___________________________________________ Directory_and_Files_____________Protection_(S,O,G,W)______ SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] MR035.RELEASE_NOTES (RWED,RWED,RWED,RE) MB$CONFIG.HLB (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MBMAN.HLB (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MRMAN.HLB_______________________(RWED,RWED,RE,RE)_________ For Version 3.5 reinstallations, any existing messages are moved to new message areas. Standard files are moved into the new database structure, but the old directories (with any extra files they held) are not deleted. Table C-5 shows the Message Router images that are in- stalled with privileges and their associated privileges. Table_C-5_Message_Router_Images_Installed_with_Privileges_ Installed_Image__Privileges_______________________________ DDS$LSTN CMKRNL, SYSNAM, DETACH, TMPMBX, OPER, NETMBX, SYSGBL, SYSPRV, SYSLCK DDS$SERV CMKRNL, SYSNAM, DETACH, TMPMBX, OPER, NETMBX, SYSGBL, SYSPRV, SYSLCK MBMAN CMKRNL, SYSGBL, SYSPRV, BYPASS, SYSLCK MBUTIL SYSGBL, SYSPRV, BYPASS, SYSLCK MRLOG SYSNAM, GROUP, PRMMBX, OPER, NETMBX, SYSLCK MRLSTN CMKRNL, SYSNAM, GROUP, WORLD, OPER, EXQUOTA, NETMBX, SYSPRV, SYSLCK MRMAN CMKRNL, DETACH, GROUP, PRMMBX, WORLD, OPER, EXQUOTA, NETMBX, SYSPRV, SYSLCK MRTALK CMKRNL, DETACH, GROUP, PRMMBX, WORLD, _________________OPER,_EXQUOTA,_NETMBX,_SYSPRV,_SYSLCK____ Location of the Message Router Software C-9 ________________________________________________________________ Index A__________________________ F__________________________ Account Quotas, 2-3 Free blocks required, 2-2 B__________________________ H__________________________ Back up, 2-5, 3-3 Help, 3-1, 3-5 C__________________________ I__________________________ Configuration, 1-3 Installation Message Router, 1-1 after, 5-1 passing on information, help, 3-1 5-1 Message Router, 1-1 procedure, 1-3 overview, 1-3 preparing for, 2-1, 2-5 D__________________________ procedure, 3-5 DECnet, 2-1 reinstallation, 2-8 license, 1-1, 2-1, 2-2 sample, B-1 DECnet/OSI, 2-1 starting, 3-1 Digital time, 1-3 how to contact, 1-4 upgrade, 2-8 Directory Service, 1-1 VAXcluster, 2-8 Distribution kit Installation save sets checking, 2-1 list of files, A-1 installation verification E__________________________ procedure Errors see IVP installation, 1-4 IVP, 1-3, 1-4, 3-6 reporting, 1-4 overview, 4-1 question, 3-6 running, 4-1 setting VERIFY, 4-4 Index-1 Purging, 3-6 L__________________________ License, 2-2 Q__________________________ License Management Utility, Quota 3-5 account, 2-3 Licensing Message Router, 1-1 R__________________________ M Removing software from ___________________________ OpenVMS, 5-2 MAILbus Reporting errors, 1-4 shutting down, 2-10 Running the IVP, 4-1 Management Service, 1-1 MBMANAGER S__________________________ password, 2-7 Sample installation, B-1 UIC, 2-7 Shutting down Message Router MAILbus, 2-10 components, 1-1 Message Router, 2-10 reinstallation, 3-6 shutting down, 2-10 Software Product Message traffic, 2-6 Description MicroVAX see SPD checking software is Software versions installed, 2-2 OpenVMS, 2-2 removing software, 5-2 SPD, 2-1 Starting installation, 3-1 O__________________________ Support Center, 1-4 OpenVMS SYSGEN parameters, 2-4 software version, 2-2 T ___________________________ P__________________________ Transfer Service, 1-1 PAK, 2-2 U Password ___________________________ MBMANAGER account, 2-7 UIC, 3-6 Message Router accounts, MBMANAGER account, 2-7 3-6 Preparing V__________________________ for installation, 2-1 VAXcluster VAXcluster, 2-8 preparing for Prerequisite software and installation, 2-8 hardware, 2-1 VMSINSTAL, 1-3, 3-1 Product Authorization Key invoking, 3-2 See also PAK Index-2 VMSTAILOR, 2-3, 5-2 Index-3