DECosap_for_DIGITAL_UNIX____________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-Q0P4B-TE March 1997 This guide contains instructions for installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 on a DIGITAL UNIX (Alpha AXP architecture) system. Revision/Update Information: This is a new document for the current release. Operating System and Version: DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.2 Software Version: DECosap/AP and DECosap /H1 Version 3.1 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ First Printing, October 1993 Revised, February 1996 Revised, March 1997 © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha AXP, BASEstar, DEC, DECmessageQ, DECnet, DECnet-DOS, DECosap, DEComni, DIGITAL, DIGITAL UNIX, FMS, LN03, MicroVAX, NAS, OpenVMS, OpenVMS Alpha, PATHWORKS, PDAS, Rdb/VMS, ReGIS, ThinWire, TK, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXcluster, VAX COBOL, VAX FORTRAN, VAX Pascal, VAX RMS, VMS/ULTRIX Connection, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Excel is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of IBM Corp. INGRES is a trademark of Ingres Corp. LOTUS 1-2-3 is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corp. MS, Microsoft, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Network File System and NFS are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ORACLE is a trademark of Oracle Corp. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. SINEC AP, SINEC H1, SICOMP, Simatic, SINEC, SINUMERIK and SIROTEC are registered trademarks of Siemens, AG. UNIX is a registered trademark licensed exclusively by X /Open Company Ltd. Windows, Windows NT and Windows 95 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Wonderware InTouch is a registered trademark of Wonderware Corporation. X/Open is a registered trademark of the X/Open Company Limited This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... vii Part I Installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 1 Preparing for DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 Installation 1.1 Release Notes.................................... 1-1 1.2 License Registration............................. 1-1 1.3 Checking the Media Software Distribution Kit..... 1-3 1.4 Installation Procedure Requirements.............. 1-3 1.4.1 Checking Login Privileges ..................... 1-3 1.4.2 Hardware Requirements ......................... 1-3 1.4.3 Software Requirements ......................... 1-4 1.4.4 Configuring DECnet for DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 DIGITAL UNIX........................ 1-5 1.4.5 Determining Which Subsets to Load ............. 1-6 1.4.6 Determining Disk Space Requirements ........... 1-6 1.4.7 Increasing the Disk Space Available for Installation................................... 1-9 1.5 Backing Up Your System Disk...................... 1-10 1.6 Stopping the Installation........................ 1-10 1.7 Getting Help and Reporting Problems.............. 1-10 2 Installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 2.1 Installing the CD-ROM Media...................... 2-1 2.2 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts..... 2-2 2.2.1 Selecting Subsets ............................. 2-2 2.2.2 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process........................................ 2-3 iii 3 Completing the Installation 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure.. 3-1 3.2 Location of Example Programs..................... 3-1 3.3 Deleting DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 from Your System........................................... 3-2 Part II Appendices A Files Installed on Your System A.1 Files Installed by the SAPINT310 Subset.......... A-1 A.2 Files Installed by the SAPMAN310 Subset.......... A-2 A.3 Files Installed by the SH1INT310 Subset.......... A-2 A.4 Files Installed by the SH1MAN310 Subset.......... A-3 B Sample Listings B.1 Installation on an AXP System Using Disk Media... B-1 B.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure for DECosap/AP Omni Services for SINEC AP............ B-3 B.3 Sample Installation Verification Procedure for DECosap/H1 Omni Services for SINEC H1............ B-13 Tables 1-1 Pre-requisite Software ........................ 1-4 1-2 Required Subsets .............................. 1-5 1-3 Worksheet for Disk Space Requirements (Kilobytes) During the Installation............ 1-7 1-4 Worksheet for Disk Space Requirements (Kilobytes) for Permanent Use.................. 1-7 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface Purpose of this Guide This guide describes how to install the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 software for DIGITAL UNIX. The installation procedure creates DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX file systems subordinate to the /usr/opt and /usr/var /opt directories and loads DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX software subsets. Intended Audience This manual is intended for system managers responsible for installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 on DIGITAL UNIX. You must be familiar with the DIGITAL UNIX installation procedure. Structure of this Document This manual is organized as follows: o Chapter 1 describes the operating system and hardware requirements for installation and related procedures that you must complete before installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX. o Chapter 2 describes the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX installation procedure. o Chapter 3 describes the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and any post-installation tasks that you must complete in order to use DECosap/AP and DECosap /H1 for DIGITAL UNIX. o Appendix A describes the hierarchy and contents of the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 directories on a DIGITAL UNIX system. vii o Appendix B contains a sample log of a DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 installation on a DIGITAL UNIX system. DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 Documentation Set The DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 documentation set also includes the following manual: o DECosap for OSF/1 AXP Network Manager's and Programmer's Guide[1] Conventions This manual uses the following conventions: ___________________________________________________________ Convention____Meaning______________________________________ DECosap/AP The term " DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1" refers and DECosap to the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 product or /H1 to functions and services provided by the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 software. DIGITAL UNIX The term " DIGITAL UNIX" refers to the DIGITAL UNIX product or to operations and functions performed by the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. # The DIGITAL UNIX superuser prompt. NODE> The DIGITAL UNIX user prompt is the node name with a right angle bracket (>). // Slashes are part of the directory specification /directory_name/ on DIGITAL UNIX systems. UPPERCASE, The DIGITAL UNIX system differentiates lowercase between uppercase and lowercase characters. Literal strings that appear in descriptions, examples, or command syntax must be entered exactly as shown. Boldface Boldface type emphasizes user input to system type prompts. ____________________ [1] OSF/1 is now referred to as DIGITAL UNIX viii ___________________________________________________________ Convention____Meaning______________________________________ system This typeface indicates system output in output interactive examples. / Hold down the key while you press another key, indicated here by . italic type Italic type emphasizes important information and indicates the complete titles of documents. n A lowercase italic n indicates the generic use of a number. x A lowercase italic x indicates the generic use of a letter. argument, . . .Indicates that multiple arguments can be used in a command string if separated by commas. . Vertical ellipses (dots) in examples . represent data that has been omitted for ._____________clarity._____________________________________ ix Part I _________________________________________________________________ Installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 This part contains three chapters that divide the installation process into the following sections: o Pre-installation tasks - describing the tasks and checks you must perform before beginning the installation of DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1. o The installation procedure o Post-installation tasks - describing the tasks you must perform immediately after the installation of DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1. 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing for DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 Installation Before starting the installation procedures in Chapter 2, you should complete the preparation requirements outlined in this chapter. This chapter provides the necessary information to make your installation run smoothly. 1.1 Release Notes Your documentation includes the DECosap/AP and DECosap /H1 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes, which you should read before installing and using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the application. After you install the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX software, you can also access the online release notes in the form of an ASCII text file by entering either of the following commands: # more /usr/opt/osh1_310/doc/relnotes.txt # more /usr/opt/osap_310/doc/relnotes.txt Postscript versions of the document are also provided in the following directories: o /usr/opt/osh1_310/doc/ o /usr/opt/osap_310/doc/ 1.2 License Registration DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX includes support for the DIGITAL UNIX License Management Facility (LMF). A License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) must be registered in the License Database (LDB) in order to use DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX on a newly- licensed node. The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on 1-1 your license order. If you are installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX as an update on a node already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. If you are installing pre-requisite or optional software along with DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for any pre- requisite or optional software before you install DECosap /AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX. To register a license under the DIGITAL UNIX system, first log in as superuser. You then have a choice of two ways to perform the PAK registration in the License Database (LDB): o Before installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX At the superuser prompt, edit an empty PAK template with the lmf register command and include all the information on your License PAK as follows: # lmf register o After installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 At the superuser prompt, edit the partially completed PAK template in /usr/var/adm/lmf/template with the lmf register command to add your unique License PAK information as follows: # lmf register - < /usr/var/adm/lmf/template template is the LMF product name on the License PAK, as follows: - DECOSAP-AP - DECOSAP-AP-USER - DECOSAP-H1 - DECOSAP-H1-USER After you register your license, use the following lmf reset command to copy the license details from the License Database (LDB) to the kernel cache: # lmf reset 1-2 1.3 Checking the Media Software Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX software distribution kit. The kit includes this installation guide and the CDROM optical disk for Alpha systems with RRD40 optical disk drives. Your kit may also include a letter entitled DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes Addendum or Read Before Installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1. This letter provides information that is important for you to know before installing the product and may not be included in this installation guide or release notes. If you have this letter, please read it now. 1.4 Installation Procedure Requirements Installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) on your DIGITAL UNIX system takes approximately 3 to 6 minutes. 1.4.1 Checking Login Privileges You must be able to log in as superuser on the system where you are installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 DIGITAL UNIX. Only when you are logged in as superuser do you have sufficient privileges to install the DECosap/AP and DECosap /H1 software. 1.4.2 Hardware Requirements To perform the installation, you require a minimum hardware configuration as indicated in your Software Product Description (SPD). You need at least the following hardware items: o A supported Alpha AXP processor (see the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX SPD for details) o A terminal o A supported network communications device (see the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Description for details) o Sufficient free disk space as described in Section 1.4.6 1-3 Check the SPD to see if there are further hardware requirements that apply to your particular application. 1.4.3 Software Requirements DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 requires the DIGITAL UNIX operating system Version 3.2 or higher. Future DECosap /AP and DECosap/H1 releases for DIGITAL UNIX may require higher versions of the operating system, as described in the online release notes or the Read Before Installing or Using Letter. Table 1-1 provides information on the software you must have installed on your system before installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX. The table also includes information about optional software that you can use together with DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX. The System Support Addendum (SSA) contains a complete list of pre-requisite and optional software and their required version numbers. Table_1-1_Pre-requisite_Software___________________________ Software_Products___Purpose________________________________ DIGITAL UNIX Operating system services Version 3.2, 4.0 DECnet/OSI for OSI Network Services DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.1 DEComni API Application Programming Interface Version_3.1________________________________________________ DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX requires the following subsets, from the software products listed in Table 1-1, to be loaded on the system where you will install it: 1-4 Table_1-2_Required_Subsets_________________________________ Subset_Name_________Comment________________________________ OSFBASE320 or Always required OSFBASE400 OSFDCMT320 or Required only to install the online OSFDCM400 reference pages DNABASE320 or Always required DNABASE400 DOUBASE310__________Always_required________________________ To check whether the subsets are loaded, do the following: 1. Log in to the system where you will install DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1. 2. Enter the following commands: # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep OSFBASE # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep OSFDCMT # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep DNABASE # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep DOUBASE Check the displayed rows for the name of the relevant subset and any patches. The word "installed" appears in a row after the subset identifier when a subset is loaded. If the word "installed" does not appear (the second column in a row is blank), the subset or patch is not loaded. In this case, you must load the missing DIGITAL UNIX software before installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1. 1.4.4 Configuring DECnet for DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 DIGITAL UNIX Before you can use DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX with an external device, you must: o Configure a routing circuit for NULL-INTERNET. o Specify the same inactive area address as that for the routing circuit. If you run the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 DIGITAL UNIX installation procedure but the NULL-INTERNET address is not configured, a warning message is displayed (see Section 2.2.2). 1-5 1.4.5 Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX subsets you want to load. The DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX subsets have the following titles: o DECosap/AP Omni Services for SINEC AP This provides a software environment for the development of DIGITAL UNIX applications that access and handle SINEC-AP devices, using the facilities of the DEComni high-level application programming interface. The subset name is SAPINT310. o DECosap/AP Manual Pages This provides the online manual pages for the DECosap SINEC-AP extensions to the DEComni API. The subset name is SAPMAN310. o DECosap/H1 Omni Services for SINEC H1 This provides a software environment for the development of DIGITAL UNIX applications that access and handle SINEC-H1 devices, using the facilities of the DEComni high-level application programming interface. The subset name is SH1INT310. o DECosap/H1 Manual Pages This provides the online manual pages for the DECosap SINEC-H1 extensions to the DEComni API. The subset name is SH1MAN310. 1.4.6 Determining Disk Space Requirements Tables 1-3 and 1-4 list the disk space requirements for loading DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX software subsets. They specify disk space requirements by file system for the convenience of those doing installations on systems where these file systems are mount points for different disk partitions. 1-6 Table 1-3 Worksheet for Disk Space Requirements (Kilobytes) __________During_the_Installation________________________________ /usr Subset /var Subset_Title_______________Name________/___________/usr/opt____/opt DECosap/AP Omni Services SAPINT310 5,100 22,800 40,000 for SINEC AP DECosap/AP Manual Pages SAPMAN310 0 200 300 DECosap/H1 Omni Services SH1INT310 5,200 16,000 40,000 for SINEC H1 DECosap/H1 Manual Pages SH1MAN310 0 200 300 Totals: (10,300) (39,200) (80,600[1]) [1]_If_you_are_installing_all_the_subsets_in_one_operation,_the__ disk space occupation becomes 50,000 Kilobytes. _________________________________________________________________ Table 1-4 Worksheet for Disk Space Requirements (Kilobytes) for __________Permanent_Use__________________________________________ /usr Subset /var Subset_Title_______________Name________/___________/usi/opt____/opt DECosap/AP Omni Services SAPINT310 0 10,000 1,200 for SINEC AP DECosap/AP Manual Pages SAPMAN310 0 200 10 DECosap/H1 Omni Services SH1INT310 0 10,000 1,200 for SINEC H1 DECosap/H1 Manual Pages SH1MAN310 0 200 10 Totals:________________________________(0)_________(20,400)____(2420) Using these tables, total the values for the subsets that you plan to load in each system. 1-7 Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX files will reside. To determine the current amount of free space for a directory path, log in to the system where you plan to install DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX. You can check which file systems are mounted and where they are by displaying the file /etc/fstab. For example: # more /etc/fstab /dev/rd0a:/:rw:1:1:ufs:: /dev/rd0g:/usr:rw:1:2:ufs:: /usr/staff/r1/leslie@bigsys:/usr/staff/r1/leslie:rw:0:0:nfs:bg: /usr/man@bigsys:/usr/man:ro:0:0:nfs:bg: The display indicates that /usr (mounted to /dev/rd0g) is the only mount point that affects where DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX files will reside. The system has only one local disk drive and the /usr/opt and /usr/var /opt file systems reside in the g partition of the disk on that drive. Enter the df command to determine total space and free space for the one or two file systems where DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 files will reside. Given the previous display of the /etc/fstab file, which shows that only /usr is a mount point, you need to check free space only in the /usr file system, as follows: # df -k /usr Filesystem Total kbytes kbytes % node kbytes used free used Mounted on /dev/rd0g 122598 54447 75892 49% /usr This display indicates that there are 75892Kb free. This free space must accommodate subset requirements listed in table 1-3 for both the /usr/opt and /usr/var/opt file systems. On systems where /usr/var/opt and /usr/opt are mounted to different devices from /usr, enter the following command: # df -k /usr/opt /usr/var/opt 1-8 In this case, you compare space required for DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 files in /usr/opt to the free space displayed in the first line of the df output list, and you compare the space required for DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX files in /usr/var/opt to the free space displayed in the second line of that list. 1.4.7 Increasing the Disk Space Available for Installation The DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX installation procedure creates the following directories and loads files into subordinate directories: o If you load SAPINT310: /usr/opt/osap_310 /usr/var/opt/osap_310 o If you load SAPMAN310: /usr/opt/osh1_310 /usr/var/opt/osh1_310 If the osap_310 (or osh1_310) directory node in the previous paths does not exist, the installation procedure creates it. If the osap_310 (or osh1_310) node in the previous paths does exist, the installation procedure uses it. If you find that there is insufficient disk space for the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX subsets, and know that you have additional space on alternative disks or disk partitions for your system, perform the following steps before installing DECosap/AP and DECosap /H1 for DIGITAL UNIX: 1. Log in as superuser. 2. Create the directory: - /usr/opt/osap_310, /usr/var/opt/osap_310, or both, if you are installing SAPINT310 - /usr/opt/osh1_310, /usr/var/opt/osh1_310, or both, if you are installing SAPMAN310 3. Specify in the /etc/fstab file that one or more of the newly created directories are mount points to new disk partitions where there is additional space. 1-9 4. Enter the mount -a command so that the new mount points take effect. 1.5 Backing Up Your System Disk Digital recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software. For details of how to perform a system disk backup, see your DIGITAL UNIX documentation. 1.6 Stopping the Installation You can stop the installation procedure any time by using /. However, files created up to this point are not deleted automatically. You must delete these files interactively. Appendix A lists the files and directories created during the installation procedure. 1.7 Getting Help and Reporting Problems If an error occurs while you are using DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1, and you believe the error is the result of a problem associated with the product, take one of the following actions: o If you have a basic or DECsupport Software Agreement, call your Customer Support Center (CSC). The CSC provides telephone support for high-level advisory and remedial assistance. o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o If you purchased the product within the last 90 days and you think the problem is caused by a software error, you can submit an SPR. If you submit an SPR, please take the following steps: 1. Describe as accurately as possible the circumstances and state of the system when the problem occurred. Include the description and version number of DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 that you were using. Demonstrate the problem with specific examples. 2. Reduce the problem to as small a size as possible. 3. Remember to include listings of any command files, include files, relevant data files, and so forth. 1-10 4. Provide a listing of the program. 5. If the program is longer than 50 lines, submit a copy of it on machine-readable media (floppy diskette or magnetic tape). If necessary, also submit a copy of the program library used to build the application. 6. Report only one problem per SPR. This will facilitate a faster response. 7. Mail the SPR package to DIGITAL. Experience shows that many SPRs do not contain enough information to duplicate or identify the problem. Concise, complete information helps DIGITAL give accurate and timely service to software problems. If you find an error in the DECosap/AP and DECosap /H1 documentation, send an electronic mail message to 1-11 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 This chapter describes the installation procedure for DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1. Before starting the installation, read Chapter 1, which describes general operations and requirements for installing the product. The installation procedure describes how to install DECosap /AP and DECosap/H1 locally. In a local (node-specific) installation, the system on which you install the product uses its own disks to run it. The installation procedure loads DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 files onto the disks that belong to the system where you perform the installation. When DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 is run, its executable files are mapped into memory on the same system. 2.1 Installing the CD-ROM Media Start the installation procedure as follows: 1. Mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you are installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX. 3. Make sure that you are at the root (/) directory by entering the following command: # cd / 4. Specify the /mnt directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. If your drive is ral, enter the following command: # mount -dr /dev/rz4c /mnt 5. Enter a setld command that specifies the load function (-l) and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 subsets are located. 2-1 For example, if the directory location for these subsets is /mnt/OSAP310, enter the following command: # setld -l /mnt/OSAP310 2.2 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts This section explains the installation procedure prompts and displays. 2.2.1 Selecting Subsets After you enter the setld command for local (node-specific) installations, the installation procedure displays the names of the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 subsets and asks you to specify the subsets that you want to load: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DECosap/AP Omni Services for SINEC AP 2) DECosap/AP Manual Pages 3) DECosap/H1 Omni Services for SINEC H1 4) DECosap/H1 Manual Pages Or you may choose one of the following options: 5) ALL of the above 6) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 7) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. Next, the script lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 5 in response to the previous prompt, you will see the following display: 2-2 You are installing the following subsets: DECosap/AP Omni Services for SINEC AP DECosap/AP Manual Pages DECosap/H1 Omni Services for SINEC H1 DECosap/H1 Manual Pages Is this correct? (y/n): If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the subset selection menu is again displayed, and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y. 2.2.2 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process The procedure displays a message that the installation is starting: Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. Installation procedure for: The installation procedure continues. If you are running the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX installation procedure but the NULL-INTERNET address was not configured, the following message appears: Configuring SAPINT310 The null-internet is not configured for DECnet/OSI on this system, it must be configured in order to use DECosap for Digital UNIX. The proposed inactive area (null-internet) address is: { 49::FF-FF }. Use this address, unless it is already used on the network your system is connected to, or an address supplied by your network manager. If you are unsure about the address to use, please accept the proposed value. To change the address permanently, edit the file /var/dna/script/start_routing.ncl and include this address. Please enter the inactive area address or press Return to accept the proposed value [ 49::FF-FF ] : You can run the IVP or you can run it later using the following command: setld -v subsetname 2-3 It is recommended that you run the IVP to verify the installation. Do you want to run the IVP now ? (y/n) If you do not wish to run the IVP now, enter n. (To run the IVP after installation, see Chapter 3.) The installation procedure completes. If you wish to run the IVP now, enter y. To continue with the IVP, see Chapter 3. Appendix B contains the full listings for sample installation procedure. Chapter 3 discusses the post-installation requirements specified in the final informational messages from the procedure. If, during the course of the installation, you encounter errors from the setld utility, see the Diagnostics section of the setld(8) reference page for an explanation of the error and the appropriate action to take. If the verification process fails, you can look in the file /var/adm/smlogs/fverify.log to find information that can help you diagnose the problem. 2-4 3 _________________________________________________________________ Completing the Installation This chapter explains what you need to do after the installation to make DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX ready for use and describes how to access the DECosap /AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX documentation. 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure After installing DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX, you should run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) independently to verify that the software is correctly installed and ready to use on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1. To run the IVP, enter one of the following commands: # setld -v SAPINT310 # setld -v SH1INT310 For a complete sample DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 IVP, see Appendix B. 3.2 Location of Example Programs Several example programs are shipped with the DEComni BASE subsets. These files are located in the directory: o /var/opt/osap_310/examples for SAPINT310 o /var/opt/osh1_310/examples for SAPMAN310 3-1 3.3 Deleting DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 from Your System If you must remove a version of DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 from your system, delete each subset that you previously installed. To delete subsets: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root). 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: # cd / 3. Enter the following form of the setld command: # setld -i | grep SAP or # setld -i | grep SH1 4. Look for the word "installed" in the listing produced, then delete the installed subsets. For example: # setld -d SAPINT310 # setld -d SH1INT310 3-2 Part II _________________________________________________________________ Appendices This section contains the following appendices: o Files Installed on Your System o Sample Listings A _________________________________________________________________ Files Installed on Your System Section A.1 and Section A.2 list the DECosap/AP and DECosap /H1 for DIGITAL UNIX directories and files installed by the DECosap/AP Omni Services for SINEC AP. Section A.3 and Section A.4 list the DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 directories and files installed by the DECosap/AP Manual Pages. A.1 Files Installed by the SAPINT310 Subset /var/opt/osap_310/examples client.c many_connections.c many_connections.csh osap_create_definition.c osap_domain_services.c osap_get_var_attr.c osap_ivp osap_ivp.c osap_pi_services.c osap_unsolst.c osap_unsolst_server.c osap_vmd_services.c runivp_ap server.c switch_board.c /usr/opt/osap_310/lib libosap_ap.a libosap_spt.a /usr/opt/osap_310/include omni_integrator2_defs_include.h osap_codes.h A-1 /usr/opt/osap_310/doc relnotes.txt A.2 Files Installed by the SAPMAN310 Subset /usr/share/man/man3 /omni_define.3sap omni_exchange_data.3sap omni_get_definition.3sap omni_get_handle_by_name.3sap omni_get_handle_list.3sap omni_get_indications.3sap omni_get_value.3sap omni_listen.3sap omni_modify_definition.3sap omni_put_value.3sap omni_send_value.3sap A.3 Files Installed by the SH1INT310 Subset /var/opt/osh1_310/examples client.c many_connections.c many_connections.csh osap_create_definition.c osap_domain_services.c osap_pi_services.c osap_vmd_services.c osh1_ivp osh1_ivp.c runivp_h1 server.c switch_board.c /usr/opt/osh1_310/lib libosap_h1.a libosap_spt.a A-2 /usr/opt/osh1_310/include omni_integrator3_defs_include.h osh1_codes.h /usr/opt/osh1_310/doc relnotes.txt A.4 Files Installed by the SH1MAN310 Subset /usr/share/man/man3 omni_define.3sh1 omni_exchange_data.3sh1 omni_get_definition.3sh1 omni_get_handle_by_name.3sh1 omni_get_handle_list.3sh1 omni_get_indications.3sh1 omni_get_value.3sh1 omni_listen.3sh1 omni_modify_definition.3sh1 omni_put_value.3sh1 omni_send_value.3sh1 A-3 B _________________________________________________________________ Sample Listings This appendix provides sample listings for the following procedures: o An installation of DECosap/AP and DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX on an AXP Alpha system using disk media o An Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) B.1 Installation on an AXP System Using Disk Media The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DECosap/AP Omni Services for SINEC AP 2) DECosap/AP Reference Pages 3) DECosap/H1 Omni Services for SINEC H1 4) DECosap/H1 Reference Pages Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 5 You are installing the following optional subsets: DECosap/AP Omni Services for SINEC AP DECosap/AP Reference Pages DECosap/H1 Omni Services for SINEC H1 DECosap/H1 Reference Pages Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: B-1 File system space checked OK. Copyright (C) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. DECosap/H1 Omni Services for SINEC H1 Copying from . (disk) Verifying Copyright (C) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. DECosap/AP Omni Services for SINEC AP Copying from . (disk) Verifying Copyright (C) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. DECosap/AP Reference Pages Copying from . (disk) Verifying B-2 Installation procedure for SH1INT310. SH1INT310 software successfully installed. The null-internet is not configured for DECnet/OSI on this system, it must be configured in order to use DECosap (H1) for DEC OSF/1 AXP. The proposed inactive area (null-internet) address is: { 49::FF-FF }. Use this address, unless it is already used on the network your system is connected to, or an address supplied by your network manager. If you are unsure about the address to use, please accept the proposed value. To change the address permanently, edit the file /var/dna/script/start_routing.ncl and include this address. Please enter the inactive area address or press Return to accept the proposed value [ 49::FF-FF ] : B.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure for DECosap/AP Omni Services for SINEC AP Checking file system space required to install specified subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (C) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. DECosap/AP Omni Services for SINEC AP Copying from . (disk) Verifying Installation procedure for SAPINT310. SAPINT310 software successfully installed. Configuring "DECosap/AP Omni Services for SINEC AP" (SAPINT310) Installation configuration procedure for SAPINT310. B-3 Checking your system configuration and configuring DECosap SINEC AP services for DEComni. This will take a few minutes and requires your attention, please stand by. Adding DECosap SINEC AP services to DEComni. This will take a few minutes, please stand by. It is recommended that you run the IVP to verify the installation: you can run it now by replying 'yes' to the following question, or you can run it later using the following command: setld -v SAPINT310 Do you want to run the IVP now ? (y/n) y DECosap for Digital UNIX V3.1 - Building IVP DECosap for Digital UNIX V3.1 - Starting IVP DECosap for Digital UNIX V3.1 - Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) IVP: omni_server is not active ... starting omni_server Startup procedure for: DEComni for Digital UNIX V3.1 ****************************************************** * omni_startup now calling the ods_startup procedure * ****************************************************** Checking for required directories ... Checking for required files ... Checking cache area /ods/cache/ ... /ods/cache/ods_cache_5.dat: Compressed by 7.14% [11 entries] /ods/cache/ods_cache_13.dat: Compressed by 8.00% [8 entries] Checking Schema area /ods/local/ ... Valid Schema definitions found in the attribute schema database as: OC ALIASED_NAME CN C L S O OU P_ADDR APC OWNER APT AEQ MAPV SY OBJ_ID BER PSAP SSAP TSAP N_ADDR AS_LIST DESCR VMD DOM DEL VN APPSN APROF VERSION NLEVEL MAX_CALLED MAX_CALLING MAX_SEG CBB_LIST SS_LIST VENDOR MODEL REV INUM DN SHARE CONT_FILE CAP_FILE PN REUSE ARG MON DOM_LIST VAR ATYPE ADDR_T ADDR_V NETADDRESS RESPTIMER COMPLTIMER MUX NEGOTIATION Valid Schema definitions found in the object class schema database as: TOP ALIAS C L O OU AP AE DSA DEVICE TAE OAE AS VMD DOMAIN PI NVAR UNVAR OSAP ODS_STARTUP: Normal completion. B-4 ****************************************************** * omni_startup now calling the omni_schema procedure * ****************************************************** Normal Completion. ************************************************* * omni_startup now registering the omniview VMD * ************************************************* The omniview VMD (omni_local_vmd) is already registered. ******************************************************** omni_startup: now starting the omni_server daemon...DONE. pid: 5999 ******************************************************** The DEComni for Digital UNIX V3.1 startup has successfully completed. IVP: defining VMD's for IVP IVP: starting the application server OSAPIVPS - create_vmd: OSAPIVPC (OSAPIVPC) OSAPIVPS - create_vmd: OSAPIVPS (OSAPIVPS) OSAPIVPS - create_domain: SIMATIC_S5 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - create_domain: OSAP_DOM1 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - create_domain: OSAP_DOM3 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - create_pi: OSAP_PI1 () on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - create_message: LocalMessage (1024 bytes max message) on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - create_message: RemoteMessage (1024 bytes max message) on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Bool on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_BOOL on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int8 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT8 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int32 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT32 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un8 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN8 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un32 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN32 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_FP on OSAPIVPS B-5 OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_FP on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_BS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_BS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_OS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_VS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_VS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_TI on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_TI on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_TD on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_TD on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArBool on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARBOOL on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT8 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt8 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt32 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT32 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn8 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN8 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn32 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN32 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArFP on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARFP on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArBS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARBS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArOS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AROS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArVS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARVS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArTI on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARTI on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArTD on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARTD on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Ar on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR_AR on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_1 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Str on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR_STR on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_All on OSAPIVPS B-6 OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_ALL on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Ar on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_AR on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_2 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Str on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_STR on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_WCOS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_WCOS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Bool on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_BOOL on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int8 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT8 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int32 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT32 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un8 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN8 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un32 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN32 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_FP on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_FP on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_BS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_BS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_OS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_VS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_VS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_TI on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_TI on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_TD on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_TD on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArBool on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARBOOL on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT8 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt8 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt32 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT32 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn8 on OSAPIVPC B-7 OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN8 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn32 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN32 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArFP on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARFP on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArBS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARBS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArOS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AROS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArVS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARVS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArTI on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARTI on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArTD on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARTD on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Ar on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR_AR on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_1 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Str on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR_STR on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_All on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_ALL on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Ar on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_AR on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_2 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Str on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_STR on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_WCOS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_WCOS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:12 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:12 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPS - Listening for OSAPIVPC ... OSAPIVPS - Listen completed, accepting connection OSAPIVPS - Connection succesfully accepted OSAPIVPS - Entering server mode OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:0 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:1 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:2 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:3 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:5 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:6 on OSAPIVPS B-8 OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:7 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:9 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:11 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:20 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:434 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:436 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:30 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:40 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:50 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:60 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:80 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:90 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:100 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:120 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:140 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:150 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:230 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:439 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:459 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:348 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:344 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:310 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:370 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:390 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - creating local unnamed variables group on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPS - READ Indication Received for variable VMD_BOOL OSAPIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_BOOL OSAPIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_INT8 OSAPIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_INT8 OSAPIVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable VMD_INT32 OSAPIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_INT32 OSAPIVPS - READ Indication Received for variable VMD_UN16 OSAPIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_UN16 OSAPIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_FP OSAPIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_FP OSAPIVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable VMD_BS16 OSAPIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_BS16 OSAPIVPS - READ Indication Received for variable VMD_TI OSAPIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_TI OSAPIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_ARBOOL OSAPIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_ARBOOL OSAPIVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable VMD_ARUN16 OSAPIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_ARUN16 B-9 OSAPIVPS - READ Indication Received for variable VMD_AROS16 OSAPIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_AROS16 OSAPIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_ARVS16 OSAPIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_ARVS16 OSAPIVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable VMD_ARTD OSAPIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_ARTD OSAPIVPS - READ Indication Received for variable VMD_AR_AR OSAPIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_AR_AR OSAPIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_AR_STR OSAPIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_AR_STR OSAPIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_STR_ALL OSAPIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_ALL OSAPIVPS - READ Indication Received for variable VMD_STR_AR OSAPIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_AR OSAPIVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable VMD_STR_STR OSAPIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_STR OSAPIVPS - READ Indication Received for OSAPIVPC - create_vmd: OSAPIVPS (OSAPIVPS) OSAPIVPC - create_vmd: OSAPIVPC (OSAPIVPC) OSAPIVPC - create_domain: SIMATIC_S5 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - create_domain: OSAP_DOM1 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - create_domain: OSAP_DOM3 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - create_pi: OSAP_PI1 () on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - create_message: LocalMessage (1024 bytes max message) on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - create_message: RemoteMessage (1024 bytes max message) on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - Connecting to OSAPIVPS ... OSAPIVPC - Connect Completed OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Bool on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_BOOL on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_BOOL OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int8 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_INT8 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_INT8 OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int32 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_INT32 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_INT32 OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_UN16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_UN16 OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_FP on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_FP on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_FP OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_BS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_BS16 on OSAPIVPS B-10 OSAPIVPC - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_BS16 OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_TI on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_TI on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_TI OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Bool on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArBool on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_ARBOOL on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_ARBOOL OSAPIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArUn16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_ARUN16 OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_OS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArOS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_AROS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_AROS16 OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_VS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArVS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_ARVS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_ARVS16 OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_TD on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArTD on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_ARTD on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_ARTD OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArInt8 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Ar on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_AR_AR on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_AR_AR OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_BS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_1 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Str on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_AR_STR on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_AR_STR OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int32 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un8 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un32 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_OS16 on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_TI on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_TD on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_All on OSAPIVPC OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_STR_ALL on OSAPIVPC B-11 OSAPIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_ALL OSAPIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArBool on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Ar on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_STR_AR on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_AR OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int8 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un8 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un32 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_FP on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_VS16 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_All on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_2 on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Str on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_STR_STR on OSAPIVPS OSAPIVPC - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_STR OSAPIVPC - Get Remote Attributes Completed - variable VMD_STR_STR OSAPIVPC - Attributes for Variable VMD_STR_STR Numeric Address: 0002ff8b structure component_name VMD_STR_ALL structure component_name VMD_BOOL boolean component_name VMD_INT8 integer 8 component_name VMD_INT16 integer 16 component_name VMD_INT32 integer 32 component_name VMD_UN8 unsigned 8 component_name VMD_UN16 unsigned 16 component_name VMD_UN32 unsigned 32 component_name VMD_FP floating_point: format 32, exp 8 component_name VMD_BS16 bit_str [16] component_name VMD_OS16 octet_str [16] component_name VMD_VS16 visible_str [16] B-12 component_name VMD_TI binary_time component_name VMD_TD binary_time with date end_of_structure component_name VMD_STR_2 structure component_name VMD_BOOL boolean component_name VMD_OS16 octet_str [16] end_of_structure end_of_structure OSAPIVPC - Get Value Completed - message OSAPIVPC - Exchange Message Completed OSAPIVPC - Conclude Completed message OSAPIVPS - Put Value Completed - message OSAPIVPS - MESSAGE EXCHANGE Indication Received. OSAPIVPS - Exchange Message Completed OSAPIVPS - ACSE CONCLUDE Indication Received. OSAPIVPS - Exiting server mode due to acse conclude indication IVP: deleting definitions for IVP VMD's IVP: omni_server was not active when this IVP was started IVP: omni_server (pid=5999) is being killed DECosap for Digital UNIX V3.1 - IVP successfully terminated SAPINT310 software successfully installed and configured. B.3 Sample Installation Verification Procedure for DECosap/H1 Omni Services for SINEC H1 Checking file system space required to install specified subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (C) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. B-13 This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. DECosap/H1 Omni Services for SINEC H1 Copying from . (disk) Verifying Installation procedure for SH1INT310. SH1INT310 software successfully installed. Configuring "DECosap/H1 Omni Services for SINEC H1" (SH1INT310) Installation configuration procedure for SH1INT310. Checking your system configuration and configuring DECosap SINEC H1 services for DEComni. This will take a few minutes and requires your attention, please stand by. Adding DECosap SINEC H1 services to DEComni. This will take a few minutes, please stand by. It is recommended that you run the IVP to verify the installation: you can run it now by replying 'yes' to the following question, or you can run it later using the following command: setld -v SH1INT310 Do you want to run the IVP now ? (y/n) yion. 1996. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Installation Verification Procedure DECosap (H1) for Digital UNIX V3.1 - Building IVP DECosap (H1) for Digital UNIX V3.1 - Starting IVP DECosap (H1) for Digital UNIX V3.1 - Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) IVP: omni_server is not active ... starting omni_server B-14 Startup procedure for: DEComni for Digital UNIX V3.1 ****************************************************** * omni_startup now calling the ods_startup procedure * ****************************************************** Checking for required directories ... Checking for required files ... Checking cache area /ods/cache/ ... /ods/cache/ods_cache_5.dat: Compressed by 7.14% [11 entries] /ods/cache/ods_cache_13.dat: Compressed by 8.00% [8 entries] Checking Schema area /ods/local/ ... Valid Schema definitions found in the attribute schema database as: OC ALIASED_NAME CN C L S O OU P_ADDR APC OWNER APT AEQ MAPV SY OBJ_ID BER PSAP SSAP TSAP N_ADDR AS_LIST DESCR VMD DOM DEL VN APPSN APROF VERSION NLEVEL MAX_CALLED MAX_CALLING MAX_SEG CBB_LIST SS_LIST VENDOR MODEL REV INUM DN SHARE CONT_FILE CAP_FILE PN REUSE ARG MON DOM_LIST VAR ATYPE ADDR_T ADDR_V NETADDRESS RESPTIMER COMPLTIMER MUX NEGOTIATION Valid Schema definitions found in the object class schema database as: TOP ALIAS C L O OU AP AE DSA DEVICE TAE OAE AS VMD DOMAIN PI NVAR UNVAR OSAP OSH1 ODS_STARTUP: Normal completion. ****************************************************** * omni_startup now calling the omni_schema procedure * ****************************************************** Normal Completion. ************************************************* * omni_startup now registering the omniview VMD * ************************************************* The omniview VMD (omni_local_vmd) is already registered. ************************************************************** * omni_startup now registering the omniview common name (CN) * ************************************************************** B-15 The CN(OMNI_LOCAL_AE) is already registered. ******************************************************** omni_startup: now starting the omni_server daemon...DONE. pid: 6395 ******************************************************** The DEComni for Digital UNIX V3.1 startup has successfully completed. IVP: defining VMD's for IVP IVP: starting the application server IVP: starting the application client OSH1IVPS - create_vmd: OSH1IVPC (OSH1IVPC) OSH1IVPS - create_vmd: OSH1IVPS (OSH1IVPS) OSH1IVPS - create_domain: SIMATIC_S5 on OSH1IVPC OSH1IVPS - create_domain: OSAP_DOM1 on OSH1IVPC OSH1IVPS - create_domain: OSAP_DOM3 on OSH1IVPC OSH1IVPS - create_pi: OSAP_PI1 () on OSH1IVPC OSH1IVPS - create_message: LocalMessage (1024 bytes max message) on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - create_message: RemoteMessage (1024 bytes max message) on OSH1IVPC OSH1IVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Bool on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:0 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int8 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:1 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:2 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int32 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:3 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un8 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:5 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:6 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un32 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:7 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_simple_type: NT_FP on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:9 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_simple_type: NT_BS16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:11 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_simple_type: NT_OS16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:12 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_simple_type: NT_VS16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:20 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_struct_type: NT_TI on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:434 on OSH1IVPS B-16 OSH1IVPS - define_struct_type: NT_TD on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:436 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArBool on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:30 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:40 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt8 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:50 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt32 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:60 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn8 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:80 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:90 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn32 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:100 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArFP on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:120 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArBS16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:140 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArOS16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:150 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArVS16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:230 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArTI on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:439 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArTD on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:459 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Ar on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:348 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_1 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Str on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:344 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_All on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:310 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Ar on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:370 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_2 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Str on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:390 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPS - Listening for OSH1IVPC ... OSH1IVPS - Listen completed, accepting connection OSH1IVPS - Connection succesfully accepted B-17 OSH1IVPS - Entering server mode OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:0 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:0 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:3 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:3 OSH1IVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable DB:190:5 OSH1IVPS - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:5 OSH1IVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable DB:190:9 OSH1IVPS - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:9 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:12 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:12 OSH1IVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable DB:190:40 OSH1IVPS - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:40 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:80 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:80 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:310 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:310 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:0 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:0 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:1 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:1 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:2 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:2 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:3 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:3 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:5 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:5 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:6 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:6 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:7 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:7 OSH1IVPS - READ Indication Received for variable DB:190:9 OSH1IVPS - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:9 OSH1IVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable DB:190:0 OSH1IVPS - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:0 OSH1IVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable DB:190:1 OSH1IVPS - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:1 OSH1IVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable DB:190:2 OSH1IVPS - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:2 OSH1IVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable DB:190:3 OSH1IVPS - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:3 OSH1IVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable DB:190:5 OSH1IVPS - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:5 B-18 OSH1IVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable DB:190:6 OSH1IVPS - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:6 OSH1IVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable DB:190:7 OSH1IVPS - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:7 OSH1IVPS - WRITE Indication Received for OSH1IVPC - create_vmd: OSH1IVPS (OSH1IVPS) OSH1IVPC - create_vmd: OSH1IVPC (OSH1IVPC) OSH1IVPC - create_domain: SIMATIC_S5 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - create_domain: OSAP_DOM1 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - create_domain: OSAP_DOM3 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - create_pi: OSAP_PI1 () on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - create_message: LocalMessage (1024 bytes max message) on OSH1IVPC OSH1IVPC - create_message: RemoteMessage (1024 bytes max message) on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - Connecting to OSH1IVPS ... OSH1IVPC - Connect Completed OSH1IVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Bool on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:0 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:0 OSH1IVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int32 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:3 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:3 OSH1IVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un8 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:5 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:5 OSH1IVPC - define_simple_type: NT_FP on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:9 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:9 OSH1IVPC - define_simple_type: NT_OS16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:12 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:12 OSH1IVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int8 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArInt16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:40 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - Put Value Completed - variable DB:190:40 OSH1IVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArUn8 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:80 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:80 OSH1IVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un32 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_simple_type: NT_BS16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_simple_type: NT_VS16 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_struct_type: NT_TI on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_struct_type: NT_TD on OSH1IVPS B-19 OSH1IVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_All on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:310 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:310 OSH1IVPC - creating remote unnamed variables group on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:1 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:2 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:6 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - define_unnamed_var: DB:190:7 on OSH1IVPS OSH1IVPC - Get Value Completed - unnamed group OSH1IVPC - Put Value Completed - unnamed group OSH1IVPC - Conclude Completed variable DB:190:9 OSH1IVPS - Get Value Completed - variable DB:190:9 OSH1IVPS - ABORT Indication Received. OSH1IVPS - Exiting server mode due to abort indication IVP: deleting definitions for IVP VMD's IVP: omni_server was not active when this IVP was started IVP: omni_server (pid=6395) is being killed DECosap (H1) for Digital UNIX V3.1 - IVP successfully terminated SH1INT310 software successfully installed and configured. B-20