HP SSL Version 1.3 for OpenVMS Installation Guide and Release Notes July 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------- This document contains hardware and software prerequisites, installation instructions, postinstallation tasks, instructions for building your application, the HP SSL directory structure, and release notes for HP SSL Version 1.3 for OpenVMS. For the latest information about HP SSL, see the HP SSL for OpenVMS web site at http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/products/ssl/ssl.html The information in this file applies to HP SSL running on OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Requirements and Prerequisites ------------------------------------------------------------------- The following sections list hardware and disk space requirements, and software prerequisites. Hardware Prerequisites - Disk Space Requirements The HP SSL for OpenVMS kit requires approximately 45,000 blocks of working disk space to install. Once installed, the software occupies approximately 40,000 blocks of disk space. Software Prerequisites HP SSL for OpenVMS requires the following software. - Operating System HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2 or higher, or HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Version 8.2 or higher - TCP/IP Transport HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.6 or higher (for HP SSL on OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 or higher), or HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.5 or higher (for HP SSL on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2) HP SSL for OpenVMS has been tested and verified using HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. On OpenVMS Alpha, there are no known problems running HP SSL for OpenVMS with other TCP/IP network products, including TCPware and MultiNet from Process Software Corporation. However, HP has not formally tested and verified these other products. - Account Quotas and System Parameters There are no specific requirements for account quotas and system parameters for installing or using HP SSL for OpenVMS. New Features in HP SSL Version 1.3 for OpenVMS ------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SSL Version 1.3 for OpenVMS, based on OpenSSL 0.9.7e, is included in OpenVMS Version 8.3. (The previous version of HP SSL was based on OpenSSL 0.9.7d.) New features in HP SSL Version 1.3 include: - HP SSL Version 1.3 is now included in the OpenVMS operating system as a SIP (system integrated product) . SSL for OpenVMS is installed automatically when you install or upgrade to OpenVMS Version 8.3. - Bug Fixes in OpenSSL 0.9.7e + Fixed race condition when CRLs are checked in a multithreaded environment. + Added Delta CRL to extension code. + Fixed s3_pkt.c so alerts are sent properly. + Reduced chances of duplicate issuer name and serial numbers (in violation of RFC3280) using the OpenSSL certificate creation utilities. + Removed potential SSL Protocol 2.0 rollback. + The functionality of SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING (part of SSL_OP_ALL) has been removed from 0.9.7e. This option can be used to disable the countermeasure against man-in-the-middle protocol-version rollback in the SSL Protocol 2.0 server implementation. See http://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20051011.txt for more information. OpenSSL Documentation from The Open Group ------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation about the OpenSSL project and The Open Group is available at the following URL: http://www.openssl.org The OpenSSL documentation was written for UNIX users. When reading UNIX-style OpenSSL documentation, note the following differences between UNIX and OpenVMS: - File specification format The OpenSSL documentation shows example file specifications in UNIX format. For example, the UNIX file specification /dka100/foo/bar/file.dat is equivalent to DKA100:[FOO.BAR]FILE.DAT on OpenVMS. - Directory format Directories (pathnames) that begin with a period (.) on UNIX begin with an underscore (_) on OpenVMS. In addition, on UNIX, the tilde (~) is an abbreviation for SYS$LOGIN. For example, the UNIX pathname ~/.openssl/profile/prefs.js is equivalent to the OpenVMS directory [._OPENSSL.PROFILE]PREFS.JS. Installing HP SSL for OpenVMS Automatically During OpenVMS Installation or Upgrade ------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SSL Version 1.3 is included in the OpenVMS operating system as a SIP (system integrated product). Previous versions of HP SSL were included in previous versions of OpenVMS as a layered product. SSL for OpenVMS is now installed automatically when you install or upgrade to OpenVMS Version 8.3, and previous installed versions of HP SSL are automatically removed. You no longer need to install the PCSI file separately. When the OpenVMS installation or upgrade procedure is complete, you must define the HP SSL foreign commands and (optionally) run the Certificate Tool before you use HP SSL. See Section 1.5 for more information. Downloading and Installing HP SSL for OpenVMS from Web Site ------------------------------------------------------------------- You can install HP SSL Version 1.3 on versions of OpenVMS earlier than 8.3. A PCSI kit of HP SSL for OpenVMS is available for download from the HP SSL web site at http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/products/ssl/ Before Installing HP SSL for OpenVMS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning in HP SSL Version 1.3, the installation procedure automatically removes the previous version of HP SSL before installing the new version. For example, if you have Version 1.2 installed, it is removed during the installation procedure and the product removal is displayed in the installation log. The HP SSL Version 1.3 installation procedure also automatically removes any old SSL kits that have a kit name beginning with DEC or CPQ. This removal is done silently during the preconfigure phase and is not shown in the installation log. For example, if you have SSL Version 1.1-B (kit name CPQ) installed, it is silently removed when you install SSL Version 1.3. Do not use the PRODUCT REMOVE command to manually remove HP SSL Version 1.2 or higher. If you attempt to use PRODUCT REMOVE on these versions of HP SSL, you will receive a PCSI error that recommends terminating the operation. If you ignore the warning and continue to remove HP SSL, HP strongly recommends that you use PRODUCT INSTALL to install the HP SSL Version 1.3 PCSI kit as soon as possible. Other components in OpenVMS require that HP SSL is installed. Before you begin the installation of HP SSL, perform the following steps: Preserve the SSL configuration files OPENSSL-VMS.CNF and OPENSSL.CNF (if you modified them) by copying them to another disk and directory before installing HP SSL. Shut down HP SSL on each node in the cluster before installing HP SSL on a common system disk in a cluster. Installation Procedure Install the HP SSL for OpenVMS kit by entering the following command: $ PRODUCT INSTALL SSL Beginning in HP SSL Version 1.3 for OpenVMS, HP SSL is always installed into SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON]. The /DESTINATION qualifier is no longer supported. For a description of the features you can request with the PRODUCT INSTALL command when starting an installation, such as running the IVP, purging files, and configuring the installation, refer to the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility User's Guide. As the deinstallation and installation procedures progress, the system displays information similar to the following output. Specifying the /HELP qualifier on the PRODUCT INSTALL command line displays additional information about HP SSL. $ PRODUCT INSTALL SSL/SOURCE=DKA500:[KITS] /HELP The following product has been selected: HP AXPVMS SSL V1.3-281 Layered Product Do you want to continue? [YES] Configuration phase starting ... You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. HP AXPVMS SSL V1.3-281: SSL for OpenVMS Alpha V1.3 (Based on OpenSSL 0.9.7e) SSL for OpenVMS provides a toolkit that implements SSL V2/V3, TLS V1, and a general purpose cryptography library. © Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. This software is installable on OpenVMS processors using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: Exports of this product are subject to U.S. Export Administration Regulations pertaining to encryption items and may require that individual export authorization be obtained from the U.S. Department of Commerce. The /DESTINATION qualifier is not supported with SSL V1.3 As of SSL V1.3, the SSL product must be installed on the system disk. If you specified a location other than the system disk with the use of the qualifier /DESTINATION, it is recommended that you stop the installation and restart it with the following command: $ PRODUCT INSTALL SSL If you did not specify the /DESTINATION qualifier, answer NO to the termination question, and continue with the installation. Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES] NO Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] Do you want to review the options? [NO] Execution phase starting ... The following product will be installed to destination: HP AXPVMS SSL V1.3-281 DISK$DWLLNG_A_V73:[VMS$COMMON.] The following product will be removed from destination: HP AXPVMS SSL V1.2 DISK$DWLLNG_A_V73:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% The following product has been installed: HP AXPVMS SSL V1.3-281 Layered Product The following product has been removed: HP AXPVMS SSL V1.2 Layered Product %PCSI-I-IVPEXECUTE, executing test procedure for HP AXPVMS SSL V1.3-281 ... %PCSI-I-IVPSUCCESS, test procedure completed successfully HP AXPVMS SSL V1.3-281: SSL for OpenVMS Alpha V1.3 (Based on OpenSSL 0.9.7e) There are post installation tasks that you must complete including the following items that are described in detail: - ensuring SSL startup and logical names creation files are executed - updating or copying the necessary startup, shutdown and configuration files from the installed template files - running the Installation Verification Program (IVP) Refer to the SSL release notes and the OpenVMS SSL documentation for more information about activities that should be performed once the installation has finished. SSL has created the following directory structure and files in PCSI$DESTINATION (which defaults to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON]): [SSL] Top-level SSL directory [SSL.ALPHA_EXE] Contains the images for the Alpha platform [SSL.COM] Directory to hold the various command procedures [SSL.DEMOCA] Directory structure to demo SSL’s CA features [SSL.DEMOCA.CERTS] Directory to hold the certificates and keys [SSL.DEMOCA.CONF] Contains the configuration files [SSL.DEMOCA.CRL] Contains revoked certificates and CRLs [SSL.DEMOCA.PRIVATE] Directory for private keys and random data [SSL.DOC] OpenSSL.org provided documentation & information [SSL.INCLUDE] Contains the C Header (.H) files [SSL.TEST] Contains the files used during the IVP [SYS$STARTUP] Startup and shutdown templates and files [SYSHLP] Release notes [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.SSL] SSL crypto and secure session examples [SYSLIB] SSL shareable image files [SYSTEST] SSL$IVP.COM test files ...after upgrading from previous SSL versions... The SSL release notes provide information to verify the SSL startup, shutdown, and configuration template files. Template files provide the user with new features or changes, but do not overwrite existing command procedures and configuration files. A product upgrade or re-installation will not overwrite or create a new file version if the file has been modified. It will only create the template files. It is suggested that you review these files for any changes. For more information, refer to the SSL Release Notes and other SSL files using the system logical name definitions, or the subdirectory of the PCSI destination device and directory. ...including verifying startup command procedures and logical names... Once the installation is complete, verify that SSL$STARTUP.COM is located in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file. This will define the SSL$ executive mode logical names in the SYSTEM logical name table, and install the SSL shareable images in memory that reside in the [SYSLIB] directory. Also, add SSL$SHUTDOWN.COM to the SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM file to remove the installed images and deassign the SSL$ logical name definitions. If you have customized the SSL command files for the site, it is suggested that you compare the SSL provided template files with your existing command procedures and take the appropriate action to update your files. A product upgrade or re-installation will not overwrite these files. By default SYS$STARTUP: logical can be used to locate the SSL provided startup files. System managers should modify site-specific requirements in SSL files: SSL$COM:SSL$SYSTARTUP.COM SSL$COM:SSL$SYSHUTDOWN.COM HP recommends that these site-specific SSL command procedures are utilized to tailor the SSL installation specific to the reqirements of the system or site. These files are located in the SSL$COM: directory. Refer to SYS$HELP:SSL013.RELEASE_NOTES for more information. The SSL product release notes contain up to date information regarding bug fixes, known problems, and general installation information. %PCSIUI-I-COMPWERR, operation completed after explicit continuation from errors $ Stopping and Restarting the Installation Use the following procedure to stop and restart the installation: To stop the procedure at any time, press Ctrl/Y. Enter the DCL command PRODUCT REMOVE SSL to reverse any changes to the system that occurred during the partial installation. This deletes all files created up to that point and causes the installation procedure to exit. To restart the installation, go back to the beginning of the installation procedure. Postinstallation Tasks ------------------------------------------------------------------- After the installation is complete, perform the steps in one of the following sections, depending on the installation method you used. - After Automatic Installation of HP SSL During OpenVMS Installation or Upgrade If you previously installed HP SSL, the existing file SSL$STARTUP.COM has been renamed SSL$STARTUP.COM_OLD. If you made changes to that file, manually incorporate your changes from SSL$STARTUP.COM_OLD into the new SSL$STARTUP.COM that was installed with Version 1.3. Define the foreign commands that use the OpenSSL utility OPENSSL.EXE, such as openssl, ca, enc, req, and X509, by entering the following command: $ @SSL$COM:SSL$UTILS Optionally, start the Certificate Tool by entering the following command: $ @SSL$COM:SSL$CERT_TOOL This menu-driven tool allows you to create and view certificates and certificate requests and to sign certificate requests. Beginning in OpenVMS Version 8.3, HP SSL for OpenVMS is automatically started when OpenVMS is started. The HP SSL startup file SSL$STARTUP.COM has been added to the OpenVMS command procedure VMS$LPBEGIN-050_STARTUP.COM. Startup of HP SSL Version 1.3 is required because other OpenVMS components, such as iCAP and Encrypt, are dependent on HP SSL. - After Download and Installation of HP SSL from Web Site Add the following line to the system startup file, SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, to set up the HP SSL symbols, logical names, and shareable images: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SSL$STARTUP At the DCL command prompt, execute the command that you entered into the system startup file so that you can use HP SSL immediately. If you installed HP SSL to a common system disk in a cluster, execute this command on each node in the cluster. $ @SYS$STARTUP:SSL$STARTUP Define the foreign commands that use the OpenSSL utility OPENSSL.EXE, such as openssl, ca, enc, req, and X509, by entering the following command: $ @SSL$COM:SSL$UTILS Optionally, start the Certificate Tool by entering the following command: $ @SSL$COM:SSL$CERT_TOOL HP SSL Directory Structure ------------------------------------------------------------------- After the installation is complete, the HP SSL directory structure is as follows: [SSL] - Top-level directory created by default in SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON]. One of the following three directories: [SSL.ALPHA_EXE] - Contains images for the Alpha platform. [SSL.IA64_EXE] - Contains images for the I64 platform. [SSL.VAX_EXE] - Contains images for the VAX platform. [SSL.COM] - Contains command procedures. [SSL.DEMOCA] - Contains demos for SSL's CA features [SSL.DEMOCA.CERTS] - Contains certificates and keys. [SSL.DEMOCA.CONF] - Contains configuration files. [SSL.DEMOCA.CRL] - Contains revoked certificates and CRLs. [SSL.DEMOCA.PRIVATE] - Contains private keys and random data. [SSL.DOC] - OpenSSL Group-provided documentation and information. [SSL.INCLUDE] - Contains C header (.H) files. [SSL.TEST] - Contains files used during the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). [SYS$STARTUP] - Contains startup and shutdown templates and files. [SYSHLP] - Contains release notes. [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.SSL] - Contains SSL crypto and secure session examples. [SYSLIB] - Contains SSL shareable image files. [SYSTEST] - Contains SSL$IVP.COM test files. Note that the HP SSL example programs are located in SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.SSL]. (The logical name SSL$EXAMPLES points to this directory.) Building an HP SSL Application ------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SSL for OpenVMS provides shareable images that contain 64-bit APIs and shareable images that contain 32-bit APIs. You can choose which APIs to use when you compile your application. The file names for these shareable images are as follows: SYS$SHARE:SSL$LIBSSL_SHR.EXE - 64-bit SSL APIs SYS$SHARE:SSL$LIBCRYPTO_SHR.EXE - 64-bit Crypto APIs SYS$SHARE:SSL$LIBSSL_SHR32.EXE - 32-bit SSL APIs SYS$SHARE:SSL$LIBCRYPTO_SHR32.EXE - 32-bit Crypto APIs When you compile your application using HP C, use the /POINTER_SIZE=64 qualifier to take advantage of the 64-bit APIs. The default value for the /POINTER_SIZE qualifier is 32. Linking your application is the same for both 64-bit or 32-bit APIs. The options file used contains either the 64-bit or 32-bit references to the appropriate shareable image. Building an Application Using 64-Bit APIs ------------------------------------------------------------------- To build (compile and link) an example program using the 64-bit APIs, enter the following commands: $ CC/POINTER_SIZE=64/PREFIX=ALL SAMPLE.C $ LINK/MAP SAMPLE,LINKER_OPT/OPTIONS In these commands, LINKER_OPT.OPT is a simple text file that contains the following lines: SYS$SHARE:SSL$LIBSSL_SHR/SHARE SYS$SHARE:SSL$LIBCRYPTO_SHR/SHARE Building an Application Using 32-Bit APIs ------------------------------------------------------------------- To build (compile and link) an example program using the 32-bit APIs, enter the following commands: $ CC/PREFIX=ALL SAMPLE.C $ LINK/MAP SAMPLE,LINKER_OPT/OPTIONS In these commands, LINKER_OPT.OPT is a simple text file that contains the following lines: SYS$SHARE:SSL$LIBSSL_SHR32/SHARE SYS$SHARE:SSL$LIBCRYPTO_SHR32/SHARE Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains notes on the current release of HP SSL for OpenVMS. Legal Caution ------------------------------------------------------------------- SSL data transport requires encryption. Many governments, including the United States, have restrictions on the import and export of cryptographic algorithms. Please ensure that your use of HP SSL is in compliance with all national and international laws that apply to you. HP SSL APIs Not Backward Compatible ------------------------------------------------------------------- HP cannot guarantee the backward compatibility of HP SSL for OpenVMS until the release of HP SSL for OpenVMS that is based on OpenSSL 1.0.0 from The Open Group. The HP SSL Version 1.3 for OpenVMS code is based on the 0.9.7e baselevel of OpenSSL. Any OpenSSL API, data structure, header file, command, and so on might be changed in a future version of OpenSSL. The HP SSL shareable images use EQUAL 1,0 which means that applications will have to relink when the idents on the shareable images have changed, as they have in HP SSL Version 1.3. If you were running a version of HP SSL prior to Version 1.2, you must recompile and relink your code after you upgrade to Version 1.3. You must relink your code if you see the following error: $ run ssl_test %DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image SSL$LIBSSL_SHR32 -CLI-E-IMGNAME, image file DWLLNG$DKA500:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][SYSLIB]SSL$LIBSSL_SHR32.EXE -SYSTEM-F-SHRIDMISMAT, ident mismatch with shareable image $ Changes to APIs in OpenSSL 0.9.7e ------------------------------------------------------------------- A number of APIs have been changed in HP SSL Version 1.3. See Appendix B for a list of new and changed APIs. Preserve Configuration Files Before Manually Uninstalling HP SSL ------------------------------------------------------------------- Preserving configuration files is not necessary when you perform a regular upgrade or reinstallation of HP SSL using the PRODUCT INSTALL command. Using the PRODUCT REMOVE command to manually uninstall HP SSL is not recommended (see the following note). However, if you made any modifications to the HP SSL configuration files, preserve the files by backing up these files to a different disk and directory before you enter the PRODUCT REMOVE command that removes the HP SSL kit. Otherwise, any changes you made to OPENSSL-VMS.CNF and OPENSSL.CNF will be lost. When you have completed the Version 1.3 installation, move the saved items back into the HP SSL directory structure. Warning Against Uninstalling HP SSL from OpenVMS Version 8.3 or Higher Using the PRODUCT REMOVE Command ------------------------------------------------------------------- The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility command PRODUCT REMOVE is not supported for HP SSL on OpenVMS Version 8.3 or higher, even though there is an apparent option to remove HP SSL. HP SSL is installed together with the operating system and is tightly bound with it. An attempt to remove it from Version 8.3 or higher would not work cleanly and could create other undesirable side effects. If you ignore the warning and continue to remove HP SSL, HP strongly recommends that you use PRODUCT INSTALL to install the HP SSL Version 1.3 PCSI kit as soon as possible. An attempt to remove HP SSL results in the following message: %PCSI-E-HRDREF, product HP AXPVMS SSL V1.3-xxx is referenced by DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V8.3-xxx The two products listed above are tightly bound by a software dependency. If you override the recommendation to terminate the operation, the referenced product will be removed, but the referencing product will have an unsatisfied software dependency and may no longer function correctly. Please review the referencing product’s documentation on requirements. Answer YES to the following question to terminate the PRODUCT command. However, if you are sure you want to remove the referenced product then answer NO to continue the operation. Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES] SSL$DEFINE_ROOT.COM Removed From SSL$STARTUP.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning in HP SSL Version 1.3, SSL is installed on the system disk only. To reflect this change, the command procedure SSL$DEFINE_ROOT.COM has been removed from SSL$STARTUP.COM. (SSL$DEFINE_ROOT.COM was included in HP SSL Version 1.2 to define the logical SSL$ROOT. In Version 1.2, it was possible to install HP SSL to locations other than the system disk.) The logical name SSL$ROOT is now defined in SSL$STARTUP.COM, and points to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON.SSL.]. SSL$STARTUP.TEMPLATE Removed From HP SSL Version 1.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SSL Version 1.3 no longer contains SSL$STARTUP.TEMPLATE. Before overwriting the file, HP SSL copies your existing SSL$STARTUP.COM file to SSL$STARTUP.COM_OLD to preserve any changes that you may have made to SSL$STARTUP.COM in the past. If you are upgrading from a previous version of HP SSL, after the installation is complete compare your SSL$STARTUP.COM_OLD file and the new SSL$STARTUP.COM file, and add any modifications you made to the new file. (Version 1.3 continues to provide the configuration template files OPENSSL.CNF_TEMPLATE and OPENSSL-VMS.CNF_TEMPLATE. See the following note for more information.) Use SSL$COM:SSL$SYSTARTUP.COM to make additions or changes to the startup of HP SSL. SSL$COM:SSL$SYSTARTUP.COM is executed from SSL$STARTUP.COM. SSL$STARTUP.COM has been added to the OpenVMS command procedure VMS$LPBEGIN-050_STARTUP.COM so that SSL is started when OpenVMS is started. Configuration Command Procedure Template Files ------------------------------------------------------------------- The configuration files included in the HP SSL kit are named OPENSSL.CNF_TEMPLATE and OPENSSL-VMS.CNF_TEMPLATE. This prevents PCSI from overwriting the .CNF files, and allows you to preserve any modifications you made to OPENSSL.CNF and OPENSSL-VMS.CNF if you installed a previous release of HP SSL for OpenVMS. If you are upgrading from a previous version of HP SSL, after you install the HP SSL kit, compare the new .CNF_TEMPLATE files with your existing .CNF files and add any new information as required. If you did not previously install an HP SSL for OpenVMS kit, both the .CNF_TEMPLATE and .CNF files are provided. HP SSL Requirement to Install on System Disk ------------------------------------------------------------------- The option to install to a location other than the system disk is no longer available beginning in HP SSL Version 1.3. HP SSL is installed on the system disk automatically when you install or upgrade to OpenVMS Version 8.3. If you download HP SSL Version 1.3 from the web site and install it as a layered product, it too must be installed on the system disk. Shut Down HP SSL Before Installing on Common System Disk ------------------------------------------------------------------- Before installing HP SSL to a common system disk in a cluster, you must first shut down HP SSL by entering the following command on each node in the cluster: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SSL$SHUTDOWN Shutting down HP SSL deassigns logical names and removes installed shareable images that may interfere with the installation. After the installation is complete, start HP SSL by entering the following command on each node in the cluster: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SSL$STARTUP Note: If you are installing on a common cluster disk and not a common system disk, omit the SYS$STARTUP logical and specify the specific startup directory in the shutdown and startup commands. For example: $ @device:[directory.SYS$STARTUP]SSL$SHUTDOWN $ @device:[directory.SYS$STARTUP]SSL$STARTUP OpenSSL Version Command Displays HP SSL for OpenVMS Version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning with HP SSL Version 1.2, the OpenSSL command line utility command VERSION now includes the HP SSL for OpenVMS version. The OpenSSL VERSION command displays output similar to the following: $ OPENSSL VERSION OpenSSL 0.9.7e 25 Oct 2004 SSL for OpenVMS V1.3 May 26 2006 Shareable Images Containing 64-Bit and 32-Bit APIs Provided ------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SSL for OpenVMS provides shareable images that contain 64-bit APIs and shareable images that contain 32-bit APIs. You can choose which APIs to use when you compile your application. For more information, see Building an HP SSL Application. Linking with HP SSL Shareable Images ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have written an application that links against the OpenSSL object libraries, you must make a minor change to your code because HP SSL for OpenVMS provides only shareable images. To link your application against the shareable images, use code similar to the following: $ LINK my_app.obj, VMS_SSL_OPTIONS/OPT where VMS_SSL_OPTIONS.OPT is a text file that contains the following lines: SYS$SHARE:SSL$LIBCRYPTO_SHR.EXE/SHARE SYS$SHARE:SSL$LIBSSL_SHR.EXE/SHARE Certificate Tool Cannot Have Simultaneous Users ------------------------------------------------------------------- Only one user/process should use the Certificate Tool at a time. The tool does not have a locking mechanism to prevent unsynchronized accesses of the database and serial file, which could cause database corruption. Protect Certificates and Keys ------------------------------------------------------------------- When you create certificates and keys with the Certificate Tool, take care to ensure that the keys are properly protected to allow only the owner of the keys to use them. A private key should be treated like a password. You can use OpenVMS file protections to protect the key file, or you can use ACLs to protect individual key files within a common directory. Enhancements to the HP SSL Example Programs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning with HP SSL Version 1.2, several enhancements and changes were made to the HP SSL example programs located in SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.SSL]. These include new examples (for example, using HP SSL with QIO, AES encryption, and SHA1DIGEST) and additional common callbacks and routines to SSL_EXAMPLES.H includes file. Extra calls to free routines have been removed from the examples along with general code clean up. SSL$EXAMPLES Logical Name ------------------------------------------------------------------- The SSL$EXAMPLES logical name has been added to the SSL$STARTUP.TEMPLATE command procedure. This logical points to the directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.SSL]. Environment Variables ------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenSSL environmental variables have two formats, as follows: $var ${var} In order for these variables to be parsed properly and not be confused with logical names, HP SSL for OpenVMS only accepts the ${var} format. IDEA and RC5 Symmetric Cipher Algorithms Not Supported ------------------------------------------------------------------- The IDEA and RC5 symmetric cipher algorithms are not available in HP SSL for OpenVMS. Both of these algorithms are under copyright protection, and HP does not have the right to use these algorithms. If you want to use either of these algorithms, HP recommends that you contact RSA Security at the following URL for the licensing conditions of the RC5 algorithm: http://www.rsasecurity.com If you want to use the IDEA algorithm, contact Ascom for their license requirements at the following URL: http://www.ascom.com Once you have obtained the proper licenses, download the source code from the following URL: http://www.openssl.org Build the product using the command procedure named MAKEVMS.COM provided in the download. APIs RAND_egd, RAND_egd_bytes, and RAND_query_egd_bytes Not Supported ------------------------------------------------------------------- The RAND_egd(), RAND_egd_bytes(), and RAND_query_egd_bytes() APIs are not available on OpenVMS. To obtain a secure random seed on OpenVMS, use the RAND_poll() API. Documentation from the OpenSSL Web Site ------------------------------------------------------------------- The documentation on the OpenSSL website is under development. It is likely that the API and command line documentation shipped with this kit will differ from the documentation on the OpenSSL website at some point. If such a situation arises, you should consider the API documentation on the OpenSSL website to have precedence over the documentation included in this kit. Extra Certificate Files — *PEM ------------------------------------------------------------------- When you sign a certificate request using either the Certificate Tool or the OpenSSL utility, you may notice that an extra certificate is produced with a name similar to SSL$CRT01.PEM. This certificate is the same as the certificate that you produced with the name you chose. These extra files are the result of the OpenSSL demonstration Certificate Authority (CA) capability, and are used as a CA accounting function. These extra files are kept by the CA and can be used to generate Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) if the certificate becomes compromised. Known Problem: Certificate Verification with OpenVMS File Specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenSSL is unable to properly parse OpenVMS file specifications when they are passed in as CApath directories. If you try to do this, OpenSSL returns the following error: unable to get local issuer certificate To work around this problem, define a logical that points to the OpenVMS directory, as follows: $ define vms_cert_dir dka300:[ssl.certificates] $ openssl verify “-CApath” vms_cert_dir –purpose any example.crt Known Problem: BIND Error in TCP/IP Application ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are running a TCP/IP-based SSL client/server application, the server occasionally fails to start up, and displays the following error message: bind: address already in use To avoid this error, use setsockopt() with SO_REUSEADDR as follows: int on = 1; ret = setsockopt(listen_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *) &on, sizeof(on)); Known Problem: Server Hang in HP SSL Session Reuse Example Program ------------------------------------------------------------------- In HP SSL Version 1.1-B and higher, a server hang problem may occur when you are running one of the HP SSL session reuse example programs. The server hang occurs when a VAX system acts as a client and the server is an Alpha or I64 system in this mixed architecture, client-server test. When the client SSL$CLI_SESS_REUSE.EXE program is run on a VAX system, and the server SSL$SERV_SESS_REUSE.EXE program is run on an Alpha or I64 system, the server appears to hang waiting for further session reconnections, because the loop counts differ. In fact, the VAX client has finished and closed the connection. There is no problem when the client server roles are reversed, or if the same system acts as both client and server. Known Problem: Compaq C++ V5.5 CANTCOMPLETE Warnings ------------------------------------------------------------------- When you compile programs that contain OpenSSL APIs, Compaq C++ Version 5.5 issues warnings about incomplete classes. This error occurs when you use a structure definition before it has been defined. You can resolve these warnings in one of two ways: Upgrade to C++ Version 6.0 or higher. Supply the necessary prototype before using the structure. The following is an example of this error: $ cxx/list/PREFIX=(ALL_ENTRIES) serv.c struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *data; ........^ %CXX-W-CANTCOMPLETE, In this declaration, the incomplete class "unnamed struct::CRYPTO_dynlock_value" cannot be completed because it is declared within a class or a function prototype. at line number 161 in file CRYPTO$RES:[OSSL.BUILD_0049_ALPHA_32.INCLUDE.OPENSSL]CRYPTO.H;3 Problem Corrected: Possible Errors Using PRODUCT REMOVE ------------------------------------------------------------------- In HP SSL Version 1.2, when you used the PCSI REMOVE SSL command to remove previous versions of HP SSL, certain DCL symbols were not set up properly. This would result in various file not found errors. This problem has been corrected in HP SSL Version 1.3. Problem Corrected: Error Running OpenSSL Command Line Utility on ODS-5 Disks ------------------------------------------------------------------- In previous versions of HP SSL, an invalid command error was displayed when you tried to run OpenSSL commands on an ODS-5 disk with the following parsing logicals set: $ SET PROCESS/PARSE=EXTENDED $ DEFINE DECC$ARGV_PARSE_STYLE ENABLE This problem has been corrected beginning in HP SSL Version 1.2. OpenSSL commands now work on both ODS-2 and ODS-5 disks, regardless of the parse settings. Problem Corrected: Attempt to Encrypt within SMIME Subutility Caused Access Violation ------------------------------------------------------------------- In versions of HP SSL earlier than Version 1.2, if you entered an OpenSSL SMIME command, an access violation was returned. For example: $ openssl smime -encrypt -in in.txt ssl$certs:server.pem %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=FFFFFFFFF00D2B10, PC=000000000017DD0C, PS=0000001B Improperly handled condition, image exit forced. This problem was corrected in OpenSSL 0.9.7d, and has been included beginning in HP SSL Version 1.2. Problem Corrected: Race Condition When CRLs are Checked in a Multithreaded Environment ------------------------------------------------------------------- In versions of HP SSL earlier than Version 1.2, a race condition would occur when CRLs were checked in a multithreaded environment. This would happen because of the reordering of the revoked entries during signature checking and serial number lookup. In OpenSSL 0.9.7e and HP SSL Version 1.2 and higher, the encoding is cached and the serial number sort is performed under a lock.