Digital_TCP/IP_Services_for_OpenVMS___________ Installation and Configuration Order Number: AA-LU49J-TE August 1996 This book explains how to install and configure the Digital TCP/IP for OpenVMS layered application product. Revision Information: This is a revised manual. Operating Systems: OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 and later OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and later Software Version: Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ August 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Digital conducts its business in a manner that conserves the environment and protects the safety and health of its employees, customers, and the community. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ACMS, Alpha AXP, DECdtm, DDCMP, DEC, DECnet, DECNIS, DECserver, DECsystem, DECwindows, DNA, InfoServer, LAT, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, POLYCENTER, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXstation, VMS, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: HP and Hewlett-Packard are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. MultiNet is a registered trademark of TGV, Inc. OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. OSI is a registered trademark of CA Management, Inc. Sun, NFS, and PC-NFS are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Installing the TCP/IP Software 1.1 Recommended Order for Installing TCP/IP...... 1-1 1.2 Backing Up the System Disk................... 1-2 1.3 Registering a License Product Authorization Key.......................................... 1-2 1.4 Installing TCP/IP with VMSINSTAL ............ 1-3 1.5 Installing TCP/IP with the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility................ 1-8 1.6 Upgrading TCP/IP............................. 1-9 2 Configuring the TCP/IP Software 2.1 Recommended Order for Configuring TCP/IP..... 2-1 2.2 Using Menus to Configure Standard TCP/IP Software..................................... 2-2 2.3 Using Commands to Configure Standard TCP/IP Software..................................... 2-5 2.4 Configuring Optional TCP/IP Components....... 2-8 2.5 Starting up TCP/IP........................... 2-9 2.6 Testing the TCP/IP Configuration............. 2-10 2.7 Completing Optional Postconfiguration Steps........................................ 2-11 2.7.1 Automatically Starting up and Shutting Down TCP/IP.............................. 2-12 2.7.2 Verifying SYS$SYLOGIN.COM Protections ... 2-12 2.7.3 Populating Relevant Databases ........... 2-12 2.7.4 Specifying TCP/IP as the Transport for DECwindows Applications.................. 2-13 iii 2.7.5 Refining and Completing the NFS Server Configuration............................ 2-13 2.7.6 Refining and Completing the NFS Client Configuration............................ 2-14 2.7.7 Providing the NFS Online Documentation to Users.................................... 2-15 3 Customizing the OpenVMS Environment for TCP/IP 3.1 Checking the Global Pagelets and Global Sections .................................... 3-1 3.2 Increasing the Nonpaged Dynamic Pool......... 3-2 3.3 Increasing the Interrupt Stack Pages (VAX Only)........................................ 3-3 3.4 Assigning User Information Codes............. 3-3 A Examples A.1 Installation ................................ A-1 A.2 Configuration ............................... A-4 A.2.1 Configuration: Client Components ........ A-4 A.2.2 Configuration: Routing .................. A-6 A.2.3 Configuration: BIND Server .............. A-8 B Installed Files B.1 TCP/IP Files................................. B-1 B.2 Files Installed for PATHWORKS Systems........ B-11 C Acronyms Index Tables 2-1 Correcting IVP Errors ................... 2-11 B-1 TCP/IP Files Installed .................. B-1 B-2 PATHWORKS Files ......................... B-11 C-1 Acronyms ................................ C-1 iv ________________________________________________________________ Preface This book describes how to install and configure the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (TCP/IP) software. This book also describes how to modify your system resources so your network configuration runs more efficiently. Intended Audience This book is written for OpenVMS system managers or network managers who install and configure networking software. The system managers using this book are assumed to have an understanding of TCP/IP networks and terminology. Document Structure The following chapters and appendixes are in this book: o Chapter 1 explains how to install the TCP/IP files. o Chapter 2 explains how to initially configure the TCP /IP software. o Chapter 3 explains how to modify your operating system to maximize its resources. o Appendix A provides examples of a TCP/IP installation and initial configuration. o Appendix B shows the locations on your OpenVMS system of files installed by TCP/IP. o Appendix C lists and provides the meaning for the acronyms related to TCP/IP and open networking. v Terminology This manual uses the following terminology: o The abbreviations for the product's name are TCP/IP and UCX. o Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is used to mean both: - The Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha[TM] operating system product - The Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS VAX[TM] operating system product o TCP/IP is used to mean Digital's implementation of the TCP/IP protocol stack. o Software components - Auxiliary Server is used to mean the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS's implementation of the INETd function, system security, and other features. - NFS[TM] means the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS's implementation of the Network File System (NFS) protocols, including NFS server, NFS client, and PC-NFS[TM]. - TN3270 means the Telnet software that emulates IBM 3270 model terminals. o UNIX[TM] operating system UNIX refers to UNIX Version 4.3 of the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD). The Digital UNIX[TM] and DEC OSF/1[TM] operating systems are fully compatible with UNIX BSD Version 4.3. o Networking terms - Host and node both mean a system connected to an internet. - The term Internet means the network, as defined by RFC 1208, consisting of large networks that use the TCP/IP protocol suite; provides universal connectivity, reaching the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA) Internet, MILNET, NSFnet, vi CERN, and many worldwide universities, government research labs, military installations, and business enterprises. The term internet means interconnected networks using the TCP/IP protocols, functioning as one, virtual network. - A VAXcluster[TM] system is made up of all VAX systems. A VMScluster[TM] system can be made up of either all Alpha systems or a mixture of VAX systems and Alpha systems. Acronyms The following acronyms are used throughout this book: BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain FTP File Transfer Protocol eSNMP Extensible Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol TCP/IP Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS UDP User Datagram Protocol NTP Network Time Protocol Conventions The name of OpenVMS AXP has been changed to OpenVMS Alpha. Any references to OpenVMS AXP or AXP are synonymous with OpenVMS Alpha or Alpha. All IP addresses in this book represent fictitious addresses. The following conventions apply to this book. __________________________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning__________________________________ UPPERCASE Indicates OpenVMS system output or user SPECIAL TYPE input. vii __________________________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning__________________________________ UPPERCASE TEXT Indicates names of OpenVMS and TCP/IP commands, options, utilities, files, directories, hosts, and users. lowercase Indicates UNIX system output or user special type input, commands, options, files, directories, utilities, hosts, and users. italic Indicates a variable. bold Indicates a new term defined in the text. Indicates that you press the Return key. Indicates that you press the Control key while you press the key noted by x. [ ] In command format descriptions, indicates optional elements. You can enter as many as you want. { } In command format descriptions, indicates you must enter at least one listed _________________element._________________________________ Related Documents You might find these documents useful: o Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide o Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture, by Douglas Comer (order number ER-TCPIP- TM-001) o Request for Comments (RFCs) 1155-1157, 1212-1215, and 1441-1452 o For additional information about Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS products and services, access the Digital OpenVMS World Wide Web site. Use the following URL: viii Reader's Comments Digital welcomes your comments on this manual or any of the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS documents. Send us your comments through any of the following channels: Internet Fax 603 881-0120, Attention: OSSG Documentation, ZKO3-4/U08 Mail OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 How To Order Additional Documentation Use the following table to order additional documenta- tion or information. If you need help deciding which documentation best meets your needs, call 800-DIGITAL (800-344-4825). ix 1 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the TCP/IP Software This chapter describes how to run VMSINSTAL or the POLYCENTER[TM] Software Installation utility to install or upgrade the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (TCP/IP) software. This chapter provides the following sections: o Recommended Order for Installing TCP/IP (Section 1.1) o Backing Up the System Disk (Section 1.2) o Registering a License Product Authorization Key (Section 1.3) o Installing TCP/IP with VMSINSTAL (Section 1.4) o Installing TCP/IP with POLYCENTER Software Installation utility (Section 1.5) o Upgrading TCP/IP (Section 1.6) 1.1 Recommended Order for Installing TCP/IP Whether you decide to install all the software products using the VMSINSTAL procedure or are using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility, follow the order of installation outlined below: 1. Install the OpenVMS software. 2. If this is an upgrade, shut down all network-related applications. 3. Install or upgrade TCP/IP using VMSINSTAL or the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. 4. Reboot your system. 5. Go to the Chapter 2 and follow the instructions for configuring the TCP/IP software. Installing the TCP/IP Software 1-1 The installation generally takes about 5 minutes to complete. If this is an upgrade, Digital recommends that you also run the SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB procedure to delete obsolete commands from the top-level online help. Running this procedure takes about 20 minutes. For information on the SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB procedure, see efer to Section 1.6. 1.2 Backing Up the System Disk Before you install and configure the TCP/IP software, Digital recommends that you back up the system disk. Use the backup procedures established at your site. For details on backing up a system disk, see the section on the Backup utility in the "OpenVMS System Management Subkit." 1.3 Registering a License Product Authorization Key Ensure that an applicable License Product Authorization Key (PAK) is registered for your TCP/IP product. Before you install software on a newly licensed node or cluster, you must register a PAK using the License Management Facility (LMF). Without a PAK, you can use only DECwindows TCP/IP Transport software. The PAK is shipped with the kit if you ordered the license and media together. Otherwise, the PAK is shipped separately to the location specified on your license order. If you are installing TCP/IP as an update on a node or cluster already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. If you are installing prerequisite or optional software along with TCP/IP, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for any prerequisite or optional software before you install TCP/IP. To register a license, log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM, and do one of the following: o Run SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM and enter the data from your License PAK. 1-2 Installing the TCP/IP Software o Issue the LICENSE REGISTER command and the appropriate qualifiers at the DCL prompt. For TCP/IP on multiple-cluster nodes, you must complete a license load for each node. For complete information about LMF, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. 1.4 Installing TCP/IP with VMSINSTAL Before you run the VMSINSTAL procedure, you may want to create a log file to record the installation process. Regardless of whether you have a log file, the following outlines the steps for installing the TCP/IP software: 1. Ask users to log off the system. 2. Log into the SYSTEM account. 3. Set the default directory to SYS$UPDATE. 4. Depending on your hardware and operating system, you may be able to install TCP/IP with POLYCENTER Software Installation utility instead of VMSINSTAL. See Section 1.5 for more information on the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. Installing the TCP/IP Software 1-3 5. The following describes how to invoke VMSINSTAL on various hardware platforms and media. If you are installing the TCP/IP software from the Consolidated Software Distribution CD to an Alpha system, enter the following command: $ @VMSINSTAL ALPHA_UCX041 disc-drive:[ALPHA_UCX041.KITS] OPTIONS N where: disc-drive Drive where the CD with the TCP/IP save sets are mounted. OPTIONS N Prompts you about displaying and printing the release notes. If you are installing the TCP/IP software from the Consolidated Software Distribution CD to a VAX system, enter the following command: $ @VMSINSTAL UCX041 disc-drive:[UCX041.KITS] OPTIONS N where: disc-drive Drive where the CD with the TCP/IP save sets are mounted. OPTIONS N Prompts you about displaying and printing the release notes. If you are installing the TCP/IP software from either a TK50 cartridge or a magnetic tape onto a VAX system, enter the following command: $ @VMSINSTAL UCX041 ddcu: OPTIONS N where: ddcu: Device where you mounted the distribution media. The fields are: dd - device name c - controller name u - unit number OPTIONS N Prompts you about displaying and printing the release notes. 1-4 Installing the TCP/IP Software 6. Read the release notes, either online or print them af- ter the installation completes from SYS$HELP:UCX041.RELEASE_ NOTES. 7. Select purge options. ________________________Note ________________________ If TCP/IP is active on your system, either stand- alone or in a cluster, do not answer YES to purging. You will need to purge manually later. _____________________________________________________ 8. Answer the PAK query. Install the PAK during or after running the installation procedure. If you plan to use TCP/IP only for displaying DECwindows applications that use TCP/IP on remote hosts, you do not need to install a PAK. To continue using the system manager's account and restore the process symbol tables, log out and log in again. VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. ________________________Note ________________________ To stop the installation at any time, press Ctrl/Y. The installation procedure deletes all the files created up to that point and exits. _____________________________________________________ The following sample script includes a short list of files. See Appendix B for the complete list of the files in the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS kit. OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 8-MAY-1996 at 15:23. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: SYS$MANAGER: Installing the TCP/IP Software 1-5 Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: UCX041 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: UCX V4.1 Beginning installation of UCX V4.1 at 15:23 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Product: UCX Producer: Digital Version: 4.1 Release Date: 8-MAY-1996 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES %UCX-I-DONEASK, No further questions will be asked during this installation. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... Renaming file UCX$LPD_STARTUP.COM to UCX$LPD_STARTUP.OLD;0 Please add any user printer queue information to the new file Renaming file UCX$LPD_SHUTDOWN.COM to UCX$LPD_SHUTDOWN.OLD;0 Please add any user printer queue information to the new file %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... Digital UCX Services for OpenVMS V4.1 requires the presence of the CMA$TIS_SHR.EXE and DECC$SHR.EXE shareable images on your system. These images do not appear to be present at this time. A version of these images is being provided from this kit in order for the product to function. Note that these images will be installed by the UCX CP startup procedure, SYS$STARTUP:UCX$UCP_STARTUP.COM. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... **************************************************************************** This installation will add the following files . . . **************************************************************************** 1-6 Installing the TCP/IP Software SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.UCX]TRACEROUTE.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]UCX$ACCESS_SHR.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]UCX$BGDRIVER.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$BIND_VALIDATE_SETUP.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.UCX]UCX$CHESS_SUBAGENT.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$ESNMP_SERVER.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]UCX$ESNMP_SHR.EXE %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... ****************************************************************************** Instructions for Completing Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation ****************************************************************************** The TCP/IP Services product is already active on your system. You must reboot your system before continuing with the postinstallation. For information on the postinstallation steps, see the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation Guide (Chapter 3). If an earlier version of TCP/IP was previously installed on this system, then there may be some obsolete online help information which is present in the system help file, SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB. The commands necessary to remove the obsolete help text items from the help library can be found in the command procedure: SYS$UPDATE:UCX$CLEANUP_HELPLIB.COM Due to the amount of time it takes to clean the help library, the procedure will not automatically be invoked. You should invoke it after you have successfully completed this installation. Registering Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS privileged images ... Installing the TCP/IP Software 1-7 %REGISTER-I-DUP UCX$INETACP, (UCX$INETACP, UCX X.1-8) already in registry %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 %REGISTER-I-DUP UCX$METRIC, (UCX$METRIC, UCX X.1-8) already in registry %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 0 %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 0 %REGISTER-I-DUP UCX$TRACE, (UCX$TRACE, UCX X.1-8) already in registry %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 0 %REGISTER-I-DUP UCX$INETDRIVER, (UCX$INETDRIVER, UCX X.1-8) already in registry %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 %REGISTER-I-DUP UCX$PWIPDRIVER, (UCX$PWIPDRIVER, UCX X.1-8) already in registry %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 Installation of UCX V4.1 completed at 15:29 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: [EXIT] VMSINSTAL procedure done at 15:48 1.5 Installing TCP/IP with the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Depending on whether you have an Alpha or VAX operating systems and the version of your operating system, you may be able to install TCP/IP using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. Complete the following procedure to install TCP/IP from the TCP/IP POLYCENTER Software Installation utility kit: 1. To start the installation, enter the product install command with the appropriate qualifiers. An example of this command follows: $ product install ucx /source=DKA400:[UCX041.KIT] where: DKA400:[UCX041.KIT] is the directory path for the UCX kit. If you do not specify the source qualifier, PCSI searches in the location defined by the logical name PCSI$SOURCE. If you do not specify either the source qualifier or PCSI$SOURCE, the PCSI utility searches the current default directory for the TCP/IP kit. 1-8 Installing the TCP/IP Software 2. To complete the installation, run the postinstallation program by entering the following command: $@SYS$UPDATE:UCX$PCSI_MODULE.COM install 1.6 Upgrading TCP/IP If another version of TCP/IP exists on your system, follow these steps to upgrade the software: 1. Issue the following command to shut down TCP/IP: $@SYS$MANAGER:UCX$SHUTDOWN 2. Run VMSINSTAL as described in Section 1.4 or POLYCENTER Software Installation utility as described in Section 1.5. 3. If TCP/IP is active on other hosts of a cluster, do not answer YES to the prompt that asks if you want to purge the old version of TCP/IP. Manually purge these files later. The following directories contain previous versions of TCP/IP files: SYS$HELP SYS$LIBRARY SYS$MANAGER SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.UCX] SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.UCX] SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE] SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] SYS$TEST 4. Reconfigure all the application software that was running on your operating system prior to the upgrade. 5. Because you had a prior installation of TCP/IP, there may be some obsolete online help information present in the system Help file, SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB. To delete this obsolete information, run the following command procedure: Installing the TCP/IP Software 1-9 SYS$UPDATE:UCX$CLEANUP_HELPLIB.COM ________________________Note ________________________ Running the command procedure that removes obsolete online help information from your system generally takes 20 minutes. _____________________________________________________ 6. Reboot your system. 7. VMSINSTAL checks for pre-existing startup and shutdown files. If these files are found, the procedure renames UCX$LPD_STARTUP.COM to UCX$LPD_STARTUP.OLD and UCX$LPD_SHUTDOWN.COM to UCX$LPD_SHUTDOWN.OLD. After installation, add the user print queue information from the old startup and shutdown files to their corresponding new files. 1-10 Installing the TCP/IP Software 2 ________________________________________________________________ Configuring the TCP/IP Software The configuration procedure allows you to customize the TCP/IP software for your system. This chapter describes the following: o Recommended Order for Configuring TCP/IP (Section 2.1) o Using Menus to Configure Standard TCP/IP Software (Section 2.2) o Using Commands to Configure Standard TCP/IP Software (Section 2.3) o Configuring Optional TCP/IP Components (Section 2.4) o Starting up TCP/IP (Section 2.5) o Testing the TCP/IP Configuration (Section 2.6) o Completing Optional Postconfiguration Steps (Section 2.7) 2.1 Recommended Order for Configuring TCP/IP After you install the TCP/IP software, complete the following tasks to configure the parameters of the TCP /IP applications: 1. Configure the standard TCP/IP software. 2. Configure applicable optional TCP/IP components. 3. Start up TCP/IP. 4. Test the TCP/IP configuration. 5. Reboot the system. 6. Complete the optional postconfiguration steps. Configuring the TCP/IP Software 2-1 Configuring standard TCP/IP software generally takes about 15 minutes. Purging the top-level help of obsolete commands generally takes about 20 minutes. 2.2 Using Menus to Configure Standard TCP/IP Software The standard TCP/IP software has the following three subgroups: o Core environment o Client components o Server components There are two methods available to configure the standard TCP/IP software. You can either display the configuration menus and answer the prompts or you can enter commands to set the parameters. If you do not have experience configuring TCP/IP, Digital recommends that you use the configuration menus to set parameters. To do this, complete the procedures outlined in this section. For information on entering commands to set parameters, see Section 2.3. For configuration examples, see Appendix A. To configure TCP/IP, complete the following procedures: 1. Access the Main Configuration menu by entering the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG A Main Configuration menu similar to the following displays: TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - Core environment 2 - Client components 3 - Server components 4 - Optional components 5 - Shutdown TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 6 - Startup TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 7 - Run tests A - Configure options 1 - 3 [E] - Exit configuration procedure 2-2 Configuring the TCP/IP Software Enter configuration option: 2. Access the Core Environment Configuration menu by entering Option 1 from the Main Configuration menu. A Core Environment Configuration menu similar to the following displays: TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Core Environment Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - BIND Resolver 2 - Domain 3 - Routing 4 - Interfaces 5 - Time Zone A - Configure options 1 - 5 [E] - Exit menu Enter configuration option: To use TCP/IP, you must set up the Internet domain and configure the interfaces. Setting up a BIND resolver, routing, and time zones are optional. If you are unfamiliar with these applications and need more information to determine if you should configure them, see the Digital TCP/IP for OpenVMS Services Management guide. 3. Set up the Internet domain by selecting Option 2 from the Core Environment menu and entering the name of your domain. For information on the Internet domain naming conventions for Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, see the Digital TCP/IP for OpenVMS Services Management guide. 4. Configure interfaces by selecting Option 4 from the Core Environment menu and entering the host name, the Internet address, the network mask (site specific), and the broadcast mask. For information on interface naming conventions for Digital TCP/IP for OpenVMS Services, see the Digital TCP/IP for OpenVMS Services Management guide. 5. Return to the Main Configuration menu by entering Option (E) from the Core Environment menu. Configuring the TCP/IP Software 2-3 6. Access the Client Components menu by entering Option 2 from the Main Configuration menu. A Client Components Configuration menu similar to the following displays: TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Client Components Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - FTP Enabled 2 - LPR/LPD Enabled 3 - NFS Client Enabled 4 - REXEC and RSH Enabled 5 - RLOGIN Enabled 6 - SMTP Enabled 7 - TELNET Enabled A - Configure options 1 - 7 [E] - Exit menu Enter configuration option: 7. Enable the client applications you plan to use and disable the ones you do not plan to use. The default enables all components. To change a default value, select the number that corresponds to the component and press Return. 8. Return to the Main Configuration menu by entering Option (E) from the Client Components Configuration menu. 9. Access the Server Components Configuration menu by entering Option 3 from the Main Configuration menu. A Server Component Configuration menu similar to the following displays: TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Server Components Configuration Menu Configuration options: 2-4 Configuring the TCP/IP Software 1 - BIND Enabled 2 - BOOTP Enabled 3 - TFTP Enabled 4 - FTP Enabled 5 - LPR/LPD Enabled 6 - NFS Enabled 7 - PC-NFS Enabled 8 - PORTMAPPER Enabled 9 - TELNET Enabled 10 - SNMP Enabled 11 - NTP Enabled 12 - METRIC Enabled 13 - POP Enabled 14 - FINGER Enabled A - Configure options 1 - 14 [E] - Exit menu Enter configuration option: ? 10.Enable the server applications you plan to use and disable the ones you do not plan to use. The default enables all components. To change a default value, select the number that corresponds to the component and press Return. 2.3 Using Commands to Configure Standard TCP/IP Software Advanced users who are familiar with the TCP/IP software configuration procedure and want to bypass the configura- tion menus can follow these steps: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account. 2. Enter the configuration command and the appropriate options. An example of the configuration command with options that enable the client for the entire cluster follows: $ @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG CLIENT ENABLE CLUSTER If you are not sure which options you want to specify, invoke the UCX$CONFIG command with no parameters and the available options display as follows: Configuring the TCP/IP Software 2-5 [ ALL ] [ CLIENT ] [ ENABLE ] @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG [ SERVER ] [ ] [ MINIMUM ] [ DISABLE ] [ ] [ WORKSTATION ] or [ ALL ] [ CLIENT ] { ENABLE } @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG [ SERVER ] { } CLUSTER [ WORKSTATION ] { DISABLE } [ ] [ MINIMUM ] __________________________________________________________ where: 2-6 Configuring the TCP/IP Software __________________________________________________________ Parameter_____Description_________________________________ ALL Configures the core environment and all client and server components CLIENT Configures all client components and related software SERVER Configures all server components and related software WORKSTATION Configures the BIND resolver, the domain, dynamic routing, the Internet interfaces, the time zone, remote login, remote shell, remote executive, FTP client, FTP server, Telnet client, Telnet server, SMTP MINIMUM Configures the domain, Internet interfaces, remote login, FTP client, FTP server, Telnet client, Telnet server ENABLE Enables all the configured components DISABLE Disables all the configured components CLUSTER Configures all selected components clusterwide Exception: The only components that you cannot configure clusterwide are the BIND server and SMTP. If you configure at least one cluster interface, the procedure automatically ______________enables_IP_forwarding.______________________ ________________________Note ________________________ The procedure performs two levels of enabling and disabling: clusterwide and single node (except for BIND server and SMTP, which are configured and enabled node-specific only). _____________________________________________________ Configuring the TCP/IP Software 2-7 2.4 Configuring Optional TCP/IP Components You may need to configure the optional TCP/IP components if you are doing one or more of the following: o Running PATHWORKS or DECnet/OSI over TCP/IP. o Running or developing applications that use the Stanford Research Institute's (SRI) QIO application programming interface (API). o Allowing guest users to log in to the system at various locations. To configure optional components, do the following: 1. Access the Main Configuration menu by entering the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG A Main Configuration menu similar to the following displays: TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - Core environment 2 - Client components 3 - Server components 4 - Optional components 5 - Shutdown TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 6 - Startup TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 7 - Run tests A - Configure options 1 - 3 [E] - Exit configuration procedure Enter configuration option: 2. Access the Optional Components menu by entering Option 4 from the Main Configuration menu. An Optional Components menu similar to the following displays: 2-8 Configuring the TCP/IP Software TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Optional Components Menu Configuration options: 1 - Configure PWIP Driver 2 - Configure SRI QIO Interface 3 - Set up Anonymous FTP Account and Directories [E] - Exit menu 3. Configure either the PWIP driver, the SRI QIO interface, or Anonymous FTP accounts or directories. If you want to run PATHWORKS or DECnet/OSI over TCP/IP, configure the PWIP driver. To do this, select Option 1 from the Optional Components menu. If you run or develop applications that use the SRI QIO API, select Option 2 from the Optional Components menu. ________________________Note ________________________ You can also load the interface by entering the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$LOAD_INETDRIVER.COM _____________________________________________________ If you want to allow guest users to log into systems, set up an Anonymous FTP Account and Directories. To do this, obtain the necessary user information code (UIC), determine guest user privileges, and select Option 3 from the Optional Components menu. 2.5 Starting up TCP/IP You must start TCP/IP after configuring the standard software and optional components, but before you run tests or complete the postconfiguration steps. To start TCP/IP, complete the following: 1. Access the Main Configuration menu by entering the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG 2. Select Option 6 from the Main Configuration menu. Configuring the TCP/IP Software 2-9 2.6 Testing the TCP/IP Configuration You can test the TCP/IP configuration by running the Internet Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). Before you run IVP, ensure that TCP/IP is started and you have SYSPRV, OPER, NETMBX, and TMPMBX privileges. You can also use SETPRV to set these privileges. Run the IVP: o If you loaded the Product Authorization Key (PAK) and you want to verify that the lower-layer software and the Portmapper service are correctly installed. o If you did not load the PAK and you want to verify that TCP/IP is correctly installed for DECwindows to display TCP/IP applications. o To transfer device socket packets that continuously vary in size, between a sender and a receiver. o To test the Portmapper service with a pair of client /server programs. Running IVP reports to SYS$OUTPUT the time it took to run the test. To run IVP from the configuration menus, do the following 1. Access the Main Configuration menu by entering the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG 2. Select Option 7 from the Main Configuration menu. All IVP errors are fatal and use the same format as system messages, for example: %UCX-E-IDENT, text. Table 2-1 shows the possible causes for IVP errors and how to fix the problem. 2-10 Configuring the TCP/IP Software Table_2-1_Correcting_IVP_Errors___________________________ Problem_________________Corrective_Action_________________ Network configuration Shut down the TCP/IP software and is incorrect. rerun the configuration procedure. Startup fails. Check the SYSGEN parameters in the MODPARAMS.DAT file and increase them if necessary. Shut down and restart TCP/IP. The installation kit Request a replacement kit. is defective. The IVP fails because Purchase a Digital TCP/IP Services the_PAK_is_missing._____for_OpenVMS_PAK.__________________ If none of these actions corrects the problem, contact your Digital representative. To run the IVP any time after exiting the configuration procedure, issue the following command: $ @SYS$TEST:UCX$IVP ________________________Note ________________________ To activate your new TCP/IP configuration, reboot the system. _____________________________________________________ 2.7 Completing Optional Postconfiguration Steps The procedures provided in this section are optional. You complete them after rebooting the system with your new configuration. If you need more information to determine if completing a postconfiguration procedure is necessary, refer to the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide for a detailed discussion of the applicable component. Configuring the TCP/IP Software 2-11 2.7.1 Automatically Starting up and Shutting Down TCP/IP To start up TCP/IP automatically, you must edit the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file (for OpenVMS Version 5.5, alter the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM file). After the command line that starts the procedure, insert the following: @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$STARTUP To shut down TCP/IP automatically when the system shuts down, add the following line to the SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDOWN.COM file: @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$SHUTDOWN 2.7.2 Verifying SYS$SYLOGIN.COM Protections For the services to start after you log in, the OpenVMS systemwide login procedure, typically SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM, must be world-readable and world-executable. To display its current privileges, type: $ DIRECTORY SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM /PROTECTION If protections are not W:RE, issue: $ SET PROTECTION=(W:RE) SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM 2.7.3 Populating Relevant Databases Add entries to the databases related to the services you configured. If UNIX hosts exist on your network, you can copy the information from the following databases to the ones you configured: o /etc/hosts o /etc/networks o /etc/passwd o /etc/bootptab For details, see the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management and the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command Reference guides. 2-12 Configuring the TCP/IP Software 2.7.4 Specifying TCP/IP as the Transport for DECwindows Applications To enable TCP/IP as the transport interface for DECwindows applications, add the following line to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM command procedure: $ DECW$SERVER_TRANSPORTS == "DECNET,LOCAL,TCPIP" Restart DECwindows with the following: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECW$STARTUP RESTART If DECnet or DECnet/OSI runs on the same system, start DECnet first. To display DECwindows applications from a DECwindows client (remote host) to a DECwindows server (your workstation), do the following: 1. Set up security on the remote host. 2. Add the remote client to the local TCP/IP hosts database. 3. Edit the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM command procedure by adding the following line: $ DECW$SERVER_TRANSPORTS == "DECNET,LOCAL,TCPIP" 4. Set the display for the applications to the remote host: $ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=remote_host/TRANSPORT=TCPIP 2.7.5 Refining and Completing the NFS Server Configuration You can make the Network File System (NFS) available to users on remote systems running NFS Client software. If you are inexperienced with NFS management or NFS on OpenVMS, see the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide for details. To make the NFS available to remote NFS clients, complete the following. 1. Bind the OpenVMS disk device to a UNIX-style name: UCX> BIND DISK$USER3: "/usr3" You can add this command to the UCX$NFS_SET_FS command procedure. Configuring the TCP/IP Software 2-13 2. Export file systems. The following command illustrates exporting: UCX> ADD EXPORT "/usr3" /HOST="" 3. If you want to configure container file systems (CFS), refer to the following for an example of the commands you enter: UCX> CREATE CONTAINER DISK$USER3:[CONTAINER] UCX> BIND DISK$USER3:[CONTAINER] "/cont" UCX> ADD EXPORT "/cont" /HOST="" 4. If you want to add proxies, refer to the following for an example of the commands you enter: UCX> ADD PROXY JONES /HOST="" /UID=271 /GID=15 UCX> ADD PROXY UCX$NOBODY /HOST=* /UID=-2 /GID=-2 UCX> ADD PROXY UCX$NOBODY /HOST=* /UID=0 /GID=1 5. If you want to monitor mounting, do the following two- step process: On the UNIX client system you are mounting, enter the following command: unix# mount openvms:/usr3 /usr3 On the server, enter the following command: $ REPLY /ENABLE=NETWORK 6. If you want to modify root mapping, enter the following command to change default root mapping: UCX> SET NFS /UID=0 /GID=1 2.7.6 Refining and Completing the NFS Client Configuration You can request the NFS service. If you are inexperienced with NFS management or NFS on OpenVMS, see the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide for details. To request the NFS service, follow these steps: 1. If you have not already done so, add all the remaining proxies, for example: UCX> ADD PROXY JONES /HOST="" /UID=271 /GID=15 UCX> ADD PROXY UCX$NOBODY /HOST=* /UID=-2 /GID=-2 2-14 Configuring the TCP/IP Software 2. Mount devices. The following command illustrates mounting the devices: UCX> MOUNT DNFS10: /HOST="" /PATH="/usr/exports/public" You can add this to your system startup procedure. 2.7.7 Providing the NFS Online Documentation to Users For remote NFS client users, TCP/IP includes online NFS documentation that describes how to remotely access files that reside on a system running TCP/IP and offering the NFS service. To make this documentation available to remote NFS client users: 1. Copy the SYS$HELP:UCX$VMS_FILES.DOC to a public directory. 2. Rename UCX$VMS_FILES.DOC to a UNIX file name such as UCX_VMS_FILES.DOC. 3. Export the public directory so that remote users can mount it. Configuring the TCP/IP Software 2-15 3 ________________________________________________________________ Customizing the OpenVMS Environment for TCP/IP This chapter describes how to customize your OpenVMS operating system environment for the TCP/IP software. It includeds the following sections: o Checking the global pagelets and global sections (Section 3.1) o Increasing the nonpaged dynamic pool (Section 3.2) o Increasing the interrupt stack pages (VAX Only) (Section 3.3) o Assigning user identification codes (Section 3.4) Installing TCP/IP is usually a simple process. Most systems have adequate memory and system resources readily available without modification. However, if you encounter inadequate-memory error messages during installation or if you want to tailor your system, Digital recommends that you change the SYSGEN parameters in the MODPARAMS.DAT file and use AUTOGEN to reboot your system. 3.1 Checking the Global Pagelets and Global Sections TCP/IP requires 42 global sections and 8100 global pagelets. To check the number of available global pagelets and global sections, issue the following WRITE commands with the F$GETSYI lexical functions: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") 1234 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 189 To increase the global pagelets and global sections, add statements to the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file that increase the values of the SYSGEN parameters GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS. Customizing the OpenVMS Environment for TCP/IP 3-1 3.2 Increasing the Nonpaged Dynamic Pool Add at least 342,000 bytes of nonpaged dynamic pool. This is the default maximum size for TCP/IP. Follow these steps: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account. 2. Identify the amount of additional nonpaged pool your system requires. Use a default initial value of 342,000 or use the following formula and table to calculate the amount of NPAGEDYN required: nonpaged pool = socket*1280+dbuf*1792+cbuf*256+mtusers*700+mrusers*700 _______________________________________________________ Variable___Means_______________________________________ socket Maximum number of sockets. (A socket system call creates an end point for communication.) dbuf Maximum number of data buffers. cbuf Maximum number of control buffers. mtusers Maximum number of TELNET users. mrusers____Maximum_number_of_remote_login_users._______ For more information on nonpaged dynamic pool, see the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide. 3. Refer to the following example and edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file to reflect the newly calculated value for the NPAGEDYN and NPAGEVIR parameters. ! Add some nonpaged pool for TCP/IP. ! ADD_NPAGEDYN=342000 ADD_NPAGEVIR=342000 3-2 Customizing the OpenVMS Environment for TCP/IP 3.3 Increasing the Interrupt Stack Pages (VAX Only) If you are using PATHWORKS Internet Protocol (PWIP), Digital recommends that you increase the number of interrupt stack pages (INTSTKPAGES) to 10 or more. This eliminates system startup and system crash warnings. ________________________Note ________________________ For information about PATHWORKS, see the PATHWORKS documentation. For a list of PATHWORKS files that the TCP/IP installation procedure copies, see Table B-2. _____________________________________________________ To increase the number of INTSTKPAGES, add statements to the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file that increase the value of the SYSGEN and INTSTKPAGES parameters. 3.4 Assigning User Information Codes In OpenVMS, a user or group of users are identified by an unique, assigned user identification code (UIC) that is in the format [group,member], where group and member are numeric or alphanumeric characters. For example, a UIC can be either [306,210], [GROUP1, JONES], or simply JONES. The UIC is linked to a system-defined rights database that determines user and group privileges. The configuration procedure uses the existing group UIC, if it exists. If it does not exist, the default UIC group number for the service accounts, 375 (octal), is used. If this is a first-time configuration but the procedure detects that 375 is in use, you are prompted for a new UIC group number. Before you assign a new group number, check that it is not already in use by issuing the following command (type the brackets): $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:AUTHORIZE UAF> SHOW /BRIEF [your_group_number,*] UAF> SHOW /IDENTIFIER /VALUE=UIC:[your_group_number,*] Customizing the OpenVMS Environment for TCP/IP 3-3 To specify your own UIC group number instead of using the default, assign the value TRUE to the logical name UCX$ASK_GROUP_UIC. The configuration procedure then prompts you for a group UIC. 3-4 Customizing the OpenVMS Environment for TCP/IP A ________________________________________________________________ Examples This appendix show examples of an installation and several configuration scripts. A.1 Installation This example installs Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (TCP/IP) onto an OpenVMS operating system. The TCP/IP installer did the following to obtain the session log provided at the end of the section: o Ensured that sufficient disk space was available and that all other pre-installation requirements were met. o Received the TCP/IP distribution kit online and copied it into the SYS$SYSDEVICE:[UCX41] directory. o Ran VMSINSTAL with OPTIONS N and printed the release notes. o Aborted VMSINSTAL to read the release notes. o Ran VMSINSTAL for a second time without options. For a complete list of files copied by the procedure, see Appendix B. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.0 It is 8-MAY-1996 at 13:23. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: sys$sysdevice:[ucx41] Examples A-1 Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: UCX * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: UCX V4.1 Beginning installation of UCX V4.1 at 13:25 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? yes Product: UCX Producer: Digital Equipment Corporation Version: EFT1 4.1 Release Date: MAY-1996 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y %UCX-I-DONEASK, No further questions will be asked during this installation. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... **************************************************************************** This installation will add the following files . . . **************************************************************************** SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$SNMP_AGENT.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$VERSIONS.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$UCP.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$PING.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE . . . A-2 Examples SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$BIND_SERVER.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$BIND_SERVER_XFER.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]UCX$FTP_HELP.HLB SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]UCX$TELNET_HELP.HLB SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]UCX$NSLOOKUP_HELP.HLB SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$ENCODE.COM SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$DECODE.COM %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... ****************************************************************************** Instructions for Completing DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation ****************************************************************************** All files have been copied from the installation kit. If you are installing this product for the first time, upgrading from a previous version, or you want to run the IVP, then execute the following command procedure: SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG.COM If you would like this product to start when your OpenVMS VAX system is started, modify your system startup command file (SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM) to invoke the DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS startup command file: SYS$MANAGER:UCX$STARTUP.COM NOTE: If you are reinstalling DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, then you must reboot your system. For information on the postinstallation steps, see this manual: "Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration." Registering Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS privileged images %REGISTER-I-ADDED added UCX$INETACP to registry %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 0 %REGISTER-I-ADDED added UCX$PWIPDRIVER to registry %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 %REGISTER-I-DUP UCX_TRACE, (UCX_TRACE, UCX V3.0-00) already in registry %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 Installation of UCX V4.1 completed at 13:27 Examples A-3 A.2 Configuration The TCP/IP configuration procedure looks the same when you run it on OpenVMS Alpha systems and OpenVMS VAX systems. However, the following things are determined by the command line you use to start the procedure and, if you are reconfiguring, your current configuration: o Menus that appear o Questions you are asked o Display of the current configuration information o Flow from submenu to submenu o Movement between client and server components A.2.1 Configuration: Client Components This example runs UCX$CONFIG.COM from an OpenVMS VAX operating system and assumes that this is a software upgrade. The TCP/IP system manager did the following to obtain the log of the session provided at the end of the section: o Specified the CLIENT parameter. o Configured each component separately. __________________________________________________________ $ set default sys$manager $ @ucx$config client enable TCP/IP Network Configuration Procedure This procedure helps you define the parameters required to run Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS on this system. The 'configure all client' option is selected. The 'silent mode' ENABLE option is also selected. Checking TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configuration database files. No new database files were created. A-4 Examples FTP CLIENT Configuration LPD CLIENT Configuration Service is defined in the SYSUAF. Nonprivileged user access is not enabled. By default Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configures LPD such that nonprivileged users cannot modify queue entries. Digital TCP/IP for OpenVMS supports Line Printer Daemon Protocol (RFC 1179) LPD requires the following: - Name of the local queue - Name of the remote queue - Name of the remote host - Spooling directory for the local queue To add or delete printers in the UCX PRINTCAP database use the $RUN SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$LPRSETUP command NFS CLIENT Configuration RSH SERVER Configuration Service is defined in the SYSUAF. Service is defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. REXEC SERVER Configuration Service is defined in the SYSUAF. Service is defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. RLOGIN SERVER Configuration Service is defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. SMTP SERVER Configuration Service is defined in the SYSUAF. Service is defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. Configuration is defined in the UCX$CONFIGURATION database. TELNET SERVER Configuration Service is defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. Examples A-5 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - Core environment 2 - Client components 3 - Server components 4 - Optional components 5 - Shutdown TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 6 - Startup TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 7 - Run tests A - Configure options 1 - 7 E - Exit configuration procedure Enter configuration option: . . . __________________________________________________________ A.2.2 Configuration: Routing This example uses the configuration menus to configure the dynamic routing. TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - Core environment 2 - Client components 3 - Server components 4 - Optional components 5 - Shutdown TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 6 - Startup TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 7 - Run tests A - Configure options 1 - 7 E - Exit configuration procedure Enter configuration option: 1 A-6 Examples TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS CORE ENVIRONMENT Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - BIND Resolver 2 - Domain 3 - Routing 4 - Interfaces 5 - Time Zone A - Configure options 1 - 5 [E] - Exit menu Enter configuration option: 3 DYNAMIC ROUTING Configuration Dynamic routing has not been configured. If you enable dynamic routing, this host will listen for all dynamic routing information coming from other hosts to update its internal routing tables. It will also supply its own Internet addresses to routing requests made from remote hosts. * Do you want to configure dynamic routing [YES] ? If you enable the 'supply' option of dynamic routing, this host will supply dynamic routing information to other hosts on the network whether it is acting as an internetwork gateway or not. * Do you want this host to supply its dynamic routing information [NO] ? TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS CORE ENVIRONMENT Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - BIND Resolver 2 - Domain 3 - Routing 4 - Interfaces 5 - Time Zone A - Configure options 1 - 5 [E] - Exit menu Examples A-7 Enter configuration option: e TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - Core environment 2 - Client components 3 - Server components 4 - Optional components 5 - Shutdown TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 6 - Startup TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 7 - Run tests A - Configure options 1 - 3 E - Exit configuration procedure Enter configuration option: e A.2.3 Configuration: BIND Server This example uses the configuration menus to configure the local host's BIND server. TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - Core environment 2 - Client components 3 - Server components 4 - Optional components 5 - Shutdown TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 6 - Startup TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 7 - Run tests A - Configure options 1 - 7 E - Exit configuration procedure Enter configuration option: 3 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS SERVER Components Configuration Menu Configuration options: A-8 Examples 1 - BIND Disabled 2 - BOOTP Enabled 3 - TFTP Enabled 4 - FTP Enabled 5 - LPR/LPD Enabled 6 - NFS Enabled 7 - PC-NFS Enabled 8 - PORTMAPPER Enabled 9 - TELNET Enabled 10 - SNMP Enabled 11 - NTP Enabled 12 - METRIC Enabled 13 - POP Enabled 14 - FINGER Enabled A - Configure options 1 - 14 [E] - Exit menu Enter configuration option: 1 Examples A-9 BIND SERVER Configuration Service is defined in the SYSUAF. Service is defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. Service is not enabled. BIND SERVER configuration options: 1 - Enable service on this node E - Exit BIND configuration Enter configuration option: 1 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS SERVER Components Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - BIND Enabled 2 - BOOTP Enabled 3 - TFTP Enabled 4 - FTP Enabled 5 - LPR/LPD Enabled 6 - NFS Enabled 7 - PC-NFS Enabled 8 - PORTMAPPER Enabled 9 - TELNET Enabled 10 - SNMP Disabled 11 - NTP Disabled 12 - METRIC Enabled 13 - POP Enabled 14 - FINGER Enabled A - Configure options 1 - 14 [E] - Exit menu Enter configuration option: e TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu Configuration options: A-10 Examples 1 - Core environment 2 - Client components 3 - Server components 4 - Optional components 5 - Shutdown TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 6 - Startup TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 7 - Run tests A - Configure options 1 - 3 E - Exit configuration procedure Enter configuration option: e Examples A-11 B ________________________________________________________________ Installed Files The Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (TCP/IP) installation procedure copies all the distribution files built for your operating system. If you are re-installing TCP/IP, the procedure renames the configuration database, in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE], from UCX$CONFIGURATION.DAT to UCX$CONFIGURATION.OLD. B.1 TCP/IP Files Table B-1 lists and describes the TCP/IP files installed onto your system. Table B-2 lists the TCP/IP file used by PATHWORKS. Table_B-1_TCP/IP_Files_Installed________________________________ File Name - Logical Name_____________________Description____________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR] - SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:____________________________________________ UCX$BGDRIVER.EXE Internet device driver UCX$TNDRIVER.EXE Telnet and remote login drivers UCX$DNFSDRIVER_V5.EXE+ OpenVMS V5 NFS client driver UCX$DNFSDRIVER_V6.EXE+ OpenVMS V6 NFS client driver UCX$DNFSDRIVER.EXE AXP image UCX$INETDRIVER.EXE SRI QIO driver UCX$INTERNET_ Internet software SERVICES.EXE+ +OpenVMS_VAX-specific___________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installed Files B-1 Table_B-1_(Cont.)_TCP/IP_Files_Installed________________________ File Name - Logical Name_____________________Description____________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR] - SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:____________________________________________ UCX$INTERNET_SERVICES_ Internet software V6.EXE+ ________________________________________________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] - SYS$SYSTEM:_____________________________________________________ UCX$INETACP.EXE Network ancillary control process (NETACP) for the Internet device driver UCX$INETACP.STB Global symbol definitions for UCX$INETACP.EXE UCX$INTERNET_SERVICES_ Global symbol definitions for V6.STB+ UCX$INTERNET_SERVICES_V6.EXE UCX$INTERNET_SERVICES_ Global symbol definitions for V6_SEC.STB+ UCX$INTERNET_SERVICES_V6_SEC.EXE UCX$INTERNET_ Global symbol definitions for SERVICES.STB UCX$INTERNET_SERVICES.EXE UCX$INTERNET_SERVICES_ Global symbol definitions for SEC.STB UCX$INTERNET_SERVICES_SEC.EXE UCX$INET_ROUTING.EXE Dynamic routing UCX$INET_ROUTING.STB Global symbol definitions for UCX$INET_ ROUTING.EXE UCX$NET_GLOBALS.STB Global symbol definitions for UCX data structures UCX$CONVERT.FDL File definition used by UCX$CONVERT.COM UCX$CONVERT.COM Procedure for converting files to STREAM_LF UCX$BIND_SERVER.EXE BIND server +OpenVMS_VAX-specific___________________________________________ (continued on next page) B-2 Installed Files Table_B-1_(Cont.)_TCP/IP_Files_Installed________________________ File Name - Logical Name_____________________Description____________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] - SYS$SYSTEM:_____________________________________________________ UCX$BIND_SERVER_ BIND server's zone transfer XFER.EXE UCX$BOOTP.EXE Remote boot server UCX$ENCODE.COM Procedure to execute UUEncode program UCX$DECODE.COM Procedure to execute UUDecode program UCX$FTP.EXE FTP client UCX$FTPC.EXE FTP server UCX$FTPD.EXE FTP control command server (daemon) UCX$FTPSERVER.COM Procedure that starts an FTP child process UCX$LPD_RCV.EXE Print receiver UCX$LPD_SMB.EXE Print symbiont UCX$LPRM.EXE LPRM command UCX$LPRSETUP.EXE Setup utility for network printing UCX$LPQ.EXE LPQ command UCX$NSLOOKUP.EXE nslookup utility UCX$SERVER_NFS.EXE NFS server (daemon) UCX$PCNFSD.EXE PC-NFS server (daemon) UCX$PING.EXE PING command image UCX$PORTMAPPER.EXE Program that maps processes to ports (continued on next page) Installed Files B-3 Table_B-1_(Cont.)_TCP/IP_Files_Installed________________________ File Name - Logical Name_____________________Description____________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] - SYS$SYSTEM:_____________________________________________________ UCX$RLOGIN.EXE Remote login client UCX$RPCINFO.EXE SHOW PORTMAPPER command UCX$RSH.EXE Remote shell UCX$SMTP_RECEIVER.EXE SMTP receiver UCX$SMTP_SYMBIONT.EXE SMTP symbiont UCX$SNMP_AGENT.EXE SNMP agent UCX$TELNET.EXE Telnet client UCX$TELNETSYM.EXE Telnet print symbiont UCX$TFTP.EXE TFTP server (daemon) UCX$UCP.EXE UCX Management Control Program (UCP) UCX$UUENCODE.EXE UUEncode program image UCX$UUDECODE.EXE UUDecode program image UCX$VERSIONS.EXE Image for the SHOW VERSION command UCX$METRIC.EXE Metric server UCX$METRIC_VIEW.EXE Metric view utility UCX$EXE.ADF UCX$HLB.ADF UCX$MLB.ADF UCX$OBJ.ADF UCX$OLB.ADF UCX$STB.ADF UCX$TLB.ADF (continued on next page) B-4 Installed Files Table_B-1_(Cont.)_TCP/IP_Files_Installed________________________ File Name - Logical Name_____________________Description____________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] - SYS$SYSTEM:_____________________________________________________ UCX$DNFSMOUNT_V5.EXE VAX image UCX$DNFSMOUNT_V6.EXE VAX image UCX$DNFSDISMOUNT_V5.EXE VAX image UCX$DNFSDISMOUNT_V6.EXE VAX image UCX$DNFSACP_V5.EXE VAX image UCX$DNFSACP_V6.EXE VAX image UCX$DNFSACP.EXE ACP image ________________________________________________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] - SYS$LIBRARY:____________________________________________________ UCX$ACCESS_SHR.EXE Database access routines UCX$CFS_SHR.EXE Container file system runtime library UCX$INETDEF.ADA Internet Ada definitions file UCX$INETDEF.FOR Internet FORTRAN definitions file UCX$INETDEF.H Internet C definitions file UCX$INETDEF.MAR Internet MACRO definitions file UCX$INETDEF.PAS Internet Pascal definitions file UCX$INETDEF.PL1 Internet PL/1 definitions file UCX$INETDEF.R32 Internet BLISS definitions file UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE IPC runtime library UCX$IPC.OLB IPC object library UCX$LPD_SHR.EXE Shared library for printing processes (continued on next page) Installed Files B-5 Table_B-1_(Cont.)_TCP/IP_Files_Installed________________________ File Name - Logical Name_____________________Description____________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] - SYS$LIBRARY:____________________________________________________ UCX$SMTP_MAILSHR.EXE SMTP shared library UCX$SMTP_PARSESHR.EXE SMTP parsing routines UCX$RPCXDR.H Sun RPC header file UCX$RPCXDR_SHR.EXE Sun RPC routines library ________________________________________________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] - SYS$HELP:_______________________________________________________ UCX031.RELEASE_NOTES release notes UCX$UCP_HELP.HLB Online help for management commands UCX$VMS_FILES.DOC Online information about file restrictions for UNIX users of NFS server UCX$FTP_HELP.HLB FTP online help UCX$TELNET_HELP.HLB Telnet online help UCX$NSLOOKUP_HELP.HLB nslookuponline help ________________________________________________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.UCX] -_UCX$EXAMPLES:_________________________________________________ UCX$INTERNET_SERVICES_ Internet software with security for V6_SEC.EXE+ OpenVMS V6 UCX$INTERNET_SERVICES_ Internet software with security for V5_SEC.EXE OpenVMS V5 +OpenVMS_VAX-specific___________________________________________ (continued on next page) B-6 Installed Files Table_B-1_(Cont.)_TCP/IP_Files_Installed________________________ File Name - Logical Name_____________________Description____________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.UCX] -_UCX$EXAMPLES:_________________________________________________ BUILD_UCX_SECURITY_ sample file to build the security DRIVER.COM driver UCX$IOCTL_ROUTINE.C Programming example TN3270DEF.MAR For IBM 3270TE; translation table template that you edit to modify the translation tables. TRACEROUTE.EXE Traceroute facility UCX$TRACE.EXE Protocol trace facility UCX_SECURITY_DRIVER.MAR Security driver source sample UCX$TCP_CLIENT_IPC.C Programming example UCX$TCP_CLIENT_QIO.C Programming example UCX$TCP_CLIENT_QIO.MAR Programming example UCX$TCP_SERVER_IPC.C Programming example UCX$TCP_SERVER_IPC_ C programming example AUXS.C UCX$TCP_SERVER_QIO.C Programming example UCX$TCP_SERVER_QIO.MAR Programming example UCX$TCP_SERVER_QIO_ C programming example AUXS.C UCX$UDP_CLIENT_IPC.C C programming example UCX$UDP_CLIENT_QIO.C C programming example UCX$UDP_CLIENT_QIO.MAR MACRO programming example UCX$UDP_SERVER_IPC.C C programming example UCX$UDP_SERVER_QIO.C C programming example (continued on next page) Installed Files B-7 Table_B-1_(Cont.)_TCP/IP_Files_Installed________________________ File Name - Logical Name_____________________Description____________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] - SYS$MANAGER:____________________________________________________ UCX$BIND_STARTUP.COM BIND server startup procedure UCX$BIND_SHUTDOWN.COM BIND server shutdown procedure UCX$BOOTP_STARTUP.COM Remote boot server startup procedure UCX$BOOTP_SHUTDOWN.COM Remote boot server shutdown procedure UCX$CALLBACKS.COM Configuration utilities UCX$CONFIG.COM Configuration procedure UCX$FIXUP.COM V1 configuration fixup UCX$FTPD_STARTUP.COM FTP server startup procedure UCX$FTPD_SHUTDOWN.COM FTP server shutdown procedure UCX$INET_STARTUP.COM Internet startup procedure UCX$INET_SHUTDOWN.COM Internet shutdown procedure UCX$LOAD_INETDRIVER.COM Command file that loads the SRI QIO programming interface UCX$REGISTER.COM Command file that registers privileged UCX images for OpenVMS V6.n UCX$LPD_RCV_STARTUP.COM Print receiver startup procedure UCX$LPD_STARTUP.COM Print server startup procedure (continued on next page) B-8 Installed Files Table_B-1_(Cont.)_TCP/IP_Files_Installed________________________ File Name - Logical Name_____________________Description____________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] - SYS$MANAGER:____________________________________________________ UCX$LPD_SHUTDOWN.COM Print server shutdown procedure UCX$NFS_STARTUP.COM NFS server startup procedure UCX$NFS_SHUTDOWN.COM NFS server shutdown procedure UCX$DNFS_SHUTDOWN.COM NFS client shutdown procedure UCX$NFS_SERVER_ STARTUP.COM UCX$PCNFSD_STARTUP.COM PC-NFS server startup procedure UCX$PCNFSD_SHUTDOWN.COM PC-NFS server shutdown procedure UCX$PORTM_SHUTDOWN.COM Portmapper shutdown procedure UCX$PORTM_STARTUP.COM Portmapper startup procedure UCX$PRINTCAP.DAT Printcap database UCX$REMOTE_TTY_ Telnet and remote login server startup STARTUP.COM procedure UCX$STARTUP.COM UCX startup procedure UCX$SHUTDOWN.COM UCX shutdown procedure UCX$SERVICE_SETUP.COM UCX services set up procedure UCX$RSHD_STARTUP.COM Remote shell startup procedure UCX$REXECD_STARTUP.COM Remote executive startup procedure (continued on next page) Installed Files B-9 Table_B-1_(Cont.)_TCP/IP_Files_Installed________________________ File Name - Logical Name_____________________Description____________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] - SYS$MANAGER:____________________________________________________ UCX$SMTP_STARTUP.COM SMTP queue startup procedure UCX$SMTP_SHUTDOWN.COM SMTP queue shutdown procedure UCX$SMTP_RECV_ SMTP receiver startup procedure STARTUP.COM UCX$SNMP_STARTUP.COM SNMP startup procedure UCX$SNMP_SHUTDOWN.COM SNMP shutdown procedure UCX$SNMPD_MIR.DAT SNMP dictionary of MIB variables UCX$SYMBOLS.COM Configuration logical names UCX$TFTP_STARTUP.COM TFTP startup procedure UCX$TFTP_SHUTDOWN.COM TFTP shutdown procedure TELNET_SHUTDOWN.COM UCX$METRIC_STARTUP.COM Metric startup procedure UCX$METRIC_SHUTDOWN.COM Metric shutdown procedure UCX$UCP_STARTUP.COM Management control program startup ________________________________________________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG] - SYS$MESSAGES:___________________________________________________ UCX$MSG.EXE UCX message file (continued on next page) B-10 Installed Files Table_B-1_(Cont.)_TCP/IP_Files_Installed________________________ File Name - Logical Name_____________________Description____________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.UCX] -_SYS$TEST:_____________________________________________________ UCX$INET_IVP.EXE Auxiliary server IVP UCX$RPCIVP_CLIENT.EXE RPC client routines IVP UCX$RPCIVP_SERVER.EXE RPC server routines IVP ________________________________________________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]____________________________________________ UCX$IVP.COM______________UCX_IVP________________________________ B.2 Files Installed for PATHWORKS Systems Table B-2 lists and describes the files for PATHWORKS systems that are installed by the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. Table_B-2_PATHWORKS_Files_______________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]UCX$PWIPDRIVER.EXPATHWORKS IP driver SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$PWIPACP.EXE PATHWORKS IP ACP SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$PWIPDRIVER.STBGlobal symbol definitions for UCX$PWIPDRIVER.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$PWIPSYM.STB Global symbol definitions for UCX$PWIPSYM.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]UCX$PWIP_ PATHWORKS IP driver startup STARTUP.COM SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]UCX$PWIP_ PATHWORKS IP driver SHUTDOWN.COM shutdown SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$PWIPSHUT.EXE_____________________________ Installed Files B-11 C ________________________________________________________________ Acronyms Table C-1 shows TCP/IP acronyms and other acronyms related to open networking. Table_C-1_Acronyms________________________________________ Acronym_____Meaning_______________________________________ ACL access control list ACP ancillary control process API application programming interface ARP Address Resolution Protocol AST asynchronous system trap BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol BSD Berkeley Software Distribution CFS container file system CSLIP Compressed Serial Line Internet Protocol DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DCE data circuit-terminating equipment DMCS Digital Multinational Character Set DNIC data network identification code DNS Domain Name System DST daylight savings time EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code EOF end of file EOL end of line (continued on next page) Acronyms C-1 Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Acronyms________________________________ Acronym_____Meaning_______________________________________ FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface FID file identification FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name FTN FORTRAN carriage control FTP File Transfer Protocol GID group identification GMT Greenwich Mean Time ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol IDS IBM 3270 Information Display System InterNIC Network Information Center IP Internet Protocol IRP I/O request packets ISDN Integrated Services Digital Networks IVP installation verification procedure LAN local area network LFDP long-format data packet LMF License Management Facility LNA local network address LPD Line Printer Daemon Protocol LPR Line Printer Protocol MBUF memory buffer MFD master file directory MIB Management Information Base MTU message transfer unit NFS Network File System NRCS National Replacement Character Set NTP Network Time Protocol ODS On-Disk Structure ONC RPC open network computing remote procedure calls (continued on next page) C-2 Acronyms Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Acronyms________________________________ Acronym_____Meaning_______________________________________ OOB Out of band PAK Product Authorization Key PDU protocol data unit PID process identification PPP Point-to-Point Protocol PRN print file format control PSDN packet switching data network PWIP PATHWORKS Internet Protocol RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol RCP remote copy REXEC Remote Executive RFC Request for Comments RIP Routing Information Protocol RLOGIN remote login RMS Record Management Services RPC remote procedure call RRQ read request RR resource record RSH remote shell SDC Socket Device Channel SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SOA Start of Authority SRI Stanford Research Institute STD standard time zone TCP Transmission Control Protocol TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol UAF user authorization file (continued on next page) Acronyms C-3 Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Acronyms________________________________ Acronym_____Meaning_______________________________________ UCB unit control blocks UCP UCX Management Control Program UCX Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS UDP User Datagram Protocol UIC user identification code UID user identification UTC Coordinated Universal Time UUCP UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program VFC variable with fixed-length control WAN wide area network XDR external data representation XID exchange identification YP__________yellow_pages__________________________________ C-4 Acronyms ________________________________________________________________ Index A__________________________ E__________________________ Acronyms, C-1 Errors during IVP, 2-11 C__________________________ Examples, A-1 to A-11 Configuration, 2-1 example of BIND Server, I__________________________ A-8 Installation example of core example, A-1 to A-3 environment and client, files installed, B-1 to A-4 B-11 examples, A-4 to A-11 PATHWORKS systems preparing for, 2-1 file names, B-11 required tasks, 2-1 preparing for running, 2-2 backups, 1-2 verifying, 2-11 D__________________________ Installation procedure Database description of, 1-1 populating, 2-12 directories, 1-9 DECwindows, 1-5 printing release notes, defining TCP Transport, 1-5 2-13 re-installation, 1-9 requirements for reinstallation for installation, 1-2 clusters, 1-9 Driver running VMSINSTAL, 1-3 to PATHWORKS systems (PWIP), 1-5 B-11 starting VMSINSTAL, 1-3 SYSTEM account required, 1-3 using VMSINSTAL, 1-5 Index-1 Installing TCP/IP PCSI recommended order of, 1-1 installing TCP/IP with, IVP 1-1 error messages, 2-11 Post-configuration, 2-11 explained, 2-10 databases privileges required, 2-10 populating, 2-12 running, 2-11 DECwindows, 2-13 SYSTEM account required, NFS 1-3 Client, 2-14 NFS Server, 2-13 L__________________________ verifying SYLOGIN.COM License protections, 2-12 registration, 1-2 Privileges LMF, 1-2 required for IVP, 2-10 Protection N of SYLOGIN.COM, 2-12 ___________________________ NFS R__________________________ Client Re-installation post-configuration procedure, 1-9 tasks, 2-14 Reinstallation Server renamed files, 1-10 post-configuration Release Notes tasks, 2-13 printing, 1-5 NFS Server Requirements online documentation for installation UNIX users, 2-15 DECwindows, 1-2 Nonpaged dynamic pool PATHWORKS, 1-2 increasing, 3-2 license registration, 1-2 NPAGEDYN SYSGEN parameter increasing, 3-2 S NPAGEVIR SYSGEN parameter ___________________________ increasing, 3-2 SPR reporting IVP error, 2-11 P__________________________ SYLOGIN.COM PAK, 1-2, 1-5 verifying protections, PATHWORKS 2-12 PWIP Driver SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT files installed for, increasing NPAGEDYN and B-11 NPAGEVIR, 3-2 requirements for SYSGEN installation, 1-2 to increase nonpaged pool, 3-2 Index-2 SYSTEM account UIC running installation selecting, 3-3 from, 1-3 V__________________________ U__________________________ VMSINSTAL UCX$CONFIG.COM installing TCP/IP with, running, 2-2 1-1 running, 1-3 to 1-5 Index-3