DEComni_MMS_for_Digital_UNIX________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-QH1SA-TE March 1998 This manual describes the pre-requisites and procedures for installing the DEComni Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) software on Digital UNIX platforms. Revision/Update: This is a new document for the current release. Operating System: Digital UNIX Version 3.2, 4.0 Software Version: DEComni MMS Version 3.1 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ First printing, June 1994 Revised, February 1996 Revised, March 1998 © Digital Equipment Corporation 1998. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha AXP, BASEstar, DEC, DECmessageQ, DECnet, DECnet-DOS, DECosap, DEComni, DIGITAL, DIGITAL UNIX, FMS, LN03, MicroVAX, NAS, OpenVMS, OpenVMS Alpha, PATHWORKS, PDAS, Rdb/VMS, ReGIS, ThinWire, TK, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXcluster, VAX COBOL, VAX FORTRAN, VAX Pascal, VAX RMS, VMS/ULTRIX Connection, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Excel is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of IBM Corp. INGRES is a trademark of Ingres Corp. LOTUS 1-2-3 is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corp. MS, Microsoft, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Network File System and NFS are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ORACLE is a trademark of Oracle Corp. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. SINEC AP, SINEC H1, SICOMP, Simatic, SINEC, SINUMERIK and SIROTEC are registered trademarks of Siemens, AG. UNIX is a registered trademark licensed exclusively by X /Open Company Ltd. Windows, Windows NT and Windows 95 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Wonderware InTouch is a registered trademark of Wonderware Corporation. X/Open is a registered trademark of the X/Open Company Limited This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Pre-installation Requirements 1.1 System Hardware Requirements..................... 1-2 1.2 System Software Requirements..................... 1-2 1.3 License Registration............................. 1-2 1.4 Installation Time................................ 1-3 1.5 Installation Privileges.......................... 1-4 1.6 Required Disk Space.............................. 1-4 1.7 Determining Disk Space Availability.............. 1-4 1.8 Increasing Available Disk Space.................. 1-6 1.9 Backing Up the System Disk....................... 1-6 2 Installing DEComni MMS on Digital UNIX Systems 2.1 Installation Considerations...................... 2-1 2.1.1 Stopping the Installation ..................... 2-1 2.1.2 Accessing the Release Notes ................... 2-1 2.2 Installation Procedure........................... 2-2 2.2.1 Starting the Installation ..................... 2-2 2.2.2 Selecting the Installation Subsets ............ 2-3 2.2.3 Installation Error Messages ................... 2-5 3 Postinstallation Considerations 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure.. 3-1 3.2 DEComni MMS Startup Script....................... 3-1 3.3 DEComni MMS User Account Setup................... 3-2 3.4 Example Programs................................. 3-2 3.5 Deinstalling DEComni MMS......................... 3-2 3.6 Reporting Software Problems...................... 3-2 iii A Files Added During Installation B Dialogue Samples B.1 Installation Dialogue Sample..................... B-1 B.2 Installation Verification Procedure Sample....... B-2 Glossary of DEComni Terms Index iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface This document covers the installation of the DEComni Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) software on a Digital UNIX system. Keep this document with your distribution kit. You may need it to install maintenance updates or to reinstall the DEComni MMS software. For more information about DEComni MMS features and functions, refer to the DEComni MMS Software Product Description (SPD) in your software distribution kit. Intended Audience This document is for system and network managers and Digital personnel who are responsible for planning or performing installations of the DEComni MMS software on a Digital UNIX system. Document Structure This manual is organized as follows: o Chapter 1, Pre-installation Requirements, describes the hardware and software requirements that must be met before you can install the DEComni MMS software. o Chapter 2, Installing DEComni MMS on Digital UNIX Systems, describes the system environment required to install and run the DEComni MMS software. The chapter also provides the DEComni MMS installation procedures and guidelines. o Chapter 3, Postinstallation Considerations, describes how to start or stop the DEComni MMS installation process and to access the release notes after the v installation. The chapter also provides more information about the installed product. o Appendix A, Files Added During Installation, lists directories and files added to the system during the installation process. o Appendix B, Dialogue Samples, provides sample dialogues for the installation and installation verification procedures. o The Glossary of DEComni Terms defines the terms used in this document or in reference to the DEComni product set. Associated DEComni Documents The following documents provide detailed information about using DEComni API: o DEComni API and DEComni MMS User Guide o Guide to Using Omni Directory Services Related ISO/IEC Documents The following documents provide information about the ISO /IEC standard Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS): Industrial Automation Systems - Manufacturing Message Specification Service Definition, ISO/IEC 9506-1 Industrial Automation Systems - Manufacturing Message Specification Protocol Specification, ISO/IEC 9506-2 Related System Documents See your Digital UNIX documentation for information about software installation and licensing procedures. vi Conventions This manual uses the following conventions: ___________________________________________________________ Convention____Meaning______________________________________ DEComni The term "DEComni" refers to the DEComni MMS product or to functions and services provided by the DEComni software. OpenVMS The term "OpenVMS" refers to OpenVMS products or to operations and functions performed by the OpenVMS operating system. Digital UNIX The term "Digital UNIX" refers to Digital UNIX products or to operations and functions performed by the Digital UNIX operating system. $ The dollar sign is the default Digital UNIX system prompt for user input. UPPERCASE, The system differentiates between uppercase lowercase and lowercase characters. Literal strings that appear in descriptions, examples, or command syntax must be entered exactly as shown. Boldface Boldface type emphasizes user input to system Type prompts. system This typeface indicates system output in output interactive examples. [ ] Square brackets are part of the directory specification [directory_name] on Digital UNIX systems. / Hold down the key while you press another key, indicated here by . n A lowercase italic n indicates the generic use of a number. x A lowercase italic x indicates the generic use of a letter. italic type Italic type emphasizes important or unique information or the complete titles of documents. vii ___________________________________________________________ Convention____Meaning______________________________________ . Vertical ellipses (dots) in examples . represent data that has been omitted for ._____________clarity._____________________________________ viii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Pre-installation Requirements This chapter lists the minimum system hardware and software environment required to install and run the DEComni Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) software. Verify that your installation kit contains all items listed on the Bill of Materials (BOM). Contact your Digital representative if there are any problems or missing items. The software distribution kit typically contains the following items: o Installation media (CD-ROM) containing the DEComni MMS installation software o Product Authorization Key (PAK) for registering the DEComni MMS software o DEComni MMS installation and user documentation o Online release notes are included on the installation media. Directions for accessing the release notes are provided in Section 2.1.2. ________________________ Note ________________________ Digital recommends that you read the release notes before installing or running the DEComni MMS software. ______________________________________________________ The DEComni MMS installation process creates DEComni MMS file systems that are subordinate to the /usr/opt and /usr /var/opt directories, then loads the DEComni MMS subsets. To perform the procedures described in this chapter: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root). 1-1 2. Ensure that you are at the root directory (/) by entering the command: # cd / 1.1 System Hardware Requirements Your system must meet the hardware requirements specified in the DEComni MMS Software Product Description (SPD). 1.2 System Software Requirements Your system must be running the following software versions: o Digital UNIX V3.2 or V4.0 o DECnet OSI for Digital UNIX Version 3.2 or V4.0 o DEComni API for Digital UNIX Version 3.1 Pre-requisite software and versions can change. For the latest pre-requisite information, see the current DEComni MMS Software Product Description (SPD). 1.3 License Registration You must register the Product Authorization Key (PAK) in the License Database (LDB) using the License Management Facility (LMF). The PAK is shipped with the kit if you order the license and media together. Otherwise, it is shipped separately to the location specified on your license order. If you are installing DEComni MMS as an update on a node that is already licensed for the software, you have already completed the PAK registration requirements. ________________________ Note ________________________ PAK registration is required only for nodes that will actually run the DEComni MMS software. If you are installing DEComni MMS on a node that will only function as a server, it is not necessary to register the PAK. ______________________________________________________ 1-2 To register a new PAK in the LDB, use the Digital UNIX License Management Facility (LMF). This utility requires you to fill in an online form. You can register the PAK either before or after you install DEComni MMS. If you register before the installation, the PAK registration template is empty and you must enter all of the PAK data. If you register after the installation, some of the data will have been entered by the installation procedure. Either way, you can perform the registration procedure as follows: 1. Invoke the License Management Facility (LMF) with one of the following commands. o If DEComni MMS has not been installed: # lmf register Edit the empty PAK template and add all of the information from your PAK. o If DEComni MMS has been installed: # lmf register - < /usr/var/adm/lmf/DECOMNI-MMS Edit the partially completed PAK template, adding all of the unique license information from your PAK. 2. After registering the license, copy the license details from the License Database (LDB) to the kernel cache: # lmf reset 3. Exit from the LMF utility. For more information about the Digital UNIX License Management Facility, refer to the Digital UNIX Guide to Software Licensing or the lmf(*) reference page. 1.4 Installation Time Installing DEComni MMS from CD-ROM and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) on your target system takes approximately 3 to 4 minutes, depending on the system and media configuration. Installation can take longer on a system that is dependent on network activity during the installation. 1-3 1.5 Installation Privileges You must be able to log in as superuser on the system where you are installing DEComni MMS (login name root). You have sufficient privileges to install the DEComni MMS software only when you are logged in as superuser. 1.6 Required Disk Space The tables that follow list the disk space requirements for installing and running the DEComni MMS software subset on a Digital UNIX system. These tables indicate the disk space requirements by file system for the convenience of personnel doing installations on systems where these file systems are mount points for different disk partitions. ______DEComni_MMS_Subset_Sizes_(kilobytes)_to_Install____________ Root File System /usr /usr/var Subset_Title_______Subset_Name_______(/)______/opt____/opt_______ DEComni MMS DOUMMS310 340 6700 4800 Services_________________________________________________________ ______DEComni_MMS_Subset_Sizes_(kilobytes)_to_Run________________ Root File System /usr /usr/var Subset_Title_______Subset_Name_______(/)______/opt____/opt_______ DEComni MMS DOUMMS310 340 6000 2000 Services_________________________________________________________ 1.7 Determining Disk Space Availability Use the tables in Section 1.6 to determine how much disk space is required to install the DEComni MMS subsets. Compare this value with the free space currently available on the disks where the DEComni MMS files will reside. To determine the current amount of free disk space for a directory path, log in on the system where you plan to install DEComni MMS. You can then: 1-4 1. Determine which file systems are mounted and where they are located by displaying the file /etc/fstab: # more /etc/fstab /dev/rd0a:/:rw:1:1:ufs:: /dev/rd0g:/usr:rw:1:2:ufs:: /usr/staff/rl/leslie@bigsys:/usr/staff/rl/leslie:rw:0:0:nfs:bg: /usr/man@bigsys:/usr/man:ro:0:0:nfs:bg: This display indicates that /usr (mounted to /dev/rd0g) is the only mount point that affects where the files will reside. The system only has one local disk drive. The /usr/opt and /usr/var/opt file systems reside in the g partition of the disk on that drive. 2. Enter the df command to determine the total space and free space for the one or two file systems where the DEComni MMS files will reside. Based on the previous display of the /etc/fstab file, which shows that only usr is a mount point, you would only need to determine free space in the usr system as follows: # df -k /usr Filesystem Total kbytes kbytes % node kbytes used free used Mounted on /dev/rd0g 122598 54447 75892 49% /usr This display indicates that there are 75,892 free kilobytes. This free space must accommodate the subset space required to run as listed in Section 1.6 for both the /usr/opt and /usr/var/opt file systems. 3. On systems where /usr/opt and /usr/var/opt are mounted to different devices from /usr, enter the following command: # df -k /usr/opt /usr/var/opt Here, you must compare the space required for the DEComni MMS files in /usr/opt with the free space displayed in the first line of the df output list. You must also compare the space required for the DEComni MMS files in /usr/var/opt with the free space displayed in the second line of the list. The space used under /usr/var/opt will increase as the Omni Directory Services (ODS) database is populated. 1-5 1.8 Increasing Available Disk Space The DEComni MMS installation procedure creates the following directories and loads files into subordinate directories: /usr/opt/DOUMMS310 /usr/var/opt/DOUMMS310 If the DOUMMS300 directory node in these paths does not exist, the installation procedure creates it. If the path already exists, the installation procedure uses it. If you find that there is insufficient disk space for the DEComni MMS DEComni MMS subsets, and you know that you have additional space on alternative disks or disk partitions for your system, you can do the following: 1. Create the directory /usr/opt/DOUMMS310 or /usr/var/opt /DOUMMS310 or both. 2. In the /etc/fstab file, specify one or more of the newly created directories as mount points to new disk partitions where there is additional space. 3. Enter the mount -a command so the new mount points take effect. 1.9 Backing Up the System Disk Digital recommends that you do a full system disk backup before you start any installation procedures. Use the backup procedures established for your site. For an explanation of how to back up a system disk, refer to your Digital UNIX documentation. 1-6 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing DEComni MMS on Digital UNIX Systems This chapter provides the requirements and procedures for installing the DEComni Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) software on your Digital UNIX system. 2.1 Installation Considerations This section provides information you may require during the installation process. 2.1.1 Stopping the Installation To abort the installation procedure at any time, press /. However, files created to that point are not deleted and must be manually deleted. Appendix A lists the files and directories created during the installation process. To restart the installation after pressing /, you must repeat the entire procedure. 2.1.2 Accessing the Release Notes Release notes contain information about known problems or restrictions that apply to the current version of the product. DEComni MMS release notes are in an online ASCII text file that you can read or print before or after the installation. After installing the DEComni MMS software, type the following command to access the online release notes: # more /usr/opt/DOUMMS310/docs/relnotes.txt ________________________ Note ________________________ Digital recommends that you read the release notes before you attempt the installation procedure or run 2-1 the DEComni MMS software. ______________________________________________________ 2.2 Installation Procedure To perform the installation, you must be logged in either to the system manager's account or to an account with the appropriate privileges. 2.2.1 Starting the Installation Execute the following steps to start the DEComni MMS installation: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root). 2. Enter the following command to ensure that you are in the root (/) directory: # cd / 3. Perform one of the procedures that follow, according to your installation medium. Installing from CD-ROM a. Mount the CD-ROM on the drive. b. Specify the /mnt directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. For example, if your drive is rz4c, enter the following command: # mount -dr /dev/rz4c /mnt c. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l) and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where the DEComni MMS subsets are located. For example, if the directory location for the subsets is /mnt/DOUMMS310, enter the following command: # setld -l /mnt/DOUMMS310 d. Continue the installation at Section 2.2.2. 2-2 Installing Over the Network from an RIS Server a. Enter a setld command that requests the load function and identifies the system where the DEComni MMS subsets are located. For example, if you are loading DEComni MMS subsets from a RIS distribution area on node bigsys, enter the following command: # setld -l bigsys: b. If the system displays an error message, contact your site administrator to determine if your node is registered as a client on that RIS node. c. Continue the installation at Section 2.2.2. 2.2.2 Selecting the Installation Subsets If the installation process has started: 1. The procedure displays the names of the DEComni MMS subsets, then asks you to specify the subsets to be loaded: Copyright (C) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All Rights Reserved. The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DEComni MMS Services Or you may choose one of the following options: 2) ALL of the above 3) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 4) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1 If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space (not a comma). 2-3 2. The process verifies your choice. For example, if you enter 3 at the "Choices" prompt, it displays the following: You are installing the following optional subsets: DEComni MMS Services Is this correct? (y/n): )y Enter y if the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load. If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to install, enter n. The subset selection menu displays again and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. 3. The procedure continues without asking any more questions and displays messages that report the progress of the installation: Checking file system space required to install specified subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (C) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. DEComni MMS Services Copying from . (disk) Verifying Installation procedure for DOUMMS310. DOUMMS310 software successfully installed. Configuring "DEComni MMS Services" (DOUMMS310) Installation configuration procedure for DOUMMS310. 2-4 Checking your system configuration and configuring the MMS Services in DEComni. This will take a few seconds and requires your attention, please stand by. Registering MMS services to DEComni. This will take a few seconds, please stand by. You can run the IVP now or you can run it later using the following command: setld -v DOUMMS310 It is recommended that you run the IVP to verify the installation Do you want to run the IVP now ? (y/n)n DOUMMS310 software successfully configured. Appendix B provides a complete sample installation dialogue. Chapter 3 discusses the postinstallation requirements specified in final informational messages from the procedure. 2.2.3 Installation Error Messages If an error occurs during the installation, the system displays an appropriate error message. For example, if the available disk space is insufficient, the procedure displays a message similar to the following: There is not enough file system space for subset DOUMMS310. DEComni Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) (DOUMMS310) will not be loaded. An error occurs during installation if: o The operating system version is incorrect o A prerequisite software version is incorrect o The system parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. For a description of the error messages generated by these conditions, refer to the Digital UNIX documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and Digital UNIX software installation. Refer to Section 1.2 for information about system software requirements. Refer to Section 3.6 for details of the action to take if an error occurs when using the DEComni MMS software. 2-5 If you encounter an error while using the setld utility during the installation, refer to the Diagnostics section of the setld(8) reference page for an explanation of the error and the appropriate action to take. If the verification process fails, refer to the /var/adm /smlogs/fverify.log file. This file contains information that might help you diagnose the problem. 2-6 3 _________________________________________________________________ Postinstallation Considerations This chapter provides further information about the DEComni Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) software after successful installation on a Digital UNIX system. 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) verifies that DEComni MMS is correctly installed and ready to use. For example, you may want to independently run the IVP after the installation to verify that the software is correctly installed and ready to use. You may also want to run the IVP after a system failure to ensure that users can access the DEComni MMS software. Enter the following command to run the IVP: # setld -v DOUMMS310 Appendix B provides a sample of the DEComni MMS IVP listing. 3.2 DEComni MMS Startup Script A startup script is provided as part of the DEComni MMS (DOUMMS310) software installation. The script file is located in /usr/sbin/ after the installation. You can manually invoke the script or enter a script in the /sbin/rc3.d directory that invokes the startup script every time the system is booted. Be sure that DECnet is started before /usr/sbin/ is invoked. See the Digital UNIX System Management Guide for information about setting up system startup files. 3-1 3.3 DEComni MMS User Account Setup For each DEComni MMS user, the environment variable NLSPATH should at least be set to /usr/lib/nls/msg/%N. 3.4 Example Programs Some examples of DEComni MMS programs are included in the installation kit with the DEComni MMS BASE subset (DOUMMS310). The files are located in the /ver/opt /DOUMMS310/examples directory. 3.5 Deinstalling DEComni MMS If it is necessary to deinstall the DEComni MMS software from your system, you must delete each installed subset. To delete DEComni MMS subsets: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root). 2. Ensure that you are at the root directory (/) with the command: # cd / 3. Enter the following form of the setld command: # setld -i | grep DOUMMS 4. Look for the word "installed" in the listing, then delete the installed subsets. For example: # setld -d DOUMMS310 3.6 Reporting Software Problems If an error occurs while using the DEComni MMS, and you believe that the error is caused by a problem with the product, you can take one of the following actions: o If you have a basic or DECsupport Software Agreement, call your Customer Support Center (CSC). The CSC provides telephone support for high-level advisory and remedial assistance. o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). 3-2 o If you purchased DEComni MMS within the last 90 days, and you think the problem is caused by a software error, you can submit an SPR. Please follow these steps if you submit an SPR: 1. Describe the state of the system as accurately as possible and the circumstances under which the problem occurred. 2. Concisely State the problem as concisely as possible. 3. Illustrate the problem with specific examples. 4. Report only one problem per SPR to ensure a quick response. 5. Notify the Digital Software Services representative, who will then submit your SPR. Experience shows that many SPRs do not contain sufficient information to duplicate or identify the problem. Complete and concise information helps Digital give accurate and timely service to software problems. 3-3 A _________________________________________________________________ Files Added During Installation Below is a list of the Digital UNIX directories and files that are added during the DEComni MMS installation procedure. /var/opt/DOUMMS310/examples mms_ivp mms_ivp.c omni_ivp_init.c omni_ivp_resp.c omni_test_init.c omni_test_resp.c runivp_mms /usr/opt/DOUMMS310/doc relnotes.txt /usr/opt/DOUMMS310/shlib A-1 B _________________________________________________________________ Dialogue Samples This appendix provides sample installation sessions from a Digital UNIX system using disk media. The appendix includes the following: o Installation Dialogue Sample o Installation Verification Procedure Dialogue Sample B.1 Installation Dialogue Sample The following example shows an installation from disk media: # setld -l /mnt/DOUMMS310 Checking file system space required to install specified subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (C) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. DEComni MMS Services Copying from . (disk) Verifying Installation procedure for DOUMMS310. DOUMMS310 software successfully installed. B-1 Configuring "DEComni MMS Services" (DOUMMS310) Installation configuration procedure for DOUMMS310. Checking your system configuration and configuring the MMS Services in DEComni. This will take a few seconds and requires your attention, please stand by. Registering MMS services to DEComni. This will take few seconds, please stand by. You can run the IVP now or you can run it later using the following command: setld -v DOUMMS310 It is recommended that you run the IVP to verify the installation Do you want to run the IVP now ? (y/n) n DOUMMS310 software successfully configured. # B.2 Installation Verification Procedure Sample The following example shows an Installation Verification Procedure: # setld -v DOUMMS310 DEComni MMS Services (DOUMMS310) Copyright (C) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Installation Verification Procedure DEComni MMS for Digital UNIX V3.1 - Building IVP DEComni MMS for Digital UNIX V3.1 - IVP successfully built DEComni MMS for Digital UNIX V3.1 - Starting IVP DEComni MMS for Digital UNIX V3.1 - Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) B-2 IVP: defining VMD's for IVP IVP: starting the application server /cn=MMSIVPS - create_vmd: /cn=MMSIVPC (/cn=MMSIVPC) /cn=MMSIVPS - create_vmd: /cn=MMSIVPS (/cn=MMSIVPS) /cn=MMSIVPS - create_domain: SIMATIC_S5 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - create_domain: OSAP_DOM1 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - create_domain: OSAP_DOM3 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - create_pi: OSAP_PI1 () on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - create_domain: SIMATIC_S5 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - create_domain: OSAP_DOM1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - create_domain: OSAP_DOM3 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - create_pi: OSAP_PI1 () on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Bool on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_BOOL on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int8 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT8 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un8 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN8 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_FP on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_FP on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_BS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_BS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_OS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_VS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_VS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_TI on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_TI on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_TD on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_TD on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArBool on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARBOOL on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT8 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt8 on /cn=MMSIVPS B-3 /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn8 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN8 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArFP on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARFP on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArBS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARBS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArOS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AROS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArVS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARVS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArTI on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARTI on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArTD on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARTD on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Ar on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR_AR on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Str on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR_STR on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_All on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_ALL on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Ar on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_AR on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Str on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_STR on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_WCOS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_WCOS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_OS1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB3 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB4 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB5 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB6 on /cn=MMSIVPS B-4 /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB7 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_OS2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPW0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPW1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPW2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPW3 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_OS4 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPL0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPL1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB3 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB4 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB5 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB6 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB7 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTW0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTW1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTW2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTW3 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTL0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTL1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar50Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR50INT32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar100Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR100INT32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar500Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR500INT32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar1000Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR1000INT32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Bool on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_BOOL on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int8 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT8 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INT32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un8 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN8 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN16 on /cn=MMSIVPC B-5 /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_Un32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_UN32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_FP on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_FP on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_BS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_BS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_OS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_VS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_VS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_TI on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_TI on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_TD on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_TD on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArBool on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARBOOL on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt16 on /cn=MMSIVPC IVP: starting the application client /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT8 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt8 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArInt32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARINT32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn8 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN8 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArUn32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArFP on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARFP on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArBS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARBS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArOS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AROS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArVS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARVS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArTI on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARTI on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_ArTD on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_ARTD on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Ar on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR_AR on /cn=MMSIVPC B-6 /cn=MMSIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_1 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Str on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR_STR on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_All on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_ALL on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Ar on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_AR on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_2 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Str on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_STR_STR on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_WCOS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_WCOS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_OS1 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB0 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB1 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB2 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB3 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB4 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB5 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB6 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPB7 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_OS2 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPW0 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPW1 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPW2 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPW3 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_simple_type: NT_OS4 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPL0 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_INPL1 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB0 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB1 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB2 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB3 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB4 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB5 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB6 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTB7 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTW0 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTW1 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTW2 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTW3 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTL0 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_OUTL1 on /cn=MMSIVPC B-7 /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar50Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR50INT32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar100Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR100INT32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar500Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR500INT32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_array_type: NT_Ar1000Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - define_named_var: VMD_AR1000INT32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPS - Listening for /cn=MMSIVPC ... /cn=MMSIVPS - Listen completed, accepting connection /cn=MMSIVPS - Connection succesfully accepted /cn=MMSIVPS - Entering server mode /cn=MMSIVPS - creating local variable list on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:3 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:5 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:6 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:7 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:9 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:11 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:12 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:20 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:434 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:436 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:30 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:40 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:50 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:60 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:80 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:90 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:100 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:120 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:140 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:150 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:230 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:439 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:459 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:348 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:344 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:310 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:370 on /cn=MMSIVPS B-8 /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:100:390 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:134:0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:0:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:1:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:2:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:3:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:4:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:5:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:6:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:7:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:8:2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:10:2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:12:2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:14:2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:16:4 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: IB:20:4 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:0:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:1:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:2:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:3:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:4:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:5:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:6:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:7:1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:8:2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:10:2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:12:2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:14:2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:16:4 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: QB:20:4 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:163:0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:164:0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:165:0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - define_unnamed_var: DB:166:0 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - creating local unnamed variables group on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPS - READ Indication Received for variable VMD_BOOL /cn=MMSIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_BOOL boolean VMD_BOOL TRUE /cn=MMSIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_INT8 /cn=MMSIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_INT8 integer_8 VMD_INT8 -8 /cn=MMSIVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable VMD_INT32 /cn=MMSIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_INT32 B-9 integer_32 VMD_INT32 -32 /cn=MMSIVPS - READ Indication Received for variable VMD_UN16 /cn=MMSIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_UN16 unsigned_16 VMD_UN16 16 /cn=MMSIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_FP /cn=MMSIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_FP f_float VMD_FP 3.141560 /cn=MMSIVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable VMD_BS16 /cn=MMSIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_BS16 bit_str VMD_BS16 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /cn=MMSIVPS - READ Indication Received for variable VMD_TI /cn=MMSIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_TI sys_time VMD_TI Thu Jan 1 14:21:45 1970 /cn=MMSIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_ARBOOL /cn=MMSIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_ARBOOL boolean VMD_ARBOOL[0] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[1] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[2] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[3] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[4] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[5] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[6] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[7] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[8] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[9] TRUE /cn=MMSIVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable VMD_ARUN16 /cn=MMSIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_ARUN16 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[0] 0 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[1] 1 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[2] 2 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[3] 3 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[4] 4 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[5] 5 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[6] 6 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[7] 7 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[8] 8 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[9] 9 /cn=MMSIVPS - READ Indication Received for variable VMD_AROS16 /cn=MMSIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_AROS16 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[0] 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[1] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[2] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[3] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B-10 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[4] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[5] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[6] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[7] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[8] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[9] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 /cn=MMSIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_ARVS16 /cn=MMSIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_ARVS16 nt_str VMD_ARVS16[0] Loc_ArVS16[00] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[1] Loc_ArVS16[01] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[2] Loc_ArVS16[02] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[3] Loc_ArVS16[03] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[4] Loc_ArVS16[04] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[5] Loc_ArVS16[05] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[6] Loc_ArVS16[06] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[7] Loc_ArVS16[07] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[8] Loc_ArVS16[08] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[9] Loc_ArVS16[09] /cn=MMSIVPS - WRITE Indication Received for variable VMD_ARTD /cn=MMSIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_ARTD sys_time VMD_ARTD[0] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[1] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[2] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[3] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[4] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[5] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[6] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[7] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[8] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[9] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 B-11 /cn=MMSIVPS - READ Indication Received for variable VMD_AR_AR /cn=MMSIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_AR_AR integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[0] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[1] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[2] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[3] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[4] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[5] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[6] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[7] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[8] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[9] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[0] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[1] 1 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[2] 2 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[3] 3 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[4] 4 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[5] 5 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[6] 6 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[7] 7 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[8] 8 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[9] 9 /cn=MMSIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_AR_STR /cn=MMSIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_AR_STR structure VMD_AR_STR[0] { bit_str VMD_BS16 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 integer_16 VMD_INT16 0 } structure VMD_AR_STR[1] { bit_str VMD_BS16 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 integer_16 VMD_INT16 -16 } /cn=MMSIVPS - INFORMATION REPORT Indication Received for variable VMD_STR_ALL /cn=MMSIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_ALL structure VMD_STR_ALL { boolean VMD_BOOL TRUE integer_8 VMD_INT8 -1 integer_16 VMD_INT16 -2 integer_32 VMD_INT32 -3 unsigned_8 VMD_UN8 4 unsigned_16 VMD_UN16 5 unsigned_32 VMD_UN32 6 f_float VMD_FP 7.800000 B-12 bit_str VMD_BS16 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 scalar_str VMD_OS16 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 nt_str VMD_VS16 Loc_Buf_Str_All. } /cn=MMSIVPS - READ Indication Received for /cn=MMSIVPC - create_vmd: /cn=MMSIVPS (/cn=MMSIVPS) /cn=MMSIVPC - create_vmd: /cn=MMSIVPC (/cn=MMSIVPC) /cn=MMSIVPC - create_domain: SIMATIC_S5 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - create_domain: OSAP_DOM1 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - create_domain: OSAP_DOM3 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - create_pi: OSAP_PI1 () on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - create_domain: SIMATIC_S5 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - create_domain: OSAP_DOM1 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - create_domain: OSAP_DOM3 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - create_pi: OSAP_PI1 () on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - Connecting to /cn=MMSIVPS ... /cn=MMSIVPC - Connect Completed /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Bool on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_BOOL on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_BOOL boolean VMD_BOOL TRUE /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int8 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_INT8 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_INT8 integer_8 VMD_INT8 -8 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_INT32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_INT32 integer_32 VMD_INT32 -32 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_UN16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_UN16 unsigned_16 VMD_UN16 16 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_FP on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_FP on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_FP f_float VMD_FP 3.141560 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_BS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_BS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_BS16 bit_str VMD_BS16 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_TI on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_TI on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_TI B-13 sys_time VMD_TI Fri Apr 24 09:01:43 1998 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Bool on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArBool on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_ARBOOL on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_ARBOOL boolean VMD_ARBOOL[0] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[1] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[2] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[3] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[4] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[5] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[6] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[7] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[8] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[9] TRUE /cn=MMSIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArUn16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_ARUN16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_ARUN16 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[0] 0 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[1] 1 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[2] 2 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[3] 3 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[4] 4 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[5] 5 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[6] 6 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[7] 7 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[8] 8 unsigned_16 VMD_ARUN16[9] 9 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_OS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArOS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_AROS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_AROS16 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[0] 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[1] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[2] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[3] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[4] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[5] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[6] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[7] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[8] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 scalar_str VMD_AROS16[9] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_VS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC B-14 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArVS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_ARVS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_ARVS16 nt_str VMD_ARVS16[0] Loc_ArVS16[00] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[1] Loc_ArVS16[01] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[2] Loc_ArVS16[02] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[3] Loc_ArVS16[03] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[4] Loc_ArVS16[04] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[5] Loc_ArVS16[05] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[6] Loc_ArVS16[06] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[7] Loc_ArVS16[07] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[8] Loc_ArVS16[08] nt_str VMD_ARVS16[9] Loc_ArVS16[09] /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_TD on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArTD on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_ARTD on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_ARTD sys_time VMD_ARTD[0] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[1] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[2] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[3] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[4] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[5] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[6] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[7] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[8] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 sys_time VMD_ARTD[9] Tue Mar 10 14:22:10 1998 B-15 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArInt8 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Ar on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_AR_AR on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_AR_AR integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[0] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[1] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[2] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[3] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[4] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[5] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[6] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[7] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[8] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[9] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[0] 0 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[1] 1 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[2] 2 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[3] 3 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[4] 4 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[5] 5 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[6] 6 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[7] 7 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[8] 8 integer_16 VMD_AR_AR[9] 9 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_BS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_1 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_array_type: NT_Ar_Str on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_AR_STR on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_AR_STR structure VMD_AR_STR[0] { bit_str VMD_BS16 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 integer_16 VMD_INT16 0 } structure VMD_AR_STR[1] { bit_str VMD_BS16 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 integer_16 VMD_INT16 -16 } /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int32 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un8 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un32 on /cn=MMSIVPC B-16 /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_OS16 on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_TI on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_TD on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_All on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_STR_ALL on /cn=MMSIVPC /cn=MMSIVPC - Send Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_ALL structure VMD_STR_ALL { boolean VMD_BOOL TRUE integer_8 VMD_INT8 -1 integer_16 VMD_INT16 -2 integer_32 VMD_INT32 -3 unsigned_8 VMD_UN8 4 unsigned_16 VMD_UN16 5 unsigned_32 VMD_UN32 6 f_float VMD_FP 7.800000 bit_str VMD_BS16 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 scalar_str VMD_OS16 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 nt_str VMD_VS16 Loc_Buf_Str_All. } /cn=MMSIVPC - define_array_type: NT_ArBool on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Ar on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_STR_AR on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_AR structure VMD_STR_AR { integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[0] 0 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[1] -9 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[2] -18 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[3] -27 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[4] -36 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[5] -45 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[6] -54 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[7] -63 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[8] -72 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[9] -81 boolean VMD_ARBOOL[0] FALSE boolean variable VMD_STR_AR /cn=MMSIVPS - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_AR structure VMD_STR_AR { integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[0] 0 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[1] -9 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[2] -18 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[3] -27 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[4] -36 B-17 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[5] -45 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[6] -54 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[7] -63 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[8] -72 integer_16 VMD_ARINT16[9] -81 boolean VMD_ARBOOL[0] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[1] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[2] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[3] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[4] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[5] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[6] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[7] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[8] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[9] TRUE } /cn=MMSIVPS - WRITE Indication Received for VMD_ARBOOL[1] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[2] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[3] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[4] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[5] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[6] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[7] TRUE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[8] FALSE boolean VMD_ARBOOL[9] TRUE } /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Int8 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un8 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_Un32 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_FP on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_simple_type: NT_VS16 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_All on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_2 on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_struct_type: NT_Str_Str on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - define_named_var: VMD_STR_STR on /cn=MMSIVPS /cn=MMSIVPC - Put Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_STR structure VMD_STR_STR { structure VMD_STR_ALL { boolean VMD_BOOL TRUE integer_8 VMD_INT8 -1 integer_16 VMD_INT16 -2 integer_32 VMD_INT32 -3 unsigned_8 VMD_UN8 4 B-18 unsigned_16 VMD_UN16 5 unsigned_32 VMD_UN32 6 f_float VMD_FP 7.800000 bit_str VMD_BS16 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 scalar_str VMD_OS16 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 nt_str VMD_VS16 Loc_Buf_Str_SAll } structure VMD_STR_2 { boolean VMD_BOOL TRUE scalar_str VMD_OS16 bc 00 00 10 02 c4 ff 00 00 00 00 82 3e 05 35 10 } } /cn=MMSIVPC - Get Remote Attributes Completed - variable VMD_STR_STR /cn=MMSIVPC - Attributes for Variable VMD_STR_STR structure component_name VMD_STR_ALL structure component_name VMD_BOOL boolean component_name VMD_INT8 integer 8 component_name VMD_INT16 integer 16 component_name VMD_INT32 integer 32 component_name VMD_UN8 unsigned 8 component_name VMD_UN16 unsigned 16 component_name VMD_UN32 unsigned 32 component_name VMD_FP floating_point: format 32, exp 8 component_name VMD_BS16 bit_str [16] component_name VMD_OS16 octet_str [16] component_name VMD_VS16 visible_str [16] end_of_structure component_name VMD_STR_2 structure component_name VMD_BOOL B-19 boolean component_name VMD_OS16 octet_str [16] end_of_structure end_of_structure /cn=MMSIVPC - Conclude Completed variable VMD_STR_STR /cn=MMSIVPS - Get Value Completed - variable VMD_STR_STR structure VMD_STR_STR { structure VMD_STR_ALL { boolean VMD_BOOL TRUE integer_8 VMD_INT8 -1 integer_16 VMD_INT16 -2 integer_32 VMD_INT32 -3 unsigned_8 VMD_UN8 4 unsigned_16 VMD_UN16 5 unsigned_32 VMD_UN32 6 f_float VMD_FP 7.800000 bit_str VMD_BS16 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 scalar_str VMD_OS16 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 nt_str VMD_VS16 Loc_Buf_Str_SAll } structure VMD_STR_2 { boolean VMD_BOOL TRUE scalar_str VMD_OS16 bc 00 00 10 02 c4 ff 00 00 00 00 82 3e 05 35 10 } } /cn=MMSIVPS - ACSE CONCLUDE Indication Received. /cn=MMSIVPS - Exiting server mode due to acse conclude indication IVP: deleting definitions for IVP VMD's DEComni MMS for Digital UNIX V3.1 - IVP successfully terminated DOUMMS310 software successfully installed and configured. B-20 _________________________________________________________________ Glossary of DEComni Terms This glossary defines DEComni terms that are used in this document or in reference to DEComni functions. AE Application Entity. API Application Program Interface. ASE Application Service Element. AST OpenVMS Asynchronous System Trap. AT Application Type or Application Named Type. CS Companion Standard. DOM Domain. FD File Descriptor. IOSB Input/Output Status Block. Glossary-1 MMS Manufacturing Message Specification. MT MMS Type or MMS Named Type. NC Numeric Controller. NV Named Variable. ODF Omni Definition Facility. ODS Omni Directory Services. PDU Protocol Data Unit. PI Program Invocation. PID Entry in a PI list of domains. PLC Programmable Logic Controller. RMS OpenVMS Record Management System. UV Unnamed Variable. VAR Simple Variable - Named or Unnamed. VMD Virtual Manufacturing Device. Glossary-2 _________________________________________________________________ Index A______________________________ F______________________________ Account privileges, 1-1, 1-4 Files added during B installation, Appendix A _______________________________ Backup for system disk, 1-6 H______________________________ C Hardware requirements, 1-2 _______________________________ Customer Support Center (CSC), I______________________________ 3-2 Installing DEComni MMS, D Chapter 2 _______________________________ Installation Dialogue samples, Appendix B files added, Appendix A DEComni MMS of product, Chapter 2 deinstallation, 3-2 pre-requisites, Chapter 1 example programs, 3-2 considerations, 2-1 startup script, 3-1 dialogue sample, B-1 user account setup, 3-2 error messages, 2-5 Deinstalling DEComni MMS, 3-2 kit, 1-1 Determine free disk space, privileges, 1-1, 1-4 1-4, 1-6 procedure, 2-2 Digital UNIX version, 1-2 process, 2-1 to 2-6 Disk space requirements, 1-4 stop, 2-1 Distribution kit, 1-1 subsets, 2-3 time, 1-3 E______________________________ Installation Verification Example programs, 3-2 Procedure (IVP), 3-1 sample, B-2 Index-1 L______________________________ S______________________________ License Database (LDB), 1-2 Sample dialogues, Appendix B License Management Facility Selecting installation subsets (LMF), 1-2 , 2-3 Software Performance Report O______________________________ (SPR), 3-2, 3-3 Online release notes, 1-1 Software requirements, 1-2 Starting the installation, 2-2 P Startup script, 3-1 _______________________________ Stop installation process, 2-1 Postinstallation considera- System disk backup, 1-6 tions, Chapter 3 System version, 1-2 Pre-installation requirements, Chapter 1 U______________________________ Product Authorization Key User account setup, 3-2 (PAK), 1-2 V______________________________ R______________________________ Verify free disk space, 1-4, Release notes, 1-1, 2-1 1-6 Index-2