DEC_Notes_____________________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-GH96F-TE November 1993 This document contains instructions for installing DEC Notes on the OpenVMS[TM] operating system. It also explains how to read the online release notes before or after installing the product. Revision/Update Information: This revised manual supersedes the DEC Notes Installation Guide (Order Number AA- GH96E-TE). Operating System and Version: VMS Version 5.4 or higher. Software Version: DEC Notes Version 2.5 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ November 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1993. All Rights Reserved. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ALL-IN-1, Alpha AXP, AXP, Bookreader, DECnet, DEC Notes, DECwindows, Digital, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, PrintServer, TeamLinks, VAX, VAX Notes, VAXcluster, VAXserver, VAXstation, VMS, WPS-PLUS, XUI, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Motif and OSF/Motif are trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX Systems Laboratories, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. ZK5198 This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Preparing for Installation 1.1 Checking the Distribution Kit................ 1-1 1.2 Accessing the Online Release Notes........... 1-1 1.3 VAX Installation Procedure Requirements...... 1-2 1.4 AXP Installation Procedure Requirements...... 1-4 1.5 User Account Quotas and Privileges........... 1-6 1.6 VMS License Management Facility.............. 1-7 1.7 Using VMSINSTAL.............................. 1-9 2 Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure........... 2-1 3 Post-Installation Procedures 3.1 Editing the System Startup File.............. 3-1 3.2 Network Transport Information................ 3-1 3.2.1 DECnet Information....................... 3-2 3.2.2 TCP/IP Information....................... 3-2 3.3 Installing DEC Notes on a VAXcluster......... 3-3 3.4 Invoking DEC Notes After the Installation.... 3-4 3.5 Controlling DEC Notes Servers................ 3-5 3.6 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately......................... 3-6 3.7 Error Conditions............................. 3-7 3.8 Maintenance Updates.......................... 3-7 3.9 Determining and Reporting Problems........... 3-8 iii A Sample Installation B DEC Notes License Information B.1 The NOTES-CLIENT-USER License................ B-1 B.2 The NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK License............. B-1 B.2.1 Adding a User to the Reserve List........ B-1 iv ________________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes how to install and maintain DEC Notes on the OpenVMS[TM] operating system. You should review the entire guide before you start the installation. Who Should Use This Guide This guide is for system managers or others responsible for installing system software. To install the DEC Notes software, you must have access to a privileged account such as the SYSTEM account, and you must be familiar with the OpenVMS installation procedure, VMSINSTAL.COM. Keep this document with your distribution kit. You will need it to install maintenance updates or to reinstall DEC Notes for any other reason. At the back of this document are two Reader's Comments forms. If you have any comments about this document, please fill out one form and mail it. Your comments will be considered for the next revision of the installation guide. For More Information For more information about installing DEC Notes on OpenVMS systems, refer to your processor-specific installation /operations guide. For more information about the VMSINSTAL command procedure, see one of the following manuals: o VMS System Manager's Manual, in the OpenVMS base documentation set v o VMS License Management Utility Manual, in the OpenVMS base documentation set o VMS Authorize Utility Manual, in the OpenVMS base documentation set o VMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Volume, in the OpenVMS base documentation set o Guide to Setting Up a VMS System, in the OpenVMS system management kit Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: In procedures, key names are shown enclosed to indicate that you press a key on the keyboard. A sequence such as indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. () In format descriptions, parentheses indicate that, if you choose more than one option, you must enclose the choices in parentheses. [] In format descriptions, brackets indicate that whatever is enclosed is optional; you can select none, one, or all of the choices. bold In the online version, boldface text is used in interactive examples to indicate typed user input. italic text Italic text represents information that can vary in system messages (for example, Internal error number). vi UPPERCASE TEXT Uppercase letters indicate that you must enter a command. Uppercase letters also indicate the name of a routine, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or the abbreviation of a system privilege. Bookreader The term Bookreader refers to the Bookreader[TM] software. VMS The term VMS refers to the OpenVMS operating system. vii 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing for Installation This chapter describes tasks that you must complete before installing DEC Notes. 1.1 Checking the Distribution Kit Your bill of materials (BOM) and indented bills report (BIL) specify the number and contents of your media. Be sure to check the contents of your kit against this information. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, call your Digital representative. Distribution media must be mounted in numerical order. The installation procedure prompts you to mount the volumes. For more information on how to mount distribution media, refer to your processor-specific installation/operations guide, which also details several options to the installation procedure. 1.2 Accessing the Online Release Notes DEC Notes provides online release notes. The prompt to display or print the release notes during the installation appears in step 5 of the installation procedure when you invoke VMSINSTAL with the OPTIONS N parameter. To obtain the release notes after the installation, type or print the file SYS$HELP:NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES. Online help also directs you to the release notes file. After the installation, type the following command: $ HELP NOTES RELEASE_NOTES Preparing for Installation 1-1 Preparing for Installation 1.3 VAX Installation Procedure Requirements 1.3 VAX Installation Procedure Requirements The VAX installation should take approximately 15 minutes, depending on the type of media and your system configuration. Before installing DEC Notes, you must have the following privileges and resources: o SETPRV privilege; or CMKRNL, WORLD, OPER, and SYSPRV privileges o A minimum of 6000 blocks of free disk space during installation; 4500 blocks are used after installation o A minimum of 400 free global pages plus the size (in number of disk blocks) of the file SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE at installation; for most efficient operation, you will need a total of 2500 free global pages plus the size of SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE after installation o A minimum of 2 free global sections at installation; for most efficient operation, you will need a total of 6 free global sections at installation o OpenVMS Version 5.4 or higher ________________________Note ________________________ You must ensure that your system has the necessary global page and global section SYSGEN quotas for the installation. Failure to do so could cause the DCL tables to be corrupted in some situations. _____________________________________________________ To determine the number of available global pages on your system, use the VMS Install Utility. Type the following commands: $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND_MODE $ INSTALL INSTALL> LIST/GLOBAL/SUMMARY Summary of Local Memory Global Sections ?? Global Sections Used, ???/??? Global Pages Used/Unused INSTALL> EXIT 1-2 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.3 VAX Installation Procedure Requirements When you issue these commands, the system displays a summary of the number of global sections used, the number of global pages used, and the number of global pages unused. To exit from the VMS Install Utility, type the EXIT command. DEC Notes requires approximately 2500 global pages. If there are fewer than 2500 pages available, you can delete an existing known image with the VMS Install Utility; or you can increase the GBLPAGES system parameter with the VMS System Generation Utility (SYSGEN) by editing the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and then invoking the AUTOGEN command procedure, SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM. For example, you can include a line like the following in MODPARAMS.DAT: ADD_GBLPAGES=4000 For more information on the AUTOGEN command procedure, re- fer to the VMS System Management subkit. You can determine the number of available global sections by invoking SYSGEN as follows: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> USE CURRENT SYSGEN> SHOW GBLSECTIONS . . . SYSGEN> EXIT The last number displayed is the maximum number of global sections. Compare this number to the number of global sections in use displayed by the VMS Install Utility. DEC Notes requires, at most, 6 global sections. Therefore, if the number of global sections used plus 6 exceeds the maximum number of global sections, you should increase the number of available global sections before you install DEC Notes. To increase the number, you must increase the GBLSECTIONS system parameter with SYSGEN by editing the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and then invoking the SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM procedure. For more information on the AUTOGEN command procedure, refer to the VMS System Management subkit. Preparing for Installation 1-3 Preparing for Installation 1.3 VAX Installation Procedure Requirements If the number of global sections used plus 6 is less than the maximum number of global sections, you can exit from SYSGEN and continue. 1.4 AXP Installation Procedure Requirements The AXP installation should take approximately 15 minutes, depending on the type of media and your system configuration. Before installing DEC Notes, you must have the following privileges and resources: o SETPRV privilege; or CMKRNL, WORLD, OPER, and SYSPRV privileges o A minimum of 7000 blocks of free disk space during installation; 6000 blocks are used after installation o A minimum of 830 free global pages plus the size (in number of disk blocks) of the file SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE at installation; for most efficient operation, you will need a total of 3500 free global pages plus the size of SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE after installation o A minimum of 3 free global sections at installation; for most efficient operation, you will need a total of 7 free global sections after installation o OpenVMS Version 1.0 for AXP or higher ________________________Note ________________________ You must ensure that your system has the necessary global page and global section SYSGEN quotas for the installation. Failure to do so could cause the DCL tables to be corrupted in some situations. _____________________________________________________ To determine the number of available global pages on your system, use the VMS Install Utility. Type the following commands: $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND_MODE $ INSTALL INSTALL> LIST/GLOBAL/SUMMARY Summary of Local Memory Global Sections 1-4 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.4 AXP Installation Procedure Requirements ?? Global Sections Used, ???/??? Global Pages Used/Unused INSTALL> EXIT When you issue these commands, the system displays a summary of the number of global sections used, the number of global pages used, and the number of global pages unused. To exit from the VMS Install Utility, type the EXIT command. DEC Notes requires approximately 3500 global pages. If there are fewer than 3500 pages available, you can delete an existing known image with the VMS Install Utility; or you can increase the GBLPAGES system parameter with the VMS System Generation Utility (SYSGEN) by editing the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and then invoking the AUTOGEN command procedure, SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM. For example, you can include a line like the following in MODPARAMS.DAT: ADD_GBLPAGES=4000 For more information on the AUTOGEN command procedure, re- fer to the VMS System Management subkit. You can determine the number of available global sections by invoking SYSGEN as follows: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> USE CURRENT SYSGEN> SHOW GBLSECTIONS . . . SYSGEN> EXIT The last number displayed is the maximum number of global sections. Compare this number to the number of global sections in use displayed by the VMS Install Utility. DEC Notes requires, at most, 7 global sections. Therefore, if the number of global sections used plus 7 exceeds the maximum number of global sections, you should increase the number of available global sections before you install DEC Notes. To increase the number, you must increase the GBLSECTIONS system parameter with SYSGEN by editing Preparing for Installation 1-5 Preparing for Installation 1.4 AXP Installation Procedure Requirements the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and then invoking the SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM procedure. For more information on the AUTOGEN command procedure, refer to the VMS System Management subkit. If the number of global sections used plus 7 is less than the maximum number of global sections, you can exit from SYSGEN and continue. 1.5 User Account Quotas and Privileges To use DEC Notes, each account must have TMPMBX and NETMBX privileges and the following minimum requirements: o AST limit (ASTLM): 24 (minimum) o Buffered I/O quota (BIOLM): 18 (minimum) o Buffered I/O byte count quota (BYTLM): 8192 (minimum) o Direct I/O quota (DIOLM): 18 (minimum) o Enqueue quota (ENQLM): 30 (minimum) o Open file limit (FILLM): 20 (minimum) o Paging file quota (PGFLQUOTA): 20,000 pages (minimum) o Subprocess creation quota (PRCLM): 2 (minimum) o Working set size (WSDEF): 512 pages (minimum), 1024 pages (optimum) Use the VMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) to compare the current values of these quotas with the requirements for DEC Notes. For example, the account used in the following example is the SYSTEM account: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> SHOW SYSTEM To change the values of any user account quotas and privileges, use the VMS Authorize Utility's MODIFY command. For more information, see the VMS Authorize Utility Manual. 1-6 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.6 VMS License Management Facility 1.6 VMS License Management Facility This product supports the License Management Facililty (LMF) features provided by OpenVMS (Version 5.0 and higher), and requires that a Product Authorization Key (PAK) be registered. The license registration information you need is contained in the PAK that is shipped with DEC Notes. The PAK is a paper certificate that contains information about the license you have to run a particular piece of software. During the installation, you are asked if you have reg- istered the DEC Notes license and loaded the appropriate authorization key. You must register and load your license for DEC Notes before you start the installation in order to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and use the software. To register a license under OpenVMS Version 5.0 or higher, first log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. You then have a choice of two ways to perform the registration: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your PAK. o Issue the DCL command LICENSE REGISTER with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to information on the PAK. For complete information on the VMSLICENSE.COM procedure and on the management features of LMF, see the VMS License Management Utility Manual. There is only one kit for DEC Notes, but there are six licenses: o NOTES o NOTES-USER o NOTES-CLIENT o NOTES-CLIENT-USER o NOTES-LOCAL Preparing for Installation 1-7 Preparing for Installation 1.6 VMS License Management Facility o NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK The NOTES and NOTES-USER licenses have full functionality. The difference is that the NOTES-USER license permits only a specified maximum number of users to use DEC Notes at any one time; the NOTES license does not set a limit. The NOTES-CLIENT and NOTES-CLIENT-USER licenses do not have full functionality. The difference is that the NOTES- CLIENT-USER license permits only a specified maximum number of users to use DEC Notes at any one time. It allows users to access only remote conferences; they cannot create or access local conferences. The NOTES- CLIENT license does not restrict the number of users. The NOTES-LOCAL license allows access to local conferences only. It provides full functionality but does not allow a user to access conferences on remote nodes, and does not allow the DEC Notes server to run. The NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK license allows the DEC Notes server to run on a node, but not the DEC Notes clients. Users may access conferences on the licensed node by using DEC Notes clients on remote nodes or using Conferencing clients on other platforms. If a user on a system with a NOTES-CLIENT license attempts to perform an operation that is not allowed under the NOTES-CLIENT license, the following error message is returned: Your software license does not allow this operation If a user on a system with a NOTES-USER license attempts to invoke DEC Notes at a time when the maximum number of users are using DEC Notes, the following error message is returned: $ NOTES %LICENSE-F-NOAUTH, DEC NOTES-USER use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-EXCEEDED, attempted usage exceeds active license limits -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager 1-8 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.7 Using VMSINSTAL 1.7 Using VMSINSTAL After you log in to a privileged account to install DEC Notes, set the default directory to SYS$UPDATE: and then invoke VMSINSTAL, the command procedure that installs this product. An example of this procedure is shown in steps 1 and 2 of the Installing DEC Notes section. $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL NOTES025 ddn: [OPTIONS N] You can also type an asterisk (*) in place of NOTES025. If you are installing from magnetic tape, you can use the asterisk to save installation time; the asterisk causes DEC Notes to be installed with a minimum of tape passes. For example: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL * ddn: [OPTIONS N] The command parameters are described in the next paragraphs. If you do not supply the first two parameters (NOTES025 and ddn:), VMSINSTAL prompts you for the product and device names. If you wish to be prompted for the product and device names and to display or print the release notes, type the following: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL "" "" OPTIONS N ddn: Represents the name of a device where the distribution volumes will be mounted, where dd is the device code and n is the unit number. It is not necessary to use the console drive to install DEC Notes. If you do use the console drive, you should replace any media you removed from the drive. CSA1: is the device name used in examples in this document. OPTIONS N Is an optional parameter you should provide if you want to be prompted to display or print the release notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not prompt you to display or print the release notes. VMSINSTAL permits the use of several other options. For more information on the other options, see your processor- specific installation/operations guide. Preparing for Installation 1-9 Preparing for Installation 1.7 Using VMSINSTAL When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks the following: o Whether you logged in to a privileged account. Digital recommends that you install software from the system manager's account with your default device and directory set to SYS$UPDATE. o Whether you have adequate quotas for installation. VMSINSTAL checks for the following quota values: - ASTLM = 24 - BIOLM = 18 - BYTLM = 18000 - DIOLM = 18 - ENQLM = 30 - FILLM = 20 VMSINSTAL then checks whether the following conditions exist: o Whether DECnet is not up and running o Whether any users are logged in to the system If VMSINSTAL detects either of these conditions, you will be asked whether you want to continue the installation. If you want to continue, type YES. If you want to stop the installation, press RETURN. 1-10 Preparing for Installation 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing DEC Notes This chapter contains excerpts from the installation procedure and explains each step. Defaults appear in brackets throughout the installation procedure. 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure To abort the installation procedure at any time, press CTRL/Y. When you press CTRL/Y, the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and then returns you to DCL level. If you want to retry the installation procedure after pressing CTRL/Y, you must proceed from step 2. 1. Log in to a privileged account and set your default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE. Username: SYSTEM Password: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 2. Invoke VMSINSTAL. $ @VMSINSTAL NOTES025 CSA1: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure Vx.x It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press RETURN. Otherwise, type NO and press RETURN to discontinue the installation. Installing DEC Notes 2-1 Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure 3. Insert the first installation kit volume. Please mount the first volume of the set on CSA1:. * Are you ready? YES The following products will be processed: NOTES 2.5 Beginning installation of NOTES V2.5 at hh:mm %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... To indicate that you want to continue the installation, mount volume 1, type YES, and then press RETURN. 4. Insert the subsequent installation kit volumes, if any. %BACKUP-I-READYREAD, mount volume 2 on _CSA1: for reading Enter "YES" when ready: YES VMSINSTAL prompts you to insert the next volume and waits for you to type YES after inserting it. If you type NO, VMSINSTAL displays the prompt again. This prompt is displayed only if your installation kit contains more than one volume. 5. Select a release notes option. This step applies only if you specified OPTIONS N in step 2. Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 2 If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes on line immediately. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing CTRL/C. 2-2 Installing DEC Notes Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure If you select option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you for a queue name. Either type a queue name or press RETURN to send the file to the default output print device. * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: SYS$PRINT If you select option 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes on line immediately and then prompts you for a queue name. If you select option 4, VMSINSTAL does not display, print, or copy the release notes; typically this option is selected when the user wants to terminate the installation. ________________________Note ________________________ This version of the release notes file installed by VMSINSTAL is labeled with the current product name and version number. Take care not to delete release notes for previous versions of DEC Notes. _____________________________________________________ Next, VMSINSTAL displays the following prompt: * Do you want to continue the installation [N]?: YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. If you want to continue the installation, type YES and press RETURN. If you type NO or press RETURN, VMSINSTAL discontinues the installation. In either case, VMSINSTAL moves the release notes to SYS$HELP. 6. Select installation options, and identify your license. *********************************************************** DEC Notes Installation Procedure Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993. All Rights Reserved. DEC Notes V2.5 Installing DEC Notes 2-3 Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure DEC Notes can be installed on any system running OpenVMS VAX V5.4 (or later). This installation will fail if this system is running an older version of OpenVMS. DEC Notes provides both a character-cell and a DECwindows/Motif user interface. Use of the DECwindows/Motif interface requires that DECwindows/Motif V1.0 (or later) be installed. This installation can continue and the character-cell interface can be used if the required version of DECwindows/Motif is not installed. DEC Notes supports both DECnet and TCP/IP transports. Use of the TCP/IP transport requires prior installation of V2.0 (or later) of DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS. Installation can continue and only the DECnet transport will be used if the required version of DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS is not installed on this system. An appropriate software license is required to run DEC Notes. The license should be installed before attempting to install DEC Notes. If you have not yet installed a DEC Notes license, you can continue with this installation, but you will be unable to run either DEC Notes or the DEC Notes Installation Verification Procedure until an appropriate license has been installed. *********************************************************** * Do you want to continue with this installation [Y]? YES If you want to continue the installation at this point, type YES and press RETURN. If you type NO or press RETURN, VMSINSTAL discontinues the installation. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES The directories SYS$HELP, SYS$LIBRARY, SYS$MANAGER, and SYS$SYSTEM may contain previous versions of DEC Notes files. These files are replaced during the installation with new files, but the old files are not automatically purged. Purging is recommended. In response to the purging prompt, press RETURN to purge the files or type NO to keep them. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? YES 2-4 Installing DEC Notes Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) runs tests to check whether the installation procedure was successful. Press RETURN to run the IVP after the installation. If you do not want to run the IVP, type NO in response to the prompt. %NOTES-I-CHKPRDVER, Checking installation requirements All installation and product dependencies will now be checked. If problems are discovered, it may still be possible to complete this installation, depending upon the nature of the problems. %NOTES-I-VMSVER, Checking OpenVMS version... %NOTES-I-MOTIFVER, Checking DECwindows/Motif version... %NOTES-I-UCXVER, Checking DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS version... %NOTES-I-SYSRES, Checking system resources... Installing DEC Notes 2-5 Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure The system prompts you to identify which license you have purchased. Please indicate the level of capability that you want to install: 1. Full capability (NOTES or NOTES-USER) 2. TeamLinks DEC Notes server (NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK) 3. Full capability except no remote user access (NOTES-LOCAL) 4. Reduced capability, client-only (NOTES-CLIENT or NOTES-CLIENT-USER) * Enter the number of the level of capability to install [1]: 1 The system then prompts you to confirm that the DEC Notes PAK has been registered and loaded. Product: NOTES or NOTES-USER Producer: DEC Version: 02.5 Release Date: dd-mmm-yyyy * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES If you have registered and loaded your PAK, type YES. Otherwise, type NO, in which case the IVP will not be run. 7. Set up the server account, if applicable. ________________________Note ________________________ Step 7 occurs only if you have purchased a full capability license (NOTES or NOTES-USER). If you have purchased a NOTES-CLIENT license, skip this step and continue with step 8. _____________________________________________________ If you are installing an upgrade of DEC Notes, proceed with step 7a. If you are installing DEC Notes for the first time, skip step 7a and proceed with step 7b. 2-6 Installing DEC Notes Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure a. Installing an Upgrade of DEC Notes (NOTES or NOTES- USER License) The following messages are displayed only if you are installing an upgrade of DEC Notes: %NOTES-I-EXISTS, NOTES$SERVER account already exists %NOTES-I-MODACC, Modifying account NOTES$SERVER... %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an account named NOTES$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %NOTES-I-EXISTS, The logical NOTES$LIBRARY exists %NOTES-I-ASSUMEOK, This installation will assume it is properly defined The network object NOTES has been defined. If you wish to view this, run SYS$SYSTEM:NCP and issue the command NCP> LIST OBJECT NOTES CHAR The following message will be omitted if TCP/IP is not installed. The TCP/IP service NOTES has been defined. If you wish to view this, run SYS$SYSTEM:UCX and issue the command UCX> SHOW SERVICE/FULL NOTES At this point, you should skip step 7b, and continue with step 8. b. Installing DEC Notes for the First Time (NOTES or NOTES-USER License) If you are installing DEC Notes for the first time, the system displays the following messages and prompts you for a UIC number to assign to the new NOTES$SERVER account. Digital recommends that you use the default UIC [376,377]; if you do not use the default, you must ensure that you use a unique UIC. Installing DEC Notes 2-7 Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure In order to ensure that the DEC Notes server runs with the proper quotas, this installation procedure will create an account for the server. This account, NOTES$SERVER, has no special privileges and is set up for only network operation. You must specify a unique UIC for this account in order to ensure proper security of your conferences. You may want to change the password on this account after the installation has completed. If you do, you must also change the password with NCP SET/DEF OBJECT NOTES commands. * Enter UIC for NOTES server account (include brackets) [[376,377]]:[376,377] %NOTES-I-CREACC, Creating account NOTES$SERVER for the DEC Notes server %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named NOTES$SERVER. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %NOTES-I-MODACC, Modifying account NOTES$SERVER quotas... %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named NOTES$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named NOTES$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named NOTES$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named NOTES$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[NOTES$SERVER]. The system then prompts you for the name of the device to be used for storing conferences. The device name DUA1: is used here for the purpose of demonstration. 2-8 Installing DEC Notes Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure DEC Notes conference files are stored in a directory named [NOTES$LIBRARY]. You must designate the device on which this directory is to be created. Be sure that the device you specify has plenty of free blocks to permit normal conference file expansion. * Device to be used for storing conferences: DUA1: %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DUA1:[NOTES$LIBRARY]. The network object NOTES has been defined. If you wish to view this, run SYS$SYSTEM:NCP and issue the command NCP> LIST OBJECT NOTES CHAR The TCP/IP service NOTES has been defined. If you wish to view this, run SYS$SYSTEM:UCX and issue the command UCX> SHOW SERVICE/FULL NOTES %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.NOTES]. 8. Read messages. The DEC Notes installation procedure produces a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. If the installation procedure is successful, the new or modified files are moved to their target directories. No further questions will be asked during this installation. Completion of the installation should take another 5-10 minutes. This installation will add the following files: . . . The SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB and SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE files are updated to include the new versions of the DEC Notes HELP text and the NOTES command line definition. Installing DEC Notes 2-9 Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure If you typed YES in response to the prompt that requests a file purge at step 6, previous versions of the DEC Notes files are now purged. 9. Read informational messages and the Installation Verification Procedure (NOTES or NOTES-USER license). This installation will add the following files: [SYSLIB]NOTES$SHARE.EXE [SYSLIB]NOTES$SECTION.TPU$SECTION [SYSEXE]NOTES$MAIN.EXE [SYSEXE]NOTES$SERVER.EXE [SYSEXE]NOTES$SERVER_LOGIN.COM SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP.COM [SYSMGR]NOTES$REMOVE.COM [SYSMGR]NOTES$MOVE_CONFERENCE.COM NOTES$LIBRARY:NOTES$SAMPLE.NOTE SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP_CLIENT.COM SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP_LOCAL.COM [SYSHLP]NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES [SYSHLP]NOTES_SHORTGUIDE.MEM [SYSHLP]NOTES$HELP.HLB [SYSHLP]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB [SYSLIB]NOTES$DWSHARE.EXE [SYSLIB]NOTES$DWNOTES.UID [SYSLIB]NOTES$DEFAULTS.DAT [SYS$STARTUP]NOTES$STARTUP.COM [DECW$DEFAULTS.SYSTEM]LWK_REG_NOTESNOTE.UID 2-10 Installing DEC Notes Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure *********************************************************** REMINDERS: 1. SYSTEM STARTUP -------------- After the installation has completed, you should execute SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM on each system on which this copy of DEC Notes will be run. You should also edit your system startup procedure to run SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM on each system on which this copy of DEC Notes will be run. ** IMPORTANT NOTE: Installation instructions for previous versions of VAX Notes suggested that NOTES$STARTUP.COM be run prior to network startup during the system startup process. It is now recommended that NOTES$STARTUP run AFTER network startup has COMPLETED, particularly if TCP/IP will be used as the network transport for DEC Notes connections. 2. DEC NOTES SHUTDOWN OR DEINSTALLATION ------------------------------------ A new utility, SYS$MANAGER:NOTES$REMOVE.COM, can be used to deinstall DEC Notes or to prevent new servers from executing. Type: $ @SYS$MANAGER:NOTES$REMOVE for further details. 3. VMSCLUSTER ENVIRONMENTS ----------------------- If DEC Notes is run in a VMScluster environment with multiple copies of SYS$SYSTEM:NETOBJECT.DAT in use, NCP must be used to define the NOTES DECnet object in each copy of NETOBJECT.DAT. The password used when defining the NOTES object must always match the password for account NOTES$SERVER in the system authorization file. Installing DEC Notes 2-11 Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure If DEC Notes is run in a VMScluster environment with multiple copies of SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$SERVICE.DAT in use, it is similarly required that UCX be used to define the NOTES service in each copy of UCX$SERVICE.DAT. This can normally be accomplished by running NOTES$STARTUP.COM on each system. NOTES$STARTUP.COM will attempt to properly define and enable the NOTES service each time it is executed. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %NOTES-I-SHUT, Disabling Notes server... %NOTES-I-STARTDNSRV, Notes server enabled for DECnet %NOTES-I-STARTTCPSRV, Notes server enabled for TCP/IP If you chose to run the IVP in step 6, VMSINSTAL now calls the IVP to verify that DEC Notes was installed successfully. Beginning the DEC Notes V2.5 Installation Verification Procedure. Testing OPEN, READ, DIRECTORY, SHOW, HELP, and CLOSE. DEC Notes Computer Conferencing Enter the command HELP for help DEC Notes: (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1986, 1993. All Rights Reserved. DEC Notes Sample Conference Created: 27-JAN-1986 10:39 9 topics Updated: 18-FEB-1986 14:23 Note 1.0 Welcome to DEC Notes 7 replies MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER "I'll make a note!" 24 lines 27-JAN-1986 10:42 DEC Notes is a computer-mediated conferencing system that lets you conduct online conferences or meetings. Using DEC Notes, you can communicate conveniently and economically with people in different geographic locations. Anyone connected to the system can participate, making it possible for you to receive input from many people without costly, time-consuming meetings. This sample conference has been provided to help you quickly get started using DEC Notes. It contains definitions of terms, ways to read notes, a place for you to add your first reply, and helpful hints for running and participating in an online conference. This conference . . . Command_Summary 2-12 Installing DEC Notes Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure If you are new to DEC Notes, type New_User for examples of how to use Getting Started commands, type Terms_and_Concepts for an explanation of your Notebook and other DEC Notes terms and concepts, or type a question mark (?) for a list of all DEC Notes commands. Getting Started Commands: ADD ENTRY CLOSE DIRECTORY EXIT EXTRACT HELP NOTES (DCL command) OPEN PRINT READ REPLY (or ANSWER) WRITE The following topics have information on more advanced DEC Notes commands: Choosing_an_Editor Information_Commands Keypad Keyword_Commands Logical_Names Moderator_Commands Notebook_Commands Other_Utilities Reading_Notes Software_Licenses Specifying_Notes Subprocess_Commands DEC Notes Computer Conferencing Enter the command HELP for help If the informational output above is similar to the example displayed in the DEC Notes Installation Guide, then this installation is successful. The DEC Notes V2.5 Installation Verification Procedure completed. 10.Read informational messages and the Installation Verification Procedure (NOTES-CLIENT license). The messages and the IVP for the installation of DEC Notes with a NOTES-CLIENT license are shown in the Sample Installation section. 11.End the installation procedure. Installation of NOTES V2.5 completed at hh:mm VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at dd-mmm-yyyy Installing DEC Notes 2-13 Installing DEC Notes 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure When the product installation procedure is complete, you can choose to install more products, or to log out (as shown here.) If you removed any media from the console drive before beginning the installation, you should replace it now. Note that VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. 2-14 Installing DEC Notes 3 ________________________________________________________________ Post-Installation Procedures This chapter describes tasks that you must complete after DEC Notes is installed. 3.1 Editing the System Startup File You must edit the system startup file (SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_ V5.COM for OpenVMS Version 5.x systems; SYSTARTUP_ VMS.COM for OpenVMS Version 6.x systems) to invoke SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM after you start your network. ________________________Note ________________________ In previous versions of DEC Notes, you were required to edit the system startup file (SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_ V5.COM for OpenVMS Version 5.x systems; SYSTARTUP_ VMS.COM for OpenVMS Version 6.x systems) to invoke SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM before you started your network. This has changed for Version 2.5 of DEC Notes. Now you must edit the system startup file to invoke SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM after you start your network. _____________________________________________________ 3.2 Network Transport Information This section describes how Notes selects network tranports. It is not necessary to have both the DECnet and TCP /IP network transports running. If one of the network transports is not running, the Notes server will use the other transport. Post-Installation Procedures 3-1 Post-Installation Procedures 3.2 Network Transport Information If you install a new version of one of the supported network transports after the Notes server is up and running, NOTES$STARTUP.COM must be run again to enable the new transport in the Notes server. 3.2.1 DECnet Information A password is defined for the Notes object in the DECnet object database. This password must match the password assigned to the NOTES$SERVER account in the system authorization file (SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAF.DAT). SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM attempts to enable the Notes object (object 33) in the DECnet database (SYS$SYSTEM:NETOBJECT.DAT). If you plan on using DECnet as one of your network transports, DECnet configuration and startup must complete before NOTES$STARTUP is run. If DECnet is not running when NOTES$SERVER.COM is invoked, the Notes server will not be able to accept DECnet connections. If the Notes object is successfully enabled, the Notes server will be able to accept DECnet connections. 3.2.2 TCP/IP Information NOTES$STARTUP.COM attempts to determine if DEC TCP /IP Services for VMS is available. If it is avail- able, NOTES$STARTUP.COM attempts to enable the Notes service (port 3333) in the TCP/IP Service database (SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$SERVICE.DAT). If you plan on using TCP/IP as one of your network transports, TCP/IP configuration and startup must complete before NOTES$STARTUP.COM is run. If TCP/IP is not running when NOTES$STARTUP.COM is invoked, the Notes server will not be able to accept TCP/IP connections. If the Notes service is successfully enabled, the file SYS$SYSTEM:NOTES$SERVER.COM is created by DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS (if it doesn't already exist), and the Notes server will be able to accept TCP/IP connections. 3-2 Post-Installation Procedures Post-Installation Procedures 3.3 Installing DEC Notes on a VAXcluster 3.3 Installing DEC Notes on a VAXcluster If you want to run DEC Notes on multiple nodes of a VAXcluster, first check to see that you have the appropriate software license. Then you must log in to a privileged account on each of the other nodes in the cluster and do the following: 1. Issue the LICENSE LOAD command to activate the license, as described in the VMS License Management Utility Manual. 2. Type the following commands: $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND_MODE $ INSTALL INSTALL> REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE INSTALL> EXIT 3. If the cluster has a server (that is, one or more nodes have a NOTES or NOTES-USER license), then you must do one of the following: a. If this is the first time that DEC Notes has been installed on this system, type the following commands: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCP NCP> DEF OBJ NOTES NUM 33 FILE NOTES$SERVER.EXE NCP> DEF OBJ NOTES USER NOTES$SERVER PASSWORD PROXY OUT NCP> SET OBJ NOTES ALL NCP> EXIT ________________________Note ________________________ The password used in the field must match the password of the NOTES$SERVER account. _____________________________________________________ b. If this is an upgrade of DEC Notes, stop any previous Notes servers (network processes named NOTES$nnnn_n) so that they will be restarted using the new server code. Use the DCL commands SHOW SYSTEM/NETWORK and STOP/IDENTIFICATION, respectively. Post-Installation Procedures 3-3 Post-Installation Procedures 3.3 Installing DEC Notes on a VAXcluster 4. Type the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM 3.4 Invoking DEC Notes After the Installation After performing all the necessary steps in Chapter 2 and editing the system startup file, DEC Notes can be invoked by all users with the NOTES command. The installation procedure modifies the DCL command table so that the NOTES command is recognized and processed. However, the previous command table is still in effect for those users who are currently logged in. All logged- in users who want to use the NOTES command must log out of the system and log in again, or issue the following command: $ SET COMMAND/TABLE=SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES If this is a system with a NOTES-CLIENT license, you can simplify the specification of conferences for the users on the system by defining NOTES$LIBRARY to point to the system on which Notes conference files will be stored. (This must be a system with a NOTES or NOTES-USER license). If many of your users are computer "novices," they may need help setting up their Notebooks. As the system manager, you can set up Notebooks for them and include one or more entries in their Notebooks. The example that follows shows how to do this. $ DEFINE /USER NOTES$NOTEBOOK NOTES$LIBRARY:NOTES$NOTEBOOK.NOTE $ NOTES Notes> ADD ENTRY ABC::DECNOTES !abc::decnotes is used as an example Notes> ADD ENTRY your-notefile Notes> SET PROFILE /EDITOR=EDT !make EDT keypad the default Notes> EXIT Then, copy the NOTES$LIBRARY:NOTES$NOTEBOOK.NOTE Notebook file to the SYS$LOGIN directory of the novice users. 3-4 Post-Installation Procedures Post-Installation Procedures 3.5 Controlling DEC Notes Servers 3.5 Controlling DEC Notes Servers During heavy use, DEC Notes Version 2.5 could use the maximum number of server links allowed on your system. To prevent this from occurring, you can define system logi- cals to limit DEC Notes to a specific number of servers. Additionally, you can limit the number of links for each server by editing the SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM file and including one or both of the following logicals with the desired number. The numbers 4 and 16 are included as examples. $ DEFINE /SYSTEM /EXEC NOTES$SERVER_MAX_SERVERS 4 !per system $ DEFINE /SYSTEM /EXEC NOTES$SERVER_MAX_LINKS 16 !per server On most systems, the default number of servers is unlimited. DEC Notes has a default of 16 links for each server. You can change these numbers for your system, if appropriate. Note that if you include these commands, you should reedit the NOTES$STARTUP file each time you upgrade DEC Notes. ________________________Note ________________________ If you have both DECnet and TCP/IP transports enabled, the maximum number of links is the combined total of DECnet and TCP/IP connections simultaneously open in a single server. _____________________________________________________ If you are installing DEC Notes on a system that did not previously run DEC Notes, be aware that defaults for the working set extent (WSEXTENT) and the working set quota (WSQUOTA) have been set up in the NOTES$SERVER account. The default for WSEXTENT is not less than 512 and not more than 2048; the default for WSQUOTA is exactly half of the WSEXTENT. You can change these defaults by issuing the following commands (supply the appropriate number values for X and Y for your system): $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> MODIFY NOTES$SERVER /WSEXTENT=X /WSQUOTA=Y UAF> EXIT Post-Installation Procedures 3-5 Post-Installation Procedures 3.6 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately 3.6 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) is usually run at installation. If you want to run the IVP separately to ensure the integrity of installed files if system problems occur, execute the following command procedure if you have a NOTES or a NOTES-USER license: $ @SYS$TEST:NOTES$IVP If the IVP runs successfully, the informational output displayed on the screen is similar to the example in step 11 of the Installation Procedure. If the IVP fails for any reason, the following message is displayed: The DEC Notes V2.5 Installation Verification Procedure failed. Execute the following command procedure if you have a NOTES-CLIENT license: $ @SYS$TEST:NOTES$IVP_CLIENT If the IVP runs successfully, the informational output displayed on the screen is similar to the example in the Sample Installation section. If the IVP fails for any reason, the following message is displayed: The DEC Notes V2.5 Client-only Installation Verification Procedure failed. Execute the following command procedure if you have a NOTES-LOCAL license: $ @SYS$TEST:NOTES$IVP_LOCAL If the IVP runs successfully, the informational output displayed on the screen is similar to the example in step 11 of the Installation Procedure. If the IVP fails for any reason, the following message is displayed: The DEC Notes V2.5 Installation Verification Procedure failed. 3-6 Post-Installation Procedures Post-Installation Procedures 3.7 Error Conditions 3.7 Error Conditions If the installation procedure fails for any reason, a message like the following is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of Notes V2.5 has failed. An error during the installation can occur if one or more of the following conditions exist: o Operating system version is incorrect o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insuf- ficient (see the Installation Procedure Requirements section) o Process quotas required by VMSINSTAL are incorrect (see the Using VMSINSTAL section) o The VMS HELP library is currently in use o The product was registered incorrectly or not registered For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the VMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Volume, your processor-specific installation/operations guide, or the VMS License Management Utility Manual. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. You may need to change a system parameter or increase an authorized quota value. If the installation fails, you must restart the installa- tion procedure from step 2. If the installation fails because of an IVP failure, contact a Digital field service representative. 3.8 Maintenance Updates Digital may periodically issue maintenance updates of DEC Notes. Each update consists of an installation kit. You should install this kit as described in this document or in any documentation that may accompany the maintenance update. Post-Installation Procedures 3-7 Post-Installation Procedures 3.8 Maintenance Updates Each time a maintenance update is released, the version number changes. For example, if the current version is 1.0, the version number of the first maintenance update will be 1.1. In addition, the maintenance update includes new release notes. The release notes describe the changes that have been made to DEC Notes since the previous release. The update release notes are provided on line. You should read the release notes when you first install DEC Notes; they are also accessible at any time after the product is installed. For information on reading the release notes at the time that you install DEC Notes, follow the installation procedure through step 5. To locate the release notes after DEC Notes is installed, display or print the file SYS$HELP:NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES, or type the following: $ HELP NOTES RELEASE_NOTES If you used a private section file with a previous version of DEC Notes, after installing Version 2.5 you will need to rebuild your section file to be compatible with Version 2.5. 3.9 Determining and Reporting Problems If an error occurs while you are using DEC Notes and you believe that the error is caused by a problem with DEC Notes, take one of the following actions: o If you purchased DEC Notes within the past 90 days and you think the problem is caused by a software error, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o If you have a Basic or DECsupport Software Agreement, you should call your Customer Support Center. With these services, you receive telephone support that provides high-level advisory and remedial assistance. For more information, contact your local Digital representative. o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). 3-8 Post-Installation Procedures Post-Installation Procedures 3.9 Determining and Reporting Problems If you find an error in the DEC Notes documentation, you should fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form from the back of the document in which the error was found. Include the section and page number where the error was found. Post-Installation Procedures 3-9 A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation This appendix contains a sample installation of DEC Notes with the NOTES-CLIENT license. (The installation excerpts in the Installing DEC Notes section are from an installation with the NOTES license, which is similar to an installation with the NOTES-USER license.) Note that this is only a sample. Sometimes the installa- tion procedure is modified in maintenance updates of this product. Because this installation guide is not usually revised for maintenance updates, be sure to read the Read Before Installing or Using DEC Notes letter before you install this product. This letter notes any significant changes in the installation that vary from this sample. Username: SYSTEM Password: . . . $ set default sys$update $ @vmsinstal notes025 $disk: OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure Vx.x It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: _RTA6: BOOKREADER DECW$MWM * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Sample Installation A-1 Sample Installation The following products will be processed: NOTES V2.5 Beginning installation of NOTES V2.5 at hh:mm %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. *********************************************************** DEC Notes Installation Procedure Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993. All Rights Reserved. DEC Notes can be installed on any system running OpenVMS VAX V5.4 (or later). This installation will fail if this system is running an older version of OpenVMS. DEC Notes provides both a character-cell and a DECwindows/Motif user interface. Use of the DECwindows/Motif interface requires that DECwindows/Motif V1.0 (or later) be installed. This installation can continue and the character-cell interface can be used if the required version of DECwindows/Motif is not installed. DEC Notes supports both DECnet and TCP/IP transports. Use of the TCP/IP transport requires prior installation of V2.0 (or later) of DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS. Installation can continue and only the DECnet transport will be used if the required version of DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS is not installed on this system. An appropriate software license is required to run DEC Notes. The license should be installed before attempting to install DEC Notes. If you have not yet installed a DEC Notes license, you can continue with this installation, but you will be unable to run either DEC Notes or the DEC Notes Installation Verification Procedure until an appropriate license has been installed. *********************************************************** * Do you want to continue with this installation [Y]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? %NOTES-I-CHKPRDVER, Checking installation requirements A-2 Sample Installation Sample Installation All installation and product dependencies will now be checked. If problems are discovered, it may still be possible to complete this installation, depending upon the nature of the problems. %NOTES-I-VMSVER, Checking OpenVMS version... %NOTES-I-MOTIFVER, Checking DECwindows/Motif version... %NOTES-I-UCXVER, Checking DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS version... %NOTES-I-SYSRES, Checking system resources... Please indicate the level of capability that you want to install: 1. Full capability (NOTES or NOTES-USER) 2. TeamLinks DEC Notes server (NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK) 3. Full capability except no remote user access (NOTES-LOCAL) 4. Reduced capability, client-only (NOTES-CLIENT or NOTES-CLIENT-USER) * Enter the number of the level of capability to install [1]: Product: NOTES or NOTES-USER Producer: DEC Version: 2.5 Release Date: dd-mmm-yyyy * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y %NOTES-I-EXISTS, NOTES$SERVER account already exists %NOTES-I-MODACC, Modifying account NOTES$SERVER... %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named NOTES$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %NOTES-I-EXISTS, The logical NOTES$LIBRARY exists %NOTES-I-ASSUMEOK, This installation will assume it is properly defined No further questions will be asked during this installation. Completion of the installation should take another 5-10 minutes. The DECnet object NOTES has been defined. If you wish to view this, run SYS$SYSTEM:NCP and issue the command NCP> LIST OBJECT NOTES CHAR The TCP/IP service NOTES has been defined. If you wish to view this, run SYS$SYSTEM:UCX and issue the command UCX> SHOW SERVICE/FULL NOTES This installation will add the following files: Sample Installation A-3 Sample Installation [SYSLIB]NOTES$SHARE.EXE [SYSLIB]NOTES$SECTION.TPU$SECTION [SYSEXE]NOTES$MAIN.EXE [SYSEXE]NOTES$SERVER.EXE [SYSEXE]NOTES$SERVER_LOGIN.COM SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP.COM [SYSMGR]NOTES$REMOVE.COM [SYSMGR]NOTES$MOVE_CONFERENCE.COM NOTES$LIBRARY:NOTES$SAMPLE.NOTE SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP_CLIENT.COM SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP_LOCAL.COM [SYSHLP]NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES [SYSHLP]NOTES_SHORTGUIDE.MEM [SYSHLP]NOTES$HELP.HLB [SYSHLP]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB [SYSLIB]NOTES$DWSHARE.EXE [SYSLIB]NOTES$DWNOTES.UID [SYSLIB]NOTES$DEFAULTS.DAT [SYS$STARTUP]NOTES$STARTUP.COM [DECW$DEFAULTS.SYSTEM]LWK_REG_NOTESNOTE.UID *********************************************************** REMINDERS: 1. SYSTEM STARTUP -------------- After the installation has completed, you should execute SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM on each system on which this copy of DEC Notes will be run. You should also edit your system startup procedure to run SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM on each system on which this copy of DEC Notes will be run. ** IMPORTANT NOTE: Installation instructions for previous versions of VAX Notes suggested that NOTES$STARTUP.COM be run prior to network startup during the system startup process. It is now recommended that NOTES$STARTUP run AFTER network startup has COMPLETED, particularly if TCP/IP will be used as the network transport for DEC Notes connections. 2. DEC NOTES SHUTDOWN OR DEINSTALLATION ____________________________________ A-4 Sample Installation Sample Installation A new utility, SYS$MANAGER:NOTES$REMOVE.COM, can be used to deinstall DEC Notes or to prevent new servers from executing. Type: $ @SYS$MANAGER:NOTES$REMOVE for further details. 3. VMSCLUSTER ENVIRONMENTS ----------------------- If DEC Notes is run in a VMScluster environment with multiple copies of SYS$SYSTEM:NETOBJECT.DAT in use, NCP must be used to define the NOTES DECnet object in each copy of NETOBJECT.DAT. The password used when defining the NOTES object must always match the password for account NOTES$SERVER in the system authorization file. If DEC Notes is run in a VMScluster environment with multiple copies of SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$SERVICE.DAT in use, it is similarly required that UCX be used to define the NOTES service in each copy of UCX$SERVICE.DAT. This can normally be accomplished by running NOTES$STARTUP.COM on each system. NOTES$STARTUP.COM will attempt to properly define and enable the NOTES service each time it is executed. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %NOTES-I-SHUT, Disabling Notes server... %NOTES-I-STARTDNSRV, Notes server enabled for DECnet %NOTES-I-STARTDNSRV, Notes server enabled for TCP/IP Beginning the DEC Notes V2.5 Installation Verification Procedure. Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1988, 1993. All Rights Reserved. Testing OPEN, READ, DIRECTORY, SHOW, HELP, and CLOSE. Successful completion of this procedure does not imply the presence of a full function DEC Notes license. DEC Notes Computer Conferencing Enter the command HELP for help Creating your Notebook (NOTES$NOTEBOOK) $USER2:[username]NOTES$NOTEBOOK.NOTE;2 created Entry SAMPLE_CONFERENCE added to class MAIN Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1986, 1993. All Rights Reserved. DEC Notes Sample Conference Created: 27-JAN-1986 10:39 9 topics Updated: 26-JAN-1993 17:34 Sample Installation A-5 Sample Installation Note 1.0 Welcome to DEC Notes 7 replies MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER "I'll make a note!" 24 lines 27-JAN-1986 10:42 DEC Notes is a computer-mediated conferencing system that lets you conduct online conferences or meetings. Using DEC Notes, you can communicate conveniently and economically with people in different geographic locations. Anyone connected to the system can participate, making it possible for you to receive input from many people without costly, time-consuming meetings. This sample conference has been provided to help you quickly get started using DEC Notes. It contains definitions of terms, ways to read notes, a place for you to add your first reply, and helpful hints for running and participating in an online conference. This conference also has information about choosing an editor for writing notes, running DEC Notes in batch mode, and protecting a confidential meeting with an Access Control List (ACL). To continue reading this note, press the RETURN key. [ 8 more lines... ] [ 6 more lines... ] DEC Notes Sample Conference Created: 27-JAN-1986 10:39 9 topics Updated: 26-JAN-1993 17:34 Topic Author Date Repl Title 1 MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER 27-JAN-1986 7 Welcome to DEC Notes 2 MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER 27-JAN-1986 1 Choosing an editor to use in DEC Notes 3 MAR::NEW_USER 27-JAN-1986 2 Help! I don't understand NEXT UNSEEN 4 MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER 27-JAN-1986 0 Who Are You? - Tell us about yourself 5 MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER 27-JAN-1986 3 Using the DIRECTORY, PRINT and SAVE commands 6 MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER 27-JAN-1986 0 Suggestions for the Welcome note 7 MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER 27-JAN-1986 5 Online Etiquette 8 MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER 27-JAN-1986 1 Using NOTES$COMMAND to Define Additional Keys 9 MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER 3-FEB-1986 0 DEC Notes Security Considerations [ End of requested listing ] Note 1.0 Welcome to DEC Notes 7 replies MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER "I'll make a note!" 24 lines 27-JAN-1986 10:42 Note is not hidden Replies are enabled A-6 Sample Installation Sample Installation DEC Notes Sample Conference Created: 27-JAN-1986 10:39 9 topics Updated: 26-JAN-1993 17:34 File: NODE1::$DISK2:[NOTES$LIBRARY]NOTES$SAMPLE.NOTE;5 Moderator: MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER Access is not restricted Keyword creation is restricted Notes may be written Directory of conferences on NOTES$LIBRARY: Conference file NOTES$SAMPLE Title: DEC Notes Sample Conference Moderator: MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER Created: 27-JAN-1986 10:39 9 topics, 28 notes Updated: 26-JAN-1993 17:34 [ End of requested listing ] DEC Notes Sample Conference Created: 27-JAN-1986 10:39 9 topics Updated: 26-JAN-1993 17:34 Member Access Mail Address Privileges JOHN_Q_NOTER MAR::JOHN_Q_NOTER [M] SYSTEM 0::SYSTEM SYSTEM [MK] [ End of requested listing ] DEC Notes V2.5 - Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1986, 1993. Command_Summary If you are new to DEC Notes, type New_User for examples of how to use Getting Started commands, type Terms_and_Concepts for an explanation of your Notebook and other DEC Notes terms and concepts, or type a question mark (?) for a list of all DEC Notes commands. Getting Started Commands: ADD ENTRY CLOSE DIRECTORY EXIT EXTRACT HELP NOTES (DCL command) OPEN PRINT READ REPLY (or ANSWER) WRITE The following topics have information on more advanced DEC Notes commands: Sample Installation A-7 Sample Installation Choosing_an_Editor Information_Commands Keypad Keyword_Commands Logical_Names Moderator_Commands Notebook_Commands Other_Utilities Reading_Notes Specifying_Notes Subprocess_Commands DEC Notes Computer Conferencing Enter the command HELP for help If the informational output above is similar to the example displayed in the DEC Notes Installation Guide, then this installation is successful. The DEC Notes V2.5 Installation Verification Procedure completed. Installation of NOTES V2.5 completed at hh:mm VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at dd-mmm-yyyy A-8 Sample Installation B ________________________________________________________________ DEC Notes License Information This appendix provides information on DEC Notes licenses. B.1 The NOTES-CLIENT-USER License The NOTES-CLIENT-USER license is a concurrent client-only license that provides client-only capabilities to a fixed number of invocations of Notes. See the DEC Notes Software Product Description (SPD) for more information. B.2 The NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK License The NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK license provides server-only capabilites. It does not allow Notes to be invoked from the command line (that is, no client capability). Because it is a personal use license, users must be added to the license reserve list before they are permitted to use the server. The format of the reserve list is different from most other applications however since it includes the nodename as well as the username. The default username from PATHWORKS Conferencing (SPD 38.65.xx) clients is Conferencing-User but can be changed by the user. B.2.1 Adding a User to the Reserve List To add a user to the reserve list for the NOTES-SERVER- LANLINK license, be sure to include their nodename. For example, if the user on node MYPC has set a username of Johnson, then the command to add that user to the reserve list for a PAK with an authorization of XXXX would be: $ license modify NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK - _$ /authorization=XXXX/reserve=(MYPC::Johnson)/add All personal use licenses require that LMF Version 1.1 be installed. LMF Version 1.1 comes with VMS Version 5.5 and is separately installable on VMS Version 5.4. DEC Notes License Information B-1