InfoServer____________________________________ System Operations Guide Order Number: AA-PJXJC-TE October 1994 This document explains how to manage an InfoServer system. Revision/Update Information: This document supersedes the InfoServer System Operations Guide for Version 3.0. Software Version: InfoServer Software Version 3.2 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ First Edition, October 1990 Second Edition, October 1991 Third Edition, April 1993 Fourth Edition, October 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1994. All rights reserved. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DECnet, DECserver, Digital, InfoServer, LASTport, LAT, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, RRD42, RZ, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX DOCUMENT, VT100, and the DIGITAL logo. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. ix 1 Server Description 1.1 InfoServer Functions......................... 1-2 1.2 Server/Client Relationship................... 1-3 1.3 Automatic Service Policies and Availability Features..................................... 1-4 1.4 Establishing an InfoServer Management Session...................................... 1-5 1.5 InfoServer Command Summary................... 1-7 1.6 InfoServer Help Facility..................... 1-9 2 Server Features and Functions 2.1 LASTport Protocols........................... 2-1 2.1.1 LASTport Protocol........................ 2-2 2.1.2 LASTport/Disk Protocol................... 2-2 2.1.3 LASTport/Tape Protocol................... 2-3 2.2 Automatic Mounting of Compact Discs.......... 2-3 2.3 Installation of Functional Upgrades from Compact Discs................................ 2-4 2.4 Internal Read/Write Device Functions......... 2-4 2.4.1 Partitions............................... 2-5 2.4.2 Serving an Entire Disk to the Network.... 2-6 2.5 Tape Functions............................... 2-6 2.6 X Terminal Clients........................... 2-7 2.7 Service Ratings.............................. 2-8 2.8 InfoServer Naming Conventions................ 2-9 2.8.1 InfoServer Name.......................... 2-9 2.8.2 Service Names............................ 2-10 2.8.3 Partition Names.......................... 2-11 iii 2.8.4 Device Names............................. 2-11 2.9 Service Classes.............................. 2-13 2.10 InfoServer Read/Write-Access Policies........ 2-14 2.11 MOP Functions................................ 2-16 2.11.1 MOP Identify Self Message................ 2-16 2.11.2 MOP Request Counters Message............. 2-16 2.11.3 MOP Loop Messages........................ 2-16 2.11.4 MOP Downline Loading..................... 2-16 3 Server Management Commands 3.1 Command Syntax Conventions................... 3-1 3.1.1 Wildcard Matching........................ 3-1 3.1.2 Special Keys............................. 3-2 3.2 InfoServer Commands.......................... 3-3 BACKUP............................................. 3-4 BIND............................................... 3-6 CLEAR.............................................. 3-8 COPY............................................... 3-9 CRASH.............................................. 3-11 CREATE PARTITION................................... 3-12 CREATE SERVICE..................................... 3-14 DELETE PARTITION................................... 3-19 DELETE SERVICE..................................... 3-21 DISCONNECT......................................... 3-23 ERASE.............................................. 3-24 EXIT............................................... 3-25 HELP............................................... 3-26 INITIALIZE......................................... 3-27 LOOP............................................... 3-29 MONITOR............................................ 3-30 PURGE VXT.......................................... 3-31 REBOOT............................................. 3-33 RECORD............................................. 3-34 RESTORE............................................ 3-36 RETRIEVE........................................... 3-38 REWIND............................................. 3-39 SAVE............................................... 3-40 SET DEVICE......................................... 3-42 SET PARTITION...................................... 3-44 SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT............................... 3-45 SET SERVER CACHE BUCKETSIZE........................ 3-46 SET SERVER CACHE SIZE.............................. 3-47 iv SET SERVER CRASHDUMP............................... 3-48 SET SERVER EXTENSION............................... 3-50 SET SERVER GROUP................................... 3-51 SET SERVER IDENTIFICATION.......................... 3-53 SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP.......................... 3-54 SET SERVER LAT_RESPONDER........................... 3-55 SET SERVER MOP..................................... 3-56 SET SERVER MULTICAST............................... 3-58 SET SERVER NAME.................................... 3-59 SET SERVER PASSWORD................................ 3-60 SET SERVER PROMPT.................................. 3-61 SET SERVER REMOTE.................................. 3-62 SET SERVER STATE................................... 3-64 SET SERVER WRITE ACCESS............................ 3-65 SET SERVICE........................................ 3-67 SHOW DEVICE........................................ 3-71 SHOW ETHERNET...................................... 3-75 SHOW FUNCTIONS..................................... 3-81 SHOW LAST.......................................... 3-82 SHOW LAT........................................... 3-83 SHOW MOP........................................... 3-89 SHOW PARTITIONS.................................... 3-93 SHOW SERVER........................................ 3-97 SHOW SERVICE....................................... 3-104 SHOW TAPE.......................................... 3-110 UNBIND............................................. 3-113 UNLOAD............................................. 3-114 UPDATE FUNCTIONS................................... 3-115 UPDATE SYSTEM...................................... 3-117 UPDATE VXT......................................... 3-121 VERIFY............................................. 3-123 ZERO ALL........................................... 3-124 ZERO ETHERNET...................................... 3-125 ZERO LAT........................................... 3-126 ZERO MOP........................................... 3-127 ZERO SERVER........................................ 3-128 ZERO TAPE.......................................... 3-129 v 4 Advanced Operations 4.1 Serving Regularly Updated Compact Discs...... 4-2 4.2 Assigning Passwords to Protect Compact Discs........................................ 4-3 4.3 Serving Media Under Several Names............ 4-4 4.4 Creating and Serving Partitions.............. 4-5 4.5 Serving an External Read/Write Disk.......... 4-7 4.6 Backing Up Read/Write Data................... 4-8 4.6.1 Backing Up Data Locally.................. 4-8 4.6.2 Backing Up Data Remotely................. 4-9 4.7 Defragmenting an InfoServer Disk............. 4-10 4.8 Replicating an InfoServer Disk............... 4-11 4.9 Making Downline Loadable Images Available to Clients...................................... 4-12 4.9.1 MOP Downline Loading by Ethernet Address.................................. 4-14 4.9.2 Automatic Installation of MOP Partitions............................... 4-14 4.10 Configuring X terminals...................... 4-15 4.11 Enforcing Network License Limits for Devices...................................... 4-16 4.12 Compact Disc Recorder (CD-R) Function........ 4-17 4.12.1 Component Setup.......................... 4-17 4.12.2 Recording Procedures..................... 4-18 4.13 Performing Network Installations and Updates...................................... 4-21 4.13.1 Connecting to a Remote Service........... 4-21 4.13.2 Performing Updates Using a Remote Service.................................. 4-22 4.13.3 Disconnecting from a Remote Service...... 4-22 4.13.4 Restrictions............................. 4-23 5 Troubleshooting 5.1 Client System Cannot Connect to InfoServer Device....................................... 5-1 5.2 Access to InfoServer Devices Seems Slow...... 5-10 5.3 Cannot Enter InfoServer Commands from a Local Console...................................... 5-11 5.4 Cannot Enter InfoServer Commands from a Remote Console............................... 5-13 5.5 InfoServer Software Does Not Boot............ 5-19 vi 5.6 Online Help No Longer Available.............. 5-22 5.7 InfoServer System Does Not Boot Completely... 5-23 5.8 InfoServer System Does Not Downline Load Clients...................................... 5-25 5.9 InfoServer Password Forgotten................ 5-31 A Server Command Syntax Summary B Server Messages B.1 Informational Messages....................... B-2 B.2 Error Messages............................... B-3 B.3 Warning Messages............................. B-8 Index Tables 1-1 InfoServer Command Set................... 1-7 2-1 DKn: Devices............................. 2-12 3-1 InfoServer Special Keys.................. 3-2 3-2 Valid Class Names........................ 3-15 3-3 SHOW DEVICE Display Fields............... 3-73 3-4 SHOW ETHERNET Display Fields............. 3-76 3-5 SHOW LAT COUNTERS Display Fields......... 3-85 3-6 SHOW LAT SESSIONS Display Fields......... 3-88 3-7 SHOW MOP Display Fields.................. 3-90 3-8 SHOW PARTITIONS Display Fields........... 3-95 3-9 Fields Common to All SHOW SERVER Displays................................. 3-99 3-10 SHOW SERVER CHARACTERISTICS Display Fields................................... 3-99 3-11 SHOW SERVER COUNTERS Display Fields...... 3-101 3-12 SHOW SERVER STATISTICS Display Fields.... 3-102 3-13 SHOW SERVICE Display Fields.............. 3-106 3-14 SHOW TAPE Display Fields................. 3-111 5-1 InfoServer Boot Flag Bits................ 5-21 vii ________________________________________________________________ Preface Document Purpose This document explains how to manage an InfoServer system. You can use the InfoServer commands described in Chapter 3 to set up services for client systems in your local area network (LAN). The document also provides troubleshooting information to help you solve problems that affect InfoServer operations. For information on installing and troubleshooting InfoServer hardware, refer to the following documents: InfoServer 100 Installation and Owner's Guide InfoServer 150 Installation and Owner's Guide InfoServer 1000 Installation and Owner's Guide For information on managing InfoServer devices on client systems, see the InfoServer client documents for those systems. Intended Audience This document is intended for InfoServer managers. Document Structure This document contains five chapters and two appendixes. o Chapter 1, "Server Description," provides an overview of the InfoServer system and explains how to establish an InfoServer management session. o Chapter 2, "Server Features and Functions," describes InfoServer facilities, such as automatic mounting of compact discs, device-naming conventions to simplify access, and downline-loading capabilities. ix o Chapter 3, "Server Management Commands," describes InfoServer commands, including format, parameters, and examples. o Chapter 4, "Advanced Operations," describes operations for setting up customized configurations and provides examples. o Chapter 5, "Troubleshooting," provides information to identify and solve common operating problems. o Appendix A, "Server Command Syntax Summary," provides a quick-reference summary of the command syntax for each InfoServer command. o Appendix B, "Server Messages," lists and describes informational, error, and warning messages. Related Documents You can order the following InfoServer hardware documents from Digital. Not all documents are available in every country. Check with your Digital sales representative for availability. __________________________________________________________ Title________________________________Order_Number_________ InfoServer 100 Installation and EK-DIS1K-IN-001 Owner's Guide InfoServer 150 Installation and EK-INFSV-OM-001 Owner's Guide InfoServer 1000 Installation and EK-INFLC-OM-001 Owner's_Guide_____________________________________________ Conventions The following conventions are used in this document: Ctrl/x A sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. x In examples, a key name is shown enclosed in a box to indicate that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.) A vertical ellipsis indicates the . omission of items from a code . example or command format; the . items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed. () In format descriptions, parentheses indicate that, if you choose more than one option, you must enclose the choices in parentheses. { . . . | . . . } In format descriptions, choices between two or more options are enclosed in braces ( { } ). Choices are separated by a vertical bar (|). [] In format descriptions, brackets indicate that whatever is enclosed within the brackets is optional; you can select none, one, or all of the choices. (Brackets are not, however, optional in the syntax of a directory name in a file specification or in the syntax of a substring specification in an assignment statement.) boldface text Boldface text represents the introduction of a new term or a phrase that is emphasized in text. Boldface text is also used to show user input in command examples. italic text Italic text represents information that can vary (for example, device). xi UPPERCASE TEXT Uppercase letters indicate that you must enter a command (for example, enter SHOW SERVER), or they indicate the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. numbers Unless otherwise noted, all numbers in the text are assumed to be decimal. Nondecimal radixes-binary, octal, or hexadecimal-are explicitly indicated. xii 1 ________________________________________________________________ Server Description The InfoServer system is a high-performance, virtual device server. It can serve physical device media and sets of logical disk blocks to client systems in a local area network (LAN). Systems running the appropriate client software can connect to virtual devices served by the InfoServer system and use them as though they are locally attached devices. Unlike a file server, the InfoServer system does not impose a file system on the virtual devices that it serves. The InfoServer system can serve compact discs and read/write disks with any type of on-disk structure. Because client systems interpret the on-disk structure, each client can use its own native file system. Multiple on-disk structures can be served by and accessed on a single InfoServer system at the same time. This chapter discusses the following topics: o InfoServer functions o Server/client relationship o Automatic service policies and availability features o Establishing an InfoServer management session o InfoServer command summary o InfoServer Help facility 1-1 Server Description 1.1 InfoServer Functions 1.1 InfoServer Functions The InfoServer system can perform the following functions: o Serve compact discs to network clients. The InfoServer system serves compact discs automat- ically, using the volume label as the service name when the server is booted, or when compact discs are inserted in InfoServer drives. Some client systems (for example, OpenVMS and ULTRIX) simply bind to and mount the compact discs under their volume labels. The InfoServer system can automatically serve to clients compact discs that are in Apple hierarchical file system (HFS), Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 2 (ODS-2), High Sierra Group (HSG), ISO 9660, or ULTRIX File System (UFS) format. other media types can be served manually through the InfoServer management interface. o Serve Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) tapes. The InfoServer system can serve SCSI tape devices to network clients by using service names. Client systems can connect to these tape devices and utilize them as though they are locally attached devices. o Serve read/write disk partitions. A partition is a logical subset of a read/write disk. A single disk can be subdivided into several partitions, each of which can be served to the network independently. To remote client systems, these partitions appear to be whole disks. For example, an OpenVMS client can access InfoServer partitions and use them as though they are local hard disks. o Act as an initial load system for OpenVMS systems. The InfoServer system can downline load the primary bootstrap program to OpenVMS systems by responding to maintenance operation protocol (MOP) requests. The server can locate MOP downline load files on the OpenVMS software distribution compact disc and copy them into temporary MOP partitions on an InfoServer- formatted read/write disk. 1-2 Server Description 1.1 InfoServer Functions The ISL bootstrap program connects back to the software distribution compact disc and boots Standalone Backup. The Backup utility is then used to copy the OpenVMS operating system save sets from the compact disc to a read/write disk attached to the system. All subsequent OpenVMS boots are done from the local read/write disk. o Downline load other products. You can use the InfoServer system to load any Ethernet product by file name; that is, the server does not require a Network Control Program (NCP) database entry to locate the requested file. For example, X terminal clients use the InfoServer system to downline load their system software. You can create a special MOP partition and copy the desired file to that partition. The server additionally supports downline loading of services by Ethernet address. Each InfoServer system can handle up to 100 simultaneous downline loads more efficiently than host-based downline loaders, which must start processes to assist in the load. 1.2 Server/Client Relationship Figure 1-1 shows the relationship of the InfoServer system to several client systems. In this figure, two compact discs and two hard disks connected to the server appear to the client systems as local devices. The VAX and RISC clients might be accessing software distribution and online documentation files on one or two of the compact disks, while the Macintosh client might be updating data on an InfoServer disk partition. The X terminal boots from the InfoServer system and uses InfoServer disks for page, font, and customization files. You can simply connect the InfoServer system to your LAN and turn the server on. After the server is initialized, or bootstrapped, the server software automatically makes available, or serves, to client systems the media connected to it. For example, if you insert a compact disc into a server drive, the server detects this new disc and automatically serves it to client systems by using the volume label as the service name. 1-3 Server Description 1.2 Server/Client Relationship The server bootstraps from its internal read/write device, on which the InfoServer software is preinstalled. InfoServer software updates are distributed on compact discs. As these new releases become available, you can install the software onto the internal device for subsequent booting. You might want to customize InfoServer functions such as automounting of specific devices. You can control server functions by logging in to the server and entering server commands, described in Chapter 3. 1.3 Automatic Service Policies and Availability Features The InfoServer system automatically serves compact discs to clients when the server is first turned on or when a disc is inserted in a drive. The server reads the volume label and uses the label as the name of the service offered to clients. ________________________Note ________________________ You can use the SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT command to disable the serverwide automount function. You can use the SET DEVICE AUTOMOUNT command to disable automount for individual devices, such as compact discs, that are not in InfoServer format. _____________________________________________________ If multiple servers offer the same services, the client uses a rating scheme to select the best service (see Section 2.7). When duplicate read-only devices are available under identical service names, the client balances the load among the devices. If you remove a compact disc from a server drive, the InfoServer system ends all client connections to the associated service. The server also stops offering, or unserves, the associated service to client systems. However, when a read-only service is interrupted (for example, the server reboots, or a compact disc is removed from a drive), the client attempts to reconnect to the service. If a duplicate read-only service is offered elsewhere on the LAN, the client automatically connects to 1-4 Server Description 1.3 Automatic Service Policies and Availability Features the duplicate volume. File operations continue as normal, and users experience almost no service disruption. 1.4 Establishing an InfoServer Management Session The server manager can establish a server management session from a local or remote console terminal as follows: o For a local session, connect a terminal capable of interpreting VT100 ANSI escape sequences to the serial port on the rear of the InfoServer system unit. ________________________Note ________________________ This terminal must be set to 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity. _____________________________________________________ o For a remote session, make a connection to the InfoServer system through a LAT terminal server. Like many host systems, the InfoServer system advertises a LAT terminal server service for its management interface and accepts connections from remote terminals attached to terminal servers. Therefore, any terminal attached to a terminal server on the extended LAN can act as a console terminal for the InfoServer system (if the user knows the InfoServer management password). Determining the Server's Default Service Name To make a remote connection to the InfoServer system for the first time, you must first determine the server's default name. To do this, add the 4-character prefix LAD_ to the hexadecimal Ethernet data link address on the system's enclosure (see the installation and owner's guide for your unit). You can change this default name by using the command SET SERVER NAME (see Chapter 3). The server's name is the service name to which you connect. For example, if the default server name is LAD_ 08002B15009F, then you would enter the following command at the terminal server's prompt to manage the InfoServer system: 1-5 Server Description 1.4 Establishing an InfoServer Management Session Local> CONNECT LAD_08002B15009F ________________________Note ________________________ See your terminal server user's guide to learn more about the establishment of LAT terminal server service connections. _____________________________________________________ Entering an InfoServer Password After you connect to the InfoServer system, you must enter an InfoServer password. The default server password is ESS. You can change the password with the SET SERVER PASSWORD command (see Chapter 3). Sample Session The following example shows how to establish a session from a terminal server: Local> CONNECT LAD_08002B133C1C Password: ESS (not echoed) Local -010- Session 1 to LAD_08002B133C1C established DEC InfoServer 1000 V3.2 InfoServer> In this example, the terminal server's prompt is Local>, and a LAT terminal server session is established to the InfoServer system whose service name is LAD_08002B133C1C. The server prompts you to enter a password. When you enter the correct password, the server displays the InfoServer> prompt. Ending a Session At the end of the management session, you can exit by entering EXIT at the InfoServer> prompt. This action returns you to the terminal server's Local> prompt if the management session is over a LAT terminal server connection. 1-6 Server Description 1.5 InfoServer Command Summary 1.5 InfoServer Command Summary Table 1-1 summarizes InfoServer management commands, which are described in detail in Chapter 3. Table_1-1_InfoServer_Command_Set__________________________ Command__________Function_________________________________ BACKUP Saves InfoServer-formatted disks. BIND Establishes a connection to the specified ODS-2 service and creates the virtual device VDK1 for that service. CLEAR Erases the console terminal screen. COPY Copies data from one disk or partition to another. CRASH Causes the server software to take a recognizable bugcheck, creating a dump if crashdump processing is enabled. CREATE Creates a new partition or service. DELETE Deletes a partition or service that was previously created. DISCONNECT Disconnects a LASTport or LAT terminal server session. ERASE Erases the specified disk or partition, or FUNCTIONS or SERVICES data if the device is nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM). EXIT Terminates the management session. HELP Displays help text for InfoServer commands. INITIALIZE Formats a read/write disk into an InfoServer-formatted disk. LOOP Automatically repeats any valid InfoServer command. (continued on next page) 1-7 Server Description 1.5 InfoServer Command Summary Table_1-1_(Cont.)_InfoServer_Command_Set__________________ Command__________Function_________________________________ MONITOR Automatically repeats any valid InfoServer command every 3 seconds, clearing the screen and placing the cursor at the home position. PURGE VXT Purges old versions of VXT software. REBOOT Shuts down and reboots the server. RECORD Records data from an InfoServer disk or partition to a writable compact disc. RESTORE Resets the server to a previously saved system configuration. RETRIEVE Restores InfoServer-formatted disks saved by the BACKUP command. REWIND Rewinds an InfoServer tape. SAVE Saves configuration and service data for recovery after a server reboot. SET Sets device, partition, service, or server parameters. SHOW Displays the server's parameters and counters. UNBIND Deletes the VDK1 virtual device and terminates the connection to the remote service. UNLOAD Rewinds and unloads an InfoServer tape. UPDATE Installs one or more new software products or functions. VERIFY Validates the on-disk structure of a device formatted with the INITIALIZE command. (continued on next page) 1-8 Server Description 1.5 InfoServer Command Summary Table_1-1_(Cont.)_InfoServer_Command_Set__________________ Command__________Function_________________________________ ZERO_____________Sets_internal_server_counters_to_0.______ 1.6 InfoServer Help Facility The InfoServer system provides a Help facility that contains information about each server command, including parameters, options, and examples of its use. See the HELP command description in Chapter 3 for more information about the Help facility. 1-9 2 ________________________________________________________________ Server Features and Functions This chapter provides information on the following topics: o LASTport protocols o Automatic mounting of compact discs o Installation of functional upgrades from compact discs o Tape functions o X terminal clients o Service ratings o Naming conventions o Service classes o Read/write-access policies o Maintenance operation protocol (MOP) functions 2.1 LASTport Protocols The InfoServer system uses the LASTport transport and the LASTport/Disk and LASTport/Tape system application protocols to provide access to the virtual devices it serves to the local area network (LAN). These protocols provide high-performance access to disk and tape devices in an extended LAN. The InfoServer system implements the server portion of the protocols, while the client systems that access InfoServer devices implement the client portion. 2-1 Server Features and Functions 2.1 LASTport Protocols 2.1.1 LASTport Protocol The LASTport protocol is a specialized transport protocol that allows many clients to access InfoServer systems and perform reliable transactions. For the InfoServer system, a transaction is a device read or write operation. The LASTport protocol allows various client systems to read and write information concurrently to an InfoServer device. Unlike timer-based protocols, the LASTport protocol is a transaction-oriented protocol. Normally, information does not pass between a client and an InfoServer system unless the client initiates a transaction. The client system then runs a timer on the transaction, normally waiting from 2 to 5 seconds before assuming that the transaction was lost and retrying the operation. The LASTport protocol does not provide any routing functions; it runs only in a LAN network. The LASTport protocol type is 80-41. If the extended LAN uses any filtering devices, they must allow this protocol type to pass unfiltered so that clients can access InfoServer systems across the filtering device. The InfoServer system uses a multicast address feature of the LASTport protocol to establish connections to devices. The format of the multicast address is 09-00-2B-04-nn-nn, where nn depends on the LASTport group enabled (see the description of the SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP command in Chapter 3). 2.1.2 LASTport/Disk Protocol The LASTport/Disk protocol is a specialized disk protocol that uses the LASTport transport. That is, LASTport /Disk messages are delivered in LASTport messages. The LASTport/Disk protocol provides the mechanism for reading and writing logical disk blocks independent from any underlying file system. The clients that implement the LASTport/Disk protocol interpret the file system locally. By using the LASTport/Disk protocol for disk access, the InfoServer system can support multiple operating systems and disk file structures concurrently. 2-2 Server Features and Functions 2.1 LASTport Protocols The LASTport/Disk protocol also provides the naming facility to access disks. The InfoServer system assigns each virtual disk a name. The LASTport/Disk protocol allows clients to query the LAN for service names. When the requested service is found, the client connects to it, and disk access can begin. When duplicate virtual devices are available under duplicate service names, the LASTport /Disk protocol provides a facility for load balancing among the available devices (see Section 2.7). 2.1.3 LASTport/Tape Protocol Like the LASTport/Disk protocol, the LASTport/Tape protocol uses the LASTport transport. That is, LASTport /Tape messages are delivered in LASTport messages. The LASTport/Tape protocol provides the mechanism for reading and writing tape records. Tape devices attached to the InfoServer system appear to tape clients as locally attached devices. The LASTport/Tape protocol also provides the naming facility to access tapes. The InfoServer system assigns each tape device a name. The LASTport/Tape protocol allows clients to query the LAN network for service names. When the requested service is found, the client connects to it, and tape access can begin. 2.2 Automatic Mounting of Compact Discs The InfoServer system can automatically recognize newly installed devices that are in the following formats: o Apple hierarchical file system (HFS) o Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 2 (ODS-2) o High Sierra Group (HSG) o ISO 9660 o ULTRIX File System (UFS) The server reads the volume label and makes that volume label name available to the LAN as a service name. This process is called the automount feature. You can use the SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT command to enable or disable the automount feature serverwide, and you can enable or 2-3 Server Features and Functions 2.2 Automatic Mounting of Compact Discs disable automounting for specific devices with the SET DEVICE AUTOMOUNT command (see Chapter 3). With the automount feature enabled, you do not neet to enter any InfoServer management commands to access compact discs. The InfoServer system automatically makes the compact discs available to client systems. Client systems simply use their native access method to connect to the volume label name. The InfoServer system automatically serves any compact discs that are present when the InfoServer system boots. It also detects and serves new compact discs that are inserted while the system is running. If a volume is removed while the system is running, the system deletes the volume label service, and any client connections to the volume are broken. If the same volume is reinserted, client connections are reestablished. If a different volume is reinserted, it is automatically served with its own volume label. If you do not know the volume label of a compact disc or tape, you can use the InfoServer management interface to determine it. After inserting the volume, enter the SHOW DEVICE command at the InfoServer> prompt. This display lists the volume labels for all volumes on the system. See the description of the SHOW SERVICE command in Chapter 3. 2.3 Installation of Functional Upgrades from Compact Discs InfoServer software enables installation of functional upgrades from Function compact discs. As new functions become available, customers can purchase separately and install each function that they want to make available on the LAN. See the description of the UPDATE FUNCTIONS command in Chapter 3. 2.4 Internal Read/Write Device Functions The InfoServer 1000 system includes internal FLASH memory that stores the system image and help text. The FLASH ROM (read-only memory) is preinitialized and loaded with the InfoServer operational software. Server configuration information is stored in NVRAM (nonvolatile random access memory). 2-4 Server Features and Functions 2.4 Internal Read/Write Device Functions The InfoServer 150 system comes with an internal read/write disk. The InfoServer software uses this disk to store InfoServer parameters, characteristics, and other information specific to the InfoServer system. This internal disk is preinitialized and loaded with the InfoServer operational software. 2.4.1 Partitions Normally, any InfoServer disk (a disk that has been initialized with the InfoServer INITIALIZE command) is not served to the LAN network as a whole disk. Instead, logical subdisks called partitions are served to the LAN network. A single InfoServer disk can be subdivided into several smaller partitions. Each partition can be treated as a whole disk by remote clients. Because partitions do not overlap, different systems can use different partitions without conflict. InfoServer software automatically creates several partitions that are formatted with different file systems and are reserved for use by the system itself. Normally, the partitions (whose names are also reserved) are created on the internal device. The subsections that follow describe these partitions. BOOT_PARTITION Partition The BOOT_PARTITION partition is factory installed on the internal device and contains the bootable InfoServer kernel as well as online help information. This partition cannot be deleted, nor should it ever be served to the network, because OpenVMS clients might crash when attempting a connection. CONFIGURATION Partition The CONFIGURATION partition is created or updated whenever the InfoServer SAVE command is issued. This partition contains InfoServer characteristics such as the server name, password, and identification string. The partition is read whenever the server reboots, or when the RESTORE command is issued. 2-5 Server Features and Functions 2.4 Internal Read/Write Device Functions 2NDARY_CONFIGURATION Partition The 2NDARY_CONFIGURATION partition is created or updated whenever a remote client such as an X terminal requests creation of a partition and service name. Remotely created service names are saved separately from those created locally so that remote operations do not inadvertently save temporary local operations. Only information for remotely created services is saved in this partition. IS_FUNCTIONS Partition The IS_FUNCTIONS partition is created whenever Function compact discs are installed on the InfoServer system. All installed functions are saved in this partition so that they can be restored when the InfoServer system reboots. You can reconstruct this partition from Function compact discs if it is lost. You might also want to create another copy of the partition (using the InfoServer COPY command) under a different partition name. 2.4.2 Serving an Entire Disk to the Network In some situations, when you might want to serve an entire InfoServer disk to the LAN. For example, you might want to make a backup of the InfoServer disk on a remote client system. The remote client system should access the disk as if the on-disk structure were unknown, because the disk is in InfoServer format. Under the OpenVMS operating system you would use a MOUNT/FOREIGN command. Note that you should never serve an InfoServer-formatted disk for write access. See Section 4.6 for an example of backing up InfoServer disks. 2.5 Tape Functions The InfoServer system can serve Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) tape devices to the network using service names. Client systems can connect to these tape devices and utilize them as though they are locally attached devices. InfoServer clients can share tape devices. However, while many clients can access an InfoServer compact disc simultaneously, only one client at a time can access a tape device. When a client is finished using a tape device, the client disconnects. Other clients can then use 2-6 Server Features and Functions 2.5 Tape Functions the device. Each client views the remote tape device as though it were locally attached. 2.6 X Terminal Clients X terminal clients use the InfoServer system to downline load their system software, provide font services, save configuration information, and page memory to and from InfoServer disks. X terminal system files can be installed on the InfoServer system from compact disc. Once installed, this system software is downline loaded on demand to each X terminal client when it is turned on. X terminal clients can dynamically allocate partitions on an InfoServer disk as needed. For example, when an X terminal user requests that terminal customizations be saved, the InfoServer system automatically creates a disk partition to hold the information and creates a network service name for that partition. Once customization information is saved, the X terminal client can recall the information at any time. Certain X terminals that are InfoServer clients can also be virtual memory machines. Such virtual memory X terminals (VXTs) can page sections of main memory to and from disks as required. Because a VXT client has no local disk, it uses InfoServer disks as page disks. When main memory needs to be paged out to disk, the VXT client requests the InfoServer system to create a partition. This partition is then automatically extended as needed. Partitions and their network service names are created dynamically, without the need for any user action. By default, the InfoServer disk DK1, which is the internal read/write disk that ships with InfoServer 100 and 150 systems, is enabled to allow X terminal clients to allocate partitions remotely. Other disks can also be enabled through the use of InfoServer commands. InfoServer 1000 systems require an external read/write disk to provide paging services for X terminal clients. 2-7 Server Features and Functions 2.7 Service Ratings 2.7 Service Ratings The InfoServer system provides static load balancing across duplicate media within an extended LAN. To do this, the InfoServer system provides a rating for every service that it offers. When duplicate services are available, client systems select the service with the highest rating. A higher rating indicates a more readily available service for client connections; a lower rating indicates lower availability. By default, the InfoServer system dynamically calculates a rating based on the InfoServer load for each service. The dynamic rating for each device service is calculated and updated every 10 seconds. The following algorithm is used to calculate the dynamic rating for services, within the range of 0 to 65535: Rating = (32768*%CPU_FREE)+ (32767*((0.9*last_calc_srvd_load)+(0.1*new_calc_srvd_load))) The first term, called the server load factor, is an instantaneous look at the CPU percentage, weighted over one-half the rating scale. The seconds term, called the service load factor, is 90 percent of the last calculated load factor plus 10 percent of the current calculated load factor, weighted over one-half the rating scale. The LASTport load factor is then replaced with the current calculation of the service load factor. This calculation produces a moving weighted average that is calculated at each timer interval, for each service. The formula for the new_calc_srvd_load term is as follows: new_calc_srvd_load =1000-min(1000,__I/Os_to_service_in_last_10_sec)_ 1000 As a result, a load is imposed on the service based on the number of block reads in the past 10 seconds. The term last_calc_srvd_load is then updated with the new service load factor calculated. 2-8 Server Features and Functions 2.7 Service Ratings Any service that is blocked by a write session to an overlapping virtual disk is assigned a rating of 0. See Section 2.10 for more information on concurrent read /write-access. The following algorithm is used to calculate the dynamic rating for tapes, within the LASTport/Tape protocol range of 0 to 65535: Rating = (32768*%CPU_FREE)+ (32767*%POOL_FREE) Any tape service that has maximum connections receives a rating of 0. 2.8 InfoServer Naming Conventions The InfoServer system manages several different resources by using their assigned names. For example, services, logical disk partitions, and devices have assigned names. Assigning names to resources makes it easier to access and manage them. Individual resources have different policies that govern the names applied to those resources. 2.8.1 InfoServer Name The InfoServer system itself is assigned a name. Each InfoServer name must be unique within an extended LAN. The InfoServer name identifies the InfoServer unit. This name is also used as a LAT management service that is advertised to the LAN network. When the InfoServer system is shipped, the InfoServer software assigns each InfoServer unit a unique name. The default name is in the form LAD_nnnnnnnnnnnn, where nnnnnnnnnnnn is the hexadecimal ASCII representation of the InfoServer system's Ethernet adapter address. An example is LAD_08002B15009F. The maximum length of the name is 16 characters. If you choose, you can change the InfoServer name to a name that is more meaningful for your particular environment. If you assign an InfoServer name, you must use the following sets of characters: o A-Z o a-z 2-9 Server Features and Functions 2.8 InfoServer Naming Conventions o 0-9 o $ (dollar sign) o . (period) o _ (underscore) o - (hyphen) o Multinational characters in the ASCII range 192 through 255 All InfoServer names are case-insensitive. For example, the InfoServer system would treat an uppercase A and lowercase a as a match. 2.8.2 Service Names The InfoServer system can assign service names to devices and partitions. These service names are the access mechanism for remote client nodes. Clients specify the names of services to which they want to connect. The InfoServer system resolves the names down to the requested virtual device and then completes the connection request. Service names offered by the InfoServer system are restricted to the same set of characters used for InfoServer unit names (see Section 2.8.1). Note that some compact discs might have volume labels that contain characters other than those listed in Section 2.8.1. In that case, the InfoServer system substitutes underscore (_) characters. If a compact disc does not have a volume label, you must create a service manually. See the description of the CREATE SERVICE command in Chapter 3. Because identical media or data can be made available on the extended LAN concurrently, it is possible to have duplicate service names. A service name might be available more than once on a single InfoServer system or might be available on more than one InfoServer system. When redundant service names are available, clients use load balancing to select the least busy media. If one service should fail, clients automatically attempt to connect to any available duplicate service. 2-10 Server Features and Functions 2.8 InfoServer Naming Conventions 2.8.3 Partition Names The InfoServer system can create sets of logical blocks, called partitions, on read/write media. A partition is a subset of a physical read/write device that can be served to the LAN as though the partition were an entire disk. When the InfoServer system creates a partition on behalf of a remote client, a partition name must be supplied as part of the CREATE SERVICE command. Partition names are local to the InfoServer system and are not visible to remote client systems. Clients gain access to partitions through the use of service names. The partition names are used only by the InfoServer command set for ease of management. Partition names are unique within a single read/write device. Partition names created by the InfoServer system are restricted to the same set of characters used for InfoServer server names (see Section 2.8.1) and contain the reserved character "#". 2.8.4 Device Names The InfoServer 1000 system can support up to seven SCSI devices on its single external SCSI bus, designated as SCSI-A. The InfoServer 150 system can support up to 14 SCSI devices. The system has two buses designated as SCSI-A and SCSI-B, each of which can support up to seven devices. SCSI-A is an internal bus that has a compact disc drive and a read/write drive preconfigured into the system. SCSI-B is an external bus that may have a second compact disc drive preconfigured into the system, depending on your InfoServer model. You can add external disk and magnetic tape devices to the SCSI-B bus. Each device on each bus is assigned a number from 0 to 7 that is set by switches on the device. The InfoServer system assigns a device name to each device of the form DKn: (TPn: for magnetic tapes), where n is a device number greater than or equal to 0. Device numbers are assigned in ascending order, starting with 0. The numbering starts with the SCSI devices on SCSI-A and continues with SCSI-B 2-11 Server Features and Functions 2.8 InfoServer Naming Conventions for the InfoServer 100 and 150 systems. Table 2-1 lists the range of DKn: devices available to the system. Table_2-1_DKn:_Devices____________________________________ InfoServer 150 SCSI- Device A InfoServer 100 InfoServer 1000 Device Unit___Device______________Device[1]____________Name______ 0 Unused Available for DK0 expansion 1 Preconfigured read Preconfigured read DK1 /write disk /write disk Available for expansion[2] 2 Preconfigured Preconfigured DK2 compact disc compact disc Available for expansion[2] 3 Unused Available for DK3 expansion 4 Unused Available for DK4 expansion 5 Unused Available for DK5 expansion 6 CPU bus position CPU bus position Reserved 7 Unused Available for DK7 expansion __________________________________________________________ SCSI- B InfoServer 100 InfoServer 150 Device Unit___Device______________Device_______________Name______ 0 Available for Available for DK8 expansion expansion [1]The_InfoServer_1000_has_a_single_SCSI_bus._____________ [2]Available for expansion on the InfoServer 1000 system. (continued on next page) 2-12 Server Features and Functions 2.8 InfoServer Naming Conventions Table_2-1_(Cont.)_DKn:_Devices____________________________ SCSI- B InfoServer 100 InfoServer 150 Device Unit___Device______________Device_______________Name______ 1 Available for Available for DK9 expansion expansion 2 Available for Available for DK10 expansion expansion 3 Available for Available for DK11 expansion expansion 4 Available for Available for DK12 expansion expansion 5 Preconfigured or Available for DK13 available expansion 6 CPU bus position CPU bus position Reserved 7 Available for Available for DK15 _______expansion___________expansion______________________ 2.9 Service Classes Because the InfoServer system is a virtual disk server rather than a file server, it can support multiple operating systems and multiple on-disk file structures concurrently. The InfoServer system provides a means for logically subdividing the services offered on the LAN network into groups that are meaningful to each client system. These logical subdivisions are based on service classes. A service class divides the individual virtual disks that the InfoServer system offers to the LAN into different namespaces. Each client system accesses only the namespaces that are meaningful to it. For example, OpenVMS systems access services that are offered under the ODS_2 namespace, while ULTRIX systems access services under the ULTRIX, High Sierra Group (HSG), and ISO 9660 namespaces. Because each client sees only the services in its own namespace, an OpenVMS client can never accidentially connect to an ULTRIX disk. 2-13 Server Features and Functions 2.9 Service Classes When it automounts a new compact disc, the InfoServer system creates a service under the service class that is appropriate for the disk structure found on the compact disc. For example, if the InfoServer system reads the volume label from an ISO 9600 compact disc, it creates a service with the volume label as the name under the ISO 9600 service class. The InfoServer system can automatically serve compact discs that are in Apple HFS, High Sierra Group, ISO 9660, ODS-2, and ULTRIX UFS formats. You can can use InfoServer commands to serve other media types under any of the supported service classes. Chapter 3 describes the available service classes and the InfoServer commands. 2.10 InfoServer Read/Write-Access Policies The InfoServer system is a virtual disk server. Because it does not impose an underlying file structure on the disks it serves, the InfoServer system does not provide a locking mechanism to prevent concurrent write-access to the same sets of disk blocks. Instead, the InfoServer system enforces a connection policy that prevents such conflicts that could result in data corruption. You can select one of two policies: o Pre-emptive. By default, the InfoServer system allows write-access to a virtual disk only after all other read access has been disconnected. For example, a LAN write-access connection would immediately disconnect all read access connections that conflict with the write-access request, then allow write access after all readers are disconnected. Readers are blocked from reconnecting to those same disk blocks for the duration of the write-access connection. This type of policy is ideally suited for classes of data that are infrequently updated, but frequently read. Readers are prevented from reading bad data while the write-access connection updates the data. After the write-access connection is terminated, the readers reconnect to the updated data. 2-14 Server Features and Functions 2.10 InfoServer Read/Write-Access Policies o Blocking. Instead of immediately disconnecting any read-only connections, the write-access connection is delayed until all read connections are disconnected voluntarily by the remote clients. This policy is ideally suited for information that must be highly available for read access, but may be updated during off hours. For either policy, the InfoServer system prevents concurrent access during write operations. This local locking policy guarantees data integrity. Note that because partitions do not overlap on an InfoServer disk, write access to one partition does not prevent read or write access to a different partition on the same device. Locking occurs only for requests to the same partition, or to the same disk volume. For more information on setting the InfoServer write access policy, see the SET SERVER WRITE ACCESS command description in Chapter 3. 2-15 Server Features and Functions 2.11 MOP Functions 2.11 MOP Functions The InfoServer system implements several features of the maintenance operation protocol (MOP) of the DECnet Digital Network Architecture. The following sections describe supported features. 2.11.1 MOP Identify Self Message The InfoServer system responds to MOP "request identity" messages with a MOP "system identification" message to the requesting node. The InfoServer system also broadcasts a system identifica- tion periodically to the LAN and responds with its system virtual address (SVA) as the communication device type. 2.11.2 MOP Request Counters Message The InfoServer system responds to MOP "request counters" messages with a MOP "counters" message to the requesting node. 2.11.3 MOP Loop Messages The InfoServer system responds to MOP "loop direct" and MOP "loop assist" messages by returning the loop data as directed in the received loop request. For example, on an OpenVMS system, you can test Ethernet connectivity with the InfoServer system by using the DECnet NCP command LOOP CIRCUIT; from a terminal server, you can use the terminal server's TEST LOOP command. 2.11.4 MOP Downline Loading The InfoServer system can be configured to act as a MOP downline load server. This means that the InfoServer system can receive downline load requests and then downline load the requesting system, if the requested load image is present. You can enable or disable this feature for individual InfoServer systems by using the command SET SERVER MOP. You can enable or disable the feature for specific devices by using the command SET DEVICE MOP SEARCH. (See Chapter 3). 2-16 Server Features and Functions 2.11 MOP Functions The InfoServer system can handle up to 100 concurrent downline loads. Unlike host-based downline load servers that must start processes to assist in the loading process, the InfoServer system can handle downline load requests quickly and efficiently. The InfoServer system can provide an ideal solution for LAN conditions that cause many systems to request a downline load at the same time, such as after a power failure in a terminal server LAN network. When the InfoServer system receives a load request that it can possibly service, it searches for the following: 1 A matching service name in the MOP service class 2 On InfoServer-formatted disks, a MOP partition with a matching partition name 3 In the directory [SYS0.SYSEXE] on ODS-2 format disks, a matching file name with the .SYS file type. MOP partitions are special partitions that can be downline loaded. For information on installing MOP partitions for downline loading, see Section 4.9. 2-17 3 ________________________________________________________________ Server Management Commands This chapter describes the InfoServer management commands and provides examples of their use. 3.1 Command Syntax Conventions The following conventions apply to the commands in this chapter: __________________________________________________________ Convention__________Meaning_______________________________ UPPERCASE Words in uppercase indicate a command or command option that you enter as shown. Lowercase Words in lowercase indicate parameters that you specify. [] Optional choices are enclosed in brackets ([]). { . . . | . . . } Choices between two or more options are enclosed in braces ( {} ). Choices are separated by a vertical bar (|). PRE-EMPTIVE (D) A (D) indicates the default setting for a command option when there is a ____________________choice_of_two_or_more_option_settings. 3.1.1 Wildcard Matching Some InfoServer commands allow wildcard operations. If you use a wildcard string in an InfoServer command, then all objects matching the wildcard string are used in the specified operation. 3-1 Server Management Commands 3.1 Command Syntax Conventions The InfoServer system uses two wildcard characters: * Matches any number of any characters in the current character position. % Matches exactly one character in the current character position. For example, suppose you entered the following command: InfoServer> SHOW SERVICE AB%DE* The InfoServer system would select all services whose names start with the letters AB, followed by any one character, followed by the letters DE, followed by any number of any characters. 3.1.2 Special Keys The InfoServer management console reserves certain keyboard keys for special functions. Table 3-1 lists the reserved keys that the InfoServer console uses and the function that each key provides. Table_3-1_InfoServer_Special_Keys_________________________ Key___________________Function____________________________ <_ Deletes the previous character in the current command line. Ends the current command line and executes the command. Recalls the last InfoServer command executed. The InfoServer system saves the last 10 commands executed at the console. Deletes all characters in the current command line. Displays "Exit" in reverse video, ends the command line, and ______________________terminates_the_InfoServer_session.__ 3-2 Server Management Commands 3.2 InfoServer Commands 3.2 InfoServer Commands This chapter describes the following commands: BACKUP BIND CLEAR COPY CRASH CREATE DELETE DISCONNECT ERASE EXIT HELP INITIALIZE LOOP MONITOR PURGE VXT REBOOT RECORD RESTORE RETRIEVE REWIND SAVE SET SHOW UNBIND UNLOAD UPDATE VERIFY ZERO 3-3 BACKUP ________________________________________________________________ BACKUP Backs up InfoServer-formatted disks. You use the RETRIEVE command to restore the disks. Format BACKUP src_device[:] dest_device[:] Parameters src_device[:] Specifies the source device, which must be a valid InfoServer-formatted disk, as defined in Table 2-1. dest_device[:] Specifies the destination device, which must be a valid InfoServer-formatted disk, as defined in Table 2-1. Description The BACKUP command copies all partitions from an InfoServer-formatted disk to the destination disk. The destination disk is initialized in InfoServer format, and the partitions are copied along with additional information to identify the disk as a backup copy. (The SHOW PARTITIONS command identifies the device as a backup device.) In addition, service information about the partitions copied is also saved to the destination disk. Unlike the COPY function, the BACKUP function can be performed between devices of different sizes. If all partitions do not fit on the destination device, InfoServer software displays warning messages while the backup operation continues. In addition, the BACKUP command performs disk compression, allocating partitions contiguously and defragmenting InfoServer-formatted disks during BACKUP and RETRIEVE operations. To preserve data integrity, InfoServer software does not permit BACKUP operations unless the InfoServer state is set OFF. This check prevents remote virtual disk operations from interfering with local disk operations. 3-4 BACKUP (See the description of the SET SERVER STATE command.) In addition, the BACKUP command locks both the source and destination devices against local disk operations for the duration of the BACKUP operation. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE OFF InfoServer> BACKUP DK1 DK15 InfoServer> RETRIEVE DK15 DK1 InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE ON InfoServer> SAVE These commands back up the data on the system disk DK1 to the DK15 disk and defragment the DK1 disk. 3-5 BIND ________________________________________________________________ BIND Connects to an ODS-2 compact disc service on another InfoServer system on the local area network (LAN) and creates the virtural device VDK1. Format BIND ODS-2-service-name [PASSWORD optional-password ] Parameters ODS-2-service-name Specifies the ODS-2 service name of a compact disc attached to another InfoServer system on the LAN. PASSWORD optional-password Optionally specifies a password to access the service. Description The BIND command connects to an ODS-2 class service on a remote InfoServer system and creates the read-only virtual device VDK1, which you can use as the source device for network installations and updates. All update operations (FUNCTION, MOP, SYSTEM, and VXT) are supported using the BIND, UNBIND, and UPDATE commands. (The UNBIND and UPDATE commands are described in this chapter; for detailed information on performing network installations and updates, refer to Section 4.13.) Example InfoServer> BIND UPD_DRV PASSWORD RAINMAN %ESS-I-VDCREATE, Virtual device VDK1: successfully created. %ESS-I-VDCONN, VDK1: connected to service: UPD_DRV InfoServer> SHOW DEVICE VDK1: Device Device Device Device Dev. Size/ Volume Device Name State Type Address Record Num. Label Char 3-6 BIND VDK1: On Virtual Disk N/A 962 UPD_ DRV RO The BIND command connects to the service UPD_DRV, associates the password RAINMAN with the service, and creates the virtual device VDK1. The SHOW DEVICE command then displays the characteristics of the device. 3-7 CLEAR ________________________________________________________________ CLEAR Clears the screen of a video terminal capable of interpreting VT100 ANSI escape sequences. Format CLEAR Description The CLEAR command erases the screen of a terminal that is capable of receiving VT100 ANSI escape sequences. Example InfoServer> CLEAR The terminal screen is erased as soon as you press the Return key. 3-8 COPY ________________________________________________________________ COPY Copies data from one disk or partition to another disk or partition. Format COPY src_device[:partition] dest_device[:partition] Parameters src_device[:partition] Specifies the source device or partition. The device must be a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1. The partition must already exist on the specified device. If you do not specify a partition, the entire disk is copied. dest_device[:partition] Specifies the destination device or partition. The device must be a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1. If you do not specify a partition name, the entire disk is copied. If you specify a partition name that does not exist, the system creates the destination partition. Description You use the COPY command to make copies of data from one InfoServer disk or partition to another disk or partition. The src_device[:partition] parameter specifies the source of the copy. The dest_device[:partition] parameter specifies the destination of the copy. For the copy to complete successfully, the size of the source and destination must be the same. To preserve data integrity, the InfoServer system does not allow copy operations unless you have set the InfoServer state to OFF. This operation prevents remote virtual disk operations and local disk operations from interfering with 3-9 COPY each other. For more information, see the description of the SET SERVER STATE command. A copy operation blocks all other local operations to the source and destination devices. This action ensures that local users do not corrupt data by copying the data to the same disk partitions. Copy operations to tapes are not allowed. Example InfoServer> COPY DK1:MY_PARTITION DK11:SAVE_PARTITION %ESS-I-CREATED, Create partition completed successfully. %ESS-I-COPIED, Copy operation completed successfully. This command copies the data from a partition named MY_ PARTITION on the DK1 disk to a partition named SAVE_ PARTITION on the DK11 disk. The message following the command indicates that DK11:SAVE_PARTITION did not exist. The InfoServer system created it and continued with the copy operation. 3-10 CRASH ________________________________________________________________ CRASH Causes the server software to take a recognizable machine check, creating a dump if crash dump processing is enabled. Format CRASH [YES] Description Use the CRASH command if you are requested to produce a dump for analysis by Digital support personnel. The CRASH command prompts for confirmation. Example InfoServer> CRASH _Are you sure you want to force a crash of the server now [No]? If you answer Y or YES, this command creates an InfoServer crash dump if crash dump processing is enabled. (See the description of the SET SERVER CRASHDUMP command.) 3-11 CREATE PARTITION ________________________________________________________________ CREATE PARTITION Creates a partition on a writable disk. Format CREATE PARTITION device:partition {BLOCKS | BYTES | MEGABYTES} value [options] Parameters device:partition Specifies a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1. Tape devices are not partitioned. The partition must not already exist on the specified device. value Specifies the size of the partition to be created in blocks, bytes, or megabytes. One block is equal to 512 bytes of disk storage. Bytes are rounded up to the nearest block size. Options MOP DISABLED (D) Specifies that the partition not be used to contain an image file that the InfoServer system can downline load using the maintenance operation protocol (MOP) (see Section 2.11). MOP DISABLED is the default if the option is omitted. MOP ENABLED Specifies that the partition can be used to contain an image file that the InfoServer system can downline load using MOP. The InfoServer system downline loads images only from partitions that have MOP enabled. ERASE Writes an erase pattern on the allocated blocks. The erase algorithm is a single-pass write of zeros. 3-12 CREATE PARTITION Description You use the CREATE PARTITION command to create a partition on a writable disk. Partitions are a subset of logical blocks that can be served to the local area network (LAN) as a whole disk. The size of the partition might be larger than the number of specified blocks if the InfoServer system reuses a previously deleted partition or optimizes the partition size for its own internal disk structure. See the SHOW PARTITIONS command for information on specified and actual sizes. Example InfoServer> CREATE PARTITION DK1:VIRTUAL_DISK BLOCKS 1024 MOP DISABLED %ESS-I-CREATED, Create partition completed successfully. This command creates a partition named VIRTUAL_DISK with 1024 blocks on the DK1 disk and with MOP disabled. 3-13 CREATE SERVICE ________________________________________________________________ CREATE SERVICE Creates a service name for an entire disk device, a disk partition, or an entire tape device. Format CREATE SERVICE service-name [FOR] device[:partition] [options] Parameters service-name Specifies the name to which client systems can bind to access this virtual device service. Service names are restricted to the characters listed in Section 2.8.1. device[:partition] The specified device can be either of the following: o DKn: Specifies a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1. If you do not supply a partition name, the service is created for the entire disk. If you do supply a partition name, the service is bound to the partition on the disk. The partition must already exist on the disk. o TPn: Specifies a valid InfoServer tape device, as defined in Table 2-1. Options CLASS class-name Specifies the namespace in which this service name exists. Various client systems use different namespaces for different on-disk structures. Namespaces are partitioned so that clients see only the names that are meaningful to them. Classes also allow two services to use the same name without conflict. 3-14 CREATE SERVICE If a device being served contains data in a known format, the default service class matches the on-disk structure. For example, if you use the CREATE SERVICE command to create a service for an Apple compact disc and do not specify the service class, the service is created under the APPLE namespace. If the InfoServer system does not recognize a device's on-disk structure, the service is created in the ODS_2 namespace. The class name used depends on the client systems that connect to the service being created. For example, OpenVMS systems use the ODS_2 namespace by default when attempting to mount an InfoServer device. Table 3-2 lists valid class-name parameter values. Table_3-2_Valid_Class_Names_______________________________ Class_______________Description___________________________ APPLE Apple hierarchical or flat volumes HIGH_SIERRA High Sierra Group (HSG) compact discs ISO_9660 ISO 9660 compact disc format MOP MOP partitions-all other options are ignored for MOP partitions MSDOS MS-DOS virtual devices ODS_2 OpenVMS virtual devices TAPE Magnetic tape ULTRIX ULTRIX virtual devices UNFORMATTED Virtual device that has no format V2.0 Names understood by MS-DOS clients (PATHWORKS compatibility) VXT_CONFIGURATION X terminal configuration information VXT_PAGEFILE X terminal page file service VXT_SYSTEM X terminal system information VXT_WORKGROUP_______X_terminal_work_group_service_________ Default names are ODS_2 (if a DK device is specified) and TAPE (if a TP device is specified). 3-15 CREATE SERVICE DYNAMIC_RATING Specifies that the InfoServer system should calculate a rating for this service dynamically. This is the default method for service ratings. [NO]PASSWORD string Specifies an optional access control password for the service. The password string can be up to 39 alphanumeric ASCII characters in length. After you set a password, a client must specify the password to access the service. If you do not specify a password in this command, then clients are not required to provide a password to access the service. You can enter the password without having it echoed on the screen by entering the PASSWORD option as the last option in the CREATE SERVICE command. After entering the keyword PASSWORD, press Return. The InfoServer system prompts you for the password. [NO]READERS number Specifies the maximum number of client connections allowed for read access. A value of 0 indicates write-only access, as qualified by the WRITERS option, if present. If a client requests read-only access or read/write access to the service, one reader is counted against this number. Default: 1000 readers [NO]WRITERS number Specifies the maximum number of client connections allowed for write access. A value of 0 indicates read-only access, as qualified by the READERS option, if present. If a client requests write-only access, one writer is counted against this number. If a client requests read/write access to the service, one writer and one reader are counted. Default: 1 for read/write media, 0 for compact discs ________________________Note ________________________ The InfoServer system does not allow more than one writer to connect to a read/write service at one time. See the SET SERVER WRITE ACCESS command 3-16 CREATE SERVICE for more information on the write-access policies described in Section 2.10. _____________________________________________________ STATIC_RATING rating Specifies a rating from 0 to 65535, used for load balancing across redundant services. Clients always choose a higher rating over a lower one. If you omit the STATIC_ RATING option, the InfoServer system calculates a dynamic rating based on InfoServer load. Note that if a writer is connected to a service, the rating is not changed until the writer disconnects. Description The CREATE SERVICE command creates a service that represents either an entire disk or a partition on a disk. ________________________Note ________________________ When you turn on the InfoServer system or insert a compact disc while the server is on, the InfoServer software automatically tries to serve the disk. The InfoServer system uses the volume label as the service name, along with the default parameters specified in the CREATE SERVICE command. You can disable this feature with the SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT or SET DEVICE command. _____________________________________________________ Examples 1. InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE ONLINE_DOC FOR DK2: CLASS ODS_2 PASSWORD NEWCD NOWRITERS %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. This command tells the server to create a service named ONLINE_DOC that is password protected with the password NEWCD. The service is associated with device DK2 and is write protected by the NOWRITERS option. 3-17 CREATE SERVICE 2. InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE BACKUP FOR TP8: CLASS TAPE PASSWORD BCKUP4 WRITERS 1 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. This command tells the server to create a service named BACKUP that is password protected with the password BCKUP4. This service is associated with device TP8 and allows one writer. 3-18 DELETE PARTITION ________________________________________________________________ DELETE PARTITION Deletes an existing partition. Format DELETE PARTITION device:partition [ERASE] Parameter device:partition Specifies a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1. Tape devices are not partitioned. The partition must already exist on the specified device. Wildcard characters are permitted in partition names. Option ERASE Writes an erase pattern on the allocated blocks. The erase algorithm is a single-pass write of zeros. Description You use the DELETE command to delete a partition that has been previously created. If the partition has been served to the network, the services bound to the partition are also deleted. The InfoServer system prompts you for confirmation if you try to delete a partition to which remote clients are currently connected. Deleted partitions are marked, and then reused when new partitions are created. You can use the SHOW PARTITIONS command with the FULL option to display all the deleted partitions on a disk. 3-19 DELETE PARTITION Example InfoServer> DELETE PARTITION DK1:VIRTUAL_DISK %ESS-I-DELETED, Delete partition completed successfully. DK1:VIRTUAL_ DISK This command deletes the partition named VIRTUAL_DISK on disk DK1 and makes the space available for reuse. 3-20 DELETE SERVICE ________________________________________________________________ DELETE SERVICE Causes the InfoServer system to stop providing the specified service to clients. Format DELETE SERVICE service-name [FOR] device[:partition] [CLASS class-name] Parameters service-name Specifies the name of the service to delete. Usually, a service name is the same as the volume label of the disk volume. The service name can contain wildcard characters. device[:partition] The specified device can be either of the following: o DKn: Specifies a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1. If you supply a partition name, only services pointing to the specified partition are deleted. o TPn: Specifies a valid InfoServer tape device, as defined in Table 2-1. As an option, you can add the device, or device and partition, to the DELETE SERVICE command. Because an InfoServer system might have two disk volumes with the same service name, the DELETE command lets you qualify which service you want to delete. If you omit this parameter, the InfoServer system searches and deletes all service names that satisfy the other qualifiers. CLASS class-name Specifies the namespace from which the service should be removed. Because each namespace can have the same service name, the CLASS parameter indicates which services to delete. If you omit this parameter, the InfoServer system searches and deletes all service names in all classes 3-21 DELETE SERVICE that satisfy all other parameters. Table 3-2 lists valid class-name parameter values. Description The DELETE SERVICE command deletes an existing service from the InfoServer system. Client systems can no longer access devices or partitions under the deleted service name. The DELETE SERVICE command lets you delete all in- stances of a service name or a particular service name qualified by device and class name. You can use the device[:partition] and CLASS parameters to specify the exact service name you want to delete. If you want to delete all instances of a service name, then omit these parameters. The DELETE SERVICE command warns you if clients are connected to the specified service name. You have the option to delete the service (terminating the sessions connected) or to abort the DELETE SERVICE command. Example InfoServer> DELETE SERVICE CD_DOC_00661 FOR DK11: CLASS ODS_ 2 Warning: 5 users are connected to CD_DOC_00661 Do you still want to delete CD_DOC_00661 [NO]? YES %ESS-I-DELETED, Delete service request completed successfully. This command returns a warning because the specified service name has client systems connected to it. You are asked if the service should still be deleted. In this example, the answer is YES, so the remote users are disconnected from this service. 3-22 DISCONNECT ________________________________________________________________ DISCONNECT Terminates an existing LASTport or LAT terminal server session. Format DISCONNECT {LAST | LAT} session-number Parameter session-number Specifies the number of a LASTport or LAT terminal server session. Options LAST Specifies a LASTport session. LAT Specifies a LAT terminal server session. Description The DISCONNECT command immediately breaks an existing connection to the server. Each InfoServer LASTport or LAT terminal server session has a unique session number, which you can display by entering the InfoServer commands SHOW LAST or SHOW LAT. When you enter the DISCONNECT command, you specify the session number of the session you want to disconnect. If you omit the LAST or LAT keyword, LAST is assumed. Example InfoServer> DISCONNECT LAT 12 %ESS-I-DISCONNECTED, Session 12 disconnected This command disconnects LAT terminal server session 12. 3-23 ERASE ________________________________________________________________ ERASE Erases the specified disk or partition, or, if the device is NVRAM (nonvolatile random-access memory), FUNCTIONS or SERVICES data. Format ERASE device[:partition] {FUNCTIONS | SERVICES} Parameter device[:partition] Specifies the read/write disk, disk partition, or NVRAM. Options FUNCTIONS If the device is NVRAM, specifies that FUNCTIONS data be erased. SERVICES If the device is NVRAM, specifies that SERVICES data be erased. Description Use the ERASE command to erase the following: o A read/write disk or partition o FUNCTIONS or SERVICES data in NVRAM For disk operations, the server state must be set OFF to execute the ERASE command. The erase algorithm is a single-pass write of zeros. Example InfoServer> ERASE NVRAM SERVICES %ESS-I-ERASE, Erase operation completed successfully. This command erases SERVICES data on NVRAM. 3-24 EXIT ________________________________________________________________ EXIT Terminates the InfoServer management session. Format EXIT [LOGOUT] Description You use the EXIT command to log out of the InfoServer system and terminate the InfoServer management session after all management functions are complete. On the console terminal, you are prompted for the login password again before you can enter more commands. On a remote LAT terminal server management terminal, the LAT terminal server session is disconnected. The LOGOUT command is functionally equivalent to EXIT. Example InfoServer> EXIT This command ends the current server management session. 3-25 HELP ________________________________________________________________ HELP Provides online help information for using the InfoServer management commands. Format HELP [topic] [subtopic...] Parameters [topic] [subtopic...] You use the HELP command to obtain online help for any of the InfoServer commands. You can specify the topic and subtopic for which you want help. If you do not specify a topic, the system displays a list of topics and prompts you for a selection. Description The HELP command is an online reference for InfoServer commands. After you view an initial help display, press Return. The help display stops and the InfoServer> prompt is displayed. If you do not specify a command name, the HELP command displays general information on the commands for which help is available. If you specify a command name, you obtain syntax information for that command. If you enter the HELP command with a command name only, such as HELP SHOW, the InfoServer system displays a list of all of the command keywords used with the SHOW command. Example InfoServer> HELP SHOW This command displays a description of the SHOW command and the command format. 3-26 INITIALIZE ________________________________________________________________ INITIALIZE Formats a read/write disk into an InfoServer disk. Format INITIALIZE device[:] Parameter device[:] Specifies a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1. Tape, FLASH memory, and NVRAM (nonvolatile random-access memory) devices cannot be initialized. Description Use the INITIALIZE command to format a read/write disk into an InfoServer disk capable of supporting partitions or storing system configuration information. Initializing a disk destroys any data already stored on the disk. Before entering an INITIALIZE command, you must issue a SET SERVER STATE OFF command. By default, the single read/write disk preconfigured with the InfoServer system is already initialized. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE OFF InfoServer> INITIALIZE DK4: %ESS-I-INIT, Initialize completed successfully. InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE ON This command initializes the DK4 disk. ________________________Note ________________________ When you initialize an InfoServer device, any data on the device is lost. This includes any configuration information that might have been saved previously. _____________________________________________________ 3-27 INITIALIZE 3-28 LOOP ________________________________________________________________ LOOP Automatically repeats any valid InfoServer command. Format LOOP [server-command] Parameter server-command Specifies a valid InfoServer command. If you do not specify a command, the InfoServer system prompts you for the command. Description You use the LOOP command to repeat any valid InfoServer command. The LOOP command continues to repeat the specified command until you press any key. Example InfoServer> LOOP SHOW SERVICE This command repeats the SHOW SERVICE command automati- cally. 3-29 MONITOR ________________________________________________________________ MONITOR Repeats any valid InfoServer command every 3 seconds. Format MONITOR [server-command] Parameter server-command Specifies a valid InfoServer command. If you do not specify a command, the InfoServer system prompts you for the command. Description You use the MONITOR command to repeat any valid InfoServer command. The MONITOR command pauses for 3 seconds between commands and moves the cursor to the home position on ANSI-type screens. This action makes the command useful for redisplaying SHOW command screens. To stop the MONITOR command, press any key. Example InfoServer> MONITOR SHOW ETHERNET This command repeats the SHOW ETHERNET command every 3 seconds, refreshing the screen for each display. 3-30 PURGE VXT ________________________________________________________________ PURGE VXT Purges previous versions of VXT files from the specified destination disk. Format PURGE VXT src_device[:] [dest_device[:] ] Parameters src_device[:] Specifies the drive containing the VXT distribution compact disc. dest_device[:] Optionally specifies the destination device to which the new VXT files were copied and from which older VXT files are to be purged. If you omit the destination device name, the InfoServer system uses, in order, one of the following: 1 The device from which the system booted, if the device is writable 2 The InfoServer-formatted device with the lowest device number Description If you decide not to purge old X terminal files during an UPDATE VXT operation, you can use the PURGE VXT command to do so later. Example InfoServer> PURGE VXT DK2: DK1: %ESS-I-PURGE, Purge operation completed successfully. This command compares versions of X terminal files installed on the DK1 disk with the new versions supplied on the compact disc in the DK2 drive. If older versions 3-31 PURGE VXT of the files are found on DK1, these older versions are purged. 3-32 REBOOT ________________________________________________________________ REBOOT Ends all active service connections and reinitializes the InfoServer system. Format REBOOT [YES] Parameter YES Initiates the shutdown procedure. Description You use the REBOOT command to reboot the InfoServer system. The REBOOT command ends all active service connections by remote clients and starts the InfoServer bootstrap sequence. If you omit the YES keyword, the InfoServer system prompts you to confirm the shutdown. Example InfoServer> REBOOT _Are you sure you want to reboot the InfoServer now [No]? YES This command starts the reboot sequence. The user is asked to confirm the command. 3-33 RECORD ________________________________________________________________ RECORD Records data from an InfoServer disk or partition to a writable compact disc. Format RECORD src_device[:parition] dest_device[:] [TIME minutes] [SPEED {1 | 2} ] [ISO | HSFS] [SIZE bytes] [TEST] Parameters src_device[:partition] Specifies the source device, which must be a valid InfoServer disk or partition. dest_device[:] Specifies the destination device, which must be the recorder compact disc drive. Options TIME Specifies the interval, in minutes, at which the recording software displays updates. For example, a value of 2 specifies that updates be displayed every two minutes. The default value is one minute. SPEED Specifies the speed factor at which data is transferred from the source drive to the destination compact disc drive. A value of 1 indicates the speed at which an audio compact disc is read and is the default value for the JVC XR-W1001 recorder. For other recorders, the default value is 2. ISO or HSFS Specifies ISO 9660 or High Sierra File System format. If you do not specify this option, the data is recorded in the client's native file format. 3-34 RECORD SIZE Specifies the size, in bytes, of the source disk or partition. By default, the recording is the size of the source disk or partition. You can use the SIZE option to override the default value. TEST On recorders that support test mode, disables physical recording so that the recording process can be verified before writing data to the compact disc. For example, you might want to check whether the source disk drive can transfer data to the Sony CDW-900E compact disc drive at the specified speed. Description You use the RECORD command to record data either in native format or, using a formatter, in ISO 9660 or High Sierra File System (HFSF) format. For detailed instructions on performing recording operations, see Section 4.12. Example InfoServer> RECORD DK5:ULTRIX_DATA DK2: TIME 2 This command records data from the partition DK5:ULTRIX_ DATA to the recorder drive DK2. The command requests that recording progress updates be provided every two minutes. 3-35 RESTORE ________________________________________________________________ RESTORE Restores the system state and all services from the last saved configuration. Format RESTORE [ device[:] ] Parameter device[:] Specifies a valid InfoServer device, as defined in Table 2-1, to use for the restore procedure. Tapes are not used for restore operations. If you omit the device name, the InfoServer system uses, in order, one of the following: 1 NVRAM (nonvolatile random-access memory) for InfoServer 1000 systems 2 The device from which the system booted, if the device is writable 3 The InfoServer-formatted device with the lowest device number Description You use the RESTORE command to restore a previously saved system configuration. The SAVE command lets you save any services offered with the CREATE SERVICE command, as well as any InfoServer characteristics changed with the SET command. The settings are saved on an InfoServer read /write device. The RESTORE command resets the running InfoServer system to its last saved settings. ________________________Note ________________________ The RESTORE command does not delete any existing services before restoring previously saved services. Therefore, any saved services are added to the 3-36 RESTORE existing list of services. Currently active services are not replaced by restored services. _____________________________________________________ Example InfoServer> RESTORE DK1: %ESS-I-RESTORED, Restore completed successfully from DK1: This command restores the last set of InfoServer services and settings saved on the DK1 disk to the running InfoServer system. 3-37 RETRIEVE ________________________________________________________________ RETRIEVE Restores InfoServer-formatted disks that were saved with the BACKUP command. Format RETRIEVE src_device[:] dest_device[:] Parameters src_device[:] Specifies the source device, which must be a valid InfoServer-formatted disk, as defined in Table 2-1. dest_device[:] Specifies the destination device, which must be a valid InfoServer-formatted disk, as defined in Table 2-1. Description The RETRIEVE command requires that the source device was created by the BACKUP command. The destination disk is initialized, the partitions are copied, and the services are saved when the partitions are restored. ________________________Note ________________________ The RETRIEVE command restores services that reference the restored device but does not attempt to save the services to disk. If you want to retain the restored services, you must enter a SAVE command. You might want to enter a SET SERVER STATE ON command before entering the SAVE command. _____________________________________________________ 3-38 REWIND ________________________________________________________________ REWIND Rewinds an InfoServer tape. Format REWIND device[:] Parameter device[:] Specifies a valid InfoServer tape device, as defined in Table 2-1. Description The REWIND command rewinds the specified tape but does not unload it. Example InfoServer> REWIND TP8: This command rewinds the TP8 tape. 3-39 SAVE ________________________________________________________________ SAVE Saves the current system state to nonvolatile storage. Format SAVE [device[:] ] Parameter device[:] Specifies a valid InfoServer device to use, as defined in Table 2-1. Tapes are not used for SAVE operations. If you omit the device name, the InfoServer system uses, in order, one of the following: 1 NVRAM (nonvolatile random-access memory) for InfoServer 1000 systems 2 The device from which the system booted, if the device is writable 3 The InfoServer-formatted device with the lowest device number Description The SAVE command lets you save the current InfoServer state on a writable InfoServer device. This action allows the InfoServer system to restore service information quickly if an interruption occurs, such as a power failure or reboot. When the system reinitializes, it searches all writable devices for the first saved configuration information. ________________________Note ________________________ Saving configuration information does not affect user data on the writable device if the device has been initialized. The InfoServer system automatically preallocates space on initialized devices for SAVE operations by creating a partition named CONFIGURATION. To reset your InfoServer system 3-40 SAVE to the factory defaults, simply delete the partition named CONFIGURATION. If you want to save this file, copy it to a partition with a different name. _____________________________________________________ Example InfoServer> SAVE DK1: %ESS-I-SAVED, Save operation completed successfully to DK1: This command saves the InfoServer system state to the DK1 device. 3-41 SET DEVICE ________________________________________________________________ SET DEVICE Enables or disables automounting of devices that are not in InfoServer format. When you enter a SET DEVICE command, the change takes effect immediately. Enter a SAVE command to preserve these characteristics across InfoServer reboots. Format SET DEVICE ALL | device-list AUTOMOUNT {DISABLED | ENABLED} Parameters ALL Specifies all eligible devices. device-list Specifies a device or list of devices. Use commas to separate devices in a list. Option AUTOMOUNT Controls automounting of devices, such as compact discs, that are not in InfoServer format. If you specify a device list, use commas to separate the devices. Note that to enable specific devices for automounting, serverwide automount must already be enabled. (See the description of the SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT command.) DISABLED Disables the AUTOMOUNT option. ENABLED Enables the AUTOMOUNT option. 3-42 SET DEVICE Example InfoServer> SET DEVICE DK3,DK4 AUTOMOUNT ENABLED This command enables automounting for the DK3 and DK4 devices. 3-43 SET PARTITION ________________________________________________________________ SET PARTITION Sets or clears the maintenance operation protocol (MOP) attribute on a partition. Format SET PARTITION device:partition MOP {DISABLED | ENABLED} Parameter device:partition Specifies the parition for which the MOP attribute is enabled or disabled. Options DISABLED Clears the MOP attribute from a partition. ENABLED Enables the MOP attribute on a partition. Description You use the SET PARTITION command to set or clear the MOP attribute on a partition. When the MOP attribute is enabled on a partition, the InfoServer system downline loads an image from this partition if a client requests an image that matches the partition name. For more information, see the CREATE PARTITION command. Example InfoServer> SET PARTITION DK1:PR0801ENG MOP ENABLED %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command enables the MOP attribute for the partition DK1:PR0801ENG. 3-44 SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT Allows the InfoServer system to provide access to removable media automatically. Format SET [SERVER] AUTOMOUNT {DISABLED | ENABLED} Options DISABLED Disables the InfoServer system from automatically serving any compact discs by volume label when they are inserted and when the system boots. ENABLED (D) Enables the InfoServer system to serve compact discs automatically by volume label when they are inserted and when the system boots. This is the default setting. Description The SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT command lets you determine whether the InfoServer system automatically serves the compact discs to the network by volume label. When enabled, discs are served as they are inserted and when the system boots. The default setting is enabled. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT DISABLED %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command disables the automount feature of the InfoServer system. 3-45 SET SERVER CACHE BUCKETSIZE ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER CACHE BUCKETSIZE Changes the size of a cache bucket. Format SET [SERVER] CACHE BUCKETSIZE {8 | 16 | 32} Parameters 8, 16, 32 Specifies the cache bucket size in blocks. Description The SET SERVER CACHE BUCKETSIZE command lets you change the size of a cache bucket. You must specify one of the parameter values 8, 16, or 32. Cache buckets determine how many blocks ahead of or behind the current block are loaded into cache when a read from a disk occurs. The number of blocks read is a function of both cache bucket size and the service READAHEAD and READBEHIND flags (see the SET SERVICE command). Because the new value is read at boot time, the value takes effect the next time the server is booted. The default cache bucket size is 8 blocks. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER CACHE BUCKETSIZE 16 This command sets the cache bucket size to 16 blocks. 3-46 SET SERVER CACHE SIZE ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER CACHE SIZE Changes the size of cache. Format SET [SERVER] CACHE SIZE size Parameter size Specifies the cache size in megabytes. Valid values are from 1 to 3 megabytes less than the total amount of system memory. Description The default value for the cache size is 3 megabytes. If you choose to run with a smaller cache, the memory not used for cache is allocated in the InfoServer pool memory, which can be used to support other InfoServer functions. This command is not dynamic. After setting the cache size and saving the new value, you must reboot the InfoServer system for the new value to take effect. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER CACHE SIZE 2 This command sets the cache size to 2 megabytes. 3-47 SET SERVER CRASHDUMP ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER CRASHDUMP Enables or disables crash dumps. Format SET [SERVER] CRASHDUMP {DISABLED | ENABLED} [ device[:] ] Parameter device[:] Optionally specifies a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1. If you omit the parameter, the InfoServer system uses, in order, one of the following: 1 The device from which the system booted, if the device is writable 2 The InfoServer-formatted device with the lowest device number Options DISABLED (D) Disables crash dumps. ENABLED Enables crash dumps. Description By default, the InfoServer system runs with CRASHDUMP disabled. Normally, you do not need to enable this function. If you experience a software problem that causes your system to crash, you can enable the CRASHDUMP function. The InfoServer system then creates an 8000-block partition called CRASH_PARTITION. If the InfoServer software crashes while CRASHDUMP is enabled, the InfoServer memory is written to the CRASH_ PARTITION partition. You can then copy the data from this partition and submit it to Digital for analysis. 3-48 SET SERVER CRASHDUMP The partition cannot be deleted with the DELETE PARTITION command but is removed when CRASHDUMP is disabled. When CRASHDUMP is enabled, the InfoServer command SHOW SERVER displays the most recent crash dump status information. This single line of information can be helpful in identifying problems if you have experienced InfoServer crashes. Example InfoServer> SET CRASHDUMP ENABLED %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command enables crash dumps. 3-49 SET SERVER EXTENSION ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER EXTENSION Specifies a serverwide upper limit, in blocks, for the size of virtual disks created remotely by clients. Format SET [SERVER] EXTENSION [LIMIT] value Parameter value Specifies the number of blocks, from 64 to 10,000,000. The maximum number allowed depends on disk capacity. Description This command lets you limit the size of virtual disks created by clients. The default size is 50,000 blocks. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER EXTENSION 100000 %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command sets an extension limit of 100,000 blocks. 3-50 SET SERVER GROUP ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER GROUP Allows the InfoServer manager to specify the LAT terminal server group codes under which the management service is offered. Format SET [SERVER] GROUP [CODES] {ALL | code-list } {ENABLED | DISABLED}) Parameters ALL Specifies all group codes (0 to 255) for the SET operation. code-list Specifies a set of group code numbers for the SET operation. Group codes are numbers in the range from 0 to 255. You can specify multiple group codes. Group codes separated by a comma (,) indicate single group code numbers. Group codes separated by a hyphen (-) indicate a range of group code numbers. Options DISABLED Removes the group codes specified in code-list from the current set of group codes on which the InfoServer system offers its LAT terminal server management interface. ENABLED Adds the group codes specified in code-list to the current set of group codes on which the InfoServer system offers its LAT terminal server management interface. 3-51 SET SERVER GROUP Description The SET SERVER GROUP command lets you enable or disable the LAT terminal server group codes used by the InfoServer system to advertise its management console. The codes range from 0 to 255. To connect to the management console, a terminal server must have at least one group code in common with the InfoServer system. Use the SHOW LAT CHARACTERISTICS command to view the currently enabled LAT group codes. Default : Group 0 is enabled. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER GROUP 1, 3, 10-20 ENABLED %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. In this example, group codes 1, 3, and 10 to 20 are added to the group code list that the InfoServer system currently offers. 3-52 SET SERVER IDENTIFICATION ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER IDENTIFICATION Assigns an identification string to the InfoServer system to be used by the LAT protocol. Format SET [SERVER] IDENTIFICATION "string" Parameter "string" Specifies a quoted text string of 0 to 64 printable ASCII characters. Description The SET SERVER IDENTIFICATION command assigns a text description to the InfoServer system. The LAT protocol uses this description to identify the system. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER IDENTIFICATION "InfoServer Floor 3 by copier" %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command uses a text string that identifies an InfoServer system by its location. This string is used to advertise the remote management service to terminal servers. 3-53 SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP Sets the LASTport work group of the InfoServer system. Format SET [SERVER] LASTPORT [GROUP] value Parameter value Specifies a value, from 0 to 1023, that represents the LASTport group of this InfoServer system. The default group is 0. Description LASTport work groups provide a method of segmenting local area networks (LANs) so that services offered by an InfoServer system on one LAN segment are not seen by clients on another segment. To access virtual devices on a particular InfoServer system, client systems must belong to the same work group as that InfoServer system. One possible environment for this command is an extended LAN. Here, an InfoServer manager might want to restrict clients to the services offered by InfoServer systems on the same LAN segment. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP 1 %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command sets the InfoServer LASTport work group to 1. The InfoServer system then communicates only with client systems that are in work group 1. 3-54 SET SERVER LAT_RESPONDER ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER LAT_RESPONDER Enables or disables the LAT Responder function. Format SET [SERVER] LAT_RESPONDER {DISABLED | ENABLED} Options DISABLED (D) Disables the LAT Responder function. This is the default setting. ENABLED Enables the LAT Responder function. Description When the LAT Responder function is enabled, the InfoServer system maintains a database of all LAT terminal server services available on the local area network (LAN) and responds to requests for this information from systems that do not maintain such a database. Example InfoServer> SET LAT_RESPONDER ENABLED %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command enables the LAT Responder function. 3-55 SET SERVER MOP ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER MOP Specifies whether the InfoServer system answers mainte- nance operation protocol (MOP) downline load requests. Format SET [SERVER] MOP [V4] {DISABLED | ENABLED} Options V4 Specifies MOP V4. DISABLED Disables the InfoServer system's downline-loading capability. ENABLED (D) Enables the InfoServer system to perform MOP downline loading. This is the default setting. Description The SET SERVER MOP command provides the InfoServer manager with a convenient way to enable or disable the InfoServer system's MOP downline-loading capability. If the system does not need to perform MOP downline loading, disabling the function can enhance system performance. The InfoServer supports both Version 3.0 and Version 4.0 MOP protocols. The default configuration enables MOP V3 downline loading and disables MOP V4. When MOP V4 is enabled, the InfoServer responds to both V3 and V4 downline load requests. In local area networks with multiple servers, MOP V4 downline loading should be enabled only if there is a specific need to do so-for example, to downline load 802.3-only products. In that case, MOP V4 should be enabled on only one server at a time. Otherwise, attempts by multiple servers to respond to a load request within a brief interval might conflict and cause the load to fail. 3-56 SET SERVER MOP For more information on the uses of downline loading, see Section 2.11.4. Example InfoServer> SET MOP DISABLED %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command disables the InfoServer system's MOP downline-loading function. 3-57 SET SERVER MULTICAST ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER MULTICAST Sets a timer that determines how frequently the InfoServer system advertises the LAT terminal server remote management interface. Format SET [SERVER] MULTICAST [TIMER] value Parameter value Specifies a timer value, from 10 to 255 seconds. Description This command lets you control how frequently the InfoServer system advertises the LAT terminal server remote management console interface. Default: 60 seconds Example InfoServer> SET SERVER MULTICAST 120 %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command sets the InfoServer system to advertise every 120 seconds. 3-58 SET SERVER NAME ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER NAME Changes the name that identifies the InfoServer system on the extended local area network (LAN). Format SET [SERVER] NAME server-name Parameter server-name Specifies the name of the InfoServer system. The system uses a unique default name of the form LAD_Ethernet_ address (for example, LAD_0800020000FF) until a new name is set with this command. The name can be up to 16 characters in length. Section 2.8.1 lists the characters you can use in InfoServer names. Description The SET SERVER NAME command lets you select a name string that identifies the InfoServer system on the extended LAN. This name allows you to identify an InfoServer system by using the SHOW SERVER command. The InfoServer name is also used to provide a LAT terminal server service to which you can connect from a terminal to manage the InfoServer system. ________________________Note ________________________ InfoServer names must be unique within the extended LAN. _____________________________________________________ Example InfoServer> SET SERVER NAME LAB1_INFOSERVER %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command sets the InfoServer name to LAB1_INFOSERVER. 3-59 SET SERVER PASSWORD ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER PASSWORD Allows the InfoServer manager to change the InfoServer password. Format { NOPASSWORD } [ {NONPRIVILEGED } ] SET [SERVER] { } [ { } ] { PASSWORD string } [ {PRIVILEGED } ] [ ] Description The InfoServer password controls access to InfoServer management sessions. You can specify a privileged or nonprivileged password or no password. Users who log in using the nonprivileged password can perform only SHOW and HELP operations. You can set either password to the null string by specifying NOPASSWORD. The default privileged password is ESS. The default non- privileged password is INFOSERVER. If both the PRIVILEGED and NONPRIVILEGED keywords are omitted, the default is PRIVILEGED. If both the privileged and nonprivileged passwords are identical, the session is logged in as a privileged session. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER PASSWORD PRIVILEGED _New_password: SECRET (not echoed) _Verfication: SECRET (not echoed) %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command sets the InfoServer privileged password to SECRET. 3-60 SET SERVER PROMPT ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER PROMPT Allows the InfoServer manager to change the InfoServer prompt. Format SET [SERVER] PROMPT "string" Parameter "string" A string enclosed in quotation marks (" "). A space is automatically inserted between the last character of the string and the first character a user types. The prompt string can contain a maximum of 24 alphanumeric characters. Description The SET SERVER PROMPT command changes the default InfoServer> prompt. To save the prompt across reboots, you must issue the SAVE command. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER PROMPT "DocServer>" DOCServer> SAVE %ESS-I-SAVED, Save operation completed successfully to DK1: These commands set the InfoServer prompt to DocServer> and save the prompt. 3-61 SET SERVER REMOTE ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER REMOTE Specifies a device or list of devices on which remote clients can create virtual disks. Format SET [SERVER] REMOTE [DEVICE] device-list {DISABLED | ENABLED} Parameter device-list Specifies a writable disk or list of writable disks. Use commas to separate devices in a list. Options DISABLED Removes the specified device or devices from the InfoServer system's Remote Device List. ENABLED Adds the specified device or devices to the InfoServer system's Remote Device List. Description The SET SERVER REMOTE command enables remote clients to create virtual disks on InfoServer writable disks. Specifying ENABLED with device names adds the devices to the InfoServer system's Remote Device List (displayed with the SHOW SERVER command). Specifying DISABLED with device names removes the devices from the list. Specifying device names without ENABLED or DISABLED replaces any devices in an existing Remote Device List with the devices specified with the SET SERVER REMOTE command. 3-62 SET SERVER REMOTE Example InfoServer> SET SERVER REMOTE DK1: ENABLED ESS-I-SET, Remote Device List: DK1 InfoServer> SHOW SERVER DEC InfoServer 1000 V3.2 (BL22C) System Image: Oct 15 1994 07:28:29 Server Name: TEST_ESS Uptime: 002 18:51:54 Ethernet Address: 08-00-2b-15-ef-50 Server State: On Write Access Policy: Pre-emptive Current Work Group: 0 Service Extension Limit: 50000 Client Limit: 150 Remote Device List: DK1 Enabled characteristics: MOP downline loading, Automount disks Last software crash information: Exception 11, Curr 5, SP 8005dd7c, PC 800093d7, PSL 4150008. The SET SERVER REMOTE command adds the DK1 device the InfoServer system's Remote Device List. 3-63 SET SERVER STATE ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER STATE Determines whether new service connections are estab- lished. Format SET [SERVER] STATE {OFF | ON | SHUT} Parameters OFF Tells the InfoServer system to end all current connections and not to accept new connections. ON Tells the InfoServer system to accept new connection requests. SHUT Tells the InfoServer system to keep all current connec- tions but not to accept new connections. Description The SET SERVER STATE command tells the InfoServer system which actions to take when it receives a new service connection request from a client. The InfoServer state does not affect LAT terminal server connections used to manage the InfoServer system. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE SHUT %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command shuts off new connections, but keeps all current connections. You might use this command when you plan to turn off the InfoServer system in the near future for maintenance. 3-64 SET SERVER WRITE ACCESS ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVER WRITE ACCESS Sets the write policies for InfoServer virtual disk services. Format SET [SERVER] WRITE [ACCESS] {BLOCKING | PRE-EMPTIVE} Parameters BLOCKING Tells the InfoServer system to block writers from accessing a service until all readers have disconnected from the service. PRE-EMPTIVE (D) Tells the InfoServer system to allow writers to access a service and end all read sessions to the service. Pre- emptive is the default write access mode. Description The SET SERVER WRITE ACCESS command allows the InfoServer manager to set the write policies that govern access to all InfoServer read/write services. There are two choices: 1 Allow the readers to remain connected and deny access to the writer. 2 Disconnect the readers and let the writer connect. Only one writer at a time can access a service, regardless of the write-access policy. You might use this command might when you want to perform nightly updates of a database on a virtual disk. Each night a writer could connect to a service to update the database, disconnecting any read-only connections. After the writer disconnects, the readers could reconnect and access the new data on the virtual disk. 3-65 SET SERVER WRITE ACCESS Example InfoServer> SET SERVER WRITE ACCESS PRE-EMPTIVE %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command tells the InfoServer system to disconnect any read-only connections when a writer connects to a service. 3-66 SET SERVICE ________________________________________________________________ SET SERVICE Modifies the attributes of an existing service. Format SET SERVICE service-name [FOR device[:partition]] [CLASS class-name] [options ] Parameters service-name Specifies the name of a service to be modified. The service name can contain wildcard characters. FOR device[:partition] The specified device can be either of the following: o DKn: Specifies a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1. If you do not supply a partition name, the service is modified for the entire disk. If you do supply a partition name, the service is modified for the partition on the disk. The partition must already exist on the disk. o TPn: Specifies a valid InfoServer tape device, as defined in Table 2-1. Because an InfoServer system can have multiple devices with the same service name, this option lets you qualify which service you want to modify. If you omit this parameter, all service names that satisfy the other options are modified. CLASS class-name Specifies the namespace in which this service name exists. If you include this parameter, the InfoServer system searches only the specified class. If you omit this parameter, all service names that satisfy the other options are modified. 3-67 SET SERVICE You use different namespaces for different on-disk structures used by various client systems. The purpose is to partition the namespaces so that clients see only names that are meaningful to them. This method also allows two services to have the same name and not conflict. The class name used depends on the client systems that connect to the service being created. For example, OpenVMS systems use the ODS_2 namespace by default when attempting to mount an InfoServer device. Table 3-2 lists valid class-name parameter values. Default names are ODS_2 (if a DK device is specified) and TAPE (if a TP device is specified). Options DYNAMIC_RATING Specifies that the InfoServer system should calculate a rating for this service dynamically. This is the default method for the service ratings. [NO]PASSWORD string Specifies an optional access control password for the service. The password string can be up to 39 alphanumeric ASCII characters in length. After you set a password, a client must specify the password to access the service. If you do not specify a password in this command, clients are not required to provide a password to access the service. You can enter the password without having it echoed on the screen by entering the PASSWORD option as the last option in the CREATE SERVICE command. After entering the keyword PASSWORD, press Return. The InfoServer system prompts you for the password. [NO]READAHEAD Determines whether blocks following a request are also inserted into cache. The number of blocks read into cache is determined by the BUCKETSIZE parameter of the SET SERVER CACHE command. If the READAHEAD attribute is enabled, the blocks following a request are loaded into cache from the beginning of the bucket up to the current request. 3-68 SET SERVICE [NO]READBEHIND Determines whether blocks preceding a request are also inserted into cache. The number of blocks read into cache is determined by the BUCKETSIZE parameter of the SET SERVER CACHE command. If the READBEHIND attribute is enabled, the blocks preceding a request are loaded into cache from the beginning of the bucket up to the current request. [NO]READERS number Specifies the maximum number of client connections allowed for read access. The default is 1000 readers. A value of 0 indicates write-only access, as qualified by the WRITERS option, if present. If a client requests read-only access or read/write access to the service then one reader is counted against this number. STATIC_RATING rating Specifies a rating from 0 to 65535 to use for load balancing across redundant services. Clients always choose a higher rating over a lower one. If you omit the STATIC_ RATING option, the InfoServer system calculates a dynamic rating based on InfoServer load. [NO]WRITERS number Specifies the maximum number of client connections allowed for write access. The default is one writer. A value of 0 indicates read-only access, as qualified by the READERS option, if present. If a client requests write-only access or read/write access to the service, one writer is counted against this number. ________________________Note ________________________ The InfoServer system does not allow more than one writer to connect to a read/write service at one time. See the SET SERVER WRITE ACCESS command for more information regarding the write-access policies described in Section 2.10. _____________________________________________________ 3-69 SET SERVICE Description The SET SERVICE command lets you modify the attributes of an existing service. The network manager can change the rating, password, number of readers, or number of writers associated with a service. You can modify all instances of a service name or a particular service name qualified by device and class name. You can use the device[:partition] and CLASS parameters to specify the exact service name you want to modify. If you want to modify all instances of a service name, omit these parameters. The service name can include wildcard characters. Example InfoServer> SET SERVICE ONLINE_DOC FOR DK11: NOPASSWORD %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. This command tells the InfoServer system to remove the password currently required to access the ONLINE_DOC service, which represents the DK11 device. 3-70 SHOW DEVICE ________________________________________________________________ SHOW DEVICE Displays the characteristics and device-specific information about one or all devices connected to the InfoServer system. Format SHOW DEVICE [device[:] ] {BRIEF | FULL} Parameter device[:] Specifies a valid InfoServer device, as defined in Table 2-1. If you omit this parameter, the system displays all the devices on the InfoServer system. Options BRIEF Provides an abbreviated one-line summary of information for each device connected to the system. BRIEF is the default if you omit the device name or specify a single device. FULL Provides all device-specific information for the devices connected to the InfoServer system. The FULL option lists all services bound to the device. Description The SHOW DEVICE command displays device-specific information for one or all devices connected to the InfoServer system. This information includes the device type, device name, Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) bus address, device size, volume label, and automount status. AME in the Device Char field indicates that automount is enabled for the device. 3-71 SHOW DEVICE Table 3-3 describes the fields displayed by SHOW DEVICE commands. 3-72 SHOW DEVICE Table_3-3_SHOW_DEVICE_Display_Fields______________________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Device Name The name that the InfoServer system has assigned to the device. Device State The current state of the device. For State this release, devices are always on. Device The type of device attached to the unit. The device can be one of the following: Hard disk (read/write disk) Compact disc Tape Device Type An ASCII string (such as RRD42) that the device returns to identify itself. Device Address The bus and unit number of the attached SCSI device. Device Size/ If the device is a disk, the number Record Num. of blocks available on the attached Device Size disk. If the device is a tape, the current record number at which the tape is positioned. Tape position 0 is the beginning of the tape. Volume Label The label or name of the volume Volume Name currently in the device. Device Char The automount status of the volume. Device CharacteristicsThe designation AME indicates that automount is enabled for the volume. SCSI Bus/Id The bus identification number for the device. Current Sessions The total number of sessions connected to this device or to any partitions on the device. Services bound to A list of services that are Port currently available to the network ______________________for_the_specified_device.___________ 3-73 SHOW DEVICE Examples 1. InfoServer> SHOW DEVICE Device Device Device Device Dev. Size/ Volume Device Name State Type Address Record Num. Label Char DK1: On Hard Disk A/001 204864 BOOT_PAR DK2: On Compact Disc A/002 1216980 CD_DOC_01221 AME TP13: On Tape B/005 0 This command displays a one-line summary of all devices connected to the InfoServer system. 2. InfoServer> SHOW DEVICE DK2: FULL Device Name: DK2: Current Sessions: 3 State: On Device Size: 1216980 Device: Compact Disc Volume Name: CD_DOC_01221 Device Type: RRD42 SCSI Bus/Id: A/002 Device Characteristics: Automount Enabled Services bound to Port: CD_DOC_01221 [ODS_2] DK2: [ 3 connections] This command displays detailed information for device DK2, including the services offered for the device. 3-74 SHOW ETHERNET ________________________________________________________________ SHOW ETHERNET Displays data link and LASTport protocol counters. Format SHOW ETHERNET [COUNTERS] Description The SHOW ETHERNET command displays errors and counters kept by the InfoServer system for the Ethernet data link and for the LASTport protocol. Example InfoServer> SHOW ETHERNET DEC InfoServer 1000 V3.2 (BL22C) LAD V3.1 LAST V3.1 Uptime 000 00:01:35 Seconds Since Zeroed: 95 Frame Sent, 1 Collision: 1 Bytes Received: 37110 Frames Sent, 2+ Collisions: 0 Bytes Sent: 256 Send Failures: 0 Frames Received: 12949 Send Failure Reasons: 0000000000 Frames Sent: 4 Receive Failures: 0 Multicast Bytes Rcv'd: 37160 Receive Failure Reasons: 0000000000 Multicast Bytes Sent: 256 Unrecognized Destination: 12350 Multicast Frames Rcv'd: 12993 Data Overrun: 0 Multicast Frames Sent: 4 User Buffer Unavailable: 0 Frames Sent, Deferred: 2 System Buffer Unavailable: 1 LAST Counters - Messages Received: 246 Transaction Segments Missed: 0 Messages Transmitted: 0 Canceled Transactions: 0 Checksum OK: 0 Checksum Errors: 0 Multicast Msgs Rcv'd: 0 Congestion: 0 This example shows the display generated by the SHOW ETHERNET command. Table 3-4 describes the fields displayed in SHOW ETHERNET commands. 3-75 SHOW ETHERNET Table_3-4_SHOW_ETHERNET_Display_Fields____________________ Field_________________Description_________________________ DEC InfoServer 1000 The product designation and software V3.2 (BL22C) version number. LAD V3.1 LAST V3.1 The version number of the LASTport/Disk and LASTport protocols being used by the InfoServer system. Uptime The time the InfoServer system has been running since the last reboot. The time is shown in the following format: days hours:minutes:seconds Seconds Since Zeroed The number of seconds since these counters were last set to 0. Bytes Received The number of bytes contained in datagrams successfully received by the InfoServer system, excluding Ethernet header and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) data. Bytes Sent The number of bytes contained in datagrams successfully transmitted by the InfoServer system, excluding Ethernet header and CRC data. Frames Received The number of datagrams successfully received by the InfoServer system, including multicast frames. Frames Sent The number of datagrams successfully transmitted by the InfoServer system, including multicast frames. Multicast Bytes The number of bytes received by Rcv'd the InfoServer system in multicast frames, excluding Ethernet header and CRC data. (continued on next page) 3-76 SHOW ETHERNET Table_3-4_(Cont.)_SHOW_ETHERNET_Display_Fields____________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Multicast Bytes Sent The number of bytes transmitted by the InfoServer system in multicast frames, excluding Ethernet header and CRC data. Multicast Frames The number of multicast frames Rcv'd received by the InfoServer system. Multicast Frames The number of multicast frames Sent transmitted by the InfoServer system. Frames Sent, The number of times that the Deferred InfoServer system deferred a frame transmission because the data link was in use. Frames Sent, 1 The number of times the InfoServer Collision system transmitted a frame on the second attempt after a collision occurred on the first attempt. Frames Sent, 2+ The number of times the InfoServer Collisions system successfully sent a frame after collisions during the first two or more attempts. Send Failures The number of times the Ethernet interface aborted a transmission request. If this count is not 0, see the Send Failure Reasons field for more information. (continued on next page) 3-77 SHOW ETHERNET Table_3-4_(Cont.)_SHOW_ETHERNET_Display_Fields____________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Send Failure Reasons A bit mask providing information about the send failure if the Send Failures counter is not 0. The bits in the mask are numbered from right to left, with bit 0 being the rightmost bit. The following bits are defined in the mask: 0 A transmission failed to complete after 16 retries, usually due to excessive collisions. 1 A loss of carrier occurred on the Ethernet during a transmission. 2 A short circuit occurred on the Ethernet during a transmission. 3 An open circuit occurred on the Ethernet during a transmission. 4 Heartbeat error. 5 Data underflow. Receive Failures The number of frames that were received with an error condition. For more information, see the Receive Failure Reasons field. (continued on next page) 3-78 SHOW ETHERNET Table_3-4_(Cont.)_SHOW_ETHERNET_Display_Fields____________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Receive Failure A bit mask providing information Reasons about the type of receive failures encountered if the Receive Failures counter is not 0. The bits in the mask are numbered from right to left, with bit 0 being the rightmost bit. The following bits are defined in the mask: 0 A block check error. The received frame did not pass the CRC check. 1 A framing error. The received packet did not contain an integral number of 8-bit bytes. Unrecognized The number of frames received by Destination the InfoServer system that did not contain a multicast address or protocol type recognized by the system. These frames are discarded. Data Overrun The number of times that the InfoServer hardware lost an incoming frame because it was unable to keep up with the data rate. User Buffer Currently unused. Should always be Unavailable 0. System Buffer The number of times that the Unavailable InfoServer system software did not have a buffer available to receive an incoming frame (MISS error). Messages Received The number of LASTport protocol messages successfully received by the InfoServer system. (continued on next page) 3-79 SHOW ETHERNET Table_3-4_(Cont.)_SHOW_ETHERNET_Display_Fields____________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Messages Transmitted The number of LASTport protocol messages successfully transmitted by the InfoServer system. Checksum OK The number of times that a LASTport message was received that correctly passed the LASTport checksum algorithm. A checksum of LASTport messages occurs only at the request of the client systems. Multicast Messages The number of LASTport messages Rcv'd successfully received with the LASTport multicast address. Transaction Segments The number of times that the Missed InfoServer system did not receive all the messages of a client request, when the client requested more than one message. Canceled Transactions The number of times that remote clients canceled a LASTport request that the InfoServer system was processing. Checksum Errors The number of times that a LASTport message was received that did not pass the LASTport checksum algorithm. A checksum of LASTport messages occurs only at the request of the client systems. Congestion The number of times that the client system and InfoServer system agreed to reduce the message rate because of too many messages being delivered to either the InfoServer system or ______________________the_client._________________________ 3-80 SHOW FUNCTIONS ________________________________________________________________ SHOW FUNCTIONS Displays both currently installed functions and functions that are available but not installed. Format SHOW FUNCTIONS Description The SHOW FUNCTIONS command lists all available InfoServer functions. Functions in the Other Functions Available column are not currently installed. If you purchase such functions, use the UPDATE FUNCTIONS command to install them. Example InfoServer> SHOW FUNCTIONS * Function Information for InfoServer V3.2 * InfoServer Functions Installed: Other Functions Available: ------------------------------- ------------------ -------- X terminal services Open tape access (any client) Open disk access (any client) Additional functions from the 'Other Functions Available' list can be installed from Function-CDROMs available from Digital. Contact your Digital representative to purchase additional functions. The SHOW FUNCTIONS command shows that X terminal services and Open disk access functions are installed on this InfoServer system. An Open tape access function is available but is not installed. 3-81 SHOW LAST ________________________________________________________________ SHOW LAST Displays information about LASTport transport sessions. Format SHOW [LAST] SESSIONS [CLASS class-name] Option CLASS class-name Displays sessions connected to services in the specified service class. If you specify CLASS, you must specify a valid class name listed in Table 3-2. Description The SHOW LAST command lists session and client information for InfoServer services. Example InfoServer> SHOW LAST Service: DECLEARN (for DK13:, class ODS_2) Session: 15004 Client: HOBBLE Session: 02004 Client: CYBORG Session: 11604 Client: QUININE Session: 01404 Client: BROWNY The SHOW LAST command displays information about LASTport sessions for all InfoServer services with current connections. In this example, DECLEARN is the only service with current connections. 3-82 SHOW LAT ________________________________________________________________ SHOW LAT Displays InfoServer LAT terminal server counters and characteristics and information about current LAT terminal server sessions. Format SHOW LAT {COUNTERS | SESSIONS} Options COUNTERS Specifies that LAT terminal server counters and character- istics be displayed. SESSIONS Specifies that information about LAT terminal server sessions be displayed. Description The SHOW LAT command displays LAT terminal server characteristics set up for the InfoServer system, as well as errors and counters kept by the system for the LAT protocol. The command also displays information on current InfoServer LAT terminal server sessions. Examples 1. InfoServer> SHOW LAT COUNTERS * LAT Counters * Seconds Since Zeroed: 106 Duplicates Received: 0 Messages Received: 0 Messages Retransmitted 0 Messages Transmitted: 3 Illegal Messages Received: 0 Slots Received: 0 Illegal Slots Received: 0 Slots Transmitted: 0 Virtual Circuit Timeouts: 0 Bytes Received: 0 Protocol Errors: 0 Bytes Transmitted: 0 Protocol Error Mask: 0000000000000 Services Cached: 58 Nodes Cached: 11 3-83 SHOW LAT * LAT Characteristics * Name: TEST_INFOSERVER Identification: "Test InfoServer 1000, near floor 3 copy machine" Multicast timer: 60 LAT Responder: Enabled Enabled Group Codes: 0, 12, 250-255 This example displays LAT terminal server counters. Table 3-5 describes the fields. 2. InfoServer> SHOW LAT SESSIONS * LAT Sessions * Process Connection Connected Number: State: Node/Port: ------- ---------- ---------- 1 Idle 2 Idle 3 Connected NODE21::PORT_610025 This example displays information about current LAT terminal server sessions. Table 3-6 describes the fields. 3-84 SHOW LAT Table_3-5_SHOW_LAT_COUNTERS_Display_Fields________________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Seconds Since Zeroed The number of seconds since these counters were last set to 0. Messages Received The number of LAT protocol messages successfully received by the InfoServer system. Messages Transmitted The number of LAT protocol messages successfully transmitted by the InfoServer system. Slots Received The number of LAT slots received by the InfoServer system. A slot represents a message segment for a particular LAT terminal server session. Slots Transmitted The number of LAT slots transmitted by the InfoServer system. A slot represents a message segment for a particular LAT terminal server session. Bytes Received The number of data bytes received by the InfoServer system over the LAT protocol. Bytes Transmitted The number of data bytes transmitted by the InfoServer system over the LAT protocol. Services Cached The number of LAT terminal server services for which the server has stored information. Nodes Cached The number of nodes for which the server has stored information. Duplicates Received The number of virtual circuit messages the InfoServer system received that were not in the correct sequence. (continued on next page) 3-85 SHOW LAT Table_3-5_(Cont.)_SHOW_LAT_COUNTERS_Display_Fields________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Messages RetransmittedThe number of virtual circuit messages that the InfoServer system retransmitted to remote nodes. Illegal Messages The number of incorrectly formatted Received LAT messages that the InfoServer system has received. Illegal Slots The number of incorrectly formatted Received slots of data in a LAT terminal server message that the InfoServer system has received. Virtual Circuit The number of times that the Timeouts InfoServer system terminated a LAT terminal server connection because the remote node did not respond within the time allowed by the LAT protocol. Protocol Errors The number of times that the InfoServer system determined that the LAT protocol had been violated by a remote node. See the Protocol Error Mask field for more information. (continued on next page) 3-86 SHOW LAT Table_3-5_(Cont.)_SHOW_LAT_COUNTERS_Display_Fields________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Protocol Error Mask A bit mask providing information about the LAT protocol errors detected by the InfoServer system. The bits in the mask are numbered from right to left, with bit 0 being the rightmost bit. The following bits are defined in the mask: 0 An unknown LAT message type was received. 1 An invalid LAT START message was received. 2 A zero-valued virtual circuit reference was received. 3 An out-of-range virtual circuit reference was received. 4 A reference to a nonexistent virtual circuit was received. 5 A reference to a virtual circuit no longer in use was received. 6 An invalid LAT STOP message was received. 7 An invalid reference to a remote slot was received. 8 A reference to a nonexistent slot was received. 9 A credit violation was detected. 10 A repeated creation of a slot was detected. 11 An invalid sequence number was received. 12 A repeated disconnect of a slot was detected. (continued on next page) 3-87 SHOW LAT Table_3-5_(Cont.)_SHOW_LAT_COUNTERS_Display_Fields________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Name The name of the InfoServer system. This name is also the service name to which terminal servers connect to manage the InfoServer system. Identification The identifying text string that the InfoServer uses to advertise to the terminal server network. Multicast Timer The number of seconds that the InfoServer system uses to advertise its remote management interface periodically. LAT Responder The field that shows whether the LAT Responder function is enabled or disabled. Enabled Group Codes The group code numbers that the InfoServer system is using to advertise its remote management ______________________interface.__________________________ Table_3-6_SHOW_LAT_SESSIONS_Display_Fields________________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Process Number The number of the connected process. Connection State The field that shows Whether the connection is active or idle. Connected Node/Port The name of the connected node and ______________________port._______________________________ 3-88 SHOW MOP ________________________________________________________________ SHOW MOP Displays the server's maintenance operation protocol (MOP) counters. Format SHOW MOP [COUNTERS] Description The SHOW MOP command displays information on errors and counters that the InfoServer system keeps for the MOP protocol. Example InfoServer> SHOW MOP * MOP Counters * Seconds Since Zeroed: 4697 Load failed, server limit: 0 Messages Received: 0 Load failed, not contiguous: 0 Messages Transmitted: 0 Load failed, file not found: 0 Messages Re-transmitted: 0 Load failed, read error: 0 Request IDs Received: 0 Load failed, timeout: 0 Read Counters Received: 0 Load failed, protocol error: 0 LOOP Messages Received: 0 Load failed, no memory: 0 Loads in progress: 0 Load failed, file too big: 0 Successful loads: 0 Load failed, bad file type: 0 Total loads processed: 0 Load failed, partition type: 0 Failure cache attempts: 23336 Success cache attempts: 13 Failure cache hits: 23323 Success cache hits: 4 Failure cache hit ratio: 99% Success cache hit ratio: 30% Cache flushes: 0 *** MOP downline loading has been disabled. This example shows the display generated by the SHOW MOP command. Table 3-7 describes the fields. 3-89 SHOW MOP Table_3-7_SHOW_MOP_Display_Fields_________________________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Seconds Since Zeroed The number of seconds since these counters were last set to 0. Messages Received The number of MOP messages successfully received by the InfoServer system. Messages Transmitted The number of MOP messages successfully transmitted by the InfoServer system. Messages Re- The number of MOP downline load transmitted messages that the InfoServer system retransmitted to the requesting node. Request IDs Received The number of MOP request identity messages that the InfoServer system has received to which it has responded. Read Counters The number of MOP request messages Received that the InfoServer system has received and to which it has responded. LOOP Messages The number of MOP LOOP messages that Received the InfoServer system has received and to which it has responded. Loads in progress The current count of systems that the InfoServer system is downline loading. Successful loads The number of times that the InfoServer system successfully downline loaded a remote system. Total loads The total number of downline load processed requests to which the InfoServer system responded, including successful and unsuccessful load attempts. (continued on next page) 3-90 SHOW MOP Table_3-7_(Cont.)_SHOW_MOP_Display_Fields_________________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Load failed, server The number of times that the limit InfoServer system was unable to process a downline load request because it was currently handling the maximum number of concurrent downline loads. Load failed, not The number of times that the contiguous InfoServer system was unable to process a downline load request because an internal format error was detected in the downline load image. Load failed, file The number of times that the not found InfoServer system received a downline load request, but did not have the requested downline load image. Load failed, read The number of times that the error InfoServer system was unable to process a downline load because an error occurred while trying to read the disk. Load failed, timeout The number of times that the InfoServer system began to process a downline load request, but terminated the downline load because the remote system did not complete the request within the time limit. Load failed, The number of times that the protocol error InfoServer system was unable to complete a downline load request because it detected a downline load protocol error in the remote system's request. (continued on next page) 3-91 SHOW MOP Table_3-7_(Cont.)_SHOW_MOP_Display_Fields_________________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Load failed, no The number of times that the memory InfoServer system was not able to complete a downline load request because it did not have sufficient memory pool. Load failed, file The number of times that the too big InfoServer system attempted to process a secondary load request, but was unable to fit the entire image into a single MOP downline load message. Load failed, bad The number of times that the file type InfoServer system was unable to complete a downline load request because it was unable to read the downline load file type in a partition. Load failed, The number of times that the partition type InfoServer system located a partition with the name requested by the remote system, but was unable to downline load the image because the partition was not specified as a MOP partition. *** MOP downline This field is present only if the loading has been InfoServer MOP characteristic has disabled. been disabled, indicating that the InfoServer system does not process ______________________MOP_downline_load_requests_received. 3-92 SHOW PARTITIONS ________________________________________________________________ SHOW PARTITIONS Lists all the partitions on an InfoServer device. Format SHOW PARTITIONS device[:partition] {BRIEF | FULL} Parameter device[:partition] Specifies a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1. Tape devices are not partitioned. The partition must already exist on the specified device. The partition name can contain wildcard characters. Options BRIEF Provides a display of the specified device's named partitions that match the specified input partition name. FULL Provides a display of all the specified device's partitions that match the specified input partition name, including any deleted partitions. The display also provides information on disk usage. Description You use the SHOW PARTITIONS command to list the partitions on an InfoServer device. The command lists partition names and sizes. The command can also list any deleted partitions available for reuse, as well as the remaining space on the disk. The SHOW PARTITIONS command supports full wildcard expressions. 3-93 SHOW PARTITIONS Examples 1. InfoServer> SHOW PARTITIONS DK1:C* Directory DK1: Partition Name Used/Alloc Services -------------------- ----------------- -------------------- CRASH_PARTITION 8000/8000 352/352 FREE CONFIGURATION 25/64 CRASH_1 8000/8000 CRASH_1 [ODS_2] DK1: has 23 partitions in use. 94400 of 204864 blocks allocated. Largest contiguous free extent is 89264 blocks. This command lists the named partitions on disk DK1 that match the string C*. 2. InfoServer> SHOW PARTITIONS DK1: FULL Directory DK1: Partition Name Used/Alloc Services -------------------- ----------------- -------------------- BOOT_PARTITION 5000/5008 TEST_BOOT [ODS_2] 2NDARY_CONFIGURATION 17/64 ISL_SVAX_055 127/128 MOP ISL_LVAX_055 127/128 Temp MOP VXTLDR0200 332/336 VXTLDR [MOP] VXTAV00200 11019/11024 VXTAV00200.SYS [VXT_SYSTEM], VXTAV0.SYS [VXT_SYSTEM] IS_FUNCTIONS 1/64 NEWFUNCTIONS [ODS_2] LAB_TEST_1 387/400 LAB_TEST_DATA [ODS_2] VXT_G_.XRM 1/64 VXT_G_.XRM [VXT_WORKGRP] VXT_V1_2.FNT 9984/9984 VXT_V1_2.FNT [VXT_SYSTEM] 19872/19872 DELETED . . . DK1: has 23 partitions in use. 94400 of 204864 blocks allocated. Largest contiguous free extent is 89264 blocks. This command lists all the partitions on disk DK1, 3-94 SHOW PARTITIONS including any previously created partitions that have been deleted. The command also lists a summary of disk usage. Any services bound to a partition appear to the right of the partition size. Partition DK1:LAB_TEST_1 is currently being served with service name LAB_TEST_DATA in the ODS_2 service class. OpenVMS clients that bind to LAB_TEST_DATA access the partition DK1:LAB_TEST_1. Table 3-8 describes the fields displayed in SHOW PARTITION commands. Table_3-8_SHOW_PARTITIONS_Display_Fields__________________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Partition Name The name of the partition on the specified device. Used/Alloc The first size listed for the partition is the block size requested by the CREATE PARTITION command. This is the size used when the partition is served to the network. The second size listed is the actual number of blocks that the InfoServer system used (or reused) for the partition. Services Partitions listed with service names are being offered as services to client systems. The service name is listed with the service class in brackets. MOP Partitions listed with the MOP flag are MOP partitions capable of being downline loaded. DELETED Partitions listed with the DELETED flag are partitions that have been deleted and are available for reuse when new partitions are created. (continued on next page) 3-95 SHOW PARTITIONS Table_3-8_(Cont.)_SHOW_PARTITIONS_Display_Fields__________ Field_________________Description_________________________ FREE The FREE entry shows the number of unused disk blocks for the device. These blocks are free to be used in new partitions. Temp MOP The Temp MOP entry shows that the partition is a temporary maintenance operation protocol (MOP) partition. Summary The last line indicates a summary of disk usage. This line lists the total number of named partitions on the disk, as well as the total ______________________number_of_blocks_on_the_disk._______ 3-96 SHOW SERVER ________________________________________________________________ SHOW SERVER Displays InfoServer system characteristics, resources, and counters. Format SHOW SERVER {CHARACTERISTICS | COUNTERS | STATISTICS} Options CHARACTERISTICS Displays server characteristics information. COUNTERS Displays server counters. STATISTICS Displays server statistics. Description The SHOW SERVER command displays information about the InfoServer system, including information about internal memory resource utilization, uptime, and idle time. Table 3-9 describes fields common to all displays. Table 3-10 describes the SHOW SERVER CHARACTERISTICS display fields. Table 3-11 describes the SHOW SERVER COUNTERS display fields. Table 3-12 describes the SHOW SERVER STATISTICS display fields. 3-97 SHOW SERVER Examples 1. InfoServer> SHOW SERVER CHARACTERISTICS DEC InfoServer 1000 V3.2 (BL22C) System Image: Oct 15 1994 07:28:29 Server Name: TEST_ESS Uptime: 002 18:51:54 Ethernet Address: 08-00-2b-15-ef-50 Server State: On Write Access Policy: Pre-emptive Current Work Group: 0 Service Extension Limit: 50000 Client Limit: 100 Remote Device List: Enabled characteristics: MOP downline loading, Automount disks Last software crash information: Exception 11, Curr 5, SP 8005dd7c, PC 800093d7, PSL 4150008. This command displays server charactistics (see Table 3-10). 2. InfoServer> SHOW SERVER COUNTERS DEC InfoServer 1000 V3.2 (BL22C) System Image: Oct 15 1994 07:28:29 Server Name: TEST_ESS Uptime: 002 18:51:54 Cache Blocks Read: 110669 Tape Records Read: 0 Disk Blocks Read: 218853 Tape Segments Read: 0 Total Blocks Read: 329522 Tape Records Written: 0 Total Blocks Written: 10458 Tape Segments Written: 0 Current Disk Sessions: 132 Current Tape Sessions: 0 Highest Disk Sessions: 236 Highest Tape Sessions: 0 Client Systems: 16 Current Systems: 16 Highest Systems: 40 This command displays server counters (see Table 3-11). 3-98 SHOW SERVER 3. InfoServer> SHOW SERVER STATISTICS DEC InfoServer 1000 V3.2 (BL22C) System Image: Oct 15 1994 07:28:29 Server Name: TEST_ESS Uptime: 002 18:51:54 Pool Size: 505560 Cache Size: 3164456 Pool Available: 165876 Cache Hit Ratio: 33% % of Pool Free: 32% Cache Bucket Size 16 Current Idle CPU: 98% Low CPU: 1% This command displays the server's performance-related statistics (see Table 3-12). Table_3-9_Fields_Common_to_All_SHOW_SERVER_Displays_______ Field_________________Description_________________________ DEC InfoServer 1000 The product designation and software V3.2 (BL22C) version number. Server Name The name assigned to the InfoServer system. System Image The date the InfoServer software was created. Uptime The time the InfoServer system has been running since the last reboot. The time is in the following format: days hours:minutes:seconds __________________________________________________________ Table_3-10_SHOW_SERVER_CHARACTERISTICS_Display_Fields_____ Field_________________Description_________________________ Ethernet Address The Ethernet address of the InfoServer hardware unit. Write Access Policy The current write-access policy in effect for the server, either pre-emptive or blocking. (continued on next page) 3-99 SHOW SERVER Table 3-10 (Cont.) SHOW SERVER CHARACTERISTICS Display ___________________Fields_________________________________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Service Extension The serverwide upper limit, in Limit blocks, for the size of virtual disks created remotely by clients. (See the SET SERVER EXTENSION command.) Remote Device List The list of virtual devices created on InfoServer writable disks by remote clients. (See the SET SERVER REMOTE command.) Enabled characteris- A list of all of the InfoServer tics characteristics that are currently enabled. Characteristics are separated by a comma. Server State The server state currently set for the InfoServer system: ON, OFF, or SHUT. Current Work Group The LASTport group to which the InfoServer system belongs. The system communicates only with clients in the same work group. Client Limit The maximum number of clients that are allowed to connect to the server. Last software crash The data from the most recent information___________software_crash._____________________ 3-100 SHOW SERVER Table_3-11_SHOW_SERVER_COUNTERS_Display_Fields____________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Cache Blocks Read The number of virtual disk blocks read by a remote client that were fetched from the disk cache (rather than from the disk). Disk Blocks Read The number of virtual disk blocks read by a remote client that were fetched from the physical disk (and not from cache). Total Blocks Read The total number of virtual disk blocks read by remote clients, from both disk and cache. Total Blocks Written The total number of virtual disk blocks that remote client systems wrote to an InfoServer disk. Current Disk The number of disk services Sessions currently being accessed by all clients. Highest Disk The highest number of disk services Sessions accessed concurrently by all clients. This value is saved when the server reboots. Current Systems The number of remote client systems currently accessing services on the InfoServer system. Highest Systems The highest number of clients that concurrently accessed services on the InfoServer system. This value is saved when the server reboots. Tape Records Read The number of tape records read by a remote client that were fetched from the tape. Tape Segments Read The total number of segments read by remote clients. (continued on next page) 3-101 SHOW SERVER Table_3-11_(Cont.)_SHOW_SERVER_COUNTERS_Display_Fields____ Field_________________Description_________________________ Tape Records Written The total number of tape records that remote client systems wrote to an InfoServer tape. Tape Segments The total number of tape segments Written that remote client systems wrote to an InfoServer tape. Current Tape The number of tape services Sessions currently being accessed by all clients. Highest Tape The highest number of tape services Sessions accessed concurrently by all clients. This value is saved when ______________________the_server_reboots._________________ Table_3-12_SHOW_SERVER_STATISTICS_Display_Fields__________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Pool Size The total number of bytes of memory in the InfoServer pool. Pool Available The total number of unused bytes of memory in the InfoServer pool. % of Pool Free The percentage of pool memory that is currently available. Cache Size The total number of bytes of memory being used as a disk cache for all InfoServer disks. As disk blocks are read, they are saved in memory for quicker access if those same blocks are read again. (continued on next page) 3-102 SHOW SERVER Table_3-12_(Cont.)_SHOW_SERVER_STATISTICS_Display_Fields__ Field_________________Description_________________________ Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of times that the InfoServer system was able to satisfy a client read request by getting the requested blocks from cache. Cache Bucket Size The size of a cache bucket. Can be 8, 16, or 32 blocks. Current Idle CPU The percentage of the available CPU processing time that is currently free. Low CPU The lowest value for idle CPU time that the InfoServer system has experienced since the last time ______________________the_counters_were_set_to_0._________ 3-103 SHOW SERVICE ________________________________________________________________ SHOW SERVICE Displays information about services. Format SHOW SERVICE [service-name {BRIEF | FULL} [CLASS class-name] ] Parameters service-name Specifies the name of the service to display. Usually, a service name is the same as the volume label of the disk volume. The service name can contain wildcard characters. If you omit this parameter, the system displays information on all services. CLASS class-name Selects the service class to display. Requires that you specify a particular class-name or a wildcard (*) character for class-name. Options BRIEF Provides an abbreviated, one-line summary of information for the specified services. BRIEF is the default if you do not specify a service name on the command line. FULL Provides detailed information about the specified services. FULL is the default if you specify a service name in the command line. Description The SHOW SERVICE command displays service-specific information for one or all services offered by the server. This information includes the device number associated with each service and the number of connected sessions. The SHOW SERVICE command supports full wildcard expressions. 3-104 SHOW SERVICE Examples 1. InfoServer> SHOW SERVICE * CLASS ODS_2 Service Name Service Class Disk:Partition -------------------- --------------- ---------------------- CONDIST1 [ODS_2] DK9: [ 12 connections] CD_DOC_01221 [ODS_2] DK12: [ 5 connections] DECLEARN [ODS_2] DK13: [ 4 connections] FT_BOOT_PAR [ODS_2] This command displays summary information for all services in the ODS_2 service class. 2. InfoServer> SHOW SERVICE CD_DOC_01221 FULL CD_DOC_01221 [ODS_2] Device Id: DK2 Service Rating: 64751 Disk Size: 1217280 Rating: Dynamic Password: Disabled Max Read Sess: 1000 Max Write Sess: 0 Cur Read Sess: 12 Cur Write Sess: 0 Highest Read Sess: 68 Max Reject Sess: 0 Reads: 7568 Writes: 0 Block Reads: 7568 Block Writes: 0 Service Attributes: ReadAhead This command displays full information for the service CD_DOC_01221, which is offered for device DK2. 3. InfoServer> SHOW SERVICE BACKUP BACKUP [TAPE] Device ID: TP15: Password: Disabled Service Rating: 42633 Rating Mode: Dynamic Max Read Sessions: 1 Current Read Sessions: 0 Max Write Sessions: 1 Current Write Sessions: 0 Records Read: 0 Records Written: 0 Bytes Read: 0 Bytes Written: 0 Segments Read: 0 Segments Written: 0 This command displays full information for the service BACKUP, which is offered for the TP15 device. 3-105 SHOW SERVICE 4. InfoServer> SHOW SERVICE MY_PARTITION MY_PARTITION [ODS_2] Device Id: DK3 Partition: MY_PARTITION Service Rating: 32636 Disk Size: 1216980 Rating: DYNAMIC Password: DISABLED Max Read Sess: 1000 MAX Write Sess: 0 Cur Read Sess: 1 Cur Write Sess: 0 Highest Read Sess: 1 Max Reject Sess: 0 Reads: 0 Writes: 0 Block Reads: 0 Block Writes: 0 Service attributes: Auto-Mounted, ReadAhead This command displays full information for the service MY_PARTITION, which is offered for the partition named MY_PARTITION on device DK3. Table 3-13 describes the fields displayed in SHOW SERVICE commands. Table_3-13_SHOW_SERVICE_Display_Fields____________________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Service Name The name assigned to each service listed in the display. Service Class The name of the service class under which the specified service is offered; listed in brackets ( [] ) after the service name. Disk:Partition The names of the disk and partition. Device ID The name of the InfoServer device for which that the service is being offered. Service Rating The service rating value (from 0 to 65535) currently assigned to the service. (continued on next page) 3-106 SHOW SERVICE Table_3-13_(Cont.)_SHOW_SERVICE_Display_Fields____________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Rating The type of service rating assigned to the particular service. The rating type can be either STATIC or DYNAMIC. Max Read Sessions The maximum number of concurrent Max Read Sess read sessions allowed for the specified service. Current Read The current number of read sessions Sessions connected to the specified service. Curr Read Sess Highest Read Sess: The highest number of read requests since service creation. Reads The total number of read requests (of any size) issued by remote client systems for the specified service. Block Reads The total number of disk blocks that remote client systems have read for the specified service. Records Read The total number of tape records that remote client systems have read for the specified service. Bytes Read The total number of tape bytes that remote client systems have read for the specified service. Segments Read The total number of tape segments that remote client systems have read for the specified service. Partition The partition name for which the specified service is offered. This field is not present if the service name is for an entire disk. (continued on next page) 3-107 SHOW SERVICE Table_3-13_(Cont.)_SHOW_SERVICE_Display_Fields____________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Disk Size The total number of blocks on the disk for which the service is being offered. Password The current setting for password protection, ENABLED or DISABLED. The actual service password is not displayed. Rating Mode The service rating is either static or dynamic. Max Write Sessions The maximum number of concurrent Max Write Sess write sessions allowed for the specified service. Current Write The current number of read sessions Sessions connected to the specified service. Current Write Sess Max Rejected Sess: The total number of connect requests rejected since service creation. Writes The total number of write requests (of any size) issued by remote client systems for the specified service. Block Writes The total number of disk blocks that remote client systems have read for the specified service. Service Attributes The attributes enabled for the service. Records Written The total number of tape records that remote client systems have written for the specified service. Bytes Written The total number of tape bytes that remote client systems have written for the specified service. (continued on next page) 3-108 SHOW SERVICE Table_3-13_(Cont.)_SHOW_SERVICE_Display_Fields____________ Field_________________Description_________________________ Segments Written The total number of tape segments that remote client systems have ______________________written_for_the_specified_service.__ 3-109 SHOW TAPE ________________________________________________________________ SHOW TAPE Displays InfoServer tape protocol counters. Format SHOW TAPE [COUNTERS] Description The SHOW TAPE command displays the information listed in Table 3-14. Example InfoServer> SHOW TAPE * InfoServer LAP (Tape) Protocol Summary * Seconds Since Zeroed: 16928 Solicit Messages Rcv'd: 0 Connect Failed, Bad Password: 0 Solicit Responses Sent: 0 Invalid Access Requested: 0 Connect Requests Rcv'd: 0 Connection Count Exceeded: 0 Records Read: 0 Segment Buffer Overflow: 0 Read Segments Rcv'd: 0 Invalid Sequence Received: 0 Records Written: 0 Illegal Message Type Rcv'd: 0 Write Segments Rcv'd: 0 Invalid Transactions: 0 Control Messages Rcv'd: 0 Tape I/O Errors: 0 Segments Retransmitted: 0 Resource Errors: 0 This example shows the display generated by the SHOW TAPE command. Table 3-14 describes the fields. 3-110 SHOW TAPE Table_3-14_SHOW_TAPE_Display_Fields_______________________ Field_______________________Description___________________ Seconds Since Zeroed Number of seconds since counters were zeroed. Solicit Messages Rcv'd Number of Solicit Request messages received from clients since counters were last zeroed. Solicit Responses Sent Number of Solicit Response messages sent to clients since counters were last zeroed. Connect Requests Rcv'd Number of Connect Request messages received from clients. Records Read Number of tape records read by clients. Read Segments Rcv'd Number of tape segment read requests received from clients. Records Written Number of tape records written by clients. Write Segments Rcv'd Number of tape segment write requests received from clients. Control Messages Rcv'd Number of control messages received from clients (for example, Rewind, Write Tape Mark, and so forth). Segments Retransmitted Number of segments retransmit- ted by clients. Connect Failed, Bad Number of connect failures Password caused by a client that failed to connect because of an invalid password. (continued on next page) 3-111 SHOW TAPE Table_3-14_(Cont.)_SHOW_TAPE_Display_Fields_______________ Field_______________________Description___________________ Invalid Access Requested Number of invalid access requests. A client attempted to connect to a service set to NO READERS. Connection Count Exceeded Number of times a client attempted to connect to a service with the maximum number of connections. Segment Buffer Overflow A client attempted to transfer too much data for the negotiated tape buffer size. Invalid Sequence Received Number of times an invalid sequence number was received. The sequence number of the request is not in the valid range. Illegal Message Type Rcv'd Number of times a client sent a message type that the server does not recognize. Invalid Transactions Number of invalid transac- tions. A client failed to complete a tape operation. The transaction is therefore invalid. Tape I/O Errors Number of tape I/O errors. Resource Errors Number of errors caused by ____________________________lack_of_resources.____________ 3-112 UNBIND ________________________________________________________________ UNBIND Deletes the virtual device created by a BIND command and terminates the connection to the associated remote service. Format UNBIND [VDK1[:] Parameters [VDK1[:] Optionally specifies the name of the virtual device. By default, VDK1 is assumed. Description You can use the same remote service to perform multiple updates on an InfoServer system (for example, you might use the service UPD_DRV to update VXT software and then install new functions). However, you must enter the UNBIND command after each update operation to flush data that has been cached from the previous one. You then enter the BIND command to reconnect to the UPD_DRV service before you perform the next update. For detailed information on performing network installa- tions and updates, refer to Section 4.13. Example InfoServer> UNBIND %ESS-I-VDDELETE, Virtual device VDK1: deleted. This command deletes the device VDK1 and terminates connection to the associated service. 3-113 UNLOAD ________________________________________________________________ UNLOAD Rewinds and unloads an InfoServer tape device; unloads some magneto-optical (MO) devices. Format UNLOAD device[:] Parameter device[:] Specifies a valid InfoServer tape device, as defined in Table 2-1, or a magneto-optical device. Description The UNLOAD command rewinds and unloads the specified tape. The command also unloads some MO devices. Example InfoServer> UNLOAD TP8: This command rewinds and unloads the TP8 tape. 3-114 UPDATE FUNCTIONS ________________________________________________________________ UPDATE FUNCTIONS Installs one or more new functions. Format UPDATE FUNCTIONS src_device[:] [dest_device[:] ] Parameters src_device[:] Specifies the drive containing the new function compact disc. dest_device[:] Optionally specifies the writable InfoServer destination device, which can be either an InfoServer-formatted disk or NVRAM (nonvolatile random-access memory). If you specify NVRAM, do not include the colon. If you omit the destination device name, the InfoServer system uses, in order, one of the following: 1 NVRAM for InfoServer 1000 systems 2 The device from which the system booted, if the device is writable 3 The InfoServer-formatted disk with the lowest device number Description You use the UPDATE FUNCTIONS command to install new functions, which come on a special compact disc from Digital. The UPDATE FUNCTIONS command installs the functions from the compact disc onto the target device you specify. 3-115 UPDATE FUNCTIONS Example InfoServer> UPDATE FUNCTIONS DK8: DK1: %ESS-I-UPDATE, Update request completed successfully. This command installs the function supplied on a function compact disc inserted in the DK8 drive. 3-116 UPDATE SYSTEM ________________________________________________________________ UPDATE SYSTEM Updates the InfoServer operational software. Format UPDATE SYSTEM src_device[:] [dest_device[:] ] Parameters src_device[:] Specifies the drive containing the new InfoServer software compact disc, or a hard drive and partition name. This parameter must specify a valid InfoServer drive, as defined in Table 2-1. dest_device[:] Optionally specifies the destination device on which the new software is installed. This parameter must specify either a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1, or FLASH memory (InfoServer 1000 systems only). If you specify FLASH, do not include a colon. If you omit the destination device name, the InfoServer system uses, in order, one of the following: 1 FLASH for InfoServer 1000 systems 2 The device from which the system booted, if the device is writable 3 The InfoServer-formatted device with the lowest device number Description You use the UPDATE SYSTEM command to update the InfoServer software. The InfoServer software is preinstalled on the internal read/write device, which is a disk for the InfoServer 100 and 150 systems and FLASH for InfoServer 1000 systems. If you receive software updates on compact discs, you can use the UPDATE SYSTEM command to install the updated software on the internal read/write device. 3-117 UPDATE SYSTEM You must specify a source InfoServer compact disc drive as the first parameter for the UPDATE SYSTEM command. The second parameter is the destination device. When you specify FLASH as the destination device, the flash burner program displays the current and update contents of the FLASH image and requests user confirmation of the update. This display consists of the following fields: __________________________________________________________ Field_____Contents________________________________________ Segment Logical segment number (hex) Size Size of the segment in bytes (hex) Version Segment header version (hex) Maj.Rev. Major version of the segment code (hex) Min.Rev. Minor version of the segment code (hex) Pat.Rev. Patch version of the segment code (hex) Time Time-stamping of the segment code (hex seconds since 1970.0) Name______Name_of_the_segment_____________________________ Unless the console diagnostics routines are also being updated, the update function changes only the InfoServer code and help file, segments 4 and 5. The version information for these two segments should agree with that shown in the Cover Letter. During the update, the flash burner program displays progress messages on both the console and the InfoServer 1000 light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The LEDs show a code that should be read from right to left, excluding the power LED. At the end of the procedure, the flash burner forces a console diagnostic startup by setting the "corrupt bit," which causes the diagnostics to flush all current console state and execute the powerup diagnostic sequence. Ignore the resulting "?? CRPT - Corrupt bit is set" message when this restart occurs. 3-118 UPDATE SYSTEM Examples 1. InfoServer> UPDATE SYSTEM DK2: %ESS-I-COPIED, Copy operation completed successfully. This command uses the InfoServer software on the DK2 device to update the internal read/write device. 2. InfoServer> UPDATE SYSTEM DK2: FLASH ---InfoServer 1000 FLASH ROM Update Program V1.6--- Current Contents of FLASH: Segment Size Version Maj.Rev. Min.Rev. Pat.Rev. Time Name 00000001 00004000 00000001 00000002 0001C000 00000001 00000003 00003000 00000002 00000002 00000226 00000000 2B824DBB EXT_HEADER 00000004 0003D000 00000002 00000010 00000003 00000000 2B93A0F1 SYSLOCS 00000005 0000F000 00000002 00000010 00000003 00000000 2B93A0F1 HELP.MEM Update Contents of FLASH: Segment Size Version Maj.Rev. Min.Rev. Pat.Rev. Time Name 00000001 00004000 00000001 00000002 0001C000 00000001 00000003 00003000 00000002 00000002 00000226 00000000 2B824DBB EXT_HEADER 00000004 0003E000 00000002 00000010 00000004 00000000 2B94D99B SYSLOCS 00000005 0000F000 00000002 00000010 00000004 00000000 2B94D99B HELP.MEM Flash image size (HEX): 00050000 Starting offset (HEX): 00020000 ---CAUTION--- EXECUTING THIS PROGRAM WILL CHANGE YOUR CURRENT INFOSERVER ROM IMAGE Do you really want to continue [Y/N] ? : Y DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INTERRUPT PROGRAM EXECUTION! DOING SO WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF OPERABLE STATE! The program will take one minute at most. led codes display info 0000 0nnn - in process of erasing FEPROM block nnn 0000 1nnn - in process of programming FEPROM block nnn 0001 0nnn - in process of verifying FEPROM block nnn 3-119 UPDATE SYSTEM DO NOT POWER DOWN OR TOUCH BREAK, OR YOU WILL DAMAGE THE CPU MODULE !!!! !!!! THE SYSTEM WILL THEN DO A POWERUP RESTART at the console !!!! !!!! OTHERWISE, POWER CYCLE THE BOX AFTER ALL LEDS ARE LIT !!!! Erasing Block 00000005 Programming Block 00000005 Verifying Block 00000005 Erasing Block 00000006 Programming Block 00000006 Verifying Block 00000006 Erasing Block 00000007 Programming Block 00000007 Verifying Block 00000007 UPDATE COMPLETE -- IGNORE THE '?? CRPT - Corrupt bit is set' MESSAGE ?? CRPT - Corrupt bit is set InfoServer 1000 V1.0-226-V3.7 17-FEB-1994 12:43:38.00 08-00-2B-A0-C9-8B ThinWire 4MB | | ########################### OK 83 BOOT SYS -FLASH DEC InfoServer 1000 V3.2 Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994 Digital Equipment Corp. %ESS-I-INITDISK, Disk initialization complete, 6 devices found %ESS-I-CRASHFND, Crash partition located on DK2 %ESS-I-RESTORED, Restore completed successfully from NVRAM Enter Password: This command uses the InfoServer software on device DK2 to update the FLASH device on an InfoServer 1000 system. 3-120 UPDATE VXT ________________________________________________________________ UPDATE VXT Installs all X terminal files on the specified destination disk. Format UPDATE VXT src_device[:] [dest_device[:] ] Parameters src_device[:] Specifies the drive containing VXT distribution compact disc. dest_device[:] Optionally specifies the destination device to which the files are copied. This parameter must specify a valid InfoServer disk, as defined in Table 2-1. If you omit the destination device name, the InfoServer system uses, in order, one of the following: 1 The disk from which the system booted, if the disk is writable 2 The InfoServer-formatted device with the lowest device number Description You use the UPDATE VXT command to install X terminal files, which come on a special compact disc from Digital. The UPDATE VXT command installs the functions from the compact disc onto the target disk you specify. 3-121 UPDATE VXT Example InfoServer> UPDATE VXT DK2: DK1: ...Beginning installation of VXT files ...Attempting to reserve disk space for installation . . . Do you want to purge older versions of this software [Yes]? . . . %ESS-I-FILPUR, 16 files purged. %ESS-I-UPDATE, Update request completed successfully. The commands in this example install X terminal files on device DK1 and purge older versions on that device. 3-122 VERIFY ________________________________________________________________ VERIFY Validates the on-disk structure of a device formatted with the INITIALIZE command. Format VERIFY device[:] {NOREPAIR | REPAIR} Parameter device[:] Specifies a valid InfoServer disk device, as defined in Table 2-1. Options NOREPAIR (D) Lists errors but does not attempt to repair them. REPAIR Lists errors and corrects them if possible. Description The VERIFY command validates the on-disk stucture of the specified device. To preserve data integrity, InfoServer software does not permit VERIFY REPAIR operations unless the InfoServer state is set OFF. This check prevents remote virtual disk operations from interfering with local disk operations. Example InfoServer> VERIFY DK1: %ESS-I-REWIND, Verify completed successfully. This command validates the on-disk structure of the DK1 disk. 3-123 ZERO ALL ________________________________________________________________ ZERO ALL Resets all InfoServer internal counters. Format ZERO ALL [COUNTERS] Description The ZERO ALL command sets to 0 all internal InfoServer counters. Example InfoServer> ZERO ALL This command sets to 0 all counters associated with the operation of the InfoServer system. 3-124 ZERO ETHERNET ________________________________________________________________ ZERO ETHERNET Resets all Ethernet internal counters. Format ZERO ETHERNET [COUNTERS] Description The ZERO ETHERNET COUNTERS command resets all Ethernet internal counters kept by the InfoServer system. You can display these counters with the SHOW ETHERNET command. Example InfoServer> ZERO ETHERNET COUNTERS This command sets to 0 all counters associated with the operation of the Ethernet data link and the LASTport protocol. 3-125 ZERO LAT ________________________________________________________________ ZERO LAT Resets the LAT terminal server internal counters kept by the InfoServer system. Format ZERO LAT [COUNTERS] Description The ZERO LAT COUNTERS command resets all internal LAT terminal server counters kept by the InfoServer system. You can display the counters with the SHOW LAT command. Example InfoServer> ZERO LAT This command sets to 0 all the counters that the InfoServer keeps for the LAT protocol. 3-126 ZERO MOP ________________________________________________________________ ZERO MOP Resets the maintenance operation protocol (MOP) counters. Format ZERO MOP [COUNTERS] Description The ZERO MOP COUNTERS command resets all internal MOP counters kept by the InfoServer system. You can display the counters with the SHOW MOP command. Example InfoServer> ZERO MOP This command sets to 0 all the counters that the InfoServer keeps for the MOP protocol. 3-127 ZERO SERVER ________________________________________________________________ ZERO SERVER Resets the InfoServer system's internal counters. Format ZERO SERVER [COUNTERS] Description The ZERO SERVER COUNTERS command resets all InfoServer counters by the InfoServer system for its own internal operations. You can display these counters with the SHOW SERVER command. Example InfoServer> ZERO SERVER This command resets the counters that the InfoServer system keeps for monitoring its internal operations, including the number of network blocks read and written, and CPU utilization statistics. 3-128 ZERO TAPE ________________________________________________________________ ZERO TAPE Resets tape counters. Format ZERO TAPE [COUNTERS] Description The ZERO TAPE COUNTERS command resets all counters kept by the InfoServer tape protocol. You can display these counters with the SHOW TAPE command. Example InfoServer> ZERO TAPE This command resets the tape protocol counters. 3-129 4 ________________________________________________________________ Advanced Operations The standard InfoServer system provides transparent access to compact discs, without the need to enter any InfoServer management commands. However, for some customized configurations you might need to set up the system by using InfoServer commands. This chapter describes some of the advanced operations you can perform by using InfoServer commands. Each section provides examples. The chapter describes how to perform the following operations: o Serve regularly updated compact discs o Assign passwords to protect compact discs o Serve media under several service names to allow access by different operating systems o Create and serve partitions to make use of open space on the internal read/write disk o Serve external read/write disks o Back up read/write data locally or remotely o Defragment an InfoServer disk by using BACKUP and RETRIEVE commands o Replicate an InfoServer disk o Make downline loadable images available to clients o Configure X terminals to use the InfoServer system o Enforce network licensing limits for devices o Record compact discs o Perform installations and updates over the network 4-1 Advanced Operations 4.1 Serving Regularly Updated Compact Discs 4.1 Serving Regularly Updated Compact Discs By default, a running InfoServer system automatically serves compact discs to clients when you insert the discs. It also deletes services automatically when you remove compact discs. The system provides access to the current set of compact discs by their volume label. Access by volume label is convenient for compact discs that remain in the InfoServer system on a permanent basis. This method is also useful for temporary compact discs that will not be updated. However, you might want to use a different method for compact disc subscriptions where information is updated regularly. When you remove an old disc and insert the updated copy, the automaticaly assigned service name usually changes because the updated media has a new volume label. For these cases, you may want to assign a single service name to the compact disc drive. When you assign a single service name to a disc drive, clients can continue to use that name for connections when you insert a new disc. With a single service name, clients avoid the need to learn the volume labels of each new disc inserted. To provide a fixed service name, follow these steps: 1 Assign the service name to a particular device. 2 Save the name, so it remains in effect whenever the InfoServer system reboots. Example InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE CONDIST FOR DK2: CLASS ODS_ 2 WRITERS 0 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. InfoServer> SAVE %ESS-I-SAVED, Save completed successfully to DK1: InfoServer> In this example, the InfoServer manager enters the service name CONDIST for an InfoServer compact disc drive that will serve Digital's consolidated distribution software disc. When a new compact disc is inserted, users can 4-2 Advanced Operations 4.1 Serving Regularly Updated Compact Discs continue to connect to the service CONDIST instead of having to learn the new volume label. 4.2 Assigning Passwords to Protect Compact Discs By default, the InfoServer system automatically makes every inserted compact disc available to all client systems on the LAN. The InfoServer system creates the service for each compact disc and uses default values for service-related options such as password protection. By default, password protection is off. In some cases, you might want to restrict access to information on compact discs by assigning a password. To provide password protection for compact discs, follow these steps: 1 Disable the automatic serving feature for the selected compact disc, using the command SET DEVICE AUTOMOUNT disabled. 2 Assign a service name and password for the selected compact disc. 3 Save the service name and password, so they remain in effect whenever the InfoServer system reboots. Example InfoServer> SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT DISABLED %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE SENSITIVE_INFO FOR DK2: PASSWORD _Password: SECRET (not echoed) _Verification: SECRET (not echoed) %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. InfoServer> SAVE %ESS-I-SAVED, Save completed successfully to DK1: InfoServer> In this example, the InfoServer manager assigns the service name SENSITIVE_INFO and the password SECRET to the compact disc in the DK2 drive. 4-3 Advanced Operations 4.3 Serving Media Under Several Names 4.3 Serving Media Under Several Names The InfoServer system and host clients use protocols that allow for redundant virtual devvices to be served on the LAN with identical service names. The InfoServer system also allows a single virtual devices to be served several times under several different names. You might want to provide several different names for the same virtual disk, for the convenience of users. You might also want to make the same media accessible to more than one operating system. To assign several names to a virtual disk, follow these steps: 4-4 Advanced Operations 4.3 Serving Media Under Several Names 1 Create several services with different names or service classes, all for the same device. 2 Save the services, so the names and classes remain in effect whenever the InfoServer system reboots. Example InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE RAW_DATA FOR DK2: CLASS ODS_2 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE DATA_FROM_EXPERIMENT_ 2 FOR DK2: CLASS ODS_2 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE RAW_DATA FOR DK2: CLASS ULTRIX %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. InfoServer> SAVE %ESS-I-SAVED, Save completed successfully to DK1: InfoServer> In this example, the InfoServer manager assigns three aliases to the compact disc in the DK2 drive. The first two services are accessible from an OpenVMS system, and the third from an ULTRIX system. This action assumes that the information on the disc is in a format that each operating system can read. Notice that the same name can be reused under different service classes. 4.4 Creating and Serving Partitions InfoServer 100 and 150 systems use an internal read/write disk to store InfoServer parameters, configuration, and operational software. Because these systems use the disk for their operations, these systems normally do not make the disk available as a whole to the LAN. The systems use approximately 5000 to 10,000 disk blocks of the internal disk, depending on how many services are saved. You can make the remaining free disk blocks available to clients for general use, without interfering with the InfoServer data on the disk. To make the remaining space available, you create partitions. You can create partitions on any disk that is initialized as an InfoServer disk. 4-5 Advanced Operations 4.4 Creating and Serving Partitions To make read/write partitions available, follow these steps: 1 Create partitions of the desired size. 2 Create services for each partition in the proper namespace, with the appropriate read/write access and protection. 3 Save the services, so they are available whenever the InfoServer system reboots. Example In the following example, the InfoServer manager creates three partitions to serve to the LAN network. InfoServer> CREATE PARTITION DK1:ONLINE_HELP BLOCKS 20000 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create partition completed successfully. InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE ONLINE_HELP FOR DK1:ONLINE_HELP CLASS ODS_2 WRITER 0 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE HELP_UPDATE FOR DK1:ONLINE_HELP CLASS ODS_2 WRITER 1 PASSWORD _Password: SECRET (not echoed) _Verification: SECRET (not echoed) %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. InfoServer> CREATE PARTITION DK1:DOS_STORAGE1 BLOCKS 50000 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create partition completed successfully. InfoServer> CREATE PARTITION DK1:DOS_STORAGE2 BLOCKS 50000 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create partition completed successfully. InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE DOS_STORAGE FOR DK1:DOS_STORAGE1 CLASS V2.0 WRITER 1 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE DOS_STORAGE FOR DK1:DOS_STORAGE2 CLASS V2.0 WRITER 1 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. InfoServer> SAVE %ESS-I-SAVED, Save completed successfully to DK1: InfoServer> The first partition is used by OpenVMS clients and has two service names assigned. The first service is for read-only users to access online help. The second service is for the LAN network manager to gain write access to the same partition, in order to update online help. 4-6 Advanced Operations 4.4 Creating and Serving Partitions The last two partitions are used by MS-DOS clients running PATHWORKS. Notice that the PATHWORKS product uses scratch disk storage in the V2.0 service class, not the MS-DOS service class. 4.5 Serving an External Read/Write Disk You can add compact discs, read/write disks, and tapes to the InfoServer system. The server handles external devices the same way as internal devices. For example, external compact discs are automatically served to clients when the discs are inserted. For read/write drives, the disk is normally unformatted. Because an unformatted disk does not have a volume label, the InfoServer system does not automatically serve it to the LAN network. To make the disk accessible, follow these steps: 1 Create a service in the proper namespace, with other desired settings. 2 Save the service so it is always available whenever the InfoServer system reboots. Example InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE RZ56 FOR DK12: CLASS ODS_ 2 WRITERS 1 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. InfoServer> SAVE %ESS-I-SAVED, Save completed successfully to DK1: InfoServer> After the InfoServer manager enters these commands, a client could bind to the service name RZ56, initialize the disk with an ODS-2 on-disk structure, mount the disk, and use the entire disk as if it were a locally attached RZ56 disk. 4-7 Advanced Operations 4.6 Backing Up Read/Write Data 4.6 Backing Up Read/Write Data Because the InfoServer system provides access to read /write storage, you might need to periodically back up the stored information. Backing up data allows you to restore information if the system has a disk failure, you replace an InfoServer unit, or any similar interruption occurs. There are two methods available for backing up InfoServer data: o If you have added a second read/write drive to the InfoServer system, you can perform the backup operation locally by using InfoServer commands. o You can also back up InfoServer disks to a remote client system, using the normal disk-access commands for your operating system to access the InfoServer system. The following sections describe how to perform local and remote backup operations. 4.6.1 Backing Up Data Locally If you have added a read/write drive to your InfoServer system, you can use the InfoServer commands BACKUP and RETRIEVE to back up data to, and retrieve data from, that disk (see Chapter 3). For a local backup operation to succeed, the target disk must be only large enough to caontain all the data on the source disk plus a small amount of overhead. Because the BACKUP command initializes the target device, you cannot use the command to add partitions to an already formatted device. If the destination device contains sufficient space, you can use the COPY command as follows: 1 Determine the size of the disk being backed up. 2 Initialize the external disk, so it can be used to create partitions. 3 Create the partition of the appropriate size. 4 Use the InfoServer COPY command to save the data. 4-8 Advanced Operations 4.6 Backing Up Read/Write Data To restore the data, you would use the same COPY command but specify the partition as the source and the disk as the target. Example InfoServer> SHOW DEVICE DK1: Device Device Device Device Dev. Size/ Volume Device Name State Type Address Record Num. Label Char DK1: On Hard Disk A/001 204864 UNKNOWN InfoServer> INITIALIZE DK12: InfoServer> CREATE PARTITION DK12:SAVE_PARTITION BLOCKS 204864 %ESS-I-CREATED, Create partition completed successfully. InfoServer> COPY DK1: DK12:SAVE_PARTITION %ESS-I-COPIED, Copy operation completed successfully. InfoServer> In this example, the InfoServer manager backs up a smaller, internal RZ disk to a larger, external RZ56 disk. The manager initializes the RZ56 drive as device DK12 and then creates a partition on the RZ56 to match the storage size of the internal RZ disk. The backup operation saves all system configurations, parameters, and operational software, as well as any partitions created. 4.6.2 Backing Up Data Remotely You might want to back up data to a remote client system under one of the following conditions: o You do not have additional read/write disks on your InfoServer system. o You want to back up data to some other media, such as magnetic tape. Example This example shows how to back up data to an OpenVMS system. Here are the basic steps: 1 On the InfoServer system, make the entire disk available through a service. 2 On the OpenVMS system, access the disk as though the online disk structure were unknown. 4-9 Advanced Operations 4.6 Backing Up Read/Write Data 3 Perform the backup operation. On the InfoServer system: InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE BACKUP FOR DK1: CLASS ODS_2 WRITERS 0 PASSWORD _Password: SECRET (not echoed) _Verification: SECRET (not echoed) InfoServer> Then, on the OpenVMS system: $ MCR ESS$LADCP LADCP> BIND/PASSWORD=SECRET BACKUP %LADCP-I-BIND, service bound to logical unit DAD$BACKUP (_DAD4:) LADCP> EXIT $ MOUNT/FOREIGN/NOWRITE DAD$BACKUP: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, mounted on _DAD4: $ MOUNT/FOREIGN DKA200: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, mounted on _DKA200: $ BACKUP/PHYSICAL DAD$BACKUP: DKA200: Note that you could use any other operating system to perform this backup operation, as long as that system has client software to access the InfoServer system. Simply use the appropriate commands for your operating system in place of the OpenVMS commands in this example. 4.7 Defragmenting an InfoServer Disk As partitions are created and deleted on an InfoServer- formatted disk, the disk can become fragmented. However, the file system can reuse deleted partitions for requested new partitions provided that the deleted partitions are large enough. Because partitions are contiguous, a requested new partition cannot be larger than the largest deleted partition or than the largest segment of remaining free space on the disk. The command SHOW PARTITIONS DKn: FULL shows the sizes of both deleted and currently allocated partitions. Defragmenting a disk requires another disk on which to stage the data during the operation. Tape devices are not currently supported for BACKUP operations. To defragment the disk, you save its contents to a staging disk and 4-10 Advanced Operations 4.7 Defragmenting an InfoServer Disk then immediately restore them using the RETRIEVE command. Remember to issue the SAVE command to save the restored services. For example, to back up the system disk DK1 to the backup disk DK15 and to defragment the system disk, you enter the following commands: InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE OFF InfoServer> BACKUP DK1 DK15 InfoServer> RETRIEVE DK15 DK1 InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE ON InfoServer> SAVE 4.8 Replicating an InfoServer Disk You can use the BACKUP and RETRIEVE commands to move all the partitions from one disk to another. For example, suppose you want to replace the InfoServer 150 system's internal boot disk with a larger device and that hard disk DK15 is available to stage data during the exchange. You can follow these steps: 1 Back up the boot device: InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE OFF InfoServer> BACKUP DK1 DK15 InfoServer> SHUTDOWN Y 2 Turn off the system and replace the internal disk with a larger device. 3 Insert the InfoServer kernel compact disc in the internal compact disc drive and turn on the system. The system reboots from the compact disc. 4 Log in to the InfoServer system and restore the backup to the new disk: InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE OFF InfoServer> RETRIEVE DK15 DK1 5 Restore the old service database from the restored copy of the boot device. The services for the partitions on DK1 have been restored by the RETRIEVE command. InfoServer> RESTORE DK1 InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE ON 4-11 Advanced Operations 4.8 Replicating an InfoServer Disk 6 Save the restored services back to DK1. InfoServer> SAVE 4.9 Making Downline Loadable Images Available to Clients To make system software and other downline loadable images available to clients, follow these steps: 1 Determine the size of the downline loadable image. 2 Create a partition on the InfoServer system to receive the image. 3 Create a service to access the partition from the client system. 4 Copy the image to the partition. 5 Modify the partition to be a maintenance operation protocol (MOP) partition. 6 Make sure that the MOP downline loading feature is enabled. Example This example shows the steps for downline loading a DECserver 200 that requests a file named PR0801ENG.SYS. The example uses OpenVMS as the client system that has the downline loadable image. You could use any other operating system that has client access to the InfoServer system; simply use the appropriate commands for your operating system in place of the OpenVMS commands. On the OpenVMS system currently performing downline loading, issue a DIRECTORY command to determine the size of the downline loadable file. For example: $ DIRECTORY/SIZE MOM$LOAD:PR0801ENG.SYS Directory SYS$COMMON:[MOM$SYSTEM] PR0801ENG.SYS;1 378 From an InfoServer console terminal, enter the CREATE PARTITION command to set aside storage for the MOP downline loadable file. The partition name must be the same as the OpenVMS file name, but without the file type 4-12 Advanced Operations 4.9 Making Downline Loadable Images Available to Clients (which is the name requested by the system being downline loaded). Serve the partition to the LAN, so that the OpenVMS system can copy the downline loadable file to the partition. For example: InfoServer> CREATE PARTITION DK1:PR0801ENG BLOCKS 378 %ESS-I-CREATE, Create partition completed successfully. InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE MOP_UPDATE FOR DK1:PR0801ENG CLASS ODS_2 WRITERS 1 PASSWORD _Password: SECRET (not echoed) _Verification: SECRET (not echoed) %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. InfoServer> On the OpenVMS client system, bind to the service under which the partition was served. Next, mount the device as a foreign device. Then copy the downline loadable file to the device connected to the partition. $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:ESS$LADCP LADCP> BIND/WRITE/PASSWORD=SECRET MOP_UPDATE %LADCP-I-BIND, service bound to logical unit DAD$MOP_UPDATE (_DAD3:) LADCP> EXIT $ MOUNT/FOREIGN DAD$MOP_UPDATE %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, mounted on _DAD3: $ COPY MOM$LOAD:PR0801ENG.SYS DAD$MOP_UPDATE: $ DISMOUNT DAD$MOP_UPDATE On the InfoServer console terminal, you might want to unserve the MOP partition to avoid possible corruption by other clients accidentally connecting to the MOP file. Then set the partition type to MOP and enable downline loading for the InfoServer system. For example: InfoServer> DELETE SERVICE MOP_UPDATE FOR DK1:PR0801ENG CLASS ODS_2 InfoServer> SET PARTITION DK1:PR0801ENG MOP InfoServer> SET SERVER MOP ENABLED InfoServer> SAVE %ESS-I-SAVED, Save completed successfully to DK1: InfoServer> The InfoServer system is now capable of downline loading any system that requests the file PR0801ENG. 4-13 Advanced Operations 4.9 Making Downline Loadable Images Available to Clients 4.9.1 MOP Downline Loading by Ethernet Address By using the MOP service class, you can set up the InfoServer system to answer MOP downline load requests by Ethernet address as well as by file name. The general procedure is as follows: 1 Create a partition containing the image you want the InfoServer to load (see Section 4.9). 2 For each system that will request this image, create for the partition a service in the MOP service class, using a service name of the form MOP$nnnnnnnnnnnn, where nnnnnnnnnnnn is the system's hexadecimal Ethernet address. 3 Perform a SAVE operation. As an example, if you have a VT1300 X terminal that is currently loading from a VAX host, you can free host resources by loading that terminal from an InfoServer system. Follow these steps: 1 Determine the terminal's hardware address (for example, 08-00-2b-2c-bd-0c) 2 Create a MOP service and save the service. InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE MOP$08002B2CBD0C FOR DK1:VXTLDR0130 CLASS MOP InfoServer> SAVE 4.9.2 Automatic Installation of MOP Partitions Some compact discs provide information that allows the InfoServer system to copy MOP images from the compact disc to partitions on a local hard disk. This mechanism provides two benefits. The first is improved performance. Because MOP files are located more quickly on an InfoServer-formatted read/write disk than on an initial system load (ISL) compact disc, downline loads are faster. The second benefit is enhanced problem diagnosis. Because the InfoServer system cannot perform a DIRECTORY of MOP files located on an ODS-2 formatted compact disc, the system manager cannot determine which MOP files are present. Because InfoServer software automatically copies the MOP files to InfoServer partitions, the system 4-14 Advanced Operations 4.9 Making Downline Loadable Images Available to Clients manager can enter the InfoServer command SHOW PARTITIONS to display the special MOP paritions, which are flagged as MOP and TEMPORARY. When the compact disc is removed, the partitions are deleted. 4.10 Configuring X terminals You can use InfoServer commands to optimize X terminal usage of InfoServer resources. The following example shows one of various ways to configure X terminals on your LAN. The example explains how to do the following: o Install X terminal software from compact disc o Ensure that the server is configured to load X terminal software o Change the default disk on which X terminal partitions are created o Change the maximum size of partitions that X terminals can create remotely o Enable services that assist X terminals in establishing connections o Perform a SAVE operation Example InfoServer> UPDATE VXT DK2: DK1: 1 _Password for protected data [default=VXT] %ESS-I-UPDATE, Update operation completed successfully. InfoServer> SET SERVER MOP ENABLED 2 %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. InfoServer> SET SERVER REMOTE DEVICE DK8:,DK9: 3 InfoServer> SET SERVER EXTENSION LIMIT 60000 4 %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. InfoServer> SET SERVER LAT_RESPONDER ENABLED 5 %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. InfoServer> SAVE 6 %ESS-I-SAVED, Save completed successfully to DK1: InfoServer> 4-15 Advanced Operations 4.10 Configuring X terminals The commands perform the following operations: 1 This command moves the X terminal software from the distribution compact disc (inserted in drive DK2) to the internal read/write disk, where the software is stored in the correct InfoServer format. 2 This command ensures that the InfoServer system is configured to load the X terminals by using MOP. 3 This command disables device DK1 for use by X terminals and enables devices DK8 and DK9. The example assumes that external read/write disks have been added to the InfoServer system as devices DK8 and DK9. and that these devices have been formatted with the InfoServer INITIALIZE command. 4 This command modifies from 50,000 to 60,000 blocks the maximum partition size that any single X terminal can create. 5 This command enables the LAT Responder function. This function enables X terminals to complete LAT terminal server connections quickly. 6 Finally, settings are made permanent with the SAVE command. 4.11 Enforcing Network License Limits for Devices Information providers frequently offer licenses to use their compact disc databases based on a number of simultaneous users. The InfoServer system can assist in license enforcement. Because the InfoServer automount function allows unrestricted read access to a device by default, you must disable automount for any device that contains a service to which you want to limit access. If you want to restrict access to all the devices on the server, you can disable automount for the entire server by using the command SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT DISABLED. However, if you want to restrict access to a specific device while permitting automount in general, you can disable automount for that device by using the command SET DEVICE AUTOMOUNT DISABLED. 4-16 Advanced Operations 4.11 Enforcing Network License Limits for Devices Once automount is disabled for the specific device, you must create a new service for the device, specifying a reader limit that matches your license. Remember to perform a SAVE operation to keep your changes. For example, suppose you have a compact disc labeled CENSUS for which you have a 5-user simultaneous network license. The search software runs under the DOS system, which uses the class name V2.0 to access InfoServer devices. You have decided to allocate the compact disc drive DK7 to this disc. To enforce the license limit, follow these steps: 1 Disable automount for the DK7 drive: InfoServer> SET DEVICE DK7: AUTOMOUNT DISABLED 2 Insert the compact disc in DK7 and create a service that limits access to 5 readers: InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE CENSUS FOR DK7: CLASS V2.0 READERS 5 3 Perform a SAVE operation: InfoServer> SAVE Only five clients can now access the service CENSUS simultaneously. 4.12 Compact Disc Recorder (CD-R) Function InfoServer CD-R software enables you to record compact discs using an InfoServer system and hard drive in combination with a compact disc recorder and optional formatting program. The next sections describe component setup and recording procedures. 4.12.1 Component Setup To prepare components for a recording session, Configure the InfoServer system, staging disk, recorder, and compact disc drive as shown in Figure 4-1 and set the recorder switches for recording as described in the owner's manual. You can verify that the recorder is ready by entering the following command on the InfoServer system: InfoServer> SHOW RECORDER FULL 4-17 Advanced Operations 4.12 Compact Disc Recorder (CD-R) Function If the recorder is ready, the sytem displays information like the following: Device Name: DK2: Manufacturer: SONY Mfgr's Model: CDW-900E Firmware Rev: 1.13 Encoder Status: Ready Writer 0 Status: Ready CD Capacity: 682752000 If the display shows that the recorder is not ready, check that all components are correctly connected and that the recorder switches are set for recording. 4.12.2 Recording Procedures To perform a recording operation, follow these steps: 1 On the client system, prepare the data you want to record, observing the following requirements: o The capacity of the staging disk or InfoServer partition must be smaller than that of the target CD-ROM (less than 550 MB for a 63-minute CD-ROM or less than 650 MB for a 74-minute CD-ROM). Remember that the recording process involves overhead such as Table of Contents (TOC), lead-in and lead-out. o For native format, you must record the entire staging disk or InfoServer partition: do not specify the RECORD command's SIZE option. For ISO 9660 or High Sierra Group (HSG) format, the container file generated by a formatter must be contiguous. You can use the SIZE option to specify the exact size of the container file and thereby save recording time. o The staging disk must be dismounted before starting the recording process. On OpenVMS systems, perform an ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR operation on the disk before dismounting it. 2 Log in to the InfoServer system and create on the staging disk a partition large enough for the data to be recorded (minimum recordable size is 5,120,000 bytes, or 10,000 blocks). 4-18 Advanced Operations 4.12 Compact Disc Recorder (CD-R) Function To ensure data integrity on the staging disk, specify the ERASE option when creating the partition. For example, to create a 1,500,000 block partition called VIR_CD on DK5, you would enter the following command: InfoServer> CREATE PARTITION DK5:VIR_CD BLOCKS 1500000 ERASE %ESS-I-CREATED, Create partition completed successfully. 3 Create a service for the partition, specifying the appropriate service class. For example: InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE ULTRIX_DATA FOR DK5:VIR_CD CLASS ULTRIX %ESS-I-CREATED, Created service ULTRIX_DATA [ULTRIX]. %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. 4 Mount the service and format the partition for the desired file system. Refer to your client's user documentation for instructions. 5 Copy the data to the staging disk partition and verity the data. For native format: a Copy the data using the client's native copy command. b Request a directory to verify data and file attributes. For ISO 9660 or High Sierra File System (HSFS) format: a Use a formatter to copy the data to the partition. Typically, the formatter displays the size of the data in bytes when the copy operation completes. b Dismount the original service on the client and optionally delete the service on the InfoServer system. c Create a new service for the partition, specifying the ISO (or HSFS) and CONTAINER options. For example: InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE ISO_DATA FOR DK5:VIR_CD CLASS ISO CONTAINER %ESS-I-CREATED, Created service ISO_DATA [ISO_9660]. %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. 4-19 Advanced Operations 4.12 Compact Disc Recorder (CD-R) Function This command causes the service to point to the beginning of the ISO 9660 or HSFS data rather than to the beginning of the partition. Because the container file is the virtual compact disc, it must contain only the data to be recorded. Do not attempt to write additional data to the partition. d Mount the new service and request a directory to verify data and file attributes. Note that file names are displayed according to the ISO 9660 standard (upper case, underscores substituted for spaces, and so forth). 6 Enter a RECORD command specifying the staging disk partition as the source and the recorder as the destination device. For example, if the data is to be recorded in native format, enter a command like the following: InfoServer> RECORD DK5:ULTRIX_DATA DK2: TIME 2 SPEED 2 By default, the data is recorded in the client's native file format (in this case, ULTRIX). If the data is to be recorded in ISO 9660 or HSFS format, you must specify the ISO or HSFS option. (You can also specify the size of the data shown by the formatter's copy operation.) For example: InfoServer> RECORD DK5:ISO_DATA DK2: TIME 2 SPEED 2 ISO SIZE 651405312 Depending on the device, the system displays messages like the following: 4-20 Advanced Operations 4.12 Compact Disc Recorder (CD-R) Function %ESS-I-SERCHIMG, Searching for image start... %ESS-I-SERCHWRT, Searching for ready writers... %ESS-I-12CMDISC, Detected a new 12cm disc in Writer ID 0. - The disk capacity is 74 Minutes, 5 Seconds, 0 Frames. - Estimated recording time at 2x speed is 38 Minutes, 22 Seconds, 72 Frames. %ESS-I-STARTWRT, Starting write on Writer ID 0. %ESS-I-TRACKWRT, Writing track #1. - Time to write track #1 is 35 Minutes, 20 Seconds, 34 Frames. - 2 Minutes elapsed, recording continuing... - 4 Minutes elapsed, recording continuing... . . . 4.13 Performing Network Installations and Updates InfoServer managers can update an InfoServer system from a compact disc attached to another InfoServer system on the local area network (LAN). All update operations (FUNCTION, MOP, SYSTEM, and VXT) are supported using the new BIND and UNBIND commands and the existing UPDATE command. 4.13.1 Connecting to a Remote Service You use the BIND command to connect to the specified ODS-2 service and create the virtual device VDK1 for that service. The device is used as if it were a locally attached compact disc drive. Note that the server containing the remote service must be in the same LASTport group as the server on which you enter the BIND command. After a bind operation completes, the VDK1 device appears in the SHOW DEVICE display. You can specify an optional password to access password- protected services by entering a BIND commmand in the following format: BIND ODS-2-service-name [PASSWORD optional-password ] 4-21 Advanced Operations 4.13 Performing Network Installations and Updates For example: InfoServer> BIND UPD_DRV PASSWORD RAINMAN %ESS-I-VDCREATE, Virtual device VDK1: successfully created. %ESS-I-VDCONN, VDK1: connected to service: UPD_DRV InfoServer> SHOW DEVICE VDK1: Device Device Device Device Dev. Size/ Volume Device Name State Type Address Record Num. Label Char VDK1: On Virtual Disk N/A 962 UPD_DRV RO 4.13.2 Performing Updates Using a Remote Service Once you have connected to a service, you can enter any UPDATE command, specifying VDK1 as the source device. The device must be specified as the source device because it is read-only. In the following example, the VDK1 device is connected to a service containing an InfoServer function access compact disc: InfoServer> UPDATE FUNCTION VDK1: DK2: %ESS-I-UPDATE, Update operation completed successfully. 4.13.3 Disconnecting from a Remote Service After the update operation completes, you can use the UNBIND command to delete the virtual device and terminate the connection to the remote service. When the unbind operation completes, the virtual device VDK1 no longer appears in the SHOW DEVICE display. You can use the same remote service to perform multiple updates on an InfoServer system (for example, you might use the service UPD_DRV to update VXT software and then install new functions). However, you must enter the UNBIND command after each update operation to flush data that has been cached from the previous one. You then enter the BIND command to reconnect to the UPD_DRV service before you perform the next update. Syntax for the UNBIND command is as follows: UNBIND [VDK1:] 4-22 Advanced Operations 4.13 Performing Network Installations and Updates For example: InfoServer> UNBIND %ESS-I-VDDELETE, Virtual device VDK1: deleted. 4.13.4 Restrictions The following restrictions apply for network updates: o Services intended for remote InfoServer systems must be created in the ODS_2 service class. When automounted, InfoServer and VXT software compact discs appear as ODS-2 services with the disc's volume label as the service name. For a Function Access compact disc, you must create a service in the ODS_2 service class. o Only one VDK device can be in use at any time. o The VDK device is a read-only device. o If a service becomes unavailable, the InfoServer system does not attempt to reconnect. You must enter an UNBIND command to terminate the connection and then enter a BIND command to reconnect when the service again becomes available. 4-23 5 ________________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting This chapter describes some common problems that might occur when using the InfoServer system. Each section describes possible causes of the problem and lists the corrective steps to take. You might also want to reference the host client's documentation set for information on accessing the InfoServer system. For more information on troubleshooting the installation of an InfoServer system, refer to the installation and owner's guide for your system. 5.1 Client System Cannot Connect to InfoServer Device If a client system cannot connect to an InfoServer virtual device, the InfoServer or client system might be configured incorrectly. In that case, an operating system error appears when you use the proper client commands to connect to the device. This section describes some of the possible problems and the corrective steps to take if you observe this symptom. Possible Problem: The device does not appear after boot or does not function. Corrective Steps: 1 Enter console mode as described in the installation and owner's manual for your system and enter the following command at the console prompt (>>>): >>> SHOW DEVICE 5-1 Troubleshooting 5.1 Client System Cannot Connect to InfoServer Device 2 Verify that there are no SCSI id conflicts. Note the revision level of the device in the display's REV column and verify that that level is at least the minimum listed in the supported hardware section of the current Software Product Description (SPD) document. Possible Problem: The compact disc to which you are trying to connect has been removed from the InfoServer drive. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the compact disc has been removed from the InfoServer drive. Log in to either the local or remote LAT terminal server management console, and then enter the SHOW DEVICE command. The Volume Label column lists volume labels for all available compact discs. If the volume label of the compact disc to which you are trying to connect is not listed, the disc has probably been removed from the InfoServer drive. 2 If the compact disc has been removed, reinsert it into a free InfoServer drive. Then enter the SHOW DEVICE command again and check to see if the volume label of the compact disc is listed. 3 When the volume label appears, you should be able to connect to the compact disc from your client system. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system, client system, or both are physically disconnected from the local area network (LAN); or, they are attached to different networks. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the client and server are on the same LAN. From the client system, enter the command to invoke the MOP LOOP function. For example, on an MS-DOS system with the DECnet software installed: A:\> NCP LOOP CIRCUIT PHYSICAL-ADDRESS 08-00-2B-15-00-9F LOOP CIRCUIT test started at 15-Oct-1994 11:49:17 Sending loop message 1, 46. Message echoed by remote circuit loopback 1, 46 bytes. 5-2 Troubleshooting 5.1 Client System Cannot Connect to InfoServer Device LOOP CIRCUIT test finished successfully at 15-Oct-1994 11:50:00 A:\> 2 If the MOP LOOP function fails, the client and InfoServer systems are unable to communicate. One or both systems are probably not attached corretly to the same LAN. 3 Some client systems can also provide the ability to list servers on the LAN. For example, on an OpenVMS system you can enter the following command: $ MCR ESS$LASTCP %LASTCP-I-VERSION, LASTDRIVER X1.5 is running LASTCP> SHOW SERVERS Node Node Physical Active Start Name Id Address Links Time LAZARUS 08002B157FA6-97A0 AA-00-04-00-A0-0C 0 - If the InfoServer system to which you are trying to connect is not listed, the client system and InfoServer system are probably not connected to the same LAN. 4 If this is the problem, connect the client and InfoServer system to the same LAN. Inspect the Ethernet connections for both systems to make sure the systems are properly connected. Possible Problem: There is a filtering device between your InfoServer system and client system that does not allow the LASTport protocol or multicast address through. Corrective Steps: 1 The steps to correct this problem depend on the filtering device that is between the client and the InfoServer system. For example, the filtering device might be an Ethernet bridge. 2 Enter the appropriate management commands to the filtering device to determine whether the LASTport protocol type is being filtered. The protocol type 80- 41 must be allowed across the device for clients and InfoServer systems to communicate. 5-3 Troubleshooting 5.1 Client System Cannot Connect to InfoServer Device 3 Enter the appropriate management commands to the filtering device to determine whether the LASTport multicast address is being filtered. The multicast address must be allowed across the filtering device for clients and InfoServer systems to communicate. The address is 09-00-2B-04-nn-nn, where nn-nn is the hexadecimal value of the LASTport group that has been set for the server). 4 If either the protocol type or multicast address are being filtered, enter the appropriate management commands to the filtering device to allow the LASTport protocol type and multicast address to pass unfiltered. This action should allow client systems to connect to the InfoServer system. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system has run out of local memory resources to complete new connections to devices. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the InfoServer system has run out of memory. Log in to either the local or remote LAT terminal server management console, and then enter the SHOW SERVER command. If the % of Pool Free value is below 5 percent, the server might not have enough memory to establish new connections. 2 If the server does not have enough memory, the corrective action depends on how the InfoServer system is using memory. If the InfoServer system is offering many unused services to the LAN, you might have to delete some services. 3 If the server is performing many concurrent downline loads, it might not be able to accept new connections. You can disable the maintenance operation protocol (MOP) downline load function with the command SET SERVER MOP DISABLED. 4 The LAT Responder function might be enabled in a large network. You can disable this function. 5-4 Troubleshooting 5.1 Client System Cannot Connect to InfoServer Device Possible Problem: The requested service name for the virtual device has not been served on the InfoServer system. Corrective Steps: 1 Enter the SHOW SERVER command to verify that the server state is on. If the state is not on, enter the command SET SERVER STATE ON followed by the SAVE command. 2 Determine whether the InfoServer system is serving the requested service name. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW SERVICE * command. If the service name being requested is not listed, the InfoServer system is not offering the requested service. 3 If the InfoServer system is not offering the requested service, enter the InfoServer CREATE SERVICE command to make the device or partition to which you want to connect available under the proper service name. See the description of the SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP command in Chapter 3. 4 You might want to save the created service with the SAVE command, so the service is always available whenever the InfoServer system reboots. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system and client system belong to different LASTport groups. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the InfoServer system and client system belong to different LASTport groups. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW SERVER command. Check the Current LASTport Group field for the group to which the InfoServer system belongs. 2 Enter the appropriate command on the client system to determine the group to which the client system belongs. For example, on OpenVMS systems: 5-5 Troubleshooting 5.1 Client System Cannot Connect to InfoServer Device $ MCR ESS$LASTCP LASTCP> SHOW STATUS Status of LASTDRIVER X1.5 on node DOUG at 15-Oct-1994 12:16:41 Protocol version 3.1, Uptime: 5 04:09:48.03, Checksum Off, Slow mode Off 25306 Bytes pool 8 Ethernet buffers 0 I/O request packets 0 Association control blocks 0 Local session control blocks 0 LSC In-Use blocks 0 Transaction control blocks 2 Circuit status blocks 44 Node data blocks 5 Transmit quota 80 Maximum circuits 0 LAN group code 0 Server circuit timeout In this example, the LAN group code field lists the group of the client system as 0. 3 Enter the appropriate InfoServer or client system command to put both systems into the same LASTport Group. See the SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP command in Chapter 3. Possible Problem: The requested service name is protected by a password on the InfoServer system, and the client system has not supplied the correct password. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the InfoServer service has a password. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW SERVICE service_name command, where service_name is the name of the service to which you are trying to connect. Check the Password field to see if password protection is enabled or disabled. 5-6 Troubleshooting 5.1 Client System Cannot Connect to InfoServer Device 2 If the service has password protection, then either disable the password by using the SET SERVER command (Chapter 3) or specify the correct password on the client system. Try to make the connection again. Possible Problem: There is a read/write conflict in accessing the requested virtual disk. If there is a write-access session to a virtual disk, the InfoServer system does not allow new read sessions and read/write sessions. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether there is read/write conflict accessing the virtual disk. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW DEVICE DKn: command, where DKn: is the device to which you are trying to connect. This display lists all services offered for that device. 2 For each service name being offered for the device, enter the SHOW SERVICE service_name FULL command. This display lists the number of readers and writers connected to each system. See Section 2.10 for the different read/write policies used by the InfoServer system. 3 If there is a read/write conflict to the service, you can do one of the following: o Wait until the conflicting connection is discon- nected by the other client system. o Delete write access to the conflicting service from the InfoServer management console. o Delete the conflicting service from the InfoServer system. Then try to connect to the InfoServer service again. Possible Problem: The service name for the virtual device that you are trying to access is in the wrong or different namespace. 5-7 Troubleshooting 5.1 Client System Cannot Connect to InfoServer Device Corrective Steps: 1 Determine the service class under which the service you are requesting is being offered. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW SERVICE service_name command. The variable service_name is the name of the service to which you are trying to connect. The display lists the service class in brackets ( [] ) after the service name. 2 If the service is not offered under the service class for the client system from which you are trying to connect, create the same service name under the appropriate namespace. See the SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP command in Chapter 3. Possible Problem: The service name being requested by the client is offered on more than one InfoServer system. The client is selecting a service name different from the one intended, and the other InfoServer system is not set up correctly to allow client access. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the service is offered by more than one InfoServer system. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the MONITOR SHOW ETHERNET command. Watch the Messages transmitted field under the LASTport counters section, while trying to connect from the client system again. If this counter does not increment during the client access attempt, another InfoServer system might be replying to the request. 2 If another InfoServer system offers the same service name, use the InfoServer CREATE SERVICE command to create a unique service name for the virtual disk or partition to which you are trying to connect. Then try to connect from the client system again, using the new service name. Possible Problem: Disk functions (InfoServer VXT only) or tape functions are not enabled. 5-8 Troubleshooting 5.1 Client System Cannot Connect to InfoServer Device Corrective Steps: 1 Insert the appropriate Function compact disc in an available drive. 2 Enter the InfoServer command UPDATE FUNCTIONS. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system has encountered an internal software logic or hardware error, preventing access to its devices. Corrective Steps: 1 If none of the other corrective actions solve this problem, there might be a software logic or SCSI hardware problem. 2 If you have access to the InfoServer hardware unit, examine the eight diagnostic light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the back of the InfoServer 100 or 150 unit. If the software is running properly, these LEDs should turn on in a rotating pattern from right to left. If the LEDs do not display the rotating pattern, the system is hung. (On the InfoServer 1000 unit, examine the System OK LED on the front of the unit. This LED flashes if the system is running properly.) To clear the condition, turn the InfoServer system off and on, and then reboot the software. 3 If you cannot recover from the problem, reboot the InfoServer system. Then try to make the connection again. 4 If you still cannot access the device, enter console mode, as described in the installation and owner's guide for your system and enter the following command at the console prompt (>>>): >>> UNJAM 5 Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR), describing in as much detail as possible the problem you experienced, the corrective actions you tried, and the results. Also provide as much information about the client systems as possible. 5-9 Troubleshooting 5.2 Access to InfoServer Devices Seems Slow 5.2 Access to InfoServer Devices Seems Slow Under normal operating conditions, access times for a virtual device on the InfoServer system should be comparable to access times for a locally attached device. In many cases, access to a compact disc on the InfoServer system can appear substantially faster than access to a locally attached compact disc, because of the server's caching policies. If access to virtual devices on the InfoServer system appears unusually slow, a problem might exist in your LAN. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system is experiencing "system buffer unavailable" errors. If the LAN load imposed on the system is too great, the client systems and InfoServer system intentionally decrease their LAN message rates to try to resolve the LAN's network-load problem. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the InfoServer system is experiencing "system buffer unavailable" errors. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW ETHERNET command. Check the System Buffer Unavailable counter for a nonzero value. If this counter is not 0 or is incrementing, the LAN load might be too high for the InfoServer system. 2 If the System Buffer Unavailable counter is increment- ing, and you are not performing downline loading from the InfoServer system, you might want to enter the SET SERVER MOP DISABLED command. If MOP is enabled, a multicast address is enabled that causes the system to receive messages from the DECnet network that are not intended for the InfoServer system. This event is shown by the Unrecognized Destination field of the SHOW ETHERNET display. Disabling MOP disables this multicast filter on the InfoServer system and reduces the number of unintended messages received by the system. This action might correct the "system buffer unavailable" problem and speed up access to InfoServer devices. 5-10 Troubleshooting 5.2 Access to InfoServer Devices Seems Slow Possible Problem: The InfoServer system has just rebooted or has had the physical media removed and reinserted. In these cases, the client system might take several seconds to discover the broken connection and reestablish the connection to the InfoServer system. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the Server has recently rebooted. Enter the SHOW SERVER command, and inspect the Uptime field. The uptime indicates how much time has elapsed since the last reboot. 2 If the server has recently rebooted or the media has been removed and reinserted, you do not have to perform any corrective action After the client reconnects to the InfoServer system, the access-delay problem should disappear. 5.3 Cannot Enter InfoServer Commands from a Local Console The InfoServer management interface is always available from a local terminal connected to a running InfoServer system. This section describes some possible problems and corrective steps if you are unable to enter InfoServer commands from a locally attached terminal. Possible Problem: The local terminal is not connected to the communication serial port on the InfoServer 1000 system or is connected to the wrong serial port on the InfoServer 100 or 150 system. Corrective Steps: 1 Make sure that the terminal is connected to the serial port on the InfoServer 1000 unit or to serial port MMJ 1 on the back of the InfoServer 100 or 150 unit. 2 If the terminal is not connected or is connected to the wrong serial port, connect the terminal correctly. Possible Problem: The local terminal is not set up correctly to communicate with the InfoServer system. 5-11 Troubleshooting 5.3 Cannot Enter InfoServer Commands from a Local Console Corrective Steps: 1 Check the attached terminal, and make sure that it is set for: o 9600 baud o 8 bits, no parity o XON/XOFF flow control 2 If the terminal settings are incorrect, fix them. Then try entering your InfoServer commands again. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system had an internal software logic error, preventing access from the terminal console line. Corrective Steps: 1 If none of the other corrective actions solve this problem, you might have a software logic problem. 2 If you have access to the InfoServer hardware unit, examine the eight diagnostic LEDs on the back of the InfoServer 100 or 150 unit. If the software is running properly, these LEDs should turn on in a rotating pattern from right to left. If the LEDs do not display the rotating pattern, the system is hung. (On the InfoServer 1000 unit, examine the System OK LED on the front of the unit. This LED flashes if the system is running properly.) Turn the InfoServer system off and on to clear the condition, and then reboot the software. 3 If you cannot recover from the problem, reboot the InfoServer system. Then try entering your InfoServer commands again. 4 Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR), describing in as much detail as possible the problem you experienced, the corrective actions you attempted, and the results. Also provide known information about the attached terminal and its setup. 5-12 Troubleshooting 5.4 Cannot Enter InfoServer Commands from a Remote Console 5.4 Cannot Enter InfoServer Commands from a Remote Console The InfoServer system uses the LAT protocol to allow remote terminal access to the InfoServer command set. This remote access is always available when the InfoServer system is running. This section describes the possible problems and corrective steps to take if you are unable to enter InfoServer commands from a remote LAT terminal server terminal. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system, terminal server, or both are physically disconnected from the LAN; or, they are attached to different networks. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the InfoServer system and terminal server are on the same LAN. From the terminal server, enter the command to invoke the MOP LOOP function. For example, on a DECserver 200: Local> TEST LOOP 08-00-2B-15-00-9F 2 If the MOP LOOP function fails, the terminal server and InfoServer system cannot communicate. One or both systems are probably not attached to the same LAN correctly. 3 If this is the problem, connect the terminal server and the InfoServer system to the same LAN. Inspect the Ethernet connections for both systems. Possible Problem: There is a filtering device between your InfoServer system and the terminal server that does not allow the LAT protocol or multicast address through. Corrective Steps: 1 The steps to correct this problem depend on the filtering device between the terminal server and the InfoServer system. For example, the filtering device might be an Ethernet bridge. 5-13 Troubleshooting 5.4 Cannot Enter InfoServer Commands from a Remote Console 2 Enter the appropriate management commands to the filtering device to determine whether the LAT protocol type is being filtered. The protocol type 60-04 must be allowed across the device for terminal servers and InfoServer systems to communicate. 3 Enter the appropriate management commands to the filtering device to determine whether the LAT terminal server multicast address is being filtered. The multicast address 09-00-2B-00-00-0F must be allowed across the filtering device for the clients and InfoServer systems to communicate. 4 If either the protocol type or multicast address are being filtered, enter the appropriate management commands to the filtering device to allow the LAT protocol type and multicast address to pass unfiltered. This should allow the terminal server to connect to the InfoServer system. Possible Problem: The password for the InfoServer system to which you are trying to connect has been changed. Corrective Steps: 1 If the InfoServer system has password protection enabled, the terminal server prompts you for a password to connect to the system. If the system does not accept the password you enter, the InfoServer password might have been changed. 2 If you are unable to determine the new InfoServer password, you can reset the InfoServer password to a known password by following the steps in Section 5.9. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system has run out of local memory resources to complete new connections to the management interface. 5-14 Troubleshooting 5.4 Cannot Enter InfoServer Commands from a Remote Console Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the system has run out of memory. Connect to the local console and enter the SHOW SERVER command. If the percentage displayed in the % of Pool Free field falls below 5 percent, the server might not have enough memory to establish new LAT terminal server connections. 2 If the server does not have enough memory, the corrective action depends on how the InfoServer system is using memory. o If the system is offering many unused services to the LAN, then you might have to delete some services. o If the server is performing many concurrent downline loads, it might not be able to accept new connections. You can disable the MOP downline load function by using the SET SERVER MOP DISABLED command. o If there are more than 100 connections to virtual devices, the capacity of the InfoServer system might be exceeded. The Current Sessions field of the SHOW SERVER command lists the number of connections. If this is the problem, you must distribute your LAN connections among other available InfoServer systems on the LAN. One way to do this is to put different InfoServer systems and clients into different LASTport groups. See the SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP command (Chapter 3) and the appropriate client system documentation for the client syntax for changing LASTport groups. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system and terminal server do not share a common group code. 5-15 Troubleshooting 5.4 Cannot Enter InfoServer Commands from a Remote Console Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the InfoServer system and terminal server share common group codes. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW LAT COUNTERS command. The Enabled Group Codes field lists the LAT group codes offered by the InfoServer system. 2 Enter the appropriate command on the terminal server to determine the group codes to which your console has access. For example, on a DECserver 200: Local> SHOW PORT Port 5: Server: LAT_08002B13EDAF Character Size: 8 Input Speed: 4800 Flow Control: XON Output Speed: 4800 Parity: None Modem Control: Disabled Access: Local Local Switch: None Backwards Switch: None Name: PORT_5 Break: Local Session Limit: 4 Forwards Switch: None Type: Soft Preferred Service: None Authorized Groups: 0 (Current) Groups: 0 Enabled Characteristics: Autobaud, Autoprompt, Broadcast, Input Flow Control, Loss Notification, Message Codes, Output Flow Control, Verification In this example, the Current Groups field of the display lists the group codes to which the terminal server port can connect. 3 Enter the appropriate InfoServer or terminal server commands to enable a common group code for the terminal server port and the InfoServer service. See the SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP command (Chapter 3). Possible Problem: The terminal server being used does not offer access to password-protected LAT terminal server services. 5-16 Troubleshooting 5.4 Cannot Enter InfoServer Commands from a Remote Console Corrective Steps: 1 If the terminal server issues an Invalid Password error message without first prompting you for a password, the terminal server might not support connections to password-protected services. 2 Check your terminal server documentation to determine whether connections to password-protected services are allowed. 3 If connections to password-protected services are not supported, you cannot use that type of terminal server to connect to the remote console. The service to the InfoServer remote management console is always password protected. Try using another type of terminal server to make the connection. Possible Problem: There is more than one InfoServer system with the same server name on the extended LAN. You are connecting to the incorrect InfoServer system, which does not accept your password. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether there is more than one InfoServer system with the same server name on the extended LAN. Most terminal servers keep a count of duplicate names detected on the LAN. For example, you can enter the following command on a DECserver 200 to check an InfoServer system named LIBRARY_IS: Local> SHOW NODE LIBRARY_IS COUNTERS Node: LIBRARY_IS Seconds Since Zeroed: 451828 Multiple Node Addresses: 253 Messages Received: 316 Duplicates Received: 0 Messages Transmitted: 222 Messages Re-transmitted: 0 Slots Received: 177 Illegal Messages Received: 0 Slots Transmitted: 159 Illegal Slots Received: 0 Bytes Received: 7315 Solicitations Accepted: 0 Bytes Transmitted: 208 Solicitations Rejected: 0 5-17 Troubleshooting 5.4 Cannot Enter InfoServer Commands from a Remote Console If the Multiple Node Addresses field is not 0, there is more than one InfoServer system with the name LIBRARY_ IS. 2 If there is more than one system with the same name, connect a local terminal to one of the InfoServer systems and change its name to a unique name. See the SET SERVER NAME command (Chapter 3). Possible Problem: The InfoServer system had an internal software logic error, preventing access to its remote management interface. Corrective Steps: 1 If none of the other corrective actions solve this problem, you might have a software logic problem. 2 If you have access to the InfoServer hardware unit, examine the eight diagnostic LEDs on the back of the InfoServer 100 or 150 unit. If the software is running properly, these LEDs should turn on in a rotating pattern from right to left. If the LEDs do not display the rotating pattern, the system is hung. (On the InfoServer 1000 unit, examine the System OK LED on the front of the unit. This LED flashes if the system is running properly.) To clear the condition, turn the InfoServer system off and on. Then reboot the software. 3 If you cannot recover from the problem, reboot the InfoServer system. Then try entering your InfoServer commands again. 4 Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR), describing in as much detail as possible the problem you experienced, the corrective actions you attempted, and the results. Also provide any known information about the remote terminal server and its setup. 5-18 Troubleshooting 5.5 InfoServer Software Does Not Boot 5.5 InfoServer Software Does Not Boot Normally the InfoServer system boots from its internal read/write device. Booting from the internal device rather than from a compact disc allows you to use any compact discs in any InfoServer drive. If the internal device becomes corrupted or the default boot configuration is altered, the InfoServer system might not boot correctly. This section describes how to recover when the InfoServer software does not boot. Possible Problem: The boot flags saved for the InfoServer system have been altered. Corrective Steps: 1 Enter console mode, as described in the installation and owner's guide for your system. 2 At the console prompt (>>>), enter the following command: >>> SHOW BOOT On InfoServer 100 and 150 systems, the BOOT parameter must be set to DKA200,DKA100. If the SHOW BOOT command displays a different setting, enter the following command: >>> SET BOOT DKA200,DKA100 On InfoServer 1000 systems, the BOOT parameter must be set to FLASH. If the SHOW BOOT command displays a different setting, enter the following command: >>> SET BOOT FLASH 3 Enter the following command: >>> SHOW BFLG To boot with normal defaults, the BFLG parameter must be set to the hexadecimal value D0000000. If the SHOW BFLG command displays a different setting, enter the following command: >>> SET BFLG D0000000 5-19 Troubleshooting 5.5 InfoServer Software Does Not Boot 4 Enter the following command: >>> SHOW HALT The HALT parameter must be set to 2. If the SHOW HALT command displays a different setting, enter the following command: >>> SET HALT 2 5 When all booting parameters are set correctly, try to boot the InfoServer software: >>> B In some circumstances, you might want to set boot flags to values other than the normal defaults-for example, to specify a secondary bootstrap file. Table 5-1 lists InfoServer boot flags and describes their functions. Note that each byte maps to one hexadecimal digit. To prompt for the name of a secondary bootstrap file (bit 8 set), you would enter the following command: >>> B/D0000080 To restore default settings (bit 1 set), you would enter the following command: >>> B/D0000001 5-20 Troubleshooting 5.5 InfoServer Software Does Not Boot Table_5-1_InfoServer_Boot_Flag_Bits_______________________ Bit_____Function_When_Set_________________________________ 0 Boot with default settings. 1 Enable pool poisoning. 2 Take initial breakpoint. <7:3> Not used with InfoServer systems. 8 Prompt for the name of a secondary bootstrap file. <20:9> Not used with InfoServer systems. 21 Disable verification of InfoServer-formatted disks on boot. <27:22> Not used with InfoServer systems. <31:28> Specifies the top level directory number for system disks with multiple systems (must be ________hexadecimal_D_for_InfoServer_systems).____________ Possible Problem: The system software is corrupted on the internal read /write disk (InfoServer 100 and 150 only). This problem could be caused by clients on the LAN accessing the device accidentally, or by a device failure. Corrective Steps: 1 Boot the software from the InfoServer compact disc instead of from the internal read/write device. Insert the compact disc supplied with the InfoServer unit into a compact disc drive. Enter the REBOOT command or turn the unit off and on to reboot the unit. 2 After booting from the compact disc, enter the following InfoServer command: InfoServer> SHOW PARTITION DK1: 3 If the SHOW PARTITION command succeeds, but the special partition named BOOT_PARTITION does not appear, only the system software has been lost. To recover, enter the following InfoServer command: InfoServer> UPDATE SYSTEM DK2: DK1: 5-21 Troubleshooting 5.5 InfoServer Software Does Not Boot 4 If an error occurs on the SHOW PARTITION command, the format of the internal disk has been lost. In this case, you must initialize the disk before the system software is copied, as in the following example: InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE OFF InfoServer> INITIALIZE DK1: InfoServer> UPDATE SYSTEM DK2: DK1: InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE ON Possible Problem: An unsupported device is preventing the software from completing device initialization. Corrective Step Remove any unsupported devices. Possible Problem: A hardware failure occurred on the InfoServer system. Corrective Steps: 1 If none of the other corrective steps in this section solve the problem, then your InfoServer system might have a hardware failure. 2 Call your Digital service representative for assistance in repairing or replacing the InfoServer unit. 5.6 Online Help No Longer Available If the internal read/write device is partially corrupted, online help might no longer be available. To reinstall online help, follow these steps: 1 Connect to either the local or remote management console on the InfoServer system. 2 Insert the compact disc supplied with the InfoServer unit into a compact disc drive, for example, DK2. If a disc is already installed in the drive, remove that disc and reinstall it at the end of this procedure. 5-22 Troubleshooting 5.6 Online Help No Longer Available 3 If the InfoServer compact disc is in DK2, enter the following command to update the system software on InfoServer 100 or 150 systems: InfoServer> UPDATE SYSTEM DK2: DK1: For InfoServer 1000 systems, enter the following command: InfoServer> UPDATE SYSTEM DK2: FLASH 4 If you removed another compact disc to insert the InfoServer compact disc, reinstall that disc now. 5.7 InfoServer System Does Not Boot Completely If the InfoServer system starts to boot but does not display the Password: prompt, the internal read/write device might be corrupted. This section lists the steps you can take to correct this problem. Possible Problem: The configuration partition used to store InfoServer pa- rameters, services, and other operational characteristics on the internal InfoServer 100 or 150 read/write disk might be corrupted. Corrective Steps: 1 Connect a local terminal to serial port MMJ 1 on the rear of the InfoServer unit. Make sure the terminal is set to 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity. You must use a local terminal; remote LAT terminal server terminals do not work with this procedure. 2 Press the halt switch on the rear of the InfoServer unit. The console prompt (>>>) should appear. 3 At the prompt, enter the following command: >>> B/D0000001 This command causes the InfoServer software to boot without reading the configuration database from the read/write disk. Therefore, all system defaults are in effect for this boot. 4 At the Enter Password: prompt, enter the default password ESS. 5-23 Troubleshooting 5.7 InfoServer System Does Not Boot Completely 5 Reenter the characteristics that you want to save for the InfoServer system, then enter the SAVE command. This should correct the corruption of the configuration partition. Possible Problem: The InfoServer operational software section of the internal read/write disk on an InfoServer 100 or 150 system disk might be partially corrupted. Corrective Steps: 1 Boot the software from the InfoServer compact disc instead of from the read/write disk. Insert the compact disc supplied with the InfoServer unit into the compact disc drive on the right side of the InfoServer unit's front panel. Turn the InfoServer system off and on to reboot the unit. 2 After booting from the compact disc, enter the following InfoServer command: InfoServer> SHOW PARTITION DK1: 3 If the SHOW PARTITION command succeeds, but the special partition named BOOT_PARTITION does not appear, only the system software has been lost. To recover, enter the following InfoServer command: InfoServer> UPDATE SYSTEM DK2: DK1: 4 If an error occurs on the SHOW PARTITION command, the format of the disk has been lost. In this case, you must initialize the disk before the system software is copied, as in the following example: InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE OFF InfoServer> INITIALIZE DK1: InfoServer> UPDATE SYSTEM DK2: DK1: InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE ON Possible Problem: The InfoServer operational software section of FLASH ROM on an InfoServer 1000 might be partially corrupted. 5-24 Troubleshooting 5.7 InfoServer System Does Not Boot Completely Corrective Steps: 1 You must have a compact disc drive available, either locally attached or accessible on a system that can MOP downline load your unit. If you have a locally attached drive, insert the InfoServer compact disc into the drive and enter a command in the following format, where n is the number of the drive holding the disc: InfoServer> UPDATE SYSTEM DKn: FLASH If the compact drive is located on a remote system, you can MOP downline load the system software as described in Chapter 4. 2 If console code is still valid but system software is corrupt, insert the InfoServer kernel compact disc in a drive and enter the commands shown: >>> B/100 DNnnn: Bootfile: [SYSD.SYSEXE]LOCSUPDATE.EXE Possible Problem: A hardware failure occurred on the InfoServer system. Corrective Steps: 1 If none of the other corrective steps in this section solve the problem, then your InfoServer system might have a hardware failure. 2 Call your Digital service representative for assistance in repairing or replacing the InfoServer unit. 5.8 InfoServer System Does Not Downline Load Clients The InfoServer system can automatically downline load client systems that request a specific load image by file name or Ethernet address. If the InfoServer manager has created the proper MOP partition on the InfoServer system, downline loading should work. This section describes the possible problems and corrective steps to take if you are unable to downline load a system from an InfoServer system. 5-25 Troubleshooting 5.8 InfoServer System Does Not Downline Load Clients Possible Problem: The MOP downline loading feature is disabled on the InfoServer system. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether MOP downline loading is disabled on the InfoServer system. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW MOP command. If downline loading is disabled, asterisks (*) appear at the bottom of the display. 2 If MOP downline loading is disabled, enter the SET SERVER MOP ENABLED command to reenable downline loading. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system, the system requesting a downline load, or both are physically disconnected from the LAN; or, they are attached to different networks. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the InfoServer system and the client system requesting a downline load are on the same LAN. Most client systems cannot perform a MOP LOOP test before they are downline loaded. You must to monitor the InfoServer counters to determine whether the InfoServer system and client system are connected. 2 Connect to either the local or remote management console. Then enter the following commands: InfoServer> ZERO MOP InfoServer> MONITOR SHOW MOP Try to downline load from the remote system again. If the remote system still fails to load and none of the MOP counters in the SHOW MOP display increment, the InfoServer system and remote system requesting a downline load are probably not connected to the same LAN. 3 If this is the problem, connect the requesting system and InfoServer system to the same LAN. Inspect the Ethernet connections for both systems. 5-26 Troubleshooting 5.8 InfoServer System Does Not Downline Load Clients Possible Problem: There is a filtering device between your InfoServer system and client system that does not allow the MOP protocol or multicast address through. Corrective Steps: 1 The steps to correct this problem depend on the filtering device between the client and the InfoServer system. For example, the filtering device might be an Ethernet bridge. 2 Enter the appropriate management commands to the filtering device to determine whether the MOP-loading protocol type is being filtered. The protocol type 60- 01 must be allowed across the device for requesting systems and InfoServer system to communicate. 3 Enter the appropriate management commands to the filtering device to determine whether the MOP-loading multicast address is being filtered. The multicast address AB-00-00-02-00-00 must be allowed across the filtering device for the requesting system and InfoServer system to communicate. 4 If either the protocol type or multicast address are being filtered, enter the appropriate management commands to the filtering device to allow the MOP- loading protocol type and multicast address to pass unfiltered. This should allow the requesting system to downline load from the InfoServer system. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system has run out of local memory resources to complete new downline load requests. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the InfoServer system has run out of memory. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW SERVER command. If the percentage displayed in the % of Pool Free field falls below 5 percent, the server might not have enough memory to handle new downline load requests. 5-27 Troubleshooting 5.8 InfoServer System Does Not Downline Load Clients 2 If the server does not have enough memory, the corrective action depends on how the InfoServer system is using memory. o If the InfoServer system is offering many unused services to the LAN, then you might have to delete some services. o If there are more than 100 connections to virtual devices, the capacity of the InfoServer system might be exceeded. The Current Sessions field of the SHOW SERVER command lists the number of connections. If this is the problem, you need to distribute your LAN connections among other available InfoServer systems on the LAN. One way to do this is to put different InfoServer systems and clients into different LASTport groups. See the SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP command (Chapter 3) and the appropriate client system documentation for the client syntax for changing LASTport groups. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system is currently processing the maximum number of downline load requests that it can handle. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the maximum number of downline load requests has been exceeded. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW MOP command. If the Load failed, server limit counter is not 0, the InfoServer system was handling its limit of downline load requests at some point. 2 Wait until the InfoServer system completes some of the current downline loads and the Loads in progress count gets smaller. Then try the downline load operation from the requesting system again. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system does not contain the downline loadable image requested. 5-28 Troubleshooting 5.8 InfoServer System Does Not Downline Load Clients Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the InfoServer system has the requested downline loadable image installed. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW MOP command. If the Load error, file not found counter increments each time the requesting system attempts a downline load, the InfoServer system does not have the image requested. 2 See Section 4.9 for information on installing MOP downline loadable images. 3 Use the appropriate commands to install the desired downline loadable image. Then try the downline load operation again. Possible Problem: The InfoServer partition that contains the requested downline loadable image is not set up as a MOP partition. Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the InfoServer partition is a MOP partition. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW MOP command. Check if the Load failed, partition type count is a value other than 0. If this counter increments each time the remote system tries to downline load, the partition containing the load image is not set up properly. 2 Enter the SHOW PARTITION DKn:image_name command. DKn: is the device holding the image partition, and image_name is the name of the requested image. If the partition is listed without a MOP flag after the size field, the image is not set up to be downline loaded. 3 Use the SET PARTITION command to enable the partition to be downline loaded. Possible Problem: The downline loadable image in the requested MOP partition was not copied to the server correctly, so the image has an invalid or unrecognized format. Or the image is too large to downline load in the requested manner. 5-29 Troubleshooting 5.8 InfoServer System Does Not Downline Load Clients Corrective Steps: 1 Determine whether the InfoServer system has a bad load image that it cannot load. Connect to either the local or remote management console, and then enter the SHOW MOP command. Check the following error counters for values other than 0: o Load failed, not contiguous o Load failed, read error o Load failed, protocol error o Load failed, file too big o Load failed, bad file type If any of these counters increment each time the remote system tries to downline load, the load image is not installed correctly on the InfoServer system. 2 See Section 4.9 for information on installing MOP downline loadable images. 3 Use the appropriate command or commands to install the desired downline loadable image, then try the downline load operation again. Possible Problem: The InfoServer system has an internal software logic error that is preventing access to its devices or preventing the server from responding to the load request. Corrective Steps: 1 If none of the other possible problems and solutions solve your problem, you might have a software logic problem. 2 If you have access to the InfoServer hardware unit, examine the eight diagnostic LEDs on the back of the InfoServer 100 or 150 unit. If the software is running properly, these LEDs should turn on in a rotating pattern from right to left. If the LEDs do not display the rotating pattern, the system is hung. (On the InfoServer 1000 unit, examine the System OK LED on the front of the unit. This LED flashes if the system is running properly.) 5-30 Troubleshooting 5.8 InfoServer System Does Not Downline Load Clients To clear the condition, turn the InfoServer system off and on. Then reboot the software. 3 If you cannot recover from the problem, reboot the InfoServer system. Then try the operation again. 4 Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR), describing in as much detail as possible the problem you experienced, the corrective actions you attempted, and the results. Also provide any known information about the requesting system and its setup. 5.9 InfoServer Password Forgotten The InfoServer system has the default password ESS, which you can change by entering the SET SERVER PASSWORD command. You must enter the correct password before you can start an InfoServer management session, either locally or remotely. If you forget your InfoServer password, you can reset the InfoServer system to its default configuration and password. Follow these steps: 1 Connect a local terminal to the MMJ 1 serial port on the rear of the InfoServer 100 or 150 system or to the serial port on the InfoServer 1000 system. Make sure the terminal is set to 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity. You must use a local terminal; remote LAT terminal server terminals do not work with this procedure. 2 Enter console mode as described in the installation and owner's guide for your InfoServer system. 3 At the console prompt (>>>), enter the following command: >>> B/D0000001 This command causes the InfoServer software to boot without reading the configuration database from the internal read/write device. Therefore, all system defaults are in effect for this boot. 4 At the Enter Password: prompt, enter the default password ESS. You now have access to InfoServer commands. 5-31 Troubleshooting 5.9 InfoServer Password Forgotten 5 After you log in, you can restore all of the previous system configuration by using the RESTORE command: InfoServer> RESTORE %ESS-I-RESTORE, Restoring Configuration from DK1: InfoServer> 6 Change the server password to a known value: InfoServer> SET SERVER PASSWORD _Password: NEW_PASSWORD (not echoed) _Verification: NEW_PASSWORD (not echoed) InfoServer> 7 Save the current settings, including the new password, by entering the SAVE command: InfoServer> SAVE %ESS-I-SAVED, Save completed successfully to DK1: InfoServer> The system is now restored to its previously saved configuration. Your new password is also saved. 5-32 A ________________________________________________________________ Server Command Syntax Summary This appendix summarizes the command syntax for InfoServer management commands, which are described in detail in Chapter 3. BACKUP src_device[:] dest_device[:] BIND ODS-2-service-name [PASSWORD optional-password ] CLEAR COPY src_device[:partition] dest_device[:partition] CRASH [YES] { { BLOCKS } { } } {PARTITION DKn:partition { BYTES } n [ MOP ] { DISABLED } [ ERASE ] } { { } { ENABLED } } { { MEGABYTES } } { } { [ CLASS class-name ] } CREATE { [ ] } { [ DYNAMIC_RATING ] } { [ [NO]PASSWORD string ] } {SERVICE service-name [FOR device[:partition]] [ [NO]READERS number ] } { [ ] } { [ [NO]WRITERS number ] } { [ STATIC_RATING rating ] } { } A-1 Server Command Syntax Summary { PARTITION device:partition [ERASE] } DELETE { SERVICE service-name [FOR device[:partition]] [CLASS class-name] } { } { LAST } DISCONNECT { LAT } session-number { } { device[:partition] } { {FUNCTIONS } } ERASE { NVRAM { } } { {SERVICES } } { } EXIT [LOGOUT] HELP [topic] [subtopic...] INITIALIZE device[:] LOOP [server-command] MONITOR [server-command] PURGE VXT src_device[:] [dest_device[:] ] [ TIME minutes ] [ SPEED {1 | 2} ] RECORD src_device[:parition] dest_device[:] [ ISO | HSFS ] [ SIZE bytes ] [ ] [ TEST ] RESTORE [device[:] ] A-2 Server Command Syntax Summary RETRIEVE src_device[:] dest_device[:] REWIND device[:] SAVE [device[:] ] A-3 Server Command Syntax Summary { } { {ALL } {DISABLED } } { DEVICE { } AUTOMOUNT { } } { {device-list } {ENABLED } } { } { PARTITION device:partition MOP {DISABLED | ENABLED} } { [SERVER] AUTOMOUNT {DISABLED | ENABLED} } { } { [SERVER] CACHE BUCKETSIZE {8 | 16 | 32} } { [SERVER] CACHE SIZE size } { [SERVER] CRASHDUMP {DISABLED | ENABLED} [device[:] ] } { } { [SERVER] EXTENSION [LIMIT] value } { { } { } } { [SERVER] GROUP [CODES] {ALL } {DISABLED } } { {code-list } {ENABLED } } { } { [SERVER] IDENTIFICATION "string" } { [SERVER] LASTPORT [GROUP] value } { } { [SERVER] LAT_RESPONDER {DISABLED | ENABLED} } { [SERVER] MOP {DISABLED | ENABLED} } SET { [SERVER] MULTICAST [TIMER] value } { } { [SERVER] NAME server-name } { [ ] } { {NOPASSWORD } [{ NONPRIVILEGED } ] } { [SERVER] { } [{ } ] } { {PASSWORD string } [{ PRIVILEGED } ] } { } { [SERVER] PROMPT "string" } { } { [SERVER] REMOTE [DEVICE] device-list {DISABLED | ENABLED} } { [SERVER] STATE {OFF | ON | SHUT} } { [SERVER] WRITE [ACCESS] {BLOCKING | PRE-EMPTIVE} } { } { [DYNAMIC_RATING ] } { [[NO]PASSWORD string ] } { [ ] } { [[NO]READAHEAD ] } { SERVICE service-name [FOR] device[:partition] [CLASS class-name] [ [NO]READBEHIND ] } { [[NO]READERS number ] } { [ ] } { [[NO]WRITERS number ] } { [STATIC_RATING rating ] } { } A-4 Server Command Syntax Summary { [ DK[n[:] ] ] { BRIEF } } {DEVICE [ ] { } } { [ TP[n[:] ] ] { FULL } } { } {ETHERNET [COUNTERS] } {FUNCTIONS } {LAST [SESSIONS] [CLASS class-name] } { } { { COUNTERS } } {LAT { } } { { SESSIONS } } { } {MOP [COUNTERS] } { { device[:partition] } } { { } } SHOW {PARTITIONS { [BRIEF ] } } { { [ ] } } { { [FULL ] } } { } { } { { CHARACTERISTICS } } {SERVER { COUNTERS } } { { } } { { STATISTICS } } { } { [ ] } { [ [BRIEF ] ] } {SERVICE [ service-name [FULL ] [CLASS class-name] ] } { [ [ ] ] } { } {TAPE [COUNTERS] } UNBIND [VDK1[:] ] UNLOAD device[:] {FUNCTIONS } UPDATE {SYSTEM } src_device[:] [dest_device[:] ] {VXT } { } {NOREPAIR } VERIFY device[:] {REPAIR } { } A-5 Server Command Syntax Summary { ALL } { ETHERNET } { LAT } ZERO { } [COUNTERS] { MOP } { SERVER } { TAPE } { } A-6 B ________________________________________________________________ Server Messages This appendix lists user messages that the InfoServer system displays. The appendix also provides corrective steps for error and warning messages. The InfoServer system displays three types of messages to the user: error messages, informational messages, and warning messages. You can identify each type of message by using its one-letter prefix. Following the prefix is a reason code and a simple text message explaining the error. Informational message: %ESS-I-reason, text Error message: %ESS-E-reason, text Warning message: %ESS-W-reason, text Informational messages are positive feedback indicating that the attempted operation succeeded. These messages also tell you about results that might not be obvious from the command. Error messages indicate that a command failed to execute properly. The message should help you identify and correct the problem. Consult the other chapters in this manual if necessary. Warning messages indicate that a server restriction prevented a command from executing. B-1 Server Messages B.1 Informational Messages B.1 Informational Messages %ESS-I-CANTSHARE, Setting reader and writers to 1 for service Explanation: You attempted to set a tape service to have more than one reader or writer. The InfoServer is informing you that it set the readers and writers to the maximum value allowed (1) for you. %ESS-I-COPIED, Copy operation completed successfully. Explanation: A copy operation completed successfully. %ESS-I-CREATED, Create partition completed successfully. Explanation: A partition was created successfully. This can be the result of a COPY or CREATE PARTITION command. %ESS-I-CREATED, Create service completed successfully. Explanation: One or more services were created success- fully. %ESS-I-CREATEBOOT, Creating boot partition. Explanation: The system is creating a new boot partition when starting up. If the system finds that the first read /write device in the system is not an InfoServer device, the system initializes the device and creates a boot partition. %ESS-I-CREATEDBOOT, Boot partition created successfully. Explanation: The boot partition has been created. %ESS-I-DELETED, Delete partition completed successfully. Explanation: A partition was deleted successfully. %ESS-I-DELETED, Delete service completed successfully. Explanation: One or more services were deleted success- fully. %ESS-I-INIT, Initialize completed successfully on DKn: Explanation: A device was initialized successfully. B-2 Server Messages B.1 Informational Messages %ESS-I-INITSERVER, Reading Server Database from DKn: Explanation: When the server started up, it found a configuration partition on device DKn: and initialized the server from it. %ESS-I-RESTORED, Restore completed successfully from DKn: Explanation: A restore operation completed successfully. The message tells you from which device the configuration partition was read. %ESS-I-SAVED, Save operation completed successfully to DKn: Explanation: A save operation completed successfully. The message tells you to which device the configuration partition was written. %ESS-I-SET, Set operation completed successfully. Explanation: A SET command completed successfully. %ESS-I-TAPECLASS, Creating service under class TAPE Explanation: You attempted to create a service for a tape device under one of the disk service classes. The InfoServer is informing you that it changed the class to the correct one (TAPE) for you. %ESS-I-UPDATE, Update operation completed successfully. Explanation: An update command completed successfully. B.2 Error Messages %ESS-E-BADKEYWORD, Unrecognized keyword - xxx Explanation: You entered a keyword xxx that is not part of the InfoServer's command syntax. See Chapter 3 for the correct syntax. %ESS-E-BADFORMAT, Configuration database has been corrupted on DKn: Explanation: A configuration partition has been corrupted. Delete the partition named CONFIGURATION on the device. Use the COPY command to restore the configuration from another source, or reenter the configuration and enter a SAVE command. B-3 Server Messages B.2 Error Messages %ESS-E-BADSTRING, Error parsing quoted string Explanation: You entered a quoted string in the incorrect format. The SET SERVER IDENTIFICATION command takes a quoted string as a parameter. See Chapter 3 for more details. %ESS-E-BADUPDATEFILE, Update file is corrupt. Explanation: The update file on the update media is bad. Obtain another copy of the update compact disc. %ESS-E-BADVALUE, Value invalid or out of range - Explanation: You entered a value that is outside the valid range of the command parameter. %ESS-E-CONSOLEONLY, Command is legal only from the console terminal. Explanation: The command may not be executed from a LAT session. Retry the command with a terminal attached to the InfoServer 1000 serial port. %ESS-E-CREATEFAILED, Could not create service or partition, xxx Explanation: A CREATE command failed. Following this message is an error message giving the exact reason the command failed. For example, one reason might be that the device is full. %ESS-E-DEVICEFULL, Device is full. Partition was not created. Explanation: An InfoServer device is full. You can use the DELETE PARTITION command to recycle partitions that are no longer needed. %ESS-E-DEVNOTSUPPORTED, Specified device is not supported by this platform. Explanation: The FLASH device is supported only on the InfoServer 1000 system. %ESS-E-DUPLNAM, Service name already exists. Explanation: You tried to create a service name that already exists. For this error to occur, the duplicate service name must be for the same device (or device and partition), in the same service class. B-4 Server Messages B.2 Error Messages %ESS-E-DUPPARNAME, Partition name is already used. Explanation: You tried to create a partition on a device with the same name as an existing partition. Please select a different name for the new partition. %ESS-E-FAILEDBOOT, Boot partition failed to be created. Explanation: A boot partition (BOOT_PARTITION) failed to be created on a device during an UPDATE SYSTEM command. For example, the device could be full. %ESS-E-FILENOTFOUND, File not found, file_name Explanation: An update operation failed to locate the distribution files on the compact disc. Check that the correct compact disc is in the correct drive, then retry the operation. %ESS-E-INITFAILED, Failed to initialize device DKn: Explanation: The device cannot be initialized due to a hard failure such as a write error. Following this message is another message with more specific information on the reason for the failure. %ESS-E-INSUFFICIENTCACHE, Insufficient cache for update. Explanation: The system should have a minimum of 1 MB cache. Use the SET SERVER CACHE SIZE command to increase the cache size, reboot the InfoServer, and retry the command. %ESS-E-INVALIDPARM, Expecting ascii string Explanation: You did not enter a string for a parameter that requires a string. %ESS-E-INVALIDPARM, Expecting numerical value Explanation: You did not enter a number for a parameter that requires a numeric value. %ESS-E-NOHELPFILE, Failed to locate InfoServer help text. Explanation: The system cannot find the InfoServer's help file. To restore the help file, see Section 5.6. B-5 Server Messages B.2 Error Messages %ESS-E-NOHELPFOUND, Sorry, no documentation on xxx Explanation: No online help exists for the requested topic. Refer to this guide for help. %ESS-E-NOPOOL, Insufficient memory available for operation Explanation: The server's memory is exhausted. This may be a temporary condition that corrects itself, or the server may be overloaded. Try the operation again. If the failure occurs a second time, you can set the server to the off state, perform the operation, and set the server state back on. This should free up enough resources to complete any operation. %ESS-E-NOSUCHDEV, Device not found. Explanation: You tried to perform an operation on a device that is not present in the configuration. Use the SHOW DEVICE command to list all devices on the InfoServer. %ESS-E-NOSUCHSERVICE, Service not found, xxx Explanation: You tried to set or delete a service xxx that does not exist. The service being accessed may be in a different namespace, or you may have misspelled the name. %ESS-E-NOTESSODS, Device does not have InfoServer disk format. Explanation: You tried an operation that can only be performed on an InfoServer device. InfoServer devices are devices that have been initialized with the INITIALIZE command. %ESS-E-NOTOFF, Server must be in the OFF state to perform local disk operations. Explanation: The server state was on when you entered a COPY, INITIALIZATION, or UPDATE command. These commands require the server state to be off. %ESS-E-NOTRWDEV, Can not write to device. Explanation: A write operation was attempted to a compact disc. One example is the INITIALIZE command. B-6 Server Messages B.2 Error Messages %ESS-E-ODSVERSION, This InfoServer disk was created with newer software. Please use newer version. Explanation: An older version of the InfoServer software tries to read a disk that was formatted by a newer version of the software. Always use the newest version of the InfoServer software. %ESS-E-PARNOTFOUND, Partition not found. Explanation: You tried to reference a partition that does not exist. The SHOW PARTITIONS command lists all the partitions on a device. %ESS-E-PARPERM, This partition can not be deleted. Explanation: You tried to delete a partition that is managed by the server. For example, the BOOT_PARTITION is a partition that cannot be deleted. %ESS-E-PARMTOOLONG, Parameter supplied was too long. Explanation: You entered a command parameter string that is longer than the allowed length. %ESS-E- RESTOREFAILED, Could not restore configuration from DKn: Explanation: You tried to restore a configuration, and the operation failed. Following this message is another message giving the exact reason the command failed. For example, one failure might be that the configuration partition was not found. %ESS-E-SAVEDFAILED, Could not save configuration to DKn: Explanation: You tried to save the server's configuration to a device that is either not an InfoServer device or not a read/write device. Repeat the command to an InfoServer device. %ESS-E-SCSIREADERROR, Error Reading disk. Explanation: The server received an error reading data from a device. Try the operation again. If the error continues, call your field service representative. B-7 Server Messages B.2 Error Messages %ESS-E-SCSIWRITEERROR, Error writing disk. Explanation: The server received an error writing data to a device. Try the operation again. If the error continues, call your field service representative. %ESS-E-SIZEMISMATCH, Source and Destination sizes must be equal. Explanation: You tried to copy a device or partition to a destination device or partition with a different size. The source and destination device must be the same size. %ESS-E-UNKNOWNCOMMAND, Unrecognized command. Explanation: You entered a command that is not part of the InfoServer's command set. See Chapter 3 for the correct syntax. %ESS-E-VERIFYERR, Verification password failed to match new password. Explanation: You entered a verification password that does not match a new password. Please repeat the operation. %ESS-E-WRONGPASSWORD, Invalid password. Please try again. Explanation: You entered a password that does not match the current server's password. Enter the correct password, or see Section 5.9 if you cannot remember the password. %ESS-E-WRONGSTATE, Server state must be OFF to perform this operation. Explanation: You tried a COPY or UPDATE command with the server in the on state. The server state must be off for these commands, to preserve data integrity by limiting access to the server. This prevents remote disk operations from interfering with local disk operations. B.3 Warning Messages %ESS-W-BADFUNC, Bad function found, continuing with other functions... Explanation: A bad function was found on a Function compact disc, and was skipped over by the InfoServer. B-8 Server Messages B.3 Warning Messages %ESS-W-CANTSHARE, Tapes cannot be shared by more than 1 user concurrently Explanation: You attempted to set a tape service to have more than one reader or writer. Tape devices cannot be shared concurrently more more than one client at a time. %ESS-W-ENDOFTAPE, End of tape reached, copied data truncated Explanation: The data specified in the source of a COPY command would not fit on one tape. The InfoServer truncated the data that would not fit on the tape. %ESS-W-NOTINF, Device not InfoServer-formatted, omitted from operation Explanation: You specified a device in a list (for example, in the SET SERVER REMOTE DEVICE command) that does not have InfoServer format (for example, has not been formatted with the InfoServer INITIALIZE command). The InfoServer skips the device listed and continues to operate on the rest of the list. %ESS-W-NOTPRESENT, Device not present, omitted from operation Explanation: You specified a device in a list (for example, in the SET SERVER REMOTE DEVICE command) that does not exist on the InfoServer. The InfoServer skips the device listed and continues to operate on the rest of the list. %ESS-W-NOWRITERS, CD volumes cannot be written. Setting maximum writers to zero. Explanation: You tried to set write access on a compact disc. Compact discs on the InfoServer are read-only. %ESS-W-TAPECLASS, Tape devices can be served only under class TAPE Explanation: You tried to create a service for a tape device under one of the disk service classes. Tape devices can only be served under the TAPE class. B-9 ________________________________________________________________ Index A Automatic service, 1-4 ___________________________ Automount function, 2-3 Advanced functions disabling for individual assigning multiple devices, 1-4, 3-42 service names, 4-4 disabling serverwide, assigning passwords to 1-4, 3-45 protect compact discs, enabling for individual 4-3 devices, 3-42 backing up data enabling serverwide, 3-45 locally, 4-8 Automounting compact discs, remotely, 4-9 3-45 backing up read/write Availability data, 4-8 devices, 1-4 configuring X terminals, services, 1-4 4-15 creating and serving B__________________________ partitions, 4-5 Backing up data creating MOP partitions locally, 4-8 for downline loading, remotely, 4-9 4-12 Backing up read/write data, defragmenting InfoServer 4-8 disks, 4-10 BACKUP command, 3-4, 3-38 replicating InfoServer BIND command, 3-6 disks, 4-11 Booting the system serving external read setting boot flags, 5-20 /write disks, 4-7 troubleshooting, 5-19 serving updated compact partial boot, 5-23 discs, 4-2 updating software, 3-117 Assigning a name to Buses, 2-11 InfoServer system, 2-9 Index-1 Commands (cont'd) C__________________________ SET SERVER CRASHDUMP, Central database 3-48 nightly updates, 3-65 SET SERVER EXTENSION, Class names, 3-15 3-50 CLEAR command, 3-8 SET SERVER GROUP, 3-51 Client SET SERVER IDENTIFICATION accessing server devices, , 3-53 1-3 SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP serving devices to, 4-4 , 3-54 X terminal, 1-3 SET SERVER LAT_RESPONDER, Commands 3-55 BACKUP, 3-4, 3-38 SET SERVER MOP, 3-56 BIND, 3-6 SET SERVER MULTICAST, CLEAR, 3-8 3-58 COPY, 3-9 SET SERVER NAME, 3-59 CRASH, 3-11 SET SERVER PASSWORD, 3-60 CREATE PARTITION, 3-12 SET SERVER PROMPT, 3-61 CREATE SERVICE, 3-14 SET SERVER REMOTE, 3-62 DELETE PARTITION, 3-19 SET SERVER STATE, 3-64 DELETE SERVICE, 3-21 SET SERVER WRITE ACCESS, DISCONNECT, 3-23 3-65 ERASE, 3-24 SET SERVICE, 3-67 EXIT, 3-25 SHOW DEVICE, 3-71 HELP, 3-26 SHOW ETHERNET, 3-75 INITIALIZE, 3-27 SHOW FUNCTIONS, 3-81 LOOP, 3-29 SHOW LAST, 3-82 MONITOR, 3-30 SHOW LAT, 3-83 PURGE VXT, 3-31 SHOW MOP, 3-89 REBOOT, 3-33 SHOW PARTITIONS, 3-93 RECORD, 3-34 SHOW SERVER, 3-97 repeating, 3-29, 3-30 SHOW SERVICE, 3-104 RESTORE, 3-36 SHOW TAPE, 3-110 RETRIEVE, 3-4, 3-38 special keys, 3-2 REWIND, 3-39 summary, 1-7 SAVE, 3-40 syntax conventions, 3-1 SET DEVICE, 3-42 UNBIND, 3-113 SET PARTITION, 3-44 UNLOAD, 3-114 SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT, UPDATE FUNCTIONS, 3-115 3-45 UPDATE SYSTEM, 3-117 SET SERVER CACHE UPDATE VXT, 3-121 BUCKETSIZE, 3-46 VERIFY, 3-123 SET SERVER CACHE SIZE, wildcard matching, 3-1 3-47 ZERO ALL, 3-124 Index-2 Commands (cont'd) Counters ZERO ETHERNET, 3-125 resetting (cont'd) ZERO LAT, 3-126 MOP, 3-127 ZERO MOP, 3-127 server, 3-124, 3-128 ZERO SERVER, 3-128 tape, 3-129 ZERO TAPE, 3-129 CRASH command, 3-11 Compact discs Crash dump assigning multiple disabling, 3-48 service names, 4-4 enabling, 3-48 automatic mounting of, CREATE PARTITION command, 2-3 3-12 automounting, 3-45 CREATE SERVICE command, creating services for 3-14 special volume labels, Creating MOP partitions for 2-10 downline loading, 4-12 external Creating partitions, 3-12, creating services for, 4-5, 4-6, 4-13 4-7 Creating services, 2-10, formats for automatic 3-14, 4-2, 4-3, 4-5, serving, 1-2 4-6, 4-7, 4-10, 4-13, recording, 4-17 4-14, 4-17 serving to different operating systems, 4-4 D__________________________ serving updated compact DELETE PARTITION command, discs, 4-2 3-19 Connecting to InfoServer DELETE SERVICE command, system 3-21 from from remote terminal Device , 1-5 automatic serving, 1-4 from local console availability, 1-4 terminal, 1-5 backing up, 3-4, 3-38 Console terminal, 1-5 binding, 3-6 clearing the screen, 3-8 disabling automount, 1-4 local disabling automout, 3-42 troubleshooting access disabling MOP downline to, 5-11 loading, 3-42 remote displaying device troubleshooting access information, 3-73 to, 5-13 enabling automout, 3-42 Conventions, x enabling MOP downline COPY command, 3-9 loading, 3-42 Counters load balancing, 1-4 resetting names, 2-11 Ethernet, 3-125 Index-3 Device (cont'd) Errors (cont'd) retrieving, 3-4, 3-38 MOP protocol, 3-89, 3-90 SHOW DEVICE command, 3-71 Ethernet unbinding, 3-113 displaying errors and unsupported, 5-22 counters, 3-76 volume label, 2-3 EXIT command, 3-25 DISCONNECT command, 3-23 EXTENSION timer Disk SET SERVER EXTENSION defragmenting, 4-10 command, 3-50 formatting, 3-27 External read/write disk, nightly updates, 3-65 4-7 partitions, 2-5 BOOT_PARITITION, 2-5 F CONFIGURATION, 2-5 ___________________________ IS_FUNCTIONS, 2-6 File server, 1-1 2NDARY_CONFIGURATION, Functions 2-6 updating, 2-4, 3-115 read/write disk, 2-4 replicating, 4-11 G__________________________ verifying, 3-123 Group codes write access, 3-65 specifying, 3-51 Displaying InfoServer system information and H__________________________ counters, 3-97, 3-110 Hardware failure, 5-22 Downline loading, 2-16 Help, 1-9 by Ethernet address, 1-3, problems with online 4-14 help, 5-22 by file name, 1-3, 4-12 HELP command, 3-26 displaying errors and counters, 3-90 I feature, 1-3 ___________________________ partitions for, 4-12 Identification string for SET SERVER MOP command, server, 3-53 3-56 Informational messages, troubleshooting, 5-25 B-2 to B-3 Initial System Load E__________________________ See ISL Ending a session, 1-6 INITIALIZE command, 3-27 ERASE command, 3-24 ISL Error messages, B-3 to B-8 for OpenVMS systems, 1-2 Errors MOP downline load files, Ethernet, 3-76 1-2 LASTport protocol, 3-76 Standalone Backup, 1-2 LAT protocol, 3-85 Index-4 LAT terminal server L__________________________ (cont'd) Labels, 2-3 remote management LAN networks interface, 3-58 downline loads useful resetting counters, 3-126 for, 2-17 services, 3-55 LASTport groups, 3-54 sessions, 3-83, 3-88 assigning numbers to, specifying group codes, 3-54 3-51 LASTport protocol, 2-1, LATport session 3-82 disconnecting, 3-23 displaying errors and License enforcement, 4-16 counters, 3-76 Load balancing, 1-4, 2-3, LASTport/Disk protocol, 2-8 2-1, 2-2 LOOP command, 3-29 LASTport/Tape protocol, Loop messages, 2-16 2-1, 2-3 LAT protocol M__________________________ counters Maintenance operation resetting, 3-126 protocol displaying errors and See MOP counters, 3-85 Managing the server displaying InfoServer ending a session, 1-6 characteristics, 3-85 ending session, 3-25 displaying LAT terminal starting a session, 1-5 server sessions Messages, B-1 to B-9 information, 3-88 error, B-3 to B-8 identifying InfoServer format, B-1 systems, 3-53 informational, B-2 to B-3 specifiying group codes, types, B-1 3-51 warning, B-8 to B-9 LAT Responder function, MONITOR command, 3-30 3-55 MOP LAT terminal server, 1-5 See also Protocols and LAT Responder MOP protocol function, 3-55 displaying errors and connecting to InfoServer counters, 3-89, 3-90 system, 3-59, 3-60, downline loading, 1-2, 3-64 2-16 counters, 3-83 by Ethernet address, disconnecting session, 4-14 3-23 partitions for, 4-12 exiting session, 3-25 Index-5 MOP protocol Partitions (cont'd) downline loading (cont'd) names, 2-10, 2-11 SET SERVER MOP command serving, 4-5 , 3-56 temporary, 4-14 troubleshooting, 5-25 Password identity requests, 2-16 forgetting, 5-31 loop messages, 2-16 InfoServer system, 1-6 MOP LOOP function, 5-2 protecting compact discs, read counters, 2-16 4-3 Mounting setting, 3-60 compact discs, 2-3 Prompt tapes, 2-3 setting, 3-61 Multicast address feature, Protocols 2-2 LASTport, 2-1, 2-2 Multicast timer, 3-58 LASTport/Disk, 2-1 LASTport/Tape, 2-1 N__________________________ MOP, 2-16 to 2-17 Names, 2-9 to 2-13 PURGE VXT command, 3-31 device, 2-11 R InfoServer system, 2-9 ___________________________ partition, 2-11 Ratings service, 2-10 for services, 2-8 NCP command LOOP CIRCUIT, Read counters, 2-16 2-16, 5-2 Read/write disks Nightly updates, 3-65 backing up data locally, 4-8 O remotely, 4-9 ___________________________ backing up data from, 4-8 Online help, 1-9, 3-26 creating partitions on, not available, 5-22 4-5 OpenVMS system external and downline loading, 1-2 creating services for, P 4-7 ___________________________ functions, 2-4 Partitions, 1-2 partitions, 1-2 automatic installation, Read/write-access policies, 4-14 2-14 creating, 4-5 REBOOT command, 3-33 deleting, 3-19 RECORD command, 3-34 displaying information Removing media on, 3-93 service disconnection, for downline loading, 1-4 4-12 service reconnection, 1-4 MOP, 2-17, 4-14 Index-6 Repeating commands, 3-29 Session Resetting counters disconnecting, 3-23 Ethernet, 3-125 ending, 3-25 InfoServer, 3-124 SET DEVICE command, 3-42 LAT, 3-126 SET PARTITION command, MOP, 3-127 3-44 server, 3-128 SET SERVER AUTOMOUNT tape, 3-129 command, 3-45 RESTORE command, 3-36 SET SERVER CACHE BUCKETSIZE RETRIEVE command, 3-4, command, 3-46 3-38 SET SERVER CACHE SIZE REWIND command, 3-39 command, 3-47 SET SERVER CRASHDUMP S__________________________ command, 3-48 SAVE command, 3-40 SET SERVER EXTENSION SCSI command, 3-50 bus, 2-11 SET SERVER GROUP command, compact discs, 1-2 3-51 tapes, 1-2 SET SERVER IDENTIFICATION Server management session command, 3-53 determining default SET SERVER LASTPORT GROUP server name, 1-5 command, 3-54 ending, 1-6, 3-25 SET SERVER LAT_RESPONDER entering password, 1-6 command, 3-55 starting, 1-5 SET SERVER MOP command, Server name 3-56 determining, 1-5 SET SERVER MULTICAST Service class, 2-13 command, 3-58 Service name, 1-5, 2-10 SET SERVER NAME command, Service ratings, 2-8, 3-16 3-59 Services SET SERVER PASSWORD command creating, 3-14 , 3-60 deleted with partitions, SET SERVER PROMPT command, 3-19 3-61 deleting, 3-21 SET SERVER REMOTE command, displaying information 3-62 on, 3-104 SET SERVER STATE command, LASTport groups for, 3-54 3-64 modifying attributes, SET SERVER WRITE ACCESS 3-67 command, 3-65 names SET SERVICE command, 3-67 default name, 1-5 redundant, 2-10 Index-7 Setting server cache bucket size, 3-46 T__________________________ Setting server cache size, Tape 3-47 automatic serving, 1-2 SHOW DEVICE command, 3-71 rewinding, 3-39 display fields, 3-72 unloading, 3-114 to determine volume Terminal labels, 2-4 See Console terminal SHOW ETHERNET command, Terminal server TEST LOOP 3-75 command, 2-16 display fields, 3-75 TEST LOOP command, 2-16 SHOW FUNCTIONS command, Transport, 2-2 3-81 Troubleshooting, 5-1 to SHOW LAST command, 3-82 5-32 SHOW LAT command, 3-83 cannot connect to display fields, 3-84, InfoServer device, 3-88 5-1 SHOW MOP command, 3-89 entering InfoServer display fields, 3-89 commands SHOW PARTITIONS command, local console, 5-11 3-93 remote console, 5-13 display fields, 3-95 forgotten InfoServer SHOW SERVER command, 3-97 password, 5-31 characteristics display InfoServer does not fields, 3-99 downline load systems, counters display fields, 3-100 5-25 statistics display fields InfoServer software does , 3-102 not boot, 5-19 SHOW SERVICE command, online help not available 3-104 , 5-22 display fields, 3-106 partial boot, 5-23 SHOW TAPE command, 3-110 slow access to InfoServer display fields, 3-111 disks, 5-10 Small Computer System U Interface ___________________________ See SCSI UNBIND command, 3-113 Software problems, 5-19 UNLOAD command, 3-114 Starting a session, 1-5 UPDATE FUNCTIONS command, System 3-115 messages, B-1 UPDATE SYSTEM command, saving, 3-40 3-117 updating software, 3-117 Index-8 UPDATE VXT command, 3-121 Updating functions, 3-115 W__________________________ Updating InfoServer Warning messages, B-8 to software, 3-117 B-9 Updating VXT software, Write access, 3-65 3-121 blocking, 2-14, 3-65 pre-emptive, 2-14, 3-65 V__________________________ VAX system X__________________________ downline loading, 1-2 X terminal client VERIFY command, 3-123 accessing font services, Virtual device 2-7 slow access, 5-10 configuring, 4-15 troubleshooting downline loading system connections, 5-1 software, 2-7 Virtual device server, 1-1 paging memory, 2-7 Volume label, 2-3 saving configuration determining, 2-4 information, 2-7 VXT software purging, 3-31 Z updating, 3-121 ___________________________ ZERO ALL command, 3-124 ZERO ETHERNET command, 3-125 ZERO LAT command, 3-126 ZERO MOP command, 3-127 ZERO SERVER command, 3-128 ZERO TAPE command, 3-129 Index-9