____________________________________________________ DECwindows Motif/Hebrew V1.2-4 for OpenVMS, VAX and Alpha Release and Installation Information April 1997 This manual lists installation requirements, as well as software problems, corrections, and restrictions that pertain to the DECwindows Motif V1.2-4 for OpenVMS, VAX and Alpha Hebrew language variant. Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual. Operating System: OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2, or higher OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2, or higher. Software Version: DECwindows Motif/Hebrew V1.2-4 for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX. Digital Equipment Corporation ________________________________________________________________ April 1997 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha, Bookreader, CDA, DDIF, DEC, DECfonts, DEClinks, DECnet, DECpresent, DECterm, DECwindows, DECwrite, Digital, DTIF, LinkWorks, LN03, OpenVMS, ReGIS, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX C, VAX DOCUMENT, VAXstation, VMS, VT320, VT330, VT340, XUI, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: HP, LaserJet, PaintJet, QuietJet, RuggedWriter, and ThinkJet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. LaserWriter is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Motif, OSF, OSF/1, and OSF/Motif are registered trademarks and Open Software Foundation is a trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. 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This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents 1 Installation 2 Release Notes 2.1 New Desktop (For OpenVMS Alpha only)............. 2-1 2.2 I18N Features in DECterm......................... 2-1 2.3 Incorrect File Specs Returned After BACKUP/IMAGE..................................... 2-2 2.4 Compatibility with Motif/Hebrew 1.1.3............ 2-3 2.5 Keyboard Support................................. 2-3 2.6 Hebrew Input Method (HIM)........................ 2-5 2.7 Translated Image Support (TIS) - for Alpha only.. 2-6 2.8 Hebrew support for "Hebrew unaware" Motif applications..................................... 2-6 2.8.1 Hebrew support for Motif 1.1.3 "Hebrew unaware" Applications .................................. 2-7 Functionality............................... 2-7 Instructions For Use........................ 2-8 A Visual and Physical order iii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Installation Prerequisite OpenVMS support: o To run Hebrew DECwindows Motif V1.2-4 for OpenVMS on the VAX system, the following products should be installed: o OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or higher o For OpenVMS V6.2 or higher: OpenVMS I18n kit (e.g. VMSI18N062 for OpenVMS Version 6.2 ) o DECwindows Motif V1.2-4 for OpenVMS VAX o DECwindows Motif V1.2-4 for OpenVMS VAX Patch Kit (VAXMOTF01_U4012) o DECwindows Motif/Hebrew V1.2-4 for OpenVMS VAX o To run Hebrew DECwindows Motif V1.2-4 for OpenVMS on the Alpha system, the following products should be installed: o OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 or higher o OpenVMS I18n kit (e.g. VMSI18N062 for OpenVMS Version 6.2 ) o DECwindows Motif V1.2-4 for OpenVMS Alpha o DECwindows Motif V1.2-4 for OpenVMS Alpha Patch Kit (ALPMOTF01_U4012) o DECwindows Motif/Hebrew V1.2-4 for OpenVMS Alpha In order to install the product use the standard VMSINSTAL procedure. The product name is DECWH$MOTIF_AXP4012 for Alpha and DECWH$MOTIF_VAX4012 for VAX. This release requires the Hebrew Motif License DW-MOTIF-UI- HEBREW. Installation 1-1 Installation After the installation is complete, the installer has the responsibility to execute the following: @sys$manager:decw$startup restart or, instead a reboot operation can be executed. For dxsession session, users should check whether the session language is Hebrew and the session keyboard matches the workstation keyboard. The above can be done from the Session Manager "Options" menu entries: "Language..." and "Keyboard...". 1-2 Installation 2 _________________________________________________________________ Release Notes 2.1 New Desktop (For OpenVMS Alpha only) The New Desktop provides user interfaces in different languages. The New Desktop uses the locale environment provided by the DEC C Runtime Library. *xnlLanguage property is not set by default with the New Desktop environment; thus, before running applications from DCL command , the "LANG" logical name should be defined to the relevant language: $ DEFINE LANG "iw_IL.ISO8859-8" After installing the hebrew kit, the "LANG" logical is defined as "iw_IL.ISO8859-8" in "DECW$LOGICAL_NAMES" table. 2.2 I18N Features in DECterm In this release, the locale of the display is used to create the file name of the DECterm resource file. For example, if the locale is set to "iw_IL.ISO8859-8", then the default resource file name becomes DECW$TERMINAL_ DEFAULT_IW_IL.DAT. However, DECterm continues to use the old resource file name (if there is no new resource file) until the user selects Save Options at least once in the particular locale. The default resource file name for DECterm continues to be DECW$TERMINAL_DEFAULT.DAT if the locale: o Is "C" o Starts with "en_US" o Contains "8859-1" Release Notes 2-1 Release Notes 2.2 I18N Features in DECterm If you have more than one language variant installed on you system, you have to make sure you are using the right resource file for the language you have selected. If you save the resources in one language and use them from another language, the result may be unpredictable. For example, if you modify and save the DECterm resources in the English language (stored in DECW$TERMINAL.DAT in your default directory) and then use them in the language which requires different DECterm fonts, wrong fonts will be displayed in the DECterm window. Thus , if you have an old resource file it is recommended to rename it to the new resource name. (e.g. rename DECW$TERMINAL_DEFAULT.DAT to DECW$TERMINAL_DEFAULT_IW_IL.DAT) 2.3 Incorrect File Specs Returned After BACKUP/IMAGE On OpenVMS Alpha, Version 6.2 and Version 7.0,after performing a BACKUP Image restore of a common system disk,VMS$COMMON.DIR becomes the synonym (or alias) directory of SYSCOMMON.DIR. Prior to the restore, SYSCOMMON.DIR is correctly the synonym directory for VMS$COMMON.DIR. As a result, incorrect file specifications for files residing in the common root are returned from the lib$fid_ to_name function. Lib$fid_to_name function is used indirectly by setlocale and catopen. Thus in these systems setlocale may fail and/or catopen may fail to find catalogs used by the New Desktop. To fix this problem perform the follwing procedure after any BACKUP image restore: $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=SYSPRV $ RENAME SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000]VMS$COMMON.DIR - $_ SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000]SYSCOMMON.DIR $ RENAME SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000]SYSCOMMON.DIR - $_ SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000]VMS$COMMON.DIR This will correct the file header backlink pointer making SYSCOMMON.DIR the synonym directory of VMS$COMMON.DIR versus VMS$COMMON.DIR the synonym of SYSCOMMON.DIR. 2-2 Release Notes Release Notes 2.4 Compatibility with Motif/Hebrew 1.1.3 2.4 Compatibility with Motif/Hebrew 1.1.3 The Hebrew language in DECwindows Motif 1.2 is defined as "iw_IL.ISO8859-8". In DECwindows Motif 1.1.3, it was defined as "iw_IL". As a result, Hebrew applications (DECwrite for example) which need to access uid and resource files from the [.iw_ il] directories fail to do so while running in a Motif 1.1.3 system with a display set to an X server of a Motif 1.2 workstation. In order to solve this for clients running on VMS DW Motif 1.1, copy over the procedure decw$starti18n_iw_il.com from the sys$manager directory of the system running Motif /Hebrew 1.2 to the sys$manager of the system running Motif /Hebrew 1.1, then perform: $ @sys$manager:decw$hebrewstart In case of DECterm, the following logical should be defined in the Motif 1.1 system before DECterm/Hebrew creation: $ define decw$terminal_language "iw_IL" To run Hebrew applications from Ultrix or DEC OSF/1 systems with a display set to a VMS Motif 1.2 stations, you may need to define the environment variable LANG to Hebrew, in the format required for the specific system. For example, in order to run dxterm/Hebrew from Ultrix Motif 1.1.3 to VMS Motif 1.2, perform: >setenv LANG iw_IL The above compatibility solutions are not needed across platforms running Hebrew DECwindows Motif 1.2, since all of them use the new language format "iw_IL.ISO8859-8". 2.5 Keyboard Support This release provides Hebrew keymaps for LK201, LK401 and LK443 (PC and LK styles). After a Hebrew installation, the default keymap is Hebrew LK401. If you are using a different keyboard, make sure to update the session manager accordingly, using its 'Keyboard...' setup. In order to toggle the keyboard language (English/Hebrew), the user should press Ctrl+Hebrew on a LK401 Hebrew keyboard, Ctrl+Alt on a LK201, and Ctrl_Right on a LK443. Release Notes 2-3 Release Notes 2.5 Keyboard Support The Keyboard Manager (KM) application is not mandatory for keyboard switching on VMS systems. It can be used mainly for keyboard language display. ________________________ Note ________________________ 1. KM does not support the LK443 keyboards. 2. The Hebrew support for DECwindows Motif V1.2-4 includes a Hebrew Input Method which provides its own mechanism for keyboard status display. Refer to the next section for more details. ______________________________________________________ F17 and LK443 The DXmCSText widget has a default binding for F17 and Alt/F17, for enter/leave push mode and text path toggle (respectively). In order to obtain these functionalities with LK443, the user should bind different keys to these functions, since F17 does not exist on LK443. The binding is done in the DECW$SMB_KEYBOARD.DAT resource file. The user can modify the file in DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS_ IW_IL for system-wide support, or copy it over to his own DECW$USER_DEFAULTS. In order to bind the push mode function to F7 and the text path toggle to F8 for example, the following lines should be added: *DXmCSText.translations: \ #override \n\ ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift ~Meta<>F8: toggle-text-path()\n\ ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift ~Meta<>F7: toggle-editing-path-move()\n The user has to quit the session and log in again, in order for this modification to take effect. 2-4 Release Notes Release Notes 2.6 Hebrew Input Method (HIM) 2.6 Hebrew Input Method (HIM) DECwindows Motif V1.2-4 is using the X11R5 capabilities. The Hebrew IM is an X11R5 implementation which allows the user to accept Hebrew input in any X11(R5) application. It also handles the keyboard group switching (English/Hebrew) per Input Context (IC), and displays the keyboard language if the input style requires status display. Keyboard switching is currently associated with the following key sequences: Ctrl+Hebrew Ctrl+Compose Ctrl+Alt Ctrl+Shift Ctrl_Right (for LK443) An application can also switch the keyboard language by calling XSetICValues with the resource XNKeyboardGroup. This resource can have two values: HIM_PRIMARY_GROUP (meaning 'set keyboard to English') and HIM_SECONDARY_GROUP ('set keyboard to Hebrew'). The header file 'switch_kbd.h' includeds these constants. It is found in DECW$INCLUDE. The default value of this resource is HIM_PRIMARY_GROUP. To change the default value of this resource to HIM_SECONDARY_ GROUP ('set keyboard to Hebrew') the user should define the environment variable HIM_HEBREW_KEYBOARD (it's value doesn't matter). HIM supports the XIMPreeditNone editing style only (i.e. no pre-edit area is needed). As for status styles, HIM currently supports the following: o XIMStatusNothing (a common status area for all clients) o XIMStatusNone (no status display) o XIMStatusArea (currently w/o dynamic area change and negotiation). ________________________ Note ________________________ 1. In order to obtain the XIMStatusNone status, the user should also define the HIM_ALLOW_STATUSNONE environment variable (its value does not matter). Release Notes 2-5 Release Notes 2.6 Hebrew Input Method (HIM) If XIMStatusNone is required, and the variable is not defined, XIMStatusNothing will be used. 2. If XIMStatusNone is being used and the Keyboard Manager (KM) is running, the keyboard status will be reported by HIM too, as is done for XIMStatusNothing. ______________________________________________________ In order to utilize HIM from a pure X application (non- Motif), the user should follow the guidelines on how to develop an X11R5 application (found in the X11 Release 5 manuals). 2.7 Translated Image Support (TIS) - for Alpha only The U.S. kit provides both native and translated (TIS) Motif toolkit libraries - for Motif 1.1.3 applications only, at this point. If this option has been selected for the U.S Motif installation, the Hebrew installation will provide the corresponding TIS library: SYS$SHARE:DECW$DXM_I18NLIB_IW_IL_TV_SUPPORT.EXE For a translated Hebrew application to run appropriately the following logical name should be defined: $ DEFINE DECW$DXM_I18NLIB_IW_IL DECW$DXM_I18NLIB_IW_IL_TV_SUPPORT 2.8 Hebrew support for "Hebrew unaware" Motif applications This Hebrew release provides a certain level of Hebrew support for Motif-based applications which are "Hebrew unaware". In this environment, a Motif-based product originally developed for the English market may provide the user with some level of Hebrew language functionality, without making any modifications in the product itself. There is no guarantee however that this kind of Hebrew support will work for any specific Motif product. It greatly depends on the way the application is using Motif and Xlib. Note also that the level of Hebrew support 2-6 Release Notes Release Notes 2.8 Hebrew support for "Hebrew unaware" Motif applications provided here is limited and may not satisfy your needs in any specific case. Therefore, if you are developing a Hebrew Motif application, it is highly recommended to use the Motif Compound String technologies for Hebrew (i.e. XmString, CSText widget, etc.) 2.8.1 Hebrew support for Motif 1.1.3 "Hebrew unaware" Applications Functionality o In the input field, the key combination will toggle the editing direction (left-to-right/right-to- left). will also switch the keyboard language accordingly (English/Hebrew). Note that the keyboard language can still be managed by the key combination. o If you need to type English/numeric text within a Hebrew text (or vice-versa), the key will switch you to push mode, where the typed-in characters will be pushed against the main direction. A second stroke on this key will exit this mode. will also manage the keyboard language accordingly. o The user can change these default key bindings via the application resource file, if it exists. New action routines have been added to the XmText[Field] widgets for this purpose: 'Toggle-Main-Text-Path' (currently binded to 'Toggle-Push-Mode' (currently binded to ) Please refer to the Motif User's Guide for how to customize the default key bindings. o The user may change the Hebrew fonts used by the application by specifying the Hebrew fonts explicitly in the application resource file, if it exists. Refer to the Hebrew Motif User's Guide for Hebrew font names. Release Notes 2-7 Release Notes 2.8 Hebrew support for "Hebrew unaware" Motif applications o Selection and Cut/Paste is available between applications running under the Hebrew unaware support and applications based on Hebrew Compound String (such as DECterm, Calendar and user applications). Instructions For Use In order for an application to run under the Hebrew unaware support, the following logical names should be assigned: $ DEFINE DECW$XLIBSHR SYS$SHARE:DECW$XPLAT.EXE $ DEFINE DECW$XMLIBSHR SYS$SHARE:DECW$XMPLAT.EXE $ DEFINE DECW$DXM_I18NLIB_IW_IL SYS$SHARE:DECW$18PLAT.EXE $ DEFINE XMTEXT_HEBREWENABLED "Y" For Alpha only: If you are running a vested application, you should assign the following logicals: $ DEFINE DECW$XLIBSHR_TV SYS$SHARE:DECW$XPLAT_TV_SUPPORT.EXE $ DEFINE DECW$XLIBSHR_TV_SUPPORT SYS$SHARE:DECW$XPLAT_TV_SUPPORT.EXE $ DEFINE DECW$XMLIBSHR_TV SYS$SHARE:DECW$XMPLAT_TV_SUPPORT.EXE $ DEFINE DECW$XMLIBSHR_TV_SUPPORT SYS$SHARE:DECW$XMPLAT_TV_SUPPORT.EXE $ DEFINE DECW$DXM_I18NLIB_IW_IL_TV SYS$SHARE:DECW$18PLAT_TV_SUPPORT.EXE $ DEFINE XMTEXT_HEBREWENABLED "Y" The Hebrew unaware support can handle Visual or Physical Order Hebrew text. The default is Visual Order. If your Hebrew data is stored in Physical Order, you should add the following definitions: $ DEFINE XMTEXT_PHYSICAL "Y" $ DEFINE XMTEXTFIELD_PHYSICAL "Y" Appendix A explains the terms Visual and Physical Order. 2-8 Release Notes A _________________________________________________________________ Visual and Physical order Visual Order means that the first character to be typed is the first character to be stored in the internal buffer. This is the order for sorting information. Physical order means that the left-most character on the screen is the first character stored in the buffer. For example (Hebrew characters are represented by English characters below): A Hebrew field on screen: dcba :dleif-werbeH ----- Field title is on the right, 5 positions for data, 4 actual characters, right justified. The field buffer is as follows: Memory Visual Physical offsets Order Order ------ ------ 0000: | a | | | ------ ------ 0001: | b | | d | ------ ------ 0002: | c | | c | ------ ------ 0003: | d | | b | ------ ------ 0004: | | | a | ------ ------ Note that characters entered via the push mode will be stored in reverse order compared the order they have been typed in. Visual and Physical order A-1 Visual and Physical order Example of use of the push mode during a right-to-left editing: Empty text field widget (5-bytes length): _____ Initial insertion position: ^ Two characters entered from right to left: ba New insertion position: ^ Push mode key is pressed (cursor does not move): ^ One digit is types in: 1ba Insertion position does not change: ^ A second digit is typed in: 12ba Insertion position does not change: ^ Push mode is terminated: ^12ba A-2 Visual and Physical order Visual and Physical order The field buffer is as follows: Memory Visual Physical offsets Order Order ------ ------ 0000: | a | | | ------ ------ 0001: | b | | 1 | ------ ------ 0002: | 2 | | 2 | ------ ------ 0003: | 1 | | b | ------ ------ 0004: | | | a | ------ ------ Visual and Physical order A-3