DIGITAL_PHIGS_______________________________________ Installing DIGITAL PHIGS for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Order Number: AA-PVTMM-TE June 1997 This document contains instructions for installing DIGITAL PHIGS[TM] on the DIGITAL UNIX[R] operating system. It also explains how to read the online release notes before or after installing the product. This document applies to DIGITAL PHIGS Version 5.1. Revision/Update Information: This revised manual supersedes Installing Digital PHIGS for Digital UNIX Systems (Order number: AA-PVTML-TE). Operating System and Version: DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0 or later Software Version: DIGITAL PHIGS Version 5.1 DIGITAL Open3D[TM] Version 4.3 or later Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ First Printing, February 1993 Revised, July 1993 Revised, February 1994 Revised, September 1994 Revised, November 1994 Revised, March 1995 Revised, June 1995 Revised, September 1995 Revised, December 1995 Revised, June 1996 Revised, September 1996 Revised, June 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DDIF, DEC, DEC GKS, DEC PHIGS, DECwindows, DIGITAL, DIGITAL PHIGS, DIGITAL Open3D, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. ZK6197 This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1.1 Reading the Online Release Notes.............. 1-1 1.2 Registering a License......................... 1-2 1.3 Checking the Media Distribution Kit........... 1-3 1.4 Verifying the Hardware Requirements........... 1-3 1.5 Verifying the Software Requirements........... 1-3 1.6 Checking User Privileges...................... 1-5 1.7 Allocating Sufficient Disk Space.............. 1-5 1.7.1 Determining the Available and Used Disk Space..................................... 1-6 1.7.2 Increasing Disk Space..................... 1-7 1.8 Backing Up Your System Disk................... 1-8 2 Installing DIGITAL PHIGS 2.1 Installation Procedure........................ 2-1 2.2 Error Recovery................................ 2-6 2.3 Determining and Reporting Problems............ 2-7 A Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files........... A-1 A.2 DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit Files......... A-18 iii B Sample Installations B.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Installation.... B-1 B.2 DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit Installation.................................. B-4 Figures 2-1 Sample IVP Display........................ 2-5 Tables 1 Conventions Used in this Guide............ vii 1-1 Subset Sizes of the Development Base Kit....................................... 1-5 1-2 Subset Sizes of the Run-Time-Only Kit..... 1-6 A-1 Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit........................... A-1 A-2 Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit......................... A-18 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface This document describes how to install DIGITAL PHIGS Version 5.1 on Alpha processors running the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. In addition to this guide, you should read the Read Before Installing or Using DIGITAL PHIGS for DIGITAL UNIX Systems letter. This letter provides information that is required for DIGITAL PHIGS installation and may not be included either in this installation guide or in the release notes. Keep this document with your distribution kit. You will need it to install maintenance updates or to reinstall DIGITAL PHIGS for any other reason. Intended Audience This guide is for system managers who install DIGITAL PHIGS software on DIGITAL UNIX systems. Structure of this Document This manual is organized as follows: o Chapter 1 describes the preparations and requirements necessary for installing DIGITAL PHIGS. o Chapter 2 provides the step-by-step installation instructions and describes the operations you perform after installation. o Appendix A lists the files installed with DIGITAL PHIGS. o Appendix B provides sample development kit and run-time- only kit installations. v Related Manuals For information related to this manual, see the following DIGITAL UNIX manuals: o Installation Guide o Software License Management o Release Notes o Firmware Release Notes vi Manuals in the DIGITAL PHIGS Documentation Set In addition to this manual, the DIGITAL PHIGS documentation set includes the following manuals: o DEC PHIGS Ada Binding Reference Manual o DEC PHIGS C Binding Reference Manual o DEC PHIGS ISO C Binding Reference Manual o DEC PHIGS ISO Fortran Binding Reference Manual o DEC PHIGS PHIGS$ Binding Reference Manual o Device Specifics Reference Manual for DEC GKS and DEC PHIGS o Getting Started with DEC PHIGS o DEC PHIGS Developer's Guide Conventions Table 1 lists the conventions used in this guide: Table_1_Conventions_Used_in_this_Guide_____________________ Convention_______Meaning___________________________________ UPPERCASE and The DIGITAL UNIX system differentiates lowercase between lowercase and uppercase characters. Literal strings that appear in text, examples, syntax descriptions, and function descriptions must be typed exactly as shown. bold Boldface text is used in interactive examples to indicate typed user input. italic Italic text is used to indicate software function terms and commands, library names, file names, directory path names, and manual titles. (continued on next page) vii Table_1_(Cont.)_Conventions_Used_in_this_Guide_____________ Convention_______Meaning___________________________________ system output This typeface is used in interactive and code examples to indicate system output. In text, this typeface is used to indicate the exact name of a command, option, partition, path name, directory, or file. % The default user prompt is your system name followed by a right angle bracket (>). In this manual, a percent sign (%) is used to represent this prompt. # A number sign is the default superuser prompt. In procedures, a sequence such as indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. In procedures, a key name is shown enclosed to indicate that you press a key on the keyboard. DIGITAL PHIGS References to DIGITAL PHIGS refer to the DIGITAL PHIGS (formerly DEC PHIGS) _________________product.__________________________________ viii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS To make your installation run smoothly, you should complete the preparations outlined in this chapter before starting the installation procedure. This chapter will help you determine the following: o How to read the online release notes o How to register a software license o If installing DIGITAL PHIGS from media, whether your distribution kit includes all the components listed on the Bill of Materials (BOM) o Whether the system on which you will install DIGITAL PHIGS meets the DIGITAL PHIGS hardware and software requirements o The privileges required to perform the installation o How much disk space you will need o How to back up your system disk 1.1 Reading the Online Release Notes DIGITAL PHIGS provides online release notes. DIGITAL strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product, because they may contain information about changes to the product. You can view or print the DIGITAL PHIGS Version 5.1 release notes, the cover letter, and this installation guide at any time from the mounted media CD-ROM. (See Section 2.1 for information on mounting the CD-ROM.) The files containing these documents are located in the /unixcd/pho510/documentation directory on the CD-ROM. These files are: Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1-1 Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1.1 Reading the Online Release Notes o phigs051_release_notes.txt (ASCII format) o phigs051_release_notes.PS (PostScript[R] format) To read the ASCII version of the release notes on the media CD-ROM, use the following command: # more /unixcd/pho510/documentation/phigs051_release_notes.txt To read the ASCII version of the release notes after installation, use the following command: # more /usr/lib/PHIGS/phigs051_release_notes.txt 1.2 Registering a License Before you install and run DIGITAL PHIGS Version 5.1, you must first register a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) using the License Management Facility (LMF). The PAK is a paper certificate that contains information about the license that enables you to use the software. The License PAK is shipped with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, the PAK is shipped separately to a location specified on your license order. If you are installing DIGITAL PHIGS as an update on a node already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. If you are installing prerequisite or optional software along with DIGITAL PHIGS, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for this prerequisite or optional software before you install DIGITAL PHIGS. To register a license on a DIGITAL UNIX system: 1. Log in as superuser. 2. At the superuser prompt, edit an empty PAK template with the lmf register command and include all the information on your License PAK as follows: # /usr/sbin/lmf register 3. After you register your license, copy the license details from the License Database (LDB) to the kernel cache: # /usr/sbin/lmf reset 1-2 Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1.2 Registering a License For complete information on using the DIGITAL UNIX License Management Facility, see the Software License Management guide or the lmf(8) reference page. 1.3 Checking the Media Distribution Kit For installations from media, use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your software distribution kit. If your kit is damaged or incomplete, call your DIGITAL representative. For more information on how to mount distribution media, see your processor-specific installation/operations guide, which also details several options for the installation procedure. 1.4 Verifying the Hardware Requirements You need the following hardware to install DIGITAL PHIGS: o CD-ROM drive, if installing from CD-ROM software kit See the documentation for the CD-ROM drive you are using for information on how to load the media. o Terminal You can use either a hard copy or video terminal to perform the installation. o Adequate system disk space Disk space requirements differ, depending on whether you install the DIGITAL PHIGS development kit or the DIGITAL PHIGS run-time-only kit. See Tables 1-1 and 1-2 for the exact disk space requirements. Refer to the DIGITAL PHIGS Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. 1.5 Verifying the Software Requirements Before installing DIGITAL PHIGS Version 5.1, you must install: DIGITAL UNIX operating system Version 4.0 or later DIGITAL also recommends that you install the following DIGITAL UNIX software subsets: o OSFFONT*-DECwindows[TM] 75 dpi fonts Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1-3 Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1.5 Verifying the Software Requirements o OSFFONT15*-DECwindows 100 dpi fonts Some DIGITAL PHIGS subsets have additional software requirements. These requirements are described in the following paragraphs. Manual Pages Subsets To install the DIGITAL PHIGS subsets PHOMAN510 and PHRMAN510, you must install: OSFDCMT3xx - Document Preparation Tools subset Japanese Subsets To install the DIGITAL PHIGS Japanese subsets PHOJP510 and PHRJP510: o Install IOSJPBASE* - Japanese DIGITAL UNIX subset o Do not install JPO* or JPP* - Japanese DIGITAL PHIGS for DIGITAL UNIX development kit and run-time-only kit, respectively OpenGL Driver in the PHOBASE510 Subset To install the DIGITAL PHIGS OpenGL[R] driver, provided in the PHOBASE510 subset, you must install: O3DDWSGLBASExxx - OpenGL subset from the DIGITAL Open3D kit To install DIGITAL PHIGS in a local environment, perform the following steps to determine which DIGITAL UNIX subsets are loaded: 1. Log into the system where you plan to install DIGITAL PHIGS. 2. Enter the following command: % /usr/sbin/setld -i 3. Check the displayed rows for the relevant subset names and for any related patch names. The word installed appears in a row after the subset identifier code when a subset is loaded. If the word installed does not appear (the second column in a row is blank), the subset or patch is not loaded. In this case, 1-4 Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1.5 Verifying the Software Requirements you must load the missing software before installing DIGITAL PHIGS. 1.6 Checking User Privileges You must have superuser privileges to install DIGITAL PHIGS software. 1.7 Allocating Sufficient Disk Space To install DIGITAL PHIGS, you must load the DIGITAL PHIGS development base kit or run-time-only kit, each of which is divided into subsets. The size of these subsets determines the disk space you will require for installation. Table 1-1 and Table 1-2 provide the disk space requirements for the file system /usr/kits. Table_1-1_Subset_Sizes_of_the_Development_Base_Kit_________ Subset Required/ KB Name________Contents___________________Optional___required_ PHOBASE510 DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Required 18,600 Development Kit PHOLIB510 DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Object Optional 55,400 Libraries PHOADA510 DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Ada Optional 13,800 Language Binding PHOEXMP510 DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Optional 1,900 Example Programs PHOMAN510 DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Optional 3,400 Pages PHOJP510 DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Optional 1,400 Japanese Example Programs and Run-Time Files Total:_____________________________________________94,500__ Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1-5 Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1.7 Allocating Sufficient Disk Space Table_1-2_Subset_Sizes_of_the_Run-Time-Only_Kit____________ Subset Required/ KB Name________Contents___________________Optional___required_ PHRTO510 DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Run- Required 16,500 Time-Only Kit PHRMAN510 DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Optional 17 Pages PHRJP510 DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Optional 1,400 Japanese Run-Time Files Total:_____________________________________________17,917__ ________________________ Note ________________________ The subset sizes listed in Tables 1-1 and 1-2 are approximate. See the release notes for the exact subset sizes. ______________________________________________________ The DIGITAL PHIGS installation procedure creates the /usr/kits/PHO510 directory or /usr/kits/PHR510 directory (if it does not already exist) and loads files into its subordinate directories. Therefore, you should perform the following operations before installing DIGITAL PHIGS: 1. Determine the disk space available and used on the disks on which DIGITAL PHIGS will reside. 2. If necessary, increase the disk space. 1.7.1 Determining the Available and Used Disk Space To determine the available and used disk space: 1. Log into the system where you plan to install DIGITAL PHIGS. 2. Check which file systems are mounted and where they are by displaying the file /etc/fstab, for example: 1-6 Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1.7 Allocating Sufficient Disk Space # more /etc/fstab /dev/rz0a / ufs rw 1 1 /dev/rz0g /usr ufs rw 1 2 /usr/staff/@bigsys /usr/staff nfs rw,bg 0 0 /usr/man@bigsys /usr/man nfs ro,bg 0 0 The previous display indicates that /usr (mounted to /dev/rz0g) is the only mount point that affects where DIGITAL PHIGS files will reside; the system has only one local disk drive and the /usr/kits file system resides in the g partition of the disk on that drive. 3. Determine the total space and free space for the one or two file systems where DIGITAL PHIGS files will reside. Based on the previous display of the /etc/fstab file, which shows that only /usr is a mount point, you would need to inspect free space only in the /usr file system: # df /usr Filesystem 512-blks used avail capacity Mounted on /dev/rz0g 803914 740,640 63274 91% /usr This display indicates that there are 63,274 blocks free, where each block is 512 bytes. This free space must accommodate the subset requirements listed in Tables 1-1 and 1-2 for the /usr/kits file system. 4. Using the appropriate disk space requirements table, calculate the total size for the subsets you wish to load in each file system. 5. Compare the disk space required for subsets with the disk space currently available on the disks where DIGITAL PHIGS files will be installed. 6. If the disk space available is insufficient, increase the space as described in Section 1.7.2. 1.7.2 Increasing Disk Space To increase the disk space for the DIGITAL PHIGS subsets: 1. Log in as superuser. 2. Create the directory /usr/kits/PHO510 or /usr/kits /PHR510. 3. Define the subdirectory PHO510 (or PHR510) as a mount point for another disk where there is additional space. Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1-7 Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 1.7 Allocating Sufficient Disk Space For example, specify in the /etc/fstab file that the PHO510 subdirectory is a mount point for the disk /dev /rz10g: /dev/rz10g /usr/kits/PHO510 ufs rw 1 1 4. Enter the following command so that the new mount points are taken into account: # mount -a 1.8 Backing Up Your System Disk DIGITAL recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software. Use the backup procedures established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see your operating system documentation. 1-8 Preparing to Install DIGITAL PHIGS 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing DIGITAL PHIGS This chapter describes the DIGITAL PHIGS installation procedure, and how to recover from installation errors and report problems. For a complete installation listing, refer to Appendix B. The installation takes approximately 5 to 30 minutes, depending on your media and system configuration. Installing DIGITAL PHIGS and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) on your target system takes 5 to 30 minutes. You can stop the installation procedure at any time by using ; however, files created up to that point will not be deleted. You must delete these files interactively. Appendix A lists the files and directories created during the installation procedure. 2.1 Installation Procedure This section describes the procedure for installing DIGITAL PHIGS files from a CD-ROM on the system where you are performing the installation. When DIGITAL PHIGS is run, its executable images are mapped into memory on this system. In the procedure description, rz4 is the CD-ROM disk drive and /unixcd is the free mount point. Perform the following steps to install DIGITAL PHIGS: 1. Place the CD-ROM media in the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (login name "root") to the system where you are installing DIGITAL PHIGS. 3. Ensure that the directory in which you wish to install DIGITAL PHIGS does not already contain another DIGITAL PHIGS development kit or run-time-only kit. Installing DIGITAL PHIGS 2-1 Installing DIGITAL PHIGS 2.1 Installation Procedure To determine if development kit files are installed in this directory, enter the command: # setld -i | grep PHO To determine if run-time-only kit files are installed in this directory, enter the command: # setld -i | grep PHR If any of these files are installed, you must deinstall them using the setld -d command. For example, to remove the Ada Language Binding file, you would enter: # setld -d PHOADA510 4. Mount the media on the free mount point by entering the following command: # /usr/sbin/mount -r /dev/rz4c /unixcd When you install from CD-ROM, the CD-ROM disk c partition must be mounted on a free mount point. 5. Make sure that you are at the root (/) directory by entering the command: # cd / 6. Start the installation. To start the installation, enter the setld command with the -l (load) function, and specify the path to the subsets on the CD-ROM disk drive mounted on //pho510/kit. For example, for the mount point /unixcd, the command would be: # /usr/sbin/setld -l /unixcd/pho510/kit 7. Specify the subsets you wish to install. The installation procedure displays the list of subsets available for installation and prompts you to choose the desired subsets. 2-2 Installing DIGITAL PHIGS Installing DIGITAL PHIGS 2.1 Installation Procedure DIGITAL PHIGS DEVELOPMENT KIT The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Ada Language Binding 2) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Development Kit 3) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Example Programs 4) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Japanese Example Programs and Run-Time Files 5) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Pages 6) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Object Libraries --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press Return to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): Or you may choose one of the following options: 7) ALL of the above 8) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 9) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press Return to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2-4 6 DIGITAL PHIGS RUN-TIME-ONLY KIT The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Japanese Run-Time Files 2) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Pages 3) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Run-Time-Only Kit --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press Return to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): Or you may choose one of the following options: Installing DIGITAL PHIGS 2-3 Installing DIGITAL PHIGS 2.1 Installation Procedure 4) ALL of the above 5) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 6) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press Return to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1 3 8. Confirm your subset selection. DIGITAL PHIGS DEVELOPMENT KIT You are installing the following optional subsets: DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Development Kit DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Example Programs DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Japanese Example Programs and Run-Time Files DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Object Libraries Is this correct? (y/n): y DIGITAL PHIGS RUN-TIME-ONLY KIT You are installing the following optional subsets: DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Japanese Run-Time Files DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Run-Time-Only Kit Is this correct? (y/n): y Enter YES if the subsets you wish to install are those listed. Enter NO to specify other subsets. 9. Read the informational messages. The installation procedure generates messages as it checks that your system has enough space to install the requested subsets, copies these subsets, and then verifies that they were copied correctly. 10.Run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). Would you like to run the PHIGS IVP (y/n) [y]: Running the DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Installation Verification Procedure The DIGITAL PHIGS IVP verifies that the installation procedure was successful and ensures the integrity of installed files when system problems occur. Press Return to run the IVP; otherwise, enter NO. 2-4 Installing DIGITAL PHIGS Installing DIGITAL PHIGS 2.1 Installation Procedure If the IVP runs successfully, it generates the picture shown in Figure 2-1. If your device produces color output, the image will appear in color. Figure 2-1 Sample IVP Display See the Postscript(R) or Bookreader[TM] version to view the figure. If the IVP fails, the system displays a message. The IVP can fail if: o You specify an unknown device or a device on which DIGITAL PHIGS cannot create an image. o You specify an incorrect connection identifier. o The system does not meet the installation requirements. In the case of a failure, the IVP prompts you for the DIGITAL PHIGS workstation type and connection identifier. If you entered incorrect information the first time, you can enter the correct information now and the IVP will run again. If the problem did not occur because of an incorrect workstation type or connection identifier, verify that your system meets the installation prerequisites, and repeat the entire installation procedure. You should also check the file /usr/var/adm/fverify for information that can help diagnose the problem. If the IVP continues to fail, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR) providing information about your system configuration and a list of the error messages displayed during installation. See Section 2.2 for information about submitting an SPR. Installing DIGITAL PHIGS 2-5 Installing DIGITAL PHIGS 2.1 Installation Procedure 11.Specify the workstation type and connection identifier to be used. Enter the workstation type (MOTIF/PEX): motif Enter the workstation connection identifier: :0 Running PHIGS IVP (/usr/lib/PHIGS/examples/phigs_ivp) Workstation Type: MOTIF (231) Connection ID: :0 PHIGS IVP successful 12.Dismount the CD-ROM disk drive from the mount point. For example, to dismount mount point /unixcd, enter the command: # umount /unixcd 13.Remove the CD-ROM from the disk drive. The installation is now completed. After installation, you can run the installation verification procedure independently to verify that the software is available on your system. (You may also wish to run the IVP after a system failure to ensure that users can access DIGITAL PHIGS.) To run the IVP after installing the development kit or run-time-only kit, respectively, enter the appropriate command: # /usr/sbin/setld -v PHOBASE510 # /usr/sbin/setld -v PHRTO510 2.2 Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. For example, if the installation fails due to insufficient disk space, the following message is displayed: There is not enough file system space for subset PHOBASE510 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit V5.1 will not be loaded. If you encounter errors from the setld utility during installation, see the diagnostics section of the setld (8) reference page for an explanation of the error and the appropriate action to take. 2-6 Installing DIGITAL PHIGS Installing DIGITAL PHIGS 2.2 Error Recovery Errors may also occur if any of the following conditions exists: o The operating system version is incorrect. o The prerequisite software version is incorrect. o The system parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o A previous version of DIGITAL PHIGS is already installed. o The base subset for the development kit (PHOBASE510) has not been installed and you try to install another development kit subset, or the base subset for the run- time-only kit (PHRTO510) has not been installed and you try to install another run-time-only kit subset. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, take the appropriate action described in the message. For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, see the operating system documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and software installation. If the IVP fails, look in the /usr/var/adm/fverify file for information that may help you diagnose the problem. 2.3 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using DIGITAL PHIGS, report it to DIGITAL. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call DIGITAL if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of your warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as described in this section, or follow alternate instructions provided by DIGITAL for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. Installing DIGITAL PHIGS 2-7 A _________________________________________________________________ Files Installed on Your System The DIGITAL PHIGS installation procedure installs a number of files on your system and defines certain logical names. These files are soft links to the directory in which they are actually installed or moved after installation. A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 lists the DIGITAL PHIGS development kit files installed. Table_A-1_Installed_Files_for_the_DIGITAL_PHIGS_Development_Kit__ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOADA510_Subset_________________________________________________ /usr/lib libPHIGSADA.a Ada binding object library /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples /ada ademo1.ada Ada program examples ademo2.ada ademo3.ada ademo4.ada ademo5.ada shutle.dat /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples /ada/spec (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-1 Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOADA510_Subset_________________________________________________ p3dfun_.ada Ada specification files pesc_.ada phigconf_.ada phigex_.ada phigpl_.ada phigs_.ada phigtype_.ada plstut_.ada pnamst_.ada (continued on next page) A-2 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOADA510_Subset_________________________________________________ /usr/lib/PHIGSadalib adalib.alb Ada binding binaries adalib.dat aqceco.acu aqceco_.acu aqeco.acu aqeco_.acu context error_ handling.acu error_handling_ .acu phigs.acu phigs_*.acu system_ dependencies.acu /usr/lib/PHIGSadalib/_ aqceco_rpq.o (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-3 Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOADA510_Subset_________________________________________________ aqcecos84.o aqeco_rpo.o aqecos3b.o error_handling_ rp8.o error_ handlinga7.o phigs_*.o phigs_*.acu phigsst5.o system_ dependencies_ r6b.o _________________________________________________________________ PHOBASE510_Subset________________________________________________ /usr/include/PHIGS descrip.h phigs.h DIGITAL PHIGS include files phigs_dec.h phigs_defs.f phigs_defs.h phigs_for_bnd_ consts.f phigs_iso.h phigs_msgs.f phigs_msgs.h phigsdefs.h (continued on next page) A-4 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOBASE510_Subset________________________________________________ phigsmsgs.h /usr/lib libPHIGSDFOBND.a libPHIGSDFORBND.a vaxgfx_ddif_ DDIF[TM] device color_table.dat handler color table /usr/lib/GFX/font gfx_font1 Stroke fonts gfx_font2 gfx_font_neg1 gfx_font_neg2 gfx_font_neg3 gfx_font_neg4 gfx_font_neg5 gfx_font_neg6 gfx_font_neg7 gfx_font_neg8 gfx_font_neg9 gfx_font_neg10 gfx_font_neg11 gfx_font_neg12 gfx_font_neg13 gfx_font_neg14 gfx_font_neg15 gfx_font_neg16 gfx_font_neg17 gfx_font_neg18 (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-5 Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOBASE510_Subset________________________________________________ gfx_font_neg19 gfx_font_neg20 gfx_font_neg21 gfx_font_neg22 gfx_font_neg23 gfx_font_neg24 /usr/lib/GFX/messages vms_msgfil_ Message files 0000.dat vms_msgfil_ 027C.dat vms_msgfil_ 027D.dat vms_msgfil_ 033F.dat /usr/lib/GFX/servers gfx_motif_ Device handler input server_v2 servers /usr/lib/PHIGS phigs051_doc_ Documentation changes changes.txt not reflected in the current manuals, ASCII format phigs051_doc_ Documentation changes changes.PS not reflected in the current manuals, PostScript format phigs051_ Version 5.1 release release_ notes in ASCII format notes.txt (continued on next page) A-6 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOBASE510_Subset________________________________________________ phigs051_ Version 5.1 release release_ notes in PostScript notes.PS format phigs_predef Executable that provides a list of all predefined values for DIGITAL PHIGS and PHIGS Plus functionality phigs_predef_ Executable that display provides a display of all predefined values for DIGITAL PHIGS functionality /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples phigs_archive_ converter phigs_ivp DIGITAL PHIGS IVP phigs_ivp.c phigs_ivp.h phigsconfig.c phigsconfig.h /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples /utils (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-7 Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOBASE510_Subset________________________________________________ c_converter.dat Data input file for the converter. The converter uses this file to convert a program that uses the old DIGITAL PHIGS C binding syntax to the new PHIGS standard ISO C binding syntax. /usr/shlib DIGITAL PHIGS shared libraries libPHIGSISO_ Shareable library for OpenGL support libPHIGSdecpex.soShareable library for PEXlib support (used only if DIGITAL Open3D is not installed) Shareable library for button and dial support (used only if DIGITAL Open3D is not installed) (continued on next page) A-8 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOBASE510_Subset________________________________________________ /usr/lib/X11/uid gfx_motif.uid Motif[R] user interface description files gfx_motif_ en.uid _________________________________________________________________ PHOEXMP510_Subset________________________________________________ /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples create_phigs_ widget.c create_phigs_ widget.h create_phigs_ window.c create_phigs_ window.h escape_cb.c escape_db.f escape_fb.f fonts_hex.c get_log_env_ var.c motif_233_243.c motif_2x3.c phigs_demo.arc phigs_demo_ build.csh (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-9 Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOEXMP510_Subset________________________________________________ phigs_demo_ phigs_demo_ change_object_ size.c phigs_demo_ change_view_ angle.c phigs_demo_ create_object.c phigs_demo_ create_struct.c phigs_demo_ move_view_ planes.c phigs_demo_ phigs phigs_demo_ phigs.c phigs_demo_ phigs.h phigs_demo_ phigs.make phigs_demo_ readme.txt phigs_demo_ rotate_object.c phigs_demo_ translate_ object.c (continued on next page) A-10 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOEXMP510_Subset________________________________________________ phigs_ Overlay plane planedemo.c demonstration program phigs_predef.c phigs_rings_ 3d.f phigs_xdemo.c set_log_env.c /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples /battlezone battle.makefile Example files battle_config.h battle_defs.h battle_ externs.h battle_grp.c battle_ graphics.c battle_main.c battle_move.c battle_ parseopts.c battle_phigs.c battle_scores.c battle_ structs.h /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples /battlezone/lib Example file (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-11 Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOEXMP510_Subset________________________________________________ /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples /dev_guide dg_anno_text.c DEC PHIGS Developer's Guide examples dg_bundle.c dg_cull_ diamond.c dg_depth_cue.c dg_edit_wheel.c dg_execute_ struc.c dg_fill_area_ set.c dg_fill_att.c dg_four_ wheels.c dg_global_ robot.c dg_hello_ phigs.c dg_house.c dg_hsv.c dg_index_data.c dg_inherit.c dg_line_atts.c dg_local_ robot.c dg_mult_views.c dg_nurbs.c (continued on next page) A-12 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOEXMP510_Subset________________________________________________ dg_ perspective.c dg_phigs_draw.c dg_pickpath.c dg_quad_ sphere.c dg_req_loc.c dg_rgb.c dg_roll_wheel.c dg_see_view.c dg_shade_ diamond.c dg_specular.c dg_struct_ robot.c dg_text3.c dg_text_att.c dg_wheel.c /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples /getting_started gs_arcs.c Getting Started with DEC PHIGS examples gs_fill_area.c gs_light.c gs_line_color.c gs_line_types.c gs_line_width.c gs_name_sets.c (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-13 Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOEXMP510_Subset________________________________________________ gs_nurbs.c gs_polylines.c gs_request.c gs_sample.f gs_simple.c gs_teapot.c gs_text.c phigs_defs.f phigs_for_bnd_ consts.f phigs_msgs.f /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples /utils converter DIGITAL PHIGS binding converter executable fortran_ Data input file for converter.dat the converter. The converter uses this file to convert a program that uses the old DIGITAL PHIGS Fortran binding syntax to the new PHIGS standard ISO Fortran binding syntax. (continued on next page) A-14 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ PHOJP510_Subset__________________________________________________ /usr/i18n/usr/share phigs.3g Japanese manual pages /usr/lib/GFX/font font_ Japanese font jisx0201.fnt font_ Japanese font jisx0208.fnt gfx_font_ Japanese font neg10001 /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples jphigs_choice_ Japanese DIGITAL cb.c PHIGS examples jphigs_choice_ dol.c jphigs_choice_ fb.f jphigs_string_ cb. jphigs_string_ dol.c jphigs_string_ fb.f jphigs_text_ cb.c jphigs_text_ dol.c (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-15 Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files Table A-1 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS __________________Development_Kit________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHOJP510_Subset__________________________________________________ jphigs_text_ fb.f motif_333_343.c Japanese DIGITAL PHIGS example phigs_demo_ Japanese README file readme_jp.txt for DIGITAL PHIGS demo examples /usr/lib/X11/uid gfx_motif_ jp.uid _________________________________________________________________ PHOLIB510_Subset_________________________________________________ /usr/lib libPHIGS.a DIGITAL PHIGS application useable libraries libPHIGSC.a libPHIGSISO_C.a _________________________________________________________________ PHOMAN510_Subset_________________________________________________ /usr/man/man3 phigs.3g DIGITAL PHIGS manual pages introduction *.3g DIGITAL PHIGS manual pages for the ISO C ____________________________________________binding_functions____ The DIGITAL PHIGS so_locations file in the PHOBASE510 subset, which enables the rapid loading of shareable images, is not installed in the directories listed in the preceding table. Instead, this file is provided in the ../../usr/kits/PHO510/usr/shlib partition, relative to the /usr/shlib directory. After installation, you can A-16 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System A.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Files access this file by either creating a soft link between the desired file and /usr/shlib, or by copying the file into /usr/shlib. Files Installed on Your System A-17 Files Installed on Your System A.2 DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit Files A.2 DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit Files Table A-2 lists the DIGITAL PHIGS development kit files installed. These files are soft links to the directory in which they are actually installed or moved after installation. Table_A-2_Installed_Files_for_the_DIGITAL_PHIGS_Run-Time-Only_Kit Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHRJP510_Subset__________________________________________________ /usr/i18n/usr/share/ja_JP.deckanji/man /man3 phigs.3g Japanese manual pages /usr/lib/GFX/font font_ Japanese font jisx0201.fnt font_ Japanese font jisx0208.fnt gfx_font_ Japanese font neg10001 /usr/lib/X11/uid gfx_motif_ Japanese UID file jp.uid _________________________________________________________________ PHRMAN510_Subset_________________________________________________ /usr/man/man3 phigs.3g DIGITAL PHIGS manual pages (continued on next page) A-18 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System A.2 DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit Files Table A-2 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time- __________________Only_Kit_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ PHRTO510_Subset__________________________________________________ /usr/lib vaxgfx_ddif_ DDIF[TM] device color_table.dat handler color table /usr/lib/GFX/font gfx_font1 Stroke fonts gfx_font2 gfx_font_neg1 gfx_font_neg2 gfx_font_neg3 gfx_font_neg4 gfx_font_neg5 gfx_font_neg6 gfx_font_neg7 gfx_font_neg8 gfx_font_neg9 gfx_font_neg10 gfx_font_neg11 gfx_font_neg12 gfx_font_neg13 gfx_font_neg14 gfx_font_neg15 gfx_font_neg16 gfx_font_neg17 gfx_font_neg18 gfx_font_neg19 gfx_font_neg20 gfx_font_neg21 gfx_font_neg22 (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-19 Files Installed on Your System A.2 DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit Files Table A-2 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time- __________________Only_Kit_______________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHRTO510_Subset__________________________________________________ gfx_font_neg23 gfx_font_neg24 /usr/lib/GFX/messages vms_msgfil_ 0000.dat vms_msgfil_ 027C.dat vms_msgfil_ 027D.dat vms_msgfil_ 033F.dat /usr/lib/GFX/servers gfx_motif_ server_v2 /usr/lib/PHIGS phigs051_ Version 5.1 release release_ notes in ASCII format notes.txt phigs051_ Version 5.1 release release_ notes in PostScript notes.PS format phigs_predef Executable that provides a list of all predefined values for DIGITAL PHIGS and PHIGS Plus functionality (continued on next page) A-20 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System A.2 DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit Files Table A-2 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time- __________________Only_Kit_______________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHRTO510_Subset__________________________________________________ phigs_predef_ Executable that display provides a display of all predefined values for DIGITAL PHIGS functionality /usr/lib/PHIGS/examples phigs_archive_ converter phigs_ivp DIGITAL PHIGS IVP /usr/lib/X11/uid gfx_motif.uid Motif user interface description files gfx_motif_ en.uid (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-21 Files Installed on Your System A.2 DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit Files Table A-2 (Cont.) Installed Files for the DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time- __________________Only_Kit_______________________________________ Directory__________________File_Name________Description__________ PHRTO510_Subset__________________________________________________ /usr/shlib DIGITAL PHIGS shared libraries libPHIGSISO_ libPHIGSdecpex.soShareable library for PEXlib support (used only if DIGITAL Open3D is not installed) Shareable library for OpenGL support Shareable library for button and dial support (used only if DIGITAL Open3D is not ____________________________________________installed)___________ The DIGITAL PHIGS so_locations file in the PHRTO510 subset, which enables the rapid loading of shareable images, is not installed in the directories listed in the preceding table. Instead, this file is provided in the ../../usr/kits/PHR510/usr/shlib partition, relative to the /usr/shlib directory. After installation, you can access this file by either creating a soft link between the desired file and /usr/shlib, or by copying the file into /usr/shlib. A-22 Files Installed on Your System B _________________________________________________________________ Sample Installations This appendix provides sample installations of the development and run-time-only kits. B.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Installation This section contains a sample installation of the development kit. # /usr/sbin/setld -l /unixcd/pho510/kit The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Ada Language Binding 2) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Development Kit 3) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Example Programs 4) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Japanese Example Programs and Run-Time Files 5) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Pages 6) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Object Libraries --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): Or you may choose one of the following options: 7) ALL of the above 8) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 9) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press Return to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1-3 5 You are installing the following optional subsets: Sample Installations B-1 Sample Installations B.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Installation DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Ada Language Binding DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Development Kit DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Example Programs DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Pages Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. Installing DIGITAL PHIGS and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) takes approximately 5 to 30 minutes, depending on your type of media and your system configuration. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1988, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Development Kit Copying from /unixcd/pho510/kit (disk) Verifying DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Ada Language Binding Copying from /unixcd/pho510/kit (disk) Verifying DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Example Programs Copying from /unixcd/pho510/kit (disk) Verifying DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Pages Copying from /unixcd/pho510/kit (disk) Verifying ************************************************************************** * * * DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit installation completed successfully * * * ************************************************************************** Configuring "DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Development Kit" (PHOBASE510) B-2 Sample Installations Sample Installations B.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Installation Would you like to run the PHIGS IVP (y/n) [y]: y Running the DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Installation Verification Procedure Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1988, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. Enter the workstation type (MOTIF/PEX): motif Enter the workstation connection identifier: :0 Running PHIGS IVP (/usr/lib/PHIGS/examples/phigs_ivp) Workstation Type: MOTIF (231) Connection ID: :0 PHIGS IVP successful You may also run the IVP on your workstation by doing the following: setld -v PHOBASE510 DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Installation Verification Procedure succeeded *************************************************************************** * * * DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Ada Language Binding installation completed * * successfully * * * *************************************************************************** Configuring "DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Ada Language Binding" (PHOADA510) *************************************************************************** * * * DIGITAL PHIGS Example Programs installation completed successfully * * * *************************************************************************** Configuring "DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Example Programs" (PHOEXMP510) Sample Installations B-3 Sample Installations B.1 DIGITAL PHIGS Development Kit Installation *************************************************************************** * * * DIGITAL PHIGS Manual Pages installation completed successfully * * * *************************************************************************** Configuring "DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Pages" (PHOMAN510) # B.2 DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit Installation This section contains a sample run-time-only kit installation. # /usr/sbin/setld -l /unixcd/phr510/kit The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Japanese Run-Time Files 2) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Pages 3) DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Run-Time-Only Kit --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): Or you may choose one of the following options: 4) ALL of the above 5) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 6) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2 3 You are installing the following optional subsets: DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Pages DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Run-Time-Only Kit Is this correct? (y/n): y B-4 Sample Installations Sample Installations B.2 DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit Installation Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. Installing DIGITAL PHIGS and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) takes approximately 5 to 30 minutes, depending on your type of media and your system configuration. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1988, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Run-Time-Only Kit Copying from /unixcd/phr510/kit (disk) Verifying DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Pages Copying from /unixcd/phr510/kit (disk) Verifying ************************************************************************** * * * DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit installation completed successfully * * * ************************************************************************** Configuring "DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Run-Time-Only Kit" (PHRTO510) Would you like to run the PHIGS IVP (y/n) [y]: Running the DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Installation Verification Procedure Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1988, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. Sample Installations B-5 Sample Installations B.2 DIGITAL PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit Installation This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. Enter the workstation type (motif/pex): motif Enter the connection identifier: :0 Running PHIGS IVP (/usr/lib/PHIGS/examples/phigs_ivp) Workstation Type: MOTIF (231) Connection ID: :0 PHIGS IVP successful You may also run the IVP on your workstation by doing the following: setld -v PHRTO510 DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Installation Verification Procedure succeeded ************************************************************************** * * * DIGITAL PHIGS Manual Pages installation completed successfully * * * ************************************************************************** Configuring "DIGITAL PHIGS V5.1 Manual Pages" (PHRMAN510) # B-6 Sample Installations