TeamRoute_for_ALL-IN-1______________________________ Installation and System Management Guide Revision/Update Information: Revised for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3 Operating System: OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or higher, and OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1 Software Version: TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3 ________________________________________________________________ February 1995 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All Rights Reserved. We welcome your comments on this book. Please use one of the following ways to send your comments: o Send an electronic mail message to o Send an electronic mail message to S=IDC BOOKS; O=digital; OU1=reo; P=digital; A=CWMail; C=gb o Send a fax to (+44) 1734 206018 The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ALL-IN-1, DEC MAILworks, OpenVMS, TeamLinks, TeamRoute, VAX, WPS-PLUS, and the DIGITAL logo. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CDROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... vii 1 Release Notes 1.1 Changes in TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3........................................... 1-1 1.2 Known Problems and Restrictions............... 1-1 1.2.1 TeamRoute Option Fails to Work............ 1-1 1.2.2 Running Multiple Service Agents........... 1-2 1.2.3 Converting Attachments.................... 1-2 1.2.4 Addressing TeamRoute Packages............. 1-2 1.2.5 Granting Mail Access...................... 1-2 1.2.6 Renaming ALL-IN-1 Accounts................ 1-3 1.2.7 Transferring TeamRoute Accounts........... 1-3 1.2.8 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 User Guide......... 1-3 1.2.9 TeamRoute Programming Guide............... 1-4 1.2.10 Help for the Template Creation Utility.... 1-5 2 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.1 Installation Paths............................ 2-2 2.2 Second-Architecture Installations............. 2-8 2.3 Registering a License......................... 2-9 2.4 Checking the ALL-IN-1 Site Link Files......... 2-9 2.5 Checking the OA$MTI_TRNS Logical Name......... 2-10 2.6 Checking the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Logical Names......................................... 2-11 2.7 Disk Space Requirements....................... 2-11 2.8 System Parameters............................. 2-13 2.9 Removing Customized Elements of TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1...................................... 2-14 2.10 Editing the Site Startup Procedures........... 2-14 iii 3 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3.1 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 on a Cluster System........................................ 3-2 3.2 Registering TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Users...... 3-2 3.3 Keeping a Record of the Installation.......... 3-3 3.4 Running the Installation Procedure............ 3-4 3.5 Restoring Process Symbols..................... 3-9 3.6 Solving Problems.............................. 3-9 3.6.1 Modifications to Site Link Files.......... 3-10 3.6.2 Running the IVP........................... 3-10 4 After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 4.1 Updating ALL-IN-1 Forms....................... 4-2 4.1.1 Updating Form MAIN........................ 4-3 4.1.2 Updating Form DEFAULT..................... 4-3 4.1.3 Updating Forms SM$MAIN2 and SM_DEFAULT.... 4-3 4.2 Upgrading your Customizations ................ 4-4 4.3 Checking the Site Startup Procedure........... 4-5 4.4 Registering Users as TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Users......................................... 4-6 4.5 Checking Licenses............................. 4-6 4.6 Supporting TeamLinks Users.................... 4-6 5 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.1 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Accounts...... 5-1 5.2 Managing the Service Agent.................... 5-3 5.2.1 Service Agent Account Requirements........ 5-6 5.2.2 Setting the Wait Interval................. 5-7 5.2.3 Using the Service Agent Log File.......... 5-7 5.2.4 Using the Service Agent Transaction File...................................... 5-8 5.2.5 Tracing Service Agent Activity............ 5-8 5.2.6 Testing and Repairing Mail Areas.......... 5-9 5.3 Managing the Application Registration File.... 5-9 5.4 Setting the Mail Destination of TeamRoute Users......................................... 5-11 5.5 Troubleshooting: Routing Packages not Sent.... 5-12 5.6 Troubleshooting: Routing Packages not Received...................................... 5-12 iv A Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.1 File Names.................................... A-1 A.1.1 Files Placed on the System Disk........... A-1 A.1.2 Files Placed in the ALL-IN-1 Directory.... A-2 A.1.3 Files Installed in TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Directories............................... A-2 A.2 Logical Names and Search Lists................ A-6 A.2.1 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Logical Names...... A-6 A.2.2 Logicals Added to Each ALL-IN-1 Language Logical Table (OA$language_TABLE)......... A-9 A.2.3 Logical Search Lists...................... A-10 A.3 ALL-IN-1 Files Modified by TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1...................................... A-11 B Handling Diagnostics B.1 Informational Messages........................ B-1 B.2 Warning and Error Messages.................... B-2 B.2.1 Warning Messages.......................... B-2 B.2.2 Error Messages............................ B-5 C Transaction File C.1 Overview...................................... C-1 C.2 Record Format................................. C-2 C.2.1 Fixed-Length Fields....................... C-2 C.2.2 Variable-Length Fields.................... C-3 Index Figures 5-1 Manage TeamRoute User Accounts Menu....... 5-2 5-2 Manage Service Agents Menu................ 5-4 5-3 Manage TeamRoute Application Registration File Menu................................. 5-10 v Tables 1 Conventions............................... viii 2-1 Preparation Tasks......................... 2-1 2-2 Installation Options...................... 2-3 2-3 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 for the First Time................................ 2-6 2-4 Upgrading TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 from Version 1.2............................... 2-8 2-5 Disk Space Requirements (in Blocks) ...... 2-11 2-6 Minimum Required System Parameter Values.................................... 2-13 3-1 Information About the Installation Procedure................................. 3-1 3-2 Installation Procedure.................... 3-4 4-1 Postinstallation Tasks.................... 4-1 5-1 Manage TeamRoute User Accounts Menu Options................................... 5-2 5-2 Manage Service Agents Menu Options........ 5-4 5-3 Manage TeamRoute Application Registration File Menu Options......................... 5-11 C-1 Transaction Types......................... C-1 C-2 Transaction File Fixed-Length Fields...... C-2 C-3 Transaction File Variable-Length Fields... C-3 vi _________________________________________________________________ Preface This manual tells you how to install and manage TeamRoute[TM] for ALL-IN-1[TM]. After you install this product, you can obtain information about the system management commands by using online help. Intended Audience This manual is intended for ALL-IN-1 managers. Document Structure The information in this manual is divided as follows: o Chapter 1 contains the release notes. o Chapter 2 to Chapter 4 describes how to install and set up TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. o Chapter 5 tells you how to start and maintain TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 services. Associated Documents The following documentation provides related information: o ALL-IN-1 Installation: Guide o ALL-IN-1 Management Guide o TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 User Guide o TeamRoute Programming Guide o ALL-IN-1 Application Programming: Using Customization Management vii Conventions Table 1 shows the conventions used in this manual: Table_1_Conventions________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning___________________________________ ALL-IN-1 Means the ALL-IN-1[TM] software that is installed on your system, for example, ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS) Server or ALL-IN-1 Core Services for OpenVMS[TM] Alpha and OpenVMS VAX[TM] OpenVMS Alpha Means the OpenVMS Alpha operating system OpenVMS VAX Means the OpenVMS VAX operating system TeamRoute Means TeamRoute[TM] for ALL-IN-1 Architecture This term is used to differentiate between OpenVMS VAX systems and OpenVMS Alpha systems Brackets [] Surround default values throughout the _________________installation_procedure____________________ viii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Release Notes This chapter describes: o The main changes made in TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3 o The known problems and restrictions that are in TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3. 1.1 Changes in TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3 The main changes in TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3 are: o The addition of support for ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1 running on OpenVMS Alpha systems. o The provision of an option to install the TeamRoute Service Agent only. This provides language-independent support for users who access TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 from a TeamLinks[TM] client. Do not use this option if you need to support users who access TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 from a VT or by terminal emulation. 1.2 Known Problems and Restrictions The following sections describe the known problems and restrictions in TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3. 1.2.1 TeamRoute Option Fails to Work After a second-architecture installation, the TeamRoute (TMR) option may fail to work. This happens when TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.2 or Version 1.3 is present on a VAX system when second-architecture support for ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1 is added on an Alpha system. Workaround: Release Notes 1-1 Release Notes 1.2 Known Problems and Restrictions If this problem occurs, recompile the SITEOAFORM forms library. 1.2.2 Running Multiple Service Agents Problems occur when more than one Service Agent runs in a cluster. It is not normally possible for more than one Service Agent to start, so these problems are likely to occur only in unusual circumstances. 1.2.3 Converting Attachments Attachments that are created and attached on TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 may be converted when sent to a user on TeamRoute for OpenVMS or TeamLinks. This means that updates to revisable attachments cannot be applied to the master. TeamRoute clients that use DEC MAILworks[TM] support the same data type and file conversion capability that is available with DEC MAILworks. That is, if a converter is available for the attachment data type, and the user's profile options have been set to allow the conversion, the DEC MAILworks server converts the files on delivery. When sending routing packages with WPS-PLUS[TM] attachments from the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 client to TeamRoute for OpenVMS or TeamLinks clients, the attachment files may be converted. To prevent the conversion of revisable attachments that are intended to remain in WPS-PLUS format, set the DEC MAILworks user profile option to accept types of WPS-PLUS. 1.2.4 Addressing TeamRoute Packages You cannot send TeamRoute packages to distribution lists or to ALL-IN-1 groups. 1.2.5 Granting Mail Access TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 does not support the use of the GMA (Grant mail access) and SMU (Set mail user) options in ALL-IN-1. You can use the GMA and SMU options to give other users access to the mail in your ALL-IN-1 account in the usual way. However, those users cannot read or process any TeamRoute packages in your ALL-IN-1 account. 1-2 Release Notes Release Notes 1.2 Known Problems and Restrictions 1.2.6 Renaming ALL-IN-1 Accounts If you rename a TeamRoute user's ALL-IN-1 account, the user can access all existing routing packages from the new account. This includes all master routing packages and any unread packages from the old account name. The following restrictions apply when an ALL-IN-1 account is renamed: o On any packages that the user has initiated, the name of the initiator does not change. Thus, as the package is routed, the user's old name can be seen. o If another user has routed a package to the user's old name, and the package has not yet reached the renamed user, it will not be delivered to the new account name. 1.2.7 Transferring TeamRoute Accounts Support is not currently available for transferring TeamRoute accounts to a new system. Before you transfer an ALL-IN-1 account that uses TeamRoute, consider the following: 1. The user must read and respond to all new TeamRoute routing packages before you transfer the account. 2. All outstanding TeamRoute master routing packages initiated by the account being transferred must be processed; that is, all recipients listed in the master routing copy must have received copies and have responded, if appropriate. 3. TeamRoute master routing packages owned by the account to be transferred will not be available to the transferred account on the new system. 1.2.8 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 User Guide The User Guide has not been updated for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3. Where this book refers to the Index Masters (IM) option, this should be the Index-Sent Masters (IS) option. Release Notes 1-3 Release Notes 1.2 Known Problems and Restrictions 1.2.9 TeamRoute Programming Guide The Programming Guide has not been updated for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3. This book contains the following errors: o Section 2.5: Routing Package Dump Utility The location of the TeamRoute Routing Package Dump utility for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 is incorrect. The correct location in this version of TeamRoute for ALL- IN-1 is: TMRA1$EXE_SHARE:TMRA1$RTL_DUMP.EXE o Section 3.2: Compiling and Linking Applications The name of the RTL shareable image for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 is incorrect. The correct name is: SYS$SHARE:TMRA1$RTL_SHR.EXE o Section 4.2: Building Templates The location of the Template Creation Utility (TCU) for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 is incorrect. The correct location in this version of TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 is: TMRA1$EXE_SHARE:TMRA1$TCU.EXE o Section 5.1: Using the API The names of the files for the TeamForm application are incorrect. The correct names are: TMRA1$LIB:TMRA1$TEAMFORM.SCP TMRA1$LIB:TMRA1$TEAMFORM.COM TMRA1$LIB:TMRA1$TEAMFORM.EXE o TMR SELECT The format of the TMR SELECT function should include a comma between the two parameters, as follows: TMR SELECT routing_package, access_mode This is correctly shown in the example. Note that if access_mode is omitted, the default is OA$_TMR_READ_WRITE. This may not be appropriate for your application and may cause unexpected results. We therefore recommend that you use the local symbol, 1-4 Release Notes Release Notes 1.2 Known Problems and Restrictions #TMRCL_APPL_ACCESS_MODE, to provide a value for access_ mode. 1.2.10 Help for the Template Creation Utility The Template Creation Utility (TCU) for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 is located in TMRA1$EXE_SHARE:TMRA1$TCU.EXE. The TCU includes online help that describes how to use the utility. Some of the samples in the online help specify /TYPE=TEXT for an attachment. This should be /TYPE=ASCII. Release Notes 1-5 2 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Table 2-1 shows the tasks you must do in preparation for installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3. Table_2-1_Preparation_Tasks______________________________________ Task_______________________Details_______________________________ Check the kit contents. See the bill of materials for a list of what the distribution kit should contain. Contact your Digital representative if your kit is damaged or incomplete. Decide what installation See Section 2.1. path you need to take. Check that the You must have ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1 prerequisite software installed on your system before is installed. installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. If you have been using TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.2 on an ALL-IN-1 Version 3.0A system, and have subsequently upgraded your ALL-IN-1 system to Version 3.1, you must reinstall TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.2 before you upgrade to TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3. Register a license for See Section 2.3. TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. Check the site link See Section 2.4. files. (continued on next page) Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2-1 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Preparation_Tasks______________________________ Task_______________________Details_______________________________ Check that the necessary See Section 2.5 and Section 2.6. logical names are defined on your system. Check that the disk space See Section 2.7 and Section 2.8. and system parameters on your system are sufficient for the installation. If you are planning an See Section 2.9. upgrade installation, remove any customized versions of TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 elements from the TeamRoute live area. If you are planning an See Section 2.10. upgrade installation, edit the site startup procedures. Shut down ALL-IN-1. See the ALL-IN-1 Management Guide for details of how to do this. Back up disks. At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. Digital recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software. If you are planning to install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 on more than one disk, back up the target disks ___________________________that_you_plan_to_use._________________ 2.1 Installation Paths Table 2-2 shows the installation options that are available for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3. 2-2 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.1 Installation Paths Table_2-2_Installation_Options___________________________________ Type of Installation_____Details_________________________________________ Full This installs a new TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 system. When you do a full installation, the language of the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 kit must be the same as the primary (default) language of your ALL-IN-1 system. Additional Once you have done a full installation of language TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, you must do an additional language installation for each additional language on your ALL-IN-1 system. Server-only This installs the TeamRoute Service Agent to provide a server for users who access TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 from TeamLinks clients. It also installs the TeamRoute System Management subsystem, used for managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 services. This installation provides no support for users accessing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 from a VT or by terminal emulation. To support both VT users and TeamLinks users, do a full or upgrade installation, as appropriate. (continued on next page) Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2-3 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.1 Installation Paths Table_2-2_(Cont.)_Installation_Options___________________________ Type of _________________________________________________________________ ______________________Upgrade_Installations______________________ Upgrade This upgrades an existing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.2 system, preserving the following: o All information relating to the Service Agent account o All information in the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 profile o TeamRoute logical names o All existing TeamRoute packages Upgrade After an upgrade installation on a multilanguage additional ALL-IN-1 system, you must do an upgrade language installation for each additional language on the system. (continued on next page) 2-4 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.1 Installation Paths Table_2-2_(Cont.)_Installation_Options___________________________ Type of _________________________________________________________________ ________________Second-Architecture_Installations________________ Add second- Where ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1 is installed on architecture a mixed-architecture cluster, once you have support installed TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 on one architecture, use this option to add TeamRoute support on the ALL-IN-1 system running on the second architecture. Add second- On a multilanguage ALL-IN-1 system running on a architecture mixed-architecture cluster, use this option to support for add support for each additional language on the additional second architecture. language Add second- Where ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1 is installed on a architecture mixed-architecture cluster, once you have done support for a server-only installation on one architecture, server-only use this option to add TeamRoute support on installation the ALL-IN-1 system running on the second _________________architecture.___________________________________ Table 2-3 shows the installation options to choose if you are installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 for the first time. Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2-5 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.1 Installation Paths Table_2-3_Installing_TeamRoute_for_ALL-IN-1_for_the_First_Time___ Type of System______Single_Architecture________Mixed_Architecture________ Single Full installation 1. Full installation on Language or either architecture Server-only installation 2. Add second architecture support on the other architecture or 1. Server-only installation on either architecture 2. Add second-architecture support for server-only installation on the other architecture _________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-6 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.1 Installation Paths Table 2-3 (Cont.) Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 for the First __________________Time___________________________________________ Type of System______Single_Architecture________Mixed_Architecture________ Multi- 1. Full installation for 1. Full installation for language[1] the primary language the primary language on 2. Additional language either architecture installation for each 2. On the same additional language on architecture, your ALL-IN-1 system additional language installation for each additional language on your ALL-IN-1 system 3. Add second architecture support on the other architecture 4. Add second architecture support for each additional language on your ALL-IN-1 system [1]On_a_multilanguage_system,_a_server-only_installation_________ automatically installs TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 elements on the primary language only. Do not do any additional-language installations after a server-only installation. _________________________________________________________________ Table 2-4 shows the installation options to choose if you are upgrading your TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 system from Version 1.2. Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2-7 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.1 Installation Paths Table_2-4_Upgrading_TeamRoute_for_ALL-IN-1_from_Version_1.2______ Type of System______Single_Architecture________Mixed_Architecture________ Single Upgrade installation 1. Upgrade on the VAX Language system 2. Add second architecture support on the Alpha system _________________________________________________________________ Multi- 1. Upgrade installation 1. Upgrade on the VAX language system 2. Upgrade each additional language on 2. Upgrade each additional your ALL-IN-1 system language on the VAX system 3. Add second architecture support on Alpha system (primary language) 4. Add second architecture support for each additional language on the Alpha system _________________________________________________________________ 2.2 Second-Architecture Installations In a mixed-architecture cluster, it is important to install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 on each architecture. If you do not do this, problems are reported when you relink ALL-IN-1 on the system where TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 is absent. This problem is likely to occur if, for example, you do not have a mixed-architecture cluster when you install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3, but subsequently add an Alpha system to the cluster. If you do this, remember to add second-architecture support for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 as soon as you install ALL-IN-1 on the new system. 2-8 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.3 Registering a License 2.3 Registering a License The license registration information you need is contained in the Product Authorization Key (PAK). The PAK is a paper certificate that contains information about the license you need to run a particular piece of software. You must register and load your license for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 before you start the installation procedure. To register a license under OpenVMS, first log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. You then have a choice of two ways to perform the registration: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your License PAK. o At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information. For complete information on using LMF, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. 2.4 Checking the ALL-IN-1 Site Link Files The TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 installation adds information to the ALL-IN-1 site link files, SITELINK31.COM and SITELLV.COM. For this to succeed, the following conditions must apply: o The files must be in the directory OA$BUILD_SHARE_IND, or, if they have been customized, in OA$SITE_BUILD_ SHARE_IND o The format of the files must conform to that of the templates provided in ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1 o For upgrade installations, the modifications made to the site link files during the installation of TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.2 must be present Before you install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3, make sure that these conditions are met. If the installation procedure cannot modify the site link files, the installation fails. Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2-9 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.4 Checking the ALL-IN-1 Site Link Files See Section 3.6.1 for information about what to do if the installation fails due to failure to modify the site link files. 2.5 Checking the OA$MTI_TRNS Logical Name If the logical name OA$MTI_TRNS is defined on your system, it must be set to zero (0) in order for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 to run correctly. To check the value of the logical name, enter the following command: $ SHOW LOGICAL OA$MTI_TRNS If the value is 0, or if the logical name is not defined on your system, take no further action. If the logical name is set to 1 or 2, it means that your ALL-IN-1 system is configured to translate outgoing messages to ASCII text (see the ALL-IN-1 Installation: Guide for more details). Before you change the configuration of your ALL-IN-1 system, check the reasons why this configuration is being used. To change the value of the logical name to 0, enter this value in the TRANSLATE field in the A1BASE record of the ALL-IN-1 configuration database. Do this as follows: 1. From the ALL-IN-1 manager's ALL-IN-1 account, enter A1CONFIG. The ALL-IN-1 System Configuration Information form is displayed. 2. Enter A1BASE to display the record for the base component. 3. Enter C to specify that you want to change the record. 4. Move the cursor to the TRANSLATE field and enter 0. 5. Press RETURN to save the changes. 6. Press RETURN to leave the form. 2-10 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.6 Checking the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Logical Names 2.6 Checking the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Logical Names Before starting an upgrade installation of any sort, check that the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 logical names are defined on your system. See Section A.2 for a list of these logical names. The upgrade installation fails if the TeamRoute for ALL-IN- 1 logical names are not defined. Define them by running the TeamRoute startup procedure, as follows: $ @SYS$STARTUP:TMRA1$STARTUP dev:[TMRA1SERVICE] SHARE batch_queue dev is the device holding the TMRA1SERVICE account. batch_queue is the queue to which you want to submit the startup procedure. Before a second-architecture installation of any sort, define the logical name TMRA1$SERVICE_DIRECTORY, using the same translation as on the first architecture: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE TMRA1$SERVICE_DIRECTORY disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE] 2.7 Disk Space Requirements Table 2-5 shows the free disk storage space requirements for installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. These requirements apply to first time, server-only, and upgrade installations. Table_2-5_Disk_Space_Requirements_(in_Blocks)____________________ Full, Upgrade, or Additional Second- Server-only Language Architecture Device Installation Installation Installation ___________________________VAX____Alpha__VAX____Alpha__VAX____Alpha Kit Working Device 25000 35000 6000 15000 6000 15000 (continued on next page) Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2-11 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.7 Disk Space Requirements Table_2-5_(Cont.)_Disk_Space_Requirements_(in_Blocks)____________ Full, Upgrade, or Additional Second- Server-only Language Architecture Device Installation Installation Installation ___________________________VAX____Alpha__VAX____Alpha__VAX____Alpha This disk space is needed during the installation and will be the system disk unless an alternate working device is used System Disk 2000 3000 1000 1000 2000 3000 ALL-IN-1 Shared Library 10000 15000 1000 1000 10000 15000 Files This is the device that holds the directory which is pointed to by the logical OA$LIB_SHARE ALL-IN-1 Shared Data 2000 2000 2000 2000 1000 1000 Files This is the device that holds the directory which is pointed to by the logical OA$DATA_ SHARE ALL-IN-1 Language Files 5000 5000 5000 5000 1000 1000 (continued on next page) 2-12 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.7 Disk Space Requirements Table_2-5_(Cont.)_Disk_Space_Requirements_(in_Blocks)____________ Full, Upgrade, or Additional Second- Server-only Language Architecture Device Installation Installation Installation ___________________________VAX____Alpha__VAX____Alpha__VAX____Alpha This is the device that holds the directory which is pointed to by the logical OA$LIB_ language, where language is the language that you are installing. For a server-only installation, language is the default language on your system. TeamRoute files 5000 6000 2000 2000 1000 2000 This is the device specified during the installation_____________________________________________________ 2.8 System Parameters Table 2-6 lists the minimum system parameter values required for the installation. Depending on the applications running at your site, you might need higher values for some settings. Table_2-6_Minimum_Required_System_Parameter_Values_________ System_Parameter___________VAX____Alpha____________________ GBLPAGES[1] 1400 2450 [1]The_values_listed_for_these_system_parameters_represent_ the number of free global pages and global sections required for the installation, not the total number you need to run your system and other software. (continued on next page) Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2-13 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.8 System Parameters Table_2-6_(Cont.)_Minimum_Required_System_Parameter_Values_ System_Parameter___________VAX____Alpha____________________ GBLSECTIONS[1] 10 10 [1]The_values_listed_for_these_system_parameters_represent_ the number of free global pages and global sections required for the installation, not the total number you need to run your system and other software. ___________________________________________________________ 2.9 Removing Customized Elements of TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Before an upgrade installation, if your TeamRoute for ALL- IN-1 system has been customized, remove from the TeamRoute live area any customized versions of Digital-supplied TeamRoute elements (that is, those with the prefix TMR). Use Customization Management to do this. If you do not do this, your customizations may interfere with the correct functioning of TeamRoute Version 1.3. 2.10 Editing the Site Startup Procedures Before an upgrade installation, you must remove any existing TeamRoute startup commands from the site startup procedures. Do this as follows: 1. Check for the following file: OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_IND:A1V31_SITE_START.COM If this file does not exist, you do not need to take any action. 2. If the file does exist, delete the line that starts as follows: @SYS$STARTUP:TMRA1$STARTUP It is important to remove this line completely, rather than commenting it out. 3. If you have a multilanguage system, make sure that this line is not present in any language-specific site startup file: OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV:OA$SITE_lang_START.COM 2-14 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2.10 Editing the Site Startup Procedures If, after installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3, you add an Alpha node to the cluster, install ALL-IN-1 on the Alpha node and then start ALL-IN-1, you will get an informational message or an error message. If you removed the TeamRoute startup commands you get the following informational message: TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 is not installed for this system If you did not remove the TeamRoute startup line, the command procedure may fail and subsequent startup commands may not be executed. The following message will be displayed: %DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening SYS$SYSROOT:[SYS$STARTUP]TMRA1$STARTUP.COM; as input -RMS-E-FNF, file not found In either case, install TeamRoute on the Alpha node. Preparing to Install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 2-15 3 _________________________________________________________________ Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 This chapter tells you how to install TeamRoute for ALL-IN- 1. During the installation procedure a number of cautions and general informational messages are displayed. Read all the displayed messages carefully. Table 3-1 gives information which you may need during the installation. Table_3-1_Information_About_the_Installation_Procedure_____ Question_________Answer____________________________________ From which Use the SYSTEM account, or another account account should that has the following privileges set: I do the SYSPRV installation? SYSNAM PRMGBL CMKRNL TMPMBX NETMBX How do I get Enter ? at any time. help? What do I Restart the installation from the do if the beginning. installation fails before the automatic postinstalla- tion phase? (continued on next page) Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3-1 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Table 3-1 (Cont.) Information About the Installation __________________Procedure________________________________ Question_________Answer____________________________________ How do I To abort the installation procedure at any stop the time up to the automatic postinstallation installation? phase, press CTRL/Y. The installation procedure deletes all temporary files it has created. Any files that have been written to target locations remain there. The installation does not delete any accounts, identifiers, or directory structures that it has created. What happens if A postinstallation script runs to populate I indicate the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 profile, using during the existing accounts in the ALL-IN-1 installation profile file. See Section 3.2 for more that I want details. ALL-IN-1 users to be registered as TeamRoute users?_____________________________________________________ 3.1 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 on a Cluster System If your ALL-IN-1 system runs in a cluster system, you must install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 on each node where ALL-IN-1 is running. 3.2 Registering TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Users During installation, you can choose to register existing ALL-IN-1 users as TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 users. If you do this, a postinstallation procedure populates the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 profile with the existing accounts in the ALL-IN-1 profile, with the exception of the following accounts: o Accounts beginning with A1 o Accounts beginning with DESKTOP o TMRA1SA1 3-2 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3.2 Registering TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Users o X400 o System distribution lists o IVP o SYSTEM o EARS_CONTROL o EARS_POSTMASTER o POSTMASTER o MANAGER o Accounts with the following mail destinations: MAIL-LIST FAX TELEX NO MAIL PRINTER PAPER MAIL HARD-COPY VMSMAIL VAXMAIL On an ALL-IN-1 system with a large number of users, this script takes some time to run, and so extends the total installation time. Once you have installed TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, you can use options on the Manage TeamRoute User Accounts menu to register individual users in the TeamRoute profile. Use these options if you choose not to register users as part of the installation. See Section 5.1 for more information. 3.3 Keeping a Record of the Installation We recommend that you keep a permanent record of the installation. To do this, either use a hardcopy terminal, or keep a record of the installation in a log file. To keep a record in a log file, just before you start the installation, enter the following command: $ SET HOST 0/LOG=filename filename is the name of the log file. Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3-3 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3.3 Keeping a Record of the Installation To use the SET HOST command, you must have DECnet running on your system. 3.4 Running the Installation Procedure Table 3-2 lists all the steps for installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3. It contains extracts from an installation log, but does not show every message that can be displayed during an installation. Table_3-2_Installation_Procedure_________________________________ Step_Action______________________________________________________ 1 Invoke VMSINSTAL: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL TMRA1013 dev dev is the name of the device on which you plan to mount the media. _________________________________________________________________ 2 Confirm system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? If you are satisfied with your system backup, press RETURN. Otherwise, enter NO, then back up your system disk before restarting the installation. _________________________________________________________________ 3 Mount the media. When the installation procedure prompts you to, mount the distribution media on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. Then answer the prompt to continue with the installation. _________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 3-4 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3.4 Running the Installation Procedure Table_3-2_(Cont.)_Installation_Procedure_________________________ Step_Action______________________________________________________ 4 Specify the installation type. This procedure supports the following TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 installations: (1) First full installation (2) Installation of an additional language (3) Upgrade from Version 1.2 (4) Upgrade an additional language (5) Add second-architecture support for primary language (6) Add second-architecture support for additional language (7) Server-only installation (8) Add second-architecture support for server- only installation See Section 2.1 for information about what installation path to choose. _________________________________________________________________ 5 Specify a unique UIC for the TMRA1SERVICE account. * Please enter a UIC for the TMRA1SERVICE account: If you have done any installation of TeamRoute for ALL- IN-1 before this installation, use the same UIC that you specified in the previous installation. Do not specify a SYSTEM UIC for the TMRA1SERVICE account. _________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3-5 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3.4 Running the Installation Procedure Table_3-2_(Cont.)_Installation_Procedure_________________________ Step_Action______________________________________________________ 6 Specify a device for the TMRA1SERVICE account and TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 files. * Enter the device to accommodate TeamRoute for ALL-IN- 1 files [DISK1:]: ____________________________________________________________ For_installation_type________________Go_to__________________ Server-only and second-architecture Step 8 support for server-only Other________________________________Step_7_________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7 Specify the language of the installation. * Enter language code for this installation (2 Characters): Specify the two-character language code of the language you are installing. For English, enter the code EN. This is different from the language codes used for ALL-IN-1, which are GB or US. There are no differences between the English language and British language versions of TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. _________________________________________________________________ 8 Confirm that a license PAK is registered and loaded. * Do you have an LMF PAK for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1? If you have registered your PAK for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, enter YES and continue the installation. If you have not registered and loaded your PAK, log in to another session and register the PAK before continuing the installation. _________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 3-6 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3.4 Running the Installation Procedure Table_3-2_(Cont.)_Installation_Procedure_________________________ Step_Action______________________________________________________ 9 Specify a system batch queue. * On which batch queue do you want the startup to run [SYS$BATCH]: To start the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Service Agent process, a startup procedure is submitted to a system batch queue. _________________________________________________________________ 10 Indicate whether you want to register all ALL-IN-1 users as TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 users. * Do you want all ALL-IN-1 users to be registered as TeamRoute users [YES]? See Section 3.2 for information about registering users. _________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3-7 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3.4 Running the Installation Procedure Table_3-2_(Cont.)_Installation_Procedure_________________________ Step_Action______________________________________________________ 11 Answer the ALL-IN-1 link questions. The default answers to these questions are those that were given during the last relink of your ALL-IN-1 system. For more information about linking the ALL-IN-1 images, see the ALL-IN-1 Management Guide. The only ALL-IN-1 images that are linked are: o OA$MAIN o On multilanguage systems, OA$LLVlanguage, where language is the language of the TeamRoute kit that is being installed. During an additional language installation, you are asked: * Do you want these graphics copied to the ALL-IN-1 Library Directory [NO]:? Press RETURN to accept the default answer. Your answer to this question does not affect the installation. ____________________________________________________________ For_installation_type_______Go_to___________________________ Upgrade or upgrade of an 12 additional language Other_______________________13______________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 12 Upgrade and additional language upgrade installations: Indicate whether you want to purge existing files. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Digital recommends that you purge the existing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 files, to save disk space. _________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 3-8 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3.4 Running the Installation Procedure Table_3-2_(Cont.)_Installation_Procedure_________________________ Step_Action______________________________________________________ 13 Indicate whether you want to run the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Installation Verification Procedure. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? The IVP verifies that all TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 files have been installed on your system. Digital recommends that you run the IVP. _________________________________________________________________ 14 Read the informational messages. At this point, the installation procedure displays a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. Read these carefully, and after the installation, take any actions indicated by the messages. _____There_are_no_further_questions._____________________________ 3.5 Restoring Process Symbols During the installation, VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables. After the installation, to restore these symbols, log out of the system manager's account, then log in again. 3.6 Solving Problems If errors occur during the installation, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of TMRA1 has failed. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o The prerequisite software is not installed. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3-9 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 3.6 Solving Problems o The product license has not been registered and loaded. o A site link file has been modified and the installation procedure is unable either to remove the old TeamRoute link commands or to add the new ones. See Section 3.6.1. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, take the action described in the message. For information on installation requirements, see Chapter 2. 3.6.1 Modifications to Site Link Files In adding information to the site link files, the installation procedure uses the format of the template files that are provided in ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1. If the format of these files has been changed, the installation fails. During an upgrade, the installation procedure removes the modifications that were made to the site link files during the installation of TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.2. If the installation procedure cannot find the end point of these modifications, the upgrade installation fails. If the installation fails for either of these reasons, remove customized versions of the site link files from the live area. Alternatively, if an upgrade installation fails to remove the Version 1.2 modifications, edit the site link files manually to remove the modifications, then restart the installation. 3.6.2 Running the IVP If the installation succeeds, but the IVP does not run successfully, examine the IVP log file, SYS$TEST:TMRA1$IVP.LOG, to identify the problem. To run the IVP outside the installation, enter the following command from a privileged account: $ @SYS$TEST:TMRA1$IVP language language is the language of your installed TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 kit. 3-10 Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 4 _________________________________________________________________ After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Table 4-1 shows the tasks you may need to do after installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. Table_4-1_Postinstallation_Tasks_________________________________ Task_________________________________Further_Information_________ Compile and install the ALL-IN-1 Use the Compile and install text library, A1TXL.TXL[1]. the base text library (CTX) option on the System Customization Management menu. If you were instructed to do so by See Section 4.1. the installation, update ALL-IN-1 forms to support TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. After an upgrade installation, See Section 4.2. upgrade any customizations that were made to earlier versions of TeamRoute elements. After an upgrade installation, See Section 4.3. check the site startup procedure. After a server-only installation See ALL-IN-1 Management on the primary language of a Guide for details of how to multilanguage system, relink relink ALL-IN-1. ALL-IN-1 for each additional language on your system. [1]You_do_not_need_to_compile_and_install_the_ALL-IN-1_text______ library after a server-only installation. (continued on next page) After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 4-1 After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Table_4-1_(Cont.)_Postinstallation_Tasks_________________________ Task_________________________________Further_Information_________ Make sure that the appropriate See Section 4.4. users are registered as TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 users. Make sure that TeamRoute for See Section 4.5. ALL-IN-1 users are covered by an appropriate license. Make sure that TeamLinks users can See Section 4.6. access_TeamRoute_for_ALL-IN-1.___________________________________ 4.1 Updating ALL-IN-1 Forms When you install TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 for the first time, the installation attempts to update the following forms: ___________________________________________________________ Full Installation_____Server-only_Installation__________________ SM$MAIN2 SM$MAIN2 SM_DEFAULT SM_DEFAULT MAIN DEFAULT____________________________________________________ If any of these forms have been customized, you must add the TeamRoute changes manually. The installation procedure displays a message to tell you which forms, if any, you must update manually. The following sections describe the changes necessary for each form. Use Customization Management to change the forms. When you have finished changing the forms, move them to the live area, then precompile and install the affected form libraries. 4-2 After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 4.1 Updating ALL-IN-1 Forms 4.1.1 Updating Form MAIN If the installation procedure could not update form MAIN, change the form manually. If form MAIN is not appropriate for your environment, make the changes on another form (for example, on MAIN2). Change the form as follows: 1. Edit the screen image to add the TeamRoute option, as shown: TMR TeamRoute 2. After the option name, leave 13 spaces then create a field of 30 characters in length. This is to display the number of new TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 routing packages. Assign the name TMR_COUNT to the new field. Mark the field as Display Only. 3. Edit the named data on the form to add the following form qualifiers to the .TYPE directive: /GET=TMR_COUNT,OA$TMR$COUNT_DISPLAY/PRE="DO TMR$CL_OPEN_LIBRARY" Also add named data for the TeamRoute option, as follows: ;;OA$_TMR_MO_TEAMROUTE;; FORM TMR$MAIN$MENU 4.1.2 Updating Form DEFAULT If the installation procedure could not update form DEFAULT, edit the form to add the following named data for the TeamRoute option: ;;OA$_TMR_MO_TEAMROUTE;; DO TMR$CL_OPEN_LIBRARY\FORM TMR$MAIN$MENU 4.1.3 Updating Forms SM$MAIN2 and SM_DEFAULT If the installation procedure could not update form SM$MAIN2, make the following changes: 1. Edit the screen image to add the Manage TeamRoute system option, as shown: MTS Manage TeamRoute system After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 4-3 After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 4.1 Updating ALL-IN-1 Forms 2. Edit the named data on the form to add named data for the option, as follows: ;;OA$_TMR_MO_MTS;; DO TMRA1$LIB:TMR$SM_OPENLIB\FORM TMR$SM$MTS$MENU When you move form SM$MAIN2 to the live area, you must also move form SM_DEFAULT to the live area. You do not have to modify form SM_DEFAULT, but you need to move it to the live area because it is referenced by form SM$MAIN2. 4.2 Upgrading your Customizations After an upgrade installation, use Customization Management to reapply any customizations that were made to earlier versions of TeamRoute elements. If you removed your customized elements from the live area before the upgrade installation, as described in Section 2.9, the customized elements are in the development area. For each of these customized elements: 1. Use Customization Management options to print or read details of the differences between the customized element and the new base element. 2. Review the differences between the customized element and the new base elements, and decide whether you want to reapply your customizations to the new element. 3. If necessary, reapply your customizations. Depending on the relative number of changes that are necessary, you can do either of the following: o Apply the changes that have been made to the new base element to your customized element o Delete the old customized element and reapply your customizations to the new base element 4. Move the customized element back to the live area, and, if necessary, recompile any form libraries or TXLs that a message tells you to. 4-4 After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 4.3 Checking the Site Startup Procedure 4.3 Checking the Site Startup Procedure After an upgrade installation the site startup procedure, A1V31_SITE_START.COM, is in the OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_IND directory. If you have a multilanguage system, the language-specific startup procedure OA$SITE_lang_START.COM is in the OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV_IND directory. You may, however, still have a version of the site startup procedure in the OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_ARCH directory on the VAX node. This file may contain your own startup customizations or startup procedures that have been added by other layered products. Similarly, if you have a multilanguage system, there may be a version of the language-specific startup procedure in the OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV_ARCH directory on the VAX. To ensure that all your startup procedures are in the correct site startup file, do the following on the VAX node: 1. Check the contents of the files: OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_ARCH:A1V31_SITE_START.COM and OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_IND:A1V31_SITE_START.COM 2. If there are additional commands in the OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_ARCH file, add them to the file in OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_IND 3. Delete the file OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_ARCH:A1V31_SITE_ START.COM 4. Check the contents of the files: OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV_ARCH:OA$SITE_lang_START.COM and OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV_IND:OA$SITE_lang_START.COM 5. If there are additional commands in the OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV_ARCH file, add them to the file in OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV_IND 6. Delete the file OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV_ARCH:OA$SITE_lang_ START.COM After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 4-5 After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 4.4 Registering Users as TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Users 4.4 Registering Users as TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Users To use TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, users must be registered in the TeamRoute profile. After installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, use options on the Manage TeamRoute Accounts menu to add, modify, or delete entries in the TeamRoute profile. See Section 5.1 for information about this menu. During installation, you can choose to register existing ALL-IN-1 users as TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 users. If you choose this option and your ALL-IN-1 system has an account set up as an Alternate Mail Transport System (AMTS) account, you may want to remove it from the TeamRoute profile. 4.5 Checking Licenses To be able to send TeamRoute packages, users must be covered by a license for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. If you use personal use licensing, make sure that all users of TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 are registered with LMF. You do not have to register the ALL-IN-1 manager's account with LMF. 4.6 Supporting TeamLinks Users To enable users on your system to access TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 from a TeamLinks client, you must: o Ensure that the Mail destination of these users is not TMR (see Section 5.4). o Ensure that the Service Agent drawer is an ADVANCED SHARED drawer. This is necessary to allow users of TeamLinks clients access to TeamRoute masters. If this drawer is not already an ADVANCED SHARED drawer, change it as follows: 1. Use the Manage TeamRoute system (MTS) option on the ALL-IN-1 Management menu to display the TeamRoute System Management menu. 2. Use the Manage Service Agents option to display the Manage Service Agents menu. 3. Use the Stop Service Agent (SP) option to stop the Service Agent. 4-6 After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 4.6 Supporting TeamLinks Users 4. Use the Manage file cabinets (MFC) option on the ALL-IN-1 Management menu to display the Manage File Cabinets menu. 5. Use the Manage Drawers (MD) option to go to the Manage Drawers menu. Select the Service Agent account's default drawer. On an English language system, the default name for this drawer is [TMRA1SA1]MAIN. 6. Use the Modify drawer type (MDT) option, and in the Drawer type field, enter ADVANCED SHARED. 7. The Share Drawer form is displayed. Give READ access to group *WORLD. 8. The Set Default Access for Documents form is displayed. Press RETURN to leave the form without changing it. 9. ALL-IN-1 displays the following question: Apply same access to existing documents in this drawer? [Y/N] Enter N. 10.Go back to the Manage Service Agents menu and use the Start Service Agent (ST) option to restart the Service Agent. After Installing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 4-7 5 _________________________________________________________________ Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services This chapter explains how to manage TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 services. Options to manage TeamRoute are available on the TeamRoute System Management menu. To get to this menu, use the Manage TeamRoute system (MTS) option on the ALL-IN-1 Management menu. If you installed TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 as a server- only installation on a multilanguage system, TeamRoute management options are available only from the primary (default) language of your system. 5.1 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Accounts During installation, you can choose to register all ALL-IN-1 users as TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 users. After installation, you can register individual ALL-IN-1 users as TeamRoute users by creating an entry for each user in the TeamRoute profile file. A profile record consists of the following fields: o ALL-IN-1 account name o Date the entry for the subscriber was created o Date the entry was last modified o Enabled flag To create or modify profile records, select the Manage Accounts (MAC) option from the TeamRoute System Management menu. TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 displays the Manage TeamRoute User Accounts menu, as shown in Figure 5-1. Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5-1 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.1 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Accounts Figure 5-1 Manage TeamRoute User Accounts Menu ____________________________________________________________________ Manage TeamRoute User Accounts SEL Select Account: SMITH C Create E Edit D Delete ENA Enable TMR account P Print DIS Disable TMR account R Read I Index RI Recall index RTS Recreate TMR_SUBSCRIBERS ____________________________________________________________________ Table 5-1 describes the options available on the Manage TeamRoute User Accounts menu. Table_5-1_Manage_TeamRoute_User_Accounts_Menu_Options______ Option_Description_________________________________________ SEL Displays an account selection form, prompting you for a subscriber name. If you press the FIND key, a list of all registered subscribers is displayed. C Displays the TeamRoute profile entry form, and prompts you for the TeamRoute account name and the value of the account enabled flag. The account name and the account enabled flag are mandatory. The account name must be a valid ALL-IN-1 user name. The account enabled flag can have a value of Y or N. If you use Personal Use licensing for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, you must register the user with LMF. E Displays the TeamRoute profile entry for the current record so that you can modify the account enabled flag. D Deletes the current record. (continued on next page) 5-2 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.1 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Accounts Table 5-1 (Cont.) Manage TeamRoute User Accounts Menu __________________Options__________________________________ Option_Description_________________________________________ P Prints the TeamRoute profile entry for the current TeamRoute account. R Displays the TeamRoute profile entry for the current TeamRoute account. I Displays an account selection form, then displays an index of accounts that match the selection criteria you specify. Options available from the index menu enable you to work with more than one TeamRoute account at a time. RI Displays the last selected index of TeamRoute accounts. ENA Enables the current TeamRoute account. DIS Disables the current TeamRoute account. RTS Creates a new @TMR_SUBSCRIBERS system distribution list. This includes the ALL-IN-1 special address, SUBSCRIBERS:, and all TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 users who have a mail destination of TMR. Use this option if you register new TeamRoute users and set their _______mail_destination_to_TMR_(see_Section_5.4).__________ 5.2 Managing the Service Agent To manage the Service Agent, select the Manage Service Agents (MSA) option from the TeamRoute System Management menu. TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 displays the Manage Service Agents menu, as shown in Figure 5-2. Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5-3 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.2 Managing the Service Agent Figure 5-2 Manage Service Agents Menu ____________________________________________________________________ Bob Smith 30-Dec-1994 Manage Service Agents Account Name: TMRA1SA1 SEL Select Number: 001 Date Started: 30-DEC-1994 11:19 P Print Previous Date: 24-DEC-1994 14:52 R Read Wait Interval: 00:01:00 Status: STOP PENDING ST Start Service Agent RL Read log file SU Suspend Service Agent PL Print log file RE Resume Service Agent RT Read transaction file SP Stop Service Agent PT Print transaction file SW Set wait interval SLF Switch log file SR Set rollover value STF Switch transaction file Enter option and press RETURN ____________________________________________________________________ Table 5-2 describes the options available on the Manage Service Agents menu. Table_5-2_Manage_Service_Agents_Menu_Options_______________ Option_Description_________________________________________ P Prints the current values in the Service Agent Control file. R Displays the current values in the Service Agent Control file. ST Starts the Service Agent and changes its status to RUN PENDING. When the Service Agent actually starts, its status is updated to RUNNING. (continued on next page) 5-4 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.2 Managing the Service Agent Table_5-2_(Cont.)_Manage_Service_Agents_Menu_Options_______ Option_Description_________________________________________ SU Suspends the Service Agent and changes its status to SUSPEND PENDING. When the Service Agent actually suspends, its status is updated to SUSPENDED. This command causes the service agent to exit ALL-IN-1, but remain in a detached process. Requests can be sent to the Service Agent, but they are not processed until you resume it. RE Resumes the Service Agent and changes its status to RUN PENDING. When the Service Agent actually resumes, the status is updated to RUNNING. The Service Agent logs back in to the ALL-IN-1 account and continues to process requests. SP Stops the Service Agent and changes its status to STOP PENDING. When the Service Agent actually stops, its status is updated to STOPPED. SW Displays the current values in the Service Agent Control file so that you can edit the wait interval (see Section 5.2.2). SR Displays the current values in the Service Agent Control file so that you can set the rollover value (in blocks) for the transaction file. The default value is 600 blocks. RL Displays the log file. See Section 5.2.3 for more information. PL Prints the log file. RT Displays the transaction file. See Section 5.2.4 for more information. PT Prints the transaction file. (continued on next page) Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5-5 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.2 Managing the Service Agent Table_5-2_(Cont.)_Manage_Service_Agents_Menu_Options_______ Option_Description_________________________________________ SLF Closes the current log file and renames it and all log files with the same name to TMRA1$SA_ LOG:TMRA1SA1.LOG_timestamp. The value for timestamp is the time stamp for the file, in NBS format. More than one log file with the name TMRA1SA1.LOG can exist if a new log file was started due to conflicting access. A conflict can occur if the log file is read through ALL-IN-1 and an ALL-IN-1 script attempts to write to the log file at the same time. In this situation, a new log file is created. A conflict also can occur if the log file is accessed by the Service Agent. The Service Agent attempts to access the log file five times, pausing five minutes between attempts. If the log file cannot be accessed after five attempts, a new log file is created. STF Closes the current transaction file and renames it and all transaction files with the same name to TMRA1$SA_DATA:TMR$SA_TRANSACTION.DAT_timestamp. The value for timestamp is the time stamp for the file, in NBS format. More than one transaction file with the name TMR$SA_TRANSACTION.DAT can exist if a new transaction file was started due to conflicting access. A conflict can occur if the transaction file is read through ALL-IN-1 and an ALL-IN-1 script attempts to write to the transaction file at the same time. In this situation, a new transaction file _______is_created._________________________________________ 5.2.1 Service Agent Account Requirements The Service Agent OpenVMS account, TMRA1SERVICE, must have unrestricted access to DCL, so that it can run command procedures. Therefore, the account must not have a /FLAGS option that restricts access to DCL. One example of such an option is CAPTIVE. 5-6 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.2 Managing the Service Agent If the Service Agent OpenVMS account has a /FLAGS option of RESTRICTED, the account must have a LOGIN.COM file in its top-level directory, TMRA1$SADEVICE:[TMRA1SERVICE]. The file can be empty. To check the flags set for the Service Agent account, run the AUTHORIZE Utility and enter the following command: UAF> SHOW TMRA1SERVICE 5.2.2 Setting the Wait Interval The Service Agent is a detached process that does not require a batch queue; therefore, it does not need to resubmit itself to run periodically. Instead, it hibernates for a defined period of time when no requests are present. The default wait interval is five minutes. Additionally, when the Service Agent is suspended, it uses the wait interval to intermittently check for a changed status. You can reset the wait interval using the Set wait interval (SW) option. The wait interval has the form HH:MM:SS. 5.2.3 Using the Service Agent Log File The Service Agent maintains a log file, TMRA1$SA_ LOG:account.LOG account is the name of the Service Agent account. The log file contains: o The times when the Service Agent is submitted, stopped, suspended, and started o Diagnostic messages Use the Read log file (RL) option, or the DCL TYPE command, to read the log file. The log file can grow large from successive executions. Use the Switch log file (SLF) option to start a new one. You then can copy the old file to another directory, or delete it. Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5-7 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.2 Managing the Service Agent 5.2.4 Using the Service Agent Transaction File The Service Agent maintains a transaction file, TMRA1$SA_ DATA:TMR$SA_TRANSACTION.DAT. This contains information about the Service Agent's routine processing. Use the Read transaction file (RT) option, or the DCL TYPE command to read the transaction file. The transaction file can grow large from successive executions. Use the Switch transaction file (STF) option to start a new one. You then can copy the old file to another directory, or delete it. The Service Agent automatically rolls over the transaction file based on the value you specify using the Set rollover value (SR) option on the Manage Service Agents menu. Records in a transaction file are formatted as a series of fields, some of fixed length and some of variable length. All fields are separated by a comma (,). The following example shows typical transaction records. 19941108202426,BR,BOB SMITH ,68963180,NODENM,001,,,TMR_FOLDER 004503,BOB SMITH 19941108202505,LC,BOB SMITH ,68963180,NODENM,001,,,7,7 8,SMITH,, [TMRA1SA1]SMITH 004504,BOB SMITH See Appendix C for more information on the transaction file. 5.2.5 Tracing Service Agent Activity If an error occurs repeatedly, it can be helpful to trace the activity of the Service Agent. Do this as follows: 1. Use the Stop Service Agent (SP) option to stop the Service Agent. 2. At the DCL level, enter the following command: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC TMRA1$SATRACE "1" 3. Use the Start Service Agent (ST) option to start the Service Agent. This starts the ALL-IN-1 tracing process. The trace file is located in the file TMRA1$A1:A1TRACE.LOG. 5-8 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.2 Managing the Service Agent It is important to turn off tracing after processing, because the trace file will become very large. To turn tracing off, follow these steps: 1. Use the Stop Service Agent (SP) option to stop the Service Agent. 2. At the DCL level, enter the following command: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC TMRA1$SATRACE "0" 3. Use the Start Service Agent (ST) option to start the Service Agent. You cannot access the trace file until the Service Agent has been stopped. You may want to delete old trace files to conserve disk space. 5.2.6 Testing and Repairing Mail Areas When you run the ALL-IN-1 Test and Repair Mail Areas (TRM) procedure, you must first suspend or stop the TeamRoute Service Agent. This is because the TRM procedure requires all ALL-IN-1 users to be logged out of ALL-IN-1. The TeamRoute Service Agent runs within its ALL-IN-1 account, so it must be suspended or stopped while the TRM procedure is running. Use the Suspend Service Agent (SU) option or the Stop Service Agent (SP) option before you run the TRM housekeeping procedure. When the housekeeping procedure has completed, use the Resume Service Agent (RE) option or the Start Service Agent (ST) option. 5.3 Managing the Application Registration File The registration file determines which applications are available on the system for use by TeamRoute routing packages. It consists of a set of records, one record for each application. Each record has three fields: o Application name o Script file specification o One-line description (up to 60 alphanumeric characters) To register new applications or modify existing ones, select the Manage application registration (MAR) option from the TeamRoute System Management menu. Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5-9 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.3 Managing the Application Registration File TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 displays the Manage TeamRoute Application Registration File menu, as shown in Figure 5-3. Figure 5-3 Manage TeamRoute Application Registration File Menu ___________________________________________________________________ Manage TeamRoute Application Registration File SEL Select Application: TEAMFORM Description: Default if variables C Create Script: TMRA1$LIB:TMRA1$TEAMFORM.SCP E Edit D Delete P Print R Read I Index ____________________________________________________________________ 5-10 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.3 Managing the Application Registration File Table 5-3 describes the options available on the Manage TeamRoute Application Registration File menu. Table 5-3 Manage TeamRoute Application Registration File __________Menu_Options_____________________________________ Option_Description_________________________________________ SEL Displays the TeamRoute Application Registration File form, where you enter the name of an application to work with. C Displays the Application Definition screen, prompting you for the name, description, and script for the application you wish to register. E Displays the Application Definition screen for the current application record. You can modify all fields except the name. D Deletes the current application record. P Prints the current application record. R Displays the current application record. I Displays an application selection screen, then displays an index of applications that match the selection criteria you specify. Options available from the index menu enable you to work with more _______than_one_application_at_a_time._____________________ 5.4 Setting the Mail Destination of TeamRoute Users For any users on your system who plan to use TeamRoute from a TeamLinks client, the Mail destination field in the ALL-IN-1 profile must be set to ALL-IN-1. However, for users who plan to use TeamRoute from a VT or by terminal emulation only, the Mail destination field can be set to either TMR or ALL-IN-1. The differences between the TMR and ALL-IN-1 Mail destination settings are as follows: o With a Mail destination of TMR: - Incoming TeamRoute packages are automatically received in the user's TMR INBOX folder. Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5-11 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.4 Setting the Mail Destination of TeamRoute Users - The user does not receive mail sent to the SUBSCRIBERS: special address. To ensure that users with a Mail destination of TMR receive mail that is intended for all ALL-IN-1 users, maintain the system distribution list, @TMR_SUBSCRIBERS (see Table 5-1), and ask users to use this distribution list instead of the SUBSCRIBERS: special address. o With a Mail destination of ALL-IN-1: - Incoming TeamRoute packages arrive in the user's INBOX folder. The packages are transferred to the TMR INBOX folder when the user tries to read them from the Electronic Messaging subsystem or when the user uses the Index - Inbox (II) option from the TeamRoute subsystem. - The user receives mail sent to the SUBSCRIBERS: special address. To change a user's mail destination, use the Edit (E) option on the Maintain User Accounts menu. 5.5 Troubleshooting: Routing Packages not Sent If a user cannot send a routing package, check that the user is covered by a license for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. When a user who is not covered by a license tries to send a routing package, ALL-IN-1 displays a message: You are not registered with LMF, you cannot send new masters 5.6 Troubleshooting: Routing Packages not Received If there are TeamRoute routing packages that have been sent, but have not been received, check the following areas to determine the problem: 1. Find out if the Service Agent process is running. Enter the following DCL command to list all processes on your system: $ SHOW SYSTEM/OUT=LIST.TXT 5-12 Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5.6 Troubleshooting: Routing Packages not Received Search the output file to see if the Service Agent process exists: $ SEARCH LIST.TXT "TMRA1$SA_1" If the process exists, process information similar to the following is displayed: 0000208D TMRA1$SA_1 COM 3 4454662 2 08:52:03.25 1519701 848 If the process information is not present, the Service Agent process does not exist. 2. Access the Manage Service Agents menu. If the Service Agent process does not exist, or if the status shown in the current item block is STOPPED, use the ST option to start the Service Agent. 3. Check that the ALL-IN-1 Sender and Fetcher are working correctly. 4. Use the following command to see if the logical TMRA1$SABATCH is assigned to an existing batch queue: $ SHOW LOGICAL TMRA1$SABATCH If there is no batch queue for TMRA1$SABATCH, create one, or reassign TMRA1$SABATCH to an existing batch queue. Managing TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Services 5-13 A _________________________________________________________________ Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System The TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 installation procedures install a number of files on your system and define some logical names. This appendix lists the following information: o Section A.1 lists the files that are installed, and their locations o Section A.2 lists the logical names that are added to the system logical name table o Section A.3 lists the ALL-IN-1 files that TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 modifies during the installation A.1 File Names The following sections list the files created during a full installation of TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. Other installations create only some of these files. Files marked with an asterisk (*) have been updated for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Version 1.3. A.1.1 Files Placed on the System Disk The following files are placed on the system disk: SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]TMR$TCU_HELP.HLB SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]TMRA1$API_SHR.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]TMRA1$RTL_SHR.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG]TMRA1$RTLMSG_SHR.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]TMRA1$STARTUP.COM SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]TMRA1$IVP.COM* SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]TMRA1013.RELEASE_NOTES Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A-1 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.1 File Names A.1.2 Files Placed in the ALL-IN-1 Directory The following files are placed in the ALL-IN-1 directories during the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 installation[1]: OA$LIB_SHARE:TMR.COM OA$LIB_SHARE:TMR.CMU OA$LIB_SHARE:TMR.SCP A.1.3 Files Installed in TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Directories The TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 installation installs files in the following directories: In TMRA1$BLP_LLV:[1] TMR$CL_DISPLAY_HISTORY.BLP* TMR$CL_DISPLAY_REROUTE_HELP.BLP TMR$CL_DISPLAY_ROLE.BLP TMR$CL_DISPLAY_ROLE_HELP.BLP TMR$CL_DISPLAY_ROLE_REQS.BLP TMR$CL_DISPLAY_ROLE_RIGHTS.BLP TMR$CL_NO_PACKAGE_HELP.BLP TMR$CL_NO_ROLE_HELP.BLP TMR$CL_PRINT_HEADER.BLP TMR$CL_READ_ATTACHMENT.BLP TMR$CL_READ_PACKAGE.BLP TMR$CL_READ_SERVICE_MSG.BLP TMR$CL_READ_SIGNATURE.BLP TMR$CL_READ_STATUS.BLP TMR$CL_SHOW_COMPONENTS.BLP TMR$CL_SHOW_SERVICE_MSG.BLP TMR$CL_SHOW_STATUS.BLP In TMRA1$BLP_SHARE:[1] TMR$CL_DISPLAY_PACKAGE_HELP.BLP TMR$CL_PRINT_PACKAGE.BLP In TMRA1$DATA_SHARE: TMRA1$APPLICATION.DAT TMRA1$DATA_TYPE.DAT* TMRA1$PROFILE.DAT In TMRA1$DO_SHARE:[1] ____________________ [1] None of the files in this directory are created during a server-only installation. [1] None of the files in this directory are created during a server-only installation. A-2 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.1 File Names TMR$CL_ADD_ATTACHMENT.SCP TMR$CL_ADD_SIGNATURE.SCP TMR$CL_ATTACH.SCP TMR$CL_ATTACH_DOCUMENT.SCP TMR$CL_BYPASS_RECIPIENT.SCP TMR$CL_CHECK_REQUESTS.SCP TMR$CL_CREATE.SCP TMR$CL_CREATE_ROUTING_LIST.SCP TMR$CL_CREATE_SAMPLE_TEMPLATES.SCP TMR$CL_CREATE_TEMPLATE.SCP TMR$CL_DATA_FILES_TO_FILECAB.SCP TMR$CL_DATA_FILES_TO_OASHARE.SCP TMR$CL_DELETE.SCP TMR$CL_DELETE_SIGNATURE.SCP TMR$CL_DETACH.SCP TMR$CL_DISPLAY_HISTORY.SCP TMR$CL_EDIT.SCP TMR$CL_EDIT_ATTACHMENT.SCP TMR$CL_FILE_ATTACHMENT.SCP* TMR$CL_FILE_TEXT.SCP* TMR$CL_FORMAT_EDIT.SCP TMR$CL_FORMAT_PRINT.SCP TMR$CL_FORMAT_READ.SCP TMR$CL_GET_ATTACHMENT_KEY.SCP TMR$CL_GET_GROUP_NUMBER.SCP TMR$CL_GET_NUM_ATTACHMENTS.SCP TMR$CL_GET_PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTES.SCP TMR$CL_GET_PENDING.SCP TMR$CL_GET_PROFILE_INFO.SCP TMR$CL_GET_ROLE_ID.SCP TMR$CL_IMPORT_TEMPLATE.SCP TMR$CL_INDEX_ATTACHMENTS.SCP TMR$CL_INDEX_SIGNATURES.SCP TMR$CL_MODIFY_HEADER.SCP* TMR$CL_OPEN_LIBRARY.SCP TMR$CL_PRINT.SCP TMR$CL_PROCESS_APPLICATION.SCP TMR$CL_PROCESS_ATTACHMENTS.SCP TMR$CL_PROCESS_COMPONENTS.SCP TMR$CL_PROCESS_NEW_PACKAGE.SCP* TMR$CL_READ.SCP TMR$CL_READ_COMPONENTS.SCP TMR$CL_READ_NEW.SCP TMR$CL_READ_PACKAGE.SCP TMR$CL_READ_SERVICE_MSG.SCP TMR$CL_REFILE_DOCUMENT.SCP TMR$CL_REMOVE_SIGNATURE.SCP TMR$CL_ROUTE_VALID.SCP TMR$CL_RUN_APPLICATION.SCP TMR$CL_SELECT.SCP TMR$CL_SELECT_DOCUMENT.SCP TMR$CL_SEND.SCP TMR$CL_SERVICE_AGENT_REQUEST.SCP TMR$CL_SET_NEW_TMRDOC.SCP TMR$CL_SHOW_COMPONENTS.SCP TMR$CL_SHOW_ROLE.SCP TMR$CL_SHOW_ROUTING_LIST.SCP TMR$CL_SHOW_STATUS.SCP TMR$CL_SIGN_DOCUMENT.SCP TMR$CL_TRACK_DOCUMENT.SCP TMR$CL_UPDATE_ATTACHMENT.SCP TMR$CL_VALIDATE_ADDRESS.SCP TMR$CL_VALIDATE_FOLDER.SCP TMR$CL_YESNO_PROMPT.SCP In TMRA1$EXE_LLV:[1] TMRA1$TEAMFORM.EXE In TMRA1$EXE_SHARE: TMR$SM_CHKLICENSE.EXE TMR$SM_RENAME_PENDING.EXE TMRA1$RTL_DUMP.EXE TMRA1$TCU.EXE ____________________ [1] None of the files in this directory are created during a server-only installation. Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A-3 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.1 File Names In TMRA1$LIB_LLV: TMR$CL_EMPTY.TXT TMR$CL_FORMAT_PRINT.COM TMR$CL_SAMPLE_ACCREQ.FGN TMR$CL_SAMPLE_ACTION.FGN TMR$CL_SAMPLE_ANSWER.FGN TMR$CL_SAMPLE_DOCREV.FGN TMR$CL_SAMPLE_MEETING.FGN TMR$CL_SAMPLE_READACK.FGN TMR$CL_SAMPLE_TELEPHONE.FGN TMR$CL_SAMPLE_TRAVELREQ.FGN TMR$SM_CHKLICVERSION.SCP TMR$SM_MAR_PRINTHEADER.BLP TMR$SM_MAR_PRINTTEMPLATE.BLP TMR$SM_MEA_PRINTHEADER.BLP TMR$SM_MEA_PRINTTEMPLATE.BLP TMR$SM_MSA_PRINTHEADER.BLP TMR$SM_MSA_PRINTTEMPLATE.BLP TMR$SM_PRINTFORMAT.BLP TMR$SM_SETUP.SCP TMR$SM_SMSA_STARTUP.COM TMRA1$TEAMFORM.COM TMRA1$TEAMFORM.SCP TMRFLB.FLB TMRFLB.FLC TMRMGR.FLB TMRMGR.FLC In TMRA1$LIB_SHARE: TMR$CL_GET_GROUP_NUMBER.COM TMR$SM_ADD_USERS.SCP TMR$SM_APPLICATION_FILE_STARTUP.COM TMR$SM_CREATE_TMRSUBSCRIBERS.SCP TMR$SM_MAR_PRINT.SCP TMR$SM_MEA_PRINT.SCP TMR$SM_MSA_PRINT.SCP TMR$SM_OPENLIB.SCP TMR$SM_PROFILE.FDL TMR$SM_PROFILE_STARTUP.COM TMR$SM_RENAME_FILES.COM* TMR$SM_RESTART_SERVICE_AGENT.COM TMR$SM_RUNCHECK.COM TMR$SM_STOP_SERVICE_AGENT.COM TMR$SM_SUBMIT_SERVICE_AGENT.COM TMR$SM_SUSPEND_SERVICE_AGENT.COM TMRA1$DATA_TYPE.FDL TMRA1$DATA_TYPE.SCP In TMRA1$SA_CODE: A-4 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.1 File Names TMR$SA_ATTACH_ATTACHMENT.SCP TMR$SA_BATCH_SERVICE_AGENT.COM TMR$SA_BUILD_ROUTING_COPY.SCP TMR$SA_BYPASS_CURRENT_RECIPIENT.SCP TMR$SA_CHECKLICENSE.COM TMR$SA_CHECK_BLOCKSIZE.COM TMR$SA_CONTROL_FILE.SCP TMR$SA_CONTROL_FILE_STARTUP.COM TMR$SA_CREATE_ROUTING_COPY.SCP* TMR$SA_CREATE_SERVICE_MESSAGE.SCP TMR$SA_DELETE_MASTER.SCP TMR$SA_FIFO_ORDER.SCP TMR$SA_FILE_HEADER.SCP TMR$SA_GET_FILESPEC.SCP TMR$SA_HIBERNATE_SERVICE_AGENT.SCP TMR$SA_INIT_SERVICE_AGENT.COM TMR$SA_LOG.SCP TMR$SA_NEW_MASTER.SCP TMR$SA_OCTAL.COM TMR$SA_OPENLIB.SCP TMR$SA_PROCESS_HIGH.SCP TMR$SA_PROCESS_LOW.SCP TMR$SA_RENAME_FILES.COM* TMR$SA_SA_REPLY.SCP TMR$SA_SEPARATE_ATTACHMENTS.SCP TMR$SA_SERVICE_AGENT.COM TMR$SA_SERVICE_AGENT_SCRIPT.SCP TMR$SA_SETPROTECTION.COM TMR$SA_SETUP.COM TMR$SA_SETUP.SCP TMR$SA_SET_ACLS.COM TMR$SA_SET_ACLS.SCP TMR$SA_SHUTDOWN_CHECK.COM TMR$SA_TRACE_OFF.SCP TMR$SA_TRACE_ON.SCP TMR$SA_TRACKING.SCP TMR$SA_TRANSACTION.FDL TMR$SA_TRANSACTION.SCP TMR$SA_TRANSACTION_STARTUP.COM TMR$SA_UPDATE_CONTROL_FILE.COM TMR$SA_UPDATE_REQUEST.SCP TMR$SA_VARIABLE.SCP TMR$SA_WRITELOG.COM In TMRA1$SA_DATA: TMR$SA_CONTROL_FILE.DAT TMR$SA_LOG_FILE.FDL TMR$SA_TRANSACTION.DAT TMR$SM_APPLICATION_FILE.FDL In TMRA1$SCP_SHARE:[1] TMR$CL_GOLDF.SCP TMR$CL_GOLDQ.SCP In TMRA1$SITE_DEV_LLV: CM$SITEHIST.DAT DEVELOP.FLB In TMRA1$SITE_DEV_SHARE: CM$SITEHIST.DAT In TMRA1$SITE_LIB_LLV: SITETMRFLB.FLB SITETMRMGR.FLB ____________________ [1] None of the files in this directory are created during a server-only installation. Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A-5 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.1 File Names In TMRA1$BUILD_LLV_ARCH: OA$TMR$MESSAGES_TEXT.OBJ In TMRA1$BUILD_LLV: OA$TMR$MESSAGES.MSG In TMRA1$BUILD_SHARE_ARCH: OA$TMR$LIBRARY.OLB OA$TMR$MESSAGES_NOTEXT.OBJ In TMRA1$BUILD_SHARE_IND: TMRRTL.H A.2 Logical Names and Search Lists This section lists the logical names and search lists defined by TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. A.2.1 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Logical Names The logical names in the following list are entered into the system logical name table when TeamRoute for ALL-IN- 1 is installed. These names are stored in the product's startup file. They are automatically entered into the system logical name table whenever the system reboots or whenever the software is invoked. _________________________________________________________________ Logical_Name______________Translation____________________________ OA$SITE_DEV_REC_TMR_ disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DEV_REC_TMR_ language language] OA$SITE_DEV_REC_TMR_ disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DEV_REC_TMR_ SHARE SHARE] OA$SITE_DEV_TMR_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DEV_TMR_ language] OA$SITE_DEV_TMR_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DEV_TMR_SHARE] TMRA1$A1 disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SA.TMRA1SA1.A1] TMRA1$A1PREFIX TMRA1SA TMRA1$API_SHR SYS$SHARE:TMRA1$API_SHR.EXE TMRA1$BLP_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.BLP_language] TMRA1$BLP_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.BLP_language] A-6 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.2 Logical Names and Search Lists _________________________________________________________________ Logical_Name______________Translation____________________________ TMRA1$BLP_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.BLP_SHARE] TMRA1$BUILD_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SOURCES_language] TMRA1$BUILD_language_ disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SOURCES_AXP_ ARCH language] TMRA1$BUILD_language_IND disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SOURCES_language] TMRA1$BUILD_LLV_ARCH disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SOURCES_AXP_ language] TMRA1$BUILD_LLV_IND disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SOURCES_language] TMRA1$BUILD_SHARE_ARCH disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SOURCES_AXP_SHARE] TMRA1$BUILD_SHARE_IND disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SOURCES_SHARE] TMRA1$DATA_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.DATA_language] TMRA1$DATA_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.DATA_language] TMRA1$DATA_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.DATA_SHARE] TMRA1$DO_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.DO_language] TMRA1$DO_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.DO_language] TMRA1$DO_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.DO_SHARE] TMRA1$DUMP_AREA disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.DUMP_AREA] TMRA1$EXE_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.EXE_AXP_language] TMRA1$EXE_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.EXE_AXP_SHARE] TMRA1$LIB_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.LIB_language] TMRA1$LOG disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.LOG] TMRA1$PROCPREFIX TMRA1$SA_ TMRA1$PROFILE_SA TMRA1SA1 TMRA1$SA$TRANSFILE TMRA1$SA_DATA:TMR$SA_TRANSACTION.DAT TMRA1$SA$USERNAME TMRA1SA1 TMRA1$SABATCH Determined by the system batch queue specified during installation TMRA1$SADEVICE disk$: TMRA1$SATRACE 0 TMRA1$SAVERSION 1 TMRA1$SA_CODE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SA.CODE] TMRA1$SA_DATA disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SA.DATA] Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A-7 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.2 Logical Names and Search Lists _________________________________________________________________ Logical_Name______________Translation____________________________ TMRA1$SA_LOG disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SA.LOG] TMRA1$SCP_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SCP_language] TMRA1$SCP_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SCP_language] TMRA1$SCP_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SCP_SHARE] TMRA1$SERVICE TMRA1SERVICE TMRA1$SERVICE_DIRECTORY disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE] TMRA1$SITE_BLP_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.BLP_language] TMRA1$SITE_BLP_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.BLP_language] TMRA1$SITE_BLP_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.BLP_SHARE] TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_ disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.SOURCES_ language language] TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_LLV_ disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.SOURCES_AXP_ ARCH language] TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_LLV_IND disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.SOURCES_ language] TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_ disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.SOURCES_AXP_ ARCH SHARE] TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_ disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.SOURCES_SHARE] IND TMRA1$SITE_DATA_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DATA_language] TMRA1$SITE_DATA_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DATA_language] TMRA1$SITE_DATA_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DATA_SHARE] TMRA1$SITE_DEV_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DEV_TMR_ language] TMRA1$SITE_DEV_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DEV_TMR_ language] TMRA1$SITE_DEV_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DEV_TMR_SHARE] TMRA1$SITE_DO_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DO_language] TMRA1$SITE_DO_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DO_language] TMRA1$SITE_DO_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DO_SHARE] TMRA1$SITE_LIB_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.LIB_language] TMRA1$SITE_LIB_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.LIB_language] TMRA1$SITE_LIB_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.LIB_SHARE] A-8 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.2 Logical Names and Search Lists _________________________________________________________________ Logical_Name______________Translation____________________________ TMRA1$SITE_SCP_language disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.SCP_language] TMRA1$SITE_SCP_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.SCP_language] TMRA1$SITE_SCP_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.SCP_SHARE] TMRA1$TMRA1SA_____________SA_____________________________________ A.2.2 Logicals Added to Each ALL-IN-1 Language Logical Table (OA$language_TABLE) The following logicals are added to the logical table for each ALL-IN-1 language on your system. _________________________________________________________________ Logical___________________Translation____________________________ TMRA1$BLP_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.BLP_language] TMRA1$BUILD_LLV TMRA1$BUILD_LLV_ARCH TMRA1$BUILD_LLV_IND TMRA1$BUILD_LLV_ARCH disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SOURCES_AXP_ language] TMRA1$BUILD_LLV_IND disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SOURCES_language] TMRA1$DATA_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.DATA_language] TMRA1$DO_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.DO_language] TMRA1$EXE_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.EXE_AXP_language] TMRA1$LIB_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.LIB_language] TMRA1$EXE_LLV TMRA1$SCP_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SCP_language] TMRA1$SITE_BLP_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.BLP_language] TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_LLV TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_LLV_ARCH TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_LLV_IND TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_LLV_ disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.SOURCES_AXP_ ARCH language] TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_LLV_IND disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.SOURCES_ language] TMRA1$SITE_DATA_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DATA_language] TMRA1$SITE_DEV_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DEV_TMR_ language] TMRA1$SITE_DO_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.DO_language] Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A-9 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.2 Logical Names and Search Lists _________________________________________________________________ Logical___________________Translation____________________________ TMRA1$SITE_LIB_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.LIB_language] TMRA1$SITE_SCP_LLV________disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.SITE.SCP_language]_ A.2.3 Logical Search Lists The following logical search lists are defined when TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 is installed. ___________________________________________________________ Search_List_______________Translation______________________ TMRA1$BLP TMRA1$SITE_BLP_LLV TMRA1$SITE_BLP_SHARE TMRA1$BLP_LLV TMRA1$BLP_SHARE TMRA1$BUILD TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_LLV TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_SHARE TMRA1$BUILD_LLV TMRA1$BUILD_SHARE TMRA1$BUILD_LLV TMRA1$BUILD_LLV_ARCH TMRA1$BUILD_LLV_IND TMRA1$BUILD_SHARE TMRA1$BUILD_SHARE_ARCH TMRA1$BUILD_SHARE_IND TMRA1$DATA TMRA1$SITE_DATA_LLV TMRA1$SITE_DATA_SHARE TMRA1$DATA_LLV TMRA1$DATA_SHARE TMRA1$DO TMRA1$SITE_DO_LLV TMRA1$SITE_DO_SHARE TMRA1$DO_LLV TMRA1$DO_SHARE TMRA1$EXE TMRA1$EXE_LLV TMRA1$EXE_SHARE TMRA1$LIB TMRA1$SITE_LIB_LLV TMRA1$SITE_LIB_SHARE TMRA1$LIB_LLV TMRA1$LIB_SHARE TMRA1$LIB_LLV disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.LIB_language] TMRA1$EXE_LLV A-10 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.2 Logical Names and Search Lists ___________________________________________________________ Search_List_______________Translation______________________ TMRA1$LIB_SHARE disk$:[TMRA1SERVICE.LIB_SHARE] TMRA1$EXE_SHARE TMRA1$SCP TMRA1$SITE_SCP_LLV TMRA1$SITE_SCP_SHARE TMRA1$SCP_LLV TMRA1$SCP_SHARE TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_LLV TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_LLV_ARCH TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_LLV_IND TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_SHARE TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_ARCH __________________________TMRA1$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_IND_______ A.3 ALL-IN-1 Files Modified by TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 modifies the following ALL-IN-1 files during the installation. OA$LIB_SHARE:OA$MAIN.EXE OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV:SITE$OA.A1$MSG OA$SITE_DEV_LLV:SITE$OA.A1$MSG OA$SITE_LIB_LLV:SITE$OA_SYM.A1$SECTION OA$SITE_LIB_SHARE:SITE_SM_RENAME.COM OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE:A1V31_SITE_START.COM OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE:OA$SCT$SDF.DAT OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE:OA$SCT$SYMBOLS_READ.DAT OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE:OA$SCT$SYMBOLS_WRITE.DAT OA$SITE_DEV_SHARE:OA$SCT$SDF.DAT OA$SITE_DEV_SHARE:OA$SCT$SYMBOLS_READ.DAT OA$SITE_DEV_SHARE:OA$SCT$SYMBOLS_WRITE.DAT OA$SITE_DEV_SHARE:CM$SITEHIST.DAT OA$SITE_DEV_LLV:CM$SITEHIST.DAT OA$BUILD_LLV:SITELINK31.COM OA$BUILD_LLV:SITELLV.COM OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$APP.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$AUTH$LOCATIONS.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$AUTH$USERS.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$FORM$LIBS.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$MAF.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$SDC.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$SITELOG.DAT Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A-11 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System A.3 ALL-IN-1 Files Modified by TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 For multilanguage ALL-IN-1 systems, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]OA$LLVlanguage.EXE is also modified. The following files in OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE:SITEOALIBR.OLB are modified: OA$SCT$SDF.OBJ OA$SCT$SYMBOLS_READ.OBJ OA$SCT$SYMBOLS_WRITE.OBJ Except in a server-only installation, the following files in OA$SITE_LIB_LLV:SITEOAFORM.FLB are modified: MAIN.FRM DEFAULT.FRM The following file in OA$SITE_LIB_LLV:SITEMANAGER.FLB is modified: SM$MAIN2 A-12 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System B _________________________________________________________________ Handling Diagnostics This appendix describes the following types of diagnostic messages, which TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 writes to the log file: o Informational o Warning o Error B.1 Informational Messages The following informational messages are part of the normal execution of the Service Agent within the DCL command procedure. They require no action. All informational messages begin with %TMRA1$SA-I-. RUNREQUEST, SA has received a run request Explanation: The Service Agent has received an execution or start request. Its status is RUNNING. START, SA started run on: node_name Explanation: The Service Agent detached process has begun. STOPREQUEST, SA has received a stop request Explanation: The Service Agent has received a stop request and will exit from the detached process. Its status is STOPPED. SUSPENDREQUEST, SA has received a suspend request Explanation: The Service Agent has received a suspend request and will halt the ALL-IN-1 processing portion of the procedure. Its status is SUSPENDED. Handling Diagnostics B-1 Handling Diagnostics B.2 Warning and Error Messages B.2 Warning and Error Messages The following sections list error condition messages that are part of the execution of the Service Agent in the ALL-IN-1 command procedure. Error conditions do not stop the Service Agent, but they can prevent the Service Agent from processing a particular request or routing package. B.2.1 Warning Messages The following warning messages normally do not represent conditions that prevent the Service Agent from processing the current routing package. Most require no action. All warning messages begin with %TMRA1$SA-W-. ACCOUNTNOTAVAIL, SA has determined that SA Account is not available: account Explanation: The Service Agent has checked for the Service Agent ALL-IN-1 account and found it is not available. The Service Agent cannot log in to ALL-IN-1 if the account is not available. The Service Agent process will exit and the process will stop. No processing can be done until the situation is corrected. Action: Check to see if the Service Agent ALL-IN-1 account exists. BYPASSERROR_NOMASTER, SA cannot bypass a recipient, cannot locate master routing package: folder/docnum Explanation: The Service Agent could not locate a master routing package during a bypass request. The routing package may have been previously deleted. No action is required. CONTROLFILE_ERROR, SA cannot update the control file. Explanation: The Service Agent was not able to update the control file. It is possible that it was being accessed by system management. No correction is necessary. B-2 Handling Diagnostics Handling Diagnostics B.2 Warning and Error Messages DELETEERROR_NOMASTER, SA cannot delete a master, routing package not found: folder/docnum Explanation: The Service Agent could not locate a master routing package during a delete request. The routing package may have been previously deleted. You do not need to correct this error. ERROR_MASTER_TERM, SA received a bypass request on a completed master routing package: folder/docnum Explanation: The Service Agent has received a request from an initiator to bypass a recipient. The target master routing package has already been completed. No action can be taken on this request. NONDELIVERY, SA received a non-delivery message, service message sent to: user Explanation: The Service Agent received a nondelivery message with a TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 routing package attached. The failed delivery could either be a Tracking Copy, a Routing Copy or an unexpected TeamRoute for ALL- IN-1 type. This could have been the result of sending a routing copy to a recipient who is not a TeamRoute for ALL- IN-1 subscriber. A service message has been sent to the subscriber. No action is required; however, you may want to determine why a TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 routing package could not be delivered to the subscriber. NOTALLOWED, SA found a request for function not allowed on a completed routing package: folder/docnum/function Explanation: Requested function is not allowed on a completed TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 master. No correction is necessary. NOTAVAILABLE, SA has determined that ALL-IN-1 is not available. Explanation: The Service Agent has checked for ALL-IN-1 and found it is not running. The Service Agent cannot log in to ALL-IN-1 if it is not running. The Service Agent process waits for the set wait time and will attempt to access ALL-IN-1 again. Handling Diagnostics B-3 Handling Diagnostics B.2 Warning and Error Messages SERVICENONDELIVERY, A service message was returned as a nondelivery message. Explanation: A service message was returned to the Service Agent as a nondelivery message. In practice, this would occur only if the initiator or recipient of a routing package are not able to receive TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 routing packages. Check that the intended recipient of the service message has a valid, enabled TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 account. No further service messages will be sent to that address. TMRUNKNOWN, SA received unexpected TMR request; type : TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 routing package type Explanation: The Service Agent received a TeamRoute for ALL- IN-1 routing package of unknown type. No action is required. TRACKMASTERERROR, SA cannot select a master routing package while creating a tracking report: folder/docnum Explanation: The Service Agent cannot locate a master routing package. It is possible that the master routing package has already been deleted. A tracking report will not be made. UPDATE_BYPASSED, SA cannot apply update, recipient was bypassed: user Explanation: A routing package update was received by the Service Agent, but the sender was bypassed on the routing list. The update will not be applied to the master routing package. Routing will continue and no corrections are necessary. UPDATE_NOTCURRENT, SA cannot apply update, user not current recipient: user Explanation: An update was received by the Service Agent, but the sender is not the current recipient. This occurs when the recipient has been bypassed or deleted on the routing list. The update will not be applied to the master routing package. Routing will continue and no corrections are necessary. B-4 Handling Diagnostics Handling Diagnostics B.2 Warning and Error Messages UNKNOWNLOW, SA found an unknown or invalid type low-priority request: type/state Explanation: The Service Agent received a request which has an unknown type. This occurs when non-TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 routing packages or regular mail messages are sent to the Service Agent. You generally do not have to correct this problem. The TMR_ UNKNOWN_LOW folder will contain all unknown requests that are mailed to the Service Agent. You may want to review and purge these messages periodically. B.2.2 Error Messages The following messages represent error conditions that can prevent a Service Agent from processing the current routing package or request. All error messages begin with %TMRA1$SA-E-. ATTACHERROR, SA error separating attachments; none found in: folder/docnum Explanation: The TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 routing package indicated there were attachments, but none were found. A service message was sent to the initiator of the routing package. Action: It is possible that the routing package initiator deleted the attachments outside the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 subsystem. If this is not the case, submit an SPR. BYPASSMASTER, SA is bypassing new master routing package: folder/master_docnum Explanation: A possible TeamRoute master routing package was sent to the Service Agent but it could not be processed. This error occurs when the routing package files cannot be opened by the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 subsystem, because the document is not a TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 routing package. The initiator has already received notification that this document could not be processed. No action is required. Handling Diagnostics B-5 Handling Diagnostics B.2 Warning and Error Messages DATAERROR, SA has found an error separating data files; none found in : folder/docnum/type Explanation: The TeamRoute routing package indicated there were data files, but none were found. A service message was sent to the sender of the routing package. Action: It is possible that the initiator of the routing package detached the data files outside the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 subsystem. If this is not the case, submit an SPR. Otherwise, no action is required. NOTAUTHORIZED, SA cannot process new routing package, user account not enabled. Explanation: The subscriber is not allowed to use TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. The user's account is probably not enabled as a TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 subscriber. Action: If appropriate, use the Manage Accounts option on the Manage TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 System menu to set the user's TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 account to ENABLED. PROFILEEMPTY, SA could not find the profile entry for: user_name Explanation: The Service Agent attempted to set ACLs on the master or the attachments but could not read the initiator's profile. The ACLs could not be set. Action: Check the profile for the Service Agent initiator, and correct the profile problem. PROFILEEMPTY, SA could not find the profile entry for SA: sa_name Explanation: The Service Agent attempted to set ACLs on the master or the attachments but could not read the Service Agent's profile. The ACLs could not be set. Action: Check the profile for the Service Agent, and correct the profile problem. TRACKING, SA is unable to create a tracking report, master routing package was deleted: requester/docnum Explanation: The Service Agent is unable to create a tracking report. The master routing package was previously deleted. B-6 Handling Diagnostics Handling Diagnostics B.2 Warning and Error Messages UNKNOWNHIGH, SA found an unknown or invalid high-priority request: type/folder/docnum Explanation: The Service Agent found an unknown type of TeamRoute request in the high-priority queue. The routing package will be copied to the TMR_UNKNOWN_HIGH folder. The routing package type, folder, and number are included with the message. Action: From the Service Agent ALL-IN-1 account: 1. Read the routing package. 2. If necessary, delete the routing package and ask the initiator to resend it. UPDATEMASTERERROR, SA cannot select a master routing package while processing an update: folder/docnum Explanation: An update package was received by the Service Agent but the master routing package could not be located. The master may have been deleted. The update package will be moved to the TMRSA_UPDATE_ERROR folder. The update will not be applied to the master routing package, and routing will not continue. A service notice will be sent to the initiator. Handling Diagnostics B-7 C _________________________________________________________________ Transaction File This appendix provides an overview of the transaction file and detailed descriptions of its record format. C.1 Overview The transaction file is an ASCII sequential file, with variable-length records, produced by the TeamRoute for ALL- IN-1 Service Agent. A record is written to this file for each transaction that the Service Agent performs. Table C-1 shows the transaction types. Table_C-1_Transaction_Types________________________________ Mnemonic__Transaction_Type_________________________________ BR Begin routing request received BY Bypass recipient performed CC Carbon copy sent IP Interpersonal mail received RC Routing copy sent RR Reset routing performed SN Service notice sent TC Tracking report sent TR Tracking request received UP Update applied DM Delete master RC________Routing_completed________________________________ Transaction File C-1 Transaction File C.2 Record Format C.2 Record Format Each record in the transaction log file has two parts; a fixed-length part and a variable-length part. The fixed- length part of the record is common to all transaction types listed above, while the variable-length part differs according to the type of transaction being recorded. All fields in each transaction log record contain ASCII data. This allows you to view the file using simple mechanisms such as the DCL TYPE command. Where possible, field data has been abbreviated to conserve space. For example, the transaction type field is recorded as a two- character mnemonic (see Section C.1). Each transaction type can have different fields recorded in the variable-length part of the record. All fields form a comma-separated list. C.2.1 Fixed-Length Fields Table C-2 lists the fixed-length fields of a transaction log record. Each field is separated by a comma (,). If a field is unavailable, the field size is filled with spaces. Table_C-2_Transaction_File_Fixed-Length_Fields_____________ Field_________Size___Description___________________________ TIMESTAMP 14 A timestamp representing the date and time when the record was created. This field is in the format: YYYYMMDDHHSSCC. TRANS_ID 2 A mnemonic describing the type of transaction record that follows (see Table C-1). USER_ID 12 An identifier for the subscriber that owns the master copy document for which this transaction is being recorded. The source of this field is the ALL-IN-1 full name, which is truncated to 12 characters. (continued on next page) C-2 Transaction File Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-2_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Fixed-Length_Fields_____ Field_________Size___Description___________________________ DOC_ID 8 The identifier for the master routing package for which the transaction is being recorded. NODE_NAME 6 Node on which the Service Agent was running when the transaction record was written. SA_ID 3 An identifier for the Service Agent that wrote the transaction log record _____________________(always_001)._________________________ C.2.2 Variable-Length Fields Table C-3 lists the variable-length fields of a transaction log record by transaction code. Each field is separated by a comma (,). If a field is unavailable, a comma is used as a placeholder. Table_C-3_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__________ Field__________Description_________________________________ Transaction_code:_BR_(Begin_Routing_Request)_______________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this inbound Begin Routing Request. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Begin Routing Request was processed by the Service Agent. MASTER_COPY The FOLDER and DOCNUM of the master routing package. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the initiator. This may have been truncated in the fixed- length section. (continued on next page) Transaction File C-3 Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ ___________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_BY_(Bypass_Request)______________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this inbound Bypass Request. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Bypass Request was processed by the Service Agent. STEP_ID The identifier of the Routing Step in the master routing package that is the target of the Bypass. RECIP_ID The identifier of the Routing Recipient (within the Step) in the master routing package that is the target of the Bypass. MASTER_COPY The FOLDER and DOCNUM of the master routing package. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the initiator. This may have been truncated in the fixed- length section. (continued on next page) C-4 Transaction File Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ ___________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_CC_(Carbon_Copy_Sent)____________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this outbound Carbon Copy. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Carbon Copy was submitted to the mail transport. STEP_ID The identifier of the Routing Step in the master routing package for which the Carbon Copy was sent. RECIP_ID The identifier of the Routing Recipient (within the Step) in the master routing package for which the Carbon Copy was sent. TOADDR The name or mail address of the recipient of the carbon copy. This is typically the to field found in the header of the mail message in which the carbon copy is contained. RETRIES Not applicable to this Service Agent. This space is reserved for compatibility with other Service Agent transaction logs. MASTER_COPY The FOLDER and DOCNUM of the master routing package. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the initiator. This may have been truncated in the fixed- length section. (continued on next page) Transaction File C-5 Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ ___________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_IP_(IPMAIL_(IOS_ALL-IN-1_mail)_Received)_ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this inbound interpersonal mail message. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the interpersonal mail message was submitted to the mail transport. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the sender. This may have been truncated in the fixed-length section. (continued on next page) C-6 Transaction File Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ ___________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_RC_(Routing_Copy_Sent)___________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this outbound Routing Copy. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Routing Copy was submitted to the mail transport. STEP_ID The identifier of the Routing Step in the master routing package for which the Routing Copy was sent. RECIP_ID The identifier of the Routing Recipient (within the Step) in the master routing package for which the Routing Copy was sent. TOADDR The name or mail address of the recipient of the Routing Copy. This is typically the to field found in the header of the mail message in which the routing copy is contained. RETRIES Not applicable to this Service Agent. This space is reserved for compatibility with other Service Agent transaction logs. MASTER_COPY The FOLDER and DOCNUM of the master routing package. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the initiator. This may have been truncated in the fixed- length section. (continued on next page) Transaction File C-7 Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ ___________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_RR_(Reset_Routing_Request)_______________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this Reset Routing Request. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Reset Routing Request was processed by the Service Agent. STEP_ID The identifier of the Routing Step in the master routing package that is the target of the Reset. RECIP_ID The identifier of the Routing Recipient (within the Step) in the master routing package that is the target of the Reset. MASTER_COPY The FOLDER and DOCNUM of the master routing package. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the initiator. This may have been truncated in the fixed- length section. (continued on next page) C-8 Transaction File Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ ___________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_SN_(Service_Notice_Sent)_________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this outbound Service Notice. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the service notice was submitted to the mail transport. (continued on next page) Transaction File C-9 Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ Field__________Description_________________________________ Transaction_code:_SN_(Service_Notice_Sent)_________________ TOADDR The name or mail address of the recipient of the service notice. This is typically the to field found in the header of the mail message in which the service notice is contained. The same service notice can be sent to the recipient and the initiator if there is an update error. If this occurs, both names are listed in this field, separated by an ampersand sign (&). The recipient name is second. RETRIES Not applicable. MASTER_COPY The FOLDER and DOCNUM of the master routing package. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the initiator. This may have been truncated in the fixed- length section. (continued on next page) C-10 Transaction File Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ Field__________Description_________________________________ TYPE The type of service notice created. The following types are available: RC_OK The notice states that routing was completed. BY_OK The notice states that a recipient was bypassed. DM_CANTSELECT The notice states that a master could not be deleted (it was previously deleted). BR_CANTSELECT The notice states that a new master routing copy could not be accessed (possibly because it was not a TeamRoute document). BR_BADATTACH The notice states that a problem was encountered with attachments on a new master (attachments may have been removed outside of TeamRoute). UN_NONDELIVERY The notice states that an unknown type of nondelivery message was received by the Service Agent. LCTR_ The notice states that a NONDELIVERY routing copy or tracking copy nondelivery message was received by the Service Agent. TR_CANTCREATE The notice states that a tracking copy could not be created (master was probably deleted). UP_0005 The notice states that an update could not be applied. UP_0006 The notice states that an update could not be applied because a master routing packagerwasadeleted.le C-11 UP_0007 The notice states that an update could not be applied because a recipient was removed from the routing list. UP_0030 The notice states that an update could not be applied because the recipient was not the current recipient. UP_0031 The notice states that an update could not be applied because the recipient was bypassed. UP_0035 The notice states that an update could not be applied and routing will not continue. (continued on next page) Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ Field__________Description_________________________________ (continued on next page) C-12 Transaction File Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ Field__________Description_________________________________ Transaction_code:_TC_(Tracking_Report_Sent)________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this outbound Tracking Report. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Tracking Report was submitted to the mail transport. STEP_ID The identifier of the Routing Step in the master routing package for which the Tracking Report was sent. RECIP_ID The identifier of the Routing Recipient (within the Step) in the master routing package for which the Tracking Report was sent. TOADDR The name or mail address of the recipient of the tracking report. This is typically the to field found in the header of the mail message in which the tracking report is contained. RETRIES Not applicable. MASTER_COPY The FOLDER and DOCNUM of the master routing package. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the initiator. This may have been truncated in the fixed- length section. (continued on next page) Transaction File C-13 Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ ___________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_TR_(Tracking_Request_Received)___________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this inbound tracking request. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the tracking request was submitted to the mail transport. STEP_ID The identifier of the routing step in the master routing package for which the tracking report was requested. RECIP_ID The identifier of the routing recipient (within the step) in the master routing package for which the tracking report was requested. sender the name or mail address of the sender of the tracking request. This is typically the from field found in the header of the mail message in which the tracking request was contained. RETRIES Not applicable. MASTER_COPY The FOLDER and DOCNUM of the master routing package. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the initiator. This may have been truncated in the fixed- length section. (continued on next page) C-14 Transaction File Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ ___________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_UP_(Update_Applied)______________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this inbound Update Request. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Update file was submitted to the mail transport. STEP_ID The identifier of the routing step in the master routing package that contains the recipient who created the update. RECIP_ID The identifier of the routing recipient (within the Step) in the master routing package who created the update. SENDER The name or mail address of the sender of the update file. This is typically the from field found in the header of the mail message in which the update file was contained. RETRIES Not applicable. MASTER_COPY The FOLDER and DOCNUM of the master routing package. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the initiator. This may have been truncated in the fixed- length section. (continued on next page) Transaction File C-15 Transaction File C.2 Record Format Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields__ ___________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_DM_(Delete_Master)_______________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this inbound Delete Request. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Delete request was processed by the Service Agent. SENDER The name or mail address of the sender of the Delete request. This is typically the from field found in the header of the mail message in which the update file was contained. MASTER_COPY The FOLDER and DOCNUM of the master routing package. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the initiator. This may have been truncated in the fixed- length section. ___________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_RC_(Routing_Completed)___________________ DATE_ The date that the routing package was COMPLETED completed. MASTER_COPY The FOLDER and DOCNUM of the master routing package. FULL_NAME The full subscriber name of the initiator. This may have been truncated in the fixed- _______________length_section._____________________________ C-16 Transaction File _________________________________________________________________ Index A______________________________ C______________________________ Access control list Cluster setting, B-6 mixed-architecture, 2-5 Account Compile and install renaming, 1-3 ALL-IN-1 text library, 4-1 transfer, 1-3 Converting attachment, 1-2 Advanced shared drawer, 4-6 Customized elements ALL-IN-1 group, 1-2, 4-7 forms, 4-2 ALL-IN-1 text library removing, 2-14 compile and install, 4-1 site link files, 2-9, 3-10 Alpha system, 1-1 updating, 4-4 adding support on, 2-8 disk space required on, 2-11 D parameters required for _______________________________ installation, 2-13 Detached process, 5-5, 5-7 Alternate Mail Transport exiting, B-1 System, 4-6 Diagnostic messages Application registration file, and Service Agent log file, 5-9 5-7 Architecture, viii and Service Agent transaction adding support for second, file, 5-8 2-5 error messages, B-5 to B-7 Attachment informational messages, B-1 converting, 1-2 warning messages, B-2 to B-5 Disk space, 2-11 B Distribution list, 1-2 _______________________________ Drawer Bypass request Service Agent, 4-6 on completed master, B-3 on deleted master, B-2 Index-1 Installation (cont'd) E______________________________ add second-architecture Error support for additional during installation, 3-9 language, 2-5 Error messages, B-5 to B-7 after installing TeamRoute Errors on startup, 2-14 for ALL-IN-1, 4-1 failure, 3-1 F______________________________ full, 2-3 Files getting help during, 3-1 installed, A-1 new, 2-5 purging, 3-8 privileges required, 3-1 Forms server-only, 2-3 updating stopping, 3-2 DEFAULT, 4-3 types of, 2-3 MAIN, 4-3 upgrade, 2-4, 2-7 SM$MAIN2, 4-3 upgrade additional language, SM_DEFAULT, 4-3 2-4 Installation verification G______________________________ procedure (IVP), 3-9, 3-10 GBLPAGES L required for installation, _______________________________ 2-13 Language GBLSECTIONS additional, 2-3 required for installation, code, 3-6 2-14 primary, 2-3 Grant mail access, 1-2 upgrade additional, 2-4 Group, 1-2, 4-7 License registering, 2-9 H Log file _______________________________ for the IVP, 3-10 Help for the Service Agent, 5-7, during installation, 3-1 B-1 Housekeeping transaction, C-2 Test and Repair Mail Areas, Logical name 5-9 OA$DATA_SHARE, 2-12 OA$LIB_language, 2-13 I______________________________ OA$LIB_SHARE, 2-12 Informational messages, B-1 OA$MTI_TRNS, 2-10 Installation TMRA1$SABATCH, 5-13 aborting, 3-2 TMRA1$SERVICE_DIRECTORY, additional language, 2-3 2-11 add second-architecture Logical names, 2-4 support, 2-5 checking, 2-10, 2-11 defined by TeamRoute, A-6 Index-2 Requests M______________________________ high-priority unknown or Mail access invalid, B-7 granting, 1-2 low-priority unknown or Mail destination, 5-11 invalid, B-5 Mail user Routing package setting, 1-2 completed master, B-3 not TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, O______________________________ B-5 OA$DATA_SHARE logical name, tracking report, B-6 2-12 unfound attachments, B-5 OA$LIB_language logical name, unfound data files, B-6 2-13 RTL shareable image, 1-4 OA$LIB_SHARE logical name, S 2-12 _______________________________ OA$MTI_TRNS logical name, 2-10 Script Option application, 5-9 fails to work, 1-1 to populate the TeamRoute profile, 3-2 P______________________________ Second architecture, 2-5 Parameters Server-only installation, 2-3 required values for, 2-13 Service Agent Privileges account, 2-4 required for installation, and unknown or invalid 3-1 request, B-5, B-7 Process symbol table, 3-9 drawer, 4-6 Product Authorization Key log file, 5-7 running more than one, 1-2 (PAK), 2-9 starting, 5-4, B-1 Profile, 2-4 status, 5-5, B-1 description, 5-1 stopping, 5-5, 5-9, B-1 entry not found, B-6 suspending, 5-5, B-1 Purge transaction file, 5-8 files, 3-8 unfound profile entry, B-6 messages, B-5 Set mail user, 1-2 Shareable image, 1-4 R______________________________ SITELINK31.COM, 2-9 Register Site link files license, 2-9 checking, 2-9 TeamRoute user, 3-2, 5-1 modified during installation, Relink ALL-IN-1, 2-8 3-10 Renaming an account, 1-3 SITELLV.COM, 2-9 Site startup procedure checking after installation, 4-5 Index-3 Startup error messages, 2-14 TMRA1$SERVICE_DIRECTORY Startup procedure, 2-11, 2-14 logical name, 2-11 Status Tracking report, B-6 of Service Agent, 5-4, 5-5, Transaction file, C-1 B-1 for Service Agent, 5-8 Stop Transaction record installation, 3-2 fixed-length fields, C-2 Subscriber format, C-2 registering, 5-1 variable-length fields, C-3 unauthorized, B-6 Transaction types, C-1 unfound profile entry, B-6 Transferring an account, 1-3 SUBSCRIBERS: special address, 5-3, 5-12 U______________________________ Symbol Upgrade installation, 2-4, 2-7 in process symbol table, 3-9 User System parameters registering as TeamRoute required values for, 2-13 user, 3-2, 5-1 T______________________________ V______________________________ TeamLinks users VAX system mail destination, 5-11 disk space required on, 2-11 supporting, 2-3, 4-6 parameters required for TeamRoute option installation, 2-13 fails to work, 1-1 Template Creating Utility, W 1-4, 1-5 _______________________________ Test and Repair Mail Areas, Wait interval 5-9 changing default, 5-7 TMRA1$SABATCH logical name, Warning messages, B-2 to B-5 5-13 Index-4