DATATRIEVE____________________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-AJ56R-TE January 2006 This manual describes the installation procedure for HP[TM]DATATRIEVE [TM] Version 7.3. Operating System: OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM] Version 5.5-2, 6.2, 7.3 or higher OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 or higher Software Version: DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 Compaq Computer Corporation February 2000 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq or an authorized sublicensor. Compaq conducts its business in a manner that conserves the environment and protects the safety and health of its employees, customers, and the community. While Compaq believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Compaq Computer Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. . We welcome your comments on this book. Please use one of the following ways to send your comments: o Send an electronic mail message to o Send a fax to (+1) 603 884-0120, Attention: DATATRIEVE Documentation, REO2-J9 The following are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation:\CDA, Compaq, DATATRIEVE, DEC, DEC Fortran, DECdecision, DECdesign, DECforms, DECnet, DECpresent, DECwindows, DECwrite, DIGITAL, FMS, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, PDP, ReGIS, VAX, VAX BASIC, VAX COBOL, VAX MACRO, VAX Pascal, VAX Rdb/ELN, VAXcluster, VIDA, VMS, VMS RMS, WPS-PLUS, and the Compaq logo. The following are third-party trademarks: DB2 is a trademark and IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp. LOTUS 1-2-3 is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corp. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. ORACLE is a registered trademark, and Oracle CDD/Repository, Oracle CODASYL DBMS, Oracle Expert, Oracle Rdb, SQL/Services, Oracle Rdb Transparent Gateway, Oracle TRACE are trademarks of Oracle Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Corp. SYBASE is a registered trademark of SYBASE Inc. Windows is a trademark, and Excel, Microsoft, MS-DOS, Visual Basic, Visual C++ are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using DECdocument, Version 3.3-1b. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. vii 1 Preinstallation Considerations 1.1 Prerequisite Hardware........................ 1-1 1.2 OpenVMS Licensing Management Facility (LMF)........................................ 1-2 1.3 Prerequisite Software........................ 1-3 1.3.1 Required Software Products............... 1-3 1.3.2 Optional Software Products............... 1-3 1.3.3 Order of Product Installation............ 1-5 1.4 VAXcluster Consideration (VAX Only).......... 1-6 1.5 VMScluster Consideration..................... 1-6 1.6 Preparing Your System and the Installing Account...................................... 1-7 1.6.1 Required Parameters...................... 1-7 Global Pages (or pagelets) and Global Sections (GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS Parameters)............................ 1-7 1.6.2 Oracle CDD/Repository Considerations (if support required)........................ 1-9 Effect of Installation Procedure on Existing DTR$LIB Directory............. 1-9 Required Privileges to CDD$TOP......... 1-9 1.6.3 Effect of Installation Procedure on the Logical DTR$LIBRARY...................... 1-11 1.6.4 More than One Installation of this Version of DATATRIEVE.................... 1-11 1.6.5 Check for Invalid DTRFUNxx.OLB........... 1-12 iii 2 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.1 Starting the Installation Procedure.......... 2-1 2.2 Mounting the Distribution Medium............. 2-4 2.3 Answering Questions About Release Notes...... 2-5 2.4 Answering Questions About Oracle CDD/Repository............................... 2-6 2.5 Answering Questions About the DATATRIEVE object libraries (VAX only).................. 2-6 2.6 Answering Questions About the Licensing Management Facility (LMF).................... 2-7 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation................................. 2-8 2.7.1 Installing DATATRIEVE with the Default Answers.................................. 2-9 2.7.2 Installing with LSE Support.............. 2-11 2.7.3 Installing with Support for Forms Products................................. 2-12 2.7.4 Specifying Suffixes for More than One Installation of This Version of DATATRIEVE............................... 2-14 2.7.5 Defining the DATATRIEVE Remote Server.... 2-17 2.7.6 Creating a DCL Command File for New Users.................................... 2-18 2.7.7 Installing Shared Images................. 2-19 2.7.8 Installing Plot Definitions and Optional Material................................. 2-20 2.7.9 Purging Files............................ 2-21 2.7.10 Running the IVP.......................... 2-21 2.8 Finishing the Installation................... 2-22 3 Postinstallation Considerations 3.1 Updating SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP.COM........... 3-1 3.2 VAXcluster Considerations (VAX Only)......... 3-1 3.3 Moving the DATATRIEVE Environment Between Operating Systems............................ 3-2 3.4 Updating Process Command Tables.............. 3-2 3.5 Online DATATRIEVE Object Library............. 3-3 3.6 DECnet Considerations........................ 3-3 3.6.1 Defining a DECnet Object................. 3-3 3.6.2 Creating a Default DECnet Account for Distributed Access....................... 3-5 iv 3.7 Maintaining User-Defined Functions........... 3-8 3.8 Providing Control Information to DATATRIEVE................................... 3-10 3.9 Preparing to Install DATATRIEVE Client for Windows...................................... 3-11 3.10 Deleting Unused Files for DATATRIEVE DECwindows Motif Support..................... 3-12 3.11 Getting Help and Reporting Problems.......... 3-13 4 User Environment Test Packages 4.1 Invoking DATATRIEVE.......................... 4-2 4.2 DATATRIEVE UETP.............................. 4-3 4.3 DATATRIEVE Graphics UETP..................... 4-6 4.4 DATATRIEVE and Oracle CODASYL DBMS UETP...... 4-8 4.5 DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb UETP............... 4-10 4.6 DATATRIEVE and Forms UETP.................... 4-14 5 DATATRIEVE CBT Installation A Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) B Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) C List of Files Modified/Added by the Installation Procedure v ________________________________________________________________ Preface This manual describes how to install the DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 software. This manual also describes how to use the DATATRIEVE User Environment Test Packages (UETPs) and how to install the DATATRIEVE computer- based training (CBT). This manual covers both DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS Alpha operating systems and DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS VAX operating systems, which are referred to by their abbreviated name DATATRIEVE. Sections specific to a particular platform are indicated using margin icons as shown in Conventions. Intended Audience This manual is intended for persons responsible for installing and maintaining DATATRIEVE software. To install the software, you should be familiar with VMSINSTAL, the command procedure used to install software products in the OpenVMS environment. For information on VMSINSTAL, see the OpenVMS documentation. Operating System Information Information about the versions of the operating system and related software that is compatible with this version of DATATRIEVE is included in the DATATRIEVE media kit, in either this manual or the DATATRIEVE Before You Install Letter. For information on the compatibility of other software products with this version of DATATRIEVE, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD). You can use the SPD to verify which versions of your operating system are compatible with this version of DATATRIEVE. vii Related Documents For further information on the topics covered in this manual, you can refer to the following documentation: o DATATRIEVE Release Notes Describes corrections to software, restrictions, workarounds, and known problems for DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. o DATATRIEVE User's Guide Describes how to use DATATRIEVE interactively. o DATATRIEVE Guide to Interfaces Includes information on using DATATRIEVE to manipulate data with forms, relational databases, and database management systems. o DATATRIEVE Reference Manual Contains reference information for DATATRIEVE. o DATATRIEVE Guide to Programming and Customizing Explains how to use the DATATRIEVE Call Interface. The manual also describes how to create user-defined keywords and user-defined functions to customize DATATRIEVE and how to customize DATATRIEVE help and message texts. o Getting Started with DATATRIEVE Client for Windows Describes basic DATATRIEVE Client for Windows functions. Conventions In this manual, every use of OpenVMS VAX indicates the OpenVMS VAX operating system, every use of OpenVMS Alpha indicates the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, and every use of OpenVMS indicates both the OpenVMS VAX operating system and the OpenVMS Alpha operating system. The following conventions are used to identify information specific to OpenVMS Alpha or to OpenVMS VAX: viii The following conventions are also used in this manual: [ ] (brackets) Square brackets in the installation procedure enclose the default response value to a query. ... (horizontal A horizontal ellipsis in an example means ellipsis) that information not directly related to the example has been omitted. . A vertical ellipsis in an example means . (vertical that information not directly related to . ellipsis) the example has been omitted. Bold type Bold type is used for terms being defined for the first time. Bold type in examples indicates user input. References to Products DATATRIEVE was formerly known as DEC DATATRIEVE and as DIGITAL DATATRIEVE. All DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 documentation refers to this product as DATATRIEVE. The DATATRIEVE documentation to which this manual belongs often refers to products by their abbreviated names. o DATATRIEVE refers to both HP DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS Alpha and HP DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS VAX software. o Oracle Rdb[TM] refers to both Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS Alpha and Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS VAX software. o Oracle CODASYL DBMS[TM] refers to both Oracle CODASYL DBMS for OpenVMS Alpha and Oracle CODASYL DBMS for OpenVMS VAX software. o HP Fortran[TM] refers to both HP Fortran for OpenVMS Alpha and HP Fortran for OpenVMS VAX software. o HP C refers to both HP C for OpenVMS Alpha and HP C for OpenVMS VAX software. o DEC TPU refers to both DEC TPU for OpenVMS Alpha and DEC TPU for OpenVMS VAX software. o DEC DB Integrator Gateway refers to DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DB2[TM] Client, DEC DB Integrator Gateway for ORACLE[R], and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for SYBASE[R]. ix o RMS[TM] refers to the OpenVMS Record Management Services. This manual uses the term relational database or relational source to refer to all three of these products: o VAX Rdb/ELN[TM] o Oracle Rdb o DEC DB Integrator Gateway ________________________Note ________________________ DEC DB Integrator Gateway is now owned by Oracle Corporation and has been renamed Oracle Rdb Transparent Gateway. _____________________________________________________ x 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preinstallation Considerations This chapter includes important installation consid- erations that you must be aware of before you install DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. Read this chapter carefully before you proceed to Chapter 2, DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure. To prepare your system for installing DATATRIEVE, you must perform the following tasks: o Verify that your system has enough memory and available disk space to install and use DATATRIEVE. o Register the Product Authorization Key (PAK) that is shipped with DATATRIEVE (if this is the first installation of DATATRIEVE). o Verify that your system has the correct versions of the optional and required software you will be using with DATATRIEVE. o Check your system and the installing account to ensure that parameters and quotas are sufficient for installing and using DATATRIEVE. This chapter tells you what actions to take to prepare your system for installing DATATRIEVE. 1.1 Prerequisite Hardware Installing DATATRIEVE requires a certain amount of free disk storage space during the installation. Once DATATRIEVE is installed, less storage space is required. The following table summarizes the storage requirements for OpenVMS VAX operating systems. Preinstallation Considerations 1-1 Preinstallation Considerations 1.1 Prerequisite Hardware __________________________________________________________ Blocks During Kit______________Installation_____Blocks_After_Installation DATATRIEVE 29,000 26,000 Version_7.3_______________________________________________ DATATRIEVE runs on all VAX processors except the VAX- 11/725 processor. <> The following table summarizes the storage requirements for OpenVMS Alpha operating systems: __________________________________________________________ Blocks During Kit______________Installation_____Blocks_After_Installation DATATRIEVE 50,000 35,000 <> Version_7.3_______________________________________________ To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$DEVICE 1.2 OpenVMS Licensing Management Facility (LMF) This version of DATATRIEVE supports the License Management Facility provided by OpenVMS. See the OpenVMS documenta- tion for more information. If you receive a Product Authorization Key (PAK) with DATATRIEVE you should register the information contained in the PAK before you begin the installation. You can register by using the License command procedure using the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE You can also use the LICENSE REGISTER command to register the information contained in the PAK. Both methods are described in the OpenVMS documentation. DATATRIEVE asks you early in the installation procedure whether or not you have registered and loaded an authorization key. You can install this version of DATATRIEVE without the authorization key information, but 1-2 Preinstallation Considerations Preinstallation Considerations 1.2 OpenVMS Licensing Management Facility (LMF) you cannot run DATATRIEVE or the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). 1.3 Prerequisite Software You must have the correct versions of the optional and required software products you will be using with DATATRIEVE. Install those products in the order specified in Section 1.3.3, Order of Product Installation. 1.3.1 Required Software Products This version of DATATRIEVE is a complete kit. You do not need any previous versions of DATATRIEVE to install it. On OpenVMS VAX operating systems, DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 requires Version 5.5-2, 6.2, 7.3 or higher of the operating system. For Fullname support OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 is required. To check which version of the operating system is currently installed on your system, use the SHOW SYSTEM command at the DCL prompt. <> On OpenVMS Alpha operating systems, DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 requires Version 6.2 or higher of the operating system. <> 1.3.2 Optional Software Products The following optional products can be used along with DATATRIEVE: o Oracle CDD/Repository If you plan to install DATATRIEVE with Oracle CDD/Repository support, the following requirements apply: - On OpenVMS VAX operating systems, you must have Version 5.0 or higher of Oracle CDD/Repository[TM] before you can install DATATRIEVE. <> - On OpenVMS Alpha operating systems, you must have Version 5.3 or higher of Oracle CDD/Repository before you can install DATATRIEVE. <> Preinstallation Considerations 1-3 Preinstallation Considerations 1.3 Prerequisite Software To check which version of Oracle CDD/Repository is currently installed on the system, use the following command: $ DICTIONARY OPERATOR The CDO banner gives the version of Oracle CDD/Repository currently installed on your system. For example: Welcome to CDO V6.1 The CDD/Repository V6.1 User Interface Type HELP for help CDO> o Oracle CODASYL DBMS o Oracle Rdb o VAX Rdb/ELN o VAX TDMS o HP FMS[TM] o Compaq DECforms[TM] o DEC DB Integrator Gateway o LSE o HP DECwindows[TM] Motif[R] o DECnet[TM]/OSI for OpenVMS VAX Version 5.7 or DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Alpha Version 5.7 for Fullname support. o For using DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 with DATATRIEVE Client for Windows, the following software is required: * DECnet or TCP/IP * Microsoft Windows * PATHWORKS[TM] for MS-DOS[R] and Windows (for DECnet use only). * A compiler or interpreter that can access DLL libraries (only required if you use the DATATRIEVE Call Interface). On OpenVMS Alpha operating systems VAX Rdb/ELN and VAX TDMS are not available. <> 1-4 Preinstallation Considerations Preinstallation Considerations 1.3 Prerequisite Software Refer to the DATATRIEVE Before You Install Letter to determine which versions of these optional software products are compatible with DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. If an optional product is on the system but is not the version required by DATATRIEVE, the installation procedure will not install the User Environment Test Package (UETP) for that product. (Note that not all optional software products have a UETP.) If you want to ready domains that reside on a remote node, you must have Version 7.3 of the DATATRIEVE software installed on the remote node you wish to access. 1.3.3 Order of Product Installation When you install required and optional software products with DATATRIEVE, you should install these products in the following order: o Optional LSE If you plan to use LSE with DATATRIEVE, you should install LSE before installing other required or optional software products. However, if you choose to install LSE at a later date, the DATATRIEVE installation procedure provides you with the option of performing a modified DATATRIEVE installation to provide DATATRIEVE support for LSE at that time. o Optional Oracle Rdb If you plan to use Oracle Rdb with DATATRIEVE, you should follow the order-of-installation instructions provided with Oracle CDD/Repository to insure the proper operation of Oracle CDD/Repository with Oracle Rdb. o Oracle CDD/Repository o Optional forms products ( VAX TDMS, HP FMS, DECforms) o Optional database products (Oracle CODASYL DBMS, VAX Rdb/ELN, DEC DB Integrator Gateway) Preinstallation Considerations 1-5 Preinstallation Considerations 1.3 Prerequisite Software Install Oracle CODASYL DBMS, VAX Rdb/ELN, and DEC DB Integrator Gateway before installing DATATRIEVE to make sure the installation includes sample databases and User Environment Test Packages. You do not have to install these optional database products before DATATRIEVE to use the products with DATATRIEVE. o Optional DECwindows Motif o DECnet o Microsoft Windows o PATHWORKS for MS-DOS and Windows. o A compiler or interpreter that can access DLL libraries. o DATATRIEVE ________________________Note ________________________ DECforms, and DECwindows Motif can also be installed after DATATRIEVE. _____________________________________________________ 1.4 VAXcluster Consideration (VAX Only) This installation procedure lets you install DATATRIEVE only on a system-rooted device. Whether you are installing DATATRIEVE on a VAXcluster[TM] or in a nonclustered environment, the installation procedure places the files that it generates in SYS$COMMON, not in SYS$SPECIFIC. The installation defines the logical name DTR$LIBRARY as SYS$COMMON:[DTR]. 1.5 VMScluster Consideration If you are using a dual-architecture (VAX and Alpha systems) heterogeneous cluster, before executing these commands, make sure the appropriate logical names have been set to define the scope of the SYSMAN DO commands. For more information, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 1-6 Preinstallation Considerations Preinstallation Considerations 1.6 Preparing Your System and the Installing Account 1.6 Preparing Your System and the Installing Account This section tells you which characteristics of your system and installing account need to be checked before you install DATATRIEVE. These characteristics include process quotas, access control privileges to CDD$TOP (if you plan to install DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 with Oracle CDD/Repository support), and system parameters. Instructions are given for checking and modifying the relevant characteristics of your system and installing account. 1.6.1 Required Parameters You must check that the value of your process quotas and system parameters are sufficient for installing DATATRIEVE. You can check these values in the Oracle CDD/Repository documentation (if you plan to install DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 with Oracle CDD/Repository support). Global Pages (or pagelets) and Global Sections (GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS Parameters) If you plan to install various DATATRIEVE images as SHARED, you need sufficient global pages (on OpenVMS VAX systems) or pagelets (on OpenVMS Alpha systems), and global sections. The installation procedure asks you about five images: DDMFxx, DTR32xx, DTRSHRxx, DTRAPIxx, and DTRMSGS. (The xx at the end of the file name refers to the optional suffix that you can specify in the installation procedure. See Section 2.7.4, Specifying Suffixes for More than One Installation of This Version of DATATRIEVE for more information.) You do not have to install all of these images; you need sufficient global pages and global sections only for those you do wish to install. DATATRIEVE automatically installs the DTRHELP image as SHARED. You need sufficient global pages and global sections for this image. Preinstallation Considerations 1-7 Preinstallation Considerations 1.6 Preparing Your System and the Installing Account The following table indicates the requirements for the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS parameters for the image files that are part of this version of DATATRIEVE on OpenVMS VAX operating systems. __________________________________________________________ File__________Global_Sections_____Global_Pages____________ DDMFxx 2 102 DTR32xx 1 184 DTRSHRxx 5 1226 DTRMSGS 1 115 DTRHELP 1 40 DTRAPIxx 2 86 __________________________________________________________ Total:________12__________________1753_<>_________________ The following table indicates the requirements for the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS parameters for the image files that are part of this version of DATATRIEVE on OpenVMS Alpha operating systems. __________________________________________________________ File__________Global_Sections_____Pagelets________________ DDMFxx 1 273 DTR32xx 1 964 DTRSHRxx 2 3970 DTRMSGS 1 115 DTRHELP 1 49 DTRAPIxx 2 282 __________________________________________________________ Total:_________8__________________5653<>__________________ To find how many free global pages and global sections are available on your system, issue the following commands: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 1-8 Preinstallation Considerations Preinstallation Considerations 1.6 Preparing Your System and the Installing Account 1.6.2 Oracle CDD/Repository Considerations (if support required) If you plan to install DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 with Oracle CDD/Repository support, you should perform the following tasks: o Check the contents of the dictionary directory CDD$TOP.DTR$LIB for user definitions and subdirecto- ries. Back these up if they exist. o Make sure the installation account has all access privileges to CDD$TOP. The next two sections explain these procedures. Effect of Installation Procedure on Existing DTR$LIB Directory The directory CDD$TOP.DTR$LIB is reserved for use by Compaq. The installation procedure builds, or rebuilds, this directory each time you install DATATRIEVE. The directory should contain only directories that contain definitions for the plots and sample domains, records, and tables that are shipped with the product. Users should not create any dictionary objects or directories that have DTR$LIB as part of their path names. When the installation procedure rebuilds DTR$LIB, it deletes the existing DTR$LIB hierarchy. Therefore, you should check that DATATRIEVE users have not placed their own definitions either in DTR$LIB or in any part of its substructure. Extract user definitions you want to save and redefine them in another directory. Required Privileges to CDD$TOP Because the installation procedure builds or rebuilds DTR$LIB, the installation account must have all access control privileges to CDD$TOP. You can check these privileges with the following command sequence: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DMU DMU> SHOW PROTECTION CDD$TOP Preinstallation Considerations 1-9 Preinstallation Considerations 1.6 Preparing Your System and the Installing Account The resulting privileges list should include the following: CONTROL GLOBAL_DELETE DTR_EXTEND HISTORY DTR_MODIFY LOCAL_DELETE DTR_READ PASS_THRU DTR_WRITE SEE EXTEND UPDATE FORWARD After checking the privileges list, type EXIT and press the RETURN key to return to DCL command level. If any of the required privileges are not available or if they are denied or banished, you must change the access control list (ACL) entry to provide all privileges for the duration of the installation. One way you can do this is to enter the following sequence of commands: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DMU DMU> SET PROTECTION/GRANT=ALL/UIC=[1,4]- DMU> /POSITION=1 CDD$TOP DMU> EXIT If you are using an account other than [1,4] for the installation, replace [1,4] with the UIC of that account. After the installation procedure is complete, you can remove the ACL entry with the following command sequence: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DMU DMU> DELETE/PROTECTION/POSITION=1 CDD$TOP DMU> EXIT For your convenience during future installations of DATATRIEVE, you might want to create command files containing these two sequences of commands. 1-10 Preinstallation Considerations Preinstallation Considerations 1.6 Preparing Your System and the Installing Account 1.6.3 Effect of Installation Procedure on the Logical DTR$LIBRARY The installation defines the logical DTR$LIBRARY as SYS$COMMON:[DTR]. If the installation fails, DTR$LIBRARY may be left deassigned, and you must redefine it. To redefine the logical, use the DEFINE command, as follows: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC DTR$LIBRARY SYS$COMMON:[DTR] 1.6.4 More than One Installation of this Version of DATATRIEVE You can install this version of DATATRIEVE a number of times to produce different sets of images and files. Note, however, that you cannot install multiple versions of the product, such as both Version 7.2A and Version 7.3. For example, the installation procedure could be run first to install DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 with VAX TDMS. You can install DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 a second time to support HP FMS. (Note that DECforms is supported by default whenever available on the system.) The resulting images and file names are differentiated by a suffix added to the default names. The installation procedure prompts you to choose this suffix. The suffix you specify will be given to the following files created during installation. The two letters xx at the end of a file name stand for the 1- to 26-character suffix you specify: o SYS$SHARE:DTRSHRxx.EXE o SYS$SHARE:DTRAPIxx.EXE o SYS$SHARE:DTRAPIxx.OLB o SYS$SYSTEM:DTR32xx.EXE o SYS$SYSTEM:DDMFxx.COM o SYS$SYSTEM:DDMFxx.EXE o DTR$LIBRARY:DTRBLDxx.COM o DTR$LIBRARY:DTRLIBxx.OLB o DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFNDxx.MAR o DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFNDxx.OBJ Preinstallation Considerations 1-11 Preinstallation Considerations 1.6 Preparing Your System and the Installing Account o DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFUNxx.OLB o SYS$STARTUP:DTRSTUPxx.COM o VUE$LIBRARY:VUE$DTRxx.COM ________________________Note ________________________ o The installation procedure does not append the xx suffix to all images and files. For example, DTR$LIBRARY:TERMSERVE.OLB and SYS$MESSAGE:DTRMSGS.EXE do not get the installation suffix. o DTRAPIxx.EXE resides in SYS$SHARE and you can copy it whenever you need to link it with user programs to create DATATRIEVE client applications. You can also copy DTRAPIxx.EXE to OpenVMS nodes that do not have a registered DATATRIEVE license. No DATATRIEVE license is required for the Client application but only for the server. DTRAPI libraries for the Windows environment are also provided by the DATATRIEVE kit as optional files and can be copied to a Windows environment to create Windows DATATRIEVE Client applications. _____________________________________________________ 1.6.5 Check for Invalid DTRFUNxx.OLB DATATRIEVE Version 6.1 distributed, and in some cases installed, an incorrect DTRFUNxx.OLB library which did not contain the object module DTRFND. To find out if this applies to your system, you must check the DTRFUNxx.OLB library contained in DTR$LIBRARY. If the object module DTRFND is not found in the library, you must delete DTRFUNxx.OLB before installing DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. The following example shows how to check for the presence of the object module DTRFND in the DTRFUN.OLB and DTRFUNORIGINAL.OLB libraries. Since DTRFUNORIGINAL.OLB does not contain DTRFND, it will have to be deleted before installation. 1-12 Preinstallation Considerations Preinstallation Considerations 1.6 Preparing Your System and the Installing Account $ DIR DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFUN*.OLB Directory SYS$COMMON:[DTR] DTRFUN.OLB;1 53 17-AUG-1993 13:59:39.37 DTRFUNFMS.OLB;1 53 9-JUL-1993 14:34:50.57 DTRFUNGRZ.OLB;1 62 9-JUL-1993 15:12:13.64 DTRFUNMUPA1.OLB;1 53 12-OCT-1993 17:19:15.50 DTRFUNORIGINAL.OLB;1 50 22-SEP-1993 11:11:01.06 DTRFUNTDMS.OLB;1 53 9-JUL-1993 14:57:51.66 $ LIBRARY/LIST/NAME DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFUN.OLB Directory of OBJECT library SYS$COMMON:[DTR]DTRFUN.OLB;1 on 12-OCT-1993 17:58:08 Creation date: 8-JUL-1993 12:11:37 Creator: VAX-11 Librarian V04-00 Revision date: 8-JUL-1993 12:12:25 Library format: 3.0 Number of modules: 1 Max. key length: 31 Other entries: 2 Preallocated index blocks: 49 Recoverable deleted blocks: 0 Total index blocks used: 2 Max. Number history records: 20 Library history records: 1 Module DTRFND DTR$$FND_FUN_LAST RTN_FN$GET_SYMBOL $ LIBRARY/LIST/NAME DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFUNORIGINAL.OLB Directory of OBJECT library SYS$COMMON:[DTR]DTRFUNORIGINAL.OLB;1 on 12-OCT-1993 17:58:50 Creation date: 21-MAY-1993 16:21:34 Creator: VAX-11 Librarian V04-00 Revision date: 21-MAY-1993 16:21:34 Library format: 3.0 Number of modules: 0 Max. key length: 31 Other entries: 0 Preallocated index blocks: 49 Recoverable deleted blocks: 0 Total index blocks used: 0 Max. Number history records: 20 Library history records: 0 Preinstallation Considerations 1-13 2 ________________________________________________________________ DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure Before you install DATATRIEVE Version 7.3, make sure that your system meets all requirements listed in Chapter 1, Preinstallation Considerations. Your Version 7.3 installation kit consists of one magnetic tape or TK50. This medium makes obsolete the distribution media for any lower version of DATATRIEVE. DATATRIEVE is also available on CDROM. If you are installing DATATRIEVE from CDROM, follow the directions in the documentation packaged with the CDROM kit. The installation procedure is described in the sections that follow. Note that as the procedure progresses, the installation command procedure sends questions to your screen to guide you through the installation process. The sections that follow explain these questions in detail. On OpenVMS VAX operating systems, after you answer questions from the installation procedure, installation of DATATRIEVE takes approximately 20 to 40 minutes. <> On OpenVMS Alpha operating systems, after you answer questions from the installation procedure, installation of DATATRIEVE takes approximately 10 to 20 minutes. <> 2.1 Starting the Installation Procedure To start the installation, invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure from a privileged account. VMSINSTAL is in the SYS$UPDATE directory. Use the following format to invoke VMSINSTAL. @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL save-set-name device-name OPTIONS N DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-1 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.1 Starting the Installation Procedure save-set-name The name of the DATATRIEVE save set you want to install: On OpenVMS VAX operating systems, enter DTRA072 to install DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. <> On OpenVMS Alpha operating systems, enter DTRAXPA072 to install DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. <> device-name The name of the device on which you plan to mount the media. For example, MTA0: is the device name for a tape drive. It is not necessary to use the console drive for this installation. However, if you do use the console drive, you should replace any media you removed once the installation is complete. If you are installing DATATRIEVE from a CD, you must specify a device-name and a directory name. The directory name should be the same as the save set name. OPTIONS N An optional parameter that indicates you want to review the release notes questions (see Section 2.3, Answering Questions About Release Notes for more information). The following example and the rest of this chapter show how to install DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 for OpenVMS VAX from CDROM DKA400. This example uses the OPTIONS N release note parameter. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DTRA072 DKA400:[DTRA072] OPTIONS N If you do not supply any parameter, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the information later in the installation procedure. Note that you can specify the AUTOANSWERBACK option when you invoke VMSINSTAL. This option creates the file SYS$UPDATE:DTRA072.ANS, which contains the installation questions and your responses. This file can then be used in subsequent installations. (The OpenVMS documentation on software installation contains more information about VMSINSTAL.) 2-2 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.1 Starting the Installation Procedure The AUTOANSWERBACK option is not recommended for DATATRIEVE installations. Questions asked during the DATATRIEVE installation are based on the system environment. The system environment at the time of the original installation determines which questions the installation procedure will ask. When you proceed with a subsequent installation, the questions change according to changes in the system environment. Thus, if you specify AUTOANSWERBACK during the original installation, you probably will not receive the appropriate questions during the subsequent installation. The installation procedure prompts you for input at various times. Whenever you are prompted for input, you can type a question mark (?) symbol for help. Most installation prompts include a default response in brackets. To enter the default bracketed response, you can either explicitly enter that response or press the RETURN key. Before the installation procedure begins, VMSINSTAL checks if you are logged in to the system account. If not, you receive this warning message: %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the system account. In addition, before the installation procedure begins, VMSINSTAL checks for active processes on the system. If your DECnet network is running, you receive this warning message: %VMSINSTAL-W-DECNET, Your DECnet network is up and running. If there are still users on the system, you receive this warning message with a list of process names: %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: . . . The list of the process names is followed by this question: * Do you want to continue anyway? [NO] DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-3 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.1 Starting the Installation Procedure If you want to stop the installation process to allow all users to exit the system, enter N or press the RETURN key. At the start of the VMSINSTAL procedure, you need to answer the following question: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? After you have performed the necessary backup, enter Y or press the RETURN key. If you reply with N, the installation stops. 2.2 Mounting the Distribution Medium You should now mount the first distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. VMSINSTAL displays the following message: Please mount the first volume of the set on DKA400: * Are you ready? Type Y after you mount the distribution medium. The installation procedure then checks if the following necessary conditions for the installation have been fulfilled: o The target of the installation is SYS$COMMON on the system-rooted device. o A compatible version of OpenVMS is installed. o At least 29,000 blocks are available on the system disk (50,000 blocks are required if you install DATATRIEVE on OpenVMS Alpha systems). If any of these conditions has not been fulfilled, the installation procedure displays a message describing the problem. After satisfying the requirement, you can rerun the installation procedure by invoking the command procedure VMSINSTAL again. If you choose to install DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 with Oracle CDD/Repository support, the installation procedure checks whether Oracle CDD/Repository is available on the system and if the required version and proper ACL access rights are available. 2-4 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.2 Mounting the Distribution Medium ________________________Note ________________________ Systems that do not have DECnet cannot support the DATATRIEVE remote server. However on systems without DECnet, but with TCP/IP software (see list of optional software products), the DATATRIEVE remote server image (DDMF) can behave as the DATATRIEVE Server for DATATRIEVE Client applications using the TCP/IP network transport. On such systems, the installation procedure next displays a message noting that it cannot define a DECnet object for the remote server. If you later install DECnet, you will then need to define a DECnet object for the remote server. See Section 3.6, DECnet Considerations for more information. _____________________________________________________ This ends the initial series of questions generated by VMSINSTAL. If you have successfully completed this portion of the installation, a message similar to the following is displayed: The following products will be processed: DTRA Version 7.2A Beginning installation of DTRA Version 7.2A at 8:15 VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... The installation continues with questions about release notes. 2.3 Answering Questions About Release Notes If you specified the qualifier OPTIONS N at the beginning of the installation, the procedure offers these options regarding DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 online release notes: Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. Do not display, print or copy release notes * Select option [2]: DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-5 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.3 Answering Questions About Release Notes Enter the number corresponding to the option you choose. If you enter option 2 or 3, the procedure prompts you for the printer queue name. It then prints a message showing that the job has been queued for printing. *Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Job DTROXX (queue YOURSYS_DQS$PRINT, entry 1248) started on YOURSYS_DQS$PRINT The procedure now asks if you want to continue the installation. *Do you want to continue the installation [N]? If you want to continue, enter Y. If you selected one of the print options, you must wait until the release notes finish printing before you enter N or press the RETURN key. If you did not select a print option and wish to exit, enter N or press the RETURN key. 2.4 Answering Questions About Oracle CDD/Repository DATATRIEVE removed the dependency from Oracle CDD/Repository by supporting a new textfile-based dictionary in addition to Oracle CDD/Repository. At installation time you will be asked whether you want to link DATATRIEVE with Oracle CDD/Repository or not: * Do you want support for Oracle CDD/Repository [Yes]? If you type Yes you can dynamically enable and disable Oracle CDD/Repository at run time. If you type No, Oracle CDD/Repository will not be supported and it cannot be enabled at run time. 2.5 Answering Questions About the DATATRIEVE object libraries (VAX only) DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 is built using several object libraries which can also be used to customize DATATRIEVE. On OpenVMS VAX systems, up to DATATRIEVE version Version 7.3, the object modules in these libraries have been built with the VAX C compiler. The installation procedure now asks whether you wish to install the product using the object libraries built with the VAX C compiler or the 2-6 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure Answering Questions About the DATATRIEVE object libraries (VAX only) DEC C compiler. There is no functional difference for the ordinary user. This only affects those users who program their own customizations in the C language on OpenVMS VAX systems and relink DTRSHR.exe. The DATATRIEVE product is built using several object libraries which can also be used to customize DATATRIEVE to suit your needs (see theDATATRIEVE documentation manual, 'Guide to Programming and Customizing'). These object libraries are now built using the DEC C compiler. If you have been programming your own customizations and wish to continue using the VAX C compiler, you have the option of installing the object libraries which have been built using that compiler instead. If you answer YES to this question, DATATRIEVE will be linked with the VAX C RTL, and the libraries in DTR$LIBRARY will contain objects built with the VAX C compiler. If you answer NO to this question, DATATRIEVE will be linked with the DEC C RTL, and the libraries in DTR$LIBRARY will contain objects built with DEC C compiler. Unless you customize your use of DATATRIEVE and want to continue using the VAX C compiler for your own customizations, answer NO to this question: * Do you want to install DATATRIEVE using object libraries built with the VAX C compiler[NO]? You should accept the default answer unless you wish to continue compiling your customizations with the VAX C compiler.<> 2.6 Answering Questions About the Licensing Management Facility (LMF) DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 supports the License Management facility provided by OpenVMS. The installation procedure asks whether you have registered and loaded a Product Authorization Key (PAK) as required. DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-7 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.6 Answering Questions About the Licensing Management Facility (LMF) Product: DTR or DTR-USER Producer: DIGITAL Version: Version 7.3 Release Date: 22-OCT-1997 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? If you answer Y or YES, the procedure continues. If you answer N or NO, you receive the following message: You have not registered the LMF authorization key as required. The DATATRIEVE installation will continue. However, you cannot run the product until you register the license authorization key. When the DATATRIEVE installation is completed, please register the authorization key using the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE The IVP cannot be run until the authorization key is registered. However, the IVP command file will be put in the same directory as the UETPs. Once you register the authorization key, you may run the IVP by entering DATATRIEVE and issuing the following command: @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR]DTR$IVP.COM The installation continues with a series of DATATRIEVE questions. 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation The installation procedure asks you a number of questions concerning default installation, forms management products, multiple DATATRIEVE installations, and DATATRIEVE files. The following sections give examples of these questions. 2-8 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation 2.7.1 Installing DATATRIEVE with the Default Answers The installation procedure now asks if you want to install DATATRIEVE using default answers for all questions. ________________________Note ________________________ While this question may simplify the installation procedure, it may not be appropriate for your situation. For example, if your system supports more than one installation of this version of DATATRIEVE, you should not select the default installation option. Read the summary of the default responses that follows the question before you choose this option. _____________________________________________________ The installation procedure prompts you with the following question: *Do you want to use default answers for all questions [Yes]? If you type Y, the DATATRIEVE installation procedure automatically does the following: o Performs a complete installation of DATATRIEVE; it will not allow a partial installation to provide DATATRIEVE support for LSE. o Checks your system for a forms management product (HP FMS or VAX TDMS). If DATATRIEVE does not find either of them, the automatic installation procedure provides support only for DECforms, if this is available on the system. If either HP FMS or VAX TDMS already exists on the system, DATATRIEVE in addition to DECforms support: - Supplies HP FMS support, if only HP FMS is on the system - Supplies VAX TDMS support, if only VAX TDMS is on the system - Supplies VAX TDMS support, if both HP FMS and VAX TDMS are found on the system DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-9 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation o Does not prompt you for the unique 1- to 26-character suffix that identifies the DTR32xx.EXE image of this installation. Note that if you have already installed this version of DATATRIEVE and did not supply a suffix during that installation, you will need a suffix to differentiate the image of the previous installation from the image currently being installed. In such a case, the default installation procedure is not appropriate. o Does not prompt you for the default image to be used with the DATATRIEVE DCL command and DCL help. The default image will be DTR32. o Checks if the DATATRIEVE remote server has been defined by a previous installation of DATATRIEVE. The DATATRIEVE remote server is called the Distributed Data Manipulation Facility (DDMF). When the installation procedure checks for a previously defined DDMF: - If there is no remote server or if the remote server is obsolete, the DDMF files from this installation become the remote server for DATATRIEVE. - If there is a current remote server already on the system, the default installation procedure uses that as the remote server for this installation of DATATRIEVE. o Copies the NEWUSER.COM file in DTR$LIBRARY. o Checks the status of the DCL help for DATATRIEVE. If DCL help is unavailable or out-of-date, DATATRIEVE automatically updates DCL help. o Installs DTRSHR.EXE, DTRMSGS.EXE, DTR32.EXE, and DDMF.EXE (if applicable) as SHARED. o Installs DTRHELP as SHARED. o Supplies the plot definitions for the current version. o Does not supply the optional text and message files, sample programs, and callable programming aids that can be tailored at the installed site. 2-10 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation o Purges files replaced by this installation. If you type N, the installation procedure continues with the questions about LSE. 2.7.2 Installing with LSE Support To use LSE with DATATRIEVE , LSE must already be installed and licensed on your system. If LSE is not already installed on your system, you see the following message on your screen: ********************************************************* The LSE Editor is not installed on your system. To have LSE support, you must: 1. Install the LSE Editor 2. Install or reinstall this product ********************************************************* * Do you want to continue the installation [No]? If you enter Y or YES, the installation continues; however, you will not be able to use LSE with DATATRIEVE. If you enter the default value by entering N, NO, or by pressing the RETURN key, the installation aborts, giving you the opportunity to install LSE on your system. Once LSE is installed, you can begin the DATATRIEVE installation procedure from the beginning. If LSE is already installed on your system, you will be prompted with the following: LSE is installed on your system. You now have the following options: 1. Do a complete DATATRIEVE installation including DATATRIEVE support for LSE. 2. Do only DATATRIEVE support for LSE without installing DATATRIEVE. 3. Do a DATATRIEVE installation without including DATATRIEVE support for LSE. * Select option [1]: DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-11 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation If you want to install a new version of DATATRIEVE (including LSE support), select option 1. If you want only to provide DATATRIEVE support for LSE (without installing a new version of DATATRIEVE), select option 2. If you want to install a new version of DATATRIEVE without LSE support, select option 3. If you select option 2, this installation will terminate after DATATRIEVE support for LSE is provided. 2.7.3 Installing with Support for Forms Products Each installation of DATATRIEVE on a system can support two forms management products: o DECforms o HP FMS (Forms Management System) or VAX TDMS (Terminal Data Management System) DECforms software is dynamically loaded at runtime and no specific operations are required at installation time. This means that DECforms, whenever installed on the system, is always available, while HP FMS and VAX TDMS are optional and mutually exclusive. You select HP FMS or VAX TDMS at installation time. A series of questions determines which product DATATRIEVE will support for the image currently being installed. The installation procedure checks which forms management products are on the system. If no forms products are found (or only lower versions of VAX TDMS or HP FMS not supported by DATATRIEVE are found), the installation procedure displays the following message: 2-12 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation ********************************************************* Neither Compaq FMS nor VAX TDMS product has been found on this system. If desired, the installation may be aborted at this point to install either Compaq FMS or VAX TDMS. If the installation continues, DATATRIEVE will be built with DECforms support only. The DECforms support will be automatically available, provided that DECforms is installed and licensed by the time DATATRIEVE is invoked. ********************************************************* * Do you wish to continue with the installation [YES]? If you type Y or press the RETURN key, the installation continues with the series of questions about more than one installation of this version of DATATRIEVE. (See Section 2.7.4, Specifying Suffixes for More than One Installation of This Version of DATATRIEVE for more information.) If you type N, the installation aborts, giving you an opportunity to install a forms product on your system. If one or more forms products are found, you receive a listing of the products on your system, followed by a message and question similar to the following: DATATRIEVE can be built to support any one of these products, or, if desired, DATATRIEVE can be built without support of any of these Forms Management products. * Do you want DATATRIEVE to support one of these products [YES]? If you do not want forms support, enter N. The installa- tion procedure resumes with questions on suffixes and more than one installation of this version of DATATRIEVE. If you do want forms support, enter Y or press the RETURN key. Then, for each forms product on the system, you are asked if you want DATATRIEVE to support this forms product. Remember each installation of DATATRIEVE can support only one forms product in addition to DECforms. DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-13 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation After you enter Y to specify support for one forms product, you do not receive questions about the other forms products. For example, if you have both VAX TDMS and HP FMS on the system, you receive the following question first: * Do you wish to have VAX TDMS Forms Management support [YES]? If you type Y or press the RETURN key, the DATATRIEVE image being installed will support VAX TDMS. Then the installation procedure moves on to a series of questions on suffixes and more than one installation of this version of DATATRIEVE. If you type N, you receive a question about support for Compaq FMS. If you type N after each question in the series, you receive the following message: There are neither Compaq FMS nor VAX TDMS Forms Management products on this system. If desired, the installation may be aborted at this point to install either Compaq FMS or VAX TDMS. If the installation continues, the questions pertaining to the selection of a Forms Management product will be asked again. * Do you wish to continue with the installation [YES]? If you type Y or press the RETURN key, you have another opportunity to answer questions about forms. If you type N, the installation procedure aborts. 2.7.4 Specifying Suffixes for More than One Installation of This Version of DATATRIEVE The installation procedure asks whether you intend to complete more than one installation of this version of DATATRIEVE on your system, as follows: 2-14 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation It is possible to do more than one installation of DATATRIEVE. More than one installation of a single version may be desirable for a number of reasons including: o Use of multiple forms management products (such as Compaq FMS and VAX TDMS; DECforms is available in every image, if present on the system) o Use of multiple foreign language translations of DATATRIEVE (such as French or German) * Do you plan to install this version more than once [NO]? If you type N or press the RETURN key, the installation procedure continues with questions about retaining DATATRIEVE files. (See Section 3.5, Online DATATRIEVE Object Library for more information.) At a later date, you can decide to install DATATRIEVE using file names other than the defaults by typing Y in response to the previous question. If you type Y, the installation procedure displays messages requesting that you specify a suffix for the image you are installing and the default image for the DCL command DATATRIEVE. The following message and question about the suffix are displayed: To differentiate the files and images produced by this installation from those produced by some other DATATRIEVE installation, it is necessary to append a suffix to some of the file and image names. For each installation of this version of DATATRIEVE, this suffix should be unique. This suffix can be 1 to 26 characters. * What is the suffix you intend to use for this installation [none]? Only one set of DATATRIEVE images and files can use the default file names that have no suffix. (See Section 1.6.4, More than One Installation of this Version of DATATRIEVE for a list of these images and files.) If you install this version of DATATRIEVE a second or subsequent time, you should identify the subsequent image and file names by a unique suffix. This step allows you DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-15 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation later to identify which version of DATATRIEVE you want to run. For example, on the first run through the installation procedure, you could respond to the question about the suffix by pressing the RETURN key. The result is that each of the DATATRIEVE file names includes no suffix. To run the image produced by this procedure, type: $ DATATRIEVE During the second or subsequent installation of this version of DATATRIEVE, for example, you might use VAX TDMS as the forms product supported by this image. You could identify the files and images by responding with VAX TDMS for the suffix. To run the image produced by this procedure, type the following line: $ DATATRIEVE/VARIANT=XX For the remainder of this manual, the two letters xx at the end of a file name stand for the 1- to 26-character suffix you specify. If you specify the same suffix for a later installation, the later image supersedes the previous image installed with the same suffix. If you choose to purge files during the installation, those earlier images will be deleted. See Section 2.7.9, Purging Files for more information. The following message and question are displayed: The DATATRIEVE DCL command allows you to choose which DTR32 image to execute by means of the /VARIANT qualifier. You may now choose an image to be executed by default, when the /VARIANT qualifier is not specified on the DATATRIEVE command. This default image will be the image referenced by DCL HELP. DTR32, DTR32xx * Which of the above images should be the default [DTR32xx]: The installation procedure checks which DATATRIEVE images are on the system. All existing image names, plus the name of the image you are currently installing, are listed. The current image name is provided as the default response to the question. 2-16 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation Only one DATATRIEVE image can be chosen as the default for the DCL command DATATRIEVE. You must use the /VARIANT qualifier to invoke any other DATATRIEVE image using the DCL command DATATRIEVE. For example, on the first run through the installation procedure, you could respond to both the question about the suffix and the question about the DCL default by pressing the RETURN key. The result is that the image name is DTR32 and that image is the default when you invoke DATATRIEVE using the DCL command DATATRIEVE as follows: $ DATATRIEVE During the second or subsequent installation of this version of DATATRIEVE, you might choose VAX TDMS as the suffix. You might then choose DTR32 as the default image name with the DCL command DATATRIEVE. You can use the DCL command DATATRIEVE to invoke the DTR32TDMS image as follows: $ DATATRIEVE/VARIANT=TDMS If, however, you choose DTR32TDMS as the default with the DATATRIEVE DCL command, you must use the VARIANT qualifier to invoke the DTR32 image as follows: $ DATATRIEVE/VARIANT 2.7.5 Defining the DATATRIEVE Remote Server The installation procedure checks if the DATATRIEVE remote server has been defined by previous installations of DATATRIEVE. The remote server for DATATRIEVE is called the Distributed Data Manipulation Facility (DDMF). Although there can be several shareable images of DATATRIEVE installed on the same system, there can be only one remote server for each system. ________________________Note ________________________ You do not receive the question discussed in this section if you are installing DATATRIEVE on a OpenVMS system without DECnet. If you later install DECnet, you then need to define a DECnet object for the remote server. See Section 3.6, DECnet DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-17 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation Considerations for more information on defining a DECnet object. _____________________________________________________ If no remote server has been defined previously or if a previously-defined remote server is obsolete, the DDMF files from this installation become the remote server for DATATRIEVE on the system. You do not receive a question about the remote server, and the installation procedure continues with questions about the file for new users. See Section 2.7.6, Creating a DCL Command File for New Users for more information. However, if an up-to-date remote server has already been defined (by a previous installation of this DATATRIEVE release, for example), the installation procedure asks if the remote server established by the current installation should be the remote server for the system. The DECnet object number for DDMF is defined as 30 by the installation procedure. You receive the following question: * Do you want DDMFxx.EXE to be used for distributed access [NO]? Type Y if you want the remote server (DDMF) established by the current installation to be the remote server for your system. You might want to type Y if this image will contain options that users on remote systems need to access frequently, for example, user-defined functions that PDP-11 users need to access. In such cases, it is more efficient to make the remote server file for this image the remote server for your system. Type N or press the RETURN key if these considerations do not apply to this installation of DATATRIEVE. 2.7.6 Creating a DCL Command File for New Users The installation procedure now copies the new user file, NEWUSER.COM, to DTR$LIBRARY. NEWUSER.COM helps new users get started with DATATRIEVE by providing the necessary files to perform the examples in the DATATRIEVE documentation set. Users can invoke the NEWUSER command file by entering: 2-18 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation $ @DTR$LIBRARY:NEWUSER This procedure copies the DATATRIEVE data files from DTR$LIBRARY to your directory and creates the DATATRIEVE objects in your Oracle CDD/Repository dictionary (when Oracle CDD/Repository support is available) or in a user- specified OpenVMS directory. 2.7.7 Installing Shared Images DATATRIEVE runs most efficiently when all its executable images are installed as shareable images. The installation procedure lets you choose not to do so, however. The installation procedure prompts you with the following question. Note that the file SYS$STARTUP:DTRSTUPxx.COM is built according to your responses. * Do you want DTRSHRxx.EXE and DTRMSGS.EXE to be installed SHARED [YES]? For best performance, the images DTRSHRxx.EXE and DTRMSGS.EXE should be installed as SHARED. Type Y or press the RETURN key if you want these images to be installed as SHARED. The second question about shareable images refers to DTR32xx.EXE. For best performance, this should also be installed as SHARED. * Do you want DTR32xx.EXE to be installed SHARED [YES]? Type Y or press the RETURN key if you want this image to be installed SHARED. For best performance in environments where you anticipate extensive use of the distributed features of DATATRIEVE, the image DDMFxx.EXE should also be installed as SHARED. If the DDMF from this installation is to be the remote server, you receive the following question: * Do you want DDMFxx.EXE to be installed SHARED [YES]? Type Y or press the RETURN key if you want this image to be installed as SHARED. DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-19 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation ________________________Note ________________________ You do not receive the question about DDMFxx.EXE if you are installing DATATRIEVE on a system that does not have DECnet. If you later install DECnet, see Section 3.6, DECnet Considerations for instructions on running the DDMFxx.EXE image as SHARED. _____________________________________________________ 2.7.8 Installing Plot Definitions and Optional Material The installation procedure continues with a question about plot definitions for DATATRIEVE graphics. DATATRIEVE contains graphics features you can use with a VT125, VT240, VT330, or VT340 terminal or on a workstation. To use these features, you must request plot definitions during installation. ________________________Note ________________________ If this is your first installation of DATATRIEVE since Version 3.4, you must answer Y to the following question. The plot definitions were modified with Version 4.0. Plot definitions provided with DATATRIEVE installations prior to Version 4.0 are not compatible with DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. _____________________________________________________ The following question is displayed: * Do you wish to have the plot definitions [YES]? Type Y or press the RETURN key if you want the instal- lation procedure to include plot definitions. The plot definitions are installed in a Oracle CDD/Repository DMU dictionary, in CDD$TOP.DTR$LIB.PLOTS when DEC DATATRIEVE is installed with Oracle CDD/Repository support. Their textfile definitions to be used when CDD/Repository support is not available or disabled are copied to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON.DTR.DTR$LIB.PLOTS]. The next question pertains to components of DATATRIEVE that can be tailored at the installation site. This optional material includes Data Access Blocks files (used with Callable DATATRIEVE), the DATATRIEVE message 2-20 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation file (necessary for customizing DATATRIEVE messages), sample programs and the files necessary for creating and maintaining user-defined functions. The following message and question are displayed: Some optional material is available with this kit including the components of DATATRIEVE that can be tailored at the installed site. * Do you want the optional material [NO]? Type Y if you want this material. The installation procedure loads these files in DTR$LIBRARY. If you do not want this material, type N or press the RETURN key. After you respond to this question, the installation procedure continues with a question about purging files replaced by the installation procedure. 2.7.9 Purging Files The installation procedure continues with the following question: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? If you wish, you can have all files that were created by this installation procedure purged in the various directories where they were created. No files are purged except those created in this installation. Type Y or press the RETURN key to purge the files. 2.7.10 Running the IVP The last question regarding the installation concerns the IVP. You can choose whether to run the IVP after the installation or not. The following message is displayed: DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-21 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.7 Answering Questions During the DATATRIEVE Installation The DATATRIEVE IVP will be put in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR] directory. You may run the IVP immediately after the completion of the installation procedure answering YES to the next question or later issuing the following command: @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR]DTR$IVP.COM DTRxx.EXE * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? * Proceed with this installation [YES]? ________________________Note ________________________ The PAK must be registered before either the IVP or any of the UETPs can be run. If you answered no to the following question, the message about IVP will not be displayed and the IVP will not be run at this time: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? _____________________________________________________ 2.8 Finishing the Installation If you did not request the default installation, the following message is displayed: All questions regarding the installation have now been asked. The installation of DATATRIEVE will now continue for 20 minutes to 40 minutes. If the DTRFNDxx.MAR file provided by this installation is newer than an existing one, the installation procedure will display the following message: An existing DTRFNDxx.MAR has been found on the system, but its version does not match the current level for this installation. The existing DTRFNDxx.MAR and DTRFUNxx.OLB have been respectively renamed to DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFNDxx.OLD and DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFUNxx.OLD. See Section 3.7, Maintaining User-Defined Functions for more information on maintaining user-defined functions. 2-22 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.8 Finishing the Installation During installation, you should receive the following message: During the installation, a file called DTRSTUPxx.COM has been added to SYS$STARTUP: The site-dependent startup file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP.COM, should have the following line added: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DTRSTUPxx.COM Be sure to update SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP.COM after installation. On OpenVMS VAX systems Version 5.4 or earlier, the file SYSTARTUP.COM is called SYSTARTUP_V5.COM. <> The installation procedure next displays information about User Environment Test Packages (UETPs). The installation provides up to five UETPs, depending on the optional products already on the system ( VAX TDMS, HP FMS, Oracle CODASYL DBMS, Oracle Rdb) and your responses to the questions about forms products and plots. Besides a general test of DATATRIEVE, there are also UETPs for plots, forms, Oracle Rdb, and Oracle CODASYL DBMS. The installation displays a message showing how to invoke each UETP it provides: DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2-23 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 2.8 Finishing the Installation ************************************************************* DATATRIEVE User Environment Test Packages (UETPs) have been provided and can be run after the installation is complete. They are invoked from DATATRIEVE as follows: DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]DTR ! The general test DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]plots ! The plots test DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]dbms ! The Oracle CODASYL DBMS test DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]rdb ! The Oracle Rdb test DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]forms ! The Forms test Before invoking these files from a user's account you must execute the procedure : @DTR$LIBRARY:NEWUSER.COM This procedure loads the DATATRIEVE definitions into the user's dictionary and the data files in the user's directory. This procedure must be executed by each user needing the DATATRIEVE examples. ************************************************************* The file type for the UETP files in the directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR] is .DTR. Chapter 4, User Environment Test Packages discusses the test packages. The installation procedure now runs the general IVP test and, if you chose to run the IVP after the installation, it displays the following message: Executing IVP for: DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 Running the general IVP test... Test completed successfully ************************************* DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ************************************* IVP completed for: DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 When the installation procedure is finished, control returns to the command procedure VMSINSTAL. 2-24 DATATRIEVE Installation Procedure 3 ________________________________________________________________ Postinstallation Considerations This chapter discusses some important postinstallation considerations concerning DECnet, operating systems, relational databases, Oracle CODASYL DBMS databases, and user-defined functions. This chapter also contains information on installing DATATRIEVE Client for Windows. 3.1 Updating SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP.COM During installation, a file called DTRSTUPxx.COM was added to SYS$STARTUP. Note that xx represents the 1- to 26- character suffix you specify during installation. After installation, you must update the site-dependent startup file SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP.COM by adding the following line: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DTRSTUPxx.COM 3.2 VAXcluster Considerations (VAX Only) If you are installing DATATRIEVE on a VAXcluster, the shareable image created by this installation of DATATRIEVE is available only from the node where the installation is done. Therefore, after the installation is complete, you should repeat the following steps on each of the other nodes in the VAXcluster where DATATRIEVE will be used: 1. Issue the LICENSE LOAD command to activate the OpenVMS license. 2. Execute the DATATRIEVE startup command file as follows: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DTRSTUPxx.COM Postinstallation Considerations 3-1 Postinstallation Considerations 3.2 VAXcluster Considerations (VAX Only) 3. Install the new version of DCLTABLES.EXE that has been updated to include the DCL command DATATRIEVE. Install the file as follows: $ INSTALL INSTALL> REPLACE SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES The second step is not necessary if you plan to reboot the entire VAXcluster after the installation is complete. 3.3 Moving the DATATRIEVE Environment Between Operating Systems To move your DATATRIEVE environment from an OpenVMS VAX system to an OpenVMS Alpha system, do the following: o Copy all DATATRIEVE data files and procedures to the other system. o If your application programs use the DATATRIEVE Call Interface, or if you have customized DATATRIEVE by modifying certain source files, you must recompile and relink the application programs and the DATATRIEVE customization source files. o For DATATRIEVE related products (for example, Oracle CDD/Repository, DECforms), refer to their specific documentation. o To migrate OpenVMS VAX applications calling DATATRIEVE via the DEC Migrate utility (VEST), refer to the DEC DATATRIEVE V7.1 Release Notes. 3.4 Updating Process Command Tables The DATATRIEVE installation creates a new version of DCLTABLES.EXE including the DCL command DATATRIEVE. To use the DCL command DATATRIEVE, users must log out of their processes and log back in to update their process command tables. 3-2 Postinstallation Considerations Postinstallation Considerations 3.5 Online DATATRIEVE Object Library 3.5 Online DATATRIEVE Object Library The installation keeps the library online in case it is necessary to relink a DATATRIEVE image. You may have to relink DATATRIEVE if you: o Add a user-defined function (however it is possible to add user functions stored in shareable images without relinking DEC DATATRIEVE). o Customize the text file DTRTEXT.MAR. o Install or patch a new version of Oracle CDD/Repository. (Check the Oracle CDD/Repository documentation to see if relinking is necessary.) This only applies if DEC DATATRIEVE was installed with the Oracle CDD/Repository support. o Install a new version of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library. o Install a new version of HP FMS. You may enter the following command to relink DATATRIEVE: $ @DTR$LIBRARY:DTRBLDxx 3.6 DECnet Considerations This section describes what you need to do to run the DATATRIEVE remote server if DECnet is installed after DATATRIEVE on a OpenVMS system. It also describes how to create a default DECnet account for remote users of DATATRIEVE on your system. 3.6.1 Defining a DECnet Object DECnet is normally installed on a OpenVMS system. Unless you install DATATRIEVE on a OpenVMS system without DECnet, the installation procedure automatically defines a DECnet object for the DATATRIEVE remote server. However, if you install DATATRIEVE on a OpenVMS system that does not have DECnet, the installation procedure cannot use the DECnet Network Control Program (NCP) Postinstallation Considerations 3-3 Postinstallation Considerations 3.6 DECnet Considerations utility[1], or the Network Control Language (NCL) utility[2] to define a DECnet object. This section describes how to use NCP and NCL to define a DECnet object for the remote server if DECnet is installed on your system after DATATRIEVE is installed. The remote server for DATATRIEVE is called the Distributed Data Manipulation Facility (DDMF). The installation procedure creates two files, DDMFxx.EXE and DDMFxx.COM, in SYS$SYSTEM. In a DECnet Phase IV network, to define a DECnet object for DDMFxx.EXE and assign it an object number of 30, type the following commands: $ NCP == "$NCP" $ NCP DEFINE OBJECT DDMF NUMBER 30 $ NCP SET OBJECT DDMF NUMBER 30 $ NCP DEFINE OBJECT DDMF FILE DDMFxx.COM $ NCP SET OBJECT DDMF FILE DDMFxx.COM In a DECnet/OSI network, to define a DECnet object for DDMFxx.EXE and assign it an object number of 30, type the following commands: $ NCL == "$NCL" $ NCL CREATE SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION DDMF $ NCL SET SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION DDMF ADDRESS=(NUMBER=30) $ NCL SET SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION DDMF IMAGE NAME=DDMFxx.COM Note that, in a DECnet/OSI network, if the account used to perform the DATATRIEVE installation does not have the NET$MANAGE right identifier, you cannot create the DDMF session control application. Therefore you must use the Authorize Utility to grant the installing account the NET$MANAGE access right: UAF> GRANT/ID NET$MANAGE account-name In the example "account-name" is the name of the account used to perform the DATATRIEVE installation. ___________________ [1] For DECnet Phase IV environments, you use the Network Control Program to configure, control, monitor, and test the network. [2] For DECnet/OSI environments, you use the Network Control Language to perform the same tasks. 3-4 Postinstallation Considerations Postinstallation Considerations 3.6 DECnet Considerations The procedure to grant the correct DECnet/OSI identifiers is explained in more details in DECnet/OSI Network Management. For best performance in environments where you anticipate extensive use of the distributed features of DATATRIEVE, you should run the remote server as SHARED. To run the image DDMFxx.EXE as a SHARED image, edit the file SYS$STARTUP:DTRSTUPxx.COM. This file begins with the following lines: $!+ $! DATATRIEVE Start-up File $!- Check the file for the following line and add it if it is not already there: $ DTR$INSTALL := $SYS$SYSTEM:INSTALL/COMMAND_MODE You will see a dollar sign and the word exit at the end of the file. Enter the following text on the line above $ exit: ADD/OPEN/SHARED SYS$SYSTEM:DDMFxx.EXE 3.6.2 Creating a Default DECnet Account for Distributed Access The installation procedure defines a DECnet object called DDMF and assigns it the number 30. After the installation, you may want to create a default DECnet account, such as DTR$DECNET, for this DECnet object. Remote users can then omit the user name and password from the node specification when accessing domains on your node. ________________________Note ________________________ This section applies to systems on which DECnet was installed before DATATRIEVE. If DATATRIEVE is installed on a OpenVMS system that does not have DECnet, you cannot define a default DECnet account. If DECnet is installed afterwards, you must define a DECnet object (see Section 3.6.1, Defining a DECnet Object before you can create a default DECnet account. _____________________________________________________ Postinstallation Considerations 3-5 Postinstallation Considerations 3.6 DECnet Considerations If you wish to set up such a default DECnet account for distributed access, follow these steps: 1. Add an entry to the user authorization file (UAF) on your system for DTR$DECNET. Specify the same file limits and quotas as you would for any other DATATRIEVE user. 2. Invoke NCP (or NCL) to associate DDMF (known object 30) with the default DECnet account DTR$DECNET. Use the DEFINE OBJECT command in NCP (or the CREATE/SET SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION command in NCL) to modify the object parameters for DDMF in the permanent database on your system. You can use the following sample session as a model for your own system. Note that for security reasons, you should use a different password than the one provided. Also note that the UIC used in the sample session is used to illustrate the command; you should use a UIC that is appropriate for your system. $ auth == "$authorize" $ set default sys$system $ auth UAF> ADD DTR$DECNET/OWNER="DATATRIEVE" user record successfully added UAF> MODIFY DTR$DECNET/PASSWORD=ANY_PASSWORD user record(S) updated UAF> MODIFY DTR$DECNET/DEVICE=SYS$SYSDEVICE/DIRECTORY=[DTR$DECNET] user record(S) updated UAF> MODIFY DTR$DECNET/UIC=[376,376] user record(S) updated UAF> MODIFY DTR$DECNET/FILLM=60/ENQLM=2000 user record(S) updated UAF> MODIFY DTR$DECNET/WSDEFAULT=350/WSQUOTA=350 user record(S) updated UAF> MODIFY DTR$DECNET/PRCLM=0 user record(S) updated UAF> MODIFY DTR$DECNET/FLAGS=(DISCTLY, DEFCLI, LOCKPWD, CAPTIVE) user record(S) updated UAF> MODIFY DTR$DECNET/NOBATCH user record(S) updated 3-6 Postinstallation Considerations Postinstallation Considerations 3.6 DECnet Considerations UAF> SHOW DTR$DECNET Username: DTR$DECNET Owner: DATATRIEVE Account: UIC: [376,376] ([376,376]) CLI: DCL Tables: DCLTABLES Default: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DTR$DECNET] LGICMD: LOGIN Login Flags: Disctly Defcli Lockpwd Captive Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Secondary days: Sat Sun Primary 000000000011111111112222 Secondary 000000000011111111112222 Day Hours 012345678901234567890123 Day Hours 012345678901234567890123 Network: ##### Full access ###### ##### Full access ###### Batch: ----- No access ------ ----- No access ------ Local: ##### Full access ###### ##### Full access ###### Dialup: ##### Full access ###### ##### Full access ###### Remote: ##### Full access ###### ##### Full access ###### Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 6 Login Fails: 0 Pwdlifetime: 180 00:00 Pwdchange: (pre-expired) Last Login: (none) (interactive), (none) (non-interactive) Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 60 Bytlm: 25000 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 18 JTquota: 1024 Prclm: 0 DIOlm: 18 WSdef: 350 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 24 WSquo: 350 Queprio: 0 TQElm: 10 WSextent: 1000 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 2000 Pgflquo: 40000 Authorized Privileges: TMPMBX NETMBX Default Privileges: TMPMBX NETMBX UAF> EXIT SYSUAF.DAT modified $ CREATE/DIR/OWN = [376,376] SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DTR$DECNET] $ NCP == "$NCP" $ NCP NCP> LIST OBJECT DDMF Postinstallation Considerations 3-7 Postinstallation Considerations 3.6 DECnet Considerations Object Permanent Summary as of 01-OCT-1990 15:31:09 Object = DDMF Number = 30 File id = DDMF.COM NCP> DEFINE OBJECT DDMF USER DTR$DECNET PASSWORD ANY_PASSWORD NCP> LIST OBJECT DDMF Object Permanent Summary as of 01-OCT-1990 15:31:09 Object = DDMF Number = 30 File id = DDMF.COM User id = DTR$DECNET Password = ANY_PASSWORD NCP> SET KNOWN OBJECTS ALL NCP> EXIT $ If after the command SHOW DTR$DECNET, you notice that the DISUSER flag is set, you must remove it with the following command: UAF> SET DTR$DECNET/FLAG=NODISUSER For more information on NCP, NCL and DECnet, see the DECnet for OpenVMS Guide to Networking, the DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Programming and the DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual. As always, when working in a remote, or networking environment, follow the security guidelines described in the Guide to VMS System Security. 3.7 Maintaining User-Defined Functions If this is your first installation of DATATRIEVE since Version 4.1, and if your site maintains site-specific or user-defined functions, you should complete the following steps to re-enable user-defined functions. After an initial installation of DATATRIEVE Version 4.2 or higher, DATATRIEVE will always use the DTRFNDxx.MAR and DTRFUNxx.OLB files that are on the system. You will 3-8 Postinstallation Considerations Postinstallation Considerations 3.7 Maintaining User-Defined Functions no longer have to re-create and relink DATATRIEVE as described in this section. 1. Transfer the user-defined function definitions from DTRFNDxx.OLD (renamed during installation) to DTRFNDxx.MAR. To do this, edit DTRFNDxx.MAR and add the appropriate definitions. (Merely renaming the old file does not enable user-defined functions in the file. They must be transferred to DTRFNDxx.MAR.) 2. Assemble DTRFNDxx.MAR with the MACRO command: $ MACRO DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFNDxx.MAR This command creates the object file DTRFNDxx.OBJ. 3. Replace the object module in the function library with the newly created object file: $ LIBRARY/REPLACE DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFUNxx DTRFNDxx 4. Skip to the next step if the user-defined functions for your site consist only of calls to OpenVMS Run-Time Library routines. However, if your site has user- defined functions that call their own routines, there is an additional step before relinking DATATRIEVE. The object files for those functions routines must be inserted into the new version of the function library. There are two ways to do this: o If the object files (.OBJ files) for the routines are still available, insert them directly into the function library: $ LIBRARY/INSERT - _$ DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFUNxx.OLB filename.OBJ o If the object files for the routines are not available, extract the modules from the old function library before inserting them into the new: $ LIBRARY/EXTRACT=module-name/OUTPUT=filename.OBJ - _$ DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFUNxx.OLD $ LIBRARY/INSERT - _$ DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFUNxx.OLB filename.OBJ Postinstallation Considerations 3-9 Postinstallation Considerations 3.7 Maintaining User-Defined Functions 5. Relink DATATRIEVE: $ @DTR$LIBRARY:DTRBLDxx ________________________Note ________________________ o If your site maintains no user-defined functions, you may choose to delete the .OLD files. o DATATRIEVE is no longer linked with the HP Fortran Runtime Library. _____________________________________________________ 3.8 Providing Control Information to DATATRIEVE The logical name DTR$ENVIRONMENT provides control information to the DATATRIEVE image. The equivalence name of DTR$ENVIRONMENT is a string that concatenates qualifiers. Currently, only the qualifiers /EXIT_ON_PRINT_ERROR and /NOCDD are defined. If the equivalence name of DTR$ENVIRONMENT exists and it contains the string qualifier /EXIT_ON_PRINT_ERROR, the DATATRIEVE interactive image exits when an abnormal condition is met while printing output lines. See the following example: $ DATATRIEVE "SHOW CDD$DEFAULT.P1" PROCEDURE P1 READY CDD$TOP.DTR$LIB.DEMO.YACHTS ; FOR YACHTS BEGIN PRINT TYPE ; FN$WAIT(1) ; END ; END_PROCEDURE $ DIR [NOT_EXISTENT]T.t 3-10 Postinstallation Considerations Postinstallation Considerations 3.8 Providing Control Information to DATATRIEVE Error opening DTRWRK$DISK:[NOT_EXISTENT]T.T;* as input Directory not found No such file $!-- In the following lines of code, the Interactive DATATRIEVE image $!-- continues the execution even if it cannot print to the output file $ DEFINE/USER SYS$OUTPUT [NOT_EXISTENT]T.T $ DATATRIEVE "EXECUTE P1" $ SHOW TIME 18-JAN-1996 17:19:52 $ DEFINE/USER SYS$OUTPUT [NOT_EXISTENT]T.T $ DATATRIEVE "EXECUTE CDD$DEFAULT.P1" $ SHOW TIME 18-JAN-1996 17:22:08 $!-- In the following lines of code, the Interactive DATATRIEVE image $!-- stops the execution when it fails to print the output lines $ SHOW TIME 18-JAN-1996 17:23:11 $ DEFINE/USER DTR$ENVIRONMENT "/OPT1/EXIT_ON_PRINT_ERROR/OPT2" $ DEFINE/USER SYS$OUTPUT [NOT_EXISTENT]T.t $ DATATRIEVE "EXECUTE CDD$DEFAULT.P1" %RMS-E-DNF, directory not found $ SHOW TIME 18-JAN-1996 17:23:35 If the equivalence name of DTR$ENVIRONMENT exists and it contains the string qualifier /NOCDD, DATATRIEVE starts without using the Oracle CDD/Repository dictionary, even if the DATATRIEVE image had been linked with the Oracle CDD/Repository image at installation time. 3.9 Preparing to Install DATATRIEVE Client for Windows During installation of DATATRIEVE a file called DTRWN11A.ZIP is added to SYS$COMMON:[DTR]. This zip file contains the image files required to install DATATRIEVE Client for Windows. To prepare the disks used to install DATATRIEVE client for Windows, use the following steps: 1. Copy the zip file DTRWN11A.ZIP onto your PC drive. Postinstallation Considerations 3-11 Postinstallation Considerations 3.9 Preparing to Install DATATRIEVE Client for Windows 2. Unzip the file. This creates three image files and one DOS file as follows: o DTRWDSK1.IMG o DTRWDSK2.IMG o DTRWDSK3.IMG o DOSIMAGE.EXE You must copy each image file onto a separate floppy disk. These three disks are then used to install DATATRIEVE Client for Windows. 3. Insert a blank floppy disk into the disk drive. 4. From the MS-DOS command line run the following: $ DOSIMAGE RESTORE DTRWDSK1.IMG A: This writes the first image file onto the first floppy disk (Disk 1). 5. Repeat this procedure by writing DTRWDSK2.IMG and DTRWDSK3.IMG onto Disk 2 and Disk 3 respectively. Proceed to install DATATRIEVE Client for Windows using the steps outlined in Section 1.2 of the DATATRIEVE Client for Windows User's Guide. 3.10 Deleting Unused Files for DATATRIEVE DECwindows Motif Support If the DATATRIEVE DECwindows Motif interface is not required at your site, you can delete the following files after the DATATRIEVE installation has successfully completed: o SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]DTRHELP.EXE o SYS$COMMON:[DECW$BOOK]DTR_DECW_HELP_MOTIF.DECW$BOOK o SYS$COMMON:[DECW$BOOK]DTR_DECW_HELP_MOTIF.DECW$BOOKSHELF o SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]VAX_DATATRIEVE.UID o SYS$COMMON:[DTR]REMOTE_DECTERM.COM If you delete any of the DATATRIEVE DECwindows Motif files, ensure that you delete all of the listed files. 3-12 Postinstallation Considerations Postinstallation Considerations 3.10 Deleting Unused Files for DATATRIEVE DECwindows Motif Support After the DATATRIEVE DECwindows Motif interface files are deleted, remove all references to these files from each of your SYS$STARTUP:DTRSTUPxx.COM files. 3.11 Getting Help and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using DATATRIEVE, report it to Compaq. Depending on the type of support you have and the nature of the problem, take one of the following actions: o If you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement, contact your Compaq Customer Support Center (CSC), either by telephone or using the electronic means provided with your support agreement (such as DSNlink). The CSC provides telephone support for high-level advisory and remedial assistance. When you initially contact the CSC, please indicate the following: - The name (e.g. OpenVMS Alpha) and the version number of the operating system you are using. - The product name (DATATRIEVE) and the version number of DATATRIEVE you are using. - The hardware system you are using, such as a model number. - A very brief description of the problem (one sentence if possible). - How critical the problem is. When you submit information electronically or are speaking on the phone to the appropriate DATATRIEVE support specialist, you can provide more detailed information. This includes the specific commands used to compile and link the program, the error messages displayed, and relevant detailed information (possibly including source program listings). Please attempt to narrow the cause of the problem to a specific module or lines of code. Postinstallation Considerations 3-13 Postinstallation Considerations 3.11 Getting Help and Reporting Problems CSC personnel may ask for additional information, such as listings of any command files, INCLUDE files, relevant data files, and so forth. If the program is longer than 50 lines, submit a copy of it electronically or provide machine-readable media (floppy diskette or magnetic tape). o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o If you do not have any type of software services support agreement and you purchased DATATRIEVE within one year, you can submit an SPR if you think the problem is caused by a software error. When you submit an SPR, please take the following steps: 1. Describe as accurately as possible the circumstances and state of the system when the problem occurred. In the description, please provide: - The version number of DATATRIEVE being used. - The name and version number of the operating system being used. - A concise description of the problem with specific examples. Include any error messages displayed, the commands used to compile and link the program, and so on. 2. Reduce the problem to as small a size as possible. 3. Provide a listing of the program. 4. When you submit an SPR, remember to include listings of any command files, INCLUDE files, relevant data files, and so forth. 5. When you submit an SPR, if the program is longer than 50 lines, submit a copy of it on machine-readable media (floppy diskette or magnetic tape). If necessary, also submit a copy of the program library used to build the application. 6. Report only one problem per SPR. This will facilitate a faster response. 7. Mail the SPR package to Compaq. 3-14 Postinstallation Considerations Postinstallation Considerations 3.11 Getting Help and Reporting Problems Many problem reports do not contain enough information to duplicate or identify the problem. Concise, complete information helps Compaq give you accurate and timely service to software problems. If the problem is related to DATATRIEVE documentation, you can use one of the following ways to send your comments: o Send an electronic mail message to o Send a fax to +353 (0)91-754444 To obtain information about purchasing a Compaq Software Product Services Support Agreement or other support services, please contact your local Compaq sales representative. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated above or follow alternate instructions provided by Compaq for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. Postinstallation Considerations 3-15 4 ________________________________________________________________ User Environment Test Packages Five User Environment Test Packages (UETPs), which show examples and test product interfaces, are provided with DATATRIEVE. You can run the UETPs after you install DATATRIEVE. The following UETPs are provided with DATATRIEVE: o DATATRIEVE o DATATRIEVE graphics capability o DATATRIEVE and Oracle CODASYL DBMS interface o DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb interface o DATATRIEVE and HP FMS or VAX TDMS interface The DATATRIEVE User's Guide includes the data definitions and procedures used in the UETPs. ________________________Note ________________________ o You must run the NEWUSER.COM file before running any UETP. o You must run the DATATRIEVE UETP before running any other UETP. The DATATRIEVE UETP creates data definitions used by the other UETPs. _____________________________________________________ User Environment Test Packages 4-1 User Environment Test Packages 4.1 Invoking DATATRIEVE 4.1 Invoking DATATRIEVE To run the UETPs, you must first invoke DATATRIEVE in one of the following ways: o Use the DCL command DATATRIEVE, as follows: $ DATATRIEVE The DCL command DATATRIEVE is useful if you are working in a DECwindows Motif environment. You should not run the UETPs using the DATATRIEVE DECwindows Motif interface, as you may get unexpected results. By using the DATATRIEVE command to invoke DATATRIEVE, you can specify the /INTERFACE=CHARACTER_CELL qualifier to invoke DATATRIEVE without the DECwindows Motif interface. If you have installed more than one DATATRIEVE image, you can specify the /VARIANT=image-suffix qualifier to run the image of DATATRIEVE you want to test. To invoke DATATRIEVE using these qualifiers, enter the following command: $ DATATRIEVE/INTERFACE=CHARACTER_CELL/VARIANT=xx The characters xx represent the 1- to 26-character suffix added at installation to identify a particular image of DATATRIEVE Version 7.3. o Use the DCL command RUN as follows: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DTR32xx.EXE The xx represents the 1- to 26-character optional suffix added to an image of DATATRIEVE at installation. o Use a symbol you have defined to represent the RUN command. For example: $ DTR32 At the DTR> prompt, enter the command to execute the UETP you want to run. The UETPs and the commands to invoke them are described in the following sections. 4-2 User Environment Test Packages User Environment Test Packages 4.2 DATATRIEVE UETP 4.2 DATATRIEVE UETP To run the DATATRIEVE UETP, invoke DATATRIEVE as described in Section 4.1, Invoking DATATRIEVE and type the following command: DTR> @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR]DTR The DATATRIEVE UETP is approximately 20 pages long, so the entire UETP is not repeated here. You respond to prompts during the DATATRIEVE UETP. The parts of the UETP that require a response are included here along with suggested responses. The responses you enter are printed in bolded ink. ________________________Note ________________________ The DATATRIEVE UETP suggests at one point that you use LP: to print a report directly to a line printer. The LP: option may not work unless LP is defined as the system printer. _____________________________________________________ ! ! TEST STORE ! ! PLEASE SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING VALUES: ! MANUFACTURER: HINKLEY ! MODEL: BERMUDA 40 ! RIG: YAWL ! * LENGTH-OVER-ALL: 140 ! LENGTH-OVER-ALL: 40 ! DISPLACEMENT: 20000 ! BEAM: 12 ! * PRICE: 82000 AND XX/100 ! PRICE: $82,000 ! CONFIRM: N ! ! Values marked with "*" will generate an error and be reprompted ! User Environment Test Packages 4-3 User Environment Test Packages 4.2 DATATRIEVE UETP STORE YACHTS :VERIFY Enter MANUFACTURER: HINKLEY Enter MODEL: BERMUDA 40 Enter RIG: YAWL Enter LENGTH_OVER_ALL: 140 Validation error for field LENGTH_OVER_ALL. Re-enter LENGTH-OVER-ALL: 40 Enter DISPLACEMENT: 20000 Enter BEAM: 12 Enter PRICE: 82000 AND XX/100 Non-digit in string "82000 AND XX/100", ignoring character(S). Re-enter PRICE: $82,000 LENGTH OVER MANUFACTURER MODEL RIG ALL WEIGHT BEAM PRICE HINKLEY BERMUDA 40 YAWL 40 20,000 12 $82,000 DISPLAY: IF RECORD IS OK, CONFIRM WITH Y Enter CONFIRM: N ! ! Invoke report (suggest TT: as output file) ! :LOA-REPORT Enter FILE: TT At this point, a report is displayed on the screen. When the report finishes, the UETP continues: ! ! Invoke report (suggest LP: as output file) ! :LOA-REPORT Enter FILE: LP: At this point, the procedure sends a report to the line printer and the UETP continues: READY YACHTS MODIFY ! ! RESPOND WITH 47 (or any two digit value) ! MODIFY BEAM Enter BEAM: 47 PRINT TYPE,BEAM 4-4 User Environment Test Packages User Environment Test Packages 4.2 DATATRIEVE UETP MANUFACTURER MODEL BEAM METALMAST GALAXY 47 ! ! RESPOND WITH 48 (or any two digit value) ! MODIFY ALL BEAM Enter BEAM: 48 ! PRINT ALL BEAM BEAM 48 48 48 48 48 ! ! Respond each time with 0 (please) ! FOR CURRENT PRINT TYPE THEN MODIFY BEAM MANUFACTURER MODEL METALMAST GALAXY Enter BEAM: 0 O'DAY 32 Enter BEAM: 0 RYDER S. CROSS Enter BEAM: 0 TA CHIAO FANTASIA Enter BEAM: 0 WRIGHT SEAWIND II Enter BEAM: 0 ! SET ABORT READY YACHTS READ PRINT ALL LENGTH OVER MANUFACTURER MODEL RIG ALL DISPLACEMENT BEAM PRICE User Environment Test Packages 4-5 User Environment Test Packages 4.2 DATATRIEVE UETP METALMAST GALAXY SLOOP 32 9,500 00 O'DAY 32 SLOOP 32 11,000 00 $29,500 RYDER S. CROSS SLOOP 31 13,600 00 $32,500 TA CHIAO FANTASIA SLOOP 35 23,200 00 WRIGHT SEAWIND II SLOOP 32 14,900 00 $34,480 The installation is successful if you receive the following message at the end of the UETP: ! ! The DATATRIEVE User Environment Test ! Package has completed successfully. ! 4.3 DATATRIEVE Graphics UETP You must run the DATATRIEVE graphics UETP on a VT125, VT240, VT330, or VT340 terminal, or a workstation. To run the UETP, invoke DATATRIEVE as described in Section 4.1, Invoking DATATRIEVE and type the following command: DTR> @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR]PLOTS The DATATRIEVE graphics UETP does not require any input from you. There are pauses between plots. The DATATRIEVE graphics UETP displays the results of using the following plot statements: o PLOT WOMBAT - A picture of a wombat o PLOT DATE_Y - A scattergraph with dates along the horizontal axis o PLOT SHADE - The previous scattergraph with shading o PLOT DATE_Y - A scattergraph with dates along the horizontal axis o PLOT CONNECT - The previous scattergraph with the points connected o PLOT DATE_LOGY - A scattergraph with dates along the horizontal axis and a logarithmic scale for the vertical axis o PLOT LR - The previous scattergraph with a linear regression line 4-6 User Environment Test Packages User Environment Test Packages 4.3 DATATRIEVE Graphics UETP o PLOT STACKED_BAR - A bar chart with stacked bars and a legend o PLOT MULTI_BAR - A bar chart with multiple bars and a legend o PLOT X_Y - A scattergraph o PLOT TITLE - The previous scattergraph with a title o PLOT LIMITS_Y - The previous X_Y scattergraph with maximum and minimum limits imposed on the Y axis o PLOT LIMITS_X - The previous X_Y scattergraph with maximum and minimum limits imposed on the X axis o PLOT REFERENCE_Y - The previous X_Y scattergraph with a solid reference line on the Y axis o PLOT REFERENCE_X - The previous X_Y scattergraph with a solid reference line on the X axis o PLOT LR - The previous scattergraph with a linear regression line o PLOT X_LOGY - A scattergraph with a logarithmic scale for the vertical axis o PLOT HISTO - A histogram o PLOT PIE - A pie chart (with default title heading) o PLOT TITLE (pie) - The previous pie chart with a multiline title o PLOT BAR - A bar chart using builder and price o PLOT SORT_BAR - The previous bar chart with the bars sorted by descending height o PLOT BAR - A bar chart using type and price When the DATATRIEVE graphics UETP finishes, you see this message: ! ! End of User Environment Test Package for DATATRIEVE ! graphics ! EXIT User Environment Test Packages 4-7 User Environment Test Packages 4.4 DATATRIEVE and Oracle CODASYL DBMS UETP 4.4 DATATRIEVE and Oracle CODASYL DBMS UETP To run the DATATRIEVE and Oracle CODASYL DBMS UETP, invoke DATATRIEVE as described in Section 4.1, Invoking DATATRIEVE and type the following command: DTR> @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR]DBMS The DATATRIEVE and Oracle CODASYL DBMS UETP is long, so the entire UETP is not repeated here. You respond to prompts during the DATATRIEVE and Oracle CODASYL DBMS UETP. The parts of the UETP that require answers are included here with the suggested responses printed in colored ink. SELECT PRINT Part Unit Unit Number ------Part Description------ St Price Cost Sp TI-6789-01 RK HOUSING G $300 $190 FS ! ! Respond with 123 (or any three digit value) ! MODIFY PART_PRICE Enter PART_PRICE: 123 PRINT PART_ID, PART_PRICE Part Unit Number Price TI-6789-01 $123 ! ! Respond with 321 (or any three digit value) ! MODIFY ALL PART_PRICE Enter PART_PRICE: 321 PRINT ALL PART_PRICE Unit Price 4-8 User Environment Test Packages User Environment Test Packages 4.4 DATATRIEVE and Oracle CODASYL DBMS UETP $321 $321 $321 $321 $321 ! ! Respond each time with 0 (Please) ! FOR CURRENT PRINT PART_ID THEN MODIFY PART_PRICE Part Number TI-6789-01 Enter PART_PRICE: 0 BR-8901-23 Enter PART_PRICE: 0 TE-2345-67 Enter PART_PRICE: 0 TE-2178-90 Enter PART_PRICE: 0 TI-1334-56 Enter PART_PRICE: 0 PRINT ALL Part Unit Unit Number ------Part Description------ St Price Cost Sp TI-6789-01 RK HOUSING G $0 $190 FS BR-8901-23 LA36 G $0 $750 FS TE-2345-67 RP05 G $0 $1,900 FS TE-2178-90 RK06 G $0 $1,100 FS TI-1334-56 RP HOUSING G $0 $300 FS If the DATATRIEVE and Oracle CODASYL DBMS UETP runs successfully, you see the following message: ! ! End of DATATRIEVE/Oracle CODASYL DBMS ! User Environment Test Package ! User Environment Test Packages 4-9 User Environment Test Packages 4.5 DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb UETP 4.5 DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb UETP To run the DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb UETP, invoke DATATRIEVE as described in Section 4.1, Invoking DATATRIEVE and type the following command: DTR> @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR]Rdb The DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb UETP is 12 pages long, so the entire UETP is not repeated here. You respond to prompts during the DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb UETP. The parts of the UETP that require answers are included here with the suggested responses printed in colored ink. ! ! Test Store ! ! Please supply the following values: ! ! WAGE_CLASS : 4 ! JOB_TITLE: ANYTHING ! MINIMUM_SALARY: 12000 ! MAXIMUM_SALARY: 123000 ! STORE JOBS USING BEGIN JOB_CODE = "XXXX" WAGE_CLASS = *.WAGE_CLASS JOB_TITLE = *.JOB_TITLE MINIMUM_SALARY = *.MINIMUM_SALARY MAXIMUM_SALARY = *.MAXIMUM_SALARY END Enter WAGE_CLASS: 4 Enter JOB_TITLE: ANYTHING Enter MINIMUM_SALARY: 12000 Enter MAXIMUM_SALARY: 123000 ! 4-10 User Environment Test Packages User Environment Test Packages 4.5 DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb UETP STORE JOBS USING BEGIN JOB_CODE = "YYYY" WAGE_CLASS = 2 JOB_TITLE = "FILE CLERK" MINIMUM_SALARY = 8000 MAXIMUM_SALARY = 20000 END ! PRINT JOBS WITH JOB_CODE = "XXXX", "YYYY" JOB WAGE JOB MINIMUM MAXIMUM CODE CLASS TITLE SALARY SALARY XXXX 4 ANYTHING $12,000.00 $123,000.00 YYYY 2 FILE CLERK $8000.00 $20,000.00 ! ! Test Erase ! FOR JOBS WITH JOB_CODE = "XXXX" ERASE PRINT JOBS WITH JOB_CODE = "XXXX" ! FIND JOBS WITH JOB_CODE = "YYYY" [1 record found] PRINT ALL JOB WAGE JOB MINIMUM MAXIMUM CODE CLASS TITLE SALARY SALARY YYYY 2 FILE CLERK $8,000.00 $20,000.00 SELECT LAST ERASE PRINT JOBS WITH JOB_CODE = "YYYY" ! ! Test Update ! FIND EMPLOYEES WITH EMPLOYEE_ID = "00168" [1 record found] SELECT ! PRINT EMPLOYEE_ID, LAST_NAME, STREET, TOWN, STATE User Environment Test Packages 4-11 User Environment Test Packages 4.5 DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb UETP EMPLOYEE LAST ID NAME STREET TOWN STATE 00168 Nash 87 West Rd. Meadows NH ! ! Change this employee's address ! ! Please supply the following value: ! ! STREET: 8 FLINT POND ! MODIFY STREET Enter STREET: 8 FLINT POND PRINT EMPLOYEE_ID, LAST_NAME, STREET, TOWN, STATE EMPLOYEE LAST ID NAME STREET TOWN STATE 00168 Nash 8 FLINT POND Meadows NH ! ! Don't really want to do this; rollback this change ! ROLLBACK ROLLBACK executed; collection CURRENT automatically released. ! PRINT EMPLOYEE_ID, LAST_NAME, STREET, TOWN, STATE OF EMPLOYEES WITH EMPLOYEE_ID = "00168" EMPLOYEE LAST ID NAME STREET TOWN STATE 00168 Nash 87 West Rd. Meadows NH ! FIND ALL EMPLOYEES WITH STATE = "MA" [8 records found] PRINT ALL STATE STATE 4-12 User Environment Test Packages User Environment Test Packages 4.5 DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb UETP MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA ! ! Respond with VT (or another two-character state abbreviation) ! MODIFY ALL STATE Enter STATE: VT PRINT ALL STATE STATE VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT ! ! Move them back to MA ! FOR CURRENT MODIFY USING STATE = "MA" PRINT ALL STATE STATE MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA User Environment Test Packages 4-13 User Environment Test Packages 4.5 DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb UETP If the DATATRIEVE and Oracle Rdb UETP runs successfully, you see the following message: ! ! End of DATATRIEVE/Rdb User Environment Test Package ! ROLLBACK ROLLBACK executed; collection CURRENT automatically released. FINISH ALL DTR> 4.6 DATATRIEVE and Forms UETP You need a VT52-, VT100-, VT200-, or VT300-family terminal or a workstation to run the DATATRIEVE and forms UETP. If DATATRIEVE was installed with support for VAX TDMS or HP FMS, you can run the forms UETP to test the forms interface. To run the forms UETP, set your OpenVMS default to a directory that contains YACHT.DAT and OWNER.DAT. Be sure that you have WRITE access (W) to these files. You can copy YACHT.DAT and OWNER.DAT from the directory DTR$LIBRARY if you do not have them in your directory. Then invoke DATATRIEVE as described in Section 4.1, Invoking DATATRIEVE and type the following command: DTR> @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR]FORMS When DATATRIEVE uses a form to print records, the screen clears before the first record is printed. The DATATRIEVE and forms UETP asks you to enter a character and press RETURN before each statement, causing the forms product to erase the screen. The following is a summary of the DATATRIEVE and forms UETP: 1. The UETP sends instructions to your screen and waits for you to enter a character and press RETURN. After you respond, the UETP defines three domains that use the forms product: YACHTS, SAILBOATS, and FAMILIES. The definitions use forms libraries that are located in DTR$LIBRARY. 4-14 User Environment Test Packages User Environment Test Packages 4.6 DATATRIEVE and Forms UETP 2. The UETP readies YACHTS and prints a few records without using the forms product. Then the UETP sends more instructions to your screen and waits for you to enter a character and press RETURN. After you respond, the UETP prints a record using the forms product. Press RETURN after the forms product displays the record. 3. The UETP sends instructions to your screen and waits for you to enter a character and press RETURN. After you respond, the UETP prints several records using the forms product. Press RETURN after the forms product displays each record. 4. The UETP tests the STORE statement. The UETP sends instructions to your screen and waits for you to enter a character and press RETURN. After you respond, the forms product puts a form on the screen for you to fill in. To move the cursor from one field to another, use the TAB and BACK SPACE keys. The TAB key moves the cursor to the next field; the BACK SPACE key moves the cursor back to the previous field. Help is also available for some fields if you have trouble entering an acceptable value. Position the cursor on that field and press the HELP key. After you fill in the form, press RETURN. 5. The UETP tests the MODIFY statement controlling the DISPLAY_FORM statement. The UETP sends instructions to your screen and waits for you to enter a character and press RETURN. After you respond, the forms product displays the first record for you to modify. Use the TAB and BACK SPACE keys to move from one field to another. Modify only the BEAM field in each record. Any other modifications are not written to the data file. After you modify each record, press RETURN. 6. The UETP tests the PRINT statement again, using the SAILBOATS view domain. The UETP waits for you to enter a character and press RETURN before each PRINT statement. After the forms product displays the SAILBOAT records, the UETP sends the following message to your screen: User Environment Test Packages 4-15 User Environment Test Packages 4.6 DATATRIEVE and Forms UETP ! ! End of DATATRIEVE/Forms User Environment Test Package ! 4-16 User Environment Test Packages 5 ________________________________________________________________ DATATRIEVE CBT Installation This chapter describes the installation procedure for the DATATRIEVE computer-based training (CBT). 1. Before Starting Before starting the DATATRIEVE CBT installation, please completely review this chapter. Be sure to gather information to answer the prompts before starting the installation. If you already have a previous version of the DATATRIEVE CBT installed, the CBT can remain. This new kit will add to or overwrite the existing CBTs as appropriate. 2. Pre-installation of the DATATRIEVE CBT Perform the following steps before running the VMSINSTAL procedure: - Copy the new kit from the tape containing the savesets, DTC010.A and DTC010.B. - Set your process privileges to ALL. SET PROC/PRIV=ALL - Check to see if the DATATRIEVE CBT was previously installed: SHOW LOGICAL EASY$MANAGER If the logical exists, the DATATRIEVE CBT has been installed before. Invoke shutdown command for each node in the cluster: @SYS$MANAGER:EASY$SHUTDOWN.COM DATATRIEVE CBT Installation 5-1 DATATRIEVE CBT Installation Next, invoke the startup command for the node on which you are installing: @SYS$MANAGER:EASY$STARTUP.COM If you find that the DATATRIEVE CBT has been previously installed, go on to Step 3, SITE WITH A PREVIOUS EASYAUTHOR INSTALLATION, and do the actual installation. - Find a UIC (if EasyAuthor CBTs not previously installed on system). Find an available UIC to become the owner of the files to be installed. A new account name (EASYMGR) is created during install. This account has the DISUSER flag set. - Find a disk to use (if this is the first time you install on the system). The installation will require approximately 12,000 blocks. 3. Installation of the DATATRIEVE CBT Perform the install by running VMSINSTAL. The following is a log file of the installation. Notations (<<-) are included to show where entry is required. These notations will not appear on the screen during the install. FIRST TIME INSTALLATION $ @sys$update:vmsinstal <<-- Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4-2 It is 20-DEC-1991 at 22:15. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: Resourcemoniter * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES <<-- * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? <<-- * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: SYS$LOGIN: <<-- 5-2 DATATRIEVE CBT Installation DATATRIEVE CBT Installation Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: DTC010 <<-- * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): <<-- The following products will be processed: DTC010 Beginning installation of DTC V1.0 at 22:16 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... * Enter UIC value for EASYMGR account in [g,m] format: [666,666] <<-- Location for EASYMGR lesson directory: * >> [SYS$COMMON:[EASYMGR]]: EASYAUTHOR_KITS:[easymgr] <<-- %DTC-I-CREATE, Creating the EASYMGR account %DTC-I-DISUSER, This account is initially DISABLED. (DISUSER) %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named EASYMGR. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier EASYMGR value: [000666,000666] added to rights data base %DTC-I-CREATEDIR, Creating EasyAuthor directories. %DTC-I-LOADEXE, Loading executables %DTC-I-INSTLOK, EASY has been successfully installed. +----------------------------------------------------+ | POST INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ! | | | | Add the EASY symbol definition to | | SYS$SYLOGIN.COM or user's LOGIN.COM as follows: | | EASY :== $EASY$PROGRAM:SOLORTP.EXE | | LOADDRAW :== $EASY$PROGRAM:SOLORTP.EXE | | | | IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALL RUN THE FOLLOWING | | COMMAND FILE: | | | | @EASY$PROGRAM:SETUP.COM | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------+ %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installation of DTC V1.0 completed at 22:46 DATATRIEVE CBT Installation 5-3 DATATRIEVE CBT Installation Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: <<-- VMSINSTAL procedure done at 22:46 $ @easy$ <<-- $ logout <<-- SITE WITH A PREVIOUS EASYAUTHOR INSTALLATION $ @sys$update:vmsinstal Software Product Installation Procedure V5.3-1 It is 20-DEC-1991 at 14:50. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: Resourcemonitor EASY_DEV * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? y <<-- * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? <<-- * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: sys$login <<-- Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: DTC010 <<-- * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): <<-- The following products will be processed: DTC V1.0 Beginning installation of DTC V1.0 at 14:50 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... *****%KELLY-I-INSTLOK, EASY has been successfully installed. +----------------------------------------------------+ | POST INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ! | | | | Add the EASY symbol definition to | | SYS$SYLOGIN.COM or user's LOGIN.COM as follows: | | EASY :== $EASY$PROGRAM:SOLORTP.EXE | | LOADDRAW :== $EASY$PROGRAM:LOADDRAW.EXE | | | | IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALL RUN THE FOLLOWING | | COMMAND FILE: | | | | @EASY$PROGRAM:SETUP.COM | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------+ 5-4 DATATRIEVE CBT Installation DATATRIEVE CBT Installation %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installation of DTC V1.0 completed at 14:53 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: <<-- VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:53 4. Post-install of the DATATRIEVE CBT Run the following command file: @EASY$PROGRAM:SETUP.COM Before any of the system's users can access this CBT, the EASY and LOADDRAW symbols must be added to SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM or user's LOGIN.COM as follows: EASY :== $EASY$PROGRAM:SOLORTP.EXE LOADDRAW :== $EASY$PROGRAM:LOADDRAW.EXE Upon completion of the above steps, the DATATRIEVE CBT is installed on a single node. To test the installation, run it from a user account by typing: EASY Edit the main course menu file to remove duplicate lines (if the course was previously installed). The file is EASY$PROGRAM:EASY.CAT. 5. Start-up in clustered systems To enable the lessons on all nodes in the cluster, run the EASY$STARTUP command on EACH NODE as follows: @SYS$MANAGER:EASY$STARTUP.COM 6. De-installation of the DATATRIEVE CBT (if ever necessary) A shutdown command file can be found in SYS$MANAGER. The name of the file is EASY$SHUTDOWN.COM. This command file removes all logicals, logical name tables, and shared images associated with this package. DATATRIEVE CBT Installation 5-5 DATATRIEVE CBT Installation To completely remove this package from the system: o Examine the EASY$LESSONS logical. This logical will tell you where the CBT has been installed. o Execute the command file (for all nodes if clustered), @SYS$MANAGER:EASY$SHUTDOWN o Remove the entire [EASYMGR] directory tree. o Remove EASYMGR from the user authorization file. RUN AUTHORIZE REMOVE EASYMGR EXIT o Delete the command files, SYS$MANAGER:EASY$STARTUP.COM SYS$MANAGER:EASY$SHUTDOWN.COM 5-6 DATATRIEVE CBT Installation A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) This appendix lists the hardcopy terminal output from an installation of DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 on an OpenVMS VAX system. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal dtra072 disk$:[dtr.dtra072] OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 7-FEB-2000 at 14:32. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: UCX$FTPD _TNA110: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: DTRA V7.2 Beginning installation of DTRA V7.2 at 14:32 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. DATATRIEVE V7.2A Installation Procedure © Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. * Do you want support for Oracle CDD/Repository [YES]? yes Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) A-1 Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) The DATATRIEVE product is built using several object libraries which can also be used to customize DATATRIEVE to suit your needs (see the DATATRIEVE documentation manual, 'Guide to Programming and Customizing'). These object libraries are now built using the DEC C compiler. If you have been programming your own customizations and wish to continue using the VAX C compiler, you have the option of installing the object libraries which have been built using that compiler instead. If you answer YES to this question, DATATRIEVE will be linked with the VAX C RTL, and the libraries in DTR$LIBRARY will contain objects built with the VAX C compiler. If you answer NO to this question, DATATRIEVE will be linked with the DEC C RTL, and the libraries in DTR$LIBRARY will contain objects built with DEC C compiler. Unless you customize your use of DATATRIEVE and want to continue using the VAX C compiler for your own customizations, answer NO to this question: * Do you want to install DATATRIEVE using object libraries built with the VAX C compiler [NO]? Product: DTR or DTR-USER Producer: DIGITAL Version: V7.2A Release Date: 22-OCT-1997 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? yes * Do you want to use default answers for all questions [YES]? no VAXLSE is installed on your system. You now have the following options: 1. Do a complete DATATRIEVE installation including DATATRIEVE support for LSE. 2. Do only DATATRIEVE support for LSE without installing DATATRIEVE. 3. Do a DATATRIEVE installation without including DATATRIEVE support for LSE. * Select option [1]: 1 A-2 Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) The following Forms Management products have been found on this system: TDMS (Terminal Data Management System) FMS (Forms Management System) DATATRIEVE can be built to support any one of these products, or, if desired, DATATRIEVE can be built without support of any of these Forms Management products * Do you want DATATRIEVE to support one of these products [YES]? yes * Do you wish to have TDMS Forms Management support [YES]? no * Do you wish to have FMS Forms Management support [YES]? yes It is possible to do more than one installation of DATATRIEVE. More than one installation of a single version may be desirable for a number of reasons including: o Use of multiple forms management products (such as FMS and TDMS; DECforms is available in every image, if present on the system) o Use of multiple foreign language translations of DATATRIEVE (such as French or German) * Do you plan to install this version more than once [NO]? no * Do you want DTRSHR.EXE and DTRMSGS.EXE to be installed SHARED [YES]? * Do you want DTRAPI.EXE to be installed SHARED [YES]? * Do you want DTR32.EXE to be installed SHARED [YES]? * Do you want DDMF.EXE to be installed SHARED [YES]? * Do you wish to have the plot definitions [YES]? Some optional material is available with this kit including the components of DATATRIEVE that can be tailored at the installed site. * Do you want the optional material [NO]? yes * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? The DATATRIEVE IVP will be put in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR] directory. You may run the IVP immediatly after the completion of the installation procedure answering YES to the next question or later issuing the following command: @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR]DTR$IVP.COM DTR32.EXE Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) A-3 Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? * Proceed with this installation [YES]? All questions regarding the installation have now been asked. The installation of DATATRIEVE will now continue for 20 minutes to 40 minutes. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DTR]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DTR] already exists Providing the following LSE language(s): DATATRIEVE During the installation, a file called DTRSTUP.COM has been added to SYS$STARTUP: The site-dependent start-up file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM should have the following line added: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DTRSTUP.COM A-4 Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.ADT]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.ADT] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.FORMS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.FORMS] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.GUIDE]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.GUIDE] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.PLOTS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.PLOTS] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO.RDB]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO.RDB] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO.DBMS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO.DBMS] already exists %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of DTR$LIBRARY has been superseded ************************************************************** DATATRIEVE User Environment Test Packages (UETPs) have been provided and can be run after the installation is complete. They are invoked from DATATRIEVE as follows: DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]dtr ! The general test" DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]plots ! The plots test DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]rdb ! The DEC Rdb test DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]forms ! The Forms test Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) A-5 Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) Before invoking these files from a user's account you must execute the procedure : @DTR$LIBRARY:NEWUSER.COM This procedure loads the DATATRIEVE definitions into the user's dictionary and the data files in the user's directory. This procedure must be executed by each user needing the DATATRIEVE examples ************************************************************** Restoring UETP-related Oracle Rdb objects %RMU-I-AIJRSTAVL, 0 after-image journals available for use %RMU-I-AIJISOFF, after-image journaling has been disabled %RMU-I-LOGCONVRT, database root converted to current structure level %RMU-S-CVTDBSUC, database SYS$COMMON:[DTR]PERSONNEL.RDB;1 successfully converted from version V6.1 to V7.0 %RMU-I-CVTCOMSUC, CONVERT committed for SYS$COMMON:[DTR]PERSONNEL.RDB;1 to version V7.0 %RMU-I-ACLADDED, RMU access added to SYS$COMMON:[DTR]PERSONNEL.RDB;1 for [311,300] %RMU-I-ACLADDED, RMU access added to SYS$COMMON:[DTR]PERSONNEL.RDB;1 for [*,*] %RMU-W-USERECCOM, Use the RMU Recover command. The journals are not available. UETP-related Oracle Rdb objects Successfully Restored %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Node 0 Session Control Application DDMF at 2000-02-07-14:52:26.723+00:00Iinf Identifiers Name = DDMF Node 0 Session Control Application DDMF at 2000-02-07-14:52:28.493+00:00Iinf Characteristics Addresses = { number = 30 } Node 0 Session Control Application DDMF at 2000-02-07-14:52:30.583+00:00Iinf Characteristics A-6 Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) Image Name = DDMF.COM DATATRIEVE V7.2A Installation Procedure © Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. Executing IVP for: DATATRIEVE V7.2A © Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. Test completed successfully *************************** IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ************************** IVP completed for: DATATRIEVE V7.2A Installation of DTRA V7.2 completed at 14:53 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:53 Sample Installation Session (VAX Only) A-7 B ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) This appendix lists the hardcopy terminal output from an installation of DATATRIEVE Version 7.3 on an OpenVMS Alpha system. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 7-FEB-2000 at 15:42. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: SNS$WATCHDOG IMBUSY$SRV73 * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: DKA100:[DTR] Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: DTRAXPA072 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: DTRAXPA V7.2 Beginning installation of DTRAXPA V7.2 at 15:42 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. DATATRIEVE V7.2A Installation Procedure © Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. * Do you want support for Oracle CDD/Repository [YES]? Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) B-1 Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) Product: DTR or DTR-USER Producer: DIGITAL Version: V7.2A Release Date: 22-OCT-1997 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y * Do you want to use default answers for all questions [YES]? n LSE is installed on your system. You now have the following options: 1. Do a complete DATATRIEVE installation including DATATRIEVE support for LSE. 2. Do only DATATRIEVE support for LSE without installing DATATRIEVE. 3. Do a DATATRIEVE installation without including DATATRIEVE support for LSE. * Select option [1]: FMS (Forms Management System) has been found on this system. DATATRIEVE can be built to support this product. * Do you want support for this product in DATATRIEVE [YES]? It is possible to do more than one installation of DATATRIEVE. More than one installation of a single version may be desirable for a number of reasons including: o Use of multiple forms management products (such as FMS; DECforms is available in every image, if present on the system) o Use of multiple foreign language translations of DATATRIEVE (such as French or German) * Do you plan to install this version more than once [NO]? * Do you want DTRSHR.EXE and DTRMSGS.EXE to be installed SHARED [YES]? * Do you want DTRAPI.EXE to be installed SHARED [YES]? * Do you want DTR32.EXE to be installed SHARED [YES]? * Do you want DDMF.EXE to be installed SHARED [YES]? * Do you wish to have the plot definitions [YES]? B-2 Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) Some optional material is available with this kit including the components of DATATRIEVE that can be tailored at the installed site. * Do you want the optional material [NO]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? The DATATRIEVE IVP will be put in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR] directory. You may run the IVP immediatly after the completion of the installation procedure answering YES to the next question or later issuing the following command: @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DTR]DTR$IVP.COM DTR32.EXE * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? * Proceed with this installation [YES]? All questions regarding the installation have now been asked. The installation of DATATRIEVE will now continue for 20 minutes to 40 minutes. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DTR]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DTR] already exists Providing the following LSE language(s): DATATRIEVE During the installation, a file called DTRSTUP.COM has been added to SYS$STARTUP: The site-dependent start-up file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP.COM should have the following line added: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DTRSTUP.COM Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) B-3 Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.ADT]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.ADT] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.FORMS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.FORMS] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.GUIDE]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.GUIDE] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.PLOTS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.PLOTS] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO.RDB]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO.RDB] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO.DBMS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[DTR.DTR$LIB.DEMO.DBMS] already exists ************************************************************** DATATRIEVE User Environment Test Packages (UETPs) have been provided and can be run after the installation is complete. They are invoked from DATATRIEVE as follows: DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]dtr ! The general test" DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]plots ! The plots test DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]dbms ! The DEC DBMS test DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]rdb ! The DEC Rdb test DTR> @sys$common:[systest.dtr]forms ! The Forms test B-4 Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) Before invoking these files from a user's account you must execute the procedure : @DTR$LIBRARY:NEWUSER.COM This procedure loads the DATATRIEVE definitions into the user's dictionary and the data files in the user's directory. This procedure must be executed by each user needing the DATATRIEVE examples **************************************************************** Restoring UETP-related Oracle DBMS objects ******************************************************************** A database for the DATATRIEVE UETP that utilizes Oracle DBMS cannot be created because the Oracle DBMS monitor is not running. Although the installation has not been aborted, the UETP will not function properly. It is recommended that you start the Oracle DBMS monitor then re-run this installation. ******************************************************************** Cleanup the UETP-related Oracle DBMS objects Restoring UETP-related Oracle Rdb objects ******************************************************************* A database for the DATATRIEVE UETP that utilizes Oracle Rdb cannot be created because the DEC Rdb monitor is not running. Although the installation has not been aborted, the UETP will not function properly. It is recommended that you start the Oracle Rdb monitor then re-run this installation. ******************************************************************* Cleanup the UETP-related Oracle Rdb objects %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Node 0 Session Control Application DDMF at 2000-02-07-15:49:10.480+00:00I42.900 Identifiers Name = DDMF Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) B-5 Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) Node 0 Session Control Application DDMF at 2000-02-07-15:49:10.527+00:00I42.899 Characteristics Addresses = { number = 30 } Node 0 Session Control Application DDMF at 2000-02-07-15:49:11.289+00:00I42.892 Characteristics Image Name = DDMF.COM DATATRIEVE V7.2A Installation Procedure © Compaq Computer Corporation 1982, 1999. All rights reserved. Executing IVP for: DATATRIEVE V7.2A © Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. Test completed successfully *************************** IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ************************** IVP completed for: DATATRIEVE V7.2A Installation of DTRAXPA V7.2 completed at 15:49 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]DTRAXPA072.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 15:49 B-6 Sample Installation Session (Alpha Only) C ________________________________________________________________ List of Files Modified/Added by the Installation Procedure This appendix lists the files that were added or modified during the product installation. Such list can also be found in the following file created during installation: SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR.VAXINFO$PRODUCTS]DTR072A_FILES.DAT The file has the following contents: ! File: SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR.VAXINFO$PRODUCTS]DTR072A_FILES.DAT ! Product: Compaq DATATRIEVE V7.2A ! Installed: 3-FEB-2000 12:03 ! License: UNKNOWN !****************************************************************** ! This file is associated with the above product. It must NOT be ! moved, edited, or deleted. !****************************************************************** ! Flags: (for DIGITAL use only) ! $D = Delete file when deleting product ! $I = File inserted into IMAGELIB.OLB ! $K = Keep file when deleting product ! $M = Multiple version/product file !------------------------------------------------------------------ SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]DTR072A.RELEASE_NOTES /$D SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR.VAXINFO$PRODUCTS]DTR072A_FILES.DAT /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[DECW$BOOK]DTR_DECW_HELP_MOTIF.DECW$BOOK /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[DECW$BOOK]DTR_DECW_HELP_MOTIF.DECW$BOOKSHELF /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]ACCOUNTS.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]ANNUAL.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]DTR$DECTERM_DEFAULT.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]DTRAPI.OLB /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]DTRBLD.COM /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]DTREXTRE.OBJ /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]DTRLIB.OLB /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]DTRMSGS.MEM /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]DTRWN11a.ZIP /$D List of Files Modified/Added by the Installation Procedure C-1 List of Files Modified/Added by the Installation Procedure SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]FAMILY.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]FAMILY.FORM /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]FAMILY.IFDL /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]FORMS.FLB /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]LOAD_ADT.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]LOAD_DAB.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]LOAD_DATA_CDO.COM /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]LOAD_DATA_DMU.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]LOAD_DBMS.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]LOAD_FORMS.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]LOAD_RDB.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]LOAD_UETP.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]NEWUSER.COM /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]OWNER.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]OWNER.SEQ /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]PAYABLES.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]PERSON.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]PERSONNEL.RDB /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]PERSONNEL.SNP /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]PET.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]PROJECT.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]REMOTE_DECTERM.COM /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]SAILBOAT.IFDL /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]SALES.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]TERMSERVE.OLB /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]YACHT.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]YACHT.FORM /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]YACHT.IFDL /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]YACHT.SEQ /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR] /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[DTR]idtrfnd.mar /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[SYS$STARTUP]DTRSTUP.COM /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]DDMF.COM /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]DDMF.EXE /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]DEC_DATATRIEVE.CLD /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]DTR32.EXE /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]DTREXTRE.EXE /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]DTRHELP.EXE /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]DTRHELP.HLB /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]DTRADT.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]DTRGUIDE.DAT /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]DTRSHR.EXE /$D SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]VAX_DATATRIEVE.UID /$M C-2 List of Files Modified/Added by the Installation Procedure List of Files Modified/Added by the Installation Procedure SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMSG]DTRMSG.EXE /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.DTR]DBMS.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.DTR]DTR$IVP.COM /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.DTR]DTR.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.DTR]FORMS.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.DTR]IVP.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.DTR]PLOTS.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.DTR]RDB.DTR /$M SYS$SYSROOT:[VUE$LIBRARY.USER]VUE$DTR.COM /$M List of Files Modified/Added by the Installation Procedure C-3