____________________________________________________ VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator Installation Guide Order Number: AA-MK30C-TE August 1998 This document describes how to install the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator, Version 1.9. The document also explains how to read the online release notes before and after installing the product. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2, 7.1 Network Version: DECnet/OSI V6.3 for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 DECnet-Plus V7.1 for OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1 Software Version: VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator Version 1.9 Electronic Data Systems Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation make no representations that the use of their products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment from Electronic Data Systems Corporation or Digital Equipment Corporation. Electronic Data Systems Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. DIGITAL conducts its business in a manner that conserves the environment and protects the safety and health of its employees, customers, and the community. Copyright © 1998 Electronic Data Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1989, 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DECnet, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, VAX, VAXcluster, VMS, VMScluster, the AlphaGeneration logo, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. This document is available on CD-ROM. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Preparing for Installation 1.1 VAX System Requirements....................... 1-1 1.1.1 VAX Supported Processors.................. 1-1 1.1.2 Checking the Distribution Kit............. 1-1 1.1.3 Accessing the Online Release Notes........ 1-1 1.1.4 VAX Communications Device Requirements.... 1-2 1.1.5 OpenVMS Version Support................... 1-3 1.1.6 VAXcluster Considerations................. 1-4 1.1.7 Prerequisite Software..................... 1-4 1.1.8 OpenVMS License Management Facility Requirements.............................. 1-5 1.1.9 OpenVMS Tailor Requirements............... 1-5 1.1.10 VMSINSTAL Requirements.................... 1-6 1.1.11 Backing Up Your System Disk............... 1-6 1.1.12 Privileges................................ 1-6 1.1.13 Disk Space................................ 1-7 1.1.14 Preparing DPV11 Configuration............. 1-7 1.2 Communications Equipment...................... 1-7 1.2.1 Modem Requirements........................ 1-8 1.2.2 Cable Information - DMB32, DSF32, DSH32, DSV11, and DSW21/41/42.................... 1-9 1.3 Remote System Requirements.................... 1-10 iii 2 Installing 2.1 The Installation Procedure.................... 2-1 2.1.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL........................ 2-1 2.1.2 Installation Questions.................... 2-3 2.1.3 Installation Verification Procedure Message................................... 2-10 2.1.4 Completing the Installation Procedure..... 2-10 2.2 Postinstallation Considerations............... 2-11 2.2.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure................................. 2-11 2.2.2 Loading the Protocol Emulator............. 2-11 2.2.3 Cluster Setups............................ 2-12 2.2.4 Diagnostic Loopback Tests................. 2-12 2.2.5 Files and Logical Names Added to the System.................................... 2-12 2.3 Error Recovery................................ 2-14 2.3.1 Installation Verification Procedure Errors.................................... 2-14 2.4 Sample Installation on a MicroVAX System...... 2-16 Index Tables 1-1 Prerequisite Device Drivers Software...... 1-4 1-2 Device Driver Images...................... 1-5 1-3 Disk Space Requirements for Protocol Emulator.................................. 1-7 1-4 Modems Used by the Protocol Emulator...... 1-8 2-1 Files Added by the Installation........... 2-13 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface The VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator, referred to as the Protocol Emulator, allows a VAX or a MicroVAX system to communicate with other systems that are using the Binary Synchronous Communications protocol. Manual Objectives This manual tells you how to install and load the Protocol Emulator software on a VAX or MicroVAX system. Use this manual in conjunction with the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator User's Guide and other Digital Equipment Corporation and IBM documentation. Intended Audience This manual is for system managers and network managers responsible for the installation of the Protocol Emulator software. Document Structure Chapter 1 Provides introductory information about the Protocol Emulator. Hardware and software requirements are outlined in this chapter. Chapter 2 Describes the installation process including the Product Authorization Key (PAK) and Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). It also contains a sample installation procedure. v Associated Documents o VAX 2780/3780 Software Product Description o VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator User's Guide o OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual o OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual o OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual o DPV11 Serial Synchronous Interface User Guide o DMF32 Technical Manual o DMB32 Technical Description o DMB32 User's Guide o DSV11 User's Guide o DSH32 User Information o DEC WANcontroller 620 Configuration Card o Site Management Guide (provided by DIGITAL with your VAX or MicroVAX system) o WANDD Failover Set Manager Manual (provided with the DSF32 installation kit) vi Conventions_Used_in_This_Manual__________________________________ Convention__Meaning________________________________________ Special This special type indicates an example of type system output or user input. In interactive examples, system output is in plain type, and user input is in bold type. UPPERCASE Uppercase letters in command syntax indicate words that you enter. You can enter these words in either uppercase or lowercase. Lowercase Lowercase italics in command syntax or examples italics indicate variables for which either the user or the system supplies a value. [ ] Square brackets in command syntax statements indicate that the enclosed value(s) are optional. Default values apply for unspecified options. (Do not type the brackets.) In the installation procedure, square brackets enclose the default answer for a question. Simply press to choose the default. ( ) In the installation procedure, parentheses enclose the possible options or range of values that you can specify in response to a question. hh:mm:ss Indicates hours, minutes, and seconds. This symbol indicates a key that you should press. For example, means that you should press the RETURN key. This notation means that you should hold down the CTRL key and press the key specified by x at the same time. (Your screen displays this ____________key_combination_as_^x.)________________________ You must press to enter all commands. vii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing for Installation Before you install the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator software, referred to as the Protocol Emulator, you should prepare your system, the communication components, and the remote system to ensure proper software operation. 1.1 VAX System Requirements This section discusses the VAX system features you need for the Protocol Emulator. 1.1.1 VAX Supported Processors Refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) for the latest official list of supported processors. 1.1.2 Checking the Distribution Kit Your bill of materials (BOM) specifies the number and contents of your media. Compare the items listed in the BOM with the items in your distribution list. If your kit is damaged or if parts are missing, contact your Digital Equipment Corporation representative before continuing the installation. 1.1.3 Accessing the Online Release Notes Online release notes are provided with this product. You should review the release notes before installing the product. They contain the latest enhancements to the product, which may include changes to the installation procedure. If you specify OPTIONS N with VMSINSTAL, you are prompted for how you would like to see the release notes. After installing the product, you can read the release notes in the file SYS$HELP:BSCPTPvvu.RELEASE_NOTES , where vv is the major version number, and u is the minor version number. Preparing for Installation 1-1 Preparing for Installation 1.1 VAX System Requirements 1.1.4 VAX Communications Device Requirements Your VAX or MicroVAX system is attached to the IBM environment through a Digital Equipment Corporation communications device, a line, a modem, and an IBM communications controller. Your system must have one or more of the following DIGITAL communications hardware devices installed. o DMB32 The DMB32 is an asynchronous/synchronous communications device that supports one synchronous communications line at speeds from 1.2 Kbps to 9.6 Kbps for bisync communication. It supports either half-duplex or full- duplex lines. The Protocol Emulator uses the synchronous port. The DMB32 transmits and receives whole blocks of characters without processor intervention and is based on the VAX BI system. o DMF32 The DMF32 is an asynchronous/synchronous communications device that supports one synchronous communications line at speeds from 1.2 Kbps to 9.6 Kbps. It supports either half-duplex or full-duplex lines. The DMF32 transmits whole blocks of characters without processor intervention. The DMF32 does require some processor intervention when receiving data. It is based on the VAX UNIBUS system. o DSV11 The DSV11 is a block-buffered synchronous communication device that supports two synchronous communications lines at speeds from 1.2 Kbps to 19.2 Kbps. Protocol Emulator communication can occur at speeds up to 9.6 Kbps. The DSV11 supports either half-duplex or full- duplex lines. The DSV11 is based on the VAX Q-bus system. o DPV11 The DPV11 is a character-buffered, synchronous, serial- line interface that supports either half-duplex or full- duplex lines. This device supports one communications line at speeds from 1.2 Kbps to 9.6 Kbps. The DPV11 is based on the VAX Q-bus system. 1-2 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.1 VAX System Requirements o DSF32 The DSF32 (or DEC WANcontroller 620) is a dual-line, synchronous communications controller specific to the VAXft processor. The controller supports either half-duplex or full-duplex lines. Protocol Emulator communication can occur at speeds up to 9.6 Kbps. o DSH32 The DSH32 (or DEC Multicontroller 581) is a dual- function communications controller. It consists of an 8-line, asynchronous multiplexer and a single- line synchronous interface. The synchronous interface supports speeds up to 19.2 Kbps. Protocol Emulator communication can occur at speeds up to 9.6 Kbps. o DSW21/41 The DSW21 and DSW41 are single-line synchronous devices for MicroVAX 3100 and VAXstation 4000 systems. Protocol Emulator communication can occur at speeds up to 9.6 Kbps. o DSW42 The DSW42 is a dual-line synchronous device for the MicroVAX 3100. Protocol Emulator communication can occur at speeds up to 9.6 Kbps per line. Transmission characteristics (such as speed and mode of operation) can vary to satisfy different performance requirements. For additional information about supported communications devices, see the SPD for the Protocol Emulator. 1.1.5 OpenVMS Version Support Refer to the SPD for the OpenVMS versions required to run the product. Preparing for Installation 1-3 Preparing for Installation 1.1 VAX System Requirements 1.1.6 VAXcluster Considerations This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed VAXcluster configuration with the following restrictions: o The VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator must be installed and run on each node in the VAXcluster containing a synchronous communications interface connected to an IBM system. o When you run the Protocol Emulator in interactive mode, you must run it from a node with a synchronous device interface and the product locally installed. o When you run the Protocol Emulator in shared mode, the batch queue must reside on a node with a synchronous device interface and the product locally installed. However, jobs can be submitted to this queue from any node in the cluster. Refer to the VAXcluster documentation for information on setting up queues across a cluster and using cluster batch queues. 1.1.7 Prerequisite Software Depending on the configuration of the system where you are installing the Protocol Emulator, it may be necessary to first install the Wide Area Network Device Drivers (WANDDs). Table 1-1 shows the WANDD software required for different versions of OpenVMS and DECnet. Table_1-1_Prerequisite_Device_Drivers_Software_____________ OpenVMS Version_______DECnet/OSI___________________________________ Version 6.2 WANDD for DECnet/OSI Version_7.1___WANDD_for_DECnet-Plus________________________ Table 1-2 shows the names of the device driver images. 1-4 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.1 VAX System Requirements Table_1-2_Device_Driver_Images_____________________________ Device___________Device_Driver_____________________________ DMF32 XGDRIVER DMB32 SIDRIVER DPV11 UFDRIVER DSF32 SFDRIVER DSH32 ZSDRIVER DSV11 SJDRIVER DSW21/41/42______ZTDRIVER__________________________________ 1.1.8 OpenVMS License Management Facility Requirements Before you install this product, you should register your Product Authorization Key (PAK) with the License Management Facility (LMF). The PAK, which contains information about the license, is a paper certificate shipped with the product. During the installation, you are asked if you have registered the Protocol Emulator license and loaded the appropriate authorization key (PAK). If you have not already done so, you can complete the installation and run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). The Protocol Emulator will not run if you have not registered the license or loaded the PAK. Once you perform the license registration and load the PAK, you will be able to run the Protocol Emulator. To register and load the license, log in to the system manager's account. Then type the following command: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM When you are prompted for information, enter the data from your PAK. For more information on LMF, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. 1.1.9 OpenVMS Tailor Requirements The required classes are: OpenVMS Required Save Set and Utilities. Be certain these classes are installed on your system before installing the product. Refer to OpenVMS Tailor documentation in the OpenVMS documentation set for more information. Preparing for Installation 1-5 Preparing for Installation 1.1 VAX System Requirements 1.1.10 VMSINSTAL Requirements Installing the Protocol Emulator on an OpenVMS system involves running the VMSINSTAL procedure. The dialogue is self-explanatory. The system tells you to answer questions and waits for you to tell it to continue. When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks that: o You are logged in to a privileged account. o You have adequate quotas for installation. The Protocol Emulator installation requires the OpenVMS default minimum quotas. o All users are logged off. If VMSINSTAL detects any violations to these conditions at the beginning of the installation, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue the installation. In some instances, you can enter YES to continue. To stop the installation process, enter NO or press . Then change the condition and restart the installation. 1.1.11 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. DIGITAL recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software on top of the operating system. Use the backup procedures that have been established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the OpenVMS documentation set. 1.1.12 Privileges To install the Protocol Emulator, you must be logged in to an account that has SETPRV or at least the following privileges: o CMKRNL o WORLD o SYSPRV Note that VMSINSTAL turns off BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. 1-6 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.1 VAX System Requirements 1.1.13 Disk Space DECnet Phase V means DECnet/OSI or DECnet-Plus. DECnet-Plus is recommended. The VAX WANDD option requires 4600 blocks beyond the DECnet Phase V base installation requirements. See DECnet installation and configuration documentation. Table 1-3 summarizes the storage requirements for the Protocol Emulator. Table_1-3_Disk_Space_Requirements_for_Protocol_Emulator____ OpenVMS and DECnet Blocks Needed Blocks Needed Versions____________to_Install_______to_Run________________ OpenVMS Version 650 600 6.2 or 7.1 and DECnet_Phase_V_____________________________________________ To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE 1.1.14 Preparing DPV11 Configuration If you are using a DPV11 line interface, make sure you know the following: o Controller designation o Interrupt vector address o Command and status register address (CSR address) 1.2 Communications Equipment Each communications link connecting a remote system to the Protocol Emulator consists of the following: o A pair of synchronous modems with an RS-232-C or CCITT V.24 interface (or hardware performing the function of two modems if the two systems are in close proximity). o A full- or half-duplex point-to-point communications line running between the modems. Preparing for Installation 1-7 Preparing for Installation 1.2 Communications Equipment The connection can be switched (dial-up) or nonswitched (leased or private). Multipoint (multidrop) operations are not supported. ________________________ Note ________________________ Although the Protocol Emulator does operate in half- duplex mode, a full-duplex line is recommended for faster line turnaround. ______________________________________________________ Up to four lines can be connected to the Protocol Emulator, depending upon processor type. The transmission characteristics - speed, mode of operation and so on - can vary as necessary among the lines to satisfy different transmission requirements. The Protocol Emulator can support transmission speeds from 1200 bits/second to 9600 bits/second. Depending on the data transfer rate selected, you need a pair of the following modems or equivalent for each line. Table 1-4 shows compatible modems. Table_1-4_Modems_Used_by_the_Protocol_Emulator_____________ MODEM_______SPEED__________________________________________ Bell 201C 2400 bits/second (half duplex, switched line) Bell 208A 4800 bits/second (full duplex, leased line) Bell 208B 4800 bits/second (full duplex, switched line) Bell_209A___9600_bits/second_(full_duplex,_leased_line)____ 1.2.1 Modem Requirements If you use modems from manufacturers other than DIGITAL or Bell, be sure that they meet the following "handshaking" requirements. o When the user issues a command to allocate and activate a line, the line interface sets on the data terminal ready (DTR) signal. It does this regardless of whether the connection is established by dialing or by auto- answering. The Protocol Emulator looks for data set ready (DSR) and does not consider the line active until the modem presents the DSR signal. 1-8 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.2 Communications Equipment o Before starting to transfer data (either by placing data in a send buffer or by taking data out of a receive buffer) the Protocol Emulator checks DSR to determine whether the line is up. If the DSR signal is not set, the operation is abnormally terminated, and a message is sent to SYS$OUTPUT. o Whenever a transmission is attempted, request to send (RTS) is set by the Protocol Emulator and pads (hex FFs) are transmitted until the clear to send (CTS) signal is given. If CTS is not set, the transmission times out and appropriate actions (error logging, retries, posting fatal error messages) are taken. If the transmission completes normally, RTS is cleared if the line is half duplex; or if the line is full duplex it is left active to avoid CTS delays. o Receive operations look for character synchronization; they do not monitor any modem signals except DSR. o When the user issues a command to shut down a line, DTR is dropped. (See the description of the Protocol Emulator's SET command in Chapter 3 of the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator User's Guide.) 1.2.2 Cable Information - DMB32, DSF32, DSH32, DSV11, and DSW21/41/42 If you are using a DMB32, DSF32, DSH32, DSV11, or DSW21/41/42 with a local modem eliminator designed prior to the EIA RS-232-D standard, you must upgrade the BC19D-02 adapter cable with a BS19D-02 adapter cable kit. Failure to do so can result in the modem eliminator failing to signal CTS, resulting in blocked data. The problem is not known to occur with voiceband (long haul) modems. The function of pin 21 is described differently by the EIA RS-232-C and CCITT V.24 standards. The DMB32 interface implements the pin function as described by EIA RS-232-D and CCITT V.24. The BS19D-02 adapter cable kit opens pin 21 (SQ/RL), avoiding the discrepancy. The same effect can be achieved by using a "breakout box" between the device and the modem eliminator, but this is not a permanent solution. If the BS19D-02 adapter cable kit was not supplied with the hardware, consult your DIGITAL field service representative for information on obtaining the necessary part. Preparing for Installation 1-9 Preparing for Installation 1.2 Communications Equipment The BS19D-02 is an adapter cable kit option and comprises: o V.24 adapter cable, DIGITAL option number BC19D-02, DIGITAL part number 17-0110-01 o V.24 to RS-232-C adapter connector, DIGITAL part number 12-27591-01 o Information sheet describing why the adapter connector is required for connecting to some RS-232 equipment. Information sheet document number EK-BS19D-IS-0001 BC19D-02 is the adapter cable; BS19D-02 is a kit including the cable, adapter connector, and information sheet. 1.3 Remote System Requirements The Protocol Emulator is designed to communicate with IBM or other systems that communicate with IBM 2780/3780 Remote Job Entry Stations. Some examples of these systems are: o An IBM System/360 or System/370 computer set up to communicate with an IBM 2780 or 3780 Remote Job Entry Station. o An IBM 2780 or 3780 remote job entry station (RJE station). o A computer system, other than an OpenVMS system, that is operating a standard 2780/3780 point-to-point BSC protocol emulator. IMPORTANT The Protocol Emulator is only certified against remote systems listed in the SPD. 1-10 Preparing for Installation 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing This chapter describes how to install the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator, referred to in this chapter as the Protocol Emulator. It contains a step-by-step description of the installation procedure and covers postinstallation considerations. The final section contains an actual system log of an installation using PAK information and VMSINSTAL. 2.1 The Installation Procedure The Protocol Emulator installation process consists of a series of questions and informational messages; the process takes between 5 and 15 minutes to complete. 2.1.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL Digital Equipment Corporation recommends that you use a hard-copy terminal for installing the Protocol Emulator if you would like a copy of the installation process. If you do not have a hard-copy terminal, you can produce a copy of the installation procedure in a file by typing: $ SET HOST 0/LOG=filename where filename is the name of the file in which you want the log file stored. To start the installation, invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure from a privileged account, such as the SYSTEM account. Next, invoke VMSINSTAL. Use the following syntax to invoke VMSINSTAL: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL product-name device-name OPTIONS N Installing 2-1 Installing 2.1 The Installation Procedure where product-name is the installation name for the component. For the Protocol Emulator, type BSCPTOvvu, where BSCPTP is the name of the product you are installing, vv is the major version number (2 digits), and u is the update number (1 digit). For example: BSCPTP019 is the name for Version 1.9 of the product. device-name is the name of the device on which you plan to mount the media. For example, MTA0: is the device name for a tape drive. OPTIONS N is an optional parameter that indicates you want to be prompted to display or print the release notes, or copy them to SYS$HLP. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not prompt you to display, print, or copy the release notes. Please read the release notes before proceeding with this installation. Command Example The following example displays the command to invoke VMSINSTAL to install the Protocol Emulator from tape drive MTA0: and the system response. This example uses the OPTIONS N parameter for printing or displaying release notes. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL BSCPTP019 MTA0: OPTIONS N OpenVMS Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 15-AUG-1998 at 15:06. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 2-2 Installing Installing 2.1 The Installation Procedure 2.1.2 Installation Questions This section discusses the questions that appear during the installation. See Section 2.4 for a sample installation procedure. Each question in the installation is marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line. Some questions show the default response in brackets, for example, [YES]. If you want the default response, press . You must press to enter any response. For help, enter a question mark as your response. ______________ Aborting the Installation ______________ To abort the installation procedure at any time, press . When you press , the installation procedure deletes all the files it created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. ______________________________________________________ 1. DECnet status VMSINSTAL notifies you only if your DECnet is running and displays a list of all active processes. You should shut down DECnet on your cluster, or install the Protocol Emulator on a standalone system. VMSINSTAL asks if you want to continue the installation; [NO] is the default answer. %VMSINSTAL-W-DECNET, Your DECnet network is up and running. . . . * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? 2. System backup VMSINSTAL asks if you are satisfied with your system backup. You should always back up your system disk before performing an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press RETURN. If not, enter NO to stop the installation. After you back up your system disk, you can restart the installation. Installing 2-3 Installing 2.1 The Installation Procedure * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? 3. Mounting the media You should now mount the first distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. The device name appears in the line preceding the question. VMSINSTAL then asks you if you are ready to continue with the installation. If you respond YES to indicate that you are ready, VMSINSTAL displays a message that the media containing the Protocol Emulator has been mounted on the specified device and that the installation has begun. For example: 2-4 Installing Installing 2.1 The Installation Procedure Please mount the first volume of the set on MTA0:. * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, BSCPTP019 MOUNTED ON _MTA0: The following products will be processed: BSCPTP V1.9 Beginning installation of BSCPTP V1.9 at 15:07 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... If you entered the wrong device name when you invoked VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, enter NO in response to "Are you ready?". To abort the installation for other reasons, press . 4. Release Notes If you specified OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, the installation procedure prompts you for a release notes option. Release notes included with the kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on your terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing . If you select option 2 or 3, VMSINSTAL prompts you for a print queue name: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Enter a queue name or press RETURN to send the file to the default output print device, SYS$PRINT. Installing 2-5 Installing 2.1 The Installation Procedure If you did not specify OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, the release notes are automatically placed in SYS$HLP upon conclusion of the installation. No matter which option you select, VMSINSTAL then asks you if you want to continue the installation. Answer YES to continue or NO to exit VMSINSTAL. * Do you want to continue the installation ?: YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HLP. 5. WANDD Installation The Wide Area Network Device Drivers are no longer included in the PE kit, but are now installed as a component of DECnet V. The installation procedure gives you the opportunity to quit and install the WANDDs. The DMB32, DMF32, DSF32, DSV11, DSH32 and DSW21/41/42 device drivers are shipped in the WAN Device Drivers (WANDD for VAX) component of DECnet V (DECnet/OSI or DECnet-Plus) for OpenVMS. If you are using any of these devices, please install and configure DECnet V for OpenVMS with WANDD for VAX before loading this product, even when not connected to a network. Consult DECnet installation and configuration guides for details. * Quit this installation in order to install WANDD [NO]: 6. License registration The installation procedure prints out information specific to the particular license and asks if you have registered and loaded your PAK for the Protocol Emulator, for example: Product: VAX-2780-3780PE Producer: DEC Version: 1.9 Release Date: 1-AUG-1998 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? If you have not registered and loaded your PAK, answer NO to this question. The installation reminds you to register the PAK before you run the product. The installation continues. 2-6 Installing Installing 2.1 The Installation Procedure 7. Choosing to purge files You have the option to purge files from previous versions of the Protocol Emulator that are superseded by this installation. Purging is recommended because it saves disk space. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? 8. Choosing to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) The system now asks if you want to have the IVP run automatically at the end of the installation. The IVP for the Protocol Emulator checks to be sure that the installation is successful. You should run the IVP immediately after installation. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? 9. Creating a log file directory The system needs a directory to store detached process log files. Either specify a directory, or press for the default. A directory is created if it does not already exist, and the logical BSC$MANAGER is defined to point to it. * Directory for log files [SYS$COMMON:[BSC$MGR]]: 10. Selecting the alternative translation table If you answer NO, the Protocol Emulator uses the standard OpenVMS translation table. If you answer YES, the Protocol Emulator uses the alternative translation table. See Appendix H of the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator User's Guide for more information on the translation table supplied with the Protocol Emulator. * Do you want the alternative translation table [NO]? 11. Altering the default timeout When the Protocol Emulator is receiving a file, it waits a specified time for successive blocks of data to arrive. If no data is received within that time, it assumes that the connection with the remote system is lost, and exits. If the remote system frequently pauses for longer than 50 seconds (the default value), you can Installing 2-7 Installing 2.1 The Installation Procedure change the default value. The system prompts you with the following: * Do you want to alter the default timeout value of 50 seconds [NO]? If you enter yes, specify one of the following to change the default timeout value: o 5M - for 5 minutes o 1H - for 1 hour o 1D - for 1 day o NONE - if you want the Protocol Emulator to wait as long as necessary for the next block of data. 12. Please note the differences between installing on VAX and MicroVAX systems. This documentation shows you the messages you see while installing on a MicroVAX system. The system displays the following at this point: To load the Protocol Emulator you will need to invoke the command file SYS$STARTUP:RJELOAD.COM. To set up this file, you must specify the maximum number of communications lines the Protocol Emulator will use, and how many of these will be DPV synchronous line interfaces. * How many communications lines will the Protocol Emulator use [1]: * How many of these will be DPV11 synchronous line interfaces [0] If the DMF32, DMB32, DSF32, DSH32, DSW21/41/42, and DSV11 are installed properly, the device drivers are loaded automatically at system startup. If they are not automatically loaded, consult the WAN Device Drivers kit for information on loading these devices manually. If you are using the DPV11 (a device for MicroVAXs other than the MicroVAX 3100), answer the following questions for each DPV11 you are using. You need to know the controller designation, the interrupt vector, and the CSR address for each DPV11 you are using. You can find these values in your system's Site Management Guide. The system displays the following if a DPV is selected: 2-8 Installing Installing 2.1 The Installation Procedure AUTOCONFIGURE does not load the UFDRIVER used by the Protocol Emulator to access a DPV11. Therefore you must specify some configuration details for each DPV11 you intend to use with the Protocol Emulator. You need to specify: o controller designation o nexus number of the Q-BUS adapter o interrupt vector address o CSR address The information you specify must be correct; otherwise, fatal system errors will occur when the Protocol Emulator is loaded. Configuration details for the first DPV11 * What is the controller designation of this DPV11 (A-Z): * What is the adapter number (0-48): * What is the interrupt vector address (0300-770): * What is the control & status register address (760010-764770): 13. The screen displays the values you entered, along with the question: * Do you want to alter the information for this DPV11 [NO]? If you answer YES, you are prompted for the DPV11 configuration details again. If you specified more than one DPV11 device, then the questions are repeated for each of those devices. The system displays the following messages while the installation is completing: Support for x DPV devices and y non-DPV devices will be included. You are now done answering questions for this installation. Installation continuing, please wait 10 to 20 minutes ... The system displays the following messages: *** VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator Installation Successful *** (pending successful IVP) Installing 2-9 Installing 2.1 The Installation Procedure If you are using DECnet/OSI, the system displays the following message: The DMB32, DMF32, DSF32, DSV11, DSH32 and DSW21/41/42 device drivers are shipped in the WAN Device Drivers kit. Please install this WANDD V2.0 software from DECnet/OSI before loading the product if you are using any of these devices. The system displays the following messages: If a previous copy of the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator is already loaded, then reboot the system before running the load procedure SYS$STARTUP:RJELOAD.COM See the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator User's Guide for details of tests you should run to check the physical communications links and verify that lines and modems are working correctly. There are no further questions, except for any that apply to the IVP. If the installation procedure has been successful up to this point, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories and updates the help files. If you asked for files to be purged, that is done now. The following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, files will now be moved to their target directories... 2.1.3 Installation Verification Procedure Message If you chose to run the IVP, VMSINSTAL runs it now. When the IVP runs successfully, you see the following display: Starting the VAX 2780/3780 PE V1.9 IVP VAX 2780/3780 PE V1.9 IVP Successful 2.1.4 Completing the Installation Procedure The following messages indicate that the entire installation procedure is complete: Installation of BSCPTP V1.9 completed at 15:20 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 15:20 2-10 Installing Installing 2.1 The Installation Procedure Note that VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. At this point, you should load the Protocol Emulator and test the communication link. 2.2 Postinstallation Considerations This section shows files and logical names added to the system, information on loading the Protocol Emulator, running the IVP, and configuring for cluster operation. 2.2.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) verifies the success of the installation. It checks that the new files were transferred to their proper locations and that files are not in the wrong location. If you encounter problems using the Protocol Emulator, you should run the IVP as a first step in finding a solution. The IVP is designed to catch problems with missing and old files left on your system. To run the IVP after you install the product, invoke the command: @SYS$TEST:BSCPTP$IVP.COM If the IVP fails, correct the situation, and run the IVP again. Section Section 2.3.1 describes IVP failures in more detail. 2.2.2 Loading the Protocol Emulator This section discusses loading the Protocol Emulator into the OpenVMS system. Before loading, you should have completed the following: o Installed any drivers from the WAN Device Drivers Kit (if needed) o Installed this product o Run the IVP successfully o Rebooted the system if the drivers or product was already installed Installing 2-11 Installing 2.2 Postinstallation Considerations To make the Protocol Emulator available to users, you must invoke the RJELOAD command procedure each time the OpenVMS system is set in operation. This can be done automatically by adding the command: @SYS$STARTUP:RJELOAD to the file SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP.COM. This file is executed each time the OpenVMS system is set in operation. 2.2.3 Cluster Setups Install and load the product on each node that has communications devices; then test the physical links to each communications device. Refer to Section 1.1.6 of this manual for specific information on how to set up your cluster for Protocol Emulator use. 2.2.4 Diagnostic Loopback Tests After installing and initializing (loading) the Protocol Emulator, refer to Chapter 4 of the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator User's Guide for the procedure to test the physical links. 2.2.5 Files and Logical Names Added to the System Table 2-1 lists files added during the installation and their directories. 2-12 Installing Installing 2.2 Postinstallation Considerations Table_2-1_Files_Added_by_the_Installation__________________ File_Name________________Location__________________________ BSCPTP$IVP.COM SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST] BSCPTP019.RELEASE_NOTES SYS$COMMON:[SYS$HLP] BSCPTPDET.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] BSCPTPGBL.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] BSCTRAN.COM SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] EBCDEF.MAR SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] NYACP.EXE[1] SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] NYDRIVER.EXE[1] SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] REMOTE.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] RJEDEF.FOR SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] RJEDEF.MAR SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] RJELOAD.COM SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] RJEGLOBAL.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] SETDEF.FOR SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] SETDEF.MAR SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] UFDRIVER.EXE[2] SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR] XJDEF.FOR SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] XJDEF.MAR SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] XJTEST.EXE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] [1]Provided_only_when_non-DPV_device_selected______________ [2]Provided only when DPV device selected ___________________________________________________________ The system logical names added during installation are BSC$MANAGER, which points to a detached process log files directory, and RJEGLOBAL, which points to SYS$LIBRARY:RJEGLOBAL.EXE. These files are defined when RJELOAD is run. Installing 2-13 Installing 2.3 Error Recovery 2.3 Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation itself or when the IVP is running, VMSINSTAL displays error messages. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o A prerequisite software version is incorrect. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o The OpenVMS help library is currently in use. o The product is not properly licensed. o Your system has insufficient disk space. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. (You might need to change a system parameter or increase an authorized quota value.) These requirements are part of the installation requirements in Chapter 1 of this manual. 2.3.1 Installation Verification Procedure Errors This section is designed to help you if your IVP fails. When an error is detected, a message is displayed telling you how to correct the situation. IVP error messages can be divided into these categories: File is in the wrong directory In this case, a file or files are in the wrong directories. To avoid problems where incompatible versions of the same file reside in different directories, delete the file specified in the error message and rerun the IVP. Be sure you delete the specified file; note the directory specification, such as SYS$COMMON: or SYS$SPECIFIC:. After deleting the file, run the IVP again to check for further errors. 2-14 Installing Installing 2.3 Error Recovery The format for these error messages is: BSCPTP$IVP-E, filename is in directory. Please delete this file and rerun the IVP. The following is an example of these messages: BSCPTP$IVP-E, NYDRIVER.EXE is in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]. Please delete this file and rerun the IVP. File does not exist In this case, a file or files do not exist. You must reinstall the product to correct the situation. The format for these error messages is: BSCPTP$IVP-E, filename does not exist. Please reinstall the product. The following is an example of these messages: BSCPTP$IVP-E, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]XJTEST.EXE does not exist. Please reinstall the product. Console output of IVP that failed The following is a sample of an IVP that shows errors. $ @sys$test:bscptp$ivp BSCPTP$IVP-S, Starting VAX 2780/3780 PE V1.9 IVP BSCPTP$IVP-E, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]BSCPTPDET.EXE does not exist. Please reinstall the product. BSCPTP$IVP-E, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]BSCPTPGBL.EXE does not exist. Please reinstall the product. BSCPTP$IVP-E, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]REMOTE.EXE does not exist. Please reinstall the product. BSCPTP$IVP-E, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RJEGLOBAL.EXE does not exist. Please reinstall the product. BSCPTP$IVP-E, SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP]RJELOAD.COM does not exist. Please reinstall the product. BSCPTP$IVP-E, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]XJTEST.EXE does not exist. Please reinstall the product. BSCPTP$IVP-E, NYDRIVER and UFDRIVER do not exist. Please reinstall the product. BSCPTP$IVP-E, VAX 2780/3780 PE V1.9 IVP Failed with 7 errors. $ Installing 2-15 Installing 2.4 Sample Installation on a MicroVAX System 2.4 Sample Installation on a MicroVAX System This section contains a sample installation of the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator Version 1.9 on a MicroVAX system equipped with a DPV11. The example assumes you are running OpenVMS Version 7.1 with DECnet-Plus. The installation will vary under different configurations (see Chapter 1). $ @sys$update:vmsinstal BSCPTP019 SYS$MANAGER: OPTIONS N OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 5-AUG-1998 at 11:34. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? y The following products will be processed: BSCPTP V1.9 Beginning installation of BSCPTP V1.9 at 11:34 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 4 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? y %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. The DMB32, DMF32, DSF32, DSV11, DSH32 and DSW21/41/42 device drivers are shipped in the WAN Device Drivers (WANDD for VAX) component of DECnet V (DECnet/OSI or DECnet-Plus) for OpenVMS. If you are using any of these devices, please install and configure DECnet V for OpenVMS with WANDD for VAX before loading this product, even when not connected to a network. Consult DECnet installation and configuration guides for details. 2-16 Installing Installing 2.4 Sample Installation on a MicroVAX System * Quit this installation in order to install WANDD [NO]: n Product: VAX-2780-3780PE Producer: DEC Version: 1.9 Release Date: 01-AUG-98 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y During this installation, new files will be provided to replace existing versions. You may purge older versions to save disk space, or keep them if you feel they may be of use. Purging is strongly recommended! * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? y * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? y * Directory for log files [SYS$COMMON:[BSC$MGR]]: * Do you want the alternative translation table [NO]? n * Do you want to alter the default receive timeout of 50 seconds [NO]? n To load the Protocol Emulator you will need to invoke the command file SYS$STARTUP:RJELOAD.COM. To set up this file, you must specify the maximum number of communication lines the Protocol Emulator will use, and how many of these will be DPV11 synchronous line interfaces. * How many communication lines will the Protocol Emulator use [1]: 1 * How many of these will be DPV11 synchronous line interfaces [0]: 1 Installation continuing, please wait 10 to 20 minutes ... VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator V1.9 *** VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator Installation Successful *** (pending successful IVP) The DMB32, DMF32, DSF32, DSV11, DSH32 and DSW21/41/42 device drivers are shipped in the WAN Device Drivers (WANDD for VAX) component of DECnet V (DECnet/OSI or DECnet-Plus) for OpenVMS. If you are using any of these devices, please install and configure DECnet V for OpenVMS with WANDD for VAX before loading this product, even when not connected to a network. Consult DECnet installation and configuration guides for details. Installing 2-17 Installing 2.4 Sample Installation on a MicroVAX System If a previous copy of the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator is already loaded, then reboot the system before running the load procedure SYS$STARTUP:RJELOAD.COM. See the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator User's Guide for details of tests that should be run to check the physical communications links and verify that the lines and modems are working correctly. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %PURGE-W-FILNOTPUR, error deleting $3$DUA4:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][SYSEXE]BSCPTPGBL.EXE;37 -RMS-E-FLK, file currently locked by another user BSCPTP$IVP-S, Starting VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator IVP BSCPTP$IVP-S, VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator IVP Successful Installation of BSCPTP V1.9 completed at 11:40 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 11:40 2-18 Installing _________________________________________________________________ Index A DMF32 _______________________________ description of, 1-2 Aborting the Installation, 2-3 device driver, 1-4 DPV11 B______________________________ description of, 1-2 Backup copy of system disk, device driver, 1-4 1-6 special requirements, 1-7 DSF32 C description of, 1-3 _______________________________ device driver, 1-4 Cables - DMB32, DSF32, DSH32, DSH32 DSV11, DSW21/41/42, 1-9 description of, 1-3 CMKRNL privilege, 1-6 device driver, 1-4 Communications devices DSV11 descriptions of, 1-2 description of, 1-2 drivers for, 1-4 device driver, 1-4 Connectors, 1-9 DSW21/41 Conventions used in this description of, 1-3 manual, vii DSW21/41/42 device driver, 1-4 D DSW42 _______________________________ description of, 1-3 DECnet status, 2-3 F______________________________ Default time, 2-7 Files added to system (table), Devices 2-12 see Communications devices Disk space, 1-7 H requirements, 1-7 _______________________________ Distribution kit, checking, Hardware requirements 1-1 cables, 1-9 DMB32 devices, 1-2 description of, 1-2 device driver, 1-4 Index-1 I______________________________ P______________________________ IBM system requirements for Postinstallation Protocol Emulator, 1-10 cluster setups, 2-12 Installation files and logical names added aborting, 2-3 , 2-12 disk space requirements, 1-7 IVP failure message, 2-14 invoking VMSINSTAL, 2-1 loading the Protocol Emulator preparing for, 1-1 , 2-11 processor support, 1-1 Loopback tests, 2-12 release notes, 1-1 Printer queue name, 2-5 required communications Privileges required for devices, 1-2 Protocol Emulator step-by-step, 2-1 installation, 1-6 VAX system requirements, 1-1 Purging files, 2-7 IVP error messages, 2-14 R______________________________ invoking, 2-11 Release Notes running after installation, accessing, 1-1 2-10 to display or print, 2-5 L______________________________ S License Management Facility, _______________________________ 1-5 Sample installation, 2-16 License registration, 2-6 Software registration, 2-6 Log files - Directory, 2-7 SYS$UPDATE, as default, 1-6 Logicals added to system SYSPRV privilege, 1-6 (table), 2-12 T Loopback test, 2-12 _______________________________ Tailor Requirements, 1-5 M______________________________ Testing, 2-12 Memory requirements, 1-7 V Modems _______________________________ characteristics of, 1-7 VMSINSTAL requirements, 1-8 command line, 2-2 table of, 1-8 general requirements, 1-6 privileges, 1-6 O______________________________ OpenVMS W______________________________ VAXcluster Support, 1-4 WAN device driver kit, 1-4 version support, 1-3 WORLD privilege, 1-6 Index-2