DEC Distributed Computing Services (DECdcs) for OpenVMS[TM] Installation Guide Order Number: AA-PU2EA-TE November 1992 This manual describes the procedures for installing the DECdcs Client and Server software. Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual Operating System and Version: OpenVMS[TM] VAX V5.2 or higher, OpenVMS[TM] AXP[TM] V1.0 or higher Software Version: DECdcs Version V1.0 AA-PU2EA-TE ________________________ October 1992 __________ Copyright ©1992 Digital Equipment Corporation All Rights Reserved The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha AXP AXP Bookreader CompacTape DECdcs DECnet OpenVMS VAX VMS VMScluster DIGITAL The following is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated: PostScript _______________________________________________________ Contents _________________________________________________ PREFACE vi _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 1 PREPARING FOR DECDCS INSTALLATION 1-1 _________________________________________________ 1.1 THE DECDCS DISTRIBUTION KIT 1-2 _________________________________________________ 1.2 PREREQUISITE SOFTWARE 1-2 _________________________________________________ 1.3 REQUIRED OPERATING SYSTEM COMPONENTS 1-3 _________________________________________________ 1.4 PREREQUISITE HARDWARE 1-3 _________________________________________________ 1.5 LICENSE REGISTRATION 1-4 _________________________________________________ 1.6 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS 1-5 _________________________________________________ 1.7 PRIVILEGED ACCOUNT 1-6 _________________________________________________ 1.8 SYSTEM QUOTAS - VMS 1-6 1.8.1 Disk Space Requirements _______ 1-6 1.8.2 System Parameter Values _______ 1-7 Calculating GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS Parameter Values, 1-8 Changing Parameter Values with AUTOGEN, 1-8 iii Contents _________________________________________________ 1.9 SYSTEM DISK BACKUP 1-9 _________________________________________________ 1.10 TRANSFERRING THE DCS DISTRIBUTION KIT 1-9 1.10.1 Copying kits from CDROM distribution __________________ 1-10 Using DCL COPY, 1-10 Using Network Access, 1-11 1.10.2 Copying kits from TK50 distribution __________________ 1-11 Extracting Savesets from TK50, 1-12 _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 INSTALLING THE DECDCS SERVER SOFTWARE 2-1 _________________________________________________ 2.1 USING VMSINSTAL 2-1 2.1.1 VMSINSTAL Requirements ________ 2-2 2.1.2 Running the VMSINSTAL Procedure _____________________ 2-2 Dialogue to Build a Server Startup File, 2-5 Continuing with the Installation, 2-10 2.1.3 Post Installation Activities __ 2-12 Build and Include Startup Files, 2-12 Include Shutdown File, 2-12 Define Bookreader Library, 2-12 Providing Server Databases, 2-13 Define Authorized Client Database, 2-13 Define Inbound Proxy Username Database, 2-13 Running the IVP, 2-14 iv Contents _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 3 INSTALLING THE DECDCS CLIENT SOFTWARE 3-1 _________________________________________________ 3.1 USING VMSINSTAL 3-1 3.1.1 VMSINSTAL Requirements ________ 3-2 3.1.2 Running the VMSINSTAL Procedure _____________________ 3-2 Dialogue to Build a Client Startup File, 3-5 Continuing with the Installation, 3-8 3.1.3 Post Installation Activities __ 3-10 Updating DCLtables, 3-10 Cluster Licensing, 3-10 Starting the System, 3-11 Define Bookreader Library, 3-11 Running the IVP, 3-11 _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 4 DECDCS TROUBLESHOOTING 4-1 _________________________________________________ 4.1 LOG FILES AND OPCOM MESSAGES 4-1 _________________________________________________ 4.2 DETERMINING AND REPORTING PROBLEMS 4-1 _______________________________________________________ APPENDIX A SAMPLE SERVER INSTALLATION A-1 v Contents _______________________________________________________ APPENDIX B SAMPLE CLIENT INSTALLATION B-1 _______________________________________________________ APPENDIX C VMS FILES ADDED DURING THE INSTALLATION PROCEDURE C-1 _________________________________________________ C.1 FILES MODIFIED DURING THE INSTALLATION C-1 _________________________________________________ C.2 FILES ADDED BY THE INSTALLATION C-1 _________________________________________________ C.3 REMOVING DECDCS C-3 _______________________________________________________ INDEX _______________________________________________________ TABLES 1-1 Approximate Blocks Required to Install VMS DECdcs ____________ 1-6 1-2 Minimum Required Global Pages and Sections __________________ 1-7 vi _______________________________________________________ Preface DEC Distributed Computing Services (DECdcs) is a software tool which allows a user on OpenVMS[TM] VAX systems to submit batch jobs to remote OpenVMS[TM] AXP[TM] compute servers, via standard OpenVMS batch queues. DECdcs has VAX Client and AXP Server components. This document describes how to install the DECdcs Client and Server software. There is only one DECdcs kit. This kit contains: o Server software for OpenVMS AXP o Client software for OpenVMS VAX The installation procedure determines whether it is running on VAX or the Alpha AXP architecture, and installs either the Client or the Server based on the hardware architecture. __________________________________________________________________ Structure of this Document The document has 4 chapters and 3 appendices: o Chapter 1 describes how to prepare for the installation o Chapter 2 covers the installation procedure for the Server software o Chapter 3 covers the installation procedure for the Client software o Chapter 4 covers DECdcs troubleshooting o Appendix A shows an example of a Server installation o Appendix B shows an example of a Client installation vi Preface o Appendix C lists the files that are created and modified by an installation __________________________________________________________________ Intended Audience This manual is intended for all system managers responsible for the installation of system software. To install DECdcs you must have access to a privileged account. Digital recommends that the account SYSTEM be used for software installation. You should also be familiar with the VMSINSTAL installation procedure on OpenVMS. vii _______________________________________________________ 1 Preparing for DECdcs Installation Installing DECdcs for OpenVMS[TM] software is similar to installing any OpenVMS layered product. The following steps should be taken to prepare for the installation: 1 Take an inventory of the software distribution kit. 2 Make sure that your systems have the prerequisite software and hardware. 3 Install License PAKs. 4 Prepare your systems and their users for installation. 5 Print and read the Release Notes. 6 If necessary, copy the distribution kit between systems (see Section 1.10). 7 Perform the installation procedure and any necessary post-installation procedures. 8 Resume normal operations after you complete the installation. Although not mandatory, the recommended sequence for installing DECdcs is: o If necessary, copy the distribution kit between systems (see Section 1.10). o Install the DECdcs Server software on the OpenVMS AXP[TM] Server system o Start the DECdcs Server software on the Server system 1-1 Preparing for DECdcs Installation o Run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) on the Server system o Install the DECdcs Client software on the OpenVMS VAX Client system o Start the DECdcs Client software on the Client system o Run the IVP on the Client system __________________________________________________________________ 1.1 The DECdcs Distribution Kit Each DECdcs distribution kit contains: o The distribution medium for the DECdcs software o Installation documentation for the product o Software Product Description and Software Support Addendum Note that the user and management documentation is contained in the DECdcs kit itself, and is provided as part of the installation process. This documentation is available in PostScript[TM], Online Bookreader, and line printer format. If the kit is damaged or if parts of it are missing, contact your software distribution center. __________________________________________________________________ 1.2 Prerequisite Software To install DECdcs it is required to have: o A valid OpenVMS for VAX operating system configuration (VMS Version 5.2 or higher) on the Client node. o A valid OpenVMS for AXP operating system configuration (OpenVMS for AXP V1.0 or higher) on the Server node. 1-2 Preparing for DECdcs Installation o DECnet installed and running on both the OpenVMS Client system and the Open VMS Server system. __________________________________________________________________ 1.3 Required Operating System Components The VMS operating system comes with a variety of support options, or classes. Classes include such features as networking and RMS journaling. To use DECdcs, your system should be running a version of VMS that includes the following classes: o BASE - VMS Required Support o NET - Network Support o USER - Secure User's Environment (includes batch support) DECdcs requires the following support option during the installation of DECdcs, but this option is not required to use DECdcs or to run the IVP. o PROG - Programming Support For a complete list of the required classes, see the Software Support Addendum (SSA 43.11.00-A), which comes with the Software Product Description (SPD 43.11.00). __________________________________________________________________ 1.4 Prerequisite Hardware DECdcs supports all hardware configurations supported by VAX VMS V5.2 - V5.5 and OpenVMS for AXP V1.0. The VMS Clients and Servers must be on a common network. Typically this will be a Local Area Network. Depending on the applications run on DECdcs, however, it is possible to utilize Wide Area Networks . 1-3 Preparing for DECdcs Installation __________________________________________________________________ 1.5 License Registration Before you install and run DECdcs Version 1.0 on a newly-licensed node or cluster, you must first register a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) using the License Management Facility (LMF). Note that DECdcs uses different License PAKs for the Client and Server. Be careful to install the correct PAK for each system. The License PAKs will be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, they will be shipped separately to a location based on your license order. If you are installing DECdcs as an update on a node or cluster already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. You must register and load your license for DECdcs before you start the installation in order to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and use the software. To register a license under VMS, first log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. You then have a choice of two ways to perform the registration: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your License PAK. o At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information. The Client PAKs are rated according to the number of units that they provide. These are user PAKs, with the following usage: o A Client needs 300 units to activate. o Each batch job needs 100 units to run. 1-4 Preparing for DECdcs Installation For example, an 800 unit PAK will support one client queue and five simultaneous jobs, or two client queues and two jobs. Order the PAK that you need for your configuration. Note: Multiple, unique, Client PAKs may be combined to increase the Client units available. Every Client connection to a Server requires a PAK on the Server. Server PAKs are tiered - i.e. rated according to processor power. Server PAKs work as follows: o A Client connection requires N units, where N is determined by the processor type of the Client. Please ensure that you purchase the necessary Server PAKs to allow all the Client connections that you will need. Note: Server PAKs do not limit the number of jobs sent by Clients; that is determined by the PAK units available on the Client nodes. If you plan to use DECdcs on more than one node in a VMScluster, you will need to perform a license load on the other nodes after you complete this installation. For complete information on using LMF, see the VMS License Management Utility Manual. __________________________________________________________________ 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements This section and those that follow discuss various requirements for installing DECdcs. The installation takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your type of media and your system configuration. 1-5 Preparing for DECdcs Installation __________________________________________________________________ 1.7 Privileged Account In order to install DECdcs, it is recommended that you be logged into the system manager's account (SYSTEM on VMS). __________________________________________________________________ 1.8 System Quotas - VMS The VMSINSTAL command procedure is used to install the DECdcs software. In order for VMSINSTAL to run properly, there must be sufficient disk storage space and proper system parameter settings to accommodate the installation. This section describes the recommended disk space and system parameters. ___________________________ 1.8.1 Disk Space Requirements The approximate disk space requirements that are necessary during the installation of DECdcs are summarized in Table 1-1. The amount of space taken up by DECdcs after the installation is completed is also given. The Client and Server require approximately the same amount of space. Table 1-1 Approximate Blocks Required to Install VMS ___________DECdcs______________________________________ During After Kit________________________Installation__Installation__ Base DCS V1.0 Kit 4500 650 PostScript documentation 1850 1700 subset additional Online Bookreader 1600 1400 documentation subset additional 1-6 Preparing for DECdcs Installation Table 1-1 (Cont.) Approximate Blocks Required to ___________________Install_VMS_DECdcs__________________ During After Kit________________________Installation__Installation__ Text documentation subset 1000 900 additional Total if all options are 9000 4700 selected_______________________________________________ Use the DCL command SHOW DEVICE to determine the number of free blocks that are presently available on the system disk: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE If the disk does not have enough free blocks, delete unnecessary files to provide space. ___________________________ 1.8.2 System Parameter Values The DECdcs startup procedure will install some of the DECdcs executable images as known images. One image will be installed shared. Table 1-2 lists the minimum required system parameter values. Table_1-2__Minimum_Required_Global_Pages_and_Sections__ System_Parameter______Minimum_Free_____________________ GBLPAGES 25 GBLSECTIONS___________2________________________________ If the available GBLPAGES or GBLSECTIONS are below the recommended values, they must be increased in order to have a successful installation. See the following 1-7 Preparing for DECdcs Installation sections for details on how to check and modify these system parameters. _____________________ Calculating GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS Parameter Values The values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS in Table 1-2 indicate that you must have at least 25 unused global pages and 2 unused global sections available for the installation. To calculate the number of unused global pages and global sections in your system, perform the following steps: 1 Use the DCL F$GETSYI lexical function to determine the number of free global pages and global sections: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 2 If the number of unused global pages or global pages is less than the number specified in Table 1-2 you must increase the value using the AUTOGEN command procedure. The next section describes the procedures for changing these values. For more information, refer to the VMS system management documentation. _____________________ Changing Parameter Values with AUTOGEN Use the AUTOGEN command procedure to change system parameters. AUTOGEN automatically adjusts values for parameters that need to be changed. The following example shows how to modify the GBLPAGES system parameter. 1 To change system parameters with AUTOGEN, first edit the following file: SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT 1-8 Preparing for DECdcs Installation To increase the setting for the GBLPAGES system parameter by 512, add this line to the file: ADD_GBLPAGES = 512 2 Next, run the AUTOGEN procedure to recalculate your system parameters. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and reboots when it has finished. Rebooting your system makes the new parameter values active. For more information about using AUTOGEN, see the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System. __________________________________________________________________ 1.9 System Disk Backup Ensure that you have a current backup copy of your system disk before you install DECdcs. For more information on backing up your system disk, refer to the VMS system management documentation. __________________________________________________________________ 1.10 Transferring the DCS Distribution Kit DECdcs is supplied as a single piece of media, either on compact disc (CDROM) or CompacTape TK50 cartridges. This single piece of media is used for both Client and Server systems. If you are unable to read the CDROM or TK50 directly from both the Client and Server systems, you will need to transfer the kit via the network to the system without the appropriate drive. 1-9 Preparing for DECdcs Installation ___________________________ 1.10.1 Copying kits from CDROM distribution If you have received DECdcs on CDROM, there are two options available: o Copy the DECdcs savesets from the CDROM to the other system, using the DCL COPY command o Mount the CDROM systemwide, and use DECnet to access the CDROM from the other system _____________________ Using DCL COPY The following example shows how one would copy the files from a CDROM on the VAX system to the disk on the AXP system, and install from disk. On the VAX system, do commands like these. Note that we're assuming a CDROM label of CDBIN042301; you should use the actual label on your CDROM. VAX_$ MOUNT VAX$DKA100: CDBIN042301 CDROM VAX_$ COPY /LOG CDROM:DCS*.* - VAX_$_ ALPHA"SYSTEM AOXOMOXOA"::SYS$UPDATE: %COPY-S-COPIED, CDROM:DCS010.A;1 copied to HEPALP"SYSTEM password":: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSUPD]DCS010.A;1 (247 blocks) %COPY-S-COPIED, CDROM:DCS010.B;1 copied to HEPALP"SYSTEM password":: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSUPD]DCS010.B;1 (1243 blocks) %COPY-S-COPIED, CDROM:DCS010.C;1 copied to HEPALP"SYSTEM password":: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSUPD]DCS010.C;1 (2348 blocks) On the AXP system, install the software from the directory where the files were copied, and then delete the savesets. ALPHA_$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DCS SYS$UPDATE: . . . ALPHA_$ DELETE SYS$UPDATE:DCS010.*;* 1-10 Preparing for DECdcs Installation _____________________ Using Network Access The following example shows how to mount the CDROM so that VMSINSTAL can directly access the files from the remote system. Again, we'll assume that the CDROM is on the VAX system. On the VAX system, mount the CDROM /SYSTEM. Note that we're assuming a CDROM label of CDBIN042301, you should use the actual label on your CDROM. VAX_$ MOUNT /SYSTEM VAX$DKA100: CDBIN042301 CDROM On the AXP system, install the software from the remote CDROM directory. ALPHA_$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DCS VAX::CDROM: . . . Note: VMSINSTAL does not accept password strings in the filename parameter. If default DECnet access is not permitted, you will need to have a proxy account on VAX:: for ALPHA::SYSTEM. ___________________________ 1.10.2 Copying kits from TK50 distribution If you have received a TK50 distribution, and you do not have a TK50 drive on both systems, it will be necessary to extract the savesets from the TK50 onto disk. Once the savesets are on disk, you can use either DCL COPY or network installation as previously described for CDROM distribution. 1-11 Preparing for DECdcs Installation _____________________ Extracting Savesets from TK50 The VMSINSTAL procedure has an option to extract kit savesets from tape distributions. This is invoked by calling VMSINSTAL with the parameters OPTIONS G (for Get kit). This is invoked as follows: VAX_$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DCS VAX$MKA500: OPTIONS G OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V1.0 It is 7-SEP-1992 at 16:04. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. The following products will be processed: DCS V1.0 * Into which directory are the save sets to be copied: WORK$: %VMSINSTAL-I-CREATEDIR, Creating temporary directory ... Because VMSINSTAL does not know how many save sets comprise a software product, it will simply copy as many as it can find. Do not be concerned about error messages from BACKUP after all save sets have been copied. Getting save sets for DCS V1.0 1-12 Preparing for DECdcs Installation %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... %BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G ... %BACKUP-F-OPENIN, error opening VAX$MKA500:DCS010.G; as input -RMS-E-FNF, file not found %VMSINSTAL-E-NOSAVESET, Save set G cannot be restored. A total of 6 save sets copied for DCS V1.0 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 16:06 VAX_$ dir/date/size WORK$:DCS* Directory WORK$: DCS010.A;1 504 9-OCT-1992 10:16:23.59 DCS010.B;1 1296 9-OCT-1992 10:16:28.91 DCS010.C;1 2232 9-OCT-1992 10:16:36.61 DCS010.D;1 1836 9-OCT-1992 10:16:47.26 DCS010.E;1 990 9-OCT-1992 10:16:56.14 DCS010.F;1 1566 9-OCT-1992 10:17:01.49 Total of 6 files, 8424 blocks. Now, follow the explanation for copying the files from CDROM, except use WORK$: instead of CDROM: for the directory name. 1-13 _______________________________________________________ 2 Installing the DECdcs Server Software This chapter describes how to run the DECdcs installation procedure on the Server system. Allow 5 to 10 minutes to complete the installation, depending on your configuration. Before starting the installation, make sure that your system meets the requirements outlined in Chapter 1. NOTE: If you do not select the option to have a startup file created during installation, your startup file should be based on the template provided during the installation. This file is named DCS$STARTUP.TEMPLATE, and is located in the directory SYS$COMMON:. If you are carrying out an upgrade, Digital recommends that you review the new template files to ensure that your existing startup file is compatible with this release of the DECdcs software. Enhancements to the DECdcs software may require changes to existing startup and shutdown files. __________________________________________________________________ 2.1 Using VMSINSTAL The DECdcs Server is installed using the VMSINSTAL command procedure: SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL.COM 2-1 Installing the DECdcs Server Software ___________________________ 2.1.1 VMSINSTAL Requirements When the DCL command VMSINSTAL is invoked, it checks: o Whether you are logged in to a privileged account o Whether you have adequate quotas for the installation o Whether DECnet is up and running o Whether any users are logged in to the system If VMSINSTAL detects a problem during the installation procedure, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue. To stop the installation and correct the problem, enter NO or press . After the correction has been made, the installation can be started again. Digital recommends that the section on the VMSINSTAL command procedure in your VMS documentation set be read. In the VMS base documentation set, see the VMS System Manager's Manual. In the VMS full documentation set, see the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System. ___________________________ 2.1.2 Running the VMSINSTAL Procedure The VMSINSTAL command procedure must be used to install the DECdcs Server software. The Client and Server software are both on the same kit. The kit supports both VAX and AXP platforms. Follow these steps to begin the Server installation: 1 Log into the VMS system manager's account (SYSTEM), or another suitably privileged account. 2 Enter the following command line to run VMSINSTAL: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DCS device-name 2-2 Installing the DECdcs Server Software where device-name is the device specification of the distribution medium, for example, MUA0: 3 A message similar to the following appears on your screen: OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V1.0 It is 8-OCT-1992 at 09:09. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 4 You are asked whether you need to back up your system disk: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Yes is the default answer. If you backed up your system disk recently, press to continue. 5 Next, you receive instructions to mount the distribution medium you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL (in this example, MUA0): Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0:. * Are you ready? Mount the medium, then enter YES to indicate that you are ready to continue. Note that this message is not printed when you have the kit savesets in a disk directory. The following messages appear on your screen: The following products will be processed: DCS V1.0 Beginning installation of DCS V1.0 at 09:10 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... 2-3 Installing the DECdcs Server Software 6 You are asked whether or not you would like to purge files that are replaced by the installation. DEC Distributed Computing Services (DECdcs) for OpenVMS (TM) AXP (TM), Version V1.0-266 Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1992. All Rights Reserved. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? no Enter YES or press if you would like old files purged from a previous installation. Otherwise enter NO and press . 7 You are asked whether or not you have a valid DECDCS-SRV-VA product key registered and loaded. Product: DECDCS-SRV-VA Producer: DEC Version: 1.0 Release Date: 1-SEP-1992 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? Enter YES and press if you have already registered the DECdcs Server PAK. Otherwise enter NO and press . If you answer NO, you will see the following message: Server license must be registered and loaded before starting Server Installation of the DECdcs Server is proceeding... The installation will proceed normally even without a valid PAK. You will have to register and load the key before it will be possible to start the DECdcs software, however. 8 You are now given the option to have the installation procedure build a simple startup file for you. 2-4 Installing the DECdcs Server Software If you decide against this, you will have to provide the file SYS$STARTUP:DCS$STARTUP.COM yourself. Either it will already exist due to a prior installation, or you will have to create it using the template provided. Please select one of the following two options: 1) Have the installation procedure build a DECdcs Server environment with customized startup files. 2) Complete the installation without building a new startup file. You should edit the template file SYS$STARTUP:DCS$STARTUP.TEMPLATE to build your own startup file after completing the installation. * Option [1]: 1 If you already have a startup file, or wish to create one after the installation, you should select option 2 and skip to Section If you wish to have a startup file created by the installation procedure, please select option 1 and proceed to Section of this Installation Guide. _____________________ Dialogue to Build a Server Startup File This section details the additional questions that are asked if you decide to have the installation procedure build a simple startup file for you. For any of the questions, entering a ? at the prompt will result in a more detailed explanation being displayed. 9 You are asked for the name of the VMS Server node. This will typically be the node on which the installation is being carried out on, but in a cluster environment, it can also be the name of another node on which you want the DECdcs Server started. * Enter nodename of VMS server [VALTHO]: VALTHO 2-5 Installing the DECdcs Server Software 10 The DECdcs Server receives jobs from the Client, and submits them to a standard VMS batch queue. This can be a standard VMS batch queue, such as SYS$BATCH, or it can be a queue created specifically for the Server. * What batch queue should the DECdcs server feed [SYS$BATCH]: DCS_SERVER 11 The batch queue can be initialized and started in DCS$STARTUP.COM, or by the standard system queue startups. In any event, the batch queue should be started before the DECdcs Server is started. You are asked if you want the queue startup to be placed in DCS$STARTUP. The default for this question is NO if you are using SYS$BATCH, and YES if you specified another queue. * Should this queue be initialized and started in DCS$STARTUP [Y]? yes If you asked for the queue to be started in DCS$STARTUP, the next two questions will be asked. * Enter the job limit for the queue DCS_SERVER [4]: 4 * Enter the base job priority for the queue DCS_SERVER [2]: 2 12 You will now be asked to confirm the Server setup. If you answer NO, the setup dialogue will be repeated. With YES, the startup file will be created. You have selected the following: DECdcs Server node : VALTHO Server Batch queue : DCS_SERVER Initialize queue : YES Queue job limit : 4 Queue base priority : 2 * Is this correct [Y]? yes %DCS-I-BLDSTARTUP, Building customized startup file 2-6 Installing the DECdcs Server Software 13 The DECdcs Server maintains a database of Clients that are authorized to access the system. The next set of questions will set up that database. The procedure creates the database, then gives an explanation of the information that is needed for each client system. %DCS-I-BLDSRVCLIENT, Creating client database %FDL-I-CREATED, VALTHO$DKA100:DCS$CLIENTS.DATA;1 created The DECdcs Server maintains a database of the OpenVMS Client systems that are allowed to access this Server. For each Client, three items are stored in the database: Client Nodename The DECnet node name of the client system (not a cluster alias nodename) Client Password The password that the client will use when establishing a connection to the server Client Job Limit The maximum number of concurrent jobs that a client is allowed to send to the server You will now be asked to provide this information for the clients. When all clients have been entered, hit at the "nodename" prompt. Hit after all clients have been registered After the explanation, you are asked to enter the information for each Client. * Enter nodename of VMS Client: TIGNES * Enter password for Client TIGNES: AOXOMOXOA * Enter job limit for Client TIGNES [1]: 4 After entering the information for a Client, the input data is displayed for confirmation. Client: TIGNES:: Password: "AOXOMOXOA" Job limit: 4 * Is this correct [Y]? yes Adding client record "TIGNES AOXOMOXOA" 2-7 Installing the DECdcs Server Software The client menu now repeats so that additional clients can be registered. After all desired Clients have been entered, hit at the client name prompt to proceed to the next section. Hit after all clients have been registered * Enter nodename of VMS Client: 14 The DECdcs Server also maintains a proxy database of remote users who are allowed to send jobs to the system. The next set of questions will set up that database. The dialogue starts with an explanation of the information that is needed for each proxy entry. %DCS-I-BLDSRVPROXY, Creating inbound proxy database %FDL-I-CREATED, VALTHO$DKA100:DCS$PROXY_INBOUND.DATA;1 created The DECdcs Server maintains a proxy database for remote users of the server system. No user is allowed access unless a proxy entry exits for that user. A proxy entry is of the form: :: where Is the nodename of the DECdcs Client system, or cluster alias. A wildcard "*" nodename is allowed, and means "all authorized client systems". The user's username on the client system. A wild- card "*" is allowed, and means "all users on the remote system". The username to be used on the server system. A wildcard "*" means that the server should use the same username as the remote system. 15 To avoid the need to enter a proxy entry for every single user, the system allows a wildcard proxy that allows users with nonprivileged accounts on the Server to access the system from authorized 2-8 Installing the DECdcs Server Software Clients. Most installations will want this default proxy (*::* *). Note that "*::* *" means "for all authorized Clients, allow access to those users who have the same (unprivileged) usernames defined in the Server's SYSUAF.DAT". It does not grant access from unauthorized Clients, or to users who are not defined in the local SYSUAF on the Server. * Do you want the default proxy *::* * [Y]? Adding user record "*::* *" 16 Since DECdcs will not allow privileged access without an explicit proxy, it will not be possible to run the IVP from the installer's account unless the installer is granted a proxy. You now have the option of creating a proxy from the first client node defined to the Server, using the username of the installer. If you do not want this proxy, simply answer NO and you will have the opportunity to define other proxies. * Do you want the installer proxy TIGNES::SYSTEM SYSTEM [Y]? yes Adding user record "TIGNES::SYSTEM SYSTEM" 17 You will now be asked to define any other proxy entries that you may need, for example any privileged proxies that you want to allow. At each prompt, enter the full proxy entry (NODE::USER NEWUSER) for each proxy. After all desired proxies have been entered, hit at the proxy prompt to proceed to the next section. * Enter proxy entry (or RETURN): tignes::netops netops Adding user record "TIGNES::NETOPS NETOPS" * Enter proxy entry (or RETURN): 2-9 Installing the DECdcs Server Software 18 If you are installing on the Server node, the DECdcs Server software can automatically be started at the end of this installation. You are asked if you want the software started. * Do you want the DECdcs software started [Y]? _____________________ Continuing with the Installation The following questions are asked whether or not a startup file was created. 19 The DECdcs software kit contains copies of the DECdcs documentation, in several formats. These will be displayed, and you will be asked which (if any) formats you would like installed. The DECdcs kit contains the documentation files for the DECdcs manuals: DECdcs Installation Guide DECdcs System Manager's Manual DECdcs User Reference Manual These documents are available in several formats: Format File Names Approximate size ------------------ -------------- ------------------ PostScript *.PS 1600 blocks Text *.TXT 800 blocks Online Bookreader *.DECW$BOOK 1400 blocks If requested, these files will be copied to the DCS$EXAMPLES: directory (SYS$COMMON:). * Do you want the PostScript format files [N]? * Do you want the plain text format files [N]? * Do you want the Online Bookreader files [N]? y 20 If you select yes for the Online Bookreader files, the system will print the following message: 2-10 Installing the DECdcs Server Software The DECdcs startup procedure defines the logical name DCS$EXAMPLES: to point to the directory containing the documentation files. To make the DECdcs documents automatically available to all users, you can add DCS$EXAMPLES: to the search list for the logical name DECW$BOOK:. 21 There are no more questions to answer, and the installation will continue, displaying various informational messages as it proceeds. It will display a brief message explaining the steps to be taken after installation. The actual contents of this message will depend on the options selected during installation. Once the installation completes, you should perform the following actions: - Add the line @SYS$STARTUP:DCS$STARTUP.COM to the system startup file - Add the line @SYS$STARTUP:DCS$SHUTDOWN.COM to the system shutdown file - Run the IVP (after both Server and Client have been started) to verify correct operation of the system. The command RSHOW QUEUE on a Client system will show if the DECdcs queue is operating normally. Even if the system does not start correctly, the IVP might be useful to diagnose the problem. It checks for many common setup errors. To run the IVP, consult the DECdcs System Manager's Guide for instructions. 22 As a last step, VMSINSTAL moves all the files to their target directories. Upon successful installation, the following messages are displayed: %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 29000CC4 Installation of DCS V1.0 completed at 09:12 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]DCS010.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 09:13 2-11 Installing the DECdcs Server Software ___________________________ 2.1.3 Post Installation Activities After a successful installation of the DECdcs product, certain tasks should be performed. These tasks are described in detail in the DECdcs System Manager's Guide; this section only provides a brief summary. _____________________ Build and Include Startup Files If you did not select the option to create a startup file during installation, use SYS$STARTUP:DCS$STARTUP.TEMPLATE to create DCS$STARTUP.COM. The template file contains explanations for creating startup files on both the Server and Client. Include a call to DCS$STARTUP.COM in your site- specific startup file so that the DECdcs Server will be started on every system boot. _____________________ Include Shutdown File Edit your site-specific shutdown file SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM to add a call to SYS$STARTUP:DCS$SHUTDOWN.COM. This will ensure an orderly shutdown of DECdcs. If "CLUSTERWIDE" is specified as parameter P1, DCS$SHUTDOWN.COM will stop all DECdcs Clients and Servers in the cluster. _____________________ Define Bookreader Library If you elected to install the Online Bookreader files, you may want to make the DECdcs library automatically available to all users of the system. This can be accomplished by adding DCS$EXAMPLES: to the search list for the logical name DECW$BOOK. For example, if your current definition is: $ DEFINE /SYSTEM /EXEC DECW$BOOK - CDROM:, - USER: 2-12 Installing the DECdcs Server Software You should edit the definition to be: $ DEFINE /SYSTEM /EXEC DECW$BOOK - CDROM:, - USER:, - DCS$EXAMPLES: _____________________ Providing Server Databases The DECdcs Server requires two databases for normal operation. One database defines the names, passwords and job limits for client systems. It is created and maintained using SYS$SYSTEM:DCS$CLIENT_DB.COM. The other database defines a mapping of remote client usernames to local usernames and is maintained using SYS$SYSTEM:DCS$PROXY_DB.COM. If either of these databases is not set up, the DECdcs Server system will not be able to connect to Clients and process jobs. If you built a startup file during installation, these files will have been created for you. _____________________ Define Authorized Client Database The command procedure SYS$SYSTEM:DCS$CLIENT_DB.COM is used to maintain the client database. This procedure can create the database, as well as add, modify and remove client entries. _____________________ Define Inbound Proxy Username Database The command procedure SYS$SYSTEM:DCS$PROXY_DB.COM is used to maintain the inbound proxy username database. This procedure can create the database, as well as add, modify and remove proxy entries. No user can use the DECdcs system without a valid proxy entry. At the minimum, you should define the entry "*::* *". This entry means for all users on all authorized nodes, run the job under the same username as the originating username. This requires, of course, that the username be defined locally. 2-13 Installing the DECdcs Server Software Note that the DECdcs Server will not run a privileged user without an explicit proxy entry. _____________________ Running the IVP The DECdcs Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) is a command file which can be invoked at any time after DECdcs is installed. It is located in SYS$COMMON:DCS$IVP.COM. If you wish to test a Server installation, log on to the Server and invoke DCS$IVP.COM. Select Option 1 from the IVP menu; the IVP will carry out some basic consistency checks and report any errors that it encounters. When the IVP is executed, each test displays a header consisting of a number and a brief description of the test. For example: $ @SYS$COMMON:DCS$IVP [...] ++++++++++++++ + Test 2.1.4 + Check that network object DCS$SERVER exists ++++++++++++++ DECnet object database is being checked... Network object DCS$SERVER is declared. Test 2.1.4 passed [...] 2-14 Installing the DECdcs Server Software 2-15 _______________________________________________________ 3 Installing the DECdcs Client Software This chapter describes how to run the DECdcs installation procedure on the Client system. Allow 5 to 10 minutes to complete the installation, depending on your configuration. Before starting the installation, make sure that your system meets the requirements outlined in Chapter 1. NOTE: The DECdcs Client installation provides the option of creating a startup file during installation. If you elect not to do this, your startup file should be based on the template that will be provided. This file is named DCS$STARTUP.TEMPLATE, and is located in the directory SYS$COMMON:. If you are carrying out an upgrade, Digital recommends that you review the new template files to ensure that your existing startup file is compatible with this release of the DECdcs software. Enhancements to the DECdcs software may require changes to existing startup and shutdown files. __________________________________________________________________ 3.1 Using VMSINSTAL The DECdcs Client is installed using the VMSINSTAL command procedure: SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL.COM 3-1 Installing the DECdcs Client Software ___________________________ 3.1.1 VMSINSTAL Requirements When the DCL command VMSINSTAL is invoked, it checks: o Whether you are logged in to a privileged account o Whether you have adequate quotas for the installation o Whether DECnet is up and running o Whether any users are logged in to the system If VMSINSTAL detects a problem during the installation procedure, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue. To stop the installation and correct the problem, enter NO or press . After the correction has been made, the installation can be started again. Digital recommends that the section on the VMSINSTAL command procedure in your VMS documentation set be read. In the VMS base documentation set, see the VMS System Manager's Manual. In the VMS full documentation set, see the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System. ___________________________ 3.1.2 Running the VMSINSTAL Procedure The VMSINSTAL command procedure must be used to install the DECdcs client software. The Client and Server software are both on the same kit. The kit supports both VAX and AXP platforms. Follow these steps to begin the client installation: 1 Log into the VMS system manager's account, SYSTEM. 2 Enter the following command line to run VMSINSTAL: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DCS device-name where device-name is the device specification of the distribution medium, for example, MUA0: 3-2 Installing the DECdcs Client Software 3 A message similar to the following appears on your screen: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2S7 It is 8-SEP-1992 at 13:06. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 4 You are asked whether you need to back up your system disk: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Yes is the default answer. If you backed up your system disk recently, press to continue. 5 Next, you receive instructions to mount the distribution medium you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL (in this example, MUA0): Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0:. * Are you ready? Mount the medium, then enter YES to indicate that you are ready to continue. Note that this message is not printed when you have the kit savesets in a disk directory. The following messages appear on your screen: The following products will be processed: DCS V1.0 Beginning installation of DCS V1.0 at 13:06 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... 6 You are asked whether or not you would like to purge files that are replaced by the installation. 3-3 Installing the DECdcs Client Software DEC Distributed Computing Services (DECdcs) for OpenVMS (TM) VAX, Version V1.0-266 Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1992. All Rights Reserved. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? no Enter YES or press if you would like old files purged from a previous installation. Otherwise enter NO and press . 7 You are asked whether or not you have a valid DECDCS-CLT-VV-USER product key registered and loaded. Installing the DECdcs Client on TIGNES, a VAXstation 4000 Model 90 Product: DECDCS-CLT-VV-USER Producer: DEC Version: 1.0 Release Date: 1-SEP-1992 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y Enter YES and press if you have already registered the DECdcs Server PAK. Otherwise enter NO and press . If you answer NO, you will see the following message: Server license must be registered and loaded before starting Client Installation of the DECdcs Client is proceeding... The installation will proceed normally even without a valid PAK. You will have to register and load the key before it will be possible to start the DECdcs software, however. 8 You are now given the option of having the installation procedure build the DECdcs startup procedure for you. 3-4 Installing the DECdcs Client Software Please select one of the following two options: 1) Have the installation procedure build a DECdcs Client environment with customized startup files. 2) Complete the installation without building a new startup file. You should edit the template file SYS$STARTUP:DCS$STARTUP.TEMPLATE to build your own startup file after completing the installation. * Option [1]: 1 If you decide not to have a new startup file created during the installation procedure, select option 2 and skip to section Section of this Installation Guide. _____________________ Dialogue to Build a Client Startup File This section details the additional questions that are asked if you decide to have the installation procedure build a simple startup file for you. For any of the questions, entering a ? at the prompt will result in a more detailed explanation being displayed. 9 You are asked for the DECnet nodename of the client node that you want the client software to run on. * Enter nodename of VMS client [TIGNES]: If you press , the nodename of the node that you are performing the installation on will be used. Answering with another node name only makes sense in a VMScluster, and DECdcs will not be able to start automatically at the end of the installation. 10 You are asked for the DECnet nodename of the Server node that will be used to execute DECdcs jobs. * Enter nodename of Server system: VALTHO 3-5 Installing the DECdcs Client Software No default answer is provided. The nodename that you give should already be defined in the Client's network database if you wish DECdcs to start automatically at the end of the installation. 11 You are asked for a password that DECdcs will use in the Client/Server message exchanges. * Enter the password for this Client/Server: AOXOMOXOA The Server node maintains a database of valid client nodes and their associated passwords. You should specify exactly the same password as the one currently in use on the Server for this Client node. 12 You are asked for the name of the queue that will be used by DECdcs. * What should the DECdcs Client batch queue be called [DCS$BATCH]: The RSUBMIT command uses DCS$BATCH as the default queue name, so this is the name suggested for your client queue. Using another queue name will mean that users will have to explicitly specify the /QUEUE= qualifier on RSUBMIT commands, or define the logical name DECDCS$BATCH. If you press , the queue will be named DECDCS$BATCH. 13 The DECdcs client queue must have a characteristic named DCS$QUEUE associated with it. You are asked to choose the number that will correspond to the name DCS$QUEUE. The DECdcs software requires a queue characteristic number to be assigned to the name "DCS$QUEUE". No queue characteristic numbers are currently defined. Please pick any number between 0 and 127. * Please choose a number for the DCS$QUEUE characteristic: 1 3-6 Installing the DECdcs Client Software The number used is not important, as long as it is not already in use. You may use the SHOW QUEUE/CHARACTERISTIC command to list the characteristics that are already defined for your system. 14 At this point, the answers that you have given so far are displayed, and you are asked if they are correct. You have selected the following: DECdcs Client node : TIGNES DECdcs Server node : VALTHO Client/Server password : AOXOMOXOA Batch queue name : DCS$BATCH Characteristic number : 1 * Is this correct [Y]? If you wish to alter any of your selections, answer no to the question. This will cause the startup file creation dialogue to be repeated. If you are satisfied with your answers, press to continue. An informational message is displayed when the customized startup file is created. In addition, an empty outbound proxy database is created. %DCS-I-BLDSTARTUP, Building customized startup file %DCS-I-BLDCLTPROXY, Creating empty outbound proxy database %FDL-I-CREATED, $2$DIA2:DCS$PROXY_OUTBOUND.DATA;1 created 15 You are asked whether you want the DECdcs Client software to be automatically started at the end of this installation. The DECdcs Client software can automatically be started at the end of this installation. * Do you want the DECdcs software started [Y]? 3-7 Installing the DECdcs Client Software If you answer yes to the question, the customized startup file will be invoked at the end of the installation. If the DECdcs Server node is operational, DECdcs should be fully functioning when the installation procedure completes. Answering no to the question allows you to review the customized DCS$STARTUP.COM startup file at the end of the installation. You may then start the client software by invoking DCS$STARTUP.COM manually. _____________________ Continuing with the Installation 16 The DECdcs software kit contains copies of the DECdcs documentation, in several formats. These will be displayed, and you will be asked which (if any) formats you would like installed. The DECdcs kit contains the documentation files for the DECdcs manuals: DECdcs Installation Guide DECdcs System Manager's Manual DECdcs User Reference Manual These documents are available in several formats: Format File Names Approximate size ------------------ -------------- ------------------ PostScript *.PS 1700 blocks Text *.TXT 900 blocks Online Bookreader *.DECW$BOOK 1400 blocks If requested, these files will be copied to the DCS$EXAMPLES: directory (SYS$COMMON:). * Do you want the PostScript format files [N]? * Do you want the plain text format files [N]? * Do you want the Online Bookreader files [N]? y 3-8 Installing the DECdcs Client Software 17 If you select yes for the Online Bookreader files, the system will print the following message: The DECdcs startup procedure defines the logical name DCS$EXAMPLES: to point to the directory containing the documentation files. To make the DECdcs documents automatically available to all users, you can add DCS$EXAMPLES: to the search list for the logical name DECW$BOOK:. 18 There are no more questions to answer, and the installation will continue, displaying various informational messages as it proceeds. It will display a brief message explaining the steps to be taken after installation. Once the installation completes, you should perform the following actions: - Add the line @SYS$STARTUP:DCS$STARTUP.COM to the system startup file - Add the line @SYS$STARTUP:DCS$SHUTDOWN.COM to the system shutdown file - Edit SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM to include DCS$EXAMPLES: in the search list for DECW$BOOK, so that the DECdcs online documentation is available to all users. - Run the IVP (after both Server and Client have been started) to verify correct operation of the system. The command RSHOW QUEUE on a Client system will show if the DECdcs queue is operating normally. Even if the system does not start correctly, the IVP might be useful to diagnose the problem. It checks for many common setup errors. To run the IVP, consult the DECdcs System Manager's Guide for instructions. 19 As a last step, VMSINSTAL moves all the files to their target directories. Upon successful installation, the following messages are displayed: %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installation of DCS V1.0 completed at 13:09 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 13:09 3-9 Installing the DECdcs Client Software ___________________________ 3.1.3 Post Installation Activities After a successful installation of the DECdcs product, certain tasks should be performed. This section describes those tasks. _____________________ Updating DCLtables The DECdcs Client installation provides two new commands: RSUBMIT and RSHOW. In order for users to access these commands, the following actions must be taken: o the new copy of SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE must be installed o user processes must load the new tables To make the new tables the default, the following INSTALL command should be issued: $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE In a cluster, this can be done on every node with the commands: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE After the new tables are installed, users should load them - either by logging out and back in again, or by issuing the DCL command $ SET COMMAND/TABLES=SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES _____________________ Cluster Licensing After installing DECdcs in a cluster, it will be necessary to load the licenses on every node that will run the DECdcs Client software. 3-10 Installing the DECdcs Client Software This can be done by executing the following command on every Client node: $ LICENSE LOAD DECDCS-CLT-VV-USER _____________________ Starting the System After installing both the Client and Server components, please refer to the DECdcs System Manager's Guide if you wish to customize your installation. You should also refer to this guide for guidelines on how to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). _____________________ Define Bookreader Library If you elected to install the Online Bookreader files, you may want to make the DECdcs library automatically available to all users of the system. This can be accomplished by adding DCS$EXAMPLES: to the search list for the logical name DECW$BOOK. For example, if your current definition is: $ DEFINE /SYSTEM /EXEC DECW$BOOK - CDROM:, - USER: You should edit the definition to be: $ DEFINE /SYSTEM /EXEC DECW$BOOK - CDROM:, - USER:, - DCS$EXAMPLES: _____________________ Running the IVP The DECdcs Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) is a command file which can be invoked at any time after DECdcs is installed. It is located in SYS$COMMON:DCS$IVP.COM. 3-11 Installing the DECdcs Client Software The same IVP file is used for Client and Server installations, so a menu is displayed to ask what is to be tested. DECdcs for OpenVMS Installation Verification Procedure Please select one of the possible choices: [1] run the SERVER IVP [2] run the CLIENT IVP [3] submit test jobs from a menu [4] exit the IVP Please select (1-4): If you are testing a Client installation, you should select option 2 or option 3. o Option 2 will run the full Client test suite prior to displaying the test job menu. o Option 3 will directly display the test job menu. This allows you to submit test jobs to DECdcs. With Option 2, the test job menu will only be proposed if the rest of the IVP was successful. Successful execution of the test jobs shows that DECdcs is operational. When the Client IVP is executed, each test displays a header consisting of a number and a brief description of the test. For example: $ @SYS$COMMON:DCS$IVP [...] ++++++++++++++ + Test 2.2.2 + Check for existing DECdcs client processes ++++++++++++++ 3-12 Installing the DECdcs Client Software Node Process Name ---- ------------ R2D2 DCS$CLIENT_0 R2D2 DCS$CLIENT_1 Test 2.2.2 passed [...] When all the Client IVP tests have completed successfully, the following menu is displayed: Please select one of the possible choices: [1] simple test [2] kaleidoscope -- DECwindows graphics application [3] loop test -- submit a number of jobs to test queuing [4] exit the IVP Please select (1-4): If any of the test jobs fail to execute, you are given the option of viewing the job's logfile. This is a useful tool for diagnosing the cause of the failure. Normally, however, the jobs will complete successfully and you may then exit the IVP by selecting Option 4. 3-13 _______________________________________________________ 4 DECdcs Troubleshooting __________________________________________________________________ 4.1 Log Files and OPCOM Messages The DECdcs system logs any problems that it encounters both in log files, and by broadcasting OPCOM messages to central operators. The log file is in SYS$SYSROOT:DCS$CLIENT_n.LOG or SYS$SYSROOT:DCS$SERVER_n.LOG where n is the number of the Client or Server in question. Multiple Clients or Servers on one node are numbered sequentially, starting at 0. The file name of the log file is always identical to the process name of the Client, for example, DCS$CLIENT_0. The Client and Server logfiles are the primary source of information when tracking down problems with DECdcs. Log files from individual jobs may also be useful if only a subset of users are experiencing problems - for example if there is an erroneous proxy database entry for a particular user. OPCOM messages from Client or Server processes also provide useful troubleshooting information. __________________________________________________________________ 4.2 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using DECdcs, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. 4-1 DECdcs Troubleshooting o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form if the problem has to do with the DECdcs documentation. There are Reader's Comments forms at the back of each manual. Use the form from the manual in which you found the error. Include the section and page number. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated above or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting problems. 4-2 DECdcs Troubleshooting 4-3 _______________________________________________________ A Sample Server Installation This appendix illustrates a sample DECdcs Server installation on OpenVMS AXP. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal dcs cdrom:[dcs010.kit] OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V1.0 It is 8-OCT-1992 at 09:09. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: See figure 1 * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? yes * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? yes The following products will be processed: DCS V1.0 Beginning installation of DCS V1.0 at 09:10 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... DEC Distributed Computing Services (DECdcs) for OpenVMS (TM) AXP (TM), Version V1.0-266 Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1992. All Rights Reserved. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? yes Installing the DECdcs Server on VALTHO, a DEC 3000 Model 500 A-1 Sample Server Installation Product: DECDCS-SRV-VA Producer: DEC Version: 1.0 Release Date: 1-SEP-1992 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? yes Please select one of the following two options: 1) Have the installation procedure build a DECdcs Server environment with customized startup files. 2) Complete the installation without building a new startup file. You should edit the template file SYS$STARTUP:DCS$STARTUP.TEMPLATE to build your own startup file after completing the installation. * Option [1]: 1 Note: If you need an explanation of any of the following questions, please enter a question mark '?' at the corresponding prompt. * Enter nodename of VMS server [VALTHO]: VALTHO * What batch queue should the DECdcs server feed [SYS$BATCH]: DCS_SERVER * Should this queue be initialized and started in DCS$STARTUP [Y]? yes * Enter the job limit for the queue DCS_SERVER [4]: 4 * Enter the base job priority for the queue DCS_SERVER [2]: 2 You have selected the following: DECdcs Server node : VALTHO Server Batch queue : DCS_SERVER Initialize queue : YES Queue job limit : 4 Queue base priority : 2 * Is this correct [Y]? yes %DCS-I-BLDSTARTUP, Building customized startup file %DCS-I-BLDSRVCLIENT, Creating client database %FDL-I-CREATED, VALTHO$DKA100:DCS$CLIENTS.DATA;1 created A-2 Sample Server Installation The DECdcs Server maintains a database of the OpenVMS Client systems that are allowed to access this Server. For each Client, three items are stored in the database: Client Nodename The DECnet node name of the client system (not a cluster alias nodename) Client Password The password that the client will use when establishing a connection to the server Client Job Limit The maximum number of concurrent jobs that a client is allowed to send to the server You will now be asked to provide this information for the clients. When all clients have been entered, hit at the "nodename" prompt. Hit after all clients have been registered * Enter nodename of VMS Client: TIGNES * Enter password for Client TIGNES: AOXOMOXOA * Enter job limit for Client TIGNES [1]: 4 Client: TIGNES:: Password: "AOXOMOXOA" Job limit: 4 * Is this correct [Y]? yes Adding client record "TIGNES AOXOMOXOA" Hit after all clients have been registered * Enter nodename of VMS Client: %DCS-I-BLDSRVPROXY, Creating inbound proxy database %FDL-I-CREATED, VALTHO$DKA100:DCS$PROXY_INBOUND.DATA;1 created The DECdcs Server maintains a proxy database for remote users of the server system. No user is allowed access unless a proxy entry exits for that user. A proxy entry is of the form: :: where Is the nodename of the DECdcs Client system, or cluster alias. A wildcard "*" nodename is allowed, and means "all authorized client systems". A-3 Sample Server Installation The user's username on the client system. A wild- card "*" is allowed, and means "all users on the remote system". The username to be used on the server system. A wildcard "*" means that the server should use the same username as the remote system. * [Hit return to continue]: Note that DECdcs will not allow a user with local privileges to have access if the field is the wildcard "*". In order to grant access to a username with privileges on the server, the field must specify the full remote username. The default definition for "privileged user" is any user with more than (TMPMBX,NETMBX), but the default can be changed by editing a line in DCS$STARTUP.COM. Most installations will want to have the wildcard default proxy entry: *::* * Note that "*::* *" means "for all authorized clients, allow access to those users who have (unprivileged) usernames defined in the Server's SYSUAF.DAT". It does not grant access from unauthorized clients, or to users who are not defined in the local SYSUAF. * Do you want the default proxy *::* * [Y]? Adding user record "*::* *" Since DECdcs will not allow privileged access without an explicit proxy, it will not be possible to run the IVP from the installer's account unless the installer is granted a proxy. You now have the option of creating a proxy from the first client node defined to the server, using the username of the installer. If you do not want this proxy, simply answer NO and you will have the opportunity to define other proxies. * Do you want the installer proxy TIGNES::SYSTEM SYSTEM [Y]? yes Adding user record "TIGNES::SYSTEM SYSTEM" You will now be asked to define any other proxy entries that you may need, for example any privileged proxies that you want to allow. At each prompt, enter the full proxy entry (NODE::USER NEWUSER) for each proxy. A-4 Sample Server Installation Hit at the proxy prompt to proceed to the next section. * Enter proxy entry (or RETURN): tignes::netops netops Adding user record "TIGNES::NETOPS NETOPS" * Enter proxy entry (or RETURN): The DECdcs Server software can automatically be started at the end of this installation. * Do you want the DECdcs software started [Y]? The DECdcs kit contains the documentation files for the DECdcs manuals: DECdcs Installation Guide DECdcs System Manager's Manual DECdcs User Reference Manual These documents are available in several formats: Format File Names Approximate size ------------------ -------------- ------------------ PostScript *.PS 1600 blocks Text *.TXT 800 blocks Online Bookreader *.DECW$BOOK 1400 blocks If requested, these files will be copied to the DCS$EXAMPLES: directory (SYS$COMMON:). * Do you want the PostScript format files [N]? * Do you want the plain text format files [N]? * Do you want the Online Bookreader files [N]? Thank you. There are no more questions. %DCS-I-RESTSERVER, Restoring DECdcs SERVER files (save set B) %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %DCS-I-RENAME, Rename AXP (TM) libraries to working names A-5 Sample Server Installation %RENAME-I-RENAMED, VALTHO$DKA100:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DCS010]SHARED-ALPHA.OLB;1 renamed to VALTHO$DKA100:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DCS010]SHARED.OLB;1 %RENAME-I-RENAMED, VALTHO$DKA100:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DCS010]SERVER-ALPHA.OLB;1 renamed to VALTHO$DKA100:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DCS010]SERVER.OLB;1 %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DCS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCS]. %DCS-I-LNKSRVR, Linking server image %DCS-I-LNKJSET, Linking job setup image %DCS-I-LNKKSCP, Linking kaleidoscope image %DCS-I-PROHELP, Providing help %DCS-I-PROEXEC, Providing executable images %DCS-I-PROFILE, Providing other files %DCS-I-PROSTRT, Providing startup and shutdown procedures Once the installation completes, you should perform the following actions: - Add the line @SYS$STARTUP:DCS$STARTUP.COM to the system startup file - Add the line @SYS$STARTUP:DCS$SHUTDOWN.COM to the system shutdown file - Run the IVP (after both Server and Client have been started) to verify correct operation of the system. The command RSHOW QUEUE on a Client system will show if the DECdcs queue is operating normally. Even if the system does not start correctly, the IVP might be useful to diagnose the problem. It checks for many common setup errors. To run the IVP, consult the DECdcs System Manager's Guide for instructions. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 29000CC4 Installation of DCS V1.0 completed at 09:12 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]DCS010.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 09:13 A-6 _______________________________________________________ B Sample Client Installation This appendix illustrates a sample DECdcs Client installation. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal dcs cdrom:[dcs010.kit] VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2S7 It is 8-OCT-1992 at 09:24. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? yes The following products will be processed: DCS V1.0 Beginning installation of DCS V1.0 at 09:25 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... DEC Distributed Computing Services (DECdcs) for OpenVMS (TM) VAX, Version V1.0-266 Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1992. All Rights Reserved. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? yes Installing the DECdcs Client on TIGNES, a VAXstation 4000 Model 90 Product: DECDCS-CLT-VV-USER Producer: DEC Version: 1.0 Release Date: 1-SEP-1992 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? yes Please select one of the following two options: B-1 Sample Client Installation 1) Have the installation procedure build a DECdcs Client environment with customized startup files. 2) Complete the installation without building a new startup file. You should edit the template file SYS$STARTUP:DCS$STARTUP.TEMPLATE to build your own startup file after completing the installation. * Option [1]: 1 Note: If you need an explanation of any of the following questions, please enter a question mark '?' at the corresponding prompt. * Enter nodename of VMS client [TIGNES]: TIGNES * Enter nodename of Server system: VALTHO * Enter the password for this Client/Server: AOXOMOXOA * What should the DECdcs Client batch queue be called [DCS$BATCH]: The DECdcs software requires a queue characteristic number to be assigned to the name "DCS$QUEUE". No queue characteristic numbers are currently defined. Please pick any number between 0 and 127. * Please choose a number for the DCS$QUEUE characteristic: 1 You have selected the following: DECdcs Client node : TIGNES DECdcs Server node : VALTHO Client/Server password : AOXOMOXOA Batch queue name : DCS$BATCH Characteristic number : 1 * Is this correct [Y]? yes %DCS-I-BLDSTARTUP, Building customized startup file %DCS-I-BLDCLTPROXY, Creating empty outbound proxy database %FDL-I-CREATED, $2$DIA2:DCS$PROXY_OUTBOUND.DATA;1 created The DECdcs Client software can automatically be started at the end of this installation. * Do you want the DECdcs software started [Y]? The DECdcs kit contains the documentation files for the DECdcs manuals: B-2 Sample Client Installation DECdcs Installation Guide DECdcs System Manager's Manual DECdcs User Reference Manual These documents are available in several formats: Format File Names Approximate size ------------------ -------------- ------------------ PostScript *.PS 1600 blocks Text *.TXT 800 blocks Online Bookreader *.DECW$BOOK 1400 blocks If requested, these files will be copied to the DCS$EXAMPLES: directory (SYS$COMMON:). * Do you want the PostScript format files [N]? yes * Do you want the plain text format files [N]? no * Do you want the Online Bookreader files [N]? yes The DECdcs startup procedure defines the logical name DCS$EXAMPLES: to point to the directory containing the documentation files. To make the DECdcs documents automatically available to all users, you can add DCS$EXAMPLES: to the search list for the logical name DECW$BOOK:. Thank you. There are no more questions. %DCS-I-RESTCLIENT, Restoring DECdcs CLIENT files (save set C) %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %DCS-I-RENAME, Rename VAX libraries to working names B-3 Sample Client Installation %RENAME-I-RENAMED, $2$DIA2:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DCS010]SHARED-VAX.OLB;1 renamed to $2$DIA2:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DCS010]SHARED.OLB;1 %RENAME-I-RENAMED, $2$DIA2:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DCS010]CLIENT-VAX.OLB;1 renamed to $2$DIA2:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DCS010]CLIENT.OLB;1 %RENAME-I-RENAMED, $2$DIA2:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DCS010]INTERFACE-VAX.OLB;1 renamed to $2$DIA2:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DCS010]INTERFACE.OLB;1 %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DCS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCS]. %DCS-I-LNKCLNT, Linking client image %DCS-I-LNKSHDW, Linking shadow image %DCS-I-LNKSHOW, Linking rshow image %DCS-I-LNKRSUB, Linking rsubmit image %DCS-I-PROHELP, Providing help %DCS-I-PROVERB, Providing DCL verbs RSUBMIT and RSHOW %DCS-I-PROEXEC, Providing executable images %DCS-I-PROFILE, Providing other files %DCS-I-PROSTRT, Providing startup and shutdown procedures %DCS-I-PRODOCS, Providing POSTSCRIPT documentation files (save set D) %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %DCS-I-PRODOCS, Providing BOOKREADER documentation files (save set F) %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... Once the installation completes, you should perform the following actions: - Add the line @SYS$STARTUP:DCS$STARTUP.COM to the system startup file - Add the line @SYS$STARTUP:DCS$SHUTDOWN.COM to the system shutdown file - Edit SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM to include DCS$EXAMPLES: in the search list for DECW$BOOK, so that the DECdcs online documentation is available to all users. - Run the IVP (after both Server and Client have been started) to verify correct operation of the system. The command RSHOW QUEUE on a Client system will show if the DECdcs queue is operating normally. Even if the system does not start correctly, the IVP might be useful to diagnose the problem. It checks for many common setup errors. To run the IVP, consult the DECdcs System Manager's Guide for instructions. B-4 Sample Client Installation %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 27A005D5 Installation of DCS V1.0 completed at 09:27 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 09:27 B-5 Sample Client Installation B-6 _______________________________________________________ C VMS Files Added During the Installation Procedure __________________________________________________________________ C.1 Files modified during the installation The following files are modified during the installation of DECdcs: SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE __________________________________________________________________ C.2 Files added by the installation The following files are added to your system during the DECdcs installation: o In SYS$COMMON: - For both VAX Client and AXP Server: DCS$SHUTDOWN.COM; DCS$STARTUP.TEMPLATE; DCS$STARTUP_COMMON.COM; - For both VAX Client and AXP Server, if DCS$STARTUP is created during installation: DCS$STARTUP.COM; - For VAX Client Only: DCS$SHUTDOWN_CLIENT.COM; DCS$STARTUP_CLIENT.COM; - For AXP Server Only: DCS$SHUTDOWN_SERVER.COM; DCS$STARTUP_SERVER.COM; C-1 VMS Files Added During the Installation Procedure o In SYS$COMMON: - For VAX Client Only: DCS$CLIENT.EXE; DCS$PROXY_DB.COM; DCS$SHADOW.COM; DCS$SHADOW.EXE; DCS$SHOW.EXE; DCS$SUBMIT.EXE; - For VAX Client Only, if DCS$STARTUP is created during installation: DCS$PROXY_OUTBOUND.DATA; - For AXP Server Only: DCS$CLIENT_DB.COM; DCS$JOB_SETUP.EXE; DCS$PROXY_DB.COM; DCS$SERVER.EXE; - For AXP Server Only, if DCS$STARTUP is created during installation: DCS$CLIENTS.DATA; DCS$PROXY_INBOUND.DATA; o In SYS$COMMON: - For VAX Client Only: KALEIDOSCOPE.COM; - For AXP Server Only: KALEID.EXE; - Optional PostScript Documentation: DCS$INSTALLATION.PS; DCS$MANAGEMENT.PS; DCS$USER.PS; - Optional Online Bookreader Documentation: DCS$INSTALLATION.DECW$BOOK; C-2 VMS Files Added During the Installation Procedure DCS$MANAGEMENT.DECW$BOOK; DCS$USER.DECW$BOOK; LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF; - Optional Text Documentation: DCS$INSTALLATION.TXT; DCS$MANAGEMENT.TXT; DCS$USER.TXT; o In SYS$COMMON: - For VAX Client Only: DCS$DEF.ADA; DCS$DEF.BAS; DCS$DEF.FOR; DCS$DEF.H; DCS$DEF.MAR; DCS$DEF.PAS; DCS$DEF.PLI; DCS$DEF.R32; o In SYS$COMMON: DCS$IVP_LOOP.COM; DCS$IVP.COM; DCS$REMOVE.COM; __________________________________________________________________ C.3 Removing DECdcs DECdcs provides a command file that will remove all files provided in the VMS kit, including help text and command tables. It will also delete all files in the two DECdcs system directories: SYS$COMMON: SYS$COMMON: C-3 VMS Files Added During the Installation Procedure To remove all traces of this product (including customized startup and database files) execute the following command procedure by typing: $ @SYS$COMMON:DCS$REMOVE.COM Note: If you want to save certain files, such as the customized startup file, the client database file, or one of the the proxy database files, be sure to copy those files to private directories before running the procedure. C-4 VMS Files Added During the Installation Procedure C-5 _________________________________________________________________ Index _______________________________ A Proxy databaseoC-4 _______________________________ _______________________________ AUTOGEN S command procedureo1-8 _______________________________ _______________________________ Servero1-3 B Shutdown Fileo2-12 _______________________________ Startup file Bookreadero2-12, 3-11 creatingo2-4, 2-5, 3-5 templateo2-1, 2-5, 3-1 _______________________________ Startup Fileso2-12 D SYSGEN parameterso1-7 _______________________________ _______________________________ Database V Cliento2-13, C-4 _______________________________ Servero2-13 VMSINSTAL DCLTABLES command procedureo1-6, 2-1, Installingo3-10 2-2, 3-1, 3-2 Disk space requirementso1-6 Distribution kito1-2 _______________________________ _______________________________ W I _______________________________ _______________________________ WANo1-3 Installation preparing foro1-1 recommended sequenceo1-1 INSTALL utilityo1-7 IVPo1-2, 1-3, 3-11 Cliento3-11 Servero2-14 _______________________________ L _______________________________ Log fileso4-1 _______________________________ N _______________________________ Networko1-3 _______________________________ P _______________________________ PAKo2-4, 3-4 Product Authorization Key see PAK Index-1