Hierarchical_Storage_Management_for_OpenVMS_________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-QUJ1D-TE Software Version: HSM for OpenVMS Version 2.1 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ January, 1997 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital, an authorized sublicensor, or the identified licensor. While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Alpha, DEC, DECnet, DECthreads, OpenVMS, Scheduler, TA, TK, VAX, VAXcluster, VMS, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. StorageTek is a registered trademark of Storage Technology Corp. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Installing HSM Software 1.1 Before Installing HSM............................ 1-1 1.1.1 Check for Required Software ................... 1-1 1.1.2 HSM Basic Mode Requirements ................... 1-2 1.1.3 Check HSM Plus Mode Prerequisites ............. 1-2 1.1.4 Check HSM SMU REPACK Functionality Prerequisites.................................. 1-3 1.1.5 License Registration .......................... 1-4 HSM License Types........................... 1-4 Using the Online Capacity License........... 1-6 Save Set Manager License.................... 1-7 Registering Your HSM License................ 1-7 1.1.6 Installing DECthreads Images .................. 1-9 1.1.7 Upgrading from Previous HSM Versions .......... 1-9 1.2 Installation Procedure Requirements.............. 1-10 1.2.1 Required Privileges ........................... 1-10 1.2.2 Required Disk Space ........................... 1-10 1.2.3 System Parameters ............................. 1-11 1.2.4 User Account Quotas ........................... 1-11 1.2.5 VMSINSTAL Requirements ........................ 1-12 1.2.6 Backing Up Your System Disk ................... 1-12 1.3 Installing the HSM Software...................... 1-13 1.3.1 The Installation Procedure .................... 1-13 1.3.2 Error Recovery ................................ 1-19 1.4 After Installing HSM Software.................... 1-20 1.4.1 Editing the System Startup and Shutdown Files.......................................... 1-20 1.4.2 Creating an HSM Catalog ....................... 1-21 1.4.3 Backing Up the Catalog ........................ 1-22 iii 1.4.4 Installing Device Drivers ..................... 1-22 Using Magazine Loaders Connected to a Native SCSI Bus.................................... 1-23 Using Devices Connected to an HSx Controller.................................. 1-23 1.5 VMScluster System Considerations................. 1-23 1.6 HSM Configuration Requirements................... 1-24 1.7 Installation Verification Procedure.............. 1-24 1.8 DFS, NFS and PATHWORKS Access Support............ 1-24 1.8.1 DFS Access .................................... 1-24 1.8.2 NFS Access .................................... 1-25 1.8.3 PATHWORKS ..................................... 1-26 1.8.4 New Logical Names for NFS and PATHWORKS Access......................................... 1-28 A HSM Basic Mode Installation Example B HSM Plus Mode Installation Example Index Tables 1-1 HSM Software Requirements ..................... 1-2 1-2 HSM Base Licenses ............................. 1-5 1-3 Additional Concurrent or Capacity Licenses .... 1-6 1-4 How to Register Your HSM License .............. 1-7 1-5 Disk Space Requirements ....................... 1-10 1-6 System Parameters for VAX and ALPHA ........... 1-11 1-7 How to Install the HSM Software ............... 1-13 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface Purpose of This Document This document contains installation information about HSM for OpenVMS Version 2.1 software and its functions. Use this document to define, configure, operate, and maintain your HSM environment. Intended Audience The audience for this document ar epersons who install HSM software. The users of this document should have some knowledge of the following: o OpenVMS system management o DCL commands and utilities Document Structure This document is organized in the following manner and includes the following information: Chapter 1 Provides HSM installation and startup instructions. Introduces storage management and the key concepts of HSM. Appendix A Shows a sample HSM Basic mode installation. Appendix B Shows a sample HSM Plus mode installation. v Related Documents The following documents are related to this documentation set or are mentioned in this manual. ___________________________________________________________ Document__________________________________Order_No.________ HSM for OpenVMS Version 2.1 Guide to AA-PWQ3x-TE Operations Media and Device Management Services for AA-QG4Yx-TE OpenVMS Guide to Operations Media and Device Management Services for AA-QRAHx-TE OpenVMS Installation Guide Storage Library Ssystem for OpenVMS AA-QHLEx-TE Guide to Backup and Restore Operations Storage Library System for OpenVMS AA-KY16x-TE Installation Guide POLYCENTER Save Set Manager User and AA-QDKQx-TE Installation Guide OpenVMS System Management Utilities AA-PV5Px-TK Reference Manual: A-L OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: A-M AA-PV5Kx-TK OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N-Z AA-PV5Lx-TK OpenVMS License Management Utility AA-PVXUx-TK Manual OpenVMS_User's_Manual_____________________AA-PV5Jx-TK______ Related Products The following related products are mentioned in this documentation. ___________________________________________________________ Product_______Description__________________________________ HSM HSM refers to Hierarchical Storage Management for OpenVMS software. MDMS MDMS refers to Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS software. vi ___________________________________________________________ Product_______Description__________________________________ SLS SLS refers to Storage Library System for OpenVMS software. SSMgr SSMgr refers to POLYCENTER Save Set Manager ______________for_OpenVMS_software.________________________ Conventions The following conventions are used in this document. ___________________________________________________________ Convention__Description____________________________________ { } In format command descriptions, braces indicate required elements. You must include one of the elements. [ ] Brackets show optional elements in a command syntax. You can omit these elements if you wish to use the default response. Horizontal ellipsis points indicate the . omission of information from a sentence or . paragraph that is not important to the topic . being discussed. . . . Vertical ellipsis points indicate the omission of information from an example or command format. The information has been omitted because it is not important to the topic being discussed. boldface Boldface type in text indicates the first type instance of terms defined in the Glossary or in text. italic Italic type emphasizes important information, type indicates variables, indicates complete titles of manuals, and indicates parameters for system information. Starting This type font denotes system response, user test . . . input, and examples. Ctrl/x Hold down the key labeled Ctrl (Control) and the specified key simultaneously (such as Ctrl /Z). vii ___________________________________________________________ Convention__Description____________________________________ PF1 x The key sequence PF1 x indicates that you press and release the PF1 key, and then you press and release another key (indicated here by x). n A lowercase italic n indicates the generic use of a number. For example, 19nn indicates a four-digit number in which the last two digits are unknown. x A lowercase italic x indicates the generic use of a letter. For example, xxx indicates any combination of three alphabetic characters. OpenVMS This term refers to the OpenVMS Alpha operating Alpha system. OpenVMS This term refers to the OpenVMS VAX operating VAX_________system.________________________________________ Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using HSM, report it to Digital[TM] through your usual support channels. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated previously or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. viii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Installing HSM Software This chapter contains instructions for installing HSM Version 2.1 software on the OpenVMS operating system. 1.1 Before Installing HSM This section discusses the preparations and requirements necessary for installing HSM software. The HSM kit includes online release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation. The release notes are in a text file named SYS$HELP:HSM021.RELEASE_NOTES and a Postscript[R] file named SYS$HELP:HSM021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS. For information about accessing the online release notes, see Section 1.3.1. 1.1.1 Check for Required Software HSM V2.1 is supported on the Alpha and VAX OpenVMS Operating System V6.1 through V7.1. Various HSM features like Basic mode, Plus mode, Tape Repack, and Backup via shelving depend on different versions of Media and Device Management Services (MDMS) and Save Set Manager (SSMgr) software. The software requirements for each feature is shown in Table 1-1. Installing HSM Software 1-1 Installing HSM Software 1.1 Before Installing HSM Table_1-1_HSM_Software_Requirements________________________ HSM________OpenVMS_____MDMS__________SSMgr_________________ V2.1 V6.1, V6.2 V2.5B or V1.3-2*** or newer * V1.3A*** V2.8A or newer ** ___________________________________________________________ V2.1_______V7.0,_V7.1__V2.8A**_______V1.3A***______________ * This software is needed to use HSM Plus Mode. ** This software is needed to use the HSM Repack and Backup via shelving function. *** This software is needed for the HSM Repack function. 1.1.2 HSM Basic Mode Requirements When HSM is used in Basic Mode, the only software required in addition to HSM is the OpenVMS Operating System Versions 6.1 through 7.1. Media and Device Management Services (MDMS) is required to convert to Plus Mode. 1.1.3 Check HSM Plus Mode Prerequisites HSM Plus mode requires the use of Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS (MDMS) Version 2.5B or newer software for managing media and devices. Realize that if versions earlier than MDMS V2.8A are used, some HSM V2.x features like archive repacking and backup via shelving support will not work. MDMS software can be obtained from one of the following sources: o Off the HSM distribution source o Included functionality with Storage Library System for OpenVMS (SLS) software o Included as a separate source with Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS or Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS (SMF) software MDMS software must be installed before you install HSM in Plus mode. MDMS is not required for operating in HSM Basic mode. 1-2 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.1 Before Installing HSM 1.1.4 Check HSM SMU REPACK Functionality Prerequisites The archive repacking feature found in HSM V2.0 and later has the following prerequisites. Hardware The HSM repack function requires the use of two tape drives since this is a direct tape to tape transfer process. One tape must match the media type of the source archive class and the other tape must match the media type of the destination archive class. MDMS HSM V2.1 software requires that MDMS software Version 2.8A be installed in order for the SMU REPACK command to work. Save Set Manager Most HSM software functions will work without Save Set Manager being installed. However, HSM uses components of Save Set Manager to perform the SMU REPACK function. If the user tries to use the SMU REPACK function without Save Set Manager installed, it will result in a user message that REPACK cannot be performed until Save Set Manager is installed. A Save Set Manager license is not required to use Save Set Manager with HSM to accomplish the repack funtion. However, a Save Set Manager license is required if Save Set Manager is used independently of HSM. HSM Version 2.1 requires that Save Set Manager Version 1.3- 2 or later be installed in order for the SMU REPACK command to work. If you have an older version of Save Set Manager installed, you need to upgrade your system to Save Set Manager Version 1.3-2 or later to use the REPACK function. If you don't have any version of Save Set Manager installed, then follow the installation procedure in Chapter 2 of the Save Set Manager User and Installation Guide. Postscript and Text Versions of the Save Set Manager Installation and User Guide can be copied from: [HSM021]SSM013A_USER_GUIDE.PS [HSM021]SSM013A_USER_GUIDE.TXT Installing HSM Software 1-3 Installing HSM Software 1.1 Before Installing HSM Follow the Save Set Manager installation procedure found in this manual with the exception that you won't run the SSMgr Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). You should answer NO to the following two questions: Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? NO Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? NO The Save Set Manager installation procedure will continue to completion without running the IVP. 1.1.5 License Registration Before you install and run HSM Version 2.1 on a new node or VMScluster system, you must first register and load a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) using the License Management Facility (LMF). The License PAK is shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. HSM is designed to run in a clustered environment. To function properly, HSM must be run on each node in the VMScluster system. A license LOAD must be performed on the other nodes in the VMScluster system after installing the HSM software. The HSM software uses the following license and kit names: o HSM-SERVER-Provides clusterwide HSM functionality with up to 20 GB of online capacity o HSM-USER-Provides additional online capacity o Kit name: HSM021 HSM License Types HSM for OpenVMS is licensed according to the amount of online storage customers may free up through shelving files. Each base license includes 20 GB of storage capacity and is required for each VMScluster. Base licenses are available for all-VAX clusters, all-Alpha clusters, and mixed architecture clusters. These base licenses are shown in Table 1-2. 1-4 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.1 Before Installing HSM Table_1-2_HSM_Base_Licenses________________________________ Base Licenses: VAX only Cluster QL-0NXA9-AA Alpha only Cluster QL-3J1A9-AA Mixed_Cluster______________QP-03PAA-01_____________________ You may increase your shelving capacity by purchasing either the concurrent use license or additional capacity licenses. These licenses expand your shelving capacity by 20 GB, 140 GB, 280 GB, 500 GB, 1000 GB, or Unlimited TB of storage. Table 1-3 lists these licenses. Installing HSM Software 1-5 Installing HSM Software 1.1 Before Installing HSM Table_1-3_Additional_Concurrent_or_Capacity_Licenses_______ Concurrent Use Capacity Licenses: 20 GB Concurrent Use License QL-2AWAA-3B 140 GB Capacity License* QP-03TAA-01 280 GB Capacity License* QP-03TAA-02 500 GB Concurrent Use License QL-2AWAA-3G 1000 GB Capacity License* QP-03TAA-03 Unlimited_Concurrent_Use_License_____QL-2AWAA-3H___________ ________________________ Note ________________________ The * in the above table means that these additional capacity licenses also include the base license for VAX clusters, Alpha clusters, and mixed-architecture clusters. ______________________________________________________ Using the Online Capacity License HSM uses an online capacity licensing strategy. Because HSM increases online capacity for active data at low cost, the license strategy attempts to capitalize on this apparent lower cost per megabyte. HSM reduces the cost of system management by providing this functionality with a reduced amount of operator intervention. A base HSM license is required to use HSM. This base license provides 20 GB of capacity. Additional capacity licenses are available as is an unlimited capacity license. The capacity is calculated according to the online storage space freed up when files are shelved. The total capacity is checked against the allowable capacity when a shelving operation occurs. If you exceed your capacity license, users will be able to unshelve data, but will not be able to shelve data until the license capacity is extended. When you shelve a file, the amount of space freed up by the file's truncation is subtracted from the total capacity available. When you unshelve or delete the file, the file's allocated space is added to the capacity available. Periodically, HSM scans the volumes in the VMScluster system and compares the amount of storage space for the 1-6 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.1 Before Installing HSM shelved files to the remaining capacity. The SMU SHOW FACILITY command displays the license capacity remaining for the HSM facility (VMScluster system). Save Set Manager License A Save Set Manager license is not required to use Save Set Manager with HSM to accomplish the repack funtion. However, a Save Set Manager license is required if Save Set Manager is used independently of HSM. Registering Your HSM License To register the HSM license or to add additional capacity licenses, follow the steps in Table 1-4. Table_1-4_How_to_Register_Your_HSM_License_________________ Step___Action______________________________________________ 1 Enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the product name and a dash. $ LICENSE REGISTER HSM-SERVER - Important: Enter a dash at the end of each command in steps 1 through 8. ___________________________________________________________ 2 Enter the /ISSUER qualifier information, assigning the value DEC between quotation marks. _$ /ISSUER="DEC" - ___________________________________________________________ 3 Enter the /AUTHORIZATION qualifier information, assigning it the value from the AUTHORIZATION NUMBER entry of the PAK. _$ /AUTHORIZATION=xxxxxxx - ___________________________________________________________ 4 Enter the /PRODUCER qualifier information, assigning the value DEC in quotes. _$ /PRODUCER="DEC" - (continued on next page) Installing HSM Software 1-7 Installing HSM Software 1.1 Before Installing HSM Table_1-4_(Cont.)_How_to_Register_Your_HSM_License_________ Step___Action______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 5 Enter the /UNITS qualifier information, assigning the value from the UNITS entry of the PAK. This is the value that determines your HSM online capacity. _$ /UNITS=nn - ___________________________________________________________ 6 Enter the /DATE qualifiers information, assigning the product's release date value from the PRODUCT RELEASE DATE entry of the PAK. _$ /DATE=dd-mmm-yyyy - ___________________________________________________________ 7 Enter the /AVAILABILITY qualifier information, assigning the value from the AVAILABILITY TABLE CODE entry of the PAK. _$ /AVAILABILITY=x - ___________________________________________________________ 8 Enter the /OPTIONS qualifier information, assigning the value from the KEY OPTIONS entry of the PAK. _$ /OPTIONS=xxxxxx - ___________________________________________________________ 9 Enter the /CHECKSUM qualifier information, assigning the value from the CH entry of the PAK. Important: Do NOT end the entry with a dash. _$ /CHECKSUM=n-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx ___________________________________________________________ 10 Invoke the LICENSE LOAD command with the product name. _______$_LICENSE_LOAD_HSM-SERVER___________________________ 1-8 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.1 Before Installing HSM 1.1.6 Installing DECthreads Images If DECthreads[TM] images are not installed, you must install them before you install HSM. Enter the following commands: $ INSTALL ADD SYS$SHARE:CMA$RTL.EXE $ INSTALL ADD SYS$SHARE:CMA$OPEN_RTL.EXE $ INSTALL ADD SYS$SHARE:CMA$LIB_SHR.EXE 1.1.7 Upgrading from Previous HSM Versions If you are installing HSM Version 2.1 over an existing HSM product, there are several additional tasks you must perform. 1. HSM Version 2.1 contains an updated HSDRIVER. This driver, HSDRIVER.EXE, is not unloadable. You must reboot your system after installing HSM Version 2.1 in order to load the new HSDRIVER. If you are running HSM in a VMScluster, all nodes running HSM must also be rebooted. 2. The format of the HSM catalog and the SMU databases found in HSM$MANAGER have changed for HSM Version 2.1 from V1.x. As a result, the installation procedure may convert the existing catalog and multifile save sets to the new format and you cannot downgrade to earlier versions. In case something should happen during conversion, Digital strongly recommends you back up the existing catalog and SMU databases before you install HSM Version 2.1 software. The catalog is located at: HSM$CATALOG:HSM$CATALOG.SYS and the SMU databases at: HSM$MANAGER:*.SMU. 3. You must shut down HSM before you perform the installation. If you do not, the installation will fail. To shut down HSM, use the following command: $ SMU SHUTDOWN/NOW Installing HSM Software 1-9 Installing HSM Software 1.2 Installation Procedure Requirements 1.2 Installation Procedure Requirements This section describes various requirements for installing the HSM software. Installing HSM will take approximately 10 to 20 minutes, depending on your system configuration and media. Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) on a standalone system takes about 5 minutes. 1.2.1 Required Privileges To install HSM software, you must be logged into an account that has the SETPRV privilege. Note that VMSINSTAL turns off the BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. 1.2.2 Required Disk Space Table 1-5 summarizes the disk space requirements for installing and running HSM. Table_1-5_Disk_Space_Requirements__________________________ Item________Blocks_Needed____Description___________________ Install 28,000 Temporary blocks for Kit installation. HSM 16,000 Permanent blocks for software. Software Catalog 100,000 Catalog grows at the average rate of 1.25 blocks for each file copy shelved. Digital recommends 100,000 blocks be set aside initially for this _____________________________catalog.______________________ HSM requires 16,000 free disk blocks on the system disk. To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE 1-10 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.2 Installation Procedure Requirements 1.2.3 System Parameters The installation for HSM may require that you raise the values of the GBLSECTIONS and GBLPAGES system parameters. The HSM installation may require additional values of the system parameters. See Table 1-6. Table_1-6_System_Parameters_for_VAX_and_ALPHA______________ System_Parameters__________VAX_________ALPHA_______________ Additional GBLPAGES 1783 2926 Additional_GBLSECTS________6___________36__________________ If you need to change any system parameters and do not know how to do so, consult the OpenVMS documentation. 1.2.4 User Account Quotas User account quotas are stored in the SYSUAF.DAT file. Use the OpenVMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change user account quotas. First set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM, and then run AUTHORIZE, as shown in the following example: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> At the UAF> prompt, enter the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example: UAF> SHOW SMITH To change a quota, enter the MODIFY command. The following example changes the FILLM quota for the SMITH account and then exits from the utility: UAF> MODIFY SMITH /FILLM=50 UAF> EXIT To use HSM, each account must have at least the TMPMBX and NETMBX privileges. Use the VMS Authorize Utility to determine whether users have the privileges they require. Specific SMU commands may need other privileges. See The HSM Command Environment Chapter of the HSM Guide to Operations for specific command requirements. Installing HSM Software 1-11 Installing HSM Software 1.2 Installation Procedure Requirements After you exit from the utility, the system displays messages indicating whether changes were made. Once the changes have been made, you must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. For more information about modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize Utility in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L. 1.2.5 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks for the following: o Whether you are logged into a privileged account o Whether you have adequate quotas for installation o Whether DECnet[TM] software is running o Whether any users are logged into the system Note that VMSINSTAL requires that the installation account have a minimum of the following quotas: ASTLM = 40 BIOLM = 40 BYTLM = 32,768 DIOLM = 40 ENQLM = 200 FILLM = 300 If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you and prompts you to continue or stop the installation. In some instances, you can enter YES to continue. Enter NO to stop the installation and correct the problem. 1.2.6 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL prompts you about the backup of your system disk. Digital recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software. Use the backup procedures that are established at your site. For details about performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup utility (BACKUP) in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L. 1-12 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.3 Installing the HSM Software 1.3 Installing the HSM Software This section contains a step-by-step description of the installation procedure. The installation process should take from 15 minutes to 20 minutes depending on configurations. 1.3.1 The Installation Procedure The HSM installation procedure consists of a series of questions and informational messages. Table 1-7 shows the installation procedure. For a complete example of an HSM installation and verification procedure for HSM Basic mode, see Appendix A; for HSM Plus mode, see Appendix B. To abort the installation procedure at any time, enter Ctrl/Y. When you enter Ctrl/Y, the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. Table_1-7_How_to_Install_the_HSM_Software__________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 1 Load and mount the media that contains the software kit. ___________________________________________________________ 2 Invoke the VMSINSTAL procedure. Use the following syntax: $@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL HSM021 location: OPTIONS N Where: location is the tape device (or directory) that contains the software kit save set. OPTIONS N is an optional parameter that tells VMSINSTAL to ask you to choose Release Notes options. The default behavior is to move the Release Notes to SYS$HELP. ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installing HSM Software 1-13 Installing HSM Software 1.3 Installing the HSM Software Table_1-7_(Cont.)_How_to_Install_the_HSM_Software__________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 3 If you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-W- ACTIVE, The following processes are still active * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Enter Y and press , else go to step 4. ___________________________________________________________ 4 Confirm the state of the system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [Yes]? Press . ___________________________________________________________ 5 Identify the location for the software to be mounted. * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: You may specify a tape drive, a local disk, or a remote disk. Enter the appropriate information and press . ___________________________________________________________ 6 If you entered OPTIONS N on the VMSINSTAL command line, respond to the Release Notes option. Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: Enter the number of the desired option and press . ___________________________________________________________ 7 Answer if you want to purge old files. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Enter Y and press . (continued on next page) 1-14 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.3 Installing the HSM Software Table_1-7_(Cont.)_How_to_Install_the_HSM_Software__________ Step_Action________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 8 Select to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Recommendation: Running the IVP procedure is recommended. Press to run the IVP, else enter No and press . ___________________________________________________________ 9 Confirm the PAK registration. *** HSM License *** Correct installation and operation of this software requires that one of the following Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) reflecting your software license be present on this system: HSM-SERVER HSM-USER * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded [Y]? Enter Y and press . ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installing HSM Software 1-15 Installing HSM Software 1.3 Installing the HSM Software Table_1-7_(Cont.)_How_to_Install_the_HSM_Software__________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 10 Determine whether to install HSM Basic or HSM Plus mode. *** HSM Mode *** With this version, HSM can operate in one of two possible modes: BASIC - The standalone HSM product which supports a limited number of nearline and offline devices. PLUS - The integrated HSM product, integrated with Media and Device Management Services (MDMS) which supports an expanded number of nearline and offline devices. NOTE: MDMS or SLS V2.5B or newer must be installed before installing HSM PLUS mode. Also, once files are shelved in PLUS mode, you may *not* change back to BASIC mode. Enter BASIC or PLUS to select the mode in which you want HSM to operate. * Enter the mode to install [PLUS]: The default shown varies according to whether the HSM install detects the presence of MDMS or SLS Version 2.5B or newer software on your system. If it does, the default is Plus mode; if it does not, the default is Basic mode. If you tell HSM to install HSM Plus mode, but MDMS or SLS software is not installed on your system, the installation fails. ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 1-16 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.3 Installing the HSM Software Table_1-7_(Cont.)_How_to_Install_the_HSM_Software__________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 11 Identify the HSM manager account UIC. If you see the following message: *** HSM Account *** A privileged account named HSM$SERVER will be created for use by HSM processes. This account will not allow interactive logins and the password will be automatically generated. The installation procedure will not proceed until you enter a valid user identification code (UIC) for the HSM$SERVER account. The UIC must be unique and within the SYSTEM group. * Enter the UIC to be used for HSM$SERVER account [[1,22]]: Press . ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installing HSM Software 1-17 Installing HSM Software 1.3 Installing the HSM Software Table_1-7_(Cont.)_How_to_Install_the_HSM_Software__________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 12 Select a location for the HSM configuration databases and log files. Restriction: The location must have at least 100,000 (100K) free blocks and be available to all nodes in the VMScluster system that will use HSM. *** HSM Device *** You will now be asked to enter a disk device specification to be used as a repository for HSM configuration databases and log files. NOTE: *** This device must have at least 100000 free blocks and be available to all nodes in the cluster that will be running HSM *** * Enter the disk device to use for HSM files [SYS$SYSDEVICE:]: The default location for HSM files is SYS$SYSDEVICE:[HSM$SERVER]. VMSINSTAL prompts you to verify the file location before continuing. ___________________________________________________________ 13 Set quotas and flags for the HSM account. VMSINSTAL will automatically set quotas and flags for the account. ___________________________________________________________ 14 Create HSM catalog and databases. HSM requires a catalog and databases to run. The VMSINSTAL can create them upon completion of the software installation for you. Recommendation: Digital recommends you answer Y to the following question: * Do you want to run the database creation procedure [YES]? ___________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 1-18 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.3 Installing the HSM Software Table_1-7_(Cont.)_How_to_Install_the_HSM_Software__________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 15 Set system disk files as not shelvable. VMSINSTAL can submit a command file to set all system disk files as non-shelvable. This protects the integrity of the system disk. Recommendation: Digital recommends you answer Y to the following question: * Do you want to submit SETFILENOSHELV.COM [YES]? ___________________________________________________________ 16 At this point, the installation proceeds without further operator intervention. If you requested VMSINSTAL run the IVP, it runs it _____here._________________________________________________ Note that VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. 1.3.2 Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation procedure, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of HSM V2.1 has failed. If the IVP fails, you see this message: The HSM V2.1 Installation Verification Procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for HSM V2.1 has failed. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. Installing HSM Software 1-19 Installing HSM Software 1.3 Installing the HSM Software o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o The OpenVMS help library is currently in use. o The product license has not been registered and loaded. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. For information about installation requirements, see Section 1.1. 1.4 After Installing HSM Software The following postinstallation tasks should be performed after installing HSM software: o Edit the system startup and shutdown files. o Modify system parameter settings. o Create an HSM catalog, if you did not have the installation do so. o Install special device drivers. After completing these steps, go to HSM Guide to Operations Manual for HSM Basic mode or for HSM Plus mode) to identify and perform the tasks required to get HSM up and running. 1.4.1 Editing the System Startup and Shutdown Files You must edit the system startup and shutdown files to provide for automatic startup and shutdown. Add the command line that starts HSM to the system startup file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. HSM cannot start until after the network has started. You must place this new command line after the line that executes the network startup command procedure. The following example shows the network startup command line followed by the HSM startup command line: 1-20 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.4 After Installing HSM Software $ @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET.COM . . . $ @SYS$STARTUP:HSM$STARTUP.COM The HSM$STARTUP.COM procedure defines logicals required by the HSM software, connects the HSDRIVER software for VAX or Alpha systems, and issues an SMU STARTUP command to start the shelf handler process. The shelf handler process runs continuously and exits only with the SMU SHUTDOWN command. You may restart the shelf handler manually by using the SMU STARTUP command. You also can connect the HSDRIVER software manually. To do this, use one of the following commands: o For a VAX system: $ MCR SYSGEN CONNECT HSA0:/NOADAPTER o For an Alpha system: $ MCR SYSMAN IO CONNECT HSA0: /NOADAPTER Add the following command line to the system shutdown file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM: $ SMU SHUTDOWN/NOW 1.4.2 Creating an HSM Catalog The HSM catalog is the one and only authority containing information about shelved files. It grows as files get shelved. If you did not have the installation create an HSM catalog for you, you must create it manually before you start HSM. To manually create the catalog, invoke SYS$STARTUP:HSM$CREATE_CATALOG.COM. This creates a single catalog for HSM to access. When a catalog is created in this manner, it will be configured in Basic mode by default. SMU SET FACILITY /MODE=PLUS should be executed after the catalog is created if Plus mode is desired. Creating a new Basic mode catalog in an environment that was previously defined in Plus mode can cause unpredictable results. Installing HSM Software 1-21 Installing HSM Software 1.4 After Installing HSM Software The HSM$STARTUP.COM file placed in SYS$STARTUP at installation time creates several systemwide logicals used by HSM. These logicals are stored in a file called HSM$LOGICALS.COM and includes the logical HSM$CATALOG. This logical points to the directory where HSM should look for the shelving catalog. If you wish to change the location of the catalog, the line in SYS$STARTUP:HSM$LOGICALS.COM that defines this logical should be changed. ________________________ Note ________________________ HSM does not automatically create a new catalog if it cannot find the catalog in the location pointed to by HSM$CATALOG; this condition aborts HSM startup with an error message. ______________________________________________________ The system logical HSM$CATALOG should be created ahead of time to specify the location for the catalog. If you have not already created the logical, you are prompted to define it now and to restart the procedure. You still must modify the line in HSM$LOGICALS.COM to reflect that location if it is other than the default. The new catalog file is empty when created. 1.4.3 Backing Up the Catalog Because the catalog is such a critical file for HSM, it is very important that it gets backed up on a regular basis. The contents of shelved files are retrievable only through the catalog. For additional information on maintaining the catalog, see Section 8.1.1 in the HSM Guide to Operations. 1.4.4 Installing Device Drivers HSM supports various types of Digital magazine loaders for use as nearline shelf storage. Depending on the type of device and how it is connected, you may need to install special device drivers and perform other specific tasks for HSM to work with the device. The procedures described in the following sections presume you have installed and configured the hardware according to the information in your hardware documentation. 1-22 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.4 After Installing HSM Software Using Magazine Loaders Connected to a Native SCSI Bus For SCSI magazine loaders connected directly to a SCSI bus, you must issue one of the following commands: o For a VAX system: $ MCR SYSGEN CONNECT MKxxx:/NOADAPTER/DRIVER=GKDRIVER o For an Alpha system: $ MCR SYSMAN IO CONNECT MKxxx:/NOADAPTER/DRIVER=SYS$GKDRIVER where MKxxx: is the robot name. The robot name must be the same as the tape drive name plus one, and without any prefixes to the MK string. For example, a device name of BOSTON$MKA200: has a robot name of MKA201: Digital recommends that you include the appropriate command in your system startup command procedure. Using Devices Connected to an HSx Controller For devices connected in a VMScluster environment through an HSC controller, you need to use a K.SCSI bus. For HSC, HSD, or HSJ controllers refer to the HSM Software Release Notes for specific driver information. 1.5 VMScluster System Considerations If you installed HSM on a VMScluster system, there are four things you may need to do: o Reinstall DCLTABLES on all nodes in the VMScluster system. o Make sure that SYS$STARTUP:HSM$LOGICALS.COM is the same across all nodes in the VMScluster system and that all nodes can access any devices referenced in the logicals. o Because HSM creates new DCL command verbs, all system users need to log out and log in again to see those verbs. o To ensure all logicals are correctly defined and that HSM functionality is fully available on all devices in the VMScluster system, you may want to reboot all nodes in the VMScluster system. Installing HSM Software 1-23 Installing HSM Software 1.6 HSM Configuration Requirements 1.6 HSM Configuration Requirements HSM provides a set of default configuration definitions that, combined with required configuration tasks, allow you to get HSM up and running quickly in your environment. For detailed information on getting HSM up and running quickly in Basic mode or Plus mode, see refer to Chapter 3 of the HSM Guide to Operations. For information on customizing HSM performance for your system, see Chapter 4 of the HSM Guide to Operations. 1.7 Installation Verification Procedure As mentioned in the installation procedure itself, VMSINSTAL can run an IVP upon completion of the HSM installation. The IVP attempts to verify that HSM can shelve and unshelve files using default configuration information. For a complete example of the HSM IVP, see Appendix A for HSM Basic mode or Appendix B for HSM Plus mode. ________________________ Note: ________________________ You can run the IVP by itself. If you do, it shuts down HSM. Use SYS$STARTUP:HSM$STARTUP.COM to restart HSM after the IVP finishes. ______________________________________________________ 1.8 DFS, NFS and PATHWORKS Access Support HSM HSM Version 2.1 supports file access to shelved files on client systems where access is through DFS, NFS and PATHWORKS. At installation, HSM sets up such access by default. However, you may want to review this access and change it as needed, because it can potentially affect all accesses. 1.8.1 DFS Access File faulting (and therefore file events) work as expected, with the exception of CTRL-Y/exit. Typing CTRL-Y exit during a file fault has no effect. The client side process waits until the file fault completes and the file fault is not canceled. 1-24 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.8 DFS, NFS and PATHWORKS Access Support In addition, with DFS one can determine the shelving state of a file just as if the disk was local (i.e. DIRECTORY /SHELVED and DIRECTORY/SELECT both work correctly). The shelve and unshelve commands do not work on files on DFS-served devices. The commands do work on the VMScluster that has local access to the devices, however. 1.8.2 NFS Access The normal default faulting mechanism (fault on data access), does not work for NFS-served files. The behavior is as if the file is a zero-block sequential file. Performing "cat" (or similar commands) results in no output. However, at installation time, HSM HSM Version 2.1 enables such access by defining a logical name that allows file faults on an OPEN of a file by the NFS process. By default, the following system and cluster wide logical name is defined: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM HSM$FAULT_ON_OPEN "NFS$SERVER" This definition supports access to NFS-served files upon an OPEN of a file. If you do not want NFS access to shelved files, simply de-assign the logical name as follows: $ DEASSIGN/SYSTEM HSM$FAULT_ON_OPEN For a permanent change, this command should be placed in: SYS$STARTUP:HSM$LOGICALS.COM For NFS-served files, file events (device full and user quota exceeded) occur normally with the triggering process being the NFS$SERVER process. The quota exceeded event occurs normally because the any files extended by the client are charged to the client's proxy not NFS$SERVER. If the new logical is defined for the NFS$SERVER, the fault will occur on OPEN and appears transparent to the client, with the possible exception of messages as follows: % cat /usr/oreo/shelve_test.txt.2 NFS2 server oreo not responding still trying NFS2 server oreo ok Installing HSM Software 1-25 Installing HSM Software 1.8 DFS, NFS and PATHWORKS Access Support The first message appears when the open doesn't complete immediately. The second message (ok) occurs when the open completes. The file contents, in the above example, are then displayed. Typing CTRL-C during the file fault returns the user to the shell. Since the NFS server does not issue an IO$_CANCEL against the faulting I/O, the file fault is not canceled and the file will be unshelved eventually. It is not possible from the NFS client to determine whether a given file is shelved. Further, like DFS devices, the shelve and unshelve commands are not available to NFS mounted devices. 1.8.3 PATHWORKS Normal attempts to access a shelved file from a PATHWORKS client initiate a file fault on the server node. If the file is unshelved quickly enough (e.g. from cache), the user sees only the delay in accessing the file. If the unshelve is not quick enough, an application-defined timeout occurs and a message window pops up indicating the served disk is not responding. The timeout value varies on the application. No retry is attempted. However, this behavior can be modified by changing HSM's behavior to a file open by returning a file access conflict error, upon which most PC applications retry (or allow the user to retry) the operation after a delay. After a few retries, the file fault will succeed and the file can be accessed normally. To enable PATHWORKS access to shelved files using the retry mechanism, HSM defines the following logical name on installation: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM HSM$FAULT_AFTER_OPEN "PCFS_SERVER, PWRK$LMSRV" This definition supports access to PATHWORKS files upon an OPEN of a file. If you do not want PATHWORKS to access shelved files via retries, simply de-assign the logical name as follows: $ DEASSIGN/SYSTEM HSM$FAULT_AFTER_OPEN For a permanent change, this command should be placed in: SYS$STARTUP:HSM$LOGICALS.COM 1-26 Installing HSM Software Installing HSM Software 1.8 DFS, NFS and PATHWORKS Access Support The decision on which access method to use depends upon the typical response time to access shelved files in your environment. If the logical name is defined, HSM imposes a 3-second delay in responding to the OPEN request for PATHWORKS accesses only. During this time, the file may be unshelved: otherwise, a "background" unshelve is initiated which will result in a successful open after a delay and retries. At this point, the file fault on the server node is under way and cannot be canceled. The affect of the access on the PC environment varies according to the PC operating system. For windows 3.1 and DOS, the computer waits until the file is unshelved. For Windows NT and Windows-95, only the windows application itself waits. File events (device full and user quota exceeded) occur normally with the triggering process being the PATHWORKS server process. The quota exceeded event occurs normally because the any files extended by the client are charged to the client's proxy not the PATHWORKS server. It is not possible from a PATHWORKS client to determine whether a file is shelved. In addition, there is no way to shelve or unshelve files explicitly (via shelve- or unshelve-like commands). There is also no way to cancel a file fault once it has been initiated. Most PC applications are designed to handle "file sharing" conflicts. Thus, when HSM detects the PATHWORKS server has made an access request, it can initiate unshelving action, but return "file busy". The typical PC application will continue to retry the original open, or prompt the user to retry or cancel. Once the file is unshelved, the next OPEN succeeds without shelving interaction. Installing HSM Software 1-27 Installing HSM Software 1.8 DFS, NFS and PATHWORKS Access Support 1.8.4 New Logical Names for NFS and PATHWORKS Access As just discussed, HSM supports two logical names that alter the behavior of opening a shelved file for NFS and PATHWORKS access support. These are: o HSM$FAULT_ON_OPEN - This logical name forces a file fault on an Open of a file for the processes listed in the equivalence name, and the open waits until the file fault is complete. Designed for use with the NFS server. o HSM$FAULT_AFTER_OPEN - This logical name forces a deferred file fault on the file when it is opened. If the fault completes within three seconds, the open completes successfully, otherwise it fails with "file busy", but initiates a "background" file fault. Repeated attempts to open the file will eventually succeed. Designed for use with the PATHWORKS server. The default behavior is to perform no file fault on Open; rather the file fault occurs upon a read or write to the file. Each logical name can take a list of process names to alter the behavior of file faults on open. For example: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM HSM$FAULT_ON_OPEN "NFS$SERVER, USER_SERVER, SMITH" The HSM$FAULT_ON_OPEN can also be assigned to "HSM$ALL", which will cause a file fault on open for all processes. This option is not allowed for HSM$FAULT_AFTER_OPEN. As these logicals are defined to allow NFS and PATHWORKS access, they are not recommended for use with other processes, since they will cause many more file faults than are actually needed in a normal OpenVMS environment. When used, the logicals must be system-wide, and should be defined identically on all nodes in the VMScluster environment. These logical name assignments or lack thereof take effect immediately without the need to restart HSM. 1-28 Installing HSM Software A _________________________________________________________________ HSM Basic Mode Installation Example This appendix contains a sample HSM Basic mode installation on a VAX system. Upon completion of the actual installation, this example runs the IVP to determine whether the installation was correct. ________________________ Note ________________________ HSM must be shut down using $ SMU SHUTDOWN on the installation system and all VMScluster nodes that use the installation system's system disk before you install the new version of the HSM software, otherwise, the installation fails. ______________________________________________________ $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL HSM021 DISK$:[DIR] OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 10-JAN-1997 at 14:12. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: HSM V2.1 Beginning installation of HSM V2.1 at 14:13 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. HSM Basic Mode Installation Example A-1 HSM Basic Mode Installation Example **************************************************************** * Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) * * for OpenVMS V2.1 Installation * * * * Copyright(c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1994 - 1997. * * All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the * * copyright laws of the United States. * **************************************************************** * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? *** HSM License *** Correct installation and operation of this software requires that one of the following Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) reflecting your software license be present on this system: HSM-SERVER HSM-USER * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded [YES]? *** HSM Mode *** With this version, HSM can operate in one of two possible modes: BASIC - The standalone HSM product which supports a limited number of nearline and offline devices. PLUS - The integrated HSM product, integrated with Media and Device Management Services (MDMS) which supports an expanded number of nearline and offline devices. NOTE: MDMS or SLS V2.5B or newer must be installed before installing HSM PLUS mode. Also, once files are shelved in PLUS mode, you may *not* change back to BASIC mode. Enter BASIC or PLUS to select the mode in which you want HSM to operate. * Enter the mode to install [PLUS]: BASIC %HSM-I-MODE, Installing HSM V2.1 BASIC mode *** HSM Account *** A privileged account named HSM$SERVER will be created for use by HSM processes. This account will not allow interactive logins and the password will be automatically generated. The installation procedure will not proceed until you enter a valid user identification code (UIC) for the HSM$SERVER account. The UIC must be unique and within the SYSTEM group. A-2 HSM Basic Mode Installation Example HSM Basic Mode Installation Example * Enter the UIC to be used for HSM$SERVER account [[1,22]]: *** HSM Device *** You will now be asked to enter a disk device specification to be used as a repository for HSM configuration databases and log files. NOTE: *** This device must have at least 100000 free blocks and be available to all nodes in the cluster that will be running HSM *** * Enter the disk device to use for HSM files [SYS$SYSDEVICE:]: The HSM files will be placed at SYS$SYSDEVICE:[HSM$SERVER] * Is this correct [YES]? %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named HSM$SERVER. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier HSM$SERVER value [000001,000022] added to rights database %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named HSM$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named HSM$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named HSM$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[HSM$SERVER]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[HSM$SERVER.LOG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[HSM$SERVER.CATALOG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[HSM$SERVER.MANAGER]. %HSM-I-CHKQUO, Checking for DISKQUOTAs on device SYS$SYSDEVICE: %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... The file SYS$STARTUP:HSM$STARTUP.COM contains specific commands needed to start the HSM Software. This file should not be modified. To start the software at system startup time, add the line $ @SYS$STARTUP:HSM$STARTUP.COM to the system startup procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM The HSM Catalog and SMU Databases must be created before running HSM. This procedure can create the HSM Catalog and SMU Databases automatically for you as a post-installation task. * Do you want to run the database creation procedure [YES]? The file SYS$SYSTEM:SETFILENOSHELV.COM should be executed to set all system disk files as NON-SHELVABLE. This is important to preserve the integrity of your system disk. HSM Basic Mode Installation Example A-3 HSM Basic Mode Installation Example This procedure can submit SETFILENOSHELV.COM to a batch execution queue for you as a post-installation task. * Do you want to submit SETFILENOSHELV.COM [YES]? ***************************************************************** * IMPORTANT * ***************************************************************** * When you upgrade to a new version of VMS you should invoke * * SYS$SYSTEM:SETFILENOSHELV.COM again. The installation of VMS * * does not and will not automatically set your system disk * * files to NON-SHELVABLE for you. * ***************************************************************** %HSM-I-DONEASK, No further questions will be asked during this installation. -HSM-I-DONEASK, The installation should take less than 10 minutes to complete. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %HSMPOST-I-START, executing HSM Post-Installation procedure %HSMPOST-I-CREATE_CATALOG, Creating HSM catalog This command file creates the default HSM Catalog file. The Catalog file is a directory of every file that was ever shelved. It should be protected as such by controlling access to it. You should only have to create the Catalog file once because that catalog will be used from that point on and contains a history of shelving activity and more importantly locates the offline data for the shelved files. You should make sure that the Catalog file gets backed up on a regular basis since loss of this file could mean loss of the data for your shelved files. %HSMPOST-S-CREATE_CATALOG, HSM catalog created successfully %HSMPOST-I-CREATE_DB, Creating HSM SMU database files %HSMPOST-S-CREATE_DB, HSM SMU database files created successfully A-4 HSM Basic Mode Installation Example HSM Basic Mode Installation Example %HSMPOST-I-SETMODE, setting HSM mode to BASIC Job SETFILENOSHELV (queue HSM$POLICY_NODE, entry 2) holding until 10-JAN-1997 14:24 %HSMPOST-I-DONE, HSM post-installation procedure complete *** HSM for OpenVMS V2.1 Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) *** Copyright(c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1994 - 1997. %HSM-I-IVPSTART, starting HSM shelving facility on node NODE %SMU-S-SHP_STARTED, shelf handler process started 000000AE %SMU-S-PEP_STARTED, policy execution process started 000000AF HSM Shelf Handler version - V2.1 (BL24), Jan 20 1997 HSM Shelving Driver version - V2.1 (BL24), Jan 20 1997 HSM Policy Execution version - V2.1 (BL24), Jan 20 1997 HSM Shelf Management version - V2.1 (BL24), Jan 20 1997 HSM for OpenVMS is enabled for Shelving and Unshelving Facility history: Created: 10-JAN-1997 14:19:28.26 Revised: 10-JAN-1997 14:19:41.83 Designated servers: Any cluster member Current server: NODE Catalog server: Disabled Event logging: Audit Error Exception HSM mode: Basic Remaining license: Unlimited %SMU-I-CACHE_CREATED, cache device _NODE$DKB300: created %SMU-I-SHELF_UPDATED, shelf HSM$DEFAULT_SHELF updated %SMU-I-VOLUME_CREATED, volume _NODE$DKB300: created %SHELVE-S-SHELVED, file SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.HSM]HSM_IVP1.TMP;1 shelved %UNSHELVE-S-UNSHELVED, file SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.HSM]HSM_IVP1.TMP;1 unshelved %SHELVE-S-SHELVED, file SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.HSM]HSM_IVP2.TMP;1 shelved %HSM-I-UNSHLVPRG, unshelving file NODE$DKB300:[SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.HSM]HSM_IVP2.TMP;1 %SMU-I-POLICY_CREATED, policy HSM$IVP_POLICY created %SMU-I-SCHED_CREATED, scheduled policy HSM$IVP_POLICY for volume _NODE$DKB300: was created on server NODE Job _NODE$DKB300: (queue HSM$POLICY_NODE, entry 3) started on HSM$POLICY_NODE %HSM-I-IVPWAIT, waiting for HSM$IVP_POLICY to execute... %HSM-I-IVPWAIT, waiting for HSM$IVP_POLICY to execute... %UNSHELVE-S-UNSHELVED, file SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.HSM]HSM_IVP3.TMP;1 unshelved %HSM-I-IVPSHUT, shutting down HSM shelving facility on node NODE %HSM-I-IVPSHUTWAIT, waiting for HSM to shutdown... %HSM-I-IVPSHUTWAIT, waiting for HSM to shutdown... HSM Basic Mode Installation Example A-5 HSM Basic Mode Installation Example *** The IVP for HSM V2.1 was successful! *** Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) for OpenVMS, Version V2.1 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994 - 1997. All Rights Reserved. %SMU-S-SHP_STARTED, shelf handler process started 000000B2 %SMU-S-PEP_STARTED, policy execution process started 000000B3 HSM for OpenVMS is enabled for Shelving and Unshelving Facility history: Created: 10-JAN-1997 14:19:04.15 Revised: 10-JAN-1997 14:22:03.89 Designated servers: Any cluster member Current server: NODE Catalog server: Disabled Event logging: Audit Error Exception HSM mode: Basic Remaining license: Unlimited HSM Software has been successfully started Installation of HSM V2.1 completed at 14:22 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:22 A-6 HSM Basic Mode Installation Example B _________________________________________________________________ HSM Plus Mode Installation Example This appendix contains a sample HSM Plus mode installation on a VAX system. In this instance, HSM Version 2.1 is installed over an existing HSM environment. Upon completion of the actual installation, this example runs the IVP to determine whether the installation was correct. ________________________ Note ________________________ HSM must be shut down using $ SMU SHUTDOWN on the installation system and all VMScluster nodes that use the installation system's system disk before you install the new version of the HSM software, otherwise, the installation fails. ______________________________________________________ $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL HSM021 DISK$:[DIR] OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 10-JAN-1997 at 14:40. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: HSM V2.1 Beginning installation of HSM V2.1 at 14:40 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. HSM Plus Mode Installation Example B-1 HSM Plus Mode Installation Example **************************************************************** * Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) * * for OpenVMS V2.1 Installation * * * * Copyright(c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1994 - 1997. * * All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the * * copyright laws of the United States. * **************************************************************** * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? *** HSM License *** Correct installation and operation of this software requires that one of the following Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) reflecting your software license be present on this system: HSM-SERVER HSM-USER * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded [YES]? *** HSM Mode *** With this version, HSM can operate in one of two possible modes: BASIC - The standalone HSM product which supports a limited number of nearline and offline devices. PLUS - The integrated HSM product, integrated with Media and Device Management Services (MDMS) which supports an expanded number of nearline and offline devices. NOTE: MDMS or SLS V2.5B or newer must be installed before installing HSM PLUS mode. Also, once files are shelved in PLUS mode, you may *not* change back to BASIC mode. B-2 HSM Plus Mode Installation Example HSM Plus Mode Installation Example Enter BASIC or PLUS to select the mode in which you want HSM to operate. * Enter the mode to install [PLUS]: %HSM-I-MODE, Installing HSM V2.1 PLUS mode %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named HSM$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named HSM$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named HSM$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %HSM-I-CHKQUO, Checking for DISKQUOTAs on device SYS$SYSDEVICE: %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %HSM-I-CHKMRU, Checking version of Media Robot Utility (MRD$SHR.EXE) %HSM-I-CHKHSD, Checking for updated version of HSDRIVER The file SYS$STARTUP:HSM$STARTUP.COM contains specific commands needed to start the HSM Software. This file should not be modified. To start the software at system startup time, add the line $ @SYS$STARTUP:HSM$STARTUP.COM to the system startup procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM The file SYS$SYSTEM:SETFILENOSHELV.COM should be executed to set all system disk files as NON-SHELVABLE. This is important to preserve the integrity of your system disk. This procedure can submit SETFILENOSHELV.COM to a batch execution queue for you as a post-installation task. * Do you want to submit SETFILENOSHELV.COM [YES]? NO ***************************************************************** * IMPORTANT * ***************************************************************** * When you upgrade to a new version of VMS you should invoke * * SYS$SYSTEM:SETFILENOSHELV.COM again. The installation of VMS * * does not and will not automatically set your system disk * * files to NON-SHELVABLE for you. * ***************************************************************** %HSM-I-DONEASK, No further questions will be asked during this installation. -HSM-I-DONEASK, The installation should take less than 10 minutes to complete. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. HSM Plus Mode Installation Example B-3 HSM Plus Mode Installation Example Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %HSMPOST-I-START, executing HSM Post-Installation procedure %HSMPOST-I-SMUDBCONVERT, converting SMU databases %SMUDBCONVERT-I-ARCHIVE, converting SMU archive database %SMUDBCONVERT-I-CURRENT, SMU archive database conversion not required %SMUDBCONVERT-I-CACHE, converting SMU cache database %SMUDBCONVERT-I-CURRENT, SMU cache database conversion not required %SMUDBCONVERT-I-CONFIG, converting SMU shelf database %SMUDBCONVERT-S-CONFIG, SMU shelf database converted %SMUDBCONVERT-I-DEVICE, converting SMU device database %SMUDBCONVERT-S-DEVICE, SMU device database converted %SMUDBCONVERT-I-POLICY, converting SMU policy database %SMUDBCONVERT-S-POLICY, SMU policy database converted %SMUDBCONVERT-I-VOLUME, converting SMU volume database %SMUDBCONVERT-S-VOLUME, SMU volume database converted %HSMPOST-S-SMUDBCONVERT, SMU databases successfully converted %HSMPOST-I-CATCONVERT, converting default catalog %HSMPOST-I-CATCURRENT, catalog conversion not required %HSMPOST-I-CATATTRUPD, updating catalog file attributes %HSMPOST-S-CATATTRUPD, catalog file attributes updated %HSMPOST-I-SETMODE, setting HSM mode to PLUS %HSMPOST-I-DONE, HSM post-installation procedure complete *** HSM for OpenVMS V2.1 Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) *** Copyright(c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1994 - 1997. %HSM-I-IVPSTART, starting HSM shelving facility on node NODE %SMU-S-SHP_STARTED, shelf handler process started 000000C3 %SMU-S-PEP_STARTED, policy execution process started 000000C4 HSM Shelf Handler version - V2.1 (BL24), Jan 20 1997 HSM Shelving Driver version - V2.1 (BL24), Jan 20 1997 HSM Policy Execution version - V2.1 (BL24), Jan 20 1997 HSM Shelf Management version - V2.1 (BL24), Jan 20 1997 B-4 HSM Plus Mode Installation Example HSM Plus Mode Installation Example HSM for OpenVMS is enabled for Shelving and Unshelving Facility history: Created: 10-JAN-1997 14:52:28.26 Revised: 10-JAN-1997 14:52:41.83 Designated servers: Any cluster member Current server: NODE Catalog server: Disabled Event logging: Audit Error Exception HSM mode: Basic Remaining license: Unlimited %SMU-I-CACHE_CREATED, cache device _NODE$DKB300: created %SMU-I-SHELF_UPDATED, shelf HSM$DEFAULT_SHELF updated %SMU-I-VOLUME_CREATED, volume _NODE$DKB300: created %SHELVE-S-SHELVED, file SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.HSM]HSM_IVP1.TMP;1 shelved %UNSHELVE-S-UNSHELVED, file SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.HSM]HSM_IVP1.TMP;1 unshelved %SHELVE-S-SHELVED, file SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.HSM]HSM_IVP2.TMP;1 shelved %HSM-I-UNSHLVPRG, unshelving file NODE$DKB300:[SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.HSM]HSM_IVP2.TMP;1 %SMU-I-POLICY_CREATED, policy HSM$IVP_POLICY created %SMU-I-SCHED_CREATED, scheduled policy HSM$IVP_POLICY for volume _NODE$DKB300: was created on server NODE Job _NODE$DKB300: (queue HSM$POLICY_NODE, entry 5) started on HSM$POLICY_NODE %HSM-I-IVPWAIT, waiting for HSM$IVP_POLICY to execute... %HSM-I-IVPWAIT, waiting for HSM$IVP_POLICY to execute... %UNSHELVE-S-UNSHELVED, file SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.HSM]HSM_IVP3.TMP;1 unshelved %HSM-I-IVPSHUT, shutting down HSM shelving facility on node NODE %HSM-I-IVPSHUTWAIT, waiting for HSM to shutdown... %HSM-I-IVPSHUTWAIT, waiting for HSM to shutdown... *** The IVP for HSM V2.1 was successful! *** Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) for OpenVMS, Version V2.1 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994 - 1997. All Rights Reserved. %SMU-S-SHP_STARTED, shelf handler process started 00000103 %SMU-S-PEP_STARTED, policy execution process started 00000104 HSM Plus Mode Installation Example B-5 HSM Plus Mode Installation Example HSM for OpenVMS is enabled for Shelving and Unshelving Facility history: Created: 10-JAN-1997 14:51:04.15 Revised: 10-JAN-1997 14:54:03.89 Designated servers: Any cluster member Current server: NODE Catalog server: Disabled Event logging: Audit Error Exception HSM mode: Basic Remaining license: Unlimited HSM Software has been successfully started Installation of HSM V2.1 completed at 14:55 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:55 B-6 HSM Plus Mode Installation Example _________________________________________________________________ Index C______________________________ G______________________________ Catalog, 1-21 GBLSECTIONS required value, creating manually, 1-21 1-11 logicals, 1-21 Correcting installation H problems, 1-12 _______________________________ How to D______________________________ register HSM license, 1-7 Device drivers register PAK, 1-7 GK driver, 1-23 HSDRIVER HSC controller, 1-23 connecting, 1-21 HSD controller, 1-23 HSM HSJ controller, 1-23 disk space, 1-10 K.SCSI, 1-23 installing, 1-1 native SCSI, 1-23 preinstallation, 1-1 DFS, 1-24 privileges, 1-10 DFS access, 1-24 restarting, 1-21 software requirement, 1-1 starting, 1-21 F______________________________ stopping, 1-21 File HSM$STARTUP.COM, 1-21 HSM011.RELEASE_NOTES, 1-1 HSM020_RELEASE_NOTES.PS, 1-1 I______________________________ Files Installation HSM$STARTUP.COM, 1-21 correcting problems, 1-12 SYS$STARTUP_VMS.COM, 1-20 device drivers, 1-22 SYSHUTDWN.COM, 1-21 disk space, 1-10 license registration, 1-4 operating system requirements , 1-1 privileges, 1-10 software requirements, 1-1 system parameters, 1-11 Index-1 Installation (cont'd) Product Authorization Key user account quotas, 1-11 registration, 1-7 _______________________________ Q______________________________ License Quotas how to register, 1-7 user account, 1-11 PAK, 1-4 registration, 1-4 R______________________________ License types, 1-4 Registration, 1-4 Release notes, 1-1 M______________________________ Restarting HSM, 1-21 MDMS, 1-3 Repack, 1-3 S______________________________ Save Set Manager, 1-3 N______________________________ license, 1-7 NFS, 1-24 Shelf handler NFS ACCESS, 1-25 starting, 1-21 NFS logical names, 1-28 Software kit name, 1-4 O license name, 1-4 _______________________________ SSMgr, 1-3 online capacity license Starting HSM, 1-21 strategy, 1-6 Stopping HSM, 1-21 Operating system, 1-1 SYS$STARTUP_VMS.COM, 1-20 SYSHUTDWN.COM, 1-21 P______________________________ System parameters PAK (GBLSECTIONS), 1-11 See Product Authorization Key U PAK (License PAK), 1-4 _______________________________ PATHWORKS, 1-24, 1-26 User account privileges, 1-11 PATHWORKS logical names, 1-28 User account quotas, 1-11 User account requirements, 1-11 Index-2