DECintact_____________________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-KZ01C-TE July 1991 This document contains instructions for installing the development, remote-access, and run-time systems for the DECintact product on the VMS operating system. It also explains how to read the online release notes before or after installing the product. This document applies to DECintact Version 2.0 and all maintenance updates in that version. Refer to the VAX System Support Addendum (SPD 29.58.xx) for a list of supported processors, configurations, and ordering information for this and other VMS software products. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual. Operating System and Version: VMS Version 5.4 Software Version: DECintact Version 2.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ First Printing, June 1988 Revised, August 1989, July 1991 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1988, 1989, 1991. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. The Reader's Comments form at the end of this document requests your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DECdtm, DECforms, DECintact, DECnet, DECtrace, MicroVAX, MicroVMS, VAX, VAX BASIC, VAX C, VAX CDD, VAX COBOL, VAX COBOL GENERATOR, VAX DBMS, VAX DOCUMENT, VAX FORTRAN, VAX Notes, VAX Pascal, VAX RMS, VAX Volume Shadowing, VAX 9000, VAXcluster, VAXset, VMS, VT, and the Digital logo. This document is available on CDROM. This document was prepared with VAX DOCUMENT, Version 1.2. DECintact Information Table ________________________________________________________________ Document_____________________Description________________________ DECintact Introduction[1] Overview of DECintact concepts, and a glossary of DECintact terms. DECintact Installation Instructions for installing Guide[1] DECintact on the VMS operating system. DECintact Getting Step-by-step tutorial that develops Started[2] a sample DECintact application. DECintact Terminal User's Explanation of DECintact functions Guide[1] for the terminal user. Release Notes[3] Changes, restrictions, and corrections to DECintact software and documentation from the previous to the current version. DECintact Application Information necessary to make Design Guide[2] application design decisions for DECintact. DECintact Application Guide to developing DECintact Programming Guide[2] applications. DECintact Application Reference information about Programming DECintact routines used to write Reference Manual[2] applications. DECintact Designing Forms Guide to creating, modifying, and with maintaining TFE forms. the Terminal Forms Editor[2] DECintact System Management Description of system management Guide[1] tasks. Online Help[3] Help utility that provides information about DECintact. Status Messages[3] Alphabetically sorted listing iii of DECintact status messages, including explanations and suggested user actions. Sample Applications Source Sample applications that are Files[3] referenced throughout the DECintact documentation. DECintact System Commands Listing of DECintact DCL-level Quick Reference Guide[1] commands for using and managing the DECintact system. DECintact Master Index[1,4] Listing of all index entries in the DECintact documentation set. [1]Packaged_with_development,_run-time,_and_remote_licenses_____ [2]Packaged with development license [3]Available with software media [4]Not available on line ________________________________________________________________ iv ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. ix 1 Preparing for DECintact Installation 1.1 DECintact Product Information................ 1-1 1.1.1 DECintact Licenses....................... 1-1 1.1.2 Accessing the Online Release Notes....... 1-2 1.1.3 Contents of the Distribution Kit......... 1-3 1.1.4 Required Operating System Components..... 1-4 1.2 Prerequisite Software........................ 1-4 1.3 Checking the Setup of DECdtm Services........ 1-4 1.4 Optional Software............................ 1-5 1.5 Upgrading to DECintact Version 2.0........... 1-7 1.6 License Registration......................... 1-9 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements.......... 1-10 1.7.1 UIC with Installation Verification Procedure................................ 1-10 1.7.2 Process Privileges and Quotas............ 1-10 1.7.3 System Parameters........................ 1-13 1.7.4 Disk Space............................... 1-16 Disk Space if Installation Disk is the System Disk............................ 1-16 Disk Space if Installation Disk is Not the System Disk........................ 1-17 1.7.5 VMSINSTAL Requirements................... 1-17 1.7.6 Backing Up Your System Disk.............. 1-17 1.7.7 Time Required for Installation........... 1-18 v 2 Installing the DECintact System 2.1 Performing the Installation.................. 2-1 2.2 Error Conditions............................. 2-12 3 Postinstallation Procedures 3.1 Activating the INTACT Command................ 3-1 3.2 Using the INTACT Command on VAXcluster Systems...................................... 3-2 3.3 Using the STARTUP and SHUTDOWN Commands...... 3-2 3.4 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately......................... 3-2 3.5 Performing Maintenance Updates............... 3-3 3.6 Determining and Reporting Problems........... 3-3 3.7 Improving Product Performance................ 3-4 3.8 Activating Support for VAX Language-Sensitive Editor....................................... 3-4 3.9 Activating Support for DECtrace for VMS...... 3-5 3.10 Getting Started Using the DECintact System... 3-5 4 Migrating to DECintact Version 2.0 4.1 Migrating from DECintact Version 1.1 to Version 2.0.................................. 4-1 4.2 Migrating from a Previously Installed DECintact Version 2.0........................ 4-2 A Sample Installation B Files Installed with the DECintact System B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License... B-2 B.2 DECintact Files in a Development License..... B-11 B.3 DECintact Files for Development and Run-Time Licenses..................................... B-15 B.4 IVP Files.................................... B-15 vi C Messages C.1 Message Format............................... C-1 C.2 VMSINSTAL Messages........................... C-3 C.3 IVP Messages................................. C-10 D Creating Transaction Logs for DECdtm Services D.1 Prerequisites for Creating a Transaction Log. D-1 D.2 Planning the Size and Location of Transaction Logs......................................... D-1 D.2.1 Determining the Size of Transaction Logs. D-2 D.2.2 Determining the Location for Transaction Logs..................................... D-3 D.3 Setting Up and Creating Transaction Logs..... D-4 D.3.1 Setting Up the Transaction Logs.......... D-5 D.3.2 Creating the Transaction Logs............ D-5 D.4 Example of Setting Up and Creating Transaction Logs............................. D-6 Index Examples A-1 Installation Sample...................... A-1 Tables 1-1 Features Supported by DECintact Licenses. 1-2 1-2 Minimum Process Quotas................... 1-12 1-3 Minimum System Parameter Values.......... 1-13 D-1 Details for Example of Creating Transaction Logs......................... D-6 vii ________________________________________________________________ Preface This document describes how to install the DECintact development, remote-access, and run-time systems on the VMS operating system. It is intended for VMS system managers. Document Structure o Chapter 1 provides the information needed to prepare for the installation, including the contents of the distribution kits, prerequisite software, required setup activities, upgrading procedure, and required privileges and quotas. o Chapter 2 provides step-by-step installation proce- dures. o Chapter 3 discusses postinstallation procedures. o Chapter 4 explains how to migrate existing DECintact copies to DECintact Version 2.0. o Appendix A contains a sample installation. o Appendix B lists all files installed with each of the three kits. o Appendix C lists the most common messages you can receive during installation. o Appendix D provides information about DECdtm transac- tion log files. ix Before continuing with this manual, please note the following: o Keep this document with your distribution kit. Refer to this document in case you receive any maintenance updates or need to reinstall the DECintact system for any other reason. o The installation procedure is described step by step. The procedure, for the most part, is self-explanatory. The system prompts you to answer questions and change volumes, and waits for you to tell it to continue. o At the back of the hardcopy version of this document is a Reader's Comments form. If you have any comments about this manual, fill out the form and mail it. o For information on reporting problems with the DECintact system, see Section 3.6, Determining and Reporting Problems. o Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 29.58.xx-A, part of Software Product Description, SPD 29.58.xx) for a list of supported processors, configurations, and ordering information for this and other VMS software products. Also refer to the VMS Optional Software Cross-Reference Tables for information on optional products and versions. o This document does not contain release notes informa- tion; instead, release notes are provided on line. To print the release notes after you complete the installation procedure, enter the following: $ HELP INTACT RELEASE_NOTES < Return > For more information on the release notes, see Section 1.1.2, Accessing the Online Release Notes. x Associated Documents For more information on installing a layered product on a VMS system, see: o Guide to VAX/VMS Software Installation o VAX/VMS System Manager's Reference Manual o VAX/VMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual For the command procedures to register the Product Authorization Key (PAK), and information on licensing messages or errors, refer to: o VMS License Management Utility Reference Manual For more information about the DECintact system, refer to the documents described in the DECintact Information Table at the front of this installation guide. Conventions This document uses the following conventions. __________________________________________________________ Convention_Description____________________________________ new term New terms are highlighted in bold type and defined in the glossary. User In examples, user input is highlighted in red input type for hardcopy documentation and in bold type for online documentation. italics Use of italic type indicates emphasis on a word or phrase. Titles of manuals are also italicized. A key name in a box indicates that you press that key on the terminal keyboard. This symbol indicates that you press the Ctrl (control) key and hold it down while pressing the specified key (indicated here by X). xi __________________________________________________________ Convention_Description____________________________________ WORD Uppercase text indicates VMS data types, commands, keywords, logical names, and routines or services. word In format descriptions, a lowercase word indicates parameters and variables. . In examples, a vertical ellipsis indicates that . information not directly related to the example . has been omitted. keypad Keypad refers to the numeric keypad. If the key sequence is PF1/keypad 8, press PF1 followed by ___________the_8_key_on_the_numeric_keypad._______________ xii 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing for DECintact Installation This chapter discusses the preparations and requirements necessary for installing the DECintact system. The DECintact product is a transaction processing system that provides a foundation for building simple and complex applications on one or more VMS systems. Multiple copies of the DECintact system can execute at the same time, sharing physical memory. The DECintact system runs as a collection of routines and processes under the VMS operating system. 1.1 DECintact Product Information This section describes: o DECintact licenses o Accessing the online DECintact release notes o Contents of the distribution kit o Required operating system components For more information about the DECintact product, see the DECintact documentation set, available in hardcopy form or as part of the VMS Online Documentation Library on CDROM. 1.1.1 DECintact Licenses Three licenses provide different levels of support for the DECintact system: o DECINTACT - The development system allows complete DECintact functionality. o DECINTACT-RT - The run-time system runs existing DECintact applications, and accesses applications running on other network nodes. Preparing for DECintact Installation 1-1 1.1 DECintact Product Information o DECINTACT-REM - The remote-access system accesses DECintact applications running on other network nodes, and provides DECintact front-end features. Table 1-1 illustrates the differences in features among the three DECintact systems. Table_1-1_Features_Supported_by_DECintact_Licenses________ Remote- Function_______________DevelopmentRun-Time____Access______ Terminal management Yes Yes Yes User edit routines Yes Yes Yes Remote application Yes Yes Yes access Queue management Yes Yes No File management Yes Yes No File/queue recovery Yes Yes No Application execution Yes Yes No Application compiles Yes No No Forms development Yes No No Application Yes No No development_______________________________________________ 1.1.2 Accessing the Online Release Notes The DECintact system provides online release notes that you can either display or print during the installation procedure. The prompt to display or print the release notes appears in the installation procedure, as noted in the description of step 6, only when you invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure with the N option. 1-2 Preparing for DECintact Installation 1.1 DECintact Product Information ________________________Note ________________________ For access to the release notes before you install the DECintact system, follow the installation procedure (see Chapter 2) up to step 6, in which you can choose to read or print the release notes and discontinue the installation procedure. _____________________________________________________ To read the release notes after the installation, display or print the file SYS$HELP:INTACT020.RELEASE_NOTES. DECintact help that is available through accessing DCL help also directs you to the release notes file. After the installation, enter the following command: $ HELP INTACT RELEASE_NOTES < Return > 1.1.3 Contents of the Distribution Kit The DECintact software kit consists of the software media and the License Management Facility (LMF) license. The media is one TK50 tape or one magnetic tape (2400 foot / 1600 BPI). The choice depends on your license options and hardware type. The DECintact product is also available as part of the VMS Consolidated Software Distribution on CDROM. DECintact systems support the LMF features provided by VMS; LMF requires registration of a Product Authorization Key (PAK). The bill of materials specifies the contents of your kit. Check the contents of your kit against the list in the bill of materials. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, call your Digital representative. For information about mounting the distribution media as well as several options to the installation procedure, see VMS Upgrade and Installation Manual. Preparing for DECintact Installation 1-3 1.1 DECintact Product Information Appendix B lists files added to your system during this installation. The installation procedure defines the installation directory that you specify during the installation as group logical name INTACT$VERSION. Most DECintact files added to your system during the installation are located in INTACT$VERSION or subdirectories of this directory. See DECintact System Management Guide for information about the DECintact directory structure. 1.1.4 Required Operating System Components The VMS operating system comes with a variety of support options, or classes. Classes include such features as networking and RMS journaling. For a complete list of the required classes, see the System Support Addendum (SSA), which comes with the DECintact Software Product Description (SPD). 1.2 Prerequisite Software You must have a valid version of VMS installed on your VAX system before installing the DECintact system. To determine what version of the VMS operating system is running, enter the following command: $ SHOW SYSTEM < Return > The first line of the ensuing display shows the version of the VMS operating system. VMSINSTAL checks for the correct version of VMS; if you have the wrong version, VMSINSTAL fails. For the current supported software version, refer to the DECintact System Support Addendum (SSA). 1.3 Checking the Setup of DECdtm Services To ensure that DECdtm software is set up correctly for all nodes that use the DECintact system, perform the following actions: 1. Check that the system logical name SYS$DECDTM_INHIBIT is not defined. If this logical name is defined, remove it from SYLOGICALS.COM and reboot the system. 1-4 Preparing for DECintact Installation 1.3 Checking the Setup of DECdtm Services 2. Check to see that the following System Generation Utility (SYSGEN) parameters are defined. If they are not defined, edit SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT, the parameter data file used by the AUTOGEN command procedure, and use AUTOGEN to define this SYSGEN parameter. (See steps 3 and 4 in Section 1.7.3.) o SCSNODE This parameter must be defined for DECintact to support the DECdtm software. o SCSSYSTEMID 3. Check that the system logical name SYS$JOURNAL is defined for a valid device and directory. See Appendix D for more information about defining SYS$JOURNAL. 4. Check to see that the system processes TP_SERVER and IPCACP are started. If these processes are not started, execute the DECDTM$STARTUP.COM procedure by entering the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECDTM$STARTUP.COM FULL Running this procedure provides information to explain the problem that prevents DECdtm services from starting. When the problem is diagnosed and solved, reboot the system to restart DECdtm services. 5. Using the Log Manager Control Program (LMCP) Utility, ensure that the DECdtm transaction log is defined for every node of the cluster where the DECintact system is used. See Appendix D for more information about defining the DECdtm transaction log. 1.4 Optional Software After meeting the requirements for prerequisite software, you can also install any of the latest supported versions of the following software products: o DECforms o DECnet Preparing for DECintact Installation 1-5 1.4 Optional Software o DECtrace for VMS o VAX COBOL GENERATOR o VAX CDD/Plus o VAX DBMS o VAX Language-Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer o VAX languages: VAX BASIC VAX C VAX FORTRAN VAX Pascal VAX COBOL PL/I o VAX Rdb/VMS o VAXset software tools such as: VAX DEC/CMS (Code Management System) VAX DEC/MMS (Module Management System) VAX DEC/Test Manager VAX Performance and Coverage Analyzer VAX Source Code Analyzer There are no dependencies on the optional software for installation. 1-6 Preparing for DECintact Installation 1.4 Optional Software ________________________Note ________________________ Although the following software products are optional for the installation of the DECintact product, Digital recommends installing them before installing the DECintact product if you want support for them by the DECintact system. o DECtrace for VMS o VAX Language-Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer The DECintact installation procedure displays messages about the status of support by the DECintact system for these products depending on whether these products are installed on the node used for the DECintact installation. See Chapter 3 for more information about support for these products. _____________________________________________________ For currently supported software versions, refer to the DECintact System Support Addendum (SSA). 1.5 Upgrading to DECintact Version 2.0 If you are upgrading from a previous version or in- stallation of the DECintact software, you must first follow the procedure described in this section before continuing with the rest of the preinstallation activities of this chapter and before performing the installation described in Chapter 2 and the postinstallation activities described in Chapter 3. After completing the installation for an upgrade, follow the instructions in Chapter 4 for migrating existing DECintact copies to the newly installed version of the DECintact system. If you have a version of the DECintact system already installed, do the following before installing DECintact Version 2.0: Preparing for DECintact Installation 1-7 1.5 Upgrading to DECintact Version 2.0 Step 1. Shut down all DECintact copies. Enter the following command to shut down all DECintact copies: $ @copy-directory:INTACT$COPY_CONTROL SHUT < Return > Step 2. Delete DECintact global sections for each copy. Delete DECintact global sections for each copy by entering the following command and responding to the prompt as shown: $ RUN INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$INIGSD < Return > Option? DELETE < Return > Step 3. Deinstall DECintact shareable images. Enter the following commands to deinstall DECintact shareable images: $ INSTALL DELETE INTACT$PRVSHR < Return > $ INSTALL DELETE INTACT$SHR < Return > If the previously installed DECintact system is Version 2.0, enter the following additional commands: $ INSTALL DELETE INTACT$RPCSHR < Return > $ INSTALL DELETE INTACT$RPCMSG < Return > $ INSTALL DELETE INTACT$VFSHR < Return > Step 4. Deassign all DECintact defined logical names. Enter the following command to identify all logical names that must be deassigned: $ SHOW LOGICAL INTACT* < Return > Deassign each of these logicals (identified by the SHOW LOGICAL INTACT* command) with the following command: $ DEASSIGN logical_name < Return > Note that the following logical names are defined in the systemwide logical name table and must be deassigned with the /SYSTEM and /EXEC qualifers: o INTACT$PRVSHR o INTACT$RPCMSG 1-8 Preparing for DECintact Installation 1.5 Upgrading to DECintact Version 2.0 o INTACT$RPCSHR o INTACT$SHR o INTACT$VFSHR In addition, all logical names in the group logical name table must be deassigned with the /GROUP qualifer. ________________________Note ________________________ You cannot run DECintact Version 2.0 and previous releases or versions of the DECintact software on the same system. After you install DECintact Version 2.0, do not attempt to start an existing copy until you first either create a new DECintact copy or migrate an existing DECintact Version 2.0 copy. _____________________________________________________ Step 5. Install Version 2.0. Continue with the preinstallation, installation, and postinstallation activities. 1.6 License Registration Register a DECintact system license through the VMS License Management Facility (LMF) in accordance with the license agreement signed by your site. License registration information is contained in the Product Authorization Key (PAK) that is shipped with the DECintact system. The PAK is a paper certificate that contains information about the license you have to run the DECintact software. Before installing the DECintact system, register and load the PAK. To register your PAK, log in to the SYSTEM account. Then, enter the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM < Return > Refer to VMS License Management Utility Manual for information pertaining to this command procedure and to management features of LMF. During the installation, the system asks whether you registered the DECintact license and loaded the appropriate authorization key. When the Preparing for DECintact Installation 1-9 1.6 License Registration system prompts you for information, respond with data from your PAK. If you plan to use the DECintact system on more than one node in a VAXcluster system, perform a license load on the other nodes after you complete this installation. 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses the following topics that deal with various requirements for installing the DECintact system: o UIC with Installation Verification Procedure o Process privileges and quotas o System parameters o Disk space o VMSINSTAL requirements o Backing up your system disk o Time 1.7.1 UIC with Installation Verification Procedure The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) must run within a group that has an established groupwide logical name table. To run the IVP, you, the installer, must be in your default User Identification Code (UIC). If you are not currently running from your own UIC, use the SET UIC command to return to your default UIC before running VMSINSTAL. Note that there is no requirement that the DECintact product be installed from the SYSTEM account. 1.7.2 Process Privileges and Quotas To install the DECintact system, you need either the SETPRV privilege or both of the following privileges: o CMKRNL o TMPMBX 1-10 Preparing for DECintact Installation 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements The following privileges are also required to run the IVP: o ALTPRI o DETACH o GROUP o GRPNAM o GRPPRV o LOG_IO o NETMBX o PFNMAP o PRMGBL o SHARE o SHMEM o SYSGBL o SYSLCK o SYSNAM o SYSPRV Note that as the VMSINSTAL command procedure executes, it turns off the BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. Table 1-2 shows the minimum process quotas needed for installing the DECintact system. Preparing for DECintact Installation 1-11 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_1-2_Minimum_Process_Quotas__________________________ Process_Name____Description_____________Minimum_Quota_____ PGFLQUO Paging file 19,100 WSQUO Working set pages 2,048 WSEXTENT Maximum working set 2,048 PRCLM Subprocess quota 1 MAXDETACH Detached processes 0 ASTLM AST quota 24 BIOLM Buffered I/O limit 18 BYTLM Buffered I/O byte 40,000 count quota DIOLM Direct I/O limit 40 ENQLM Enqueue quota 200 FILLM___________Open_file_quota_________________100_______ To check or change process quotas, use the VMS Authorize Utility. The following two examples illustrate checking and changing the quotas for the SYSTEM account. To check the quotas you currently have, enter the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM < Return > $ RUN AUTHORIZE < Return > UAF> SHOW SYSTEM < Return > UAF> EXIT < Return > $ 1-12 Preparing for DECintact Installation 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements To change a process quota - the ASTLM value, for example - enter the following commands, substituting the appropriate process name and value where this example shows ASTLM=24: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM < Return > $ RUN AUTHORIZE < Return > UAF> MODIFY SYSTEM/ASTLM=24 < Return > UAF> EXIT < Return > $ If you change any quotas with the VMS Authorize Utility, you must log out of the system and log back in for them to take effect. The VMS Authorize Utility is described in Guide to Maintaining a VMS System. 1.7.3 System Parameters Table 1-3 shows the minimum values for SYSGEN system parameters required for installation. Table_1-3_Minimum_System_Parameter_Values_________________ Parameter__Minimum_Value__________________________________ GBLSECTIONS25 unused global sections GBLPAGES 6,000 unused global pages WSMAX______2,048_pages____________________________________ To ensure that your system has the required SYSGEN system parameter quotas for the installation, perform the following steps. Step 1. Check the current SYSGEN system parameter values. Check the current SYSGEN parameter values for the following parameters by entering the command in the example following each listed parameter: o GBLSECTIONS - Number of free global sections $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") < Return > 12 Preparing for DECintact Installation 1-13 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements o GBLPAGES - Number of free global pages $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") < Return > 4636 o WSMAX - Size of current working set maximum $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("WSMAX") < Return > 4096 Step 2. Calculate the number of unused global sections and pages needed. To determine the number of additional unused global sections and pages needed, perform the following calculation for GBLSECTIONS and GBLPAGES: Subtract the current number unused for the parameter (the value obtained for the parameter in step 1) from the required total number unused for the parameter (as specified in Table 1-3). If the value of the difference is greater than zero, you need to change the value of the parameter. 1-14 Preparing for DECintact Installation 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements The following examples show this calculation for these parameters: o Additional unused global sections needed 25 - 12 = 13 unused sections needed In this example, the difference, 13, is greater than zero and represents the number of additional unused global sections needed to install the DECintact system. o Additional unused global pages needed 6000 - 4636 = 1364 unused pages needed In this example, the difference, 1,364, is greater than zero and represents the number of additional unused global pages needed to install the DECintact system. Step 3. Edit the system parameters. If you must change these or any other system parameters, plan to change them before you begin the installation pro- cedure. To modify the values for the global sections and global pages parameters, edit SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT, the parameter data file used by the AUTOGEN command procedure. For example, to provide additional global sections and pages based on the values calculated in step 2, edit MODPARAMS.DAT and add the following lines, or change the existing lines as follows: ADD_GBLSECTIONS=13 ADD_GBLPAGES=1364 Step 4. Activate the new parameters. Because the global sections and global pages parameters are not dynamic, you must run AUTOGEN to recompute them. Enter the following command sequence to shut down the VMS system and reboot, activating the new system parameters: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SAVPARAMS GENPARAMS < Return > $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SETPARAMS REBOOT < Return > Refer to the VMS System Management Subkit for information on using AUTOGEN. Preparing for DECintact Installation 1-15 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements 1.7.4 Disk Space You can install the DECintact system on either your system disk or another disk. ________________________Note ________________________ 1. Consider the following information when deciding where to create the INTACT$VERSION directory: Building the AVERTZ sample application requires approximately 20,000 blocks to ac- commodate files in three subdirectories below directory INTACT$VERSION:[EXAMPLES.AVERTZ], using one subdirectory for each of the following: o VAX Rdb/VMS database o AVERTZ executable files o VAX CDD/Plus dictionary 2. If disk quotas are set on your system, ensure that they are sufficient to accommodate DECintact disk space requirements. _____________________________________________________ To determine the number of free blocks on the disk that you designate for the installation, enter the following command: $ SHOW DEVICE devicename: < Return > Disk Space if Installation Disk is the System Disk To install the DECintact system on your system disk, provide the following disk space: o 52,000 blocks for peak disk-block utilization o 46,000 blocks for net disk-block utilization 1-16 Preparing for DECintact Installation 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements Disk Space if Installation Disk is Not the System Disk If you are installing the DECintact system on a disk other than the system disk, you must still provide the following disk space: o System disk - 38,000 blocks for peak disk-block utilization - 5,000 blocks for net disk-block utilization o Installation disk - 45,000 blocks for peak disk-block utilization - 45,000 blocks for net disk-block utilization 1.7.5 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure, it checks the following: o Whether you have set your default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE o Whether you are logged in to a privileged account o Whether you have adequate quotas for installation o Whether DECnet is running o Whether any users are logged in to the system If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue the installation. In some instances, you can enter YES to continue. To stop the installation process and correct the situation, enter NO or press Return. Then correct the problem and restart the installation. 1.7.6 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. Digital recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software. Use the backup procedures that are established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the VMS System Management Subkit. Preparing for DECintact Installation 1-17 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements 1.7.7 Time Required for Installation Installing the DECintact system takes approximately 15-50 minutes. If you are unfamiliar with VMSINSTAL, the VMS operating system, or the configuration of your system, allocate a minimum of two hours to read the referenced documentation and gather the required information. 1-18 Preparing for DECintact Installation 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the DECintact System This chapter describes the steps to install the DECintact system. The DECintact installation procedure consists of a series of questions and informational messages. When responding to a prompt, press the Return key after entering your response. If you need additional help during the installation, enter a question mark (?) in response to any prompt; the installation procedure displays an explanation of possible valid responses. For a sample of a DECintact installation, see Appendix A. To abort the installation procedure, press Ctrl/Y. When you press Ctrl/Y, the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point (but not their directories) and exits. To retry the installation procedure after pressing Ctrl/Y, proceed from step 2. Enhancements to VMSINSTAL in future releases of the VMS operating system might result in additional system prompts during installation. Although this installation guide does not include these prompts in the installation procedure, the installation can proceed normally. 2.1 Performing the Installation Step 1. Log in to a properly privileged account. Log in to an account that has the required privileges and quotas. Be sure that all necessary privileges are enabled. Section 1.7.2 provides information about these requirements. The following example shows logging in to the SYSTEM account. Username: SYSTEM < Return > Password: < Return > Installing the DECintact System 2-1 2.1 Performing the Installation Step 2. Invoke VMSINSTAL. To start the installation, invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure, located in the SYS$UPDATE directory, by entering a DCL command in the following format: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL saveset-name device-name OPTIONS N where: 2-2 Installing the DECintact System 2.1 Performing the Installation Installing the DECintact System 2-3 2.1 Performing the Installation saveset-name Is the installation name for the component to install. For the DECintact system, use the following installation name, which identifies the product name and version number: DECINTACT020 device-name Is the name of the device on which you plan to mount the installation media. For example, MFA1: is the device name for a tape drive. It is not necessary to use the console drive for this installation. However, if you do use the console drive, replace any media you removed once the installation is complete. OPTIONS N Is an optional parameter that indicates you want to see the prompt to display or print the release notes. If you omit the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not ask you about the release notes. The release notes can contain additional information about the installation; review the release notes before proceeding with the installation. If you are restarting the installation and have already reviewed the release notes, you do not need to specify OPTIONS N. The release notes are always placed in SYS$HELP, whether or not you specify OPTIONS N. Note that there are several other options you can select when you invoke VMSINSTAL. o Auto_answer option (A) - Initially creates a file that contains your answers to VMSINSTALL questions and prompts. You can then use the option (and the answer file) to save time during a reinstallation (typically after upgrading your system). o Get save-set option (G) - Lets you store product save sets temporarily on a magnetic tape or in a disk directory. 2-4 Installing the DoCiFiletlSystemion (L) - Logs all activity to the terminal during installation. o Alternate root option (R) - Lets you install the product to a system root other than that of the running system. See the VMS documentation on software installation in the VMS System Management Subkit for detailed information on these options. If you specify more than one option, separate the options with commas (OPTIONS A,N). 2.1 Performing the Installation The following example invokes VMSINSTAL to install Version 2.0 of the DECintact system from tape drive MFA1: and shows the system response. This example uses the OPTIONS N release note parameter. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DECINTACT020 MFA1: OPTIONS N < Return > VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4 It is 26-SEP-1991 at 12:18. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. After invoking VMSINSTAL, you receive several prompts and messages that explain and direct the installation. If you do not supply either the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later in the installation procedure. If VMSINSTAL prompts you for a device name after you have already provided one, you are probably naming a device that is not available on the system. VMSINSTAL continues to prompt you for a device until you name a valid one. VMSINSTAL does not prompt you for any options, so be sure to include OPTIONS N on the VMSINSTAL command line to access the release notes during the installation. Step 3. Check any warning messages that ask if you want to continue. If you do not complete the installation preparation described in previous sections of this manual, the procedure displays warnings about existing problems and issues a prompt asking if you want to continue. Correct any problems before continuing the installation procedure. If you continue without correcting the problem, Digital may not support the resulting installation. The following example shows a warning message: %VMSINSTAL-W-DECNET, Your DECnet network is up and running. Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Installing the DECintact System 2-5 2.1 Performing the Installation If you answer NO, VMSINSTAL returns you to DCL command level. After you shut down the network, you must return to step 2 to run VMSINSTAL again. If you answer YES, the installation continues normally. Step 4. VMSINSTAL checks that you have backed up your system disk. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES < Return > If you have not backed up your system disk, do not continue with the installation. If you need to back up the system disk, answer NO. VMSINSTAL exits and returns you to the DCL prompt. Back up your system disk, and then start the installation procedure at step 2. If you have already backed up the system disk, answer YES. See the appropriate VMS software installation guide in the VMS documentation set for more information on backups before installation. For general information on backups, see the appropriate documentation for the VMS Backup Utility. Step 5. Insert the first installation kit volume. Before VMSINSTAL tries to access the distribution media, it asks you to mount the media on the device you named when you invoked VMSINSTAL (or when you responded to the device prompt). The request is followed by a prompt asking if you are ready to proceed. Please mount the first volume of the set on MFA1:. * Are you ready? YES < Return > The following products will be processed: DECINTACT V2.0 Beginning installation of DECINTACT V2.0 at 12:18 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. 2-6 Installing the DECintact System 2.1 Performing the Installation Step 6. Select a release notes option. This step applies only if you specified OPTIONS N in step 2. Additional Release Notes Options: (1) Display release notes (2) Print release notes (3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None of the above * Select option [2]: 2 < Return > If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on your screen. If you select option 2 or option 3, VMSINSTAL prompts you for a queue name. * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: < Return > You can enter a queue name or press Return to indicate the default output print device, SYS$PRINT. VMSINSTAL responds with an informational message indicating the queue used, which is SI$8700 in the following example: Job INTACT020 (queue SI$8700, entry 1794) started on SYS$PRINT Next, or if you select option 4, VMSINSTAL displays a prompt asking if you want to continue the installation: * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]?: YES < Return > %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. DECintact V2.0 System Installation If you answer NO, VMSINSTAL terminates the installation. ________________________Note ________________________ The name of the release notes file installed by VMSINSTAL consists of the current product name and version number. It is good practice to keep release notes for previous versions of the DECintact system. _____________________________________________________ Installing the DECintact System 2-7 2.1 Performing the Installation Step 7. Decide whether to purge files. New generations of the files SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE and SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB are created during installation of the DECintact system. VMSINSTAL asks you whether you want to purge the old files: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? To purge the old copies of these two files after installation, answer YES in response to the preceding question. If you do not want to purge the old generations of these files, answer NO. Step 8. Select the device and directory. VMSINSTAL explains how to perform this step and prompts for the destination device and directory name where all DECintact V2.0 files are to reside. Supply the destination device and directory name. ________________________Note ________________________ You must provide a new directory name, that is, the name of a directory that does not currently exist. _____________________________________________________ In response to the next question, please enter destination device and directory specification for DECintact files. The directory name must be a new directory name; that is, the name of a directory that does not exist. This directory will be the INTACT$VERSION directory once the installation is complete. The INTACT$COPY directory will be a subdirectory below this. The default device and directory are: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020] * Installation device and directory [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020]]: Step 9. Select and verify the software license. The installation procedure displays license information about the DECintact product and asks the following two questions to verify that a DECintact license has been installed before the product is installed. For each question, supply an appropriate answer. 2-8 Installing the DECintact System 2.1 Performing the Installation Please answer the next question by selecting the number which represents the currently loaded DECintact license. 1. DECINTACT 2. DECINTACT-RT 3. DECINTACT-REM * Which license do you have registered and loaded [1]: 1 Product: DECINTACT Producer: DEC Version: 2.0 Release Date:19-SEP-1989 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES If you have not registered and loaded your PAK, you must answer NO to this question. You have to register and load your PAK to successfully complete the installation. If you have not done so, stop the installation, register and load your PAK, and then restart the installation. Step 10. Read informational messages. If LSE is not installed or if a license for LSE is not loaded, the procedure displays the following message and instructions: ************************************************************* The VAX Language-Sensitive Editor is not installed on your system. To have the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor support, you must: 1. Load the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor License 2. Install the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor 3. @Intact$version:Intact$ ************************************************************* Installing the DECintact System 2-9 2.1 Performing the Installation If an unsupported version of LSE is installed, the procedure displays the following message and instructions: ************************************************************* VAX LSE nn.nn is installed on your system. To use the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor template for DECintact system calls, you must: 1. Install VAX LSE 3.0 or higher. 2. @Intact$version:Intact$ ************************************************************* where: nn.nn Is the version number of LSE installed on your system. VMSINSTAL then displays the following informational messages: All interactive input for the installation of DECintact V2.0 is now complete. It will take approximately 15 to 50 minutes to complete the installation, depending on your system and kit media. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset B ... LSE environment successfully updated. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Note that system disk directory messages are displayed only if you are installing the DECintact system on the system disk. These messages are not shown in this example. 2-10 Installing the DECintact System 2.1 Performing the Installation Step 11. Check installation verification messages. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) runs automatically. Check that your system responses are the same. If not, identify the problem as described in Section 2.2. %INTACT$IVP-I-BEGIN, starting DECintact installation verification procedure %INTACT$IVP-I-INSFAC, Inserting facility definition into DECtrace Admin DB. %INTACT$IVP-S-EPCINS, Facility insert successful. %INTACT$IVP-I-INSFILE, Inserting facility definition file into DECtrace facility library. %INTACT$IVP-S-LIBINS, Library insert successful. %INTACT$IVP-I-END, successfully completed DECintact installation verification procedure Step 12. The installation procedure ends. The following messages indicate that the installation procedure is complete: Installation of DECINTACT V2.0 completed at 12:59 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 13:00 Step 13. Log out. You can now log out of the privileged account. $ LOGOUT < Return > SYSTEM logged out at 26-SEP-1991 13:05:00.00 Note that VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you invoked the installation from the system manager's account and you want to continue to use that account and restore those symbols, log out and log in again. Installing the DECintact System 2-11 2.2 Error Conditions 2.2 Error Conditions If the installation procedure fails for any reason, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-F-UNEXPECTED, Installation terminated due to unexpected event. One or more of the following conditions can cause an error during the installation: o Insufficient disk space to complete the installation o Insufficient AST quota o Insufficient buffered I/O byte count o Insufficient subprocess quota o Insufficient open file quota o Insufficient process paging file quota o Insufficient process working set quota o Insufficient system maximum working set o Incorrect version of VMS For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see VMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Manual and VMS Upgrade and Installation Manual. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, take the appropriate action, as described in the message. You may need to change a system parameter (with SYSGEN) or increase an authorized quota value (with AUTHORIZE). If the installation fails, restart the installation procedure from step 2. For a list of the more common messages specific to the DECintact system issued by VMSINSTAL, refer to Appendix C. If the Installation Verification Procedure fails, you receive messages explaining the failure. These IVP messages are also listed in Appendix C. 2-12 Installing the DECintact System 3 ________________________________________________________________ Postinstallation Procedures The following activities take place after installing the DECintact system: o Activating the INTACT command o Using the INTACT command on VAXcluster systems o Using the STARTUP and SHUTDOWN commands o Running the Installation Verification Procedure separately from installation o Performing maintenance updates o Determining and reporting problems o Improving product performance o Activating support for VAX Language-Sensitive Editor o Activating support for DECtrace for VMS o Getting started using the DECintact system 3.1 Activating the INTACT Command The installation procedure modifies the DCL command table so that the INTACT command is recognized and processed. However, the old command table is still in effect for those users who are currently logged in. All logged-in users who want to use the INTACT command must log out of the system and log in again. Postinstallation Procedures 3-1 3.2 Using the INTACT Command on VAXcluster Systems 3.2 Using the INTACT Command on VAXcluster Systems To make the INTACT command available to nodes in a VAXcluster system configuration, execute a sequence of commands from an account with the proper privileges on each node, as shown in the following example. In this example, the INTACT command becomes available for the DECINTACT-RT license; load the appropriate license for your nodes. Enter the following command sequence for each node in a VAXcluster system on which you want to run the DECintact system: $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND_MODE < Return > $ INSTALL < Return > INSTALL> REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE < Return > INSTALL> EXIT < Return > $ LICENSE LOAD DECINTACT-RT < Return > 3.3 Using the STARTUP and SHUTDOWN Commands The DECintact product provides defaults in the DECintact control procedure to cover a normal startup situation. The DECintact STARTUP function starts, or makes a copy of the DECintact system available for use. The DECintact system manager can alter the functionality by specifying various parameters on the command line. These parameters, as well as the SHUTDOWN function, are described in DECintact System Management Guide. 3.4 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately You usually run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) during installation. If you want to run the IVP separately to ensure the integrity of installed files if system problems occur, enter command procedure INTACT$IVP.COM from directory INTACT$VERSION, as shown in the following example: $ @INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$IVP.COM < Return > 3-2 Postinstallation Procedures 3.5 Performing Maintenance Updates 3.5 Performing Maintenance Updates When Digital periodically issues maintenance updates of the DECintact product, each update consists of an installation kit. Install this kit as described in this document or in any documentation that may accompany the maintenance update. Each time a maintenance update is released, the version number changes. For example, if the current version is 2.0, the version number of the next maintenance update is 2.1. In addition, the maintenance update usually includes changes to the release notes. The release notes describe the changes that have been made to the DECintact product since the previous release. The update release notes are provided on line. You can read the release notes before you install the DECintact product and at any time after the product is installed. For information on reading the release notes before the DECintact system is installed, follow the installation procedure up to step 6. To read the release notes after installing the product, display or print the file SYS$HELP:INTACT02x.RELEASE_NOTES, where x represents the version of the maintenance update; or enter the following command to find out how to access the release notes: $ HELP INTACT RELEASE_NOTES < Return > 3.6 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using the DECintact product, report the problem to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your Software Product Services (SPS) contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). See the release notes for the DECintact product for information on how to submit an SPR. Postinstallation Procedures 3-3 3.6 Determining and Reporting Problems o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form if the problem concerns the DECintact documentation. You can find Reader's Comments forms at the back of each hard- copy manual. Use the form from the manual in which you found the error. Include the section and page number. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of the warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated previously, or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. 3.7 Improving Product Performance The following suggestions can help you to improve the performance of the DECintact system as a whole: o Use nonpaged physical memory for data buffers (TDBs and DFBs). o Use multiple physical disk drives for various files, such as the recovery-unit journal (transaction rollback) and the after-image journal (transaction rollforward), and application data and log files. o Balance used disk drives over available HSCs, CIs, and K.Sdi ports. If you intend to use the DECintact product extensively on your system, you can reduce system overhead and memory requirements by installing it as a shared image using the Install Utility. For more information about improving product performance, see DECintact System Management Guide. 3.8 Activating Support for VAX Language-Sensitive Editor If a version of the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) that the DECintact system supports is installed before the DECintact installation, you can use that version of LSE with DECintact. If after the DECintact installation you install a version of LSE that DECintact supports, you do not need to reinstall the DECintact system to activate support of that version of LSE; instead, enter the following command: 3-4 Postinstallation Procedures 3.8 Activating Support for VAX Language-Sensitive Editor $ @INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$UPDATE_LSE.COM 3.9 Activating Support for DECtrace for VMS After the DECintact installation, if you install a version of the DECtrace for VMS product that DECintact supports, you do not need to reinstall the DECintact system to activate support of that version of the DECtrace software. For information about supporting a newly installed version of the DECtrace software, see DECtrace for VMS User's Guide. 3.10 Getting Started Using the DECintact System For recommended steps for the initial use of the DECintact system, see DECintact System Management Guide. Postinstallation Procedures 3-5 4 ________________________________________________________________ Migrating to DECintact Version 2.0 This chapter describes the procedures necessary to migrate existing DECintact copies to DECintact Version 2.0. Perform the steps provided in this chapter after performing the DECintact Version 2.0 preinstallation, installation, and postinstallation activities of the preceding chapters. 4.1 Migrating from DECintact Version 1.1 to Version 2.0 This section describes the procedure necessary to migrate from an existing DECintact Version 1.1 system to a DECintact Version 2.0 system. Step 1. Create a new DECintact copy. Considering the extent of the changes in DECintact Version 2.0 compared with Version 1.1, Digital recommends that you create a new copy of DECintact. Refer to DECintact System Management Guide for complete information about creating a copy. ________________________Note ________________________ The DECintact file database file INTACT$FILE.MAR, menu definition file INTACT$MENU_USR.MAR, and security files INTACT$UIT.DAT and INTACT$AUDIT are compatible between Version 1.1 and Version 2.0 of the DECintact system. _____________________________________________________ Step 2. Relink the applications. Relink any DECintact applications previously linked under another version of DECintact software. Migrating to DECintact Version 2.0 4-1 4.1 Migrating from DECintact Version 1.1 to Version 2.0 Step 3. Start the copy under DECintact Version 2.0 Start the copy by entering the following command: $ @COPY-DIRECTORY:INTACT$COPY_CONTROL START < Return > 4.2 Migrating from a Previously Installed DECintact Version 2.0 This section describes the procedure necessary to migrate from an existing DECintact Version 2.0 system. Step 1. Edit the copy control procedure. Edit the copy control procedure so that the logical name INTACT$VERSION points to the DECintact Version 2.0 directory: $ EDIT copy-directory:INTACT$COPY_CONTROL.COM < Return > Change the symbol INTACT$VERSION_DIRECTORY to point to the current DECintact installation directory. Step 2. Establish the new INTACT$VERSION logical name. Enter the following command to establish the new INTACT$VERSION logical name: $ @copy-directory:INTACT$COPY_CONTROL LOGICAL_NAMES_ONLY < Return > Step 3. Replace DSPLCL.EXE and DSPLCL.DBG with Version 2.0 images. Replace DSPLCL.EXE and DSPLCL.DBG in the INTACT$COPY directory with Version 2.0 images. If you have not built UERs into DSPLCL, copy the new images: $ COPY INTACT$VERSION:DSPLCL.EXE INTACT$COPY < Return > $ COPY INTACT$VERSION:DSPLCL.DBG INTACT$COPY < Return > If you have built UERs into DSPLCL, rebuild the images: $ SET DEFAULT INTACT$COPY < Return > $ @INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$REBUILD DSPLCL < Return > Step 4. Relink the applications. Use INTOPT.OPT to relink any DECintact applications previously linked under another version of the DECintact software. 4-2 Migrating to DECintact Version 2.0 4.2 Migrating from a Previously Installed DECintact Version 2.0 Step 5. Start the copy under DECintact Version 2.0. Start the copy by entering the following command: $ @copy-directory:INTACT$COPY_CONTROL START < Return > Migrating to DECintact Version 2.0 4-3 A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation This appendix contains a sample installation for the DECintact system. Please note that this is a sample. The installation procedure may be modified slightly in maintenance updates of this product. Example A-1 is the dialog from a DECintact development license installation. Example A-1 Installation Sample Username: SYSTEM Password: Welcome to VAX/VMS V5.4 Last interactive login on Tuesday, 24-SEP-1991 11:01 Last non-interactive login on Tuesday, 24-SEP-1991 11:04 $@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DECINTACT020 MFA1: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4 It is 26-SEP-1991 at 12:18. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES The following products will be processed: DECINTACT V2.0 (continued on next page) Sample Installation A-1 Example A-1 (Cont.) Installation Sample Beginning installation of DECINTACT V2.0 at 12:18 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 2 * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: SYS$PRINT Job INTACT020 (queue OLTP$LN11, entry 929) started on OLTP$LN11 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. DECintact V2.0 System Installation * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES In response to the next question, please enter destination device and directory specification for DECintact files. The directory name must be a new directory name; that is, the name of a directory that does not exist. This directory will be the INTACT$VERSION directory once the installation is complete. The INTACT$COPY directory will be a subdirectory below this. The default device and directory are: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020] * Installation device and directory [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020]]: Please answer the next question by selecting the number which represents the currently loaded DECintact license. 1. DECINTACT 2. DECINTACT-RT 3. DECINTACT-REM * Which license do you have registered and loaded [1]: 1 (continued on next page) A-2 Sample Installation Example A-1 (Cont.) Installation Sample Product: DECINTACT Producer: DEC Version: 2.0 Release Date: 19-SEP-1989 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES All interactive input for the installation of DECintact V2.0 is now complete. It will take approximately 15 to 50 minutes to complete the installation, depending on your system and kit media. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... LSE environment successfully updated. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020.COPY_DEFAULT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020.COPY_DEFAULT.LOG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020.COPY_DEFAULT.DECFORMS_CACHE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020.COPY_DEFAULT.DECFORMS_STORAGE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020.EXAMPLES]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DECINTACT020.EXAMPLES.EMPLOYEE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %INTACT$IVP-I-BEGIN, starting DECintact installation verification procedure %INTACT$IVP-I-INSFAC, Inserting facility definition into DECtrace Admin DB. %INTACT$IVP-S-EPCINS, Facility insert successful. %INTACT$IVP-I-INSFILE, Inserting facility definition file into DECtrace facility library. %INTACT$IVP-S-LIBINS, Library insert successful. %INTACT$IVP-I-END, successfully completed DECintact installation verification procedure Installation of DECINTACT V2.0 completed at 12:59 (continued on next page) Sample Installation A-3 Example A-1 (Cont.) Installation Sample VMSINSTAL procedure done at 13:00 $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at 26-SEP-1991 13:05:01.91 A-4 Sample Installation B ________________________________________________________________ Files Installed with the DECintact System This appendix lists the files that result from installing different DECintact licenses. Files in the remote license are common to all licenses. For most directories in the lists of files, the lists identify the directories by the logical names defined for them during the installation. However, the installation procedure does not define logical names for some directo- ries for sample application files that the installation procedure provides. For these directories, this appendix lists the following directory specifications: o For files installed for the AVERTZ sample application: version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ] o For files installed for the EMPLOYEE sample applica- tion: version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.EMPLOYEE] where: version-disk Is the name of the disk that the installer specifies during the installation as the destination disk associated with the destination directory, and which, with the destination directory, the installation procedure defines as INTACT$VERSION. version-dir Is the name of the directory that the installer specifies during the installation as the destination directory, and which, with the destination disk, the installation procedure defines as INTACT$VERSION. Files Installed with the DECintact System B-1 B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License The following files result from the installation of any DECintact system. o INTACT$COPY:DECFORMS_CACHE.DIR o INTACT$COPY:DECFORMS_STORAGE.DIR o INTACT$COPY:DSPLCL.DBG o INTACT$COPY:DSPLCL.EXE o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$AUDIT.DAT o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$AUDIT.FDL o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$COPY_CONTROL.COM o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$COPY_CONTROL_USER.COM o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$DF_BLANK_FORM.EXE o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$DF_BLANK_FORM.IFDL o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$FILE.MAR o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$FILE.SECTION o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$FORM.SECTION o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$FORMS_LIBRARY.DAT o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$MENU.SECTION o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$MENU_USR.MAR o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$PDUDB.DAT o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$PDUDB.FDL o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$PSWDVAL.EXE o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$PSWDVAL.MAR o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$PSWDVAL_BLD.OPT o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$QUEUE.SECTION o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$QUEUE_ITEM.DAT o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$QUEUE_ITEM.FDL o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$QUEUE_RCV.DAT o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$QUEUE_REF.DAT B-2 Files Installed with the DECintact System B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$QUEUE_REF.FDL o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$QUEUE_SND.DAT o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$QUEUE_SYS.DAT o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$QUEUE_SYS.FDL o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$RESTORE.COM o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$ROLLBACK.JNL o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$ROLLFORWARD.FDL o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$ROLLFORWARD.JNL o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$SYNC_POINT_BACKUP.COM o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$TRANSACTION.SECTION o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$UIR.DAT o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$UIR.FDL o INTACT$COPY:INTACT.MSS_PARAMETERS o INTACT$COPY:LOG.DIR o INTACT$COPY:SAMPLE.DAT o INTACT$COPY:SAMPLE.EXE o INTACT$COPY:USEREDIT.OPT o INTACT$VERSION:CLUSTER_AST.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:CMGDEF.MAR o INTACT$VERSION:CMGDEF.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:COPY_DEFAULT.DIR o INTACT$VERSION:CPYTSK.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:DFSERVER.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:DSPACT.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:DSPLCL.DBG o INTACT$VERSION:DSPLCL.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:FLUSH_LOG.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:FORCEX.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INIGSD.OPT Files Installed with the DECintact System B-3 B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License o INTACT$VERSION:INIOPN.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:INIPRV.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$AUDIT.DAT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$AUDIT.FDL o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$AUDREP.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$BAKINI.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$BAKRES.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$BUF.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$CALSET.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$CMU.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$COMMON_CONTROL.COM o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$COPY_CONTROL_USER.COM o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$CREATE_COPY.COM o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$DF_BLANK_FORM.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$DF_BLANK_FORM.IFDL o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$FAC_DEF.EPC$DEF o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$FILE.MAR o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$FILE.SECTION o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$FORM.SECTION o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$FORMS_LIBRARY.DAT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$HELP.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$HFU.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$HIBER.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$HLP.HLB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$IMU.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$INIGSD.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$INIGSD.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$INILOG.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$IVP.COM B-4 Files Installed with the DECintact System B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$MENU.SECTION o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$MENU_SYS.MAR o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$MENU_USR.MAR o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$MSG.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$ONLINEHLP.HLB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$PARSER.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$PDU.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$PDUDB.DAT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$PDUDB.FDL o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$PRVSHR.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$PRVSHR.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$PRVSHR_BLD.OPT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$PSWDVAL.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$PSWDVAL.MAR o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$PSWDVAL_BLD.OPT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QMU.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEINI.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEUE.SECTION o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEUE_ITEM.DAT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEUE_ITEM.FDL o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEUE_RCV.DAT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEUE_RCV.FDL o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEUE_REF.DAT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEUE_REF.FDL o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEUE_SND.DAT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEUE_SND.FDL o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEUE_SYS.DAT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEUE_SYS.FDL o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$REBUILD.COM Files Installed with the DECintact System B-5 B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RECOVER.COM o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RESTORE.COM o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RESTRT.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$ROLLFORWARD.FDL o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RPCMSG.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RPCSHR.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RSPWRT.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$SECURE.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$SHR.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$SWLPROC.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$SWLUP.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$SWLUP.HLB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$SYNC_POINT_BACKUP.COM o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$SYNC_POINT_ROLFWD.COM o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$TFEHLP.HLB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$TFEVAX.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$TOC.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$TRANSACTION.SECTION o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$UIR.DAT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$UIR.FDL o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$UTILITIES.COM o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$VERSION.OPT o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$VFSHR.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$VIM.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$VIMHLP.HLB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT.MLB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT.OLB o INTACT$VERSION:INTNOSHROPT.OPT o INTACT$VERSION:INTONLAPL.COM B-6 Files Installed with the DECintact System B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License o INTACT$VERSION:INTONLDCL.COM o INTACT$VERSION:INTOPT.OPT o INTACT$VERSION:LCKINT.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:QUESRV.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:QUESRVXMT.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:SAMPLE.DAT o INTACT$VERSION:SAMPLE.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:SETPRCNAM.COM o INTACT$VERSION:SRVMGR.EXE o INTACT$VERSION:TMGDEF.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:TMGDISP.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:TMGEDIT.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:TMGEDTDEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:TMGEDTDEF.COB o INTACT$VERSION:TMGEDTDEF.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:TMGEDTDEF.H o INTACT$VERSION:TMGFMT.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:TMGINIT.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:TMGMAIN.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:TMGNET.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:TMGPKT.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:TMGTIO.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:TMGUTIL.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:TMGWORK.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:USEREDIT.OPT o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]AA_ READMEFIRST.TXT o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]AVERTZ_COBOL_ BLD.COM Files Installed with the DECintact System B-7 B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]AVERTZ_ DSPLCL.PRM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]AVERTZ_ INTACT$MENU_USR.MAR o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]BUILD_CDD_ ENTITIES.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]BUILD_ FORM.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]BUILD_ MESSAGE_FILE.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]COMPILE_ SERVERS.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]COMPILE_ TASKS.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]DB_BUILD.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]DEFINE_ QUEUE.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]DEFINE_ SERVERS.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]LINK_ REPORT.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]LINK_ SERVERS.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]LINK_ TASKS.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]REPORT.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]REPORT.COM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VRMSG.MSG o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_CANCEL_RS_ PROC.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_CHECKIN_ CLIENT_MAIN.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_CHECKIN_ CLIENT_SUB.COB B-8 Files Installed with the DECintact System B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_CHECKOUT_ CLIENT_MAIN.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_CHECKOUT_ CLIENT_SUB.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_COMPLETE_ CHECKIN_PROC.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_COMPLETE_ CHECKOUT_PROC.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_COMPUTE_ BILL_PROC.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_ CUSTOMERS.DAT o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_FIELDS.CDO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_FINDCAR_ PROC.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_FIND_CU_ PROC.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_FIND_SI_ PROC.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_FIND_VE_ PROC.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_FIND_VE_ VRH_PROC.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_FORM.IFDL o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_GETRESV_ PROC.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_ INDEXES.SQL o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_LITERALS_ INCLUDE.LIB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_LOAD_ CUSTOMERS.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_LOAD_ REGIONS.SCO Files Installed with the DECintact System B-9 B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_LOAD_ RENTAL_CLASSES.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_LOAD_ SITES.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_LOAD_ VEHICLES.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_MESSAGES_ INCLUDE.LIB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_READ_ INIT.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_READ_ SERVER_MAIN.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_READ_ SERVER_SUB.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_ RECORDS.CDO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_ REGIONS.DAT o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_RENTAL_ CLASSES.DAT o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_RESERVE_ CLIENT_MAIN.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_RESERVE_ CLIENT_SUB.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_RES_ DETAILS_PROC.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_SCHEMA.SQL o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_SITES.DAT o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_SQL_ STATUS_INCLUDE.LIB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_STORE_CU_ PROC.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_TERM.SCO B-10 Files Installed with the DECintact System B.1 DECintact Files in a Remote-Access License o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_UPDATE_ INIT.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_UPDATE_ SERVER_MAIN.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_UPDATE_ SERVER_SUB.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_ VEHICLES.DAT o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ]VR_WRITE_RS_ PROC.SCO o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.EMPLOYEE]EMPLOYEE.COB o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.EMPLOYEE]EMPLOYEE_ INFO_FORM.IFDL o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.EMPLOYEE]EMPLOYEE_ DSPLCL.PRM o version-disk:[version-dir.EXAMPLES.EMPLOYEE]EMPLOYEE_ INTACT$MENU_USR.MAR B.2 DECintact Files in a Development License The following additional files result from installation of the development license: o INTACT$COPY:DEXAMPLE.BAS o INTACT$COPY:SAMPLE.BAS o INTACT$COPY:SAMPLE_ROOT.BAS o INTACT$COPY:SAMPLE_SUB.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:DEXAMPLE.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:DFBDEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:DFBDEF.CDDL o INTACT$VERSION:DFBDEF.COB o INTACT$VERSION:DFBDEF.DDL o INTACT$VERSION:DFBDEF.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:DFBDEF.H Files Installed with the DECintact System B-11 B.2 DECintact Files in a Development License o INTACT$VERSION:DFBDEF.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:FFEDEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:FFEDEF.CDDL o INTACT$VERSION:FFEDEF.COB o INTACT$VERSION:FFEDEF.DDL o INTACT$VERSION:FFEDEF.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:FFEDEF.H o INTACT$VERSION:FFEDEF.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:FFEDEFCON.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:FMINFODEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:FMINFODEF.CDDL o INTACT$VERSION:FMINFODEF.COB o INTACT$VERSION:FMINFODEF.DDL o INTACT$VERSION:FMINFODEF.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:FMINFODEF.H o INTACT$VERSION:FMINFODEF.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:FNCDEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:FNCDEF.CDDL o INTACT$VERSION:FNCDEF.DDL o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$DEFINITIONS.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$DEFINITIONS.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$DEFINITIONS.H o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$DEFINITIONS.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$DEFINITIONS.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$DEFINITIONS.PLI o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$DFB.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$FFE.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$FMINFO.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$HFU.OBJ B-12 Files Installed with the DECintact System B.2 DECintact Files in a Development License o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$MSG.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QDB.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QKB.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$QUEHDR.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RCVPKT.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RCVPKT.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RCVPKT.H o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RCVPKT.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RCVPKT.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$RCVPKT.PLI o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$SERVER.OBJ o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$STRUCTURES.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$STRUCTURES.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$STRUCTURES.H o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$STRUCTURES.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$STRUCTURES.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$STRUCTURES.PLI o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$TDB.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$UIR.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$UIR.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$UIR.H o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$UIR.LIB o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$UIR.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$UIR.PLI o INTACT$VERSION:INTDEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:INTDEF.COB o INTACT$VERSION:INTDEF.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:INTDEF.H o INTACT$VERSION:INTDEF.MAR Files Installed with the DECintact System B-13 B.2 DECintact Files in a Development License o INTACT$VERSION:INTDEF.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:PRFDEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:PRFDEF.CDDL o INTACT$VERSION:PRFDEF.DDL o INTACT$VERSION:QUEDEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:QUEDEF.COB o INTACT$VERSION:QUEDEF.DDL o INTACT$VERSION:QUEDEF.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:QUEDEF.H o INTACT$VERSION:QUEDEF.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:QUEDEFCON.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:QUEMAP.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:QUEMAP.CDDL o INTACT$VERSION:QUEMAP.DDL o INTACT$VERSION:QUEMAP.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:QUEMAP.H o INTACT$VERSION:RABDEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:RABDEF.CDDL o INTACT$VERSION:RABDEF.DDL o INTACT$VERSION:RMBDEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:RMBDEF.COB o INTACT$VERSION:RMBDEF.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:RMBDEF.H o INTACT$VERSION:RMBDEF.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:SAMPLE.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:SAMPLE_ROOT.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:SAMPLE_SUB.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:TDBDEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:TDBDEF.CDDL B-14 Files Installed with the DECintact System B.2 DECintact Files in a Development License o INTACT$VERSION:TDBDEF.COB o INTACT$VERSION:TDBDEF.DDL o INTACT$VERSION:TDBDEF.FOR o INTACT$VERSION:TDBDEF.H o INTACT$VERSION:TDBDEF.PAS o INTACT$VERSION:UIRDEF.BAS o INTACT$VERSION:UIRDEF.COB o INTACT$VERSION:UIRDEF.H o INTACT$VERSION:UIRDEF.MAR o SYS$HELP:INTACT020.RELEASE_NOTES o SYS$TEST:INTACT$IVP020.COM B.3 DECintact Files for Development and Run-Time Licenses In addition to the files previously listed, the following files are in the directory only when the development or run-time license is installed: o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$EXAMPLE_RESTORE.COM o INTACT$COPY:INTACT$EXAMPLE_SYNC_POINT_BACKUP.COM o INTACT$VERSION:HFUNAM.OBJ B.4 IVP Files When the IVP runs successfully, the INTACT$LOG: directory also contains the following files: o CPYTSK.ERR o CPYTSK.LOG o DSPLCL.ERR o DSPLCL.LOG o INTACT$IVP.TMP o INTACT$TMG.SECTION o LCKINT.LOG Files Installed with the DECintact System B-15 B.4 IVP Files o SW_COMM.DAT With DECnet running, the INTACT$LOG: directory also contains the following files: o QUESRV.ERR o QUESRV.LOG o QUESRVXMT.ERR o QUESRVXMT.LOG B-16 Files Installed with the DECintact System C ________________________________________________________________ Messages This appendix lists the messages you may see while installing the DECintact product with VMSINSTAL. These messages come from either the VMSINSTAL program or the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). If you receive a message that is not listed in this appendix, check VMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Manual. For messages relating to LMF errors, refer to VMS License Management Utility Manual. C.1 Message Format The messages in this appendix have the following format: %facility-s-ident, text [-facility-s-ident, text] where: % (percent Prefixes the first message issued. sign) facility Can be one of the following: VMSINSTAL for VMSINSTAL messages INTACT$IVP for IVP messages - (hyphen) Prefixes each subsequent message. Messages C-1 C.1 Message Format s Represents a severity level and can be one of the following: Code Meaning S Success I Informational W Warning E Error F Fatal The severity level of a message is included in the status message from the component. You can identify the type of message you have received by its severity level. Success and informational messages inform you that the system has performed your request. In some cases, the command processing continues after issuing a success message. In other cases, the message indicates that the command processing is complete. Warning messages indicate that the command may have performed some, but not all, of your request, and that you may have to verify the command or program output. Error messages indicate that the output or program result is incorrect, but the system may attempt to continue execution. Fatal messages indicate that the system cannot continue execution of the request. ident Abbreviates the message text. All the messages in this appendix are alphabetized according to the ident. text Explains the message. C-2 Messages C.2 VMSINSTAL Messages C.2 VMSINSTAL Messages The VMSINSTAL messages are listed in this section. Note that nnnn indicates the current or required quota units. BADVMSVER, This kit requires VMS V5.4 or later. Severity: Fatal Explanation: The target machine must be running VMS Version 5.4 or higher. User Action: You must install VMS Version 5.4 or higher before attempting installation again. COPYALRRUN, DECINTACT COPY is already running prior to installation. COPY must be shut down before installation starts. Severity: Fatal Explanation: DECintact processes are active indicating that a DECintact COPY is currently up. User Action: Shut down the currently active DECintact COPY. DECDTMINHIB, SYS$DECDTM_INHIBIT is DEFINED. Check SYS$STARTUP:SYLOGICALS.COM. Severity: Fatal Explanation: The logical SYS$DECDTM_INHIBIT has been defined, thus disabling the used of DECdtm. User Action: This logical is defined in SYSTARTUP:SYLOGICALS.COM. Remove all references that define this logical. DEVNOTAVL, Device device-name is not available. Severity: Error Explanation: The destination device specified is not currently available. User Action: Either make the destination device avail- able, or select another device for the installation. Messages C-3 C.2 VMSINSTAL Messages DEVNOTDISK, Device device-name is not a disk. Severity: Error Explanation: The destination device specified is not a disk unit. User Action: Select another device for the installa- tion. DEVNOTEXIST, Device device-name does not exist. Severity: Error Explanation: The destination device specified does not exist. User Action: Select another device for the installa- tion. DIREXISTS, Directory directory-name already exists; please specify nonexistent directory. Severity: Error Explanation: The directory name you specified points to an existing directory. User Action: Specify a directory name of a directory that does not currently exist. INVALDEVDIR, Destination specification is invalid. Severity: Error Explanation: Destination specification is invalid. User Action: Input a valid device and directory specification. NOBYTLM, Process quota BYTLM is too low; nnnn needed, nnnn currently set. Severity: Fatal Explanation: Your process BYTLM count is too low. User Action: Use the Authorize Utility to set the needed values. Log out and then log in to the system for the value settings to take effect. Then restart the installation. C-4 Messages C.2 VMSINSTAL Messages NOCLISYMTBL, System parameter CLISYMTBL is too low; nnnn needed/ nnnn currently set. Severity: Fatal Explanation: Your system's command line interpreter symbol table is too small. User Action: Use the System Generation Utility (SYSGEN) to configure your system with the correct value for the dynamic system parameter CLISYMTBL. NOCOMMONLOG, No DECdtm common log exists for this node. Use LMCP to create one. Severity: Fatal Explanation: A DECdtm transaction log does not exist for this node. A transaction log is required for DECdtm to work. User Action: Use the LMCP Utility to create a DECdtm transaction log and restart the installation. NODIOLM, Process quota DIOLM is too low; nnn needed, nnn currently set. Severity: Fatal Explanation: Your process DIOLM count is too low. User Action: Use the Authorize Utility to set the needed values. Log out and then log in to the system for the value settings to take effect. Then restart the installation. NOENQLM, Process quota ENQLM is too low; nnn needed, nnn currently set. Severity: Fatal Explanation: Your process ENQLM count is too low. User Action: Use the Authorize Utility to set the needed values. Log out and then log in to the system for the value settings to take effect. Then restart the installation. Messages C-5 C.2 VMSINSTAL Messages NOFILLM, Process quota FILLM is too low; nnnn needed/nnnn currently set. Severity: Fatal Explanation: Your process does not have the required open file limit (FILLM) quota. User Action: Use the Authorize Utility to set the proper value. Log out and then log in to the system for the value setting to take effect. Then restart the installation. NOGBLPAGES, System parameter GBLPAGES is too low; nnnn needed/nnnn currently free. Severity: Fatal Explanation: Your system does not have enough free global pages allocated. User Action: Use MODPARAMS.DAT and AUTOGEN to configure your system with the correct amount of global pages. Reboot the system for the value setting to take effect and restart the installation. NOGBLSECTIONS, System parameter GBLECTIONS is too low; nnnn needed/nnnn currently free. Severity: Fatal Explanation: Your system does not have enough free global sections allocated. User Action: Use MODPARAMS.DAT and AUTOGEN to configure your system with the correct amount of global sections. Reboot the system for the value setting to take effect and restart the installation. NOLSENV, LSE environment file(s) could not be found. Severity: Warning Explanation: The INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$LSE_PKG.ENV file could not be found. User Action: Verify that the INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$LSE_ PKG.ENV file does not exist. If the file does not exist, then there has been a problem with the LSE support provided by DECintact. If the file exists, then enter the following command to add the LSE support: @INTACT$VERSION:INTACT$UPDATE_LSE C-6 Messages C.2 VMSINSTAL Messages NOMAXDETACH, Process quota MAXDETACH is too low; 0 [unlimited] needed/ nnnn currently set. Severity: Fatal Explanation: Your process does not have the maximum number of detached processes set. User Action: Use the Authorize Utility to set the proper value. Log out and then log in to the system for the value setting to take effect. Then restart the installation. NOPGFLQUO, Process quota PGFLQUOTA is too low; nnnn needed/nnnn currently set. Severity: Fatal Explanation: Your process has the paging file quota set too low. User Action: Use the Authorize Utility to set the proper value. Log out and then log in to the system for the value setting to take effect. Then restart the installation. NOPRCLM, Process quota PRCLM is too low; nnnn needed/nnnn currently set. Severity: Fatal Explanation: Your process has the process count limit set too low. User Action: Use the Authorize Utility to set the proper value. Log out and then log in to the system for the value setting to take effect. Then restart the installation. NOPRIVIVP, Process does not have sufficient provileges to run IVP. The required privileges are ALTPRI, CMKRNL, DETACH, GROUP, GRPNAM, GRPPRV, LOG_IO, NETMBX, PFNMAP, PRMGBL, SHARE, SHMEM, SYSGBL, SYSLCK, SYSPRV. Severity: Error Explanation: Your process does not have the correct set of privileges to execute the IVP. User Action: Use the Authorize Utility to set the proper privileges. Log out and then log in to the Messages C-7 C.2 VMSINSTAL Messages system for the privileges to take effect. Then restart the installation. NOSCSNODE, SCSNODE is not set. DECdtm requires an SCSNODE. Severity: Fatal Explanation: The SCSNODE is not defined on your system and is required for support of DECdtm services by the DECintact system. User Action: Use MODPARAMS.DAT and AUTOGEN to define SCSNODE. Reboot the system for the definition to take effect, and restart the installation. NOSPACE, device-name does not contain enough free blocks for installation; nnnn required, nnnn currently free. Severity: Error Explanation: Not enough free blocks are available on the destination device. User Action: Free enough blocks for installation, or select another device for the installation. NOSYSSPACE, System disk does not contain enough free blocks for installation; nnnn required. Severity: Fatal Explanation: The system disk does not have enough free blocks for the installation to complete successfully. User Action: You must free enough blocks to complete the installation before attempting the installation again. NOWSEXTENT, Process quota WSEXTENT is too low; nnnn needed/nnnn currently set. Severity: Fatal Explanation: The size of the working set extent of your process is set too low. User Action: Use the Authorize Utility to set the proper value. Log out and then log in to the system for the value setting to take effect. Then restart the installation. C-8 Messages C.2 VMSINSTAL Messages NOWSMAX, System parameter WSMAX is too low; nnnn needed/nnnn currently set. Severity: Fatal Explanation: Your system's maximum working set size is too low. User Action: Use MODPARAMS.DAT and AUTOGEN to configure your system with the correct working size. Reboot the system for the value setting to take effect, and restart the installation. NOWSQUOTA, Process quota WSQUO is too low; nnnn needed/nnnn currently set. Severity: Fatal Explanation: The working set quota size of your process is set too low. User Action: Use the Authorize Utility to set the proper value. Log out and then log in to the system for the value setting to take effect. Then restart the installation. Messages C-9 C.3 IVP Messages C.3 IVP Messages The IVP messages are listed in this section. ALRRUN, processes already running prior to IVP-initiated startup Severity: Error Explanation: The default DECintact copy is currently running. User Action: You must shut down the DECintact copy before executing the IVP. BADFMT, bad format in device:[directory]INTACT$COPY_ CONTROL.COM Severity: Error Explanation: The command procedure INTACT$COPY_CONTROL.COM was not found in the default copy directory, or has a bad internal format. User Action: Reinstall the DECintact system. BEGIN, starting DECintact installation verification procedure Severity: Informational Explanation: The DECintact IVP is starting. User Action: No action is required. END, successfully completed DECintact installation verification procedure. Severity: Informational Explanation: The DECintact IVP has run successfully. User Action: None. INSFAC, Inserting facility definition into DECtrace Admin DB. Severity: Informational Explanation: The facility definition for DECintact has been inserted into the DECtrace Administration Database. User Action: None. C-10 Messages C.3 IVP Messages INSFILE, Inserting facility definition file into DECtrace facility library. Severity: Informational Explanation: The DECtrace facility definition for DECintact is being inserted into the DECtrace facility library. User Action: None. LIBINS, Library insert successful. Severity: Success Explanation: The DECtrace facility definition for DECintact has been successfully inserted into the DECtrace facility library. User Action: None. NOLICENSE, No license is active for DECtrace. Facility not inserted. Severity: Warning Explanation: The license for DECtrace is not active on your system. The DECintact facility cannot be inserted into the DECtrace Administration Database. User Action: If you want support of DECtrace by the DECintact system, load the DECtrace license and insert the DECintact facility definition INTACT$VERSION:EPC_ FACILITY.EPC$DEF into the DECtrace Administration Database. See DECtrace for VMS User's Guide for more information. NOTCPY, directory is not a DECintact copy directory Severity: Error Explanation: The default DECintact copy directory does not exist, or is not properly populated. User Action: Reinstall the DECintact system. Messages C-11 C.3 IVP Messages NOTINST, DECtrace not installed. Facility not inserted. Severity: Warning Explanation: DECtrace is not installed on your system. The DECintact facility cannot be inserted into the DECtrace Administation Database. User Action: If DECintact's support of DECtrace is desired, install DECtrace. NOTRUN, not all processes running after IVP-initiated startup Severity: Error Explanation: INTACT$COPY_CONTROL failed to start all the required processes for the default DECintact copy. User Action: Reinstall the DECintact system. SHUTER, error during IVP-initiated shutdown Severity: Error Explanation: INTACT$COPY_CONTROL.COM experienced an unexpected error while shutting down the default DECintact copy. User Action: Reinstall the DECintact system. STLRUN, processes still running after IVP-initiated shutdown Severity: Error Explanation: INTACT$COPY_CONTROL.COM failed to stop all processes for the default DECintact copy, after the IVP requested a shutdown. User Action: Reinstall the DECintact system. STRTER, error during IVP-initiated startup Severity: Error Explanation: INTACT$COPY_CONTROL.COM experienced an unexpected error while starting up the default DECintact copy. User Action: Reinstall the DECintact system. C-12 Messages C.3 IVP Messages VERS, Installed DECtrace Version is Vn.n. Severity: Informational Explanation: This is the current installed version of DECtrace. User Action: None. VERSREQ, DECintact requires DECtrace version 1.1 or higher. Facility not inserted. Severity: Warning Explanation: The current version of DECtrace is not supported by DECintact. DECintact requires DECtrace Version 1.1 or higher. User Action: Install Version 1.1 or higher of DECtrace. Messages C-13 D ________________________________________________________________ Creating Transaction Logs for DECdtm Services If you want to use DECdtm services on a node, you must create a transaction log for that node. In a VAXcluster system, you must create a transaction log for each node in the cluster. This appendix describes the following: o Prerequisites for creating a transaction log o Planning the size and location of transaction logs o Setting up and creating transaction logs o Example of setting up and creating transaction logs for a cluster For more information about DECdtm services and the commands described in this appendix, see the VMS documentation set. D.1 Prerequisites for Creating a Transaction Log Before you create a transaction log for a node, the following prerequisites must be met: o You must have the SYSPRV privilege. o The node must be running VMS Version 5.4 or higher. D.2 Planning the Size and Location of Transaction Logs The size and location of transaction logs can affect the performance of your system. Before you create transaction logs, plan how big to make the logs and where you are going to put them. Although you can later move a transaction log and change the size to improve performance, careful planning reduces the need for changes. Creating Transaction Logs for DECdtm Services D-1 D.2 Planning the Size and Location of Transaction Logs If the performance of your system is adversely affected by either the size or location of the logs, refer to the VMS documentation for the following information: o Checking whether the transaction logs are the correct size o Changing the size of transaction logs o Moving transaction logs D.2.1 Determining the Size of Transaction Logs ________________________Note ________________________ These guidelines for determining the size of a transaction log provide only an approximate size. When planning transaction logs, overestimate, rather than underestimate, the size of the transaction log. _____________________________________________________ When you create transaction logs, you specify the size of the log in blocks. By default, the size of each transaction log is 4000 blocks. This default size gives acceptable performance on most systems. If your system is already running transactions, you can use the MONITOR TRANSACTION command to check the rate of transactions and their duration. See the VMS Monitor Utility Manual for more information about the MONITOR command. If you know or can anticipate the rate of transactions and their duration, use the following algorithm to calculate the approximate transaction log size: size = 40*rate*duration where: D-2 Creating Transaction Logs for DECdtm Services D.2 Planning the Size and Location of Transaction Logs size Is the size of the transaction log in blocks. rate Is the average number of transactions executed each second. duration Is the average duration of each transaction in seconds. For example, if rate is 10 transactions per second and duration is 12 seconds, the calculation is as follows: size = 40*10*12 = 4800 In this example, the recommended size for the transaction log is 4800 blocks. If you do not know the rate and duration of transactions, accept the default value of 4000 blocks. If the default size later proves unacceptable you can change the size of the transaction log, as described in the VMS documentation. D.2.2 Determining the Location for Transaction Logs When deciding where to put the transaction log for a node, consider the following factors: o Speed Select a high performance disk, such as a solid state disk, that is not heavily used. o Availability High availability is achieved when you have multiple access paths to the data. Use a disk that can be accessed by the other nodes in the cluster when the node is down. This reduces the time that other transactions in the cluster are blocked while waiting for recovery from the node failure. o Reliability Creating Transaction Logs for DECdtm Services D-3 D.2 Planning the Size and Location of Transaction Logs Reliability is achieved when you have multiple copies of the data. A shadowed disk is more reliable than a nonshadowed disk, but can be slower than a nonshadowed disk because transaction logs are almost exclusively write-only. You can choose which of these factors is most important. For example, if the node is a workstation, you can choose to give up speed for availability and reliability, by putting the transaction log on a shadowed HSC-based disk, instead of on a faster disk attached to the workstation. If you have a VAXcluster, each node must have its own transaction log. To improve the performance of the transactions, distribute the logs among different disks on the system. ________________________Note ________________________ Ensure that the disk has sufficient contiguous space to hold the transaction log. A discontiguous transaction log results in poor transaction performance. _____________________________________________________ D.3 Setting Up and Creating Transaction Logs This section describes how to set up and create transac- tion logs. Before creating a transaction log, consider the recommendations for determining the size and location of the log, as described in Section D.2. To set up and create a transaction log: o Identify the directories where you want to put the log. o Create the transaction log in the directories. For an example of how to set up and create transaction logs for a three-node VAXcluster system, refer to Section D.4. D-4 Creating Transaction Logs for DECdtm Services D.3 Setting Up and Creating Transaction Logs D.3.1 Setting Up the Transaction Logs DECdtm services uses the system logical name SYS$JOURNAL to locate transaction logs. For a single node, you must define SYS$JOURNAL to point to the directory that will contain the transaction log. In a cluster, you define SYS$JOURNAL on each node as a search list that points to all the directories that will contain the transaction logs for the cluster. If you put transaction logs for all nodes in one directory, SYS$JOURNAL on each node points to that directory. You must define SYS$JOURNAL in the system logical name table in executive mode. ________________________Note ________________________ Remember to define SYS$JOURNAL in both the common and node-specific versions of the SYS$STARTUP:SYLOGICALS.COM command procedure. _____________________________________________________ D.3.2 Creating the Transaction Logs To create a transaction log, use the Log Manager Control Program (LMCP) Utility. Invoke the LMCP Utility: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:LMCP LMCP> Creating Transaction Logs for DECdtm Services D-5 D.3 Setting Up and Creating Transaction Logs At the LMCP> prompt, enter the CREATE LOGFILE command, using the following syntax: CREATE LOGFILE filespec /SIZE=size where: filespec Is the full file-specification of the log. The name of the file must be SYSTEM$node- name, where node-name is the name of the node. The file extension must be .LM$JOURNAL. If you omit the file extension in the command line, you get the extension .LM$JOURNAL by default. size Is the size of the transaction log in blocks. If you omit the /SIZE qualifier, the transaction log is created with the default size of 4000 blocks. Then, enter the EXIT command at the LMCP> prompt. D.4 Example of Setting Up and Creating Transaction Logs This section shows you how to set up and create trans- action logs for a three-node VAXcluster system. For this example, Table D-1 lists cluster members and transaction log details. Table D-1 Details for Example of Creating Transaction __________Logs____________________________________________ Node Name ______________Transaction_Log_______________ ______________Location___________________Size_(in_blocks)_ ORANGE DISK$USER1:[LOGFILES] 5000 RED DISK$USER3:[LOGFILES] 4000 GREEN_________DISK$LOG:[LOGFILES]________6000_____________ Perform the following steps to set up all transaction logs for the cluster and create the logs. Before starting, ensure that all three disks are mounted on all three nodes. D-6 Creating Transaction Logs for DECdtm Services D.4 Example of Setting Up and Creating Transaction Logs 1. For each node, enter the following command to define the logical SYS$JOURNAL to be a search list of all the directories in Table D-1: $ DEFINE /SYSTEM /EXECUTIVE SYS$JOURNAL - _$ DISK$USER1:[LOGFILES], - _$ DISK$USER3:[LOGFILES], - _$ DISK$LOG:[LOGFILES] ________________________Note ________________________ You can enter all of the commands to set up the cluster from one node, using the SYSMAN Utility. _____________________________________________________ 2. Edit the common and node-specific versions of SYS$STARTUP:SYLOGICALS.COM files to include the defini- tion of SYS$JOURNAL. 3. Enter the following commands to create the transaction logs: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:LMCP LMCP> CREATE LOGFILE DISK$USER1:[LOGFILES]SYSTEM$ORANGE /SIZE=5000 LMCP> CREATE LOGFILE DISK$USER3:[LOGFILES]SYSTEM$RED LMCP> CREATE LOGFILE DISK$LOG:[LOGFILES]SYSTEM$GREEN/SIZE=6000 LMCP> EXIT When you omit the /SIZE qualifier (for example, when creating the log for node RED), the transaction log is created with the default size of 4000 blocks. Creating Transaction Logs for DECdtm Services D-7 ________________________________________________________________ Index A__________________________ D__________________________ Aborting DECDTM$STARTUP.COM DECintact installation, procedure 2-1 executing to diagnose Authorize Utility DECdtm problem, 1-5 checking and changing DECdtm services quotas, 1-12 checking setup before AUTOGEN procedure installing DECintact, running to activate 1-4 system parameters, transaction logs 1-5, 1-15 creating, D-5 defining SYS$JOURNAL, B__________________________ D-5 Back up example of creating, system disk, 2-6 D-6 Bill of materials example of defining See BOM SYS$JOURNAL, D-7 BOM location, D-3 for installation kit planning, D-1 checking, 1-3 size, D-2 DECintact licenses C__________________________ DECINTACT, 1-2 Creating DECINTACT-REM, 1-2 transaction logs DECINTACT-RT, 1-2 description, D-5 features, 1-2t example, D-6 registering, 1-9 selecting, 2-8 verifying, 2-8 DECintact system aborting installation, 2-1 Index-1 DECintact system (Cont.) functionality, 1-2 E__________________________ media in distribution Error conditions, 2-12 kit, 1-3 migrating to V2.0 F__________________________ from DECintact V1.1, Files 4-1 installed with DECintact from previous system DECintact V2.0, Development kit, B-2, 4-2 B-11, B-15 performance IVP, B-15 improving, 3-4 Remote-access kit, B-2 preinstallation product Run-time kit, B-2, information, 1-1 B-15 product description, 1-1 running multiple versions G , 1-9 ___________________________ DECnet Global pages IVP files installed, B-16 calculating, 1-15 DECtrace for VMS checking number free, support for, 3-5 1-14 Determining location Global sections transaction logs, D-3 calculating, 1-15 Determining size checking number free, transaction logs, D-2 1-13 Development system files installed, B-2, H__________________________ B-11, B-15 Help license, 1-2 about release notes, 1-3 Disk space during installation, 2-1 requirements for DECintact installation, I 1-16 ___________________________ not on system disk, Installation 1-17 aborting, 2-1 on system disk, 1-16 failures, 2-12 quotas, 1-16 media in distribution Displaying kit, 1-3 release notes, 2-6 performing, 2-1, 2-12 Distribution kit postinstallation contents, 1-3 procedures, 3-1 procedures, 2-1 requirements, 1-10 sample, A-1 Index-2 Installation (Cont.) Log Manager Control Program time required, 1-18 (LMCP) Utility verification messages, See LMCP Utility 2-11 LSE Installation Verification activating for DECintact Procedure (IVP) system, 3-4 See IVP INTACT command, 3-2 M__________________________ IPCACP process Maintenance updates, 3-3 activating for DECdtm Media services, 1-5 in distribution kit, 1-3 IVP Messages files installed, B-15 IVP messages checking, 2-11 checking, 2-11 list, C-10 list, C-10 VMSINSTAL, C-3 requirements for, 1-10 warning, 2-5 running standalone, 3-2 N__________________________ L__________________________ Nodes Language-Sensitive Editor licensing for multiple, (LSE) 1-10 See LSE License Management Facility O__________________________ (LMF) Online release notes, 1-2 See LMF OPTIONS N parameter Licenses selecting release note See DECintact licenses option if specified, See LMF, license 2-6 LMCP Utility VMSINSTAL procedure, 1-2 example of using, D-7 using before installing P__________________________ DECintact, 1-5 PAK using to create DECdtm registration transaction log, D-5 LMF requirement, 1-3 LMF procedure, 1-9 license Physical memory in distribution kit, installation requirements 1-3 for, 1-10 registering DECintact Planning system, 1-9 transaction logs, D-1 requirement for PAK registration, 1-3 Index-3 Postinstallation procedures , 3-1 S__________________________ Prerequisite software, 1-4 SCSNODE system parameter Privileges defining for processes, 1-10 for DECdtm services, Problem reporting 1-5 See Reports, problem SCSSYSTEMID system Product Authorization Key parameter (PAK) defining for DECdtm See PAK services, 1-5 SHUTDOWN command, 3-2 Q__________________________ Software Quotas media in distribution changing, 1-13 kit, 1-3 disk space, 1-16 optional, 1-4 for processes, 1-11 installing, 1-5 checking, 1-12 prerequisite, 1-4 for system parameters, Software Performance Report 1-13 (SPR) See SPR R__________________________ Software Product Reader's Comments form Description (SPD) submitting, 3-4 See SPD Release notes, 3-3 Software Product Services as source of SPR (SPS) contract instructions, 3-3 See SPS contract displaying, 2-6 SPD help, 3-3 as applies to reporting OPTIONS N, 2-6 problems, 3-4 printing, 1-3 SPR reading on line, 1-3 submitting, 3-3 Remote-access system SPS contract files installed, B-2 as applies to reporting license, 1-2 problems, 3-3 Reports SSA problem, 3-3 as source of supported Run-time system software versions, 1-7 files installed, B-2, as source of supported B-15 VMS classes, 1-4 license, 1-2 as source of supported VMS version, 1-4 Standalone IVP See also IVP Index-4 Standalone IVP (Cont.) running, 3-2 T__________________________ STARTUP command, 3-2 Time SYS$DECDTM_INHIBIT logical requirements for name installation, 1-18 removing to set up DECdtm TP_SERVER process , 1-4 activating for DECdtm SYS$JOURNAL logical name services, 1-5 defining for DECdtm Transaction logs services, 1-5 See DECdtm services, example of defining, D-7 transaction logs transaction logs, D-5 example of defining, U D-7 ___________________________ SYSGEN parameters UIC changing before process state installation, 1-15 required to run IVP, minimum values for 1-10 installation, 1-13 required to run SYSMAN Utility VMSINSTAL, 1-10 using to set up Upgrading to DECintact transaction logs, D-7 Version 2.0 System disk preinstallation procedure backing up, 1-17 , 1-7 System logical names defining V__________________________ for DECdtm services, VAXcluster system 1-5 node System manager's account, loading DECintact 2-1 licence, 1-10 System parameters using INTACT command, 3-2 changing before VMS installation, 1-15 installed version defining checking by VMSINSTAL, for DECdtm services, 1-4 1-5 determining, 1-4 minimum values for required components, 1-4 installation, 1-13 required support classes, System processes 1-4 activating for DECdtm supported version services, 1-5 information in SSA, System Support Addendum 1-4 (SSA) VMSINSTAL procedure See SSA checking VMS version, 1-4 Index-5 VMSINSTAL procedure (Cont.) prompt to access release effect on BYPASS notes, 1-2 privilege, 1-11 query about system disk gathering information for backup, 1-17 DECintact installation, requirements checked by, 1-18 1-17 handling problems running to start detected by, 1-17 installation, 2-2 messages, C-3 syntax, 2-2 after interactive UIC considerations before input, 2-10 running, 1-10 after selecting DECintact license, W__________________________ 2-9 Warranty LSE software or as applies to reporting license missing, problems, 3-3 2-9 Warranty Addendum unsupported LSE as applies to reporting version, 2-10 problems, 3-4 OPTIONS N parameter, 1-2 Index-6