POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility for_OpenVMS___________________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-PGC3C-TE March 1994 This guide explains how to install the POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility for OpenVMS software. Revision/Update Information: This revised guide supersedes the DECinspect Security Reporting Facility for VMS Installation Guide. Software Version: Version 2.1 Operating System and Version: OpenVMS Version 5.2 or higher Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ First Printing, July 1991 Revised, March 1994 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Possession, use, duplication, or dissemination of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or the third-party owner of the software copyright. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software or equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994. All Rights Reserved. Printed in Ireland. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation AXP, DEC, DECinspect, DEC RALLY, DECnet, OpenVMS, POLYCENTER, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX RALLY, VAX Rdb/VMS, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo. AIX and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. HP and HP-UX are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Multinet is a registered trademark of TGV, Inc. OSF and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. Solaris and Sun are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of the X/Open Company Limited. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Preparing for Installation 1.1 Checking the Media Software Distribution Kit.......................................... 1-2 1.2 Accessing the Online Release Notes........... 1-2 1.3 Required Operating System Components......... 1-3 1.4 Prerequisite Hardware........................ 1-4 1.5 Prerequisite Software........................ 1-4 1.6 Deactivating the License for POLYCENTER SRF Version 1.1.................................. 1-4 1.7 Registering a New License.................... 1-6 1.8 Privileges Needed for Installation........... 1-6 1.9 Disk Space Requirements...................... 1-7 1.10 System Parameter Settings.................... 1-8 1.10.1 Checking System Parameter Settings....... 1-9 1.10.2 Calculating the Values for Global Pages and Sections............................. 1-10 1.10.3 Changing Nondynamic System Parameter Values Using AUTOGEN..................... 1-10 1.10.4 Setting Dynamic System Parameter Values................................... 1-12 1.11 Process Quotas............................... 1-13 1.12 Verifying and Changing Process Quotas........ 1-13 1.13 Installation Time............................ 1-14 1.14 Backing Up the System Disk................... 1-14 1.15 Backing Up the POLYCENTER SRF Database....... 1-14 1.16 Name or Address of the Rollup Node for POLYCENTER Security CM Tokens................ 1-15 1.17 Name or Address of the Rollup Node for POLYCENTER Security ID Alarm Tokens.......... 1-15 iii 1.18 Specifying a DSRF$EXECUTOR UIC and a UIC for the DSRF$SERVER Account...................... 1-15 2 Step-by-Step Installation 2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL........................... 2-1 2.2 Aborting the Installation.................... 2-2 2.3 Step-by-Step Installation Procedure.......... 2-2 2.4 Error Conditions............................. 2-14 3 Post Installation 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately......................... 3-1 3.2 Granting Identifiers......................... 3-2 3.3 Providing Quotas............................. 3-3 3.4 Providing Additional Disk Quota.............. 3-4 3.5 Modifying the System Startup Command Procedure.................................... 3-4 3.6 Defining the DECnet Receiver Object.......... 3-5 3.7 Making the Product Usable on a VAXcluster.... 3-5 3.8 Additional VAXcluster Considerations......... 3-6 3.9 Starting the TCP/IP Receiver................. 3-7 3.10 Accessing the Main Menu...................... 3-7 3.11 Maintenance Updates.......................... 3-7 3.12 Determining and Reporting Problems........... 3-8 A Sample Reinstallation B Files and Logical Names Installed B.1 Files........................................ B-1 B.2 Logicals..................................... B-3 B.3 Installed Images............................. B-4 iv Index Tables 1-1 Disk Space Requirements.................. 1-7 1-2 Required Minimum System Parameters....... 1-9 1-3 Required Dynamic Parameter Values........ 1-12 1-4 Process Quotas on the Installing Account.................................. 1-13 3-1 Identifiers.............................. 3-3 v ________________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes how to install the POLYCENTER[TM] Security Reporting Facility (POLYCENTER SRF) for OpenVMS[TM] software. POLYCENTER SRF software collects and manages security compliance and security events information. Nodes running POLYCENTER Security CM on the AIX[R], DEC[TM] OSF/1[R] AXP[TM], HP-UX[R], SunOS, Solaris[R] 2, OpenVMS, or ULTRIX[TM] operating systems send the security compliance information to the POLYCENTER SRF node. Nodes running POLYCENTER Security Intrusion Detector (POLYCENTER Security ID) on the OpenVMS operating system send the security events information to the POLYCENTER SRF node. For information on reporting problems, see Section 3.12. This document does not contain release notes; however, you can choose to display or print the release notes during the installation procedure. For more information about reading the release notes, see Section 1.2. Audience This guide is intended for system managers who are responsible for installing POLYCENTER SRF software. v Structure of This Guide This guide is divided into three chapters, two appendixes, and an index: o Chapter 1 describes the prerequisites for installing POLYCENTER SRF for OpenVMS. o Chapter 2 describes the installation procedure. o Chapter 3 describes postinstallation tasks. o Appendix A provides a sample of a reinstallation procedure. o Appendix B lists files and directories created during installation, and the logical names defined during installation. Related Documents The following documents contain information that is related to POLYCENTER SRF: o POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility for OpenVMS User's Guide o POLYCENTER Security Compliance Manager for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP User's Guide o POLYCENTER Security Compliance Manager for UNIX Systems User's Guide o DECinspect Intrusion Detector for VMS User's Guide o POLYCENTER Intrusion Detector for ULTRIX User's Guide o POLYCENTER Intrusion Detector for SunOS User's Guide o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual o Installing DEC RALLY for OpenVMS Systems o DEC Rdb Installation Guide o OpenVMS VAX Guide to System Security o OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual vi o OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual o OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual o OpenVMS System Management Subkit o VAX Rdb/VMS Guide to Database Maintenance o Guide to Setting Up an OpenVMS System For information about the special features and limitations of this release, see the Release Notes located in the file SYS$HELP:DSRF021.RELEASE_NOTES. vii Conventions The following table shows the conventions used in this guide: __________________________________________________________ Convention_______Description______________________________ Note A note contains information that is of special importance to the reader. A key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press that key. Ctrl/x Ctrl/x indicates that you hold down the Ctrl key while you press another key or mouse button (indicated here by x). PF1 x The key sequence PF1 x indicates that you press and release PF1, and then you press and release another key or mouse button (indicated here by x). Monospace type Monospace type indicates both system displays and user input. It also indicates literal strings in text. Boldface type Boldface type in examples indicates user input. Boldface type in text indicates the first instance of terms defined either in the text. Italic type Italic type emphasizes important information, indicates variables, and indicates the complete titles of manuals. $ The dollar sign ($) indicates the DCL prompt. viii __________________________________________________________ Convention_______Description______________________________ UPPERCASE Words in uppercase indicate a command, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or an abbreviation for a system privilege. Vertical ellipsis points indicate the . omission of information from an example . or command format. The information is . omitted because it is not important to _________________the_topic_being_discussed._______________ ix 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing for Installation This chapter describes the prerequisites necessary for installing POLYCENTER SRF software. It contains information on the following: o Checking the media software distribution kit o Accessing the online release notes o Required operating system components o Prerequisite hardware o Prerequisite software o Deactivating the License for POLYCENTER SRF Version 1.1 o Registering a new license o Privileges needed for installation o Disk space requirements o System parameter settings o Process quotas o Verifying and changing process quotas o Installation time o Backing up the system disk o Backing up the POLYCENTER SRF database o Name or address of the rollup node for the POLYCENTER Security CM tokens o Name or address of the rollup node for the POLYCENTER Security ID alarm tokens o Specifying a DSRF$EXECUTOR UIC and a UIC for the DSRF$SERVER Account Preparing for Installation 1-1 Preparing for Installation 1.1 Checking the Media Software Distribution Kit Your bill of materials (BOM) and indented bills report (BIL) specify the number and contents of your media. Ensure that you check the contents of your kit against the BOM. If your kit is damaged, or if you find that parts of the kit are missing, call your Digital[TM] Equipment Corporation representative. You must mount the distribution media in numerical order. The installation procedure prompts you to mount the volumes. 1.2 Accessing the Online Release Notes The POLYCENTER SRF installation kit provides online release notes that you can display or print during the installation procedure. ________________________Note ________________________ The prompt to display or print the release notes is included in the installation procedure when you invoke VMSINSTAL with the N option only. _____________________________________________________ To read the release notes before you install the POLYCENTER SRF software, follow the installation procedure in Section 2.3 up to step 3. At that point, you can choose to read or print the release notes. You can then choose to discontinue the installation procedure. The release notes file, installed by VMSINSTAL, shows a unique name for each maintenance update. Do not delete previous versions of the release notes file because you may want to refer to them later. To read the release notes after the installation, display or print the file SYS$HELP:DSRF021.RELEASE_NOTES. 1-2 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.3 Required Operating System Components The OpenVMS operating system has a variety of support options, or classes. Classes include such features as networking and Record Management Services (RMS) journaling. To use POLYCENTER SRF software, your system must be running a version of OpenVMS that includes the following classes: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Network Support o Secure User's Environment o MAIL Utility Preparing for Installation 1-3 Preparing for Installation 1.4 Prerequisite Hardware To perform the installation you must have the following hardware: o A TK50 tape drive o A VAXstation or terminal logged into a VAXstation You can perform the complete installation, including verification, from the VAXstation or terminal. 1.5 Prerequisite Software Before you install POLYCENTER SRF software, the following software products must be installed and running on your system: o OpenVMS Operating System Version 5.2 or higher o DEC Rdb for OpenVMS Version 3.1B or higher (at least the Run-Time Option) o DEC RALLY[TM] Version 2.3 or higher (at least the Run-Time Option) If you want to receive tokens directly from POLYCENTER Security CM nodes, you must also have one of the following installed and running on your system: o DEC Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Services for OpenVMS o Multinet[R] 1.6 Deactivating the License for POLYCENTER SRF Version 1.1 If you are currently running POLYCENTER SRF Version 1.2 software, you do not need to deactivate the license. If you are currently running POLYCENTER SRF Version 1.1 software, do the following before installing POLYCENTER SRF Version 2.0 or Version 2.1. 1-4 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1. Deactivate the Version 1.1 license using the following command: $ LICENSE UNLOAD DSRF-V 2. Display the authorization codes for all active POLYCENTER SRF licenses in your system database using the following command: $ LICENSE LIST DSRF-V/FULL 3. For each active license and corresponding authorization code, enter the following two commands: $ LICENSE CANCEL DSRF-V/TERMINATION=01-JAN-1988- _$ /AUTHORIZATION=authorization_code $ LICENSE DISABLE DSRF-V/AUTHORIZATION=authorization_code 4. Finally, execute the license procedure by entering the following: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE See Section 1.7 for more information about registering new licenses. Answer Yes to the VMSLICENSE prompt to load the license for POLYCENTER SRF Version 2.1 software. ________________________Note ________________________ If you see one of the following messages when attempting to use POLYCENTER SRF, at least one Version 1.1 license is still active: %LMF-F-INVALID_DATE %LMF-F-INVALID_VERSION Repeat the sequence of steps 1 to 4 (in this Section) to delete the former license. _____________________________________________________ See the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for more information about registering licenses. Preparing for Installation 1-5 Preparing for Installation 1.7 Registering a New License Before you install and run POLYCENTER SRF software on a newly licensed node or cluster, you must first register a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) using the License Management Facility (LMF). The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. If you are installing POLYCENTER SRF software as an update on a node or cluster already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. You must register and load your license for POLYCENTER SRF software before you start the installation, in order to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and use the software. To register a license under OpenVMS, first log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. You then have a choice of two ways to perform the registration: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with the data from your License PAK. o At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to the License PAK information. If you plan to use POLYCENTER SRF software on more than one node in a VAXcluster, you need to perform a license load on the other nodes after you complete this installation. See Section 3.7 for more information about making the product usable on a VAXcluster. 1.8 Privileges Needed for Installation To install POLYCENTER SRF software, you must log in to an account that has either: o the SETPRV privilege, or the o CMKRNL, WORLD, and SYSPRV privileges 1-6 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.9 Disk Space Requirements The requirements for free disk space during installation are different from those after installation. Table 1-1 summarizes the storage requirements. Table_1-1_Disk_Space_Requirements_________________________ Kit_________________During_Installation__After_Installation POLYCENTER SRF for 10000 Blocks 9000 Blocks OpenVMS_Version_2.1_______________________________________ ________________________Note ________________________ Depending on the number of nodes that send tokens to the node on which POLYCENTER SRF software resides, you may need up to 50,000 blocks or more for the DEC Rdb database. (See the POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility for OpenVMS User's Guide for more information about managing tokens.) _____________________________________________________ Preparing for Installation 1-7 Preparing for Installation If you are reinstalling POLYCENTER SRF software, you can maintain the existing database by choosing the default directory, which is the directory that contains the current database files. To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, assuming that you are installing POLYCENTER SRF software on the system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE 1.10 System Parameter Settings Installing POLYCENTER SRF software requires certain system parameter settings. The system parameter settings must meet or exceed the values shown in Table 1-2. If a parameter is labeled Dynamic, you can cause the parameter setting to become automatically effective without rebooting the system. ________________________Note ________________________ DEC Rdb Run-Time Option and DEC RALLY Run-Time Option might require different parameter set- tings. See the DEC Rdb Installation Guide and the Installing DEC RALLY for OpenVMS Systems Installation Guide. _____________________________________________________ 1-8 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation Table_1-2_Required_Minimum_System_Parameters______________ Required Parameter_Name______Minimum_______Unit__________Type______ SRPCOUNT 1024 Packets - MAXBUF 1200 Bytes Dynamic RESHASHTBL 512 Entries - LOCKIDTBL_MAX 2048 Entries Dynamic SRPCOUNTV 2048 Packets - CLISYMTBL 250 Pages Dynamic PROCSECTCNT 32 Sections - WSMAX 5000 Pages - VIRTUALPAGECNT______20,000________Pages_________-_________ The following sections show how to: o Check system parameter values o Calculate values for the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS system parameters o Change parameter values with the OpenVMS AUTOGEN command procedure o Set dynamic parameters with the OpenVMS System Generation Utility (SYSGEN) 1.10.1 Checking System Parameter Settings To check the values of your system parameters, enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke the System Generation Utility (SYSGEN): $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> At the SYSGEN> prompt, enter the SHOW command to display the value of a system parameter. The values displayed should equal or exceed the value of each system parameter listed in Table 1-2. The following example displays the value of the SRPCOUNTV system parameter: SYSGEN> SHOW SRPCOUNTV Preparing for Installation 1-9 Preparing for Installation After checking the parameters with the SHOW command, enter the EXIT command at the SYSGEN> prompt to return to the DCL prompt. 1.10.2 Calculating the Values for Global Pages and Sections The installation procedure requires the following free global sections and global pages: o 1396 Global pages o 80 Global sections To find out how many free global pages and sections you have on your system, use the following commands: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") 15848 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 24 You can also use the following command to find out how many free global pages and sections you have on your system: $ INSTALL LIST /GLOBAL /SUMMARY Summary of Local Memory Global Sections 612 Global Sections Used, 81208/25092 Global Pages Used/Unused) If the values displayed by the system are greater than the required minimum values, you do not need to increase the values for these parameters. If the value of free global pages or global sections is less than the minimum values, you must increase the system parameter setting. Section 1.10.3 describes the procedures for increasing these values using AUTOGEN. 1.10.3 Changing Nondynamic System Parameter Values Using AUTOGEN AUTOGEN automatically adjusts values of parameters specified in MODPARAMS.DAT. To change system parameters with AUTOGEN, edit the following file: SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT 1-10 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation Use an editor to access the file. To change a parameter value listed in this file, delete the current value of that parameter and enter the new value. To add a new parameter, add to the file a line that includes both the name of the parameter and its value. For example: MIN_PROCSECTCNT = 32 To modify incremental parameters such as GBLPAGES and GBLSECTS, use ADD_. The following example increases the global page setting by 200: ADD_GBLPAGES = 200 ________________________Note ________________________ When setting the page file quota, do not use a value that exceeds the amount of page file space available on the system. _____________________________________________________ After you make your changes, exit from the editor and execute AUTOGEN to recalculate your system parameters. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT When you specify REBOOT, AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and then reboots the system. Any users logged in to the system are immediately disconnected during the shutdown. The automatic reboot puts the new parameter values into effect. The AUTOGEN Utility automatically adjusts some of the SYSGEN parameters based on the consumption of resources since the last reboot. If you do not want to take advantage of this automatic adjustment, include the NOFEEDBACK qualifier on the AUTOGEN command line. For more information about using AUTOGEN, see the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. Preparing for Installation 1-11 Preparing for Installation 1.10.4 Setting Dynamic System Parameter Values Use the System Generation Utility (SYSGEN) to set dynamic parameters. Dynamic parameters changed with the SYSGEN WRITE ACTIVE command become active immediately without rebooting your system. In fact, rebooting returns dynamic system parameter values to their previous settings. After you change dynamic parameter values, you should complete the installation before rebooting the system. When you finish the installation, you can either reset the dynamic parameters to their previous values, or let them be reset automatically when you next reboot your system. See Section 1.10.3 for information about making these changes permanent. The dynamic parameter values on the system on which you are installing POLYCENTER SRF software must meet or exceed the values shown in Table 1-3. Table_1-3_Required_Dynamic_Parameter_Values_______________ Dynamic_Parameter__________Value__________________________ CLISYMTBL 250 MAXBUF 1200 LOCKIDTBL_MAX______________2048___________________________ If the dynamic parameter values on your system are less than the values shown in Table 1-3, use the following series of commands to change the values. This example changes the CLISYMTBL value to 250: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> USE ACTIVE SYSGEN> SET CLISYMTBL 250 SYSGEN> WRITE ACTIVE SYSGEN> EXIT 1-12 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.11 Process Quotas The process quotas on the account in which you are installing the POLYCENTER SRF software must meet or exceed the quotas shown in Table 1-4. ________________________Note ________________________ DEC Rdb Run-Time Option and DEC RALLY Run-Time Option might require different parameter settings. Refer to the DEC Rdb Installation Guide and the Installing DEC RALLY for OpenVMS Systems Guide. _____________________________________________________ Table_1-4_Process_Quotas_on_the_Installing_Account________ Process_Quota______________Required_Minimum_Value_________ ENQLM 2000 BYTLM 20,480 FILLM 50 ASTLM 24 BIOLM 18 DIOLM 18 PGFLQUOTA__________________40,000_________________________ 1.12 Verifying and Changing Process Quotas User process quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the OpenVMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change user process quotas. First set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM and then run AUTHORIZE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> At the UAF> prompt, enter the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example: UAF> SHOW SMITH Preparing for Installation 1-13 Preparing for Installation To change a quota, enter the MODIFY command. The following example changes the FILLM quota for the SMITH account, then exits from the utility: UAF> MODIFY SMITH /FILLM=50 UAF> EXIT After you exit from the utility, the system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. The changes do not take effect until the next time the user logs in. For more information on modifying process quotas, see the description of the Authorize Utility in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit. 1.13 Installation Time The installation takes between 5 and 20 minutes, depending on your system configuration. This excludes the time required for database conversion when upgrading from POLYCENTER SRF for OpenVMS Version 2.0 to POLYCENTER SRF for OpenVMS Version 2.1. 1.14 Backing Up the System Disk Digital recommends that you back up the system disk before installing any software on the operating system. Use the backup procedures established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 1.15 Backing Up the POLYCENTER SRF Database If you have already installed this version or another version of POLYCENTER SRF software, Digital recommends that you back up the database files before installing the software again. For details about performing a database backup, see the VAX Rdb/VMS Guide to Database Maintenance, which provides information about maintaining your database, such as backing up, restoring, verifying, and analyzing the database. 1-14 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.16 Name or Address of the Rollup Node for POLYCENTER Security CM Tokens During installation, you specify the name of the node to which your POLYCENTER SRF node sends the POLYCENTER Security CM tokens it receives. If you already installed the software, the installation procedure displays the name or address of your current rollup node as the default. You can either select the default or specify a new rollup node. 1.17 Name or Address of the Rollup Node for POLYCENTER Security ID Alarm Tokens During installation, if you choose to rollup POLYCENTER Security ID alarm tokens, you can specify the name of the node to which your POLYCENTER SRF node sends the alarm tokens it receives. If you already installed the software, the installation procedure displays the name or address of your current alarm token rollup node as the default; otherwise the default is the POLYCENTER Security CM token rollup node. You can either select the default or specify a new rollup node. 1.18 Specifying a DSRF$EXECUTOR UIC and a UIC for the DSRF$SERVER Account During installation you must specify an unused UIC for the DSRF$EXECUTOR executor and for the DSRF$SERVER account. ________________________Note ________________________ An account is not created for the DSRF$EXECUTOR executor. _____________________________________________________ Before installation, use the following AUTHORIZE command to determine whether or not a UIC is used: $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> SHOW/IDENTIFIER/VALUE=UIC:[g,m] Preparing for Installation 1-15 Preparing for Installation If the value does not match a UIC in use, AUTHORIZE displays the following: %UAF-E-SHOWWER, unable to complete show command -SYSTEM-F-NOSUCHID, unknown rights identifier 1-16 Preparing for Installation 2 ________________________________________________________________ Step-by-Step Installation This chapter contains a step-by-step description of how to install POLYCENTER SRF software. It contains information on the following: o Invoking VMSINSTAL o Aborting the installation o Step-by-step installation procedure o Error conditions 2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL To start the installation, invoke VMSINSTAL from a privileged account, for example, the SYSTEM account. Use the following syntax: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DSRF021 device-name OPTIONS N where: o device-name specifies the location of the POLYCENTER SRF save set. o OPTIONS N is an optional parameter that indicates that you want to be given the option to display or print the release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you include the OPTIONS N parameter and read the release notes before proceeding with the installation. VMSINSTAL has several other options. Note that VMSINSTAL presents slightly different messages, depending on the version of OpenVMS that you are running. When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks whether or not: o You are logged in to the SYSTEM account. Step-by-Step Installation 2-1 Step-by-Step Installation o You have adequate quotas to run VMSINSTAL. o There are users logged in to the system. If VMSINSTAL detects any of these conditions, it gives you the opportunity to stop the installation procedure by asking whether or not you want to continue. If you want to stop the installation, press Return. 2.2 Aborting the Installation To stop the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl/Y. When you press Ctrl/Y, the installation procedure deletes all the files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. 2.3 Step-by-Step Installation Procedure This section contains excerpts from the POLYCENTER SRF software installation procedure as it appears on the screen, and provides explanatory text. See Appendix A for a sample of a reinstallation. Step 1: Log in to the system account. Username: SYSTEM Password: Step 2: Invoke VMSINSTAL. Specify the disk that contains the POLYCENTER SRF save set. Ensure you have a recent backup of your system disk. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DSRF021 MTA0: Options N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4-2 It is 06-JAN-1994 at 15:44 Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted:MTA0 Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: DSRF021 2-2 Step-by-Step Installation Step-by-Step Installation The following products will be processed: DSRF V2.1 Beginning installation of DSRF V2.1 at 15:44 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Step 3: (Optional) Select a release notes option. If you specified OPTIONS N when you started the installation in step 2, VMSINSTAL asks a question about reading the release notes. There are four options from which to choose as follows: o If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing Ctrl/C. o If you select option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: You can either press Return to send the file to the default output print device, or you can enter another queue name and press Return. o If you select option 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the terminal and then prompts you for a queue name for the printed version. o If you select option 4, release notes are still copied to the system help directory. Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]:2 . . . Next, VMSINSTAL asks you if you want to continue. Step-by-Step Installation 2-3 Step-by-Step Installation To continue the installation, enter Yes. Otherwise, press Return. In either case, the release notes are copied to a file in the SYS$HELP directory: * Do you want to continue the installation [N]?:Yes %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. -- POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility for OpenVMS -- Installation of Version V2.1 Step 4: Check for valid software versions. The installation procedure confirms that the node on which you are installing the software is running a valid version of OpenVMS software, DEC Rdb for OpenVMS software, and DEC RALLY software. %DSRF-I-VMSCHK, Checking for valid OpenVMS Software Version... %DSRF-I-RDBVMSCHK, Checking for valid DEC Rdb for OpenVMS Software Version... %DSRF-I-RALLYCHK, Checking for valid DEC RALLY Software Version... Step 5: Respond to license registration queries. The installation procedure displays license information about your product and then asks whether or not you have registered and loaded your Product Authorization Key (PAK). You must register and load your PAK to successfully complete the installation. If you have not, answer No to this question to stop the installation. Register and load your PAK, and then restart the installation. Product: DSRF-V Producer: DEC Version: 2.1 Release Date: 11-MAY-1992 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?Y Step 6: Select the purging option. During installation, the files in DSRF021$ROOT and SYS$HELP that contain previous releases of POLYCENTER SRF software are replaced with the new release, but the old release is not automatically purged. Purging is recommended. In response to the purge prompt, either press Return to purge the files or type No to keep them. 2-4 Step-by-Step Installation Step-by-Step Installation See Appendix B for a list of POLYCENTER SRF files and directories. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]?Y Step 7: Process Account Quotas and SYSGEN parameters checked. VMSINSTAL checks the process account quotas and SYSGEN parameter settings of the account in which you are installing the software. If the process account quotas and SYSGEN parameters meet or exceed the minimum values required, the following message is displayed: %DSRF-I-USERPARAM, Checking User Process limits... %DSRF-I-SYSPARAM, Checking SYSGEN Parameters ... If one or more values do not meet the minimum requirement, the installation procedure aborts. Refer to Section 1.10 for information about checking and setting quotas and parameters. Step 8: Specify the location of the root directory. You must specify a directory for the executable POLYCENTER SRF files. POLYCENTER SRF images and command procedure files are placed in subdirectories of the directory that you specify here. Do not specify a directory such as SYS$SYSROOT in the system directory tree. The system logical name for this directory is automati- cally defined when you specify the directory. ________________________Note ________________________ If you have previously installed POLYCENTER SRF software, and you want the new files to be in the same location, press Return at the prompt to choose the default directory. _____________________________________________________ Step-by-Step Installation 2-5 Step-by-Step Installation In response to the following question, enter a location where POLYCENTER SRF top level directory should reside. POLYCENTER SRF images and control files (about 2000 disk blocks) and log and report files (whose size varies) will reside in subdirectories of the location you specify. Later, you will be given an option to locate the larger POLYCENTER SRF database files. NOTE: Digital recommends that this directory should *NOT* reside in the system directory tree (e.g., SYS$SYSROOT:[*...]). * Where should this directory reside? [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF021$ROOT]]: %DSRF-I-ROOT_DIR, DSRF$ROOT will be defined as: -DSRF-I-ROOT_DIR, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF021$ROOT.] Step 9: Specify the location of the database directory. You must specify a directory for the database files. The amount of space required by the database files depends on the number of nodes reporting to your POLYCENTER SRF node. The system logical name for this directory is automati- cally defined when you specify the directory. ________________________Note ________________________ If you have previously installed POLYCENTER SRF software and you want to maintain the existing database, at the prompt press Return to choose the default directory. If you do not choose the default database, then a new empty database is created in the directory specified. _____________________________________________________ You must specify a directory for the POLYCENTER SRF database files. Depending upon the number of nodes being processed and how long you retain their data, the database may occupy anywhere from a few thousand blocks to 50,000 or more. Keep this in mind when you choose the location. * Where should the database directory reside? [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF021$DATA]]: %DSRF-I-DATA_DIR, DSRF$DATA will be defined as: -DSRF-I-DATA_DIR, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF021$DATA.] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,- _This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF021$ROOT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,- _This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF021$DATA]. 2-6 Step-by-Step Installation Step-by-Step Installation Step 10: Specify a node in the cluster for the POLYCENTER SRF executor. If you are installing the software on a node that is a cluster member, you must specify a node in your cluster to run the executor subprocesses. To designate the node on which you are installing the software, press Return in response to the prompt. Otherwise, enter a different node name and press Return. If you are installing the software on a standalone node, the installation procedure does not prompt you for a specific node. The POLYCENTER SRF executor process creates subprocesses to perform tasks such as automatic token rollup at specified time intervals. The executor can have several subprocesses running simultaneously. To control the scheduling of tasks select Schedule option from the POLYCENTER SRF main menu. The executor process will run on a selected node in your cluster. * Enter the node where the executor will reside [NODE01]: Step 11: Specify a base priority level for POLYCENTER SRF tasks. The executor's task subprocesses normally execute at the base priority level of 4. You have the option to select a different priority level between 1 and 6. Selecting a higher priority level allows tasks to run quicker; however, this may affect other processes. * At what base priority should the tasks run? [4]: Step 12: Specify an unused UIC for the executor. The executor and its subprocesses use an exclusive UIC identified by DSRF$EXECUTOR. Although no account is associated with this UIC, this UIC should not be assigned to any other account. Specify an unused UIC for the executor in [GROUP,MEMBER] format. The group number must be greater than MAXSYSGROUP parameter. It is recommended that this UIC is in its own group. Step-by-Step Installation 2-7 Step-by-Step Installation * Enter a UIC for the executor: [400,1] * Create the executor UIC using [400,1] [Yes]? %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation adds an identifier named DSRF$EXECUTOR. %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifer DSRF$EXECUTOR value: [0004000,0000001] added to rights database Step 13: Designate a node to receive your POLYCENTER Security CM tokens. To forward the POLYCENTER Security CM tokens to another POLYCENTER SRF node, you must specify the POLYCENTER SRF node that receives your tokens. For example, if your POLYCENTER SRF node is in level 1, (that is, you only receive POLYCENTER Security CM tokens directly from other nodes), you can specify either a node name or the address of a POLYCENTER SRF node in level 2 or higher, that is, nodes that receive tokens from other nodes that are running POLYCENTER Security CM and from other POLYCENTER SRF nodes. If you do not roll up tokens to another node, specify your node's name or specify zero at the prompt. Contact your site security manager, or some other responsible person, to find out where to roll up the POLYCENTER Security CM tokens. ________________________Note ________________________ If you have previously installed the software, the default node address is the rollup site you defined during the last installation. If you want to use the same rollup site, press Return at the prompt. If you have never installed the software or if you want to select a different rollup site, enter a node name or node address. The node name specified is defined in the logical DSRF$ROLLUP_OFFICE. _____________________________________________________ You must specify a DECnet node to which the POLYCENTER Security CM security status messages, known as tokens, are rolled up. The target node must be running the POLYCENTER SRF software. * Enter the name or address of the token rollup node:NODE02 2-8 Step-by-Step Installation Step-by-Step Installation Step 14a: Choose to roll up alarm tokens to another POLYCENTER SRF node. If your POLYCENTER SRF node receives alarm tokens from nodes running POLYCENTER Security ID software, and you want to forward these alarm tokens to another POLYCENTER SRF node press Return at the prompt. Otherwise, enter No. You have the option to rollup POLYCENTER Security ID security event messages, known as alarm tokens, to any node running the POLYCENTER SRF software. You can choose the node where you roll up your POLYCENTER CM tokens or a different node. * Do you want to roll up alarm tokens [Yes]? Step 14b: Designate a node to receive your POLYCENTER Security ID alarm tokens. If you decide to roll up alarm tokens, you have the option of forwarding the POLYCENTER Security ID alarm tokens to any node running the POLYCENTER SRF software. Contact your site security manager, or some other responsible person to find out where to roll up the POLYCENTER Security ID alarm tokens. ________________________Note ________________________ If you have previously installed the software, the default node name or address is the one you defined during the last installation. If you want to roll up tokens to the same node, press Return at the prompt. If you have never installed the software, the default node name or address is the one you defined as the POLYCENTER Security CM token rollup node. If you want to select a different rollup node, enter a node name or node address. The node name specified is defined in the logical DSRF$ALARM_ROLLUP_OFFICE. _____________________________________________________ You must specify a DECnet node to which the alarm tokens are rolled up. The target node must be running the POLYCENTER SRF software. * Enter the name or address of the alarm token rollup node[NODE02]:NODE03 Step-by-Step Installation 2-9 Step-by-Step Installation Step 15: Specify a UIC for the DSRF$SERVER account. The POLYCENTER SRF DECnet server is always available to receive tokens. Specify a unique UIC for the DSRF$SERVER account. To see a list of UICs already assigned within a particular group, specify * (asterisk) in the member portion of the UIC. Then choose a number that is not in use. After selecting a UIC, you are asked to confirm your choice. If you have already installed the software, the default UIC is the UIC of the existing DSRF$SERVER account; otherwise the default is [376, *]. ________________________Note ________________________ The following sample installation procedure selects 12 as the member portion of the UIC. You can select any number that is not in use. _____________________________________________________ A network server account must be created for the POLYCENTER SRF token receiver. It is used exclusively for the network processes that receive incoming tokens and alarm tokens. You must specify an unused UIC to be assigned to this account. You can place it in the same UIC group as other network servers on your system. Specify the UIC in [GROUP,MEMBER] format. The group number must be greater than MAXSYSGROUP parameter. (Enter [GROUP,*] for a list of existing accounts in that group.) * Enter UIC for the server account [[376,*]]: [376,12] %DSRF-I-CHECK_UAF, Checking SYSUAF for existing account(s) %UAF-W-BADSPC, no user matched specification * Create server account with this UIC ([376,12]) [Yes]? Step 16: Respond to IVP option. The installation procedure now asks whether or not you want to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). The IVP checks for successful installation. It is recommended that you run the IVP. After POLYCENTER SRF software is installed, you can run the IVP independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might need to run the IVP after a system failure to make sure that users can access the POLYCENTER SRF software. Section 3.1 describes how to run the IVP separately. 2-10 Step-by-Step Installation Step-by-Step Installation * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]?Y You can run the installation verification procedure (IVP) any time in the future using the following command: $ @ SYS$TEST:DSRF$IVP.COM Step 17: Read informational messages. The installation procedure generates a number of informational messages from this point on. If you are reinstalling POLYCENTER SRF software, the display you see may differ slightly from what is shown in the following section. Refer to Appendix A for a sample of a reinstallation. The remainder of this installation will be completed without further questions. The POLYCENTER SRF files will now be placed onto your system. You must grant one of the appropriate rights identifiers to users who need access to the POLYCENTER SRF database. Use the GRANT/IDENTIFIER command in AUTHORIZE. The identifiers are: DSRF$ADMIN Read, Write, and Control access DSRF$UPDATE Read and Write access DSRF$READ Read-only access . . . To have your POLYCENTER SRF environment defined after each system boot, please add the following line to your SYSTARTUP procedure, such that this line is executed by all nodes in the cluster after the DEC Rdb Monitor is started. $ @ SYS$STARTUP:DSRF$STARTUP.COM To have your POLYCENTER SRF environment removed before each system shutdown, please add the following line to your SHUTDOWN procedure, such that this line is executed by all nodes in the cluster before the DEC Rdb Monitor is shutdown. $ @ SYS$MANAGER:DSRF$SHUTDOWN.COM %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [DSRF$SERVER]. Step-by-Step Installation 2-11 Step-by-Step Installation If you intend to execute this layered product on other nodes in your VAXcluster, and you have the appropriate software license, you must prepare the system-specific roots on the other nodes by issuing the following command on each node (using a suitably privileged account): $ CREATE/DIRECTORY SYS$SPECIFIC:[DSRF$SERVER]/Owner=[376,12]- _$/Protection=(O:RWE,G,W) Creating node specific directories (SYS$SPECIFIC:[DSRF$SERVER]) will allow other nodes in the cluster to function as network servers and share the load of receiving POLYCENTER Security CM and POLYCENTER Security ID tokens. Be sure to assign the correct ownership and protection to these directories. . . . Be sure to read SYS$HELP:DSRF021.RELEASE_NOTES before using this version of POLYCENTER SRF. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Creating a new database ... Adding default initial data ... Protecting the database ... Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation, 1990-1994. All Rights Reserved. Creating the Sample database ... Adding default initial data to the Sample database ... Protecting the Sample database ... Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation, 1990-1994. All Rights Reserved. Starting the POLYCENTER SRF executor... Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation, 1990-1994. All Rights Reserved. %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 00000718 Starting the POLYCENTER SRF TCP/IP receiver... %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 00000719) 2-12 Step-by-Step Installation Step-by-Step Installation Step 18: Observe the IVP. If you chose to run the IVP when prompted in step 16, VMSINSTAL runs it now. You can also run the IVP anytime after installation. Section 3.1 describes how to run the IVP separately. The IVP performs the following steps: 1. Verifies that the DSRF$STARTUP procedure has executed. 2. Verifies the existence of some required files. 3. Sends a test token to the node on which you have just installed the software. 4. Sends a test token to the node that you specified as the POLYCENTER Security CM token rollup node in step 13. 5. Sends a test token to the node that you specified as the POLYCENTER Security ID alarm token rollup node in step 14b (only if the node is a different node than the POLYCENTER Security CM token rollup node). -- POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility for OpenVMS -- Installation Verification Procedure Version V2.1 ================================================================ . . . Sending Token to POLYCENTER SRF node 0 ... Checking rollup office POLYCENTER SRF Token Loopback Test Program . . . Sending Token to POLYCENTER SRF node NODE02 ... Checking alarm rollup office... Step-by-Step Installation 2-13 Step-by-Step Installation POLYCENTER SRF Token Loopback Test Program . . . Sending Token to POLYCENTER SRF node NODE03 ... When the IVP runs successfully, you see the following display: The POLYCENTER SRF installation Verification Procedure has completed. Step 19: End the installation procedure. When the POLYCENTER SRF installation procedure is complete, you can choose either to install more products or to end the installation procedure. To end the installation procedure, press either Return or Ctrl/Z. Installation of DSRF V2.1 completed at 15:50 . . . VMSINSTAL procedure done at 15:50 Note that VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system account, and you want to restore those symbols, log out and log in again. To prevent this problem, you can spawn a process and invoke VMSINSTAL from this process. Log out of this process after the installation, so that your symbols are still defined correctly. 2.4 Error Conditions If the installation procedure fails for any reason, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSTFAIL, The installation of POLYCENTER SRF V2.1 has failed. If the attempt to send a test token to the node on which the software was installed fails, the IVP and installation both fail. You see these messages: 2-14 Step-by-Step Installation Step-by-Step Installation The POLYCENTER SRF V2.1 Installation Verification Procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for POLYCENTER SRF V2.1 has failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-INSTFAIL, The installation of POLYCENTER SRF V2.1 has failed. If the attempt to send a test token to the nodes designated as the rollup nodes for the POLYCENTER Security ID and POLYCENTER Security CM tokens fails, the IVP and installation do not fail. You see the following message: Failed to send token to the specified POLYCENTER SRF Node. %-NONAME-W-NOMSG, Message number 00000000 If the token could not be received by the rollup node, check the status of the node by doing the following: o Review the rollup node's log files, which are located in the files: - SYS$SPECIFIC:[DSRF$SERVER]NETSERVER.LOG - DSRF$LOGS:DSRF$RCVR_nodename.LOG Where nodename is the name of receiving node. - DSRF$LOGS:DSRF$TOKENS.LOG - DSRF$LOGS:DSRF$TOKENS.OLD_LOG o Run the Network Control Program (NCP) from the node on which you ran the IVP to see the status of the node, for example: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCP NCP>SHOW NODE NODE02 If the node is only temporarily unavailable, wait until the node becomes available, then try to run the IVP again. If an incorrect node name or address was chosen during installation, redefine the logicals DSRF$ROLLUP_OFFICE or DSRF$ALARM_ROLLUP_OFFICE to point to other nodes and run the IVP again as described in Section 3.1. For example, to redefine the logical DSRF$ROLLUP_OFFICE to NODE04, issue the following DCL command: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC DSRF$ROLLUP_OFFICE "NODE04::""0=INSPECT$SERV""" Step-by-Step Installation 2-15 Step-by-Step Installation Edit SYS$STARTUP:DSRF$STARTUP.COM and change the node name to NODE04 in the line performing the above definition. One or more of the following conditions can also cause an error during the installation: o Insufficient disk space to complete the installation o Insufficient system virtual page count parameter o Insufficient AST quota o Insufficient buffered I/O byte count o Insufficient subprocess quota o Insufficient open file quota o Insufficient process paging file quota o Insufficient process working set quota o Insufficient system maximum working set o Incorrect version of OpenVMS o Incorrect or missing version of DEC RALLY or DEC Rdb software o DSRF-V PAK not loaded For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual and the Guide to Setting Up an OpenVMS System. If any of these conditions exist, take the appropriate action, as described in the error message. You might need to change a system parameter or increase an authorized quota value. If the installation fails, restart the installation procedure as described in Section 2.3, starting at step 2. 2-16 Step-by-Step Installation 3 ________________________________________________________________ Post Installation This chapter describes the steps to take after you install POLYCENTER SRF software. It includes information on the following: o Running the installation verification procedure separately o Granting identifiers o Providing quotas o Providing additional disk quota o Modifying the system startup command procedure o Defining the DECnet receiver object o Making the product usable on a VAXcluster o Additional VAXcluster considerations o Starting the TCP/IP receiver o Accessing the main menu o Maintenance updates o Determining and reporting problems 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately You usually run the IVP during installation. If you want to run the IVP separately to ensure the integrity of installed files, or if system problems occur, execute the following command procedure: $ @SYS$TEST:DSRF$IVP.COM Post Installation 3-1 Post Installation ________________________Note ________________________ Running the IVP separately requires the following: o You must execute the procedure from the node on which you have installed the POLYCENTER SRF software. o The account from which you are executing the procedure must have TMPMBX, NETMBX, WORLD, and SYSPRV privileges. _____________________________________________________ If the IVP fails, see Section 2.4 for information about the failure. 3.2 Granting Identifiers Grant one of the three POLYCENTER SRF identifiers to each POLYCENTER SRF user. Use the GRANT/IDENTIFIER command in the AUTHORIZE Utility to grant an identifier. Table 3-1 describes the POLYCENTER SRF identifiers and the permissible actions that the identifiers allow. 3-2 Post Installation Post Installation Table_3-1_Identifiers_____________________________________ Identifier Name__________Permissible_Actions_________________________ DSRF$ADMIN A user can use all the functions provided by POLYCENTER SRF software. Digital recommends that only one user has this identifier, the POLYCENTER SRF administrator. This user can perform all the administrative tasks described in the POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility for OpenVMS User's Guide. DSRF$UPDATE Users that have this identifier can perform all functions except for modifying POLYCENTER SRF administrative data and scheduling tasks. You can grant this identifier to more than one person. DSRF$READ Users that have this identifier cannot change data or schedule tasks. You can grant ______________this_identifier_to_more_than_one_person.____ The granting of identifiers takes effect when a user logs in to an account. If the user was logged in when you granted the identifier, the user must log out and log in again for the change to take effect. The following shows how to grant the DSRF$ADMIN to the user with the UIC [300,015]: UAF>GRANT/IDENTIFIER DSRF$ADMIN [300,015] identifier DSRF$ADMIN granted to JONES 3.3 Providing Quotas You can improve the response time for each user if you provide additional quotas to each user's account. As a rule, you should set WSQUOTA to 1024 and WSEXTENT equal to or less than the value of the SYSGEN parameter WSMAX. In addition, you might need to increase the ENQLM parameter to 1500. Post Installation 3-3 Post Installation For example, to increase the WSQUOTA to 1024, issue the following AUTHORIZE command: UAF> MODIFY [300,015]/WSQUOTA=1024 3.4 Providing Additional Disk Quota The installation procedure creates a DSRF$SERVER account and adds a UIC for the DSRF$EXECUTOR to the User Authorization File (UAF). The server account creates vari- ous log files in the DSRF$LOGS and SYS$SYSROOT:[DSRF$SERVER] directories. The executor creates log files in the DSRF$LOGS directory and output files in the DSRF$REPORTS directory. If DISKQUOTA is enabled on the disk on which these directories reside, do either of the following so that the log files and reports can be created: o Provide sufficient quota to the DSRF$SERVER and DSRF$EXECUTOR UICs. o Provide sufficient quota to the DSRF$ADMIN and the DSRF$UPDATE rights identifiers. Use the OpenVMS System Management Utility (SYSMAN) DISKQUOTA command to control quotas. Online help is available within the utility. 3.5 Modifying the System Startup Command Procedure Modify the system startup command procedure to execute the DSRF$STARTUP.COM startup command procedure. The POLYCENTER SRF software must start up after the DEC Rdb Monitor starts up. Add the following line to SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM after the DEC Rdb Monitor startup command: @SYS$STARTUP:DSRF$STARTUP If you add the above line to the system startup command procedure, the POLYCENTER SRF sends memos from the SYSTEM account. To send them from a user account, such as the administrator account, use the following command to submit the DSRF$STARTUP.COM command procedure rather than just executing the command during system startup: 3-4 Post Installation Post Installation $ SUBMIT/USER=username/QUEUE=queue SYS$STARTUP:DSRF$STARTUP.COM The user name that you specify must have either the DSRF$ADMIN or the DSRF$UPDATE identifier, and the necessary privileges to run the executor. The queue that you specify must be a local queue on the node, not a generic queue for the cluster. 3.6 Defining the DECnet Receiver Object If you are using DECnet[TM]/OSI, in order that the POLYCENTER SRF DECnet receiver object be permanently defined, add the following commands to your system DECnet /OSI Network Control Language (NCL) startup command file: $ NCL = "$ncl" $ NCL create node 0 session control application INSPECT$SERV $ NCL set node 0 session control application INSPECT$SERV- _$ address=(name=INSPECT$SERV), - _$ image name="DSRF$ROOT:[COM]DSRF$TOKEN_RECEIVER.COM", - _$ user name="DSRF$SERVER" 3.7 Making the Product Usable on a VAXcluster If you want to run POLYCENTER SRF on multiple nodes in a VAXcluster, first check to see that you have the appropriate software license. Refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for directions on how to load the license on nodes licensed to use POLYCENTER SRF software. Log in to the SYSTEM account or an account that has SYSPRV and repeat the following steps on each node in the cluster: 1. Make sure that the SYSGEN parameters listed in Table 1-2 are set correctly. 2. Issue the LICENSE LOAD command to activate the OpenVMS license. 3. Replace the DCLTABLES image using the INSTALL utility as follows: $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES Post Installation 3-5 Post Installation 4. Execute the POLYCENTER SRF startup file as follows: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DSRF$STARTUP Once installed, POLYCENTER SRF software runs on any node in a VAXcluster. The executor process runs on the node specified during installation. If you want other nodes in your cluster to share the load of receiving tokens, you must create the appropriate node-specific directory for each node. Ensure that you assign the correct ownership and protection to these directories. Use the following command to create the appropriate directory: $ CREATE/DIRECTORY SYS$SPECIFIC:[DSRF$SERVER]/OWNER=[DSRF$SERVER]- _$ /PROTECTION=(O:RWE,G,W) 3.8 Additional VAXcluster Considerations If you have installed the POLYCENTER SRF software in a VAXcluster whose nodes have node-specific NETOBJECT.DAT, RIGHTSLIST.DAT, or SYSUAF.DAT files, please refer to the following information: o Node-specific NETOBJECT.DAT files The network object INSPECT$SERV must be defined in each NETOBJECT.DAT file. The object must match the characteristics of the INSPECT$SERV object on the node on which the POLYCENTER SRF software is installed. o Node-specific RIGHTSLIST.DAT file The DSRF$ADMIN, DSRF$UPDATE, and DSRF$READ identifiers must be added to each RIGHTSLIST.DAT file. The identifiers must have the same value as the identifiers added to the RIGHTSLIST.DAT file on the node on which the POLYCENTER SRF is installed. Add a UIC for the DSRF$EXECUTOR and for the DSRF$SERVER account. o Node-specific SYSUAF.DAT file 3-6 Post Installation Post Installation A user record for the DSRF$SERVER account must be added to each UAF database (SYSUAF.DAT). The UIC and the password must be the same as the UIC and password of the DSRF$SERVER account on the node on which the POLYCENTER SRF software was installed, and the DSRF$UPDATE rights identifier must be granted to the DSRF$SERVER account. 3.9 Starting the TCP/IP Receiver POLYCENTER SRF Version 2.1 includes a TCP/IP receiver. This receiver allows POLYCENTER Security CM to use TCP /IP to send tokens directly to POLYCENTER SRF. The TCP/IP receiver starts automatically at installation time. If you need to start the receiver at any other time, you can do so by entering the following command: $ @DSRF$COMMAND:DSRF$START_TCP_RCVR.COM 3.10 Accessing the Main Menu To use the POLYCENTER SRF software, after all installation steps are complete, type the following command to access the POLYCENTER SRF main menu: $ INSPECT/MONITOR Refer to the POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility for OpenVMS User's Guide for information about using the software. 3.11 Maintenance Updates Digital may periodically issue maintenance updates of POLYCENTER SRF software. Each update will consist of an installation kit. Install this kit as described in this document or in any documentation that accompanies the maintenance update. Each time a maintenance update is released, the version number changes. For example, if the current version is 2.0, the version number of the first maintenance update is 2.1. In addition, the maintenance update usually includes release notes. The release notes describe the changes to POLYCENTER SRF software since the previous release. Post Installation 3-7 Post Installation The updated release notes are provided on line. You can read the release notes before you install the POLYCENTER SRF software and at any time after product installation. For information about reading the release notes before the POLYCENTER SRF software is installed, follow the instal- lation procedure described in Section 2.3, up to step 3. To read the release notes after installing the product, display or print the file SYS$HELP:DSRF021.RELEASE_NOTES. 3.12 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using POLYCENTER SRF software, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support that you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form if the problem relates to the POLYCENTER SRF documentation. There is a Reader's Comment form at the back of each manual. Use the form from the manual in which you found the error. o Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated above or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. 3-8 Post Installation A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Reinstallation This appendix shows a sample reinstallation of the POLYCENTER SRF software. See Chapter 2 for a sample of an installation on a system that has never had POLYCENTER SRF software installed. Username: SYSTEM Password: Welcome to VAX/VMS Version 5.4-2 Last interactive login on Thursday, 13-DEC-1993 20:33 Last non-interactive login on Thursday, 13-DEC-1993 20:32 $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4-2 It is 13-JAN-1994 at 20:44. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: MTA0 Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: DSRF021 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: DSRF V2.1 Beginning installation of DSRF V2.1 at 20:45 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation, 1990-1994. All Rights Reserved. -- POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility for OpenVMS -- Sample Reinstallation A-1 Sample Reinstallation Installation of Version V2.1 %DSRF-I-VMSCHK, Checking for valid OpenVMS Software Version... %DSRF-I-RDBVMSCHK, Checking for valid DEC Rdb for OpenVMS Software Version... %DSRF-I-RALLYCHK, Checking for valid DEC RALLY Software Version... Product: DSRF-V Producer: DEC Version: 2.1 Release Date: 11-MAY-1992 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?Yes * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation[YES]? %DSRF-I-USERPARAM, Checking User Process limits... %DSRF-I-SYSPARAM, Checking SYSGEN Parameters ... In response to the following question, enter a location where POLYCENTER SRF top level directory should reside. POLYCENTER SRF images and control files (about 2000 disk blocks), and log and report files (whose size varies) will reside in subdirectories of the location you specify. Later, you will be given an option to locate the larger POLYCENTER SRF database files either here or elsewhere. NOTE: Digital recommends that this directory should *NOT* reside in the system directory tree (e.g., SYS$SYSROOT:[*...].) * Where should this directory reside? [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF$ROOT]]: %DSRF-I-ROOT_DIR, DSRF$ROOT will be defined as: -DSRF-I-ROOT_DIR, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF$ROOT.] You must specify a directory for the POLYCENTER SRF database files. Depending upon the number of nodes being processed and how long you retain their data, the database may occupy anywhere from a few thousand blocks to 50,000 or more. Keep this in mind when you choose the location. NOTE: To retain your previous POLYCENTER SRF database, you must accept the default location. Otherwise, a new empty database will be created in the new location. A-2 Sample Reinstallation Sample Reinstallation * Where should the database directory reside? [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF$DATA]]: %DSRF-I-DATA_DIR, DSRF$DATA will be defined as: -DSRF-I-DATA_DIR, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF$DATA.] %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF$ROOT] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF$DATA] already exists The POLYCENTER SRF executor process creates subprocesses to perform tasks such as automatic token rollup at specified time intervals. The executor can have several subprocesses running simultaneously. To control the scheduling of tasks select the Schedule option from POLYCENTER SRF main menu. The executor process can run on any node in your cluster. * Enter the node where the executor will reside [NOD01]: The executor's task subprocesses normally execute at the base priority level of 4. You have the option to select a different priority level between 1 and 6. Selecting a higher priority level allows tasks to run quicker; however, this may affect other processes. * At what base priority should the tasks run? [4]: The executor and its subprocesses use an exclusive UIC identified by DSRF$EXECUTOR. Although no account is associated with this UIC, this UIC should not be assigned to any other account. The executor UIC is already defined as [400,1] You must specify a DECnet node to which the POLYCENTER Security CM security status messages, known as tokens, are rolled up. The target node must be running the POLYCENTER SRF software. * Enter the name or address of the token rollup node [NODE02]: You have the option to rollup POLYCENTER Security ID security event messages, known as alarm tokens, to any node running the POLYCENTER SRF software. You can choose the same node where you roll up your POLYCENTER Security CM tokens or a different node. * Do you want to roll up alarm tokens [Yes]? You must specify a DECnet node to which the alarm tokens are rolled up. The target node must be running the POLYCENTER SRF software. Sample Reinstallation A-3 Sample Reinstallation * Enter the name or address of the alarm token rollup node [NODE03]: Proceeding with POLYCENTER SRF network token receiver configuration... %DSRF-I-CHECK_EXIST, Checking for existing POLYCENTER SRF server account/object Owner Username UIC Account Privs Pri POLYCENTER_SRF_SERVE DSRF$SERVER [376,12] Normal 2 Directory SYS$SYSROOT:[DSRF$SERVER] Object Permanent Summary as of 13-JAN-1994 14:46:41 Object = INSPECT$SERV Number = 0 File id = DSRF$ROOT:[COM]DSRF$TOKEN_RECEIVER.COM User id = DSRF$SERVER The DSRF$SERVER account and INSPECT$SERV network object used for receiving tokens are already defined. It is recommended that you do not update the account and object. However, you have the option to update: 1. Only the object 2. Both the account and object To keep the account and object as they are, respond Yes; Otherwise, respond No. NOTE: Updating the account or object does not change the existing passwords of the account and object. These passwords must be the same. * Keep the server account and object as they are [Yes]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? You can run the installation verification procedure (IVP) any time in the future using the following command: $ @ SYS$TEST:DSRF$IVP.COM The remainder of this installation will be completed without further questions. You must grant one of the appropriate rights identifiers to users who need access to the POLYCENTER SRF database. Use the GRANT/IDENTIFIER command in AUTHORIZE. The identifiers are: DSRF$ADMIN Read, Write, and Control access DSRF$UPDATE Read and Write access DSRF$READ Read-only access A-4 Sample Reinstallation Sample Reinstallation %CREATE-I-EXISTS, DSRF$ROOT:[COM] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, DSRF$ROOT:[IMAGES] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, DSRF$ROOT:[TASKS] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, DSRF$ROOT:[REPORTS] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, DSRF$ROOT:[LOGS] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, DSRF$ROOT:[SCRATCH] already exists To have your POLYCENTER SRF environment defined after each system boot, please add the following line to your SYSTARTUP procedure, such that this line is executed by all nodes in the cluster after the Rdb/VMS Monitor is started. $ @ SYS$STARTUP:DSRF$STARTUP.COM To have your POLYCENTER SRF environment removed before each system shutdown, please add the following line to your SHUTDOWN procedure, such that this line is executed by all nodes in the cluster before the DEC Rdb for OpenVMS Monitor is shutdown. $ @ SYS$MANAGER:DSRF$SHUTDOWN.COM %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [DSRF$SERVER]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$COMMON:[DSRF$SERVER] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$SPECIFIC:[DSRF$SERVER] already exists If you intend to execute this layered product on other nodes in your VAXcluster, and you have the appropriate software license, you must prepare the system-specific roots on the other nodes by issuing the following command on each node (using a suitably privileged account): $ CREATE /DIRECTORY- -SYS$SPECIFIC:[DSRF$SERVER]/Owner=[376,12]/Protection=(O:RWE,G,W) Creating node specific directories (SYS$SPECIFIC:[DSRF$SERVER]) will allow other nodes in the cluster to function as network servers and share the load of receiving tokens and alarm tokens. Be sure to assign the correct ownership and protection to these directories. %DSRF-I-SERVER, Installing POLYCENTER SRF network server files %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named DSRF$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated Be sure to read SYS$HELP:DSRF021.RELEASE_NOTES before using this version of POLYCENTER SRF. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Starting the POLYCENTER SRF executor... %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 00000802 Sample Reinstallation A-5 Sample Reinstallation Starting the POLYCENTER SRF TCP/IP receiver... %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 0000803 -- POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility for OpenVMS -- Installation Verification Procedure Version V2.1 ================================================================ Checking startup status Checking required files Checking token receiver POLYCENTER SRF Loopback Test Program Some of the information the token contains: Test time .................. 13-JAN-1994 20:49:37.17 Current User ............... SYSTEM System Hardware ............ VAX 8530 Operating System Version ... V5.4-2 Cluster Alias .............. Cluster Member ............. N Sending Token to POLYCENTER SRF node 0 ... Checking rollup office POLYCENTER SRF Token Loopback Test Program Some of the information the token contains: Test time .................. 13-JAN-1994 20:49:55.66 Current User ............... SYSTEM System Hardware ............ VAX 8530 Operating System Version ... V5.4-2 Cluster Alias .............. Cluster Member ............. N Sending Token to POLYCENTER SRF node NODE02 ... Checking alarm rollup office... POLYCENTER SRF Token Loopback Test Program A-6 Sample Reinstallation Sample Reinstallation Some of the information the token contains: Test time .................. 13-JAN-1994 20:49:55.66 Current User ............... SYSTEM System Hardware ............ VAX 8530 Operating System Version ... V5.4-1 Cluster Alias .............. Cluster Member ............. N Sending Token to POLYCENTER SRF node NODE03 ... The POLYCENTER SRF installation Verification Procedure has completed. Installation of DSRF V2.1 completed at 20:50 . . . VMSINSTAL procedure done at 20:50 Sample Reinstallation A-7 B ________________________________________________________________ Files and Logical Names Installed This appendix lists the files and logical name definitions that the POLYCENTER SRF installation procedure installs on your system. B.1 Files The following directories are created: DSRF$DATA:[000000] DSRF$ROOT:[000000] DSRF$ROOT:[COM] DSRF$ROOT:[IMAGES] DSRF$ROOT:[LOGS] DSRF$ROOT:[REPORTS] DSRF$ROOT:[SCRATCH] DSRF$ROOT:[TASKS] SYS$COMMON:[DSRF$SERVER] SYS$SPECIFIC:[DSRF$SERVER] The following files are created in the DSRF$ROOT:[000000.COM] directory: DSRF$DEFAULT_DATA.COM DSRF$IMPLEMENTATION_REPORT.COM DSRF$EXECUTOR.COM DSRF$GROUP_STATUS_REPORT.COM DSRF$MISSING_TOKENS_REPORT.COM DSRF$MISSING_TOKENS_MEMO.COM DSRF$PURGE_TOKENS.COM DSRF$ROLLUP.COM DSRF$START_EXECUTOR.COM DSRF$STARTUP_OPTIONS.COM DSRF$START_TCP_RCVR.COM DSRF$STATUS_MEMO.COM DSRF$SUMMARY_REPORT.COM Files and Logical Names Installed B-1 Files and Logical Names Installed DSRF$TCP_RECEIVER.COM DSRF$TOKEN_RECEIVER.COM DSRF$TUTORIAL.COM The following files are created in the DSRF$DATA:[000000] directory: DSRF$DATABASE.RDB DSRF$DATABASE.SNP DSRF$SAMPLE_DB.RDB DSRF$SAMPLE_DB.SNP The following files are created in the DSRF$ROOT:[000000.IMAGES] directory: DSRF$ABORT_EXECUTOR.EXE DSRF$CONVERT_V12_FT_DB.EXE DSRF$CONVERT_V20_FT_DB.EXE DSRF$CONVERT_V20_DB.EXE DSRF$COPY_FROM_V11_DB.EXE DSRF$EXECUTOR.EXE DSRF$GROUP_STATUS_REPORT.EXE DSRF$IMPLEMENTATION_REPORT.EXE DSRF$LEGENDS.RGH DSRF$MAIN.EXE DSRF$MAIN.RGA DSRF$MESSAGES.EXE DSRF$MISSING_TOKENS_MEMO.EXE DSRF$MISSING_TOKENS_REPORT.EXE DSRF$PROTECT_NEW_DB.EXE DSRF$PURGE_TOKENS.EXE DSRF$ROLLUP.EXE DSRF$SHARE.EXE DSRF$STATUS_MEMO.EXE DSRF$SUMMARY_REPORT.EXE DSRF$TCP_RECEIVER.EXE DSRF$TOKEN_LOOPBACK.EXE DSRF$TOKEN_RECEIVER.EXE The DSRF$ROOT:[LOGS] directory contains log files created by POLYCENTER SRF tasks and the token receiver. The number of files varies. The following is a list of some of these files. DSRF$EXEC_node.LOG B-2 Files and Logical Names Installed Files and Logical Names Installed DSRF$START_TCP_RCVR_node.LOG DSRF$RCVR_TCP_node.LOG DSRF$RCVR_node.LOG DSRF$TOKENS.LOG DSRF$TOKENS.OLD_LOG The following files are created in the DSRF$ROOT:[000000.SCRATCH] directory: DSRF$DATABASE.RBR DSRF$SAMPLE_DB.RBR The SYS$SPECIFIC:[DSRF$SERVER] directory contains log files created by the network server. The following is the log file created by the network server: NETSERVER.LOG The following file is created in the SYS$STARTUP directory: DSRF$STARTUP.COM The following file is created in the SYS$MANAGER directory: DSRF$SHUTDOWN.COM The following file is created in the SYS$HELP directory: DSRF021.RELEASE_NOTES The following file is created in the SYS$TEST directory: DSRF$IVP.COM B.2 Logicals The following logicals are defined in the system logical table assuming that you chose SYS$SYSDEVICE as the directory location: DSRF$ALARM_ROLLUP_OFFICE" = "NODExx::"0=INSPECT$SERV"" "DSRF$COMMAND" = "DSRF$ROOT:[COM]" "DSRF$DATA" = "SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF$DATA.]" "DSRF$DB" = "DSRF$DATA:[000000]DSRF$DATABASE.RDB" "DSRF$EXECUTOR_NODE" = "NODEyy" "DSRF$IMAGES" = "DSRF$ROOT:[IMAGES]" "DSRF$LOGS" = "DSRF$ROOT:[LOGS]" Files and Logical Names Installed B-3 Files and Logical Names Installed "DSRF$MAIN" = "DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$MAIN.EXE" "DSRF$MESSAGES" = "DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$MESSAGES.EXE" "DSRF$REPORTS" = "DSRF$ROOT:[REPORTS]" "DSRF$ROLLUP_OFFICE" = "NODEzz::"0=INSPECT$SERV"" "DSRF$ROOT" = "SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DSRF$ROOT.]" "DSRF$SHARE" = "DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$SHARE.EXE" "DSRF$TASKS" = "DSRF$ROOT:[TASKS]" "DSRF$TASK_PRIORITY" = "4" The installation procedure creates a network object named INSPECT$SERV, an OpenVMS account named DSRF$SERVER, and adds the DSRF$ADMIN, DSRF$UPDATE, and DSRF$READ identifiers, and the DSRF$EXECUTOR UIC to the rights database. The installation procedure also grants DSRF$ADMIN to the system account and DSRF$UPDATE to the DSRF$SERVER account. B.3 Installed Images The following images are installed by the startup procedure: DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$ABORT_EXECUTOR.EXE (SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$EXECUTOR.EXE (SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$GROUP_STATUS_REPORT.EXE (SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$IMPLENTATION_REPORT.EXE (SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$MAIN.EXE (SysLck Priv) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$MESSAGES.EXE DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$MISSING_TOKENS_MEMO.EXE (SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$MISSING_TOKENS_REPORT.EXE (SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$PROTECT_NEW_DB.EXE (SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$PURGE_TOKENS.EXE (SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$ROLLUP_TOKENS.EXE (SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$SHARE.EXE DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$STATUS_MEMO.EXE (SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$SUMMARY_REPORT.EXE (SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$TCP_RECEIVER.EXE (SysNam, SysLck) DSRF$IMAGES:DSRF$TOKEN_RECEIVER.EXE (SysNam , SysLck) SYS$MESSAGE:RDBMSGS.EXE SYS$MESSAGE:RDMSMSG.EXE SYS$SHARE:UCX$IPC.SHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:SQL$INT.EXE SYS$SHARE:SQL$SHR.EXE B-4 Files and Logical Names Installed ________________________________________________________________ Index A DSRF$SERVER, 2-10, 2-11 ___________________________ DSRF$UPDATE identifier, Account quotas 3-2 See process quotas DSRF021$ROOT, 2-5 Alarm token sending, 2-9 E__________________________ D Error, 2-14 ___________________________ Database G__________________________ backup, 1-14 GBLPAGES Database directory calculating, 1-10 logical name definition, GBLSECTIONS 2-6 calculating, 1-10 Directory Global pages logical name definition, calculating, 1-10 2-5 free, 1-10 POLYCENTER SRF database, Global sections 2-6 calculating, 1-10 POLYCENTER SRF software, free, 1-10 2-5 Disk I__________________________ backup, 1-14 Identifier, 3-2 space, 1-7 Informational messages, Documentation 2-11 related, vi Installation DSRF$ADMIN identifier, 3-2 aborting, 2-2 DSRF$READ identifier, 3-2 directories, B-1 DSRF$ROLLUP_ALARM_OFFICE, ending, 2-14 2-9 files, B-1 DSRF$ROLLUP_OFFICE, 2-8 kit, 1-2 logical names, B-1 preparations, 1-1 to 1-16 Index-1 Installation (cont'd) privileges required, 1-6 L__________________________ requirements, 1-4 to 1-16 License registration sample, A-1 responding to, 2-4 starting, 2-1 steps, 2-2 to 2-14 M__________________________ VAXcluster, 3-5 Messages, 2-11 verification procedure, 3-1 N Installation requirements ___________________________ database backup, 1-14 Node DEC RALLY, 1-4 rollup, 2-8, 2-9 DEC Rdb for OpenVMS, 1-4 disk backup, 1-14 O__________________________ disk space, 1-7 Operating system required, DSRF$EXECUTOR UIC, 1-15 1-4 DSRF$SERVER UIC, 1-15 Option license deactivation, 1-4 N, 2-1 license registration, 1-6 purging files, 2-5 OpenVMS operating system, release notes, 2-3 1-4 operating system, 1-4 P parameter settings, 1-8 ___________________________ POLYCENTER Security CM PAK, 2-4 token rollup node, Parameter settings 1-15 checking, 1-9 POLYCENTER Security ID dynamic, 1-12 alarm token rollup nondynamic, 1-10 node, 1-15 required, 1-8 privileges, 1-6 VMSINSTAL check, 2-5 process quotas, 1-13 POLYCENTER SRF software, 1-4 accessing, 3-7 time, 1-14 installation kit, 1-2 Installation Verification Privileges Procedure required to install, 1-6 Problem See IVP reporting, 3-8 IVP Process account quotas failure, 2-15 providing, 3-3 responding to, 2-10 VMSINSTAL check, 2-5 running separately, 3-1 Process quotas steps, 2-13 changing, 1-13 successful, 3-2 required, 1-13 verifying, 1-13 Index-2 Product Authorization Key SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_ See PAK V5.COM, 3-4 Purging files, 2-5 System startup command modifying, 3-4 Q__________________________ Quotas T__________________________ See process quotas TCP/IP receiver starting, 3-7 R Token ___________________________ receiving on nodes in a Reinstallation, A-1 VAXcluster, 3-5 Release notes sending, 2-8 reading after installation, 2-4 U__________________________ Release Notes UIC for Server reading before specifying, 2-10 installation, 1-2 Updates, 3-7 Rollup changing site, 2-15 V default site, 2-8 ___________________________ logical, 2-8, 2-9 VAXcluster installation POLYCENTER Security CM procedure, 3-5 node, 2-8 VMSINSTAL, 2-1 POLYCENTER Security ID node, 2-9 specifying site, 2-8 S__________________________ Sample installation session existing database, A-1 Software distribution kit, 1-2 mounting, 1-2 problems, 3-8 valid version, 2-4 Startup command procedure, 3-4 SYS$STARTUP:SRF$STARTUP, 2-14 SYS$STARTUP:STARTUP_V5.COM, 3-4 Index-3