SOAP Toolkit for HP OpenVMS Installation Guide and Release Notes February 2007 Version 2.0 Based on Apache Axis Version 1.1 Contents: Hardware Prerequisites Software Prerequisites -- Client Software Prerequisites -- Server Removing the Previous Version Downloading the ToolKit Expanding the ToolKit Installing the SOAP Kit After Installing the ToolKit Installing the Sources and Documentation Removing the Kit Known Issues Release Notes Support Before Installing the SOAP Toolkit ---------------------------------- Hardware Prerequisites ---------------------- The SOAP Toolkit for OpenVMS is available on OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 (I64). Disk Space Requirements ----------------------- The SOAP Toolkit Version V2.0 self-extractable file for OpenVMS Alpha and I64 requires approximately 42,000 blocks of disk space. The product installation requires approximately 100,200 blocks of disk space. Software Prerequisites - Client ------------------------------- The following software is required to call web services with the SOAP Toolkit for OpenVMS: For OpenVMS Alpha: - HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2 (or higher) - HP Software Development Kit (SDK) for the Java Platform Version 1.4.2 (or higher) For OpenVMS I64: - HP OpenVMS I64 Version 8.2 (or higher) - HP Software Development Kit (SDK) for the Java Platform Version 1.4.2 (or higher) For both Alpha and I64: All patches required for SDK for the Java Platform. Check the SDK documentation for the version of Java you are installing to be sure that you have all prerequisite OpenVMS Alpha patches. - JAXP-1.1 compliant XML parser such as Xerces or Crimson must be configured before the SOAP toolkit will operate. (However, you may install the SOAP toolkit without an XML parser being configured.) Note: The Crimson parser is included with the Java SDK Version 1.4 (or higher). A Xerces parser is included in the SOAP Toolkit. To use this parser, add it to your classpath after installation. For example: $ define java$classpath disk$: [axis-1_1.openvms.libjars] xercesImpl.jar Software Prerequisites - Server ------------------------------- The following software is required to deploy web services with the SOAP Toolkit for OpenVMS: - All Axis client prerequisites - A Java Servlet container When deploying web services with the OpenVMS SOAP Toolkit, a servlet container is required to host the Axis Servlet. There are three configuration options for establishing a Servlet container, as follows: * Use the built-in Java Servlet container named SimpleAxisServer. (See Axis documentation.) Note: SimpleAxisServer is NOT a production weight web server, but is appropriate for evaluation or prototyping and testing in a development environment. * Use Tomcat (CSWS_JAVA) as the servlet container while using the built-in web server in Tomcat. * Use Tomcat (CSWS_JAVA) as the servlet container and the Apache-based Secure Web Server (CSWS) as your web server. The SOAP Toolkit for OpenVMS has been tested on Alpha with the following versions of CSWS and CSWS_JAVA: - HP Secure Web Server (CSWS) Version 1.2 (or higher) for OpenVMS - CSWS_JAVA Version 2.0 (or higher) for Secure Web Server for OpenVMS The SOAP Toolkit for OpenVMS has been tested on I64 only with the included SimpleAxisServer. Note: Installing on an ODS-5 enabled disk is required. Removing the Previous Version ----------------------------- There are two ways a user can remove the previous versions: 1. Run AXIS$ROOT:[000000] UNINSTALL_SOAP_TOOLKIT-2_0.COM to remove the product. For example, $ @AXIS$ROOT:[000000]UNINSTALL_SOAP_TOOLKIT-2_0.COM 2. PCSI product installation provides an option to delete the previous version of the kit. It checks for AXIS$ROOT:[000000]UNINSTALL_SOAP_TOOLKIT-2_0.COM and prompts for un-installation. Downloading and Installing the SOAP Toolkit ------------------------------------------- Downloading the Kit ------------------- The SOAP Toolkit for OpenVMS can be obtained in three different ways: 1. OpenVMS Alpha via the e-Biz CDs for OpenVMS Alpha 2. I64 Delta CDs for OpenVMS Integrity 3. OpenVMS website for both OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity. To download the kit, please submit the registration form. Expanding the Kit ----------------- To expand the SOAP Toolkit for OpenVMS, perform the following steps: 1. Create a temporary directory on an ODS-5 disk to hold the installation files that will be extracted from the SOAP-V0200-I64.EXE or SOAP-V0200-AXP.EXE file. For example: $ CREATE/DIRECTORY DISK$:[TEMP] 2. Copy SOAP-V0200-I64.EXE or SOAP-V0200-AXP.EXE to the temporary directory created in Step 1. 3. Set default to the temporary directory created in Step 1. For example: $ SET DEFAULT DISK$:[TEMP] 4. Enter the following command to extract relevant files from the SOAP kit. $ RUN SOAP-V0200-I64.EXE (For Integrity) $ RUN SOAP-V0200-AXP.EXE (For Alpha) The following provides the procedure for expanding the self-extractable kit on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 respectively: RUN SOAP-V0200-AXP.EXE UnZipSFX 5.41 of 16 April 2000, by Info-ZIP (Zip- inflating: HP-VMS-SOAP-V0200--1.PCSI$COMPRESSED inflating: HP-VMS-SOAP-V0200--1.PCSI$COMPRESSED_ESW $ RUN SOAP-V0200-I64.EXE UnZipSFX 5.42 of 14 January 2001, by Info-ZIP (Zip- inflating: HP-VMS-SOAP-V0200--1.PCSI$COMPRESSED inflating: HP-VMS-SOAP-V0200--1.PCSI$COMPRESSED_ESW Installing the Kit ------------------ To install the SOAP Toolkit for OpenVMS, enter a command similar to the following: $ prod install soap The following product has been selected: HP VMS SOAP V2.0 Layered Product Do you want to continue? [YES] Configuration phase starting ... You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. HP VMS SOAP V2.0: SOAP Toolkit Version 2.0 for OpenVMS, based on Apache Axis 1.1 © Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Hewlett-Packard Company * This product does not have any configuration options. Execution phase starting ... The following product will be installed to destination: HP VMS SOAP V2.0 DISK$ALPHASYS:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...90% AXIS$ROOT has been defined. The following logical must be added to SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM so that it will be defined each time the system is rebooted. $ define/sys/nolog/trans=concealed AXIS$ROOT DISK$ALPHASYS: [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.AXIS.] After finishing the SOAP Toolkit 2.0 installation, we recommend that you execute the installation validation tests by running @AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.openvms.coms] For documentation on AXIS and for further instructions please access the Apache AXIS website at the following url. ...100% The following product has been installed: HP VMS SOAP V2.0 Layered Product $ After Installing the SOAP Toolkit --------------------------------- After the installation is complete, perform the following tasks. 1. Run the validation tests. a. In one OpenVMS terminal session enter the following command to startup the SimpleAxisServer: $ @AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.openvms.coms] start_simple_axis_server Following is a log of a validation test run as viewed from this terminal session: $ @AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.openvms.coms] start_simple_axis_server Enter Port Number[8080] %DCL-S-SPAWNED, process axis_server spawned %DCL-S-ATTACHED, terminal now attached to process axis_server Dec 10, 2006 11:22:59 AM org.apache.axis.transport.http.SimpleAxisServer run INFO: SimpleAxisServer starting up on port 8080. Dec 10, 2006 11:25:06 AM org.apache.axis.utils.Admin processWSDD SEVERE: Administration service requested to quit, quitting. Dec 10, 2006 11:25:06 AM org.apache.axis.transport.http.SimpleAxisServer stop INFO: SimpleAxisServer quitting. %DCL-S-RETURNED, control returned to process _TNA34: $ b. In another OpenVMS terminal session enter the following command to run the validation tests: $ @AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.openvms.coms] Following is a log of a validation test run as viewed from this terminal session: $ @AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.openvms.coms] SOAP Toolkit 2.0 (based on Apache AXIS) Utility ----------------------------------------------- 1 - Show current configuration 2 - Run SOAP Toolkit 2.0 Validation Procedure 3 - Copy supplemental jar files to AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.LIB] E. Exit SOAP Toolkit 2.0 Utility ------------------------------------------------ Please choose a task: 2 The SOAP Toolkit 2.0 validation tests will now be run. Note: The OpenVMS SOAP Toolkit V2.0 kit provides optional jar files in AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.OPENVMS.LIBJARS]. These files are often needed to use AXIS but are not included in the AXIS distribution from the Apache Group. They are included in the OpenVMS SOAP Toolkit as a convenience for the user. This validation procedure will use the optional jar files to run the installation verification tests. You have the option of using these jar files in your SOAP Toolkit deployment. To use these jar files, choose option 3 from this utility to copy the files to AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.LIB] The SOAP Toolkit 2.0 Validation Tests require that the Simple Axis Server be started in another process. The Simple Axis Server is a web server provided in the Axis distribution to be used for prototyping. Please execute the command below from a different terminal window. @axis$root:[axis-1_1.openvms.coms]start_simple_axis_server By default the Simple Axis Server will listen on port 8080. If this port is already in use you may specify a different port number as an argument to the command procedure. For example: @axis$root:[axis-1_1.openvms.coms]start_simple_axis_server 999 If a different port was specified when calling then provide that port number below. Enter the port number on which Simple Axis Server is listening [8080]: ... Running validation tests...This may take a few moments... %DCL-S-SPAWNED, process soap_val_tsts spawned %DCL-S-ATTACHED, terminal now attached to process soap_val_tsts %DCL-S-RETURNED, control returned to process _FTA149: The results of the validation tests are saved to a log file. Please compare the tests results log file against the benchmark log file provided in the same directory. The benchmark log file shows the expected results when the validation tests complete successfully. The log file produced is: AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.OPENVMS.VALIDATION-TESTS] validate_soap_toolkit_install.log The benchmark log file is: AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.OPENVMS.VALIDATION-TESTS] validate_benchmark.log To compare the two log files use the command: $diff /ignore=(spacing,blank,trailing)- AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.OPENVMS.VALIDATION-TESTS] validate_soap_toolkit_install.log- AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.OPENVMS.VALIDATION-TESTS] validate_benchmark.log Choice (R- Return to Menu) (E- Exit): E 2. Check the results of the validation test log validate_soap_toolkit_install.log by performing a DIFF against the validate_benchmark.log file supplied in the validation-tests directory as instructed when running the validation procedure selection Run SOAP Toolkit 2.0 Validation Procedure as documented above in step 1. Note: If a port number other than the default 8080 was used, then this will show up in the DIFF of the log and benchmark files. Following is a log of a DIFF: $ diff /ignore=(spacing,blank,trailing)- _$ AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.OPENVMS.VALIDATION-TESTS] validate_soap_toolkit_install.log - _$ AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.OPENVMS.VALIDATION-TESTS] validate_benchmark.log Number of difference sections found: 0 Number of difference records found: 0 DIFFERENCES /IGNORE=(SPACING,TRAILING_SPACES,BLANK_LINES)/ MERGED=1- AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.openvms.validation-tests] VALIDATE_SOAP_TOOLKIT_INSTALL.LOG;1 AXIS$ROOT:[AXIS-1_1.openvms.validation-tests] validate_benchmark.log;1 $ Note: If a port number other than the default 8080 was used, this will show up in the DIFF of the validation run log and benchmark files. The following shows the contents of a successful validation test log: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEGIN - Run Validation Test: Stock Processing file /axis$root/axis-1_1/samples/stock/ deploy.wsdd Done processing Test Command: java "samples.stock.GetInfo" -p 8080 "CSCO" "name" CSCO: Cisco Systems Processing file /axis$root/axis-1_1/samples/stock/ undeploy.wsdd Done processing END - Run Validation Test: Stock ------------------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEGIN - Run Validation Test: Userguide example3 Processing file /axis$root/axis-1_1/samples/userguide/ example3/deploy.wsdd Done processing Test Command: java "samples.userguide.example3.Client" -p 8080 "Look what I typed!" You typed : Look what I typed! Processing file /axis$root/axis-1_1/samples/userguide/ example3/undeploy.wsdd Done processing END - Run Validation Test: Userguide example3 ------------------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEGIN - Run Validation Test: Userguide example4 Processing file /axis$root/axis-1_1/samples/userguide/ example4/deploy.wsdd Done processing Test Command: java "samples.userguide.example4.Client" -p 8080 Hi, you've reached the testMethod. END - Run Validation Test: Userguide example4 ------------------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEGIN - Run Validation Test: Userguide example5 Processing file /axis$root/axis-1_1/samples/userguide/ example5/deploy.wsdd Done processing Test Command: java "samples.userguide.example5.Client" -p 8080 Hi, Glen Daniels! You seem to have ordered the following: 1 of item : mp3jukebox 4 of item : 1600mahBattery If this had been a real order processing system, we'd probably have charged you about now. END - Run Validation Test: Userguide example5 ------------------------------------------------------------ Shutting down SimpleAxisServer... quitting. $ 3. Add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM so that this logical is defined to make AXIS automatically available each time the system is rebooted. $ define/sys/nolog/trans=concealed AXIS$ROOT DISK$: [AXIS.] where DISK$:[AXIS.] is the location where you installed the SOAP Toolkit Version 2.0. Installing the Sources and Documentation ---------------------------------------- The sources and documentation are provided in the form a backup saveset. Execute the following command to restore the documentation and sources. $ set def AXIS$ROOT:[000000] $ *** THIS PROCEDURE WILL LET YOU RESTORE DOCUMENTATION OR SOURCE OR BOTH ON TO AXIS$ROOT:[000000 ] *** 1. RESTORE DOCUMENTATION ONLY 2. RESTORE SOURCES ONLY 3. RESTORE DOCUMENTATION AND SOURCES 4. EXIT TYPE 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 : 1 BACKUP RESTORE OPERATION STARTS..... DOCUMENTATION IS RESTORED. $ *** THIS PROCEDURE WILL LET YOU RESTORE DOCUMENTATION OR SOURCE OR BOTH ON TO AXIS$ROOT:[000000 ] *** 1. RESTORE DOCUMENTATION ONLY 2. RESTORE SOURCES ONLY 3. RESTORE DOCUMENTATION AND SOURCES 4. EXIT TYPE 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 : 2 BACKUP RESTORE OPERATION STARTS..... SOURCE IS RESTORED $ *** THIS PROCEDURE WILL LET YOU RESTORE DOCUMENTATION OR SOURCE OR BOTH ON TO AXIS$ROOT:[000000 ] *** 1. RESTORE DOCUMENTATION ONLY 2. RESTORE SOURCES ONLY 3. RESTORE DOCUMENTATION AND SOURCES 4. EXIT TYPE 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 : 3 BACKUP RESTORE OPERATION STARTS..... DOCUMENTATION AND SOURCES ARE RESTORED $ *** THIS PROCEDURE WILL LET YOU RESTORE DOCUMENTATION OR SOURCE OR BOTH ON TO AXIS$ROOT:[000000 ] *** 1. RESTORE DOCUMENTATION ONLY 2. RESTORE SOURCES ONLY 3. RESTORE DOCUMENTATION AND SOURCES 4. EXIT TYPE 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 : 4 $ Removing the Kit ---------------- To remove the SOAP Toolkit Version 2.0 kit, enter the following command: $ prod remove soap The following information is displayed: $ prod remove soap The following product has been selected: HP VMS SOAP V2.0 Layered Product Do you want to continue? [YES] The following product will be removed from destination: HP VMS SOAP V2.0 DISK$I64SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% The following product has been removed: HP VMS SOAP V2.0 Layered Product Known Issues ------------ On OpenVMS V7.3-2, removing the SOAP product will display the following error messages, but the un-installation is not affected. You will have to manually delete these files. $ prod remove soap The following product has been selected: HP VMS SOAP V2.0 Layered Product Do you want to continue? [YES] The following product will be removed from destination: HP VMS SOAP V2.0 DISK$ALPHASYS:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10% %PCSI-E-FILNOTPUR, error deleting DISK$ALPHASYS: [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][AXIS.AXIS-1_1. webapps.axis.web-inf.classes.samples.attachments] EchoAttachmentsService$MemoryOn lyDataSource.class;1 -SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax Portion done: 20%...30%...40%...50%...60% %PCSI-E-FILNOTPUR, error deleting DISK$ALPHASYS: [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][AXIS.AXIS-1_1. test.badWSDL] Error-OutputInOperationWithUndefinedMessage.wsdl;1 -SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax %PCSI-E-FILNOTPUR, error deleting DISK$ALPHASYS: [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][AXIS.AXIS-1_1. test.badWSDL] Error-OutputInOperationWithMissingMessageAttribute.wsdl;1 -SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax %PCSI-E-FILNOTPUR, error deleting DISK$ALPHASYS: [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][AXIS.AXIS-1_1. test.badWSDL] Error-InputInOperationWithUndefinedMessage.wsdl;1 -SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax %PCSI-E-FILNOTPUR, error deleting DISK$ALPHASYS: [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][AXIS.AXIS-1_1. test.badWSDL] Error-InputInOperationWithMissingMessageAttribute.wsdl;1 -SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax %PCSI-E-FILNOTPUR, error deleting DISK$ALPHASYS: [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][AXIS.AXIS-1_1. test.badWSDL] Error-FaultInOperationWithUndefinedMessage.wsdl;1 -SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax %PCSI-E-FILNOTPUR, error deleting DISK$ALPHASYS: [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][AXIS.AXIS-1_1. test.badWSDL] Error-FaultInOperationWithUndefinedMessage-MultipleFaults.wsdl;1 -SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax %PCSI-E-FILNOTPUR, error deleting DISK$ALPHASYS: [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][AXIS.AXIS-1_1. test.badWSDL] Error-FaultInOperationWithMissingMessageAttribute.wsdl;1 -SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax %PCSI-E-FILNOTPUR, error deleting DISK$ALPHASYS: [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][AXIS.AXIS-1_1. test.badWSDL] dl;1 -SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax Portion done: 70%...80%...90% %PCSI-E-FILNOTPUR, error deleting DISK$ALPHASYS: [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][AXIS.AXIS-1_1. samples.attachments] EchoAttachmentsService$MemoryOnlyDataSource.class;1 -SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax Portion done: 100% The following product has been removed: HP VMS SOAP V2.0 Layered Product Release Notes ------------- This section contains notes on the current release of the SOAP Toolkit for OpenVMS. There are currently no release notes for the Version 2.0 kit. Support ------- Customer Release Versions See the SOAP Toolkit Software Support page for information. For technical feedback to the HP SOAP Toolkit for OpenVMS engineering team, please send mail.