********************************************************************* * * * TP Desktop Connector Version 3.0 for ACMS * * ( TPware Product Suite June 1998 ) * * * * Installation Guide for OpenVMS CONDIST * * * * TPW030_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT July 1998 * * * * Copyright (C) 1998 by * * Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard * * Massachusetts. All rights reserved. * * * ********************************************************************* Preface This guide tells you how to install the TP Desktop Connector client kit from the OpenVMS CONDIST to an OpenVMS Alpha or OpenVMS VAX system. It then provides the instructions to stage and deploy the software to a client system and where to go for further product information and installation instructions. This guide takes over from the Read Before You Install (RBI). Prerequisite Hardware You must have an Intel client system running Windows 95 or Windows NT with network file transfer access to the OpenVMS system on which you install the client kit. Prerequisite Software TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Software Product Description (SPD) included on the OpenVMS CONsolidated DISTribution (CONDIST) contains additional information pertaining to layered software product dependencies and related software requirements. You need free disk space on the host and client systems, approximately as follows: Operating system During Installation After Installation OpenVMS 34 200 blocks 30 500 blocks Windows NT/95 33.2 mb 18.3mb Both the TPware Product Suite Installation Guide and TP Desktop Gateway Installation Guide define additional disk space requirements. CONDIST Install Command To install the client kit on the OpenVMS system, while logged in under the SYSTEM account at the DCL prompt, type a command in the following format: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL TPW030 device-name:[directory-name] The value device-name: is the specification of the drive on which the CD-ROM is mounted and [directory-name] is the location of the product saveset on the CONDIST medium (refer to the Software Product Library Master Index for the directory name). Files Provided The installation loads the following files on your OpenVMS system: SYS$COMMON:[ACMSDI.TPW]TPW030.EXE - self-extracting archive file SYS$COMMON:[ACMSDI.TPW]TPW030_README.TXT SYS$COMMON:[ACMSDI.TPW]TPW030.RELEASE_NOTES - product restrictions Client Kit Staging To stage the client kit, follow these instructions: 1. Copy from the OpenVMS system to an Intel client system the self-extracting archive file. Use a network file transfer utility such as FTP. For example: a. On the Intel client system, create a subdirectory to store the software. > mkdir c:\tpw030dir b. Change directory to the newly created subdirectory. > cd c:\tpw030dir c. Connect to the OpenVMS system that contains the archive file. > ftp nodename The value nodename is the name of the OpenVMS system on which the archive is installed. At the ftp prompts, supply the OpenVMS user name and password. If you successfully log on to the OpenVMS system, at the ftp prompt, type commands to copy the archive file from the OpenVMS directory to the Intel client system and close the ftp utility. For example: ftp> binary ftp> cd sys$common:[acmsdi.tpw] ftp> get tpw030.exe ftp> quit 2. On the Intel client system, expand the archive file and delete it to recover disk space. For example: > tpw030 > del tpw030.exe 3. In the directory in which you expanded the archive file, review the following online documentation for additional information pertaining to installation and use of the TP Desktop Connector for ACMS product. TPware_readme.txt TPware kit information TPware_release_notes.htm TPware Product Suite June 1998 Release Notes TPware_install*.html TPware Product Suite June 1998 Installation a. Read the TPware Product Suite Release Notes for installation- related instructions, a summary of known problems, product restrictions, and a description of new product features. b. Follow the instructions in the TPware Product Suite Installation Guide for only the TP Desktop Connector Version 3.0 for ACMS software and deploy the client kit to client systems. d. Follow the instructions for installing the gateway software in the DIGITAL TP Desktop Gateway Installation Guide contained on the CONDIST CD-ROM. Additional Notes This OpenVMS CONDIST installation kit installs only the TP Desktop Connector Version 3.0 for ACMS software. Any references to other TPware Product Suite June 1998 software components contained in the above documents do not apply to this CONDIST installation kit.