Archive/Backup_System_for_OpenVMS___________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-QHD2D-TE Software Version: Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Version 2.1 Required Operating System: OpenVMS Version 6.1 or higher Required Software: Storage Library System For OpenVMS Version 2.6 or higher Media and Device Management Services For OpenVMS Version 2.6 or higher Required Software: DECnet Phase IV or DECnet-Plus Optional Software Version: TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS ________________________________________________________________ January 1997 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital, an authorized sublicenser, or the identified licenser. While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1995, 1996, 1997. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Alpha, DCL, DECnet, Digital UNIX, eXcursion, OpenVMS, OpenVMS Cluster, StorageWorks, VAXTPU, VAX, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo are all trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. AIX is registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. FTP Software is a trademark of FTP SOFTWARE, INC. HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle, Oracle Rdb, and Oracle RMU are all registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. RDF is a trademark of Touch Technologies, Inc. SGI is a registered trademark of Chemical Bank. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. StorageTek is a registered trademark of Storage Technology Corporation. SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. Windows and Windows NT are both trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. X Window System is a trademark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... vii 1 Preparing for ABS Installation 1.1 Client and Server Software Definitions........... 1-1 1.1.1 Server Software ............................... 1-2 1.1.2 Client Software ............................... 1-2 1.2 Before Installing ABS............................ 1-2 1.3 Required Operating System Components............. 1-4 1.4 Required and Optional Software................... 1-4 1.5 Required Batch Queue............................. 1-6 1.6 License Registration............................. 1-7 1.7 Privileges and Disk Space........................ 1-9 1.8 System Parameters................................ 1-10 1.9 Process Account Quotas........................... 1-10 1.10 VMSINSTAL Requirements........................... 1-12 2 Installing the ABS Software 2.1 Installing the Restricted Version of POLYCENTER Scheduler........................................ 2-1 2.2 Installing ABS................................... 2-2 2.2.1 Installing ABS on OpenVMS Alpha Systems ....... 2-10 2.2.2 Installing ABS in a Mixed-Architecture OpenVMS Cluster........................................ 2-11 2.2.3 Error Recovery ................................ 2-15 iii 3 After Installing ABS 3.1 Installation Verification Procedure.............. 3-1 3.2 Editing the System Startup and Shutdown Files.... 3-1 3.2.1 Starting Up the ABS Software .................. 3-2 3.2.2 Shutting Down the ABS Software ................ 3-2 3.3 Updating the DCL Table on Other OpenVMS Cluster Nodes............................................ 3-2 3.4 Setting Up Proxy Accounts for Running Backup Operations on Remote Nodes....................... 3-2 3.5 Meeting OpenVMS Cluster Requirements............. 3-3 3.6 Granting the Appropriate ABS Access Right Identifiers...................................... 3-3 3.6.1 Enabling an Access Rights Identifier .......... 3-4 3.6.2 Revoking An Access Rights Identifier .......... 3-5 3.7 Installing NT Clients............................ 3-5 3.8 Installing UNIX Clients.......................... 3-6 3.8.1 Modifying the Appropriate UNIX Files .......... 3-7 3.8.2 Moving the UNIX Backup Agent .................. 3-8 3.8.3 Building the UNIX Executables ................. 3-10 Building the tar Executable................. 3-10 Building the gzip Executable................ 3-11 3.9 Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients.................. 3-12 3.10 Modifying Default Policy Objects................. 3-14 4 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.1 The MDMS Environment............................. 4-2 4.1.1 Characteristics of the Managed Media Environment.................................... 4-2 4.1.2 Managing Media by Drive Type .................. 4-2 Automated Media Library..................... 4-3 Media Loader................................ 4-3 Operator Attended Devices................... 4-3 4.1.3 Overview of MDMS Components ................... 4-3 Customizing the Media Manager with the TAPESTART.COM File ......................... 4-3 Managing Access to and Availability of Media....................................... 4-4 STORAGE Commands for Managing Media......... 4-4 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up...................... 4-4 iv 4.2.1 Configuring for an Automated Media Library System......................................... 4-5 Hardware Installation....................... 4-5 Test the Hardware........................... 4-6 Configure MDMS.............................. 4-7 Test the MDMS Configuration................. 4-9 4.2.2 Configuring for a Media Loader ................ 4-10 Hardware Installation....................... 4-10 Test the Hardware........................... 4-11 Configure MDMS.............................. 4-12 Test the MDMS Configuration................. 4-14 4.2.3 Configuring for an Operator Attended System ... 4-15 Hardware Installation....................... 4-16 Test the Hardware........................... 4-16 Configure MDMS.............................. 4-17 Test the MDMS Configuration................. 4-18 4.3 Adding New Media into the Media Environment...... 4-18 4.3.1 Adding Media for Automated Media Libraries .... 4-19 4.3.2 Adding Media for Media Loaders ................ 4-20 4.3.3 Adding Media for Operator Attended Drives ..... 4-22 4.4 Maintaining The Media Management Environment..... 4-23 4.4.1 Creating Backup Copies of the Database ........ 4-23 4.4.2 Managing Onsite and Offsite Rotation .......... 4-23 4.4.3 Importing a Volume ............................ 4-23 4.4.4 Discarding Media .............................. 4-24 4.4.5 Exporting Media ............................... 4-24 4.5 Media Management Exception Situations............ 4-24 4.5.1 Drive Cleaning ................................ 4-25 4.5.2 Resynchronizing the Database .................. 4-25 A Sample Installation B Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients B.1 Adding Client Licenses........................... B-1 B.2 Modifying Client Licenses........................ B-3 B.3 Showing Client Licenses.......................... B-4 B.4 Removing Client Licenses......................... B-4 v C Files and Logical Names C.1 File Names....................................... C-1 C.2 Logical Names.................................... C-4 C.3 Graphical User Interface Logical Names........... C-6 Index Examples 3-1 Using FTP Software to Move the Backup Agent Image.......................................... 3-9 B-1 Adding Client Licenses ........................ B-1 B-2 Modifying Client Licenses ..................... B-3 B-3 Showing Client Licenses ....................... B-4 B-4 Removing Client Licenses ...................... B-4 Tables 1-1 Required Software ............................. 1-5 1-2 Optional Software ............................. 1-5 1-3 How to Register Your ABS License .............. 1-8 1-4 System Parameter Values-Minumum Requirements .. 1-10 1-5 Process Account Quotas for the Installing Account........................................ 1-11 3-1 UNIX Files to Modify .......................... 3-7 3-2 Authorizing NT or UNIX Client Nodes ........... 3-13 C-1 File Names .................................... C-1 C-2 Logical Names ................................. C-4 C-3 GUI Logical Names ............................. C-6 vi _________________________________________________________________ Preface To successfully install and use Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS (ABS), follow these steps: 1. Verify software and system requirements, as detailed in Chapter 1. 2. Install and configure Media and Device Management Services (MDMS) software. For details, see Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Installation Guide. 3. Register the ABS license and verify installation procedure requirements, as described in Section 1.6. 4. Install the ABS software, as detailed in Chapter 2. 5. Configure the ABS software, as described in the Archive /Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. Intended Audience This installation guide is written for an experienced OpenVMS system manager. The document should be used in conjuction with Introduction to OpenVMS System Management. Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: ___________________________________________________________ Convention__Description____________________________________ { } In format command descriptions, braces indicate required elements. You must include one of the elements. vii ___________________________________________________________ Convention__Description____________________________________ [ ] Square brackets show optional elements in command syntax. You can omit these elements if you wish to use the default response. . . . Horizontal ellipsis points indicate the omission of information from a sentence or paragraph that is not important to the topic being discussed. Vertical ellipsis points indicate the omission . of information from an example or command . format. The information has been omitted . because it is not important to the topic being discussed. boldface Boldface type in text indicates the first type instance of terms defined in the Glossary or in text. italic Italic type emphasizes important information, type indicates variables, indicates complete titles of manuals, and indicates parameters for system information. Starting This type font denotes system response, user test . . . input, and examples. Ctrl/x Hold down the key labeled Ctrl (Control) and the specified key simultaneously (such as Ctrl /Z). PF1 x The key sequence PF1 x indicates that you press and release the PF1 key, and then you press and release another key (indicated here by x). n A lowercase italic n indicates the generic use of a number. For example, 19nn indicates a four-digit number in which the last two digits are unknown. x A lowercase italic x indicates the generic use of a letter. For example, xxx indicates any ____________combination_of_three_alphabetic_characters.____ viii Related Products The following related products are mentioned in this document: ___________________________________________________________ Product_______Description__________________________________ ABS ABS refers to Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS[TM] software. ABS OMT ABS OMT refers to Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Management Tools[TM] software. HSM HSM refers to HSM for OpenVMS software. MDMS MDMS refers to Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS software. OpenVMS Refers to the OpenVMS operating system. SMF SMF refers to Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS software. SLS SLS refers to Storage Library System for ______________OpenVMS_software.____________________________ Associated Documents The following documents are associated with Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS. o Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations o Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Installation Guide o Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations o Storage Library System for OpenVMS Installation Guide o Storage Library System for OpenVMS Guide to Backup and Restore Operations ix 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing for ABS Installation This chapter describes the preparations and requirements necessary for installing the Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS (ABS) Version 2.1 software and includes the following information: o Client and server software definitions o What to do before installing ABS o Required and optional software o License registration o Privileges and disk space o System parameters o Process account quotas o VMSINSTAL requirements 1.1 Client and Server Software Definitions ABS is a backup software product that is built upon a client-server technology. Before installing ABS, decide which node or OpenVMS Cluster system will become the ABS server: o The server software provides access to the ABS policy database for itself and for ABS client nodes. See Section 1.7 of this document and the Software Product Description (SPD) for disk space requirements. o The client software enables you to use ABS from nodes other than the ABS server. Preparing for ABS Installation 1-1 Preparing for ABS Installation 1.1 Client and Server Software Definitions You must install ABS server software on at least one node or OpenVMS Cluster system. Although the installation procedure does not have separate kits for the client and server software, the ABS server is determined by the placement of the ABS policy engine. During the installation procedure, you will be asked to supply the OpenVMS Cluster system alias name or the node name or names where you want the ABS policy engine to reside. This node or OpenVMS Cluster system becomes the ABS server. 1.1.1 Server Software The ABS server software provides the ABS policy database which contains the ABS policy objects. The ABS server coordinates data movement operations for itself and its clients. 1.1.2 Client Software The ABS client software communicates with the ABS server software and requests access to ABS policy objects within the ABS policy database. The client software is installed exactly the same as the server software, with the exeception of the ABS policy engine location. If you are installing an ABS client, when the installation procedure prompts for the policy engine node, supply the ABS server node and not the client node where you are installing the software. 1.2 Before Installing ABS Before installing the ABS software, perform the following tasks: o Read the Release Notes-The ABS kit includes a text version of the ABS Release Notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read these before proceeding with the installation. The ABS Release Notes are located in a file named SYS$HELP:ABS021.RELEASE_NOTES. o Print and review the documentation-The ABS documentation is included in this software kit. Review the documents before installing the ABS software. In particular, review Chapter 4 of this document to determine how to set up your media management environment. 1-2 Preparing for ABS Installation Preparing for ABS Installation 1.2 Before Installing ABS o Perform a system backup operation-At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL prompts whether you have backed up your system disk. Digital recommends that you perform a backup operation on the system disk before installing any software. For details about performing a backup operation on a system disk, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. o Shutdown ABS-If ABS is currently running, shut it down by entering the following command on all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster system: $ @SYS$MANAGER:ABS$SHUTDOWN.COM o Register the ABS license-Register and load the licenses as described in Section 1.6. o Verify the installation requirements-Section 1.3 and Section 1.4 describe the requirements for installing the ABS software. o Install POLYCENTER Scheduler-ABS requires that POLYCENTER Scheduler be installed and active on your system before installing ABS. The ABS installation procedure will fail if POLYCENTER Scheduler is not currently running. If you do not have the full version of POLYCENTER Scheduler (purchased separately) installed on your system, ABS provides a restricted version of POLYCENTER Scheduler for use only with ABS. This restricted version is provided in the ABS software kit. The following items describe what you need to do if you are installing either the full or restricted version of POLYCENTER Scheduler: - If you are installing the full version of POLYCENTER Scheduler, you must have the callable interface installed before installing ABS. During the POLYCENTER Scheduler installation procedure, answer "YES" to the question about the callable interface. In particular, the files NSCHED$:NSCHED_SUB.OLB for VAX systems or NSCHED$:AXP_NSCHED_SUB.OLB for Alpha systems must pre-exist on your system. Preparing for ABS Installation 1-3 Preparing for ABS Installation 1.2 Before Installing ABS - If you are installing the restricted version of POLYCENTER Scheduler provided with ABS Version 2.1, answer "YES" to the callable interface question. See Section 2.1 for instructions about installing the restricted version of POLYCENTER Scheduler. o Install and configure MDMS-Do not install ABS until you have installed and configured MDMS. This ensures that the ABS default configuration values are correct. If you already have SLS or MDMS Version 2.6 or higher installed on your system, do not reinstall MDMS. 1.3 Required Operating System Components The OpenVMS operating system comes with a variety of support options, or classes. Classes include such features as networking and RMS journaling. To use ABS, your system should be running a version of OpenVMS that includes the following classes: o OpenVMS required save set o Programming support o Utilites o System programming support o Secure user's environment o Network support 1.4 Required and Optional Software Table 1-1 lists the software you must have installed on your system before you install ABS. Table 1-2 lists the optional software you can use with the ABS software. Note: The Software Product Description (SPD) contains a complete list of prerequisite and optional software and their required version numbers. 1-4 Preparing for ABS Installation Preparing for ABS Installation 1.4 Required and Optional Software Table_1-1_Required_Software______________________________________ Prerequisite_Software______Purpose__________System_______________ OpenVMS Provides OpenVMS server and VMS and DCL OpenVMS client system capabilities POLYCENTER Scheduler Provides OpenVMS server and scheduling OpenVMS client system capabilities. Media and Device Provides media OpenVMS server system Management Services for and device or any system with OpenVMS or management access to the server Storage Library System support. system. If you plan for OpenVMS to support remote devices, the system that contains those devices must have either Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS or Storage Library System for OpenVMS installed. DECnet Phase IV or Provides OpenVMS Server and DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS network OpenVMS client system ___________________________support.______________________________ Table_1-2_Optional_Software______________________________________ Optional_Software__________Purpose__________System_______________ Oracle Rdb for VAX or Provides OpenVMSserver system Alpha systems distributed database and multi-streaming capabilities. (continued on next page) Preparing for ABS Installation 1-5 Preparing for ABS Installation 1.4 Required and Optional Software Table_1-2_(Cont.)_Optional_Software______________________________ Optional_Software__________Purpose__________System_______________ Note: If you select Oracle Rdb for the ABS policy database, the version of Oracle Rdb that you select must be up and running before you install ABS. Also, the file SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$USER.OLB (nonversion- specific) or SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$USER_ n.OLB (version-specific) must pre- exist on your system. Motif for X-Windows Provides OpenVMS server and graphical OpenVMS client system user interface capabilities. TCP/IP Services for Provides OpenVMS server system OpenVMS network support for NT and UNIX ___________________________clients.______________________________ 1.5 Required Batch Queue Before installing ABS, make sure that a batch queue is available for use by the ABS installation procedure. ABS chooses one of the following active batch queues: o SLS$node o SLS$ o node$BATCH o node_BATCH o SYS$BATCH When SLS or MDMS is installed prior to installing ABS (required to install ABS), those installation procedures create an SLS batch queue. The ABS installation procedure uses one of these batch queues; therefore, you do not need to create a batch queue. Make sure there is an active batch queue available for the ABS installation procedure. 1-6 Preparing for ABS Installation Preparing for ABS Installation 1.5 Required Batch Queue The last three queues shown in the previous list are examples of local execution batch queues. To determine if you have a local execution batch queue, see the following example: $ SHOW QUEUE/FULL *BATCH* Batch queue NODE01_BATCH, idle, on NODE01:: /BASE_PRIORITY=2 /JOB_LIMIT=4 /OWNER=[SYSTEM] /PROTECTION=(S:M,O:D,G:R,W:S) 1.6 License Registration To use the ABS software, you must register and load the license for ABS before you start the installation procedure. To register a license under OpenVMS, use the following procedure: 1. Log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. Select one of the following methods to perform the registration: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your License PAK. o At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information. 2. If you plan to use ABS on more than one node in an OpenVMS Cluster, you must perform a license load on the other nodes after you complete this installation. Registering Your ABS License To register the ABS license, follow the steps in Table 1-3. Preparing for ABS Installation 1-7 Preparing for ABS Installation 1.6 License Registration Table_1-3_How_to_Register_Your_ABS_License_______________________ Step_Action______________________________________________________ 1. Enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the product name followed by a dash (-): $ LICENSE REGISTER SLS - ! Server software (Alpha System FLAT/VAX System WKGRP, DEPT, ENTER, FLAT) $ LICENSE REGISTER SLS-MGR - ! Server software (Alpha System WKGRP, DEPT, ENTER) $ LICENSE REGISTER SLS-REMOTE - ! Client software (Alpha System FLAT/VAX System WKGRP, DEPT, ENTER, FLAT) $ LICENSE REGISTER SLS-REMOTE-MGR - ! Client software (Alpha System WKGRP, DEPT, ENTER) $ LICENSE REGISTER SLS-ACS - ! Client software with ACS support (Alpha System/VAX system FLAT) $ LICENSE REGISTER ABS-UNIX-CLIENT-USER - ! Client software with UNIX support (Alpha System/VAX system FLAT) $ LICENSE REGISTER ABS-NT-CLIENT-USER - ! Client software with NT support (Alpha System/VAX system FLAT) Important: Enter a dash (-) at the end of each command in Steps 1 through 8. 2. Enter the /ISSUER qualifier information, assigning the value DEC between quotation marks. _$ /ISSUER="DEC" - 3. Enter the /AUTHORIZATION qualifier information, assigning it the value from the AUTHORIZATION NUMBER[1] entry of the PAK: _$ /AUTHORIZATION=xxxxxx - 4. Enter the /PRODUCER qualifier information, assigning the value DEC in quotes: _$ /PRODUCER="DEC" - [1]This_information_is_supplied_with_the_ABS_installation_kit.___ (continued on next page) 1-8 Preparing for ABS Installation Preparing for ABS Installation 1.6 License Registration Table_1-3_(Cont.)_How_to_Register_Your_ABS_License_______________ Step_Action______________________________________________________ 5. Enter the /UNITS qualifier information, assigning it the value from the UNITS[1] entry of the PAK _$ /UNITS=nn - 6. Enter the /DATE qualifiers information, assigning the product's release date value from the PRODUCT RELEASE DATE[1] entry of the PAK: _$ /DATE=dd-mmm-yyyy - 7. Enter the /AVAILABILITY qualifier information, assigning the value from the AVAILABILITY TABLE CODE[1] entry of the PAK: _$ /AVAILABILITY=x - 8. Enter the /OPTIONS qualifier information, assigning the value from the KEY OPTIONS[1] entry of the PAK: _$ /OPTIONS=xxxxxx - 9. Enter the /CHECKSUM qualifier information, assigning the value from the CH[1] entry of the PAK: _$ /CHECKSUM=1-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx Important: Do NOT end the entry with a dash. 10. Invoke the LICENSE LOAD command with the product name: $ LICENSE LOAD SLS-MGR [1]This_information_is_supplied_with_the_ABS_installation_kit.___ _________________________________________________________________ For complete information about using LMF, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. 1.7 Privileges and Disk Space To install ABS, you must be logged in to an account that has SETPRV or at least the following privileges enabled: o CMKRNL o WORLD o SYSPRV o TMPMBX Preparing for ABS Installation 1-9 Preparing for ABS Installation 1.7 Privileges and Disk Space o NETMBX Note that VMSINSTAL turns off BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. ABS's requirements for free disk storage space are different during installation and after installation. See the following the storage requirements: o Blocks required during installation-50,000 o Blocks required after Installation-50,000 plus catalog size requirements To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE 1.8 System Parameters To install ABS, system parameters must be set to the mininum value or higher. Table 1-4 lists the minimum system parameter values reuired for the installation. Depending on the kinds of programs and applications running at your site, you might need higher values. Table_1-4_System_Parameter_Values-Minumum_Requirements_____ System_Parameter___________Minimum_Value___________________ GBLPAGES[1] 2000 GBLSECTIONS[1] 4 PROCSECTCNT 64 [1]The_values_listed_for_these_system_parameters_represent_ the number of free global pages and global sections required for the installation, not the total number you need to run your system and other software. ___________________________________________________________ 1.9 Process Account Quotas The account you use to install ABS must have sufficient quotas to enable you to perform the installation. Table 1-5 summarizes the process quotas required for the installation account. 1-10 Preparing for ABS Installation Preparing for ABS Installation 1.9 Process Account Quotas Table_1-5_Process_Account_Quotas_for_the_Installing_Account Account_Quota____Value_____________________________________ ENQLM 2048 FILLM____________300_______________________________________ How_to_set_user_account_quotas: User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the VMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change user account quotas. 1. Set your default directory to SYS$SYSTEM and invoke the AUTHORIZE utility: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> 2. To check a specific account, enter the SHOW command with the account name at the UAF> prompt: Example: UAF> SHOW SMITH 3. To change a quota, enter the MODIFY command. The following example changes the FILLM quota for the SMITH account and then exits from the utility: UAF> MODIFY SMITH /FILLM=300 UAF> EXIT Result: After you exit from the utility, the system displays messages indicating whether changes were made. Once the changes have been made, you must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. For more information on modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize Utility in the VMS System Management Subkit. Preparing for ABS Installation 1-11 Preparing for ABS Installation 1.10 VMSINSTAL Requirements 1.10 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks the following: o Whether you have set your default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE o Whether you are logged in to a privileged account o Whether you have adequate quotas for installation o Whether DECnet is running o Whether any users are logged into the system Note that VMSINSTAL requires the installation account to have a minimum of the following quotas: ASTLM = 24 BIOLM = 18 BYTLM = 18000 DIOLM = 18 If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue the installation. In some instances, you can enter YES to continue. To stop the installation process and correct the situation, enter NO or press RETURN. Then correct the problem and restart the installation. 1-12 Preparing for ABS Installation 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing the ABS Software This chapter includes information about: o How to install the restricted version of POLYCENTER Scheduler. o How to install ABS o How to install ABS in a mixed-architecture environment (OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems) o Error recovery 2.1 Installing the Restricted Version of POLYCENTER Scheduler If the full version of POLYCENTER Scheduler does not exist on your system, ABS provides the license for a restricted version of POLYCENTER Scheduler. The save sets for the restricted version are provided in the ABS kit. Use the following kit names when installing the restricted version: o Vax systems-VSCHED_E09B021 o Alpha systems-ASCHED_E01B021 o Alpha systems ECO-ASCHED_E0903B021 Note: If you are installing the restricted version of POLYCENTER Scheduler on an Alpha system, first install the Alpha kit (ASCHED_E01B021) and then install the ECO (ASCHED_E0903B021). The ECO provides the callable interface. The following example shows how to answer the installation questions for the restricted version of POLYCENTER Scheduler for a VAX system: Installing the ABS Software 2-1 Installing the ABS Software 2.1 Installing the Restricted Version of POLYCENTER Scheduler Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: VSCHED_E09B021 * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? NO /BASE_PRIORITY=2 /JOB_LIMIT=4 /OWNER=[SYSTEM] * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? NO * Do you want the callable interface? YES %VSCHED_MB-W-NOIVP, IVP will not be run, license not installed %VSCHED_MB-I-IVP, It is recommended that the IVP be run after the license has been installed Restriction: If you are installing the restricted version of POLYCENTER Scheduler, do not attempt to run the POLYCENTER Scheduler IVP or it will fail. Answer NO to the IVP question as shown in the previous example. 2.2 Installing ABS The ABS installation procedure consists of a series of questions and informational messages. Appendix A provides a sample installation log file. To abort the installation procedure at any time, press CTRL/Y. When you press CTRL/Y, the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. 1. Invoke VMSINSTAL $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL saveset-name device-name OPTIONS N To start the installation, invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure from a privileged account, such as the SYSTEM account. VMSINSTAL is in the SYS$UPDATE directory. The following list defines the elements of the VMSINSTAL command procedure: saveset-name The installation name for the component. ABS021 2-2 Installing the ABS Software Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS device-name The name of the device where the media that contains the kit is located. For example, MTA0: is the device name for a tape drive. It is not necessary to use the console drive for this installation. However, if you do use the console drive, you should replace any media you removed once the installation is complete. OPTIONS N An optional parameter that indicates you want to see the question on release notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not ask you about the release notes. You should review the release notes before proceeding with the installation in case they contain additional information about the installation. Note: If you are restarting the installation and have already reviewed the release notes, you do not need to specify OPTIONS N. See the OpenVMS documentation on software installation in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit for detailed information on these options. If you specify more than one option, separate the options with commas (OPTIONS A,N). Example: The following examples invoke VMSINSTAL to install ABS from tape drive MTA0: and shows the system response. This example uses the OPTIONS N release note parameter. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL ABS021 MTA0: OPTIONS N OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 21-JUL-1996 at 10:00 Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. If you do not supply either the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later in the installation procedure. Note: Installing the ABS Software 2-3 Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS VMSINSTAL does not prompt you for any options, so be sure to include OPTIONS N on the VMSINSTAL command line to access the release notes during the installation. 2. Confirm system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? VMSINSTAL asks if you are satisfied with your system backup. You should always back up your system disk before performing an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press RETURN. Otherwise, enter NO to abort the installation. After you back up your system disk, you can restart the installation. 3. Mount the media. Please mount the first volume of the set on MTA0:. * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, ABS MOUNTED ON _$$MTA0: (NODE 1) The following products will be processed: ABS Version 2.1 Beginning installation of ABS Version 2.1 at 12:01 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... You should now mount the first distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. The device name appears in the line preceding the question. VMSINSTAL then asks you if you are ready to continue with the installation. IF you . . . o Respond YES to indicate that you are ready, VMSINSTAL displays a message that the media containing ABS has been mounted on the specified device and that the installation has begun. o Entered the wrong device name when you invoked VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, enter NO in response to the "Are you ready?" question. To abort the installation for other reasons, press CTRL/Y. 2-4 Installing the ABS Software Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS 4. Mount additional media volumes. %BACKUP-I-READYREAD, mount volume 2 on _MTA0: for reading Enter "YES" when ready: If your installation kit contains more than one volume, VMSINSTAL prompts you to mount the additional volumes and then asks you to indicate that you are ready for the installation to proceed. 5. Select a release notes option. Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: If you specified OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, you are now asked to choose one of the following options for reviewing the release notes. IF you select . . . o Option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing CTRL/C. o Option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue that you want to use: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: You can press RETURN to send the file to the default output print device or you can enter another queue name. o Option 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal and then prompts you for a queue name for the printed version. o Option 4, the release notes are not displayed or printed. Installing the ABS Software 2-5 Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS Next, VMSINSTAL displays the following question: * Do you want to continue the installation [N]?: YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. To continue the installation, enter YES. Otherwise, press RETURN. In either case, the release notes are copied to a file in the SYS$HELP directory: SYS$HELP::ABS021.RELEASE_NOTES ________________________ Note ________________________ The name of the release notes file installed by VMSINSTAL consists of the current product name and version number. Do not delete release notes for previous versions of ABS. ______________________________________________________ 6. Purge files * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? You have the option to purge files from previous versions of ABS that are superseded by this installation. Purging is recommended; however, if you need to keep files from the previous version, enter NO in response to the question. 7. Choose the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) option. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? The installation procedure now asks if you want to run the IVP. The IVP for ABS checks to be sure that the installation is successful. It is recommended that you run the IVP. After ABS is installed, you can run the IVP independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might need to run the IVP after a system failure to make sure that users can access ABS. 2-6 Installing the ABS Software Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS 8. Respond to license registration queries. SLS SLS-ACS SLS-MGR SLS-REMOTE SLS-REMOTE-MGR ABS-UNIX-CLIENT-USER ABS-NT-CLIENT-USER * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? The installation procedure displays license information about your product and then asks if you have registered and loaded your Product Authorization Key (PAK). If you have not registered and loaded your PAK, you must answer NO to this question. You must register and load the PAK to successfully complete the installation. If you have not done so, stop the installation, register and load the PAK, and restart the installation. 9. Choose the ABS$ROOT disk device: * Enter the device to use for ABS files [SYS$COMMON]: This device will contain the ABS images, databases, and log files. Requirement: This device must have at least 40,000 free blocks and be available to all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster that will be running ABS. 10.Enter the ABS account UIC: * Enter the UIC to be used for ABS account [[311,311]]: The ABS account is not an interactive account and is used only for ABS processes. The password for the ABS account is automatically generated by the installation procedure. If you choose to change the default UIC assignment, it must be unique and it cannot be a member of a SYSTEM UIC group. 11.Choose the policy engine node or OpenVMS Cluster: * Cluster or node list for ABS Policy Engine [CLSTR1::]: Installing the ABS Software 2-7 Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS Enter the OpenVMS Cluster or node name that you have designated to house the ABS policy engine database. This OpenVMS Cluster or node becomes the central security domain (CSD). 2-8 Installing the ABS Software Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS ________________________ Note ________________________ The policy engine location information resides in the file ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$POLICY_CONFIG.DAT. If you want to change the location of the CSD, you can edit this file to change the policy engine location without having to reinstall ABS. Do not change any other information in this file. ______________________________________________________ 12.Read the informational messages. At this point, the installation procedure displays a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. There are no further questions. If the installation procedure has been successful up to this point, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories, updates help files, and updates DCL tables, if necessary. If you chose to have files purged, that work is done now. The following messages are displayed: %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, files will now be moved to their target directories... 13.Observe the installation Verification Procedure (IVP). If you chose to run the IVP, VMSINSTAL runs it now. When the IVP runs successfully, you see the following display: 14.End the installation procedure. Installation of ABS Version 2.1 completed at 12:46 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:47 The previous messages indicate that the entire installation procedure is complete. You can now log out of the privileged account: $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at 21-JUL-1996 12:50:00:00 Note that VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. Installing the ABS Software 2-9 Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS 2.2.1 Installing ABS on OpenVMS Alpha Systems ABS supports OpenVMS for Alpha systems Version 6.1 and higher. If the Alpha node is a standalone node, the installation of ABS is identical to the installation performed on a OpenVMS VAX system (described in Section 2.2). If the Alpha node is a member of a mixed- architecture environment (both VAX and Alpha systems), see the following sections. 2-10 Installing the ABS Software Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS 2.2.2 Installing ABS in a Mixed-Architecture OpenVMS Cluster ABS supports mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster that contain OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems. Requirements: o The ABS versions must be the same on the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha systems. o The versions of Oracle Rdb installed on the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha systems must be compatible. For example, you cannot have Oracle Rdb Version 6.0 on the OpenVMS Alpha system and Oracle Rdb Version 5.1 on the OpenVMS VAX system. Those two versions of Oracle Rdb are not compatible. To ensure that ABS functions correctly, each architecture (VAX and Alpha systems) needs to have its own set of executables, but all other files can be shared on a common disk. To accomplished this, use the following procedure: 1. Install ABS on a VAX system in the OpenVMS Cluster. When the installation procedure prompts for the device name to use for ABS files, enter the name of a device that can be accessed from the Alpha nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster. For example, assume that the VAX system DISK$SYSTEM_1 is common to all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster (see Figure 2-1). Result: The installation procedure creates a directory named DISK$SYSTEM_1:[ABS] and also creates all of its subdirectories. 2. Install ABS on an OpenVMS Alpha system in the OpenVMS Cluster. When the installation procedure prompts for a device name to use for ABS files, enter a different disk device name than the one you entered for the OpenVMS VAX system. For example, assume that the Alpha system disk device name is DISK$ALPHA and it is common to all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster (see Figure 2-1). Result: Installing the ABS Software 2-11 Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS The installation procedure creates a directory named DISK$ALPHA:[ABS] and creates all of its subdirectories on the Alpha system. When the installation procedure has completed, ABS is started on the OpenVMS Alpha node. At this point, ABS on the OpenVMS Alpha node is independent from ABS on the OpenVMS VAX node. 3. Shutdown ABS on the OpenVMS Alpha node by entering the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:ABS$SHUTDOWN 4. Edit the ABS startup command procedure file ABS$STARTUP.COM on the OpenVMS Alpha node. Make sure the logical names shown in the following examples point to the directory on the disk device where the the VAX installation took place. This enables ABS on the OpenVMS Alpha node to share the ABS database, catalog, and log files in a common location. The following examples show how to modify the file SYS$MANAGER:ABS$STARTUP.COM on the OpenVMS Alpha node. Original SYS$MANAGER:ABS$STARTUP.COM: When the installation procedure is complete, ABS creates the file SYS$MANAGER:ABS$STARTUP.COM on both the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha systems. This file is identical on both nodes at the time of installation. 2-12 Installing the ABS Software Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS $ SysDefine := Define/System/Exec/Nolog . . . $ SysDefine ABS_SYSTEM ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM] $ SysDefine ABS$SYSTEM ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM] $ SysDefine ABS_TEMPLATES ABS$ROOT:[TEMPLATES] $ SysDefine ABS$TEMPLATES ABS$ROOT:[TEMPLATES] $ SysDefine ABS_LOG ABS$ROOT:[LOG] $ SysDefine ABS$LOG ABS$ROOT:[LOG] $ SysDefine ABS_LISTINGS ABS$ROOT:[LISTINGS] $ SysDefine ABS$LISTINGS ABS$ROOT:[LISTINGS] $ SysDefine ABS_CATALOG ABS$ROOT:[CATALOG] $ SysDefine ABS$CATALOG ABS$ROOT:[CATALOG] $ SysDefine ABS_DATABASE ABS$ROOT:[DATABASE]EPCOT_DB.RDB $ SysDefine ABS$DATABASE ABS$ROOT:[DATABASE]EPCOT_DB.RDB $ ! $ SysDefine ABS_GUI ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM] $ SysDefine ABS$GUI ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM]ABS$GUI.EXE SYS$MANAGER:ABS$STARTUP.COM On The Alpha Node: Change the following portion of logical name definitions in the file ABS$STARTUP.COM on the Alpha node. This is so the files can share a common location on the OpenVMS VAX disk device. $ SysDefine ABS_SYSTEM ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM] $ SysDefine ABS$SYSTEM ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM] $ SysDefine ABS_TEMPLATES disk$system_1:[abs.TEMPLATES] $ SysDefine ABS$TEMPLATES disk$system_1:[abs.TEMPLATES] $ SysDefine ABS_LOG disk$system_1:[abs.LOG] $ SysDefine ABS$LOG disk$system_1:[abs.LOG] $ SysDefine ABS_LISTINGS disk$system_1:[abs.LISTINGS] $ SysDefine ABS$LISTINGS disk$system_1:[abs.LISTINGS] $ SysDefine ABS_CATALOG disk$system_1:[abs.CATALOG] $ SysDefine ABS$CATALOG disk$system_1:[abs.CATALOG] $ SysDefine ABS_DATABASE disk$system_1:[abs.DATABASE]EPCOT_DB.RDB $ SysDefine ABS$DATABASE disk$system_1:[abs.DATABASE]EPCOT_DB.RDB $ ! $ SysDefine ABS_GUI ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM] $ SysDefine ABS$GUI ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM]ABS$GUI.EXE Important: Installing the ABS Software 2-13 Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS Do not change the definition of of the logical names ABS_SYSTEM, ABS$SYSTEM, ABS_GUI and ABS$GUI. These logical names point to the executable images, and each architecture needs to have its own executable files. 5. Start ABS on the Alpha node by entering the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:ABS$STARTUP 2-14 Installing the ABS Software Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS Logical_names: ABS provides equivalent logical names with the dollar sign character ($) and the underscore character (_), such as ABS_DATABASE and ABS$DATABASE. The logical name that contains the dollar sign ($) is created for the OpenVMS convention, and the logical name that contains the underscore character (_) is created for future portability. Make sure that these two logicals are pointing to the same directory locations. ________________________ Note ________________________ You could perform this procedure in reverse order. If you desire, you can install ABS on the OpenVMS Alpha system first, and then install it on the OpenVMS VAX system. You would then edit the file SYS$MANAGER:ABS$STARTUP.COM on the OpenVMS VAX node so the shared logical names point to the disk device name on the OpenVMS Alpha system. ______________________________________________________ 2.2.3 Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation itself or when the IVP is running, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of ABS Version 2.1 has failed. If the IVP fails, you see these messages: ABS Version 2.1 Installation Verification Procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for ABS Version 2.1 has failed. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o ABS is currently running. o The operating system version is incorrect. o A prerequisite software version is incorrect. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. Installing the ABS Software 2-15 Installing the ABS Software 2.2 Installing ABS o The OpenVMS help library is currently in use. o The product license has not been registered and loaded. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. For information on installation requirements, see Chapter 1. 2-16 Installing the ABS Software 3 _________________________________________________________________ After Installing ABS This chapter describes the tasks you need to perform after installing ABS: o Running the IVP o Editing the system startup and shutdown files o Meeting OpenVMS Cluster Requirements o Granting the appropriate ABS access rights o Installing NT clients o Installing UNIX clients o Modifying the ABS default policy objects 3.1 Installation Verification Procedure As mentioned in the installation procedure, VMSINSTAL can run an IVP upon completion of the ABS installation. To run the IVP separately, enter the following command: $ @SYS$TEST:ABS$IVP.COM 3.2 Editing the System Startup and Shutdown Files You must edit the startup and shutdown files to provide automatic startup and shutdown of the ABS software. To make sure that ABS automatically starts up and shuts down, follow these steps: 1. Add the following command line to the system startup file SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: $ @SYS$STARTUP:ABS$STARTUP After Installing ABS 3-1 After Installing ABS 3.2 Editing the System Startup and Shutdown Files 2. Add the following line to the system shutdown file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDOWN.COM: $ @SYS$MANAGER:ABS$SHUTDOWN 3.2.1 Starting Up the ABS Software If you need to restart the ABS software, enter the following command at the system prompt: $ @SYS$STARTUP:ABS$STARTUP 3.2.2 Shutting Down the ABS Software At some point you may need to shut down the ABS software. To do so, enter the following command at the system prompt: $ @SYS$MANAGER:ABS$SHUTDOWN 3.3 Updating the DCL Table on Other OpenVMS Cluster Nodes If your installed system is an OpenVMS Cluster and multiple nodes share system files in SYS$COMMON, a new DCL table needs to be installed on each node in the OpenVMS Cluster (excluding the installing node). Enter the following command on each node in the OpenVMS Cluster: $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE 3.4 Setting Up Proxy Accounts for Running Backup Operations on Remote Nodes ABS uses POLYCENTER Scheduler for launching its save and restore operations. If you wish to perform save and restore operations on remote client nodes, POLYCENTER Scheduler requires a network proxy account for remote ABS operations. Example: On NODEA (the ABS central security domain), a job is submitted to execute a backup operation on NODEB (ABS client node). On NODEB, enter the following commands from the system prompt: 3-2 After Installing ABS After Installing ABS Setting Up Proxy Accounts for Running Backup Operations on Remote Nodes $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> ADD/PROXY A::ABS ABS/DEFAULT UAF> EXIT Result: These commands allow NODEA to submit a POLYCENTER Scheduler job request on NODEB. 3.5 Meeting OpenVMS Cluster Requirements If you installed ABS on an OpenVMS Cluster system, you may need to perform the following tasks: o Reinstall DCLTABLES on all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster. o Make sure ABS$ logical names are defined the same across all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster and that all nodes can access any nodes referenced in the logicals. o Have all system users need to log out and log in again so they can use the DCL ABS commands (unless performing an upgrade). o Reboot all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster to ensure that all logicals are correctly defined and the ABS functionality is fully available on all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster. o Install the ABS license on all nodes where the ABS software is installed. 3.6 Granting the Appropriate ABS Access Right Identifiers When the ABS installation procedure is complete, the user account that performed the installation (typically the system account) is granted the following access rights identifiers: o ABS_CREATE_STORAGE_CLASS-Users who are granted this access right identifier can create a storage class (only applicable on the central security domain). o ABS_CREATE_EXECUTION_ENV-Users who are granted this access right identifier can create an execution environment (only applicable on the central security domain). After Installing ABS 3-3 After Installing ABS 3.6 Granting the Appropriate ABS Access Right Identifiers o ABS_SHOW_ALL-Users who are granted this access right identifier can show all ABS policy objects (only applicable on the central security domain). o ABS_LOOKUP_ALL-Users who are granted this access right identifier can look up all ABS archive data objects from any catalog (applicable on any node). o ABS_CREATE_REMOTE_JOBS-Users who are granted this access right identifier can submit a save or restore request that will be executed on a remote client node (only applicable on the central security domain). Requirement: To perform NT or UNIX backup operations, the requester must have the CREATE_REMOTE_JOBS access rights identifier enabled. o ABS_BYPASS - Users who are granted this access right identifier can perform any ABS function (only applicable on the central security domain). This includes creating, deleting, modifying, or showing any ABS policy objects. 3.6.1 Enabling an Access Rights Identifier You must run the AUTHORIZE utility to grant an access rights identifier to a user's account. Do not enable the access rights identifier by performing a SET RIGHTS_LIST at the DCL prompt. Example: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF>GRANT/IDENTIFIER ABS_LOOKUP_ALL USER1 %UAF-I-GRANTMSG, identifier ABS_BYPASS granted to USER1 UAF>EXIT 3-4 After Installing ABS After Installing ABS 3.6 Granting the Appropriate ABS Access Right Identifiers 3.6.2 Revoking An Access Rights Identifier To remove an access right identifier, run the AUTHORIZE utility and revoke the identifier from the user's account: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF>REVOKE/IDENTIFIER ABS_BYPASS USER1 %UAF-I-REVOKEMSG, identifier ABS_BYPASS revoked from USER1 UAF>EXIT 3.7 Installing NT Clients The NT client software is provided during the ABS installation procedure. ABS places the NT client kits for Alpha and Intel systems in the following location: ABS$ROOT:[NTCLIENT.ALPHA] ABS$ROOT:[NTCLIENT.INTEL] To install the NT client software, use the following procedure: Note: Before installing the NT client software, first install the eXcursion software on the ABS OpenVMS server node or OpenVMS Cluster. 1. Copy all files from the appropriate directory to the NT system or a location accessible from the NT system on which you plan to install the NT client software. 2. Run SETUP.EXE from this location to perform the NT client installation procedure. Result: The NT client installation procedure will ask the following important questions. The answers to these questions must be entered exactly as they were entered during the ABS installation procedure: o ABS server node Enter the node on which the ABS server software has been installed and will be providing ABS services for the NT backup operations. This node also verifies connection requests. After Installing ABS 3-5 After Installing ABS 3.7 Installing NT Clients o Local host port number The NT client system uses a TCP/IP port to communicate with the ABS server to initiate save and restore requests. The default port number is 1800. If you decide to change the port number, it is limited to a range between 1024 and 65535. This port number is arbitrary, but it must match the port number you use when authorizing NT clients. Note: Be sure that the number you provide does not conflict with a previously installed software application. 3. Authorize the NT clients you intend to back up. See Section 3.9 and Appendix B for instructions about authorizing NT clients. 3.8 Installing UNIX Clients To allow ABS to perform backup and restore operations on UNIX files, you must configure access between the OpenVMS systems that run ABS and the UNIX client systems where the files to be backed up are located. To accomplish this, you must: o Authorize the UNIX client nodes that you intend to back up. See Section 3.9. o Modify the files listed in Table 3-1 on each UNIX system that ABS is going to back up. o Move the UNIX platform and operating system-specific backup images (ABSgtar and ABSgzip) to /usr/bin. See Section 3.8.2 for instructions. Notes: o The information described in these sections is intended for experienced UNIX system managers. o You must set your privileges to super user (su) before attempting to modify the appropriate files or moving the ABStar or ABSgzip image. 3-6 After Installing ABS After Installing ABS 3.8 Installing UNIX Clients 3.8.1 Modifying the Appropriate UNIX Files Table 3-1 lists the files that you need to modify on each UNIX system that ABS is going to back up, and it describes the modifications that you need to make to those files. Note: UNIX is a case-sensitive system. Be sure to enter the commands on the UNIX system exactly as they are shown in Table 3-1 and Example 3-1. Table_3-1_UNIX_Files_to_Modify___________________________________ File________Modification_________________________________________ Replace the ASCII readable internet address with the /.rhosts[1] OpenVMS nodes that run ABS. The file format is: # readable ip address account node01.vms.real.node ABS # ABS on node NODE01 In this example, replace node01.vms.on.exp with the OpenVMS node names that run ABS. The account name must stay the same (ABS), and it must be specified in capital letters. Example_of_/.rhosts: node01.vms.real.node ABS node02.vms.real.node ABS Requirement: You must always modify the /.rhosts file. If the file does not exist, then you must create one. Be sure that the file is located in the root directory because ABS uses the directory during the backup operation. [1]File_is_not_replaced,_only_modified.__________________________ (continued on next page) After Installing ABS 3-7 After Installing ABS 3.8 Installing UNIX Clients Table_3-1_(Cont.)_UNIX_Files_to_Modify___________________________ File________Modification_________________________________________ /etc List the numeric internet address and the ASCII /hosts[1] readable internet address of the OpenVMS nodes that run ABS. The file format is: # Internet Address Hostname # Comments nn.nn.nn.nn node01.vms.real.node # example entry for hosts file Where: o nn.nn.nn.nn is the numeric internet address of the ABS node that executes save and restore requests. o node01.vms.real.node is the ASCII readable internet address of nn.nn.nn.nn. You must enter every node name on which ABS may execute. Example_of_/etc/hosts: node01.vms.real.node # node01 running ABS node02.vms.real.node # node02 running ABS Note: If the OpenVMS nodes that run ABS are already listed in the file /etc/hosts, you do not need to add them to the file. [1]File_is_not_replaced,_only_modified.__________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3.8.2 Moving the UNIX Backup Agent During the installation of ABS, the procedure creates a directory named ABS$ROOT:[CLIENTS] on your OpenVMS server node. This directory contains the following two uncompressed files that comprise the UNIX backup agent: o ABS$ROOT:[CLIENTS]TAR-1_11_8.TAR o ABS$ROOT:[CLIENTS]GZIP-1_2_4.TAR To configure a UNIX client, you must move the tar executable and the gzip executable (if necessary) from the OpenVMS server node to /usr/bin on each UNIX client system that ABS is going to back up. Move the backup agent images from each of the newly-created directories (determined by your platform and operating system). 3-8 After Installing ABS After Installing ABS 3.8 Installing UNIX Clients Refer to Example 3-1 (shown from a Digital UNIX system) and use FTP Software[TM] to pull the backup agent images from the ABS server node to the UNIX client node. Example 3-1 Using FTP Software to Move the Backup Agent Image %cd /usr/bin %su Password: #ftp node01.vms.real.node # remote connection to VMS node NODE01 running ABS Connected to node01.vms.real.node 220 vms FTP Server (Version 3.2) Ready. Name (node01.vms.real.node:username): #enter your user name and password Password: 230 User logged in. Remote system type is VMS. ftp> bin 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. ftp> cd abs$root:[clients.digital_alpha_unix] - directory on ABS server node 250 CWD command successful. ftp> ls 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for (,1063) absgtar.bin;1 226 NLST Directory transfer complete. ftp> get (remote-file) absgtar.bin (local-file) ABSgtar 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for absgtar.bin (,0001) 226 Transfer complete. 655360 bytes received in 3.5 seconds (1.8e+02 Kbytes/s) (continued on next page) After Installing ABS 3-9 After Installing ABS 3.8 Installing UNIX Clients Example 3-1 (Cont.) Using FTP Software to Move the Backup Agent Image ftp> get (remote-file) absgzip.bin (local-file) ABSgzip 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for absgzip.bin (,0002) 226 Transfer complete. 98304 bytes received in .028 seconds (1.8e+02 Kbytes/s) ftp> quit 221 Goodbye. 3.8.3 Building the UNIX Executables After the files have been transferred, you are required to build the executables on the UNIX client system. Note: The compressed tar file is approximately 2,608 512-byte blocks. The following sections describe how to build the tar and gzip executables. Building the tar Executable Use the following procedure to build the tar executable: 1 Use the native tar to expand the tar-11.1.8.tar image 2 Change directory to tar-11.1.8 3 Enter the command configure -disable-nls 4 Enter the command make 5 Change to super user 6 Copy the file from src/tar to /usr/bin/ABSgtar 7 Change the protection on the image 8 Perform a cleanup operation 3-10 After Installing ABS After Installing ABS 3.8 Installing UNIX Clients Example_of_tar: % tar -xf tar-1.11.8.tar 1 % cd tar-11.1.8 2 % configure --disable-nls 3 creating cache ./config.cache checking host system type... alpha-dec-osf3.2 checking target system type... alpha-dec-osf3.2 checking build system type... alpha-dec-osf3.2 . . . % make 4 for subdir in doc lib intl src scripts po; do \ echo making all in $subdir; \ (cd $subdir && make CC='gcc' CFLAGS='-g -O' LDFLAGS='' LIBS='' prefix='/usr/lo cal' exec_prefix='/usr/local' bindir='/usr/local/bin' libexecdir='/usr/local/lib exec' infodir='/usr/local/info' infodir='/usr/local/info' libexecdir='/usr/local /libexec' all) || exit 1; \ done . . . % su 5 Password: # cp src/tar /usr/bin/ABSgtar 6 # chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/ABSgtar 7 # ls -1 /usr/bin/ABSgtar -rwxr-xr-x 1 root system 655794 Jan 24 11:07 ABSgtar # exit %cd .. 8 %rm -rf tar-1.11.8 %rm -f tar-1.11.8.tar Building the gzip Executable Use the following procedure to build the gzip executable: 1 Use the native tar to expand the gzip-1_2_4.tar image 2 Change directory to gzip-1.2.4 3 Enter the command configure 4 Enter the command make 5 Change to super user After Installing ABS 3-11 After Installing ABS 3.8 Installing UNIX Clients 6 Copy the file from src/tar to /usr/bin/ABSgzip 7 Change the protection on the image 8 Perform a cleanup operation Example_of_gzip: % tar -xf gzip-1.2.4.tar 1 % cd gzip-1.2.4 2 % ./configure 3 . . . % make 4 . . . % su 5 Password: # cp gzip /usr/bin/ABSgzip 6 # chmod ugo+x ABSgzip 7 # ls -1 /usr/bin/ABSgzip -rwxr-xr-x 1 root system 654785 Jan 24 11:08 ABSgzip # ln -s /usr/bin/ABSgzip /usr/bin/gzip #exit %cd .. 8 %rm -rf gzip-1.2.4 %rm -f gzip-1.2.4.tar % If you have problems transferring or building the tar or gzip files, see your UNIX system manager. 3.9 Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients After you have registered and loaded the NT and/or UNIX client license and you have installed the ABS server software, run the authorization executable file to authorize the NT or UNIX client node names that you intend to back up. Table 3-2 describes how to authorize NT and UNIX client nodes. ________________________ Note ________________________ ABS NT and UNIX client licenses are sold in units according to the number of nodes that you want 3-12 After Installing ABS After Installing ABS 3.9 Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients to support, such as 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, or 100. ABS calculates the number of nodes authorized versus the number of units the license allows. You cannot authorize more NT or UNIX clients than the number of units allowed by the NT or UNIX client license that you have purchased. ______________________________________________________ Table_3-2_Authorizing_NT_or_UNIX_Client_Nodes______________ Step___Action______________________________________________ 1. Enter the following command from the ABS server: $ RUN ABS$SYSTEM:ABS_CLIENT_LICENSE.EXE 2. Add the node names of the UNIX or NT client nodes. When prompted, specify if it is an NT or UNIX client: Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: ADD Enter Node Name: CLIENT_NODE_NAME Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: NT Enter TCPIP Port Number [1800]: 3. If the client node is an NT client, enter the port number. The default is 1800. 4. Make sure that the logical named ABS$CLIENT_DB is defined as /SYSTEM/EXEC and that it translates to ABS$ROOT:[DATABASE]CLIENT_DB.DAT. This logical name should be defined during the startup procedure. You can verify that the logical name is defined correctly by entering the following command: _______$_SHOW_LOGICAL/FULL_ABS$CLIENT_DB___________________ For an example of adding, modifying, removing and showing NT or UNIX clients, see Appendix B. After Installing ABS 3-13 After Installing ABS 3.10 Modifying Default Policy Objects 3.10 Modifying Default Policy Objects ABS provides a number of default configuration options that allow you quickly to get your ABS environment up and running. For detailed information about the ABS default configuration and how to tailor the ABS configuration, see Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. Because the installing account has been granted the ABS_ BYPASS access right identifier, only this account can access the ABS default policy objects. For maintenance purposes, modify the ABS default policy objects in the following manner: 1. Add the storage administrator as a user to the ABS default policy objects. 2. Grant the CONTROL access right identifier to the storage administrator's account so that he can modify the ABS default policy objects. See Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations for instructions about adding users and enabling access controls on ABS policy objects. 3-14 After Installing ABS 4 _________________________________________________________________ Configuring MDMS for ABS The MDMS software is an integral part of the storage management application you are installing and configuring. It manages your removable media and the environment in which it is stored and used. You cannot successfully implement your storage management application without MDMS software. Install MDMS software either immediately before or concurrently with your storage management software product. This chapter describes how to approach the task of building the managed media environment. Other procedures in this chapter explain how to add media into management and handle other frequently performed media management tasks: o Section 4.1 describes the managed media environment and how MDMS defines it. o Section 4.2 describes how to build the managed media environment, providing procedures for different kinds of drives. o Section 4.3 lists the steps for adding new media into management. This procedure applies during initial configuration and periodically thereafter. o Section 4.4 describes other tasks that are important to the proper operation of the managed media environment. Refer to the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations for the details about specific features of MDMS software. Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-1 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.1 The MDMS Environment 4.1 The MDMS Environment This information describes the managed media environment and presents an overview of MDMS components. 4.1.1 Characteristics of the Managed Media Environment The purpose of media management software is to maintain a logical view of the physical elements serving your nearline and offline storage needs. A managed media environment includes the media and the drives that use them, the locations in which media are stored, and the processes governing the use of media. The following list summarizes the fundamental characteristics of the managed media environment: o Media are cataloged in the MDMS volume database. All managed media used by the organization are known in terms of location, capability, availability, and access. o Drives are used primarily to access managed media. Before you access unmanaged media, you should register them in the catalog. The media manager maintains a logical link between media and drives capable of accessing them. o The boundaries are logical rather than physical. For instance, managed media may exist in an offsite storage location miles from drives capable of accessing it. o The manager automates processes for moving media. These processes include rotation between onsite/offsite locations and the schedule with which you rotate media for retention and use. 4.1.2 Managing Media by Drive Type Different types of devices impose different needs for handling media. These differences influence some of the day-to-day procedures you perform, such as adding new media into management and initializing media. 4-2 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.1 The MDMS Environment Automated Media Library Automated media library systems provide fixed media storage slots that are accessible by a robotic device. Automated media library systems also have ports, through which media are injected and ejected. The robotic device grips and moves media into and out of the library system, as well as between a drive and a storage slot. Media Loader This kind of device requires media to be placed in a magazine, which is in turn inserted into the device for access. The differentiating factor for handling media with a loader is that the cartridges are bound into magazines. These magazines are the focus of operations when it comes to loading and unloading media into and from drives. Operator Attended Devices Operator attended devices require an operator to load media and unload media. The operator also moves media between storage slots near drives. 4.1.3 Overview of MDMS Components This section describes how to access the objects and features of MDMS software to manage the media you use for your storage management application. Customizing the Media Manager with the TAPESTART.COM File The main customization object for MDMS is the SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM file. It is an OpenVMS command procedure file that defines many symbols used by MDMS to manage media. The values you assign to these symbols are the parameters with which MDMS operates. Use a text editor such as VAXTPU [TM], the Extensible VAX Editor, or the Language Sensitive Editor, to open the file when editing or checking symbol assignment values. The purpose of the procedures in this chapter is to arrive at an operable configuration as quickly as possible. To meet this need, they address only a small set of parameters in the TAPESTART.COM file. After you have completed your initial configuration, you can review the explanation of the TAPESTART.COM symbols and make further changes to meet your specific needs. Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-3 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.1 The MDMS Environment More_information: For detailed reference information, see the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. Managing Access to and Availability of Media MDMS software includes menu- and forms-based interfaces for managing access to and controlling the availability of managed media. The Administrator Menu allows you to control access to the media you manage. The Operator Menu enables you to control the availability of media and generate reports on the status and usage of media. More_information: For detailed information about the MDMS menus, refer to the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. STORAGE Commands for Managing Media MDMS software provides a command line interface for both interactive and batch operations. After installing MDMS software, the operating system prompt allows you to enter STORAGE commands. You also can include STORAGE commands in Digital command procedure files for batch processing. More_information: For more information about STORAGE commands, refer to the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations, or enter the HELP STORAGE command at the DCL prompt after installation. 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up This section describes how to build your managed media environment by taking a bottom-up approach. This means installing, connecting and testing the hardware, and then configuring and testing the MDMS software. Each procedure depends on the kind of drive you plan to use. Use the procedures appropriate for the drives you plan to manage in your media environment: o For an automated media library system, refer to Section 4.2.1. o For a media loader system, refer to Section 4.2.2. 4-4 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up o For an operator attended system, refer to Section 4.2.3. _________________ Media Robot Utility _________________ The Media Robot Utility (MRU) software provides you with the ability to control the operation of a library or loader without having to access front panel controls. MRU software is especially useful for installing, configuring, and testing the operation of a library or loader. Digital distributes the MRU software with its new libraries and loaders. If you recently purchased and installed a library or loader, you should have installed the MRU software package. If you are using an earlier Digital library or loader and would like to use MRU software, contact your Digital sales representative. ______________________________________________________ 4.2.1 Configuring for an Automated Media Library System This procedure applies to the installation and testing of an automated media library system, and the configuration and testing of MDMS to manage it. Hardware Installation During this procedure, refer to the device hardware installation information for details. This procedure provides only basic steps necessary to configure MDMS: 1. Install and connect the hardware. Apply power to the devices. 2. If you are using an HSx controller, configure it to allow the computer to communicate with the devices. 3. Make note of the device name after you complete your connection procedure. You will need this, especially if you are going to use the Media Robot Utility software. Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-5 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up Test the Hardware With an automated media library system, use a utility such as the Media Robot Utility (MRU), or use the front panel of the device and the operating system to test the connection between the host and device. This procedure lists steps to take to test the hardware connection between the automated tape library and computer systems: 1. Verify the interconnect coordinate mapping and the device names for the robot and its tape devices. Issue the SHOW DEVICE command under OpenVMS and/or the ROBOT SHOW ROBOT command. Any problem with device naming or the connection becomes apparent here. $ SHOW DEVICE [device-name[:]] The following is the StorageWorks Media Robot Utility command for examining the robot: $ ROBOT SHOW ROBOT [robot_name] If you have problems with the connection coordinates or device name, refer to the system and device hardware documentation for remedial action. 2. Place a cartridge in the system. You can inject the cartridge through a port on the system. Use the system front panel controls or StorageWorks Media Robot Utility. If you are using StorageWorks Media Robot Utility, issue the ROBOT INJECT command: $ ROBOT INJECT [PORT port_number] SLOT slot_number [ROBOT robot_name] Alternately, you can expose the internal storage slots and place the cartridge directly into the system. You also should consider placing one or more cleaning cartridges into the system at this time. 3. Load the cartridge into the drive. Use the system front panel controls. If you are using MRU, issue the ROBOT LOAD command: $ ROBOT LOAD SLOT slot_num [DRIVE drv_num] [ROBOT robot_name] 4-6 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up 4. After loading the cartridge, check the operating system connection to the device by mounting and dismounting the volume. Mount the cartridge foreign: $ MOUNT/FOREIGN device_name[:] Dismount the cartridge: $ DISMOUNT device_name[:] 5. Remove the tape from the drive. If you are using MRU, issue the ROBOT UNLOAD command: $ ROBOT UNLOAD [DRIVE drv_number] SLOT slot_number [ROBOT robot_name] After having completed this procedure, the cartridge remains in the robot but is not loaded in the drive. Configure MDMS This procedure requires you to edit the SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM file. You can use any ASCII text editor to accomplish these edits. Refer to Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations for examples of these definitions. 1. Identify the primary processing node. Define the symbol PRI to the name of the node or the OpenVMS Cluster alias name executing the MDMS server. If you defined the symbol PRI to the OpenVMS Cluster alias, you must define the symbol DB_NODES to the names of the nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster system that serve MDMS. 2. Identify the node on which the current TAPESTART.COM file resides. Define the NODE symbol to that name. 3. Define the QUICKLOAD symbol to 1 to facilitate unattended backup. 4. Create the jukebox definitions. Use the following example as a guideline. Define a symbol ABSOMT_JB to the names of the robot and tape drive devices of the automated media library system. This example shows such a definition: Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-7 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up ________________________ Note ________________________ Be sure to apply the proper syntax to this definition. Failure to do so could cause problems with the functioning of MDMS. ______________________________________________________ $ ABSOMT_JB := "''NODE'::$1$DUA810:,''NODE'::$1$MUA43:,''NODE'::$1$MUA44:" Define the symbol TAPE_JUKEBOXES to this symbol definition: $ TAPE_JUKEBOXES := "ABSOMT_JB" This convention allows you to create similar definitions, dedicating devices to other storage management applications by expanding the list of TAPE_ JUKEBOXES definitions. 5. Define the media triplets. Media triplets are a set of symbols used to associate types of media with drives capable with accessing them. Use the following example as a guide: $ MTYPE_1 := TK85K $ DENS_1 := $ DRIVES_1 := $1$MUA43:,$1$MUA44: 6. Configure the Volume Pools. Use the MDMS Administrators Menu. From OpenVMS, issue the SLSMGR command. More_information: For detailed information about the MDMS menus, refer to the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. 7. Shut down and restart MDMS to enable all the changes made to the TAPESTART.COM file. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SLS$STARTUP 4-8 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up Test the MDMS Configuration This procedure guides you through testing the MDMS configuration. __________________ Initialized Media __________________ Before you perform the procedure, you must have a cartridge of a type compatible with the drive in the robot that has been initialized. Use this initialized cartridge to perform this test. ______________________________________________________ If you have MRU software, you can take this opportunity to learn more about the nature of the managed media environment. Compare the results of the STORAGE and ROBOT commands, or use MRU to verify the state of the automated media library after issuing a STORAGE command. Issue STORAGE and ROBOT commands at the DCL prompt. 1. Check the response of the tape system to MDMS. Issue the STORAGE SHOW JUKEBOX command: $ STORAGE SHOW JUKEBOX [tape_jukebox_name] Issue the ROBOT SHOW ROBOT command and compare the results: $ ROBOT SHOW ROBOT [robot_name] 2. Add a volume to the volume database with the STORAGE ADD VOLUME command: $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME volume_id 3. Verify the volume you just added with the STORAGE SHOW VOLUME command: $ STORAGE SHOW VOLUME volume_id 4. Prepare to reply to MDMS requests with the OpenVMS OPCOM REPLY command: $ REPLY/ENABLE=TAPES 5. Insert the cartridge for which you have just created a volume database record into the library. Issue the STORAGE IMPORT CARTRIDGE command: $ STORAGE IMPORT CARTRIDGE volume_id tape_jukebox_name Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-9 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up Translate the location information from the STORAGE IMPORT CARTRIDGE command into a slot location and issue the ROBOT SHOW SLOT command to verify the cartridge is in the slot: $ ROBOT SHOW [ROBOT robot_name] SLOT [[[slot_number]|[slot_number-slot_number]],...] 6. Load the cartridge into the drive with the STORAGE LOAD command: $ STORAGE LOAD drive-name volume-id Using the ROBOT SHOW DRIVE command, validate that the cartridge has been loaded: $ ROBOT SHOW [ROBOT robot_name] DRIVE [[[drv_number]|[drv_number-drv_number]],...] 7. Unload the cartridge from the drive using the STORAGE UNLOAD command: $ STORAGE UNLOAD VOLUME volume-id Using the ROBOT SHOW SLOT command, validate the cartridge has been returned to the slot from which it was loaded: $ ROBOT SHOW [ROBOT robot_name] SLOT [[[slot_number]|[slot_number-slot_number]],...] 8. Remove the cartridge from the library with the STORAGE EXPORT CARTRIDGE command: $ STORAGE EXPORT CARTRIDGE cartridge-name 4.2.2 Configuring for a Media Loader This procedure applies to the installation and configuration of a media loader system and the configuration of MDMS to manage it. Hardware Installation During this procedure, refer to the device hardware installation information for details. This procedure provides only basic steps necessary to configure MDMS: 1. Install and connect the hardware. Apply power to the devices. 2. If you are using an HSx controller, configure it to allow the computer to communicate with the devices. 4-10 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up 3. Make note of the device name after you complete your connection procedure. You will need this, especially if you are going to use the Media Robot Utility software. Test the Hardware With a media loader use a utility such as the Media Robot Utility (MRU), or use the front panel of the device and the operating system to test the connection between the host and device. __________________ Initialized Media __________________ Before you perform the procedure, you must have a cartridge of a type compatible with the drive in the robot that has been initialized. Use this initialized cartridge to perform this test. ______________________________________________________ This procedure lists steps to take to test the hardware connection between the tape loader and computer systems. 1. Verify the coordinate mapping on the interconnect. Issue the SHOW DEVICE command under OpenVMS and/or the ROBOT SHOW ROBOT command. Any problem with device naming or the connection becomes apparent here: $ SHOW DEVICE [device-name[:]] The following is the MRU command for examining the robot: $ ROBOT SHOW ROBOT [robot_name] If you have problems with the connection coordinates or device name, refer to the system and device hardware documentation for remedial action. 2. Place a cartridge in a magazine, and place the magazine into the device. 3. Load a cartridge into the robot. Use the system front panel controls. If you are using MRU, issue the ROBOT LOAD command: $ ROBOT LOAD SLOT slot_num [DRIVE drv_num] [ROBOT robot_name] Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-11 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up 4. After loading the cartridge, check the operating system connection to the device by mounting and dismounting the volume. Mount the cartridge with the OpenVMS MOUNT/FOREIGN command: $ MOUNT/FOREIGN device_name[:] Dismount the cartridge with the OpenVMS DISMOUNT command. Be sure to include the /NOUNLOAD qualifier: $ DISMOUNT device_name[:] 5. Remove the tape from the drive. If you are using MRU, issue the ROBOT UNLOAD command. After having completed this procedure, the magazine with the cartridge remains in the media loader but is not loaded in the drive. Configure MDMS This procedure requires you to edit the SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM file. You can use any ASCII text editor to accomplish these edits. Refer to the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations for more information and examples of these definitions. 1. Identify the primary processing node. Define the symbol PRI to the name of the node or the OpenVMS Cluster alias name executing the MDMS server. If you defined the symbol PRI to the OpenVMS Cluster alias, you must define the symbol DB_NODES to the names of the nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster system that serve MDMS. 2. Identify the node on which the current TAPESTART.COM file resides. Define the NODE symbol to that name. 3. Define the QUICKLOAD symbol to 1 to facilitate unattended backup. 4. Create the jukebox definitions. Use the following example as a guideline. 4-12 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up Define a symbol ABSOMT_JB to the names of the robot and tape drive devices of the automated media library system. This example shows such a definition: ________________________ Note ________________________ Be sure to apply the proper syntax to this definition. Failure to do so could cause problems with the functioning of MDMS). ______________________________________________________ $ ABSOMT_JB := "''NODE'::$1$DUA810:,''NODE'::$1$MUA43:,''NODE'::$1$MUA44:" Define the symbol TAPE_JUKEBOXES to this symbol definition: $ TAPE_JUKEBOXES := "ABSOMT_JB" This allows you to create similar definitions, dedicating devices to other storage management applications. 5. Define the media triplets. Media triplets are a set of symbols used to associate types of media with drives capable with accessing them. Use the following example as a guide: $ MTYPE_1 := TK85K $ DENS_1 := $ DRIVES_1 := $1$MUA43:,$1$MUA44: 6. Configure the Volume Pools. Use the MDMS Administrators Menu. From OpenVMS, issue the SLSMGR command. More_information: For detailed information about the MDMS menus, refer to the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. 7. Shut down and restart MDMS to enable all the changes made to the TAPESTART.COM file. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SLS$STARTUP Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-13 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up Test the MDMS Configuration This procedure guides you through testing the MDMS configuration. __________________ Initialized Media __________________ Before you perform the procedure, you must have a cartridge of a type compatible with the drive in the robot that has been initialized. Use this initialized cartridge to perform this test. ______________________________________________________ If you have MRU software, you can take this opportunity to learn more about the nature of the managed media environment. Compare the results of the STORAGE and ROBOT commands, or use MRU to verify the state of the media loader after issuing a STORAGE command. Issue STORAGE and ROBOT commands at the DCL prompt. 1. Check the response of the tape system to MDMS. Issue the STORAGE SHOW JUKEBOX command: $ STORAGE SHOW JUKEBOX [tape_jukebox_name] Issue the ROBOT SHOW ROBOT command and compare the results: $ ROBOT SHOW ROBOT [robot_name] 2. Add a volume to the volume database with the STORAGE ADD VOLUME command: $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME volume_id 3. Verify the volumes you just added with the STORAGE SHOW VOLUME command: $ STORAGE SHOW VOLUME volume_id 4. Prepare to reply to MDMS requests with the OpenVMS OPCOM REPLY command: $ REPLY/ENABLE=TAPES 5. Add a magazine to the media management database by issuing the STORAGE ADD MAGAZINE command: $ STORAGE ADD MAGAZINE magazine_name /SLOTS=n 4-14 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up 6. Place the cartridge into the magazine and bind it with the STORAGE BIND command: $ STORAGE BIND volume_id magazine_name /SLOT=n 7. Verify the cartridge has been bound to the magazine with the STORAGE SHOW MAGAZINE command: $ STORAGE SHOW MAGAZINE [volume_id magazine_name] 8. Issue the STORAGE IMPORT MAGAZINE command and insert the magazine into the loader: $ STORAGE IMPORT MAGAZINE magazine_name tape_jukebox_name 9. Load the cartridge into the drive with the STORAGE LOAD command: $ STORAGE LOAD drive-name volume-id Using the ROBOT SHOW DRIVE command, validate the cartridge has been loaded: $ ROBOT SHOW [ROBOT robot_name] DRIVE [[[drv_number]],...] 10.Unload the cartridge from the drive using the STORAGE UNLOAD command: $ STORAGE UNLOAD VOLUME volume-id Using the ROBOT SHOW SLOT command, validate the cartridge has been returned to the slot from which it was loaded: $ ROBOT SHOW [ROBOT robot_name] SLOT [[[slot_number]|[slot_number-slot_number]],...] 11.Remove the magazine from the loader with the STORAGE EXPORT MAGAZINE command: $ STORAGE EXPORT MAGAZINE magazine_name] 4.2.3 Configuring for an Operator Attended System This procedure applies to the installation and testing of an operator attended system, and the configuration and testing of MDMS to manage it. Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-15 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up Hardware Installation During this procedure, refer to the device hardware installation information for details. This procedure provides only basic steps necessary to configure MDMS. 1. Install and connect the hardware. Apply power to the device. 2. If you are using an HSx controller, configure it to allow the computer to communicate with the device. 3. Make note of the device name after you complete your connection procedure. Test the Hardware Follow this procedure to test the hardware installation and connection with the host system. 1. Verify the interconnect coordinate mapping and device names. Issue the SHOW DEVICE command under OpenVMS. Any problem with device naming or the connection becomes apparent here. $ SHOW DEVICE [device-name[:]] If you have problems with the connection coordinates or device name, refer to the system and device hardware documentation for remedial action. 2. Load a cartridge into the drive. 3. After loading the cartridge, check the operating system connection to the device by mounting and dismounting the volume. Mount the cartridge with the OpenVMS MOUNT/FOREIGN command. $ MOUNT/FOREIGN device_name[:] Dismount the cartridge with the OpenVMS DISMOUNT command. $ DISMOUNT device_name[:] 4. Remove the tape from the drive. 4-16 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up Configure MDMS This procedure requires you to edit the SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM file. You can use any ASCII text editor to accomplish these edits. Refer to the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations for more information, and examples of these definitions. 1. Identify the primary processing node. Define the symbol PRI to the name of the node or the OpenVMS Cluster alias name executing the MDMS server. If you defined the symbol PRI to the OpenVMS Cluster alias, you must define the symbol DB_NODES to the names of the nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster system that serve MDMS. 2. Identify the node on which the current TAPESTART.COM file resides. Define the NODE symbol to that name. 3. Define the media triplets. Media triplets are a set of symbols used to associate types of media with drives capable with accessing them. Use the following example as a guide. $ MTYPE_1 := TK85K $ DENS_1 := $ DRIVES_1 := $1$MUA560:,$1$MUA561:,$1$MUA562: 4. Decide whether operator intervention and acknowledgment is needed then define the QUICKLOAD symbol accordingly. 5. Configure the Volume Pools. Use the MDMS Administrators Menu. From OpenVMS, issue the SLSMGR command. More_information: For detailed information about the MDMS menus, refer to the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. 6. Shut down and restart MDMS to enable all the changes made to the TAPESTART.COM file. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SLS$STARTUP Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-17 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.2 Building from the Bottom Up Test the MDMS Configuration This procedure guides you through testing the MDMS configuration. Issue STORAGE commands at the DCL prompt. 1. Add a volume to the volume database with the STORAGE ADD VOLUME command: $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME volume_id 2. Verify the volumes you just added with the STORAGE SHOW VOLUME command: $ STORAGE SHOW VOLUME volume_id 3. Prepare to reply to MDMS requests with the OpenVMS OPCOM REPLY command: $ REPLY/ENABLE=TAPES 4. Load the cartridge into the drive with the STORAGE LOAD command: $ STORAGE LOAD drive-name volume-id 5. Unload the cartridge from the drive using the STORAGE UNLOAD command: $ STORAGE UNLOAD VOLUME volume-id 4.3 Adding New Media into the Media Environment This section describes how to add more media into management. The procedures you use depend on the kind of media device you use for your storage management applications: o For an automated media library system, refer to Section 4.3.1. o For a media loader system, refer to Section 4.3.2. o For an operator managed system, refer to Section 4.3.3. 4-18 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.3 Adding New Media into the Media Environment 4.3.1 Adding Media for Automated Media Libraries This procedure describes how to add media for automated media libraries into the volume database: a. Prepare to respond to OPCOM messages generated by MDMS. Issue the OpenVMS OPCOM REPLY command: $ REPLY/ENABLE=TAPES b. For each volume, issue the STORAGE ADD VOLUME command: $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME volume_id Alternatively, you can use the MDMS Operator Menu, Maintenance option, Add Volume Series feature to add all volumes into the volume database. c. To prepare the cartridges for access by the device, issue the STORAGE IMPORT CARTRIDGE command for each cartridge: $ STORAGE IMPORT CARTRIDGE volume_id tape_jukebox_name Alternatively, you can expose the internal storage slots and place the cartridges directly into the system. d. Select the drive you want to initialize your cartridges. Issue the STORAGE SELECT command: $ STORAGE SELECT logical-name volume-id e. For each cartridge you have added to the database, initialize the media with these commands: a. Load the cartridge in the drive with the STORAGE LOAD command. Use the /NOCHECK qualifier: $ STORAGE LOAD/NOCHECK drive-name volume-id b. Initialize the media with the desired label with the OpenVMS INITIALIZE command: $ INITIALIZE device-name[:] volume-label c. Verify the media initialization with the OpenVMS MOUNT command: $ MOUNT device-name[:] [volume-label] d. Dismount the media with the OpenVMS DISMOUNT command: $ DISMOUNT device-name[:] Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-19 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.3 Adding New Media into the Media Environment e. Remove the media from the drive with the STORAGE UNLOAD command: $ STORAGE UNLOAD VOLUME volume-id f. After initializing the media, return the device to other applications with the OpenVMS DEALLOCATE command: $ DEALLOCATE device-name[:] g. Inventory the library with the STORAGE INVENTORY JUKEBOX command, specifying the slots with the SLOT_RANGE qualifier: $ STORAGE INVENTORY JUKEBOX/SLOT_RANGE=([start_slot,] count) tape_jukebox_name h. Check each volume in the database with the STORAGE SHOW VOLUME command: $ STORAGE SHOW VOLUME volume_id 4.3.2 Adding Media for Media Loaders This procedure describes how to add media and magazines for media loaders into the volume database: 1. Prepare to respond to OPCOM messages generated by. MDMS. Issue the OpenVMS OPCOM REPLY command: $ REPLY/ENABLE=TAPES 2. For each volume of removable media, issue the STORAGE ADD VOLUME command: $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME volume_id Alternatively, you can use the MDMS Operator Menu, Maintenance option, Add Volume Series feature to add all volumes into the volume database. 3. For each magazine you intend to manage, issue the STORAGE ADD MAGAZINE command: $ STORAGE ADD MAGAZINE magazine_name /SLOTS=n 4. To load the media into the drive for initialization, you must bind it into a managed magazine. Use the STORAGE BIND command for each medium you bind into a managed magazine: $ STORAGE BIND volume_id magazine_name /SLOT=n 4-20 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.3 Adding New Media into the Media Environment 5. To prepare the magazine and its cartridges for access by the device, issue the STORAGE IMPORT MAGAZINE. Reply to the OPCOM message and insert the magazine into the device: $ STORAGE IMPORT MAGAZINE magazine_name tape_jukebox_name 6. Select the drive you want to initialize your cartridges. Issue the STORAGE SELECT command: $ STORAGE SELECT logical-name volume-id 7. For each cartridge you have added to the database, initialize the media with these commands: a. Load the cartridge in the drive with the STORAGE LOAD command. Use the /NOCHECK qualifier: $ STORAGE LOAD/NOCHECK drive-name volume-id b. Initialize the media with the desired label with the OpenVMS INITIALIZE command: $ INITIALIZE device-name[:] volume-label c. Verify the media initialization with the OpenVMS MOUNT command: $ MOUNT device-name[:] [volume-label] d. Dismount the media with the OpenVMS DISMOUNT command: $ DISMOUNT/NOUNLOAD device-name[:] e. Remove the media from the drive with the STORAGE UNLOAD command: $ STORAGE UNLOAD VOLUME volume-id 8. After initializing the media, return the device to other applications with the OpenVMS DEALLOCATE command: $ DEALLOCATE device-name[:] 9. Check each volume in the database with the STORAGE SHOW VOLUME command: $ STORAGE SHOW VOLUME volume_id 10.If necessary, remove the magazine from the device with the STORAGE EXPORT MAGAZINE command: $ STORAGE EXPORT MAGAZINE magazine_name Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-21 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.3 Adding New Media into the Media Environment 4.3.3 Adding Media for Operator Attended Drives This procedure describes how to add media for manually loaded drives into the volume database. 1. Prepare to respond to OPCOM messages generated by MDMS. Issue the OpenVMS OPCOM REPLY command: $ REPLY/ENABLE=TAPES 2. For each volume of removable media, issue the STORAGE ADD VOLUME command: $ STORAGE ADD VOLUME volume_id Alternatively, you can use the MDMS Operator Menu, Maintenance option, Add Volume Series feature to add all volumes into the volume database. 3. Select the drive you want to initialize your cartridges. Issue the STORAGE SELECT command: $ STORAGE SELECT logical-name volume-id 4. For each cartridge you have added to the database, initialize the media with these commands: 1. Place the cartridge in the drive with the STORAGE LOAD command. Use the /NOCHECK qualifier: $ STORAGE LOAD/NOCHECK drive-name volume-id 2. Initialize the media with the desired label with the OpenVMS INITIALIZE command: $ INITIALIZE device-name[:] volume-label 3. Verify the media initialization with the OpenVMS MOUNT command: $ MOUNT device-name[:] [volume-label] 4. Dismount the media with the OpenVMS DISMOUNT command: $ DISMOUNT device-name[:] 5. Remove the media from the drive with the STORAGE UNLOAD command: $ STORAGE UNLOAD VOLUME volume-id 5. After initializing the media, return the device to other applications with the OpenVMS DEALLOCATE command: $ DEALLOCATE device-name[:] 4-22 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.3 Adding New Media into the Media Environment 6. Check each volume in the database with the STORAGE SHOW VOLUME command: $ STORAGE SHOW VOLUME volume_id 4.4 Maintaining The Media Management Environment This section briefly describes additional tasks you need to perform to maintain your managed media environment. You should address these tasks after you complete your initial configuration of MDMS. 4.4.1 Creating Backup Copies of the Database You should create a backup copy of the volume database daily. You also should decide the interval of full and incremental backup operations on the disk storing the volume database. Refer to your backup/archive storage management product for information more information on creating backup copies of the volume database for disaster protection. 4.4.2 Managing Onsite and Offsite Rotation If you use an offsite location for storing media, you can configure MDMS to support a schedule for rotating media between the offsite location and a location near the drives. Refer to the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations for a complete description of the MDMS features controlling the scheduling and movement of media between onsite and offsite storage. 4.4.3 Importing a Volume When you have a need to access data on media that is not registered in the MDMS volume database, you must import the media before you can manage it. To do this, you use the STORAGE IMPORT CARTRIDGE command, and specify the ADD qualifier. There are separate considerations for doing this with an automated media handling system or media loader with vision systems. Review the description of the STORAGE IMPORT CARTRIDGE command in the Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-23 Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.4 Maintaining The Media Management Environment 4.4.4 Discarding Media You discard media before it can no longer reliably record data. If the media hold archived files, you must move them to other media or make sure they have expired. When you discard media from your management, you also must remove the records of it from the volume database. Use the STORAGE REMOVE VOLUME command to remove volume records. ________________________ Note ________________________ Make sure you remove the records of discarded media from the volume database. If you do not remove those records, you could cause unpredictable behavior in the managed media environment. ______________________________________________________ 4.4.5 Exporting Media On some occasions, you will have to send media to some other location with the anticipation of it returning to your managed media environment. Additionally, you may want to remove the media from an automated media library system for rotation to an offsite location. In either of these situations, use the STORAGE EXPORT CARTRIDGE command. If all the media you want to export is bound to a magazine, use the STORAGE EXPORT MAGAZINE command. If only some of the media you want to export is bound to a magazine, use the STORAGE UNBIND command, remove the media and use the STORAGE IMPORT MAGAZINE command to return the magazine to the loader. 4.5 Media Management Exception Situations This section briefly details some exceptions you might encounter while using managed media. 4-24 Configuring MDMS for ABS Configuring MDMS for ABS 4.5 Media Management Exception Situations 4.5.1 Drive Cleaning You must periodically clean your tape drives to prevent read/write errors. If you are using an automated tape handling system, you should insert a cleaning cartridge into one of the storage slots as soon as possible after installation. 4.5.2 Resynchronizing the Database MDMS software manages your media environment by maintaining a logical view of the location and status of media, their locations, and drives. It is crucial that the logical representation of the physical status of managed object is kept intact. Under some circumstances, it is possible for the database to represent volume information that is inconsistent with the status of volumes you manage. This can occur through operator error or by a failure in media handling hardware. When you discover inconsistencies between the physical status and logical representations, you must resynchronize the database. You can either change the contents of the database by using the necessary STORAGE commands, or change the location of media to reflect that shown in the database. The solution you choose will depend on the availability of appropriate utilities (such as the StorageWorks Media Robot Utility), accessibility to the controls of an automated media handling system, and/or the responsiveness of your operator. Configuring MDMS for ABS 4-25 A _________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation This appendix contains a sample installation of the ABS. This sample was run on a system that had no previous version of the ABS installed. Depending on which layered products you have on your system, you might see additional messages and questions when you perform your installation. The sample installation makes the following assumptions: o DECnet has been shut down o Users are logged off the system o OPTIONS N is specified to print the release notes o The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) runs at the end of the installation procedure. The following sample log file is from an ABS installation on an OpenVMS Version 7.1 Alpha system: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL.COM OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 30-DEC-1996 at 12:58. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: SYS$SYSDEVICE: Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: ABS021 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: ABS V2.1 Beginning installation of ABS V2.1 at 12:58 Sample Installation A-1 Sample Installation %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. **************************************************************** * Archive/Backup (ABS) Version 2.1 for * * OpenVMS Installation * * * * Copyright(c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. * * All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the * * copyright laws of the United States. * **************************************************************** * Do you want to continue the installation [YES]? %ABS-I-SYSGENCHK, Checking SYSGEN parameters... LICENSING FOR ABS IS REQUIRED: One of the following licenses must be loaded and active on this system for the ABS installation to complete successfully. SLS SLS-ACS SLS-MGR SLS-REMOTE SLS-REMOTE-MGR * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded [Y]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? *** ABS$ROOT Device *** You will now be asked to enter a disk device specification to be used as a repository for ABS images, databases and log files. NOTE: *** This device must have at least 40000 free blocks and be available to all nodes in the cluster that will be running ABS *** * Enter the device to use for ABS files [SYS$COMMON:]: The ABS files will be placed at SYS$COMMON:[ABS.] * Is this correct [YES]? *** ABS Policy Engine Nodes *** Please enter the cluster name, or list of nodes on which to find the ABS Policy Engine. If you enter the local cluster name or a list of names in the local cluster, the ABS Policy Engine will be installed on this node. A-2 Sample Installation Sample Installation * Cluster or node list for ABS Policy Engine [NODE01::]: %ABS-I-CHKLOCALPE, Checking for local Policy Engine ABS can now provide its policy database in RMS files or OracleRdb database. Answer YES to the following question if RMS files are to be provided as the ABS policy database. * Install RMS files as the ABS policy database [Y]? Y This kit includes a BOOKREADER file, ABS$HELP.DECW$BOOK, which provides help text for the Graphical User Interface. * Do you want this BOOKREADER file placed on your system? [Y]? Attempting to locate writeable directory in DECW$BOOK:... Trying SYS$SYSROOT:[DECW$BOOK]... No writeable translation of the logical name DECW$BOOK was found. The ABS$HELP.DECW$BOOK file will be provided into the directory ABS$ROOT:[000000] and you will need to place this file manually after the installation completes. %ABS-I-DONEASK, No further questions will be asked during this installation. -ABS-I-DONEASK, The installation should take less than 15 minutes to complete. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. Sample Installation A-3 Sample Installation %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named ABS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named ABS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %ABS-I-CREID, Creating ABS rights identifiers... %ABS-I-CREDIR, Creating ABS directory structure... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.ABS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.ABS.TEMPLATES]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.ABS.DATABASE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.ABS.SYSTEM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.ABS.CATALOG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.ABS.LOG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.ABS.LISTINGS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.ABS.CLIENTS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.ABS.NTCLIENTS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.ABS.NTCLIENTS.ALPHA]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.ABS.NTCLIENTS.INTEL]. %ABS-I-CRELOG, Creating logical names... %ABS-I-CREATEQUE, Creating ABS batch queue. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %ABS-I-SECUREFILES, Setting security on ABS files... %ABS-I-PROVIDEFILE, Providing ABS files... %ABS-I-PROVIDEPE, Providing ABS Policy Engine... %ABS-I-CREATECATLG, Creating default catalog... %ABS-I-CREATECATLG, Creating disaster_recovery catalog... %ABS-I-PROVIDEGUI, Providing ABS$GUI... %ABS-I-PROVIDEGZIP, Providing gzip and gtar files... %ABS-I-PROVIDENT, Providing NT client setup files... %ABS-I-PROVIDEDB, Providing ABS Database... A-4 Sample Installation Sample Installation Client License Database successfully CREATED %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %ABS-I-RENAMFILES, Renaming nt client setup files. %JBC-E-STARTED, queue already started Starting ABS Policy Engine... Job ABS$START_POLICY_ENGINE (queue ABS$NODE01, entry 668) started on ABS$NODE01 Job START_COORD_CLEANUP (queue ABS$NODE01, entry 669) started on ABS$NODE01 Starting ABS Catalog Cleanup... Job START_CATALOG_CLEANUP (queue ABS$NODE01, entry 668) holding until 31-DEC-1996 00:00 Starting ABS Database Cleanup... %NSCHED-I-RQSTSUCCSS, Job 29097 - Created %NSCHED-W-NOSCHED, No scheduler available to service request ABS_DB_INIT - Starting ABS database initialization... ABS_DB_INIT - Initializing ABS Storage Classes... ABS_DB_INIT - Creating ABS_ARCHIVE Storage Class ABS_DB_INIT - Creating SYSTEM_BACKUPS Storage Class ABS_DB_INIT - Creating DISASTER_RECOVERY Storage Class ABS_DB_INIT - Creating USER_BACKUPS Storage Class ABS_DB_INIT - Creating UNIX_BACKUPS Storage Class ABS_DB_INIT - Initializing ABS Execution environments... ABS_DB_INIT - Creating ABS_ARCHIVE_ENV Execution Environment ABS_DB_INIT - Creating DEFAULT_ENV Execution Environment ABS_DB_INIT - Creating SYSTEM_BACKUPS_ENV Execution Environment ABS_DB_INIT - Creating DISASTER_RECOVERY_ENV Execution Environment ABS_DB_INIT - Creating UNIX_BACKUPS_ENV Execution Environment ABS_DB_INIT - Creating USER_BACKUPS_ENV Execution Environment ABS_DB_INIT - Ending ABS database initialization. Post-installation Instructions: In order to complete the installation of Archive/Backup, you need to perform the following steps: 1) Edit the file SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, and add the line $ @SYS$STARTUP:ABS$STARTUP after the startup of Storage Library System (SLS) and POLYCENTER Scheduler. This will ensure that the ABS software is properly initialized at each system startup. 2) ABS Version 2.1 provides a catalog conversion command procedure that significantly improves the target catalog update performance. If you are updating from a previous version of ABS and wish to perform the catalog conversion, do the following: Sample Installation A-5 Sample Installation After you have installed ABS Version 2.1, run the following command procedure to convert your target catalogs. Respond to the questions as shown in Example 1. Restrictions: ------------ The ABS catalogs must be quiescent while executing the catalog conversion command procedure. The catalog that is being converted will be locked; no save, restore or lookup operations are allowed while the conversion is occuring. Example 1 Converting ABS Target Catalogs ----------------------------------------- $ @ABS$SYSTEM:CONVERT_CATALOG_V21 ABS Catalogs ... ABS_CATALOG ABS_UNIX_CATALOG DISASTER_RECOVERY Which catalog would you like to convert? ABS_CATALOG Starting conversion of ABS_CATALOG catalog ABS_CATALOG catalog conversion complete Would you like to convert another catalog (Yes/[No])? N 3) No writeable translation of DECW$BOOK was found on your system, so the ABS bookreader help file will be provided into the location ABS$ROOT:[000000]ABSOMT$HELP.DECW$BOOK You will need to manually place this into the location of your choice. In order for the ABS GUI to provide help, this file must be placed in a location referenced by your DECW$BOOK logical name. Archive/Backup Version 2.1 for OpenVMS VAX Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 All Rights Reserved. Verifying Archive/Backup logical names... Checking Archive/Backup configuration... Verifying Archive/Backup files... Verifying Archive/Backup account... A-6 Sample Installation Sample Installation The IVP for Archive/Backup Version 2.1 was successful. Installation of ABS V2.1 completed at 13:02 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]ABS021.VMI_DATA Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 13:15 Sample Installation A-7 B _________________________________________________________________ Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients This appendix contains examples of how to authorize NT and UNIX clients, which includes adding, modifying, showing, and removing those client licenses. To use the license command as shown in the example in this appendix, you can define the following symbol at the system prompt: $ LICENSE := $ABS$SYSTEM:ABS_CLIENT_LICENSE.EXE B.1 Adding Client Licenses Example B-1 shows how to add a UNIX or NT client license. Example B-1 Adding Client Licenses $ LICENSE Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: ADD Enter Node Name: NTNODE Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: NT Enter TCPIP Port Number [1800]: 1800 Client NTNODE successfully ADDED to License Database License Count: 1 used of 6 total --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ LICENSE Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: ADD Enter Node Name: UNIX_1 Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: UNIX (continued on next page) Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients B-1 Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients B.1 Adding Client Licenses Example B-1 (Cont.) Adding Client Licenses Client UNIX_1 successfully ADDED to License Database License Count: 1 used of 25 total B-2 Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients B.2 Modifying Client Licenses B.2 Modifying Client Licenses Example B-2 shows how to modify the port number of an NT or UNIX client license. Note: The port number that you enter here must match the port number you assigned during the NT client installation. Example B-2 Modifying Client Licenses $ LICENSE Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: MODIFY Enter Node Name: NTNODE Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: NT Current values Type: Windows NT Transport: TCP/IP Port: 1800 New Port #?: 1800 Client NTNODE successfully MODIFIED in License Database License Count: 1 used of 6 total --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ LICENSE Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: MODIFY Enter Node Name: UNIX_1 Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: UNIX Current values Type: Windows NT Transport: TCP/IP Port: 514 New Port #?: 1800 Client UNIX_1 successfully MODIFIED in License Database License Count: 1 used of 25 total Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients B-3 Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients B.3 Showing Client Licenses B.3 Showing Client Licenses Example B-3 illustrates how to show an NT or UNIX client license: Example B-3 Showing Client Licenses $ LICENSE Enter Node Name or [ALL]: ALL Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: NT Node Name Type Transport Port --------- ---- --------- ---- NTNODE Windows NT TCP/IP 1800 License Count: 1 used of 6 total --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ LICENSE Enter Node Name or [ALL]: ALL Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: UNIX Node Name Type Transport Port --------- ---- --------- ---- UNIX_1 UNIX TCP/IP 1800 License Count: 1 used of 25 total B.4 Removing Client Licenses Example B-4 shows how to remove NT or UNIX client licenses: Example B-4 Removing Client Licenses $ LICENSE Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: REMOVE Enter Node Name: NTNODE Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: NT Client NTNODE successfully REMOVED from License Database (continued on next page) B-4 Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients B.4 Removing Client Licenses Example B-4 (Cont.) Removing Client Licenses License Count: 0 used of 6 total Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients B-5 C _________________________________________________________________ Files and Logical Names The ABS installation procedure produces several files on your system and defines numerous logical names. The following sections are provided so you may verify that the appropriate file names and logical names are installed on your system upon completion of the installation prodedure. Section C.1 lists the names of the files installed. Sections C.2 and C.3 lists the logical names that are added to the system logical name table. C.1 File Names Table C-1 lists the names of the files created on your system after ABS is installed. Table_C-1_File_Names_____________________________________________ File_Location/Name______________File_Location/Name_______________ ABS$ROOT:[000000]LOGIN.COM ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$CLEAN_DB_UTIL.COM ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$CLEAN_DB_ ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$COORD_CLEANUP.EXE UTIL.EXE ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$COORD_ ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$GUI.EXE CLEANUP.FDL ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$GUI_CATALOG.UID ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$GUI_CREATE.UID ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$GUI_DATE.UID ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$GUI_DEFAULTS.COM ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$GUI_EXECENV.UID ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$GUI_MAINWINDOW.UID ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$GUI_ ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$POLICY_CONFIG.DAT MSGBOXES.UID ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$POLICY_ ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$POLICY_ENGINE.EXE MAINT.EXE (continued on next page) Files and Logical Names C-1 Files and Logical Names C.1 File Names Table_C-1_(Cont.)_File_Names_____________________________________ File_Location/Name______________File_Location/Name_______________ ABS$UBS.EXE ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$START_POLICY_ ENGINE.COM ABS$SYSTEM:ABS_CATLG_ ABS$SYSTEM:ALTERNATE_BACKUP.EXE MAINTENANCE.EXE ABS$SYSTEM:LITE_DB_INTI.EXE ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$CLIENT_LICENSE.EXE ABS$SYSTEM:ABS_CATALOG_ ABS$SYSTEM:ABS_STG_CATLG_ OBJECT.EXE UNPACK.EXE ABS$SYSTEM:DISASTER_DB_ ABS$SYSTEM:EPCOT_USER_BACKUP_ INIT.EXE UTILITY.EXE ABS$SYSTEM:AOE_BRIEF.FDL ABS$SYSTEM:AOE_INSTANCE_BRIEF.FDL ABS$SYSTEM:COORDINATOR.COM ABS$SYSTEM:COORDINATOR.EXE ABS$SYSTEM:CREATE_CATALOG.COM ABS$SYSTEM:DELETE_ABS.COM ABS$SYSTEM:START_CATALOG_ CLEANUP.COM ABS$SYSTEM:START_COORD_ ABS$SYSTEM:TLE_BRIEF.FDL CLEANUP.COM ABS$TEMPLATES:VMS_BACKUP- ABS$TEMPLATES:VMS_BACKUP-1.FULL_ 1.AGENT_INFORMATION ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE ABS$TEMPLATES:VMS_BACKUP- ABS$TEMPLATES:VMS_BACKUP- 1.FULL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE 1.INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE ABS$TEMPLATES:VMS_BACKUP- ABS$TEMPLATES:VMS_BACKUP-1.PARSE_ 1.INCREMENTAL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE TEMPLATE ABS$TEMPLATES:VMS_BACKUP- ABS$TEMPLATES:VMS_BACKUP- 1.SELECTIVE_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE 1.SELECTIVE_RESTORE_TEMPLATE GTAR-1.AGENT_INFORMATION GTAR-1.FULL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE GTAR-1.FULL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE GTAR-1.INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVE_ TEMPLATE GTAR-1.INCREMENTAL_RESTORE_ GTAR-1.PARSE_TEMPLATE TEMPLATE GTAR-1.SELECTIVE_ARCHIVE_ GTAR-1.SELECTIVE_RESTORE_TEMPLATE TEMPLATE NT_GTAR-1.AGENT_INFORMATION NT_GTAR-1.FULL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE (continued on next page) C-2 Files and Logical Names Files and Logical Names C.1 File Names Table_C-1_(Cont.)_File_Names_____________________________________ File_Location/Name______________File_Location/Name_______________ NT_GTAR-1.FULL_RESTORE_ NT_GTAR-1.INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVE_ TEMPLATE TEMPLATE NT_GTAR-1.INCREMENTAL_RESTORE_ NT_GTAR-1.PARSE_TEMPLATE TEMPLATE NT_GTAR-1.SELECTIVE_ARCHIVE_ NT_GTAR-1.SELECTIVE_RESTORE_ TEMPLATE TEMPLATE DECW$BOOK:ABSOMT$HELP.DECW$BOOK DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS:ABS$GUI.DAT SYS$HELP:ABS$HELP.HLB SYS$HELP:ABS%%%.RELEASE_NOTES SYS$LIBRARY:ABS$SHR.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:ABS$SLS_SERVICES.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:ABS$USSSHR.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:DCE$LIB_SHR.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:DTSS$SHR.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:HSM$COSISHR.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:SLS$SHR.EXE SYS$MANAGER:ABS$SHUTDOWN.COM SYS$STARTUP:ABS$STARTUP.COM SYS$TEST:ABS$IVP.COM_____________________________________________ Files and Logical Names C-3 Files and Logical Names C.2 Logical Names C.2 Logical Names The following logical names are entered into the system logical name table when the ABS software is installed. These names are stored in the product's startup file. They are automatically entered into the system logical name table whenever the system reboots or whenever the software is invoked. Table_C-2_Logical_Names____________________________________ Logical_Name__________Description__________________________ ABS$CATALOG This logical name points to the directory containing the ABS catalogs. ABS$DATABASE This logical name points to the Rdb/VMS database used by ABS to store policy objects. ABS$GUI This logical name points to the executable image of the ABS graphical user interface (GUI). ABS$LISTINGS This logical name points to the directory where listing files produced by ABS will reside when requested by the customer. ABS$LOG This logical name points to the directory where all log files for save and restore operations are placed. ABS$ROOT This logical name defines the top of the directory tree used by ABS to store its files. ABS$SYSTEM This logical name points to the directory where all ABS system files and images reside. For_portability_purposes,_each_logical_name_also_has_a_____ corresponding "underscore" version of the logical name. For example, ABS$CATALOG also translates as ABS_CATALOG. (continued on next page) C-4 Files and Logical Names Files and Logical Names C.2 Logical Names Table_C-2_(Cont.)_Logical_Names____________________________ Logical_Name__________Description__________________________ ABS$TEMPLATES This logical name points to the directory where the templates used to control backup agents are stored. Recommendation: It is not recommended that you modify these templates. The behavior of ABS in regard to its backup agents is defined by these templates. ABS_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL Normally, ABS outputs only two diagnostic messages per error; the most general and the most specific errors encountered. If more information is required to identify a problem, define the logical name ABS_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL in the system table as an integer. This integer defines the number of additional diagnostic messages output by ABS when errors are encountered. Defining this logical name as 100 outputs all available diagnostic information. MOUNT_RETRY_INTERVAL Defines the amount of time that ABS waits before attempting to retry the next save or restore request. For_portability_purposes,_each_logical_name_also_has_a_____ corresponding "underscore" version of the logical name. For example, ABS$CATALOG also translates as ABS_CATALOG. ___________________________________________________________ Files and Logical Names C-5 Files and Logical Names C.3 Graphical User Interface Logical Names C.3 Graphical User Interface Logical Names The following logical names are defined by ABS for the graphical user interface (GUI) environment. Table_C-3_GUI_Logical_Names______________________________________ Logical_Name____________________Description______________________ ABS_VMS_FILES ABS defines this logical named as the default data object type. ABS_ You can define this logical name as the default data object type for a save or restore request. "VMS Files" is the predefined default object type (defined by ABS_VMS_FILES), but you can change this default data object type to suit your environment. Create additional logical names by prefixing the name of the object with "ABS_" and substituting the blank spaces in the name with the underscore character. ABS_DEF_ARCH_CLASS The default storage class that appears on the GUI. ABS_DEF_HELP_BOOK The default location for the GUI Help Bookreader files. Normally, this logical name is not defined because the default logical name DECW$BOOK defines where the files are placed during the installation procedure. Recommendation: Do not modify this logical name. (continued on next page) C-6 Files and Logical Names Files and Logical Names C.3 Graphical User Interface Logical Names Table_C-3_(Cont.)_GUI_Logical_Names______________________________ Logical_Name____________________Description______________________ ABS_DEF_SIMPLE_BUTTONS The logical name that defines whether to activate or deactivate the major functions button bar when the GUI is invoked. This logical in not normally defined. ABS_AUTOWRITE_LOG_VALUE This logical name defines a numeric text value that indicates how many data characters from the GUI log window you wish to keep in memory before the data is written to the log file. This logical in not normally defined. ABS_DEF_RETENTION_PERIOD This logical name defines the default number of days to retain a data object in the storage class. ABS_DEF_CATALOG This logical name defines the default catalog to use for the save operation. ABS_DEF_SLS_CONSOL_COUNT This logical name defines the default consolidation count used by MDMS to create the number of save sets per volume set. ABS_DEF_SLS_CONSOL_INTRVL This logical defines the default consolidation interval (in days) used by MDMS. ABS_DEF_SLS_CONSOL_SIZE This logical defines the default consolidation size used by MDMS in volumes per volume-set. ABS_DEF_SIMUL_SAVE_OPS This logical defines the default number of simultaneous save operations per storage class. (continued on next page) Files and Logical Names C-7 Files and Logical Names C.3 Graphical User Interface Logical Names Table_C-3_(Cont.)_GUI_Logical_Names______________________________ Logical_Name____________________Description______________________ ABS_DEF_FILES11_LOCATION This logical defines the default location for a FILES-11 primary archive file system. ABS_DEF_COPIES_IN_CATALOG This logical defines the default number of data object entries maintained in the catalog. ABS_DEF_NUMBER_OF_DRIVES This logical defines the default number of drives to use for an execution environment. ABS_DEF_RETRY_COUNT This logical defines the default number of retry attempts for an execution environment. ABS_DEF_RETRY_INTERVAL This logical defines the default interval of time, in hours, ________________________________before_ABS_makes_a_retry_attempt. C-8 Files and Logical Names _________________________________________________________________ Index A______________________________ F______________________________ ABS File names, C-1 to C-3 installing, 2-2 Startup, 3-2 I Access control, 3-4 _______________________________ Access right identifiers, 3-4 Installation, 2-1 Alpha system, 2-10 Alpha system, 2-10 with OpenVMS system, 2-11 mixed-architecture system, 2-11 B______________________________ POLYCENTER Scheduler, 2-1 Batch queue, 1-6 prerequisites, 1-2 procedure, 2-2 to 2-10 C Installation Verification _______________________________ Proceduer Client see IVP definintion, 1-2 Installing Clients NT clients, 3-5 authorizing, B-1 IVP error recovery, 2-15 D______________________________ Disk space requirements, 1-10 L______________________________ License, 1-7 to 1-9 E______________________________ adding NT clients, B-1 Error recovery, 2-15 adding UNIX clients, B-1 Examples loading, 1-7 authorizing NT clients, B-1 registering, 1-7 authorizing UNIX clients, Logical names, C-1 to C-8 B-1 Index-1 M______________________________ R______________________________ Mixed-architecture system, Requirement 2-11 POLYCENTER Scheduler, 2-1 Requirements, 1-4 N______________________________ batch queue, 1-6 NT clients disk space, 1-10 adding licenses, B-1 OpenVMS Cluster, 3-3 authorizing, B-1 process account quotas, 1-10 installing, 3-5 software, 1-4 modifying, B-3 system parameters, 1-10 port number, 3-6, B-2 S removing, B-4 _______________________________ showing, B-4 Server definition, 1-2 O______________________________ Shutdown OpenVMS Cluster ABS, 3-2 mixed-architecture, 2-11 Software requirements, 1-4 requirements, 3-3 Startup OpenVMS system ABS, 3-2 Alpha system, 2-11 System Operating system requirements, OpenVMS Cluster, 3-3 parameter requirements, 1-10 1-4 parameters, 1-10 process account quotas, 1-10 P______________________________ POLYCENTER Scheduler U______________________________ installation, 2-1 UNIX clients, 3-6 to 3-13 Port, 3-6, B-2 adding licenses, B-1 Prerequisites authorizing, B-1 software, 1-4 configuring, 3-6 to 3-13 Privileges, 3-4 modifying, B-3 Process account quotas, 1-10 removing, B-4 showing, B-4 Index-2