____________________________________________________ POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 Installation Order Number: AA-PAKUF-TE Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual Operating System and Version: VAX OpenVMS V5.5-2 to V6.1 Software Version: POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 Version 2.4 Digital Equipment Corporation ________________________________________________________________ The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1987, 1995. All Rights Reserved. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: CDA, DDIF, DECchart, DECdecision, DECnet, DECpage, DECwindows, DECwrite, DIGITAL, DTIF, LiveLink, PrintServer 40, ReGIS, ScriptPrinter, ULTRIX, ULTRIX-11, ULTRIX-32, ULTRIX Worksystem Software, VAX, VAXcluster, VAX RMS, VAXstation, VMS, WPS-PLUS, XUI, and the DIGITAL logo DIGITAL The following are third-party trademarks: Motif, OSF, and OSF/Motif are trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ___________________________________________________________ Contents ................................................... ix Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Software Overview......................................... 1-2 Updating DECmcc From Previous Version............ 1-2 Meeting Software Requirements.................... 1-2 Meeting Hardware Requirements.................... 1-3 LTM Hardware Considerations ................... 1-4 TSM Hardware Considerations ................... 1-5 Registering the License for DECmcc EMS........... 1-5 Performing a System Backup....................... 1-6 Reading the Release Notes........................ 1-6 Time Required for Installation................... 1-7 Required System Privileges....................... 1-7 Additional System Privileges Required for Installing TSM................................. 1-8 Required Disk Space.............................. 1-8 Required System Parameters....................... 1-9 DECmcc BMS System Parameter Settings .......... 1-9 NMCC/VAX ETHERnim System Parameter Settings ... 1-9 Checking System Parameter Values .............. 1-10 Calculating the Values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS.................................... 1-10 Changing System Parameter Values with AUTOGEN........................................ 1-11 Setting Dynamic System Parameter Values..... 1-12 Required Process Quotas.......................... 1-13 DECmcc BMS Process Quota Settings ............. 1-13 How to Modify Process Quota Settings .......... 1-14 Preparing to Install DECmcc BMS.................. 1-14 Location of the BMS Files ..................... 1-15 iii 1.13.2 Determining Your Time Differential Factor ..... 1-15 1.13.3 Choosing A Namespace .......................... 1-17 1.13.4 Obtaining Your Network Address Initial Domain Part........................................... 1-18 1.13.5 Installing the DECmcc Reports Package ......... 1-22 1.14 Preparing to Install TSM......................... 1-23 1.14.1 Location of the TSM Files ..................... 1-23 1.14.2 Location of the TSM Management Directory ...... 1-24 Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2.1 The Installation Procedure - Step by Step........ 2-1 2.2 Installing Specific Management Applications...... 2-11 2.2.1 Installing DECmcc BMS ......................... 2-11 2.2.2 Installing DECmcc TSAM ........................ 2-16 2.2.3 Installing NMCC/VAX ETHERnim .................. 2-16 2.2.4 Installing TSM ................................ 2-17 2.2.5 Building The MIR Dictionary ................... 2-19 2.2.6 Building and Updating the Help Files .......... 2-20 2.2.7 Installing LTM ................................ 2-21 2.2.8 Installing TSM ................................ 2-22 2.2.9 Add a Command to Your System Startup Command Procedure...................................... 2-23 2.3 Postinstallation Messages........................ 2-24 2.3.1 Postinstallation Messages for DECmcc BMS ...... 2-24 2.3.2 Postinstallation Messages for TCP/IP DA FM .... 2-25 2.3.3 Postinstallation Messages for DECmcc ELM AM ... 2-25 2.3.4 Postinstallation Messages for DECmcc ELM FM ... 2-26 2.3.5 Postinstallation Messages for DECmcc TSAM ..... 2-26 2.3.6 Postinstallation Messages for NMCC/VAX ETHERnim....................................... 2-26 2.3.7 Postinstallation Messages for LTM ............. 2-27 2.3.8 Postinstallation Messages for TSM ............. 2-27 2.4 Running the IVP.................................. 2-27 2.5 Completing the Installation...................... 2-27 2.6 Installation Errors.............................. 2-28 Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software 3.1 Running the IVPs on Individual Applications...... 3-1 3.1.1 DECmcc BMS Installation Verification Procedure...................................... 3-2 3.1.2 TCP/IP DA FM IVP ............................. 3-5 3.1.3 DECmcc ELM AM IVP ............................. 3-5 3.1.4 DECmcc ELM FM Installation Verification Procedure...................................... 3-6 3.1.5 DECmcc TSAM Installation Verification Procedure...................................... 3-6 3.1.6 NMCC/VAX ETHERnim Installation Verification Procedure...................................... 3-7 3.1.7 LTM Installation Verification Procedure ....... 3-10 3.1.8 TSM Installation Verification Procedure ....... 3-10 3.1.9 DECmcc EMS Installation Verification Completion..................................... 3-10 3.2 What to Do if the IVP Fails...................... 3-11 After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4.1 Editing the System Startup File.................. 4-1 4.1.1 DECmcc BMS Startup Command .................... 4-2 4.1.2 Rebooting the System .......................... 4-2 4.1.3 If LTM Was Previously Installed ............... 4-2 4.2 Running an Application in the Cluster Environment...................................... 4-3 4.2.1 Running DECmcc BMS in a Cluster Environment ... 4-3 4.2.2 Running NMCC/VAX ETHERnim in a Cluster Environment.................................... 4-4 4.2.3 Running LTM in a Cluster Environment .......... 4-4 4.3 Setting User Account Privileges.................. 4-5 4.3.1 Enabling Privileges for TSM Operations ........ 4-5 4.4 Setting User Account Quotas...................... 4-6 4.5 Enhancing DECmcc EMS Performance................. 4-7 4.5.1 Installing Shared Images ...................... 4-7 4.5.2 Tuning for Good Performance ................... 4-8 4.5.3 Using The DECmcc System Audit Utility ......... 4-10 4.6 Troubleshooting and Reporting Problems........... 4-11 4.7 DECmcc BMS Postinstallation Procedures........... 4-12 4.7.1 Setting Up the DNS Namespace .................. 4-13 4.7.2 Setting File Protection for DECmcc BMS Files .. 4-13 4.8 NMCC/VAX ETHERnim Postinstallation Procedures.... 4-16 v 4.8.1 Setting File Protection for NMCC/VAX ETHERnim Files.......................................... 4-17 4.8.2 Performing User Task Level Tests on Remote Nodes.......................................... 4-17 4.9 LTM Postinstallation Procedures.................. 4-19 4.9.1 LTM Logical Names ............................. 4-19 4.9.2 Installing LTM onto Alternate Load Hosts ...... 4-19 4.9.3 When Your Node Is a Load Host ................. 4-20 4.10 TSM Postinstallation Procedures.................. 4-20 4.10.1 Setting Up Network Management Listener (NML) for DECnet Database Operations................. 4-20 4.10.2 Propagating Server Information to the DECnet Database....................................... 4-22 4.10.3 Verifying That TSM Software Functions Correctly...................................... 4-22 Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database 5.1 Overview of LTM$LOAD_CONFIG...................... 5-1 5.1.1 Databases Affected by LTM$LOAD_CONFIG ......... 5-3 5.1.2 Other LTM$LOAD_CONFIG Functions Needed for Downline Loading............................... 5-3 5.2 Specifying DECnet Characteristics................ 5-3 5.2.1 DECnet Node Name .............................. 5-4 5.2.2 DECnet Node Address ........................... 5-4 5.2.3 Ethernet Hardware Address ..................... 5-4 5.2.4 Service Circuit ............................... 5-5 5.3 Preparing to Run the Configuration Procedure..... 5-6 5.4 LTM$LOAD_CONFIG Conventions and Requirements..... 5-7 5.5 Running LTM$LOAD_CONFIG.......................... 5-8 5.5.1 List Known LTM Listeners (Option 1) ........... 5-10 5.5.2 Add an LTM Listener (Option 2) ................ 5-10 5.5.3 Swap an Existing LTM Listener (Option 3) ...... 5-12 5.5.4 Delete an Existing LTM Listener (Option 4) .... 5-13 5.5.5 Restore Existing LTM Listeners (Option 5) ..... 5-14 5.6 Restoring Your Database from the Startup Procedure........................................ 5-15 5.7 Monitoring Downline Loading...................... 5-15 Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6.1 DNS Overview..................................... 6-2 6.2 DNS Components and Terminology................... 6-3 6.3 Structuring DNS Namespaces....................... 6-5 6.4 Planning to Set Up and Use the DNS with DECmcc... 6-7 6.5 Planning the DNS Directory Hierarchy for DECmcc.. 6-10 6.6 Planning and Creating DNS Access Control Groups.. 6-12 6.7 Setting Up the DNS Namespace..................... 6-15 6.7.1 Creating the DNS Directories Required for DECmcc......................................... 6-16 6.7.2 Creating the .DNA_Registrar Access Control Group.......................................... 6-17 6.7.3 Creating Additional DNS Directories ........... 6-19 6.7.4 Managing the .DNA_Registrar Access Control Group.......................................... 6-21 6.7.5 Creating a Procedure to Register DECnet Phase IV Nodes....................................... 6-22 6.7.6 Specifying Privileges for Any Additional Access Control Groups................................. 6-25 6.8 Verifying DECmcc and DNS Interoperability........ 6-26 6.9 Troubleshooting the DNS Namespace................ 6-27 Required Quotas and Parameter Time Differential Factors (TDFs) Updating DECmcc From Previous Version C.1 Steps You Must Perform Before Upgrading to DECmcc V1.4............................................. C-1 C.1.1 Steps You Must Perform After Upgrading to DECmcc V1.4.................................... C-4 6-1 Sample configuration of DNS Clerks and Servers on a LAN....................................... 6-4 6-2 How a DNS Client, Clerk and Server Interact ... 6-5 6-3 Sample Namespace Directory Hierarchy .......... 6-7 vii 1 Conventions ................................... xiii 1-1 Checking for Prerequisite Software ............ 1-3 1-2 File Names for release Notes .................. 1-7 1-3 Disk Space Requirements (in Blocks) ........... 1-8 1-4 Required Dynamic Parameter Value for NMCC VAX_ETHERnim................................... 1-12 1-5 Process Quota Values Required for Installing and Running DECmcc BMS ........................ 1-13 1-6 IDP Parameter Values .......................... 1-19 1-7 Sample IDPs ................................... 1-21 3-1 Commands to Run the IVP for Individual Applications................................... 3-1 4-1 Management Application System Startup Comman .. 4-2 4-2 Required DECmcc EMS User Account Quota ........ 4-6 4-3 DECmcc EMS Executable Image Name .............. 4-8 4-4 Process Quota Values .......................... 4-9 4-5 SYSGEN Parameter Values ....................... 4-9 4-6 DECmcc BMS File Protection .................... 4-14 5-1 Service Circuit IDs for Ethernet Controller ... 5-5 5-2 Service Circuit IDs for Each CP ............... 5-6 5-3 DECnet Characteristics for LTM Listener ....... 5-12 A-1 Product Process Quotas ........................ A-2 A-2 Product SYSGEN Parameter ...................... A-2 B-1 Region: Europe ................................ B-2 B-2 Region: North America ......................... B-2 B-3 Region: Central and South America ............. B-4 B-4 Region: Africa ................................ B-6 B-5 Region: Asia .................................. B-6 B-6 Region: South Pacific ......................... B-7 B-7 Region: Antarctica ............................ B-7 ______________________________________________________________ Preface In this manual, POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 is referred to as DECmcc Enterprise Management System (EMS), POLYCENTER Network Manager 200 is referred to as DECmcc Basic Management System (BMS), and POLYCENTER Framework and Applications are referred to as DECmcc. All references to VMS in this manual pertain to the new product title, OpenVMS VAX operating system. This installation guide explains how to install the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station (EMS) software onto a VAX system configured with the VMS operating system and Motif software. This software includes the network management applications supported by DECmcc EMS. Intended Audience This guide is for the system manager or network manager responsible for installing the DECmcc EMS software on a VAX system. To use this guide effectively, you should be familiar with the VMS operating system and the VMSINSTAL Utility. Associated Documents The following documents are associated with this release of DECmcc EMS: o POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 Use Provides an overview of DECmcc EMS. o POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 Release Notes (online) ix This collection of notes contains information and updates not included in the POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 manuals. The release notes are delivered online as part of the software distribution kit. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Use Describes how to use the presentation modules (user interfaces) and the features of the DECmcc software. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications DECnet Phase IV Access Module Use Describes how to use DECmcc to manage a DECnet Phase IV network. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications DECnet/OSI Access Module Use Describes how to use DECmcc to manage a DECnet/OSI network. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications TCP/IP SNMP Access Module Use Describes how to use DECmcc to manage TCP/IP hosts. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Ethernet Access Module Use Describes how to use DECmcc to manage Ethernet stations. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Script Access Module Use Describes how to execute scripts and integrate the output data into DECmcc as individual attributes. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Bridge Access Module Use Describes how to use DECmcc to manage LAN bridges. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications DECconcentrator Access Module Use Describes how to use DECmcc to manage FDDI concentrators. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Circuit Access Module Use Describes how to use DECmcc to manage circuits. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Autoconfiguration and Autotopology Use Describes how to use the DECmcc Autoconfiguration and Autotopology modules. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Alarms and Notification Services Use Describes how to use the DECmcc Alarms and Notification Services modules. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Historical Data Services Use Describes how to use the DECmcc Historian and Exporter modules. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Performance Analyzer Function Module Use Describes how to make effective use of the DECmcc Performance Analyzer module. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications TCP/IP Diagnostic Assistant FM Use Describes how to use DECmcc TCP/IP Diagnostic Assistant function module. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Reports Use Describes how to create reports from data stored by DECmcc. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Messages Describes all DECmcc management module messages for the various interfaces. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Master Index Combines all DECmcc Basic Management System document indexes. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications System Reference Manual Describes the interfaces defined by the DECmcc architecture and provides details about the way they are used. o POLYCENTER Framework Management Module Programming xi Provides tutorial information about how to plan, design, implement, and test a DECmcc management module. o POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit Reference Describes the programming tools needed to enroll and test management modules. o POLYCENTER Framework and Applications Terminal Server Access Module Use Describes how to remotely configure and monitor Digital terminal servers anywhere within the extended Local Area Network (LAN). o Enterprise Management Architecture General Description Provides an overview of Digital's Enterprise Management Architecture (EMA). o Terminal Server Manager Installation and Use Provides information about installing and using the Terminal Server Manager. o LAN Traffic Monitor User's Guide Describes how to use the menus and informational displays of the LAN Traffic Monitor. o NMCC/VAX ETHERnim User's Guide Describes how to use NMCC/VAX ETHERnim to monitor local area network activity. o Network Troubleshooting Guide (online version) Provides an overview of network troubleshooting tools and methodologies, and detailed troubleshooting procedures for specific network problems. The Bookreader (online) version of this manual will be on the media with the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station software. You can choose to install this book in your Bookreader library. o Release Notes Each of the preceding products has online release notes. Conventions Familiarizing yourself with the conventions discussed in this section will help you use this manual more effectively. Table_1__Conventions_______________________________________ Convention__Meaning________________________________________ Monospace Indicates system output or user input. UPPERCASE In command lines, indicates keywords to be entered. Note that you can type the characters in either uppercase or lowercase. Command keywords can be abbreviated to the smallest number of characters that your system accepts. For example, the following two commands are the same: NCP> SHOW NODE node-name NCP> SH N node-name italics In command lines, indicates a variable to be entered. You enter an appropriate value for the variable. For example, node-name is a variable in the following command: NCP> SHOW NODE node-name [ ] In installation dialogs, indicates that the enclosed value is the default. To choose the default, just press RETURN. To choose another value, type it after the brackets and press RETURN. In command lines, indicates that you can enter one, and only one, of the enclosed options, but that none is required. Do not type the brackets when you enter the option. { } Indicates that you must enter one, and only one, of the enclosed options. Do not type the braces when you enter the option. Enter Means that after the user input you must press RETURN. (continued on next page) xiii Table_1_(Cont.)__Conventions_______________________________ Convention__Meaning________________________________________ CTRL-X Indicates that you should hold down the CTRL ____________key,_while_pressing_the_key_specified_by_x.____ 1 ______________________________________________________________ Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software This chapter discusses the following requirements and preparations necessary for installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station (EMS) software and the applications that run under it: o Overview o Updating DECmcc From Previous Version o Meeting Software Requirements o Meeting Hardware Requirements o Registering the License for DECmcc EMS o Performing a System Backup o Reading the Release Notes o Time Required for Installation o Required System Privileges o Required Disk Space o Required System Parameters o Required Process Quotas o Preparing to Install DECmcc BMS o Preparing to Install TSM the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-1 Overview This guide describes the step-by-step procedures that you follow to install the DECmcc EMS package. To install the DECmcc EMS package, install the following applications: o DECmcc Basic Management System (BMS) V1.4 o Additional DECmcc EMS Products - Terminal Server Access Module (TSAM) V1.4 - Extended LAN Manager (ELM) V1.4 - TCP/IP Diagnostic Assistent V1.4 o DECmcc EMS Non-EMA Compliant Products - Terminal Server Manager (TSM) V2.1 - LAN Traffic Monitor (LTM) V1.2 - NMCC/VAX Ethernet Network Integrity Monitor (ETHERnim) V2.3 Updating DECmcc From Previous Version If you are running a previous version of DECmcc, turn to Appendix C, "Updating DECmcc From A Previous Version" in this manual, and perform the steps listed in the section entitled "Steps You Must Perform Before Upgrading to DECmcc V1.4." After you have completed the installation, perform the steps in Appendix C listed in the section entitled "Steps You Must Perform After Upgrading to DECmcc V1.4." Meeting Software Requirements This section lists the software that must be licensed, installed, and running on your system before you install and run DECmcc EMS: o VMS operating system; you also need Motif software for workstations running Motif. DECwindows Motif V1.1 for VMS V5.5-2 and DECwindows Motif V1.2 for VMS V6.1. o DECnet-VAX Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software If you plan to use the BMS Performance Analyzer Function Module Reports Package, you need the following: o DATATRIEVE (DTR) V6.0 or higher o CDD/Plus (CDD) V4.2A or higher o DECgraph (GRPH) V1.5 or higher o VAX Rdb/VMS (RDB) Runtime V4.1, 4.2 must be installed on the target system to which data is exported using the Export FM. For the required version numbers, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD). The SPD also lists the required classes of VMS. To verify the VMS software version, enter the following command: $ SHOW SYSTEM The VMS version number is displayed in the first line. To verify that the prerequisite software is installed and running, make sure that the appropriate processes, shown in Table 1-1, are running. Table_1-1__Checking_for_Prerequisite_Software______________ Software____Look_For_________If_Nor_Running,_Refer_To______ DECnet NETACP and DECnet/VAX Installation Guide REMACP VAX_ RDMON VAX_Rdb_Installation_Guide Rdb/VMS____________________________________________________ Meeting Hardware Requirements The performance of the DECmcc EMS depends on a number of factors, including the following: o Host system CPU size o Other applications being run on the host system o Size of the network being monitored o Management application functions being invoked the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-3 System tuning is the responsibility of the system manager. For information on system tuning, refer to the VMS System Management Subkit. The DECmcc EMS host system should not be a designated area router because designated area routers typically handle large amounts of traffic. If the host system were a designated area router, the management application would have to compete with DECnet for system resources and this could result in timeouts for the LAN. This is not a failure condition, but the performance of the network and the Ethernet application will suffer. The following sections describe hardware issues you need to consider before installing particular EMS applications. LTM Hardware Considerations Before you start the LTM software installation, make sure that the LAN Bridge 100 or 150 used as a Listener is properly installed. Refer to the LAN Bridge 100 Hardware Installation/Owner's Guide or the LAN Bridge 150 Hardware Installation/Owner's Guide for bridge installation instructions. Also, determine which systems are designated as load hosts for the LTM Listener. (It is strongly recommended that you designate more than one load host on the extended LAN.) You must install either LTM or the DECmcc EMS package (which includes LTM) onto all load hosts. In a VAXcluster environment, you need to install the LTM distribution software on only one node of the cluster. If you have not already obtained the LAN Traffic Monitor Identification Card from the system/network manager, do so at this time. This card should list the following: o Serial number of the LAN Bridge 100 or 150 unit o Ethernet address(es) of the LAN Bridge 100 or 150 unit o Location of the LAN Bridge 100 or 150 unit o Name of person who installed the LAN Bridge 100 or 150 unit Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software In addition, the system/network manager should have added the following information: o DECnet node name of the load host(s) o DECnet node address(es) of the load host(s) TSM Hardware Considerations For a VMS system to act as management host, it must be located on the same LAN as the terminal servers being managed. Registering the License for DECmcc EMS To run DECmcc EMS software, you must register your software license with the VMS License Management Facility (LMF). To run DECmcc EMS software on a cluster, you must register the license on each node in the cluster. The license registration information you need is contained in the Product Authorization Key (PAK) that is shipped with DECmcc EMS. The PAK is a paper certificate that contains information about your license to run the software product. It is best to register your DECmcc EMS license before you perform the installation. During the installation, you are asked if you have registered the DECmcc EMS license and loaded the appropriate authorization key. If you have not, you can still complete the installation; however, you will not be able to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), the DECmcc EMS software, or any of the management applications. Once you perform the license registration and have loaded an authorization key, you will be able to run the startup procedures and use DECmcc EMS. To register a license, first log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. You then have a choice of two ways to perform the registration: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your PAK. the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-5 o Issue the LICENSE REGISTER command at the DCL prompt with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to information on the PAK. For complete information on using LMF, refer to the VMS License Management Utility Manual. Performing a System Backup Before installing DECmcc EMS and its supported applications, it is a good idea to back up your system disk to ensure its integrity. Early in the installation procedure, VMSINSTAL asks whether you are satisfied with your system backup and gives you a chance to terminate the installation if you wish to do so. When performing an installation over an existing DECmcc installation, please also backup all DECmcc software directories, e.g. MCC_COMMON. Reading the Release Notes The distribution kit includes release notes, which contain information that is not in the documentation. It is recommended that you read this information before proceeding with the installation. The release notes for DECmcc EMS include notes about all the management applications in the package. You can display or print the release notes during product installation. Include OPTIONS N in the command that invokes VMSINSTAL, so that the installation procedure asks if you want to display or print the release notes. Refer to Chapter 2 for more information on the options for displaying and printing release notes. It is important to review the DECmcc EMS release notes before you continue with the installation, should they contain information that might affect the product installation. The DECmcc EMS package release notes contain release notes for the applications included in the package. VMSINSTAL copies the release notes for each installed product, including individual management applications, to the text files listed in Table 1-2. Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software Table_1-2__File_Names_for_release_Notes____________________ Application______Release_Notes_File_Name___________________ DECmcc EMS SYS$HELP:MCCEMS024.RELEASE_NOTES DECmcc BMS SYS$HELP:MCCBMS014.RELEASE_NOTES ELM FM SYS$HELP:MCCELMFM014.RELEASE_NOTES ELM AM SYS$HELP:MCCELMFM014.RELEASE_NOTES DECmcc TCP/IP SYS$HELP:MCCTCPIPDA014.RELEASE_NOTES DA DECmcc TSAM SYS$HELP:MCCTSAM014.RELEASE_NOTES NMCC/VAX SYS$HELP:ENIM024.RELEASE_NOTES ETHERnim LTM SYS$HELP:LTM012.RELEASE_NOTES TSM______________SYS$HELP:TSM021.RELEASE_NOTES_____________ Time Required for Installation The amount of time required for the DECmcc EMS installation depends on the type of media, system configuration, and DECmcc EMS package you are installing. The amount of time required for installation means the amount of time it takes VMSINSTAL to install the entire package; it is assumed that all preinstallation procedures have been completed. Installing the DECmcc Enterprise EMS package from tape on a standalone VAXstation 3100 system should take no more than 7 hours. Required System Privileges To install DECmcc EMS, one of the following must apply: You must be logged in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM, or to an account that has either of the following: o SETPRV privilege o CMKRNL, NETMBX, SYSPRV, TMPMBX, and WORLD privileges. Note that VMSINSTAL turns off the BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-7 Additional System Privileges Required for Installing TSM If you choose to install TSM as part of the DECmcc EMS installation, you need the following system privileges in addition to those listed above: o OPER o SYSNAM Required Disk Space Installing DECmcc EMS requires a certain amount of free storage disk space during the installation. Once DECmcc EMS is installed, less storage space is required. Table 1-3 shows the storage requirements for each of the network management applications within DECmcc EMS and shows the total space required for the EMS package. Table_1-3__Disk_Space_Requirements_(in_Blocks)_____________ Kit________________________During_Installation_____________ DECmcc BMS 180,000[1] TSAM 16,000 ELM AM/FM 13,000 TCP/IP DA FM 7,000 TSM 9,500 LTM 1,500 NMCC/VAX ETHERnim 4,000[2] Network Troubleshooting 3,500 Guide EMS Package Total 210,000 [1]If_you_place_the_common_files_on_a_disk_other_than_the__ system disk, and specify an Alternate Working Device (AWD), then you won't require this total amount on the system disk. [2]ETHERnim installs a database with a default size of 1500 additional blocks. ___________________________________________________________ Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software ________________________ Note ________________________ The total number of blocks may be less after installation, dependent upon other layered products you have installed on your system. ______________________________________________________ These figures refer to the disk space required on the system disk. These disk space requirements are approximations; actual sizes can vary, depending on the system environment, configuration, and software options selected. To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE Required System Parameters This section lists the minimum required system parameter values for installing and using DECmcc EMS and its management applications. The default values are sufficient for those parameters not specifically listed. Depending on the types of programs and applications running at your site, you might need higher values for some settings. Default system parameter values for LTM and TSM are sufficient to install those applications. DECmcc BMS System Parameter Settings The minimum value for the GBLPAGES system parameter required for installing and using DECmcc BMS is 7,250 global page table entries. NMCC/VAX ETHERnim System Parameter Settings The minimum value for the MAXBUF system parameter required for installing and using ETHERnim is 1584. MAXBUF is a dynamic system parameter and must be set permanently to a value equal to or greater than the values listed. Do not lower the value after the installation. the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-9 Checking System Parameter Values To check the values of your system parameters, enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke the System Generation Utility (SYSGEN): $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> At the SYSGEN> prompt, enter the SHOW command to display the value of a system parameter. The values displayed should equal or exceed the value of each system parameter listed in the previous sections. The following example displays the value for the SRPCOUNT system parameter: SYSGEN> SHOW SRPCOUNT Compare the system parameter settings with those required by each network management application that you will install. Note which system parameters must be modified. After checking the parameters with the SHOW command, enter the EXIT command at the SYSGEN> prompt to return to DCL level. Calculating the Values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS You must have sufficient free global pages and global sections for all of the applications that you plan to install and run with DECmcc EMS. You must first find out how many free global pages and sections you have on your system. Then use AUTOGEN if you need to increase the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS system parameters. If you are installing DECmcc EMS on a VMS Version 5.5-2 or later system, you can use the WRITE command with the F$GETSYI lexical function to find the number of free global pages and global sections. The following example shows how to get this information at your terminal (the default for SYS$OUTPUT): $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") 15848 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 24 Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software If the values displayed by the system are greater than the required values, you do not need to increase the values for these parameters. If the value of free global pages or global sections is less than the required value, you must increase the system parameter setting. Section 1.11.5 describes the procedures for increasing these values by using AUTOGEN. Changing System Parameter Values with AUTOGEN Use the AUTOGEN command procedure to change system parameters. AUTOGEN automatically adjusts values for parameters that are associated with the values you reset manually. To change system parameters with AUTOGEN, edit the following file: SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT Use an editor to access the file. To change a parameter value listed in this file, delete the current value associated with that parameter and enter the new value. To add a new parameter, add a line to the file that includes both the name of the parameter and its value. For example: SRPCOUNT = 4096 To modify incremental parameters such as GBLPAGES and GBLSECTS, use ADD. The following example increases the global page setting by 2000: ADD_GBLPAGES = 2000 Note that when you set the page file quota, do not use a value that exceeds the amount of page file space available on the system. After you make all your changes, exit from the editor and execute the AUTOGEN procedure to recalculate your system parameters. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT When you specify REBOOT, AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and then reboots the system. Any users logged on to the system are immediately disconnected during the shutdown. The automatic reboot puts the new parameter values into effect. the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-11 The AUTOGEN Utility automatically adjusts some of the SYSGEN parameters based on the consumption of resources since the last reboot. If you do not want to take advantage of this automatic adjustment, include the NOFEEDBACK qualifier on the AUTOGEN command line. For more information about using AUTOGEN, refer to the VMS System Management Subkit. Setting Dynamic System Parameter Values Use the System Generation Utility (SYSGEN) to set dynamic parameters. Dynamic parameters changed with the SYSGEN WRITE ACTIVE command become active immediately without any need to reboot your system. In fact, rebooting returns dynamic system parameter values to their previous settings. Once you change dynamic parameter values, you should complete the installation before rebooting the system. If you plan to install NMCC/VAX ETHERnim, you must have the dynamic parameter value shown in Table 1-4. Table 1-4 Required Dynamic Parameter Value for NMCC VAX_ ___________ETHERnim________________________________________ Dynamic_Parameter_____Value________________________________ MAXBUF________________1,584________________________________ If the dynamic parameter values on your system are less than the values previously listed, use the following series of commands to change the values. This example changes the MAXBUF value to 1584: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> USE ACTIVE SYSGEN> SET MAXBUF 1584 SYSGEN> WRITE ACTIVE SYSGEN> EXIT Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software Required Process Quotas This section lists the minimum required process quota values for installing and using DECmcc EMS and its management applications. The default values are sufficient for those quotas not specifically listed. Depending on the types of programs and applications running at your site, you may need higher values for some settings. Refer to Section 1.12.1 for information on modifying the settings. Default process quota values for NMCC/VAX ETHERnim, LTM, and TSM are sufficient to install those applications. DECmcc BMS Process Quota Settings Table 1-5 lists the process quotas and their required values for installing and running DECmcc BMS. Note that the values indicated in Table 1-5 are DECmcc BMS requirements only. If you choose to use the DNS namespace, check the VAX Distributed Name Service Installation Guide for VAX DNS requirements. Table 1-5 Process Quota Values Required for Installing and ___________Running_DECmcc_BMS______________________________ Process_Quota____Value_______Unit__________________________ ASTlm 200 ASTs BIOlm 100 Buffered I/O operations Bytlm 65,000 Bytes DIOlm 100 Direct I/O operations Enqlm 2,000 Blocks Fillm 200 Number of Files Pgflquota 150,000 Pages PRclm 10 Subprocess creations TQElm 300 Entries in queue WSextent 16,000 Pages WSquota__________4,096_______Pages_________________________ the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-13 How to Modify Process Quota Settings This section gives some examples of how to show the current process quota settings and how to modify them. Before modifying process quotas, you should understand how they are used by VMS and you should know how to use the VMS tools to modify settings. For more information, refer to the VMS System Management Subkit. The following procedure is an example of how you can determine the current process quota values and modify them to satisfy the requirements listed in the previous sections (you must have system manager privileges before you begin): 1. To verify that your process quotas are set correctly, enter the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> SHOW account-name This command will show your process quota settings. 2. To change a quota, use the MODIFY command, which has the following format: UAF> MODIFY account-name / quota-name=nnnn The following example changes the ASTlm quota for the SYSTEM account: UAF> MODIFY SYSTEM /ASTLM=200 3. To exit from the Authorize utility, enter EXIT and press RETURN. After you exit from the utility, messages will indicate whether changes have been made. Once the changes have been made, you must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. Preparing to Install DECmcc BMS This section contains information specific to installing DECmcc BMS. Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software Location of the BMS Files The DECmcc BMS command files are created in a directory called SYS$COMMON:[MCC]. The DECmcc BMS installation procedure gives you the option of defining (or redefining) the directory name, or leaving it at the default name, SYS$COMMON:[MCC]. Determining Your Time Differential Factor If your system is not running DIGITAL Distributed Time Services (DECdts), the installation procedure will ask that you enter your Time Differential Factor (TDF). The TDF is the time difference between your time zone and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Your TDF is the constant (a fixed number of hours and minutes used to determine the local time. DECmcc calculates the local time by adding the TDF to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The UTC (formally GMT, Greenwich Mean Time) is centered in Greenwich, England. By defining your TDF as a logical name, DECmcc makes it very easy to change your local time if you change during the spring or summer and change back in the fall or winter. For each time change, just redefine the logical name MCC_ TDF in the file SYS$STARTUP:MCC_LOGICAL_DIR.COM, then reexecute the DECmcc startup procedure SYS$STARTUP:MCC_ STARTUP_DIR.COM. If DECdts is running on your system, it supplies the default TDF for DECmcc. The installation procedure uses the DECdts TDF to define MCC_TDF. You can setup DECdts to automatically change from standard to daylight time, if you wish. Refer to DECdts Management for information on how to use DECdts. If your system does not have DECdts, the installation procedure asks you to supply a TDF. If you have previously installed DECmcc on your system, the installation procedure displays the current value of MCC_TDF as the default for your selection. If you do not have DECmcc on your system, but you do have a DNS server, the installation procedure uses the DNS TDF as the default. If the TDF is undefined on your system, the installation procedure uses -5:00 as the default. the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-15 ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are using the DNS as your namespace, the DECmcc TDF must match the DNS TDF; otherwise, namespace access problems can occur. In some cases, the installation procedure may not be able to determine the DNS TDF, even if there is a DNS server on the system. In those cases, the installation procedure displays a warning message. ______________________________________________________ To calculate your TDF, determine what time zone you are in and calculate the difference between your time zone and the UTC. The range is from -12:00 to +13:00. A negative (-) TDF value means that you are located west of Greenwich, England. A positive (+) TDF means that you are located east of Greenwich, England. The format is +hh:mm or -hh:mm, where hh indicates the number of hours and mm indicates the number of minutes. Examples of different TDFs are as follows: o California (Pacific Standard Time) is -8:00 hours from UTC. o Oklahoma (Central Standard Time) is -6:00 hours from UTC. o New York (Eastern Standard Time) is -5:00 hours from UTC. o New York (Eastern Daylight Time) is -4:00 hours from UTC. o Ontario, west of longitude W.63 degrees is -5:00 hours from UTC. o Ontario, east of longitude W.63 degrees is -4:00 hours from UTC. o Newfoundland is -3:30 hours from UTC. o Great Britain, Iceland, Portugal, Upper Volta are at UTC, or 0:0. o Great Britain (Summer Time) is +1:00 hour from UTC. o Greece is +2:00 hours from UTC. o India is +5:30 hours from UTC. Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software o Singapore is +7:30 hours from UTC. o Japan is +9:00 hours from UTC. o Australia Capital Territory is +10:00 hours from UTC. ________________________ Note ________________________ For a more complete list of TDFs, refer to Appendix B. ______________________________________________________ Choosing A Namespace DECmcc requires a namespace service for the storage of network entity information. You can select a local or a distributed namespace. The installation procedure allows you to select a local namespace or a distributed namespace (DNS). Namespace information includes global entity registered names and other identifiers (for example, device addresses, child entity identifiers, reference attributes, domain names, and domain members.) The namespace, whether local or distributed, is part of the DECmcc Management Information Repository (MIR). You should select the DNS, if you have multiple DECmcc systems that need to share namespace information. You should also select DNS if you are running DECnet/OSI and are using its distributed namespace service. Otherwise you should select the local namespace. The default is the local namespace, unless you previously used the DNS for DECmcc. For DECnet/OSI, the DNS is the Digital Distributed Name Service (DECdns); for earlier versions of DECnet, the DNS is the VAX Distributed Name Service V1.1 or later. If you are running the DIGITAL Distributed File Services (DFS) or the Remote System Manager (RMS), a DNS namespace already exists. To use the DNS with DECmcc, it is important to plan and configure the DNS namespace according to the instructions in Chapter 6, and run the DNS Setup procedure described in Chapter 6. the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-17 It is also important to plan your namespace before populating it, if you choose the local namespace and intend to use the DECmcc DECnet Phase IV Autoconfiguration or IP Autoconfiguration applications. The Autoconfiguration applications use two-level, hierarchical names for the entities they register. Autoconfiguration and Autotopology Use contains instructions on planning entity names that apply to both the local namespace and the DNS. Chapter 6 of the present manual presents the same instructions from the point of view of the DNS user. The installation procedure creates the logical name MCC_ DNS_SELECTION. Its value in MIR, for the local namespace, or DNS, for the distributed namespace. After installation you can change namespaces by redefining this logical. Before redefining the logical, you should extract the entity instance data to a file so that you can insert it into the new namespace. The DECmcc directives that are namespace specific are Register, Deregister, and Directory. Obtaining Your Network Address Initial Domain Part If your network is or will be connected with other OSI networks, you must obtain a network address Initial Domain Part (IDP) from one of the recognized allocation authorities such as Consultative Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy (CCITT). The installation procedure asks you for your network address IDP. The format of a network address IDP is AFI:IDI:, where: o AFI is the Authority and Format Identifier. This is two decimal digits indicating the IDP allocation authority. o IDI is the Initial Domain Identifier. This is a string of decimal digits that the allocation authority allocates specifically for your network. If your network will not ever be interconnected with other OSI networks, you can use the default value of "49". Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software If you are not sure whether your network will be interconnected with other OSI networks in the future, DIGITAL Equipment Corporation highly recommends that you obtain an IDP from one of the recognized allocation authorities. Refer to Table 1-6 for IDP parameter values and to Table 1-7for sample IDPs. Table_1-6__IDP_Parameter_Values____________________________ Number of Allocation Value of Digits in Selection for Authority________AFI_________the_IDI[1]__Leading_IDI_Digit_ X.121 37 0 to 14 1 to 9 53 0 to 14 0, 2 to 9 F.69 41 0 to 8 1 to 9 55 [2] 0 to 8 0, 2 to 9 E.163 43 0 to 12 1 to 9 57 [2] 0 to 12 0, 2 to 9 E.164 45 0 to 15 1 to 9 59 [2] 0 to 15 0, 2 to 9 ISO DCC 39 3 0 to 9 (exactly) ISO 6523 - ICD 47 4 0 to 9 (exactly) Private network 49 0 N/A [1]Digits_in_the_IDI_must_be_decimal_(0_to_9)______________ [2]Value when padded ___________________________________________________________ You can obtain your IDP using one of the following two methods: 1. Use an AFI that refers to a telecommunications authority and construct the IDI part by using a number already allocated for that type of telecommunications. Register this IDI value with the appropriate authority. o X.121 is the CCITT numbering plan for X.21 and X.25 networks. Construct the IDI from a DTE number you are using. the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-19 o F.69 is the CCITT numbering plan for the telex network. Construct the IDI from the TELEX number you are using. o E.163 is the CCITT numbering plan for the telephone network. Construct the IDI from a POTS (telephone network) number you are using. o E.164 is the CCITT numbering plan for ISDN networks. Construct the IDI from an ISDN number you are using. 2. Go to an ISO (International Standards Organization) geographic or nongeographic IDP allocation authority and ask for a unique IDI. Geographic is for national organizations or networks; nongeographic is for international organizations such as the UN, the Red Cross, and others. o ISO Geographic, an ISO-defined scheme that allows a country to assign addressing domains independently of public networks according to geographic locations. o ISO Nongeographic, an ISO-defined scheme that allows international organizations to assign domains that do not imply the location of systems within the domain. In the United States, you can call the IDP registrar of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), at 212-398-0023. Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software Table_1-7__Sample_IDPs_____________________________________ If the Authority is:_________Then_the_IDP_will_look_like:___________________ X.121 (37 The IDI consists of the globally unique address or 53) prefix, identifying the Data Network and the Private Network (the company using the address), and one or more addresses within that Private Network. o Address prefix identifying the company's subnetwork is 8107654 o Address within the company's subnetwork is 1234 o Resulting X.121 address is 81076541234 o Used as an IDP, the value is 37:81076541234: F.69 (41 The IDI consists of a country-specific or a or 55) network-specific number as defined by CCITT F.69 recommendation, plus the local telex local number. Note that some telex numbers do not conform to the CCITT F.69 recommendation, and should not be used. o Country or network number is 45 (Switzerland) o Local telex number is 43 61 92 o Resulting F.69 number is 45 43 61 92 o Used as an IDP, the value is 41:45436192: (continued on next page) the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-21 Table_1-7_(Cont.)__Sample_IDPs_____________________________ If the Authority is:_________Then_the_IDP_will_look_like:___________________ E.163 (43 The IDI consists of the world zone number, or 57) country or geographic area number, and local number. o World zone number is 1 (USA) o Geographic area number is 508 (MA) o Local number is 494-5892 o Resulting E.163 address is 15084945892 o Used as an IDP, the value is 43:15084945892: ___________________________________________________________ Installing the DECmcc Reports Package The DECmcc Reports Package allows you to use DATATRIEVE to create reports by using data exported from the DECmcc Basic Management System (BMS). To use the Reports Package, you need to have a number of VMS layered products installed. The DECmcc BMS installation procedure gives you the option of installing the DECmcc Reports package. The Reports package allows you to use DATATRIEVE to create reports with data exported to a VAX Rdb/VMS (RDB) database from DECmcc. Please refer to the DECmcc Performance Analyzer Use for information on using DECmcc Reports with DATATRIEVE. Before you can use the Reports package, you must also install the following VMS layered products: o CDD/Plus V4.2 or higher o DATATRIEVE V5.0-2 or higher o DECgraph V1.5 or higher o VAX Rdb/VMS V3.1B or higher Together, these products require about 50K blocks of storage. Please refer to the installation manuals for these products for information on their installation requirements. Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software If you choose to install DECmcc Reports, please make sure you have all the licenses required for these products. Also, when you are installing DECmcc on a system where these products are present, you may have to adjust your process quotas and SYSGEN parameters. Refer to Appendix A for additional information. Install the products in the following order: o Install VAX Rdb/VMS o Execute the SYS$STARTUP:RMONSTOP command procedure o Install CDD/Plus o Install DATATRIEVE o Install DECgraph If you choose to install the Reports package, the installation procedure asks you to specify a directory for the files. If you selected the default directory for DECmcc common files, the default subdirectory location for the Reports files is: SYS$COMMON:[MCC_MCC_REPORTS_FILES]. Preparing to Install TSM This section contains information specific to installing TSM. For the installation to succeed, a system must have DECnet running. In addition, if you are also installing terminal server software, you should install all terminal server software before you install the TSM software. Refer to the installation guide for your terminal server software for more information. Location of the TSM Files The TSM command files are created in the SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] directory. If you choose to have the files in a directory on a nonsystem disk, you can specify a different target directory by defining the logical name TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY. The TSM installation procedure gives you the option of defining (or redefining) the directory name, or leaving it at the default name, SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]. the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 1-23 Location of the TSM Management Directory TSM requires that a file containing the TSM management directory be available during installation. TSM creates this file if it does not already exist. The default file specification for this file is: SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] TSM$CONFIG.DAT. If the logical TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY is defined, the default file specification is: TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY:TSM$CONFIG.DAT. TSM checks the logical name TSM$DIRECTORY to locate and identify the management directory. If you have assigned a different location than the default, TSM accesses TSM$CONFIG.DAT (or the new name you assigned) in the location specified by TSM$DIRECTORY. The definition of TSM$DIRECTORY takes precedence over the definition of TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY. Before Installing the DECmcc Enterprise Management Station Software 2 ______________________________________________________________ Installing the DECmcc EMS Software This chapter describes how to install the DECmcc EMS software and the management applications it supports. You can install the entire DECmcc EMS package or you can select individual management applications in the DECmcc EMS package to install. The detailed procedure described here includes information on installing each management application. Section 2.1 contains a step-by-step description of the installation procedure. ________________________ Note ________________________ In order to ensure correct installation of the other management applications, BMS needs to be installed. If you have not yet installed BMS, you can do so as part of the installation procedure, as explained in the following step by step instructions. Alternatively, if you have already installed BMS, you need to run the BMS startup procedure SYS$STARTUP:MCC_STARTUP_BMS.COM before you begin the installation procedure. ______________________________________________________ The Installation Procedure - Step by Step The installation dialog consists of a series of questions and informational messages. To terminate the installation procedure at any time, press CTRL-Y. The installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-1 Each question in the installation starts with an asterisk (*). Some questions show the default response in brackets; for example [YES]. If you want to give the default response, press RETURN. The following is a step-by-step discussion of the installation procedure. 1. Ensure that there are no DECmcc processes or event sinks running. All users must have exited from DECmcc before you install. To ensure that no are DECmcc event sinks are running, use the following commands: MCC> DISABLE MCC 0 COLLECTION_AM SINK DECNET MCC> DISABLE MCC 0 DNA5 SINK MCC> DISABLE NODE4 0 LOCAL SINK MONITOR Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2. Invoke VMSINSTAL. To start the installation, invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure from a privileged account, such as the SYSTEM account. VMSINSTAL is in the SYS$UPDATE directory. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL saveset-name device-name- _$OPTIONS N,AWD=disk:[directory] The following list defines the elements of the VMSINSTAL command procedure: saveset-name The installation name for the component. For DECmcc Enterprise Management Station (EMS), use the following installation name: MCCEMS024 device-name The name of the device on which you plan to mount the media. For example, MUA0: is the device name for a tape drive. It is not necessary to use the console drive for this installation. However, if you do use the console drive, you should replace any media you removed once the installation is completed. OPTIONS N An optional parameter that indicates you want to be prompted to display or print the release notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not ask you about the release notes. You should review the release notes before proceeding with the installation in case they contain additional information about the installation. If you are restarting the installation and have already reviewed the release notes, you do not need to specify OPTIONS N. AWD=disk:[directory] Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-3 Alternate working device (AWD) option: An optional parameter that lets you specify an alternate working device for the temporary working directory, thus enabling you to perform an installation with fewer free blocks on the system disk than is otherwise required. ________________________ Note ________________________ Be sure you do not leave a blank space between OPTIONS N and the AWD option. The command should be: OPTIONS N,AWD=disk:[directory]. ______________________________________________________ Other Options Note that there are several other options you can select when you invoke VMSINSTAL: o Auto_answer option (A): Initially creates a file that contains your answers to VMSINSTAL questions and prompts. You can then use the option (and the answer file) to save time during a reinstallation (typically after upgrading your system). o Get save set option (G): Lets you store product save sets temporarily on a magnetic tape or in a disk directory. o File log option (L): Logs all activity to the terminal during installation. Refer to the VMS documentation on software installation in the VMS System Management Subkit for detailed information on these options. If you specify more than one option, separate the options with commas (OPTIONS A, N). The following example invokes VMSINSTAL to install DECmcc EMS from tape drive MUA0: and displays the system response. This example uses the OPTIONS N releasenote parameter, and uses DUA2:[INSTALL] for the AWD parameter. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MCCEMS024 _$ MUA0: OPTIONS N,AWD=DUA2:[INSTALL] VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 7-JAN-1995 at 09:19. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. If you do not supply either the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information in the installation procedure. VMSINSTAL does not prompt you for any options, so be sure to include OPTIONS N on the VMSINSTAL command line to access the release notes during the installation. 3. Confirm system backup. VMSINSTAL asks if you are satisfied with your system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? You should always back up your system disk and DECmcc directories, if this is an update installation, before performing an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press RETURN. Otherwise, enter NO and press RETURN to discontinue the installation. After you back up your system disk, you can restart the installation. 4. Mount the media. VMSINSTAL identifies the device name on which the distribution volume is to be mounted and asks if you are ready to continue with the installation. Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0: * Are you ready? You should now mount the first distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. If you entered the wrong device name when you invoked VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, enter NO and press RETURN in response to the prompt. Enter YES and press RETURN to indicate that you are ready. VMSINSTAL displays a message that the media containing DECmcc Enterprise Management Station has been mounted on the specified device and that the installation has begun. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-5 %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, MCCEMS024 MOUNTED ON $MUA0: The following products will be processed: MCCEMS V2.4 Beginning installation of MCCEMS V2.4 at hh:mm %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: MUA0: Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: MCCEMS024 The following products will be processed: MCCEMS V2.4 5. Select a release notes option. If you specified OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, you are now given four options for reviewing the release notes. As the installation message indicates, the release notes are always copied to SYS$HELP. Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 2 * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the terminal. Note that these release notes are quite lengthy. You can terminate the display at any time and return to the installation by pressing CTRL-C. If you select option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue that you want to use: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: You can enter a queue name or press RETURN to send the file to the default output print device. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software If you select option 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the terminal. Note that these release notes are quite lengthy. It then prompts you for the name of the print queue for the printed version. If you select option 4, VMSINSTAL does not display or print the release notes; however, it does automatically copy them to SYS$HELP. 6. Continue the installation. VMSINSTAL now asks if you want to continue the installation. * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? To continue, enter YES and press RETURN. Otherwise, press RETURN to answer NO. In either case, the release notes are copied to SYS$HELP. If you are running VMSINSTAL just to get the release notes, press RETURN to terminate the installation. If you continue, VMSINSTAL displays the following messages: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. ************************************************************ * * * DECmcc EMS V2.4 * * Integrated Package * * * * Installation Procedure * * * ************************************************************ The DECmcc EMS release notes are copied to: EMS - SYS$HELP:MCCEMS024.RELEASE_NOTES 7. Confirm registration of the software license. If you entered YES in Step 6 to continue the installation, the installation procedure displays information about the particular license, then asks whether the authorization key has been registered and loaded. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-7 Product: DECMCC-EMS Producer: DEC Version: Release Date: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? If you have registered and loaded the authorization key, enter YES and press RETURN. If you have not registered and loaded your authorization key, you must answer NO to this question. You will be able to install DECmcc EMS but you will not be able to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) or use the software until you register and load the authorization key. For more information about registering the software license, refer to Section 1.5. 8. Purge files. VMSINSTAL now asks whether it should purge files that are superseded by this installation. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? If you press RETURN to answer YES to this question, VMSINSTAL purges files from previous versions of DECmcc EMS and previous versions of the management applications. VMSINSTAL will prompt you later in the installation procedure about purging or retaining these database files. Purging is recommended; however, if you need to keep files from the previous version of DECmcc EMS or any of the management applications, enter NO and press RETURN in response to the question. 9. Choose the Installation Verification Procedure option. VMSINSTAL asks if you want to run the DECmcc EMS IVP automatically after the end of the installation. The IVP ensures that the product is installed successfully. * Do you want to run the DECmcc EMS IVP after the installation [YES]? Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Press RETURN to run the IVP immediately after the installation. If you did not register and load the PAK for the DECmcc EMS, the installation procedure will not run the IVP. Refer to Chapter 3 for more information on the IVP. 10.Install the DECmcc EMS applications. VMSINSTAL asks whether you want to install all the applications you have selected. * Do you want to install the entire EMS product set [YES]? Press RETURN to answer YES and to install all the applications in the DECmcc EMS package. If you answer NO, you can choose to install particular applications by responding to the following prompts. ________________________ Note ________________________ BMS installation is required in order to ensure correct installation of the other applications. Therefore, if you answer NO to the previous question and you have not yet installed BMS, you must answer YES to the first question below. Alternatively, if you have previously installed BMS, then in order to ensure correct installation of the other applications, you need to run the BMS startup procedure SYS$STARTUP:MCC_STARTUP_BMS.COM before beginning the installation procedure (as mentioned at the beginning of this chapter). ______________________________________________________ * Do you want to install DECmcc BMS? [YES]? DECmcc Basic Management System (BMS) will be installed... * Do you want to install DECmcc TCP/IP DA? [YES]? DECmcc DECmcc TCP/IP DA will be installed... * Do you want to install DECmcc ELM AM and FM? [YES]? DECmcc ELMS AM and FM will be installed... * Do you want to install DECmcc TSAM? [YES]? DECmcc TSAM will be installed... * Do you want to install DECmcc ETHERnim? [YES]? Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-9 DECmcc ETHERnim will be installed... * Do you want to install DECmcc LTM? [YES]? DECmcc LTM will be installed... * Do you want to install DECmcc TSM? [YES]? DECmcc TSM will be installed... * Do you want to install The Network Trouble Shooting Guide? [YES]? DECmcc Network Trouble Shooting Guide will be installed... If you select a product, VMSINSTAL displays a message confirming that the product will be installed. VMSINSTAL then proceeds to install the management applications you select and displays one or more of the following lines: %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set H ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set I ... The Network Troubleshooting Guide is shipped on the media with your DECmcc EMS software. The guide provides an overview of network troubleshooting tools and methodologies, and detailed troubleshooting procedures for specific network problems. If you choose to install the Network Troubleshooting Guide, the installation procedure will install it in your Bookreader library. You can use the Bookreader application to select and view the contents of the guide online. Similarly, if you choose to install all products in the EMS product set, the installation procedure automatically installs the Network Troubleshooting Guide in your Bookreader library. The remainder of this chapter discusses the installation of individual management applications. It displays the questions VMSINSTAL asks and the responses it provides for each application you install. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Installing Specific Management Applications This section describes the questions VMSINSTAL asks when it installs each of the management applications that you can install as part of DECmcc EMS. The questions that VMSINSTAL asks you and their order of appearance within the installation procedure depends on which products you select for installation. If you choose to install all of the applications, VMSINSTAL asks the questions in the order that the following sections appear. If you choose to install only some (or one) of the applications, refer to the appropriate section(s). o Section 2.2.1 describes the DECmcc BMS installation. o Section 2.2.2 describes the DECmcc TSAM installation. o Section 2.2.3 describes the NMCC/VAX ETHERnim installation. o Section 2.2.7 describes the LTM installation. o Section 2.2.4 and Section 2.2.8 describe the TSM installation. Installing DECmcc BMS If you install the DECmcc Basic Management System (BMS), VMSINSTAL displays an introductory message and proceeds as follows: Asking DECmcc BMS Questions ... 1. Check active processes. VMSINSTAL displays a list of any active DECmcc processes and asks if you want to continue the installation. The default response to the question is NO. Enter YES and press RETURN to continue. Press RETURN to answer NO if you want to exit the installation procedure to stop any of the active processes before you install this product. You can restart the installation from Step 1. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-11 2. The installation displays the following text: WARNING The kit to be installed contains V1.3 of the TCP/IP SNMP Access Module. After you have installed this kit, you should not reinstall V1.1 of the TCP/IP SNMP Access Module. V1.1 is incompatible with this kit. * Please press return to continue: 3. Name a directory for system common files. You must specify the directory where VMSINSTAL copies the DECmcc common files. The default directory is SYS$COMMON:[MCC]. DECmcc requires a directory where the DECmcc common files will be installed. If the logical MCC_COMMON has been redefined, the new definition will be used as the default. If the logical is not defined, the default is for the files to be installed in a directory on the system disk called SYS$COMMON:[MCC]. The installer may override the default. The target directory for the files as it is now defined is shown below. Press RETURN to use the value shown or enter a new disk and directory specification. * Target directory for DECmcc Common files [SYS$COMMON:[MCC]]: Press RETURN to select the value shown, or enter a new disk and directory specification. VMSINSTAL displays the following messages: %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [MCC]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system specific directory [MCC]. If you intend to execute this layered product on other nodes in your VAXcluster, and you have the appropriate software license, you must prepare the system-specific roots on the other nodes by issuing the following command on each node (using a suitably privileged account): $ CREATE/DIRECTORY SYS$SPECIFIC:[MCC]/OWNER_UIC=PARENT - /PROT=(S:RWE,O:RWE,G:RE,W:R) %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [SYSTEST.MCC]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.MCC]. 4. Enter your Time Differential Factor (TDF). Installing the DECmcc EMS Software The Time Differential Factor (TDF) is a constant (a fixed number of hours and minutes) used to determine the local time. The DECmcc Director calculates the local time by adding the TDF to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). To calculate your TDF, determine in what time zone you are and calculate the difference between your time zone and the UTC. The installation procedure provides you with examples of TDFs. The Time Differential Factor (TDF) is the difference between your time zone and the international standard Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) A negative (-) TDF value means that this node is west of UTC A positive (+) TDF value means that this node is east of UTC The range is from -12:00 to +13:00. The format is +hh:mm or -hh:mm with hh indicating the number of hours and mm indicating the number of minutes. A few examples are: Eastern Standard Time is -5:00 hours from UTC. Eastern Daylight Time is -4:00 hours from UTC. Great Britain, Iceland, Portugal, Upper Volta are at UTC or 0:0. Great Britain, Summer Time +1:00 hour from UTC. Japan is +9:00 hours from UTC. Using the DECdns TDF as the default TDF * Time Differential Factor [-5:00]: Enter your TDF and press RETURN. 5. Enter your namespace. You must select a namespace for the storage of entity information. For additional information, refer to Section 1.13.3 and Chapter 6. DECmcc requires the use of a namespace service for the storage and retrieval of network entity information. You can select a local namespace or a distributed namespace (DNS). Select the local namespace, unless you have multiple DECmcc systems that need to share namespace information, or you are running DECnet/OSI and are using its distributed namespace. If either of these conditions apply, select the DNS; otherwise, select the local namespace. You may choose only one namespace. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-13 If you select the DNS, please see the DNS chapter in the DECmcc Planning and Installation for VMS manual on how to configure your namespace. If you intend to use the DECmcc Autoconfiguration applications with the local namespace, please see the Autoconfiguration and Autotopology Use manual on how to plan your entity name structure. * Use DECmcc Local MIR as the DECmcc Name Service [YES]? Using DECmcc Local MIR as the DECmcc Name Service * Is this correct [YES]? 6. Enter your network address IDP. VMSINSTAL prompts for your network address Initial Domain Part (IDP). VMSINSTAL uses this IDP for the DECmcc BMS startup procedure. You must specify the IDP (or network address initial domain part) for your network. This must either be the default value of "49::", or a value explicitly allocated for your network by one of the recognized allocation authorities. The format is: afi:idi: where: afi = The "authority and format identifier". This is two decimal digits indicating the IDP allocation authority idi = The "initial domain identifier". This is a string of decimal digits that has been allocated specifically for your network. An IDP of "49::" may be used if your network will not be interconnected with other OSI networks (there is no "idi" associated with this "afi"). * Initial Domain Part [49::]: Enter your IDP and press RETURN. 7. Specify whether you want to install the DECmcc Reports package. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software The DECmcc Reports package allows you to use DATATRIEVE to create reports with data exported to a VAX Rdb/VMS database from DECmcc. VMSINSTAL displays information about the Reports package and asks if you want to install the package: The DECmcc Reports Package consists of files that allow you to use DATATRIEVE to create reports using data exported from DECmcc. Please see the Reports Package section of the DECmcc Performance Analyzer Use manual for information on using the DECmcc Reports Package with DATATRIEVE. The Reports package requires 1750 blocks. * Do you want to install the DECmcc Reports Package [No]? Yes WARNING VAX Rdb/VMS V3.1B has to be installed as a minimum for the Reports package or the Exporter FM * Please press return to continue: Enter YES and press RETURN to install the package; or, press RETURN if you do not want to install the package. If you choose to install the Reports package, VMSINSTAL asks you to specify a directory for the files. * Target directory for DECmcc Reports files [SYS$COMMON:[MCC.MCC_REPORTS_FILES]]: Enter a target directory and press RETURN; or, press RETURN to use the default, which is the subdirectory: SYS$COMMON:[MCC.MCC_REPORTS_FILES]. The directory you select defines the logical name MCC_ REPORTS_FILES. When you want to move the reports files to another directory, edit the file SYS$STARTUP:MCC_ LOGICAL_BMS.COM to redefine that logical name. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-15 Installing DECmcc TSAM If you choose to install DECmcc TSAM, VMSINSTAL asks you if you would like to receive an online copy of the TSAM Module Reference manual. Asking DECmcc TSAM Questions... The Terminal Server AM MRM (Module Reference Manual) contains in-depth technical information on the verbs, partitions and attributes supported for TSAM. The Manual is provided in PostScript form, requiring 3099 blocks, and in text form suitable for on-line searches or non-postscript printing requiring 2145 blocks. Please note that this manual is aprox. 500 pages long. * Do you want the TSAM Module Reference Manual (MRM) [NO]? Installing NMCC/VAX ETHERnim If you choose to install NMCC/VAX ETHERnim, the installation displays an introductory message and proceeds as follows: Asking DECmcc ETHERnim Questions ... VMSINSTAL asks for the device name and directory name for the NMCC/VAX ETHERnim files. Asking DECmcc ETHERnim Questions... This installation procedure will now prompt for the device and Directory name for the ETHERnim files. NOTE! Previous versions of ETHERnim created a separate account for ETHERnim. This version does not create a separate account for ETHERnim. It is recommended that the ETHERNIM account be disabled from the UAF for security purposes. * Device and Directory for the ENIM files [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM]]: %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM]. %MCCEMS-I-CRE_ENIM_START, Creating file ENIM$HOST_STARTUP.COM To choose the current defaults, press RETURN at each prompt. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software VMSINSTAL displays a message stating that it has created the directory. If you already have ETHERnim installed on your system, VMSINSTAL displays a message stating that SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM] already exists. VMSINSTAL will copy the ETHERnim files to the existing directory. Installing TSM If you choose to install TSM, the installation displays an introductory message and proceeds as follows: Asking DECmcc TSM Questions ... 1. Enable a service circuit. VMSINSTAL asks if you want to enable a Network Control Program (NCP) service circuit. TSM V2.1 upgrades database files by performing a file conversion procedure when TSM is invoked. Your current directory and server type files will be renamed and retained on the system. See the TSM documentation for more information. It is recommended that you read the Release Notes before proceeding with the installation. * Do you want to continue with the installation [Y]? The TSM installation procedure normally enables service on the first circuit that it finds on this node. This allows the node to down-line load and up-line dump terminal servers. If you answer "No" to the following question, service will not be enabled. * Do you want service enabled in the installation procedure [YES]? Press RETURN to enable service, or enter NO if you do not want to enable service. 2. Select the TSM directory. VMSINSTAL then asks where you want to install the TSM command files and library files. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-17 TSM requires a directory where the TSM command files and library will be installed. If the logical TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY is defined, the files will be installed in that directory. If the logical is not defined, the files will be installed in a directory on the system disk called SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]. The target directory for the files as it is now defined is shown below. Press return to use the value shown or enter a new disk and directory specification. * If upgrading from TSM V2.1, and dynamic server types have been defined, then press the Return key to ensure successful database conversion. * Target directory for TSM files [SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]]: Press RETURN to select the value shown, or enter a new disk and directory specification. The following message displays: VMSINSTAL asks no additional questions. 3. VMSINSTAL completes the TSM installation and displays one or more of the following messages, dependent upon which products you have installed on your system: %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set J ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set K ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set L ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set M ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set N ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set L ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set P ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set Q ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set S ... Linking mcc_mts_priv_shr... Linking Terminal Server AM detached process image . . . Linking Terminal Server AM PasThru image . . . Terminal Server Manager V2.1 requires a system directory named [DECSERVER] as a location for the TSM management directory database. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Linking Terminal Server Manager VMS V1.6... Building The MIR Dictionary This section of the installation builds the MIR dictionary. Updating DECmcc dictionary and parse tables ... $ MANAGE/TOOLKIT/DICTIONARY %DAP-S-USE_DICT, Using dictionary file: dka200:[sys0.sysupd.MCCEMS024]mcc_fdictionary.dat;1 DECmcc Dictionary Administrator Program Version V1.4 AUGMENT CLASS SNMP FROM VMI$KWD:MCC_DA_FM_SVC_IF.COM Percent of file processed = 5%Percent of file processed = 10%Percent of file processed = 15%Percent of file processed = 20%Percent of file processed = 25%Percent of file processed = 30%Percent of file processed = 35%Percent of file processed = 40%Percent of file processed = 45%Percent of file processed = 50%Percent of file processed = 55%Percent of file processed = 60%Percent of file processed = 65%Percent of file processed = 70%Percent of file processed = 75%Percent of file processed = 80%Percent of file processed = 85%Percent of file processed = 90%Percent of file processed = 95%Percent of file processed = 100% ________________________ Note ________________________ The installation will continue to display many others files, along with the percent of those files processed. ______________________________________________________ Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-19 Building and Updating the Help Files The installation procedure builds and updates the Help files. Updating DECmcc HELP files ... DECmcc Help File Builder Component Version: V1.4 Cleaning up any intermediate files... Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_ALARMS_FM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_BRIDGE_AM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_CIRCUIT_AM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_COLLECTION_AM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_CONC_AM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_DNA4_AM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_DNA5AM_HELP.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_DOMAIN_FM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_ENET_AM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_EXPORTER_HELP.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_FDDI_AM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_FDDI_FM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_GENERAL_HELP.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_HISTORIAN_HELP.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_KERNEL_AM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_NOTIFICATION_FM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_PA_BRIDGE_FM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_PA_FM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_STM_FM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_TCPIP_AM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_TCPIP_DA_FM.HELP Processing file VMI$ROOT:[MCC]MCC_TS_AM.HELP Sorting character cell help topics. Sorting windows help topics. Verifying hierarchy... Verifying for character cell Processing file(s).... MCC help files updated. MCC help files updated. Cleaning up any intermediate files... Applying Patch to VMS V5.5-2 VAXCRTL Run Time Library Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Installing LTM The LTM installation displays the following messages: Displaying DECmcc LTM Installation Information... ****************************************************************** The files in the distribution kit will be copied to the appropriate system directories. File System directory ---------------------- ---------------- LTM$SETUP.COM SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] LTM$LOAD_CONFIG.COM SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] LTM$TYPE_NAME.DAT SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] LTM$MC_NAME.DAT SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] LTM$ADDR_NAME.DAT SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] LTMLIS0200.SYS SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] LTM$REGRESSION.COM SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.LTM] LTM$REGRESSION.BMK SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.LTM] LTM$IVP.COM SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST] LTM$UI.EXE SYS$SYSTEM: LTM012.RELEASE_NOTES SYS$HELP: ---------------------- ---------------- NOTE PLEASE place the command "$ @SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]LTM$SETUP" in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM procedure (OpenVMS V5.n) or SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM (OpenVMS V6.n) to initialize LTM logical names at system boot time. Place it after the DECnet startup command. ****************************************************************** %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.LTM]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.LTM] already exists The following text is displayed if this installation updates LTM. The messages that follow the next line of asterisks appear for updated and new LTM installations. By default, LTM files will be placed in the SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] directory. If the following LTM user-updateable files are found in the SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] directory, no new installation files will be copied over them: Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-21 File Name --------- LTM$ADDR_NAME.DAT LTM$TYPE_NAME.DAT LTM$MC_NAME.DAT If the following file is found in the SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] directory, it will be copied by this installation: Old File Name New File Name ------------- ------------- LTM$SETUP.COM; LTM$SETUP.OLD_COM; NOTE: If you run in a cluster common environment and change or copy newly tailored files in the LTM directory, you may wish to check whether any files exist in the system-specific directory. These system-specific files will override files created during the installation of LTM V1.2. Also, these files will not be accessible from all nodes in the cluster. You may wish to move these files to the common directory once the installation is completed. This installation will warn you if it finds any LTM files in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[DECSERVER] directory. *************************************************************** Placing LTM files in their final destinations... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.LTM]. Installing TSM The TSM installation displays the following messages. Displaying DECmcc TSM Installation Information... Adding TSM to DCL command tables... Adding TSM to VMS help library... Defining and setting OBJECT NML to PROXY BOTH ALIAS OUTGOING ENABLED Enabling SERVICE on SVA-0... After the installation use AUTHORIZE to create proxy accounts for all the TSM users (if you have not done so already). %VMSINSTAL-W-NOFILE, New file DECMCCICONIC$FILEVIEW.COM does not exist. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Add a Command to Your System Startup Command Procedure VMSINSTAL directs you to modify your local system startup command procedure to set up DECmcc BMS automatically. Refer to Section 4.1 for more information on how to modify your system startup procedure. Following the copying of the files, the DECmcc EMS startup command procedure(s) will be invoked. To automatically set up DECmcc EMS on your system, edit your local system start-up command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM procedure (OpenVMS V5.n) or SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM (OpenVMS V6.n) so that it invokes the following startup procedure(s) If DECmcc BMS has been installed, please make sure its startup procedure is first. Add: @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_STARTUP_BMS.COM @SYS$STARTUP:MCC__FM_STARTUP.COM @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_STARTUP_ELM_AM.COM @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_STARTUP_ELM_FM.COM @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_TS_AM_STARTUP.COM @SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]LTM$SETUP.COM @SYS$STARTUP:ENIM$HOST_STARTUP.COM - There is no TSM startup file. after the statement that invokes the DECnet start-up command file (STARTNET.COM). NOTE: If you have previously installed the DECmcc DIRECTOR on this system, you should REMOVE the line: @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_STARTUP_DIR.COM from your SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM procedure (OpenVMS V5.n) or from SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM (OpenVMS V6.n) Following the DECmcc EMS start-up the DECmcc EMS IVP command procedure(s) will be invoked. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-23 Postinstallation Messages If the installation procedure has been successful thus far, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories, updates help files, and updates DCL tables, if necessary. If you asked for files to be purged, the purging is done now. The installation procedure displays messages that provide postinstallation information and setup suggestions. If you chose to install all of the applications, the installation procedure displays the messages in the order in which the following sections appear. If you chose to install only some (or one) of the applications, refer to the appropriate section(s). Refer to Chapter 6 for information on performing the postinstallation tasks. The installation will now display the following message: Beginning DECmcc EMS V2.4 Post Installation Procedure ... The following sections show the postinstallation messages displayed for each DECmcc EMS application. Postinstallation Messages for DECmcc BMS The installation procedure for DECmcc BMS creates and deletes an alarm rule. It displays the following postinstallation messages for DECmcc BMS: Beginning DECmcc BMS Postinstallation Procedure ... Deleting obsolete DECmcc verbs... The MCC_STARTUP_BMS startup procedure for DECmcc is now running. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 ALARMS RULE __dummy_test AT 7-JAN-1995 12:28:32 Entity created successfully. MCC 0 ALARMS RULE __dummy_test AT 7-JAN-1995 12:28:35 Entity deleted successfully. The MCC_STARTUP_BMS startup procedure for DECmcc is now ending. Completing DECmcc BMS Post Installation Procedure ... Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Postinstallation Messages for TCP/IP DA FM The TCP/IP DA FM postinstallation procedure displays the following messages. Beginning DECmcc TCPIP DA FM Post Installation Procedure ... Startup procedure for DECmcc TCP/IP DA FM running. DECmcc (V1.4) Startup procedure for DECmcc TCP/IP DA FM ending. Completing DECmcc TCPIP DA FM Post Installation Procedure ... Postinstallation Messages for DECmcc ELM AM The DECmcc ELM AM postinstallation procedure displays the following messages. The MCC_STARTUP_ELM_AM startup procedure for DECmcc V1.4 is now running. Note: The DECmcc Director or BMS Startup procedures should be run prior to executing this procedure. DECmcc (V1.4) %MCC-I-ENRDUPLENTRY, enrollment successful; duplicate entries found and replaced %MCC-I-ENRDUPLENTRY, enrollment successful; duplicate entries found and replaced MCC 0 ALARMS RULE __dummy_test AT 7-JAN-1995 12:29:19 Entity created successfully. MCC 0 ALARMS RULE __dummy_test AT 7-JAN-1995 12:29:21 Entity deleted successfully. The MCC_STARTUP_ELM_AM startup procedure for DECmcc V1.4 is now ending. Completing DECmcc ELM AM Post Installation Procedure ... Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-25 Postinstallation Messages for DECmcc ELM FM The DECmcc ELM FM postinstallation procedure displays the following messages. Beginning DECmcc ELM FM Post Installation Procedure ... The MCC_STARTUP_ELM_FM startup procedure for DECmcc V1.4 is now running. Note: The DECmcc Director or BMS Startup procedures should be run prior to executing this procedure. DECmcc (V1.4) The MCC_STARTUP_ELM_FM startup procedure for DECmcc V1.4 is now ending. Completing DECmcc ELM FM Post Installation Procedure ... Postinstallation Messages for DECmcc TSAM The DECmcc TSAM postinstallation procedure displays the following messages. Beginning DECmcc TSAM Post Installation Procedure ... The startup procedure for the DECmcc Terminal Server Access Module V1.4 is now running. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 TERMSERVER_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:30:18 Already operating. The startup procedure for the DECmcc Terminal Server Access Module V1.4 is now ending. Completing DECmcc TSAM Post Installation Procedure ... Postinstallation Messages for NMCC/VAX ETHERnim The installation procedure displays no specific postinstallation messages for NMCC/VAX ETHERnim; it displays only the following messages to mark the beginning and end of the postinstallation procedure: Beginning DECmcc ETHERnim Postinstallation Procedure ... Completing DECmcc ETHERnim Postinstallation Procedure ... Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Postinstallation Messages for LTM The installation procedure displays no specific postinstallation messages for LTM; it displays only the following messages to mark the beginning and end of the postinstallation procedure. Beginning DECmcc LTM Postinstallation Procedure ... LAN Traffic Monitor V1.2 initialization procedure Completing DECmcc LTM Postinstallation Procedure ... Postinstallation Messages for TSM The installation procedure displays no specific postinstallation messages for TSM; it displays only the following messages to mark the beginning and end of the postinstallation procedure. Beginning TSM V2.1 Postinstallation Procedure ... Completing TSM V2.1 Postinstallation Procedure ... Running the IVP VMSINSTAL automatically runs the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) for DECmcc EMS, provided you answered YES to the question at the beginning of the installation that asked if you wanted the IVP to run. Refer to Chapter 3 for information about the IVPs for DECmcc EMS and the IVPs for the individual applications. Completing the Installation The following messages indicate that the installation is completed (the first message identifies the DECmcc EMS product that you installed): Completing DECmcc EMS V2.4 Post Installation Procedure ... You can now log out of the privileged account. Note that VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation for the duration of the session. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 2-27 Installation Errors If errors occur during the installation, VMSINSTAL displays descriptive error messages. If the installation fails, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of DECmcc EMS V2.4 has failed. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o A prerequisite software version is incorrect. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o The VMS help library is currently in use. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, refer to the VMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and VMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action, as described in the message. Refer to Chapter 1 for information on installation requirements. Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 3 ______________________________________________________________ Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software This chapter discusses the Installation Verification Procedures (IVPs), which you can run to verify that the DECmcc EMS software was installed properly. The IVPs can be run automatically by the installation procedure or independently after the installation. To run the IVPs apart from the installation, you run the IVP for each installed network management product separately. Section 3.1 describes how to run the IVP for an individual management product. Section 3.2 discusses the failure of an IVP. Running the IVPs on Individual Applications This section describes how to run the IVPs on individual management applications. First, set the default directory to SYS$TEST: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$TEST Then enter the command that initiates the IVP, as listed in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 Commands to Run the IVP for Individual ___________Applications____________________________________ Application________Command_________________________________ DECmcc BMS @MCC_BMS_IVP TCP/IP DA @MCC_TCPIP_DA_FM ELM AM @MCC_ELM_AM_IVP ELM FM @MCC_ELM_FM_IVP (continued on next page) Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software 3-1 Table 3-1 (Cont.) Commands to Run the IVP for Individual ___________________Applications____________________________ Application________Command_________________________________ TSAM @MCC_TS_AM_IVP NMCC/VAX ETHERnim @ENIM$IVP LTM @LTM$IVP TSM________________@TSM$IVP________________________________ The next sections describe the messages the IVP provides for successful verification of each management application. Section 3.2 discusses the failure of an IVP. DECmcc BMS Installation Verification Procedure The output of the IVP for DECmcc BMS follows: The IVP for DECmcc BMS will now be run. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 AT 7-JAN-1995 12:30:35 Test Successful DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 FCL AT 7-JAN-1995 12:30:47 Test Successful DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 REGISTRATION_FM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:30:59 Test Successful DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 DNA4_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:31:12 Test Successful DECmcc (V1.4) Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software MCC 0 DNA5_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:31:25 Test Successful. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 ICONICMAP AT 7-JAN-1995 12:31:37 Test Successful DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 DOMAIN_FM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:31:50 Test Successful DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 SAMPLE_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:32:02 Test Successful. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 ETHERNET_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:32:14 Test successful. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:32:26 Test Successful. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 CIRCUIT_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:32:38 Test Successful. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 ALARMS AT 7-JAN-1995 12:32:51 Test Successful. DECmcc (V1.4) Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software 3-3 MCC 0 HISTORIAN_FM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:33:03 Test Successful DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 PA AT 7-JAN-1995 12:33:15 Test Successful DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 EXPORTER_FM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:33:28 Test Successful DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 NOTIFICATION_FM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:33:41 Test Successful DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 COLLECTION_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:33:54 Test Successful. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 SCRIPT_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:34:01 Test Successful. %DAP-S-USE_DICT, Using dictionary file: sys$common:[mcc]mcc_fdictionary.dat;2 DECmcc Dictionary Administrator Program Version V1.4 DECmcc BMS V1.4 Installation Successful Completing DECmcc BMS Installation Verification Procedure .. Successful completion of the IVP indicates that the DECmcc BMS software is installed correctly. Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software TCP/IP DA FM IVP The DECmcc TCP/IP DA FM IVP displays the following messages. Beginning DECmcc TCP/IP DA FM Installation Verification Procedure The IVP for DECmcc TCP/IP DA FM will now be run. MCC 0 TCPIP_DA_FM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:34:16 Test successful. DECmcc TCP/IP DA FM V1.2-0 Installation Successful Completing DECmcc TCP/IP DA FM Installation Verification Procedure DECmcc ELM AM IVP The DECmcc ELM AM IVP displays the following messages. Beginning DECmcc ELM AM Installation Verification Procedure ... The IVP for DECmcc ELM AM V1.4 will now be run. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 ALARMS AT 7-JAN-1995 12:34:29 Test successful. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 PA AT 7-JAN-1995 12:34:42 Test Successful DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 BRIDGE_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:34:55 Test successful. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 CONC_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:35:07 Test successful. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 FDDI_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:35:19 Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software 3-5 Test successful. DECmcc ELM AM V1.4 Installation Successful Completing DECmcc ELM AM Installation Verification Procedure ... DECmcc ELM FM Installation Verification Procedure The DECmcc ELM FM IVP displays the following messages. Beginning DECmcc ELM FM Installation Verification Procedure ... The IVP for DECmcc ELM FM V1.4 will now be run. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 STM_FM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:35:32 Test successful. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 FDDI_FM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:35:44 Test successful. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 ICONICMAP APPLICATION LAN_TOPOLOGY_PM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:35:57 Test Successful DECmcc ELM FM V1.4 Installation Successful Completing DECmcc ELM FM Installation Verification Procedure ... DECmcc TSAM Installation Verification Procedure The DECmcc TSAM IVP displays the following messages. Beginning DECmcc TSAM Installation Verification Procedure The IVP for the DECmcc Terminal Server AM will now be run. DECmcc (V1.4) MCC 0 TERMSERVER_AM AT 7-JAN-1995 12:36:12 Test successful. DECmcc Terminal Server AM V1.4 Installation Successful Completing DECmcc TSAM Installation Verification Procedure Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software NMCC/VAX ETHERnim Installation Verification Procedure Before you run the IVP for NMCC/VAX ETHERnim, you should know the name of your ETHERnim directory (default is ETHERNIM) and the location where the ETHERnim directory resides (default is SYS$SYSDEVICE). The IVP will prompt you for this information. If you did not change the names for the directory and the location when you installed NMCC/VAX ETHERnim, you can enter the default in response to the IVP prompts. To verify the NMCC/VAX ETHERnim installation, DECnet-VAX must be running and you should be using a VT125, VT240/41, or VT340 terminal, or a workstation with ReGIS emulation enabled. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are not using one of the previously mentioned terminal types, you can still proceed with the installation, however the display will contain a considerable number of extraneous characters. ______________________________________________________ The output of the IVP for NMCC/VAX ETHERnim follows: Beginning DECmcc ETHERnim Installation Verification Procedure .. This procedure verifies the installation of NMCC/VAX ETHERnim V2.3 on VMS A VT125, VT240, VT241, or VT340 terminal is required to verify installation Do you want to continue? (Y/N) [Y]: Press RETURN to continue or enter NO and press RETURN to terminate the IVP for ETHERnim. If you continue the IVP, the procedure displays the following: Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM] ENIM$MESSAGES.HLB;1 Total of 1 file. Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM] ENIM$SCREENS.HLB;1 Total of 1 file. Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM] Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software 3-7 ENIM$HOST_MAIN.EXE;1 Total of 1 file. Directory SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP] ENIM$HOST_STARTUP.COM;2 Total of 1 file. Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM] ENIM$SESSION_STARTUP.COM;1 Total of 1 file. Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM] ENIM$REMOTE_MAIN.EXE;1 Total of 1 file. Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM] ENIM$REMOTE_STARTUP.COM;1 Total of 1 file. Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM] ENIM$DTR_DEFINITIONS.COM;1 Total of 1 file. Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM] ENIM$DTR_EXAMPLE.COM;1 Total of 1 file. If the files are found, the verification procedure next attempts to run NMCC/VAX ETHERnim, displaying the following: Running ETHERnim... You will see several warnings about file not found. These may be ignored. When the ETHERnim intro screen appears, Press RETURN. Answer NO to the connectivity check question. When the command menu appears, type EXIT and press RETURN to exit Press RETURN to continue: Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software Press RETURN to cause the NMCC/VAX ETHERnim introduction screen to appear. The verification procedure has just run NMCC/ETHERnim and then exited. %PURGE-W-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ETHERNIM]ENIM$SESSION.H -RMS-E-FNF, file not found The Network is the System Introduction NMCC/VAX ETHERnim The Ethernet Network Integrity Monitor ( NMCC/VAX ETHERnim ) runs as an application installed on any DECnet VAX/VMS System which uses a supported Ethernet Port Device. It is a tool for monitoring and maintaining a Local Area Network (LAN). NMCC/VAX ETHERnim shows the Network Manager what portion of the network is working. It displays information about a LAN such as: Network Size and Node Summary, Node Specific Data, and Protocol Types currently in use. In addition, it provides a convenient place to save node related information. Pressing the RETURN key will start up NMCC/VAX ETHERnim but if this is all new to you may we suggest you press the PF2 key to learn more about NMCC/VAX ETHERnim and how it works. Press PF2 for more information Press RETURN to start it. NMCC/VAX ETHERnim V2.3 Initialization in progress... Database Network file not found, continuing... Host node entry created in New Network Node file. Network Database contains 1 node(s) and 1 segment(s). Want to size network/check connectivity [YES/no] ? no Executing final ETHERnim EXIT Sequence.... > NMCC/VAX ETHERnim V2.3 installation verification successful Completing DECmcc ETHERnim Installation Verification Procedure .. Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software 3-9 LTM Installation Verification Procedure The output of the IVP for LTM follows: Beginning DECmcc LTM Installation Verification Procedure .. LAN Traffic Monitor V1.2 initialization procedure %DCL-S-SPAWNED, process BERRINGS_1 spawned %DCL-S-ATTACHED, terminal now attached to process BERRINGS_1 %DCL-S-RETURNED, control returned to process BERRINGS The LAN Traffic Monitor V1.2 installation Verification Procedure has completed successfully. Completing DECmcc LTM Installation Verification Procedure .. TSM Installation Verification Procedure The output of the IVP for TSM follows: Beginning the TSM V2.1 Installation Verification Procedure. Please ignore the following TSM test data. Terminal Server Manager V2.1 Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1995. All Rights Reserved. Usage is DIRECTORY Server: IVP_TEST_TSM Circuit(s): SVA-0 Address: FE-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF Maint. Password: 0000000000000000 Type: DS100 Login Password: ACCESS Partition name: DEFAULT DECnet Address: 0 Dump File: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]DS1IVP_TEST_TSM.DMP Image File: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]PS0801ENG.SYS Reference File: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]IVP_TEST_TSM.TXT Installation Verification Procedure for TSM V2.1 has completed successfully DECmcc EMS Installation Verification Completion Successful completion of the IVP indicates that the TSM software is installed correctly. The text of a successful completion is as follows: Completing DECmcc EMS V2.4 Installation Verification Procedure .. Installation of MCCEMS V2.4 completed at 12:38 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:39 Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software What to Do if the IVP Fails If you receive a failure message, the installation procedure may not have installed the required files. Ensure that you have all the prerequisite hardware and software products specified in the Software Product Description (SPD) and described in Chapter 1. Repeat the installation procedure, described in Chapter 2, for the management application(s) not installed properly. If the problem persists, contact your Digital Equipment Corporation representative. For example, the following message might appear if the NMCC/VAX ETHERnim IVP was not successful: ETHERnim V2.3 installation has NOT been verified Verifying the Installation of the DECmcc EMS Software 3-11 4 ______________________________________________________________ After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software This chapter discusses tasks you need to perform after you have installed DECmcc EMS and its supported management applications. Section 4.1 through Section 4.6 describe the following tasks you need to perform for the EMS applications: o Editing the system startup file o Rebooting the system o Running an application in the cluster environment o Setting user account privileges o Setting user account quotas o Enhancing DECmcc EMS performance o Reporting Problems The remaining sections discuss procedures you need to perform for specific applications. Editing the System Startup File After installing DECmcc EMS, you must edit the system startup file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM (OpenVMS V5.n) or SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM (OpenVMS V6.n), to provide for automatic startup of the installed products when your system is rebooted. Startup commands for each application appear in Table 4-1 These commands must appear after the command that invokes the network startup command procedure. Each command must be preceded by the dollar sign prompt ($). After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-1 Table_4-1__Management_Application_System_Startup_Comman____ Application______Startup_Comman____________________________ DECmcc BMS @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_STARTUP_BMS TCP/IP DA @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_TCPIP_DA_FM_STARTUP.COM ELM AM @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_STARTUP_ELM_AM.COM ELM FM @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_STARTUP_ELM_FM.COM TSAM @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_TS_AM_STARTUP.COM NMCC/VAX @SYS$STARTUP:ENIM$HOST_STARTUP ETHERnim LTM @SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]LTM$SETUP TSM______________None______________________________________ DECmcc BMS Startup Command Place the DECmcc startup commands after the startup commands for Distributed Name Service (DNS) and DECnet. Rebooting the System You can reboot your system after you have installed DECmcc EMS and edited the system startup file. A system reboot verifies that DECmcc EMS is ready for use and ensures that the edits to the system startup command file have been made. Rebooting is optional. If LTM Was Previously Installed If your system had a previous version of LTM installed, the following command line may have been inserted in the system login command file: $ LTM :== $LTM$UI You can remove this line from the command file because LTM is now implemented as the following DCL verb: TRAFFIC_MONITOR/LAN Note, however, that the DCL verb TRAFFIC_MONITOR/LAN will not take effect until a user logs in after the completion of the installation. After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Running an Application in the Cluster Environment To run the application on a cluster, you must register the product license on each node in the cluster. For more information about the VMS License Management Facility (LMF), see Section 1.5. Running DECmcc BMS in a Cluster Environment To use DECmcc BMS in a VAXcluster environment, you must perform these tasks on each node in the cluster: 1. Prepare system-specific roots on the nodes other than the one on which you installed DECmcc BMS. Log in to the node's SYSTEM account and create a root directory by entering the following command: $ CREATE/DIRECTORY SYS$SPECIFIC:[MCC]/OWNER_UIC=PAR/PROT=(G:RE,W:RWE) 2. Use the Install utility to replace the DCLTABLES file. $ INSTALL INSTALL>REPLACE SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE/HEADER/OPEN/SHARE INSTALL>EXIT This makes the DECmcc DCL command verbs accessible on all the nodes in the cluster. For more information on the Install Utility, see the VMS Install Utility Manual. 3. Add the MANAGE/ENTERPRISE command to the process DCL table. $ SET COMMAND SYS$COMMON:[MCC]MCC_COMMANDS.CLD 4. Ensure that the DNS clerk is started up. Run the MCC startup command files. $ @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_STARTUP_BMS.COM 5. Add the MCC startup command files to the system startup procedure, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM (OpenVMS V5.n) or SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM (OpenVMS V6.n) After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-3 Running NMCC/VAX ETHERnim in a Cluster Environment To use NMCC/VAX ETHERnim in a VAXcluster environment, perform the installation procedure described in Chapter 2 on one node, then perform the following task on the other nodes in the cluster. Use the Install utility to replace the DCLTABLES file. $ INSTALL INSTALL>REPLACE SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE/HEADER/OPEN/SHARE INSTALL>EXIT This makes the ETHERNIM DCL command verb accessible on all the nodes in the cluster. For more information on the Install Utility, see the VMS Install Utility Manual. A successful installation places the NMCC/VAX ETHERnim files in the common directory, where they can be accessed by all the nodes in the cluster. However, only one user at a time can access an NMCC/VAX ETHERnim database. Likewise, only one NMCC/VAX ETHERnim user at a time can use an Ethernet controller. Two or more users can use NMCC/VAX ETHERnim simultaneously provided that they are accessing different databases and using different Ethernet controllers. To permit simultaneous use of NMCC/VAX ETHERnim, you must assign the ENIM$DEVICE, ENIM$NETWORK, and ENIM$SEGMENT logicals appropriately, as described in the release notes. Running LTM in a Cluster Environment If you run LTM in a VAXcluster environment and change or copy newly tailored files in the LTM directory, check to see if any files exist in the system-specific directory. These system-specific files will override files created during the installation of LTM V1.2. Also, these files will not be accessible from all nodes in the cluster; you may wish to move these files to the common directory after the installation. The installation issues a warning message if it finds any LTM files in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[DECSERVER] directory. After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Setting User Account Privileges To use DECmcc EMS, an account must have at least the TMPMBX and NETMBX privileges. Use the VMS Authorize utility to ensure that users have the privileges they require. Additional privileges required by individual management applications are listed in the following sections. The following example shows how to use Authorize to grant the necessary privileges. The user name in this example is SMITH. $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> MODIFY SMITH/PRIV=TMPMBX %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated UAF> MODIFY SMITH/PRIV=NETMBX %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated UAF> EXIT %UAF-I-DONEMSG, system authorization file modified %UAF-I-NAFNOMODS, no modifications made to network authorization file %UAF-I-RDBNOMODS, no modifications made to rights database $ For more information on modifying user privileges, see the description of the Authorize utility in the VMS System Management Subkit. Enabling Privileges for TSM Operations When you use proxy login accounts, TSM users are logged in under their own account as a Network Management Listener (NML) server process performing DECnet operations for the process running TSM. When you define TSM$NO_PROXY, TSM logs in to the specified account as an NML server process. OPER and SYSPRV privileges must be enabled from the LOGIN.COM file of the account that runs TSM. If you want to enable SYSPRV just for NML use, enable privileges in the LOGIN.COM as follows: $ SET PROCESS/PRIV=OPER $ IF F$MODE() .EQS. "NETWORK" THEN $ SET PROCESS/PRIV=(SYSPRV) After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-5 OPER privilege is required to run TSM and to operate on the DECnet volatile database. SYSPRV privilege is generally required to operate on the DECnet permanent database (that is, it provides write access to the permanent database files). These privileges allow TSM to propagate server information to the DECnet database automatically when you register (using the ADD command) a terminal server in the TSM database. Similarly, these privileges make it possible to execute other TSM commands that affect the DECnet database. Setting User Account Quotas To use DECmcc EMS, user accounts on your system must have sufficient quotas. Table 4-2 summarizes the required user account quotas. Table_4-2__Required_DECmcc_EMS_User_Account_Quota__________ Account Quota_______EMS_Value______________________________________ ASTlm 200 BIOlm 100 Bytlm 65,000 DIOlm 100 Enqlm 2,000 Pgflquo 150,000 PRClm 10 TQElm 300 WSdef [1] 512 WSquo 4,096 WSextent 16,000 [1]The_values_for_WSEXTENT_must_be_equal_to_or_greater_than the WSDEF value. ___________________________________________________________ Refer to Section 1.12.2 for information on modifying your account quotas. After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Enhancing DECmcc EMS Performance This section provides information on improving DECmcc EMS system performance. Installing Shared Images This section explains how to install the various DECmcc EMS management applications as shared images to enhance their performance. If DECmcc EMS applications will be used extensively on your system, you can reduce the system overhead and memory requirements by installing each application as a shared image. To install an application as a shared image on a system that is currently running, use the VMS Install Utility (INSTALL). You should perform the installation on a system that has just been bootstrapped because the available space in the global page table is less likely to be fragmented. First, determine the number of available global pages and global sections on your system. See Section 1.11 for information on displaying system parameter values. Once you have set the system parameter values, invoke the VMS Install Utility from a privileged account and install the application as a shared image. The following commands install a shared image for a management application: $ INSTALL INSTALL> ADD name /OPEN /SHARED INSTALL> EXIT $ Table 4-3 provides the image name for each application; substitute the name in the table for name in the ADD command. You must also add the Install commands to the appropriate system startup command file, so that each time the system is started, the application is available as a shared image. (If your site has modularized your startup procedures, be sure you add the lines to the correct file.) After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-7 The default startup command file is: SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM (OpenVMS V5.n) or SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM (OpenVMS V6.n) Add the following line to the system startup file: $ INSTALL INSTALL> ADD name /OPEN /SHARED INSTALL> EXIT $ Again, replace name in the ADD command by the name in Table 4-3. Table_4-3__DECmcc_EMS_Executable_Image_Name________________ Application________Executable_Image_Name___________________ DECmcc BMS SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_ALARMS_EXTRACT_RULES.EXE SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_DAP_MAIN.EXE, SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_DNS_SETUP.EXE, SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_DEL_GS_POOL.EXE, SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_ENIM_CONVERT_MAIN.EXE, SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_EXPORTER_FM_BG.EXE, SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_EXPORTER_FM_WRITER.EXE, SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_HFB_MAIN.EXE, SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_HISTORIAN_FM_BG.EXE, SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_MAIN.EXE, SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_MIR_CVT_MAIN.EXE, SYS$SYSTEM:MCC_RBMS_CONVERT_MAIN.EXE TSM SYS$SYSTEM:TSM$MAIN.EXE LTM SYS$SYSTEM:LTM$UI.EXE NMCC/VAX_ETHERnim__SYS$SYSTEM:ENIM$HOST_MAIN.EXE___________ Tuning for Good Performance DECmcc performance can be hindered if a system parameter or user quota is too low. It is impossible to recommend values that will be optimal for every DECmcc user, since performance is configuration dependent. Table 4-4 lists suggested values for a typical system. These values are guidelines only. They are intended to point out the After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software directions in which a system manager can look to improve performance. Table 4-4 lists user process quotas, and Table 4-5 lists SYSGEN parameters. The supplied DECmcc System Audit utility checks for the values listed in Table 4-4 and Table 4-5, as well as for other potential sources of run-time problems, such as disk space and prerequisite software. Refer to the next topic for instructions on the DECmcc System Audit Utility. Table_4-4__Process_Quota_Values____________________________ Process Quota_______Value__________________________________________ Fillm 200 Bytlm 65000 BIOlm 100 Prclm 10 DIOlm 100 ASTlm 200 WSquo 4096 TQElm 300 WSextent 16000 Enqlm 2000 Pgflquo 150000 [1] [1]The_Pagefile_size_must_be_greater_than_pgflquo._150000__ blocks would be typical. ___________________________________________________________ Table_4-5__SYSGEN_Parameter_Values_________________________ SYSGEN_Parameter______Value________________________________ SRPCOUNT 1024 CLISYMTBL 250 (continued on next page) After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-9 Table_4-5_(Cont.)__SYSGEN_Parameter_Values_________________ SYSGEN_Parameter______Value________________________________ LOCKIDTBL_MAX 2048 PROCSECTCNT 200 REHASHTBL 512 SRPCOUNTV 2048 MAXBUF 1200 PAGEDYN 1000448 NPAGEDYN 900096 GBLPAGFIL 12200 CTLPAGES 32 PQL_MASTLM 600 WSMAX 16000 CHANNELCNT____________512__________________________________ Using The DECmcc System Audit Utility You can check for potential sources of run-time problems by running the DECmcc System Audit utility. The DECmcc System Audit utility checks for the sample user quotas and SYSGEN parameters listed in Table 4-4 and Table 4-5. It also checks disk space, memory, prerequisite software, and other resources to determine if your environment is well set up for efficient use of DECmcc. You need SYSPRV privilege to run the utility. To invoke the audit utility, enter the following command: $ MCC_AUDIT [user-name] If you supply the user-name, the utility will perform only its user quota checks and only for the specified user. If you do not supply the user-name, the utility will perform all its checks but only for the user issuing the command. The audit utility provides two kinds of output. It displays warning messages on your screen, and it produces a file whose contents are properly formatted for use in SYS$SYSTEM:AUTHORIZE (UAF) commands, which set user quotas, and in SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file which contains SYSGEN After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software parameters. The name and location of the output file is SYS$LOGIN::MCC_AUDIT_FIX.TXT. The contents of a sample output file are as follows: ! !Authorization file changes for User COLLEEN ! by MCC_AUDIT for DECmcc V1.4 ! MODIFY COLLEEN /FILLM=200 MODIFY COLLEEN /BYTLM=65000 MODIFY COLLEEN /BIOLM=100 MODIFY COLLEEN /ASTLM=200 MODIFY COLLEEN /WSQUO=4096 MODIFY COLLEEN /TQELM=300 MODIFY COLLEEN /WSEXTENT=16000 MODIFY COLLEEN /PGFLQUO=150000 ! !Sysgen changes for system PARIS:: ! by MCC_AUDIT for DECmcc V1.2, on 25-MAR-1992 16:59:58.84 ! SRPCOUNT = 1024 PROCSECTCNT = 200 REHASHTBL = 512 NPAGEDYN = 900096 GBLPAGFIL = 1220 PQL_MASTLM = 600 Please keep in mind that the values suggested by the audit utility will not apply to all configurations. They are intended as pointers to possible problem areas. Troubleshooting and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem with the DECmcc EMS software or documentation, please document the problem thoroughly and submit a report on that problem to Digital. If an error occurs and you believe that the error is due to a problem in DECmcc EMS, document that error by using the following guidelines: o Describe the state of the system and the circumstances when the problem occurred as accurately as possible. Ensure that you specify the version number of the DECmcc EMS application that you are running. Use SHOW MCC 0 ALL After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-11 CHARACTERISTICS to get the version number. Illustrate the problem with specific examples. If you report a documentation error, specify the title of the document as well as the section and page number where the error was found. o Isolate the error as much as possible. o Submit sources on machine-readable media (magnetic tape), if possible. All media will be returned to you when the problem report is answered. o Report only one problem at a time. This will facilitate a faster response. Experience shows that many problem reports do not contain sufficient information to duplicate or identify the problem. Complete and concise information will help DIGITAL give accurate and timely service to software problems. The following list describes the kind of information you should include in a problem report. o Your network configuration o Any enrollment data o Problem occurred in foreground or background mode o Entity that was being managed o Problem in access, function, or interface management module o Who supplied the software (for example, Digital, third party name, or your company) o Problem occurred in management or user interface o Other network management products installed DECmcc BMS Postinstallation Procedures This section discusses postinstallation procedures you may need to perform to use DECmcc BMS. After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Setting Up the DNS Namespace If you have chosen the DNS namespace, refer to Chapter 6 for planning and setup information. Setting File Protection for DECmcc BMS Files If nonprivileged users need to use DECmcc BMS, you must change protection to allow them to access several files. When DECmcc BMS is first installed, file protections are set for system, owner, and group to have full access and world to have READ-ONLY access. If a nonprivileged user attempts to execute a directive that requires privileges, error messages appear indicating that a file protection violation exists. Follow your company security policy to change the protection to allow nonprivileged users access to DECmcc BMS. The following examples show how you might open a DECmcc BMS common file so that the nonprivileged user, Wanda James, can access it. Refer to the specific access or function module manual in the DECmcc BMS documentation set for examples of how to open specific files for access by nonprivileged users. o This example illustrates how to change access control for only one user: $ SET FILE MCC_SPECIFIC:MCC_DISPATCH_TABLE.DAT - /ACL=(IDENTIFIER=[NETMAN,W_JAMES],ACCESS=READ+WRITE) o This example illustrates how to change the file protection: $ SET PROTECTION=(W:RW) MCC_COMMON:MCC_DISPATCH_TABLE.DAT Table 4-6 shows the privileges required for access to key DECmcc BMS files. After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-13 4-6 DECmcc BMS File Protection______________________________________________________________ Default Name Contents ProtectioAccess Required______________________________________________________________ This directory Change to match contains DECmcc S:RWE access of files system specific O:RWE within this files. G:RW directory. W:R This directory Change to match contains the S:RWE access of files remaining files O:RWE within this listed in this G:RW directory. table. W:R Dispatch tables To enroll newe for DECmcc S:RWEDManagement Management O:RWEDModules, you modules. G:RE must have RW W:R access. Dictionary To use DECmcc hierarchy for MCC_ S:RWEDDeveloper's DICTIONARY.DAT. O:RWEDToolkit, you G:RWEDmust have R W:R access. Data that To use DECmcc describes all S:RWEDDeveloper's known definitions O:RWEDToolkit, you for MCC_ G:RWEDmust have R DEFINITION.DAT. W:R access. (continued on next page) After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-6 (Cont.) DECmcc BMS File Protection______________________________________________________________ Default Name Contents ProtectioAccess Required______________________________________________________________ List of all known To use DECmcc repositories for S:RWEDDirector or DECmcc BMS. O:RWEDDECmcc BMS, G:RWEDyou must have W:R R access. To use DECmcc Developer's Toolkit, Historian, Exporter, and Alarms FMs, you must have RW access. Locations and RMS To use DECmcc file attributes S:RWEDDirector or for all known O:RWEDDECmcc BMS, repositories for G:RWEDyou must have DECmcc BMS. W:R R access. To use DECmcc Developer's Toolkit, Historian, Exporter, and Alarms FMs, you must have RW access. (continued on next page) After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-15 4-6 (Cont.) DECmcc BMS File Protection______________________________________________________________ Default Name Contents ProtectioAccess Required______________________________________________________________ Entity class To use DECmcc hierarchies. S:RWEDDirector or O:RWEDDECmcc BMS, G:RWEDyou must have W:R R access. To use DECmcc Developer's Toolkit, you must have RW access. Entity meta-data. To use DECmcc S:RWEDDirector or O:RWEDDECmcc BMS, G:RWEDyou must have W:R R access. To use DECmcc Developer's Toolkit, you must have RW access. Command parser To use DECmcc information. S:RWEDDirector or O:RWEDDECmcc BMS, G:RWEDyou must have R W:R access. ______________________________________________________________ NMCC/VAX ETHERnim Postinstallation Procedures This section discusses postinstallation procedures you may need to perform to use NMCC/VAX ETHERnim. After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software Setting File Protection for NMCC/VAX ETHERnim Files You can control access to NMCC/VAX ETHERnim by setting the access protection on the NMCC/VAX ETHERnim files. The simplest approach is to use the default file access. By default, only the system account or users with access to system protected files can run NMCC/VAX ETHERnim. To allow any user to run NMCC/VAX ETHERnim, while retaining the right to modify and delete the files, set world read and execute (W:RE) protection for the following NMCC /VAX ETHERnim files: ENIM$HOST_MAIN.EXE ENIM$MESSAGES.HLB ENIM$SCREENS.HLB To allow selected users to run NMCC/VAX ETHERnim, set the Access Control Lists (ACLs) on the three files listed above. See the VMS System Management Subkit for complete instructions on using ACLs. Performing User Task Level Tests on Remote Nodes To perform user task level tests on remote nodes, you must install an ETHERnim task on each remote node to be tested. This task is required to gather remote node system size information. The required remote task is installed onto the host as part of the NMCC/VAX ETHERnim installation; you must copy it to an account on each remote node. The installed task on a VMS node must be a named object with object type number 0 in the node's DECnet object database. The account that installs the task must have the SETPRV privilege. The account on which the task is installed must have NETMBX and TMPMBX privileges. To install the task onto a remote VMS node, perform the following steps: 1. Copy the following files into the top level directory of the user account on the remote node: ENIM$REMOTE_STARTUP.COM ENIM$REMOTE_MAIN.EXE After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-17 2. Log in to an account on the remote node that has SETPRV privileges. Use SET PROCESS/PRIV=OPER to get OPER privileges for one session. 3. Use NCP to install ENIM$REMOTE as a network object with an object type number 0. 4. Use the NCP command SHOW KNOWN OBJECTS to display a listing and confirm that ENIM$REMOTE was installed as a network object with an object type number 0. An object named ENIM$REMOTE with a number 0 is listed. The following example shows how to install the remote task into account FIXTURE with the password DINNER on the remote node TEST. It is assumed that the account MANAGER has the SETPRV privilege. $ COPY ENIM$REMOTE_STARTUP.COM,ENIM$REMOTE_MAIN.EXE TEST"FIXTURE DINNER":: $ SET HOST TEST Username: MANAGER Password: password $ SET PROCESS/PRIV=OPER $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCP NCP> DEFINE OBJECT ENIM$REMOTE NUMBER 0 FILE ENIM$REMOTE_STARTUP.COM ACCOUNT FIXTURE PASSWORD DINNER NCP> SET OBJECT ENIM$REMOTE ALL NCP> SHOW OBJECT ENIM$REMOTE CHARACTERISTICS . . . NCP> EXIT $ The DEFINE command ensures that the network object is kept in the permanent database; the SET command keeps the object in the volatile database. To confirm the availability of the task on the remote node, use NMCC/VAX ETHERnim to access it. You cannot access a remote node from NMCC/VAX ETHERnim unless it is entered in the NMCC/VAX ETHERnim database files. If the segment and network database files do not already exist, NMCC/VAX ETHERnim issues an informational message indicating that the files were not found and creates them. For more information about adding a node to the database files, refer to the NMCC/VAX ETHERnim User's Guide. After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software From NMCC/VAX ETHERnim on the host, use the Keypad [0] key to select the remote node and then run TEST NODE SYSTEM SIZER command. This command accesses the NMCC/VAX ETHERnim task on the remote node. You are prompted to log into the remote node (the FIXTURE account in the preceding example). The screen display of the information returned from the remote node by the program indicates that the command has succeeded. The task has been successfully loaded in to the remote node and is available to NMCC/VAX ETHERnim. If the attempted access of the remote NMCC/VAX ETHERnim task fails for any reason, the following message appears: Request to open DECnet channel failed LTM Postinstallation Procedures This section discusses postinstallation procedures you must perform to use LTM. LTM Logical Names The LTM$SETUP procedure defines system-wide values for the LTM logical names, which you can use to customize LTM and locate files in different places. The LTM logical names are discussed in the LAN Traffic Monitor User's Guide. For most systems, the default assignments will be adequate. In the case where a single node has multiple Ethernet controller devices, further customization may be necessary. See the LAN Traffic Monitor User's Guide for more information. Installing LTM onto Alternate Load Hosts Using alternate load hosts for each LTM Listener frees the LAN Traffic Monitor from dependence on one particular load host. Any alternate load host can perform a downline load if the original load host is unavailable. Digital Equipment Corporation suggests that you assign a minimum of two load hosts for each LTM Listener unit. As with the original load host, an alternate VMS load host must: o Be running DECnet Phase IV After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-19 o Have an Ethernet controller on the same Ethernet as the LTM Listener unit o Have the distribution software installed o Have LTM Listener entries in its node database When Your Node Is a Load Host If your node is a load host, add the following command to your system startup procedure: $ @SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]LTM$LOAD_CONFIG RESTORE To configure the load host's node database, run the configuration procedure, LTM$LOAD_CONFIG.COM. For more information, see Chapter 5. TSM Postinstallation Procedures This section discusses postinstallation procedures you must perform to use TSM. Setting Up Network Management Listener (NML) for DECnet Database Operations TSM communicates with DECnet-VAX by doing task-to-task communication with the object called Network Management Listener (NML). This image provides services such as gathering and reporting information about network status, zeroing line and node counters, and loading a standalone system image to a remote node. TSM calls upon NML to issue the equivalent of NCP SET NODE and DEFINE NODE commands for terminal server nodes. When you first execute a TSM command that affects the DECnet database, TSM creates an NML process. The NML server process performs DECnet operations on behalf of the process running TSM. This process remains in effect until you exit TSM. For TSM to carry out DECnet database operations (for example, NCP SET and DEFINE operations) on behalf of the TSM user, the TSM process must supply access control information to the NML object. Two ways of accomplishing this are: After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software o Define the logical TSM$NO_PROXY so that TSM prompts for an explicit account with the privilege necessary for DECnet database operations o Use the proxy login mechanism (for security reasons, it is recommended that proxy accounts not be used) First, if you use proxy login accounts, you must enable proxy access for the NML object. The TSM installation procedure does this for the node on which you install TSM. But in a cluster environment, you need to do this on each node in the cluster. This is a one-time-only procedure. $ MCR NCP NCP> DEFINE OBJECT NML PROXY BOTH ALIAS OUTGOING ENABLED NCP> SET OBJECT NML PROXY BOTH ALIAS OUTGOING ENABLED NCP> SHOW OBJECT NML CHARACTERISTICS NCP> EXIT Second, you must ensure that TSM users have proxy access to their own nodes. The proxy account maps the so-called "remote" user to the local user (in this case, the same account name). For example, if a user runs TSM on node XYZZY from the NETMGR account, you add a proxy that maps XYZZY::NETMGR ("remote" user) to NETMGR (local user) with the following commands. $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ MCR AUTHORIZE UAF> ADD/PROXY XYZZY::NETMGR NETMGR/DEFAULT UAF> EXIT In a cluster environment, use the cluster alias. If the network user authorization file NETPROXY.DAT does not already exist, create it by issuing the CREATE/PROXY command immediately before the ADD/PROXY command. As an alternative to using proxy access for DECnet database operations, TSM uses an explicit account name and password to log in to the account as an NML server process. To set up an explicit account name, define the logical name TSM$NO_PROXY in a system startup file. Setting the logical to anything other than 0 or FALSE causes TSM to prompt for an account name (one with privileges for DECnet operations) and for a password (not echoed); for example: After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 4-21 $ DEFINE TSM$NO_PROXY TRUE $ TSM Terminal Server Manager V2.1 Usage is DIRECTORY TSM> SET SERVER PEACH DECNET ADDRESS 13.100 %TSM-I-ENTER_ACCOUNT, Enter username and password for non-proxy DECNET access Username: SYSTEM Password: %TSM-I-NML_STARTUP, TSM is establishing a link to NML - please wait TSM> If you do not define TSM$NO_PROXY or if you define it to be 0 or FALSE, TSM expects the proxy access setup and does not prompt for an account name and password. Propagating Server Information to the DECnet Database If you use TSM to propagate server information to the DECnet database, do not use DSVCONFIG to perform the same function. For more information, see Terminal Server Manager Installation and Use. Verifying That TSM Software Functions Correctly To verify that the TSM software functions correctly on your VMS system, perform the following tasks, both of which use TSM: o Add information about a terminal server to the TSM management directory. o Perform some management functions for that terminal server. To perform these procedures, refer to the material on creating an operating environment and performing TSM management operations in the Terminal Server Manager Installation and Use. If you complete the preceding tasks successfully, the TSM software is operating correctly. You can now begin management operations using TSM on the LAN. If you have any problems, refer to the material on checking for terminal server problems and TSM problems in the Terminal Server Manager Installation and Use. After Installing the DECmcc EMS Software 5 ______________________________________________________________ Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database This chapter explains how to configure a VMS load host's node database to support specific LTM Listener units. You must configure this database before you can downline load an LTM Listener's software image to the LAN Bridge 100 or LAN Bridge 150 unit. Overview of LTM$LOAD_CONFIG The DECmcc EMS installation of LTM placed LTM$LOAD_ CONFIG.COM in the SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] directory for single systems and for VAXcluster member nodes. LTM$LOAD_ CONFIG.COM is an automated, menu-driven procedure you can use to define new LTM Listeners in the load host's node database. You can also use LTM$LOAD_CONFIG to delete and modify database entries for LTM Listeners. Configuring the load host's node database means adding, swapping, or deleting LTM Listener entries in the LTM$LOAD_DB.DAT file. You can also use LTM$LOAD_CONFIG to copy entries from this database to the DECnet load database. You can perform the following tasks using LTM$LOAD_CONFIG: o List LTM Listener units that are currently defined in the load host's node database. o Add an entry for a new LTM Listener unit. Adding an entry supplies information that identifies the LTM Listener unit on the Ethernet and thus establishes this system as a load host for the new unit. o Swap an existing LTM Listener unit for a new one or redefine an existing LTM Listener's DECnet identifiers. Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database 5-1 Swapping retains the DECnet node address of an existing bridge unit, replacing its Ethernet address with the Ethernet address of a new unit. You can also use this option to replace other DECnet identifiers, either for a new LAN Bridge 100 or LAN Bridge 150 unit or for an existing one. o Delete an entry for an existing LTM Listener. Deleting an entry prevents your VMS system from recognizing the LTM Listener. Thus, the VMS system is no longer a load host for that unit. Use this option to delete a database entry when you reconfigure the network or assign a Listener to another load host. o Restore existing units to your DECnet load database. Restoring units copies entries from the load host's node database to the DECnet load database. Use this option when you routinely copy your local DECnet database from a central DECnet database that does not include LTM Listener units. Here is the LTM$LOAD_CONFIG menu with its list of options: LTM Configuration Procedure Menu of Options 1 - List known Listeners 2 - Add a Listener 3 - Swap an existing Listener 4 - Delete an existing Listener 5 - Restore existing Listeners CTRL/Z - Exit from this procedure Your selection? Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database Databases Affected by LTM$LOAD_CONFIG The LTM$LOAD_CONFIG procedure operates on the following databases: o The load host's node database. This database is also the LTM Listener database, sometimes referred to as the downline load database. It contains the information you see when you select option 1, List Known Listeners, from the LTM$LOAD_CONFIG menu. o The operational DECnet load database. o The permanent DECnet load database. When you run LTM$LOAD_CONFIG, LTM Listener information is transferred from the load host's node database to the DECnet database. It is important that these two databases remain synchronized. The LTM$LOAD_CONFIG procedure automatically keeps these databases in synchronization. Even though LTM$LOAD_CONFIG includes several NCP commands, do not execute them yourself in order to configure the load host's node database because NCP affects only the network's DECnet operational database. Other LTM$LOAD_CONFIG Functions Needed for Downline Loading LTM$LOAD_CONFIG also prepares your node as a load host by enabling SERVICE on the service circuit. SERVICE must be enabled before a downline load can occur. Specifying DECnet Characteristics Several DECnet characteristics identify LTM Listener (LAN Bridge 100 or LAN Bridge 150) units. DECnet uses these characteristics for downline loading. For each new unit, you must specify the following characteristics: o DECnet node name o DECnet node address o Ethernet address o Service circuit Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database 5-3 The LAN Bridge 100 or LAN Bridge 150 information that you must specify should be available from the bridge installer or maintainer. Be sure that the Ethernet address is always entered correctly. Note that the LAN Bridge 150 has two Ethernet addresses, one for each port. See the LAN Traffic Monitor Release Notes for information about determining the Ethernet address for LTM use on the LAN Bridge 150. DECnet Node Name Each LAN Bridge 100 or LAN Bridge 150/LTM Listener unit has a unique DECnet node name. This name must have from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters, with at least one letter. For example, LTM2 and GORGON are valid DECnet node names. The network manager assigns DECnet node names. During the LAN Bridge 100 or LAN Bridge 150 hardware installation, the network manager records the DECnet node name for each bridge unit. DECnet Node Address Each LAN Bridge 100 or LAN Bridge 150 unit has a unique DECnet node address. This node address must be a decimal number from 1 to 1023. If your network is divided into areas, each DECnet node address takes the form aa.nnnn, where aa is the node area (a decimal number from 1 to 63) and nnnn is the node address (a decimal number from 1 to 1023). The period delimits the area from the address. For example, 17.1003 is a valid DECnet node address. If you omit the node area, the area of the current load host is used as default. The network manager assigns addresses to a DECnet node. During the hardware installation, the network manager records the DECnet node address for each bridge unit. Ethernet Hardware Address Each LAN Bridge 100 unit is delivered with a unique Ethernet hardware address. Each LAN Bridge 150 unit is delivered with two addresses. Each address is twelve hexadecimal digits in the form nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn. For example, 08-00-01-00-AB-CD is an address with a valid format. Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database The Ethernet address or addresses are on the rear panel of the bridge unit. During the hardware installation, the installer records the Ethernet address for each bridge unit. For the LAN Bridge 150, see the LTM Release Notes for information about determining the bridge hardware address. Service Circuit The load host has a service circuit-ID that corresponds to each Ethernet controller. Table 5-1 shows the service circuit-ID for the different types of Ethernet controllers. Table_5-1__Service_Circuit_IDs_for_Ethernet_Controller_____ Circuit- ID_______Ethernet_Controller_______________________________ UNA-n DEUNA (Digital Ethernet UNIBUS Network Adapter) and DELUA (Digital Ethernet Large-Scale- Integration UNIBUS Adapter) QNA-n DELQA, DEQNA, and DESQA (Digital Ethernet Q-BUS Network Adapter) BNT-n DEBNA and AIE (Built-in Ethernet controller on binary systems; also known as DEBNT) SVA-n____DESVA_____________________________________________ Here, n is an integer (typically, 0). When you run LTM$LOAD_CONFIG to add or swap more than one unit, the procedure asks you to specify the service circuit several times. The first time you are asked, the default is the service circuit for the processor type of your VMS load host. If you respond by specifying a different service circuit, that response becomes the default until you either specify another service circuit or you exit the procedure. Table 5-2 shows the possible values for each CPU type. Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database 5-5 Table_5-2__Service_Circuit_IDs_for_Each_CP_________________ CPU_Type_________Service_Circuit_ID________________________ VAX-11/750 UNA-0 VAX-11/780, 785 UNA-0 VAX 8600, 8650 UNA-0 VAX 6xxx UNA-0 VAX 8250, 8350 BNT-0 VAX 8500, 8700, BNT-0 8800 VAX 8530, 8550 BNT-0 MicroVAX II QNA-0 MicroVAX 3300, QNA-0 3400 MicroVAX 3500, QNA-0 3600 MicroVAX 3800, QNA-0 3900 VAXstation_ SVA-0 3100,3150__________________________________________________ If your CPU supports more than one Ethernet controller, the service circuit-ID number might be something other than zero. See the Software Product Description (SPD) for information on supported processors. Preparing to Run the Configuration Procedure Before you run the configuration procedure, do the following: 1. Check that DECnet Phase IV is running. 2. Check that DECnet NCP is installed. 3. Check that the SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] directory has distribution software installed in it. 4. Ask the hardware installer for the necessary information for each new unit: o DECnet node name o DECnet node address Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database o Ethernet address (see the LTM Release Notes for information about determining the address of the LAN Bridge 150) The preceding information is necessary to answer prompts during LTM$LOAD_CONFIG. You can check the uniqueness of a name or address with the following NCP SHOW NODE command (the MCR NCP command runs NCP): $ MCR NCP NCP> SHOW NODE node-name CHARACTERISTICS or NCP> SHOW NODE node-number CHARACTERISTICS 5. Check that the directory SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] exists for VAXcluster nodes. If not, create this directory now with the command: $ CREATE/DIRECTORY SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]/PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED) LTM$LOAD_CONFIG Conventions and Requirements LTM$LOAD_CONFIG is an interactive procedure that displays a menu of options when started. When you use the Add, Swap, and Delete options from this menu, you are prompted by a series of questions. After each question, the default response, if there is one, is shown in brackets ([ ]). At the end of each question, either a colon (:) or a question mark (?) appears. Use the following conventions when running LTM$LOAD_CONFIG: o To select an option, type a menu number and press RETURN. o To answer a question, type your response immediately after the colon or question mark, then press RETURN. o To respond to a question with the default answer, simply press RETURN. o To get help after any question, type a question mark (?). When you exit the help display, the system returns you to the question. o To exit an option without making any changes, type CTRL- Z. You are returned to the LTM$LOAD_CONFIG Menu. Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database 5-7 o To exit LTM$LOAD_CONFIG at the menu level, type CTRL-Z. You are returned to the DCL prompt. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG has some additional conventions and requirements: o When you finish an option, LTM$LOAD_CONFIG automatically returns you to the LTM$LOAD_CONFIG menu. o At the end of the Add, Delete, and Swap options, you might get NCP messages (information, confirmations, and errors). In the case of error messages, the operation might not have been successful. For the meanings of these messages, see the VMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual. o To run LTM$LOAD_CONFIG on a single system, the distribution software must already be installed on that system. For a VAXcluster node, the distribution software can be installed on any node of the cluster, not necessarily the node where you run the procedure. Running LTM$LOAD_CONFIG To run LTM$LOAD_CONFIG.COM, you need SYSPRV and OPER privileges. To start LTM$LOAD_CONFIG, do the following: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account, or any account with OPER and SYSPRV privileges. 2. Enter the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] $ @LTM$LOAD_CONFIG LTM$LOAD_CONFIG determines whether DECnet is running and whether NCP is installed. If DECnet is down or NCP is missing, LTM$LOAD_CONFIG prints a warning message and waits. If you receive a warning, exit LTM$LOAD_ CONFIG immediately and correct the problem. You must have DECnet running and NCP installed to continue this procedure. If SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] does not contain LTM$LOAD_ DB.DAT, the procedure creates the file and displays this message: Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database The database file LTM$LOAD_DB.DAT could not be found. A new one is being created. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG informs you that each LTM Listener unit must have a unique DECnet node name and DECnet node address. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG then asks whether you want to continue or to exit: Press RETURN to start, or CTRL/Z to exit... 3. Press RETURN if you have the information you need for each LAN Bridge 100 or LAN Bridge 150/LTM Listener unit: o DECnet node name for Add, Swap, and Delete options o DECnet node address for Add option o Ethernet address for Add and Swap options o Service circuit-ID for Add and Swap options LTM$LOAD_CONFIG then displays: LTM Configuration Procedure Menu of Options 1 - List known Listeners 2 - Add a Listener 3 - Swap an existing Listener 4 - Delete an existing Listener 5 - Restore existing Listeners CTRL/Z - Exit from this procedure Your selection? 4. Type the number that corresponds to the option you want and press RETURN. The following subsections discuss these options. Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database 5-9 List Known LTM Listeners (Option 1) Select Option 1 to list the LTM Listener units in the node database. The contents of the LTM$LOAD_DB.DAT file are displayed in a list like the one that appears below: DECnet DECnet Service Address Name Circuit Ethernet Address ------- ------- -------- ----------------- 28.1001 TUNA UNA-0 08-00-2B-02-24-CC 28.1002 SHRIMP UNA-0 08-00-2B-04-AA-2B 28.1003 CONCH UNA-0 08-00-2B-02-24-DD Total of 3 Listeners defined. (Press RETURN for menu) This information makes up the load host's node database for LTM Listener/LAN Bridge 100 or LAN Bridge 150 units, which the load host uses for performing downline loads to LAN Bridge 100 or LAN Bridge 150 units. Add an LTM Listener (Option 2) Select Option 2 to add an entry for a new LTM Listener unit in the node database. To create an entry, you must supply: o A unique DECnet node name for the unit o A unique DECnet node address for the unit o The Ethernet address of the unit o The service circuit To add a unit, follow these steps: 1. Select Option 2. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG asks for the DECnet node name: DECnet node name for unit? 2. Enter the DECnet node name for the new unit and press RETURN. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG asks for the DECnet node address: DECnet node address for unit? 3. Enter the DECnet node address for the new unit and press RETURN. Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database LTM$LOAD_CONFIG asks for the Ethernet address: Ethernet address of unit? 4. Enter the Ethernet address of the new unit and press RETURN. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG asks for the DECnet Service Circuit-ID: DECnet Service Circuit-ID [default-id]? 5. Press RETURN if the service circuit needed to downline load this Listener is the same as the default shown in square brackets in the prompt. If it is not, specify the service circuit of your Ethernet controller type: o UNA-n for DEUNA or DELUA o QNA-n for DELQA, DEQNA, or DESQA o BNT-n for DEBNA or AIE o SVA-n for DESVA Here, n is an integer (typically 0 or 1). See Section 5.2.4 for a discussion of service circuits. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG adds the entry for the new LTM Listener unit to the database and sets SERVICE ENABLED on the circuit supporting the Ethernet controller. Both of these actions are necessary for the load host to downline load the LTM Listener software image to the LAN Bridge 100 or LAN Bridge 150 unit. If you get an error message from DECnet while you are adding an LTM Listener unit, the entry is added to the LTM$LOAD_DB.DAT file (the load host's node database), even though it is not entered in the DECnet database. To correct this synchronization problem, follow these steps: 1. Select Option 4 to delete the entry. 2. Fix the condition causing the DECnet error. 3. Select Option 2 to add the LTM Listener unit again. If you specify a node address that is already defined in the load host's node database, you get a LTM$LOAD_CONFIG error, nothing is added, and the Add option is terminated. Check the DECnet node address of the new unit. Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database 5-11 Swap an Existing LTM Listener (Option 3) Select Option 3 to swap an existing unit with a new one. Swapping is useful if you need to replace a unit that malfunctions. When you replace units, Option 3 retains the DECnet node address of the original unit. Swapping is also helpful for renaming units and changing other DECnet characteristics. Option 3 lets you modify the DECnet characteristics listed in Table 5-3 for both new and existing units. Table_5-3__DECnet_Characteristics_for_LTM_Listener_________ DECnet Characteristic_____Default_________________________________ Listener type LTM DECnet node name The name of the unit you are replacing. Ethernet address There is no default. You must specify the Ethernet address. See the LTM Release Notes for information about determining the Ethernet address of the LAN Bridge 150. DECnet service The service circuit of the unit you are circuit____________replacing.______________________________ To swap an existing unit or to modify any DECnet characteristics, follow these steps: 1. Select Option 3. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG asks for the DECnet node name: What is the DECnet node name of the LTM Listener you want to swap? 2. Enter the DECnet node name of the existing unit that you want to replace or modify and press RETURN. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG displays: LTM Listener at Ethernet address nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn is being modified. 3. Enter the new Ethernet address and any other DECnet characteristics you want to modify and press RETURN. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG asks for the DECnet node name: DECnet node name for unit [default-name]? Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database 4. Press RETURN if you want the replacement unit to have the same DECnet node name as the original one. If you are changing node names, specify the name of the new unit and press RETURN. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG asks for the Ethernet address: Ethernet address of unit? 5. Specify the Ethernet address of the new unit you are adding or of the existing unit you are modifying and press RETURN. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG asks for the DECnet Service Circuit-ID: DECnet Service Circuit-ID [default-id]? 6. Press RETURN if the replacement unit has the same service circuit as the old unit. If the circuits are different, enter the circuit of the new unit and press RETURN. Valid service circuit-IDs are: o UNA-n for DEUNA or DELUA o QNA-n for DELQA, DEQNA, or DESQA o BNT-n for DEBNA or AIE o SVA-n for DESVA Here, n is an integer (typically 0 or 1). See Section 5.2.4 for a discussion of service circuits. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG swaps the DECnet characteristics you just entered with the old ones for the unit with the same DECnet node address (this address cannot be swapped). LTM$LOAD_ CONFIG also sets SERVICE ENABLED on the circuit supporting the Ethernet controller. Delete an Existing LTM Listener (Option 4) Select Option 4 to remove an entry from the database. Deleting an LTM Listener unit is useful if you are reconfiguring the network or changing load hosts for a unit. After you delete an LTM Listener unit from a load host's node database, the system is no longer a load host for that unit. To delete units from the database, follow these steps: 1. Select Option 4. Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database 5-13 LTM$LOAD_CONFIG displays this prompt: Enter the DECnet node name of the LTM Listener entry you want to delete, or press CTRL/Z to return to menu ? 2. Enter the DECnet node name of the unit you want to remove and press RETURN. LTM$LOAD_CONFIG checks that the name you entered is an entry in the load host's node database. Then, it deletes this entry, reports the successful removal, and returns you to the menu. If the entry does not exist, LTM$LOAD_CONFIG informs you, terminates the Delete option, and returns you to the menu. Restore Existing LTM Listeners (Option 5) Select Option 5 to restore your load host's DECnet database to include the LTM Listeners in its node database. The Restore option affects both the operational and permanent DECnet databases. If your DECnet network contains a large number of nodes, you might store your DECnet database on a central, remote node and copy this database upon each system startup. However, if many LAN Traffic Monitors exist on the network, Digital Equipment Corporation advises against defining these units in that central database. If LTM Listeners are not defined in the central database, you must restore them whenever you copy your local DECnet database from the central DECnet database. Each time you copy the central DECnet database, use Option 5 to restore existing LTM Listener configurations. Select Option 5. The following messages confirm the restoration: Restoring existing LTM Listeners to host DECnet database... Host DECnet database successfully restored. Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database Restoring Your Database from the Startup Procedure You can also restore your local DECnet database from your startup procedure, which you can automate. Run LTM$LOAD_ CONFIG with the RESTORE parameter: $ @SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]LTM$LOAD_CONFIG RESTORE Using RESTORE bypasses the menu and lets you include this restoration in your system startup procedures. If you want to restore units to the DECnet database at system startup, edit your system startup file. Include the following statement in the appropriate place: $ @SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]LTM$LOAD_CONFIG RESTORE Note that the order of events is important. Edit your startup procedure so that it follows this sequence: 1. Starts DECnet. 2. Defines all DECnet node names. 3. Restores LTM Listener units with the following command: $ @SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]LTM$LOAD_CONFIG RESTORE For VAXcluster members that are alternate load hosts, you must keep each node database up to date. This is necessary for each member to continue to perform downline loads. Every time you make database changes at one cluster member, follow this procedure: 1. Use LTM$LOAD_CONFIG to make database changes at one VAXcluster member. 2. Issue the following command at each cluster member: $ @SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]LTM$LOAD_CONFIG RESTORE Monitoring Downline Loading DECnet downline loading activity can be monitored through the DECnet event numbers 0.3 and 0.7. Consult your DECnet- VAX documentation for instructions on how to enable the DECnet event logging facility in order to observe these events. Configuring the LTM Load Host's Node Database 5-15 6 ______________________________________________________________ Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc This chapter should be read by all users who have chosen the distributed name Service (DNS) as the DECmcc namespace. The chapter includes the following topics: o DNS Overview o DNS Components and Terminology o Structuring DNS Namespaces o Planning to Set up and Use the DNS with DECmcc o Planning the DNS Directory Hierarchy for DECmcc o Planning and Creating DNS Access Control Groups o Setting Up the DNS Namespace - Creating the DNS Directories Required for DECmcc - Creating the .DNA_Registrar Access Control Group - Creating Additional DNS Directories - Managing the .DNA_Registrar Access Control Group - Creating a Procedure to Register DECnet Phase IV Nodes - Specifying Privileges for Any Additional Access Control Groups o Verifying DECmcc and DNS Interoperability o Troubleshooting the DNS Namespace Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-1 DNS Overview The distributed name service (DNS) is a network-wide service that makes it possible to refer to and use resources without knowing their physical location in the network. If you selected the DNS, the DNS stores the registered names you create for DECmcc global entities. You also supply the entities' network addresses. The names are then available to all DECmcc users on the network. The DNS also stores other relevant information, including the names of child entities, reference data, and a list of the domains of which an entity is a member. Location-independent naming is especially useful in a changing distributed computing environment. As networks grow and resources change location, the information stored with a name might change, but the name itself never needs to change. In addition to location-independent naming, the DNS offers the following features: o Unique network-wide names-All DNS users and applications in the network use the same unique name to access a resource. o Expandability-New names are easily accommodated as the network grows and more applications use DNS. o Simplified management of network entity names-entity names are stored and maintained by DNS, eliminating the need to update and maintain permanent node databases on DECnet systems. o Caching of frequently used information-DNS software caches, or saves, information obtained from previous requests to look up a name. Caching maximizes overall performance and reduces network traffic. o Security-Access to DNS names can be assigned to individuals or to access control groups. o Flexibility-DNS runs on both VMS and ULTRIX systems and works in both LAN and WAN environments. Operation of the name service involves several major components: o DNS servers Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc o Clearinghouses o DNS client applications, such as DECmcc o DNS clerks A system running DNS server software is a DNS server. A server stores and maintains DNS names and handles requests to create, modify, or look up data. When a server is running, it advertises its availability to other nodes on the same LAN. The DNS uses a client-server model; an application, such as DECmcc, that depends on the DNS to store and retrieve information for it is a client of the DNS. DECmcc can manage DNS clerk and server nodes through the DECnet Phase IV and DECnet/OSI access modules. DNS Components and Terminology The DNS client/server model uses clerks and clearinghouses. Clerks are the interfaces between clients and servers, and clearinghouses are the databases that store namespace information. DECmcc and other client applications communicate with DNS servers through a DNS component called the clerk. The clerk receives a request from a client application, sends the request to a server, and returns the resulting information to the client. This process is called a lookup. The clerk is also the interface through which client applications create and modify names. Every DNS server stores names and their attributes in a database file called a clearinghouse. The clearinghouse is where a DNS server adds, modifies, deletes, and retrieves data on behalf of client applications and DNS managers. Usually only one clearinghouse exists on each server. Figure 6-1 shows a sample configuration of DNS clerks and servers on a nine-node LAN. A clerk exists on every node in the network, and DNS servers are running on two selected nodes. Because servers manage clearinghouses, they require more disk space and processing power than clerks. As the figure illustrates, clerks and servers can reside on the same node. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-3 Figure 6-2 shows how a DNS client, clerk, and server typically interact during a simple lookup. The clerk receives the lookup request from the client application (step 1) and checks its cache. Not finding the name there, the clerk contacts the server on Node 2 (step 2). The server finds the name in its clearinghouse and returns the requested information over the network to the clerk, which passes it on to the client application (steps 3 through 6). 6-1 Sample configuration of DNS Clerks and Servers on a LAN +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ | C | | C | |C/S| | C | +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ | | | | o----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----o | | | | | +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ | C | |C/S| | C | | C | | C | +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ Legend: C = clerk, S = server Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-2 How a DNS Client, Clerk and Server Interact Node_1:: +---------------------------------------------------+ | | | User_1 <-----+ | | | | | +=v===================+<~~~~~~~~~~~+ | | User_2 <---> Client Application | | | | +=^===================+[1]-----+ | | | | | | | | User_3 <-----+ | [6] | | +=======+=============V===+ | | ... | cache | DECdns clerk | | | +=======+=============+===+ | | [2] ^ | +----------------------------------------- | | -+ | | | | | | | | Node_2:: | | +----------------------------------------- | | -+ | | [5] | | +=============v===+ | | -------------<----[3]+ DECdns server | | | /_______________\ +=================+ | | | Clearinghouse | ^ | | | | | | | +---------------+[4]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ | | | +---------------------------------------------------+ Legend: [1], [2] and [3] = request path [4], [5] and [6] = response path Structuring DNS Namespaces Namespaces are organized into hierarchically structured directories. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-5 The total collection of names that one or more DNS servers know about, look up, manage, and share is called a namespace. Any number of applications such as DECmcc, Distributed File Services, and the Remote System Manager, can use the same namespace. Planning a namespace involves organizing DNS names into a hierarchical structure of directories. DNS directories are conceptually similar to the directories in an operating system's file system. (This hierarchical structure of DNS directories is separate from the DECmcc entity class hierarchy.) DNS directories are a logical way to group names for DNS-specific management or usage purposes. You only need to create these directories once per namespace. The highest-level directory in the namespace is the root directory, denoted by a period (.). A DNS namespace containing the root directory is created when the DNS software is installed on a server node. A namespace administrator or server manager can then create and name other directories below the root. Any directory that has one or more levels of directories beneath it is considered the parent of the directory immediately below it in the namespace. Any directory that has one or more levels above it is considered a child of the directory immediately above it. A DECmcc global entity's registered name reflects the complete path through your namespace from the root directory to the entity entry in a particular directory. Therefore, all DNS names begin with a dot character (.), which denotes the root directory. For more information about namespace management, refer to the documentation for your DNS software, the Digital Distributed Name Service (DECdns) for DECnet/OSI users, or the VAX Distributed Name Service for users of earlier versions of DECnet. Figure 6-3 shows a simple directory structure based on hierarchically organized geographical names. The root directory (.) is the parent of the directories named West and FarEast. The FarEast directory is the parent of the Tokyo and Nagasaki directories. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc For small networks that do not expect much growth, a minimum number of directory levels is necessary in the namespace. For large networks, multiple directory levels provide greater flexibility in distributing, assigning access to, and managing many names. Distribution of names and distribution of DNS directories to DNS servers help to balance the workload on DNS servers. 6-3 Sample Namespace Directory Hierarchy Root(.) ^ / \ / \ / \ West FarEast ^ / \ / \ / \ Tokyo Nagasaki Planning to Set Up and Use the DNS with DECmcc You should plan your namespace hierarchy and the access control groups that will have privileges to access it before you set up the DNS for use with DECmcc. In order to use the DNS with DECmcc, you must properly set up the DNS namespace for use with DECmcc. The steps you should follow to set up your namespace for DECmcc are as follows: 1. Plan the entity name structure and the corresponding hierarchy of DNS directory names. 2. Plan the access control groups. 3. Install the DNS software (if you have not already done so). 4. Create the access control groups. 5. Specify the privileges that access control groups have in the DNS root directory. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-7 6. Specify who has privileges for adding and deleting members to the access control groups. 7. Create the child directories required by DECmcc and any additional child directories you desire by using the supplied DNS Setup procedure. 8. Optionally, you can now use the DNS Setup procedure to add members to the .DNA_Registrar access control group; or you can add members to this group later, using the DNS Setup procedure. 9. Optionally, you can now use the DNS Setup procedure to create a command procedure to automatically register all your DECnet Phase IV nodes. If you choose not to create the DECnet Phase IV registration that procedure now, you can create it later, using the DNS Setup procedure; or you can later use the DECmcc DECnet Phase IV Autoconfiguration application to automatically find and register DECnet Phase IV nodes in specific areas. 10.Specify the access privileges that access control groups have to the additional directories. 11.Verify DECmcc Interoperability with the DNS. It is important to follow the steps in the order shown. In particular, you should plan the namespace hierarchy and to properly define and establish access control before creating the directories used by DECmcc. It is also important to plan your entity name structure before planning your directory structure and to plan your directory structure before creating the directories where you will register entities. Your directory structure should be consistent with the name structure you want. When you have registered an entity in one directory, you cannot register it in another directory, unless you deregister it from the first. In planning the namespace hierarchy, you should include all the child directories required by the client applications that will be using the DNS. See the next topic for the directories that DECmcc and the DECmcc Autoconfiguration application use by default. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc You should also include in your plan any child directories that you want in your namespace, even though no client application requires them. For example, you might want to create local or site-specific directories. Then, you can create access control groups whose privileges apply only to those directories. Access control groups define the users who have specific access privileges to a directory and the objects in the directory. The access control groups in effect at the time of access to a DNS directory determine what users can perform what operations. The possible privileges are READ, WRITE, DELETE, TEST, and CONTROL. CONTROL is the privilege to change other access privileges. In order to register Node and Node4 entities in a directory, you need CONTROL privilege to the objects in the directory. In addition to creating access control groups and defining access privileges for their members, you can define who has access privileges for adding and deleting members to the groups. The creator of a directory object or an access control group automatically has all privileges to the object or group. Access control defined for a directory is inherited by child directories created subsequently. Therefore, by defining the access control groups for the root directory before creating the DECmcc child directories, you ensure that access privileges for newly created directories are automatically propagated to the access control groups in the way you desire. You do not have to populate your access control groups at the time you create them. Therefore, your planning does not have to include the names of all the individuals in the groups. Subsequent topics in this chapter discuss the steps previously listed for setting up the DNS for DECmcc. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-9 Planning the DNS Directory Hierarchy for DECmcc You should start by planning your DNS directory hierarchy. DECmcc requires a number of directories in the DNS root. You might need to create other directories in the root, also. You must plan your DNS directory hierarchy before you can plan your access control groups. Begin by planning the entity name structure to which the directory hierarchy will correspond. Be sure to include the directories required by DECmcc and any other DNS client application you are running. DECmcc requires that a number of directories be created in the root, in order for DECmcc to find them. The provided DNS Setup procedure creates these directories automatically. You should account for these directories in your planning, in order to define the privileges you want for different access control groups. The directories required by DECmcc are as follows: o .DNA_BackTranslation This directory is used to translate an address to a name. It contains one child directory for each IDP in the network. Each IDP child directory contains one child directory for each local area defined within that IDP. Each local area child directory contains one soft link for each node defined in that local area. The soft link for each node is created when you register the node. o .DNA_NodeSynonym This directory holds soft links used to translate a DECnet Phase IV node synonym to a DECmcc registered name. It contains a soft link for each node that has a DECnet Phase IV node synonym. Synonym soft links for nodes are created when you register the nodes. o .DTSS_GlobalTimeServers This is used by DECdts to hold the names and network locations of global time servers. DECmcc does not use this directory, but it is needed by other software. o .DNA_Node Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc The command procedure created by function 2 on the DNS Setup menu, the DECnet Phase IV Autoconfiguration application, and other tools register DECnet Phase IV nodes in this directory by default. If you edit a tool to register Phase IV entities in a different directory, the directories must exist before you use the tool. o .MCC This directory holds objects containing information about the various installed DECmcc directors known to this namespace. o .MCC_global-entity-class-name_BackTranslation These directories contain soft links for every instance of the specified global entity registered by DECmcc. The DNS Setup procedure automatically sets up the following directories: - .MCC_Bridge_BackTranslation - .MCC_Concentrator_BackTranslation - .MCC_Sample_BackTranslation - .MCC_SNMP_BackTranslation - .MCC_Station_BackTranslation - .MCC_Terminal_Server_BackTranslation Some option packages require that you create a class- specific backtranslation directory in the root. The directory names have the form: .MCC_global-entity-class-name_BackTranslation The variable global-entity-class-name is the ASCII string for the registered name of a global entity class. See each package's Use manual or release notes for its DNS requirements and for the name of its global entity class(es). The DNS Setup procedure automatically creates .DNA_ BackTranslation child directories for all the possible areas in a DECnet Phase IV network. To support the translation of DECnet Phase IV addresses to addresses usable by systems running DECnet/OSI V5.0 or later, the names of these directories have the form: Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-11 o .DNA_BackTranslation.IDP (where IDP is a string representing each Initial Domain Part as a hex number, for example, %X49; refer to "You Must Obtain Your Network Address Initial Domain Part" in Chapter 1.) o .DNA_BackTranslation.IDP.area (where area is a string representing each area in your DECnet network as a four- digit hex number with leading zeros, for example, area 15 is .%X000F). Function 4 on the DNS Setup procedure menu allows you to create additional backtranslation directories for new areas you add to your network. Function 3 of the DNS Setup procedure allows you to create other directories, as you wish. If you plan to register SNMP entities, you should create a child directory specifically for them. You should also create a child directory for Domains, if you will be using the Iconic Map interface. If you plan to use the DECmcc Autoconfiguration applications to automatically register entities and add them to Iconic Map domains, the directories in the DNS root for Domains, DECnet Phase IV nodes, and SNMP hosts must match the directory paths specified in the Autoconfiguration prefix file. That file specifies the following directories by default: .DOMAIN, for Iconic Map domains, .DNA_Node, for DECnet Phase IV Autoconfiguration, and .IP, for IP Autoconfiguration. You can edit the prefix file if you wish to use other directories. See Autoconfiguration and Autotopology Use for further information. Planning and Creating DNS Access Control Groups Before creating your DNS directories, plan your access control groups. You can populate these groups later. Create access control groups for the root directory before you create child directories in the root. You should plan and create your access control groups before creating your DNS directories. When child directories are created, they inherit the access privileges already assigned to access control groups for the parent directory. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc For example, if you give access control group MCC_ MANAGERS TEST privileges to the root directory, that group automatically acquires TEST privileges to child directories subsequently created in the root. However, that group does not automatically acquire TEST privileges to child directories already existing in the root. If you want MCC_MANAGERS to have TEST privileges to already existing child directories, you have to assign them that privilege manually. Therefore, it is more efficient and reliable to plan and create the access control groups before the child directories. When you create the access control groups, they are empty. You can add and delete members from them at any time. Access groups can be members of other access groups; so you can add and delete members by groups. The DNS Setup procedure automatically creates an access control group named .DNA_REGISTRAR. Members of this group have READ, WRITE, DELETE, TEST, and CONTROL access to all DNS directories and objects in the directories. You can use this access control group for people who control the namespace. You might want to define other access control groups. These groups can have all privileges to DNS directories and objects, groups that have only READ access to the root directory but all access to local or site directories, or only READ and WRITE access to local or site directories, etc. Access control groups for ordinary DECmcc users must have READ, WRITE, DELETE, TEST, and CONTROL access to the objects in the DECmcc directories, but not necessarily to the directories. You use the DECmcc DNS Setup procedure to add and delete members to the .DNA_REGISTRAR access control group. You must use the DNS$CONTROL utility to create and manage other access control groups. The commands for creating and managing access control groups in the root directory are as follows. The keyword DEFAULT in the /FLAGS qualifier specifies that the privileges apply to the objects subsequently created in the directories, but not to the directories themselves. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-13 To execute these commands, you must have WRITE and CONTROL privileges to objects in the DNS root. The creator of the DNS namespace has all privileges to the DNS root and its objects. That person assigns privileges to others. For more information on DNS$CONTROL, refer to the documentation for your DNS software. 1. This command invokes DNS$CONTROL: $ MCR DNS$CONTROL 2. This command creates the access control group .GLOBAL_ ALL: DNS> CREATE GROUP .GLOBAL_ALL 3. This command gives members of the .GLOBAL_ALL access control group all access privileges to the objects subsequently created in the root directory and in all the child directories subsequently created in the root directory: DNS> ADD ACCESS .GLOBAL_ALL DIRECTORY . /FLAGS=(GROUP,DEFAULT) - /RIGHT = (R,W,T,C,D) 4. This command gives members of the .GLOBAL_ALL access control group all access privileges to the root directory and all the child directories subsequently created in it, but not to the objects in the directories: DNS> ADD ACCESS .GLOBAL_ALL DIRECTORY . /FLAGS=(GROUP) - /RIGHT=(R,W,T,C,D) 5. This command gives members of the .GLOBAL_ALL access control group all access privileges to the group itself: DNS> ADD ACCESS .GLOBAL_ALL GROUP .GLOBAL_ALL /FLAGS=(GROUP) - /RIGHT=(R,W,T,C,D) 6. This command gives an individual user all access privileges to the .GLOBAL_ALL group: DNS> ADD ACCESS PARIS::MARY GROUP .GLOBAL_ALL /RIGHT=(R,W,T,C,D) 7. This command adds an individual to the .GLOBAL_ALL group: DNS> ADD MEMBER PARIS::SMITH GROUP .GLOBAL_ALL /FLAGS=(GROUP) Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 8. This command adds the members of access control group MCC_OPS to .GLOBAL_ALL: DNS> ADD MEMBER MCC_OPS GROUP .GLOBAL_ALL /FLAGS=(GROUP) Setting Up the DNS Namespace If you selected the DNS namespace, DECmcc assists you in setting it up by providing a command procedure to partially automate the process. To use the DNS namespace, the DNS clerk and server must be running when DECmcc is running. The server, containing the appropriate clearinghouse, must be accessible. To verify that DNS software is installed and operational, look for the DNS$ADVER process on the client and the DNS$TA and DNS$BACK processes on the server. If these processes are not running, refer to your DNS installation documentation. The following steps describe how to configure the namespace for DECmcc, using the provided DNS Setup command procedure. o Enter the following command on the DNS server node: $ @MCC_SYSTEM:MCC_DNS_SETUP DECmcc namespace setup procedure Type a question mark (?) at any prompt to obtain help Press "CTRL/Z" at any prompt to exit from a function This command procedure sets up default directories for DECmcc, creates a directory for each global entity class for which DIGITAL provides an access module, and sets up DECnet/OSI-compatible .DNA_BackTranslation child directories for all the possible areas in a DECnet Phase IV network. The procedure also creates an access control group named .DNA_Registrar, which you can use to list those who have READ, WRITE, DELETE, TEST, and CONTROL access to all DNS directories and objects in the directories. The procedure sets WORLD READ and TEST access and WORLD READ and TEST default access privileges to the .MCC_ global-entity-class-name_BackTranslation directories it creates. For all other directories it creates, the procedure sets WORLD READ and TEST access and default access privileges. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-15 o The procedure prompts you for the name of the namespace to use. If you do not supply a name, the procedure uses the default established when the DNS software was installed. * Namespace to use (DEF=[DNS_default]): corp_ns The "corp_ns:" namespace will be used Creating the DNS Directories Required for DECmcc DECmcc requires a number of directories in the DNS root directory. The DNS Setup procedure will create the required directories for you. The DNS Setup procedure informs you that the default namespace has not been set up with the required DECmcc directories: o .DNA_BackTranslation o .DNA_Node o .DNA_NodeSynonym o .DTSS_GlobalTimeServers o .MCC o .MCC_Bridge_BackTranslation o .MCC_Concentrator_BackTranslation o .MCC_Sample_BackTranslation o .MCC_SNMP_BackTranslation o .MCC_Station_BackTranslation o .MCC_Terminal_Server_BackTranslation The DNS Setup procedure asks if you want to create these directories. You should choose to create them the first time you run the DNS Setup procedure. After creating the .DNA_BackTranslation directory, the procedure creates the following DECnet/OSI-compatible child directories in it: o .DNA_BackTranslation.IDP (where IDP is a string representing each Initial Domain Part as a hex number, for example, %X49). Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc o .DNA_BackTranslation.IDP.area (where area is a string representing each area in a DECnet Phase IV network as a four-digit hex number with leading zeros, for example, area 15 is .%X000F). The following example illustrates this step. Warning - the corp_ns: namespace has not yet been properly set up The following directories do not exist: corp_NS:.DNA_BackTranslation corp_NS:.DNA_NodeSynonym corp_NS:.DNA_Node corp_NS:.DTSS_GlobalTimeServers corp_NS:.MCC corp_NS:.MCC_Bridge_BackTranslation corp_NS:.MCC_Concentrator_BackTranslation corp_NS:.MCC_Sample_BackTranslation corp_NS:.MCC_SNMP_BackTranslation corp_NS:.MCC_Station_BackTranslation corp_NS:.MCC_Terminal_Server_BackTranslation * Initialize the namespace directories now (Y/N, DEF=Yes): Create the initial namespace directories Press CTRL-Z at any question to cancel the initialization Creating the .DNA_Registrar Access Control Group The DNS Setup procedure sets the proper access control for the created directories. It also creates an access control group named .DNA_Registrar. The procedure prompts you to supply the names of the clearinghouses for the master and READ-ONLY replicas. For the master replica, the procedure uses the default established when the DNS software was installed. The clearinghouse for the READ-ONLY replica is optional. The procedure first creates an access control group named .DNA_Registrar that you can use to list those users who have READ, WRITE, DELETE, TEST, and CONTROL access to all DNS directories and objects in the directories. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-17 The following example illustrates this step. * Clearinghouse for master replica (DEF=[DNS_default]): corp_ch * Clearinghouse for read-only replica (DEF=[none]): The DNS directories and group will now be created. This might take up to 33 minutes or more, depending on the speed of the DNS server system, and the amount of traffic on the network. Creating the ."DNA_Registrar" group Setting READ,WRITE,DELETE,TEST,CONTROL access for corp_ns:.DNA_Registrar Setting READ,TEST access for WORLD (corp_ns:.*...) Creating the corp_ns:."DNA_BackTranslation" directory (in clearinghouse corp_ns:corp_ch) Setting READ,WRITE,DELETE,TEST,CONTROL access for corp_ns:.DNA_Registrar Setting READ,WRITE,DELETE,TEST,CONTROL default access for corp_ns:.DNA_Registrar Setting READ,TEST access for WORLD (corp_ns:.*...) Setting READ,TEST default access for WORLD (corp_ns:.*...) Creating the corp_ns:."DNA_BackTranslation".%X49 directory (in clearinghouse corp_ns:corp_ch) Setting READ,WRITE,DELETE,TEST,CONTROL access for corp_ns:.DNA_Registrar Setting READ,WRITE,DELETE,TEST,CONTROL default access for corp_ns:.DNA_Registrar Setting READ,TEST access for WORLD (corp_ns:.*...) Setting READ,TEST default access for WORLD (corp_ns:.*...) Creating the ."DNA_BackTranslation".%X49.%X0001 directory (in clearinghouse corp_ch) . . . Creating the corp_ns:."MCC_Station_BackTranslation" directory (in clearinghouse corp_ns:corp_ch) Setting READ,WRITE,DELETE,TEST,CONTROL access for corp_ns:.DNA_Registrar Setting READ,WRITE,DELETE,TEST,CONTROL default access for corp_ns:.DNA_Registrar Setting READ,WRITE,TEST access for WORLD (corp_ns:.*...) Setting READ,TEST default access for WORLD (corp_ns:.*...) DNS namespace setup is complete * Press RETURN to continue The following were created: Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc Group: corp_ns:.DNA_Registrar Directory: corp_ns:.DNA_BackTranslation . . . * Press RETURN to continue Creating Additional DNS Directories Use the DNS Setup procedure to create additional directories, if you need them. In particular, access modules you purchase in addition to those supplied with DECmcc might require special directories. Function 3 on the DNS Setup procedure menu allows you to create additional directories in the DNS root directory. Some option packages require that you create a class- specific backtranslation directory in the root directory. The directory names have the form: .MCC_global-entity-class-name_BackTranslation where global-entity-class-name is the registered name of a global entity class. Refer to each option package's Use manual(s) or release notes for its DNS requirements and for the name of its global entity class(es). The DNS Setup procedure prompts you to supply names of the clearinghouses for the master and READ-ONLY replicas. For the master replica, the procedure uses the default you specified earlier. The clearinghouse for the READ-ONLY replica is optional. You should use the DNS Startup procedure to create all your DNS directories. The procedure automatically sets WORLD READ and TEST access and WORLD READ and TEST default access privileges to the .MCC_global-entity-class-name_ BackTranslation directories it creates. If you intend to register SNMP entities, be sure to create a directory in the DNS root directory for them. If you intend to use the Iconic Map interface, create a directory in the root for Domains. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-19 Function 4 on the DNS Setup procedure menu allows you to create additional back translation directories for new areas you add to your network, and Function 8 allows you to delete directories from the namespace. The following example illustrates this step. Choose one of the following functions by specifying its function number, or request help by typing HELP or a question mark (?) 0. Exit 1. Create the initial namespace directories 2. Create a command file to help register existing Phase IV nodes 3. Create additional directories in the name space 4. Create back translation directories for new network IDPs and areas 5. Add members to the access control group 6. Remove members from the access control group 7. Show members of the access control group 8. Delete directories in the name space * Function to execute: 3 Create additional directories for node names Press CTRL-Z when done * Directory name: .paris * Clearinghouse for master replica (Def=corp_ch): * Clearinghouse for read-only replica (Def=[none]): Creating the corp_ns:."paris" directory (in clearinghouse corp_ns:corp_ch) Setting READ,WRITE,DELETE,TEST,CONTROL access for corp_ns:.DNA_Registrar Setting READ,WRITE,DELETE,TEST,CONTROL default access for corp_ns:.DNA_Registrar Setting READ,TEST access for WORLD (corp_ns:.*...) Setting READ,TEST default access for WORLD (corp_ns:.*...) * Directory name: Use Ctrl/Z to exit. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc Managing the .DNA_Registrar Access Control Group You can use the DNS Setup procedure to add, delete, and display members of the .DNA_Registrar access control group. Functions 5, 6, and 7 on the DNS Setup procedure menu allow you to manage the .DNA_Registrar access control group. Members of that group will be able to have READ, WRITE, DELETE, TEST, and CONTROL access to all DNS directories and objects in the directories. Use function 7 to show any users who are already in the .DNA_Registrar access control group. Use function 5 if you want to add members to the group. The setup procedure prompts you to specify the member to be added. Supply a user name in the form node::user, where node is a DECnet Phase IV or later node name. Function 6 on the DNS Setup procedure menu deletes members from the group. The following example illustrates these steps. Choose one of the following functions by specifying its function number, or request help by typing HELP or a question mark (?) . . . 5. Add members to the access control group 6. Remove members from the access control group 7. Show members of the access control group * Function to execute: 7 Show members of the access control group Group name ."DNA_Registrar" No information * Press RETURN to continue Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-21 Choose one of the following functions by specifying its function number, or request help by typing HELP or a question mark (?) . . . 5. Add members to the access control group 6. Remove members from the access control group 7. Show members of the access control group * Function to execute: 5 Add members to the access control group Specify the members to be added, one at a time Press CTRL-Z when finished * Member: paris::system Adding member corp_ns:.DNS$IV.paris.system to ."DNA_Registrar" * Member: . . . * Function to execute: 7 Show members of the access control group Group name ."DNA_Registrar" Member ____ corp_NS:.dns$iv.paris.system * Press RETURN to continue Creating a Procedure to Register DECnet Phase IV Nodes The DNS Setup procedure can create a command procedure for automatically registering DECnet Phase IV nodes with DECmcc. The DECnet Phase IV Autoconfiguration Application also automatically registers DECnet Phase IV nodes. To create the registration procedure, select function 2 from the menu. The DNS Setup procedure prompts you to supply a name for the file. The DNS Setup procedure creates the file you named and one secondary command procedure for each area in the network. The secondary procedures have the same name as the main registration procedure with "_nn" appended. "nn" is the number of the area. For example: Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc PHASE4_REGISTRATION.COM_09 Each file created is placed in the MCC_COMMON: directory by default. The primary and secondary registration procedures place the nodes they register in the .DNA_Node directory. The registered name of each node reflects the full DNS directory hierarchy of the node starting from the root. Unless you edit the secondary procedures, the registered name of each node will have the form: root_NS:.DNA_NODE.node4 If you want a different child directory hierarchy in the registered name, you can edit the secondary procedures to replace .DNA_NODE with any child directory path you wish. The child directories you choose must exist before you execute the procedures. You can also use the DECnet Phase IV Autoconfiguration application to automatically register DECnet Phase IV nodes. The DNS Setup procedure and the Autoconfiguration application use different methods for finding nodes to register. The DNS Setup procedure registers all the DECnet Phase IV nodes known to the local node's database. The Autoconfiguration application registers all the DECnet Phase IV nodes in an area you specify, using the connectivity information known to the area routers. DECmcc also provides the IP Autoconfiguration application for registering SNMP entities. See Autoconfiguration and Autotopology Use for further information on the Autoconfiguration applications. You should use one of the supplied automated methods when registering multiple entities. ________________________ Note ________________________ Before using any method for automatically registering entities, ensure that DECmcc and DNS are properly set up to work together. See "Verifying DECmcc and DNS Interoperability" later in this chapter. ______________________________________________________ Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-23 The following example illustrates this step. If this is the first time you have set up the namespace directories, you should use MCC_DNS_SETUP to: - Create a command file to automatically register previously defined Phase IV nodes, and then execute that command file. . . . * Press RETURN to continue Choose one of the following functions by specifying its function number, or request help by typing HELP or a question mark (?) 0. Exit 1. Create the initial namespace directories 2. Create a command file to help register existing Phase IV nodes 3. Create additional directories in the name space 4. Create back translation directories for new network IDPs and areas 5. Add members to the access control group 6. Remove members from the access control group 7. Show members of the access control group * Function to execute: 2 Create a command file to help register existing Phase IV nodes Press CTRL-Z at any question to cancel the function * Name of file to create: mcc_dns_node_registration.com Creating the Phase IV node registration command file. The ".DNA_Node" directory will be used for all node registrations. The information used to create this command file will be read from the Phase IV permanent data file: SYS$SYSTEM:NETNODE_REMOTE.DAT This data file contains definitions for all Phase IV nodes that were entered using the "NCP DEFINE NODE" command. Working ... The resulting files have been named: Primary command file to execute: SYS$COMMON:[MCC]MCC_DNS_NODE_REGISTRATION.COM Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc Secondary command files, one for each network area "nn" SYS$COMMON:[MCC]MCC_DNS_NODE_REGISTRATION.COM_nn * Press RETURN to continue Specifying Privileges for Any Additional Access Control Groups If you created any additional access control groups, use the DNS$CONTROL utility to specify the privileges those groups will have. After you have created your DNS directory hierarchy, you should use the DNS$CONTROL utility to assign access privileges to any additional access control groups you created earlier. When you give a group privileges in a directory, the group automatically acquires the same privileges in any child directory subsequently created. The group does not automatically acquire privileges in child directories that already exist. The following example illustrates commands for invoking DNS$CONTROL and defining an access control group's privileges in a directory, the privileges later child directories will inherit. The keyword DEFAULT in the /FLAGS qualifier specifies that the privileges apply to the objects subsequently created in the directories, but not to the directories themselves. 1. This command invokes DNS$CONTROL: $ MCR DNS$CONTROL 2. This command gives the .MCC_OPS access control group all privileges to the objects subsequently created in the .MCC child directory and in all its subsequently created child directories: DNS> ADD ACCESS .MCC_OPS DIR .MCC /FLAGS = (GROUP,DEFAULT) - /RIGHT=(R,W,T,C,D) 3. This command gives the .MCC_OPS access control group all access privileges to the .MCC child directory and all the child directories subsequently created in it, but not to the objects in the directories: DNS> ADD ACCESS .MCC_OPS DIR .MCC /FLAG = (GROUP) /RIGHT=(R,W,T,C,D) Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-25 4. This command gives the .MCC_OPS access control group all access privileges to the object .dna_node.paris in the current directory: DNS> ADD ACCESS .MCC_OPS OBJECT .DNA_NODE.PARIS /FLAG = (GROUP) - /RIGHT=(R,W,T,C,D) Verifying DECmcc and DNS Interoperability When you have finished setting up the DNS namespace, you should verify that DECmcc and DNS are properly configured to work together. Do this before you do anything else with DECmcc. When you have finished setting up the DNS namespace, the first thing you should do is to invoke DECmcc and attempt to register a network addressable entity using the Forms and Command Line (FCL) interface. Successful registration will tell you that DECmcc and DNS are communicating properly. Unsuccessful registration can be due to the absence of a required DNS directory or to a failure to communicate with the DNS server. An error message will indicate which. If a directory is missing, run the DNS Setup procedure again. Failure to communicate with the DNS server can occur for a variety of reasons. Refer to Section 6.9 for a list of some of the more common reasons. Since the problem might be temporary, you should try to register the entity again, before looking for the reason. The following example assumes that your local node is Node4 Paris. The OPERATION = PLAN argument specifies that the DECmcc Register directive only places the name .Paris in the DNS namespace. o Invoke DECmcc. The FCL interface is the default. $ MANAGE/ENTERPRISE MCC> Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc o Register your local node, for example, Node4 Paris. MCC> REGISTER NODE4 .PARIS OPERATION = PLAN NODE4 PARIS AT 3-MAR-1995 Registration successful MCC> Troubleshooting the DNS Namespace Problems running DECmcc can occur if the DNS namespace is not properly set up or if you cannot communicate with the DNS server. o You can use the following DNS$CONTROL command to determine that the required DNS directories exist: $ MCR DNS$CONTROL SHOW DIR . KNOWN CHILD DECmcc requires the following child directories in the DNS root: - .DNA_BackTranslation - .DNA_Node - .DNA_NodeSynonym - .DTSS_GlobalTimeServers - .MCC - .MCC_Bridge_BackTranslation - .MCC_Concentrator_BackTranslation - .MCC_Sample_BackTranslation - .MCC_SNMP_BackTranslation - .MCC_Station_BackTranslation - .MCC_Terminal_Server_BackTranslation An access module you add might require a directory of the following form in the root: .MCC_[global_entity_class_name]_BackTranslation If a directory is missing, run the DNS Setup procedure again. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc 6-27 o The MCC_SYSTEM:MCC_DNS_SETUP.COM procedure creates child directories for the .DNA_BackTranslation directory. Use the following DNS$CONTROL command to ensure that child directories exist for the IDP that you are using: $ MCR DNS$CONTROL SHOW DIR .DNA_BACKTRANSLATION KNOWN CHILD o DECmcc must be able to communicate with the DNS server. If not, you receive an error message. lists some of the more common reasons for failure to communicate with the server. Since the problem might be temporary, you should retry the directive that failed before looking for the reason. If any of the following problems occurs when the DNS server is your local system, see your system manager. If the DNS server is a remote system, see the DNS manager. - The DNS server has not been started. - The link to the DNS server went down. - No more links are available to the DNS server. - No more processes are available on the DNS server. - The requester does not have the correct DNS access privileges. - The DNS process on the server had a low priority, causing a timeout of the link. - There is a problem with the DNS server system. Using the Distributed Name Service with DECmcc A ______________________________________________________________ Required Quotas and Parameter This appendix lists the process quotas and SYSGEN parameters required for installing DECmcc when you have the VMS layered products required for various DECmcc options on your system. The tables in this appendix give required process quotas and SYSGEN parameters for installing DECmcc, if you have any of the following VMS layered products that are required for using DECmcc installation options: o VAX Distributed Name Service (DNS) V1.1 or higher o VAX/Rdb (RDB) VMS Runtime V4.1 or higher must be isntalled on the target system to which data is exported using the Export FM. o CDD/Plus (CDD) V4.2A or higher o DATATRIEVE (DTR) V6.0 or higher o DECgraph (GRPH) V1.5 or higher o DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS (formerly UCX) V3.1 or higher o DECwindows Motif V1.1 for VMS V5.5-2 and DECwindows Motif V1.2 for VMS V6.1 The tables show the quotas and parameters for installing the DECmcc Basic Management System (BMS). The BMS values are greater than, or equal to, the values you need for other DECmcc kits. In the following tables, the recommended values assume your system has all these layered products. Except where noted, the recommended value is not a total of the values for each product but is a large enough value for any of the products. Required Quotas and Parameter A-1 Table A-1 lists the process quotas for the products. Table_A-1__Product_Process_Quotas__________________________ Quotas___DNS____BMS____Rdb____CDD____DTR____Recommended____ Fillm 30 200 150 60 30 200 Bytlm 20000 65000 20480 25000 BIOlm 100 18 100 DIOlm 100 18 100 ASTlm 200 24 200 WSquo 4096 4096 TQElm 300 300 WSextent 16000 16000 Enqlm 2000 2000 2000 600 2000 Pgflquo_________150000_20000__40000_________150000_________ Table A-2 lists the required SYSGEN parameters for the products. Table_A-2__Product_SYSGEN_Parameter________________________ Parameters__DNS_BMS_Rdb___CDD_DTR_GRPHUCX_Recommened_______ CHANNELCNT 512 512[1] CLISYMTBL 250 250 250 250 250 GBLPAGES[2] 334 76181396 2120843 100 196014371[4] GBLSECTIONS[12 55 80 106 6 5 27 290[5] [1]Minimum:_the_actual_value_must_be_greater_than_the______ largest Fillm on system. [2]The value must be equal to, or greater than, the total of the values for each product. [4]This value also includes 220 GBLPAGES for TCP/IP DA, and 1292 GBLPAGES for TSAM. These global pages are used by EMS only. If you have a number of other images installed, you might want to increase this value. [5] This value also includes 2 GBLSECTIONS for TCP/IP DA, and 3 GBLSECTIONS for TSAM. (continued on next page) Required Quotas and Parameter Table_A-2_(Cont.)__Product_SYSGEN_Parameter________________ Parameters__DNS_BMS_Rdb___CDD_DTR_GRPHUCX_Recommened_______ LOCKIDTBL_ 20482048 2048 2048 MAX PROCSECTCNT 200 64 64 REHASHTBL 512 512 512 512 SRPCOUNT 20481024 1024 1024 SRPCOUNTV 2048 2048 2048 VIRTUALPAGECNT 2000 40000[3] MAXBUF 12001200 1200 PAGEDYN 1000441000448 1000448 NPAGEDYN 900096900096 900096 GBLPAGFIL 12200 12200 12200 CTLPAGES 32 32 32 [3]Minimum:_the_actual_value_must_be_greater_than_the______ largest Pgflquota on the system. ___________________________________________________________ After installing DECmcc, you may want to retune your system parameters. Refer to Section 4.4 for more information. Required Quotas and Parameter A-3 B ______________________________________________________________ Time Differential Factors (TDFs) This appendix lists TDF's by region. Within each region, specific areas are listed alphabetically. Most areas have two TDFs. The "UTC Offset" column lists the TDFs for "Standard" or winter time. For example, a TDF of -5:00 specifies US Eastern Standard Time. When an area has only one TDF, it is listed in the "UTC Offset column. The "Summer Time" column lists the TDFs for "Daylight" or summer time and when to change back to Standard or winter time. The values shown are in the time from which the change is made: the values in "Change to Summer Time" column are in Standard or winter time; the values in the "Change Back to UTC" column are in Daylight or summer time. For example, you change to US Eastern Daylight time at 2:00 a.m. US Eastern Standard Time; and you change back to US Eastern Standard Time at 2:00 a.m. US Eastern Daylight time. Table B-1 lists Europe TDFs. Table B-2 lists North American TDFs. Table B-3 lists Central and South American TDFs. Table B-4 lists Africa TDFs. Table B-5 lists Asia TDFs. Table B-6 lists South Pacific TDFs. Table B-7 lists Antarctica TDFs. Time Differential Factors (TDFs) B-1 Table_B-1__Region:_Europe__________________________________ UTC Summer Change to Change Back to Zone_________Offset_Time___Summer_Time_____UTC_____________ Eastern +2:00 +3:00 3:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. Europe last Sunday in last Sunday March. in September. Great +0:00 +1:00 1:00 a.m. 1:00 a.m. Britain/Eire last Sunday in last Sunday March. in October. Iceland +0:00 Middle +1:00 +2:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. Europe last Sunday in last Sunday March. in September. Poland +1:00 +1:00 1:00 a.m. 1:00 a.m. last Sunday in last Sunday March. in September. Turkey +3:00 +4:00 1:00 a.m. 1:00 a.m. last Sunday in last Sunday March. in September. Western +0:00 +1:00 1:00 a.m. 1.00 a.m. Europe last Sunday in last Sunday ___________________________March.__________in_September.___ Table_B-2__Region:_North_America___________________________ UTC SummerChange to Change Back to Zone___________OffsetTime__Summer_Time_____UTC_____________ Canada/Atlantic- - 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. 4:00 3:00 first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. Canada/Central - - 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. 6:00 5:00 first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. Canada/Eastern - - 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. 5:00 4:00 first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. (continued on next page) Time Differential Factors (TDFs) Table_B-2_(Cont.)__Region:_North_America___________________ UTC SummerChange to Change Back to Zone___________OffsetTime__Summer_Time_____UTC_____________ Canada/East -6:00 Saskatchewan Canada/Mountain-7:00 -6:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. Canada/Newfoundland 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. -3:30 -2:30 first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. Canada/Pacific -8:00 -7:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. Canada/Yukon -9:00 -8:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. USA/Alaska -9:00 -8:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. USA/Aleutian -10:00 -9:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. USA/Arizona -7:00 USA/Central -6:00 -5:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. USA/Eastern -5:00 -4:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. USA/East -5:00 Indiana USA/Hawaii -10:00 (continued on next page) Time Differential Factors (TDFs) B-3 Table_B-2_(Cont.)__Region:_North_America___________________ UTC SummerChange to Change Back to Zone___________OffsetTime__Summer_Time_____UTC_____________ USA/Michigan -5:00 -4:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. USA/Mountain -7:00 -6:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. USA/Navajo -7:00 -6:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. USA/Pacific -8:00 -7:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. USA/Pacific -8:00 -7:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. [1] first Sunday second Sunday in April. n November. USA/Samoa -11:00 [1]Presidential_election_years.____________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Table_B-3__Region:_Central_and_South_America_______________ UTC Summer Change to Change Back to Zone_________Offset_Time___Summer_Time_____UTC_____________ Brazil/Acre -5:00 -4:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. second fourth Saturday in Saturday in February. October. Brazil/DeNoro-2:00 -1:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. second fourth Saturday in Saturday in February. October. (continued on next page) Time Differential Factors (TDFs) Table_B-3_(Cont.)__Region:_Central_and_South_America_______ UTC Summer Change to Change Back to Zone_________Offset_Time___Summer_Time_____UTC_____________ Brazil/East -3:00 -2:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. second fourth Saturday in Saturday in February. October. Brazil/West -4:00 -3:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. second fourth Saturday in Saturday in February. October. Chile/Easter -6:00 -5:00 12:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. second Island second Sunday Sunday in March. in October. Chile/Regiona-4:00 -3:00 12:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. second second Sunday Sunday in March. in October. Cuba -5:00 -4:00 12:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. second Sunday second Sunday in May. in October. Jamaica -5:00 -4:00 12:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. Mexico/BajaNo -8:00 -4:00 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. first Sunday last Sunday in April. in October. Mexico/BajaSu+2:00 Mexico/Genera-6:00_________________________________________ Time Differential Factors (TDFs) B-5 Table_B-4__Region:_Africa__________________________________ UTC Summer Change to Change Back to Zone_________Offset_Time___Summer_Time_____UTC_____________ Egypt[1] +2:00 +3:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. 303rd 152nd day in day in the year. the year. Libia[1] +2:00 +3:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. 303rd 121st day in day in the year. the year. [1]Days_are_specified_as_Julian_day_n_(1_<_n_<_365)________ skipping February 29 ___________________________________________________________ Table_B-5__Region:_Asia____________________________________ UTC Summer Change to Change Back to Zone_________Offset_Time___Summer_Time_____UTC_____________ Hong Kong +8:00 Iran +3:30 +4:30 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. last Sunday in third Sunday March. in September. Israel +3:00 +4:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. fourth third Sunday Saturday in in April. August. Japan +9:00 PRC +8:00 +9:00 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. second Sunday second Sunday in April. in September. Singapore +8:00 ROC +8:00 ROK +9:00 +10:00 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. second Sunday second Sunday ___________________________in_May._________in_October._____ Time Differential Factors (TDFs) Table_B-6__Region:_South_Pacific___________________________ UTC SummerChange to Change Back to Zone___________OffsetTime__Summer_Time_____UTC_____________ Australia/North+9:00 Australia/NSW +10:00+11:002:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. first last Sunday in Sunday in March. October. Australia/Queen+10:00 [1] Australia/Queen+10:00+11:002:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. first (e.g. NSW) last Sunday in Sunday in March. October. Australia/South+9:30 +10:302:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. third fourth Sunday Sunday in March. in October. Australia/Tasma+10:00+11:002:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. third fourth Sunday Sunday in March. in October. Australia/Victo+10:00+11:002:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. third fourth Sunday Sunday in March. in October. Australia/West +8:00 Australia/NSW +12:00+13:002:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. first last Sunday in Sunday in March. October. [1]Standard_Time_only______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Table_B-7__Region:_Antarctica______________________________ UTC Summer Change to Change Back to Zone_________Offset_Time___Summer_Time_____UTC_____________ Antarctica___0:00__________________________________________ Time Differential Factors (TDFs) B-7 C ______________________________________________________________ Updating DECmcc From Previous Version This appendix lists steps you should perform before updating your current DECmcc system to Version 1.4. Steps You Must Perform Before Upgrading to DECmcc V1.4 The three steps you should perform before upgrading to DECmcc V1.4 are: 1. Identify DECmcc jobs to stop on the system. 2. Detect and record which optional modules are present. 3. Record private MIBs that have been added to the system Instructions for performing these steps follow. 1. Identify DECmcc jobs on the system. To install DECmcc, you must make sure no DECmcc processes are running. a. Enter the Show System command and look for any processes beginning with MCC_. The presence of these processes indicates that DECmcc is running on your system. In the following example, two DECmcc processes are running on your system: MCC_EVC_SINK and MCC_TS_AM_SRV. $ SHOW SYSTEM VAX/VMS V5.5-2 on node PARIS 20-JAN-1995 Uptime 13 23:17:42 Pid Process Name State Pri I/O CPU Page flts Ph.Mem . . . 00000066 MCC_EVC_SINK COM 3 93 0 00:51:28.79 4799 338 0000006C MCC_TS_AM_SRV LEF 4 11 0 00:02:37.95 578 55 . . . Updating DECmcc From Previous Version C-1 b. If there are other people who use DECmcc on the system, you might check with them to make sure they have exited DECmcc. c. To stop these processes, enter the corresponding Pid's for the processes on your system. Using the preceding example, the commands are: $ STOP PROCESS/ID=00000066 $ STOP PROCESS/ID=0000006C 2. Detect and record optional modules. The installation of POLYCENTER Framework (formerly Director) or POLYCENTER Network Manager 200 (formerly BMS) packages requires that optional modules be reinstalled. After installing DECmcc V1.4, you must reinstall the optional modules, ensuring that the versions of the optional module packages are compatible with DECmcc V1.4. The following commands will assist you in identifying what optional modules have been previously installed on your system. $ DEFINE/USER_MODE SYS$OUTPUT MCC_SNMP_MIB.LOG $ MANAGE/TOOL/DIRECTORY SHOW $ TYPE MCC_SNMP_MIB.LOG Class (1) : NODE 1 Class (1) : MCC 7 Class (1) : DOMAIN 8 Class (1) : BRIDGE 9 Class (1) : STATION 11 Class (1) : NODE4 12 Class (1) : SAMPLE 15 Class (1) : TERMINAL SERVER 17 Class (1) : SNMP 18 Class (1) : COLLECTOR 25 Class (1) : FDDI-STATION 37 Class (1) : COMMON 52 Class (1) : CIRCUIT 53 Class (1) : CONCENTRATOR 330 Class (1) : REFERENCE 332 Class (1) : GENERAL 16382 $ Updating DECmcc From Previous Version If the following items appear in the preceding example, the DECmcc ELM product is installed on your system. Class (1) : BRIDGE 9 Class (1) : FDDI-STATION 37 Class (1) : CONCENTRATOR 330 If the following item appears in the preceding example, the DECmcc TSAM product is installed on your system. Class (1) : TERMINAL_SERVER 17 If the following items appear in the preceding example, then either DECmcc ELM and DECmcc TSAM are installed, or the POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 (formerly EMS) product is installed on your system. Class (1) : BRIDGE 9 Class (1) : FDDI-STATION 37 Class (1) : CONCENTRATOR 330 Class (1) : TERMINAL_SERVER 17 If the following item is not present on your system, then you have only the POLYCENTER Framework (formerly Director) kit installed. Class (1) : COLLECTOR 25 3. Determine and record private MIB extensions. The installation of POLYCENTER Framework or POLYCENTER Network Manager packages requires that you reload the private MIB extensions after installing DECmcc V1.4. Enter the following commands to display private MIB extensions that have been previously loaded on your system, and send the output to a file for future reference. Updating DECmcc From Previous Version C-3 $ DEFINE/USER_MODE SYS$OUTPUT MCC_CLASS.LOG $ MANAGE/TOOL/DIRECTORY SHOW CLASS SNMP $ TYPE MCC_CLASS.LOG . . . Definition (3) : INSTANCE_DATATYPE Subclass (2) : INTERFACE 2 Subclass (2) : ATTABLE 3 Subclass (2) : IP 4 Subclass (2) : ICMP 5 Subclass (2) : TCP 6 Subclass (2) : UDP 7 Subclass (2) : EGP 8 Subclass (2) : SNMP 11 Subclass (2) : EXP_RMON 527 Subclass (2) : PROTEON 5001 Subclass (2) : WELLFLEET 5018 Subclass (2) : SUN 5042 Subclass (2) : SYNOPTICS 5045 Subclass (2) : CHIPCOM 5049 Attribute (5) : SYSDESCR 1 Attribute (5) : SYSOBJECTID 2 . . . $ Your private MIB extensions in the preceding example begin with the item after SNMP 11, and end prior to the first Attribute. In this example, the first private MIB extension is EXP_RMON, and the last private MIB extension is CHIPCOM 5049. Steps You Must Perform After Upgrading to DECmcc V1.4 After installing DECmcc V1.4, perform the following steps: 1. Identify DECmcc jobs on the system. Installing DECmcc V1.4 might have started some processes on your system. Check with your system and stop them before continuing. Refer to Step 1 in the prior section for instructions. 2. Install optional modules. Updating DECmcc From Previous Version Reinstall the optional modules as listed in Step 2 in the prior section. 3. Load the private MIB extensions. For instructions on loading private MIB extensions, refer to POLYCENTER Framework and Applications TCP/IP SNMP Access Module Use Updating DECmcc From Previous Version C-5