Reliable_Transaction_Router,_Version_3.1D___________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-Q88DD-TE November 1997 This guide describes how to install Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.1D. Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.1D is fault tolerant and transaction management middleware, used to implement large, distributed, transaction processing applications. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual. Software Version: Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.1D Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ November, 1997 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1989, 1997. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha, DEC, DECdtm, DECnet, Digital, DNA, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, Reliable Transaction Router, VAX, VAX DOCUMENT, VAX Pascal, VAX RMS, VAX Volume Shadowing, VMS, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL Logo. The following are Registered Trademarks of Borland International, Inc.: Turbo Pascal[R] The following is a Registered Trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company: HP-UX[R] The following is a Trademarks of Intel Corporation: Intel[TM] The following is a Registered Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation: IBM[R]. The following are Trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation: AIX[TM] and RISC System/6000[TM]. The following are Registered Trademarks of Microsoft Corporation: MS-DOS[R] MS[R] and Microsoft[R]. The following are Trademarks of Microsoft Corporation: Windows[TM], Windows NT[TM], Visual Basic[TM] and Visual C++ [TM] The following are Registered Trademarks of Oracle Corporation: ORACLE[R], SQL*Net[R] and SQL*Plus[R]. The following are Trademarks of Oracle Corporation: ORACLE7[TM] and PL/SQL[TM]. The following are Registered Trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.: SUN[R] and Solaris[R]. The following are Trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.: SPARCstation[TM] and SunOS[TM]. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. This document was prepared using DECdocument, Version 3.2. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Quick Installation 1.1 Installing RTR for Windows NT and Windows 95............................................ 1-1 1.1.1 RTR for Windows NT and Windows 95 Release Notes..................................... 1-1 1.1.2 Installing RTR for Windows NT and Windows 95 from CD-ROM. .......................... 1-1 1.1.3 After Installing.......................... 1-2 1.2 Installing RTR for Digital UNIX............... 1-3 1.3 Installing RTR for SunOS...................... 1-3 1.3.1 Installing the RTR Package................ 1-4 1.3.2 Running the IVP on RTR for SunOS.......... 1-5 1.4 Installing RTR for AIX........................ 1-5 1.4.1 Installation Procedure.................... 1-5 1.5 Installing RTR for HP-UX...................... 1-8 1.5.1 Installation Procedure.................... 1-8 2 Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2.1 Checking the Software Distribution Kit........ 2-1 2.2 Reading the Online Release Notes.............. 2-1 2.3 Registering Your Software License ............ 2-2 2.4 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements.................................. 2-2 2.4.1 Checking Login Privileges................. 2-3 2.4.2 Checking Hardware Requirements............ 2-3 2.4.3 Checking Software Requirements............ 2-3 2.4.4 Determining Which Subsets to Load......... 2-4 iii 2.4.5 Determining Disk Space Requirements....... 2-4 Checking Current Disk Space............. 2-5 Increasing Disk Space by Using Alternative Disks ...................... 2-6 2.5 Installing from Media or Using RIS............ 2-6 2.6 Backing Up Your System Disk................... 2-7 2.7 Stopping the Installation..................... 2-7 3 Installing RTR on Digital UNIX 3.1 Using CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media......................................... 3-1 3.2 Using a RIS Distribution Area ................ 3-2 3.3 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts....................................... 3-2 3.3.1 Selecting Subsets......................... 3-3 3.3.2 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process........................... 3-4 4 After Installation on Digital UNIX 4.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure .................................... 4-1 4.2 Deleting RTR from Your System................. 4-2 4.3 Displaying Documentation from CD-ROM.......... 4-2 4.4 Enabling Remote RTR Commands.................. 4-2 A Sample Listings A.1 Sample RTR for Digital UNIX Installation ..... A-1 A.2 Sample RTR for Digital UNIX Installation Verification Procedure ....................... A-2 A.3 Sample RTR for SunOS Installation ............ A-3 B Files Installed B.1 Symbolic Links Created........................ B-1 B.2 Directories Created........................... B-1 B.3 Files Created in /rtr ........................ B-1 B.4 Files Created in /usr/opt..................... B-3 iv C Recovering from Errors C.1 Problems During Product Installation ......... C-1 C.2 Problems After Installation .................. C-2 Tables 1 Conventions Used in this Guide ........... vii 2-1 RTR Subset Size (Kilobytes Required)...... 2-4 v _________________________________________________________________ Preface This Guide explains how to install Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.1D (RTR) on all supported platforms. If you are installing RTR on only one platform, you need only read the section(s) that apply to that platform. For platforms that have a relatively simple installation procedure, instructions are given only in Chapter 1, Quick Installation. For other platforms, more detailed instructions are given in later chapters. Keep this guide with your distribution kit. You will need it to install maintenance updates or to reinstall RTR for any other reason. Structure of This Document This guide contains the following chapters and appendixes: o Chapter 1 gives brief installation instructions for RTR on Windows NT and Windows 95, Digital UNIX, SunOS, AIX and HP-UX. o Chapter 2 describes the hardware and software requirements for RTR installation on Digital UNIX. Related procedures that you must complete before installing RTR are also given. o Chapter 3 describes how to install RTR on Digital UNIX. o Chapter 4 describes the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) for RTR on Digital UNIX, how to remove RTR from your system, and describes the files you need to run RTR applications. o Appendix A contains sample listings for an interactive RTR installation and IVP on Digital UNIX. v o Appendix C contains information about recovering from errors. Associated Documents In addition to this guide, the RTR documentation set includes the following: o Reliable Transaction Router Version 3.1D, System Manager's Manual o Reliable Transaction Router Version 3.1D, Application Programmer's Reference Manual o A letter titled Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.1D - Cover Letter or Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.1D - Read Before Installing Please read this letter; it contains important information about installing RTR that may not be included in this installation guide or in the release notes. o Release Notes are provided in electronic form the software kit. You are strongly advised to read these Release Notes before using the product. Conventions Table 1 describes the conventions used in this guide. vi Table_1_Conventions_Used_in_this_Guide_____________________ Convention_____Meaning_____________________________________ # A number sign (#) is the default superuser prompt. % A percent sign (%) is the default user prompt. In examples, a boxed symbol indicates that you must press the named key on the keyboard. Ctrl/C This symbol indicates that you must press the Ctrl key while you simultaneously press another key (in this case, C). user input In interactive examples, this typeface indicates input entered by the user. filesystem In text, this typeface indicates the exact name of a command, routine, partition, pathname, directory, or file. This typeface is also used in interactive examples and other screen displays. UPPERCASE The DEC OSF/1 AXP operating system lowercase differentiates between lowercase and uppercase characters. Examples, syntax descriptions, function definitions, and literal strings that appear in text must be typed exactly as shown. Commands typed to the RTR CLI are not case sensitive unless enclosed in quote marks setld(8) Cross-references to online reference pages include the appropriate section number in parentheses. For example, setld(8) indicates that you can find the material on the setld command in Section 8 of the reference pages. [y] In a prompt, square brackets indicate that the enclosed item is the default response. For example, [y] means the default response _______________is_Yes._____________________________________ vii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Quick Installation This chapter gives brief instructions for installing RTR on all supported platforms. 1.1 Installing RTR for Windows NT and Windows 95 The installation of the RTR base product requires about 3 megabytes of disk space. The installation procedure takes about two minutes to complete. 1.1.1 RTR for Windows NT and Windows 95 Release Notes The release notes and README files provide information for RTR that could not be included in the printed documentation. The release notes are in the files: RELNOTES.TXT RELNOTES.PS (PostScript) README.TXT on your CD-ROM or diskettes. 1.1.2 Installing RTR for Windows NT and Windows 95 from CD-ROM. 1. If you are installing on Windows NT, ensure that you are logged in as the Administrator, or have administrator privileges. 2. If you have installed a previous version of RTR you must: 1. Stop RTR and check that RTR is not in the startup program group. 2. Delete the file RTRENVPS in the RTR root directory. 3. Logout of your Windows NT session and login again. (This to ensure no background RTR tasks are running.) Quick Installation 1-1 Quick Installation 1.1 Installing RTR for Windows NT and Windows 95 3. Insert the RTR CD into the drive. 4. From the Start button choose Run and click on the Browse... button. 5. Choose the drive letter of your CD-ROM and open the directory ALPHA or I386, depending on your processor type (Alpha or Intel). Select the file SETUP.EXE and click on the OK button. Then click on the OK button in the Run box. 6. You are then given the option of installing either or both of Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) and ODBC Over RTR (OOR). Select whichever items you wish to install. 7. Follow the instructions on the screen to enter the directory where you want to install RTR. The default is C:\RTR. It is recommended that you install RTR on a local hard disk (NTFS or FAT). 8. When you are ready to begin the installation, click on the Setup button. 9. Follow the instructions on the screen. 1.1.3 After Installing If you installed RTR on an NTFS drive, you will need to give RTR users access to the RTR directories. Use the Windows NT file manager and select the RTR root directory. Pull down the Security menu and choose File permissions. Give the RTR root directory and all its subdirectories "Full Control" access for all RTR users. You may then restrict access on individual files to read only. (All RTR users require write access to the RTR journal directory.) The file MSVCRT40.DLL is also supplied on the CD-ROM. This file is copied to the SYSTEM32 directory in your Windows NT root directory if it is not present. (It may already be present if you have installed Microsoft products.) 1-2 Quick Installation Quick Installation 1.2 Installing RTR for Digital UNIX 1.2 Installing RTR for Digital UNIX 1. Login as user root or su to root. 2. Use the setld utility to check if you have a version of RTR already installed:- # setld -i | grep RTR 3. If you have any previous version, make sure that it is not running:- # rtr stop rtr 4. De-install all previous versions that you find:- # setld -d RTRBASE3xx Where "xx" is the version number. 5. Install from the directory (disk or CD-ROM) where the kit is located, for example:- # setld -l /cdrom/rtr3xx/kit Where "xx" is the version number. 6. Answer "1" and "y" to the questions from setld. 7. To run the IVP (Installation Verification Procedure) use the following command:- # setld -v RTRBASE3xx Where "xx" is the version number. Note that the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) requires a working C language compiler to run. 1.3 Installing RTR for SunOS Your Reliable Transaction Router for SunOS kit is supplied on CD-ROM. The Release Notes are also on the CD; you are advised to read the Release Notes before using RTR. The installation requires about 2950KB on the partition given in response to the package base directory prompt (usually /opt). The installation procedure takes about two minutes to complete. Note that the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) requires a working C language compiler to run. Quick Installation 1-3 Quick Installation 1.3 Installing RTR for SunOS 1.3.1 Installing the RTR Package 1. Login as user root or su to root. 2. First check whether RTR is already installed: # pkginfo -l rtr 3. If it is, deinstall using the following command. # pkgrm rtr 4. Insert the CD-ROM and mount the volume at a convenient mount point (for example, /cdrom). 5. Install RTR from the CD-ROM directory where the kit is located, for example: # cd /cdrom/rtr_kit # pkgadd -d pkg o You can accept the defaults for most questions from the pkgadd utility. o When asked for the "base directory" answer /opt. o Ignore any warning about free blocks and answer "y" to the attached continue question. o When asked "Do you want to install these as setuid /setgid files [y,n,?,q]", answer "y". o When asked "This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package. Do you want to continue with the installation of [y,n,?]", answer "y". 6. RTR is now installed in /opt/rtr. Appendix A show an example installation of RTR for SunOS. 1-4 Quick Installation Quick Installation 1.3 Installing RTR for SunOS 1.3.2 Running the IVP on RTR for SunOS The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) requires a working C language compiler to run. You may run the IVP separately from the installation procedure. If you are not using the C shell, start it by typing /usr/bin/csh and run the IVP by typing the following:- # setenv BASEDIR /opt and then executing the file pkg/rtr/reloc/rtr/RTRnnn /examples/rtr/ 1.4 Installing RTR for AIX Your Reliable Transaction Router for AIX kit is supplied on CD-ROM. The Release Notes are also on the CD; you are advised to read the Release Notes before using RTR. The installation requires about 3000KB free disk space. The installation procedure takes about two minutes to complete. 1.4.1 Installation Procedure o If you have any previous version of RTR, make sure that it is not running:- # rtr stop rtr o Become root and invoke the SMIT system management interface tool. You can either type the command smit and navigate through the menus, or type the command with a parameter to start SMIT at a particular menu. o Type smit install_remove or navigate to Remove Software Product and select any previously installed versions of RTR; then remove them. (Check that the "Preview Only" field is set to "No" otherwise the remove does not execute.) o Type smit install_latest or navigate to Install New Software at Latest Level and then select the source media (i.e. the CD) from the list. Select RTR. Quick Installation 1-5 Quick Installation 1.4 Installing RTR for AIX After entering OK to the prompts, installation proceeds automatically. If successful, the output looks similar to the following example. 1-6 Quick Installation Quick Installation 1.4 Installing RTR for AIX File: RTR314.rte +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Pre-installation Verification... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ installp: Pre-installation verification may take several minutes. Please wait... Verifying selections...done Verifying requisites...done Results... SUCCESSES --------- Filesets listed in this section passed pre-installation verification and will be installed. Selected Filesets ----------------- RTR314.rte # Reliable Transaction Router << End of Success Section >> FILESET STATISTICS ------------------ 1 Selected to be installed, of which: 1 Passed pre-installation verification ---- 1 Total to be installed +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Installing Software... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ installp: APPLYING software for: RTR314.rte . . . . . << Copyright notice for RTR314 >> . . . . . . . © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227=14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. . . . . . << End of copyright noticeiforIRTR314a>>.n.1.7. Finished processing all filesets. (Total time: 7 secs). +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Post-installation Processing... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Summaries: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Installation Summary -------------------- Name Level Part Event Result ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTR314.rte USR APPLY SUCCESS Quick Installation 1.5 Installing RTR for HP-UX 1.5 Installing RTR for HP-UX Your Reliable Transaction Router for HP-UX kit is supplied on CD-ROM. The Release Notes are also on the CD; you are advised to read the Release Notes before using RTR. The installation requires about 3000KB free disk space. The installation procedure takes about two minutes to complete. 1.5.1 Installation Procedure o If you have any previous version of RTR, make sure that it is not running:- # rtr stop rtr o Become root or superuser and mount the CD-ROM drive. (The following assumes that the mount point is /cdrom). Make sure you can see the installation package on the CD-ROM, for example:- # ls /cdrom HPpackRTR314.pkg o Use the uname -a command to determine the system type:- # uname -a HP-UX phpeso B.10.20 A 9000/715 2006907610 two-user license o Use the update command to install the kit; if it is a 700 series system, use the -S700 otherwise, use -S800. For example: # update -S700 /cdrom/HPpackRTR314.pkg '*' o Inspect the installation log for any errors (instructions for how to do this are printed by the update command). The following is a sample installation on a 700 series system. 1-8 Quick Installation Quick Installation 1.5 Installing RTR for HP-UX # uname -a HP-UX phpeso B.10.20 A 9000/715 2006907610 two-user license # update -S700 -s /cdrom/V10/HPpackRTR314.pkg '*' Initializing... Reading information from the update media... Loading selected filesets. The program should proceed to completion without additional attention. Review the log file, /var/tmp/update.log, afterward by: 1) typing "more /var/tmp/update.log"; 2) finding the correct date and time heading; 3) looking for any messages that begin with ERROR or WARNING. Beginning to load fileset "RTR_314" (1 of 1). /var/adm/rupdate/system/RTR_314/customize /usr/users/RTR314/bin/rtr /usr/users/RTR314/shlib/ /usr/users/RTR314/lib/rtr.h /usr/users/RTR314/examples/rtr/rtrreq.c /usr/users/RTR314/examples/rtr/rtrsrv.c /usr/users/RTR314/mon/accfail.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/acp2app.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/active.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/app2acp.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/calls.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/channel.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/congest.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/connect.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/connects.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/ddtm.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/dtx.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/dtxrec.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/facility.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/flow.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/frontend.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/group.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/inbytes.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/inmess.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/inpack.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/ipc.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/jcalls.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/journal.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/link.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/locks.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/outbytes.mon Quick Installation 1-9 Quick Installation 1.5 Installing RTR for HP-UX /usr/users/RTR314/mon/outmess.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/outpack.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/partit.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/queues.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/quorum.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/rdm.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/recovery.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/rfb.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/rolequor.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/routers.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/routing.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/rscbe.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/rtr.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/stalls.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/tps.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/tpslo.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/traffic.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/trans.mon /usr/users/RTR314/mon/v2calls.mon /usr/users/RTR314/install/ /usr/users/RTR314/install/RTR314_HPKitSpecification /var/adm/rupdate/system/RTR_314/CDFinfo /var/adm/rupdate/system/RTR_314/index Finished loading fileset "RTR_314". Beginning customize script for fileset "RTR_314" (1 of 1). Review the log file, /var/tmp/update.log, by: 1) typing "more /var/tmp/update.log"; 2) finding the correct date and time heading; 3) looking for any messages that begin with ERROR or WARNING. 1-10 Quick Installation 2 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2.1 Checking the Software Distribution Kit RTR software is distributed on CD-ROM as part Digital's Layered Products Consolidated Distribution. Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your RTR software distribution kit. In addition to this guide, the software distribution kit includes the following: o A CD-ROM optical disk for systems with optical disk drives o A CD-ROM booklet and CD-ROM read first letter If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your Digital representative. 2.2 Reading the Online Release Notes RTR provides online release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the application. The release notes for RTR are in the following file: rtr31x_relnotes.txt Where "x" is a digit representing a revision level. You can use the following command to read the release notes. more rtr31x_relnotes.txt Where "x" is a digit representing a revision level. Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2-1 Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2.3 Registering Your Software License 2.3 Registering Your Software License RTR includes support for the License Management Facility (LMF). You must register your License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) in the License Database (LDB) in order to use RTR on a newly licensed node. The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. If you are installing RTR as an update on a node already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. If you are installing prerequisite or optional software along with RTR, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for any prerequisite or optional software before you install RTR. To register a license under the Digital UNIX operating system, first log in as superuser. At the superuser prompt, edit an empty PAK template with the lmf register command as follows, and include all the information on your License PAK: # lmf register After you register your license, use the following lmf reset command to copy the license details from the License Database (LDB) to the kernel cache: # lmf reset For complete information on using the License Management Facility, see the Guide to Software License Management and the lmf(8) reference page. 2.4 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses various requirements for installing RTR. Installing RTR, including running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes, depending on your type of media and system configuration. 2-2 Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2.4 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements 2.4.1 Checking Login Privileges You must have superuser privileges to install the RTR software and to register the license PAK. 2.4.2 Checking Hardware Requirements To install RTR, you need the following hardware: o Software distribution device (if installing from media) Locate the CD-ROM drive for the CD-ROM software distribution media. The CD booklet or the documentation for the CD-ROM drive you are using explains how to load the CD-ROM media. o Terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. See the RTR Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. 2.4.3 Checking Software Requirements RTR requires the Digital UNIX operating system Version 4.0 or 3.2. Future RTR releases may require higher versions. See the Cover Letter (included on the CD-ROM) or the online release notes for information about the minimum version of the operating system required. RTR also requires that the following Digital UNIX software subset be loaded on the system where you install RTR: o OSFBASE-the "Base System" subset The following Digital UNIX software subset are optional on the system where you install RTR: o OSFCLINET200-Basic Networking Services (TCP/IP) subset o DNABASE110-DECnet/OSI Base Components subset, together with o DNANETMAN110-DECnet/OSI Network Management subset To check whether these subsets are loaded, follow these steps: 1. Log in to the system where you will install RTR. Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2-3 Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2.4 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements 2. Enter the following command: # setld -i | egrep 'OSFBASE|DNA' If you do not log in as superuser (login name root), you must enter the full path of the command. For example: % /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep OSFBASE Check the displayed rows for the name of the relevant subset and any related patches. The word "installed" appears in a row after the subset identifier when a subset is loaded. If the word "installed" does not appear (the second column in a row is blank), the subset or patch is not loaded. In this case, you must load the missing Digital UNIX software before installing RTR. (For information on how to load the operating system software, see the Guide to Installing Digital UNIX.) 2.4.4 Determining Which Subsets to Load RTR has only one subset:- o rtrbase314 RTR runtime and system management. 2.4.5 Determining Disk Space Requirements Table 2-1 lists the disk space requirements for loading the RTR software subset. These requirements apply to the disks where you load the RTR subset. The requirements are listed by directory for convenience if you are doing installations on systems where these directories are mount points for different disk partitions. Table_2-1_RTR_Subset_Size_(Kilobytes_Required)_____________ Subset Subset_Title_____Name________/usr/opt/___/rtr______________ RTR rtrbase314 57020 1050 Total:_______________________58070_________________________ Using these disk space requirements, calculate the total values for the subsets you will load in each directory. You will also require disk space for the RTR journal, which defaults to /rtr/rtrjnl. 2-4 Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2.4 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements Compare the space required for the subset with the free space currently on the disks where RTR files will reside. Checking Current Disk Space To check the current amount of free space for a directory path, log in to the system where you will install RTR. You can check which directories are mounted and where they are by viewing the /etc/fstab file. For example: # more /etc/fstab /dev/rd0a:/:rw:1:1:ufs:: /dev/rd0g:/usr:rw:1:2:ufs:: /usr/staff/r1/leslie@bigsys:/usr/staff/r1/leslie:rw:0:0:nfs:bg: /usr/man@bigsys:/usr/man:ro:0:0:nfs:bg: The display indicates that /usr (mounted to /dev/rd0g) is the only mount point that affects where RTR files will reside; the system has only one local disk drive, and the /usr/lib and file system resides in the g partition of the disk on that drive. To check the total space and the free space for the directories where RTR will reside, enter the df command. Given the previous display of the /etc/fstab file, which shows that only /usr is a mount point, you need to check free space only in the /usr file system. For example: # df /usr Filesystem Total kbytes kbytes % node kbytes used free used Mounted on /dev/rd0g 122598 54447 55892 49% /usr This display shows that there are 55,892 Kbytes free. This free space must accommodate the subset requirements listed in Table 2-1. On systems where /usr/lib and /usr/man are mounted to different devices from /usr, enter the following command: # df /usr/lib /usr/man In this case, you compare space required for RTR files in /usr/lib to the free space displayed in the first line of the df output list, and compare the space required for RTR files in /usr/man to the free space displayed in the second line of that list. Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2-5 Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2.4 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements Increasing Disk Space by Using Alternative Disks The RTR installation procedure creates the following directory and loads files into subordinate directories: /usr/opt/RTR314 If the /usr/opt/RTR314 directory node in the previous path does not exist, the installation procedure creates it. If the RTR314 node does exist, the installation procedure uses it. If you find that there is insufficient disk space for the RTR subsets and you know that you have additional space on alternative disks or disk partitions for your system, perform the following steps before installing RTR: 1. Log in as superuser. 2. Create the directory /usr/lib/RTR314. 3. Specify in the /etc/fstab file that one or more of the newly created directories are mount points to new disk partitions where there is additional space. 4. Enter the mount -a command so that the new mount points take effect. 2.5 Installing from Media or Using RIS Someone from your site must perform at least one RTR installation from the distribution medium. Your site system manager can then decide whether or not to make a RTR distribution kit available online so that subsequent installations of RTR can use the Remote Installation Service (RIS). For information on extracting RTR subsets to a RIS distribution area, see the Guide to Sharing Software on a Local Area Network. If you expect to use RTR subsets from the RIS area of a remote system for installation on your local system, first check with your site system manager to ensure that: o A RTR network kit is available for use. o Your system is registered as a RIS client. If RTR subsets are available to you on a RIS server system, you must know the name of that system. 2-6 Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2.5 Installing from Media or Using RIS For more information on installing RTR from a RIS distribution area, see Section 3.2. 2.6 Backing Up Your System Disk Digital recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software. For information about backing up your system disk, see the DEC OSF/1 AXP system documentation. 2.7 Stopping the Installation To stop the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl /C. You must then delete files created up to this point interactively. The directories and files created during the RTR installation are listed in the following file (on your CD-ROM): /RTR314/kit/instctrl/rtrbase314.inv Preparing for RTR Installation on Digital UNIX 2-7 3 _________________________________________________________________ Installing RTR on Digital UNIX This chapter describes how to install RTR on Digital UNIX. Before you start the installation, read Chapter 2. You can install RTR locally (using CD-ROM media) or from a server area. If you encounter any failures during installation, see Appendix C. 3.1 Using CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media This procedure loads RTR files on to a disk belonging to the system where you perform the installation. When RTR is run, its executable images are mapped into memory on your system. Follow these steps to install RTR from CD-ROM media: 1. Mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install RTR. 3. Make sure you are at the root (/) directory by entering the following command: # cd / 4. Specify the /cdrom directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. If your drive is rz0, enter the following command: # mount -dr /dev/rz0c /cdrom 5. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l) and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where RTR subsets are located. Installing RTR on Digital UNIX 3-1 Installing RTR on Digital UNIX 3.1 Using CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media For example, if the directory location for these subsets is /cdrom/AXP/RTR314, enter the following command: # setld -l /cdrom/AXP/RTR314 The installation procedure now displays the names of RTR subsets and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Section 3.3 to continue the installation. 3.2 Using a RIS Distribution Area If you are installing RTR subsets that reside in an /etc /ris RIS distribution area on a remote system, follow these steps: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install RTR. 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: #cd / 3. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l option) and identifies the system where the RTR subsets are located. For example, if you are loading RTR subsets from a RIS distribution area on node orion, enter the following: #setld -l orion: Remote Installation Services now displays a menu that lists all the software subsets available to you and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Section 3.3 to continue the installation. 3.3 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts This section explains the installation procedure prompts and displays. 3-2 Installing RTR on Digital UNIX Installing RTR on Digital UNIX 3.3 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts 3.3.1 Selecting Subsets You must specify which RTR subsets you want to load. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are installing from a RIS distribution area, the number of subsets can vary depending on what products are available in the RIS area and how many subsets they have. ______________________________________________________ *** Enter subset selections *** The following subsets are mandatory and will be installed automatically unless you choose to exit without installing any subsets: * RTR API & Management Utility You may choose one of the following options: 1) ALL of the above 2) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 3) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. Next, the script lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 1 in response to the previous prompt, you will see the following display: You are installing the following mandatory subsets: RTR API & Management Utility You are installing the following optional subsets: Is this correct? (y/n): If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the subset selection menu is again displayed and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y. Installing RTR on Digital UNIX 3-3 Installing RTR on Digital UNIX 3.3 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts 3.3.2 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process The installation procedure loads and verifies the selected RTR subset. The following example shows a display where the RTR subset is being loaded from CD-ROM: Reliable Transaction Router V3.1D for Digital UNIX Installation started at Mon April 28 1997 17:21:41 MET 1996. Installation proceeds automatically, and will complete in approximately 1 minute. RTR API & Management Utility Copying from . (disk) Verifying Configuring "RTR API & Management Utility" (RTRBASE314) Reliable Transaction Router V3.1D for Digital UNIX Installation completed at Mon April 28 1997 17:23:07 MET 1996. When you see the "Verifying" message during the subset installation, the installation procedure is checking to see that the files are copied correctly; it is not an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) message. During the installation, if you get errors from the setld utility, see the Diagnostics section of the setld(8) reference page for an explanation of the errors and the appropriate actions to take. Chapter 4 explains how to run the IVP after installation, and how to delete old Reliable Transaction Router subsets before installing a new version of RTR. 3-4 Installing RTR on Digital UNIX 4 _________________________________________________________________ After Installation on Digital UNIX This chapter explains what you need to do after the installation on Digital UNIX to make RTR ready for use. 4.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure After installing RTR, you can run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access RTR. Note that the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) requires a working C language compiler to run. The RTR IVP verifies the installation as follows: o Starts RTR and creates a facility o Creates an RTR journal o Creates an RTR facility o Stops RTR o Compiles and links the example client and server programs To run the IVP after an installation, enter the following command: # setld -v RTRBASE314 For a sample RTR IVP, see Appendix A. If the verification process fails, look in the /var/adm /smlogs/fverify.log file for information to help diagnose the problem. After Installation on Digital UNIX 4-1 After Installation on Digital UNIX 4.2 Deleting RTR from Your System 4.2 Deleting RTR from Your System If you must remove a version of Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.1D from your system, delete each subset that you previously installed. To delete subsets: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root). 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: # cd / 3. Enter the following form of the setld command: # setld -i | grep RTRBASE 4. Look for the word "installed" in the listing produced, and then delete the installed subsets. For example: # setld -d RTRBASE314 4.3 Displaying Documentation from CD-ROM The Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.1D documentation is provided on the Digital UNIX Layered Products Online Documentation CD-ROM in Bookreader (.decw_book) file format. You can display the Bookreader files on your workstation using the DECwindows Bookreader application. For information on accessing and displaying these files, see the Digital UNIX Layered Products Disc User's Guide. 4.4 Enabling Remote RTR Commands RTR supports the use of remote commands (described in Chapter 1 of the Reliable Transaction Router Version 3.1D, System Manager's Manual). In order to use this feature on Digital UNIX, you need to create an .rhosts file in the home directory of the RTR user on the target node or nodes. This file must contain the hostname (and, optionally, the username) of the node where the remote commands will be issued. For more information on the .rhosts file, see the rhosts(4) reference page. 4-2 After Installation on Digital UNIX A _________________________________________________________________ Sample Listings This appendix provides sample listings for the following procedures: o An installation of RTR on Digital UNIX using disk media. o An Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) for RTR on Digital UNIX. o An installation of RTR on SunOS using disk media. A.1 Sample RTR for Digital UNIX Installation # setld -l /usr/users/mr_anders/rtrkit © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227- 19, or in FAR 52.227=14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. *** Enter subset selections *** The following subsets are mandatory and will be installed automatically unless you choose to exit without installing any subsets: * RTR API & Management Utility You may choose one of the following options: 1) ALL of the above 2) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 3) EXIT without installing any subsets Sample Listings A-1 Sample Listings A.1 Sample RTR for Digital UNIX Installation Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1 You are installing the following mandatory subsets: RTR API & Management Utility You are installing the following optional subsets: Is this correct? (y/n): y Reliable Transaction Router V3.1D for Digital UNIX Installation started at Mon April 28 1997 17:21:41 MET 1996. Installation proceeds automatically, and will complete in approximately 1 minute. RTR API & Management Utility Copying from . (disk) Verifying Configuring "RTR API & Management Utility" (RTRBASE314) Reliable Transaction Router V3.1D for Digital UNIX Installation completed at Mon April 28 1997 17:23:07 MET 1996. A.2 Sample RTR for Digital UNIX Installation Verification Procedure # setld -v RTRBASE314 RTR API & Management Utility (RTRBASE314) © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All rights reserved. Reliable Transaction Router V3.1D for Digital UNIX Installation Verification Procedure starting RTR . . . adding a journal . . . creating test facility . . . stopping RTR. linking test applications . . . Installation Verification Procedure completed successfully. A-2 Sample Listings Sample Listings A.3 Sample RTR for SunOS Installation A.3 Sample RTR for SunOS Installation % ls pkg/ # pkgadd -d pkg The following packages are available: 1 rtr Reliable Transaction Router (sun4u) 314 Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: Processing package instance from Reliable Transaction Router (sun4u) 314 DIGITAL Enter path to package base directory [?,q] /opt Using as the package base directory. ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. 67 package pathnames are already properly installed. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. The following files are being installed with setuid and/or setgid permissions: * /opt/rtr/RTR314/bin/rtr * /opt/rtr/RTR314/binv54/rtr * - overwriting a file which is also setuid/setgid. Do you want to install these as setuid/setgid files [y,n,?,q] y This package contains scripts which will be executed with super- user permission during the process of installing this package. Do you want to continue with the installation of [y,n,?] y Installing Reliable Transaction Router as ## Installing part 1 of 1. /opt/rtr/RTR314/examples/rtr/ [ verifying class ] ## Executing postinstall script. Sample Listings A-3 Sample Listings A.3 Sample RTR for SunOS Installation © Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227- 14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. This kit will only run on Sun Solaris 2.4 and above © Digital Equipment Corporation 1996, 1997. All rights reserved. Reliable Transaction Router V3.1D for SunOS Installation Verification Procedure starting RTR . . . adding a journal . . . creating test facility . . . stopping RTR. Installation Verification Procedure completed successfully. Installation of was successful. The following packages are available: 1 rtr Reliable Transaction Router (sun4u) 314 Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: q A-4 Sample Listings B _________________________________________________________________ Files Installed This appendix lists the files, directories and symbolic links created by the installation on SunOS. The same files are installed on Digital UNIX, Windows NT and Windows 95 systems. B.1 Symbolic Links Created /usr/bin/rtr -> ../../usr/opt/RTR314/bin/rtr /usr/bin/rtr_remote -> ../../usr/opt/RTR314/bin/rtr_remote /usr/shlib/ -> ../../usr/opt/RTR314/shlib/ /usr/shlib/ -> ../../usr/opt/RTR314/shlib/ B.2 Directories Created /rtr B.3 Files Created in /rtr Files Installed B-1 Files Installed B.3 Files Created in /rtr -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 410812 Nov 18 16:02 rtr.hlp -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1022 Nov 18 16:02 outpack.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1482 Nov 18 16:02 partit.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1211 Nov 18 16:02 queues.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 2141 Nov 18 16:02 quorum.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 15563 Nov 18 16:02 rdm.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1703 Nov 18 16:02 recovery.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 3265 Nov 18 16:02 rfb.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 2444 Nov 18 16:02 rolequor.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1796 Nov 18 16:02 routers.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1390 Nov 18 16:02 routing.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 42145 Nov 18 16:02 rscbe.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 430497 Nov 18 16:02 rtr.hlb -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 2726 Nov 18 16:02 rtr.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 2806 Nov 18 16:02 stalls.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1759 Nov 18 16:02 tps.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1848 Nov 18 16:02 tpslo.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 2844 Nov 18 16:02 traffic.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 2014 Nov 18 16:02 trans.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 5271 Nov 18 16:02 v2calls.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 3477 Nov 18 16:02 accfail.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 7354 Nov 18 16:02 acp2app.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1080 Nov 18 16:02 active.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 3735 Nov 18 16:02 app2acp.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 10125 Nov 18 16:02 calls.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1126 Nov 18 16:02 channel.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 863 Nov 18 16:02 congest.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 3864 Nov 18 16:02 connect.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 2637 Nov 18 16:02 connects.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 6629 Nov 18 16:02 ddtm.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 4953 Nov 18 16:02 dtx.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 4681 Nov 18 16:02 dtxrec.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 5596 Nov 18 16:02 facility.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 4224 Nov 18 16:02 flow.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1432 Nov 18 16:02 frontend.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 2710 Nov 18 16:02 group.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 999 Nov 18 16:02 inbytes.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1030 Nov 18 16:02 inmess.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1032 Nov 18 16:02 inpack.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 2650 Nov 18 16:02 ipc.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 6375 Nov 18 16:02 jcalls.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 3301 Nov 18 16:02 journal.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 3873 Nov 18 16:02 link.mon B-2 Files Installed Files Installed B.3 Files Created in /rtr -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 595 Nov 18 16:02 locks.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 989 Nov 18 16:02 outbytes.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1019 Nov 18 16:02 outmess.mon B.4 Files Created in /usr/opt drwxrwxr-x 2 bin bin 512 Nov 18 16:01 bin drwxrwxr-x 2 bin bin 512 Nov 18 16:01 binv32 drwxr-xr-x 3 bin bin 512 Nov 14 09:03 examples drwxrwxr-x 2 bin bin 512 Nov 18 16:01 hlp drwxr-xr-x 3 bin bin 512 Nov 18 16:01 lib drwxrwxr-x 2 bin bin 1024 Nov 18 16:01 mon drwxrwxr-x 2 bin bin 512 Nov 18 16:01 shlib drwxrwxr-x 2 bin bin 512 Nov 18 16:02 shlibv32 /usr/opt/RTR314/bin: -rwsr-sr-x 1 root system 262144 Nov 18 17:17 rtr -rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 1618 Nov 18 18:59 rtr_remote /usr/opt/RTR314/binv32: -rwsr-sr-x 1 root system 270336 Nov 17 00:10 rtr /usr/opt/RTR314/examples: drwxrwxr-x 2 bin bin 512 Nov 18 16:01 rtr /usr/opt/RTR314/examples/rtr: -r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 5646 Nov 18 18:59 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 11736 Nov 18 17:00 rtrreq.c -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 8317 Nov 18 17:00 rtrsrv.c /usr/opt/RTR314/hlp: -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 430497 Nov 18 17:18 rtr.hlb -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 410812 Nov 18 17:16 rtr.hlp /usr/opt/RTR314/lib: drwxrwxr-x 2 bin bin 512 Nov 14 09:04 doclib -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 560540 Nov 18 16:58 rtr.h /usr/opt/RTR314/lib/doclib: total 0 /usr/opt/RTR314/mon: Files Installed B-3 Files Installed B.4 Files Created in /usr/opt -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 3477 Nov 18 17:21 accfail.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 7354 Nov 18 17:21 acp2app.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1080 Nov 18 17:21 active.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 3735 Nov 18 17:21 app2acp.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 10125 Nov 18 17:21 calls.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1126 Nov 18 17:21 channel.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 863 Nov 18 17:21 congest.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 3864 Nov 18 17:21 connect.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 2637 Nov 18 17:21 connects.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 6629 Nov 18 17:21 ddtm.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 4953 Nov 18 17:22 dtx.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 4681 Nov 18 17:22 dtxrec.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 5596 Nov 18 17:22 facility.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 4224 Nov 18 17:22 flow.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1432 Nov 18 17:22 frontend.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 2710 Nov 18 17:22 group.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 999 Nov 18 17:22 inbytes.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1030 Nov 18 17:22 inmess.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1032 Nov 18 17:22 inpack.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 2650 Nov 18 17:22 ipc.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 6375 Nov 18 17:23 jcalls.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 3301 Nov 18 17:23 journal.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 3873 Nov 18 17:23 link.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 595 Nov 18 17:23 locks.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 989 Nov 18 17:23 outbytes.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1019 Nov 18 17:23 outmess.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1022 Nov 18 17:23 outpack.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1482 Nov 18 17:23 partit.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1211 Nov 18 17:23 queues.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 2141 Nov 18 17:23 quorum.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 15563 Nov 18 17:24 rdm.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1703 Nov 18 17:24 recovery.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 3265 Nov 18 17:24 rfb.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 2444 Nov 18 17:24 rolequor.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1796 Nov 18 17:24 routers.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1390 Nov 18 17:24 routing.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 42145 Nov 18 17:24 rscbe.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 2726 Nov 18 17:24 rtr.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 2806 Nov 18 17:24 stalls.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1759 Nov 18 17:24 tps.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1848 Nov 18 17:24 tpslo.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 2844 Nov 18 17:24 traffic.mon -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 2014 Nov 18 17:25 trans.mon B-4 Files Installed Files Installed B.4 Files Created in /usr/opt -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 5271 Nov 18 17:25 v2calls.mon /usr/opt/RTR314/shlib: -rw-r-xr-x 1 bin bin 6356992 Nov 18 18:58 -rw-r-xr-x 1 bin bin 6389760 Nov 18 18:52 /usr/opt/RTR314/shlibv32: -rw-r-xr-x 1 bin bin 7020544 Nov 17 00:07 -rw-r-xr-x 1 bin bin 7159808 Nov 18 17:20 Files Installed B-5 C _________________________________________________________________ Recovering from Errors This appendix provides information to help you deal with problems that might occur during product installation or product use. If you find an error in the documentation, fill out and submit one of the Reader's Comments forms at the back of the document that contains the error. Include the section and page number where the error occurred. C.1 Problems During Product Installation If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. For example, if the Digital UNIX installation fails due to insufficient disk space, the following message appears: There is not enough space for subset RTRBASE314 Reliable Transaction Router for Digital UNIX (RTRBASE314) will not be loaded. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o The prerequisite software version is incorrect. o There is insufficient disk space. o The system parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, see the Digital UNIX documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and software installation. For information on system software requirements, see Section 2.4.3. Recovering from Errors C-1 Recovering from Errors C.2 Problems After Installation C.2 Problems After Installation U.S. customers who encounter a problem while using Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.1D can report it to Digital by telephoning the Digital Customer Support Center (CSC) at 1-800-354-9000. (Customers with service contracts can also use an electronic means such as DSNlink.) Customers without a service contract can arrange for per- call support. The CSC will need the following information: o The name and version number of the operating system you are using o The Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.1D and version number you are using o The hardware system you are using (such as a model number) o A brief description of the problem (one sentence if possible) o Whether or not the problem is critical o Any other information that is helpful, such as the specific commands you used to run the software, the error messages displayed, and source listings of the relevant software module or lines of code If the problem is related to Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.1D documentation, you can do the following: o Report the problem to the CSC (if you have a service contract and the problem is severe). o Send comments electronically to the following Internet address: If you are reporting a specific error, be sure to include the section and page number where the error occurred. C-2 Recovering from Errors