HP OpenView Smart Plug-in for Databases Supplemental Configuration Guide for DB-SPI for Rdb on OpenVMS Supplement to HP OpenView Smart Plug-in for Databases Configuration Guide (UNIX and Windows Versions) UNIX – Version 08.20 Windows – Version 08.30 June 2007 Table of Contents HP OpenView Smart Plug-in for Databases 1 Legal Notices 4 Conventions 5 Introduction 7 Organization of This Manual 7 General Differences 7 Chapter 1: An Overview of the Database SPI 11 How the Smart Plug-in for Databases Works 11 Components of the Smart Plug-in for Databases 11 Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring the Database SPI 13 Installation and Configuration 13 Chapter 3: Using and Customizing the Database SPI 21 Using DB-SPI Templates 21 Advanced Template Customizations 21 Running DB-SPI for Rdb Applications from the Command Line 21 Re-Installing the DB-SPI Templates 22 Using Filters with DB-SPI for Rdb 22 Using Templates/Applications to Generate Metric Reports 22 Investigating Performance Problems Using OpenView Performance Agent 22 Changing from One OpenView Agent Version to Another 22 Chapter 4: Using the Database SPI with OpenView Reporting and Graphing Products 23 Chapter 5: Oracle Advanced Customizations 23 Chapter 6: User-Defined Metrics 23 Chapter 7: Special Configurations 23 Chapter 8: Error Messages and Troubleshooting 23 Troubleshooting Special Situations 23 Chapter 9: Non-English Environments 24 Appendix A: File Names 25 Management Server Files 25 Management Server/Managed Node Files 26 Managed Node Files 28 Appendix B: Components 31 Template Compatibility Matrix 31 Templates 31 DB-SPI Message Groups 34 Core (Administrative) Application 34 Rdb Applications 34 Appendix C: Configuring Database Connections 35 Alternative Methods for Configuring Database Connections 35 Configuration File Syntax 36 Configuration File 36 Appendix D : Rdb Metric Summary 37 Appendix E: Oracle Supplementary Template Groups and Metrics 40 Legal Notices Warranty. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this document, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be held liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual. A copy of the specific warranty terms applicable to your Hewlett-Packard product can be obtained from your local Sales and Service Office. Restricted Rights Legend. Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DFARS 252.227-7013. Hewlett-Packard Company United States of America Rights for non-DOD U.S. Departments and Agencies are as set forth in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1,2). Copyright Notices. ©Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard. The information contained in this material is subject to change without notices. Trademark Notices. Microsoft®, and Windows NT, are US registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Pentium®, is a US registered trademark of Intel Corporation. UNIX®, is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Oracle®, is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Conventions Boldface Words in boldface type represent programs and commands. Capitalization Capitalized first letters represent company or product names. Computer font Words in computer font represent file or path names, command syntax statements, prompts or messages that appear on your screen, or text you should type on your workstation or terminal. italics Words in italics represent variables in syntax statements or words that are emphasized in the text. { } Represents required elements in a syntax statement. When several elements are separated for the | symbol, you must select one of the elements. [ ] Represents optional elements in a syntax statement. Introduction The Smart Plug-in for Databases (DB-SPI) for Rdb adds Rdb database monitoring capability to HP OpenView Operations (OVO). DB-SPI for Rdb is based on DB-SPI Version 8.10 for UNIX Management Servers. As with other versions of DB-SPI products, you can install the DB-SPI for Rdb on either a UNIX or a Windows Management Server and use OVO to distribute it to managed nodes. Organization of This Manual This document describes the support for Rdb in the HP OpenView Smart Plug-in for Databases. An abbreviated name for the product, DB-SPI for Rdb, is used in this document. The abbreviated name for this manual is the Rdb-Specific Configuration Guide. This document is intended to be used as a supplementary guide to HP OpenView Smart Plug-in for Databases Configuration Guide -- Version A.08.10 for the UNIX Operating System and Version B.08.01 for the Windows Operating System. In this manual, an abbreviated name for each manual -- General Configuration Guide for UNIX and General Configuration Guide for Windows -- replaces the full title. These two guides are similarly but not identically organized. The Rdb-Specific Configuration Guide is organized into the same chapters and sections as the General Configuration Guide for UNIX. Any differences between the Rdb OpenVMS implementation and implementations on other platforms are noted here. All section titles are included in this document to make changed material easier to find. Subsection titles are included only if differences exist. Where the title General Configuration Guide is used, without an operating system designation, the information is not specific to either UNIX or Windows Management Servers. General Differences This section describes the general areas in which the DB-SPI for Rdb differs from DB-SPIs on other platforms. File Specifications The Rdb-Specific Configuration Guide includes file specifications throughout the manual. Although the format of file specifications differs between the OpenVMS, UNIX, and Windows operating systems, the files are in the same general location in the directory structure on an OpenVMS managed node as they are on managed nodes on other platforms. For example, the following lines show the location of data, logging, and configuration files on different operating systems: UNIX: /var/opt/OV/dbspi/ Windows: \usr\OV\dbspi OpenVMS: OVO$ROOT:[var.opt.OV.dbspi] Running DB-SPI for Rdb Commands from the Command Line Many commands available to a DB-SPI for Rdb user on UNIX and Windows are available for the DB-SPI for Rdb. To make these commands available to an OpenVMS interactive user, enter the following command to define them: $ @OVO$CMDS:DBSPI$DEFINE_COMMANDS This command procedure is available only if the logicals for the OpenView Agent have been defined, either by starting the OpenView Agent on your managed node or by defining the logicals using the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:OVO$DEFINE_LOGICALS In the General Configuration Guide, the commands are sometimes prefixed by the full directory specification. For the DB-SPI for Rdb, do not use the full directory specification. For example, if the following command appears: //dbspicol –v ON Enter this command on OpenVMS: dbspicol –v ON NOTE: Your process must have SYSPRV privilege to use the DB-SPI for Rdb commands. User Name Whenever the root user name is specified on UNIX systems or Administrator on Windows systems, the user name SYSTEM is used on OpenVMS unless noted otherwise. Supported Databases The DB-SPI for Rdb supports only the Oracle Rdb database. Other databases that DB-SPI monitors on other platforms are not supported with the DB-SPI on OpenVMS. The Collector/Analyzer Command The collector/analyzer command for this product is dbspicar. This is analogous to the commands dbspicao, dbspicai, dbspicas, and dbspicam for Oracle, Informix, Sybase, and MS-SQL, respectively. Unsupported Features The DB-SPI for Rdb does not include some features discussed in various places in the General Configuration Guide. Rather than list them in every section in which a feature is mentioned, several major unsupported features are the following: * Custom metrics (UDMs) * Integration of OpenView Performance Manager or PerfView * Integration with Service Navigator via Service Discovery Chapter 1: An Overview of the Database SPI Any differences between the DB-SPI for Rdb implementation and other implementations are pointed out in the following sections. How the Smart Plug-in for Databases Works How DB-SPI for Rdb Displays Information Like the DB-SPIs for other databases, the principal way the DB-SPI for Rdb displays information is with messages in the message browser and instruction text, as explained in the section in the General Configuration Guide that corresponds to this one. DB-SPI for Rdb does not support the other methods described in the General Configuration Guide, including the following: * Topology and Service Alerts in the Service Navigator * Reports * Graphs of metric data by OpenView Performance Manager or PerfView Changes You Can Make All changes described in this section in the General Configuration Guide are supported for this product except the following: * Specifying filters with WHERE clauses * Defining user-defined metrics (UDMs) Components of the Smart Plug-in for Databases The following sections describe differences between DB-SPI for Rdb components and those described in the General Configuration Guide. Applications DB-SPI for Rdb supports all the applications described in the General Configuration Guide except the following: * ?Service Discovery group Rdb-DBSPI does not support any of the applications in this group. * Admin and Admin Windows groups For the most part, the Admin and Admin Windows groups contain similar applications. The main difference between applications in these two groups is the user name with which they run on the managed node. The applications in the Admin group typically use the root user name, while the applications in the Admin Windows group typically use the $AGENT_USER application variable. For DB-SPI for Rdb, use the applications in the Admin Windows group. The following applications are supported: o Check Connections o Display Error File o Display Trace File o Start Monitoring o Stop Monitoring o Trace Off o Trace On o Verify Deployment Templates DB-SPI templates for DB-SPI for Rdb are in the DBSPI-Rdb template group, which is in the SPI for Databases (OpenVMS) template group in the Top level of the Message Source Template window. Message Groups. Message Groups are used to classify messages that DB-SPI for Rdb templates generate. The message groups for DB-SPI for Rdb are the following: * Administrative Messages: Rdb_Admin * Configuration Messages: Rdb_Conf * Error Condition Messages: Rdb_Fault * Performance Messages: Rdb_Perf Reports No reports are defined for DB-SPI for Rdb. Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring the Database SPI This chapter discusses installing, configuring, and removing DB-SPI for Rdb components to use with OpenView Operations (OVO). See Appendix B for a list of the DB-SPI for Rdb components added during the installation process. Any differences between the DB-SPI for Rdb implementation and other implementations are noted in the following sections. Installation and Configuration Support Information: DB-SPI for Rdb is supported in the following configurations on OpenVMS systems: * Alpha OpenVMS Version 7.3-2 and higher: > Required OpenVMS patches: o VMS732_PCSI V3.0 or later o VMS732 _UPDATE V9.0 or later > Supported versions of Rdb: o Rdb Version and higher o Rdb Version 7.2 and higher * Integrity OpenVMS Version 8.2-1 and higher: > Required OpenVMS patches: o VMS82I_UPDATE V6.0 o VMS82I_PCSI V1.0 > Supported version of Rdb: o Rdb Version 7.2 and higher Prerequisites for DB-SPI for Rdb are the following: * OpenView Agent for OpenVMS The OpenVMS node must have Version 2, ECO9 or later, of the OpenView Agent for OpenVMS. You can download this from the following web site: www.hp.com/products/openvms/openviewagent/ Then follow the links to the Updates page. * DB-SPI DB-SPI A.08.10 must be installed on the Management Server. Agent Configurations: You can disregard this section in the General Configuration Guide for the following reasons: * OpenView Performance Agent and MeasureWare are not supported in this version of DB-SPI for Rdb. * No mechanism exists to switch between DCE or HTTPS 8.0 agents. Required Tasks on UNIX Management Servers The following tasks are numbered as they are in the General Configuration Guide on UNIX. This document notes whether each numbered task applies or does not apply to DB-SPI for Rdb and, if the task is different for DB-SPI for Rdb, how it differs. TASK 1: INSTALL ON THE MANAGEMENT SERVER Disregard the instructions in the General Configuration Guide for this task. The Rdb DB-SPI product is supplied in the file, DBSPI_HPUX_08_20_00.sdtape. To install the product on the Management Server, copy it to a temporary location and install it using the following commands: # cd # swinstall -s /DBSPI-HPUX_08_20_00.sdtape DBSPIRdbOpenVMS Next, upload the templates using the –add option if this is the first time you have installed the Rdb DB_SPI or using the –replace option if you have previously installed the Rdb DB-SPI, as follows: # /opt/OV/BIN/OpC/opccfgupld –add cfgRdb or # /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opccfgupld –replace cfgRdb TASK 2: ADD NODES TO THE APPROPRIATE DB-SPI FOR RDB NODE GROUP Follow the instructions in the General Configuration Guide. The Node Group for the DB-SPI for Rdb is Rdb. TASK 3: DEPLOY ACTIONS/MONITORS/COMMANDS TO DB-SPI FOR RDB NODE GROUP(S) Follow the instructions in the General Configuration Guide. The Node Group for the DB-SPI for Rdb is Rdb. TASK 4: ASSIGN/DEPLOY THE DISCOVERY TEMPLATE(S) TO THE MANAGEMENT SERVER DB-SPI for Rdb does not support the Service Navigator Map; therefore, the Discovery Templates are not supplied. TASK 5: UPDATE USER RESPONSIBILITIES Follow the instructions in the General Configuration Guide. For DB-SPI for Rdb, the Message Groups are DBSPI and the following: Rdb_Admin, Rdb_Conf, Rdb_Fault, Rdb_Perf TASK 6: SPECIFY OPERATORS FOR SERVICE MAP VIEWING DB-SPI for Rdb does not support the Service Navigator Map. TASK 7: RUN DISCOVERY DB-SPI for Rdb does not support the Service Discovery application. TASK 8: CONFIGURE THE DATABASE CONNECTION Disregard the instructions in the General Configuration Guide for this task. DB-SPI for Rdb must be configured on the OpenVMS managed node. Follow these steps: 1. Log in to the system manager's account. 2. Create a text file with the configuration statements required for managing databases on this node. See Appendix C for the correct syntax for entries in this file. 3. Execute the following DCL command to import your configuration: $ dbspicfg -i 4. This results in a binary file located at the following: ovo$root:[var.opt.OV.dbspi]local.cfg 5. Delete or otherwise protect your input file if it contains passwords. If you need to change the configuration at any point after this, you can export the existing configuration, edit the resulting file, and import it using the following commands: $ dbspicfg -e $ edit $ dbspicfg -i TASK 9: RUN THE SERVICE DISCOVERY APPLICATION AGAIN (SEE TASK 6) DB-SPI for Rdb does not support the Service Navigator Map. TASK 10: DISTRIBUTE THE DB-SPI FOR RDB TEMPLATES Follow the instructions in the General Configuration Guide. The information about the Quick Start templates for DB-SPI for Rdb is the following: Node Group Quick Start Group Assigned Rdb DBSPI-Rdb: Quick Start Checking for Completeness of Installation Before you begin to use DB-SPI for Rdb extensively, you can check your installation on the managed nodes to ensure that all program components are present. Verifying DB-SPI for Rdb Version Installed on the Managed Node Disregard the instructions in the General Configuration Guide for this section. Perform this task from the OpenVMS command line using the following command: $ dbspiadm verify Required Tasks on Windows Management Servers The following tasks are numbered as they are in the General Configuration Guide on Windows. This document notes whether each numbered task applies or does not apply to DB-SPI for Rdb and, if the task is different for DB-SPI for Rdb, how it differs. Install the Database SPI on the Management Server Disregard the instructions in the General Configuration Guide for this task. In the “Read Before Installing” letter, you are instructed to extract the file DBSPI_CONSOLE_08_30_00.msi from a zip file and place it in a temporary location. Using Windows Explorer, double-click this file to run it. Follow the directions on the screen to complete the installation. NOTE: When the Destination Folder dialog box appears, you cannot change the destination. Click Next to continue. Configure UNIX Agents (New Installations) for UNIX Databases This section is not applicable to the OpenVMS OVO agent. Configure Managed Nodes (New Installations) Complete the following tasks in the order presented. TASK 1: REVIEW THE DATABASE SPI DISCOVERY METHOD OR ALGORITHM. Discovery of database instances is not supported by the DB-SPI for Rdb. TASK 2: FOR NODES ALREADY MANAGED BY OVO, MANUALLY DEPLOY THE DBSPI SERVICE DISCOVERY POLICY. Disregard the instructions in the General Configuration Guide for this task. DB-SPI Service Discovery policy is not supplied with DB-SPI for Rdb, and therefore the Quick Start policy group is not automatically deployed. You must manually deploy the Quick Start policy group in a later task. At this time, manually deploy the instrumentation. To do this, right-click the managed node, select All Tasks, and then select Deploy instrumentation. In the dialog box, select DBSPI for OpenVMS, and click OK. Whenever you deploy the DBSPI instrumentation from an OVO/Windows Management Server, you must perform one additional step. Please invoke the following command on the managed node: $ @ovo$instrumentation:dbspi$define_commands TASK 3: FOR NEW NODES, ADD SYSTEMS (UNIX OR WINDOWS OR BOTH) TO THE OVO NODES GROUP. Follow the instructions in the General Configuration Guide for adding new OVO Nodes. However, DB-SPI Service Discovery policy is not supplied with DB-SPI for Rdb, and therefore the Quick Start policy group is not automatically deployed. You must manually deploy the Quick Start policy group in a later task. At this time, manually deploy the instrumentation. To do this, right-click the managed node, select All Tasks, and then select Deploy instrumentation. In the dialog box, select DBSPI for OpenVMS, and click OK. Whenever you deploy the DBSPI instrumentation from an OVO/Windows Management Server, you must perform one additional step. Please invoke the following command on the managed node: $ @ovo$instrumentation:dbspi$define_commands TASK 4: LAUNCH THE WINDOWS OR UNIX DATABASE SPI CONFIGURATION MANAGER TO ADD UNDISCOVERED DATABASES, AND COMPLETE WINDOWS OR UNIX NODE CONFIGURATIONS. Disregard the instructions in the General Configuration Guide for this task. TASK 5: ENTER DATABASE INFORMATION FOR EACH NODE, AS NECESSARY. Disregard the instructions in the General Configuration Guide for this task. You must configure DB-SPI for Rdb on the OpenVMS managed node. Follow these steps: 6. Log in to the system manager's account. 7. Create a text file with the configuration statements required for managing databases on this node. See Appendix C for the correct syntax for entries in this file. 8. Define the DBSPI commands. See the section “Running DB-SPI for Rdb Commands from the Command Line” for details. 9. Execute the following DCL command to import your configuration: $ dbspicfg -i 10. This results in the following binary file: ovo$root:[var.opt.OV.dbspi]local.cfg 11. Delete or otherwise protect your input file if it contains passwords. If you need to change the configuration at any point after this, you can export the existing configuration, edit the resulting file, and import it using the following commands: $ dbspicfg -e $ edit $ dbspicfg -i At the OVO console under the Policy Groups, expand the SPI for Databases (OpenVMS) policy group and then expand the DBSPI-Rdb policy group. Manually deploy the Quick Start policy group. TASK 6: RE-DEPLOY THE DBSPI SERVICES DISCOVERY POLICY TO ALL DATABASE NODES. Disregard the instructions in the General Configuration Guide for this task. TASK 7: VERIFY THE DBSPI INSTALLATION AND DATABASE CONFIGURATION. Disregard the instructions in the General Configuration Guide for this task. To check the deployment of programs to the managed nodes, you can use the dbspiadm command from the DCL prompt on the managed node: $ dbspiadm verify TASK 8: USE THE CREATE NODE GROUPS TOOL Disregard the instructions in the General Configuration Guide for this task. Chapter 3: Using and Customizing the Database SPI This chapter explains how to use and customize DB-SPI for Rdb. Using DB-SPI Templates& Drill-down Metrics No metrics are categorized as roll-up or drill-down metrics for the DB-SPI for Rdb. Advanced Template Customizations Using the DB-SPI Collector/Analyzer Command with Parameters DB-SPI for Rdb supports the syntax as documented in the General Configuration Guide with the exception of the following: * dbspicar –l The –l option is ignored because there are no Rdb log files to monitor (and no corresponding logfile templates). * dbspicar –d –f The –f option is ignored because filters are not specified for Rdb metrics. Running DB-SPI for Rdb Applications from the Command Line On OpenVMS, for each session in which you want to run commands from the command line, you must define the commands. See the section “Running DB-SPI Commands from the Command Line” on page 5 for instructions. No dbspisetpath command is necessary. DATABASE SPI ADMIN APPLICATIONS DB-SPI for Rdb supports all the commands associated with Admin Windows Applications except the following: * Enabling and disabling reports and graphs * The database configuration script dbspicfg.sh RDB APPLICATIONS No corresponding DB-SPI for Rdb applications exist. COLLECTORS The Rdb collector is dbspicar. Re-Installing the DB-SPI Templates When the DB-SPI monitor templates are installed in OVO, the installer of the DB-SPI uses the opccfgupld command to upload the templates. No mechanism exists to refresh any particular groups. If you want to reinstall the DB-SPI templates for this product, repeat the opccfgupld command as specified in the section “Task 1: Install on the Management Server” on page 10. Using Filters with DB-SPI for Rdb Filters are not supported on metrics for Rdb. Using Templates/Applications to Generate Metric Reports No reports have been defined for Rdb metrics. Investigating Performance Problems Using OpenView Performance Agent OpenView Performance Agent is not supported in this version of DB-SPI for Rdb. Changing from One OpenView Agent Version to Another DB-SPI for Rdb does not support the Migrate Agent application. Chapter 4: Using the Database SPI with OpenView Reporting and Graphing Products Disregard this chapter in the General Configuration Guide. DB-SPI for Rdb is not integrated with OpenView Reporting and Graphing Products. Chapter 5: Oracle Advanced Customizations Disregard this chapter in the General Configuration Guide. DB-SPI for Rdb does not support Oracle databases. Chapter 6: User-Defined Metrics Disregard this chapter in the General Configuration Guide. DB-SPI for Rdb does not support User-Defined Metrics. Chapter 7: Special Configurations Disregard this chapter in the General Configuration Guide. DB-SPI for Rdb has no special configurations. Chapter 8: Error Messages and Troubleshooting This chapter discusses error messages and troubleshooting the implementation of the DB-SPI for Rdb. Troubleshooting Special Situations This section discusses various special troubleshooting situations. Using the Self-Healing Info Application The Self-Healing troubleshooting methods are not available with the DB-SPI for Rdb. Chapter 9: Non-English Environments The DB-SPI for Rdb has not been tested in a non-English environment. Appendix A: File Names This appendix briefly describes the DB-SPI for Rdb file names. These files are listed alphabetically in the following groups: * Management Server Files * Management Server/Managed Node Files * Managed Node Files Management Server Files OVO/UNIX Files TEMPLATES FOR OPCCFGUPLD (OVO UPLOAD FACILITY) Table 1: Rdb DB-SPI Upload Files The Rdb DB-SPI upload files are in:. /var/opt/OV/share/tmp/OpC_appl/cfgRdb/C/ File Name Description cfgRdb.idx OVO upload control file for the DBSPI-Rdb group. This file defines what is being uploaded into OVO: message groups, monitor templates, and template groups. TEMPLATES/MONITOR/monitor.dat Definition file for OVO templates: collector/analyzer program and external monitor for each metric. Contains all details for monitoring all Rdb metrics. TEMPLATES/TEMPLGROUP/templgroup.dat Definition file for DBSPI-Rdb OVO template group structure. MSGGROUPS/msggroups.dat Definition file for the Rdb message group. NODEGROUPS/nodegroups.dat Definition file for DBSPI-Rdb OVO Node Groups. Miscellaneous Additional Files The Rdb DB-SPI does not install any other files on the Management Server. OVO/Windows Files The individual policies are in the following directories: \Install\OpenVMS\OpenVMS_DBSPI_policies \Install\OpenVMS (itanium)\OpenVMS_DBSPI_policies Management Server/Managed Node Files The following files are installed on the management server when the DB-SPI for Rdb is installed. They are then installed on managed nodes when monitors, commands, and actions are distributed from the management server to the managed nodes. These files are listed alphabetically in the following subsections: * Monitor Files * Command Files * Action Files Monitor Files Like templates and policies for other OVO Agent platforms, these files are located on the management server in directories that are specific to the target operating system. For the target operating system OpenVMS, the files listed in the table are in the following locations: - UNIX Management Server: /var/opt/OV/share/databases/OpC/mgd_node/customer/hp/alpha/vms/monitor/ - Windows Management Server: \Data\shared\Instrumentation\OpenVMS\\Data\shared\Instrumentation\OpenVMS (itanium)\\Data\shared\Instrumentation\OpenVMS\\Data\shared\Instrumentation\OpenVMS (itanium)\ 2. This command creates an output file with the name you specified from the existing local binary configuration file. Be aware that passwords in this export file are in clear text. 3. Distribute this file to other managed nodes. 4. If local modifications to configuration information are required on other managed nodes, make those modifications on the local nodes before completing the next step. 5. On each node, from the system manager's account, execute the following DCL command: $ dbspicfg -i This command imports your configuration file and creates a local binary local.cfg file. Configuration File Syntax This section in the General Configuration Guide details the syntax for each database type and an example of the configuration file that the Configure DB Connections application displays. Those database types and the application are not supported for DB-SPI for Rdb. The following section describes the syntax for the Rdb database type. Rdb Rdb configuration file keywords: The following table describes the Rdb keywords as they are used in the configuration file: (See the example following the table.) Rdb Keywords Information Double Quotes DATABASE Name of the Rdb database file (This must be only the file name – no file type.) No DATABASELOC Location of the Rdb database Yes VERSION Version of Rdb used to access this database (71 or 72) No Example of an Rdb configuration entry: SYNTAX_VERSION 4 RDB VERSION 71 DATABASELOC "$1$DGA25:[ORACLERDB.personnel]" DATABASE personnel VERSION 71 DATABASELOC "$1$DGA25:[ORACLERDB.w81sp3]" DATABASE w81sp3 Configuration File DB-SPI for Rdb does not support the Configure DB Connections application. Appendix D : Rdb Metric Summary Rdb Metric Description Area Interval Threshold Min/Max Reset Severity R001_AsynchPreFetchStat Status of Asynchronous Pre-Fetch Buffer Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning R002_DetectedAsynchPreFetchStat Status of Detected Asynchronous Pre-Fetch Buffer Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning R003_AsynchBatchWriteStat Status of Asynchronous Batch-Write Buffer Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning R004_AllocateSetEffectivenessPct % pages found to page requests Buffer Analysis 15m 75% Min W/O Warning R005_GlobalBufferPoolEffectivenessPct % pages found in global buffer pool to page requests Buffer Analysis 15m 85% Min W/O Warning R006_IOSavedPct % page requests that saved a disk I/O Buffer Analysis 15m 85% Min W/O Warning R015_AIJStatus Status of after image journaling feature AIJ Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning R016_ConfiguredAIJCnt # of configured after image journals AIJ Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Major R017_ReservedAIJCnt # of reserved after image journals AIJ Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Major R018_LogServerStatus Status of AIJ Log Server (ALS) AIJ Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning R019_AIJOverWriteStatus Status of Journal overwrite AIJ Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning R021_ABSStatus Status of AIJ Backup Server (ABS) AIJ Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Major R022_ABSExtJnlStatus ABS and extensible after image journal status AIJ Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Major R023_ABSOverwrittenJnlStatus ABS and overwritten AIJ Status AIJ Analysis 5m 0.5 Max W/O Critical R024_ABSHardDataLossStatus ABS and hard data loss AIJ Analysis 5m 0.5 Max W/O Critical R027_ARBPoolExhaustionCnt # of times AIJ Request Block (ARB) exhausted AIJ Analysis 1h 0.5 Max W/O Critical R028_ARBsPerIORatio Ratio of ARBs per I/O AIJ Analysis 1d 2 Min W/O Minor R029_BlocksPerIORatio Ratio of blocks per AIJ I/O AIJ Analysis 1d 2 Min W/O Minor R030_ARBBackgroundFmtPct % of ARBs formatted in background by ALS AIJ Analysis 1h 50% Min W/O Minor R031_AIJCacheOverflowCnt # of times AIJ cache has overflowed AIJ Analysis 15m 0.5 Max W/O Critical R032_AIJCacheOverflowPct % of AIJ cache overflow AIJ Analysis 1h 10% Max W/O Major Rdb Metric Description Area Interval Threshold Min/Max Reset Severity A or G R033_EmergencyAIJStatus Status of Emergency AIJ facility AIJ Analysis 1h 0.5 Max W/O Warning A R039_RUJSyncIORatioPct Average number of synchronous write operations to RUJ file RUJ Analysis 5m 10% Max W/O Warning A R040_RUJExtendRatioPct Average number of file extension operations to RUJ file RUJ Analysis 1h 2% Max W/O Major A R043_ProcessFailureRatePct % of DBR operations to database attaches Recovery Analysis 1h 15% Max W/O Warning A R044_ProcessRecoveryRate Average Duration of DBR Recovery Analysis 1h 2 Max W/O Warning A R046_DBSingleFileStatus Single File Database Check Recovery Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning A R049_PageDiscardRate % of pages discarded to pages checked Record Analysis 1h 10% Max W/O Warning A R050_SPAMFetchToTotalFetchRate % SPAM fetched to total fetched Record Analysis 1h 80% Max W/O Warning A R051_SPAMFetchtoStoreRate % SPAM fetched to total stored Record Analysis 1h 20% Max W/O Warning A R054_FragRecordsStored % fragmented records stored to total stored Record Analysis 1h 20% Max W/O Warning A R055_FragRecordsFetched % fragmented records fetched to total fetched Record Analysis 1h 20% Max W/O Warning A R060_AreaAsyncReadStalls Duration of asynch read I/O stalls Area Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning A R061_AreaAsyncWriteStalls Duration of asynch write I/O stalls Area Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning A R062_AreaSyncReadStalls Duration of sync read I/O stalls Area Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning A R063_AreaSyncWriteStalls Duration of sync write I/O stalls Area Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning A R071_BTRFetchDupRatioPct Average number of b-tree duplicate node fetches Index Analysis 1d 15% Max W/O Warning A R072_BTRStoreDupRatioPct Average number of b-tree duplicate node stores Index Analysis 1d 15% Max W/O Warning A R073_BTRLeafFetchRatioPct Average number of b-tree index leaf-node fetches Index Analysis 1d 25% Min W/O Warning A R074_HashFetchDupRatioPct Average number of hash index duplicate node fetches Index Analysis 1d 15% Max W/O Warning A R075_HashStoreDupRatioPct Average number of hash index duplicate node stores Index Analysis 1d 15% Max W/O Warning A R078_RowCacheDisabledStatus Row caching feature unavailable Row Cache Analysis 1d 0.5 Max W/O Warning A Rdb Metric Description Area Interval Threshold Min/Max Reset Severity A or G R083_ProcENQLMRatioPct Process ENQCNT to ENQLM ratio Process Analysis 1h 25% Min W/O Warning A R084_ProcASTLMRatioPct Process ASTCNT to ASTLM ratio Process Analysis 1h 25% Min W/O Warning A R085_ProcBIOLMRatioPct Process BIOCNT to BIOLM ratio Process Analysis 1h 25% Min W/O warning A R086_ProcDIOLMRatioPct Process DIOCNT to DIOLM ratio Process Analysis 1h 25% Min W/O Warning A R087_ProcPGFLQUOTARatioPct Process PAGFILCNT to PGFLQUOTA ratio Process Analysis 1h 25% Min W/O Warning A R090_VerbRollbackPct SQL Verb rollback percentage Transaction Analysis 1h 25% Max W/O Major A R091_RUJWritesPerTransRate Rate of RUJ File Writes per Transaction RUJ File Analysis 1d 1 Max W/O Minor A R092_RUJReadsWritesRatio Ratio of RUJ File Reads to Writes RUJ File Analysis 1d 10 Max W/O Warning A R093_RUJWritesReadsRatio Ratio of RUJ File Writes to Reads RUJ File Analysis 1d 10 Max W/O Warning A R094_SynchAsynchReadsRatio Ratio of synchronous to asynchronous data file reads Performance Analysis 1d 10 Max W/O Warning A Appendix E: Oracle Supplementary Template Groups and Metrics DB-SPI for Rdb does not support the Oracle database. 40