Hewlett Packard Readme for HP Performance Agent (OVPA) Version 4.0-40 for OpenVMS ================================================================= This readme provides information on how to install the HP Performance Agent (OVPA) kit on the OpenVMS operating system and cluster. This readme file includes the following sections: 1.1 Verifying the prerequisites on an OpenVMS System 1.2 Installing the HP Performance Agent (OVPA) Kit on the OpenVMS System 1.1 Verifying the prerequisites on an OpenVMS System ===================================================== OpenVMS patches --------------- Before installing the HP Performance Agent (OVPA) kit on the OpenVMS operating system, you have to verify that the following OpenVMS patches and software have been installed on the system: Ensure that the following OpenVMS patches are applied: For OpenVMS Alpha: ------------------ - OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2 - VMS732_SYS V8.0 or later - VMS732_UPDATE V6.0 or later - OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 - VMS82A_UPDATE V7.0 or later - VMS82A_SYS V7.0 or later - OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.3 - VMS83A_UPDATE V3.0 or later - OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4 For OpenVMS Integrity servers: ------------------------------ - OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.2-1 - VMS821I_UPDATE V5.0 or later - HP I64VMS VMS821I_ICXXL V5.0 or later - OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.3 - VMS83I_UPDATE V1.0 or later - VMS83I_SYS V1.0 or later - HP I64VMS VMS83I_ICXXL V5.0 or later - OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.3-1H1 - HP I64VMS VMS831H1I_ICXXL V2.0 or later - OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.4 The patches are available at the HP ITRC web address: http://www2.itrc.hp.com/service/patch/mainPage.do TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS --------------------------- The PORTMAPPER service must be started for OVPA components to function accurately. OVPA will NOT work with third party IP products. The OVPA software links with the HP TCP/IP network product and therefore requires the HP TCP/IP product to run. Performance Data Collector for OpenVMS -------------------------------------- You must have the Performance Data Collector (TDC) Version 2.3-20 installed on your OpenVMS system for OVPA to collect data. The complete TDC kit is included with the kit you downloaded from the web. Install only the run-time part of TDC for each version of OpenVMS that you want to run with OVPA. The latest kit can also be obtained from: http://www.hp.com/products/openvms/tdc/ 1.2 Installing the HP Performance Agent (OVPA) Kit on the OpenVMS System ========================================================================= To install the OPVA kit for OpenVMS, follow these steps: 1) To extract the PCSI kit, run OVPA-x0400-xx-AXP.EXE (for Alpha) or OVPA-x0400-xx-I64.EXE (for Integrity servers) by entering the following commands: For OpenVMS Alpha: $ RUN OVPA-x0400-xx-AXP.EXE HP-AXPVMS-OVPA-x0400-xx-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED HP-AXPVMS-OVPA-x0400-xx-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED_ESW HP-AXPVMS-OVPA-x0400-xx-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED_HPC For OpenVMS Integrity servers: $ RUN OVPA-x0400-xx-I64.EXE HP-I64VMS-OVPA-x0400-xx-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED HP-I64VMS-OVPA-x0400-xx-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED_ESW HP-I64VMS-OVPA-x0400-xx-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED_HPC 2) HP recommends that you copy the kit and corresponding manifest file to the SYS$UPDATE: directory. a) Log into the OpenVMS system using the SYSTEM account. b) Set the default directory to SYS$UPDATE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE c) Use the PRODUCT INSTALL command to install the kit: $ PRODUCT INSTALL OVPA 3) If you are installing on OpenVMS node where OVO HTTPS Agents are installed: i) Configure OVO HTTPS Agents communication port to any port other than 383 Please refer to section "Restrictions and Known Issues" in the Release notes ii)Run SYS$STARTUP:OVO8_OVPA$CONFIG.COM 4) Start OVPA Agents To start OVPA, log into the OpenVMS system using the SYSTEM account and enter the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:OVPA$STARTUP Note: This startup command procedure starts TDC, which are required for OVPA to function.