Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility for_OpenVMS___________________________________ Installation Part Number: AA-JM76F-TE May 1996 This document describes how to install either the Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility (OpenVMS/DTF) Server software or the Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility (OpenVMS/DTF) Utilities software from a VMSINSTAL kit. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS VAX Versions 6.1, 6.2, or 7.0 OpenVMS Alpha Versions 6.1, 6.2, or 7.0 Software Version: Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS, Version 3.2 __________________________________________________________ May 1996 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation or EDS. Digital Equipment Corporation or EDS assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Digital conducts its business in a manner that conserves the environment. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. Copyright © 1988, 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation, EDS Defense Limited All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha, DEC, DEC/CMS, DEC/MSS, DECnet, DECsystem-10, DECSYSTEM-20, DECUS, DECwriter, DIBOL, EduSystem, IAS, MASSBUS, OpenVMS, PDP, PDT, RSTS, RSX, UNIBUS, VAX, VAXcluster, VMS, VT, and the Digital logo. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Preparing to Install the Software 1.1 A Server Node or a Client Node?.............. 1-1 1.2 Installation Requirements.................... 1-2 1.3 Inspect the Distribution Kit................. 1-4 1.4 Verify Required Disk Space................... 1-5 1.5 Verify Required Amount of Global Pages and Global Sections.............................. 1-6 1.6 Register and Load the Product Authorization Key.......................................... 1-7 1.7 Choose Locations for the DTF Directories-New Installation Only............................ 1-7 1.8 Select UICs for the DTF Directories-New Installation Only............................ 1-7 1.9 Select a Password for the SNADTF$MGR Account-New Installation Only (Server Only)........................................ 1-8 1.10 Verify That the Queue Manager Is Running..... 1-8 1.11 Back Up Your System Disk..................... 1-8 2 Installing the Software 2.1 The Installation Dialog...................... 2-1 2.2 Files Installed.............................. 2-32 2.3 Changes to the DECnet Databases.............. 2-33 iii 3 After Installing the Software 3.1 Configure the OpenVMS/DTF Software........... 3-1 3.2 Verify the Installation of the OpenVMS/DTF Server Software.............................. 3-2 3.3 Verify DTF for IBM with OpenVMS/DTF.......... 3-2 3.4 Verify DTF for IBM Security Exits............ 3-3 Examples 2-1 Installation Dialog - Part 1............. 2-4 2-2 Installation Dialog - Part 2............. 2-7 2-3 Installation Dialog - Part 3............. 2-10 2-4 Installation Dialog - Part 4............. 2-12 2-5 Installation Dialog - Part 5............. 2-14 2-6 Installation Dialog - Part 6............. 2-16 2-7 Installation Dialog - Part 7............. 2-19 2-8 Installation Dialog - Part 8............. 2-22 2-9 Installation Dialog - Part 9............. 2-25 2-10 Installation Dialog - Part 10............ 2-27 2-11 Installation Dialog - Part 11............ 2-29 Tables 1-1 OpenVMS/DTF Server Software Installation Specifications........................... 1-2 1-2 OpenVMS/DTF Utilities Software Installation Specifications.............. 1-3 iv ________________________________________________________________ Preface The Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility (DTF) software is a Digital Equipment Corporation product that allows you to transfer files between IBM MVS or VM systems in an SNA network and systems in a Digital network. To use the DTF access routine, you must first install the appropriate versions of the software and hardware that you plan to use. See the Software Product Description (SPD) for this information. The DTF access routine consists of two major parts: the IBM-resident software (DTF for IBM) and the Digital- resident software (OpenVMS/DTF). The IBM-resident software can be installed on an MVS system or a VM system. This guide tells you how to install: o OpenVMS/DTF server software on an OpenVMS server node, or o OpenVMS/DTF utilities software on an OpenVMS client node To install the OpenVMS/DTF utilities software success- fully, you must also install the OpenVMS/DTF server software on at least one server node. The postage-prepaid Reader's Comments form on the last page of this manual is for your critical evaluation to assist us in preparing future documentation. v Associated Documents The Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility software documenta- tion consists of the following manuals: o Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS Installation o Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS Management o Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS Problem Solving and Messages o Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS Use You should have the following Digital documents available for reference when you use the Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility software: o Common Data Dictionary Summary Description o Common Data Dictionary User's Guide o Common Data Dictionary Utilities Reference o Common Data Dictionary Data Definition Language Reference o Digital SNA Domain Gateway Installation o Digital SNA Domain Gateway Management o Digital SNA Domain Gateway Guide to IBM Resource Definition o DECnet SNA Gateway Problem Determination Guide o DECnet SNA Gateway-CT Installation o DECnet SNA Gateway-CT Problem Solving (OpenVMS & ULTRIX) o DECnet SNA Gateway-CT Management (OpenVMS) o DECnet SNA Gateway-CT Guide to IBM Parameters o DECnet SNA Gateway-ST Installation o DECnet SNA Gateway-ST Problem Solving (OpenVMS) o DECnet SNA Gateway-ST Guide to IBM Parameters o DECnet SNA Gateway Management for OpenVMS vi o Digital Peer Server Installation and Configuration o Digital Peer Server Management o Digital Peer Server Network Control Language Reference o Digital Peer Server Guide to IBM Resource Definition o OpenVMS SNA Installation o OpenVMS SNA Problem Solving o OpenVMS SNA Guide to IBM Parameters o OpenVMS SNA Management o OpenVMS SNA Problem Determination Guide OpenVMS client users may also find the following Digital OpenVMS manuals to be helpful: o OpenVMS User's Manual o OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual o DEC DATATRIEVE User's Guide o OpenVMS DCL Dictionary o OpenVMS DCL Concepts Manual o Guide to OpenVMS File Applications ULTRIX client users may also find the following Digital DECnet-ULTRIX manual to be helpful: o DECnet-ULTRIX Use DOS client users may also find the following PATHWORKS for DOS manual to be helpful: o PATHWORKS for DOS DECnet User's Guide OS/2 client users may also find the following PATHWORKS for OS/2 manual to be helpful: o PATHWORKS for OS/2 Utilities Guide IBM client users may also find the following IBM manuals to be helpful: o JCL Reference o CMS Primer vii o IBM Access Method Services The following IBM manuals provide additional reference in- formation that could be helpful in problem determination: o DFP: Access Method Services Reference o IBM VTAM Customization o MVS JCL Reference Manual o MVS Service Aids Manual o MVS System Commands o MVS System Messages o VTAM Operator Commands o VM Planning and Reference o VM/SP6 Connectivity, Planning, and Administration o VM/SP5 TSAF Acronyms The following acronyms are used throughout this guide: DCL Digital Command Language DTF Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility access routine IBM SNA IBM's Systems Network Architecture SNADTFCFG SNA DTF Configuration utility TRANSFER SNA DTF Transfer utility /DTF OpenVMS Digital-resident Data Transfer Facility /DTF software viii Graphic Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this guide: Special This special type indicates system output type or user input. UPPERCASE Uppercase letters in command lines indicate keywords that must be entered. You can enter keywords in either uppercase or lowercase. You can abbreviate command keywords to the first three characters or their minimum unique abbreviation. lowercase Lowercase italics in command syntax or italics examples indicate variables for which either the user or the system supplies a value. [ ] Square brackets in command syntax statements indicate that the enclosed values are optional. You can enter none or one. Default values apply for unspecified options. (Do not type the brackets when you enter a command.) Press the RETURN key. The RETURN key, which you must press to execute commands, is assumed in command examples and therefore is not always shown in command displays. ix 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install the Software The Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility software (OpenVMS /DTF) is divided into the following software installation kits: o OpenVMS/DTF Server software o OpenVMS/DTF Utilities software This chapter describes the preparations you must make before you install either the OpenVMS/DTF server software or OpenVMS/DTF utilities software. 1.1 A Server Node or a Client Node? To use DTF to transfer data, you must install the OpenVMS /DTF server software on at least one OpenVMS node in your network. The OpenVMS/DTF server software kit includes the OpenVMS/DTF utilities software, so it is not necessary to install both the server and utilities software on the same node. You can also optionally install the OpenVMS /DTF utilities software on additional client nodes in your network. The OpenVMS/DTF utilities software lets you use features such as recoverable file transfer from a client node. A typical DTF site consists of multiple client nodes and a single server node. You can also set up your system with multiple client nodes attached to multiple server nodes. You should consider the price/performance ratio of server nodes to client nodes when deciding how many server and client nodes your site needs. Server nodes contain the SNA file access software necessary for communicating with the DTF for IBM software. A server node communicates with the IBM system through the DECnet SNA Gateway-ST, the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT, the Digital SNA Domain Gateway-CT, the Digital SNA Domain Preparing to Install the Software 1-1 Gateway-ST, the Digital SNA Peer Server, or OpenVMS SNA (OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and Version 6.2 only). Client nodes initiate file transfer requests. A client node can be the source or the destination of the transfer request. DECnet client nodes communicate with server nodes through DECnet. IBM client nodes communicate with the OpenVMS/DTF server through a DECnet SNA Gateway-ST, DECnet SNA Gateway-CT, Digital SNA Domain Gateway-CT, Digital SNA Domain Gateway-ST, Digital SNA Peer Server, or OpenVMS SNA. After you decide how many server nodes and client nodes you need, you can begin to install the OpenVMS/DTF software. 1.2 Installation Requirements Before you begin to install the OpenVMS/DTF software, you need to know what software, system privileges, and disk space are required for your installation. Table 1-1 and Table 1-2 list the preliminary installation requirements that you must satisfy before you can begin to install the OpenVMS/DTF software. Table_1-1_OpenVMS/DTF_Server_Software_Installation_Specifications OpenVMS Alpha Requirements_____OpenVMS_VAX_Specifications_Specifications______ Required Versions 6.1, 6.2, or 7.0 Versions 6.1, 6.2, software or 7.0 (continued on next page) 1-2 Preparing to Install the Software Table 1-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS/DTF Server Software Installation __________________Specifications________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha Requirements_____OpenVMS_VAX_Specifications_Specifications______ Optional VAX Common Data CDD/Repository for software Dictionary Version 4.2 or OpenVMS Version 5.2 later or later DEC DATATRIEVE Version 4.1 or later Digital SNA Gateway Management Version 2.0 or later[1] Privileges System manager level Disk space 7070 blocks minimum 7606 blocks during installation 4012 blocks 2704 blocks minimum after installation Global pages 1777 2643 Global sections 12 10 Estimated time 5 to 15 minutes to install Associated Your processor-specific documents installation/operations guide [1]Gateway_Management_software_is_bundled_with_DECnet_SNA_______ Gateway-CT Version 2.1 or later and DECnet SNA Gateway-ST Version 1.2 or later. It is no longer a separate product. ________________________________________________________________ Table_1-2_OpenVMS/DTF_Utilities_Software_Installation_Specifications OpenVMS Alpha Requirements_____OpenVMS_VAX_Specifications_Specifications______ Required Versions 6.1, 6.2, or 7.0 Versions 6.1, 6.2, software or 7.0 (continued on next page) Preparing to Install the Software 1-3 Table 1-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS/DTF Utilities Software Installation __________________Specifications________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha Requirements_____OpenVMS_VAX_Specifications_Specifications______ Optional DEC DATATRIEVE Version software 4.1 or later Digital SNA Gateway Management Version 2.0 or later[1] Privileges System manager level Disk space 2441 blocks minimum 2537 blocks during installation 1582 Blocks 1139 blocks minimum after installation Global pages 283 572 Global sections 7 6 Estimated time 5 to 15 minutes to install Associated Your processor-specific documents installation/operations guide [1]Gateway_Management_software_is_bundled_with_DECnet_SNA_______ Gateway-CT Version 2.1 or later and DECnet SNA Gateway-ST Version 1.2 or later. It is no longer a separate product. ________________________________________________________________ 1.3 Inspect the Distribution Kit The software Bill of Materials (BOM) included with your distribution kit specifies the contents of the distribution kit. Carefully compare the items you received with the items listed in the BOM. If any components are missing or damaged, contact your Digital representative before continuing with the installation. 1-4 Preparing to Install the Software 1.4 Verify Required Disk Space Make sure that you have adequate disk space before you install the OpenVMS/DTF software. You can check your available disk space by entering the following command: $ SHOW DEVICE system-disk where system-disk refers to the device name of the system disk. For more information about the SHOW DEVICE command, refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. Preparing to Install the Software 1-5 1.5 Verify Required Amount of Global Pages and Global Sections Make sure that you have enough global pages and global sections free. If there are not enough global pages and global sections, the OpenVMS/DTF software cannot be installed as a shareable image. You can check the number of global pages and global sections available by entering the following commands: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> SHOW GBLPAGES SYSGEN> SHOW GBLSECTIONS You can then check the number of global pages and global sections in use by entering the following commands: $ INSTALL INSTALL> LIST/GLOBAL By subtracting the second set of values from the first, you can determine if there are enough global pages and global sections free for your use. If you need to increase the total available, you must edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file and include the following lines: For server installation: ADD_GBLPAGES=n ADD_GBLSECTIONS=n For client installation: ADD_GBLPAGES=n ADD_GBLSECTIONS=n Where n is the appropriate value from Table 1-2. After modifying these values, you must run AUTOGEN by using the following commands: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SAVPARAMS GENPARAMS $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SETPARAMS REBOOT These commands will recompute your system parameters. AUTOGEN will also perform an automatic shutdown and reboot when it is finished. 1-6 Preparing to Install the Software 1.6 Register and Load the Product Authorization Key Make sure that you have registered and loaded the Product Authorization Key (PAK) before you begin the installation. Refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Reference Manual for this information. 1.7 Choose Locations for the DTF Directories-New Installation Only Select locations for the DTF directories. You need to determine which disk you want to contain the DTF work directories ([SNADTF] and [DTF$SERVER]). The default directory location, SYS$COMMON, is available to an entire cluster. The [SNADTF] directory contains the following information: o All OpenVMS/DTF databases (OpenVMS/DTF server only) o Execution queue work files o Execution queue job files o DTF log files The [DTF$SERVER] directory contains the log files for all IBM-initiated DTF transfer operations directed to nodes that do not have the OpenVMS/DTF utilities software installed. In the case of IBM-initiated transfer requests without access control information, both the files and the log files for the transfer are placed in the DTF$SERVER directory. Current directories will be used for an upgrade to an existing installation. 1.8 Select UICs for the DTF Directories-New Installation Only Select user identification codes (UICs) for the DTF directories. You must assign unused UICs to the [SNADTF] and [DTF$SERVER] directories. The DTF directory UICs keep unauthorized users from accessing OpenVMS/DTF databases and work files. The [SNADTF] directory default UIC of [55,56] is in the same group as the SNACSV account default UIC (the DECnet SNA Gateway-ST, DECnet SNA Gateway- CT, Digital SNA Domain Gateway-CT, Digital SNA Domain Gateway-ST, Digital SNA Peer Server, or OpenVMS SNA work Preparing to Install the Software 1-7 directory). The [DTF$SERVER] directory default UIC is [54,56]. The current UICs will be retained for an upgrade to an existing installation. 1.9 Select a Password for the SNADTF$MGR Account-New Installation Only (Server Only) Select a password of at least 6 characters for the SNADTF$MGR account. The SNADTF$MGR account is created by the server installation procedure and allows users on other nodes to access the OpenVMS/DTF databases. This password ensures that only authorized users can access the OpenVMS/DTF databases. The existing account will be updated for an upgrade to an existing installation. 1.10 Verify That the Queue Manager Is Running The installation procedure starts an OpenVMS/DTF execution queue. Make sure that the queue manager is running; if it is not, the installation will fail. You can use the following command to start the queue manager: $ START/QUEUE/MANAGER For more information about the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command, refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. When installing OpenVMS/DTF on a node where any version of the product has previously been installed, you must stop all queues created by the previous installation of the DTF software. This ensures that the newly installed software rather than the previously installed software will handle the DTF queues. 1.11 Back Up Your System Disk Before you start an installation that involves writing to your system disk, Digital Equipment Corporation recommends that you make a backup copy of your system disk. The System Manager's Manual explains how to back up your system disk. 1-8 Preparing to Install the Software 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the Software This chapter describes the steps when you install OpenVMS /DTF software products. If you install the OpenVMS/DTF utilities software on a node that contains the OpenVMS/DTF server software, the information that was added during the server software installation will be deleted. 2.1 The Installation Dialog The procedure for installing files on an OpenVMS system is automated. You simply answer questions displayed while the procedure (VMSINSTAL) runs. Most questions require a simple yes (Y) or no (N) answer. The OpenVMS /DTF installation (whether server or utilities) should take no longer than 15 minutes, depending on the type of medium you use. The estimated installation time does not include preparation time or problem resolution time. ________________________Note ________________________ You can install the OpenVMS/DTF software from two locations: the Consolidated Software Distribution CD-ROM or a remote node in your local area network using the Remote Installation Service (RIS). The VMSINSTAL procedure presented in this chapter assumes the OpenVMS/DTF software is being installed from your local area network. To install the OpenVMS/DTF product from the Consolidated Software Distribution CD-ROM, see the master index table in the document Consolidated Software Distribution Disk User's Guide for the directory containing the OpenVMS/DTF files. _____________________________________________________ Installing the Software 2-1 This page intentionally left blank. 2-2 Installing the Software The following illustration shows how the installation information is presented. Most of the questions supply default answers which appear in brackets throughout the installation procedure. Press to accept a default answer. Press to abort the installation procedure at any time; later, you can restart the installation. Installing the Software 2-3 Example 2-1 Installation Dialog - Part 1 Username: SYSTEM 1 Password: password $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL product-name ddcu: [OPTIONS N] 2 OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: JONES * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Y 3 * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? 4 Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0:. * Are you ready? yes 5 %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SNADTF mounted on _MUA0: 2-4 Installing the Software The following callout descriptions refer to Example 2-1: 1 Digital Equipment Corporation recommends that you install software from the system manager's account [SYSTEM] with your default device and directory set to SYS$UPDATE. 2 VMSINSTAL prompts you if you do not supply the product and device names. If you want to be prompted for the product name, device name, and installation options, type the following: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL product-name SNADTFU for the OpenVMS/DTF utilities software distribution kit. SNADTFS for the OpenVMS/DTF server software distribution kit. ddcu: A device name where the distribution kit for the OpenVMS/DTF installation media will be mounted, where dd is the device, c is the controller, and u is the unit number. It is not necessary to use the console drive to install OpenVMS/DTF. MUA0: is the device name used in this example. OPTIONS N An optional parameter you should provide if you want to be prompted to display or print the release notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not prompt you to display or print the release notes, but does copy them to SYS$HELP. VMSINSTAL also permits the use of several other options. For more information on options, see your processor-specific installation/operations guide. 3 If users are logged in, you are asked whether you want to continue the installation. To continue, type Y and press . To stop the installation, press . Installing the Software 2-5 4 Before you proceed with the installation, make sure you have a good backup copy. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press . If you do not have a good backup copy, type N and press to end the installation. 5 This group of three lines appears only when your distribution medium is a tape. Mount the distribution kit volume on the appropriate drive. Type YES and press when you are ready. 2-6 Installing the Software Example 2-2 Installation Dialog - Part 2 The following products will be processed: product-name V3.2 Beginning installation of product-name V3.2 at hh:mm %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 6 * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Job product-name032 (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 681) started on LPA0 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? Y 7 %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? 8 Product: SNA-DTF-xxx 9 Producer: DEC Version: V3.2 Release Date: dd-mmm-yyyy * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?Y 10 Installing the Software 2-7 The following callout descriptions refer to Example 2-2: 6 This step applies only if you specified OPTIONS N. If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes. Press to terminate the display. If you select option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you for a queue name. Either type a queue name or press to send the file to the default output print device. If you select option 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes and then prompts you for a queue name. If you select option 4, VMSINSTAL does not display or print the release notes. ________________________Note ________________________ Printing the release notes is recommended because of their length. _____________________________________________________ Read the release notes carefully before continuing with the VMSINSTAL procedure. 7 To continue the installation, type Y and press . If you type N or press , VMSINSTAL moves the release notes to SYS$HELP and ends the installation. 8 If you answer YES to this prompt, VMSINSTAL deletes previous versions of the distribution files. Press after the prompt if you want to purge the files replaced during installation. 9 SNA-DTF-SVR for OpenVMS/DTF server software; SNA-DTF- UTL for OpenVMS/DTF utilities software. 10 Use the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF) to register the product. Check to see if this is the same information contained in your Product Authorization Key (PAK). Type YES or NO in response to the question. 2-8 Installing the Software If you do not register and load your authorization key, the product will not install and run correctly. For more information on LMF, refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Reference Manual. Installing the Software 2-9 Example 2-3 Installation Dialog - Part 3 * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? 11 * Device to be used for the DTF directories [SYS$COMMON:]: 12 %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDISK, This product creates system disk directory SYS$COMMON:[SNADTF]. * Do you want the installation to delete old DTF databases [YES]? 13 2-10 Installing the Software The following callout descriptions refer to Example 2-3: 11 After you install the OpenVMS/DTF software, you should verify that the software was properly installed. To include verification checking, press . The verification procedure begins later in the installation procedure and verifies the installation of the following: o SNADTFCFG utility o SNADTFCFG utility help files o TRANSFER/DTF utility o TRANSFER/DTF utility help files o Default DTF queue file o SNARCOPY object On server systems only: The verification procedure also verifies the modification of the File Access Listener (FAL) object. 12 This prompt is displayed if you are installing OpenVMS/DTF for the first time. Specify the disk on which you want the OpenVMS/DTF [SNADTF] and [DTF$SERVER] directories to reside. The default device is SYS$COMMON. If a previous version of DTF is found you will receive a DIRALREXI error message in place of this prompt. 13 DTF V3.0 server account, proxy, and file definition databases are not compatible with DTF V3.2. If the installation procedure finds these databases, the procedure automatically upgrades the databases to be DTF V3.2 compatible. The procedure then changes the extension of the old databases to be .OLD. These old databases are no longer needed. If you wish to delete the old databases, answer YES to this question. Installing the Software 2-11 Example 2-4 Installation Dialog - Part 4 * UIC for directory SNADTF (include brackets) [[55,56]]: 14 %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named SNADTF. 15 %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier SNADTF value: [000055,000056] added to rights data base. %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SNADTF. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated * Password for SNADTF$MGR account (6 characters minimum): 16 * Password verification: 17 %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named SNADTF$MGR. 18 %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SNADTF$MGR. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$COMMON:[DTF 19 $SERVER] * UIC for account DTF$SERVER (include brackets) [[54,56]]: %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named DTF$SERVER. 20 %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named DTF$SERVER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated 2-12 Installing the Software The following callout descriptions refer to Example 2-4: 14 This prompt is displayed if you are installing OpenVMS/DTF for the first time. Specify the user identification code (UIC) for the SNADTF account using the following standard UIC format: [g,u] where g is the group number in octal. For security reasons, the group number should never be the same as an existing group number or the same as a system management group number (less than 10). u is the user number in octal. 15 These five lines are displayed if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF server software. If DTF is already installed, only the two update messages are displayed. 16 This prompt is displayed if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF server software for the first time. Type a password for the SNADTF$MGR account and press ; the password is not displayed on the screen for security reasons. 17 This question is displayed to catch any typing errors that might have occurred when you entered the password for the SNADTF$MGR account. Type the password again and press . 18 These 4 messages are displayed for server software installations only. If DTF is already installed, only the update message is displayed. 19 These 2 messages are displayed for server and utilities software installations. 20 These 4 messages are displayed for server and utilities software installations. If DTF is already installed, only the update message is displayed. Installing the Software 2-13 Example 2-5 Installation Dialog - Part 5 %product-name-I-NOMORQUES, no further questions 21 %REGISTER-I-ADDED added SNADTF$DISPATCHER to registry 22 %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 %REGISTER-I-ADDED added SNADTF$COPY to registry %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 Checksum file updated last by ZZZZZZ on DD-MMM-YYY %NET$CONFIGURE-I-VERCHEKSUM, verifying checksums 23 %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common APPLICATION script %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common EVENT script %NET$CONFIGURE-I-OVERRIDECOMMON, node specific MOP_CLIENT script overrides the cluster common settings The following NCL script files have been modified since being created by this procedure: SYS$SPECIFIC: [SYSMGR]NET$MOP_CIRCUIT_STARTUP.NCL; This procedure may create a new version of these scripts or modify information contained within them. In all cases, any previously created NCL scripts are rename to "file.NCL-OLD", so that you may review any of your previous changes. %NETCONFIGURE-I-MAKEACCOUNT, this procedure creates user account DTF$SERVER $NCL @SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]NET$APPLICATION_STARTUP.NCL-TEMP; Node 0 Session Control Application SNARCOPY at YYYY-MM-DDD=HH:MM:SS.sss-TDF Node 0 Session Control Application SNARCOPY at YYYY-MM-DDD=HH:MM:SS.sss-TDF Characteristics (continued on next page) 2-14 Installing the Software Example 2-5 (Cont.) Installation Dialog - Part 5 Addresses = { name = SNARCOPY } Client = Incoming Alias = True Incoming Proxy = True Outgoing Alias = True Outgoing Proxy = True Node Synonym = True Image Name = SYS$SYSTEM:SNARCOPY.EXE User Name = "DTF$SERVER" Incoming OSI TSEL = Installing the Software 2-15 The following callout descriptions refer to Example 2-5: 21 No more input is required. If you typed Y in response to the purged files prompt, previous versions of the files are now purged. If the installation procedure is successful, the executable files are moved to their target directory. 22 These informational messages are displayed on Alpha systems running OpenVMS Version 7.0. 23 The following network informational messages are displayed on systems running DECnet/OSI network software. Example 2-6 Installation Dialog - Part 6 $vef = F$verify(vef) %NET$CONFIGURE-I-MODCHECKSUM, checksumming NCL management scripts modified by NET$CONFIGURE %NET$CONFIGURE-I-CONFIGCOMPLETED, DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS configuration completed Checksum file updated last by XXXXXX on DD-MMM-YYY %NET$CONFIGURE-I-VERCHECKSUM, verifying checksums 24 %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common APPLICATION script %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common EVENT script %NET$CONFIGURE-I-OVERRIDECOMMON, node specific MOP_CLIENT script overrides the cluster common settings The following NCL script files have been modified since being created by this procedure: SYS$SPECIFIC: [SYSMGR]NET$MOP_CIRCUIT_STARTUP.NCL; This procedure may create a new version of these scripts or modify information contained within them. In all cases, any previously created NCL scripts are rename to "file.NCL-OLD", so that you may review any of your previous changes. %NET$CONFIGURE-I-MODCHECKSUM, checksumming NCL management scripts modified by NET$CONFIGURE %NET$CONFIGURE-I-CONFIGCOMPLETED, DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS configuration completed Checksum file updated last by XXXXXX on DD-MMM-YYY %NET$CONFIGURE-I-VERCHECKSUM, verifying checksums 25 %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common APPLICATION script %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common EVENT script %NET$CONFIGURE-I-OVERRIDECOMMON, node specific MOP_CLIENT script overrides the cluster common settings (continued on next page) 2-16 Installing the Software Example 2-6 (Cont.) Installation Dialog - Part 6 The following NCL script files have been modified since being created by this procedure: SYS$SPECIFIC: [SYSMGR]NET$MOP_CIRCUIT_STARTUP.NCL; This procedure may create a new version of these scripts or modify information contained within them. In all cases, any previously created NCL scripts are rename to "file.NCL-OLD", so that you may review any of your previous changes. $NCL @SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]NET$APPLICATION_STARTUP.NCL-TEMP; Node 0 Session Control Application FAL at YYYY-MM-DDD=HH:MM:SS.sss-TDF Node 0 Session Control Application FAL at YYYY-MM-DDD=HH:MM:SS.sss-TDF Characteristics Installing the Software 2-17 The following callout descriptions refer to Example 2-6: 24 The following network informational messages are displayed on systems running DECnet/OSI network software. 25 The following network informational messages are displayed on systems running DECnet/OSI network software. 2-18 Installing the Software Example 2-7 Installation Dialog - Part 7 Addresses = { number = 17 } Client = Incoming Alias = True Incoming Proxy = True Outgoing Alias = True Outgoing Proxy = True Node Synonym = True Image Name = SYS$SYSTEM:SNADTF$FAL.EXE Incoming OSI TSEL = $vef = F$verify(vef) %NET$CONFIGURE-I-MODCHECKSUM, checksumming NCL management scripts modified by NET$CONFIGURE %NET$CONFIGURE-I-CONFIGCOMPLETED, DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS configuration completed This installation has added the following files: [SYSHLP]SNADTF$CFG_HELP.HLB [SYSLIB]SNADTF$COPY.EXE [SYSMSG]SNADTF$MESSAGE.EXE [SYSHLP]SNADTF$RCOPY_HELP.HLB [SYSEXE]SNADTF$SYMBIONT.EXE [SYSEXE]SNADTFCFG.EXE [SYSEXE]SNARCOPY.EXE In addition, the following server specific files are added: 26 [SNADTF]SNADTF$DISPATCHER.COM [SYSEXE]SNADTF$DISPATCHER.EXE [SYSEXE]SNADTF$FAL.COM [SYSEXE]SNADTF$FAL.EXE [SNADTF]SNADTF$FILE_DEFINITION.DAT [SNADTF]SNADTF$FILE_DEFINITION.FDL [SYSEXE]SNADTF$LOGIN.COM [SNADTF]SNADTF$PROXY.FDL [SNADTF]SNADTF$SERVER_ACCOUNT.DAT [SNADTF]SNADTF$SERVER_ACCOUNT.FDL [SYSTEST]SNADTF$SERVER_IVP.COM [SYS$STARTUP]SNADTF$STARTUP_SERVER.COM (continued on next page) Installing the Software 2-19 Example 2-7 (Cont.) Installation Dialog - Part 7 [SYSHLP]SNADTFS032.RELEASE_NOTES In addition, the following utilities specific files are added: 27 [SYSTEST]SNADTF$CLIENT_IVP.COM [SYS$STARTUP]SNADTF$STARTUP_CLIENT.COM [SYSHLP]SNADTFU032.RELEASE_NOTES 2-20 Installing the Software The following callout descriptions refer to Example 2-7: 26 These 13 files are added if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF server software. 27 These 3 files are added if you are installing the OpenVMA/DTF utilities software. Installing the Software 2-21 Example 2-8 Installation Dialog - Part 8 This installation has defined a network task object called SNARCOPY. The FAL network object has been redefined to use the DTF server software. 28 Run SYS$SYSTEM:NCP and issue the following to examine the object database: NCP> LIST OBJECT SNARCOPY CHARACTERISTICS NCP> LIST OBJECT FAL CHARACTERISTICS Or, if you have a DECnet Phase V system, run NCL and issue the following to examine the objects: NCP> SHOW SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION SNARCOPY ALL NCP> SHOW SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION FAL ALL 29 You must add the following line to the SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM system startup procedure: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SNADTF$STARTUP_SERVER SYS$COMMON: [P2] [P3] [P4] - [P5] [P6] [P7] [P8] 30 where P2 is the list of SNADTF queues to be started at system startup time, and P3 is a YES/NO value indicating whether a generic SNADTF queue is to be started at system startup time. P4 is the list of server account names to be used for server sessions by SNADTF$DISPATCHER and P5 is the time interval the dispatcher is to wait before trying to reconnect to the IBM host after a session disconnect. P6 is the list of transfer account names to be used for transfer sessions between SNADTF$FAL and DTF for IBM. P7 is YES or NO, indicating whether SNADTF$DISPATCHER should send a cluster alias or system-specific node name to DTF for IBM. P8 is the translation table file name that will be used by SNADTF$DISPATCHER for translating ASCII to EBCDIC and vice versa. Please see the OpenVMS/DTF Management manual for more information and defaults used. $ @SYS$STARTUP:SNADTF$STARTUP_CLIENT SYS$COMMON: [P2] [P3] 31 (continued on next page) 2-22 Installing the Software Example 2-8 (Cont.) Installation Dialog - Part 8 where P2 is the list of SNADTF queues to be started at system startup time, and P3 is a YES/NO value indicating whether a generic SNADTF queue is to be started at system startup time. Please see the OpenVMS/DTF Management manual for more information. Installing the Software 2-23 The following callout descriptions refer to Example 2-8: 28 This message is displayed if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF server software. 29 These lines are displayed if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF server software. 30 This line and the following paragraph are displayed if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF server software. 31 This line and the following paragraph are displayed if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF utilities software. 2-24 Installing the Software Example 2-9 Installation Dialog - Part 9 The installation process will now add the server accounts SNADTF and SNASERVER to the server account database. 32 %SNADTF-I-ADDSER, server account SNADTF added 33 %SNADTF-I-ADDSER, server account SNASERVER added %SNADTF-I-CREATEACC, if SNASERVER is used for file transfer, add an OpenVMS account 34 The installation process will now update the DTF databases to V3.2 35 format, if necessary. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Starting SNADTF Dispatcher; process name SNADTF$DISPATCH 36 %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is xxxxxxxx Installing the Software 2-25 The following callout descriptions refer to Example 2-9: 32 This sentence is displayed if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF server software for the first time. 33 These two messages are displayed if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF server software for the first time. 34 This message is displayed if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF server software for the first time. You can ignore this message because the SNASERVER account is used to handle IBM requests and not to transfer files. 35 This sentence is displayed if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF server and you requested that the server databases be updated. 36 These two messages are displayed if you are installing the OpenVMS/DTF server software. 2-26 Installing the Software Example 2-10 Installation Dialog - Part 10 Running the product-name Installation Verification Procedure at hh:mm 37 Checking NCP data base if Object FAL file is SNADTF$FAL.COM 38 Object Volatile Summary as of dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss Object Number File/PID User Id Password FAL 17 SYS$SYSTEM:SNADTF$FAL.COM Checking NCP data base if Object SNARCOPY file is SNARCOPY.EXE Object Volatile Summary as of dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss Object Number File/PID User Id Password SNARCOPY 0 SYS$SYSTEM:SNARCOPY.EXE Testing configuration utility HELP command Information available: ADD DISABLE ENABLE EXIT HELP MODIFY REMOVE SHOW USE_NODE Testing configuration utility SERVER_ACCOUNT commands %SNADTF-I-CREATEACC, if SNADTFIVP is used for file transfers, add an OpenVMS account Server account: SNADTFIVP Access Name: PU: Node: Application: Logon Mode: Session: Translation: LOCAL Null: NONE Service m/c: File Definition: IBM_Prefix: Gateway: Installing the Software 2-27 The following callout descriptions refer to Example 2-10: 37 If you responded Y to the IVP prompt, the installation procedure now calls the IVP to verify that the DTF software was successfully installed. If the installation procedure or IVP fails for any reason, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, the installation of product-name V3.2 Errors can result if any of the following conditions are true: o Incorrect version of the OpenVMS operating system o Insufficient disk quotas The OpenVMS System Manager's Manual explains error messages generated by these conditions. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the action described in the message. You might need to change a system parameter or increase an authorized quota value. If an IVP failure causes the installation to fail, contact a Digital field service representative. 38 The SNADTF$FAL section is displayed if you are running the OpenVMS/DTF server IVP. 2-28 Installing the Software Example 2-11 Installation Dialog - Part 11 Testing configuration utility FILE_DEFINITION commands ! ! File definition: SNADTFIVP ! BASE RELEASE NO SINGLE NO SPANNED NO SUPERSEDE NO TRANSLATE YES VSAM_SEQUENTIAL NO Testing TRANSFER/DTF utility HELP command HELP The HELP command displays on-line documentation for the OpenVMS/DTF utility. Format: HELP [keyword...] Additional information available: CANCEL COPY EXIT HELP SET SHOW Testing TRANSFER/DTF utility SHOW QUEUE command SNADTF queue SNADTF$QUEUE, on OSAKA:: /BASE_PRIORITY=4 /OWNER=[SYSTEM] /PROTECTION=(S:E,O:D,G:R,W:W) Default INTERVAL: 0 00:30:00.00 Minimum INTERVAL: Unspecified Default RETRIES: 48 Maximum RETRIES: Unspecified Default TIME: 1 00:00:00.00 Maximum TIME: Unspecified product-name Installation Verification Procedure completed successfully. Installation of product-name V3.2 completed at hh:mm VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm (continued on next page) Installing the Software 2-29 Example 2-11 (Cont.) Installation Dialog - Part 11 $ LOGOUT 39 SYSTEM logged out at dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm 2-30 Installing the Software The following callout descriptions refer to Example 2-11: 39 VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and want to restore those symbols, you should log out and log in again. Installing the Software 2-31 2.2 Files Installed All files are installed in SYS$COMMON. VMSINSTAL installs the following files on both OpenVMS/DTF server nodes and OpenVMS/DTF client nodes: __________________________________________________________ File_________________________Description__________________ [SYSHLP]:SNADTF$CFG_ SNADTFCFG help library HELP.HLB [SYSLIB]:SNADTF$COPY.EXE OpenVMS/DTF shareable library [SYSMSG]:SNADTF$MESSAGE.EXE OpenVMS/DTF error message file [SYSHLP]:SNADTF$RCOPY_ TRANSFER/DTF help library HELP.HLB [SYSEXE]:SNADTF$SYMBIONT.EXE Symbiont for OpenVMS/DTF queues [SYSEXE]:SNADTFCFG.EXE SNADTFCFG utility [SYSEXE]:SNARCOPY.EXE________TRANSFER/DTF_utility_________ ________________________Note ________________________ The DCL tables found in SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE are updated during installation. _____________________________________________________ VMSINSTAL installs the following additional files on your OpenVMS/DTF server node: __________________________________________________________ File____________________________Description_______________ [SYS$STARTUP]:SNADTF$STARTUP_ Command procedure executed SERVER.COM at system startup [SNADTF]:SNADTF$DISPATCHER.COM Dispatcher startup file [SYSEXE]:SNADTF$DISPATCHER.EXE IBM command dispatcher [SYSEXE]:SNADTF$FAL.COM Command file for FAL object [SYSEXE]:SNADTF$FAL.EXE File Access Listener (FAL) 2-32 Installing the Software __________________________________________________________ File____________________________Description_______________ [SNADTF]:SNADTF$FILE_ File definition database DEFINITION.DAT [SNADTF]:SNADTF$FILE_ RMS file definition DEFINITION.FDL for the file definition database [SYSEXE]:SNADTF$LOGIN.COM Login command file used by VMS/DTF server accounts [SNADTF]:SNADTF$PROXY.FDL RMS file definition for proxy database [SNADTF]:SNADTF$SERVER_ Server account database ACCOUNT.DAT [SNADTF]:SNADTF$SERVER_ RMS file definition ACCOUNT.FDL for the server account database [SYSTEST]:SNADTF$SERVER_ Server verification IVP.COM procedure [SYSHLP]:SNADTFS032.RELEASE_ Release notes NOTES_____________________________________________________ VMSINSTAL installs the following additional files on your OpenVMS/DTF client node: __________________________________________________________ File_________________________Description__________________ [SYSTEST]:SNADTF$CLIENT_ Utilities verification IVP.COM procedure [SYS$STARTUP]:SNADTF$STARTUP_Command procedure executed at CLIENT.COM system startup [SYSHLP]:SNADTFU032.RELEASE_ Release notes NOTES_____________________________________________________ 2.3 Changes to the DECnet Databases The following changes are made to the DECnet databases as a result of installing the OpenVMS/DTF software: 1. For OpenVMS/DTF server software only, the File Access Listener (FAL) object is modified in both the DECnet permanent database and the DECnet volatile database. Installing the Software 2-33 2. The SNARCOPY object is defined in both the DECnet permanent database and the DECnet volatile database. ________________________Note ________________________ If you have altered the FAL on your OpenVMS/DTF server node, you must add the alterations to the FAL installed with the OpenVMS/DTF server software. _____________________________________________________ 2-34 Installing the Software 3 ________________________________________________________________ After Installing the Software This chapter describes the tasks you should do after you install the OpenVMS/DTF software on the system. 3.1 Configure the OpenVMS/DTF Software After you have successfully installed the OpenVMS/DTF software and before you can begin transferring files, you must configure OpenVMS/DTF. To configure OpenVMS/DTF, do the following tasks: 1. Server Only: Set up the server account database. 2. Server Only: Authorize access to server accounts. 3. Server Only: Optionally, set up the proxy database. 4. Server Only: Optionally, set up the file definition database. 5. Edit the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM system startup procedure to include either: @SYS$STARTUP:SNADTF$STARTUP_SERVER or @SYS$STARTUP:SNADTF$STARTUP_CLIENT Optionally, add startup parameters to control the DTF operating environment. Refer to Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS Management for information on configuring and managing OpenVMS/DTF. After Installing the Software 3-1 3.2 Verify the Installation of the OpenVMS/DTF Server Software The installation verification procedure (IVP) runs automatically at the end of the installation if you have chosen that option. You can run the IVP at any time by executing the following command: For Server Nodes: $ @SYSTEST:SNADTF$SERVER_IVP.COM For Client Nodes: $ @SYSTEST:SNADTF$CLIENT_IVP.COM If the software was not properly installed, error messages are displayed. Correct the problems indicated by the messages and rerun the OpenVMS/DTF installation procedure. If you receive IVP errors, you have a bad kit; contact your Digital representative. ________________________Note ________________________ The IVP does not verify whether the OpenVMS/DTF server software can communicate with an IBM system. _____________________________________________________ 3.3 Verify DTF for IBM with OpenVMS/DTF After the OpenVMS/DTF and DTF for IBM software has been installed and configured, use the OpenVMS/DTF software to see if DTF for IBM can perform the following functions: o Create and delete a non-VSAM file. o Copy to and from a non-VSAM file. o Create and delete a VSAM file. o Copy to and from a VSAM file. If you cannot perform these functions, see the Digital SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS Use. 3-2 After Installing the Software 3.4 Verify DTF for IBM Security Exits Verify DTF for IBM security exits by using the DCL commands supported by DTF in the manner described in the following paragraphs. You should test the following cases using the DIRECTORY command: o An invalid user ID o A valid user ID with an invalid password o A valid user ID with an expired password You should test the following case using the DELETE command: o A valid user ID and password but no authorization to delete You should test the following case using the CREATE command: o A valid user ID and password but no authorization to create You should test the following case using the TYPE command: o A valid user ID and password but no authorization to read You should test the following case using the OPEN and WRITE commands: o A valid user ID and password but no authorization to write You should test the following case using the COPY command: o A valid user ID and password but no authorization to update On VM systems, you may wish to test the following additional cases: o An invalid owner ID o A valid owner ID with an invalid minidisk password o A valid owner ID and password but not authorized for delete, create, read, write, and update After Installing the Software 3-3