DEC/EDI Installation DEC/EDI V3.2 AA-Q8WTF-TE January, 1998 1994, 1998 The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DEC/EDI, DECforms, DIGITAL, MAILbus, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, VAX, and the DIGITAL logo. Adobe is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated AIX and IBM are registered trademarks and AS/400 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. BT is a registered trademark of British Telecommunications plc. HP and HP-UX are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. INFORMIX is a registered trademark of Informix Software, Inc. InstallShield is a registered trademark of InstallShield Corporation. INTERSOLV is a registered trademark of INTERSOLV, Inc. MS MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks, and Windows 95 and Windows NT are trademarks, of Microsoft Corporation. ObjectBroker is a registered trademark of BEA. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG. Sun and Solaris are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. All other trademarks not listed above are acknowledged as the the property of their respective holders. Preface Purpose For DEC/EDI Version 3.2 This book describes how to install the following DEC/EDI components: • Server • Application Client • Message Updates • Cockpit • CommandCenter Enables you to perform basic system configuration, to ensure that DEC/EDI is installed and configured correctly, and can communicate with other DEC//EDI components installed within the same network. Audience This document is for anyone who wants to install, configure or support a DEC/EDI installation.The audience for this book may be described in terms the activities required for a successful installation and basic configuration of a DEC/EDI system. These activities may be performed by one or more people within your organization. Software Installation System Managers and Administrators who are responsible for installing DEC/EDI and its related components on the required operating system. Network Configuration Network administrators who are responsible for performing any network configuration required to enable DEC/EDI components located within the same network to communicate with one another. Database Administration Database administrators who are responsible for setting up the required user accounts, access rights or ODBC drivers for the database used by the DEC/EDI software. For detailed configuration of DEC/EDI and its external communications components please refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guides (Digital UNIX and Open VMS) Structure • Part 1 - describes the preparation necessary before starting installation. • Part 2 - describes network configuration • Part 3 - describes database installation and configuration • Part 4 - covers the Client and Server software installation • Part 5 - describes basic system verification • Part 6 - provides a set of appendices giving installation examples and a listing of the files installed. How to Use this Book This book details the preparation, installation, post-installation and basic configuration tasks that must be completed in order to successfully install the DEC/EDI software components on the supported hardware and software platforms. The book also provides sample installation logs and screen captures for your guidance during the installation process. An existing user of the DEC/EDI product wishing to upgrade or migrate to this version of DEC/EDI, must read the chapter on upgrading and migration. Completion of all tasks stipulated is essential to successful upgrading or migration from a previous version of DEC/EDI. The book is organized to enable easy location of information relating to the installation activities for the required DEC/EDI configuration. Read Part I of this book from start to finish, and then read the sections that relate to the required DEC/EDI configuration. DEC/EDI Documentation This is one of a set of DEC/EDI books. The complete list is as follows: • DEC/EDI: Introduction This book introduces general EDI concepts, and Digital's EDI system, DEC/EDI. It describes the main components of the DEC/EDI system, and how business documents are processed and communicated to trading partners. The book seeks to establish the concepts and terms used by DEC/EDI. These are also summarized in a glossary. You are strongly recommended to become familiar with the material in this book before proceeding to install or use DEC/EDI. • DEC/EDI: Installation This book describes how to install the DEC/EDI software, how to perform basic system configuration and how to verify such an installation. It describes how to install the Application Client, Server, Cockpit and CommandCenter components. • DEC/EDI: Application Development This book describes the Application Client interfaces and the means of connecting business applications to the Application Client. It also details the creation and deployment of mapping tables as part of the process of integrating applications with DEC/EDI. • DEC/EDI: User's Guides (Digital UNIX and Open VMS) These guides contain information on setting up and operating DEC/EDI systems. They also contain information covering configuration, maintenance and problem solving. The term User's Guides is used throughout this book to refer to the following books which are provided along with the DEC/EDI Server they describe. Digital UNIX DEC/EDI: UNIX User Support Manual OpenVMS DEC/EDI: OpenVMS User Support Manual - Volume 1 DEC/EDI: OpenVMS User Support Manual - Volume 2 • Release Notes Further to the above, each software kit contains a set of release notes applicable to that software. These release notes contain information about known product problems (with workarounds where appropriate) and any operational tips or hints not provided as part of the above documentation set. You are strongly recommended to review these release notes before installing the software. Refer to the appropriate installation guide for information on how to locate the release notes. • On-line Documentation Comprehensive on-line documentation is supplied with the DEC/EDI software: for example, on-line help libraries and UNIX man page help information. In addition the DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter kits contains the DEC/EDI: Error Messages Help Library. This contains all error messages the product may log along with a description of why the message occurred and what to do about it. It is provided in MS-Windows help library format. In addition, the CommandCenter CD-ROM provides on-line versions of all DEC/EDI books in Adobe Acrobat format. DEC/EDI InfoCenter For further information on Digital's EDI and Electronic Commerce Solutions and Services, please visit the EDI InfoCenter on the World Wide Web. The location is: Related Third Party Documentation Refer to the documentation provided with third-party products for installation and configuration details. Typographical Conventions Some information within this guide is specific to the database product you are using in conjunction with DEC/EDI. The following conventions are used to indicate such text: Oracle7 This indicates the adjoining paragraph contains information specific to running DEC/EDI with the Oracle7 database. OnLine This indicates the adjoining paragraph contains information specific to running DEC/EDI with the INFORMIX-OnLine database. OnLine... This indicates the start of several paragraphs of information specific to running DEC/EDI with the INFORMIX-OnLine database. ...OnLine This indicates the last of several paragraphs of information specific to running DEC/EDI with the INFORMIX-OnLine database. Similar conventions are used to indicate text specific to other components. For example: • Rdb refers to the Oracleฎ Rdb™ database. • V2.1A refers to Cockpit Version 2.1A • V3.1A refers to Cockpit Version 3.1A. Chapter 1 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI This chapter describes what actions are necessary prior to installation of DEC/EDI. Overview Before installing DEC/EDI there are a number of things which need to be determined about your system, and the configuration in which you intend to run DEC/EDI. It is not necessary to know everything about all the systems on which you will be using DEC/EDI at this stage, as you may add further components or systems at a later date. DEC/EDI System Configuration The collection of systems within the same network, on which DEC/EDI and its components are installed, is known as the DEC/EDI system configuration. The different parts are described on the following pages. Server The Server acts as a communications gateway, providing EDI mapping, translation and communications services for one or more Application Client systems. You may have one or more Server systems within your DEC/EDI system configuration. A typical system configuration may have one Server for live EDI transactions, and another for backup or development use. Application Client The Application Client provides a file based interface to your business application, and may operate either via a command line or script- based interface, or via API calls directly from the business application. One or more Application Clients may communicate with the Server. The Application Client may reside on the same system as the Server, or may be on another system within the same network. A typical system may have many Application Clients communicating with a Server. Product Installation Documentation Installation instructions are provided in the documentation associated with each product described in this chapter. DEC/EDI product documentation is described in DEC/EDI Documentation on page -xv of the Preface. DEC/EDI User Interfaces Cockpit The Cockpit is a monitoring and basic audit administration tool which runs on a PC connected to the Server. The Cockpit can be used to monitor multiple Servers simultaneously. Access controls enable you to restrict the data which may be either viewed or modified by a particular user of the Cockpit. A typical system may have multiple Cockpit installations for a number of users, each responsible for monitoring a particular set of business applications. CommandCenter The CommandCenter includes the Cockpit plus the ability to define Mapping Tables for integrating your business applications. The CommandCenter runs on a PC connected to the Server. For DIGITAL UNIX servers, the CommandCenter also includes a suite of applications for configuring and managing the Server. The CommandCenter may be used to manage one or more Servers simultaneously. A typical system may have multiple CommandCenter installations for a number of users, each responsible for integrating a particular set of business applications, or for configuring and managing one or more Servers. DEC/EDI INTERCHANGE For OpenVMS servers, the INTERCHANGE user interface provides commands for configuring and managing the Server, and for monitoring EDI transactions. The INTERCHANGE user interface runs on the same system as the Server. FileBridge UI For OpenVMS servers, the FileBridge user interface provides the facility to develop Mapping Tables for integrating your Business Applications, and for tracking mapping activities. The FileBridge development user interface runs on any OpenVMS system connected to the Server. The FileBridge tracking interface runs on the same system as the Server Establishing the Configuration of Your System DEC/EDI supports a number of different system configurations, and you must determine the desired system configuration before proceeding with the installation of DEC/EDI and its components. The following section describes the supported configuration options, and directs you to the relevant parts of the DEC/EDI documentation set that describe the installation of those options. Supported Configurations This section describes the supported configurations and interconnection options between the various components of DEC/EDI. Single Node System Your business application runs on the same node as the Server, or you have a custom module which is responsible for transferring files to and from your business application. Your business application uses either the Application Client interface or one of the supported legacy interfaces (where available) to connect to the Server. The following figure shows a typical single node system configuration: Figure 1-1 Single Node System Multi-node Client/Server System Your business application runs on a separate node from the Server and uses the Application Client interface to connect to the Server. The following figure shows a typical multi-node Client/Server system: Figure 1-2 Multi-node Client/Server system: DEC/EDI V1.3 Application and Server System Your business application runs on a remote VAX system using either the DEC/EDI V1.3 data label API or DEC/EDI FileBridge, and is connected to the Server on OpenVMS using DECnet or DECnet/Plus. The following figure shows a typical V1.3 system connected to a DEC/EDI Version 3.2 Server on OpenVMS: Figure 1-3 Remote V1.3 Application and Server Cockpit and CommandCenter In addition, you may install the Cockpit and CommandCenter GUI components on one or more PCs within the same network. A separate license is required for each PC on which the Cockpit or CommandCenter is installed. You may use the Cockpit and CommandCenter to monitor and configure one or more Server systems. The following figure shows a typical configuration with several Cockpit installations and a CommandCenter installation communicating with multiple Servers: Figure 1-4 Cockpit and CommandCenter Configuration Server Configuration This section describes the components that you need to install on the designated Server node. Network Interface The network interface provides the means to exchange files and data between the Application Client, Cockpit or CommandCenter and the Server. The Server can support multiple simultaneous connections using any of the available network interfaces. A network interface is required even on a single node system, to support interprocess communication between the Application Client and the Server. OpenVMS On an OpenVMS Server, you must select one or more of the following Network interfaces: ObjectBroker over DECnet ObjectBroker must be installed and the OpenVMS system must be configured to support either DECnet or DECnet/OSI (DECnet Plus). ObjectBroker over TCP/IP ObjectBroker must be installed and the OpenVMS system must be configured with a TCP/IP implementation that is compatible with ObjectBroker. TCP/IP only The OpenVMS system must have DEC TCP/IP Services installed and configured. If you are using the Server to support remote DEC/EDI V1.3 applications, then you must have one of the following communications protocols installed and configured: DECnet DECnet must also be installed on the remote application node. DECnet/OSI (DECnet Plus) DECnet/OSI must also be installed on the remote application node. DIGITAL UNIX On a DIGITAL UNIX Server, you must select one of the following Network interfaces: ObjectBroker over TCP/IP ObjectBroker must be installed and the DIGITAL UNIX system must be configured with the TCP/IP implementation supplied with DIGITAL UNIX. TCP/IP only The DIGITAL UNIX system must be configured with the TCP/IP implementation supplied with DIGITAL UNIX. Database The database provides the means of auditing application files, documents and transmission files processed by the Server system. On DIGITAL UNIX, the database additionally provides the means of storing the Server configuration details. Except for V1.3 installations, you do not need to install any database components on remote Application Client nodes. OpenVMS On an OpenVMS Server the following database components are required: ORACLE Rdb You need to have a minimum of the run-time components licensed and installed. ORACLE SQL/Services for Rdb This is required if you intend to use the Cockpit or CommandCenter to access the Server. DIGITAL UNIX On a DIGITAL UNIX Server you need to select one of the following database options: ORACLE Rdb You need to have a minimum of the run-time components licensed and installed, along with ORACLE SQL/Services to support the Cockpit and CommandCenter. ORACLE 7 You need to install ORACLE 7, and the required components to support the Cockpit and CommandCenter. Informix Online You need to install Informix Online, and the required components to support the Cockpit and CommandCenter. Server Software OpenVMS On OpenVMS, the VMSINSTAL command is used to install DEC/EDI from the supplied media. To install the Server, you must select the server installation option. The Server installation includes support for translation of ANSI X12, TDCC (UCS/WINS), EDIFACT, ODETTE and TRADACOMS standards, and industry-specific and trading partner specific variations of those standards. DIGITAL UNIX On DIGITAL UNIX, the setld command is used to install DEC/EDI from the supplied media. You may select specific subsets to install, depending on the communications and translation options you require from the following: X12 This includes support for translation of ANSI X12 and TDCC (UCS/WINS) transactions, and industry-specific and trading partner specific variations. EDIFACT This includes support for translation of UN EDIFACT and ODETTE messages, and industry-specific and trading partner specific variations. TRADACOMS This includes support for translation of TRADACOMS messages, and industry-specific and trading partner specific variations. Communication Options Refer to Server Communications Options on page 1-18 for details of options available. DEC/EDI Message Updates After installation of the Server system, you must install the versions of EDI standard dictionaries and messages that you require. You are recommended to install at least the following standard and version, which is required for performing the basic system configuration tests described in this book: EDIFACT Version 90.1 Application Client Configuration This section describes the components you need to install on any Application Client nodes. Network Interface The network interface provides the means to exchange files and data between the Application Client and the designated Server node. The same network interface must be installed and configured on both the application client and server systems. OpenVMS On an OpenVMS Application Client node, you must select one of the following Network interfaces: ObjectBroker over DECnet ObjectBroker must be installed and the OpenVMS system must be configured to support either DECnet or DECnet/OSI (DECnet Plus). ObjectBroker over TCP/IP ObjectBroker must be installed and the OpenVMS system must be configured with a TCP/IP implementation that is compatible with ObjectBroker. TCP/IP only The OpenVMS system must have DEC TCP/IP Services installed and configured. OpenVMS and DEC/EDI V1.3 If you are also using DEC/EDI V1.3 applications on the application client node, then you must have one of the following communications protocols installed and configured: DECnet DECnet must also be installed on the Server node. The Server must be an OpenVMS Server. DECnet/OSI (DECnet Plus) DECnet/OSI must also be installed on the Server node. The Server must be an OpenVMS Server. DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX On a DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris or HP-UX Application Client node, you must select one of the following network interfaces: TCP/IP only The system must be configured with the TCP/IP implementation supplied with the operating system. ObjectBroker over TCP/IP ObjectBroker must be installed and the system must be configured with the TCP/IP implementation supplied with the operating system. Application Client Software OpenVMS On OpenVMS, the VMSINSTAL command is used to install DEC/EDI from the supplied media. The installation procedure provides the option to install only the Application Client components. DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX On DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris and HP-UX, the setld utility, which is provided with the installation kit where required, is used to install DEC/EDI from the supplied media. You must install the application client subsets. Cockpit and CommandCenter Configuration This section describes the components that you need to install on any PCs running Cockpit or CommandCenter. The CommandCenter software includes the Cockpit, so you do not additionally need to install the Cockpit on those systems. Network Interface The network interface provides the means to exchange files and data between the Cockpit or CommandCenter and the Server. The same network interface must be installed and configured on both the PC and server systems, however as the server can support multiple simultaneous transport types, you can use more than one type of network if needed. Windows 3.1x, Windows 95, Windows NT On Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows 95 or Windows NT you must select one of the following Network Interfaces: * ObjectBroker over DECnet ObjectBroker must be installed on the PC, along with PATHWORKS to support either DECnet or DECnet/OSI (DECnet Plus). *Does not support Windows 95. ObjectBroker over TCP/IP ObjectBroker must be installed on the PC, along with a TCP/IP implementation that is compatible with ObjectBroker. TCP/IP only The PC must be configured with a supported TCP/IP implementation. Database Configuration (ODBC) The Cockpit and CommandCenter use Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) to communicate with the DEC/EDI database on the Server. The Cockpit and CommandCenter may connect to multiple Servers, each of which may be using a different database. You must install the appropriate ODBC drivers and related software to support connection to the DEC/EDI database on each of the Server systems. OpenVMS For connection to an OpenVMS Server, you must install the ODBC driver onto the PC. ORACLE ODBC Driver for Rdb You need to install the appropriate driver for the operating system you are running on the PC. DIGITAL UNIX For connection to a DIGITAL UNIX Server, you must install one of the following ODBC drivers, and related connectivity software on the PC: ORACLE ODBC Driver for Rdb You need to install the appropriate driver for the operating system you are running on the PC. ORACLE 7 You need to install ORACLE TCP/IP protocol adapter, ORACLE SQL*NET and the ORACLE 7 ODBC driver onto the PC. Informix Online For Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11, you need to install Informix I*Net and the INTERSOLV ODBC driver for Informix Online. For Windows 95 and Windows NT, you need to install either Informix CLI, which includes the ODBC drivers, or Informix I*net and the INTERSOLV ODBC driver for Informix Online. Software Installation Cockpit The Cockpit is supplied as a set of floppy disks, one set for Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11, the other set for Windows 95 and Windows NT. CommandCenter The CommandCenter is provided on CD-ROM, and contains two kits, one for Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11, the other for Windows 95 and Windows NT. If you are installing on Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11, you additionally need to install Win32s, which is provided on the CD-ROM. The CommandCenter CD-ROM also contains the DEC/EDI documentation suite in Adobe Acrobat format, and the free Acrobat reader software. You are recommended to install the online documentation for ease of reference. Server Communications Options The Server supports a number of communications options, and you must install any pre-requisite hardware or software prior to installing DEC/EDI. After installation, you must configure the communications components to enable DEC/EDI to communicate with your trading partners. This section outlines the communications options that are available: OpenVMS On an OpenVMS Server, all communications options are installed by the Server installation procedure. Each communications option, apart from the Import/Export gateway, requires a license for its use. The following communications options are available: X.400 Communication You need to install DECnet/OSI, MAILbus 400 and DEC X.500 Directory Services. OFTP Communication You need to install DECnet/OSI, and X.25 connector services. Bisynchronous Communication For Bisynchronous communications, you need to install the CLEO 3780Plus product together with SYNCcable+ and a compatible modem. X.25 VAN Communication For X.25 VAN communications with the TRADANET VAN, you need to install DECnet/OSI, and X.25 connector services. Import/Export Communication No additional licensing or software is required for use of the Import/Export gateway. DIGITAL UNIX On a DIGITAL UNIX Server, you may select specific communications subsets to install. Each communications option, apart from the Import/Export gateway, requires a license for its use. The following communications options are available: X.400 Communication You need to install DECnet/OSI, MAILbus 400 and DEC X.500 Directory Services. OFTP Communication You need to install DECnet/OSI, and X.25 connector services. Bisynchronous Communication For Bisynchronous communications, you need to install the CLEO 3780Plus product together with SYNCcable+ and a compatible modem. X.25 VAN Communication For X.25 VAN communications with the TRADANET VAN, you need to install DECnet/OSI, and X.25 connector services. Internet SMTP/MIME Communication For Internet SMTP/MIME Communication, the sendmail function provided with DIGITAL UNIX must be installed, along with connection to a wide area network or Internet Service Provider. You may additionally wish to install a third party security or encryption product if communication over a public access network. Import/Export Communication Zero additional licensing or software is required for use of the Import/Export gateway. Chapter 2 Installation Activities This chapter provides pre-installation information. Introduction The following pages show the DEC/EDI Component Subsets. You should read through these pages and note which of the optional elements are required for your particular installation. This information will be required during the Installation process described in Part 4. 1. Setting up the Server, and any Application Clients local to it (See Setting Up the Server and Local Application Clients on page 2-3). 2. Setting up any remote Application Clients, that is, those on different nodes to the Server (See Setting Up Remote Application Clients on page 2-4). 3. Setting up any CommandCenter installations (See Setting Up the CommandCenter on page 2-5). 4. Setting up any Cockpit installations (See Setting Up the Cockpit on page 2-6). 5. Using the CommandCenter or INTERCHANGE (OpenVMS) to configure the Server (See Configuring the Server on page 2-7). Figure 2-1 DEC/EDI System Components The first four tasks establish the DEC/EDI system as a network of components. These activities are done only once, or repeated infrequently, for example, when you want to bring another node into the system. The final task deals with the detailed configuration of the Server. This may need more regular maintenance, for example, as you add new Trading Partners and applications. These separate stages are outlined in the following sections. The individual activities are listed for each task, along with the DEC/EDI book where the activity is described in more detail. The majority of these activities need to be performed in all DEC/EDI systems where normal routing is used. Where either bypass or application- to-application routing is deployed, some of the Server configuration activities may not be needed, such as Translation services, and in the case of application-to-application routing, the Communications services. Likewise, the activities to install and configure remote Application Clients are needed only where you have a need to use such clients (as opposed to Application Clients located on the same node as the Server). Setting Up the Server and Local Application Clients This task covers the physical installation of the DEC/EDI software and any necessary prerequisite software. It also covers the initial configuration of the software sufficient to create the database, and configure the Network Interface for use by DEC/EDI. The following list summarizes the steps to be performed on the Server node, the details are provided in the chapters detailed below: Chapter 5 UNIX - Installation of DEC/EDI Server and Application Client Chapter 6 OpenVMS - Installation of Server and Client Chapter 9 Installing DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter 1. Install DEC/EDI product licenses, including CommandCenter license 2. Install and verify prerequisite software 3. (UNIX only) Create a decedi account for DEC/EDI to use 4. Install and verify DEC/EDI software 5. Create the database 6. Register DEC/EDI with Network Interface 7. Configure Network Interface for remote access by Application Clients, Cockpit and CommandCenter 8. Create user accounts for database access by users of Cockpit and CommandCenter 9. Grant access to database for user accounts 10. (Oracleฎ Rdb™ only) Configure SQL/Services™ for database access by users of Cockpit and CommandCenter Setting Up Remote Application Clients This task covers the physical installation and configuration of any DEC/EDI Application Clients on nodes remote from the Server. The following list summarizes the steps to be performed on each separate node running an Application Client, the details are provided in the chapters detailed below: Chapter 5 UNIX - Installation of DEC/EDI Server and Application Client Chapter 6 OpenVMS - Installation of Server and Client The procedure is defined in the following list: 1. Install and verify prerequisite software 2. (UNIX only) Create a decedi account for DEC/EDI to use 3. Install and verify DEC/EDI software 4. Register DEC/EDI with Network Interface 5. Configure Network Interface for remote access by DEC/EDI Server Setting Up the CommandCenter This task covers the installation and configuration of the DEC/EDI CommandCenter on a PC. Because the CommandCenter also contains a copy of the DEC/EDI Cockpit, this task also covers that component where it is installed as part of the CommandCenter. The following activities need to be performed on each PC where the CommandCenter is to be used, the details are provided in the chapter detailed below: Chapter 9 Installing DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter 1. Install and verify prerequisite software 2. Install CommandCenter software 3. Define the main Server that CommandCenter is to access 4. Verify CommandCenter link to the Server Setting Up the Cockpit This task covers the installation and configuration of the DEC/EDI Cockpit on a PC where it is installed separately from the CommandCenter. The following activities need to be performed on each PC where the Cockpit is to be used, the details are provided in the chapter detailed below: Chapter 9 Installing DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter 1. Install and verify prerequisite software 2. Install Cockpit software 3. Define the main Server that Cockpit is to access 4. Verify Cockpit link to the Server Configuring the Server This task covers the configuration of the DEC/EDI Server and the development and integration of the business applications that post data to, and fetch data from the Server. The following activities need to be performed on each Server and the details are provided in the chapters detailed below: Chapter 5 UNIX - Installation of DEC/EDI Server and Application Client Chapter 6 OpenVMS - Installation of Server and Client 1. Select which Translation and Communications Services are to run 2. Define the EDI documents to be exchanged with your Trading Partners 3. Develop or modify your business applications 4. Develop Mapping Tables for your business applications 5. Register your business applications with DEC/EDI, and the nodes on which they run 6. Configure your communications links 7. Define your Trading Partner agreements 8. Start the DEC/EDI system Chapter 3 Configuring the Network Interfaces This chapter describes how to configure the DEC/EDI network interfaces. Introduction The DEC/EDI Server can support connection from local and remote application clients, and remote PC's running the DEC/EDI Cockpit or CommandCenter. The following network interfaces are supported for connection to the DEC/EDI Server: DIGITAL UNIX and OpenVMS Server • TCP/IP Network Interface The network interface is provided through a direct TCP/IP connection between the client and the server. This supports Windows 3.xx, 95 and NT. • ObjectBroker over TCP/IP ObjectBroker is used to provide the network interface, using TCP/IP as the underlying network protocol. OpenVMS Server Only • ObjectBroker over DECnet ObjectBroker is used to provide the network interface, using DECnet as the underlying network protocol. This supports Windows 3.xx and Windows NT. The DEC/EDI Server may be configured to support simultaneous connections using one or more of these network interfaces. You must install and configure the DEC/EDI Server network interface prior to configuring the client interfaces. Configuring the DEC/EDI Server This section describes how to configure the network interface on the DEC/EDI Server, and how to set up the local application client to use the network interface. TCP/IP Network Interface This section describes how to configure the TCP/IP network interface on the DEC/EDI Server. Pre-Configuration tasks Prior to configuring the TCP/IP network interface, you should verify that the TCP/IP protocol is installed and is functioning correctly. DIGITAL UNIX For example, this may be achieved by verifying that the host name of the computer you are installing on is registered with a local domain name server: # nslookup `hostname` Server: Address: Name: Address: Alternatively, you may use the ping command to verify that the computer may connect to another node within the same network. Press CTRL+C to stop the ping command. # /sbin/ping PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=128 time=0 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0 ms ---- PING Statistics---- 3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/0/1 ms # OpenVMS The TCP/IP protocol must be provided by DIGITAL TCP/IP Services. You may verify that this has been installed correctly by running the Installation Verification Procedure for DIGITAL TCP/IP Services: $ @sys$test:ucx$ %%% UCX IVP: started %%% UDP/IP test started at 18-JUL-1997 11:33:27.63 UDP/IP test ended at 18-JUL-1997 11:33:39.12 UDP/IP transferred successfully in 11 seconds 4198400 bytes TCP/IP test started at 18-JUL-1997 11:33:39.17 TCP/IP test ended at 18-JUL-1997 11:33:48.04 TCP/IP transferred successfully in 8 seconds 4198400 bytes RAW_IP test started at 18-JUL-1997 11:33:48.08 RAW_IP test ended at 18-JUL-1997 11:33:49.25 RAW_IP transferred successfully in 1 seconds 251000 bytes %%% UCX IVP: completed successfully %%% Configuration Tasks DIGITAL UNIX The DEC/EDI Server configuration consists of the following steps: Step 1: From the root account, use the decedi_config command, and select the option to configure the TCP/IP Client-Server link. This procedure assigns the TCP/IP port numbers on which the DEC/EDI Services will listen for and handle incoming client requests. This assigns unique port numbers for the DEC/EDI Services within the TCP/IP services file /etc/services. # /usr/sbin/decedi_config 1. Configure TCP/IP Client-Server Link 2. Configure ObjectBroker 3. Configure database 4. Modify database users 5. Dump database 6. Load database 7. Manage database 8. Exit Configuration Select option [8] :1 Configuring the TCP/IP Client-Server link ****************************************************** ** Assigned 5150/tcp in /etc/services for decedi_csf. ** (DEC/EDI Post-Fetch service) ** ** ** ** This port number must match that used on any remote ** DEC/EDI client system. ** ** ** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ** Assigned 5151/tcp in /etc/services for decedi_cst. ** (DEC/EDI Track document service) ** ** ** ** This port number must match that used on any remote ** DEC/EDI client system. ** ** ** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ** Assigned 5152/tcp in /etc/services for decedi_csg. ** (DEC/EDI GUI service) ** ** ** ** This port number must match that used on any remote ** DEC/EDI Cockpit or CommandCenter installations. ** ** ** ****************************************************** To supply the server node information, create a file: /var/adm/decedi/decedi_servers.dat Use the template, /var/adm/decedi/decedi_servers.template . Step 2: Note down the TCP/IP port numbers that have been assigned to each of the DEC/EDI Services in Step 1 using the following table: Table 3-1 DEC/EDI Services TCP/IP Port Numbers Purpose DEC/EDI Post/Fetch Server DEC/EDI Tracking Server DEC/EDI GUI Server Service Name decedi_csf decedi_cst decedi_csg Enter your Port Number here You may need to specify these values when configuring any remote application clients or setting up any Cockpit or CommandCenter installations to use the TCP/IP network interface. The same TCP/IP port numbers must be used for all DEC/EDI client and server installations within the same network. Step 3: You are asked whether you wish to use the TCP/IP link for local client access, for example: Do you wish to use TCP/IP for local client access ? [y or n] y TCP/IP Configuration Complete Press to continue. If you confirm this option, then the file /var/adm/decedi/decedi_servers.dat is automatically created with the following value: ? LOCAL This ensures that any local applications will use the local DEC/EDI Server to handle client requests. For further information on specifying the use of another DEC/EDI Server node to handle client requests, refer to Configuring the DEC/EDI Application Client on page 3-14 OpenVMS Configure the local application client to use the TCP/IP network link, using the DEC/EDI Client/Server configuration utility as follows: $ @decedi$configure_client_server DEC/EDI V3.2 DEC/EDI Client/Server Configuration Utility Copyright ฉ 1995,1996,1997 DIGITAL Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 1. Configure ObjectBroker 2. Configure TCP/IP Enter client/server interface type [2] : 2 Adding decedi_csf at port 5150 Adding decedi_cst at port 5151 Adding decedi_csg at port 5152 Server information is held in the user editable file: DECEDI$DATA:DECEDI_SERVERS.DAT Do you wish to use TCP/IP for local client access ? (Y/N) : y TCP/IP Configuration completed. Post-Configuration Tasks Once you have configured the network interface, you may start up DEC/EDI. This enables the DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter, running on a suitably configured PC, to access the DEC/EDI Server. DIGITAL UNIX If you have not yet configured DEC/EDI using the CommandCenter, then you need to start up just the GUI port server. To start up the GUI port server only: # /usr/sbin/decedi_start_gui_server Once you have configured the DEC/EDI Server, you may start up the DEC/EDI Server in full, using the following command: # /usr/sbin/decedi_start OpenVMS If you have not yet configured the DEC/EDI Server, then you should perform a minimal start-up: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$STARTUP Once you have configured the DEC/EDI Server, you may start up the DEC/EDI Server in full, using the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$STARTUP FULL For Further Information There are a number of logical names or environment variables which may be used to tune the behaviour of the TCP/IP network interface, and to monitor the network traffic and processes. For further information on the use of these environment variables and logical names, refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guides (DIGITAL UNIX and Open VMS). TCP/IP Port Server Monitoring Tools There is now an additional tool which allows the TCP/IP Port server and its child process to be monitored and which can tell the Port Server to re-cache the control environment variables whilst it is running. This is useful when you want to change the tracing behaviour or increase the number of maximum child processes. The tool names are: OpenVMS @DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$PS_CONTROL DIGITAL UNIX decedi_ps_control Example: # /usr/sbin/decedi_ps_control show DEC/EDI Port Server Environment =============================== Hostname = Tracing = none Service decedi_csg AVAILABLE Maximum Servers = 3 Service decedi_cst SHUTTING DOWN Maximum Servers = 3 Service decedi_csf SHUTTING DOWN Maximum Servers = 3 Further Details These are provided in the DEC/EDI: User's Guides (DIGITAL UNIX and Open VMS), , and also through the DIGITAL UNIX man pages. ObjectBroker This section describes how to configure the ObjectBroker network interface on the DEC/EDI Server. This includes configuration of ObjectBroker using the following network protocols: • ObjectBroker over TCP/IP • ObjectBroker over DECnet Pre-Configuration tasks Prior to configuring ObjectBroker, you should verify that ObjectBroker is installed and is functioning correctly. If you have more than one network protocol installed on your Server system, for example both DECnet and TCP/IP, you should ensure that ObjectBroker is at minimum configured to use the network protocol that you intend to use to communicate with any remote client installations. DIGITAL UNIX The DEC/EDI Server must use the TCP/IP network protocol as the underlying transport for ObjectBroker. OpenVMS The DEC/EDI Server may use either the TCP/IP or DECnet network protocol as the underlying transport for ObjectBroker, or both. If you specify both DECnet and TCP/IP, the DEC/EDI Server may support remote connections over either protocol. DIGITAL UNIX From the root account, determine the name of the ObjectBroker base subset that is installed on your system, as follows: # setld -i | grep OBBBASE | grep installed OBBBASEDEV260 installed ObjectBroker Base System Run the Installation Verification Procedure, and ensure that it completes successfully: # setld -v OBBBASEDEV260 ObjectBroker Base System (OBBBASEDEV260) ************************************************************** About to execute the Installation Verification Procedure. If error messages are displayed, take any necessary corrective action and then re-run the ivp. Verification will take between 1 and 3 minutes depending on CPU type. ************************************************************** ************************************************************** Beginning Installation Verification Procedure for ObjectBroker for DIGITAL UNIX, V2.6-07 Copyright (c) 1991, 1996 by DIGITAL Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA All Rights reserved. ************************************************************** Starting the ObjectBroker agent... Agent on node: Version: OBB V2.6-07 Username: root Time Started: Fri Jun 6 08:43:45 1997 Pid: 528 Log Filename: /tmp/obbagent.log Attributes: Debug Server Startup AuthrWOAuthn is ENABLED Active transports are TCPIP OrbV12 style Agent ObjectBroker Network Tester for version OBB V2.6-07 Client side tests will be performed. Time: Wed Jul 23 09:19:45 1997 Tests: All Transport selected: TCP (TCPIP) Server nodename: local node Connection id: none Message size: 512 Num. Sends: 1 1. Loading the transport Please verify the local nodename and local node address. ( 2. Connecting to the server. No connection id; connect test will not be performed. The test completed successfully. ************************************************************** Installation Verification Procedure successfully completed. ************************************************************** Verify that the active transports specified for the ObjectBroker agent include TCP/IP. OpenVMS From a suitably privileged account, run the ObjectBroker Installation Verification Procedure and verify that it completes successfully: $ @SYS$TEST:OBB$IVP ************************************************************** Beginning Installation Verification Procedure for ObjectBroker for OpenVMS V2.6-08 ************************************************************** Showing the ObjectBroker agent attributes... Agent on node: SERVER Version: OBB V2.6-08 Username: system Time Started: Wed Jul 16 15:51:42 1997 Pid: 0000021D Log Filename: SYS$SPECIFIC:[OBB.SCRATCH.SARK]OBB$AGENT.LOG;7 Attributes: AuthrWOAuthn is ENABLED Active transports are DECnet, TCPIP OrbV12 style Agent Showing the ObjectBroker default configuration... Configuration "DECnet and TCP/IP Configuration" (Current) ------------------------------------------------------- Authentication AuthrWOAuthn: Enabled Package: Trusted Description: Trusted authentication package Network Package: DECnet Description: DECnet transport package Package: TCP Description: TCP/IP transport package Logging Level None Repository Cache Size 5 Maximum Active Servers 0 Verify that the active transports specified for the ObjectBroker agent include those required for connection from any remote client installations. Configuration Tasks DIGITAL UNIX The DEC/EDI Server configuration consists of the following steps: Step 1: From the root account, use the decedi_config command, and select the option to configure ObjectBroker. # decedi_config 1. Configure TCP/IP Client-Server Link 2. Configure ObjectBroker 3. Configure database 4. Modify database users 5. Dump database 6. Load database 7. Manage database 8. Exit Configuration Select option [8] : 2 Step 2: You are asked to enter the name of your DEC/EDI Server. At this stage, you are setting up the Server node, so select the default answer of OBB_LOCAL, that ObjectBroker interprets as the current node: Configuring ObjectBroker Enter the name of the DEC/EDI Server [OBB_LOCAL] : ...creating repository ...registering servers ...creating client object ...creating context object ObjectBroker Configuration Complete Press to continue. You are recommended to use the TCP/IP network interface for local client access, though you may elect to use ObjectBroker if you prefer. If you do not wish to use the ObjectBroker network interface for local client access, then you must configure the TCP/IP network interface, as described in TCP/IP Network Interface on page 3-2, after you have configured ObjectBroker. OpenVMS The DEC/EDI Server configuration consists of the following steps: Step 1: From a suitably privileged account, invoke the DEC/EDI Client/Server configuration utility: @DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$CONFIGURE_CLIENT_SERVER.COM DEC/EDI V3.2 DEC/EDI Client/Server Configuration Utility Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997 DIGITAL Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 1. Configure ObjectBroker 2. Configure TCP/IP Enter client/server interface type [2] : 1 WARNING ------- This utility shuts down and restarts ObjectBroker during the configuration. Do you wish to continue ? (Y/N) : y Configuring ObjectBroker... Step 2: You are asked whether you wish to use ObjectBroker for local client access. DECnet For DECnet, you must use ObjectBroker for local client access. TCP/IP For TCP/IP, if you are using DIGITAL TCP/IP Services, then you are recommended to use the TCP/IP network interface for local client access, as described in TCP/IP Network Interface on page 3-2. Do you wish to use ObjectBroker for local client access ? (Y/N) : n ObjectBroker Configuration completed. Post-Configuration Tasks Once you have configured the DEC/EDI Server, you must configure ObjectBroker to enable access from any remote application clients and PCs running Cockpit or CommandCenter. The steps you need to take are described in Configuring the DEC/EDI Application Client on page 3-14 and on page 3-31. Once you have configured ObjectBroker for remote access, you may start up the DEC/EDI Server as follows: DIGITAL UNIX # /usr/sbin/decedi_start OpenVMS $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$STARTUP This enables the DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter, running on a suitably configured PC, to access the DEC/EDI Server. For Further Information For information on ObjectBroker security, refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guides (DIGITAL UNIX and Open VMS). For information on installing and configuring ObjectBroker, refer to the ObjectBroker Installation and Configuration book. Configuring the DEC/EDI Application Client This section describes how to configure the network interface on the DEC/EDI Application Client, along with any steps that need to be performed on the DEC/EDI Server, to enable connection from the remote application client. The DEC/EDI Application Client may be configured to use either one of the TCP/IP network interface or the ObjectBroker network interface, though not at the same time. If you are able to upgrade your client and server installations, you are recommended to use the TCP/IP network interface, though you may continue to use ObjectBroker if you wish. TCP/IP Network Interface This section describes how to configure the TCP/IP network interface on the DEC/EDI Application Client. The TCP/IP network interface may be used for connection from the following DEC/EDI Application Client releases: • DEC/EDI for DIGITAL UNIX, Version 3.2 • DEC/EDI for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.2 • DEC/EDI for OpenVMS Alpha, Version 3.2 • DEC/EDI Application Client for Sun Solaris, Version 3.2 • DEC/EDI Application Client for HP-UX, Version 3.2 The Application Client may be configured to connect to one or more DEC/EDI Server systems, selected by application name, or to a default DEC/EDI Server. In addition, one or more failover DEC/EDI Servers may be specified to handle client requests, if the primary DEC/EDI Server is not currently available. Pre-Configuration tasks Prior to configuring the TCP/IP network interface, you should verify that the TCP/IP protocol is installed and is functioning correctly. Step 1: Ensure that any DEC/EDI Servers that will service requests from the application client have been configured to support the TCP/IP network interface as described in TCP/IP Network Interface on page 3-2. Step 2: Verify that the TCP/IP connection between the application client and the server nodes is functioning correctly. For example, this may be achieved by using the ping command as follows: DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX # ping PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=128 time=0 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0 ms ---- PING Statistics---- 3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/0/1 ms OpenVMS $ UCX UCX> PING %UCX-I-LOOPACT, is alive Configuration Tasks DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX The DEC/EDI Application Client configuration consists of the following steps: Step 1: From the root account, use the decedi_config command, and select the option to configure the TCP/IP Client-Server link. This procedure sets up the TCP/IP port numbers that are used on the DEC/EDI Server for handling incoming client requests. The port numbers are defined within the TCP/IP services file /etc/services. DIGITAL UNIX # /usr/sbin/decedi_config Sun Solaris, HP-UX # /usr/bin/decedi_config 1. Configure TCP/IP Client-Server Link 2. Configure ObjectBroker 3. Exit Configuration Select option [3] :1 Configuring the TCP/IP Client-Server link ****************************************************** ** Assigned 5150/tcp in /etc/services for decedi_csf. ** (DEC/EDI Post-Fetch service) ** ** ** ** This port number must match that used on the remote ** DEC/EDI server system. ** ** ** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ** Assigned 5151/tcp in /etc/services for decedi_cst. ** (DEC/EDI Track document service) ** ** ** ** This port number must match that used on the remote ** DEC/EDI server system. ** ** ** ****************************************************** To supply the server node information, create a file: /var/adm/decedi/decedi_servers.dat Use the template, /var/adm/decedi/decedi_servers.template . Press to continue. Step 2: The TCP/IP port numbers specified on the client must match those defined on the DEC/EDI Server. Compare these with the values you have noted in the table DEC/EDI Services TCP/IP Port Numbers on page 3-4. If the TCP/IP port numbers differ, edit the values stored in the file /etc/services, so that the same values are used for all client and server installations within the same network. Step 3: Specify the default DEC/EDI Server that should be used for handling requests from the application client. Copy the template file /var/adm/decedi/decedi_servers.template to the file /var/adm/decedi/decedi_servers.dat, as follows: # cp /var/adm/decedi/decedi_servers.template \ /var/adm/decedi/decedi_servers.dat Edit the file /var/adm/decedi/decedi_servers.dat and add the following line to the end of the file. For example, if the server node name is * ! default DEC/EDI Server OpenVMS The DEC/EDI Application Client configuration consists of the following steps: Step 1: Configure the application client to use the TCP/IP network link, using the DEC/EDI Client/Server configuration utility as follows: $ @DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$CONFIGURE_CLIENT_SERVER.COM DEC/EDI V3.2 Client/Server Configuration Utility Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997 DIGITAL Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved 1. Configure ObjectBroker 2 Configure TCP/IP Enter client/server interface type [2]: 2 Server information is held in user editable file: DECEDI$DATA:DECEDI_SERVERS.DAT This can be created from the template file: DECEDI$DATA:DECEDI_SERVERS.TEMPLATE Do you wish to use TCP/IP for local client access? (Y/N): y TCP/IP configuration completed. Step 2: Specify the default DEC/EDI Server that should be used for handling requests from the application client. Copy the DEC/EDI Servers template file DECEDI$DATA:DECEDI_SERVERS.TEMPLATE, to the file DECEDI$DATA:DECEDI_SERVERS.DAT, as follows: $ COPY DECEDI$DATA:DECEDI_SERVERS.TEMPLATE - DECEDI$DATA:DECEDI_SERVERS.DAT Edit the file DECEDI$DATA:DECEDI_SERVERS.DAT and add the following to the end of the file. For example, if the server node name is * ! default DEC/EDI Server Post-Configuration Tasks If you wish, you may add additional DEC/EDI Server definitions and specify which application names should access those servers. These must be placed within the DEC/EDI Servers definition file prior to the line specifying the default DEC/EDI Server. DIGITAL UNIX Edit the file /var/adm/decedi/decedi_servers.dat OpenVMS Edit the file DECEDI$DATA:DECEDI_SERVERS.DAT In the following example, the applications DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD and SHINY-NEW-SYSTEMS both use the primary DEC/EDI Server on node In the event that the DEC/EDI Server is unavailable, the backup DEC/EDI Server on node is used. The application JOLLY-OLD-SYSTEMS uses the DEC/EDI Server on node edidev as the primary DEC/EDI Server. If this is unavailable, the backup server on edidev2 is tried, followed by edidev3. All other applications in this example use the primary server and have no backup DEC/EDI Server. DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD SHINY-NEW-SYSTEMS JOLLY-OLD-SYSTEMS edidev edidev2 edidev3 * ! default DEC/EDI Server For Further Information There are a number of logical names or environment variables which may be used to tune the behaviour of the TCP/IP network interface, and to monitor the network traffic and processes. For further information on the use of these environment variables and logical names, refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guides (DIGITAL UNIX and Open VMS). ObjectBroker This section describes how to configure the ObjectBroker network interface on the DEC/EDI Application Client. The ObjectBroker network interface may be used for connection from the following DEC/EDI Application Client releases: • DEC/EDI for DIGITAL UNIX, Version 3.1 or higher • DEC/EDI for OpenVMS VAX, Version 2.1A or higher • DEC/EDI for OpenVMS Alpha, Version 2.1A or higher • DEC/EDI Application Client for Sun Solaris, Version 3.1 or higher • DEC/EDI Application Client for HP-UX, Version 2.1A or higher In addition, this interface may be used to support earlier releases of the DEC/EDI Application Client, including the following: • DEC/EDI Application Client for IBM AIX, Version 2.1A • DEC/EDI Application Client for IBM AS/400, Version 2.1A Configuring ObjectBroker for Remote Access So that the DEC/EDI Server can pass data back to the Application Client, ObjectBroker on the Application Client node needs to be configured to register the node that is running the DEC/EDI Server. The precise detail of what you need to do to achieve this depends on what security model you have previously selected for ObjectBroker on the Application Client node. The DEC/EDI: User's Guides (DIGITAL UNIX and Open VMS) provides a short introduction to ObjectBroker security models, and how you cope with models other than the NORMAL model. This section assumes you are using the NORMAL security model. Pre-Configuration Tasks Prior to configuring ObjectBroker, you should verify that ObjectBroker is installed and is functioning correctly on both the application client and DEC/EDI Server systems. on the Server Step 1: On the DEC/EDI Server node, verify that the ObjectBroker agent is running, and make a note of the exact node name as displayed by the ObjectBroker agent. You will need this information later when configuring the ObjectBroker proxies on the application client node. DIGITAL UNIX # obbmsho -A Agent on node: Version: OBB V2.6-07 Username: root Time Started: Fri Jun 6 08:43:45 1997 Pid: 528 Log Filename: /tmp/obbagent.log Attributes: Debug Server Startup AuthrWOAuthn is ENABLED Active transports are TCPIP OrbV12 style Agent OpenVMS $ APPLICATION/BROKER SHOW AGENT Agent on node: VMSERV Version: OBB V2.7-11 Username: system Time Started: Tue Jul 1 12:43:01 1997 Pid: 0000021F Log Filename: SYS$SPECIFIC:[OBB.SCRATCH.SCARP]OBB$AGENT.LOG;14 Attributes: AuthrWOAuthn is DISABLED Active transports are DECnet, TCPIP OrbV12 style Agent on the Client Step 2: On the DEC/EDI Application Client node, verify that the ObjectBroker agent is running, and make a note of the exact node name as displayed by the ObjectBroker agent. You will need this information later when configuring the ObjectBroker proxies on the DEC/EDI Server node. DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX # obbmsho -A Agent on node: Version: OBB V2.6-07 Username: root Time Started: Fri Jun 6 08:43:45 1997 Pid: 528 Log Filename: /tmp/obbagent.log Attributes: Debug Server Startup AuthrWOAuthn is ENABLED Active transports are TCPIP OrbV12 style Agent OpenVMS $ APPLICATION/BROKER SHOW AGENT Agent on node: CLIENT Version: OBB V2.7-11 Username: system Time Started: Tue Jul 1 12:43:01 1997 Pid: 0000021F Log Filename: SYS$SPECIFIC:[OBB.SCRATCH.SCARP]OBB$AGENT.LOG;14 Attributes: AuthrWOAuthn is DISABLED Active transports are DECnet, TCPIP OrbV12 style Agent on the Server Step 3: On the DEC/EDI Server node, start up the server side network test: DIGITAL UNIX # obbntst -s OpenVMS using TCP/IP $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> TEST NETWORK SERVER/TRANSPORT=TCPIP OpenVMS using DECnet $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> TEST NETWORK SERVER This displays a connection identifier, which should be specified when running the client side network test. In the following example, the connection identifier is 00000451: ObjectBroker Network Tester for version OBB V2.5A-04 Server side tests will be performed. Time: Thu Jul 24 14:55:02 1997 Tests: All Transport selected: TCP (TCPIP) 1. Loading the transport Please verify the local nodename and local node address. ( 2. Registering on network as server Connection identifier: 00000451 3. Waiting for network events. Please initiate client- side tests. Use the connection identifier shown above when starting the client-side. The server side network test waits until it receives a valid connection from a client side network test. on the Client Step 4: On the DEC/EDI Application Client node, run the client side network test: DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX # obbntst -c 00000451 -n OpenVMS using TCP/IP $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> TEST NETWORK CLIENT - /SERVER=(,CONNECT=00000451)- /TRANSPORT=TCPIP OpenVMS using DECnet $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> TEST NETWORK CLIENT - /SERVER=(NODE=VMSERV,CONNECT=00000451) This connects to the specified server node, and completes the network test. Verify that both the client and server network tests have completed successfully. For example, the following is displayed on the client node: ObjectBroker Network Tester for version OBB V2.7-11 Client side tests will be performed. Time: Thu Jul 24 15:54:37 1997 Tests: All Transport selected: TCP (TCPIP) Server nodename: MYNODE.COMPANY.COM Connection id: 00000451 Message size: 512 Num. Sends: 1 1. Loading the transport Please verify the local nodename and local node address. ( 2. Connecting to the server. 3. Sending the message to the specified server. 001) Send: header=24 bytes; data=512 bytes; total=536 bytes. Receive: header=24 bytes; data=512 bytes; total=536 bytes. The test completed successfully. Configuration Tasks - Server The following configuration tasks must be performed on the DEC/EDI Server node, to enable connection from the DEC/EDI Application Client. Step 1: Check that all old methods are stopped by entering: DIGITAL UNIX # obbmstp or OpenVMS $ APPLICATION/BROKER STOP SERVER Step 2: Check you are using the NORMAL security model, by entering: DIGITAL UNIX # obbshsec OpenVMS $ APPLICATION/BROKER SHOW SECURITY Step 3: Check to see what remote nodes are already registered, by entering: DIGITAL UNIX # obbshpxy OpenVMS $ APPLICATION/BROKER SHOW PROXY Step 4: If the remote application client node is not already registered, then add a proxy to allow any account on the application client node to use the decedi account on the Server node. Specify the client node name exactly as given by the ObjectBroker agent on the application client node. On OpenVMS, if the node name is in lower case, specify the node name within quotes. DIGITAL UNIX # obbadpxy -h -u `*' decedi OpenVMS using TCP/IP $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> ADD PROXY DECEDI- /REMOTE_USER=(USER="*",HOST="") OpenVMS using DECnet $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> ADD PROXY DECEDI- /REMOTE_USER=(USER=*,HOST=MYCLI) TCP/IP only If you are using TCP/IP, you are recommended to add proxies for both the long and short forms of the application client node name: # obbadpxy -h -u `*' decedi # obbadpxy -h myclient -u `*' decedi If the application client node name is not registered with your domain name server, add the TCP/IP address of the client, along with both the long and short forms of the application client node name to the TCP/IP hosts file /etc/hosts. Step 5: Reset the system context for the ObjectBroker agent, to ensure that any changes to the proxy access list become effective. DIGITAL UNIX # obbmset -A -C OpenVMS $ APPLICATION/BROKER SET AGENT/NEW_CONTEXT You need to repeat the above steps to enable access from all Application Client nodes. Configuration Tasks - Application Client The following configuration tasks must be performed on the DEC/EDI Application Client node, to enable the DEC/EDI Server to return any requested files back to the application client. Step 1: From a suitably privileged account, invoke the DEC/EDI Application Client configuration utility, to configure the ObjectBroker network interface. DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX # decedi_config 1. Configure TCP/IP Client-Server Link 2. Configure ObjectBroker 3. Exit Configuration Select option [3] : 2 OpenVMS $ @DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$CONFIGURE_CLIENT.SERVER DEC/EDI V3.2 Client/Server Configuration Utility Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997 DIGITAL Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved 1. Configure ObjectBroker 2 Configure TCP/IP Enter client/server interface type [2]: 1 all clients You are asked to enter the name of the DEC/EDI Server. Enter the name of your DEC/EDI Server that you have configured in Configuration Tasks - Server on page 3-25. Configuring ObjectBroker Enter the name of the DEC/EDI Server [OBB_LOCAL] : ...creating repository ...registering servers ...creating client object ...creating context object ObjectBroker Configuration Complete Press to continue. Step 2: Check you are using the NORMAL security model, by entering: DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX # obbshsec OpenVMS $ APPLICATION/BROKER SHOW SECURITY Step 3: Check to see what remote nodes are already registered, by entering: DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX # obbshpxy OpenVMS $ APPLICATION/BROKER SHOW PROXY Step 4: Determine or create the user accounts on the application client node under which you will run any DEC/EDI applications. These user accounts must have sufficient privelege to access the DEC/EDI software, and to create files in the directory which is used for sending to and receiving files from DEC/EDI. Step 5: If the remote DEC/EDI Server node is not already registered, then add a proxy to allow decedi account on the DEC/EDI Server node to use the user accounts for DEC/EDI applications. Specify the server node name exactly as given by the ObjectBroker agent on the DEC/EDI Server node. On OpenVMS, if the node name is in lower case, specify the node name within quotes. DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX # obbadpxy -h -u decedi myuser OpenVMS using TCP/IP $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> ADD PROXY MYUSER- /REMOTE_USER=(USER="decedi",HOST="myserver") OpenVMS using DECnet $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> ADD PROXY MYUSER- /REMOTE_USER=(USER=DECEDI,HOST=MYCLI) TCP/IP only If you are using TCP/IP, you are recommended to add proxies for both the long and short forms of the server node name: # obbadpxy -h -u decedi myuser # obbadpxy -h myserver -u decedi myuser If the server node name is not registered with your domain name server, add the TCP/IP address of the server, along with both the long and short forms of the server node name to the TCP/IP hosts file /etc/hosts. Step 6: Reset the system context for the ObjectBroker agent, to ensure that any changes to the proxy access list become effective. DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX # obbmset -A -C OpenVMS $ APPLICATION/BROKER SET AGENT/NEW_CONTEXT Step 7: Verify that the proxies on both the application client and DEC/EDI Server nodes are configured correctly, by using the proxy details to show the ObjectBroker agent on the remote node. DIGITAL UNIX server # obbmsho -A -n OpenVMS server $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> SHOW AGENT/NODE=MYCLI DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX client # obbmsho -A -n OpenVMS client $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> SHOW AGENT/NODE="" If you receive the following error message, verify that the proxies have been configured correctly on the remote node: OBB_INV_NOTAUTHORIZED (e), Client user is not authorized to access server. The following example shows the expected output from an ObjectBroker agent running on the remote node: # obbmsho -A -n Agent on node: Version: OBB V2.6-07 Username: root Time Started: Fri Jun 6 08:43:45 1997 Pid: 528 Log Filename: /tmp/obbagent.log Attributes: Debug Server Startup AuthrWOAuthn is ENABLED Active transports are TCPIP OrbV12 style Agent You need to repeat the above steps to enable communication with all required DEC/EDI Server nodes. Post-Configuration Tasks You should be able to issue the following Application Client command on each node where the Application Client is installed. This verifies the network link between the Application Client node and the ObjectBroker configuration on the Server. You should be able to issue the following command: DIGITAL UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX # trade track TEST -type=document OpenVMS $ TRADE TRACK TEST -TYPE=DOCUMENT This command should produce the following message: Not authorized to access the EDI Server System This indicates that the network was correctly able to pass command information from the Application Client to the correct ObjectBroker function on the DEC/EDI Server. This means that the network is set up correctly, and that ObjectBroker on the Server is configured to allow proxy access from the Application Client. If you encounter other errors, refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guides (DIGITAL UNIX and Open VMS). The not authorized message indicates that you haven't yet registered any business applications (in this case TEST) with the DEC/EDI Server. Registering business applications with the Server is described the DEC/EDI: User's Guides (DIGITAL UNIX and Open VMS). For Further Information For information on ObjectBroker security, refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guides (DIGITAL UNIX and Open VMS). For information on installing and configuring ObjectBroker, refer to the ObjectBroker Installation and Configuration book. Chapter 4 Configuring the Database This chapter describes the configuration of the database on the Server node by the Database Administrator. Overview Configuration takes place in two stages. In the first stage, the connectivity software which links the Application Client to the Server, or the Cockpit/ CommandCenter to the Server is initialized. In the case of the Server this phase will also include creating the DEC/EDI database and allowing access to it from the CommandCenter. The second phase of configuration is the detailed configuration of the Server by using the CommandCenter which is described in Chapter 9 Installing DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter. The alternative is to configure using INTERCHANGE when installed on OpenVMS servers. This chapter describes the first of these stages. Account Privileges DIGITAL UNIX Note that many of the activities described in this section that involve running decedi_config, assume you have access to the root account on the Server node. Open VMS You will need an account with full system manager privileges. Configurations Covered The following configurations are covered • DIGITAL UNIX Oracle 7 • DIGITAL UNIX INFORMIX • DIGITAL UNIX Oracle Rdb • OpenVMS VAX/Alpha Oracle Rdb Setting Up Process The setting up process which happens after the chosen database application has been installed, has two parts as shown below: • A - Decision process for location of the database • B - Creation of the database A - Deciding Where to Locate the Database When locating the database it is important that a location with sufficient resource is chosen. A badly located database can significantly reduce the performance of a Server, meaning you need to consider the disk space and room for expansion. Factors that can decrease the performance are further detailed later in Performance Limiting Aspects on page 4-8. Oracle7 You need to specify a directory location on disk with enough spare disk space, use the following formula to calculate the required size: maximum size = overhead + peak map size + peak doc size + peak comms size + standards size Where: overhead = 18MB +(((maximum size - 18MB)* 3)/10) peak map size = (peak live maps + peak archive maps)* 0.003 MB peak doc size = (peak live docs + peak archive docs) * 0.0015 MB peak comms size = (peak live comms + peak archive comms) * 0.003 MB standards size = number of standards * 5MB We recommend a minimum of 50MB for the Oracle7 database. Typical Example As an example, a user system which processes a 500 maps per weekday, generating or consuming 500 EDI documents which in turn go to, or come from 100 communications transmission files using two EDI standards, and where secondary archiving is done once a week, the calculation is as follows. We assume that be the end of the day all live documents are processed, so peak live size is peak daily rate, whilst the peak archive size is the cumulation of the five-day week's worth of data. The calculation includes some contingency, so that we double the peak live counts in case everything fails due to some disaster and we take a day to fix it, and we double the archive size in case we forget one weekend to do the secondary archive. We also double the number of standards we use to cater for near term expansion. So, we end up with a calculation of: maximum size = 18MB + (((maximum size -18MB) * 3) / 10) + (1000 + 5000) * 0.003 MB + (1000 + 5000) * 0.0015 MB + (200 + 1000) * 0.003 MB 4 * 5MB; = 85 MB (approximately) Having worked out the size, find a suitable directory, which resides on a disk with sufficient free space, and create a database directory for it. Set the ownership of this directory to be the main Oracle account. The main Oracle account is the account under which this instance of the Oracle7 RDBMS software was installed. For standard Oracle installations this is oracle by default, or if installed on behalf of another application it could be ora , for example orapd1. Note that the database size can be increased later by adding extra datafiles to the relevant tablespaces if a particular tablespace becomes full. NFS mounted disks DIGITAL does not recommend placing the database for DEC/EDI onto an NFS mounted disk. Access. The database account needs to have write access to the directory where your database is to be created. INFORMIX OnLine If you are using INFORMIXฎ OnLine to provide your database, you need to create or specify a raw device for the database to occupy, before you can proceed to create the database. Creation of raw devices is a standard UNIX system management function. You should refer to your UNIX system documentation for more details of creating raw devices. In particular you should refer to the disklabel command. You do need to decide how large to create the raw device, as this affects the size of the database and in consequence how much data it can contain. The database uses the whole device, destroying any other data on the device. When creating the database, you need to specify a device that is at least 40 Mbytes. However this is a minimum size required to run a Server, and most systems will require considerably more disk space. It is important to ensure you create a database that is sufficiently large for your intended workload. If the database fills up, when the Server is running, the Server will fail. In most DEC/EDI systems, the main consumers of space in the database are the various audit trail tables and EDI Standards tables. The following formula can be used to calculate the approximate size of database required for a specified workload. Note that this is intended as a guide, and actual requirements may differ. The value is calculated in MBytes. DatabaseSize = 31 +EDIStandardSize +DocumentSize+TransmissionFileSize Where: EDIStandardSize is the amount of space required in the database to store EDI Standards information, and can be calculated from the expression: 5 x peak number of EDI standards versions DocumentSize is the amount of space required in the database to store audit trail information about documents. This includes information about documents in the current audit trail and in the archive audit trail. This can be calculated from the following expression: 0.004 x (peak documents in current system + peak documents in archive system) TransmissionFileSize is the amount of space required in the database to store audit trail information about transmission files. This includes information about transmission files in the current audit trail and in the archive audit trail. This can be calculated from the following expression: 0.007 x (peak transmission files in current system + peak transmission files in archive system) Note that in the above equations it is important to calculate based on peak amounts for each of the values. This is because the database tables are expanded to the peak size used, and do not reduce if data is removed from the tables, for example by using the decedi_arch command. Typical Example For example, a DEC/EDI system that is to contain 2 EDI Standards, 500 current documents, 20000 archive documents, 100 current transmission files and 4000 archive transmission files, would need a database of 152 Mbytes, calculated as follows: DatabaseSize = 31 + (5 x 2) + 0.004 x (500 + 20000) + 0.007 x (100 + 4000) It should be noted that you should have knowledge of these peak values when you did an initial EDI planning exercise. These are the absolute maximums you intend your system to cope with. In general there should not be much in the current audit trail, as most things get moved to the archive audit trail as soon as possible. The number of current transmission files is controlled by how regularly outbound communications jobs run versus how many transmission files get built in that interval. If you have an export job which just runs once a day, but you send in 200 documents per hour with a transmission build interval of once every 10 minutes then you could expect to get a 144 transmission files and 4800 documents in the current audit trail before the export job ran. Similarly on inbound, the rate at which transmission files enter the system versus how often the Application Clients fetch them will control the amount of current documents in the system. The count of the archive transmission files and documents is the total number of documents and transmission files the system is expected to cope with between the times that you perform a secondary archive onto tape, using the decedi_arch command. Using the above example, if you only ran decedi_arch in the above example once a week then the archive audit trail needs to cope with 1008 transmission files, and 33600 documents. Please note that this does not build in any safety factors for such cases as when something does not happen as expected so the actual peak values used should always be set higher than those expected. DIGITAL UNIX Oracle Rdb If you are using Oracle Rdb to provide your database, you need to specify a directory location on a disk with enough spare disk space. For example, 50 Mbytes of disk space is sufficient to store information for: Number of documents in the Current Audit Trail Number of documents in the Archive Audit Trail Number of transmission files in the Current Audit Trail Number of transmission files in the Archive Audit Trail 1000 10000 500 5000 If you anticipate the need to store more than this, you should ensure extra space is available on the disk on which you locate your database. The tables within the database will automatically extend when you store more data in them that the original configuration can hold, but performance will be reduced the more the database becomes extended. Performance Limiting Aspects Disk speed. The performance of your Server can easily be limited by the speed of access to the DEC/EDI database. This means that you should avoid placing the database on slow disks. I/O bottlenecks. During the software installation, you specified one or more disk locations for your store directories. These are directories used to hold the actual document and transmission files. By placing the database on a different physical disk to those holding store directories, you help to avoid the performance of individual disks being a bottleneck on overall system performance. NFS mounted disks DIGITAL does not recommend placing the database for DEC/EDI onto an NFS mounted disk. Access. The database account needs to have write access to the directory where your database is to be created. OpenVMS Oracle Rdb If you are on OpenVMS then Oracle Rdb will provide your database, and it will be created on the device on which you have elected as DEC/EDI's top level directory. The default database is created of approximately 20 Mbytes in size which will allow it to hold information for: Number of documents in the Current Audit Trail Number of documents in the Archive Audit Trail Number of transmission files in the Current Audit Trail Number of transmission files in the Archive Audit Trail 1000 1000 1000 1000 The tables within the database will automatically extend when you store more data in them that the original configuration can hold, but performance will be reduced the more the database becomes extended. Should the database become too small or if you wish to move the database to another device then a tool, DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$TAILOR.COM, is provided to help you with this. Performance Limiting Aspects Disk Speed. The performance of your Server can easily be limited by the speed of access to the DEC/EDI database. This means that you should avoid placing the database on slow disks. I/O Bottlenecks. During the software installation, you specified one or more disk locations for your store directories. These are directories used to hold the actual document and transmission files. By placing the database on a different physical disk to those holding store directories, you help to avoid the performance of individual disks being a bottleneck on overall system performance. NFS Mounted Disks DIGITAL does not recommend placing the database for DEC/EDI onto an NFS mounted disk. Access. The database account needs to have write access to the directory where your database is to be created. B - Creating the Database • DIGITAL UNIX Oracle 7 • DIGITAL UNIX INFORMIX • DIGITAL UNIX Oracle Rdb • OpenVMS VAX/Alpha Oracle Rdb DIGITAL UNIX All Databases This task is performed by using the DEC/EDI configuration utility: decedi_config. To use this, you need to be logged in to your Server under the root account. Questions, Getting Help If you are unsure about how to reply to any of the questions asked by this utility, enter a question mark character followed by . Help text is displayed giving you more information about any choices you can make. Invoke the configuration utility, and select the option to configure the database, as in the following example: # decedi_config 1. Configure TCP/IP Client-Server Link 2. Configure ObjectBroker 3. Configure database 4. Modify database users 5. Dump database 6. Load database 7. Manage database 8. Exit Configuration Select Option [8] : 3 You are asked what product is to be used to provide the database, and where the database is to be located. The device or directory to contain the database must already exist. The location is either a raw device (for INFORMIX OnLine), or the name of the file that is to contain the database (for Oracle Rdb). The database creation procedure displays each individual statement executed in setting up the database. The database creation procedure may take several minutes to complete. Typical INFORMIX Example Enter the database to be used (Rdb, Inf, Ora) [Inf] : Inf Enter raw device on which to hold the database [ ] : /dev/rre1e ...Creating /usr/informix/etc/onconfig.decedi ...Starting new DEC/EDI database server Database created. Database closed. ... ... Database Configuration Complete Typical Oracle7 Example Configuring Database Enter the database to be used (Rdb, Inf, Ora) [Inf] : Ora ...Creating /var/adm/decedi/config.dat Enter Oracle Home directory /usera/oracle] : Enter DEC/EDI Oracle 7 database location [/var/adm/decedi/db] : /userb/oracle/db ...Modifying /etc/oratab ...Modifying /var/adm/decedi/config.dat Enter DEC/EDI Oracle 7 database size in KB [182671] : 100000 ******************************************************* Default oracle network templates have been generated in /userb/oracle/db/. The files being: listener.ora tnsnav.ora tnsnames.ora These files should be merged with those already on this server (in /etc), and those residing on any PC wishing to use the CommandCenter or Cockpit to access this server. ...Creating /usera/oracle/dbs/initdecedidb.ora ...Creating database /userb/oracle/db ...Loading system tables ...Creating schema ...Storing system version ...Setting DEC/EDI Oracle password. Database Configuration Complete Typical Oracle Rdb Example Configuring Database Enter the database to be used (Rdb, Inf, Ora) [Inf] : Rdb Enter Oracle Rdb database location : /usr/users/rdbdb/decedi_db.rdb ...Modifying //.dbsrc ...Modifying.. ... ... Database Configuration Complete OpenVMS The DEC/EDI database is created during the installation process. Typical Oracle Rdb Example A typical installation detail example is provided below: =================================================== The following versions of Rdb/VMS are available: V7.0-0 * Please enter the Rdb/VMS version to be used by DEC/EDI [V7.0-0]: At this point the installation will list the installed databases. The default is selected by pressing , should you need to use one of the alternates (when available) enter the version as displayed followed by . The example continues below assuming acceptance of the default: Current PROCESS Oracle Rdb environment is version V7.0-0 (STANDARD) Current PROCESS SQL environment is version V7.0-0 (STANDARD)Current PROCESS Rdb/Dispatch environment is version V7.0-0 (STANDARD) Database Version It is essential that the database version on your system is the same as that used by DEC/EDI. Use the following command to establish the version currently in use: $@sys$library:rdbvms_shover To set the version, use the following command: $@sys$library:rdbvms_setver For example, to set the version to V7.0, use the following command: $@sys$library:rdbvms_setver v70 Migrating the Database If you are installing DEC/EDI over a previous version then the database structure needs migrating to the new structure. DIGITAL UNIX After installing DEC/EDI, run decedi_config from the root account. Select the option to configure the database. Select the database type being used and location of existing database, then select the [m]igrate option. The database is migrated to a structure compatible with the current version of the Server. If the current database is already in a compatible structure (that is, if there have not been any database structure changes between the version of the Server that was used to create/migrate the database to its current structure and the currently installed Server version) then no migration is needed and none takes take place. The database is then ready for use by the currently installed Server. OpenVMS The DEC/EDI database will normally be migrated during the installation process. If you are upgrading from DEC/EDI version 2.0 or older, a new empty database structure is created and the old version is kept safely. Messages similar to those shown below will appear: Creating new database in DECEDI$TOP:[AUDIT_DB]... Creating new database in DECEDI$TOP:[ARCHIVE_DB]... WARNING: The structure of all mapper databases needs to be modified. All previous FileBridge databases and DEC/EDI V2.0 mapper databases will need to be migrated before using the DEC/EDI V2.1 mapper. To migrate the live and test databases in FBR$HOME run the post-installation task DECEDI$V21_MIGRATE.COM. Migration of all local test databases should be done using FBR$ARCHIVE.COM. Read the release notes for details. Execute the actions described in the second half of the Warning message to migrate the database if needed. Creating User Accounts for Database Access Each PC running either the CommandCenter or the Cockpit accesses the DEC/EDI database on the Server via ODBC™ on the PC. This needs to happen through an account on the Server. You can have a single account for all users of the CommandCenter and the Cockpit, or you can have individual accounts for each separate user of either PC product. Having a single account is easier to set up and maintain, and though inherently less secure, allows you to be more selective about what individual users can access. DEC/EDI Access Control Editor This application, which is provided with the CommandCenter/Cockpit, enables you to define which users may access which data and the level of their access to the CommandCenter. DIGITAL UNIX Oracle Rdb and Informix You create a user account on the Server by using the UNIX adduser utility. You should do this from the root account. Note that the account that you are creating need not be the same as the one that ObjectBroker uses. This means that you can have one account that ObjectBroker uses for proxy access to the Server, and multiple separate accounts for individual access to the database. DIGITAL UNIX Oracle7 Oracle7 maintains its own usernames and passwords. It can also support server accounts and passwords, but as these apply only when making requests from the server, they are of no value to CommandCenter and Cockpit users. To create Oracle7 accounts, use the decedi_config option described in the following section, Granting Database Access to User Accounts. In addition to defining the users, you will be prompted for the passswords associated with any new users. When you start any of the CommandCenter editors or the Cockpit, the account and password you are asked to specify are those of the user accounts you have now created on the Server. OpenVMS Oracle Rdb You create a user account on the Server by using the OpenVMS AUTHORIZE utility. You should do this from the `system' account or another highly privileged account. Note that the account that you are creating need not be the same as the one that ObjectBroker uses. This means that you can have one account that ObjectBroker uses for proxy access to the Server, and multiple separate accounts for individual access to the database. Oracle 7 User Registration DIGITAL UNIX All GUI users who log in, access an account on the Server machine which is authorized to access the database. Oracle7 is different in that it takes the username as being local to the machine from which the request was made; the GUI PC. This type of treatment reduces the effectiveness of the logging in procedure. To deal with this situation, you (as system administator) need to create user accounts within the DEC/EDI Oracle database by using decedi_config. PC users can then use those accounts to access the database. OpenVMS Oracle SQL Services provides a number of mechanisms by which access to a database can be granted or revoked. By default, the DEC/EDI database is protected via OpenVMS ACLs. To allow a user to access the DEC/EDI databases, the DEC/EDI INTERCHANGE command should be used to add the user. This in turn grants the user's account the correct ACLs to allow access to the DEC/EDI database. Oracle 7 and Enhanced C2-Security Only the Oracle 7 database currently supports C2 Enhanced Security. Neither the Informix Online nor Oracle Rdb version that are compatible with this release of DEC/EDI support C2 Enhanced Security. To determine whether your system is running with enhanced security, use the following command: # setld -i | grep OSFC2SEC OSFC2SEC350 installed C2-Security (System Administration) To set up enhanced security on your system, read the documentation and use the following command: # /usr/sbin/secsetup You need to reboot your system in order for enhanced security to become effective. Granting Database Access to User Accounts For each account you have created, you need to grant access to the DEC/EDI database. You use decedi_config, Option 4 to do this. This example grants access to a user account called ediusr: # decedi_config 4. Modify database users Select option [8] : 4 There are no DEC/EDI database users (other than decedi). 1. Add User 2. Remove User 3. Return Select option [3] : 1 Enter user name : ediusr Current DEC/EDI database users (other than decedi) are: ediusr 1. Add User 2. Remove User 3. Return Select option [3] : 3 ...Creating /var/adm/decedi/decedi_db_inf_users.sql ...Modifying database access ... ... Database users updated. Press to continue. Note that by selecting the option to add users, you are creating a list of users to add. The database is updated only when you select the Return option. Configuring the Database Network Connectivity OpenVMS Oracle SQL Services By default, when you install Oracle SQL Services it will create a class for the version of software you have installed, for instance, if installing Oracle Rdb V5.1 then a `V51' class will be automatically configured. As long as this class used by the CommandCenters and Cockpits trying to access the database then no further configuration is required. Options are: GENERIC, V51, V60, V61. Specify GENERIC if you have standard SQL Services installed on your OpenVMS Server. Specify one of the other options if you have multi-version SQL installed, to tell it which version to use. DIGITAL UNIX SQL Services Example SQL/Services scripts are supplied in files that can be found in the following location: /usr/examples/decedi/sqs/*.sqs. These are supplied as examples of what you need to do. If you are using SQL/Services on the Server only in conjunction with DEC/EDI, then you can use them almost unchanged. However, if you have other uses for SQL/Services, you have to merge the commands in these examples with those you are already using. The example scripts are called: • sqs_create.sqs - to be run ONCE to create the DEC/EDI service. • sqs_startup.sqs - to be executed on system startup. • sqs_shutdown.sqs - to be executed on system shutdown. As a minimum, these examples need to be modified to add the password for the dbsmgr account, and then run from the root account, for example: # sqs_manage -i sqs_startup.sqs For more information on configuring SQL/Services refer to the Oracle SQL/Services Installation and Configuration Guide. DIGITAL UNIX Informix No extra configuration is required. DIGITAL UNIX Oracle 7 As part of creating the DEC/EDI Oracle 7 database, the following was reported: ******************************************************* Default oracle network templates have been generated in /userb/oracle/db/. The files being: listener.ora tnsnav.ora tnsnames.ora These files should be merged with those already on this server (in /etc), and those residing on any PC wishing to use the CommandCenter or Cockpit to access this server. This needs to be done, and the Oracle 7 TNS listener re-started for these to take effect. Merging Files Refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guides (DIGITAL UNIX and Open VMS) for information on merging the files. Backing up the DEC/EDI Database OpenVMS No DEC/EDI tools are provided on OpenVMS to achieve this, instead the user should refer to the Oracle Rdb RMU documentation, and in particular, the /BACKUP qualifier. Restoring the DEC/EDI Database From Backup OpenVMS No DEC/EDI tools are provided on OpenVMS to achieve this, instead the user should refer to the Oracle Rdb RMU documentation, and in particular, the /RESTORE qualifier. Starting and Stopping the DEC/EDI Database OpenVMS It is assumed Oracle Rdb is started before the Server, normally as part of system startup. Oracle Rdb can be started or stopped manually using the startup and shutdown procedures supplied with the version of Oracle Rdb you have installed. For further help on this command please refer to the Oracle Rdb documentation. Similar procedures are supplied for starting and stopping the Oracle SQL Services. Shutting Down Oracle Rdb Please note that before shutting down Oracle Rdb, you should ensure that both DEC/EDI and SQL/Services have been shutdown. DIGITAL UNIX DECEDI_CONFIG Options The decedi_config utility presents a number of other options. These are described in the following sections. Saving a Copy of the Database By Using the Dump Database Option This option dumps the contents of the DEC/EDI database to a file whose name you are prompted to specify. You are most likely to use this option to take a copy of the data in your database before you perform any database maintenance. You may also use this option to take a copy of your database for transferring it to another Server. This option utilises the database vendor's tools, and as such varies between the various databases supported. They are: • Oracle7 The exp utility to do a FULL database unload • Informix The onunload utility to do a database unload • Oracle Rdb The rmu -Backup utility to backup the entire database Each of these has its own restrictions and the user should refer to the database vendor's documentation for more details. For Oracle, database dumping and re-loading must be performed by an Oracle user who has `dba' privilege. You will be asked for the user and their password as part of this option. Populating the Database By Using the Load Database Option This option loads a DEC/EDI database from a file previously created by using the Dump Database option. This operation destroys any existing data already in the database. If you have many records in the database, this option can take many minutes to complete. This option utilises the database vendor's tools, and as such varies between the various databases supported. They are: • Oracle Rdb The rmu -Restore utility to restore the entire database • Informix The onload utility to do a database load • Oracle7 The imp utility to do a FULL database load Each of these has its own restrictions, and you should refer to the database vendor's documentation for more details. Oracle7 Database dumping and re-loading must be performed by an Oracle 7 user who has dba privilege. You will be asked for the user and their password as part of this option. It is highly recommended that you recreate the Oracle7 database prior to performing a reload to ensure that no duplication of information occurs. Starting and Stopping the Database Server By Using the Manage Database Option This behaviour of this option depends on the database you are using. INFORMIX OnLine only If you are using INFORMIX OnLine, this option allows you to: • See whether the INFORMIX database server for DEC/EDI is started. • Start the INFORMIX database server. • Stop the INFORMIX database server. Before you can run the Server or access the database by using Cockpit or CommandCenter, the database server must be started. The database server is normally started automatically when needed, for example when you start the Server, or when you use decedi_config to configure, dump or load the database. The Manage database option is provided in case you need to use it. For further information on stopping or starting the INFORMIX database server see the INFORMIX OnLine Administrators Guide, Volume 1. Oracle Rdb only If your database is provided by Oracle Rdb, this option displays messages indicating whether the database server is started or not. It does not allow to start or stop the database server. It is assumed Oracle Rdb is started before the Server, normally as part of system startup. Oracle Rdb can be started or stopped manually using the rmu command from the root account. For further help on this command please refer to the man entry on rmu. Please note that before shutting down Oracle Rdb, you should ensure that both DEC/EDI and SQL/Services have been shutdown. See Configuring the Database Network Connectivity on page 4-19 for more information on shutting down SQL/Services. Oracle7 If you are using the Oracle7, this option allows you to: • See whether the Oracle7 database server for DEC/EDI is started • Start the Oracle7 database server • Stop the Oracle7 database server Before you can run the Server or access the database by using Cockpit or CommandCenter, the database must be started. The database server is normally started automatically when needed, for example when to start the Server, or when you use decedi_config to configure, dump or load the database. The Manage Database option is provided in case you need to start or stop the database at other times. For further information on stopping or starting the Oracle7 database server, see the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide. Using DECEDI_CONFIG Again Once you have a running Server, you may wish to use the decedi_config utility again, perhaps because you want to maintain the database, or perhaps because you suspect there are configuration problems with ObjectBroker. The configuration options provided by decedi_config destroy any existing configuration. Before you run decedi_config, you should be sure that: • You have first stopped the Server. Oracle Rdb only • You have shut down SQL/Services. This ensures that there are no users of Cockpit or CommandCenter accessing the database. See Configuring the Database Network Connectivity on page 4-19 for information on shutting down SQL/Services. • You use the Dump database option to save a copy of your current database, before either re-creating or using the Load database option. Chapter 5 UNIX - Installation of DEC/EDI Server and Application Client This chapter describes the preparation for and installation of DEC/EDI Server and Application Client by the System Manager or Administrator, onto a DIGITAL UNIX platform. Introduction This chapter is divided into sections as shown below: • Preparing to Install DEC/EDI on page 5-2 • Installing DEC/EDI on page 5-26 • After Installation on page 5-32 • Setting Up the System on page 5-34 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Before attempting to proceed with the instructions contained within this book you should be familiar with the contents of DEC/EDI Introduction and have decided on which components will be installed on this and any other nodes. Before attempting to install DEC/EDI software on your system, complete the preparation requirements outlined in Chapters 1 and 2. You will need the Installation Checklist prepared from Chapter 2 to complete the preparation and installation described in this chapter. This section describes the activities that must be completed before starting the installation: • Reading the Online Release Notes on page 5-3 • Installation Options on page 5-4 • Checking the Software Distribution Kit on page 5-8 • Registering Your Software Licenses on DIGITAL Systems on page 5-8 • Installation Pre-requisites on page 5-11 • Deleting DEC/EDI from Your System on page 5-24 • # setld -d DEDICLT311 DEDICLTMAN311 on page 5-24 Reading the Online Release Notes DEC/EDI provides online release notes. DIGITALDIGITAL strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes contain information about changes to the application that are not included in the standard published documentation set. The release notes for DEC/EDI will be placed in the following location after installation: /usr/doc/DECEDI(subset_number).release_notes /usr/doc/DECEDI(subset_number) Installation Options Your media kit contains one or more DEC/EDI components which are as follow: • DEC/EDI Application Client. Select if applications on the installation platform are to either exchange files with the DEC/EDI Server, or track files in the DEC/EDI Server using the DEC/EDI Application Programming Interface (API) or the DEC/EDI Command Line Interface (CLI). Necessary whether or not the DEC/EDI Server is on the same platform as the applications. • DEC/EDI Server. Select to provide Communications Services, EDI Translation Services, or Mapping Services on the installation platform. Necessary even to only use this platform as the common connection point for Application-to- Application routing. • DEC/EDI Message Update Service. Select to install a new set of EDI message standards for use by the EDI Translation Services, or for use when developing mapping tables. It can only be installed on a platform with the DEC/EDI Server component. The components share some common subsets and have other subsets which are specific to themselves and which may be either mandatory or optional. The components, and their subsets are detailed below:. Table 5-1 DEC/EDI Component Subsets Component (DEC/EDI ...) Application Client Server Message Update Service (MUS) Subset (DEC/EDI ...) Base Client Client Man Pages Base Server Server Man Pages EDI Translation Services Mailbus 400 Gateway OFTP Gateway SMTP/MIME Communications Gateway 3780 (BISYNC) Communications Gateway Message Updates Base Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files Message Updates X12 files Message Updates TDCC files Message Updates TRADACOMS files Install ? Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Additional Information on DEC/EDI Subsets The following provides additional information on the DEC/EDI subsets: • The DEC/EDI Client Man Pages optional subset should be selected if the man pages for the DEC/EDI API and CLI calls are required. • The DEC/EDI Server Man Pages optional subset should be selected if the man pages for the DEC/EDI System Administrator Utilities, such as Secondary Archiving, are required. • The DEC/EDI EDI Translation Services optional subset should be selected if any EDI Translation is required for either outgoing or incoming files. • The DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server is to provide X.400 or X.435 Communications Services. • The DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server is to provide OFTP Communications Services. • The DEC/EDI SMTP/MIME Communications Gateway optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server is to provide SMTP/MIME Communications Services. • The DEC/EDI 3780 (BISYNC) Communications Gateway optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server is to provide 3780 (BISYNC) Communications Services. • The DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages optional subset should be selected if the man pages for the DEC/EDI Message Updates Service are required. • The DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server requires that new EDIFACT tables need to be installed on the system or to replace existing tables already on the system. • The DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server requires that new ODETTE tables need to be installed on the system or to replace existing tables already on the system. • The DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 files optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server requires that new X12 tables need to be installed on the system or to replace existing tables already on the system. • The DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC files optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server requires that new TDCC tables need to be installed on the system or to replace existing tables already on the system. • The DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS files optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server requires that new TRADACOMS tables need to be installed on the system or to replace existing tables already on the system. Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your DEC/EDI software distribution kit. If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your DIGITAL representative. Registering Your Software Licenses on DIGITAL Systems DEC/EDI includes support for the License Management Facility (LMF). You must register your License Product Authorization Key(s) (License PAK(s)) in the License Database (LDB) in order to use DEC/EDI on a newly-licensed node. If you ordered the licenses and media together then the License PAK(s) will be shipped along with the kit. Otherwise, the License PAK(s) are shipped separately to a location described on your license order. DEC/EDI supports a number of license types, depending on which DEC/EDI component subsets you wish to use. The individual License PAK names, and what they control are shown on the following table. Table 5-2 DEC/EDI Component Licensing Subset (DEC/EDI ...) Client Server EDI Translation Mailbus400 Gateway OFTP Gateway SMTP/MIME Communications Gateway 3780 (BISYNC) Communications Gateway Functionality Post, Fetch, Track via API or CLI This includes bypass trans- lation Import/Export Gateway. Run- time Mapper, Application to- Application Routing Convert to EDI Format, Build EDI Transmissions, Split EDI Transmissions, Translate from EDI Format X.400 (84) P0 and P2, X.400 (88) P0 and P2, X.435 OFTP send and receive SMTP send and receive 3780 send and receive LMF_PAK_Name EDI- APP-SERV or EDI X400 PACKAGE or EDI OFTP PACKAGE No license required EDI-TRANSLATION- SERV or EDI-X400- PACK- AGE or EDI-OFTP-PACK- AGE EDI EDI-X400-SERV or X400-PACKAGE EDI-OFTP-SERV or EDI OFTP- PACKAGE EDI-SMTP LICENSE or EDI-SMTP-PACKAGE license EDI-BISYNC- LICENSE or EDI-BISYNC-PACKAGE license Important In addition, you must install the EDI-COMCEN license on the Server. This permits the DEC/EDI CommandCenter to manage the Server node. If you are installing pre-requisite or optional software along with DEC/EDI, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for them before you install DEC/EDI. Registering Licenses on DIGITAL UNIX To register a license under the DIGITAL UNIX operating system: 1. Log in as superuser. 2. At the superuser prompt, enter the following command to edit your License PAK: # lmf register 3. An empty PAK template is displayed in a text editor. Enter all the information from the License PAK form supplied with your software. 4. After you register your license, use the following command to copy the license details from the LDB to the kernel cache: # lmf reset For complete information on using the License Management Facility, see the Guide to Software License Management. Installation Pre-requisites This section discusses requirements for installing DEC/EDI. Login Privileges You must have superuser privileges to install the DEC/EDI software and to register the license PAK(s). Hardware Requirements To run the DEC/EDI Application Client, DEC/EDI Server or DEC/EDI Message Update Service you need a DIGITAL machine running the DIGITAL UNIX Operating System. Please refer to the DEC/EDI Software Product Description (SPD) for the additional details of the hardware models and supported versions of the operating system. To perform the installation, you need the following hardware: • A software distribution device (if installing from media). You need a distribution device that corresponds with the software distribution media. For example, if you have a CD-ROM, you need a CD-ROM drive. The documentation for the tape or disk drive explains how to load the media supplied with the software distribution kit. • A terminal. You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. If you wish to install the DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway subset, you may require additional hardware that supports specific communication protocols to provide external connectivity. See the Mailbus 400 Software Product Description (SPD) for more information on these requirements. If you wish to install the DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway subset, you may require additional hardware to provide the X.25 connectivity. See the DEC X.25 Software Product Description (SPD) for more information on these requirements. Checking Software Requirements The software requirements for DEC/EDI are shown below. Table 5-3 DEC/EDI Software Requirements Subset (DEC/EDI ...) Base Client Client Man Pages Server Server Man Pages Translation Services Mailbus 400 Gateway OFTP Gateway SMTP/MIME Communica- tions Gateway 3780 (BISYNC) Communi- cations Gateway Message Updates Base Message Updates Man Pages Message Updates EDI- FACT IMPDEF files Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files Message Updates TRADA- COMS IMPDEF files Software DIGITAL UNIX TCP/IP ObjectBroker DEC/EDI Base DIGITAL UNIX Documen- tation Subset DEC/EDI Base Informix-OnLine runtime Informix-ESQL/C runtime Oracle Rdb Oracle SQL Services Oracle7 Oracle SQL*NET V2 DIGITAL UNIX Documen- tation Subset DEC/EDI Server DEC/EDI Server Mailbus 400 Base DEC/EDI Server DEC/EDI Server DEC/EDI DEC X.25 Base DEC/EDI Server DIGITAL UNIX Documen- tation Subset DEC/EDI Message Updates Base DEC/EDI Message Updates Base DEC/EDI Message Updates Base DEC/EDI Message Updates Base DEC/EDI Message Updates Base Install? Mandatory Mandatory (included with O/S) Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory if using Informix OnLine Mandatory if using Informix OnLine Mandatory if using Oracle Rdb Mandatory if using Oracle Rdb Mandatory if using Oracle7 Mandatory if using Oracle7 Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Database Requirement The Server requires a database to hold its definitions, one of the following database types must be installed: • Informix On-Line • Oracle Rdb • Oracle7 See the DEC/EDI Software Product Description (SPD) for more information on software requirements such as version numbers. Run Time Libraries The following DIGITAL UNIX Run Time Libraries must be installed. These are provided with the DIGITAL UNIX operating system software distribution on CD-ROM: Subset Name DPORTL5nn DFARTL3nn Description DEC Pascal for DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Runtime Support DEC Fortran for DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Runtime Support For example, to determine whether the subset is installed, use the following command: # setld -i | grep DFARTL DFARTL361 installed DEC Fortran for DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Runtime Support Network Interfaces TCP/IP Link Checking Check that the TCP/IP link works in both directions by pinging the other node you intend to use. The command is: # ping [remote node name] Use CTRL C to stop the test. Checking ObjectBroker Installation Applicable only if ObjectBroker is installed To check that ObjectBroker is installed, log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep OBBBASE This produces an output with a mark against each version of the ObjectBroker Base System currently installed. Checking Client/Server Communication with ObjectBroker Applicable only if ObjectBroker is installed If the DEC/EDI Application Client and DEC/EDI Server are on different systems, the network between them should be tested as follows: 1. On one node, invoke the ObjectBroker Network Tester as the Server by entering the following command: # obbntst -s This will return a Server Connection Identifier which should be noted. 2. On the other node, invoke the ObjectBroker Network Tester as the client by entering the following command but adding the name of the server the client is to connect to and the Connection Identifier from the previous step: # obbntst -c [Server Connection Identifier] -n [Server Name] The server's Network Tester should return a Successful Test message. Checking DIGITAL UNIX Documentation Subset is Installed To check DIGITAL UNIX Documentation Subset is installed, log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep OSFDCMT This produces an output, with a mark against each version of the DIGITAL UNIX Documentation Subset currently installed. Checking that Oracle7 is Installed Before you can check completely that all Oracle7 components have been installed, you need to set some environment variables specific to Oracle7. Ensure that the Listener Services have been started from the Oracle account using the following command: # lsnrctl start Setting Oracle7 Environment Variables To set Oracle7 environment variables: 1. Check the /etc/passwd file to make sure that an Oracle7 account has been created. Note that the name of the account starts with the letters, ora. By default, the name is oracle. 2. Note the whole specification of its home directory, and switch to that user (for example, su - oracle). 3. Set the following environment variables as specified: • ORACLE_HOME-to home directory specification • ORACLE_SID-to decedidb • ORACLE_TERM-to vt100 After setting the environment variables, there are two ways in which you can check that Oracle7 and its components are installed: 1. Run the Oracle7 Installer This utility produces a listing of components and respective versions. 2. Check for individual Oracle7 components by using specific commands. In checking an installation by this method, you need to know what components should be installed. Running the Oracle7 Installer The Oracle7 Installer is located on the Oracle CD-ROM disk. Run the utility to give you a listing (with respective locations) of Oracle7 files installed on your system. This may take a few minutes. Checking for Individual Oracle7 Components You may check that individual components are installed by using commands that are specific to each one. You also have the option to list the version number of each component for which you check. Checking for the Server Manager and DBMS From the Oracle account, and with the environment variables set as described in Setting Oracle7 Environment Variables on page 5-17, enter the following command: # svrmgrl This returns an output similar to the following: Server Manager: Release 2.0.3 Production Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994. All rights reserved. Oracle7 Server Release Production Release SVRMGR> exit Note that this shows that both the Server Manager and DBMS are installed. Their version numbers are also included in the output. Checking for Oracle7 SQLPLUS To check that the PL/SQL package is installed, enter the following command:> sqlplus An output similar to the following shows that it is installed: SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 26 12:08:24 1996 Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1994. All rights reserved. Enter user-name: Press CTRL C to escape. Checking for TCP/IP Services To check for the TCP/IP Services, enter the following command: # $ORACLE_HOME/bin/drivers This returns an output listing the installed SQL*Net Drivers To get their versions, enter the following commands: # $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl LSNRCTL> version This produces an output listing the SQL*Net Drivers version numbers. Checking Informix-OnLine is Installed To check that Informix-OnLine is installed on DIGITAL UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following commands: # setenv INFORMIXDIR # setenv PATH ${PATH}:${INFORMIXDIR}/bin # onstat -V This produces an output indicating the version of InformixOnLine and its serial number. Note that Informix-OnLine does not need to be started prior to starting DEC/EDI or running any of the DEC/EDI utilities such as decedi_config. Checking Informix-ESQL/C is Installed To check that Informix-ESQL/C is installed on DIGITAL UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following commands: # setenv INFORMIXDIR # setenv PATH ${PATH}:${INFORMIXDIR}/bin # esql -V This produces an output indicating the version of InformixESQL and its serial number. Note that Informix-ESQL/C does not need to be started prior to starting DEC/EDI or running any of the DEC/EDI utilities such as decedi_config. Checking Oracle Rdb is Installed To check that Oracle Rdb is installed on DIGITAL UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep RDBSRV This produces an output with a mark against each version of the Oracle Rdb currently installed. To check that Oracle Rdb is running, enter the following command: # rmu rmu> show system DEC Rdb V6.1-0 on node 16-MAY-1995 13:36:23.42 monitor log filename is "/usr/lib/dbs/rdb/v61/adm/rdmmon61.log" database /usr/users/rdbdb/decedi_db.rdb/rdb_system.rdb 9 active database users rmu> exit # Checking Oracle SQL Services is Installed To check that Oracle SQL Services is installed on DIGITAL UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep RDBSQL This produces an output with a mark against each version of the Oracle SQL Services subset currently installed. Checking Oracle SQL Services is Running To check that Oracle SQL Services is running, enter the following commands: # sqs_manage SQS manage> connect server sqs_default user `dbsmgr' using `password'; SQS manage> show server; The message detailing the server shows whether it is running or not. Type exit to return to the command prompt. Checking Mailbus 400 is Installed To check that Mailbus 400 is installed on DIGITAL UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep MTAABASE This produces an output with a mark against each version of the Mailbus 400 Base subset currently installed. Checking DEC X.25 is Installed To check that DEC X.25 is installed on DIGITAL UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep XXAACC This produces an output with a mark against each version of the DEC X.25 subset currently installed. Checking the DEC/EDI account When installing the DEC/EDI Server subset, some files will be assigned the ownership of decedi. This means that a decedi needs to be set up prior to installing the DEC/EDI Server subset. To check that the decedi account has been set up, log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # grep decedi /etc/passwd If the decedi account exists, then this will produce a line containing the account details. If no decedi account exists, no output will be generated. Adding a DEC/EDI Account To add a decedi account, enter the following command: # adduser This will take you through a series of questions and then sets up the decedi account. Disk Space Requirements The Table below lists the disk space requirements for loading each of the DEC/EDI software subsets. The figures shown in these tables are peak requirements. After installation, slightly less disk space is required. Table 5-4 Disk Space Requirements DEC/EDI Subset DEC/EDI Base DEC/EDI Client DEC/EDI Client Man Pages DEC/EDI Server DEC/EDI Server Man Pages DEC/EDI Translation Services DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway DEC/EDI SMTP Gateway DEC/EDI BISYNC (3780) Gateway DEC/EDI Message Updates Base DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC files DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 files DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS files DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE_IMPDEF_files Space needed (Kb) 2,000 2,500 150 75,000 50 6,000 1,500 1,200 500 50 1,200 300 8,000 21,000 500 7,000 200 Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where DEC/EDI files will reside. Determining Disk Space To determine the amount of disk space available on your system, enter the following command: # df -k /usr This will produce an output similar to the example below: Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/re0g 1580378 970579 451761 68% /usr Note that this display shows that there are 451,761 KiloBytes available. Deleting DEC/EDI from Your System If you already have a DEC/EDI subset installed on your system, and want to replace it with another version of that subset, you must delete the original subset first. For instance, if you are upgrading from one version of DEC/EDI to another. Note that deleting the subset does not cause any user data to be lost, so on deleting a subset, and then installing a new subset no data will be lost. If you already have a version of DEC/EDI from your system, and wish to re- install it, or replace it with a newer version, then you must delete each DEC/EDI subset that you previously installed. To delete subsets: 1. Log in as superuser (login name, root). 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: # cd / 3. Enter the following setld command (you may need to use the Bourne shell sh to run setld): # setld -i | grep DEDI This will return a list of subsets with a mark against installed items as shown in the following example: DEDICLT311 installed DEC/EDI DIGITAL UNIX Client DEDICLTMAN311 installed DEC/EDI DIGITAL UNIX Client Man Pages 4. Look for the word "installed" in the listing produced, and then delete the installed subsets. For example: # setld -d DEDICLT311 DEDICLTMAN311 Backing Up Your System Disk DIGITAL recommends that you back up your file systems before installing any software. For information about backing up your file systems, see the DIGITAL UNIX system documentation. Installing DEC/EDI This section describes how to install DEC/EDI. Before starting your installation, perform the pre-installation tasks listed in the previous section. The beginning of this section describes how to enter setld to start the installation procedure. The way you do this depends on whether you are installing: • From local CD-ROM media, see Installing From CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media on page 5-27 • From a Remote Installation Services (RIS) server area, see Installing From a Remote Installation Services (RIS) Distribution Area on page 5-28 It then explains the installation dialog during which you are prompted for details about how the installation is to take place. Stopping the Installation You can stop the installation procedure at any time by pressing Ctrl C. If you stop the installation, files created up to that point are not deleted. You must delete those files manually. To find out which DEC/EDI files are on your system, enter the following command: # find / -name \*decedi\ Be careful of deleting data contained in /usr/var/adm/decedi or its sub- directories as this may cause DEC/EDI configuration data to be lost. Time Required for Complete Installation The time taken to install each of the subsets from the DEC/EDI kit varies depending on the size of your CPU and whether you are installing using local media, or from a Remote Installation Services (RIS) server area. In most cases, each subset should take only a few minutes to install. Installing From CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media This procedure loads DEC/EDI files on to a disk belonging to the system where you perform the installation. When DEC/EDI is run, its executable images are mapped into memory on your system. Follow these steps to install DEC/EDI from CD-ROM media: 1. Mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (login name, root)) to the system where you will install DEC/EDI. 3. Make sure you are at the root (/) directory by entering the following command: # cd / 4. Specify the /cdrom) directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. For example, if your drive is called ralc, enter the following command: # mount -dr /dev/ralc /cdrom 5. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l option)) and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where the DEC/EDI subsets are located. For example, if the directory location for these subsets is /cdrom/dedisubset_number)/kit), enter the following command: # setld -l /cdrom/dedisubset_number)/kit The installation procedure now displays the names of the DEC/EDI subsets and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Running the Installation Procedure on page 5-29 to continue the installation. Installing From a Remote Installation Services (RIS) Distribution Area If you are installing DEC/EDI subsets that reside in /etc/ris RIS distribution area on a remote system, follow these steps: 1. Log in as superuser (login name, root)) to the system where you will install DEC/EDI. 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: #cd / 3. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l) option and identifies the system where the DEC/EDI subsets are located. For example, if you are loading DEC/EDI subsets from a RIS distribution area on a node called orion, enter the following: #setld -l orion: RIS now displays a menu that lists all the software subsets available to you and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Running the Installation Procedure on page 5-29 to continue the installation. Running the Installation Procedure Once you have entered the setld command to install the software, the system takes you through a dialog in which you are prompted for details about how the installation is to take place. These prompts are described on the following pages. At each prompt during the dialog, you can do any of the following: Enter your reply and press Return. Enter ? for more information about what is required. Abort the installation by pressing Ctrl/C. If you encounter any failures during the installation dialog, refer to Problems During Product Installation on page 5-31. Specifying Subsets You are prompted to specify which DEC/EDI subsets you want to load. For example, when installing DEC/EDI on DIGITAL UNIX, the dialog is as follows: # setld -l /cdrom/dedi320/kit The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DEC/EDI 3780 Gateway 2) DEC/EDI Base 3) DEC/EDI Client Man Pages 4) DEC/EDI Client 5) DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway 6) DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway 7) DEC/EDI Message Updates Base 8) DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files 9) DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages --MORE TO FOLLOW Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2-4 10) DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files 11) DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files 12) DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS IMPDEF files 13) DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files 14) DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway 15) DEC/EDI Server Man Pages 16) DEC/EDI Server 17) DEC/EDI Translation Services The following choices override your previous selections: 18) ALL of the above 19) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 20) EXIT without installing any subsets Add to your choices, choose an overriding action or press RETURN to confirm previous selections. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2-4 You are installing the following optional subsets: DEC/EDI Base DEC/EDI Client Man Pages DEC/EDI Client Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. Note If you are installing from a RIS distribution area, the number of subsets can vary, depending on which products are available in the RIS area, and on how many subsets they have. Also, if the subsets are already installed, they will not appear as a selectable option. Next, the dialog lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 18) in response to the previous prompt, you will see the following display: DEC/EDI 3780 Gateway DEC/EDI Base DEC/EDI Client Man Pages DEC/EDI Client DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway DEC/EDI Message Updates Base DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway DEC/EDI Server Man Pages DEC/EDI Server DEC/EDI Translation Services If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y. If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the Subset Selection menu is displayed again, and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. Messages Displayed During the Loading Process The installation procedure loads and verifies the selected DEC/EDI subsets. During this process, several messages are displayed. When you see the "Verifying" message during the subset installation, the installation procedure is checking that the files are copied correctly. Note that this is not an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) message. If you see the "Broken pipe" message during the subsetinstallation, then this can be ignored as the subset will continue to be installed successfully Problems During Product Installation If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. For example, if the installation fails due to insufficient disk space, the following message appears: There is not enough space for subset DEDISERVsubset_number) DEDISERVsubset_number) will not be loaded. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: • The version of the operating system is incorrect. • A prerequisite software version is incorrect. • There is insufficient disk space. • The system parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, refer to the relevant documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and software installation. For information on system software requirements, refer to Table 5-3 DEC/EDI Software Requirements on page 5-12 Files Created During Installation For more details of the files installed by an installation of DEC/EDI, please refer to Appendix I UNIX Installation - Directory and File Listing. After Installation This Section explains what you need to do after the installation to make DEC/EDI ready for use. Installation Checking Satisfactory installation is assumed if the files selected for the particular customer installation are found to be installed. The procedure for checking this is shown in Running the Installation Verification Procedure on page 5-33. Running the Installation Verification Procedure After installing DEC/EDI, you should run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access DEC/EDI. The DEC/EDI IVP verifies the installation by checking which DEC/EDI subsets are installed. To run the IVP after an installation, enter the following command, where subsetname can be any DEC/EDI subset: # setld -v subsetname If the verification process fails, look in the /var/adm/smlogs/fverify.log file for information to help diagnose the problem. Setting Up the System Before the system can be used for the first time, or after parts of the system have been changed, it must be set up. The DEC/EDI system is comprised of both Application Clients, Servers, and PCs which monitor or configure the DEC/EDI system. The setup activities need to be performed on the separate parts of the system in a particular order. The setup procedures are described in Part 3, Database Administration. Problems After Installation U.S. customers who encounter a problem while using DEC/EDI can report it to DIGITAL by telephoning the DIGITAL Customer Support Center (CSC) at 1-800-354-9000. Customers with service contracts can also use an electronic means such as DSNlink. Customers without a service contract can arrange for per-call support. • The CSC will need the following information: • The name and version number of the operating system you are using. • The version of DEC/EDI you are using. • The hardware system you are using (such as a model number). • A brief description of the problem (one sentence if possible). • Whether the problem is critical. • Any other information that may be helpful in trying to reproduce the problem, such as the specific commands you used to run the software, the error messages displayed, and source listings of the relevant software module or lines of code. If the problem is related to DEC/EDI documentation, then report the problem to the CSC (if you have a service contract and the problem is severe). Chapter 6 OpenVMS - Installation of Server and Client This chapter describes the process of installing Server and Application Client, by a system manager or administrator, onto a DIGITAL OpenVMS VAX or Alpha platform. Preparation The following possibilities when installing DEC/EDI Version 3.2 onto an OpenVMS system are described in this chapter: • it is a new installation onto a clean system • you are upgrading an earlier version DEC/EDI Version 3.2 Server and Application Client can be installed together or separately, the Server can be on the same node as the Application Client, or could be on a different one. General It is assumed that the preparations detailed in Parts 1 and 2 have been completed satisfactorily, so that you have a checklist of the desired configuration. Check the Installation Kit is correct against the Bill of Materials (BOM) and indented bills report (BIL) which specify the number and contents of your media. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, contact your DIGITAL representative. Upgrading When upgrading your system to DEC/EDI Version 3.2, existing files will be modified during the upgrade process. Backing up is recommended in the following instructions when appropriate. Examples All examples provided in this chapter are typical and are provided for information only. Prerequisites - All Installations Operating System One of the following versions of OpenVMS is needed for DEC/EDI V3.2: • OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 • OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 Software Products The information contained in the following sections define which software products you will need in addition to DEC/EDI for your selected configuration of the DEC/EDI V3.2 products. More about Software Versions Software versions defined within this document were correct at time of publication, late changes are detailed in the Release Notes. For more information, contact your DIGITAL Support representative. Mapping Services The Mapping Services are a separately licensed component of DEC/EDI, and was previously called Filebridge. OpenVMS VAX Server This section describes the layered products which are needed to run a Server on an OpenVMS VAX platform. Some products are mandatory, others are optional and depend on which configuration options you select. Mandatory The following products are a mandatory requirement for all OpenVMS VAX server installations: • OpenVMS VAX • DECforms runtime • Oracle Rdb runtime Optional The following products are optional, depending on the network interface and communications options being used: TCP/IP • DEC TCP/IP Services ObjectBroker • DEC TCP/IP Servers, DECnet or DECnet Plus (DECnet/OSI) • BEA ObjectBroker In addition the DEC/EDI Mapping Service may extract record layouts from Oracle CDD/Repository, although this is optional. Gateway You will need to run DECnet Plus (DECnet/OSI) if you are expecting to run any of the following DEC/EDI gateways: • X.25 • OFTP • X.400 • Pedi (X.435) X.400 If you are using the X.400 Gateway, you will need to have VAX Message Router and VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway products installed. Pedi If you are using the Pedi Gateway, you would normally require the MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent. However there is no version of this currently available which supports the version of OpenVMS VAX required by DEC/EDI V3.2. To work around this, the Server contains an X.API component within the kit which needs to be separately installed. This X.API component allows DEC/EDI to connect to a MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent (MTA) on another CPU. Bisync If you are using the Bisync gateway, you will need the VAX 2780/3780 Protocol Emulator product. 3780Plus Gateway If you are using the 3780Plus Gateway, you will need the CLEO 3780Plus product. Application Interface Your applications may interface to the DEC/EDI V2.1 server on OpenVMS VAX using one or more of the following interfaces: • Using a DEC/EDI V2 Application Client, either on the same node as the server or on a separate node. • Using the DEC/EDI V1 'data label' API interface on the same node as the DEC/EDI V2 server • Using the DEC/EDI Mapping Service CLI or API interfaces on the same node as the DEC/EDI V2 server • Using DEC/EDI V1.3A Application Services on a separate node to the OpenVMS VAX server. This option requires DECnet (or DECnet/OSI) to link the OpenVMS VAX server node to the node running DEC/EDI V1.3A Application Services. DEC ObjectBroker will be required to link the DEC/EDI V2 Application Clients to the server (even if the clients and server are on the same node. DEC ObjectBroker requires a network layer over which it can connect clients and the server. This network layer can be provided by DEC TCP/IP Services, DECnet or DECnet/OSI, however other constraints will often influence your choice. If you wish to connect any of the DEC/EDI V2 Application Clients on the following platforms to the OpenVMS VAX server, then DEC ObjectBroker requires that all Application Clients use TCP/IP as the network layer to connect to the server: • DIGITAL UNIX • HP-UX • Sun Solaris If you are not expecting to use any of the above listed Application Clients, the choice of network layer to use will be influenced by which DEC/EDI gateways you expect to run (or more specifically whether or not those gateways require DECnet/OSI). However all Application Clients must be connected using the same network layer. Supported Software Versions The table below shows the versions of software products that are supported for use with DEC/EDI V3.2 on OpenVMS VAX. Table 6-1 OpenVMS VAX Software Product Versions Product Name OpenVMS VAX DECforms runtime BEA ObjectBroker Oracle Rdb runtime DEC TCP/IP Services Oracle DD Repository DECnet Plus for Open- VMS VAX CLEO 3780Plus Mailbus 400 MTA X500 Directory Services SPD* Number 25.01 29.90 44.12 n/a 46.46 n/a 50.45 n/a 42.83 40.77 Supported Versions 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 7.1 2.1A, 2.2 2.6, 2.7 5.1, 6.0, EC01, 6.1, 7.0 3.3, 4.1 6.1, 7.0 6.2, 7.0, 7.1 04 1.4, 2.0 2.0A, 3.1 * = Software Product Description OpenVMS Alpha Server This section describes the layered products which may be needed to run a DEC/EDI server on an OpenVMS Alpha platform. Some products are mandatory, others are optional and depend on which configuration options you select. Mandatory The following products are a mandatory requirement for all OpenVMS Alpha server installations: • OpenVMS Alpha • DECforms runtime • Oracle Rdb runtime Optional The following products are optional, depending on the network interface and communications options being used: TCP/IP • DEC TCP/IP Services ObjectBroker • DEC TCP/IP Servers, DECnet or DECnet Plus (DECnet/OSI) • BEA ObjectBroker In addition the DEC/EDI Mapping Service may optionally extract record layouts from Oracle CDD/Repository. Gateway If you are using either of the OFTP or X.25 gateways, you need to have installed one of the following: • DECnet/OSI and X.25 • DECnet and DEC X.25 Client Pedi Gateway If you are using the Pedi Gateway, you would normally require the MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent. As there is no version of this currently available for OpenVMS Alpha, the Server contains an X.API component within the kit which needs to be separately installed. This X.API component allows DEC/EDI to connect to a MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent (MTA) on another CPU using DECnet/OSI. 3780Plus Gateway When using the 3780Plus Gateway, you will need CLEO 3780Plus. Application Interface Your applications may interface to the V3.2 server on OpenVMS Alpha using one or more of the following interfaces: • Using a DEC/EDI V3.2 Application Client, either on the same node as the server or on a separate node. • Using DEC/EDI V1.3A Application Services on a separate node to the OpenVMS Alpha server. This option requires DECnet (or DECnet/OSI) to link the OpenVMS Alpha server node to the node running DEC/EDI V1.3A Application Services. ObjectBroker will be required to link the V3.2 Application Clients to the server using a network layer over which it can connect clients and the server. This is required even if clients are on the same node as the server. This network layer may be provided by TCP/IP Services, DECnet or DECnet/OSI. If you wish to connect any of the DEC/EDI V3.2 Application Clients on the following platforms to the OpenVMS Alpha server, then ObjectBroker requires that all Application Clients use TCP/IP as the network layer to connect to the server: • DIGITAL UNIX • Sun Solaris • HP-UX If you are not expecting to use any of the above listed Application Clients, the choice of network layer to use will be influenced by which DEC/EDI gateways you expect to run (or more specifically whether or not those gateways require DECnet/OSI). However all Application Clients must be connected using the same network layer. Supported Software Versions The table below shows versions of software products that are supported for use with DEC/EDI V3.2 on OpenVMS Alpha. Table 6-2 OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Versions Product Name OpenVMS VAX DECforms runtime BEA ObjectBroker Oracle Rdb runtime DEC TCP/IP Services Oracle CDD Repository DECnet Plus for Open- VMS VAX DEC X.25 Client X.25 CLEO 3780Plus Mailbus 400 MTA X500 Directory Services SPD* Number 25.01 29.90 44.12 n/a 46.46 n/a 50.45 46.37 47.37 n/a 54.67 40.77 Supported Versions 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 7.1 2.1A, 2.2 2.6, 2.7 5.1, 6.0, EC01, 6.1, 7.0 3.3, 4.1 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 7.1 1.1, 1.2 1.1, 1.1b 04 1.4, 2.0 2.0A, 3.1 * = Software Product Description OpenVMS VAX or Alpha Application Clients This section describes the layered products which are needed to run a Application Client on either an OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS Alpha platform. Some products are mandatory, others are optional and depend on which configuration options you select. Mandatory The following products are a mandatory requirement for all OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS Alpha Application Client installations: • OpenVMS (for VAX or Alpha respectively) • A network transport: provided by DEC TCP/IP Services or DECnet or DECnet/OSI or ObjectBroker Note that ObjectBroker requires all Application Clients connected to a single server use the same network transport. Software Licensing General Before you install and run DEC/EDI V3.2 on a newly licensed node or cluster, you must first register a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) using the License Management Facility (LMF). License PAK The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. If you are installing prerequisite or optional software along with DEC/EDI, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for any prerequisite or optional software before you install DEC/EDI. You should register your DEC/EDI license before you do the installation. During the installation, the licenses are checked, and if any is missing you are asked if you want to continue. You can complete the installation, and run the IVP without having the license installed. However, you will not be able to run the DEC/EDI software. Once you perform the license registration and have loaded an authorization key, you can use DEC/EDI. Checking for Installed Licenses To check to see what licenses you already have loaded, use the command: $LICENSE LIST Registering a License To register a license under OpenVMS, first log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. You then have a choice of two ways to perform the registration: 1. Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your Product Authorization Key (PAK). When it asks if you want to load the license, answer `Yes'. 2. Issue the DCL command LICENSE REGISTER with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to information on the PAK. If you choose this method, you must then use the LICENSE LOAD command to activate the license. More about License Management Facility For complete information on using LMF, see the manual on the License Management Utility in the OpenVMS documentation set. Privileges For The Installing Account To install DEC/EDI, you must be logged in to an account that has SETPRV, this will normally be the SYSTEM account. The installing account must have the process rights identifier OBB$MANAGER because the installation procedure has to shut down and restart ObjectBroker. About the Examples Command examples used in this section assume that the installing account is SYSTEM. Checking Privileges To check to see what privileges you have, you can use the following command: $ SHOW PROCESS /PRIVILEGES Note that VMSINSTAL turns off BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. Disk Space Requirement During installation working space is needed on the disk in excess of the space required just for the application. These requirements are detailed below: Table 6-3 Disk Space Requirements Server/Client OpenVMS VAX Server OpenVMS VAX Client OpenVMS Alpha Server OpenVMS Alpha Client Disk System ... for EDI data ... for Mapper System ... for EDI data System ... for EDI data ... for Mapper System ... for EDI data During Installation 65,000 none none 6,000 none 90,000 none none 9,000 none After Installation 50,000 25,000 22,000 1,600 100 75,000 25,000 22,000 1,800 100 Determining Diskspace To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE System Parameters Minimum values for the System Parameters when running DEC/EDI are shown below. Higher values may be needed depending on other applications running at your site. Table 6-4 Minimum System Parameter Values System Parameter CHANNELCNT CLISYMTBL DEFMBXMXMSG DEFMBXBUFQUO GBLPAGES GBLPAGFIL GBLSECTIONS WSMAX MAXBUF MAXPROCESSCNT VIRTUALPAGECNT Client & Server 255 500 256 2,048 3,350 free global pages 9,216 84 free global sections 8,192 2,048 64 60,000 Client Only 100 250 256 1,024 1,500 free global pages 8,192 60 free global sections 2,048 1,024 20 30,000 The following paragraphs show you how to: • Check system parameter values with the OpenVMS System Generation Utility (SYSGEN) • Calculate values for the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS system parameters • Change parameter values with the OpenVMS AUTOGEN command procedure Checking System Parameter Values The SYSGEN utility is used to check the system parameters. 1. Run the SYSGEN utility by using the following command: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN This will bring up the SYSGEN> prompt 2. Use the SHOW command to display selected parameter values with the following command: SYSGEN> SHOW nnnnnnn where nnnnnnn is the parameter name, for instance: SYSGEN> SHOW MAXBUF will give you the maximum buffer size. Repeat this process for all of the parameters listed in Table 6-4 Minimum System Parameter Values, noting the values which should equal or exceed the minimum values listed. 3. Type EXIT at the SYSGEN prompt to return to DCL level when you have finished checking the parameter values. More About SYSGEN For more information about using SYSGEN, see `Guide to Setting Up an OpenVMS System' in the OpenVMS documentation on system management. Calculating Values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS The values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS in Table 6-4 Minimum System Parameter Values, indicate how many unused pages or sections areavailable on your system. To check how many unused global pages and global sections your system has, carry out the following: 1. Use F$GETSYI to find out the number of global pages and global sections that are unused: $ unused_pages = f$getsyi("free_gblpages") $ unused_sections = f$getsyi("free_gblsects") 2. To display a summary of unused global pages and global sections, enter the following: $ WRITE sys$output unused_pages $ WRITE sys$output unused_sections 3. Determine if the number of unused pages is equal to or greater than the number specified in Table 6-4 Minimum System Parameter Values. If the number of unused pages is less than the number listed in the table, you need to increase the value for GBLPAGES. 4. Subtract the current free GBLSECTIONS value from the value shown in Table 6-4 Minimum System Parameter Values. The difference between the two is the amount by which you need to increase the current value obtained in Step 2. Changing System Parameter Values Changes made to the System Parameters do not actioned until the AUTOGEN utility has been used. Next login after the AUTOGEN will use the updated values. Procedure To change value to the minimum value listed in Table 6-4 Minimum System Parameter Values: 1. Edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and add the following line for each parameter that needs changing: MIN_PARAMETERNAME = VALUE for example: MIN_MAXBUF = 2048 MIN_WSMAX = 8192 2. Run the AUTOGEN procedure to reset your system parameters. Note that AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and reboots when it has finished. Rebooting your system makes the new parameter values active. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT NOFEEDBACK More About Autogen For more information about using AUTOGEN, see `Guide to Setting Up an OpenVMS System' in the OpenVMS documentation on system management. Account Quotas For The Installing Account The account you use to install DEC/EDI must have sufficient quotas to enable you to perform the installation, these values are detailed below: Table 6-5 Process Account Quotas Account ASTLM BIOLM BYTLM DIOLM ENQLM FILLM JTQUOTA PGFLQ PRCLM TQELM WSDEF WSEXTENT WSQUO Server 2,000 300 140,000 300 3,000 1,000 2,048 60,000 20 1,000 2,048 8,192 4,096 Client 25 20 20,000 20 200 100 1,024 10,240 5 10 1,024 4,096 2,048 Changing Account Quotas User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. You use the OpenVMS Authorize Utility to verify and change user account quotas. Changes are made using the following procedure: 1. Set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM and then run AUTHORIZE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> 2. At the AUTHORIZE prompt (UAF>), use the SHOW command with the account you are going to use to install DEC/EDI in order to check the particular account. For example: UAF> SHOW SYSTEM 3. To change a quota, use the MODIFY command at the UAF> prompt. MODIFY has the following format: MODIFY account-name /quota-name=nnnn 4. The example below changes the FILLM quota for the SYSTEM account and then exits from the Authorize Utility: UAF> MODIFY SYSTEM /FILLM=1000 UAF> EXIT 5. After you exit from the utility, the OpenVMS system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. Once the changes have been made, you must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. More about Account Quotas For more information on modifying account quotas, see the description of the AUTHORIZE utility in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. Other Pre-Installation Information Accessing the Online Release Notes DEC/EDI provides online Release Notes. If you specify OPTIONS N when you invoke VMSINSTAL, the installation procedure asks you if you want to display or print the Release Notes. The Release Notes question comes near the beginning of the installation. You should read the Release Notes before continuing with the installation. After DEC/EDI has been installed, the Release Notes are in the file: SYS$HELP:DECEDI032.RELEASE_NOTES Files and Logical Names Added to Your System See Appendix I UNIX Installation - Directory and File Listing and Appendix J OpenVMS Installation - Directory and File Listing for lists of all the files and logical names the installation procedure adds to your system. Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) for DEC/EDI checks that the installation has been successful. During the installation, you are asked if you want to run the IVP as part of the installation. If you respond YES, VMSINSTAL runs the IVP. DIGITAL recommends that you run the IVP to be sure that DEC/EDI is installed correctly. After DEC/EDI is installed, you can run the IVP independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that DEC/EDI is still installed correctly. Use the following command to run the IVP independently: $ @SYS$TEST:DECEDI$IVP.COM VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks the following: • Whether you are logged in to a privileged account • Whether you have adequate quotas for installation • Whether any users are logged in to the system If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you of the problem and asks if you want to continue the installation. In some instances, you can enter YES to continue. Stopping the Installation To stop the installation process and correct the situation, enter NO or press RETURN. Then correct the problem and restart the installation. Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. DIGITAL recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software on top of the operating system. Use the backup procedures that have been established at your site. More about Backup For details on performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. Aborting the Installation To abort the installation procedure at any time, press CTRL/Y. When you press CTRL/Y, the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. Time to Install The table below shows the approximate time it takes to carry out the installation. This varies depending on the type of media and system configuration. Table 6-6 Time taken to Instal Type of Installation OpenVMS VAX Server and Client OpenVMS VAX Client only OpenVMS Alpha Server and Client OpenVMS Alpha Client only Time to Install (minutes) 30 to 90 5 to 15 7 to 15 2 to 5 Information Needed During Installation DEC/EDI Account Details (UIC) The installation creates an account for use by DEC/EDI. You must specify a unique user identification code (UIC) for the account. If the account already exists, because you are upgrading, then you are not asked to specify a UIC. Where To Put Files If you install the Server, the installation procedure asks you where to put the Server and the Mapper files. See Table 6-3 Disk Space Requirements, for details of how much space you need for these. Name of Server Node If you are installing a Client-only system, the installation procedure asks you for the name of the Server node and the name of the operating system the Server is running. Upgrades Only Shutting Down DEC/EDI If you already have DEC/EDI installed, you must shut down your DEC/EDI system. The command to shut down DEC/EDI is: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$SHUTDOWN FULL Installation: Client On Top Of Server You can install the Client on to a system that currently runs the Server and Client. Then when you configure ObjectBroker, it will be configured for a remote Server and you get a system that is configured to be a Client-only system. If you do install the Client on to a Server node, the installation procedure warns you and asks if you want to continue: WARNING * Do you still want to proceed with this installation [YES]? Note that, if you choose to run the IVP after installing the Client on to a Server system, the IVP finds both the new Client files and the existing Server files, so that the total number of files it finds is much larger than for a normal Client- only system. Installation: Server On Client-Only System You can install the Server on to a system that currently runs just the Client. When you do this, the installation procedures warns you that the Client is already installed and asks you if you want to continue. Client already exists on this node. Upgrading Client V2.1 to Server V3.2 * Do you still want to proceed with this installation [YES]? Upgrading to V3.2 General Restrictions You cannot install DEC/EDI Version 3.2 on to a system that has a version of DEC/EDI earlier than 1.3A. About Logicals DEC/EDI stores logical names in two files: • SYS$MANAGER:DECEDI$LOGICALS.COM this file will be overwritten by future installations of DEC/EDI. Do not change this file. • SYS$MANAGER:DECEDI$SYLOGICALS.COM this file will not be touched by future installations of DEC/EDI. If you ever want to change any DEC/EDI logical names, define them in this file. Procedure The procedure for upgrading by installing DEC/EDI V3.2 over an earlier version is similar to the procedure for installing onto a `clean' system. The process is detailed in The Installation on page 6-28. Installing on a Cluster You can install and run DEC/EDI on only a single node in a cluster. You cannot run DEC/EDI on more than one node in a cluster. Migration Sequence If you have a DEC/EDI V2.0 environment, the order of ugrading to DEC/EDI V3.2, is to upgrade any Cockpit installations, then the server followed by any remote application clients. After the installation of the server you need to migrate your audit database. If you have a DEC/EDI V1.3A environment the upgrade path depends on the configuration of your system. For any configuration there are tasks which must be performed after the installation in order to migrate your audit database and applications. All Services on a Single Node Upgrade to a V3.2 server. Multinode System with Translation and Communications all on One Node Upgrade the server node (i.e. the node running translation and communications services) to a V3.2 server. The new V3.2 server will support connections from the remote V1.3 Application Service nodes where the remote node is not part of the same OpenVMS cluster. These remote V1.3 Application Service nodes can then be upgraded to V3.2 client nodes as required. Multinode System with Distributed Translation and Communications This configuration is not supported. You need to move the translation and communications services onto a single node before you can upgrade to a V3.2 server. Contact your support centre if you require more information. Migration from V1.3A Before installing DEC/EDI V3.2, a V1.3A system must be in an idle state with no failed documents or transmission files, and all File Server ripplebacks and copies completed. In addition, you are strongly recommended to empty the system of EDI data as far as is possible. Dealing with Failed Documents The first step is to deal with any failed documents or transmission files. They should be either reprocessed or cancelled. This is because certain failed statuses no longer exist on V3.2 and you may not be able to cancel them after the migration. Stopping Processing of New Documents The next step is to stop DEC/EDI processing any new documents. To achieve this do the following:- 1. Stop creating any new documents. 2. Stop fetching available documents. 3. Disable all gateways and connections. 4. Stop all TFB build intervals. 5. Then let the system run until no documents are being processed. When this has happened the Interchange commands:- LIST DOC/STATUS=WORKING/SERVICE=TRANS, and LIST TRANS/STATUS=WORKING should show no records. About Completing Ripplebacks To get all of the ripplebacks to complete, you need to do the following:- 1. Run DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$CHECK_WF.EXE to force the population of the File Server work files with all history entries with 'Y' flags. 2. Run DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$WHIP to force the File Server to process the work files. 3. Wait until the system is quiet and issue the command: $ SEARCH/NOOUT/STAT DECEDI$DATA:DECEDI$%FSWF.DAT EDI and, if all three files (SFSWF.DAT, TFSWF.DAT and CFSWF.DAT) are not empty then return to step 1 and repeat steps 1 and 2 until the files are empty 4. Shutdown your system and it is now ready for migration to V3.2. It is strongly recommended that you create a log file of the installation by logging in with: $set host 0 /log as the migration may output messages which you will want to refer to when examining your node configuration after the installation. The Installation This section describes the questions that appear during the installation of a Server and Client. Each question in the installation is marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line. Some questions show the default response in brackets, for example [YES]. If you want to give the default response, press the key. The following information is `generic' and is intended to provide guidance through the installation process. Assistance is given when choices have to be made, but be aware that displayed information will vary from that provided both here and in the Appendices log examples. More about VMSINSTAL Options For further information on other VMSINSTAL options, see the OpenVMS documentation on software installation. Starting the Installation 1. To start the installation, log in to a privileged account, such as the SYSTEM account. 2. Type in the VMSInstall command line using the syntax described below: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL [product] [device] OPTIONS N [product] - the installation name for the product. For DEC/EDI Version 3.2, use the following installation names: On OpenVMS VAX: DECEDI032 On OpenVMS Alpha: DECEDIA032 [device] - the name of the device on which you have mounted the media which contains the product to install. For example, MTA0: is the device name for a tape drive. Note that [device] can also be a directory specification, if you have the save-sets on disk. Press to commence the installation. The installation will now continue with prompts being displayed when user input is required. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? You should always backup your system disk before performing an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press the key. If not enter NO to terminate the installation. You will need to go back to Step 1 to restart the installation after you have completed backing up. * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: Enter the device name. Note that the DEC/EDI disk must be mounted. Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above Select option [2]: Press to send the file to print, VMSINSTAL prompts you for a queue name, or you can accept the default print device. Enter 1 to display the Release Notes immediately on the console terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing CTRL/C. Enter 3 to display the Release Notes immediately on the console terminal and then print the Release Notes. VMSINSTAL prompts you for a queue name for the printed version. Enter 4 followed by to ignore the Release Notes for the time being. * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]?: The default at this point is to abort installation by pressing . To continue, enter YES followed by . The Release Notes are then copied to a file in the SYS$HELP directory. For example: * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]?: YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, The products release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. The Release Notes are in the following file: SYS$HELP:DECEDI021.RELEASE_NOTES The name of the Release Notes file installed by VMSINSTAL consists of the current product name and version number. Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Purging of files superseded by this installation is recommended; however, if you need to keep files from previous installations, enter NO in response to the question. You may need to keep some of the files in the DECEDI$DATA directory. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? It is recommended that you run the IVP; enter YES to do so, or NO if you do not want to run it. * Do you want to install the server [YES]? Press to accept the default and install the Server and Client, or type NO to install just the client. About Client-Only Installation If you have opted to install the only the Client, after identifying the directory device and UIC, you will be asked to identify where the Server will run. Once you have entered that location, the VMSInstall procedure will continue without any more input from you. The following DEC/EDI component(s) are not licensed on this node DEC/EDI OFTP Services V3.2 DEC/EDI OFTP-Package Services V3.2 Note that the message does not necessarily mean that there is an error; the procedure checks both optional and mandatory software and licenses. When it has completed the checks, the installation procedure asks if you want to continue * Do you still want to proceed with this installation [YES]? Press to accept the default and continue, or type NO followed by to abort the installation. Warning if you are Upgrading If you are upgrading, you get a warning message at this point, telling you that the new installation will retain the integrity of existing data, because DEC/EDI already exists on this node Press to accept the default and continue, or type NO followed by to abort the installation. You must have RDB/OpenVMS version 6.1 or later installed on your system to use DEC/EDI V3.2, consequently you must take the default value by pressing . On what device should the DECEDI directories reside? Specify the Device and press . Data Directories Creation Once you have specified the device, VMSINSTAL creates a directory called [DECEDI] on that device, and then the data directories are created in that directory. In further questions in the installation procedure, the logical DECEDI$TOP points to the [DECEDI] directory. Directory/Disk Space See Table 6-3 Disk Space Requirements on page 6-13 to find out how much space you need for the files that the installation procedure puts in these directories. You need more space once your DEC/EDI system is running. When Upgrading If the DECEDI account already exists, then the installation procedure uses the existing DECEDI directory specification. Enter the device and directory specification for FBR$HOME. * Directory name [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[FILEBRIDGE]]: Press to accept the default . Note that the logical name FBR$HOME specifies the top-level directory under which the Mapping Service audit databases and history directories reside. This installation procedure creates the directories (if they do not exist), and assigns an ACL list to the directories to allow access to the Mapper, and to users on this Server node who have been granted one of the Mapper rights identifiers: FBR$SUPERVISOR FBR$OPERATIONS FBR$DEVELOPMENT. Initial Mapping Service Installation The first time you install Mapping Service, you are must specify a location for FBR$HOME. VMSINSTAL then creates a LIVE database using a directory name created from a timestamp and a TEST database using the directory name TEST DB. DEC/EDI Mapping Service stores its audit database files and its history files in directories below that pointed to by FBR$HOME. The size of these files can grow significantly as you use the system. * What is the UIC to be used for the DEC/EDI account: Type in the UIC in the form [x,y]. For example: [123,4], and then press to action it and continue the installation. About the UIC The UIC chosen must: • not have a rights identifier already allocated to it • not be used by anything else. • be valid. • have a group number (the first value)greater than the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP. This has a default value of 8. Any group number less than or equal to this value is regarded as a system UIC and DEC/EDI will reject it. Remainder of the Installation The installation procedure displays a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation, and there are no further questions. If the installation procedure has been successful up to this point, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories, updates help files, and updates DCL tables, if necessary. If you asked for files to be purged, they are purged now. On completion of a satisfactory installation the following message is displayed: Installation of DEC/EDI succeeded. Installation Failure If errors occur during the installation, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of DEC/EDI 3.2 has failed. About the IVP If you chose to run the IVP, VMSINSTAL runs it now and checks that all the specified files have been installed. One of the following messages will display: IVP was successful. or IVP for DEC/EDI V3.2 has failed If the IVP fails, the following messages are displayed: IVP for DEC/EDI V3.2 has failed to execute to completion. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for DEC/EDI V3.2 has failed. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: • The operating system version is incorrect • A prerequisite software version is incorrect • Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient • System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient • The OpenVMS help library is currently in use More about Error Messages For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. (You might need to change a system parameter or increase an authorized quota value). Displayed Files with Errors The IVP only displays files that have errors; it does not list them all. For each file that has an error, the IVP describes briefly what the problem is. If the IVP fails and displays too many files to be seen on a video terminal, you can restart it and output the results to a file with the following command: $ @SYS$TEST:DECEDI$IVP.COM /OUTPUT="file.ext" Completing the Installation Procedure Informational messages (similar to example below) indicate the installation procedure is complete: Installation of DECEDIA V3.2 completed at 14:05 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]DECEDIA032.VMI DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:06 You can now log out of the privileged account: $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at 31-JUN-1997 25:09:17.62 VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation, to continue using the System Manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log-out and log-in. Installing the Message Update Kit To install the Message Update Kit, repeat the installation procedure detailed in Starting the Installation on page 6-29. After Step 2 you will see a message similar to the following: Please select: 1 - To install EDI standards definitions. 2 - To re install DEC/EDI T3.2. 3 - To abort this installation. * Option [1]: Press to accept the default and install the Standards Definitions. You can now select which standards you install from the steps that follow. When the selections have been completed, the installation will continue and complete itself without further input. After Installation After installing DEC/EDI and the document standards , you may need to perform the following tasks: • Configure a Client/Server service • Edit the system startup and shutdown files • Reboot the system • Change account details for those people who are going to use the DEC/EDI INTERCHANGE command • Migrate data if upgrading from a previous version of DEC/EDI. Configuring Client/Server Services for DEC/EDI If you want to use the client you need to configure a Client/Server service for DEC/EDI by running the following command file: @DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$CONFIGURE_CLIENT_SERVER.COM Editing the System Files This section applies to Server systems. You must edit the system startup and shutdown files to provide for automatic startup and shutdown of DEC/EDI when your system is rebooted. There are three possible DEC/EDI modes of startup shown below: Table 6-7 Startup Modes Mode Full startup [1] Partial startup Mapper only Startup Command @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$STARTUP FULL @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$STARTUP @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$STARTUP MAPPER [1] The command for a full startup must come after the command that starts Rdb Monitor. Add the command line that starts DEC/EDI to the system startup file. You must position this new command line after the line that invokes the network startup command procedure. System Startup The following is the system startup command: SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM Network and Rdb Monitor Startup The following example shows the network startup and Rdb Monitor startup command lines, followed by the startup command line for DEC/EDI: @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET.COM @SYS$STARTUP:RMONSTART.COM @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$STARTUP.COM FULL You need to add the following command line to the system shutdown file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$SHUTDOWN.COM FULL Note that when you shutdown your system you must ensure that DEC/EDI closes down before DECnet and/or P.S.I., and before Rdb Monitor. DEC/EDI uses the symbols DECEDI$DEFINE and DECEDI$DEASSIGN to define and de-assign its logical names. The symbols and logical names, are defined by the command procedure SYS$MANAGER:DECEDI$LOGICALS.COM. Defining DEC/EDI Logical Names DEC/EDI stores logical names in two files: • SYS$MANAGER:DECEDI$LOGICALS.COM this file will be overwritten by future installations of DEC/EDI. Do not change this file. • SYS$MANAGER:DECEDI$SYLOGICALS.COM this file will not be touched by future installations of DEC/EDI. If you ever want to change any DEC/EDI logical names, define them in this file. Using the Correct Pascal Run-Time Library You must have a Pascal run-time library if you intend to send or receive X12 or TDCC documents. OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 does not provide a Pascal run-time library. To find out if you have the Pascal run-time library on your system, give the following command: $ DIRECTORY SYS$LIBRARY:PAS$RTL.EXE If the file does not exist, contact your DIGITAL support center. Enhancing DEC/EDI Security This section applies to: • Server systems. DEC/EDI provides a high level of security, through the use of access rights, but you can provide a still greater level of security by using OpenVMS Access Control Lists (ACLs) on the Application Server mailbox, DECEDI$AFS MBX. By restricting access to this mailbox, you ensure that an application cannot access DEC/EDI data unless the user running the application has access to the mailbox. To protect the mailbox, use an access control list (ACL). Create an access control entry (ACE) in the ACL for each user or group of users that require access to the mailbox. To avoid setting an ACL each time you start up your system, include the ACL definition in the system startup file. Typical Protection Typical protection to set up might be: System: READ + WRITE + EXECUTE +DELETE + CONTROL DECEDI: READ + WRITE + EXECUTE + DELETE Specified user accounts: READ + WRITE All other accounts: Deny all access • A Client that is on the same node as the Server accesses the mailbox using the account that issued the Client calls. • A Client that is on a remote node from the Server uses the DECEDI account to access the mailbox. Enabling the Protection To make sure that that the protection applies as soon as possible after the mailbox is created, put the commands to create the ACL immediately after the DEC/EDI startup command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$STARTUP FULL Some Examples An example set of commands to do this follows: $ SET ACL /OBJECT=DEVICE DECEDI$AFS_ MBX /ACL=(IDENTIFIER=*, ACCESS=NONE)) $ SET ACL /OBJECT=DEVICE DECEDI$AFS_MBX /ACL=(IDENTIFIER=SYSTEM, ACCESS=READ+WRITE+EXECUTE+DELETE+CONTROL) $ SET ACL /OBJECT=DEVICE DECEDI$AFS_MBX /ACL=(IDENTIFIER=DECEDI, ACCESS=READ+WRITE+DELETE) $ SET ACL /OBJECT=DEVICE DECEDI$AFS_MBX /ACL=(IDENTIFIER=TIMG, ACCESS=READ+WRITE) $ SET ACL /OBJECT=DEVICE DECEDI$AFS_MBX /ACL=(IDENTIFIER=LSMITH, ACCESS=READ+WRITE) More About ACLs and ACEs See the Introduction to OpenVMS System Management and the OpenVMS VAX Guide to System Security for more information about ACLs and ACEs. Modifying the System Page File Size This section applies to: • Server systems. To maintain system performance, you should increase the size of your system page file. You should increase the page file size by 1000 blocks for each DEC/EDI process that you run, up to a maximum of 20,000 blocks for 20 processes. You cannot do this until you have DEC/EDI running, because the number of DEC/EDI processes depends on your configuration. Once you have DEC/EDI configured, you can find out how many DEC/EDI processes there are on your system by using the DCL command SHOW SYSTEM. The name of every DEC/EDI process begins with DECEDI$ so you need to count how many such processes you have. To change the size of the your page file, enter the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:SWAPFILES and at the following prompt: Enter the new size for paging file enter the required value. The new page file will take effect when you next boot your system. Once you have set the new page file size, run your system for a few days and then use AUTOGEN to provide values tailored to your particular system. Re-booting the System A system reboot: • Enables you to get DEC/EDI ready for use • (Server systems only) Ensures that the edits to the system startup command file are correct • Establishes any new parameter settings Note, however, that rebooting is optional. You can reboot your system after you have installed DEC/EDI, edited the system startup and shutdown files, and reset the system parameters if necessary. Re-naming the DEC/EDI Error Log This section applies to: Server systems. DEC/EDI's main error log file on the Server is DECEDI$ERROR:DECEDI$ERRORS.LOG. This file can become quite large, so it is a good idea for you to rename it whenever you reboot your system. You may want to add a suitable command to your system startup procedure so that it renames this file. You can reduce the speed with which the error log grows by defining the logical name DECEDI$LOG SEVERITY to be "WARNING". This restricts DEC/EDI to logging only those errors of severity WARNING and higher. You must add your definition to the following file: SYS$MANAGER:DECEDI$SYLOGICALS.COM Modifying User Accounts This section applies to Server systems. Page File Quota You must make sure that the account for each person who is going to use the DEC/EDI INTERCHANGE command has a paging file quota of at least 60,000. Access From a Local Client If you intend to use a local Client to communicate with the Server, then all user accounts that will use the Client interface must have the following: The DEC/EDI FBR$OPERATIONS process rights identifier. The same minimum account quotas as for the DECEDI account, see Table 6-5 Process Account Quotas See Defining Mapping Service Rights on page 6-51 for a description of the following process rights identifiers: FBR$SUPERVISOR FBR$DEVELOPMENT FBR$OPERATIONS Adding Symbols to User's LOGIN.COM For the DEC/EDI Mapper to function properly, each user must have the following symbol in the file: $ FBR$DECEDI_EXTRACT :== $SYS$SHARE:FBR$DECEDI_EXTRACT Determining and Reporting Problems If an error occurs while DEC/EDI is being used and you believe that the error is caused by a problem with DEC/EDI, take one of the following actions: • If you have a BASIC or DECsupport Software Agreement, you should call your Customer Support Center. (With these services, you receive telephone support that provides high-level advisory and remedial assistance.) • If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). • If you purchased DEC/EDI within the past 90 days and you think the problem is caused by a software error, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). When you find an error in the DEC/EDI documentation, please fill out and submit the Reader's Comments form at the back of the document in which the error was found. Include the section and page numbers where the errors were found. The DECEDI Account This section applies to both Server and Client systems. The installation creates an account with a username of DECEDI. This account has only network access, and has the quotas listed below that are required to run DEC/EDI. Note, the DECEDI account is used only by DEC/EDI processes, not DEC/EDI users. Table 6-8 Quotas for the DECEDI Account Quota ASTLM BIOLM BYTLM DIOLM ENQLM FILLM JTQUOTA PGFLQ PRCLM TQELM WSDEF WSEXTENT WSQUO Value 2,000 300 200,000 300 10,000 1,000 4,096 60,000 20 1,000 2,048 8,192 4,096 If you are planning to use the V3.2 Support Services, it may be necessary to increase the value of the DECEDI account quotas to suit the traffic. For a busy system where the maximum number of extra Copy, Rippleback, DECnet or Application fileserver processes is 1 or more, then it is recommended to at least double the account quotas, and possibly increase some of the system parameters. If messages appear in the error log file from any of the fileserver processes complaining that quotas are too low, or serious unexpected errors appear, for example from RMS or RDB, these are likely symptoms of low quotas. Increasing Disk Quota This section applies to Server systems. If disk quotas are enabled on the system disk, or any disk that you use for DEC/EDI data, you need to make sure that the DECEDI account has a suitable amount of disk quota for those disks. The value depends on how busy your DEC/EDI system is, but 100,000 free blocks is probably enough to start with. If you need to find out how much quota the DECEDI account has, or change its quota, use DISKQUOTA. For example, to find out the current quota: $RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DISKQUOTA DISKQ>SHOW DECEDI DISKQ>EXIT To give the DECEDI account a permanent quota of 100,000 blocks: $RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN>DISKQUOTA MODIFY DECEDI/PERMANENT=100000 SYSMAN>EXIT Calculating the Required Number of Processes Once you have installed DEC/EDI you may need to modify the quota depending upon the number of processes you wish to run. To calculate the required number of processes, determine the required number of extra: • Application file servers (XAFS) • EDIFACT converters (XEDIFC) and translators (XEDIFT) • X12 converters (XX12C) and translators(XX12T) • TRADACOMS converters (XTCOMC) and translators (XTCOMT) • Gateways The total number of DEC/EDI processes is the sum of the processes in Table 6-9 DEC/EDI Processes: Table 6-9 DEC/EDI Processes Process Data Server Communication Import/Export 3780Plus Gateway X.400 Gateway OFTP Gateway X.25 Gateway X.435 Gateway Bisync Gateway EDIFACT Service X12 Services TRADACOMS Application File Number 1 1 Control 1 (optional) Gateway 1 (optional) 1 (optional) 1 (optional) 1 (optional) 1 (optional) 1 (optional) 4 + XEDIFC + XEDIFT (optional) (incl. ODETTE) (incl. 3 + XX12C + XX12T (optional) TDCC) 2 + XTCOMC + XTCOMT (optional) 1 + XAFS (optional) Server You should add this total to the number of processes you normally run on your system and then add any extra processes required for layered products that you have installed with DEC/EDI. Compare this total with your current setting for the maximum number of processes (MAXPROCESSCNT). If necessary, increase the values of MAXPROCESSCNT to the total you have just calculated. Minimum Recommended Value We recommend that the minimum value for MAXPROCESSCNT is 64. Modifying Quota for the DECEDI Account When you have calculated the number of processes you need, you may need to increase some of the quotas. The following sections describe how to calculate certain quotas on Server systems. Calculating the WSEXTENT Value To calculate the value of WSEXTENT, do the following: To make sure the DEC/EDI Converter has access to enough virtual memory, you should set the WSEXTENT value for the DECEDI account to at least the following value: • WSEXTENT = 8,192 + (external document size * 100) where: WSEXTENT sizes are in pages (512 bytes) external document size is the size, in Kbytes, of the external format file created by the converter. For example, for DEC/EDI to handle a 70 kilobyte document efficiently, the quota should be as follows: WSEXTENT = 8,192 + (70*100) = 15192 pages If the value of WSEXTENT that you need is larger than the default values for the DECEDI account, see Table 6-5 Process Account Quotas, you should increase the DECEDI account value. If it is smaller, keep the default value because other DEC/EDI components needs at least the default value for this process quota. If WSEXTENT exceeds the system parameter WSMAX you should increase WSMAX by adding the new value to MODPARAMS.DAT and use AUTOGEN to modify WSMAX. Calculating the ENQLM Value The EDIFACT and X12 transmission file builders lock each document when they place it in a transmission file. The lock is released when the file is successfully built. The ENQLM quota must be large enough to cope with the maximum number of documents allowed in a transmission file. EDIT PROFILE sets up various parameters which control the number of documents that can be placed in a transmission file. These are: • TPF MDPG L, Maximum documents per group • TPF MGPI L, Maximum groups per interchange • TPF MIPF L, Maximum interchanges per transmission The maximum number of locks therefore needed by the transmission file builder for a transmission to a particular trading partner is: MIPF l * MGPI L * MDPG L +1 (for the transmission file) For EDIFACT, if functional groups are not used, then MGPI L=1 Ownership of the DECEDI Account The installation procedure creates the DECEDI account with an owner of "DECEDI". You should not need to change this, but if you do so, do not include spaces in the name of the owner. If you put spaces there, any subsequent reinstallation of DEC/EDI will fail. Account privileges on the DECEDI Account The installation procedure grants the following privileges to the DECEDI account: • NETMBX TMPBMX The NETMBX privilege is required so that DEC/EDI processes can communicate. You should not need to modify the privileges granted to the DECEDI account. Defining Mapping Service Rights Mapping Service security facilities prevent accidental insertion or loss of documents and reduce the risk of fraudulent use of Mapping Service processing. Mapping Service security facilities make use of OpenVMS rights identifiers. You will need to make sure that each person who is going to use Mapping Service has been assigned at least one of the following rights. The installation procedure has already added them to the OpenVMS rights database, but they must be assigned to each Mapping Service user manually. • FBR$SUPERVISOR • FBR$DEVELOPMENT • FBR$OPERATIONS More on Authorize The OpenVMS documentation on the AUTHORIZE Utility explains how to assign an identifier to a user. The Rights Database The OpenVMS rights database provides the security facilities for Mapping Service. At most sites, the rights facility's system manager maintains this database. To use Mapping Service, you must be assigned one or more of the three Mapping Service rights categories: 1. FBR$SUPERVISOR This is the most privileged category. It provides special supervisory rights. With this assignment, you also have the rights permitted in the other two categories. 2. FBR$DEVELOPMENT This provides the next level of access development rights. This user can modify the Mapping Service table and run test runs, but cannot perform production tasks. 3. FBR$OPERATIONS Users assigned to this category generally only process documents in a production environment, preferably a production library. FBR$SUPERVISOR When assigned FBR$SUPERVISOR, you can edit the Mapping Service tables and set the TEST INDICATOR to LIVE. The FBR$SUPERVISOR category also includes the rights assigned by the FBR$DEVELOPMENT and FBR$OPERATIONS categories. A user with FBR$SUPERVISOR rights is the only one who can set the TEST INDICATOR to LIVE, and therefore allow a Mapping Service table to be used for production. As such, you must create and maintain one or more directories that contain specifications for the files and images used in processing. These specifications are listed below. Set the protection on this directory or set of directories with the DCL SET PROTECTION. Production specifications affect the following files and images: • Mapping Service tables. The TEST INDICATOR option in the Mapping Service table should not be set to LIVE until the table has been copied from the development environment into the production library. This should not be FBR$LIBRARY directory but could be a subdirectory under FBR$HOME. The supervisor must also set the options to enable the audit and history points as required by the installation, and then compile the Mapping Service table. • Audit Database. The audit database resides in the directory identified by the system logical, FBR$LIBRARY, which is defined at installation time. This directory should have READ permission for those with Mapping Service rights, plus any access for FBR$SUPERVISOR. The database must be created with granted rights of INSERT and READ for the EVENT relation. • Hook Shared Images. Since part of Mapping Service processing can be performed in the customization routines at hook points, these hook shared images must be protected from unauthorized modification. Put these images into their own directory. This should not be the FBR$LIBRARY directory but could be a subdirectory under FBR$HOME. You can define a system logical, for example FBR HOOKS, to point to this directory. The supervisor must set the Shared Image filename in the Mapping Service table to point to the appropriate directory before compiling the table. • History files. A directory should be created that has WRITE access for those with FBR$DEVELOPMENT and FBR$OPERATIONS rights. Specify this directory in the logical FBR$HISTORY to indicate where history files are to be written. FBR$DEVELOPMENT Assignment to the FBR$DEVELOPMENT category allows the user to create and modify Mapping Service tables using the User Interface, but the TEST INDICATOR option cannot be set to LIVE. This user can also execute the Mapping Service runtime program, but cannot use it with a Mapping Service table that has the TEST INDICATOR option set to LIVE. If for any reason a fetch for DEC/EDI obtains a LIVE document, the document is assigned QUIT (allowing it to be placed back in the DEC /EDI Application Server Available Documents Pool) and the program is aborted with an error message. FBR$OPERATIONS With this right, the user can execute the Mapping Service runtime program using a Mapping Service table that has the TEST INDICATOR set to LIVE. If the Mapping Service runtime program gets a document with a TEST INDICATOR not set to LIVE while processing documents with a Mapping Service table whose TEST INDICATOR is set to LIVE, the document will be aborted. This right does not imply FBR$DEVELOPMENT rights. If this user must also process TEST data, then the FBR$DEVELOPMENT right must also be granted. Upgrades - Data Migration Important! During upgrades from versions later than 1.3, the database is automatically migrated during the upgrade to V3.2. If upgrading from V1.3, empty files are created during the upgrade process, and the existing data needs to be migrated using the process described in this section. Migration Process The following migration needs to be performed when upgrading from V1.3 to V3.2: • Audit database • Archive database • Mapper database • TRAX gateway A command file DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$V32_MIGRATE.COM has been provided for this. It is strongly recommended that you create a log of any output produced by the migration by logging in using: set host 0 /log before issuing the command. The command file takes a single parameter which can be one of the following :- • AUDIT DB Only the audit database migration will be performed. • ARCHIVE DB Only the archive database migration will be performed. • MAPPER DB Only the mapper database migration will be performed. • TRAX Only the TRAX gateway will be migrated. If no parameter is specified all actions will be performed. Using the AUDIT DB Option The following logicals need to be defined in SYS$MANAGER:DECEDI$SYLOGICALS.COM :- • DECEDI$AUDIT_DB must point to the new V2.1 Rdb database. • DECEDI$AUDIT_DB_OLD must point to the old Rdb database. • DECEDI$PREVIOUS_VERSION must point to the previous EDI version, e.g. "1.3", "2.0", etc. These logicals should have been set up by the installation itself. The V3.2 database, by default is created in the directory DECEDI$TOP:[AUDIT DB]. This is different from the default location of DECEDI$TOP:[AUDIT DATABASE] for the V1.3 or V2.0 database. If the migration fails your old database will be unchanged so the procedure can be re-run after creating a new empty V3.2 database by running DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$DB_CREATE.EXE. Migrating from a Distributed V1.3 System This configuration is not fully supported by the migration so there are some manual tasks that need to be done if you have been running with a distributed V1.3 system and haven't removed all documents and transmission files which have gone to, or originated from, remote translation or communication services. There are two possible outcomes from the migration :- 1. Documents and transmission files identified by the migration For those that can be identified from the audit trail you will see messages saying that these documents and transmission files have been rejected. If this is the case no entry will have been made for them in the V3.2 database. When you have completed the migration all files for these documents and transmission files will need to be manually removed from the store directories. 2. Transmission files not identified by the migration If you have transmission files which are migrated to the V3.2 database but already exist on another node you need to cancel them if possible or, if they are not PURGEABLE, manually remove then using SQL before starting up the gateway. Otherwise you could get duplicate files sent to a partner or duplicate documents processed by applications. Contact your support centre for more information. Using the ARCHIVE DB Option This parses the contents of the existing Archive Files in DECEDI$ARCH DATA and moves any document and/or transmission file records to the new Rdb Archive Database whose root is indicated by the logical DECEDI$ARCHIVE DB. The files themselves remain in the Archive Store Directories, although V3.2 does not add any further files to these directories. After performing an Interchange Archive these directories become empty and you should remove them from your system together with the archive store logicals. Because the Archive Server now leaves archived files in the live store directories, you should consider increasing the number of store directories using the Tailoring Tool. Using the MAPPER DB Option This will migrate the live and test Mapper databases. All previous FileBridge/Mapping Service databases and DEC/EDI V2.0 Mapper databases will need to be migrated before using the DEC/EDI V3.2 Mapper. The following logicals need to be defined: • FBR$LIBRARY must point to the live Mapper Rdb Database • FBR$TESTLIB must point to the test Mapper Rdb Database The above logicals are defined when a minimal startup of the EDI server is performed, and they will remain defined after a full shutdown. Alternatively run the following command files: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$DEFINE_MAPPER_LOGICALS.COM $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$SET_MAPPER_DATABASE.COM The installation procedure places the definition of FBR$LIBRARY in SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$SET_MAPPER_DATABASE.COM. If you change the live database, the definition must be changed in this command file. FBR$TESTLIB is defined in SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$DEFINE_MAPPER_LOGICALS.COM. If you change the test database, the definition must be changed in this command file. Before viewing or using any Mapper databases, other than the two abve, they must be migrated using the following command: $ @FBR$EXE:FBR$ARCHIVE_MIGRATE All new databases created with FBR$EXE:FBR$ARCHIVE.COM will be of the new structure. Using the TRAX Option This option modifies existing TRAX transmission files to enable automatic tracking of transmission files versus TRADANET document references. To perform the migration you must have your TRADANET User Number (TUN). Additional Post Installation Tasks for Migration from V1.3A Node Configuration It is recommended that you check your node configuration using the Interchange command EDIT CONFIGURATION as follows :- • Select Maintain Services This should list the services you require on the V3.2 server. An entry for application services is no longer required for running applications so this will have been removed. If the installation detected remote V1.3 application service nodes it will have added an entry for V3.2 support services. Any remote application nodes will have been registered (see Register Nodes below). • Select Register Applications This will show the applications which supply documents to the translation services as on your V1.3 system. The node name no longer appears, instead the application will have been registered for the node (see Register Nodes below). • Select Register Site To Site Agreements This is a new option in EDIT CONFIGURATION which replaces the ROUTE commands used in V1.3. All entries on this display will be handled as site to site documents. Any entries in your V1.3 Site Routing Table which were identified as not being site to site will have been removed. As above, the node name no longer appears, instead the partner application will have been registered for the node (see Register Nodes below). • Select Register Nodes This is a new option in EDIT CONFIGURATION which is used to register remote nodes together with the applications which will run on those nodes. The current node also has an entry. Select each node and then select the Register Client Applications option. This list of applications should include all applications for that node and if the node is a remote V1.3 node they will be marked as V1.3. EDIFACT UNS Segment Handling Changes DEC/EDI document definitions now cater for changes in document areas that are not denoted by a UNS segment. This has been done by including the UNS segments in the document definition itself. The EDIFACT Converter now uses the document definition to determine if the UNS segment needs to be inserted in between areas. The areas in the document definition can now exactly match those specified by the Edifact standard. When upgrading to DEC/EDI V3.2 the UNS segments are added to all EDIFACT document definition tables. All standard tables will have the UNS segment located as defined by the EDIFACT standard. For private and trading partner specific document definitions the UNS segment will be inserted between the areas in the document. The Table Extract and Load (TEL) Utility will add the UNS segments when loading a document from a V1.3 system. As a result of this the number of areas in the standard definition for certain documents will have changed. In order that existing applications do not fail, private copies of these documents are created during the installation unless one already exists. For Edifact 91.1, 91.2 and 92.1 the documents concerned are :- BANSTA CREEXT DOCINF PAYDUC REMADV CONEST DELJIT INVOIC PAYEXT REQOTE CONNIT DESADV INVRPT PAYMUL SLSRPT CONPVA DIRDEB ORDCHG PRICAT STATAC CONQVA DOCADV ORDERS QALITY SUPMAN CONTEN DOCAPP ORDRSP QUOTES You should change the applications to reflect the correct definition of the document. If you are using the data label API interface this means making sure that the $GROUP/$SEND _GROUP levels match the areas as defined by the EDIFACT standard. The private definition can then be deleted. If you are using Mapping Service, you need to re-import the document definitions. Files Created During Installation For more details of the files installed by the installation of DEC/EDI, please refer to Appendix J OpenVMS Installation - Directory and File Listing. Chapter 7 Other Platforms - Installation of DEC/EDI Application Client This chapter describes installation of DEC/EDI Application Client onto the following platforms: • Sun Solaris • HP-UX Introduction The preparations necessary for a successful installation are described and then the installation process is detailed. Some post-installation tasks are included for information. Preparing to Install on HP-UX This chapter describes the tasks that you should carry out before installing the DEC/EDI Client on an HP-UX system. It also describes the prerequisites for installing the DEC/EDI Client. Reading the Online Release Notes DEC/EDI Application Client provides online release notes. DIGITAL strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the application.The release notes for DEC/EDI Application Client are in the following file: /usr/doc/decedi_client_release_notes.txt You can use the following command to read the release notes after DEC/EDI Application Client is installed: # more /usr/doc/decedi_client_release_notes.txt Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your DEC/EDI Application Client software distribution kit. If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your DIGITAL representative. Checking Installation Procedure Requirements This Chapter discusses requirements for installing DEC/EDI Application Client. Installing DEC/EDI Application Client, including running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), which takes approximately 2 minutes, depending on your type of media and system configuration. Checking Login Privileges You must have superuser privileges to install the DEC/EDI Application Client software. Checking Hardware Requirements To install DEC/EDI Application Client, you need the following hardware: • Terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. See the DEC/EDI Application Client Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. Checking Software Requirements DEC/EDI Application Client V3.2 requires the HP-UX operating system (ux_n) or Version 10.01. This operating system includes TCP/IP, which must be configured as described in an applicable HP UNIX installation guide. DEC/EDI Application Client also requires that an Network Interface subset is loaded on the system where you install DEC/EDI Application Client. Refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) for details about the version number required for this release. If you wish to use the old ACAS- style interfaces, you also need to install the ACAS compatibility subset: acas.obj. Refer to the SPD for details of the version number. CORBA Support For DEC/EDI V2.1D OpenVMS and DEC/EDI 3.1A DIGITAL UNIX Servers onwards, only CORBA based clients are supported. DIGITAL strongly recommends not to install the ACAS compatibility kits, or to select the ACAS based clients unless you absolutely have to connect to an older version of the DEC/EDI Server. Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose which DEC/EDI Application Client subsets you want to load. The subsets have the following titles: • DEC/EDI V3.2 HP-UX Client. The Client software. • DEC/EDI V3.2 HP-UX Client Man Pages. Reference manual pages for Client's command line interface. Determining Disk Space Requirements The Table below list the disk space requirements for loading DEC/EDI Application Client software subsets: you need this space available on the disks where you choose to load the software subsets. The figures shown are peak requirements. After installation, slightly less disk space is required. The tables list the disk space requirements per directory which is relevant if you are doing installations on systems where these directories are mount- points for different disk partitions. Table 7-1 Space Required for Client and Client Man Pages Directory /usr /var /etc Total Client (Kb) 500 110 50 660 Client Man Pages (Kb) 100 - - 100 Using these disk space requirements, total the values for the subsets you will load in each directory. Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where DEC/EDI Application Client files will reside. To determine the amount of disk space available on your system, enter the df command. The available spacelisted must accommodate the requirements listed in the tables above. Backing Up Your System Disk DIGITAL recommends that you back up your file systems before installing any software. For information about backing up your file systems, see the HP-UX system documentation. Preparing to Install on Sun Solaris This section describes the tasks that you should carry out before installing the DEC/EDI Client on an Sun Solaris system. It also describes the prereqisites for installing the DEC/EDI Client. Reading the Online Release Notes DEC/EDI Application Client provides online release notes. DIGITAL strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the application. The release notes for DEC/EDI Application Client are in the following file: /usr/doc/decedi_client_release_notes.txt You can use the following command to read the release notes after DEC/EDI Application Client is installed: # more /usr/doc/decedi_client_release_notes.txt Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your DEC/EDI Application Client software distribution kit. If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your DIGITAL representative. Checking Installation Procedure Requirements This Chapter discusses requirements for installing DEC/EDI Application Client. Installing DEC/EDI Application Client, including running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), takes approximately 1 minute, depending on your type of media and system configuration. Checking Login Privileges You must have superuser privileges to install the DEC/EDI Application Client software. Checking Hardware Requirements To install DEC/EDI Application Client, you need the following hardware: • Terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. See the DEC/EDI Application Client Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. Checking Software Requirements DEC/EDI Application Client V3.2 requires the Sun Solaris operating system V2.4. This operating system includes TCP/IP, which must be configured as described in the applicable Sun Solaris installation guidebook. DEC/EDI Application Client also requires that ObjectBroker is loaded on the system where you install DEC/EDI Application Client. Refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) for details on the version number that you require with this release. Checking Whether These Subsets Are Loaded To check whether the required subsets are loaded, do the following: 1. Log in to the system where you will install DEC/EDI Application Client. 2. To see if Network Interface is installed, for example, enter the following command: # pkginfo | grep OBB Check the displayed row for "ObjectBroker Run-Time". If it is not installed, then you must install it before installation of the DEC/EDI client. Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose which DEC/EDI Application Client subsets you want to load. The subsets have the following titles: • DEC/EDI V3.2 Sun Solaris Client. The Client software. • DEC/EDI V3.2 Sun Solaris Client Man Pages. Reference manual pages for Client's command line interface. Determining Disk Space Requirements The tables below list the disk space requirements for loading DEC/EDI Application Client software subsets: you need this space available on the disks where you choose to load the software subsets. The figures shown in these tables are peak requirements. After installation, slightly less disk space is required. The tables list the disk space requirements per directory. This is relevant if you are doing installations on systems where these directories are mount points for different disk partitions. Table 7-2 Space Required for Client and Client Man Pages Directory /usr /var /etc Total Client (Kb) 500 110 50 660 Client Man Pages (Kb) 100 - - 100 Using these disk space requirements, total the values for the subsets you will load in each directory. Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where DEC/EDI Application Client files will reside. To determine the amount of disk space available on your system, enter the df command. Backing Up Your System Disk DIGITAL recommends that you back up your file systems before installing any software. For information about backing up your file systems, see the Sun Solaris system documentation. Installing the DEC/EDI Client This section describes how to install the DEC/EDI Application Client. Before you start the installation, read Chapter 5 UNIX - Installation of DEC/EDI Server and Application Client, The first part of this chapter describes how to enter (setld) to start the installation procedure. The way you do this depends on whether you are installing: • Locally, using CD-ROM media • From a server area • From tape Installing From CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media This procedure is for Sun Solaris only. It loads DEC/EDI Application Client files on to a disk belonging to the system where you perform the installation. When DEC/EDI Application Client is run, its executable images are mapped into memory on your system. Follow these steps to install DEC/EDI Application Client from CDROM media: 1. Mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install the DEC/EDI Application Client. 3. Move to an area on disk (for example, /kits) where you have some space to unpack the tar file. # cd /kits You need approximately 800 Kb. 4. Copy the files from the CD-ROM onto disk by using the tar command: # tar - xvf/cdrom/sun_solaris/decedi0320_sun_client.tar This creates an output directory from which you can install the kit. The tar command also puts a copy of the setld command in the /etc area. Use it to install the client software, as follows: # /etc/setld -l output The installation procedure now displays the names of the DEC/EDI Application Client subsets, and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Chapter 4 to continue the installation. Installing From an RIS Distribution Area If you are installing DEC/EDI Application Client subsets that reside in an etc/ris RIS distribution area on a remote system, follow these steps: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install DEC/EDI Application Client. 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: #cd / 3. Enter a setld command that requests the load function -l option and identifies the system where the DEC/EDI Application Client subsets are located. For example, if you are loading DEC/EDI Application Client subsets from a RIS distribution area on node orion, enter the following: #setld -l orion: Remote Installation Services now displays a menu that lists all the software subsets available to you and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Running the Installation Procedure on page 7-13 to continue the installation. Installing From Tape The Application Client software may be supplied on tape: 4mm DDS DAT or QIC tape. Before installing from either of these tapes, you have to move the tape contents onto disk, using the tar) command. You then install the DEC/EDI Application Client subsets, using the setld) command. You do all this as follows: 1. Insert the tape into the tape drive, and make sure it is rewound. For example, if your drive is called nrmt0h), you would enter the following command: ท # mt -f /dev/nrmt0h rewind 2. Log in as superuser (login name root)) to the system where you will install the DEC/EDI Application Client. 3. Create a directory called /kit) on a disk where there is enough space to hold the software; then move to this directory: ท # mkdir /kit # cd /kit 4. Restore the tape contents onto disk. For example, if your drive is called nrmt0h), you would enter the following command: ท # tar -xvf /dev/nrmt0h ท This creates a disk directory called /output) from which you will install the software. 5. Enter a setld) command that requests the load function (-l)), and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where DEC/EDI Application Client subsets are located. For example: ท # setld -l /kit/output You may need to use the Bourne shell sh) to run setld). You may need to specify the full pathname (/etc/setld) to run setld) as well. (The setld) command is provided as part of the DEC/EDI Client software). See Running the Installation Procedure on page 7-13 to continue the installation. Running the Installation Procedure Once you have entered the setld) command to install the software, the system takes you through a dialogue in which you are prompted for details about how the installation is to take place. At each prompt during the dialogue, you can do any of the following: 1. Enter your reply and press (Return). 2. Enter ? for more information about what is required. 3. Abort the installation by pressing (Ctrl/Y). There are some minor differences in the Sun Solaris and HP-UX dialogues. For a full listing of the dialogues, see Appendix G Sun Solaris Client or Appendix H HP-UX Client, depending on which platform you are installing on. If you encounter any failures during the installation dialogue, see (error_messages_app). Specifying Subsets You are prompted to specify which DEC/EDI Application Client subsets you want to load. For example, when installing the DEC/EDI Client on Sun Solaris, the dialogue is as follows: Enter Subset Selections The subsets listed below are optional: 1 DEC/EDI V3.2 Sun Solaris Client 2 DEC/EDI V3.2 Sun Solaris Man Pages 3 All of the Above 4 None of the Above 5 Exit without installing subsets Enter your choice(s): If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. Note Note that if you are installing from a RIS distribution area, the number of subsets can vary, depending on what products are available in the RIS area and how many subsets they have. Next, the dialogue lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 3) in response to the previous prompt, you will see the following display: You are installing the following optional subsets: DEC/EDI V3.2 Sun Solaris Client DEC/EDI V3.2 Sun Solaris Man Pages Is this correct? (y/n): If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y. If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the subset selection menu is again displayed and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. Specifying Name and Type of Server You are prompted to specify the name of the DEC/EDI Server to which the DEC/EDI Client is to be linked. Configuring ObjectBroker Enter the name of the DEC/EDI Server [OBB_LOCAL] : ...creating repository ...registering servers ...creating client object ...creating context object ObjectBroker Configuration Complete Press to continue. If the name of the DEC/EDI Server node has already been entered on an earlier installation, then you are prompted to say whether these details have changed since then. Enter y if the details have changed; you are then prompted for the new details. For the name of the Server, you need to enter the full node name. If this were an HP-UX client installation, and you specified that ACAS-style interfaces were to be used, you would be prompted for the type of server as well as the name of the server. For example: 1. OpenVMS (AXP) 2. OpenVMS (VAX) 3. DIGITAL UNIX Enter the type of the server (1-3) Messages Displayed During the Loading Process The installation procedure loads and verifies the selected DEC/EDI Application Client subsets. During this process, you see a sequence of messages on the screen. When you see the "Verifying" message during the subset installation, the installation procedure is checking to see that the files are copied correctly; it is not an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) message. After Client Installation This section explains what you need to do after the installation to make DEC/EDI Application Client ready for use. After the Client Installation After installing the DEC/EDI Client, you must: • Set up proxies for ObjectBroker You are strongly advised to: • Run the DEC/EDI Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) ท • Delete any older DEC/EDI client from your system Refer to Part 3 for advice on any database migration tasks that you may need to complete Set up Proxies for Client to Server for ObjectBroker Proxy access must be set up for any remote Application Client nodes that will be used to access the DEC/EDI server. This proxy access also allows files to be copied between the client and the server. First, you must ensure that the server node may be reached using the name or the alias by the ObjectBroker agent. You can test this by using the ObjectBroker network test, obbntst. You run obbntst on both the client and the server at the same time as follows. On the Server node, enter the following command: # obbntst -s This gives you a connection identifier that you will use on the client side. On the Client node, enter the following command: # obbntst -n server-node-name -c connection-id If this test fails, verify the network addresses on both the client and server. Also check that the server-node-name (or alias) is defined on the client. Next, initiate these tests again in the opposite direction. That is, run the server node test on the client and the client node test on the server. This is important because it verifies that data can be passed in either direction, which the TRADE POST and TRADE FETCH commands do. Once you have verified that the client and server recognize each other at the network level, you can add the proxies. Note that proxies need to be added on both the client and server side. If you are a UNIX-based requester, proxies may not be recognised by name. If this happens, you need to use your user's id (uid). To obtain the uid from the UNIX system, use the id command. On the client node, you must add a proxy for decedi, so that it may access the client files to be copied to or from the server. You need to ensure that the local user account has the following access privileges: • Read access to any application files • Write access to the directory It may be necessary to enter the node name in both the long and short forms. It is safer to make this a habit. For example, to add a proxy for the server,, on the client node,, for client user, gesshoo, enter the following commands. On the client node: # obbadpxy -h -u decedi johnb # obbadpxy -h edisrv -u decedi gesshoo On the server node: # obbadpxy -h -u `*' decedi # obbadpxy -h ediclt -u `*' decedi You can show the proxies by using the ObjectBroker command, obbshTesting Proxies To test that your proxy works, try a simple request to the agent on the node to which you have added proxy access. For example: # obbmsho -A -n If you have set up your proxies successfully to , the reply to your request should tell you the agent's details.If your proxy has not been set correctly, the reply will tell you that you are not authorized. Running the Installation Verification Procedure After installing DEC/EDI Application Client, you can run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access DEC/EDI Application Client. The DEC/EDI Application Client IVP verifies the installation as follows: ท Checks that the client subset is installed. To run the IVP after an installation, enter the following command, where subsetname can be any DEC/EDI Application Client subset: # setld -v subsetname For a sample DEC/EDI Application Client IVP, see appropriate: • (sample_listing_ivp_osf) • (sample_listing_ivp_ux). If the verification process fails, look in the /var/adm/smlogs/fverify.log file for information to help diagnose the problem. Deleting DEC/EDI Application Client from Your System If you must remove a version of DEC/EDI Application Client from your system, delete each subset that you previously installed. To delete subsets: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root)). 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: # cd / 3. Enter the following setld) command (you may need to use the Bourne shell sh to run setld): # setld -i | grep DEDI For example: # setld -i | grep DEDI DEDICLT200 DEC/EDI OSF/1 UNIX Client DEDICLT210 DEC/EDI V2.1 OSF/1 UNIX Client DEDICLT310 installed DEC/EDI V3.1 DIGITAL UNIX Client DEDIMAN200 DEC/EDI OSF/1 UNIX Client Man Pages DEDIMAN210 DEC/EDI V2.1 OSF/1 UNIX Client Man Pages DEDIMAN310 installed DEC/EDI V3.1 DIGITAL UNIX Client Man Pages 4. Look for the word "installed" in the listing produced, and then delete the installed subsets. For example: # setld -d DEDICLT310 DEDIMAN310 DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (DIGITAL UNIX):- Removing softlinks ... done. Deleting "DEC/EDI V3.1 DIGITAL UNIX Client Man Pages" (DEDIMAN310). **DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (DIGITAL UNIX) has been deleted **DEC/EDI Client (DIGITAL UNIX):- Removing softlinks ... done. Deleting "DEC/EDI V3.1 DIGITAL UNIX Client" (DEDICLT310). **DEC/EDI Client (DIGITAL UNIX) has been deleted ** # Chapter 8 Managing Message Updates This chapter describes the installation of DEC/EDI Message Updates by the System Manager or Administrator, onto the following platforms: • DIGITAL UNIX • OpenVMS Introduction Messaging standards are normally input during the installation process. This is covered in the following chapters: • Chapter 5 UNIX - Installation of DEC/EDI Server and Application Client • Chapter 6 OpenVMS - Installation of Server and Client The following features which are provided through the Message Update Services are covered in this chapter as shown below: • Installing new versions of an EDI Standard. See Installing New Versions of EDI Standards on page 8-3. • Creating a new version from an existing version. See Copying Existing Versions to New Ones on page 8-4. • Copying data labels for a version of a standard to a different versions. See Copying Data Labels Between Versions on page 8-4. • Deleting a version of an EDI standard. See Deleting a Version of an EDI Standard on page 8-4. Using the Message Update Services DIGITAL UNIX The Message Update Service Tool is installed in the directory /usr/sbin with the name decedi_must. To invoke the Message Update Service Tool: • The DEC/EDI database must exist. • You must be logged into the root account # decedi_must When you run the tool, you are presented with a menu of options (See DIGITAL UNIX and OpenVMS on page 8-3). OpenVMS To invoke the Message Update Service Tool: • The DEC/EDI data server must be running. • You must be logged into an authorised account $ RUN DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$MESSAGE_UPDATES.EXE When you run the tool, you are presented with a menu of options (See DIGITAL UNIX and OpenVMS on page 8-3). DIGITAL UNIX and OpenVMS The following sections describe each of the options. Installing New Versions of EDI Standards If you elect to install new versions of EDI standards from the messages directory you are presented with a menu of all of the standard version files installed on your Server: You can choose to install one version of a standard at a time, or all versions of a standard. Installation of a version of standard involves translating the standard definition in the supplied IMPDEF message file into DEC/EDI format. This may be time consuming. If multiple versions of a standard are required, it can be more efficient to select ALL versions of a standard, and leave the installation running. Versions of standards that are not required can be removed by using the delete version option. If a selected version already exists in the database, then you are asked if the installation should continue. Once a version of a standard has been installed, that version can not be used by DEC/EDI until Data Labels have been defined for that version. This is done by using the Data Label Generator. When the exit option is selected from the install menu, a reminder about Data Labels is displayed on the screen. If a problem is detected during the installation of a version of a standard then the Message Update Service Tool ensures that the standards database is not left in a corrupt state. It does this by removing any parts of the standard definition that had been installed by the installation process. Copying Existing Versions to New Ones If you elect to copy an existing version of a standard to a new version of the same standard then a menu listing all of the versions currently installed on DEC/EDI is displayed. On selecting a version of a standard to copy you are prompted for the name of the new version to be created. The DEC/EDI Message Update Service Tool then copies the existing version of the standard to the new version. Copying Data Labels Between Versions If you elect to copy the Data Labels associated with one version of a standard to a different version of the same standard, a menu is displayed, listing all of the versions currently installed. On selecting a version to copy from, you are prompted for a version to copy to. Deleting a Version of an EDI Standard If you elect to delete a version of a standard, then a menu is displayed, listing all of the versions that are currently installed. On selecting a version to delete, the specified version is deleted, and a menu of remaining standards and versions is displayed. Enter the menu number of the standard and version to remove.Before deleting the a version of a standard, the Message Update Service Tool searches all of the trading partner profiles on the Server for any that use the specified standard and version. If any profiles are found then the tool displays a warning message, and prompts you to indicate whether the delete processing should continue. Dealing with Recovery The DEC/EDI Message Update Service Tool has built-in recovery processing to prevent standards definitions in the database from becoming corrupt. If, for any reason, execution of the Message Update Service Tool is halted while it is updating the database, then it is likely that the database will have been corrupted. When it is next run, the tool detects that the database is corrupt. You are offered the choice of continuing with the action that the tool was performing at the time of interruption, or removing the corrupt version from the database. Where to Look If Things Go Wrong If problems occur while you are using the Message Update Service Tool, error messages are recorded in the Message Update Services Log File. This file is named DECEDI_MUS.LOG and it is created in your default directory. If the Message Update Service Tool detects an error, and a log file does not already exist in your directory, a new log file is created, and the error message appended to the new file. If a log file does exist in your default directory, then the error is appended to the existing file. The log file may contain the following classes of message: • %MUS-E- : Error Messages. • %MUS-W- : Warning Messages. • %MUS-I- : Informational Messages. The main use of the log file is to aid your DEC/EDI Support centre in solving any problems that occur. If a log file is created during the execution of the DEC/EDI Message Update Service Tool, and it contains messages other than informational messages, then it is recommended that you contact your DEC/EDI Support centre. Chapter 9 Installing DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter This chapter describes the installation of DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter, by the System Manager or Administrator, onto PCs running the following: • Windows 3.1, 3.11 • Windows 95/NT Pre-Installation Tasks In preparing to install a Cockpit or a CommandCenter kit, there are three groups of tasks to complete: • Check the contents of your Cockpit or CommandCenter kit • Make sure that you have at least the pre-requisite hardware to run Cockpit or CommandCenter • Make sure that pre-requisite software applications are installed correctly on your computer setup. Check your Cockpit or CommandCenter Kit There are two kits: • The CommandCenter kit • The Cockpit kit There are two options in each kit: a 16-bit option and a 32-bit option. You use the 16-bit option in a Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups setup. You use the 32-bit option in a Windows 95 or NT setup. Note that Cockpit and Commandcenter kits are separately ordered items. CommandCenter Kit The CommandCenter kit contains the following components: • CommandCenter (including Cockpit) • Online Documentation (for the server) • Acrobat Reader (for access to the online documentation) • InstallShield Express Professional (for installing/deinstalling DEC/EDI CommandCenter components) • Win32s. Cockpit Kit The Cockpit kit contains the following components: • Cockpit • InstallShield Express Professional Check for Prerequisite Hardware The products have the following hardware requirements: • 80486sx processor or better. • VGA monitor or better (SVGA is recommended for CommandCenter). • 8 Mb or more of main memory (RAM) for either Windows V3.1 or 3.11 or Windows 95. 16 Mb are recommended. 16 Mb of main memory for Windows NT. 32 Mb are recommended. • Sufficient hard disk space to `unpack' the DEC/EDI components before they are installed. The demand for disk space during installation is approximately double that occupied by each component when installation is complete. The disk space requirements are: – Cockpit requires 3 Mb. Therefore, during installation, you need 6 Mb. – CommandCenter requires 8 Mb, plus 3 Mb for the Win32s software, if this is not already installed. Therefore, you may require up to 22 Mb. In total, you may require up to 28 Mb of hard disk space during installation. • A CD-ROM reader (for CommandCenter only) • A LAN connection. • A mouse or compatible pointing device. Check for Prerequisite Software The following software must be installed and running on the personal computer before you install Cockpit or CommandCenter. You should install these products in the order in which they are listed: • MS-DOS, Version 6.0 or later (not required for Windows 95 or Windows NT platforms). • Microsoft Windows Version 3.1, Windows for Workgroups Version 3.11, Windows 95 or Windows NT. If you intend to use Windows Version 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups Version 3.11, you must install Microsoft Win32s. The 32-bit environment is required by CommandCenter. If you intend to use either Windows 95 or Windows NT, you do not need to install Win32s. (These platforms are 32-bit platforms.) • Pathworks for DOS and Windows, Version 5.0 or later, configured to provide TCP/IP networking services. You do not need this if you are using Windows 95 or Windows NT: these platforms provide their own TCP/IP support. It is possible to use networking products other than Pathworks to provide the TCP/IP network, provided the product presents an interface compatible with the Windows Sockets specification. Contact your DEC/EDI service provider for more details. • (Optional) ObjectBroker Version 2.6. Rdb • Oracle ODBC driver for Rdb, Version 2.10.11 for Microsoft Windows. OnLine... • INFORMIX-NET for Windows, Version 5.01. ...OnLine • INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC driver for INFORMIX5. Version 2.10 for a 16-bit environment. The version for a 32-bit environment is INFORMIX CLI Version 2.50. Oracle7 Supported Oracle7 and SQL*NET combinations are outlined in the following short sections: On Windows 3.1: • Oracle7 ODBC driver, Version or higher • Oracle SQL*NET V2, Version or higher • Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter (V2), Version or higher On Windows95: • Oracle7 ODBC driver (32 bit), Version or higher • Oracle SQL*NET Client, Version or higher Oracle TCP/IP, Version or higher • Oracle7 Required Support Files or higher On Windows NT: • Oracle 7 ODBC driver, Version or higher • Oracle SQL*NET Client, Version or higher • Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter (V2), Version or higher Backup your Hard Disk Before installing Cockpit or CommandCenter on your PC, it is recommended that you backup the disk or disks on to which you will do the installation. In addition to the above, you need to ensure that your DEC/EDI Server node already has the DEC/EDI V3.2 software correctly installed. The following section provides some additional notes on installing the database access components. Additional Notes on Installing Pre-requisite Software OnLine... The information in this section applies only to Windows V3.1and 3.11 platforms. If you are using an INFORMIX-OnLine database for your Server, you must install the INFORMIX-NET product before installing the Informix ODBC driver. Instructions for installing INFORMIX-NET are provided in the INFORMIX Windows Products Installation Guide. After you have installed INFORMIX-NET, you need to configure it. You do this by running the Informix setnet utility. Note: If you are using a 32-bit environment, you need to have INFORMIX CLI Version 2.50. Its configuration is not described in this guide. Instead, refer to the documentation supplied with the product. Running Informix Setnet Utility Run the utility by selecting its icon from the Informix products program group created when you installed INFORMIX-NET. The utility presents a dialog box. Take the following action: 1. On the first screen select tcp-ip from the values provided for Protocolname. All other fields on this screen should be blanked out. 2. Select the More button to get a new set of fields. 3. Enable the following two fields: ConnChecker and ShowCheckerIcon. These settings instruct the INFORMIX-NET software to perform regular checks on network connections that are in use when you run CommandCenter or Cockpit. The ConnChecker looks for any connections that have become redundant because the application that was using them has terminated unexpectedly; for example, because you pressed . Any such connections are terminated and the resources used by the connection are made available to other applications. Without making these settings, you can find the network resources on your PC become used up, and other PC applications may be prevented from running. 4. Save these changes. These are all you should need to configure for INFORMIX-NET. Further Information on INFORMIX-NET Software For more information on configuring, using, and troubleshooting the INFORMIX-NET software. see the INFORMIX-NET for Windows Configuration Guide. Before you install the ODBC driver for INFORMIX5, you should restart your PC. This allows the INFORMIX-NET installation changes to take effect. Installation of the ODBC driver for INFORMIX5 is described in the readme.hlp file provided on the first disk of the INTERSOLV DataDirect Database Drivers kit. Read the information provided in that file for information on performing the installation. During the installation, you are presented with a dialog that lists the Install Directory and several other options. From this dialog, pressing Select produces a list of all the ODBC drivers available in the kit. Select Clear All and then select the INTERSOLV INFORMIX5 driver. Press OK to continue. You may see file conflict errors appearing if you have other ODBC drivers installed on your PC. If this happens press skip. At the end of the installation, you are asked whether you wish to Configure Data Sources. Do not select this option. When you install Cockpit or CommandCenter, the ODBC driver is configured automatically for use with DEC/EDI. ...OnLine If you install, ObjectBroker you must set the correct current network configuration. A dialog with a list of network configurations will be presented to you. Do the following: • Select the Microsoft TCP/IP-Only Configuration option to make it current. Pre-installation Tasks for Informix on the PC If you wish to use Informix as your database, you will need to carry out the following pre-installation tasks: 1. Run the SetNet utility Select the "Server Information" Tab and enter the following details. The node name should be the long form, including the domain name. Informix Server decedi_db HostName Protocolname select onsoctcp from the drop-down list Service Name decedi_pc 2. Press the "Make Default Server" button, and press "Apply". Answer "Yes" to Define New Informix Server. 3. Select the "Environment" tab, scroll down and select the INFORMIXSQLHOSTS environment variable. In the Edit Environment variable box, enter the name of your PC, preceded by two backslashes. For example, if your PC host name is mynode, enter the following: \\mynode and press the "Set" button. 4. Click OK to confirm, and select No, as you do not wish to set up the ODBC data sources at this stage. 5. After rebooting the PC, and installing the CommandCenter, you should define or edit the server definition from within the CommandCenter configuration utility, or one of the CommandCenter applications, which will automatically set up the required ODBC data sources. 6. Remember to add the entry for the decedi_pc service to the TCP/IP services file, as described in the Post-Installation tasks. Pre-Installation Tasks for Oracle 7 on the PC If you want to use Oracle 7 as your preferred database, you will need to carry out the following pre-installation tasks: 1. Run the SQL*Net Easy Configuration utility, which is part of the Oracle for Windows program group, to add an alias for the DEC/EDI database as follows: 2. Select the "Add Database Alias" option, and click OK 3. Enter the following details, substituting the actual host name of the DEC/EDI server node in place of Database Alias: _decedidb The node name should be the short form. For example, for, use edipc. 4. Enter the full address of the TCP/IP Host name, and the database instance. TCP/IP Host Name: Database Instance: decedidb 5. Click OK to add the alias 6. Select Exit SQL*Net Easy configuration, and click OK. Pre-Installation Tasks for Oracle Rdb on the PC If you want to use Oracle Rdb as your preferred datanase, you will need to carry out the following pre-installation tasks: 1. Modify the RDBODBC.INI file, which is normally located in the Windows directory, to change the FetchAhead setting as follows: FetchAhead=NO Checking for the Prerequisite Software Before proceeding with the installation of Cockpit or CommandCenter, you are recommended to perform the checks listed in this section. These help you to verify that the software on your PC, and the network link to your DEC/EDI Server are correctly set up. You should be able to complete each of these tests before installing and using Cockpit or CommandCenter. You should be able to do the following: • If you are installing Cockpit, and you are using DECnet networking services, test your DECnet connection. Refer to your DECnet documentation for more information about this. • If you are using TCP/IP networking services, test the TCP/IP network connection between your PC and the DEC/EDI Server by using ping. • If you intend to use ObjectBroker and it is installed on your PC, and on the DEC/EDI Server node, test this by using the ObjectBroker Network Tester utility (described in Part 4, Verification). Time to Install The amount of time to install Cockpit or CommandCenter depends on the speed of your PC and hard disks that you are using. However the installation of Cockpit should take no longer than 5 minutes. Installation of both the Win32s software and CommandCenter together should take no longer than 10 minutes. Installing the Software This section describes how to install Cockpit and CommandCenter, and lists some of the more common problems that may be encountered during the installation. It covers the installation processes for Windows Version 3.1, 3.11 and Windows 95 or NT. Additionally it describes how to install Microsoft Win32s because, if you intend to use Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 or 3.11, you need to provide the additional 32-bit environment to run CommandCenter that Win32s provides. Install Win32s only if you have not got it on your PC, and you intend to use Windows Version 3.1 or 3.11. Installing on Windows V3.1 If you intend to use Windows Version 3.1or 3.11, you need the 16-bit kit. If installing CommandCenter, you also need Win32s; Cockpit does not need Win32s. Your first task is to check whether Win32s is installed on your PC, and then install it, if necessary. Install Win32s only if you have not got it on your PC. Your PC may already have the Win32s software installed from another source. If you are unsure whether you have Win32s installed, proceed with the installation as described in this section. You are warned if you already have the software installed, or if you have a more recent version of Win32s than that supplied with CommandCenter. Installing on Windows 95 or NT If you are using Windows 95 or Windows NT, you need the 32-bit kit. You do not install Win32s. Installing Win32s The Win32s software, supplied on CD-ROM together with the CommandCenter kit, provides software services essential to CommandCenter. This software is not required for use with Cockpit. 1. Start Windows and insert the CD-ROM in the drive. 2. Select the Run... option from the File menu in the Program Manager. Note that you will be asked to specify the drive from which you want to install the software. 3. Enter :\setup; for example, d:\win32s\disk1\setup Installation Procedure The following are the stages in installing the software. Each stage requires you to make a choice or enter information on a screen dialog: To install Cockpit or CommandCenter: Step 1: Locate the software Step 2: Select the software to install (16 or 32 bit) Step 3: Run the appropriate SETUP.EXE file Step 4: Follow the Installshield instructions. Questions and Answers for Instalshield Installation Type InstallShield lets you choose the type of installation you want: Typical, Compact or Custom. A Typical or a Compact installation loads a predetermined amount of software onto your PC. A Custom installation allows you to choose from the Select Components screen. Server Configuration As the installation continues, you are prompted to configure the server. If you wish, you may postpone this task until after the installation.You may also terminate the installation at this point. If you decide to configure the server, select one of two options: Add.. to configure a new server Edit.. to configure a listed server that you need to select The Edit Server Setup dialog is displayed. Use the following information to help you enter the correct information in each field on your setup screen: Installation directory. This is the directory where files are installed. You can change the default value offered if you wish. The Setup program creates the specified directory if it does not already exist. Computer Name. This is the name of your PC, for example, edipc. Server Name. This is the name of the DEC/EDI Server you want to use. Note that this name is not the nodename (although it can be). It is any name you wish to use to refer to a particular Server. If you expect to use more than one Server, enter the name of one of them here. You may add more definitions when you first run Cockpit or CommandCenter. Server Nodename. This is the nodename of the Server you want to use. It must be a name that your network understands. You should enter the full name of the Server, unless your PC and the Server are operating on a common network segment. Server Type. Select from either DIGITAL UNIX or OpenVMS. Server Version Supported Servers for DIGITAL UNIX are V3.0, V3.1, V3.1A and V3.2. Supported Servers for Open VMS are V2.0, V2.1, V2.1A to V2.1D and V3.2. Network. For DIGITAL UNIX, the supported network is TCP/IP, OpenVMS servers may use either TCP/IP or ObjectBroker and DECnet . 16bit database drivers: Informix CLI Select this if you are using an Informix database with an Informix CLI ODBC driver (16bit). Informix CLI 2.50 Select this if you are using an Informix database with an Informix CLI V3.50 ODBC driver (16bit). Oracle 7 Select this if you are using an Oracle 7 database (16bit). INTERSOLV INFORMIX5 etc. Select this if you are using an Intersolv Informix V5 database with ODBC driver V2.10. Use INTERSOLV 2.11 INFORMIX for V2.11 and INTERSOLV V2.12 for V2.12 (16bit). 8) Database Driver. This field defines the database product that you are using on the PC and on the Server, as well as the ODBC driver used on the PC. Oracle ODBC driver for Rdb Select this if you are using an OracleRdb database. INTERSOLV 2.12 32-bit INFORMIX5 Select this if you are using an Intersolv Informix Version 5 database with ODBC driver Version 2.12 for a 32-bit platform. (See also the User Defined item). Informix CLI Select this if you are using an Informix CLI database. Informix CLI V2.5 32-bit Select this if you are using an Informix database. Microsoft Access Do not select this. It is reserved by DIGITAL for demonstration versions of the Cockpit and CommandCenter. User Defined Select this if the database you are using does not match one of the options above. Unlike the other options, the ODBC datasource isn't automatically configured by the installation. The installation will tell you the name of the datasource, which should be noted, and you must configure it yourself. See the section in Post Installation Tasks for a description of how to do this. Oracle73 Select this if you are using an Oracle73 database. Account. This is the name of an account on the Server that you intend to use to access the DEC/EDI Server data. If you know the name of this account, enter the value now. If you don't know the name, enter any value: you will be able to change it, or use other accounts when you use CommandCenter or Cockpit. Note that this value is case-sensitive. That is, values like JONES and jones are regarded as different accounts. Database Name. This is only relevant with an Informix or Oracle 7 database. OnLine This is the name of the DEC/EDI database on the DEC/EDI Server system. With Oracle 7, leave this value set to its default value of decedi_db. Rdb This is the SQL/Services™ classname of your DEC/EDI Server system. Class Options are: GENERIC, V51, V60, V61. Specify GENERIC if you have standard SQL Services installed on your OpenVMS Server. Specify one of the other options if you have multi-version SQL installed, to tell it which version to use. OnLine Service. This is the name of the network service to use to connect to the named database on the DEC/EDI Server. This should be set to decedi_pc. Use ObjectBroker Select if you intend to connect to a server using a version before 3.2 or one not using TCP/IP. Readme Files As the installation nears completion, you are prompted to decide whether to read the Readme file. Reboot Options When the installation is complete you may be prompted to reboot your PC. You do not have to reboot at this time, but note that you must do this eventually to register any new server configuration. Release Notes By default, the installation creates a Program Manager group called DEC/EDI Cockpit or DEC/EDI CommandCenter, depending on which kit you are installing. One of the icons within that group displays release notes about the software. You should review these notes before proceeding with the post-installation tasks described in the next chapter. TCP/IP Tracing • If you are using the TCP/IP network interface (not Objectbroker), use this button to `trace' the requests and traffic across the network between the PC and Server into a file on the PC. Further information on using the tool is provided in the DEC/EDI: User's Guides (DIGITAL UNIX and OpenVMS). Dealing with Installation Errors OnLine... • "The ODBC datasource could not be configured." This is most likely due to the ODBC software not being installed on the PC. After correcting this problem you should reinstall Cockpit or CommandCenter. • "Failed to configure ODBC driver." You may not have installed the INFORMIX-NET software, or it is missing one or more environment variables. Re-install the INFORMIX- NET software, and remember to restart your PC immediately after you have completed the installation. ...OnLine This error can also occur if you have not installed the ODBC driver for INFORMIX5. • You are set to communicate with at least one of your servers using ObjectBroker, but it is not installed. After installation you should either instal ObjectBroker or set all servers to use the TCP/IP interface. Post-Installation This chapter assumes that you have now completed the installation of Cockpit or CommandCenter, as described in the previous chapter. Before you can use the software, you need to perform a number of post-installation tasks. Some of these tasks involve configuration work on the DEC/EDI Server node or nodes that you are using. The tasks are summarized here. Post-Installation Tasks After you install CommandCenter or Cockpit, your post-installation tasks include the following: • PC Configuration • Server Configuration • Running the DEC/EDI Network Tester These tasks are described in the following sections. PC Configuration Activities OnLine... You need to add an entry to the network services file on your PC to register the network service you use to access the database on your DEC/EDI Server. If you are using Pathworks to provide the TCP/IP network layer, the file you need to add a line to is c:\pw\services (or wherever you have your Pathworks network files installed). Use Notepad to add a line to this file of the form: service portnumber/protocol # service data These details must match the details on your server. On a DIGITAL UNIX server this line must match the corresponding line in the /etc/services file: On the Server, this entry is created automatically by decedi_config. See the DEC/EDI: User's Guide for more details. The service field must also match the value you entered into the corresponding field in the Cockpit or CommandCenter edit server setup dialog. An example of this line is: ...OnLine decedi_pc 1500/tcp # service data Server Configuration Activities On each DEC/EDI Server, you need to complete the following before you can use Cockpit or CommandCenter to connect to the Server. These activities are described in more detail in the DEC/EDI: User's Guide, unless indicated otherwise: • Install the CommandCenter LMF license PAK on a DEC/EDI Server. The CommandCenter needs to find a valid license on at least one Server node. The license does not need to be installed on each Server. If you are using CommandCenter to connect to more than one Server, install the license on the Server you use most often. • If using ObjectBroker, onfigure it to allow access by your PC. This normally implies setting up ObjectBroker proxies such that your PC has access to the required ObjectBroker methods for DEC/EDI. However, the details of this task depend on the ObjectBroker security model in use on the Server. • Create a user account that your PC uses to access the DEC/EDI database. When you use Cockpit or CommandCenter to connect to the Server, you are asked to enter the name of this account and its password. • Grant access to the DEC/EDI database for this user account. Rdb • Configure SQL/Services. Unless stated otherwise, you need to repeat these Server configuration activities on each DEC/EDI Server that you are using. The next section describes how you can test the resulting configuration. Configuring User-Defined ODBC DataSources If the database type for the Server you specified in the installation was User- Defined, you need to configure the ODBC datasource manually. You do this using the ODBC Administrator. If you are using the 16-bit CommandCenter or Cockpit, you need to use the 16-bit ODBC Administrator. Similarly, if you are using the 32-bit version, use the 32-bit Administrator. Typically, you will find the ODBC Administrator in the Control Panel, although it may be in other `ODBC' program groups. Do the following: 1. Start the Administrator and select the Add... button. 2. Select the ODBC driver you are using. (for example, INTERSOLV 2.11 INFORMIX5) and select the OK button. The fields displayed vary with the database type you have selected. However, the following fields should contain entries: – Data Source Name The name the CommandCenter or Cockpit installation gave you for the datasource. Enter it exactly as given. – Description This is not crucial, but typically the same information as for the data source name is entered. – Database Name or Class Enter decedi_db. – Database List Leave blank. – Default User Name or User ID Enter the user name of the account used to access the Server. – Host Name The nodename of the Server. This must be a name that your network understands. – Service name Enter the DEC/EDI service on the server: decedi_pc. – Protocol Type Select tcp-ip. – SQL + Net connect string A name of the form: _decedidb, e.g. ediserv_decedidb The other fields should remain as they are. The reason for having the User-Defined database type is that the interface to the ODBC drivers changes with different versions of the driver. It is impossible to predict what the interface will be for new versions. This option allows any interface to be configured. Post-Installation Tasks This section explains how to do the post-installation configuration tasks to link DEC/EDI CommandCenter and Cockpit on your personal computer to your DEC/EDI Server. The tasks include: • Configure your Server to accept a link from your personal computer. • Setup your Server account. If you have already installed the DEC/EDI CommandCenter or Cockpit before, and you have configured your Server to accept a link from your personal computer, there is no need to repeat the last two steps mentioned above. Configuring ObjectBroker on your Personal Computer There is very little configuration required for ObjectBroker on your PC. Please ensure you have chosen the correct LAN connection when you installed ObjectBroker. You can check this with the ObjectBroker System Administrator: select View | Configurations, and make sure your LAN is the one with the keyword (Current) next to it. Configuring your DEC/EDI Server You will need to be logged into your DEC/EDI Server to perform these operations. If using ObjectBroker, your DEC/EDI Server needs to be configured before it can grant access to the DEC/EDI CommandCenter or Cockpit. The configuration involves registering the personal computer node name with DEC/EDI with ObjectBroker. ObjectBroker Setup DIGITAL UNIX 1. On the Server, add a proxy for your PC: # obbadpxy -h -u '*' root # obbadpxy -h -u '*' root For example: # obbadpxy -h -u '*' root # obbadpxy -h henry -u '*' root OpenVMS 1. On the Server, enter ObjectBroker: $APPLICATION/BROKER 2. Add a proxy for your PC: OBB> ADD PROXY DECEDI/REMOTE_HOST=(USER=*, HOST=) Testing Use the Network Test defined in Part 5 Verifying, to test the setup. Problem Solving There are two main sections in this section: • General Problems Information on general problems • Getting More Information This section outlines the range of error logs and diagnostic tools that you can use to obtain more detailed information about problems you may encounter. Some of these tools are specific to a particular version of the CommandCenter or Cockpit, and they are marked as such. The section also contains advice on how to report problems to DIGITAL. General Problems • You are not licensed for DEC/EDI on server nodename: . This message may be displayed when running any of the CommandCenter editors or when using the version of Cockpit from the CommandCenter kit. The license allowing you to use the CommandCenter with this Server has expired or has not been installed. See the DEC/EDI: Installation book for information on installing the CommandCenter license. • Failed to read mapper Compiler results: No such file or directory. This may be proceeded by the screen briefly blanking out and redrawing. This error may occur only when compiling Mapping Tables by using the Mapping Table editor contained within the CommandCenter. This means the Win32s kit hasn't been installed. After you have completed this, you can test this by compiling one of the example Mapping Table files shipped for use with the Mapping Table editor. See the help provided with the Mapping Table editor for more details of how to do this. • Using to abort Cockpit or CommandCenter. There are situations where the Cockpit or CommandCenter can hang the DEC/EDI Server. These occur when either Cockpit or one of the CommandCenter editors has been aborted abnormally, either by a fault in the code, by you having pressed , or by some other abnormal exit. It is recommended that you avoid using to abort the applications whilst they are reading the DEC/EDI Server database. In this situation, if the application was in the middle of an operation, links to the Server will still be active, waiting for the application to terminate the transaction explicitly. Starting the application again does not clear this. The result may be a protected read lock on the DEC/EDI Server database which may affect the components of the DEC/EDI Server eventually. Rdb If this occurs, you should restart Windows on your PC to release the offending network links that may be holding locks. OnLine If you have enabled the INFORMIX-NET ConnChecker function by using the setup utility, these outstanding links should be recovered, when the ConnChecker next runs. Enabling this feature is described in the INFORMIX-NET for Windows Configuration Guide, Version 5.01. If you have not already enabled this feature, you should do so now. You should restart your PC for these changes to take effect. • Problems running several CommandCenter editors. The CommandCenter does not place any explicit limitations on the number of separate editors you can run concurrently. However, in practice, there are limitations that you may reach. As you run any Windows application, you consume various Windows resources. Windows places a fixed limit on certain resources that the Cockpit and CommandCenter editors use in common with other applications. It is possible for you to attempt to exceed the available resources by running many applications. However, there is no simple method of predicting the point at which resources will run out. To help avoid Windows resource problems, it is recommended that you try not to run more than two CommandCenter editors at the same time. Also, avoid running too many other applications at the same time as running the Cockpit or CommandCenter. Error When Connecting to Server Normally seen when attempting to log on when the Port Server has not been started. Startup the Port Server and try again. DIGITAL UNIX Server - Problem Solving In general, these sections of problems are reported by the DEC/EDI Network Tester. TCP/IP Network Interface related Problems • `Error when connecting to Server' `The specified address is not available from the local machine' You will receive this error message when attempting to connect to the Server, if you have not manually added the decedi_csg service to the services file on your PC. You must add this entry to the services file prior to connecting to the DEC/EDI Server, as described in Network Tester on page 9-37. ObjectBroker-related Problems • 'File Error' Cannot find OBB.DLL. Possibly followed by other file not found messages. This indicates ObjectBroker has not been installed. Either install ObjectBroker or use the TCP/IP interface. • OBB_INV_HOSTNOTFND (e), A host node could not be found to execute the request. One of the following may be true: – The DEC/EDI Server node (the host node) does not exist. – You typed the wrong Server node name. – The Server node is not switched on or started up. – The Server node does not have ObjectBroker installed. – ObjectBroker is not started on the Server. – One of the ObjectBroker Server processes started for DEC/EDI has failed on the Server, because of a problem on the Server. This error can also occur if you have insufficient network links. See the description of TRANSERR below. • OBB_INV_NOTAUTHORIZED (e), Client user is not authorized to access server. ObjectBroker on the Server has not been configured to allow your PC to access the system. Refer to DEC/EDI: User's Guide for details on how to correct this. • OBB_INV_TRANSERR (e), Transport error `No buffer space available'. This indicates that your PC has run out of network links and cannot provide an extra one that ObjectBroker now requires. You should either shut down other applications which are already running, and which are using network links, or you can increase the number of network links your PC can provide. Details of creating extra links on your PC vary depending on the networking software that you are using on your PC. Refer to the documentation for your networking software for details on how to increase the number of network links. You should expect to have to reboot your PC for any changes to take effect. If you are using Pathworks to provide your network layer, you can increase network resources (at the expense of some conventional memory) as follows: – Use Notepad to open the file c:\pw\pwtcp.ini. (You may have installed your Pathworks files in a different directory to this one). – Find the line that defines the number of network links, as in the following example: TCPMaxSock = 8 ; max tcp connections – Increase the value (set to 8 in this example) to the number of links you want, and save the file. – Restart your network. • OBB_INV_CNTGETHOSTID (e), Can't get host ID. " LOCALHOST" is missing from the hosts file. This usually occurs on systems without DNS. ODBC-related Problems OnLine... • Data Source name not found and no default driver specified. This means the Server datasource needs to be configured with ODBC. Do this by selecting the Server | Define menu option from any of the CommandCenter editors or the Cockpit. Select to edit the datasource and select OK. This will cause the datasource to be configured automatically. If you specified the User Defined database type for this Server, then you need to configure the ODBC datasource manually. See the section in Post Installation tasks for details of how to do this. • Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. Error on Network connection, getserverbyname [WSANO_DATA] system call failed. If you are using PATHWORKS to provide the TCP/IP network layer, then this means an entry is not added or is incorrectly added to the services file. • Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. Error on Network connection, gethostbyname [WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND] system call failed. The Network tester is unable to connect to the host server. Try using the ping utility to communicate with the host. • If ping is successful, check you have the correct server nodename address. Select the Server | Define menu option from any of the CommandCenter functions or the Cockpit, and select to edit the datasource. • Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. Error on network connection, unknown connection problem. One common reason for this problem is that the server account referenced by the CommandCenter does not have access to the DEC/EDI database. You have to run decedi_config, select the Modify Database Users option and add the user account as a database user. • Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. User's password is not correct for the database server. The password specified in the Log onto Server screen is incorrect. Check the password was entered with the correct case, for example, check the Caps Lock key isn't on when it shouldn't be. Check the password matches the password for the account on the Server. • Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. User is not known on remote host. The account being used to connect to the server in the Log onto Server screen is incorrect. Check the username is entered with the correct case, for example, check the Caps Lock key isn't on when it shouldn't be. Check the username matches the account name on the Server. • The system hangs after selecting the ODBC button. One of the following may be true: – If using PATHWORKS, this could be because the entry in the network services file is incorrect and does not match that on the Server. – The INFORMIX OnLine database server is not started on the Server node. Refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guide for details of starting the INFORMIX OnLine database server. • Can't find file: WINSOCK.DLL. If you are using PATHWORKS, this means that the specified PATHWORKS file cannot be accessed. This could be due to one of the following: – PATHWORKS has not been installed. Install PATHWORKS. – The environment variable PATH does not include the PATHWORKS directory (usually c:\pw). Edit the file autoexec.bat and add the pathworks directory to the end of the PATH statement. If you are not using PATHWORKS, this file should still be provided by other network packages. Check whether they have been installed correctly. • Driver's SQLSet ConnectOption failed Driver not capable No connect permission. The ODBC account on the Server does not have permission to access the database. Use the decedi_config utility on the server to give it permission. Refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guide for more information. ...OnLine For information on troubleshooting other ODBC problems, refer to the INFORMIX-NET for Windows Configuration Guide, Version 5.01. Rdb... • Trying to attach to a database or table causes Windows to crash, exit to DOS, or reboot. Pathworks has not been defined as the network in Windows setup. Run Windows setup either from Windows or from DOS. Make sure the network is set to Pathworks. • Trying to attach to a database or table fails with the message: [MICROSOFT][ODBC DLL]Driver's SQLAllocConnect failed. [MICROSOFT][ODBC DLL]Driver's SQLAllocConnect failed. [DEC][ODBC]Unsupported version of SQL/Services Client DLL. Multiple versions or the wrong version of sqsapiw.dll are present on the PC. Ensure that only one version of sqsapiw.dll is present on the PC and resides in the \windows\system directory. If necessary, copy sqsapiw.dll directly from the installation diskette to the \windows\system directory. • Trying to attach to a database or table fails with native error code -2035. This is a SQL/Services error that usually results when the corresponding SQL server on the DEC/EDI Server system has failed. This usually means that SQL/Services is incorrectly installed on the Server. • Attach fails with the error -2032. [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]%SQLSRV-F-NO_CLS, Invalid Class Name. An undefined SQL/Services class name was specified when the data source was configured on the PC via the ODBC Administrator. • Attach fails with the error -2003. [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]Network Error:Suberror code is 3. This occurs when SQL/Services is not running. [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]Network Error:Suberror code is 60. This occurs when the network link times out, usually as a result of the SQL/Services server crashing. Client not authorized to access database. ...Rdb The username supplied via ODBC is not authorized to access the database. Ensure that the user has an account on the server and has enough privileges to access the DEC/EDI database. OpenVMS Server - Problem Solving In general, these sections of problems are reported by the DEC/EDI Network Tester. ODBC-related problems Pathworks error #0 This usually occurs if SQL/Services is not running on the OpenVMS system, or the node name is not defined in the Pathworks DECnet database. To define a node in the DECnet database, use the MSDOS prompt to run NCP: ncp ncp> define node name name ncp> exit is the network address, for example 23.345; name is the DECnet nodename. Do not use Pathworks NCP for Windows; this only defines the node in the V5 database and not the V4 database as read by SQL/Services. This is true of Pathworks V5.0A and may not be true of later versions. Pathworks error #3 Pathworks error #3 EREMNODESHUT Remote node requested shutdown This usually means that your PC believes that SQL/Services has shutdown on your Server. This is not always the case. Verify that SQL/Services has indeed shutdown on your Server. Look for a process called SQLSRV$SERVER, if it does not exist then get your System Manager to start it up with: @SYS$STARTUP:SQLSRV$STARTUP Driver not capable This means you have installed other software on your PC since ODBC installation, and it has disturbed the DEC/EDI settings. A more likely cause is that your ODBC kit is too old, in which case you should obtain the latest kit, and reinstall. Pathworks has not been defined as the network in Windows setup Run Windows setup either from Windows or from DOS. Make sure the network is set to Pathworks. This only applies to Pathworks DECnet or TCP/IP. Unsupported version of SQL/Services Client DLL Trying to attach to a database or table fails with the message: [MICROSOFT][ODBC DLL]Driver's SQLAllocConnect failed. [DEC][ODBC]Unsupported version of SQL/Services Client DLL. Multiple version or the wrong version of SQSAPIW.DLL are present on the PC. Ensure that only one version of SQSAPIW.DLL is present on the PC and resides in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If necessary, copy SQSAPIW.DLL directly from the installation diskette to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Trying to attach to a database or table fails with native error code -2035 This is a SQL/Services error which usually results when the Server on the VMS system has died. This usually means that SQL/Services was never installed correctly on the VMS machine. On the VMS machine, examine SYS$STARTUP:SQLSRV$.LOG and any logs in the default SQL /Services account for the cause of the problems. Invalid Class Name [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]%SQLSRV-F-NO_CLS, Invalid Class Name An undefined SQL/Services class name was specified when the data source was configured on the PC via the ODBC Administrator. Another potential reason is that you are running SQL /Services standard version which expects GENERIC as the class, or SQL/Services multi version, which expects V61 etc. as the class name. Suberror code is n [DEC][ODBC] [Rdb]Network Error: Suberror code is nn This is usually a Pathworks error where nn = the Pathworks error code. The error codes can be found in the Pathworks files errno.h (for DECNET) or sock_err.h (for TCP/IP). Some of the more common errors are: • [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]Network Error: Suberror code is 3 This occurs when SQL/Services is not running. • [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]Network Error: Suberror code is 49 This occurs when the target DECNET node is not defined on the PC. • [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]Network Error: Suberror code is 60 This occurs when pathworks times out, usually as a result of the SQL/Services Server crashing. Client not authorized to access database The username supplied via ODBC is not authorized to access the database. Ensure the user has an account on the Server and has enough privileges to access the DEC/EDI database. ObjectBroker-related problems CNTGETHOSTID CORBA_INITIALIZE OBB_INV_CNTGETHOSTID (e), Cannot retrieve host identifier This applies to DECnet PC nodes only. Pathworks maintains a database of nodenames that it knows, but doesn't actually know the name of the node itself. You need to define the node in the database: ncp ncp> define node name name ncp> exit NOTAUTHORIZED CORBA_NO_IMPLEMENT OBB_INV_HOSTNOTFND (e), A host node could not be found to execute the request. OBB_INV_NOTAUTHORIZED (e), Client user is not authorized to access server. Your PC is not authorized to access the DEC/EDI GUI Server. On your Server system check you have proxy with: $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> SHOW PROXY Local User Remote User Remote Host ---------- ----------- ---- ------- SMITH Default PCNODE If you do not have an entry list for your PC, use the following command: $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> add proxy user/remote=(user=*,host=pcnode) Replace user and pcnode with the username (for example DECEDI) and PC nodename you intend to use. KEYNOTFND CORBA_NO_IMPLEMENT OBB_INV_HOSTNOTFND (e), A host node could not be found to execute the request. OBB_REG_KEYNOTFND (e), Could not find key `Implementations\Definitions\706b8f34c138.0c.b1.a8. .00'. Your DEC/EDI GUI Server is not registered on your Server node. Use the following command to register the Server: $ @DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$CONFIGURE_ACAS Getting More Information The following sections provide suggestions on getting more information about problems that you may be experiencing. These assist more experienced users to diagnose less common problems. The DEC/EDI Error Log Each of the different components of the DEC/EDI Server is capable of reporting informational and error messages in the DEC/EDI Error Log file. The information in this file is stored in a coded format, and you need to use special tools to look at its content. The normal means of viewing the Error Log is to use the Cockpit. However, until you have a correctly operating Cockpit installation, this is not possible. If you are unable to get Cockpit to work, perhaps because you have not completed some element of its configuration, it is possible that the Error Log contains important information that can assist you in diagnosing any problems. If you suspect the Error Log may contain such information, the Server contains a simple utility to allow you to look at the Error Log. DIGITAL UNIX On the DIGITAL UNIX Server this utility is called decedi_look. For more information on using this utility, refer to its man page entry on the Server: # man decedi_look Open VMS On a OpenVMS Server use @DECEDI$LOOK.ObjectBroker Tracing You must shut down Windows to achieve this. Once Windows has been shut down, issue the following commands at the MS-DOS prompt: C:\> set OBB_TRACE_FLAGS=RTS C:\> set OBB_TRACE=C:\OBBTRACE.LOG This causes a trace file to be generated (c:\obbtrace.log). Remember to remove these environment variables when you have finished tracing: C:\> set OBB_TRACE_FLAGS= C:\> set OBB_TRACE= ODBC Tracing Use the Microsoft ODBC administrator. This resides in the Control Panel. Run the ODBC administrator and do the following: • Select Options. • Select the Trace ODBC Calls option. • Choose a file to be used to store the trace information - click on the Select File... button. This creates a trace file detailing ODBC activity for each function call or request that uses ODBC. Remember to turn tracing off when you no longer need it. SQL/Services Tracing Rdb... SQL/Services tracing provides a detailed log of all individual SQL database functions executed. To enable SQL/Services tracing, use an editor, such as Notepad, to open the following file: \WINDOWS\SQSAPIW.INI Enable client logging by removing the semi-colon (;) comment mark before the line: ClientLogging=7 You should restart Windows for this change to take effect. This generates a file called CLIENT.LOG which details all the SQL/Services calls made. ...Rdb Reverse the change to SQSAPIW.INI when you no longer need tracing. You should restart Windows for this to be effective. Network Tester The Cockpit has a network testing option which is used by clicking-on the Network Tester icon to enable the facility. A menu-driven series of simple prompts take you through the test process. Note that you will need to know the identity of the server that you will be addressing. Error Messages The following error message may occur if decedi_csg is not defined in the "services" file, or if the port number for decedi_csg is not compatible with the port number defined on the server. Error when connecting to Server' The specified address is not available from the local machine If this occurs, you will need to modify the SERVICE file to add the correct Port number. The line to be added is as follows: decedi_csg /tcp # DEC/EDI GUI for example: decedi_csg 5152/tcp # DEC/EDI GUI Where the Port Number is as you recorded during the configuration described in DEC/EDI Services TCP/IP Port Numbers on page 3-4. Tip Use the Find File facility to locate the SERVICES file, and use Notepad to add the line with the Port Number. TCP/IP Tracing If you are using the TCP/IP network interface rather than ObjectBroker, you may trace the requests and traffic between the PC and your Server into log files on both the PC and Server. After defining the server uing the simple menu options provided, select the TCP/IP Test button from the next menu. The test is carried out automatically and a successful test result is reported. In the event of a failure, use the error message and the log file to establish the cause of the problem. Reporting Problems If an error occurs while DEC/EDI Cockpit or CommandCenter is being used, and you believe the error is caused by a problem with one of these DEC/EDI components, take one of the following actions: • If you have a BASIC or DECsupport Software Agreement, you should call your Customer Support Center. (With these services, you receive telephone support that provides high-level advisory and remedial assistance.) • If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). • If you have purchased DEC/EDI CommandCenter or Cockpit within the past 90 days and you think the problem is caused by a software error, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). Chapter 10 UNIX System Verification Introduction This chapter describes how to verify that the installed system configuration is functioning correctly, and how to identify and correct common problems. Scope and Purpose This chapter takes the form of a self-paced tutorial that is designed to introduce you directly to setting up and using DEC/EDI after your system has been installed. The examples are designed to minimise the amount of data entry that you have to perform, and provide an overview of DEC/EDI. The tutorial takes you quickly through the significant stages from starting with a newly installed and unconfigured DEC/EDI system, to exchanging and tracking documents between two hypothetical trading partners. As such, the activities it involves mirror many that will become familiar in live trading with partners either inside or outside your organization. The example in this section installs the EDIFACT 90.1 standard, along with data labels of a specific format, which are used to identify EDI elements within the mapping process. If your DEC/EDI system already has EDIFACT 90.1 installed, check with your DEC/EDI administrator to make sure that you are not going to affect the existing system. The tutorial introduces you to the following activities: • Verification that the DEC/EDI Server software and its pre-requisites have been successfully installed, and may be successfully started up and shut down. • The use of both local and remote Application Client systems to communicate with the DEC/EDI Server. • The use of PC-based Cockpit and CommandCenter installations to communicate with the DEC/EDI Server. • Configuration of the DEC/EDI Server with EDI Standards and Trading Partner profile details, and the use of the Import/Export communications gateway. • The compilation of a Mapping Table and its installation on the Server. • Monitoring the DEC/EDI Server to ensure it is able to correctly send, receive and process application files and EDI transmissions. • Basic housekeeping of the DEC/EDI Server, by archiving data that has been successfully processed. The files described and used in this tutorial are provided as part of the DEC/EDI software installation. Beyond the Scope and Purpose The tutorial is not a detailed exercise in the more advanced aspects of system configuration, Mapping Table development, and application integration with DEC/EDI. When you want to know more about any topic addressed by this tutorial, or any other queries, refer to the appropriate sections of the related books DEC/EDI: Application Development and the DEC/EDI: User's Guides (DIGITAL UNIX and OpenVMS). Overview The example in this tutorial covers the hypothetical case where your company, DEC Direct UK Ltd, is sending invoices to another company called Shiny New Systems. In the outgoing case, you pretend to be DEC Direct UK Ltd which is sending the invoice. You have agreed with your Trading Partner, Shiny New Systems, that you will use a subset of the EDIFACT 90.1 INVOIC message which you have defined. To distinguish it from the message on which it is based, you have named the message subset MINVOX. In the incoming case, you pretend to be Shiny New Systems which is receiving the invoice. You have agreed to receive and process the MINVOX subset of the EDIFACT 90.1 INVOIC message from your Trading Partner, DEC Direct UK Ltd. An Example Application File There is an example application file that has come from your business application, which is provided as part of the DEC/EDI software installation. The file is provided with the DEC/EDI Application Client subset, in the DEC/EDI examples directory: /usr/examples/decedi/client/minvox_o.dat The file is also provided with the CommandCenter, in the directory specified during the installation process. You may use this to examine the structure of the file whilst developing the Mapping Table, or to create a copy of the file on the Application Client system. The Application File contains some of the data to be sent in the MINVOX message. Before sending the message to your Trading Partner, the file needs to be processed to produce an EDI format message that can be sent to your Trading Partner. The following steps are involved in this process and are performed by separate components of the DEC/EDI server system: • Mapping — An intermediate file known as the Internal Format File is generated using data from the Application File. Some of the values in the Internal Format file are automatically generated, or calculated from other values or variables. This step is performed by the Mapper. • Conversion — The Internal Format File is converted into an EDI format message. This step is performed by the EDIFACT Converter. • Transmission File Building — One or more EDI format messages are placed in an EDI Transmission File, which is then ready to be sent to your Trading Partner. This step is performed by the EDIFACT Transmission File Builder. Preparation Task Summary The following list broadly summarizes the tasks you need to complete before attempting the client examples: • Install the prerequisite software and EDI definitions • Configure the client • Set up the server • Compile the example mapping tables • Create trading partner profiles • Start DEC/EDI • Build and replace the profile cache The following sections tell you what to do in detail. A: Installing the Software and EDI Definitions 1. Install the prerequisite software in accordance with the DEC/EDI: Software Product Description (SPD). 2. Install the DEC/EDI Client and Server. (These may be on different systems). For example, if you are installing from CD-ROM: # /usr/sbin/setld -l /cdrom Where /cdrom is the mount point of the CD-ROM device. The following subsets are required for use in this tutorial: It is recommended that you also install the Man page subsets for future reference, though these are not required for this example. Table 10-1 Remote Client Installation Subset DEDIBASE320 DEDICLT320 Description DEC/EDI Base DEC/EDI Client Table 10-2 Server and Local Client Installation Subset DEDIBASE320 DEDICLT320 DEDISERV320 DEDIAMSGBASE320 DEDIAMSGEDIF320 Description DEC/EDI Base DEC/EDI Client DEC/EDI Server DEC/EDI Message Updates Base DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files 3. Install the DEC/EDI Message Update Service kit. This is achieved by installing the Message Updates base subset, and the IMPDEF subsets for the standards required. This example uses the EDIFACT IMPDEF files. Ensure that the subset is installed by enetering the following command: # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep DEDIAMSGEDIF320 Enter the following command: # decedi_must From the menu, select EDIFACT 901, to install the definitions that are used in this example. If there are any other EDI standards that you wish to install, it is recommended that you do so at this stage, while the DEC/EDI Server is not in use. 4. Create the MINVOX Definition Install data labels for the EDIFACT 90.1 standard and create the private MINVOX document definition. Run the DEC/EDI Data Label Generator: # /usr/sbin/decedi_dlg -s=EDIFACT -v=901 -f=ID 5. Create the private MINVOX definition by using the DEC/EDI CommandCenter EDI Tables Editor on a PC connected to the Server. a From the "Getting Started" menu, select the "Manage Documents" option b From the "Getting Started - Documents" menu, select the option to edit an existing document saved in a file on the PC. c From within the Open dialog, select, and press Open. d You will be prompted to log on to the Server. Enter the defined server name, your user name and password to log on to the server. e Click on the Save to Server icon, or select the menu option Server..Save to save the document to the current server. f You will be informed that the document is not currently associated with any server, and will be asked to confirm that it should be saved to the specified server. Click Yes to confirm, and then exit from the EDI tables editor. g You will be asked about the tables cache, you do not need to rebuild it at this stage. Click Continue to exit from the EDI tables editor. B: Configuring the Client The DEC/EDI Client may be run either locally, that is, on the same node as the DEC/EDI Server, or remotely on a different node. Configure Network Interface Configure the DEC/EDI Client and Server either for a TCP/IP only connection, or for the use of ObjectBroker. 1. On the DEC/EDI Server, run the DEC/EDI configuration utility: # /usr/sbin/decedi_config 2. Configure the chosen network interface, using one of the following options: – Configure TCP/IP Client/Server link, or – Configure ObjectBroker Confirm that you wish to use the chosen interface for local client access. If using ObjectBroker, specify the server OBB_LOCAL, to use the local application client. 3. If using a remote client, repeat steps 1 and 2 on the remote client node, ensuring that you select the same network interface as you configured on the DEC/EDI Server. If using ObjectBroker, specify the server node name. If using the TCP/IP network interface, add the server node name to the Server configuration file. 4. On the DEC/EDI Server node, modify the database users to register any users other than the decedi account. Select the following option – Modify Database Users Informix, Oracle Rdb This must be a valid existing user account on the DEC/EDI Server node. Oracle 7 The account is registered with the Oracle 7 server. It does not have to be the same as any existing user accounts. 5. If using ObjectBroker on a remote client, make sure that the client node is proxied into the decedi account, by entering the following command on the DEC/EDI Server: # obbshpxy # obbadpxy -h client.nodename -u '*' decedi On the remote client node, make sure that the server node is proxied into the user account under which you will run the client examples. This is normally your own user account, provided you are authorized to use ObjectBroker. # obbshpxy # obbadpxy -h server.nodename -u '*' your-username If this is the first time this node has been defined, you will be prompted for whether files should be copied between the application client and the server, or should be shared. If you are using an application client on the same node as the server, i.e. the "local" application client, files are normally shared, otherwise they are normally copied. These are the default options. Click OK to confirm. Register the Client Applications To configure the DEC/EDI Server for DIGITAL UNIX, you must use the DEC/EDI CommandCenter on a remote PC. Use the CommandCenter Management Services Editor to register the client applications. If the client and server are on the same node, then simply enter the server node name. 1. Select the Getting Started option, Configure Applications. 2. Select Create a new application. 3. Enter DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD as the Application Name. You will be asked to log in to the server that you should have already configured in the CommandCenter. If you have not already defined a server for the CommandCenter, do so now. Enter your server password. 4. Select the tabbed dialog, Node. 5. Click on the Add button. You will be prompted for the name of the node on which this client application is located. Enter the node name and select Ok. 6. Select the Details tabbed dialog, and click on the Add button. 7. Repeat steps 3 to 5, but this time, use the application name, SHINY- NEW-SYSTEMS. You use this application when you pretend to be SHINY-NEW- SYSTEMS, and fetch the files that were sent by the partner, DEC- DIRECT-UK-LTD. 8. Save these application details by clicking on the Save button. You will be prompted to build and replace the cache. You should wait until all of the server data has been configured. Define Services You need to define and start the services that you need to use. To do this: 1. From the CommandCenter, select the Management Services Editor, and define the following services: – EDIFACT/ODETTE Services – Import/Export Gateway 2. You will be prompted to log into the server, so enter the server name and your password details. C: Compiling the Mapping Tables Load and compile the Mapping Tables using the CommandCenter Mapping Table Editor. These tables are supplied with the CommandCenter. Alternatively, you may like a more detailed look at how these are created, so that you can create a mapping table for your own future needs. For detailed steps in creating the incoming and outgoing Mapping tables used by this example, refer to the next two chapters in this part of the book, Creating an Incoming Mapping Table and Creating an Outgoing Mapping Table. If you choose to use the supplied mapping tables, complete the following: 1. Select the Getting Started option, Load Sample Incoming Mapping Table and select MINVOX_I. 2. Compile this table by selecting Compile option from the Mapping menu. 3. When the table has compiled successfully, copy it to the server by clicking on Ok in the Copy to Server window that pops up. 4. Repeat the above procedure for the MINVOX_O table. Note that this sample table can also be loaded from the File menu. D: Defining Gateway and Connection Use the CommandCenter Communications Editor to define: • The gateway: Import/Export • The connection: CVP_E Defining the Gateways: 1. From the "Getting Started" dialog, select the Edit Gateway Parameters option. ? You will be prompted to log on to the Server. Enter the defined server name, your user name and password to log on to the server. 2. Within the Select Connections dialog, specify the connection ID CVP_E and click on OK. 3. From the Edit Gateways dialog, select Import/Export Gateway 4. Within the Import/Export Gateway details dialog, leave the connection error limit as 20, and specify the following locations: Import /var/adm/decedi/impexp Export /var/adm/decedi/impexp 5. Click on Save, and then Close the Edit Gateways dialog Creating the Connections 1. You will be presented with a list of gateways and connections, with the caption "Filtered by: CVP_E" 2. Click on the line "IMPEXP Disabled Stopped", and from the Edit menu, select Add->Connection. Enter the Connection ID: CVP_E and click on OK 3. Set the syntax to EDIFACT by selecting it from the drop-down menu 4. Select the "Delete" option within the "Action on Import" box. 5. Within the Operating system commands, select the Post-Export option, and enter the following text: /usr/examples/decedi/server/ #EXPFIL #EXPLOC #IMPLOC #CONN This enables the "loopback" example script, which is run automatically each time a transmission file is exported through the CVP_E connection. This script renames the transmission file and re-imports it back through the CVP_E connection. This is useful for testing bidirectional agreements, as used in this example. Enabling the Gateway and Connection 1. Select the CVP_E connection, and cick on the Enable/Disable button, or select the Enable option from the Operations menu. 2. Select the IMPEXP Gateway, and click on the Enable/Disable button, or select the Enable option from the Operations menu. Ignore the message from the GUI Server about a gateway of this type not running, as the DEC/EDI Server has not yet been restarted. 3. Exit from the Communications Editor. E: Adding Trading Partner Profiles Use the CommandCenter Trading Partner Editor to add profiles for SHINY-NEW-SYSTEMS and DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD. When you post a file to a trading partner using this example, you pretend to be the company, DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD, and your trading partner is SHINY-NEW-SYSTEMS. When you want to fetch files, you pretend be SHINY-NEW-SYSTEMS, collecting files sent from your partner, DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD. Thus you need to create two trading partner profiles, each detailing the document, MINVOICE, that you will exchange with the partner. 1. Enter the Trading Partner Editor and select the Trading Partner Wizard to create or edit Trading Partners. The Trading Partner Wizard is a quick way to create up to two trading partners and their agreements by entering the minimum amount of information. You will be asked to log in to the server, so enter the server name and your password details. 2. On the Trading Partner Wizard window, check the box marked, Create two Trading Partners and their Agreements, and enter the following information: Trading Partner Application Template Application Interchange ID Partner Interchange ID Connection Direction Outgoing Document Incoming Document SHINY-NEW-SYSTEMS DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD Use the default supplied, DEFAULT.INI and select the option to create two trading partners and their agreements DDUK SNS CVP_E Take the default, Bidirectional Browse and select, MINVOICE Browse and select, MINVOICE After entering the above information, select OK. You will then see your two new trading partners in a list. 3. Expand the list by clicking on the boxes checked with the letter X in them to see the agreement, document and connection defined for each trading partner. 4. Select any of these to verify that the details you entered are correct and to have a look at the other information that can be entered for Trading Partner agreements. 5. Finally, select the Cache option to Build and Replace the cache. F: Restart the DEC/EDI Server Shut down and restart the DEC/EDI Server, to ensure that the EDIFACT and Import/Export components are restarted, and that the new profile cache becomes effective. The commands are as follow: # decedi_stop # decedi_start G: Running the Examples Sending the Document Application Client Node 1. 1. Select a local user account from which to run the examples, and ensure that account is authorized for DEC/EDI database access. # decedi_config 2. Select the option - Modify Database Users. Check that the user is in the list. Oracle 7 Local user accounts must be prefixed by the name ops$ Informix, Oracle Rdb You may need to set the database path or version from within the .login, .cshrc or .profile of the account. Log into the user account, and change directory to a scratch directory which has its protection set, so it can be written to by the decedi account. Copy the following files from the DEC/EDI examples directory, located at /usr/examples/decedi/client to your local Client directory: minvox_in.dat minvox_out.dat 3. Rename minvox_in.dat to original_minvox_in.dat mv minvox_in.dat original_minvox_in.dat 4. Use the Cockpit to monitor the progress of the MINVOX invoice document you will be sending. Before sending the document, start the Cockpit so you can monitor its progress.From the "Getting Started" dialog, select the option to obtain a summary of Documents and Transmission Files on your DEC/EDI Server. In the Summary View dialog, check that the default server name is the one you have defined, and select the Date Range tab, click on Today and press OK. You will be prompted to log on to the Server. Enter the defined server name, your user name and password to log on to the server. Select Summary..Options and in the Summary Options dialog, select the display of both Inbound and Outbound documents and transmissions, and select Auto-updates every 1 minute. This will show a number of status bars within the Cockpit summary view. Resize the Cockpit window do you can see all the totals, if possible. In the summary view, a green LED icon indicates no failures, a yellow LED icon indicates no further failures since the last update, and a red LED icon indicates one or more documents or transmission files have failed since the last update. A black vertical bar on the status bar indicates the value prior to the last update, so you can monitor any changes. Keep the Cockpit window active, and in a separate terminal window send the example document to DEC/EDI 5. Send the document to DEC/EDI: trade post DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD -priority=high spec_of_minvox_out.dat \table_name=minvox_o This will send the transmission file immediately it has been built, and automatically reimport it, using the "loopback" example script. Cockpit, CommandCenter 6. Use the Cockpit to monitor the progress of the documents and transmission files on the system. When they reach a status of Purgeable/Cancelled, the archive process will periodically remove them from the Current audit trail, and place them in the Archive audit trail. This is normal behaviour. Eventually a document should appear with a status of Available. Double- Click on the Available status bar, and in the Coose Summary Category dialog, click OK to view the Application ID. The Application ID should be SHINY-NEW-SYSTEMS.This means that the document is now available for fetching by the SHINY-NEW- SYSTEMS application. Server Node Once the document is available, you may fetch the application file by issuing a TRADE FETCH command: trade fetch SHINY-NEW-SYSTEMS minvox_in.dat - table_name=minvox_i 7. Compare the fetched document with expected output using the following: diff minvox_in.dat original_minvox_in.dat Network Tester The Cockpit has a network testing option which is used by clicking-on the Network Tester icon to enable the facility. A menu-driven series of simple prompts take you through the test process. Note that you will need to know the identity of the server that you will be addressing. Error Messages The following error message may occur if decedi_csg is not defined in the "services" file, or if the port number for decedi_csg is not compatible with the port number defined on the server. Error when connecting to Server' The specified address is not available from the local machine If this occurs, you will need to modify the SERVICE file to add the correct Port number. The line to be added is as follows: DECEDI_CSG /TCP Where the Port Number is as you recorded during the configuration described in DEC/EDI Services TCP/IP Port Numbers on page 3-4. Tip Use the Find File facility to locate the SERVICES file, and use Notepad to add the line with the Port Number. Troubleshooting Common Problems Tracing in the TCP/IP Client/Server Interface The aim of the tracing is to aid users and field service personel in tracing what is going on during a TCP/IP exchange so that errors due to misconfiguration can be easily detected. Environment Tracing will be controlled by the environment variable DECEDI_TCP_TRACE, which is assigned a string. The string is composed of a series of letters, each letter identifying a particular component of the exchange that needs to be traced. The letters currectly supported are: `A' : Switch on all trace options available `C' : Trace children: Specific to the port server. This lists when children are created or reused, and to which child a request is rerouted. `P' : Trace protocol: List the protocol messages sent and received. `S' : Trace services: ? On the client side this reports which server nodes and services are attempted to be contacted. ? On the server side this reports which clients made contact to which services. `T' : Trace traffic: List the size of messages being sent or received. This would normally be used in conjunction with `P'. The reason for two is that `P' is traced as soon as we send or receive the message header, whilst the `T' cant be done until be have completed sending or receiving the data. To trace everything you could set DECEDI_TCP_TRACE to "A" or to "CPST". Each process involved in the TCP/IP linkage does its own tracing to its own trace log. The log file being: /var/adm/decedi/logs/tcp_trace_.log ObjectBroker-related Problems • 'File Error' Cannot find OBB.DLL. Possibly followed by other file not found messages. This indicates ObjectBroker has not been installed. Either install ObjectBroker or use the TCP/IP interface. • OBB_INV_HOSTNOTFND (e), A host node could not be found to execute the request. One of the following may be true: – The DEC/EDI Server node (the host node) does not exist. – You typed the wrong Server node name. – The Server node is not switched on or started up. – The Server node does not have ObjectBroker installed. – ObjectBroker is not started on the Server. – One of the ObjectBroker Server processes started for DEC/EDI has failed on the Server, because of a problem on the Server. This error can also occur if you have insufficient network links. See the description of TRANSERR below. • OBB_INV_NOTAUTHORIZED (e), Client user is not authorized to access server. ObjectBroker on the Server has not been configured to allow your PC to access the system. Refer to DEC/EDI: User's Guide for details on how to correct this. • OBB_INV_TRANSERR (e), Transport error `No buffer space available'. This indicates that your PC has run out of network links and cannot provide an extra one that ObjectBroker now requires. You should either shut down other applications which are already running, and which are using network links, or you can increase the number of network links your PC can provide. Details of creating extra links on your PC vary depending on the networking software that you are using on your PC. Refer to the documentation for your networking software for details on how to increase the number of network links. You should expect to have to reboot your PC for any changes to take effect. If you are using Pathworks to provide your network layer, you can increase network resources (at the expense of some conventional memory) as follows: – Use Notepad to open the file c:\pw\pwtcp.ini. (You may have installed your Pathworks files in a different directory to this one). – Find the line that defines the number of network links, as in the following example: TCPMaxSock = 8 ; max tcp connections – Increase the value (set to 8 in this example) to the number of links you want, and save the file. – Restart your network. • OBB_INV_CNTGETHOSTID (e), Can't get host ID. " LOCALHOST" is missing from the hosts file. This usually occurs on systems without DNS. ODBC-related Problems OnLine... • Data Source name not found and no default driver specified. This means the Server datasource needs to be configured with ODBC. Do this by selecting the Server | Define menu option from any of the CommandCenter editors or the Cockpit. Select to edit the datasource and select OK. This will cause the datasource to be configured automatically. If you specified the User Defined database type for this Server, then you need to configure the ODBC datasource manually. See the section in Post Installation tasks for details of how to do this. • Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. Error on Network connection, getserverbyname [WSANO_DATA] system call failed. If you are using PATHWORKS to provide the TCP/IP network layer, then this means an entry is not added or is incorrectly added to the services file. • Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. Error on Network connection, gethostbyname [WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND] system call failed. The Network tester is unable to connect to the host server. Try using the ping utility to communicate with the host. • If ping is successful, check you have the correct server nodename address. Select the Server | Define menu option from any of the CommandCenter functions or the Cockpit, and select to edit the datasource. • Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. Error on network connection, unknown connection problem. One common reason for this problem is that the server account referenced by the CommandCenter does not have access to the DEC/EDI database. You have to run decedi_config, select the Modify Database Users option and add the user account as a database user. • Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. User's password is not correct for the database server. The password specified in the Log onto Server screen is incorrect. Check the password was entered with the correct case, for example, check the Caps Lock key isn't on when it shouldn't be. Check the password matches the password for the account on the Server. • Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. User is not known on remote host. The account being used to connect to the server in the Log onto Server screen is incorrect. Check the username is entered with the correct case, for example, check the Caps Lock key isn't on when it shouldn't be. Check the username matches the account name on the Server. • The system hangs after selecting the ODBC button. One of the following may be true: – If using PATHWORKS, this could be because the entry in the network services file is incorrect and does not match that on the Server. – The INFORMIX OnLine database server is not started on the Server node. Refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guide for details of starting the INFORMIX OnLine database server. • Can't find file: WINSOCK.DLL. If you are using PATHWORKS, this means that the specified PATHWORKS file cannot be accessed. This could be due to one of the following: – PATHWORKS has not been installed. Install PATHWORKS. – The environment variable PATH does not include the PATHWORKS directory (usually c:\pw). Edit the file autoexec.bat and add the pathworks directory to the end of the PATH statement. If you are not using PATHWORKS, this file should still be provided by other network packages. Check whether they have been installed correctly. • Driver's SQLSet ConnectOption failed Driver not capable No connect permission. The ODBC account on the Server does not have permission to access the database. Use the decedi_config utility on the server to give it permission. Refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guide for more information. ...OnLine For information on troubleshooting other ODBC problems, refer to the INFORMIX-NET for Windows Configuration Guide, Version 5.01. Rdb... • Trying to attach to a database or table causes Windows to crash, exit to DOS, or reboot. Pathworks has not been defined as the network in Windows setup. Run Windows setup either from Windows or from DOS. Make sure the network is set to Pathworks. • Trying to attach to a database or table fails with the message: [MICROSOFT][ODBC DLL]Driver's SQLAllocConnect failed. [MICROSOFT][ODBC DLL]Driver's SQLAllocConnect failed. [DEC][ODBC]Unsupported version of SQL/Services Client DLL. Multiple versions or the wrong version of sqsapiw.dll are present on the PC. Ensure that only one version of sqsapiw.dll is present on the PC and resides in the \windows\system directory. If necessary, copy sqsapiw.dll directly from the installation diskette to the \windows\system directory. • Trying to attach to a database or table fails with native error code -2035. This is a SQL/Services error that usually results when the corresponding SQL server on the DEC/EDI Server system has failed. This usually means that SQL/Services is incorrectly installed on the Server. • Attach fails with the error -2032. [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]%SQLSRV-F-NO_CLS, Invalid Class Name. An undefined SQL/Services class name was specified when the data source was configured on the PC via the ODBC Administrator. • Attach fails with the error -2003. [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]Network Error:Suberror code is 3. This occurs when SQL/Services is not running. [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]Network Error:Suberror code is 60. This occurs when the network link times out, usually as a result of the SQL/Services server crashing.Client not authorized to access database. ...Rdb The username supplied via ODBC is not authorized to access the database. Ensure that the user has an account on the server and has enough privileges to access the DEC/EDI database. Enabling CORBA Server Startup Debugging To get information on how a server is started to serve an CORBA style request issue, the following commands: # obbmset -A -d1 This will produce a file, OBB.log in the default directory of the account under which the server process runs. This may be used to capture any additional messages such as errors in the user's login command procedure. In the same directory you can also define a file .obb_login which can setup any additional environmental details for the process. For instance, you could set OBB_TRACE_FLAGS in here. Tracing CORBA Client Requests To obtain information on how ObjectBroker finds and then sends data from the client to the server, define the environment variable OBB_TRACE_FLAGS to be the value "RTS" as part of the clients logon session. For example, using the sh shell: OBB_TRACE_FLAGS="RTS" This will display information on the clients terminal as to what is happening to fulfil the CORBA request. Chapter 11 OpenVMS System Verification Introduction This chapter describes how to verify that the installed system configuration is functioning correctly, and how to identify and correct common problems. Scope and Purpose This chapter takes the form of a self-paced tutorial that is designed to introduce you directly to setting up and using DEC/EDI after your system has been installed. The examples are designed to minimise the amount of data entry that you have to perform, and provide an overview of DEC/EDI. The tutorial takes you quickly through the significant stages from starting with a newly installed and unconfigured DEC/EDI system, to exchanging and tracking documents between two hypothetical trading partners. As such, the activities it involves mirror many that will become familiar in live trading with partners either inside or outside your organization. The example in this section installs the EDIFACT 90.1 standard, along with data labels of a specific format, which are used to identify EDI elements within the mapping process. If your DEC/EDI system already has EDIFACT 90.1 installed, check with your DEC/EDI administrator to make sure that you are not going to affect the existing system. About the Tutorial The tutorial introduces you to the following activities: • Verification that the DEC/EDI Server software and its pre-requisites have been successfully installed, and may be successfully started up and shut down. • The use of both local and remote Application Client systems to communicate with the DEC/EDI Server. • The use of PC-based Cockpit and CommandCenter installations to communicate with the DEC/EDI Server. • Configuration of the DEC/EDI Server with EDI Standards and Trading Partner profile details, and the use of the Import/Export communications gateway. • The compilation of a Mapping Table and its installation on the Server. • Monitoring the DEC/EDI Server to ensure it is able to correctly send, receive and process application files and EDI transmissions. • Basic housekeeping of the DEC/EDI Server, by archiving data that has been successfully processed. The files described and used in this tutorial are provided as part of the DEC/EDI software installation. Beyond the Scope and Purpose The tutorial is not a detailed exercise in the more advanced aspects of system configuration, Mapping Table development, and application integration with DEC/EDI. When you want to know more about any topic addressed by this tutorial, refer to the appropriate sections of the related books DEC/EDI: Application Development and the DEC/EDI: User's Guide. Overview The example in this tutorial covers the hypothetical case where your company, DEC Direct UK Ltd, is sending invoices to another company called Shiny New Systems. In the outgoing case, you pretend to be DEC Direct UK Ltd which is sending the invoice. You have agreed with your Trading Partner, Shiny New Systems, that you will use a subset of the EDIFACT 90.1 INVOIC message which you have defined. To distinguish it from the message on which it is based, you have named the message subset MINVOX. In the incoming case, you pretend to be Shiny New Systems which is receiving the invoice. You have agreed to receive and process the MINVOX subset of the EDIFACT 90.1 INVOIC message from your Trading Partner, DEC Direct UK Ltd An Example Application File There is an example application file that has come from your business application, which is provided as part of the DEC/EDI software installation. The file is provided with the OpenVMS Application Client or Server, in the DEC/EDI examples directory: DECEDI$EXAMPLES:MINVOX_OUT.DAT About the Application File The Application File contains some of the data to be sent in the MINVOX message. Before sending the message to your Trading Partner, the file needs to be processed to produce an EDI format message that can be sent to your Trading Partner. The following steps are involved in this process and are performed by separate components of the DEC/EDI server system: • Mapping — An intermediate file known as the Internal Format File is generated using data from the Application File. Some of the values in the Internal Format file are automatically generated, or calculated from other values or variables. This step is performed by the Mapper. • Conversion — The Internal Format File is converted into an EDI format message. This step is performed by the EDIFACT Converter. • Transmission File Building — One or more EDI format messages are placed in an EDI Transmission File, which is then ready to be sent to your Trading Partner. This step is performed by the EDIFACT Transmission File Builder. Preparation Task Summary The following list broadly summarizes the tasks you need to complete before attempting the client examples: • Install the prerequisite software and EDI definitions • Configure the client • Set up the server • Compile the example mapping tables • Create trading partner profiles • Start DEC/EDI • Build and replace the profile cache The following sections tell you what to do in detail. A: Installing the Software and EDI Definitions 1. Install the prerequisite software in accordance with the DEC/EDI: Software Product Description (SPD). 2. Install the DEC/EDI Client and Server. (These may be on different systems). For example, if you are installing from a device named CDROM: $@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DECEDIA032 CDROM: OPTIONS NInstall the DEC/EDI Message Update Service kit. On OpenVMS, this is achieved by re-running the installation procedure on the DEC/EDI Server node, and selecting the option to install EDI standards definition. Select the menu option to install the EDIFACT 90.1 IMPDEF files. 3. Install the DEC/EDI CommandCenter on a remote PC, and configure the CommandCenter to communicate with the DEC/EDI Server. The use of the CommandCenter is optional for OpenVMS servers. Install the EDIFACT 90.1 standard by using the Message Update Service. Peform a minimal DEC/EDI startup, using the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$STARTUP Enter the following command: $ RUN DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$MESSAGE_UPDATES.EXE You are presented with a list of available standards to install. Select EDIFACT 90.1 from the menu. This may take a few minutes to install. If there are any other EDI standards that you wish to install, it is recommended that you do so at this stage, while the DEC/EDI Server is not in use. 4. Install data labels for the EDIFACT 90.1 standard and create the private MINVOX document definition. Run the DEC/EDI Table Extractor and Loader tool: $ RUN DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$TEL.EXE Select option 2, Load Definitions, and give the location of the EDIFACT 90.1 definition file: DECEDI$EXAMPLES:EDIFACT_901_DIRECTORY.DAT Enter the version number as 901, and confirm that you want to load the associated data labels as well. Select option 2, Load Definitions, and give the location of the MINVOX definition file: DECEDI$EXAMPLES:EDIFACT_901_MINVOX_DOCUMENT.DAT Enter the version number as 901, and specify MINVOICE as the internal document id. Select option 3, Exit. B: Configuring the Client The DEC/EDI Client may be run either locally, that is, on the same node as the DEC/EDI Server, or remotely on a different node. Granting User Access Rights Before registering a user with DEC/EDI, that user must first be registered with the OpenVMS system. The user must already have an OpenVMS Authorization Entry in SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAF.DAT, granting one of the following OpenVMS rights identifiers: • DECEDI$ADMINISTRATOR You can then register the user with DEC/EDI, giving administrator access rights. • DECEDI$SUPERVISOR You can then register the user with DEC/EDI, giving supervisor access rights. You register a user with DEC/EDI by using the DEC/EDI command ADD USER, assigning DEC/EDI access rights. In Interchange there are two levels of DEC/EDI access rights: • Administrator access rights: TRANS_ADMIN or COMMS_ADMIN • Supervisor access rights: SUPERVISOR Configure Network Interface Configure the DEC/EDI Client and Server either for a TCP/IP only connection, or for the use of ObjectBroker. 1. On the DEC/EDI Server, run the DEC/EDI configuration utility: Ensure that the DEC/EDI logical names have been defined by entering the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$LOGICALS Run the configuration utility: $ @DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$CONFIGURE_CLIENT_SERVER 2. Configure the chosen network interface, using one of the following options: – Configure TCP/IP Client/Server link, or – Configure ObjectBroker Confirm that you wish to use the chosen interface for local client access. If using ObjectBroker, specify the server OBB_LOCAL, to use the local application client. 3. If using a remote client, repeat steps 1 and 2 on the remote client node, ensuring that you select the same network interface as you configured on the DEC/EDI Server. If using ObjectBroker, specify the server node name. If using the TCP/IP network interface, add the server node name to the Server configuration file. 4. If using ObjectBroker on a remote client, make sure that the client node is proxied into the decedi account, by entering the following command on the DEC/EDI Server: $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> On the remote client node, make sure that the server node is proxied into the user account under which you will run the client examples. This is normally your own user account, provided you are authorized to use ObjectBroker. C: Compiling the Mapping Tables You may use the CommandCenter Mapping Table Editor on a remote PC or the FileBridge User Interface. CommandCenter Load and compile the Mapping Tables using the CommandCenter Mapping Table Editor. These tables are supplied with the CommandCenter. Alternatively, you may like a more detailed look at how these are created, so that you can create a mapping table for your own future needs. For detailed steps in creating the incoming and outgoing Mapping tables used by this example, refer to the next two chapters in this part of the book, Creating an Incoming Mapping Table and Creating an Outgoing Mapping Table. If you choose to use the supplied mapping tables, complete the following: 1. Select the Getting Started option, Load Sample Incoming Mapping Table and select MINVOX_I. 2. Compile this table by selecting Compile option from the Mapping menu. 3. When the table has compiled successfully, copy it to the server by clicking on Ok in the Copy to Server window that pops up. 4. Repeat the above procedure for the MINVOX_O table. Note that this sample table can also be loaded from the File menu. FileBridge 1. Change to your local working directory 2. Copy the MINVOX examples: $ COPY DECEDI$EXAMPLES:MINVOX_*.FBO SYS$DISK:[] 3. Compile the tables as shown below: $ FILEBRIDGE DEFINE/COMPILE MINVOX_OUT.FBO $ FILEBRIDGE DEFINE/COMPILE MINVOX_IN.FBO 4. Rename the compiled mapping tables, to use the table names that will be specified when issuing a POST or FETCH request: $ RENAME MINVOX_OUT.FBO MINVOX_O.FBO $ RENAME MINVOX_IN.FBO MINVOX_I.FBO 5. Copy the compiled mapping tables to the Mapping Table directory DECEDI$MAPS: $ COPY MINVOX_%.FBO DECEDI$MAPS: D: Configuring the Server Registering the Services 1. Start Interchange with the command: $ INTERCHANGE 2. Use the $ EDIT CONFIGURATION facility to select MAINTAIN SERVICES, press INSERT then add the following component: EDIFACT_TRANSLATOR 3. Move the cursor to Save and press Select Repeat Step 2 for component IMPORT_EXPORT_GATEWAY with ID: CVP_E 4. Finish by using the EXIT key. Registering the Business Applications 1. Start Interchange with the command: $ INTERCHANGE 2. Use the EDIT CONFIGURATION facility to select REGISTER APPLICATIONS, press INSERT then add the following Invoice Application: DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD 3. Add the following details: ID: DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD Name: DECdirect (UK) Ltd 4. Press Do to save the details 5. Repeat Step 3 and 4 to add the following entries: ID: SHINY-NEW-SYSTEMS Name: Shiny New Systems 6. Finish by using the EXIT key. Registering a Node 1. Start the DEC/EDI User Interface with the command: $ INTERCHANGE 2. Use the EDIT CONFIGURATION facility to select REGISTER NODE, press INSERT then add the node and transport details appropriate to your installation, by selecting from the menu 3. Finish by using the EXIT key. E: Adding Trading Partner Profiles 1. Start the DEC/EDI User Interface with the command: $ INTERCHANGE 2. Load the profiles: EDI> LOAD PROFILE DECEDI$EXAMPLES:PROFILE_DEC-DIRECT-UK- LTD.DAT EDI> LOAD PROFILE DECEDI$EXAMPLES:PROFILE_SHINY-NEW- SYSTEMS.DAT 3. Use the following command to examine a profile: EDI> LIST PROFILE /FULL DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD 4. Finish by using the EXIT key. 5. Build the cache on completionm with the following command: EDI> BUILD CACHE /ALL EDI> REPLACE CACHE /ALL F: Start the DEC/EDI Server Start the DEC/EDI Server by entering the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECEDI$STARTUP FULL G: Running the Examples Sending the Document Application Client Node 1. Copy the following files from the DECEDI$EXAMPLES directory to your local Client directory: MINVOX_IN.DAT MINVOX_OUT.DAT 2. Rename MINVOX_IN.DAT to ORIGINAL_MINVOX_IN.DAT 3. Send the document to DEC/EDI: $ TRADE POST DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD spec_of_MINVOX_OUT.DAT - /TABLE=MINVOX_O /PRIORITY=HIGH Server Node 4. Enter the DEC/EDI user interface: $ INTERCHANGE then monitor the progress of the invoice you have sent using: $ INTERCHANGE EDI> LIST DOCUMENT EDI> LIST TRANSMISSION Or use Cockpit to follow the progress of the invoice you have sent. The transmission file should eventually appear with the following status: AWAITING_TRANSMISSION 5. Once the documents are successfully built and awaiting transmission, start CVP_E connection using the following command: $ INTERCHANGE START CONN CVP_E IMPEXP 6. The resulting transmission file is exported to the Import/Export gateway directory DECEDI$TOP:[CVP.IMPEXP] with a file type of .EXPORT. Rename the exported transmission file, to a new unique transmission file name, with a file type of .IMPORT. Ensure that the last part of the file name is CVP_E. For example, $ RENAME - DECEDI$TOP:[CVP.IMPEXP]19JUN199711593183_CVP_E.EXPORT - DECEDI$TOP:[CVP.IMPEXP]I01_19JUN199711593183_CVP_E.IMPORT 7. Reimport the transmission file by starting the CVP_E connection: $ INTERCHANGE START CONN CVP_E IMPEXP 8. Enter the DEC/EDI user interface: $ INTERCHANGE then monitor the progress of the invoice you have sent using: $ INTERCHANGE EDI> LIST TRANSMISSION EDI> LIST DOCUMENT Or use Cockpit to follow the progress of the invoice you are importing. The document should eventually be created with the following status: AVAILABLE 9. Once the document is available, you may fetch the application file by issuing the TRADE FETCH command: $ TRADE FETCH DEC-DIRECT-UK-LTD SYS$SCRATCH:MINVOX_IN.DAT - /TABLE=MINVOX_I 10. Compare the fetched document with expected output using the following: $ DIFFERENCES MINVOX_IN.DAT ORIGINAL_MINVOX_IN.DAT Network Tester The Cockpit has a network testing option which is used by clicking-on the Network Tester icon to enable the facility. A menu-driven series of simple prompts take you through the test process. Note that you will need to know the identity of the server that you will be addressing. Error Messages The following error message may occur if decedi_csg is not defined in the "services" file, or if the port number for decedi_csg is not compatible with the port number defined on the server. Error when connecting to Server' The specified address is not available from the local machine If this occurs, you will need to modify the SERVICE file to add the correct Port number. The line to be added is as follows: DECEDI_CSG /TCP # port number Where the Port Number is as you recorded during the configuration described in DEC/EDI Services TCP/IP Port Numbers on page 3-4. Tip Use the Find File facility to locate the SERVICES file, and use Notepad to add the line with the Port Number. Troubleshooting Common Problems ObjectBroker Tracing You must shut down Windows to achieve this. Once Windows has been shut down, issue the following commands at the MS-DOS prompt: C:\> set OBB_TRACE_FLAGS=RTS C:\> set OBB_TRACE=C:\OBBTRACE.LOG This causes a trace file to be generated (c:\obbtrace.log). Remember to remove these environment variables when you have finished tracing: C:\> set OBB_TRACE_FLAGS= C:\> set OBB_TRACE= ODBC Tracing Use the Microsoft ODBC administrator. This resides in the Control Panel. Run the ODBC administrator and do the following: • Select Options. • Select the Trace ODBC Calls option. • Choose a file to be used to store the trace information - click on the Select File... button. This creates a trace file detailing ODBC activity for each function call or request that uses ODBC. Remember to turn tracing off when you no longer need it. SQL/Services Tracing Rdb... SQL/Services tracing provides a detailed log of all individual SQL database functions executed. To enable SQL/Services tracing, use an editor, such as Notepad, to open the following file: \WINDOWS\SQSAPIW.INI Enable client logging by removing the semi-colon (;) comment mark before the line: ClientLogging=7 You should restart Windows for this change to take effect. This generates a file called CLIENT.LOG which details all the SQL/Services calls made. ...Rdb Reverse the change to SQSAPIW.INI when you no longer need tracing. You should restart Windows for this to be effective. Tracing in the TCP/IP Client/Server Interface The aim of the tracing is to aid users and field service personel in tracing what is going on during a TCP/IP exchange so that errors due to misconfiguration can be easily detected. Environment Tracing will be controlled by the environment variable logical DECEDI$TCP_TRACE, which is assigned a string. The string is composed of a series of letters, each letter identifying a particular component of the exchange that needs to be traced. The letters currectly supported are: `A' : Switch on all trace options available `C' : Trace children: Specific to the port server. This lists when children are created or reused, and to which child a request is rerouted. `P' : Trace protocol: List the protocol messages sent and received. `S' : Trace services: ? On the client side this reports which server nodes and services are attempted to be contacted. ? On the server side this reports which clients made contact to which services. `T' : Trace traffic: List the size of messages being sent or received. This would normally be used in conjunction with `P'. The reason for two is that `P' is traced as soon as we send or receive the message header, whilst the `T' cant be done until be have completed sending or receiving the data. To trace everything you could set DECEDI_TCP_TRACE to "A" or to "CPST". Each process involved in the TCP/IP linkage does its own tracing to its own trace log. The log file being: DECEDI$ERROR:tcp_trace_.log ODBC-Related Problems Pathworks error #0 This usually occurs if SQL/Services is not running on the OpenVMS system, or the node name is not defined in the Pathworks DECnet database. To define a node in the DECnet database, use the MSDOS prompt to run NCP: ncp ncp> define node name name ncp> exit is the network address, for example 23.345; name is the DECnet nodename. Do not use Pathworks NCP for Windows; this only defines the node in the V5 database and not the V4 database as read by SQL/Services. This is true of Pathworks V5.0A and may not be true of later versions. Pathworks error #3 Pathworks error #3 EREMNODESHUT Remote node requested shutdown This usually means that your PC believes that SQL/Services has shutdown on your Server. This is not always the case. Verify that SQL/Services has indeed shutdown on your Server. Look for a process called SQLSRV$SERVER, if it does not exist then get your System Manager to start it up with: @SYS$STARTUP:SQLSRV$STARTUP Driver not capable This means you have installed other software on your PC since ODBC installation, and it has disturbed the DEC/EDI settings. A more likely cause is that your ODBC kit is too old, in which case you should obtain the latest kit, and reinstall. Pathworks has not been defined as the network in Windows setup Run Windows setup either from Windows or from DOS. Make sure the network is set to Pathworks. This only applies to Pathworks DECnet or TCP/IP. Unsupported version of SQL/Services Client DLL Trying to attach to a database or table fails with the message: [MICROSOFT][ODBC DLL]Driver's SQLAllocConnect failed. [DEC][ODBC]Unsupported version of SQL/Services Client DLL. Multiple version or the wrong version of SQSAPIW.DLL are present on the PC. Ensure that only one version of SQSAPIW.DLL is present on the PC and resides in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If necessary, copy SQSAPIW.DLL directly from the installation diskette to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Trying to attach to a database or table fails with native error code -2035 This is a SQL/Services error which usually results when the Server on the VMS system has died. This usually means that SQL/Services was never installed correctly on the VMS machine. On the VMS machine, examine SYS$STARTUP:SQLSRV$.LOG and any logs in the default SQL /Services account for the cause of the problems. Invalid Class Name [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]%SQLSRV-F-NO_CLS, Invalid Class Name An undefined SQL/Services class name was specified when the data source was configured on the PC via the ODBC Administrator. Another potential reason is that you are running SQL /Services standard version which expects GENERIC as the class, or SQL/Services multi version, which expects V61 etc. as the class name. Suberror code is n [DEC][ODBC] [Rdb]Network Error: Suberror code is nn This is usually a Pathworks error where nn = the Pathworks error code. The error codes can be found in the Pathworks files errno.h (for DECNET) or sock_err.h (for TCP/IP). Some of the more common errors are: • [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]Network Error: Suberror code is 3 This occurs when SQL/Services is not running. • [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]Network Error: Suberror code is 49 This occurs when the target DECNET node is not defined on the PC. • [DEC][ODBC][Rdb]Network Error: Suberror code is 60 This occurs when pathworks times out, usually as a result of the SQL/Services Server crashing. Client not authorized to access database The username supplied via ODBC is not authorized to access the database. Ensure the user has an account on the Server and has enough privileges to access the DEC/EDI database. ObjectBroker-Related Problems CNTGETHOSTID CORBA_INITIALIZE OBB_INV_CNTGETHOSTID (e), Cannot retrieve host identifier This applies to DECnet PC nodes only. Pathworks maintains a database of nodenames that it knows, but doesn't actually know the name of the node itself. You need to define the node in the database: ncp ncp> define node name name ncp> exit NOTAUTHORIZED CORBA_NO_IMPLEMENT OBB_INV_HOSTNOTFND (e), A host node could not be found to execute the request. OBB_INV_NOTAUTHORIZED (e), Client user is not authorized to access server. Your PC is not authorized to access the DEC/EDI GUI Server. On your Server system check you have proxy with: $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> SHOW PROXY Local User Remote User Remote Host ---------- ----------- ---- ------- SMITH Default PCNODE If you do not have an entry list for your PC, use the following command: $ APPLICATION/BROKER OBB> add proxy user/remote=(user=*,host=pcnode) Replace user and pcnode with the username (for example DECEDI) and PC nodename you intend to use. KEYNOTFND CORBA_NO_IMPLEMENT OBB_INV_HOSTNOTFND (e), A host node could not be found to execute the request. OBB_REG_KEYNOTFND (e), Could not find key `Implementations\Definitions\706b8f34c138.0c.b1.a8. .00'. Your DEC/EDI GUI Server is not registered on your Server node. Use the following command to register the Server: $ @DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$CONFIGURE_ACAS Enabling CORBA Server Startup Debugging To get information on how a server is started to serve an CORBA style request issue, the following commands: $ APPLICATION/BROKER SET AGENT/STARTUP This will produce a file, OBB_STARTUP.OUT, in the default directory of the account under which the server process runs. This may be used to capture any additional messages such as errors in the user's login command procedure. In the same directory you can also define a file OBB$LOGIN.COM which can setup any additional environmental details for the process. For instance, you could set OBB_TRACE_FLAGS in here. Tracing CORBA Client Requests To obtain information on how ObjectBroker finds and then sends data from the client to the server, define the VMS logical OBB_TRACE_FLAGS to be the value "RTS" as part of the clients logon session.