PATHWORKS for_OpenVMS___________________________________ Server Installation and Upgrade Guide AA-LB63G-TE February 1995 Revision/Update Information: This document supersedes PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Installation Guide, AA-LB63F-TE, and PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server Installation Guide, AA-PWCGA-TH. Operating System: OpenVMS VAX, Versions 5.5-2 and 6.1 OpenVMS Alpha, Version 6.1 Software Version: PATHWORKS 5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS 1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ First Published, May 1988 Revised, February 1995 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1988, 1995. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha AXP, Bookreader, DEClaser, DECnet, DECprint, Digital, LA50, LN03, LN03 PLUS, MicroVAX, ObjectBroker, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, VAX, VAXserver, VAXstation, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. HP and LaserJet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Proprinter and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Windows is a trademark and MS-DOS and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. SilentWriter is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation. NetBIOS is a trademark of Micor Computer Systems, Incorporated. NetWare and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Incorporated. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. xi 1 Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS About PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers................ 1-1 About Licensing.................................... 1-2 License requirements............................... 1-2 Types of licenses.................................. 1-2 About the License Server........................... 1-3 For more licensing information..................... 1-4 Reading the Release Notes.......................... 1-5 About the release notes............................ 1-5 How to access the release notes.................... 1-5 What You Need...................................... 1-6 Hardware requirements.............................. 1-6 Software requirements.............................. 1-7 LAN Manager client software........................ 1-8 NetWare client software............................ 1-8 Memory requirements................................ 1-8 Preinstallation Tasks.............................. 1-8 Step 1: Check the part listing..................... 1-9 Step 2: Check the network hardware................. 1-9 Step 3: Check the required software................ 1-10 Step 4: Log in to the SYSTEM account............... 1-10 Step 5: Back up the system......................... 1-10 Step 6: Check disk space requirements.............. 1-11 Step 7: Check system parameters.................... 1-12 Step 8: Check the queue manager.................... 1-16 Step 9: Check DECnet status........................ 1-17 VMScluster Considerations.......................... 1-18 Step 10: Check VMScluster configuration............ 1-18 Next Step.......................................... 1-19 iii 2 Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS About the Installation Procedure................... 2-1 What is VMSINSTAL?................................. 2-1 VMSINSTAL installation kit......................... 2-2 What VMSINSTAL does................................ 2-2 Installing the Server.............................. 2-3 Before you start VMSINSTAL......................... 2-3 How to start VMSINSTAL............................. 2-4 How installation questions work.................... 2-6 How to interrupt the installation.................. 2-6 How to respond to prompts.......................... 2-6 Next Steps......................................... 2-15 What to do next.................................... 2-15 Edit the system startup file....................... 2-16 Install optional software.......................... 2-17 3 Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server About the LAN Manager Server Configuration Procedure.......................................... 3-1 What is the configuration procedure?............... 3-1 What the configuration procedure does.............. 3-2 Before You Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure.......................................... 3-3 How to Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure.......................................... 3-11 How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts............................................ 3-11 How to Change LAN Manager Configuration Default Settings........................................... 3-16 Selecting the LAN Manager Network Device........... 3-19 Next Steps......................................... 3-20 4 Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server About the NetWare Configuration Procedure.......... 4-1 What is the configuration procedure?............... 4-1 What the configuration procedure does.............. 4-2 When to configure the server....................... 4-2 About NetWare Configuration Information............ 4-2 iv About network numbers.............................. 4-3 Types of network numbers........................... 4-3 Number and types of networks you can configure..... 4-4 About Token Ring and FDDI Support.................. 4-4 Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure........ 4-5 When to run the configuration procedure............ 4-5 Before you begin................................... 4-5 How to run the configuration procedure............. 4-5 How configuration questions work................... 4-6 How to get online help............................. 4-6 How to interrupt the configuration................. 4-6 How to respond to prompts.......................... 4-6 How to confirm your answers........................ 4-13 Reconfiguring the NetWare Server................... 4-14 How to reconfigure the server...................... 4-14 New configuration value location................... 4-15 5 Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server Before You Begin to Configure the Standalone License Server..................................... 5-2 Configuring the Standalone License Server.......... 5-2 Configuring the LAN Manager Transports............. 5-3 How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts............................................ 5-4 Configuring the NetWare Transport.................. 5-7 How to Respond to NetWare Configuration Prompts.... 5-8 How to Start the Standalone License Server......... 5-13 How to start the license server manually........... 5-13 How to start the license server automatically...... 5-14 How to start the license server in a VMScluster.... 5-15 6 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports Before You Begin................................... 6-2 Have you done?..................................... 6-2 About Upgrade Reports.............................. 6-2 What is an upgrade report?......................... 6-2 Types of reports................................... 6-2 About the Users report............................. 6-3 About the Groups report............................ 6-4 About the File and Print Services report........... 6-5 v Sample reports..................................... 6-5 Using the Upgrade Utility.......................... 6-5 Before you start the utility....................... 6-6 How to start the utility........................... 6-7 How to navigate the utility........................ 6-11 How to get online help............................. 6-11 Creating Upgrade Reports........................... 6-12 How to create an upgrade report.................... 6-12 Where to find report files......................... 6-14 Editing Upgrade Reports............................ 6-15 When and how to edit a Users report................ 6-15 When and how to edit a Groups report............... 6-19 When and how to edit a File and Print Services report............................................. 6-20 Next Steps......................................... 6-21 What to do next.................................... 6-22 7 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Before You Begin................................... 7-2 Have you done?..................................... 7-2 About Upgrading Your Server........................ 7-2 Why upgrade your server?........................... 7-2 What the upgrade procedure does.................... 7-3 Types of upgrades.................................. 7-5 Performing a Complete Upgrade with Reports......... 7-6 How to perform a complete upgrade with reports..... 7-6 Performing a Custom Upgrade with Reports........... 7-8 How to perform a custom upgrade with reports....... 7-8 Performing a Complete Upgrade Without Reports...... 7-14 How to perform a complete upgrade without reports............................................ 7-14 Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports........ 7-22 How to perform a custom upgrade without reports.... 7-22 Performing Additional Upgrade Tasks................ 7-34 What to do next.................................... 7-34 Upgrading OpenVMS Security......................... 7-34 Why upgrade security?.............................. 7-34 How to upgrade security............................ 7-35 Performing a UAS Merge Procedure................... 7-35 What the UAS merge procedure does.................. 7-35 What is a UAS Merge report?........................ 7-36 When to create a UAS Merge report.................. 7-36 vi How to create a UAS Merge report................... 7-37 When and how to edit the UAS Merge report.......... 7-38 How to perform a UAS merge procedure............... 7-40 Upgrading Disk Services............................ 7-47 Why upgrade disk services?......................... 7-48 How to upgrade disk services....................... 7-48 Next Steps......................................... 7-50 What to do next.................................... 7-50 8 After You Install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers Before You Begin................................... 8-2 Have you done?..................................... 8-2 Verifying the Server Installation.................. 8-2 How to run the IVP................................. 8-2 Starting the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS File Servers.... 8-4 When to start the server........................... 8-4 What the startup procedure does.................... 8-4 Starting the File Servers.......................... 8-5 Ways to start the server........................... 8-5 How to start the LAN manager server manually....... 8-5 How to define LAN Manager server commands at login.............................................. 8-5 How to start the NetWare server manually........... 8-6 How to define NetWare server commands at login..... 8-6 How to start the server automatically.............. 8-6 How to start the server in a VMScluster............ 8-7 Stopping the Server................................ 8-9 When to stop the server............................ 8-9 How to stop the server............................. 8-9 How to stop the server on system shutdown.......... 8-9 9 Installing the XQP+ Features of the XQP+............................... 9-2 XQP+ features...................................... 9-2 Performing the XQP+ Installation................... 9-2 Before you install the XQP+........................ 9-3 How to start the XQP+ installation................. 9-3 How to respond to prompts.......................... 9-4 Removing the XQP+.................................. 9-11 How to remove the XQP+............................. 9-11 Sample XQP+ Installations.......................... 9-13 vii System not part of a VMScluster.................... 9-13 System that is part of a VMScluster................ 9-15 10 Removing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Reasons for Removing the Server.................... 10-1 Why remove the server?............................. 10-1 Removing the Server................................ 10-2 About the deinstallation command procedure......... 10-2 How to run the deinstallation procedure............ 10-2 How to respond to prompts.......................... 10-3 Sample LAN Manager and NetWare Removal Procedures......................................... 10-4 Sample LAN Manager removal procedure............... 10-5 Sample NetWare removal procedure................... 10-5 A Sample LAN Manager Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample LAN Manager Server Installation Procedure... A-1 Sample LAN Manager Server Configuration Procedure.......................................... A-5 B Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample NetWare Server Installation Procedure....... B-1 Sample NetWare Server Configuration Procedure...... B-5 C Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation Procedure............................. C-1 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Configuration Procedure............................ C-6 viii D Sample Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample Standalone License Server Installation Procedure.......................................... D-1 Sample LAN Manager Configuration Procedure for the Standalone License Server.......................... D-4 Sample NetWare Configuration Procedure for the Standalone License Server.......................... D-5 E Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports Sample Users Report................................ E-1 Sample Groups Report............................... E-3 Sample File and Print Services Report.............. E-5 Sample UAS Merge Report............................ E-6 F Files Installed Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare............ F-1 Files Created During the LAN Manager Installation....................................... F-12 Files Created During the NetWare Installation...... F-16 LAN Manager and NetWare Disk Structure............. F-18 G Logical Names for the LAN Manager and NetWare Servers H Logical Names for the NetWare Server Only How NetWare Logical Names Are Created.............. H-1 Types of NetWare Logical Names..................... H-1 Common NetWare Logical Names....................... H-2 Private NetWare Logical Names...................... H-3 Glossary ix Index Tables 1 Installation and Upgrade Checklist....... xvi 1-1 Preinstallation Checklist................ 1-9 2-1 Installation Prompts..................... 2-7 2-2 Optional Software........................ 2-18 3-1 LAN Manager Configuration Prompts........ 3-12 3-2 LAN Manager Configuration Settings....... 3-18 4-1 NetWare Configuration Network Numbers.... 4-3 4-2 Types of NetWare Interfaces.............. 4-5 4-3 Configuration Prompts.................... 4-7 5-1 PWRK$CONFIG Configuration Prompts........ 5-4 5-2 PWVN$CONFIG Configuration Prompts........ 5-8 6-1 Report File Names........................ 6-14 6-2 Editing the Users Report................. 6-15 6-3 Editing the Groups Report................ 6-19 6-4 Editing the File and Print Services Report................................... 6-21 7-1 Editing a UAS Merge Report............... 7-39 9-1 Features of the XQP+..................... 9-2 9-2 XQP+ Installation Prompts................ 9-4 10-1 PWRK$DEINSTAL Prompts.................... 10-3 10-2 PWVN$DEINSTAL Prompts.................... 10-4 F-1 Common Files............................. F-1 F-2 LAN Manager Files........................ F-13 F-3 NetWare Files............................ F-16 G-1 PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Logical Names............................ G-1 H-1 Types of NetWare Logical Names........... H-2 H-2 Common NetWare Logical Names............. H-2 H-3 Private NetWare Logical Names............ H-3 x ________________________________________________________________ Preface Purpose This guide explains how to: o Install and configure one or more of the following PATHWORKS[TM] servers: - PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) file server - PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) file server - PATHWORKS standalone license server o Upgrade existing databases for users, groups, services, and access rights so that they work with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS. Audience This guide is written for the network server administrator. It assumes that the administrator is familiar with the following aspects of the OpenVMS operating system: o Digital Command Language (DCL) o A text editor, such as EDT or EVE o VMSINSTAL command procedure This guide also assumes that the administrator is familiar with the networking concepts appropriate for the type of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS server. xi Organization The following list can help you find information in this guide: Chapter 1 Describes prerequisites to the installation procedure. Chapter 2 Describes the installation procedure. Chapter 3 Describes the configuration procedure for the LAN Manager server. Chapter 4 Describes the configuration procedure for the NetWare server. Chapter 5 Describes the configuration procedure for the standalone license server. Chapter 6 Describes how to use the upgrade procedure to create and edit upgrade reports that you can use as input data files during the upgrade procedure. Chapter 7 Describes how to use the upgrade procedure to convert existing databases so that they work with the V5 server. Chapter 8 Describes postinstallation tasks, such as running the Installation Verification Procedure and starting the server independent of the installation and configuration procedures. Chapter 9 Describes how to install and remove the XQP+. Chapter 10 Describes how to remove PATHWORKS for OpenVMS from your system. Appendix A Shows a sample installation and configuration procedure for the LAN Manager server. Appendix B Shows a sample installation and configuration procedure for the NetWare server. Appendix C Shows a sample installation and configuration procedure for a system running both the LAN Manager and NetWare servers. xii Appendix D Shows a sample installation and configuration procedure for the standalone license server. Appendix E Shows sample upgrade reports. Appendix F Lists the files that are installed with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS. Appendix G Lists the logical names created for the LAN Manager and NetWare servers. Appendix H Lists the logical names created for the NetWare server only. Glossary Explains some of the terminology specific to the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS servers. Index Related Documents The following manuals provide more information about topics discussed in this guide: DECprint Supervisor Describes how to load the DECprint for OpenVMS Software Supervisor software, install the Installation Guide printing system, and test printing operations. Guide to Managing Describes the license server PATHWORKS Licenses software and how to manage PATHWORKS licenses. LAN Manager Remote Describes the Remote Boot service, Boot Guide and displays a complete diagram of the RPL on-disk substructure. OpenVMS System Describes the VMSINSTAL command Manager's Manual procedure, UIC group numbers, and how to back up your OpenVMS system, requeue print and batch jobs, and run the AUTOGEN utility. OpenVMS System Describes how to back up your Management Utilities OpenVMS system. Reference Manual xiii PATHWORKS V5.0C Describes how to manage the for OpenVMS (LAN PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Manager) software. Administrator's Guide PATHWORKS V1.0C Describes how to manage the for OpenVMS PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) System (NetWare) software. Administration Guide Conventions This guide uses the following conventions: __________________________________________________________ Convention____Meaning_____________________________________ While you hold down the Ctrl key, press another key or a pointing device button. Press the key that executes commands or terminates a sequence. This key is labeled , , or << - >, depending on your keyboard. enter Type all required text, spaces, and punctuation marks; then press , , or << - >, depending on your keyboard. UPPERCASE Uppercase letters indicate OpenVMS commands and qualifiers. You can enter commands and qualifiers in any combination of uppercase or lowercase, unless otherwise noted. lowercase Lowercase italic letters indicate OpenVMS italic command parameters. You must enter a value for the parameter, unless it is optional. In examples of dialog between you and the teal blue typesystem, teal blue type indicates information that you enter. In online (Bookreader) files, this information appears in boldface. xiv __________________________________________________________ Convention____Meaning_____________________________________ / A forward slash in command descriptions indicates that a command qualifier follows. . . . A horizontal ellipsis following an entry in a command line indicates that the entry or a similar entry can be repeated any number of times. An ellipsis following a file name indicates that additional parameters, values, or information can be entered. . A vertical ellipsis in an example indicates . that not all the data is shown. . Note Notes provide information of special importance. Caution Cautions provide information to prevent ______________damage_to_software_or_hardware._____________ Terminology In this guide, the following terms have specific definitions: __________________________________________________________ The_term_._._.________Refers_to_the_._._._________________ server type of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS software that is running on the system. file server LAN Manager server or the NetWare server. license server PATHWORKS license server. client personal computer that connects to ______________________the_file_server_or_license_server.__ xv Summary of Installation and Upgrade Tasks Table 1 summarizes the tasks you need to perform to install and upgrade your OpenVMS server. You can copy this list and use it as a checklist when you read this book. Table_1_Installation_and_Upgrade_Checklist________________ < >1. Prepare for the installation: a. Make sure that you have the required hardware and software. b. Log in to the SYSTEM account. c. Back up the OpenVMS system. d. Make sure that you have enough disk space to install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS servers. e. Make sure that the system parameters GBLPAGES, GBLSECTIONS, PROCSECTCNT, and SCSNODE are set properly. f. Make sure that the queue manager is running. < >2. Start the installation procedure and respond to installation prompts. < >3. Install the DECprint Supervisor (optional). < >4. Install the eXtended Qio Processor Plus (XQP+, optional). < >5. Start the configuration procedure and respond to configuration prompts. (continued on next page) xvi Table_1_(Cont.)_Installation_and_Upgrade_Checklist________ < >6. If you are upgrading from PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS, use the upgrade procedure to: a. Create upgrade reports. b. Upgrade users and groups. c. Upgrade file and print services. d. Upgrade security for file shares. e. Delete temporary files. f. Upgrade security on OpenVMS directories, subdirectories, and files (optional). g. Change the server's role in the domain and merge the local server's users and groups databases with those of the primary domain controller. < >7. If you are upgrading from PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS, upgrade disk services. < >8. Run the Installation Verification Procedure (if you did not do so when you installed the server). < >9. Start the server (if you did not do so when you __________configured_the_server)._________________________ xvii 1 ________________________________________________________________ Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS This chapter describes the hardware and software you must have and the tasks you need to complete before you install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS. This chapter consists of the following sections: o About PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers o About Licensing o Reading the Release Notes o What You Need o Preinstallation Tasks o VMScluster Considerations o Next Step ________________________________________________________________ About PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS kit contains the software required to run the following server software: o PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager), the LAN Manager file server o PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare), the NetWare file server o PATHWORKS standalone license server Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 1-1 About PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers The VMSINSTAL procedure allows you to install either of the file servers, both of the file servers, or the standalone license server. If you have PATHWORKS V5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) or later installed, you must install the new LAN Manager server. If you have any version of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) installed, you must install the new NetWare server. If you have neither LAN Manager nor NetWare installed, you can install the standalone license server. Otherwise, the license server is installed when you install either file server. ________________________________________________________________ About Licensing LICENSE REQUIREMENTS Any client that wants to use PATHWORKS server resources must have a valid license. TYPES OF LICENSES There are two types of PATHWORKS licenses: __________________________________________________________ Type_____________Description______________________________ Individual A license issued to a client workstation client license to enable users of that workstation to (CCS or FPA) access any PATHWORKS services in the network for a single network operating system, such as LAN Manager or NetWare. Concurrent A license that can be used for access to server license a PATHWORKS server when client licenses (FPS)____________are_not_available._______________________ 1-2 Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS About Licensing ABOUT THE LICENSE SERVER The PATHWORKS license server is a software program that you can run on your OpenVMS system to grant licenses to clients. The license server can be installed: o Separately from the file server (called the "standalone license server") o In conjunction with the file server (automatically included with your file server installation) In either case, you can configure the license server to support: o LAN Manager clients only o NetWare clients only o LAN Manager and NetWare clients Digital recommends that you install the license server on a designated OpenVMS system without the PATHWORKS file server, to ensure smooth and continuous operation of the license server. Therefore, the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS kit allows you to install the standalone license server separately from the file server. Alternatively, you can run the license server on a VMScluster with PATHWORKS file servers, where cluster failover provides reliability. Each LAN needs only one active PATHWORKS license server. The client license product authorization keys (PAKs) must be loaded on the system that runs the PATHWORKS license server. In a VMScluster, the PAKs must be loaded on all nodes that run the PATHWORKS license server. This is best accomplished by adding the PAKS to a shared license database. Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 1-3 About Licensing FOR MORE_LICENSING_INFORMATION__________________________________ For more information about...______________Refer_to..._________________________ Loading licenses VMS License Management Utility Manual Managing PATHWORKS Guide to Managing PATHWORKS Licenses licenses__________________________________________________ 1-4 Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Reading the Release Notes ________________________________________________________________ Reading the Release Notes ABOUT THE RELEASE NOTES The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS installation kit includes two sets of release notes: o PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Release Notes o PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Release Notes Digital recommends that you print and read the appropriate release notes before starting the installation. HOW TO ACCESS THE RELEASE NOTES Use the following table to decide how to print the release notes: __________________________________________________________ If you want to_print...___Then..._____________________________________ The LAN Do the following: Manager 1. Load the installation kit on a drive. Release Notes 2. Enter the following commands, replacing before the device with the name of the device on installation which you loaded the installation kit: $ MOUNT device: PWRK $ BACKUP/SELECT=PWRKV50C050.RELEASE_NOTES - _$ device:PWRKV50C050.A/SAVE_SET * $ PRINT PWRKV50C050.RELEASE_NOTES Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 1-5 Reading the Release Notes __________________________________________________________ If you want to_print...___Then..._____________________________________ The NetWare Do the following: Release 1. Load the installation kit on a drive. Notes before the 2. Enter the following commands, replacing installation device with the name of the device on which you loaded the installation kit: $ MOUNT device: PWRKN $ BACKUP/SELECT=PWVNV10C010.RELEASE_NOTES - _$ device:PWRKV50C050.A/SAVE_SET * $ PRINT PWVNV10C010.RELEASE_NOTES The release Do the following: notes 1. Load the installation kit on a drive. during the installation 2. Enter the following command to start the installation procedure: $ @VMSINSTAL PWRKV50C050 device_name: - _$ OPTIONS N The installation procedure prompts you to either print or display the release notes. In any case, the release notes are always ______________copied_to_the_SYS$HELP:_area._______________ ________________________________________________________________ What You Need HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Make sure that the network (including cables, PCs, servers, and other hardware) is connected. For a list of the hardware that the server supports, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) that is appropriate to your file server. 1-6 Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS What You Need SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS To install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS successfully, you must have the following software properly installed and configured on your system: o Supported operating system software: _______________________________________________________ On this system_._._.__You_need_this_operating_system_._._._____ VAX OpenVMS VAX, Version 5.5-2 or higher[1] Alpha OpenVMS Alpha, Version 1.5 or higher[1] [1]PATHWORKS_installs_on_both_the_OpenVMS_VAX_V6.0_____ and Alpha V1.5 operating systems but PATHWORKS is not supported_on_these_operating_system_versions.__________ o DECnet (optional) DECnet is installed with the OpenVMS operating system. o TCP/IP (optional) PATHWORKS for OpenVMS provides transparent support for TCP/IP. The following TCP/IP network transport products support PATHWORKS: - DEC TCP/IP Services V3.1 for OpenVMS - TGV MultiNet V3.3 Revision A TCP/IP is a separately installable product. Other third-party TCP/IP products may also support PATHWORKS. See the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Release Notes for additional information. o NetBEUI is installed with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS. Therefore, having NetBEUI installed on your system is not a preinstallation requirement. Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 1-7 What You Need LAN MANAGER CLIENT SOFTWARE You can use the following client software with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager): o PATHWORKS for DOS and Windows, Version 5.0 or higher o PATHWORKS for DOS, Version 4.0 or higher o PATHWORKS for OS/2, Version 2.0 or higher o LAN Manager 2.2 workstation software for DOS, Windows, and OS/2 o Microsoft Windows NT workstation software, Version 3.1 o Microsoft Windows for Workgroups, Version 3.1 or 3.11 NETWARE CLIENT SOFTWARE You can use the following client software with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare): o PATHWORKS for DOS and Windows, Version 5.0 or higher o NetWare clients using NETX shell (V3.x,2.x) o NetWare clients using VLMS (V3.12,4.x) MEMORY REQUIREMENTS The following minimum amount of main memory is required to run PATHWORKS for OpenVMS: __________________________________________________________ On_this_system_._._.__You_need_at_least_._._._____________ OpenVMS VAX 16 MB of main memory OpenVMS_Alpha_________32_MB_of_main_memory________________ ________________________________________________________________ Preinstallation Tasks Use the checklist in Table 1-1 to complete the preinstallation tasks that are described in this section. 1-8 Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Preinstallation Tasks Table_1-1_Preinstallation_Checklist_______________________ < >1. Check the part listing. < >2. Make sure that the network hardware is installed and connected. < >3. Make sure that the required software is installed. < >4. Log in to the SYSTEM account. < >5. Back up the system disks. < >6. Make sure that you have adequate disk space for installation. < >7. Check system parameters. < >8. Check the queue manager. < >9. Make sure that DECnet is running, if you are planning to use PATHWORKS over DECnet. < >10. Check VMScluster configuration, if you are __________installing_PATHWORKS_on_a_VMScluster.___________ Before you install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS, perform these installation tasks: STEP 1: CHECK THE PART LISTING The software part listing specifies the contents of the kit you receive. Check the contents of your kit against that information. If your kit is damaged or if parts are missing, contact your Digital representative. STEP 2: CHECK THE NETWORK HARDWARE PATHWORKS for OpenVMS runs on any OpenVMS system that meets the software requirements. The PC local area network (LAN) requires: o A supported network controller board in the server and in each client o The cables to connect each client to the network Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 1-9 Preinstallation Tasks STEP 3: CHECK THE REQUIRED SOFTWARE PATHWORKS for OpenVMS requires the OpenVMS VAX operating system, Version 5.5-2 or higher, or the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, Version 1.5 or higher. If you are going to use the LAN Manager server over DECnet, or the license server over DECnet, or the mail server, IPX tunneling, or clustering, you also need the DECnet network transport. If you are going to use the TCP/IP transport, you must have a TCP/IP transport product, as described in the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Release Notes. STEP 4: LOG IN TO THE SYSTEM ACCOUNT Before you install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS, log in to the SYSTEM account, which has sufficient privileges to start the installation procedure. To log in to the SYSTEM account: 1. At the Username: prompt, enter SYSTEM: Username: SYSTEM 2. At the Password: prompt, enter the password to the SYSTEM account. The password you enter is not displayed. STEP 5: BACK UP THE SYSTEM To safeguard against the loss of valuable data, Digital recommends that you back up all disks on your system before you install any layered product. To do a system backup, use the OpenVMS BACKUP command. For information about the BACKUP command, see the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual and the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 1-10 Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Preinstallation Tasks STEP 6: CHECK DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS The following amount of free disk space on the system disk is required during the installation procedure: __________________________________________________________ On this With these com- You need at least . . . system_._._._____ponents_._._.____blocks__________________ OpenVMS VAX LAN Manager 40,000 only NetWare only 20,000 LAN Manager and 44,000 NetWare Standalone 16,000 license server __________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha LAN Manager 60,000 only NetWare only 32,000 LAN Manager and 66,000 NetWare Standalone 26,000 _________________license_server___________________________ To check the number of free blocks on the system disk, enter: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE Result The OpenVMS system displays information about the system disk, including the number of free blocks: Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt DUA0: Mounted 0 VAXVMSV055 43062 196 1 Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 1-11 Preinstallation Tasks STEP 7: CHECK SYSTEM PARAMETERS Make sure that the following OpenVMS system parameters are set properly. Note If these parameters are not set properly, you cannot configure the server after you complete the installation procedure. GBLPAGES parameter The minimum value of this parameter depends on the type of system: __________________________________________________________ For a VAX system, the value must be at For an Alpha system, the value must least_._._.___________be_at_least_._._.___________________ 3500_pages____________7500_pages__________________________ To ensure that your system has enough free global pages: 1. Enter the following: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") Result The value of the GBLPAGES parameter is displayed. For example: 7500 2. If the value is less than required, edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and add a line similar to the following: ADD_GBLPAGES = 7500 1-12 Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Preinstallation Tasks GBLSECTIONS parameter The minimum value of this parameter differs depending on which servers are to be installed: __________________________________________________________ For the standalone license server only, or the NetWare server only, the If the LAN Manager server is to value must be at be installed, the value must be at least_._._.___________least_._._._________________________ 50____________________75__________________________________ To ensure that your system has enough free global sections: 1. Enter the following: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") Result The value of the GBLSECTIONS parameter is displayed. For example: 75 2. If the value is less than required, edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and add a line similar to the following: ADD_GBLSECTIONS = 75 PROCSECTCNT parameter The minimum value of this parameter differs depending on which servers are to be installed: Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 1-13 Preinstallation Tasks __________________________________________________________ For the standalone license server only, or the NetWare server only, the If the LAN Manager server is to value must be at be installed, the value must be at least_._._.___________least_._._._________________________ 32____________________40__________________________________ To ensure that the value of the system parameter PROCSECTCNT is adequate: 1. Enter the following: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("PROCSECTCNT") Result The value of the PROCSECTCNT parameter is displayed. For example: 40 2. If the value is less than required, edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and add a line similar to the following: MIN_PROCSECTCNT = 40 SCSNODE parameter This parameter must be defined as your system's computer name. If you are running DECnet, the SCSNODE name should be the same as the DECnet node name. To check whether the system parameter SCSNODE is defined as your system's computer name: 1. Enter the following commands at the system prompt: $ NAME=F$GETSYI("SCSNODE") $ SHOW SYMBOL NAME 1-14 Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Preinstallation Tasks Result One of the following occurs: o If SCSNODE is defined, the computer name is displayed. For example, if your system's computer name is HYDRAC: NAME = "HYDRAC " o If SCSNODE is not defined, the computer name is not displayed. For example: NAME = " " 2. If SCSNODE is not defined, edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and define the parameter. For example, if your system's computer name is HYDRAC, edit the file so that it contains the following line: SCSNODE = "HYDRAC" The SCSNODE parameter's preinstallation status affects what happens after you install and configure the server and reboot the system, as follows: ________________________________________________________________ If SCSNODE And is_._._.______you_._._._____Then_the_server_._._._______________ Not defined Do not Does not start. define it Already Do not Starts. defined define it Not defined Define it Starts, but the OpenVMS system renames print and batch queues to include the new computer name. Therefore, you must requeue any existing print or batch jobs to the new queues. You may also have to rebuild the queue database. For information on these system management tasks, see the OpenVMS ____________________________System_Manager's_Manual.____________ Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 1-15 Preinstallation Tasks Note When you finish editing the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT, you must run the OpenVMS command procedure AUTOGEN and reboot the system before you configure the server. You can run AUTOGEN after you install (but before you configure) the server. For example: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT NOFEEDBACK If you plan to install optional software (such as the XQP+ or DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS), you can reboot the system as part of an installation procedure or as a postinstallation task. For example, after you install the XQP+, you must reboot the system. Therefore, you could install the XQP+, run the AUTOGEN, and then reboot the system after you install the XQP+. For more information For information about running AUTOGEN, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. STEP 8: CHECK THE QUEUE MANAGER Enter the SHOW SYSTEM command to make sure that the queue manager is running: $ SHOW SYSTEM Result Your OpenVMS system displays all currently running processes. If the queue manager is running, the display includes a line similar to the following: 0000004C QUEUE_MANAGER HIB 8 51 0 00:00:01.55 524 509 If the queue manager is not running, use the following command to start it: $ START/QUEUE/MANAGER 1-16 Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Preinstallation Tasks STEP 9: CHECK DECNET STATUS Enter the following command to see if DECnet is running on the system on which you are performing the installation: $ MCR NCP SHOW EXECUTOR __________________________________________________________ If DECnet is...______Then...________________________________________ Running The system displays State = on as shown below: Node Volatile Summary as of 1-JUL-1994 12:16:36 Executor node = 9.000 (BRUTUS) State = on Identification = DECnet-VAX V5.4-1, VMS V5.4-2 Active links = 2 Not Enter the following command to start it: running $ @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET This is only required if you plan to use the Mail Server over DECnet, or eXcursion, or ___________Remote_PCSA_Manager_commands.__________________ Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 1-17 VMScluster Considerations ________________________________________________________________ VMScluster Considerations STEP 10: CHECK VMSCLUSTER CONFIGURATION You can run PATHWORKS for OpenVMS on multiple VMScluster members (server nodes). To do so: 1. On each system disk on which you want to run PATHWORKS for OpenVMS, complete: o The tasks described in this chapter o The VMSINSTAL command procedure described in Chapter 2 2. On each cluster member that you want to use as a PATHWORKS server, run the configuration command procedure. This ensures that each node has enough resources to run the server. Running the configuration procedure on a clustered server is slightly different from running the procedure on a nonclustered server. For example, on a clustered server the procedure asks you to specify a PATHWORKS VMScluster alias. 3. Ordinarily, a VMScluster uses only one system disk, no matter how many members. However, a cluster that contains both VAX and Alpha processors (a "mixed- architecture VMScluster") must use two system disks (one on each processor type). If you run PATHWORKS for OpenVMS on multiple system disks, make sure that all VMScluster members that you use as PATHWORKS servers: o Use the same disk device to store and access PATHWORKS data files o Share the same SYSUAF.DAT file To do so, define a system logical name in each system disk's startup file that points all cluster members to the shared SYSUAF.DAT file. For example, to define the logical name SYSUAF that points to the SYSUAF.DAT located at DKB0:[SYS0.SYSEXE] on node HYDRAC, enter: 1-18 Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS VMScluster Considerations $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE_MODE SYSUAF - _$ HYDRAC$DKB0:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SYSUAF.DAT o Share the same RIGHTSLIST.DAT file To do so, define a system logical name in each system disk's startup file that points all cluster members to the shared RIGHTSLIST.DAT file. To define the logical name RIGHTSLIST that points to the RIGHTSLIST.DAT file located at DKB0:[SYS0.SYSEXE] on node HYDRAC, enter: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE_MODE RIGHTSLIST - _$ HYDRAC$DKB0:[SYS0.SYSEXE]RIGHTSLIST.DAT 4. If you are installing PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) on a mixed architecture VMScluster, the default location of the SYS volume given in the installation procedure points to the same location for all nodes. Not taking the default leads to multiple copies of the SYS volume, which can needlessly consume large amounts of disk space and result in incorrect operation of the server. If you are installing in this environment, you must specify the same location for the SYS volume on all nodes. ________________________________________________________________ Next Step To install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS, proceed to Chapter 2. Before You Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 1-19 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS This chapter describes how to install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS software. You must follow these procedures regardless of whether you are upgrading from a previous version of the server or installing the server for the first time. Before you begin the installation procedure, make sure that you have completed the preinstallation tasks listed in Chapter 1. This chapter consists of the following sections: o About the Installation Procedure o Installing the Server o Next Steps ________________________________________________________________ About the Installation Procedure WHAT IS VMSINSTAL? VMSINSTAL is the standard command procedure for installing software on the OpenVMS operating system. VMSINSTAL consists of a series of questions (prompts). Your answers to these questions provide VMSINSTAL with information it needs to install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS. Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 2-1 About the Installation Procedure VMSINSTAL INSTALLATION KIT The VMSINSTAL installation kit includes the following OpenVMS BACKUP save sets: __________________________________________________________ PATHWORKS Save Set_____________Contents__________________________________ PWRKV50C050.A KITINSTAL.COM, and release notes PWRKV50C050.B Common files for VAX systems PWRKV50C050.C Common files for Alpha systems PWRKV50C050.D LAN Manager files for VAX systems PWRKV50C050.E LAN Manager files for Alpha systems PWRKV50C050.F NetWare files for VAX systems PWRKV50C050.G NetWare files for Alpha systems PWRKV50C050.H___NetWare_client_files______________________ WHAT VMSINSTAL DOES When you use VMSINSTAL, it: 1. Creates PATHWORKS for OpenVMS accounts on the file server, if necessary. 2. Restores the files from the save sets in the installation kit. 3. Creates DECnet objects, if you are running DECnet Phase IV. 4. Installs PATHWORKS DCL commands. 5. Creates PATHWORKS for OpenVMS logical names definition files. 6. Deletes obsolete files. 7. Places the files in the directories that you specify during the procedure. 8. Verifies that the software has been installed successfully. (See Verifying the Server Installation for information on how to run the Installation Verification Procedure after installing the software.) 2-2 Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Installing the Server ________________________________________________________________ Installing the Server BEFORE YOU START VMSINSTAL Before you start the VMSINSTAL command procedure, answer the following questions: 1. What is the product identifier? The product identifier tells VMSINSTAL which save sets to copy from the media to a disk on the system. The product identifier for PATHWORKS for OpenVMS is: PWRKV50C050 2. What is the name of the device on which you want to mount the media? The device name depends on the type of media and computer you have. For example, if you want to mount a TK50 on the tape drive of your VAXstation 4000 Model 60, then the device name is MKA500. 3. Do you want to access the online release notes during the installation procedure? You can tell VMSINSTAL to ask you if you want to display or print the online release notes during installation. Because the release notes may describe important changes to the installation procedure, Digital recommends that you read them. Procedures for obtaining the release notes are described in Chapter 1. 4. Do you want to install the standalone license server? If the system is designated to run the standalone license server, you can install the license server software only. Digital recommends that you run the license server on a designated license server system. The installation procedure gives you the option to install the standalone license server software from the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS kit. In this case, the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS file servers are not installed. If any PATHWORKS file server software is installed, you cannot install the standalone license server. Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 2-3 Installing the Server 5. Do you want to install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) server software? If you have a previous version of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager), you must upgrade to V5.0C. 6. Do you want to install the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) server software? If you have a previous version of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare), you must upgrade to V1.0C. 7. What is the User Identification Code (UIC) group number? The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS installation procedure creates two OpenVMS accounts if necessary: PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST. The default selection displayed in the installation dialog is determined as follows: _______________________________________________________ If_._._.______________The_default_is_._._._____________ You are installing The first available unused UIC PATHWORKS for group number, starting with 360. OpenVMS for the first time An account named The same group number as that PCFS$ACCOUNT already associated with the existing exists account PCFS$ACCOUNT. An account named The same group number as PWRK$DEFAULT or the existing PWRK$DEFAULT PWRK$GUEST already or PWRK$GUEST accounts, in exists________________preference_to_PCFS$ACCOUNT.______ HOW TO START VMSINSTAL To start VMSINSTAL: 1. Ensure that you are logged in to the SYSTEM account. 2. Load the installation kit media onto a drive. (It is not necessary to mount the drive, but it must be online, so the installation procedure can mount it.) 2-4 Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Installing the Server 3. Enter the following command to check the status of the device on which you have loaded the installation kit, replacing device_name with the name of the applicable device: $ SHOW DEVICE device_name For example: $ SHOW DEVICE $1$DUS0: Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt $1$DUS0: (HSC001) Mounted 0 HUBSYS 347718 628 4 If the device status is Offline, enter the following command to place the device online, replacing device_ name with the name of your device: $ SET DEVICE/AVAILABLE device_name 4. Change the default directory to SYS$UPDATE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 5. Start VMSINSTAL and specify the PWRKV50C050 product identifier, the media device, and whether you want access to the online release notes during the installation procedure: ________________________________________________________________ If_you_._._.______________Then_enter_._._.______________________ Want access to the @VMSINSTAL PWRKV50C050 device_name release notes during the OPTIONS N installation procedure Do not want access @VMSINSTAL PWRKV50C050 device_name to the release notes during the installation procedure_______________________________________________________ Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 2-5 Installing the Server HOW INSTALLATION QUESTIONS WORK An asterisk (*) at the beginning of a line in the installation procedure identifies a question you must answer. Usually, a question has a default answer, which the procedure displays within square brackets ([]) at the end of the question. To accept a default, press . For example: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? HOW TO INTERRUPT THE INSTALLATION To interrupt the installation procedure, press at any time. Then you can restart the installation from the beginning. HOW TO RESPOND TO PROMPTS Table 2-1 tells you how to respond to the prompts VMSINSTAL displays. Note Table 2-1 shows only the prompts VMSINSTAL displays; it does not show any informational messages. For a complete sample installation script, see Appendix C, Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure. 2-6 Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Installing the Server Table_2-1_Installation_Prompts__________________________________ If you want the At this installation procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Are you Continue satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Exit NO Select option Display the release notes 1 [2]:[1] on the screen To stop the display at any time, press . Print the release notes The release notes file is sent to the default print queue SYS$PRINT. You can enter the name of another print queue. [1]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_you_specify_OPTIONS_N_when__ you start the VMSINSTAL command procedure or if there are active processes on the system. (continued on next page) Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 2-7 Installing the Server Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Installation_Prompts__________________________ If you want the At this installation procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Print the release notes 3 and display them on the To send the screen release notes to another print queue, enter the name of another print queue. To stop the screen display at any time, press . Continue without 4 displaying or printing The release the release notes notes are automatically copied to SYS$HELP. Do you want to Continue YES continue the installation [NO]?[1] Exit Do you want to Install the LAN Manager YES install the LAN server Manager server [NO]? [1]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_you_specify_OPTIONS_N_when__ you start the VMSINSTAL command procedure or if there are active processes on the system. (continued on next page) 2-8 Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Installing the Server Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Installation_Prompts__________________________ If you want the At this installation procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Omit the LAN Manager server Do you want Install the NetWare server YES to install the NetWare server [NO]? Omit the NetWare server Do you want Install the standalone to install license server This option the PATHWORKS installs the license server license server [YES]?[2] and transport software without a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS file server. Refer to Chapter 5 for more information. [2]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_you_chose_not_to_install____ both the LAN Manager server and the NetWare server. (continued on next page) Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 2-9 Installing the Server Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Installation_Prompts__________________________ If you want the At this installation procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Install a PATHWORKS file NO server with the license This option server causes the installation procedure to repeat the previous questions about installing the file servers, so that you can select one or both file servers. Is the selection Use the selection correct [YES]? Change the selection NO Terminate the installation Will you allow a Shut down the system system shutdown as part of the product after this installation procedure product is installed [YES]?[3] [3]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_it_is_necessary_to_reboot___ the system to reload the streams execlet or PCFS driver. (continued on next page) 2-10 Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Installing the Server Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Installation_Prompts__________________________ If you want the At this installation procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Complete the installation NO procedure without shutting System shutdown down the system is required for the product installation. If you answer NO, you must shut down the system manually after the installation procedure is finished. Do you want Run the Installation to run the Verification Procedure IVP after the (IVP) automatically after installation is the installation procedure finished [YES]? completes (continued on next page) Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 2-11 Installing the Server Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Installation_Prompts__________________________ If you want the At this installation procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Not run the IVP NO You can run the IVP independent of the installation procedure. For detailed information on running the IVP independently, see "How to run the IVP" under Verifying the Server Installation in Chapter 8. Do you want Purge all files it to purge files replaces replaced by this installation [YES]? Not purge any files it NO replaces Do you want to Delete the files and continue with continue the installation the installation [YES][4]? [4]This_question_is_displayed_only_if_there_are_PATHWORKS_files_ in system-specific directories. (continued on next page) 2-12 Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Installing the Server Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Installation_Prompts__________________________ If you want the At this installation procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Not delete the files and NO terminate the installation Do you want Shutdown the server and to shutdown continue the installation the PATHWORKS license server [YES][5]? Not shutdown the server NO and terminate the installation Do you want to Shutdown the server and shutdown the continue the installation PATHWORKS LAN Manager server [YES][5]? Not shutdown the server NO and terminate the installation Do you want Shutdown the server and to shutdown continue the installation the PATHWORKS NetWare server [YES][5]? Not shutdown the server NO and terminate the installation [5]This_question_is_displayed_only_if_the_server_is_still_______ running. (continued on next page) Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 2-13 Installing the Server Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Installation_Prompts__________________________ If you want the At this installation procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Enter default Associate the newly UIC group number created OpenVMS for PWRK$DEFAULT accounts PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST and PWRK$GUEST with [nnn]: the default user identification code (UIC) group number (nnn) Associate the newly A three-digit created accounts with UIC number. the UIC group number you For detailed specify information about UIC group numbers, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. NetWare SYS Keep the same SYS volume volume location location [device:[PWVN$SYSVOL]]:[6] Specify a different A different SYS volume location for disk device or NetWare directory. [6]This_question_is_displayed_only_if_NetWare_is_being__________ installed. (continued on next page) 2-14 Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Installing the Server Table_2-1_(Cont.)_Installation_Prompts__________________________ If you want the At this installation procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Do you want Copy new files onto the to copy new existing SYS volume files onto the existing NetWare SYS volume [YES]?[7] Leave the existing SYS NO volume as it is [7]This_question_is_displayed_only_if_NetWare_is_being_installed and there is an existing SYS volume. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Next Steps WHAT TO DO NEXT Before you continue: o Edit the system startup file to enable server utilities. o Install any desired optional software (refer to "Install optional software" at the end of this chapter). o Depending on which servers you are installing, do one of the following: Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 2-15 Next Steps ________________________________________________________________ Which tells you how If_you_are_._._.____Proceed_to_._._.____to_._._.________________ Installing the LAN Chapter 3 Configure the LAN Manager server Manager server. Installing the Chapter 4 Configure the NetWare NetWare server server. Installing the Chapter 5 Configure the standalone standalone license license server. server Upgrading the LAN Chapter 6, Use the upgrade Manager server Creating PATHWORKS procedure to create and from PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS edit upgrade reports. V4.x for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) ____________________Upgrade_Reports_____________________________ EDIT THE SYSTEM STARTUP FILE To enable server utilities (such as the Configuration utility and the LAN Manager Upgrade utility) without starting the server, add the following lines to the system startup file: ________________________________________________________________ For the LAN Manager server or the standalone license_server,_add:_______For_the_NetWare_server,_add:_________ $_@SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$LOGICAL$_@SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$LOGICALS_________ These lines run command procedures that define the appropriate logical names, and should be deleted after you add lines to start up the PATHWORKS servers, as described in Chapter 8. The name of the system startup file depends on which version of OpenVMS is installed on your system: 2-16 Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Next Steps __________________________________________________________ On this system_._._._________The_file_is_called_._._._____________ OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM OpenVMS VAX V6.0 SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM and higher or OpenVMS Alpha V1.5 and_higher________________________________________________ INSTALL OPTIONAL SOFTWARE Before you configure the server, Digital recommends that you install any desired optional software included in the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS kit. Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 2-17 Next Steps ________________________Note ________________________ If you choose to install any optional software now, redefine system parameters as described in the section "Step 7: Check system parameters" in Chapter 1, before you run AUTOGEN and reboot the system. _____________________________________________________ Table 2-2 lists and describes each optional software product and tells you where to find installation information. Table_2-2_Optional_Software_____________________________________ Product__________Description___________Installation_Information_ eXtended Qio An OpenVMS file Chapter 9, Installing the Processor Plus system that improves XQP+, in this guide. (XQP+) concurrency in your computer's input/output subsystem and improves directory caching by including new features such as multithreading and asynchronous cache writes DECprint A printing system DECprint Supervisor Supervisor that provides queue for OpenVMS Software management and Installation Guide, printing features which is included in for PostScript your software kit. _________________printers_______________________________________ After you configure the server, you may need to reboot the system for the configuration to take effect. If you have installed optional software, this system reboot activates the server and the optional software simultaneously. 2-18 Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 3 ________________________________________________________________ Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server This chapter describes how to configure the LAN Manager server and consists of the following sections: o About the LAN Manager Server Configuration Procedure o How to Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure o How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts o How to Change LAN Manager Configuration Default Settings o Next Steps ________________________________________________________________ About the LAN Manager Server Configuration Procedure WHAT IS THE CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE? The LAN Manager configuration procedure, PWRK$CONFIG, is installed by the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS installation procedure. Like the installation procedure, the configuration procedure asks you a series of questions (prompts). The procedure uses your answers to configure the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) server. Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server 3-1 About the LAN Manager Server Configuration Procedure WHAT THE CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE DOES The configuration procedure PWRK$CONFIG is a command procedure that: o Creates the PATHWORKS on-disk structure. o Creates the LAN Manager user accounts and shares databases. o Allows you to set or change the ADMIN account password. o Gives you the option to modify server configuration settings, such as which services you want to enable and the LAN Manager domains that are visible to the server. o Gives you the option of entering the Configuration utility to modify aspects of the server's configuration, such as the maximum number of clients that can connect to the server simultaneously. o Gives you the option of entering the upgrade procedure to perform the upgrade procedure if PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS was installed. o Gives you the option of starting the server. After you install the server, you must run PWRK$CONFIG before you can start the server. In a VMScluster, you must run PWRK$CONFIG on each node before you can start the server on that node. ________________________Note ________________________ After you start the server, you can run PWRK$CONFIG again, to move the PATHWORKS data files to another disk device. If you have more than one system disk, for example in a VMScluster with both VAX and Alpha processors, for each system disk, you must run PWRK$CONFIG on at least one node that uses that system disk in order to move the PATHWORKS data files to another disk. _____________________________________________________ 3-2 Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Before You Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure ________________________________________________________________ Before You Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure Before you start the PWRK$CONFIG command procedure, answer the following questions: 1. What is the name of the OpenVMS disk device that you want to store the following PATHWORKS data files on? o Configuration parameter files o License server data files o Log files o Printer spool files o Remote Program Load (RPL) files o User Authentication Service (UAS) files o Virtual memory section files By default, the configuration procedure copies the data files to the disk device SYS$SYSDEVICE:. However, you can specify any existing OpenVMS disk device that has at least 12,000 free blocks of disk space. ________________________Note ________________________ The server frequently accesses the data files copied to the specified disk device, which generates input to and output from the disk. If this input /output occurs on the system disk, it can degrade the performance of both the OpenVMS system and the server. Therefore, Digital recommends that you specify a disk device other than the system disk. _____________________________________________________ 2. What is the ADMIN account password? The configuration procedure prompts you to define a password for the LAN Manager account ADMIN, which you use to administer the server. The password you specify can contain up to 14 alphanumeric characters as well as any of the following special characters: ! # $ % & () - . ^ _ ` { } ~ Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server 3-3 Before You Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure ________________________Note ________________________ If your server will be part of a domain, enter the password to the domain's existing ADMIN account. _____________________________________________________ 3. Do you want to change any of the default server configuration settings? These settings determine: o Whether the license server runs The license server is a software program that you can run on your OpenVMS system to grant licenses to clients. Any client that wants to use server resources must have a valid license. Each LAN needs only one PATHWORKS license server. The client license product authorization keys (PAKs) must be loaded on the system that runs the PATHWORKS license server. In a VMScluster, the PAKs must be loaded on all nodes that run the PATHWORKS license server. This is best accomplished by adding the PAKS to a shared license database. By default, the license server does not run. For more information For detailed information on managing PATHWORKS licenses, see the Guide to Managing PATHWORKS Licenses. o Whether the server runs in backward compatibility mode Backward compatibility mode lets both V4.x and V5 PATHWORKS clients connect to the V5 server, so that you can upgrade clients at your convenience over a period of time instead of all at once. Run the server in backward compatibility mode until you have upgraded all clients and all client users have logged in to the server once. This lets the server synchronize the users' LAN Manager and OpenVMS passwords. 3-4 Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Before You Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure ________________________Note ________________________ If an OpenVMS account password contains more characters than LAN Manager allows (14), the password synchronization fails. _____________________________________________________ By default, the server does not run in backward compatibility mode. Refer to the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Administrator's Guide for more information about backward compatibility mode. o Whether the Remote Boot service is enabled The Remote Boot service enables clients to boot from a share instead of from their own hard disks. ________________________Note ________________________ If you enable the Remote Boot service, you must configure your server to load the NetBEUI network transport. _____________________________________________________ By default, the Remote Boot service does not run. For more information For detailed information about the Remote Boot service, see the LAN Manager Remote Boot Guide. o Whether the Timesource service runs The Timesource service allows your server to act as a time server. Other servers on the network can synchronize with the time server to coordinate network events (for example, running batch programs on all computers the same time each day). Each LAN needs only one time server. By default, the Timesource service does not run. o Whether the Alerter service runs Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server 3-5 Before You Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure The Alerter service sends messages called alerts to servers and clients that run the Messenger service. ________________________Note ________________________ The V5 server does not run the Messenger service. _____________________________________________________ By default, the Alerter service runs. o Names of the users who receive alert messages By default, alert messages are sent to the ADMIN account. o LAN Manager computer name This is the unique name that identifies your server in a LAN Manager domain. By default, the LAN Manager computer name is the server's DECnet network name. o LAN Manager domain name This is the LAN Manager domain in which your server is located. A domain is a subdivision of clients and servers on the network. The default LAN Manager domain is LANGROUP. o Other LAN Manager domains These are the names of other domains visible to the server. For example, if you use an interface to display a list of available servers on the LAN, the interface displays the servers located in the other domains you specify, as well as those in your own server's domain. By default, no other LAN Manager domains are defined. o LAN Manager security mode The security mode can be based on passwords associated with LAN Manager user accounts (user- level security) or based on passwords associated with shared network resources (share-level security). 3-6 Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Before You Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure The default LAN Manager security mode is user-level security. o Server announce comment This is the comment the LAN Manager server sends out when it announces its presence on the network. This comment may also be shown when you use an interface to display a list of available servers. The default server announce comment is "PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager)". Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server 3-7 Before You Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure o PATHWORKS VMScluster alias If your server is a VMScluster member, this is the network name that all servers in the cluster use. The alias lets remote nodes (such as clients) treat the entire cluster as though it were a single server. For example, a client user can specify the PATHWORKS alias to connect to any server in the cluster; the user does not know (and does not need to know) to which server the client is connected. The default PATHWORKS VMScluster alias is the DECnet cluster alias. For more information Unless otherwise specified, you can find more detailed information on any of the services or concepts listed above in the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Administrator's Guide. For detailed information on changing default server configuration settings, see "How to Change LAN Manager Configuration Default Settings " in this chapter. 4. Do you want to run the Configuration utility? The configuration procedure asks you whether you want to run the Configuration utility. The Configuration utility is a character-oriented, menu-driven interface that lets you modify aspects of the server's configuration, such as the maximum number of clients that can connect to the server and which network transports the server uses. Refer to Software requirements for more information about the transports. If you do not run the Configuration utility during the configuration procedure, you can do so later by entering the ADMINISTER/CONFIG command at the OpenVMS system prompt: $ ADMINISTER/CONFIG 3-8 Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Before You Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure ________________________Note ________________________ The configuration procedure displays a message stating how many clients your system's current configuration can support. If this number is too low for the needs of your network, run the Configuration utility during the configuration procedure. _____________________________________________________ For more information For detailed information on using the Configuration utility, access the utility's online help by choosing the Help button on utility screens. 5. Do you want to run the upgrade procedure? The upgrade procedure is a character-oriented, menu- driven interface that lets you upgrade PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS users, groups, services, and access rights so that they work with the LAN Manager features offered by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS. The LAN Manager server supports many more LAN Manager features than previous versions. Use the upgrade procedure to upgrade server security to a LAN Manager security model so that existing users can: o Take advantage of the new LAN Manager features o Access upgraded services and files You can run the upgrade procedure as part of the configuration procedure or independently, after the configuration procedure completes. However, you cannot run the upgrade procedure while the LAN Manager server is running. If you start the upgrade procedure while the server is running, a prompt is displayed that asks you whether you want to stop the server. For more information For detailed information about the upgrade procedure, see Chapter 6, Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports, and Chapter 7, Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager). 6. Do you want to start the server? Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server 3-9 Before You Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure The configuration procedure asks you if you want to start the server. If you do not want to start the server at that time, you can do so later from the command line after the configuration procedure completes. Note: Do not start the server during the configuration procedure if any of the following are true: o You still need to run the V4.x server. You do not need to stop the V4.x server while you configure and upgrade the LAN Manager server. However, when you start the V5 server, the V4.x server stops automatically. o You may need to run the V4.x server again for any reason. File access problems may occur if you stop the LAN Manager server and restart the V4.x server. o You are installing the server on multiple VMScluster members. Before you start the server on any VMScluster member, Digital recommends that you configure PATHWORKS for OpenVMS on each cluster member that you want to use as a server. You can then use the SYSMAN utility to start the server simultaneously on all cluster members. If you choose to start the server individually on each cluster member, make sure that you do so from the SYSTEM account on each server node. For more information For detailed information on alternate ways to start the server, see Starting the File Servers in Chapter 8. 3-10 Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server How to Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure ________________________________________________________________ How to Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure After the installation procedure completes, the OpenVMS system prompt ($) is displayed. If the system was rebooted following installation: 1. Ensure that you are logged in to the SYSTEM account. 2. Change the default directory to SYS$UPDATE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 3. Start the configuration procedure by entering: $ @PWRK$CONFIG ________________________________________________________________ How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts Table 3-1 tells you how to respond to the prompts that PWRK$CONFIG displays. Note Table 3-1 shows only the prompts PWRK$CONFIG displays; it does not show any informational messages. For a complete sample configuration script, see Appendix A, Sample LAN Manager Server Installation and Configuration Procedure. Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server 3-11 How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts Table_3-1_LAN_Manager_Configuration_Prompts_____________________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Do you want to Shut down the server or, continue with if your server is part of configuration a VMScluster, all servers [yes]:[1] in the cluster Abort the configuration NO procedure Enter disk Copy the PATHWORKS on- device name disk structure to the where PATHWORKS default OpenVMS disk data files device displayed will be stored If you ran PWRK$CONFIG or [default_device]: PWVN$CONFIG previously, the default disk device is the one you specified the last time you configured the server. If you run PWRK$CONFIG or PWVN$CONFIG again on another system disk in a VMScluster, and move the location of the on-disk structure, the default disk device is the new location of the on-disk structure. [1]This_prompt_is_only_displayed_if_you_started_the_server______ previously. (continued on next page) 3-12 Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts Table_3-1_(Cont.)_LAN_Manager_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Copy the PATHWORKS on-disk device_name structure to an OpenVMS disk device different from the default displayed Do you want Move the PATHWORKS on-disk YES to move the structure to the new disk PATHWORKS device data files from device current_device to device new_device [no]:[2] Leave the PATHWORKS on- disk structure on the You are once current disk device again prompted to specify the disk device where you want the PATHWORKS on- disk structure located. [2]This_prompt_is_only_displayed_if_you_ran_PWRK$CONFIG_or______ PWVN$CONFIG previously and chose to move the PATHWORKS on-disk structure to another disk device. (continued on next page) Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server 3-13 How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts Table_3-1_(Cont.)_LAN_Manager_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Do you want Prompt you to enter a new YES to enter a ADMIN account password new ADMIN account password [no]:[3] Keep the existing ADMIN account password Enter ADMIN Associate a password with password network account the ADMIN account If your server password: will be part of a domain, enter the password to the domain's existing ADMIN account. Re-enter to password verify password: [3]This_prompt_is_only_displayed_if_you_ran_PWRK$CONFIG_________ previously. The procedure asks for the Administrator's account password if you have joined a domain with a Windows NT server. (continued on next page) 3-14 Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts Table_3-1_(Cont.)_LAN_Manager_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Enter item Change the default The number number, or configuration settings associated with RETURN to use displayed a setting you these values want to change. [done]: For detailed information on changing these default configuration settings, see the following section, "How to Change LAN Manager Configuration Default Settings ". Use the default configuration settings displayed Do you want Enter the server YES to change Configuration utility For detailed the system information configuration on using the now [no]: Configuration utility, access the utility's online help. Not enter the server Configuration utility (continued on next page) Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server 3-15 How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts Table_3-1_(Cont.)_LAN_Manager_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Do you want Enter the upgrade to upgrade procedure, which you can For detailed PATHWORKS V4.x use to create reports to information databases to V5 prepare for upgrade, and on using now [yes][4]: to perform a complete or the upgrade custom upgrade procedure, creating upgrade reports, and upgrading the server, see Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. Not enter the upgrade NO procedure Do you want to Start the server start PATHWORKS automatically after the V5.0C for installation procedure OpenVMS on node completes node_name now [yes][5]: Not start the server NO [4]This_prompt_is_only_displayed_if_you_have_PATHWORKS_V4.x_for_ OpenVMS installed. [5]This prompt is not displayed if you must execute AUTOGEN or reboot the system before PATHWORKS can be started. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ How to Change LAN Manager Configuration Default Settings 3-16 Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server How to Change LAN Manager Configuration Default Settings After the configuration procedure asks you to define the LAN Manager ADMIN account password, it displays a list of the default server configuration settings and a prompt that lets you change them: PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS is presently configured to run as follows: 1. Run the license server: NO 2. PATHWORKS V4 compatibility: NO 3. Enable Remote Boot service: NO 4. Enable Timesource service: NO 5. Enable Alerter service: YES 5a. Alert user names: ADMIN 6. LAN Manager computer name: HYDRAC 7. LAN Manager domain name: LANGROUP 8. Other LAN Manager domains: 9. LAN Manager security mode: USER 10. Server announce comment: PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 11. PATHWORKS VMScluster alias: HYDRA Enter item number, or RETURN to use these values [done]: ________________________Note ________________________ Item 5a is only displayed if item 5 is YES. Item 11 is only displayed if your server is part of a VMScluster. _____________________________________________________ For more information For a description of each server configuration setting, see "Before You Start the LAN Manager Configuration Procedure " earlier in this chapter. To change default server configuration settings, enter the number of the setting you want to change. A prompt is displayed that lets you change the setting. Table 3-2 describes possible values for each setting. To save any settings you change, press to use the default answer DONE. For more information on completing the installation procedure, see the previous section, "How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts ." Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server 3-17 How to Change LAN Manager Configuration Default Settings Table_3-2_LAN_Manager_Configuration_Settings____________________ Setting_________________________Possible_Values_________________ 1. Run the license server: Enter YES to run the license server, or press to use the default NO. 2. PATHWORKS V4 compatibility: Enter YES to run the server in backward compatibility mode, or press to use the default NO. 3. Enable Remote Boot service: Enter YES to enable the Remote Boot service, or press to use the default NO. 4. Enable Timesource service: Enter YES to enable the Timesource service, or press to use the default NO. 5. Enable Alerter service: Enter NO to disable the Alerter service, or press to use the default YES. 5a. Alert user names:[1] Enter the names of users, each containing up to 20 characters, who can receive alert messages, and separate them with commas. 6. LAN Manager computer name: Enter a computer name of up to 15 characters, or press to use the default. The default displayed is your system's DECnet name. However, if your system's DECnet and NETBIOS names are different and the NETBIOS name is the node name, enter the NETBIOS name. 7. LAN Manager domain name: Enter a domain name of up to 15 characters, or press to use the default. [1]Only_displayed_if_alerter_service_is_enabled.________________ (continued on next page) 3-18 Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server How to Change LAN Manager Configuration Default Settings Table_3-2_(Cont.)_LAN_Manager_Configuration_Settings____________ Setting_________________________Possible_Values_________________ 8. Other LAN Manager domains: Enter up to four other domains, each containing up to 15 characters, and separate them with commas. 9. LAN Manager security mode: Enter SHARE to specify share- level security, or press to use the default USER and specify user-level security. 10. Server announce comment: Enter the comment of up to 48 characters that you want the server to send out when it announces its presence on the network, or press to use the default. 11. PATHWORKS VMScluster Enter the PATHWORKS alias alias:[2] for the VMScluster to which your server belongs, or press to use the default. [2]Only_displayed_in_a_VMScluster.______________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Selecting the LAN Manager Network Device The configuration procedure selects the network device depending on the transport you specify when you run the procedure. If the server has more than one network device, and you do not want to use the device selected, or if the server has a network device that is not recognized by the PATHWORKS server, you can manually select the network device to use with the transport you specified. Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server 3-19 Selecting the LAN Manager Network Device The following OpenVMS logical names are provided so that you can control the network device over which the PATHWORKS server operates: __________________________________________________________ Logical_Name__________Transport___________________________ NETBIOS$DEVICE DECnet PWRK$KNBDAEMON_ TCP/IP DEVICE PWRK$NETBEUI_DEVICE___NetBEUI_____________________________ For example, to select device EWA0: for DECnet transport, enter the following command before you start the server: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM NETBIOS$DEVICE EWA0: ________________________________________________________________ Next Steps You can start the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) server automatically as part of the configuration procedure. However, if you are installing the NetWare server as well, you can complete the NetWare configuration procedure before rebooting the system and starting the servers. NetWare configuration is described in Chapter 4. If you are upgrading from PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS, be sure to perform the upgrade procedures described in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. If you are ready to start the server, see Chapter 8 for instructions. 3-20 Configuring the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server 4 ________________________________________________________________ Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server This chapter describes how to configure the NetWare server and consists of the following sections: o About the NetWare Configuration Procedure o About NetWare Configuration Information o Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure o Reconfiguring the NetWare Server For an example of a complete configuration, see Appendix B. ________________________________________________________________ About the NetWare Configuration Procedure WHAT IS THE CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE? The NetWare configuration procedure, SYS$UPDATE:PWVN$CONFIG.COM, is installed by the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS installation procedure. Like the installation procedure, the configuration procedure asks you a series of questions. The procedure then uses your answers to configure the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) file server. Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server 4-1 About the NetWare Configuration Procedure WHAT THE CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE DOES The configuration procedure: 1. Creates the PATHWORKS on-disk structure. 2. Allows you to specify a NetWare file server name and checks the file server name you provide for conformance with NetWare naming syntax. 3. Allows you to specify an alternate location for the NetWare configuration files. 4. Allows you to configure the NetWare Virtual Terminal (NVT). 5. Allows you to run the license server on the system. 6. Allows you to configure up to eight NetWare networks and verifies that the network numbers you provide are valid (8-digit) hexadecimal numbers. 7. Writes your answers into configuration files and logical name command procedures. For the logical names and their definitions, see Appendix G and Appendix H. WHEN TO CONFIGURE THE SERVER You must configure the NetWare server after you install it and before you start it for the first time. In a VMScluster, you must configure the server on each node that will run the PATHWORKS server. ________________________________________________________________ About NetWare Configuration Information 4-2 Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server About NetWare Configuration Information ABOUT NETWORK NUMBERS A network number (address) is a unique 8-digit hexadecimal number used by the NetWare operating system to identify a network. When you configure the server, the configuration procedure asks you to specify network numbers for your local area network (LAN). Additionally, if you plan to enable tunneling, you must specify another number for each node at the far end of the tunnel. TYPES OF NETWORK NUMBERS Table 4-1 describes three types of configuration network numbers. Table_4-1_NetWare_Configuration_Network_Numbers___________ Number________Description_________________________________ External Also called the IPX network number or network network address, the external network number number is a unique number (for example, 00633905) that designates the network address for the file server. Each file server, workstation, and device on one LAN shares the same network number. This number is a hexadecimal number that often corresponds to the Ethernet segment number. Tunnel Also called the IPX network number in the network PWVN$CONFIG.COM procedure, the tunnel number network number is a unique number that designates the IPX DECnet tunnel network address. The tunnel network number must be different from the internal network number and all other NetWare network numbers in the LAN environment. (continued on next page) Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server 4-3 About NetWare Configuration Information Table_4-1_(Cont.)_NetWare_Configuration_Network_Numbers___ Number________Description_________________________________ Internal The internal network number is a unique 8- network digit hexadecimal number that you assign to number your file server. This number must be unique for each file server on a LAN. If you do not enter an internal network number, the configuration procedure calculates one from the DECnet node number for the OpenVMS system. If the system is not running DECnet, the default value is ______________00000DEC.___________________________________ NUMBER AND TYPES OF NETWORKS YOU CAN CONFIGURE You can configure up to eight networks for any one NetWare server. The eight networks can contain up to two local networks and IPX DECnet tunnels. A local network is a group of file servers, workstations, and peripheral devices such as printers that share the same Ethernet wire in a local area. An IPX DECnet tunnel is a point-to-point connection between two servers on different networks. The tunnel connects two or more IPX networks over an existing DECnet network that carries only DECnet traffic. ABOUT TOKEN RING AND FDDI SUPPORT If you have Token Ring or FDDI interfaces, the configuration procedure detects them and allows you to configure them for the NetWare server. Table 4-2 shows the interfaces that are supported and the frame types they support. 4-4 Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server About NetWare Configuration Information Table_4-2_Types_of_NetWare_Interfaces_____________________ Media_______DIX_SNAP_________IEEE-802.2_(SAP_E0)__________ Token Ring Supported Supported FDDI Supported Supported Ethernet____Supported________Supported____________________ ________________________________________________________________ Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure WHEN TO RUN THE CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE You need to run the configuration procedure if you have: o Turned the system into a VMScluster. In this case, you must run the configuration procedure on each node in the cluster that will be running the NetWare server. o Upgraded your VAX system (for example, upgraded an 8820 to a 6640) to account for new Ethernet devices. BEFORE YOU BEGIN Set the default directory to SYS$UPDATE:, as follows: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE HOW TO RUN THE CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE To run the configuration procedure: 1. Enter the following command: $ @PWVN$CONFIG 2. Respond to the configuration questions as shown in "How to respond to prompts." Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server 4-5 Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure HOW CONFIGURATION QUESTIONS WORK An asterisk (*) at the beginning of a line in the configuration procedure identifies a question you must answer to configure the server. Usually, a question has a default answer, which the procedure displays within square brackets ([]) at the end of the question. To accept a default, press . HOW TO GET ONLINE HELP To get online help on a specific configuration question, enter a question mark (?) after the question. HOW TO INTERRUPT THE CONFIGURATION You can interrupt the configuration procedure at any time. To interrupt the configuration procedure, press . HOW TO RESPOND TO PROMPTS Table 4-3 tells you how to respond to the prompts PWVN$CONFIG displays. ________________________Note ________________________ Table 4-3 shows only the prompts; it does not show any informational messages. For a complete sample configuration script, see Appendix B, Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure. _____________________________________________________ 4-6 Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure Table_4-3_Configuration_Prompts_________________________________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Do you want to Shut down the server or, continue with if your server is part of configuration a VMScluster, all servers [yes]:[1] in the cluster Abort the configuration NO procedure Enter disk Copy the PATHWORKS on- device name disk structure to the where PATHWORKS default OpenVMS disk data files device displayed will be stored If you ran PWRK$CONFIG or [default_device]: PWVN$CONFIG previously, the default disk device is the one you specified the last time you configured the server. If you run PWRK$CONFIG or PWVN$CONFIG again on another system disk in a VMScluster, and move the location of the on-disk structure, the default disk device is the new location of the on-disk structure. [1]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_you_started_the_server______ previously. (continued on next page) Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server 4-7 Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure Table_4-3_(Cont.)_Configuration_Prompts_________________________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Copy the PATHWORKS on-disk device_name structure to an OpenVMS disk device different from the default displayed Do you want Move the PATHWORKS on-disk YES to move the structure to the new disk PATHWORKS device data files from device current_device to device new_device [no]:[2] Leave the PATHWORKS on- disk structure on the You are once current disk device again prompted to specify the disk device where you want the PATHWORKS on- disk structure located. [2]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_you_ran_PWRK$CONFIG_or______ PWVN$CONFIG previously and chose to move the PATHWORKS on-disk structure to another disk device. (continued on next page) 4-8 Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure Table_4-3_(Cont.)_Configuration_Prompts_________________________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Name of Use the default server PATHWORKS name for OpenVMS (NetWare) file server [server- name]: Use another server name Correct server name System-specific directory [SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE]]: Use the default device and directory Use another device or Device and directory directory to use Do you want to Not allow clients using configure NVT the Novell Virtual on this system Terminal protocol [NO]? Allow clients using the YES Novell Virtual Terminal protocol Do you want to Not run the license server run a License Server on this system [NO]? (continued on next page) Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server 4-9 Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure Table_4-3_(Cont.)_Configuration_Prompts_________________________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Run the license server YES Internal Use the default internal network number network number (hexadecimal) [network_ number]: Use another internal Correct network network number number Maximum SPX Use no more than 50 sockets [50]: sockets Use a greater number of 50, 200, 500, or sockets 1000 Network Allow you to enter a new Configuration network configuration Action (ADD) [ADD]:[3] At least one network must be configured in order to proceed. A maximum of eight networks can be configured. Network Type Configure a new local (LOCAL, network TUNNEL,NONE) [L]:[4] [3]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_there_are_no_NetWare________ networks configured already. [4]This prompt is displayed only if you are configuring a new network. (continued on next page) 4-10 Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure Table_4-3_(Cont.)_Configuration_Prompts_________________________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Configure a new tunnel T network Not configure a new NONE network Choose a Network Configure a new network controller from based on controller above listing [controller]:[4] Not configure a new NONE network When you select NONE, the dialog returns to the Network Configuration Action prompt Enter 5 for Use the default frame type Ethernet_II (DIX/SNAP) (DIX), or 6 for 802.2 (Sap E0). [5]:[4] Use the IEEE-802.2 frame 6 type Network Number Use the unique network n, a hexadecimal [0]:[4] number value greater than 0 [4]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_you_are_configuring_a_new___ network. (continued on next page) Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server 4-11 Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure Table_4-3_(Cont.)_Configuration_Prompts_________________________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Network Finish the configuration Configuration procedure Action (ADD,DELETE, MODIFY,NONE) [NONE]: Add a new network ADD Delete a network DELETE Modify the configuration MODIFY of an existing network Do you want Reboot the system to reboot the automatically after the system now configuration procedure [YES][5]: completes Not reboot the system NO After the configuration procedure completes, you must reboot the system before you can start the NetWare server. Do you want to Start the server start PATHWORKS automatically after the for OpenVMS configuration procedure (NetWare) now completes [YES]: Not start the server NO [5]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_it_is_necessary_to_reboot___ the system to reload the streams execlet or the PCFS driver. ________________________________________________________________ 4-12 Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure HOW TO CONFIRM YOUR ANSWERS After you have answered all the questions, the configuration procedure displays a summary of your answers and prompts you to confirm your choices. Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server 4-13 Running the NetWare Configuration Procedure It then asks you: * Is this configuration satisfactory [YES]? __________________________________________________________ If_you_are...______Then...________________________________ Satisfied with Press to answer YES. the configuration summary Not satisfied Answer NO to change any of the values. with the The configuration procedure prompts you configuration for each value. summary___________________________________________________ When you are done with the configuration procedure, start the server, as described in Chapter 8. ________________________________________________________________ Reconfiguring the NetWare Server HOW TO RECONFIGURE THE SERVER You can reconfigure the server at any time after the installation. To reconfigure the server: 1. Stop the server and transports. 2. Run the configuration procedure. 3. Start the server and transports. For information about starting and stopping the servers, see Chapter 8. 4-14 Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server Reconfiguring the NetWare Server NEW CONFIGURATION VALUE LOCATION When you enter new configuration values, some of them are stored as new logical name definitions in the logical name command procedure. The new definitions supersede the previous definitions. However, the previous logical name definitions remain in the files, thus providing a history of the configuration changes. Configuring the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server 4-15 5 ________________________________________________________________ Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server The PATHWORKS license server is a software program that you can run on your OpenVMS system to grant licenses to clients. You can install the license server: o Separately from the file server o In conjunction with the file server In either case, you can configure the license server to support: o LAN Manager clients only o LAN Manager and NetWare clients o NetWare clients only Digital recommends that you install the license server on a designated OpenVMS system without the PATHWORKS file server, to ensure smooth and continuous operation of the license server. Alternatively, you can run the license server on a cluster with PATHWORKS file servers, where cluster failover provides reliability. Therefore, the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS kit allows you to install the standalone license server separately from the file server. Typically, each LAN needs only one PATHWORKS license server. The client license product authorization keys (PAKs) must be loaded on the system that runs the PATHWORKS license server. In a VMScluster, the PAKs must be loaded on all nodes that run the PATHWORKS license server. This is best accomplished by adding the PAKS to a shared license Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server 5-1 database. For detailed information on managing PATHWORKS licenses, see the Guide to Managing PATHWORKS Licenses. This chapter describes how to configure and start up the standalone license server, and consists of the following sections: o Before You Begin to Configure the Standalone License Server o Configuring the Standalone License Server o How to Start the Standalone License Server ________________________________________________________________ Before You Begin to Configure the Standalone License Server You install the standalone license server from the same software kit that you use to install the PATHWORKS file server. The procedures are described in Chapter 2. ________________________________________________________________ Configuring the Standalone License Server You must configure the standalone license server to provide license information to clients in the PATHWORKS LAN. Therefore, you select the appropriate transports used by the PATHWORKS clients. For LAN Manager clients, you can configure the license server to use the following transports: o DECnet o NetBEUI o TCP/IP[1] ___________________ [1] Requires a TCP/IP transport product. Suggested products are listed in the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Release Notes. 5-2 Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server Configuring the Standalone License Server To configure the standalone license server to use one or more of these transports, use the PWRK$CONFIG.COM command procedure, as described in "Configuring the LAN Manager Transports ." For NetWare clients, you can also configure the license server to use the IPX transport. To configure the standalone license server to use IPX, use the PWVN$CONFIG.COM command procedure, described in "Configuring the NetWare Transport ." ________________________________________________________________ Configuring the LAN Manager Transports The following section describes how to use the LAN Manager's configuration command procedure to configure the transports for the standalone license server. After the installation procedure completes, the OpenVMS system prompt ($) is displayed. If the system was rebooted following installation: 1. Ensure that you are logged in to the SYSTEM account. 2. Change the default directory to SYS$UPDATE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 3. Start the configuration procedure by entering: $ @PWRK$CONFIG 4. Respond to the configuration prompts. Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server 5-3 How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts ________________________________________________________________ How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts Table 5-1 tells you how to respond to the prompts PWRK$CONFIG displays. Note Table 5-1 shows only the prompts PWRK$CONFIG displays; it does not show any informational messages. For a complete sample configuration script, see Appendix D, Sample Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure. Table_5-1_PWRK$CONFIG_Configuration_Prompts_____________________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Enter disk Copy the PATHWORKS on- device name disk structure to the where PATHWORKS default OpenVMS disk data files device displayed will be stored If you ran PWRK$CONFIG or [default_device]: PWVN$CONFIG previously, the default disk device is the one you specified the last time you configured the server. If you run PWRK$CONFIG or PWVN$CONFIG again on another system disk in a VMScluster, and move the location of the on-disk structure, the default disk device is the new location of the on-disk structure. (continued on next page) 5-4 Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts Table_5-1_(Cont.)_PWRK$CONFIG_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Copy the PATHWORKS on-disk device_name structure to an OpenVMS disk device different from the default displayed Do you want Move the PATHWORKS on-disk YES to move the structure to the new disk PATHWORKS device data files from device current_device to device new_device [no]:[1] Leave the PATHWORKS on- disk structure on the You are once current disk device again prompted to specify the disk device where you want the PATHWORKS on- disk structure located. [1]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_you_ran_PWRK$CONFIG_or______ PWVN$CONFIG previously and chose to move the PATHWORKS on-disk structure to another disk device. (continued on next page) Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server 5-5 How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts Table_5-1_(Cont.)_PWRK$CONFIG_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Do you want to Allow licenses to be serve PATHWORKS served over DECnet licenses over DECnet [yes]:[2] Not allow licenses to be NO served over DECnet Do you want to Allow licenses to be YES serve PATHWORKS served over NetBEUI licenses over NetBEUI [no]:[2] Not allow licenses to be served over NetBEUI Do you want to Allow licenses to be YES serve PATHWORKS served over TCP/IP licenses over TCP/IP [no]:[2] Not allow licenses to be served over TCP/IP Do you want Start the server to start the automatically after the PATHWORKS configuration procedure license server completes now [yes]: [2]Default_answers_may_differ_if_you_have_run_the_PWRK$CONFIG___ procedure previously. (continued on next page) 5-6 Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server How to Respond to LAN Manager Configuration Prompts Table_5-1_(Cont.)_PWRK$CONFIG_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Complete the configuration NO procedure without starting ___________________the_server___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Configuring the NetWare Transport The following section describes how to use the NetWare configuration command procedure to configure the IPX transport so that the standalone license server can support NetWare client license verification. After the installation procedure completes, the OpenVMS system prompt ($) is displayed. If the system was rebooted following installation: 1. Ensure that you are logged in to the SYSTEM account. 2. Change the default directory to SYS$UPDATE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 3. Start the configuration procedure by entering: $ @PWVN$CONFIG 4. Respond to the configuration prompts. For descriptions of the types of information required in the configuration procedure, see Chapter 4. Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server 5-7 How to Respond to NetWare Configuration Prompts ________________________________________________________________ How to Respond to NetWare Configuration Prompts Table 5-2 tells you how to respond to the prompts that PWVN$CONFIG displays. For a complete example of the configuration dialog, refer to Appendix D. Table_5-2_PWVN$CONFIG_Configuration_Prompts_____________________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Enter disk Copy the PATHWORKS on- device name disk structure to the where PATHWORKS default OpenVMS disk data files device displayed will be stored If you ran PWRK$CONFIG or [default_device]: PWVN$CONFIG previously, the default disk device is the one you specified the last time you configured the server. If you run PWRK$CONFIG or PWVN$CONFIG again on another system disk in a VMScluster, and move the location of the on-disk structure, the default disk device is the new location of the on-disk structure. Copy the PATHWORKS on-disk device_name structure to an OpenVMS disk device different from the default displayed (continued on next page) 5-8 Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server How to Respond to NetWare Configuration Prompts Table_5-2_(Cont.)_PWVN$CONFIG_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Do you want Move the PATHWORKS on-disk YES to move the structure to the new disk PATHWORKS device data files from device current_device to device new_device [no]:[2] Leave the PATHWORKS on- disk structure on the You are once current disk device again prompted to specify the disk device where you want the PATHWORKS on- disk structure located. System-specific directory [SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE]]: Use the default device and directory Use another device or Device and directory directory to use. [2]This_prompt_is_only_displayed_if_you_ran_PWRK$CONFIG_or______ PWVN$CONFIG previously and chose to move the PATHWORKS on-disk structure to another disk device. (continued on next page) Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server 5-9 How to Respond to NetWare Configuration Prompts Table_5-2_(Cont.)_PWVN$CONFIG_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Do you want to Allow licenses to be serve PATHWORKS served over IPX licenses over IPX [YES]? Not allow licenses to be NO served over IPX Internal Use the default internal network number network number (hexadecimal) [network_ number]: Use another internal Correct network network number number Maximum SPX Use no more than 50 sockets [50]: sockets Use a greater number of 50, 200, 500, or sockets 1000 Network Allow you to enter a new Configuration network configuration Action (ADD) [ADD]:[3] At least one network must be configured in order to proceed. A maximum of eight networks can be configured. [3]This_prompt_is_only_displayed_if_there_are_no_NetWare________ networks configured already. At least one network must be configured in order to complete the configuration procedure. (continued on next page) 5-10 Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server How to Respond to NetWare Configuration Prompts Table_5-2_(Cont.)_PWVN$CONFIG_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Network Type Configure a new local (LOCAL, network TUNNEL,NONE) [L]:[4] Configure a new tunnel T network Not configure a new NONE network Choose a Network Configure a new network controller from based on controller above listing [controller]:[4] Not configure a new NONE network When you select NONE, the dialog returns to the Network Configuration Action prompt Enter 5 for Use the default frame type Ethernet_II (DIX/SNAP) (DIX), or 6 for 802.2 (Sap E0). [5]:[4] Use the IEEE-802.2 frame 6 type Network Number Use the unique network n, a hexadecimal [0]:[4] number value greater than 0 [4]This_prompt_is_only_displayed_if_you_are_configuring_a_new___ network. (continued on next page) Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server 5-11 How to Respond to NetWare Configuration Prompts Table_5-2_(Cont.)_PWVN$CONFIG_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Network Finish the configuration Configuration procedure Action (ADD,DELETE, MODIFY,NONE) [NONE]: Add a new network ADD Delete a network DELETE Modify the configuration MODIFY of an existing network Do you want Reboot the system to reboot the automatically after the system now configuration procedure [YES][5]: completes Not reboot the system NO After the configuration procedure completes, you must reboot the system before you can start PATHWORKS. Do you want Start the server to start the automatically after the PATHWORKS configuration procedure license server completes now [YES]: Not start the server NO [5]This_prompt_is_only_displayed_if_it_is_necessary_to_reboot___ the system to reload the streams execlet or the PCFS driver. (continued on next page) 5-12 Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server How to Respond to NetWare Configuration Prompts Table_5-2_(Cont.)_PWVN$CONFIG_Configuration_Prompts_____________ If you want the At this configuration procedure prompt_._._._______to_._._._____________________Enter_._._._____ Is this Continue with the configuration configuration procedure satisfactory [YES]? Prompt you for another NO Network Configuration ___________________Action_______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ How to Start the Standalone License Server You can start the license server in any of the following ways: o During the configuration procedure, as described in "Configuring the Standalone License Server ." o Manually from the command line. o Automatically each time you reboot. HOW TO START THE LICENSE SERVER MANUALLY If you did not start the license server during the configuration procedure, you can start it manually using the following commands: __________________________________________________________ To_serve...______Enter..._________________________________ LAN Manager $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP licenses NetWare $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP licenses Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server 5-13 How to Start the Standalone License Server __________________________________________________________ To_serve...______Enter..._________________________________ NetWare and $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP LAN Manager $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP licenses__________________________________________________ Example $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP Result The license server starts, and messages similar to the following are displayed: $ @sys$startup:pwvn$startup PATHWORKS license server will use DECnet, IPX. PATHWORKS mail notification will use DECnet. Process NETBIOS created with identification 0000012C Starting IPX Daemon (NPSD)...OK Process PWRK$LICENSE_S created with identification 00000135 $ HOW TO START THE LICENSE SERVER AUTOMATICALLY To make sure that the license server starts automatically each time you boot your OpenVMS system: 1. Edit the system startup file. _______________________________________________________ On this system_._._._________The_file_is_called_._._.__________ OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM OpenVMS VAX V6.0 SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM or higher; or Alpha V1.5 or higher_________________________________________________ 2. Add the appropriate startup commands, as shown in the following example. Add the command to the file below all lines that start network transports. The following 5-14 Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server How to Start the Standalone License Server example shows how to edit the file to serve both LAN Manager and NetWare licenses. Example $ IF F$SEARCH("SYS$SYSTEM:NETACP.EXE") .NES. "" THEN @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET . . . $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP HOW TO START THE LICENSE SERVER IN A VMSCLUSTER If you installed and configured the PATHWORKS license server on multiple members of the same VMScluster, Digital suggests that you use the SYSMAN utility to start the server manually and simultaneously on all cluster members. To do so: 1. Ensure that you are logged in to the SYSTEM account on one of the server nodes in the VMScluster. 2. Define all the VMScluster members on which you want to start the standalone license server. For example, if you want to start the license server on nodes HYDRAA, HYDRAB, and HYDRAC: $ MCR SYSMAN SET ENVIRONMENT /NODE=(HYDRAA, HYDRAB, HYDRAC) 3. Start the license server on the nodes you defined: ________________________________________________________________ To_serve...______Enter..._______________________________________ LAN Manager $ MCR SYSMAN DO @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP licenses NetWare $ MCR SYSMAN DO @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP licenses NetWare and $ MCR SYSMAN DO @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP LAN Manager $ MCR SYSMAN DO @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP licenses________________________________________________________ Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server 5-15 6 ________________________________________________________________ Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports This chapter describes how to use the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS upgrade procedure to create and edit upgrade reports. You can use these reports as input data files to the upgrade procedure. This ensures a smooth and complete upgrade of existing users, groups, services, and access rights from PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS so that they work with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS. For complete information on the upgrade procedure, see Chapter 7, Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager). This chapter consists of the following sections: o Before You Begin o About Upgrade Reports o Using the Upgrade Utility o Creating Upgrade Reports o Editing Upgrade Reports o Next Steps Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 6-1 Before You Begin ________________________________________________________________ Before You Begin HAVE YOU DONE? Before you continue, make sure that you have completed the installation procedure, as described in Chapter 2, and the configuration procedure, as described in Chapter 3. ________________________________________________________________ About Upgrade Reports WHAT IS AN UPGRADE REPORT? An upgrade report is a file that you create with the upgrade procedure. An upgrade report: o Lists elements of the current server database (users, groups, services) that the upgrade procedure will and will not upgrade. o Points out aspects of the current server database that do not comply with LAN Manager restrictions (for example, file service names that exceed LAN Manager limits). You can edit an upgrade report to change information and correct conflicts. You can then use the report as an input data file during the upgrade procedure to ensure a smooth and complete upgrade. TYPES OF REPORTS Types of upgrade reports include: o Users o Groups o File and print services 6-2 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports About Upgrade Reports ABOUT THE USERS REPORT The Users report displays: o Current PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS user accounts that the upgrade procedure will upgrade to LAN Manager accounts By default, the upgrade procedure upgrades an account if any of the following is true: - The resource identifier PCFS$USER is associated with the account. - The user is a member of an existing PATHWORKS group. - The user's login directory contains at least one file with a DOS access control list entry (ACE), indicating that the file was created from a client workstation. o Current OpenVMS user accounts that the upgrade procedure will not upgrade to LAN Manager accounts by default By default, the upgrade procedure does not upgrade user accounts that meet none of the criteria listed above. You can display and edit the Users report to make sure that the accounts of PATHWORKS users that fall into this category are upgraded. o LAN Manager user accounts on the primary domain controller (if your local server is not the primary domain controller) This part of the display lets you see which user accounts on the local server have duplicates on the primary domain controller. If an account on the local server has the same user name as an account on the primary domain controller, the upgrade procedure upgrades the PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS account to a LAN Manager account on the local server. After the upgrade procedure completes and the local server is part of the domain, however, the LAN Manager account on the primary domain controller supersedes the one on the local server. Depending on whether these Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 6-3 About Upgrade Reports accounts belong to different users or to the same user, one of the following must occur: _______________________________________________________ If_._._.______________Then_._._._______________________ The accounts belong The user must log on to the to the same user domain with the correct user name and password to take advantage of the logon validation feature. (This is the password associated with the account on the primary domain controller.) The accounts belong Before you begin the upgrade to different users procedure, you must edit the Users report to rename the ______________________account_on_the_local_server._____ For more information For detailed information on editing the Users report, see "When and how to edit a Users report" in the section Editing Upgrade Reports later in this chapter. ABOUT THE GROUPS REPORT The Groups report displays: o Current PATHWORKS groups, OpenVMS UIC groups, and OpenVMS resource identifiers on the local server that the upgrade procedure will upgrade to LAN Manager groups. The upgrade procedure upgrades any UIC group or resource identifier that includes at least one member who is considered a PATHWORKS user according to the criteria described in the previous section, "About the Users report". o The members of each UIC group or resource identifier listed. o LAN Manager groups on the primary domain controller. These groups are displayed only if your local server is not the primary domain controller. 6-4 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports About Upgrade Reports o A warning message if the number of groups listed in the report exceeds the number LAN Manager allows for each domain (256). ABOUT THE FILE AND PRINT SERVICES REPORT This report displays all file and print services, OpenVMS user accounts, and OpenVMS print queues that the upgrade procedure will upgrade to LAN Manager shares. The report displays each service, account, or queue on one of two lists: __________________________________________________________ If the service, account, or queue_._._.___________Then_the_report_displays_it_on_._._. Follows LAN Manager The list of shares that users can naming conventions access with both Basic and Enhanced (a share name that Redirectors. contains eight characters or fewer followed by an extension that contains three characters or fewer) Does not follow The list of shares that users can LAN Manager naming access with only the Digital Basic conventions___________Redirector._________________________ SAMPLE REPORTS See Appendix E for complete sample upgrade reports. ________________________________________________________________ Using the Upgrade Utility Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 6-5 Using the Upgrade Utility BEFORE YOU START THE UTILITY Before you start the upgrade procedure, follow these steps: 1. Make sure that you know the name of the domain in which your server resides. If your server is not the primary domain controller, make sure that you know the primary's name and that the primary is running. For more information For detailed information about domains and domain controllers, see the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Administrator's Guide. 2. Log in to the OpenVMS SYSTEM account. 3. Use the PWRK$SHOWSYS command procedure to find out whether the server is running: $ @PWRK$SHOWSYS Result If the server is running, the command procedure displays all currently running PATHWORKS processes. For example: VAX/VMS V5.5-2 on node AMUN 8-NOV-1994 12:21:38.31 Uptime 0 02:34:51 Pid Process Name State Pri I/O CPU Page flts Ph.Mem 00000137 NETBIOS HIB 5 1629 0 00:00:04.20 481 187 000001AA PWRK$ADMIN_0 LEF 12 55 0 00:00:03.34 331 183 00000145 PWRK$LICENSE_R HIB 10 59 0 00:00:04.29 997 65 000001BD PWRK$LMDMN HIB 11 541 0 00:00:16.36 3720 989 0000011F PWRK$MASTER HIB 8 525 0 00:00:10.85 1327 117 000001A7 PWRK$MONITOR HIB 4 83 0 00:00:05.59 1465 396 0000013C PWRK$NBDAEMON HIB 10 29 0 00:00:01.37 300 133 The processes that may be displayed include: 6-6 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports Using the Upgrade Utility NETBIOS PWRK$ADMIN_0 PWRK$LICENSE_R PWRK$LICENSE_S[1] PWRK$LMDMN PWRK$LMMCP PWRK$LMRIPL[2] PWRK$LMSRV PWRK$MASTER PWRK$NBDAEMON[3] PWRK$KNBDAEMON[4] [1]This_process_runs_only_if_you_start_the_license_____ server during the configuration procedure. [2]This process runs only if you start the Remote Boot service during the configuration procedure. [3]This process runs only if you use the NetBEUI transport. [4]This process runs only if you use the TCP/IP transport. If the server is not running, none of these processes are displayed. 4. If the server is running, use the PWRK$SHUTDOWN command procedure to stop it: $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$SHUTDOWN If you do not stop the server, the upgrade command procedure stops it for you. You are now ready to start the upgrade procedure, as described in the next section. HOW TO START THE UTILITY To start the upgrade procedure: 1. Change the default directory to SYS$UPDATE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 2. At the system prompt, enter: $ @PWRK$UPGRADE Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 6-7 Using the Upgrade Utility Result If you did not stop the running server earlier, the upgrade procedure displays the following: This procedure shuts down the currently running PATHWORKS V5 server. Do you want to continue with upgrade [yes]: 3. Press to continue with upgrade. Result The upgrade procedure displays the configured transports. For example: Shutting down the currently running server(s)... PATHWORKS is configured to use DECnet, NetBEUI, TCP/IP. If you are upgrading a server in an existing domain that has a designated primary domain controller, the upgrade procedure communicates with it to enumerate users and groups in the existing domain. If you are not upgrading a server in an existing domain, press Return. Are you upgrading a server in an existing domain [no]: 4. Enter YES to upgrade a server in an existing domain. Result If you have more than one transport configured and you are upgrading a server in an existing domain, the upgrade procedure displays the following: The upgrade procedure uses only one of the transports configured on the server. Choose a transport, and make sure that the designated primary domain controller is running that transport. Which transport do you want to use for upgrade [DECnet]: 5. Enter the name of the transport that you want to use for the upgrade or press Return to use the default. Result If you are upgrading a server in an existing domain, the upgrade procedure starts the transport you have chosen. The upgrade procedure then starts the LAN Manager upgrade utility. If you are upgrading in an existing domain, the upgrade utility displays the following prompt: 6-8 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports Using the Upgrade Utility Enter the name of the Domain [PF2 for Help]: 6. Enter the name of the domain in which your server resides. Result If you are upgrading the server in an existing domain, the upgrade procedure displays the following prompt: Enter the Primary Domain Controller's node name [PF2 for Help]: 7. Do the following: ________________________________________________________________ If your local And the upgrade server_is_._._.______Then_._._.___________procedure_._._._______ The primary domain Press Displays the Main controller or a menu; you have started standalone server the upgrade procedure. Part of a domain, Enter the name of Prompts you for the but not the the remote server user name and password primary domain that is or will be of a privileged controller the primary domain account (see below). controller Note Make sure that the primary domain controller is available and running the network transport that you selected to use for upgrade. If it is not, a message is displayed that says that the primary domain controller is not _____________________listening._________________________________ 8. When you enter the name of the remote server, the upgrade procedure displays the following prompt: Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 6-9 Using the Upgrade Utility Enter a user name for a privileged account [ADMIN | PF2 for Help]: Press to use the default ADMIN or enter the name of another LAN Manager account that has admin privileges on the domain you specified. Result The upgrade procedure displays a prompt similar to the following: Enter ADMIN account password: 9. Enter the password, and then re-enter it as prompted. Result The upgrade procedure logs you on to the domain and displays the Main menu: 6-10 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports Using the Upgrade Utility HOW TO NAVIGATE THE UTILITY To navigate and exit the upgrade procedure: __________________________________________________________ If_you_want_to_._._.__Then_._._.__________________________ Choose a menu option Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the option, and press . Return to the Do one of the following: previous menu o Highlight the Return to Previous Menu option, and press . o Press . Exit the upgrade Do one of the following: procedure o Highlight the Exit option on the Main menu, and press . o Press at the Main menu. __________________________________________________________ HOW TO GET ONLINE HELP To display context-sensitive online help when you use the upgrade procedure: __________________________________________________________ If you want help_._._.____________Then_._._.__________________________ About a menu option Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the option, and press . At_a_prompt___________Press_.________________________ Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 6-11 Creating Upgrade Reports ________________________________________________________________ Creating Upgrade Reports HOW TO CREATE AN UPGRADE REPORT To create an upgrade report: 1. From the upgrade procedure Main menu, choose Create Upgrade Reports. Result The Create Upgrade Reports menu is displayed: 2. From the Create Upgrade Reports menu, choose Users, Groups, or File and Print Services. (Because you can use one report as input to another, create these reports in that order.) Result The upgrade procedure: o Displays the Users report, Groups report, or File and Print Services report screen. o For a User or a File and Print Services report, creates the report and displays the following prompt: Do you want to view the report Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y o For a Groups report, displays the following prompt: Do you want to use a Users report as input to the Groups report Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: N 3. If you are creating a Groups report, specify whether you want to use the Users report you created and edited previously as input to the creation of the Groups report: 6-12 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports Creating Upgrade Reports ________________________________________________________________ Enter . . . If_you_._._.___________________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.__ Want to use the Y Prompts you to enter the Users report name of the report or press to use the default PWRK$UPG$USERS.RPT, and then creates a Groups report that reflects changes you made to the Users report. Do not want to use Creates a Groups report based the Users report on existing groups and group _______________________________membership.______________________ Result The upgrade procedure creates the report and asks you whether you want to display the report: Do you want to view the report Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y 4. Specify whether you want to display the report: Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 6-13 Creating Upgrade Reports ________________________________________________________________ Enter . . . If_you_._._.______________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._._______ Do not want N Does not display the report. Because to display the the upgrade procedure saves the file, report you can display and edit the file after you exit the upgrade procedure. For report file locations, see the next section "Where to find report files". Want to display Displays a prompt that asks you which the report editor you want to use. Enter LSE, TECO, or TPU, or press to use the default EDT. The upgrade procedure displays the report in the editor you choose. When you are finished with the report, exit the editor to save any changes you made to the report, or quit the editor to exit without saving your __________________________changes.______________________________ WHERE TO FIND REPORT FILES Report files are stored in the PWRK$LMUPGRADE directory. Table 6-1 lists the file names of each report you can create with the upgrade procedure. Table_6-1_Report_File_Names_______________________________ Report_Type________File_Name______________________________ Users PWRK$UPG$USERS.RPT Groups PWRK$UPG$GROUP.RPT File and Print PWRK$UPG$SHARE.RPT Services__________________________________________________ 6-14 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports Editing Upgrade Reports ________________________________________________________________ Editing Upgrade Reports WHEN AND HOW TO EDIT A USERS REPORT Table 6-2 describes circumstances in which you might edit the Users report. For each situation, the table also describes how to edit the report and provides an example. Table_6-2_Editing_the_Users_Report______________________________ When_._._.________Then_._._.________Example_from_Users_Report___ (continued on next page) Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 6-15 Editing Upgrade Reports Table_6-2_(Cont.)_Editing_the_Users_Report______________________ When_._._.________Then_._._.________Example_from_Users_Report___ A user name Define a new, A user named Ken Cardinale on the local unique user has an account on the server has a name for the local server. The CARDINALE match on the account on account has a match on the primary domain the local primary domain controller. controller, but server; to However, the account on the the accounts do this, type = primary domain controller are not for the newname after is for another user named same user the existing Cardinale. name in the If left unchanged, the appropriate CARDINALE account on the section of the primary domain controller report. would supersede the CARDINALE account on the local server. Therefore, an account for Ken Cardinale would not exist on the primary domain controller. To make sure that the upgrade procedure creates a new account KCARDINALE on the primary domain controller, rename the CARDINALE account on the local server's user list: !OpenVMS users to be added as LAN !Manager users VERRILLI !VERRILLI JORDAN !JORDAN HICKSCOURANT !HICKSCOURANT CARDINALE = KCARDINALE !CARDINALE BRODMERKLE !BRODMERKLE BRISTOW !BRISTOW BJORK !BJORK BERUBE !BERUBE BELLUSCI !BELLUSCI BELLIVEAU !BELLIVEAU 6-16 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports (continued on next page) Editing Upgrade Reports Table_6-2_(Cont.)_Editing_the_Users_Report______________________ When_._._.________Then_._._.________Example_from_Users_Report___ You want to Type an To prevent the upgrade of prevent the exclamation HICKSCOURANT and BELLIVEAU, upgrade of point (!) in edit the appropriate section existing front of each of the report so that it OpenVMS user that you looks like this: users who are do not want !OpenVMS users to be added as LAN upgraded by upgraded. default !Manager users VERRILLI !VERRILLI JORDAN !JORDAN !HICKSCOURANT !HICKSCOURANT CARDINALE !CARDINALE BRODMERKLE !BRODMERKLE BRISTOW !BRISTOW BJORK !BJORK BERUBE !BERUBE BELLUSCI !BELLUSCI !BELLIVEAU !BELLIVEAU (continued on next page) Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 6-17 Editing Upgrade Reports Table_6-2_(Cont.)_Editing_the_Users_Report______________________ When_._._.________Then_._._.________Example_from_Users_Report___ You want to Remove the To ensure the upgrade of ensure the exclamation SYSTEST and SYSTEM, edit the upgrade of point (!) appropriate section of the existing users from in front report so that it looks like who are not of each user this: upgraded by that you want !OpenVMS users NOT to be added as default upgraded. !LAN Manager users !VPM$SERVER !VPM$SERVER DEFAULT !SYSTEST_CLIG !SYSTEST- UETP SYSTEST !SYSTEST- UETP SYSTEM !SYSTEM MANAGER !PWRK$GUEST !PATHWORKS !PWRK$DEFAULT !PATHWORKS !PHONE$SERVER !PHONE$SERVER DEFAULT !PCSA$RMI !PCSA$RMI !PCFS$ACCOUNT !PCFS !NML$SERVER !NML$SERVER DEFAULT !MIRRO$SERVER !MIRRO$SERVER DEFAULT !MAIL$SERVER !MAIL$SERVER DEFAULT !FIELD !FIELD SERVICE ____________________________________!DEFAULT________!___________ 6-18 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports Editing Upgrade Reports WHEN AND HOW TO EDIT A GROUPS REPORT Table 6-3 describes circumstances in which you might edit the Groups report. For each situation, the table also describes how to edit the report and provides an example. Note If you want to use the Users report as input to the creation of the Groups report, make sure that you have finished editing the Users report before you create and edit the Groups report. Table_6-3_Editing_the_Groups_Report_____________________________ When_._._.________Then_._._.________Example_from_Groups_Report__ You want to Rename the To merge the members of merge the group on the the group EDITING (BERUBE, members of local server HICKSCOURANT, and VERRILLI) a group on so that it on the local server with the local has the same the members of the group server with name as the EDITORS (BRODMERKLE and the members of group on the JORDAN) on the primary a group on the primary domain domain controller, rename primary domain controller; to the group EDITING on the controller, but do this type, = local server's groups list: the groups do newname after EDITING = EDITORS !PCFS Group EDITING not have the the existing Note same name name in the If you do not rename the appropriate group EDITING, the upgrade section of the procedure creates a group report. on the primary domain controller called EDITING, of which only the users BERUBE, HICKSCOURANT, and VERRILLI are members. (continued on next page) Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 6-19 Editing Upgrade Reports Table_6-3_(Cont.)_Editing_the_Groups_Report_____________________ When_._._.________Then_._._.________Example_from_Groups_Report__ You want to Type an To prevent the upgrade of prevent the exclamation the OpenVMS group EDITING, upgrade of an point (!) in edit the appropriate section existing group front of the of the report so that it or resource group (and its looks like this: identifier that members) that !EDITING !PCFS Group EDITING is upgraded by you do not want default upgraded. !USERS=( ! BERUBE ! HICKSCOURANT ! VERRILLI !) Note If you do not upgrade all existing groups and resource identifiers, the security phase of the upgrade ____________________________________procedure_may_be_incomplete. WHEN AND HOW TO EDIT A FILE AND PRINT SERVICES REPORT Table 6-4 describes circumstances in which you might edit the File and Print Services report. For each situation, the table also describes how to edit the report and provides an example. 6-20 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports Editing Upgrade Reports Table_6-4_Editing_the_File_and_Print_Services_Report____________ Example from File and Print When_._._.________Then_._._.________Services_Report_____________ You want to Type an To prevent the upgrade of prevent the exclamation the file service PCCOMMON, upgrade of point (!) edit the appropriate section a service, in front of of the report so that it account, or the service, looks like this: queue to a LAN OpenVMS !Accessible from the basic and the Manager share account, or queue that you !enhanced redirector do not want upgraded. WINWORD !PCCOMMON EXCEL ASCII You want to Define a new, To make sure that the change the name unique name for OpenVMS printer queue of a service, the service, POSTSCRIPT is upgraded to account, or account, or the LAN Manager print share queue so that queue; to do POST, edit the appropriate it can be this, type = section of the report so used with both newname after that it looks like this: redirectors the existing !Accessible from the basic redirector name in the appropriate WORD_PERFECT section of the PUBLIC_TEXT report. PUBLIC_DATA POSTSCRIPT = POST ____________________________________LOTUS_123___________________ ________________________________________________________________ Next Steps Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 6-21 Next Steps WHAT TO DO NEXT To perform the upgrade procedure itself, proceed to Chapter 7. 6-22 Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports 7 ________________________________________________________________ Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) This chapter describes how to use the upgrade procedure to upgrade users, groups, services, and access rights from a previous version of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager). The upgrade procedure is a character-oriented, menu-driven utility that lets users: o Access upgraded services and files. o Take advantage of the V5 server's new LAN Manager features. This chapter consists of the following sections: o Before You Begin o About Upgrading Your Server o Performing a Complete Upgrade with Reports o Performing a Custom Upgrade with Reports o Performing a Complete Upgrade Without Reports o Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports o Upgrading OpenVMS Security o Performing a UAS Merge Procedure o Upgrading Disk Services o Next Steps Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-1 Before You Begin ________________________________________________________________ Before You Begin HAVE YOU DONE? Before you continue, make sure that you have evaluated whether you need to create upgrade reports. If so, make sure that you have created and edited the upgrade reports, as described in Chapter 6. ________________________________________________________________ About Upgrading Your Server WHY UPGRADE YOUR SERVER? The LAN Manager server supports the following features that previous versions of the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS server do not: o Domains - Subdivisions of servers and clients on the network that: - Let each user work with a specific set of servers and other users. - Provide a simple way to control access to the network. - Make network administration easier. o Logon validation - the ability to let a user log on to a network domain once, then connect to shared network resources without specifying a user name and password again o User-level security - security based on a password associated with the LAN Manager user account o Share-level security - security based on a password associated with each shared network resource 7-2 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) About Upgrading Your Server o Hidden servers - servers that are protected from intruders, because they are omitted from any list of servers that users can display o Remote server management - the ability to manage the server remotely with either a window or command-line interface from an OpenVMS V5 server, an OS/2 server, an OS/2 client, or a DOS client on which the Enhanced Redirector is installed At the file access level, the V5 server also lets you integrate the security model of the LAN Manager network operating system with that of the host OpenVMS system. You can specify whether you want host-based security enforced for all files or only for those files not created with PATHWORKS. For more information For detailed information about these and other features, see the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Administrator's Guide. WHAT THE UPGRADE PROCEDURE DOES The upgrade procedure does the following: 1. The procedure upgrades users and groups by using one of the following: o Data file reports you specify o Default criteria based on the existing PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS users and groups database, as described in About Upgrade Reports in Chapter 6 2. If you specified a primary domain controller when you entered the upgrade procedure, the procedure adds the upgraded user accounts to the primary domain controller. Because the new user accounts created on the primary domain controller do not include passwords, you must do one of the following: o Use one of the available administrative interfaces to modify the user accounts so that they include passwords. Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-3 About Upgrading Your Server o Run the LAN Manager server in backward compatibility mode until all client users have logged on to the upgraded server. As client users log on, their user accounts are modified automatically so that they include the passwords used. For more information For detailed information about available administrative interfaces and running the server in backward compatibility mode, see the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Administrator's Guide. 3. For each PATHWORKS group, OpenVMS UIC group, and OpenVMS resource ID that is upgraded, the procedure: o Creates a corresponding LAN Manager group. o Adds users to the group based on the previous group membership. o If you specified a primary domain controller when you entered the upgrade procedure, adds a LAN Manager group to the primary domain controller. 4. For each file and print service you want to upgrade, the procedure creates a corresponding LAN Manager file or print share. 5. The procedure upgrades existing PATHWORKS access permissions (assigned to all system, application, and common file shares) from an OpenVMS security model to a LAN Manager security model. For all directories, subdirectories, and files, the upgrade procedure maps OpenVMS permissions to LAN Manager permissions as closely as possible so that user access is not changed. 6. If you instruct it to do so, the procedure deletes all temporary files created during the upgrade. 7-4 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) About Upgrading Your Server TYPES OF UPGRADES If you are upgrading the OpenVMS server from a previous version, you must perform either a complete upgrade or a custom upgrade. This table describes the differences between a complete upgrade and a custom upgrade: ________________________________________________________________ With_a_complete_upgrade_._._.___With_a_custom_upgrade_._._._____ Once you start, you must You complete different phases complete it, or press of the upgrade procedure one at to stop it, then start again. a time. You may want to perform When you press , you a custom upgrade if your LAN exit the upgrade procedure, is large or has a customized and the OpenVMS system prompt configuration, and you do not ($) is displayed. have time to perform a complete upgrade. You need to choose only one You must choose several upgrade upgrade procedure menu option. procedure menu options to complete all phases of the upgrade procedure. You respond to all prompts You respond to prompts before the upgrade procedure throughout the actual upgrade actually starts so that you procedure. can let the upgrade proceed unattended._____________________________________________________ Note With a custom upgrade, you can also specify multiple disk device names that contain file shares for which you want to upgrade security. You can perform either a complete upgrade or a custom upgrade with or without upgrade reports. However, regardless of which type of upgrade you choose to perform, Digital recommends that you use upgrade reports unless: o Your LAN's existing user, group, and service databases are extremely small. Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-5 About Upgrading Your Server o No conditions exist that would prevent a smooth and complete upgrade, as described in Chapter 6, Creating PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrade Reports. Therefore, before you can upgrade your server, you must decide which of the following upgrade procedures you want to perform: o Complete upgrade with reports o Custom upgrade with reports o Complete upgrade without reports o Custom upgrade without reports These upgrade procedures are described in the following sections of this chapter. ________________________________________________________________ Performing a Complete Upgrade with Reports HOW TO PERFORM A COMPLETE UPGRADE WITH REPORTS To perform a complete upgrade using upgrade reports: 1. From the upgrade procedure Main menu, choose Complete Upgrade. 2. Press at the following prompt to use the default Y: Do you want to use reports as input to the upgrade phases Enter Y or N, or press Return to use the default: Y 3. In response to the following prompt, specify a data file for user upgrade, or press to use the default PWRK$UPG$USERS.RPT: Specify the Users report file for the user upgrade on the next line [PWRK$LMUPGRADE:PWRK$UPG$USERS.RPT is default] 7-6 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Complete Upgrade with Reports Result The upgrade procedure upgrades existing PATHWORKS/OpenVMS users to LAN Manager users according to the information in the report. 4. In response to the following prompt, specify a data file for group upgrade, or press to use the default PWRK$UPG$GROUP.RPT: Specify the Groups report for the group upgrade on the next line [PWRK$LMUPGRADE:PWRK$UPG$GROUP.RPT is default] Result The upgrade procedure upgrades groups according to the information in the report. 5. In response to the following prompt, specify a data file for file and print services upgrade, or press to use the default PWRK$UPG$SHARE.RPT: Specify the File and Print Services report for the service upgrade on the next line [PWRK$LMUPGRADE:PWRK$UPG$SHARE.RPT is default] Result The upgrade procedure upgrades existing file and print services, OpenVMS user accounts, and OpenVMS print queues to LAN Manager file and print shares according to the information in the report. 6. Respond to the following prompt: Do you want to minimize output to the status box This may speed up the time it takes to upgrade the system. Enter Y or N, or press Return to use the default: N Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-7 Performing a Complete Upgrade with Reports _______________________________________________________ If_you_._._.__________Enter_._._.______________________ Do not want to minimize the number of messages This may slow down the upgrade. displayed in the However, if the upgrade fails, status box during more troubleshooting clues are upgrade displayed in the status box. Want to minimize the Y number of messages displayed in the This may speed up the upgrade. status box during However, if the upgrade fails, upgrade fewer troubleshooting clues are displayed in the status box. In either case, choose View Log File from the Main menu to display more detailed information. For still more detailed explanations of these log file messages, along with troubleshooting suggestions, see the appropriate chapter in PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN ______________________Manager)_Server_Messages.________ ________________________________________________________________ Performing a Custom Upgrade with Reports HOW TO PERFORM A CUSTOM UPGRADE WITH REPORTS To perform a custom upgrade using upgrade reports: 1. From the upgrade procedure Main menu, choose Custom Upgrade. 2. From the Custom Upgrade Options menu, choose Users and Groups. 7-8 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Custom Upgrade with Reports 3. Enter Y at the following prompt: Do you want to use a Users report as input to the user upgrade Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: N 4. In response to the following prompt, specify a data file for user upgrade, or press to use the default PWRK$UPG$USERS.RPT: Specify the Users report file for the user upgrade on the next line [PWRK$LMUPGRADE:PWRK$UPG$USERS.RPT is default] Result The upgrade procedure upgrades existing PATHWORKS/OpenVMS users to LAN Manager users according to the information in the report. 5. In response to the following prompt, specify a data file for group upgrade or press to use the default PWRK$UPG$GROUP.RPT: Specify the Groups report for the group upgrade on the next line [PWRK$LMUPGRADE:PWRK$UPG$GROUP.RPT is default] Result The upgrade procedure upgrades groups according to the information in the report. Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-9 Performing a Custom Upgrade with Reports 6. Press to display the Custom Upgrade Options menu, choose File and Print Services, and enter Y at the following prompt: Do you want to use a File and Print Services report as input to the service upgrade Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: N 7. In response to the following prompt, specify a data file for file and print services upgrade, or press to use the default PWRK$UPG$SHARE.RPT: Specify the File and Print Services report for the service upgrade on the next line [PWRK$LMUPGRADE:PWRK$UPG$SHARE.RPT is default] Result The upgrade procedure upgrades existing file and print services, OpenVMS user accounts, and OpenVMS print queues to LAN Manager file and print shares according to the information in the report. 8. Press to display the Custom Upgrade Options menu and choose Security. 9. Respond to the following prompt: Do you want to minimize output to the status box This may speed up the time it takes to upgrade the system. Enter Y or N, or press Return to use the default: N 7-10 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Custom Upgrade with Reports _______________________________________________________ If_you_._._.__________Enter_._._.______________________ Do not want to minimize the number of messages This may slow down the upgrade. displayed in the However, if the upgrade fails, status box during more troubleshooting clues are upgrade displayed in the status box. Want to minimize the Y number of messages displayed in the This may speed up the upgrade. status box during However, if the upgrade fails, upgrade fewer troubleshooting clues are displayed in the status box. In either case, choose View Log File from the Main menu to display more detailed information. For still more detailed explanations of these log file messages, along with troubleshooting suggestions, see the appropriate chapter in PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN ______________________Manager)_Server_Messages.________ 10.Respond to the following prompt: Do you want to create a list of devices for the security upgrade. Enter Y or N, or press Return to use the default: N You may want to create a list of disk devices that contain file shares for which you want to upgrade security. For example, if your server is part of a VMScluster, you can specify the names of disk devices located on any VMScluster member that you use as a PATHWORKS server. Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-11 Performing a Custom Upgrade with Reports Note To save time, you can start the Upgrade utility in multiple terminal sessions and perform simultaneous Security upgrades. For example, if you have 40 disk devices in a VMScluster that are part of the security upgrade, you can start the Upgrade utility in four terminal sessions and create a list of 10 disk devices in each. This way, the security upgrade takes one- fourth the time it would if you did it with one terminal session. _______________________________________________________ If_you_._._.____________________Enter_._._.____________ Want to create a list of disk Y device names Do not want to create a list of_disk_devices_names__________________________________ 11.If you chose to create a list of disk device names: a. In response to the following prompt, enter a file name for the list, or press to use the default PWRK$UPG$SECURITY.DAT: Specify a file specification for the file being created [PWRK$LMROOT:[LANMAN.DATAFILES]PWRK$UPG$SECURITY.DAT is default]: b. In response to the following prompt, enter LSE, TECO, or TPU, or press to use the default EDT: Select an editor (LSE TECO TPU or EDT) default [EDT]: Result The upgrade procedure displays the following in the editor you choose: !+++++++++++ Security Upgrade Device Data File ++++++++++++++++ !Please enter a list of devices separated by spaces. !Enter the device names as they appear on the system !no logicals and no colons ( For example: DKA100 DKA200 ) 7-12 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Custom Upgrade with Reports c. At the bottom of the file, enter the disk device names you want to specify, and separate them with spaces. Do not specify logical names or include colons. Example !+++++++++++ Security Upgrade Device Data File ++++++++++++++++ !Please enter a list of devices separated by spaces. !Enter the device names as they appear on the system !no logicals and no colons ( For example: DKA100 DKA200 ) MKA200 MKA300 MKA400 MKA500 MKA600 MAK700 d. Exit the editor to save the changes you made to the file and to begin the security upgrade. 12.When the security upgrade is complete, press to display the Custom Upgrade Options menu and, if you have completed all other phases of the upgrade procedure, choose Cleanup Upgrade. Caution If you have not completed all other phases of the upgrade procedure, performing the cleanup phase may remove temporary files needed to complete the upgrade. 13.In response to the following prompt, specify whether you want to delete temporary files created during the upgrade (for example, PWRK$UPG$USERS.DAT): Do you want to delete ALL upgrade data files in PWRK$LMROOT:[LANMAN.DATAFILES] Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-13 Performing a Complete Upgrade Without Reports ________________________________________________________________ Performing a Complete Upgrade Without Reports HOW TO PERFORM A COMPLETE UPGRADE WITHOUT REPORTS To perform a complete upgrade without using upgrade reports: 1. From the upgrade procedure Main menu, choose Complete Upgrade. 2. Enter N at the following prompt: Do you want to use reports as input to the upgrade phases Enter Y or N, or press Return to use the default: Y 3. Respond to the following prompt: Do you want to upgrade users to shares Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y _______________________________________________________ If_you_._._.________Enter_._._.________________________ Want to create a corresponding share for each OpenVMS/LAN Manager user account on the server Do not want N to create a corresponding Note file share for If you do not create a file share each OpenVMS/LAN for each OpenVMS/LAN Manager Manager user account on the server, users can account on the no longer access their personal server______________OpenVMS_logon_directories._________ 7-14 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Complete Upgrade Without Reports 4. Respond to the following prompt: Do you want to upgrade OpenVMS print queues to LAN Manager print shares Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: N _______________________________________________________ If_you_._._.________Enter_._._.________________________ Want to create Y a corresponding LAN Manager print share for each OpenVMS print queue Do not want to create any more print shares Note If you do not create a print share for each OpenVMS print queue, users can no longer access existing ____________________printer_services.__________________ 5. Respond to the following prompt: Do you want to minimize output to the status box This may speed up the time it takes to upgrade the system. Enter Y or N, or press Return to use the default: N Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-15 Performing a Complete Upgrade Without Reports _______________________________________________________ If_you_._._.__________Enter_._._.______________________ Do not want to minimize the number of messages This may slow down the upgrade. displayed in the However, if the upgrade fails, status box during more troubleshooting clues are upgrade displayed in the status box. Want to minimize the Y number of messages displayed in the This may speed up the upgrade. status box during However, if the upgrade fails, upgrade fewer troubleshooting clues are displayed in the status box. In either case, choose View Log File from the Main menu to display more detailed information. For still more detailed explanations of these log file messages, along with troubleshooting suggestions, see the appropriate chapter in PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN ______________________Manager)_Server_Messages.________ 6. If your local server is not the primary domain controller, respond to the following prompt: Ignore same name user conflicts Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y A same-name conflict occurs when a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS user name on the local server matches exactly a LAN Manager user name on the primary domain controller. 7-16 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Complete Upgrade Without Reports ________________________________________________________________ If Enter . . . you_._._.______________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.__________ Want to ignore _________________________________________ same-name For_._._._________Does_this_._._.________ conflicts Matching Lets the account on accounts the primary domain controller supersede the account with the same name on the local server. The user must then use the password to the account on the primary domain controller. Accounts on the Displays the User Merge local server screen to resolve the that have names name conflicts. similar to (but not exact matches of) accounts on the primary domain controller All other Creates matching accounts on accounts on the primary the_local_server__domain_controller._____ Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-17 Performing a Complete Upgrade Without Reports ________________________________________________________________ If Enter . . . you_._._.______________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.__________ Want to N resolve _________________________________________ same-name For_._._._________Does_this_._._.________ conflicts Accounts on the Displays the User Merge local server screen to resolve the that have names name conflicts. similar to or exact matches of accounts on the primary domain controller All other Creates matching accounts on accounts on the primary the_local_server__domain_controller._____ ________________________________________________________________ As shown in the following figure, the box on the left of the User Merge screen displays an account on the local server that has a same-name conflict (only one account is displayed at a time). The box on the right lists the accounts on the primary domain controller that have the same or similar user names. Select the user name on the primary domain controller that you want to associate with the account on the local server, and press . The account on the primary domain controller supersedes the account on the local server. (The user must then use the password associated with the account on the primary domain controller.) Repeat this action for each local account displayed. 7. If your local server is not the primary domain controller, respond to the following prompt: Ignore same name group conflicts Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y 7-18 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Complete Upgrade Without Reports A same-name conflict occurs when a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS UIC group name on the local server matches exactly a LAN Manager group name on the primary domain controller. Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-19 Performing a Complete Upgrade Without Reports ________________________________________________________________ If Enter . . . you_._._.______________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.__________ Want to ignore _________________________________________ same-name For_._._._________Does_this_._._.________ conflicts Matching groups Merges the members of the group on the local server with the members of the group of the same name on the primary domain controller. Groups on the Displays the Group local server Merge screen to resolve that have names the name conflicts. similar to (but not exact matches of) groups on the primary domain controller All other groups Creates a matching on the local group on the primary server____________domain_controller._____ 7-20 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Complete Upgrade Without Reports Want to N resolve _________________________________________ same-name For_._._._________Does_this_._._.________ conflicts Groups on the Displays the Group local server Merge screen to resolve that have names the name conflicts. similar to or exact matches of groups on the primary domain controller All other groups Creates matching groups on the local on the primary domain server____________controller.____________ ________________________________________________________________ As shown in the following figure, the box on the left of the Group Merge screen displays a group on the local server that has a same-name conflict (only one group is displayed at a time). The box on the right lists the groups on the primary domain controller that have the same or similar group names. Select the group name on the primary domain controller that you want to associate with the group on the local server, and press . Members of the group on the local server are made members of the group on the primary domain controller whose name you chose. Repeat this action for each local group displayed. Note After you complete the steps described in this section, the upgrade procedure continues through its different phases, including the file and print services upgrade, the security upgrade, and the deletion of temporary files created during the upgrade. Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-21 Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports ________________________________________________________________ Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports HOW TO PERFORM A CUSTOM UPGRADE WITHOUT REPORTS To perform a custom upgrade without using upgrade reports: 1. From the upgrade procedure Main menu, choose Custom Upgrade. 2. From the Custom Upgrade Options menu, choose Users and Groups. 3. Press at the following prompt to use the default N: Do you want to use a Users report as input to the user upgrade Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: N Result The upgrade procedure creates a data file named PWRK$UPG$USERS.DAT that lists the users to be upgraded. 4. Respond to the following prompt: Do you want to write all OpenVMS users to the user upgrade list Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: N ________________________________________________________________ Enter . . . If_._._.____________________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._._____ You do not want Adds a user to the list if the to add all resource identifier PCFS$USER is OpenVMS users associated with the user account; to the list the user is a member of an existing PATHWORKS group; or the user's home directory contains at least one file with a DOS access control list entry (ACE), indicating that the file was created from a client workstation. You want to add Y Overrides the default criteria for all OpenVMS users user upgrade listed above, and adds to_the_list_________________all_OpenVMS_users_to_the_list.______ 7-22 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports 5. Respond to the following prompt: Do you want to view the upgrade user list Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: N ________________________________________________________________ Enter . . . If_you_._._._______________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.______ Want to Y Displays a prompt that asks you which display the editor you want to use. list Enter LSE, TECO, or TPU, or press to use the default EDT. The upgrade procedure displays the report in the editor you choose. When you are finished with the report, exit the editor to save any changes you made to the data file, or quit the editor to exit without saving your changes. Do not want to Does not display the list. display the list____________________________________________________________ 6. If your local server is not the primary domain controller, respond to the following prompt: Ignore same name user conflicts Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y A same-name conflict occurs when a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS user name on the local server matches exactly a LAN Manager user name on the primary domain controller. Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-23 Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports ________________________________________________________________ If Enter . . . you_._._.______________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.__________ Want to ignore _________________________________________ same-name For_._._._________Does_this_._._.________ conflicts Matching Lets the account on accounts the primary domain controller supersede the account with the same name on the local server. The user must then use the password to the account on the primary domain controller. Accounts on the Displays the User Merge local server screen to resolve the that have names name conflicts. similar to (but not exact matches of) accounts on the primary domain controller All other Creates matching accounts on accounts on the primary the_local_server__domain_controller._____ 7-24 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports ________________________________________________________________ If Enter . . . you_._._.______________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.__________ Want to N resolve _________________________________________ same-name For_._._._________Does_this_._._.________ conflicts Accounts on the Displays the User Merge local server screen to resolve the that have names name conflicts. similar to or exact matches of accounts on the primary domain controller All other Creates matching accounts on accounts on the primary the_local_server__domain_controller._____ ________________________________________________________________ As shown in the following figure, the box on the left of the User Merge screen displays an account on the local server that has a same-name conflict (only one account is displayed at a time). The box on the right lists the accounts on the primary domain controller that have the same or similar user names. Select the user name on the primary domain controller that you want to associate with the account on the local server, and press . The account on the primary domain controller supersedes the account on the local server. (The user must then use the password associated with the account on the primary domain controller.) Repeat this action for each local account displayed. 7. If your local server is not the primary domain controller, respond to the following prompt: Ignore same name group conflicts Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-25 Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports A same-name conflict occurs when a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS UIC group name on the local server matches exactly a LAN Manager group name on the primary domain controller. 7-26 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports ________________________________________________________________ If Enter . . . you_._._.______________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.__________ Want to ignore _________________________________________ same-name For_._._._________Does_this_._._.________ conflicts Matching groups Merges the members of the group on the local server with the members of the group of the same name on the primary domain controller. Groups on the Displays the Group local server Merge screen to resolve that have names the name conflicts. similar to (but not exact matches of) groups on the primary domain controller All other groups Creates a matching on the local group on the primary server____________domain_controller._____ Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-27 Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports Want to N resolve _________________________________________ same-name For_._._._________Does_this_._._.________ conflicts Groups on the Displays the Group local server Merge screen to resolve that have names the name conflicts. similar to or exact matches of groups on the primary domain controller All other groups Creates matching groups on the local on the primary domain server____________controller.____________ ________________________________________________________________ As shown in the following figure, the box on the left of the Group Merge screen displays a group on the local server that has a same-name conflict (only one group is displayed at a time). The box on the right lists the groups on the primary domain controller that have the same or similar group names. Select the group name on the primary domain controller that you want to associate with the group on the local server, and press . Members of the group on the local server are made members of the group on the primary domain controller whose name you chose. Repeat this action for each local group displayed. 8. Press to display the Custom Upgrade Options menu, choose File and Print Services, and press at the following prompt to use the default N: Do you want to use a File and Print Services report as input to the service upgrade Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: N 7-28 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports 9. Respond to the following prompt: Do you want to upgrade users to shares Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y _______________________________________________________ If_you_._._.________Enter_._._.________________________ Want to create a corresponding share for each PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) user account on the server Do not want N to create a corresponding Note file share for If you do not create a file share each OpenVMS/LAN for each OpenVMS/LAN Manager Manager user account on the server, users can no account on the longer access their personal file server______________services.__________________________ 10.Respond to the following prompt: Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-29 Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports Do you want to upgrade OpenVMS print queues to LAN Manager print shares Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: N _______________________________________________________ If_you_._._.________Enter_._._.________________________ Want to create Y a corresponding LAN Manager print share for each OpenVMS print queue Do not want to create any more print shares Note If you do not create a print share for each OpenVMS print queue, users can no longer access existing ____________________printer_services.__________________ 11.Press to display the Custom Upgrade Options menu, and choose Security. 12.Respond to the following prompt: Do you want to minimize output to the status box This may speed up the time it takes to upgrade the system. Enter Y or N, or press Return to use the default: N 7-30 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports _______________________________________________________ If_you_._._.__________Enter_._._.______________________ Do not want to minimize the number of messages This may slow down the upgrade. displayed in the However, if the upgrade fails, status box during more troubleshooting clues are upgrade displayed in the status box. Want to minimize the Y number of messages displayed in the This may speed up the upgrade. status box during However, if the upgrade fails, upgrade fewer troubleshooting clues are displayed in the status box. In either case, choose View Log File from the Main menu to display more detailed information. For still more detailed explanations of these log file messages, along with troubleshooting suggestions, see the appropriate chapter in PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN ______________________Manager)_Server_Messages.________ 13.Respond to the following prompt: Do you want to create a list of devices for the security upgrade. Enter Y or N, or press Return to use the default: N You may want to create a list of disk devices that contain file shares for which you want to upgrade security. For example, if your server is part of a VMScluster, you can specify the names of disk devices located on any VMScluster member that you use as a PATHWORKS server. Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-31 Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports Note To save time, you can start the Upgrade utility in multiple terminal sessions and perform simultaneous Security upgrades. For example, if you have 40 disk devices in a VMScluster that are part of the security upgrade, you can start the Upgrade utility in four terminal sessions and create a list of 10 disk devices in each. This way, the security upgrade takes one- fourth the time it would if you did it with one terminal session. _______________________________________________________ If_you_._._.____________________Enter_._._.____________ Want to create a list of disk Y device names Do not want to create a list of_disk_devices_names__________________________________ 14.If you chose to create a list of disk device names: a. In response to the following prompt, enter a file name for the list, or press to use the default PWRK$UPG$SECURITY.DAT: Specify a file specification for the file being created [PWRK$LMROOT:[LANMAN.DATAFILES]PWRK$UPG$SECURITY.DAT is default]: b. In response to the following prompt, enter LSE, TECO, or TPU, or press to use the default EDT: Select an editor (LSE TECO TPU or EDT) default [EDT]: Result The upgrade procedure displays the following in the editor you choose: !+++++++++++ Security Upgrade Device Data File ++++++++++++++++ !Please enter a list of devices separated by spaces. !Enter the device names as they appear on the system !no logicals and no colons ( For example: DKA100 DKA200 ) 7-32 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a Custom Upgrade Without Reports c. At the bottom of the file, enter the disk device names you want to specify, and separate them with spaces. Do not specify logical names or include colons. Example !+++++++++++ Security Upgrade Device Data File ++++++++++++++++ !Please enter a list of devices separated by spaces. !Enter the device names as they appear on the system !no logicals and no colons ( For example: DKA100 DKA200 ) MKA200 MKA300 MKA400 MKA500 MKA600 MKA700 d. Exit the editor to save the changes you made to the file and to begin the security upgrade. 15.Press to display the Custom Upgrade Options menu and, if you have completed all other phases of the upgrade procedure, choose Cleanup Upgrade. Caution If you have not completed all other phases of the upgrade procedure, performing the cleanup phase may remove temporary files needed to complete the upgrade. 16.In response to the following prompt, specify whether you want to delete temporary files created during the upgrade (for example, PWRK$UPG$USERS.DAT): Do you want to delete ALL upgrade data files in PWRK$LMROOT:[LANMAN.DATAFILES] Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-33 Performing Additional Upgrade Tasks ________________________________________________________________ Performing Additional Upgrade Tasks WHAT TO DO NEXT After you perform a complete upgrade or a custom upgrade, you may want to perform the additional upgrade tasks that are described in the remaining sections of this chapter, which include: o Upgrading OpenVMS Security o Performing a UAS Merge Procedure o Upgrading Disk Services ________________________________________________________________ Upgrading OpenVMS Security WHY UPGRADE SECURITY? You can use the upgrade procedure to upgrade permissions assigned to OpenVMS directories that were not PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS file services and, therefore, were not upgraded to LAN Manager shares. After you upgrade these directories from an OpenVMS security model to a LAN Manager security model, you must also create a LAN Manager share for the directory (also know as a shared directory) for upgraded clients to access it. For more information For information about creating shared directories, see the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Administrator's Guide. 7-34 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrading OpenVMS Security HOW TO UPGRADE SECURITY To upgrade security for an OpenVMS directory (or subdirectory) and the files stored there: 1. From the upgrade procedure Main menu, choose Additional Upgrade Utilities. Result The Additional Upgrade Utilities menu is displayed. 2. From the Additional Upgrade Utilities menu, choose Additional Security. 3. When prompted, enter the path name for the directory you want to upgrade. The name should be in the format disk:[directory.subdirectory]. For example: Enter the path to upgrade: DUA1:[MACK.PUBLIC] Result The access permissions on the specified directory and all the files stored there are upgraded from an OpenVMS security model to a LAN Manager security model. Permissions are mapped as closely as possible so that user access from a client is the same as user access from an OpenVMS terminal session. ________________________________________________________________ Performing a UAS Merge Procedure WHAT THE UAS MERGE PROCEDURE DOES The User Authentication Subsystem (UAS) merge procedure changes your server from a standalone server to a backup domain controller or member server. If you have changed user and group information on your local server since you performed the upgrade procedure, the UAS merge procedure also updates that information on the primary domain controller. Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-35 Performing a UAS Merge Procedure Note You need to perform a UAS merge procedure only if your local server is not going to be the primary domain controller. WHAT IS A UAS MERGE REPORT? A UAS Merge report, PWRK$UPG$UAS_SA.RPT, is a data file you can create, edit, and use as input to the UAS merge procedure. A UAS Merge report: o Lists LAN Manager users and groups on the local server. For each user and group listed, the report says whether there is a match on the primary domain controller. o Lists LAN Manager users and groups on the primary domain controller. o Points out conflicts between the local server and the primary domain controller. o Lets you change information to correct conflicts. The UAS merge procedure reads the UAS Merge report, notes all users and groups on the local server without matches on the primary domain controller, and creates these users and groups on the primary domain controller. See Appendix E for a complete sample UAS merge report. WHEN TO CREATE A UAS MERGE REPORT Create a UAS Merge report if time passes between when you perform the upgrade procedure and when you perform the UAS merge procedure, because in the interim you may have created new LAN Manager users and groups on the local server that are not duplicated on the primary domain controller. You do not need to create a UAS Merge report if you create a Users report and a Groups report, use them as input data files during the upgrade procedure, and then immediately perform a UAS merge procedure. In this case, the UAS merge procedure does not update user and group information on the primary domain controller because no user or group information has changed on the local server; it only changes the server's role from standalone server to backup domain controller or member server. 7-36 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a UAS Merge Procedure HOW TO CREATE A UAS MERGE REPORT To create a UAS Merge report: 1. From the upgrade procedure Main menu, choose Additional Upgrade Utilities. 2. From the Additional Upgrade Utilities menu, choose UAS Merge. Result The Standalone UAS Merge menu is displayed. 3. From the Standalone UAS Merge menu, choose Standalone UAS Merge Report. Result The upgrade procedure: o Creates the report. o Asks you whether you want to display the report: Do you want to view the report Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-37 Performing a UAS Merge Procedure 4. Specify whether you want to display the report: ________________________________________________________________ Enter . . . If_you_._._._____________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.________ Want to Displays a prompt that asks you which display the editor you want to use. report Enter LSE, TECO, or TPU, or press to use the default EDT. The upgrade procedure displays the report in the editor you choose. When you are finished with the report, exit the editor to save any changes you made to the report, or quit the editor to exit without saving your changes. Do not want to N Does not display the report. Because display the the upgrade procedure saves the file, report you can display and edit the file after _________________________you_exit_the_upgrade_procedure.________ WHEN AND HOW TO EDIT THE UAS MERGE REPORT Table 7-1 describes circumstances in which you might edit the UAS Merge report. For each situation, the table also describes how to edit the report and provides an example. 7-38 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a UAS Merge Procedure Table_7-1_Editing_a_UAS_Merge_Report____________________________ Example from UAS Merge When_._._.________Then_._._.________report______________________ A user name Define a new, A user named John Burke on the local unique user has an account on the local server has a name for the server. The BURKE account match on the account on the has a match on the primary primary domain local server; domain controller. However, controller, but to do this, the account on the primary the accounts make sure that domain controller is for are not for the no exclamation another user named Burke. same user point (!) If left unchanged, the BURKE precedes the account on the primary existing user domain controller would name and type = supersede the BURKE account newname after on the local server during the name in the UAS merge procedure. the appropriate Therefore, an account for section of the John Burke would not be report. created on the primary domain controller. To make sure the UAS merge procedure creates a new account JBURKE on the primary domain controller, rename the account BURKE on the local server's user list: BURKE = JBURKE (continued on next page) Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-39 Performing a UAS Merge Procedure Table_7-1_(Cont.)_Editing_a_UAS_Merge_Report____________________ Example from UAS Merge When_._._.________Then_._._.________report______________________ You want to Rename the To merge the members of merge the group on the the group ARTISTS (BURKE, members of local server SVENSSON, and TRACY) on a group on so that it the local server with the local has the same the members of the group server with name as the GRAPHICS (DEPATSY, HOGAN, the members of group on the and PERKINS) on the primary a group on the primary domain domain controller, rename primary domain controller; to the group ARTISTS on the controller, but do this, type = local server's groups list: the groups do newname after ARTISTS = GRAPHICS !PCFS Group ARTISTS not have the the existing Note same name name in the If you do not rename the appropriate group ARTISTS, the UAS section of the merge procedure creates a report. group on the primary domain controller called ARTISTS, of which only the users BURKE, SVENSSON, and TRACY ____________________________________are_members.________________ HOW TO PERFORM A UAS MERGE PROCEDURE To perform a UAS merge procedure: 1. From the upgrade procedure Main menu, choose Additional Upgrade Utilities. 2. From the Additional Upgrade Utilities menu, choose UAS Merge. 3. From the Standalone UAS Merge menu, choose Standalone UAS Merge. 4. In response to the following prompt, specify whether you want to use a data file for the UAS merge procedure: 7-40 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a UAS Merge Procedure Do you want to use a data file for this upgrade Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: N o If you created a UAS Merge report and want to specify the data file: a. Enter Y. b. In response to the following prompt, specify a file name for the data file, or press to use the default PWRK$UPG$UAS_SA.RPT: Specify the input data file for the Standalone UAS Merge on the next line [PWRK$LMUPGRADE:PWRK$UPG$UAS_SA.RPT is default] Result The UAS merge procedure merges the user database of the local server with that of the primary domain controller according to the information in the report. o If you want to specify no data file: a. Press to use the default N. Result The UAS merge procedure displays a prompt that asks whether you want to resolve same-name user conflicts. A same-name conflict occurs when a LAN Manager user name on the local server matches exactly a LAN Manager user name on the primary domain controller. b. Respond to the following prompt: Ignore same name user conflicts Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-41 Performing a UAS Merge Procedure ________________________________________________________________ Enter . . . If_you_._._._____________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.________ Want to ignore same-name _______________________________________ conflicts For_._._._________Does_this_._._.______ Matching Lets the account on accounts the primary domain controller supersede the account with the same name on the local server. The user must then use the password to the account on the primary domain controller. Accounts on the Displays the local server Standalone User Merge that have names screen to resolve the similar to name conflicts. (but not exact matches of) accounts on the primary domain controller All other Creates matching accounts on accounts on the the local server primary domain __________________controller.__________ 7-42 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a UAS Merge Procedure ________________________________________________________________ Enter . . . If_you_._._._____________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.________ Want to N resolve same- _______________________________________ name conflicts For_._._._________Does_this_._._.______ Accounts on the Displays the local server Standalone User Merge that have names screen to resolve the similar to or name conflicts. exact matches of accounts on the primary domain controller All other Creates matching accounts on accounts on the the local server primary domain __________________controller.__________ ________________________________________________________________ Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-43 Performing a UAS Merge Procedure The box on the left of the Standalone User Merge screen displays an account on the local server that has a same-name conflict (only one account is displayed at a time). The box on the right lists the accounts on the primary domain controller that have the same or similar user names. Select the user name on the primary domain controller that you want to associate with the account on the local server and press . The account on the primary domain controller supersedes the account on the local server. Repeat this action for each local account displayed. c. If your local server is not the primary domain controller, respond to the following prompt: Ignore same name group conflicts Enter Y or N, or press Return for the default: Y A same-name conflict occurs when a LAN Manager group name on the local server matches exactly a LAN Manager group name on the primary domain controller. 7-44 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a UAS Merge Procedure ________________________________________________________________ If Enter . . . you_._._.______________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.__________ Want to ignore _________________________________________ same-name For_._._._________Does_this_._._.________ conflicts Matching groups Merges the members of the group on the local server with the members of the group of the same name on the primary domain controller. Groups on the Displays the Standalone local server Group Merge screen that have names to resolve the name similar to conflicts. (but not exact matches of) groups on the primary domain controller All other groups Creates a matching on the local group on the primary server____________domain_controller._____ Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-45 Performing a UAS Merge Procedure ________________________________________________________________ If Enter . . . you_._._.______________And_the_upgrade_procedure_._._.__________ Want to N resolve _________________________________________ same-name For_._._._________Does_this_._._.________ conflicts Groups on the Displays the Standalone local server Group Merge screen that have names to resolve the name similar to or conflicts. exact matches of groups on the primary domain controller All other groups Creates matching groups on the local on the primary domain server____________controller.____________ ________________________________________________________________ The box on the left of the Standalone Group Merge screen displays a group on the local server that has a same-name conflict (only one group is displayed at a time). The box on the right lists the groups on the primary domain controller that have the same or similar group names. Select the group name on the primary domain controller that you want to associate with the group on the local server, and press . Members of the group on the local server are made members of the group on the primary domain controller whose name you chose. Repeat this action for each local group displayed. 5. Respond to the following prompt: 7-46 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Performing a UAS Merge Procedure Please enter the node name of this system [HYDRAC | PF2 for Help] _______________________________________________________ To_specify_._._.______Do_this_._._.____________________ The default name Press . displayed[1] A different name Type the name and press . [1]The_default_name_displayed_is_your_system's_DECnet__ name. However, if your system's DECnet and NETBIOS names are different and the NETBIOS name is the node name,_make_sure_that_you_specify_the_NETBIOS_name._____ 6. In response to the following prompt, change the server's role from that of a standalone server (one that does not participate in a domain) to that of a backup domain controller (0) or member server (1): Enter the new workstation role [0 for backup, 1 for member, PF2 for Help]: o A backup domain controller: - Receives user account information from the primary domain controller. - Validates user's logon requests. - Can be promoted to primary domain controller if the primary fails. o A member server receives user account information from the primary domain controller. ________________________________________________________________ Upgrading Disk Services Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-47 Upgrading Disk Services WHY UPGRADE DISK SERVICES? PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS uses local area disk (LAD) container files to offer disk services to clients. However, the LAN Manager server uses file allocation table (FAT) container files to offer disk shares to clients. Installing the LAN Manager server does not interfere with the operation of the V4.x disk server. However, the LAN Manager FAT file system provides features that the V4.x disk server does not. For example, the V4.x disk server offers read-only access to disk services over a local area network, but the LAN Manager FAT file system offers read/write access to disk shares over both local and wide area networks. You upgrade disk services by dismounting them and mounting them again as disk shares that use the LAN Manager FAT file system. Because LAD and FAT container file formats are similar, you can continue to use the PCDISK utility to maintain the contents of a FAT container file. For more information For more detailed information about FAT container files and the FAT file system, see the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Administrator's Guide. HOW TO UPGRADE DISK SERVICES Note You do not use the upgrade procedure to upgrade disk services. To upgrade disk services: 1. Ensure that you are logged in to the SYSTEM account. 2. While the V4.x disk server is still running, use the ADMINISTER/PCSA command DISMOUNT DISK to dismount the disk service (LAD container file). Note Make sure that no clients are connected to the disk service before you dismount it. When you dismount a disk service, all connections are terminated. 7-48 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Upgrading Disk Services Example To dismount the disk service PLANS, enter the following at the system prompt: $ ADMINISTER/PCSA DISMOUNT DISK PLANS /PERMANENT /PURGE Result A message similar to the following is displayed, which contains the exact location of the LAD container file. Make a note of this location. %PCSA-I-DISKDISMOUNTED, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[PCSA.LAD]PLANS.DSK;1 dismounted 3. Enter the Server Admin interface: $ ADMINISTER/PATHWORKS Result The Server Admin login box is displayed: 4. Enter the required login information. Press or the down arrow key to advance to the next field; press the up arrow key to return to the previous field. Alternatively, you can point and click on a field using a mouse. a. User id: Enter the user name for a LAN Manager account that has administrative privileges. ADMIN is the user name for the default administrative account that is created during the installation procedure. b. Password: Enter the password associated with the user name. c. Domain: Enter the name of your local server's domain. 5. Choose the OK button to complete the login procedure. Result The Server Admin Main menu is displayed. For more information For general information about the Server Admin interface, see the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Administrator's Guide. For detailed information Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 7-49 Upgrading Disk Services on using the Server Admin interface, access the interface's online help. 6. From the Server Admin Main menu, choose Utilities. 7. From the Utilities submenu, choose FAT Volume. Result The FAT File Operations dialog box is displayed. 8. Use the FAT File Operations dialog box to mount the FAT container file as a disk share. Make sure that you specify the directory and the LAD container file name of the disk service you dismounted. In the previous example, these were SYS$SYSDEVICE:[PCSA.LAD] and PLANS.DSK, respectively. For more information For detailed information on creating the FAT container file and mounting it as a disk share, choose the Help button on the FAT File Operations dialog box. ________________________________________________________________ Next Steps WHAT TO DO NEXT To verify the installation and start the server independent of the installation and configuration procedure, proceed to Chapter 8. 7-50 Upgrading to PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) 8 ________________________________________________________________ After You Install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers This chapter describes tasks you can perform after you install the servers. This chapter consists of the following sections: o Before You Begin o Verifying the Server Installation o Starting the File Servers After You Install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers 8-1 Before You Begin ________________________________________________________________ Before You Begin HAVE YOU_DONE?__________________________________________________ If_you_are_._._.______Make_sure_that_you_have_._._._______ Installing the PATHWORKS for 1. Completed the installation OpenVMS server for procedures described in the first time Chapter 2. 2. Completed the configuration procedures appropriate to the servers you have installed. Upgrading the LAN Completed the upgrade procedure Manager server from described in Chapter 6 and a previous version. Chapter 7. Upgrading the Completed the configuration NetWare server from procedure described in Chapter 4. a_previous_version._______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Verifying the Server Installation HOW TO RUN THE IVP If you did not run the IVP when you installed the PATHWORKS kit you can run it now to make sure that the server installed successfully. Verifying the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Installation To run the IVP for PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager), enter: $ @SYS$TEST:PWRK$IVP 8-2 After You Install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers Verifying the Server Installation Result ________________________________________________________________ If the installa- Then the IVP tion_._._.__displays_._._.________And_you_should_._._.__________ Succeeded The message Start the server, as described %PWRK-I-NORMAL, in "Starting the File Servers IVP completed ". successfully Failed An error message, Reinstall the software, as followed by -PWRK- described in Chapter 2. E-IVPFAIL, IVP has ____________failed______________________________________________ Verifying the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Installation To run the IVP for PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare), enter: $ @SYS$TEST:PWVN$IVP Result ________________________________________________________________ If the installa- Then the IVP tion_._._.__displays_._._.________And_you_should_._._.__________ Succeeded The message Start the server, as described %PWVN-I-NORMAL, in "Starting the File Servers IVP completed ". successfully Failed An error message, Reinstall the software, as followed by -PWVN- described in Chapter 2. E-IVPFAIL, IVP has ____________failed______________________________________________ After You Install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers 8-3 Starting the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS File Servers ________________________________________________________________ Starting the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS File Servers WHEN TO START THE SERVER You must configure the server before you can start it for the first time. After running the configuration procedure, you can start and stop the server at any time. WHAT THE STARTUP PROCEDURE DOES The startup procedure: 1. Checks for the required privileges. 2. Checks for enough available processes (for the NetWare server only). 3. Looks for the logical names files and, if it does not find the files, exits the startup procedure. 4. Verifies that the server has been configured, and ends if it has not. 5. Makes sure that the value for VIRTPAGECNT is greater than 20,000 (for the NetWare server only). 6. Loads drivers. 7. Loads streams. 8. Installs images. 9. Starts the transports. 10.Starts each of the components: o License registrar o Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT) (if configured) for the NetWare server o File server o Print servers (if configured) o License server (if configured) 8-4 After You Install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers Starting the File Servers ________________________________________________________________ Starting the File Servers WAYS TO START THE SERVER You can start the server: o During the configuration procedure, as described in Chapter 2. o Manually from the command line. o Automatically each time you reboot. HOW TO START THE LAN MANAGER SERVER MANUALLY If you did not start the LAN Manager server during the configuration procedure, you can start it now by entering: $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP Result The LAN Manager server starts, and messages similar to the following are displayed: PATHWORKS file server will use DECnet, NetBEUI. PATHWORKS mail notification will use DECnet. Process NETBIOS created with identification 00000137 Process PWRK$NBDAEMON created with identification 0000013C Process PWRK$LICENSE_R created with identification 00000145 The PATHWORKS V5.0C server is configured to support 20 PC clients. Process PWRK$MASTER created with identification 0000011F The master process will now start all other PATHWORKS processes. HOW TO DEFINE LAN MANAGER SERVER COMMANDS AT LOGIN You can define server commands automatically when you log in to the privileged account that you use to manage the LAN Manager server. To define server commands at login, edit the LOGIN.COM file of the privileged account to add the following line: $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$DEFINE_COMMANDS After You Install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers 8-5 Starting the File Servers HOW TO START THE NETWARE SERVER MANUALLY If you did not start the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) server during the configuration procedure, you can start it now by entering: $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP HOW TO DEFINE NETWARE SERVER COMMANDS AT LOGIN You can define server commands automatically when you log in to the privileged account that you use to manage the NetWare server. To define server commands at login, edit the LOGIN.COM file of the privileged account to add the following line: $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$COMMANDS HOW TO START THE SERVER AUTOMATICALLY To make sure that the server starts automatically each time you boot your OpenVMS system: 1. Edit the system startup file. _______________________________________________________ On this system_._._._________The_file_is_called_._._.__________ OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM OpenVMS VAX V6.0 SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM or higher; or Alpha V1.5 or higher_________________________________________________ 2. For the LAN Manager server, add the @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP command to the file below all lines that start network transports. Example $ IF F$SEARCH("SYS$SYSTEM:NETACP.EXE") .NES. "" THEN @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET . . . $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP 8-6 After You Install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers Starting the File Servers 3. For the NetWare server, add the @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP command to the file below all lines that start network transports. Example $ IF F$SEARCH("SYS$SYSTEM:NETACP.EXE") .NES. "" THEN @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET . . . $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP HOW TO START THE SERVER IN A VMSCLUSTER If you installed and configured PATHWORKS for OpenVMS on multiple members of the same VMScluster, Digital recommends that you use the SYSMAN utility to start the server manually and simultaneously on all cluster members. To start the servers at the same time, make sure you are logged into the SYSTEM account on one of the server nodes, then run SYSMAN as follows: __________________________________________________________ Enter this command...____________To..._______________________________ $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN Start the SYSMAN utility SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=(HYDRA,HYDRAB,HYDRAC) Define the VMScluster members on which to start the server. For example, HYDRA, HYDRAB, HYDRAC SYSMAN> DO @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP Start the LAN Manager server on all the nodes you defined in the previous command. After You Install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers 8-7 Starting the File Servers __________________________________________________________ Enter this command...____________To..._______________________________ SYSMAN> DO @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP Start the NetWare server on all the nodes you defined in the previous command. SYSMAN> EXIT ______________________Exit_the_SYSMAN_utility_____________ 8-8 After You Install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers Stopping the Server ________________________________________________________________ Stopping the Server WHEN TO STOP THE SERVER You can stop the server at any time for any reason, which can include the following: o When you change server parameters o As part of an orderly system shutdown HOW TO STOP THE SERVER To stop the server, enter the following command: __________________________________________________________ To stop the LAN Manager server, enter:________________To_stop_the_NetWare_server,_enter:__ $_@SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$SH$T@SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$SHUTDOWN________ HOW TO STOP THE SERVER ON SYSTEM SHUTDOWN To stop the servers as part of an orderly system shutdown, add the shutdown command to the system shutdown file. After You Install the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers 8-9 9 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the XQP+ This chapter describes how to install the eXtended Qio Processor Plus (XQP+). The XQP+ improves the performance of your computer's file system by including new features such as multithreading and asynchronous cache writes. If you are using OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 or higher, the XQP+ has already been installed. If not, the XQP+ kit is included in the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS kit. It can be installed only on an OpenVMS VAX system. This chapter consists of the following sections: o Features of the XQP+ o Performing the XQP+ Installation o Removing the XQP+ o Sample XQP+ Installations For more information For additional information about the XQP+, see the XQP+ online release notes. After you install the XQP+ kit, the release notes are available as: SYS$HELP:VAXPWF11X01_060.RELEASE_NOTES Installing the XQP+ 9-1 Features of the XQP+ ________________________________________________________________ Features of the XQP+ XQP+ FEATURES Table 9-1 describes the features of the XQP+. Table_9-1_Features_of_the_XQP+____________________________ Feature_______________Description_________________________ Multithreading Lets the server perform up to eight concurrent OpenVMS file system operations. Improved concurrency Lets the OpenVMS file system increase the number of file create operations that can be processed in parallel to one disk. Asynchronous cache Lets the server return control to writes the client before completing certain OpenVMS file system operations. This improves the response time needed to access files from the server. Multiblock bitmap Reduces time spent allocating disk reads_________________space.______________________________ After you install the XQP+, no further action is necessary for the LAN Manager server to use the performance features of the XQP+. Although all applications on your OpenVMS system use the XQP+, only applications designed to use the XQP+ (such as the LAN Manager server) can take advantage of these features. ________________________________________________________________ Performing the XQP+ Installation 9-2 Installing the XQP+ Performing the XQP+ Installation BEFORE YOU INSTALL THE XQP+ Do the following before you install the XQP+: 1. Be aware that, if your VMScluster has multiple system disks, you must install the XQP+ on each system disk. 2. Make sure that OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or 6.0 is installed on your system. Once installed, the XQP+ replaces the current XQP. Note In a VMScluster, OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 and Version 6.0 systems that run their respective versions of the XQP+ can coexist. However, make sure that all the systems in the cluster run the XQP+. 3. Make sure that your current XQP executable file, F11BXQP.EXE, resides in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] directory (not in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE] directory). 4. Do a system backup with the OpenVMS BACKUP command. HOW TO START THE XQP+ INSTALLATION To start the XQP+ installation: 1. Ensure that you are logged in to the SYSTEM account. 2. Use the SHOW DEVICE command to make sure that at least 1000 blocks of free space are available on your OpenVMS system disk, as required by the XQP+ installation procedure. 3. Change the default directory to SYS$UPDATE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 4. Start VMSINSTAL and specify the product identifier VAXPWF11X01_060 and the name of the device on which you want to mount the media. For example, if you want to mount a TK50 on the tape drive of your VAXstation 4000 Model 60, then the device name is MKA500. $ @VMSINSTAL VAXPWF11X01_060 MKA500 Installing the XQP+ 9-3 Performing the XQP+ Installation HOW TO RESPOND TO PROMPTS Table 9-2 tells you how to respond to the prompts VMSINSTAL displays. Note Table 9-2 shows only the prompts VMSINSTAL displays; it does not show any informational messages. For a complete sample installation script, see "Sample XQP+ Installations " later in this section. Table_9-2_XQP+_Installation_Prompts_____________________________ If you want the At this installation prompt_._._._____procedure_to_._._.______Enter_._._.____________ Are you Continue satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Exit NO Continue the Continue Installation? [Y]? Abort the NO installation (continued on next page) 9-4 Installing the XQP+ Performing the XQP+ Installation Table_9-2_(Cont.)_XQP+_Installation_Prompts_____________________ If you want the At this installation prompt_._._._____procedure_to_._._.______Enter_._._.____________ Are you going Do the following to install to enable Note the XQP+ multithreading, The installation on all the improved concurrency, procedure sets these nodes in your and asynchronous system parameters VMScluster cache writes on an only on the node at [YES]?[1] OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 which you perform the system: installation. Make ______________________ sure that you set the Set the VMSD2 and ACP_WRITEBACK system pa- To . . .parameters to the same rameter_._._._________ values on all the nodes VMSD2 8 in the VMScluster. For ACP_WRITEBACK 1 example, if you press ______________________ at this prompt to use the default YES, make sure that the VMSD2 and ACP_WRITEBACK parameters are set to 8 and 1, respectively, on all the nodes in your VMScluster. [1]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_your_system_is_part_of_a____ cluster. (continued on next page) Installing the XQP+ 9-5 Performing the XQP+ Installation Table_9-2_(Cont.)_XQP+_Installation_Prompts_____________________ If you want the At this installation prompt_._._._____procedure_to_._._.______Enter_._._.____________ Do the following NO to disable Note multithreading and The installation improved concurrency, procedure sets these and to enable system parameters asynchronous cache only on the node at writes on an OpenVMS which you perform the VAX V5.5-2 system: installation. Make ______________________ sure that you set the Set the VMSD2 and ACP_WRITEBACK system pa- To . . .parameters to the same rameter_._._._________ values on all the nodes VMSD2 32769 in the VMScluster. For ACP_WRITEBACK 1 example, if you enter ______________________ NO at this prompt, make sure that the VMSD2 and ACP_WRITEBACK parameters are set to 32769 and 1, respectively, on all the nodes in your VMScluster. (continued on next page) 9-6 Installing the XQP+ Performing the XQP+ Installation Table_9-2_(Cont.)_XQP+_Installation_Prompts_____________________ If you want the At this installation prompt_._._._____procedure_to_._._.______Enter_._._.____________ Do the following to enable Note multithreading, The installation improved concurrency, procedure sets these and asynchronous system parameters cache writes on an only on the node at OpenVMS VAX V6.0 which you perform the system: installation. Make ______________________ sure that you set the Set the XQPCTLD1, XQPCTL2, system pa- To . . .and ACP_WRITEBACK rameter_._._._________ parameters to the same XQPCTLD1 8 values on all the nodes XQPCTL2 1 in the VMScluster. For ACP_WRITEBACK 1 example, if you press ______________________ at this prompt to use the default YES, make sure that the XQPCTLD1, XQPCTL2, and ACP_WRITEBACK parameters are set to 8, 1, and 1, respectively, on all the nodes in your VMScluster. (continued on next page) Installing the XQP+ 9-7 Performing the XQP+ Installation Table_9-2_(Cont.)_XQP+_Installation_Prompts_____________________ If you want the At this installation prompt_._._._____procedure_to_._._.______Enter_._._.____________ Do the following NO to disable Note multithreading and The installation improved concurrency, procedure sets these and to enable system parameters asynchronous cache only on the node at writes on an OpenVMS which you perform the VAX V6.0 system: installation. Make ______________________ sure that you set the Set the XQPCTLD1, XQPCTL2, system pa- To . . .and ACP_WRITEBACK rameter_._._._________ parameters to the same XQPCTLD1 0 values on all the nodes XQPCTL2 0 in the VMScluster. For ACP_WRITEBACK 1 example, if you enter ______________________ NO at this prompt, make sure that the XQPCTLD1, XQPCTL2, and ACP_WRITEBACK parameters are set to 0, 0, and 1, respectively, on all the nodes in your VMScluster. Do you want to Delete all previous purge files versions of the files replaced associated with the by this XQP+ installation [YES]? (continued on next page) 9-8 Installing the XQP+ Performing the XQP+ Installation Table_9-2_(Cont.)_XQP+_Installation_Prompts_____________________ If you want the At this installation prompt_._._._____procedure_to_._._.______Enter_._._.____________ Save all previous NO versions of the files associated with the XQP+ Regardless of how you respond to this prompt, the installation procedure: o Saves the original XQP executable, F11BXQP_OLD.EXE, in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]. o Copies the PWF11X$DEINSTAL command procedure to the SYS$UPDATE directory. The PWF11X$DEINSTAL command procedure: - Removes the XQP+. - Restores the original XQP. o Copies the XQP+ executable, F11BXQP.EXE, to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]. (continued on next page) Installing the XQP+ 9-9 Performing the XQP+ Installation Table_9-2_(Cont.)_XQP+_Installation_Prompts_____________________ If you want the At this installation prompt_._._._____procedure_to_._._.______Enter_._._.____________ Will you Perform an orderly allow a system system shutdown after shutdown after the installation this product completes is installed [YES]? Not shut down NO the system after You must reboot the the installation system before the XQP+ completes is activated. How many Start the orderly minutes system shutdown for system immediately after shutdown the installation [0]:[2] completes Start the orderly n (number of minutes) system shutdown n number of minutes after the installation completes [2]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_you_choose_to_shut_down_the_ system. (continued on next page) 9-10 Installing the XQP+ Performing the XQP+ Installation Table_9-2_(Cont.)_XQP+_Installation_Prompts_____________________ If you want the At this installation prompt_._._._____procedure_to_._._.______Enter_._._.____________ Do you want Boot the system to do an automatically after automatic the orderly system system reboot shutdown completes [YES]?[2,3] Not boot the system NO automatically after In this case, you the orderly system must boot the system shutdown completes manually. [2]This_prompt_is_displayed_only_if_you_choose_to_shut_down_the_ system. [3]XQP+ is not invoked until your system is rebooted. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Removing the XQP+ HOW TO REMOVE THE XQP+ If you want to remove the XQP+ and restore the original XQP, you can use the PWF11X$DEINSTAL command procedure, which is installed with the XQP+. To remove the XQP+ and restore the original XQP: 1. Ensure that you are logged in to the SYSTEM account. 2. Change the default directory to SYS$UPDATE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 3. Start the PWF11X$DEINSTAL command procedure: $ @PWF11X$DEINSTAL Installing the XQP+ 9-11 Removing the XQP+ Result The XQP+ removal procedure displays the following: ** Restoring previous XQP. ** A system reboot is now required to complete this procedure. ** If the installation occurred on a cluster a cluster reboot should ** be performed. ** This should be performed at the earliest possible opportunity. 4. In response to the following prompt, specify whether you want to reboot your system now. Note that you must reboot before the original XQP is restored. Start Shutdown now (Y/N) : _______________________________________________________ If you want to reboot_._._.__________Then_enter_._._._________________ Now Y Later_________________N________________________________ Note Before you reboot, reset to their default values any system parameters that the installation procedure changed: _______________________________________________________ On_this_system_._._.__The_default_values_are_._._._____ OpenVMS V5.5-2 VMSD2=0 ACP_WRITEBACK=1 OpenVMS V6.0 XQPCTLD1=0 XQPCTL2=0 ______________________ACP_WRITEBACK=1__________________ 9-12 Installing the XQP+ Sample XQP+ Installations ________________________________________________________________ Sample XQP+ Installations SYSTEM NOT PART OF A VMSCLUSTER This is a sample of the XQP+ installation procedure on a system that is not part of a VMScluster: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL VAXPWF11X01_060 MKA500 VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 29-JUL-1993 at 14:44. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: VAXPWF11X01_ V6.0 Beginning installation of VAXPWF11X01_ V6.0 at 14:44 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. o Depending on your system, this installation procedure will change the following system parameters to the following values: System Parameter Value ------ --------- ----- Standalone or VMSD2 8 XQP+ only ACP_WRITEBACK 1 VMScluster VMScluster VMSD2 32769 with XQP+ and original ACP_WRITEBACK 1 XQP nodes o The original XQP will be saved in the file: SYS$SYSTEM:F11BXQP_OLD.EXE Installing the XQP+ 9-13 Sample XQP+ Installations o The following deinstallation procedure will be provided to allow you to back out the changes made by this kit: SYS$UPDATE:PWF11X$DEINSTAL.COM o To activate the new XQP a reboot is required. During the installation a question will ask if it is convenient to shutdown the system. If you enter NO the installation will continue as normal but will not shutdown your system. * Continue the Installation? [Y]? The installation procedure will change the following system parameters to the following values: Parameter Value --------- ----- VMSD2 8 ACP_WRITEBACK 1 You must add these settings to MODPARAMS.DAT. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? To complete the installation of this product, you should reboot the system. If it is not convenient to reboot at this time, then enter NO to the following question. If you enter NO, the installation procedure will continue. * Will you allow a system shutdown after this product is installed [YES]? YES * How many minutes for system shutdown [0]: * Do you want to do an automatic system reboot [YES]? %VAXPWF11X01_-I-QEND, This installation procedure will not ask any more questions %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installation of VAXPWF11X01_ V6.0 completed at 14:45 9-14 Installing the XQP+ Sample XQP+ Installations SYSTEM THAT IS PART OF A VMSCLUSTER This is a sample of the XQP+ installation procedure on a system that is part of a VMScluster: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL VAXPWF11X01_060 MKA500 VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 29-JUL-1993 at 20:40. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: VAXPWF11X01_ V6.0 Beginning installation of VAXPWF11X01_ V6.0 at 20:40 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. o Depending on your system, this installation procedure will change the following system parameters to the following values: System Parameter Value ------ --------- ----- Standalone or VMSD2 8 XQP+ only ACP_WRITEBACK 1 VMScluster VMScluster VMSD2 32769 with XQP+ and original ACP_WRITEBACK 1 XQP nodes o The original XQP will be saved in the file: SYS$SYSTEM:F11BXQP_OLD.EXE o The following deinstallation procedure will be provided to allow you to back out the changes made by this kit: SYS$UPDATE:PWF11X$DEINSTAL.COM Installing the XQP+ 9-15 Sample XQP+ Installations o To activate the new XQP a reboot is required. During the installation a question will ask if it is convenient to shutdown the system. If you enter NO the installation will continue as normal but will not shutdown your system. * Continue the Installation? [Y]? The installation procedure has detected that this system is a member of a VMScluster. * Are you going to install the XQP+ on all the nodes in your VMScluster [Y]? The installation procedure will change the following system parameters to the following values: Parameter Value --------- ----- VMSD2 8 ACP_WRITEBACK 1 You must add these settings to MODPARAMS.DAT. This procedure only sets these values on this node. You must: o set the system parameters manually on other nodes in your VMScluster o update MODPARAMS.DAT on other nodes in your VMScluster to reflect these changes. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? To complete the installation of this product, you should reboot the system. If it is not convenient to reboot at this time, then enter NO to the following question. If you enter NO, the installation procedure will continue. * Will you allow a system shutdown after this product is installed [YES] %VAXPWF11X01_-I-QEND, This installation procedure will not ask any more questions %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installation of VAXPWF11X01_ V6.0 completed at 20:41 9-16 Installing the XQP+ 10 ________________________________________________________________ Removing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS This chapter describes how to remove PATHWORKS for OpenVMS servers from your system. This chapter consists of the following sections: o Reasons for Removing the Server o Removing the Server ________________________________________________________________ Reasons for Removing the Server WHY REMOVE THE SERVER? You may want to remove PATHWORKS servers from your OpenVMS system if the IVP did not verify that the installation succeeded and you want to install the server again but there is not enough disk space, or if you want to install an earlier version of the software. However, if you want to continue to run PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS, it is not necessary to remove PATHWORKS for OpenVMS. ________________________Note ________________________ You can reinstall PATHWORKS for OpenVMS without performing a removal procedure if your system has enough free disk space. _____________________________________________________ For more information For detailed information about disk space requirements, see "Step 6: Check disk space requirements" in Chapter 1. Removing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 10-1 Removing the Server ________________________________________________________________ Removing the Server ABOUT THE DEINSTALLATION COMMAND PROCEDURE You remove a server using a command procedure that: o Is installed with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS. o Shuts down the server automatically. o Prompts you to enter information necessary to complete the removal procedure. o Removes all PATHWORKS for OpenVMS files, directories, and logical names that are created during the installation procedure. o Removes the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS accounts. o Removes the NETBIOS$ACCESS OpenVMS identifier if PATHWORKS V4.x for OpenVMS was not installed previously. o Removes PATHWORKS DECnet objects. HOW TO RUN THE DEINSTALLATION PROCEDURE To start the deinstallation procedure and remove PATHWORKS for OpenVMS server: 1. Ensure that you are logged in to the SYSTEM account. 2. Change the default directory to SYS$UPDATE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 3. Start the deinstallation command procedure: _______________________________________________________ To remove PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager), To remove PATHWORKS V1.0C for enter:________________OpenVMS_(NetWare),_enter:________ $_@PWRK$DEINSTAL______$_@PWVN$DEINSTAL_________________ 10-2 Removing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Removing the Server HOW TO RESPOND TO PROMPTS Table 10-1 tells you how to respond to the prompts the PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) deinstallation procedure displays. Table_10-1_PWRK$DEINSTAL_Prompts________________________________ If you want the removal Enter . . . At_this_prompt_._._.____procedure_to_._._.______________________ Are you sure you Continue YES want to deinstall PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) [no]: Exit Do you want to delete Save the LAN Manager on-disk the LAN Manager data structure, including the User files [no]: Authorization file and the Share file Remove the LAN Manager on-disk YES structure, including the User Authorization file and the Share file Do you want to delete Save NETBIOS and the PATHWORKS NETBIOS [no]:[1] mail server files Remove NETBIOS and the YES PATHWORKS mail server files [1]This_prompt_is_only_displayed_if_you_have_PATHWORKS_V4.x_for_ OpenVMS or PATHWORKS V1.x for OpenVMS (MacIntosh) installed. ________________________________________________________________ Table 10-2 tells you how to respond to the prompts the PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) deinstallation procedure displays. Removing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 10-3 Removing the Server Table_10-2_PWVN$DEINSTAL_Prompts________________________________ If you want the removal Enter . . . At_this_prompt_._._.____procedure_to_._._.______________________ Are you sure you Continue YES want to deinstall PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) [no]: Exit Do you want to delete Save the NetWare on-disk the NetWare data structure, including the files [no]: configuration Files Remove the NetWare on-disk YES structure, including the configuration files Do you want to delete Save the NetWare SYS volume the NetWare SYS Volume [no]: Remove the NetWare SYS volume YES Do you want to delete Save NETBIOS and the PATHWORKS NETBIOS [no]:[1] mail server files Remove NETBIOS and the YES PATHWORKS mail server files [1]This_prompt_is_only_displayed_if_you_have_PATHWORKS_V4.x_for_ OpenVMS or PATHWORKS V1.x for OpenVMS (MacIntosh) installed. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Sample LAN Manager and NetWare Removal Procedures 10-4 Removing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Sample LAN Manager and NetWare Removal Procedures SAMPLE LAN MANAGER REMOVAL PROCEDURE This is a sample removal procedure in which all LAN Manager image files are removed but not the data files: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @PWRK$DEINSTAL This procedure deletes all PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) images. Are you sure you want to deinstall PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) [no]: y Do you want to delete the LAN Manager data files [no]: n Deleting PATHWORKS for OpenVMS common images... Deleting PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (Lan Manager) images... Removing PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS DECnet objects... Deassigning PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS logical names... PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (Lan Manager) is now deinstalled. $ SAMPLE NETWARE REMOVAL PROCEDURE This is a sample removal procedure in which all NetWare image files are removed but not the data files: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @PWVN$DEINSTAL This procedure deletes all PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) images. Are you sure you want to deinstall PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) [no]: y CAUTION ------- If you delete the NetWare data files, the PATHWORKS license server will not serve NetWare licenses until you re-execute @SYS$UPDATE:PWVN$CONFIG. Do you want to delete the NetWare data files [no]: n Do you want to delete the NetWare SYS Volume [no]:) Removing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 10-5 Sample LAN Manager and NetWare Removal Procedures Deleting PATHWORKS for OpenVMS common images... Deleting PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) images... Removing PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS DECnet objects... Deassigning PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS logical names... PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) is now deinstalled. $ 10-6 Removing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS A ________________________________________________________________ Sample LAN Manager Server Installation and Configuration Procedure The following examples show a sample installation and configuration procedure for the LAN Manager server. ________________________________________________________________ Sample LAN Manager Server Installation Procedure The following example shows a sample installation dialog for the LAN Manager server. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 17-NOV-1994 at 17:00. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: dkb300: Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: pwrkv50c050 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: PWRKV50C V5.0 Beginning installation of PWRKV50C V5.0 at 17:00 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Installation Sample LAN Manager Server Installation and Configuration Procedure A-1 Sample LAN Manager Server Installation Procedure Please select which components to install: PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) * Do you want to install the LAN Manager server [NO]? y * Do you want to install the NetWare server [NO]? n %PWRKV50C-I-OLDVERPCSA, PATHWORKS for VMS (PCSA V4.2) -PWRKV50C-I-OLDVERPCSA, was previously installed The following components will be installed: PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) If the selection is correct, the installation will continue. If the selection is not correct, you can change your selection. Press CTRL/Y if you want to terminate the installation. * Is the selection correct [YES]? %PWRKV50C-I-VERSION, Checking for OpenVMS version 5.5-2 or later... * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation is finished [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? %PWRKV50C-I-FREEBLKS, Checking for 44000 free blocks User Accounts and User Identification Codes (UICs) -------------------------------------------------- PATHWORKS for OpenVMS creates two OpenVMS accounts: a default account, PWRK$DEFAULT, and a guest account, PWRK$GUEST. The default UIC group number for both these new accounts depends on the following: o If you are installing the server for the first time, the default is the first unused UIC group number, starting with 360. o If there is an existing account PCFS$ACCOUNT, the default is the UIC group number associated with PCFS$ACCOUNT. o If there is an existing account PWRK$DEFAULT or PWRK$GUEST, the default is the UIC group number associated with PWRK$DEFAULT or PWRK$GUEST, in preference to PCFS$ACCOUNT. However, the default UIC group number will not be used to change the UIC of any existing accounts. For more information about UIC group numbers, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. * Enter default UIC group number for PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST [360]: Optional DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) Available --------------------------------------------- A-2 Sample LAN Manager Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample LAN Manager Server Installation Procedure The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS distribution media includes two kits for the DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS: DCPSVAX011 and DCPSAXP011. DCPS is a family of layered products that runs on OpenVMS VAX and AXP to provide access through the OpenVMS queueing system to selected PostScript printers. To use DCPS on OpenVMS VAX, you must install the DCPSVAX011 kit. To use DCPS on OpenVMS AXP, you must install the DCPSAXP011 kit. You do not need a separate license to use DCPS with LAN Manager clients. Optional eXtended Qio Processor (XQP) Available ----------------------------------------------- The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS distribution media includes a performance update kit, VAXPWF11X01_060. The performance update kit contains an XQP for the OpenVMS file system that will improve the server's performance. To use this enhanced XQP, you must separately install the performance update kit. This kit is supported on OpenVMS V5.5-2 and V6.0 only. OpenVMS V6.1 (and future versions) already includes the enhanced XQP. * Press RETURN to continue: All questions have been answered. The installation of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS will continue. %PWRKV50C-I-ACCOUNTS, Creating OpenVMS accounts for PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named PWRK$DEFAULT. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier PWRK$DEFAULT value [000360,000001] added to rights database %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named PWRK$GUEST. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier PWRK$GUEST value [000360,000002] added to rights database %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set C (AXP Common only) ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set E (AXP LAN Manager only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set F (VAX NetWare only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set G (AXP NetWare only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set H (NetWare SYS Volume) ... %PWRKV50C-I-DEFOBJS, Defining DECnet objects PCX$SERVER and PCSA$MAIL %PWRKV50C-I-DCLCMDS, Installing PATHWORKS DCL commands %PWRKV50C-I-WRTLOGICAL, Creating PWVN$COMMON_LOGICALS.COM %PWRKV50C-I-SPECIFY, Specifying target directories for the provided files %PWRKV50C-I-OBSOLETE, Deleting obsolete files Next Steps ---------- Sample LAN Manager Server Installation and Configuration Procedure A-3 Sample LAN Manager Server Installation Procedure To continue the installation procedure, enter the following command to execute the server configuration command procedures: $ @SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$CONFIG For information about the configuration command procedures, see the Server Installation and Upgrade Guide. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Starting Installation Verification Procedure for PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) %PWRK-I-NORMAL, IVP completed successfully Installation of PWRKV50C V5.0 completed at 17:21 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 17:23 A-4 Sample LAN Manager Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample LAN Manager Server Configuration Procedure ________________________________________________________________ Sample LAN Manager Server Configuration Procedure The following example shows a sample configuration dialog for the LAN Manager server. $ @sys$update:pwrk$config PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Configuration Procedure PATHWORKS stores and accesses the following types of data files: o Configuration parameter files o License server data files o Log files o Printer spool files o Virtual memory section files You can specify any existing OpenVMS disk device that has at least 12000 free blocks of disk space to store these data files. Note: the server frequently accesses the data files stored on the disk. If these files are stored on the system disk, it can degrade the performance of both the OpenVMS system and the server. Therefore, Digital recommends that you specify a disk other than the system disk. Enter disk device name where PATHWORKS data files will be stored [SYS$SYSDEVICE:]: dkb300: Creating PATHWORKS directory tree on DKB300:... The LAN Manager ADMIN network account is used to administer the server. The ADMIN network account is mapped by default to the OpenVMS SYSTEM account. If this server is to join a LAN Manager domain, the ADMIN network account password should be the same as the password to the domain's existing ADMIN network account. The network account password can be up to 14 characters long. Sample LAN Manager Server Installation and Configuration Procedure A-5 Sample LAN Manager Server Configuration Procedure Enter ADMIN network account password: Re-enter to verify password: Creating LAN Manager directory tree... Copying client files to LAN Manager directory tree... Copying remote boot files to LAN Manager directory tree... Creating PATHWORKS Monitor user authorization file PWRK$COMMON:PWMONUAF.DAT ... Creating network accounts file PWRK$LMROOT:[LANMAN.DATAFILES]ACCOUNTS.LMX ... Changing password for ADMIN network account... Successfully modified ADMIN Creating sharefile PWRK$LMROOT:[LANMAN]SHAREFILE. ... New sharefile has been created. Creating FAT volume database PWRK$LMROOT:[LANMAN]FATVOL.DAT ... Creating MOP client database PWRK$RPLROOT:[000000]PWRK$MOP_DATABASE.DAT ... Reading current configuration parameters... PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS is presently configured to run as follows: 1. Run the license server: NO 2. PATHWORKS V4 compatibility: NO 3. Enable Remote Boot service: NO 4. Enable Timesource service: NO 5. Enable Alerter service: YES 5a. Alert user names: ADMIN 6. LAN Manager computer name: SMITH1 7. LAN Manager domain name: LANGROUP 8. Other LAN Manager domains: 9. LAN Manager security mode: USER 10. Server announce comment: PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Enter item number, or RETURN to use these values [done]: Checking SYSGEN parameters... The current system configuration for SMITH1 will support 20 PC clients. PATHWORKS is configured to use DECnet. Note: if you want this server to be the primary domain controller, you should configure it to use all the transports used by any of the member servers in the domain. You can change the system configuration now or at a later time by executing @SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$CONFIG. Do you want to change the system configuration now [no]: You can upgrade PATHWORKS V4.x databases to V5 databases now or at a later time by executing @SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$UPGRADE. Upgrading to V5 does not modify the original PATHWORKS V4.x databases. A-6 Sample LAN Manager Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample LAN Manager Server Configuration Procedure Do you want to upgrade PATHWORKS V4.x databases to V5 now [yes]: n To automatically start PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS at system startup, you should add the following line to the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file (SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM for OpenVMS VAX systems prior to V6.0): $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP Note: Add this line below the lines that start all network transports (such as DECnet). You should also remove the line from SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM that starts the PATHWORKS V4.x server: $ @SYS$STARTUP:PCFS_STARTUP Do you want to start PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS on node SMITH1 now [yes]: PATHWORKS file server will use DECnet. PATHWORKS mail notification will use DECnet. Process NETBIOS created with identification 00000225 Process PWRK$LICENSE_R created with identification 00000228 The PATHWORKS V5.0C server is configured to support 20 PC clients. Process PWRK$MASTER created with identification 000002B0 The master process will now start all other PATHWORKS processes. $ Sample LAN Manager Server Installation and Configuration Procedure A-7 B ________________________________________________________________ Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure The following examples show a sample installation and configuration procedure for the NetWare server. ________________________________________________________________ Sample NetWare Server Installation Procedure The following example shows a sample installation dialog for the NetWare server. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 17-NOV-1994 at 17:00. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: dkb300: Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: pwrkv50c050 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: PWRKV50C V5.0 Beginning installation of PWRKV50C V5.0 at 17:00 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Installation Please select which components to install: Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure B-1 Sample NetWare Server Installation Procedure PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) * Do you want to install the LAN Manager server [NO]? n * Do you want to install the NetWare server [NO]? y The following components will be installed: PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) If the selection is correct, the installation will continue. If the selection is not correct, you can change your selection. Press CTRL/Y if you want to terminate the installation. * Is the selection correct [YES]? %PWRKV50C-I-VERSION, Checking for OpenVMS version 5.5-2 or later... * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation is finished [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? %PWRKV50C-I-FREEBLKS, Checking for 44000 free blocks User Accounts and User Identification Codes (UICs) -------------------------------------------------- PATHWORKS for OpenVMS creates two OpenVMS accounts: a default account, PWRK$DEFAULT, and a guest account, PWRK$GUEST. The default UIC group number for both these new accounts depends on the following: o If you are installing the server for the first time, the default is the first unused UIC group number, starting with 360. o If there is an existing account PCFS$ACCOUNT, the default is the UIC group number associated with PCFS$ACCOUNT. o If there is an existing account PWRK$DEFAULT or PWRK$GUEST, the default is the UIC group number associated with PWRK$DEFAULT or PWRK$GUEST, in preference to PCFS$ACCOUNT. However, the default UIC group number will not be used to change the UIC of any existing accounts. For more information about UIC group numbers, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. * Enter default UIC group number for PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST [360]: The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) product comes with a SYS volume containing client files used by the file server. Please specify a disk that has a minimum of 32000 free disk blocks available. B-2 Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample NetWare Server Installation Procedure The file server uses the SYS volume location you specify as the top level directory for the SYS volume. SYS volume subdirectories include SYSTEM, MAIL, PUBLIC, and LOGIN. Client utilities such as SYSCON and FILER are placed in these subdirectories during installation. Note: the server frequently accesses the data files stored on the SYS volume. If these files are stored on the system disk, it can degrade the performance of both the OpenVMS system and the server. Therefore, Digital recommends that you specify a disk other than the system disk. * NetWare SYS volume location [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[PWVN$SYSVOL]]: dkb300: Optional eXtended Qio Processor (XQP) Available ----------------------------------------------- The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS distribution media includes a performance update kit, VAXPWF11X01_060. The performance update kit contains an XQP for the OpenVMS file system that will improve the server's performance. To use this enhanced XQP, you must separately install the performance update kit. This kit is supported on OpenVMS V5.5-2 and V6.0 only. OpenVMS V6.1 (and future versions) already includes the enhanced XQP. * Press RETURN to continue: All questions have been answered. The installation of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS will continue. Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure B-3 Sample NetWare Server Installation Procedure %PWRKV50C-I-ACCOUNTS, Creating OpenVMS accounts for PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named PWRK$DEFAULT. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier PWRK$DEFAULT value [000360,000001] added to rights database %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named PWRK$GUEST. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier PWRK$GUEST value [000360,000002] added to rights database %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation adds an identifier named NETBIOS$ACCESS. %UAF-I-RDBADDMSG, identifier NETBIOS$ACCESS value: %X8001000F added to rights data base %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set C (AXP Common only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set D (VAX LAN Manager only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set E (AXP LAN Manager only) ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set G (AXP NetWare only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set H (NetWare SYS Volume) ... %PWRKV50C-I-PURGING, Purging PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) files moved to SYS Volume %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.PWVN]. %PWRKV50C-I-DEFOBJS, Defining DECnet objects PCX$SERVER and PCSA$MAIL %PWRKV50C-I-WRTLOGICAL, Creating PWVN$COMMON_LOGICALS.COM %PWRKV50C-I-SPECIFY, Specifying target directories for the provided files %PWRKV50C-I-OBSOLETE, Deleting obsolete files Next Steps ---------- To continue the installation procedure, enter the following command to execute the server configuration command procedures: $ @SYS$UPDATE:PWVN$CONFIG For information about the configuration command procedures, see the Server Installation and Upgrade Guide. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Starting Installation Verification Procedure for PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) %PWVN-I-NORMAL, IVP completed successfully Installation of PWRKV50C V5.0 completed at 17:21 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 17:23 B-4 Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample NetWare Server Configuration Procedure ________________________________________________________________ Sample NetWare Server Configuration Procedure The following example shows a sample configuration dialog for the NetWare server. $ @sys$update:pwvn$config ***************************************************************** * PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Configuration Procedure * ***************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 1992, 1994 by * * Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts * * and * * Novell, Incorporated * * All rights reserved. * * * ***************************************************************** This procedure will help you to set up and configure your PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) installation. If you need help with any question asked by this procedure, reply to the question with a question mark (?). * Press RETURN to continue: Defining PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) logical names. PATHWORKS stores and accesses the following types of data files: o Configuration parameter files o License server data files o Log files o Printer spool files o Virtual memory section files You can specify any existing OpenVMS disk device that has at least 12000 free blocks of disk space to store these data files. Note: the server frequently accesses the data files stored on the disk. If these files are stored on the system disk, it can degrade the performance of both the OpenVMS system and the server. Therefore, Digital recommends that you specify a disk other than the system disk. Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure B-5 Sample NetWare Server Configuration Procedure * Enter disk device name where PATHWORKS data files will be stored [SYS$SYSDEVICE:]: dkb300: Creating PATHWORKS directory tree on DKB300:... Creating NetWare directory tree... Scanning for supported Ethernet/TokenRing/FDDI controllers. Please wait... ESA is the only Network controller found on your system. It will be the device used by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare). PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) has never been configured on this system. * Press RETURN to continue: +-----------------------------------+ | Current Configuration Information | +-----------------------------------+ Type Control-Y to abort configuration. Server name : SMITH1_PNW NVT Server name : NONE System-specific directory : SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE] Run License Server : NO Internal Network Number : 0000F5FA Maximum SPX sockets : 50 Network Type : Connection : DLPI type : Network Number : Perform Bindup : N/A Start Server when done : YES There are no networks configured yet. * Press RETURN to continue: PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) File Server name must be unique on all known IPX networks. * Name of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) file server [SMITH1_PNW]: B-6 Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample NetWare Server Configuration Procedure The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) product requires a system-specific directory to hold configuration information for the file server, and print server. It needs to be on a disk with at least 3000 free disk blocks. * System-specific directory [SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE]]: Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT) allows NetWare clients to log into this node using terminal emulation software that supports the NVT protocol. * Do you want to configure NVT on this system [NO]? PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) client licenses are granted by the License Server. In order to run a License Server, you must have a loaded PAK of client licenses. * Do you want to run a License Server on this system [NO]? This is the internal network number used by the file server. It should be unique on your network (i.e. there should be no other NetWare File Server with this same internal network number). If you are running DECnet, the default value is your DECnet address converted to hex and padded with leading zeros. e.g.: node 62.100 becomes: (62 x 1024) + 100 = 63588 = "0000F864" If you are not running DECnet, the default value is "00000DEC" (which just happens to be a valid hexadecimal number). * Internal network number (hexadecimal) [0000F5FA]: Maximum SPX sockets is the maximum number of SPX sockets available to processes using the IPX/SPX stack provided with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare). If you plan to only use PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare), then you need not set SPX sockets any larger than max NVT connections. If, however, you are planning on using other products that use the IPX stack, then you should consult the documentation for those products when configuring this parameter. Valid values for SPX sockets are 50, 200, 500 and 1000 (but no smaller than max NVT connections). If you change this parameter, you must reboot for it to take effect. * Maximum SPX sockets [50]: Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure B-7 Sample NetWare Server Configuration Procedure Network Type : Connection : DLPI type : Network Number : There are no networks configured yet. At least one network must be configured in order to proceed. * Network Configuration Action (ADD) [ADD]: Configuring a new network. There are two types of networks that can be configured. "LOCAL" networks are networks that have direct connections to an physical Network controller. There can only be as many "LOCAL" networks as there are physical Network controllers on this system. "TUNNEL" networks connect to another node also running the IPX DECnet Tunnel. The total number of "TUNNEL" networks is eight, minus however many "LOCAL" networks are configured (i.e. if 2 "LOCAL" networks are configured, then there can be up to 6 "TUNNEL" networks"). There can only be one "TUNNEL" network for each remote DECnet node name. "NONE" returns you to Network Configuration Action prompt. * Network Type (LOCAL,TUNNEL,NONE) [L]: Currently available Network controller list: ESA(Ethernet), NONE "NONE" will return you to the Network Configuration Action prompt. * Choose a Network controller from above listing [ESA]: Input values for selecting a frame-type (DLPI-type) are: DIX/SNAP IEEE-802.2 Media: (Sap E0) ----- -------- ---------- Token Ring: (1) (2) FDDI: (3) (4) Ethernet: (5) (6) Select a frame type for this >>>ETHERNET<<< device. * Enter 5 for Ethernet_II (DIX), or 6 for 802.2 (Sap E0). [5]: B-8 Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample NetWare Server Configuration Procedure Each configured network must have a unique Network Number. This is a hexadecimal (0-9,A-F) number that can be up to 8 digits long. For more information on choosing a Network Number, see the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server Installation Guide. "NONE" will return you to the Network Configuration Action prompt. * Network Number [0]: 21000001 #1 --- Network Type : Local Connection : ESA DLPI type : ETH_II_DIX Network Number : 21000001 A maximum of eight (8) networks can be configured. If the above networks are configured correctly, then enter NONE. * Network Configuration Action (ADD,DELETE,MODIFY,NONE) [NONE]: This configuration procedure can start PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) when it completes. If you do not answer YES, then BINDUP will not be run, even if you have chosen to do so. * Do you want to start PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) now [YES]? +-----------------------------------+ | Current Configuration Information | +-----------------------------------+ Type Control-Y to abort configuration. Server name : SMITH1_PNW NVT Server name : NONE System-specific directory : SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE] Run License Server : NO Internal Network Number : 0000F5FA Maximum SPX sockets : 50 #1 --- Network Type : Local Connection : ESA DLPI type : ETH_II_DIX Network Number : 21000001 Perform Bindup : N/A Start Server when done : YES Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure B-9 Sample NetWare Server Configuration Procedure * Is this configuration satisfactory [YES]? Writing PWVN$CONF_DIR:PWVN$NWCONFIG.CFG file Writing PWVN$CONF_DIR:PWVN$NPSCONFIG.CFG file Writing PWVN$CONF_DIR:PWVN$CONF_SYMBOLS.COM file Writing Message file SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE]PWVN$MSGS.DAT Writing Sconsole Message file SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE]PWVN$SCONSOLE.HELP Writing Config Help file SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE]PWVN$CONFIG.HELP Writing SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]PWVN$COMMON_LOGICALS.COM file Writing SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP]PWVN$PRIVATE_LOGICALS.COM file Setting file ownership in DKB300:[PWVN$SYSVOL] to user PCFS$ACCOUNT Ignore any "SYSTEM-W-ACCONFLICT, file access conflict." warnings. Defining logical names for PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Begin verifying minimum resources...OK Complete verifying minimum resources...OK PATHWORKS file server will use IPX. PATHWORKS mail notification will use DECnet. Process NETBIOS created with identification 000002A0 Process PWRK$LICENSE_R created with identification 000002E4 Starting IPX Daemon (NPSD)...OK Starting PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server...OK Purging old server logs... Purging old config files... IPX/DECnet Tunnel Daemon (STU) : INACTIVE IPX Daemon (NPSD) : ACTIVE PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server : ACTIVE Print Services : INACTIVE NVT Daemon (NVT) : INACTIVE PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) has been started with the command: @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP.COM DIGITAL recommends that the above command be placed in your site-specific system startup file in the SYS$MANAGER directory to automatically start PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) each time the system is re-booted. IMPORTANT: Some sites use OpenVMS disk quotas. If your site does so, then you may need to use the DISKQUOTA utility and enter a record for the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) Guest Account. B-10 Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample NetWare Server Configuration Procedure IMPORTANT: By default the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) SUPERVISOR account does not have a password. It is suggested that after the file server is running that you change the SUPERVISOR password. Note that this must be done from a PC client logged in to this file server using the client utility SYSCON. The configuration of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) is complete. $ Sample NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure B-11 C ________________________________________________________________ Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure The following examples show a sample installation and configuration dialog for both the LAN Manager and NetWare servers. ________________________________________________________________ Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation Procedure The following example shows a sample installation dialog for both the LAN Manager and NetWare servers. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 17-NOV-1994 at 17:00. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: dkb300: Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: pwrkv50c050 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: PWRKV50C V5.0 Beginning installation of PWRKV50C V5.0 at 17:00 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure C-1 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation Procedure PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Installation Please select which components to install: PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) * Do you want to install the LAN Manager server [NO]? y * Do you want to install the NetWare server [NO]? y %PWRKV50C-I-OLDVERPCSA, PATHWORKS for VMS (PCSA V4.2) -PWRKV50C-I-OLDVERPCSA, was previously installed The following components will be installed: PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) If the selection is correct, the installation will continue. If the selection is not correct, you can change your selection. Press CTRL/Y if you want to terminate the installation. * Is the selection correct [YES]? %PWRKV50C-I-VERSION, Checking for OpenVMS version 5.5-2 or later... * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation is finished [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? %PWRKV50C-I-FREEBLKS, Checking for 44000 free blocks User Accounts and User Identification Codes (UICs) -------------------------------------------------- PATHWORKS for OpenVMS creates two OpenVMS accounts: a default account, PWRK$DEFAULT, and a guest account, PWRK$GUEST. The default UIC group number for both these new accounts depends on the following: o If you are installing the server for the first time, the default is the first unused UIC group number, starting with 360. o If there is an existing account PCFS$ACCOUNT, the default is the UIC group number associated with PCFS$ACCOUNT. o If there is an existing account PWRK$DEFAULT or PWRK$GUEST, the default is the UIC group number associated with PWRK$DEFAULT or PWRK$GUEST, in preference to PCFS$ACCOUNT. However, the default UIC group number will not be used to change the UIC of any existing accounts. For more information about UIC group numbers, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. * Enter default UIC group number for PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST [360]: C-2 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation Procedure The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) product comes with a SYS volume containing client files used by the file server. Please specify a disk that has a minimum of 32000 free disk blocks available. The file server uses the SYS volume location you specify as the top level directory for the SYS volume. SYS volume subdirectories include SYSTEM, MAIL, PUBLIC, and LOGIN. Client utilities such as SYSCON and FILER are placed in these subdirectories during installation. Note: the server frequently accesses the data files stored on the SYS volume. If these files are stored on the system disk, it can degrade the performance of both the OpenVMS system and the server. Therefore, Digital recommends that you specify a disk other than the system disk. * NetWare SYS volume location [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[PWVN$SYSVOL]]: dkb300: Optional DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) Available --------------------------------------------- The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS distribution media includes two kits for the DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS: DCPSVAX011 and DCPSAXP011. DCPS is a family of layered products that runs on OpenVMS VAX and AXP to provide access through the OpenVMS queueing system to selected PostScript printers. To use DCPS on OpenVMS VAX, you must install the DCPSVAX011 kit. To use DCPS on OpenVMS AXP, you must install the DCPSAXP011 kit. You do not need a separate license to use DCPS with LAN Manager clients. * Press RETURN to continue: All questions have been answered. The installation of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS will continue. Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure C-3 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation Procedure %PWRKV50C-I-ACCOUNTS, Creating OpenVMS accounts for PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named PWRK$DEFAULT. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier PWRK$DEFAULT value [000360,000001] added to rights database %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named PWRK$GUEST. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier PWRK$GUEST value [000360,000002] added to rights database %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set C (AXP Common only) ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set E (AXP LAN Manager only) ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set G (AXP NetWare only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set H (NetWare SYS Volume) ... %PWRKV50C-I-PURGING, Purging PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) files moved to SYS Volume %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.PWVN]. %PWRKV50C-I-DEFOBJS, Defining DECnet objects PCX$SERVER and PCSA$MAIL %PWRKV50C-I-DEFOBJ2, Defining DECnet object PCSA$RMI %PWRKV50C-I-DCLCMDS, Installing PATHWORKS DCL commands %PWRKV50C-I-WRTLOGICAL, Creating PWVN$COMMON_LOGICALS.COM %PWRKV50C-I-SPECIFY, Specifying target directories for the provided files %PWRKV50C-I-OBSOLETE, Deleting obsolete files Next Steps ---------- To continue the installation procedure, enter the following commands to execute the server configuration command procedures: $ @SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$CONFIG $ @SYS$UPDATE:PWVN$CONFIG For information about the configuration command procedures, see the Server Installation and Upgrade Guide. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Starting Installation Verification Procedure for PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) %PWRK-I-NORMAL, IVP completed successfully Starting Installation Verification Procedure for PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) %PWVN-I-NORMAL, IVP completed successfully Installation of PWRKV50C V5.0 completed at 17:21 C-4 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation Procedure Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 17:23 Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure C-5 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Configuration Procedure ________________________________________________________________ Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Configuration Procedure The following example shows sample configuration dialogs for the LAN Manager and NetWare servers. $ @sys$update:pwrk$config PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Configuration Procedure PATHWORKS stores and accesses the following types of data files: o Configuration parameter files o License server data files o Log files o Printer spool files o Virtual memory section files You can specify any existing OpenVMS disk device that has at least 12000 free blocks of disk space to store these data files. Note: the server frequently accesses the data files stored on the disk. If these files are stored on the system disk, it can degrade the performance of both the OpenVMS system and the server. Therefore, Digital recommends that you specify a disk other than the system disk. Enter disk device name where PATHWORKS data files will be stored [SYS$SYSDEVICE:]: dkb300: Creating PATHWORKS directory tree on DKB300:... The LAN Manager ADMIN network account is used to administer the server. The ADMIN network account is mapped by default to the OpenVMS SYSTEM account. If this server is to join a LAN Manager domain, the ADMIN network account password should be the same as the password to the domain's existing ADMIN network account. The network account password can be up to 14 characters long. C-6 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Configuration Procedure Enter ADMIN network account password: Re-enter to verify password: Creating LAN Manager directory tree... Copying client files to LAN Manager directory tree... Copying remote boot files to LAN Manager directory tree... Creating PATHWORKS Monitor user authorization file PWRK$COMMON:PWMONUAF.DAT ... Creating network accounts file PWRK$LMROOT:[LANMAN.DATAFILES]ACCOUNTS.LMX ... Changing password for ADMIN network account... Successfully modified ADMIN Creating sharefile PWRK$LMROOT:[LANMAN]SHAREFILE. ... New sharefile has been created. Creating FAT volume database PWRK$LMROOT:[LANMAN]FATVOL.DAT ... Creating MOP client database PWRK$RPLROOT:[000000]PWRK$MOP_DATABASE.DAT ... Reading current configuration parameters... PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS is presently configured to run as follows: 1. Run the license server: NO 2. PATHWORKS V4 compatibility: NO 3. Enable Remote Boot service: NO 4. Enable Timesource service: NO 5. Enable Alerter service: YES 5a. Alert user names: ADMIN 6. LAN Manager computer name: SMITH1 7. LAN Manager domain name: LANGROUP 8. Other LAN Manager domains: 9. LAN Manager security mode: USER 10. Server announce comment: PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Enter item number, or RETURN to use these values [done]: Checking SYSGEN parameters... The current system configuration for SMITH1 will support 20 PC clients. PATHWORKS is configured to use DECnet. Note: if you want this server to be the primary domain controller, you should configure it to use all the transports used by any of the member servers in the domain. You can change the system configuration now or at a later time by executing @SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$CONFIG. Do you want to change the system configuration now [no]: You can upgrade PATHWORKS V4.x databases to V5 databases now or at a later time by executing @SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$UPGRADE. Upgrading to V5 does not modify the original PATHWORKS V4.x databases. Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure C-7 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Configuration Procedure Do you want to upgrade PATHWORKS V4.x databases to V5 now [yes]: n To automatically start PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS at system startup, you should add the following line to the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file (SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM for OpenVMS VAX systems prior to V6.0): $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP Note: Add this line below the lines that start all network transports (such as DECnet). You should also remove the line from SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM that starts the PATHWORKS V4.x server: $ @SYS$STARTUP:PCFS_STARTUP Do you want to start PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS on node SMITH1 now [yes]: PATHWORKS file server will use DECnet. PATHWORKS mail notification will use DECnet. Process NETBIOS created with identification 000002F7 Process PWRK$LICENSE_R created with identification 000002FA The PATHWORKS V5.0C server is configured to support 20 PC clients. Process PWRK$MASTER created with identification 0000018E The master process will now start all other PATHWORKS processes. $ @sys$update:pwvn$config ***************************************************************** * PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Configuration Procedure * ***************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 1992, 1994 by * * Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts * * and * * Novell, Incorporated * * All rights reserved. * * * ***************************************************************** This procedure will help you to set up and configure your PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) installation. If you need help with any question asked by this procedure, reply to the question with a question mark (?). * Press RETURN to continue: Defining PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) logical names. C-8 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Configuration Procedure PATHWORKS stores and accesses the following types of data files: o Configuration parameter files o License server data files o Log files o Printer spool files o Virtual memory section files You can specify any existing OpenVMS disk device that has at least 12000 free blocks of disk space to store these data files. Note: the server frequently accesses the data files stored on the disk. If these files are stored on the system disk, it can degrade the performance of both the OpenVMS system and the server. Therefore, Digital recommends that you specify a disk other than the system disk. The PATHWORKS directory tree already exists on DKB300:. If you specify a different disk device, the PATHWORKS directory tree will be moved to the new device. * Enter disk device name where PATHWORKS data files will be stored [DKB300:]: Creating NetWare directory tree... Scanning for supported Ethernet/TokenRing/FDDI controllers. Please wait... ESA is the only Network controller found on your system. It will be the device used by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare). PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) has never been configured on this system. * Press RETURN to continue: +-----------------------------------+ | Current Configuration Information | +-----------------------------------+ Type Control-Y to abort configuration. Server name : SMITH1_PNW NVT Server name : NONE System-specific directory : SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE] Run License Server : NO Internal Network Number : 0000F5FA Maximum SPX sockets : 50 Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure C-9 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Configuration Procedure Network Type : Connection : DLPI type : Network Number : Perform Bindup : N/A Start Server when done : YES There are no networks configured yet. * Press RETURN to continue: PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) File Server name must be unique on all known IPX networks. * Name of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) file server [SMITH1_PNW]: The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) product requires a system-specific directory to hold configuration information for the file server, and print server. It needs to be on a disk with at least 3000 free disk blocks. * System-specific directory [SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE]]: Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT) allows NetWare clients to log into this node using terminal emulation software that supports the NVT protocol. * Do you want to configure NVT on this system [NO]? PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) client licenses are granted by the License Server. In order to run a License Server, you must have a loaded PAK of client licenses. If you choose to run the license server, then the LAN Manager startup command procedure will also start the license server. If you choose not to run the license server, then the LAN Manager startup command procedure will also not start the license server. * Do you want to run a License Server on this system [NO]? This is the internal network number used by the file server. It should be unique on your network (i.e. there should be no other NetWare File Server with this same internal network number). C-10 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Configuration Procedure If you are running DECnet, the default value is your DECnet address converted to hex and padded with leading zeros. e.g.: node 62.100 becomes: (62 x 1024) + 100 = 63588 = "0000F864" If you are not running DECnet, the default value is "00000DEC" (which just happens to be a valid hexadecimal number). * Internal network number (hexadecimal) [0000F5FA]: Maximum SPX sockets is the maximum number of SPX sockets available to processes using the IPX/SPX stack provided with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare). If you plan to only use PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare), then you need not set SPX sockets any larger than max NVT connections. If, however, you are planning on using other products that use the IPX stack, then you should consult the documentation for those products when configuring this parameter. Valid values for SPX sockets are 50, 200, 500 and 1000 (but no smaller than max NVT connections). If you change this parameter, you must reboot for it to take effect. * Maximum SPX sockets [50]: Network Type : Connection : DLPI type : Network Number : There are no networks configured yet. At least one network must be configured in order to proceed. * Network Configuration Action (ADD) [ADD]: Configuring a new network. There are two types of networks that can be configured. "LOCAL" networks are networks that have direct connections to an physical Network controller. There can only be as many "LOCAL" networks as there are physical Network controllers on this system. "TUNNEL" networks connect to another node also running the IPX DECnet Tunnel. The total number of "TUNNEL" networks is eight, minus however many "LOCAL" networks are configured (i.e. if 2 "LOCAL" networks are configured, then there can be up to 6 "TUNNEL" networks"). There can only be one "TUNNEL" network for each remote DECnet node name. "NONE" returns you to Network Configuration Action prompt. and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure C-11 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Configuration Procedure * Network Type (LOCAL,TUNNEL,NONE) [L]: Currently available Network controller list: ESA(Ethernet), NONE "NONE" will return you to the Network Configuration Action prompt. * Choose a Network controller from above listing [ESA]: Input values for selecting a frame-type (DLPI-type) are: DIX/SNAP IEEE-802.2 Media: (Sap E0) ----- -------- ---------- Token Ring: (1) (2) FDDI: (3) (4) Ethernet: (5) (6) Select a frame type for this >>>ETHERNET<<< device. * Enter 5 for Ethernet_II (DIX), or 6 for 802.2 (Sap E0). [5]: Each configured network must have a unique Network Number. This is a hexadecimal (0-9,A-F) number that can be up to 8 digits long. For more information on choosing a Network Number, see the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server Installation Guide. "NONE" will return you to the Network Configuration Action prompt. * Network Number [0]: 21000001 #1 --- Network Type : Local Connection : ESA DLPI type : ETH_II_DIX Network Number : 21000001 A maximum of eight (8) networks can be configured. If the above networks are configured correctly, then enter NONE. * Network Configuration Action (ADD,DELETE,MODIFY,NONE) [NONE]: This configuration procedure can start PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) when it completes. If you do not answer YES, then BINDUP will not be run, even if you have chosen to do so. * Do you want to start PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) now [YES]? C-12 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Configuration Procedure +-----------------------------------+ | Current Configuration Information | +-----------------------------------+ Type Control-Y to abort configuration. Server name : SMITH1_PNW NVT Server name : NONE System-specific directory : SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE] Run License Server : NO Internal Network Number : 0000F5FA Maximum SPX sockets : 50 #1 --- Network Type : Local Connection : ESA DLPI type : ETH_II_DIX Network Number : 21000001 Perform Bindup : N/A Start Server when done : YES * Is this configuration satisfactory [YES]? Writing PWVN$CONF_DIR:PWVN$NWCONFIG.CFG file Writing PWVN$CONF_DIR:PWVN$NPSCONFIG.CFG file Writing PWVN$CONF_DIR:PWVN$CONF_SYMBOLS.COM file Writing Message file SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE]PWVN$MSGS.DAT Writing Sconsole Message file SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE]PWVN$SCONSOLE.HELP Writing Config Help file SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE]PWVN$CONFIG.HELP Writing SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]PWVN$COMMON_LOGICALS.COM file Writing SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP]PWVN$PRIVATE_LOGICALS.COM file Setting file ownership in DKB300:[PWVN$SYSVOL] to user PCFS$ACCOUNT Ignore any "SYSTEM-W-ACCONFLICT, file access conflict." warnings. Defining logical names for PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Begin verifying minimum resources...OK Complete verifying minimum resources...OK PATHWORKS file server will use IPX. PATHWORKS mail notification will use DECnet. Process NETBIOS already created Process PWRK$LICENSE_R already created Starting IPX Daemon (NPSD)...OK Starting PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server...OK Purging old server logs... Purging old config files... and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure C-13 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Configuration Procedure IPX/DECnet Tunnel Daemon (STU) : INACTIVE IPX Daemon (NPSD) : ACTIVE PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server : ACTIVE Print Services : INACTIVE NVT Daemon (NVT) : INACTIVE $ C-14 Sample Combined LAN Manager and NetWare Server Installation and Configuration Procedure D ________________________________________________________________ Sample Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure The following examples show a sample installation and configuration dialog for a standalone license server. ________________________________________________________________ Sample Standalone License Server Installation Procedure The following exmaple shows a sample installation dialog for the standalone license server. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 17-NOV-1994 at 14:46. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: dkb300: Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: pwrkv50c050 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: PWRKV50C V5.0 Beginning installation of PWRKV50C V5.0 at 14:46 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Installation Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure D-1 Sample Standalone License Server Installation Procedure Please select which components to install: PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) * Do you want to install the LAN Manager server [NO]? * Do you want to install the NetWare server [NO]? * Do you want to install the PATHWORKS license server [YES]? The following components will be installed: PATHWORKS V5.0C license server If the selection is correct, the installation will continue. If the selection is not correct, you can change your selection. Press CTRL/Y if you want to terminate the installation. * Is the selection correct [YES]? %PWRKV50C-I-VERSION, Checking for OpenVMS version 5.5-2 or later... * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation is finished [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? %PWRKV50C-I-FREEBLKS, Checking for 16000 free blocks All questions have been answered. The installation of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS will continue. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set C (AXP Common only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set D (VAX LAN Manager only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set E (AXP LAN Manager only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set F (VAX NetWare only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set G (AXP NetWare only) ... %PWRKV50C-I-SKIPSET, Skipping product save set H (NetWare SYS Volume) ... %PWRKV50C-I-DEFOBJS, Defining DECnet objects PCX$SERVER and PCSA$MAIL %PWRKV50C-I-WRTLOGICAL, Creating PWVN$COMMON_LOGICALS.COM %PWRKV50C-I-SPECIFY, Specifying target directories for the provided files %PWRKV50C-I-OBSOLETE, Deleting obsolete files Next Steps ---------- To continue the installation procedure, enter the following commands to execute the server configuration command procedures: $ @SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$CONFIG $ @SYS$UPDATE:PWVN$CONFIG For information about the configuration command procedures, see the Server Installation and Upgrade Guide. D-2 Sample Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure Sample Standalone License Server Installation Procedure %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Starting Installation Verification Procedure for PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) %PWRK-I-NORMAL, IVP completed successfully Starting Installation Verification Procedure for PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) %PWVN-I-NORMAL, IVP completed successfully Installation of PWRKV50C V5.0 completed at 14:55 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:56 Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure D-3 Sample LAN Manager Configuration Procedure for the Standalone License Server ________________________________________________________________ Sample LAN Manager Configuration Procedure for the Standalone License Server The following is a sample LAN Manager configuration procedure for the standalone license server. $ @sys$update:pwrk$config PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Configuration Procedure PATHWORKS stores and accesses the following types of data files: o Configuration parameter files o License server data files o Log files o Printer spool files o Virtual memory section files You can specify any existing OpenVMS disk device that has at least 12000 free blocks of disk space to store these data files. Note: the server frequently accesses the data files stored on the disk. If these files are stored on the system disk, it can degrade the performance of both the OpenVMS system and the server. Therefore, Digital recommends that you specify a disk other than the system disk. Enter disk device name where PATHWORKS data files will be stored [SYS$SYSDEVICE:]: dkb300: Creating PATHWORKS directory tree on DKB300:... The PATHWORKS license server can serve PATHWORKS licenses for LAN Manager clients over DECnet, NetBEUI, and TCP/IP, and NetWare clients over IPX. The LAN Manager and NetWare file servers do not need to be running for the license server to operate. If you want to serve PATHWORKS licenses for NetWare clients over IPX, you must later execute @SYS$UPDATE:PWVN$CONFIG.COM. Do you want to serve PATHWORKS licenses over DECnet [yes]: Do you want to serve PATHWORKS licenses over NetBEUI [no]: y Do you want to serve PATHWORKS licenses over TCP/IP [no]: Do you want to start the PATHWORKS license server now [yes]: n $ D-4 Sample Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure NetWare Configuration Procedure for the Standalone License Server ________________________________________________________________ Sample NetWare Configuration Procedure for the Standalone License Server The following is a sample NetWare configuration procedure for the standalone license server. $ @sys$update:pwvn$config ***************************************************************** * PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Configuration Procedure * ***************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 1992, 1994 by * * Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts * * and * * Novell, Incorporated * * All rights reserved. * * * ***************************************************************** This procedure will help you to set up and configure your PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) installation. If you need help with any question asked by this procedure, reply to the question with a question mark (?). * Press RETURN to continue: Defining PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) logical names. PATHWORKS stores and accesses the following types of data files: o Configuration parameter files o License server data files o Log files o Printer spool files o Virtual memory section files You can specify any existing OpenVMS disk device that has at least 12000 free blocks of disk space to store these data files. Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure D-5 Sample NetWare Configuration Procedure for the Standalone License Server Note: the server frequently accesses the data files stored on the disk. If these files are stored on the system disk, it can degrade the performance of both the OpenVMS system and the server. Therefore, Digital recommends that you specify a disk other than the system disk. The PATHWORKS directory tree already exists on DKB300:. If you specify a different disk device, the PATHWORKS directory tree will be moved to the new device. * Enter disk device name where PATHWORKS data files will be stored [DKB300:]: Scanning for supported Ethernet/TokenRing/FDDI controllers. Please wait... ESA is the only Network controller found on your system. It will be the device used by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare). PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) has never been configured on this system. * Press RETURN to continue: +-----------------------------------+ | Current Configuration Information | +-----------------------------------+ Type Control-Y to abort configuration. System-specific directory : SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE] Serve licenses over IPX : YES Internal Network Number : 0000F5FA Maximum SPX sockets : 50 Network Type : Connection : DLPI type : Network Number : Start Server when done : YES There are no networks configured yet. * Press RETURN to continue: The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) product requires a system-specific directory to hold configuration information for the file server, and print server. It needs to be on a disk with at least 3000 free disk blocks. D-6 Sample Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure NetWare Configuration Procedure for the Standalone License Server * System-specific directory [SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE]]: PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) client licenses are granted by the License Server, provided the License Server is configured to serve licenses over IPX. In order to run a License Server, you must have a loaded PAK of client licenses. * Do you want to serve PATHWORKS licenses over IPX [YES]? This is the internal network number used by the file server. It should be unique on your network (i.e. there should be no other NetWare File Server with this same internal network number). If you are running DECnet, the default value is your DECnet address converted to hex and padded with leading zeros. e.g.: node 62.100 becomes: (62 x 1024) + 100 = 63588 = "0000F864" If you are not running DECnet, the default value is "00000DEC" (which just happens to be a valid hexadecimal number). * Internal network number (hexadecimal) [0000F5FA]: Maximum SPX sockets is the maximum number of SPX sockets available to processes using the IPX/SPX stack provided with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare). If you plan to only use PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare), the default value of 50 is acceptable. If, however, you are planning on using other products that use the IPX stack, then you should consult the documentation for those products when configuring this parameter. Valid values for SPX sockets are 50, 200, 500 and 1000. If you change this parameter, you must reboot for it to take effect. * Maximum SPX sockets [50]: Network Type : Connection : DLPI type : Network Number : There are no networks configured yet. At least one network must be configured in order to proceed. * Network Configuration Action (ADD) [ADD]: Configuring a new network. Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure D-7 Sample NetWare Configuration Procedure for the Standalone License Server There are two types of networks that can be configured. "LOCAL" networks are networks that have direct connections to an physical Network controller. There can only be as many "LOCAL" networks as there are physical Network controllers on this system. "TUNNEL" networks connect to another node also running the IPX DECnet Tunnel. The total number of "TUNNEL" networks is eight, minus however many "LOCAL" networks are configured (i.e. if 2 "LOCAL" networks are configured, then there can be up to 6 "TUNNEL" networks"). There can only be one "TUNNEL" network for each remote DECnet node name. "NONE" returns you to Network Configuration Action prompt. * Network Type (LOCAL,TUNNEL,NONE) [L]: Currently available Network controller list: ESA(Ethernet), NONE "NONE" will return you to the Network Configuration Action prompt. * Choose a Network controller from above listing [ESA]: Input values for selecting a frame-type (DLPI-type) are: DIX/SNAP IEEE-802.2 Media: (Sap E0) ----- -------- ---------- Token Ring: (1) (2) FDDI: (3) (4) Ethernet: (5) (6) Select a frame type for this >>>ETHERNET<<< device. * Enter 5 for Ethernet_II (DIX), or 6 for 802.2 (Sap E0). [5]: Each configured network must have a unique Network Number. This is a hexadecimal (0-9,A-F) number that can be up to 8 digits long. For more information on choosing a Network Number, see the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server Installation Guide. "NONE" will return you to the Network Configuration Action prompt. * Network Number [0]: 21000001 #1 --- Network Type : Local Connection : ESA DLPI type : ETH_II_DIX Network Number : 21000001 D-8 Sample Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure NetWare Configuration Procedure for the Standalone License Server A maximum of eight (8) networks can be configured. If the above networks are configured correctly, then enter NONE. * Network Configuration Action (ADD,DELETE,MODIFY,NONE) [NONE]: This configuration procedure can start the PATHWORKS license server when it completes. * Do you want to start the PATHWORKS license server now [YES]? +-----------------------------------+ | Current Configuration Information | +-----------------------------------+ Type Control-Y to abort configuration. System-specific directory : SYS$SPECIFIC:[PWVN$PRIVATE] Serve licenses over IPX : YES Internal Network Number : 0000F5FA Maximum SPX sockets : 50 #1 --- Network Type : Local Connection : ESA DLPI type : ETH_II_DIX Network Number : 21000001 Start Server when done : YES Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure D-9 Sample NetWare Configuration Procedure for the Standalone License Server * Is this configuration satisfactory [YES]? Writing PWVN$CONF_DIR:PWVN$NPSCONFIG.CFG file Writing PWVN$CONF_DIR:PWVN$CONF_SYMBOLS.COM file Writing SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]PWVN$COMMON_LOGICALS.COM file Writing SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP]PWVN$PRIVATE_LOGICALS.COM file Defining logical names for PATHWORKS V1.0C for OpenVMS (NetWare) Begin verifying minimum resources...OK Complete verifying minimum resources...OK PATHWORKS license server will use DECnet, NetBEUI, IPX. PATHWORKS mail notification will use DECnet. Process NETBIOS created with identification 00000274 Process PWRK$NBDAEMON created with identification 00000278 Starting IPX Daemon (NPSD)...OK Process PWRK$LICENSE_S created with identification 00000284 Purging old server logs... Purging old config files... IPX/DECnet Tunnel Daemon (STU) : INACTIVE IPX Daemon (NPSD) : ACTIVE PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) Server : INACTIVE Print Services : INACTIVE NVT Daemon (NVT) : INACTIVE PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) has been started with the command: @SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP.COM DIGITAL recommends that the above command be placed in your site-specific system startup file in the SYS$MANAGER directory to automatically start PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) each time the system is re-booted. The configuration of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) is complete. $ D-10 Sample Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure E ________________________________________________________________ Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports ________________________________________________________________ Sample Users Report The following is a sample PWRK$UPG$USERS.RPT file for a LAN Manager server that is not a primary domain controller. !+++++++++++ Users Report ++++++++++++++++ !This report lists the 4.x users that will be upgraded to !LAN Manager users by default. !Users upgraded must satisfy one of the three criteria: ! 1) the user will have the PCFS$USER identifier. ! 2) the user is a member of a 4.x PCSA group. ! 3) the user's default directory has one or more files ! that have the Dos application ace. !For each user upgraded to a LAN Manager user, upgrade will !also create a share with the user name being the share name !as specified in the share report. !This report can also be used as input into the actual upgrade. !To use this file as a data file either specify the data file as is, !or put a comment character (!) in front of the user(s) that you do NOT !want upgraded. !To make the user name a different name than what is listed in the file, simply !add "= new_name" after the old name, where new_name is the name of the user !to be created. Names should be taken from the list of users !in the Primary Domain Controller List below !OpenVMS users to be added as LAN Manager users Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports E-1 Sample Users Report VERRILLI !VERRILLI JORDAN !JORDAN HICKSCOURANT !HICKSCOURANT CARDINALE !CARDINALE BRODMERKLE !BRODMERKLE BRISTOW !BRISTOW BJORK !BJORK BERUBE !BERUBE BELLUSCI !BELLUSCI BELLIVEAU !BELLIVEAU !OpenVMS users NOT to be added as LAN Manager users !VPM$SERVER !VPM$SERVER DEFAULT !SYSTEST_CLIG !SYSTEST-UETP !SYSTEST !SYSTEST-UETP !SYSTEM !SYSTEM MANAGER !PWRK$GUEST !PATHWORKS !PWRK$DEFAULT !PATHWORKS !PHONE$SERVER !PHONE$SERVER DEFAULT !PCSA$RMI !PCSA$RMI !PCFS$ACCOUNT !PCFS !NML$SERVER !NML$SERVER DEFAULT !MIRRO$SERVER !MIRRO$SERVER DEFAULT !MAIL$SERVER !MAIL$SERVER DEFAULT !FIELD !FIELD SERVICE !DEFAULT ! !LAN Manager Users found on Primary Domain Controller \\HYDRAC !ADMIN ! !BJORK ! !CARDINALE ! !CHENG ! !DONMAC ! !FLAHERTY ! !GAUTREAU ! !GLICKLER ! !GUEST ! !HYDRAC ! E-2 Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports Sample Groups Report ________________________________________________________________ Sample Groups Report The following is a sample PWRK$UPG$GROUP.RPT file for a server that is not a primary domain controller. !++++++++++++++++++ Group Report +++++++++++++++++++++++ !This report lists the OpenVMS groups, OpenVMS resource identifiers !and PCSA 4.x groups that will be upgraded to LAN Manager groups by default. !Below each group is a list of their members. !This report is informational only. !This report can also be used as input into the actual UAS merge upgrade. !To use this file as a data file either specify the data file as is, !or put a comment character (!) in front of the group(s) that you do NOT !want upgraded. !NOTE: If all the groups listed here are not upgraded, then the LAN Manager !security upgrade may not be complete !To make the group name a different name than what is listed in the file, simply !add "= new_name" after the old name, where new_name is the name of the group !to be created. !There are 3 groups in this report VMS360PCFS !OpenVMS UIC Group 360 USERS=( BELLIVEAU BELLUSCI BERUBE BJORK BRISTOW BRODMERKLE CARDINALE HICKSCOURANT JORDAN VERRILLI ) EDITING !PCFS Group EDITING USERS=( BERUBE HICKSCOURANT VERRILLI ) Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports E-3 Sample Groups Report WRITERS !PCFS Group WRITERS USERS=( CARDINALE BELLIVEAU BELLUSCI BJORK BRISTOW ) !LAN Manager Groups found on Primary Domain Controller \\HYDRAC !ADMINS !USERS=( ! ADMIN ! GLICKLER ! HYDRAC !) !EDITING !USERS=( ! BRODMERKLE ! JORDAN ! !GRAPHICS !USERS=( ! DEPATSY ! HOGAN ! PERKINS !) !GUESTS !USERS=( ! GUEST !) !USERS !USERS=( ! DONMAC ! BURKE ! CHENG ! GAUTREAU ! FLAHERTY !) !SERVERS !USERS=( ! HYDRAC !) E-4 Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports Sample Groups Report ________________________________________________________________ Sample File and Print Services Report The following is a sample PWRK$UPG$SHARE.RPT file. !+++++++++++ File and Print Services Report ++++++++++++++++ !This report lists the 4.x file services, OpenVMS users !and OpenVMS print queues that are proposed to be upgraded !to LAN Manager shares by default. !During the actual upgrade to LAN Manager shares, the user will be asked !whether or not to upgrade OpenVMS users and print queues. !This report can also be used as input into the actual upgrade. !To use this file as input to the actual File and Print service upgrade !specify the data file as is, or put a comment character (!) in front of !the share(s) that you do NOT want upgraded. !To make the share a different name than what is listed in the file, simply !add "= new_name" after the old name, where new_name is the name of the share !to be created. !NOTE: If a 4.x file service has the same name as an OpenVMS print queue ! or an OpenVMS user the 4.x file service will be upgraded to ! and not the OpenVMS user or print queue. !4.x File and Print Services to LAN Manager Shares !Accessible from the basic and the enhanced redirector WINWORD PCCOMMON EXCEL ASCII !Accessible from the basic redirector WORD_PERFECT PUBLIC_TEXT PUBLIC_DATA POSTSCRIPT LOTUS_123 !OpenVMS Users to LAN Manager Shares !Accessible from basic and enhanced redirector Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports E-5 Sample File and Print Services Report SYSTEM NOPRIV GAUTREAU !OpenVMS Print Queues to LAN Manager Shares !Accessible from basic redirector LPS20I4$PS LPS20I4$ANSI LPS20D4$PS 2LPS20D4$ANSI LPS20APR$PS LPS20APR$ANSI LN03D4$PS LN03D4$ANSI ! Note: To use the Enhanced redirector with Basic redirector shares, ! the share name must be changed to conform to ! 8.3 Dos naming format. ________________________________________________________________ Sample UAS Merge Report The following is a sample PWRK$UPG$UAS_SA.RPT file. !+++++++++++ Standalone UAS Merge Report ++++++++++++++++ !This report lists the local UAS users and groups and the UAS users and groups !listed on the Primary Domain Controller \\HYDRAC. !The report also flags same name conflicts between the local and remote node !This report can be used as input into the Standalone UAS Merge . !Either use the report as is or to rename the user !or group name, simply add "= new_name" !after the old name, where new_name is the name !the user or group will be renamed to. Names should be taken from the !list of users and groups in the Primary Domain Controller Lists below !LAN Manager Users on the local system E-6 Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports Sample UAS Merge Report !ADMIN !User ADMIN has a match at node \\HYDRAC !BELLIVEAU !User BELLIVEAU has a match at node \\HYDRAC !BELLUSCI !User BELLUSCI has a match at node \\HYDRAC !BERUBE !User BERUBE has a match at node \\HYDRAC !BJORK !User BJORK has a match at node \\HYDRAC !BRISTOW !User BRISTOW has a match at node \\HYDRAC !BRODMERKLE !User BRODMERKLE has a match at node \\HYDRAC !BURKE !User BURKE has a match at node \\HYDRAC !GUEST !User GUEST has a match at node \\HYDRAC !HICKSCOURANT !User HICKSCOURANT has a match at node \\HYDRAC !JORDAN !User JORDAN has a match at node \\HYDRAC !KCARDINALE !User CARDINALE has a match at node \\HYDRAC SVENSSON !User SVENSSON DOES NOT have a match at node \\HYDRAC TRACY !User TRACY DOES NOT have a match at node \\HYDRAC !VERRILLI !User VERRILLI has a match at node \\HYDRAC !LAN Manager Users found on Primary Domain Controller \\HYDRAC !ADMIN ! !BELLIVEAU ! !BELLUSCI ! !BERUBE ! !BJORK ! !BRISTOW ! !BRODMERKLE ! !BURKE ! !CHENG ! !DONMAC ! !FLAHERTY ! !GAUTREAU ! !GLICKLER ! !GUEST ! !HICKSCOURANT ! !HYDRAC ! !JORDAN ! !KCARDINALE ! !VERRILLI ! !LAN Manager Groups on the local system Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports E-7 Sample UAS Merge Report !ADMINS !Group ADMINS has a match at node \\HYDRAC !GUESTS !Group GUESTS has a match at node \\HYDRAC !USERS !Group USERS has a match at node \\HYDRAC ARTISTS !Group ARTISTS DOES NOT have a match at node \\HYDRAC !EDITORS !Group EDITORS has a match at node \\HYDRAC !WRITERS !Group WRITERS has a match at node \\HYDRAC E-8 Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports Sample UAS Merge Report !LAN Manager Groups found on Primary Domain Controller \\HYDRAC !ADMINS !USERS=( ! ADMIN ! GLICKLER ! HYDRAC !) !EDITORS !PCFS Group EDITORS !USERS=( ! BERUBE ! HICKSCOURANT ! VERRILLI ! JORDAN ! BRODMERKLE !) !GRAPHICS !USERS=( ! DEPATSY ! HOGAN ! PERKINS !) !GUESTS !USERS=( ! GUEST !) !USERS !USERS=( ! BURKE ! DONMAC ! CHENG ! GAUTREAU ! FLAHERTY !) !SERVERS !USERS=( ! HYDRAC !) !WRITERS !PCFS Group WRITERS !USERS=( ! BELLIVEAU ! BELLUSCI ! BJORK Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports E-9 Sample UAS Merge Report ! BRISTOW ! KCARDINALE !) E-10 Sample LAN Manager Server Upgrade Reports F ________________________________________________________________ Files Installed This appendix lists the files that are created during the installation procedure. ________________________________________________________________ Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table F-1 describes the files created during installation that are common to both the LAN Manager and NetWare servers. The following information is included: o Table F-1 lists files common to both the LAN Manager and NetWare servers. o Table F-2 lists the files installed for the LAN Manager server only. o Table F-3 lists the files installed for the NetWare server only. Table_F-1_Common_Files__________________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ DCPS$EXAMPLES:PWRK$BORDER.LUP DECprint Supervisor printer layup for borders DCPS$EXAMPLES:PWRK$NOBORDER.LUP DECprint Supervisor printer layup for no borders (continued on next page) Files Installed F-1 Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Common_Files__________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ DCPS$EXAMPLES:PWRK$REV_LANDSCAPE_ DECprint Supervisor printer BORDER.LUP layup for borders with Windows DCPS$EXAMPLES:PWRK$REV_LANDSCAPE_ DECprint Supervisor printer NOBORDER.LUP layup for no borders with Windows SYS$HELP:PCDISKHLP.HLB DOS File Maintenance utility help library SYS$HELP:PWRKV50C050.RELEASE_NOTES PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Release Notes SYS$HELP:PWVNV10C010.RELEASE_NOTES PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) Release Notes SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_DL1100.TLB DEClaser 1100 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_DL2100.TLB DEClaser 2100 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_DL2100P.TLB DEClaser 2100P device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_DL2200.TLB DEClaser 2200 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_DL2200P.TLB DEClaser 2200P device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_DL3200.TLB DEClaser 3200 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_FX1050.TLB FX1050 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_FX850.TLB FX850 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_HP_ HP LaserJet device control LASERJET.TLB library (continued on next page) F-2 Files Installed Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Common_Files__________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_LA210.TLB LA210 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_LA324.TLB LA324 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_LA50.TLB LA50 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_LA75.TLB LA75 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_LJ250.TLB LJ250 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_LN03.TLB LN03 device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_LN03P.TLB LN03 PLUS device control library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_ Proprinter device control PROPRINTER.TLB library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$DEVCTL_ Silentwriter device control SILENTWRITER.TLB library SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$PRINTER_ Printer information file INFORMATION.DAT SYS$LIBRARY:PWRK$VVTERMCAP.DAT License manager terminal capability data file SYS$LIBRARY:XTI.H X/Open Transport Interface header file SYS$LOADABLE_ Data structure definitions IMAGES:PCFSDRIVERDEF.STB for PCFSDRIVER SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PCFSDRIVER_ DECnet I/O and double V5.EXE mapping driver for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PCFSDRIVER_ DECnet I/O and double V6.EXE mapping driver for OpenVMS VAX V6.0 and V6.1 (continued on next page) Files Installed F-3 Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Common_Files__________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PCIDRIVER_ Cluster Interconnect I/O V5.EXE driver for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PCIDRIVER_ Cluster Interconnect I/O V6.EXE driver for OpenVMS VAX V6.0 and V6.1 SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PWRK$STREAMSOS_ Streams system loadable V1.EXE image for OpenVMS Alpha V1.5 SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PWRK$STREAMSOS_ Symbol table for V1.STB PWRK$STREAMSOS_V1.EXE SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PWRK$STREAMSOS_ Streams system loadable V5.EXE image for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PWRK$STREAMSOS_ Symbol table for V5.STB PWRK$STREAMSOS_V5.EXE SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PWRK$STREAMSOS_ Streams system loadable V6.EXE image for OpenVMS V6.0 and V6.1 SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:PWRK$STREAMSOS_ Symbol table for V6.STB PWRK$STREAMSOS_V6.EXE SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$PCFSDRIVER_ DECnet I/O and double V1.EXE mapping driver for OpenVMS Alpha V1.5 SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$PCFSDRIVER_ Symbol table for V1.STB SYS$PCFSDRIVER_V1.EXE SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$PCFSDRIVER_ DECnet I/O and double V6.EXE mapping driver for OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$PCFSDRIVER_ Symbol table for V6.STB SYS$PCFSDRIVER_V6.EXE (continued on next page) F-4 Files Installed Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Common_Files__________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$PCIDRIVER_ Cluster Interconnect I/O V1.EXE driver for OpenVMS Alpha V1.5 SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$PCIDRIVER_ Symbol table for V1.STB SYS$PCIDRIVER_V1.EXE SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$PCIDRIVER_ Cluster Interconnect I/O V6.EXE driver for OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$PCIDRIVER_ Symbol table for V6.STB SYS$PCIDRIVER_V6.EXE SYS$MANAGER:PWRK$DEFINE_ Command procedure that COMMANDS.COM[1] defines foreign commands for PATHWORKS utilities SYS$MANAGER:PWRK$SHOWSYS.COM Command procedure that shows status of PATHWORKS V5 processes SYS$MANAGER:PWVN$COMMANDS.COM Command procedure that defines foreign commands for NetWare utilities SYS$MANAGER:PWVN$COPY_CRASH.COM Command procedure that copies a system crash dump SYS$MESSAGE:PWRK$MSG.EXE PATHWORKS for OpenVMS message file SYS$SHARE:NETBIOSSHR.EXE NETBIOS for DECnet shareable image SYS$SHARE:PCDISKSHR.EXE DOS File Maintenance utility shareable image SYS$SHARE:PCSA_MAILSHR.EXE Mail notification shareable image [1]This_file_is_(or_is_associated_with)_an_unsupported_utility__ or command procedure. (continued on next page) Files Installed F-5 Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Common_Files__________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$SHARE:PWRK$CMTLIBSHR.EXE Configurator, Monitor, and Tuner shareable library SYS$SHARE:PWRK$CMTSHR.EXE Configurator, Monitor, and Tuner shareable image SYS$SHARE:PWRK$CSSHR_V1.EXE Common services shareable image for OpenVMS Alpha V1.5 SYS$SHARE:PWRK$CSSHR_V5.EXE Common services shareable image for OpenVMS VAX V5.5- 2 SYS$SHARE:PWRK$CSSHR_V6.EXE Common services shareable image for OpenVMS V6.0 and V6.1 SYS$SHARE:PWRK$FSLIB_FAT.EXE FAT addon library SYS$SHARE:PWRK$FSLIB_ODS2.EXE ODS2 addon library SYS$SHARE:PWRK$LICENSE_LIBSHR.EXE License shareable library SYS$SHARE:PWRK$PCMALTSHR.EXE Alternative PATHWORKS cache manager shareable image SYS$SHARE:PWRK$PCMSHR.EXE PATHWORKS cache manager shareable image SYS$SHARE:PWRK$SDA.EXE PATHWORKS extension for the System Dump Analyzer SYS$SHARE:PWRK$STREAMSSHR_V1.EXE Streams shareable image for OpenVMS Alpha V1.5 SYS$SHARE:PWRK$STREAMSSHR_V5.EXE Streams shareable image for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 SYS$SHARE:PWRK$STREAMSSHR_V6.EXE Streams shareable image for OpenVMS V6.0 and V6.1 SYS$SHARE:PWRK$XTILIBSHR.EXE X/Open Transport Interface shareable library (continued on next page) F-6 Files Installed Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Common_Files__________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$SHARE:PWRK$XTINETBIOSSHR.EXE X/Open Transport Interface shareable image for NETBIOS SYS$SHARE:PWRK$XTINSPNBSHR.EXE X/Open Transport Interface shareable image for DECnet SYS$SHARE:SECURESHRP_V15_SSB.EXE SECURESHRP.EXE image for OpenVMS Alpha V1.5 SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$CHECK_PARAMS.COM Command procedure that checks system resources SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$COMMON_ Command procedure that LOGICALS.COM defines common logicals SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$COMMON_ Common shutdown command SHUTDOWN.COM procedure SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$COMMON_STARTUP.COM Common startup command procedure SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$LICENSE_ License server shutdown SHUTDOWN.COM command procedure SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$LICENSE_ License server startup STARTUP.COM command procedure SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$LOGICALS.COM Command procedure that defines logical names SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$SHUTDOWN.COM Shutdown command procedure SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP.COM Startup command procedure SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$COMMON_ Command procedure that LOGICALS.COM defines NetWare cluster- common logical names SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$LOGICALS.COM Command procedure that defines NetWare logical names (continued on next page) Files Installed F-7 Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Common_Files__________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$NPSD_START.COM Command procedure that runs the NetWare Protocol Suite Daemon SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$SHUTDOWN.COM NetWare shutdown command procedure SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$STARTUP.COM NetWare startup command procedure SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$TUNNEL_START.COM Command procedure that runs the NetWare DECnet tunnel SYS$SYSTEM:NETBIOS.EXE NETBIOS for DECnet SYS$SYSTEM:PCDISK.EXE DOS File Maintenance utility SYS$SYSTEM:PCFSDRIVER_V5.STB Symbol table for PCFSDRIVER_V5.EXE SYS$SYSTEM:PCFSDRIVER_V6.STB Symbol table for PCFSDRIVER_V6.EXE SYS$SYSTEM:PCIDRIVER_V5.STB Symbol table for PCIDRIVER_ V5.EXE SYS$SYSTEM:PCIDRIVER_V6.STB Symbol table for PCIDRIVER_ V6.EXE SYS$SYSTEM:PCSA$MAIL_SERVER.EXE PATHWORKS mail server SYS$SYSTEM:PCSA_CLAIM_NAME.EXE PCSA claim name utility SYS$SYSTEM:PCX$SERVER.COM Command procedure that starts the PC DECwindows X server SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$EVTREPORT.EXE Event logger report generator SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$KNBDAEMON.EXE Kernel NETBIOS daemon process (continued on next page) F-8 Files Installed Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Common_Files__________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LICENSE_ License count units utility COUNTUNITS.EXE[1] SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LICENSE_MANAGER.EXE License manager user interface SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LICENSE_ License registrar REGISTRAR.EXE SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LICENSE_SERVER.EXE License server SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LOADSTREAMS_V1.EXE Loader for streams system loadable image for OpenVMS Alpha V1.5 SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LOADSTREAMS_V5.EXE Loader for streams system loadable image for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LOADSTREAMS_V6.EXE Loader for streams system loadable image for OpenVMS V6.0 and V6.1 SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$MASTER.EXE Master process and event logger SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$MONITOR.EXE PATHWORKS Monitor SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$NBDAEMON.EXE NETBIOS daemon process SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$NBSHOW.EXE[1] NetBEUI show status utility SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$PWMON.EXE[1] PATHWORKS host-based monitor utility SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$SETSHO.EXE PATHWORKS Set/Show Parameters utility SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$SHOWQUOTA.EXE Show Disk Quota utility SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$START.EXE Utility that starts detached master process [1]This_file_is_(or_is_associated_with)_an_unsupported_utility__ or command procedure. (continued on next page) Files Installed F-9 Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Common_Files__________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$STOP.EXE Utility that stops PATHWORKS processes SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$VERIFY.EXE Utility that verifies configuration parameters SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$DROUTER.EXE NetWare utility that dumps the router tables SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$GETLAN.EXE NetWare utility that shows this node's network SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$MERGE.EXE NetWare utility that merges configuration files SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$NPSD.EXE NetWare Protocol Suite Daemon (NPSD) SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$NWCP.EXE NetWare control program SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$RROUTER.EXE NetWare utility that resets the router tables SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$SAPD.EXE Netware SAP Daemon SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$STUACP.EXE NetWare DECnet tunnel SYS$TEST:PWRK$IVP.COM LAN Manager Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) SYS$TEST:PWRK$IVP.DAT LAN Manager Installation Verification Procedure data file SYS$TEST:PWVN$IVP.COM NetWare Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) SYS$TEST:PWVN$IVP.DAT NetWare Installation Verification procedure data file (continued on next page) F-10 Files Installed Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Common_Files__________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$UPDATE:PWL$SERVER_STATE.DAT[2] NetWare license server state file SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$COMMANDS.CLD PATHWORKS command line definitions SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$COMMON.SAV[3] Backup saveset for the initial PATHWORKS common directory tree SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$COMMON_CONFIG.COM Common configuration command procedure SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$CONFIG.COM Configuration command procedure SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$DEFINE_FORMS.COM[3] Command procedure that defines printer forms for PATHWORKS SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$DEINSTAL.COM PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) removal command procedure SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$GETPARAM.COM Command procedure that gets a parameter from LANMAN.INI SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$INSTALL_ Command procedure that COMMANDS.COM installs PATHWORKS DCL commands SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$LICENSE_CONFIG.COM License server configuration command procedure [2]This_file_is_installed_only_if_PATHWORKS_V1.0C_for_OpenVMS___ (NetWare) is being installed and you are upgrading from PATHWORKS V1.0 for OpenVMS (NetWare). [3]This file is deleted after you configure the server. (continued on next page) Files Installed F-11 Files Common to LAN Manager and NetWare Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Common_Files__________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$PURGE_ Command procedure that WORKSTATIONS.COM[4] deletes MOP clients from NCL database SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$SETINI.COM Command procedure that updates LANMAN.INI parameters SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$SETPARAM.COM Command procedure that sets a parameter in LANMAN.INI SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$VERSIONS.COM Command procedure that shows PATHWORKS image versions SYS$UPDATE:PWVN$CONFIG.COM NetWare configuration command procedure SYS$UPDATE:PWVN$DEINSTAL.COM NetWare product removal command procedure SYS$UPDATE:PWVN$RESIZE_STACK.COM Command procedure that configures the NetWare transports [4]This_file_is_deleted_after_you_install_DECnet_Phase_V_and____ start the server. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Files Created During the LAN Manager Installation Table F-2 describes the files created during the LAN Manager installation. F-12 Files Installed Files Created During the LAN Manager Installation Table_F-2_LAN_Manager_Files_____________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$HELP:PWRK$ADMIN.HLB Net Admin utility help library SYS$HELP:PWRK$MOP_MANAGER.HLB MOP Remote Boot Management utility help library SYS$HELP:PWRK$PCSA_MANAGER.HLB[1] PCSA Manager help library SYS$HELP:PWRK$SHOWINI.HLB[2] Show LANMAN.INI Parameters utility help library SYS$HELP:PWRK$UPGRADE.HLB upgrade procedure help library SYS$MANAGER:PWRK$LMSHARE.COM Command procedure that manipulates shares SYS$MANAGER:PWRK$LMSHARE_ADMIN.COM Command procedure that sets the password for the ADMIN$ share SYS$SHARE:PWRK$CMT_LM.EXE LAN Manager interface to the Configurator, Monitor, and Tuner SYS$SHARE:PWRK$LMAPISHR.EXE LAN Manager APIs shareable image SYS$SHARE:PWRK$NBLIB_DECNET.EXE LAN Manager network interface to DECnet SYS$SHARE:PWRK$NBLIB_NETBEUI.EXE LAN Manager network interface to NetBEUI SYS$SHARE:PWRK$NBLIB_TCPIP.EXE LAN Manager network interface to TCP/IP SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$LMDMN_START.COM Command procedure that runs the LAN Manager daemon [1]This_file_is_installed_only_if_you_have_PATHWORKS_V4.x_for___ OpenVMS installed on your system. [2]This file is (or is associated with) an unsupported utility or command procedure. (continued on next page) Files Installed F-13 Files Created During the LAN Manager Installation Table_F-2_(Cont.)_LAN_Manager_Files_____________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$LMMCP_START.COM Command procedure that runs the LAN Manager controller SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$LMRIPL_START.COM Command procedure that runs the LAN Manager RPL Remote Boot server SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$LMSRV_START.COM Command procedure that runs the LAN Manager server SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$PCSA_SHUTDOWN.COM PATHWORKS for VMS V4.x shutdown command procedure SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$ADMIN.COM Remote Net Admin command procedure SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$ADMIN.EXE Character-oriented, menu- driven Net Admin interface SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$FATVOL.EXE Initialization utility for the FAT volume database SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LMDMN.EXE LAN Manager daemon SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LMMCP.EXE LAN Manager controller SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LMRIPL.EXE LAN Manager RPL Remote Boot server SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LMSRV.EXE LAN Manager server SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LM_BUILDACC.EXE[2] Standalone utility that initializes the LAN Manager user accounts database SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LM_GROUP.EXE[2] Standalone utility that manages the LAN Manager groups database SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LM_MODAL.EXE[2] Standalone utility that manages the LAN Manager modals database [2]This_file_is_(or_is_associated_with)_an_unsupported_utility__ or command procedure. (continued on next page) F-14 Files Installed Files Created During the LAN Manager Installation Table_F-2_(Cont.)_LAN_Manager_Files_____________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LM_SHARE.EXE[2] Standalone utility that manages the LAN Manager shares database SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$LM_USER.EXE[2] Standalone utility that manages the LAN Manager user accounts database SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$MOP_MANAGER.EXE MOP Remote Boot Management utility SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$NET.EXE LAN Manager NET utility SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$NET_DAEMON.EXE LAN Manager NET utility helper program SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$PCSA_MANAGER.EXE[1] PCSA Manager clone for the Command Line Net interface SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$PCSA_RMI.COM[1] Remote PCSA_MANAGER commands SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$SHOWINI.EXE[2] Show LANMAN.INI Parameters utility SYS$SYSTEM:PWRK$START_PRINTERS.EXE Utility that starts printer queues and printer destinations SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$LANMAN.SAV[3] Backup saveset for the initial LAN Manager directory tree SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$LMCONFIG.COM Command procedure that sets up the initial LAN Manager directory tree [1]This_file_is_installed_only_if_you_have_PATHWORKS_V4.x_for___ OpenVMS installed on your system. [2]This file is (or is associated with) an unsupported utility or command procedure. [3]This file is deleted after you configure the server. (continued on next page) Files Installed F-15 Files Created During the LAN Manager Installation Table_F-2_(Cont.)_LAN_Manager_Files_____________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$PWUTIL.SAV[3] Backup saveset for PATHWORKS client-based utilities SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$RPL.SAV[3] Backup saveset for the initial RPL boot tree SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$UPGRADE.COM Command procedure that runs the upgrade procedure SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$UPGRADE.EXE Upgrade utility SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$UPGRADE_LAD_TO_ Upgrade utility for Remote RPL.EXE[1] Boot database [1]This_file_is_installed_only_if_you_have_PATHWORKS_V4.x_for___ OpenVMS installed on your system. [3]This file is deleted after you configure the server. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Files Created During the NetWare Installation Table F-3 describes the files created during the NetWare installation. Table_F-3_NetWare_Files_________________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ PWVN$EXAMPLES:EXAMPLE.C NetWare API program example in C PWVN$EXAMPLES:EXAMPLE.COM Command procedure that builds the example program (continued on next page) F-16 Files Installed Files Created During the NetWare Installation Table_F-3_(Cont.)_NetWare_Files_________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ PWVN$EXAMPLES:EXAMPLE.OPT Linker option file that links the program example PWVN$EXAMPLES:GETOPT.C Simple getopt routine for VMS PWVN$EXAMPLES:GETOPT.H Simple getopt routine header file SYS$LIBRARY:NWAPI.H NetWare API library header file SYS$LIBRARY:NWERRORS.H NetWare errors header file SYS$SHARE:PWVN$CACHE.EXE NetWare cache manager shareable image SYS$SHARE:PWVN$NWAPISHR.EXE NetWare APIs shareable image SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$NVT_START.COM Command procedure that runs the NVT daemon SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$NWCP_START.COM Command procedure that runs the NetWare control program SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$PSPAWNER_START.COM Command procedure that runs the NetWare print server spawner SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$SERVER_START.COM Command procedure that runs the NetWare server SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$BINDDOWN.EXE NetWare utility that downloads or uploads the bindery SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$DOSLOGIN.EXE NetWare utility that does a login test from the host SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$NETWARE.EXE NetWare file server SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$NVTD.EXE NetWare Virtual Terminal (NVT) daemon (continued on next page) Files Installed F-17 Files Created During the NetWare Installation Table_F-3_(Cont.)_NetWare_Files_________________________________ File_________________________________Description________________ SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$PSERVER.EXE NetWare print server SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$PSPAWNER.EXE NetWare print server spawner SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$SCONSOLE.EXE NetWare system console SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$SLIST.EXE NetWare utility that lists servers SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$TLIST.EXE NetWare utility that lists trustee rights SYS$SYSTEM:PWVN$ULIST.EXE NetWare utility that lists users SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$NETWARE.SAV[1] Backup saveset for the initial NetWare directory tree SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$NWCONFIG.COM Command procedure that sets up the initial NetWare directory tree [1]This_file_is_deleted_after_you_configure_the_server._________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ LAN Manager and NetWare Disk Structure Figure F-1 shows the LAN Manager and NetWare on-disk structure. Note that only part of the substructure is shown. For example, only part of the RPL on-disk substructure is shown; see the LAN Manager Remote Boot Guide for a complete diagram of the RPL on-disk substructure. The LANMAN subdirectory is only created if you install and configure LAN Manager. The NETWARE subdirectory is only created if you install and configure Netware. F-18 Files Installed LAN Manager and NetWare Disk Structure Files Installed F-19 G ________________________________________________________________ Logical Names for the LAN Manager and NetWare Servers Table G-1 describes the logical names that are created when you configure or start either the LAN Manager or NetWare servers. Table G-1 PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Logical __________Names_________________________________________________ Logical_name__________Description_______________________________ PWRK$ADDON_LIBRARY Location of PATHWORKS file system addon libraries PWRK$COMMON Location of EVTLOG.DAT and PWMONUAF.DAT files PWRK$COMMONROOT[1] Root of the PATHWORKS common directory tree PWRK$LANMAN[3] Location of the LANMAN.INI file PWRK$LICENSE PATHWORKS license database directory PWRK$LMLOGS[3] Log file area for LAN Manager controller, daemon, file server, and RPL Remote Boot server PWRK$LMREPLEXPORT[2,3]Replicator export directory PWRK$LMREPLIMPORT[2,3]Replicator import directory PWRK$LMROOT[1] Root of the LAN Manager directory tree PWRK$LMUPGRADE[3] Log file area for upgrade reports [1]This_logical_name_requires_that_you_specify_the_directory____ with it. [2]Supported as a location for logon scripts only. [3]This logical name is defined for LAN Manager only. (continued on next page) Logical Names for the LAN Manager and NetWare Servers G-1 Logical Names for the LAN Manager and NetWare Servers Table G-1 (Cont.) PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) __________________Logical_Names_________________________________ Logical_name__________Description_______________________________ PWRK$LOGS Log file area for master process, network transports, license servers, and the server configuration utility PWRK$NETWARE Location of NetWare configuration file templates PWRK$NWROOT[1] Root of the NetWare directory tree PWRK$PARAMS Location of data files PWRK$CURRENT.DAT, PWRK$ACTIVE_nodename.DAT, PWRK$MODPARAMS_ nodename.DAT, and PWRK$AGEN_REQ_ nodename.DAT PWRK$PERFDATA PATHWORKS monitor performance data directory PWRK$PRINT PATHWORKS printer database directory PWRK$RPLROOT[1,3] Root of the RPL Remote Boot directory tree PWRK$ROOT[1] Search list of PWRK$COMMONROOT:, PWRK$LMROOT: and PWRK$NWROOT: PWRK$SECTION Virtual memory section files directory PWRK$SPOOL Printer spool directory PWRK$TEMP Scratch disk area for temporary operations [1]This_logical_name_requires_that_you_specify_the_directory____ with it. [3]This logical name is defined for LAN Manager only. ________________________________________________________________ G-2 Logical Names for the LAN Manager and NetWare Servers H ________________________________________________________________ Logical Names for the NetWare Server Only This appendix describes the logical names that are created only for the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) server. ________________________________________________________________ How NetWare Logical Names Are Created The installation procedure generates logical names for server directories and parameters. The configuration procedure modifies these names when you modify parameters. ________________________________________________________________ Types of NetWare Logical Names The configuration procedure, PWVN$CONFIG.COM, calls other command procedures to generate logical names. Table H-1 lists these command procedures and describes the types of logical names they generate. Logical Names for the NetWare Server Only H-1 Types of NetWare Logical Names Table_H-1_Types_of_NetWare_Logical_Names________________________ Type of Command_Procedure__________Name______Description________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP] Common Shared by all configured - PWVN$COMMON_ NetWare servers on a LOGICALS.COM cluster. SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] Private Relevant only to the - PWVN$PRIVATE_ NetWare server on a LOGICALS.COM_________________________particular_node.___________ ________________________________________________________________ Common NetWare Logical Names Table H-2 describes common logical names defined by the PWVN$COMMON_LOGICALS.COM procedure. Table_H-2_Common_NetWare_Logical_Names__________________________ Logical_Name____________Description_____________________________ PWVN$CONFIGURED_LIST A list of the nodes that are configured on the cluster PWVN$EXAMPLES The directory location for example files PWVN$GUEST_ACCOUNT The name of the GUEST account on the file server PWVN$GUEST_UIC The User Identification Code (UIC) for the GUEST account on the file server PWVN$LANGUAGE The language (Version 1.0x supports English only) PWVN$SYSVOL_DIR The root directory for the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) SYS Volume PWVN$UPGRADE Obsolete (continued on next page) H-2 Logical Names for the NetWare Server Only Common NetWare Logical Names Table_H-2_(Cont.)_Common_NetWare_Logical_Names__________________ Logical_Name____________Description_____________________________ PWVN$IPX_SOCKETS[1] The number of available IPX sockets PWVN$SPX_SOCKETS[1] The number of available SPX sockets PWVN$NVT_USERS[1] The maximum number of users who can log in through Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT) [1]This_logical_name_is_added_by_the_configuration_procedure.___ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Private NetWare Logical Names Table H-3 describes private logical names defined by the PWVN$PRIVATE_LOGICALS.COM procedure. Table_H-3_Private_NetWare_Logical_Names___________________ Logical_Name_______Definition_____________________________ PWVN$CONF_DIR The directory location for the server configuration files PWVN$ENET_DEVS The names of the Ethernet controller devices used by the server PWVN$LOGFILES The directory location for the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) log files PWVN$NVT A flag that indicates whether Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT) is configured on the server PWVN$SERVER_NAME The name of the file server (continued on next page) Logical Names for the NetWare Server Only H-3 Private NetWare Logical Names Table_H-3_(Cont.)_Private_NetWare_Logical_Names___________ Logical_Name_______Definition_____________________________ PWVN$TUNNEL A flag that indicates whether tunneling ___________________is_enabled_____________________________ H-4 Logical Names for the NetWare Server Only ________________________________________________________________ Glossary back up (v.) To copy the contents of an entire disk, directory, or file. backup (n.) A copy of the contents of an entire disk, directory, or file. bindery (n.) A database that contains information about existing objects such as user, groups, workgroups, file servers, and print servers. client (n.) A personal computer or workstation, connected to the network with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare), that can access resources on a server. A NetWare client can have DOS software. See also server. configure (v.) To select, install, and customize hardware and software for a computer or network. CPU (n.) Central processing unit. The main unit of a computer that contains the circuits controlling interpretation and execution of instructions. The CPU includes the main storage, arithmetic unit, and special registers. Glossary-1 DECnet (n.) Digital networking software that runs in both local area and wide area networks. With DECnet, different types of computers that have different operating systems can be connected, and users can access information and services on a remote computer. DECnet is a networking protocol and transport. See also TCP/IP. default (n.) The value assumed by a program if a value is not supplied by the user. directory (n.) A list of a set of files stored on a storage device such as a file server. Ethernet (n.) A CSMA/CD system used for local communications networks. An Ethernet network uses coaxial cable developed by Xerox Corporation's Palo Alto Research Center. Ethernet address (n.) An alphanumeric string, six bytes in length, that identifies a node on the Ethernet. The string is six pairs of hexadecimal digits, separated by hyphens (for example, AA-00-04-00-91-27). file server (n.) A network program that lets a client connect to available file and print services. group (n.) In system administration, a collection of users who have the same access to file services. Once users have accounts, they can be assigned to a group. With one command, the system administrator can assign and modify access for all users in the group. Glossary-2 hexadecimal (adj.) Pertaining to a number system using base 16. Hexadecimal notation includes the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F. In base 10 (decimal notation), F equals 15. host system (n.) A computer, such as a server, that provides services to clients. internal network number (n.) In PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare), a unique hexadecimal number that is assigned to a file server. This number must be: - Different from the the external network number - Unique for each file server See also network number. Internet (n.) A group of networks that includes regional networks and local networks at universities and commercial institutions. See also DECnet and TCP/IP. Internet address (n.) A 32-bit number identifying a host connection on the Internet. An Internet address consists of a network number and host number. Internet Protocol (IP) (n.) A protocol that determines how data is sent from one host to another on the Internet. The IP also specifies the format of IP datagrams. network (n.) A group of servers, clients, and devices that are connected to each other by communications lines to share information and resources. Glossary-3 network number (n.) In PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare), a hexadecimal number that is assigned to the Ethernet segment that the file server is connected to. Each client or server that is on the same Ethernet segment shares the same external network number. See also internal network number. node (n.) An individual computer, such as a server or client, that can communicate with other computers in a network. password (n.) A string of characters that uniquely confirms the identity of a user to the system. See also user name. segment (n.) In an Ethernet network, a length of coaxial cable made up of one or more cable sections connected with barrel connectors or T-connectors. server (n.) A computer on the network that controls access to resources such as files, printers, and communications devices. See also client and host system. shutdown (n.) The command used on an ULTRIX system to shut down the network. standalone license server The term used to refer to the configuration of software that includes the license server without the file servers. See also file server. TCP/IP (n.) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A set of protocols that governs the transport of information between computers and networks of dissimilar types. The Internet is a group of networks that includes regional networks and local networks at universities and commercial Glossary-4 institutions. TCP/IP is an alternative to the DECnet network transport. See also DECnet. user name (n.) The name a user types when logging in to the system. The combination of the user name and password uniquely identifies a user account to the system. See also password. Glossary-5 ________________________________________________________________ Index A Complete upgrade ___________________________ See also Upgrade Additional Upgrade described, 7-5 Utilities menu, 7-35 Computer name ADMIN account SCSNODE parameter and, password on, 3-3 1-14 Alerter service Configuration procedure described, 3-6 for LAN Manager, defined, alias, 3-8 3-1 Alpha system for NetWare, defined, 4-1 operating system getting help for, 4-6 requirements, 1-7 interrupting, 4-6 Automatic shutdown preparing for the NetWare of file server, 8-9 , 4-5 prerequisites, 3-3 B__________________________ questions in, 4-6 BACKUP command, 1-10 responding to prompts, Backup domain controller 3-11, 4-6, 5-4 described, 7-47 running, 4-5 Backward compatibility sample script for, D-1 enabling, 3-4 sample script for combined LAN Manager C__________________________ and NetWare, C-6 Client licenses sample script for LAN described, 1-2 Manager, A-5 Client software sample script for NetWare LAN Manager, 1-8 , B-5 NetWare, 1-8 sample script for Common logical names standalone license described, H-2 server, D-4 starting, 3-11 Index-1 Configuration procedure Device name, 2-3 (cont'd) Disk services starting server during, upgrading, 7-48 3-9, 3-16, 4-12, 5-6, Disk space 5-12 determining, 1-11 storage of old values in, Disk space requirements, 4-15 1-11 Configuration utility, LAN for XQP+, 9-3 Manager Domains, 3-6 described, 3-8 defined, 7-2 running after E configuration procedure ___________________________ , 3-8 eXtended Qio Processor Plus Container files, 7-48 See XQP+ Create Upgrade Reports External network numbers menu, 6-12 configuration and, 4-3 Custom upgrade See also Upgrade F__________________________ described, 7-5 File and Print Services report D__________________________ See also Upgrade reports Data loss as input to upgrade, 7-7, preventing, 1-10 7-10 DECnet, 1-7 described, 6-5 DECnet transport editing, 6-20 status of, 1-17 sample, E-5 DECprint Supervisor Files software, 2-18 created by installation, Default answers F-1 for configuration File server procedure, 4-6 configuring, 4-1 for installation reconfiguring, 4-14 procedure, 2-6 starting, 8-4 Default settings stopping, 8-9 changing, 3-16 Deinstallation procedure G__________________________ described, 10-2 GBLPAGES parameter guidelines for, 10-1 checking and defining, responding to prompts, 1-12 10-3 starting, 10-2 Index-2 Group Merge screen, 7-21, Installation procedure 7-28 (cont'd) Groups report sample script for See also Upgrade reports standalone license as input to upgrade, 7-7, server, D-1 7-9 starting, 2-4 described, 6-4 Installation Verification editing, 6-19 Procedure sample, E-3 See IVP Users report as input to, Installing 6-12 license server, 5-1 H Internal network numbers ___________________________ configuration and, 4-3 Hardware requirements, IPX DECnet tunnels 1-6, 1-9 defined, 4-4 Help IVP for configuration running after procedure, 4-6 installation, 8-2 Host-based security, 7-3 running automatically, 2-11 I__________________________ Installation K__________________________ files created by, F-1 Kit contents logical names created by, checking, 1-9 G-1 Installation kit L__________________________ contents of, 2-2 LAN Installation procedure number of networks on a described, 2-1 server, 4-4 interrupting, 2-6 LAN Manager logical names and, H-1 computer name defined, prerequisites, 2-3 3-6 questions in, 2-6 domain name defined, 3-6 responding to prompts, on-disk structure, F-18 2-6 other domains defined, sample script for 3-6 combined LAN Manager security modes, 3-6 and NetWare, C-1 supported features, 7-2 sample script for LAN LAN Manager deinstallation Manager, A-1 procedure sample script for NetWare sample, 10-5 , B-1 Index-3 LAN Manager security, 7-3 NOS-based security, 7-3 upgrading to, 7-34 License server O__________________________ defined, 3-4 OpenVMS files and installation procedure, directories 5-1 upgrading security on, Licensing, 1-2 7-34 Local server Operating system Groups report and, 6-4 requirements, 1-7 Users report and, 6-3 Optional software, 2-17 Log file for upgrade, 7-7, 7-10, 7-15, 7-30 P__________________________ Logical names Part listing common, H-2 checking, 1-9 created by installation, PATHWORKS VMScluster alias G-1 defined, 3-8 creation of, H-1 Postinstallation tasks, private, H-3 8-1 redefined, 4-15 configuration, 4-2 startup procedure, 8-4 Preinstallation tasks, types of, H-1 1-9, 2-3 Logon validation checklist for, 1-8 defined, 7-2 Primary domain controller Groups report and, 6-4 M__________________________ Users report and, 6-3 Member server Private logical names described, 7-47 described, H-3 Memory requirements, 1-8 PROCSECTCNT parameter Mixed architecture checking and defining, VMSclusters, 1-18, 1-19, 1-13 3-2 Product identifier, 2-3 PWRK$CONFIG procedure N__________________________ See Configuration NetWare deinstallation procedure procedure PWRK$DEINSTAL procedure sample, 10-5 See Deinstallation Network numbers procedure configuration and, 4-3 PWRK$SHOSYS procedure, 6-6 Network transport PWRK$SHUTDOWN procedure, requirements, 1-7 6-7 Index-4 PWVN$COMMON_LOGICALS.COM Same-name conflicts procedure (cont'd) logical names created by, with group names, in a H-2 custom upgrade without PWVN$CONFIG.COM procedure reports, 7-26 described, 4-2 with group names, in a logical names and, H-1 UAS merge, 7-45 PWVN$PRIVATE_LOGICALS.COM with user names, in procedure a complete upgrade logical names created by, without reports, 7-17 H-3 with user names, in a PWVN$STARTUP.COM custom upgrade without described, 8-4 reports, 7-24 PWVN$STARTUP.COM procedure with user names, in a UAS logical names and, H-1 merge, 7-41 Q SCSNODE parameter ___________________________ defining, 1-14 Queue manager Security, 7-2 starting, 1-16 share-level, 3-6 upgrading on OpenVMS R__________________________ files and directories, Release notes, 2-3, 2-7 7-34 printing, 1-5 user-level, 3-6 Remote Boot service Server described, 3-5 displaying PATHWORKS Remote server management processes on, 6-6 defined, 7-3 starting during Required hardware, 1-6 configuration, 3-9, Required software, 1-7 3-16, 4-12, 5-6, 5-12 Requirements stopping, 6-7 disk space, 1-11 Server Admin interface for XQP+, 9-3 starting, 7-49 hardware, 1-6, 1-9 Server Admin Main menu, memory, 1-8 7-49 software, 1-7, 1-10 Server announce comment defined, 3-7 S__________________________ Server commands Same-name conflicts defining at system with group names, in startup, 8-6 a complete upgrade Server licenses without reports, 7-19 described, 1-2 Index-5 Server startup, 8-5 System startup file Share-level security, 3-6 editing, 2-16, 5-14, 8-6 defined, 7-2 SHOW SYSTEM command, 1-16 T__________________________ Shutdown procedure Task summary, xvi for file server, 8-9 TCP/IP, 1-7 Software requirements, Timesource service 1-7, 1-10 described, 3-5 Standalone license server, Tunnel network numbers 1-3, 5-1 configuration and, 4-3 Standalone license server configuration procedure U__________________________ sample, D-1 UAS merge procedure Standalone license server described, 7-35 startup, 5-13 performing, 7-40 Standalone server UAS Merge report changing role of, 7-36, as input to UAS merge, 7-47 7-41 Standalone UAS Merge menu, creating, 7-37 7-37 described, 7-36 Starting up the standalone displaying in upgrade license server, 5-13 procedure, 7-38 START/QUEUE/MANAGER command editing, 7-38 , 1-16 guidelines for creating, Startup procedure 7-36 for file server, 8-4 sample, E-6 SYSTEM account Upgrade logging in to, 1-10 See also upgrade System backup, 1-10 System disk procedure input/output on, 3-3 performing space needed for without reports, 7-14, installation, 1-11 7-22 System parameters with reports, 7-6, 7-8 checking and defining, reasons for, 7-2 1-12 types of, 7-5 System shutdown viewing log file for, file server shutdown and, 7-7, 7-10, 7-15, 7-30 8-9 upgrade procedure, 7-1 System startup creating and editing defining server commands upgrade reports with, at, 8-6 6-1 described, 3-9 Index-6 upgrade procedure (cont'd) VMScluster (cont'd) displaying reports in, starting server in, 5-15, 6-13, 7-38 8-7 getting help for, 6-11 XQP+ installation in, Main menu, 6-10 9-15 navigating, 6-11 VMSINSTAL prerequisites, 6-6 described, 2-1 starting, 6-7 kit contents, 2-2 Upgrade procedure VMSINSTAL procedure described, 7-3 See Installation Upgrade reports procedure creating, 6-1, 6-12 described, 6-2 X displaying in upgrade ___________________________ procedure, 6-13 XQP+, 2-18 editing, 6-15 deinstalling, 9-11 location of, 6-14 described, 9-2 names of, 6-14 disk space required to types of, 6-2 install, 9-3 User accounts installation guidelines, duplicate, 6-3 9-3 User-level security, 3-6 installing, 9-3 defined, 7-2 responding to User Merge screen, 7-18, installation prompts, 7-25 9-4 Users report sample installation See also Upgrade reports procedure, 9-13, 9-15 as input to Groups report , 6-12 as input to upgrade, 7-6, 7-9 described, 6-3 editing, 6-15 sample, E-1 V__________________________ VAX system operating system requirements, 1-7 VMScluster installation in, 1-18, 3-10 PATHWORKS alias for, 3-8 Index-7