Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Installation Guide Order Number: AA-QHD2G-TE Software Version Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Version 3.0 Required Operating System OpenVMS Version 6.2, 7.1, and 7.2 Required Software Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Version 2.9C or Version 3.0 Optional Software DECnet (Phase IV) or DECnet-Plus(Phase V) TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS October 1999 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from COMPAQ, an authorized sublicenser, or the identified licenser. While COMPAQ believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Compaq Computer Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Copyright 1999 Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. TM DEC, DIGITAL, MSCP, OpenVMS, StorageWorks, TK, VAX VMSCluster and the DIGITAL Logos are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Compaq and the Compaq Logo are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. DECconnect, HSZ, StorageWorks, VMS, and OpenVMS are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation. AIX is registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. FTP Software is a trademark of FTP SOFTWARE, INC. HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle, Oracle Rdb, and Oracle RMU are all registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. RDF is a trademark of Touch Technologies, Inc. SGI is a registered trademark of Chemical Bank. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. StorageTek is a registered trademark of Storage Technology Corporation. SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Version 2.1. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. Windows and Windows NT are both trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Contents Preface 1 Welcome To ABS 1.1 What Do All Storage Environments Have In Common? 1.2 What Makes a Storage Environment Unique? 1.3 Mixed Architecture Environments 1.3.1 Mixed Architecture Environments Creating a Mixed Architecture Configuration Operating a Mixed Architecture Configuration Dissolving a Mixed Architecture Configuration 1.3.2 Principles Guiding Mixed Architecture Configuration 1.3.3 Configuring Applications in a Mixed Architecture OpenVMS Cluster Separate Disk Configuration Separate Root Configuration Separate Subdirectory Configuration 1.3.4 Implementation Specific Approach 1.4 What Is The Purpose of a Managed Media and Device Environment? 2 Meeting Installation Requirements 2.1 Recommended Installation 2.2 Deciding Where to Install ABS Server Software 2.3 Deciding Where To Install ABS Client Software 2.4 Deciding Where to Install MDMS Software 2.5 Using the Installation Worksheets 2.6 Required Privileges 2.7 Required OpenVMS Operating System Subclasses 2.8 Hardware, Software, and System Requirements 2.8.1 Required Hardware 2.8.2 Required Software 2.8.3 Optional Software 2.8.4 Required System Parameters 2.8.5 Required Process Account Quotas 2.8.6 Required Processes 2.9 Overview of Hardware Installation 2.9.1 Jukebox or Drive Hardware Installation 2.9.2 Test the Jukebox 2.9.3 Test the Drive 2.10 Registering ABS Licenses 2.11 Steps to Convert to a New Scheduling Option 3 Installing MDMS Software 3.1 MDMS Pre-installation Tasks 3.1.1 Hardware and Software Requirements 3.1.2 Meet Patch Requirements 3.1.3 Install CMA Shareable Images 3.1.4 Shutdown Previous Version of MDMS 3.1.5 Register the MDMS License 3.1.6 Verify the Node is in the MDMS Database 3.1.7 Consider RDF Configuration 3.2 Installing the MDMS Software 3.3 MDMS Post-installation Tasks 3.3.1 Create a Node Object 3.3.2 Provide Automatic Start Up and Shut Down 3.3.3 Remove SLS/MDMS V2.x Automatic Startup 3.3.4 Configure MDMS 3.3.5 Configure Remote Tape Drives 3.3.6 Grant MDMS Rights to Users 3.3.7 Installing the DCL tables on Nodes 3.4 Graphical User Interface(GUI) Installation 3.4.1 Requirements 3.4.2 Installation on OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 and V7.2 3.4.3 Installation on Intel Windows NT/95/98 3.4.4 Installation on Alpha Windows NT 3.5 Running the GUI 3.5.1 Running the GUI on OpenVMS Alpha 3.5.2 Running the GUI on Intel Windows NT/95/98 3.5.3 Running the GUI on Alpha Windows NT 4 Installing ABS Software 4.1 Installing Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Software 4.1.1 Installing ABS Server Software 4.1.2 Installing ABS in a Mixed-Architecture OpenVMS Cluster 4.1.3 Installing ABS OpenVMS Client Software 4.1.4 Installing and Configuring ABS NT Clients 4.1.5 Configuring ABS UNIX Clients Modifying the Appropriate UNIX Files Transferring the UNIX Backup Agent Sources Building the UNIX Executables 4.1.6 Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients 5 Performing Postinstallation Tasks 5.1 Installing ABS for the First Time 5.2 Verifying ABS Installation 5.3 Providing Automatic Start Up and Shut Down 5.4 Meeting OpenVMS Cluster Requirements 5.5 Granting the Appropriate ABS Access Right Identifiers 5.5.1 Enabling an Access Rights Identifier 5.5.2 Revoking An Access Rights Identifier 5.6 Modifying The ABS Default Policy Objects 5.6.1 Default Policy Object Attributes 5.6.2 Modifying Default Policy Objects 5.7 Performing a Save, Lookup, and Restore Operation 5.8 Verifying NT and UNIX Client Quotas 5.9 Adding NT Parameter 5.10 Allowing ABS Access to All Files on the NT Systems A Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients A.1 Adding Client Licenses A.2 Modifying Client Licenses A.3 Showing Client Licenses A.4 Removing Client Licenses B File and Logical Names B.1 ABS File Names B.2 ABS Logical Names C MDMS Files and Logical Names C.1 MDMS File Names C.2 MDMS Logical Names D MDMS V3.0 Rights and Privileges D.1 MDMS Rights - Types D.1.1 High Level Rights D.1.2 Low-level rights D.1.3 ABS Rights D.2 Default High-Level to Low-Level Mapping D.2.1 MDMS_USER: D.2.2 MDMS_OPERATOR Rights: D.2.2.1 Domain Commands for Mapping Privileges E Sample Configuration of MDMS E.1 Configuration Order E.1.1 Configuration Step 1 Example - Defining Locations E.1.2 Configuration Step 2 Example - Defining Media Type E.1.3 Configuration Step 3 Example - Defining Domain Attributes E.1.4 Configuration Step 4 Example - Defining MDMS Database Nodes E.1.5 Configuration Step 5 Example - Defining a Client Node E.1.6 Configuration Step 6 Example - Creating a Jukebox E.1.7 Configuration Step 7 Example - Defining a Drive E.1.8 Configuration Step 8 Example - Defining Pools E.1.9 Configuration Step 9 Example- Defining Volumes using the /VISION qualifier F Upgrading From ABS-OMT To ABS Preface Intended Audience This document is intended for storage administrators who are experienced OpenVMS system managers. This document should be used in conjunction with the Introduction to OpenVMS System Management manual. Conventions The following conventions are used in this document: Convention Description {} In format command descriptions, braces indicate required elements. [ ] In format command descriptions, square brackets indicate optional elements of the command syntax. You can omit these elements if you wish to use the default responses. boldface type Boldface type in text indicates the first instance of a term defined in the Glossary or defined in text. italic type Italic type emphasizes important information, indicates variables, indicates complete titles of manuals, and indicates parameters for system information. Starting test ... This type font denotes system response, user input, and examples. Ctrl/x Hold down the key labels Ctrl (Control) and the specified key simultaneously (such as Ctrl/Z). PF1 x The key sequence PF1 x instructs you to press and release the PF1 key, and then press and release another key (indicated here by x). n A lowercase italic n denotes the generic use of a number. For example, 19nn indicates a four digit number in which the last two digits are unknown. x A lowercase x denotes the generic use of a letter. For example, xxx indicates any combination of three alphabetic characters. Related Products The following related products may be mentioned in this document: Product Description ABS OMTABS OMT refers to Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Management Tools[tm] software. HSM HSM refers to Hierarchical Storage Management for OpenVMS software. MDMS MDMS refers to Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS software. OpenVMS OpenVMS refers to OpenVMS operating system. SMF SMF refers to Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS software. SLS SLS refers to Storage Library System for OpenVMS software. Associate Documents The following documents are part of Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS documentation set: * Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Installation Guide * Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations * Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Command Reference Guide 1 Welcome To ABS If you are installing for the first time, it is essential that you review the information presented in this chapter. If you are a current ABS customer and are upgrading, you may skip to See Meeting Installation Requirements. Welcome to Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS (ABS) Version 3.0. Because you have selected ABS to help you manage your data safety needs (archive and backup operations), you have a hardware and software environment (subsequently referred to as a storage environment) that contains a set of common elements. Your storage environment also contains very specific or unique elements. The information presented in this chapter is intended to give you an "overall picture" of a typical storage environment, and to explain how ABS compliments that environment. 1.1 What Do All Storage Environments Have In Common? All storage environments that plan to implement ABS have the following common hardware and software: * OpenVMS[tm] VAX[tm] or Alpha systems * OpenVMS software Version 6.2, 7.1, or 7.2 for VAX or Alpha systems * Disk devices for online storage/transactions * DECnet[tm] Phase IV or DECnet-Plus[tm] for VAX or Alpha systems * Tape drives * Removable media that is compatible with the tape drives for storing saved data 1.2 What Makes a Storage Environment Unique? Storage environments have some or all of the following characteristics that make them unique: * Mixed-architecture, OpenVMS Cluster (combination of OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems). See Mixed Architecture Environments for details. * Heterogeneous client systems (OpenVMS, NT, UNIX) * Types of tape drives (TLZ06, TZ877, and so forth) * Types of robotic devices (jukeboxes or gravity-fed loaders) * Types of tape drive connections (direct-connect SCSI or controller-connected) * Location of tape drives (remote or local) * Number of disks * Number of tape drives 1.3 Mixed Architecture Environments If you are planning to install ABS software in a mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster, you should understand the configuration issues explained in the following sections. If you do not consider these configuration issues, you may spend considerable time deleting and editing files, and reinstalling the software. This section addresses the characteristics of a mixed architecture environment and describes some fundamental approaches to install and configure your software to run in. The following list identifies the topics and their purposes * See Mixed Architecture Environments defines the mixed architecture environment and discusses ways in which they can come about, change, then disappear. Each of these occurrences requires some consideration about how to configure your software. * See Principles Guiding Mixed Architecture Configuration lists the guiding principles that require you to make special considerations for mixed architecture implementation, and what these principles mean to you. * See Configuring Applications in a Mixed Architecture OpenVMS Cluster describes three possible approaches to implementing a mixed architecture environment. * See Implementation Specific Approach explains why the documentation includes procedures for a specific approach. If you cannot use the documented procedures, you should decide on an approach before you begin installation. 1.3.1 Mixed Architecture Environments A mixed architecture OpenVMS Cluster includes at least one VAX system and at least one Alpha system. Creating a Mixed Architecture Configuration If you add an Alpha system to a homogenous VAX OpenVMS Cluster, or if you are currently running a homogenous Alpha OpenVMS Cluster and inherit a VAX system, you will have a mixed architecture environment. Before you integrate Alpha or VAX node into the system, you should decide an approach to take for handling mixed architecture issues. Operating a Mixed Architecture Configuration If you are currently operating a mixed architecture environment, and you want to add a VAX system or an Alpha system you must integrate it into your current configuration consistently with your other applications. You should understand the particular requirements of any new application you introduce into a mixed architecture OpenVMS Cluster. Dissolving a Mixed Architecture Configuration If you remove the last VAX or Alpha system, leaving a homogenous OpenVMS Cluster, you should remove any aspects of configuration that accounted for the heterogeneous nature of the mixed architecture system. This includes (but is not limited to) removing startup files, duplicate directory structures, and logical tables. 1.3.2 Principles Guiding Mixed Architecture Configuration Limitations: VAX systems cannot execute image files compiled on an Alpha system, and Alpha systems cannot execute image files compiled on a VAX system. Other types of files that cannot be shared, includes object code files (.OBJ), and user interface description files (.UID). You must place files that cannot be shared in different locations, VAX files accessible only to VAX OpenVMS Cluster nodes and Alpha files accessible only to Alpha OpenVMS Cluster nodes. Data files, in most cases, must be shared between OpenVMS Cluster nodes.You should place all shared files in directories accessible by both VAX and Alpha OpenVMS Cluster nodes. Logical names, that reference files which cannot be shared, or the directories in which they reside, must be defined differently on VAX and Alpha systems. Files that assign logical name values must therefore be architecture specific. Such files may either reside on node-specific disks or shared only among OpenVMS Cluster nodes of the same hardware architecture. 1.3.3 Configuring Applications in a Mixed Architecture OpenVMS Cluster The following sections describes three approaches to configure applications to run in a mixed architecture OpenVMS Cluster. The one you choose depends on your existing configuration, and the needs of the particular application you are installing. These approaches are given as examples only. You should decide which you want to implement based on your own situation and style of system management. All of these approaches have the following aspects in common: * All shared files reside in one location. * All files that cannot be shared reside in separate locations Separate Disk Configuration The following are characteristics of a separate disk configuration: * Product directories are installed on two separate disks. * One of the product directories is a complete installation containing all data files (and other shared files), and all executable files (and other nonshared files) for either VAX or Alpha systems. * The other product directories contain only a partial product installation, with only those directories that contain Alpha or VAX system executables and other nonshared files. * The systems using the disk with the complete installation uses logicals that normally reference the product executables and shared files. * The systems using the disk with only the nonshared files use normal product logical definitions to point to shared files and directories. System logicals that point to nonshared files are assigned to the specific device, directory and/or file names. Separate Root Configuration The following are characteristics of a separate root configuration: * Product directories are installed on the same disk, but at different root locations. * One of the product directories is a complete installation containing all data files (and other shared files), and all executable files (and other nonshared files) for either VAX or Alpha systems. * The other product directories contain only a partial product installation, with only those subdirectories that contain either Alpha or VAX system executables and other nonshared files. * The systems using the directory with the complete installation uses logicals that normally reference the product executables and shared files. * The systems using the directory with only the nonshared files use normal product logical definitions to point to shared files and directories. System logicals that point to nonshared files are assigned to the specific device, directory and/or file names. Separate Subdirectory Configuration The following are characteristics of a separate directory configuration: * Product directories are installed on the same disk, and under the same root directory. * Any directory which would normally contain the nonshared files (under a single architecture installation) has two subdirectories: one for VAX system nonshared files, one for Alpha system nonshared files. * Logicals that reference nonshared files are assigned search list values that point to the directories which holds shared files, and to the architecture specific subdirectories holding nonshared files. 1.3.4 Implementation Specific Approach In this document, specific procedures are provided for a recommended approach based on the current configuration of and the behavior of the installation software with respect to its use of logical definitions during upgrades. If the recommended approach is inconsistent with the way you currently manage your system, you should decide on a different approach before you begin the installation procedure. 1.4 What Is The Purpose of a Managed Media and Device Environment? The purpose of a managed media and device environment is to maintain a logical view of the physical elements of your storage environment to serve your nearline and offline data storage needs. A managed media and device environment defines the media and defines the drives that can use the media. It also defines the locations where media is stored, the locations of the drives that are compatible with the media, and the policy that governs the use of media. The following list summarizes the characteristics of the managed media and device environment: * Volumes are defined as media types in MDMS. Media type definitions are stored in the MDMS volume configuration database. All managed media are known in terms of type, location, capability, availability, and authorization (who can use that media). Before you can use media in your managed storage environment, you must add the media to the MDMS volume configuration database, and initialize the media for use. Once this is done, the media is known as a "volume". ABS recognizes these media type definitions, and depending upon which media type your storage policy uses, performs the backup operation using the appropriate media type and tape drives. * Tape drive definitions also are stored in MDMS. Tape drives are used to serve the volumes known to MDMS. The MDMS software maintains a logical link between the volumes and the compatible tape drives, both in terms of physical and logical boundaries. Volumes and tape drives can be managed logically from locations miles away from where they are physically located. ABS depends upon MDMS to select the appropriate tape drives determined by the media type. ABS storage policies associate these logical connections. * The MDMS software enables you to set the default criteria for moving and recycling volumes. This criteria includes rotation between onsite and offsite locations for safekeeping of the volumes, and the schedule that moves the volume through its lifecycle (retention, use, and reuse). ABS enables you to set the retention criteria for data saved on volumes, while MDMS enables you to define when to move or recycle volumes. 2 Meeting Installation Requirements To ready your OpenVMS system for either ABS server or client software installation procedure, you must perform certain tasks and requirements: * If you are installing ABS for the first time, See Preinstallation Tasks For a New ABS Installation describes the tasks you must perform before installing ABS. * If you are upgrading your version of ABS, refer to See Preinstallation Tasks For an Upgrade ABS Installation. Preinstallation Tasks For a New ABS Installation Step Action 1. Decide on which system and disk to install ABS and MDMS OpenVMS server software. You must make this decision before you can perform the remaining preinstallation tasks. Refer to See Deciding Where to Install ABS Server Software and See Deciding Where to Install MDMS Software for information about ABS and MDMS server software. Use the worksheet provided in See Example Installation Worksheet to record your configuration. 2. Decide on which systems and disks to install ABS OpenVMS client software. Refer to See Deciding Where To Install ABS Client Software for information about ABS OpenVMS client software. Use the worksheet provided in See Using the Installation Worksheets to record your configuration. 3. Log in to the SYSTEM account and enable all privileges. Most system managers install software from the system account. See Required Privileges for the privileges required to install ABS Version 3.0. 4. Perform a system backup operation. COMPAQ recommends that you perform a backup operation on the system disk before installing any software. For details about performing a backup operation on a system disk, see OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 5. Verify the OpenVMS operating system subclasses. Subclasses are provided in the OpenVMS save set that contains support for the OpenVMS operating system. See Required OpenVMS Operating System Subclasses lists the OpenVMS operating system subclasses required to install ABS Version 3.0 6. See Hardware, Software, and System Requirements to verify the following requirements: * Hardware and software requirements * System parameters * Account process quotas * System processes 7. Configure your hardware. Before you can use ABS software, you must first install and test your hardware configuration. It is recommended that you do this prior to installing ABS and MDMS software. These tasks are described in See Overview of Hardware Installation . Note: The Media Robot Utility (MRU) software provides you with the ability to control the operation of an automated library system or a media loader system without having to access front panel controls on the system. MRU is especially useful for installing, configuring, and testing the operation of these types of system. 8. COMPAQ distributes MRU software with its newest libraries and loaders. If you have recently purchased MRU software and installed it, you will have the MRU software with its newest libraries and loaders. If you are using an earlier COMPAQ library or loader and would like to use MRU software, contact your COMPAQ sales representative. Register ABS licenses as described in See Registering ABS Licenses . See Preinstallation Tasks For an Upgrade ABS Installation describes the preinstallation tasks to upgrade an existing ABS installation. Preinstallation Tasks For an Upgrade ABS Installation Step Action If you have new tape drives that you want to add to your 1. current storage environment, follow the instructions provided in See Overview of Hardware Installation . It is recommended that you do this prior to upgrading ABS or MDMS software. 2. Log in to the SYSTEM account and enable all privileges. Most system managers install software from the system account. See See Required Privileges for the privileges required to install ABS Version 3.0. 3. Perform a system backup operation. COMPAQ recommends that you perform a backup operation on the system disk before installing any software. For details about performing a backup operation on a system disk, see OpenVMS System Manager's Manual . Shutdown ABS. 4. If you are upgrading ABS and it is currently running, shut down ABS by entering the following commands on all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster running ABS: $ @SYS$MANAGER:ABS$SHUTDOWN.COM 5. Verify the OpenVMS operating system subclasses. Subclasses are provided in the OpenVMS save set that contains support for the OpenVMS operating system. See Required OpenVMS Operating System Subclasses lists the OpenVMS operating system subclasses required to install ABS Version 3.0. 6. See Hardware, Software, and System Requirements to verify the following requirements: * Hardware and software requirements * System parameters * Account process quotas * System processes 7. See Steps to Convert to a New Scheduling Option to follow steps for converting to another scheduling option. 2.1 Recommended Installation In the event of a disaster situation it is essential to know where to install ABS and its dependent products so that you can recover the affected system as quickly as possible. To ease the recovery process in the event of a disaster situation, review this information to understand the most efficient way to install ABS, MDMS, and any dependent layered products. The information provided is only for OpenVMS VAX or Alpha systems. If you have other types of systems to consider, see the platform specific documentation for recovery information. Consider the following important guidelines: * You should install ABS server software and MDMS software on the same disk in a system. This disk could be the system disk, or another disk dedicated to ABS and its dependent layered products. The advantage of placing ABS and its dependent layered products on the system disk is that a less complicated restore process is enabled. However, the system disk then requires more space for ABS catalogs, MDMS database, and so forth. * This disk should be dedicated to ABS and its dependent layered products, not shared with other interactive processes that could impede the performance of ABS. * The system that contains this disk must have access to a tape drive compatible with the media that will contain ABS save sets for this disk. Before you begin the installation procedure, use the worksheets provided in See Installation Worksheet to identify which OpenVMS system and disk will contain ABS server software, MDMS software. 2.2 Deciding Where to Install ABS Server Software ABS is designed upon a client server technology. Before installing ABS software, decide which OpenVMS node or which nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster will run an ABS server. ABS server software is installed on an OpenVMS node or OpenVMS Cluster system and provides the policy database for itself and for any ABS client nodes connected to it. ABS server software makes the policy database available to all ABS clients. Requirement: You must install ABS server software on at least one OpenVMS node or OpenVMS Cluster system. Although the installation procedure does not have separate kits for the client and server software, ABS server is determined by the placement of ABS policy engine. During the installation procedure, you will be prompted to supply an OpenVMS node name (or node names in an OpenVMS Cluster) where you want the ABS server called the policy engine to reside. This node (or nodes in a cluster) becomes the ABS server nodes. You cannot specify a cluster alias name in the node name list. If your system configuration changes at some point after running the installation procedure, you can change the server node name(s) by modifying the ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$POLICY_CONFIG.DAT file and restarting the server software. 2.3 Deciding Where To Install ABS Client Software OpenVMS Clients Install ABS OpenVMS client software on any node that can communicate with ABS server and for which you want to create ABS save requests. ABS OpenVMS client node can communicate with an ABS server node using the DECnet software. When an ABS client node needs to perform an ABS operation, ABS client node communicates with ABS server, retrieves policy information, updates ABS policy database, and then relinquishes its communications with ABS server when the operation has completed. NT Clients For NT clients you must install ABS NT client software provided in ABS software kit. You must also authorize access for NT clients on ABS server node. Instructions for these tasks are described in See Installing and Configuring ABS NT Clients UNIX Clients UNIX clients do not require a separate client installation. However, you must transfer the GNU tar files provided by ABS software to the UNIX client system, and then you must build the executable files on the UNIX client system. Also, you must authorize access for UNIX clients on ABS server node. Instructions for these tasks are described in See Configuring ABS UNIX Clients Both NT and UNIX clients have their backup operations occur on ABS server node, and ABS server communicates with the NT or UNIX client system for data transfer and control. Given you have the appropriate amount of licenses and adequate resources available, any number of ABS client nodes may be connected to a single ABS server node. 2.4 Deciding Where to Install MDMS Software You must install Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS (MDMS) software before you install ABS software. If you plan to use tape drives or robotic devices for your ABS save operations, MDMS supports ABS by enabling you to configure your tape drives and robotic devices, both local and remote, so that ABS can use them for its save and restore requests. Install MDMS software on the same OpenVMS node or OpenVMS Cluster system where you will be installing ABS server software (typically the same disk as ABS server software). MDMS provides media management services for itself and for any MDMS client nodes connected to it. MDMS software provides MDMS volume and magazine databases. The volume database contains definitions of all removable media known to MDMS software, and the associated tape drive definitions, such as if the tape drive is local or remote to MDMS. It also contains information about volume locations and volume pool authorization. MDMS software updates all MDMS databases when any transactions are performed against the volumes. Requirement: You must install MDMS software on at least one OpenVMS node or OpenVMS Cluster system in the network. 2.5 Using the Installation Worksheets To help you with the installation procedure the worksheet in See Installation Worksheet provides a work area to help you previously identify where you are installing ABS OpenVMS server, client software, and MDMS software. See Example Installation Worksheet provides an example of how to use the worksheets provided in See Installation Worksheet. Example Installation Worksheet Node Name or Support a Support a Remote Server/Client OpenVMS Disk Name Remote Tape Backup Cluster Name Device? Operation? ABS Server Software NODESV DISK$USER1: N/A N/A MDMS Software NODESV DISK$USER1: No Yes ABS OpenVMS Client and MDMS NODECA DISK$USER2: Yes No ABS OpenVMS Client and MDMS NODECB DISK$USER3: Yes No See Installation Worksheet provides the worksheet for your ABS/MDMS configuration. It is recommended that you make a copy of the worksheet and save the original for future use. Installation Worksheet Node Name or Support a Server/Client OpenVMS Disk Remote Tape Support a Remote Cluster Name Name Device? Backup Operation? ABS Server Software MDMS Software ABS OpenVMS Client and MDMS ABS OpenVMS Client and MDMS ABS NT Client N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ABS UNIX Client N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.6 Required Privileges To install ABS Version 3.0, log on to the SYSTEM account or to an account that has SETPRV or, at a minimum, has the following privileges enabled: * CMKRNL * WORLD * SYSPRV * TMPMBX * NETMBX Note that VMSINSTAL turns off the BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation procedure. 2.7 Required OpenVMS Operating System Subclasses OpenVMS operating system comes with a variety of support options, or subclasses. Subclasses include such features as networking and RMS journaling. To use ABS, your system should have the following subclasses resident: * Programming support * Utilities * System programming environment * Secure user's environment * Network support How to verify: For information about verifying these components, refer to either OpenVMS VAX Installation Procedures or OpenVMS Alpha Installation Procedures. 2.8 Hardware, Software, and System Requirements To make sure that your system is ready for the installation, verify that your system meets the following requirements: * Hardware * Software * System parameters * Process account quotas * Processes 2.8.1 Required Hardware To install ABS Version 3.0 software, you must meet the following minimum hardware requirements: * A VAX[tm] system, a MicroVAX[tm] system, a VAXstation[tm], or an Alpha system. * Four megabytes of memory for VAX systems, or 16 megabytes of memory for Alpha systems. * One or more tape drives if you plan to back up your data to removable media. Refer to See Required Privileges for instructions about configuring your hardware. * One disk, such as a COMPAQ RD[tm] or RZ[tm] series disk. * Adequate disk space. Refer to See Required Disk Space to make sure there is adequate disk space to install ABS Version 3.0. Verify that there are enough free blocks on the disk where you are installing the software. If you are providing remote drive support, you must answer yes to the remote drive question during MDMS installation procedure. This requires additional free disk space. Enter the following command to show the amount of used disk space on your disk: $ SHOW DEVICE disk-name See Required Disk Space lists the amount of disk spaced required to perform ABS Version 3.0 installation. Required Disk Space IF you are Supporting remote installing... drives? THEN you need... 140,000 peak blocks during MDMS Yes installation software No 140,000 peak blocks during installation 50,000 blocks during installation ABS Server 50, 000 blocks after installation software N/A plus additional blocks for the catalog size requirements 50,000 blocks during installation ABS Client software N/A 50, 000 blocks after installation plus additional blocks for the catalog size requirements 2.8.2 Required Software See Required Software lists the software you must have installed on your system before you can install ABS Version 3.0. Required Software Software Purpose System ABS OpenVMS DECnet Phase IV or Provides network support Server DECnet Plus for Note: OpenVMS ABS OpenVMS This software must be up and running Client before you start the installation procedure ABS OpenVMS Media and Device Provides media and device managment Server Management services for all OpenVMS media and Services1 tape drives. ABS OpenVMS Client ABS OpenVMS OpenVMS Operating Server Systema Provides OpenVMS and DCL capabilities. ABS OpenVMS Client 2.8.3 Optional Software See Optional Software describes the optional software you can use with ABS Version 3.0 software. Optional Software Software Purpose System Provides the ability to save data from Windows NT ABS NT Client systems to ABS OpenVMS server system using ABS NT Client Software software (provided with ABS, not purchased separately). Provides the ability to C Compiler build the executable files UNIX Client on UNIX clients DCSC2(Digital If you have a StorageTek Cartridge Server Automated Cartridge Server The system where the Component) (ACS), you must install the StorageTek silo resides. DCSC software. TCP/IP Services for Provides network support OpenVMS for NT and UNIX clients. ABS OpenVMS Server Provides the ability to eXcursion display the graphical user NT client system interface (GUI) on NT client systems. Media Robot Utility Provides library and loader The OpenVMS system where (MRU) testing, diagnostics, and the robotic device is control. physically connected Motif for X-Windows Provides graphical user ABS OpenVMS server interface capabilities ABS OpenVMS client Oracle Rdb a for VAX Provides distributed and or Alpha systems multi streaming ABS OpenVMS Server capabilities. Requirements: If you install Oracle Rdb for ABS policy database, the version of Oracle Rdb that you select must be up and running before you install ABS Version 3.0. Also, the file SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$USER.OLB or SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$USER_ n.OLB (where n is version specific) must pre exist on your system. If you have Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, you must apply engineering change order (ECO) number 5. 2.8.4 Required System Parameters To install ABS Version 3.0, the system parameters must be set to the minimum value or higher. See System Parameters - Minimum Values lists the minimum system parameter values required for the installation procedure to run successfully. Depending on the kinds of programs and applications running at your site, you may need higher values. System Parameters - Minimum Values System Parameter Minimum Value Dynamic PQL_DENQLM 300 Y GBLPAGES3 2000 N GBLSECTIONS 4 N LOCKIDTBL 45000 N PQL_MENQLM 300 Y PQL_MPGFLQUOTA 10000 Y PROCSECTCNT 100 N PQL_MTQELM 200 Y To see the current system parameter values on your system, enter the following command: $ MCR SYSGEN SYSGEN > SHOW/GEN Result: Shows the current values of all the system parameters. If you need to modify one or more of the system parameters, see the following example: $ MCR SYSGEN SYSGEN > SET GLBPAGES 2000 SYSGEN > WRITE CURRENT SYSGEN > EXIT The changed parameters should be added to SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT for future changes made with AUTOGEN. You must then reboot the system so the non dynamic parameter values are recognized. More information: Refer to OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Managing System Parameters for detailed information about required system parameters. 2.8.5 Required Process Account Quotas The account you use to install ABS (typically the SYSTEM account) must have sufficient quotas to enable you to perform the installation. If your SYSTEM account quotas are the same as or higher than the default values provided with the OpenVMS operating system, then these values should be sufficient to install the software. See Required Installing Account Process Quotas summarizes the process quotas and the quotas that VMSINSTAL requires to perform the installation. Required Installing Account Process Quotas Account QuotaMinimum Value ASTLM 200 BIOLM 10000 BYTLM 18000 DIOLM 200 ENQLM 2048 FILLM 300 PGFLQUO 10000 TQELM 200 To see your current process quotas, see the following example: $ MCR AUTHORIZE UAF > SHOW SMITH Result: This command shows all your process quotas. If you need to increase your process account quotas, see the following example: $ MCR SYS$SYTEM:AUTHORIZE UAF> MODIFY SMITH/ENQLM 2048 UAF> EXIT If you are supporting NT or UNIX clients, to ensure successful save and restore operations, set the quotas to the following values from ABS OpenVMS server node: UCX> SET PROTOCOL TCP/QUOTA=(SEND:50000,RECEIVE:50000) If you have to reboot the machine, make sure that you reset these values after rebooting. More information: For detailed instructions about modifying account quotas, see the description of Authorize Utility in OpenVMS System Management Subkit . 2.8.6 Required Processes Before beginning the installation procedure, check to see that DECnet Phase IV or DECnet Plus and the OpenVMS Queue Manager are running. To see if these processes are active on your system, enter the following command: $ SHOW SYSTEM The following information is displayed for DECnet Phase IV: OpenVMS V7.1 on node NODE1 8-AUG-1997 13:39:28.23Uptime 0 23:36:26 Pid Process Name State Pri I/O CPU Page flts Page . . . 20A0022C QUEUE_MANAGER HIB 8 72 0 00:00:00.83 751 1210 . . . 20A00212 NETACP HIB 10 285 0 00:00:02.84 338 666 The following information is displayed for DECnet Plus: 37C00215 NET$ACP HIB 4 629 0 00:27:23.22 1894 2465 . . . 37C0024A QUEUE_MANAGER HIB 8 3333 0 00:07:45.24 1246 1766 If these processes are not active, follow the steps in See How to Start DECnet and the OpenVMS Queue Manager. How to Start DECnet and the OpenVMS Queue Manager Step Action 1. Start DECnet software. For DECnet Phase IV, enter the following command at DCL prompt: $ @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET.COM For DECnet Plus, enter the following command at DCL prompt: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NET$STARTUP.COM 2. Start OpenVMS Queue Manager. Enter the following command at DCL prompt: $ START/QUEUE/MANAGER 2.9 Overview of Hardware Installation For your storage application to work, the hardware it depends on must be installed, connected, and configured to function with the operating system. This section provides a sequence of actions that you can use to verify that storage devices are connected and operating before you install MDMS and other application. This procedure applies to the installation of a jukebox with drives or a standalone drive. Use an initialized volume to perform this test. To initialize a volume, consult Open VMS documentation or enter HELP INITIALIZE at an OpenVMS terminal. 2.9.1 Jukebox or Drive Hardware Installation During this procedure, refer to the device specific hardware installation information for details. This procedure provides only the basic steps necessary to configure MDMS later against the jukebox and/or drives: 1. Following manufacturer's documentation, install and connect the hardware. Apply power to the drives. 2. If you are using an HSx controller, configure it to allow the OpenVMS system to communicate with the drives. Some controllers require you to configure pass through devices for drives and jukeboxes. 3. Make note of the device names after you complete connection procedures. If you are going to use Media Robot Utility software, define the logical MRU_ROBOT with the name of the jukebox device. 2.9.2 Test the Jukebox If possible, use a utility such as Media Robot Utility (MRU) for this procedure. Otherwise, use the front panel of the drive and OpenVMS system software to test the connection between the OpenVMS system and jukebox. Testing the Jukebox Connection Step Action 1. Verify the changer device name and the drive names. Enter the DCL SHOW DEVICE command and/or the ROBOT SHOW ROBOT command. If there is a problem with drive name or the connection, it becomes apparent here. Use the OpenVMS SHOW DEVICE command: $ SHOW DEVICE [device_name[:]] Use the following MRU command for examining the robot: $ ROBOT SHOW ROBOT If either of these commands returns an error, make sure the device name is correct. If the device name is correct, then refer to the hardware documentation for remedial action. Place an initialized volume in the jukebox. * If your jukebox uses a magazine, place the volume in the magazine and then insert the magazine into the jukebox. * If your jukebox uses ports, place the volume into the port and then move the volume to an available slot in the jukebox. If you are using MRU, enter the following commands to accomplish this: $ ROBOT INJECT PORT port_number SLOT slot_number 2.9.3 Test the Drive This test involves loading a volume and then mounting it on the drive. For jukeboxes with multiple drives, perform this procedure with each drive. Following the successful completion of this test, you will be ready to install and test MDMS. Testing the Drive Connection Step Action 1. Load the volume into the drive. If you are using MRU, enter the following command: $ ROBOT LOAD SLOT slot_num DRIVE drive_num Mount volume with the OpenVMS MOUNT/FOREIGN command: $ MOUNT/FOREIGN/NOASSIST drive_name Dismount the volume with the OpenVMS DISMOUNT command. * If you are using a stand alone drive or a tape library then enter the command with /UNLOAD qualifier: $ DISMOUNT/UNLOAD drive_name * If you are using a loader, include the /NOUNLOAD qualifier: $ DISMOUNT/NOUNLOAD drive_name * If you are using a jukebox, unload the volume from the drive. Use the front panel controls, or if you are using MRU, enter the following command: $ ROBOT UNLOAD DRIVE drive_num SLOT slot_num * If you are using a jukebox, remove the volume. Use the front panel controls, or if you are using MRU, enter the following command: $ ROBOT EJECT PORT port_number 2.10 Registering ABS Licenses To use ABS Version 3.0 software, you must register and load the licenses before you begin the installation procedure. This information is supplied in the License PAK document which is packaged along with Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Cover Letter . To register a license under OpenVMS, use the following procedure: 1. Log in to the system where you will be installing the software. Log in under SYSTEM account, or enable your account with the privileges described in See Required Privileges. 2. Select one of the following methods to register the licenses: 3. At DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information. See How to Register Your ABS Licenses Using the LICENSE REGISTER Command. 4. Invoke SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your License PAK. See How to Register Your ABS Licenses Using VMSLICENSE.COM. If you plan to use ABS on more than one node in an OpenVMS Cluster, you must load the licenses on other nodes after you install ABS. See How to Register Your ABS Licenses Using the LICENSE REGISTER Command, Step 10 for instructions. How to Register Your ABS Licenses Using the LICENSE REGISTER Command Step Action 1. Enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the product name followed by a dash (-): $ LICENSE REGISTER ABS-SERVER-VAX - ! Register this license on the ABS VAX server node $ LICENSE REGISTER ABS-SERVER-ALPHA - ! Register this license on the ABS Alpha server node $ LICENSE REGISTER ABS-CLIENT-VAX - ! Register this license on all ABS VAX client nodes $ LICENSE REGISTER ABS-CLIENT-ALPHA - ! Register this license on all ABS VAX Alpha nodes $ LICENSE REGISTER ABS-NT-CLIENT-USER - ! Register this license on the ABS server node where you plan to support NT clients. $ LICENSE REGISTER ABS-UNIX-CLIENT-USER - ! Register this license on the ABS server node where you plan to support UNIX clients. $ LICENSE REGISTER ABS-OMT - ! Register this license on all ABS VAX server nodes where you want to install the ABS OMT software $ LICENSE REGISTER ABS-OMT-UPG - ! Register this license on all ABS VAX server nodes where you want to upgrade the ABS OMT software to the full ABS product Important: Enter a dash (-) at the end of each command from Steps 1 through 8. 2. Enter the /ISSUER qualifier information, assigning the value DEC between quotation marks. _$ /ISSUER="DEC" - 3. Enter the /AUTHORIZATION qualifier information, assigning it the value from the AUTHORIZATION NUMBER4 entry of the PAK: _ $ /AUTHORIZATION=xxxxxx - Enter the /PRODUCER qualifier information, assigning the value DEC in quotes: _$ /PRODUCER="DEC" - Enter the /UNITS qualifier information, assigning it the value from the UNITS a entry of the PAK _$ /UNITS=nn - Enter the /DATE qualifier information, assigning the product's release date value from the PRODUCT RELEASE DATE a entry of the PAK: _$ /DATE=dd-mmm-yyyy - Enter the /AVAILABILITY qualifier information, assigning the value from the AVAILABILITY TABLE CODE a entry of the PAK: _$ /AVAILABILITY=x - Enter the /OPTIONS qualifier information, assigning the value from the KEY OPTIONS a entry of the PAK: _$ /OPTIONS=xxxxxx - Enter the /CHECKSUM qualifier information, assigning the value from the CH a entry of the PAK: _$ /CHECKSUM=1-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx Important: Do NOT end the entry with a dash. Invoke the LICENSE LOAD command with the product name: $ LICENSE LOAD product_name See How to Register Your ABS Licenses Using VMSLICENSE.COM describes how to register your license using the command procedure. How to Register Your ABS Licenses Using VMSLICENSE.COM Step Action 1. From the system prompt, enter the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM Select Option 1. "REGISTER a Product Authorization Key" Answer the questions according to the information supplied in the LICENSE PAK document (provided with the software kit). The following is only an example. Supply the information provided in the PAK to the prompts: Type ? at any prompt for a description of the information requested. Press Ctrl/Z at any prompt to return to the main menu. Issuer [DEC] Authorization Number []: Authorization Number []: ALS-NQ-1996JUN10-181 Product Name []: ABS-SERVER Producer [DEC]: Number of Units []: 1050 Version []: Product Release Date []: Key Termination Date []: Availability Table Code []: H Activity Table Code []: Key Options []: MOD_UNITS,ALPHA Product Token []: Hardware-Id []: Checksum []: 2-PIBA-KIPP=BIGE-DDHC 2. Verify the information that you entered is correct. Enter Yes. 3. To exit the command procedure, select Option 99. For complete information about using LMF, see OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual . 2.11 Steps to Convert to a New Scheduling Option If you are converting from DECSCHEDULER (default for V2.2n) to INT_QUEUE_MANAGER or EXT_QUEUE_MANAGER, you need to review your save requests before installing ABS V3.0. Before updating ABS to V3.0, do an ABS SHOW SAVE * command. 1. If a save has a start time in the past, you may want to set the save request to the desired start time, or to NEVER using: ABS SET SAVE request /START_TIME="time" or ABS SET SAVE request /START_TIME = NEVER or ABS SET SAVE request /NOSTART_TIME 2. Save requests which have an explicit time, NOW or NEVER will NOT be scheduled. 3. During ABS V3.0 installation, if you choose to use the INT_QUEUE_MANAGER or EXT_QUEUE_MANAGER scheduling option, all of the ABS jobs in the POLYCENTER Scheduler are placed on hold. You may wish to delete the POLYCENTER Scheduler job using SCHEDULER DELETE request/USER=ABS. After updating to ABS V3.0, ABS will begin scheduling the save requests at their new start time. If you did not set the start time of old requests to a time in the future, ABS will reset the start time of very old save requests to the next due time, based on the start time in the save request. It will not run the very old saves until the next due time calculated. If the start time was within one scheduling interval (for example, within a week for a weekly interval), then ABS will execute the save request when ABS is started after the upgrade, then it will reset the start time for the next due time. To make sure ABS executes your saves exactly when you want them to execute, modify the start time as mentioned in Step 1. Information about the ABS scheduling activities is logged to the ABS$LOG:ABS$POLICY_.LOG file. To receive additional information about scheduling in the log file, you may define a logical name: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM ABS_SCHEDULER_LOGGING TRUE An opcom message will automatically be sent to the TAPE operator if ABS fails to schedule a request. 3 Installing MDMS Software This chapter explains how to install the Media and Device Management Services (MDMS) Version 3.0 software. The sections in this chapter cover the 3 procedures involved in installing the software, namely: * pre-installation tasks * installation * post-installation tasks If this is the initial installation of MDMS V3.0 you should install MDMS on a node that is going to be one of your MDMS server nodes. You may want to read the MDMS configuration chapters in the guide to operations to make better decisions when installing MDMS. This version of MDMS installs the system executable files into system specific directories. Because of this, there is no special consideration for mixed architecture OpenVMS cluster system installations. At a minimum, you will install MDMS twice in a mixed architecture OpenVMS Cluster system: * the first time for the Open VMS VAX nodes * a second time for the OpenVMS Alpha nodes. 3.1 MDMS Pre-installation Tasks The following table lists out exactly which section describes the particular pre-installation task, to help you ensure that the installation takes place correctly. Action Section Meet hardware and software Section See Hardware and Software requirements Requirements Meet prerequisite patches requirements Section See Meet Patch Requirements Install CMA shareable images Section See Install CMA Shareable Images Shutdown previous version of MDMS Section See Shutdown Previous Version of MDMS Register the MDMS License Section See Register the MDMS License Verify the Node is in the MDMS Section See Verify the Node is in the Database MDMS Database Consider RDF Configuration Section See Consider RDF Configuration 3.1.1 Hardware and Software Requirements MDMS V3.0's free disk space requirements differ during installation (peak utilization) and after installation (net utilization). As a pre-installation step please make sure that the required space is available during and post-installation respectively. Table See Disk Space Requirements shows the different space requirements. Disk Space Requirements If you are Complete Installing the Kit You will need 131,560 peak blocks during installation MDMS V3.0 Yes 98,964 net blocks after installation(permanent) 4,716 peak blocks during installation No 1,156 net blocks after installation(permanent) The two installation variants are organized, and require disk space as follows: Variant Peak Net Utilization Utilization Complete kit with all options selected: * OpenVMS MDMS 131560 98964 * OpenVMS GUI * Alpha NT GUI * Windows GUI Minimal kit 4716 1156 The files for MDMS are placed in two locations: * system disk: for executables * MDMS$ROOT: for * Command procedures * Log files * Database files * GUI files for all three platforms If disk space is an issue, it is advisable to place MDMS$ROOT: on a disk other than your system disk because MDMS creates log files that can grow quite large. OpenVMS V6.2 is the minimum version of software necessary to run MDMS. OpenVMS V7.1 Alpha is the minimum version of software to run the GUI on. 3.1.2 Meet Patch Requirements Table describes the patch requirements for MDMS: Prerequisite Patches Component Operating System Version Patch MDMS$SERVER OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 ALPY2K_062 OpenVMS VAX V6.2 VAXLIBR06_070 GUI OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 to V7.1-H2 ALPBASE02_071 V7.1 to V7.1-H2 ALPACRT06_071 V7.1 to V7.1-H2 ALPDCL01_071 V7.1 to V7.1-H2 ALPSYSA01_071 V7.1 to V7.1-H2 ALPSYSB02_071 V7.1 to V7.1-H2 ALPTHREADS_03071 V7.1-2 ONLY VMS712_PTHREADS If the server patches are not installed, you will see the following error while trying to start the server: 09-Mar-1999 10:38:16 %MDMS-I-TEXT, "10k Day" patch not installed! You can obtain these patches or the latest revision by contacting your Compaq representative. If the patches for the MDMS$SERVER are not installed, the server will not start but you can successfully install MDMS, then install the patches and start the server. 3.1.3 Install CMA Shareable Images If you are installing MDMS on an OpenVMS V6.2 VAX system, you have to install the following three files: * SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]CMA$RTL * SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]CMA$OPEN_RTL * SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]CMA$LIB_SHR If these images are not installed by default, include the following lines in the SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: $! $! Install CMA stuff for MDMS $! $ INSTALL = "$INSTALL/COMMAND_MODE" $ IF .NOT. F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES("SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]CMA$RTL.EXE", "KNOWN") $ THEN - $ INSTALL ADD SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]CMA$RTL $ ENDIF $ IF .NOT. F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES("SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]CMA$OPEN_RTL.EXE", "KNOWN") $ THEN $ INSTALL ADD SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]CMA$OPEN_RTL $ ENDIF $ IF .NOT. F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES("SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]CMA$LIB_SHR.EXE", "KNOWN") $ THEN $ INSTALL ADD SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]CMA$LIB_SHR $ ENDIF 3.1.4 Shutdown Previous Version of MDMS If you have been running a version of MDMS prior to Version 3.0, you must shut it down using the following command: $ @SLS$SYSTEM:SLS$SHUTDOWN If you are using MDMS V3.0, use the following command to shutdown MDMS: $ @SYS$STARTUP:MDMS$SHUTDOWN 3.1.5 Register the MDMS License As MDMS V 3.0 does not have a separate license, you need one of the following licenses to run MDMS: * ABS-CLIENT-ALPHA * ABS-CLIENT-VAX * ABS-OMT * ABS-OMT-UPG * ABS-SERVER-ALPHA * ABS-SERVER-VAX * HSM-SERVER * SLS * SLS-MGR * SLS-REMOTE * SLS-REMOTE-MGR If you do not have one of these licenses registered, please refer to the section on registering the license for ABS or HSM whichever you are installing. 3.1.6 Verify the Node is in the MDMS Database If this installation is not the initial installation of MDMS V3.0, you need to verify that the node you are installing MDMS on is in the MDMS database. Enter the following command on a node that has MDMS already installed on it and verify that the node you are installing MDMS on is in the database: $ MDMS SHOW NODE node_name_you_are_installing_on %MDMS-E-NOSUCHOBJECT, specified object does not exist If the node is not in the database, you receive the %MDMS-E-NOSUCHOBJECT error message and you should create the node. See the command reference guide for the qualifiers to use. If the node you are adding is an MDMS server node, be sure to use the /DATABASE qualifier. If the node you are creating is to be a database server node, you need to edit all SYS$STARTUP:MDMS$SYSTARTUP.COM files in your domain and add this node to the definition of MDMS$DATABASE_SERVERS. If the node is in the database, proceed with preinstallation tasks. The node may have been created when you converted from SLS/MDMS V2.x. If this the initial installation, you cannot create a node in the database. You will create the node during the post-installation. 3.1.7 Consider RDF Configuration MDMS provides RDF software to facilitate operations that require access to remote, network connected tape drives. This allows you to copy data from a local site to a remote site, or copy data from a remote site to a local site. During the installation you will be asked questions on whether you want to install on this node, the software that will allow it to act as a server and/or client for the RDF software. You need to decide if you want the server and/or client installed on the node. * Install the RDF Server software on all nodes that are connected to the tape drives used for remote operations. * Install the RDF Client software on all nodes that initiate remote operations to tape drives on the RDF Server node. After installing RDF you may have to reboot your system. A new driver is included with this kit. If you have never installed RDF before a reboot is not needed. If you already have RDF installed, you do not need to reboot unless you need the new driver installed. It will be installed on the next reboot. 3.2 Installing the MDMS Software The MDMS installation procedure consists of a series of questions and informational messages. Once you start the installation procedure, it presents you with a variety of questions that will change depending on whether the installation is the first or a subsequent installation. The installation procedure provides detailed information about the decisions you will make. If for any reason you need to abort the installation procedure at any time, you can press CTRL/Y and the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. Note that you can restart the installation procedure from this point, at any time. Be sure to read Section 3.4 for information on selecting GUI kits to be extracted from the saveset during this installation. To install MDMS: 1. load the distribution medium into a suitable device, and mount the volume 2. invoke the VMSINSTAL procedure using the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MDMS030 location: OPTIONS N Where: location: is the device and directory that contains the software kit save set. OPTIONS: N is an optional parameter that indicates you want to seen the question on Release Notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS:N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not ask you about the Release Notes. You should review the Release Notes before proceeding with the installation in case they contain additional information about the installation procedure. Follow the instructions as you are prompted to complete the installation. Each question you are asked is provided with alternatives for the decision you can take and an explanation for the related decision. Questions and decisions offered by the installation procedure vary. Subsequent installations will not prompt you for information you provided during the first installation. 3.3 MDMS Post-installation Tasks The following sections describe the post-installation tasks needed after installing the MDMS: Action Section Create a Node Object Section See Create a Node Object Provide Automatic Start Up and Section See Provide Automatic Start Up Shut Down and Shut Down Remove SLS/MDMS V2.x Automatic Section See Remove SLS/MDMS V2.x Startup Automatic Startup Configure MDMS Section See Configure MDMS Configure remote tape drives Section See Configure Remote Tape Drives Grant MDMS Rights to Users Section See Grant MDMS Rights to Users Installing the DCL tables on Section See Installing the DCL tables on Nodes Nodes 3.3.1 Create a Node Object If this is the initial installation of MDMS, you need to create the node object in the MDMS node database for this node. Use the MDMS CREATE NODE command to create this initial database node. Refer to the command reference guide for the qualifiers for this command. The following is an example: $ MDMS CREATE NODE NABORS - ! NABORS is the DECnet Phase IV node name or a ! name you make up if you do not use DECnet ! Phase IV in your network /DATABASE_SERVER - ! a potential database node ! must also be defined in ! in SYS$STARTUP:MDMS$SYSTARTUP.COM /TCPIP_FULLNAME=NABORS.SITE.INC.COM - ! the TCP/IP full node name if you ! are using TCP/IP you need this if ! you are using the GUI /DECNET_FULLNAME=INC:.SITE.NABORS - ! this is the full DECnet Phase V node name ! do not define if you do not have DECnet Phase V on this node ! be sure to define if you have DECnet Phase V installed on this node /TRANSPORT=(DECNET,TCPIP) ! describes the transports that listeners are ! started up on 3.3.2 Provide Automatic Start Up and Shut Down To automatically start MDMS when you initiate a system start up, at a location after the DECnet or TCP/IP start up command, add the following line in the system's start up file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: $ @SYS$STARTUP:MDMS$STARTUP To automatically stop MDMS when you initiate a system shut down, enter the following into the system's shut down file: $ @SYS$STARTUP:MDMS$SHUTDOWN While using MDMS V3.0 with ABS, make sure that MDMS startup is executed prior to ABS startup. ABS needs a logical name that is defined by the MDMS startup. 3.3.3 Remove SLS/MDMS V2.x Automatic Startup If you have been using SLS/MDMS V2.x before and all your nodes running ABS and/or HSM version now support the new MDMS V3.0 make sure you remove this line from your system's start up file: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SLS$STARTUP If this node still needs to support clients that use SLS/MDMS V2.x refer to the Appendix SLS/MDMS V2.x Compatibility in the guide to operations. Until you have made all of the changes described in this appendix, you should not start up SLS/MDMS V2.x. You must have performed the conversion procedure as described in Section See Configure MDMS before editing the TAPESTART.COM file. 3.3.4 Configure MDMS Now that you have installed MDMS you need to configure MDMS by creating the following objects: * Media types * Locations * Nodes * Groups * Jukeboxes * Tape Drives * Magazines * Pools * Volumes Please refer to the MDMS section in the guide to operations for more information on configuration and operation. If you upgrading from SLS/MDMS V2.x you can convert the SLS/MDMS V2.x symbols and database to the MDMS V3.0 database. Use the procedure described in the appendix of the guide to operations. Once MDMS V3.0 is installed, and any conversions are performed, you may wish to adjust your configuration prior to performing MDMS operations 3.3.5 Configure Remote Tape Drives If you installed the RDF software, you need to configure the remote tape drives. For each tape drive served with RDF Server software, make sure there is a drive object record in the MDMS database that describes it. Refer to the chapters on MDMS configuration in the guide to operations and the MDMS CREATE DRIVE command in the command reference guide. For each node connected to the tape drive, edit the file TTI_RDEV:CONFIG_node.DAT and make sure that all tape drives are represented in the file. The syntax for representing tape drives is given in the file. During startup of MDMS, the RDF client and server are also started. The RDF images are linked on your system. If you see the following link errors on Alpha V6.2, this is not an RDF bug. The problem is caused by installed VMS patches ALPCOMPAT_062 and ALPCLUSIO01_062. %LINK-I-DATMISMCH, creation date of 11-FEB-1997 15:16 in shareable image SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DISMNTSHR.EXE;3 differs from date of 4-MAY-1995 22:33 in shareable image library SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]IMAGELIB.OLB;1 . . . This is a known problem and is documented in TIMA. To correct the problem, issue the following DCL commands: $ LIBRARY/REPLACE/SHARE SYS$LIBRARY:IMAGELIB.OLB SYS$SHARE:DISMNTSHR.EXE $ LIBRARY/REPLACE/SHARE SYS$LIBRARY:IMAGELIB.OLB SYS$SHARE:INIT$SHR.EXE $ LIBRARY/REPLACE/SHARE SYS$LIBRARY:IMAGELIB.OLB SYS$SHARE:MOUNTSHR.EXE 3.3.6 Grant MDMS Rights to Users Before any user can use MDMS, you must grant MDMS rights to those users. Refer to the MDMS Rights and Privileges Appendix in the Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Command Reference Guide for explanation of MDMS rights and how to assign them. 3.3.7 Installing the DCL tables on Nodes To make MDMS commands available on all nodes of the cluster, you should ensure that all nodes have the latest version of DCLTABLES.EXE installed. You can do this by using SYSMAN or by logging into each node in the cluster and enter the following command: $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE 3.4 Graphical User Interface(GUI) Installation This section describes how to install and run the Graphical User Interface (GUI) on various platforms. As the GUI is based on Java, you must have the Java virtual machine installed on the system you run the MDMS GUI on. If you do not have Java installed on your system, these sections describe what is needed and where to get it. This installation procedure extracts files from the MDMS kit and places them in MDMS$ROOT:[GUI...]. You can then move the files to your Windows system and install them. For the GUI to communicate with the MDMS server, you must have TCP/IP services on the node where you have the MDMS server running. After installation be sure to refer to section 3.5 to run the GUI. 3.4.1 Requirements The GUI requires the following in order to run: Virtual Machine Since the MDMS GUI is a Java application, it requires the platform specific Java Virtual Machine. The availability of each Java Virtual Machine is described in the following sections. The best way of getting a Java Virtual Machine is to down load the platform-specific kit from the given URLs. If this is not possible, the MDMS package also contains a copy for your convenience. Issues concerning availability and installation of the Java Virtual Machine can be directed to: for Windows NT and for OpenVMS A Java Virtual Machine is included in this MDMS kit for the purpose of completeness. MDMS provides both the pointers (URLs) of downloading a Java Virtual Machine and the actual files of the Java Virtual Machine in the release package. However, the downloading approach is encouraged. Memory - The hard drive space requirement is 6 MB for Java Virtual Machine and 2 MB for MDMS GUI. The main memory space requirement for running MDMS GUI is 10 MB. 3.4.2 Installation on OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 and V7.2 The following steps describe how to install and run the MDMS GUI on OpenVMS Alpha: 1. If you are installing the GUI on OpenVMS Alpha V7.1, then the following patches (or their latest equivalent) need to be installed on the system. Please contact your Compaq representative for obtaining these patches. Patches Required for OpenVMS V7.1 for JAVA Patch Required For OpenVMS Fix Description Version Fixes needed to enable ALPBASE02_071 V7.1 to V7.1-H2 ALPACRT06_071 and ALPSYSA01_071. Must be installed first. ALPACRT06_071 V7.1 to V7.1-H2 DECC fixes-fork, exec ALPDCL01_071 V7.1 to V7.1-H2 Fixes for multiple kernel threading Problem ALPSYSA01_071 V7.1 to V7.1-H2 Higher-priority thread blocking ALPSYSB02_071 V7.1 to V7.1-H2 IEEE arithmetic ALPTHREADS_03071 V7.1 to V7.1-H2 DECthreads; support for Java, selected fixes VMS712_PTHREADS V7.1-2 ONLY DECthreads; support for Java, selected fixes These patches are not required for installation on OpenVMS Alpha V7.2. 1. Extract the files for the OpenVMS Java Virtual Machine. You may use the Java kit provided with the MDMS kit or download files from the Web. If you want to install from the MDMS kit, answer YES to the following question: Do you want the OpenVMS Java kit extracted [NO]? If you install from the MDMS kit, a file called: MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.VMS]DEC-AXPVMS-JAVA-V0101-81-1.PCSI_DCX_AXPEXE is created. Use this file to install Java as in step 4. 1. In the MDMS installation, the following question is asked. Do you want the MDMS GUI installed on Alpha OpenVMS [YES]? Reply `Yes' to the question if you want to install the GUI on OpenVMS. Files will be moved to MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.VMS] and the GUI installation will be completed. 1. Following the MDMS installation, you should install Java by first extracting the PCSI file for the Java installation using the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.VMS] $ RUN DEC-AXPVMS-JAVA-V0101-81-1.PCSI_DCX_AXPEXE Extract and read the Release Notes for additional information on how to use this product in an OpenVMS environment: $ PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES JAVA- /SOURCE=[directory_where_you_put_the_PCSI_file]- /FILE=[directory_where_you_want_it]JDK118_VMS_RELEASE_NOTES.HTML- /BASE_SYSTEM=AXPVMS Install the JDK1.1.8 from the .PCSI file obtained: $ PRODUCT INSTALL JAVA- /SOURCE=[directory_where_you_put_the_PCSI_file]/BASE_SYSTEM=AXPVMS The following files are installed by PCSI (POLYCENTER Software Installation utility) with file attribute of ARCHIVE: SYS$MANAGER:JAVA$SETUP.COM SYS$MANAGER:JAVA$STARTUP.COM SYS$SYSROOT:[JAVA.LIB]FONT.PROPERTIES SYS$SYSROOT:[JAVA.LIB]FONT_PROPERTIES.JA If a file having any of these names already exists on the system, the installation process renames it to a new name with the file type ending `_OLD', before loading the new copy from the kit. Only the latest version of the existing file is preserved (by being renamed to file.type_old) before PCSI deletes all remaining versions. For example, an existing SYS$MANAGER:JAVA$SETUP.COM is renamed to SYS$MANAGER:JAVA$SETUP.COM_OLD before the new copy is copied from the kit. If you have previously personalized any of these files, you might need to merge your personalizations with the new copy. The JDK documentation is installed on your system at the following location: SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.JAVA]INDEX.HTML 1. After installation you must do the following: $ EDIT SYS$STARTUP:JAVA$SETUP.COM and include the following logical name definition at the end of the file: $ DEFINE JAVA$CLASSPATH - MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.VMS]MDMS.ZIP,- MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.VMS]SYMANTEC.ZIP, - MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.VMS]SWINGALL.JAR, - SYS$COMMON:[JAVA.LIB]JDK118_CLASSES.ZIP 1. Run JAVA$SETUP.COM to establish defaults for the logical names CLASSPATH and JAVA$FILENAME_CONTROLS, and to define symbols that determine whether Java will interpret commands as either foreign commands or DCL commands: $ @SYS$MANAGER:JAVA$SETUP.COM Add the above command line to SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]SYLOGIN.COM so that when users login, they will have the Java definitions. Make sure that the logical JAVA$USE_DCL is not defined or the GUI will not work. 1. The JAVA$SETUP.COM procedure calls: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.JAVA]JAVA$FILENAME_CONTROLS.COM to establish the JAVA$FILENAME_CONTROLS default values. You can edit this file to see what defaults are being used and how to change them. (This information is also in the "UNIX Style Filenames on an OpenVMS System" section of the JDK release notes.) 1. Rename the file SYS$COMMON:[JAVA.LIB]FONT.PROPERTIES to another name. This file remaps the fonts and makes the MDMS GUI appear incorrect. Renaming the file to another name will cause Java to use the default fonts, which are necessary to run the MDMS GUI. 2. If you are running the GUI using a non-PC keyboard, for example an OpenVMS keyboard, issue the following command on the system running the GUI: $mcr decw$utils:xmodmap -e "keysym Delete = BackSpace Delete" 3.4.3 Installation on Intel Windows NT/95/98 The following describes how to install the MDMS GUI on Intel platforms running Windows NT/95/98: 1. In the MDMS installation, the following question is asked. Do you want files extracted for Microsoft Windows NT/95/98 on Intel [YES]? Reply YES if you want to install the GUI on Intel Windows NT/95/98. 1. Install the Java Virtual Machine - If Java Virtual Machine is not already installed on your PC, down load JRE 1.1.8 from: or and follow the instructions to perform a default installation. You may use other versions of JRE, preferably 1.1.8 or later. If a Java Virtual Machine is not available, you may use MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.INTEL]JRE117WINTEL.EXE. Simply double-click on this file to install Java, and follow the setup instructions. 1. Install the MDMS GUI: Make MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.INTEL]SETUP_INTEL.EXE available to the target machine (Intel PC running Windows NT/95/98) Run SETUP_INTEL.EXE on the target machine. 3.4.4 Installation on Alpha Windows NT The following describes how to install the MDMS GUI on an Alpha platform running Windows NT: 1. In the MDMS installation, the following question is asked. Reply YES if you want to install the GUI on Alpha NT. Do you want the MDMS GUI files extracted for Alpha NT [YES] ? 2. Install the Java Virtual Machine - If Java Virtual Machine is not already installed on your Alpha, down load JRE 1.1.8 from: and follow the instruction to perform a default installation. If a Java Virtual Machine is not available, you may use: MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.ALPHA_NT]JRE118ALPHANT.EXE. 4. Install FX!32 if not installed and make sure FX!32 is enabled. 5. Install the MDMS GUI: 6. Make MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.ALPHA_NT]SETUP_ALPHA_NT.EXE available to the target machine (Alpha PC running Windows NT) 7. Run SETUP_ALPHA_NT.EXE on the target machine. 8. If the 'Unzip To' folder has been modified to anything other than default directory, remember to modify the MDMS_GUI.BAT. 3.5 Running the GUI Now that you have installed the GUI, you have to make sure the server node is configured to accept communications from the GUI. The server node for the GUI must have: * TCP/IP enabled and * the MDMS rights enabled in the SYSUAF record for the user To enable TCP/IP communications on the server, you have to set the TCP/IP Fullname attribute and enable the TCPIP transport. See the command reference guide for information about setting these attributes in a node. MDMS rights for the user must be enabled in the SYSUAF record to log into the server using the GUI. Refer to the command reference guide for information about MDMS rights. The following sections describe how to run the GUI on various platforms. 3.5.1 Running the GUI on OpenVMS Alpha To use the MDMS GUI on OpenVMS Alpha systems, use the following commands: $ @SYS$STARTUP:JAVA$SETUP.COM $ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=node_name/TRANSPORT=transport $ MDMS/INTERFACE=GUI For the SET DISPLAY command, the node_name is the name of the node on which the monitor screen exists. This allows you to use the GUI on systems other than those running OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 or higher. The transport must be a keyword of: * LOCAL - if you are running the GUI on the same node as the monitor * DECNET - if you are running the GUI on a monitor connected to another node and you wish to use DECnet protocol between the monitor node and the GUI Java node. * TCPIP - if you are running the GUI on a monitor connected to another node and you wish to use TCPIP protocol between the monitor node and the GUI Java node. 3.5.2 Running the GUI on Intel Windows NT/95/98 To use the MDMS GUI on Intel Windows NT/95/98 platforms, double click MDMS_GUI\MDMS_GUI.BAT. 3.5.3 Running the GUI on Alpha Windows NT To use the MDMS GUI on Alpha Windows NT, do one the following: 1. If both the Java Virtual Machine and the MDMS GUI were installed with default selection, then double click MDMS_GUI\MDMS_GUI.BAT 2. Otherwise in MDMS_GUI\MDMS_GUI.bat, replace the Java Virtual Machine directory and MDMS_GUI directory as necessary, double click MDMS_GUI\MDMS_GUI.BAT. 4 Installing ABS Software This chapter contains instructions for installing Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Version 3.0 software. Before proceeding with the installation procedure, make sure you have completed all of the following preinstallation tasks: * Did you decide where to install ABS server and client software? * Did you set your default directory to SYS$UPDATE? * Did you log into an account with the proper quotas and privileges? * Did you perform a system backup operation? * If you are doing an upgrade installation, did you shutdown ABS? * Did you verify the hardware and disk space requirements? * Did you verify the software requirements? * Did you check to see if DECnet (Phase IV) or DECnet-Plus and the QueueManager are running? * Did you register the appropriate licenses? * Did you install MDMS, or is it already installed? * Did you follow the steps required for converting to a new scheduling option? 4.1 Installing Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Software Now that you have successfully installed and configured MDMS software, see See Stages of Installing ABS Software for the stages of installing and configuring ABS Version 3.0 software. Before installing ABS in a real time, storage management environment, COMPAQ recommends that you first install and configure ABS in a test environment. If you are not satisfied with the test installation, delete ABS and reinstall it. How To Delete ABS From Your System To delete ABS software from your system, shut down ABS and delete it from the system: $ @SYS$MANAGER:ABS$SHUTDOWN $ @ABS$SYSTEM:DELETE_ABS Stages of Installing ABS Software Stage Action 1. Install ABS server software as described in See Installing ABS Server Software. Note: If you are installing ABS in a mixed architecture environment (VAX and Alpha systems resident in a single OpenVMS Cluster), follow the installation instructions in See Installing ABS in a 2. Mixed-Architecture OpenVMS Cluster. Install ABS OpenVMS client software as described in See 3. Installing ABS OpenVMS Client Software. 4. Install ABS NT client software as described in See Installing and Configuring ABS NT Clients. 5. Install ABS UNIX clients as described in See Configuring ABS UNIX Clients. 6. Authorize NT and UNIX clients as described in See Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients. 7. Edit the system startup and shutdown files as described in See Verifying ABS Installation. 8. Verify for all OpenVMS Cluster requirements have been met as described in See Providing Automatic Start Up and Shut Down. 9. Verify ABS installation procedure as described in See Installing ABS for the First Time. 10. Verify that all default policy objects are resident on ABS server node as described in See Granting the Appropriate ABS 11. Access Right Identifiers. 12. Modify the default policy objects as described in See Revoking 13. An Access Rights Identifier. 14. Verify the tape drive connections as described in See Modifying The ABS Default Policy Objects. 4.1.1 Installing ABS Server Software ABS installation procedure consists of a series of questions and informational messages. See provides a sample installation log file. If for any reason you need to abort the installation procedure, at any time you can press CTRL/Y and the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and then exits. From this point, you can restart the installation procedure again. Follow the steps in See How to Install ABS Software to install ABS Version 3.0 software. How to Install ABS Software Step Action 1. Invoke VMSINSTAL: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL saveset-name drive-name OPTIONS N To start the installation, invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure from a privileged account, such as the SYSTEM account. VMSINSTAL is in the SYS$UPDATE directory. The following list defines the elements of the VMSINSTAL command procedure: save set name The installation name for the component. ABS030 drive-name The name of the drive where the media that contains the kit is located. For example, MTA0: is the device name for a tape drive or device:[directory] can be the CD-ROM drive name. It is not necessary to use the console drive for this installation. However, if you do use the console drive, you should replace any media you removed once the installation is complete. OPTIONS N An optional parameter that indicates you want to see the question on release notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not ask you about the release notes. You should review the release notes before proceeding with the installation in case they contain additional information about the installation. Note: If you are restarting the installation and have already reviewed the release notes, you do not need to specify OPTIONS N. If you specify more than one option, separate them with commas (OPTIONS A,N). The following examples invoke VMSINSTAL to install ABS from the tape drive MTA0: and shows the responses. This example uses the OPTIONS N release note parameter. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL ABS030 MTA0: OPTIONS N OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 21-JUL-1996 at 10:00 Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. If you do not supply either the product name or the drive name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later in the installation procedure. Note: VMSINSTAL does not prompt you for any options, so be sure to include OPTIONS N on the VMSINSTAL command line to access the release notes during the installation procedure. See OpenVMS documentation located in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit for detailed information on these options. 2. Confirm system backup: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? VMSINSTAL asks if you are satisfied with your system backup. You should always back up your system disk before performing an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press RETURN. Otherwise, enter NO to abort the installation. After you back up your system disk, you can restart the installation. Select the Release Notes Options: If you specified OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, you are now asked to choose one of the following options for reviewing the release notes. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: IF you select . . . Option 1- VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing CTRL/C. Option 2-VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue that you want to print the release notes on: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Press RETURN to send the file to SYS$PRINT or enter another queue name. Option 3-VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal and then prompts you for a queue name as described in Option 2. Option 4-The release notes are not displayed or printed. Next, VMSINSTAL displays the following question: * Do you want to continue the installation [N]?: YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. To continue the installation, enter YES. Otherwise, press RETURN. In either case, the release notes are copied to the following directory and file specification: SYS$HELP::ABS030.RELEASE_NOTES The name of the release notes file installed by VMSINSTAL consists of the current product name and version number. Do not delete release notes for previous versions of ABS. Release notes are always placed in the SYS$HELP directory. Purge files: 3. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? You may purge files from previous versions of ABS. Those files are superseded by this installation. Purging is recommended. However, if you need to keep files from the previous version, enter NO in response to this question. Note: We recommend you to save the customized files of previous version of ABS in a separate directory before you answer YES and proceed with purging. Choose the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) option: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? The installation procedure now asks if you want to run the IVP. The IVP checks to be sure that the installation is successful. It is recommended that you answer Yes to this prompt. If errors occur during the installation procedure, VMSINSTAL displays the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of ABS Version 3.0 has failed. Note: If you answered No to this prompt, after ABS is installed, independently run the IVP to verify that the software is available on your system. You may also need to run the IVP after a system failure to make sure that users can access ABS. See Verifying ABS Installation describes how to independently run the IVP. Respond to license registration queries. ABS-SERVER-VAX or ABS-SERVER-ALPHA ABS-CLIENT-VAX or ABS-CLIENT-ALPHA ABS-OMT with ABS-OMT-UPG License SLS SLS-ACS SLS-MGR SLS-REMOTE SLS-REMOTE-MGR 4. * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? The installation procedure displays license information about your product and then asks if you have registered and loaded your Product Authorization Key (PAK). Note: If you have not registered and loaded your PAK, you must answer NO to this question. You must register and load the PAK to successfully complete the installation. If you have not done so, stop the installation, register and load the PAK, and restart the installation. Instructions for loading and registering your PAK is described in See Registering ABS Licenses. 5. Choose the ABS$ROOT disk device: * Enter the disk device name to use for ABS files [SYS$COMMON]: This disk device will contain ABS images, databases, and log files. Enter the name of the disk that will be ABS server. Use your information your recorded in See Installation Worksheet. Requirement: This disk device must have at least 40,000 free blocks and be available to all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster that will be running ABS. 6. Enter the ABS account UIC: * Enter the UIC to be used for ABS account [[311,311]]: ABS account is not an interactive account and is used only for ABS processes. The password for ABS account is automatically generated by the installation procedure. If you choose to change the default UIC assignment, it must be unique and it cannot be a member of a SYSTEM UIC group. Choose the policy engine node or OpenVMS Cluster nodes (ABS Server): * Node name list for ABS Policy Engine [SVNODE::]: SVNODE 7. Enter the OpenVMS Cluster nodes or OpenVMS node name that you have designated for serving the ABS policy engine database. This node (or list of OpenVMS Cluster nodes) becomes ABS server nodes, sometimes referred to as the central security domain (CSD). Do not specify an OpenVMS Cluster alias name in the list. Note: The policy engine node information resides in the following directory and file name: ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$POLICY_CONFIG.DAT. If at some point in time you want to change the ABS server node name list, you can edit this file to change the policy engine (server) node(s) without having to reinstall ABS. For example, locate the last line in the file and change the following node information: ABS$POLICY_ENGINE_LOCATION = NODESV:: 8. Do not change any other information in this file. Choose the scheduling option: ABS allows the following scheduling options: * NONE * DECSCHEDULER * EXT_SCHEDULER * INT_QUEUE_MANAGER * EXT_QUEUE_MANAGER * Choose the Scheduling Option [INT_QUEUE_MANAGER]: 9. Enter the scheduling option you wish to use. The default is INT_QUEUE_MANAGER. See the ABS Release Notes for an explanation of these options Read the informational messages. At this point, the installation procedure displays a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. There are no further questions. If the installation procedure has been successful up to this point, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories, updates helpfiles, and updates DCL tables, if necessary. If you chose to have files purged, that work is done now. The installation procedure displays the following messages: %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, files will now be moved to their target directories... 10. Observe the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP): If you selected to run the IVP in Step 7, VMSINSTAL runs it now. When the IVP runs successfully, the following is displayed: The IVP for Archive/Backup V3.0 was successful. End the installation procedure: Installation of ABS Version 3.0 completed at 12:46 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:47 11. The previous messages indicate that the entire installation procedure is complete. You can now log out of the privileged account: $ LOGOUT $ SYSTEM logged out at 21-JUL-1996 12:50:00:00 Note: VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, log off and log on again. 4.1.2 Installing ABS in a Mixed-Architecture OpenVMS Cluster If you are installing ABS on an OpenVMS Cluster system (contains both VAX and Alpha systems), you must meet the following requirements and install ABS as described in See Installing ABS in a Mixed-Architecture OpenVMS Cluster. Requirements: * The version of ABS must be the same on the OpenVMS VAX and the OpenVMS Alpha system(s). * If you are using Oracle Rdb for the policy database, the versions of Oracle Rdb installed on the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha system(s) must be compatible. For example, you cannot have Oracle Rdb Version 6.0 on the OpenVMS Alpha system and Oracle Rdb Version 5.1 on the OpenVMS VAX system. Those two versions of Oracle Rdb are not compatible. To ensure ABS functions correctly, each architecture must have its own set of .EXE and .UID files, but all other files required by ABS can be shared by both the VAX and Alpha system(s) on a common disk. See Installing ABS in a Mixed-Architecture OpenVMS Cluster describes how to configure ABS files on both types of systems. Installing ABS in a Mixed-Architecture OpenVMS Cluster Step Action 1. Install ABS on the VAX system in the OpenVMS Cluster as instructed in See Installing ABS Server Software. When the installation procedure prompts for the disk name to use for ABS files (Step 9 in See How to Install ABS Software), enter the disk name that can be accessed by both the VAX and Alpha system in the OpenVMS Cluster. For example, assume that the VAX system has a disk named DISK$SYSTEM_1 that is common to both the VAX and Alpha nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster (see Figure 1). Result: The installation procedure creates a directory named DISK$SYSTEM_1:[ABS] (which translates to ABS$ROOT) on the VAX system and also creates all of its subdirectories. Create two new directories on the common disk that will contain the .EXE and .UID files for the VAX and Alpha systems: $ CREATE/DIRECTORY ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM.VAX] $ CREATE/DIRECTORY ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM.ALPHA] Move the .EXE and .UID files from the VAX installation to the VAX directory: $ SET DEFAULT ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM] $ RENAME *.EXE,*.UID [.VAX] Install ABS on the OpenVMS Alpha system in the OpenVMS Cluster as instructed in See Installing ABS Server Software . 2. When the installation procedure prompts for a disk name to use for ABS files, enter one the Alpha disks. For example, assume that the Alpha system has a disk named DISK$ALPHA. Result: The installation procedure creates a directory named DISK$ALPHA:[ABS] (which translates to ABS$ROOT) on the Alpha system and also creates all of its subdirectories (see Figure 1). 3. Copy the .EXE and .UID files from the Alpha installation to the appropriate directory on the common disk located on the VAX system: $ SET DEFAULT ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM] $ COPY *.EXE,*.UID DISK$SYSTEM_1:[ABS.SYSTEM.ALPHA] 4. Edit the file SYS$STARTUP:ABS$ALTERNATE_ROOT.COM on both the VAX and Alpha systems. Define the logical ABS$ROOT to point to the common disk on the VAX system: ..$ Define/System/Exec/Trans=Conc ABS$ROOT DISK$SYSTEM_1:[ABS.] $ Exit 5. Edit the file SYS$STARTUP:ABS$STARTUP.COM on both the VAX and the Alpha system. Define the logical ABS$SYSTEM to be a search list: VAX System: . . . $! $ SysDefine ABS_SYSTEM ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM],ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM.VAX] $ SysDefine ABS$SYSTEM ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM],ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM.VAX] . . . Alpha System: . . . $! $ SysDefine ABS_SYSTEM ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM],ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM.ALPHA] $ SysDefine ABS$SYSTEM ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM],ABS$ROOT:[SYSTEM.ALPHA] . . . 6. Edit the file ABS$SYSTEM:ABS$POLICY_CONFIG.DAT on the common disk to include both the VAX and Alpha node names: $ ABS$POLICY_ENGINE_LOCATION = NODE_V:: $ ABS$POLICY_ENGINE_LOCATION = NODE_A:: 7. Shutdown and restart ABS on both the VAX and Alpha systems by entering the following command at the system prompt on each system: $ @SYS$MANAGER:ABS$SHUTDOWN $ @SYS$STARTUP:ABS$STARTUP To increase disk space, once you have copied the .EXE and .UID files to the common disk, you can delete the extra ABS files on the Alpha system: $ SET DEFAULT ALPHA$DISK:[ABS] $ DELETE *.*;* You may have to set protections on directories to delete those files. 4.1.3 Installing ABS OpenVMS Client Software When installing ABS software, notice that ABS does not provide two separate software kits. Instead, installation of ABS OpenVMS server or client software is determined by the OpenVMS Cluster alias name or OpenVMS node name that you enter during the installation procedure. If you select to use the INT_QUEUE_MANAGER or EXT_QUEUE_MANAGER scheduling options, you must have ABS V3.0 installed on all of your ABS servers and ABS OpenVMS Clients. If you are using any other scheduling option, you may do a rolling upgrade of your clients. In those cases, ABS V2.2x may be running on the clients with ABS V3.0 running on the server. See Installing ABS OpenVMS Client Software describes how to install and configure an ABS OpenVMS client. In See Installing ABS OpenVMS Client Software, ABS server node is referred to as SVNODE::, and ABS client node is referred to as CLNODE:: Installing ABS OpenVMS Client Software Step Action 1. Install ABS software on the OpenVMS client node as described in See How to Install ABS Software except replace Step 11 with the following information: When the installation procedure prompts for the node name where ABS policy engine resides (ABS OpenVMS server node), do not accept the default node name (client node name). Instead, enter OpenVMS Cluster alias or OpenVMS node name that you entered when you installed ABS OpenVMS server software: * cluster or node list for ABS policy engine [CLNODE::] : SVNODE Result: ABS installs only the client portion of ABS software on the node named CLNODE::. 2. After installing ABS software on the OpenVMS client node, create a proxy account for ABS OpenVMS server node on ABS OpenVMS client node. On ABS OpenVMS client node (CLNODE::), enter the following set of DCL commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> ADD/PROXY SVNODE::ABS ABS/DEFAULT UAF> EXIT Result: These commands allow CLNODE:: to submit a save or restore request from the client node. 3. Create save and restore requests for OpenVMS clients as described in Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations . 4. Create (or modify) storage and environment policies. Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations describes how to create those policies. 5. Create system and user backup operations using the correct storage and environment policies. Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations , provides instructions for these tasks. 4.1.4 Installing and Configuring ABS NT Clients Requirements: * You must have eXcursion software installed on the NT client system if you want to use the graphical user interface (GUI) on the NT client system. * If you use FTP to copy the setup files to the NT System, be sure to copy the files in binary mode. See Stages of Installing an ABS NT Client describes the stages of installing and configuring an ABS NT client node. Stages of Installing an ABS NT Client Stage Action 1. Register ABS NT license on ABS OpenVMS server node. See Registering ABS Licenses for instructions. Install ABS NT client software on NT client system as described in See Installing and Configuring an ABS NT Client. Note: You must perform a separate installation on each NT client node that you want ABS to back up. 2. Authorize the NT client systems that you plan to back up using ABS (described in See Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients). 3. Create save and restore requests for the NT client system by using the GUI on the NT client system, or by using the GUI or DCL on ABS OpenVMS server node. See Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations and Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Command Reference Guide for instructions about creating save and restore requests for NT clients. To install and configure the NT client software, use the procedure in See Installing and Configuring an ABS NT Client. Installing and Configuring an ABS NT Client Step Action 1. Copy all files from one of the following directories located on ABS OpenVMS server node to the NT client system where you plan to install the NT client software, or to a location accessible by the NT client system. The NT client software is provided during ABS server installation procedure. ABS creates the appropriate directories and places the NT client software kits for Alpha and Intel systems in the following directories: ABS$ROOT:[CLIENTS.NT.ALPHA] ABS$ROOT:[CLIENTS.NT.INTEL] Run SETUP.EXE from this location to install ABS NT client software. Result: ABS NT client installation procedure prompts for information about the ABS server and the local host port number. 2. Answer the prompts exactly as you answered them during ABS server installation procedure: * ABS server node-Enter the node on which ABS server software has been installed and will be providing ABS services for the NT client backup operations. This node also verifies connection requests. * Local host port number-The NT client system uses a TCP/IP port to communicate with ABS server to initiate save and restore requests. The default port number is 1800. If you decide to change the port number, it is limited to a range between 1024 and 65535. This port number is arbitrary, but it must match the port number you use when you authorize NT clients. To test to see if port number 1800 is already in use, enter the following command from ABS OpenVMS server system prompt: $ TELNET node 1800 Where: node is the node name of the OpenVMS server node Note: Make sure that the number you provide does not conflict with a previously installed software application. 3. Authorize the NT clients you plan to back up using ABS as described in See Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients and See . 4.1.5 Configuring ABS UNIX Clients To allow ABS to perform backup and restore operations for UNIX clients, you must configure access between the OpenVMS systems that run ABS server software and the UNIX client systems that contain the files to be backed up. The stages of installing and configuring a UNIX client is described in See Stages of Installing and Configuring an ABS UNIX Client. There is no extra software kit provided for UNIX clients. Stages of Installing and Configuring an ABS UNIX Client Stage Action 1. Register ABS UNIX license on ABS OpenVMS server node. See Registering ABS Licenses for instructions. 2. Modify the appropriate files on the UNIX client system as described in the See Modifying the Appropriate UNIX Files. 3. Transfer the gtar and gzip sources from ABS OpenVMS server node to each UNIX client system that you intend to back up using ABS. See Transferring the UNIX Backup Agent Sources. 4. Build the executables on each UNIX client system that you plan to back up using ABS as described in See Building the UNIX Executables. 5. Authorize the UNIX clients as described in See Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients and See . 6. Create save and restore requests for the UNIX client from the OpenVMS server node. See Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations and Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Command Reference Guide for instructions about creating save and restore requests for UNIX clients. Modifying the Appropriate UNIX Files See Modifying the Appropriate UNIX Files lists the files that you need to modify on each UNIX client system that ABS is going to back up, and it describes the modifications to make for those specific files. UNIX is a case sensitive system. Be sure to enter the commands on the UNIX client system exactly as they are shown in See Modifying the Appropriate UNIX Files and See Transferring the Backup Agent Sources. Modifying the Appropriate UNIX Files File Modification Replace the ASCII readable internet address with ABS OpenVMS server nodes. The file format is: # readable ip address account node01.vms.real.node ABS #ABS on node NODE01 In this example, replace node01.vms.real.node with ABS OpenVMS server node names. The account name must stay the same (ABS), and it must be specified in capital letters. /.rhosts 5 Example of /.rhosts: node01.vms.real.node ABS node02.vms.real.node ABS Requirement: You must always modify the /.rhosts file. If the file does not exist, then you must create it. Be sure that the /.rhosts file is located in the root directory and that is owned by the root account because ABS uses this directory during the backup operation. List the numeric internet address and the ASCII readable internet address of ABS OpenVMS server nodes. The file format is: # Internet Address Hostname # Comments nn.nn.nn.nn node01.vms.real.node # example entry for hosts fil e Where: /etc/hosts a * nn.nn.nn.nn is the numeric internet address of ABS node that executes save and restore requests. * node01.vms.real.node is the ASCII readable internet address of nn.nn.nn.nn. You must enter every node name on which ABS may execute. Example of /etc/hosts: node01.vms.real.node # node01 running ABS node02.vms.real.node # node02 running ABS Note: If ABS OpenVMS server nodes are already listed in the file /etc/hosts, you do not need to add them again. Transferring the UNIX Backup Agent Sources During the installation of ABS server software, the installation procedure creates a directory named ABS$ROOT:[CLIENTS.UNIX] on ABS server node. This directory contains the following two uncompressed sources that make up the UNIX backup agent: * ABS$ROOT:[CLIENTS.UNIX]TAR-1_12.TAR * ABS$ROOT:[CLIENTS.UNIX]GZIP-1_2_4.TAR To configure a UNIX client, you must transfer the gtar and gzip sources to each UNIX client system that ABS is going to back up, build the executables, and place them in /usr/bin. Refer to See Transferring the Backup Agent Sources (shown from a Digital UNIX system) to transfer the gtar and gzip sources from ABS server node to the UNIX client system. Transferring the Backup Agent Sources u_node> ftp node01 # Connect to the ABS OpenVMS Server Node Connected to 220 node01 FTP Server (Version 3.3) Ready. Name (node01:user1) : user1 331 Username USER1 requires a Password. Password : 230 User logged in. Remote system type is VMS. ftp> cd abs$root:[clients.unix] # Change to the directory that contains the files 250 CWD command successful. ftp > pwd 257 "ABS$ROOT:[CLIENTS.UNIX]" is current directory. ftp > ls # List the files in this directory 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for (,1174) gnu_general_public_license.txt;4 gnu_readme_where_to_get.txt;4 gzip-1_2_4.tar;4 tar-1_11_8.tar;4 226 NLST Directory transfer complete. ftp > bin # set the file transfer mode to binary 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. ftp > get # Get the sources (remote-file) tar-1_11_8.tar (local-file) tar-1_11_8.tar 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for tar-1_11_8.tar (,1178) 226 Transfer complete. 2662400 bytes received in 5.7 seconds (4.6e+02 Kbytes/s) ftp > get # Get the sources (remote-file) gzip-1_2_4.tar (local-file) gzip-1_2_4.tar 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for gzip-1_2_4.tar (,1494) 226 Transfer complete. 798720 bytes received in 1.8 seconds (4.3e+02 Kbytes/s) ftp > quit 221 Goodbye Building the UNIX Executables After you have transferred the gtar and gzip sources, you are required to build the executables on the UNIX client system. The following sections describe how to build the tar and gzip executables. Building the tar Executable Use the following procedure to build the tar executable: 1. Use native tar to expand the tar file 2. Change directory to the tar directory 3. Enter the command ./configure --disable-nls 4. Enter the command make to build the tar image 5. Verify the tar image was created 6. Change directory to src 7. Verify that it is an executable image 8. Change to super user 9. Copy the executable from src/tar to usr/bin/ABSgtar 10. Change the protection on the image 11. Display the complete directory 12. Exit super user 13. Perform a cleanup operation Example of tar u_node > tar -xvf tar-1_12.tar 1 tar-1.12/README tar-1.12/AUTHORS . . . tar-1.12/po/ u_node > cd tar-1.12 2 u_node > configure --disable-nls 3 creating cache ./config.cache checking host system type... alpha-dec-osf3.2 . . . creating config.h u_node > make 4 for subdir in doc lib intl src scripts po; do \ echo making all in $subdir; \ (cd $subdir && make CC='gcc' CFLAGS='-g -O' LDFLAGS='' LIBS='' prefix='/usr/local' exec_prefix='/usr/local' bindir='/usr/local/bin' libexecdir='/usr/local/libexec' infodir='/usr/local/info' infodir='/usr/local/info' libexecdir='/usr/local/libexec' all) || exit 1; \ done making all in doc . . . make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/users/user1/tar-1.11.8/po' u_node > ls src 5 Makefile extract.o list.c open3.h rmt.o tar.h . . . buffer.c diffarch.o gnu.c names.c rmt.c tar 5 u_node > cd src 6 u-node > file tar 7 tar: COFF format alpha dynamically linked, demand paged executable or object module not stripped - version 3.11-8 u-node > su 8 Password : # cp tar /usr/bin/ABSgtar 9 # chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/ABSgtar 10 # ls -l /usr/bin/ABSgtar 11 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root system 655794 Jan 24 11:07 ABSgtar # exit 12 u-node > cd .. 13 u-node > rm -rf tar-1_12 13 %rm -f tar-1_12.tar 13 Building the gzip Executable Use the following procedure to build the gzip executable: 1. Use the native tar to expand the gzip-1_2_4.tar image 2. Change directory to gzip-1.2.4 3. Enter the command ./configure 4. Enter the command make 5. Verify that the gzip file is there 6. Make sure it is an executable 7. Change to super user 8. Copy gzip file to /usr/bin/ABSgzip 9. Change the protection on the image 10. Exit super user 11. Perform a cleanup operation Example of gzip u_node > tar -xvf gzip-1_2_4.tar 1 gzip-1.2.4/README . . . gzip-1.2.4/primos/include/sysTypes.h u_node > cd gzip-1.2.4 2 u_node > ./configure 3 checking for gcc . . . checking for gzip to derive installation directory prefix chose installation directory prefix /usr/local creating config.status creating Makefile u_node > make 4 gcc -c -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DDIRENT=1 -O gzip.c . . . gcc -O -o gzip gzip.o zip.o deflate.o trees.o bits.o unzip.o inflate.o util.o crypt.o lzw.o unlzw.o unpack.o unlzh.o getopt.o /usr/ucb/ld: Warning: Linking some objects which contain exception information sections and some which do not. This may cause fatal runtime exception handling problems (last obj encountered without exceptions was crypt.o). rm -f gunzip zcat ln gzip gunzip ln gzip zcat u_node > ls gzip 5 gzip u_node > file gzip 6 gzip: COFF format alpha dynamically linked, demand paged executable or object module not stripped - version 3.11-8 u-node > su 7 Password : # cp gzip /usr/bin/ABSgzip 8 # chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/ABSgzip 9 # ls -l /usr/bin/ABSgzip -rwxr-xr-x 1 root system 654785 Jan 24 11:08 ABSgzip # ln -s /usr/bin/ABSgzip /usr/bin/gzip # exit 10 u-node > cd .. 11 u-node > rm -rf gzip-1.2.4 11 u-node > rm -f gzip-1_2_4.tar 11 If you have problems transferring or building the tar or gzip files, see your UNIX system manager. 4.1.6 Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients After you have registered and loaded the NT or UNIX client license on ABS server node, run the authorization executable file to authorize the NT or UNIX client node names that you intend to back up using ABS. You must authorize access on the ABS OpenVMS server system for each UNIX and NT system that you are going to back up using ABS. See Authorizing NT and UNIX Client Nodes describes how to authorize NT and UNIX client nodes. ABS NT and UNIX client licenses are sold in units according to the number of nodes that you want to support: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, or 100. ABS calculates the number of nodes authorized versus the number of units the license allows. You cannot authorize more NT or UNIX clients than the number of units allowed by the NT or UNIX client license that you have purchased. Authorizing NT and UNIX Client Nodes Step Action 1. Enter the following command from ABS server: $ RUN ABS$SYSTEM:ABS_CLIENT_LICENSE.EXE Add the node names of the UNIX or NT client nodes. When prompted, specify an NT or UNIX client: Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: ADD 2. Enter Node Name: CLIENT_NODE_NAME Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: NT Enter TCPIP Port Number [1800]: Note: The port number is arbitrary, but it must match the port number you use when you authorize NT clients, described in See Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients. 3. If the client node is an NT client, enter the port number. The default is 1800. 4. Make sure that the logical named ABS$CLIENT_DB is defined as /SYSTEM/EXEC and that it translates to ABS$ROOT:[DATABASE]CLIENT_DB.DAT. This logical name should be defined during the startup procedure. You can verify that the logical name is defined correctly by entering the following command: $ SHOW LOGICAL/FULL ABS$CLIENT_DB More Information: For an example of adding, modifying, removing and showing NT or UNIX Clients. 5 Performing Postinstallation Tasks Complete ABS postinstallation tasks described in this chapter after you have successfully installed ABS OpenVMS server or client software: * See Verifying ABS Installation describes how to verify the installation was successful. * See Providing Automatic Start Up and Shut Down explains how to edit the startup and shutdown files. * See Meeting OpenVMS Cluster Requirements describes the requirements for an OpenVMS Cluster installation. * See Granting the Appropriate ABS Access Right Identifiers explains how to set up access right identifiers. * See Modifying The ABS Default Policy Objects describes how to modify ABS default policy objects. * See Performing a Save, Lookup, and Restore Operation explains how to test ABS installation to perform save and restore requests. * See Verifying NT and UNIX Client Quotas explains how to set the quotas if you are supporting UNIX and NT clients. * See Adding NT Parameter describes the need of adding NT parameter, before issuing multivolume SAVE requests. 5.1 Installing ABS for the First Time If you are installing ABS as a new installation, database initialization programs may fail to run. This results in IVP failure with errors showing the storage classes and execution environments. To initialize the database with the default storage classes and execution environments, run ABS$SYSTEM:EPCOT_DB_INIT.EXE after installing ABS. 5.2 Verifying ABS Installation If you did not execute the IVP during the installation procedure, you can execute it immediately after installing ABS software. Enter the following command at the DCL system prompt: $ @SYS$TEST:ABS$IVP.COM If an error occurs during the IVP, the following message is displayed: ABS Version 3.0 Installation Verification Procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for ABS Version 3.0 has failed. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: * ABS is currently running * The operating system version is incorrect * A prerequisite software version is incorrect * Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient * System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient * The OpenVMS help library is currently in use * The product license has not been registered and loaded For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. 5.3 Providing Automatic Start Up and Shut Down You must edit the startup and shutdown files to provide automatic startup and shutdown of ABS software. To make sure that ABS automatically starts up and shuts down, follow these steps: 1. Add the following command line to the system startup file named SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_ VMS.COM: $ @SYS$STARTUP:ABS$STARTUP Add the following line to the system shutdown file named SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDOWN.COM: $ @SYS$MANAGER:ABS$SHUTDOWN When using MDMS V3.0 with ABS, make sure that the MDMS startup is executed prior to the ABS startup. A logical name is defined by the MDMS startup which is needed by ABS. 5.4 Meeting OpenVMS Cluster Requirements If you installed ABS server software on an OpenVMS Cluster system, perform the steps in See Updating the DCL Tables on each node in the OpenVMS Cluster (excluding the installing node) where you want to use ABS. Updating the DCL Tables Step Action 1. Run the common file ABS$STARTUP from each node that you want to use ABS. This ensures ABS$ logical names are defined the same across all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster: $ @ABS_SERVER_DISK:[ABS.STARTUP]ABS$STARTUP.COM 2. Update the DCL table on each node in the OpenVMS Cluster (excluding the installing node). 3. Enter the following command on each node: $ INSTALL REPLACE SYSLIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE Have all system users log off and log on again to enable them to use the DCL ABS commands (unless performing an upgrade). 5.5 Granting the Appropriate ABS Access Right Identifiers When ABS installation procedure is complete, the user account that performed the installation (typically the SYSTEM account) is granted the following ABS access rights identifiers: * ABS_CREATE_STORAGE_CLASS-Users who are granted this access right identifier can create a storage class (applicable only on ABS server system). * ABS_CREATE_EXECUTION_ENV-Users who are granted this access right identifier can create an execution environment (applicable only on ABS server system). * ABS_SHOW_ALL-Users who are granted this access right identifier can show all ABS policy objects (applicable only on ABS server system). * ABS_LOOKUP_ALL-Users who are granted this access right identifier can look up all ABS saved data from any catalog (applicable on any ABS node). * ABS_CREATE_REMOTE_JOBS-Users who are granted this access right identifier can submit a save or restore request that will be executed on a remote client node (applicable only on ABS server system). Requirement: To create NT or UNIX save requests, the requester (creating process) must have the ABS_CREATE_REMOTE_JOBS access rights identifier enabled. * ABS_BACKUP_JOB-Users who are granted this access right identifier can submit a save or restore request that runs under their user name (a user backup). The user must also have read and write access control to the storage policy and environment policy intended for user backups. * ABS_BYPASS-Users who are granted this access right identifier can perform any ABS function (applicable only on ABS server system). This includes creating, deleting, modifying, or showing any ABS policy objects. 5.5.1 Enabling an Access Rights Identifier To grant an access rights identifier to a user's account, run the AUTHORIZE utility. Example: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF>GRANT/IDENTIFIER ABS_LOOKUP_ALL USER1 %UAF-I-GRANTMSG, identifier ABS_LOOKUP_All granted to USER1 UAF>EXIT Do not enable the access rights identifier by performing a SET RIGHTS_LIST at the DCL prompt. 5.5.2 Revoking An Access Rights Identifier To remove an access right identifier, run AUTHORIZE utility and revoke the identifier from the user's account: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF>REVOKE/IDENTIFIER ABS_BYPASS USER1 %UAF-I-REVOKEMSG, identifier ABS_BYPASS revoked from USER1 UAF>EXIT 5.6 Modifying The ABS Default Policy Objects ABS provides a set of default policy objects so you can start using ABS for your backup operations immediately after installation. See Default ABS Policy Objects lists ABS default policy objects that are resident on your system when the installation procedure has successfully completed. Default ABS Policy Objects Storage Policies Environment Policies ABS_ARCHIVE ABS_ARCHIVE_ENV DISASTER_RECOVERY DISASTER_RECOVERY_ENV SYSTEM_BACKUPS SYSTEM_BACKUPS_ENV USER_BACKUPS USER_BACKUPS_ENV UNIX_BACKUPS UNIX_BACKUPS_ENV DEFAULT ENV 5.6.1 Default Policy Object Attributes Each of ABS default policy objects have the following attributes at the completion of the installation procedure: * The owner of a default policy object is the user name of the account who installed the software (typically SYSTEM). * Access to a default policy object is allowed only from ABS server node and by ABS account. Upon completion of ABS installation procedure, ABS default objects enable you to create save and restore requests objects only from ABS server node. At this point in time, the default access controls are set to allow access only from ABS server system; you cannot create a save or restore request from an ABS client system. Attempting to run a save request from an ABS client system would cause an access violation to the default storage policies, with the exception of the USER_BACKUPS storage policy. The USER_BACKUPS storage policy default attributes allows users from ABS client systems to create save and restore requests. To enable access to the other default ABS policy objects by ABS client systems, you must modify the default policy objects as described See Modifying Default Policy Objects 5.6.2 Modifying Default Policy Objects Because the installing account has been granted ABS_BYPASS access right identifier, only this account can access ABS default policy objects at this point in time. For maintenance purposes, modify the policy objects provided by ABS as shown in See Modifying ABS Provided Policy Objects. Modifying ABS Provided Policy Objects Step Action 1. Add the storage administrator as a user to the storage and environment policies provided by ABS, enable CONTROL access in order to modify these policy objects. DCL Example: $ ABS SET STORAGE SYSTEM_BACKUPS - -$ /ACCESS=(USER_ID=SMITH,ACCESS="CONTROL") $ ABS SET ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM_BACKUPS_ENV - -$ /ACCESS=(USER_ID=SMITH,ACCESS="CONTROL") To enable access to ABS account from an ABS client system, see the following example: DCL Example: $ ABS SET STORAGE SYSTEM_BACKUPS/ACCESS=(USER_ID=*::ABS, ACCESS="READ, WRITE") $ ABS SET ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM_BACKUPS_ENV/ACCESS=(USER_ID=*::ABS, ACCESS="READ, WRITE") Where: *:: enables any node to access the storage and environment policy. ABS is the account name allowed to access the storage and environment policy. $ ABS SET STORAGE SYSTEM_BACKUPS/ACCESS=(USER_ID=node::ABS, ACCESS="READ, WRITE") $ ABS SET ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM_BACKUPS_ENV/ACCESS=(USER_ID=node::ABS, ACCESS="READ, WRITE") Where: node is the client node. You can modify the other policy objects provided by ABS in the same manner. See Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations for instructions about adding users and enabling access controls. Before using your storage policy, you may need to modify the MDMS related information in the policy. For example, you may wish to use a different media type than the default media type from your MDMS domain. When ABS is installed, the storage policies are initialized with the defaults from the domain. Issue an MDMS SHOW DOMAIN command to see the defaults. Make sure that your storage policy contains the desired settings before executing a save request. 5.7 Performing a Save, Lookup, and Restore Operation To make sure that you can use ABS for your backup and restore operations, use the following procedure to test your installation: 1. Log into ABS server node under the same user account where you installed the software (typically SYSTEM). 2. Create a save request for the ABS server node and specify a file name in your directory. Enter the following command: $ ABS SAVE filename/NAME=TEST_SAVE/STORAGE=SYSTEM_BACKUPS 3. Verify that the file you saved is recorded in the ABS catalog by entering ABS LOOKUP command: $ ABS LOOKUP filename 4. Restore the file back to its original location using ABS. Enter the following command: $ ABS RESTORE filename/NAME=TEST_SAVE/STORAGE=SYSTEM_BACKUPS/- _$ CONFLICT_OPTIONS=NEW_VERSION 5.8 Verifying NT and UNIX Client Quotas If you are supporting NT or UNIX clients, to ensure successful save and restore operations, set the quotas to the following values on ABS OpenVMS server node: UCX> SET PROTOCOL TCP /QUOTA=(SEND:50000,RECEIVE:50000) 5.9 Adding NT Parameter Issuing multivolume SAVE requests to NT client requires you to modify the Registry Path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Sevices\Tcpip\Parameters with the following NT parameter (20 or greater is recommended). TcpMaxDataRetransmissions REG_DWORD 20 This change to the default built in Windows NT parameter/subkey ensures that the TCP/IP connection is not prematurely terminated with send failure. After making the changes to the parameter, you need to reboot the system to allow the changes to take effect. 5.10 Allowing ABS Access to All Files on the NT Systems ABS must have access to all the files you wish to backup on your NT system. There are two ways to do this: * Set access on the files for the SYSTEM account To set the file access, * Select the file from a fileview window. * Select Properties from the File pulldown. * Click the Security tab * Select Permissions. * Select Add and highlight SYSTEM. Add the type of access (full control is best, so you can restore files). * Click the Add button. This gives the SYSTEM account access to the files. * Set the Account that ABS uses for the Backups ABS, by default, uses the SYSTEM account to backup the files. If you wish to change the account used by ABS, you may do this by modifying the properties of the service: * Click on Services in the Control Panel. * Highlight the ABS service * Click on Startup. * In the Log On As section, select This Account. * Enter the account name to be used and the password for that account. * Click OK. The account that you select should be a member of the Administrator group. The administrator group should be able to access all the files on your NT system, unless you set access denied for Administrator on a file. A Examples of Authorizing NT and UNIX Clients This appendix contains examples of how to authorize NT and UNIX clients. This includes adding, modifying, showing, and removing NT and UNIX client licenses. To use the license command as shown in the example in this appendix, you can define the following symbol at the system prompt: $ LICENSE := $ABS$SYSTEM:ABS_CLIENT_LICENSE.EXE All of the examples in the following sections use this symbol definition. A.1 Adding Client Licenses See Adding Client Licenses shows how to add a UNIX or NT client license Adding Client Licenses $ LICENSE Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: ADD Enter Node Name: NTNODE Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: NT Enter TCPIP Port Number [1800]: 1800 Client NTNODE successfully ADDED to License Database License Count: 1 used of 6 total $ LICENSE Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: ADD Enter Node Name: UNIX_1 Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: UNIX Client UNIX_1 successfully ADDED to License Database License Count: 1 used of 25 total A.2 Modifying Client Licenses See Modifying a Client License shows how to modify the port number of an NT or UNIX client license. The port number that you enter here must match the port number you assigned during the NT client installation. Modifying a Client License $ LICENSE Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: MODIFY Enter Node Name: NTNODE Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: NT Current values Type:Windows NT Transport:TCP/IP Port:1800 New Port #?: 1800 Client NTNODE successfully MODIFIED in License Database License Count: 1 used of 6 total $ LICENSE Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: MODIFY Enter Node Name: UNIX_1 Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: UNIX Current values Type: Windows NT Transport: TCP/IP Port:514 New Port #?: 1800 Client UNIX_1 successfully MODIFIED in License Database License Count: 1 used of 25 total A.3 Showing Client Licenses See Showing Client Licenses illustrates how to show an NT or UNIX client license. Showing Client Licenses $ LICENSE Enter Node Name or [ALL]: ALL Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: NT Node Name Type Transport Port --------- ---- --------- ---- NTNODE Windows NT TCP/IP 1800 License Count: 1 used of 6 total $ LICENSE Enter Node Name or [ALL]: ALL Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: UNIX Node Name Type Transport Port --------- ---- --------- ---- UNIX_1 UNIX TCP/IP 1800 License Count: 1 used of 25 total A.4 Removing Client Licenses See Removing Client Licenses shows how to remove NT or UNIX client licenses: Removing Client Licenses $ LICENSE Would you like to Add/Modify/Remove/Show the Client License?: REMOVE Enter Node Name: NTNODE Client Node Type (UNIX or NT) [UNIX]: NT Client NTNODE successfully REMOVED from License Database License Count: 0 used of 6 total B File and Logical Names The installation procedure produces several files on your system and defines numerous logical names. The following sections are provided so you can verify that the appropriate file names and logical names are resident on your system when the installation procedure is complete. See ABS File Names lists the names of the files installed. See ABS Logical Names lists the logical names that are added to the system logical name table. B.1 ABS File Names See ABS Installed Files lists the names of ABS files created on your system after ABS is successfully installed. ABS Installed Files File Name File Name SYS$HELP ABS030.RELEASE_NOTES ABS$HELP.HLB SYS$LIBRARY ABS$COSISHR.EXE ABS$SHR.EXE ABS$SLS_SERVICES.EXE ABS$USSSHR.EXE SYS$MANAGER ABS$SHUTDOWN.COM SYS$STARTUP ABS$ALTERNATE_ROOT.COM ABS$STARTUP.COM SYS$SYSTEM ABS$DCL.EXE SYS$TEST ABS$IVP.COM ABS$ROOT[000000] LOGIN.COM ABS$ROOT[CATALOG] ABS_CATALOG_BAOE.DAT ABS_CATALOG_BAOE_INSNC.DAT ABS_CATALOG_BTLE.DAT ABS_CATALOG_OBJECTS.DAT DISASTER_RECOVERY_BAOE.DAT DISASTER_RECOVERY_BTLE.DAT DISASTER_RECOVERY_BAOE_INSNC.DAT ABS$ROOT[CLIENTS.UNIX] GNU_GENERAL_PUBLIC_LICENSE.TXT GNU_README_WHERE_TO_GET.TXT GZIP-1-2-4.TAR TAR-1_12.TAR ABS$ROOT[DATABASE] CLIENT_DB.DAT EPCOT.DB1 EPCOT.DB2 EPCOT.DB3 ABS$TEMPLATES GTAR-1.AGENT_INFORMATION GTAR-1.FULL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE GTAR-1.INCREMENTAL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE GTAR-1.PARSE_TEMPLATE GTAR-1.SELECTIVE_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE GTAR-1.SELECTIVE_RESTORE_TEMPLATE NT_GTAR-1.AGENT_INFORMATION NT_GTAR-1.FULL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE NT_GTAR-1.FULL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE NT_GTAR-1. NT_GTAR-1. INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE INCREMENTAL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE NT_GTAR-1.PARSE_TEMPLATE NT_GTAR-1.SELECTIVE_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE NT_GTAR-1.SELECTIVE_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_42-2.AGENT_INFORMATION RMU_BACKUP_42-2.FULL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_42-2.FULL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_42-2. RMU_BACKUP_42-2. INCREMENTAL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_42-2. RMU_BACKUP_42-2.PARSE_TEMPLATE SELECTIVE_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_42-2. SELECTIVE_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_51-2.FULL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_51-2.FULL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATERMU_BACKUP_51-2. INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_51-2.AGENT_INFORMATION RMU_BACKUP_51-2. INCREMENTAL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_51-2.PARSE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_51-2. RMU_BACKUP_51-2. SELECTIVE_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE SELECTIVE_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_60-2.AGENT_INFORMATION RMU_BACKUP_60-2. PARSE_TEMPLATETEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_60-2.FULL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_60-2. FULL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_60-2. INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_60-2. INCREMENTAL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_60-2. SELECTIVE_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_60-2. SELECTIVE_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_61-2.AGENT_INFORMATION RMU_BACKUP_61-2.FULL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_61-2 RMU_BACKUP_61-2.FULL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE .INCREMENTAL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_61-2. RMU_BACKUP_61-2. INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE PARSE_TEMPLATETEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_61-2.SELECTIVE_RESTORE_TEMPLATE RMU_BACKUP_61-2. SELECTIVE_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE VMS_BACKUP-2.AGENT_INFORMATION VMS_BACKUP-2.FULL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE VMS_BACKUP-2.FULL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE VMS_BACKUP-2. VMS_BACKUP-2. INCREMENTAL_RESTORE_TEMPLATE INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE VMS_BACKUP-2.PARSE_TEMPLATE VMS_BACKUP-2. SELECTIVE_RESTORE_TEMPLATE VMS_BACKUP-2. SELECTIVE_ARCHIVE_ TEMPLATE ABS$SYSTEM ABS$CLEAN_DB_UTIL.COM ABS$CLEAN_DB_UTIL.EXE ABS$COORD_CLEANUP.EXE ABS$COORD_CLEANUP.FDL ABS$EXT_SCHEDULER.COM ABS$EXT_QUEUE_MANAGER.COM ABS$GUI.EXE ABS$GUI_CATALOG.UID ABS$GUI_CREATE.UID ABS$GUI_DATE.UID ABS$GUI_DEFAULTS.COM ABS$GUI_EXECENV.UID ABS$GUI_MAINWINDOW.UID ABS$GUI_MSGBOXES.UID ABS$POLICY_CONFIG.DAT ABS$POLICY_ENGINE.EXE ABS$POLICY_MAINT.EXE ABS$START_POLICY_ENGINE.COM ABS$START_CATALOG_CLEANUP.EXE ABS$START_DB_CLEANUP.COM ABS$UBS.EXE ABS_CATALOG_OBJECT.EXE ABS_CATALOG_OBJECTS.FDL ABS_CATLG_MAINTENANCE.EXE ABS_CLIENT_LICENSE.EXE ABS_STG_CATLG_UNPACK.EXE AOE_BRIEF.FDL AOE_INSTANCE_BRIEF.FDL ABS_CATALOG_UPGRADE.EXE COORDINATOR.COM COORDINATOR.EXE COORD_CLEANUP.DAT DB_EPCOT_DB1.FDL DB_EPCOT_DB2.FDL DB_EPCOT_DB3.FDL DELETE_ABS.COM EPCOT_DB_INIT.EXE EXECCMDLINE.DAT SAVECMDLINE.DAT ABS$BACKUP.EXE TLE_BRIEF.FDL START_COORD_CLEANUP.COM B.2 ABS Logical Names The following logical names are entered into the system logical name table when ABS installation procedure is complete. These names are stored in the startup file, SYS$STARTUP:ABS$STARTUP.COM. They are automatically entered into the system logical name table whenever the system reboots or whenever the software is invoked. See ABS Logical Names describes the logical names. ABS Logical Names Logical Name6 Description ABS$CATALOG This logical name points to the directory containing. ABS catalogs. ABS$CLIENT_DB Stores the license information for UNIX and NT clients. ABS$DATABASE This logical name points to the Rdb/VMS database used by ABS to store policy objects. ABS$GUI This logical name points to the executable image of ABS graphical user interface (GUI). This logical name points to the directory ABS$LISTINGS where listing files produced by ABS will reside when requested by the customer. This logical name points to the directory ABS$LOG where all log files for save and restore operations are placed. This logical name defines the top of the ABS$ROOT directory tree used by ABS to store its files. ABS$storage_call_LOAD_TIMEOUT Defines how long a load request should remain outstanding before being cancelled. This logical name points to the directory ABS$SYSTEM where all ABS system files and images reside. This logical name points to the directory where the templates used to control backup agents are stored. ABS$TEMPLATES Recommendation: It is not recommended that you modify these templates. The behavior of ABS in regard to its backup agents is defined by these templates. ABS_CATALOG_CLEANUP Defined when the catalog cleanup utility is executed. Typically, ABS provides all diagnostic ABS_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL levels in the log files. You can limit the number of messages output to the log file by setting this to a smaller number. ABS_UID_LOC Defines the location of the .UID files used by the GUI. Defines the amount of time that ABS waits MOUNT_RETRY_INTERVAL before attempting to retry the next save or restore operation. C MDMS Files and Logical Names The HSM/MDMS installation procedure installs files and defines logical names on your system. This appendix lists the names of the files installed and logical names that are added to the system logical name -table. See MDMS File Names lists names of the files installed and See MDMS Logical Names lists the logical names that are added to the system logical names table. They are automatically entered into these logical name tables whenever the system reboots or whenever the software is invoked. The LNM$JOB table also contains logical names that are defined when a user logs in to a system running MDMS software. C.1 MDMS File Names See MDMS Installed Files contains the names of all MDMS files created on the system after MDMS V3.0 is successfully installed. Some files may not be installed depending on the options you select. MDMS Installed Files File Name File Name SYS$HELP MDMS.HLP MDMSV30.RELEASE_NOTES.PS MDMSV30.RELEASE_NOTES SYS$LIBRARY MDMS$SHR.EXE SYS$MESSAGE MDMS$MSG.EXE RDF$MSG.EXE SYS$MANAGER MDMS$SYSTARTUP.COM MDMS$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE SYS$SHARE MRD$RTL.EXE MDMS$SHR.EXE SYS$STARTUP MDMS$SHUTDOWN.COM MDMS$UNINSTALL.COM MDMS$STARTUP.COM SYS$SYSTEM MDMS$SERVER.EXE, MDMS$CONVERT_V3_TO_V2.EXE, MDMS$DCL.EXE MDMS$CONVERT_V2_TO_V3.EXE MDMS$SERVER.EXE SYS$TEST MDMS$IVP.COM MDMS$ROOT:[DATABASE] MDMS$DOMAIN_DB.DAT MDMS$GROUP_DB.DAT MDMS$DRIVE_DB.DAT MDMS$JUKEBOX_DB.DAT MDMS$LOCATION_DB.DAT MDMS$MAGAZINE_DB.DAT MDMS$MEDIA_DB.DAT MDMS$NODE_DB.DAT MDMS$POOL_DB.DAT MDMS$VOLUME_DB.DAT MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.VMS] ALPDCL01_071.A-DCX_AXPEXE ALPBASE02_071.A-DCX_AXPEXE ALPACRT08_071.A-DCX_AXPEXE ALPSYSA02_071.A-DCX_AXPEXE ALPSYSB02_071.A-DCX_AXPEXE ALPTHREADS_03071.A-DCX_AXPEXE DEC-AXPVMS-JAVA-V0101-6-1.PCSI_DCX_AXPEXEDEC-AXPVMS-VMS712_PTHREADS-V0100--4.PCSI-DCX_AXPEXE MDMS.INI MDMS.ZIP MDMS_GUI_HELP.HTML SYMANTEC.ZIP MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.VMS.GRAPHICS] CONFWIZ4.GIF CONFWIZ5.GIF DOMAIN2.GIF DRIVE.GIF GROUP.GIF JUKEBOX.GIF LOCATION.GIF MAGAZINE.GIF MEDIATYPE.GIF NODE.GIF POOL.GIF REQUESTS.GIF SERVJUKE.GIF SPLASH.GIF VOLROT.GIF VOLUME.GIF MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.ALPHA_NT] JRE116ALPHANT.EXE SETUP_ALPHA_NT.EXE MDMS$ROOT:[GUI.WINTEL] JRE117WINTEL.EXE SETUP_INTEL.EXE MDMS$ROOT:[PATCHES.ALPHA] ALPY2K02_062.CVRLET_TXT ALPY2K02_062.A MDMS$ROOT:[PATCHES.VAX] VAXLIBR06_070.A VAXLIBR06_070.B VAXLIBR06_070.C VAXLIBR06_070.CVRLET_TXT VAXLIBR06_070.D VAXLIBR06_070.E VAXLIBR06_070.F VAXLIBR06_070.G MDMS$ROOT:[SYSTEM] MDMS$ALL_OTHER_DB.FDL MDMS$CONVERT_V2_TO_V3.COM MDMS$CONVERT_V3_TO_V2.COM MDMS$COPY_DB_FILES.COM MDMS$CREATE_DB_FILES.COM MDMS$REPLACE_SLS_LOADER.COM MDMS$VOLUME_DB.FDL MDMS$START_GUI.COM MDMS$ROOT:[TTI_RDEV.ALPHA] CONFIG_EXAMPLE.DAT RDCDRIVER_AXP.OPT RDALLOCATE.COM RDCDRIVER_AXP70.OPT RDCDRIVER_AXP61.OPT RDCLIENT_STARTUP.COM RDCLIENT_SHUTDOWN.COM RDEV_AXP70.OLB RDCTL_EXE.OPT RDDEALLOCATE.COM RDEV_AXP61.OLB RDEV_CHECK_STATE.COM RDEV_BUILD.COM RDEV_CONFIGURE.COM RDEV_CLIENT.COM RDEV_GATHER.COM RDEV_COPYRIGHT.COM RDEV_RMT_SHUTDOWN.COM RDEV_LOGICALS.COM RDEV_SERVER.COM RDEV_RMT_STARTUP.COM RDEV_UCXSTUB_AXP70.OLB RDEV_UCXSTUB_AXP61.OLB RDF_UCX_RSHD_STARTUP.COM RDFREE.COM RDRMT_STARTUP.COM RDLOG.COM RDSERVER_STARTUP.COM RDSERVER_SHUTDOWN.COM RDSHOW.COM RLINK_AXP.OPT RMTSRV_AXP.OPT SHRLINK_AXP.OPT MDMS$ROOT:[TTI_RDEV.VAX] CONFIG_EXAMPLE.DAT DRVRDEFS_V62.STB DRVRDEFS_V62.STB DRVRDEFS_V62.STB RDALLOCATE.COM RDCDRIVER_V62.STB DRVRDEFS_V62.STB DRVRDEFS_V62.STB RDCDRIVER_V62.STB DRVRDEFS_V62.STB DRVRDEFS_V62.STB RDCDRIVER_V62.EXE RDCDRIVER_V62.STB RDCDRIVER_V62.STB RDCDRIVER_V62.STB RDCDRIVER_V62.STB RDCDRIVER_VAX.OPT RDCDRIVER_V62.STB RDCLIENT_STARTUP.COM RDCONTROL_V62.EXE RDCLIENT_SHUTDOWN.COM RDDEALLOCATE.COM RDEV_CHECK_STATE.COM RDEV_CONFIGURE.COM RDCLIENT_V62.EXE RDEV_COPYRIGHT.COM RDEV_LOGICALS.COM RDCTL_EXE.OPT RDEV_RMT_STARTUP.COM RDEV_UCXSTUB_VAX.OLB RDEV_BUILD.COM RDEV_CLIENT.COM RDEV_CONTROL_SHR_V62.EXE RDEV_GATHER.COM RDEV_RMT_SHUTDOWN.COM RDEV_SERVER.COM RDEV_VAX.OLB RDF_UCX_RSHD_STARTUP.COM SHRLINK_VAX.OPT RDLOG.COM RDFREE.COM RDRMT_STARTUP.COM RDLOG.COM RDSERVER_STARTUP.COM RDSERVER_SHUTDOWN.COM RDSERVER_V62.EXE RDSHOW.COM RLINK_VAX.OPT RMTSRV_V62.EXE RMTSRV_VAX.OPT C.2 MDMS Logical Names When the MDMS installation procedure is complete, logical names are entered into the system logical name table and stored in the startup file, SYS$STARTUP:MDMS$SYSTARTUP.COM. They are automatically entered into the system logical name table whenever the system reboots or whenever MDMS is started with this command: SYS$STARTUP:MDMS$STARTUP.COM. See MDMS Logical Names describes the logical names in the system table MDMS Logical Names Logical Name Definition and Description MDMS$DATABASE_LOCATION This logical points to the location of the MDMS database files. This logical name is a comma separated list of full node names of potential database servers. When a server starts up, it uses this logical to see if it may be a database server. If the server finds its node name in the list, it tries to become the database server. If the server does not find itself in the list, it then knows that it is not a database server but it then tries to communicate with the node in the list to find the database server. The name of the node defines how the two server communicate with each other. MDMS$DATABASE_SERVERS This list of names must be DECnet, DECnet-Plus, or TCP/IP node names. They can be a mix of different protocols or the same. For example the node list could look like this: NODE1,NODE2.SITE.INC.COM,INC:.SITE.NODE3 The above example shows that to communicate with: * NODE1 use DECnet * NODE2 use DECnet-Plus * NODE3 use TCP/IP MDMS$LOGFILE_LOCATION This logical name points to the location of the MDMS log files. MDMS$ROOT This logical name points to the device and directory of the root for the MDMS files. This logical name enables or disables support of SLS/MDMS V2.9x remote servers. MDMS$SUPPORT_PRE_V3 When this logical is TRUE, a SLS/MDMS V2.9x client can communicate with a MDMS V3.0 server. If you do not have any SLS/MDMS V2.9x clients, define this logical as FALSE. This logical name is the start hour (0-23) for the following scheduled activities: * Deallocate volumes that have passed their scratch date MDMS$SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES_ * Free volumes that have passed their START_HOUR freed date * Scheduled magazine rotation * Scheduled volume rotation If this logical is not defined, these activities are scheduled for 1 AM. MDMS$SYSTEM This logical name points to the location of MDMS utilities. This logical name is the range of port MDMS$TCPIP_SND_PORTS numbers for outgoing TCP/IP connections. The defaults are ports 601 to 1023. This logical name is TRUE when ABS and HSM should use MDMS V3.0. If ABS and HSM is not MDMS$VERSION3 suppose to use MDMS V3.0 this logical will not be defined. The MDMS server should not be running if ABS and HSM is not suppose to use MDMS V3. D MDMS V3.0 Rights and Privileges This Appendix has explanation for MDMS user rights and privileges. Every MDMS user/potential user will be assigned zero or more rights in their SYSUAF file. These rights will be examined on a per-command basis to determine whether a user has sufficient privilege to issue a command. The command is accepted for processing only if the user has sufficient privilege. In case the user has no rights the entire command is rejected. Each right has a name in the following format: MDMS_rightname. Rights are looked-up on the client OpenVMS node that receives the request, as such each user must have an account on the client node. * in the case of DCL commands and applications, this would be the node at which the request is issued. * from the GUI, it is the node whose MDMS$SERVER process receives the request. The rights are translated into a bitmap and passed to the database server for validation. D.1 MDMS Rights - Types MDMS has the following rights: * High-level rights * Low level rights * ABS rights * High Level Rights These rights are designed for a specific kind of user, to support a typical MDMS installation, and make the assignments of rights to users easy. The three high-level MDMS rights, the default right, administrator right and the additional right are described in See These rights are designed for a specific kind of user, to support a typical MDMS installation, and make the assignments of rights to users easy. The three high-level MDMS rights, the default right, administrator right and the additional right are described in .. D.1.1 High Level Rights High level right Allows Privileges for... A non-privileged MDMS user who wants MDMS_USER to use MDMS to manage tape volumes for BACKUP, ABS or HSM purposes Main applications MDMS_APPLICATION MDMS supports - ABS and HSM server processes User responsible MDMS_OPERATOR for day-to-day operations in the MDMS environment. The low level rights contained in it, for users with no MDMS rights. They are additional to any specific rights a user may have been granted. It is the default right. By default, Default Right there are no A hidden low-level rights high-level right assigned to the default right. If rights are assigned to the default right, they apply to all users in the system, since every user is effectively granted the default right. The default right can be disabled with the MDMS_NO_DEFAULT identifier in a user's UAF file. A system administrator to MDMS_ALL_RIGHTS perform any operation. Administrator MDMS_ALL_RIGHTS can Right be enabled with the OpenVMS SYSPRV privilege. Additional Right All operations. You can disable the mapping of SYSPRV to MDMS_ALL_RIGHTS using a SET DOMAIN command D.1.2 Low-level rights Each command or command option will be tagged with one or more low-level rights that are needed to perform the operation. Where more than one right is specified, the command indicates the appropriate combination of rights needed. The MDMS administrator can assign a set of low-level rights to each high-level right. The administrator can then simply assign the high-level right to the user. MDMS translates the high-level right to respective low-level rights while processing a command. For additional flexibility, the user can be assigned a combination of high-level and low-level rights. The result will be a sum of all rights defined. The default set of mapping of high-level to low-level rights will be assigned at installation (by default) and stored in the domain record. However, the MDMS administrator can change these assignments by using the SET DOMAIN command. By default a user has no rights and cannot use MDMS. The system administrator can change the 'rightless' user's rights using a SET DOMAIN command. These rights can again be disabled on a per-user basis as needed. The low-level rights are designed to be applied to operations. A given command, with a given set of qualifiers or options, requires the sum of the rights needed for the command and all supplied options. In many cases some options require more privilege than the command, and that higher privilege will be applied to the entire command if those options are specified. The following are usable low level rights:: Low Level Rights Low Level Right Name Allows privilege to: MDMS_ALL_RIGHTS Enable all operations This right is for the system administrator,) MDMS_ALLOCATE_ALL Allocate volumes or drives for any user MDMS_ALLOCATE_OWN Allocate a drive and become "owner" MDMS_ALLOCATE_POOL Allocate a volume from an authorized pool MDMS_ASSIST Request operator assistance on calls MDMS_BIND_ALL Bind any volumes together in a volume set MDMS_BIND_OWN Bind owned volumes together in a volume set MDMS_CANCEL_ALL Cancel any request MDMS_CANCEL_OWN Cancel one's own requests MDMS_CANCEL_POOL Cancel a request of a member of the same pool MDMS_CREATE_ALL Create any database object MDMS_CREATE_POOL Create volumes in a pool authorized to user MDMS_DEALLOCATE_ALL Deallocate volumes for any user MDMS_DEALLOCATE_OWN Deallocate an owned volume or drive MDMS_DELETE_ALL Delete any database object MDMS_DELETE_POOL Delete volumes in pool authorized to user MDMS_INITIALIZE_ALL Initialize any volume MDMS_INITIALIZE_POOL Initialize a volume in pool authorized to user MDMS_INVENTORY_ALL Perform inventory on any jukebox MDMS_LOAD_ALL Load any volumes including scratch volumes MDMS_LOAD_OWN Load owned volumes into drives MDMS_LOAD_POOL Load volumes in pool authorized to user MDMS_LOAD_SCRATCH Load scratch volumes MDMS_MOVE_ALL Move any volume MDMS_MOVE_OWN Move owned volumes MDMS_MOVE_POOL Move volumes in pool authorized to user MDMS_SET_ALL SET (modify) any database object MDMS_SET_PROTECTED SET internal MDMS attributes in an object MDMS_SET_OWN SET (modify) volumes allocated to user MDMS_SET_POOL SET (modify) volumes in pool authorized to user MDMS_SET_RIGHTS SET (modify) rights in the domain MDMS_SHOW_ALL SHOW or REPORT any database object MDMS_SHOW_OWN SHOW or REPORT volumes allocated to user MDMS_SHOW_POOL SHOW or REPORT volumes in pool authorized to user MDMS_SHOW_RIGHTS Show rights with a SHOW DOMAIN/FULL MDMS_UNBIND_ALL Unbind any volumes MDMS_UNBIND_OWN Unbind owned objects from a volume set MDMS_UNLOAD_ALL Unload any volumes or drives MDMS_UNLOAD_OWN Unload volumes allocated to user from a drive MDMS_UNLOAD_POOL Unload volumes in pool authorized to user D.1.3 ABS Rights MDMS can be defined to recognize ABS rights and map them to MDMS rights. This capability is disabled by default and can be enabled with a SET DOMAIN command. The exact mapping for ABS rights is as in Table ABS Rights ABS RIGHTS MDMS RIGHTS ABS_BACKUP_JOB MDMS_USER ABS_BYPASS MDMS_ALL_RIGHTS MDMS_CREATE_ALL ABS_CREATE_EXECUTION_ENV MDMS_SET_ALL MDMS_SHOW_ALL ABS_CREATE_REMOTE_JOB None MDMS_CREATE_ALL ABS_CREATE_STORAGE_CLASS MDMS_SET_ALL MDMS_SHOW_ALL ABS_LOOKUP_ALL None ABS_SHOW_ALL MDMS_SHOW_ALL D.2 Default High-Level to Low-Level Mapping This section defines the default high to low-level mapping for each high-level right. D.2.1 MDMS_USER: MDMS_USER Rights MDMS User ... Allows privilege to... MDMS_ALLOCATE_OWN Allocate a drive and become "owner" MDMS_ALLOCATE_POOL Allocate a volume from a pool authorized to user MDMS_ASSIST Request operator assistance on calls MDMS_BIND_OWN Bind owned volumes together in a volume set MDMS_CANCEL_OWN Cancel one's own requests MDMS_DEALLOCATE_OWN Deallocate an owned volume or drive MDMS_LOAD_OWN Load owned volumes into drives MDMS_SHOW_OWN SHOW or REPORT volumes allocated to user MDMS_SHOW_POOL SHOW or REPORT volumes in pool authorized to user MDMS_UNBIND_OWN Unbind owned objects from a volume set MDMS_UNLOAD_OWN Unload volumes allocated to user from a drive D.2.2 MDMS_OPERATOR Rights: Operator Rights MDMS Operator ... Allows privilege to... MDMS_ALLOCATE_ALL Allocate volumes or drives for any user MDMS_ASSIST Request operator assistance on calls MDMS_BIND_ALL Bind any volumes together in a volume set MDMS_CANCEL_ALL Cancel any request MDMS_CREATE_POOL Create volumes in a pool authorized to user MDMS_DEALLOCATE_ALL Deallocate volumes for any user MDMS_DELETE_POOL Delete volumes in pool authorized to user MDMS_INITIALIZE_ALL Initialize any volume MDMS_INVENTORY_ALL Perform inventory on any jukebox MDMS_LOAD_ALL Load any volumes including scratch volumes MDMS_MOVE_ALL Move any volume MDMS_SET_OWN SET (modify) volumes allocated to user MDMS_SET_POOL SET (modify) volumes in pool authorized to user MDMS_SHOW_ALL SHOW or REPORT any database object MDMS_SHOW_RIGHTS Show rights with SHOW DOMAIN/FULL MDMS_UNBIND_ALL Unbind any volumes MDMS_UNLOAD_ALL Unload any volumes or drives D.2.2.1 Domain Commands for Mapping Privileges SET DOMAIN /[NO]ABS_RIGHTS /ADD /[NO]APPLICATION_RIGHTS[=(right[,...])] /[NO]DEFAULT_RIGHTS[=(right[,...])] /[NO]OPERATOR_RIGHTS[=(right[,...])] /REMOVE /[NO]SYSPRV /[NO]USER_RIGHTS[=(right[,...])] SET DOMAIN /OPERATOR_RIGHTS=MDMS_SET_PROTECTED /ADD This command adds the MDMS_SET_PROTECTED right to the operator rights list. E Sample Configuration of MDMS This appendix shows a sample configuration of Media and Device Management System (MDMS) including examples for the steps involved. E.1 Configuration Order Configuration - which involves the creation or definition of MDMS objects, should take place in the following order: 1. Location 2. Media type 3. Node 4. Jukebox 5. Drives 6. Pools 7. Volumes Creating these objects in the above order ensures that the following informational message, does not appear: %MDMS-I-UNDEFINEDREFS, object contains undefined referenced objects This message appears if an attribute of the object is not defined in the database. The object is created even though the attribute is not defined. The sample configuration consists of the following: * Four nodes SMITH1 - ACCOUN cluster node SMITH2 - ACCOUN cluster node SMITH3 - ACCOUN cluster node JONES - a client node * TL826 Jukebox with robot $1$DUA560 and the following six drives: $1$MUA560 $1$MUA561 $1$MUA562 $1$MUA563 $1$MUA564 $1$MUA565 [list-element]... The following examples illustrate each step in the order of configuration. E.1.1 Configuration Step 1 Example - Defining Locations This example lists the MDMS commands to define an offsite and onsite location for this domain. $ ! $ ! create onsite location $ ! $ MDMS CREATE LOCATION BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM - /DESCRIPTION="Building 1 Computer Room" $ MDMS SHOW LOCATION BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Location: BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Description: Building 1 Computer Room Spaces: In Location: $ ! $ ! create offsite location $ ! $ MDMS CREATE LOCATION ANDYS_STORAGE - /DESCRIPTION="Andy's Offsite Storage, corner of 5th and Main" $ MDMS SHOW LOCATION ANDYS_STORAGE Location: ANDYS_STORAGE Description: Andy's Offsite Storage, corner of 5th and Main Spaces: In Location: E.1.2 Configuration Step 2 Example - Defining Media Type This example shows the MDMS command to define the media type used in the TL826. ! $ ! create the media type $ ! $ MDMS CREATE MEDIA_TYPE TK88K - /DESCRITPION="Media type for volumes in TL826 with TK88 drives" - /COMPATION ! volumes are written in compation mode $ MDMS SHOW MEDIA_TYPE TK88K Media type: TK88K Description: Media type for volumes in TL826 with TK88 drives Density: Compaction: YES Capacity: 0 Length: 0 E.1.3 Configuration Step 3 Example - Defining Domain Attributes This example shows the MDMS command to set the domain attributes. The reason this command is not run until after the locations and media type are defined, is because they are default attributes for the domain object. Note that the deallocation state (transition) is taken as the default. All of the rights are taken as default also. $ ! $ ! set up defaults in the domain record $ ! $ MDMS SET DOMAIN - /DESCRIPTION="Smiths Accounting Domain" - ! domain name /MEDIA_TYPE=TK88K - ! default media type /OFFSITE_LOCATION=ANDYS_STORAGE - ! default offsite location /ONSITE_LOCAITON=BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM - ! default onsite location /PROTECTION=(S:RW,O:RW,G:RW,W) ! default protection for volumes $ MDMS SHOW DOMAIN/FULL Description: Smiths Accounting Domain Mail: SYSTEM Offsite Location: ANDYS_STORAGE Onsite Location: BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Def. Media Type: TK88K Deallocate State: TRANSITION Opcom Class: TAPES Priority: 1536 Request ID: 2576 Protection: S:RW,O:RW,G:RW,W DB Server Node: SPIELN DB Server Date: 1-FEB-1999 08:18:20 Max Scratch Time: NONE Scratch Time: 365 00:00:00 Transition Time: 14 00:00:00 Network Timeout: 0 00:02:00 ABS Rights: NO SYSPRIV Rights: YES Application Rights: MDMS_ASSIST MDMS_LOAD_SCRATCH MDMS_ALLOCATE_OWN MDMS_ALLOCATE_POOL MDMS_BIND_OWN MDMS_CANCEL_OWN MDMS_CREATE_POOL MDMS_DEALLOCATE_OWN MDMS_DELETE_POOL MDMS_LOAD_OWN MDMS_MOVE_OWN MDMS_SET_OWN MDMS_SHOW_OWN MDMS_SHOW_POOL MDMS_UNBIND_OWN MDMS_UNLOAD_OWN Default Rights: Operator Rights: MDMS_ALLOCATE_ALL MDMS_ASSIST MDMS_BIND_ALL MDMS_CANCEL_ALL MDMS_DEALLOCATE_ALL MDMS_INITIALIZE_ALL MDMS_INVENTORY_ALL MDMS_LOAD_ALL MDMS_MOVE_ALL MDMS_SHOW_ALL MDMS_SHOW_RIGHTS MDMS_UNBIND_ALL MDMS_UNLOAD_ALL MDMS_CREATE_POOL MDMS_DELETE_POOL MDMS_SET_OWN MDMS_SET_POOL User Rights: MDMS_ASSIST MDMS_ALLOCATE_OWN MDMS_ALLOCATE_POOL MDMS_BIND_OWN MDMS_CANCEL_OWN MDMS_DEALLOCATE_OWN MDMS_LOAD_OWN MDMS_SHOW_OWN MDMS_SHOW_POOL MDMS_UNBIND_OWN MDMS_UNLOAD_OWN E.1.4 Configuration Step 4 Example - Defining MDMS Database Nodes This example shows the MDMS commands for defining the three MDMS database nodes of the cluster ACCOUN. This cluster is configured to use DECnet-PLUS. Note that a node is defined using the DECnet node name as the name of the node. * If the node has DECnet-PLUS installed, the DECnet Fullname attribute must be the DECnet-PLUS full name. * If the node uses TCP/IP, the TCP/IP attribute should be defined. * If you use the GUI, you must define the TCP/IP attribute and include TCPIP in the Transports attribute. $ ! $ ! create nodes $ ! database node $ MDMS CREATE NODE SMITH1 - ! DECnet node name /DESCRIPTION="ALPHA node on cluster ACCOUN" - /DATABASE_SERVER - ! this node is a database server /DECNET_FULLNAME=SMI:.BLD.SMITH1 - ! DECnet-Plus name /LOCATION=BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM - /TCPIP_FULLNAME=SMITH1.SMI.BLD.COM - ! TCP/IP name $ MDMS SHOW NODE SMITH1 Node: SMITH1 Description: ALPHA node on cluster ACCOUN DECnet Fullname: SMI:.BLD.SMITH1 TCP/IP Fullname: SMITH1.SMI.BLD.COM:2501-2510 Disabled: NO Database Server: YES Location: BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Opcom Classes: TAPES Transports: DECNET,TCPIP $ MDMS CREATE NODE SMITH2 - ! DECnet node name /DESCRIPTION="ALPHA node on cluster ACCOUN" - /DATABASE_SERVER - ! this node is a database server /DECNET_FULLNAME=SMI:.BLD.SMITH2 - ! DECnet-Plus name /LOCATION=BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM - /TCPIP_FULLNAME=SMITH2.SMI.BLD.COM - ! TCP/IP name /TRANSPORT=(DECNET,TCPIP) ! TCPIP used by JAVA GUI and JONES $ MDMS SHOW NODE SMITH2 Node: SMITH2 Description: ALPHA node on cluster ACCOUN DECnet Fullname: SMI:.BLD.SMITH2 TCP/IP Fullname: SMITH2.SMI.BLD.COM:2501-2510 Disabled: NO Database Server: YES Location: BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Opcom Classes: TAPES Transports: DECNET,TCPIP $ MDMS CREATE NODE SMITH3 - ! DECnet node name /DESCRIPTION="VAX node on cluster ACCOUN" - /DATABASE_SERVER - ! this node is a database server /DECNET_FULLNAME=SMI:.BLD.SMITH3 - ! DECnet-Plus name /LOCATION=BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM - /TCPIP_FULLNAME=CROP.SMI.BLD.COM - ! TCP/IP name /TRANSPORT=(DECNET,TCPIP) ! TCPIP used by JAVA GUI and JONES $ MDMS SHOW NODE SMITH3 Node: SMITH3 Description: VAX node on cluster ACCOUN DECnet Fullname: SMI:.BLD.SMITH3 TCP/IP Fullname: CROP.SMI.BLD.COM:2501-2510 Disabled: NO Database Server: YES Location: BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Opcom Classes: TAPES Transports: DECNET,TCPIP E.1.5 Configuration Step 5 Example - Defining a Client Node This example shows the MDMS command for creating a client node. TCP/IP is the only transport on this node. $ ! $ ! client node $ ! only has TCP/IP $ MDMS CREATE NODE JONES - /DESCRIPTION="ALPHA client node, standalone" - /NODATABASE_SERVER - ! not a database server /LOCATION=BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM - /TCPIP_FULLNAME=JONES.SMI.BLD.COM - ! TCP/IP name /TRANSPORT=(TCPIP) ! TCPIP is used by JAVA GUI $ MDMS SHOW NODE JONES Node: JONES Description: ALPHA client node, standalone DECnet Fullname: TCP/IP Fullname: JONES.SMI.BLD.COM:2501-2510 Disabled: NO Database Server: NO Location: BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Opcom Classes: TAPES Transports: TCPIP E.1.6 Configuration Step 6 Example - Creating a Jukebox This example shows the MDMS command for creating a jukebox $ ! $ ! create jukebox $ ! $ MDMS CREATE JUKEBOX TL826_JUKE - /DESCRIPTION="TL826 Jukebox in Building 1" - /ACCESS=ALL - ! local + remote for JONES /AUTOMATIC_REPLY - ! MDMS automatically replies to OPCOM requests /CONTROL=MRD - ! controled by MRD robot control /NODES=(SMITH1,SMITH2,SMITH3) - ! nodes the can control the robot /ROBOT=$1$DUA560 - ! the robot device /SLOT_COUNT=176 ! 176 slots in the library $ MDMS SHOW JUKEBOX TL826_JUKE Jukebox: TL826_JUKE Description: TL826 Jukebox in Building 1 Nodes: SMITH1,SMITH2,SMITH3 Groups: Location: BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Disabled: NO Shared: NO Auto Reply: YES Access: ALL State: AVAILABLE Control: MRD Robot: $1$DUA560 Slot Count: 176 Usage: NOMAGAZINE E.1.7 Configuration Step 7 Example - Defining a Drive This example shows the MDMS commands for creating the six drives for the jukebox. This example is a command procedure that uses a counter to create the six drives. In this example it is easy to do this because of the drive name and device name. You may want to have the drive name the same as the device name. For example: $ MDMS CREATE DRIVE $1$MUA560/DEVICE=$1$MUA560 This works fine if you do not have two devices in your domain with the same name. $ COUNT = COUNT + 1 $ IF COUNT .LT. 6 THEN GOTO DRIVE_LOOP $DRIVE_LOOP: $ MDMS CREATE DRIVE TL826_D1 - /DESCRIPTION="Drive 1 in the TL826 JUKEBOX" - /ACCESS=ALL - ! local + remote for JONES /AUTOMATIC_REPLY - ! MDMS automatically replies to OPCOM requests /DEVICE=$1$MUA561 - ! physical device /DRIVE_NUMBER=1 - ! the drive number according to the robot /JUKEBOX=TL826_JUKE - ! jukebox the drives are in /MEDIA_TYPE=TK88K - ! media type to allocate drive and volume for /NODES=(SMITH1,SMITH2,SMITH3)! nodes that have access to drive $ MDMS SHOW DRIVE TL826_D1 Drive: TL826_D1 Description: Drive 1 in the TL826 JUKEBOX Device: $1$MUA561 Nodes: SMITH1,SMITH2,SMITH3 Groups: Volume: Disabled: NO Shared: NO Available: NO State: EMPTY Stacker: NO Automatic Reply: YES RW Media Types: TK88K RO Media Types: Access: ALL Jukebox: TL826_JUKE Drive Number: 1 Allocated: NO : : : $ MDMS CREATE DRIVE TL826_D5 - /DESCRIPTION="Drive 5 in the TL826 JUKEBOX" - /ACCESS=ALL - ! local + remote for JONES /AUTOMATIC_REPLY - ! MDMS automatically replies to OPCOM requests /DEVICE=$1$MUA565 - ! physical device /DRIVE_NUMBER=5 - ! the drive number according to the robot /JUKEBOX=TL826_JUKE - ! jukebox the drives are in /MEDIA_TYPE=TK88K - ! media type to allocate drive and volume for /NODES=(SMITH1,SMITH2,SMITH3)! nodes that have access to drive $ MDMS SHOW DRIVE TL826_D5 Drive: TL826_D5 Description: Drive 5 in the TL826 JUKEBOX Device: $1$MUA565 Nodes: SMITH1,SMITH2,SMITH3 Groups: Volume: Disabled: NO Shared: NO Available: NO State: EMPTY Stacker: NO Automatic Reply: YES RW Media Types: TK88K RO Media Types: Access: ALL Jukebox: TL826_JUKE Drive Number: 5 Allocated: NO $ COUNT = COUNT + 1 $ IF COUNT .LT. 6 THEN GOTO DRIVE_LOOP E.1.8 Configuration Step 8 Example - Defining Pools This example shows the MDMS commands to define two pools: ABS and HSM. The pools need to have the authorized users defined. $ ! $ ! create pools $ ! $ mdms del pool abs $ MDMS CREATE POOL ABS - /DESCRIPTION="Pool for ABS" - /AUTHORIZED=(SMITH1::ABS,SMITH2::ABS,SMITH3::ABS,JONES::ABS) $ MDMS SHOW POOL ABS Pool: ABS Description: Pool for ABS Authorized Users: SMITH1::ABS,SMITH2::ABS,SMITH3::ABS,JONES::ABS Default Users: $ mdms del pool hsm $ MDMS CREATE POOL HSM - /DESCRIPTION="Pool for HSM" - /AUTHORIZED=(SMITH1::HSM,SMITH2::HSM,SMITH3::HSM) $ MDMS SHOW POOL HSM Pool: HSM Description: Pool for HSM Authorized Users: SMITH1::HSM,SMITH2::HSM,SMITH3::HSM Default Users: E.1.9 Configuration Step 9 Example- Defining Volumes using the /VISION qualifier This example shows the MDMS commands to define the 176 volumes in the TL826 using the /VISION qualifier. The volumes have the BARCODES on them and have been placed in the jukebox. Notice that the volumes are created in the UNINITIALIZED state. The last command in the example initializes the volumes and changes the state to FREE. $ ! $ ! create volumes $ ! $ ! create 120 volumeS for ABS $ ! the media type, offsite location, and onsite location $ ! values are taken from the DOMAIN object $ ! $ MDMS CREATE VOLUME - /DESCRIPTION="Volumes for ABS" - /JUKEBOX=TL826_JUKE - /POOL=ABS - /SLOTS=(0-119) - /VISION $ MDMS SHOW VOLUME BEB000 Volume: BEB000 Description: Volumes for ABS Placement: ONSITE BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Media Types: TK88K Username: Pool: ABS Owner UIC: NONE Error Count: 0 Account: Mount Count: 0 Job Name: State: UNINITIALIZED Magazine: Avail State: UNINITIALIZED Jukebox: TL826_JUKE Previous Vol: Slot: 0 Next Vol: Drive: Format: NONE Offsite Loc: ANDYS_STORAGE Protection: S:RW,O:RW,G:RW,W Offsite Date: NONE Purchase: 1-FEB-1999 08:19:00 Onsite Loc: BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Creation: 1-FEB-1999 08:19:00 Space: Init: 1-FEB-1999 08:19:00 Onsite Date: NONE Allocation: NONE Brand: Scratch: NONE Last Cleaned: 1-FEB-1999 08:19:00 Deallocation: NONE Times Cleaned: 0 Trans Time: 14 00:00:00 Rec Length: 0 Freed: NONE Block Factor: 0 Last Access: NONE $ ! $ ! create 56 volumes for HSM $ ! $ MDMS CREATE VOLUME - /DESCRIPTION="Volumes for HSM" - /JUKEBOX=TL826_JUKE - /POOL=HSM - /SLOTS=(120-175) - /VISION $ MDMS SHOW VOL BEB120 Volume: BEB120 Description: Volumes for HSM Placement: ONSITE BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Media Types: TK88K Username: Pool: HSM Owner UIC: NONE Error Count: 0 Account: Mount Count: 0 Job Name: State: UNINITIALIZED Magazine: Avail State: UNINITIALIZED Jukebox: TL826_JUKE Previous Vol: Slot: 120 Next Vol: Drive: Format: NONE Offsite Loc: ANDYS_STORAGE Protection: S:RW,O:RW,G:RW,W Offsite Date: NONE Purchase: 1-FEB-1999 08:22:16 Onsite Loc: BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Creation: 1-FEB-1999 08:22:16 Space: Init: 1-FEB-1999 08:22:16 Onsite Date: NONE Allocation: NONE Brand: Scratch: NONE Last Cleaned: 1-FEB-1999 08:22:16 Deallocation: NONE Times Cleaned: 0 Trans Time: 14 00:00:00 Rec Length: 0 Freed: NONE Block Factor: 0 Last Access: NONE $ ! $ ! initialize all of the volumes $ ! $ MDMS INITIALIZE VOLUME - /JUKEBOX=TL826_JUKE - /SLOTS=(0-175) $ MDMS SHOW VOL BEB000 Volume: BEB000 Description: Volumes for ABS Placement: ONSITE BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Media Types: TK88K Username: Pool: ABS Owner UIC: NONE Error Count: 0 Account: Mount Count: 0 Job Name: State: FREE Magazine: Avail State: FREE Jukebox: TL826_JUKE Previous Vol: Slot: 0 Next Vol: Drive: Format: NONE Offsite Loc: ANDYS_STORAGE Protection: S:RW,O:RW,G:RW,W Offsite Date: NONE Purchase: 1-FEB-1999 08:19:00 Onsite Loc: BLD1_COMPUTER_ROOM Creation: 1-FEB-1999 08:19:00 Space: Init: 1-FEB-1999 08:19:00 Onsite Date: NONE Allocation: NONE Brand: Scratch: NONE Last Cleaned: 1-FEB-1999 08:19:00 Deallocation: NONE Times Cleaned: 0 Trans Time: 14 00:00:00 Rec Length: 0 Freed: NONE Block Factor: 0 Last Access: NONE F Upgrading From ABS-OMT To ABS ABS uses the same database and catalogs used by ABS-OMT, so there are only a few steps required to get the full ABS server up and running. Follow these steps, to upgrade from ABS-OMT to ABS: 1. If you have Weekly Full/Daily Incremental save requests currently running under ABS-OMT, the jobs are in a queue named ABS$nodename. Before upgrading to ABS, list the contents of the ABS$nodename queue. You can use the command $ SHOW QUEUE /ALL /FULL /OUT = ABS_QUEUE.OUT This will list any jobs that are currently scheduled to run. Print this file so that you can refer it later in the upgrade. Any On-Demand save requests which you have created will not be in the queue. 1. Shutdown ABS-OMT by issuing the command $ @SYS$MANAGER:ABSOMT$SHUTDOWN.COM 2. Make sure that you have the correct licenses installed on the system. You will need both the ABS-OMT license and ABS-OMT-UPG license installed before you begin the ABS upgrade. 3. Upgrade to ABS by installing the latest version of ABS from Archive/Backup directory on the Layered Products CD ROM. 4. After you have finished installing ABS and it is running, move your Weekly Full/Daily Incremental and On-Demand save requests to ABS scheduling by using either ABS GUI or ABS DCL interface. Run ABS GUI by issuing the command $ ABS /INTERFACE = DECWINDOWS * Select the Modify or Delete Requests & Policies button. A list of save requests will be displayed. * Select a Weekly Full/Daily Incremental save request and click on Modify. * On the next screen, under When, select VMS Time from the Start Time pulldown. * Enter the next time for that save request (the information from the show queue output). Click OK and then click Submit. * The save request scheduled by the ABS scheduling option, will start at the appropriate time and will execute the correct level save. * If you have any On-Demand saves which you want to run, you may simply modify them to run Now, or at a VMS time. When you submit them they will be scheduled correctly. From DCL: * Issue the command $ ABS SET SAVE save_request_name /START_TIME = "12-FEB-1998 12:00:00" * The start_time should match the time which was in ABS$nodename queue entry for the Weekly Full/Daily Incremental save requests. * For an On-Demand save request, you should issue this command with a start_time reflecting when you want to run the save request. You may also use /start_time without a time to run the jobs immediately. * Once you have modified all the Weekly Full/Daily Incremental jobs as in step 5, delete the entries from ABS$nodename queue by issuing the command: $ DELETE /ENTRY = job_number If you fail to delete the entries from ABS$nodename queue, the save requests will run from the queue and from the ABS scheduling option, which may cause problems with your backup operations. 1. If you desire, you may also delete the command procedures from the ABS$ROOT:[SCHEDULER] directory. These will not be needed by full ABS. This glossary contains terms defined for Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS (ABS). It also contains terms associated with the following products when related to ABS: * Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS (MDMS) * Storage Library System for OpenVMS (SLS) Glossary absolute time A data entry format for specifying the date or time of day. The format for absolute time is [dd-mmm-yyyy[:]][]. You can specify a date and time, or use the keywords TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. access port The port on a DCSC-controlled silo where volumes can be inserted into the silo. active server process The MDMS server process that is currently active. The active server process responds to requests issued from an MDMS client process. allocate To reserve something for private use. In MDMS software, a user is able to allocate volumes or drives. allocated The state of a drive or volume when a process is granted exclusive use of that drive or volume. The drive or volume remains allocated until the process gives up the allocation. allocated state One of four volume states. Volumes that are reserved for exclusive use by a user (such as ABS) are placed in the allocated state. Allocated volumes are available only to the user name (such as ABS) assigned to that volume. ANSI The abbreviation for the American National Standards Institute, an organization that publishes computer industry standards. ANSI-labeled A magnetic tape that complies with the ANSI standards for label, data, and record formats. The format of VMS ANSI-labeled magnetic tape volumes is based on Level 3 of the ANSI standard for magnetic tape labels and file structure. archive A repository of data that consists of * Volumes that contains zero or more archive files. * One or more catalogs that contain information about archived data that is stored on volumes. * A set of services used to define the storage environment configuration and site policy. These services are also used to move data between the ABS client and the MDMS volume. archive file system The file system that contains the archived data. archive object The data object that resides in offline storage. archiving Saving data for the purpose of long-term storage. ASCII The abbreviation for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. This code is a set of 8-bit binary numbers representing the alphabet, punctuation, numerals, and other special symbols used in text representation and communications protocols. back up To make duplicate copies of one or more files, usually onto different media than the original media. This provides the availability to restore the original data if it is lost or corrupted. backup agent The client or utility that performs the actual save or restore operation. Examples are the VMS BACKUP Utility and the RMU Backup Utility. backup engine The backup engine moves data to and from the storage policy. Examples of backup engines: VMS BACKUP, RMU BACKUP, and UBS. BACKUP format Standard OpenVMS BACKUP format. The BACKUP format is the recording format used by the VMS Backup utility to back up data to save sets. backup management domain A node or OpenVMS Cluster system that has control over creating save requests. A backup management domain is usually controlled by a single storage administrator. bind The act of logically binding volumes into a magazine. This makes the volumes a logical unit that cannot be separated unless an UNBIND operation is done on the volumes. blocking factor The number of records in a physical tape block. The length of a physical block written to magnetic tape is determined by multiplying the record length by the blocking factor. For example, if a record length of 132 and a blocking factor of 20 are specified, the length of each physical block written to tape will be 2640 bytes (or characters). The blocking factor is only used when MDMS software is writing an EBCDIC tape. catalog Contains records of data movement operations. Each time a save request is initiated, the history of the data movement operation is recorded in an associated ABS central security domain: The node or OpenVMS Cluster system where the ABS policy server is installed. This domain controls all ABS policy objects, particularly storage and environment policies. client node Client nodes send database requests to the the server node.combination time: A data-entry format for specifying date and time. Combination time consists of an absolute time value plus or minus a delta time value. Examples: "TODAY+7-" Indicates current date plus seven days "TODAY+7" Indicates current date plus seven hours "TOMORROW-1" Indicates current date at 23:00 hours command An instruction, generally an English word, entered by the user at a terminal. The command requests the software to perform a predefined function. CRC The acronym for cyclic redundancy check. It is a verification process used to ensure data is correct. consolidation count The criteria under which ABS creates new volume sets. consolidation inteval The number of days (in VMS time format) between the creation of new volume sets. consolidation size The desired maximum number of volumes allowed in a volume set. data object A data object specification, such as an OpenVMS file name or an Rdb/VMS database file name. data movement request Either a save or restore request initiated through either the DCL command interface or ABS graphcial user interface. deallocate To relinquish ownership of a drive, volume, or volume set. * When a drive is deallocated, it is then available for allocation by other processes. * When a volume set is deallocated, it is either immediately available for allocation by other users or moved into a transition state. deassign date The day on which an allocated volume is scheduled to go into the transition state or the free state. default A value or operation automatically included in a command or field unless the user specifies differently. density The number of bits per inch (bpi) on magnetic tape. Typical values are 6250 bpi and 1600 bpi. device A physical device, such as a tape drive or disk device. down state One of four volume states. Volumes that are either damaged, lost, or temporarily removed from the MDMS volume database for cleaning are placed in the down state. EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. EBCDIC is an unlabeled IBM recording format. Volumes in EBCDIC format do not have records in the MDMS volume database. environment policy ABS policy object that defines the environment in which data ABS save and restore requests occur. expiration The date and time at which an archived data is no longer considered useful. The archived data can be deleted and its space removed. format See recording format. free state The volume state that allows volumes to be selected by users or other software applications. GUI Graphical User Interface. in port The physical opening in a jukebox where volumes can be imported. interface A shared physical or logical boundary between computing system components. Interfaces are used for sending and/or accepting information and control between programs, machines, and people. inventory The act of automatically updating the MDMS database. MDMS can mount each volume located in a magazine and update the MDMS volume database through this process. I/O station A jukebox component that enables an operator to manually insert and retrieve volumes. The I/O station consists of an I/O station door on the outside of the jukebox and an I/O station slot on the inside. See also I/O station door and I/O station slot. I/O station door An actual door on the outside of the jukebox that can be opened and closed. Behind the I/O station door is the I/O station slot. I/O station slot An I/O slot that holds a volume when it is entering or leaving the jukebox. label * Information recorded at a fixed location on the volume that identifies the volume to software. * The physical printed label attached to the outside of the volume to identify it. labeled A recording format that includes a volume label. LEBCDIC Labeled EBCDIC format. See also EBCDIC. load The process which makes a volume physically available to the computer system, such as for read or write operations. local symbol A symbol meaningful only to the module or DCL command procedure that defines it. log file Any file into which status and error messages are written to reflect the progress of a process. MDMS server node The active server node to which all MDMS database requests are sent to be serviced. In a high availability configuration, when the active server node fails, another node (see MDMS standby server process) in the OpenVMS Cluster system becomes the active server node. MDMS software The MDMS software is an OpenVMS software service that enables you to implement media and device management for your storage management operations. MDMS provides services to SLS, ABS, and HSM. MDMS standby server process Any MDMS server process that is not currently active. The standby server process waits and becomes active if the active server process fails. magazine A physcial container that holds from 5 to 11 volumes. The magazine contains a set of logically bound volumes that reside in the MDMS database. magazine database The MDMS database that contains the magazine name and the volume names associated with that magazine. media A mass storage unit. Media is referred to in this document as a volume. Volumes provide a physical surface on which data is stored. Examples of physical volumes are magnetic tape, tape cartridge, and optical cartridge. media type A set of site-specific names associated with volume densities and drives. nearline storage Storage in which file headers are accessible through the operating system, but accessing data requires extra intervention. Nearline storage employs a robotic device to move volumes between drives and volume storage locations. Nearline storage is less costly for each megabyte of data stored. Access times for data in nearline storage may vary. Access to data may be nearly instantaneous when a volume containing the data is already loaded in a drive. The time required for a robotic device to move to the most distant storage location, retrieve a volume, load it into a drive, and position the volume determines the maximum access time. The devices of nearline storage technology include, but are not limited to, automated tape libraries and optical jukeboxes. offline storage Storage in which neither the file headers nor the data is accessible by the operating system and requires extra intervention. Offline storage requires some type of intervention to move volumes between drives and the volumes' storage location. Offline storage is the least costly for each megabyte of data stored. Access times for data in offline storage vary for the same reasons as described for nearline storage. For archive data stored in a remote vault, access time can take more than a day. The devices of offline storage technology include, but are not limited to, standalone tape drives, optical disk drives, and sequential stack loader tape drives. online storage Storage in which file headers and data can be accessed through the operating system. Online storage is the most costly for each megabyte of data stored. As a trade off, online storage also offers the highest access performance. Online storage devices offer continuous service. The devices of online storage technology include disk storage and electronic (RAM) storage that uses disk I/O channels. OPCOM OpenVMS Operator Communication Manager. An online communication tool that provides a method for users or batch jobs to request assistance from the operator, and allows the operator to send messages to interactive users. OPER privilege The level of privilege required by a system operator to suspend an MDMS operation and to perform a variety of maintenance procedures on volumes, as well as archive files and saved system files. out port The physical opening in a jukebox where volumes can be exported from the jukebox. policy The decisions and methods in which you implement your ABS policy. This includes when and how often you back up or archive data from online to nearline or offline storage. policy engine The component in ABS that makes intelligent decisions based upon the implementation of your ABS policy. policy objects The method in which ABS enables you to implment your ABS policy. ABS provides the following policy objects: * Storage policy * Environment policy * Save request * Restore request policy server This ia an ABS server component. Placement of this component determines the central security domain (CSD). pool A set of volumes in the free state. Those volumes can be allocated by users who have access to the volume pool. The storage administrator creates and authorizes user access to pools. record A set of related data treated as a unit of information. For example, each volume that is added to the MDMS volume database has a record created that contains information about the volume. record length The length of a record in bytes. See also blocking factor. recorded label The label recorded on the volume. recording format The unique arrangement of data on a volume according to a predetermined standard. Examples of recording format are BACKUP, EBCDIC, and ANSI. restore process The method by which the contents of a file or disk are recovered from a volume or volumes that contain the saved data. ABS software will restore data by querying ABS catalog for the file or disk name specified in the restore request, and then locate the BACKUP save sets from one or more volumes, extract the data from those save sets, and place the information onto a Files-11 structured disk where the restored data can be accessed by a user. restore request A request to restore data from the archives to either its original location or an alternate location. Restore requests are initiated either through the DCL command interface or ABS graphical user interface. requester The user who creates a save or restore request. requester profile The requester profile is the profile of the user who is creating the save or restore request. This profile is captured at the time the request is created. restore request ABS policy object that defines the request for the restoration of data. robot device A tape or optical drive that provides automatic loading of volumes, such as a TF867 or a TL820. save process The method by which copies of files are made on magnetic or optical volumes for later recovery or for transfer to another site. For BACKUP formatted volumes, an ABS save operation creates BACKUP save sets on magnetic tape volume, a system disk, or optical volume. save request ABS policy object that defines the request for saving data. save set A file created by the VMS Backup Utility on a volume. When the VMS Backup Utility saves data, it creates a file in BACKUP format called a save set on the specified output volume. A single BACKUP save set can contain numerous files. Only BACKUP can interpret save sets and restore the data stored in the save set. slot A vertical storage space for storing a volume. The storage racks and cabinets used in data centers contain multi-row slots that are labeled to easily locate stored volumes. storage administrator One or more privileged users responsible for installing, configuring, and maintaining ABS software. This user has enhanced ABS authorization rights and privileges and controls the central security domain (CSD) by creating and maintaining ABS storage and environment policies. storage policy ABS policy object that defines where to store data saved using ABS. SYSPRV privilege The level of privilege required to install the software and add user names to the system. system backup An ABS system typcially saves the system disk, also known as a full disk backup. Using DECscheduler, the system backup can direct ABS software to perform automatic save operations on a predetermined schedule. tape See volume. transition state Volumes in the transition state are in the process of being deallocated, but are not yet fully deallocated. The transition state provides a grace period during which a volume can be reallocated to the original owner if necessary. UASCII Unlabeled ASCII format. See also ASCII. UIC User identification code. The pair of numbers assigned to users, files, pools, global sections, common event flag clusters, and mailboxes. The UIC determines the owner of a file or ABS policy object. UIC-based protection determines the type of access available to the object for its owner, members of the same UIC group, system accounts, and other (world) users. UID A globally unique identifier for this instance of an object. unbind The act of unbinding a volume or volumes from a magazine. unlabeled A recording format that does not include a recorded label. user backup A save request created by an individual user (not the system) when they would like to make copies of a file or set of files for later recovery or for transfer to another site. user profile The set of information about a user that defines the user's right to access data or the user's right to access an ABS policy object. For ABS on OpenVMS, this includes the following information: * User name * UIC * Privileges * Access right identifiers vault An offsite storage location to where volumes are transferred for safekeeping. VMS Backup Utility An OpenVMS Operating System utility that performs save and restore operations on files, directories, and disks using the BACKUP recording format. volume A physical piece of media (volume) that is known logically to the MDMS volume database. A volume can be a single magnetic tape or disk, or as in the case of an optical cartridge, can refer to one side of double-sided media. A volume is assigned a logical name, known as the volume label. volume ID The volume's internal identification used to verify that the correct volume has been selected. The volume label should be the same as the volume ID. volume name Same as volume ID. volume set One or more volumes logically connected in a sequence to form a single volume set. A volume set can contain one or more save sets. ABS adds volumes to a volume set until the storage policy's consolidation criteria has been met or exceeded. volume state A volume status flag. In MDMS software, volumes are placed in one of the following states: * Free * Allocated * Transition * Down wildcard character A nonnumeric or nonalphanumeric character such as an asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) that is used in a file specification to indicate "ALL" for a given field or portion of a field. Wildcard characters can replace all or part of the file name, file type, directory name, or version number.