Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for_OpenVMS___________________________________ Installation Part Number: AA-NF48C-TE January 1996 This document describes how to install the Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS software. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS VAX Versions 6.1, 6.2, or 7.0 OpenVMS Alpha Versions 6.1, 6.2, or 7.0 Software Version: Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS, Version 1.5 __________________________________________________________ January 1996 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. Copyright © 1989, 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha, DEC, DEC/CMS, DEC/MSS, DECnet, DECsystem-10, DECSYSTEM-20, DECUS, DECwriter, DIBOL, EduSystem, IAS, MASSBUS, OpenVMS, PDP, PDT, RSTS, RSX, UNIBUS, VAX, VAXcluster, VMS, VT, and the Digital logo. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Installation 1.1 Running the VMSINSTAL Procedure.............. 1-3 1.1.1 Logging In to the System Manager's Account.................................. 1-3 1.1.2 Making a Backup Copy of the System Disk..................................... 1-4 1.1.3 Mounting the Distribution Kit Volume..... 1-5 1.1.4 Confirming Your License.................. 1-6 1.1.5 Purging the Distribution Files........... 1-6 1.2 Running the Installation Verification Procedure.................................... 1-8 1.3 Locating Files After Installation............ 1-11 1.4 Verifying Installation of the RJE Software... 1-12 Tables 1-1 Installation Specifications for RJE Software................................. 1-1 1-2 Location of RJE Files After Installation............................. 1-11 iii ________________________________________________________________ Preface Objective of this Manual This manual provides the information you need to install the Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS access routine software. Intended Audience This manual assumes that you have user-level knowledge of the OpenVMS operating system. Structure of this Manual This manual contains a brief explanation of how to install the Digital SNA Remote Job Entry (RJE) for OpenVMS access routine software. Associated Documents The following documents make up the manual set for RJE: o Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS Installation o Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS Problem Solving o Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS Use You should have the following Digital documents available for reference when you use the RJE: o Digital SNA Domain Gateway Guide to IBM Resource Definition v o Digital SNA Domain Gateway Installation o Digital SNA Domain Gateway Management o Digital SNA Gateway-CT Installation Guide o Digital SNA Gateway Problem Determination Guide o Digital SNA Gateway-CT Problem Solving (OpenVMS & ULTRIX) o Digital SNA Gateway-CT Guide to IBM Parameters o Digital SNA Gateway-CT Management (OpenVMS) o Digital SNA Gateway-ST Installation Guide o Digital SNA Gateway-ST Guide to IBM Parameters o Digital SNA Gateway-ST Problem Solving (OpenVMS) o Digital SNA OpenVMS Gateway Management Guide o Digital SNA Peer Server Installation and Configuration o Digital SNA Peer Server Management o Digital SNA Peer Server Network Control Language Reference o Digital SNA Peer Server Guide to IBM Resource Definition Associated IBM Documents You should have the following IBM documents for reference. o ACF for VTAM Version 2, Messages and Codes (IBM Order No. SC27-0614) o IBM 3270 Information Display System and 3274 Control Unit Description and Programmer's Guide (IBM Order No. GA23-0061) o IBM 3287 Printer Models 1 and 2 Component Description (IBM Order No. GA27-3153) o MVS/TSO/VTAM Data Set Print Program Description/Operations Manual (IBM Order No. SB21-2070) o IBM 3270 Information Display System, Order No. GA23- 0060 vi o IBM 3270 Information Display System Data Stream Programmer's Reference, Order No. GA23-0059 o Systems Network Architecture-Introduction to Sessions Between Logical Units, Order No. GC20-1869 o Systems Network Architecture-Sessions Between Logical Units, Order No. GC20-1868 o IBM 3270 Information Display System: Operator's Guide, Order No. GA27-2742 Terminology Interconnect System Refers the Digital SNA Gateway-ST, the Digital SNA Gateway-CT, the Digital SNA Domain Gateway-CT, the Digital SNA Domain Gateway-ST, Digital SNA Peer Server, or OpenVMS/SNA (OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 only.) Interconnect Products Refers to the Digital SNA Gateway- ST, the Digital SNA Gateway-CT, the Digital SNA Domain Gateway, the Digital SNA Peer Server, the Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS and OpenVMS/SNA (OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 only.) Interconnect Manager Refers to the person responsible for the installation and management of an interconnect product. Acronyms The following acronyms appear throughout this manual: DCL Digital Command Language RJE Remote Job Entry RJS Remote Job Server SNA IBM's Systems Network Architecture vii Graphic Conventions The following graphic conventions apply throughout this manual: __________________________________________________________ Convention__________Meaning_______________________________ $ The dollar sign prompt precedes a command line for a VMS system. SNARJE> The SNARJE angle bracket prompt indicates that you should use the SNARJE command language. monospaced type Monospaced type indicates system output and user input. UPPERCASE Uppercase letters indicate that you must enter the characters exactly as shown. You can abbreviate command keywords to the first unique character. lowercase italics Lowercase italic type indicates variables in command lines. You must specify these variables. This symbol indicates the RETURN key on the keyboard. Unless otherwise specified, terminate every command line by pressing the RETURN key. This symbol indicates a control character; x is an alphabetic character. Press the CONTROL key and the alphabetic key simultaneously. dd-mmm-yyyy This is the required OpenVMS format for specifying a date, as in 21- Apr-1989. See the DCL Dictionary for further information. viii __________________________________________________________ Convention__________Meaning_______________________________ hh:mm:ss[.cc] This is the required OpenVMS format for specifying a time, as in 09:44:23.49. [.cc] represents hundredths of a second. These often appear in system messages, but you need not supply them when you are specifying a time. See the DCL ____________________Dictionary_for_further_information.___ All numbers are decimal unless otherwise noted. ix 1 ________________________________________________________________ Installation This manual refers to the base communications software as the "Gateway." Unless otherwise stated, the term "Gateway" applies to any or all of the following: o OpenVMS/SNA (for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 only) o Digital SNA Domain Gateway-CT o Digital SNA Domain Gateway-ST o Digital SNA Gateway for Channel Transport o Digital SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport o Digital SNA Peer Server Before you begin to install the Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS (RJE) software, you need to know what software, system privileges, and disk space are required for your installation. The following table lists the preliminary requirements for installing the RJE software. Table_1-1_Installation_Specifications_for_RJE_Software____ Software OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS Alpha Privileges System manager level Disk space 2900 blocks minimum during installation for OpenVMS VAX and 3300 blocks for OpenVMS Alpha 2000 blocks minimum after installation for OpenVMS VAX and 2300 blocks for OpenVMS Alpha (continued on next page) Installation 1-1 Table 1-1 (Cont.) Installation Specifications for RJE __________________Software________________________________ Approximate 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the distribution media time required for in- stallation Associated The OpenVMS software installation guide for documents your particular processor (contains general ____________installation_information)_____________________ In addition, the following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Network Support o Secure User's Environment The installation process consists of five major tasks. You must complete each installation task before you begin the next task. 1. Ensure that you have adequate disk space before you begin to install RJE. 2. Check to make sure that you have a complete distribu- tion kit. Each RJE distribution kit consists of one or more volume(s) of software and a set of documentation. 3. Log in to the system manager's account, and execute the VMSINSTAL installation procedure. 4. After you exit from the VMSINSTAL procedure, locate the RJE files on your system. 5. Verify the successful installation of the RJE software. 1-2 Installation 1.1 Running the VMSINSTAL Procedure The VMSINSTAL procedure allows you to install files onto your OpenVMS system from the distribution kit. VMSINSTAL is automated and requires little input from you beyond responding to prompts displayed on your screen. Most of the prompts require only a YES (Y) or NO (N) response. Default answers to prompts are displayed within brackets, as shown in the following example: [YES]: To select the default answer, press . ________________________Note ________________________ You can install the RJE software from two locations: the Consolidated Software Distribution CD-ROM or a remote node in your local area network using the Remote Installation Service (RIS). The VMSINSTAL procedure presented in this chapter assumes the RJE software is being installed from your local area network. To install the RJE software from the Consolidated Software Distribution CD-ROM, see the master index table in the document Consolidated Software Distribution Disk User's Guide for the directory containing the RJE files. _____________________________________________________ 1.1.1 Logging In to the System Manager's Account To begin the VMSINSTAL procedure you must log in to the system manager's account and enter a command, as in the following example, to install the distribution kit on your OpenVMS host: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL SNARJE dduu: where o dduu: identifies the device on which the distribution kit is mounted. o SNARJE is the name of the distribution kit for the Digital SNA RJE software. Installation 1-3 The VMSINSTAL sample shown in this manual describes a simple installation. Your installation might include additional prompts, depending on your configuration and whether you have other products already installed. For a full description of the VMSINSTAL procedure, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. After you log in to the system manager's account and load the volume(s) from your distribution kit, VMSINSTAL displays the following text: OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure Vn It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. Note that the previous example shows that the software has been loaded on an OpenVMS VAX system. Next, VMSINSTAL shows you the status of your current active processes and asks you if you want to continue with the installation. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: SMISERVER BATCH_601 SERVER_002C _RTA3: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? If you continue with the installation procedure, the active processes might be affected, depending upon the utilities these processes are using. If you answer with the default NO, VMSINSTAL terminates. A YES answer causes VMSINSTAL to continue. 1.1.2 Making a Backup Copy of the System Disk The VMSINSTAL procedure then prompts you as follows: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Make sure that you have a backup copy of your system disk before you proceed with an installation that writes to your system disk. Having a backup copy is important because your disk could be corrupted during installation. 1-4 Installation If you do not have a backup copy of your system disk, enter N, and VMSINSTAL stops to allow you to create one. For instructions on how to back up a system disk, see the OpenVMS Backup Utility Manual. After you have created a backup copy, start the VMSINSTAL procedure again. If you already have a backup copy of your system disk, press to continue the installation without interruption. 1.1.3 Mounting the Distribution Kit Volume Next, VMSINSTAL tells you to mount the distribution kit volume on the device you specified when you began the procedure. It then asks if you are ready to continue with the installation, as follows: Please mount the first volume of the set on dduu * Are you ready? ________________________Note ________________________ VMSINSTAL is a universal installation procedure, and you can use it to install products with more than one volume in the distribution kit. When you are installing a product that contains only one volume in the kit, like RJE, the procedure still asks you to mount "the first volume" but does not prompt you to mount any additional volumes. _____________________________________________________ After you have mounted the distribution kit volume, answer YES to the question * Are you ready?. VMSINSTAL responds with a message verifying that you mounted the volume correctly and the installation is continuing, as follows: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SNARJE mounted on dduu: The following products will be processed: SNARJE V1.5 Beginning installation of SNARJE V1.5 at hh:mm %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED , The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. Installation 1-5 1.1.4 Confirming Your License During the installation of the RJE software, the VMSINSTAL procedure asks you to confirm that you registered your Product Authorization Key (PAK) and are licensed to run RJE. Product: SNA-RJE Producer: DEC Version: Vx.x Release Date: dd-mmm-yyyy * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? If you answer YES, VMSINSTAL continues with the installa- tion. If you answer NO, VMSINSTAL displays the following message: Digital SNA Remote Job Entry requires you to register your Product Authorization Key (PAK). You should have received the PAK with your kit. Register your PAK with... $ @sys$update:vmslicense after the installation completes. The product will not function until this is done. As the example indicates, if you have not registered your PAK, the installation will complete successfully, but you will not be able to run RJE. You can use the product only after registering your PAK. 1.1.5 Purging the Distribution Files This installation creates new distribution files on your system. The VMSINSTAL procedure next asks if you want to delete the existing versions (if any) of these files that are superseded by the new files. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? If this is your first RJE software installation, you will have no files to purge. Type NO and press . To delete the old files, answer with the default YES; VMSINSTAL automatically deletes the old files. 1-6 Installation At this point, VMSINSTAL describes the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). The system message appears as follows: You can verify the SNA-RJE installation using the IVP. This is recommended, and will help ensure that the installation has completed correctly by: o Removing or renaming the V1.4 files, only if they exist. o Stopping the V1.4 processes, only if they exist. o Verifying the existence of the V1.5 files. o Initializing the V1.5 processes. o Verifying inter-process communication. Once the installation is complete, you can execute the IVP by using the command: $ @sys$test:snarje$ NOTE: Do NOT execute the IVP unless you have a PAK registered for SNA-RJE V1.5. The IVP will not complete successfully due to the RJE components failing their license check. Then the installation completes, and the following messages appear: All installation questions have been asked. No more input from the terminal will be required. Your Digital SNA RJE V1.5 installation is nearing completion. Remember to use.. $ @sys$startup:snarje$startup to start the detached processes. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installation of SNARJE V1.5 completed at hh:mm The procedure then prompts you for the next product you wish to install. If you have another product to install, enter the product name and respond to the prompts as they appear. Consult the installation manual for that product for further information. If you have no further products to install, press , and VMSINSTAL terminates with a confirmation message as follows: Installation 1-7 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm 1.2 Running the Installation Verification Procedure To run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), enter the following command at the DCL prompt: @SYS$TEST:SNARJE$IVP.COM The following message appears: Starting RJE Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) This procedure will first check for the existence of V1.4 processes and files. This will take a moment. If the IVP finds files from Version 1.4 of RJE in your system directories, the procedure informs you that it has found these files. It then asks if you want to delete them. You currently have Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS V1.4 files in your system directories. The naming convention for V1.5 has been updated, and the older files should either be DELETED, or RENAMED. * Delete the outdated files [Y/N]: To delete the outdated files, answer YES. VMSINSTAL deletes the files and sends you confirming messages, as in the following example: The following outdated files are being DELETED. %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]SNAREADER.EXE;7 deleted (60 blocks) To keep the outdated files, answer NO. The outdated files will appear in the system directories with the designation "_V14" appended to the file name. Next, VMSINSTAL begins to initialize the RJE Version 1.4 processes, as in the following example: Now the V1.5 processes will be initialized, using @sys$startup:snarje$ Creating detached process - SNARJE$MPX %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 24600957 1-8 Installation Creating detached process - SNARJE$SERVER %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 24600958 The process initialization may take a few moments. The IVP will wait until both processes are fully declared, and will then proceed. When initialization of the Version 1.5 process is complete, the IVP creates a workstation and automatically executes a series of RJE commands to verify that RJE is correctly installed. The following is an example of normal IVP output: A workstation will now be created and some very basic tests will be performed. This workstation will make use of the OpenVMS based RJE Server. SNARJE> show workstation Workstations on dd-mmm-yyyy Current IVP_TEST SNARJE> assign [] pr1 SNARJE> assign snarje$reader rd1 SNARJE> show status Status of workstation IVP_TEST on dd-mmm-yyyy Server node: MOUSSY State: OFF Access name: IVP_A Application: Circuit: Logon mode: Stream PR1 (Translate) Assigned: _MOUSSY::VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD.SNARJE015] Current: none Stream RD1 Queue: SNARJE$READER Current: none SNARJE> show counters Installation 1-9 Counters for workstation IVP_TEST on dd-mmm-yyyy 24 Seconds since last zeroed 0 Maximum active files 0 Resource errors 0 Records read 0 Records written 0 Files accessed 0 File open errors 0 File read errors 0 File write errors 0 File close errors 0 Stream aborts 0 SNA protocol errors Stream PR1 0 Records written 0 Records written (active file) 0 Files accessed 0 File open errors 0 File write errors 0 File close errors 0 Stream aborts 0 SNA protocol errors Stream RD1 0 Records read 0 Records read (active file) 0 Files accessed 0 File open errors 0 File read errors 0 File close errors 0 Stream aborts 0 SNA protocol errors SNA RJE workstation IVP_TEST terminated on dd-mmm-yyyy The SNARJE$IVP has completed successfully. This IVP has tested out connections to the MPX and SERVER, but to ensure the correctness of the RJE system, please see Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS Installation and SUBMIT/SNA a test JCL. 1-10 Installation 1.3 Locating Files After Installation After you run the VMSINSTAL procedure, you can find the RJE files in the following locations on your system: Table_1-2_Location_of_RJE_Files_After_Installation______________ File_Name_____________Location______Description_________________ SNARJE.EXE SYS$SYSTEM RJE operator utility SNARJE$MPX.EXE SYS$SYSTEM RJE control program SNARJE$SERVER.EXE SYS$SYSTEM RJE server SNARJE$RDR.EXE SYS$SYSTEM RJE reader stream processor SNASUBMIT.EXE SYS$SYSTEM RJE submit command processor SNARJE$RJEMSG.EXE SYS$MESSAGE RJE message file SNARJE$RJSMSG.EXE SYS$MESSAGE RJS message file SNARJE.HLB SYS$HELP RJE HELP library SNARJE$STARTUP.COM SYS$STARTUP RJE initialization command procedure SNARJE015.RELEASE_ SYS$HELP RJE release notes NOTES SNARJE$MPX.COM SYS$STARTUP called in by SNARJE$STARTUP.COM SNARJE$SERVER.COM SYS$STARTUP called in by SNARJE$STARTUP.COM SNARJE$RJESYMBOL.COM SYS$LIBRARY RJE error symbols SNARJE$RJSSYMBOL.COM SYS$LIBRARY RJS error symbols SNARJE$IVP.COM SYS$TEST RJE installation verifica- ____________________________________tion_procedure______________ When you install RJE, VMSINSTAL automatically creates an RJE server, SNARJE$SERVER.EXE., on your OpenVMS system. If your Gateway resources are limited because your Gateway is supporting multiple tasks or does not have an RJE server, you can try to increase throughput by running RJE through the RJE server on your OpenVMS system. Installation 1-11 ________________________Note ________________________ HELP information for the Digital SNA RJE has been added to the SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB library. _____________________________________________________ 1.4 Verifying Installation of the RJE Software After you have installed the Digital SNA RJE for OpenVMS software, you should verify that it can communicate with the appropriate IBM application subsystem. You should be able to verify communication provided the following conditions exist: o All other components in your configuration are properly installed. o You have a link from your system to the IBM host. This section provides sample procedures for accessing an IBM Job Entry Subsystem by using two commonly available IBM utilities: JES2 and JES3. If you need more information about any command variables used in the following samples, see Digital SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS Use. To verify that you have successfully installed the Digital SNA RJE for OpenVMS software, complete the following steps: 1. Run the SNARJE$STARTUP.COM file. 2. Verify that the RJE software is installed on your system and that all other necessary components are installed and running. 3. Set up your terminal by entering the following OpenVMS command: $ SET TERMINAL/BROADCAST 4. Enter the following commands to invoke RJE and to identify the workstation: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SNARJE SNARJE> USE workstation-name where workstation-name is a one- to eight-character name you assign to the workstation you are creating. 1-12 Installation 5. Configure or set up the workstation using the following sequence of commands: SNARJE> SET WORKSTATION/GATEWAY=gateway-node-name SNARJE> SET WORKSTATION/ACCESS=access-name/DATA=logon-data SNARJE> SET MONITOR 6. Assign the default queue SNARJE$READER to the reader stream: SNARJE> ASSIGN SNARJE$READER RD1 7. Configure a print stream: SNARJE> ASSIGN disk:[directory] PR1 8. Set the workstation ON: SNARJE> SET WORKSTATION/STATE=ON Setting the workstation ON enables messages from the IBM host to be displayed on your screen. 9. Enter interactive console mode: SNARJE> SET CONSOLE 10. Type IBM RJE console commands to send data to your terminal. For example, for JES2 type the following command: $ DU,JES workstation where JES workstation is a valid JES workstation designation. For JES3, type the following command: I,Q,N=ALL These commands cause JES2 or JES3 to display data on your screen. 11. Press to return to SNARJE. Then type EXIT to return to DCL. At this point your RJE software is installed correctly. Installation 1-13