Digital SNA 3270 Application Services Installation Part Number: AA-PPV4C-TE August 1996 This document describes how to install the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software on the OpenVMS operating system. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS VAX V6.1 or later OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 or later Software Version: Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 Electronic Data Systems Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation make no representation that the use of their products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized onlu pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment from Electronic Data Systems Corporation or Digital Equipment Corporation. Electronic Data Systems Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Digital conducts its business in a manner that conserves the environment and protects the safety and health of its employees, customers, and the community. Copyright 1996 Electronic Data Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 1992, 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha, DEC, DECforms, DECnet, DECUS, EDE, EDT, LSE, OpenVMS, PDP, UNIBUS, VAX, VAXcluster, VMS, VMScluster, the Alpha logo, and the Digital logo. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v 1 Preparing for Digital SNA 3270 Application Services Installation 1.1 Required Operating System Components........................1-1 1.2 Prerequisite Hardware.......................................1-2 1.3 Prerequisite and Optional Software..........................1-2 1.3.1 Required DEC VTX Version................................1-3 1.4 License Registration........................................1-3 1.5 Installation Procedure Requirements.........................1-4 1.5.1 Privileges and Disk Space...............................1-4 1.5.2 Process Account Quotas..................................1-4 1.5.3 VMSINSTAL Requirements..................................1-5 1.5.4 Backing Up Your System Disk.............................1-6 2 Installing the Software 2.1 The Installation Procedure..................................2-1 2.2 Error Recovery..............................................2-8 3 After Installing the 3270 Application Services Software 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately..3-1 3.2 Editing the System Files....................................3-2 3.3 VAXcluster Considerations...................................3-3 3.4 User Account Requirements...................................3-3 3.4.1 Privileges..............................................3-3 3.4.2 User Account Quotas.....................................3-3 3.5 Determining and Reporting Problems..........................3-4 A Sample Installation Output B Files Installed on Your System Index Tables 1-1 Prerequisite Software.......................................1-2 1-2 Disk Space Requirements.....................................1-4 1-3 Minimum Process Account Quotas for the Installation Account.1-5 1-4 Process Quotas Required for the Installation Account........1-6 3-1 User Account Quotas for Using 3270 Application Services.....3-4 Preface Purpose of This Guide The Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software is a Digital Equipment Corporation product that provides a library of routines that you call from your application. This product allows an IBM) 3270 user in an IBM SNA network to access DigitalTM applications that support processing of 3270 data streams. The Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software provides communications functions allowing the Digital application to send and receive 3270 data streams and SNA character strings (SCS). This guide explains how to install the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software on VAX and Alpha processors that are running the OpenVMS operating system. Keep this document with your distribution kit as you will need it to install maintenance updates or to reinstall Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software for any other reason. At the back of this document are two postpaid Reader's Comments forms. If you have any comments about this document, fill out one form and mail it; your comments will be considered for the next revision of the installation guide. Intended Audience The audience for this guide is the system manager who installs the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software. Associated Documents The following manuals constitute the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services documentation set: o Digital SNA 3270 Application Services Installation o Digital SNA 3270 Application Services Programming and Management o DECforms Use with 3270 Terminals The following document describes a product available separately which is layered on this product: o MEP VT for DEC SNA 3270 Application Services documentation Associated Digital Documents You should have the following Digital documents available for reference: o DEC SNA Domain Gateway Installation o DEC SNA Domain Gateway Management o DEC SNA Domain Gateway Guide to IBM Resource Definition o DECnet SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS Use o Common Trace Facility (CTF) Use o Introduction to OpenVMS System Routines o VAX VTX Operator's Guide o VAX VTX Guide to Modifying the Terminal Control Program (TCP) o OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual o OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual o OpenVMS RTL Library Manual o OpenVMS SYSMAN Utility Manual o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual o OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual o OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Associated IBM Documents You should have the following IBM documents available for reference: o IBM 3174 Establishment Controller Functional Description (GA23-0218) o IBM 3270 Data Stream Programmer's Reference (GA23-0059) o IBM 3274 Control Unit Description and Programmer's Guide (GA23-0061) o Systems Network Architecture - Sessions Between Logical Units (GC20-1868) Acronyms The following acronyms are used throughout this manual: ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange CDI Change direction indicator CICS IBM's Customer Information Control System DCL Digital Command Language ECI End chain indicator EBI End bracket indicator IBM SNA IBM's Systems Network Architecture PLU Primary logical unit SLU Secondary logical unit SCS SNA character string Conventions Convention Meaning Special type Indicates an example of system output. Boldface type Indicates an example of user input. UPPERCASE Uppercase letters in command lines indicate keywords that must be entered. You can enter them in either uppercase or lowercase. You can abbreviate command keywords to the first three characters or the minimum unique abbreviation. lowercase italics Lowercase italics in command syntax or examples indicate variables for which either the user or the system supplies a value. [ ] Square brackets include optional values. Do not type the brackets in the line of code. ( ) Parentheses enclose group values that must be specified for a parameter. These values must be typed in the line of code in the indicated order. Parentheses must be typed where they appear in a line of code. key Indicates that you press the specified key. Ctrl/x Indicates that you should hold the CONTROL key down and press the key specified by the x. The terminal displays the key combination as ^x. / Indicates related alternative commands or options. For example, SET/DEFINE PORT refers to the SET PORT command, the DEFINE PORT command, or both. Chapter 1 Preparing for Digital SNA 3270 Application Services Installation This chapter describes the preparations and requirements necessary for installing Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software. Your bill of materials (BOM) and indented bills report (BIL) specify the number and contents of your media. Be sure to verify the contents of your kit with this information. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, contact your Digital representative. The Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software provides on-line release notes that describe any undocumented features. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation. For information about accessing the on-line release notes, see Section 2.1. 1.1 Required Operating System Components The OpenVMS operating system comes with a variety of support options, or classes. Classes include such features as networking and RMS journaling. To use the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services product, your system should be running a version of OpenVMS that includes the following classes: o OpenVMS required saveset o Network support o Utilities o Programming support For a complete list of the required classes, see the Software Support Addendum (SSA 38.70.xxA), which comes with the Software Product Description (SPD). 1.2 Prerequisite Hardware The Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software can be installed on any Alpha system, VAX, MicroVAX, or VAXstation configuration as specified in the System Support Addendum (SSA 38.70.xxA). In addition to the Alpha or VAX processor, you will need specific hardware for the DEC SNA Domain Gateway product. Refer to the Domain Gateway SSA for more information. 1.3 Prerequisite and Optional Software Tables 1-1 through 1-4 provide information about the software you must have installed on your system before installing the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software. The System Software Addendum (SSA) contains a complete list of prerequisite and optional software and their required version numbers. Table 1-1 Prerequisite Operating System Software Required Software Minimum Version OpenVMS VAX V6.1 OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 Use the SHOW SYSTEM command to determine the current version of the OpenVMS operating system on your processor. If you do not have the required version, you must install it before you install the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software. Table 1-2 Prerequisite DECnet Software Required Software Minimum Version DECnet-VAX V6.1 DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS VAX V6.1 DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 If you are using DECnet software, use the MCR NCP SHOW EXEC CHAR command to to determine if your node has the minimum required version of DECnet software. If so, you may proceed to install the 3270 Application Services software. If this command fails, check for DECnet/OSI software as described in the next paragraph. If you are using DECnet/OSI software, use the NCL SHOW IMPLEMENTATION command to determine if your node has the minimum required version of DECnet/OSI software. If so, you may proceed to install the 3270 Application Services software. If both commands fail, your node has no DECnet software. If you wish to use DECnet as your transport protocol, you must install the required DECnet software before installing the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software. Table 1-3 Prerequisite TCP/IP Software Required Software Minimum Version DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V4.0 If you wish to use TCP/IP as your transport protocol, use the UCX SHOW VERSION command to determine if your node has the minimum required version of the DEC TCP/IP Services software. If so, you may proceed to install the 3270 Application Services software. If this command fails, you have no TCP/IP software. If you wish to use TCP/IP as your transport protocol, you must install the required TCP/IP software before installing the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software. Table 1-4 Prerequisite Gateway Software Required Software Minimum Version DEC SNA Domain Gateway V2.0 If you are installing prerequisite or optional software along with the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software, review the Product Authorization Key (PAK) status and install PAKs for any prerequisite or optional software before you install the 3270 Application Services software. 1.3.1 Required DEC VTX Version (OpenVMS VAX Only) As part of the installation, the DEC SNA 3270 Application Services software provides a new version of the DEC VTX Terminal Control Program. The new version of VTX uses the 3270 Application Services interface (the API). While VTX is not needed for all installations, you must have a valid VTX license and be running VTX V4.0 or later, or VTX TR V1.0 or later to use this version of VTX. To verify the version of VTX that you are using, enter the following command $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:VTXCTL The VTX version is displayed on your screen. 1.4 Print Symbiont Planning Each OpenVMS print queue can point to a different IBM printer, and can have its own unique parameters. Refer to the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services Programming and Management book for more information on print queue parameters. Using the following table, fill in the queue names you plan to use and their associated parameters, and refer to this information during installation. Parameter Required Queue 1 Queue 2 Queue 3 Queue 4 queuename Yes default form Optional gateway Yes pluname Yes logmode Optional sluname Yes trantbl Optional 1.5 License Registration You must register and load your license for the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services product before you start the installation in order to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and use the software. To register a license under OpenVMS, first log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. You then have a choice of two ways to perform the registration: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your License PAK. o At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information. If you plan to use the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software on more than one node in a VMScluster, you will need to perform a license load on the other nodes after you complete this installation. See Section 3.3. For complete information on using the License Management Facility (LMF), see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements This section and those that follow discuss various requirements for installing the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software. The installation takes approximately 5 to 25 minutes, depending on your type of media and your system configuration. 1.6.1 Privileges and Disk Space To install the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software, you must be logged in to an account that has SYSPRV privileges. Use the SHOW PROCESS/PRIVILEGES command to check the account privileges. Note that VMSINSTAL turns off BYPASS privileges at the start of the installation. The Digital SNA 3270 Application Services requirements for free disk storage space are different during installation and after installation. Table 1-2 summarizes the storage requirements. Table 1-2 Disk Space Requirements 3270 Application Blocks During Blocks After Services Installation Installation Alone 7100 4600 With DECforms 22000 7500 To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE 1.6.2 Process Account Quotas The account you use to install the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software must have certain minimum quotas to allow you to perform the installation. Table 1-3 summarizes the minimum process quotas required for the installation account. Table 1-3 Minimum Process Account Quotas for the Installation Account Account Quota Value ASTLM 24 BIOLM 18 BYTLM 18000 DIOLM 18 ENQLM 30 FILLM 300 User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the OpenVMS Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change user account quotas. First set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM and then run AUTHORIZE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> At the UAF> prompt, enter the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example: UAF> SHOW SMITH To change a quota, enter the MODIFY command. The following example changes the FILLM quota for the SMITH account and then exits from the utility: UAF> MODIFY SMITH /FILLM=50 UAF> EXIT After you exit from the utility, the system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. In order for the changes to take effect, the account changed must be logged out and then logged in again. For more information about modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize utility in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit. 1.6.3 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks the following: o Whether you are logged in to a privileged account o Whether you have adequate quotas for installation o Whether DECnet is running o Whether any users are logged in to the system If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue the installation. In some instances, you can enter YES to continue. To stop the installation process and correct the situation, enter NO or press Return. Then correct the problem and restart the installation. 1.6.4 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. Digital recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software. The OpenVMS System Manager's Manual explains how to back up your system disk. Chapter 2 Installing the Software This chapter explains how to install the 3270 Application Services software. Section 2.1 contains a step-by-step description of the installation procedure. 2.1 The Installation Procedure The procedure for installing the software on an OpenVMS system is automated. You answer the questions displayed while the procedure runs. Most questions require a yes or no answer. Depending on the type of media you use, the 3270 Application Services software installation should take no longer than 25 minutes, excluding preparation time. Default answers appear in brackets throughout the installation procedure. Press Return to accept a default answer. Press Ctrl/Y to abort the installation procedure at any time. Follow these steps to install the 3270 Application Services software on the load host. 1. Invoke VMSINSTAL. @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL saveset-name device-name [OPTIONS N] To start the installation, invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure from a privileged account, such as the SYSTEM account. VMSINSTAL is in the SYS$UPDATE directory. The following list defines the elements of the VMSINSTAL command procedure: saveset-name The installation name for the component. For 3270 Application Services use the following installation name: R3270012 device-name A device name where the distribution kit will be mounted for the 3270 Application Services installation media, where dd is the device, c is the controller, and u is the unit number. For example, MTA0: is the device name for a tape drive. It is not necessary to use the console drive to install the 3270 Application Services software. OPTIONS N An optional parameter you should provide if you want to be prompted to display or print the release notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not prompt you to display or print the release notes, but does copy them to SYS$HELP. VMSINSTAL also provides several other options. For more information about the options, see your processor-specific installation or operations guide. Username: SYSTEM Password: password $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. Enter the VMSINSTAL command. VMSINSTAL prompts you if you do not supply the product and device names. If you do not want to be prompted for the product name, device name, and installation options, type the following: $ @VMSINSTAL R3270012 ddcu: OPTIONS N Note that there are several other options you can select when you invoke VMSINSTAL. o Auto-answer option (A): Initially creates a file that contains your answers to VMSINSTAL questions and prompts. You can then use the option (and the answer file) to save time during a reinstallation (typically after upgrading your system). o Get save set option (G): Lets you store product save sets temporarily on a magnetic tape or in a disk directory. o File log option (L): Logs all activity to the terminal during installation. o Alternate root option (R): Lets you install the product on a system root other than that of the running system. See the OpenVMS documentation for software installation in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit for detailed information about these options. If you specify more than one option, separate the options with commas (OPTIONS A,N). 2. Confirm system status. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: DNS$TA DNS$BACK * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES If there are any active processes, VMSINSTAL lists them and asks if you want to continue. To continue, type Yes and press Return. To stop the installation, just press Return. 3. Confirm system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Before you proceed with the installation, make sure you have a good backup copy. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press Return. If you do not have a good backup copy, type No and press Return to end the installation. 4. Mount the media. The following products will be processed: R3270 V1.2 Beginning installation of R3270 V1.2 at 09:35 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Mount the distribution kit volume set on the appropriate drive. 5. Select a release notes option. If you specified OPTIONS N when you started the installation, VMSINSTAL asks a question about release notes. You have four options for handling the release notes. The following message is displayed: Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing Ctrl/C. If you select option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: You can press Return to send the file to the default output print device or you can enter another queue name. If you select option 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal and then prompts you for a queue name for the printed version. Release notes are always copied to the system help directory. Select option 4 if you reviewed the release notes and are restarting the installation. Next, VMSINSTAL displays the following question: * Do you want to continue the installation [N]?: YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. To continue the installation, enter Yes. Otherwise, press Return. In either case, the release notes are copied to a file (whose name consists of the product name and the version number) in the SYS$HELP directory: SYS$HELP:R3270012.RELEASE_NOTES After the installation, you can access a pointer to the release notes through the Help facility, as follows: $ HELP SNA_3270S RELEASE_NOTES 6. Respond to license registration queries. Product: SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV, SNA-3270-SVCS-RT Producer: DEC Version: V1.2 Release Date: 1-DEC-1993 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y Use the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF) to register the product. Check to see whether this is the same information contained in your Product Authorization Key (PAK). Type Y or N in response to the question. If you do not register and load your authorization key, the product will not run. For more information about LMF, refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. 7. Purge files. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? VMSINSTAL deletes previous versions of the distribution files. Press Return to purge the files replaced during installation. If this is your first 3270 Application Services software installation, type No and press Return. 8. Choose the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) option. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? The installation verification procedure (IVP) runs tests to check whether the installation procedure was successful. Press Return to run the IVP after the installation. If you do not want to run the IVP, type No and press Return. If you have not registered the 3270 Application Services software with LMF, the following text appears: ** Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 Installation Test ** %LICENSE-F-NOAUTH, DEC SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager %Failed to test program with shareable image ** Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 Test FAILED ** Stop the installation and register the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services product with LMF as described in step 6. 9. Unpack the DECforms product for 3270 terminals. * Do you want to unpack the DECforms for 3270 Terminals product [YES]? The installation procedure asks whether you want to unpack the DECforms product for 3270 terminals. If you plan to use the DECforms software press Return at this time. If you do not plan to use DECforms, enter No and press Return to continue with the installation without unpacking the software. Entering No will also save disk space and installation time. 10. Create the 3270 OpenVMS print symbiont. Note If you are reinstalling the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software, you will be asked the following question: Do you want to create a new symbiont startup procedure (SYS$STARTUP:R3270$SYMBIONT_STARTUP.COM) [NO]? If you answer No, the current file will not be changed. If you answer Yes, another version of the file will be created. This question does not appear the first time you install the product. * Enter queue name (or ^Z when done) [R3270$PRINTER1]: * Enter name of default form to use with queue: * Enter name of Gateway to use with queue [GATEWAY_NAME]: btam * Enter PLU name [PLUNAME]: JJR018 * Enter LOGMODE name to use: * Enter SLU name (name of printer)[SLUNAME]: T112F011 * Enter name of translation table file to use for queue: * Enter queue name (or ^Z when done) [R3270$PRINTER2]: VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the queue, the name of the default form to use with the queue, the name of the SNA Gateway to use with the queue, the PLU name, the LOGMODE name, the SLU name, and the default translation table for the queue (see the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services Programming and Management manual for more information about naming these resources). The list of questions repeats allowing you to assign more than one queue to the print symbiont. Enter another queue name to assign another print queue, or enter Ctrl/Z to end the process. If you do not want to create the print symbiont startup file now, enter Ctrl/Z. A template startup file containing instructions for starting the print symbiont will be created. When you have completed the information, VMSINSTAL installs the executable files and creates the startup file SYS$STARTUP:R3270$SYMBIONT_STARTUP.COM. 11. Link the VTX demonstration application (OpenVMS VAX only). VTX is installed on your system. * Do you want to link the VTX demonstration application [YES]? * Directory where the VTX TCP source files are: [SYS$SYSROOT:[TCPLIB]]: %R3270-I-NOQUEST, No further questions will be asked If you want to link the VTX demonstration application, enter Return. VMSINSTAL prompts you for the location of the terminal control program (TCP) library that will link to the application. Enter the name of the directory that contains the source files for the VTX TCP and press Return. This question does not appear if VTX is not installed on your system. 12. Read informational messages. The installation will proceed from this point unattended. It should complete in five to twenty minutes, depending on the system and options selected. The rest of the 3270 distribution kit will be restored. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set x ... The distribution kit for DECforms for 3270 Terminals is being restored into SYS$UPDATE. In order to install this product, you will need to enter the following command: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL FORMS-3270014 SYS$UPDATE OPTIONS N If you just want the run-time kit, type: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL FORMSRT-3270014 SYS$UPDATE OPTIONS N %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set x ... Beginning link of VTX demo R3270$VTXCON.EXE created To install the R3270$LIBSHR.EXE and R3270_LIBSHR.EXE images as shareable each time the system reboots, you must add the following line to your system startup procedure: $ @SYS$STARTUP:R3270$STARTUP Online release notes for this product can be found in the file SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]R3270012.RELEASE_NOTES %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %R3270-I-IVPSTART, **** Digital SNA 3270 Application Services Interface V1.2 Installation Test Starting **** Copyright (c) 1996 Electronic Data Systems Corporation. Copyright (c) 1992, 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation. This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by DIGITAL Equipment Corporation. DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment which is not supplied by DIGITAL. %R3270-I-LINKIVP_$, linking R3270_$IVP %R3270-I-LINKIVP, linking R3270$IVP %R3270-I-IVPRUN, RUNNING R3270$IVP %R3270-S-OK, normal successful completion %R3270-I-IVP_RUN, RUNNING R3270_$IVP %R3270-S-OK, normal successful completion %R3270-I-OKIVP, **** Digital SNA 3270 Application Services Interface V1.2 Test Successful **** Installation of R3270 V1.2 completed at 10:00 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 10:00 No more input is required. If you pressed in response to the prompt in step 8, previous versions of the files are now purged. If the installation procedure is successful, the executable files are moved to their target directory. 13. End the installation procedure. When the installation procedure is complete, you can continue to install more products or end the installation procedure. To end the procedure, press Ctrl/Z or Return. Note VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and want to restore those symbols, you should log out and log in again. 2.2 Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation itself or when the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) is running, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 has failed. If the IVP fails, you see these messages: The Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 Installation Verification Procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 has failed. Errors can occur during the installation under any of these conditions: o The operating system version is incorrect. o A prerequisite software version is incorrect. o Not enough free space on the system disk. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o The OpenVMS help library is currently in use. o The product license has not been registered and loaded. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. For information about installation requirements, see Chapter 1. Chapter 3 After Installing the 3270 Application Services Software You should complete the following tasks after installing the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software: o Run the Installation Verification Procedure separately. o Edit the system startup and shutdown files. o Make the product usable on a VMScluster. o Set user account quotas. o Report problems. 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately You usually run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) during installation. If you want to run the IVP separately to ensure the integrity of installed files should system problems occur, execute the following command procedure: $ @SYS$UPDATE:R3270$IVP.COM The following message indicates that the software has been successfully installed: ** Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 Installation Test ** .... Testing Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 ** Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 Test Successful ** Note The IVP does not verify that the 3270 Application Services software can connect to an IBM system. If the software was not installed properly, VMSINSTAL displays error messages. Correct the problems indicated by the messages and rerun the installation procedure. If you receive IVP errors, you have a damaged kit; contact your Digital representative. For information about configuring your IBM SNA software components for the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services product , see the DEC SNA Domain Gateway Guide to IBM Resource Definition. If you have not registered 3270 services with LMF, the following text appears: ** Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 Installation Test ** %LICENSE-F-NOAUTH, DEC SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV Application Services use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager %Failed to test program with shareable image ** Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 Test FAILED ** Stop the installation and register the 3270 Application Services software with LMF. 3.2 Editing the System Files You must edit the system startup and shutdown files to provide for automatic startup and shutdown of 3270 Application Services when your system is rebooted. Add the command line that starts 3270 Application Services to the system startup file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_*.COM. The 3270 Application Services software cannot start until after the network has started. You must position this new command line after the line that invokes the network startup command procedure. The following example shows the network startup command line followed by the 3270 Application Services startup command line: $ @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET.COM $ . $ . $ . $ @SYS$STARTUP:R3270$STARTUP.COM 3.3 VMScluster Considerations After you have installed 3270 Application Services software on one node of a VMSclusterTM, you can activate it on other nodes of the VMScluster by executing the R3270$STARTUP.COM procedure on each node as follows: $ @SYS$STARTUP:R3270$STARTUP.COM You must activate a 3270 Application Services license for each node in the VMScluster that will execute and run 3270 Application Services software. You can activate the license in one of the following ways: o Log in to each VMScluster node and enter the LICENSE LOAD command. o Invoke the OpenVMS SYSMAN utility to execute the LICENSE LOAD command on the desired VMScluster nodes. See the OpenVMS SYSMAN Utility Manual for details on defining your management environment and executing commands on other nodes. For more information about the LICENSE LOAD command, refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. 3.4 User Account Requirements To work with 3270 Application Services, user accounts on your system must have certain privileges and quotas. The next two sections contain information about these requirements. 3.4.1 Privileges To use 3270 Application Services, each account must have at least the TMPMBX and NETMBX privileges. If the account is going to be creating a DECnet object, it will also need the SYSNAM privilege. Use the OpenVMS Authorize utility to determine whether users have the privileges they require. 3.4.2 User Account Quotas You must make sure that the appropriate user accounts have sufficient quotas to be able to use 3270 Application Services. Table 3-1 summarizes the required user account quotas. Table 3-1 User Account Quotas for Using 3270 Application Services Account Quota Value ASTLM 24 BIOLM 18 BYTLM 18000 DIOLM 18 ENQLM 30 FILLM 20 See Section 1.5.2 for a description of how to verify and change account quotas. 3.5 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using 3270 Application Services, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form if the problem has to do with the 3270 Application Services documentation. There are Reader's Comments forms at the back of each manual. Use the form from the manual in which you found the error. Include the section and page number. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as just indicated or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. Appendix A Sample Installation Output The following pages provide a sample installation of the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services product. VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 7-FEB-1994 at 11:24. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: DECW$TE_0062 Dr. Memory !Ritz!1 * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: R3270 V1.2 Beginning installation of R3270 V1.2 at 11:24 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Product: SNA-3270-SVCS-DEV, SNA-3270-SVCS-RT Producer: DEC Version: V1.2 Release Date: dd-mmm-yyyy * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? * Do you want to unpack the DECforms for 3270 Terminals product [YES]? n * Enter queue name (or ^Z when done) [R3270$PRINTER1]: rd1 * Enter name of default form to use with queue: alnsyb_test * Enter name of Gateway to use with queue [GATEWAY_NAME]: btam * Enter PLU name [PLUNAME]: jjr018 * Enter LOGMODE name to use: * Enter SLU name (name of printer) [SLUNAME]: t112f011 * Enter name of translation table file to use for queue: * Enter queue name (or ^Z when done) [R3270$PRINTER2]:^Z VTX is installed on your system. * Do you want to link the VTX demonstration application [YES]? n %R3270-I-NOQUEST, No further questions will be asked The installation will proceed from this point unattended. It should complete in five to twenty minutes, depending on the system and options selected. The rest of the R3270 distribution kit will be restored. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set x... To install the R3270$LIBSHR.EXE and R3270_LIBSHR.EXE images as shareable each time the system reboots, you must add the following line to your system startup procedure: $ @SYS$STARTUP:R3270$STARTUP Online release notes for this product can be found in the file SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]R3270012.RELEASE_NOTES %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %R3270-I-IVPSTART, **** Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 Installation Test Starting **** Copyright (c) 1996 Electronic Data Systems Corporation. Copyright (c) 1992, 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation. This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by DIGITAL Equipment Corporation. DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment which is not supplied by DIGITAL. %R3270-I-LINKIVP_$, linking R3270_$IVP %R3270-I-LINKIVP, linking R3270$IVP %R3270-I-IVPRUN, RUNNING R3270$IVP %R3270-S-OK, normal successful completion %R3270-I-IVP_RUN, RUNNING R3270_$IVP %R3270-S-OK, normal successful completion %R3270-I-OKIVP, **** Digital SNA 3270 Application Services V1.2 Test Successful **** Installation of R3270 V1.2 completed at 11:32 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 11:32 Note To install the R3270$LIBSHR.EXE and R3270_LIBSHR.EXE images as shareable each time the system reboots, you must add the following line to your system startup procedure: $ @SYS$STARTUP:R3270$STARTUP Appendix B Files and Queue Logicals The Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software installation procedure installs a number of files on your system. Also, if you define symbiont queues the software automatically creates a set of logical names for these queues. Files The following list contains the names of all files created on your system when the Digital SNA 3270 Application Services software is installed. [SYSLIB]R3270$LIBSHR.EXE [SYSLIB]R3270_LIBSHR.EXE [SYSLIB]R3270DEF.ADA [SYSLIB]R3270DEF.BAS [SYSLIB]R3270DEF.FOR [SYSLIB]R3270DEF.H [SYSLIB]R3270DEF.MAR [SYSLIB]R3270DEF.MLB [SYSLIB]R3270DEF.PAS [SYSLIB]R3270DEF.PEN [SYSLIB]R3270DEF.PLI [SYSLIB]R3270DEF.R32 [SYSLIB]R3270DEF_$.ADA [SYSLIB]R3270DEF_$.BAS [SYSLIB]R3270DEF_$.FOR [SYSLIB]R3270DEF_$.H [SYSLIB]R3270DEF_$.MAR [SYSLIB]R3270DEF_$.MLB [SYSLIB]R3270DEF_$.PAS [SYSLIB]R3270DEF_$.PEN [SYSLIB]R3270DEF_$.PLI [SYSLIB]R3270DEF_$.R32 [SYSEXE]R3270$SYMBIONT.EXE [SYS$STARTUP]R3270$STARTUP.COM [SYSHLP]R3270_HELP.HLP [SYSTEST]R3270$IVP.COM [SYSTEST]R3270$IVP.OBJ [SYSTEST]R3270_$IVP.OBJ [SYS$STARTUP]R3270$SYMBIONT_STARTUP.COM [SYSHLP]R3270012.RELEASE_NOTES [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES]R3270$EXAMPLE.C [SYS$LDR]RDDRIVER.EXE [SYSLIB]R3270TRATBL.MAR [SYSLIB]R3270TRATBL.TBL [SYSLIB]TRAPREFIX.MAR [SYSMGR]R3270$DEINSTALL.COM [SYSMSG]R3270MSG.EXE [SYSMSG]R3270MSG_$.EXE If the DECforms save sets have been unpacked, the following files are added: [SYSUPD]FORMS-3270014.A [SYSUPD]FORMS-3270014.B [SYSUPD]FORMS-3270014.C [SYSUPD]FORMS-3270014.C [SYSUPD]FORMSRT-3270014.A Logical Names If you define symbiont queues, the software creates a set of new logicals (/SYSTEM) for each queue. They take this form: R3270$queue-name_PSYMB_parameter-name For example, R3270$RD1_PSYMB_GATEWAY Index Symbol 3270 OpenVMS print symbiont See Print symbiont A Authorize utility, 3-3 MODIFY command, 1-6 SHOW command, 1-6 using to change and verify quotas, 1-6 B Bill of Materials, 1-1 damaged or missing components, 1-1 D DEC VTX Terminal Control Program, 1-3 license, 1-3 minimum version, 1-3 DECnet determining version, 1-2 OSI, 1-2 required version, 1-2 E Editing system startup files, 3-2 I IBM configuring SNA components, 3-2 Indented bills report, 1-1 Installation disk space required with DECforms, 1-5 errors, 3-2 free disk space required, 1-5 privileges required, 1-5 process quotas required, 1-5 ASTLIM, 1-6 BIOLM, 1-6 BYTLM, 1-6 DIOLM, 1-6 ENQLM, 1-6 FILLM, 1-6 time required, 1-4 Installation Verification Procedure, 2-5 errors, 3-2 Installing the software, 2-1 checking informational messages, 2-7 confirming system backup, 2-3 confirming system status, 2-3 ending, 2-8 installing the 3270 OpenVMS print symbiont, 2-5 linking Videotex Terminal Control Program, 2-6 mounting media, 2-3 OPTIONS N, 2-2 Product Authorization Key, 2-5 purging files, 2-5 registering the license, 2-4 running installation verification, 2-5 running VMSINSTAL, 2-1 unpacking DECforms software for 3270 terminals, 2-5 IVP See Installation Verification Procedure L LICENSE LOAD command, 3-3 OpenVMS SYSMAN utility, 3-3 License Management Facility, 2-5 if not registered, 3-2 LMF See License Management Facility N NETMBX, 3-3 P PAK See Product Authorization Key Print symbiont default form, 2-6 Gateway to use, 2-6 LOGMODE name, 2-6 PLU name, 2-6 queue, 2-6 SLU name, 2-6 startup file, 2-6 SYS$STARTUP:R3270$SYMBIONT_STARTUP, 2-6 Print symbiont, default translation table, 2-6 Privileges needed to use software, 3-3 Problem reporting, 3-4 Process account quotas ASTLM, 1-6 BIOLM, 1-6 BYTLM, 1-6 DIOLM, 1-6 ENQLM, 1-6 FILLM, 1-6 Product Authorization Key, 1-3, 2-5 license, 1-4 LICENSE REGISTER command, 1-4 loading license on other nodes, 1-4 Purging files during installation, 2-5 Q Quotas needed to use software, 3-3 R Release notes copying to SYS$HELP, 2-2 displaying, 2-2 printing, 2-2 S Software optional, 1-2 prerequisite, 1-2 Software Product Description, 3-4 SPD See Software Product Description SYSNAM, 3-3 System status other active processes, 2-3 T TMPMBX, 3-3 U UAF See Authorize utility V VMScluster activating node licenses, 3-3 installing software on R3270$STARTUP.COM, 3-2 licensing each node, 3-3 Videotex demonstration application, 2-6 terminal control program (TCP), 2-6 OpenVMS classes, 1-1 operating system version determining, 1-2 support options, 1-1 OpenVMS classes required, 1-1 VMSINSTAL, 1-6 and backing up system disk, 1-7 minimum quotas required, 1-6 VTX See DEC VTX Terminal Control Program; Videotex W Warranty Addendum, 3-4