DEC_DBMS____________________________________________ Installation Guide AA-Y303N-TE February 1994 This manual describes how to install both DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS and run the Installation Verification Procedures. It also explains how to access the online release notes. Revision/Update Information: This manual is a revision and supersedes previous versions. Operating Systems: OpenVMS VAX OpenVMS AXP Software Versions: DEC DBMS Version 6.0 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS Version 1.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1986, 1994. All rights reserved. The postpaid Reader's Comment form at the end of this document requests your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: AXP, CDD/Plus, CDD/Repository, DATATRIEVE, DEC, DBMS, DECdtm, DECnet, LSE, OpenVMS, Rdb/VMS, VAX, VAX DBMS, VMS RMS, VAXcluster, VMS, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL logo. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... vii 1 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1.1 Required Operating System Components.......... 1-1 1.2 Prerequisite and Optional Software for DEC DBMS...................................... 1-2 1.3 Prerequisite and Optional Software for DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS................... 1-3 1.4 License Registration.......................... 1-3 1.4.1 Types of DEC DBMS Licenses................ 1-4 1.4.2 The DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS License................................... 1-5 1.4.3 Getting Information About Your License.... 1-5 1.4.4 Licensing in a VMScluster Environment..... 1-8 1.5 Preinstallation Requirements.................. 1-9 1.5.1 Recovering Your DEC DBMS Databases........ 1-9 1.5.2 Backing Up Your DEC DBMS Database......... 1-10 1.5.3 Ensuring Adequate Physical Memory......... 1-10 1.5.4 Checking DECnet Object Numbers for DBMSERVER................................. 1-11 1.5.5 Executing DBMSERVER_NCL.COM in a DECnet/OSI Environment.................... 1-13 1.5.6 Stopping the DEC DBMS Monitor............. 1-13 1.5.7 Installing in a VMScluster Environment.... 1-14 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements........... 1-14 1.6.1 Time...................................... 1-14 1.6.2 Process Quotas and Privileges............. 1-14 1.6.3 Disk Space................................ 1-16 DEC DBMS Disk Requirements.............. 1-16 Limiting System Blocks Required During Installation............................ 1-17 Related Software Disk Requirements...... 1-18 iii 1.6.4 System Parameters......................... 1-18 System Parameter Setting................ 1-18 Checking System Parameter Values........ 1-19 Settings for Global Pages and and Global Sections................................ 1-20 Checking Values for Global Pages and Global Sections......................... 1-23 Changing System Parameter Values........ 1-23 Setting Dynamic System Parameter Values.................................. 1-24 1.6.5 Backing Up Your System Disk............... 1-26 1.6.6 Logging Off Active Users.................. 1-26 2 Installing DEC DBMS 2.1 General Information........................... 2-1 2.1.1 Retaining Modifications to MONSTART.COM... 2-1 2.1.2 Accessing the Online Release Notes........ 2-2 2.1.3 Verifying the Installation................ 2-2 2.1.4 Stopping the Installation................. 2-3 2.2 Installation Procedure........................ 2-3 2.2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL........................ 2-4 2.2.2 Installation Questions.................... 2-6 2.2.3 Informational Messages.................... 2-13 2.2.4 Running the Installation Verification Procedures................................ 2-14 2.2.5 Completing the Installation Procedure..... 2-15 2.3 Error Recovery................................ 2-16 3 After Installing DEC DBMS 3.1 Editing the System Files...................... 3-1 3.2 Determining the Files Added to the System..... 3-2 3.3 Meeting VMScluster Considerations............. 3-2 3.3.1 Reboot.................................... 3-3 3.3.2 Running the Startup Command Procedures.... 3-3 3.3.3 The DBMDML.OPT File....................... 3-5 3.4 Setting User Account Requirements............. 3-5 3.4.1 Disk Requirements......................... 3-6 3.4.2 User Account Quotas....................... 3-6 3.4.3 Special Privileges........................ 3-8 3.5 Enhancing Product Performance................. 3-9 3.5.1 Installing Images......................... 3-9 iv 3.5.2 Setting GBLPAGFIL and GBLPAGES ........... 3-10 3.5.3 Setting LOCKDIRWT......................... 3-11 3.6 Meeting After-Image Journal Requirements...... 3-12 3.7 Converting Root Files......................... 3-12 3.8 Running the IVP After DEC DBMS or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS Is Installed...... 3-13 3.9 Determining and Reporting Problems............ 3-14 A Full Development Sample Installation Session for OpenVMS VAX Tables 1-1 License Functionality..................... 1-5 1-2 Process Quotas............................ 1-15 1-3 Maximum Disk Space Requirements for OpenVMS VAX Operating Systems............. 1-16 1-4 Maximum Disk Space Requirements for OpenVMS AXP Operating Systems............. 1-17 1-5 VAX Global Section and Page Requirements for Mandatory Images...................... 1-21 1-6 AXP Global Section and Page Requirements for Mandatory Images...................... 1-21 1-7 VAX Global Section and Page Requirements for Optional Images....................... 1-22 1-8 AXP Global Section and Page Requirements for Optional Images....................... 1-22 3-1 Installed Images.......................... 3-4 3-2 Estimating the Appropriate Value for FILLM..................................... 3-7 3-3 Qualifiers for Optional Images............ 3-9 v _________________________________________________________________ Preface This manual describes how to install DEC DBMS Version 6.0 and the optional DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS Version V1.0. The installation procedure uses the VMSINSTAL command procedure. Intended Audience This document is intended for anyone responsible for installing and maintaining DEC DBMS. To install DEC DBMS, you must have access to the SYSTEM account or an account with SYSTEM privileges. Operating System Information VAX To run DEC DBMS Version 6.0 software on an OpenVMS VAX system, that system must be running Version 5.3 or higher of the VMS operating system. To use the two-phase commit protocol, VMS Version 5.4 or higher must be installed on the system. <> AXP To run DEC DBMS Version 6.0 software on an OpenVMS AXP system, that system must be running OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5. <> For information on the compatibility of other software products with this version of DEC DBMS, and to verify which versions of your operating system are compatible with this version of DEC DBMS, refer to the System Support Addendum SSA 25.48xx-A. The SSA comes with the Software Product Description (SPD) for each version of DEC DBMS. vii Document Structure This manual contains three chapters and one appendix: Chapter 1 Describes the operating system parameters that you must set and disk space requirements. Chapter 2 Describes the final preparations for installation and the installation procedure. Chapter 3 Describes the postinstallation procedures. Appendix A Shows sample hardcopy terminal output of a full development installation on an OpenVMS VAX system. Related Documents The other manuals in the DEC DBMS documentation set are: o Introduction to DEC DBMS o DEC DBMS Database Load/Unload Guide o DEC DBMS Database Design Guide o DEC DBMS Database Maintenance and Performance Guide o DEC DBMS Database Administration Reference Manual o DEC DBMS Database Security Guide o DEC DBMS Programming Guide o DEC DBMS Programming Reference Manual o DEC DBMS Quick Reference Guide o DEC DBMS Release Notes Associated Documents The other manuals referred to in this manual are: o DEC DATATRIEVE Installation Guide o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS: Accessing DEC DBMS Data with SQL o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS / DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers Installation Guide o DEC DB Integrator Product Family User's Guide o OpenVMS Developer's Guide to VMSINSTAL o OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual o VMS System Manager's Manual viii o VMS Version 5.3 New Features Manual o VMS System Services Volume o Using CDD/Repository on VMS Systems o Installing CDD/Repository for OpenVMS VAX Systems Conventions In this manual, VMS refers to both the OpenVMS VAX operating system and the OpenVMS AXP operating system. The following conventions are used to identify information specific to OpenVMS VAX or to OpenVMS AXP: AXP The AXP icon denotes the beginning of information specific to OpenVMS AXP. VAX The VAX icon denotes the beginning of information specific to OpenVMS VAX. <> The diamond symbol denotes the end of a section of information specific to OpenVMS AXP or OpenVMS VAX. Discussions that refer to VMScluster environments apply to both VAXcluster systems that include only VAX nodes and VMScluster systems that include at least one AXP node, unless indicated otherwise. When the behavior differs significantly between a VAXcluster and VMScluster system, that behavior is described in text and marked with the AXP or VAX icon, as appropriate. The following conventions are also used in this manual: word A lowercase word in a format example indicates a syntax element that you supply. [ ] Square brackets enclose optional clauses from which you can choose one or none. { } Braces enclose clauses from which you must choose one alternative. This symbol tells you to press the Ctrl (control) key and hold it down while pressing a letter key. . . . Horizontal ellipsis points mean you can repeat the previous item. ix Vertical ellipsis points in an example . means that information not directly . related to the example has been omitted. . Color Color in examples shows user input. For the online version of this manual, user input is shown in bold. References to Products The DEC DBMS documentation set to which this manual belongs often refers to Digital products by their abbreviated names: o CDD/Repository for OpenVMS VAX and CDD/Repository for OpenVMS AXP software is referred to as CDD/Repository or the dictionary. (Previous to Version 5.0, CDD/Repository was called VAX CDD/Plus.) o DEC DATATRIEVE software is referred to as DATATRIEVE. o VAX Language-Sensitive Editor software is referred to as LSE. x 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install DEC DBMS This chapter discusses the preparations and requirements necessary for installing DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. Your bill of materials (BOM) and indented bills report (BIL) specify the number and contents of your media. Be sure to verify the contents of your kit with this information. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, contact your Digital representative. Both DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS provide online release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation. For information on accessing the online release notes, see Section 2.1.2. 1.1 Required Operating System Components VAX On OpenVMS VAX, DEC DBMS Version 6.0 requires VMS Version 5.3 or higher installed on your system. However, to use the two-phase commit protocol, VMS Version 5.4 or higher is required. To see which version of OpenVMS VAX is currently installed, enter the following command: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("VERSION") V5.3 In this example, VMS Version 5.3 is running on your system. The OpenVMS VAX operating system comes with a variety of support options, or classes. Classes include such features as networking and OpenVMS RMS journaling. Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-1 For a complete list of the required classes, see the System Support Addendum (SSA) that comes with the Software Product Description (SPD). For more information on using classes see the VMS Version 5.3 Upgrade and Installation Procedures manual. <> AXP On OpenVMS AXP, DEC DBMS Version 6.0 requires OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 be installed on your system. <> 1.2 Prerequisite and Optional Software for DEC DBMS This section discusses the software you must instal on your system before installing DEC DBMS. Please refer to the SSA for a complete list of prerequisite and optional products and their required version numbers. VAX On OpenVMS VAX, DEC DBMS Version 6.0 requires VAX CDD/Plus Version 4.3 or higher. <> AXP On OpenVMS AXP, DEC DBMS Version 6.0 requires CDD/Repository Version 5.3 or higher. <> To see which version of the dictionary is currently installed on your system, enter the following CDO command: $ DICTIONARY OPERATOR Welcome to CDO V1.1 The CDD/Plus V4.3 User Interface Type HELP for help CDO> EXIT In this example, VAX CDD/Plus Version 4.3 is running on your system. Beginning with Version 5.0, DEC DBMS supports limited optional dictionary usage. For more information, see the DEC DBMS Database Administration Reference Manual. DEC DBMS Version 6.0 can also be used with DATATRIEVE Version 6.1 or higher. If DATATRIEVE is installed on your system before you install DEC DBMS, you do not have to reinstall DATATRIEVE. 1-2 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1.3 Prerequisite and Optional Software for DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS This section discusses the software you must have installed on your system before installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS is a separate product from DEC DBMS; however, the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS software is included in the DEC DBMS software kit. For a complete list of prerequisite and optional products and their required version numbers, please refer to the online release notes for DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. The file specification for the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS release notes is SYS$HELP:DBMSQL$010.RELEASE_NOTES. DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS requires DEC DBMS Version 5.0A or higher. To see which version of DEC DBMS is currently installed on your system, enter the following command: $ DBO/SHOW VERSION Executing DBO for DEC DBMS V5.1 In this example, DEC DBMS Version 5.1 is running on your system. DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS also requires DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers Version 2.1A or higher on OpenVMS VAX. On OpenVMS AXP systems, it requires DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers Version 3.0 or higher. See the DEC DB Gateway for RMS / DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers Installation Guide for information. 1.4 License Registration You must register the DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS licenses through the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF) in accordance with the license agreement signed by your site. The license registration information you need is contained in the Product Authorization Key (PAK) that is shipped with these two products. The PAK is a paper certificate that contains information about the license required to run a particular piece of software. Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-3 During the installation, the system asks whether you have registered the DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS licenses and loaded the appropriate PAK. You must register and load your PAKs in order to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and use the software. 1.4.1 Types of DEC DBMS Licenses There are three DEC DBMS licenses: o DBMS The DBMS license provides full development functionality for all users. A second PAK is also available under the DBMS license name that provides named-user licensing in a full development environment. Named-user licensing allows you to limit access to DEC DBMS to specified users. Access is assigned by listing usernames in the license reserve list in LMF. If a user not named in the reserve list tries to bind to the database, the following error message is displayed: %DBM-F-NOLIC, not authorized to run DBMS on this node. See system manager -LICENSE-F-NOTINRSRVLIST, not in license reserve list o DBMS-RT The DBMS-RT license provides run-time only functionality to all users. o DBMS-RT-USER The DBMS-RT-USER license provides concurrent-based functionality. Concurrent-based licenses, which are sometimes referred to as activity licenses, N-user licenses, or capacity licenses, let you limit the number of concurrent users of a product and can help you reduce licensing costs. The DBMS-RT-USER license provides run- time only functionality to a specified number of users. With this PAK you limit only the number of concurrent users, not specific users by username. If the number of concurrent users of DEC DBMS equals the number allowed by the license and another user attempts to use DEC DBMS, the following error message is displayed: %DBM-F-NOLIC, not authorized to run DBMS on this node. See system manager -LICENSE-F-EXCEEDED, attempted usage exceeds active license limits 1-4 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS DEC DBMS uses the PAK or license to control the functionality that will be allowed on your system. You must have the proper combination of software kit and PAK to get the functionality you want. Table 1-1 shows the functionality provided by each PAK on systems with different kits installed. Table_1-1_License_Functionality____________________________ Software License__________Installed________Functionality____________ DBMS Full Full development and development run-time only DBMS Run-time only Run-time only DBMS-RT Full Run-time only development DBMS-RT Run-time only Run-time only DBMS-RT-USER Full Run-time only development DBMS-RT-USER_____Run-time_only____Run-time_only____________ 1.4.2 The DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS License There is a single DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS license available: DB-GATEWAY-DBMS. It allows access to all DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS functionality, regardless of the type of DEC DBMS software installed. 1.4.3 Getting Information About Your License There are two commands that provide information about your license: LICENSE LIST/FULL and DBO/SHOW LICENSE. LICENSE LIST/FULL is an LMF command that displays a full listing from the LICENSE database of the specified license or licenses. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are installing DBMS Version 6.0, you should use the LICENSE LIST/FULL command before installation to determine if you have a DBMS license with named- user support. This is important because on systems with named-user support, no one other than the named Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-5 user(s) can install a new version of DEC DBMS. If the installer's username is not on the license reserve list, the IVP fails. ______________________________________________________ The following example shows output from the LICENSE LIST/FULL command. Notice that the Reserve field indicates a reserve license list. This means that the DBMS license on this system has named-user support. The license reserve list shows SMITH_NP as the only named user, so username SMITH_NP is the only one who can access the database or install Version 6.0 of DEC DBMS. $ LICENSE LIST/FULL DBMS License Management Facility License Database File: SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB;1 Created on: 9-MAY-1989 Created by user: SYSTEM LMF Version: V1.1 ----------------------------------- Issuer: DEC Authorization: CBPTMP006657 Product Name: DBMS Producer: DEC Units: 200 Version: 0.0 Release Date: 10-SEP-1993 PAK Termination Date: (none) Availability: 0 Activity: 000000100 Options: Hardware ID: Revision Level: 3 Status: Active Command: MODIFY Modified by user: SMITH Modified on: 16-SEP-1993 15:29:57.42 Reserve: SMITH_NP 1-6 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS If there is no field for a license reserve list, as shown in the following example, the DBMS license provides full development access for all users. This means any user can access or install DEC DBMS Version 6.0. $ LICENSE LIST/FULL DBMS License Management Facility License Database File: SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB;2 Created on: 9-MAY-1989 Created by user: SYSTEM LMF Version: V1.1 ----------------------------------- Issuer: DEC Authorization: BIX-PK-89111-ZKO-57 Product Name: DBMS Producer: DEC Units: 0 Version: 0.0 Release Date: 10-SEP-1993 Termination Date: (none) Modified Termination Date: 24-JAN-1994 Availability: F (Layered Products) Activity: 0 Options: MOD_UNITS Hardware ID: Revision Level: 5 Status: Disabled Command: DISABLE Modified by user: SYSTEM Modified on: 16-SEP-1993 16:27:57.42 The DBO/SHOW LICENSE command provides additional license information. The DBO/SHOW LICENSE command displays the status of the license names that DEC DBMS checks for. Use the DBO/SHOW LICENSE command to determine why a specified license is not accepted by DEC DBMS. The command returns a DBO-I-CHECKLIC message and a subsequent message from LMF indicating the result of the check. The LMF message explains why a license is (or is not) valid. The following messages display the most common reasons for license failure: Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-7 -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product This message indicates that no license is loaded for the specified product. -LICENSE-F-INVALID_DATE, license is invalid for this product release date This message indicates that the license specified has expired. -LICENSE-F-NOTINRSRVLIST, not in license reserve list This message indicates that the license specified has a license reserve list and the user entering the command is not on the list. %LICENSE-F-EXCEEDED, attempted usage exceeds active license limits This message indicates that the license specified allows only a certain number of concurrent users, and that number is currently accessing the database. No other users can access the database until that number drops below the limit allowed by the license. For more information about the DBO/SHOW LICENSE command, see the DEC DBMS Database Administration Reference Manual. 1.4.4 Licensing in a VMScluster Environment If you plan to use DEC DBMS on more than one node in a VMScluster system, you must load a license on the other nodes of the system. If you want a mixed full development and run-time only configuration on a VMScluster system, you must install the full development DEC DBMS software kit and register the PAKs you will be using in the LICENSE database. Use the LICENSE MODIFY/INCLUDE and LICENSE MODIFY/EXCLUDE commands to specify the PAKs you want on each node. Users on nodes with the DBMS PAK then have full development functionality. Users on nodes with the DBMS-RT or DBMS-RT-USER PAKs are limited to run-time capabilities. 1-8 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS For instructions on registering and activating your license and on controlling which nodes in a cluster have access to a product license, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. 1.5 Preinstallation Requirements DEC DBMS has some special requirements before installation. The following sections describe the requirements you must meet before installing DEC DBMS Version 6.0. 1.5.1 Recovering Your DEC DBMS Databases Before installing DEC DBMS you must eliminate all obsolete recovery-unit journal (.RUJ) files. The before-image journaling facility is version specific; if you do not recover your database before installing a new version, you will not be able to access the database using that new version. Use the DIRECTORY command with the following syntax on each disk device to see if any .RUJ files remain: DIRECTORY :[000000...]*.RUJ;* For each .RUJ file associated with a DEC DBMS database, you must locate the corresponding database root file and bind to that database. You can use the DBO/DUMP/RECOVER command to identify the corresponding .ROO file for each .RUJ file. (Note that if you are also using DEC Rdb, some of the .RUJ files you encounter may be associated with that product.) For example, if the BILLMAT database is located in the directory DB$DISK:[MATERIAL], you can recover the database and eliminate all .RUJ files associated with the database as follows: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DBQ dbq> BIND DEFAULT_SUBSCHEMA FOR DB$DISK:[MATERIAL]BILLMAT dbq> EXIT The database is now recovered. The previous example assumes that the BILLMAT database has the default subschema provided by the DDL compiler. If your database does not have the default subschema, use the DBO/DUMP command with the /SUBSCHEMAS qualifier to see the valid subschema names for your database. See the DEC DBMS Database Administration Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-9 Reference Manual for more information on the DBO/DUMP command. 1.5.2 Backing Up Your DEC DBMS Database Digital recommends that you perform a full back up of your database before installing a new version of DEC DBMS. See the DEC DBMS Database Maintenance and Performance Guide and the DBO/BACKUP and DBO/BACKUP/MULTITHREAD commands in the DEC DBMS Database Administration Reference Manual. If you are using DBO/RESTORE to convert your database to the current structure level after installing the DEC DBMS software, you cannot roll forward an .AIJ file from the previous version of DEC DBMS, nor can you apply an incremental backup to the restored full backup. Make sure you take a full, offline backup of each DEC DBMS database before upgrading your software. 1.5.3 Ensuring Adequate Physical Memory OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX systems allocate and deallocate memory differently. On OpenVMS VAX systems, a memory page is 512 bytes. On OpenVMS AXP systems, however, memory page size is hardware dependent: an Alpha AXP page can be 8KB, 16KB, 32KB, or 64KB. Note that in this manual, a value of 512 bytes of memory is referred to as a "page" on OpenVMS VAX systems and as a "pagelet" on OpenVMS AXP systems. Values that represent memory pages on either system are referred to as "CPU- specific pages". Before you install DEC DBMS, ensure that there is adequate physical memory on your system. Additional memory is often required by applications with many locks. Insufficient memory will cause thrashing. VAX On OpenVMS VAX systems, DEC DBMS requires at least 4 megabytes of physical memory. To find out how many megabytes of physical memory you have on your system, enter the SHOW MEMORY command at the DCL prompt. The following example shows a display on an OpenVMS VAX system: 1-10 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS $ SHOW MEMORY/PHYSICAL_MEMORY System Memory Resources on 30-JUL-1993 10:04:45.97 Physical Memory Usage (pages): Total Free In Use Modified Main Memory (256.00Mb) 524288 262822 247252 14214 Of the physical pages in use, 92135 pages are permanently allocated to VMS. In this example, the system has 256 megabytes of memory. <> AXP On OpenVMS AXP systems, DEC DBMS requires at least 64 megabytes of physical memory. The following example shows a display on an OpenVMS AXP system: $ SHOW MEMORY/PHYSICAL_MEMORY System Memory Resources on 22-SEP-1992 13:34:07.73 Physical Memory Usage (pages): Total Free In Use Modified Main Memory (256.00Mb) 32768 28830 3815 623 Of the physical pages in use, 1215 pages are permanently allocated to VMS. In this example, the system has 256 megabytes of memory. <> 1.5.4 Checking DECnet Object Numbers for DBMSERVER Before installing DEC DBMS, check that no user-created object exists in the DECnet for OpenVMS database with the number 52. Object number 52 is reserved for the exclusive use of DBMSERVER, which implements the DEC DBMS remote database access capability. The DEC DBMS installation procedure displays an error message if number 52 is assigned to an object other than DBMSERVER, or if an existing DBMSERVER is assigned a number other than 52. Use the Network Control Program (NCP) to confirm that 52 is not being used by any object except DBMSERVER: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCP NCP> SHOW KNOWN OBJECTS SUMMARY Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-11 Known Object Volatile Summary as of 4-JAN-1990 11:11:01 Object Number File/PID User Id Password $MOM 0 $NICONFIG 0 CDD$REMOTE 0 SYS$SYSTEM:CDD$REMOTE.COM SMISERVER 0 2020010C SQLSRV 0 SYS$SYSTEM:SQLSRV$.EXE FAL 17 FAL.EXE HLD 18 NML 19 NML.EXE REMACP 23 20200122 MIRROR 25 EVL 26 20200120 MAIL 27 MAIL_SERVER.EXE NOTES 33 NOTES$SERVER.EXE NOTES$SERVER CTERM 42 20200122 VPM 51 VPM.EXE TESTER 52 TESTER.EXE DTR 63 DQS 66 DQS$SERVER.EXE In this example a user created the image TESTER.EXE and assigned the number 52. If the object number was defined in the TESTER source code, edit the source code and use a different number. Digital reserves the numbers 128 to 255 for users' objects in the DECnet for OpenVMS database. Select any number between 128 and 255 that is currently unused. Recompile and relink any program that has the object number defined in the source code. Then use NCP again to define an entry for the new TESTER.EXE. First remove the current entry for TESTER: NCP> PURGE OBJECT TESTER ALL Next, change the object number assigned to TESTER in the permanent DECnet for OpenVMS database: NCP> DEFINE OBJECT TESTER NUMBER 128 NCP> DEFINE OBJECT TESTER FILE TESTER.EXE Finally, use the values from the permanent database to affect the current, volatile database and exit the NCP: NCP> SET OBJECT TESTER ALL NCP> EXIT ________________________ Note ________________________ Remote database access using DECnet is not related to 1-12 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS DEC DBMS operation in a VMScluster environment. See the DEC DBMS Database Maintenance and Performance Guide for information on using DEC DBMS in a VMScluster environment. ______________________________________________________ 1.5.5 Executing DBMSERVER_NCL.COM in a DECnet/OSI Environment If you have DECNET/OSI on your system, you will need either the NET$MANAGE rights identifier or BYPASS privilege to run the DBMSERVER_NCL.COM procedure. DBMSERVER_NCL.COM is automatically executed from MONSTART.COM. Log in to each node and run the DBMSERVER_NCL.COM procedure to configure the DBMSERVER object with the DECnet/OSI database. DBMSERVER_NCL.COM needs to be executed only once per VAXcluster or VMScluster node. You do not have to execute the DBMSERVER_NCL.COM procedure on the node from which the installation took place. MONSTART calls DBMSERVER_NCL.COM to configure DBMSERVER. If the installation procedure is on VAXcluster or VMScluster node NODE1 and if the VAXcluster or VMScluster system also includes nodes NODE2 and NODE3, you must log in to nodes NODE2 and NODE3 and enter the following: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$MANAGER $ @DBMSERVER_NCL 1.5.6 Stopping the DEC DBMS Monitor Digital recommends stopping the DEC DBMS monitor before installing a new version of DEC DBMS. In a VMScluster environment, the monitor runs on each node that boots from the common root directory. You should stop the monitor on each node. To stop the monitor, enter the following command: $ DBO/MONITOR STOP If the monitor is not stopped before installation, the installation procedure will stop it on the node where the installation is performed. You do not have to stop the DEC DBMS monitor in order to install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-13 1.5.7 Installing in a VMScluster Environment When installed on a common root directory, layered products such as DEC DBMS are installed in SYS$COMMON. The VMSINSTAL command procedure does not allow layered products to be installed in the SYS$SPECIFIC portion of a common root directory. You cannot use the alternate root option of VMSINSTAL to install layered products in the SYS$SPECIFIC portion. If you try this, VMSINSTAL installs the layered product in SYS$COMMON. Therefore, you cannot install multiple versions of DEC DBMS on a VMScluster system with a single, common root directory. 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements The following sections discuss various requirements for installing DEC DBMS. If certain requirements are not met, the installation will abort. Review this section to make sure that you have enough resources to perform the installation. 1.6.1 Time The DEC DBMS installation takes approximately 9 minutes, depending on the type of media and system configuration. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), which Digital recommends you run to be sure DEC DBMS is installed properly, takes an additional 13 minutes. The DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS installation and IVP take approximately 2 minutes to complete. 1.6.2 Process Quotas and Privileges The account you use to install and verify DEC DBMS must have sufficient quotas and privileges to enable you to perform the installation. VMSINSTAL requires that the installation account have a minimum of quotas, as listed in Table 1-2. 1-14 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS Table_1-2_Process_Quotas___________________________________ Process_Quota____Value_____________________________________ ASTLM 24 BIOLM 18 BYTLM 18,000 DIOLM 18 ENQLM 256 FILLM________________20____________________________________ If disk quotas are enabled for your account, be sure that you have EXQUOTA privilege or the blocks of quota remaining exceed the value required in Table 1-3. VMSINSTAL requires you to be logged into an account that has SETPRV or the following privileges: o CMKRNL o WORLD VMSINSTAL turns off BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. User account quotas and privileges are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the OpenVMS AUTHORIZE utility to verify and change user account quotas and privileges. First set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM and then run AUTHORIZE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> At the UAF> prompt, use the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example: UAF> SHOW SMITH To change a quota or add a privilege, use the MODIFY command. MODIFY has the following format: MODIFY account-name /quota-name=nnn /privilege=priv-name Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-15 The following example changes the FILLM quota, adds SETPRV for the SMITH account, and then exits from the utility: UAF> MODIFY SMITH /FILLM=50/PRIVILEGE=SETPRV UAF> EXIT After you exit from the utility, the system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. Once the changes are made, you must log out and log in again before the new quotas can take effect. For more information on modifying account quotas and privileges, see the description of the AUTHORIZE utility in the OpenVMS system management documentation. 1.6.3 Disk Space The amount of space required for a database depends on many factors including the complexity and size of the database, overhead, and the number of users. This section describes the disk space requirements for DEC DBMS and other related software. DEC DBMS Disk Requirements DEC DBMS requires a certain amount of free disk storage space during installation. After DEC DBMS is installed, less storage space is required. VAX Table 1-3 summarizes the storage requirements for OpenVMS VAX operating systems. Table 1-3 Maximum Disk Space Requirements for OpenVMS VAX __________Operating_Systems________________________________ Blocks During Blocks After DEC_DBMS_Kit__Installation____________Installation_________ Full 29,000 18,000 development Run-time 29,000 13,000 <> only_______________________________________________________ 1-16 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS AXP Table 1-4 summarizes the storage requirements for OpenVMS AXP operating systems. Table 1-4 Maximum Disk Space Requirements for OpenVMS AXP __________Operating_Systems________________________________ Blocks During Blocks After DEC_DBMS_Kit__Installation____________Installation_________ Full 40,000 33,000 development Run-time 40,000 24,000 <> only_______________________________________________________ To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt DUA0: Mounted 0 SYSTEM 277575 240 10 In this example there are 277,575 free disk blocks. Limiting System Blocks Required During Installation Use the VMSINSTAL Alternative Working Directory (AWD) option to limit system blocks required during installation. The AWD option specifies an alternative working directory into which temporary files are written. If you run the IVP, the CDD/Repository is also created in the working directory. Specify the AWD option according to the following format: OPTIONS AWD=device:[directory] The following example specifies DISK$ as the alternative working device and TEMP as the alternative working directory. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL dbmv060 MTA0: OPTIONS AWD=DISK$:[TEMP] Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-17 Related Software Disk Requirements The space you need for CDD/Repository depends on the number, size, and complexity of your database applications. CDD/Repository software requires approximately 34,000 disk blocks. DATATRIEVE software requires approximately 7,000 disk blocks. If you plan to access DEC DBMS databases with DATATRIEVE, you will need about 25 percent more space in CDD/Repository per database for DATATRIEVE information. 1.6.4 System Parameters Installing DEC DBMS requires certain system parameter settings. This section lists minimum settings and describes how to check and change parameter values. Depending on the kinds of programs and applications running at your site, you might need higher values for some settings. System Parameter Setting Before you install DEC DBMS, make sure that certain system parameter values are set correctly. The parameters and their recommended values are: o VIRTUALPAGECNT (maximum number of virtual pages) VIRTUALPAGECNT sets the maximum number of virtual pages that any one process can map. Take into account the total number of databases in use at any given time when you allocate VIRTUALPAGECNT. Allocate at least 2,000 virtual pages for each database root file. The need for virtual pages varies according to the number of users and the size of the schema, but 2,000 pages should be sufficient for most applications. o LOCKIDTBL (initial size of lock ID table) LOCKIDTBL establishes the number of entries in the system lock ID table, which limits the number of locks in the system. The OpenVMS lock ID table expands as needed (provided nonpaged memory is available) in increments of the LOCKIDTBL value, up to the limit set by the LOCKIDTBL_MAX parameter. The recommended minimum value is 2,048. o RESHASHTBL (resource hash table) 1-18 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS RESHASHTBL defines the number of entries in the lock management resource name hash table. Each entry requires 4 bytes. As a general guideline, there should be one resource hash table entry for every four locks in the system. Therefore, RESHASHTBL should be set to one- quarter the value of LOCKIDTBL_MAX, rounded to the closest power of 2. o SRPCOUNT and SRPCOUNTV (size of small request packets) SRPCOUNT sets the number of preallocated small request packets. SRPCOUNTV establishes the upper limit to which SRPCOUNT can be increased. Resources and locks are allocated with small request packets (SRPs), if possible. If the system is out of SRPs, the nonpaged memory pool is used. Set SRPCOUNT less than or equal to SRPCOUNTV. A typical setting is one half of SRPCOUNTV. The recommended minimum value for SRPCOUNTV is 1,000. Set SRPCOUNTV equal to LOCKIDTBL + r, where r is the number of system resources available to the system. Generally, r can be set to 5 percent of the value you assigned to LOCKIDTBL. See the OpenVMS system management documentation for more information about system resources. o CHANNELCNT (channel count) CHANNELCNT defines the maximum number of I/O channels any process can handle concurrently. CHANNELCNT should be set to a number larger than the largest file limit (FILLM) in the database environment. Checking System Parameter Values To check the values of your system parameters, enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke the System Generation (SYSGEN) utility: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> At the SYSGEN> prompt, use the SHOW command to display the value of a system parameter. The values displayed should be equal to or exceed the values of each parameter listed in Section The following example displays the value for the LOCKIDTBL system parameter: Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-19 SYSGEN> SHOW LOCKIDTBL Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum Unit Dynamic -------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- ------- LOCKIDTBL 357 200 40 65535 Entries SYSGEN> In this example, the current value for LOCKIDTBL is 357. After checking the parameters with the SHOW command, you can enter the EXIT command at the SYSGEN> prompt to return to DCL level. You can check the actual number of locks your system is using with the DCL MONITOR command: $ MONITOR MONITOR> MONITOR LOCK This command displays the maximum number of locks outstanding during the monitor period. You can use this value to fine tune the LOCKIDTBL, LOCKIDTBL_MAX, and RESHASHTBL parameters. Settings for Global Pages and and Global Sections To install and run DEC DBMS, you must have sufficient free global pages (GBLPAGES) and global sections (GBLSECTIONS). You must first find out how many free global pages and sections you have on your system. The installation procedure will abort if there are insufficient GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS. Each active database requires three global sections: one for the schema, one for the subschema, and one for the root file. Some images use global sections and global pages. Shareable images also use global sections. The number of global pages required depends on the size of the database root file and on whether or not the DEC DBMS global buffering feature is used. 1-20 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS VAX The image names and the global sections and global pages required on OpenVMS VAX systems are listed in Table 1-5. Table 1-5 VAX Global Section and Page Requirements for __________Mandatory_Images_________________________________ Global Image_File_Name_________Sections_____Global_Pages__________ SYS$LIBRARY:CRFSHR.EXE[1]2 10 SYS$LIBRARY:DBMPRV.EXE 4 20 SYS$LIBRARY:DBMSHR.EXE 14 870 SYS$LIBRARY:LBRSHR.EXE[1]2 70 SYS$SYSTEM:DBMSERVER.EXE_2_________ _70___________________ TOTAL 24 1040 <> ___________________________________________________________ [1]CRFSHR.EXE and LBRSHR.EXE are supplied with the OpenVMS operating system. They must be installed for the proper execution of DBO. ___________________________________________________________ AXP The image names and the global sections and global pages required on OpenVMS AXP systems are listed in Table 1-6. Table 1-6 AXP Global Section and Page Requirements for __________Mandatory_Images_________________________________ Global Image_File_Name_________Sections_____Global_Pages__________ SYS$LIBRARY:CRFSHR.EXE 1 20 SYS$LIBRARY:DBMPRV.EXE 2 30 SYS$LIBRARY:DBMSHR.EXE 11 2110 SYS$LIBRARY:LBRSHR.EXE 1 180 SYS$SYSTEM:DBMSERVER.EXE_1_________ 120___________________ TOTAL___________________16___________2460_<>_______________ Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-21 VAX There are several images you can install optionally. All these images use global sections and global pages. Table 1-7 shows these optional images on an OpenVMS VAX system. Table 1-7 VAX Global Section and Page Requirements for __________Optional_Images__________________________________ Global Image_File_Name_________Sections_____Global_Pages__________ SYS$SYSTEM:DBMDBR.EXE 2 440 SYS$SYSTEM:DBQ.EXE 2 330 SYS$SYSTEM:DDL.EXE[1] 2 860 SYS$SYSTEM:DML.EXE[1] 2 620 SYS$SYSTEM:FORDML.EXE[1]2 760 <> ___________________________________________________________ [1]DDL.EXE, DML.EXE, and FORDML.EXE are not included in the DEC DBMS run-time only kit. ___________________________________________________________ AXP Table 1-8 shows optional images on an OpenVMS AXP system. Table 1-8 AXP Global Section and Page Requirements for __________Optional_Images__________________________________ Global Image_File_Name_________Sections_____Global_Pages__________ SYS$SYSTEM:DBMDBR.EXE 1 830 SYS$SYSTEM:DBQ.EXE 1 850 SYS$SYSTEM:DDL.EXE[1] 1 1800 SYS$SYSTEM:DML.EXE[1] 1 1150 SYS$SYSTEM:FORDML.EXE[1]1 1380 <> ___________________________________________________________ [1]DDL.EXE, DML.EXE, and FORDML.EXE are not included in the DEC DBMS run-time only kit. ___________________________________________________________ If you run the IVP, you need three additional global sections and 50 global pages. CDD/Repository also requires global sections. See the Installing CDD/Repository for OpenVMS VAX Systems for required global pages and global sections. 1-22 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS If you plan to use DATATRIEVE to access DEC DBMS databases, see the DEC DATATRIEVE Installation Guide for required global pages and global sections. Checking Values for Global Pages and Global Sections If you are currently running another version of DEC DBMS on your system, run the @SYS$MANAGER:MONSTOP procedure to shut down the monitor so that the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS values associated with that version are not calculated into the net values required for your new installation. Then use the WRITE command with the F$GETSYI lexical function to find the number of free global pages and global sections. The following example shows how to get this information at your terminal (the default for SYS$OUTPUT): $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") 15848 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 24 In this example there are 15,848 free global pages and 24 free global sections. If the values displayed by the system are greater than the values calculated in Section, you do not need to increase the values for these parameters. If the value of free global pages or global sections is less than the values calculated in Section, you must increase the system parameter settings. Section describes the procedures for increasing these values using the AUTOGEN utility. Refer to the OpenVMS system management manuals for information on using the AUTOGEN utility. Changing System Parameter Values Use the AUTOGEN utililty to change system parameters. AUTOGEN automatically adjusts values for parameters that are associated with the values you reset manually. To change system parameters with AUTOGEN, edit the following file: SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-23 To change a parameter value that is already listed in this file, delete the current value associated with that parameter and enter the new value. To add a new parameter, add a line to the file that includes both the name of the parameter and its value. For example: LOCKIDTBL = 2048 To modify incremental parameters such as GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS, use ADD_. The following example increases the global page setting by 2000: ADD_GBLPAGES = 2000 After you have made all your changes, exit from the editor and run the AUTOGEN procedure to recalculate your system parameters. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT When you specify REBOOT, AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and reboots the system when it has finished. Any users logged on to the system are immediately disconnected during the shutdown. The automatic reboot puts the new parameter values into effect. The AUTOGEN utility automatically adjusts some of the system parameters based on the consumption of resources since the last reboot. If you do not want to take advantage of this automatic adjustment, include the /NOFEEDBACK qualifier on the AUTOGEN command line. For more information about using AUTOGEN, see the OpenVMS system management documentation. Setting Dynamic System Parameter Values Use the SYSGEN utility to set dynamic parameters. Dynamic parameters changed with the SYSGEN WRITE ACTIVE command become active immediately without rebooting your system. In fact, rebooting returns dynamic system parameter values to their previous settings. Once you change dynamic parameter values, you should complete the installation before rebooting the system. After you finish with the installation, you can reset the 1-24 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS dynamic parameters to their previous value or let them be reset automatically when you next reboot your system. DEC DBMS requires the following dynamic parameter values: o MAXBUF (maximum buffer size) MAXBUF sets the maximum size of buffered I/O transfer (card readers, console floppy diskettes, line printers, mailboxes, and terminals). The system default of 1024 bytes for MAXBUF is sufficient for most applications. A lower setting will not be adequate; a higher setting is generally not necessary. o LOCKIDTBL_MAX (maximum size of lock ID table) LOCKIDTBL_MAX specifies an upper limit for the size of the lock ID table. Its default setting is 800 entries, but this value is not high enough for systems running DEC DBMS. The maximum size for an OpenVMS operating system lock table is 65,535 entries. The recommended minimum value is 8,192. You can compute the system's expected maximum number of locks by estimating the greatest expected workload (in terms of facilities using the lock manager) and then allocate that number of locks. The lock ID table occupies 4 bytes of memory per lock entry. For each active lock on your system, 96 additional bytes of memory are allocated to hold information about the active lock. Therefore, you must be aware of the size of the lock ID table, as well as the potential for a high percentage of memory to be occupied by the locks themselves if LOCKIDTBL_MAX is set too high. The DCL SHOW MEMORY command can help in estimating safe values for LOCKIDTBL_MAX. Set a LOCKIDTBL_MAX value greater than the total number of locks you anticipate will occur at any one time on your system. However, this value should not be so high that the lock ID table and the locks occupy too much space in memory. You can check locks with the OpenVMS MONITOR LOCKS command. o DEADLOCK_WAIT (time for deadlock wait) Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 1-25 DEADLOCK_WAIT defines the number of seconds a lock request must wait before the system initiates a deadlock search on behalf of that lock. The recommended minimum value is 3. See the OpenVMS documentation on system management and operations for optimally setting this parameter. Because DEADLOCK_WAIT is dynamic, you can set it, watch the transaction rates, and then adjust as necessary. If the dynamic parameter values on your system are less than the values previously listed, use the following series of commands to change the values. This example changes the MAXBUF value to 1584: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> USE ACTIVE SYSGEN> SET MAXBUF 1584 SYSGEN> WRITE ACTIVE SYSGEN> EXIT 1.6.5 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. Digital recommends that you back up your system before installing any software. Use the backup procedures that are established at your site. For details on backing up your system disk, see the section on the Backup utility in the OpenVMS system management documentation. 1.6.6 Logging Off Active Users For best results, have all users log off the system before you install DEC DBMS. If this is impractical, make sure no process uses DEC DBMS or DCL Help during the installation. (The DEC DBMS installation updates the help file.) All DEC DBMS databases must be closed before you begin the installation. 1-26 Preparing to Install DEC DBMS 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing DEC DBMS This chapter describes how to install DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. Section 2.2 contains a step- by-step description of the installation procedure. The installation procedure stops if there are not enough global sections and global pages available. 2.1 General Information This section includes information about the following topics: o Retaining modifications to MONSTART.COM o Accessing the online release notes o Verifying the installation o Stopping the installation 2.1.1 Retaining Modifications to MONSTART.COM Previous to VAX DBMS Version 4.1, the installation procedure placed the MONSTART.COM command procedure in SYS$MANAGER. Beginning with VAX DBMS Version 4.1, the installation procedure places MONSTART.COM in SYS$STARTUP and deletes the version of MONSTART.COM in SYS$MANAGER. If you want to retain a version of MONSTART.COM that you have modified, copy MONSTART.COM to another directory before installing DEC DBMS. After the installation, merge your modifications with the version of MONSTART.COM in SYS$STARTUP. Installing DEC DBMS 2-1 2.1.2 Accessing the Online Release Notes Both DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS provide online release notes. You must specify OPTIONS N when you invoke VMSINSTAL to see the question about the DEC DBMS online release notes. This question comes near the beginning of the installation and gives you the option of displaying them on the console terminal or sending the file to a print device. The online release notes for DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS are included in save set D and should be extracted and reviewed prior to the installation. Use the following command to extract the release notes: $ BACKUP DBMV060.D/SAVE_SET/SELECT=DBMSQL010.RELEASE_NOTES You should review both sets of release notes in case they contain any information about changes in the installation procedure. If you are starting the installation over again and have already reviewed the release notes, you do not need to specify OPTIONS N. Once DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS have been installed, the release notes are located in the following files: SYS$HELP:DBM060.RELEASE_NOTES SYS$HELP:DBMSQL010.RELEASE_NOTES Online help also directs you to the release notes file. After the installation, you can enter the following command to locate the release notes through the HELP Facility: $ HELP DBMS RELEASE_NOTES Hardcopy DEC DBMS release notes are included in the documentation set for DEC DBMS. 2.1.3 Verifying the Installation Running the Installation Verification Procedures (IVP) for DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS verifies the installations. During the installation, you are asked if you want to run the IVP as part of the installation. If you respond YES, VMSINSTAL runs the IVP at the end of the installation. Digital recommends that you run the IVP to make sure that both products are installed correctly. 2-2 Installing DEC DBMS After the installation, you can run the IVP independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might need to run the IVP after a system failure to make sure users can access DEC DBMS or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. To run the IVP independently of the installation, see Section 3.8. The system disk directory, SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DBM], contains all files pertaining to the DEC DBMS IVP. The files pertaining to the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS IVP are in [SYSTEST.DBMSQL]. The installation procedure creates these system disk directories if they do not already exist. 2.1.4 Stopping the Installation To stop the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl/Y. When you press Ctrl/Y, the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. If any problems are detected during the installation, the procedure is aborted and all temporary files and directories are deleted. If certain licenses are missing, a prompt asks if you want to continue. Some or all DEC DBMS or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS functionality may be unavailable until the deficiency is corrected. 2.2 Installation Procedure The DEC DBMS installation procedure consists of a series of questions and informational messages. The DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS installation is an optional part of the standard DEC DBMS installation. If both products are selected to be installed, DEC DBMS is installed first. The installation procedure behaves the same on both OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP operating systems. However, there is some variation in every installation, regardless of platform, due to the specific characteristics of each system. For example, if your system does not have the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor installed, the informational messages displayed reflect that. Other questions are specific to full-development and will not appear during installation of a run-time-only kit. Therefore, your Installing DEC DBMS 2-3 installation may vary slightly from the samples shown in this manual. 2.2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL To start the installation, invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure. VMSINSTAL is in the SYS$UPDATE directory. Use the following format to invoke VMSINSTAL: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL save-set-name device-name OPTIONS N A single save set contains the software for both the DEC DBMS full-development and run-time-only kits, and the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS kit. Specify the save set name on the VMSINSTAL command line, then follow the instructions in the installation procedure to specify which functionality you want. save-set name VAX On OpenVMS VAX operating systems, enter DBMV060 to install DEC DBMS Version 6.0 software, either full-development or run-time-only. You can additionally or separately install the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS software with this save set. <> AXP On OpenVMS AXP operating systems, enter DBMA060 to install DEC DBMS Version 6.0 software, either full-development or run-time-only. You can additionally or separately install the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS software with this save set.<> device-name Enter the name of the device on which you plan to mount the media. For example, MTA0: is the device name for a tape drive. It is not necessary to use the console drive for this installation. However, if you do use the console drive, you should replace any media you removed once the installation is complete. If you are installing from a CD-ROM, you must specify a device name and a directory name. The directory name should be the same as the save set name, with a .KIT subdirectory, as shown in the examples that follow. 2-4 Installing DEC DBMS OPTIONS N This is an optional parameter that indicates you want to see the release notes question. You should review the release notes before proceeding with the installation in case they contain new information about the installation. There are several other options you can select when you invoke VMSINSTAL. See the OpenVMS Developer's Guide to VMSINSTAL for information on these options. If you specify more than one option, separate the options with commas (OPTIONS A,N). VAX The following example invokes VMSINSTAL to install either or both DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS from a tape device on a VAX system and shows the system response. This example uses the OPTIONS N release note parameter: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DBMV060 MUA0: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 1-SEP-1993 at 22:09. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. <> AXP The following example invokes VMSINSTAL to install either or both DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS from a CD-ROM device on an AXP system and shows the system response. This example uses the OPTIONS N release note parameter: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DBMA060 CDROM:[DBMA060.KIT] OPTIONS N OpenVMS ALPHA Software Product Installation Procedure V1.5-0 It is 1-SEP-1993 at 22:11. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. <> If you do not supply any parameters, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the information later in the installation procedure. Installing DEC DBMS 2-5 2.2.2 Installation Questions This section discusses the questions and messages you see during the installation. If this is a reinstallation, some of the questions will not appear. See Appendix A for sample output of a full-development installation of DEC DBMS Version 6.0 and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS Version 1.0-0 on an OpenVMS VAX system. Each installation question is marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line. Some questions show the default response in brackets, for example [YES]. To use the default response, press the Return key. o Active user status VMSINSTAL displays a list of all active processes. It then asks if you want to continue the installation. * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? o System backup VMSINSTAL asks if you are satisfied with your system backup. You should always back up your system disk before performing an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press Return. Otherwise, enter NO and press Return to discontinue the installation. After you back up your system disk, you can restart the installation: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? o Media mounting You should now mount the first distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. The device name appears in the line preceding the question. VMSINSTAL then asks you if you are ready to continue with the installation. If you respond YES to indicate that you are ready, VMSINSTAL displays a message that the media containing DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS has been mounted on the specified device and that the installation has begun: 2-6 Installing DEC DBMS Please mount the first volume of the set on MTA0: * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DBMV060 MOUNTED ON _$$MTA0: The following products will be processed: DBMV V6.0 Beginning installation of DBMV V6.0 at 22:09 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A... If you respond NO to the question, the instructions and question are repeated. If you entered the wrong device name when you invoked VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, stop the installation by pressing Ctrl/Y. o Media mounting for additional volumes If your installation kit contains more than one volume, VMSINSTAL prompts you to mount the additional volume and then asks you to indicate that you are ready for the installation to proceed: %BACKUP-I-READYREAD, mount volume 2 on _MTA0: for reading Enter "YES" when ready: o Release notes options If you specified OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, you are now asked to choose one of the four options for reviewing the release notes for DEC DBMS: Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing Ctrl/C. Installing DEC DBMS 2-7 If you select option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue that you want to use: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: You can press Return to send the file to the default output print device or you can enter another queue name. If you select option 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal and then prompts you for a queue name for the printed version. If you select option 4, the release notes are neither printed nor displayed. Select option 4 if you have already reviewed the release notes and are restarting the installation. The installation procedure now asks if you want to continue the installation. To continue, enter YES. Otherwise, press Return. In either case, the release notes are copied to the SYS$HELP directory. For example: * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]?: YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. The release notes are located in the following files: SYS$HELP:DBM060.RELEASE_NOTES SYS$HELP:DBMSQL010.RELEASE_NOTES ________________________ Note ________________________ The names of the release notes files installed by VMSINSTAL consist of the abbreviation of the product name and version number. Do not delete release notes for previous versions of DEC DBMS or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. ______________________________________________________ o Choosing to install DEC DBMS The installation procedure allows you to install either or both DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. The procedure first asks if you want to install DEC DBMS: 2-8 Installing DEC DBMS ***************************************************************** Installation of DEC DBMS V6.0 is optional Answer YES to install this version. Answer NO to skip this portion of the installation. ***************************************************************** * Do you wish to install DEC DBMS v6.0 [YES]? If you answer YES, you are prompted for which kit to install. If you answer NO, the procedure skips the DEC DBMS installation and asks about DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. o Choosing full-development or run-time-only functionality If you are installing DEC DBMS, the installation procedure displays a message that explains how to specify DEC DBMS full-development or run-time-only functionality: ***************************************************************** This kit installation procedure allows you to install either: the DEC DBMS Full Development Kit, or the DEC DBMS Run-Time Only kit. Answer YES to install the Full Development Kit. Answer NO to install the Run-time Kit. ***************************************************************** * Do you wish to install the DEC DBMS FULL DEVELOPMENT KIT [YES]? YES If you want the full-development functionality, answer YES, which is the default. If you want the run-time-only functionality, answer NO. o Choosing to install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS The installation procedure allows you to install either or both DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. The procedure asks if you want to install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS: Installing DEC DBMS 2-9 ***************************************************************** Installation of DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS V1.0 is optional Answer YES to install this version. Answer NO to skip this portion of the installation. ***************************************************************** * Do you wish to install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS V1.0 [YES]? YES Answer YES to install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. If you also chose to install DEC DBMS, the procedure begins with the DEC DBMS installation and then proceeds with the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS installation. o VAX Language-Sensitive Editor verification DEC DBMS checks to see if the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) is installed on your system. If LSE is installed, it will be updated with the DBMS LSE environment files: The installed version of the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor will be updated with the new DBMS LSE environment files If LSE is not installed, the installation procedure asks if you want to continue: This product is not being installed with VAX Language-Sensitive Editor support because the editor version is of prior to V3.0. If you want the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor support you must do the following: 1. Install the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor (V3.0 or later) 2. Reinstall this product * Do you want to continue the installation [YES]? YES If you want to stop the installation and install LSE, answer NO to this question. Otherwise, enter YES. o License registration verification The installation procedure displays license information about your product and then asks if you have registered and loaded your product authorization key (PAK) for DEC DBMS. For example: 2-10 Installing DEC DBMS Product: DBMS Producer: DEC Version: 6.0 Release Date: 4-FEB-1994 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES Product: DB-GATEWAY-DBMS Producer: DEC Version: 1.0 Release Date: 4-FEB-1994 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES You must register and load your PAKs to successfully complete the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and use the software. If you have not done so, you can complete the installation, register and load your PAKs, and then run the IVP as described in Section 3.8. o UIC and password selection The installation procedure creates the directory SYS$COMMON:[DBM$REMOTE]for use by the DBM$REMOTE account. (Note that once this directory and account have been created by an installation, these questions and messages do not appear in subsequent installation logs.) Database recovery- unit journal (.RUJ) files for the remote access process are directed to SYS$COMMON:[DBM$REMOTE]. The file for DBM$REMOTE is located in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]:DBM$REMOTE_LOGIN.COM. If you are not running DECnet/OSI, Network Control Program (NCP) object number 52 is associated with the DBM$REMOTE account. DEC DBMS no longer relies on the default DECnet account for remote database access. Use the DBM$REMOTE account and the associated password to access remote databases using the DEC DBMS Version 6.0 DBMSERVER. Choose a user identification code (UIC) that is not a system UIC. The installation procedure will not proceed until you enter a valid UIC: * Enter UIC used for DBM$REMOTE account: Installing DEC DBMS 2-11 For example, you can enter the UIC [100,100] in response to the previous question. See the OpenVMS documentation on system management for more information on UICs and passwords. The password for DBM$REMOTE and the network object DBMSERVER must be the same. The password you supply for the DBM$REMOTE account will also be used for the network object. The entire installation will fail if you do not enter a valid password for the DBM$REMOTE account. You will be given three chances to verify your password. Your input will not appear on a terminal. The password must have at least eight characters: * Enter PASSWORD for DBM$REMOTE account: * Verify the PASSWORD entered for DBM$REMOTE: ________________________ Note ________________________ The autoanswer feature of VMSINSTAL is disabled during password prompting and verification. ______________________________________________________ o Installation Verification Procedure selection If your PAK is registered and loaded, the installation procedure now asks if you want to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). If you are installing both products, the question applies to both IVPs: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? YES The IVPs for DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS check to be sure that the installation is successful. Digital recommends that you run the IVPs. The IVP installs the PARTS database provided with DEC DBMS. The IVP for the full-development kit compiles the metadata, creates the database, loads CDD/Repository, executes a DBQ script, and compiles and runs up to five database programs (depending on which programming languages are installed on your system). For the run-time-only kit, the IVP creates the PARTS database by restoring a backup file and executes a DBQ script. 2-12 Installing DEC DBMS o File purge option You have the option to purge files from previous versions of DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS that are superseded by this installation. Purging is recommended; however, if you need to keep files from the previous version, enter NO in response to the question: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES 2.2.3 Informational Messages At this point, the installation procedure produces a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. The DEC DBMS installation procedure validates the current DECnet or DECnet/OSI database. In a DECnet environment, if object number 52 is defined for an object other than DBMSERVER or if DBMSERVER is defined to map to another object number, an error occurs. The DECnet database is not altered if it is found to be in error. The installation will continue even if this error occurs. After the product is installed, you must use NCP to correct the permanent DECnet for VMS database. See Section 1.5.4 for information on correcting the permanent DECnet for OpenVMS database. If no problems are encountered, the installation continues. In a DECnet/OSI environment, log in to each node and run the DBMSERVER_NCL.COM procedure to configure the DBMSERVER object with the DECnet/OSI database. You will need either the NET$MANAGE rights identifier or BYPASS privilege to run the DBMSERVER_NCL.COM procedure. DBMSERVER_NCL.COM needs to be executed only once per VAXcluster or VMScluster node. There are no further questions. If the installation procedure is successful up to this point, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories, updates the help files, and updates the DCL tables, if necessary. If you chose to purge files, they are purged now. If there is an error in the installation, a message indicates that the procedure failed. See Section 2.3 for information about error recovery. See Appendix A for a log of the remaining messages. Installing DEC DBMS 2-13 2.2.4 Running the Installation Verification Procedures If you chose to run the IVPs, VMSINSTAL runs them now. If the installations are successful, a message indicates that the IVPs completed successfully. If there is an error in the IVP, a message indicates that the procedure failed. See Section 2.3 for information about error recovery. A successful IVP for the DEC DBMS full-development kit displays the following messages: Executing IVP for DEC DBMS V6.0 at 1-SEP-1993 15:37:05.66 Checking the environment... Check was successful IVP files will be created in $1$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DBMDEV060] Deleting databases and schema... Delete was successful Temporary CDD/Plus dictionary will be created at $1$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DBMDEV060.CDDPLUS]. Compiling the PARTS DDL files... Compiles were successful Creating the PARTS database files... ...using CDD path $1$DUA0:[SYSUPD.DBMDEV060.CDDPLUS1] Create was successful Loading the PARTS database (with after image journaling)... Load was successful Reloading the PARTS database (DBO /RECOVER)... Reload was successful Executing a DBQ script... DBQ was successful Running BASIC DML program BASIC DML was successful Running COBOL DML program... COBOL DML was successful Running C DML program... C DML was successful Running FORTRAN DML program... FORTRAN DML was successful 2-14 Installing DEC DBMS Running PASCAL DML program... PASCAL DML was successful Running PLI DML program... PLI DML was successful ***************************************** DEC DBMS V6.0 Development IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ***************************************** A successful IVP for the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS kit displays the following messages: Checking the environment... Check was successful IVP files will be created in $111$DUA43:[SYS8.SYSUPD.DBMV060] Deleting obsolete IVP databases... Delete was successful Restoring current IVP database files... Restore was successful Executing an SQL script... SQL query was successful **************************************** DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS V1.0 IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY **************************************** 2.2.5 Completing the Installation Procedure The following messages indicate that the entire installation procedure is complete: Installation of DBMV V6.0 completed at 22:28 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 22:29 $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at 1-SEP-1993 22:28:59.45 Installing DEC DBMS 2-15 VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. 2.3 Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation or the IVP, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the DEC DBMS installation fails, you see the following message: VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of DEC DBMS 6.0 has failed. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o A prerequisite software version is incorrect. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o The VMS Help library is currently in use. o The product license has not been registered and loaded. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. (You might need to change a system parameter or increase an authorized quota value.) For information on installation requirements, see Chapter 1. If the DEC DBMS IVP fails, you see these messges: *********************************** DEC DBMS 6.0 Development IVP FAILED See SYS$UPDATE:DBMIVP 2-16 Installing DEC DBMS *********************************** Examine the log file, SYS$UPDATE:DBMIVP.LOG, to determine why the IVP failed. If all the installation requirements in Chapter 1 have been met and problems persist, see Section 3.9 for information on how to report a problem. Installing DEC DBMS 2-17 3 _________________________________________________________________ After Installing DEC DBMS This chapter discusses the tasks you need to perform after installing either or both DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. It also explains how to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) for each product independently of the installation. 3.1 Editing the System Files You must edit the system startup and shutdown files to provide for automatic startup and shutdown of DEC DBMS when your system is rebooted. The DEC DBMS Version 6.0 startup will automatically startup or shutdown DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS if that product is also installed. Add the commands that starts DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS to the system startup file. AXP For OpenVMS Alpha, the startup file is named: SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.<> VAX For OpenVMS VAX, the startup file is named: SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM.<> You must position these new command lines after the lines that invoke the network startup command procedure and after the CDD/Repository startup file, CDDSTRTUP.COM. If you are using CDD/Repository, the CDDSTRTUP.COM file is produced by the CDD/Repository installation. Add the following command lines to the system startup file, $! Startup DEC DBMS $ @SYS$STARTUP:MONSTART.COM After Installing DEC DBMS 3-1 Add the following command lines to the system shutdown file, SYS$STARTUP:SYSHUTDWN.COM: $! shutdown DEC DBMS $ @SYS$MANAGER:MONSTOP.COM If you install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS without upgrading to DEC DBMS Version 6.0, add the following command lines to the system startup file after the DEC DBMS startup: $! startup DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS $ @SYS$STARTUP:DBMSQL$STARTUP And add the following lines to the system shutdown file before the DEC DBMS shutdown: $! shutdown DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS $ @SYS$STARTUP:DBMSQL$SHUTDOWN 3.2 Determining the Files Added to the System To get a list of the files that are added to your system when you install DEC DBMS Version 6.0 and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, print or type the following files: SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR.VAXINFO$PRODUCTS]DBM060_FILES.DAT SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR.VAXINFO$PRODUCTS]DBMSQL$010_FILES.DAT AXP On OpenVMS AXP systems, DBMA060.VMI_DATA and DBMSQLA010.VMI_DATA, are created in SYS$UPDATE during installation. These files show statistics about the installation, files deleted, accounts updated, and files added. <> 3.3 Meeting VMScluster Considerations In a VMScluster system environment, DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS must be installed on all system root directories from which it will be run. This can be done one of two ways: either reboot; or execute two startup command procedures and replace DCLTABLES.EXE on each of the other nodes on the cluster. In addition, you must also perform a license load on each node in a VMScluster system, as described in Section 1.4. 3-2 After Installing DEC DBMS 3.3.1 Reboot One way to update DEC DBMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS on other nodes in the cluster is to reboot each node. The startup files added in Section 3.1 will automatically start both products. If only DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS has been installed, you do not need to reboot. Simply run the startup procedure described in the following section. 3.3.2 Running the Startup Command Procedures To start DEC DBMS, run the following command procedures on each of the other nodes in the VMScluster: SYS$STARTUP:MONSTART.COM SYS$STARTUP:DBMSERVER_NCP.COM The installation procedure ran MONSTART.COM from the CPU node where the installation was performed, so it is not necessary to rerun it from that CPU node. If you also have DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS installed, MONSTART.COM will automatically activate that software using DBMSQL$STARTUP. Note that previous versions of DEC DBMS do not activate DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS automatically. If you only installed DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, and did not upgrade DEC DBMS to Version 6.0, run the following procedure on each node in the VMScluster: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DBMSQL$STARTUP You must also replace the DCL tables on the other nodes in the cluster. Use the following command: $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE Users currently logged in will not have the new DCL tables available until they either log out and log back in, or they enter the SET COMMAND command: $ SET COMMAND/REPLACE/TABLE=SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES After Installing DEC DBMS 3-3 MONSTART.COM installs several images. These images and the qualifiers used are shown in Table 3-1. Images are installed by MONSTART.COM only if they are not already installed. Table_3-1_Installed_Images_________________________________ Image_File_Name___________Qualifiers_______________________ SYS$SYSTEM:DBMSERVER.EXE /OPEN/SHARE/HEAD SYS$SYSTEM:DBO.EXE /OPEN/HEAD/PROT/PRIV=(PSWARM, SETPRV,CMKRNL,SYSNAN,PRMGBL, DETACH,SYSPRV,SYSGBL,TMPMBX) SYS$LIBRARY:DBMSHR.EXE /OPEN/SHARE/HEAD/PROT SYS$LIBRARY:DBMPRV.EXE /OPEN/SHARE/HEAD/PROT SYS$MESSAGE:DBMMSG.EXE /OPEN SYS$MESSAGE:DBQMSG.EXE /OPEN SYS$MESSAGE:DBOMSG.EXE /OPEN SYS$MESSAGE:DDLMSG.EXE[1] /OPEN SYS$MESSAGE:DMLMSG.EXE[1] /OPEN SYS$LIBRARY:LBRSHR.EXE /OPEN SYS$LIBRARY:CRFSHR.EXE /OPEN SYS$SHARE:LIBRTL.EXE /OPEN SYS$SHARE:LIBRTL2.EXE+ /OPEN SYS$SHARE:LIBRTL2_D56_ /OPEN TV.EXE++ SYS$SHARE:FORRTL.EXE+ /OPEN SYS$SHARE:DEC$FORRTL.EXE++/OPEN SYS$SHARE:EPC$SHR.EXE /OPEN/SHARE/HEAD/PROT SYS$SHARE:EPC$MSG.EXE /OPEN/SHARE/HEAD ___________________________________________________________ [1]DDLMSG.EXE and DMLMSG.EXE message files are not included in the DEC DBMS run-time only kit. +OpenVMS VAX-specific information ++OpenVMS AXP-specific information ___________________________________________________________ If you are running in a DECnet/OSI environment, MONSTART will execute SYS$MANAGER:DBMSERVER_NCL.COM to configure the database object in the DECnet/OSI database. You will need 3-4 After Installing DEC DBMS either the NET$MANAGE rights identifier or BYPASS privilege to run the DBMSERVER_NCL.COM procedure. The command file DBMSERVER_NCP.COM inserts the DBMSERVER.EXE image into the permanent DECnet for OpenVMS object database for each node on which it is run. DBMSERVER.EXE implements the DEC DBMS remote database access capability (using DECnet for OpenVMS). See the DEC DBMS Database Design Guide for more information. 3.3.3 The DBMDML.OPT File The installation procedure writes a new copy of DBMDML.OPT to SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]. DEC DBMS database programmers link DBMDML.OPT with their DML programs. If you alter the DBMDML.OPT file to suit specific needs of your database programs and you have installed DEC DBMS in a VMScluster configuration, be sure to edit the new copy in SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] after the installation completes. If an old copy of DBMDML.OPT exists, it might be located in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSLIB]. To be sure DML programmers link the correct DBMDML.OPT file, delete all obsolete copies of DBMDML.OPT from SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSLIB] after the new version is written to SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]. The logical name SYS$LIBRARY translates to SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB]. The logical name SYS$SYSROOT points first to SYS$SPECIFIC and then to SYS$COMMON. If an old version of DBMDML.OPT resides in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSLIB] and the programmer links with the following command in a VMScluster environment, the wrong DBMDML.OPT file will be used: $ LINK MYPROGRAM.OBJ,SYS$LIBRARY:DBMDML/OPT 3.4 Setting User Account Requirements This section describes the disk space, quotas, and limits needed by DEC DBMS users. The values suggested in this section are minimum settings; the settings required by users on your system might differ substantially. The suggested values are specific only for DEC DBMS. You should add the values required for other layered products to the value you use for DEC DBMS and modify the values for each user as needed. After Installing DEC DBMS 3-5 3.4.1 Disk Requirements Each active user application needs at least 1,000 blocks of scratch space for the recovery-unit journal file and error dumps. The size of the scratch space varies with the number of changes and the length of transactions. 3.4.2 User Account Quotas Each active user requires certain parameter settings. See the OpenVMS system management documentation information on using the AUTHORIZE utility. The following are pertinent parameters: o ASTLM (asynchronous trap limit) A limit on the number of outstanding asynchronous traps (ASTs) for a process. For a single stream, set the ASTLM to the number of database page buffers you specify for the database using the /BUFFERS qualifier on the DBO /CREATE and DBO/MODIFY commands. For multiple streams, the ASTLM value should be based on the stream that has the largest number of buffers. The database buffers are written back to the database in parallel. Therefore, there might be an outstanding AST for each buffer. Locking activity might also require a higher AST limit. The recommended minimum value is 24. o BYTLM (byte limit) A buffered I/O limit of at least 10,240 bytes. Each additional stream requires an additional 1,600 bytes. o DIOLM (direct I/O limit) The number of outstanding disk I/O requests. You should set DIOLM to a value 2 less than ASTLM. o ENQLM (enqueue limit) A limit on the maximum number of locks that a process can use at any one time. For each user, choose an ENQLM value sufficient to enable that user to run the facilities needed. A process that attempts to use CDD/Repository without a sufficiently high enqueue limit receives a quota exceeded error message. Raise the ENQLM of processes that receive this message. 3-6 After Installing DEC DBMS Although the OpenVMS system default ENQLM is 10, most DEC DBMS users should have an ENQLM of at least 250. Users who compile large schemas (greater than 100 record types) or have transactions that lock large numbers of records might need a still larger ENQLM. Compute the number of locks needed using the following guidelines: - 10 to 50 general database locks (depending on configuration and journaling options) - 2 locks per area readied - 1 lock per page in the buffer pool (default is 50) - 1 lock per currency indicator in the program - 1 lock per record in a keeplist If you have enough run-time locks, you usually have enough compile-time locks. ________________________ Note ________________________ The number of locks needed by a DEC DBMS user is application-dependent, with multi-user databases requiring proportionally more locks than single-user databases. The number of locks needed is based on the actual level of contention. However, the OpenVMS default will rarely be sufficient. ______________________________________________________ o FILLM (open file quota) A limit on the number of files a user can have open at any given time. You should set the FILLM value according to Table 3-2. Table_3-2_Estimating_the_Appropriate_Value_for_FILLM_______ File_Type__________________Open_Files______________________ Root file (.ROO) 1 (continued on next page) After Installing DEC DBMS 3-7 Table 3-2 (Cont.) Estimating the Appropriate Value for __________________FILLM____________________________________ File_Type__________________Open_Files______________________ Storage areas (.DBS) 1 for each area readied by the run-unit Snapshot files (.SNP) 1 for each area readied by the run-unit (only if snapshots are enabled for that area) Recovery-unit journal 1 if database updates have been files (.RUJ) performed by the run-unit After-image journal files 1 if database has AIJ enabled (.AIJ) and the run-unit has done ___________________________updates_to_the_database_________ Add the numbers shown in Table 3-2 to the numbers for the executable and shareable images. An acceptable default value is 50. Certain operations, such as restoring a database when it is necessary to reinsert a schema into CDD/Repository, require more files. o WSQUOTA (working set quota) Working set requirements vary greatly for different DEC DBMS components. In general, components that interface with CDD/Repository, such as DBO/REPORT, DBO /INTEGRATE, DDL, DML, and FDML, require a working set of 4000 pages or more to avoid high page faulting rates. Check the process working set values and modify as needed. Larger working sets require larger ASTLM, BYTLM, ENQLM, and PGFQUOTA quotas, so modify accordingly. Be sure the AUTOGEN parameter LOCKIDTBL_MAX is also set high enough. See Section for information on selecting LOCKIDTBL and LOCKIDTBL_MAX values. 3.4.3 Special Privileges DEC DBMS users who need to stop and start the DEC DBMS monitor process must have WORLD privilege. System managers and database administrators should have WORLD privilege. However, in most situations, application programmers and end users should not have WORLD privilege. 3-8 After Installing DEC DBMS To execute MONSTART.COM, or to install additional images such as those listed in Table 3-3, you must have CMKRNL privilege. 3.5 Enhancing Product Performance The following three sections describe methods that might enhance DEC DBMS performance if users will be developing DEC DBMS programs. 3.5.1 Installing Images By installing certain images, DEC DBMS performance might be enhanced. Install the images using the install qualifiers shown in Table 3-3. Table_3-3_Qualifiers_for_Optional_Images___________________ Image_File_Name_________Qualifiers_________________________ SYS$SYSTEM:DBMDBR.EXE[1]/OPEN/SHARE/HEAD SYS$SYSTEM:DBQ.EXE /OPEN/SHARE/HEAD SYS$SYSTEM:DDL.EXE[2] /OPEN/SHARE/HEAD SYS$SYSTEM:DML.EXE[2] /OPEN/SHARE/HEAD SYS$SYSTEM:FORDML.EXE[2]/OPEN/SHARE/HEAD ___________________________________________________________ [1]Installing the DBMDBR.EXE file might improve the performance of database recovery after a cluster failover or a system crash. DBMDBR.EXE is not used to roll forward (DBO/RECOVER). [2]DDL.EXE, FORDML.EXE, and DML.EXE are not included in the DEC DBMS run-time only kit. ___________________________________________________________ Use the INSTALL utility on each CPU node on the cluster to install these additional images interactively. In addition, include these commands in a site-specific system startup command procedure to be effective when nodes are rebooted. Installing images requires additional GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS. See the OpenVMS system management documentation for more information about using the INSTALL utility. After Installing DEC DBMS 3-9 3.5.2 Setting GBLPAGFIL and GBLPAGES Setting the SYSGEN parameters, GBLPAGFIL and GBLPAGES is important if any database is to use global buffers. Using global buffers can increase DEC DBMS performance because I/O is reduced and memory is better utilized. GBLPAGFIL defines the maximum number of systemwide pages allowed for global page-file sections. Determining a value for GBLPAGFIL depends on many factors including the number of databases, the number of run units, the number and size of each global buffer, and the overhead of global buffer data structures. An example of how you might calculate the requirement for the GBLPAGFIL quota for one database using global buffers follows: (# of database global buffers * size of each global buffer) * 2 The GBLPAGES parameter sets the number of global page table entries allocated at boot time. Every open database that uses global buffers will consume global pages. An example of how you might calculate the requirement for the GBLPAGES quota for one database using global buffers follows: (# of database global buffers * size of each global buffer) * 1.2 Your calculations will vary because the number of data structures associated with global buffering is rounded up to powers of two for performance reasons. The following procedure, using the PARTS sample database, is an example of how to determine the number of global pages used by global buffering: 3-10 After Installing DEC DBMS $ DBO/OPEN PARTS $ INSTALL LIST/GLOBAL/SUMMARY Summary of Local Memory Global Sections 399 Global Sections Used, 50990/22210 Global Pages Used/Unused $ DBO/CLOSE PARTS $ DBO/MODIFY/GLOBAL_BUFFERS=(ENABLED,BUFFERS=100)/LENGTH_BUFFER=10 PARTS $ DBO/OPEN PARTS $ INSTALL LIST/GLOBAL/SUMMARY Summary of Local Memory Global Sections 399 Global Sections Used, 52178/21022 Global Pages Used/Unused In this example, 1188 (52178 - 50990) global pages are used to support the specified global buffer parameters. Notice the number of global sections used is the same whether you use global buffers or not because global buffering expands the existing root file global section rather than creating a new global section. If you use more than one database at a time, the need for each database should be calculated. The GBLPAGFIL and GBLPAGES parameters are nondynamic. Once you have set the parameters, you must reboot the system before the new values take effect. Refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more information on the GBLPAGFIL and GBLPAGES parameters. 3.5.3 Setting LOCKDIRWT Setting the SYSGEN parameter, LOCKDIRWT, is important to ensure optimum database performance following cluster-state transitions. After a cluster-state transition, database locks could be remastered from a more powerful to a less powerful node, causing poor database performance. If LOCKDIRWT is set greater than 0 on a node, it makes that node more likely to master locks. If LOCKDIRWT is set to 0, it makes that node less likely to master locks. For example, to establish the priority of Computer Interconnect (CI) nodes over Network Interconnect (NI) nodes, give the CI nodes a LOCKDIRWT value of 1 and the NI nodes a LOCKDIRWT value of 0. After Installing DEC DBMS 3-11 When a node with LOCKDIRWT of 0 joins a cluster, the lock database is not rebuilt, provided there are already at least two nodes with LOCKDIRWT greater than 0 in the cluster. In addition, when a node with LOCKDIRWT of 0 leaves a cluster, a full lock rebuild is avoided if at least two nodes with LOCKDIRWT greater than 0 remain. This will speed cluster state transitions. If a full lock rebuild is avoided, no lock mastering changes occur except for those resources mastered on a node being removed from the cluster. The LOCKDIRWT parameter is nondynamic. Once you have set the parameter, you must reboot the system before LOCKDIRWT takes effect. 3.6 Meeting After-Image Journal Requirements You can enable or disable after-image journaling using the /AFTER_JOURNAL qualifier on the DBO/CREATE and DBO/MODIFY commands. The command DBO/BACKUP/AFTER_JOURNAL spools the existing contents of the disk-resident after-image journal (.AIJ) file to another file, either on disk or tape. This method of handling the .AIJ file means that the disk requirements of your .AIJ file could change, depending on the frequency of the DBO/BACKUP/AFTER_JOURNAL operations. 3.7 Converting Root Files With each new release, you must convert the root file of each database using the DBO/CONVERT command before you can bind to it. The DBO/CONVERT command performs the necessary changes to allow a database to run under the current version. The BYPASS privilege is required to execute the DBO/CONVERT command. The DBO/CONVERT command converts the root file only. Database areas, .AIJ files, and snapshop files do not have to be converted. Execution time for the DBO/CONVERT command therefore is very brief. After you convert a database, you cannot bind to it with earlier versions of DEC DBMS software. 3-12 After Installing DEC DBMS If you have problems converting your database, use the DBO/RESTORE command to restore the backup you made before installation, as instructed in Section 1.5.2. DBO/RESTORE will automatically convert the root file. For further information on the DBO/CONVERT and DBO/RESTORE commands, refer to the DEC DBMS Database Administration Reference Manual. 3.8 Running the IVP After DEC DBMS or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS Is Installed If you chose not to run the Installation Verification Procedures (IVPs) during the installations or if you want to run them again, you can run the IVPs from the command line. You must register and load your PAK(s), as described in Section 1.4 to successfully complete the IVPs and use the software. Use the following syntax to run the DEC DBMS IVP from DCL: @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]DBMIVP.COM [ivp-type] [device:directory] The optional ivp-type parameter indicates the IVP type: use DEV for full development and RTO for run-time only. If you omit the parameter the command defaults to DEV. The optional [device:directory] parameter specifies where the files generated by the IVP will be written. If you do not specify a location, the default device and directory will be used. If CDD/Repository is installed, DEC DBMS writes metadata for the PARTS database to the dictionary defined by the CDD$DEFAULT logical. If CDD$DEFAULT is not defined, the IVP will create a temporary dictionary to either the default directory or to the specified location. The following example shows the command to run the IVP for a full development kit and send the files to the current directory: $ @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]DBMIVP.COM The following example shows how to run the IVP for a run-time only kit and send the files to directory DBMS_USER1:[DBMS.PUBLIC]: $ @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]DBMIVP.COM RTO DBMS_USER1:[DBMS.PUBLIC] After Installing DEC DBMS 3-13 If the IVP is successful, a message tells you that it finished successfully. If the IVP is unsuccessful, a message tells you that it failed. See Appendix A for sample output of the full development IVP. Use the following command to execute the IVP for DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS: $ @SYS$TEST:DBMSQL$IVP.COM During the IVP, files are created and tested in the following directory: SYS$TEST:[DBMSQL] See Appendix A for a sample output of a successful DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS IVP. 3.9 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using either DEC DBMS or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form if the problem has to do with the DEC DBMS or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS documentation. A Reader's Comments form is located at the back of each manual. Use the form from the manual in which you found the error. Include the section and page number. You can also send in documentation comments using electronic mail. Please include the product or field test version, and the book name and section number. Send your comments to the following address: DATABASE_ DOC@WEORG.ENET.DEC.COM Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated above or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. 3-14 After Installing DEC DBMS A _________________________________________________________________ Full Development Sample Installation Session for OpenVMS VAX VAX This appendix lists the hardcopy terminal output from an installation of the DEC DBMS Version 6.0 full development kit and the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS kit on OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DBMV060 DBMS_USER1:[DBMS.PUBLIC] VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 25-JAN-1994 at 14:18. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: DBMV V6.0 Beginning installation of DBMV V6.0 at 14:18 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. DEC DBMS 6.0-0 Installation ***************************************************************** This kit installation procedure allows you to install either or both of the following: DEC DBMS V6.0-0 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS V1.0-0 ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Installation of DEC DBMS 6.0-0 is optional Answer YES to install this version. Answer NO to skip this portion of the installation. ***************************************************************** Full Development Sample Installation Session for OpenVMS VAX A-1 * Do you wish to install DEC DBMS V6.0-0 [YES]? YES ***************************************************************** This kit installation procedure allows you to install either : the DEC DBMS Full Development Kit or, the DEC DBMS Run-Time Only Kit Answer YES to install the Full Development Kit. Answer NO to install the Run-time Kit. ****************************************************************** * Do you wish to install the DEC DBMS FULL DEVELOPMENT KIT [YES]? YES ***************************************************************** Installation of DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS V6.0-0 is optional Answer YES to install version. Answer NO to skip this portion of the installation ***************************************************************** * Do you wish to install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS V6.0-0 [YES]? YES Product: DBMS Producer: DEC Version: 6.0 Release Date: 4-FEB-1994 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES Product: DB-GATEWAY-DBMS Producer: DEC Version: 1.0 Release Date: 4-FEB-1994 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES ************************************************************* This installation will create the DBM$REMOTE account. You will be prompted for the UIC and password for the account. ************************************************************* * Enter UIC for DBM$REMOTE account: [12,100] * Enter PASSWORD for DBM$REMOTE account: A-2 Full Development Sample Installation Session for OpenVMS VAX * Verify the PASSWORD for DBM$REMOTE: ***************************************************************** All DEC DBMS databases must be converted. Use the DBO/CONVERT command in DEC DBMS V6.0-0 to convert your databases. You must have BYPASS privilege to convert the databases. See the DEC DBMS Installation Guide for information on converting databases. ONCE CONVERTED, A DATABASE CANOT BE ACCESSED BY AN EARLIER VERSION OF DEC DBMS. ***************************************************************** * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? Y * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? YES * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES ***************************************************************** There are no more questions. Installation takes approximately 9 minutes on a standalone VAX 8800. If you run the Installation Verification Procedure, it will take about 13 additional minutes to complete on a standalone VAX 8800. ***************************************************************** Beginning installation...25-JAN-1994 14:21:54.83 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... DBMSERVER has been placed in the DECnet object database as number 52. ************************************************************* SYSTEM MANAGER: If your DECnet object database is not configured to be in the cluster common directory, then you will need to perform the following: In order to have remote access on another node which shares this cluster common root directory, you must insert DBMSERVER into that node's DECnet object database by: Full Development Sample Installation Session for OpenVMS VAX A-3 a Logging into that node, and b) Invoking SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]DBMSERVER_NCP.COM. This command procedure inserts DBMSERVER into the node's permanent DECnet object database. This procedure only needs to be executed ONCE per node. This command procedure will prompt for a password for the object DBMSERVER. This password must match the password established for the account. ************************************************************* %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named DBM$REMOTE. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier DBM$REMOTE value: [000012,000100] added to rights data base %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named DBM$REMOTE. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named DBM$REMOTE. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated ***************************************************************** The installed version of the VAX Language Sensitive Editor will be updated with the new DBMS LSE environment files ***************************************************************** ************************************************************* DECtrace has not been installed. Now storing the DBMS facility definition into sys$share:epc$facility.tlb. After installing DECtrace, the facility definition may be placed in the DECtrace administration database Please refer to the DECtrace User's guide for instructions on how to insert binary facility definitions into the DECtrace administration database. ************************************************************* %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... DEC DBMS Installation Verification Procedure COPYRIGHT (C) 1992, 1993 BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD MASSACHUSETTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A-4 Full Development Sample Installation Session for OpenVMS VAX THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE AND MAY BE USED AND COPIED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SUCH LICENSE AND WITH THE INCLUSION OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER COPIES THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY OTHER PERSON. NO TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE IS HEREBY TRANSFERRED. THE INFORMATION IN THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION. DIGITAL ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOT SUPPLIED BY DIGITAL. The DEC DBMS Installation Verification Procedure ------------------------------------------------ Executing IVP for DEC DBMS v6.0-0 at 25-JAN-1994 14:39:04.27 Checking the environment... Check was successful IVP files will be created in $1$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DBMV060] Deleting databases and schema... Delete was successful Temporary CDD/Plus dictionary will be created at $1$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DBMV060.CDDPLUS]. Compiling the PARTS DDL files... Compiles were successful Creating the PARTS database files... ...using CDD path $1$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DBMV060.CDDPLUS1] Create was successful Loading the PARTS database (with after image journaling)... Load was successful Reloading the PARTS database (DBO /RECOVER)... Reload was successful Executing a DBQ script... DBQ was successful Running COBOL DML program... COBOL DML was successful Running C DML program... C DML was successful Full Development Sample Installation Session for OpenVMS VAX A-5 Running FORTRAN DML program... FORTRAN DML was successful Running PASCAL DML program... PASCAL DML was successful Running PLI DML program... PLI DML was successful **************************************** DEC DBMS V6.0-0 Development IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY **************************************** IVP completed successfully for DEC DBMS V6.0-0 at 25-JAN-1994 15:12:15.33 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS Installation Verification Procedure COPYRIGHT (C) 1993 BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD MASSACHUSETTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE AND MAY BE USED AND COPIED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SUCH LICENSE AND WITH THE INCLUSION OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER COPIES THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY OTHER PERSON. NO TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE IS HEREBY TRANSFERRED. THE INFORMATION IN THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION. DIGITAL ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOT SUPPLIED BY DIGITAL. DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS Installation Verification Procedure ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Executing IVP for DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS V6.0-0 at 25-JAN-1994 15:12:18.00 Checking the environment... Check was successful IVP files will be created in $111$DUA43:[SYS8.SYSUPD.DBMV060] A-6 Full Development Sample Installation Session for OpenVMS VAX Deleting obsolete IVP databases... Delete was successful Restoring current IVP database files... Restore was successful Executing an SQL script... SQL query was successful **************************************** DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS V6.0-0 IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY **************************************** IVP completed successfully for DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS V1.0-0 at 25-JAN-1994 15:13:08.27 Installation of DBMS V6.0 completed at 15:13 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 15:13<> Full Development Sample Installation Session for OpenVMS VAX A-7