VAXELN________________________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-EU37K-TE This guide explains how to install the VAXELN Toolkit on VMS operating systems and VAXcluster environments. Revision/Update Information: This guide super- sedes the VAXELN Installation Guide, AA-EU37J-TE. Operating System and Version: VMS, Version 5.0 or higher Software Version: VAXELN, Version 4.4 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ Revised, December 1992 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DATATRIEVE, DDCMP, DEC, DECnet, DECnet-VAX, DECwindows, DELUA, DEQNA, DEUNA, DHB32, DRB32, DRQ, DSSI, Industrial VAX, IVAX, KA, KDA50, KDB50, Local Area VAXcluster, MASSBUS, MicroVAX, MS, P/OS, PDP-11, Q-bus, Q22-bus, RA, RD, RRD40, RSTS, RSX, RT, rtVAX, RX, ThinWire, TK, TU, UDA, ULTRIX, ULTRIX-32m, UNIBUS, VAX, VAXBI, VAX C, VAXcluster, VAXconsole, VAX DEC/CMS, VAX DEC/MMS, VAX DEC/Test Manager, VAX DOCUMENT, VAXELN, VAX FORTRAN, VAX Rdb/ELN, VAX Rdb/VMS, VAX Realtime Accelerator, VAX RMS, VAXstation, VMS, VT, XMI, XUI, and the DIGITAL logo. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. OS/2 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Open Software Foundation, OSF, OSF/Motif, and Motif are trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. ML-S1983 This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. vii 1 Preparing for the Installation 1.1 Checking the Contents of the Software Distribution Kit................................ 1-1 1.2 Reporting Problems.............................. 1-2 1.3 Reading the Release Notes....................... 1-2 1.4 Registering Your License Product Authorization Key............................................. 1-3 1.4.1 Preparing to Register Your Product Authorization Key............................. 1-3 1.4.2 Choosing How to Register Your Product Authorization Key............................. 1-3 1.5 Meeting Installation Procedure Requirements..... 1-4 1.5.1 Prerequisite Hardware ........................ 1-5 Host Processors............................ 1-5 Target Processors.......................... 1-6 1.5.2 Prerequisite Software ........................ 1-9 1.5.3 Optional Software ............................ 1-9 Installing the VAXELN Toolkit and the Ada Products................................... 1-9 VAXELN Toolkit and the VAXELN Pascal Language-Sensitive Editor.................. 1-10 Installing ERF Support for KA and rtVAX Processors................................. 1-10 1.5.4 Disk Space Requirements ...................... 1-10 1.5.5 Login Privileges ............................. 1-12 iii 1.5.6 Account Limits and Quotas .................... 1-12 Global Pages and Sections Requirements..... 1-12 Installer Account Limits and Quotas........ 1-13 User Account Limits and Quotas............. 1-14 Checking and Modifying Account Limits, Quotas, and Privileges..................... 1-15 1.6 Addressing VAXcluster Considerations............ 1-16 1.7 Backing Up the System Disk...................... 1-16 2 Installing the VAXELN Toolkit 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure.............. 2-2 2.2 Installing the VAXELN Toolkit in a VAXcluster Environment..................................... 2-9 3 Completing the Installation Process 3.1 Modifying the System Startup Command Procedure.. 3-1 3.2 Initializing the VAXELN DCL Command Table....... 3-1 3.3 Modifying User Account Privileges and Quotas.... 3-2 3.4 Reporting Problems.............................. 3-2 3.5 Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)........................................... 3-2 A Sample Installation Procedures A.1 Sample Installation on VMS Version 5.5.......... A-1 A.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure...... A-3 B Installation Messages B.1 Informational Messages.......................... B-1 B.2 Error (Warning) Messages........................ B-2 B.3 Error (Fatal) Messages.......................... B-4 C VAXELN Files C.1 SYS$MESSAGE Directory File...................... C-1 C.2 SYS$HELP Directory File......................... C-1 C.3 SYS$TEST Directory File......................... C-2 C.4 SYS$COMMON Directory Files...................... C-2 C.5 SYS$LIBRARY Directory File...................... C-2 C.6 ELN$ Directory Files............................ C-2 iv Index Examples 1-1 Sample Account Privileges and Quotas Check ... 1-15 Tables 1-1 Supported Host Processors .................... 1-5 1-2 Supported Target Processors .................. 1-7 1-3 Disk Space Requirements ...................... 1-11 1-4 Installer Account Limits and Quotas .......... 1-14 1-5 User Account Limits and Quotas ............... 1-14 C-1 Installation Certification Program Files ..... C-3 C-2 Tools and Utilities Used Under VMS ........... C-5 C-3 Kernel Files ................................. C-6 C-4 VAXELN Utility Programs ...................... C-10 C-5 VAXELN Utility Shareable Images .............. C-11 C-6 VAXELN General Runtime Library ............... C-12 C-7 VAXELN Pascal Runtime Library ................ C-14 C-8 Pascal Source for VAXELN Runtime Library ..... C-14 C-9 VAXELN Ada VAXELN_SERVICES Package ........... C-15 C-10 VAXELN C Header Files ........................ C-15 C-11 VAXELN C Runtime Library ..................... C-16 C-12 VAXELN FORTRAN Runtime Library ............... C-17 C-13 VAXELN Drivers ............................... C-18 C-14 Source for VAXELN Drivers .................... C-20 C-15 Source for Sample Applications ............... C-23 C-16 POSIX Files .................................. C-26 C-17 Pthreads Files ............................... C-27 C-18 DECwindows Files ............................. C-28 C-19 DECwindows Images ............................ C-29 C-20 DECwindows X Toolkit Include Files ........... C-31 C-21 Motif Include Files .......................... C-31 C-22 MIT C XLIB and Toolkit DECwindows Include Files......................................... C-34 C-23 Language-Specific DECwindows Include Files ... C-36 v C-24 Key Map Files ................................ C-37 vi ________________________________________________________________ Preface The VAXELN Installation Guide explains how to install the VAXELN Toolkit as a layered product on a VMS host operating system and VAXcluster environment. This guide describes the installation requirements and prerequisites, the installation procedure, and the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). This product supports the License Management Facility (LMF) features provided by VMS Version 5.0 or higher and requires that you register a Product Authorization Key (PAK). See Section 1.4 for instructions on how to register your PAK. To install the VAXELN Toolkit software, read the chapters of this guide in order and perform the procedures documented in each one. ________________________Note ________________________ The installation procedure in this guide is for installing the VAXELN software from a binary kit, which is the normal distribution format. If you are installing the software from a source kit, read the file SOURCEKIT.MEM located in the SOURCEKIT.SAV saveset on the distribution volume before proceeding. This file contains the instructions and prerequisites for source kit installations. Use the following command to restore SOURCEKIT.MEM: $ BACKUP/SELECT=SOURCEKIT.MEM SOURCEKIT.SAV/SAVE SOURCEKIT.MEM _____________________________________________________ vii Intended Audience This guide is for the system manager or other user who will install the VAXELN Toolkit. The text assumes familiarity with the information provided in the VAXELN Release Notes. Document Structure This guide consists of three chapters and three ap- pendixes, organized as follows: o Chapter 1, Preparing for the Installation, explains how to prepare for a VAXELN Toolkit installation. o Chapter 2, Installing the VAXELN Toolkit, explains how to run the VMSINSTAL command procedure to install the VAXELN Toolkit. o Chapter 3, Completing the Installation Process, explains what you must do after running the VMSINSTAL command procedure. o Appendix A, Sample Installation Procedures, shows sample VAXELN Toolkit installations on different versions of the VMS operating system. o Appendix B, Installation Messages, describes messages that can appear during installation. o Appendix C, VAXELN Files, describes the files that the installation and Installation Verification Procedure place on the output disks. Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: __________________________________________________________ Convention_Meaning________________________________________ UPPERCASE VMS, VAXELN, and language-specific reserved words and identifiers are printed in uppercase characters. viii __________________________________________________________ Convention_Meaning________________________________________ red ink In the hardcopy version, elements for which you must supply input in interactive examples are printed in red ink. For example: UAF> MODIFY bold type The following items appear in bold type: o For the online version, elements for which you must supply input in intereactive examples. For example: UAF> MODIFY o System Builder menu entries when they appear in running text. italic The following items appear in italic type: type o Elements for which you or the system supply a value. For example: $ SHOW list o System Builder menu entries when they appear in text. Ctrl/x Ctrl/x indicates a control key sequence. Press the key labeled Ctrl while you simultaneously press another key. For example: Ctrl/C n and x When used in items such as names, the variables n and x represent numeric and non-numeric characters, respectively. For example: ___________VMS_Version_4.n________________________________ Associated Documents You may need to refer to one or more of the following VMS manuals while using the procedures described in the VAXELN Installation Guide: o VMS Backup Utility Manual o VMS Developer's Guide to VMSINSTAL ix o VMS License Management Utility Reference Manual o VMS System Manager's Manual The following documents, along with the VAXELN Installation Guide, make up the complete VAXELN documentation set. You can use the VAXELN Information Directory for part numbers and ordering information. VAXELN Toolkit o Introduction to VAXELN o VAXELN Ada Programming Guide o VAXELN Application Design Guide o VAXELN C Programming Guide o VAXELN Device Drivers Guide o VAXELN Device Drivers Reference Manual o VAXELN File, Network, and Security Services Guide o VAXELN File, Network, and Security Services Reference Manual o VAXELN FORTRAN Programming Guide o VAXELN Guide to DECwindows o VAXELN Guide to Using POSIX o VAXELN Information Directory o VAXELN KAV30 Programming Guide o VAXELN Messages Manual o VAXELN Pascal Programming Guide o VAXELN POSIX Callable Interface Reference Manual o VAXELN POSIX Conformance Information (Std 1003.1) o VAXELN POSIX Information Concerning Draft 11 of P1003.4 o VAXELN POSIX Information Concerning Draft 4 of P1003.4a o VAXELN Quick Reference o VAXELN Release Notes o VAXELN System Development Guide x o VAXELN System Services Guide o VAXELN System Services Reference Manual o VAXELN Utilities Guide In addition, you may need to refer to the KAV30 Hardware Installation and User's Information. The VAXELN Internals and Data Structures manual and the VAXELN rtVAX 300 Supplement are available with the VAXELN Source Kit, and as separate documents. The VAXELN Internals and Data Structures manual describes the internal data structures and operations of the VAXELN kernel and its associated subsystems. The VAXELN rtVAX 300 Supplement explains how to tailor the VAXELN kernel image for specialized rtVAX 300 target configurations. xi 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing for the Installation This chapter explains the following prerequisites to installing the VAXELN Toolkit software: o Checking the Contents of the Software Distribution Kit, Section 1.1 o Reporting Problems, Section 1.2 o Reading the Release Notes, Section 1.3 o Registering Your License Product Authorization Key, Section 1.4 o Meeting Installation Procedure Requirements, Section 1.5 o Addressing VAXcluster Considerations, Section 1.6 o Backing Up the System Disk, Section 1.7 Figure 1-1 provides a checklist of the steps you must follow to prepare for the installation, install the software, and verify the installation. ________________________Note ________________________ Allow 45 to 150 minutes to complete the installation process, depending on the VAX system processor and configuration and the distribution media you are using. _____________________________________________________ 1.1 Checking the Contents of the Software Distribution Kit Each VAXELN Toolkit distribution kit contains the following items: o A bill of materials (BOM) and indented bills report (BIL) Preparing for the Installation 1-1 o The distribution medium for the VAXELN Toolkit software, labeled ELN044 o The following documentation: - Cover letter - This installation guide - The complete VAXELN documentation set (See the Associated Documents section in the Preface of this guide for a complete list.) Check the kit contents against the BOM and BIL to ensure you have a complete kit. If your kit is damaged or parts are missing, contact your Digital representative. 1.2 Reporting Problems If you have problems during or after the installation, and you have a Digital software support contract or are registered under the one-year software warranty and you are registered for support services, you can get help by calling (in the USA) Digital Services at 1-800-354-9000, or your local Digital Services support center. Digital Services can help you diagnose software problems and determine what documentation you need. When you call, you should have the VAXELN documentation available, and if possible, access to your development and target systems. You should also be prepared to provide Digital Services with specific information when you call. See the VAXELN Information Directory for a list of the information you will need to supply. 1.3 Reading the Release Notes Read the VAXELN Release Notes before proceeding with the installation; they may contain information relating to the installation. To display or print the online release notes before you start the installation, use the OPTIONS N parameter when you invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure. See Section 2.1 or the VMS System Manager's Manual and the VMS Developer's Guide to VMSINSTAL for more information about the VMSINSTAL procedure. 1-2 Preparing for the Installation 1.4 Registering Your License Product Authorization Key If you are installing the VAXELN Toolkit on a system running VMS Version 5.0 or higher, you must register and load your Product Authorization Key (PAK) for the VAXELN Toolkit before you start the installation. If you fail to register the PAK, you will be unable to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and use the software. The following sections explain how to register your PAK using the License Management Utility. See the VMS License Management Utility Reference Manual for more information about this command procedure and management features of the License Management Facility (LMF). 1.4.1 Preparing to Register Your Product Authorization Key You will need the following information before you register your PAK. Issuer Authorization number Product name Producer name Number of units Version number Key Termination Date Issuer availability table code Activity table code Key options Product token Hardware ID Checksum See the VMS License Management Utility Reference Manual for more information about this information. 1.4.2 Choosing How to Register Your Product Authorization Key There are two ways to register your PAK; the LICENSE REGISTER command or the VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. Both of these procedures are explained in the following paragraphs. Preparing for the Installation 1-3 LICENSE REGISTER Command To register (and activate) the VAXELN license directly with license commands, enter the information in the previous list as shown in the following example: $ LICENSE REGISTER ELN044 /ISSUER=DEC - $ /AUTHORIZATION=USA126087 /PRODUCER=DEC /UNITS=40 $ /VERSION=4.4 /AVAILABILITY=E - $ /OPTIONS=(MOD_UNITS) /CHECKSUM=1-ADEB-DOCJ-NENC-KDBM $ LICENSE LOAD ELN044 LMF-I-LOADED, DEC ELN044 was successfully loaded with 460 units $ VMSLICENSE.COM Procedure The VMSLICENSE.COM command procedure will ask you to enter each item of the Product Authorization Key (PAK) information on a separate command line. To register the Product Authorization Key (PAK) using the VMSLICENSE.COM command procedure, log into the system manager's account SYSTEM, and execute the VMSLICENSE.COM command procedure by typing the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE The command procedure displays the following menu: VMS License Management Utility Options 1. Register a Product Authorization Key 2. Amend an existing Product Authorization Key 3. Exit this procedure Select Option: Select option 1 and press Return. The procedure continues to prompt you for the information to register your License PAK. 1.5 Meeting Installation Procedure Requirements This section describes the following requirements for installing the VAXELN Toolkit: o Prerequisite hardware o Prerequisite software o Optional software 1-4 Preparing for the Installation o Disk space requirements o Login privileges o Account limits, quotas, and privileges Section describes the procedure for checking and modifying installer and user account limits and quotas. Ensure all requirements are met before proceeding with the installation. 1.5.1 Prerequisite Hardware This section describes the host and target processors supported by the VAXELN Toolkit. Host Processors The VAXELN Toolkit supports the host processors listed in Table 1-1. Table_1-1_Supported_Host_Processors_______________________ VAX[1]: VAX 4000 Model 300 VAX 6000 Model 200 Series VAX 6000 Model 300 Series VAX 6000 Model 400 Series VAX 6000 Model 500 Series VAX 9000 Model 110 VAX 9000 Model 210 VAX 9000 Model 310 VAX 9000 Model 410 VAX-11/780 MicroVAX: MicroVAX II MicroVAX 2000 MicroVAX MicroVAX 3300 3100 [1]The_VAX-11/782_processor_is_not_supported_by_VMS_______ Operating System V5.n. (continued on next page) Preparing for the Installation 1-5 Table_1-1_(Cont.)_Supported_Host_Processors_______________ MicroVAX MicroVAX 3500 3400 MicroVAX MicroVAX 3800 3600 MicroVAX 3900 VAXstationVAXstation VAXstation 2000 II VAXstation VAXstation 3200 3100 VAXstation VAXstation 3520 3500 VAXstation __________3540____________________________________________ Target Processors A VAXELN target system typically requires a memory configuration of 1 MB, and a ROM-based application can have as little as 256 KB of physical memory on the target system depending on the size of the user's programs and on the VAXELN Toolkit components that are included. The target computer must have a load device for loading the VAXELN system image. The load device is either a Files-11 disk, TU58 cartridge tape, TK70, TK50, or Ethernet adapter (for downline loading). VAXELN systems can also be placed into ROM. The VAXELN Toolkit supports the target processors listed in Table 1-2. 1-6 Preparing for the Installation Table_1-2_Supported_Target_Processors___________________________ VAX: VAX 4000 Model 200 VAX 4000 Model 300 VAX 4000 Model 400 VAX 4000 Model 500 VAX 4000 Model 600 VAX 6000 Model 200 VAX 6000 Model 300 Series Series VAX 6000 Model 400 VAX 6000 Model 500 Series Series VAX 6000 Model 600 Series VAX 9000 Model 110 VAX 9000 Model 210 VAX 9000 Model 310 VAX 9000 Model 410 MicroVAX: MicroVAX II MicroVAX MicroVAX 2000 3100 MicroVAX 3100 Models 30, 40 and 80 MicroVAX MicroVAX MicroVAX 3300 3400 3500 MicroVAX MicroVAX MicroVAX 3600 3800 3900 Board Products: KA620-BA rtVAX 300 KA800-M KAV30 (continued on next page) Preparing for the Installation 1-7 Table_1-2_(Cont.)_Supported_Target_Processors___________________ rtVAX Products: rtVAX 1000 rtVAX 3200 rtVAX 3300 rtVAX 3305 rtVAX 3400 rtVAX 3500 rtVAX 3600 rtVAX 3800 rtVAX 4000 Model 300 rtVAX 6000 Models 200, 300 and 400 Series rtVAXstation 3100 Models 30 and 38 IVAX Products: IVAX 620 IVAX 630 VAXstation[1VAXstation 2000 VAXstation 3100 VAXstation 3150 VAXstation 3200 VAXstation 3500 VAXstation II/GPX VAXstation 4000 Model VAXstation 4000 VLC 60 VAXserver: VAXserver VAXserver VAXserver 3100 3300 3400 VAXserver VAXserver VAXserver 3500 3600 3602 VAXserver VAXserver 3800 3900 VAXserver 6000-210 VAXserver 6000-220 VAXserver 6000-310 VAXserver 6000-320 VAXserver 6000-410 VAXserver 6000-420 [1]In_addition_to_the_support_of_these_color_monitor____________ VAXstations, monochrome support is also provided for VAXstations 2000 and 3100. The WS01X-GA/GB Graphics Coprocessor Option (SPX) is supported for the VAXstation 3100 Models 30/40 and 38/48. ________________________________________________________________ 1-8 Preparing for the Installation 1.5.2 Prerequisite Software To install the VAXELN Toolkit you must have the following software: o A valid VMS operating system configuration running VMS Version 5.0 or higher o If DECwindows support is needed, a valid VMS operating system configuration running VMS Version 5.1 or higher o DECnet software installed to use the downline loading boot method 1.5.3 Optional Software You can install the following optional software: o VAX Ada o VAX C o VAXELN Ada Toolkit o VAX FORTRAN o VAX LSE (Language-Sensitive Editor) o VAX SCA (Source Code Analyzer) o DECwindows o ERF support for KA and rtVAX processors For more information about the versions of these products that are compatible with the VAXELN Version 4.4 Toolkit, see the latest VAXELN Toolkit System Support Addendum (SSA). You can obtain a copy of the SSA from your Digital sales representative. Installing the VAXELN Toolkit and the Ada Products If you are installing the VAXELN Toolkit on a system on which you will also be installing VAX Ada and the VAXELN Ada Toolkit, you must install the VAXELN Toolkit and VAX Ada before you install the VAXELN Ada Toolkit. Version 4.4 of the VAXELN Toolkit requires Version 2.2 of the VAXELN Ada Toolkit. VAX Ada Version 2.2 requires VMS Version 5.4. Preparing for the Installation 1-9 VAXELN Toolkit and the VAXELN Pascal Language-Sensitive Editor When updating from a previous version of the VAXELN Toolkit, the installation procedure updates the VAXELN Pascal Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) templates if VAX LSE is already installed on your system. If you intend to use LSE to program VAXELN Pascal applications, you must install LSE before installing the VAXELN Toolkit. Installing ERF Support for KA and rtVAX Processors The VAXELN Toolkit includes a separate save set that provides ERF support for the KA620, KA64A, KA800, rtVAX300, and rtVAX100. The standard VMS Version 5.5 error-logging facility provides error-logging support for other VAXELN target processors. 1.5.4 Disk Space Requirements You must meet disk space requirements before you install the VAXELN Toolkit. Required disk space depends on the options you select for installation and the disk or disks you use to store the distribution software and the resulting VAXELN Toolkit files. Use the DCL SHOW DEVICE command to check available disk space as follows: $ SHOW DEVICE target The distribution software consists of seven save sets, ELN044.A through ELN044.G, which are located on the tape you received in the kit. The development software consists of the permanent VAXELN Toolkit files located in the [ELN] directory and subdirectories after a successful installation. To perform the installation, you can use the system disk; the system and AWD disks; the system and VAXELN disks; or the system, AWD, and VAXELN disks. If you do not have enough space on your system disk or want to minimize system disk space usage, you can use another VAXELN disk, the VMSINSTAL AWD option, or both. 1-10 Preparing for the Installation Table 1-3 shows the disk space requirements for installing just the VAXELN software and for installing VAXELN and DECwindows software. Table_1-3_Disk_Space_Requirements_________________________ Blocks on Blocks System on AWD Installing_on____Disk______Disk______Blocks_on_VAXELN_Disk ________________Installing_VAXELN_Software________________ System disk 55,000 0 0 System and AWD 55,000 55,000 0 disks System and 55,000 0 55,000 VAXELN disks System, AWD, 6,000 55,000 55,000 and VAXELN disks __________________________________________________________ ________Installing_VAXELN_and_DECwindows_Software_________ System disk 95,000 0 0 System and AWD 95,000 95,000 0 disks System and 95,000 0 95,000 VAXELN disks System, AWD, 6,000 95,000 95,000 and VAXELN disks_____________________________________________________ The above figures reflect peak disk space utilization. The VAXELN Toolkit occupies 95,000 blocks on the system disk. ________________________Note ________________________ If you are installing VAXELN and DECwindows and you are using the AWD option, or if you are installing VAXELN and DECwindows to a nonsystem disk, the Preparing for the Installation 1-11 installation procedure displays a message similar to the following: %DELETE-W-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for DKA700:[WORKING.ELN044] COURIER_BOLDOBLIQUE18_100DPI.DECW$FONT;* -RMS-E-FNF, file not found The file name may differ but you can ignore this message. The installation procedure will continue. _____________________________________________________ See the VMS System Manager's Manual and the VMS Developer's Guide to VMSINSTAL for information on the VMSINSTAL AWD option. 1.5.5 Login Privileges To install VAXELN you must be logged in to the system manager's account (SYSTEM) or an account with the SETPRV privilege. Section explains how to check and modify account privileges. 1.5.6 Account Limits and Quotas Before installing the VAXELN Toolkit, ensure that the authorization records in your account and user accounts have the proper limits and quotas. If necessary, modify authorization records so they are equal to or greater than the values shown. See Section for more information on modifying account limits and quotas. Global Pages and Sections Requirements You must ensure that your system has the necessary global page and global section SYSGEN quotas for the installation. Failure to do so could cause the DCL tables to be corrupted in some situations. To determine the number of global pages required by SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE, type the following DCL command: $ DIR/SIZ SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE This command returns the size (in blocks) of SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE. As an approximation, use this figure as the number of global pages needed for the file. 1-12 Preparing for the Installation To determine the number of contiguous free global pages and free global sections, type the following DCL command: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("CONTIG_GBLPAGES") 12345 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 12 It is recommended that you have at least 4 global sections available during installation of the VAXELN Toolkit. If you do not have enough free global pages to install VAXELN, you can either delete an existing known image with VMSINSTAL or increase the GBLPAGES system parameter with the VMS System Generation (SYSGEN) Utility. Using the SYSGEN utility to increase the GBLPAGES parameter involves the following steps: 1. Editing the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT 2. Invoking the AUTOGEN command procedure (SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM) For more information on using the AUTOGEN command procedure, refer to your processor-specific installation /operations guide. If you do not have enough free global sections to install the VAXELN Toolkit, you must make a sufficient number available by increasing the GBLSECTIONS system parameter. (You can increase the GBLSECTIONS system parameter using the same method used to increase the GBLPAGES system parameter.) Installer Account Limits and Quotas Be sure the limits in the installer account authorization record, shown in Table 1-4, are equal to or greater than the listed values. Preparing for the Installation 1-13 Table_1-4_Installer_Account_Limits_and_Quotas_____________ Limit_or_Quota__________Value_____________________________ Open file limit 100 (Fillm) AST limit (ASTlm) 24 Working set quota 250 pages (minimum), 1000 pages (WSquo) (optimum) Paging file quota 8000 pages (Pgflquo)_________________________________________________ Section explains how to check and modify account limits. User Account Limits and Quotas Be sure the limits in the user account authorization record shown in Table 1-5 are set equal to or greater than the listed values. Table_1-5_User_Account_Limits_and_Quotas__________________ Limit_or_Quota__________Value_____________________________ Open file limit 100 (Fillm) AST limit (ASTlm) 24 Working set quota 250 minimum (WSquo) 1000 optimum Paging file quota 8000 (Pgflquo)_________________________________________________ Section explains how to check and modify account limits. 1-14 Preparing for the Installation Checking and Modifying Account Limits, Quotas, and Privileges Use the Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) to check, and if necessary modify, installer and user account limits. To invoke AUTHORIZE, enter the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE Example 1-1 shows a sample account privileges and quotas check. Example 1-1 Sample Account Privileges and Quotas Check $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> SHOW SYSTEM Username: SYSTEM Owner: SYSTEM MANAGER Account: SYSTEM UIC: [1,4] ([SYSTEM] CLI: DCL Tables: Default: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR] LGICMD: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR.LOG]LOGIN Login Flags: Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Secondary days: Sat Sun No access restrictions Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 6 Login Fails: 0 Pwdlifetime: 30 00:00 Pwdchange: 6-FEB-1990 07:22 Last Login: 20-FEB-1990 06:46 (interactive), 20-FEB-1990 06:00 (non-interactive) Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 100 Bytlm: 32000 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 20 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 100 JTquota: 1024 Prclm: 10 DIOlm: 60 WSdef: 400 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 100 WSquo: 512 Queprio: 0 TQElm: 100 WSextent: 2048 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 300 Pgflquo: 10000 (continued on next page) Preparing for the Installation 1-15 Example 1-1 (Cont.) Sample Account Privileges and Quotas Check Authorized Privileges: CMKRNL CMEXEC SYSNAM GRPNAM ALLSPOOL DETACH DIAGNOSE LOG_IO GROUP ACNT PRMCEB PRMMBX PSWAPM ALTPRI SETPRV TMPMBX WORLD OPER EXQUOTA NETMBX VOLPRO PHY_IO BUGCHK PRMGBL SYSGBL MOUNT PFNMAP SHMEM SYSPRV BYPASS SYSLCK SHARE GRPPRV READALL SECURITY Default Privileges: CMKRNL CMEXEC SYSNAM GRPNAM ALLSPOOL DETACH DIAGNOSE LOG_IO GROUP ACNT PRMCEB PRMMBX PSWAPM ALTPRI SETPRV TMPMBX WORLD OPER EXQUOTA NETMBX VOLPRO PHY_IO BUGCHK PRMGBL SYSGBL MOUNT PFNMAP SHMEM SYSPRV BYPASS SYSLCK SHARE GRPPRV READALL SECURITY UAF> EXIT %UAF-I-NOMODS, no modifications made to system authorization file 1.6 Addressing VAXcluster Considerations If you want to run VAXELN on multiple nodes of a VAXcluster, make sure you have the appropriate software license. You can install the VAXELN Toolkit on any valid VAXcluster or Local Area VAXcluster configuration. You must install the software on each node that has a different system disk. For VAXcluster nodes that access a common system disk, you install the software on one node. You must register a VAXELN license under VMS Version 5.0 or higher for each member of the cluster. See Section 2.2 for instructions on installing the VAXELN Toolkit in a VAXcluster environment. 1.7 Backing Up the System Disk Make a backup copy of your system disk before you install the VAXELN Toolkit. For more information on backing up your system disk, see the VMS Backup Utility Manual. 1-16 Preparing for the Installation 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the VAXELN Toolkit This chapter explains how to use the VMSINSTAL procedure to install the VAXELN Toolkit: o On the VMS operating system o In a VAXcluster environment The installation process averages 45 to 150 minutes to complete, depending on the VAX system processor and configuration and the distribution medium you received. Allow the maximum time if you include DECwindows support. ________________________Note ________________________ Before beginning the installation, be sure you have completed the preparations discussed in Chapter 1. _____________________________________________________ In this guide, the commands that you issue appear in red. The command parameters you supply are in italics, as in the following example: $ COMMAND parameter Terminate all commands by pressing Return. Installation messages can display during the installation procedure. See Appendix B for the descriptions of these messages. Installing the VAXELN Toolkit 2-1 2.1 Running the Installation Procedure You use the VMSINSTAL command procedure to install the VAXELN Toolkit. You can obtain help at any time during the execution of VMSINSTAL by typing a question mark (?). To abort the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl /Y. The procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then restart the procedure. For more information about the VMSINSTAL command procedure including the AWD option, see the VMS Developer's Guide to VMSINSTAL and the VMS System Manager's Manual. Perform the following steps to run the VMSINSTAL command procedure: 1. Log in to a privileged account. See Section 1.5.5 for required privileges. 2. Load the distribution volume (for example, magnetic tape) but do not mount it. 3. Invoke the VMSINSTAL procedure by typing: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL product-name source: [OPTIONS option-list] [destination] The VMSINSTAL command parameters are defined as follows: product- ELN0nn, where nn is the VAXELN version name number; for example, ELN044 for Version 4.4 source Device on which the VAXELN Toolkit distribution volume will be mounted option- VMSINSTAL options you want to use - for list example, N to print or display release notes, AWD to specify an alternate working device, or R to specify a VAXELN target disk other than the system disk destination The VAXELN target disk if other than the system disk; use with OPTION R parameter By default, VMSINSTAL assumes that the target disk is the system disk. 2-2 Installing the VAXELN Toolkit The following command invokes VMSINSTAL to install the VAXELN Toolkit Version 4.4 from magnetic tape to the system disk: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL ELN044 MTA0: If you omit the parameters, the VMSINSTAL procedure prompts you for the appropriate information. 4. The procedure displays the following information on your screen and asks whether you need to back up your system disk: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure Vn.n It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? If you recently backed up the system disk, press Return to continue with the installation. Otherwise, enter No to exit from the installation procedure. Back up the system disk, then restart the VMSINSTAL procedure. 5. If you did not specify a source when you invoked VMSINSTAL, the procedure asks where the distribution volumes will be mounted: * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: Enter the appropriate device specification for the distribution volume (or volumes) for the VAXELN Toolkit software labeled ELN044. For example: * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: MKA0: 6. If you did not specify the product name, the procedure prompts you for one: Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: Enter the product name ELN0nn, where nn is the VAXELN Toolkit version number. For example, enter ELN044 for Version 4.4. Installing the VAXELN Toolkit 2-3 7. If you did not specify options, the procedure prompts you to enter the options you want: * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): Press Return to continue without specifying any options. To print or display the release notes, enter N. To specify an alternate working device, enter AWD=device-name:[directory]. See the VMS Developer's Guide to VMSINSTAL for information on VMSINSTAL options. If you specified OPTIONS N, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes options. When you install with VMS Versions 5.0 or 5.1, VMSINSTAL displays the following options: Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. Copy release notes to SYS$HELP 5. Do not display, print or copy release notes * Select option [2]: When you install with VMS Version 5.2 or higher, VMSINSTAL displays the following options: Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: Choose option 1 to display the release notes on the terminal. Press Ctrl/C to clear the release notes from the screen. Choose option 2 to print the release notes. VMSINSTAL prompts you for a print queue name, as follows: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: 2-4 Installing the VAXELN Toolkit Enter a print queue name or press Return. When you press Return, you send the file to the default output print device. Choose option 3 to display the release notes on the terminal and print them. VMSINSTAL displays the release notes on the terminal, and when you have finished reading them, VMSINSTAL prompts you for a print queue name. When you install with VMS Version 5.0 or 5.1, choose Option 4 to copy the release notes to the system help library. When you install with VMS Version 5.2 or higher, choose option 4 if you have reviewed the release notes and are restarting the installation. Do you want to continue the installation [N]?: Type YES and press Return to continue the installation. Press Return to stop the installation. The following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. In either case, VMSINSTAL copies the release notes to the SYS$HELP: file. 8. If the distribution volume is not already mounted, the procedure instructs you to mount it and then asks if you are ready: Please mount the first volume of the set on device:. * Are you ready? Mount the distribution volume on the specified device, then enter Yes to continue. The procedure confirms that the distribution volume is mounted: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, volume mounted on device: Then the procedure displays the following message: The following products will be processed: ELN Vn.n Installing the VAXELN Toolkit 2-5 9. If you specified the VMSINSTAL AWD option and the device is not mounted, the procedure instructs you to mount the alternate working device and then asks if you are ready: Please mount the alternate working device on awd_device: * Are you ready? Mount the alternate working device, then enter Yes to continue. The procedure confirms with the following message that the AWD device is mounted: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, volume mounted on awd_device: 10.The procedure begins installing the software: Beginning installation of ELN Vn.n at hh:mm %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... The VAXELN Toolkit is divided into several save sets. Save set A contains the release notes and procedures to determine if the VAXELN disk has enough free disk space. If there is not enough disk space, VMSINSTAL displays a message similar to the following: This product requires at least nnn free blocks on the system device. The approximate size of each save set is as follows: _______________________________________________________ Save Set______Blocks________________________________________ A 882 B 13302 C 19962 D 15300 E 17262 F 17640 ___G_______6444________________________________________ 11.The procedure copies the release notes to a file in the SYS$HELP directory and displays the following message: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. 2-6 Installing the VAXELN Toolkit The filename for the release notes has the following format: SYS$HELP:ELN0nn.RELEASE_NOTES, where nn is the VAXELN version number. 12.The procedure verifies that prerequisite software is installed and asks you to verify that you want to continue: VAXELN Vn.n Installation Procedure This product requires that the following products already be installed: VMS V5.0 or later The installation procedure will now verify that these products are present. * Do you want to install the VAXELN Toolkit [YES]? Press Return to proceed with the installation. Enter No to abort the installation procedure. 13.The procedure asks whether you want to include VAXELN DECwindows support: * Do you want to include VAXELN DECwindows support [NO]? Press Return if you do not want to include VAXELN DECwindows support. Enter Yes to include it. The procedure displays the following information: Product: VAXELN-TOOLKIT Producer: DEC Version: n.n Release Date: dd-mmm-yyyy 14.The procedure asks whether you have registered and loaded an authorization key: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? If you are installing the VAXELN Toolkit on a system running VMS Version 5.0 or higher, you must register and load your Product Authorization Key (PAK). If you fail to register the PAK, you will be unable to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and use the software. Installing the VAXELN Toolkit 2-7 Enter Yes if you have registered the license PAK. If you have not registered your PAK, press Ctrl/Y to abort the installation and follow the instructions in Section 1.4 to register your license PAK. Then start the installation procedure again. 15.If a previous version of the VAXELN Toolkit is installed on your system, the procedure will display the following prompt: Do you want to use the existing VAXELN Toolkit directory? Enter Yes to use the existing device for the VAXELN Toolkit directory, or enter No to specify a new device. 16.If an earlier version of VAXELN is not installed on your system, or if you specify No to the preceding question, the procedure prompts you to enter the device name for the VAXELN Toolkit directory: * Specify device for VAXELN Toolkit directory [SYS$SYSDEVICE:]: Enter a valid device name for the VAXELN Toolkit directory or press Return to specify the system disk SYS$SYSDEVICE:. The procedure confirms that it has created the VAXELN Toolkit directory with the following message: %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VAXELN_directory_device:[ELN]. 17.The procedure now asks if you want to purge previous version VAXELN Toolkit files that the installation replaces. Press Return to answer Yes or enter No to keep any existing VAXELN Toolkit files. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? 18.The installation proceeds without further interaction unless you must load additional media. The installation procedure will prompt you if you must perform some action. Watch the console output carefully. Look for error and warning messages that indicate tasks you must perform manually; for example, adding VAX Language- Sensitive Editor support and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). 2-8 Installing the VAXELN Toolkit See Appendix B for information about messages that the installation procedure displays. The procedure creates the following directories on the VAXELN Toolkit directory device: VAXELN_directory_device:[ELN.DWINCLUDE] VAXELN_directory_device:[ELN.FONTS] VAXELN_directory_device:[ELN.FONTS.75DPI] VAXELN_directory_device:[ELN.FONTS.100DPI] VAXELN_directory_device:[ELN.KEYMAP] VMS$ROOT:[SYSTEST.ELN] Appendix C lists the files that the installation procedure places in the output-disk directories. 19.When the installation procedure is done, it displays the following message on your screen: %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installation of ELN Vn.n completed at hh:mm Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: Press Return or Ctrl/Z to exit from the installation procedure. The procedure displays the following message and returns you to the DCL prompt: VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm $ 2.2 Installing the VAXELN Toolkit in a VAXcluster Environment To install the VAXELN Toolkit in a VAXcluster environment, you must install the software on each node that has a different system disk (follow the steps in Section 2.1). For VAXcluster nodes that access a common system disk, you must first install the Toolkit on one node, then execute the following commands on the other nodes on the cluster that shares the system disk: $ INSTALL INSTALL> REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES $ ASSIGN/SYSTEM xxxx:[ELN] ELN$ Installing the VAXELN Toolkit 2-9 You must register a VAXELN license under VMS Version 5.0 or higher for each member of the cluster. See Section 1.4 for information on registering a VAXELN license PAK. 2-10 Installing the VAXELN Toolkit 3 ________________________________________________________________ Completing the Installation Process This chapter explains the steps you must follow after running the VMSINSTAL procedure. o Modifying the system startup command procedure o Initializing the VAXELN DCL command table o Modifying user account privileges and quotas o Reporting problems to Digital o Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) If you have problems during or after the installation, see Chapter 1 for more information on reporting problems. 3.1 Modifying the System Startup Command Procedure The VMSINSTAL procedure defines the logical name ELN$ for the VAXELN development system. You must add the following line to the system startup command procedure, SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM so that ELN$ is defined correctly whenever the system boots: $ ASSIGN/SYSTEM vaxeln-disk:[ELN] ELN$ 3.2 Initializing the VAXELN DCL Command Table The installation procedure modifies the DCL command table so that the VAXELN DCL commands are recognized and processed. However, the previous DCL command table is still in effect for those users who were logged in during the installation procedure. All logged-in users who want to use the VAXELN DCL commands must log out of the system and log in again. Completing the Installation Process 3-1 3.3 Modifying User Account Privileges and Quotas After installing the VAXELN Toolkit and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), you may want to modify any necessary user account privileges and quotas. See Chapter 1 for instructions on modifying user account privileges and quotas. 3.4 Reporting Problems If you have any problems during or after installation, and you have a Digital software support contract or are registered under the one-year software warranty and you are registered for support services, you can get help by calling (in the USA) Digital Services at 1-800-354-9000, or your local Digital Services representative. Digital Services can help you diagnose software problems and determine what documentation you need. When you call, you should have the VAXELN documentation available, and if possible, access to your development and target systems. You should also be prepared to provide Digital Services with specific information when you call. See the VAXELN Information Directory for a list of the information you will need to supply. 3.5 Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) After you have installed the VAXELN software and the new VAXELN DCL commands are in effect, run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) to verify that the VAXELN software is available on your system. The IVP builds installation certification programs you can load and run on your VAXELN target to verify the installation. See Appendix A for sample IVPs. Follow these steps to run the IVP: 1. Log in to the system manager's account and enter the following command to invoke the IVP: $ @SYS$TEST:ELN$IVP 3-2 Completing the Installation Process The IVP displays the following information on your screen: VAXELN Vn.n Installation Verification Procedure The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) will use the host components of VAXELN to build an Installation Certification Program (ICP), which you can load and run on your target computer. 2. The IVP asks you if you want to build a certification program for each of the targets that it lists. It then builds a downline loading VAXELN system image and, if appropriate, a disk booting image, for each target you specify, and places the files in your current directory. See Table C-1 for the file names for each target. At each prompt, enter Yes if you want an ICP built for the specified target, or press Return if you do not. The Installation Certification Program (ICP) can be built for each target CPU type. Answer YES if you want an ICP built for any of the following targets. Note that to build ICPs for the VAXstation systems you must have VAXELN DECwindows support installed. The .SYS file(s) will be placed in your current directory. Do you want to build an ICP for an rtVAX 1000 or MicroVAX I, II, 3200, 3300, 3400, 35NN, 36NN, 3800, 3900, 4000 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for MicroVAX 3100, Model 30, 40 80 [NO] ? Y Do you want to build an ICP for MicroVAX 2000, MicroVAX 3100 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for KAV30 [NO] ? Y Do you want to build an ICP for 6000-2NN, 6000-3NN [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for 6000-4NN [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for 6000-5NN [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for 6000-6NN [NO] ? Y Do you want to build an ICP for 9000 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for VAXstation II/GPX, VAXstation 3200 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for VAXstation II [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for GPX VAXstation 2000, VAXstation 3100 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for monochrome VAXstation 2000, VAXstation 3100 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for SPX VAXstation 3100, [NO] ? Completing the Installation Process 3-3 Do you want to build an ICP for VAXstation 4000 Model 60, VLC [NO] ? Y 3. The procedure compiles and links the programs and builds the downline loading and, if appropriate, disk booting images for each target you specified: The Installation Verification Procedure is compiling the programs... The Installation Verification Procedure is linking the programs... The Installation Verification Procedure is building the system... Building the ICP for target ... System image size is nnn pages (nnn Kbytes); file size is nnn blocks System image size is nnn pages (nnn Kbytes); file size is nnn blocks 4. The Installation Verification Procedure displays the following information on your screen and exits: Verification of the VAXELN Toolkit is complete. Please follow the instructions in the "VAXELN Installation Guide" to boot the ICP system you have just built on a standalone VAX system. VAXELN Vn.n Installation Verification Procedure has succeeded. $ To verify that the installed software is working, boot one or more of the Installation Certification Program (ICP) system images. Table C-1 lists the system images for each target processor type and loading method. For instructions on booting a disk or downline loading a system image, see the VAXELN System Development Guide. 3-4 Completing the Installation Process A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Procedures This appendix contains the following samples: o Sample Installation on VMS Version 5.5 o Sample Installation Verification Procedure A.1 Sample Installation on VMS Version 5.5 The following installation procedure was carried out on a VMS operating system Version 5.5: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5 It is 2-SEP-1992 at 12:25. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: dka100:[elnv44. savesets.ftu] Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: ELN044 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: ELN V4.4 Beginning installation of ELN V4.4 at 12:26 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. VAXELN V4.4 Installation Procedure This product requires that the following products already be installed: VMS V5.0 or later The installation procedure will now verify that these products are present. Sample Installation Procedures A-1 * Do you want to install the VAXELN Toolkit [YES]? * Do you want to include VAXELN DECwindows support [NO]? YES Product: VAXELN-TOOLKIT Producer: DEC Version: 4.4 Release Date: 31-OCT-1992 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES * Specify device for VAXELN Toolkit directory [SYS$SYSDEVICE:]: %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ELN]. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? There are no more questions, unless additional media are needed. The remainder of the installation procedure will take approximately 45-150 minutes depending on options chosen. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ELN.DWINCLUDE]. %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of ELN$DWINCL has been superseded %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ELN.FONTS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ELN.FONTS.75DPI]. %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of ELN$DW75DPI has been superseded %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ELN.FONTS.100DPI]. %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of ELN$DW100DPI has been superseded %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ELN.KEYMAP]. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.ELN]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.ELN] already exists %ELN-W-NOLSE, This product is not being installed with VAX Language-Sensitive Editor support because the editor isn't installed on your system. If you want the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor support you must do the following: A-2 Sample Installation Procedures 1. Install the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor 2. Reinstall this product. This product contains an Installation Verification Program (IVP) to verify the correct installation of the VAXELN Toolkit. To run the IVP, type: $ @SYS$TEST:ELN$IVP This may be performed now or anytime after installation. See the "VAXELN Installation Guide" for further information. Installation of ELN V4.4 completed at 13:17 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 15:06 $ A.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure The following IVP was carried out on a VMS operating system Version 5.4: $ @SYS$TEST:ELN$IVP Copyright (c) 1992 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass. This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment which is not supplied by Digital. VAXELN V4.4 Installation Verification Procedure Sample Installation Procedures A-3 The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) will use the host components of VAXELN to build an Installation Certification Program (ICP), which you can load and run on your target computer. The Installation Certification Program (ICP) can be built for each target CPU type. Answer YES if you want an ICP built for any of the following targets. Note that to build ICPs for the VAXstation systems you must have VAXELN DECwindows support installed. The .SYS file(s) will be placed in your current directory. Do you want to build an ICP for an rtVAX 1000 or MicroVAX I, II, 3200, 3300, 3400, 35NN, 36NN, 3800, 3900, 4000 [NO] ? Y Do you want to build an ICP for MicroVAX 3100 Model 30,40,80 [NO] ? Y Do you want to build an ICP for MicroVAX 2000, MicroVAX 3100 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for KAV30 [NO] ? Y Do you want to build an ICP for 6000-2NN, 6000-3NN [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for 6000-4NN [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for 6000-5NN [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for 6000-6NN [NO] ? Y Do you want to build an ICP for 9000 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for VAXstation II/GPX, VAXstation 3200 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for VAXstation II [NO] ? Y Do you want to build an ICP for GPX VAXstation 2000, VAXstation 3100 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for monochrome VAXstation 2000, VAXstation 3100 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for SPX VAXstation 3100 [NO] ? Do you want to build an ICP for VAXstation 4000 Model 60,VLC [NO] ? Y The Installation Verification Procedure is compiling the programs... The Installation Verification Procedure is linking the programs... The Installation Verification Procedure is building the system... Building the ICP for Q-bus ... System image size is 813 pages (407 Kbytes); file size is 813 blocks System image size is 813 pages (407 Kbytes); file size is 814 blocks Building the ICP for KAV30... System image size is 851 pages (426 Kbytes); file size is 851 blocks System image size is 851 pages (426 Kbytes); file size is 852 blocks Building the ICP for 6000-6NN series ... System image size is 829 pages (415 Kbytes); file size is 829 blocks System image size is 829 pages (415 Kbytes); file size is 830 blocks Building the ICP for VAXstation II... System image size is 3764 pages (1882 Kbytes); file size is 3765 blocks A-4 Sample Installation Procedures Building the ICP for VAXstation 4000 Model 60, VLC... System image size is 3470 pages (1735 Kbytes); file size is 3471 blocks Verification of the VAXELN Toolkit is complete. Please follow the instructions in the "VAXELN Installation Guide" to boot the ICP system you have just built on a standalone VAX system. VAXELN V4.4 Installation Verification Procedure has succeeded. $ Sample Installation Procedures A-5 B ________________________________________________________________ Installation Messages This appendix describes messages that may appear during installation. Messages are in the following categories: o Informational messages o Error (warning) messages o Error (fatal) messages B.1 Informational Messages Informational messages are identified by the prefix ELN-I- and display when a problem exists that you can fix without stopping the installation. The installation continues but you may need to make some corrections. For example, you would get a message if you responded to the prompt for the target disk with an incorrect device name or with the disk not mounted. The prompt is repeated so you can correct the problem. The following informational messages can display during the installation: ELN-I-DEVNOTMOUNT, Device device-name is not mounted. Explanation: The device you specified, device-name, is not mounted; mount it before you proceed. ELN-I-INVDEVNAM, Invalid device name device-name. Explanation: The device name you specified for a disk, device-name, is not a syntactically valid device name. Installation Messages B-1 ELN-I-INVELNDIR, The logical name ELN$ is directory, which is an invalid directory., Explanation: The translation of the existing logical ELN$ (the VAXELN directory), directory, is an invalid directory. Enter a valid directory. ELN-I-IVP, It is recommended that you run the IVP after the license is installed. Explanation: The VAXELN Toolkit supports the License Management Facility (LMF) features provided by the VMS operating system and requires that you register a Product Authorization Key (PAK). After registering your PAK, run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) to verify that the VAXELN software is available on your system. ELN-I-NOSUCHDEV, No such device device-name. Explanation: The device name you specified for a disk, device, does not exist. ELN-I-WRITELOCK, Volume on device is write locked. Explanation: Use the switch on the disk drive to remove write protection on device. B.2 Error (Warning) Messages Error (warning) messages are identified by the prefix ELN- W- and indicate that prerequisite conditions have not been met. If the installation subsequently fails, correct the conditions and retry the installation. If the installation succeeds, you can ignore these messages. The following error messages inform you that there may be a problem with the installation: ELN-W-INSUFAST, Installation may fail because of the small AST quota. Explanation: The AST quota may be too small for the installation to finish. If the installation fails, increase the AST quota to 20 and restart the installation. See Section for information on modifying installer account limits and quotas. B-2 Installation Messages ELN-W-INSUFFIL, Installation may fail because of the small open file quota. Explanation: The open file quota may be too small for the installation to finish. If the installation fails, increase the open file quota to 20 and restart the installation. See Section for information on modifying installer account limits and quotas. ELN-W-INSUFPGFL, Installation may fail because of the small paging file size. Explanation: The paging file quota may be too small for the installation to finish. If the installation fails, increase the paging file quota to 4000 and restart the installation. See Section for information on modifying installer account limits and quotas. ELN-W-INSUFWS, Installation may fail because of the small working set size. Explanation: The working set quota may be too small for the installation to finish. If the installation fails, increase the working set quota to 1000 pages and restart the installation. See Section for information on modifying installer account limits and quotas. ELN-W-NOIVP, IVP will not be run, license not installed. Explanation: You cannot run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) until you register a Product Authorization Key (PAK) (VMS Version 5.0 or later). See Section 1.4 for information on registering your PAK. ELN-W-NOLSE, This product is not being installed with VAX Language-Sensitive Editor support because the editor is not installed on your system. If you want the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor support, you must do the following: 1. Install the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor. 2. Reinstall this product. Explanation: Because the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) is not installed on your system, the VAXELN Toolkit is being installed without VAX LSE support. Follow the Installation Messages B-3 instruction in the message to include VAX LSE support with the VAXELN Toolkit. ELN-W-NORELNOTE, Unable to locate release notes. Explanation: The installation procedure was unable to locate an online version of the VAXELN Release Notes on the distribution volume. Submit a Software Performance Report to Digital. ELN-W-NOSPACE, The VAXELN, AWD, or system device may not have sufficient space for this installation. Explanation: The VAXELN, AWD, or system device you specified to hold the VAXELN Toolkit development software may not have enough space. If the installation fails, increase the amount of available free space on the VAXELN disk to the amount specified in the message and restart the installation procedure. See Section 1.5.4 for information about installation space requirements. B.3 Error (Fatal) Messages Error (fatal) messages are identified by the prefix ELN-E- and inform you of a problem with the installation that cannot be fixed without restarting the procedure. Since these are fatal errors, the installation is aborted. You must correct the condition and restart the installation. The following error (fatal) messages can display during the installation: ELN-E-NOSPACE, This product requires at least nnn free blocks. Explanation: This message indicates that the target disk does not have enough free space to finish the installation. See Section 1.5.4 for storage requirements. ELN-E-VMS_VERSION, Invalid VMS version, V5.0 or higher is required. Explanation: The VAXELN Toolkit requires VMS Version 5.0 or higher. Install the new version of VMS and restart the installation. B-4 Installation Messages C ________________________________________________________________ VAXELN Files This appendix lists the files that the VAXELN installation procedure places on the output device. Files are placed in the following directories: o The VMS directory SYS$MESSAGE, Section C.1 o The VMS directory SYS$HELP, Section C.2 o The VMS directory SYS$TEST, Section C.3 o The VMS directory SYS$COMMON, Section C.4 o The VMS directory SYS$LIBRARY, Section C.5 o The VAXELN directory ELN$, Section C.6 C.1 SYS$MESSAGE Directory File The following file is placed in the VMS directory SYS$MESSAGE: ELNMSG.EXE Message text image C.2 SYS$HELP Directory File The following file is placed in the VMS directory SYS$HELP: ELN044.RELEASE_NOTES Release notes for the current version of VAXELN VAXELN Files C-1 C.3 SYS$TEST Directory File The following file is placed in the VMS directory SYS$TEST: ELN$IVP.COM Installation Verification Procedure command procedure, which builds Installation Certification Programs (ICPs) C.4 SYS$COMMON Directory Files If VAXELN DECwindows support is installed, the following files are placed in the VMS directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.ELN]: ELN$IVP.CURSOR DECwindows cursor font ELN$IVP.FIXED DECwindows text font C.5 SYS$LIBRARY Directory File The following file is placed in the VMS directory SYS$LIBRARY: LSE$SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT.ENV VAX Language-Sensitive Editor system environment library- if present, is updated with VAXELN Pascal templates C.6 ELN$ Directory Files Table C-1 lists the files that are placed in the current directory, that is, the working directory from which you invoked the ELN$IVP.COM command procedure. The following tables list the files that are placed in the VAXELN directory ELN$: o Table C-2, Tools and Utilities Used Under VMS o Table C-3, Kernel Files o Table C-4, VAXELN Utility Programs o Table C-5, VAXELN Utility Shareable Images o Table C-6, VAXELN General Runtime Library C-2 VAXELN Files o Table C-7, VAXELN Pascal Runtime Library o Table C-8, Pascal Source for VAXELN Runtime Library o Table C-9, VAXELN Ada VAXELN_SERVICES Package o Table C-10, VAXELN C Header Files o Table C-11, VAXELN C Runtime Library o Table C-12, VAXELN FORTRAN Runtime Library o Table C-13, VAXELN Drivers o Table C-14, Source for VAXELN Drivers o Table C-15, Source for Sample Applications o Table C-16, POSIX Files o Table C-17, Pthreads Files o Table C-18, DECwindows Files o Table C-19, DECwindows Images o Table C-20, DECwindows X Toolkit Include Files o Table C-21, Motif Include Files Table C-22 and Table C-23 list the files that are placed in the DWINCLUDE subdirectory of ELN$: o Table C-22, MIT C XLIB and Toolkit DECwindows Include Files o Table C-23, Language-Specific DECwindows Include Files o Table C-24, Key Map Files Table_C-1_Installation_Certification_Program_Files______________ File________________Description_________________________________ 4NN_ICP.SYS ICP system image (MicroVAX 2000 or MicroVAX 3100, disk) 4NN_ICP_ ICP system image (MicroVAX 2000 or MicroVAX DOWNLINE.SYS 3100, downline load) (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-3 Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Installation_Certification_Program_Files______ File________________Description_________________________________ 6000_2NN_ICP.SYS ICP system image (VAX 6000 Model 200 Series, disk) 6000_2NN_ICP_ ICP system image (VAX 6000 Model 200 Series, DOWNLINE.SYS downline load) 6000_4NN_ICP.SYS ICP system image (VAX 6000 Model 400 Series, disk) 6000_4NN_ICP_ ICP system image (VAX 6000 Model 400 Series, DOWNLINE.SYS downline load) 6000_5NN_ICP.SYS ICP system image (VAX 6000 Model 500 Series, disk) 6000_5NN_ICP_ ICP system image (VAX 6000 Model 500 Series, DOWNLINE.SYS downline load) 6000_6NN_ICP.SYS ICP system image (VAX 6000 Model 600 Series, downline load) 6000_6NN_ICP_ ICP system image (VAX 6000 Model 600 Series, DOWNLINE.SYS downline load) 9000_ICP.SYS ICP system image (VAX 9000 Series, disk) 9000_ICP_ ICP system image (VAX 9000 Series, downline DOWNLINE.SYS load) CICP.OBJ C ICP object file GAA_ICP_ ICP system image (VAXstation 2000, or DOWNLINE.SYS VAXstation 3100, downline load) GAB_ICP_ ICP system image (VAXstation II/GPX, DOWNLINE.SYS VAXstation 3200, or VAXstation 3500, downline load) GCA_ICP_ ICP system image for the VAXstation II DOWNLINE.SYS GCB_ICP_ ICP system image (Monochrome VAXstation 2000 DOWNLINE.SYS and VAXstation 3100, downline load) GEB_ICP_ ICP system image (SPX VAXstation 3100, DOWNLINE.SYS downline load) (continued on next page) C-4 VAXELN Files Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Installation_Certification_Program_Files______ File________________Description_________________________________ GFB_ICP_ ICP system image (VAXstation 4000 VLC and DOWNLINE.SYS VAXstation 4000 Model 60) ICP.PAS ICP source code ICPPRIME.PAS ICP secondary program source code QBUS_ICP.SYS ICP system image (MicroVAX I, MicroVAX II - KA630, rtVAX 1000 - KA620, MicroVAX 3000 Series, VAX 4000 Model 200 disk, or VAX 4000 Model 300 disk) QBUS_ICP_ ICP system image (MicroVAX I, MicroVAX II DOWNLINE.SYS - KA630, rtVAX 1000 - KA620, MicroVAX 3000 Series, VAX 4000 Model 200 downline load, ____________________and_VAX_4000_Model_300_downline_load)_______ Table_C-2_Tools_and_Utilities_Used_Under_VMS____________________ File_______________Description__________________________________ COPYSYS.COM Command procedure to create a bootable VAXELN disk COPYSYS_ Utility image run by COPYSYS command UTILITY.EXE procedure to change network information DFLOATRTL.COM Command procedure to convert the VAXELN runtime library routines to D_FLOAT EBUILD.EXE System Builder image EBUILD.HLB Help library used by System Builder EDEBUG.EXE Remote debugger image, host-side EDEBUG.HLB Help library used by VAXELN Debugger ELN$ERF060.A Save set for the error format utility ELN$TERTIARY_ Tertiary network bootstrap loader image for LOADER.EXE VAX 6000 Model Series and VAX 8200 ELN$VMB.EXE VAX primary bootstrap image (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-5 Table_C-2_(Cont.)_Tools_and_Utilities_Used_Under_VMS____________ File_______________Description__________________________________ ELNLDR.EXE Bootstrap image for disk and tape booting on the VAX 6000 Series ELSE$SHUTDOWN.COM Command procedure to stop the error log server ELSE$STARTUP.COM Command procedure to start the error log server ELSE.EXE Error log server image EPAAV_MAIN.EXE VAXELN Performance Analyzer (EPA) analyzer image EPACVMAIN.EXE EPA collector image, host-side EPASCAL.EXE Pascal compiler image EPA_HELP.HLB Help library used by EPA EWRITEBOOT.EXE Utility image for setting up a bootable disk device on a VAXELN system that requires a loadable version of the VAX primary bootstrap program (VMB) and does not have VMS installed GFLOATRTL.COM Command procedure to convert the VAXELN runtime library routines to G_FLOAT KA800_LOADER.EXE Program to load a VAXELN system image onto KA800 processors LATCP.EXE__________LAT_control_program__________________________ Table_C-3_Kernel_Files__________________________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ 300KER.EXE Kernel for rtVAX 300 processors 300KER.MAP Linker map for rtVAX 300 kernel 300KER.STB Linker symbol table for the rtVAX 300 3KVKER.EXE KAV30 kernel 3KVKER.MAP KAV30 kernel map 3KVKER.STB KAV30 kernel symbol table (continued on next page) C-6 VAXELN Files Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Kernel_Files__________________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ 3KVSSSHR.EXE KAV30 system services shareable image 4NNKER.EXE Kernel image for MicroVAX 2000 and MicroVAX 3100 processors 4NNKER.MAP Linker map of the MicroVAX 2000 and MicroVAX 3100 kernel image 4NNKER.STB Linker symbol table of the MicroVAX 2000 and MicroVAX 3100 kernel image 6CCKER.EXE Kernel image for VAX 6000 Model 200 Series and VAX 6000 Model 300 Series processors 6CCKER.MAP Linker map of the 6CC kernel image 6CCKER.STB Linker symbol table of the 6CC kernel image 6NNKER.EXE Kernel image for VAX 6000 Model 600 Uniprocessor system 6NNKER.MAP Linker map of the VAX 6000 Model 600 Uniprocessor kernel 6NNKER.STB Symbol table of the VAX 6000 Model 600 Uniprocessor kernel 800KER.EXE Kernel image for a KA800 800KER.MAP Linker map of the KA800 kernel image 800KER.STB Linker symbol table of the KA800 kernel image 9AQKER.EXE Kernel image for single processor VAX 9000 systems 9AQKER.MAP Linker map for single processor VAX 9000 kernel image 9AQKER.STB Linker symbol table for single processor VAX 9000 kernel image 9MMER.EXE Kernel image for the VAX 6000 Model 500 Series 9MMKER.MAP Linker map of the VAX 6000 Model 500 Series kernel image 9MMKER.STB Linker symbol table of the VAX 6000 Model 500 Series kernel image (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-7 Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Kernel_Files__________________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ 9RRKER.EXE Kernel image for the VAX 6000 Model 400 Series 9RRKER.MAP Linker map of the VAX 6000 Model 400 kernel image 9RRKER.STB Linker symbol table of the VAX 6000 Model 400 Series kernel image CIO300.EXE Console I/O image for rtVAX 300 CIO4NN.EXE Console I/O image for MicroVAX 2000 CIO6CC.EXE Console I/O image for VAX 6000 Model 200 Series and VAX 6000 Model 300 Series CIO6NN.EXE Console I/O image for VAX 6000 Model 600 SMP system CIO800.EXE Console I/O image for KA800 CIO9MM.EXE Console I/O image for VAX 6000 Model 500 Series CIO9RR.EXE Console I/O image for VAX 6000 Model 400 Series CIOVAX.EXE Console I/O image for MicroVAX II CIOVCB01.EXE Console I/O image for VAXstation II CIOVCB02.EXE Console I/O image for VAXstation II/GPX, 3200, and 3500 CIOVS40.EXE Console I/O image for VAXstation 2000 and 3100 (color) CIOVS46.EXE Console I/O image for VAXstation 4000 VLC and VAXstation 4000 Model 60 CIOWS01.EXE Console I/O image for VAXstation 3100/SPX CIOWS4NN.EXE Console I/O image for VAXstation 2000 and 3100 (monochrome) KAVSYS_VME.MAR System services for KAV30 KAVUTL_VME.MAR Kernel utility routines for KAV30 KERNELDEF.ADA Kernel definitions (Ada) KERNELDEF.FOR Kernel definitions (FORTRAN) KERNELDEF.H Kernel definitions (C) (continued on next page) C-8 VAXELN Files Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Kernel_Files__________________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ KERNELDEF.MAR Kernel definitions (MACRO) KERNELDEF.PAS Kernel definitions (Pascal) MP6NNKER.EXE Kernel image for VAX 6000 Model 600 SMP system MP6NNKER.MAP Linker map of the VAX 6000 Model 600 SMP kernel MP6NNKER.STB Symbol table of the VAX 6000 Model 600 SMP kernel QBUSKER.EXE Kernel image for MicroVAX I, MicroVAX II (KA630), rtVAX 1000 (KA620), MicroVAX Model 300 Series, VAX 4000 Model 200, or VAX 4000 Model 300 system QBUSKER.MAP Linker map of the MicroVAX I, MicroVAX II, rtVAX 1000 (KA620), MicroVAX 3 Model 300 Series, VAX 4000 Model 200, and VAX 4000 Model 300 kernel QBUSKER.STB Linker symbol table of the MicroVAX I, MicroVAX II, rtVAX 1000 (KA620), MicroVAX Model 300 Series, VAX 4000 Model 200, and VAX 4000 Model 300 kernel image S6CCKER.EXE Kernel image for single processor VAX 6000 Model 210, VAX 6000 Model 310, or VAX 6000 Model 410 system S6CCKER.MAP Linker map for single processor VAX 6000 Model 210, VAX 6000 Model 310, or VAX 6000 Model 410 kernel image S6CCKER.STB Linker symbol table for single processor VAX 6000 Model 210, VAX 6000 Model 310, or VAX 6000 Model 410 kernel image S9MMKER.EXE Kernel image for single processor VAX 6000 Model 500 Series kernel image S9MMKER.MAP Linker map for single processor VAX 6000 Model 500 Series kernel image (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-9 Table_C-3_(Cont.)_Kernel_Files__________________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ S9MMKER.STB Linker symbol table for single processor VAX 6000 Model 500 Series kernel image S9RRKER.EXE Kernel image for single processor VAX 6000 Model 400 Series system S9RRKER.MAP Linker map for single processor VAX 6000 Model 400 Series kernel image S9RRKER.STB Linker symbol table for single processor VAX _________________6000_Model_400_Series_kernel_image_____________ Table_C-4_VAXELN_Utility_Programs_______________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ AUTHORIZE.EXE Authorization Service image ECL.EXE VAXELN Command Language (ECL) utility image ECL.HLP Help file used by ECL EDEBUGLCL.EXE Image for debugger's local component EDEBUGREM.EXE Image for debugger's remote (target-side) component EDISPLAY.EXE VAXELN Display (EDISPLAY) utility image ELNMOM.EXE Downline load image EPACEMAIN.EXE VAXELN Performance Analyzer (EPA) collector image, target-side ERRFORMAT.EXE Error format job image FALSERVER.EXE File Access Listener image JOBCNTRL.EXE ECL job control program image RTDRIVER.EXE Inbound CTERM SET_HOST.EXE_____Outbound_CTERM_________________________________ C-10 VAXELN Files Table_C-5_VAXELN_Utility_Shareable_Images_______________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ BDA.EXE KDB port driver image BVPSSP.EXE BVP port driver image DLLSHR.EXE Shareable image of the DownLine Load service DUMP9MM.EXE Last fail dump image for VAX 6000 Model 500 Series processors DUMPKDM9RR.EXE Last fail dump image for local KDM70 disk controller on VAX 6000 Model 400 Series processors DSSIP.EXE DSSI port driver image for MicroVAX 3300 and MicroVAX 3400 DUMP6CC.EXE Last fail dump image for VAX 6000 Model 200 and VAX 6000 Model 300 DUMP9RR.EXE Last fail dump image for VAX 6000 Model 400 DUMPDRIVR.EXE System dump facility driver FILE.EXE Disk file service image FPEMUL.EXE MicroVAX floating-point instruction emulation image ICSSHR.EXE Internet control services image LATSHR.EXE Shareable image for LAT driver MSCPCLASS.EXE MSCP class image NETMANSHR.EXE Shareable image for network management NETWORK.EXE Network service image SHACPSHR.EXE Shareable DSSI port driver image for VAX 4000 Model 300 TAPE.EXE Tape file service image TMSCPCLASS.EXE TMSCP class image UQSSP.EXE Q-bus port driver image VAXEMUL.EXE______MicroVAX_string_instruction_emulation_image____ VAXELN Files C-11 Table_C-6_VAXELN_General_Runtime_Library________________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ ADQ32_UTILITY.EXE ADQ32 shareable routines CMSG.MSG Source of the C$_ prefixed status codes DAP.EXE Shareable image for the DAP routines DDA.EXE Shareable image for the DDA routines DDCMP.EXE Shareable image for the DDCMP protocol routines DDCMP_V2.EXE Shareable image for enhanced DDCMP protocol routines DFLOATRTL.OBS Object modules to convert the VAXELN runtime library routines to D_FLOAT DISK.EXE Shareable image for the disk utilities DMATH.EXE Shareable image for the math routines using no G_FLOAT instructions ELNACCESS.EXE Shareable image for ELNACCESS ELNDECW_DWTMSG.MSG Source of the XUI Toolkit (DWT$_prefixed) status codes ELNDECW_XLIBMSG.MSG Source of the XLIB (X$_prefixed) status codes ELNMSG.MSG Source of the ELN$_ prefixed status codes FILE.OLB Disk file service object library FILEUTIL.EXE Shareable image for the file utilities FORMSG.MSG Source of the FOR$_ prefixed status codes FTPCRSHR.EXE Shareable image for the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) routines FTPCRSHR.MAP Map file for the FTP routines GETMSGSHR.EXE Shareable image for VAXELN system shareable status text GFLOATRTL.OBS Object modules to convert the VAXELN runtime library routines to G_FLOAT GMATH.EXE Shareable image for the math routines using no D_FLOAT instructions (continued on next page) C-12 VAXELN Files Table_C-6_(Cont.)_VAXELN_General_Runtime_Library________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ IARP.EXE Internet address resolution INTERNET.EXE IP/UDP/TCP shareable image-used by datalink drivers INTERNETNULL.EXE NULL IP/UDP/TCP shareable image-used by datalink drivers KAV30MSG.MSG KAV30 message definitions KERNELMSG.MSG Source of the KER$_ prefixed status codes LANGMSC.EXE Language-independent runtime library routines LIBCOMMON.EXE Shareable image of condition-handling routines and conversion routines LIBMSC.EXE Shareable image of date/time routines and access to machine LIBMSG.MSG Source of the LIB$_ prefixed status codes LIBVM.EXE Shareable image of the memory allocation routines MTHMSG.MSG Source of the MTH$_ prefixed status codes NISHR.EXE Shareable image for Ethernet/IEEE datagram service network interface routines OTSMSG.MSG Source of the OTS$_ prefixed status codes PASCALMSC.EXE Shareable image for the miscellaneous Pascal routines PASCALMSG.MSG Source of the PAS$_ prefixed status codes PRGLOADER.EXE Shareable image for the loader routines RTL.OLB Required object library RTLOBJECT.OLB Complete object library RTLSHARE.OLB Shareable image library SCSI_UTILITY.EXE SCSI shareable message class utility routines (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-13 Table_C-6_(Cont.)_VAXELN_General_Runtime_Library________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ SSMSG.MSG Source of the SS$_ prefixed status codes STRMSG.MSG Source of the STR$_ prefixed status codes SYSTEMLIB.MLB VAX MACRO definitions of the kernel services TERMCLASS.EXE Shareable image for enhanced terminal driver routines TERMINAL.EXE Shareable image for the terminal driver ______________________routines__________________________________ Table_C-7_VAXELN_Pascal_Runtime_Library_________________________ File____________________Description_____________________________ DPASCALIO.EXE Shareable image for the Pascal I/O routines using no G_FLOAT instructions GPASCALIO.EXE Shareable image for the Pascal I/O routines using no D_FLOAT instructions SHARED_STATUS_TEXT.EXE__Shareable_image_for_shared_status_text__ Table_C-8_Pascal_Source_for_VAXELN_Runtime_Library______________ File_____________Description____________________________________ DAP.PAS DAP definitions DAPSTATUS.PAS DAP status definitions DATALINK.PAS Interface to the network datalink drivers DDAUTIL.PAS DDA routines DDCMP.PAS DDCMP routines DDCMP_V2.PAS Enhanced DDCMP routines DISKUTIL.PAS Disk utilities FILEUTIL.PAS File utilities (continued on next page) C-14 VAXELN Files Table_C-8_(Cont.)_Pascal_Source_for_VAXELN_Runtime_Library______ File_____________Description____________________________________ PASIODEF.PAS Pascal I/O routine definitions TAPE.PAS Tape definitions TAPEUTIL.PAS Tape utilities TC_DEFINITIONS.PADefinitions of POSIX constants and data structures TERMCLASS.PAS Enhanced terminal driver routines TERMINAL.PAS_____Terminal_driver_routines_______________________ Table_C-9_VAXELN_Ada_VAXELN_SERVICES_Package____________________ File____________________Description_____________________________ VAXELN_SERVICES.ADA Body of the Ada VAXELN_SERVICES package VAXELN_SERVICES_.ADA Specification of the Ada VAXELN_SERVICES ________________________package_________________________________ Table_C-10_VAXELN_C_Header_Files________________________________ file_____________description____________________________________ BIPBDEF.H VAXbi parameter block format CHFDEF.H Condition handlers CHODEF.H C input/output definitions CTYPE.H Character type and macro definitions for character classification function ELNCDEFS.H ELN specific C definitions ERRNODEF.H VAX C errno message constants FILE.H Symbol definitions for open functions IN.H Inet definitions INET.H Inet function prototypes INETDEF.H Definitions of socket control LIBDEF.H Definitions for LIB$ return codes (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-15 Table_C-10_(Cont.)_VAXELN_C_Header_Files________________________ file_____________description____________________________________ MATH.H Math routines MTHDEF.H Message definitions for math library NDTDEF.H SBI Nexus adapter and device types OTSDEF.H Message definitions for common object library PERROR.H UNIX operating system perror() function (version specific to VAXELN) PRDEF.H Processor register definitions PSLDEF.H Process or status longword decomposition SFDEF.H Procedure stack frame SOCKET.H Socket definitions SSDEF.H VMS system service return codes STDARG.H Variable argument list access definitions STDDEF.H Standard definitions STDLIB.H Definitions of miscellaneous C functions STRING.H C string function definitions STSDEF.H VMS/VAXELN status codes TIMEB.H UNIX operating system time manipulation functions UBLK.H Definition of UBLK VARARGS.H________Variable-length_argument-list_macros___________ Table_C-11_VAXELN_C_Runtime_Library_____________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ AUXCSHR.EXE C socket auxiliary communication routines CMSC.EXE Shareable image for the miscellaneous C routines CRTLOBJECT.OLB C object library CRTLSHARE.OLB C shareable image library (continued on next page) C-16 VAXELN Files Table_C-11_(Cont.)_VAXELN_C_Runtime_Library_____________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ DCIO.EXE Shareable image for the C I/O routines using D_FLOAT DCMATH.EXE Shareable image for the C math routines using D_FLOAT DCMSC.EXE Sharable image for the miscellaneous C routines linked to DCIO.EXE DFLOATCRTL.OBS C object modules to convert the VAXELN C runtime library routines to D_FLOAT ELNCMSG.EXE Message text image for the VAXELN C runtime library routines GCIO.EXE Shareable image for the C I/O routines using G_FLOAT GCMATH.EXE Shareable image for the C math routines using G_FLOAT GCMSC.EXE Shareable image for the miscellaneous C routines linked to GCIO.EXE GFLOATCRTL.OBS C object modules to convert the VAXELN C runtime library routines to G_FLOAT IPCSHR.EXE Interprocess communication (socket) routines IPCSHRNULL.EXE Null interprocess communication routines VAXELNC.TLB______C_macro_library_for_VAXELN_C_programming_______ Table_C-12_VAXELN_FORTRAN_Runtime_Library_______________________ File_______________Description__________________________________ DLL_UTILITY.FOR DownLine Load service source declarations for FORTRAN programming FORTRAN_DEFS.FOR VAXELN definitions for FORTRAN programming FRTLOBJECT.OLB The complete object library FTP_UTILITY.FOR FORTRAN source for File Transfer Protocol (FTP) routines (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-17 Table_C-12_(Cont.)_VAXELN_FORTRAN_Runtime_Library_______________ File_______________Description__________________________________ ICS_DEFINITIONS.FORFORTRAN source for Internet control routines IN_DEFINITIONS.FOR FORTRAN source for the Internet Services INTERNET_ FORTRAN source for Internet Services utility UTILITY.FOR routines KAVDEF.FOR FORTRAN KAV30 definitions and language bindings MESSAGES.FOR VAXELN message code definitions for FORTRAN programming NET_DEFINITIONS.FORFORTRAN RTL module NETMAN_ FORTRAN source for network management UTILITY.FOR routines NI_UTILITY.FOR Network interface utility definitions for FORTRAN programming NIDEFS.FOR Network interface definitions for FORTRAN programming STI_UTILITY.FOR FORTRAN source for socket transport interface ___________________routines_____________________________________ Table_C-13_VAXELN_Drivers_______________________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ BDDRIVER.EXE KDB50 controller driver image BUDRIVER.EXE MSCP class driver image for BVP controller CONSOLE.EXE Console driver image CONSOLE9RR.EXE Console driver image for KA64A CXDRIVER.EXE CXA16/CXB16 driver image DHTDRIVER.EXE DHT32 asynchronous multiplexer driver image DHVDRIVER.EXE DHV11 driver image DHWDRIVER.EXE Asynchronous serial driver for the MicroVAX 3100 Model 30/40/80 (continued on next page) C-18 VAXELN Files Table_C-13_(Cont.)_VAXELN_Drivers_______________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ DIDRIVER.EXE DSSI driver image for RFnn hard disks (MicroVAX 3300 and MicroVAX 3400) DMBDRIVER.EXE DMB32 asynchronous 8-line multiplexer driver image DSIDRIVER.EXE DSSI driver image for RFnn hard disks (VAX 4000-300) DUDRIVER.EXE MSCP (KDA50, UDA50, RQDX, KFQSA) driver image DVSDRIVER.EXE ST506 disk driver for MicroVAX 2000 and MicroVAX 3100 DZSDRIVER.EXE Serial line driver for MicroVAX 2000 and MicroVAX 3100 DZVDRIVER.EXE DZV11 driver image ESDRIVER.EXE Ethernet driver for KA410, KA640, and KA42 NI controller ETDRIVER.EXE DEBNI and DEMNA driver EZDRIVER.EXE Ethernet driver for rtVAX 300 and VAX 4000-300 NI controller GPDRIVER.EXE IEQ11-A driver image KRDRIVER.EXE SCSI 53C700 driver for KAV30 LIDRIVER.EXE DMB32 driver image LTDRIVER.EXE LAT driver image LPVDRIVER.EXE LPV11 driver image MUDRIVER.EXE TMSCP driver image PKCDRIVER.C Sources for SCSI 53C94 driver PKCDRIVER.EXE Supports SCSI 53C94 chip SCDRIVER.EXE SCSI driver SCNDRIVER.EXE Driver for Signetics DUART chip on the rtVAX 300 SCSI53C700.OBJ SCSI 53C700 driver object module SCSI53C700.OPT SCSI 53C700 driver linker options file (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-19 Table_C-13_(Cont.)_VAXELN_Drivers_______________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ SCSI53C700_ SCSI 53C700 script object module SCRIPT.OBJ SCSI53C94_ Map routines used by the port driver MAP.MAR TNDRIVER.EXE Driver for TELNET server VMDRIVER.EXE Virtual disk driver image VTCLASS.EXE VTCLASS DAP/DDA terminal class driver XBDRIVER.EXE VAXBI/Ethernet controller driver image XMDRIVER.EXE KDM70 driver image XMSSP.EXE KDM70 port driver image XQDRIVER.EXE_____DEQNA_driver_image_____________________________ Table_C-14_Source_for_VAXELN_Drivers____________________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ $SCSI_BODY.C SCSI message class utility routines source code (body) AAV_DEC.PAS AAV11 driver source declarations AAV_DRIVER.PAS AAV11 driver source code ADQ32_BODY.C ADQ32 source code ADQ32.FOR ADQ32 FORTRAN include file ADQ32.PAS ADQ32 Pascal include file ADV11DBODY.PAS ADV11D driver source code ADV11DUTIL.PAS ADV11D driver source declarations ANALOG.PAS AXV11C and KWV11C driver exerciser program AXVKWVBODY.PAS AXV11C and KWV11C driver source code AXVUTIL.PAS AXV11C driver source declarations BDDRIVER.PAS KDB50 controller driver source code BUDRIVER.PAS Source code to start the MSCP class driver on a BVP controller (continued on next page) C-20 VAXELN Files Table_C-14_(Cont.)_Source_for_VAXELN_Drivers____________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ CONSOLE.PAS Console driver source code COPY_NI.MAR Ethernet driver MACRO routines CXDRIVER.PAS CXA16/CXB16 driver source code DHTDRIVER.PAS DHT32 driver source code DHVDRIVER.PAS DHV11 driver source code DHWDRIVER.PAS Source for synchronous serial driver for the MicroVAX 3100 Models 30/40/80 DIDRIVER.PAS DSSI driver source code DLVBODY.PAS DLVJ1 driver source code DLVUTIL.PAS DLVJ1 driver source declarations DMB_UTIL.PAS DMBDRIVER and LIDRIVER source declarations DMBDRIVER.PAS DMB32 driver source code DRBBODY.PAS DRB32 driver source code DRBUTIL.PAS DRB32 driver source declarations DRQ3BXBODY_PLUS.PAS DRQ3BX driver source code DRQ3BXUTIL_PLUS.PAS DRQ3BX driver source declarations DRV11WABODY.PAS DRV11-W driver source code DRV11WAUTIL.PAS DRV11-W driver source declarations DRVBODY.PAS DRV11-J driver source code DRVUTIL.PAS DRV11-J driver source declarations DSIDRIVER.PAS DSSI driver source code DUDRIVER.PAS MSCP (KDA50, UDA50, RQDX) driver source code DVSDRIVER.C DVS driver source code DVSSTRING.MAR DVS driver source declarations DZSDRIVER.PAS DZS driver source code DZVDRIVER.PAS DZV11 driver source code ESDRIVER.PAS Ethernet driver source code (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-21 Table_C-14_(Cont.)_Source_for_VAXELN_Drivers____________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ ESPROCESS.PAS KA410, KA640, and KA42 NI controller source code ETDRIVER.PAS DEBNI and DEMNA driver source code ETPROCESS.PAS DEBNI (BI/Ethernet) and DEMNA (XMI /Ethernet) controller process and initialization routine EXITUTIL.PAS Exit handler utilities source code EZDRIVER.PAS Source for Second Generation Ethernet Controller driver EZPROCESS.PAS VAX Second Generation Ethernet Controller process and initialization routine (SEGC) GPDRIVER.PAS IEQ11-A driver source code GPIB_SUB.PAS IEQ11-A driver interface source code GPIB_UTIL.PAS IEQ11-A driver source declarations KRDRIVER.C Sources for SCSI 53C700 driver for KAV30 KWVUTIL.PAS KWV11C driver source declarations LATUTIL.PAS LAT utility source code LIDRIVER.PAS DMB32 driver source code LPVDRIVER.PAS LPV11 driver source code MUDRIVER.PAS TMSCP driver source code SAMPLE_SCSI_DRIVER.C Sample SCSI driver written in C SAMPLE_SCSI_ Sample SCSI driver written in FORTRAN DRIVER.FOR SAMPLE_SCSI_ Sample SCSI driver written in Pascal DRIVER.PAS SCDRIVER.C SCSI startup source code SCNDRIVER.PAS Source code for driver for Signetics DUART chip on the rtVAX 300 SCSI5380.C SCSI port driver source code (continued on next page) C-22 VAXELN Files Table_C-14_(Cont.)_Source_for_VAXELN_Drivers____________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ SCSI53C94.C Port driver for 53C94 for the MicroVAX 3100 Models 30/40/80, VAXstation 4000 Model 60 and VLC SCSIDISK.C SCSI disk class driver source code SCSIGNRC.C SCSI generic class driver source code SCSISNIF.C SCSI bus sniffer source code SCSIUTIL.PAS SCSI Epascal definition file for message class SCSIVECTOR.MAR SCSI shareable message class vectors VMDRIVER.PAS Virtual disk driver source code XBDRIVER.PAS VAXBI/Ethernet controller driver source code XBPROCESS.PAS VAX BI AIA NI (BI/Ethernet) process and initialization routine source code XQDRIVER.PAS DEQNA driver source code XQPROCESS.PAS VAX QNA (Q-bus/Ethernet) process and ______________________initialization_routine_source_code________ Table_C-15_Source_for_Sample_Applications_______________________ File_______________________Description__________________________ APPLICATION1.PAS Pascal source for Application 1 APPLICATION2A.PAS Pascal source for Application 2 APPLICATION2B.PAS Pascal source for Application 2 APPLICATION3.C C source for Application 3 APPLICATION3.PAS Pascal source for Application 3 APPLICATION4.PAS Pascal source for Application 4 APPLICATION5.PAS Pascal source for Application 5 APPLICATION6A.C C source for Application 6 APPLICATION6B.C C source for Application 6 (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-23 Table_C-15_(Cont.)_Source_for_Sample_Applications_______________ File_______________________Description__________________________ APPLICATION6C.PAS Pascal source for Application 6 APPLICATION6D.PAS Pascal source for Application 6 APPLICATION7A.PAS Pascal source for Application 7 APPLICATION7B.PAS Pascal source for Application 7 APPLICATION8.PAS Pascal source for Application 8 APPLICATION9.PAS Pascal source for Application 9 APPLICATION10.PAS Pascal source for Application 10 APPLICATION11.PAS Pascal source for Application 11 APPLICATION12A.C C source for Application 12 APPLICATION12B.PAS Pascal source for Application 12 APPLICATION12C.FOR FORTRAN source for Application 12 APPLICATION13.C C source for Application 13 APPLICATION14.PAS Pascal source for Application 14 APPLICATION15A.C C source for Application 15 VAXELN Server APPLICATION15B.C C source for Application 15 ULTRIX client DDA_DISK_NOT_MOUNTED.PAS Pascal source for disk DDA example in VAXELN Device Drivers Guide DDA_DISK_MOUNTED.PAS Pascal source for disk DDA example in VAXELN Device Drivers Guide DDA_DISK_TO_PHYSICAL.PAS Pascal source for disk DDA example in VAXELN Device Drivers Guide KAV30_FIFO_AST_ KAV30 Fifo communication example AST ROUTINES.ADA routine KAV30_FIFO_CONSUMER.ADA KAV30 Fifo communication example consumer program KAV30_FIFO_CONSUMER.DAT EBUILD.DAT file for KAV30 Fifo consumer example (continued on next page) C-24 VAXELN Files Table_C-15_(Cont.)_Source_for_Sample_Applications_______________ File_______________________Description__________________________ KAV30_MVME.FOR KAV30 FORTRAN sample VMEbus serial controller driver KAV30_MVMEDEF.H KAV30 sample VMEbus serial controller definitions KAV30_MVMEDRIVER.C KAV30 C sample VMEbus serial controller driver KAV30_MVMEDRIVER_AST.C KAV30 C sample VMEbus serial controller using ASTs KAV30_MVMEDRIVER_ISR.C KAV30 C sample VMEbus serial controller ISR routine KAV30_MVMEDRIVER_ISR_ KAV30 C sample VMEbus serial AST.C controller ISR routine using ASTs KAV30_TIMER.C KAV30 C timers samples KAV30_VDADDRIVER.C KAV30 VDAD VMEbus A/D converter driver KAV30_FIFO_PRODUCER.ADA KAV30 Fifo communication example producer program KAV30_FIFO_PRODUCER.DAT EBUILD.DAT file for KAV30 Fifo producer example KAV30_FIFO_SIGNALLER_ KAV30 Fifo example signaller task TASK.ADA SAMPLE_CCTIME.C C support module for SAMPLE_ SENDER.FOR SAMPLE_DEBUG.LOG SET HOST/LOG record of sample debugging session in the Introduction to VAXELN SAMPLE_GLOBALS.PAS Pascal source module for sample application in the Introduction to VAXELN (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-25 Table_C-15_(Cont.)_Source_for_Sample_Applications_______________ File_______________________Description__________________________ SAMPLE_RECEIVER.PAS Pascal source for sample application in the Introduction to VAXELN SAMPLE_SENDER.C C source for sample application in the Introduction to VAXELN SAMPLE_SENDER.FOR FORTRAN source for sample application in the Introduction to VAXELN SAMPLE_SENDER.PAS Pascal source for sample application in the Introduction to VAXELN SAMPLE_UTILITIES.PAS Pascal source module for sample application in the Introduction to ___________________________VAXELN_______________________________ Table_C-16_POSIX_Files__________________________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ BINSEM.H Binary semaphore definitions DIRENT.H POSIX directory function definitions ELN$PSHR.EXE POSIX shareable image ERRNO.H POSIX error definitions FCNTL.H File control header file GRP.H Group definitions IPC.H IPC header file LIMITS.H Limits definitions MLOCK.H Memory-locking definitions MMAN.H Shared memory header file MQUEUE.H IPC definitions POSIX.H POSIX definitions PSX_DB_ Pascal source that creates a POSIX database CREATE.PAS PSXSHARE.OLB POSIX shareable image library (continued on next page) C-26 VAXELN Files Table_C-16_(Cont.)_POSIX_Files__________________________________ File_____________Description____________________________________ PWD.H User database access file SCHED.H Scheduling header file SETJMP.H Header file for setjmp SIGNAL.H Signals header file STAT.H File characteristics header file TERMIOS.H Terminals header file TIME.H ANSI date and time definitions TIMES.H POSIX include file for the times() function TIMERS.H Clock and timer definitions TYPES.H POSIX data types UNISTD.H POSIX symbolic constants file UTIME.H Definitions for utime() time buffer UTSNAME.H System name header file WAIT.H___________Wait_header_file_______________________________ Table_C-17_Pthreads_Files_______________________________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ CMA.H External definitions for CMA services CMA_CONFIG.H Configuration header file to set up control symbols CMA_ERRNO.H Header file for CMA's per-thread errno CMA_PX.H Header file for POSIX wrapper routines CMA_SIGWAIT.H Header file for the CMA implementation of the POSIX sigwait routine CMA_STDIO.H Header file for C RTL "standard I/O" wrapper routines CMA_UX.H Header file for UNIX system call wrapper routines CMALIB_CRTLX.H Header file for C RTL wrapper routines (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-27 Table_C-17_(Cont.)_Pthreads_Files_______________________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ CMA$RTL.EXE Actual CMA library CMA$OPEN_RTL.EXE CMA_VECTORS to the CMA$RTL library EXC_HANDLING.H Header file for pthreads exception services EXC_HANDLING_VMS.H Header file for VMS exception package PTHREAD.H Header file for pthreads external definitions PTHREAD_EXC.H Header file for pthreads exception ______________________services__________________________________ Table_C-18_DECwindows_Files_____________________________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ ELNDECW_DWTERRDB.DAT XUI error data base ELNDECW_DWTMSG.MSG XLIB message file ELNDECW_DWTLIBSHR.OLB XUI shareable image library ELNDECW_MWM.UID Motif window manager UID file ELNDECW_MWM.DAT Motif window manager resource file ELNDECW_MWM_BW.DAT Motif window manager black and white resource file ELNDECW_MWM_ Motif window manager color resource file COLOR.DAT ELNDECW_MWM_GRAY.DAT Motif window manager grey scale resource file ELNDECW_MWM_RC.DAT XUI Motif window manager configuration file ELNDECW_WINMGR.DAT Window manager resource data base ELNDECW_WINMGR.UID Window manager UID file ELNDECW_XLIB.OLB XLIB object library ELNDECW_XLIBERRDB.DAT XLIB error data base (continued on next page) C-28 VAXELN Files Table_C-18_(Cont.)_DECwindows_Files_____________________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ ELNDECW_XLIBMSG.MSG XLIB message file ELNDECW_XLIBSHR.OLB XLIB shareable image library ELNDECW_XMLIBSHR.OLB Motif Toolkit shareable image library ELNDECW_XTLIBSHR.OLB__X_Toolkit_shareable_image_library_________ Table_C-19_DECwindows_Images____________________________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ ELNDECW_CONSOLE.EXE Console ELNDECW_DWTLIBSHR.EXE XUI shareable image ELNDECW_DWTMSG.EXE XUI Toolkit message ELNDECW_GAA_ Server for VAXstation II/GPX, 3200, and SERVER.EXE 3500 ELNDECW_GAB_ Server for VAXstation 2000 and 3100 SERVER.EXE ELNDECW_GCA_ Server for VAXstation II SERVER.EXE ELNDECW_GCB_ Server for monochrome VAXstation 2000 and SERVER.EXE 3100 ELNDECW_GEB_ Server for VAXstation 3100/SPX SERVER.EXE ELNDECW_GFB_ Server for VAXstation 4000 Series SERVER.EXE ELNDECW_MWM_EXE Motif window manager executable image ELNDECW_TE.EXE Terminal emulator ELNDECW_WINMGR.EXE Window manager ELNDECW_XLIBMSG.EXE XLIB messages ELNDECW_XLIBSHR.EXE XLIB shareable image ELNDECW_XM_DWT.EXE XUI Toolkit compatible Motif stub ELNDECW_XMLIBSHR.EXE Motif Toolkit shareable image (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-29 Table_C-19_(Cont.)_DECwindows_Images____________________________ File__________________Description_______________________________ ELNDECW_XTLIBSHR.EXE__X_Toolkit_shareable_image_________________ C-30 VAXELN Files Table_C-20_DECwindows_X_Toolkit_Include_Files___________________ ABOUTFRAME.HLP DECWI18N.H QUARKS.H XTOS.H CSTEXTP.H DRMDECLS.H DRMPUBLIC.H DWTSTRING.H_____________________________________________________ Table_C-21_Motif_Include_Files__________________________________ ARROWB.H ARROWBG.H ARROWBGP.H ARROWBP.H ATOMMGR.H BASECLASSI.H BITMAPS.H BULLETINB.H BULLETINBP.H CACHEP.H CASCADEB.H CASCADEBG.H CASCADEBGP.H CASCADEBP.H COMMAND.H COMMANDP.H CUTPASTE.H CUTPASTEP.H DIALOGS.H (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-31 Table_C-21_(Cont.)_Motif_Include_Files__________________________ DIALOGSP.H DRAWINGA.H DRAWINGAP.H DRAWNB.H DRAWNBP.H EXTOBJECT.H EXTOBJECTP.H FILESB.H FILESBP.H FORM.H FORMP.H FRAME.H FRAMEP.H GETSECRES.H IDB.H LABEL.H LABELG.H LABELGP.H LABELP.H LIST.H LISTP.H MAINW.H MAINWP.H MENUSHELL.H MENUSHELLP.H MESSAGEB.H MESSAGEBP.H MRM.H MRMAPPL.H MRMDECLS.H (continued on next page) C-32 VAXELN Files Table_C-21_(Cont.)_Motif_Include_Files__________________________ MRMPUBLIC.H MRMWIDGET.H MWMUTIL.H PANEDW.H PANEDWP.H PROTOCOLS.H PROTOCOLSP.H PUSHB.H PUSHBG.H PUSHBGP.H PUSHBP.H ROWCOLUMN.H ROWCOLUMNP.H SASHP.H SCALE.H SCALEP.H SCROLLBAR.H SCROLLBARP.H SCROLLEDW.H SCROLLEDWP.H SELECTIOB.H SELECTIOBP.H SEPARATOG.H SEPARATOGP.H SEPARATOR.H SEPARATORP.H STDIO.H STRINGSRCP.H TEXT.H TEXTF.H (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-33 Table_C-21_(Cont.)_Motif_Include_Files__________________________ TEXTFP.H TEXTINP.H TEXTOUTP.H TEXTP.H TEXTSRCP.H TOGGLEB.H TOGGLEBG.H TOGGLEBGP.H TOGGLEBP.H TRAVERSAL.H VASIMPLE.H VENDORE.H VENDOREP.H VIRTKEYS.H VIRTKEYSP.H XM.H XMP.H___________________________________________________________ Table_C-22_MIT_C_XLIB_and_Toolkit_DECwindows_Include_Files______ ABOUTFRAME.HLP COMPOBJ.H COMPOBJP.H COMPOSITE.H COMPOSITEP.H CONSTRAINP.H CONSTRAINT.H CONVERT.H CORE.H COREP.H (continued on next page) C-34 VAXELN Files Table C-22 (Cont.) MIT C XLIB and Toolkit DECwindows Include ___________________Files________________________________________ CSH.HLP CURSORFONT.H DECW$CURSOR.H DECW$GBLSTRINGS.H DECWDWTAPPLPROG.H DECWDWTWIDGETPROG.H DECWMHINTS.H DWTAPPL.H DWTWIDGET.H EVENT.H GLOSSARY.HLP INTRINSIC.H INTRINSICP.H KEYSYM.H KEYSYMDEF.H OBJECT.H OBJECTP.H OVERVIEW.HLP RECTOBJ.H RECTOBJP.H SELECTION.H SHELL.H SHELLP.H STRINGDEFS.H TRANSLATE.H VENDOR.H VENDORP.H WINDOWOBJ.H WINDOWOBJP.H (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-35 Table C-22 (Cont.) MIT C XLIB and Toolkit DECwindows Include ___________________Files________________________________________ X.H XATOM.H XLIB.H XMD.H XOS.H XPROTO.H XPROTOSTR.H XRESOURCE.H XUTIL.H_________________________________________________________ Table_C-23_Language-Specific_DECwindows_Include_Files___________ File_____________________Description____________________________ CSTEXTP.H DECwindows DWT (XUI) toolkit "C" include file DECW$DWT_.ADA XUI Toolkit for Ada DECW$DWTDEF.FOR XUI Toolkit for FORTRAN DECW$DWTDEF.H XUI Toolkit for VAX C DECW$DWTDEF.PAS XUI Toolkit for Pascal DECW$DWTENTRY.FOR XUI Toolkit for FORTRAN DECW$DWTENTRY.H XUI Toolkit for VAX C DECW$DWTENTRY.PAS XUI Toolkit for Pascal DECW$DWTMSG.FOR XUI Toolkit message for FORTRAN DECW$DWTMSG.H XUI Toolkit message for VAX C DECW$DWTMSG.PAS XUI Toolkit message for Pascal DECW$DWTSTRUCT.FOR XUI Toolkit for FORTRAN DECW$DWTSTRUCT.H XUI Toolkit for VAX C DECW$DWTSTRUCT.PAS XUI Toolkit for Pascal DECW$DWTWIDGETDEF.FOR XUI Toolkit widget for FORTRAN (continued on next page) C-36 VAXELN Files Table_C-23_(Cont.)_Language-Specific_DECwindows_Include_Files___ File_____________________Description____________________________ DECW$DWTWIDGETDEF.H XUI Toolkit widget for VAX C DECW$DWTWIDGETDEF.PAS XUI Toolkit widget for Pascal DECW$DWTWIDGETSTRUCT.FOR XUI Toolkit for FORTRAN DECW$DWTWIDGETSTRUCT.H XUI Toolkit for VAX C DECW$DWTWIDGETSTRUCT.PAS XUI Toolkit for Pascal DECW$MOTIF_.ADA Motif Ada language bindings DECW$MOTIF.FOR Motif FORTRAN language bindings DECW$X_.ADA XLIB for Ada DECW$XLIBDEF.FOR XLIB for FORTRAN DECW$XLIBDEF.H XLIB for VAX C DECW$XLIBDEF.PAS XLIB for Pascal DECW$XLIBMSG.FOR XLIB message for FORTRAN DECW$XLIBMSG.H XLIB message for VAX C DECW$XLIBMSG.PAS XLIB message for Pascal DRMDECLS.H DECwindows DWT (XUI) toolkit "C" include file DRMPUBLIC.H DECwindows DWT (XUI) toolkit "C" include file STOPWATCH.C VAXELN DECwindows demo program, source file STOPWATCH.UIL VAXELN DECwindows demo program, user _________________________interface_file_________________________ Table_C-24_Key_Map_Files________________________________________ File____________________________________________________________ AUSTRIAN_GERMAN_LK201LG_DP.DECW$KEYMAP AUSTRIAN_GERMAN_LK201LG_TW.DECW$KEYMAP AUSTRIAN_GERMAN_LK201NG_DP.DECW$KEYMAP AUSTRIAN_GERMAN_LK201NG_TW.DECW$KEYMAP (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-37 Table_C-24_(Cont.)_Key_Map_Files________________________________ File____________________________________________________________ AUSTRIAN_GERMAN_LK401AG_TW.DECW$KEYMAP BELGIAN_FRENCH_LK201LP_DP.DECW$KEYMAP BELGIAN_FRENCH_LK201LP_TW.DECW$KEYMAP BELGIAN_FRENCH_LK401AP_DP.DECW$KEYMAP BELGIAN_FRENCH_LK401AP_TW.DECW$KEYMAP BRITISH_LK201LE_DP.DECW$KEYMAP BRITISH_LK201LE_TW.DECW$KEYMAP BRITISH_LK401AA_DP.DECW$KEYMAP BRITISH_LK401AA_TW.DECW$KEYMAP CANADIAN_FRENCH_LK201LC_DP.DECW$KEYMAP CANADIAN_FRENCH_LK201LC_TW.DECW$KEYMAP CANADIAN_FRENCH_LK401AC_DP.DECW$KEYMAP CANADIAN_FRENCH_LK401AC_TW.DECW$KEYMAP DANISH_LK201LD_DP.DECW$KEYMAP DANISH_LK201LD_TW.DECW$KEYMAP DANISH_LK201RD_DP.DECW$KEYMAP DANISH_LK201RD_TW.DECW$KEYMAP DANISH_LK401AD_DP.DECW$KEYMAP DANISH_LK401AD_TW.DECW$KEYMAP DUTCH_LK201LH_DP.DECW$KEYMAP DUTCH_LK201LH_TW.DECW$KEYMAP DUTCH_LK201NH.DECW$KEYMAP DUTCH_LK401AH.DECW$KEYMAP FINNISH_LK201LF_DP.DECW$KEYMAP FINNISH_LK201LF_TW.DECW$KEYMAP FINNISH_LK201NX_DP.DECW$KEYMAP FINNISH_LK201NX_TW.DECW$KEYMAP FINNISH_LK401AF_DP.DECW$KEYMAP FINNISH_LK401AF_TW.DECW$KEYMAP (continued on next page) C-38 VAXELN Files Table_C-24_(Cont.)_Key_Map_Files________________________________ File____________________________________________________________ FLEMISH_LK201LB_DP.DECW$KEYMAP FLEMISH_LK201LB_TW.DECW$KEYMAP FLEMISH_LK401AB_DP.DECW$KEYMAP FLEMISH_LK401AB_TW.DECW$KEYMAP ICELANDIC_LK201LU_DP.DECW$KEYMAP ICELANDIC_LK201LU_TW.DECW$KEYMAP ITALIAN_LK201LI_DP.DECW$KEYMAP ITALIAN_LK201LI_TW.DECW$KEYMAP ITALIAN_LK401AI_DP.DECW$KEYMAP ITALIAN_LK401AI_TW.DECW$KEYMAP NORTH_AMERICAN_LK201LA.DECW$KEYMAP NORTH_AMERICAN_LK401AA.DECW$KEYMAP NORWEGIAN_LK201LN_DP.DECW$KEYMAP NORWEGIAN_LK201LN_TW.DECW$KEYMAP NORWEGIAN_LK201RN_DP.DECW$KEYMAP NORWEGIAN_LK201RN_TW.DECW$KEYMAP NORWEGIAN_LK401AN_DP.DECW$KEYMAP NORWEGIAN_LK401AN_TW.DECW$KEYMAP PORTUGUESE_LK201LV.DECW$KEYMAP PORTUGUESE_LK401AV.DECW$KEYMAP SPANISH_LK201LS_DP.DECW$KEYMAP SPANISH_LK201LS_TW.DECW$KEYMAP SPANISH_LK401AS_DP.DECW$KEYMAP SPANISH_LK401AS_TW.DECW$KEYMAP SWEDISH_LK201LM_DP.DECW$KEYMAP SWEDISH_LK201LM_TW.DECW$KEYMAP SWEDISH_LK201NM_DP.DECW$KEYMAP SWEDISH_LK201NM_TW.DECW$KEYMAP SWEDISH_LK401AM_DP.DECW$KEYMAP (continued on next page) VAXELN Files C-39 Table_C-24_(Cont.)_Key_Map_Files________________________________ File____________________________________________________________ SWEDISH_LK401AM_TW.DECW$KEYMAP SWISS_FRENCH_LK201LK_DP.DECW$KEYMAP SWISS_FRENCH_LK201LK_TW.DECW$KEYMAP SWISS_FRENCH_LK401AK_DP.DECW$KEYMAP SWISS_FRENCH_LK401AK_TW.DECW$KEYMAP SWISS_GERMAN_LK201LL_DP.DECW$KEYMAP SWISS_GERMAN_LK201LL_TW.DECW$KEYMAP SWISS_GERMAN_LK401AL_DP.DECW$KEYMAP SWISS_GERMAN_LK401AL_TW.DECW$KEYMAP UK_LK201RE.DECW$KEYMAP US_LK201RE.DECW$KEYMAP UK_LK401AA.DECW$KEYMAP US_LK401AA.DECW$KEYMAP__________________________________________ C-40 VAXELN Files ________________________________________________________________ Index A__________________________ D__________________________ Account limits and quotas DCL command table, VAXELN, checking and modifying, initializing, 3-1 1-15 DECwindows installer, 1-13 files, C-28 user, 1-14 image files, C-29 Account privileges, Key Map Files, C-37 installer, 1-12 VMS files, C-2 AST limit VMS version required for, installer account, 1-14 1-9 user account, 1-14 DECwindows include files, AUTHORIZE utility, 1-15 C-34 AUTOGEN command procedure, language-specific, C-36 1-13 Motif, C-31 AWD option, VMSINSTAL, 2-4 X Toolkit, C-31 disk space requirements, Digital Services, 3-2 1-10 Directories, C-1 Directories, VAXELN B__________________________ ELN$, C-2 Backing up system disk, DWINCLUDE, C-34 1-16 SYS$COMMON, C-2 Bill of materials (BOM), SYS$HELP, C-1 1-1 SYS$LIBRARY, C-2 SYS$MESSAGE, C-1 C SYS$TEST, C-2 ___________________________ Disk space requirements, Console I/O image files, 1-10 C-8 Distribution kit Conventions used in manual, contents, 1-1 viii Documentation included with kit, 1-2 Index-1 Downline load boot Installation (cont'd) requirements, 1-9 procedure DWINCLUDE subdirectory, running, 2-2 C-34 sample, on VMS Version 5.5, A-1 E__________________________ time required, 2-1 ELN$ verifying, 3-2 directory, C-2 Installation Certification logical name, 3-1 Program ERF support files, C-3 installation of, 1-10 targets, 3-3 Error (fatal) messages, B-4 Installation Verification Error (warning) messages, Procedure (IVP) B-2 file, C-2 prerequisites, 1-3 F__________________________ running, 3-2 Fatal messages, B-4 sample, A-3 Files, VAXELN, C-1 Installer account, 1-12 limits and quotas, 1-13 G IVP ___________________________ See Installation GBLPAGES system parameter, Verification Procedure 1-13 (IVP) GBLSECTIONS system parameter, 1-13 K__________________________ Global pages Kernel requirements, 1-12 definition files, C-8 Global sections image files, C-6 requirements, 1-12 Keymap Files, C-37 I__________________________ L ICP ___________________________ See Installation License Certification Program Product Authorization Key Indented bills report (BIL) (PAK), 1-3 , 1-1 registering your PAK, 1-3 Informational messages, B-1 Limits Installation installer account, 1-13 from source kit, vii user account, 1-14 in VAXcluster environment Login privileges, installer , 2-9 account, 1-12 messages, B-1 LSE preliminary steps, 1-1 installation of, 1-10 Index-2 M__________________________ Q__________________________ Messages, B-1 Quotas error (fatal), B-4 installer account, 1-13 error (warning), B-2 user account, 1-14 image file, C-1 informational, B-1 R__________________________ MIT C XLIB files, C-34 Release notes, C-1, C-2 N displaying and printing, ___________________________ 1-2, 2-4 N option, VMSINSTAL, 1-2, file, C-1 2-4 Requirements disk space, 1-10 O__________________________ downline load boot, 1-9 Open file limit hardware, 1-5 installer account, 1-14 installation time, 2-1 user account, 1-14 installer account OPTION R parameter, limits and quotas, VMSINSTAL, 2-2 1-13 Optional software, 1-9 privileges, 1-12 OPTIONS parameter, software, 1-9 VMSINSTAL, 2-2 user account limits and Output disk, files placed quotas, 1-14 on, C-1 VAXcluster environment, 1-16 P__________________________ S Paging file quota ___________________________ installer account, 1-14 Sample application source user account, 1-14 files, C-23 POSIX SHOW DEVICE command, DCL, files, C-26 1-10 Problems, reporting, 3-2 Software Product Authroization Key optional, 1-9 (PAK), 1-3 order of installation, Pthreads 1-9 files, C-27 Software distribution kit contents, 1-1 Source kit installation, vii SYS$COMMON directory, C-2 SYS$HELP directory, C-1 SYS$LIBRARY directory, C-2 Index-3 SYS$MESSAGE directory, C-1 VAXELN Ada VAXELN_SERVICES SYS$STARTUP.COM file, package, C-15 modifying, 3-1 VAXELN C header files, C-15 SYS$STARTUP_V5.COM file, VAXELN C runtime library modifying, 3-1 files, C-16 SYS$TEST directory, C-2 VAXELN FORTRAN runtime System disk, backing up, library files, C-17 1-16 VAXELN general runtime System startup command library files, C-12 procedure, modifying, VAXELN Pascal 3-1 updating LSE templates for, 1-10 U__________________________ VAXELN Pascal runtime User account limits and library files, C-14 quotas, 1-14 VAXELN Runtime Library DAP definitions source V files, C-14 ___________________________ VAXELN Toolkit, installing, VAX Ada 2-2 installation of, 1-9 VMS LINKER VAX LSE symbol and map files, C-6 system environment VMS tool and utility files, library file, C-2 C-5 templates, updating, 1-10 VMSINSTAL procedure VAXcluster environment AWD option, 2-2 considerations, 1-16 disk space installing VAXELN Toolkit requirements, 1-10 in, 2-9 help information, 2-2 VAXELN N option, 1-2 DCL command table, OPTION R parameter, 2-2 initializing, 3-1 OPTIONS parameter, 2-2, documentation set 2-4 included with kit, 1-2 running, 2-2 driver image files, C-18 source of additional driver source files, C-20 information, 1-2 files, C-1 sample application source W files, C-23 ___________________________ utility program files, Warning messages, B-2 C-10 Working set quota utility shareable image installer account, 1-14 files, C-11 user account, 1-14 VAXELN Ada installation of, 1-9 Index-4