StorageWorks[TM]_RAID_Software_for_OpenVMS__________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-QYZRB-TE This installation guide provides installation information for the StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS layered software product. Software Version: Version 2.4 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ April 1997 While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital, an authorized sublicensor, or the identified licensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997 Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. Alpha, CI, DEC, Digital, EF, EZ, Files-11, HSC, KDM70, MSCP, OpenVMS, Q-bus, RA, RA71, RA72, RA73, RA90, RA92, RF, RD, RZ, RZ26, SDI, STI, StorageWorks, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXsimPLUS, VAX 3000, VAX 4000, VAX 6000, VMS, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Installation 1.1 Installation Planning............................ 1-1 1.1.1 Preinstallation Requirements .................. 1-2 1.1.2 Time Needed for Installation .................. 1-2 1.1.3 Registering the License Product Authorization Key............................................ 1-3 What Is the PAK?............................ 1-3 How to Register the PAK..................... 1-4 1.1.4 Setting the SYSGEN Parameters ................. 1-4 1.2 Installing StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS.......................................... 1-4 1.3 Error Messages During Installation............... 1-9 1.4 Postinstallation................................. 1-9 1.4.1 Enabling the DCL Commands on all Nodes ........ 1-9 1.4.2 Files Added to Your System after Installation................................... 1-10 1.4.3 System File Modifications after Installation .. 1-11 Starting the Software....................... 1-11 The RAID$STARTUP.COM and RAID$SYSTARTUP.COM Files....................................... 1-11 The RAID SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM File..... 1-13 Restarting the RAID$SERVER Process.......... 1-13 1.4.4 Verifying the Installation .................... 1-14 1.4.5 Process Level Images .......................... 1-15 1.4.6 Reporting Product Problems .................... 1-15 1.5 Deinstalling StorageWorks RAID Software.......... 1-16 iii 2 Installation Error Messages 2.1 Error Messages Received During Installation...... 2-1 2.2 Messages from the KITINSTAL...................... 2-1 2.3 Messages from the IVP............................ 2-2 Index Examples 1-1 Sample Installation ........................... 1-5 1-2 Sample Deinstallation ......................... 1-17 Tables 1 Related Documents ............................. vi 2 Conventions Used in This Guide ................ vii 1-1 Topics in This Chapter ........................ 1-1 1-2 Two Process Level Images ...................... 1-15 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface Purpose of This Guide This installation guide contains the installation procedure for installing the StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS. Intended Audience The intended audience is the system administrator who installs the StorageWorks RAID software, and configures and manages the RAID arrays. v Related Documentation The related documents shown in Table 1 may be ordered from your Digital[TM] sales representative. Table_1_Related_Documents__________________________________ Document_Title__________________Order_Number_______________ StorageWorks RAID Software for AA-Q1EJx-TE OpenVMS Guide to Operations StorageWorks RAID Software for AA-QYZRx-TE OpenVMS Installation Guide OpenVMS System Manager's AA-PV5Mx-TK Manual: Essentials OpenVMS System Management AA-PV5Px-TK Utilities Reference Manual: A-L BACKUP Section OpenVMS System Management AA-PV5Qx-TK Utilities Reference Manual: M-Z MOUNT and SYSGEN Sections OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: A-M AA-PV5Kx-TK OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N-Z AA-PV5Lx-TK OpenVMS I/O User's Reference AA-PV6Sx-TK Manual OpenVMS Operating System AA-LA33x-T3 Version 5.0 Base Documentation Set OpenVMS System Messages AA-PV5Wx-TK Symptom Directed Diagnosis AD-KN80x-TE (SDD) Toolkit /VAXsimPLUS User Guide VMScluster_Systems_for_OpenVMS__AA-PV5Wx-TK________________ vi Conventions Used in this Guide The conventions shown in Table 2 are used in this guide. Table_2_Conventions_Used_in_This_Guide_____________________ Convention____Meaning______________________________________ [parameter] In command formats, brackets indicate optional parameters. When you enter the optional parameter, do not enter the brackets. $ SHOW TIME Command examples show the OpenVMS[TM] prompt 18-MAY-1993 character ($). The command (what you enter) 12:42:16 is in uppercase type. italic text In examples and messages, italic text represents input that is unique for each system. In other areas, italic text is used to introduce a new term. boldface Boldface text is used to introduce a new term text that is also found in the glossary. A key name enclosed in a box indicates that you should press that key on the keyboard (for example or ). (continued on next page) vii Table_2_(Cont.)_Conventions_Used_in_This_Guide_____________ Convention____Meaning______________________________________ data 1 In examples, a vertical ellipsis represents . the omission of data that the system displays . in response to a command or data that a user . enters. data n filespec[, . ..Incommand formats, a horizontal ellipsis ] indicates that the preceding item can be repeated one or more times. OpenVMS The OpenVMS operating system for VAX VAX[TM] hardware. OpenVMS The OpenVMS operating system for AXP Alpha[TM] hardware. OpenVMS, The terms OpenVMS and VMS refer to the VMS[TM] OpenVMS operating system. The icon indicates that the following information applies to only RAID0 arrays. If no icon is used, assume that the information applies to both RAID0 and RAID5 arrays. The icon indicates that the following information applies to only RAID5 arrays. If no icon is used, assume that the information ______________applies_to_both_RAID0_and_RAID5_arrays.______ viii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Installation This chapter describes how to install and register the Product Authorization Key (PAK) for the StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS. Table 1-1 provides a list of topics in this chapter. Table_1-1_Topics_in_This_Chapter___________________________ Subject________________________________________Section_____ Installation Planning 1.1 Installing StorageWorks RAID Software for 1.2 OpenVMS Postinstallation_______________________________1.4_________ After you receive StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS in the form of a standard OpenVMS software installation kit, do the following: 1. Perform the preinstallation procedures described in Section 1.1. 2. Install the StorageWorks RAID Software using the VMSINSTAL utility, as described in Section 1.2. 3. Perform the postinstallation procedures listed in Section 1.4. 1.1 Installation Planning In this section, you will find the following information: o Preinstallation requirements o Time needed for installation o PAK registration Installation 1-1 o OpenVMS SYSGEN parameter settings for StorageWorks RAID Software 1.1.1 Preinstallation Requirements Before installing the StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS, you must: o Be running one of the OpenVMS versions specified in the release notes. o Have enough free blocks on the system disk during installation for temporary file storage. The number of blocks required is specified in the release notes. o Allow enough blocks of storage for the StorageWorks RAID software after installation. The number of blocks required is specified in the release notes. o Install any OpenVMS patches required for your version of OpenVMS software, as specified in the release notes. o Install the PAK. o Have the privilege SETPRV. Digital recommends that the installation be performed from the SYSTEM account. The installation verifies that there are sufficient free global sections and free global pages available. The number of free global sections and free global pages required are specified in the software release notes. Digital recommends that you back up the system disk prior to installation. 1.1.2 Time Needed for Installation Approximately 10 minutes is required for the installation, including StorageWorks RAID startup and execution of the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), depending on the system configuration and the load on the system at the time. 1-2 Installation 1.1.3 Registering the License Product Authorization Key You must register your Product Authorization Key (PAK) before you install StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS. What Is the PAK? The PAK is the certificate included with your distribution kit that contains the data you need to run StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS. StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS is a layered product that is separate from the OpenVMS operating system. You must purchase and license the StorageWorks RAID product separately from the OpenVMS software. You license StorageWorks RAID with a StorageWorks RAID PAK. The PAK describes the StorageWorks RAID contract you have with Digital Equipment Corporation. When you enter information from the PAK into the online license database, the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF) authorizes the use of StorageWorks RAID. You must register and activate a license for StorageWorks RAID on each node using the software, including satellites in a VMScluster[TM] system. If you do not register and activate all nodes that will use StorageWorks RAID, each node displays the following error message at system startup time and no further RAID operations will proceed: %LICENSE-E-NOAUTH, SW_RAID5 use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager The StorageWorks RAID software does not need to run on every node on a VMScluster system, but those nodes on which it is not running will not be able to create or use the RAID arrays. Only nodes with a valid PAK installed will be able to use the RAID arrays. Installation 1-3 How to Register the PAK Use the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF) to register your PAK. Registration is done by entering the following at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE Choose "1" on the menu of options and answer the questions using the data from the PAK. Be sure to enter each field exactly as it appears on the PAK. Do not enter any fields that are blank on the PAK. ________________________ Note ________________________ There are multiple valid licenses for this product. While it is necessary to have only one license active for this product, the LMF will check for the existence of any valid license. ______________________________________________________ 1.1.4 Setting the SYSGEN Parameters SYSGEN parameter settings for this product may vary from release to release. See the release notes for information on setting SYSGEN parameters. 1.2 Installing StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS It is necessary to install StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS on only one node of any set of nodes which are sharing a given system disk. However, it must be started up on every licensed node you intend to run it on in the cluster. The StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS installation procedure automatically updates the DCL command table to include the StorageWorks RAID commands. See Example 1-1 for a sample listing from a kit installation. To install StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS, perform the following steps: 1. At the DCL prompt, enter the following: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL 1-4 Installation 2. Enter the applicable information for your system at each VMSINSTAL prompt. _______ If You are Upgrading a Previous Version _______ If you are upgrading a previous version of the StorageWorks RAID software, the installation procedure does not allow for automatic startup of the software. A system reboot is necessary following the installation. The software will automatically be started during the reboot if invocation of the SYS$STARTUP:RAID$STARTUP.COM procedure has been added to the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM or SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM procedure. If the software does not start automatically, start it by manually executing the SYS$STARTUP:RAID$STARTUP.COM procedure following the reboot. For more information on these .COM files, see Section ______________________________________________________ Example 1-1 Sample Installation $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL RAID024 MKA0: OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 3-FEB-1997 at 17:49. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Please mount the first volume of the set on MKA0:. * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, RAID24 mounted on _$4$MKA0: (BULWHP) The following products will be processed: RAID V2.4 Beginning installation of RAID V2.4 at 17:50 (continued on next page) Installation 1-5 Example 1-1 (Cont.) Sample Installation %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1993-1997. All rights reserved. You are running OpenVMS ALPHA Version V7.1. If you plan to use RAID 0+1 (striping plus shadowing) arrays you need to install a mandatory shadowing patch. Please refer to the Release Notes. * Do you want to continue the installation [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Operation of this software requires that a Product Authorization Key (PAK) reflecting your software license be present on the system. Any one of the following product PAKs allows this software to run: SW-RAID5 (per-node license type) SW-RAID5-STG-USER (per-disk license type) STRIPING (PAK from Polycenter Disk Striping) This procedure will display output from the SHOW LICENSE command to assist you in determining whether or not a PAK has been installed. Active licenses on node BULWHP: ------- Product ID -------- ---- Rating ----- -- Version -- Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination SW-RAID5 DEC 0 0 100 0.0 14-AUG-1997 (none) It appears that you have a SW-RAID5 PAK installed already. Product: SW-RAID5 Producer: DEC Version: Release Date: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES (continued on next page) 1-6 Installation Example 1-1 (Cont.) Sample Installation StorageWorks(TM) RAID Software is currently running on this system. You must reboot your system after the installation is completed for the new version of this software to become available. The IVP cannot be run now because a previous version of this software is currently running. You may run the IVP after the system is rebooted. To run the IVP later, simply enter the command @SYS$TEST:RAID$IVP at the DCL prompt. To make RAID commands available on other nodes in this cluster, their DCL tables must be updated. If you have more than one system disk, install this product on each one. All nodes which boot from the system disk on which this software is being installed must either be rebooted, or the INSTALL utility must be used to replace their DCL command tables with the updated version created by this installation. This procedure can use SYSMAN to automatically replace the DCL tables for you on all the other nodes using this same system disk. This would be done at the end of the installation process. * Do you want DCL tables replaced on all nodes using this system disk [YES]? NO To make RAID commands available on the other nodes in this cluster, you must either reboot them, or use the INSTALL utility to replace their DCL command tables with the updated version created by this installation, by issuing the command INSTALL REPLACE SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES at the DCL prompt. After you do this on a given node, log out, and log back in, the RAID DCL commands will be available for your use. (continued on next page) Installation 1-7 Example 1-1 (Cont.) Sample Installation To complete the installation of this product, you should reboot the system. If it is not convenient to reboot at this time, then enter NO to the following question. If you enter NO, the installation procedure will continue. * Will you allow a system shutdown after this product is installed [YES]? NO No further questions will be asked. The installation should take less than 10 minutes to complete. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... Save sets C,D,E,F and H are not required for OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G ... Two files have been provided to aid you in starting the StorageWorks(TM) RAID Software. The file SYS$STARTUP:RAID$STARTUP.COM contains specific commands needed to start the StorageWorks(TM) RAID Software. This file should not be modified. To start the software automatically at system startup time, add the line $ @SYS$STARTUP:RAID$STARTUP to the system startup command procedure: SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM (continued on next page) 1-8 Installation Example 1-1 (Cont.) Sample Installation The second file, SYS$MANAGER:RAID$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE, is a sample file which you can use as a guide for binding the RAID arrays on your system. It is recommended that you make a copy of this file, calling it SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]RAID$SYSTARTUP.COM, and then edit this file, making the changes necessary for your system. The command procedure SYS$STARTUP:RAID$STARTUP.COM will then automatically invoke your site-specific procedure during system startup. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installation of RAID V2.4 completed at 17:55 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]RAID024.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 17:55 1.3 Error Messages During Installation If you encounter error messages during installation of this product, see Chapter 2 for causes and suggested remedial actions. 1.4 Postinstallation After you install StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS on your system, you may want to make some adjustments. The following sections provide information for verifying the installation of StorageWorks RAID and modifying your files to allow automatic startup of StorageWorks RAID on your system. 1.4.1 Enabling the DCL Commands on all Nodes Before you start the StorageWorks RAID software on other licensed nodes in your cluster, you should do one of the following to ensure that the StorageWorks RAID commands are enabled on the other nodes, if you did not choose to allow this to be done automatically during the installation: o Reboot the other nodes. Installation 1-9 o If the DCLTABLES.EXE file was not already installed during the installation, reinstall it on the other nodes by entering the following: $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE 1.4.2 Files Added to Your System after Installation A number of files are involved in the installation of the StorageWorks RAID software. Some of these files are used in the installation procedure and then deleted; others are stored permanently in various directories of the system. The following permanent files are added to the specified directories following installation and startup of the StorageWorks RAID software: o SYS$HELP:RAID024.RELEASE_NOTES o SYS$SYSTEM:RAID$ERF.EXE o SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:RAID$DPDRIVER.EXE o SYS$SYSTEM:RAID$SERVER_MAIN.EXE o SYS$SYSTEM:RAID$CLI_MAIN.EXE o SYS$STARTUP:RAID$STARTUP.COM o SYS$STARTUP:RAID$SERVER_MAIN.COM o SYS$MANAGER:RAID$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE o SYS$MANAGER:RAID$SERVER_MAIN.LOG o SYS$MANAGER:RAID$DIAGNOSTICS_nodename.LOG o SYS$MESSAGE:RAID$MSG.EXE o SYS$TEST:RAID$IVP.COM o SYS$HELP:RAID_INST_GUIDE.PS o SYS$EXAMPLES:RAID$CONFIG.COM o SYS$EXAMPLES:RAID$DISPLAY.COM o SYS$MANAGER:RAID$DEINSTALL.COM 1-10 Installation 1.4.3 System File Modifications after Installation Starting the Software The StorageWorks RAID software may be started either manually or automatically. To automatically start StorageWorks RAID software after a system startup, include the SYS$STARTUP:RAID$STARTUP.COM in your system startup command procedure: o SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM for OpenVMS VAX software Versions 5.5 through 5.5-2 o SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM for OpenVMS VAX software Version 6.0 and later, and OpenVMS Alpha software Version 1.5 and later To manually start StorageWorks RAID software, enter the following command line: $ @SYS$STARTUP:RAID$STARTUP.COM The RAID$STARTUP.COM and RAID$SYSTARTUP.COM Files You must invoke the RAID$STARTUP.COM file on all the other licensed nodes in the cluster on which you wish to use StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS. The RAID$STARTUP.COM File StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS provides a RAID$STARTUP.COM file for you when you install the product. This file performs the following: 1. Installs the StorageWorks RAID DCL command line interface and message images with the appropriate privileges. 2. Loads the driver. 3. Starts the server process (which causes RAID arrays in the cluster to become available to this node). 4. Invokes RAID$SYSTARTUP.COM. Installation 1-11 The RAID$SYSTARTUP.COM File The RAID$SYSTARTUP.COM file is designed to help you manage your RAID arrays. A template file, SYS$MANAGER:RAID$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE, is provided by the StorageWorks RAID installation. Create a RAID$SYSTARTUP.COM file based on the template provided. ________________________ Note ________________________ Digital does not recommended that you modify the actual template file because you may need it again in the future. ______________________________________________________ When entering BIND commands in the RAID$SYSTARTUP.COM file, specify all the disk drives that will be members of the RAID array. You may also want to include the list of spares in any spareset associated with the RAID array so that when a spareset is associated with a RAID array, the array's membership can change automatically without action by the user. Including the names of all current and possible future members in the BIND command helps ensure successful binds in the future when the membership of the RAID array has changed due to members being removed. A BIND command search algorithm allows binds with incomplete or inaccurate BIND commands. Only disks that are valid members of the RAID array will be bound, so there is no drawback to including potential future members in the list. The BIND command requires at least one valid member to succeed. Thus, Digital recommends that you periodically update the RAID$SYSTARTUP.COM file if you are keeping your BIND commands in this file. Similarly, when entering spareset BIND commands, list all current and potential future spares. _______________________ CAUTION _______________________ Because the RAID INITIALIZE command deletes all data on a disk, do not put RAID INITIALIZE commands in the RAID$SYSTARTUP.COM file. ______________________________________________________ 1-12 Installation The RAID SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM File The RAID SHUTDOWN command informs the StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS that the system is about to shut down. This command operates only on the issuing node and will unbind all arrays on the issuing node provided the RAID virtual devices are dismounted. Digital recommends that the RAID SHUTDOWN command be inserted into the system shutdown file (SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM) to ensure that underlying RAID members are dismounted correctly. To ensure that the RAID SHUTDOWN command completes successfully on a node, all RAID virtual devices must be dismounted. The RAID SHUTDOWN command performs the equivalent actions of the RAID UNBIND command on all RAID arrays, except that the UNBIND operation only affects the node which issued the RAID SHUTDOWN command. RAID arrays as seen by other nodes in the cluster will not change. The RAID SHUTDOWN command will also stop the RAID$SERVER process. Restarting the RAID$SERVER Process Prior to Version 2.3 of StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS, the RAID$SERVER process cannot be restarted without rebooting. If the RAID$SERVER process was stopped by a privileged user, you must reboot the system to restart the server. Starting with Version 2.3 and later, the RAID$SERVER process can be restarted by supplying the "SERVER" parameter to the RAID$STARTUP.COM file: $ @SYS$STARTUP:RAID$STARTUP.COM SERVER Entering this command from the SYSTEM account causes the RAID software to restart the RAID$SERVER process. The server process polls other nodes in the VMScluster and binds all RAID arrays known cluster wide. ________________________ Note ________________________ RAID arrays and sparesets that were known only to the RAID$SERVER that has been restarted are not Installation 1-13 automatically rebound. These arrays must be rebound manually. ______________________________________________________ Restarting the RAID$SERVER process is intended to assist operations staff restart local RAID operations when the local RAID$SERVER process has been stopped manually by mistake or has crashed due to a software inconsistency. If there are VMScluster conditions that will prevent the restarted process from completing its recovery (e.g., RAID array disks are in mount verification), restarting the RAID$SERVER process may not result in complete local recovery of RAID arrays known cluster-wide. 1.4.4 Verifying the Installation The following table describes what occurs with the Installation Verification Process (IVP) when you choose to execute the IVP during installation: ___________________________________________________________ If...____________The_IVP...________________________________ You choose verifies that all StorageWorks RAID files to start the are in the proper directories. StorageWorks RAID software, executes a RAID SHOW command to verify that the RAID driver, server, and CLI are executing properly. ___________________________________________________________ You choose not verifies only that the StorageWorks RAID to start the files are in the proper directories. StorageWorks RAID_software,_____________________________________________ __ Upgrading a Previous Version of StorageWorks RAID __ If you are upgrading a previous version of the StorageWorks RAID software, the IVP will not run during installation. ______________________________________________________ 1-14 Installation IVP Manual Execution You can run the IVP manually by performing the following steps: 1. Log into the SYSTEM account 2. Execute the following command procedure: $ @SYS$TEST:RAID$IVP.COM 1.4.5 Process Level Images There are two process level images that are run with StorageWorks RAID software. The privileges the images have are shown in Table 1-2. Table_1-2_Two_Process_Level_Images_________________________ Process Images________Privileges___________________________________ CLI VOLPRO, SYSPRV, PHY_IO, DIAGNOSE, PRMMBX, CMKRNL, SYSLCK, SYSNAM, SHARE, TMPMBX SERVER VOLPRO, SYSPRV, PHY_IO, DIAGNOSE, SYSNAM, SYSLCK, NETMBX, TMPMBX, PRMMBX, SHARE, ______________CMKRNL,_READALL______________________________ 1.4.6 Reporting Product Problems If an error occurs while StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS is being used and you believe that a problem with this product is causing the error, do one of the following: o If you have a Digital service agreement, call Digital Multivendor Customer Services. o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o If the product is under warranty and you do not have a Digital service agreement, submit an SPR. If you find an error in the StorageWorks RAID software documentation, fill out and submit the Reader's Comments form at the back of the document in which you found the error. Please indicate on the form the section and page number of the error. Installation 1-15 1.5 Deinstalling StorageWorks RAID Software Included with the StorageWorks RAID software is a command procedure to assist in removing the software files from a system disk. This may be used, for example, to remove the software after using it for a trial period with a loan-of- products PAK. This can also be useful in cases where the software license is being transferred and the RAID software moved from one system to another, or from one system disk to another. Before running the procedure, you must remove the invocation of RAID$STARTUP.COM from your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM or SYSTARTUP_V5.COM startup command procedure and then reboot the system so the RAID software is not running at the time the product files are removed. Invoke the deinstallation command procedure with the following command: $! Delete the RAID software (all pieces of the current version) $ @SYS$MANAGER:RAID$DEINSTALL If the StorageWorks RAID software needs to be removed from more than one system disk, this procedure must be invoked once for each system disk, by executing the procedure on one system booted from each of the system disks from which the software is to be removed. The procedure need be run only on one system per system disk, because it removes RAID files from all of the system roots on that system disk at once. This command procedure offers additional options to assist field-test sites and those who ran earlier versions of this software. The procedure can also remove old, obsolete files from previous versions of the RAID software, including field-test versions. To remove these obsolete files, include the parameter "OLD" as the P1 parameter to the command procedure: $! Delete the RAID software (current version and any obsolete $! leftover files) $ @SYS$MANAGER:RAID$DEINSTALL OLD 1-16 Installation To clean up obsolete files, but leave the current version of the software as is, the procedure may be invoked with the "ONLY_OLD" parameter: $! Delete any obsolete leftover files, but leave the current $! version alone $ @SYS$MANAGER:RAID$DEINSTALL ONLY_OLD The following table summarizes the options for the deinstallation procedure: P1 parameter Action ------------ ------ {none} Delete files, DCL commands, and help module associated with the current version of the software OLD Delete files, DCL commands, and help modules associated with the current version and all previous SSB and field-test versions of the software ONLY_OLD Only delete obsolete stuff from previous versions, leaving the current version of the software untouched (useful for cleaning up field-test systems) Example 1-2 shows a sample deinstallation output file. Example 1-2 Sample Deinstallation $ @SYS$MANAGER:RAID$DEINSTALL Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1993, 1994. All rights reserved. StorageWorks RAID Software Deinstallation Procedure With parameter P1 set to "", this procedure will delete only product files from the current version, and not delete any obsolete files which might remain from from early field-test versions... Is this what you wanted to do?: YES Searching for invocation of RAID$STARTUP.COM from SYSTARTUP_V*.COM... %SEARCH-I-NOMATCHES, no strings matched Checking for RAID server... -- Server not running (continued on next page) Installation 1-17 Example 1-2 (Cont.) Sample Deinstallation Checking for RAID driver... -- Driver not loaded Deleting RAID command from DCL tables... -- RAID command deleted Deleting RAID help module from help library... %LIBRAR-S-DELETED, module RAID deleted from SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB;10 -- RAID help module deleted Deleting remainder of product files... DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]RAID$STARTUP.COM;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]RAID$STARTUP.COM;1 deleted (12 blocks) DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]RAID$IVP.COM;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]RAID$IVP.COM;1 deleted (12 blocks) DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]RAID$SERVER_MAIN.COM;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]RAID$SERVER_MAIN.COM;1 deleted (12 blocks) DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]RAID$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]RAID$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE;1 deleted (36 blocks) DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES]RAID$CONFIG.COM;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES]RAID$CONFIG.COM;1 deleted (36 blocks) DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES]RAID$DISPLAY.COM;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES]RAID$DISPLAY.COM;1 deleted (72 blocks) DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]RAID_INST_GUIDE.PS;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]RAID_INST_GUIDE.PS;1 deleted (252 blocks) DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]RAID$DPDRIVER.EXE;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]RAID$DPDRIVER.EXE;1 deleted (444 blocks) DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RAID$CLI_MAIN.EXE;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RAID$CLI_MAIN.EXE;1 deleted (732 blocks) DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RAID$SERVER_MAIN.EXE;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RAID$SERVER_MAIN.EXE;1 deleted (1152 blocks) DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RAID$ERF.EXE;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RAID$ERF.EXE;1 deleted (60 blocks) DELETE SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG]RAID$MSG.EXE;1 ? [N]: Y %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG]RAID$MSG.EXE;1 deleted (84 blocks) Deinstallation of StorageWorks(TM) RAID Software completed successfully. $ 1-18 Installation 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installation Error Messages 2.1 Error Messages Received During Installation This appendix describes the error messages that can be encountered while performing the installation procedure and the Installation Verification Process (IVP). 2.2 Messages from the KITINSTAL The following error messages are generated by the KITINSTAL program. %VMSINSTAL-E-VERSION This kit requires OpenVMS VAX V5.5 or a subsequent version Error: A version of OpenVMS VAX prior to Version 5.5 is running on the system. User Action: Upgrade to OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5 or later. %VMSINSTAL-E-NOSPACE This software requires a minimum of xxxx free blocks for installation Error: There is insufficient free disk space on your system to install this product. User Action: Purge or delete any unnecessary files on the system disk and restart the software installation. %VMSINSTAL-E-QUOTA_LOW Quota xxx too low: now yyy; needs to be at least zzz Error: A quota for the username under that the installation is being done is too low. User Action: Use the AUTHORIZE utility to raise the indicated quota to at least the indicated value. Log out and log back in for the new quota to take effect and then restart the software installation. Installation Error Messages 2-1 2.3 Messages from the IVP The following error messages are generated by the IVP program. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVP_MISSING file xxxx not found Error: IVP has determined that a file which is part of the RAID software is missing from the system disk. User Action: Reinstall the software. If this does not solve the problem, contact Digital Multivendor Customer Services for assistance. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVP_MISSING module xxxx in library yyyyy not found Error: The IVP has determined that a file that is part of the RAID software is missing from the system disk. User Action: Reinstall the software. If this does not solve the problem, contact Digital Multivendor Customer Services for assistance. 2-2 Installation Error Messages _________________________________________________________________ Index D______________________________ P______________________________ DCL commands PAK enabling, 1-9 see product authorization key deinstallation example, 1-17 registration, 1-4 E Problem reporting, 1-15 _______________________________ Process level images, 1-15 Error messages Product authorization key, 1-3 installation error messages, 2-1 R______________________________ I RAID BIND _______________________________ and updating command file, Installation, 1-4 1-11 error messages, 1-9, 2-1 failure of, 1-12 errors with, 1-3 RAID$STARTUP, 1-11 files added, 1-10 RAID$STARTUP.COM, 1-11, 1-13 planning, 1-1 RAID$SYSTARTUP.COM, 1-11 postinstallation, 1-9 preinstallation requirements, S______________________________ 1-2 Shutdown, 1-13 time required, 1-2 SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM, verification, 1-14 1-13 L Software _______________________________ starting, 1-11 License Startup registration, 1-3 RAID$STARTUP.COM, 1-11 License management facility Restarting the RAID$SERVER (LMF), 1-4 process, 1-13 Startup file, 1-11 Index-1 SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM, 1-13 SYSGEN parameters, 1-4 System command file, 1-11 Index-2