DEChub_Consolidated_Firmware_Version_V4.1-2_________ Release Notes & Installation Guide for Digital UNIX November 1995 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation November 1995. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DECagent, DECbridge, DECconcentrator, DEChub, DECmau, DECndu Plus, DECpacketprobe, DECrepeater, DECswitch, Digital, MultiSwitch, PORTswitch and the DIGITAL logo. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.2. About the Kit _________________________________________________________________ About the Kit KIT CONTENTS This release of the DEChub Consolidated Firmware kit contains the firmware images and product release notes for the following DEChub products: ___________________________________________________________ Firmware Product____________________Version_____Image_Name__________ DECagent 90 V3.0.1 denma301.sys DECbridge 90, 90FL V3.9 dewgb390.sys DECconcentrator 900MX V3.1.1 def6x311.bin DECconcentrator 900TH V3.1.1 defhu311.bin DEChub 900 MultiSwitch V4.1.0 dmhub410.bin DECmau 900TH V1.2.1 dtmxm121.bin DECrepeater 90FS v2.0.0 defmi200.bin DECrepeater 90TS v2.0.0 detmi200.bin DECrepeater 900GM v2.0.0 dettm200.bin DECrepeater 900TM V2.0.0 detmm200.bin DECswitch 900EE v1.1.1 debmp111.bin DECswitch 900EF v1.5.2 defba152.bin PEswitch 900TX v1.1.1 desbf111.bin PORTswitch 900CP v2.1.0 decpm210.bin * PORTswitch 900FP v2.0.0 defmm200.bin PORTswitch_900TP___________v2.1.0______detpj210.bin________ Image names marked with an asterisk (*) are new images or supersede the version in the DEChub Consolidated Firmware V4.1.1 kit. 1 About the Kit NEW PRODUCT NAMES The following products have new names: The DECbridge 900MX is now the DECswitch 900EF The DECrepeater 900FP is now the PORTswitch 900FP The firmware for the DECswitch 900EF can be used in the DECbridge 900MX. The firmware for the PORTswitch 900FP can be used in the DECrepeater 900FP. HOW TO LOAD IMAGES Firmware images for all products with the following exceptions can be loaded via the HUBloader utility. The DECbridge 90, DECbridge 90FL and pre-V2.x firmware DECagent 90 can be loaded using the DECndu Plus utility. The HUBloader utility is provided along with HUBwatch V4.0 and later. It is also provided on separate installation media for Microsoft Windows[TM]. HUBloader documentation is provided in the HUBloader Online Help. The DECndu Plus utility is provided on separate installation media. The file "denmalod.sys" is provided with the DECagent 90 firmware. Use of this file is required when upgrading a DECagent 90 running V1.0 firmware. See the DECagent 90 release notes for details about upgrading using the two- step load method. The DECpacketprobe 90 firmware is no longer provided in this kit. This firmware is now available by ordering QB- 219AA-SB for the first probe, and QM-219AA-AA for each additional probe. IMPORTANT NOTE The DEChub 900 MultiSwitch hub manager should be upgraded before upgrading other modules in the hub. 2 About the Kit RELEASE NOTES Product release notes are provided in ASCII text and PostScript formats. _________________________________________________________________ Kit Installation HOW TO INSTALL Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you are installing the software. Make sure that you are at the root (/) directory by entering the following command: # cd / If your CD-ROM optical disc is not already in its caddy, follow the instructions in the Compact Disc User's Guide. LOCATING YOUR CD-ROM To determine the drive where the CD-ROM device is located, use the following command: # file /dev/rrz*c Information from the file command is displayed. Example: /dev/rrz1c: character special (8/1026) SCSI #0 RZ25 disk #8 (SCSI ID #1) /dev/rrz2c: character special (8/2050) SCSI #0 RZ25 disk #16 (SCSI ID #2) /dev/rrz3c: character special (8/3074) SCSI #0 RZ26 disk #24 (SCSI ID #3) /dev/rrz4c: character special (8/4098) SCSI #0 RRD42 disk #32 (SCSI ID #4) In this output from the file command, RRD indicates the CD-ROM device. 3 Kit Installation MOUNTING YOUR CD-ROM To mount the distribution media, enter the following command: Example: # mount -rd /dev/rz4c /mnt This example shows that the CD-ROM device is located on the c partition of the rz4 disk. INSTALLING THE KIT Enter the setld command with the -l option (for the load function) and the directory of the mounted file system where the firmware subset resides. Example: # setld -l /mnt The installation procedure displays the following information: 1) DEChub Consolidated Firmware for Digital UNIX V4.1-2 Or you may choose one of the following options: 2) ALL of the Above 3) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 4) EXIT without installing any subsets Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): Enter '1' and press RETURN. The installation procedure prompts you to verify your choice with the following message: You are installing the following optional subsets: DEChub Consolidated Firmware for Digital UNIX V4.1-2 Is this correct? (y/n): Enter "Yes" and press RETURN. The installation procedure displays the following information: Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: 4 Kit Installation File system space checked OK. DEChub Consolidated Firmware for Digital UNIX V4.1-2 Copying from /mnt (disk) Working... Verifying Installation is now complete. LOCATION OF FILES The files are placed in the following directories: Firmware image files: /usr/kits/HUBfirmware/firmware Product release notes: /usr/kits/HUBfirmware/docs _________________________________________________________________ Online Information HOW TO ACCESS IMAGES AND RELATED FILES Updated firmware images, product release notes, MIBs and RFCs are available online via anonymous ftp from ( Firmware images are located in the /pub/DEC/hub900/firmware directory. MIBs and RFCs can be found in the /pub/DEC/hub900/mibs directory. Product release notes are in the /pub/DEC/hub900/release directory. See the README file in each of the above directories for information about what is available in that directory. 5