RAID_Software_for_OpenVMS___________________________ Software Release Notes These release notes provide essential information about the V3.0A version of RAID Software for OpenVMS. Software Version: V3.0A Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. ________________________________________________________________ April 2006 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Hewlett-Packard, an authorized sublicensor, or the identified licensor. While Hewlett-Packard believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. -3 _________________________________________________________________ Contents 1 General Information about V3.0A............... 1 2 New in V3.0A.................................. 1 3 New Features in V3.0.......................... 1 4 Problems remedied in V3.0 since V2.6.......... 1 5 Known Problems and Restrictions............... 2 6 Supported OpenVMS Versions.................... 4 7 Supported Configuration Limits................ 4 8 Command Default Values........................ 5 9 Disk Space Requirements....................... 5 10 SYSGEN Parameters............................. 6 11 Licensing..................................... 7 12 Installing.................................... 8 13 Reporting Problems............................ 8 v 1 General Information about V3.0A This software kit replaces all previous versions of RAID Software and is a minor maintenance update to V3.0 with no binary changes. ________________________ Note ________________________ This is the last version to contain binaries for OpenVMS VAX. ______________________________________________________ 2 New in V3.0A o Qualified for OpenVMS Alpha V8.3. o Qualified for OpenVMS I64 V8.3. o PRODUCT installation allowed on OpenVMS V8.3 platforms. o RAID startup allowed on OpenVMS V8.3 platforms. 3 New Features in V3.0 o Support for OpenVMS Alpha V8.2. o Support for OpenVMS I64 V8.2. o PCSI installable kit. 4 Problems remedied in V3.0 since V2.6 o A system crash can happen specifically on OpenVMS V7.3- 2. The bugcheck is an "invalid exception while above ASTDEL" at PC=RAID$DPDRIVER+0410. Current process is AUDIT_SERVER. This was caused by an uninitialized queue header in the driver at the point the AUDIT_SERVER is accessing the DPA0 device. This problem has been fixed by not checking the queue header until the driver is completely initialized. o BIND command fails with "...MEDOFL, medium is offline". 1 The reason was an incompatibility between RAXCO's PerfectCache and a change introduced in V2.5-2. The previous modification has been adjusted in the driver to let the BIND command succeed. o Shadow set members of a RAID 0+1 array in a VMScluster contain different data in file: [000000]RAID$CONFIGURATION_MANAGEMENT.SYS The reason was an uncoordinated file update to this file by the RAID$SERVER processes. Even though this did not cause any problems the server code has been changed to serialize write operation to this file. This prevents utilities which check for shadow set member integrity from reporting a data discrepancy. Note that updates to this file are only done after members have changed for a RAID 0+1 array. 5 Known Problems and Restrictions The following problems exist in V3.0. These problems also existed in V2.6: o V3.0 is compatible with OpenVMS V7.2(all) and V7.3(all) with the following restriction: SYSGEN parameter MSCP_SERVE_ALL must have bit 3 set when using the REMOVE_NODE option in SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN.COM. Otherwise DPA devices will be dismounted clusterwide when shutting down this node. If the REMOVE_NODE option is not used or all DPA devices have been locally dismounted before calling SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN.COM then bit 3 does not need to be set in MSCP_SERVE_ALL. The problem has been fixed in OpenVMS V8.2. o On OpenVMS V7.2 and higher the RAID ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG command will report: %RAID-I-NOSELECT, No selected entries found 2 This is caused by a new record format in SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS. To analyze RAID errorlog entries use the following commands: $ CVT_CEF = "$SYS$SYSTEM:DECEVENT_CVT_CEF.EXE" $ CVT_CEF SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS OLD_ERRLOG.SYS $ RAID ANALYZE/ERROR OLD_ERRLOG.SYS or with DECevent installed you can use: $ DIAGNOSE/BINARY=OLD_ERRLOG.SYS SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS $ RAID ANALYZE/ERROR OLD_ERRLOG.SYS o When a node boots into a VMScluster system that is already running the RAID Software the new node will attempt to bind all existing RAID arrays automatically (implicit binds). During this phase the arrays show up in STARTUP state with no virtual devices (DPAnnn:) attached to them. Subsequent RAID BIND commands return the following response message: %RAID-I-ALREADYBOUND, RAID array is already bound This is expected behavior. The following example shows a DCL command sequence which can be added to the command procedure which is used to mount the virtual DPA devices. $! $ Wait_Times = 10 $! $ Wait_For_DPA_Devices: $! $ Wait_Times = Wait_Times - 1 ! count the wait $ IF Wait_Times .LE. 0 THEN GOTO Bind_Array $ IF F$DEVICE("DPA1:", "EXISTS") .AND. - F$DEVICE("DPA2:", "EXISTS") .AND. - F$DEVICE("DPA3:", "EXISTS") THEN GOTO Mount_DPA_Devices $ WAIT 0:0:30 ! wait 30 seconds $ GOTO Wait_For_DPA_Devices ! and check again 3 6 Supported OpenVMS Versions RAID Software for OpenVMS is compatible with OpenVMS Alpha from V7.2 to V8.3 and with OpenVMS VAX[TM] from V7.2 to V7.3 and with OpenVMS I64 from V8.2 to V8.3. ________________________ Note ________________________ However, RAID Software for OpenVMS is supported only on supported OpenVMS versions. See under OpenVMS Software for more details on "Current Version Support" and "Prior Version Support" versions of OpenVMS. ______________________________________________________ 7 Supported Configuration Limits o V3.0 is certified to run on standalone systems or on a maximum of 20 VMScluster nodes o V3.0 supports up to 50 arrays per standalone system or VMScluster, subject to site-specific performance requirements o RAID arrays may contain a maximum of 32 members per array o RAID arrays may contain a maximum of 64 virtual units per array o The maximum size for an array is 1,152 GB. o The maximum size for a virtual unit (DPAnnn) is 1,024 GB. o Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS is supported only with RAID 0 (striping) arrays - If Volume Shadowing will be used, a separate license must be purchased for that product - RAID 5 (striping with parity) with Shadowing is not supported 4 ________________________ Note ________________________ The following are not supported as RAID array members by the RAID Software: ______________________________________________________ o Files-11 bound volume sets formed by OpenVMS software o Bootable System disks o Quorum disks 8 Command Default Values The following default values are used: o Chunk size The default chunk size of 120 blocks is used by the RAID INITIALIZE command if the /CHUNK_SIZE qualifier is not specified. o Timeout The default timeout value of 30 seconds is used when the RAID INITIALIZE, RAID BIND, and RAID MODIFY commands are entered if the /TIMEOUT or /NOTIMEOUT qualifiers are not specified. 9 Disk Space Requirements o On Alpha systems: - You must allow for 4,000 blocks of storage on the system disk for storage of permanent RAID software files after installation is complete. o On I64 systems: - You must allow for 8,000 blocks of storage on the system disk for storage of permanent RAID software files after installation is complete. 5 o On VAX systems: - You must allow for 3,000 blocks of storage on the system disk for storage of permanent RAID software files after installation is complete. 10 SYSGEN Parameters o On Alpha systems: - You must have at least 700 + size of SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE units of GBLPAGES available to install and run the product. - You must have at least 4 units of GBLSECTIONS available to install and run the product. - You must have at least 700 units of GBLPAGES available to run the product. - You must have at least 3 units of GBLSECTIONS available to run the product. o On I64 systems: - You must have at least 700 + size of SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE units of GBLPAGES available to install and run the product. - You must have at least 4 units of GBLSECTIONS available to install and run the product. - You must have at least 700 units of GBLPAGES available to run the product. - You must have at least 3 units of GBLSECTIONS available to run the product. o On VAX systems: - Increase the SPTREQ SYSGEN parameter by 32 prior to installing the RAID software on OpenVMS VAX systems. If you are installing RAID Software for OpenVMS to upgrade to a newer version you do not need to increase the SPTREQ parameter again. 6 - You must have at least 500 + size of SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE units of GBLPAGES available to install and run the product. - You must have at least 5 units of GBLSECTIONS available to install and run the product. - You must have at least 500 units of GBLPAGES available to run the product. - You must have at least 4 units of GBLSECTIONS available to run the product. Use DCL lexical functions to find out how many units are available. If F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") returns a number less than the required GBLPAGES units or F$GETSYI("FREE_ GBLSECTS") returns a number less than the required GBLSECTIONS units increase the SYSGEN parameter(s) and reboot. Refer to the "System Manager's Manual" chapter "Managing System Parameters" in the OpenVMS documentation set for detailed instructions for using AUTOGEN to change system parameters. 11 Licensing OpenVMS LMF support is implemented in the RAID Software for OpenVMS. A license must be registered and activated on each node on which the software is to be installed and used. A single license Product Authorization Key (PAK) enables both RAID0 and RAID5 functionality. The LMF name for the Capacity License PAK for this version is "SW-RAID5". The Concurrent Use License PAK, which allows a single disk, storage element or shadow set to be used in a RAID array from all VAX and Alpha systems in a VMScluster which are running the RAID Software, uses LMF name SW-RAID5- STG-USER. This license also enables both RAID0 and RAID5 functionality. 7 12 Installing The PRODUCT command is used to install this kit on all platforms: $ PRODUCT INSTALL RAID Rolling upgrades are supported from previous versions of this product. You may continue to use your RAID arrays while doing a rolling upgrade to V3.0. Unbinding and rebinding your arrays is not necessary. You can still access and use your RAID arrays after the installation. However, RAID commands may no longer work. Therefore it is recommended to reboot your system immediately after the installation. This is also true for all systems booting off the same common system disk. 13 Reporting Problems If problems occur with this version of the RAID Software for OpenVMS, please report them through your official support channels. When reporting problems, the following information will assist the support team: o Configuration information o Copy of SYS$MANAGER:RAID$DIAGNOSTICS_nodename.LOG file(s). o Copy of SYS$MANAGER:RAID$SERVER_MAIN.DMP, if the RAID server process (RAID$SERVER) has exited. o Output from the "$ RAID ANALYZE/ARRAY/OUTPUT=RAIDANALYZE.TXT array-ID" command. o Output from the "$ RAID ANALYZE/ERROR/OUTPUT=RAIDERRLOG.TXT" command. o Copy of OpenVMS crash dump, if applicable. o Output from RAID SHOW/FULL command after the problem occurred. If the problem is reproducible, please provide the RAID SHOW/FULL output while the problem exists. 8 o Output from RAID ANALYZE/ARRAY or /UNITS of the array(s) with a problem. 9