TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit V2.0 for Digital UNIX V4.0D GAT V2.0 Level 1 SSB Release Notes Revision: GATV2.0 Level 1 rev C Date: 30-Sep 1998 Operating System and Version: Digital UNIX V4.0D Software Version: TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit V2.0 for Digital UNIX V4.0 1 Preface 4 2 Installation 5 2.1 Required Software 5 2.2 Disk Space Requirements 5 2.3 Installing the GAT licenses 6 2.4 Installing GAT 7 2.5 Installing an ASCII AM kit 7 2.6 Installing patches 8 3 Migrating GAT V1.0 Access Modules 9 3.1 Migrating customizations from previous version 9 3.1.1 Migration GAT V1.0-GAT2 customisations 9 3.1.2 Migration GAT T204- GAT V2.0 10 3.2 Migrating MIRs 10 3.2.1 Full server migration 10 3.2.2 Distributed TeMIP configuration 11 4 Fixed problems 13 4.1 Unaligned access 13 4.2 Duplicate entity registration 13 4.3 Example customizations 14 4.4 Q.822/Q.823 extensions are always loaded 14 5 Known problems 14 5.1 Exception when ASCII AM is stopped 14 5.2 Map table not displayed in dialog editor 14 5.3 Negative delay in passthrough scripts 15 5.4 Cannot expand TFC template header for a class 15 6 Restrictions 16 6.1 Compiling big customization 16 6.2 Make AM Menu 16 6.3 Reusing class name 17 6.4 Binding directives and ASCII commands 17 6.5 No open/close commands on standard directives 18 6.6 Using the option Default object = generic 18 6.7 Installing the passthrough application 18 6.8 SaveCust extension hook not called first time 18 1 Preface The current Release Notes describe critical information related to the TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit. It is composed of the following sections: ? Installation ? Migration ? Problems which have been fixed since GAT Field Test Update ? Known Problems ? Restrictions Please read this document before installing or using the TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Software. 2 Installation 2.1 Required Software To run the GAT, you need : Digital UNIX V4-0D (see TEMIP V3.2 SSB release notes for needed patches) CXX 5.7 TFRV320-1C TFRBASEV320 installed TeMIP Framework Base System (level 1 rev C) TFRLICV320 installed TeMIP Licensing Software (level 1 rev C) TFRTFCV320 installed Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit (level 1 rev C) If you plan to use the X25 Communications Server, you also need : XXAACC300 installed X.25 Base Component (X.25 for Digital UNIX Components) To run an ASCII AM, you need the same software, except C++ compiler. 2.2 Disk Space Requirements Software subset Installation in /usr/kits GAT Base System 70,000 KB GAT Documentation 0 KB GAT RS232 Component 9,000 KB GAT TCP Component 9,000 KB GAT X25 Component 9,000 KB GAT Q822/Q823 Extension 11,000 KB 2.3 Installing the GAT licenses The TeMIP Graphical ASCCI Toolkit V2.0 makes use of FLEXlm as license manager. Please consult the TeMIP V3.2.0 SSB Release Notes document to get information on the following topics: ? FLEXLm and TeMIP, ? TeMIP licenses servers installation, ? TeMIP licenses client installation. To obtain from Digital a valid TeMIP license file in order to run the GAT, you just need to ask a valid license file to the TeMIP Support Team (email: VBETEMIPSUPP@digital.com). GAT products use two licenses: ? TEMIP-GAT-DK-USER : it enables to run the GAT itself, and any ASCII access module when being in development mode, with an unlimited number of users ? TEMIP-GAT-RT-USER : it enables to run ASCII access modules and CommunicationsServer Access module. One token is needed per running module To install these keys, proceed as follows 1. Get the license keys from you Digital representative 2. Add following lines to /usr/mcc/licenses/licenses.dat : INCREMENT TEMIP-GAT-DK-USER temipdec 3.000 01-sep-98 100 4CE4D25AAA35718CF203 "This is just an example, this key is not valid" INCREMENT TEMIP-GAT-RT-USER temipdec 3.000 01-sep-98 100 7CF402CAAA35A383050C "This is just an example, this key is not valid " 3. Make these licenses available /usr/mcc/licenses/lmreread -c /usr/mcc/licenses/licenses.dat 2.4 Installing GAT The CommunicationsServer Access modules can now be installed independently of any ASCII AM kit : they are part of the toolkit itself. The GAT kit consists of following base subsets : GATDKV200 TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Base system GATDOCV200 TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Documentation GATRELV200 TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Release notes GATRS232CSV200 TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit RS232 Component GATTCPCSV200 TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit TCP Component GATX25CSV200 TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit X25 Component Only GATDKV200 is required to use the toolkit and build your own ASCII access module. GATDOCV200 contains the GAT documentation in HTML format. The kit is also delivered with the following extension subset : XKQGATEXTENSION100 TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit extension- CrossKeys Q822/Q823 Components This extension provides facilities for building performance management access modules based on ITU-T Recommendations Q.822 and Q8.23. 2.5 Installing an ASCII AM kit An ASCII AM kit generated by the GAT consists of 6 subsets (in the example below, the kit name is TAM and the version is 110) GATBASE200 It contains all the standard libraries and applications common to all customization GATRS232CSV200 Installs the RS232 Communication Server GATTCPCSV200 Installs the TCP Communication Server GATX25CSV200 Installs the X25 Communication Server GATTAMAM110 Installs the ASCII AM itself GATTAMPM110 Installs the Passthrough application data specific to the AM 2.6 Installing patches No specific patch needs to be installed with this release. 3 Migrating GAT V1.0 Access Modules There are two levels of migrations: ? Migrating the GAT V1.0 customizations in order to generate GAT V2-based AMs ? Migrating the MIRs created by GAT V1.0-based AMs 3.1 Migrating customizations from previous version It is possible to reuse the GAT V1.0 customization files in order to generate GAT V2.0 Access Modules. 3.1.1 Migration GAT V1.0-GAT2 customisations All customizations developed with GAT V1.0 can be loaded with the GAT V2.0. It is however required to run a built-in migration tool in order to generate successfully a new ASCII access module. This migration tool is provided as GAT V2.0 extension, hence this extension must be activated to perform the migration. Follow strictly the following steps : ? start temip_gat ? open your GAT V1.0 customization. It is recommended to use a copy of the original customization files, as described in the Installation Guide. ? In the menu extension select migration : it loads the migration menu on the main window ? In the new menu migration select migrate ? Modify a field of the master information (right part of the main window), for instance the version ? Press return after field modification ? In the menu AM select clean ? Your customization has now the GAT V2.0 format, you can save it. Notes: ? The migration tool does not change the object permissions: it means for example that it is not possible to add attributes in the configuration partition, whereas it is allowed when starting a new customization from scratch. ? Once the migration has been done, it is possible to deactivate the migration extension, which is no longer needed, using the menu Migration-UnInstall extension 3.1.2 Migration GAT T204- GAT V2.0 In case you have already started to develop a customization from the GAT FT204, you need to run another migration tool to take into account one correction applied since this release : Control CC Flag, Retry Requested Flag and Force delete (only for delete verb) have been changed from required to optional in Create/Delete verb and in any user directives. . This tool is not a built-in tool and it is not installed with the kit. It is delivered as a set of separate scripts, under tool directory. ? ssb_migrate This creates a /src/Model.gat.save and modifies the /src/Model.gat to change the required/optional field of the arguments. 3.2 Migrating MIRs This section exposes how to migrate a GATV1.0 Management Module (within a TeMIP V3.1 environment) to GATV2.0 Management Module in a non-distributed and distributed TeMIP V3.2 environment. For all migration aspects not directly related to GAT migration, the reader has to refer to the general TeMIP V3.1 to V3.2 migration documentation (TFR V3.2.0 Level 1 SSB Release Notes). The following section describes the migration of a full server (we can consider this case as a non-distributed configuration), and the migration of a distributed configuration In the rest of this section, it is assumed that the GATV2.0_AM has already been generated using the procedure described in a previous section. 3.2.1 Full server migration From TeMIP 3.1 environment: ? Install the migration patch “TFRV310L01P03”. In order to properly migrate, it is recommended to install this patch which updates some backup group files. Refer to the files README.MIGRATION delivered with this patch for more of details. ? Copy at a safe location the MIRs containing the GATV1.0 instances (GAT AM and CS entities) and others TeMIP MIR files (tns, director, etc.…). This can be done thanks to the temip_backup utility. Note that there is no Group Descriptor File (GDF) for the GAT related AMs. You can either create such a file taking into account your own AMs, or you can copy directly the corresponding MIR files, which are stored under /var/mcc (filenames depend on GAT AM name). From TeMIP 3.2 environment: - Restore the whole GATV1.0 and TeMIP data previously saved (apply the temip_backup utility on the TeMIP groups and a manual move on the GAT MIR files : the CS MIR files must be copied under /var/mcc, the GAT MIR files under /var/mcc/gat - Install the GATV2.0 AM kit (runtime). - Start TeMIP V3.2 (temip_start). - Check that the GAT entities can be read/modified. 3.2.2 Distributed TeMIP configuration The goal consists in migrating a configuration, which is composed of two directors: - FM/PM server (running in V3.1) - AM server (running in V3.1, with a GATV1.0_AM) The migration strategy consists in: 1. Installing TeMIP V3.2 on the FM/PM server and setting it with a “V3.1” configuration so that the director V3.2 can communicate with the AM V3.1 server. 2. Installing TeMIP V3.2 + GATV2.0 AM customizations on the AM server, and propagating this configuration to the FM/PM V3.2 servers Preparing the GAT migration Copy at a safe location (to be done from AM server): - The MIRs containing the GATV1.0 instances (ASCII and CS entities) and TeMIP MIR files - The MSL files resulting from compilation of ASCII AM customization and of CS (TCP/RS232/X25) in the V3.1 environment. These files can be found under /usr/kits/GAT100//msl directory. The following assumption is made: - Before starting the migration, all distributed servers use the same TeMIP dictionary and dispatch tables. For argument’s sake, the following conventions are used : - dict3XX = default TeMIP V3.XX dictionaries - dict3XX-gatNNN = TeMIP dictionary augmented with GATNNN AM models - disp3XX = default TeMIP dispatch tables - disp3XX-gatNNN = TeMIP dispatch tables containing enrolled GATNNN AM Using this convention, all servers use the dict310-gat100/disp310-gat100 configuration before starting the migration. - The operations described below have to be done for each FM/PM server connected to the system running GATV1.0_AMs. FM/PM server migration - Run the migration steps 1-21 (see section 5.4.3 of the TFR release notes). At this stage the FM/PM server use the dict320/disp320 configuration - Transfer on the FM/PM server all GAT100 MSL files previously saved. - Update the dictionary and parse tables via the mcc_msl and mcc_ptb commands in order to have the same GAT models on both systems. At this stage, the server use the dict320-gat100/disp320 configuration, no GAT-AM service can be dispatched. - Transfer the dispatch tables from the AM server to FM/PM server using a temip_propagate command (on dispatch tables). At this stage, the server use the dict320-gat100/disp310-gat100 configuration, the GAT-AM service can be dispatched. - Start TeMIP V3.2 (temip_start) configured with the TeMIP V3.1 interoperability mode. The dict320-gat100/disp310-gat100 configuration works on a TeMIP V3.2 director, because the dispatch tables format is fully compatible between V3.1 and V3.2 AM server migration - Run the migration steps 1- to -8 (see section 5.4.3 of the TFR V3.2 releases notes). Make sure you have saved all GAT MIR files as described previously. - De-install the GAT100 AM kits (setld –d). - Resume at step 9 and run the next steps (until step 21). Do not forget at step 17 to set TEMIP_MODE to “V3.2”. - Install the GAT200_AM kit (setld –l). At this stage, the server use the dict320- gat200/disp320-gat200 configuration - Copy the GAT MIR files previously saved in /var/mcc/gat for GAT-AM, and in /var/mcc for GAT CommunicationsServer Ams. - Start TeMIP V3.2 (temip_start). Now you can complete the FM/PM server migration: - Set TEMIP_MODE to “V3.2” on FM/PM server. - Transfer the dictionary + parse and dispatch tables from AM server to the FM/PM server using the temip_propagate command. 4 Fixed problems This section contains the list of problems which have been fixed since previous release (GATT200-4C), and which documented as know problems. 4.1 Unaligned access TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#037 Unaligned access while using Test Application for parser The warning message is no longer displayed 4.2 Duplicate entity registration TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#039 duplicate registration when classname A is a prefix of className AB If a customization have two global classes, where the name of the one is a prefix of the other then an error occurs during enroll. Say we have class "foo" and class "foobar" This results in two shared libraries to be produced: lib_foo.so and lib_foobar.so The lib_foobar.so contains the code for the foobar class. The lib_foo.so contains both the code for the foo and for the foobar classes. It results that the AM will contain duplicate definitions of the foobar class, which leads to a duplicate registration error at AM start-up. 4.3 Example customizations TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#068 Example customizations not migrated The example customizations, which are delivered with GAT, have been migrated. They have now the GAT V2.0 format. 4.4 Q.822/Q.823 extensions are always loaded Once the extension subset has been installed, any customization will load the Q.822 and Q.823 extensions, even when there are not needed. To avoid this, rename the installed Announce directories : “mv /usr/opt/XKQ100/toolkit/extension/AnnounceQ822 /usr/opt/XKQ100/toolkit/extension/Announce-Q822” “mv /usr/opt/XKQ100/toolkit/extension/AnnounceQ823 /usr/opt/XKQ100/toolkit/extension/Announce-Q823” 5 Known problems This section contains the list of known problems present in this current release. 5.1 Exception when ASCII AM is stopped TEMIP_GATV2 QAR 012 When stopping the AM, an exception is thrown at the end of the termination : EF_RT: Unexpected exception in scheduling thread disabling EF” This has no impact on the AM itself. It can be normally restarted. 5.2 Map table not displayed in dialog editor TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#048 : previously defined map table not displayed in dialog editor Suppose I bind a directive D1 having one input parameter P1 to a command C Because P1 is of type enumeration I can define a mapping table for it. (The alternative is to use the default table produced from presentation name) I use the change map/new map menu and create a map table (MY_TABLE) Now I bind another directive D2 having the same input parameter P1 The MY_TABLE table is not available as a valid map table in the list of known tables. However if it specify MY_TABLE as the table to be used, it is accepted and the values previously defined are displayed. 5.3 Negative delay in passthrough scripts TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#067 : negative delay in passthrough open script= infinite When you have a negative delay in the open session command file, this is not considered as being null, and it waits forever. The passthrough window cannot be used. Another bad consequence is that the connection is never terminated when closing the window, and they must be closed by suspending the CC. 5.4 Cannot expand TFC template header for a class TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#112 : the TFC template header of a class not always expanded When trying to expand the TFC template header file for a standard GAT class, you may get an error : Error: "GenerateClassDefIncludeFile" failed opening file, Model:OID/1.123 This problem comes from the /var/tmp/GAT200 directory permissions. This directory is used in some cases to store temporary files The first GAT user on the machine creates this temp. directory, and if another user uses a GUI menu storing some files in it, he can get such IO errors. The work-around consists in setting the write permission for anybody. 6 Restrictions This section contains a list of known restrictions, for which no correction is scheduled in a maintenance release. 6.1 Compiling big customization TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#008 : compiling big customization When compiling a big customization, you may have the following error : Fatal: Insufficient virtual memory to continue compilation. It means that the C++ compiler cannot allocate enough memory to be able to compile the generated GAT files. This error is due to a system limit, and the work-around consists in tuning it using sysconfigdb and/or ulimit (shell command). For example: per-proc-data-size = 1073741824 max-per-proc-data-size = 1073741824 6.2 Make AM Menu TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#009 : First "make AM" after changing AM name field. There are some problems the first time "make AM" is invoked after changing the AM name field in the Global GUI. When invoking the make system with target Model then the model compiler is invoked. After that, the make system recursively calls itself in order to have the new make.include information to be taken into account (especially the new filenames, based on class/AM names). When returning from the recursive make the make system continues to its original make (e.g. it might have been in the overall process of making a full AM). However as this uses the old make.include there might be a target that is not possible (for instance the "old" module C++ file has been renamed with the new module name, but the make still tries to compile the "old" module C++ file) The solution consists in restarting the "make AM", and it works. 6.3 Reusing class name TEMIP_GATV2 QAR 022 A class name cannot be reused in the model It happens when the user wants to generate the code according to his needs. Due to a TFC restriction, it is not possible to use the same name for two classes. This restriction is propagated to the GAT itself. This restriction appears at compilation time. 6.4 Binding directives and ASCII commands ? TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#040 Impossible to bind simple and complex response arguments to different commands There is an error generated if you try to bind, for a given directive a "simple" response argument to a command out parameter and a field of a"complex" response argument to another command out parameter. It is forbidden if the out parameters are from the same command (normal), but the case described above should be allowed. Example : directive dir1 bound to : open com1 com2 close dir1 response argument : simple - Latin 1 String complex - seq of record (field1, field2) com1 : outP1 com2 : outP1, outP2 If you customize the following binding you will get an error: dir1 / simple ---> com1 / outP1 dir1 / complex / field1 ---> com2 / outP1 field2 ---> com2 / outP2 6.5 No open/close commands on standard directives TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#049 : when create/delete/show/set are bound to a dialog, open/close commands are not inserted by default In the dialog manager, for all ASCII directives, open and close commands are provided as a default in the list of related command. If the create/delete/show/set is to be bound to a dialog, this rule is not applied. As a consequence, if open/close statements are not added, a compilation error is raised. 6.6 Using the option Default object = generic TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#074 : generic set of files are not all valid The "generic" feature enables to use the GAT GUI as a Visual TeMIP editor, but it is not part of the GAT V2.0 specifications. This feature is a "side-effect" of the new code generation concept, based on the use of TFC template files. It is used for demonstration purpose, but is not guaranteed at all, and will be not supported. Note that this option is not set by default. 6.7 Installing the passthrough application TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#107 The passthrough application not installed as part of "local" installation using the menu AM-complete install. It means that the user must generate the kit, and install the GATXXXPMNNN subset in order to be able to run this application. 6.8 SaveCust extension hook not called first time TEMIP_GATV2 QAR#92 when an extension adds a “SaveCust” procedure to the toolkit, this procedure is not always called Here is the scenario: 1. Start a new proj, enter AM name, Kit name, ... 2. Load the q822 Extension. 3. Save the proj. Under this scenario, SaveCust is not invoked. The work-around consists in saving it again. This misfunctioning does not happen when you open an existing customization. Copyright © 1998 by Digital Equipment Corporation Page 3 of 19