1 ________________________________________________________________ Release Notes: InfoBroker Server Version 2.2 for Digital UNIX The following sections contain release notes for the InfoBroker Server V2.2. 1.1 Server Release Notes o The InfoBroker Server is Year 2000 compliant. o The InfoBroker Server supports all variations of Versions 1 and 2 of the LDAP protocol. o The InfoBroker Server supports the following LDAP functions: bind, search, add, modify, modifyrdn, delete, unbind. o The Version 2.2 installation process saves your Version 1.n oidtable.* files in /var/ibx. If you customized your schema for the InfoBroker Version 1.0 or 1.0A server, you can find your customized oidtable.* files in /var/ibx. To customize the schema for the InfoBroker Version 2.2, edit the .sc files using information from the oidtable.* files as a guide. See the InfoBroker Server Administration Guide for more information regarding customizing your schema. o The InfoBroker Server does not support attributes that have object identifiers (OIDs) whose sub part is greater than 4,294,967,295. o When a server is already running on the system, the InfoBroker startup command falsely reports having started a second server daemon. If you attempt to start the InfoBroker server when one is already running on the system, the startup procedure will not detect this and will falsely indicate that the server has started. If you check the /var/ibx/ibx.log Release Notes: InfoBroker Server Version 2.2 for Digital UNIX 1-1 Release Notes: InfoBroker Server Version 2.2 for Digital UNIX 1.1 Server Release Notes file, you will see the following entry at the end of the file: Digital Equipment Corporation InfoBroker Server V2.2 (Mon Feb 23 13:54:04 GMT 1998) Began execution on Tue Feb 24 12:44:36 1998 Using X.500 Not able to connect on TCP Not able to listen on DECnet for LDAP Not able to listen on DECnet for DMW Not able to connect on TCP The 4 lines at the end indicate that the server was unable to listen on any of its ports, due to the server that is already running. o If you specify a NULL string as the search-base argument, the InfoBroker starts searching at the top of the directory tree. o The InfoBroker falsely reports the status of searches that exceed the time limit. A search request that exceeds the time limit before any matches are discovered returns LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT, rather than LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED. If the X.500 DSA finds matching entries before the time limit is exceeded, the matching entries are returned along with the LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED error. 1.2 Client API Library Release Notes The InfoBroker Client API Library attempts to bind using V2 of the LDAP protocol. If the bind fails for any reason, the client API library attempts to re-bind using V1. It attempts the re-bind transparently to the calling application. 1-2 Release Notes: InfoBroker Server Version 2.2 for Digital UNIX Release Notes: InfoBroker Server Version 2.2 for Digital UNIX 1.3 MailWorks Release Notes 1.3 MailWorks Release Notes o If you use the InfoBroker Server Version 2.2 with a version of MailWorks previous to MailWorks Version 1.5, then you must edit the /usr/opt/MAILworksrc file. If you use the InfoBroker Server Version 2.2 with a version of MailWorks previous to MailWorks Version 1.5, then you must perform the following edits to the /usr /opt/MAILworksrc file: o If running TCP/IP, change DAXportid from 389 to 3883. o If running DECnet, change DAXportid from LDAP_SERVER to DMW_LDAP_SERVER. Release Notes: InfoBroker Server Version 2.2 for Digital UNIX 1-3