DEC/EDI Version 3.2B Release Notes This document provides supplemental information about DEC/EDI Version 3.2B. This includes DEC/EDI Application Client and Server for OpenVMS AXP, OpenVMS VAX and Digital UNIX, DEC/EDI Application Client for Sun Solaris and HP-UX, and DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter for use with OpenVMS and Digital UNIX Servers. It includes notes on restric- tions, and known problems. fringenexistingrorefuturehpatenturights,lnorodoithe descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. __________ Copyright ©Compaq Computer Corporation 1997, 1998, 1999 All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. COMPAQ, DIGITAL, DIGITAL UNIX, and the COMPAQ and DIGITAL logos Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. DECconnect, HSZ, StorageWorks, VMS, and OpenVMS are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation. AIX is registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. FTP Software is a trademark of FTP SOFTWARE, INC. HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle, Oracle Rdb, and Oracle RMU are all registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. RDF is a trademark of Touch Technologies, Inc. SGI is a registered trademark of Chemical Bank. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. StorageTek is a registered trademark of Storage Technology Corporation. SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. Windows and Windows NT are both trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. 1 Contents ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 DOCUMENT CONTENT 1-1 1.2 NEW USERS 1-2 1.3 EXISTING USERS 1-2 ________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 MAJOR NEW FEATURES 2-1 2.1 SUPPORT FOR COMMANDCENTER MAPPING TABLE EDITOR ON OPENVMS 2-1 2.1.1 Additional Features provided by the Mapping Table Editor 2-1 2.2 SUPPORT FOR EDIFACT CONTRL MESSAGE 2-2 2.3 SUPPORT FOR ACCESS CONTROLS 2-3 2.4 SUPPORT FOR BUSINESS REFERENCES 2-3 2.5 COCKPIT SUPPORTS ALL SERVER PLATFORMS 2-3 2.6 UNIFIED DOCUMENTATION SET 2-3 2.7 SUPPORT FOR EDIFACT NUMBERING SCHEME 7 2-4 2.8 SUPPORT FOR X400 SUBJECT FIELD 2-4 iii 2.9 SUPPORT FOR SENDER'S REFERENCE (SNRF) 2-4 2.10 SUPPORT FOR OBJECT BROKER REMOVED 2-4 2.11 SUPPORT FOR VMS V2.1D REMOVED 2-4 2.12 EV6 COMPLAINCE 2-5 ________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 3 CORRECTED PROBLEMS 3-1 3.1 CORRECTED PROBLEMS IN COCKPIT 3-1 3.1.1 When defining new views, the title reverts to 'Untitled' 3-1 3.1.2 Cockpit crashing with unhandled exception 3-1 3.1.3 Reprocessing FAILED document to AVAILABLE results in 'Map Produced no output' 3-1 3.2 CORRECTED PROBLEMS IN COMMANCENTER 3-2 3.2.1 Mapping Table Editor test indicatore is always 'live' 3-2 3.2.2 MTE-Window resizes 3-2 3.2.3 Pageup/pagedown keys not functioning consistently 3-3 3.2.4 The following problems were seen in the mapping table editor 3-3 3.2.5 User Access Control Editor may be displayed with scroll bars 3-4 3.2.6 Problems editing the control numbers 3-4 3.3 CORRECTED PROBLEMS IN DEC/EDI SERVER ON DIGITAL UNIX 3-4 3.3.1 The ANA version in the Tradacoms STX segment cannot be modified 3-4 3.3.2 'Status' qualifier gives 'Bad Item List' 3-5 iv 3.3.3 Database migration problem from DEC/EDI V3.1A to DEC/EDI V3.2. 3-5 3.3.4 Incoming Transmission Files for Connections defined as MIXED are not handled correctly 3-5 3.3.5 Incorrect handling of inbound transmissions containing newline characters. 3-5 3.3.6 Incomplete interchange in transmission file crashes communications control CCID 3-6 3.3.7 Error updating row in database table CLF 3-6 3.3.8 Outgoing transmission files sent via OFTP fail 3-6 3.3.9 EDI client points out incorrect EDI server in error message 3-6 3.3.10 Multiple Posts/Fetches/Tracks fail 3-7 3.3.11 Trade Post failing with 'Unable read client server message' 3-7 3.3.12 Functional Acknowledgements get stuck 3-7 3.3.13 decedi_repair failed during repairing duplicate file names 3-7 3.3.14 SMTP gateway creates transmissions files with same name 3-8 3.3.15 Inbound SMTP trans files get stuck in identifying 3-8 3.3.16 Control numbers are not handled correctly 3-8 3.3.17 Right overpunched numerics giving wrong value for negative numbers 3-9 3.3.18 Incompatibility with MAX_CSF 3-9 3.3.19 $TIMESTAMP function when performed on a binary date returns an incorrect value 3-9 3.3.20 Inbound document with MSG01 element having more than 255 characters fails 3-9 3.3.21 Trade Fetch did not fetch all the documents 3-10 v 3.4 CORRECTED PROBLEMS IN DEC/EDI SERVER ON OPEN VMS 3-10 3.4.1 Canceling EDIFACT docs leaves .CNTRL files in DECEDI$TEMP 3-10 3.4.2 Problems with UCX 5.1 3-10 3.4.3 Problems with Business Reference when passed through the map 3-10 3.4.4 EDI clients can't post/fetch documents 3-11 3.4.5 Incorrect number of characters after the decimal point from a zero division 3-11 3.4.6 Unable to Open Log File 3-11 3.4.7 $ROUND returns invalid argument when parameter is greater than 0 and less than 1 3-11 3.4.8 DEC/EDI 'Document Audit Global Variables' not working. 3-12 3.4.9 Tracking Reference qualifier was accepting only 20 characters 3-12 3.4.10 No return of internal reference numbers for all successful operations 3-12 3.4.11 Trade posts done simultaneously or using sys$batch queue gives errors 3-12 3.4.12 EDI client points out incorrect EDI server in error message 3-13 3.4.13 Invalid duplicate maps being generated 3-13 3.4.14 FILEBRIDGE can't compile table that use "IBM ZONED NUMERIC" 3-13 3.4.15 FILEBRIDGE can not gracefully handle 20 application IDs 3-13 3.4.16 Seg #s in ACK report and doc error report don't match 3-14 3.4.17 Outbound 997 failing after partial creation 3-14 3.4.18 X12 translator crashes with access violation 3-14 3.4.19 ISA03 value of '00' not allowing non matching chars is ISA04 3-14 3.4.20 Sun Client command 'trade track' fails 3-15 3.4.21 DEC/EDI does not allow override control of the MH_T_EXTERNAL_EITS field in an X.400 envelope 3-15 vi 3.4.22 EDIN notification problem 3-15 3.4.23 Reconnect to MTA gateway 3-15 3.4.24 Inbound transmission with connection syntax=MIXED cause incorrect error handling 3-16 3.4.25 Problems with window state staying OFF for all connections 3-16 3.4.26 DECEDI$PS 'leaks' open channels on mailboxes 3-16 3.4.27 Transmission File Splitter can't match Application Interchange Route against partner profile 3-16 3.4.28 DECEDI$TFS process does not process files 3-17 3.4.29 Problems with transmission files with record format length greater than 10240 3-17 3.4.30 Confusing N1 segments in 820s and 859s 003010 3-17 3.4.31 TFB stripping spaces in ISA 3-17 3.4.32 Import/export gateway creates nevertheless a record in the database when file is locked by another process 3-18 3.4.33 Support for more then 999 store directories 3-18 3.4.34 DECEDI$TAILOR deletes only latest version of file during 'Move storage directories to a different disk or directory' operation 3-18 3.4.35 PCI segment problem in EDIFACT 3-19 3.4.36 Error canceling failed document 3-19 3.4.37 Use of '^' as Segment Terminator 3-19 3.4.38 Registration of nodes with '-' character 3-19 3.4.39 VAX ECO Kit IVP fails with multiple file problems 3-19 3.4.40 Intermittent problems to fetch documents after upgrade of DEC/EDI V2.1D -> V3.2 3-20 3.4.41 Mapper not loading sub-element definition properly for type ID 3-20 3.4.42 Trade command fails when issued through a unpriviledged account 3-20 vii ________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 4 KNOWN PROBLEMS 4-1 4.1 KNOWN PROBLEMS IN THE MAPPER 4-1 4.1.1 EDIFACT Segment SCC can have Repeat Count of 0 4-1 4.1.2 $DATE() function to be used only for intermediate conversions on DIGITAL UNIX 4-2 4.1.3 Extended Division and Extended Multiplication not supported on UNIX 4-2 4.2 KNOWN PROBLEMS IN THE TRANSLATION SERVICES 4-2 4.2.1 TFBs may not map to new profile caches 4-2 4.2.2 UCS Rn data type is not supported by DEC/EDI 4-4 4.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS IN THE COCKPIT 4-4 4.3.1 Problems when resetting large numbers of documents or transmission files 4-4 4.3.2 GUI Server error when viewing files that don't exist 4-5 4.3.3 'You do not have privilege' message when fail to login to Server 4-5 4.3.4 Cockpit can crash viewing an OpenVMS error log with short nodename 4-6 4.3.5 Viewing the bottom of the error log does not go quite to the bottom 4-6 4.4 KNOWN PROBLEMS IN THE COMMANDCENTER 4-6 4.4.1 Network Tester can crash with OracleRDB on Windows 95 4-6 viii ________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 5 PROBLEMS WITH SOLUTIONS 5-1 5.0.1 OpenVMS Servers which do not have DECnet Plus installed and running 5-1 5.0.2 'Unlink' Error when Post/Fetch Server (TCP) Processes Timeout 5-2 5.0.3 VAX Systems May be too Slow to Start a Child Process 5-2 5.0.4 Error During Upgrade From FileBridge or DEC/EDI V2.0 5-3 5.0.5 Problems with Microsoft Office 97 and Oracle 7 ODBC drivers 5-4 ________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 6 APPLICATION CLIENT RELEASE NOTES 6-1 6.1 MAJOR NEW FEATURES 6-1 6.2 COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS RELEASES 6-1 6.2.1 UNIX Track Selection List is Comma Separated 6-1 6.2.2 EV6 complaince 6-1 6.2.3 Support for Object Broker removed 6-2 6.2.4 Support for VMS V2.1D removed 6-2 6.2.5 Support for Edifact Numbering Scheme 7 6-2 6.2.6 Support for X400 Subject Field 6-2 6.2.7 Support for Sender's Reference (SNRF) 6-2 ix Chapter 1 Introduction ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 1.1 Document Content This document forms the release notes for the follow- ing products: o DEC/EDI for OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM], V3.2B. This prod- uct contains both application client and server components for the OpenVMS VAX platform. o DEC/EDI for OpenVMS Alpha[TM], V3.2B. This prod- uct contains both application client and server components for the OpenVMS Alpha platform. o DEC/EDI for Digital UNIX[TM], V3.2B. This prod- uct contains both application client and server components for the Digital UNIX platform. o DEC/EDI Cockpit, V3.2B. This product contains the DEC/EDI Cockpit and Access Control Editor for use with DEC/EDI for Digital UNIX and DEC/EDI for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha servers. o DEC/EDI CommandCenter, V3.2B. This product contains the DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter applica- tions for use with DEC/EDI for Digital UNIX and DEC/EDI for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha servers, and online documentation in Adobe[TM] Acrobat [TM] format. Introduction 1-1 All information in this document applies equally to all of the above products unless specifically stated otherwise. The information in Chapter 6 is common to all Application Clients. In addition to the OpenVMS and Digital UNIX Application Clients this also includes the following: o DEC/EDI for Sun[TM] Solaris[TM], V3.2B. This prod- uct contains the DEC/EDI application client for the Sun Solaris platform. o DEC/EDI for HP-UX[TM], V3.2B. This product con- tains the DEC/EDI application client for the HP-UX platform. __________________________________________________________ 1.2 New Users If you are a new user of DEC/EDI, you should fol- low the installation instructions for the product contained in DEC/EDI: Installation. You are also rec- ommended to read DEC/EDI: Introduction which gives an overview of DEC/EDI describing the main components of the system and explaining how the system processes business data. __________________________________________________________ 1.3 Existing Users If you are an existing user of DEC/EDI, you should follow the installation instructions for the product contained in DEC/EDI: Installation. DEC/EDI for OpenVMS VAX, V3.2B supports installation over previous OpenVMS VAX versions of the product. Specifically it may be installed over: o DEC/EDI V2.1D o DEC/EDI V2.1C o DEC/EDI V2.1B 1-2 Introduction o DEC/EDI V2.1A o DEC/EDI V2.1 o DEC/EDI V1.3 o DEC/EDI FileBridge V1.1 Note that it may not be installed over any other versions. DEC/EDI for OpenVMS Alpha V3.2B supports installation over previous OpenVMS Alpha versions of the product. Specifically it may be installed over: o DEC/EDI V2.1D o DEC/EDI V2.1C o DEC/EDI V2.1B o DEC/EDI V2.1A o DEC/EDI V2.1 DEC/EDI for Digital UNIX V3.2B supports installation over previous Digital UNIX versions of the product. Specifically it may be installed over: o DEC/EDI V3.1A o DEC/EDI V3.1 o DEC/EDI V3.0 Introduction 1-3 Chapter 2 Major New Features ________________________________________________________________ This chapter outlines the major new features intro- duced in DEC/EDI V3.2B since the previous release. __________________________________________________________ 2.1 Support for CommandCenter Mapping Table Editor on OpenVMS The Mapping Table Editor component of the DEC/EDI CommandCenter may be used to develop Mapping Tables for integrating business applications for both OpenVMS and Digital UNIX Server platforms. The DEC/EDI Server for OpenVMS now supports the Mapping Table Editor as a feature-rich alternative to using the FileBridge development interface. Use of the Mapping Table Editor requires the DEC/EDI CommandCenter license to be installed on the Server, using the License Management Facility (LMF). __________________________________________________________ 2.1.1 Additional Features provided by the Mapping Table Editor The Mapping Table Editor provides the following addi- tional features, which are not available through the FileBridge development interface: o Shared Lookups Lookup tables may be shared between Mapping Tables, by use of a server-resident table. Major New Features 2-1 o Enhanced Audit Trail Access In the inbound direction, the Mapping Service may access many of the fields in the translation ser- vices audit record for the document currently being processed, by the use of global variables. o Support for Business References Business references may be used and assigned in mapping statements, by the use of global variables. __________________________________________________________ 2.2 Support for EDIFACT CONTRL Message The EDIFACT Syntax and Service Report Message (CONTRL), Version D, Release 3, is now supported by the translation services on both OpenVMS and Digital UNIX Server platforms. The CONTRL message is a message that syntactically acknowledges or rejects with error indication, a received interchange, functional group or document. DEC/EDI implements a syntactical check of the re- ceived interchange and any functional groups and documents it contains. DEC/EDI returns a CONTRL message that acknowledges receipt of the interchange itself and details of any failing functional groups or documents within the interchange. Any documents or functional groups not explicitly referenced in the CONTRL message are assumed to be syntactically correct. The user may optionally specify that the CONTRL mes- sage should contain an indication of the success or failure of all documents and functional groups within the interchange, by setting the functional acknowledgement flag to DOC. The EDIFACT CONTRL message is provided as a separate message dictionary as part of the DEC/EDI Message Updates service. 2-2 Major New Features __________________________________________________________ 2.3 Support for Access Controls The DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter products in- clude a new application, the Access Control Editor, which enables an authorized user to manage access to particular aspects of the DEC/EDI system. Access controls may be used to restrict the set of applications or trading partners that a particular Cockpit user may view, and whether they may perform reset operations or modify data. These act as a fil- ter, so the user may only access the audit data that they are authorized to access. Access control may also be used to identify whether a particular user may use the Cockpit only, or may use the other CommandCenter applications. __________________________________________________________ 2.4 Support for Business References The user may assign up to five business reference values, using the Client/Server API or Command Line Interface (TRADE command), or within the Mapping Service, in both the inbound or outbound directions. Documents may subsequently be tracked via the API or Command Line Interface, or via the INTERCHANGE command (OpenVMS Server) or Cockpit (OpenVMS and Digital UNIX Servers). __________________________________________________________ 2.5 Cockpit supports all Server platforms The DEC/EDI Cockpit supports simultaneous access to both OpenVMS and Digital UNIX servers. __________________________________________________________ 2.6 Unified Documentation Set Much of the user documentation has been unified across all platforms. In particular, the following books cover all platforms: Major New Features 2-3 __________________________________________________________ 2.7 Support for Edifact Numbering Scheme 7 DEC/EDI supports Edifact Numbering Scheme 7. __________________________________________________________ 2.8 Support for X400 Subject Field The user now has a provision to give a subject for outbound processing through X400 gateway. This can be done using the 'connection_data' qualifier while issuing the trade command. This is now provided only for posting of an application data file only. The maximum length of the subject is 20 characters. __________________________________________________________ 2.9 Support for Sender's Reference (SNRF) TRADACOMS standard defines the SNRF field to be an alphanumeric value of 14 characters. The SNRF field appears in the transmission file header. DEC/EDI was not designed to populate the SNRF field with alphanu- meric value. This functionality is now incorporated in DEC/EDI. Please refer 'TRADACOMS_USER_DEFINED_ NUMBERING_SCHEME.TXT' for a complete documentation on this feature. __________________________________________________________ 2.10 Support for Object Broker removed DEC/EDI does not provide support for object broker. __________________________________________________________ 2.11 Support for VMS V2.1D removed DEC/EDI Engineering has stopped support for V2.1D VMS. 2-4 Major New Features __________________________________________________________ 2.12 EV6 complaince DEC/EDI is now EV6 complaint. o Release Notes This document, which provides information that should be read prior to installing or upgrading to DEC/EDI V3.2B. o Introduction This book provides an introduction to DEC/EDI, its components and architecture. o Installation This book covers installation and basic configura- tion of a DEC/EDI system, and covers all supported platforms, including setting up the database and network interface for use by DEC/EDI. A configuration example is used to assist with ver- ification that the system is configured correctly, and to provide an introduction to using some of the DEC/EDI components. o Application Development This book covers the DEC/EDI Client/Server Application Programming Interface (API) and Command Line Interface (CLI), and setting up and using the Mapping Service in detail. The following books are specific to the Server plat- form you are using. o Digital UNIX User Support Manual This book covers all aspects of configuring, main- taining and setting up the DEC/EDI server, and troubleshooting the DEC/EDI Server. o OpenVMS User Support Manual Volume 1 Major New Features 2-5 This book covers all aspects of configuring, main- taining and setting up the DEC/EDI Server. It in- cludes reference material on the DEC/EDI commands, and a tutorial style section on using the Mapping Service. o OpenVMS User Support Manual Volume 2 This book covers troubleshooting and solving prob- lems on the DEC/EDI Server, and information on the error messages that may be logged by the DEC/EDI system. The full user documentation suite, is provided on- line in Adobe[TM] Acrobat[TM] format on the DEC/EDI CommandCenter CD-ROM. 2-6 Major New Features Chapter 3 Corrected Problems ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 3.1 Corrected problems in cockpit __________________________________________________________ 3.1.1 When defining new views, the title reverts to 'Untitled' When defining a new view, if the user gives a title for the newly defined view, upon selecting the next field in the dialog box, the title reverts back to "Untitled". This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.1.2 Cockpit crashing with unhandled exception One specific variable which holds the information about the transmission file was never allocated memory, and hence a string copy operation on this variable caused an fatal exception and crashed the cockpit. This has been suitably fixed by allocating enough memory for the variable. __________________________________________________________ 3.1.3 Reprocessing FAILED document to AVAILABLE results in 'Map Produced no output' From Cockpit,when a 'FAILED' document is reprocessed to 'AVAILABLE' state,the subsequent trade fetches fails with 'Map produced No Output' error. This prob- lem is fixed now. Corrected Problems 3-1 __________________________________________________________ 3.2 Corrected problems in CommanCenter __________________________________________________________ 3.2.1 Mapping Table Editor test indicatore is always 'live' When a mapping table having test indicator as 'part- ner test'(or translator test or local test) in its table attributes, is compiled using the Mapping table Editor from Windows95/NT and copied to a VMS DEC/EDI server, the subsequent trade fetch failed to rec- ognize the set test indicator. This problem occured as there is no option in MTE like the "test mode" of VMS File Bridge Interface.As a result, the Test Mode is hard coded as 'LIVE'. To fix this problem patch a new field called 'Test Mode' has been added to the MTE table attributes screen.To set this field, se- lect the Mapping Table Attributes screen (by double clicking on the Mapping Table name) In the screen, a new field named 'Test Mode' can be found. It can be set to either of 'Live'or\ 'Test'.For 'Live' trade commands, set it as 'Live'. For other tests like 'Partner test','translator test' or 'Local test'- set this field to 'Test'. __________________________________________________________ 3.2.2 MTE-Window resizes In Mapping Table Editor, when the 'Mappings' screen is active and maximized, switching to another window (like 'Record Layouts' window) resizes the 'Mappings' window. This 'MTE-Window resizing' problem is fixed now. 3-2 Corrected Problems __________________________________________________________ 3.2.3 Pageup/pagedown keys not functioning consistently When the Mapping Table Editor is opened for the first time, and a map is opened (FBI file) in it, page- down/pageup keys were not functioning consistently in the 'Mappings..' window. This problem has been fixed now. __________________________________________________________ 3.2.4 The following problems were seen in the mapping table editor EDI || MTE Window being resized when adding assig- ment. When a new mapping assignment in inserted into the mappings screen,(using right click -> Insert Before/After) the nodes in the mappings screen gets collapsed and the cursor points to an arbitrary loca- tion in the tree. This problem is fixed now. EDI || No menu for initializations. There is no con- text sensitive menu (by clicking right mouse button) available in the 'initializations' screen and the 'Hooks' screen. Now this has been provided. EDI || MTE has inconsistent behaviour with F2 key. The F2 key is found not working in the 'initial- izations' screen and the 'Hooks' screen. This patch fixes this bug. EDI || Add lookup table fails in MTE. When a new lookup table is added for the first time in MTE to a new fbi file, it is not displayed in the 'lookups' screen. This window refresh problem is also fixed in this release. Corrected Problems 3-3 __________________________________________________________ 3.2.5 User Access Control Editor may be displayed with scroll bars On displays where the User Access Control Editor completely fills up the screen, or is too large for the screen, the editor may be displayed with vertical scrollbars. In this circumstance it is necessary to use the scrollbars to make the buttons at the bottom and fields at the top visible. __________________________________________________________ 3.2.6 Problems editing the control numbers In Command Center - Trading Partner Editor, problems were found when editing the control numbers for a document. 1. When a new profile is created, the con- trol numbers of an existing document is reused. 2. For ODETTE documents editing the control numbers were not possible. __________________________________________________________ 3.3 Corrected Problems in DEC/EDI Server on Digital UNIX __________________________________________________________ 3.3.1 The ANA version in the Tradacoms STX segment cannot be modified The default ANA version in the Tradacoms STX was 1 and could not modified. This problem is fixed with the help of an environment variable "ANA_VERSION" which can to set to the required ANA version value. 3-4 Corrected Problems __________________________________________________________ 3.3.2 'Status' qualifier gives 'Bad Item List' Trade track command with 'status' qualifier gives "Bad Item List". This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.3 Database migration problem from DEC/EDI V3.1A to DEC/EDI V3.2. During migration, the older script updated one of the 'date' fields in the 'tlf' and 'tla' tables with blank spaces. This caused the update SQL statements to fail. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.4 Incoming Transmission Files for Connections defined as MIXED are not handled correctly When an incoming transmission file is processed through a connection which is of type 'MIXED', the interchange is not translated and it goes to the state 'TRANS_AVAILABLE'. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.5 Incorrect handling of inbound transmissions containing newline characters. DEC/EDI does not process inbound transmissions that contain newline characters correctly. This problem is fixed. Corrected Problems 3-5 __________________________________________________________ 3.3.6 Incomplete interchange in transmission file crashes communications control CCID When a transmission file containing partial inter- change is processed, it crashes the communications controller. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.7 Error updating row in database table CLF DEC/EDI receives 'error updating row in database table CLF' when INS transmission is changing from SENDING to SENT. This occurs in oracle DB when two or more transmission files are created in same second. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.8 Outgoing transmission files sent via OFTP fail Outgoing transmission sent via OFTP periodically fails with INS protocol violation. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.9 EDI client points out incorrect EDI server in error message EDI client points out incorrect EDI server in error message. This problem occurs when the application-id in trade post command is shorter than matching app-id in decedi_servers.dat. This problem is fixed. 3-6 Corrected Problems __________________________________________________________ 3.3.10 Multiple Posts/Fetches/Tracks fail When issuing multiple trade commands (multiple posts or fetches or tracks), some of the commands fails with 'Unable to read the client server message' er- ror. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.11 Trade Post failing with 'Unable read client server message' When doing trade posts simultaneously, the trade command used to come out with "Unable read client server message" this used to happen as client used to time out for 30 seconds which was hard coded. The time out parameter is now tuneable which the user has to set that in the range of 30 secs to 3600 secs. This has to be set in the environment using the environmental variable DECEDI_CLIENT_TIMEOUT of the client process. The default value is 30 seconds. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.12 Functional Acknowledgements get stuck Outbound 997s get stuck in converted. All other doc- uments continue to process normally. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.13 decedi_repair failed during repairing duplicate file names Duplicate transmission files cannot be archived and stay in the audit database. This problem is fixed. Corrected Problems 3-7 __________________________________________________________ 3.3.14 SMTP gateway creates transmissions files with same name The DEC/EDI SMTP gateway creates transmission file names in the same format as the TFB. As a result some times an outbound and inbound transmission files are created with the same name. Since only one can exist in the database the inbound trans- mission file is treated as an invalid transmission file. The file name format for the new inbound mail messages in /var/adm/decedi/smtp_store directory is changed. The char I is prefixed. The new format: IDDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC_CONNID.MESSAGE. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.15 Inbound SMTP trans files get stuck in identifying If you send the DEC/EDI SMTP Gateway a simple message with no Mime encoding (see the example below), it creates a new inbound transmission file that gets stuck at IDENTIFYING. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.16 Control numbers are not handled correctly When using the Trading Partner Editor of Command Center, the Control numbers (Interchange control num- ber,Document control number) stored for one Trading Partner Profile is used by other Profiles. This re- sulted in modifying the control numbers of one pro- file when another trading partner profile's control numbers are modified. This problem is fixed. 3-8 Corrected Problems __________________________________________________________ 3.3.17 Right overpunched numerics giving wrong value for negative numbers The negatives values are incorrectly mapped when right overpunched numeric data type is used in MTE. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.18 Incompatibility with MAX_CSF There was some incompatibility with the maximum num- ber of supported CSF processes. The MAX_CSF is now supported is 32. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.19 $TIMESTAMP function when performed on a binary date returns an incorrect value $TIMESTAMP(6) function was resulting in a wrong value. This function with argument '6' as given, will produce the output in 'YYMMDD' format. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.20 Inbound document with MSG01 element having more than 255 characters fails MSG01 was not accepting more than 255 characters while standards permit 263 characters. This problem is fixed. Corrected Problems 3-9 __________________________________________________________ 3.3.21 Trade Fetch did not fetch all the documents The test indicator value given was being totally ignored. So the mapper would fetch docs belonging to a specific test indicator and ignore the rest. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4 Corrected problems in DEC/EDI Server on Open VMS __________________________________________________________ 3.4.1 Canceling EDIFACT docs leaves .CNTRL files in DECEDI$TEMP When inbound transmission file fails .CNTRL files are created in DECEDI$TEMP: directory. When Cockpit is used to cancel the failed documents the following error occurs. "The connection to the server has been closed when receiving, in: SKT_COMMAND". This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.2 Problems with UCX 5.1 All trade commands would fail on VAX VMS running UCX 5.1. This problem is fixed __________________________________________________________ 3.4.3 Problems with Business Reference when passed through the map While posting a document, if Business Reference val- ues are passed through the map, instead of the com- mand line, 2 problems were occuring. a) Only the first 20 characters were being accepted though actual length is 35. b) The fields were not being initialized correctly, due to which, shorter values were being concate- nated with the longer values passed before them. This problem is fixed. 3-10 Corrected Problems __________________________________________________________ 3.4.4 EDI clients can't post/fetch documents DECEDI$CSF_* processes becomes unusable when there is a large number of open channels. EDI clients can't post/fetch documents. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.5 Incorrect number of characters after the decimal point from a zero division If the quotient after division is 0, then the number of digits to the right of the decimal point is one less than the size as described in Filebridge/MTE definition. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.6 Unable to Open Log File If /ERROR qualifier is not specified, error log says '%FBR-E-LOGERR, Unable to Open Log File'. This prob- lem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.7 $ROUND returns invalid argument when parameter is greater than 0 and less than 1 When performing a TRADE POST or TRADE FETCH, if a call to $ROUND is made and the value passed is be- tween 0 and 1 an invalid argument (soft) error is returned. This problem is fixed. Corrected Problems 3-11 __________________________________________________________ 3.4.8 DEC/EDI 'Document Audit Global Variables' not working. DEC/EDI Document Audit Global Variables was not pick- ing up the values as it should, when test indicator is specified as partner_test. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.9 Tracking Reference qualifier was accepting only 20 characters The tracking reference qualifier was accepting only 20 characters even though the database supported 35 characters. This problem has been fixed and the tracking reference qualifier now accepts 35 charac- ters. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.10 No return of internal reference numbers for all successful operations When TRADE POSTs are submitted in a batch, not all successful responses return internal reference num- bers. The problem occurs when few CSF images are started by default although CSF_MAX is set to a higher value. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.11 Trade posts done simultaneously or using sys$batch queue gives errors When doing trade posts simultaneously or using sys$batch queue, the trade command used to come out with 'No server connect error' or 'Unable to read client server message', this used to happen as client used to time out in 30 seconds as it was hard coded. New environmental variable DECEDI_CLIENT_TIMEOUT is used for timeout. This can be set in the range of 30 3-12 Corrected Problems seconds to 3600 seconds. Default is 30 seconds. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.12 EDI client points out incorrect EDI server in error message EDI client points out incorrect EDI server in error message. This problem occurs when the application-id in trade post command is shorter than matching app-id in decedi_servers.dat. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.13 Invalid duplicate maps being generated When editing a map (from the index of MAPS), on se- lecting the save option from the popup menu displayed by pressing the DO key, filebridge duplicates the item that is being edited IF A CHANGE IS MADE TO THE MAP. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.14 FILEBRIDGE can't compile table that use "IBM ZONED NUMERIC" The FILEBRIDGE DEFINE errors when mapper table con- tains data of type IBM_ZONED NUMERIC. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.15 FILEBRIDGE can not gracefully handle 20 application IDs Filebridge would crash when more than 20 Application ID's are entered which is allowed as per specifica- tion. This problem is fixed. Corrected Problems 3-13 __________________________________________________________ 3.4.16 Seg #s in ACK report and doc error report don't match The segment number reported in the x12 997 Acknowledgement Document for the segment containing error in the incoming document is wrong. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.17 Outbound 997 failing after partial creation Outbound 997 (Functional Ack) does not build com- pletely, and then cancels itself. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.18 X12 translator crashes with access violation X12 translator crashes with access violation, when inbound transmission file is in specified for- mat(segments sequence). The crash is because of Translator try to access system memory area for certain condition. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.19 ISA03 value of '00' not allowing non matching chars is ISA04 In X12 standard, if the security code quali- fier(ISA03) is "00" DEC/EDI does not allow "No mean- ingful Information" in the security code (ISA04) in inbound transmission file. If the ISA03 has a value of "00", then the contents of the ISA04 should be ignored. Also, if the ISA01 has a value of "00", then the contents of the ISA02 should be ignored. Originally DEC/EDI would check for ISA02 and ISA04 irrespective of the values of ISA01 and ISA03. The logical 'DECEDI$X12_BYPASS_SECURITY' should be defined if the X12 standard specification is to be followed strictly. 3-14 Corrected Problems __________________________________________________________ 3.4.20 Sun Client command 'trade track' fails DEC/EDI Sun Client command 'trade track' with options '-since'/'-before' gave error. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.21 DEC/EDI does not allow override control of the MH_T_EXTERNAL_EITS field in an X.400 envelope DEC/EDI 3.2, allows no override control of the MH_ T_EXTERNAL_EITS field of an X.400 envelope. New en- vironmental variable DECEDI$PEDI_EITS_OVER is used to solve this problem. If this logical present EDI_ BPO_EDIFACT_ISO646 is used instead of EDI_BPO_UNTDI_ ISO646. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.22 EDIN notification problem DEC/EDI does not return Message Identifier in the same format as it received in EDIN Notification. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.23 Reconnect to MTA gateway DEC/EDI PEDI gateway does not reconnect after the MTA gateway has been down. This problem is fixed. Corrected Problems 3-15 __________________________________________________________ 3.4.24 Inbound transmission with connection syntax=MIXED cause incorrect error handling An unidentified access violation occurs in de- cedi$comms_control.exe image when processing inbound transmission file. When a partial transmission file occurs, the partial transmission file is copied to a file with _000 appended to the file name and the par- tial file is deleted. The problem is due the partial file details are present in CLF even though it is not physically present. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.25 Problems with window state staying OFF for all connections When DEC/EDI startup starts just before midnight and ends just after midnight the window schedule states stay OFF. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.26 DECEDI$PS 'leaks' open channels on mailboxes Each time CS process dies naturally the mailbox chan- nels are not closed by PS process. Because of this OpenChannels are kept growing. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.27 Transmission File Splitter can't match Application Interchange Route against partner profile DEC/EDI fails to match against the 'Application Interchange Route' field in partneragreements when the incomming transmission doesn't specify the corre- sponding sub-element in the UNB segment. This problem is fixed. 3-16 Corrected Problems __________________________________________________________ 3.4.28 DECEDI$TFS process does not process files Inbound transmissions get stuck in state AWAIT_ TRANSLATION. The problem seem to occur when DEC/EDI is started when there is a queue of ncomming trans- missions that are waiting to be splitted into docu- ments. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.29 Problems with transmission files with record format length greater than 10240 The transmission files which are having the record format length more than 10240 will be failed say- ing "%DECEDI-W-FAILTRANSREAD, failed transmission file read-DECEDI-E-TRNDATATRUNC, data too large for input field -DECEDI-W-TRUNCATED, record read was truncated". This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.30 Confusing N1 segments in 820s and 859s 003010 Trade post of an X12 in-house file fails because the converter thinks the second N1 segment is part of the header instead of part of the detail section. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.31 TFB stripping spaces in ISA Spaces are being stripped from ISA elements in out- bound transmission files since the ECO (V3.2A) kit. This problem is fixed. Corrected Problems 3-17 __________________________________________________________ 3.4.32 Import/export gateway creates nevertheless a record in the database when file is locked by another process Import/Export gateway first creates a record for the transmission file and then the copy routine is invoked to import it. Any failures are recorded in the status field of the record. If during the copy routine, the file is locked by another pro- cess, Import/export gateway sets the record status to FAILED and remains the record in the database. On subsequent import operation a duplicate record is de- tected and hence proceeds to rename the transmission file to .DUPLICATE. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.33 Support for more then 999 store directories The earlier upper limit of store directories was 999. DECEDI$TAILOR tool facilitates the user to create more than 999 directories, maximum being 9999. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.34 DECEDI$TAILOR deletes only latest version of file during 'Move storage directories to a different disk or directory' operation DECEDI$TAILOR, a backup tools fails when multiple versions of a file are there. This tool can now : 1. Move older versions to destination directory and delete the files and directory. 2. Delete files and directory without moving those older versions. 3. Leave the directory as it is.) 3-18 Corrected Problems __________________________________________________________ 3.4.35 PCI segment problem in EDIFACT Import of an EDIFACT file - version D97B document IFTSTA with PCI segment format as PCI' was failing though it is valid EDIFACT syntax. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.36 Error canceling failed document Access violation error is generated when canceling a failed document, even though the document gets cancelled. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.37 Use of '^' as Segment Terminator Interchange was not accepting the '^' as a Segment Terminator or a element separator while editing X12 docs. Now '^' is accepted as a Valid delimiter. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.38 Registration of nodes with '-' character While registering nodes in interchange, the '-' char- acter was not accepted as a valid character in a node name against TCP/IP host name convention. This problem is solved. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.39 VAX ECO Kit IVP fails with multiple file problems IVP for DEC/EDI ECO kit on VAX VMS fails with multi- ple failures. This problem has been fixed. Corrected Problems 3-19 __________________________________________________________ 3.4.40 Intermittent problems to fetch documents after upgrade of DEC/EDI V2.1D -> V3.2 The default mailbox size has been now modified to 20,480. This problem is fixed. AFS process is ter- minated on a regular basis. The AFS component wakes up before SYS$QIO function is completed via an AST function. The IOSB status shows status (not yet com- plete). This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.41 Mapper not loading sub-element definition properly for type ID When loading a document into the mapper is incor- rectly loads the definition. This problem is fixed. __________________________________________________________ 3.4.42 Trade command fails when issued through a unpriviledged account When trade command was given from a unpriviledged account DEC/EDI gives internal error. This problem is fixed. 3-20 Corrected Problems Chapter 4 Known Problems ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 4.1 Known Problems in the Mapper __________________________________________________________ 4.1.1 EDIFACT Segment SCC can have Repeat Count of 0 In EDIFACT Versions 1 and 901, Document ORDERS, the second segment SCC has an invalid repeat count of 0. To correct this, load the ORDERS document into the Tables Editor. Edit the invalid SCC segemnt. Set the repeat count to 1, and save to the server. Replacethe EDIFACT Tables cache. When using the invalid segment in the Mapper, the Mapper will give the following error at runtime: SEG: SCC#2 DECEDI__OUTGOING_SEG_MISSING (e), required segment not generated in document FILE=1, DOC=1 DECEDI__OPERATION_ABORTED (e), operation Aborted To correct this error edit the SCC segment as de- scribed above, load the map into the Mapping Table Editor, reimport the document definition, and recom- pile the mapping table. Known Problems 4-1 __________________________________________________________ 4.1.2 $DATE() function to be used only for intermediate conversions on DIGITAL UNIX In DEC/EDI V3.2 the $DATE() function is used for con- version to/from the VMS Binary date format. This function is fully supported in DEC/EDI V3.2 for OpenVMS. However, in DEC/EDI V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX, $DATE() should be used only for arriving at inter- mediate values, not for values to be read and/or written to an application file. The alternative function $DATE_CONVERT() should be used in place of $DATE(). See the online help for the Mapping Table Editor for information regarding the use of $DATE_CONVERT __________________________________________________________ 4.1.3 Extended Division and Extended Multiplication not supported on UNIX In DEC/EDI V3.2 on UNIX the mapper functions that perform extended division and extended multiplication are not supported. If an attempt to perform extended arithmatic is made then one of the following messages will be written to the output log file: LIB_EDIV - nyi LIB_EMUL - nyi __________________________________________________________ 4.2 Known Problems in the Translation services __________________________________________________________ 4.2.1 TFBs may not map to new profile caches This problem affects the TFBs for both X12 and Edifact translation services on all server platforms. 4-2 Known Problems As each converted outbound document reaches a TFB it is immediately processed and queued internally within the TFB, with a status of building, until the conditions are right to build the document into a transmission file. Each building document queued at the TFB has profile cache data associated with it, hence the TFBs will only map to a new profile cache if they do not have any documents queued with a status of building. The result of this is that it is possible for docu- ments to fail to build, apparently because there is no matching trading partner profile in the profile cache, even though you are sure that the profile is in the cache. This is most likely to occur on systems that have long TFB build intervals, or where outbound batching is being used. If the problem does occur then you can take either of the following steps: o Shutdown and Restart the DEC/EDI server. ( Only partial shutdown and restart are required ). o Force the TFB to empty its queues: o Set all build intervals down to a short time interval. ( Once the queues have been flushed, you can reset the build interval ). o Ensure that any batches are either completed or cancelled. If you suspect that you have this problem and need to confirm the contents of the profile cache you should use the DEC/EDI Profile Cache Viewer: o See "man decedi_pcv" on UNIX servers. o See DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$PCV.TXT on VMS servers. Known Problems 4-3 __________________________________________________________ 4.2.2 UCS Rn data type is not supported by DEC/EDI The UCC/UCS ( DEC/EDI TDCC ) standard definitions contain some elements with data type Rn. UCC/UCS data type Rn is a decimal number with a specified level of precision. An example of this data type is as follows. In an R3 element the num- ber 12.3456 would be truncated to 12.345 . The same number represented as an R1 data type would be 12.3. DEC/EDI does not support this data type. UCC/UCS el- ement definitions that have a data type of Rn will be represented in DEC/EDI as having a data type of Nn. The DEC/EDI translation services will treat this data type as "N". The DEC/EDI tables editors will not allow users to enter a data type on Nn. DEC/EDI will not apply precision to data types represented as Nn. For example: Whereas the number 12.3456 rep- resented as a UCS R1 data type should be 12.3, when represented as a DEC/EDI N1 data type it is 12.3456 __________________________________________________________ 4.3 Known problems in the Cockpit __________________________________________________________ 4.3.1 Problems when resetting large numbers of documents or transmission files From Cockpit, when resetting a large number of docu- ments of transmission files (e.g. several hundred or more) in one operation you may encounter problems. These can exhibit themselves in various ways after a number of the items have been reset, e.g.: Cockpit slows down and gradually comes to a halt A message saying Cockpit has run out of memory A message saying Cockpit could not allocate any more memory When this happens it is necessary to kill the Cockpit and possibly reboot your PC. 4-4 Known Problems The workaround is to reset a smaller number of items at a time. __________________________________________________________ 4.3.2 GUI Server error when viewing files that don't exist When viewing certain files from Cockpit, e.g. de- tailed listings, error lists and external files you may get the error 'The DEC/EDI GUI Server failed to open a file, Please refer to the Error Log for details'. The error log will contain a DECEDI__GUIERRSRC error saying there was an error opening the file and it may not exist. It will also list the filename. These files may not exists for perfectly valid rea- sons, e.g. you have configured the Server so they are not created. However, the error implies something more serious has happened. You can safely ignore these errors for files that you know shouldn't exist. __________________________________________________________ 4.3.3 'You do not have privilege' message when fail to login to Server If you fail to login to a Server (e.g. wrong pass- word) when User Access Controls are in force, then when you try again you are told e.g. 'You do not have privilege to view documents' even though you do. The workaround is to exit the Cockpit and re-start it. Known Problems 4-5 __________________________________________________________ 4.3.4 Cockpit can crash viewing an OpenVMS error log with short nodename When viewing an OpenVMS error log with Cockpit with the TCP/IP Interface, it can crash when scrolling up and down or going to the top or bottom. This may occur if you have defined the Server with the Server Nodename in the short form (e.g. edipc) rather than the long form (e.g. The workaround is to define the Server with the long form of the nodename. __________________________________________________________ 4.3.5 Viewing the bottom of the error log does not go quite to the bottom When viewing the error log with Cockpit and you se- lect to go to the bottom, and also when the error log is initially displayed, the entries displayed may not actually be the last entries. Use the down arrow key to bring the last errors into view. __________________________________________________________ 4.4 Known problems in the CommandCenter __________________________________________________________ 4.4.1 Network Tester can crash with OracleRDB on Windows 95 If your VMS DEC/EDI Server is configured with the short form of the node name, e.g. 'decedipc' instead of '', then doing the 'ODBC Test' multiple times may cause it to crash, typically after three to six times. You need not worry about this as the rest of Cockpit and CommandCenter work OK. You can work around it by using the full node name in the Server definition. 4-6 Known Problems Chapter 5 Problems with Solutions ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 5.0.1 OpenVMS Servers which do not have DECnet Plus installed and running As of OpenVMS 7.0, it is no longer necessary for an OpenVMS machine to have DECnet Plus installed and configured, the machine relying on TCP/IP connectiv- ity alone to communicate with the outside world. A by-product of DECnet Plus not being installed is that the logical SYS$NODE is left undefined. The DEC/EDI Server relies on the existance of the logical SYS$NODE, both during installation, and during the operation of the server. To allow the DEC/EDI Server to be installed and to allow it to run in a TCP/IP only environment, then the logical SYS$NODE should be defined. For example, the DEC/EDI server,, could have a line added to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM prior to starting DEC/EDI of DEFINE/SYSTEM SYS$NODE "MYNODE::" It should be noted that some of the optional compo- nents of DEC/EDI rely on DECnet Plus being installed and configured and therefore will not work in this environment. These being: Problems with Solutions 5-1 V1.3 Support Services. Client access (either local or remote) via DECnet. OFTP Communications. X.400, X.435 Communications. INS TRADANET Communications. __________________________________________________________ 5.0.2 'Unlink' Error when Post/Fetch Server (TCP) Processes Timeout On a Digital UNIX server, when Post/Fetch or Track server processes timeout, there may be this error message in the DEC/EDI error log file: Tue Jan 18 17:04:37 2000 PID = 9892 NAME = Post/Fetch Server (TCP) DECEDI__STOPPING (i), shutdown started DECEDI__CHILDTIMEOUT (i), Child server exiting as inactive for too long. Tue Jan 18 17:04:37 2000 PID = 9892 NAME = Post/Fetch Server (TCP) DECEDI__STOPPED (i), shutdown completed Tue Jan 18 17:29:40 2000 PID = 10511 NAME = Post/Fetch Server (TCP) DECEDI__SYSSRVERR (e), error calling the system service routine No such file or directory unlink This message can be safely ignored. __________________________________________________________ 5.0.3 VAX Systems May be too Slow to Start a Child Process If you have a particularly slow VAX system, it is possible that when you issue a POST, FETCH or TRACK request you will see the following error in the error log file: %DECEDI-E-CHILDSICK, Child server process, type: decedi$csf, id: 002, unable to respond to requests. -DECEDI-I-CONDLOGGED, condition logged by DECEDI$PS on node EDINOD:: at 6-OCT-1 997 10:20:46.62 The request will be rejected, but in the meantime the decedi$csf will have most likely started up. This can be verified by 5-2 Problems with Solutions checking the state of the POST, FETCH or TRACK child server processes: @DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$PS_CONTROL SHOW At least one of the child servers should be at the IDLE state-i.e. ready to accept a request. Issue the request again and it will be accepted. __________________________________________________________ 5.0.4 Error During Upgrade From FileBridge or DEC/EDI V2.0 A problem has been found when upgrading a system that has currently got FileBridge or DEC/EDI V2.0 installed. The problem occurs during execution of FBR$ARCHIVE.COM The following error can be given: %DCL-E-INVIFNEST, invalid IF-THEN-ELSE nesting structure or data inconsistency %DCL-E-INVIFNEST, invalid IF-THEN-ELSE nesting structure or data inconsistency The file SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]FBR$ARCHIVE.COM needs to be modified before performing an upgrade to DEC/EDI V3.2 in order to correct an error in an IF-THEN-ELSE structure. The following section of code shows the error: 803 $ 804 $ ! Add checking for out of sync cases where one of fbr$library and 805 $ ! fbr$audit_root is not defined and the other is 806 $! 807 $ if (library .eqs. "" .and. root .nes. "") .or. - 808 (library .nes. "" .and. root .eqs. "")) 809 $ then 810 $ err "%FBR-F-NOLIB - FBR$LIBRARY, FBR$AUDIT_ROOT definition mismatch" 811 $ goto FBR_ARCHIVE_END 812 $ endif Line 808 contains one extra close parentheses. The line should be updated to read as follows: 808 (library .nes. "" .and. root .eqs. "") Problems with Solutions 5-3 A new version of this file is shipped with the DEC/EDI V3.2 kit. However, it is necessary, during an upgrade, to execute the old command file before the new file can be installed. __________________________________________________________ 5.0.5 Problems with Microsoft Office 97 and Oracle 7 ODBC drivers If you use the 32bit CommandCenter on Windows 95 with an Oracle 7 ODBC driver, and you have Microsoft Office 97 installed on the same PC; then you may find there are errors when connecting to your Oracle 7 Server. You may get a 'Function Sequence Error' or an Oracle 7 ODBC error something like: SQLSTATE: 08003, Native Code Error: 0 Driver Message [Oracle][ODBC Oracle Driver] Connection Not Open SQLSTATE: 01000, Native Code Error: 0 Driver Message [Microsoft][ODB Driver Manager] The driver returned invalid (or failed to return) SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER: %s Or some of the CommandCenter Editors may crash when loading from or saving to the Server database. This is due to a problem with the Office 97 ODBC drivers and the Oracle 7 ODBC drivers interfering with each other. Note, it only occurs if you install ODBC drivers when installing Office 97. Oracle have provided a fix for this problem by up- grading your ODBC driver to V2. (requires SQL*NET V2.3) and then applying a patch Oracle can supply. 5-4 Problems with Solutions Chapter 6 Application Client Release Notes ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 6.1 Major New Features This chapter outlines the major new features intro- duced in DEC/EDI V3.2B since the previous release. __________________________________________________________ 6.2 Comparison with Previous Releases This section describes features in the Application Client that have changed in this release. __________________________________________________________ 6.2.1 UNIX Track Selection List is Comma Separated In previous releases the tracking selection list in the UNIX Application Client was space separated. This did not reflect what was documented, and was inconsistent with the OpenVMS Client implementation. The tracking selection list on UNIX client has been modified to be a comma separated list. __________________________________________________________ 6.2.2 EV6 complaince DEC/EDI is now EV6 complaint. Application Client Release Notes 6-1 __________________________________________________________ 6.2.3 Support for Object Broker removed DEC/EDI does not provide support for object broker. __________________________________________________________ 6.2.4 Support for VMS V2.1D removed DEC/EDI Engineering has stopped support for V2.1D VMS. __________________________________________________________ 6.2.5 Support for Edifact Numbering Scheme 7 DEC/EDI supports Edifact Numbering Scheme 7. __________________________________________________________ 6.2.6 Support for X400 Subject Field The user now has a provision to give a subject for outbound processing through X400 gateway. This can be done using the 'connection_data' qualifier while issuing the trade command. This is now provided only for posting of an application data file only. The maximum length of the subject is 20 characters. __________________________________________________________ 6.2.7 Support for Sender's Reference (SNRF) TRADACOMS standard defines the SNRF field to be an alphanumeric value of 14 characters. The SNRF field appears in the transmission file header. DEC/EDI was not designed to populate the SNRF field with alphanu- meric value. This functionality is now incorporated in DEC/EDI. Please refer 'TRADACOMS_USER_DEFINED_ NUMBERING_SCHEME.TXT' for a complete documentation on this feature. 6-2 Application Client Release Notes