Release Notes for HP OpenView Smart Plug-in for Databases - DB-SPI for Rdb on OpenVMS The following release notes are for the May 2007 release of the product. o Extra step required when deploying instrumentation from OVO/Windows Whenever you deploy the DBSPI instrumentation from an OVO/Windows Management Server, you must perform one additional step. Please invoke the following command: $ @ovo$instrumentation:dbspi$define_commands o Messages erroneously auto-acknowledged when multiple databases have the same file name If you configure the DB-SPI to monitor multiple databases with the same filename, problems occur that are caused by the auto-acknowledgement of message browser messages. For example, you might monitor two databases: HFS3$DKB300:[ORACLERDB.71]PERSONNEL HFS3$DKB300:[ORACLERDB.72]PERSONNEL The object name for each database is personnel, and, because the object name is used to construct the message key for the message, the name will be the same for each database. If one of the databases produces a message and the other database does not, the message for the second database auto-acknowledges the message for the database that is in violation. This might result in the operator not seeing the violation message. o Rdb DB-SPI not supported on Sun Solaris OpenView Management Server The Rdb DB-SPI is not supported on OpenView Management Servers for Sun Solaris systems. 1 o RowCacheDisabledStatus (Metric 4078) erroneously triggered for single-file databases For single-file databases, the DB-SPI currently reports that Row Cache is disabled. No action is possible: the DB-SPI should not report this as an error. o Composition of the "DBSPI-RDB: Favorites" template group The Rdb DB-SPI follows the conceptual design of DB-SPIs for other platforms with regard to Favorites template groups: - The template group "DBSPI-RDB: Favorites" exists. It contains monitor templates and collector templates that collect at intervals of 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 day. - The "DBSPI-RDB: Favorites" template group is contained in the "DBSPI-RDB: Quick Start" template group, which in turn is included in the Rdb Node Group, causing this template group to be automatically assigned to any node in the Rdb Node Group. In the DB-SPIs for the other platforms, the "Favorites" template group contains only a subset of the metrics defined for a particular database. In the Rdb DB-SPI, defined metrics are in the Favorites group. In future versions (with more customer experience), the metrics monitored with the Favorites group for the Rdb DB-SPI might be changed. o Collector templates attempt to collect some unimplemented metrics Some metrics originally planned for the Rdb DB-SPI were not implemented but templates are supplied them, and they are still listed in the collector templates. For example, the collector template that is run every 15 minutes collects the following metrics: dbspicar -c DBSPI-Rdb-15min -m 4-6,31,35,66 Metric 4066, however, is not defined. The collection of these undefined metrics does not cause problems and is transparent to the user. 2 o Some drill-down metrics do not follow the metric numbering convention The DB-SPIs for other databases categorize some metrics as roll-up and others as drill-down metrics. These are metrics that return information about multiple objects and are complementary: - The roll-up metric returns a count of how many objects violated a threshold. - The drill-down metric shows which actual objects violated the threshold. Conventional numbering dictates that the number of the drill-down metric be 200 higher than its corresponding roll-up metric. For example, the Oracle DB-SPI has two metrics concerned with the percentage of free table space: 0006 monitors the number of table spaces with a low percentage, and 0206 monitors each table space for a low percentage. In the Rdb DB-SPI, some metrics behave as drill-down metrics but do not follow the usual numbering convention. The metrics are 4060-4063 (area metrics) and 4083-4087 (process metrics). o Re-installing DB-SPI templates removes nodes from the Rdb Node Group Re-installing DB-SPI templates removes any nodes that you have placed in the Rdb node group. If you want to preserve the contents of this group, make a copy of it before re- installing the templates, and copy them back afterward. 3