DIGITAL Capacity Planner Release Notes April, 2000 This document describes new and changed software features, problems and restrictions to the software for COMPAQ Capacity Planner V5.2 for OpenVMS Alpha, OpenVMS VAX, and Tru64 UNIX. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 to V7.2 Operating System and Version: OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 to V7.2 Operating System and Version: Tru64 UNIX V3.2c to V4.0F Software Version: Capacity Planner V5.2 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________ 4-April-2000 __________ The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Cor- poration. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Gov- ernment is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. __________ © Digital Equipment Corporation 1999. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. __________ The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document re- quest your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documen- tation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC DIBOL UNIBUS DEC/CMS EduSystem VAX DEC/MMS IAS VAXcluster DECnet MASSBUS VMS DECsystem-10 PDP VT DECSYSTEM-20 PDT DECUS RSTS DECwriter RSX DIGITAL This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. CONTENTS Preface................................................... ix 1 Web Site................................................. 1 Chapter 1 GENERAL INFORMATION................................ 3 1.1 Capacity Planner Usage................................. 3 1.2 Installation........................................... 3 1.2.1 Licensing........................................... 3 1.2.2 OpenVMS............................................. 4 1.2.3 REBOOT for CP/Collect on OpenVMS.................... 4 1.2.4 Tru64 UNIX.......................................... 4 1.3 UNIX Help Using HTML Browser........................... 4 Chapter 2 DATA COLLECTION.................................... 5 2.1 CP/Collect for Tru64 UNIX.............................. 5 2.2 CP/Collect for OpenVMS................................. 6 2.2.1 ECP$MANAGER.COM..................................... 6 2.3 HP MeasureWare Data Collector.......................... 7 Chapter 3 DATA ANALYSIS AND REDUCTION........................ 9 Chapter 4 WORKLOAD CHARACTERIZATION AND MODELING............. 11 Chapter 5 RESTRICTIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS.................... 13 5.1 Installation........................................... 13 5.1.1 VAX OpenVMS......................................... 13 5.1.2 Link Warnings on OpenVMS............................ 13 5.1.3 Installation of ECP$DRIVER on OpenVMS Alpha......... 13 5.1.4 No Automatic CP/Collector IVP on OpenVMS............ 13 5.2 CP/Collect for OpenVMS................................. 14 5.2.1 Batch Queue stopped................................. 14 5.2.2 PLAN COLLECT=EVENT/MOTIF............................ 14 5.2.3 PLAN COLLECT=POLL/VERSION and PLAN COLLECT=SAMPLE/VERSION.............................. 14 5.2.4 MOTIF allows only COLLECT=SAMPLE.................... 14 5.2.5 MOTIF forces end time............................... 14 5.2.6 /INTERVAL........................................... 14 5.3 CP/Analyze............................................. 14 5.3.1 CA TNG UNICENTER V2.1.5 Data........................ 15 5.3.2 File Selection...................................... 15 iii 5.4 CP/Reduce.............................................. 15 5.4.1 CA TNG UNICENTER V2.1.5 Data........................ 15 5.4.2 File Selection...................................... 15 5.4.3 Disk Configuration Information...................... 15 5.4.4 "not supported in font" Warning..................... 15 5.4.5 OpenVMS specific CP/Reduce Problems................. 16 .EVM Required.................................... 16 Specifying PSDC$DATABASE......................... 16 Accessing .CPD files............................. 16 Unknown Disk Types from CP/Collect............... 16 5.4.6 Tru64 UNIX specific CP/Reduce Problems.............. 16 POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data Collector for Tru64 UNIX....................................... 16 Processing POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data... 16 5.5 CP/Plan................................................ 17 5.5.1 Workload Analysis/Process Classify.................. 17 5.5.2 Unavailable Node Reports............................ 17 5.5.3 Tru64 UNIX specific CP/Plan Problems................ 17 Sub-Classes...................................... 17 5.5.4 OpenVMS specific CP/Plan Problems................... 17 Workload Analysis/Process Classify............... 17 Data Import...................................... 17 Chapter 6 PROBLEMS FIXED..................................... 19 6.1 OpenVMS................................................ 19 6.1.1 Installation........................................ 19 REBOOT for CP/Collect............................ 19 IVP.............................................. 19 6.1.2 CP/Collect.......................................... 19 6.1.3 MACHINECHECK in VLM GALAXY Systems.................. 19 ACCVIO Bugchecks................................. 19 REGCORDET Bugcheck............................... 20 IPL6 Fork queue Corruption....................... 20 6.1.4 Alpha Collector Termination with Overflow........... 20 6.1.5 Various Bugchecks on SMP Machines................... 20 6.1.6 CP/Analyze.......................................... 20 ACCVIOs fixed.................................... 20 Report from command line......................... 20 CSV output from the command line................. 20 Graph Printing Reenabled......................... 21 6.1.7 Capacity Planner.................................... 21 Saving .MEMORY File.............................. 21 6.2 Tru64 UNIX............................................. 21 iv 6.2.1 CP/Collect for Tru64 UNIX........................... 21 -status qualifier................................ 21 -dump qualifier.................................. 21 ttyname.......................................... 21 Process RSS and VSS.............................. 21 Process Command string........................... 22 Process priority................................. 22 6.2.2 CP/Analyze.......................................... 22 -analyze_report.................................. 22 6.2.3 CP/Reduce........................................... 22 man page......................................... 22 6.2.4 Capacity Planner.................................... 22 Modeling of UNIX Classes......................... 22 CIPCA Bandwidth.................................. 22 MSCP Served Disks................................ 22 BASE file inaccuracy............................. 23 TABLES 1 Software Upgrade Part Numbers......................... 3 v Preface Intended Audience This manual is intended for all users of Capacity Planner. Please read this manual before you install Capacity Planner V5.2. This document contains information about new and changed features which may not be documented in the User's Guide. Structure of this Document This document consists of several major sections: o General Information o Data Collection o Data Analysis o Data Reduction o Workload Characterization and Modeling o Restrictions and Known Problems Preface ix 1 Web Site For further information, please check our web site. This site will con- tain updates to the release notes and other information. 1 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Capacity Planner Usage Version 5.2 of Capacity Planner is a mandatory update for Version 5.1. It consists of four components: CP/Collect, CP/Analyze, CP/Reduce, and CP/Plan. CP/Collect is a data collector for for OpenVMS, COMPAQ Tru64 UNIX platforms, Sun Solaris, or HP-UX. CP/Analyze provides the Capac- ity Planner with graphical presentation of various performance met- rics extracted from the collected data. CP/Reduce converts collected data from a selected period of interest into a form which may be used to build a model of the configuration and workload. CP/Plan provides workload analysis and modeling capabilities. 1.2 Installation Installation procedures vary between platforms and are described in the following paragraphs. For detailed information please refer to the Capacity Planner platform specific installation guides. 1.2.1 Licensing A version-specific PAK is now required for each ECP component. The new component product names are CAPACITY-PLANNER-V5.1, CAPACITY-REDUCER- V5.1, CAPACITY-ANALYZER-V5.1, and CAPACITY-COLLECTOR-V5.1. If you are currently a COMPAQ Software Product Services Subscriber for the prod- uct in question, please contact your COMPAQ Customer Services repre- sentative to obtain a new V5.1 license. If you are not a COMPAQ Soft- ware Product Services Subscriber, contact your COMPAQ Customer rep- resentative to purchase a V5.1 update license. The following table contains the software upgrade part numbers. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:__Software_Upgrade_Part_Numbers____________________________ Product___________OpenVMS_Alpha____OpenVMS_VAX_______Digital_UNIX__ Planner QL-23MA9-AA QL-GX3A9-AA QL-23QA9-AA Reducer QL-605A9-AA QL-5YMA9-AA QL-5YLA9-AA Analyzer QL-606A9-AA QL-5YRA9-AA QL-5YQA9-AA Collector_________QL-604A9-AA______QL-5Z8A9-AA_______QL-5Z7A9-AA___ For more information: General Information 3 o Visit the COMPAQ Capacity Planner website at /capacity/ o Send mail to o In the U.S, call (603) 884-2510. 1.2.2 OpenVMS To install in an OpenVMS environment, please use the VMSINSTAL util- ity. The savesets for OpenVMS will be of the form ECP052.%. Refer to the COMPAQ Enterprise Capacity Planner for OpenVMS Systems Installation Guide for further details on how to install the Capac- ity Planner. The installation procedure will enable the user to se- lect which of the four Capacity Planner components should be installed. 1.2.3 REBOOT for CP/Collect on OpenVMS The OpenVMS Installation requires a system reboot if the data collec- tor is being installed on a system with a previous installation. Fail- ure to reboot may result in a system crash when the collector is run. 1.2.4 Tru64 UNIX Use the setld command to install one or more of the following compo- nents: ECPBASE520 (base components required for all other components), ECPDC520 (CP/Collect), ECPINTE520 (CP/Analyze and CP/Reduce), ECPPLAN520 (CP/Planner). Although CP/Analyze and CP/Reduce are separately licensed components, they use the same image on the Tru64 UNIX version and so are provided in the same component. If the Capacity Planner Version 5.1 is already installed, it is rec- ommended that it be deinstalled before the version V5.0a kit is in- stalled. The command to do this is: # setld -d ECPPLAN510 ECPDC510 ECPINTE510 ECPBASE510 1.3 UNIX Help Using HTML Browser In place of Bookreader help on UNIX systems, an HTML browser may be used if the environmental ECP_BROWSER has been defined with the full path name of the browser image. 4 General Information CHAPTER 2 DATA COLLECTION The data collection component of Capacity Planner, CP/Collect, pro- vides significant new data collection capabilities as part of the Open- VMS and Tru64 UNIX versions of the Capacity Planner. Additionally, third- party collectors are available should the user desire to use them. For OpenVMS, the following collectors may be used for gathering ca- pacity planning data: o CP/Collect for OpenVMS o POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data Collector for OpenVMS o CA Unicenter TNG Performance Data Collector for OpenVMS (prior to version 2.1.5) For Tru64 UNIX, the following collectors may be used to gather capac- ity planning data: o CP/Collect for Tru64 UNIX o POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data Collector for Tru64 UNIX o CA Unicenter TNG Performance Data Collector for Tru64 UNIX For HP-UX and IBM AIX platforms the following data collectors may be used to gather capacity planning data: o HP MeasureWare 2.1 CP/Collect for Tru64 UNIX The CP/Collect for Tru64 UNIX may be used on V3.2 to 4.0F. The col- lector runs as a daemon process at real-time priority. The collector is activated by using the Data Collection GUI interface called from the planner or by issuing the command cpcunix from a root user ses- sion. The collector will create files in the /usr/var/opt/ECP direc- tory with the filename format, ecp_nodename_yyyyMmmdd.cpc-n. Because CP/Collect for Tru64 UNIX is intended to run constantly, the collec- tor will close the current file and create a new file at midnight, lo- cal time. In order to avoid additional load on the system, it is recommended that the poll interval not be set less than 1000 ms unless there is sub- stantial transient process activity on the system. Data Collection 5 2.2 CP/Collect for OpenVMS Two data collectors are available through CP/Collect. These collec- tors are the Event Trace Monitor (EVM) and the Sampling Data Collec- tor. The graphical user interface for launching data collection pro- vides for three modes of data collection: "Sample & Event." "Sample Only." and "Event Only." If you are collecting data for modeling, you must select "Sample & Event." If you are collecting data only for per- formance analysis, select "Sample Only" as this will significantly re- duce the amount of file space required for data collection. If you are already running the CA Unicenter TNG Performance Data Collector and desire to model the data collected, you need only select "Event Only." To activate the CP/Collect for OpenVMS, click the Data Collection but- ton on the DIGITAL Capacity Planner main display or issue the DCL com- mand: PLAN COLLECT=EVENT/DECW. The data collection scheduling panel will appear. This panel is similar to the Event Monitor scheduling panel in prior versions of the Capacity Planner. The collected data is stored in two files with the following formats: nodename_yyyymmdd_hhmm.cpc and nodename_yyyymmdd_hhmm.evm Because the .evm files may be quite large, CP/Collect for OpenVMS should not be run constantly, but only over the periods of interest. The CP/Collect for OpenVMS has two sampling data collection processes. The sampling process which is used with EVM is always the ECP_SAMPLE Process. This leaves the second process available to the user. This process called ECP_POLL is available through either the DCL or MOTIF interface. 2.2.1 ECP$MANAGER.COM ECP$MANAGER.COM in ECP$LIBRARY: is a command file that when run, starts data collection using the ECP_POLL process, and then submits itself to ECP$DC_QUEUE to re-start the data collector every 24 hours at mid- night. @ECP$LIBRARY:ECP$MANAGER.COM should be placed in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM after the Queue Manager has started to restart the data collection au- tomatically after system reboot. (@SYS$STARTUP:ECP$STARTUP should have already run in SYLOGICALS.COM.) If desired, ECP$DC_QUEUE (default: SYS$BATCH) can be modified in SYS$STARTUP:ECP$STARTUP.COM to point to any other system batch queue. ECP$DC_INTERVAL is defined to be 300 seconds in ECP$STARTUP.COM as well. ECP$MANAGER.COM places the resulting .CPC data files in ECP$PERF_DATA: which we recommend to be a dedicated non-SYSTEM local data disk, one that will not stall other system operations should the disk become full. ECP$MANAGER.COM is REQUIRED for use with PAWZ, Compaq's Performance Analysis Web Zone product for analyzing data collections from a NT 4.0 server. However, we recommend that ECP$MANAGER.COM be used to parti- tion data collection into manageable time periods even if you don't intend to use PAWZ. 6 Data Collection If the ECP$MANAGER.COM job fails to restart, or has never been started, just @ECP$LIBRARY:ECP$MANAGER.COM to start it. 2.3 HP MeasureWare Data Collector The current release of Capacity Planner supports data gathered from HP MeasureWare. The MeasureWare collection parameters must enable per- process collection on all processes. Thus the CPU threshold for pro- cess inclusion must be set to zero. Once MeasureWare data is collected, it must be processed on the col- lecting system using the script extract.ksh and the file report_template_ mwa.binary. These files should be copied from the directory /usr/opt /ECP520 to the system on which the MeasureWare data is to be processed. The script is executed using the following command line from the Korn shell: # extract.ksh -b -e -d outfilename The output file is them moved to the node on which analysis and mod- eling is to take place. Data Collection 7 CHAPTER 3 DATA ANALYSIS AND REDUCTION CP/Analyze permits capacity planners or system analysts to examine col- lected performance data metrics to better evaluate the workload and tuning of the system under study. CP/Analyze provides the user with time-series graphs of selected performance metrics. CP/Analyze also provides tabular reporting. CP/Reducer converts data over a selected interval to a format usable by CP/Planner. Both CP/Analyze and CP/Reduce use the same data, and are launched from the same window as CP/Reduce. From the main Capacity Planner window click on the CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze button. This window may also be launched from the command line using the command, REDUCE/MOTIF on Open- VMS or reduce on Tru64 UNIX. Once the CP/Analyze and CP/Reduce win- dow has appeared, the user may select the type of data source which is desired. The Tru64 UNIX version of CP/Analyze and CP.Reducer will process data from the following data collectors: o CP/Collect for Tru64 UNIX o POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data Collector for Tru64 UNIX o CA Unicenter TNG Performance Data Collector for Tru64 UNIX o HP MeasureWare for HP-UX or IBM AIX o BMC OpenAviator Data Collector (formerly owned by Spire Technolo- gies) The OpenVMS version of CP/Analyze and CP/Reducer will process data from the following data collectors: o CP/Collect for OpenVMS o POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data Collector for OpenVMS o CA Unicenter TNG Performance Data Collector for OpenVMS (pre-2.1.5) In order for the analyzer to process .CPD from the CA Unicenter TNG Performance Data Collector for OpenVMS, the current version of the Per- formance Advisor must be first installed and licensed on the running the analyzer. This is because the analyzer must utilize the CA reader image, PSPA$READ.EXE, in order to read .CPD data. This reader image requires the appropriate CA LMF license. Data Analysis and Reduction 9 The analyzer is entered from the CP/Analyze & CP/Reduce window by click- ing the CP/Analyze Graph or CP/Analyze Report or button. A substan- tial number of new graphs have been provided in V5.2 for both Open- VMS and UNIX data analysis. 10 Data Analysis and Reduction CHAPTER 4 WORKLOAD CHARACTERIZATION AND MODELING The primary change to the workload characterization and modeling com- ponents has been bug fixes and cosmetic report changes. CPU and de- vice databases have also been updated. Two new modeling classes have been added, TRANSACTION_GMPL and OPEN_GMPL. During saturation or growth analysis, TRANSACTION and OPEN modeling classes do increase class multi- programming level (MPL), only transaction rate. The corresponding GMPL classes will also increase class MPLs. Workload Characterization and Modeling 11 CHAPTER 5 RESTRICTIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS 5.1 Installation 5.1.1 VAX OpenVMS The VAXC2DECC.EXE shareable library is required to install the Capac- ity Planner, CP/Analyzer. This library may not be available on some V5.5-2 systems. This library is found on the C/C++ RTL components kit. The DIGITAL Capacity Planner suite requires that the DEC C Libraries be installed on your system. These libraries may not be present on some older VMS systems. If when installing you get the following message ECP-E-NEEDS Sharable Library VAXC2DECC.EXE required Then you must install the C/C++ Runtime Components kit. 5.1.2 Link Warnings on OpenVMS All link warnings should be ignored. 5.1.3 Installation of ECP$DRIVER on OpenVMS Alpha The execution of ECP$STARTUP will result in the installation of the CP/Collect driver for the pseudo device cpa0:. The IO CONNECT of the driver may result in an informational error message. This message is innocuous and may be ignored. 5.1.4 No Automatic CP/Collector IVP on OpenVMS To avoid any conflict with a previous version of the data collector found on the system, the CP/Collector IVP is not run during instal- lation. It should be run manually after the system has rebooted with the V5.2 images using the command: $ @SYS$TEST:ECPDC$IVP.COM Restrictions and Known Problems 13 The CP/Analyzer, CP/Reducer, and CP/Planner IVPs will all run auto- matically. They can also be run manually from SYS$TEST:ECP*IVP.COM. 5.2 CP/Collect for OpenVMS 5.2.1 Batch Queue stopped CP/Collect does not give an error that indicates a batch queue is stopped. The collection will run when the queue is re-started. 5.2.2 PLAN COLLECT=EVENT/MOTIF The MOTIF user interface for CP/Collect is entered through the com- mand PLAN COLLECT=EVENT/MOTIF. The MOTIF interface window allows data collection of both CP/Collect SAMPLE and CP/Collect EVENT. 5.2.3 PLAN COLLECT=POLL/VERSION and PLAN COLLECT=SAMPLE/VERSION On OpenVMS Alpha, the PLAN COLLECT=POLL/VERSION and PLAN COLLECT=SAMPLE /VERSION options do not currently work. 5.2.4 MOTIF allows only COLLECT=SAMPLE The MOTIF interface allows for only the ECP_SAMPLE data collection pro- cess. If this process is already running no error is given to the user indicating this. 5.2.5 MOTIF forces end time The MOTIF interface does not allow the user NOT to specify an end time. The default value is two hours from the current time. 5.2.6 /INTERVAL The /INTERVAL qualifier does not enforce a minimum value. Minimum value should be 60. Values lower then this are not recommended. 5.3 CP/Analyze 14 Restrictions and Known Problems 5.3.1 CA TNG UNICENTER V2.1.5 Data CP/Analyze will not work with the PSPA$READ.EXE provided with CA TNG UNICENTER version 2.1.5. Use of older versions of PSPA$READ.EXE with older versions of data will work, however, if the license is still valid. 5.3.2 File Selection The file selection window does not save the last directory accessed. It always returns to the current directory. 5.4 CP/Reduce 5.4.1 CA TNG UNICENTER V2.1.5 Data CP/Analyze will not work with the PSPA$READ.EXE provided with CA TNG UNICENTER version 2.1.5. Use of older versions of PSPA$READ.EXE with older versions of data will work, however, if the license is still valid. 5.4.2 File Selection The file selection window does not save the last accessed directory. It always returns to the current directory. 5.4.3 Disk Configuration Information Currently none of the data sources provide accurate information on RAID diskset membership. In the case of host-based RAID sets, all disks should appear in the reduced file. In the case of controller-based RAID sets, the entire diskset may be represented as one disk. In either case, the user must correct the configuration prior to model build. 5.4.4 "not supported in font" Warning The following error is sometimes seen when using the tabular report. This error can be ignored. % Warning: Name: FilterText Class: XmTextField ', not supported in font. Discarded. Restrictions and Known Problems 15 5.4.5 OpenVMS specific CP/Reduce Problems .EVM Required CP/Reduce requires the .EVM data be present for data reduction. Specifying PSDC$DATABASE When specifying the PSDC$DATABASE, if a nonexistent directory is spec- ified, no error is given. Accessing .CPD files If the current process does not have read access to the PSDC$DATABASE or .CPD files in that directory, the user is presented with a No Data In Interval error. Unknown Disk Types from CP/Collect Disk types are not collected by CP/Collect for OpenVMS. They are picked up by .EVM. EVM will only collect disk types for disks which had I/O. 5.4.6 Tru64 UNIX specific CP/Reduce Problems POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data Collector for Tru64 UNIX The POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data Collector will set the disk type for all disks attached to an HSZ40 to disk type RZ28. The user may change the disk types prior to model build using the disk statis- tics panel. Care should be taken to ensure that the PSDC driver is installed and running in order to collect transient process information. Failure of the PSDC driver will result in loss of transient process information which may result in inability to validate models. Processing POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data Reading a corrupt .cpd file may result in a segmentation fault. En- sure that all FTP copies of .cpd files is performed in the BINARY mode. The following error messages are always given, but can be ignored PSPA-E-ErrFNF Error message file (null) cannot be accessed %PSPA-E-C_errno No such file or directory 16 Restrictions and Known Problems 5.5 CP/Plan 5.5.1 Workload Analysis/Process Classify All changes made to the process classifications and process transac- tion counts are immediately applied to the data structures and the Can- cel pushbutton does not reverse changes. Exiting and reentering this screen will cause edited transaction counts to be lost. 5.5.2 Unavailable Node Reports When a new node is added after a model has been built, the node is not added to the option menu in the report window. So Individual node re- ports are not available for the new node. 5.5.3 Tru64 UNIX specific CP/Plan Problems Sub-Classes The subclass functionally is currently enabled when running the Ca- pacity Planner for Tru64 UNIX. There is no support for subclasses when using data from a Tru64 UNIX system. This is due to the lack of de- tailed collected performance data. 5.5.4 OpenVMS specific CP/Plan Problems Workload Analysis/Process Classify Analysis of data on OpenVMS platforms may return an protection error if the data files do not have the W:RE,G:RE privileges. Data Import The buttons at the bottom of the Data Import window are sometimes chopped off. If the window is made larger the buttons become visible. Restrictions and Known Problems 17 CHAPTER 6 PROBLEMS FIXED 6.1 OpenVMS 6.1.1 Installation REBOOT for CP/Collect The OpenVMS Installation will now look for previous installations. If an earlier installation of the Enterprise Capacity Planner Data Col- lector is found the user is informed that a REBOOT is required and the CP/Collect IVP will not be run. IVP The installation automatically runs the IVP for each selected compo- nent of the DIGITAL Capacity Planner product suite. 6.1.2 CP/Collect 6.1.3 MACHINECHECK in VLM GALAXY Systems MACHINECHECK on some VLM GALAXY nodes had been eliminated. ACCVIO Bugchecks Known system bugchecks resulting from ACCVIOs on both VAX and Alpha systems have been fixed. Problems Fixed 19 REGCORDET Bugcheck REGCORDET bugcheck on Alpha systems has been fixed. IPL6 Fork queue Corruption A system bugcheck resulting from corruption of the IPL6 Fork queue has been fixed. 6.1.4 Alpha Collector Termination with Overflow Terminations of the Alpha collector because of overflows has been cor- rected. 6.1.5 Various Bugchecks on SMP Machines A collecton of bugchecks experienced when starting and stopping the event monitor on SMP Alphas, most commonly EV6 processors, has been corrected. 6.1.6 CP/Analyze ACCVIOs fixed A number of problems relating to message buffer overflow when large numbers of disks or cluster pathblocks are involved in some graphs have been fixed. Report from command line The CP/Analyze report is now available from the command line. The qual- ifier is /ANAYZE_REPORT=filename CSV output from the command line It is now possible to write the CSV output, equivilent to each graph type, from the command line. The command line qualifiers are o /CSV_UTIL_MODE=filename.csv o /CSV_PROCESSOR_UTIL=filename.csv o /CSV_MEMORY_MODE=filename.csv o /CSV_IO_RATE=filename.csv o /CSV_PAGE_FAULT=filename.csv 20 Problems Fixed Graph Printing Reenabled Printing of graphs has been reenabled. 6.1.7 Capacity Planner Saving .MEMORY File A problem where the .memory file could not be saved has been fixed. 6.2 Tru64 UNIX 6.2.1 CP/Collect for Tru64 UNIX -status qualifier The -status qualifier has been expanded to include more information. Information on the settings for the polling and dump intervals is dis- played. The amount of free disk space on the file system which the data is being written is displayed. The -status qualifier is no longer a privileged command. -dump qualifier The units of the -dump quailifer has been changed to seconds (from min- utes). This allows for much finer granularity. ttyname The ttyname for each process is now being collected. Process RSS and VSS The RSS and VSS values for a process are now recorded correctly. Problems Fixed 21 Process Command string The image that a process was running is now correctly collected. Process priority The priority of a process is now correctly collected. 6.2.2 CP/Analyze -analyze_report A command line option -analyze_report has been added. See the man page for details. 6.2.3 CP/Reduce man page The man page for CP/Reduce has been updated. 6.2.4 Capacity Planner Modeling of UNIX Classes A rare problem with correctly modeling the CPU component of response time for UNIX classes has been corrected. CIPCA Bandwidth CIPCA bandwidth has been upgraded. MSCP Served Disks Several problems around MSCP served disks causing the Capacity Plan- ner to ACCVIO have been fixed. 22 Problems Fixed BASE file inaccuracy A problem where disk utilizations from a model based on data from a .BASE file were different from the same data but from a .MERG file, has been fixed. Problems Fixed 23