TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit V3.1.0 Release Notes Revision: V3.1.0 Level 1 Date: 15 October 1997 -i- Copyright © 1997 by Digital Equipment Corporation Contents 1 Introduction vi 2 Installation prerequisites 7 2.1 Required DIGITAL UNIX products 7 2.2 Required TeMIP Framework product 7 3 OSI Documentation 8 3.1 Enhancements and Changes 8 3.1.1 The HTML User documentation 8 Documentation set 8 Software pre-requisites 8 Local installation of the HTML kit 9 Verifying the installation 10 Using the HTML documentation 11 HTML documentation de-installation 11 4 OSI Release Notes 12 4.1 Enhancements and Changes 12 4.1.1 Level 1 12 New subset name 12 5 OSI Access Module 13 5.1 Enhancements and Changes 13 5.1.1 Level 1 13 Support of incoming LDN as DN -ii- 13 5.2 Problems fixed 13 5.2.1 Level 1 13 OSI AM runtime directory removed 13 5.3 Known Problems 14 5.3.1 Address resolution 14 5.3.2 Create Response 14 5.4 Restrictions 14 5.4.1 CMIP Synchronization 15 5.4.2 GDMO Parameter template 15 5.4.3 User data limitation 15 5.4.4 Management Model update 15 5.4.5 Time Specification in Directives 15 5.4.6 Access Control 15 5.4.7 Object Class 15 5.4.8 Naming Attributes 16 5.4.9 Reference Object Instance 16 5.4.10 Attribute Identifiers 16 5.4.11 Event Type Identifiers 17 5.4.12 Action Type Identifiers 17 5.4.13 ASN.1 Data Types Mapping 17 Recursive Data Types 17 REAL Data Type 17 -iii- BitString data type 17 ObjectInstance, RDNSequence, DistinguishedName to FullEntityName mapping 17 5.4.14 Agents 17 Maximum number of Agents 17 OSI Dictionary 18 5.4.15 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 18 5.4.16 Create Request 18 5.4.17 Get Directive with Iconic Map 18 5.5 Problem Reporting 19 6 OSI Agent Presentation Module 21 6.1 Enhancements and Changes 21 6.1.1 Level 1 21 6.2 Problems fixed 21 6.2.1 Level 1 21 Can not start OSI PM application 21 Dependency to GDMO subset 22 CMIP Action Response without arguments 22 6.3 Known Problems 22 6.3.1 NoSuchInvokeId CMIP Error 22 6.3.2 XMP System Error 22 6.3.3 Default EFD Administrative State value 23 6.3.4 Empty Get List Error 23 6.3.5 Setting the Agent Title -iv- 24 6.4 OSI PM and Event Log FM integration 24 6.4.1 Problems fixed 24 6.4.2 Known problems 24 Default LOG DC attribute 24 Parsing problem using TeMIP GET 24 Scheduling Package attribute 25 6.4.3 Restrictions 25 6.5 OSI PM restrictions 25 6.5.1 MSL FullName 25 6.5.2 Management model update 26 6.5.3 Access Control 26 6.5.4 CMIS Synchronization 26 6.5.5 CMIS Scope and CMIS Filter 27 6.5.6 CMIS AttributeIdList 27 6.5.7 CMIS Modification List 27 6.5.8 Local Form 27 6.5.9 Managed Object Naming 27 6.5.10 CMIP Create Operation 27 6.5.11 EFD class 28 6.5.12 CMIP Protocol 28 6.5.13 ASN.1 Data types mapping, Naming attributes 28 6.5.14 OSI Dictionary -v- 28 7 GDMO Translator 29 7.1 Enhancements and Changes 29 7.1.1 Level 1 29 7.2 Problems fixed 29 7.2.1 Level 1 29 7.3 Known problems 29 7.3.1 PARAMETER CONTEXT context-keyword 29 7.3.2 Warning Message 9300 31 7.3.3 Attribute MSL names 31 7.3.4 REGISTERED AS construct 31 7.4 Restrictions 32 7.4.1 Introduction 32 7.4.2 DeltaGDMO MCC-NAME 32 7.4.3 ASN.1 Type [1][2] ANY DEFINED BY attributeId 32 7.4.4 ASN.1 Type ANY 32 7.4.5 Translation to TeMIP Defined Log Record Types 32 8 GDMO Browser 34 8.1 Enhancements and Changes 34 8.2 Problems fixed 34 8.3 Known problems 34 8.3.1 Loading documents 34 8.3.2 Write protections 34 -vi- 8.3.3 Package templates 35 8.4 Restrictions 35 8.4.1 Filter option 35 8.4.2 Configuration file 35 8.4.3 Add Subordinate 35 1 Introduction The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit V3.1.0 is the final version which brings enhancements and bug fixes to the previous External Field Test release (TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit T3.1.0 Level 3). The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit Release Notes concern the following product parts: · OSI Release Notes, · OSI Documentation, · OSI Access Module, · OSI Agent Presentation Module, · GDMO Translator, · GDMO Browser. For each product part, this document describes: · the enhancements or changes since the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit T3.1.0 Level 3 previous release, · the problems fixed since the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit T3.1.0 Level 3 previous release, · the problems known but not yet fixed in the current release, · the restrictions existing in the current release. Please read this document before installing or using this software. 2 Installation prerequisites Installation prerequisites 7 2.1 Required DIGITAL UNIX products The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit requires the DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G (Rev. 62) to be installed. The OSFBASE350 (base system) subset is at least required. For the other DIGITAL UNIX and DECnet subsets, please refer to the TeMIP Framework V3.1.0 Level 1 Patch 2 Release Notes and the DECcmi for DIGITAL UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide. 2.2 Required TeMIP Framework product TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit V3.1.0 requires TeMIP Framework V3.1.0 Level 1 Patch 2 to be installed. The following subsets are required: · TeMIP Framework Base System, TFRBASEV310 (level 1 patch 2), · TeMIP Framework Release Notes , TFRRELV310 (level 1 patch 2), · TeMIP Framework Developer Toolkit , TFRTKV310 (level 1 patch 2), · TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules , TFRPMV310 (level 1 patch 2), · TeMIP Framework Server, TFRSERVERV310 (level 1 patch 2). 3 OSI Documentation 3.1 Enhancements and Changes 3.1.1 The HTML User documentation The User documentation of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit is no longer provided in Bookreader format, but is now provided in HTML format so that it can be accessed through the World Wide Web. Important note: The HTML User documentation topic is fully described in this Release Notes document. You will not find any additional information in the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, Installation OSI Documentation 8 Guide document. Documentation set The full list of documentation available in HTML format is: Installation Manuals: TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, Installation Guide TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, OSI Access Module Run-Time Kit Installation Guide DECcmi for DIGITAL UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide User Manuals: TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, OSI Access Module User's Guide TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, OSI Agent Presentation Module User's Guide TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, GDMO Translator User's Guide TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, GDMO Browser User's Guide DECcmi for DIGITAL UNIX Operator's Guide Software pre-requisites The HTML documentation is packaged in a TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation kit. To install this kit, you require at least the following DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 G software subsets: · OSFBASE375, DIGITAL UNIX Base System Software , · OSFX11375 , Basic X Environment (Windowing Environment), · OSFCLINET375, Basic Networking Services The HTML kit can also be installed on higher DIGITAL UNIX versions (e.g V4.0). Local installation of the HTML kit Once the pre-requisites are checked, the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation kit can be installed through the setld DIGITAL UNIX command. If you are installing the kit from a system directory, enter the following command (at the superuser prompt) from the directory in which the files are located: # setld -l . [return] If you are installing the kit from a CD-ROM, include the device special name of the distribution device where the media is mounted. Enter the following command, replacing N with the actual logical unit number of the distribution device you are using: # mount -r /dev/rzNc /mnt [Return] OSI Documentation 9 Now enter the load command as follows: # setld -l /mnt/html_kit [Return] Install the HTML documentation kit as follows: · Start the installation procedure and select the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation option from the menu: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation (level 1 rev A) Or you may choose one of the following options: 2) ALL of the above 3) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 4) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1 · Enter 1 and press [Return]. The installation procedure displays the subsets you have chosen and asks you to confirm your choice: You are installing the following optional subsets: TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation (level 1 rev A) Is this correct? (y/n): y · Answer Y, and wait for the end of the installation: Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1997. All Rights Reserved. Unpub lished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confiden tial technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. OSI Documentation 10 RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Gov ernment is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation (level 1 rev A) Copying from . (disk) Verifying The OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation is now installed on your system : Location : /usr/mcc/noe_doc_html Starting file : start_here.html Configuring "TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation (level 1 rev A)" (N OEDOCV310) Would you like to run the NOEDOCV310 IVP? (y/n) [y] n Verifying the installation To verify that the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation subset has been correctly installed and configured, it is necessary to run the IVP (Installation Verification Procedure). Before running the IVP, be sure that the PATH environment variable of the superuser account contains the location of the netscape tool and that the DISPLAY environment variable is correctly set. Start the IVP either: · by answering 'Y' to the following question asked at the end of the installation: " Would you like to run the NOEDOCV310 IVP?" (see section above for further details), or · by entering the following command: # setld -v NOEDOCV310 The IVP displays: TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation (level 1 rev A) (NOEDOCV310) Launching netscape, please wait... # Exit from the netscape tool in order to terminate the IVP procedure. Using the HTML documentation Once the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation subset has been installed, the documentation set can be accessed OSI Documentation 11 through the World Wide Web: · Start the netscape tool · Choose the Open File ... item from the File menu · Enter the file name: /usr/mcc/noe_doc_html/start_here.html You are ready to navigate through the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit V3.1 documentation set. HTML documentation de-installation To de-install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation subset, invoke the following command at superuser prompt: # setld -d NOEDOCV310 [Return] Deleting "TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit HTML Documentation (level 1 rev A)" (NOED OCV310). 4 OSI Release Notes 4.1 Enhancements and Changes 4.1.1 Level 1 New subset name The TeMIP OSI Release Notes subset name has changed from NOEOSIAMRELxxxx to NOERELxxxx in the OSI AM Run-Time kit. Example: $ setld -i | grep NOEREL NOERELV310 installed TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit Release Notes version V310 (level 1 rev B) 5 OSI Access Module OSI Release Notes 12 5.1 Enhancements and Changes 5.1.1 Level 1 Support of incoming LDN as DN QAR TEMIPV31_MNT_EXT#310 If the LDN offset attribute was not set in the Agent_Record and the remote Agent encoded the CMIP ObjectInstance as a Local Distinguished Name (LDN), the following error was returned: m INT 14 ASN.1 to MCC Translation Problem In this release, the OSI AM doesn't generate the error anymore but considers the LDN as a Distinguished Name. Note that a translation error could appear later if the LDN offset was in fact necessary. 5.2 Problems fixed This section describes the problems fixed since the previous release of the TeMIP OSI Access Module product. 5.2.1 Level 1 OSI AM runtime directory removed QAR TEMIPV30_MNT_EXT#901 At de-installation time of the NOEOSIAMT310 subset, the /var/kits/temip_osi_am directory was removed. This means that the OSI AM MIR files containing the agent_records and entity_records were lost. Therefore, the OSI dictionary and the OSI configuration file were also removed. With the new release V310 Level 1 of the TeMIP OSI AM, the /var/kits/temip_osi_am directory is no longer removed at de-installation time. 5.3 Known Problems This section describes the problems known in the current release OSI Access Module 13 of the TeMIP OSI Access Module product. 5.3.1 Address resolution TEMIPV30_MNT_EXT QAR#377 TEMIPV30_MNT_EXT QAR#863 The OSI AM shows an inconsistent behaviour when searching information in cache memory. Once the information about the Agent/Entity relation is stored in cache, the OSI AM becomes case insensitive concerning the ManagedObject instance name, whereas it is case sensitive when the information is searched in the MIR. In addition, the OSI AM sends the instance name to the remote Agent as it is in the in_entity and not as it has been created. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to always reference the instance name as it has been created, respecting the lowercase/uppercase letters. 5.3.2 Create Response TEMIPV30_MNT_EXT QAR#684 The OSI AM encodes an MSL argument in the TeMIP Create Response whereas the MSL description doesn't define any argument. This inconsistency between the OSI AM and the GDMO Translator leads to the "No Entity" error message at the FCL PM. The error message can be ignored since the entity has been successfully created at Agent side. 5.4 Restrictions Some of these restrictions are related to the usage of TeMIP Framework and some to the support of the ISO standards for GDMO, ASN.1 and CMIP. 5.4.1 CMIP Synchronization Only the CMIP Synchronization set to "BestEffort" is supported. 5.4.2 GDMO Parameter template The GDMO "PARAMETER" template is supported by the OSI AM with some restrictions: OSI Access Module 14 · the EVENT-REPLY is ignored by the OSI AM even if supported by the GDMO Translator. This means that the CMIP EventReply parameter is never provided in the CMIP Event Confirmations sent to the Agent. · the SPECIFIC-ERROR is handled by the OSI AM only for CMIP Action responses. 5.4.3 User data limitation The TeMIP Framework limits user data (for outgoing and incoming directives) to 30K. 5.4.4 Management Model update Any modification of the management model supported by the OSI Access Module requires to restart the OSI AM Server process to update the OSI Dictionary from the OSI Dictionary file produced by the GDMO Translator. 5.4.5 Time Specification in Directives The OSI Access Module ignores the time specification associated with an MCC directive. It always assumes a value of NOW and processes immediately the directive. 5.4.6 Access Control There is no check on the Access Control parameter of Associate Indications. The OSI AM does not set the Access Control parameter of the CMIP operations. 5.4.7 Object Class The ObjectClass ASN.1 data type is defined in ISO/IEC 9596-1 (CMIP)as: ObjectClass ::= CHOICE { globalForm [0]IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER, localForm [1]IMPLICIT INTEGER } The OSI Access Module supports the globalForm for identification of object classes. OSI Access Module 15 5.4.8 Naming Attributes The OSI AM doesn't support the following ASN.1 data types for Naming Attributes: Enumeration Null Choice OctetString, GeneralString, GeneralisedTime, TeletexString, UTCTime, VideotexString, BitString Sequence. The OSI AM restricts the support of ASN.1 data types of naming attributes to: PrintableString, GraphicsString, VisibleString, IA5String, NumericString, ObjectIdentifierString, Integer, Boolean. The ASN.1 strings are mapped into a MCC SimpleName or Latin1string for child entities and into a MCC FullName for global entities. The use of the Boolean data type for global entities is not recommended, because the registration and notification on these entities will not work. Note that the ASN.1 GeneralString data type is not supported at all. 5.4.9 Reference Object Instance MCC does not provide the capability of requesting the creation of a new object instance using only the name of a reference object of the same class as the object to be created. As a consequence the OSI Access Module does not make use of this capability of CMIP. 5.4.10 Attribute Identifiers Only the global form (ASN.1 Object Identifier) is supported for the attribute identifiers. 5.4.11 Event Type Identifiers OSI Access Module 16 Only the global form (ASN.1 Object Identifier) is supported for the event type identifiers. 5.4.12 Action Type Identifiers Only the global form (ASN.1 Object Identifier) is supported for the action type identifiers. 5.4.13 ASN.1 Data Types Mapping Recursive Data Types Recursives data types, allowed in ASN.1, are not supported by TeMIP Framework and therefore by the OSI Access Module. The only exception is the CMISFilter, specified in ISO/IEC 9596-1 (CMIP), for which a specific mapping is provided with the restriction that string assertions are not supported (refer to the GDMO Translator User's Guide). REAL Data Type This data type is supported with the restrictions that only base 2 is supported. BitString data type The current release of the OSI Access Module does not support the constructed form of the BER encoding of the ASN.1 BitString data type. ObjectInstance, RDNSequence, DistinguishedName to FullEntityName mapping As the maximum size of an ILV encoding is 30K on TeMIP Framework, an attribute value whose ASN.1 data type is a set (or sequence) of ObjectInstance, RDNsequence or DistinguishedName must be encoded in BER with a length around 4K because of the expansion BER-to-ILV in this particular case. 5.4.14 Agents Maximum number of Agents OSI Access Module 17 The maximum number of ACSE associations is limited to 128. OSI Dictionary The OSI Dictionary which contains the Management Information Model has the following limitations:  Maximum depth of the Management Information Tree = 15  Maximum number of child Object Classes of an Object Class = 50  Maximum number of Attributes of an Object Class = 200  Maximum number of Operation types of an Object Class = 50  Maximum number of Notifications types of an Object Class = 50  Maximum number of Processing Failure errors of an Operation = 50  Maximum number of Arguments of an Operation, Response or Notification = 50  Maximum number of Fields within a structured Data Type = 50  Maximum number of Enumeration items of a Data Type = 256  Maximum number of ASN.1 Object Identifier values associated with a GDMO Parameter = 256  Maximum number of items of an ASN.1 Object Identifier = 15 5.4.15 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit When installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, the GDMO translator subset must be installed before the OSI AM subset. The order of the subsets installation is: GDMO subset and then the OSI AM subset. 5.4.16 Create Request It is defined in the Recommendation X.710 that the ManagedObjectInstance is optional in the Create Request. The OSI AM doesn't implement this feature and will send always an ObjectInstance or a SuperiorObjectInstance. 5.4.17 Get Directive with Iconic Map It is not possible to enter each SETOF element of the AttributeIdList argument using the "Add Another" widget. The complete argument value shall be provided at one time as it is done at FCL PM interface. For more information on this OSI Access Module 18 restriction, please refer to MCC_OSF_EXTERNAL database, QAR#315. 5.5 Problem Reporting The procedure to report problem occuring when using the OSI Access Module is the following: 1. Prepare the environment to gather the data: a. stop the TeMIP OSI AM server. b. modify the configuration file in order to set full traces. The file /usr/var/kits/temip_osi_am/temip_osi_am_configuration.dat must contain: TRACE_LOG_MODE 15 ERROR_LOG_MODE 1 c. clean the directory /var/kits/temip_osi_am/error/*.log d. clean the directory /var/kits/temip_osi_am/trace/*.log e. start the TeMIP OSI AM server f. do a script file to capture cmip traces: (1)%script cmip_trace.log (2)csh> cmi_cmu (3)when in the tool type (a)debug on (b)deb mode y 2 g. issue a GETEVENT at the FCL PM or issue a directive and save in a file. Use a script to catch this information: (1)%script fcl_trace.log (2)setenv MCC_FCL_PM_LOG 0x8 (3)csh> manage h. send an event from the agent, if necessary i. stop the cmip trace, in the cmip window trace, type: debug off $exit ($ must be typed) 2.Run temip_qar utility OSI Access Module 19 When a problem has been encountered in the OSI AM on directives or events, use the temip_qar utility to describe it. 3.Return the following information: a. Description of how exactly the problem happens. b. Provide the files: cmip_trace_log, /var/kits/temip/temip_qar.txt, /var/kits/temip_osi_am/error/*.log, /var/kits/temip_osi_am/trace/*.log c. Provide the result of the MCC GETEVENT of the FCL 6 OSI Agent Presentation Module 6.1 Enhancements and Changes 6.1.1 Level 1 No enhancements and changes. 6.2 Problems fixed This section describes the problems fixed since the previous release of the TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module product. 6.2.1 Level 1 Can not start OSI PM application TEMIPV31_MNT_EXT QAR#336 If a temip_start was executed with no CMIP environment variables set, a subsequent start of the OSI PM application failed even if locally the variables were defined. OSI Access Module 20 With the current OSI PM release, the problem is fixed. The OSI PM can now be started even if a temip_start is executed in an environment where the CMIP variables are not set. The fix consists in updating the TeMIP configuration file with the CMIP variables during the OSI PM subset installation. Important Note: The TeMIP platform must be stopped and restarted just after the OSI PM installation. Thus, the variables are loaded for the first time. Dependency to GDMO subset TEMIPV31_MNT_EXT QAR#338 The installation of the OSI PM subset required that the GDMO Translator subset was already installed. This dependency leaded to load the TEMIP-OSI-AM-DK-OSF1 (for GDMO) and TEMIP-OSI-PM-RT-OSF1 (for OSI PM) licences. With the current release, the OSIPM subset has no dependency to the GDMO subset. On the other hand, the OSI PM brings a directory called /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/gdmo_msl where are installed all the MSL files required to load the EFD class. CMIP Action Response without arguments TEMIPV31_MNT_EXT QAR#371 When an Action Response with no arguments was translated by the OSI PM, the following error was returned: m XMP 2 XMP Library Error CMISE Action Response Problem. Library Error: Bad argument With the current OSI PM release, the problem is fixed. When the CMIP Action Response arguments are not provided, the CMIP ActionType parameter is not encoded. 6.3 Known Problems This section describes the problems known in the current release of the TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module product. 6.3.1 NoSuchInvokeId CMIP Error CMIP_V1 QAR#221 The NoSuchInvokeId CMIP Error Response contains a GetInvokeIdentifier parameter whose invoke identifier doesn't OSI Agent Presentation Module 21 match the Get Request invoke identifier at Manager side. This mismatch can be ignored since the CMIP Get Request has been successfully cancelled at OSI PM Agent side. 6.3.2 XMP System Error In case of XMP System Error, XMP doesn't provide the errno to the OSI PM. Therefore, the following error message is logged by the OSI PM: Fri Jul 18 09:26:12 1997 C XMP XMP system error Receive Problem XMP-Error: Unrecognized Error. This error occurs mainly when the CMIP server process is no longer alive. The errno could have helped in doing the diagnostic. 6.3.3 Default EFD Administrative State value TEMIPV32_INTERNAL QAR#62 TFC_INTERNAL QAR#460 When the EFD Administrative State attribute is implicitely set to its default value, the result is wrong: TeMIP> set osi_system ambour_osilocal efd 1 administrative state OSI_SYSTEM angola_NS:.ambour_osilocal EFD 1 On director: angola_NS:.temip.ambour_director AT Thu Mar 20 19:33:32 Characteristics Modification(s) completed successfully. Administrative State = "" The workaround consists in setting explicitely the default value: TeMIP> set osi_system ambour_osilocal efd 1 administrative state = unlocked OSI_SYSTEM angola_NS:.ambour_osilocal EFD 1 On director: angola_NS:.temip.ambour_director AT Thu Mar 20 19:36:30 Characteristics Modification(s) completed successfully. Administrative State = unlocked 6.3.4 Empty Get List Error CMIP_V1 QAR#219 The XMP API rejects a CMIP Get Response where the GetListError OSI Agent Presentation Module 22 parameter is empty. In this context, the OSI PM logs the following error: Wed May 28 14:46:19 1997 M XMP 2 XMP library error CMISE Get response Problem Library-Error: Bad Argument. Usually, the Manager terminates the initiated CMIP request by a timer expiration since no response is sent back. In any case, it would have been empty. 6.3.5 Setting the Agent Title TEMIPV31_INTERNAL QAR#1314 It is not possible to set an empty MSL Record via the Iconic Map. Thereby, the Agent Title attribute of the OSI_PM class can only be reset using the FCL PM interface. Example: TeMIP> set mcc 0 osi_am agent "ambour" _TeMIP> Agent Title = () 6.4 OSI PM and Event Log FM integration 6.4.1 Problems fixed No problem fixed. 6.4.2 Known problems Default LOG DC attribute TEMIPV31_INTERNAL QAR#1311 The default value of the Discriminator Construct attribute of the LOG class is not compliant to the CMIP standard. The Event Log FM handles a default value equal to "{}" whereas it should be "AND {}". Parsing problem using TeMIP GET TEMIPV31_INTERNAL QAR#1310 On the OSI AM Manager side, a parsing problem occurs when using OSI Agent Presentation Module 23 the TeMIP GET directive with the LOG class. The GET directive is defined with an argument "attrib id list", but the FCL PM confounds it with the "ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_CHANGE_RECORD" Log sub-class. Example: TeMIP> get osi_system ambour_osilocal log 1 attrib id list = { } OSI_SYSTEM LOCAL_NS:.ambour_osilocal LOG 1 ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_CHANGE_RECORD On director: LOCAL_NS:.temip.requin_director AT Fri Mar 14 19:00:24 Software logic error detected The workaround consists in specifying the CMIS Scope parameter set to the default value (Base Object) before the Attrib Id List parameter. Example: TeMIP> get osi_system ambour_osilocal log 1 CMIS Scope = (NamedNumbers = BaseObject) , attrib id list = { } Scheduling Package attribute TEMIPV32_INTERNAL QAR#227 The GDMO Translator generates a wrong MSL data type for the Scheduling Package attribute of the LOG class. In fact, as the Event_Log FM doesn't implement the standard definition, some Delta-ASN.1 templates should be written in temip_DMI.dg file. As a consequence, the attribute can not be set through the Q3 interface. 6.4.3 Restrictions · The SUSPEND and RESUME directives of the LOG class can not be invoked through Q3 interface. · The LOG instances can not be created remotely since the mandatory MSL "Associated Domain" attribute is not exported to the remote manager. · The StateChange events on the Status Condition Explanation attribute of the LOG class can not be translated by the OSI PM since this attribute is not included in the GDMO LOG model. · The LOG attributes present in the MSL specification , but not in the GDMO LOG model are filtered by the OSI PM and not returned to the remote manager during a GET or SET request (i.e. the Repository Location attribute) OSI Agent Presentation Module 24 6.5 OSI PM restrictions The following restrictions are present in OSI PM V3.1. 6.5.1 MSL FullName TEMIPV32_INTERNAL QAR#60 The ASN.1 Strings translated into MSL FullNames can not contain TNS directory names. In fact, they are interpreted as being part of the name and then enclosed in quotation marks since the dot character is a special character, as explained in the TeMIP Framework System Reference Manual Volume 1, Figure 9-1. Consequently: · the EFD CollectionDomain attribute can only reference a domain named in the TNS root directory, · the TeMIP global entities issued from CMIP Requests Operations can not contain TNS directory names. Example 1: A CollectionDomain attribute named remotely with the ASN.1 string: ln.domain1 will become the MSL FullName: :."ln.domain1", e.g POUPIX_NS:."ln.domain1" This example shows that "ln" is not interpreted as a TNS directory name. A CollectionDomain attribute named remotely with the ASN.1 string: domain2 will become the MSL FullName: POUPIX_NS:.domain2 . Example 2: Let's take a global instance of Network class that has to be created remotely via CMIP. A Network Naming Attribute whose ASN.1 string value is ln.network_1 will be converted into the MSL FullName: POUPIX_NS:."ln.network_1". This example shows that the OSI PM doesn't allow you to reference global instances named under TNS directories other than the root directory. 6.5.2 Management model update Any modification of the management model supported by the OSI PM requires to restart the OSI PM process. 6.5.3 Access Control OSI Agent Presentation Module 25 There is no check on the ACSE Access Control parameter received in ACSE Association Indications. There is no check on the CMISE Access Control present in the CMIP Operations received. 6.5.4 CMIS Synchronization Only the best effort synchronization is supported. 6.5.5 CMIS Scope and CMIS Filter Both parameters are supported only in the case where they can be mapped into a TeMIP wildcarded instance for a CMIP Get and Action operation mapped respectively into a TeMIP Show and Action directives. They are not supported at all in CMIP Set and Delete operations. 6.5.6 CMIS AttributeIdList CMIS AttributeIdList with attributes belonging to different TeMIP partitions is not supported. An empty CMIS AttributeIdList, meaning that all attributes are required, is not supported. 6.5.7 CMIS Modification List CMIS Modification List with different ModifyOperators is not supported. CMIS Modification List with attributes belonging to different TeMIP partitions is not supported. 6.5.8 Local Form The CMIP LocalForm is not supported for the ObjectClass, AttributeId, ActionTypeId, EventTypeId ASN.1 data types. Only the GlobalForm corresponding to an ObjectIdentifier is supported. 6.5.9 Managed Object Naming The OSI PM doesn't support CMIP ObjectInstance defined as localDistinguishedName or nonSpecificForm. OSI Agent Presentation Module 26 6.5.10 CMIP Create Operation · Reference Object Instance The CMIP ReferenceObjectInstance parameter is not supported in CMIP Create Request operation. · Optional Managed Object Instance The OSI PM doesn't support that a CMIP Create Request contains neither the managedObjectInstance nor the superiorObjectInstance. · Automatic Instance Naming This feature is not supported in CMIP Create Request operations. The OSI PM Internal Error 1009 is returned (see the OSI Presentation Module User's Guide). 6.5.11 EFD class · The OSI-defined notifications on the EFD class are not generated, excepted for the StateChange. · The filtering is restricted to a predefined set of attributes, corresponding to the ones supported by the TeMIP Discriminator Construct Library. · The "Destination" attribute is restricted to a single AE Title. · ReferenceObjectInstance and AutomaticInstanceNaming are not supported on EFD class. · When the OSI AM is customized to access remotely the EFD instances handled by the OSI PM, it is not possible to create an EFD instance from the Iconic Map. As a matter of fact, the OSI PM returns a ProcessingFailure CMIP Error to the TeMIP Show directive invoked by the Iconic Map. This error being not recognized, the Iconic Map doesn't invoke the subsequent TeMIP Create directive. The workaround consists in creating firstly the EFD entity from the FCL PM, and then loading it from the Iconic Map. 6.5.12 CMIP Protocol In accordance with ISO/IEC 11183, the DECcmi protocol stack only supports a size of 10240 bytes for the Session Layer PDU. 6.5.13 ASN.1 Data types mapping, Naming attributes These restrictions are identical to the OSI AM ones (see sections 5.4.8 and 5.4.13). OSI Agent Presentation Module 27 6.5.14 OSI Dictionary These restrictions are identical to the OSI AM ones (see section 7 GDMO Translator 7.1 Enhancements and Changes 7.1.1 Level 1 No enhancements and changes. 7.2 Problems fixed This section describes the problems fixed since the previous release of the TeMIP GDMO Translator product. 7.2.1 Level 1 None 7.3 Known problems 7.3.1 PARAMETER CONTEXT context-keyword The PARAMETER template of GDMO contains a CONTEXT construct. This construct has six options, one of which takes the form: context-type -> context-keyword context-keyword -> type-reference. where identifier is the name of a field in the management PDU specified by the type reference. The interpretation of the standard used in the GDMO Translator OSI Agent Presentation Module 28 is that the identifier is the field name of the ANY DEFINED BY field itself. However, this can be ambiguous as illustrated by the following example taken from the library file temip_DMI.g: operationalViolation NOTIFICATION BEHAVIOUR operationalViolationBehaviour; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX Notification-ASN1Module.SecurityAlarmInfo AND ATTRIBUTE IDS securityAlarmCause securityAlarmCause, securityAlarmSeverity securityAlarmSeverity, securityAlarmDetector securityAlarmDetector , serviceUser serviceUser , serviceProvider serviceProvider , notificationIdentifier notificationIdentifier, correlatedNotifications correlatedNotifications, additionalText additionalText, additionalInformation additionalInformation; REGISTERED AS { smi2Notification 8}; where serviceUser and serviceProvider are defined as: ServiceProvider ::= ServiceUser ServiceUser ::= SEQUENCE { identifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER, details ANY DEFINED BY identifier } The interpretation of the standard used in the GDMO Translator requires that the CONTEXT construct of a PARAMETER template for the serviceUser field of the above notification be of the form: CONTEXT Notification-ASN1Module.SecurityAlarmInfo.details; However, as there are two `details' fields in SecurityAlarmInfo -- one for serviceUser and one for serviceProvider -- the GDMO Translator is unable to determine for which field the PARAMETER template is directed. It raises an error (9200), cannot translate type, for these fields. The problem is solved if the GDMO Translator takes a different interpretation of the standard, and allows CONTEXT constructs of the form: CONTEXT Notification-ASN1Module.SecurityAlarmInfo.serviceUser and CONTEXT Notification-ASN1Module.SecurityAlarmInfo.serviceProvider Until this change is implemented in the GDMO Translator, a workaround is to change the definition of serviceProvider in temip_DMI.g to eliminate one of the `details' fields, e.g. serviceProvider ::= SEQUENCE { identifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER, detailsFoo ANY DEFINED BY identifier } GDMO Translator 29 and to reference details and detailsFoo from the CONTEXT construct of different PARAMETER templates for serviceUser and serviceProvider respectively. 7.3.2 Warning Message 9300 The GDMO Translator warning message 9300, which indicates that an ANY DEFINED BY type is not associated with a PARAMETER template, is given even if this type is referenced as the syntax of an ATTRIBUTE template. The GDMO standard does not permit the PARAMETER template to be used to populate the ANY DEFINED BY syntax of an attribute, so use of the warning in this case is inappropriate and could be misleading. Note that although the warning message is given in such cases, the GDMO Translator does generate the correct MSL, OSI dictionary, etc. output files. 7.3.3 Attribute MSL names TEMIP_MNT_EXTERNAL QAR#0258 If a GDMO model contains attribute names quite similar, it could happen that the GDMO translator generates two identical MSL names for these attributes. Therefore, the MSL generated cannot be compiled. The workaround consists in defining delta-gdmo templates to force the generation of unique symbols. 7.3.4 REGISTERED AS construct TEMIP_MNT_EXTERNAL QAR#0335 The GDMO Translator doesn't support the clause 28.11 of Rec. X208 which specifies that an ObjectIdentifier can be defined with multiple "DefinedValue". In this case, the error 6711 is retuned at compilation time for such "REGISTERED AS" object identifier. Example: The following declaration is not supported: ... REGISTERED AS {company networkManagement 2} ... where: company OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 1 2 276 0 11 } networkManagement INTEGER ::= 0 Replace it by: GDMO Translator 30 ... REGISTERED AS {cnm 2} ... where: company OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 1 2 276 0 11 } networkManagement INTEGER ::= 0 cnm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {company networkManagement } 7.4 Restrictions 7.4.1 Introduction This section lists any restrictions of the GDMO Translator over and above any that have already been documented in the GDMO Translator User's Guide . Restrictions already documented there are not repeated in these Release Notes. 7.4.2 DeltaGDMO MCC-NAME Underscore character is not allowed in the identifier given in the DeltaGDMO MCC-NAME statement. 7.4.3 ASN.1 Type [1][2] ANY DEFINED BY attributeId The GDMO Translator will map an ASN.1 type of the form "ANY DEFINED BY attributeId", where attributeId has type AttributeId (from CMIP-1), into the MCC type ATTRIB. The GDMO Translator will also determine to do the mapping to MCC ATTRIB type if the "ANY DEFINED BY" is preceeded by a single tag, e.g. [1]ANY DEFINED BY attributeId. However, if it is proceeded by more than one tag, e.g. [1][2]ANY DEFINED BY attributeId, an error is given. 7.4.4 ASN.1 Type ANY The GDMO Translator does not support the ASN.1 type ANY and, in general, ASN.1 types that use the ANY type in their definition. An error is given by the Translator if such a type is detected. Note, however, that the well-known ASN.1 types RDNSequence, RelativeDistinguishedName and DistinguishedName , which also use ANY in their definitions are now supported by special handling in the GDMO Translator (see GDMO Translator User's Guide , section B.3.6). 7.4.5 Translation to TeMIP Defined Log Record Types GDMO Translator 31 The OSI Access Module (OSI-AM) does not currently support the mapping of selected ASN.1 types to the following three MCC types used in TeMIP log records: TemipUserDefinedEnum TemipUserDefinedType TemipAdditionalInfo These non-standard mappings are not applied by default by the GDMO Translator. They are applied only if requested through use of the MCC-TYPE construct. Therefore, the MCC-TYPE construct should not be used to force the above mappings until support for these has been included in the OSI_AM. 8 GDMO Browser 8.1 Enhancements and Changes None 8.2 Problems fixed None 8.3 Known problems 8.3.1 Loading documents In the "Load Document Window" of the TeMIP GDMO Browser, if the user does not enter the document name in quotes then the Browser does not give a warning message and it puts the document name without the quotes in the TeMIP GDMO Translator configuration file. The incorrect format in the configuration file can then cause the Translator and Browser to generate errors when using it. GDMO Translator 32 8.3.2 Write protections The directories where the Browser files are installed (/usr/kits/NOE210/gdmo/...) are write protected. Therefore, if you want to use the Browser to update the GDMO Translator configuration file (load libraries, modify libraries), make a local copy as explained in the GDMO Browser User's Guide. The Browser does not currently give a warning if you load new libraries when the configuration file is not writable. It only gives an error when it tries to update the configuration file. 8.3.3 Package templates TEMIPV31_MNT_EXT QAR#58 The GDMO Browser doesn't allow to list the Package GDMO templates defined inside the Managed Object Class GDMO templates. Only the ones defined separately are recognized. 8.4 Restrictions 8.4.1 Filter option The wildcard character "*" is not supported as a word prefix, but only as a word suffix. For example, an entry of "*:*alar*" in the Filter box in the main window of the Browser when the Attribute radio button has been selected, will not match any attributes in the library files, whereas a filter of "*:alar*" will. 8.4.2 Configuration file The GDMO Browser does not support blank lines in it's configuration file. Any "blank" line must begin with the comment characters "--" (without quotes). In addition, only full path names are supported in the specification of the index and error files. If the path starts with a "~" or a variable (e.g. $USER), an error will occur while saving the database. 8.4.3 Add Subordinate The Add Subordinate Class and Add Subordinate Namebinding & Class menu items of the MIT window cause a list of possible GDMO Translator 33 selections to be displayed, based on matching name bindings that are valid for the (Superior) managed object class selected from the MIT. If, however, the MIT selection refers to an (MCC) ENTITY instead of a (GDMO) CLASS, then no matching name bindings will be found and no entrires will be displayed. GDMO Browser 34 GDMO Browser 35