ACMSxp_for_Tru64_UNIX_______________________________ Release Notes May, 1999 This document provides the Release Notes for ACMSxp for Tru64 UNIX used on a system running Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0D or higher. These Release Notes detail known problems with ACMSxp for Tru64 UNIX and hints and suggestions to help you use the product. Revision/Update Information: This is a new document. Operating System & Version: Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0D or higher. Future maintenance releases may require higher versions. Software Version: Version 3.2A Compaq Computer Houston Texas ________________________________________________________________ Tenth Printing, May 1999 The information in this publication is subject to change without notice. COMPAQ COMPUTER CORPORATION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR TECHNICAL OR EDITORIAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS CONTAINED HEREIN, NOR FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE FURNISHING, PERFORMANCE, OR USE OF THIS MATERIAL. THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND COMPAQ COMPUTER CORPORATION DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, GOOD TITLE, AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT. This publication contains information protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from Compaq Computer Corporation. © 1999 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The software described in this guide is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. Compaq and the Compaq logo are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. ACMS, ACMS Desktop, ACMSxp, ACMSxp Desktop, AlphaServer, AltaVista, DEC, DECnet, DECthreads, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, Tru64 UNIX, VAX, and VMS are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. UNIX and X/Open are registered trademarks and The Open Group is a trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and /or registered trademarks of their respective companies. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Release Definition 1.1 ECOs in this release.......................... 1-1 1.1.1 ACMSxp interoperation with previous releases.................................. 1-1 1.1.2 Upgrading TPsystems to ACMSxp Version 3.2A...................................... 1-1 1.1.3 Required patch for Tru64 UNIX ............ 1-2 1.1.4 Required Version of Digital DCE........... 1-2 1.1.5 ACMSxp Documentation updated.............. 1-2 1.1.6 Reduced frequency of attribute based error messages.................................. 1-2 1.1.7 pthread operation failed error message.... 1-2 1.1.8 Global Section Transport.................. 1-2 1.1.9 STDL Compiler sementation fault........... 1-3 1.1.10 Hang in ACMSADMIN command................. 1-3 1.1.11 ACMSADMIN command abnormal termination.... 1-3 1.1.12 Enqueue/Dequeue of non-durable record queues.................................... 1-3 1.1.13 STDL Get Message routine.................. 1-3 1.1.14 ACMSadmin command stop process............ 1-3 2 Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.1 ACMSadmin stop server directive............... 2-1 2.2 System Administration Tools and CTRL/C........ 2-1 2.3 Setting NLSPATH to Fully Display DCE Error Messages...................................... 2-1 2.3.1 ACMSxp System Administration GUI Installation Problem...................... 2-2 iii 2.4 X/Open STDL Specification Problem relating to system message catalog........................ 2-2 2.5 Documented but NOT Supported.................. 2-2 2.6 QAR Summary................................... 2-3 Tables 1 Conventions Used in this Guide ........... vi iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface This document describes known problems with the latest release of ACMSxp for Tru64 UNIX, Version 3.2A, and provides hints and suggestions to help you use the product. Intended Audience o System Managers o Anyone wishing to install ACMSxp for Tru64 UNIX o ACMSxp for Tru64 UNIX users Associated Documentation In addition to this guide, the ACMSxp for Tru64 UNIX documentation set includes the following: o ACMSxp for Tru64 UNIX Installation Guide o ACMSxp Getting Started o ACMSxp Software System Overview o ACMSxp STDL Encyclopedia o ACMSxp Developing and Managing Applications ACMSxp's e-mail address Comments and feedback on the use of ACMSxp can be sent to ACMSxp engineering via e-mail at v Conventions Table 1 describes the conventions used in this guide. Table_1_Conventions_Used_in_this_Guide_____________________ Convention_____Meaning_____________________________________ # A pound sign (#) is the default superuser prompt. % A percent sign (%) is the default user prompt. In examples, a boxed symbol indicates that you must press the named key on the keyboard. Ctrl/C This symbol indicates that you must press the Ctrl key while you simultaneously press another key (in this case, C). user input In interactive examples, this typeface indicates input entered by the user. filesystem In text, this typeface indicates the exact name of a command, routine, partition, pathname, directory, or file. This typeface is also used in interactive examples and other screen displays. UPPERCASE The Tru64 UNIX operating system lowercase differentiates between lowercase and uppercase characters. Examples, syntax descriptions, function definitions, and literal strings that appear in text must be typed exactly as shown. (continued on next page) vi Table_1_(Cont.)_Conventions_Used_in_this_Guide_____________ Convention_____Meaning_____________________________________ setld(8) Cross-references to online reference pages include the appropriate section number in parentheses. For example, setld(8) indicates that you can find the material on the setld command in Section 8 of the reference pages. [y] In a prompt, square brackets indicate that the enclosed item is the default response. For example, [y] means the default response _______________is_Yes._____________________________________ vii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Release Definition 1.1 ECOs in this release 1.1.1 ACMSxp interoperation with previous releases This kit is a separate fully installable kit and does not require a previous version of ACMSxp to be installed. ACMSxp Version 3.2A for Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0D will interoperate with ACMSxp V3.1 and ACMSxp V3.0 (if no Kanji text data is passed), but does not interoperate with prior versions of ACMSxp. If you are upgrading from ACMSxp V3.0 then you must recompile your STDL code and relink your applications. If you are upgrading from ACMSxp V3.1, then recompilation of your STDL code may be necessary but is recommended due to many performance changes in the generated code. The list of problems below will indicate if recompilation and relinking of your existing STDL applications is required. 1.1.2 Upgrading TPsystems to ACMSxp Version 3.2A TPsystems created or upgraded to ACMSxp V3.1-1, V3.1-2, V3.1-3 or V3.2 do not need to be upgraded prior to using ACMSxp Version 3.2A. TPsystems created under ACMSxp V3.0 or ACMSxp V3.1 must be upgraded before they can be used with ACMSxp Version 3.2A. In order to upgrade the TPsystems perform the following steps: o Shutdown all TPsystems and sfs servers for those TPsystems prior to upgrading the tpsytems. o Move the file acms_tpsystems.dat from either /var/opt /ACMSXPV310, /var/opt/ACMSXPV301 or /var/opt/ACMSXPV302 or /var/opt/ACMSXPV313 to /var/opt/ACMSXPV32a. o Invoke the shell script /usr/opt/ACMSXPV32a/acms_set_ version.csh. to point to the new ACMSxp V3.2a kit. Release Definition 1-1 Release Definition 1.1 ECOs in this release o Invoke the shell script /usr/opt/ACMSXPV32a/acms_update_ tpsystems to upgrade your TPsystems. 1.1.3 Required patch for Tru64 UNIX ACMSxp Version 3.2A now requires the patch DUV40DAS00003- 19990208 be applied to Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0D 1.1.4 Required Version of Digital DCE ACMSxp Version 3.2A now requires Digital DCE V3.0-1 as the minimum version. 1.1.5 ACMSxp Documentation updated The following documentation has been updated for this release. Information that was previously contained in the release notes has now been added to the documentation. o ACMSxp for Tru64 UNIX Installat ion Guide o ACMSxp Getting Started o ACMSxp Software System Overview o ACMSxp STDL Encyclopedia o ACMSxp Developing and Managing Applications 1.1.6 Reduced frequency of attribute based error messages Logging of the error messages "attribute not found" and "attribute already exists" to the tpsystem default log file has been greatly reduced. The error is still returned to the user, but it is not logged to the tpsystem default log file. 1.1.7 pthread operation failed error message The error "pthread operation failed" was signalled when a task call task in the same task group was cancelled. This problem has been corrected. 1.1.8 Global Section Transport The global section transport option between task and processing servers was broken in some situations. These problems have been corrected. 1-2 Release Definition Release Definition 1.1 ECOs in this release 1.1.9 STDL Compiler sementation fault The STDL compiler could segmentation fault when producing a COBOL copy file. This problem has been corrected. 1.1.10 Hang in ACMSADMIN command The acmsadmin command would sporadically hang prior to contacting the tpcontroller. This problem has been corrected. 1.1.11 ACMSADMIN command abnormal termination The acmsadmin command would terminate abnormally when displaying large amounts of data. This problem has been corrected. 1.1.12 Enqueue/Dequeue of non-durable record queues The enqueue and dequeue from non-durable record queues would occasionally fail. This problem has been corrected. 1.1.13 STDL Get Message routine Prior to this release it was not possible to use get message on a system catalogue unless a user defined message catalogue also existed. This problem has been corrected. 1.1.14 ACMSadmin command stop process The acmsadmin command: stop tpsystem server process did not work if more than one instance of the server was running. This problem has been corrected. Release Definition 1-3 2 _________________________________________________________________ Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.1 ACMSadmin stop server directive When an acmsadmin stop server directive is issued, an error will be logged, but the acmsadmin command will complete successfully and the server will stop. This logged error: "Not registered in endpoint map (dce / rpc)" can be ignored. 2.2 System Administration Tools and CTRL/C The ACMSxp system administration commands such as acms_ set_version, acms_create_tpsystem and acms_delete_tpsystem must not be terminated with CTRL/C. Doing so may leave the system in an inconsistent state. o To recover during acms_create_tpsystem, reissue the acms_create_tpsystem command; it should be able to recover from a previous failed run. o To recover during acms_delete_tpsystem, delete the TPsystem manually (See (manual_delete\FULL)). 2.3 Setting NLSPATH to Fully Display DCE Error Messages In order to fully display DCE error messages, NLSPATH needs to include the path /opt/dce/nls/msg/%L/%N and the LANG environment variable should be set to en_US.ISO8859-1. An example of a message displayed without the DCE message path definition is: 1 06371 94/08/23:17:54:29.546100 F Unable to establish security: DCE-sec-0128 Adding the DCE message path definition, the error becomes: Usage Notes and Restrictions 2-1 Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.3 Setting NLSPATH to Fully Display DCE Error Messages 1 06371 94/08/23:17:54:29.546100 F Unable to establish security: DCE-sec-0128: Invalid password ACMSxp users should add the DCE path to the definitions of NLSPATH and LANG in their .login files. When acms_set_ version is executed, it will add to NLSPATH the location of the Encina and ACMSxp message directories. 2.3.1 ACMSxp System Administration GUI Installation Problem On Windows NT, during the installation of the ACMSxp System Administration GUI, a dialog box may appear with the following error message: There is not enough disk space in one or more drives. This message may be ignored, and the installation will proceed as normal if the "Install Now" button is selected. 2.4 X/Open STDL Specification Problem relating to system message catalog The X/Open STDL specification states a relationship between the source language of a message text and the destination workspace. However, if a GET MESSAGE statement with 'SOURCE IS SYSTEM' is specified and the source language is omitted, the message language is dynamically selected at runtime, and is therefore unpredictable at compilation time. Therefore, the source language must be specified. 2.5 Documented but NOT Supported o No mixed character support (for internationalization). o Kanji identifier/Kanji debug are not supported. o No Katakana text data type support. o The ability to execute sets of STDL statements concurrently is not supported. The CONCURRENT BLOCK statement has not been implemented in the STDL compiler. This is true for both the X/Open and the MIA STDL compiler. 2-2 Usage Notes and Restrictions Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.5 Documented but NOT Supported o The Broadcast List feature is not supported. The TASK ATTRIBUTE syntax that specifies a broadcast list (SEND DISPLAY IS ) has not been implemented in the STDL compiler. This is true for both the X/Open and the MIA STDL compiler. o For the MIA STDL compiler, recoverable send exchange is not supported. o For the MIA STDL compiler, the -x option, to enable MIA-compliant exception trapping is not supported. o For the X/Open STDL compiler, send, receive, and transceive exchanges in STDL tasks are not supported. The CALL PRESENTATION statement and the Presentation Group Specification have not yet been implemented in the X/Open version of the STDL compiler. Note that Chapters 11 and 13 of ACMSxp Developing and Managing Applications contain examples that illustrate STDL exchanges (CALL PRESENTATION), and thus cannot be compiled without syntax errors. o For the X/Open STDL compiler, the use of Preprocesser Directives in STDL source files that allow sources to be conditionally compiled is not supported. The ACMSxp STDL Encyclopedia documents Preprocesser Directives that have not yet been implemented in the X/Open STDL compiler. 2.6 QAR Summary This section summarizes the outstanding high, medium, and low priority Quality Assurance Reports (QARs) open against ACMSxp for Tru64 UNIX, Version 3.2A. =============================================== 00115 1. Release notes Synopsis: When a queue specification defining large records is compiled, the order in which the records are compiled may result in a C compiler error. 2. Workaround: Compile smaller records first. Usage Notes and Restrictions 2-3 Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary =============================================== 00121 1. Release notes Synopsis: If a task argument contains a record definition which has more than 15 levels of nesting, the IDL compiler generates the following error: %IDL-I-LINEFILE, File disk:[user.temp]large2.idl, line 116 Internal IDL error 2. Workaround: Reduce the number of nested records to 15 or less. =============================================== 00218 1. Release notes Synopsis: Trying to create a TPsystem on a node on which you don't have write permission for the DCE clearinghouse results in the messages: Creating namespace directory /.:/«TPsystem name» Unable to create namespace directory /.:/«TPsystem name» And no additional information is logged because no log file is produced. 2. Workaround: Use acl_edit to check that you have write permission to the clearinghouse. =============================================== 00323 2-4 Usage Notes and Restrictions Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary 1. Release notes Synopsis: The ability of the TPcontroller to access the key tab files if it's going to be run under another username, or the SFS server accessing the files when run under any user name, is not checked. If access is denied, a core dump can result. 2. Workaround: Before creating a TPsystem or SFS server, check that the username under which the TPsystem and SFS server will run has read and write access to the key tab files. =============================================== 00415 1. Release notes Synopsis: Operations such as repeatedly creating, deleting, or modifying servers in a TP System may result in memory consumption. This is the result of a small memory leak in the TPcontroller. 2. Workaround: Restart the TP System periodically. =============================================== 00481 1. Release notes Synopsis: After stopping and deleting a TPsystem, some FIFO files may be left in the TPsystem's work directory. 2. Workaround: Use rm to delete these files after deleting the TPsystem. =============================================== 00492 1. Release notes Synopsis: Trying to use acmsdbx on an already-running server results in the misleading error message: Usage Notes and Restrictions 2-5 Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary ERROR - could not create a server 2. Workaround: Don't use acmsdbx on already running servers. If server is not running, delete and re-create it. =============================================== 00498 1. Release notes Synopsis: If a server is terminated abnormally (e.g. via kill -9) while the server is being stopped thru acmsadmin, the tpcontroller stops with a segmentation fault. 2. Workaround: Don't kill a server while an acmsadmin stop is underway. =============================================== 00546 1. Release notes Synopsis: Enqueue/dequeue operations on a record queue which has no "x" permission result in a misleading security entry in the log file. The log entry says the entity is TPsystem instead of record queue. 2. Workaround: None. =============================================== 00561 1. Release notes Synopsis: The error message displayed if a user attempts to create a TPsystem in a namespace directory for which they have insufficient permissions does not make it clear what should be done to correct the problem. The message is: 2-6 Usage Notes and Restrictions Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary Starting SFS Server In Admin Mode... 1 10405 94/09/22:14:01:48.847883 F Unable to register server with name /.:/acmsxp/sfs/tpbob13_sfssvr (DCE-rpc-0168). (0xc8340896) : private 1 10405 94/09/22:14:01:49.004619 F 2. Workaround: Correct the permission problem using the DCE acl_edit utility. =============================================== 00562 1. Release notes Synopsis: The DCE credential files for the server are not deleted if an ACMSxp server terminates prematurely before reaching the started state. 2. Workaround: Stop all ACMSxp applications and then stop DCE using the clean option. This will remove all credential files. Then restart DCE and ACMSxp applications. All users will need to re-login to DCE once DCE is re-started. =============================================== 00570 1. Release notes Synopsis: Setting max processes and/or max threads to 0 can cause the server to hang or terminate before reaching the started state. 2. Workaround: Do not set max processes and/or max threads to 0. =============================================== 00586 1. Release notes Synopsis: If you don't set ACMS_DEBUG_SVR correctly, the error message: "ERROR - could not retrieve server attributes from cdb" is unclear. Usage Notes and Restrictions 2-7 Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary 2. Workaround: Set ACMS_DEBUG_SVR and ACMS_DEBUG_TPSYSTEM to their simple names. =============================================== 00603 1. Release notes Synopsis: Under load, the record queue server may log the following error: Encina MESSAGE TEXT: ENC-sfs-0059: Invalid OfD. tps MESSAGE TEXT: %TPS-E-QDBDURBADCONN, Invalid connection to durable queue 2. Workaround: None. =============================================== 00607 1. Release notes Synopsis: After an SFS server dies and the acms request queue server logs a TPS_S_QDBDUROPFAIL error, the tpcontroller may enter an infinite loop while attempting to restart application servers. 2. Workaround: Manually kill, clean up and restart the TPsystem. =============================================== 00610 1. Release notes Synopsis: Placing enqueue and submit operations in the same transaction block results in a transaction failure. In addition, the request queue server is not properly notified that the failure has occured. 2. Workaround: Place enqueue and submit operations in separate transaction blocks. =============================================== 00619 2-8 Usage Notes and Restrictions Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary 1. Release notes Synopsis: The UTC time display format for various request queue and request queue element attributes incorrectly includes dashes at the end. 2. Workaround: Ignore the dashes. =============================================== 00627 1. Release notes Synopsis: Errors which occur during processing of acmsadmin's create record queue directive may not be reported to the user. The problem will be discovered when a subsequent directive to start the record queue server fails. 2. Workaround: Correct the problem which caused the record queue creation to fail and enter the directives again. =============================================== 00654 1. Release notes Synopsis: A failure occurs when an attempt is made to create a TPsystem with the same namspace directory on two different machines in the same DCE cell. 2. Workaround: Do not create two TPsystems on different machines in the same DCE cell with the same namspace directory. If this situtation occurs manually kill, clean up and restart the TPsystem. =============================================== 00684 1. Release notes Synopsis: Attempting to delete a TPsystem if a record queue still exists will result with the following error: Usage Notes and Restrictions 2-9 Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary *********************************************** USER: mcdermot TIME: 1995-05-16-14:55:37 POSTED BY: Client Process PID: 19567 TYPE: fault SEVERITY: error rpc MESSAGE TEXT: not registered in endpoint map (dce / rpc) tps MESSAGE TEXT: %TPS-F-RPCINVFAIL, RPC invocation failure **************************************************** USER: mcdermot TIME: 1995-05-16-14:55:41 POSTED BY: Client Process PID: 19567 TYPE: fault SEVERITY: error Encina MESSAGE TEXT: ENC-sfs-0034: Insufficient privilege for this operation. tps MESSAGE TEXT: %TPS-E-QDBDURNOPRIV, No privilege for requested QDB operation ***************************************************** 2. Workaround: Before deleting a TPsystem, delete all record queues. =============================================== 00699 1. Release notes Synopsis: Whenever the TPsystem administrator executes any of the following acmsadmin commands: acmsadmin>set tp tpsysname acl = acmsadmin>add tp tpsysname acl = acmsadmin>remove tp tpsysname acl = the administrator is also responsible for updating the acls on the SFS files that are associated with this TPsystem. 2-10 Usage Notes and Restrictions Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary 2. Workaround: This can be accomplished with a combination of SFS and DCE commands: sfsadmin list files -s /.:/acmsxp/sfs/xxxxxxx_1_sfssvr if only one TPsystem using this sfs server, all of the files listed are of interest to the administrator; if more than 1 TPsystem is using the same sfs server, the user will have to parse the list of files for the ones that belong to the requested TPsystem. Files: xxxxxxx_1_cdb.acl xxxxxxx_1_cdb.env xxxxxxx_1_cdb.itf xxxxxxx_1_cdb.prd xxxxxxx_1_cdb.rec xxxxxxx_1_cdb.req xxxxxxx_1_cdb.rss xxxxxxx_1_cdb.svr xxxxxxx_1_cdb.tps xxxxxxx_1_cdb.txl xxxxxxx_1_cdb.ver xxxxxxx_1_meta xxxxxxx_1_req For each file the acls can be listed with the following command: acl_edit /.:/acmsxp/sfs/xxxxxxx_1_sfssvr/xxxxxxx_1_cdb.acl -l # SEC_ACL for /.:/acmsxp/sfs/xxxxxxx_1_sfssvr/xxxxxxx_1_cdb.acl: # Default cell = /.../ptpm21_cell user:xxxxxxx:ADEIQRU user:acmsxp_svr:ADEIQRU for each file, the acls can be changed as follows: acl_edit /.:/acmsxp/sfs/xxxxxxx_1_sfssvr/xxxxxxx_1_cdb.acl \ -m user:bert:ADEIQRU Confirmation of the change is made with the following command: Usage Notes and Restrictions 2-11 Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary acl_edit /.:/acmsxp/sfs/xxxxxxx_1_sfssvr/xxxxxxx_1_cdb.acl -l # SEC_ACL for /.:/acmsxp/sfs/xxxxxxx_1_sfssvr/xxxxxxx_1_cdb.acl: # Default cell = /.../ptpm21_cell user:xxxxxxx:ADEIQRU user:acmsxp_svr:ADEIQRU user:bert:ADEIQRU =============================================== 00783 1. Release notes Synopsis: acmslog and acms list log do not translate "/.:/" into the DCE cell name when used with the -P or /principal qualifier. 2. Workaround: When using the -P or /principal qualifier with acmslog and acms list log you must specify the DCE cell name, for example: acmslog -P /.../pickup_cell/acmsxp =============================================== 00770 1. Release notes Synopsis: Starting the same TPsystem from two different processes at the same time will result in TPsystem corruption. 2. Workaround: Start a TPsystem from only one process. =============================================== 00807 1. Release notes Synopsis: Divide by zero exception not being raised in processing procedure. 2. Workaround: Do not program dependency on this exception. =============================================== 00842 2-12 Usage Notes and Restrictions Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary 1. Release notes Synopsis: In acmsadmin, when using "*" to display all servers causes some of the status and counters attribute information displayed for the started servers to display under the subsequent tasks servers which have NOT been started. 2. Workaround: Individually displaying task servers whick are not started displays the correct results. =============================================== 00879 1. Release notes Synopsis: When compiling STDL code, object modules that should be deleted once compilation is completed, are not. 2. Workaround: None Required. =============================================== 00914 1. Release notes Synopsis: There is a problem with modifying ACLs for the Request Queue Server. Granting an unauthenticated user execute (x) permission on the request queue or the task server interface should allow the user to submit a task, but results in "access denied". 2. Workaround: None. =============================================== 00943 1. Release notes Synopsis: Usage Notes and Restrictions 2-13 Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary An Enqueue operation immediately followed by a dequeue operation in a separate transaction may result in the error "element not found". 2. Workaround: Retry the dequeue operation. =============================================== 00951 1. Release notes Synopsis: Intermittently, the task server is unable to post information to the system default log. The following error may occur: %ENV-INVOCATION-FAULT, Unable to start operation because of environmental data problem %TPS-E-EVTFILEMPTY, Log file is empty 2. Workaround: None. =============================================== 00963 1. Release notes Synopsis: The tpcontroller process may not stop when shutting down a TPsystem in which many processing procedures are started. 2. Workaround: Stop the processing procedures first. Alternatively, manually stop the tpcontroller process once all servers have been stopped. On UNIX, use kill -9 to stop the tpcontroller process. =============================================== 00967 1. Release notes Synopsis: 2-14 Usage Notes and Restrictions Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary An incorrect error message is signalled when an Access Violation occurs in a processing procedure. The expected error message is "%TPS-E-UNKNOWNERR". The actual error messages seen for this condition are "%TPS-F-UNEXPECTEDRPC" and "%TPS-I-TASKCATCHALLEXC". 2. Workaround: None. =============================================== 00993 1. Release notes Synopsis: Cached binding problem when remotely managing a tp system. This problem occurs when managing a TPsystem remotely. The problem occurs from both the GUI and CLI Acmsadmin. When the user tries to show the request queue and the server is stopped, the following error message is displayed: queue server in stopping or not_started state. If the user then starts the acms_queue_svr, and then tries to show the request queue, the same error message is displayed. However, showing the acms_queue_svr processing state shows the server as started. If the user gets into acmsadmin on the node on which the TPsystem resides, (now managing the tp system locally) the request queue is shown successfully. 2. Workaround: Issuing a DCE "Clean" on the client node (from which you are remotely managing the TPsystem) and then starting the service fixes the problem. =============================================== 01001 1. Release notes Synopsis: Usage Notes and Restrictions 2-15 Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary Repeatedly modifying the max processes for a running processing server causes acmsadmin and the TPsystem to hang. The hang occurs when the max processes attribute is set to successively smaller values in quick succession. If the changes are done slow enough, the acmsadmin commands finish successfully, and the system does not hang. This only seems to be a problem when decreasing the number of processes. The acmsadmin utility returns success before the system has actually killed all the necessary processes. When increasing the process count, acmsadmin does not return until the processes have been created. 2. Workaround: Do not make attribute modifications to a running processing server in quick succession. Allow enough time for the system to respond to each change. =============================================== 01005 1. Release notes Synopsis: Performing a task-call-task to a composable task in the same task group when using a transaction model of SINGLE always fails with a "server not found" error even though the documentation states that this is possible. 2. Workaround: Use the MULTI resource model. =============================================== 01010 1. Release notes Synopsis: In X/Open syntax, compilation will fail if the field name of an STDL record is the same name as the task group in which it is being compiled. 2. Workaround: 2-16 Usage Notes and Restrictions Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary Do not use the same name for a record field and the task group name. =============================================== 01013 1. Release notes Synopsis: Integer Overflow on assignment generates incorrect error message. The expected error messages are: %AP-EXECUTION-FAULT, Operation not completed, programming error %TPS-E-SRTLOVERFLOW, Integer overflow However, no error message is output. 2. Workaround: None. =============================================== 01018 1. Release notes Synopsis: Stopping servers generates the following extraneous error messages: Not registered in endpoint map (dce / rpc) %TPS-F-UNEXPECTEDRPC, Unexpected DECdce RPC error 2. Workaround: These errors can be ignored since the servers successfully stop. =============================================== 01022 1. Release notes Synopsis: If the sysmgt GUI is running, but not being used, and the acmadmin command line is used to perform management operations, extraneous "Invalid NVL" messages are written to the log. 2. Workaround: This has no adverse side affects. Ignore the invalid messages. Usage Notes and Restrictions 2-17 Usage Notes and Restrictions 2.6 QAR Summary =============================================== 01031 1. Release notes Synopsis: When integer data fields are audited, the length of the audit data may be incorrect. This is seen when audits of integer and text fields are interspersed. 2. Workaround: None. ================================================= 2-18 Usage Notes and Restrictions